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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–B (Bu-Bz)

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this :

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–B (Bu-Bz)", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025

- B - ( Bu - Bz ) -

Introductory note:

The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.

Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.

A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in March 2023, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.

Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.

The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.

BUCHAN, Thomas Johnston (Thomas Johnston BUCHAN; T. J. BUCHAN)

Musician, singing master, teacher of singing, precentor (Presbyterian), school teacher

Born Dron, Perthshire, Scotland, 15 July 1834; baptised Dron, 1 August 1834; son of Robert BUCHAN and Amelia JOHNSTON
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 2 November 1858 (per White Star, from Liverpool, 20 August)
Married Eliza MASHAM (1842-1924), VIC, 1866
Died Geelong, VIC, 24 February 1911, aged "76" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms, Dron, Perthshire, 1834; Scotland, Select births and baptisms (PAYWALL)

1 August 1834 / born 15 July 1834 / Thomas son of / Robert / Buchan

Scotland census, 30 March 1851, Kinnoull, Bridgend, Perthshire; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

Robert Buchan / 70 / Head // Amelia Buchan / 47 / Wife //
Thos Johnston Buchan / 16 / Son // Jas Alexander / 14 / Son . . .

Names and descriptions of passengers per White Star, from Liverpool, 20 August 1858, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . 2514 / T. J. Buchan / 24 / Shepherd / [Scotch] // Jas. A. [Buchan] / 22 / [Shepherd] / [Scotch] . . .

Teacher record, Thomas Johnston Buchan, from 1860; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Thomas Johnston Buchan / Born 15 July 1834 // Wellington St. Collingwood / 9 Aug to 30 Sep. 1860 // Licensed Teacher of Singing . . . Died 24 February 1911 . . . Geelong

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (28 October 1868), 2 

MUSIC IN RELATION TO PRAISE formed the subject of a lecture, given in the old Richmond Presbyterian Charch, Lennox-street, yesterday evening, by Mr. T. J. Buchan, precentor to the congregation. There was an unusually large attendance for a gathering of the kind, and the lecturer succeeded thoroughly in interesting the audience by his appreciative style of treating the subject. The choir of the church also rendered him material assistance by illustrating the lecture with a variety of choice pieces of psalmody. At the termination of Mr. Buchan's remarks a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to him, to his choristers, and to Dr. Stewart, Mayor of Richmond, who presided.

ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Presbyterian churches (general)

[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (29 October 1868), 5 

A lecture was given in the Richmond Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening by T. J. Buchan, the conductor of the choir of that church, on the subject of music. The mayor of Richmond presided. The lecturer gave an interesting sketch of the rise and progress of music amongst the ancient Greeks, and of the potent influence it had on their civilisation, instancing, as an example of the power they attributed to it, the story of "Orpheus and Eurydice." He next showed that the study of music was not only known, but in a comparatively high state of perfection, in Britain long before the Roman invasion, in the Druidical worship, which was greatly musical. The lecturer concluded with a complaint of the apathy with which congregations of worshippers now generally regarded this aid to devotion. The choir rendered selections at intervals during evening. The lecture was well attended, about 250 persons being present.

[News], The Argus (12 July 1870), 5 

The members of tbo Richmond Presbyterian Church choir met at the residence of Mr. David Mitchell, Burnley-street, on Thursday evening last, and presented their late leader, Mr. Thomas J. Buchan, with a handsome testimonial in recognition of his services during the past six years. The testimonial consists of an inkstand manufactured from an emu's egg, and beautifully mounted in frosted silver. It was furnished by Messrs. Walsh Brothers, of Collins-street, and reflects credit on their establishment.

ASSOCIATIONS: David Mitchell (musical amateur); see also "NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (12 July 1870), 3 

[News], The Argus (7 March 1876), 5 

A complimentary benefit was given last night in the Temperance-hall, Russell-street, to Mr. T. J. Buchan, by the singers who were engaged in a series of concerts which he had conducted in connexion with the Caledonian Society. There was a fair attendance, and the performance, which comprised singing, bagpipe playing, and Highland dancing, obtained the marked approval of the audience.

ASSOCIATIONS: Scottish traditional music in Australia (general)

"DEATHS", The Argus (25 February 1911), 11 

BUCHAN. - On the 24th February, at "Balmanne," Fenwick-street, Geelong, Thomas Johnston, the beloved husband of E. Buchan (late of Education department), aged 76 years. No flowers.

"OBITUARY. MR. T. J. BUCHAN", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (27 February 1911), 4 

The remains of a very old and highly esteemed resident of Geelong, the late Mr. Thomas J. Buchan, formerly singing master in the State schools of Geelong, were interred in the Presbyterian portion of the Eastern Cemetery on Saturday afternoon in the presence of a large and representative gathering . . .


Musical amateur, vocalist, lecturer on national music

Active Brisbane, NSW (QLD), 1850-51 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, NSW (QLD)] (5 January 1850), 2

The general meeting of the subscribers to this institution took place on Thursday evening last, for the election of officers, and for amending the rules of the society. Mr. Duncan was re-elected President; Dr. Hobbs Vice-President; and Mr. Langridge Secretary. The following persons were elected as a committee for, the, current year, viz.: - Dr. Cannan, and Messrs. Richardson, Poole, Bulgin, Swan, Dowse, J. Petrie, and Taylor. A lecture on music is to be delivered by Mr. Buchanan on Thursday the 24th instant; and we are glad to learn that measures are in progress for the formation of a music class from amongst the members of the society.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Augustine Duncan (president)

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (19 January 1850), 3 

BRISBANE SCHOOL OF ARTS. MR. PETER BUCHANAN will deliver a Lecture on NATIONAL MUSIC, with Vocal Illustrations,
in the Court-house, On THURSDAY, January 24th, 1853, At 7 o'clock, P. M.
Subscribers and their families admitted free. Non-Subscribers 6d each.

