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A chronological register of British military bands and bandsmen in Australia, 1788-1870

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "A chronological register of British military bands and bandsmen in Australia, 1788-1870", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025


The immediate purpose of this page is to present some preliminary research data on the deployment and musical activity of British military bands serving in the Australian colonies from c. 1788 to c. 1870. The bands are presented in chronological order of arrival, and basic information is provided on their tenure of colonial service.

A live link underneath each entry heading is to items TROVE tagged relevant to each band; for instance, will call up all items from TROVE tagged with the wiki-metadata label Band of the 11th Regiment.

The bands are presented on the page in chronological order by date of arrival, but can also be accessed directly from the numerical directory below.

All through the period covered here (roughly 1788 to 1870) bands of visiting British and non-British naval ships, also contributed to the musical life of the colonial capitals they visited; likewise, from the 1850s onwards, the bands of the new generation of commercial luxury passenger steam ships.

Civic and temperance bands began to take over some of the musical activities of the military bands in the 1840s, as, likewise, did the bands of local volunteer military reserve forces in the 1850s and 1860s.


Personnel lists, of regimental commanders and band musicians, are also given toward the top of each entry. It is unlikely that complete lists of active musical personnel will ever be able feasibly and reliably to be reconstructed from scattered regimental records; however, in most cases, masters and/or sergeants can be identified for other sources, along with notable or otherwise noted bandsmen, in each case with a live link to that individual's entry in the site's biographical register.

Some of the band masters active in Australia were former military servicemen, now civilians, directly employed by the officers of the regiment. Others, serving non-commissioned officers, acted as band sergeants or corporals. Drum-majors were frequently, though not always, appointed from the ranks of trained musicians.

At the end of their Australian tours, some regimental bandmasters, and many bandsmen, opted to remain and settle here, and thus continued to contribute to the professional and amateur musical activity of the colonies. The option of staying behind in the relatively safe and peaceable Australian colonies was all too obviously an attractive one when their regiments moved on to less comfortable and more physically dangerous postings in India or later New Zealand.

Documentation on each band:

The documents selected and transcribed for each band below are not intended to sketch a coherent and comprehensive narrative of any band's colonial tenure. Rather, their first purpose is to document arrivals and departures, local community and critical responses to their presence, and, where available, specific musical data.

This includes reports of a band's instrumentation, number or players, style of performing, and, where relevant, the make-up and activity of sub-ensembles, such as chamber bands, brass bands, bugle bands, vocal bands, drums and fife, and bagpipes.

Also documented are instances of military musical personnel assisting in the establishment and training of local bands, such as town and teetotal bands in the 1840s, and later the colonial volunteer regiment bands. Some other general regimental documentation, though not specific to the bands or musical activity, is also occasionally given, pertinent to local or past and futures military roles.

Only occasionally do we have images - whether paintings or engravings, or later photographs - of colonial bands and personnel, but some those few that are available are reproduced below.

Regimental records:

As of 2019, the digitisation of the pay records of the regiments active in colonial Australia and New Zealand (as collected in the microfilms of the Australian Joint Copying Project) allows direct and easy access to much important information regrading band personnel.

Sadly, not all of these available records are uniformly forthcoming; some early records, such as those of the 40th Regiment on its first tour, do not indicate band members.

However, most later records do; for instance, from those of the 51st Regiment, in Tasmania, for the quarter, 1 April to 30 June 1841, identify the following musical personnel:

PAY-LIST of the 51st or King's Own Regiment of Light Infantry, from the 1st of April to the 30th of June 1841; (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

Drum Major as Sergeant / 453 / Roarke, Thomas Roarke /

Colour serjeants . . . 288/ Rablin, Henry / [formerly Drum major]

Serjeants . . . 1234 / Duly, Abraham Philip / Band Master (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . . 337 / Rablin, John / [Band corporal] (DIGITISED)

Drummers and fifers: 457 William Barnes; 433 Benjamin Broadhurst; 987 John Craig; 885, James Davies; 661 Amos Dennis; 912 James Gilmore; 452 Thomas Glenn; 395 Joshua Jackson; 490 Richard Loader; 394 John Sullivan; 992 William Whittaker (DIGITISED)

314 / Abbott, Joseph / Band
448 / Brown, Henry / Band
871 / Burke, John / Band
423 / Feagan, Matthew / Band
340 / Garvin, John / Band
705 / Henn, Lewis / Band [later Drum major]
846 / Hone, William / Band
953 / Horner, Mark / Band
387 / Keating, Peter / Band
385 / Keenan, George / Band
792 / Kelly, Robert / Band
386 / Mullen, John [1 of 2] / Band (tailor, Castlebar, Mayo)
940 / Pearson, George / Band
793 / Pearson, James / Band

See also Guide to the Records of the War Office (as filmed by the Australian Joint Copying Project) (DIGITISED)

The page contains direct live links to digitised records for each British regiment active in Australia

Contextual documentation:

Interspersed with the band entries is a preliminary selection of complementary documentation, both from homeland Britain and the colonies, on military bands and music in general.

These include general regulations issued periodically from London, concerning the preferred makeup and activity of military bands, some of which evidently had little impact in practice on individual bands.

Also included are samples of press advertisements for band masters, bandsmen, and band instruments, and general articles dealing with developments in bands' function, organisation, instrumentation, and repertoire.

Already, the preliminary research results presented here - both data on this page, and collected under the TROVE tags - suggest that, in their musical and social functions, the colonial bands were even more interesting and varied than most general, military, musical, or even dedicated band historians have previously shown.

Active bands were more fluid and changeable organisations than general army regulations of the time suggest, and their character and success was evidently heavily reliant on the interest and financial subventions of each regiment's body of officers, than on government regimental funding which usually covered only the base pay and keep of the enlisted bandsman. Sadly, minutes and records of the activity of managing band committees of each regiment are hard to find and access, and in many cases have probably not survived.


Musically, any given band's standard instrumentations are generally harder to establish, not least because many, and perhaps even a small majority of colonial band personnel, were proficient on several instruments. At least in the first half of the century, the most musical proficient band masters and men also played string instruments, in dance band and other non-military formations. Colonial bandmasters and bandsmen are also on record singing glees and partsongs in public.

As contemporary British sources attest, the established core ensemble of the colonial bands, until at least the end of the 1840s, was the Harmonie wind octet, made up of pairs of:

clarinets, oboes, horns, bassoons

Additional instruments sometimes mentioned included:

flutes, piccolos, serpents, trumpets, trombones

At least one documented instance also attests to the occasional presence in colonial military bands of traditionally costumed Janissary or "Turkish" musicians performing on:

cymbals, "turkish" bells ("Jingling Johnny")

Connected with the band-proper in its military functions were other regimental ensembles of:

drums, fifes, bugles

Scottish and Irish regiments are also documented as including musicians who played on the:

highland pipes, union pipes

During the 1830s, bands in the colonies also included:

keyed bugles, cornopeans, ophicleides, bombardons

During the 1840s, new ranges of cheaper, mass produced brass instruments became widely available and increasingly popular. Instruments regularly found in bands of the 1840s included:

cornets (cornets-a-piston)

And in the 1850s

sax-horns, euphoniums

As for the physical colonial band instruments themselves, few survivals have been identified. Two notable exceptions are a clarinet originally presented to Abraham Duly, master of the Band of the 51st Regiment, and a keyed-bugle presented to John Shanaghan, acting corporal of the Band of the 58th Regiment.

Newly made copies or restored examples of a few long obsolete colonial band instruments, such as the serpent and ophicleide, have begun again to be used in concert performances. But, to date, there have been only a few isolated attempts at recreating historically informed performances using period band instruments, whether in earlier Harmonie formations, or later more brass-heavy combinations.


Detailed, if necessarily incomplete lists of active repertoire for the colonial regimental bands, can be reliably reconstructed from colonial newspaper and other supporting documentation, including a wide range of:

military and civic marches

popular song arrangements

operatic overtures

operatic selections

current ballroom dance music

Much of the printed sheet music likely to have been relied upon by the band arrangers can be at least tentatively identified. However, of the physical musical survivals - the manuscripts, and probably to a much lesser extent printed band parts and scores, of arrangements made for, and original works composed for and performed by, each band - virtually no identified sources survive in Australian archives, and very few in Britain or elsewhere before the second half of the 19th-century.

There is a healthy supply of printed editions of colonial band music, including works composed by regimental bandmasters and bandsmen; but they are, without exception, piano arrangements.

The bands in the colonial context:

Lastly, for the moment, the evidence begins to point to some of the ways in which the bands' civic functions were central to local communities, and to civilian musical life generally. Yet the geographical distribution of the bands was severely limited.

Sydney and its region was served for the whole period in question, at first by one band at a time, and from the mid-1820s by two or more, the "junior" bands stationed at Parramatta in the 1830s and 1840s, and briefly also at Windsor.

In Tasmania, Hobart Town had a garrison regiment band from the mid 1820s to the mid 1850s, with a second band at Launceston in the 1840s.

Melbourne, the only place in Victoria to do so, did not host a British military band until the 1850s, after Separation.

Perth, WA, did so only very belatedly; and Adelaide, SA, very briefly.

Brisbane, QLD, before and after the separation of Queensland, never hosted a British regimental band.

If and when research support and writing time allow, a short introductory summary will eventually be added for each band.

See also these other tags covering some other band formations, including local volunteer, temperance, and civic bands, in the earlier colonial period (up to c. 1860s):

Band of music - Town band - City band - Teetotal band - German band - Masonic band - Volunteer band -

Quadrille band - Chamber band - String band - Drum and fife - Brass band - Bugle band -

St. Patrick's Band (Sydney) - St. Joseph's Band (Launceston) - St. Patrick's new band (Sydney) -

Windsor band (NSW) - Saxhorn band (Melbourne) - Tasmanian Band (Launceston)

Directory (click on links to go to main entries below)

Chronological by regiment

Governor Phillips's bands (1787-c.92)

Band of the New South Wales Corps (102nd Regiment, 100th Regiment, c. 1792-1810)

Band of the 73rd Regiment (NSW 1809-14)

Band of the 46th regiment (NSW 1814-17)

Band of the 48th Regiment (NSW 1817-24)

Band of the 3rd Regiment (Buffs; NSW 1823-27)

Band of the 40th Regiment (first tour, NSW, TAS 1824-28)

Band of the 57th Regiment (NSW 1826-31)

Band of the 39th Regiment (NSW 1827-32)

Band of the 63rd Regiment (TAS 1829-33)

Band of the 17th Regiment (NSW 1831-36)

Band of the 4th Regiment (NSW 1832-37)

Band of the 21st Regiment (Royal Scots Fusiliers; TAS 1833-39)

Band of the 50th Regiment (first tour, NSW 1834-41)

Band of the 28th Regiment (NSW 1836-42)

Band of the 80th Regiment (NSW 1837-44)

Band of the 51st Regiment (TAS 1838-46)

Band of the 96th Regiment (NSW, TAS 1841-49)

Band of the 99th Regiment (NSW, TAS, [VIC], 1843-56)

Band of the 58th Regiment (NSW 1844-45, 1847, and active in NZ)

Band of the 11th Regiment (TAS, NSW 1845-57)

Band of the 65th Regiment (en route to NZ 1846)

Band of the 40th Regiment (second tour, VIC 1852-60)

Band of the 12th Regiment (VIC, TAS, NSW 1854-63)

Band of the Royal Engineers (Sapper and Miners; WA ? 1851-61)

Band of the 77th Regiment (NSW 1857-58)

Band of the Royal Artillery (NSW ? 1857-60)

Band of the 50th Regiment (second tour, VIC, NSW 1866-69)

Band of the 14th Regiment (VIC 1866-70; also detachment band, SA, TAS)

Band of the 18th Regiment (NSW 1870)

Numerical by regiment

3rd Regiment (Buffs; NSW 1823-27)

4th Regiment (NSW 1832-37)

11th Regiment (TAS, NSW 1845-57)

12th Regiment ((VIC, TAS, NSW 1854-63)

14th Regiment (VIC 1866-70; also detachment band, SA, TAS)

17th Regiment (NSW 1831-36)

18th Regiment (NSW 1870)

21st Regiment (Royal Scots Fusiliers; TAS 1833-39)

28th Regiment (NSW 1836-42)

39th Regiment (NSW 1827-32)

40th Regiment (first tour, NSW & TAS 1824-28)

40th Regiment (second tour, VIC 1852-60)

46th Regiment (NSW 1814-17)

48th Regiment (NSW 1817-24)

50th Regiment (first tour, NSW 1834-41)

50th Regiment (second tour, VIC, NSW 1866-69)

51st Regiment (TAS 1838-46)

57th Regiment (NSW 1826-31)

58th Regiment (NSW 1844-45, 1847, & active in NZ)

63rd Regiment (TAS 1829-33)

65th Regiment (en route to NZ 1846)

73rd Regiment (NSW 1809-14)

77th Regiment (NSW 1857-58)

80th Regiment (NSW 1836-44)

96th Regiment (NSW, TAS 1841-49)

99th Regiment (NSW, TAS, [VIC], 1843-56)

New South Wales Corps (100th Regiment; 102nd Regiment; c. 1792-1810)

Other bands and general documentation

Before 1788 to 1809






Some naval and ship's bands (and other visiting bands)

Musical personnel of other regiments active in Australia

Musical sources


Other bands and general documentation (homeland Britain, from before 1788 to 1809)

Regulations for the formation of the Royal artillery band, 1762, and its later history

James Alexander Browne, England's artillerymen: an historical narrative of the services of the Royal Artillery, from the Formation of the regiment to the amalgamation of the Royal and Indian Artilleries in 1862 (London: Hall, Smart, and Allen, 1865), 308-11 (DIGITISED)

John Ulrich, a Hanoverian, was brought from Flanders by Colonel Belford for the purpose of instructing the fifers of the artillery, who progressed favourably, and were soon employed to march at the head of the regiment. At a review of the corps in the Green Park, on the 13th June, 1753, it was headed by a drum-major, ten drummers, and sixteen fifers. The band was originally formed by Colonel Phillips and the officers of the regiment in Germany, in 1762, the following being the articles of agreement upon which the musicians were engaged. The original is written in English and German, the last article being added by Colonel Phillips himself: - . . .

"1. The band to consist of eight men, who must also be capable to play upon the violoncello, bass, violin, and flute, as other common instruments.

"2. The regiment's musick must consist of two trumpets, two French horns, two bassoons, and four hautbois or clarinetts; these instruments to be provided by the regiment, but kept in repair by the head musician.

"3. The musicians will be looked upon as actual soldiers, and cannot leave the regiment without a formal discharge. The same must also behave them according to the articles of war.

"4. The aforesaid musicians will be clothed by the regiment.

"5. So long as the artillery remains in Germany each musician to have ten dollars per month, but the two French horns to have twelve dollars per month, out of which they must provide their own bread; but when they arrive in England each musician to receive one shilling, the two French horns one shilling and twopence per day; this payment to commence at their arrival in England.

"6. The musicians shall be obliged to wait upon the commanding officer so often as he shall desire to have musick, without any hope of gratification, but if they shall be desired to attend upon any other officer they are to have a ducat per night, but in England half a guinea.

"7. Should the aforesaid musicians be taken sick they are to be attended by the surgeon of the regiment, for which they are to allow fivepence farthing sterling monthly to be given out of their wages.

"8. The two French horns will enter into pay as soon as they sign the articles, the pay of the other six musicians to commence as soon as they arrive at the corps.

"9. [In the handwriting of Colonel Phillips.] Pro-[309]-vided the musicians are not found to be good performers at their arrival they will be discharged, and at their own expense. This is meant to make the person who engages the musicians careful in his choice.

"- W. PHILLIPS, Lieut.-Col. Comdt. of British Artillery."

When the fourth battalion was raised in 1771, the band was taken over and subscribed for by Colonel Ord and the officers of the battalion; but the following year the battalion was ordered to America, when the officers remaining at home agreed to keep up the band. In 1774, however, it was taken over by the master-general, and placed upon the establishment of the regiment; two musicians at 1s. 6 3/4d. per diem being mustered with each battalion, and a bandmaster at 3s. 6d. per diem, to rank as an additional staff sergeant of the first battalion.

An Englishman named Bennett was the bandmaster in 1780, but I have not been able to discover if he was the first who held the appointment.

In 1782, Mr. Weille, a foreigner, became master of the band, and it was under his tutelage that it began to assume that position which it has proudly held for so many years.

The string band especially improved, and Pleyel's and Haydn's symphonies, overtures, quartetts, &c. were performed in addition to the light music which had hitherto been the principal feature of the orchestral performances.

The band was also considerably augmented, two additional musicians being raised with the fifth battalion in 1794, and a number of young men being attached as supernumeraries.

When the Royal Irish Artillery was incorporated with the Royal Artillery, in 1801, the whole band of the former, numbering about thirty-five, was sent to Woolwich, and the best musicians (among whom were the late Sergeants Collins [Died at Woolwich, January 17, 1854. He served in the band forty-four years] and Wilkinson, and the late Fife-Major Collins) were retained, and three or four of the old band (those least proficient) were discharged.

By this means the band was increased to twenty-four, and received valuable acquisitions in individual musicians.

Mr. Weille was discharged in 1802, with a pension of 3s. 6d. per diem. He then became bandmaster of a dragoon regiment, and afterwards of the Sussex militia, subsequently retiring to Hanover, his native country, [310] where he died. He was succeeded by another German, named Schnuphass, a gentleman not distinguished for his musical abilities. He died in 1805, when M. Eisbenherdt became bandmaster.

About this time the band was placed under the sole command of Colonel Charles Adolph Quist, the commanding officer of the Riding-house Establishment, and to him was due, in great measure, the excellence to which the band attained in the early years of the present century . . .

In 1810 M. Eishenherdt married a lady with a fortune, and leaving the service, retired to Greenwich, where he afterwards died.

At the recommendation of Colonel Quist the corporal of the band, Mr. George McKenzie, was appointed to the vacant position of bandmaster, which he filled in a most praiseworthy manner for thirty-five years. To him and his successors is due the present enviable fame of the band, and it is worthy of note that the best bands in the British army are nearly always under the control of Englishmen.

George McKenzie was the son of a non-commissioned officer of the Royal Artillery who served in the war of the American Revolution, and was wounded at the battle of Guildford. It was during this campaign (in a hut at Fort Brooklyn, Long Island) that the future bạndmaster was born . . .

[311] . . . George McKenzie was enrolled as a fifer in 1792, and the following year was sent on the recruiting service to Brecknock in Wales. Here he was taken notice of by the organist of St. David's (parish church), who being greatly interested in the boy gave him gratuitous lessons in music, and imparted to him a taste for the higher branches of that science. In 1795 he was taken into the band as a supernumerary, and gradually worked his way - first to musician, then to corporal, and finally to master. Mr. McKenzie, having had every opportunity of observing where there was room for improvement in the government of the band, with the assistance of Colonel Quist at once proceeded to introduce many new features in the performances of the music. Weekly concerts in the officers' mess-room, and a singing class in the band, were among his earliest establishments. The former were got up at Colonel Quist's suggestion. He, being an amateur of no mean order, with the assistance of other officers who were able to play, obtained the services of some of the most distinguished musicians in London to lead them, and with the principal members of the band was enabled to get up concerts of the highest order. Spagnoletti, Mori, Lindley, and Drouet the flautist were among the professionals who conducted the early concerts at the mess-room; and among the most distinguished amateurs may be mentioned Sir Benjamin, afterwards Lord Bloomfield. This officer owed his introduction at court to his musical talents. He was a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, and by chance quartered with his company at Brighton. The Prince of Wales, who was always fond of music, then gave frequent concerts at the Pavilion. Some one happened to mention that a young officer of the artillery was a proficient on the violoncello; an invitation was sent, the royal amateur was pleased, the visits became more frequent, and the fortune of the young lieutenant was assured . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Phillips (commander, Royal Artillery, Woolwich); Royal Artillery Band (Wikipedia); Friedrich Wiele (band master); George McKenzie (band master); Paolo Spagnoletti (violinist); Nicholas Mori (violinist); Robert Lindley (cellist); Louis Drouet (flautist); Benjamin Bloomfield (musical amateur)

See also precis of the regulations above in Henry G. Farmer, Memoirs of the Royal artillery band: its origin, history and progress: and account of rise of military music in England (London and New York: Boosey & Co., 1904), 36-38 (DIGITISED)

. . . in 1762, Lieutenant-Colonel Phillips gave instructions for the formation of a band, after the German model, known as the "Royal Artillery Band." The following are the Articles of Agreement upon which the musicians were engaged. The original is written in both English and German, the last article, in English only, being added by Colonel Phillips himself: -

i. The band to consist of eight men, who must also be capable to play upon the violoncello, bass, violin and flute, as other common instruments.

ii. The regiment's musick must consist of two trumpets, two French horns, two bassoons, and four hautbois or clarinettes; these instruments to be provided by the regiment, but kept in repair by the head musician.

iii. The musicians will be looked upon as actual soldiers, and cannot leave the regiment without a formal discharge. The same must also behave them, according to the articles of war.

iv. The aforesaid musicians will be clothed by the regiment.

v. So long as the artillery remains in Germany each musician to have ten dollars per month, but the two French horns to have twelve dollars per month, out of which they must provide their own bread; but when they arrive in England, each musician to receive one shilling, the two French horns one shilling and twopence per day; this payment to commence at their arrival in England.

vi. The musicians shall be obliged to wait upon the commanding officer so often as he shall desire to have musick, without any hope of gratification, but if they shall be desired to attend upon any other officer, they are to have a ducat per night, but in England half a guinea.

vii. Should the aforesaid musicians be taken sick they are to be attended by the surgeon of the regiment, for which they are to allow five-pence farthing sterling monthly to be given out of their wages.

viii. The two French horns will enter into pay as soon as they sign their articles, the pay of the other six musicians, to commence as soon as they arrive at the corps.

ix. [In the handwriting of Colonel Phillips.] Provided the musicians are not found to be good performers at their arrival they will be discharged, and at their own expense. This is meant to make the person who engages the musicians careful in his choice.

W. Phillips, Lieut.-Col. Comdt. of British Artillery.

Other (before 1788)

[Advertisement], Saunders's News-Letter [Dublin, Ireland] (10 November 1777), 3 (PAYWALL)

WANTED, to form a Regimental Band of Music; ten Boys, between the Ages of eleven and fifteen,
they must be handsome, healthy, and well made, with good Ears for Music, and capable to read and write.
Any Parents having Youth answering the above Description, and willing to obtain for them Protection and Provision for Life,
will find satistaftory Ecouragement on Application fo Serjeant Major Shaw of the 32d Regiment, in the new Square in Dublin Barracks.

[Advertisement], Saunders's News-Letter [Dublin, Ireland] (27 December 1786), 3 (PAYWALL)

WANTED. TO Serve a regimental Band, for one, two, three, or five Years,
a Man who can play a Trumpet, a First Horn, or a Hautboy.
For further Particulars inquire at No. 22, Arran-quay.

Band and fife and drum, St. James's Palace, London, c. 1790

Detail 1, anonymous engraving, "Guard-mounting, St. James' Palace", c. 1790; showing the drum-major and "band of music", at left [see also detail 2 below]; followed by the "turkish music", centre; and "drum and fife", at right

Detail 2, anonymous engraving, "Guard-mounting, St. James' Palace", c. 1790; drum major with staff, leading the band of music, consisting of 7 or 8 musicians, with trumpet, French horn, serpent, oboes or clarinets, bassoons

See also: (DIGITISED)

A proposal for military music schools (UK first published 1779)

A political and military rhapsody, on the invasion and defence of Great Britain and Ireland . . . the fourth edition, with additions and improvements (London: Sold by Debrett, and Egerton, 1795), 239 (DIGITISED)

. . . I propose also, that Military Musical Schools be instituted in each of these barracks, with able professors, for teaching the sons of soldiers, sailors, and militia, the practice of all the wind and other instruments used in war, and military bands. Such an establishment is greatly wanted in both Islands, for the supply of the army, navy, militia, East Indies, and East India ships. And I think the harp and bagpipe, as being peculiar national instruments, should be added to the others now in general use. The number then of the different instruments of a compleat military band, would amount to thirteen or fourteen. It is superfluous to observe how essential good music is to regulate marching. I could prove how it might be made to contribute to the health of seamen . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Lloyd (author), first published as A rhapsody on the present system of French politics (London, 1779)

On composing for military band (UK 1799)

An essay on pratical musical composition: according to the nature of that science and the principles of the greatest musical authors by Augustus Frederic Christopher Kollmann, organist of his majesty's German chapel at St. James (London: Printed for the auhtor, 1799), 94-96 (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Augustus Frederic Christopher Kollmann (musician)

General regulations (UK 1803)

A collection of orders, regulations, and instructions, for the army . . . (London: T. Egerton, 1807), 175, 557 (DIGITISED)

No. 44. Soldiers acting as Musicians.

44. The General Orders of the 5th August, 1803, having signified His Majesty's pleasure, that in regiments having bands of music, not more than one private soldier of each troop or company shall be permitted to act as a musician, and that one non-commissioned officer shall be allowed to act as master of the band, the Paymasters and Adjutants are to distinguish in their Pay-lists and Adjutant's rolls respectively, all the private men and the non-commissioned officer acting as musicians as above-mentioned, by placing opposite to the name of each in the column of remarks, the word "Band."

Of course no Pay is to be charged for men of the said description, exceeding the number limited. (DIGITISED)

General General Orders relative to Soldiers acting as Musicians.

Horse Guards, 5th August, 1803.

It is His Majesty's pleasure, that in Regiments having bands of music, not more than one Private Soldier of each Troop or Company shall be permitted to act as Musicians, and that one Non-commissioned Officer shall be allowed to act as Master of the Band. These men are to be drilled and instructed in their exercise, and in case of actual service, are, to fall in with their respective Troops or Companies completely armed and accoutred.

His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief desires that General Officers commanding in districts will immediately communicate the above order to the several Regiments under their command, and strictly enforce its observance.

By order of His Royal Highness The Commander in Chief. HARRY CALVERT, Adjutant General of the Forces.

General regulations and orders for the army (London: War Office, 1804), 37, 48-49 (transcribed in Herbert and Barlow 2013, 271-72)

The Sounds for the Trumpet and Bugle Horn, which were circulated in December, 1798 are to be adopted and used exclusively of any others by every Regiment and Corps of Cavalry in His Majesty's Service.

It is extremely essential, that the Music and the Drums should be attentive when playing or beating for Military Purposes, on occasions permitted by His Majesty's Regulations, and above all in the Ordinary and Quick Time Marches, not to deviate in the most trifling degree from the Time which will allow, within the minute, the exact number of steps, prescribed by His Majesty's Regulations; and the Music for both Slow and Quick Time should be practised under the direction of the Drum Major with the Plummet, until the exact prescribed Cadence has been acquired; the Music and the Drums should be frequently practised together, in order that when relieving each other in the Quick March, the time may not differ in the smallest degree, but the Cadence, according to Regulation, be uniformly and uninterruptedly preserved.

[48-49] In Regiments that have Bands of Music, one Private Soldier of each Troop of Company is permitted to act as a Musician, and a Serjeant, is allowed to act as Master of the Band; but all these men are to be effective to the Service as Soldiers, are to be perfectly drilled, and liable to serve in the Ranks in any emergency.

And see also as reprinted in Thomas O'Neill, A treatise on the eighteen manoeuvres . . . (London: Printed for R. Edwards, 1805), 96, 102 (DIGITISED)

And General regulations and orders (London: W. Clowes, 1811), 92-93 (DIGITISED)

Other (homeland Britain, Ireland, and India)

"LONDON. AUGUST 1", Caledonian Mercury [Edinburgh, Scotland] (4 August 1791), 2 (PAYWALL)

Yesterday morning, their Majesties with the Princesses Royal . . . attended divine service in St. George's Chapel, Windsor . . . The Promenade on the Terrace in the evening was numerously attended . . . Both the Queen's and Regimental Bands played during the Promenade. The Regimental Bands have introduced the fifes, which render the music more martial. The fifes were extremely well played; and the novelty of the instrument, as a leading one with a band, excited universal attention . . .

"CHAPTER IV. Of Military Musick", in Francis Grose, Military antiquities, respecting a history of the English army from the conquest to the present time . . . vol. 2 (London: T. Egerton, 1801), 41-50 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

[50] . . . Of late years, in addition to the drums and fifes, each regiment of infantry has had its band of musick. The instruments are chiefly hautbois, clarinets, French horns, bassoons, trumpets, cymbals, and in some the tabor and pipe. The band is usually composed of men borne upon the establishment of the regiment as privates, and allowed some additional pay from the non-effective fund of the field officers and captains of companies. These officers also defray the charge for instruments, extra clothing, musick, &c.; though in many corps the money paid for discharges has been applied to the support of the regimental band.

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Grose (senior) (antiquary, soldier, d. 1791, this second volume first published posthumously in 1801), father of Francis Grose (first commander of the NSW Corps)

[Advertisement], Saunders's News-Letter [Dublin, Ireland] (10 November 1802), 2 (PAYWALL)

WANTED, A Master and Leader of a Regimental Band,
a steady young man, whose character and musical talents will strongly recommend him to the above situation;
he is required to be able to play first Clarionet, to instruct , and set music.
For further particulars, inquire of Messrs. Frazer and Reed, Henry-street, Dublin.

[Advertisement], Morning Chronicle [London, England] (18 December 1802), 1 (PAYWALL)

he must be an excellent Clarionet Player, and able to teach the different Instruments necessary for the Band.
- For Particulars inquire at Mr. Napier's Music Shop, Lisle-street, Leicester-square.

"FROM A LONDON PAPER, DATED the 8th of last August", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 April 1804), 2 

The Practice of arming the Bands is neither nouvelle or INUTILE; for the day before the ever-memorable and glorious battle at Quebec the galant WOLFE summoned the Bands of all the Regiments to the front of the line, and desired each of the musicians to exchange his instrument for a musquet, bayonet, and cartouche containing five-and-twenty rounds of ball cartridge; but there being several Germans among the number the change was not accepted by them with any symptom of alacrity; but on the contrary, after a mysterious pause, one sufficiently recovered from his astonishment to articulate "but, General, me only hast to play de music;" "and that's all I required, my lad", returned the General still pointing to a musquet, "but that's the music that must be played to-morrow."

[Advertisement], Dublin Evening Post [Ireland] (21 January 1806), 3 (PAYWALL)

A MUSICIAN of the King's Household, who had brought over a collection of the newest and most fashionable M. S. Military Music, will take charge of a Military Band, on liberal terms.
He has the most flattering recommendations from Officers commanding the different regiments of whose Bands he has been Master.
Letters (post paid) directed to Z. Y. at Mr. Kinsela's, No. 3 Moore-street, will be duly attended to.

[Advertisement], Calcutta Gazette [India] (25 September 1806), 2 (DIGITISED)


SIX B. Clarinets, 2 E. flat Clarinets; 2 Bassoons;
2 3d or F. German Flutes; 2 B. Flutes; 2 Octave Piccala [sic] ditto;
1 capital Brass Horn, with Crook; 1 Concert Bugle;
1 pair of Cymbols; 2 Triangles; 1 Bass Drum; 1 pair of Kettle Drums; 1 Tamborine;
1 pair of Concert Horns; 1 Military Frombone [sic, Trombone]; An elegant Concert Trumpet,
with spare Reeds, Mouth-pieces, Heads for Drums, &c.

A small military band (UK)

A military band (caricature); pencil, pen and ink and watercolour, 150 x 243 mm; Thomas Rowlandson (1757-1827)

A military band (caricature); pencil, pen and ink and watercolour, 150 x 243 mm; Thomas Rowlandson (1757-1827) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Rowlandson (artist)

Governor Phillip's band (1787 to c. 1792)

(Band of the first fleet; Commodore Phillip's band of music; Governor Phillip's band; ? NSW Marine Corps musicians; ? commander Ross's band of music; ? band of the second fleet)

Active England, by early 1787

First fleet arrived Botany Bay, NSW, 12-20 January 1788

Second fleet arrived Sydney, NSW, 3-28 June 1790

Active Sydney, NSW, until ? 1790-92's-band (shareable link to this entry)


It can be reasonably assumed that some sort of semi-professional "band of music", at least partly distinct from the marine (and later Sydney garrison) "drum and fife", had come with the first fleet (1787-88). Jacob Nagle (1761-1841), an American a sailor on the Sirius, reported that Phillip, Hunter, and Ross were accompanied on embarkation by the fleet "band of music". Interestingly, Nagle also appears to tell us that there were the wives of two musicians ("musicioners") on board the Sirius when, after leaving Port Jackson, it ran aground at Norfolk Island in 1790; and if their husband-musicians were, indeed, also on board, that suggests that by early 1790 there was the makings of not one, but two small bands, one for each of the two outposts, the governor at Port Jackson, and lieutenant governor Ross at Norfolk Island. Moreover, the two musicians were in the privileged position of having their wives with them; a total of 46 marines' wives and children came with the first fleet. If indeed the band came on the Sirius as Nagle seems to indicate, their number must have included some of its non-commissioned contingent - one sergeant, three drummers, seven privates, four women. Notably, one of the privates en route to Norfolk Island in March 1790 was Harry Parsons, later bandsman and master of the Band of the New South Wales Corps.

Perhaps, in much the same way, at least some marine and convict band musicians also came to the colony with the second fleet (1789-90), pending the later arrival of the larger part of the New South Wales Corps, and the formation of its band in 1792. One possible contender is the convict Matthew John Gibbons (c. 1765-1835), later a leading colonist, identified by Flynn as son of a musician in the King's band; he later served as a steward to Francis Grose, commander of the NSW corps, and, if he was indeed also a musician like his father, there is a possibility that he was also active in the band of the corps, as a supernumerary (an "extra" player, whether a soldier not technically a bandsman, a convict, or a paid civilian). Another convict musician on the second fleet was Thomas Barnsley.

REFERENCES: Another manuscript exemplar of Nagle's book is held in the Clements Library, University of Michigan (microfilm copy at State Library of New South Wales); see also J. D. Dann (ed.), The Nagle journal: a diary of the life of Jacob Nagle, sailor, from the year 1775-1841 (New York: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988), 83, 119; compare Jordan 2015, 6, 7; see Flynn, The Second Fleet: Britain's grim convict Armada of 1790 (Sydney: Library of Australian History, 1993), 123

For music on James Cook's earlier Endeavour (1769-70) and other voyages, see:

Music on James Cook's Endeavour voyage?



Arthur PHILLIP (first fleet commander, governor NSW)

Robert ROSS (first fleet marine commander)

John HUNTER (first fleet officer, amateur musician, violinist)

? Bandsmen:

Harry PARSONS (first fleet marine, ? bandsman; later of the Band of the New South Wales Corps)

? Matthew John GIBBONS (second fleet convict, son of musician, ? bandsman)

? Thomas BARNSLEY (second fleet convict, musician, ? bandsman)


The voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay, with an account of the establishment of the colonies of Port Jackson & Norfolk Island; compiled from authentic papers (London: Printed for John Stockdale, 1789) [facsimile edition, Adelaide, 1968], viii (DIGITISED)

Drums and fife / Scarborough 1 / Friendship 1 / Charlotte 1 / Alexander 1 / Prince of Wales 1 / 3 put on borad his Majesty's ship Sirius as supernumeraries / total of the detachment 8

Jacob Nagle journal (Sirius, embarkation from Portsmouth, England, 13 May 1787), 71-72; "Jacob Nagle his Book A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine May 19th. Canton. Stark County Ohio", 1775-1802, compiled 1829; State Library of New South Wales, MLMSS 5954 (Safe 1/156) (TRANSCRIPT) (DIGITISED - IMAGE 78)

[page 71] . . . I was now Nearly Four Years on Bd the ganges when the Sirius Came Round from the Downs & had the privelige of taking any Men Out of the Men of war that Cared to Volunteer She Was a Ship that had been bilt for a Sugar Ship Call'd the Berwick & bought Into the Kings Service She was pierced for 28 Guns Command by Capn Hunter & Govener Arthur Phillips Bd for Botany bay with the Supply Brig as a tender Leughtenant Ball Command; & a Seven transports with Men & Wimen Prisoners & Stores Likewise Marines on Bd Each Ship that had Men Convicts on Bd when the Orders Came Seven of us Volenteered Out of the ganges We Went on Board was paid Our Wages for the ganges & I was put into the Goveners Barge All the fleet being Ready we hove up Our Anchor & Run to St helliora on the 10 of May 1787 Game to an anchor the Wind being Westerly on the 11 we got underway with the Wind from Eastwd & Run through the Neadles & put to See Our Ship Being so deap with Stores & having Such broad Buttocks we Could hardly Stear hur Untill we got better Aquainted with her (DIGITISED - IMAGE 79)

[page 72] we proceeded on With a Pleasant Breeze & a fair Wind we had now on Bd 160 Able Young Men picked Out for the Voige the Govener and Major Ross Leutenant Govener & the Band of music Beside Capn Hunter & the Ships Officers & three Married Wimen one died on the passage --- . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Nagle (sailor)

[Cape Colony, 11 November 1787] John White, Journal of a voyage to New South Wales with sixty-five plates of non descript animals, birds, lizards, serpents, curious cones of trees and other natural productions (London: Printed for J. Debrett, 1790), 99 (DIGITISED)

. . . November 11th. [1787] Having got on board such animals, provisions, &c. as we could stow, the commodore, with all the officers that had lodgings on shore, embarked. Previous to the commodore's embarkation he gave a public dinner to some of the gentlemen of the town and the officers of his fleet. The Dutch governor was to have been of the party but by some unforeseen event was detained in the country, where he had been for some days before. Commodore Phillip had his band of music on shore upon the occasion, and the day was spent with great cheerfulness and conviviality . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John White (naval surgeon)

[Norfolk Island, 19 March 1790] Nagle's journal, as above (DIGITISED - IMAGE 110)

[page 102] . . . About the beginning of March 1790 we Sail'd for Norfolk Island going Out of the heads we had a Narrow escape of loosing Our Ship on the Rock being light Winds & a heavy Swell but at length we got Safe Out to See we had Major Ross the Leutn Govener on Bd & Men & Wimen Convicts with their Baggage to Settle Norfolk Island . . . (DIGITISED - IMAGE 113)

[103] . . . we Arived off Norfolk Island About the 18th of March 1790 . . . we ware up with the Island and by the 19 of March by aleven a Clock in the day . . . [104] . . . the first & Second time we Struck we Opened the Main hatch & Sounded & had 4 foot Water in the hold we Ware then About Three Quarters or half a Mile from the Shore & as the Rocks Cut hur Bottom away the Ballace & big Ballace fell Out & a heavy Surf Rolling Aboard of hur Still drove hur further in but before the Swell broke we got a boat a long Side & Sent Capn Cooks time peace & two wimen One being pregnant on Shore the ware Wives to two of the musicioners the got Safe on Shore the Capn then Ordered the Mast to be Cut away by Cutting the Lanyards of the larbourt Rigging the Mast All Went . . .

For documentation of the fleet band and drum-and-fife on shore at Sydney, see the chronicle: 

including the following notable entries:

7 February 1788 (Proclamation of the colony)

9 and 12 February 1788 (The rogue's march)

4 June 1788 (The king's birthday)

1 January 1789 (New year's dinner music)

Bibliography and resources:

Michael Flynn, The second fleet: Britain's grim convict armada of 1790 (Sydney: Library of Australian History, 1993)

Robert Jordan, "Music and the military in New South Wales, 1788-1809", Journal of Australian colonial history 17 (2015) (1-22), 6-7, 12-13;dn=428841963923204;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)

"First fleet", Wikipedia 

"Second fleet (Australia)", Wikipedia

Matthew John Gibbons, People Australia 

Matthew John Gibbons, Australian royalty 

Rupert J. McCammon, Notes on Matthew John Gibbons (b. 26 Jan 1766, d. 20 Jul 1835) 

Trial 11 July 1787 . . . Old Bailey, London, England, feloniously stealing, on 15 Jun 1787, ". . . one pound weight and one quarter of a pound weight of Hyfon tea, value 6s . . .". He was found guilty and sentenced to seven years' transportation. On 23 August 1787 in London, as Matthew John languished in Newgate Jail, Henry Webb, a respectable family friend wrote to the Home Secretary requesting a pardon for the young man. Webb said that Gibbons had lived with his (Webb's) wife's father, Mr. Bray of Lincoln's Inn, for more than four years "without fault". Webb added that Gibbons' mother and three helpless children, apparently siblings, depended on his earnings for support and that his father, also named Matthew Gibbons, has served in His Majesty's Band "for upwards of 30 years" . . .

Band of the New South Wales Corps (New South Wales Regiment of Foot; from 1808, Band of the 102nd Regiment) (Sydney, NSW, c. 1792-1810)

Active Sydney, NSW, after 14 February 1792 (arrival of commander Francis Grose, per Pitt, from England, 17 July 1791)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 12 May 1810 (per Dromedary and Hindostan, for England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


The New South Wales Corps was first raised in England in 1789, and the first detachments of those troops newly recruited in England were ready to leave on convict ships by the end of that year (see HRNSW 1/2, 285). By March 1792, it consisted of 406 men (see HRNSW 2, 465).

Probably, there was no active "band of music" (as distinct from drummers and possibly fifers) before the arrival in the colony of commander Francis Grose in February 1792. By early 1793, however, two documents attest to the existence of a functional band.

During his stay in Sydney in March-April 1793, visiting mariner Alejandro Malaspina gave a dinner given to Francis Grose on board the Spanish ship Descubierta, and when a toast was raised to the king of England, it was recorded that "la música del regimiento tocando al mismo tiempo el aria God Save the King".

Almost simulatneously, in March 1793, Grose offered to emancipate the convict George Carr, then on Norfolk Island, if he would agree to enlist in the regiment, and return to Sydney and join the band. Carr, who was known to have formerly been "master of a regimental band of musick" at home in Ireland (or possibly Britain), duly enlisted as a private on 20 March, and arrived back in Sydney in April. He was ultimately promoted to corporal on 12 November 1799, by which time he was almost certainly band master, though he may well have actually performed the role much earlier, plausibly from his first enlistment, either alone, or in conjunction with another known musician, Harry Parsons, who had enlisted in the corps a year earlier than Carr, on 6 April 1792. On the day of Carr's death, on 19 October 1804, Parsons was immediately promoted to corporal - and probably therefore likewise also as master - in his place.

Unfortunately, no regimental pay-lists and muster-rolls indicate band membership before 1806. The paylist for April-May that year, however, reveals that a systematic reorganisation was made on 25 April, so that the eight (no doubt previously active) bandsmen (sergeant Harry Parsons and seven privates each of whose entry is duly annotated "Band") were henceforth evenly distributed, one per company across the corps, as was required in a general order of 5 August 1803 (see above).

After the rebellion of 1808, the corps was renamed the 102nd Regiment (see HRNSW 6, 783), but stayed on in the colony until it was relieved by the 73rd Regiment late in 1809.

The 102nd finally sailed for England on the Dromedary and Hindostan in May 1810, without the former master, Harry Parsons, who remained in the colony, but with private Leviston (variously recorded with the forenames James and William) promoted in his place.

The regiment was later still renamed the 100th Regiment, and was disbanded entirely in 1818. In September 1818, Leviston, "Master of the Band in the 102d, since the 100th Regiment" arrived back in NSW as a settler.



Francis GROSE (major, colonel, commander of the regiment; lieutenant governor, NSW)

William PATERSON (major, colonel, second in command of regiment; lieutenant governor, NSW)

George JOHNSTON (major, regiment; lieutenant governor, NSW)

Band masters:

George CARR (also: William CARR; George KERR; "master of the band", d. 1804)

Harry PARSONS (marine, ? formerly musician in Governor Phillip's band; "master of the band" of the NSW Corps from 1804)

William James LEVISTON (drummer, NSW, 1805-06; bandsman, NSW, 1806-10; ? deputy master in NSW under Parsons; sergeant master, offshore, from 1810)


Gregory BELLOY (bandsman, 1806, 1808-10)

George GRIFFIN (drummer, bandsman; later bandsman 73rd Regiment)

William IKIN (bandsman, 1808)

Edward LOVEDAY (bandsman, former convict)

John RANDALL (REYNOLDS; "Black RANDALL") (bandsman, NSW, 1806)

William TERNAN (bandsman; later also bandsman 46th Regiment, and possibly also 73rd, 48th, and 3rd regiments)

Sergeant majors (? acting as drum-majors):

John WEST (drummer; sergeant-major, 1793-95)

Thomas WHITTLE (sergeant, sergeant-major, 1795-1805)

John CREMER / CREYMOUR (sergeant-major, 1806- ; enlisted 4 September 1797)


Edward EAGLES (formerly drummer; arrived as private 1807)

George WHITTLE (drummer, ? bandsman, 1810; son of Thomas WHITTLE below)

Service records:

Description books:

Description book, to 24 June 1806 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

[Private] Belloy Greog'y [sic] / [Labourer] / [enlisted in NSW Corps] 7 Nov 1796 / Died 23 October 1811 (DIGITISED)

[Private] Griffin Geo. / [enlisted in NSW Corps] 5 May 1798 / [Date of birth, enlisted under 18] 11 Dec. 1789 . . . (DIGITISED)

[Private] Ikin Wm. / [enlisted in NSW Corps] 4 Dec. 1794 / [Date of birth, enlisted under 18] 19 Oct. 1785 . . . (DIGITISED)

[Private] Levinstone James / [enlisted in NSW Corps] 13 December 1800 / [Date of birth, enlisted under 18] 25 Mar. 1786 . . .

[Private] Loveday Edw'd / [enlisted in NSW Corps] 21 Dec. 1792 / Died 19 Aug. [18]19 . . . (DIGITISED)

Corporal Parsons Harry / [? re-enlisted in NSW Corps] 10 October 1797 [sic] / Division Marines 17 Nov. 1776 [to] 6 Apr. 1792 / Present Corps 7 Apr. 1792 [to] 6 Apr. 1797 / [Date of birth, originally enlisted under 18] 29 Aug. 1768 / [Promoted] To Corporal 21 Oct. 1804 (DIGITISED)

[Private] Randall John / [enlisted in NSW Corps] 17 Nov. 1800 / . . . (DIGITISED)

[Private] Ternan Wm. / A. 71129 / [enlisted in NSW Corps] 21 June 1793 / [Date of birth, enlisted under 18] 10 June 1782 . . .

Description book, to mid 1808 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)


Muster-roll of his majesty's New South Wales Corps of Foot, from 25th December 1791 to the 24th June, 1792 both days inclusive (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office, WO12/11028) (DIGITISED)

. . . Corporals / William Tiernan . . .
Drummers / Thomas Bates / Thomas Brown / Thomas Douglass / Thomas Haddick / Obadiah Iken [junior] /
William Laycock / William Johnston / William Larkins / John Roberts / John Williams /
Joseph Abbott Inlisted 6th April / John West [Inlisted 6th April]
. . . [Private] Harry Parsons / [Inlisted 6 April]

Muster-roll of his majesty's New South Wales Corps of Foot . . . from 24th December, 1795, to 25 June, 1796, both days inclusive (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office, WO12/11028) (DIGITISED)

. . . Corporals / . . . Harry Parsons . . .
Drummers / John Armstrong / Thomas Brown 1st / Thomas Brown 2nd / Thomas Douglass / Thomas Haddick /
John Hammond / William Johnston / Obadiah Ikin [junior] / William Ikin / William Larking /
Thomas Landsley / Thomas Whittle / William Ternan /
John Williams to Private 18th Feb'y / Nathaniel Griffin Inlisted 19th Feb'y . . .
Privates . . . George Kerr . . .

Muster-roll of his majesty's New South Wales Corps of Foot, from 25th Dec., 1795, to 24 June, 1796, inclusive"; ed. in HRNSW, 3, 55 (DIGITISED)

. . . Drummers: - John Armstrong, T. Brown, Daniel Johns, Nathaniel Griffen, William and Obediah Ikin, Thomas Brown to private, 15th Sep'r; John Hammond do., 5th Dec'r; George Whittle, enlisted 16th Sep'r; Wm. Jamieson, do. 6th Dec'r . . .

NOTE: Compare above for evident transcription error

Monthly pay-list and muster-roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 June to 24 July 1798 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Major Foveaux's Company . . .
Drummers or Fifers - W'm Larkin, W'm Ternan
Privates . . . Geo. Cerr [sic, alphabetical under K]

Captain Johnstone's Company . . .
Privates . . . Henry Parsons . . .

Monthly Pay-List and Muster-Roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 September to 24 October 1804 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . .
Kerr Geo. / Died 19th October
Parsons Harry / [from] 20th Oct. / Fm. Private in C'n Johnston's 19 Oct'r

Monthly Pay-List and Muster-Roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 March to 24 April 1806 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

NOTE: No band memberships were indicated in the March-April 1806 paylist above, perhaps because the (up to) 8 bandsmen then active were not evenly distributed among the corps's 8 companies as required in the general regulations; transfers of several soldiers between companies having been effected on 25 April, all 8 bandsmen, one per company, were properly listed for the first time in the April-May paylist below

Monthly Pay-List and Muster-Roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 April to 24 May 1806 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Colonel's (Francis Grose) company . . . Hawke Will'm / Band (DIGITISED)

Lieut.-Colonel's (William Paterson) company: - Loveday Edw'd / Band / From Capt. Johnston's [Company (DIGITISED)

Major's (Jos. Foveaux) company . . . Levinston James / Band / From Drummer in Cap't Johnston's Comp'y 25 [April] (DIGITISED)

Capt. [George] Johnston's company . . . Belloy Greg'y / Band (DIGITISED)

Capt. [Edward] Abbott's company . . . Ternan Will'm / Band / From Col's Comp'y 25 [April] (DIGITISED)

Capt. [Ralph] Wilson's company . . . Corporals / Parsons Harry / Band (DIGITISED)

Capt. [John] Savory's company . . . Griffin Geo. / Band / From Capt'n Grosser's [Company 25 April] (DIGITISED)

Capt. [William] Grosser's company . . . Randall, John / Band

Monthly Pay-List and Muster-Roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 November to 24 December 1806 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Hawke Will'm / Duty Guard (DIGITISED)

Loveday Edw'd / Duty Guard (DIGITISED)

Levinston James / Band (DIGITISED)

Belloy Gregory / Band (DIGITISED)

Ternan Will'm / Band (DIGITISED)

Corporals / Parsons Harry / Band (DIGITISED)

Griffin Geo / Band (DIGITISED)

Randall John / Band

[Quarterly] Pay-List of the New South Wales Regiment from 25 June to 24 September 1807 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Hawke Will'm / di'o P't Dalrymple (DIGITISED)

Loveday Edw'd / Duty Guard (DIGITISED)

Levinston James / Band (DIGITISED)

Belloy Greg'y / - (DIGITISED)

Ternan Will'm / Band (DIGITISED)

Corporals / Parsons Harry / Band (DIGITISED)

Griffin Geo / Band (DIGITISED)

Randall John / -

[Quarterly] Pay-List of the New South Wales Regiment from 25 December 1807 to 24 March 1808 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Levinston James / Band (DIGITISED)

Belloy Greg'y / Band (DIGITISED)

Ternan Will'm / Band (DIGITISED)

Corporals / Parsons Harry / Band

Pay-list of the 102nd Regiment of Foot from 25 March to 24 June 1808 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

[Ternan W'm missing from list]
Levinston James / Band
Belloy Gregory / Band
Corporals . . . Parsons Harry / Band
Griffin Geo / Band
Loveday Edw'd / Band

Pay-list of the 102nd Regiment of Foot from 25 June to 24 September 1808 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Ternan W'm / Band
Belloy Gregory / Band
Serjeants . . . Parsons Harry / From Corporal . . . 25 July / Band
Ikin William / Band
Levinston James / Band
Loveday Edw'd / Band

Pay-list of the 102nd Regiment of Foot from 25 September to 24 December 1808 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Ternan W'm / Band
Griffin Geo. / Band
Belloy Gregory / Band
Serjeants . . . Parsons Harry / Band
Ikin William / Sick
Levinston James / Band
Loveday Edw'd / Band

Pay-list of the 102nd Regiment of Foot from 25 December 1808 to 24 February [sic] 1809 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Ternan W'm / -
Belloy Gregory / -
Serjeants . . . Parsons Harry / Band
Ikin William / Band
Loveday Edw'd / Band
Griffin Geo. / Band
Levinston James / Band

Pay-list of the 102nd Regiment of Foot from 25 January [sic] to 24 March 1809 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

NOTE: This is the first continuous (approximately alphabetical) paylist not divided, as previously, into companies

Sejeants . . . Parsons Harry / Band
Belloy Gregory / Sick / Band
Griffin Geo. / Band
Ikin William / Band
Loveday Edw'd / Band
Levinston James / Band
Ternan W'm / Band

Pay-list of the 102nd Regiment of Foot from 25 March to 24 June 1809 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Sejeants . . . Parsons Harry / Band
Belloy Greg'y / Band
Griffin Geo. / Band
Ikin W'm / -
Loveday Edw'd / Band
Levinston James / Band
Ternan W'm / Band

Pay-list of the 102nd Regiment of Foot from 25 June to 24 September 1809 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeant / Parsons Harry / Band (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers . . . (DIGITISED)

Belloy Greg'y / Band (DIGITISED)

Griffin Geo / Band (DIGITISED)

Ikin Wm. / Band (DIGITISED)

Levinston Jam's / Band (DIGITISED)

Ternan W'm / Band

Pay-list of the 102nd Regiment of Foot from 25 December 1809 to 24 March 1810 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeant / Parsons Harry / Band (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers . . .


Griffin Geo / Band (DIGITISED)

Ikin Wm. / Band (DIGITISED)

Levinston Jam's / Band (DIGITISED)

Ternan W'm / Sick

Edited summaries:

Edited extracts (bandsmen and drummers) from cumulative register of personnel, New South Wales Corps; compiled by Statham (1992), relevant page numbers [ ]

Ainsworth, John (Armstrong; Haimsworth) (born 1 November 1788, son of deceased marine); enlisted drummer 28 June 1794; transferred to 73rd 1810 (as Haimsworth) [246]

Bellow [sic, Belloy], Gregory; enlisted private UK 7 November 1796; arrived 18 May 1798 per Barwell; band 1806; returned to UK April 1810; died UK 23 October 1811 [253]

Coulson, George; enlisted drummer UK 16 July 1789; arrived 28 June 1790 per Scarborough; corporal 1799; sergeant 1799; died 9 March 1807 [267]

Cox, John [2] (son of soldier; born in colony 12 August 1797); enlisted drummer 20 January 1810; transferred to 73rd May 1810 [267]

Creymour, John (Cremer, Creamer); ex-convict; arrived 26 January 1788 per Charlotte; enlisted private 4 September 1797; corporal 11 February 1801; sergeant 3 January 1806; drum-major 21 January 1806; returned to UK May 1810 [268]

Davis, John [4] (son of soldier); enlisted drummer 28 April 1802; active until 1810 [272]

Dell, John; enlisted drummer UK 3 July 1789; arrived 26 June 1790 per Surprise; private 1791; returned to UK May 1810 [273]

Douglas, Thomas; enlisted drummer UK 10 August 1790; arrived 1791; returned to UK 1804 per Glatton [274]

Eades, Joseph [jun.] (born UK 7 January 1789, son of private Joseph Eades, arrived 26 June 1790 per Surprise); enlisted drummer 25 April 1800; private 1803; drummer 1804; returned to UK May 1810; discharged UK 5 September 1811; returned to colony [276]

Eagles, Edward; arrived private [sic] 29 July 1807 per Duke of Portland; transferred to 73rd 24 April 1810 [276]

Feutrill, Joseph (born Sydney 1794; son of private Theopholis Feutrill); enlisted drummer 28 April 1802; ; transferred to 73rd 24 April 1810 [279]

Gibson, Samuel; arrived 12 July 1806; drummer 1807; transferred to Veteran Company 24 April 1810 [283]

Griffin, George (born on transport Lady Juliana 11 December 1789, arrived 3 June 1790, son of private Michael Griffin); enlisted drummer 5 May 1798; private 1802; transferred to 73rd 24 April 1810 [286]

Griffin, Nathaniel (or Matthew) (born Kent, England); enlisted drummer 19 February 1796; private 1807; transferred to 73rd 24 April 1810 [286]

Griffin, Thomas; enlisted drummer 18 December 1799; private 1802; drummer 1802; returned to UK May 1810 [286]

Haddick, James; enlisted corporal UK 2 November 1790; arrived drummer 2 November 1790 per Albemarle; private 1800; corporal 1808; return UK May 1810 [288]

Hawke, William; born Ireland 1769; 11 June 1796 enlisted private, Savoy military prison UK; 2 June 1797 arrived Ganges; 1799 Detachment Grose; 1807 Dalrymple; 1808 Port Dalrymple; 24 April 1810 transfer to 73rd

Hodkinson, James (Hopkinson), ex-convict; enlisted drummer 1798; private 1802; discharged 35 March 1803 [294]

Hughes, Anthony; enlisted drummer 25 April 1800; discharged 27 November 1802 [297]

Ikin, Obediah [jun.] (born Shropshire, 1782; son of sergeant Obediah Ikin, arrived 26 June 1790 per Surprise); enlisted 10 December 1791; died 24 July 1797 [299]

Ikin, William (born Nottinghamshire 1785; son of sergeant Obediah Ikin, arrived 26 June 1790 per Surprise); enlisted drummer, 24 December 1794; private 1803; returned UK May 1810 [299]

Jamieson, William (born, at sea, per Queen 26 June 1791; son of sergeant William Jamieson); enlisted drummer 6 December 1796 (youngest recruit, aged 5); private 1807; returned to UK May 1810; corporal September 1811 [300]

Johns, Daniel (born Cheshire, c. 1788; son of sergeant Benjamin Johns, arrived 7 August 1793 per Boddingtons); enlisted drummer 24 June 1796 (aged 8); private 25 December 1803; drummer 25 May 1808; private 25 April 1809; transferred to 73rd 24 April 1810 [301]

Johnston, William; enlisted drummer 9 June 1791; deserter 3 December 1798 [301]

Kerr, George ("William", Carr, Karr); ex-convict; enlisted private 20 March 1793; corporal 12 November 1799; private 28 December 1800; corporal 1801; died 19 October 1804 [304-05]

Landsley, Richard (born Sydney, October 1791; son of private Richard Landsley, who arrived 26 June 1790 per Scarborough); enlisted drummer 28 April 1802; discharged 25 April 1803 [306]

Landsley, Thomas (born Isle of Guernsey, 1786; son of private Richard Landsley [as above]; enlisted drummer 25 April 1794; private 24 June 1800; transferred to 73rd 24 April 1810 [306-07]

Lavender, Reuben (Laumder); enlisted drummer 3 March 1791; private 8 June 1791; discharged 24 July 1798 [307]

Laycock, William; enlisted drummer 6 February 1790; discharged 24 April 1794; still in colony 1811 [308]

Levingston, James (Livingstone; William Levingstone), enlisted (? in colony) private 13 December 1800 [sic]; drummer 25 October 1805; private 25 March 1806; band 1806-1810; returned to UK May 1810 [309]

Loveday, Edward; born Essex 1783; arrived 28 August 1791 convict per William & Ann; enlisted private 21 December 1793; band 1808; returned UK May 1810 [311]

McDonald, Ronald; born Scotland, ex-convict; enlisted drummer 21 June 1792; private 27 March 1802; transferred 73rd 24 April 1810 [313]

McMullin, John; arrived 28 July 1808, per Sinclair; enlisted drummer 1808 (boy); returned UK May 1810 [315]

Maxey, John, enlisted drummer 24 June 1791; died 9 December 1891 [361]

Mitchell, William (born 9 October 1788; son of ex-marine private William Pitt); enlisted drummer 25 June 1800 (first colonial-born recruit); private 1802; drummer 24 July 1807; private January 1810; returned to England May 1810 [320]

Parsons, Henry (Harry), born Plymouth 1768; arrived marine 26 January 1788 per Sirius; enlisted private 6 April 1792; corporal [5 December] 1794; sergeant 2 March 1801; corporal 20 October 1804; sergeant 25 July 1809; band 1809; transferred to Veteran Company, 24 April 1810 [327]

Pitt, Joseph (born Sydney; son of paymaster serjeant George Pitt, who arrived 1794); enlisted drummer 1809; died UK 1811 [329]

Randall, John (Reynolds), born New Haven, USA; black American; arrived 26 January 1788 convict per Alexander; enlisted private 17 November 1800; discharged 24 April 1810 [333]

Ross, Daniel; enlisted drummer 25 March 1810; died England 27 March 1811 [337]

Spencer, Francis, son of sailor, born Norfolk Island 1 June 1790; enlisted drummer 13 June 1797 (aged 7); private 24 May 1808; transferred to 73rd 24 April 1810 [344]

Syms, John (born in colony, 1794; son of marine William Syms); enlisted drummer 25 May 1809; transferred to 73rd 24 April 1800 [347]

Syms, William [jun.] (born in colony, 1792; son of marine William Syms); enlisted drummer 26 March 1802; private 25 May 1808; transferred to 73rd 24 April 1800 [347]

Ternan, William [jun.] (son of corporal/private William Ternan), b. Plymouth, [? arrived June 1790] enlisted aged 12); enlisted drummer 21 June 1793; private July 1800; band 1807; transferred to 73rd 24 April 1810; finally discharged on pension NSW, 1824 [348]

Urch, Benjamin, arrived 14 February 1792 per Pitt; enlisted 25 March 1802; drummer 1802; private 25 May 1808 [351]

Walburn, William (born in colony, son of private James Walburn, born Philadelphia, USA, 1767, ex-convict); enlisted private 8 December 1800; drummer 25 May 1802; transferred to 73rd 1810 [352]

Watkins, William [2], ex-convict, arrived 14 February 1791 per Pitt; enlisted drummer 25 November 1799; private 4 May 1800; discharge 25 March 1803

West, John, ex-marine, b. Dorset, 1759; arrived 26 January 1788 per Scarborough; enlisted drummer 6 April 1792 [354]

Whittle, George, arrived [with father] 7 October 1792; enlisted drummer 16 September 1796; private 4 May 1800; drummer 25 June 1800 [355-56]

Whittle, Thomas [sen.]; enlisted sergeant UK 17 March 1791; arrived 7 October 1792 per Royal Admiral; corporal 1794; sergeant-major 1805; returned to UK 1810; discharged UK 25 August 1811 [356]

Whittle, Thomas [jun.], arrived [with father] 7 October 1792; enlisted drummer 14 February 1793; private 1794; discharge 11 March 1810; re-enlisted 73rd Regiment [356]

Williams, John, enlisted drummer UK 10 October 1789; arrived August 1790; private 1796 [357]


[5 June 1789] "WARRANT FOR RAISING NEW SOUTH WALES CORPS", Historical records of New South Wales, vol. 2 (Sydney: Charles Potter, 1893), 422 (DIGITISED)

George R. / Whereas we have thought proper to direct that a corps of foot shall be forthwith raised, which is intended to be stationed in New South Wales, to consist of four companies, with three serjeants, three corporals, two drummers, and sixty-seven private men in each, with the usual commanding officers. These are to authorise you, by beat of drum or otherwise, to raise so many men in any country or part of our Kingdom of Great Britain as shall be wanted to complete the said corps to the above-mentioned numbers. Given, &c., 5th June 1789, in twenty-ninth year of our reign.
By his Majesty's command, Geo. Yonge.
To our trusty and well-beloved Francis Grose, Esq. Major-Commandant of a corps of foot to be herewith raised.

[14 February 1792] David Collins, An account of the English colony in New South Wales . . . (London: Printed for T. Cadall jun. and W. Davies, 1798), 201 (DIGITSED)

On Tuesday the 14th [February 1792] the signal was made for a sail, and shortly after the Pitt, Captain Edward Manning, anchored in the cove from England. She sailed the 17th of last July from Yarmouth Roads, and had rather a long passage, touching at St. Iago, Rio de Janeiro, and the Cape of Good Hope. She had on board Francis Grose, Esq. the lieutenant-governor of the settlements, and major-commandant of the New South Wales corps, one company of which, together with the adjutant and surgeon's mate, came out with him.

Letter from David Collins, Sydney, 7 March 1793, to Philip Gidley King, Norfolk Island

Copy of letter from David Collins, Sydney, 7 March 1793, to Philip Gidley King, Norfolk Island (complete); State Library of New South Wales, Philip Gidley King papers, letter book, SAFE/C 188 (Safe 1/323) (microfilm CY 891), 141-42 

[141] [in margin] From Mr. Collins per Chesterfield

Sydney, New So. Wales 7th Mar. 1793

Sir, I am directed by Lieut't Governor Grose to acquaint you that the Chesterfield, Mr. Mathew Bowles Alt, Master, will carry to you some Salt'd Provisions, Wheat, and other Articles, of which the Commissary will send you the Particulars, and which are sent by this Convenience to guard against the Possibility of your wanting them.

As Mr. Alt is paid for the Run, and it is an Object with him to return immediately to this Port, the Lieut't Governor wishes he may be dispatched without any delay, after having received your Certificate of his having fulfilled that Part of his Agreement which relates to your Settlement.

A Copy of his Engagement is enclosed to show you that he may bring back and Persons you may wish, limiting their Numbers so as not to endanger the safety of his ship. The Lieut't Governor wishes that Kerr, a Convict, (who was formerly Master of a Regimental Band of Musick) may be sent hither in order to his being emancipated, and enlisted to serve in the New South Wales Corps; and that Mr. Alt may not be detained for him, or for any other Person you may wish to send at the same time, he wishes they may be put on board previous to the last Day's loading of the Cargo.

The Lieutenant Governor wishes that Kerr may be given to understand that he need not leave Norfolk Island unless he is willing to enlist in the Corps, where he will be employed in the Regimental Band, and that to prevent any Mistake, or Disappointment, to Kerr, he must take Notice that, one of the [142] Conditions of this Emancipation is his enlisting in the Corps, and in consequence of some Promises that the Lieut't Governor has made, and of some Recommendations he has received, he has no objection to receiving him into the Band if he consent to enter into the Corps.

The Daedalus will be dispatched to you with further Supplies, as soon after her Arrival (which is daily expected) as she can be got ready. -

I am, &c'a - David Collins

[To] Lieut't Governor King

Letter from Philip Gidley King, Norfolk Island, 30 March 1793, to Francis Grose, Sydney (detail)

Copy of letter from Philip Gidley King, Norfolk Island, 30 March 1793, to Francis Grose, Sydney (relevant extract only); State Library of New South Wales, Philip Gidley King papers, letter book, SAFE/C 188 (Safe 1/323) (microfilm CY 891), 142 (-44) 

[142] [in margin] To L't Gov'r Grose per Chesterfield

Norfolk Island, 30th March 1793

Sir, By the Chesterfield which arrived off this Island the 19th Instant, I received a letter from Mr. Collins . . . .

The uniform, and constant good Behaviour of George Kerr, warrants my recommending him to your Protection. He very readily enlisted on the Conditions you were pleased to hold out to him; and altho' I suffer an inconvenience in losing him, yet, I am highly satisfied at the Prospect he has of meriting your Protection and Favor, and I am much mistaken if he forfeits either by improper Behaviour.