"MUSICAL LECTURE", The Moreton Bay Courier (26 January 1850), 2

There was a numerous and respectable attendance at the School of Arts on Thursday evening last, to hear Mr. P. Buchanan deliver a lecture on music, and the company were well rewarded for their attendance. For nearly three hours Mr. Buchanan entertained his audience by alternately tracing from history the antiquity and power of music, and illustrating its effects upon the feelings through the means of national airs. The songs were English, Irish, and Scotch. Mr. Buchanan has a clear and pleasing voice, more particularly adapted to the plaintive old airs of Scotland and Ireland. "The flowers o' the forest," "Annie Laurie," and "Savourna Dheelish," were sung in a manner that deservedly elicited much applause. We were favoured for the first time with the new song called "Cead mile failte, Erin abon," which was written upon the occasion of her Majesty's late visit to Ireland, and the music of which has lately been published in the Illustrated London News. The air, although not strikingly original, is pleasing, and the repetition of the burden national and exciting. The recollection of the interesting event upon which this song was founded, and the hope of happy results therefrom, seemed to be present with all the company, for the approbation that followed was of that earnest character which is only given when the feelings are appealed to. At the conclusion of the lecture, a vote of thanks to Mr. Buchanan was carried by acclamation, accompanied by a request that at no distant day he would continue the subject. We feel much pleasure in recording this first public effort to create a taste for the practice of music, and we hope, with the President, that it may lead to the establishment of a music class amongst the members of the Brisbane School of Arts, and to the Substitution of a pleasing and healthful accomplishment for the injurious qualities that have hitherto been so largely cultivated amongst the working classes. The President announced that on that night four weeks Mr. Poole would deliver a lecture upon Poetry.

MUSIC: Cead mile failte! Erin aboo (music by John Smith)

"ANNIVERSARY RELIGIOUS MEETING", The Moreton Bay Courier (23 March 1850), 3 

The first anniversary social meeting of the congregation worshipping under the ministry of the Rev. C. Stewart, was held in the Court-house, at North Brisbane, on Wednesday evening last. After tea the business of the evening was preceded by a version of the hundredth psalm, and prayer . . . The sacred solo "Rock'd in the cradle of the deep," was sung by Mr. Buchanan, and Mr. Langridge next delivered an address on the desirableness of unanimity among Christians. The proceedings were closed by a hymn, and the company separated. More than three hundred persons were present.

MUSIC: Rock'd in the cradle of the deep (J. P. Knight)

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (27 April 1850), 1

MR. P. BUCHANAN will deliver a second Lecture on NATIONAL MUSIC, illustrated by selections from the Songs of Burns.
Subscribers and Families admitted free. Non-subscribers Sixpence each.
J. S. LANGRIDGE, Secretary.

"LECTURE ON MUSIC", The Moreton Bay Courier (4 May 1850), 2

Mr. Buchanan delivered a second lecture on National Music, with vocal illustrations, at the Brisbane School of Arts last Thursday evening. The attendance was numerous and respectable, and the lecturer was well received and strongly applauded throughout. Mr. Buchanan upon this occasion confined his illustrations to Scottish songs, and, in particular, the songs of Burns, some of the more humorous of which he sang with good effect. At the conclusion of the lecture, the first stanza of "God save the Queen" was sung by the company upstanding; and a vote of thanks to Mr. Buchanan was carried by acclamation. The evening's entertainment was a most agreeable one. A book is now open at the School of Arts for the enrolment of names of persons intending to join the music class.

"NATIONAL EDUCATION", The Moreton Bay Courier (21 December 1850), 2 

A meeting of the friends of National Education was held at North Brisbane on Thursday evening; Mr. W. A. Duncan in the chair, for the purpose of considering the best means of raising the sum (£100 necessary for obtaining aid from the Government.) It appeared that although the land for the proposed school-house and teachers' residence has been granted, only about one third of the sum above named has been subscribed. In order to assist the funds, Mr. Duncan intimated his willingness to deliver two lectures, on political subjects, in the latter part of next month; and Mr. Buchanan undertook to give a musical lecture on 8th of January; the money received for admission on each occasion to be paid into the National School fund. It is a pity that so good a cause should depend for its support upon such slender aids . . .

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (4 January 1851), 3

North Brisbane, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 8, 1851, at half-past 7 o'clock.
N.B. - Tickets of Admission, 1s. each, to be had at Messrs. Richardson's, Poole's, and Eldridge's.
The proceeds of the above to be applied towards the erection of a National School House in North Brisbane.

BUCK, Frederick (Amandus Friedrich BUCK; ? BÜCK; Fritz BUCK; Frederick BUCK)

Musician, pianist, organist, composer, farmer, commission agent, immigration agent

Born (Germany), c. 1827
Married (1) Mary GRALLERT (d. 1864), ? Hamburg (Germany), ?
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 24 August 1853 (per Wilhelmsburg, from Hamburg, 17 May)
Arrived Hobart Town, TAS, by c. 1856
Married (2) Elizabeth NICHOLAS (d. 1893), Bothwell, TAS, 23 May 1866
Died Newtown, TAS, 28 December 1901, aged "74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 August 1853), 4 