. . . [144] . . . I have the honor &c'a - Philip Gidley King -

[To] Lieut't Governor Grose -

ASSOCIATIONS: David Collins (chief legal officer, civil assistant to Grose as lieutenant governor); Philip Gidley King (lieutenant governor, Norfolk Island); Mathew Bowles Alt (arrived as midshipman with the First Fleet, master of the Chesterfield; promoted lieutenant 1795; last served as commanding officer of the Rochester, 1806-09; died 1836); see this correspondence also in John Cobley, Sydney Cove 1793-1795: the spread of settlement [vol. 4] (Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1983), 17

Vista de la Colonia Ynglesa de Sydney; Fernando Brambila, fecit. [Sydney, 1793]

Vista de la Colonia Ynglesa de Sydney en la Nueva Gales Meridional; Fernando Brambila, fecit. [Sydney, 1793]; Madrid, c. 1795-99

[With the NSW Corps on parade on the westside of the quay, and government house at top right on the east]

ASSOCIATIONS: Fernando Brambila (artist, Malaspina expedition)

Reception of the [Spanish] officers in Botany Bay [sic], Sydney, March 1793

"Reception of the [Spanish] officers in Botany Bay [sic]" ["Recibimiento de los oficiales en Bahía Botánica"], watercolour sketch by Juan Ravanet (member of Malaspina expedition), Sydney, March 1793; Museo de América, Madrid (DIGITISED)

Detail, the Band of the New South Wales Corps, Sydney, March 1793

Detail from the above, the Band of the New South Wales Corps, playing (from right to left) what appear to be 2 clarinets or oboes, bassoon and horn

[March-April 1793] Pedro de Novo y Colson (ed.), Viaje político-científico alrededor del mundo por las corbetas Descubierta y Atrevida al mando de los capitanes de naví o D. Alejandro Malaspina y Don José de Bustamante y Guerra desde 1789 á 1794 (Madrid: Imprenta de la viuda e hijos de Abienzo, 1885), 255 (DIGITISED)

. . . El tiempo favoreció mucho el primer convite á bordo de la DESCUBIERTA en donde se hicieron al Mayor Grose los honores de Teniente General embarcado y además se acompañaron con salvas los siguientes tres brindis:
1.o El Rey de Inglaterra, el Rey de España y ambas Reales familias.
2.o El Comodoro Philipps, el Mayor Grose y la prosperidad de la colonia.
3.o Las señoras que nos favorecí an con su presencia.
Todos los convidados repitieron el brindis, anteponiendo el Rey de España al Rey de Inglaterra; hicieron eco á estos sentimientos de cariño y de respeto los ¡viva el Rey! de la marinerí a, y la música del regimiento tocando al mismo tiempo el aria God Save the King dio á esta escena agradable y tierna todo el semblante majestuoso que merecí a: el tiempo lluvioso y con viento algo arrafagado no permitió ai dia siguiente que las señoras concurriesen á bordo de la ATREVIDA pero no faltó otro alguno de los convidados; se hicieron al Mayor Grose los mismos honores del dí a anterior y se renovaron los mismos brindis.

See also Malaspina (Novo y Colson) 1885 (second edition), 255 (DIGITISED)

See also The Malaspina expedition, 1789-1794 . . . volume 3, Manila to Cadiz (London: Hakluyt Society, 2004), 78 (English translation, Sylvia Jamieson)

. . . [T]he first to the King of England, the King of Spain and both Royal Families; the second to Commodore Phillip, Major Grose, and the prosperity of the colony; and the third to the ladies who favoured us with their presence. As was to be expected, all our guests repeated the toast naming the King of Spain before the King of England. The crew echoed these sentiments of affection and respect with their "Long live the King" while the regimental band played the anthem "God Save the King", which lent all appropriate dignity to this pleasant and affectionate scene . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alejandro Malaspina (Spanish navigator, visitor)

[10 May 1796] Daniel Paine, "Diary as Kept in a Voyage to Port Jackson, New South Wales, a Short Residence on that Settelment . . . Interspersed with Remarks and Observations in the years 1794, 5, 6, 7 and 8 . . ."; manuscript, JOD/172, London, National Maritime Museum (Australian Joint Copying Project) (DIGITISED)

1796 . . . May 10 / Arrived the Britannia Capt'n. Raven from Madras with some Provisions for the Colony but the greater part of her Cargo belonging to the Gentlemen Monopolisers she having been taken up for about half her Burthen on Account of Government by the former temporary Governor whereby the Officers were accommodated with proportionable ventures on very advantageous terms by Capt'n Raven & Co. on board the said Ship but on which some doubts were entertained respecting the General Interest of the Colony being benefited of Individuals interested there was none.

So great was the anxiety with which the Britannia and Capt'n Raven had been expected and the many Doubts and fears under which some People laboured for their Safety so high that my Concern mingled with Curiosity had been excited

Daniel Paine, diary, 10 May 1796; manuscript, National Maritime Museum, London (DIGITISED)

for a Sight of this Ship and her Great Commander (truly so for he was almost as big as three common sized Men).

Great and tumultuous was the Joy and Ludicrously extravagant was the Exhibition of it on the Arrival and Landing of this Great Man. He was met and attended by the Principal Officers of the Colony, the Military Band playing and a Chaise belonging to Colonel Paterson the Military Commandant was brought by the Soldiers to the landing place in which his Ponderous Body was placed and dragged by a Circuitous Rout to the Barracks amidst the noisy Huzza's of the Soldiers of the Town in an uproar and the Music at one time even struck up the Military Air He comes He comes the Hero comes.

Having with some difficulty alighted at one of the Officer's Houses orders were then given that the Soldiers should drink Captn. R's. Health in some of his Bengal rum and towards the close of the Day its Effects were visible in a number of his Welcomers.

Such were the Honours paid to this Great Man much greater than those paid to Governor Hunter on his Arrival although his character and Virtues were well known in the Colony. But he [Hunter] brought no Supply of Rum with him! . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Paine (authority); William Raven (subject)

[1 January 1795 to 24 December 1799] Ledger of expenses, New South Wales Corps, kept by their London agents, Cox, Greenwood, & Cox, January 1801; transcribed Statham 1992, 49

. . . Pay'r McArthur per amo't of expences for Band f'm 1st Jan'y 1795 to 24 December 1799 / . . . / [£] 24 / 8 / 7 . . .

Result of general muster of all the inhabitants in his majesty's territory of New South Wales . . . from the 18th day of July to the 15th of August, 1800, previous to governor Hunter giving up the command; from HRA, I, 2, 616, 750 note 258 (DIGITISED)

DISTRIBUTION of free men and male convicts not holding ground by grant or lease, and supported by the Crown.

[616] VARIOUS EMPLOYMENTS . . . Musical instrument maker . . . (DIGITISED)

[750] The musical instrument maker was employed repairing the instruments belonging to the band of the New South Wales Corps.

[June-July 1802] François Péron, Voyage de découvertes aux terres australes, exécuté par ordre de a majeste l'emprereur et roi, sur les corvettes le Géographe, le Naturaliste et la goelette le Casuarina, pendant les années 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804 . . . tome premier (Paris: de L'imprimerie Impériale, 1807), 370 (DIGITISED)

. . . au-delà de l'hôpital, et sur la même ligne, est la prison, pourvue de plusieurs cachots, susceptible de contenir cent cinquante à deux cents prisonniers; une haute et forte muraille l' environne, une garde nombreuse veille jour et nuit à sa sûreté. Non loin, se trouve le magasin destiné à recevoir les vins, les liqueurs fortes, les salaisons et les autres approvisionnemens de ce genre: en face est la place d'armes (11), où la garrison vient chaque matin défiler la parade, au bruit d'une musique nombreuse et bien composée, qui appartient au régiment de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud . . .

See also English translation of the above, François Péron, A voyage of discovery to the Southern Hemisphere, performed by order of the emperor Napoleon, during the years 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804 . . translated from the French (London: Richard Phillips, 1809), 272-73 (DIGITISED)

. . . Beyond the hospital, in the same line, is the prison, which has several dungeons, capable of holding from an hundred and fifty, to two hundred prisoners; it is surrounded by a high and strong wall, and has a numerous guard on duty, both by day and night. A short distance from the prison is the store house, for the reception of wines, spirituous liquors, salt provisions, &c. In the front of it is the armoury, where the garrison is drawn up every morning, accompanied by a numerous and well composed band, belonging to the New South Wales regiment . . .

As above, also "ACCOUNT OF PORT JACKSON AND SYDNEY TOWN, NEW SOUTH WALES [Translated from the Voyage of Discovery of M. Peron . . .]", The Literary Panorama 10 (February 1810), column 914 (DIGITISED)

[June-July 1802], François Péron, Voyage de découvertes aux terres australes . . . historique: tome second . . . continué par M. Louis Freycinet . . . (Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1816), 405 (DIGITISED)

. . . Tous les dimanches, à dix heures, ces aimables directrices, après la visite ordinaire, accompagnent à l'église leur jeune troupeau; des bancs particuliers sont préparés pour ces enfans; elles se trouvent placées en face de leurs protectrices et de leurs maîtresses: la garnison est alors sous les armes et remplit une partie du temple; la musique du régiment exécute divers morceaux. Tout cet appareil solennel fait ressortir davantage le touchant spectacle de tant de jeunes filles adoptées par un gouvernement généreux et bienfaisant . . .

See also English translation, "ACCOUNT OF THE BRITISH COLONIES IN NEW SOUTH WALES. BY CAPTAIN PERON . . . EDUCATION", The new monthly magazine (1 March 1818), (111-116), 112 (DIGITISED)

[111] . . . GOVERNMENT, thoroughly convinced that, in spite of all its care and attention, there would still be some vicious parents among so many depraved persond, thought that it would be wrong to intrust to such hands the future hopes of the colony. On this very wise principle, a school for girls was established in the infancy of the colony and considerable revenues settled upon it . . . Into this establishment were received orphan girld, such whose parents, either from poverty or servitude, could not bring them up with sufficient care; lastly, all those whose fathers and mothers were observed by the police to manifest in their words or actions any remains of their former depravity. All these children, carefully provided for, educated in the principles of religion and the purest morality . . . soon acquire [112] all the qualities that fit them for excellent wives. They are daily visited by their interesting directresses . . . Every Sunday, these amiable patronesses, after their usual visit, accompany their little flock to the church: particular benches are set apart for the children, who sit facing the ladies and their teachers. The troops, who are then under arms, occupy part of the church; and the regimental band performs various pieces of music. The whole of this solemn ceremony gives a more impressive effect to the sight of so many children adopted by a generous and beneficent government . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: François Péron (French visitor)

"IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Wednesday, Dec. 8", The universal magazine (December 1802), 455 (DIGITISED)

. . . There were several other corps of inferior denomination; the staff corps, the waggon corps, and the New South Wales Corps, which were likewise to be kept up . . .

John Turnbull, A voyage round the world: in the Years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804 . . . vol. 3 (London: Printed for Richard Phillips, 1805), 131 (DIGITISED)

[Admiration of the Otaheitan Boys on their Arrival at Port Jackson] . . . On the following morning, seeing the New South Wales corps under arms, they were in the most extravagant raptures imaginable; but when the band began to play, they began to leap about, their very eyes dancing in their head with the vivacity of their sympathy. So enchanted were they with this sight, that had the governor made his appearance, I am persuaded they would have regarded him only as a secondary character . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Turnbull (voyager, visiting Sydney with Tahitian crew members, c. 1804)

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 April 1803), 3

On Tuesday last a Fete was given on board His Majesty's Ship Buffalo, by Captain Kent, at which were present His Excellency the Governor and Mrs. King; Lieut. Colonel and Mrs. Paterson; with several other Officers Civil, Military, and Naval, and the Wives of those who are married . . . In the evening the band of the New South Wales Corps was introduced, Dancing took place, and at a late hour after supper the Company withdrew, highly gratified and amused with their entertainment.

ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Gidley King (governor, NSW)

[9 May 1803, balance sheet of the orphan fund . . .]; HRA 1/4, 103 (DIGITISED)

. . . [1802] June 1 / paid Henry Parsons Singing Master / £3 3s 0d . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Female Orphan School (Sydney)

Letter, William Bligh, Sydney, to Lord Castlereagh, London, 30 April 1808; edited in Historical records of Australia series 1, volume 6, (420) 421 (DIGITISED)

. . . This rebellious act was done so suddenly in about five minutes from the time we first knew of it, Government House was surrounded with troops, Major Johnson having brought up in battle array about three hundred men under Martial Law, loaded with ball, to attack and seize my person and a few friends, some of whom were Magistrates, that had been at dinner with me. Their colours were spread, and they marched to the tune of the "British Grenadiers", and to render the spectacle more terrific to the townspeople, the Field Artillery on the Parade was presented against the House where I became arrested, and had five sentinels placed over me, and the Civil Magistrates were put under an arrest in their own houses . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Bligh (governor)

"SYDNEY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 May 1810), 2 

On Tuesday at 11 in the forenoon embarked on board His Majesty's ship Dromedary, Colonel WILLIAM PATERSON, of the 102d Regiment, formerly Lieutenant-Governor of this Colony, and his LADY. On this occasion the Avenue leading from His HONOR'S late Residence to the Government Stairs was lined by the Grenadier Company of the 73d Regiment, presenting arms, the Regimental Band playing the ever favourite air "GOD SAVE THE KING."

ASSOCIATIONS: Lachlan Macquarie (governor) and Elizabeth Macquarie (musical amateur)

"SHIP NEWS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 May 1810), 2 

On Monday morning last a salute of 19 guns was fired from the battery at Dawe's Point, on His Majesty's ship Hindostan, bearing Commodore Bligh's broad pendant, getting under weigh to drop down to the Heads, from whence she this day sailed for England with the Porpoise and Dromedary.

Proceedings of a general court martial held at Chelsea Hospital, which commenced on Tuesday, May 7, 1811 . . . for the trial of Lieut.-Col. Geo. Johnston, major of the 102nd Regiment, late the New South Wales Corps, on a charge of mutiny . . . for deposing, on the 26th January, 1808, William Bligh, esq. . . . (London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1811), 9, 114, 119, 198, 204, 443 (DIGITISED)

[Bligh's opening speech] . . . Immediately after the order for the release of McArthur, there followed an operation of the main guard close to the gate of the Government-House, and the regiment marched down from the barracks led on by Major Johnston and the other officers, with colours flying and music playing as they advanced to the house. Within a few minutes after, the house was surrounded; the soldiers quickly broke into all parts of it . . . (DIGITISED)

[Evidence of Isaac Champion ] . . . [I was an acting sergeant-major] . . . This, you say, was on the 28th? On the evening of the 28th [January 1808]? . . . Who cheered; you say the people? I believe the soldiers and the convicts mixed together. You say, a number of officers were there? They were walking past along the road; I particularly observed Lieutenant Colonel Johnson, Mr. Minchin, Major Abbott, a gentleman of the name of McArthur, and some ladies. Who was the effigy intended to represent? Why, all supposed Governor Bligh. That was the general impression? That was the general impression. The military band that was there attended, and the moment after, they played a tune which they called in common "The Silly Old Man:" they struck it up immediately after the three shouts were over . . . (DIGITISED)

[John McArthur, cross-examined] . . . Did you not walk away from the Criminal Court on the 25th of January 1808, with the members of that Court? - No; to the best of my recollection, I walked away with a Dr. Townson; the members of the Court might be following close after for aught I know, but I did not observe them. I remember now, there was also a Mr. Blaxcell and a Mr. Bayly, who were my bail.

Were you not with the troops on the 26th of January, and did you not, as they marched to the Government House, give directions, both to several of the men, and particularly to the music.? - No; I have no recollection of anything of the kind. I walked with them, but I recollect giving no directions either to the men or to the music.

"New South Wales Intelligence", Colonial Times (5 November 1833), 3 

We have been informed (although we are somewhat inclined to doubt our authority), that H. M. Store Ship Buffalo, now in Sydney Cove, is the same vessel that visited this distant part of His Majesty's dominions, during the administration of Governor King. We have, therefore, been induced to refer to the Sydney Gazette for information respecting this vessel, and in a file of that paper now before us, we find in vol. 1 No. 7, dated 17th April 1803, the following paragraph, which we insert, and we trust it will not be unacceptable to our readers, as it shews, that at so early a period of the Colony, public entertainments were given in a manner that would not disgrace it at the present day:-

"On Tuesday last a grand fête was given on board His Majesty's ship Buffalo, by Captain Kent . . . In the evening the Band of the New South Wales Corps was introduced, dancing took place, and at a late hour after supper, the company withdrew, highly gratified and amused with their entertainment."

More documentation on the band (ordered by event date) in the following chronicle files: (1792 to 1800) (1801-10)


Rum Rebellion (January 1808)

Regimental records:

New South Wales Corps (afterwards 102nd Foot), 1789 to 1796 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

CONTENTS: Muster rolls and paylists

New South Wales Corps, 1789 to 1803 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

CONTENTS: Out letters, secretary-at-war to NSW; WO 4/845

New South Wales Corps, 1790 to 1809 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

CONTENTS: Monthly returns (summaries only), NSW to London, WO 17/241

New South Wales, 1791 to 1792 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

CONTENTS: Monthly returns (summaries only), NSW to London, WO 17/2294

New South Wales, 1803 to 1810 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

CONTENTS: Out letters, secretary-at-war to NSW; WO 4/846

New South Wales Corps, 1808 to 1816 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

CONTENTS: Various registers; description and succession books

New South Wales Corps, 1808 to 1816 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

CONTENTS: Various registers; description and succession books

102nd Foot (New South Wales Corps), 1806 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

CONTENTS: Various registers; description and succession books; alphabetical statement of service to 24 June 1806

102nd Foot (New South Wales Corps), 1798 to 1799 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Muster rolls and paylists

102nd Foot (New South Wales Corps), 1800 to 1801 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Muster rolls and paylists

102nd Foot (New South Wales Corps), 1802 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Muster rolls and paylists 

102nd Foot (New South Wales Corps), 1803-04 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Muster rolls and paylists

102nd Foot (New South Wales Corps), 1805-06 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Muster rolls and paylists

102nd Foot (New South Wales Corps), 1807-09 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Muster rolls and paylists

102nd Foot (late New South Wales Corps), 1810-12 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Muster rolls and paylists

102nd Foot, 1813-15 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Muster rolls and paylists

100th Foot (late 102nd), 1816-18 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Muster rolls and paylists

102nd Foot, 1810 to 1817 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

CONTENTS: Casualty returns

See also:

New South Wales Corps, 1795-1797; 1798-99; 1800-02; bound MSS, copies of general orders issued by Governor Hunter, and regimental orders; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Pamela Statham (ed.), A colonial regiment: new sources relating to the New South Wales Corps 1789-1810 ([Canberra]: P. Statham, 1992)

Robert Jordan, The convict theatres of early Australia 1788-1840 (Sydney: Currency House Inc., 2002), 78, 304 (note 43)

George Parsons, "New South Wales Corps (act. 1789-1810)", Oxford dictionary of national biography (online 2004; 2012) 

Robert Jordan, "Music and the military in New South Wales, 1788-1809", Journal of Australian colonial history 17 (2015), 1-22;dn=428841963923204;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "The New South Wales Corps (Rum Corps) . . .", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived at NLA Pandora) 

"The New South Wales Corps & 102nd Regiment & Veteran Co.", Biographical database of Australia (BDA) []

"New South Wales Corps", Wikipedia 

Band of the 73rd Regiment (Sydney, NSW, 1809-14)

Arrived with regiment, Sydney, NSW, 28/30 December 1809 / 1 January 1810 (per Dromedary, from Yarmouth, 8 May)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 5/6 April 1814 (per General Hewett, for Colombo, Ceylon, 17 August) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Maurice Charles O'CONNELL (commander of regiment; lieutenant governor, NSW)

Band masters and corporals:

Francis DETRICK (DIETRICH) (master of the band, civilian)

William CURTIS (band corporal)


Alexander GOODALL (bandsman, private)

George GRIFFIN (bandsmen, drummer, formerly bandsman of the NSW Corps)

Daniel HOSIE (bandsman, drummer)

Andrew INGLIS (bandsman, drummer)

James LEARMOUTH (bandsman, not in paylists, ? civilian or convict supernumary)

John MASON (bandsman, drummer)


Samuel WIGGINS (much later erroneously reported to have been band sergeant-master of the 73rd; correctly, marine, died Hobart, TAS, 1811)

Regimental paylists (band membership not indicated):

Pay-list of the 1st Batt'n Seventy Third Regiment of Foot from 25 September to 24 December 1812 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / Gosling William . . . (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . . Curtis William (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers . . .
Griffin George
Hosie Daniel
Inglis Andrew
Mason John

Pay-list of the 1st Batt'n Seventy Third Regiment of Foot from 25 December 1813 to 24 March 1814 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / Gosling William . . . (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . . Curtis William (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers . . .
Griffin George
Hosie Daniel
Inglis Andrew
Mason John (DIGITISED)

Privates . . . Goodall Alex'r

Note: James Learmouth not listed; ? private James Larmont (? Larmouth)

Report of invalid soldiers examined at Chelsea Hospital, 14 September 1836; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

Dan'l Hosie / [age] 43 /
[formerly] Private 73rd Foot / [Corporal] 10 1/12 / Private 2 / East India 4 7/12
[Regiment] 56th [Foot] / [private] 15 5/12 /
[total service] 29 9/12 / [underage] 4 / [total of age] 25 9/12 /
[debility] Chronic dyspnea / [born] Barony Airdrie Lanarks. / [residence] [illeg/]


Journal of Elizabeth Macquaries, 1809; Macquarie archive, Macquarie University (TRANSCRIPT)

[1809, December] 15th.. At half past 10 o'clock this morning we have with the mercy of God made the land; having a clear sight of the Mew Stone. Col'l M. immediately order'd the Band to play God save the King! when it struck up he felt himself particularly affected. --- we have made the land in the most favorable manner possible . . . It blows a fine moderate gale at S. W. which if it continues to blow as fresh and as fair as it does at present, we shall probably see Port Jackson in three days . . .

Journal of Ellis Bent, Dromedary, 1809; "Journal of a voyage from England to the Cape of Good Hope being part of a voyage to New South Wales . . ."; National Library of Australia, MS 195/2 

[Friday 9 June 1809] . . . At 10 a.m. a Black Soldier of the Band punished with a dozen for stealing . . . At Noon . . . we were about 276 miles from Madeira . . .

[Sunday 9 July 1809] Very fine morning but very hot and little Wind, Prayers read in Publick, and the Band sang Psalms . . .

[Thursday 17 August, Rio de Janeiro] Sir James Gambier enlivened us all by giving a very gay Ball at Botofago. All the Ladies and many of the Officers of the 73rd were invited . . . In the evening . . . the Ball went very well. The Band of the 73rd played. Lord Strangeford was there, the Papal Nuncio, and many Portuguese . . . did not reach the Dromedary until 4 o'clock a.m.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ellis Bent (judge advocate, musical amateur)

Journal of Alexander Huey (ensign), 1809; typescript from original manuscript; MS B 1514, State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

[embarkation 21 May 1809] . . . On the 21st morning we weighed anchor . . . [Governor] at length came at 4 in the afternoon . . . the Guard consisting of 40 men on the Quarter deck and the Band was stationed on the Poop. The moment the Governor came on the Quarter deck the Band stuck up, the guard presented arms and the officers took off their hats.

. . . [4 June 1809, king's birthday] . . . Captain Pritchard, being determined to celebrate the King's birthday in as great a style as possible, ordered the Band up to play "God save the King" on the Quarter Deck, but they had scarce played the first half of the tune when the ship gave a lurch which sent them all rolling to the lee side, to the great amusement of the sailors . . . (DIGITISED)

[29 June 1809]. . . The wind since our departure from Madeira had been quite fair and the passage had hitherto been very pleasant . . . The band performed on the Quarter Deck every evening at 6.00 o'clock. At 8.00 the drums and fifes began to play and the soldiers and sailors danced till 10.00. (DIGITISED)

On December 21st at 10.00 the Commodore made signal for land on our larboard bow. At half-past-ten we saw the Ram's Head very plain and Cape Home a little beyond it. The band performed on the poop. The "Hindostan" ranged up within pistol shot to hear the music . . . (DIGITISED)

[30 December] . . . Arrive in Sydney Cove at 3.00 o'clock. A number of people were assembled on the shore and the wharf. It was quite calm . . . The band played one of our favourite tunes. A party of natives, about 16 in number, assembled around a fire on the shore and danced. At 11 o'clock at night we could see the natives round the fire and hear them distinctly singing songs and beating time on a shield . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Huey (officer)

Henry Colden Antill, journals (21 December 1809) [written in 1849]; State Library of New South Wales, ML Safe 1/20a (TRANSCRIPT)

Thursday, December 21st [1809]. - About 10 o'clock saw Cape Howe, N.W. distant about 25 or 30 miles. Displayed the Colours of the Regiment on the poop, the band playing God Save the King.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Colden Antill (officer)

"SYDNEY GAZETTE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (7 January 1810), 2 

The debarkation of the 73d Regiment took place in the forenoon; and at 12 the troops formed into a square on the Grand Parade, one side of which consisted of the 102d Regiment. On the arrival of the Governor and Suite in the centre of the square, His EXCELLENCY was received by a general salute from the troops. His Majesty's Commission was then opened by the GOVERNOR himself, and given by His EXCELLENCY into the hands of the Judge Advocate, by whom it was unfolded. The Great Seal of the Territory was then displayed; on which part of the ceremony the Troops again saluted, by presenting arms, Officers saluting, and the Music playing "God save the King!" the Governor and Suite uncovering, in token of Duty and Respect to the King's Commission.

The JUDGE ADVOCATE then proceeded to the reading of the Governor's Commission . . . after which HIS EXCELLENCY was pleased to address the Inhabitants and the Military in a short and very animated Speech, which was answered with three cheers; when the Troops again gave a general Salute, the Bands playing "God save the King!". . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Lachlan Macquarie (incoming governor)

"SYDNEY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 April 1810), 2 

On Friday, the day appointed for the Commodore's Embarkation, the 73d Regiment were under arms at 11, for the purpose of paying the usual honors to the late GOVERNOR in CHIEF on his departure, the lines extending from the government Wharf round by Government House and down the Avenue to Government House which faces the Bridge. At half past eleven the COMMODORE, conducting Mrs. PUTLAND, entered the ranks at the end of the Bridge, and proceeded to Government House, where the Officers, Civil and Military reassembled to take their leave. About 12 the COMMODORE, accompanied by His Excellency, the GOVERNOR in CHIEF, attended, a numerous company of Officers, moved towards the Wharf, the Military presenting arms, and the Band of the 73d proceeding the procession, playing "God save the King" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Bligh (departing former governor)

"SYDNEY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 May 1810), 2 

On Tuesday at 11 in the forenoon embarked on board His Majesty's ship Dromedary, Colonel WILLIAM PATERSON, of the 102d Regiment, formerly Lieutenant-Governer of this Colony, and his LADY. On this occasion the Avenue leading from His HONOR'S late Residence to the Government Stairs was lined by the Grenadier Company of the 73d Regiment, presenting arms, the Regimental Band playing the ever favourite air "GOD SAVE THE KING" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Paterson (commander, 102nd regiment, died at sea on the voyage)

"HIS MAJESTY'S BIRTH-DAY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 June 1810), 2 

Monday last being the Anniversary of the Birth-Day of OUR MOST GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN, was ushered in with the ringing of bells and display of flags from Fort Philip, the Royal Standard waved conspicuous, and the Union Jack was hoisted at Dawes's Point Battery, and on board all the ships in the cove. At 12 o'clock His Excellency the GOVERNOR arrived on the parade, attended by the Officers of his staff, where the 73rd Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel O'CONNELL, passed in Review before him, and fired three vollies in honor of the day . . . In the evening the lawn in front of Government House was thrown open and instantly crowded by an immense number of the inhabitants, led thither to behold the decoration of the viranda, which was hung in festoons of the richest foliage, interspersed with a number of lamps, and producing a most pleasing and enchanting effect when beheld at a distance, especially as the branches of oranges in full growth that appeared suspended through the whole, gave it altogether the air of an illuminated orange grove; and the fascination was rendered complete at the time by the numerous bits and pieces of music performed by the Band of the 73rd Regiment, which was stationed in the Hall of Government House. The Toasts given were: . . .

"The SUBSCRIBERS' BALL . . .", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 October 1810), 2 

. . . On Tuesday and Thursday night was honoured with the presence of His Excellency the Governor and Lady; His Honor the Lieut. Governor and Lady; the Judge Advocate and Lady; the Magistrates, and other Officers Civil and Military, and all the Beauty and Fashion of the Colony. Over the door of the Ball-room a Transparency was placed, of the Royal Arms of the United Kingdoms; the full band of the 73d played-off "God save the King" in exquisite style, and between the country dances filled the room with other melodious and appropriate airs . . .

"Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 January 1813), 2 

THE COMMEMORATION DINNER, In Celebration of His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR'S assuming the Command in the Colony, yesterday took place in George-street, and was attended by nearly 150 persons, among whom were many Gentlemen of the first respectability, who were highly gratified in the opportunity thus afforded of joining in the duties of respect to His EXCELLENCY the COMMANDER in CHIEF. The number of persons expected to assemble on the agreeable occasion suggesting the apprehension that a fete champetre would be the better adapted to the warmth of the season, a spacious tent was erected in the front garden of Mr. Robert Jenkins, one of the Stewards, and fancifully decorated with various ensigns, together with a variety of shrubs and boughs, formed into wreaths, festoons, and other neat devices. The tables were formed in an oblong with an open end, and on the outside of the tent the British Colours were displayed. At six the Company sat down to an excellent Dinner; during which the full Band of the 73d Regiment, under favor of the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel O'CONNELL, played a number of appropriate airs . . . After dinner succeeded the Toasts, all of which were followed by well adapted airs. First. - The King! . . .

"Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 August 1813), 2 

On Monday last at noon the remains of the late Lieutenant Ferguson were interred in the burial ground at Sydney. The funeral procession included most of the officers, civil and military, preceded by a Company of the 73d Regiment, and the full Band sounding a solemn dirge. At twelve the procession began to move towards the church of St. Philip, where the service was performed by the Rev. Mr. FULTON; and about half past one the remains of this much-lamented young officer were deposited in the grave with all military honours.

Payment request, Lachlan Macquarie to bandsman, musicians, 73rd regiment, 10 March 1814; Wentworth family papers, MS A763, 79 (and receipt verso), State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

Sydney, 10th March 1814.
Sir, Please to pay the undermentioned seven men belonging to the Band of the 73d Regiment, the sums herein annexed, to their respective names (in lieu of shoes agreed to be given them) in remuneration for their performing Sacred Music at Church on Sundays from 1st Oct'r 1812 to the 31st March 1814; there being 3 pairs of shoes one to each man, viz:
1 Wm. Curtis - Corporal - £ 1. 5. 6
2 Alex'r Goodall - Musician - 1. 5. 6
3 James Learmouth - [Musician] - 1. 5. 6
4 Andrew Inglis - [Musician] - 1. 5. 6
5 Daniel Hosie - [Musician] - 1. 5. 6
6 George Griffin - [Musician] - 1. 5. 6
7 John Mason - [Musician] - 1. 5. 6
[Total] £ 8. 18. 6.
Charging the said amount of £ 8. 18. 6 to the Police Fund.
L. Macquarie.
To D. Wentworth Esq., Treasurer Police Fund (DIGITISED)

We the undermentioned persons acknowledge to have had from Mr. Wentworth the different sums [? ? ?] on the other side.
William Curtis
A. Goodall
Jas. Learmouth
Andrew Inglis
Daniel Hosie
George Griffin
John Mason

ASSOCIATIONS: St. Philip's church (Sydney)

Payment request, Lachlan Macquarie, for Francis Ditrich, 18 March 1814; Wentworth family papers, MS A763, 83, State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

Sydney 18th March 1814
Sir, Please to pay to the bearer, Mr. Francis Ditrich, Master of the Band of the 73d Regiment, the sum of £2 11. - St'g in lieu of six pairs of shoes, one to his as a remuneration for conducting the Band in performing sacred music at the Church at Sydney, from 1st Oct'r 1812 to 31st March 1814 inclusive; charging the same to the Police Fund.
L. Macquarie.
To D. Wentworth Esq'r, Treasurer Police Fund. (DIGITISED)

Sydney March 11th 1814
Received of Darcy Wentworth Esquire Treasurer to the Police Fund the Sum of Two pounds Eleven Shillings Sterling agreeable to the within order. Francis Dittrick
Witness Robert Jones

Payment to band, to 31 March 1814 New South Wales, Colonial Secretary's Papers, 1794-1825; p. 489; State Records Authority NSW (DIGITISED)

See also "GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 April 1814), 2 

. . . - Francis Detrick, Master of the Band of H. M. 73d Regiment, and seven other Musicians belonging to ditto, for performing sacred Music at the Church at Sydney, from the 1st of October, 1812, to 31st March, 1814 / 11. 9. 6 . . .

"Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 April 1814), 2 

On Wednesday the General Hewett transport sailed for Ceylon with the Head-quarters Detachment of the 73d Regiment, under the Command of Lieutenant Colonel O'CONNELL.

Regimental records:

NOTE: Band membership not indicated in any of the paylists below

73rd Regiment: Highland, December 1808 to December 1811 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

73rd Regiment: Highland, December 1811 to December 1813 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

73rd Regiment: Highland, December 1813 to December 1815 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Richard Cannon, Historical record of the Seventy-Third Regiment . . . from the period of its being raised . . . and of its subsequent services to 1851 (London: Parker, Furnivall and Parker, 1851), 24-25 (DIGITISED)

. . . The first battalion of the SEVENTY-THIRD regiment having been considerably reinforced by volunteers from the hundred-and-second regiment (late New South Wales corps), which it relieved at New South Wales, and 1812 which was ordered home, its establishment was raised, in the year 1812, to twelve hundred rank and file, which included a veteran company formed from the veterans of the hundred-and-second regiment, and attached to the SEVENTY-THIRD, while the battalion continued to serve at New South Wales, and was, on its leaving that colony, transferred to the forty-sixth regiment. About the end of the year 1813, an order arrived 1813 from England to embark the first battalion of the SEVENTY-THIRD regiment for the island of Ceylon . . .

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "73rd (Highland) Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"73rd (Perthshire) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Other documentation (1810s)

General regulations (UK 1811, 1816)

General regulations and orders for the army (London: W. Clowes, 1811), 92-93 (see also Herbert and Barlow 2013, 272) (DIGITISED)

In Regiments that have Bands of Music, one Private Soldier of each Troop of Company is permitted to act as a Musician, and a Serjeant is allowed to act as Master of the Band; but all these men are to be effective to the Service as Soldiers, are to be perfectly drilled, and liable to serve in the Ranks in any emergency.

The Sounds for the Trumpet and Bugle Horn, prescribed by the General Order of the 29th December 1798, are to be adopted and used exclusively of any others by every Regiment and Corps of Cavalry in His Majesty's Service.

[93] It is extremely essential that the Music and the Drums and Fifes, when playing or beating for Military Purposes, on occasions permitted by His Majesty's Regulations, and, above all, in the Ordinary and Quick Time Marches, should be attentive not to deviate in the most trifling degree from the Time which will allow, within the minute, the exact number of steps prescribed by His Majesty's Regulations, and the Music for both Slow and Quick Time should be practised under the direction of the Drum Major with the Plummet, until the exact prescribed Cadence has been acquired; the Music and the Drums should be frequently practised together, in order that when relieving each other in the Quick March, the time may not differ in the smallest degree, but the Cadence, according to Regulation, be uniformly and uninterruptedly preserved.

Charles James, The regimental companion: containing the pay, allowances and relative duties of every officer in the British service . . . seventh edition . . . volume 1 (London: Printed for T. Egerton, 1811), 254-56, etc. (DIGITISED)

The serjeant-major is to keep a roster and roll of duties of the non-commissioned officers and private men. The drum and fife majors are to observe the same regulation with respect to their drummers and fifers. The quarter-master serjeant to assist the quarter-master, mid to see that the pioneers do their duty . . .

If any serjeant or corporal is known to drink, or keep company, with the soldiers, drummers, or fifers, or to conceal from his officer any instance of indecent or unsoldier-like behaviour among them, he will be confined on a charge of connivance, &c. contrary to good order and discipline, and be tried accordingly.

[255] . . . Gaming, of every description, is strictly prohibited among non-commissioned officers, drummers, and private men.

The drum and fife majors, with all the drummers and fifers off duty, are to practise the reveille, troop, retreat, and taptoo, every day.

[256] The musicians are to attend at all roll callings, and to be present invariably, when the regiment is under arms. The best proficient in music, and otherwise capable of directing, is to be appointed to act as master of the band, under whose immediate care and inspection the rest are to be placed, and he must be answerable for their clean and uniform appearance. The drum-major, being more essentially necessary in actual service, should have the superintendance of the whole.

The musicians, drummers, and fifers, are to be uniformly dressed on all occasions, and on no account whatever to deviate from the standing orders of the regiment.

"GENERAL ORDER. No. 326. HORSE GUARDS, 28th December, 1816", The army list (January 1817), 81 (DIGITISED)

THE Mode of Instruction for the Drum and Fife, practised in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, having been referred to several Regiments in order to ascertain whether its adoption would be attended with advantage, and the Reports which have been received appearing satisfactory, The Commander in Chief, with a view of assimilating the respective "Calls and Beats" throughout the several Regiments of Infantry, is pleased to Command that the System of Instruction for the Drum and Fife, introduced by Drum-Major Potter, of the Coldstream Guards, shall be considered as the established System, and be adopted accordingly.

By Command of His Royal Highness The Commander in Chief.
HARRY CALVERT, Adjutant General.

The Prices of the Drum and Fife Instructions, by Drum Major Potter, of the Coldstrean Regiment of Foot Guards, and the manner of disposing of them in the several Regiments.

A Set for one Battalion, containing as follows:

The Drum Major. [Price] l. s. d.
1 Drum Book - 0 4 6
1 Treatise - 0 2 6
1 Book of the Words of Command - 0 0 9

The Fife Major.
1 Fife Book - 0 3 0
1 Treatise - 0 13 3
1 Book of the Words of Command - 0 0 9
10 Treatises for the Regimental Schoolmaster, to be learned similar to Dr. Bell's System of Education, at 2s. 6d. each Book - 1 5 0

[Total] 1 19 0

S. Potter, No.2, Fynes Street,
Vincent Square, Westminster.

The art of beating the drum, with the camp garrison & guard duty by note . . . by Samuel Potter (London: Henry Potter, [1817]) (DIGITISED)

The art of playing the fife: with the camp, garrison & street duty by note . . . by Samuel Potter (London: Henry Potter, [1817])

The bugle horn major's companion . . . by Samuel Potter (London: Henry Potter, [1817])

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Potter (drum major); Henry Potter (d. 1876; son of Samuel, musical instrument maker, in business since 1810); as at 2022, the company is still in existence under the same name; see 

Other band news

[Advertisement], Calcutta Gazette (18 April 1811), 3 (PAYWALL)

To be Sold by Public Auction, By Gould, Son & Campbell, At their Great-Room, On SATURDAY next, the 20th April . . .
AT THE SAME TIME, THE FOLLOWING Valuable Band Instruments, VIZ.

Three fine toned B Clarionets,
Three C ditto,
A third, sixth and seventh Flutes,
A very fine Bassoon,
A Serpent,
A French Horn, with Crook,
A Trumpet, with ditto,
A Bass Drum,
A Tambourine, with bells and jingles,
Further particulars will appear in Catalogues.

[Advertisement], Government Gazette [India] (2 January 1812), 6 (PAYWALL)


ONE Bass Drum elegantly painted,
One best Military Tambourine with Bells,
Six best B. Clarionetts with extra keys,
Six best C. ditto with ditto,
Twelve extra Mouth Pieces,
Four leather Bags,
Two tipt E. Piccolos,
Two tipt F ditto,
Two tipt B. Flutes,
Two tipt C. ditto,
Two tipt F. ditto,
One pair Concert Horns with chromatic slides and case,
One Concert Trumpet,
Two Bassoons with extra keys
Two Leather Bags,
One Concert Bugle,
One Serpent and case,
One pair Military Cymbals,
One pair ditto Triangles,
Fourteen dozen Clarionett Reeds,
Fourteen boxes for ditto,
Two dozen Bassoon Reeds,
Two cases for ditto,
An Assortment of Military Music.
Price 800 Pagodas, READY MONEY.

[Advertisement], Calcutta Gazette [India] (2 April 1812), 3 (PAYWALL)

To be Sold by Public Auction, By Gould and Campbell;
At their Great Room, On SATURDAY next, the 4th Instant.
Which have been tried and approved of by the Master of 24th Band.

5 B Clarinets, with spare mouth-pieces,
2 E Flat ditto,
2 3d Flutes,
2 B Ditto,
2 C Ditto,
2 B Picolo,
1 Bassoon, with spare Belt Tops and Brass Pipes,
2 French Horns, with Crooks, Shanks and Mouth-pieces,
1 Trumpet, with Crooks, Shanks, and Mouth-piece,
1 Serpent, with Crook and Mouth-piece,
1 Bass Drum,
2 Triangles with Hammers,
12 Bassoon Reeds,
48 B Clarinet Ditto,
12 E Ditto, smaller.

[Advertisement], Madras Courier [India] (11 June 1816), 1 (PAYWALL)


FOUR New B. Clarionets,
Two French Horns complete, a little used,
Two Trumpets, do. do.
One E. Flat Bugle Horn complete, do. do.
Two Basoons, do. do.
One Base Horn, do. do.
Two F. Clarionets, new,
Three C. ditto, a little used,
One E. Flat Clarionet,
Two D. Flutes, do. do.
One Third ditto, do. do.
One pair of Cymbals, do. do.
One pair of Triangles, do. do. and
One new Tambourine,
Price 291 Star Pagodas.

[Advertisement], Saunders's News-Letter [Dublin, Ireland] (28 May 1818), 4 (PAYWALL)

BAND, 4th DRAGOON GUARDS. WANTED. A First Bassoon Player;
liberal encouragement will be given to a young Man who can give sufficient proof of his competence, and who can produce testimonials of unexceptionable character.
Apply to the Master of the Band, Royal Cavalry Barracks.

"DIED", Caledonian Mercury (24 October 1818), 3 (PAYWALL)

At Edinburgh Castle, on the 21st current, in the 26th year of his age, Mr. JOHN CRAMER, band-master of the 88th regiment - a young man of great professional abilities, much regretted by the officers of the corps. Mr. Cramer was the son of the late celebrated military musical instrument-maker of that name in London, and has taught the band of the 88th regiment for some years, and accompanied it during its various campaigns since 1812. - His remains were interred yesterday in the Canongate church-yard of this city, attended by the officers and the regiment, as well as a numerous assemblage of the brethren of the Edinburgh Encampment of Knights Templar, in their regalia, of which he was a member.

"DEATHS", Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (November 1818), 253 (DIGITISED)

On Friday the 23d ult. the remains of Mr. John Theodore Jonas Cramer, late band master to the 88th regiment, were deposited in the Canongate church-yard. Mr. C. was in his 26th year, and died of a consumption. He was much respected as a sterling musician and composer by the officers, and his good humour will long endear his memory to his surviving companions.

Band of the 46th regiment (Sydney, NSW, 1814-17)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 15 February 1814 (per Windham, from England, 23 August 1813)

Departed Sydney, NSW, [? 8] 23 September 1817 (per Matilda, for Madras, India, 16 December) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



George James MOLLE (commander of the regiment; lieutenant governor NSW)

James WALLIS (captain, amateur flautist, Indigenous culture recorder)

John SKELTON (ensign, amateur flautist)


Robert McINTOSH (master of the band, discharged 7 September 1817)

Garrett NAGLE (promoted to corporal 7 September 1817; ? band corporal, band master)


William TERNAN (bandsman, previously in Band of the NSW Corps, and 73rd Regiment)


James DUST (later band master, not with regiment in Australia)

Paylists (band membership not indicated):

Pay-list of the 46th Regiment of Foot, 25 June to 24 December 1813 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

McIntosh Robert / . . . Rec't Head Quarters

Pay-list of the 46th Regiment of Foot, 25 March to 24 June 1814 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeants . . . McIntosh Robert / [from] 9 May / . . . Promoted from Private 8th May

Pay-list of the Forty Sixth Regiment of Foot from 25 December 1815 to 24 March 1816 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / Allcock Thomas . . .
Sergeant . . . McIntosh Robert . . . (DIGITISED)

Drummer and Fifers . . .

Pay-list of the Forty Sixth Regiment of Foot from 25 June 1815 to 24 August 1816 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / Allcock Thomas . . .
Sergeant . . . McIntosh Robert . . . (DIGITISED)

Drummer and Fifers . . .

Pay-list of the 46th Regiment of Foot, 25 August to 24 October 1814 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeants . . . McIntosh Rob't / [to] 7 sept. / Discharged 7th Sept'r 1817 in N.S. Wales

[?] Corporals . . . Nagle Garrett / . . . Promoted f'm Private 7th Sept'r


"Ship News", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 February 1814), 2 

. . . yesterday arrived the Windham, Captain Bligh, also from England, having on board the head-quarters of the 46th Regt. commanded by Lieutenant Colonel MOLLE, who succeeds Colonel O'CONNELL as Lieutenant Governor of this Territory . . .

"SYDNEY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 February 1814), 2 

The 46th Regiment was landed on Tuesday; on which occasion Colonel MOLLE was saluted from the battery at Dawes's Point.

"SYDNEY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 April 1814), 2

On Monday last, the 28th ultimo, Lieutenant Colonel GEORGE MOLLE of His Majesty's 46th Regiment, was sworn in at Government House as LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR of this Territory . . . In the evening a grand Dinner was given at Government House, in honour of the Occasion, at which Lieutenant Colonel O'CONNELL (the late Lieutenant Governor) and the principal Civil, Naval, and Military Officers, and Gentlemen of the Colony were present. Many loyal and constitutional Toasts were drank, followed by appropriate Airs performed in a masterly style by the Band of the 46th Regiment, the whole, producing that flow of harmony and conviviality which could not fail to be interesting to a Company assembled on such an Occasion.

"Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 June 1815), 2 

Monday last being appointed for the Celebration of the Anniversary of HIS MAJESTY'S Birthday, who had seen completed his 77th year, was observed as a Holiday throughout the Colony, with the usual demonstrations of loyalty and joy. . . . The annual Dinner, given in Honor of the Day by His Excellency the GOVERNOR, to which all the respectable Inhabitants of the Colony were as usual invited, was upon this occasion attended by ninety persons; which party, on retiring from dinner, was augmented by the Ladies resident in Sydney. The Band of the 46th Regiment attended, and the music which was selected for the occasion was admirably performed, & added much to the amusements of the evening, which was passed in a most agreeable and social manner.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 June 1816), 2

On Thursday the 13th instant, at noon, a Government Vessel, of about 150 tons burthen, was launched from His Majesty's Dock yard at Sydney, amidst a numerous assemblage of all classes of the inhabitants, who had resorted there to witness a scene altogether so novel on the Coast of New South Wales. The style in which this fine brig left the stocks was peculiarly graceful, and enhanced the effect of the ceremony of consigning her to her new element, with the name of the "Elizabeth Henrietta" which HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR was pleased to give her in the usual form of breaking a bottle of wine on her bow. The Band of the 46th Regt. attended and played several favorite tunes, commencing at the moment of her starting with "God save the King!" followed by "Rule Britannia!", "Hearts of Oak!" and several other cheerful and appropriate airs; until at length the scene closed with the Elizabeth Henrietta riding safe at anchor in Sydney Cove.

[2 November 1816] "Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 November 1816), 2 

On Saturday last [2 November] a large party of Officers and other Gentlemen, accompanied by a number of Ladies, proceeded by water to Elizabeth Point, near to South Head, at the invitation of Captain Piper, who gave an elegant fete champetre on the occasion of laying the foundation of his intended building on that beautiful and commanding point; to which the Gentlemen proceeded in Masonic order. The company took water at the Governor's Wharf, about 12 o'clock, in barges and other boats handsomely decorated; - the full Band of the 46th Regiment leading, with agreeable and appropriate airs. At half past one they landed on Elizabeth Point, when the procession commenced, and the ceremony of laying the foundation stone being performed, an elegant cold collation was presented to the company; which separated at a late hour in the evening.

[2 November 1816] Communication of Lodge no. 227, Sydney, NSW, 14 February 1817, to the Grand Lodge of Ireland; in Karl R. Cramp and George Mackaness, A history of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of New South Wales (Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1938), vol. 1, 22-23; 28-30

From this the full colour of the day is apparent, the boats bearing Piper's guests and Masonic brethren making their way up the harbour, passing the merchant ship Willerly, commanded by a fellow Mason who fired seven guns as a salute, and the members retiring to a secluded spot upon landing and opening the lodge. The Masonic procession was led by Brother Hetherington as Junior Tyler and closed by Brother Drummond as Senior Tyler. Each of the thirty-two Masons present carried a symbol of Masonry, including the corn, oil and wine that were ceremoniously poured over the foundation stone. The band played Pleyel's "German Hymn", "The Hallelujah Hymn" and "God Save The King". The Bible used at the ceremony is reputed to have been the West Bible on which George Washington was obligated.

"NOTICE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 December 1816), 1 

IN Consequence of the Heat of the Weather, the PROMENADES in HYDE PARK, will commence at Half past Six, instead of Five o'Clock as heretofore, on the Evening of Sundays. - The Band of the 46th Regiment will attend as usual.

"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 August 1817), 2

The TRUSTEES of the POLICE FUND, in Account Current with D'ARCY WENTWORTH, Esq. Treasurer, for the Quarter ending the 30th of June, 1817 . . .
Serjt. Mclntosh, in Remuneration for Services rendered by the Band, in performing Church Music, from 1st April, 1816, to 31st March, 1817. - 8 / 10 / 0 . . .

"Ship News", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 September 1817), 2 

On Tuesday last sailed the Matilda, Capt. SOMERVILLE, for Madras, with the head-quarters of His Majesty's 46th Regiment on board, under the command of Colonel MOLLE.

[News], The Monitor (28 June 1828), 6 

The choir of St. James's attempted the psalm of Jubilate Deo, on Sunday morning. This anthem used to be performed remarkably well by the band of the 46th regiment some years ago at St. Phillip's Church. It is, when well performed, one of the sweetest pieces of sacred music that can edify a plain congregation. The choir of St. James's appeared to us, however, to fail in their performance of this anthem, as compared with the singers of the band of the 46th. The effect was not half so good, although the organ must be considered a greater assistant than four or five ordinary instruments. The 46th used to sing this psalm nearly as quick again, as it was sung on Sunday last. We think the heavy dragging effect of Sunday was owing to the slow time in which the anthem was sung. The counter singer, finding himself unsupported by the treble, lost courage, and at length sang out of tune. He was also too loud, though with proper support, this would have been no fault. The only remedy we can suggest at present is, that the anthem, the next time it is attempted, should be sung nearly as quick again, and that the organ should play under the voices. With these alterations, we feel confident Jubilate Deo will be as well performed at St. James's, as it used to be at St. Phillip's. Nunc dimittis is very well sung in the evening by the St. James's choir.

ASSOCIATIONS: St. James's church (Sydney); St. Philip's church (Sydney)

Regimental records:

46th Regiment: South Devonshire, December 1812 to December 1815 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

46th Regiment: South Devonshire, December 1815 to December 1817 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Richard Cannon, Historical record of the Forty-Sixth, or the South Devonshire Regiment of Foot (London: Parker, Furnivall and Parker, 1851), 48-52 (DIGITISED)

[50] . . . In the early part of April 1816, the flank companies of the regiment were detached into the interior of New South Wales, and received in General Orders the thanks of Major-General Macquarie, Commanding the Forces, for their arduous services in pursuing into the interior, and reducing the aborigines to a state of obedience. Captain Schaw commanded the light company, and Captain Wallis the grenadiers . . .

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "46th Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITSED)

"46th (South Devonshire) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Band of the 48th Regiment (Sydney, NSW, 1817-24)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 3/7 August 1817 (per Matilda, from Cork, 28 March)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 5 March 1824 (per Greenock, for Madras) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



James ERSKINE (commander of the regiment; lieutenant governor NSW)

Gilbert CIMITIERE (commander of the regiment, from 1823; lieutenant governor NSW)

Masters and sergeants:

William BLIZZARD (band corporal, c. 1815; band sergeant, 1815-16; private bandsman in NSW)

John LEONARD (band sergeant, NSW, for an 1840 letter from Leonard to Thomas Hewitt, see Cobold, vol. 3, 126-30)

John REED ("Sergeant REID"; band sergeant, NSW)


William BLIZZARD (private bandsman in NSW)

Thomas HEWITT (bandsman, clarinet player)

Thomas LEAVER (bandsman)

Thomas ROSE (bandsman)

James SHIELDS (bandsman)

William STANNARD (bandsman)

Andrew TIBBS (bandsman)

William TERNAN (? bandsman)

Adam TILLEY (bandsman)


Michael SCULLEY (drum major)

Benjamin HODGHON (drum major)

John SIMPSON (drum major)

Paylists (band membership not indicated after 1816)

Pay-list of the Forty Eighth Regiment of Foot from 25 October 1815 to 24 March 1816 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeants . . . Blizzard Wm. / Band . . . (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers . . .

Privates . . . Bamford John / Band . . . (DIGITISED)

Davis John / Band . . . (DIGITISED)

Hewitt Thomas / Band . . .
Holloway Ja's / Band . . . (DIGITISED)

Leaver Tho's / Band . . .
Leonard Jno. / Band . . . (DIGITISED)

Rose Tho's / Band . . .
Shields Ja's / Band . . .
Stannard W'm / Band . . . (DIGITISED)

Tibbs And'w / -
Tilley Adam / Band [sic, ? misplaced]

Pay-list of the Forty Eighth Regiment of Foot from 25 September to 24 December 1816 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeants . . . Leonard Jno / Band . . .
Privates . . . Bamford Jno. / Band . . .
Blizzard W'm / Band . . .
Hewitt Tho's / Band . . .
Hewitt Tho's / Band . . . [sic, 2 separate entries]
Leaver Tho's / Band . . .
Rose Tho's / Band . . .
Tibbs And'ew / -
Tilley Adam / Band . . .

Pay-list of the Forty Eighth Regiment of Foot from 25 March to 24 September 1817 [shipboard to 7 August] (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / Sculley Mic'l . . .
Serjeants . . . Leonard John / . . . (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers . . .

Privates . . . Blizzard Will'm . . . (DIGITISED)

Hewitt Tho's 2 . . . (DIGITISED)

Leaver Tho's . . . (DIGITISED)

Rose Thomas . . . (DIGITISED)

Shields Ja's . . .
Stannard W'm . . .
Tibbs And'w . . .
Ternan Will'm / 25 Aug't . . . From 46th Reg't . . .
Tilley Adam / . . . Reduced from Corporal 25 May

Pay-list of the Forty Eighth Regiment of Foot from 25 September to 24 December 1817 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeants . . . Leonard John / Band

Pay-list of the Forty Eighth Regiment of Foot from 25 December 1823 to 24 June 1824 [sic, 6 months] (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / Simpson John . . .

Serjeant . . . Reed John . . . (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers . . . (DIGITISED)

Hewitt Tho's 2 / Invalided to England 30 June 1823 / [labourer from] Hingham [Norfolk] (DIGITISED)

Tibbs And'w . . .


"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 August 1817), 1 

The first Division of His Majesty's 48th Regiment, under the Command of Lieutenant Colonel ERSKINE, having arrived yesterday from Ireland on board the Matilda Transport, are to be disembarked on Thursday next, the 7th Instant, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the King's Wharf; and to be from thence marched to the Barracks . . .

"Ship News", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 August 1817), 2

On Sunday last arrived the MATILDA, Capt. SOMERVILLE, from Ireland, with the Staff of the 48th Regt. commanded by Lieutenant Colonel ERSKINE, whose appointment to the Rank of Lieutenant Governor of this Territory, is announced in the General Orders of yesterday. She sailed from Cork the 28th of March; made Madeira the 9th of April, and left the day following; went into Rio the 17th May, and staid till the 26th, when she took her departure for this Colony. The number of troops are 200, and with women and children comprise a numerical total of 250 persons. We are concerned to state that the wife of Serjt. Major Scully died before the ship reached Rio; and that three children of other persons died also on the passage.

"Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 September 1818), 3

A few evenings ago a Concert was given by His Honor Lieutenant Governor ERSKINE to a numerous Party of Ladies and Gentlemen, which was succeeded by a splendid Ball. His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR, and Mrs. MACQUARIE, participated in the elegancies of the festival, as did likewise all the principal Officers, Ladies, and Gentlemen in Sydney and its vicinities; the company being in number 80 persons. At about eleven a cold collation was served up in a style of peculiar delicacy. The full Band of the 48th attended upon the amusements of the evening; and several singers, who were introduced in masquerade, added not a little to its harmonies. At the end of the collation dancing resumed; and the sprightly partie did not separate until 3 or 4 in the morning, each Lady and Gentlemen taking leave of their worthy HOST, and returning their acknowledgments for the kindness of his entertainment.

"Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (23 January 1819), 2-3 

Monday last being the auspicious Day for celebrating the Anniversary of the Birth of Our revered and Gracious Queen, was observed as a Holiday throughout the Colony; and was hailed, as usual, with all those cordial demonstrations of loyalty and affection due to the distinguished occasion . . . [3] . . . In the evening a splendid Ball and Supper were given at Government House, which displayed all the beauty and grace of the Colony . . . At 11 o'clock the supper apartments were thrown open, and presented a splendid repast, at which about 170 Ladies and Gentlemen were entertained with all the elegant varieties of the season. Re-summoned to the sprightly dance by the novel and attractive sound of the Pandean Pipes, whose shrill tones were mellowed by the softer cadences of flutes, claronets, and violins; the company returned to the Ball-room, where the dancing continued with uncommon vivacity and spirit until four o'clock in the morning, when the party retired highly gratified with the superior and truly fascinating amusements of the evening.

"Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 March 1819), 3

On Monday evening last His Honor Lieutenant Governor ERSKINE gave an entertainment to a large party of Ladies and Gentlemen, who were honoured with the presence of His Excellency the GOVERNOR and LADY; they retired at an early hour. The entertainment commenced with vocal and instrumental harmony; and beauty and fashion coevally contending the pre-eminence, it cannot be determined upon which side the balance turned. The full Regimental Band attended the fête; and between nine and ten commenced the airy Ball; the intervals of which were occupied by loyal and sentimental airs, executed with the most agreeable effect. At eleven an elegant collation called the Company from the Ball-room; which with all its brilliancy and splendor, seemed in the sullen dulness of a vacuum to regret its loss; yet smiled again upon the re-welcome of the gay fugitives: who did not separate . . .

. . . until the revolving orb of day
had chased pale Cynthia's milder beams away,
and in the infant dawn had meekly shed
a doubtful light from Neptune's liquid bed.
Fain would Apollo join the sportive throng;
Apollo, patron of the lyre and song;
dull clouds, abash'd, before his beams retire,
lest they should boil before his ardent lire.
Mistaken deity, 'twas only thee, that put an end to festive harmony.
In such assemblies if you'd wish to mix,
first dout thy torch within the waves of Styx,
O'er these festivities shall Cynthia reign;
'tis thine alone to wish and to complain.

? [June 1819] Payment from the Police Fund for ten musicians performing sacred music at Sydney church; Colonial Secretary's Papers, 1788-1825; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)

"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 June 1819), 2 

. . . STATEMENTS of the COLONIAL POLICE and ORPHAN INSTITUTION FUNDS . . . for the Quarter ending 31st March, 1819 . . .
Ten Musicians, for performing Sacred Music in St. Philip's Church, Sydney - | 9 | 0 | 0 | . . .

[25 November 1819], Louis de Freycinet, Voyage autour du monde entrepris par ordre du Roi . . . exécuté sur les corvettes de S. M. l'Uranie et la Physicienne, pendant les années 1817, 1818, 1819 et 1820, historique, tome deuxième - deuxième partie (Paris: Chez Pillet Ainé, 1839), 629-30 (DIGITISED)

. . . Cette diversion forcée ne nous avoit pas fait perdre de vue l'invitation du gouverneur Macquarie; notre départ pour Parramatta avoit été arrété pour le 25; nous montˆmes donc ce jour-là à midi dans un canot fort joli et très-vaste qui avoit été mis à nos ordres: MM. Lamarche, de Quélen, Gaimard et Railliard furent de la partie. A peine entrions-nous dans le bras de mer qui conduit de Sydney à Parramatta, que nous aperçûmes une embarcation qui sembloit poursuivre la nôtre; c'étoit [630] une galanterie du gouverneur, qui envoyoit la musique du régiment, afin de nous rendre le trajet plus agréable. Les sons mˆles de cette harmonie guerrière, répétés de temps en temps par les échos de la rive, vinrent en effet doubler le plaisir que nous prenions à contempler le paysage vraiment romantique qui se dérouloit à nos regards, et où de jolies habitations des champs, qui attestoient les soins assidus du laborieux cultivateur, succédoient par intervalle à de vastes terrains sur lesquels la nature encore brute étaloit ses sauvages beautés.

Après trois heures de cette douce navigation, nous abordˆmes à un mille du lieu qu'habite le gouverneur, près d'une ancienne caserne où nous attendoit un de ses aides-de-camp; le reste de la route eut lieu par terre. La réception qu'il nous fit fut des plus polies, et dégagée de cette froide étiquette de la ville. Nous ne fûmes pas moins bien accueillis par Mme. Macquarie, femme d'un mérite éminent, qui nous fit avec autant de noblesse que de bonté les honneurs de sa maison . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Louis de Freycinet (French naval explorer)

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (4 December 1819), 2

On Thursday last, the 2d inst. a fete champetre was given by Captain PIPER at Elizabeth Henrietta Point . . . The day proved favourable; and the scene of boats in the water, accompanied by the Band of the 48th Regiment, had a delightful effect. About one hundred Ladies and Gentlemen sat down to dinner; after which, the "merry dance" commenced, which was kept up with great spirit . . .

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 November 1820), 2

On Thursday last, the 9th instant, a large Party of Ladies and Gentlemen were entertained at Point Piper. His Honor Lieutenant Governor ERSKINE, the Honorable the COMMISSIONER of ENQUIRY, the Honorable the JUDGES, and many Strangers; amongst whom were Commodore BILLINGHAUSEN, of the Russian discovery-ships, and as many of the Russian Officers as could be spared from duty. Although the day proved stormy with rain, yet the Company escaped the weather favorably, by the Prince Regent schooner assisting in conveying the Party down and up the harbour; the Band of the 48th Regiment playing delightfully from that beautiful residence now called Point Piper, which His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR has been pleased to name it in the very handsome grant given to the Proprietor.

"Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 February 1821), 3 

The public embarkation of His Honor the Commissioner of Enquiry took place on Thursday, in pursuance of the Government and General Orders of Saturday last, the 3d instant. His Excellency the Governor and Commander in Chief, and His Honor the Lieutenant Governor (Erskine), accompanied His Honor the Commissioner to the private landing place on Bennelong's Point. All the Civil, Military, and Naval Officers, at Head-quarters, attended the procession, which was preceded by the full Band of His Majesty's 48th Regiment, the two flank companies forming a line from Government-house to the waterside . . .

"Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 July 1821), 2 

A splendid Ball was given yesterday evening by some of the principal Officers, Merchants, and Inhabitants of the Town of Sydney, to which were invited the Officers of His Majesty's ships Dauntless and Coromandel, and other Strangers in the Colony. The ball-room was elegantly fitted up in the premises of Mrs. Reibey, George-street, and was numerously attended by some of the most respectable families from the interior. The full Band of His Majesty's 48th Regiment attended; and the utmost hilarity and harmony pervaded the Company, till the solar beams began to gild the horizon, when the reluctant "Adjeu!" became necessarily introduced. It is much to be regretted in this place of rising import, that an eminent and appropriate room is not fitted up, where the Inhabitants might have it it in their power to entertain friendly visitors to Australia with more comfort and convenience.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Reibey (hotelier)

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 July 1821), 3

A Ball and Supper were yesterday evening given at Government House, by His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR and Mrs. MACQUARIE, at which were present - Captain GAMBIER and OFFICERS of His Majesty's ship Dauntless, as well as the OFFICERS (Civil and Military) of the Colony, and their LADIES. Dancing commenced about seven, continuing without intermission till eleven, when the Company were summoned to the supper-room, where elegance and neatness manifested themselves. The customary loyal and affectionate toasts were given by His EXCELLENCY, and received with enthusiastic veneration, - the full Band of the 48th playing solemn and martial airs. Supper being concluded, the Company returned, to the ballroom where the "merry dance" was resumed with renewed energy . . .

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 November 1821), 1 

UNDER the Shipping Intelligence will be perceived the annunciation of the arrival from England, on Wednesday last, of the merchant ship Royal George, Captain POWDITCH, on board of which vessel has arrived, His Excellency Major General Sir THOMAS BRISBANE, K. C. B. &c. &c. &c. with Lady BRISBANE and infant Daughter and Miss McDOUGALL, Sister to Her Ladyship, together with HIS EXCELLENCY'S Staff . . . On Thursday morning, at ten o'clock HIS EXCELLENCY left the Royal George, under the usual salute due to his distinguished rank, and landed at the private stairs on Bennelong's Point; where he was received by His Honor the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR and other Officers of the Colony; from whence he walked to Government-house accompanied by Lady BRISBANE, Family and Staff; where Mrs. MACQUARIE, in the absence of of His Excellency Governor MACQUARIE, warmly welcomed HIM, and Her Ladyship. -
The full Band of His Majesty's 48th Regiment paraded the lawn in front of Government-house, playing those soothing and martial airs that tended to give a zest to that curiosity as well as sensibility naturally excited in the minds of ALL, upon so important and interesting an occasion. At the desire (we believe) of HIS EXCELLENCY, the gates were thrown open, for the admission of the Australian Public, whose numbers quickly o'erspread the walks around the domain, in order to catch a glimpse of our future GOVERNOR - the Representative of Our Gracious and Beloved SOVEREIGN! . . .

"Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 June 1822), 3 

Monday last, being the Anniversary of St. John, the Brethren of "THE AUSTRALIAN SOCIAL LODGE," assisted by a number of Visitors from the Lodges in England, Scotland, Ireland, and France, met at Hill's, Hyde Park, to commemorate that Festival, after an appropriate and impressive discourse from a Reverend Gentleman, whose ministerial talents are well appreciated in the Colony. The sum of £10 6 was collected, which is intended to go in aid of the Benevolent Society. The Brethren sat down, at four o'clock, to a most sumptuous dinner prepared for the occasion at Mr. Hill's, which was served up in the customary "first style" of elegance and neatness. The pleasure of the evening was much enhanced by the attention of Colonel ERSKINE, who, with his accustomed politeness, granted the Lodge the use of the full Band of the 48th Regiment, who played a variety of masonic and patriotic airs, during the evening. A number of loyal toasts was given from the chair, and received by the Brethren with the most enthusiastic applause. The visiting Brethren were much pleased at the harmony and sociality which was preserved through the evening, and which has at all times been so peculiar to the craft; as also at the Masonic Order in which the business of the Lodge is managed. The party broke up at a late hour, all present having participated in the conviviality of the evening.

"Sydney", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 July 1822), 2 

The First Dinner of the newly-formed Agricultural Society of New South Wales was held, at Walker's, Parramatta, on Tuesday last. His Excellency Sir THOMAS BRISBANE, K. C. B. the Patron, and FREDERICK GOULBURN, Esq. Colonial Secretary, the Vice-Patron, were present. Upon this gratifying occasion, Sir JOHN JAMISON was President, and WM. COX, Esq., Vice-President. Upwards of eighty Gentlemen, of the first rank and opulence in the Territory, sat down, at six o'clock, to a most splendid dinner. Several loyal, patriotic, and appropriate toasts were given by the President, His Excellency the Patron, the Vice-Patron, and Stewards . . . The full Band of the 48th attended . . .

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 January 1823), 2 

Friday last [27 December 1822] being the Anniversary of SAINT JOHN, the MASONIC LODGES, both Civil and Military, proceeded in procession, with the full Band of His Majesty's 48th Regiment to the Wesleyan Chapel in Macquarie-street; where a sermon was delivered on the gratifying occasion by the Rev. Mr. CARVOSSO . . . After the service a subscription was made, as usual, for benevolent purposes, when upwards of £7 were collected. The several Lodges then returned to their respective Lodge-rooms . . . The evening was spent by the Brethren in conviviality; and the Craft broke up at an early hour.

ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Carvosso (clergyman)

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 February 1823), 2

On Monday, the 17th instant, the Brethren of the Australian Masonic Lodge dined together at Mr. Bacon's new house, in George-street, on the intention of a farewell to Colonel ERSKINE, who was pleased to favor them with the full Band of the 48th Regt. The evening was spent in conviviality, and the Brethren retired at eleven o'clock . . .

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 January 1824), 2 

Saturday last [27 December 1823], being the Anniversary of St. JOHN the EVANGELIST, the Civil and Military Lodges of Freemasons, attended Divine Service at the Wesleyan Chapel, Macquarie street, where an excellent Sermon was delivered by the Rev. G. Erskine on the occasion: in which the three grand principles of the Order, Faith, Hope and Charity, were lucidly and profitably expounded. A collection was made for the Benevolent Institution: after which the Grand Lodge of Australia, retired to Brother Hills, Corner of Hyde Park, where a most sumptuous dinner was provided for the Brethren. The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given, accompanied by the band of the 48th Regiment, and the evening passed in peace, love, and harmony. At 9 o'clock the Brethren separated, highly gratified with their entertainment.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 March 1824), 2 

His Majesty's 48th Regiment, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel CIMITIERE, embarked from the Dock-yard, on Friday afternoon last, on board of the ships Greenock, Asia, and Sir Godfrey Webster. The Greenock takes the head-quarters.

"DISBURSEMENTS . . . ECCLESIASTICAL ESTABLISHMENT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 October 1825), 1

St. Phillip's Church, Sydney . . .
Paid Serjeant Reid, and others of the band of the 48th Regt. for performing sacred music, from 1st April 1823, to 1st April 1824 - [£] 42 00
Ditto John Onions, for conducting the psalmody, on Thursday evenings, and Sunday afternoons, from Mar. 18, to Sept. 7 - 19 00
Ditto Edward Hoare, for ditto from 8th Sept. to 7th Dec. - 10 00
Ditto Serjeant Kavanagh, and others, for conducting the psalmody on Sunday mornings, from 7th March, to 7th Sept. - 21 00
Ditto McRoberts, for ditto and writing music, from 8th Sept. to 7th Dec. - 13 00 . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward McRoberts (musician, bandsman 3rd Regiment); Thomas Kavanagh (master of the band, 3rd regiment); Band of the 3rd regiment (military); John Onions (singing leader); Edward Hoare (singing leader)

Regimental records:

48th Regiment: Northamptonshire, December 1815 to December 1817 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

48th Regiment: Northamptonshire, December 1817 to December 1819 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

48th Regiment: Northamptonshire, December 1819 to December 1820 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

48th Regiment: Northamptonshire, December 1820 to December 1822 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

48th Regiment: Northamptonshire, December 1822 to December 1823 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

48th Regiment: Northamptonshire, December 1823 to December 1824 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)


Regimental medal of the 48th (Northamptonshire) Foot, awarded to Thomas Hewit [sic], Sydney, 1819; Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney

Regimental medal of the 48th (Northamptonshire) Foot, awarded to bandsman Thomas Hewit [sic], Sydney, 1819; Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney (IMAGE DIGITISED)

Issued 1819, for service with the regiment in the Peninsula War; 10 actions engraved on reverse: Talavera, Albuera, Rodrigo [Ciudad], Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes, Toulouse.

Bibliography and resources:

Richard Cobbold, Mary Anne Wellington: the soldier's daughter, wife and widow (London: H. Colburn, 1846), 3 vols, especially (DIGITISED)

[vol, 1, 146] . . . "Upon my word", cried Dan, "betrothed! betrothed before me, Dan Long, drum-major of his Majesty's gallant 48th. Well, now I will make short work of it: I publish the banns of marriage between Thomas Hewitt, fifer, trombone player, fiddler, trumpeter, and hautboy player, or player of any kind, and Mary Anne Wellington, maid of the Rock of Gibraltar . . . (DIGITISED)

[vol. 2, 92] . . . in the latter part of October, 1810 . . . [93] . . . "By the orders we have received to beat to arms, General Hill's division is ordered to move towards Badajos, and if our Commander has not some intention of playing a new game, I am mistaken. Up with you, master of the band, and you, Thomas Hewitt, drummer, fifer, and bugle-man. Up with you, and mind your wife follows us closely; for my belief is, we shall never fall back again upon these lines, when once our General has left them" . . . (DIGITISED)

[vol. 2, 116] . . . Dan and his comrade sat, or rather reclined against their drums. The common soldier knows but little of the disposition of a battle. He has confidence in his Commander, and, obedient to his orders, he is ready to do the work appointed him. It is generally the duty of the band to be in the rear, and attend to the wounded, unless they volunteer for action, or are permitted to exchange places with a wounded or sick comrade. There are instances of men of the noblest courage being suddenly taken ill the night before a battle, and being quite unable to stand. Such was the case with one fine fellow of the 48th, who actually fainted away on that night, and was carried into the rear for dead. Dan, with the band of his regiment lay around him. Stewart, Ashby, Betts, Hewitt, Winter, Holmes, Davies, [117] Harbourg, Leonard, Johnson the cymbal-beater, a man of colour, Charles Thomas, Darby, Kenedy . . . (DIGITISED)

[vol. 3, 28] . . . Her husband's musical abilities brought him into notice, and he enjoyed his stay in Ireland equally with his wife. But the 48th were ordered to New South Wales, to relieve the 47th, then in barracks at Sydney . . . (DIGITISED)

[vol. 3, 33] . . . The regiment was ordered on board [the Matilda]. Colonel James Erskine, the commanding officer, was a man well adapted to keep all his junior officers and soldiers in good heart, through a long and tedious voyage. Remarkable for an intelligent mind and for literary pursuits, he encouraged in all beneath him the cultivation of letters, which tended greatly to lighten the burden of confinement on board. His society was always to be desired, and was always enjoyed by those who felt his superior attainments . . . [34] . . . Two hundred privates on board, besides the band and officers, women and children, and the crew of the ship, formed a great society assembled in a small compass . . . (DIGITISED)

[vol. 3, 57] . . . "I told you I thought you would have no convicts to superintend and keep to work. I am sure Governor Macquarrie is very kind and condescending to us; his lady, too, is a warm friend to the soldier's wife." Thomas Hewitt was, in truth, made much of. He was so diligent in his application to the study and practice of his clarionet, that it obtained him frequent introductions into the most polite circles in Sydney, where music was much cherished by the Governor's lady, who was very partial to this elegant accomplishment. Frequently was he sent for, to accompany that lady in the best concerto music which could be procured, and in her fashionable and crowded drawing-room this brave man was treated with the respect due to his talents and his demeanour. Received, as at Gibraltar, into the best [58] society, he never threw off the manners of a truly humble and quiet man; was never puffed up with applause, nor even carried beyond the balance of propriety, by any of the attentions he received. He sought not to shine, but to give pleasure to others, by producing those harmonious sounds in which he so greatly delighted. Nor did he forget to appropriate all he received to the welfare of his wife and children . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Macquarie (musical amateur)

Henry George Farmer, The rise and development of military music (London: Wm. Reeves, 1912), 89 (DIGITISED)

. . . An interesting account of the band of the Forty-eighth Regiment during this campaign [Peninsular] may be found in Cobbold's "Mary Ann Wellington." From this work we find that the Forty-eighth raised their band in 1798. The band of this regiment in the war consisted of thirteen men, and the bandmaster and drum major. The exploits of the latter fill quite half of Cobbold's book . . .

Russell Gurney, History of the Northamptonshire Regiment 1742 to 1934 (Aldershot: Gale & Polden, 1935) 

Marnie Basset, Realms and islands: the world voyage of Rose de Freycinet in the Corvette Uranie, 1817-1820, from her journal and letters and the reports of Louis de Saulces de Freycinet, Capitaine de Corvette (London: Oxford University Press, 1962), 183

. . . " . . . [Macquarie] invited us to spent some days at Parramatta. A delightful barge belonging to the Governor had awaited us from 9 o'clock in the morning, but the steps to be taken . . . did not allow us to embark until midday, with M. the Abbé de Quélen, and three officers of the Uranie. We had scarcely reached the arm of the sea that leads from Sydney to Parramatta when we saw a craft that seemed to pursue ours: it was a compliment from the Governor, who sent the regimental band to enliven our way . . . these male and martial harmonies repeated in the echoes from the river . . .

Clem Sargent, The colonial garrison 1817-1824: the 48th Foot, the Northhamptonshire Regiment in the colony of New South Wales (Canberra: TCS Publications, 1996)

Clem Sargent, "The British garrison in Australia 1788-1841 - Part 3: Bands of the garrison regiments", Sabretache (December 1999), 34-38 (PAYWALL) (DIGITISED)

. . . The 1811 Regulations effectively authorised a band strength of ten musicians but the regulation also specified that all musicians were to be trained as soldiers able to serve in the ranks in any emergency. At Talavera in 1809 the bandsmen of the 48th were employed in removing the wounded to shelter but, as the day progressed, they took their place in the line to repel the French attack. In 1816, when the regulations of 1811 were republished, the 48th Regiment identified its musicians with the endorsement "Band" in the Remarks column of the Muster Roll. This was the only occasion on which the roll was so endorsed and revealed that the regiment then had a band of one sergeant and eight privates, most of whom came to New South Wales in 1817 . . . Hewitt, of the 48th, was credited with being skilled in fife, clarinet, hautbois (oboe), trombone, trumpet and fiddle . . . Thomas Hewitt had joined the regiment as a drummer and William Blizzard, one time bandmaster of the 48th, had begun his service as a ten year old drummer boy in the regiment when his father was drum major. Hewitt, on his clarinet, accompanied Lady Macquarie "in the best concerto music . . . in her fashionable and crowded drawing-room". Drummers did not form part of the band although they were required to practice with the band . . . The band of the 48th entertained Captain de Freycinet and his wife with "male and martial harmonies" during their boat trip on the Parramatta River to meet Governor Macquarie in 1818 [recte 1819] [Marnie Basset, Realms and islands, London, 1962, 183] . . .

Colin Dyer, The French explorers and Sydney (St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2009), 49 (PREVIEW)

. . . [On 25 November 1818] we boarded a very large and most attractive looking ship's boat that had been put at our disposal. Messrs. Lamarche, de Quélen, Gaimard and Railliard were part of the venture. Scarcely had we entered the arms of the sea which joins Sydney to Parramatta thna we spied a shipping party that seemed to be following us - it was a gallant gesture of the Governor's, who sent the regimental band to make our trip more pleasant. The virile sounds of this military band doubled our pleasure in contemplating the truly romantic countryside which unfolded before our eyes, where pretty dwellings in the fields . . . gave way to vast strecthes of land where still-untamed nature flaunted her savage beauties . . .

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/48th Foot The (Northamptonshire) Regiment 1817-1824", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived at NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"48th (Northamptonshire) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Other documentation (1820s)

General regulations (UK 1822-23)

General regulations and orders for the army (London: William Clowes, 1822), 125, 358 (DIGITISED)

[125] . . . Trumpeters, Drummers, and Musicians.
In Regiments that have Bands of Music, a Serjeant is allowed to act as Master of the Band, and Ten Privates as Musicians, but all these Men are to be effective as Soldiers, and are to be perfectly drilled, and liable to serve in the Ranks on any emergency. This number is not to be exceeded under any circumstance, excuse, or arrangement whatever . . . (DIGITISED)

[358] . . . Should there be any Musicians undersized, Men of Colour, or Boys, their number must be stated, and the Authority on which they were enlisted . . .

"No. 401. GENERAL ORDER, HORSE GUARDS, 30th January, 1823", The army list for March 1803, 77 (DIGITISED)

"THE ARMY . . . GENERAL ORDERS, Horse Guards, January 30, 1823", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 July 1823), 1 supplement 

Difficulties having arisen upon the part of certain individuals in regard to the payment of those subscriptions which are required of Regimental Officers, the Commander-in-Chief has received the King's commands to declare to the Army, that his Majesty considers every Officer bound to pay the ordinary Regimental Mess and Band Subscriptions when he shall enter a Regiment, whether he joins it or not; and that his Majesty will regard any attempt to resist these payments as a violation of discipline. Officers are expected to join their Regiments immediate upon their appointment; and when, instead of doing so, they receive any leave of absence it would be highly improper to make such indulgence a plea whereon to evade any regulation or usage which has been sanctioned by his Majesty.

Experience having proved the maintenance of a Regimental Mess to be necessary to the due preservation of harmony, respectability, and discipline, in a Military Society; and the support of a Regimental Band, upon the economical scale prescribed in the General Order of the 8th of November, 1821, to be due to the credit of a Regiment; his Royal Highness will bring under His Majesty's special notice, the conduct of any individual who shall hereafter prevent or interrupt the comfort of his brother Officers, and the respectability of his corps, by thus cavilling at, or dissenting from arrangements, which have been adopted throughout the service to confer a general benefit, and which are confirmed by his Majesty's gracious approval.

The Commander-in-Chief expects, however, that the present Order will not be perverted into a license to distress individuals by extravagance under either of the above heads; and his Royal Highness will accordingly be ready to receive, investigate and redress any complaints that shall be made by Officers who may feel aggrieved by undue exactions at variance with the general custom of the service; but his Royal Highness will, of course in every instance, hold the complainant strictly responsible for the [? consequences] of his representations.

By Command of his Royal Highness, HENRY TORRENS, Adjutant-general.

"No. 405. GENERAL ORDER, HORSE GUARDS, 28th August, 1823", The army list for September 1803, 73 (DIGITISED)

WITH reference to the General order of 8th November, 1821, the Commander-in-Chief has been pleased to direct, that, in future, the establishment of each Regimental Band throughout the Service shall be a Serjeant (Master) and Fourteen Musicians; but in granting this indulgence, it is His Royal Highness's express Command, that the strong prohibition contained in that Order, against any excess of the prescribed numbers, shall be strictly applied to the establishment now authorized.

By Command of his Royal Highness, The Commander in Chief, HENRY TORRENS, Adjutant-general.

Military band at Vauxhall Gardens, c. 1820 (from Egan's Life in London)

Detail, military band in the "Orchestra" at Vauxhall Gardens, London, c. 1820, with "Turkish" percussion players in turbans; from the illustration by I. R. and George Cruickshank, "Tom, Jerry and Logic making the most of an Evening at Vauxhall Gardens", in Pierce Egan, Life in London (London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1821), plate after 338 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

For another similar image, see: (DIGITISED)

According to a 1917 recollection, the Band of the 51st Regiment was the first to introduce the "Turkish crescent" to Tasmania

A colonial regiment's band committee writes to their London agents

Letter, with enclosures, from Band Committee, 2nd West India Regiment, Sierra Leone, 21 June 1821, to Greenwood, Cox, & Co., Army Agents, London; private collection, with thanks to Mike Bishop (2020)

[1 recto] Sierra Leone, 21st June 1821

[At foot of recto]: To Messrs. Greenwood, Cox, & Co., &c. &c. &c.


Enclosed we have the honor to forward a statement of the outstanding accounts of the Band Fund of the 2d West India Regiment, and we request you would be pleased to collect the amount. We are aware some of the officers named in the enclosed do not now belong to the Reg't but trust you will not find any difficulty in recovering the sums due, on that account.

We have this day drawn upon you in favor of Capt. Chisholm, for Fifty Pounds, on account of the band.

We should feel [1 verso] much obliged, if you would take the trouble to direct some instrument maker to send us as soon as possible the following:

500 Clarionette Reeds assorted
6 B Clarionettes
6 C Clarionettes
2 Bassoons
2 French Horns with silver mouth pieces
1 Trumpet
2 Sets of Flutes complete
1 Pair of Cymbals
1 Tambourine
1 Serpent
1 Kent Bugle, with instructions
A few sets of Marches arranged for the above instruments, and
twelve blank music books -
the whole in a proper case.

We are in great want of a master who can arrange music; - if it be not too much trouble, we should esteem it a particular favor [2 recto] if you would endeavour to procure such a person for us; - He would be rewarded according to his merit, and not only have the pay [added in Chisholm's hand: of his Regimental Rank] but some addition from the Band Fund.

We have the honor to be Gentlemen, Your most obedient humble servants.

[signed] H. T. [?] Hoskins, Surg'n
J. Chisholm, Captain
H. J. Ricketts, Cap'n

[INSERT recto] Sierra Leone, 21st June 1821

[At foot of verso]: To Messrs. Greenwood, Cox, & Co,m &c. &c. &c.


The following sums appear to be due by the under mentioned officers. I am desired to request you wull apply to them, and place the amount to the credit of the mess of the 2d West India Regt.

Major Lord, from Captain - £ 8 8s 0d
Captain Williams, on appointm't - 11 0 6
Lieutenant Redman, from Ens'n - 3 8 8
Ensign Greenwood, on appointm't - 5 10 3
Ensign Hewan, [on appointm't] - 5 10 3
Ensign Sparks, [on appointm't] - 5 10 3
Lieut't Dunne, [on appointm't] - 6 16 6 Ass't Surg'n J. C. Spry, [on appointm't] - 8 18 6
[Ass't Surg'n] H. Kelly, [on appointm't] - 8 18 6
Quarter Master Baker, [on appointm't] - 6 16 6
Total - £70 17 11

Lt. and Adjutant Laing [verso] having objected to pay his subscription to the Mess Fund on his appointment to the Regiment, a meeting of the officers was called, when it was agreed, "That he ought to pay a second subscription" - this resolution will therefore be applicable to Lt. Dunne, who is similarly situated.

I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your most obedient humble servant,
H. T. Hoskins, Surg'n, Pres't Mess Committee.

[3 folios, recto and verso] Statement of Subscriptions due from the following Officers for the Band Fund. -

26 officers in all were listed; of 14 current captains listed, most still owing only one (£5) or two years' (£10) subscriptions; the following selected entries:

Lieutenant Colonel Ross
1815 Sep'r 24th Subscription for one year from date - £10 0 0 / [DUE]
1816 Sep'r 24 [Subscription for one year from date] - £10 0 0 / [PAID]
1817 Sep'r 24 [Subscription for one year from date] - £10 0 0 / [DUE]
1818 Sep'r 24 [Subscription for one year from date] - £10 0 0 / [DUE]
1819 Sep'r 24 [Subscription for one year from date] - £10 0 0 / [PAID]
[Total] £50 0 0 / Balance due the fund £30 . . .

Major Lord.
1815 Sep'r 24th For year's subs'n from date as Capt. - £5 0 0 / [DUE]
1816 Sep'r 24 [For year's subs'n from date as Capt.] - £5 0 0 / [PAID]
1817 Sep'r 24 [For year's subs'n from date as Capt.] - £5 0 0 / [PAID]
1818 Sep'r 24 [For year's subs'n from date as Capt.] - £5 0 0 / [PAID]
1819 Sep'r 24 [For year's subs'n from date as Capt.] - £5 0 0 / [DUE]
1820 Sep'r 24 For year's subs'n from date as Major. - £8 0 0 / [DUE]
[Total] £33 0 0 / Balance due the fund £18 . . .

[Total owing from all 26 officers] £268 0 0

Band news from Europe, India, and the Caribbean

[Advertisement], Morning Chronicle [London, England] (14 May 1824), 1 (PAYWALL)

for the 98th Regiment, a competent MASTER to FORM and TEACH a YOUNG BAND.
He must be able to Compose and Arrange Music, and will be expected to enlist, and to go abroad with the Regiment if necessary.
Application to be made mentioning terms, &c., addressed, post-paid, to the Band Committee, 98th Regiment, Chichester.

[Advertisement], Government Gazette [India] (5 August 1824), 4 (PAYWALL)

TWO UNION PIPES complete, in perfect order, with Spare Reeds;
also the Following BAND INSTRUMENTS;
Flutes, Picolo's, Clarionets, French and Bass Horns,
Concert Bugles and Trumpets,
Patent Kent Bugles, Bassoons,
Serpents and Tromboms [sic, Trombones],
for Sale at Laird, Maggs, Childs & Co.'s.

[Advertisement], Government Gazette [India] (7 October 1824), 4 (PAYWALL)

Musical Instruments for Bands, &c.
MESSRS. GRIFFITHS AND CO. request to announce, that they have just received, from the House of Messrs. CLEMENTI and CO. of London, a supply of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS which have come out in the best possible order, and afford an excellent opportunity to Regiments desirous of being furnished with a complete set of Band Instruments. THEY CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING:

Serpents with 5 Keys.
Bassoons, with eight Keys.
Trumpets complete with crooks.
Military Tambourines - with Bells and Extra heads.
Royal Kent Bugles - with 6 Keys and B crook.
Bass Horns.
French Horns with Slides.
Clarionets with 6 Keys and Extra Mouth Pieces.
B. C. and F. Flutes with Brass keys.
F. and G. Piccolos with Keys.
B. and C. Military Fifes with Keys - also
Violins and Bows.
A few handsome "Ladies" Tambourines.
Large Tip't double Flageolets with Silver Keys.
An assortment of Band Music.
Instructions for the Kent Bugle.
Instructions for the Double flageolet.
Wragg's and Logier's Preceptors for the Flute, with a quantity of ruled Music Paper.
MADRAS, 5th October 1824.

[Advertisement], Government Gazette [India] (28 June 1827), 1 (PAYWALL)

WANTED A BAND-MASTER for the 49th Regiment N. I.
- Applications to be addressed to the "Band Committee."
BELGAUM, May 11, 1827.

"A List and Description of Deserters from His Majesty's Service, War Office, June 6, 1829", Police Gazette [London, England] (6 June 1829), 2-3 (PAYWALL)

. . . John Wright / 42d Highlanders / [originally from] Alsegar, Chester / [trade] turner / [age] 32 / . . . stout / stoops in walking; was band master, plays clarionet & violin / [place deserted] Gibraltar / [wearing uniform] . . .

[Advertisement], Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier [Ireland] (17 September 1829), 1 (PAYWALL)

A BAND MASTER, WANTED for the 65th Regiment, under orders of the West Indies.
To a person fully qualified in every respect, and none others need apply, most liberal terms will be given, which can be known at the Office of this Paper; or at FERMOY BARRACKS.
Fermoy Barracks, Sept. 17.

[Advertisement], Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent [Ireland] (3 November 1829), 2 (PAYWALL)

WANTED, for a Regiment at the Cape of Good Hope, a BAND MASTER.
He will be required to instruct one of the Band in leading and arranging.
None but a person of first-rate ability, and who can produced highly favorable testimonials, need apply.
The person's age, terms, and full information, on all points, to be addressed to the
Acting Paymaster, Reserve Companies, 98th Regiment, Clare Castle.

Other early Australian bands (1820s)

Captain Piper's Band (1820s to mid 1840s)

Active Sydney, c. 1823-27

Active Bathurst, NSW, c. 1830 to mid 1840s's+Band (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

See mainb page for full documentation on Captain Piper's band


Not strictly a military band, the private band of naval captain John Piper was an important musical institution in Sydney in the 1820s, and later in Bathurst. What little specific documentation we have of Piper's band suggests that it probably consisted of a small core of assigned convicts and other servants, who played for Piper and his family and guests on a regular basis, and whose membership was probably sometimes expanded by private hiring of serving military band personnel. Piper not only employed his band for his own entertainments at his own houses, Henrietta Villa (Point Piper, Sydney) and later Alloway Bank (Bathurst), but also loaned it out to play at balls, and other private and public functions.


John PIPER (naval captain, his private band)

William WEBB (bandsman, d.1847)

The "English Band" at Hobart Town (1823)


This is the earliest reference I have found so far to a resident band of any sort in Hobart. Whether it was made up of military or civilian personnel, or perhaps more likely both, is impossible to ascertain. The first full regimental band to serve in Hobart, the Band of the 40th Regiment, did not arrive until early 1826.


"HOBART-TOWN", Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (21 June 1823), 2 

On Monday last, the Merchants and other respectable Inhabitants of Hobart Town entertained at Dinner, the Officers of His Imperial Russian Majesty's frigates, the Creuzer and Ladoga, and the Civil and Military Officers of the Settlement. Upwards of one hundred persons were present, who all regretted the absence from town of His Honor Lieutenant Governor Sorell, on this interesting occasion . . . The excellent Band of the Russian frigate Creuzer attended, and being accompanied by the English Band, performed many appropriate airs, which contributed much to the conviviality of the evening.

Band of the 3rd Regiment (Buffs) (Sydney, NSW, 1823-27)

Arrived ? Hobart, TAS, 16 August 1823 (per Commodore Hayes, from England, 26 April)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 29/30 August 1823 (on the Commodore Hayes, from Hobart)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 23/25 January 1827 (per Speke and Woodford, for Calcutta [? Bengal], India, June) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Kavangah and members of his band performed in the first public concert series in Sydney, which ran from June 1826 to January 1827. Full documentation on the series appears in the main page Sydney Amateur Concerts

Comprehensive documentation on the band's other activities also appears in the main page on the master of the band, Thomas Kavanagh.

The band left for India with the earlier of two shipments in January 1827, and not with the headquarters in the later in November 1827.



Sydney John COTTON (commander of regiment, until April 1825)

William STEWART (commander of the regiment; lieutenant governor, NSW, from December 1825)

Serjeant master:

Thomas KAVANAGH (serjeant, master of the band)


Zachariah BERRY (bandsman)

John BLAKE (bandsman)

William BOOTH (bandsman)

Joseph BUDGETT (bandsman, d. 1837)

William KAVANAGH (bandsman, Thomas's brother)

Harry KEYSER (bandsman)

Henry LINCOLN (bandsman)

Edward McROBERTS (bandsman)

John MAY (bandsman)

Thomas MYLETT (bandsman)

John SULLIVAN (bandsman)

Edward WHITE (bandsman, discharged 26 February 1826)

Description book:

Description book, 3rd Regiment, Buffs, enlistments to 1809; UK National Archives, WO25/323 (PAYWALL)


. . . Budgett Joseph . . . (PAYWALL)

. . . Keyser Henry . . . (PAYWALL)

. . . Lincoln Henry . . . (PAYWALL)

. . . Kavanagh Tho's . . .
Sullivan John . . .
Berry Zachariah . . . (PAYWALL)

. . . Mylett Thomas . . . (PAYWALL)

. . . Blake John . . .


Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, [Deptford] from 25 December 1822 to 24 March 1823 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / Comer Hugh / New South Wales
Colour Serjeants / . . . Kavanagh Thomas . . . (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers . . .

Privates . . . [band not indicated]

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 March to [Sydney] 24 September 1823 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / Comer Hugh / New South Wales
Colour Serjeants / . . . Kavanagh Tho's . . . (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers . . . (DIGITISED)

Privates . . . Blake John / Band
Booth Will'm / Band
Budgett Jos'ph / Band (DIGITISED)

Keyser Henry / Band (DIGITISED)

May John / Band (DIGITISED)

Sullivan John / Band (DIGITISED)

White Edward / Band

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 September to 24 December 1823 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 December 1823 to 24 March 1824 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 March to 24 June 1824 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 June to 24 September 1824 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 September to 24 December 1824 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 December 1824 to 24 March 1825 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / Comer Hugh
Colour Serjeants / . . . Kavanagh Tho's / Band (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers . . .
Privates . . . Berry Zach'h / Band (DIGITISED)

Privates . . . Blake John / Band
Booth Will'm / -
Budgett Jos'h / Band (DIGITISED)

Kavanagh W'm / -
Keyser Henry / Band (DIGITISED)

McRoberts Edw'd / Band
May John / Band (DIGITISED)

Mylett Tho's / Band (DIGITISED)

Sullivan John / Band
White Edward / Band

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 March to 24 June 1825 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 June to 24 September 1825 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 September to 24 December 1825 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 December 1825 to 24 March 1826 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / Comer Hugh
Colour Serjeants / . . . Kavanagh Tho's / Band (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers . . .
Privates . . . Berry Zach'h / Band (DIGITISED)

Privates . . . Blake John / Band
Booth Will'm / Band
Budgett Jos'ph / Emb'd for Eng'd 4 Feb'y paid to 24 March & Transf'd to Reg'l Depot (DIGITISED)

Kavanagh W'm / Band
Keyser Henry / Band
Lincoln H'y / Band (DIGITISED)

Kay John / Band (DIGITISED)

Mylett Thomas / Band (DIGITISED)

Sullivan Jno. / Band (DIGITISED)

White Edward / Band

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 December 1826 to 24 March 1827; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2119 (DIGITISED)


"POSTSCRIPT", Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (16 August 1823), 2

ARRIVED this Morning from England, which she left the 26th of April; the ship Commodore Hayes, Captain L. W. Moncrief, with 216 male convicts for this Settlement. - Surgeon Superintendent, Dr. Rutherford, R. N. - She has on board the Headquarters and Staff of the 3d Infantry, Buffs, and the following Officers:- Captain Cotton, Lady and family, Ensign Christie, Surgeon Anderson, and Paymaster Boyd.

"SHIP NEWS" and [News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (4 September 1823), 2 

On Friday afternoon last arrived from England and Hobart Town, the ship Commodore Hayes, with the Head-quarters and Staff of the 3d Infantry (Buffs) . . . The Head-quarters of His Majesty's 3d Regiment (Buffs), under the command of Captain Cotton, were disembarked on Saturday afternoon last. The grenadier company of that Regiment received their military brethren, with the usual honors, on the King's Wharf. As soon as the Colours were landed, the troops marched to their quarters in the Barracks the full Band of the 3d Regiment playing the whole of the way.

[News], The Australian (23 August 1826), 3 

At noon service in St. James's Church on Sunday, the Archdeacon preached a sermon on the occasion of the death of Dr. Heber, the late Bishop of Calcutta. The venerable gentleman chose his text from the 55th verse, xv. chap. St. Pauls' I. to the Corinthians. - "Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh grave, where is thy victory?" The Governor, several naval, military, and civil officers attended; and, by his Excellency's order, detachments from the 3rd and 57th regiments, with side arms. The bands of both regiments paraded to and from church. Several of the performers assisted in the choir - they performed an appropriate anthem, "Vital spark of heavenly flame," with some effect.

The prisoners who usually, attend divine service at St. James's Church, were conducted to St. Philip's, on account of the auditory who were present at the former.

[News], The Australian (27 January 1827), 3 

The band of the Buffs embarked on Thursday.

"Shipping Intelligence", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 January 1827), 3

ON Sunday sailed, for Calcutta, the ship Woodford, having on board a detachment of the 3d Regt, under the command of Colonel CAMERON. Same day, for the same destination, the ship Speke.

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE CONTINUED", The Monitor (1 November 1827), 8 

The remainder of the 3rd Regiment Buffs, now in Garrison, expect to embark on the Cambridge, for Calcutta, on the first of December, to join their corps in that part of India. The Band which usually accompanies Head Quarters, has in this instance preceded it.

"ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SONS OF ST. ANDREW AT THE TOWN HALL", Calcutta magazine and monthly register [India] 25 (December 1832), 34 (DIGITISED)

Last Wednesday evening the upper long room of the Town Hall was enlivened by a convivial party of Caledonia's Sons with their guests, who met to commemorate the Anniversary of Scotland's Patron Saint . . . The Buff's band, well known for its excellence, under the guidance of Mr. Kavannah Senr. its master, were in attendance, and occupied the Re-union stage as an Orchestra . . . At dinner . . . the band played a few appropriate pieces, the first of which was "the Blue Bells of Scotland" . . . [toasts]
"The health of the King." (Drunk with rapturous applause, the company standing while the band played the National Anthem.) . . .
"The Land of our Ancestors." . . . "The Land of Cakes." - Tune, "Cauld Kail in Aberdeen" . . .
"The Queen and Royal Family." Tune, "Wilt thou be my dearie" . . .
"The Kirk of Scotland." . . . Tune, "John Anderson my Jo" . . .
"The health of the Duke of Sussex" . . . the band striking up "Highland Laddie" . . . [several more tunes]

[Columbus Fitzpatrick], "REMINISCENCES OF CATHOLICISM IN THE EARLY DAYS OF THE COLONY", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (25 November 1865), 741 

. . . In 1825 there were a great number of soldiers in this country and as it happened, the Bandmaster (Mr. Cavanagh) of the 3rd Buffs was a Catholic, as also the Bandmaster (Mr. Richenberg) of the 40th Regiment, an Italian and a great musician . . . and it was a common thing to have five or six clarinets, two bassoons, a serpent, two French horns, two flutes, a violincello, and first and tenor violin, and any amount of well-trained singers, all bursting forth in perfect harmony the beautiful music of our Church . . . There being as I said before, two Catholic bandmasters in Sydney at that time, there was a spirit of emulation in the bands to see who could do most for the Church, and as Mr. Cavanagh the bandmaster of the Buffs was a fine singer, he gave us the benefit of his voice in addition to playing the violincello. Such choruses I have never since heard . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Columbus Fitzpatrick (memoirist); Joseph Reichenberg (master) of the Band of the 40th Regiment (military)

Regimental records:

3rd Regiment: East Kent (Buffs), December 1822 to December 1825 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

3rd Regiment: East Kent (Buffs), December 1825 to December 1827 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Extant musical sources:

Currency lasses, an admired Australian quadrille, composed by a Lady at Sydney and performed there with great applause by the bands of the 3rd (or Buffs) 39th and 57th regiments (London: J. Cross, [c. 1832-35]) (DIGITISED)

See also, on site, a full discussion of this early Australian composition, and its composer:

Tempest Paul and Currency Lasses

Bibliography and resources:

Richard Cannon, Historical records of the British Army: the Third Regiment of Foot, or the Buffs (London: Longman, Orme & Company and William Clowes & Sons, 1838), 241-42;view=1up;seq=299 (DIGITISED)

The regiment remained in Ireland nearly three years . . . In the early part of September [1821] it embarked at Dublin and sailed to Liverpool . . . The services of the regiment were now destined to be transferred to New South Wales, whither it proceeded by detachments as guards over convicts . . . the last detachment reached its destination in August, 1823.

The regiment was stationed at various parts of New South Wales until the beginning of 1827. In 1825 its 1825 establishment was augmented to ten companies, consisting of forty-two Serjeants, fourteen drummers, thirty-six corporals, and seven hundred and four private men; and in 1826 it was further augmented to eleven companies, consisting of sixty-three Serjeants, twenty-two drummers, fifty-eight corporals, and nine hundred and fifty private men.

In 1827 the services of the regiment were transferred 1827 to the East Indies; one wing embarked from Sydney on the 23rd of January, 1827, and arrived at Bengal in June . . .

Clem Sargent, "The Buffs in Australia - 1822-1827", Sabretache 36 (January/March 1995), 3-15 (PAYWALL)

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/3rd Foot", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment)", Wikipedia

Band of the 40th Regiment (first tour; Sydney, NSW, 1824-26, and Hobart, TAS, 1826-28)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 October 1824 (per Mangles, from Portsmouth, 13 July [? 14 June])

Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 8 February 1826 (per John, from Sydney, 26 January) and 15 February 1826 (per Medway, from Sydney, 4 February)

Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 25/29 September 1828 (per Phoenix, for Bombay) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

See also Band of the 40th Regiment (second tour, 1852-60)


For comprehensive documentation on the band in Australia, see the main page of the master Joseph Reichenberg.



Henry THORNTON (colonel; commander of the regiment)

Sergeant master:

Joseph REICHENBERG (master of the band)


Edward MORIARTY (bandsman, French horn player)

James WADE (bandsman, d.1825)

Paylists (band membership not indicated in any colonial paylist)


[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 October 1824), 2 

Colonel THORNTON, of H. M. 40th Regiment, with the Headquarters of that fine body of men, has arrived per the Mangles. The disembarkation took place yesterday afternoon at three o'clock. The detachment of the 40th already here, paraded under arms on the king's wharf, in order to welcome their "brethren in arms" on the distant shores of Australia. The 3d Regt, and other Troops, were drawn up in Barrack Square to welcome their companions.

"AUSTRALIAN SOCIAL LODGE, 260", The Australian (30 December 1824), 3 

Monday being St. John's day, the brethren of the above lodge assembled, according to custom, at two o'clock at brother Payne's. They went in procession to St. James's church, where a sermon was preached by the Rev. R. Hill, and a collection entered into for charitable purposes. They were attended to and from church by the band of the 40th Regt. When they returned from church they proceeded to Mr. Hill's, and there discussed the merits of a good dinner, prepared for the occasion by the hostess. The masonic and usual routine toasts were drank, and the company separated at a late hour; the band having remained during the evening. In the course of the evening the health of Mrs. Macquarie was drank with every testimony of respect.

"SERIOUS ACCIDENT", The Australian (28 July 1825), 4 

A very melancholy accident happened on Monday morning by the overturning of the Eclipse Coach, on leaving Sydney. The coach was proceeding down the Brickfield Hill at rather a quick pace, when a bullock cart suddenly crossed the road. The coachman endeavoured to avoid it by, pressing forward at an encreased rate, but was unable to effect his purpose. The coach came in contact with the cart, and after hanging on a balance for a short distance, fell over with a tremendous crash which broke in the side. One man, a musician of the band of the 40th, was killed almost on the spot; for he died within a very short time after he fell - his skull being fractured. Another is not expected to survive; and three or four more are most dreadfully bruised. There were sixteen persons on the outside, and six inside. Eleven of them were of the 40th's band, who were proceeding to assist in the ceremony of laying the first stone of the Mills and Steam Engine Buildings about to be erected by Mr. John Raine, in that neighbourhood . . . Not a single person it is said except the guard escaped without receiving more or less of injury. The musician who was killed was a very valuable man, and is much regretted by Colonel Thornton. It is a great misfortune that the act of kindness on the part of the Colonel should have been attended with such fatal results; but it is quite impossible to attach the most remote blame to him for consenting to lend the services of the band on the occasion . . . A Coroner's Inquest was held at Hill's Tavern on Tuesday and Wednesday last, upon the body of James Wade, belonging to the band of the 40th. The man died after being removed to the General Hospital, after the accident. Verdict - accidental death.

"New South Wales", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (10 February 1826), 4 

Letters and Newspapers have reached us to the 30th, inclusive, by the John, in which vessel arrived part of the band and of the corps of drummers, and a detachment of the 40th Regiment, under the command of Captain Stewart. - The remainder, we understand, may be daily expected in the Medway. Although a considerable numerical addition is made to our Military force, yet it is but little effectively increased; for when the band, the drummers, the taylors, and all the other non-combatant odds and ends of a regimental head-quarters are taken into the account, we believe that when the detachment of the 57th goes away, we shall not have so many bayonets for field use, as we have at present. But the great point will be gained - the object which we have all along perfectly understood. We now have a Regiment here! . . .

"Dinner to Major Abbott", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (10 February 1826), 3 

. . . Several excellent songs were given by different Gentlemen, particularly by Mr. Roberts and Mr. Deane, who with some other amateurs, sung favourite catches and glees, in a manner which afforded ample compensation for the want of the newly arrived Band of the 40th Regt., which, we lament to say, was refused . . .

"Ship News", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (17 February 1826), 2 

Arrived on Wednesday the ship Medway, Capt. Wight, from Sydney, having on board the remainder of the head-quarters of the 40th Regiment. - Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Assistant Commissary General Moodie, Mr. E. P. Smith, and Mr. Wright; Capt. Moore, Lieut. Miller, and about 15 of the 40th Regt. Band included.

"THE BAND", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (24 March 1826), 3 

We are sorry to observe that the Band (of the advantages of which so much was said) is not permitted to perform any longer on the Sunday evenings. We understand that the sanctity of the day was considered to be interrupted. We hope His Majesty will adopt this arrangement at Windsor, and that the Bands of the Guards will not longer be permitted to entertain the Terrace visitors, according to long established, but obviously improper custom.

"St. Andrew's Day", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (1 December 1826), 3 

Yesterday being the Anniversary of St. Andrew, the Titular Saint of Scotland, the Van Diemen's Land St. Andrew's Club dined together at the British Hotel. The Club were kindly favoured by Colonel Balfour with the Band of the 40th Regiment, which played during dinner. After the cloth was removed, the following toasts were given:-
"The King" - Tune, "God save the King."
"Duke of York and the Army" - Tune, "Duke of York's March."
"Duke of Clarence and the Navy" - Tune, "Rule Britannia."
"Colonel Arthur, and the Prosperity of Van Diemen's Land" - Tune, "Speed the Plough."
"General Darling, and New South Wales" - Tune, "Australian March" . . .
"The Memory of St. Andrew, the Titular Saint of Scotland," in silence - Tune, "Aauld Lang Syne."
"The Land of Cakes." Tune, "Charlie is my darling."
"Old England." - Tune, "The tight little Island."
"The Emerald Isle." - Tune, "St. Patrick's Day."
"The Clergy" - Tune, "Christ Church Bells."
"Currency Lasses and Sterling Payments," by the Vice President, Mr. Hood. - Tune, "Britons strike Home."
"Colonel Balfour, and the 40th Regiment." - Tune, "The 40th March."
"Colonel Sorell." - Tune, "Because he was a bonny Lad."
"Sir Walter Scott." - Tune, "The Lady of the Lake."
"The Memory of Wallace and Burns" - Tune, "Scot's Wha hae."
"The Kirk." - Tune, "Kiss my Lady."
"The Beggar's Bennison." - Tune, "Kenmore."
During the evening, many other excellent Toasts and Songs were given; and, in short, we never witnessed a more happy and convivial Meeting. It was with much pleasure, we observed amongst the assembly, some of the most respectable Gentlemen of the Colony . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Tasmanian (3 October 1828), 2 

SAILED. On Monday last - The transport ship Phoenix, (Capt. Cousins,) for Bombay, with the Head Quarters and the 1st Detachment of the 40th.

[News], Colonial Times (27 February 1829), 2 

On Wednesday morning last, the Grenadiers, the 4th, the 6th (and the privates of the 3d) Companies of the 40th Regt., embarked on board the Prince George, to join the Headquarters of that Regiment at Bombay.

On Monday evening, His Excellency Lieutenant Governor ARTHUR gave the Officers of the 40th Regiment a Farewell Dinner, at the Government House, previously to their departure for Head-quarters at Bombay - marking his high sense of their strict military discipline.

[Columbus Fitzpatrick], "REMINISCENCES OF CATHOLICISM IN THE EARLY DAYS OF THE COLONY", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (25 November 1865), 741 

. . . In 1825 there were a great number of soldiers in this country and as it happened, the Bandmaster (Mr. Cavanagh) of the 3rd Buffs was a Catholic, as also the Bandmaster (Mr. Richenberg) of the 40th Regiment, an Italian and a great musician . . . and it was a common thing to have five or six clarinets, two bassoons, a serpent, two French horns, two flutes, a violincello, and first and tenor violin, and any amount of well-trained singers, all bursting forth in perfect harmony the beautiful music of our Church . . . There being as I said before, two Catholic bandmasters in Sydney at that time, there was a spirit of emulation in the bands to see who could do most for the Church . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Columbus Fitzpatrick (memoirist); Thomas Kavanagh (master) of the Band of the 3rd Regiment (military)

Regimental records:

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, December 1823 to December 1825 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, December 1825 to December 1826 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, December 1826 to December 1827 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, December 1827 to December 1828 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

R. H. Raymond Smythies, Historical records of the 40th (2nd Somersetshire) Regiment . . . from its formation in 1717, to 1893 (Devonport: A. H. Swiss, 1894), 215-30 (DIGITISED)

[226] . . . On 10th June, 1828, Colonel Arthur again inspected the regiment . . . The inspection report is . . . very satisfactory. In his general remarks, Colonel Arthur says: "From the hostile spirit manifested by the Aborigines, the 40th Regiment has occupied in considerable force the frontiers of the settled districts of the Colony, which, together with the protection of the penal settlements, has kept the corps in full activity, and, indeed, exposed the men to very severe duty . . .

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "40th Regiment Foot", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"40th (the 2nd Somersetshire) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Band of the 57th Regiment (NSW 1826-31)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 March 1826 (per Sesostris, from Portsmouth, 30 [? 4] November 1825)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 1/2 March 1831 (per Resource, for Madras, India, 15 May) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Sippe and members of his band performed in the Sydney Amateur Concerts, which ran from June 1826 to January 1827. For other documentation on the band see also mainpage George Sippe.



Thomas SHADFORTH (lieutenant-colonel, commander of the regiment, until November 1828)

James ALLAN (commander, from November 1828)


John BOYLE (drum major)


George SIPPE (master of the band, 1825-1831)


None idendified by name


James CALDWELL (band master, later ? c. 1850s)

Paylists (band membership not indicated in any colonial paylist)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 March 1826), 2 

Yesterday morning arrived from England, with 147 male prisoners on board, having lost three on the voyage, the ship Sesostris, Captain Drake. She sailed from Portsmouth the 30th of November, and comes direct. The Surgeon Superintendent, Dr. Dalhunty, R. N. The guard comprises a detachment of the 57th Regt, under orders of Major Campbell and Ensign Benton. The Band of the 57th joins its Corps by this opportunity.

"Music", The south-Asian register (April 1828), 280-81 

During the last three months, the triangular plot of ground adjoining the Cove, called Macquarie Place, has been thrown open to the public [281] and two evenings a week, the military band, have continued to perform therein, some choice pieces of music. This arose, it is said, at the suggestion of Mrs. Darling. The design is a credit, at all events; but we are doubly grateful to a lady, when she looks upon us with affability and endeavours to promote in all around, a participation of the same feeling - We are not gene by such kindness, there is no obligation implied in it, but we are left to smile in return, or be pleased in our own way.

It has often struck us, as being singular, why Mrs. Macquarie in forming this place and the walk round the domain, did not cause a number of rough seats to be fixed here and there, for the convenience of visitors.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 February 1831), 3 

The band of the 57th Regiment leave us with the head quarters in a few days, when the band of the 17th will immediately supply their place in Sydney.

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 17th Regiment (military)

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 March 1831), 2 

The first division of the 57th regiment, including head-quarters and the band, embarked on board the Resource, at an early hour on Tuesday morning [1 March].

Regimental records:

57th Regiment: West Middlesex, December 1824 to December 1825 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

57th Regiment: West Middlesex, December 1825 to December 1826 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

57th Regiment: West Middlesex, December 1826 to December 1827 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

57th Regiment: West Middlesex, December 1827 to December 1828 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

57th Regiment: West Middlesex, December 1828 to December 1830 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

57th Regiment: West Middlesex, January 1831 to December 1831 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

57th Regiment: West Middlesex, January 1832 to March 1833 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

H. J. Warre, Historical records of the Fifty-seventh, or, West Middlesex Regiment of Foot . . . from the date of its formation in 1755 to the present time, 1878 . . . (London: W. Mitchell, 1878), 73-77 (DIGITISED)

During the time the Regiment was stationed in New South Wales, from 1825 to the latter end of 1830, it was very much scattered, having large detachments at Norfolk Island, Melvill Island, Moreton Bay, and Van Dieman's Land. Head-quarters were constantly at Sydney . . .

R. W. J. S., "MUSIC IN THE REGIMENT", The Die-hards: the journal of the Middlesex Regiment (Duke of Cambridge's Own) 13/8 (June 1959), 292-94 (DIGITISED)

[292] . . . The quick-step of the 1st Battalion (57th Foot), before the formation of the Regiment as it now is, was "Sir Manley Power." Major Woolwright in his "History of the 57th Regiment" tells us that the march probably dates from 1815 when the custom of marching past in quick time commenced to become general. Maj.-Gen. Sir Manley Power, who was distinguished in the Peninsular War period, commanded the 2nd Brigade in which the 57th were serving. It is said that he found the score of the music in a French camp, another instance of French music being adopted to a British march. In 1850, whilst the 57th were serving in Dublin and were billeted in Richmond Barracks, tradition states that the G.O.C. took exception to the march, which he considered to be all "drum and damned noise." The Commanding Officer was ordered to find a more suitable march to supersede "Sir Manley Power." A new march, "Jock o' Hazledean," was accordingly chosen as resembling "Sir Manley Power" in some degree, and this march remained until the adoption of the quick march "Lass o' Gowrie," about 1857. The tune, it is said, was introduced by the Bandmaster, named Wallace, who was a Scott. This march is one of the oldest in the Army, having been adopted by the 70th Foot, afterwards the 2nd Battalion The East Surrey Regiment, about the year 1758 . . .

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/57th Foot (West Middlesex) Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"57th (West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Band of the 39th Regiment (NSW 1827-32)

Arrived Sydney, 17/18 September 1827 (per Cambridge, from England, 26 April 1827, from Dublin, 2 June)

Departed Sydney, 21 July 1832 (per John, for Madras, India) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Patrick LINDESAY (colonel, commander; acting governor, NSW, 1831)


Francis GEE (master of the band)


Stephen PAPPIN (bandsman in England, served in NSW only 1831-32)

Stephen TURNER (bandsman)


Pay-list of the 39th Regiment from 25 December 1826 and 24 February 1827 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / Hall James
Serjeants . . . Gee Francis / Band

Privates . . .
Brooks John / Band
Ford Samuel / Band
Hobson James / Band
Johnstone Richard / Band
Landers William / Band
Palmer Joseph / Band
Searson Holland / Band
Turner Stephen / Band


"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Monitor (23 August 1827), 3 

THE Cambridge with Lieut. Col. Lindsay, and the Head Quarters of the 39th Regt. is now the first ship looked for from Europe. The Band of the 39th Regt. is said to be one of the finest attached to any regiment of the line, the Guards excepted. Some time ago the public were indulged with the performance of the Military Band in the Barrack Square, which was thrown open as a promenade. This pleasing custom has however become obsolete. We hope the above mentioned arrival will have the effect of restoring this popular gratification to the admirers of martial music.

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 September 1827), 2 

On Monday last arrived, from Dublin, which she left the 2d of June last, the ship Cambridge . . . The organ of St. James's church has arrived by the Cambridge. The Head-quarters, with the very fine band of the 39th Regiment, under the command of Colonel LINDSEY, C. B. landed yesterday morning, from the Cambridge, and marched to their quarters at the barracks.

[News], The Australian (13 February 1828), 3 

Monday and Thursday, in place of Tuesday and Friday, are by a new regulation the evenings set apart for the bands of the 39th and 57th regiments to play on the promenade where the obelisk stands in Macquarie-place.

[News], The Australian (23 July 1828), 3 

The bands of the 39th and 57th Regiments still continue to play alternately for an hour or so on the Monday and Thursday evening in every week. The number of listeners usually attracted by the melody can not be called considerable. It is not to be wondered at; the place where the bands invariably play, is not looked upon as a public promenade. It would conduce more to the general recreation were either band directed to play in some part of the Government demense [sic], or on Hyde-park, or some other public place, whither every decent person might have free resort, and enjoy music, and wholesome and agreeable exercise at the same time.

[News], The Australian (17 September 1828), 4 

Two of the band of the 39th regiment are in charge of the military, and about to undergo the ordeal of a Court Martial, for riotous conduct a few evenings ago, in which they drew their side arms, and threatened violence with them towards a certain Magistrate who had entered the public-house, where they were drinking, if he did not walk away. The Magistrate beat a retreat; but shortly after managed to get both fifer and drummer safely caged.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 July 1829), 2 

The band of the 39th Regt. make a very brilliant appearance, they having received new uniforms of a very tasty description.

"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Monitor (23 January 1830), 3 

The band of the 39th regiment and the guard were on Monday scattered like chaff before the wind as they were on their way to relieve the main-guard; a bullock attached to a dray, not much admiring the call of the big drum, dashed into the group, and caused the peninsular heroes to fly in all directions.

"To The Editor of The Australian", The Australian (27 August 1830), 5 

SIR, - The following lines were written, on hearing the 39th band, of which Mr. Gee is the master, play the popular air of "Sweet Home," in the barrack-yard, on Sunday evening, 15th. Aug. If acceptable, please to give them a corner in your entertaining columns, and oblige your's, Z.

What heavenly strains, are those I hear,
Stealing on the evening's breeze--
Such melting notes, ne'er struck mine ear
Before, to sooth the heart and give it ease.
Hark! 'Tis sweet home! list again--that strain
How true's the chord that lulls severest pain.

Sweet Home! Justice now is done thee,
Ne'er were you touched so sweetly before,
Oh, how that cadence steals upon me,
It remembrance brings of days of yore;
While solus plays the mellow bassoon,
And then all strike in, so well in tune.

"If music be the food of love,
Play on," of it I ne'er would tire;--
'Twas surely sent from realms above.
Poor mortals on earth, to inspire.
Then play on, what e'er the key--be B or C,
All must be pleasing from the key of G.


[News], The Sydney Monitor (11 December 1830), 4 

The Band of the 39th Regt. has received an augmentation of 15, in lieu of the buglers who were lately broken up.

"ANNIVERSARY DINNER", The Sydney Monitor (28 January 1832), 2 

. . . Several other toasts were drunk in the course of the evening, and the band of the 39th regt. (14 strong), which was kindly lent by the Colonel, contributed greatly to the pleasure of the party.

"MILITARY EXECUTION", The Australian (6 April 1832), 3

. . . They marched round by the foot of the Battery, and on reaching the Slaughter-house-Point, halted, and formed in the segment of a square of three sides, facing inwards. The death warrant was then read, the band of the 39th struck up the dead march in Saul, and after the unfortunate culprit had passed some further time in acts of devotion, the firing party, consisting of a dozen picked men were ordered to advance. The soldier knelt upon his coffin, and in this position, received the fatal shot. The effect was instantaneous, he fell dead, upon his face, on the coffin. The body was there interred.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 July 1832), 3 

About four hundred of the 39th regiment embarked on Saturday morning. They left the Barracks about six o'clock, and marched along Cumberland-street, the band playing the old air usual on such occasions "the Girl I left behind me." On their way they were cheered by some of the towns people, in reply to which they struck up Burns' "Farewell" and proceeded round by the fort to the Dock Yard, from which the boats conveyed them to their respective ships. The grenadier and light companies, with the staff and band, occupy the John, under the command of Colonel Lindesay . . .

"INDIA. IMPORTANT NEWS", The Courier (19 April 1844), 4 

The intelligence received from India by the Tenasserim is of an interesting character, relating the events of two battles between our forces and the Mahrattas, which were fought on the 28th December, one at Maharajahpore, and the other at Punniar . . . Eight officers of the 40th, and as many of the 16th grenadiers are among the wounded, and 3 officers of the 2nd grenadiers. The band of the 39th regiment was dreadfully cut up . . .

Regimental records:

39th Regiment: Dorsetshire, December 1824 to December 1826 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

39th Regiment: Dorsetshire, December 1826 to December 1828 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

39th Regiment: Dorsetshire, December 1828 to December 1830 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

39th Regiment: Dorsetshire, January 1831 to March 1833 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Extant musical sources:

Currency lasses, an admired Australian quadrille, composed by a Lady at Sydney and performed there with great applause by the bands of the 3rd (or Buffs) 39th and 57th regiments (London: J. Cross, [c. 1832-35]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

See also, on site, a full discussion of this early Australian composition, and its composer:

Tempest Paul and Currency Lasses

Bibliography and resources:

Richard Cannon, Historical record of the Thirty-ninth, or the Dorsetshire Regiment of Foot: containing an account of the formation of the regiment in 1702, and of its subsequent services to 1853 (London: Parker, Furnivall, and Parker, 1853), 66-72 (DIGITISED)

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1/39th Foot (Dorsetshire) Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"39th (Dorsetshire) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Band of the 63rd Regiment (TAS 1829-33)

Arrived ("Headquarters and band of the 63d") Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 26 July 1829 (per Georgiana, from Sydney, 12 July, ? having arrived there 10 July, from UK by the Waterloo, 16 March)

? Arrived ("9 of the band . . . belonging to the 63d") Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 14 December 1829

Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 28 December 1833 (per Lord Lyndoch, for India, via Western Australia)

Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), after February 1834 ? (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Joseph LOGAN (colonel, commander)

Masters and sergeants:

William WILLIAMS (master of the band)

John CASSIDY (arrived as private bandsman, later band sergeant, keyed bugle player)


Samuel BOWYER (drum major)

Bandsmen (list as embarked for NSW, July 1829):

William WILLIAMS - Sergeant, later Colour serjeant, master of the band

Burridge, John - Band = John BEVERIDGE (died 1831)

Bush, Jno. - Band

John CASSIDY (arrived as private bandsman, later band sergeant, keyed bugle player)

Guidon, John - Band

Hugh HICKSON (bandsman, flute-player)

Kay, Wm. - Band

Lapworth, Jno - Band

Leghorn, Jas/Jno. ? - Band

Stagg, Joseph - Band

Stevens, Wm. - Band

Drummers and fifers (embarked for NSW, July 1829):

Bond, Isaac

Bourke, Wm.

Butcher, Wm.

Flanigan, Jno.

Fletcher, George

Henderson, James

King, James

McFarlane, Henry

Mahon, Pat.

Murphy, Thos.

John MITCHELL (later also named as bugler)

Pett, Wm.

Turner. Jno. (on board the Katherine)


Pay-list of the 63rd regiment from 25 September to 24 December 1829; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/7262 (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant - Bowyer Sam'l / Emb'k for N. S. Wales . . .
Sergeants . . . Williams Wm. / Emb'k for N. S. Wales / Emb'k for N. S. Wales / Band . . . (DIGITISED)

Drummers and Fifers [11 of 13 embarked to the colony] . . .

Privates . . . [band indicated in very faint pencil, often erased]
Burridge Jno. / Band
Bush Jno. / ? Band
Cassidy Jno. / Band
Guidon Jno. / Band . . .
Kay Wm. / Band . . .
Lapworth Jno. / Band . . .
Leghorn Jas. / Band . . .
Oug Wm. / Band . . .
Parrott Dav'd / Band . . .
Stagg Joseph / Band . . .
Stevens Wm. / Band . . .

Pay-list of the 63rd regiment from 1 January to 31 March 1831; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/7263 (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant - Bowyer Samuel / . . .
Sergeants . . . Williams Wm. / Emb'k for N. S. Wales / Band Master . . .

Privates . . .
Burridge Jno. / Band
Bush Jno. / Band . . .
Cassidy Jno. / . . .
Guidon Jno. / Band . . .
Kay Wm. / Band . . .
Lapworth Jno / Band . . .
Oug Wm. / Band . . .
Parrott Dav'd / Band . . .
Stagg Joseph / Band . . .
Stevens Wm. / Band . . .

Pay-list of the 63rd regiment from 1 January to 31 March 1834; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/7265 (DIGITISED)

170 / Williams William / Band M's'r / Band Lord Lyndoch / Band Master . . .


[News], The Hobart Town Courier (18 April 1829), 2 

The Vibilia . . . Prince Regent, Murphy, and Orelia, Hudson, may all be shortly expected from London, besides three transport ships, one with the head quarters and band of the 63d.

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (1 August 1829), 2 

Arrived on Sunday the bark Georgiana, 403, Thomson, from Sydney 12th July, (chartered to convey the 40th regt. to India), with the head quarters and band of the 63d, (who arrived out in the prison ship Waterloo to Sydney) . . .

"The Zanteote Lovers", Launceston Advertiser (2 November 1829), 4 

In spite of Zurelli's entreaties, Gerasimo joined an English regiment then in Zante, as a performer on the keyed bugle. I think I see him now under the windows of the Government House, with his bright scarlet turban and shining tinselled vest. Gerasimo was the best performer on his instrument in the band of the ___ th regiment . . .

NOTE: "Men of colour" were frequently to be found as percussion players (jingles, tambourines) with British military bands, and though there is little specific evidence of them in Australia, this reference to the recent short story The Zanteote lovers (first appeared in print in 1828) may be such.

"Paul Pry in Hobart Town", Launceston Advertiser (23 November 1829), 4 

. . . Och! Och! cried I putting my hands to my ears as I went to hear the Band of the 63rd Regiment of foot amusing the Cockneys of Hobart town on Wednesday last on Cottage green. Do have some mercy on your lungs my good fellows - music does not depend on noise alone - clash and jingle may be very good accompaniments in their places - but this infernal clamour is neither warlike nor harmonious - breathe soft ye strains, and crack not the bags of AEolus - Mr. Band Master, tell your Pipers to learn a little piano as well as forte.

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (19 December 1829), 2 

Arrived on Monday the 14th the ship Surry, 461 tons, Charles Kemp, commander, from London the 11th August, with 199 male prisoners . . . Passengers Quarter master Cart and lady, Mrs. Stephenson, 1 sergeant, 4 corporals, 2 privates, and report states 9 of the band, all belonging to the 63d regiment . . .

[News], Colonial Times (22 October 1830), 2

A Correspondent has noticed to us "that some of the band boys of the 63d regiment, have but little to do at the present crisis. Would it not be as well, under existing circumstances, to call upon them to assist or partly relieve the inhabitants in their arduous duties of guarding the town?"

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (23 April 1831), 2 

The concert at Mr. J. P. Deane's on Wednesday evening was well attended, and gave very general satisfaction.

While on the subject of music we cannot omit here recording our opinion of the improvement in the performances of the band of the 63rd, since the arrival of that regiment in the colony. So indeed it was with the band of the 40th, which improved so much under Mr. Reichenberg's instruction, previous to embarking for India, that it could scarcely be recognised as the same that originally came out raw from England, and Mr. Williams appears equally successful with that of the 63rd. Most of the modern and fashionable pieces are now played by them with much taste and correctness. There is something indeed in the clear, elastic atmosphere of Van Diemen's land which seems to improve the tone, and to add in some degree to the charms of music. We hope to see the science more cultivated than it has hitherto been in the colony. It is one of the most innocent recreations of social life.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (resident musician); Joseph Reichenberg (resident musician), formerly master of the Band of the 40th Regiment (military)

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (28 September 1831), 1

. . . The following are the details of the proceeds of the Concert on the 21st of Sept., 1831, viz:-
Amount received for tickets sold - £38 17 0
Paid Mr. J. E. Cox for refreshment for performers and band - £6 5 6 . . .
Do. Mr. Williams, Master of the band - 2 2 0
Do. 3 men from do. - 1 10 0 . . .
Do. door-keeper - 0 10 0
Advertisements - 1 7 0
Concert bills - 2 10 0
Music paper and copying - 1 12 6 . . .
Mr. Hickson, 63d band - . . .
[signed] JOHN P. DEANE . . .

"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (27 July 1832), 6 

Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather on Monday last, we are happy to state that Mr. Deane's Concert, was attended by near three hundred persons; and the whole performance of the evening appeared to give very great and general satisfaction . . . We must not neglect before we conclude, to mention the Band of the 63rd Regiment, and by whose very able performance of Mozart's celebrated Military Overture, the Evening's entertainment commenced. The finale, like most finales of short concerts, was as a matter of course encored.

MUSIC: "Military overture" = Overture to Il seraglio, arranged for wind band (Mozart)

[News], Colonial Times (20 November 1832), 2

"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (1 November 1833), 5 

. . . We may commence by saying, that Mr. Peck's Concert was the best ever yet got up in Van Diemen's Land - every thing went off-remarkably well, and very general satisfaction was given to a highly respectable and numerous assemblage of auditors. The overtures of "Der Frieschutz" [sic] and "Preciosa," performed with the assistance of the band of the 63rd regiment, were splendid; and we cannot help regretting, that the public are about suffering a loss, which, we are fearful, cannot be replaced - we mean that of the departure of the band of the 63rd regiment; the loss will be more severely felt, on account of the public having become, as it were from the frequent appearance of the band at the concerts, acquainted with them individually - we trust, however, we shall have, at least, one other concert before these accomplished and obliging musicians leave us . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (resident musician)

[News], Colonial Times (5 November 1833), 2 

Mr. Peck's Concert, held on Wednesday last, was the very best ever heard in Van Diemen's Land. The Tasmanian gives the following:- "Every thing went off remarkably well, and very general satisfaction was given to a highly respectable and numerous assemblage of auditors. The overtures of "Der Frieschutz" and "Preciosa," performed with the assistance of the band of the 63rd regiment, were splendid; and we cannot help regretting, that the public are about suffering a loss, which, we are fearful, cannot be replaced - we mean that of the departure of the band of the 63rd regiment; the loss will be more severely felt, on account of the public having become, as it were from the frequent appearance of the band at the concerts, acquainted with them individually - we trust, however, we shall have, at least, one other concert before these accomplished and obliging musicians leave us . . .

[News], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (5 November 1833), 2 

We understand, that the next concert given in Hobart Town will be for the benefit of Mrs. Taylor. We think we may venture to predict a full house. It should certainly take place before the very able band of the 63d Regiment leaves the Colony. We shall greatly miss these talented young men at our concerts.

"THE 63RD REGIMENT", The Austral-Asiatic Review (31 December 1833), 2 

The Head quarters in the Lyndoch and Major Brigg's detachment in the Isabella sailed on Saturday [28th]. The last division commanded by Major Fairclough will sail in the Aurora on Sunday. It is highly to the honor of that excellent regiment the 63rd, that in all parts of the Island, the same kindly feeling towards men and officers has been elicited . . .

"THE SIXTY-THIRD REGIMENT", The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (7 January 1834), 3 

The third, and last division of this well conducted corps, embarked on board the Aurora, on Wednesday morning last, under the command of Major FAIRTLOUGH. They were accompanied by the brass band of the 21st Regiment, and the Highland Piper . . . They are now gone, but not without leaving a few of their old and efficient non-commissioned Officers as Civilians amongst us - men who, by their conduct and frugality, acquired that for themselves, after a long and arduous service, which will, we sincerely hope, waft them down the current of life with ease and tranquillity.


One of our oldest inhabitants remembers the band of the 63rd Regiment (now 1st Manchester) about the year 1828 [sic]. Williams was band-master. The instruments used at that period were principally the key-bugle and the serpent (bass). There was a band sergeant named Cassidy, who was an expert on the former; he was often seen taking his rambles around the town playing his bugle. The 63rd left Tasmania in December, 1833.

Regimental records:

63rd Regiment: West Suffolk, December 1827 to December 1828 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

63rd Regiment: West Suffolk, December 1828 to December 1830 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

63rd Regiment: West Suffolk, December 1830 to December 1831 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

63rd Regiment: West Suffolk, January 1832 to March 1833 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

63rd Regiment: West Suffolk, April 1833 to March 1834 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

James Slack, The history of the Late 63rd (West Suffolk) Regiment (London: Army and Navy Cooperative Society, 1884), 65-73 (DIGITISED)

Manning Clark, A history of Australia, 2: New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, 1822-1838 (Melbourne University Press, 1968), 269

Pamela Statham-Drew, James Stirling: admiral and founding governor of Western Australia (University of Western Australia Press, 2003), 174, 179

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/63rd Foot (West Suffolk) Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

63rd (West Suffolk) Regiment of Foot, Wikipedia 

Band of the 17th Regiment (NSW 1831-36)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 February 1831 (per York, from Portsmouth, 29 September 1830)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 5 March 1836 (per John Barry, for Bombay, India) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Henry DESPARD (colonel, commander)


Thomas LEWIS (master of the band)


John BOLTON (bandsman)

George HEY (bandsman, "Mr. HAY")

Mr. McCROHAN (? bandsman, ? John McCRAKEN)

Paylists (band membership not indicated in any colonial paylist)


"Shipping Intelligence", The Sydney Monitor (9 February 1831), 4 

On the 7th inst. the York (ship), 429 tons, 33 men, Leary master, left London the 4th and Portsmouth the 29th September, with 200 male prisoners, two died on the voyage. Campbell France, Esq. Surgeon. Superintendent. The Guard consists of Colonel Despard, 40 rank and file, and band of the 17th regiment.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 February 1831), 3 

The good people of Parramatta express themselves highly delighted at having the band of the 17th regiment stationed among them.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 February 1831), 3 

The band of the 57th Regiment leave us with the head quarters in a few days, when the band of the 17th will immediately supply their place in Sydney.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 February 1831), 2 

The band of the 17th regiment will march into Sydney on Monday next.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 March 1831), 2 

The band of the 17th regiment follow the old plan of playing the bugles alternatively with the drums and fifes every evening, which have a very pleasing effect.