August 24. - Wilhelmsburg, ship, 950 tons, F. H. C. Muller, from Hamburg 17th May. Passengers - cabin: Messrs. D. G. Kieritz, Wrist, Elfers, Schindler, Hessleir, Buck, Manvedel [Marwedel], Dr. C. N. D. Shrader, surgeon, and five hundred and three in the intermediate and steerage. Westgarth, Ross and Co., agents.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ernst Marwedel (d. 1901); the names of the Bucks and Marwedels do not appear in the list of immigrants per Wilhelmsburg: (DIGITISED)

Births, Victoria, 1853; Births, deaths, and marriages Victoria, 12/1853 

Adolf Wilhelm Friedrich / Born at sea on board the Wilhelmsburg / [son of] Amandus Friedrich Buck / Marie Henriette Grallert

[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (8 December 1853), 1 

NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. THEIR undersigned beg to state that they have established a HOUSE under the firm of
MARWEDEL, BUCK & CO., Melbourne,
MARWEDEL, BUCK & CO., Hobart Town,
MARWEDEL, BUCK & CO., Hamburgh, Germany,
for the transaction of a GENERAL IMPORT and COMMISSION BUSINESS in the above places.
All. orders intrusted to the care of either of the Colonial Establishments, or direct to the Hamburgh Branch, will be executed with care and punctuality.
Melbourne Stores and Office, 110, Flinder's Lane, West, opposite Allison and Knight's.
Hobart Town Stores and Office, New Wharf, corner of Montpelier-street.

"DIED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (21 February 1854), 4 

On the 15th instant, at Richmond Terrace, Adolph, only son of Mr. Frederick Buck, aged 7 months.

Passengers per Neumühlen, from Hamburg, 20 October 1856, arrived Hobart, 27 January 1857; Staatsarchiv Hamburg, Passagierlisten; 373-7/I/VIII A 1 Band 010 (PAYWALL)

. . . Grallert, Maria / 27 . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF HOBART TOWN. ARRIVED", The Tasmanian Daily News [Hobart, TAS] (29 January 1857), 2 

Jan. 27. - Neumuhlen, 646, Wooerman, from Hamburgh 25th October, with general cargo.
Passengers, cabin - Mrs. Heaver, Mrs. Buck, Mr. Orustrup, and 33 immigrants (all for Melbourne). Agents, Tondeur, Lempriere & Co.

1857, births in the district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:962460; RGD33/1/7 no 942 (DIGITISED)

[No.] 942 / October 10th [1847] / - / Male / [son of] Frederick Buck / Mary Buck formerly Grallert / Farmer . . . Glenorchy / [named after registration] Emil Raimund

1859, births in the district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:964546; RGD33/1/7 no 3028 (DIGITISED)

[No.] 3028 / November 24th [1859] / Otto Wilhelm / Male / [son of] Frederick Buck / Mary Buck formerly Grallert / Farmer . . . Glenorchy

1864, deaths in the district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1225644; RGD35/1/7 no 4620 (DIGITISED)

[No.] 4620 / 20th August [1864] / Marie Henriette Christiana Buck / Died Glenorchy / Born Germany / Female / 30 years / Music Master's wife . . .

"DEATHS", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (22 August 1864), 1 

BUCK. - On the 20th inst., at Mary's Hope, Glenorchy, Marie Henriette Christiana, the beloved wife of Mr. Frederick Buck, and daughter of Mr. Wm. Grallert, Hamburg, in the 30th year of her age. The funeral will move from Rosetta Cottage, Glenorchy, on Tuesday next, the 23rd inst., at 3 p.m.

[Advertisement], The Mercury (29 December 1864), 3 

Under the Special Patronage of MRS. GORE BROWNE,
1. Overture - "The Siege of Corinthe" - ROSSINI
2. Ladies Chorus - "Martha" - FLOTOW
3. Song - "The Wanderer" - FESCA
4. Duet - "Il Trovatore" - VERDI
5. Solo - "Der Freyschuitz" - WEBER
6. "The Daughter of the Regiment" - DONIZETTI
7. Song - "Dream Land" - CLABIBEL
8. Duett - "Martha" - FLOTOW
9. Piano Solo - "Galop de Bravoure" - ASCHER
IO. Chorus - "Oberon" - WEBER
An interval of ten minutes.
1. Overture - "Les Hugenots" - MEYERBEER
2. Quartett - "Oberon" - WEBER
3. Duett - "Martha" - FLOTOW
4. Solo - "Muleteer's Song" - PUGET
5. Duet - "Lucrezia Borgia" - DONIZETTI
6. Trio -"Il Barbiere de Seville" - ROSSINI
7. Ballad - "Victorine" - MASSET
8. Choruses - "Il Trovatore" - VERDI
9. Solo - "Largo al factotum" - ROSSINI
10. God Save the Queen.
Conductor. HERR BUCK.
Doors open at half-past 7. Performance to commence at 8 o'clock.
Single tickets, 3s., or Family Tickets to admit four persons, 10s. each, can be obtained at Mr. Westcott's, Bookseller, Collins-street; Mr. Fletcher's, Liverpool-street and Messrs. Walch & Sons, Macquarie and Elizabeth-streets.

ASSOCIATION: Harriet Gore Brown (wife or governor, Thomas Gore Brown, patron); Del Sarte's Rooms (Hobart venue)

"ALL SAINTS' ORGAN FUND CONCERT", The Advertiser (30 December 1864), 2 

A concert in aid of All Saints' Organ Fund, took place last evening, at Del Sarte'e Rooms, under the especial patronage of Mrs. Gore Browne. The weather was not favorable, but His Excellency the Governor, and a numerous and fashionable audience were present on the occasion. The programme embraced, in addition to several charming songs, a variety of solos, duetts, trios, quartetts, and choruses, selected from the classical music of Flotow, Verdi, Weber, Donizetti, Rossini, Meyerbeer, &c., and those choice morceaux were delightfully given by a large company of lady and gentlemen amateurs. Herr Buck was Conductor, and presided at the pianoforte most efficiently; and the frequent and prolonged bursts of applause, proved that the exertions of all were fully appreciated.