[News], The Sydney Monitor (27 April 1831), 2 

The band of the 17th regiment play in the barrack-yard every Thursday evening in lieu of Sunday. As a drawing-room band they excel, their selections being good, but it seems to want power for the field. They are provided with Key's patent valve horns, which enables them to give precision in the tones which can with difficulty be arrived at on the old horn.

[News], The Sydney Monitor (28 November 1832), 2 

The band of the 17th regiment, the finest ever heard in this Colony, serenades the colonel and the inhabitants in the neighbourhood, every fine evening, with enchanting pieces of music. The people of Parramatta complain that the band there is out of practice.

NOTE: The 4th was then at Parramatta.

[Playbill] Opening night, 26 December 1832, Theatre Royal, Sydney; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

THIS THEATRE Will open for the first time . . . under the management of MR. MEREDITH . . .
The Performance to be supported by the Band of His Majesty's 17th Regiment,
allowed by COLONEL DESPARD, and conducted by Mr. Lewis . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Meredith (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)

[News], The Sydney Monitor (9 February 1833), 3 

In consequence of the Band of H.M. 17th Regiment being required by the Colonel on Wednesday evening, the theatre was closed on Wednesday evening the usual night of performance; on Thursday night the "Tale of Mystery" and "Three weeks after marriage" were performed to a full house, with great success.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (23 July 1833), 2 

The inhabitants of Parramatta are much gratified at His Excellency the Governor being pleased to sanction Mr. MEREDITH and his corps dramatique to amuse them for a few nights. It is generally hoped, that Colonel DESPARD, will also be pleased to indulge not only Mr. MEREDITH, but his visitors, with the attendance of a part of the delightful band of the 17th. - From a Correspondent.

[News], The Sydney Monitor (24 May 1834), 3 

Two companies and the Band of H. M. 17th Regt. will march into Sydney this morning. [from Parramatta]

"Miscellaneous News", The Australian (22 July 1834), 3 

In consequence of an officer not proceeding along with the soldiers to the relief of guard, the public has been for some time deprived of daily enjoying the pleasure of the fine band of the 17th Regiment passing along George-street. We are glad to perceive that, they again regularly accompany it's guard, affording the inhabitants of George-street a rich treat every morning. This Regiment, which has lately returned from various parts of the interior, has been undergoing constant exercise by Colonel Despard in the Barrack Yard for some time past. They had their first field day on Thursday, on Hyde Park, and went through their evolutions with their usual precision.

"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (26 March 1835), 3 

Mrs. Taylor gave her Concert on Tuesday evening last, at the Saloon of the Pulteney Hotel, to rather a thin house, scarcely sufficient we should think to cover the expenses . . . Mr. Thomas Stubbs assisted on the flute, and the Band of the 17th Regiment with their scientific leader Mr. Lewis, performed several celebrated Marches in their best style, and were loudly applauded throughout the evening. The finest piece of music next to the military performances, was a beautiful selection of airs with variations, by Mr. Stubbs, on the flute . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Taylor (vocalist); Thomas Stubbs (flautist)

"THE CONCERT", The Australian (27 March 1835), 2 

. . . Mr. LEWIS'S Solo did not receive the applause his exquisite performance of it deserved. Ober's [sic, Auber] fine overture to Gustavus shared the same fate; and though that to Zauberflote was more successful, it's beauties and the magnificent style in which it was performed, were not fully appreciated . . . Lastly, never let such pieces as Mozart's Symfonia, beautiful as they are, be introduced as part of the performance. We hear them constantly on the Barrack Square. Besides their style is not understood generally, and therefore the aim of the concert - namely, to amuse, - is not accomplished.

"THE 17TH REGIMENT", The Sydney Herald (21 January 1836), 2 

We perceive by the Government Gazette, that His Majesty's 17th regiment, is about leaving the Colony; their departure, we are certain, will be regretted by most of the community, no previous regiment stationed amongst us having comported with so much credit to themselves, and satisfaction to the Colonists of New South Wales, as that of the 17th. The officers of this regiment have been remarkable for their gentlemanly conduct and mixing in the sports of the Colony; their excellent Band has also contributed much to amuse us, and the privates, in their sphere of acquaintance, have been esteemed for their general decent behaviour. The 17th regiment, whenever it leaves the Colony, will take with it the best wishes of the inhabitants.

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (3 March 1836), 3 

The fine Band of the 17th Regiment, that has so long delighted the Colonists, played some new and beautiful airs for the last time on Sunday night last. They embark on Saturday for India, and will be long regretted by the people of Sydney.

"Domestic and Miscellaneous Intelligence", The Australian (11 March 1836), 2 

Military Movements . . . The three Regiments marched to and from the barrack square nearly together, the three bands playing their regimental marches . . .

On Sunday the 5th March, being the day appointed for the sailing of a part of the 17th Regiment for Bombay, at 11 a.m. the fine ship John Barry, Captain Robson, with the head quarters, band, men, women, and children, weighed anchor to the tune of "Rule Britannia," when they made sail with a fine breeze and worked out in gallant style, the band playing the most favorite airs nearly the whole time. When abreast of Pinchgut two guns were fired from the ship and all hands gave three tremendous cheers. At three o'clock p.m. when she opened the Heads, several gentlemen, friends of the officers, left the ship, and were saluted with three cheers, which were answered by the cutter with three guns. It was truly grand to see this really fine ship entering between the Heads - the band playing "Should Auld Acquaintance," her sails all well set . . . - Correspondent.

Regimental records:

17th Regiment: Leicestershire, December 1828 to December 1830 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

17th Regiment: Leicestershire, January 1831 to March 1833 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

17th Regiment: Leicestershire, April 1833 to March 1834 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

17th Regiment: Leicestershire, April 1834 to March 1835 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

17th Regiment: Leicestershire, April 1835 to March 1836 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Richard Cannon, Historical record of the Seventeenth or the Leicestershire Regiment of Foot: containing an account of the formation of the regiment in 1688 and of its subsequent services to 1848 (London: Parker, Furnivall, & Parker, 1848), 39 (DIGITISED)

Graeme D. Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, 1988), 23

. . . Letters from the Revd. Samuel Marsden to the Colonial Secretary in 1835 reveal that the band of the 17th Regiment was then "assisting the Choir of St. John's Church during divine service." Marsden's letter of 9 February sought the Governor's authority for reimbursement of £3 paid to the band while stationed at Parramatta, "and that a small allowance may continue to be granted for a similar service to the Band in attendance". When the Governor [Bourke] demurred, Marsden wrote again on 8 April 1835 explaining that
"a certain sum varying from £10 to £20 per Annum, has always been granted for this service; and of late owing to the death of the principal singer and the departure or absence of others, only a few shillings have been charged on this account, until by the permission of Colonel Despard, the band of the 17th Regt. were engaged, for whose services the amount in question was requested to be sanctioned. I trust that in future a fixed allowance may be granted for the Musicians and Singers in my church."
(State Archives NSW, Colonial Secretary, in-letters, Archdeacon, 1835, 35/1074, 35/2663 in 4/2266.1)

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Marsden (clergyman); St. John's church (Parramatta)

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/17th Foot (Leicestershire) Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"Royal Leicestershire Regiment", Wikipedia 

Band of the 4th Regiment (Sydney and Parramatta, NSW, 1832-37)

Arrived (part of band with headquarters) Sydney, NSW, 27 August 1832 (per Clyde, from Deptford, 14 April, Portsmouth, 9 May)

? Arrived (part of band), Sydney, NSW, 7 October 1832 (per Lord William Bentick, via Hobart Town)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 9 August 1837 (per John, for India) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



John Kenneth MACKENZIE (lieutenant colonel, commander, until 1834)

James ENGLAND (major)

Master, band sergeant, band corporal:

George COLEMAN (master of the band, private; sergeant)

Christopher WALKER (band sergeant)

Zachariah WESTROP (lance corporal, band corporal, flute player, violinist)


John COWNLEY (bandsman)

William DOWNS (bandsman)

Andrew GREIG (bandsman on arrival; from 8 April 1833 drummer; later in drum major)

Francis HENWOOD (bandsman)

William LOMAS (bandsman)

William MOULDING (bandsman)

Thomas PERRY (bandsman)

James WATERS (bandsman)

John WEBSTER (bandsman)

William WESTROP (bandsman)


William WALKER (drum-major)


Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot from 1 April to 30 September 1832; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2214 (DIGITISED)

Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot from 1 April to 30 June 1833; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2215

Drum-Major as Serjeant / 15 Walker Wm. (DIGITISED)

Serjeants . . . 20 / Walker Chris. / Band (DIGITISED)

Privates . . .
110 / Balls Thos. / Band
969 / Coleman Geo / Band Master
566 / Cownley Jno. / Band
33 / Downs Will'm / Band
605 / Hammill Rob't / Band
332 / Henwood Fr's / Band
188 / Jacobs Is'c / Band
834 / Lomas Will'm / Band
603 / Moulding Will'm / Band
380 / Perry Tho's / Band
1034 / Waltire Geo. / Band
160 / Waters Jas. / Band
164 / Webster Jno. / Band
338 / Westrop Will'm / Band
2 / Westrop Zach'h / Band

Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot from 1 April to 30 June 1834; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2216 (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / 15 Walker Wm.
Serjeants . . . 969 / Coleman Geo / Band Master

Privates . . .
967 / Boyne Pat'k / Band / Extra
566 / Cownley Jno. / . . . In Sol'y Conf't from 1st Ap'l to 30th June, Sent'ce of a Gen'l Co't Mart'l
33 / Downs Will'm / Band / [second muster to] Lance Corporal
605 / Hammill Rob't / Band
332 / Henwood Fr's / Band
188 / Jacobs Is. / Band
834 / Lomas Will'm / Band
603 / Moulding Will'm / Band
380 / Perry Tho's / Band
557 / Robinson D'd / Band / Extra
1034 / Waltire Geo. / Band
160 / Waters Jas. / Band
164 / Webster Jno. / Band
338 / Westrop Will'm / Band
2 / Westrop Zach'h / Band
1086 / Wilson Will'm / Band
20 / Walker Chris. / -


[News], The Hobart Town Courier (23 April 1831), 2 

The fourth regiment of foot (the King's own) is expected to be the next that will embark in the prison ships, to perform their sojourn of 4 or 5 years in these colonies, previous to going on to India. It is not more than 8 or 9 years since the 17th returned to England from India. The 4th regt. has latterly been doing duty in Scotland.

"Shipping Intelligence", The Sydney Monitor (1 September 1832), 3 

On the 27th, the Clyde, Munroe master, from Portsmouth on the 9th May, with 199 male prisoners. Surgeon-Superintendent, Dr. Fairfowl. Passengers-Lieut. Col. McKenzie, Mrs. Mackenzie, five Misses and four Masters Mackenzie; Quarter-master and Mrs. Flanna of the 4th Regiment, two serjeants, one corporal, thirty privates, seven women, and ten children of the 4th Regiment.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 September 1832), 3 

Part of the band belonging to the King's Own sailed with the Adjutant, in another vessel, before the departure of the Clyde.

"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Monitor (1 September 1832), 2 

A select Subscription Ball is to take place at Nash's Long room, Parramatta, on Friday next. The band of the 4th regiment, which is to be stationed Parramatta to enliven the town, will play at the ball; and Nash's well known tact and liberality in arrangements of this kind, will no doubt ensure a numerous attendance. Balls henceforward are to be given periodically.

"PARRAMATTA INTELLIGENCE . . . TUESDAY, APRIL 9", The Currency Lad (13 April 1833), 2 

This evening, a grand Military Ball was given at Mr. Nash's, by the Officers of the 4th or King's Own . . . After numerous quadrilles, waltzes, &c. the company broke up about two o'clock in the morning. The Quadrille Band of the King's Own was in attendance, and performed with their accustomed splendour. Band Master Coleman on the flageolet and Corporal Westward [Westrop] on the violin, merit the highest praise both for the execution and judicious selection of the music. Upon the whole it went off with the highest eclat, and it is to be hoped each meeting will be attended with an increase of visitors, and cordiality particularly, as the object is the support of a charitable institution.

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (27 May 1833), 3 

A company of the 4th regiment, with the band marched into Sydney from Parramatta on Thursday last.

"THE PEOPLE AND THE SUNDAY. To the Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 September 1833), 3 

To the Editor of the Sydney Gazette,

Salus populi, summa lex esto

The welfare of the people shall be the highest law.

We were very much delighted for the sake of our community (under which words we understand ever that lively interest, that a man of principles shall take for those with whom he is destined to live, and with whom he is connected by so many ties) - we were, I said, very much delighted to hear the band of the 4th Regiment playing on Sundays afternoon publicly in the Military Barracks. Abstracting here from the higher signification of music, as for instance from Pythagoras, who says that the world was created by the harmony of the spheres; or the Mythology of the Ancients, which let Orpheus move even stones and rocks by the tunes of his lyre, Music is, at any rate a noble, innocent, and exalting pleasure for the human mind. Pray, Sir, what shall our free apprentice? pray what shall the decent assigned servant, to whom his master might give an hours leave of absence - what shall they do on Sunday afternoon? Their mind wants not only exaltation or compunction - man's mind wants relaxation and recreation. Not even Sterne or Chalmers flattered themselves to attract man's mind for an entire day - I am sure of it; far less - exempla sunt odiosa. Now our boys and decent servants shall not even play the Sundays upon the Racecourse - a great part of them being people who like tailors, shoemakers, &c. - are compelled to sit all the week over. This I call a cruel politic. Nevertheless, the law exists, and shall be observed, as long as we are not able, by legal means, to change it.

At any rate, we should recollect sometime, that we live now, and that much more our children are destined to live - under the climate and the sky of Greece and Sicily; and that therefore many regulations, which may be appropriated under the vapourous, smoky and frozen heavens of Great Britain, are quite out of tune in Australasia. Wherever may be the intelligent instigator of our revived Sunday music, his name shall be reverenced to all that people who are not rich enough to have large parties every Sunday. I am. Sir, &c. JOHN LHOTSKY.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Lhotsky (explorer, musical amateur)

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 February 1834), 2 

Several respectable persons have lately asked us, what has become of the band of the 4th? It is no longer heard even at the main-guard, at the "relief," as formerly. We understand that it plays, as usual, in the Barrack-square, in the afternoon of Thursdays; but we would suggest to Col. McKenzie, that many persons regret the change from Macquarie Place, where the public used to be gratified by music and a promenade weekly. Many ladies who would otherwise be present, do not like to walk in the Barrack-square.

"To the Editors", The Australian (3 February 1834), 3 

GENTLEMEN, - It is said to be in contemplation to permit the Band of the 4th Regiment to play once every week, in the square opposite the house of the Colonial Secretary in Macquarie Place. If this really be the case, Colonel Mackenzie will confer on the Ladies of Sydney, an entertainment which cannot fail to engage their attendance to a spot, where, they will not be subject to the insults of those who assemble at Barrack Yard every Sunday, not so much to hear the music (which they cannot appreciate) as to stare, and pass remarks, with impudence, on any lady that may make her appearance, I am Gentlemen, Your, obedient Servant, L. M. N. S. January 29, 1834.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 March 1834), 2 

We were agreeably surprised on Tuesday by the band of the "King's Own" playing the relief to the Main Guard, according to the old custom.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 March 1834), 2 

The band of the 4th Regiment have made astonishing improvement since they came to Sydney. Their instruments, however, are not equal to those of the 17th.

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (2 June 1834), 3 

The Head Quarters of the 17th Regiment will march into Sydney this day, and the Head Quarters and band of the 4th proceed at the same time to Parramatta.

"Saint Andrew's Day", The Sydney Monitor (3 December 1834), 2 

. . . The Band of the 17th regt. was in attendance, and by the manner in which they played the different airs, greatly enhanced the evening's entertainment; a corporal of the 4th regt. also played several appropriate national tunes on the bagpipes, which several gentlemen said were played with great taste.

"Domestic and Miscellaneous Intelligence", The Australian (8 March 1836), 2 

Last Friday was a busy day with the Military, - the inhabitants of Sydney being entertained with the novelty of seeing the head quarters of three different Regiments - the 4th, 17th, and 28th, march in and out of town. From the long continued good conduct and peaceable disposition of the 17th, they will be regretted as long as that gallant regiment is remembered by those who have an opportunity of knowing them. The band of the 4th Regiment commenced operations on Saturday last, and bids fair to rival in sweetness that of the 17th. If they contrive to be placed on a par with them, it will be a feather in their cap. We noticed that the Battalion companies wear the new regulation tufts - certainly an improvement on the former one.

[News], The Sydney Monitor (16 March 1836), 2 

CONCERT. - Mrs. Chester and Mrs. Taylor give a Concert at the Royal Hotel this evening . . . Major England, the commanding officer of the 4th Regiment, has given permission to Mr. Colman and the band of that regiment to attend.

Through the urbanity of Major England, the large gates leading into the Barrack Yard, from George-street, are open to the public until 8 o'Clock in the Evening, for the purpose of affording them an opportunity of hearing the Bugle Band of the 4th. Regiment.

"To the Editor", The Australian (25 March 1836), 2 

To the Editor of the Australian.

SIR, I hasten to contradict a mistake in yesterday's Sydney Herald, to the effect, that the Band of H. M. IVth (or King's Own) Regiment did not play the customary portion of national airs on St. Patrick's Day; and imputing their omission to the order of the Commanding Officer of the Corps. With what motive such a gross misstatement could have been put forth, I know not; except it be for the purpose of gratifying the conductors of the Sydney Herald in their periodical sneers at every thing Hibernian; but I beg leave to acquaint you, for the information of that portion of the public of Australia, who might be misled by this statement, that the following Airs were played by the King's Own Regiment, on the Anniversary of Erin's Patron Saint; viz.

On Trooping the Guard - "Savourneen Deelish" (slow time)
Returning back - "St. Patrick's Day" (quick time)
Marching the Guard through the Town - "Planzty Connor" [Planxty Connor]
Returning from ditto - "Garry Owen"

With a statement of these facts, I beg to subscribe myself, Sir, Your most obedient Servant, G. COLEMAN, BANDMASTER, H.M. IVth (or King's Own) Regiment, Sydney Barracks, March 24th, 1836.

MUSIC: Savourneen Deelish (tune); St. Patrick's day (tune); Planxty Connor (tune); Garryowen (tune)

"St. George's Dinner", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (26 April 1836), 2-3 

One of the most sumptuous and well-arranged public dinners that it has been our lot to see in New South Wales, was that of Friday last, at the Pulteney, on the occasion of the annual commemoration of the patron saint of England and Englishmen, St. George. There were upwards of a hundred gentlemen present, consisting of the very elite of colonial society, to enumerate whose names would be only occupying space without and beneficial result . . . The party sat down at about a quarter-past seven o'clock, and at half-past nine the cloth was removed, after which Non nobis was sung by members of the band [3] of the 4th regiment, which was in attendance, and played the airs to the several toasts in a manner which reflected the highest credit on the skill of the musicians, and bore evidence of the pains which must have been devoted to attain it, on the part of Mr. Coleman, the master . . . The following ie the order in which the toasts were given. -
The King - by the President, with three times three; air, God save the King; glee, Long live the King.
The Queen and Royal Family - by the President, with three times three; air - Queen Adelaide's waltz
The Memory of St. George - by the President, in silence; air - Britons, strike home; glee, The Red cross Knight.
The Governor - by the President, with three times three; - Air, Garry Owen.
Prosperity to the Colony . . . air - Hail, Australia.
Lord Hill and the Army . . . air - The British Grenadiers.
The British Navy . . . air - Rule Britannia; glee - The Sea Sprites.
The Ladies of the Colony . . . air - Here's a health to all good lasses.
Colonel Snodgrass and the Staff . . . air - Grand March.
The Judges of the Colony . . . air - a March.
The Clergy of the Colony . . . air - Chorus from the Creation.
The Military and Civil Officers of the Colony . . . air - Highland Laddie . . . Glee - The wind whistles cold.
The Military Officers of the Colony . . . air - March of the Regiment; glee - Give me the Soldier.
Mr. Miller and the Officers of the Commissariat . . . air - Roast Beef of Old England . . . Glee - Mynheer van Dunck.
The Sons of St. Patrick, St. Andrew, and St. David, who have honoured us with their company . . . air, National Melody . . . Glee, When Arthur first in Court began.
Our American Friends . . . air, Hail Columbia.
The Agricultural and Commercial Interests of the Colony . . . air, Money in both pockets . . . Glee, Dame Durdon.
The President . . . air, Grand March.
The Stewards . . . air, Fly not yet . . .
We must not omit to state that the glee singers (Messrs. Paton, Counley, Lomax, and Enwood, members of the band of the 4th regiment) performed their tasks in admirable style, and their efforts receieved much applause, particularly the "Red Cross Knight," "Give me the Soldier," and "Dame Durdon," the execution of which would have been no discredit to much more celebrated performers.

ASSOCIATIONS: David Paton (bandsman); John Cownley (bandsman); William Lomas (bandsman); Francis Henwood (bandsman)

[News], The Australian (17 May 1836), 2 

The band of the 4th Regt. are enjoying for the present, the benefit of Mr. Wallace's tuition; the improvement made by this band during their sojourn at Parramatta is very perceptible, as well as creditable to Mr. Coleman, the Master, and this "finishing stroke" from the hands of Mr. Wallace will enable them with success to rival their predecessors of the 17th. The bands of the 4th and of the 28th Regiments will be in attendance at the Government House Ball on the 30th instant.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (civilian musician); Band of the 28th regiment (military)

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 June 1836), 3 

We are sorry to observe, that at the meeting of Masonic members announced for Friday next at the St. John's Tavern, to celebrate the festival of St. John the Baptist, they have not availed themselves of the service of those individuals who make music a profession, in lieu of a part of the band of the 4th or King's Own. We love to see talent duly encouraged wherever it can be met with, and we fully appreciate that of the excellent band of the 4th; still private musical talent in such cases should most fairly have the preference.

[News], The Australian (12 August 1836), 2 

We are happy to notice, as it indicates the progress of the Colonists in the attainment of a taste for something more elevated than the plodding considerations of pounds, shillings, and pence, the liberal encouragement that the Professors of Music have received at their numerous Concerts, following, as they recently have, in such rapid succession one after another; which is, in a great measure, to be attributed to the munificent patronage awarded on various occasions by His Excellency Sir Richard Bourke, whose example is decisive, from his prominent situation and deserved popularity, to make either the support or the neglect of such entertainments (not withstanding their admitted rationality) fashionable. His regard for the promotion of whatever may be productive of benefit to the Colony has induced Mr. Coleman, the talented master of the excellent band of the Fourth Regiment, to propose a concert to take place on the 17th instant, at the Royal, and which His Excellency has been pleased to patronise. The claims of Mr. Coleman to the encouragement of the community are not exceeded by those of any of the musical professors who have hitherto presented themselves. The band of which he is master (and also, with one or two individual exceptions, the teacher - the performers in which having been brought, by his exertions, to their present proficiency, during their residence in New South Wales) has been always, by the permission of the Commanding Officer, and latterly by Major England in particular, at the service of the Public - whether at concerts, balls, dinners, or even at the Theatre - a period of upwards of four years, the music having been invariably prepared and arranged by Mr. Coleman. For these services we understand Mr. C. has not received the slightest remuneration, pecuniary or other; and he now rightly judges that his turn has arrived to reap some advantage from the taste the Colonists have latterly evinced for musical entertainments, in the formation of which taste he had taken so prominent a part. We can promise the Public that they will have something new, at the forthcoming Concert. Of its quality, our readers will be able to form an opinion for themselves, both from the general performances of the band, and from the fact that the name of every professor in the Colony is to be found in the list of performers, as advertised in another column. Mr. Coleman may rest satisfied that the Public are not unmindful of his claim upon them, and will support him accordingly.

Playbill, Theatre Royal, Sydney, 21 October 1836; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

Under the distinguished Patronage OF His Excellency the Governor,
WILL PERFORM, For the Benefit of the Sydney Dispensary,
ON FRIDAY EVENING, the 21st of October, 1836, Dibdin's celebrated Comedy of
When, by particular desire, the performance will open with
Balff's [sic] Grand Chorus of "Vive le Roi," in Character.
Sir Charles Racket - John Lonnon
Drugget - John Owen
Lovelace - Francis Henwood
Woodley - William P. Scott
Lady Racket - James Conway
Mrs. Druggett - William Westrop
Nancy - Frederick Green
Dimity - John Elvis.
Glee - "How merrily we live that Soldiers be."
Song - "Darby Kelly" in Character, by A. Greig.
Duet - "Thou hast left me ever, Jamie."
Gayles - William Scott
Sharp - John Lonnon
Justice Guttle - Andrew Greig
Mr. Trippet - David Paton
Cook - John Owen
Mellissa - William Westrop
Kitty - James Conway
Mrs. Gadabout - John Elvis
Mrs. Trippet - Frederick Green.
A comic Dance, by M. Barber.
A Comic Song (Giles Scroggins), by J. Cownley.
Overture, in character, by the full Band.
The whole to concluded with the very laughable Farce of
The Brave Irishman.
Captain O'Blunder - Francis Henwood
Treatwell - John Cownley
Cheatwell - James Conway
Sconce - William Scott
Serjeant - John Lonnon
Doctor Glyster - Thomas Perry
Doctor Gallypot - Andrew Greig
Monsieur Ragou - John Webster
Lucy - William Westrop
Betty - John Elvis.
Finale - "HAIL, ALL HAIL, OUR PATRIOT KING," By the whole Company.
The Band of the King's Own Regiment will compose the Orchestra on this occasion,
under the management of Mr. Coleman, the Master, when several favourite Airs will be performed . . .

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor (26 July 1837), 2 

We perceive by an advertisement in another column that Mr. Wallace has consented to give a Concert on Tuesday evening next, we are informed it is at the particular desire of some of the first classes in Sydney. Major England has consented to permit the band of the 4th to attend for the last time previous to their departure for India. The Glee singers of this band have proved favorites with the public, and it is expected there will be a full attendance.

[News], The Australian (8 August 1837), 3 

The head quarters of the 4th Regiment will depart for India, in the John, tomorrow, and consists of Major England (commanding officer), Captain Chetwode, Captain Burn (paymaster), Dr. Lewis, Adjutant Espinasse, Lieutenant Moneypenny, Ensigns Short, Hext, Wilby, and 232 privates & non-commissioned officers, including the band, and Mr. Coleman, the band-master.

[Advertisement], The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch . . . (19 January 1838), 8 

MUSIC neatly copied or arranged for the Piano forte by a person late of the King's band. Apply at S. A. Tegg's, bookseller and stationer, Elizabeth-street, Hobart Town. ALSO The German Flute and key bugle taught to young gentlemen either at their own houses or the residence of the advertiser.

"Madras . . . SHIPPING ARRIVALS", Parbury's oriental herald and colonial intelligencer (1838), 118 (DIGITISED)

[Oct. 6 1837] - John, from New South Wales . . . Passengers by the John . . . Major England, commanding officer, Capt. Chetwoode, Capt. Burn, Adjutant Espinasse, Lieutenant Moneypenny, Ensigns Short, Hext, Wilby, Dr. Lewis, and 232 non-commissioned officers and privates of H. M.'s 4th regiment, Mr. Coleman (band-master), the band, and soldiers' wives and children.

Regimental records:

4th Regiment: Royal Lancaster (Kings Own), January 1831 to December 1831 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

4th Regiment: Royal Lancaster (Kings Own), September 1831 to March 1833 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

4th Regiment: Royal Lancaster (Kings Own), April 1833 to March 1834 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

4th Regiment: Royal Lancaster (Kings Own), April 1834 to March 1835 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

4th Regiment: Royal Lancaster (Kings Own), April 1835 to March 1836 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

4th Regiment: Royal Lancaster (Kings Own), April 1836 to March 1837 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

4th Regiment: Royal Lancaster (Kings Own), April 1837 to March 1838 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Extant musical sources:

Currency lasses, an admired Australian quadrille, composed by a Lady at Sydney and performed there with great applause by the bands of the 3rd (or Buffs) 39th and 57th regiments (London: J. Cross, [c. 1832-35]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

See also, on site, a full discussion of this early Australian composition, and its composer:

Tempest Paul and Currency Lasses

Bibliography and resources:

Richard Cannon, Historical record of The Fourth, or, The King's Own Regiment of Foot (London: Longman, Orme, & Company and William Clowes & Sons, 1839), 140 (DIGITISED)

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/4th Foot (Lancaster) King's Own Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster)", Wikipedia's_Own_Royal_Regiment_(Lancaster)

King's Own Royal Regiment Museum, Lancaster - 19th century 

Band of the 21st Regiment (Royal Scots Fusiliers; Hobart, TAS, 1833-39)

Regiment arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 10 December 1833 (per Lord Lyndoch, from England, via Sydney, NSW)

Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 25 February 1839 (for India) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Colonel LEAHY (commander)



Angus McLEOD (master of the band)


William LYNCH (bandsman, bugler, drummer, or piper)

John McLEOD (bandsman, viola player)


Michael QUIN (drummer, bugler)

Paylists (only indicate band from 1 October 1838):

Pay-list of the 21st Regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1838 

143 / Drum-Major as Serjeant / Greene John
Serjeants . . . 48 / Churchill James / Band . . .

Drummers and Fifers . . . 365 / Quinn Michael / Swan River

Privates . . .
713 / Carroll Charles / -
544 / Cody James / -
402 / Connell Mich'l / -
963 / Devlin Thomas / -
861 / Dwyer James / -
541 / Farrel John / Tailor
996 / Harper Peter / -
482 / Hennessy Timothy / -
545 / Jones Robert / -
349 / Kyle James / -
228 / Kyle William / -
50 / Myers James / -
410 / Walsh Edward / -
23 / Wayman John / -
120 / Weathers James / -
903 / Wellensley Edward / -
549 / Westerman James / -

Pay-list of the 21st Regiment, 1 October to 31 December 1838 (DIGITISED)

143 / Drum-Major as Serjeant / Greene John
Serjeants . . . 48 / Churchill James / Band

Drummers and Fifers . . . 365 / Quinn Michael / To Detachment at Swan River

Privates . . .
713 / Carroll Charles / Band
544 / Cody James / -
402 / Connell Mich'l / Band / Sick Reg'l Hosp'l
963 / Devlin Thomas / -
861 / Dwyer James / Band
541 / Farrel John / - In Solit'y Confinement
996 / Harpur Peter / Band
482 / Hennessy Timothy / -
545 / Jones Robert / Band
349 / Kyle James / Band
228 / Kyle William / Band
50 / Myers James / Band
410 / Walsh Edward / Band
23 / Wayman John / Band / Died in Reg'l Hosp'l 13 Oct'r [1838]
120 / Weathers James / Band
903 / Wellensley Edward / Band
549 / Westerman James / Band

Monthly muster-roll of the 21st Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1839 (DIGITISED)

143 / Drum-Major as Serjeant / Greene John / From Private 26 April 1839
Serjeants . . . 48 / Churchill James / Band

Drummers and Fifers . . . 365 / Quin Michael

Privates . . .
713 / Carroll Charles / Band
544 / Cody James / Band
963 / Devlin Thomas / Band
861 / Duryer James / Band
541 / Farrel John / Band / Tailor Athlone
996 / Harpur Peter / Band
482 / Hennessy Timothy / Band
545 / Jones Robert / Band
349 / Kyle James / Band
228 / Kyle William / Band
50 / Myers James / Band
120 / Weathers James / Band
903 / Wellensley Edward / Band
549 / Westerman James / Band


"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (21 February 1833), 3 

The detachment of the 21st Fusileers, that arrived per Camden, landed on Wednesday morning, and marched to Barracks to the tune of their national music, the bagpipes. They proceed to Hobart Town by the first opportunity.

[News], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (6 August 1833), 3 

Accounts per the Enchantress have reached the Colony, stating that the Colonel and Band of the 21st regiment may be shortly expected here.

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (21 October 1833), 2 

The Lord Lyndoch has brought the Head Quarters and Band of the 21st Regiment; it is expected they will proceed to Hobart Town, per Indiana.


. . . During the dinner, the Piper of the Fusileers paraded up and down the verandah, recalling by the shrill sound of his pibroch, the recollection of the "Land of brown heath, and shaggy wood."

"POSTSCRIPT", The Austral-Asiatic Review (10 December 1833), 3 

2 o'clock, P. M. The Lyndoch has this moment anchored from Sydney this day week with COLONEL LEAHY, and the Head Quarters of the 21st Regiment. The Aurora with the remainder was to sail on Saturday, and may be daily expected. The Troops are to encamp on Macquarie Point, until the embarkation of the 63rd.

"63d Regiment", The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (24 December 1833), 4 

THE REVIEW . . .This Regiment was reviewed for the last time in Van Diemen's Land prior to their departure for "India's sultry clime" on Friday . . . EMBARKATION . . . The morning was favourable - the bugles of the 21st, and their Highland Piper, gave their most popular airs to the departing Regiment; and their own sweet, and graceful band played amongst various effecting airs, "Auld Lange Syne," with the most delightful expression . . .

[News], Trumpeter General (24 December 1833), 2 

The bagpiper of the 21st. performs some favourite Scotch airs every afternoon at half past five, in the verandah of the barracks, dressed in the Highland garb. The brass band of this regiment is most perfect in its performance, and is well worth hearing.

[News], Trumpeter General (7 January 1834), 3 

The lovers of music should take a walk on a Sunday evening towards the Military Barracks, and listen to the delightful airs of the Brass Band of the 21st. It is quite a treat.

"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (7 January 1834), 5 

We have been given to understand that Colonel Leahy is passionately fond of dancing, and with the aid of his Scotch piper is determined to get up that delightful amusement for himself and friends. Mrs. Hodges has been already engaged, we hear, and we have no doubt that with her able assistance, a young corps will formed, capable of rivalling the first dancers in any country.

"THE BAND", The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (14 January 1834), 2 

The 63d Regiment had certainly a fine and well-trained Band; but it is fully equalled by that of the 21st. We feared the "Chamber Band" would not be so perfect; but have been agreeably surprised to find it by no means inferior to that of brass instruments.

"THE SCOTS FUZILEERS", The Tasmanian (17 January 1834), 7-8 

Colonel Leahy has kindly applied to Mr. Hone for permission for the admirable band of the 21st regiment, to play in the area in front of his office, on the Wednesday and Sunday evenings of each week . . . The manner in which Colonel Leahy is desirous of affording the inhabitants of this town the gratification, twice a week of hearing this delightful band of his regiment, proves quite sufficiently his desire to oblige. The 21st band, while the regiment was lately quartered at Windsor, was admitted to be equal at least to any of the household brigade - having been accustomed to compete for [8] hours with the bands of the Life and Foot Guards constantly on the Sunday evenings, and frequently daily. That part of Macquarie-street near the Government-house, will now become the favorite promenade of the inhabitants . . .

"To the Editor", Colonial Times (21 January 1834), 6 

Sir, - Observing in the Tasmanian newspaper of last Friday, that the band of the 21st Fuzilleers is to play twice a week opposite the church, for the amusement of the nursery maids and children, and that one of the days is to be Sunday, I am induced to enquire whether they will be allowed thus to amuse the pretty dears during the afternoon service? As to the hasty assertion of the hasty Editor of that well conducted Journal, that the band of the 21st beat those of the Foot and Life Guards when at Windsor, there is little doubt of the fact, but he should have added that it was much in the same way as clocks and watches sometimes beat the sun!! Any one, who knows any thing of the household troops and their bands, are perfectly aware, that the remarks of the great Editor of the Tasmanian are all fudge. - I am, Sir, your obedient servant, BLARNEY. Cork Market.

"To the Editor", Colonial Times (28 January 1834), 5-6 

Sir, -As I take a walk every Sunday with my wife and children after Church, when it is fine, on passing the Barrack-square, yesterday, I was struck with the unusual appearance the place presented - when the 63d regiment were here, nothing of the kind was to be seen, and I do assure you, Mr. Editor, I felt the greatest indignation on seeing such a number of nice, respectable, beautiful young women parading the Barrack-square. How their parents or friends can allow it, is to me inconceivable. For my part, I should prefer seeing my children dead at my feet, rather than have their fair name sullied, or the finger of scorn pointed at them, from loss of character; and rest assured of it, Mr. Editor, ruinous consequences will ensue in many, now respectable families, if this bagpiping and brass band-playing, be continued, so as to attract all the females to the barracks, on Sunday.

Many fathers of families have been already discussing the subject, and it is seriously in contemplation to address His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, respectfully, on this important subject. It may be all very well, for both old and young unmarried officers, to sport with the feelings of fathers and mothers, by bringing woeful destruction on their innocent children; but, Mr. Editor, conceive the [6] agony of mind, the distraction of a parent when he beholds the females of his family run riot, and plunge headlong into ruin and misery, in consequence of the debauchery and depravity of those, who care for nothing on earth but their own base and selfish gratification. Pray Mr. Editor, dilate on this important subject. Point out to the innocent and unprotected, the danger they run in associating with those above them in rank. Their kindness, their smiles, their attention, are merely baits, thrown out to betray, and woe and destruction must attend the unfortunate girls who listen to the voice of these Syrens.--

I am, Sir, your obedient servant, ULYSSES.

[We shall recommend Ulysses to the next vacancy as Catechist. If he does not like the band and the barracks, and has daughters, let him send them elsewhere to preserve their morals.- ED.]

"To the Editor", Colonial Times (28 January 1834), 6 

Sir,- Well I know what the praising of the grand Band of the 21st would come to. Already, my prisoner women are beyond all endurance - they tell me to my face, if I do not let them have the Sunday afternoon to amuse themselves, by hearing the Band, and otherwise enjoying themselves in a little "innocent recreation" that I may at once turn them into the Factory. So it would appear, all the horrors of prison discipline has come to this, that I must either allow these women, who are entrusted to my charge, to run loose into every manner of debauchery, or truly, I shall lose their services. Is this, the end of the "worse than death system?" If things go on in this manner, the learned Editor of the Tasmanian, need not give himself further trouble, nor need to address my Lord Brougham on the horrors of transportation. The brass hand and the bagpipes of the 21st Fusileers, will settle the business.

-I am Sir, your obedient servant, A. CITIZEN.

[Both Citizen, and his compere, Ulysses are two old frumps; they have no taste for music, or they would not write such stuff.- ED.]

"THE REGATTA", The Tasmanian (28 February 1834), 6 

. . .The regulations to be observed this day will be found in the advertisement of the Committee in another page. In conformance with Resolution 10, Messrs. Murray and Wilson had the honour to wait upon Colonel Leahy, on the part of the Committee, to solicit the favor of the delightful band of this 21st regiment. That officer received them with the very utmost courtesy, and without the least hesitation not only accorded to them the object of their visit, but also that the brass band should besides be at their disposal - the one band to perform on shore, and the other afloat. Colonel Leahy added, that he should always be most happy to shew his desire to afford every facility in his power to the amusement or gratification of the inhabitants upon all public occasions. The very handsome manner in which this gallant officer, distinguished by as honourable a course of service as any in the British army (and that is saying quite sufficient), expressed himself upon this occasion, will add to the general esteem in which he is deservedly held, and which his whole Corps, men and officers, are daily more and more proving themselves entitled to.

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (12 June 1835), 2 

On Wednesday the half-yearly inspection of the troops in garrison took place, when his Excellency we learn was pleased to express his high approbation of the effective order and correct discipline of the forces. In addition we take this opportunity to pass a well deserved encomium on the sober, orderly, and exemplary conduct that has been uniformly shewn by the privates of the 21st regiment ever since its arrival in Hobart Town. The band in particular is deserving of praise. It is by far the best and most professional that has yet been in the colony, and does the Band-master Mr. Macleod much credit.

"THE 21st. BAND", The Tasmanian (11 December 1835), 7 

The Band of the 21st Fuzileers was heard to much advantage at the Church parade on Sunday, not having been overwhelmed by the drums. As in the 7th fuzileers the large and second drums, and both "sotto voce" were alone present, and on the march to and from the Church parade on Sunday, not having been overwhelmed by the drums, two very beautiful (we believe) Portuguese pieces, were well performed, and afforded the numerous presence much satisfaction. It is always highly gratifying to all old soldiers, to observe the military anxious to thus oblige the people, with whom they are domiciled.

"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (5 July 1836), 7 

His Most Gracious Majesty manifested a most Kingly and parental solicitude, for the moral welfare of his loyal subjects in Van Diemen's Land, when he dispatched for their protection and support, the present ornamental regiment so free from the biting remarks which were made on its predecessor, that Van Diemen's Land seems to be ignorant of a regiment being stationed there at all, and even its excellent brass band appears to "waste its sweetness in the desert air," for except from the report of the officers no one knows that such is in existence. Different persons attribute different reasons for this regiment pursuing the even noiseless tenor of its way. It is quite clear that it does not intrude upon the religious feelings of the community, by causing "unholy liftings of the leg," as Mr. Macarthur has it, like the 63d used to do: some assign as a reason its having been stationed in Kent, which gave it a dislike to hops - others mention different circumstances to account for its dislike of balls. We understand it would he a rare sight to see these Lions at feeding time, if indeed they ever feed. There are some Lions attached to the concern, but they are few and far removed. - Correspondent.

"The Regatta", Bent's News and Tasmanian Register (7 December 1838), 3 

. . .Both the bands of the 21st Fusileers were in attendance, and played some agreeable waltzes; but, decidedly the most amusing performance of the day in the musical way, was that of the celebrated Yankee song, so classically y'clept "Jem Crow" by the Brass Band; it was received, as the Theatrical critics would say, with "unbounded applause" and, we observed that His Excellency enjoyed it with a most vivacious relish . . .

"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (11 December 1838), 6-7 

We understand, that the head-quarters of the 80th Regiment, now at Sydney, may be shortly expected here. We hear, also, great praise and admiration of the Band, which, we are told, is both numerous and effective. One worthy gentleman of our acquaintance is in raptures at the mere anticipation of its arrival, and assures us, that it is vastly superior to the Band of the 21st. For our part, (and we pretend to be rather judges of music, as well as musicians) we are quite content with our present performers, who add, also to their musical abilities, good and quiet conduct. The Band-master, Mr. McLeod, who is universally esteemed, will not accompany the regiment to India, but, will, we are happy to say, remain here with us.

"THE TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (26 February 1839), 7 

The embarkation of the 21st R. S. Fusileers for India, took place at seven o'clock on Monday morning [25 February]. To the honor of that fine Corps when the Parade was formed, there was not one man absent nor one man drunk . . . The Band of the 51st Regt. attended, and performed several pieces of beautiful music until the embarkation was completed . . . Mr. McLeod, the Master of the Band, remains here, settling with his large family amongst us . . .

"LOCAL", The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (13 March 1840), 2-3 

The embarkation of the last detachment of the 21st Royal Scots Fusiliers took place on Thursday last, at seven o'clock. The men, 124 in number, marched from their barracks in excellent health and spirits, accompanied by the band of the 51st, playing the well-known airs of the [3] "British Grenadiers," and "Patrick's Day." Some of the veterans were much affected. The scene, as they marched down the declivity from the barracks, brought forcibly to mind the words of the favourite song - "The Soldiers Tear."
"He turn'd and left the spot; ah, do not deem him weak,
For dauntless was the soldier's heart, though tears were on his cheek;
Go, watch the foremost ranks, in danger's dark career,
Be sure the hand most daring there has wiped away a tear."
. . .

"EMBARKATION OF THE 21ST REGIMENT R.S.F.", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (17 March 1840), 5 

On Thursday morning the detachment of the 21st Regiment under the command of Capt Mackay embarked on board the Blake for India. The officers of the 51st K O.L.I., entertained the officers of the 21st at breakfast a la fourchette, champagne being the predominant beverage, after which, about eight o'clock, the detachment fell in for embarkation, not a man absent. With the fine band of the 21st [recte 51st], and Col. Elliott at their head, they proceeded (the band playing the old Fuzileer March, The British Grenadiers), to the wharf, where boats were ready to convey them to the ship, and the embarkation was effected in the most perfect order . . .


. . . The 63rd left Tasmania in December, 1833. The band that followed belonged to the 21st North British Fusiliers (now Royal Scotch Fusiliers). It was a similar one in several respects to the 63rd, but the regiment had the advantage of having a bugle and drum band, which often combined with the former. There were also a few pipers, who played with the troops on the march. The late Mr. Lynch, father of the Lynch brothers, well-known in aquatic circles, was one of the performers. Mr. Angus McLeod was the bandmaster, and was considered a talented musician. When he severed his connection with the troops to reside in Tasmania, he was presented with an address and testimonial by the offices and men. Fusilier Cottage, named after the regiment, which stands at the corner of Hampden road and Wellington crescent, also the house around the corner in Wellington crescent, were owned and occupied by him. Mr. McLeod was for several years afterwards a great acquisition in supplying orchestras in the early days to various functions. The 21st Regiment wore large beaver hats. They left Tasmania per Fairlie on February 28, 1839, for India, and when the troops arrived at their destination the weather was so sultry that they threw their hats overboard, and the officers had to fish them out of the water. The 21st was relieved by the 51st King's Own Light Infantry (now the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry). The instrumental character of this band was somewhat superior to its predecessors. There were more clarionets and flutes, and the Turkish Crescent (bells on pole attached to straps) was for the first time in Hobart. It was about this period the cornopean was introduced . . .

Regimental records:

21st Regiment: Royal Scots Fusiliers, August 1832 to March 1834 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

21st Regiment: Royal Scots Fusiliers, April 1834 to March 1835 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

21st Regiment: Royal Scots Fusiliers, April 1835 to March 1836 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

21st Regiment: Royal Scots Fusiliers, April 1836 to March 1837 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

21st Regiment: Royal Scots Fusiliers, April 1837 to March 1838 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

21st Regiment: Royal Scots Fusiliers, April 1838 to April 1839 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

21st Regiment: Royal Scots Fusiliers, April 1839 to March 1840 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

21st Regiment: Royal Scots Fusiliers, April 1840 to March 1841 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Richard Cannon, Historical record of the Twenty-First or Royal North British Fusilier Regiment of Foot (London: Parker, Furnivall, & Parker, 1849), 48 

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1/21st Royal North British Fusiliers Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"Royal Scots Fusiliers", Wikipedia 

Other documentation (1830s)

Band news from UK and Europe

[Advertisement], Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier [Ireland] (22 March 1831), 3 (PAYWALL)

59TH REGIMENT. WANTED, PERFORMERS on the following Instruments for the BAND of the 59th Regiment:
to Performers on the above Instruments desirous of Enlisting, a Gratuity of
£25 for a 1st HORN, and
£20 for each CLARIONET, and a FLUTE
will be given on attestation and approval by the Band Master.
None need apply who are not proficient on their respective Instruments. Bitt Barracks, 8th March 1831.

[Advertisement], Morning Post [London, England] (23 May 1832), 1 (PAYWALL)

BAND MASTER. WANTED, for the 74th Regiment, a BAND MASTER.
None but those whose character and abilities will bear the strictest examination need apply.
Address (post paid) to the President, Band Committee, 74th Regiment, Templemore, Ireland.

"NEW MUSICALS", Launceston Advertiser (10 July 1832), 223 

An experiment, interesting to the musical world, was made on Thursday last, at the King's Theatre [London]. It resulted from the idea of arranging orchestral pieces for brass instruments exclusively - trombones, trumpets, bugles of various keys and sizes, &c. The effect confirmed the most sanguine expectations.

"ENGLISH EXTRACTS . . . DRURY-LANE THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (8 September 1832), 4 

The Oratorio (if a selection of music of all sorts, jumbled together without system, may be so called) was well attended last night, although no particular novelty was offered beyond "Mr. Harper's Professional Brass Band," as it was termed in the bills; and a private experiment with which having been successfully made at the Opera-house a few days ago, it was determined to repeat it publicly last night. All the instruments (with the exception of two interloping copper kettle drums) are brass, and of the trumpet or horn kind, and the effect on the whole was good; but it is out of the question to suppose that music upon such imperfect instruments, however improved of late years, can be without defects. There were about five-and twenty performers in the band, and they gave a march from Mozart's Zauberflote, an Air from Auber's Fra Diavolo, and a Prayer from Rossini's Mose in Egitto - three very different pieces of music - to show of[f] what the instruments, properly managed, are capable. They are capable of a great deal of more than could be expected, but not of everything. One huge machine, as large as a brass field-piece, and producing nearly as loud a report, struck us particularly; and, if we are not mistaken, it has just been imported with its performer from the Continent, by Mr. Monk Mason. It is called, perhaps, after him, the Hybernicon, but he ought to take it as anything but a compliment, considering the material of which it is made; possibly it has reference rather to his power of place as Director of the King's Theatre, than to his power of face as an Irishman. The sound of the instrument puts one in mind of the sort of trombetto, which, at the end (we think) of the 18th Canto of Dante's Inferno, the Devil is represented as using when he summons his troops together on being disappointed in securing the companion of Virgil. More we cannot say; but we beg earnestly to refer the reader to the passage for explanation.

See also "MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. Harper's Brass Band", The Atlas [London, England] (5 February 1832), 12 (PAYWALL)

THE first trial of a band composed exclusively of brass instruments, was made at the Opera-house, about a week ago, before a select audience, and the experiment has been repeated in public with complete success. Three pieces were executed at the oratorio on Monday night - the march in Die Zauberflote; the song, "Diavolo, Diavolo," in Auber's opera; and the prayer of ROSSINI'S Moses. These movements have been arranged for brass instruments, as we understand, by Mr. KEARNS, and they are surprisingly well done, considering the few facilities which England affords for making studies in this sort of combination. Wind-instrument players having been long accustomed to expect payment for every breath they blow, the progress in this country of a certain branch of musical knowledge has been slow in proportion to the costliness of experience; for what was the student to do with a set of dull, mechanical men, uninterested in any thing beyond the price of their labour? But Mr. HARPER, who evidently unites a strong enthusiasm for music to rare talent on his instrument, has succeeded in diffusing a more artist-like feeling; and though we never expected to witness such a result in a country where musicians are so divided, we must admit, that the band of native performers played together on Monday, with a precision and an unanimity of feeling which bid fair to rival the best performances of the Continent. The intonations of players upon brass instruments are, from their great strength, necessarily of the purest order - hence the beauty of the combination; we should add, too (what is well attested by musicians), that the quality of sound is always more delightful from those instruments in which pressure upon the lips with a certain peculiarity of embouchure and not keys, modify the tones. In MOZART'S march, which is entirely a piece of ensemble, the full beauty of the band was heard in a charming composition. The other pieces displayed solo playing, principally upon the keyed bugle, or Russian valve horn, the trumpet, and the horn. Upon the first named instrument, the performer showed much delicacy of taste, but the tones, which we are convinced are the best that can be obtained, are still of a howling quality. In the German bands we think these instruments are not admitted. HARPER's solo in the song from Fra Diavolo, was a masterly piece of playing; it was astonishing with what accuracy he gave the semitones, and what expression he threw into the melody in spite of the invincible stubbornness of his instrument. The playing of PLATT and RAE upon the horns deserved high commendation. We think this band would be improved by some additions to the bass, for which the acute sounds are much too strong. The audience were highly delighted and unmerciful in their encores, and we have no doubt but that the brass band will turn out one of the most popular of our musical entertainments. The performances should be heard in a large room - perhaps no where better than in the open air.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Harper (musician brass player)

"Abstract of European News to the beginning of May", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (25 August 1832), 3 

The 43d Light Infantry, and 60th Rifles, in Dublin, have broken up their full bands, retaining, however, the trumpets and bugles, and adding them to their brass bands, which now consist of from 27 to 30 instruments. This regulation is general as respects to the infantry and rifle regiments.

"THE ARMY", The Tasmanian (14 February 1834), 7 

. . . The brass bands of the light battalions, (they have no other,) are spoken of, as being of the finest description of any in Europe . . .

"Correspondence addressed to the Editor. REGIMENTAL BANDS", Naval & Military Gazette and Weekly Chronicle of the United Service (13 February 1836), 5 (PAYWALL)

SIR, - I was pleased to observe in your paper of the 22d Aug. last, No. 134, that "Bands of regiments are in future to be managed Committees, instead of the practice adopted in some corps of allowing Commandants to be the sole managers of the money of others." There could hardly emanate from the Horse Guards a better order; and I sincerely trust that, not the band fund alone, but the mess, poor, or such other funds as may now or hereafter have their being in regiments, may also be placed under such superintendance, limiting such Committees to small expenditures. Where large sums are to be expended, the whole corps of officers should, by a majority of votes, be alone empowered to lay it out, for the following reason: -

Regiments returning from India, the Mediterranean, or the West Indies, may, during their service abroad, have pursued a saving system, for the purpose (and very properly) of placing their mess, band, &c., on respectable footing on their return to England. The Commanding Officer, from vanity or some other less worthy intention, mars the original object; - he may, for instance, proceed to London, and patronise some particular tradesmen; he sends a supply (according to his own taste) of mess furniture or band instruments to the regiment; he may or he may not have made good selection, - it matters little; the very circumstance of his having taken the liberty (I cannot call it less) of spending "the money of others" on his own judgment and responsibility (which, when too late, officers are unwilling openly to protest against) creates unpleasant discussions, and dissatisfaction continues to be often afterwards expressed, so long as the transaction is borne in remembrance. A contrary line of proceeding would be advisable. We will suppose a regiment just returned home with money at its disposal; a meeting of all the officers is called, the state of the funds and the necessities are made known (the former, by-the-bye, should never be kept secret), the object for which the officers are called together is fully and patiently discussed; the majority decide; Committees of taste are voted in, the tradesmen are fixed upon, and the articles required are ordered, and when they arrive all parties are satisfied.

The expense to which officers are put requires some attention should be paid to their wishes and opinions, and that their money should be laid out in such a manner as will at least satisfy the majority, seems to me to be but fair and reasonable. This or some such arrangement will not only prove highly satisfactory to every corps of officers, but, placing it out of the power of all Commanding Officers (I hope there are few) who imagine themselves all powerful and at liberty to apply the funds according to their whim or fancy, will tend to keep them in the enjoyment of that respect from the officers under their command which every reflecting and sensible Commanding Officer ought to value. You, Mr. Editor, are hardly aware how much grumbling has from time to time taken place amongst Regimental Officers at the lavish expenditure of Regimental Funds by some Commandants who fancy that their will and pleasure alone should be consulted. How ridiculous it must appear for a Commanding Officer, who has not ear enough to distinguish "God save the King" from "Paddy O'Rafferty," to undertake to be a judge of a musical instrument or of a piece of music; still there are a few such, and it is to them I partly address myself. The yearly subscriptions to the Band Fund amount to about 222l. 9s.; in India, to 271l. 13s., or thereabouts, as will appear by the accompanying memorandum; the savings from which, during a residence abroad for the number of years regiments are now obliged to serve, cannot but amount to a large sum, particularly when we take into consideration the entrance fees of officers on appointment (twenty days' pay of their rank to the band, thirty days' to the mess), and that of officers on promotion in the corps (the same number of days, being the difference of pay between the rank promoted from to that promoted to), calls for a watchful eye over its expenditure. After our amiable Commander-in-Chief shall have issued the order which your paper already quoted speaks of, he would confer an additional boon on the Service (and I hope he will take it into his gracious consideration) by amending the order which limits the number of Band men to one Serjeant and fourteen privates. This number is at any time too few, but more particularly in tropical climates, where deaths are more frequent than at home, and where, from the limited number of men employed, the death of two or three of the leading instruments, annihilates the band; in proof of which, I need only remark, in how very few instances have regiments returned from the West or East Indies with anything like a good band. When officers pay such heavy subscriptions, it is but natural they should like to have something for their money. Good music cannot be produced by twelve musicians (some may be ill) and three time-beaters. Witness the splendid bands of foreign corps, - fifty in some ate not considered too many; thirty would satisfy me. I will here show you bands as they are, and bands as I think they ought to be:


1 Clarionets.
2 "
3 "
4 "
5 Flute.
6 French Horns.
7 "
8 Bassoons.
9 "
10 Trumpet.
11 Trombone.
12 Serpent.
13 Bass Drum (Time beaters.
14 Cymbals. ( "
15 Kettle Drums. ( "


1 E flat Clarionets.
2 "
3 First Clarionets.
4 "
5 Second do.
6 "
7 Third do.
8 "
9 Flutes.
10 "
11 Trumpets.
12 "
13 Horns.
14 "
15 "
16 "
17 Bassoons.
18 "
19 "
20 Tenor Trombones.
21 "
22 Bass [Trombone].
23 Serpents.
24 "
25 Bass Horn.
26 Bass Hibernicon.
27 Kettle Drums. (Time beaters.
28 " ( "
29 Cymbals. ( "
20 Bass Drum. ( "

Whether there are fifteen men or thirty men in the band, the difference in point of expense is very trifling, and not more than the subscriptions will meet. Now, to provide for the additional fifteen men which I here propose should be added to the band, I would take two drummers from the Grenadiers, one bugler from the light companies of regts., and the six men allowed by a very recent regulation to the depot - making nine, and I would add six boys. The six men at the depot cannot be taught an instrument away from the Band-Master; the fund will not allow of two Band-Masters. In proposing an increased number of men to the band, I do believe I shall not have the whole of the Army with me; but I will, if possible, gain over those whom I fear most (the old Martinet who neither cares for music or anything bordering on show), by proposing that the whole of the band should take one tour of duty in the week, which, on the score of relieving their comrades, will set aside the only objection to an increase of the present number to thirty, that I am aware of. As all regiments and all companies of regiments not light are expected to understand the Light Infantry drill, and to be prepared to act light troops, when required every drummer ought to be furnished with a bugle in addition to his drum, the drummer being able to sound all the regimental calls, as well as the Light Infantry sounds, will be gaining decided advantage over the present system; in fact, a drummer, to of use, ought to play the fife, bugle, and drum, by note, and not by ear, as too many do; and until he can do this well, he should not be considered an educated drummer.
West Indies, 31st Dec.


WEST INDIES. £. s. d.
1 Colonel - 13 13 0
1 Lieutenant-Colonel - 10 4 0
2 Majors - 19 4 0
10 Captains - 69 0 0
12 Lieutenants - 46 16 0
8 Ensigns - 25 4 0
1 Paymaster - 9 0 0
1 Quartermaster - 3 18 0
1 Surgeon - 11 8 0
2 Assistant-Surgeons - 9 0 0
1 Adjutant - 5 2 0
[TOTAL] £222 9 0

EAST INDIES. £. s. d.
1 Colonel - 13 13 0
2 Lieutenant-Colonels - 20 8 0
2 Majors - 19 4 0
10 Captains - 69 0 0
22 Lieutenants - 85 16 0
8 Ensigns - 25 4 0
1 Paymaster - 9 0 0
1 Quartermaster - 3 18 0
1 Surgeon - 11 8 0
2 Assistant-Surgeons - 9 0 0
1 Adjutant - 5 2 0
[TOTAL] £271 13 0

"THE ARMY", Freeman's Journal [Dublin, Ireland] (16 October 1837), 3 (PAYWALL)

. . . The band master of the 30th Regiment, Wagstaff, has deserted from Bermuda, supposed to the United States, taking with him nearly 50l. worth of instruments . . .

"English Extracts", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 May 1838), 3 

His Majesty's chamber band consists of a leader clarionet, four other clarionets, two flutes, two oboes, two bassoons, two horns, trumpet trombone, serpent, and drums; of this number there are nine Englishmen, and 11 belonged to the bands of George IV and the Queen Dowager. The whole are under the direction of Mr. Anderson.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Frederick Anderson (musician)

Band instruments for sale (Dublin, Ireland, stock in trade of Andrew Ellard)

ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Ellard (musical instrument maker and seller)

[Advertisement], Dublin University Magazine Advertiser (September 1836), 32-33 (DIGITISED)

. . . ELLARD AND SON . . .

It is almost superfluous to add, the House is Twenty Years Established for selling every Article connected with the Trade, of the very best description.

are respectfully informed, the above Establishment is as usual, largely assorted with
(of their own Manufacture,) with the most modern improvements, warranted equal to any in the United Kingdom, and at
Musical Amateurs are particularly requested to examine ELLARD'S newly invented
which for sweetness of tone, portability, &c. surpasses any Instrument of the Bugle Class hitherto invented.

[Advertisement], Dublin Evening Mail (4 July 1838), 2 (PAYWALL)

TO THE ARMY. - A. ELLARD, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, respectfully informs Officers commanding Regiments, that he is immediately removing his Establishment to SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES, and will dispose of his Stock of Military Instruments at extremely reduced prices. - ELLARD particularly calls attention to his Stock of BASS DRUMS, which are the best in the Kingdom, 33 inches diameter, and will be sold at SIX GUINEAS EACH. They are prepared for the Herald Painter, and will be painted to order (in the best style) if required, for Two Guineas additional, making in the whole Eight Guineas, which thirty-three per cent, under the usual price. TERMS CASH.

[Advertisement], Dublin Evening Mail (17 October 1838), 1 (PAYWALL)

ROBINSON, RUSSELL and ROBINSON have the honour to inform the Commanding Officers of Regiments and Military Depots in Ireland, the Nobility, Gentry, and the Musical Profession, that they have purchased from Mr. ELLARD his entire stock of Tools, Models, Patterns, and Machinery for carrying on the Manufacture of Military Musical Instruments of all descriptions, and have retained in their employment Workmen of the first capability connected with his former merit; under which circumstances they beg leave to solicit a continuance of that patronage and support so long and experienced by him.

They will have on hands an ample stock of the following Military Instruments, with all the latest improvements, which they can with confidence engage to be of the very best manufacture, both as to perfection of tone and superiority of finish, and will dispose of them at a rate far below the London prices:

FRENCH HORNS - BEST RUSSIAN VALVE, improved by Ellard, with Valve Slides to use Valves in all keys.
Do. as made in London. Best Slide, with master crook to every key - Slide with six crooks - Common Plain do.

TRUMPETS - BEST RUSSIAN VALVE, as Improved by Ellard with Valve Slides to use the Valves in all keys.
Do. made in London. Chromatic, with Spring Slides - Wellesley, or keyed - Slide - Common plain - Cavalry, with one crook.

CORNETTOS AND CORNOPIANS - BEST RUSSIAN VALVE, three Valves, with Valve Slides to use the Valves in all keys, as improved by Ellard.
Do. as made in London. Cornopian or Piston, with three Valves and crooks complete, improved by Ellard.
Do. with two Valves, as made in London. Post Horn, circular shape like French Horn, with crooks, &c.

KENT AND FIELD BUGLES - BEST, with French mounted keys, and tuning slide.
Second class, with slide and crescent keys. Third class, with crescent keys. Fourth class, with flat keys.
F Bugle, brass bands made to order. Double twist Cavalry or Infantry Field Bugles.
Single ditto ditto. Coach Bugles, double twist. Ditto, single for gigs.
Hunting Horns, of all shapes, to order.

BASS, TENOR. AND ALTO TROMBONES - D Bass, three valves. G, Ditto, ditto. B flat, or C, Tenor, ditto. E flat, or F, Alto, ditto.
Double Slide with turning slide to bell. Single slide, with ditto.
Tenor, or Alto, single slide, without bell slide.

TENORS - OPHICLEIDES, with French mounted keys, and tuning slide, &c., manufactured only by Robinson, Russell, and Robinson.

DOUBLE BASS - OPHICLEIDES, with French mounted extra additional keys, and tuning slide, &c., as improved by Ellard.
Ditto ditto, as made in London. Ditto, ditto, with plain keys. Kramer's Improved with keys, and set out bell.
Ditto, Ordinary, with seven keys. Ditto, Common, four keys. BASS HORNS - Brass and Copper.

BASSOONS - BENT, with all the additional keys. Second class, with seven keys.

CLARIONETS - B flat, C, E flat, or F, on a new and Improved principle. Eight Flat keys.
Ten Ditto. Thirteen Ditto. Eight Keys, key-holes bushed. Ten Ditto ditto. Thirteen Ditto ditto.
The bushing of the keyholes may either of Brass or raised in the wood, at the same price.

A most extensive variety of CONCERT FLUTES, of all prices.
MILITARY FLUTES AND PICCOLOS - 3d, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Flutes, ivory tipped, &c. and one key.
Ditto, ditto, with 4 keys, and screw cork. F, G, or E flat Piccolis, with one key.
3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Flutes, with Ivory tips, keys, screw cork and patent tube.
F, G, or E flat Piccolis with four keys.
Military Flutes of Cocoa or Ebony, with brass or silver keys, made to order, with or without tubes.

DRUMS AND CYMBALS - BEST BASS, Tenor, and Side Drums, with royal arms, regimental honours and trophies.
In superior herald painting. Ditto, ditto, plain, with the number of the regiment only. Kettle Drums for cavalry or infantry regiments painted to order.
Turkish Cymbals, engaged of the most superior quality.

All the above Instruments carefully and expeditiously repaired.

*.* A large stock of Bassoon, Clarionet, and Oboe Reeds, by the best makers.

*.* Music Paper of the best quality at varied prices. - Music Books to order . . .

Band news (Australia)

A town band?

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 June 1835), 2 

We observe by an advertisement in another column of this day's paper, that Mr. Sippe, now well known to the Sydney public as a respectable and talented teacher of music, intends to devote the whole of his time to the duties of his profession. It has also been stated to as, that Mr. S. will readily undertake, at a very moderate rate, to instruct a requisite number of respectable young men, who may be disposed to associate themselves for that purpose, so as to form a town band, to supersede the necessity of applying for the services of the military on the various public occasions when a band is required. An arrangement of this sort may be rendered highly beneficial to all parties, and particularly to those who might be disposed to avail themselves of Mr. Sippe's offer of instruction - the number of persons required rendering the individual expense to each a mere trifle. Our present impression is, that Mr. S. will be inundated with applications.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Sippe, formerly master of the Band of the 57th Regiment (military)

"MASONS ROYAL ARCH DINNER", The Australian (3 November 1837), 2 

The Companions of the above fraternity, between 30 and 40 in number, dined together on Tuesday evening last, and sat down to a most sumptuous dinner at the St. John's Tavern . . . We almost forgot to mention the attendance would have done honor to "Willi's," and during the evening the Town Band enlivened the merry scene with some favorite airs. The Toasts were as follows . . .

[News], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (12 May 1838), 2 

Yesterday afternoon the mortal remains of Mr. John Humphreys, of the "Billy Blue" public-house, and a timber merchant, who met his death by jumping from his gig at his own gate on Thursday, were conveyed to their last resting place - the tomb . . . The procession moved from the residence of deceased about the hour of four o'clock, headed by the Town Band, consisting of fourteen instruments, playing the dead march of Louis 16, and the Officers of the Lodge with banners displayed. A very numerous body of persons were in attendance to witness the imposing spectacle.

MUSIC: ? Cherubini's Marche funèbre [? for Louis XVI], or perhaps more likely Philidor's Funeral march for Louis XIV [sic].