1865 'THE MERCURY.', The Mercury (27 June 1865), 2 

The Concert in aid of the fund for the relief of the orphan family of the late Rev. Mr. Bennett at Del Sarte's room was very successful as regards numbers, the room being greatly crowded, and the programme being ably sustained by the lady and gentlemen amateurs. The first part of the programme embraced duetts, glees, solos, and choruses, and some of the pieces were encored. The second part commenced with a pianoforte solo, "Le Bois Chaste," followed by a chorus, ballad, trio, glees, and other favorite selections, with which the audience was much pleased. Mr. Frederick Buck was conductor. The financial result will, no doubt, afford satisfaction to the promoters of the concert.

[Advertisement], The Mercury (12 September 1865), 1 

Will be prepared after the 1st of October next, to meet the wishes of a number of Pupils,
who cannot take their Music or Singing Lessons at home, by giving those lessons at the above rooms.
A Class for Part-Singing, and one for German, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON.
Terms on application at the Rooms, on Wednesdays, from 10 till 11 a.m.

[Advertisement], Tasmanian Morning Herald (13 November 1865), 3 

In their Serio-comic characteristic and musical Entertainment,
Assisted by Mr. FREDERICK BUCK, The distinguished Pianiste, Who has kindly offered his services for the occasion . . .
"Sweet Spirit hear my Prayer," (WALLACE) - Miss WARDEN
Piano Solo - "La Tapida Dance characteristic du perdu," (Hertz) - Mr. F. BUCK
"Love's Request,"(Reichard) Miss LIDDLE
"Complaint," from the opera The Prophet (Meyerbeer) - Mad. Fanny SIMONSEN
Frntasie on the Miserere from Il Trovatore (Simonsen) - Martin SIMONSEN
"Joy and Gladness," concert valse (Belfe) - Miss WARDEN
"Heimathsklange Oberlander" (Gunge) - M. SIMONSEN
Cavatina from the opera Lucia di Lammermoor (Donnizetti) - Mad. Fanny SIMONSEN
Intermission of ten minutes.
Character Song - "Selina Sly, or the troubles of a Housemaid," (Caulfield) - Mad. Fanny SIMONSEN
Piano Solo - Valse brilliante (Tedesco) - Mr. F. BUCK
Scotch Song - "Jessie's Dream (McFarren) - Miss WARDEN
Shadow Danse Aria from the opera Dinorah (Meyerbeer) - Mad. Fanny SIMONSEN
Comic Song - "As if you didn't know (Glover) - Miss LIDDELL
"The Echo," caprice romantic without accompaniment (Simonsen) - Martin SIMONSEN
By request - "Dost thou love me, sister Ruth! (Perry) sung in character by Mad. SIMONSEN and Miss LIDDELL . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny and Martin Simonsen (vocalist, violinist); Geraldine Warden (vocalist); Maggie Liddle (vocalist)

[Advertisement], Portland Guardian [VIC] (21 May 1866), 3

NEW MUSIC. FOR SALE AT THE GUARDIAN OFFICE . . . The Young Recruit, march . . .

1866, marriages in the district of Bothwell, Tasmania; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:867427; RGD37/1/25 no 3 (DIGITISED)

[Np.] 115 / May 23rd 1866 / Bothwell Church / Frederick Buck / of full age / Gentleman /
Elizabeth Nicholas / of full age / Spinster . . .

"ALL SAINTS' CHURCH ORGAN FUND", The Mercury (8 January 1867), 2 

A concert in aid of the All Saints' Church Organ Fund took place at Del Sarte's Rooms last evening, under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Mrs. Gore Browne, both of whom were present. The attendance was very numerous and highly respectable, and the entertainment was most successful. The programme comprised many choice selections, both vocal and instrumental, the whole of which were rendered in a style exhibiting great care, and reflecting credit upon the conductor, Mr. Frederick Buck. To what amount the organ fund has been benefited by the concert did not transpire last evening, but from a rough estimate it was stated to be something approaching to £40.

"THE DORCAS SOCIETY", The Mercury (9 August 1867), 2 

A concert in aid of the funds of that most deserving institution the Dorcas Society is to be given at Del Sarte's Room, on Monday evening, 26th instant, when the ladies and gentlemen who so ably performed at the concert in aid of the organ fund of All Saints' Church, given some weeks ago, have again volunteered their services, and will be assisted by other well-known amateurs, and the members of the Orchestral Union. The concert will be conducted by Mr. Frederick Buck. It is under the patronage of Mrs. Gore Browne, and is managed by an influential ladies' committee, as will be seen from the advertisement. The claims of the Dorcas Society are too well known to require our advocacy, and we feel sure that the efforts of the benevolent ladies who exhibit such an interest in it will be crowned with success.