Military bands

"THE MILITARY BANDS", The Sydney Herald (15 February 1836), 2 

The lovers of music have lately had a rich treat in comparing the relative merits of the two fine Bands of the 17th and 28th Regiments: and in general, we think the opinion of the Public (not always, however, a criterion of excellence in matters of art and taste) seems to incline towards its old favourite, the 17th. The Australian indeed, in a somewhat confused and inconsequent paragraph, says "there is no comparison between the two, so far as sweetness and tone is concerned; the 28th being harsh to a degree compared with the 17th;" and again in the course of its comment complains of a "keyed trumpet, and a non-descript of the base-horn tribe" as being "remarkably unpleasing to the lovers of soft over loud music," concluding absurdly enough by saying that "the base of the 28th is peculiarly fine, but too powerful for the remainder." - (Of what?)

We must confess that we differ considerably from the Editor of the Australian, who appears on this occasion, as on some others, to have proclaimed a preference without very clearly understanding the why or the wherefore. As far as the "sweetness" is concerned, we willingly cede the advantage to the 17th: but then mere sweetness of effect, even in instrumental music, is but a negative perfection - and in all the other and higher qualities requisite to give a true and characteristic effect to the elaborate compositions of the great German and Italian masters - in depth, firmness, and variety of tone; in a well-balanced and harmonious contrast of instruments; in the precision and beauty of their articulations and inflections; and in general richness and brilliancy of effect, the superiority we take it is entirely with the 28th; a superiority in fact which results in a great measure, from the beauty of the brass instruments, and the remarkable mastery the men have acquired over those frequently harsh and intractable ones - the horns, cornels, and trumpets; and the base too, which our Paragraphist admits to be so "peculiarly fine" he seems to forget, is most materially aided by the deep, powerful, and predominating tones of that same queerly-called "non-descript of the base-horn tribe," the notes of which so much shocked his nerves.

Both Bands, however, have their individual excellencies, and were it in our power to appoint them music adapted to their peculiar construction and capabilities, we should assign the sweet melodies, but thin instrumentation of Rossini to the 17th, and the wild and mystic strains of Von Weber, or the massy and magnificent chords, and profound and gloomy compositions of Beethoven to the 28th.

- From a Correspondent.

James Mudie, The felony of New South Wales: being a faithful picture of the real romance of Botany Bay (London: For the author by Whaley and Co., 1837), 215-17 (DIGITISED)

. . . Indeed the military routine of the garrison of New South Wales is so peculiar, as to merit being stated. The garrison for some time past has consisted of three regiments of foot; and those regiments are sent out in detachments, as follows: - Every transport carrying out male convicts to New South Wales has a military guard of about thirty men, under the command of a subaltern officer. These guards are successively taken from a regiment under orders for New South Wales, as a step towards going on to India. Detachment after detachment accordingly leaves this country, as the transports with male convicts are successively prepared for them; and about the time of the last detachment leaving England, the senior regiment in New South Wales, that is, the regi-[216]-ment that has been longest there, embarks for India . . .

Another circumstance, curious in a military point of view, as to this "relief of guard," is this, that the commanding officer of a regiment under orders for New South Wales, usually goes out with the last, or one of the last detachments; and it is not a little singular that the military guard of the ship on that occasion generally consists only of the band.

The band, it is true, is, besides its regimental duty, an understood appendage upon the rank and person of the commanding officer.

The government at home, it is to be presumed from motives of laudable economy, makes the band which accompanies the commanding officer act as the guard of soldiers on board the convict ship. The author of this work knows, that, as the band of any regiment cannot at all be relied upon, and indeed never would be employed by any officer as rank and file, very serious apprehensions have on such occasions been entertained for the safety of the ship.

The author is not aware whether or not anything untoward has as yet arisen from this very unmilitary proceeding. If nothing very bad has happened, it has been, [217] as an old saying has it, more owing to "good luck than good guiding." Sure he is, that so unmilitary a proceeding can never have been represented at the Horse Guards; for it is impossible to believe that the paltry economy involved could ever induce the safety of a ship and crew, and of the military detachment on board, including the commanding officer and other officers of a regiment of the line, to be so foolishly committed. What makes this military error the more glaring, is, that in line weather, these poor fellows (the band) are actually employed in their proper capacity, as a band, to entertain the colonel and his officers; exposing the ship to the risk, - evidently to the very imminent risk, - of the convicts then making a rush, and overpowering their escort . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Mudie (author, former marine officer, landowner)

General regulations (1837)

The king's regulations and orders for the army (London: War Office, 1837), 146-47; quoted in Herbert and Barlow 2013, 275

The formation of a Band of Music upon an economical Scale, being considered essential to the Credit and Appearance of a Regiment, every Officer* (married or single) is required, on his entering the Regiment, to pay towards the maintenance and support of a Band, the following amount of Subscription, and Annual Contribution, viz.:-

A Subscription of Twenty Days' Pay, on Appointment - and an Annual Contribution, at the discretion of the Commanding Officer, but not exceeding Twelve Days' Pay, in support of the Band Expenses. In cases of promotion, the Officer promoted is to pay the difference of Twenty Days' Pay between the Rank attained, and that previously held.

* The Amount of Contribution of the Colonels of Regiments to the Band Fund is left entirely to their option.

The Establishment of a Regimental band is to consist of a Serjeant, as Master, and Fourteen Privates, as Musicians; but these Men are to be effective in Service as Soldiers . . .

* The Formation of Bands at Depôts of Regiments on Foreign Service is forbidden.

See also The queen's regulations and orders for the army . . . third edition (London: Parker, Furnivall, and Parker, 1844), 138-40 (DIGITISED)

Band of Music - Trumpeters - and Drummers.

107. The Formation of a Band of Music upon an economical Scale, being essential to the Credit and Appearance of a Regiment, every Officer (married or single) on entering a Regiment is to pay towards the maintenance and support of a Band, the following amount of Subscription, and Annual Contribution, viz.:

108. A Subscription of Twenty Days' Pay, on Appointment - and an Annual Contribution, at the discretion of the Commanding Officer, but not exceeding Twelve Days' Pay, in support of the Band Expenses. In cases of Promotion, the Officer promoted is to pay the difference of Twenty Days' Pay between the Rank attained, and that previously held. The Amount of Contribution of the Colonels of Regiments to the Band Fund is left to their option.

109. The Subscription to the Band Fund on an Officer's first Appointment, or subsequent Promotion, - and the proportion of Annual Contribution, according to the period of the Year at which his Appointment or Promotion may have taken place, - are to be regulated upon the same principle as prescribed with regard to the Regimental Mess.

110. The Establishment of a Regimental Band is to consist of a Serjeant, as Master, and Fourteen Privates, as Musicians; but these Men are to be effective to the Service as Soldiers, - to be perfectly drilled, - and liable to serve in the Ranks on any emergency; this number is not to be exceeded under any circumstance, excuse, or arrangement whatever. The Formation of Bands at the Depôts of Regiments on Foreign Service is forbidden. - See page 168.

111. The Bands of Regiments of Cavalry, including the Trumpeters, are to be dressed in Clothing of the same colour as worn by the respective Regiments.

112. The Bands of Infantry Regiments are to be dressed in White Clothing, with the Regimental Facings.

113. The Bands of Rifle corps are to be dressed in Green.

114. The Instructions for the Trumpet Duties of the Cavalry are prescribed in the following General Order of the 1st of July, 1835, viz.:

"The General Commanding-in-Chief having approved of the Instructions for the Trumpet Duties of the Cavalry, which have been arranged under the direction of a Board of Officers, and are now authorized to be published by Mr. Harper, is pleased to command that the same shall be adopted by every Regiment and Corps of Cavalry in His Majesty's Service, and strictly adhered to without addition or alteration, either as regards the Soundings, or their Application. The Duty-Soundings of every Regiment are to be invariably performed on Trumpets in the Key of E flat."

115. The Instructions for the Drum and Fife, as established for the Infantry, are notified in the following General Order of the 28th December, 1816, viz.:

"The mode of Instruction for the Drum and Fife, practised in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, having been referred to several Regiments in order to ascertain whether its adoption would be attended with advantage, and the Reports which have been received appearing satisfactory, the Commander-in-Chief, with a view of assimilating the respective Calls and Beats throughout the several Regiments of Infantry, is pleased to command that the System of Instruction for the Drum and Fife, introduced by Drum-Major Potter, of the Coldstream Guards, shall be considered as the established System, and be adopted accordingly."

116. It is extremely essential that the Music and the Drums and Fifes, when playing or beating for Military purposes, on occasions permitted by Her Majesty's Regulations, and, above all, in the Slow and Quick Marches, should not deviate, in the most trifling degree, from the Time which will allow, within the minute, the exact number of steps prescribed by Regulation; and the Music for Slow and Quick Time is to be practised under the direction of the Drum-Major, with the plummet, until the prescribed cadence has been acquired; the Music and the Drums are to be frequently practised together, in order that, when relieving each other in the Quick March, the time may not differ in the smallest degree, but the cadence, according to Regulation, be uniformly and uninterruptedly preserved.

View of military barracks, Sydney, near current site of Wynyard Square, looking west from George Street wall, with band and troops on parade; George Roberts, watercolour, c. 1843, State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

Another view of the barracks by Roberts, from the south (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: George Roberts (artist)

Sydney Barracks, from George Street, 1838 ("J. C. sc."); from James Maclehose, The picture of Sydney and strangers' guide in New South Wales for 1838 (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: John Carmichael (lithographer)

Band of the 50th Regiment (first tour, NSW 1834-41)

Arrived (with headquarters of regiment) Sydney, NSW, 18 November 1834 (per Hooghley, from the Downs, 29 July)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1841 (per Crusader, for India) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

See also Band of the 50th Regiment (second tour, 1866-69)


The 50th Regiment first served in Australia between 1834 and early 1841, and its band played for, among others, the Wallaces, Deanes, and Gautrots. However, no Australian sources that I have yet found record of the name of the master of the band on that first tour of duty.

Thereafter, the regiment was garrisoned at Preston, Lancashire, in 1843 and still (or again) in 1853, when in February the band assisted at a public amateur concert under the leadership of Sergeant Reeves. In an advertisement placed by Jullien and Co., in The New Annual Army List for 1854 (London: John Murray, 1854), however, a testimonial was printed from "P. CASTALDINI, Band-Master, 50th Regiment of Foot", approving "Brass instruments made by Besson and Antoine Courtois, and also the Wood ditto made by Buffet sold at your establishment".



Nicholas WODEHOUSE (commander)

Master, sergeant:

James STRATTON (band sergeant, band master)


Robert CADDAN (drum major, d. 11 February 1839)

Michael LARKIN (drum major, from 12 February 1839)


Thomas CAMPION (bandsman)

Dennis SULLIVAN (bandsman, private)

John SULLIVAN (bandsman, private)


Arthur McIVER (musician, ? not bandsman)


Pay-list of the 50th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1838 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from the records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / 326 / Cadden Rob't . . . (DIGITISED)

SERJEANTS . . . 118 / Stratton Thomas / Band (DIGITISED)

CORPORALS . . . 304 / Seymour Patrick / Band (DIGITISED)


901 / Boyle John / Band
680 / Butterly James / Band
688 / Campion Thomas / Band
686 / Jackson Barth. / Band
681 / Larkens Michael / Band
685 / McCartney Arthur / Band
682 / McCulloch Andrew / Band
694 / Monaghan Thomas / Band
178 / Sullivan John / Band
414 / Urquhart James / Band


"STATE OF THE COUNTRY", The Colonist (16 June 1836), 4 

[FROM OUR HAWKESBURY CORRESPONDENT.] JUNE 13. - . . . There have been frequent complaints of late, of the danger to which His Majesty's leige-subjects are exposed in passing over Howe's Bridge, Windsor, from the band of the 50th Regiment being allowed to practice directly under it. It frequently happens when horses are on the very centre of the bridge a confused and unmusical sound (it seems they are only learners who practice there) of drums, fifes, &c, &c., suddenly bursts forth. If the rider is unskilful, and the horse should happen to be spirited, there is a great risk of his getting a sound ducking in the South Creek; or, even say he is able to stick on the horse, ten chances to one but he might be over McGra's Hill, and half-way to Sydney in a trice, holding fast by the mane all the while, and wondering much whence such unharmonious sounds could have come (for the red coats are not seen while crossing the bridge) which seems so effectually to have startled his now almost breathless nag. It is to be hoped the commanding officer will look into this before any such accidents occur.

[News], The Australian (18 August 1837), 3 

The people of Sydney have been much disappointed for the last two or three weeks, in consequence of Col. Wodehouse not allowing the band of the 50th regiment to play in the barracks on a Sunday afternoon.

"THE BAND", The Colonist (4 August 1837), 6 

Some weeks since we animadverted, in no measured terms, on the profane custom of allowing the Band of the Regiment to play every Sunday afternoon in the Barrack Square. It is, therefore, with no little pleasure, that we hear of the determination of Colonel Wodehouse, to put a stop to the practice. Such an act is exceedingly creditable to the gallant officer, and will gain for him the esteem of the moral and religious portion of the community. If our remarks were, in any degree, instrumental in occasioning a better observance of the Sabbath afternoon, we feel a pleasure in having contributed to promote the cause of religion.

"The Proclamation", The Sydney Monitor (27 October 1837), 3 

The announcement that this day was appointed to proclaim Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of the Realms of England and its dependencies, caused a partial cessation of business, and the town of Sydney assumed the appearance of a holiday. The public offices were all closed. Before noon, a numerous body of persons, of all degrees, assembled on the lawn opposite Government House, where detachment of the 50th and 28th Regiments were under arms. The officers were in mourning, that is with crape round their caps and black sword knots, and crape round the left arms. The instruments of the band of the 50th and the colours were decked with crape . . .

"DRUM MAJOR OF THE 50TH", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (16 February 1839), 4 

This individual, named Robert Caddan, who has been so long an object of attraction, at the head of the splendid band of the 50th, to the inhabitants of Sydney, was a few days since taken to the Military Hospital, in a deranged state. On Sunday last, he became so violent in his fits of madness, that it was found absolutely necessary to put on a strait jacket. The poor man, however, grew worse, and expired on the following morning, last Monday. He was buried on Tuesday afternoon with military honors, attended by a full band.

"FUNERAL OF MAJOR MARLAY", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (19 April 1839), 2 

The remains of Major Marlay Barrack Master, were attended by the principal Naval, Military, and Civil Officers to the grave, and buried with the customary military honors due to his rank . . . at three the coffin was brought out. The troops presented arms while it was being deposited in the hearse, and immediately the procession moved slowly forward to the dead march played by the brass band of the 50th Regt. The following was the order in which the procession moved. Soldiers with reversed arms - Band, Drum major with staff reversed . . .

"THE FIFTIETH REGIMENT", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (5 June 1839), 2 

A detachment of this Regiment arrived in the Siren, on Monday, from Launceston, and were marched, on landing, to Head Quarters. The brass band of the Regiment enlivened their short march by playing on the way the popular airs of "Rory O'More," and "Hurrah for the Bonnets of Blue." The 50th, it is supposed, will leave for India in about six months' time.

MUSIC: Rory O'More (tune); Hurrah for the bonnets of blue (tune)

"EMBARKATION OF THE FIFTIETH", Australasian Chronicle (30 January 1841), 2 

Yesterday morning, about a quarter before four o'clock, the big drum beat for muster in the barrack square, and the soldiers might soon after be seen coming from all quarters of the town to the place of rendezvous. At about five o'clock orders were given to march, and the band commenced playing "The girl I left behind me." As the regiment advanced along George-street the band played "Garry Owen," and several other popular Irish airs. Arrived at the Queen's Wharf, the first division of the men, most of whom appeared very much affected at their departure, embarked in good order on board the Crusader, which, in addition to the Lady McNaughten, has been chartered to convey them to India. The second division will embark today. The Crusader has been reserved for "head quarters." Owing to the early hour at which the embarkation took place there were but few of the townspeople present . . .

Regimental records:

Service of 50th Regiment in N.S.W., 1833 to 1841 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records held by the National Army Museum) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1834 to May 1835 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1835 to March 1836 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1836 to March 1837 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1837 to March 1838 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1838 to March 1839 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1839 to March 1840 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1840 to May 1841 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1841 to March 1842 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

"THE FIFTIETH OR 'QUEEN'S OWN' REGIMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (23 October 1866), 3 

Arthur Evelyn Fyler, The history of the 50th or (the Queen's Own) Regiment from the earliest date to the year 1881 (London: Chapman and Hall, Ld., 1895), 198-200 (DIGITISED)

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/50th Foot (West Kent) Queen's Own Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"50th (Queen's Own) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Band of the 28th Regiment (NSW 1836-42)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 January 1836 (per John Barry)

Departed Sydney NSW, 16/19 June 1842 (for India) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



- (commander)


Vincenzo CHIODETTI (master of the band)


MALLON (bandsman, Kent bugle player)

William MANSON (bandsman)


George WINTLE (drum major, discharged Sydney, NSW, mid 1836)


Pay-list of the 28th Regiment of Foot, from 1 April to 30 June 1835 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-major as Serjeant / 300 / George Wintle

Serjeants . . . 242 / Kelly Andrew / Band

Corporals . . . 541 / Mahoney John / Band

Privates . . .
388 / Cashell Thomas / Band
310 / Fawcett Joseph / Band
316 / Fenton Joseph / Band
299 / Mulcravey Michael / Band
378 / Russell John (1st) / Band
400 / Simpson William / Band
380 / Trotter Alexander / Band
693 / Valler Richard / Band
257 / White William / Band

Pay-list of the 28th Regiment of Foot, from 1 April to 30 June 1836 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-major as Serjeant / 300 / George Wintle

Serjeants . . . 341 / Clarke Thomas / - From corporal 1st June vice Kelly
242 / Kelly Andrew / - Died 24 April in Reg'l Hospital at Parramatta

Corporals . . . 541 / Mahoney John / Band

Privates . . .
804 / Campbell Patrick / Band
388 / Cashell Thomas / - [corporal punishment]
992 / Englis John / Band
310 / Fawcett Joseph / Band
316 / Fenton Joseph / Band
1097 / Forbes Michael / Band
712 / Fotheringham Peter / Band
913 / Gready John / In confinement to 7 April / Band
915 / Guy James / Band
741 / Mallon Charles / Band
299 / Mulcravey Michael / Band
716 / Shields John / Band
400 / Simpson William / In confinement from 18 June / Band
380 / Troter [? Troten] Alexander / Band
693 / Valler Richard / Band
257 / White William / Band


[News], Niles' register (27 September 1828), 71 (DIGITISED)

Capt. BOOTH, of the United States navy . . . died in the Mediterranean, on the 26th July, and was interred at Gibraltar with distinguished honors. Two hundred men were detailed from the regiments, the band of the 28th ordered out, and the whole of the officers off duly requested to attend the funeral.

[Advertisement], Cork Constitution [Ireland] (1 August 1833), 3 (PAYWALL)

MR. ALEXANDER D. ROCHE and Miss ROCHE have the honour to inform their Friends and Public, that their
VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT will take place on Monday, August 5th, 1833 . . .
By permission of Lieut. Col. Hailes, the Band of the 28th Regiment will attend.
PART I. Overture - "La Gazza Ladra," - ROSSINI . . .
PART II. Overture - "Fra Diavolo," - AUBER . . .

"THE ARMY", Dublin Morning Register (14 August 1833), 2 (PAYWALL)

The 28th regiment leave this garrison on to-morrow (Tuesday) for Limerick, the excellent band of the 28th contributed to the pleasures of the regatta in such a manner as cause their removal to be regretted by the musical taste of this city. - Cork Chronicle.

[Advertisement], Limerick Evening Post (22 November 1833), 3 (PAYWALL)

On Saturday, the 23d Instant, at Two o'Clock precisely . . .
and the Band of the 28th regiment will attend, by permission of Colonel HAILES . . .
PART I. Overture - By the BAND of the 28th Regt. - La Gazza Ladra - ROSINI . . .
PART II. Overture - By the Band of the 28th Regt. - MERCADANTE . . .

"CRICKET", Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser (28 June 1834), 3 (PAYWALL)

The return match between the Liverpool and Manchester Clubs, was played on Monday, on the new ground of the latter, in Moss Lane. The day being very favourable there was a large concourse of spectators, including a great number of ladies, and the fine band of the 28th added much to the enjoyment of the day . . .

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 May 1835), 2

Report speaks highly of the band of the 28th regiment, which, at the date of the latest departure from England, was said to be under orders for this colony. As we are shortly to lose the 17th, it is pleasing to know that there is at least a chance of supplying their place to the satisfaction of the inhabitants of Sydney, even in one respect.

[late 1835] Howard Malcolm, Travels in south-eastern Asia: embracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam, and China; with notices of numerous missionary stations and a full account of the Burman empire, Volume 1 (Boston: Gould, Kendall, and Lincoln, 1839)

. . . In late October 1835, while still in the Atlantic, the John Barry was becalmed. They met an American missionary vessel Louvre with Howard Malcolm on board; Malcolm recorded in his journal: "Friday, 30 October - The monotony of a calm (for the N. E. trade wind has already failed us,) has been agreeably relieved yesterday and to-day by the neighbourhood of two ships, much larger than our own: - one English, and the other American. The English ship, (the John Barry, of London,) is full of convicts for Sydney, in New South Wales: we understood the captain when he spoke us, that there were 200 of them. They swarmed on the whole deck, and in the rigging, while men under arms stood sentry over them. There were probably some troops also on board, as there were several officers on the quarter-deck, and a fine band of music. This was politely mustered yesterday, when we were as near as we could safely sail, and played for an hour or two, very delightfully. As the music swelled and died away in heaving and exquisite cadences - now gay - now plaintive, and now rising into martial pomp, it not only refreshed, and soothed, and exhilarated, but awakened trains of not unprofitable thought. They belonged to our fatherland - they came from the noblest nation earth ever saw - they were but lately arrayed against us in horrid war - they bore to a distant home, a motley crew of refined and vulgar, educated, and ignorant, now reduced by sin to common convicts, and perpetual banishment.

THANKS: To Jen Willetts for sharing this information from her website, Free settler or felon

Sydney, NSW (1836-42):

"Domestic and Miscellaneous Intelligence", The Australian (22 January 1836), 2 

The Head Quarters and Band of the 28th Regt. came ashore on Wednesday, from the "John Barry," and were escorted to the Barracks by the Band of the 17th Regiment. The Band of the 28th is said to be of a superior description.

"LANDING OF H. M. 28TH REGT.", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (23 January 1836), 2 

On Wednesday afternoon last, the head quarters of the 28th regiment landed from the ship John Barry, being welcomed to the shores of Australia by the band of the 17th foot, who afterwards invited the strangers to dine with them at Mr. William Jones's at the Robin Hood, where the customary festivities were enjoyed in mutual good fellowship until a late hour. In the course of the evening, several solos, duetts, glees &c., were sung by the parties, but the 17th far excelled their brethren of the cloth in vocal skill as well as execution . . . The 28th regiment is also a gallant corps and has gathered a more than ordinary share of laurels in the field - it is to be hoped that their more peaceful occupations in New South Wales will secure to them as much general esteem, as their many deeds of arms have raised them for high military honor. It is also said, that the band of the 28th is of a superior description. We very much doubt whether it will be found to surpass that excellent one of the 17th, which it is no more than an act of common justice to say, has never been equalled here, in the recollection of the oldest of the colonists. It is expected that the head quarters of the 28th, will be fixed at Sydney after the departure of the 17th, and that upon arrival of the 80th, which is announced, for service in this colony, the 4th will quit Parramatta also, for the India station. - Correspondent.

"THE 28TH BAND", The Australian (29 January 1836), 2 

The Band of the 28th Regiment has attended parade for the last few days, in the place of the 17th; there is no comparrison between the two as far as sweetness and tone is concerned, the 28th being harsh to a degree compared with the 17th; this is perhaps owing to the great preponderance of brass instruments, of which a keyed trumpet and a nondescript of the base-horn tribe are remarkably unpleasing to the lovers of soft over loud music; take them for all in all, we shall be long before we hear the 17th equalled. We may observe that the base of the 28th is peculiarly fine - perhaps too powerful for the remainder.

"THE BAND OF THE 28th", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 February 1836), 2 

"In my humble capacity, I hail with pleasure the arrival of any thing which can contribute to the advancement - or even the rational amusement of this colony, and so I do also the arrival of Mr. Cheadile [recte Chiodetti], the first Italian band master this colony ever possessed. His band plays with more strength and pith than any other I have ever heard in this place, and this can be derived from that reason that the players have yet some British blood in their veins. They look all stout and well, and are therefore able to blow with pith into their instruments. It would be well to keep them continually within the walls of the barracks, or they will also get soon mere skeletons (in this loose town), and their walking in the evening become proverbial!

It is generally acknowledged that their airs are rich and powerful, and their bass full of resonance. However, in praising new things, one should not be forgetful of the merits of more ancient friends, and then I might acknowledge that Mr. Lewis took great pains to prepare a large stock of all new interesting and scientific music he could get hold of, and the choice of marches, overtures, and other tunes, reflects great credit on the 17th. It is, at any rate, very pleasant to any man, to hear again and again common-place tunes he heard thirty years ago. - A TAME LASHER."

"LAST FRIDAY'S EVENING'S CONCERT (From a Correspondent)", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 March 1836)

It affords us great pleasure to state that the second Concert given by Mr. Wallace, on Friday evening last, was a triumphant one, both as to performance and attendance. The room was crowded to an excess. The Concert commenced, with Rossini's overture to the "Barber of Seville," which was played in fine style by the band of the 28th Regiment (who attended by the permission of their Col. whom the public, as well as Mr. W. must thank) . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (violinist, pianist)

"MILITARY MUSIC", The Sydney Herald (9 February 1841), 2 

The lovers of music will be pleased to hear that the fine Band of the 28th regiment will play from half-past three to six every Monday mid Thursday afternoon, in the outer domain, at the back of the Colonial Hospital, and in the Barrack Square every Sunday afternoon.

"News of the Day", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (7 April 1841), 2 

The Band of the 28th Regiment have changed their hours of performance in the Government Domain, on Tuesday's and Thursday's from half past 3 to half past 5, instead of 4 to 6, as heretofore, and have entirely discontinued their performances in the Barrack Square on Sundays, on account of the shortness of the evenings.

"Embarkation of the 28th Regiment, for India", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 June 1842), 2

This gallant body of men embarked on board their respective ships, on Thursday last. They were sent down to the dock-yard, for that purpose, in detachments, and as they marched along, their feelings must have been much gratified by the loud huzzas with which they were greeted by many of the populace . . . We are informed that they will set sail to-morrow, weather, of course, permitting . . .

Henry Parkes, "STANZAS, ON HEARING, IN SYDNEY COVE, THE BAND OF THE 28TH REGIMENT, PLAYING 'SWEET HOME,' ON THE EVE OF THEIR DEPARTURE FOR BOMBAY, JUNE 18, 1842", Stolen moments: a short series of poems by Henry Parkes (Sydney: James Tegg, 1842), 124-35 (DIGITISED)

"Home, home, sweet home!" I never heard
That sweet, sad truthful strain,
But Memory, with its music, stirred
Anew my heart and brain;
And scenes, where life's first hopes were cast,
Flowers faded long- ago, joys past,
Were pictured o'er again.

Ah! now it hath another charm,
That strain so full of home.
On the still sea, - of hardship, harm,
Certain and soon to come.
And years of exile doth it tell;
And, where no friend may breathe farewell,
A dreary death for some!

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Parkes (poet, journalist, politician)

Regimental records:

28th Regiment: North Gloucestershire, April 1835 to March 1836 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

28th Regiment: North Gloucestershire, April 1836 to March 1837 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

28th Regiment: North Gloucestershire, April 1837 to March 1838 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

28th Regiment: North Gloucestershire, April 1838 to March 1839 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

28th Regiment: North Gloucestershire, April 1839 to March 1840 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

28th Regiment: North Gloucestershire, April 1840 to March 1841 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

28th Regiment: North Gloucestershire, April 1841 to March 1842 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

28th Regiment: North Gloucestershire, April 1842 to March 1843 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/28th Foot (The North Gloucestershire Regiment)", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"28th (North Gloucestershire) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Band of the 80th Regiment (NSW 1836-44)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 10 July 1837 (per Mangles, from Chatham, 7 March, and Portsmouth, 23 March)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 12 August 1844 (for India) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Narborough Filmer BAKER (1790-1852, commander, lieutenant-colonel)


John LETT (drum major, 1837)

Master, sergeant:

Samuel EDGERTON (sergeant, master of the band)


William STANLEY (bandsman)


Paylist of the 80th Regiment of Foot, from 1 January 1837; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office 

Drum Major as Serjeant / 140 / Lett John / Embarked 4 March 1837

[Serjeant] 48 / Edgerton Samuel / Embarked 7 March 1837 / Bandmaster

[Drummers and Fifers] 631 / Barber Charles // 274 / Beardwood John // 1095 / Crawford Robert [Gibraltar] // 332 / Hammond William // 396 / Henyon Luke // 1011 / Jawin James // 972 / Johnstone Fred'k // 198 / Kerridge James // 1096 / Lett Edward // 18 / McNamara Thomas / 799 / Lett Charles // 668 / Malster Robert // 940 / Taylor William

600 / Austin George / Embarked 7 March 1837 / Band
704 / Crawford George / [Embarked] 7 March 1837 / Band
1009 / Donoughar [sic] William / Embarked 7 March 1837 / Band
1010 / Foot James / Embarked 7th March 1837 / Band
955 / Hanson John / Embarked 7th March 1837 / Band
1015 / Kelly John / Embarked 7th March 1837 / Band
461 / McJenneson James / Embarked 7th March 1837 / Band
462 / Munn Oliver / Discharged 25th March 1837 on payment of Fifteen Pounds / Band
1321 / Stanley William / Embarked 7th March 1837 / [band not indicated]
173 / Topham James / Embarked 7th March 1837 / Band
174 / Topham John / Discharged 25th March 1837 (Free Discharge) / Band
657 / Tunny John / Embarked 7th March 1837 / Band
682 / Watterson John / Embarked 7th March 1837 / Band
8 / Weir Thomas / Embarked 7th March 1837 / Band


[News], The Australian (14 July 1837), 3

The head quarters of the 80th Regt. arrived per Mangles, and on Wednesday last marched to the Barracks, preceded by the band of the 4th Regiment.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 July 1837), 2 

The band of the 80th who have but just landed in this Colony, were a great attraction in the Barrack Square on Sunday afternoon. Without the slightest disparagement to the 4th band, which is a decided favourite in this colony, we must say that the band of the 80th is highly spoken of.

"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (11 December 1838), 6 

We understand, that the head-quarters of the 80th Regiment, now at Sydney, may be shortly expected here. We hear, also, great praise and admiration of the Band, which, we are told, is both numerous and effective. One worthy gentleman of our acquaintance is in raptures at the mere anticipation of its arrival, and assures us, that it is vastly superior to the Band of the 21st . . .

"BAND OF THE 80TH REGIMENT", The Sydney Herald (20 June 1842), 2 

Great numbers of persons have assembled, for the last two or three days, to see the trooping of the Guards in the Barrack-square, and to hear the Band of Her Majesty's 80th Regiment, which is generally considered as one of the best out of England.

"BAND OF THE 80TH REGIMENT", The New South Wales Examiner (25 June 1842), 3

This fine band has now adopted the arrangement of the 28th, viz., of playing in the Domain on the evenings of Monday and Thursday. On the two separate occasions of their performing, during the present week, they fully sustained their reputation, and too much can scarcely be said in their praise. The pieces were well selected, and executed with great style and brilliancy. There is no doubt that the Domain now, on band days, will become the fashionable lounge in Sydney.

"EXTRACT FROM OUR REPORTER'S NOTE BOOK", The Australian (29 May 1844), 3 

Query. - Was there anything personally intended by the Band of the 80th striking up "Nicks my Dolly, pals, fake away," when they marched from the Council Chamber, yesterday, leaving honorable members to their financial speculations?

MUSIC: Nix my dolly pals fake away (tune)

"SERVICES OF THE 80TH REGIMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 July 1844), 2 

. . . The head quarters of the regiment landed at Portsmouth on the 9th March, 1831, and remained quartered in various parts of England and Ireland until ordered to proceed as guards over convicts to the Colony of New South Wales. The first guard under Major (now Lieutenant-Colonel) Baker, embarked at Gravesend, on the 23rd May, 1836. The colours of the regiment, with a guard of the usual strength, under Brevet-Major Nunn, embarked on the 6th March, 1837, and arrived at Sydney, New South Wales, on the 11th July. The head quarters remained in Sydney until the 26th July, when it marched for Windsor, and became stationed there until the 2nd January, 1841; on that day the head quarters of the regiment marched into Parramatta, and remained there until the 16th June, 1842, when it proceeded to Sydney to relieve the 28th regiment, which had embarked for India.

During the stay of the 80th in New South Wales, it has been divided into a great number of very small detachments, distributed over nearly the whole colony, chiefly guards over prisoners at stockades-a duty harassing to the soldier and prejudicial to discipline. By the gradual collecting of the various detachments, the regiment has again become concentrated, after having been in a state of dispersion for about seven years. In strength the regiment at the present date is thirty-six officers, fifty-two sergeants, eighteen drummers, and 937 rank and file.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 July 1844), 2 

The management has much pleasure in announcing to the public, that the performances of this Evening will be wider the distinguished patronage of COLONEL BAKER and the Officers of H. M. 80th Regiment, (previous to their departure for India), upon which occasion they have signified their intention of honouring the Theatre with their presence. The splendid band of the Regiment will attend, and during the Evening play several of their most popular pieces . . .

"THEATRE", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (13 July 1844), 16 

. . . The band of the 80th occupied the Orchestra and played the Overture to the Zauberflote and many other choice pieces during the intervals . . .

David Burn, journal (12 August 1844); State Library of New South Wales, MS B 190/2, pages 59-60 (DIGITISED) (TRANSCRIPT)

Monday 12th - Rose before 7 and upon going to the window which looked upon the Barrack Square I beheld the 80th regt. mustering, in heavy marching order, for their last parade in Sydney. There is a degree of solemn interest connected with any ordinary event when we know that that event is to occur for the last time, which impresses itself forcibly, if not painfully, on the human heart. Even an irksome task, which we know we are about to perform for the last time, acquires a sudden and irresistible degree of interest - and wherefore, because it awakens dormant sympathies, conjuring, with magic touch, a thousand byegone memories, resuscitating the ephemeral shadows of departed joys - the multitudinous hopes and fears and cares that by turns have excited, alarmed, or oppressed us, giving us a phantasmagoric glimpse of the anxious future - visions all, which probe the heart as this momentary self review enforces the moral truth of the utter vanity of all earthly objects.

It was a beautiful morning, the atmosphere of the severest blue, the beams of the early morning seen were just tinging the house tops when the warning drum summoned the troops to fall in. The streets of Sydney were alive with inhabitants, flocking to behold the scene, and of the spectators a large proportion were of those islanders ever prompt "to follow the drum", the sons and daughters of the Emerald Isle. Much sympathy had been excited by this embarkation - the 80th had been several years in the Colony, of course had formed many ties in it and now most of those friendly and endearing ties were about to be ruptured and for ever. Under any circumstances an embarkation is a painful sight, the glittering array of the soldiery, their martial bearing and stirring tones of the music being but flimsy veils to the grief that is caused and suffered. Under the present circumstances the regretful sensations were dominant. The proud display of manhood in its prime and glory evoked sentiments of sorrow and regret, for as the eye glanced along the serried ranks, the knowledge of the death dealing clime to which the gallant band were hurrying compelled the fateful question "How many of those who now march forth in all the pomp and circumstances of glorious war will survive the next twelve months of an Indian war? How many." Imagination [60] gives fearful response. Of the gallant 28th, who some few months since quitted Australia's shores, in all the bravery of youth and hope, how many have succumbed to the pestilential destroyer. The sodden plains of India give fearful reply. For a soldier a natural death appears almost unnatural, but to die by hundreds, not in the fair field of honourable strife, but victims of a fell insidious disease - this is a grief to which humanity can never be reconciled - a pang that makes the bravest shudder.

At eight o'clock Sir Maurice O'Connell and his staff entered the Barrack Yard and after a brief inspection the gates were thrown open and with Colours flying, and their fine band playing the "British Grenadiers", the 80th regt. marched forth, bidding their once familiar quarters "a long farewell". The drums and pipes next took up "The Girl I left behind me" but the notes fell in faint and wailing tones upon the ear. This passed 1100 choice men, embarking in four very middling ships - viz. the Headquarters of the "Royal Saxon", the remainder in the "Briton", "Lloyds" and "Enmore". A detachment of the 58th were marched into their vacated places, and Sydney was kept during the early part of the day in a state of Military excitement . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: David Burn (playwright); Maurice O'Connell (garrison commander)

"THE 80TH REGIMENT", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (17 August 1844), 80 

On Monday morning [12 August], H.M. 80th Regiment embarked for India, on board the ships, Royal Saxon, Lloyds, Briton and Enmore. The men were under arms in the Barrack-square by seven o clock. The Commander of the Forces, and staff, entered the Barrack-square a few minutes before eight o'clock, and shortly after, the regiment began to move, headed by Lieutenant-Colonel Baker and the fine band of the regiment, playing appropriate music. On arriving at Bridge-street, the rear section, composed of the men to be embarked on board the Enmore, lying at the Circular wharf, turned down that street, and on arriving at their vessel, immediately marched on board. When the main body arrived at the Queen's Wharf, another division, composed of the men to sail in the Briton, filed off to the Commissariat Wharf, and as in the former instance immediately went on board. The head quarters of the regiment accompanied by the Commander of the Forces and staff, with the men for the embarkation on board the Royal Saxon and Lloyds, went along George-street to Campbell's Wharf, where each division immediately went on board its respective ship . . .

Regimental records:

80th Regiment: Staffordshire Volunteers, April 1836 to March 1837 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

80th Regiment: Staffordshire Volunteers, April 1837 to March 1838 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

80th Regiment: Staffordshire Volunteers, April 1838 to March 1839 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

80th Regiment: Staffordshire Volunteers, April 1839 to March 1840 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

80th Regiment: Staffordshire Volunteers, April 1840 to March 1841 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

80th Regiment: Staffordshire Volunteers, April 1841 to March 1842 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

80th Regiment: Staffordshire Volunteers, April 1842 to March 1843 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

80th Regiment: Staffordshire Volunteers, April 1843 to March 1844 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

80th Regiment: Staffordshire Volunteers, April 1844 to March 1845 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

See also, Guide to the records of the South Staffordshire Regiment (80th Regiment) relating to Australia and New Zealand (as filmed by the Australian Joint Copying Project) 

Nominal and descriptive roll of the 80th Regiment, 1804-1881 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the Staffordshire Regiment Museum) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Reminiscences (personal, social and political) of a fifty years' residence at Windsor, on the Hawkesbury: a lecture . . . by William Walker (Sydney: Turner and Henderson, 1890), 8-9

[8]. . . But we had at the same time a pleasant establishment in town, namely one of Her Majesty's regiments of the line - the gallant 80th, or Staffordshire. They were a splendid set of men, finely officered, from the colonel downwards, and they had a magnificent band. The bandmaster was the late Samuel Edgerton, a gentleman who eventually left the regiment, and spent the remainder of his life in Windsor, becoming Captain of the Windsor Volunteers, and dying at an advanced age universally respected . . . The band was the finest military one that ever came to the colony. The bandmaster led with the clarionet, and a very stately fellow played the cornet to perfection. My young patriotic blood used to warm up when I heard them play in grand style when marching through George-street that [9] favourite air "The Blue Bells of Scotland." There were a good many blacks down the Hawkesbury then, and I remember the officers on one occasion getting up a corroboree in Thompson's Square . . . I never saw a corroboree before, and have never seen one since. I will not attempt to describe it - such a thing could not be conceived in the present day. The 80th left Windsor after a year or two, and were succeeded by another regiment, but I never could fancy it, after the former. They departed from Windsor one moonlight night, having to walk all the way to Parramatta. They marched out of town over the South Creek Bridge towards McGrath's Hill playing that exhilarating and lively tune, "The Girl I Left Behind Me," - the echoes of which still haunt me. There were many wet eyes that night amongst "the girls," and I can only say for myself, young as I was, that I felt the departure of these fine fellows from amongst us very much. When the regiment left the colony, Mr. Edgerton, the bandmaster, took up his abode in the old Peninsula Farm Cottage, overlooking the Peninsula Estate, where the reviews of the troops had occasionally taken place before the General, Sir Maurice O'Connell . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Walker (author, local historian)

James Steele, Early days of Windsor, N. S. Wales (Sydney: Tyrell's Limited, 1916) (TRANSCRIPT)

[St. Matthew's Church of England, Windsor] . . . During the incumbency of the Rev. Mr. Stiles, a pipe organ was placed in the gallery at the back of the church, which was built for this purpose in 1840. The organ was built by Messrs. Johnson and Kinloch, of Princes Street, Sydney, and was the first organ built in Australia. Five hundred pounds were subscribed for these improvements, the organ costing three hundred and twenty pounds. It was opened by Mr. Wm. Johnson, the organist of St. James's Church, Sydney, on the 8th November, 1840. Prior to this, the military band, conducted by Captain Edgerton, used to occupy the three back centre pews, and lead the singing. The marks, and also portion of the old music stands, may still be seen.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Jonathan Johnson (organist, organ-builder); John Kinloch (organ-builder)

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/80th Foot (Staffordshire Volunteers) Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"80th Regiment of Foot (Staffordshire Volunteers)", Wikipedia

Band of the 51st Regiment (Hobart, TAS, 1839-46)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 November 1838 (per Earl Grey, from Plymouth and Portsmouth, 8th and 13th August)

Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), January-February 1839 (from Sydney)

Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 8 August 1846 (per Agincourt, for India) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



William Henry ELLIOTT (colonel, commander)

Masters, sergeants:

Abraham Philip DULY (master of the band until mid-1845)

Sergeant JONES (bandsman, ? band sergeant)

John RABLIN (band sergeant, leader of the chamber band, master of the band from mid 1845)


John KELLY (bandsman)

Patrick SHIELDS (bandsman)

Drum-major, master of the brass band:

Lewis HENN (bandsman, bugle major, leader of the brass band, "Nr. HAYNE")


William BRISTOW (bugler)

John MAGUIRE (bugler)

Billy KING (bugler, d. India, 1861)

SIMPSON (bugler)


Mr. IRBY (? officer, amateur cornet player)


2 French horns, 2 bassoons, serpent and ophicleide, 2 oboes, 2 clarionets, trumpet, and drum (see 26 February 1839)

"The instrumental character of this band was somewhat superior to its predecessors. There were more clarionets and flutes, and the Turkish Crescent (bells on pole attached to straps) was for the first time in Hobart. It was about this period the cornopean was introduced." (see 30 August 1917)


Pay-list of the 51st or King's Own Regiment of Light Infantry, 1 July to 30 September 1838; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/6203 (DIGITISED)

RECRUITS . . . 1234 / Duly, Abraham Philip / Enlisted by special Autho'y / No bounty / Enlisted by special Authority Embarked / 12 July / Chatham / Head. 2nd

Pay-list of the 51st or King's Own Regiment of Light Infantry, 1 January to 31 March 1839; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/6203 (DIGITISED)

Serjeants . . . 1234 / Duly, Abraham Philip / Band / From private at the date of appointment 31st July 1838 / Joined from Sydney 15th January

337 / Rablin, John / Corporal

314 / Abbott, John / Band
448 / Brown, Henry / Band
871 / Burke, John / Band
423 / Fegan, Matthew / Band
705 / Henn, Lewis / Band [later Drum Major]
846 / Hone, William / Band
953 / Horner, Mark / Band
387 / Keating, Peter / Band
385 / Keenan, George / Band
847 / Kelly, John [2 of 2] / Band
792 / Kelly, Robert / Band
386 / Mullin, John / Band
93 / Pearson, James / Band
623 / Powell, William / Band

ASSOCIATIONS: Prior to Duly's appointment, James Wilkinson had been band sergeant of the 51st until he took discharge early in 1838

PAY-LIST of the 51st or King's Own Regiment of Light Infantry, from the 1st of April to the 30th of June 1841; (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

Drum Major as Sergeant / 453 / Roarke, Thomas Roarke /

Colour serjeants . . . 288/ Rablin, Henry / [formerly Drum major]

Serjeants . . . 1234 / Duly, Abraham Philip / Band Master (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . . 337 / Rablin, John / [Band corporal] (DIGITISED)

Drummers and fifers: 457 William Barnes; 433 Benjamin Broadhurst; 987 John Craig; 885, James Davies; 661 Amos Dennis; 912 James Gilmore; 452 Thomas Glenn; 395 Joshua Jackson; 490 Richard Loader; 394 John Sullivan; 992 William Whittaker (DIGITISED)

314 / Abbott, Joseph / Band
448 / Brown, Henry / Band
871 / Burke, John / Band
423 / Feagan, Matthew / Band
340 / Garvin, John / Band
705 / Henn, Lewis / Band [later Drum major]
846 / Hone, William / Band
953 / Horner, Mark / Band
387 / Keating, Peter / Band
385 / Keenan, George / Band
792 / Kelly, Robert / Band
386 / Mullen, John [1 of 2] / Band (tailor, Castlebar, Mayo)
940 / Pearson, George / Band
793 / Pearson, James / Band

PAY-LIST of the 51st or King's Own Regiment of Light Infantry, from the 1st of April to the 30th of June 1842 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum Major as Sergeant / 453 / Roarke, Thomas Roarke /

PAY-LIST of the 51st or King's Own Regiment of Light Infantry, from the 1st of April to the 30th of June 1845 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

705 / Henn, Lewis / Drum Major as Sergeant / Embarked for England per "Tasmania" 20 Feb'y to do duty as Serjeant at Reg'al Depot Paid by Reg't to 31 May 1842
890 / Mills Tho's Ford / from Serj't 31 May

288 / Rablin, Henry / [Colour Sergeant] 

1234 / Duly, Abraham Philip / [Sergeant] / Band Master / Discharged free 31 May
649 / Jones, Henry / [not listed as band]
337 / Rablin, John / [Sergeant] / Band Master

? 1335 / Hains, Henry / Corporal / Garrison Duty [? = Mr. Haynes, leader of the brass band] 

448 / Brown, Henry [1 of 2] / Band
871 / Burke, John / Band
944 / Cameron, Alexander / Band
1146 / Creedy, Richard / Band
846 / Hone, William / Band
953 / Horner, Mark / Band
387 / Keating, Peter / Band
385 / Keenan, George / Band
848 / Leonard, John [1 of 2] / Band
529 / Molyneaux, James / Band
386 / Mullin, John / Band
940 / Pearson, George / Band
793 / Pearson, James / Band
623 / Powell, William / Band

"Drummers and fifers"; not all on list stationed at Hobart): 

1176 / Bristow, William
433 / Broadhurst, Benjamin
1688 / Brougham, Henry
1847 / Caplice, David
987 / Craig, John
885 / Davies, James
661 / Dennis, Amos
1274 / Dunne, Peter
829 / English, Thomas
1200 / Fegg, John
1228 / Ford, Joseph
912 / Gilmore, James
462 / Glenn, Thomas
1689 / Haggan, Hugh
1153 / King, William
1153 / Maguire, John
1483 / May, Thomas
394 / Sullivan, John
1692 / Young, Francis George

Paylist of the 51st Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1846 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

337 / Rablin John / Band Master (DIGITISED)

448 / Brown Henry / Band / Laborer Chichester Sussex [sic]
944 / Cameron Alexander / [3rd muster] In Hospital / Band
1146 / Creedy Richard / Band
941 / Dillon Daniel / Band
846 / Hone William / Band
387 / Keating Peter / Band
385 / Keenan George / Band
847 / Kelly John / Band / Musician Sheerness
848 / Leonard John / Band / Labourer Galway
529 / Molyneux James / Band
380 / Mullen John / Band
940 / Pearson George / Band
793 / Pearson James / Band
623 / Powell William / Band
1528 / Shields Patrick [not indicated that he was yet a member of the band]

Paylist of the 51st Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1841 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

453/ Roarke Thomas / drum major
288 / Rablin Henry / colour serjeant
337 / Rablin John / corporal [band not indicated]

Drummers and fifers: 457 William Barnes; 433 Benjamin Broadhurst; 987 John Craig; 885, James Davies; 661 Amos Dennis; 912 James Gilmore; 452 Thomas Glenn; 395 Joshua Jackson; 490 Richard Loader; 394 John Sullivan; 992 William Whittaker (DIGITISED)

Privates . . .
314 / Abbott Joseph / Band
448 / Brown Henry / Band
871 / Burke John / Band
423 / Feagan Matthew / Band
340 / Garvin John / Band
705 / Henns Lewis / Band
846 / Hone William / Band
953 / Horney Mark / Band
385 / Keenan George / Band
792 / Kelly Robert / Band
386 / Mullen John / Band / Tailor, Castlebar, Mayo 940 / Pearson George / Band
793 / Pearson James / Band


[News], Morning Herald [London, England] (3 September 1817), 3 (PAYWALL)

A letter from a correspondent at Portsmouth informs us . . . since the commencement of peace, the players have deserted the town, and the Theatre is shut up. All the amusement the people now have is, the band of the 51st Regiment, which plays on the parade every day about eleven o'clock, and a band of about 20 bugles, belonging to the same regiment, which play every night at nine o'clock, before the Colonel's door . . .

"[EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM AN OFFICER OF THE 28TH REGIMENT OF FOOT, AT CORFU, DATED 1ST OF JANUARY, 1829]", Morning Chronicle [London, England] (13 March 1829), 4 (PAYWALL)

The day but one after our arrival here, the whole Garrison was ordered out to witness the execution of a private of the Royal Military Sappers and Miners. He was sentenced by a Court Martial to be shot until dead, for having struck a Serjeant of that Corps with a piece of wood, and thereby endangering his life, so much so that the Sarjeant did nut recover sufficiently to give his evidence for some months . . . Sir Frederick Adam was determined to make an example of this man, as the crime was becoming common; and he had before attempted to drown an officer, but escaped without punishment. At seven o'clock on the morning of the execution the whole Garrison marched out into the outer ditch, where they were drawn up as well as the nature of the ground would admit; it was altogether a most awful and impressive spectacle; the whole of the ramparts were planted with sentries; the troops formed three sides and a considerable part of a fourth side of a square, and in the centre of the half vacant side the grave was dug; after waiting some time the band of the 51st, with muffled drums, were heard at a distance, playing the "Dead March;" from this time it was half an hour before the band appeared; then came six men bearing the coffin, and after them followed the prisoner, with the Chaplain by his side, and surrounded by his guards, and handcuffed . . . and the coffin having been placed near the grave, he was required to kneel upon it . . . the prisoner had a handkerchief tied over his eyes, after which the guard was withdrawn, and the Chaplain continued praying with him, gradually raising his voice as he retired a few paces, that the poor fellow might not be aware that the last preparations were so nearly concluded, when, upon a given signal, fifteen men of his corps advanced a few paces, ard fired, when the body fell back, and gave no further symptoms of vitality, not even the motion of a limb; as soon as he had fallen fifteen more men stepped forward and fired at him as he lay, to all appearance dead, upon the ground; after this all the Regiment marched past the dead body, which appeared dreadfully disfigured."

[News], Morning Herald [London, England] (12 May 1830), 3 (PAYWALL)

On Monday last, Mr. GULSTON's fine cutter yacht, of ninety-three tons, was launched from Mr. William Camper's dock-yard, at Gosport. The morning being fine, the crowd to witness this interesting sight was immense. The celebrated bugle band of the 51st King's Own Light Regiment was on board the yacht, and played several appropriate pieces of music during and after the launch . . .

"BAND OF THE 51ST", Kilkenny Journal, and Leinster Commercial and Literary Advertiser [Ireland] (1 April 1835), 3 (PAYWALL)

This Band, which a very fine one, played for about two hours on the Parade on Sunday last. The day was fine and there was a fashionable attendance. We trust that the Colonel will continue gratify the Ladies of Kilkenny, permitting the Band to play once or twice a week.

[Advertisement], Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent[Ireland] (28 January 1836), 1 (PAYWALL)

BY COMMAND. THE Annual Grand FANCY and DRESS BALL, In aid the SICK AND INDIGENT ROOMKEEPERS, (Of all Religious Persuasions.) . . . ROTONDO, On MONDAY EVENING, 15th FEBRUARY, 1836 . . . The excellent Band of the 51st (King's Own Light Infantry) has been granted by Colonel Campbell, and will perform Select Pieces of Music dining the evening . . .

"Musical Aquatic Excursion - The Belfast Amateur Band", Belfast Commercial Chronicle [Belfast, Ireland] (4 July 1836), 4 (PAYWALL)

On Tuesday evening last, the members of the Belfast Amateur Band took their first trip this season up the Lagan . . . The proficiency is in a great measure to attributed to the unwearied and gratuitous exertions of Mr. Keating, master of the band of the 46th Regiment; and have no doubt that that gentleman will feel pride and pleasure at hearing of the success of his pupils, and of the high opinion in which their abilities are held by those inhabitants of Belfast who have had an opportunity of witnessing their performances. The band on this occasion was kindly accompanied by Mr. Thompson, the highly respectable and talented master of the excellent band of the 51st Regiment, who, like his predecessor to whom we have just alluded, has spared no pains during the short time he has been amongst us, to impart to the amateurs a portion of those musical powers which he himself possesses in sure rare perfection. - A Correspondent.

"REVIEW AT CHATHAM", South Eastern Gazette [Kent, England] (20 June 1837), 4 (PAYWALL)

On Thursday last, General Lord Hill (Commander-in-Chief) . . . reviewed the troops in Chatham Garrison, under the command Colonel Warre . . . After the review an elegant dejeuner was given by Colonel Warre . . . During the time the excellent brass band of the 51st regiment, amounting to upwards of 25 performers, played a great many beautiful airs and marches, with which the company appeared much delighted . . .

"CHATHAM, ROCHESTER, &c.", West Kent Guardian [England] (1 July 1837), 8 (PAYWALL)

On Monday last, the Queen was proclaimed at Chatham with great splendour. The procession formed at the Mitre, Chatham . . . at about 10 o'clock in the morning . . . The whole preceded the band of the Royal Marines, and the bugle band of the 51st . . .


"Shipping Intelligence", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 November 1838), 2 

From Plymouth and Portsmouth, same day [yesterday], having left the former port the 8th, and the latter the 13th August, the barque Earl Grey, Captain Tabbert, with 288 male prisoners, under the superintendence of A. Nebet, Esq., Surgeon, R. N. Passengers, Mr. Lourie, of the Ordnance Department, Captain Ainsworth, Ensigns Dowton and Skerry, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 29 rank and file of the 51st Regiment, 10 women, and 6 children.

See also [Australian news], Limerick Chronicle [Ireland] (8 June 1839), 1 (PAYWALL)

. . . The band of the 51st arrived out by the Earl Grey . . .

[News], The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (7 December 1838), 6 

The head quarters of the 51st regiment have by this time arrived at Sydney. They embarked on the 14th August.

"SYDNEY", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (25 December 1838), 5 

The Head Quarter Staff, with the band of the 51st regiment, have arrived at Sydney, and may be shortly expected here.

"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (8 January 1839), 7 

The head-quarters of the 51st regiment being daily expected from Sydney . . .

[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (26 February 1839), 1 

CONCERT. MR. PECK . . . to give a
GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT Of Vocal and Instrumental Music, to take place on the Evening of
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY THE 26th 1839, In the Theatre, Campbell-street, Hobart Town . . .
The Orchestra will consist of the following performers: - 1st Violins, Messrs. Peck and Russell. - 2nd Violins, Messrs. Singer and Dyer; - Viola and Clarionett, Mr. Reichenberg; - Violoncello, Gentleman Amateur, from the Liverpool Concerts - Flute, Mr. Duly, Bandmaster, 2 French Horns, 2 Bassoons, Serpent and Ophecleide, 2 Oboes, 2 Clarionets, Trumpet and Drum, 51st regiment . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (violin); Joseph Reichenberg (clarinet); William Russell (violin); John Singer (violin); Benjamin Dyer (violin)

"EMBARKATION OF THE 21st ROYAL SCOTCH FUSILEERS", Colonial Times (26 February 1839), 6 

Yesterday morning, about seven o'clock, the 21st Regiment fell in upon the parade ground in heavy marching order. Upon the commanding officer, Major Deare, riding along the line, he was received with hearty cheers by the men, amongst whom he appears a general favorite. After going through a few movements, the order to march was given, and the band struck up the British Grenadiers: the troop crossed Davey-street into Macquarie-street, at the bottom of which, they changed the tune to "St. Patrick's day in the morning." An immense concourse of spectators, accompanied them to the new Jetty, at which they embarked by detachments, in the launch of the Fairlie. The band of the 51st was also in attendance, and played a variety of lively aires during the embarkation.

MUSIC: The British grenadiers (tune); St. Patrick's day [in the morning] (tune); see also as tune to the song A plague on these wenches in Arne's Love in a villageSt. Patrick's day in the morning (tune)

"THE 21ST REGIMENT", The Tasmanian (1 March 1839), 7 

Monday last, being the day announced, as the one on which this gallant corps was to embark for India, the regiment was drawn up in order in the Barrack-yard, as early as 7 o'clock in the morning, and a large concourse of spectators was collected to witness the interesting spectacle . . . On the word being given to march, they proceeded from the barracks, accompanied by the fine band of the 51st, which played appropriate airs, and cheered by the loud and long continued huzzas of the multitude, and the most heartfelt expressions of esteem, frequently betrayed in individual instances of friendship by the people, in their anxiety to shake hands with their friends, whom they were perhaps never to see more - they at length reached the wharf, from whence they were to embark . . .

[News], The Tasmanian (24 May 1839), 7

The fine band of the 51st Regiment, plays in the Barrack-square, on the afternoons of Tuesday's and Friday's, from 3 until 1/2 past 4 o'clock. The admirers of harmony would find this promenade well worth visiting.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (28 May 1839), 8 

CONCERT . . . MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT . . . their Concert will take place on Tuesday next, the 28th May, 1839, at the Theatre Royal, Campbell-street.
By the kind permission of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott, the Band of the 51st Regiment will attend.
PART I. Overture - Militaire . . . PART II. Symphony - Militaire . . .

"CONCERT", Colonial Times (28 May 1839), 7 

. . . In addition to Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, Mr. Reichenberg will perform a solo on his favourite instrument the clarionet, and Mr. Leffler will preside at the piano forte; the fine band of the 51st Regiment will also be in attendance . . .

"THE CONCERT", The Hobart Town Courier (31 May 1839), 2

The Concert of Monsieur and Madame Gautrot took place at the Theatre on Tuesday evening last . . . Through the courtesy of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott, the fine band of the 51st was permitted to be present, and relieved the interludes with several delightful pieces of music.

[News], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (10 December 1839), 5 

THE exhibition called the "Regatta" took place on Tuesday. It had been fixed for the preceding Saturday, but the rain falling heavily, it was postponed . . .
The marine procession was formed according to the published programme, led by twenty whale boats, manned by crews, we assert without fear of contradiction, such as no part of the world can equal, the beautiful band of the 51st. in one of the Government barges - the brass band in another, immediately preceding the boat, in which were Sir John and Lady Franklin . . .

"HOBART TOWN NEWS. THE REGATTA . . . THE PROCESSION", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (16 December 1839), 5 supplement 

A few minutes before ten o'clock, the flotilla started from the steamboat wharf in the following order.
Twenty-two Whale Boats in line, each carrying a waif, the leading boat with the whaler's flag.
The Chamber Band and the Brass Band of the 51st regiment, under the direction of Mr. Duly, playing appropriate airs, towed by the whale boats.
The Licensed Waterman, steered by Mr. Hefford, in the full costume of Thames watermen . . .
In the course of the day, his Excellency gave an excellent entertainment in the pavilion to a large body of respectable persons . . .
The splendid bands of the 51st regiment were in attendance the whole day, and enlivened the scene by playing a great variety of beautiful pieces, one amongst which was Auber's Overture to Masaniello, given by the full band with a degree of style, precision, and effect, almost unequalled by any performance we have heard in the colony.

[Advertisement], The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (24 January 1840), 3 

NOTICE. BY the kind permission of Col. Elliott, the Band of the 51st Regiment will attend on the ground during the Cricket Match.
TO-MORROW, the 25th instant.

[Advertisement], Tasmanian Weekly Dispatch (31 January 1840), 8 

CRICKET . . . in the Paddock, on Saturday, the 1st February. Wickets to be pitched at 10 o'clock precisely . . . By the kind permission of Colonel Elliott, the Band of the 51st Regiment will attend on the ground during the Cricket Match.

"HOBART TOWN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY", The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (31 January 1840), 2 

Bright and beautiful was the display which presented itself to many admiring eyes at the second exhibition of this interesting and useful Society on Saturday last, in the Court of Requests' Room. At twelve o'clock the doors were opened to the public, and from that hour up to four o'clock groups of visitors arrived in rapid succession . . . The fine band of the 51st regiment was in attendance, (by permission of Colonel Elliott,) and played various beautiful airs, adding greatly to the pleasures and enjoyments of the day . . .

"LOCAL", The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (13 March 1840), 2 

The embarkation of the last detachment of the 21st Royal Scots Fusiliers took place on Thursday last, at seven o'clock. The men, 124 in number, marched from their barracks in excellent health and spirits, accompanied by the band of the 51st, playing the well-known airs of the "British Grenadiers," and "Patrick's Day." Some of the veterans were much affected. The scene, as they marched down the declivity from the barracks , brought forcibly to mind the words of the favourite song - "The Soldiers Tear."
"He turn'd and left the spot; ah, do not deem him weak,
For dauntless was the soldier's heart, though tears were on his cheek;
Go, watch the foremost ranks, in danger's dark career,
Be sure the hand most daring there has wiped away a tear."
Twenty-six women and fifty-seven children accompany this last draft of the regiment . . .

MUSIC: The British grenadiers (tune); St. Patrick's day [in the morning] (tune); see also as tune to the song A plague on these wenches in Arne's Love in a village

"Horticultural Society", The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (20 March 1840), 2 

The last exhibition of this Society for the present season took place on Monday in the New Market Place . . . The fine Band of the 51st Regiment was in attendance, and played various pleasing and delightful airs with its usual skill, adding much to the cheerfulness of the scene. It is estimated that upwards of 1500 persons visited the show . . .

"The Races", Colonial Times (24 March 1840), 6 

. . . About eleven o'clock, away started the coach from the ship, dashing along in fine style, with the key-bugle playing a lively air, the horses ribboned, and Coachee looking as smart as he could . . . Arrived at, the Race Course, the visitors wisely sought rest, refreshment, and shelter in the various booths which were erected on the ground. The fine band of the 51st was stationed under the Grand Stand, and afforded the ladies and their Chaperones much melodious entertainment . . .

"FANCY FAIR", Colonial Times (26 May 1840), 7 

The Fancy Fair, which has been so long deferred, will be held on Thursday next, at the Infant School Room, in Murray street . . . The fine band of the 51st regiment will, we understand, be in attendance, to delight the visiters with some admirable new music, recently received from England.

"Van Diemen's Land (From the Advertiser, May 29)", Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (20 June 1840), 1 

. . . During the Levee the fine band of the 51st King's Own Light Infantry was in attendance, and enlivened the scene with some beautiful pieces of music. Auber's grand overture to Masaniello we particularly noticed, as being delivered with style, precision, and effect. The cold raw atmosphere, however, tended to prevent a large concourse of spectators . . .

"TO THE EDITOR OF THE COURIER", The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (29 May 1840), 4 

Sir, - Having perceived a paragraph in the Colonial Times of the 19th instant, commenting upon the Military Theatre in this Garrison, opened by the 51st light infantry, expressly for the amusement of the military and their friends, in which the editor of the Colonial Times insinuates that the Military Theatre ought to be shut up whilst the Town Theatre is open . . . I beg to remark, that it is quite ridiculous for him to think it is anything else but private, and only for the amusement of the military and their friends. It is far from the wish of the military amateurs to do anything that would injure the interests of the Town Theatre, for in the first instance the Military Theatre was open long before Mrs. Clarke thought of opening the Town Theatre, and the Wednesday nights were fixed by the military amateurs for their performances. As soon as the Town Theatre opened it was altered to Tuesday, so that it might not, interfere with the nights of performance in town, and also that the musicians of the band (51st regiment,) who play at the Town Theatre might be able to attend, so as to oblige the manager of that establishment. I must also remark it is very kind of Colonel Elliott, (commanding 51st regiment,) to grant permission for the musicians of the band to attend and play in the orchestra in the Town Theatre; and I cannot think that the manager of the Town Theatre would for a moment concur in the comments made by the editor of the Colonial Times . . .
your most obedient servant, A MILITARY SPECTATOR, Barracks, April 21.

"UNION CLUB", The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (26 June 1840), 2 

His Excellency Sir John Franklin honoured the members of the Union Club with his company to dinner on Tuesday last. The Club-house was illuminated for the occasion, and V and A were transparent on each side of the crown. Lieutenant Colonel Elliott and Captain Forster were specially invited, and about sixty gentlemen sat down to dinner. The fine band of the 51st regiment was in attendance, and played several delightful and appropriate airs during the evening . . .
On the cloth being removed the Chairman called for a bumper toast . . . God save the Queen.
The next toast was "Lord Minto and the Royal Navy." Drank with great applause - Rule Britannia.
After which the chairman gave "Lord Hill and the Army" . . . British Grenadiers.
The Lieutenant-Governor proposed the chairman, Mr. McLachlan's health, which was drank with great applause - music, Auld Lang syne . . .

"MAJOR BUTLER", Colonial Times (27 October 1840), 7 

Our esteemed and lamented Brigade Major, James Butler, died last week, and was interred with military honours on Saturday morning. On leaving the temporary chapel, in Liverpool-street, appropriated to the Catholic worship, the procession moved on up Liverpool street, towards the Catholic Burying Place, at the upper end of the town; the fine band of the 51st regt. playing a solemn dirge . . .

"NEW GOVERNMENT HOUSE AND THE GELL COLLEGE", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (6 November 1840), 7 

[5 November 1840] . . . But to return to the foundation laying. As soon as this was over, Sir John and his friends retired to the Pavilion to lunch. During which the band of the 51st played some beautiful pieces of music, and a new one which we never heard before. After the lunch the band went up into the Regatta Stand, and dancing commenced on the green . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: But note that the new Government House was not finally built until the 1850s;
see also, Mrs. Charles Meredith, My home in Tasmania: or, nine years in Australia (New York: Bunce and Brother, 1853), 30-31

The domain adjoins the gardens, and is laid out in pleasant drives among the groves of native trees. We witnessed there the ceremony of laying the first stone of a new Government House, on a spot commanding views of the Derwent and the surrounding beautiful scenery. A collation was provided on the occasion by the Lieutenant-Governor and Lady Franklin, in a pretty rustic lodge near the site of the new mansion, and some of the guests availed themselves of the presence of an excellent military band to have quadrilles on the grass, or rather in the dust, for the turf was something of the scantiest.

"THEATRE", Colonial Times (12 January 1841), 2 

We are very glad to report that Mrs. Clarke's benefit last night was a most successful one. The scenes from Hamlet were gone through as well as could be expected in a provincial theatre, Mrs. Clarke and Falchon being the attractions. Der Freischutz was also made the most of; the excellent band of the 51st being of itself a source of great entertainment to the admirers of military music . . .

"MRS. CLARKE'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Courier (2 February 1841), 2 

Last evening this concert took place, and we are sorry to say was by no means fully attended. Music, alone, appears to have but little attraction "in our town;" nor really is it to be wondered at, when the very imperfect manner in which it can by any human possibility be produced, is borne in mind . . . Mrs. Clarke was naturally conspicuous, and the Band of the 51st Regiment contributed their valuable quantum to the mélange. We cannot but call attention to the latter feature, which we think would be greatly improved by some judicious pruning of the instrumental parts; the band at present performs as if it were in the Barrack-yard; the consequence is, in the Theatre, that the combination is entirely, or nearly so, lost; only a tremendous din drowns the senses, and all the intellectual appreciation of music is utterly blown and drummed out of our imaginations. The whole entertainment, however - for perhaps we are rather hyper-critical - passed off very well . . .

"HORTICULTURAL SHOW", Colonial Times (9 February 1841), 2 

The Society's Tent was pitched on Saturday last, in Macquarie-street, and a very good assortment of fruit, flowers, and vegetables exhibited. The velvet crimson-colored cockscombs were very beautiful. The band of the 51st regiment was in attendance, and many very excellent pieces of music were performed.

"NEW TOWN RACES . . . Third Day, March 19", Colonial Times (23 March 1841), 2 

A PURSE of 50 sovereigns, given by Lieutenant Colonel Elliott and the Officers of the 51st Regiment, added to a sweepstakes . . . There was no chance with Peacock, who ran away from the field. The Band of the 51st, which was on the ground during the day, immediately after three cheers had been given to Col. Elliott and the Officers of the Regiment, struck up the 51st Light Infantry March . . .

"DINNER TO CAPTAIN MONTAGU", The Courier (2 April 1841), 2 

Tuesday last being the day appointed on which this dinner was to take place in honour of the return of Captain Montagu on his resuming the office of Colonial Secretary . . . His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor . . . arrived at seven o'clock, when the fine band of the 51st K.O.L.I, which, through the courtesy of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott, K. H, was permitted to attend, and was stationed in the pillared hall leading to the grand staircases on either side, struck up the national anthem . . .
"The Queen and Prince Albert" - . . . followed by "God Save the Queen" . . .
"The Princess Royal" . . . the band playing "Rest thee babe" . . .
"The Dowager Queen Adelaide and the rest of the Royal Family" . . . followed by "Queen Adelaide's March" . . .
"Lord Minto and the Navy." - Air, "Rule Britannia" . . .
"Lord Hill and the Army" . . . "British Grenadiers" . . .
Mr. McLachlan . . . proposing the health of "The late Colonial Secretary" . . . Captain Forster . . . the band following it with the appropriate Northumbrian air of "The Keel Row" . . .

MUSIC: The keel row (tune)

"THE BALL ON BOARD THE DISCOVERY SHIPS", The Courier (4 June 1841), 2 

This anxiously looked for entertainment took place on Tuesday evening last, the 1st June . . . the Erebus . . . was fitted up as the ball-room . . . The band of the 51st were ensconced in a most tasteful manner, in an orchestra erected at the stern of the vessel, and Mr. McLeod's quadrille band in one around the mainmast. The space obtained for dancing, upon vessels of the size of these, would be surprising from any other men than sailors; their usual tact and contrivance, however, removed from the decks almost everything but the very masts, and left abundant room for the most devoted worshipers of Terpsichore. We need not say that on such an occasion His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor was present, together with all the élite of the town and neighbourhood; it was estimated that upwards of 300 were on board.
At 11 precisely His Excellency, with Captains Ross and Crozier, led the way to the Terror, upon whose deck the supper had been arranged. The refreshments were of the most substantial and excellent kind . . . Captain Ross proposed, in suitable terms, the first toast "The Queen" . . . Between each of the toasts suitable airs were played by the band of the 51st Regiment, which was in attendance during the whole of supper.
The company now returned on board the Erebus, where dancing was renewed with the greatest spirit, and kept up till "Hyperion's rising in the east" warned the company home . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ball and supper on the Erebus and Terror, given by captains James Clark Ross and Francis Crozier

"THE THEATRE", The Courier (16 July 1841), 3 

. . . We perceive by advertisement in another portion of our paper, that Colonel Elliott and the Officers of the 51st Regiment intend again honouring the Theatre with their presence next Thursday evening, on the occasion of Mr. Rogers' Benefit, who was formerly a corporal in the 51st, and an amateur performer at the Barrack Theatre, but who has latterly obtained his discharge. Mrs. O'Flaherty will positively make her appearance, (for that night only,) and the Regimental Band has also been kindly permitted to attend.

"LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL", Colonial Times (7 September 1841), 2 

The Council met yesterday at two o'clock, according to adjournment. His Excellency was received by a guard of honor, commanded by Lieutenant Erskine, - the band of the regiment stationed in front of the Custom House, playing Waltzes, till the Council assembled . . .

"NEW TRINITY CHURCH", The Courier (22 October 1841), 2 

The first stone of this edifice was laid on Wednesday afternoon last by His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, in the presence of a large attendance of the clergy and a considerable concourse of spectators . . . His Excellency went through the usual form of seeing that it was correctly laid, pronouncing "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, I lay this foundation stone of a church to be built to the glory of God and called the Church of the Holy Trinity." The interesting ceremony was closed by the Rev. W. Bedford delivering a very feeling and appropriate address, in which he adverted to the well-directed liberality of the Government in setting aside £2000 for the erection of this church . . . The band of the 51st Regiment was in attendance, and performed some appropriate music, though we cannot resist the impression that this was a most incongruous feature of so solemn an occasion.

NOTE: Not to be confused with old Trinity church, also known as the Penitentiary Chapel in Campbell Street Gaol

One of the 51st band's new hit tunes of 1841 was their arrangement of the song and chorus Nix my dolly pals fake away, from George Herbert Rodwell's music John Buckstone's 1839 London theatrical spectacle Jack Sheppard (on the life of Jack Sheppard). The song remained a Tasmanian favourite for several years, often played buy the band, and regularly sung in the Hobart and Launceston theatres.

"THE REGATTA", Van Diemen's Land Chronicle (3 December 1841), 2 

The Regatta was celebrated on Wednesday last, and a sad affair it was in every respect. His Excellency embarked on board the gunboat at about half-past ten o'clock, and headed the flotilla amidst no demonstration whatever of public feeling. Not a single cheer heralded him here; not a single cheer greeted him on his arrival on the ground. The pretty procession moved along like a pack of mourning coaches, and it was in vain that the fine band of the 51st regiment played "Nix my Dolly" to the Tasmanians; their hearts seemed made of adamant, and the gloominess of the weather appeared to impart its discontented aspect to all present . . .

"WALKS ABOUT HOBART TOWN. No. 4", Colonial Times (22 February 1842), 3 

. . . Returning to the Macquarie, we ordered an early dinner, and as it was post-day, I wrote to my old friend Mr. -, detailing all the business matters in which his wife had been engaged. I knew Mrs. - was extremely fond of music, and I knew, also, that the fine Band of the 51st would play for an hour, in the afternoon, at the Barracks; to the Barracks, therefore, we betook ourselves, a little before four o'clock, and found the Band, duly marshalled, and at the point of commencing. Nothing, I think, more unequivocally evinces the decided attachment of the Hobartonians to business pursuits, than their indifference to those recreations which serve to soften and humanize our nature. A solitary Concert may attract, as may the "bespeak" of some "distinguished patronage" at the Theatre; but there is an excellent Band, little more than a quarter of a mile from the centre of the town, which "discourses most excellent music" every Tuesday and Friday afternoon, and scarcely half a dozen persons lounge up to hear it! The loss, however, is their own, as they may discover by an early visit to the Barracks. The afternoon of our visit being fine and clear was favourable to accoustics, and some fine music was well performed. The overture to the Barber of Seville, (Rossini's I mean), Di Tanti Palpiti, and some spirited quadrilles, now elegantly termed gallopades, were extremely well played by the bass instruments especially; and what seemed to please the band, as much as it did the hearers, was a very fine tune, with a very abominable title, no less in fact than the classical "Nix my Dolly." There is a new instrument, recently introduced into military bands, called the Cornet à piston, which combines the powers of the trumpet and the key bugle, much softened; it is played, in the band of the 51st, by a young man, whose performance is very effective, and whom I should recommend to favour the audience with a solo, or, at least, an accompaniment the next time the band performs either at the Theatre or at a Concert: it would tell very well. The brass band, an improved innovation upon the old drums and fifes, is very well managed under the direction of the Drum-Major; and its nightly performances, at half-past eight, sound very sweetly at a short distance from the Barracks; and to such as derive pleasure from the "concord of sweet sounds," a lounge to the Barrack-square, either in the afternoon of Tuesday or Friday, or any evening in the week, for the brass band would afford ample gratification. - A PERIPATETIC.

"HORTICULTURAL SHOW", The Courier (18 March 1842), 2 

Yesterday afternoon an exhibition took place of the flower and vegetable productions of Hobart Town and its vicinity, when the latter, especially, seemed decidedly to excite general admiration. The specimens of carrots were particularly fine, and of astonishing size . . . We were sorry to find that the band of the 51st was not in attendance; it is, we believe, the first time since the formation of the society that so great an addition to the liveliness of the scene has been wanting - from what cause we know not - but regret to see that in any amusement of this kind, if the colony cannot proceed crescendo, a falling off should be made visible. The deficiency may, notwithstanding, have arisen from circumstances which could not be obviated; if so, regret, not blame, must characterise our remarks . . .

"BALL TO THE GOVERNOR", Colonial Times (14 November 1843), 3 

. . . a little before nine o'clock his Excellency presented himself, and was received by a guard of honour of the 51st Regt. Dancing commenced soon after, and was kept up with great spirit to the excellent music of as fine a chamber band of thirty musicians as we ever heard, till about twelve o'clock . . .

"MILITARY FUNERAL", Colonial Times (1 October 1844), 3 

On Friday afternoon, the remains of Lieutenant and Adjutant Birch were carried to the grave with all military honors, all the troops in garrison, to the number of nearly 560, preceding the corpse, which was followed by the naval officers from the Observatory, several of the Commissariat and Ordnance officers and a few civilians. The fine band of the 51st Regiment, under Mr. Duly's able direction, played the beautiful Dead March by Kuffner, so familiar to us when the 21st Regiment was here, from the Barracks to St. David's Church, and thence to the Burial Ground Handel's Dead March in Saul, arranged by Mr. Duly for the excellent band of which he is so admirable a master . . .

MUSIC: "Dead march" (Joseph Küffner)

"VICTORIA THEATRE", Colonial Times (28 January 1845), 3 

Last night Mrs. Clarke's benefit was, we are happy to say, a bumper, and a bumper of the right sort, the audience, well besprinkled with officers in gay uniforms, being one of the most fashionable we have seen for a long time . . . We were disappointed rather in a curtailment of some of the music in the Marriage of Figaro; but considering the length of the performances, this was perhaps excusable . . . The band of the 51st was in attendance, and as usual "discoursed most eloquent music." On the rising of the curtain, God save the Queen was played, the audience standing with all due respect and loyalty: we expected they would have sung to the music, but they did not. Before the opera, Mozart's lively overture to his Nozze di Figaro was performed, and between the pieces other favourite waltzes and quadrilles; but the wind instruments of this favourite band are by far too powerful for so small a building as our Victoria: the music would have pleased better had a selection of the performers been made . . .

PIECE: The marriage of Figaro (translated, altered, and arranged for representation by Henry R. Bishop)

"VICTORIA THEATRE", Colonial Times (18 February 1845), 3 

Last night Mrs. Stirling took her benefit, to a very fair house: the entertainments were tastily selected, and the first piece, The Fairy Lake, displayed very sweet music, and some beautiful scenery. It was preceded by Auber's rather fantastic overture to Masaniello, which was well performed by an augmented orchestra; M. Gautrot's violin, and the bass horns of the bandsmen, adding much to the attraction of the music . . .

MUSIC: The fairy lake; or, The magic veil (opera, adapted from the music of Auber and others, by John Howson)

"ORIGINAL SONG", Colonial Times (6 May 1845), 4 

"The British Flag."
Dedicated (without permission) to Lieutenant Colonel Elliott, of the Queen's Own Light Infantry, and all British Red and Blue Jackets.
Tune - "Yankee Doodle."

Well, -as I'm call'd upon to sing,
I'll tell you what we'll do, Sir,
We'll make the very welkin ring,
But first I'll trouble you, Sir,
To push the bottle round about,
And do your best endeavour,
To raise aloud, a glorious shout;
Here's "The British Flag for ever!"
Chorus. - So push the bottle round about;
We'll do our best endeavour
To raise a loud-a glorious shout:
"The British Flag for ever!" . . .

[4 more verses . . .]

M. Hobart Town. May 6, 1845.

"Shipping Intelligence", Colonial Times (17 May 1845), 2 

PORT OF HOBART TOWN . . . May 15. - Arrived the government barque Lady Franklin, Willett, master, from Launceston via Port Arthur, with three officers, and 140 rank and file of the 51st Regiment, who have been relieved there by a detachment of the 51st, when landed, were marched up to the Barracks to the tune of "Nix my dolly, pals fake away," by the bugle band.

MUSIC: Nix my dolly palls fake away (Rodwell)

"THE 51ST REGIMENT", Colonial Times (23 September 1845), 3 

This fine corps is mustering strongly at head quarters, preparatory to its embarkation for India in January next, and frequent parades will take place in the Domain in the meantime. On Friday last the soldiers in garrison, amounting to eight companies, were exercised under the surveillance of Major St. Maur, a clever officer, who appears to take, as a good officer should, great pains with his men. After executing a variety of manoeuvres, the regiment marched to the barracks, preceded by its fine band, now under the able mastership of Mr. Rablin, the talented successor of Mr. Duly. We were in error when we formerly mentioned that Mr. Rablin was a pupil of Mr. Duly: his preceptor was Mr. Williams, well known amongst military men as a very talented musician, and truly his pupil does him infinite credit. Many persons, especially with children, are deterred from walking in the Domain for fear of molestation by wild cattle. Their fears, however, may be allayed, as arrangements have been made to prevent a continuance of that dangerous nuisance; and we can assure them much gratification from a visit while the soldiers are exercising, no loss from the beautiful performances of the band, than the manoeuvring of the regiment.

"MILITARY MUSIC", Colonial Times (3 March 1846), 3 

Our townspeople, and especially the fairer portion thereof, are not aware perhaps, that on Wednesday and Friday afternoons from four to six o'clock, the fine bands of the 51st Regiment perform alternately in the Barrack-square. The music of the chamber band under the able direction of Mr. Rablin, is no less choice of selection than excellent in performance, every attention being paid to its excellence as well as to its novelty. On Wednesday last a new overture from the French and fertile brain of Auber, was given in a most spirited style, the bass parts particularly; this was the opening overture to the performances at the Theatre hen Mrs. Clarke took her Benefit; it is a smart, spirited Auberian overture, but as usual devoid of any melodious movement, such as at once takes hold upon the mind, and lingers for ever in the recesses of our memory, as that beautiful air which so sweetly predominates in one of the finest overtures which was ever composed, we mean the overture to Der Freitchutz [sic]. Auber is truly a noisy composer, from his Masaniello to the present moment; drums, trumpets, trombones, cymbols, and the rest, make up for that pure and appropriate harmony which so strikingly characterizes the works of our great classic composers, of Handel, Haydn, and Mozart, of Pergolosi [Pergolesi], Winter, Beethoven, and the rest, by no means omitting our lively favourite Rossini, who is always - although an idle copyist of himself, sprightly, sparkling, and melodious. Passing by this, we have to notice the other pieces performed by the band on Wednesday, the selection, as already intimated, being extremely tasteful. From the new Opera of Ernani, composed by Verdi (quere, George Green?) three cavatinas were performed, and beautiful indeed they were. Ernani must be a fine opera, and if the production of an Englishman, a credit to his country. One of these cavatinas has been arranged by Mr. Rablin with a duet movement for the trombone, and the cornet à piston, the effect of which is extremely fine, these two instruments blending together in most beautiful harmony. Another fine cavatina, "Quando il Core," from the Ines de Castro of that very sweet composer Persiani, was well executed, and proved very effective; we only wish that there were more lovers of good music on the spot to enjoy the feast provided for them. The Brass Band under the direction of Mr. Hayne, is extremely well conducted, and its performance while marching from the Domain after the morning's parade, is enjoyed by many; wafted on the morning breeze, the fine, full, and clear notes of the bugles sound most melodiously, and must, we think, enliven the spirits of the soldiers after a hard-two hours' drilling.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (13 March 1846), 1 

The Evening's Entertainments will commence with (for the first time in this colony) the Grand Romantic Drama, entitled
THE Battle of Austerlitz; Or, THE SOLDIER'S BRIDE . . .
In the course of the Evening, the BAND of the 51st K.O.L.L will perform the celebrated Overtures to the Operas

MUSIC: Overture to Le planteur (by Hippolyte Monpou)

"THE 51ST REGIMENT", The Courier (18 July 1846), 3 

THE 51ST REGIMENT. - We learn that the four companies told off to go to India immediately . . . will proceed under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott, with Major Errington, and head-quarters. The number will be about 500, including the band, servants, &c. . . .

"THE THEATRE", Colonial Times (24 July 1846), 3 

. . . On Monday, it will be seen, Mrs. Clarke takes her Benefit, with a novel attraction here, namely, a new Opera, founded on the Corsair of Lord Byron, the music of which is entirely composed by Mr. G. F. Duly; he has grappled with an arduous task, and we shall see how he has performed it; as far as report goes, we hear a most promising account of the music. The Band of the 51st Regiment will attend, "for the last time previous to their departure for India." Mournful words, these, applied to old acquaintances, but there must be an end to all things, and this "end," as regards the stay of the 51st amongst us, is now quickly approaching . . .

"BALL AND SUPPER TO THE 51ST REGIMENT", The Courier (29 July 1846), 2 

ON Friday evening a Ball and Supper was given to Colonel Elliott and the Officers of the 51st regiment, previous to their embarkation for India. By permission of the Lieutenant-Governor, the Legislative Council Chamber, and the rooms which could be made available, were placed at the disposal of the committee of management. The Council Chamber, 46 feet long by 26 wide, was appropriated to the votaries of Terpischore, affording ample space for a double set of quadrilles. The palisading which separates the members of our Colonial Legislature from the spectators was removed, and the Council table, upon which an excellent quadrille band of the 51st discoursed "most eloquent music," was placed near the public entrance . . .

"THE 51ST REGIMENT", Colonial Times (11 August 1846), 3 

Two detachments, including the head quarters, embarked on Saturday morning [8 August], amidst the hearty cheers of a large concourse of spectators; the utmost order was preserved throughout, and the gallant fellows quitted our shores in excellent spirits. We were unwittingly in error in mentioning last week the manner in which the regiment would proceed to its destination. The fact is this: Colonel Elliot, with the head quarters, embarked on board the Agincourt, as we originally stated . . .

"THE 51ST REGIMENT", The Cornwall Chronicle (15 August 1846), 622 

On Saturday the Headquarters of this fine Regiment embarked on board the Agincourt and China for India. They were mustered and drilled in the Barrack square at eight o'clock, and about half past eight marched down to the Commissariat Wharf to the popular tunes of "Auld Lang Syne", "Garry Owen", "The King of the Cannibal Islands", "The Girl I left behind me", "The Lass of Kallow", &c., when they proceeded on board their respective vessels. The Head Quarters, with both bands, go in the Agincourt, and the remainder in the China. They embarked on board in two of the Government barges and the barge of the Agincourt, the Chamber Band playing "God save the Queen", and the Brass Band "The Days that we went Gipseying". There were many hundreds of our townsmen present, and the cheers were perfectly deafening. - H. T. Advertiser.

"THE 51ST REGIMENT IN INDIA", The Courier (15 May 1847), 2 

We regret to record that, since the arrival of the head-quarters of this fine regiment in the China and Agincourt, at Bangalore, there have been many deaths, among whom we may mention the wife of Quartermaster Shean, and his son-in-law, Quartermaster sergeant McCormick (whose illness was brief,) sergeant Jones (of the band,) sergeant Rogers, sergeant Griffin, Kelly (of the band,) Simpson (of the buglers,) the wife of sergeant Cameron, Mrs. Dickenson, eleven privates, and ten children. The detachment arrived at Madras on the 29th October, and marched fifteen miles the same day to Poonamlee. There the troops remained until the 9th January, and then marched to Bangalore, the head-quarters, which they reached on the 23rd January. It was during this march (about 200 miles,) having rivers to cross, with their baggage on their heads, the water breast high, that the cholera broke out; and out of all those who were attacked twenty-eight died, and only five survived . . . The troops were remarkably healthy when the accounts left Bangalore.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sergeant Henry Jones (649) is not noted as belonging to the band in the pay records; Simpson was not listed among the drummers and fifers, suggesting that the brass/bugle band also included regular privates

"THE 51st REGIMENT IN INDIA", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (22 May 1847), 2 

Under this head we published in a recent Courier several interesting particulars of the arrival of the main body of the regiment In India, including a notice of the mortality which occurred, from cholera, in the fatiguing march from Poonamalee to Bangalore, between the dates of 9th and 23rd January. We are now enabled to publish a more full and detailed list of the men, women, and children who perished from the disease, numbered in the order in which the deaths occurred - . . .
10. John Kelly, of the band . . .
To the above may be added Sergeant Jones of the band, and Mrs. Cameron.

"THE 51st REGIMENT K. O. L. I.", The Cornwall Chronicle (22 January 1862), 2 

Many of the colonists of Tasmania will remember the brave soldiers of this fine Regiment, who were for so many years quartered in Tasmania. They will regret to see that during the last few months the regiment has almost been decimated by that fell disease, cholera. The following letter from a Sergeant gives an account thereof: -

Lahore, 15 October, 18 Oct 1861
My dear sister, I wrote to you a few days since, a short letter, as I had only come out of hospital that morning, after recovering from a very severe attack of fever, and the mail was about to close so I could not describe to you anything about the late cholera disease, and its fearful effects . . .

The disease broke out first in our Regiment on the 7th August, and from that date up to about the 20th Sep., or little more than a month we lost our Colonel, 17 Sergeants, l6 corporals, and 247 privates, besides 17 women and 22 children . . .

I forgot to tell you I was promoted to the rank of sergeant in March last, I was only six months corporal. I am now doing the duties of Bugle Major. I cannot express to you how grateful I am to the Almighty for all His mercies to me since I have been a soldier, and above all for my escape from that dreadful disease. I am the only Hobart Town person now in the regiment. Poor Patrick Shields of the Band, and Billy Ring the Bugler have both died lately . . .

Shields told me if ever I returned to Tasmania to acquaint his friends of the manner of his death. He was quite sensible a few hours before his death. His loss is deeply regretted in the Band, we are very near done up for a Band, as we lost 16 men out of it. All the tunes we can manage to play are marches, as we unfortunately lost the best performers. The 94th Band is entirely done up as they lost one half their Band. I expect our regiment will be going home some time next year - at least that is rumoured - and generally believed in the Corps.
Sergeant J-- W--
H.M. 51st K.O.L.I., Lahore, Punjab.

NOTE: According to the paylists for 1845-46, private Patrick Shields (1528) was in Tasmania, but not listed as a member of the band; William King (1153) was listed in among the "Drummers and Fifers", as probably to be expected for a bugler


. . . The 21st was relieved by the 51st King's Own Light Infantry (now the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry). The instrumental character of this band was somewhat superior to its predecessors. There were more clarionets and flutes, and the Turkish Crescent (bells on pole attached to straps) was for the first time in Hobart. It was about this period the cornopean was introduced. T. Duly [sic], the bandmaster, often rendered great service at concerts. The 51st left per ship Agincourt and China on August 8, 1846. On Wednesday, December 3, 1845 (Regatta Day) they played on the ground alternately with the band of the 11th (Devonshire Regiment), the playing of the latter being much superior, having just within a few weeks landed from England with the latest music and modern instruments. It was reckoned one of the best in the United Kingdom. Lieutenant Steer (an Italian) [recte, Stier] was its bandmaster . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 21st Regiment (military); Charles William Ferdinand Stier, master of the Band of the 11th Regiment (military)

Regimental records:

51st Regiment: Yorkshire Light Infantry (Kings Own), April 1837 to March 1839 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

51st Regiment: Yorkshire Light Infantry (Kings Own), April 1839 to March 1840 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

51st Regiment: Yorkshire Light Infantry (Kings Own), April 1840 to March 1841 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

51st Regiment: Yorkshire Light Infantry (Kings Own), April 1841 to March 1842 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

51st Regiment: Yorkshire Light Infantry (Kings Own), April 1842 to March 1843 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

51st Regiment: Yorkshire Light Infantry (Kings Own), April 1843 to March 1844 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

51st Regiment: Yorkshire Light Infantry (Kings Own), April 1844 to March 1845 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

51st Regiment: Yorkshire Light Infantry (Kings Own), April 1845 to March 1846 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

51st Regiment: Yorkshire Light Infantry (Kings Own), April 1845 to April 1847 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

51st Regiment: Yorkshire Light Infantry (Kings Own), April 1846 to March 1847 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

H. C. Wylly, History of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry . . . volume 1 [1755-1881] (London: Percy Lund, Humphries & Co. Ltd., 1924), 308-09 

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "2nd/51st Foot (Yorkshire, West Riding) Light Infantry Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"51st (2nd Yorkshire West Riding) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Other documentation (1840-45)

Other colonial bands (1840s)

Band of the Norfolk Island Convict Settlement

[News], The Australian (31 July 1841), 2 

There are strange stories going about relative to Norfolk Island, and the system pursued by Captain Maconochie. The removal of Mr. Ormsby by the latter, like that of Mr. Pinnock by the home government has given some dissatisfaction. We have every desire to give Captain Maconochie's system a full trial. But, with regard to Norfolk Island. there is, we are told, a Theatre (!) building; there are sixteen men employed as a Band (!) to discourse sweet music to the unfortunates on the island . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Maconochie (commandant, Norfolk Island penal settlement)

"COMMISSARIAT OFFICE", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (4 January 1845), 2 

"COMMISSARIAT OFFICE. Hobart Town, 2nd January, 1845. Sale by Public Auction.
On Tuesday next, the 7th instant, immediately after the sale of the "Tasmania's" Surplus Stores, &c.,
Mr. T. Y. Lowes will sell on account of the Convict Service -
A small quantity of biscuit dust, and unserviceable tobacco.
ALSO A quantity of Music and Musical Instruments, from Norfolk Island, consisting of -
Trumpets, &c.
Terms cash, and the lots to be cleared away immediately after the sale.
GEO. MACLEAN, Deputy Commissary-General.

Band of the St. Patrick's Total Abstinence Society's+Band (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

"ST. PATRICK'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY", The Teetotaller and General Newspaper (10 August 1842), 4 

. . . The Rev. Mr. Farrelly said, at the conclusion of the meeting, it was the intention of that Society to have a band of music of their own, to consist of eighteen or twenty persons; the instruments would be found for them, which would cost twenty pounds. He called upon those who wished to belong to it to come forward; they would be instructed by the band master of the 80th Regiment . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: St. Patrick's Band (Sydney); Samuel Edgerton, master of the Band of the 80th Regiment (military)

"ST. PATRICK'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY", Australasian Chronicle (15 September 1842), 2 

On Monday evening the usual weekly meeting of the above society was held in the schoolroom, Castlereagh street, which was crowded to excess. The new band of the society was present for the first time, and enlivened the meeting with several airs, which were very effectively and creditably executed, much to the satisfaction of those who have contributed towards the fund for the purchase of the instruments . . .

Other general accounts (1840s)

J. O. Balfour, A sketch of New South Wales (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1845), 59, 113 (DIGITISED)

[59] . . . Hyde Park, which is about two miles in circumference, has been reserved as a pleasure ground for the inhabitants of Sydney; but as it is quite destitute of timber, and consequently unprotected from the sun, it is seldom used by the citizens as a promenade, except towards the cool of the evening. The Government domain, which is delightfully situated and well shaded, is a pleasant drive, and as a regimental band plays there twice a week, it is a general rendezvous for the fashionable idlers of the town on such days. (DIGITISED)

[113] . . . There are at present two regiments in New South Wales. The head-quarters for these regiments are Sydney and Paramatta; detachments of from twenty to sixty rank and file, with subalterns in command are distributed over the colony. Two regiments in conjunction with the civil power are found quite sufficient to enforce the laws. - Regiments quartered in New South Wales do not receive any colonial pay.

. . . There are no militia or yeomanry corps in the colony; on any case of emergency the settlers, however, would form a rather formidable body, being well adapted for a yeomanry corps, and in those instances where continued and hazardous pursuits after escaped convicts have occurred, the settlers, who at all times freely volunteer, have been I will not say more efficient, but certainly quite as much so as the mounted police. Many settlers are of opinion that a protective corps raised from among themselves would prove less expensive and more beneficial than those now existing, both on account of their intimate knowledge of the bush, and the very moderate rate at which they could supply themselves with horses.

Band news from Australia

"FREE PORTS", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (4 January 1843), 2 

. . . a Correspondent from Newcastle has forwarded to us the following remarks: "I have just read your article on Free Ports. If the boon of a free warehousing port has not been granted to Newcastle, it is because it has not been asked for. The disunion among the inhabitants of all grades, will, I fear, be an obstacle to it, and a public good will thus be sacrificed to private resentments. There is no doubt, that obvious feelings will exist in a community made up of so mixed materials, but it is certainly to be deeply regretted, when that disunion affects the prosperity of the town. This will, by degrees, however, wear away, I hope, when we have a regiment stationed here, as the attractions of a good band of music, monthly balls, and other festivities, will draw the fashionables of the district to Newcastle, and by that means harmonize the collision of interests which now exists.

"MILITARY", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser [VIC] (11 February 1843), 3 

An increase of the military force stationed in the Australian Colonies, is determined upon by the British Authorities; and wherever regiments, or any of their detachments are placed, a considerable addition to their numerical strength is expected to take place, and in fact is now occurring . . . But this we venture to say, a commissariat expenditure in Portland would not do its inhabitants any greater injury than it dates those of Sydney or Melbourne, nor do we see any reason why we should not have the spirit stirring drum and fife in our community, to drive away the tedium of the bay, as Sydney should be favored with the clangor of the full brass band . . .

"THE MILITARY", Port Phillip Gazette [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (21 June 1843), 3 

We understand that an application is to be made at head quarters for considerably augmenting the military force in this town. We think that a populous and important place like Melbourne, should be constituted the head quarters of a regiment, and then the inhabitants might wile away an hour in listening to the dulcet notes of the military band.

"DISPUTED RETURN", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1843), 2 

A petition against the return of Mr. William Bowman for the Cumberland boroughs is in course of preparation, on the ground of bribery. The alleged bribery, we understand, consists of the payment of a sum of money to a band, some of the performers in which were voters for the borough of Windsor.

"PARRAMATTA TOTAL ABSTINENCE MEETING", Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (9 March 1844), 3 

Owing to the disappointment experienced by the members of this Society on the last occasion of their being called together, in consequence of the non-attendance of officers and speakers to address them, an extraordinary meeting was held, in the Roman Catholic School Room, on Wednesday evening, when Mr. Govland, and Mr. Currie, Senior, of the Sydney Total Abstinence Society, and Mr. Low, addressed the members at great length, pointing out the necessity of carrying out the principles of the Society, and exhorting them to persevere in their exertions to promote its interests. A band, consisting of a first and second clarionet and a serpent, was in attendance, and enlivened the meeting, by playing several appropriate airs, after the addresses of the several speakers . . .

"THE TEETOTAL BAND", Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (9 March 1844), 2 

We understand Mr. Martin, the talented master of the 99th band, is about to be engaged by the Teetotal Society to organise a band for the Society in Parramatta. Thirty Pounds are required for the purchase of instruments, &c., but, we are given to understand, that, by a judicious selection of instruments, which a regular professional man like Mr. Martin (who has had the management of a military band) can only select - half of that sum will be found ample to carry into effect the laudable object of the Society.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Martin, master of the Band of the 99th Regiment (military)

"Reminiscences. FIFTY YEARS AGO . . . [c. 1845] (By J. B. M.), Australian Town and Country Journal (26 January 1895), 14

The amusements of the Sydneyites were confined to small family parties; and a few fiddlers found steady employment by hiring out for the evening. Pianos were rarely heard, and Ellard's was the only music shop; but the daily playing of the military bands compensated for the deficiency. Ladies obtained their best music through the officers, and bandsmen earned a good deal by copying it. Mr. Thomas Stubbs, the great auctioneer, Signor Chiodetti, and Mr. Stanley taught among the best families, and for the encouragement of pupils musical parties were held occasionally, at which the brothers Spyer, the merchants, Germans, who were charming amateur violinists, used to assist.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Benson Martin (local historian); Francis Ellard (music seller); Thomas Stubbs (musician); Vincenzo Chiodetti, master of the Band of the 28th Regiment (military); William Stanley, formerly bandsman Band of of 80th Regiment (military); Spyer brothers (merchants, amateur musicians)

Joseph Phipps Townsend, Rambles and observations in New South Wales with sketches of men and manners, notices of the Aborigines, glimpses of scenery, and some hints to emigrants (London: Chapman and Hall, 1849), 100 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

. . . When our blacks visited Sydney, and saw the military paraded, and heard the bands, they said that was "white fellows' corrobbory" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Phipp Townsend (traveller, farmer, visited NSW from 1842-46, and was based in the Illawarra

Band news from Europe

"DIARY OF AN ASSISTANT SURGEON. No. IV", The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register . . . (September-December 1841), 30 

[extract reprinted] "The Asiatic Journal", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 February 1842), 2 

. . . I firmly believe the elevation of privates to commissions is a very great service to the army itself; a long discussion upon a matter scarcely disputed would be useless. Some of the last officers in the British army were once in the British ranks; three instances are in my own personal knowledge, and they may serve to countenance and encourage. The first is the case of one who for many years was band-master of the --th; being a very intelligent, sober, active person, he was made adjutant of the regiment, with the rank of ensign, he is now alive, a lieutenant-colonel on half-pay . . .

[Advertisement], Naval & Military Gazette and Weekly Chronicle of the United Service (17 February 1844), 1 (PAYWALL)

A BAND MASTER. - WANTED, by the 47th Regiment,
a BAND MASTER, fully competent to Arrange for, Instruct, and Lead the Band.
The terms will be liberal; it is therefore requested that no Band Master will offer himself unless he can produce the most satisfactory Testimonials.
Applications to be addressed to the Band Committee, 47th Regiment, Gosport.
No applications can be entertained coming from Band Masters now, about be, engaged by any other Corps.

Band of the 96th Regiment (NSW & TAS 1841-49)

Active NSW, 1841-43; Tasmania, 1843-49

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 22 September 1841 (per Asia, via Hobart Town)

Arrived Launceston, VDL (TAS) (1), 23 January 1843 (per Pachet, from Sydney)

Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 27 August 1846 (per Raven, from Launceston)

Arrived Launceston (2), 23 July 1848 (per Elizabeth and Henry, from Hobart Town)

Departed Launceston, (VDL) TAS, 6 February 1849 (per General Hewit, for India) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Colonel CAIRNCROSS (commander)

Lieutenant-colonel CUMBERLAND (commander)

John Napier MAGILL (lieutenant, amateur flute player)


Edward BISHOP (sergeant, master of the band)


William ANDREWS (bandsman)

Thomas BRYAN (bandsman)

William DELANY (bandsman, flute player, corporal from 1 January 1844)

J. McDONALD (bandsman, cornet player)

William ROBINS (bandsman, serpent player)


John AGNEW (? drum major, bandsman)

James ALLEN (? drum major)


Richard BAKER (drummer boy of the band)

John WRIGHT (drummer boy of the band)


Pay-list of the 96th Regiment, from 1 April to 30 June 1842 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-major as Serjeant / 359 / Allen James
357 / Bishop Edward / Band (DIGITISED)

Privates . . .
582 / Agnew John / Band
1046 / Bryan Thomas / Band
679 / Campbell William / Band
961 / Cutmare George / Band
304 / Delany William / Band
606 / Donohue John / Band
7 / Gibbs William / Band
875 / Hudson Joseph / Band
1143 / Norris Jno. Henry / Band
873 / Russell James / Band
1008 / Till Thomas / Band
1026 / Wood Joseph / Band

Pay-list of the 96th Regiment, from 1 April to 30 June 1847; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/9621 (DIGITISED)

Privates . . .
582 / Agnew John / Band
1795/ Andrews William / Band
353 / Arms Thomas / Band
1574 / Brown William / Band
1046 / Bryan Thomas 1 / Band - [born] St. John Wells, Kilkenney Laborer
1413 / Bryan Thomas 2 / Band - [born] Halifax Nova Scotia no Trade
1541 / Cuthbert J. Geo / Band
7 / Gibbs William / Band
1526 / Kershaw James / Band
581 / Martin Edward / Band
1243 / Moore George / Band
1143 / Norris John H. / Band
1129 / Platt John / Band
1140 / Prouse Henry / Band
873 / Purcell James / Band
1524 / Rogers John / Band


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (23 September 1841), 2 

Passengers arrived by the Asia, from Hobart Town, Colonel Cerncross 96th Regt., and 68 rank and file, inclusive of the Band of the 96th Regt.

"MISCELLANEA", Sydney Free Press (12 October 1841), 3 

We are informed the band of the 96th Regt. have challenged to play that of the 80th; but the 80th out of mercy, considering the 96th have only lately arrived, and consequently cannot be expected to be in the best tune have declined the challenge. We have also heard that the 80th some time back, challenged the 50th Regt., who accepted the challenge, but afterwards retracted. No doubt the 50th can assign a good reason for so doing.

"THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 September 1842), 2 

The Theatre opens this evening for the season. The stewards of the Homebush Races patronise the performances, and Colonel Cairncross has kindly allowed the band of the 96th regiment to come from Parramatta for the occasion.

"THE 96TH", Launceston Advertiser (26 January 1843), 3 

An immense concourse of people assembled at the wharf on Monday, to witness the disembarkation of a detachment of the Head Quarters of the 96th, which arrived by the Cape Pachet from Sydney. They landed under a salute of three cheers from the inhabitants. The band was of course the chief object attraction, and during the short time it played, excited universal admiration. They are at present quartered in Mr. Reid's store, which has been converted into a temporary barracks . . .

"THE MILITARY BAND", Launceston Advertiser (2 February 1843), 3 

The band of the 96th played, whilst marching to, and returning from Church on Sunday. We have never seen the streets so crowded on a sabbath day. Members of all denominations attended, and many even of those who disapprove of such practices from conscientious scruples, contrived to be present by pure accident. The people seem almost music-mad. Crowds assemble every night to hear even the beating of the tattoo. The band master appeared desirous of gratifying the taste of the Launcestonians, and in returning from Church on Sunday, struck up the favorite air of "Nix my dolly."

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (3 May 1845), 3 


"MILITARY", Launceston Examiner (26 August 1846), 4

The head quarters and a detachment of the 96th, embark on board the Raven, to day, for Hobart Town. Some months will probably elapse before the head quarters of the 11th will supply their place. We understand they will remain at Sydney, until relieved by a detachment now at New Zealand, which detachment will not proceed to Sydney, until relieved by the 65th, not yet arrived. The fine band of the 96th will be much missed by the inhabitants, to whom it has been a source of frequent delight. The arrival of the head quarters of the 96th at Launceston - the first ever stationed here - formed an era in our history. Their departure will be viewed with a regret which we think would not have rendered some public expression out of place or undeserved.

"BAND OF THE 96TH REGIMENT", Colonial Times (22 September 1846), 3 

We have heard very great disappointment expressed at the fine Band of this Regiment not playing on the march to and from Church on Sunday mornings. The people of Hobart Town are fond of music, and, having heard of the excellence of the Band of the 96th, they naturally anticipated much pleasure from its performance. We hope the gallant officer in command will accede to what we can assure him are the wishes of the public, and allow the Band to gratify them in the manner we have stated. We may add, that it has been, we believe, the invariable custom for all regimental bands, quartered in Hobart Town, to play on the way to and from Church: the Band of the 21st Regiment was also accustomed to perform in the Barrack Square on Sunday afternoons.

"THE 96TH REGIMENT", Colonial Times (13 October 1846), 3 

On Saturday, a detachment of this regiment, with another of the 51st, were brigaded in the Domain by Colonel Cumberland, the Commander of the Troops at present in garrison: the day was extremely fine, and the attendance of spectators was rather numerous. For the first time, we heard with attention the fine Band of the 96th, which, under the able and talented mastership of Mr. Bishop, will prove a source of great delight to all lovers of music. It is indeed to be hoped that the performances of this Band will become more frequent, so that our good citizens may derive as much pleasure from the same, as did our neighbours of the northern capital. The Drum-Major, who marches in front as a Drum-Major should do, keeps time with his staff in a very stately manner: the lesser Band is of drums and fifes, and not of bugles, &c., and it is a very good one.

"THE ST. ANDREW'S BALL", The Cornwall Chronicle (5 December 1846), 941 

The Anniversary Ball took place on Tuesday . . . We cannot forbear noticing the orchestral arrangements, which, under the direction of Mr. Rolfe, comprised all the musical talent of Launceston, and amply compensated by their judicious exertions for their paucity of numbers. Led by Mr. A. Howson, and ably sustained by Messrs. Howson, senior, and Rolfe, and the intermediate instruments, we were truly astonished at the pretty effect produced by the united exertions of the above gentlemen, on considering the disadvantages under which they laboured through their platform being at least three feet too high, and being surrounded by evergreens. The general satisfaction evinced, shows the propriety of engaging a private band, instead of the military - not only in justice to them as professional men - but from their more perfect knowledge of the proper effect to be produced in a ball-room by their respective instruments, of which the military necessarily cannot be so cognizant.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Rolfe (musician); Francis Howson (violinist); Alfred Howson (violinist)

"HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY", The Cornwall Chronicle (12 December 1846), 657 

. . . The fineness of the season will be an inducement for numerous visitors from town and country to attend the Show, and we hope the Committee will contrive to have a band of music to enliven the scene. This has probably occurred to them, and it will be of more consequence to the interests of the Society than it appears to be, at first sight. The charms of music operate powerfully on the good feelings of mankind, and we know that at former Shows the excellent performances of the military band always heightened the interest of the meeting. In the absence of Mr. Bishop's corps de musique, we should be glad to see an amateur band got together on this occasion . . .

"MILITARY ADSCONDERS", The Courier (10 March 1847), 2 

Yesterday, District Pross and Constable McGuire proceeded on board the Hope, American whaler, and found concealed under the fore peak under a heap of fire wood, two drummer boys of the band of the 96th, of the names of Richard Baker and John Wright. The lads were brought on shore, and on information being given at the garrison, a military guard was sent down to escort them to the place of confinement at the barracks. They had deserted since the second instant, and will be tried by court martial. No blame whatever is attributable to the commander of the Hope.

"VICTORIA THEATRE", Colonial Times (7 September 1847), 3

Last night as we anticipated was a bumper, and the performances went off with great eclat. The "merrie bells" from behind the scenes told "excellent well," although one was somewhat out of tone. Many changes were rung and with skill. Twenty-six of the band of the 96th Regiment were packed into the orchestra, who played some excellent music during the evening, but in our opinion a few good national airs would have told better with the audience; however, the band and the bells were of themselves well worth more than the price of a ticket.

"TO THE EDITOR", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (11 December 1847), 2 

Haying observed in the columns of the Guardian of Dec. 4th, an article in reference to some impropriety on the part of two out of four bandsmen, of the 96th regiment, on the 27th ult., at the Porch of St. Joseph's Church, where, I believe I have seen some three or four band-boys standing (men I have not,) but for what purpose the boys stand there I am entirely unacquainted with, neither is it any matter of mine . . .

"POLICE REPORTS . . . THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 24TH", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (26 February 1848), 3 

Joseph Haigh alias Wm. Hainwood, passholder, was charged with stealing a clarionet, the property of the band of the 96th Regt. A serjeant of the band of the 96th, who had charge of the instruments, proved that the clarionet belonged to the officers of his regt. Mr. Bonney proved that the prisoner pawned it. The prisoner in his defence said, that he met a private of the 96th named Kershaw, who requested him to pawn it, the prisoner also said he could bring forward two witnesses whom Kershaw requested to pawn it, but who refused to do so. Sentenced to be imprisoned and kept at hard labour for 12 months.

"Mark of Respect", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (19 July 1848), 3 

On Tuesday evening last the young men who compose the band of the St. Joseph's Society held a ball, &c., at the Music Hall, Collins-street, in order to raise funds to present Mr. Agnew, of the 96th band, with some slight mark of respect, for the great trouble he has taken in instructing them in playing the various instruments. The Hall was well filled with highly respectable people, who appeared greatly amused and delighted at the very clever manner in which the young men performed some fine tunes. Dancing was kept up to about 12 o'clock, when the Company broke up. We are also happy to state that the Vicar-General, on Thursday last, at the weekly meeting of the St. Joseph's T. A. S., proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Agnew, for his zeal in instructing the young men forming the instrumental band to become proficients. These marks of respect must be highly satisfactory to Mr. Agnew, to which we are satisfied he is justly entitled, for we have witnessed on various occasions the great pains Mr. Agnew has always taken with the band to instruct them on the various instruments.

"MILITARY", Launceston Examiner (22 July 1848), 6 

The Head quarters of the 96th regiment embarked [from Hobart] on board the Elizabeth and Henry for Launceston at an early hour on Wednesday morning [19 July]. The band of the 99th accompanied them down to the vessel.

"LAUNCESTON", The Courier (11 November 1848), 2 

. . . A child had been run over by a water-cart; the horse had taken fright upon hearing the band of the 96th play on their road to barracks . . .

"DEPARTURE OF THE 96th", The Cornwall Chronicle (7 February 1849), 355 

The head-quarters of the 96th, yesterday morning, went down the river in the "Gipsy" steamer, which towed the brig "Lady Mary Pelham," containing about five hundred rank and file, the women, children, and baggage of the regiment. A large number of persons accompanied them in the steamer, to witness the embarkation in the "General Hewit" at the heads. But the concourse of spectators on the wharves was beyond all precedent; indeed, it was the general remark that they never saw so many people there before. The parting and bidding adieus were, as usual, affecting, and the female portion of the crowd manifested their peculiar grief in losing sweethearts, brothers, sisters, and other friends on the melancholy occasion. The prospect of never again beholding most of those who have thus embarked for India must mutually affect the brave fellows who go, and their ardent well-wishers who are left behind. The emotion of the scene was considerably heightened by the beautiful performances of the band, which played some favorite martial airs on the way to the wharf, and on arriving on board; and when at last the vessel got under weigh, and the band struck up "Should auld acquaintance be forgot," "The girl I left behind me," &c., the cheering from the shore, the steamer, and brig was appropriately hearty and general . . .

Regimental records:

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1839 to March 1840 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1840 to March 1841 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1841 to March 1842 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1842 to March 1843 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1843 to March 1844 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1843 to March 1845 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1844 to March 1845 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1845 to March 1846 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1845 to March 1846 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1846 to March 1847 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1847 to March 1848 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1847 to March 1849 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

96th Regiment: Manchester, April 1848 to March 1849 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/96th Regiment of Foot", Australia's redcoat settlers (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"96th Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Band of the 99th Regiment (NSW, TAS, [VIC], 1843-56)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 February 1843 (per Earl Grey, from Deptford, 16 September 1842, via Hobart Town)

Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 July 1848 (per Sir Edward Paget, from Sydney)

Active Melbourne, VIC, September-October 1853

Departed Hobart, TAS, 10 January 1856 (per Windsor, via Fremantle, WA, 11 February, for London) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


A list of orchestral wind, brass and percussion players advertised for Stephen Marsh's concert at the Royal Victoria Theatre in Sydney in November 1845 gives (with perhaps a few exceptions; e.g. Vaughan was Michael Vaughan, a member of the theatre orchestra) bandsman and drummers of the 99th by instrument and name.



Henry DESPARD (colonel, commander)

Henry Butler STONEY (captain, Amateur musician, composer, musical editor

Masters, sergeants, corporals:

Michael CLEARY (band sergeant, 1843)

Robert MARTIN (band corporal, 1843; band sergeant, from 1850; "band master" "master of the band")

William CLEARY (band corporal, 1843; band sergeant, from 1850)


John BLAIKIE (bandsman, bombardon player)

William James BROMLEY (bandsman)

James BULL (bandsman)

Alexander DAVIDSON (bandsman, bassoon player, d. 1849)

George FOWLER (bandsman, serpent player)

Arthur Silvester HILL (bandsman, flute player, later bandmaster)

Bernard HILL (bandsman, died 1845)

John HILL (bandsman, drum major)

HYDE (? bandsman)

Thomas LEO (bandsman, trombone player)

Daniel LILLINGSTON (bandsman, clarinet player)

Richard LUNN (? bandsman, ? drummer, side drum player)

Norman McLOUGHLIN (bandsman, trombone player)

John McNAMEE (bandsman, trumpeter)

Thomas MARTIN (bandsman, ophecleide player)

W. MARTIN (bandsman, clarionet player)

W. Ebenezer POOLE (bandsman, horn player)

John Smyly ROACHE (bandsman, cornet and cornopean player)

William SIMPSON (bandsman, clarinet player; transferred to 12th Regiment, October 1855)

David WATERSTONE (bandsman, ophecleide player)

Soldier musicians not listed as bandsmen:

Timothy WHITTAKER (serpent player)


Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1843; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

Serjeants / . . . 599 / Cleary Mich'l / . . . Band (DIGITISED)

Corporals / . . . 604 / Cleary Will'm / . . . Band
805 / Martin Robert / . . . Band

700 / Anderson Fletcher / Hosp. / . . . Band
830 / Davidson Alex'r / . . . Band
490 / Hill James / . . . Band
1320 / Hill Arthur / . . . [band not indicated, ? in error for above]
589 / Kenny Luke / . . . Band
738 / McGennis Pat'k / . . . Band
361 / McLoughlin Edw'd / Hosp. . . . Band
396 / McLoughlin Norman / . . . Band
1552 / Martin Tho's / . . . [band not indicated]
803 / Martin Will'm / . . . Band
922 / Simpson W'm / . . . Band
171 / Thompson W'm / . . . Band
420 / Waterstone David / . . . Band

Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1843; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED - "Band" indicated)


"The Army", The Courier (28 January 1842), 4 

The grand division (head-quarters) of the 99th Regiment, which arrived from Kilkenny on Saturday, embarked at the North-wall for Liverpool this day en route to Chatham, thence to proceed by detachments to New South Wales. - Times, September 15 [1841].

"CHATHAM. Thursday [15 September]", Caledonian Mercury (19 September 1842), 2

This morning the head-quarters of the 99th regiment marched from this garrison, under the command of Major Last, with Ensigns Esden and Mends. The head-quarters proceeded to Deptford, where they embark on board the convict ship Earl Grey, bound for Van Diemen's land. The head-quarters consisted of 5 serjeants and 37 rank and file, with band master, band and drums, 10 women and 20 children . . .

[News], Limerick Chronicle [Ireland] (21 September 1842), 2

The head-quarters, colours and band of the 99th, with Capt. Errington and Ensign Stansfeld, 51st, embarked on Thursday in the Earl Grey, for Van Diemans Land.

"The Army. CHATHAM. SEPT. 15", West Kent Guardian (17 September 1842), 8 (PAYWALL)

This morning the head-quarters of the 99th regiment marched from this garrison, under the command of Major Last, with Ensign Erden and Ensign Mends. The head-quarters proceeded to Deptford, where they embark on Friday, on board the convict ship Earl Grey, bound for Van Dieman's Land. The head-quarters consisted of 5 sergeants, with 27 rank and file, with band-master, band and drums, 10 women, and 20 children . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 November 1842), 1 

To Convalescents and others. TO BE LET, two spacious Rooms, with the use of a detached kitchen, at the residence of the Postmaster, at Newcastle. Purity of air, sea-bathing, and martial music, (as soon as the head quarters of Her Majesty's 99th regiment arrive) are no mean inducement to attract persons to spend the summer months at Newcastle. November 3.

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sun and New South Wales Independent Press (4 February 1843), 3 

The head quarters of the 99th regiment having arrived in Hobart Town by the Earl Grey, may be daily expected on board that vessel.

"Shipping Intelligence", Australasian Chronicle (21 February 1843), 3 

FEBRUARY 19. - From Hobart Town, having left the 7th instant, the barque Earl Grey, 571 tons, Captain Molison, with stores, &c. Passengers Mr. Ford, surgeon, Mrs. Ford and three servants, Major Last, Ensign Mends Isdell, and ninety-three rank and file of the 99th regiment, thirteen women, twenty-five children, and ten rank and file of the 80th regiment.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 June 1843), 1 

FOUNTAIN OF FRIENDSHIP LODGE OF THE MANCHESTER UNITY OF THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Brothers of this Lodge intend walking in Procession to St John's Church, Parramatta, on Monday next, the 5th instant, on which occasion an appropriate sermon will be preached by the Rev. H. H. Bobart, and a collection made in aid of the Parramatta Benevolent Society . . . By the kind permission of Colonel Jackson, the splendid band of the 99th Regiment will be in attendance . . .

"PARRAMATTA . . . NINETY-NINTH REGIMENT", The Australian (19 October 1843), 3 

A detachment of this Regiment arrived in town on Tuesday night by the Emu, and were welcomed to the town by the excellent Band of that Regiment.

"THE BAND", Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (30 December 1843), 3 

It is a pity the inhabitants of this town are not permitted to enjoy the privilege of hearing the band of the 99th perform once or twice a week, in some place of public resort, if persons are prohibited from entering the Officers' Barracks, where they play of an afternoon for the mess. At Sydney one of the most delightful rendezvous of the elite of the city is the Government Domain, where the fine band of the 80th delight them, two days in the week, by "discoursing most excellent music" pro bono publico; and Colonel Baker has gained "golden opinions" from the townsfolk for indulging them in this cheap and agreeable gratification. We should recommend Colonel Despard to imitate, the example set him at head quarters.

"PARRAMATTA", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 February 1844), 2 

The dulness which has pervaded the town for some time has been in a great measure dispelled by the arrival of His Excellency and family, on their annual visit. The fine band of the 99th Regiment attracts numerous parties to drive or promenade in the Government domain on a Thursday afternoon.

David Burn, journal (Sydney, NSW, 15, 16, 21 August, 5 September 1844); State Library of New South Wales, MS B 190/2, pages 65-67, 78-79, 104 (DIGITISED) (TRANSCRIPT)

Thursday 15th [August 1844] - Our close vicinity to the Barracks causes us to arouse betimes, the morning tatoo giving us early summons . . . Inches accompanied Mr. Klein and I to the Barrack yard to hear the 99th's splendid band . . . [66] . . . After dinner went with Mr. Hopkins and his two daughters to the Demesne; we were in hopes of hearing the Band, but a strong and disagreeable wind, in Sydney parlance, a Brickfielder, had arisen, scattering the red dust in immense volumes; in consequence no musicians appeared and we retraced our course homewards . . . (DIGITISED)

[67] . . . Friday: 16th - A lowering morning - Capt. Lachlan Macallister breakfasted with us. Mr. Marshall and Mr. Owen congregated in mine and Mr. Kleins room and a rare dissertation on men and things ensued. Went to Band parade at guard mounting . . . (DIGITISED)

[Wednesday 21 August] . . . [78] . . . At 9.p.m. began to prepare for the grand Fancy Ball held in the royal Victoria Theatre, Pitt Street . . . [79] . . . The main business of the evening - Dancing - was carried on with an impassioned earnestness worthy of Terphsicore herself - few and brief were the pauses - the Australian Caper appearing to renew their vigour with fresh intensity at each succeeding onslaught - From 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. of the following morning the fun waxed fast and furious, an occasional adjournment to the amply stored side tables serving to keep up the old steam and generate new - The coup d'oeil, was really imposing and extensive, the pit of the Theatre being boarded over and the stage, of great depth and breadth, being thrown open to its utmost extent - On this spacious floor there were between 7 & 800 gay revellers, whilst the boxes and gallery also teemed with well dressed spectators - Two Bands, one the magnificent one of the 99th Regt, filled the arena with dulcet sounds . . . (DIGITISED)

[Thursday 29 August] . . . [92] . . . Inches, Klein, and I had a round turn of the ever charming Demesne, bending our steps towards a point of two bays whence we could hail our own noble ship, London - the boat was quickly dispatched for us and we had lunch on board . . . On landing, I found the magnificent Band of the 99th were regaling the Natives with some choice music in the vicinity of Sir R. Bourke's statue . . . (DIGITISED)

[Thursday 5 September] . . . [104] . . . This is a most transcendently lovely day, albeit somewhat of the hottest. Went to the Demesne, which was thickly studded with equestrians, pedestrians and charioteers, attracted by the harmonious tones of the 99th's superb band. The Overtures to Fra Diavolo, [indecipherable] and the Irish Quadrilles, cum multis aliis, were given in a style the most exquisite. Many of the elite were present . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: David Burn (playwright, author, diarist, songwriter)

"MUSIC AND MUSICIANS", The Australian (19 August 1844), 3 

We have pleasure in hailing the arrival of the band of the 99th Regiment as an advent of much promise as regards our musical resources. Rumour had prepared us for something more than commonplace, and from what we have already heard, we are disposed to join in the praises which have been loudly sounded in their favour. We find, from a very pretty ballad, "My loved, my happy home," which has just been published, that poetry as well as music has its votaries in the band; and we are inclined to believe that we shall have frequent opportunities of referring to the standard we have ever been anxious to claim for music and its professors. Our musical friends will perceive by the programme of the Philharmonic Concert, which takes place this evening at the Royal Hotel, that Colonel Despard has been prevailed upon to allow the band to attend; and as the pieces which the director, Mr. Nathan, has selected, are admirably adapted for exhibiting their talent, we shall have a fair opportunity of testing their merits. The Opheiclide [sic], an instrument hitherto unknown in Sydney, is used by this band, and adds considerably to the effect.

"THE BAND OF THE 99TH", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1844), 3

We would recommend such of our readers who have not yet heard this Band no longer to defer that enjoyment, for we can sincerely assure them that this Band of the 99th is one of the most complete military Bands that has ever gratified the inhabitants of our city. The general observer may not be aware that this Band possesses several advantages over ordinary bands. For instance, the 99th have no less than eight beautifully toned C and Bb Clarionets, and one in Eb, which play together in perfect harmony. Their flutes are equally good, nor are they open to the rebuke ajustez vos flutes, for they keep together in excellent tone, forming as it were one unbroken chain of linked sweetness. Their trumpets again produce a clear martial intonation, free from those disagreeable shrill "cork cutting" sounds which set one's teeth on edge. Indeed, there is scarcely a performer in their masterly Band who is not competent to play a solo in a respectable style on his peculiar instrument. Their bass instruments are of the first description, for in addition to the Bassoons, the Serpent, and last though not least the Ophecleide, which from the full rich grave yet mellifluous tones it is capable of sending forth in the hands of a skilful performer, (and we have the authority of a professor of acknowledged judgment in all matters connected with music for saying it could not be in better hands than the present performer in the 99th) is a powerful auxiliary in any orchestra - they have also the Bombardone. As this latter instrument was hitherto unknown in this colony we need not apologise to our readers for introducing a brief account of it. The Bombardone appears to be an instrument of modern invention, of a deep intonation partaking of the bass qualities, both of the Bassoon and of the Ophecleide. Its compass extends three octaves from F two octaves below the bass clef to F above the baas staff. Some amateurs are of opinion that the Bombardone owes its origin from the ancient Bourdon, a kind of drone bass, a deep unchangeable sound, which formerly accompanied a melody or series of notes moving above it. In days gone by, the word Bourdon signified the drone of a bagpipe. We find also the term sometimes applied to the double diapason, or lowest stop, in French and German organs; but whatever may be the conjectures of amateurs on this point, it appears to us that the Bombardone is nothing more nor less than a magnificent improvement on the Bombardo, which was a wind instrument, much resembling the bassoon, formerly used as a bass to the hautboy. The Bombardone, therefore, although it cannot be considered the skeleton of the Bombardo, it may, from its extended compass and superior strength of tone, be justly termed the giant of the ancient race of Bombardoes.

"PILLS FOR THE NEW ZEALANDERS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (6 September 1845), 2 

On Thursday afternoon a large concourse of spectators were assembled in the outer domain, to witness the trial of the mortars cast at the foundry of Messrs. Russell and Co., of George-street, which were experimentalised upon under the personal superintendence of the Governor and Sir Maurice O'Connell - accompanied by their respective staffs, and a number of the officers in garrison. At the first shot the shell was thrown immediately upon the flagstaff, which was erected at a distance of 600 yards, at a target, when it exploded, with a report equal to a full loaded musket, scattering its destructive contents in every direction. During the firing the fine band of the 99th regiment took up their position in the rear, and enlivened the animated and exciting spectacle with their choicest melody. We understand these portable engines of war are intended to administer leaden pills to the New Zealanders.

[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1

. . . Flutes - . . . A. Hill.
Oboes - Messrs. R. Martin, W. Cleary.
Principal Clarinets - Messrs. W. Martin, A. Cleary.
Clarinets - Messrs. Lillingston, Bromley, Hepperon, and Simpson.
Cornet de Piston - Mr. J. Roche.
Horns - Messrs. McCullum, Thompson, Hamilton, and Poole.
Trumpets - Messrs. McNamee, Smith.
Bassoons - Messrs. Hill, Davidson, McGuiness.
Serpents - Messrs. Fowler, Whittaker.
Trombones - Messrs. McLaughlin, Leo, Ennis.
Ophecleides - Messrs. T. Martin, Waterstone.
Bombardone - Mr. Blackie.
Triangle - Mr. Cavanagh.
Kettle Drum - Mr. Vaughan.
Side Drum - R. Lunn.
Cymbals - T. Mullins.
Long Drum - J. Stretten . . .

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (6 March 1847), 3 



ON WEDNESDAY last we visited the Horticultural exhibition at the market-shed letter A, and were much pleased with the various specimens which were presented to notice; but while our eyes were delighted with the bright and glowing tints of the floral embellishments, and our ears recreated by the inspiring strains of melody, we could not avoid remarking the appearance of a military band, where we should have hoped to see the available talent of the civil position of colonial musicians in the exercise of their professional duties. For a long time we have watched most closely the system pursued by the various societies in Sydney, outlining when possible the services of the military band, which costs but little, and throwing overboard the just claims of those who have formed the civic bands, where a great portion of them, having served their king and country for many years and obtained their discharge from the army, have devoted their abilities to establish and maintain a good and efficient band, find themselves neglected, and their just claims upon public support thrown aside by those very societies who, from their own fundamental principle, ought to be foremost in supporting Australian talent and Australian enterprise, but "penny-wise" and "pound-foolish" appears to be a colonial principle; and in no instance is it more completely exemplified than in the present case.

We have in Sydney several bands of talent equal to the boasted military; and yet the very societies who are pushing themselves forward, and laying claim to public support, prefer the saving of a few shillings by obtaining the gratuitous services of the military band to the fair and honest remuneration of their fellow-citizens. Shame, we say, upon those who would thus consign to the shade talent and ability merely for the paltry saving thereby effected.

And while we decidedly complain of the system now pursued by the Horticultural Society, we must equally object to that petty and miserable truckling which actuated the Colonel of the 99th Regiment, in consenting to permit the band thereof to perform on all occasions, whether in public or private houses, as may be solicited.

We, as the advocates of popular rights - as the pledged exposers of abuses - have fearlessly laid this case before the public, and we now pledge ourselves further to expose to public scorn those who will, upon the pettifogging and paltry principle of savings, avail themselves of a military band, when those who support the Government by the payment of taxes, rent, etc. are shelved by the (would-be) supporters of Colonial enterprise.


"GARRISON THEATRICALS", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (25 March 1847), 3 

A very pretty Theatre - with scenery, machinery, dresses, and decorations, all of a tasteful and creditable kind - has recently been fitted up in one of the large rooms of Sydney Barracks. The idea of furnishing a rational and instructive entertainment to their fellow-soldiers originated, we believe, with the talented bandsmen of the 99th Regiment, who have worked out that idea with surprising success. Although this theatre is designed for the especial gratification of the garrison, still, on the evening of performance, (Tuesday), a few of the Military's friends are indulged with admission. Availing ourselves of this courtesy, we attended last Tuesday; on which evening Colonel Despard, his lady, and daughters, Captain Apperley, and an audience, packed to the ceiling, were present. If scarlet were the predominant colour, the sanguine hue nevertheless reflected a rosy gleam on many a fair check beaming with expectant pleasure. - Need we say a word in commendation of the magnificent Orchestra? Surely not. Its excellencies are too generally known and appreciated. The entertainments of the evening were THE BEAR HUNTERS, and RAISING THE WIND; - the characters, male and female, being sustained by the ingenious bandsmen, who exhibited their ability in a new and brilliant light - acting with an energy, propriety and spirit, which, many professionals might copy with advantage to themselves and profit to the public. We would particularly instance Messrs. W. Bromley, T. Hyde, T. Martin, J. Blaikie, and the ladies - whose chaste and appropriate costume, we venture to pronounce a model for female imitation. Miss E. Poole was not a-Miss in the heroine; and could she only master the native timidity of her sex, and infuse a little, more spirit into her assumptions, the improvement would be striking. This young lady possesses one of Nature's, choicest gifts for theatrical success - a rich, melodious, voice, and clear enunciation, her tones falling in liquid cadences on the ear. Novices as are the Garrison actors, they have a great deal of stuff about them, - Mr. W. Bromley in an especial, degree, and ere the season shall be at an end, we predict that some of them will make rapid strides in their new profession. We commend. the manager of the Victoria to procure an admission. If he could obtain the services of one or two, he might fill up his vacant muster roll in a superior manner.

"MUSICAL NOVELTY", The Australian (12 August 1847), 3 

Yesterday morning, at weekly general parade, the 99th's beautiful Band took the spectators' hearts by storm, by the performance of a charming quick-step, in which a part of the performers, silencing their instruments, poured forth, in spirit-stirring strains, an appropriate vocal refrain. The effect produced was electrical; and, when the vocalists shall possess a greater confidence in their "most sweet voices" this warlike symphony will be as thrilling as it is pleasing. Mr. Martin, the indefatigable and talented Band Master, is peculiarly happy in his numerous and varied arrangements. Vocal accessories to British Military Bands, we never previously remember to have heard except at the late Birth-day Ball. In the Hamburgh Hanseatic Legion, the soldiers of the leading divisions were wont to take up the refrain to the popular and national airs of Germany.

"To the Editors", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 June 1848), 3 

GENTLEMEN, - The 99th Regiment being about to leave the colony in a few days, I may say very much to the regret of the citizens generally, it has occurred to me that the band of that Regiment is deserving of some testimonial as a trifling acknowledgment of their six years' service among us. Perhaps some of the "beauty and fashion" who have listened with so much delight to the music of this excellent band in the Domain and elsewhere, or witnessed their talented dramatic performances in the Barracks, may set this very trifling matter going, to which I for one would be happy to contribute my mite. - JUSTICE.

"NINETY-NINTH REGIMENT", The Courier (12 July 1848), 2 

The disembarkation of the 99th regiment commenced a little before two o'clock yesterday. Precisely at that time Colonel Despard, C.B., formed the regiment into marching order, on the Commissariat wharf, and, placing himself at the head of the column, gave the word for three cheers to the officers and crew of the Sir Edward Paget, which vessel had brought them to this colony. The order was responded to by the most vociferous cheering on the part of the men, and the compliment was acknowledged by the people on board the vessel by three cheers more. The powerful brass band of the 99th then struck up "The British Grenadiers," and the regiment, preceded by the band of the 96th regiment, which had been dispatched to meet them proceeded to the Military Barracks, where they will occupy the buildings recently erected. They appear to be a fine body of men.

"THE NINETY-NINTH REGIMENT", The Courier (9 August 1848), 2 

It is officially announced that the Band of the 99th Regiment will play every Tuesday, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, near the Flagstaff in the Barrack-square, when the public will be admitted.