[Advertisement], The Mercury (26 August 1867), 1 

(THIS) MONDAY, the 26th August, 1867, AT DEL SARTE ROOMS,
Reissiger's Quartette in D Piano, Flute, Viola, and Violoncello
Serenade - "In this horr of softened splendour."
Trio, Soprano, Tenor, Baritone - "Gondoliera"
Song - "Will o' the Wisp."
Spohr's "Bird and the Maiden" - Song with flute accompaniment.
Duett from Belisar.
Duett - Two Sopranos and Chorus from Mendelssohn's Hymn of Praise
Pianoforte Solo, chiefly for left hand - "Dream on the Sea Shore," (Mr. Buck).
Air from Amilie - "What is the spell" Soprano
Chorus, by desire, Rossini's Carnival
Mozart's Overture Zauberflote - Piano Duett, Flute, Viola and Violoncello
Preghiera from Rossini's Mose in Egitto
Soprano Song - "Spirit of Spring"
The Flower Song from Gounod's Faust
Duett, Soprano and Tenor - "Now stay, good, nag, thy ambling."
Duo concertant - "The two Foscari" - Pianoforte and Flute.
Scena from Lucia di Lammermoor.
Bishop's "Where art thou beam of light?"
Recitatif and Aria - "Dove Sono" - Mozart's Figaro.
,Duett Soprano and Tenor - Lucrezia Borgia.
Song (Mr. McIntyre)
Chorus - Bishop's "Now tramp o'er moss and fell."
Conductor - Mr. Frederick Buck, assisted by Messrs. Tapfield, Russell, Gagliardi, &c. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Giacinto Gagliardi (flute); Samuel Tapfield (musician); William Wilkins Russell (musician)

[Advertisement], The Mercury (27 August 1867), 1 

SEMI COTTAGE, 7 Octaves, trichord, treble, patent repeater action, in rosewood and walnut, 45 guineas.
FOLDING KEYBOARD PIANOS, 7 Octaves, trichord, patent repeater action, &c, in rosewood or walnut, 65 guineas.
DITTO OBLIQUE, £5 higher.
COTTAGE PIANOS, (best model made) 7 Octaves, trichord, oblique, patent repeater action, &c, in rosewood or walnut 85 guineas.
Eight Medals have been awarded to Aucher Freres for these pianos, amongst which is the Gold Medal from the London Exhibition.
These Instruments are on an entirely new, most substantial, and elegant plan of splendid tone, material, and workmanship, and can be confidently, recommended both for price, beauty, and richness of tone and finish, to the Musical Public of Tasmania.
The undersigned has models on view at his house, and receives orders for any of the above.
FREDERICK BUCK, Holbrook Place, Upper Davey-street.

"ST. GEORGE'S ORGAN FUND", The Mercury (7 October 1867), 2 

A concert, with readings, was given on Friday evening at St. George's school-room, Battery Point, in aid of the funds of St. George's Organ Fund. The instrumental portion of the entertainment was under the direction of Mr. Frederick Buck, and comprised some very excellent pianoforte selections, among them Wilner's beautiful solo, "A summer's day in Norway," and a fantasia from Lucia . . .

"WORKING MEN'S CLUB", The Tasmanian Times (10 October 1867), 2 

There was a musical, entertainment given on Tuesday evening at the Working Men's Club, under the direction of Mr. Frederick Buck. The entertainment was very numerously attended, and comprised miscellaneous pianoforte and vocal selections. The piano played on was the colonial built one recently turned out by Messrs. Winter & Farnfield, who kindly lent it for the occasion. The pieces were capitally rendered, and gave general satisfaction.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert George Winter (pianoforte maker); George Farnfield (cabinet maker)

"MADAME SIMONSEN", The Mercury (14 October 1867), 2 

Our musical readers will be glad to learn that Monsieur and Madame Simonson are again about to visit Hobart Town, their intention being to give a series of four subscription concerts . . . We understand the arrangements for Madame Simonson's visit have been entrusted to Mr. Frederick Buck, who will also assist in the concerts, so that our readers may anticipate a musical treat of somewhat rare occurrence.

"MADAME SIMONSEN'S CONCERT", The Mercury (15 November 1867), 2 

M. and Madame Simonsen gave their fourth concert last evening in presence of a very numerous and highly fashionable audience. They were ably assisted, as on previous occasions, by Mr. Frederick Buck, and a novel feature was introduced by the introduction of a duett between Madame Simonsen and Miss Sherwin, a young lady amateur previously well known as a favorite concert and drawing room vocalist . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Elizabeth Sherwin (vocalist)

1867, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:971233; RGD33/1/9 Image 314 no 9718 (DIGITISED)

No. 9718 / 3rd December [1867] / Friederike Elizabeth / Female / [daughter of] Frederick Buck / Elizabeth Buck (formerly Nicholas) / Professor of Music . . .

"IMMIGRATION AGENT", Launceston Examiner (26 December 1868), 2 

The Evening Mail says: - Mr. Frederick Buck, of Davey-street, the well-known musician, being about to return to Germany, has been appointed immigration agent under the immigration act of 1867. Mr. Buck will put himself in communication with the authorities in Germany, and will show on what terms and under what conditions grants of land will be given to persons coming out at their own expense under that act. Mr. Buck is very sanguine of success, but not more so, we think, than he is warranted in being. Germany is just the ground to be tilled for immigrants.

But see the later editorial, The Mercury (8 March 1872), 2 

"BIRTHS', Launceston Examiner (27 January 1870), 2 

BUCK. - On 30th November last, at Elmsbutel, Hamburg, Altona, Prussia, Mrs. Frederick Buck, of a son.

"BIRTH", The Mercury (28 October 1871), 1 

BUCK. - On the 5th September, 1871, at Eimsbuttel, Altona, Prussia, Mrs. Frederick Buck, of a son.

"TASMANIA. Hobart Town, March 25", Evening Journal [Adelaide, SA] (26 March 1872), 2 

The North German immigrant ship Eugenie arrived on Sunday with 198 passengers on board; also Herr Buck, an immigration agent. During the passage eleven deaths occurred, principally of children.

And see also, "HOBART TOWN", Weekly Examiner [Launceston, TAS] (25 May 1872), 3 

"CONCERT", Tasmanian News (26 June 1888), 2 

A concert under the patronage of the Commandant and officers of the Defence Force in aid of a family in distress was given in St. David's Schoolroom last evening. There was a large attendance, including a number of the Defence Force. The Garrison Band, under their able conductor, Mr. W. T. Bates, led off with the "Golden rose" in their now well-known style, and during the evening gave two other selections . . . The piece de resistance was the piano and French horn obbligato, the piano solo being taken by Herr Buck, and the French horn by Bandmaster Bates. The title of the piece is "Waldmann's Lust" (Forester's delight), and is the composition of Herr Buck, and we are informed the first composition for the French horn ever written by a Tasmanian composer. It might well be called reminiscences of Weber and Mendelssohn, both of whom wrote largely for this instrument. Difficult as the French horn is acknowledged to be, Mr. Bates has certainly mastered it, and it is to be hoped that many will have the pleasure of hearing him on this instrument on future occasions. Herr Buck is to be complimented on having given the music-loving public such a piece, and in having found so able an exponent of it in Mr. Bates. It opens with the introduction, "Daybreak," followed by an imitation zither solo; next comes an adagio, "Prayer for safe return"; allegretto first leading Waldhorn signal, "Reveillee"; maesto [sic], "In the forest," with echo, which was exceedingly well rendered; second signal, "Fanfare"; cantando, "Rest all take"; maesto, "Farewell to the forest"! and allegro, third Waldhorn signal; "Hallah" ("Home with the brush") . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Tennyson Bates (1854-1905, musician)

"DEATH", Tasmanian News (16 August 1893), 1 

BUCK. - At Brading, Isle of Wight, Elizabeth, wife of Herr Frederick Buck, M.A., Hobart, and eldest daughter of the late George Nicholas, of Nant, Bothwell. R.I.P.

"OBITUARY", Tasmanian News (28 December 1901), 4 

Herr Frederick Buck, one of Tasmania's premier musicians in days gone by, passed away to-day. The deceased, who was a German by birth, arrived in Tasmania some fifty years ago, and in the early seventies held the position of immigration agent in connection with a German immigration scheme that was initiated by the Tasmanian Government in the sixties. At one time of day he occupied a leading position in the community, and being an accomplished musician he assisted in many ways to give first-class music a fillip down South. He had high intellectual qualities, was a good linguist, and large-hearted to a degree. Of late years the subject of this notice was buffeted a great deal about on the storm-tossed ocean of life. His sanguine temperament and splendid physique enabled him to weather many a hard gale, but the time came when he was unable to make the headway he wished, and he was forced reluctantly on to a barren coast-line where money was not at all plentiful and friends but few. He was 74 years of age.

Burial records, 29 December 1901, for Frederick/Fritz Buck; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:1541443$init=AF35-1-2p102 (DIGITISED)

[Buried] 29.12.1901 / Frederick Buck / Church of England [buried in section] / 74 years$init=AF70-1-26P397JPG (DIGITISED)

[Buried] 29th December 1901 / Fritz Buck / age 68 / Musician / Late residence: New Town Charitable Institute / Roman Catholic

"OBITUARY", The Mercury (30 December 1901), 2

Herr Frederick Buck died on Saturday, aged 74. Though feeble from declining years, he had, up to within a few days of his death, been able to keep about in the open air, and his end was somewhat unexpected. He was an old Tasmanian resident, having arrived here some 50 years ago, and as a talented musician he occupied a prominent and useful position in the community, and had at one time possessed a nice little property in the Glenorchy district, where he had hoped to find a permanent home. Misfortunes, however, befell him. He accepted the position of immigration agent for the Tasmanian Government, went home to his native country, and was instrumental in bringing to the colony many useful German families, who, settling down to industrial pursuits, have become prosperous members of the community. The undertaking did not bring much profit to Herr Buck, but rather involved him in trouble, the result of his too sanguine aspirations to do something that should place his name on the scroll of fame. Meanwhile, his position as one of the premier musicians of Tasmania became weakened. Younger and more pushing competitors entered the field, and, with advancing years, the once popular musician, step by step, dropped into the rear ranks, and friends became few. He was a good linguist, and accomplished in many ways outside his musical profession, and as long as he had means, was liberal handed, even beyond the limits of discretion. His name will long be honoured with that of Herr Schott. They were contemporaries in musical circles some twenty years ago, and both, in their special spheres, did much to advance musical culture in Hobart.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Arthur Schott (musician); see also summary in "OUR LETTER HOME", The Mercury (4 January 1902), 5 

"REVIEW OF THE YEAR 1901", The Mercury (1 January 1902), 5 

At Newtown, December 28, Fritz Buck, musician, aged 74.

"AT THE CAPITAL (From Our Own Correspondent) HOBART, Tuesday", Daily Telegraph [Launceston, TAS] (1 January 1902), 3 

One of the old-time musicians passed away this week. Fritz, or Frederick Buck, was a German professor of music, who came out to Tasmania three or four decades ago. He was possessed of private means, of strong and original powers, of a generous and sanguine temperament, and of musical talent above the common. The deceased was strongly identified with a scheme which promoted German immigration to Tasmania in the sixties, and his labors in this respect are historical. Hundreds of people who knew Frederick Buck said that he had genius. It is really difficult to say with precision what genius is. It may be described, scarcely, perhaps, defined. It is not one thing, nor is it many things, but it is the one subtle result of a number of causes, subordinated into harmony and completeness. However, one will not give an essay on genius, but simply content one's self by remarking that the subject of this notice possessed cleverness, talent, taste, and imagination of a rare order. Of late years things financially got stony with Frederick Buck. He had lost the attraction be once commanded in musical circles and he became too old for clerical or manual duties. Speaking shortly he struck the sand of adversity hard, and had to seek shelter under the cape of charity, which, after all, is not as warm as it might be in this world. The once gay, impulsive, chatty Buck died a little over the age allotted by the psalmist, mourned by a few friends who knew him in his palmy days as a good open-hearted fellow, whose motto was always eat, drink, and be merry to-day, for to-morrow we die.