"FUNERAL OF SERGEANT O'BOYLE", The Courier (6 November 1852), 3

"THE BAND of Her Majesty's 99th Regiment . . .", The Courier (7 March 1849), 2 

THE BAND of Her Majesty's 99th Regiment will be in attendance at the Gardens of the Royal Society tomorrow afternoon. The following is the programme of the intended performances:-
Pas Redoubli - Brown
Overture (La Dame Blanche) - Boildieu
Cavatina (Opera Il Barbiere di Siviglia) - Rossini
Song (England! Home of my Friends! Farewell!) - Jenny Lind
Cavatina (La Part du Diable) - Auber
Quadrilles (The Minuet) - Jullien
Cavatina (Opera Otello) - Rossini
Terzetto (Opera Der Freischutz, introducing the song "Oh! does thy heart forgive me?) - Weber
Polkas - Coote.

This is one of the earliest colonial examples of an advertised full program for an outdoor performance by a military band; in the 1850s and 1860s, such programs were regularly published.

"SERENADE CONCERT AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE", The Hobart Town Advertiser (6 September 1850), 3 

On Monday evening last a Serenade Concert was given at Government House, the principal performers at which were the well known Ethiopian Serenaders, and where most of the elite of Hobart Town were present . . . The echo, being too great, interfered much with the effect, and the performers in the glees which formed the interlude, were placed under the orchestra. Here, too, the same defect was perceptible, though the following glees were given with beautiful effect by four of the band of the 99th regiment: -

The Fairy Glee
Glee - The Chough and Crow
Glee - Merrily Goes the Bark

. . . The whole was highly applauded by the company, and His Excellency expressed to Mr. Waterland in very high terms his approval of the performance, and his gratification at the pleasure they had afforded himself and his guests. The visitors then retired to the supper room, and during the repast the men of the 99th sung the following glees with excellent effect: -

Glee - Sleep Gentle Lady
Glee - The Forresters
Glee - The Last Rose of Summer

A little after one the company separated, highly delighted with the entertainment.

ASSOCIATIONS: Blythe Waterland's Serenaders (troupe)

"LADY DENISON'S BALL", The Hobart Town Advertiser (10 September 1850), 2 

ON Thursday the rooms at Government House were thrown open for the reception of the numerous visitors invited by Lady Denison. The arrivals commenced at nine o'clock, and were received by the distinguished hostess with her usual grace and urbanity. The visitors continued to arrive in quick succession until ten, when the reception rooms were deserted for the magnificent ball room, which shone resplendent with youth and beauty, and where the votaries of Terpsichore were engaged in the animated and lively enjoyment of the various dances which have of late given life and beauty to the evolutions of the ball-room. The band of the 99th was in attendance, and played with short intervals a series of Quadrilles, Waltzes, Schottisches, and Polkas, until supper time; when, at a signal from the band, the company proceeded to the diningroom, where an excellent and tastefully arranged supper was laid out; after partaking of which they returned to the ballroom, and dancing was kept up with little intermission until 3 o'clock, when they separated with many expressions of delight . . . The numbers present were two hundred and twenty . . .
The following is the Programme of music performed by the Quadrille band of 99th Regt.
1 Polka "Weymouth" - Rolls
2 Quadrille "Albion" - ----
3 Waltz "Nightingale" - Marschan
4 Polka "Baden" - Jullien
5 Quadrille "Sattarah" - R. Martin 99th
6 Waltz "Elegantes" - Marschan
7 Galop "Tagliamento" - Wm. Martin
8 Quadrille "Les Souvis" - Bardoni
9 Polka "Dobro-noc" - Farbach
10 Schortische - Jullien
11 Quadrille, Chaunt - R. Martin
12 Polka "Post Horn" - ----
12 Waltz "Emu" - R. Martin
14 Quadrille "Souvenir de Jenny Lind" - D'Albert
15 Polka "Don Quixote" - Lina.

"MISKA HAUSER", Colonial Times (29 September 1855), 2 

. . . A glee by Calcott, sung by Messrs. Hill, Poole, and Lee, of the band of the 99th, was very well sung, as also another, by the late Sir Henry Bishop, in the second part, which was deservedly encored. We shall be glad to hear these voices yet more frequently . . .

"EMBARKATION OF THE 99th REGIMENT", The Hobarton Mercury (11 January 1856), 5 

Yesterday at 2 o'clock, the Head Quarters, and a large detachment of this fine regiment embarked on board the Windsor, en route for Old England, touching at Swan River, to leave a Company of the 12th in that Colony. The regiment in full marching order, was played to the wharf by the Band of the 12th, "Auld Lang Syne," "Cheer Boys Cheer," the "Grenadier's March," and "The Girl I left Behind Me," being the pieces played . . .

"Local and Domestic Intelligence", The Inquirer and Commercial News (13 February 1856), 2 

On Monday evening the inhabitants of Fremantle were enlivened by the performance of the Band of the 99th Regt., which Colonel Last had kindly permitted to come ashore. The whole of Fremantle turned out, and were delighted with the musical treat offered to them. The band, consisting of 25 performers, under the superintendence of Mr. Martin, the Band-master, played for two hours. The pieces were well selected, and the execution admirable.

"THE 99TH REGIMENT", Colonial Times (2 April 1856), 2 

A letter from a bandsman of the regiment to a resident in Hobart Town, has been handed to us for perusal, and from it, we are permitted to make the following extract. The letter was posted at Freemantle, Western Australia, and is dated - Ship "Windsor", 14th February, 1858.-

"We arrived here on Thursday, the 7th inst, after a very uncomfortable passage of twenty-seven days, but, thank God, without sickness. We have stayed in harbour for the remainder of the time. As soon as we dropped our anchor, boats came off from shore to us with the most beautiful grapes, bananas, and water melons possible. You may suppose we availed ourselves of the opportunity to get some. On the next day the party of the 12th regiment left the vessel for Perth, and our men embarked, and I must say that they are the finest company of men we have in the regiment: about twelve of them are married, and brought their Perth ladies with them, but one young man of the name of R-- was married without liberty, and the Colonel ordered the poor young woman ashore, and her cries were piteous, but the young woman, being very pretty, it moved the stern heart of your humble servant, and happening to hear the captain say that if she would pay £15 for her passage she might come. I told it to some of the men and Sergt. Martin and we all subscribed, and she has come with us. On Monday the inhabitants of Freemantle requested the colonel to allow the band to play ashore, which was granted; and accordingly we landed amidst the whole of the population, and played for three hours in the evening. They had never witnessed anything of the kind before, and consequently were very much amused, and they made a great deal of us, invited to their houses, &c.; and the following day we played at a ball given to Colonel Last, and on Friday we are to play at Government House, Perth. I can assure you if I had not left my heart behind me, I am afraid I should lose it here, for both H-- and myself have been to no less than three tea parties, &c, since we came here; and in this place they are half-a-year later than any other, and consequently we can "come it." We are to sail on Sunday (D.V.), and the captain says he can run home in ninety days, if we have any sort of winds; and so I shall write no more until we arrive. I hope Mrs. and the children are well; tell her I shall never forget her kindness - nor yours, my dear friend. When you see Miss --, give my best love to her, and don't make yourself instrumental in introducing her to any one."

Regimental records:

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1841 to March 1842 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1842 to March 1843 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1843 to March 1844 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1844 to March 1845 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1845 to March 1846 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1846 to March 1847 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1847 to March 1848 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, July 1847 to March 1849 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1849 to March 1850 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1849 to March 1851 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1850 to March 1851 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1851 to March 1853 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1851 to March 1853 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1851 to March 1853 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1853 to March 1854 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1853 to March 1855 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1854 to March 1855 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1855 to March 1856 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

99th: Lanarkshire, April 1855 to March 1857 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/99th Foot (Lanarkshire) Regiment of Foot (1843-1856)", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"Surgeon's journal, Earl Grey, arrival Hobart, 14 January 1843", ancestry post (2009) 

"99th (Lanarkshire) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Band of the 58th Regiment (NSW 1844-45, 1847, and active in NZ)

Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, 28 September 1844 (per Pestonjee Bomanjee, from Chatham, 14 May, via Hobart Town)

Departed (1) Sydney, NSW, ? April 1845 (for New Zealand, active there by 28 April)

Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, 19 December 1846 (per Java, from Auckland, New Zealand, 5 December)

Departed (2) Sydney, NSW, 11 June 1847 (per Thomas Lowry, for New Zealand) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


The regiment arrived in Sydney in detachments during 1844 and 1845. In April 1845, the 58th began sailing for New Zealand. Most of the regiment returned to Australia for garrison duty in 1846.



- (commander)

Ensign MAYNE (extra bandsman, cornopean player)

Masters, sergeants, corporals:

James SHANAGHAN (band sergeant; master of the band, d. 1849)

Daniel DAVIS (band corporal in NZ, 1849, and band master after Shanaghan)

Alexander McCOY (bandsman, band corporal in NZ)

George GALLAGHER (drum major)


John CHALLON (bandsman, does not appear in the paylists, name evidently mis-reported)

John SHANAGHAN (bandsman, later in NZ drum major)

Robert TODD (bandsman)


Pay list of the 58th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1846; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/6747 (DIGITISED)

See also incomplete transcript: 

660 / Drum-Major as Serjeant / George Gallagher
Sergeants . . . 760 / Shanaghan James / Band
Privates . . .
1498 / Davis Daniel / Band
2096 / Deeks Henry / Band
1869 / Kearns James / Band
1374 / McIlrath Bernard / Band
1106 / Robottam John / Band
1049 / Slattery Mathew / Band

Pay list of the 58th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1847; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/6748 (DIGITISED)

660 / Drum Major / Gallagher George / . . . To New Zealand 12 June
760 / Shannaghan James / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
598 / Allen William / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
617 / Armstrong John / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1088 / Brophy Edward / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1969 / Cunningham Richard / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1498 / Davis Daniel / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
2096 / Deeks Henry / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
490 / Grangey John / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1869 / Kearns James / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
994 / Lawson Hugh / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
588 / Lee John / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1374 / McIlrath Bernard / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1580 / McKoy Alexander / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1950 / Nesbitt William / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1090 / O'Brien John / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1718 / Pretty Benjamin / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1106 / Robotham John / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1316 / Russell John / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
2089 / Smith John / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band
1388 / Todd Rob't / . . . To New Zealand 12 June / Band


"MILITARY INTELLIGENCE", The Courier (14 April 1843), 2 

Chatham, Nov. 21. - On Saturday evening, the 19th inst., the third division of the 58th Regiment arrived in Chatham, from Ireland. This division comprises three companies, and their strength 236 rank and file, with 15 sergeants, 11 corporals, and 5 drummers, 39 women and 34 children, under the command of Major Wynyard . . . The head-quarters of this regiment arrived here on Wednesday last; they left Dublin on the 12th, and landed at Liverpool on the 13th, having had a very excellent passage; they were only 11 hours crossing the Channel. The head-quarters took the same route as the other two divisions; their strength is 285 rank and file, 18 Serjeants, 14 corporals, 8 drummers, with a brass band of about 50 men, with 63 women and 66 children, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Frith . . .

"MILITARY", The Courier (14 September 1844), 2 

Detachments of the 58th, 99th, 51st, 96th, and 80th regiments have arrived by the Pestonjee Bomanjee. They embarked at Chatham on the 14th May. The 58th, including the band and head quarters, furnish 146 rank and file, with 10 serjeants, under the command of Major Cyprian Bridge, with Captain Nugent of the same corps; 13 women and 27 children belonging to the regiment have come out with them.

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 September 1844), 2 

ARRIVALS. September 28. Pestonjee Bomajee, barque, 591 tons, Captain Binnie, from Hobart Town the 21st instant, with surplus stores, &c. Passengers - Major Bridge, 58th Regiment, Mrs. Bridge; Captain Nugent, Ensign Main, and Ensign Middleton, of 58th Regiment; Dr. Pine, 58th Regiment; 158 rank and file of the 58th, and 46 rank and file of the 80th Regiment; 13 women, and 17 children.

"THE MILITARY", Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (5 October 1844), 3 

The arrival of the Head Quarters and Band of the 58th Regiment has somewhat enlivened our town during the past week. We can say nothing of the Band yet, for the badness of: the weather, and the lateness of their arrival have prevented our attending, as yet, to their dulcet notes.

"LAW INTELLIGENCE", The Sentinel (16 April 1845), 2 

Edward Daniel Cohen appeared on the floor of the Court to take his trial, an information having been filed against him, for that he, on the 29th of January, 1845 - "unlawfully did receive and have one cornopean of the value of £6 sterl., and one horn of the value of £5 sterling, and one cornopean case of the value of £1 sterling, the property, goods, and chattels of one Robert Main, then lately before unlawfully obtained, and converted by false pretences from one James Flannaghan . . . The Solicitor-General briefly stated the case, and called James Flannaghan [sic], band-master of the 58th Regiment, deposed to the effect, that be had received the cornopean in question from Mr. Main for the purpose of selling it . . .


. . . On the 28th of April martial law was proclaimed by Lieut.-Col. Hulme, 96th regiment, on the beach of Kororarika, under a salute of twenty-one guns, the band of the 58th playing the national air . . .

"PUBLIC BALL", New Zealander [Auckland, NZ] (7 February 1846), 3 

On Tuesday evening last a Ball and Supper was given by the Gentlemen of Auckland and its vicinity to the Naval and Military Officers, in the harbour and garrison . . . By the kindness of Lieut. Colonel Wynyard the excellent band of the 58th Regiment was in attendance, which with the judicious arrangements of the Stewards conduced to the harmony and pleasure of the evening.

"MILITARY MUSIC AT CHURCH. To the Editor of the . . .", New Zealander (28 February 1846), 2 

Sir, - Although in England, the hand of innovation has made much alteration, in the purity and simplicity of Divine worship, as practised every Sabbath day by our ancestors; yet it would have been anticipated that the small congregations, of the various Christian persuasions, in a new colony would conform to original observances in their true spirit. However, it seems that this antipodean spot is not exempt from the prevailing desire of variety and change in religious matters. You are aware, that in the church of St. Paul's, there has been for some time past an organ, which, although not equal to those in the large churches in England; yet, was of sufficient musical power to lead the congregation in their vocal thanksgiving and praise. On Sunday last, to my great surprise, Sir, the band of the 58th Regt., performed, at the periods usually devoted during the service, to psalmody: thus superseding the use of the organ, and preventing the congregation from joining in this most solemn, and enjoined part of public worship. I am quite aware, Sir, that in Military, Chapels, - such as Whitehall, in London, and others attached to barracks, in England, - the band performs during the service; but I have never heard of a military band superseding an organ, and congregational harmony in a parish church. By whom this reprehensible, ridiculous innovation has been made, I cannot conceive. Although myself, not, what is termed, very straight laced, in mere observances, yet I reverence and respect pure religion, and the sincere practice of devotion: therefore, I determined to call your attention to the fact, and leave the subject to be dealt with by your belter judgment, and more powerful pen. I am, Sir, &c, &c. LUTHER. Auckland, Feb. 23, 1846.

[We certainly think, that the introduction of the military band, considering that there is an organ, had better been avoided. The beauty and true piety of psalmody, consists in our opinion, in the whole congregation joining in unison, the organ being merely an accompaniment.

"Then crown'd again, their golden harps they took,
Harps ever tun'd, that, glittering by their side,
Like quivers hung, and with preamble sweet
Of charming symphony they introduce
The sacred song, and waken raptures high:
No one exempt, no voice but well could join
Melodious part - such concord is in heaven!" - MILTON.

As the service at St. Paul's has been in accordance to the established Church of England, any alterations in the forms prescribed for service, must be offensive to the wishes and religious feelings of its members. Let every man worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, and sober judgment; - and let those who are the pastors and ministers of the several churches, take care that they preserve to their disciples and members, their religious observances and forms in all purity, discarding attempts at change or innovation. - ED.]

[News], The New-Zealander [Auckland, NZ] (5 December 1846), 2 

SOIREE. - On Monday evening, the friends and members of Mechanics' Institute were entertained in the spacious Hall with a musical soiree. Between one and two hundred individuals were present, and the admirable performances of the band of the 58th Regiment, gave a zest to the evening's amusement . . .

DEPARTURE OF THE MILITARY. - On Wednesday evening the detachment of the 96th, and, on Thursday morning early [3 December], the 58th Regiment, embarked on board the Java to take their final departure from the Colony. The troops marched down from the barracks to the beach in the greatest order, the well-known band of the 58th, and the band of the newly arrived 65th, playing alternately. We have witnessed embarkations and departures of troops at the garrison towns in England, but we never witnessed a body of men depart in more excellent order than did our old friends of the 58th and 96th.

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Australian (22 December 1846), 2 

Dec. 19. - The ship Java, 1175 tons, Captain Parker, R. N., from Auckland the fifth Instant. Passengers, Colonel Wynyard, Major Bridge, Major Denny, Captains Cockraft and Nugent, Lieutenants Westrop, Petley, Herbert, Edwards and Symonds, Ensign Wynyard, Assistant-Surgeon Bannatyne and 443 rank and file of the 58th Regiment . . .

"HOMEBUSH RACES, MAY 1847", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (22 May 1847), 3 

The admirable Band of the 58th, under the direction of its experienced leader, added considerably to the gaiety of the TOUT ENSEMBLE. The following programme will convey an idea of the "soft melodious sounds" which were borne upon the breeze:

Overture - Massaniello; Waltz - Le Bon Gout; Song - Fairy Boy; Song - Land of the West; Song - She wore a wreath of roses; Song - My beautiful Rhine; Song - I'll speak of thee; Court Polka; Hallelujah Chorus; Lucia Lanemoor Quadrille [sic]; Rochester Ruadrille [sic]; Worongow Waltz; Irish Quadrille; Song - Kate Kearney; Prince of Wales Quadrille; Trio Bohemian Girl, Let not the heart for sorrow; Papal Guards' March; Annen Polka; The Dream; Through the World let us fly Love; Quadrille "La Peri"; English Quadrille; "Here's a health to all good Lasses" . . .

[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 June 1847), 2 

The embarkation of the Head Quarters of the 58th Regiment on board the Thomas Lowry, took place on Saturday last [11 June], and she is expected to proceed to sea this morning.

"GOVERNMENT HOUSE BALL", New Zealander [Auckland, NZ] (21 July 1847), 2 

The Ball on Friday night last, was perhaps the most numerous and fashionable assembly that has been witnessed at Government House, since the formation of the Colony. More than two hundred were present to join in the festivities of the evening, and the brilliancy of the coup-d'oel was increased by the presence of the scarlets of two regiments, and the blues of two ships of war. With so many gentlemen, the ladies were at a premium; and as matter of course, looked the more graceful and bewitching. The supper, elegantly set out, was laid in two rooms, and, at about 12 o'clock done ample justice to. The band of the 58th Regt., placed in an ante-room, formed by enclosing the verandah, furnished excellent music for the dance . . .

[News], New Zealander (1 December 1847), 2 

Programme of the performance of the band of the 58th Regiment, for Thursday, 2nd Dec, at 4 o'clock, p. m., on the space of ground in front of the Council Chamber.
Overture, Opera "Stradella" - Flotow.
Waltz, "The Garland" - Keonig.
Chorus and Finale, Opera "La Sonnambula" - Bellini.
Cavatina, Opera "Roberto Devereux" - Donizetti.
Quadrille, "Semiramide" Jullien.
Galop, "Prince Albert's" Labitzky.

[News], New Zealander (8 December 1847), 2 

The Band of the 58th Regiment will in future play every Thursday, (weather permitting,) on the space in front of the Council Chamber. The performances for to-morrow, at 4 p.m., will be in accordance with the following Programme: -
Overture Opera "Stradella," - Flotow.
Melange, Opera "The Bondman" - Balfe.
Waltz, "The Garland," - Koenig.
CaV., Opera "Geminy di Vergy," - Donizetti.
Air and Chorus, Opera "Precioia," - Weber.
Quadrille, "The Ernani," - Verdi.

[News], New Zealander (11 December 1847), 2 

Programme of the performance of the Band of the 58th Regiment, for Thursday, 16th instant, at 4 p.m., on the space of ground in front of the Council Chamber.
Overture, "The Fair Maid of Perth" - Waddell.
Cav., Opera "Beatrice de Tenda," - Bellini.
Cav., Opere, "Edwardo a Cristina," - Rossini.
Waltz, "A Deux tems," - Jullien.
Cav., Opera, "Belsario," - Donizetti.
Quadrille, "The Phantom Dancers," - Jullien.

[News], New Zealander (18 December 1847), 2 

[News], New Zealander (8 January 1848), 2 

[News], Daily Southern Cross (12 February 1848), 3 

[News], New Zealander (26 February 1848), 2 

[News], New Zealander (4 March 1848), 2 

[News], New Zealander (18 March 1848), 2 

[News], New Zealander (5 April 1848), 2 

[News], New Zealander (12 April 1848), 2 

[News], New Zealander (26 April 1848), 2

[News], New Zealander (3 May 1848), 2 

[News], New Zealander (6 December 1848), 2 

[News], New Zealander (13 December 1848), 2 

[News], New Zealander (27 December 1848), 2 

[News], New Zealander (3 January 1849), 2 

Yesterday afternoon an inquest was convened at the Masonic Hotel, Princes-street, by Dr. Davies, coroner, to inquire into the death of James Shanaghan, late Band-master of the 58th Regiment. The jury having proceeded to the Albert Barracks to view the body of the deceased, the following evidence was adduced: -

William Clifton, Colour Sergeant, 58th Regiment, sworn, saith - "Last night I saw James Shanaghan, apparently asleep, sitting in the Sergeants' mess room. I called upon his brother, John Shanaghan, to assist in taking him out of the room. We helped deceased out of the room to the bed where he is now lying. I did not see deceased afterwards until this morning, when he was dead. Last night when we took him out of the room he was intoxicated. When I left him on the bed I left his brother with him. He was alive when I left him. He had then a silk handkerchief on him. He was placed as near as possible on his left side, his head lying on the pillow. He had no military coat, but merely a slight jacket on him. It was between the hours of 12 and 1 this morning. He appeared to be insensible when taken to bed. His position is slightly altered since I left him. I think he was previously in a good state of health - I mean yesterday.

John Shanaghan, sworn, saith - I am Drum Major of the 58th Regiment. Deceased was my brother. About half-past twelve this morning Colour-Sergeant Clifton asked me to assist him to carry deceased to his room. I went, and he appeared to be sitting sleeping, and with Sergeant Clifton's assistance, I conveyed and laid him on the bed in the band room. We placed him almost on his back, but a little on his left side. He was insensible. The room was in a state of darkness at the time. I left him, in the charge of no one, immediately after raising his head on the pillow. When I took him from the mess room, I considered he was under the influence of liquor. I am aware that he has latterly been very fond of drink.

Arthur S. Thomson; M. D., sworn, saith - I am surgeon 58th Regt. Deceased has been in hospital twice during the course of the last year, labouring under delirium tremens, the effect of drink. I have made a post mortem examination of the body, and found about four ounces of blood and water effused on the base of the brain, which was the immediate cause of death - and therefore I am certain that he died from apoplexy. There are no external marks of injury about the body.

Daniel Davis sworn, saith - I am Corporal of the Band of 58th Regt. I saw deceased last alive last night about twelve o'clock. He was then in a state of intoxication. I went into the band room this morning about four o'clock. I then thought deceased was asleep, when Private Kearns told me that he was stiff. I got out of bed, and finding he was dead, I gave the alarm. Dr. Thomson was sent for, and came immediately. He was turned partly on his right side. His handkerchief was quite tight round his neck, and we removed it; his face and head were on the pillow. He was more on his face than on his back. Deceased was Band Sergeant of the 58th Regt.

Verdict - Died of Apoplexy.

"SUDDEN DEATH", The Southern Cross (6 January 1849), 2 

On Tuesday afternoon an inquest was held at the Masonic Hotel, Princes-street, on the body of James Shanaghan, late band-master of the 58th regt., who was found dead on his bed early that morning. Several witnesses were called, by whose evidence it appeared that deceased had been lately addicted to drinking, and that he had been conveyed the previous evening, overpowered by liquor, from the Serjeants' Mess Room, where a ball given by the non-commissioned officers was going forward. His brother, the Drum-major, who assisted in conveying him from the festive scene to his chamber, left him, as he thought, in circumstances of safety, - but in the morning he was found a corpse! From the evidence of Dr. Thompson it appeared that he had been seized with apoplexy.

[News], Colonial Times (13 February 1849), 2

Band-Sergeant James Shanaghan, 58th Regt., who died suddenly, and upon whom a coroner's inquest was held, returning a verdict of "Died of Apoplexy," was not only refused the rights of Christian burial by the Roman Catholic church, of which he was a member, but his remains were sternly forbid to repose by those of his departed child, his coffin being consigned to the dishonored mould reserved for suicides. The funeral ceremony may be characterised as an almost unparalleled one, seeing that a regimental officer, Captain Thompson, in a Roman Catholic graveyard, read the ritual of the Protestant Church of England over the corpse of a member of the Church of Rome. He was buried with military honours.

"NEW ZEALAND", The Courier (14 February 1849), 4

James Shanaghan, late band-sergeant of the 58th Regiment, had died under circumstances which led to a coroner's investigation; the jury returned a verdict of "died from apoplexy," thus removing the remotest suspicion of felo de se. He was interred with the accustomed military honours. The funeral of this man was marked by an incident not easily forgotten. His body was denied the rights of Christian sepulture by the Roman Catholic Church, of which he was a member; his remains being sternly forbid to repose by those of his departed child, and his coffin consigned to the dishonoured mould reserved for the suicide. The ritual of the Protestant Church of England was read over a member of the Church of Rome by a regimental officer in a Roman Catholic graveyard.

[News], New Zealander (3 January 1849), 2 

[News], New Zealander (10 January 1849), 2 

[News], New Zealander (17 January 1849), 2 

[News], New Zealander (24 January 1849), 2 

[News], New Zealander (21 February 1849), 3 

[News], New Zealander (14 March 1849), 2 

[News], New Zealander (24 April 1849), 2 

Our readers will miss - what to some of them was not the least attractive paragraph in our Wednesday's issue - the Programme of the weekly performance of the Band of the 58th Regiment in the grounds in front of the old Government House. We are requested to state that the performance has terminated for the season. In doing so we cannot but express our grateful sense of the pleasure afforded to us and many others, by the judiciously chosen and artistically executed performances of this excellent Band - creditable in a high degree to all engaged, from the zealous Band-master, Mr. DAVIS, downward. We only regret that the number of our good towns-folk who availed themselves of the privilege was sometimes so small, as compared with what might have been anticipated. In sanctioning this source of enjoyment to the town Colonel Wynyard has obtained an additional claim to the respectful regards of the public.

Regimental records:

58th Regiment: Rutlandshire, April 1843 to March 1844 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

58th Regiment: Rutlandshire, April 1844 to March 1845 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

58th Regiment: Rutlandshire, April 1844 to December 1845 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

58th Regiment: Rutlandshire, April 1845 to March 1846 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

58th Regiment: Rutlandshire, April 1846 to March 1847 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

58th Regiment: Rutlandshire, April 1847 to March 1848 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

58th Regiment: Rutlandshire, April 1847 to March 1849 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

58th Regiment: Rutlandshire, April 1848 to March 1849 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Robert Wallace, Regimental records of the 58th (Rutlandshire) Regiment, now the 2nd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment (Northampton: Jos. Tebbutt, 1893)

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/58th Foot (Rutlandshire) Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) 

"58th Rutlandshire Regiment of Foot", Carter's Family History via New Zealand 

"58th (Rutlandshire) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Band of the 11th Regiment (TAS and NSW 1845-57)

Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 25 October 1845 (per Castle Eden, from Deptford, 19 July)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1846 (per Tasmania, from Hobart Town, 20 December)

Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 17 January 1847 (per Java, from Sydney)

Arrived Launceston, VDL (TAS), 31 January 1847 (per Elizabeth & Henry, from Hobart Town)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, by October 1848

Departed Sydney, NSW, 23 October 1857 (for England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Henry Keane BLOOMFIELD (commander, lieutenant-colonel)

Masters, sergeants:

Charles William Ferdinand STIER (sergeant, master of the band)

Robert DILLON (band sergeant)


Robert CAMPBELL (bandsman, d. 1855; also known as James CAMPBELL)

Henry CUNNINGHAM (bandsman)

Michael CUNNINGHAM (bandsman)

Michael DILLON (bandsman, clarinet player)

Thomas DREWERY (? bandsman, flute player)

John HARRY (bandsman)

Sebastian HODGE (bandsman, clarinet player)

Stephen NUGENT (bandsman)

Richard SEYMOUR (bandsman)

George SMITH (bandsman, discharged 1851, d. 1859

George SYKES (bandsman)

William THOMPSON (bandsman)

George TYLER (bandsman, clarinet player)


James CAMPBELL [1] (sergeant, drum major)


Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 July to 31 August 1845 [embarkation] (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum Major as Serjeant / 880 / Campbell James / . . . Embarked 18 July (DIGITISED)

760 / Dillon Robert / . . . Embarked 18 July
2416 / Stier William / 18 July to 23 Nov / Embarked 18 July / Appointed Serjeant vice O'Neill dead (DIGITISED)

1219 / Anderson James // 1017 / Armstrong James // 1221 / Baker William //
1750 / Campbell Thomas // 985 / Costigan George // 1303 / Dalton William //
2021 / Dunn James // 1710 / Duyer Patrick // . . .
1257 / McCarthy James // 1469 / McNeil William // 997 / Murphy Richard //
749 / O'Connors John // 1752 / Perst Francis // 1504 / Seymour Richard //
1078 / Skelton Francis (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . [Band not indicated only embarkation dates]

Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1846 [earliest onshore list with band indicated] (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum Major as Serjeant / 880 / Campbell James / . . . (DIGITISED)

760 / Dillon Robert / . . . Band
2416 / Stier William / . . . (DIGITISED)

1757 / Browne Charles / . . . Band
1297 / Campbell Robert / . . . Band
1072 / Crowe Michael / . . . Band
912 / Davies Edward / . . . Band
1833 / Davies William / . . . Band
1759 / Dillon Michael / . . . Band
1077 / Dowling John / . . . Band
2409 / D'Stauley William / . . . Band
752 / Gutteridge William / . . . Band
894 / McKenna John / . . . Band
761 / McNeil John / . . . Band
1277 / Sykes George / . . . Band

Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 October to 31 December 1846 [first paylist in which Stier is listed as band] (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

760 / Dillon Robert / [first muster] Band / [second muster] Band / [third muster] Band
2416 / Stier William / . . . / [in right column] Band

Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1851 (DIGITISED)

599 / Hodge William / . . . On furlo awaiting discharge [father of Sebastian Hodge of the band] . . .
2416 / Stier William / . . . Band (DIGITISED)

1757 / Browne Charles / . . . Band
1330 / Burton James / . . . Band
1963 / Callaghan James / . . . Band
1297 / Campbell Robert / . . . Band
2606 / Cunningham Henry / . . .
2607 / Cunningham Michael / . . .
1833 / Davis William / . . . Band
1445 / Doolin Andrew / . . . Band
2070 / Grovenor Richard / . . . Band
1725 / Harry John / . . . Band
1157 / Harvey Manning / . . . Band
2517 / Hodge Sebastian / . . . Band
1592 / Lawler John / . . . Band
894 / McKenna John / . . . Band
761 / McNeill John / . . . Band
2468 / Nugent Stephen / . . . Band
1946 / Rafter Thomas / . . . Band
2402 / Roycroft William / . . . Band
1504 / Seymour Rich'd / . . . Band
1277 / Sykes George / . . . Band
2449 / Tyler George / . . . Band

Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 January to 30 March 1854 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

2416 / Stier William / 1 January [to] 28 February / . . . Band / Discharged 28 February

Paylist, 11th regiment, July to September 1857 [last paylist Australia] (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

[Privates] 1963 / Callaghan James / . . . Band
2606 / Cunningham Henry / . . . Band
2607 / Cunningham Michael / . . . Band
1445 / Doolan Andrew / . . . Band
2070 / Grovenor Richard / . . . Band
1592 / Taylor John / . . . Band
894 / McKenna John / . . . Band
2402 / Roycroft William / . . . Band
1277 / Sykes George / . . . Band
2346 / Thompson Wm. Alexander / . . . Band
2449 / Tyler George / . . . Band (DIGITISED)

Two companies 11th Regiment paid by the Colonial Gov't of New South Wales . . .
[Serjeants] 1691 / Pritchard Thomas / . . . Band
[Privates] 1757 / Browne Charles / . . . Band
2604 / Griffin Michael / . . . Band
2517 / Hodge Sebastian / . . . Band
761 / McNeill John / . . . Band
3026 / Smyth James / . . . Band


"Shipping Intelligence", Colonial Times (28 October 1845), 2 

October 25. - Arrived the ship Castle Eden, 980 tons. Baker, master, from London 19th July, with ordnance stores for Sydney. Passengers Lieutenant-Colonel Bloomfield; Captains Moore, Cockburn, and Jenner; Lieutenants Brewer and Ball; Ensigns Goode and Cardiffe, Lieutenant and Adjutant Boyd, Quarter-Master Grant, Surgeon Hodley, Mr. Hanley (Clerk of the Works), Lady and two daughters, Mrs. Grant, 275 privates, 8 drummers, 13 corporals, and 30 serjeants of the 11th Regiment, with 58 women and 48 children.

[News], Colonial Times (31 October 1845), 2 

. . . Colonel Elliott, the Commander of the Forces in Van Diemen's Land, has, however, made the following arrangement for the present disposition of the troops here: The 11th head-quarters, under Col. Bloomfield, will occupy the barrack on the Old Wharf, having the Domain for its parade, where its Band, which we hear is of great excellence, will of course attract and afford entertainment to the ladies of Hobart Town. The 51st (800 strong) will occupy the Barracks at the New Wharf. When the General shall have determined (possibly by the Waterlily, expected to-morrow, certainly by the Louisa, on her return) upon the question of the 51st, the 96th head-quarters, under Col. Cumberland, will occupy the Hobart Town Barracks - the 11th will proceed to Launceston.

"THE 11TH REGIMENT", Colonial Times (11 November 1845), 3 

The detachment of this corps, which arrived here by the Castle Eden, landed on Saturday, and marched to the temporary barracks on the Old Wharf. For the last two mornings they have taken a little gentle exercise, between 7 and 8 o'clock, in the domain, accompanied by the usual band of fifes and drums. The men appear fine, powerful young fellows, and in excellent health.

"THE REGATTA", The Courier (6 December 1845), 2 

. . . The varied amusements of the day at once commenced. The Horticultural Show, rich, beyond all precedence in this colony, in the magnificent productions of Flora - the fine band of the 51st, and the more novel band of the 11th, with newer music, and a different style of excellence . . .

"COLONEL BLOOMFIELD AND THE BAND OF THE 11TH REGIMENT", Colonial Times (23 December 1845), 3

Nothing affords us greater pleasure than to find that, when persons of rank and intelligence visit our shores, they are pleased with us, and that they award to us that locus standi in society which as a community we indisputably merit. As an example of this we may mention the kindly disposition of Col. Bloomfield, whose desire to please and accommodate the public calls for our warmest commendation. The matter, however, may by some be considered trivial, inasmuch as the gallant Colonel makes no display on the occasion; but we will adduce a circumstance which will show that we are correct in our estimation of Colonel Bloomfield's good wishes towards us. We stated a short time ago that, in order to accommodate the public, the fine band of the 11th was directed to play on Monday and Thursday evenings in the enclosure adjoining Government House, as the distance to the Domain might be too far for the elite of the city to visit. Finding, however, that many persons felt disinclined to enter the enclosure, whereby they were in great measure deprived of the musical treat afforded by the band, Colonel Bloomfield ordered the band to perform on Thursday in the Domain and on Monday in the enclosure, in order that the utmost extension of amusement which the band could furnish should be enjoyed by all classes. This, as we have already intimated, may not be accounted anything very important by many fastidious persons; but to our mind it speaks "trumpet-tongued" in favour of the gallant commander's kindly intentions towards those amongst whom, we most sincerely hope, he and his brother officers, the band and the regiment, will have long to sojourn.

"THE 11TH REGIMENT", Launceston Advertiser (11 December 1845), 2 

The band of this regiment is highly spoken of in the Colonial Times, in the account of the late regatta. The writer says - "The band of the 11th is a first rate affair, the band master, Stiers, a German, being a perfect master of his art. We admire his practice of conducting his band, instead of playing an instrument, by which his attention must necessarily be abstracted from the performance of his subordinates. This band, we may mention, is a very accomplished one, the prevailing music being of the good old German school."

"THE ELEVENTH REGIMENT", Colonial Times (16 December 1845), 3 

By a new regulation the fine band of this regiment performed some very beautiful music yesterday afternoon in the enclosed paddock between Government House and the public offices. We understand that the performances will he repeated every Monday and Thursday, commencing each day at four o'clock, and continuing about an hour and a half; and with a view to the accommodation of the public, his Excellency has kindly permitted the use of the paddock, as being more convenient and centrical than the Government Domain. The music performed yesterday, we have already said, was beautiful, and we need not add that it was well performed. Some very spirited gallopades and waltzes were played; and an old and familiar acquaintance, the Overture to Rob Roy, was given in a style of excellence that would have delighted its well-known composer, Henry R. Bishop. A considerable number of persons, with many gaily dressed ladies, were present, and evidently much pleased with the performances; and we know of no more agreeable mode of passing an hour than by a lounge to the enclosure to hear this excellent band. We may mention that the tame kangaroos which are domesticated there, appeared no less pleased than the visitors; and one of them especially, a fine forester, bounded backwards and forwards, in no degree alarmed at the concourse of strangers which had intruded upon his domain.

"THE TASMANIA", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (10 January 1846), 15 

The troops and head quarters of the 11th Regiment landed on Thursday afternoon [8 January] from the Tasmania; the band which came by the same vessel accompanied them to the barracks, and played several airs during the march. The Tasmania will return direct to Hobart Town.

"HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY", The Cornwall Chronicle (19 December 1846), 980 

. . . On Thursday the Gardens were very well and fashionably attended, by the Horticultural and Floricultural residents of the town, and many from the adjacent country, all of whom apparently took considerable interest in the proceedings of the day. The scene was enlivened by the drummers and fifers of the 11h Regiment, who were kindly permitted to attend by Major Singleton, in the absence of the splendid band of the regiment, and by whose performances the gratification of the company was enhanced . . .

"THE STEAMER", The Cornwall Chronicle (16 January 1847), 46 

A great number of persons thronged the Wharf last evening, to witness the arrival of the Shamrock Steamer, it being rumoured that the Band of the 11th regt. was on board, and the inhabitants expecting the novelty of a musical performance of first-rate ability. The anxious lookers out were doomed to be disappointed, as the wished for musicians did not make their appearance. In all probability the Band is on board the Java, which was to have sailed from Sydney a week or two ago, and is expected to land the Head Quarters at Hobart Town, when they will be despatched to Launceston.

"MILITARY", Launceston Examiner (3 February 1847), 3 

The Elizabeth & Henry, with the head quarters of the 11th regiment, from Hobart Town, came up the river on Sunday; a large concourse assembled at the wharf, anticipating that the troops would land, but the debarkation was deferred until the following morning. About ten o'clock they marched from the wharf to the barracks, preceded by the splendid band of the regiment, playing "British Grenadiers." There was a larger assemblage of inhabitants than we have witnessed for some time . . . The arrival of the head quarters of the 11th has thrown some little spirit into the inhabitants, and many are looking forward to "the band" as a source of exhilaration.

The Band of the 11th Regiment, playing in the Domain, 1854

The Band of the 11th Regiment, playing in the Domain, Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW, detail: with bandmaster, Charles Stier, with top-hat, beard and spectacles, and wielding baton, in centre; this illustration, "MILITARY BAND IN THE DOMAIN", Illustrated Sydney News (21 January 1854), 1, 2 

"MILITARY FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 January 1855), 5

Yesterday afternoon the mortal remains of John Leary, lately a corporal in the XI. regiment, who was accidentally drowned on Tuesday, and of James Campbell, lately a bandsman in the same regiment, were conveyed in two hearses to their final resting-place in the Cemetery at Camperdown. Campbell's death occurred as follows: He was a patient in the military hospital, and becoming light-headed in consequence of his malady, he threw himself out of the window of his ward into the square, a distance of nearly thirty feet, and died in an nour and a half afterwards. The hearses were preceded by a company of the 11th, in slow marching order, with arms reversed, followed by the band, fifers and drummers, with muffled drums, playing the Dead March . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: It was correctly Robert Campbell that died, not his brother James, the drum-major

"THE THEATRES", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 December 1855), 4 

. . . On Saturday last Mr. Winterbottom, to whose taste, talent, and tact, the Victoria is indebted for much of its prestige, took his benefit. The gems of the opening concert were Mr. Winterbottom's remarkable solos on the bassoon, which were rapturously encored - considering their difficulty, a somewhat unkind compliment. The Nelson family, who kindly performed gratuitously, gave good and unassuming service; and the admirable orchestra of the theatre was excellently seconded by the band of the XIth, which played with a spirit for which, more especially at flower shows, its is not always remarkable. The concluding quadrille, played by the two bands in concert - The British Army in the East - was really a very fine piece of music. It stirred the heart like the sound of a - or rather, of a good many - trumpets, calling up recollections of its composer, Jullien, and "Old Drury;" and the Grand Demonstration, with its beautiful tableau, and patriotic songs by the whole force of the company, sent the house almost wild with loyal enthusiasm. They rose en masse and clapped, and stamped, and thumped, and cheered, after the approved head-ache fashion of English-men . . .

"DEPARTURE OF THE ELEVENTH REGIMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 October 1857), 4

SINCE the arrival of the 77th Regiment there was a doubt consequent upon the lamentable intelligence of the wide-spread mutiny of the Sepoy forces in India, whether or not the gallant regiment which had so lately come among us fresh from the realities of war, would have to leave our peaceful shore, and fight in earnest battles o'er again, or be permitted to remain, in which case the alternative must be, that the citizens of Sydney would have to bid farewell to a regiment of men who had, during a long sojourn among them, commanded not only the esteem of the citizens themselves, but that of the inhabitants of the whole colony. A despatch from the Horse Guards, brought by the European, however, set the matter at rest, and the first public intimation that the 11th Regiment were ordered at once to embark for home, was made known on Monday morning last through the public Press.

Since then deep have been the public feelings of regret that we should so soon have to part with our old familiar friends of the 11th - for such the gallant Colonel, his officers, and men, in their different social spheres, have been during the greater portion of the thirteen years that they have been quartered in these colonies; and no less sincere and universal were the manifestations of respect and esteem that marked the citizen's farewell yesterday as the regiment marched through our streets from the Paddington Barracks to the Circular Quay, from whence they were to be conveyed by steamer to the vessels chartered to carry them home . . .

At half-past two o'clock the colonel for the nonce, not on his favourite white charger, but mounted on a bay cob, rode past the different companies, and immediately after the command was given: "Form four deep-march," the band of the 11th struck up the old unvariable tune on such occasions, "The girl I left behind me," and instantaneously therewith from amid the previous quiet there broke forth such repetition of cheers at Paddington Barrack yard never before echoed to. Cheer followed cheer as the men marched out of the yard on to the road, where the assemblage of civilians took up the shout and "cheers for Colonel Bloomfield," mingled with "cheers for the gallant fellows of the Eleventh," until the men had left their old quarters far behind them. The band of the Artillery and the band of the 77th Regiment preceded the regiment and performed spirit-stirring martial airs during the remainder of the march . . .

Regimental records:

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1845 to March 1846 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, July 1845 to March 1847 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1846 to March 1847 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1847 to March 1848 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1847 to March 1849 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1848 to March 1849 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1849 to March 1850 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1850 to March 1851 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1849 to March 1851 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1851 to March 1852 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1851 to March 1853 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1852 to March 1853 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1853 to March 1854 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1854 to March 1855 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1855 to March 1856 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1856 to March 1857 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

11th Regiment: Devonshire, April 1857 to March 1858 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Richard Cannon, Historical record of the Eleventh, or the North Devon Regiment of Foot, containing an account of the formation of the regiment in 1685, and of its subsequent services to 1845 (London: Parker, Furnivall and Parker, 1845), 87 (DIGITISED)

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/11th (North Devonshire) Regiment of Foot", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"Devonshire Regiment", Wikipedia 

Other documentation (1845-1855)

General regulations (1845-46)

MEMORANDUM. CIRCULAR. Horse Guards, 12th February 1845", The army list (1845), (DIGITISED)

The General Officers charged with the Inspection of the Troops are held responsible for be rigid enforcement of her Majesty's Regulations with regard to Regimental Bands.

There can be but one Band in a Regiment, and that must as a matter of course, accompany the Service Companies withersoever they go . . .

It follows, then, that any Officer commanding a Regimental Depôt, who forms a Band, or permits a Band to exist in the Companies under his command, on any pretence whatsoever, takes upon himself to depart from her Majesty's Regulations in a particular materially affecting the efficiency of that portion of the Regiment.

These Regulations prescribe, that no Musicians are to be suffered as a component part of Regimental Depôts, which are entitled to their due proportion of Regimental Drums and Fifes, or Bugles, only.

The number of Drummers on the Establishment of Regimental Depôts having been increased to Six, only Four Lads or Boys are to be permitted to act as Drummers, Fifers, or Buglers, and these so long as they are not of an aged or stature to bear Arms; and no Man is, on any account, to be withdrawn or withheld from the Ranks for the purpose of being employed in an occupation which is intended to be confined to the Boys specially authorized to be enlisted for that purpose.

The plea of training Boys for the Regimental Band is altogether inadmissable; all such Boys, or other persons enlisted specially for the Band, must be sent to the Service Companies, with the first Draft after their Enlistment; they are, consequently, not to form the foundation of or a pretence for maintaining a Band with the Depôt Companies; and General Officers will, at their Inspection, personally examine the Numbers on Parade, and ascertain, conclusively, that no Man who ought to be in the Ranks of the Depôt Companies is employed as a Musician.

Moreover, they will exact from the Commanding Officer an assurance that no deception is resorted to on that head, and that the Officers are not required or permitted to contribute towards the Establishment of a Band at the Depôt, or subjected to any other expense, on account of Music, beyond the ordinary subscription prescribed by her Majesty's Regulations.

By Command of FIELD MARSHAL THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, Commander-in-Chief;
JOHN MACDONALD, Adjutant-General.

Reprinted in Addenda to the Queen's regulations and orders for the army, from the first of July, 1844, to the thirty first of March, 1854 (London: Parker, Furnivall, and Parker, 1854), 21-22; as also transcribed in Herbert and Barlow 2013, 276-77

"Memorandum, Horse Guards, April 2, 1846", The united services magazine (June 1846), 304 (DIGITISED)

It having been represented to the Commander-in-Chief that the number of Musicians allowed under the present regulation is insufficient, His Grace has been pleased to sanction the employment of a Serjeant and twenty Privates in that capacity for the future in all regiments of the Infantry, with the express understanding, however, that this increased number of Musicians is not to cause additional expense, and that it is not to be exceeded under any circumstances, or upon any pretence whatever.

Reprinted in Addenda to the Queen's regulations . . . (1854), 51; Herbert and Barlow 2013, 277

Other bands (UK and colonial)

Standing orders issued to the two battalions, XXth Regiment, at Bermuda, in 1842 (London: W. Clowes, 1845), 24-26 (DIGITISED)

The Drum-Major.

218. The Drum-Major will have charge of the drummers, fifers, and buglers, and keep their duty roster: he is answerable to the Adjutant for their appearance and good conduct, for their instruction in every part of their duty, and for the good order of the drums and instruments. [25]

219. He will be careful that all calls and beats are correct, and made at the exact time that may be ordered.

220. He will have charge of the cats for punishment, to be purchased out of the Orderly Room allowance.

221. At all punishment parades he will call out, and write down, the number of lashes as they are inflicted, and see that the Drummers, whom he will previously have practised in some place secure from observation, perform their duty efficiently.

222. By a recent Order from the Horse Guards, it is no longer the peculiar duty of the Drum-Major to post and receive letters; the Commanding Officer is instructed to select some steady Non-commissioned Officer to perform the duty, free of any emolument. When it is necessary to have a postage cash account, the Pay Sergeants will take the duty in turn, the roster being kept by the Sergeant-Major, and the Adjutant seeing that the Pay Sergeant for the duty is provided with money to free the letters.

223. On every change of quarters the Drum-Major will ascertain the different post hours, and put up a paper in the Orderly Room giving the required information. He will collect and post all letters that are not to be prepaid at the office, unless one of the Pay Sergeants be appointed to this duty.

Drums, Fifes, and Bugles.

224. All damage to any of the instruments, arising from carelessness, wantonness, or neglect, will be repaired at the expense of the parties in charge.

225. The necessary repairs of each Company's drum (the Grenadiers' two), arising from fair wear, or unavoidable accident, will be defrayed out of the contingent allowance of the Company, the extra drums out of the Band fund. Every drum will therefore be marked with the letter and number of the Company, and the Captain will occasionally inspect it.

The Band and Instruments.

226. The Musicians will be under the charge of a Sergeant, answerable to the Adjutant for their cleanliness and general regularity, unless the President of the Band Committee take the whole superintendence.

227. The Sergeant will inspect them at every parade.

228. They will mess together; and if the accommodation will not admit of their having a separate room for practice, the Quarter-Master will put them into the largest room which circumstances will permit.

229. The Band Master is responsible for their proper instruction, and will receive his orders direct from the Commanding Officer, and from the President of the Band Committee, to whom he will report when any instrument is damaged. No other parties are entitled to give directions respecting the playing of the Band, either in public, or at private practice.

230. On subjects connected with the discipline or duty, the Master will report to the Adjutant.

231. The Band will parade every Saturday, with their arms and accoutrements, to be minutely inspected by the Adjutant, at any hour which he may appoint, not interfering with their private practice. [26]

232. Each Musician is answerable for the instrument entrusted to his charge, and all repairs, consequent on neglect or inattention, will be made at his expense.

233. Every instrument shall be carefully marked with the number of the Regiment, and the Sergeant will keep a correct list, shewing the condition of each instrument at the last weekly inspection, and the party who has the Charge Of it. [see also manuscript additions]

234. Some member of the Committee will generally attend the weekly inspection, at which the drums, fifes, and bugles will also be examined. In the absence of any Officer, the Band Master will make the inspection.

235. A return (Form 12) of the week's practice will be sent into the Orderly Room every Monday morning, by eight o'clock.

236. No Bandsman shall, under any circumstances, engage himself to play anywhere without the consent of the Commanding Officer; and no instrument shall, at any time, be taken from the Band Room, unless required for duty, or by special permission.

237. The Commanding Officer's consent shall be obtained before the Band; is ordered anywhere; but under no circumstances shall it ever be allowed to attend a dinner, or public meeting, that can in any way indicate a political bias.

238. When they are required to play at the mess or elsewhere, the Musicians will invariably appear Regimentally dressed.

239. The Band Committee will generally consist of a Captain and two Subalterns. If any great expenditure of money is proposed, the matter will be discussed at a mess meeting; but any immediate outlay of smaller amount, considered necessary by the Committee, will be stated in writing for the Commanding Officer's approval. [see also manuscript additions]

Standing orders of the Thirty Fifth Royal Sussex Regiment (Dublin: William Frazer, 1852), 8, 48-50 (band), 75-76 (drum major), 106 (DIGITISED)

45. Applications for promotion, as well as for furloughs, passes, and other indulgences, are to pass through the Officers commanding companies; furloughs for bandsmen and drummers will be granted at the recommendation of the band committee, or Adjutant, with the concurrence of the Officer commanding the company; (DIGITISED)


275. The affairs of the band are to be regulated by a committee, (under the superintendence of the Commanding Officer,) consisting of a Field Officer, or Captain, as President, and the Adjutant, and another Officer as members.

276. The president is to settle all bills, and is responsible for the accounts, which he will close every three months, and read at the quarterly meeting directed to be held under the head of "Officers' Mess," he is to receive the amount of the Officers' subscriptions from the Agents and Paymaster every quarter, and when these are found insufficient to meet the current expences of the band, a report is to be made to the Commanding Officer.

277. The President of the Committee is responsible for the bandsmen as musicians, and will give all orders respecting music to the band master. [49]

278. The Adjutant is responsible for the appearance and discipline of the band on parade, and it is his duty to report to the President of the Committee, whenever any of the belts, swords, &c., become unserviceable, or require repair.

279. The other member of the committee is to assist the President by every means in his power, and frequently to attend the band practice under his directions.

280. The Band Master is to be considered the instructor of the band, subject only to the directions of the Commanding Officer and the committee; no others are to interfere with the practice or public playing of the band.

281. The President, or one of the members by his directions, will, in conjunction with the Band Master, make a minute inspection of all the instruments once in each month.

282. Whenever the band plays in public, the men are to be properly and uniformly dressed.

283. On a march the instruments are to be deposited at the principal hotel, (when practicable before the billets are issued,) and are to be locked up until required.

284. Passes for the band are to be backed by the Adjutant.

285. At the beginning of each furlough season, all bandsmen desirous of obtaining furloughs, are to give their names to the President of the Committee; when the number is not excessive, and the Captains of the companies to which the men belong recommend the indulgence, the President, in conjunction with the Band Master, will regulate the periods at which the men are to leave, in order that the efficiency of the band may not be destroyed, by too great a number of men playing similar instruments being absent at the same time. [50]

286. No sum exceeding £5 is to be expended by the committee for instruments, music, articles of dress, &c., until the consent of the majority of the Officers at head-quarters has been obtained.

287. The Band Master will attend all Commanding Officer's parades, and appear at them in his proper uniform; and always accompany the band when it has to perform in public; if a civilian, he is to be treated with due respect by the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the regiment, and it will be his duty to make such suggestions to the President of the Committee, as he may consider will be beneficial to the band; he will be responsible to the committee for all printed and manuscript music belonging to the regiment, a full list of which he will keep, and he is to make a minute inspection of all the instruments at least once a month, and report to the President of the Committee any that may be out of repair, and to whom he considers the cost of such repair is chargeable; he is also to keep in his possession a list of the instruments belonging to the band. He will inform the President of the Committee of the day on which he intends making his inspection of the instruments, in order that a member of the committee may be enabled to attend.

288. He is to instruct the band for two hours when practicable, every morning, and attend such practice in the afternoon as he may consider necessary; he is also to instruct the string band, and the choir, each, once a week at least. (DIGITISED)

Drum Major.

443. The drum major is under the immediate orders of the Adjutant, he is answerable that the drummers, fifers, and buglers are properly instructed in every part of their duty, that they sound or beat all calls according to regulation, and that their instruments are kept in a perfect state; duplicate lists of which he is to sign and leave with the Adjutant.

444. The drummers, fifers, and buglers are to practise every day under his superintendence, and he is responsible for their efficiency, conduct, and general appearance. [76]

445. He is answerable that the drums or bugles for reveillée, rouse, retreat, tattoo, and practice, are punctually sounded at the proper hours, all other calls are sounded by order of the serjeant major or regimental orderly serjeant.

446. He is responsible for the movements of the band and drummers on parade, and is to be careful, when on the march, to step the proper length of pace, and move in correct time.

447. At a given signal from the band master or serjeant of the band, he is to cause the music to cease by raising his staff, and will immediately do so of his own accord, when there is any danger to be apprehended from frightened horses, &c.; he is charged with, and held responsible for the state of the drummers' room,

448. He is to be most particular in observing a becoming smartness in his dress and carriage. (DIGITISED)

641. The drummers, men of the band, and acting drummers, are to be deducted from the strength of the companies to which they belong, to be considered as a separate body, and may be recommended for passes in the same proportion as the other men by the Adjutant, who will attend the orderly room, should any man become a defaulter in consequence, the crime to be entered in all cases by an Officer commanding the company.

Other band news

"REDUCTION OF MILITARY BANDS", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 January 1846), 3 

The band of the 55th Regiment at Winchester, has been reduced to 16 men during the last week, pursuant to an order from the Horse-guards. At a recent review at Portsmouth, the 8th Regiment with their band, consisting of 45 men, besides boys, in passing before General Sir Hercules Pakenham, attracted his attention, eliciting some remarks on the strength of the latter. He immediately communicated with the Horse-guards on the subject, when an order was issued to reduce the band to its proper strength of fourteen private musicians, one sergeant, and one drummer, besides a boy to every 100 men. The reduction of the band of the 65th and other regiments of the line immediately followed.

[Advertisement], Naval & Military Gazette and Weekly Chronicle of the United Service (9 May 1846), 1 (PAYWALL)

WANTED, a DRUM-MAJOR for the 6th Regiment of Foot.
Apply to Mr. Brotherson, Band Master, 6th Regiment, Athlone.
N.B. Applicant must be smart-looking, and a soldier, or willing to enlist.

Woodward's musical catechism, including the technical terms, to which are added many useful remarks on the formation of military and brass bands, orchestras, &c. . . . (London: Hime and Son, [1847]), 41 (DIGITISED)

133. What are the instruments requisite to form a Military Band?

Four B or C Clarionets; an E flat or F ditto, [NOTE: B and E Clarionet, played together; or C and F];
two Flutes, of various sizes; two Horns; Trumpet; two Bassoons;
Serpent, or Bass Horn; Orphicliede and Bass Drum;
to which may be added, a Picolo, or small Flute;
Cornopean, or Cornet-à-Piston;
Treble, Alto, Tenor and Bass Trombones;
Tambourine; Cymbals; Triangle, and Turkish Crescent.

134. What instruments will complete a Brass Band?

Three Bugles; one Cornopean; two Horns; one Trumpet;
one Bass Trombone; Bass Horn; Orphicliede, and Drum;
to which may be added, one more Bugle; one Cornopean;
three smaller Trombones, and one Trumpet.

135. What instruments for a Quadrille Band?

One Harp; four Violins; two Horns; Clarionet or Oboe Flute; or French Flageolet; Violoncello, and Double Bass.

"MISCELLANEOUS", South Australian Register (28 April 1847), 4 

A new Military Quadrille, called the British Army had been introduced by M. Jullien. At its first performance, besides the usual orchestra, the picked players from the four bands of the 2d Life Guards, the Royal Horse Guards (Blue), the Grenadier Guards, and the Cold-streams assisted. When the concluding "See the conquering hero comes" was heard, he was saluted with military honours - every stick in the pit was raised with a hat or handkerchief at the top, imitating the gyrations of the illustrious chef d'orchestre. The monstre concert was held in Covent Garden Theatre, and it was estimated that above 4,000 persons were present.

ASSOCIATIONS: Louis Jullien (conductor, composer)

"DISTRICT COURT MARTIAL IN MANCHESTER", Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser (8 September 1847), 6-7 (PAYWALL)

On Thursday morning at ten o'clock a district court martial was opened in the officers' mess room, Infantry Barracks, Regent Road, Salford, to inquire into certain charges preferred against a number of the privates belonging to the 2nd battalion of the 1st (or Royal) Regiment, at present stationed in this garrison. It will be remembered that this fine regiment, allowed to be one of the best behaved the service, has a splendid band, to which is attached a band-master, Mr. Paulo Castaldini, whose salary is paid by Lieutenant-Colonel Bell, and the officers of the regiment. On the 13th of August last it is alleged that an assault was committed on Mr. Castaldini, by certain members of the band [17 men charged], in the band practice room. The motive assigned by several parties for the commission of the offence charged is retaliation for harsh treatment and expressions on the part of the band master towards the men . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 May 1848), 4 

JOHN G. COHEN will sell by auction, at his Rooms, 490, George street, On Tuesday next, May 30, 1848, At 11 o'clock precisely,

Two cases Brass and Wood Musical Instruments, comprising:
Cornopeans, trombones, valve trombones
Ophiclides, French concert and valve horns
Plain and valve trumpets, bass clarionet
Flutes, from 1 to 9 keys
Clarionets, from 6 to 14 keys
Violins, in cases; violoncello, with machine head;
bush pocket horns, piccalos, bows, violin strings, &c.

The Auctioneer begs to direct particular notice to the above superb selection, being all of the best workmanship, and with the latest improvements.
In order to meet the wishes of intending purchases, the Instruments will be sold singly in each lot.
On view two days previous to day of sale.
Catalogues of which are in preparation. Terms at sale.

"CURIOUS SALE AT CONCILIATION HALL [Dublin]", The Melbourne Daily News (27 July 1849), 4 

. . . A full Set of Band Instruments, of best workmanship, made specially for the Association, consisting of two Cornopeans, two Valve Horns, two Valve Trumpets, six Clarionets, four Flutes, three Trombones, two Ophecleides, one Brass Drum, and one Brass Side ditto . . .

[Advertisement], British Army Despatch (17 May 1850), 24

[Advertisement], British Army Despatch (17 May 1850), 24 (PAYWALL)

MR. SCHOTT, Band-Master of the Grenadier Guards, begs most respectfully to submit to the favourable notice of the Officers of Her Majesty's Army and Navy, and of the Honourable East India Company's Service, his publication of a new Military Band Journal, under the immediate patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, entitled "THE COLOUR YARD."
Each number of this Journal will contain at least six pieces, the contents of any one number forming a programme for a Band, when required to play at the Officers' Mess, and arranged so as to be played by a Band of the number limited by the order of the Commander-in-Chief. No effort will be spared to render this work in all respects eminently adapted for the distinguished Services for which it is specially intended. Several of the most eminent Musicians, as well of this country as of the Continent, have been engaged as contributors. Price 10s. 6d. per number. To Subscribers in the East Indies, 12s. 6d. if sent direct; but if through an agency in London, 10s. 6d.
Mr. will also publish an arrangement of "THE COLOUR YARD" for pianoforte, with ad libitum accompaniment for Concert Flute or Cornet-a-Pistons.
A number will appear every alternate month, and will be ready for despatch to India by the Overland Mail.
The first and second numbers are now ready for delivery.
Orders received at Messrs SCHOTT and Co.'s, 89, St. James's-street, and by all the principal Music-sellers and Musical Instrument Makers in London.
Payment is requested to be made on the delivery of the sixth number, which will be the close of a series.
Mr. S. at the same time begs to recommend his Musical Instruments for Military Bands.
These are by the best makers, and manufactured under the direction, not of mere mechanics, but to scientific men.
Every instrument is warranted. The annexed list of prices will be a guide to purchasers; and Mr. SCHOTT pledges all his efforts to combine the strictest economy with the very best materials and workmanship in executing the orders of his patrons.
Mr. SCHOTT takes the liberty of adding that he provides Musicians of talent and character as Band Masters, scrupulously adopting the most careful discrimination in recommending no individual that is not in every way qualified for the situation: -

Clarionet in B flat, C, or E flat, of boxwood, with 13 brass keys, and latest improvements - 5 5 0
Ditto of ebony, cocoa, or granade wood, with white silver keys and ditto - 8 8 0
Flute in D, E fiat, or F, of boxwood, with eight brass keys - 3 3 0
Piccolo in D, E flat, or F, ditto - 1 10 0
Flute ditto of ebony, cocoa, or granade wood, with white silver keys, and tuning slide - 5 5 0
Piccolo, ditto - 2 2 0
Oboe of boxwood, with brass keys, and latest improvements - 6 6 0
Ditto of ebony, cocoa, or granade wood, with white silver keys, ditto, 9 9 0
Cornet-a-Pistons, with three valves - 7 7 0
Valve Trumpet, ditto - 8 8 0
Plain Cavalry Trumpet - 2 0 0
Field Bugle - 2 2 0
French Horn, with crooks from B alto to B bass - 8 8 0
Ditto, with three valves - 12 12 0
Althorn, or Clavicord, with three valves - 10 10 0
Alto Trombone, in F or E flat, with tuning slide - 5 5 0
Tenor ditto, in C or B flat, ditto - 6 6 0
Bass - ditto, in G or F, ditto - 7 7 0
Alto Trombone, in F or E flat, with three valves - 8 8 0
Tenor ditto, in C or B, with ditto - 8 8 0
Bass ditto, in F or G, with ditto - 9 9 0
These Trombones with valves are particularly recommended for Cavalry Service.
Bassoon with twelve brass keys, and all the latest improvements - 8 8 0
Ditto, with fifteen white silver keys, and ditto - 10 10 0 Ophicleide, in C or B flat - 12 12 0
Bombardon, in F or E fiat, with four valves - 18 18 0
Euphonion, in B fiat, with four valves - 16 16 0
Particularly recommended as a solo instrument, and as a substitute for the Althorn or Ophicleide.
Bass Tuba, in F or E flat, with four valves - 17 17 0
Bass Drum, with Royal Arms - 9 9 0
Tambourine - 3 3 0
Side Drum, with Royal Arms - 4 10 0
Kettle ditto, with ditto, per pair - 14 14 0
Turkish Cymbals, middling size, per pair - 5 5 0
Ditto, largest size, per pair - 6 6 0
Drum-heads, Drum-sticks, Drum-cords. &c.;
strong German Music-paper, manufactured expressly for Military Bands;
Bassoon, Oboe, and Clarionet reeds; reed boxes, music cards, card holders, &c. &c. &c.,
supplied of the first quality, at the most reasonable prices.

ASSOCIATIONS: Adam Joseph Schott (military bandmaster, musical instrument seller), father of James Arthur Schott (musician)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1850), 3 supplement 

MR. S. EDGERTON, Professor of Music, being now perfectly restored to health, will be happy to devote a few leisure hours to the giving of leesons on the Clarionet, Flute, Cornopean, &c.
Young ladies or gentlemen desirous of receiving instructions on the Piano may have the use of one at his residence.
Mr. E. has just received from London two bass Opheclides, two Clavicordes in B flat and C, and several other instruments of very superior tone and quality, which he is willing to dispose of at moderate prices.
N. B. - Music for Brass and Military Bands can be supplied ready arranged.
Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo Bay.

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Edgerton (musician), formerly serjeant master of the Band of the 80th Regiment (military)

"BRITISH AND FOREIGN. ENGLAND", Adelaide Times (25 May 1853), 2 

Two centenarians died lately in London. On the 15th of February, at the work-house, Chelsea, an army pensioner died of "natural decay," at the age of 102 years. Mr. Larner, registrar, mentions that "this was a man of colour, who had been for many years cymbal player in one of the regimental bands; he was admitted info the workhouse from Mermaid-yard, about three months before his death. It is stated that he was married only six years ago."

"THE CRYSTAL PALACE FETE" [London, England, 28 October 1854], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 February 1855), 2 

The grand military fete given on Saturday, October 28, "in aid of the several funds for the relief of the sick and wounded and widows and orphans of her Majesty's forces engaged in the Russian war," has proved so successful that we believe every one present, although expecting something great was literally astonished at the splendid event of the day . . . The following is the official list of the bands and their conductors, as stated in the programme : -
Imperial Regiment, "Les Guides,"- Conductor, M. Mohr.
First Life Guards, Conductor, Mr. Waddell.
Second Life Guard Conductor, Mr. Grattan Cooke.
Royal Horse Guards, Conductor, Mr. Tatton.
6th Dragoon Guards (Carabineers), - Conductor, Mr. Cuconi.
Grenadier Guards, Conductor, Mr. Schott.
Coldstream Guards, Conductor, Mr. Godfrey.
Scots Fusileer Guards, Conductor, Mr. Boose.
18th (Royal Irish) Regiment, Conductor. Mr. Kutle.
94th Regiment, - Conductor, Mr. Froehners.
Royal Artillery. - Conductor, Mr. Smith.
Royal Sappers and Millers, - Conductor, Mr. Youle.
Royal Marines (Woolwich), - Conductor, Mr. Winterbottom . . .

Band of the 65th Regiment (en route to NZ 1846)

Briefly in Australia en route to New Zealand (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"MR. COUNCILLOR FISHER'S PIC-NIC", The Australian (31 October 1846), 3 

. . . the Thistle steamed round Dawes' Point, into Darling Harbour, skirting round which, she again came-to at the head of the Cove, and took on board those who, by this time, had made up their minds that the rain would keep off. She then steamed round the troop-ship Java, the band of the 99th in the steamer playing an air, which was responded to by the band of the 65th, on board that ship . . .