"CLACKERY", The Clipper (1 March 1902), 7 

HERR BUCK, recently deceased at the Newtown Institute, keenly felt the degradation of poverty in old age, and bitterly resented the ingratitude of his adopted country that in denying him an old-age pension, relegated him to the poor house. Buck was college educated and master of several tongues, also a most capable musician and fearless critic, who had done much towards elevating the standard of Tasmanian music. While going through some MS files the other day the CLIPPER editor discovered the following in the deceased's handwriting, which should not fail to appeal to even such hopeless Tories as the Lewis push: -
"Herr Buck, the German Immigration Agent for the Colony while the Immigration Act was in force, who introduced German and Scandinavian settlers - so often extolled by the Daily Davies and Snoozes as capital taxpayers - and the same H.B., ex-German Consul for this colony and dependencies, now enters a harbor of refuge at the N.T.C.I., as a fit reward for his contribution to the prosperity of this colony since his arrival here from Victoria in 1852." When poor old Herr Buck finally passed away - perchance to gain that rest and happiness denied the unfortunate in this life, where man's ingratitude to man no longer troubles the weary soul - the daily papers didn't fail to extol the merits of the deceased, while they carefully avoided even a reference to his sojourn in the poor-house. Perhaps even the toady press now and again feels some qualms of conscience, and would that this so-called Christian people recognised their responsibility for the welfare of the aged poor.

Extant musical works:

The young recruit march (after Kücken, by 1866)

The young recruit march, introducing Kücken's favorite air, for the piano forte ([Hobart] Tasmania: J. Walch and Sons, [by 1866]); "M. L. Hood, lith., Hobarton" (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: James Walch and brothers (publishers); Major Lloyd Hood (lithographer)

MUSIC CONCORDANCES: The young recruit (by Friedrich Wilhelm Kücken; arr. George Linley)

Other works:

Handbook for emigrants, the British Colony of Tasmania, compiled from government statistics and other Official records . . . by Frederick Buck [Handbuch für Auswanderer. Die Brittisch-Australische Colonie Tasmanien . . .] (London: Australian and New Zealand Gazatta, 1870) (DIGITISED)

City of Hobart Town . . . Of public institutions . . . may be mentioned . . . five Concert Halls . . . Musical Societies . . . Theatre . . .


Musicians, vocalists, instrumentalists

Active Australia and New Zealand, 1830s-60s (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Comedian, actor, vocalist, dancer, manager, general agent, publican, "emancipist", ? ex-convict

? Born England, 17 November 1808; baptised St. Mary Magdalene, Woolwich, 9 July 1809; son of George BUCKINGHAM (1783-1822) and Catharine GANNEY (1790-1862)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 8 September 1832 (per Mountaineer, from Liverpool)
Married Ann Jane JESSOP (1819-1861), Sydney, NSW, 21 July 1834
Departed Sydney, NSW, 4 December 1843 (per City of Sydney, for Auckland)
Died Orange, NSW, 25 April 1862, aged "66" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BUCKINGHAM, Ann Jane (Ann Jane BUCKINGHAM; [1] Mrs. Simon GLOGOSKI; [2] Mrs. Frank TOWERS)

Musician, vocalist, ballad singer, pianist, entertainer, dancing instructor

Born Sydney, NSW, 5/7 October 1835; baptised St. Philip, Sydney, 8 November 1835; daughter of George BUCKINGHAM and Ann Jane JESSOP
Departed Sydney, NSW, 4 December 1843 (per City of Sydney, for Auckland)
Married (1) Simon GLOGOSKI ("Samuel Glogoski" [sic]), Armidale, NSW, 29 January 1858
Departed Newcastle, 9 September 1862 (for Otago, New Zealand)
Married (2) Frank TOWERS (d. 1886), Sydney, NSW, 1882 ("Mrs. TOWERS" since late 1860s)
Died Whoro, India, 19 November 1887 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BUCKINGHAM, George (junior) (George Robert BUCKINGHAM; George BUCKINGHAM, junior)

Musician, flute player, vocalist

Born Launceston, VDL (TAS), 6 November 1839; baptised St. John's, Launceston, 8 January 1840; son of George BUCKINGHAM and Ann Jane JESSOP
Departed Sydney, NSW, 4 December 1843 (per City of Sydney, for Auckland)
Died (drowned) Croisilles Harbour, NZ, 19 August 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BUCKINGHAM, Rosetta (Rosetta BUCKINGHAM; "Mrs. W. H. HAYES")

Musician, vocalist

Born Melbourne, VIC, 13 August 1842; daughter of George BUCKINGHAM and Ann Jane JESSOP
Departed Sydney, NSW, 4 December 1843 (per City of Sydney, for Auckland)
Married (common law) William Henry HAYES, c. 1862
Died (drowned) Croisilles Harbour, NZ, 19 August 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Musician, flute player, vocalist

Born Auckland, NZ, 10 May 1847; son of George BUCKINGHAM and Ann Jane JESSOP
Died Melbourne, VIC, 28 June 1895, aged "48" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Musician, flute player, vocalist

Born Auckland, NZ, 8 December 1849; son of George BUCKINGHAM and Ann Jane JESSOP
Died Sydney, NSW, 22 September 1906 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Musician, vocalist, picco player