Regimental records:

65th Regiment: 2nd Yorkshire North Riding, April 1845 to March 1847 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

65th Regiment: 2nd Yorkshire North Riding, January 1846 to March 1847 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Peter clayworth, "The people's music: The birth and growth of New Zealand's brass band music"; National Library of New Zealand 

Band of the 40th Regiment (second tour, VIC, 1852-60)

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 5 November 1852 (per Vulcan, from Cork)

Departed Melbourne, VIC, 18 July 1860 (per City of Hobart, for New Zealand) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

See also Band of the 40th Regiment (first tour, 1824-28)



- (commander)

Masters, sergeants:

Henry JOHNSON (master of the band)

James BURNETT (band sergeant, d. 1857)

Joseph William HARTIGAN (bandsman, band sergeant)

Mr. HUNTER (? bandsman, acting bandmaster)


J. COLEMAN (? bandsman, clarinettist)

James HERRGSTON (HIRRGSTON) (bandsman)

Robert ILSEY (bandsman)

James KINSELLA (bandsman, clarinet player)

Thomas McCOY (bandsman, bassoon player)

George NAUGHTON (bandsman)

John PHAIR (bandsman)

John PROBAYNE (bandsman)

Edward STEWART (bandsman, cornet-a-piston)

Henry WEAVER (bandsman)

Many others identified in advertisement of 5 June 1860 below


Joseph FOSTER (drum major)

Soldier musician not listed in the band:

George OUGHTON (musician)

Band of the 40th Regiment, Melbourne, 1853 (George Gordon McCrae)

Band of the 40th Regiment, Melbourne, 1853 (sketch by George Gordon McCrae, who has identified in pencil one player as "Hartigan ophecleide" (National Library of Australia) (DIGITISED)

Band of the 40th Regiment, Melbourne, c. 1859

Band of the 40th Regiment (front row only, in band uniforms), Melbourne, VIC, late 1850s (State Library of Victoria) (DIGITISED)


Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1853; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

Drum Major as Serjeant / 1003 / Foster Joseph (DIGITISED)

SERJEANTS . . . 839 / Burnett James / . . . Band (DIGITISED)

DRUMMERS AND FIFERS: 1917 / Bennett James // 2682 / Bennett William Francis // 2655 / Brislin Owen // 2897 / Cavanagh James // 3029 / Lucas James / Resigned 2d // 1044 / Sigley Thomas // 2626 / Spencer James // 2417 / Prior George // 2963 / Fleming Marcus / Promoted 2d Vice Lucas (DIGITISED)

1764 / Baker William / . . . Band
2189 / Carey Henry / . . . Band
2001 / Coleman John / . . . Band
2448 / Cottis Henry / . . . Band
2457 / Field Henry / . . . Band
2421 / Harris William / . . . Band
2635 / Hartigan Joseph W. / . . . Band
2969 / Hingston James / . . . Band
2487 / Ilsey Robert / . . . Band
1732 / Kinsella James / . . . Band
2980 / Llewellyn Augustus / . . . Band
2874 / Llewellyn Frederick / . . . Band
1934 / McNamara Daniel / . . . Band
1763 / Manley William / . . . Band
1940 / Murrell Charles / . . . Band
1941 / Murrell John / . . . Band
1920 / Naughton George / . . . [band not indicated]
2389 / Phair John / . . . Band
2913 / Remayne James / . . . Band
1937 / Stewart Edward / . . . Band
1001 / Stowe James / . . . Band


"GARRISON THEATRICALS IN CORK (From a Correspondent)", Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent [Ireland] (18 November 1851), 3 (PAYWALL)

On Friday evening an amateur performance was got up by the officers of the 40th and Carbineers, stationed in the beautiful city . . . The matchless Band of the Regiment (the best in the service, we believe), under the able direction their talented band-master, Mr. Johnson, performed a number of favourite overtures, &c., and contributed much to the gratification of the audience . . .

[News], Limerick Chronicle [Ireland] (20 December 1851), 2 (PAYWALL)

A grand Dress Ball, the second of the series, came off on Wednesday last in the large room of the Victoria hotel, Cork, which was attended by the lending nobility of the city, the officers of that and the neighbouring garrisons . . . The splendid bands of the 40th and 90th Regts. were in attendance and performed a selection of the most choice and soul enlivening music in dansante, specially arranged by Mr. Johnson, bandmaster of the 40th . . .

"THE NATIONAL EXHIBITION", Cork Examiner [Ireland] (9 June 1852), 3 (PAYWALL)

THIS DAY had been these some weeks back announced that his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant would arrive in Cork this day previous to his opening the National Exhibition, the inauguration spectacle of which is to take place on tomorrow . . . In a moment the train dashed up to the station, and was received with loud cheers by those upon the platform, the Band of the 40th Regiment striking up the National Anthem . . .


"THE 40TH REGIMENT", The Argus (5 November 1852), 5 

. . . The four companies destined for this city consist of 446 men, including the band; there are besides 52 females and 50 children . . .

"THE 40TH REGIMENT", The Argus (6 November 1852), 5 

The remainder of this regiment destined for this city, landed yesterday afternoon about two o'clock, and immediately marched to the encampment, the band playing meanwhile. A large crowd assembled to witness the landing, and accompanied them to the Barracks . . .

[News], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (11 November 1852), 1 Supplement 

The band of the 40th regiment now charms the Melbourne people, by striking up all manner of airs, near the Bishop's residence. A pleasant change from quarantine.

[Letter from Melbourne, 10 February 1853] "THE AUSTRALIAN GOLD DIGGINGS", Leeds Times [England] (11 June 1853), 3 (PAYWALL)

The Melbourne correspondent of the Liverpool Albion writes voluntarily . . . we cannot but read his communications with pleasure. He gives us an expansive and originally written summary about matters and prospects the antipodes. Dating his letter, Melbourne, Feb. 10, he says: - "Immigrants continue to pour in and all who are fit and efficient become absorbed. The majority at once start off for the mines . . .

Talking of places of resort reminds me of the recreations afforded by Melbourne. I must needs confess they are but scanty. The principal is the performance of the band of the 40th Regiment, now quartered here, at five o'clock on the evenings of every Monday and Friday, (weather permitting,) Batman's-hill. The attendance is generally very respectable and numerous; and the music such as our unrivalled military only can furnish . . . There are weekly concerts at the Mechanics' Institution . . . There are also other occasional concerts during the week. But foremost among this class of entertainment must be included Rowe's Circus, by Ellis, of Cremorne notoriety, who came out here with the intention of going to the diggings, but finding that by no means despicable diggings were to be had in Melbourne, he at once commenced with the prospecting implements used in his line - trombones, saxhorns, and kettle-drums, - and succeeded in discovering that very satisfactory gold mines were deposited in the Melbourne citizens' pockets . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Ellis (concert promoter, proprietor)

"BENDIGO [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT]", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (1 October 1853), 6 

The arrival of the band and the greater part of the 40th Regiment, upon the diggings, has been regarded as quite an event - the band holding a prominent place in the estimation of the residents. Since their arrival the music-loving public of Bendigo have been gratified beyond their expectations, the military having turned out oftener than was usual in Melbourne. Yesterday they played on the Camp Flat in the afternoon, and will again favor us on Saturday, besides the morning parades. The band is also engaged by Mr. Nunn, who has removed his circus from the White Hills to View Point; his establishment is much beyond what could be looked for here, and his spirited arrangements, joined with the happy humour of Holmes, the Clown, draw large audiences . . .

Diary of John Buckley Castieau, Melbourne, VIC, January 1855 to January 1856; original MS, National Library of Australia; transcribed and edited by Mark Finnane, online at Centre for 21st Century Humanities, University of Newcastle (TRANSCRIPT)

[Saturday 27 January 1855] . . . walked on to the Cricket Ground where the Band of the 40th Regiment was playing . . .

[Saturday 24 February 1855] . . . Went to hear the Band play on the Cricket Ground . . . The Cricket Ground is got to be a most fashionable promenade on a Saturday afternoon. The Band of the 40th Regiment play exceedingly well and the Ground has a pretty park like appearance. I met there a German musician who came out in the same ship with me, he is the music Master to the Model School and is I think doing very well.

[Saturday 10 March 1855] . . . I then went to the Cricket Ground and heard the [40th] band play . . .

[Saturday 12 May 1855] . . . Went for a stroll as far as the Cricket Ground, there was however no band and only a few [muffs?] playing a slow game . . .

[Saturday 19 January 1856] . . . After muster went to the Cricket Ground. The Band of the 40th regiment was on the Ground & played several popular airs . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Buckley Castieau (diarist, theatrical amateur); George Weinritter (German musician)

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 August 1856), 8 

By the kind permission of Col. Valiant, the Band of the 40th Regiment will Perform in this beautiful promenade on Saturday, Aug. 9th, from half-past two till half-past four o'clock, weather permitting, when the following choice selection of music will be executed:
Overture, Les Mousquetaires de la Reine - Halevy.
Rondo, Tanti affetti - La Donna del Lago - Rossini.
Andante and menutto, from Haydn's celebrated Sinfonia, No. 11.
Polka - La Celebra - Strauss.
Selection, Lucia di Lammermoor - Donizetti.
Waltz, Hirmaths Kinder - Strauss.
Galop, The Cuckoo - Gungl.
Gentlemen are informed that no smoking will be allowed during the performance, and the Arcade officers have strict orders to prevent the same.

[2 advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (5 June 1860), 3 

GRAND MILITARY CONCERT. GEELONG HARMONIC SOCIETY . . . The Concert will commence with the First and Second Parts of HAYDN'S SEASONS, Never before performed in the Colonies . . . the entire BAND OF THE 40TH REGIMENT . . . IN UNIFORM. 33 PERFORMERS! BAND MASTER - Mr. JOHNSON.
BASSOONS, Mr. McCoy, Wakefield; CORNET-A-PISTON, Stewart; OPHICLEIDES, Weaver, Horton; SMALL DRUM, Willis; B FLAT CLARIONETS, Murrell, Madden, Powell, Keating; HORNS, Field, Kingston, FLUTE, Murrell; E FLAT CLARIONETS, Loton, Tiner; TROMBONES, McGrearty, McNamara, Tristrum; B FLAT CLARIONETS, Stowe, Gore, Kinsella, Hifferman; TRUMPETS, Cullen, De Maria; SAX-HORNS, Baker, Royane; CORNET-A-PISTON, Llewellynn; BOMBARDONS, Shaw, Place; BASS DRUM, Ilsey . . .

PROGRAMME. Haydn's Seasons. PART I . . .
Band Master - MR. JOHNSON.
Overture - "Masaniello" - Auber
Potpourri - With solos for the following instruments - Hamm
Cornopean - Mr. STEWART
E Flat Clarionet - Mr. TINER
F Flat Clarionet - Messrs. MURRELL & MADDEN
Cornopeans - Messrs. STEWART & LLEWELLYN
Sashorn - Mr. BAKER
Wedding March - Mendelssohn
Saxhorn Solo - With Variations - Mr. Baker - Berg
Galop - "The Cuckoo" - Gung'l

"THE DEPARTURE OF THE 40TH REGIMENT", The Argus (19 July 1860), 5 

The departure of the greater portion of the remainder of the 40th Regiment from our shores, to proceed to the assistance of their comrades in New Zealand, was an event which yesterday drew thousands of our citizens to witness it . . . At a quarter to 11 the order for march was given, and the troops proceeded on their way, headed by the band playing "Cheer Boys, Cheer." Along the St. Kilda-road, and past the Immigrants' Home - where the band of the Collingwood volunteers had assembled to do final honour to their comrades of the line - and then turning along the Sandridge-road, they marched to the place of embarkation . . . At 12 minutes to 1 o'clock, the vessel cast off from the wharf, and cheer after cheer rent the air from the spectators, who not only stood upon the pier, but thronged the many vessels alongside. The band of the volunteers struck up a tune, which was certainly an attempt at playing under difficulties, hemmed and crowded in, as the musicians were, by the people around. The troops had just called for "Garry Owen," but the air was certainly not that. The band of the 40th then struck up "Annie Laurie," and the last strains of it came murmuring over the water as the ship fairly started on her way. The City of Hobart took down 210 non-commissioned officers and privates, with the band . . .

"THE 40TH REGIMENT", The Victorian Farmers Journal and Gardeners Chronicle (21 July 1860), 11 

On Tuesday [17 July], Major-General Pratt inspected the military in garrison at the New Military Barracks on the St. Kilda road . . . The galant Major-General said: "I am a man of few words. I have just received this despatch from Taranaki, containing the number and names of your comrades killed and wounded. You are going to avenge them, and I will be with you" . . . Every soldier capable of bearing arms is under orders, including the band. The invalids and convalescents (about forty) will be despatched as they recover, and as opportunity offers. The soldiers are impressed with the idea that, they will not again return to Melbourne . . .

"PORT PHILIP FARMERS' SOCIETY", The Argus (4 October 1860), 6 

. . . The band of the 40th was greatly missed, and its place was by no means adequately supplied by a German band. It is to be hoped Mr. Bandmaster Johnson is succeeding in his efforts to form a volunteer military band, for the appearance of anything like a decent substitute for the gallant redcoats who are wasting the sweets of their musical breath upon the rebellious Maories would be most welcome . . .


. . . THE 40TH REGIMENT. "In the same year [1852] the Government applied to the home authorities to have a British regiment stationed in Melbourne, which up till that time had been garrisoned by a company of the regiment stationed in Sydney. In reply to the request the 42nd Highlanders were placed under orders. In the meantime the 40th Somersetshire had just arrived after a brilliant campaign against the Sikhs, and had gained special distinction in the battles of Maharajahporo [46] and Chillianwallah. It was thought advisable to send them instead. They accordingly sailed from England in the troopship Vulcan, and arrived here in November, 1852. When the tugboat brought them up the river, on passing the gasworks site the band played In Happy Moments, a popular air in those days. They Landed at Cole's dock, and the regiment presented a fine sight when marching with fixed bayonets and colors flying, the latter with the names of the battles m which they had fought. After serving in the colony for nearly eight years they were ordered to New Zealand to take part in the Maori war, and embarked in the City of Hobart in July, 1860. It was perhaps more than a coincidence that as the City of Hobart steamed away from the railway pier the regimental band struck up In Happy Moments, the same tune they had played on arrival nearly eight years previously. The band of the 40th was at that time considered the finest in the British service."

THE EUREKA STOCKADE. "The agitation on the Ballarat fields was caused by the strictness of the police in collecting licence fees, often arresting new arrivals and locking them up for non-payment. To cope with the discontent Sir C. Hotham ordered a company of the 40th Regiment to Ballarat. Five waggons were engaged from stables near the Post Office to carry three officers and 100 men at the rate of £3 per head, the only condition being that the Journey was to be accomplished in 24 hours. The diggers were angry at troops being sent, and started pelting the waggons with stones, injuring two of the drivers, who, however, were compensated by the authorities. On 5th December the foundation stone of the Melbourne Gas Works was to be laid. A procession formed, headed by the band of the 40th, and marched down Collins-street, when, passing over the flat land beyond Batman's Hill, the bugles of the 40th (then stationed at the barracks in Spencer-street) rang out the assembly, the band halted at once and doubled back over to the barracks. Some of the crowd followed to see what was the matter. They were told that there had been an outbreak on Ballarat the previous day. A collision had taken place between the military and populace, and the regiment had been ordered to Ballarat that afternoon. At 4 o'clock accordingly the whole regiment was drawn up in the barracks square, the band in the ranks, every soldier carrying 60 rounds of ammunition. They marched out in battle array, with an advance and rear guard arranged, this - two soldiers first, followed by four, then six, four and Electra, sloop of war, lying in Hobson's Bay, sent up about 50 sailors and four pieces of cannon. There was a big gully near the barracks, and as the piece of artillery were taken over, one of the sailors was shaken off. One of the crowd called out, "Look out, Jack; you'll be killed." He replied, "I may as well be killed here as on Ballarat." The 12th regiment was also stationed on Melbourne, and they joined the fourth at Flemington. The united force mustered 1200 bayonets. They marched to Ballarat under command of General Nickle, a Peninsular veteran, who unfortunately was sunstruck while on the march, and died on his return to Melbourne [recte, May 1855]. He had a military funeral from St. Peter s Church. Twelve hundred soldiers and four military bands [recte 2] were in the procession, which was accompanied by all the leading people in Melbourne. When the bugle sounded the Last Post at the cemetery, 1200 soldiers fired three volleys over the veteran's grave. Some time after the colonial Government erected a monument to his memory.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Waugh (eye-witness); Band of the 12th Regiment (military band); Robert Nickle (soldier)

Regimental records:

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1852 to March 1853 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1853 to March 1854 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1854 to March 1855 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1854 to March 1855 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1855 to March 1856 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1855 to November 1855 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1856 to March 1857 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1857 to March 1858 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1858 to March 1859 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1858 to March 1859 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1859 to March 1860 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1859 to March 1860 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1860 to March 1861 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

40th Regiment: 2nd Somersetshire, April 1860 to March 1861 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

George W. Peck, Melbourne, and the Chincha Islands: with sketches of Lima, and a voyage round the world (New York; Scribner, 1854), 123 (DIGITISED)

. . . There are some very good concerts in Melbourne . . . There are not wanting good violinists, and the wind instruments from the band of the fortieth regiment, are as respectable as those in most of our orchestras . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Washington Peck (visitor)

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "2nd/40th Foot (Second Somersetshire) Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

Band of the 12th Regiment (VIC, TAS, and NSW 1854-63)

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 18 October 1854 (per Camperdown, from Cork, 8 July)

Arrived Hobart, TAS, January 1856

Arrived Sydney, NSW, April 1858

Departed Sydney, NSW, 22 September 1863 (per Curacoa, for New Zealand) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



- (commander)


Douglas CALLEN (master of the band until 1862)

Henry PRINCE (band sergeant; master of the band from 1862)


E. FAHEY (bandsman, bassoon player)

Andrew FAWL (bandsman, clarinet player)

George HARDY (bandsman, later band master)

Edward KEARNS (bandsman, clarinet player)

William SIMPSON (bandsman, clarinet; transferred from 99th Regiment, October 1855, until October 1858)

Henry SULLIVAN (bandsman, French horn player)

John WHITMORE (bandsman)

William WOOLDRIDGE (bandsman, trombone player)

George Henry WRIGHT (bandsman, bassoon player)


John McDANIEL (drum major, until 1858)


John EAGAN (drummer, died 1860)

Patrick FAHEY (drummer, and drum major 1860-61)


Paylist, 12th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1855 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum-Major as Serjeant / 902 / McDaniel John

Serjeants . . . 11107 / Prince Henry / Band

Privates . . .
3309 / Astley John / Castlemaine / Band
1172 / Fahey Edward / Band
1112 / Fawl Andrew / Band
2963 / Hardy George / Band
3392 / Hogan John / Band
1090 / Hunt John / Band
2830 / Judd Thomas / Band
3205 / McClean John / Band
3272 / Mills Robert / Band
2788 / Smyth Thomas / Band
2919 / Whitmore John / Band
2249 / Wooldridge William / Band
2587 / Wright George H. / Sandhurst / Band

Paylist, 12th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1856 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Band not indicated


"12TH REGIMENT", The Argus (20 October 1854), 5 

The second moiety of the first battalion of the 12th Regiment is expected to arrive shortly. The detachment which arrived per Camperdown is under the command of Major Kempt. The band of the regiment has accompanied them; it is directed by Mr. G. D. Callen and report speaks favorably of the musical talent of the members. We hope that we shall soon have an opportunity of hearing and judging for ourselves.

"THE EXHIBITION", The Argus (1 November 1854), 5 

The band of the 12th regiment, conducted by the band-master (Mr. Calker [recte Callen]), attended in the evening, and performed a number of pieces of operatic and dance music.

"CRICKET", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 December 1855), 5 

A cricket match was played on Saturday between eleven of the 12th Regiment and the same number of the Emerald Hill Club, on the ground of the latter, near the Sandridge road Turnpike. The result was in favor of the civilians, who won by eight wickets, their victory being partially attributable to the disadvantage their opponents labored under from the ground being too slippery for running or fielding with ease without spikedshoes. The bowling of Mr. Hogan, and the batting of Messrs. Astley, Whitmore, and Wooldridge, on the part of the Regiment, were very good . . . We believe the return match will be played on the same ground next Saturday. The scores were as follows: TWELFTH REGIMENT. 1ST INNINGS.
J. Astley, run out - 1
H. Clarke, bd. Biers - 5
H. Prince, not out - 0
T. Donohoe, ct. Cotterell b. Ellis - 2
J. Hogan, bd. Ellis - 3
W. Wooldridge, bd. Ellis - 8
H. Hogan, ct. Nicholas, bd. Ellis - 0
J. Whitmore, ct. Gregory, bd. Biers - 2
J. Simpson, ct. Simpson, bd. Biers - 2
J. Judd, ct. Stevens, bd. Ellis - 6
J. McDaniel, bd. Biers - 0
Bye - 1
Total - 30 . . .

"GENERAL INTELLIGENCE", The Courier (26 November 1856), 3 

The Band of the l2th Regiment will play in the Barrack Square at 8 o'clock to-morrow, (Thursday, November 27th, 1856). The following is the programme:
Overture, Marco Spado, Auber; Waltz, Bellona, Callcott; Selection, Semiramide, Rossini; Quadrille, La Tyrollienne, Musard; Selection, Il Trovatore, Verdi; Polka, Echo du Mont Blanc, Jullien; God save the Queen. Conductor - Mr. Callen.

"CRICKET", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (23 January 1857), 3 

A very interesting match at cricket was played in the presence of the elite of Hobart Town Society, in the Government Domain, the day before yesterday, the contending parties being the Aldridge Lodge Club and the Band of the 12th Regiment, now in garrison. The Band went in first, but from the superior bowling and fielding were only able to score 54; the Club scoring 76 against them, which was only tied by the Band in their second innings. The game was nobly played throughout, and a return match will shortly be played to give the Military a chance of re-winning their lost laurels. The players' names were as follows: -
Band, J. Astley, H. Clarke, H. and J. Hogan, T. Judd, McCarthy, Sullivan, Stimson, White, Whitmore, and Woolridge.
The Club, - T. Whiteside, R. Young, J. Owen, H. Ashton, E. Young, C. Rout, A. Bock, J. Campbell, A. Dobson, and W. Allanby.

"MISKA HAUSER", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 April 1858), 5 

We regret to hear that the celebrated artist, Miska Hauser, has taken his passage for his native country by the European. Having been in Sydney for some months without any "benefit" on his own account, some of his friends, we hear, have advised him to take the Prince of Wales Theatre for one night, to charge the ordinary theatrical prices, in order to enable all classes to have an opportunity of hearing this great musician. A last concert has, therefore, been advertised, under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor, the Sydney Philharmonic Society, &c, &c., and at which, amongst other novelties, the band of the 12th Regiment will be heard for the first time in this city.

[Advertisement], Empire (4 July 1859), 6

On TUESDAY, July 19th, and THREE FOLLOWING DAYS, a series of
GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES Will be held to celebrate the opening of the HALL of the Sydney University in which the performances will take place . . . CONDUCTOR - Mr. L. H. LAVENU . . .
The ORCHESTRA will, be more numerous and efficient than any that has over before been heard in these Colonies. By the kind permission of the Colonel and Officers of the 12th Foot part of the band of that Regiment will assist in the orchestra. The following Instrumental Performers have already been engaged: . . .
1st CLARINETTE - Mr. A. Fowle, 12th Regiment.
2nd DITTO - Mr. E. Karn [sic, Kearns], 12th Regiment . . .
1st BASSOON - Mr. E. Fahey, 12th Regiment.
2nd BASSOON - Mr. G. Wright, 12th Regiment . . .
1st FRENCH HORN - Mr. M. McCarthy, 12th Regiment.
2nd Ditto ditto - Mr. H. Sullivan, 12th Regiment.
TENOR TROMBONE- Mr. William Northcote, 12th Regt.
BASS TROMBONE - Mr. William Woolbridge [sic], 12th Regt. . . .
CORNETS-A-PISTON . . . Band-Sergeant Prince . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Sydney University Musical Festival (event)


This was an action for the recovery of three months' salary under a written agreement that three months' notice should be given on either side before terminating the engagement; whereas the plaintiff was summarily dismissed without a minute's notice. It appeared in evidence that Mr. Callen joined the 12th regiment in the month of May, 1848, at Weedon, in Northamptonshire, and accompanied the regiment to the colony where he held the same appointment until the sudden termination of his services a few months since. Mr. Callen had acted as conductor to the Philharmonic Society concerts. On the 30th of June last the society advertised their usual performance, and Mr. Callen was announced as the conductor. On that day General Pratt, who was on a visit to Sydney from Melbourne, was to dine at the mess. Mr. Callen, desirous of speaking to Colonel Hamilton with reference to his engagement at the Philharmonic concert, asked Captain Leeson to obtain for him an interview. When Colonel Hamilton came out to mount his horse in private clothes, Captain Leeson said that Mr. Callen desired to speak to him (Colonel Hamilton), whereupon he said, I won't listen to him, and turning round to Mr. Callen exclaimed "Come to the mess, sir." Mr. Callen, however, determined to keep his engagement with the Philharmonic Society and the public, attended the concert at the Freemasons' Hall, and Colonel Hamilton at once dismissed him, and declined to give him any notice. Subsequently he offered Mr. Callen a month's salary. This was refused, and the case was brought before the District Court. It occupied the whole day. Mr. Robert Johnson was employed by the defendant, and Mr. Wyndeyer by the plaintiff. The jury will give their verdict this morning.

"METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COURT . . . CALLEN. V. HAMILTON", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 November 1862), 3 

BEFORE A. Checke, Esq., and a jury of four . . . The plaintiff was lately band-master, and the defendant is colonel, of the 12th Regiment. The action was to recover £50, being three months' salary, under a letter of agreement between the plaintiff and Colonel Patten, under which the former was engaged as band-master of the 12th, at a salary of £200 per annum, the contract to be terminated by three months' notice on either side. On the 30th June last, the Governor and Commander of the forces were expected as guests at a mess dinner. On the same evening a concert of the Philharmonic Society was to take place, and plaintiff, being conductor of that society, applied, through Captain Leeson, to the commanding-officer for permission to absent himself. This request was refused, and plaintiff was ordered to attend at mess. This, however, he neglected to do, but went to the Philharmonic concert, although warned by the Adjutant as to the probable consequences of disobedience, the plaintiff was consequently dismissed, and the sergeant of the band appointed in his stead. By the agreement upon which plaintiff relied, a uniform was to be provided by the regiment, but plaintiff had been without one some considerable time, and was in consequence exempted from falling in with the band at parade, although he was required to attend on the ground, that he might judge whether the men played properly. It was now alleged by the plaintiff that he was not bound to attend mess dinners, but that he usually did attend them; but when otherwise engaged, he was in the habit of absenting himself, having previously intimated to the commanding officer his intention so to do. The evidence of Colonel Kempt had been taken de bene esse at the plaintiff's instance, but was received by defendant. Colonel Hamilton, Captains Leeson, Laver, and O'Shaugnessy, and Adjutant Richardson were examined for the defence, and their evidence tended to show that the band-master was bound to attend mess dinners, and that plaintiff had always so attended, except on the 30th June, and when he had obtained leave of absence. There was also evidence to show that defendant knew nothing of the letter of agreement until after plaintiff's dismissal, nor according to Colonel Kempt's evidence had he ever seen it; yet it was sworn by plaintiff that the copy belonging to the regiment having been lost, the original was, at Colonel Kempt's request, handed to him and retained for a considerable period. The examination of witnesses, and the speeches of counsel occupied until twenty minutes past six, when the Court adjourned. On Thursday morning the Judge summed up, and the jury, after remaining some time absent returned into court with a verdict for the defendant. Mr. Windeyer for plaintiff, Mr. Johnson for defendant.

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (27 December 1862), 3 

VICTORIA BARRACKS. INCREASED ATTRACTION. THE Proprietor of the military bandsmen, observing that the new arrangements have not been efficacious in inducing many Sydney ladies to visit the officers' quarters at Paddington, begs to announce to the nobility and gentry that he has prepared new attractions for Tuesday next, when he will appear IN FULL UNIFORM, WITH THE ORIGINAL COCKED HAT AND FEATHER. God Save the Queen!

"TROOPS FOR NEW ZEALAND", Empire (22 September 1863), 4

H. M. steamship Curacoa, 33 guns, Captain Sir William Wiseman, having made preparations for sea, will take her departure with 250 of the 12th Regiment, under Colonel Hamilton, this afternoon, leaving a sufficient number to perform garrison duty at this port. The embarkation will commence at 2 p.m. from the Circular Quay; the baggage, two Armstrong 4.0-pound field-pieces, and seven horses, were placed on board the Curacoa yesterday, by the Breadalbane, steamer. H. M. steam ship Eclipse, with the gun-boat recently built for New Zealand, in tow, will leave in company with the Curacoa.

"DEPARTURE OF TROOPS FOR NEW ZEALAND", Empire (23 September 1863), 4

THE departure from this port of the portion of H.M. 12the Regiment, destined for service in New Zealand, took place yesterday afternoon. At two o'clock, the number, including officers and men, under the command of Colonel Hamilton, paraded in heavy marching order at the Victoria Barracks, Paddington . . . Shortly before three o'clock, they again fell in, and headed by the bands of the Volunteer Artillery and Rifles . . . left the Barracks. When passing through the Barrack Gate, the regimental band struck up "Auld Lang Syne," and the remainder of the music, until their embarkation, consisted of many favourite and inspiring airs played by the Volunteer bands . . . the crew of the French war vessel lying in the harbour manned her yards and gave three cheers, and the crew of the Curacoa similarly saluted, in acknowledgment the band on board playing the French national air, "Pourtant pour la Syrie." [sic, Partant pour la Syrie] Both of H.M. vessels then steamed down the Harbour, and cleared the Heads about a quarter to six o'clock.

"DEPARTURE OF TROOPS FOR NEW ZEALAND", Freeman's Journal (23 September 1863), 3 

Yesterday afternoon all the troops of the 12th, with the exception of some sixty or seventy, took their departure for the seat of war. Shortly after one o'clock the volunteers began to assemble at the Victoria barracks. A heavy shower, accompanied with hail atones, caused a little delay at the departure. Shortly after two all the soldiers fell in, headed by the bands of the royal artillery and of the volunteers, and at once marched out of the barracks, down the South Head Road. Colonel Hamilton rode immediately in front of the band of the 12th. An immense crowd accompanied them which increased at every step . . .

Regimental records:

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1854 to March 1855 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1855 to March 1856 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1856 to March 1857 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1857 to March 1858 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1858 to March 1859 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1858 to March 1859 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1858 to March 1859 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1859 to March 1860 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1859 to March 1860 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1860 to March 1861 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1860 to March 1861 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1861 to March 1862 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1861 to March 1862 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1862 to March 1863 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1862 to March 1863 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1863 to March 1864 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

12th Regiment: Suffolk, April 1863 to March 1864 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Edward A. H. Webb, History of the 12th (The Suffolk) Regiment 1685 to 1913 (London: Spottiswoode, 1914), especially appendix 9 "Regimental music", 486

. . . Apparently, the only quickstep known to have been used by the 1st Battalion is "Speed the Plough" . . .

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/12th Foot East Suffolk Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

Ken Larbalestrier, 12th Regiment of Foot (East Suffolk): service in Australia and New Zealand 1854-67

"Suffolk Regiment", Wikipedia 

Band of the Royal Engineers (WA 1850s)

Band of the Royal Sappers and Miners

Arrived Fremantle-Perth, WA, ? 1851 (? band formed later)

Deperted WA, 1861 (? band dissolved by 1859) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[News], The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (17 October 1851), 2 

THE Convict Ship "Minden" arrived on Tuesday with 301 Ticket-of-leave men, and a pensioner guard with women and children numbering 111 souls; one convict died on the passage. She has made a quick voyage of 86 days, having sailed on the 21st July. We believe this vessel will quickly be followed by other Government ships, as the local authorities have received intelligence that two companies of Royal Sappers and Miners, numbering 200 men, and two officers of the Royal Engineers were to be sent here, the first detachment of 70 Sappers and Lieut. Wray Engineer Officer being expected to arrive within a month.

[Advertisement], The Inquirer and Commercial News (28 September 1859), 2 

Music! Music!! Music!!! TO BE SOLD, CHEAP. The whole of the Instruments, &c, belonging the Royal Engineers' Band, with a great quantity of Music adapted for the same. For further particulars apply to Corporal Scott, K.E., Fremantle.

Regimental records:

Muster rolls and pay lists: Royal Engineers, 1843-1878 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Band of the 77th Regiment (NSW 1857-58)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 28 September 1857 (per Orwell, from Dublin, 18 June)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 20 April 1858 (per Megaera, for India) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Band of the 77th (S. T. Gill 1858)

The band of the 77th Regiment in the Botanical Gardens, Sydney, 1858; the civilian bandmaster, Pompeo Cavallini, in top hat, is leading from the clarinet; S. T. Gill (illustrator)

Detail from the cover of Cavallini's 77th galop (National Library of Australia)



Colonel STRATON (commander)

Master of the band (civilian):


Band sergeant:





Paylist of the 77th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1857; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/8293 (DIGITISED)

SERGEANTS . . . 886 / Connor James / . . . Band

Paylist of the colonial companies of the 77th Regiment, 1 to 19 April 1858 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Privates . . .
1456 / Booth Thomas / Band
1529 / Dawson Edward / Band
1530 / Dawson Henry / Band
2383 / Pollard Joseph / Band
790 / Stewart Thomas / Band
2999 / Todman Joseph / Band



This vessel arrived from Dublin yesterday evening, having on board a portion of the 77th Regiment, the remaining detachments being on board the Orwell . . . The head-quarters, with a fine band, are on board the Orwell, where also are Signor Cavillini (band master) and family, 30 serjeants, 16 drummers, and 373 rank and file . . . The 77th Regiment embarked for the seat of war in the East in the month of March, 1854, and was present in all the principal engagements, their losses being 15 officers and 871 non-commissioned officers and privates . . . The Orwell arrived last night at 12 o'clock . . .

"NOTES OF THE WEEK", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 October 1857), 2 

THE ships Palmerston and Orwell, with the 77th Regiment on board, arrived here within a few hours of each other, on Sunday last [27 September]. Many of the officers were to be seen about the city on Monday and Tuesday, but the men did not land until Wednesday afternoon. As it was known that this gallant corps had covered itself with glory in the Crimean campaign, there was from the first hour of its arrival in Port Jackson a strong desire on the part of the citizens of all classes to greet, with the utmost possible warmth, the heroes of whom it was composed . . .

The steamer Washington having been engaged for the occasion, the men were landed in two drafts - one from each transport. A space at the eastern end of the Circular Quay had been kept clear for this purpose, and the soldiery formed by companies as they came ashore . . .

The comparative simplicity of the new uniform set off to the greatest possible advantage their fine manly figures, and in place of the smooth effeminate lips and chins, which used to match so ill with the martial costume, there was among the officers and men of the 77th as goodly a set of beards and mustachios as we ever remember to have seen. They were accompanied from the quay to the barracks by the bands of the 11th and of the Artillery corps, and, of course, by their own band also. On starting the latter struck up the well known "Cheer Boys, Cheer," and most heartily did the assembled crowds respond to the hint. They did cheer and no mistake. The whole line of march to the Victoria Barracks at Paddington, was like one of those triumphal displays in the old world which we so often read of. Crowds cheered, banners and handkerchiefs were waved, and everybody vied with everybody in heartily greeting the new comers. The only drawback was the dust, which was kicked in perfect clouds all around . . .

The Spring exhibition of the Australian Horticultural and Agricultural Society was held in the Botanic Gardens, on Thursday and Friday [1 and 2 October]. The bands both of the 77th and 11th were in attendance on each day . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1858), 1 

GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, in aid of the Indian Mutiny Relief Fund, under the distinguished patronage of his Excellency Sir WILLIAM DENISON, K.G.B. In consequence of the sudden departure of H. M. 77th Regiment for India, W. H. PALING is compelled to announce this concert at a much earlier date than originally intended, in order to avail himself of the assistance of the fine band of that gallant Regiment, which has been kindly granted by Colonel Straton, C.B., for the occasion. W. H. P. requests those ladies who have so kindly proffered their musical talent in aid of the above Fund, to meet THIS EVENING, for Rehearsal, at 7 o'clock precisely.

Diary of Blanche Mitchell, 20 April 1858; State Library of New South Wales, ML MSS 1611: (28 January to 27 December 1858) (TRANSCRIPT)

Tuesday 20th April [1858] Mamma got up at five, and awoke Philip, who dressed very quick and came downstairs and went away, and never said adieu to Mamma at all. Called up by Mamma at six to hear the drums, and there through the misty foggy rainy morning, we saw the moving mass of soldiers, slowly proceeding from the Barracks, and taking their course across the Racecourse to the Megaera. Ah, poor fellows, how many of you are now looking your last at sunny Australia! The rain [page 92] came down in torrents, and still the moving mass of men rolled on. The rain beat against the windows, and the streets oozed with water, trees soughed in the wind, but all fell alike on that crowded mass. Above all the clatter of the elements we hear still that sorrowful air "Goodbye, Sweetheart, Goodbye!" The bandsmen play with a will, and now a merrier air strikes up, "The Girl I Left Behind Me!" On, on they move, and we strain our eyes after them, till the mist and St. Mary's Cathedral hide them from our sight. Felt very melancholy, losing all the merry officers. I took my music lesson at Mrs. Logan's, and when I returned, expected of course Philip to be at Craigend, taking his farewell. But he was not there. All day long expected him, no Philip, and Alice must retire to bed, hurt at his non-arrival, but not hopeless of seeing him tomorrow. Goodnight journal. I can write no more, my heart is full, and suffers much [93] Wednesday 21st April. In the Herald of this morning we see "The 77th Regiment departed yesterday in the Megaera, which has set sail, etc." So Philip has at last gone. And after no farewell. A strange way of leavetaking! All day long did nothing. The thought engrosses Alice's mind - Philip is gone.

"SYDNEY NEWS [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] Tuesday Evening, April 20", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (22 April 1858), 3 

The only other matter of interest which has occurred to day is the embarkation of a portion of the 77th regiment for Calcutta. This took place this morning, between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock in the midst of a deluge of rain. The band of the 12th and 77th, as well as the Artillery, accompanied the troops as they marched from the barracks, and a miserable spectacle the soldiers presented - all drenched to the skin, bespattered in mud, and many, evidently, under the influence of excessive libation, they walked along as best they could, to the Circular Quay, to embark on board the steam transport Megaera . . .

Regimental records:

77th Regiment: East Middlesex, April 1857 to March 1858 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

77th Regiment: East Middlesex, April 1858 to March 1859 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Henry Herriot Woollright, Records of the Seventy-Seventh (East Middlesex) The Duke of Cambridge's Own Regiment of Foot now the Second Battalion The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment) (Aldershot: Gale & Polden, 1907), 108-09 (DIGITISED)

R. W. J. S., "MUSIC IN THE REGIMENT", The Die-hards: the journal of the Middlesex Regiment (Duke of Cambridge's Own) 13/8 (June 1959), 292-94 (DIGITISED)

[293] . . . Bandmasters were for many years civilians, and generally German or Italian, as it was firmly believed that no Englishman was good enough a musician to be the leader of a band. The last civilian bandmaster was Bandmaster Cavallini of the 77th. An Army Order of [294] 1 873 abolished the appointment and the original enlisted B.M.s were Bandmaster Sergeants, then Bandmasters of Warrant rank, and now with Staff Bands there are directors of Music of commissioned rank. Bandmaster Cavillini was an excellent musician and composer. The old band programmes show a number of his compositions played to the public. One is the "Turkish Patrol" that was still in its original manuscript when the writer was in the Band. An amazingly thick script which gave the impression that it was written by an old sailor using his wooden leg dipped in tar . . .

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/77th Foot (East Middlesex) Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"77th (East Middlesex) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Band of the Royal Artillery (NSW ? 1857-60)

Active Sydney, NSW, ? August 1857

Active Sydney, NSW, until ? March 1860 ; ? 1865 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



James Cooper RIDDETT (master of the band, ophicleide, trombone, horn player, composer)

Henry PRINCE (? acting bandmaster 1865)


"COUNCIL PAPERS. THE DEFENCES OF PORT JACKSON", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 June 1849), 3 

No. 2. Copy of a Despatch from the Right Honorable Earl Grey, to Governor Sir Charles A. Fitz Roy . . . March 4th, 1848 . . . With regard to the want of an Artillery Force in Now South Wales, adverted to by the Commanding Royal Engineer, I have to observe that, as a force of this description would only be required in the very improbable event of an attempted invasion, this danger might be met at a very moderate expense by forming in Sydney a Volunteer Artillery Corps. If some of the principal gentlemen would exert themselves in forming such a corps, I should approve of your granting them commissions . . .

[Enclosure with the above] . . . Each brigade is allowed a band of a master and twenty privates, each battalion has a bugle major, and each company one bugler. The Band Master and Bugle Major are paid 1s. 4d. for each drill, and the privates 1s. They are allowed this on four days in the week during the drill months, and one day a week during the winter months for practice . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 March 1858), 1 

Regimental records:

Foot Battalions, Detachments of Officers, NCO's and Families, Royal Artillery, 1789 to 1869 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Muster Books and Pay Lists, Royal Artillery, 1845-1870 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "Royal Artillery Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

Band of the 50th Regiment (second tour, VIC and NSW 1866-69)

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 2 November 1863 (per Himalaya, from Colombo, 10 October, en route to New Zealand)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 9 October 1866 (per Auckland, from Auckland, New Zealand, 1 October)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 24 March 1869 (per Himalaya, for England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

See also Band of the 50th Regiment (first tour, 1834-41)


In an advertisement placed by Jullien and Co., in The New Annual Army List for 1854 (London: John Murray, 1854), a testimonial was printed from "P. CASTALDINI, Band-Master, 50th Regiment of Foot", approving "Brass instruments made by Besson and Antoine Courtois, and also the Wood ditto made by Buffet sold at your establishment".



WADDY (colonel, commander)


Giovanni GASSNER (master of the band)


Bose Folery DURRANT (bandsman)


Paylist of the 50th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1864 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Drum or Bugle Major / 4537 / Dumie John

Serjeants . . . 132 / Flynn Luke / Band

Privates . . .
26 / Baker John / Auckland / Band
3841 / Brick [? Brack] John / Auckland / Band 2
3530 / Banks Henry / Auckland / Band 3
442 / Camphele Will'm / Auckland / Band 4
447 / Choville Samuel / Auckland / Band 5
4343 / Cormick John / Auckland / Band 6
429 / Daniel Charles / Auckland / Band
29 / Dean George / Auckland / Band 7 [sic]
321 / Durrant Bose F. / Auckland / Band 8
3565 / Edmonds Thomas / Auckland / Band 9
582 / Edmonds John / [Auckland] / Band 10
583 / Edmonds George / - / Band 11
3036 / Geraty Michael / Auckland / Band 12
3520 / Graham Henry / Auckland / Band 13
127 / Morris John / Auckland / Band 14
28 / Newman Richard / Auckland / Band 15
4397 / Oram Richard / Auckland / Band 16
175 / Oxley Henry / Auckland / Band 17

Band / 1 N.C.O. & 17 men [sic, 18]


{News], The Argus (3 November 1863), 4

Her Majesty's splendid steam transport ship Himalaya (originally the property of the P. and O. Company) arrived in Hobson's Bay early yesterday afternoon, on her voyage from Colombo to Auckland, with Her Majesty's 50th Regiment on board. The Himalaya sailed from Colombo late on the night of the 10th of October . . . The ladies on board are Mrs. Waddy, Mrs. Bunbury, Mrs. Creagh, Mrs. Nowlan, and Mrs. Gassner. Mr. Gassner has charge of the band . . .

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (6 November 1863), 5 

The cricket match arranged between an eleven of the Melbourne Club and the officers of the 50th Regiment, will take place on the Melbourne ground this afternoon, weather permitting. The band of the 50th Regiment is expected to be in attendance.

"THE FIFTIETH OR 'QUEEN'S OWN' REGIMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 October 1866), 3 

The return of this gallant regiment to the colony after the lapse of so many years has no doubt awakened recollections of former times in the minds of many whose colonial experience is large enough to extend to a quarter of a century . . . When speaking of a "former acquaintance", however, the phrase must be accepted only as applying to the name of the regiment, as of the whole force, Lieutenant Colonel Waddy (at present in command) is the only member of the corps who was in this colony when it first visited our shores. The head-quarters reached here on the 9th October last, with 350 men . . .


The 50th (Queen's Own) Regiment after a long based sojourn in the colonies, are leaving for England. At about a quarter to 7 o'clock a.m. yesterday, the muster was called in front of the quarters on the southern side of the Barracks. Here the troops were paraded by Colonel Locke. They then formed fours, and marched off, headed by the Volunteer Brigade Band and the band of the Regiment. The former, on leaving the barracks, struck up "Home, Sweet Home," which they continued to play until reaching the corner of Darlinghurst Road and Liverpool street. The course taken was down South Head Road as far as Paddington Brewery, along the road at the back of the Sacred Heart Church, along Darlinghurst Road, down William-street, thence up Boomerang-street and into Macquarie-street. The crowd which followed, received fresh accessions as the march continued, of whom the majority were women - many in tears - all apparently deeply interested. The headquarters' band, relieved occasionally by the regimental band, played lively music. By 8 o'clock the men reached Fort Macquarie, where the launches belonging to the Himalaya were awaiting them, and in a very short time all were embarked, the boats being towed slowly towards the noble vessel which was to convey the gallant 50th from these shores. As the men left, they raised a succession of ringing cheers, which were responded to heartily by their friends and the crowd on the shore. Then the Volunteer band, which was stationed on the pier, played "Auld lang syne," "There is no place like home," and "The girl I left behind me," until the launches hauled alongside the troop ship, and the men were finally embarked. From the manifestations of friendship and goodwill which were shown to the departing soldiers, it is evident that they have succeeded in making very many friends during their stay here. The Himalaya proceeds to England via Adelaide and the Cape of of Good Hope, from both of which places she will embark troops.

Regimental records:

Service of 50th Regiment in New Zealand and Australia, 1863 to 1869 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records at the UK National Army Museum) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1863 to March 1864 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1864 to March 1865 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1865 to March 1866 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1866 to March 1867 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1867 to March 1868 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1867 to March 1868 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

50th Regiment: West Kent (Queens Own), April 1868 to March 1869 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Arthur Evelyn Fyler, The history of the 50th or (the Queen's Own) Regiment from the earliest date to the year 1881 (London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1895), 198-200 (DIGITISED)

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "1st/50th Foot (West Kent) Queen's Own Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"50th (Queen's Own) Regiment of Foot", Wikipedia 

Band of the 14th Regiment (VIC 1866-70; also detachment band, SA and TAS)

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 6 November 1866 (per Monarch, from Auckland, NZ, 16 October)

Departed Melbourne, VIC, 19 March 1870 (per Walmer Castle, for England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Colonel TREVOR (commander)

Masters, sergeants:

John MILLER (master of the band; replacing Herr WERNER, previously in NZ)

Robert CHERRY (band sergeant, master detachment band)

Henry WARNECKE (sergeant, bandsman)


BROWN (bandsman, bassoon)

Millist VINCENT (bandsmen, detachment band)


Robert ROBERTS (drummer)


"AUCKLAND", Empire (3 January 1861), 3

The first exhibition this season of the Auckland Horticultural Show, was held in the grounds of Government House on the 6th instant, and the weather being fine, a large concourse of visitors attended. The band of the 14th regiment was there, and proved a great attraction . . . The band of the 14th regiment is likely to become popular in Auckland, having commenced to give weekly performances on the lawn in front of Government House. Herr Werner, the band-master of this regiment, gave a concert on the 14th instant, in the Odd Fellows' Hall, which was tolerably well attended. It was under the patronage of the Governor, the military, and the superintendent. The programme consisted of operatic selections, solos, &c, and a descriptive composition by Herr Werner, entitled "A Voyage to New Zealand," which formed the principal part of the concert; at the conclusion the public left the hall with a hope that they should have many opportunities of passing their evenings with Herr Werner and his highly trained and finished band. The regiment altogether for a young one, is very orderly . . .

"THE SECOND BATTALION OF THE 14TH REGIMENT", The Argus (7 November 1866), 5 

The ship Monarch, which anchored at the Railway Pier, Sandridge, yesterday morning, brought for location at the Victoria Barracks the head-quarters of the second battalion of the 14th Regiment, which for the last five years has been actively engaged in New Zealand. The vessel sailed from Auckland on the 16th October, having on board, besides the crew, nearly 700 souls. The portion of the regiment which is to be stationed here consists of 486 rank and file . . . The troops formed into marching order, and with their colours, and the regimental band playing inspiriting lively airs, they walked along the Sandridge road to the barracks . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (10 November 1866), 8 

HOSPITAL GRAND-FANCY BAZAAR, At Old Exhibition, William-street, OPEN THIS DAY, From 2 till 6, and 7 till 10. With the kind permission of Colonel W. O. TREVOR, The splendid BAND of the 14th REGIMENT will perform during the afternoon. The EMERALD-HILL PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY will give Selections of Music during the evening. Admission, 1s.; children, 6d. J. WILLIAMS, Hon. Sec.

"LANDING OF THE TROOPS", The Tasmanian Times (24 August 1867), 4 

The two companies of the 2-14th Regiment which arrived by the Haversham from Adelaide, were landed yesterday. About 1 p.m. the steamer Twins proceeded alongside the Haversham, and took on board the whole of the men, with the women and children, in all about 250 souls, and after making a turn round the harbor came to her usual landing place, where the troops debarked. They were then formed into line and mustered, after which fours were formed and preceded by their brass band they were marched up to the barracks, accompanied by hundreds of people, principally girls, boys and children. The troops seem a fine body of active young men, and it is to be hoped that by their good behaviour they will obtain the respect of the townspeople. The band consists of a number of brass instruments with two flageolets &c.

"BAND OF THE 2-14TH REGIMENT", The Tasmanian Times (2 September 1868), 2 

We really must congratulate Bandmaster Cherry on the great and continued improvement in the band of the detachment of the 14th Regiment now stationed here. The selections played on the "march-out" on Monday (particularly one from the opera of Somnambula) were admirably performed - shewing an amount of proficiency to which, since the departure of the 12th band, we have been strangers. We understand that Bandmaster Cherry has had no very easy task to perform, as the men he has trained were not brought up as musicians, and the instruments at his disposal were simply "cast off" by the band of the regiment in Melbourne. We trust that some arrangements may be made for the band to perform in Franklin square and the Botanical Gardens during the coming summer.

[News], The Argus (22 March 1870), 5 

In accordance with the arrangements which had been previously made, the second battalion of the 14th Regiment, under orders for England, was inspected at the Victoria Barracks on Saturday morning, at 5 a.m. The men then proceeded in heavy marching order to Sandridge, where they embarked on board the Walmer Castle, which had been chartered to convey them to England. The ship was lying alongside the railway pier . . .

"BANDS OF HOBART", Daily Post (30 August 1917), 2 


. . . it was not until 1866 (after the New Zealand war) before another regiment, the 2/14th West Yorkshire (now Prince of Wales' West Yorkshire). A detachment band formed in Adelaide arrived in 1867, to join the regiment. Mr. Millist Vincent, of this city, was a member of the same. Mr. Robert Cherry was the bandmaster. So ends this history of Imperial military hands in Tasmania . . .

Regimental records:

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1863 to December 1870 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (COLLECTION DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1860 to March 1861 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1861 to March 1862 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1861 to March 1862 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1862 to March 1863 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1862 to March 1863 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1863 to March 1865 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1863 to March 1864 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1864 to March 1865 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1864 to March 1865 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1865 to March 1866 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1866 to March 1867 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1867 to March 1868 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

14th Regiment: West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales Own), April 1868 to March 1869 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "2nd/14th 2nd Battalion Buckinghamshire Regiment of Foot", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"West Yorkshire Regiment" [14th (Buckinghamshire) Regiment, 1826-79], Wikipedia 

Band of the 18th Regiment (NSW 1870)

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 25 February 1870 (per Hero, from New Zealand)

Departed Sydney, NSW, 23 August 1870 (per Silver Eagle, for England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Colonel ELLIOT (commander)

Major BISHOP (commander)


Michael QUINN (master of the band)


"CONCERT AT THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH THEATRE, AUCKLAND", Freeman's Journal (2 October 1869), 10 

A concert was held last night at the above theatre, in aid of the funds of St. Mary's Orphanage, Freeman's Bay, than which there is no more deserving institution in Auckland . . . The splendid band of the 18th R.I. was present, by the kind permission of Colonel Elliot; and we need scarcely say that it discoursed most eloquent music . . . The entire concert was under the direction of Mr. Brown, and Mr. Quinn was in his place in command of the band of the 18th . . .

[News], Evening News (10 January 1870), 2

The head quarters and band of the 18th Royal Irish will, after the departure of the 14th Regiment, be stationed in Sydney.

"18TH ROYAL IRISH", Empire (26 February 1870), 2 

In the steamship Hero, which arrived yesterday, are the head-quarters and two companies of the 18th Royal Irish, and their wives and children. The detachment is under the command of Major Bishop. On approaching the Grafton wharf the band, which is evidently a powerful one, played several selections of popular music, and the debarkation of the troops and passengers appeared to create considerable interest. In the rear guard of the troops were several military prisoners.

"TODAY'S SPORTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 April 1870), 4

Seldom have our advertising columns contained such a varied programme of sports, as they do to-day. The Albert Ground will doubtless prove one of the greatest attractions to holiday seekers. For it is there that the English pedestrians are to make their first appearance before the public of this colony . . . An excellent programme has been arranged, and the band of the 18th Regiment is to be present, to enliven the proceedings by playing a selection of music . . .

"The Band of the 18th Royal Irish . . .", Empire (26 April 1870), 2

"BOTANIC GARDENS", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 May 1870), 4

"HAND BALL MATCH", Bell's Life in Sydney (25 June 1870), 2

"BOTANIC GARDENS", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 August 1870), 4

"DEPARTURE OF THE ROYAL IRISH", Evening News (24 August 1870), 2 

Yesterday afternoon the detachment of 2-18 Regiment, quartered here, was embarked on board the Silver Eagle. The soldiers fell in at the barracks at about two o'clock, or a little after; and, headed by the Volunteer Brigade band, marched down South Head Road, thence proceeding by the Infirmary and along Macquarie-street to the Circular Quay. They were in heavy marching order, and were preceded by the regimental band, with their instruments cased . . .

Regimental records:

18th Regiment: Royal Irish Regiment, April 1869 to March 1870 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

18th Regiment: Royal Irish Regiment, April 1870 to April 1871 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "2nd Battalion/18th Foot Irish Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

"Royal Irish Regiment (1684-1922)", Wikipedia

2/18th (Royal Irish) Regiment, Museum of New Zealand/Te Papa Tongarewa 

Some naval and ship's bands and other visiting bands

Ships' bands' bands (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Bands of the Hugh Crawford and H.M.S. Warspite (Sydney, 1828)

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 December 1826), 2 

The band of the Hugh Crawford, which Captain LANGDON has brought out with him this trip, for the accommodation and amusement of his passengers both outward and homeward bound, by no means diminishes the gaiety of our harbour at this delightful season of the year. Morning and evening our ears are attracted by the melodious and warlike airs of the bands of H. M. S. Warspite, and the merchant ship Hugh Crawford.

[News], The Monitor (15 December 1826), 5 

THE ceremony of hoisting the Colours on board The Warspite daily at Eight A. M. is accompanied by the performance of the grand National Anthem "Rule Britannia." The silver tones of Flute and Clarionet and the more imposing and martial sounds of Bassoon and Horn from the Bands of the Warspite and Hugh Crawford, wafted on the gale o'er the unruffled surface of the summer's sea, recalled to our memory the lines of an old English Ballad: -
"Sweet Bugles blowing melody,
"And Banners glance in rivalry,
"From English strand to Holy Land,
"Goes forth our gallant chivalry.
"Fair gallies deck'd with 'broidery,
"Gay scutcheons gold and blazonry,
"Do softly ride upon the tide,
"Awaiting England's hauthonry.
"And there is heard sweet Minstrelsy,
"From Mandolin and Psaltery,
"Viol and Harp sound sweet and sharp,
"And waken notes of ecstacy.

Band of the Elizabeth (Sydney, 1828)

[News], The Monitor (25 February 1828), 8

CAPTAIN HUDSON of the Ship Orelia, entertained a numerous party to dinner on Thursday last on board his vessel. Upwards of fifty persons dined on the quarterdeck, enclosed with the banners of Old England. The band of the Elizabeth was lent by Captain Cock, for the amusement of the company.

Band of the Exmouth (Sydney, 1831) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Herald (15 August 1831), 4 

. . . The ship Exmouth has a fine band on board, which performs lively tunes on Sundays . . .

Band of H.M.S. Vindictive (Hobart, 1842) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (23 December 1842), 2 

Royal Victoria Theatre . . . ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT, under the Distinguished Patronage of Captain NICOLAS and the OFFICERS of H.M.S. Vindictive: on which occasion the Band of the Vindictive will be in attendance, and play several Favorite Pieces of Music during the evening . . .

Band of the H.M.S. Galatea (1867-68; 1869-70)

ALFRED (prince, commander, amateur musician, violinist, composer)

Charles PRITCHARD (bandmaster)

John HARDING (bandsman)

Band of the H.M.S. Endymion ("Flying Squadron") (1869-70)

Giuseppe D'ANNA (bandmaster)

Band of the H.M.S. Liverpool ("Flying Squadron") (1869-70)

Mr. STARK (bandmaster)

Band and musical personnel of other British regiments later resident in Australia

William Hawkesworth BARRY (former bandsman or bandmaster Band of the 47th Regiment)

Thomas BUDD (former bandmaster of the Band of the 46th Regiment)

John DUFFY (former bandmaster of the Band of the 49th Regiment)

William EISEN (former bandmaster South Cork Light Infantry Regiment of Militia, Dublin; late bandmaster 7th Royal Fusiliers)

Mr. HOWARD ("late bandmaster to the 24th Regiment, and for several years leader of the band of the 2nd Life Guard")

Michael KEANE (former drummer, fifer, drum major, 25th Regiment)

Thomas LEGGATT (former master of the band of the 7th Hussars, oboist, clarinettist, cornet player)

Charles NAGEL (former ensign, 97th regiment, songwriter, composer)

John SHARPE (former band sergeant, 31st Regiment)

John SOLLY (former bugler, 9th Regiment)

Thomas STUBBS (former bandsman, Band of the 24th Regiment, key bugle player)

Spencer WALLACE (former band sergeant and master of the band of the 29th Regiment)

Spencer Wellington WALLACE (former bandsman, band of the 29th Regiment)

William Vincent WALLACE (former bandsman, band of the 29th Regiment)

Samuel WIGGINS (former "sergeant-bandmaster", reported, probably incorrectly, "of the 73rd Regiment", but arrived Australia in 1803, before that regiment's colonial tour)

John WINTERBOTTOM (later bandmaster of the Royal Marine Artillery)

Claudius WRIGHT (bandsman, 1st Life Guards)

ANONYMOUS 1837 (? SMITH) (former Sergeant of the Band of the 16th Regiment)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (19 July 1837), 3 

SITUATION WANTED. THE Advertiser, an Emigrant, per Lady McNaughten, is anxious to meet with an immediate engagement in the Country, either as Overseer or Storekeeper, or is capable of giving instructions to a Family in Music, having been Sergeant to the Band of the 16th Regiment.
His wife is thoroughly competent in Dress and Stay making, or would have no objection to render assistance to the Lady of the house, in housekeeping.
He has four Children, two Boys of the age of fifteen and fourteen, who would make their services available to their employer, and two girls of the age of eleven and six.
The strongest testimonials can be given.
Applications addressed (post paid,) King-street west, two doors from York-street, will be immediately attended to.

"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 February 1869), 1 

On the 8th instant, by special licence, at All Saints Church, Liverpool, by the Rev. P. Young, ALEXANDER S. CHRISTIE, Esq., second son of the late Captain Christie, R. N., fourth son of the late General Christie, Durie, Fifeshire, Scotland, to MARIANN SMITH, second daughter of the late M. Smith, Esq., B. M., H. M. 16th Regiment, Limerick, Ireland.

ANONYMOUS 1838 (? formerly of the King's Band)

[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (23 January 1838), 3 

MUSIC neatly copied or arranged for the Piano forte by a person late of the King's band.
Apply at S. A. Tegg's, bookseller and stationer, Elizabeth street, Hobart Town -
ALSO The German Flute and key bugle taught to young gentlemen either at their own houses or the residence of the advertiser.

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Augustus Tegg (bookseller)

Musical sources

Contemporary homeland British and Irish sources

Catalogue of Music for H. R. H. The Duke of Cumberland's Private Band, copied after 1814 (contents circa 1765-1834); OSB MSS 146, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University Library (DIGITISED, list of wind band music from image 1382016 to 1382025; string band music from 1382033 to 1382036

Other items in OSB MSS 146 collection

Finding aid: 

Four quick marches composed and respectfully dedicated to William Phillips Inge esq., captain commandant of the Lichfield Loyal Association, by J. Hewitt, arranged for the piano-forte or a military band (London: For the author by Preston, [1800]) (DIGITISED)

The Oxford Association, slow and quick-march, for a military band, of clarinets, horns, &c. &c as approved of by the committee, composed 7amp; dedicated to Sir Digby Mackworth, bart., and the other officers of the corps, by John Mahon (London: L. Lavenu, [? c. 1801] (DIGITISED)

Marches, for a military band, also adapted for the piano forte, composed by David Shafto Hawks, aet. 9 years, dedicated to his father, major commandant of the Gateshead Loyal Volunteers (London: Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, [c. 1801] (DIGITISED)

"The Major part of the following Pieces, were composed during the short time the Young Author received the Instructions of Mr. Shield . . ."

Two marches, for clarinets, horns, bassoons and trumpet; also arranged for the piano forte or harp, composed and dedicated to Colonel Ellison, of the Gateshead Loyal Volunteers, by D. S. Hawks, aged 12 years (London: Preston, [c. 1804]) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: David Shafto Hawks (1792-1860), blind organist, son of Robert Shafto Hawks; William Shield (teacher)

The Durham City Loyal Volunteers, march & quick step, for a military band, also arranged for the piano forte, dedicated with the utmost respect to Hawdon Phillipson Rowe, esq'r and the officers of that corps, by their humble serv't John Friend (London: Preston, [? 1810]) (DIGITISED)

Logier's introduction to the art of playing on the royal Kent bugle, illustrated with appropriate examples of fingering also general rules for acquiring a good embouchre [sic] to which are prefixed forty-two lessons in various keys, calculated to facilitate the improvement of the pupil on this curious & delightful instrument (Dulbin: J. B. Logier, [1813]) (DIGITISED)

A set of new slow marches waltz's & quick steps, for fifes & bugle horns composed by Sam. Potter (London : C. Wheatstone, [n.d.]); 20 pages (COPY AT NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA) 

The art of beating the drum, with the camp garrison & guard duty by note . . . by Samuel Potter (London: Henry Butler, [1817]) (DIGITISED)

The art of playing the fife: with the camp, garrison & street duty by note . . . by Samuel Potter (London: Henry Butler, [1817])

The bugle horn major's companion . . . by Samuel Potter (London: Henry Butler, [1817])

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Potter (drum major)

"BUGLE SOUNDS", in Field exercise and evolutions of the army as revised by Major General sir Henry Torrens . . . (London: William Clowes, 1824), 256-59 (DIGITISED)

Temperance band scores in "The native music of Ireland" series, in The Dublin monthly magazine (1842) (DIGITISED)

Introduction: (DIGITISED)

Irish airs, nos 1-4, in band scores (arranged by John Barton, 1842; instrumentation: flute, piccolo, 2 or 3 clarinets in C, 2 horns in F, 2 bassoons, cornopean in B flat, trumpet in F, trombone, tenor trombone, bass (DIGITISED)

Introduction (continued): (DIGITISED)

Irish airs, nos 5-6 (DIGITISED)

In The Dublin monthly magazine (1843) (DIGITISED)

Contemporary continental European sources

Georges Kastner, Manuel général de musique militaire à l'usage des armées françaises (Paris: Typ. F. Didot frères, 1848) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

Instruments (illustrations), plates 1-23: (DIGITISED)

Music "Batteries et Sonneries" (scores), 384-391 and [1-55]: (DIGITISED)

Especially British army bugle calls, [55]: (DIGITISED)


[source] Field exercise and evolutions of the army as revised by Major General sir Henry Torrens . . ., 1824.

Contemporary American sources

Lavern J. Wagner (ed.), Band music from the Benjamin H. Grierson collection (Madison: A-R Editions, 1998) (PREVIEW)

Bibliography (Australia)

Hall 1950-54

James Hall, "A history of music in Australia", Canon (1951-54), passim

Richardson 1964

Peter Richardson, "Military music in the colony of New South Wales, 1788-1850", Musicology [Musicology Australia] 1 (1964), 5-9 (PAYWALL)

Sargent 1999

Clem Sargent, "The British garrison in Australia 1788-1841; part 3: bands of the garrison regiments", Sabretache 40/4 (December 1999), 34-38 (PAYWALL) . .-a077400529 (ONLINE)

Bannister and Whiteoak 2003

Roland Bannister and John Whiteoak, "Military music", in John Whiteoak and Aline Scott-Maxwell (eds), Currency companion to music & dance in Australia (Sydney: Currency House, 2003), 412-15

Pinner 2004

Mark Pinner, A history of brass bands in New South Wales, 1788-1901 (M. A. hons. thesis, Macquarie University, 2004)

Skinner 2011

Graeme Skinner, Toward a general history of Australian musical composition: first national music, 1788-c. 1860 (Ph.D thesis, university of Sydney, 2011), passim (DIGITISED)

Jordan 2015

Robert Jordan, "Music and the military in New South Wales, 1788-1809", Journal of Australian colonial history 17 (2015), 1-22;dn=428841963923204;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)

Chapman ARcS

Barrie and Margaret Chapman, Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography (general)

Kappey 1894

Jacob Adam Kappey, Military music: a history of wind-instrumental bands (London: Boosey and Co., [1894]) (DIGITISED)

Farmer 1904

Henry G. Farmer, Memoirs of the Royal artillery band: its origin, history and progress: and account of rise of military music in England (London and New York: Boosey & Co., 1904) (DIGITISED)

Henry George Farmer, The rise and development of military music (London: Wm. Reeves, 1912) 

Ffoulkes 1938

C. Ffoulkes, "Notes on early military bands", Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 17 (1938), 188-200 (PAYWALL)

Murray 2001

David Murray, Music of the Scottish regiments: cogadh no sith (war or peace) (Edinburgh: Mercat Press, 2001) 

Barlow 2012

Helen Barlow, "The military band images of George Scharf", Music in art 37/1-2 (Spring-Fall 2012), 233-48 (PAYWALL)

Grant 2013

M. J. Grant, "Music and punishment in the British Army in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries" the world of music (new series) 2/1 (2013), 9-30 

Herbert and Barlow 2013

Trevor Herbert and Helen Barlow, Music & the British military in the long nineteenth century (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2013) (PREVIEW)

Other resources

Will Kimball, trombone (especially Trombone history timeline) 

Kimball has collected and presents an invaluable virtual archive of historical images of military and other bands, with special attention to trombones, serpents, and ophicleide; see especially the tabs "Trombone history timeline", "Iconography".

© Graeme Skinner 2014 - 2025