Born Auckland, NZ, 24 September 1852; son of George BUCKINGHAM and Ann Jane JESSOP
Died Sydney, NSW, 16 September 1915 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BUCKINGHAM, Alfred William (Alfred William BUCKINGHAM)

Born Auckland, NZ, 6 October 1854
Died NZ, 1864

BUCKINGHAM, Emily Esther (Emily Esther BUCKINGHAM; Mrs. Sydney LAMBERT)

Born Sydney, NSW, 1857; daughter of George BUCKINGHAM and Ann Jane JESSOP
Married Sydney LAMBERT, Dunedin, NZ, 30 January 1877
Died Parramatta, NSW, 1900

BUCKINGHAM, Arthur Stewart (Arthur Stewart BUCKINGHAM)

Born Wollongong, NSW, 25 June 1860
Died New Lambton, NSW, 18 July 1937


? Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Woolwich, in the year 1809; register, 1746-1812; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

Buckingham / George [son] of George & Catherine / [born] Nov. 17 1808 / [baptised] [July] 9

"THEATRE-ROYAL, SYDNEY", The Sydney Herald [NSW] (31 December 1832), 3 

On Wednesday evening [26 December] the Comic Muse made her debut in this Colony with a good grace. The public had been long anxiously awaiting her appearance, and hailed her with unfeigned pleasure. It had been found impossible to prepare the large Theatre by the Christmas holidays, and, consequently, a tasty stage was fitted up in the saloon of the Royal Hotel, and a tier of boxes erected, with the necessary seats, in the pit. The whole arrangements had been carried into effect with a view to accommodate the public, who commenced arriving until the house was crowded, to witness the nautical melo-drama, in three acts, of BLACK-EYED SUSAN, or, ALL IN THE DOWNS . . . WILLIAM (Mr. Meredith) . . . his wife, BLACK-EYED SUSAN, (Mrs. Love) . . . Doggrass (Mr. Buckingham) . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Meredith (actor); Harriet Love (actor, also "Mrs. Jones" below); Barnett Levey (proprietor, manager); Theatre Royal (Sydney company), temporary stage at the Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)

"LEVEY AND BUCKINGHAM", The Currency Lad (30 March 1833), 2 

. . . Levey has told his story - and in common justice we must tell Buckingham's. The latter is a person with whose superior theatrical talents every one who visits the theatre must be acquainted. Buckingham is an emancipist; most of the other principal performers are emigrants. These latter received two and three pounds per week, while the former received thirty shillings. It appears that he had made several applications for an increase of salary, according to the merits of his performance, and it was repeatedly refused. Why or wherefore no one knew, until at length his friends informed him that it was because he was an emancipist. Nettled at this paltry distinction, he, naturally enough, expressed his indignation . . . The affair, however, was after all amicably settled between the parties; Buckingham's salary was increased to two pounds, and all went on smoothly, till the Monitor, most unadvisedly, raked up the subject . . .

NOTE: Despite probably reliable reports that George Buckingham was an emancipist, no record has been found of a convict arrival of that name, or of his emancipation; however, if true, he would almost certainly have been in the colony for at least seven years previously; see also "TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Sydney Monitor (3 April 1833), 3 

[2 advertisements], The Sydney Monitor (1 June 1833), 1 

Will be performed for the first time at this Theatre, that interesting Melo-Drama IN TWO ACTS, THE MILLER'S MAID.
In the course of the evening the following Songs.
"When the Rosy Morn appearing." "Clown's Catalogue of Odd Fish."
"Rifum Tifum, (in character.") "Annot Lyle."
"The Ladies! God bless them." "The Dashing White Sergeant."
For the first time, that celebrated Dance, THE HIGHLAND FLING, IN CHARACTER.
The whole to conclude with the laughable Farce, IN TWO ACTS, OF THE DEVIL TO PAY.
The part of Jobson, by Mr. BUCKINGHAM, who has kindly consented to appear in that character for this night only,
and who will sing the favourite Song, "To lose my Wife's a Trifle" . . .

Colman's Melo-Drama, in Two Acts, CALLED, THE ADOPTED CHILD.
AT the conclusion of the First Act, will be introduced, a grand COMBAT Between Messrs. MACKIE & BUCKINGHAM.
An Opera Hornpipe, by a professional gentleman, who has kindly offered his services for this occasion only.
THE SONG OF "Such an Actor I did grow," BY MR. DUDDRIDGE.
AFTER WHICH, That celebrated Interlude, in one Act, LOVERS' QUARRELS.
A Comic Song by MR. LEVEY.
A COMIC DANCE, After the manner of Messrs. Ridgeway's, by Messrs. BUCKINGHAM & MACKIE.
THE BALLED "Oh! no my Love no," BY MRS. LOVE.
A Piece by a Lady & Gentleman.
Doors open at Six o'Clock; and on account of the length of the performance, the curtain will positively rise at Seven.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Buckingham, two doors from the Globe Tavern; at Mr. Moffitt's, King-street; and at the Bar of the Royal Hotel, George-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Angus B. Mackay (actor, dancer); William Dudderidge (vocalist, actor)

PLAY: The miller's maid (by John Faucit Saville)

MUSIC: To lose a wife's a trifle (comic song, Colman)

"THEATRE", The Australian (7 June 1833), 3 

ON Tuesday night last, a numerous and most respectable audience attended the Theatre to witness the melo-drama called the Miller's Maid, with the farce of the Devil to Pay, for the benefit of Messrs. Mackie and Vale. Mackie as Giles played well, as did Meredith as Matty Marvellous. George the Sailor, by Mr. Vale, we did not like, and we consider Mr. Buckingham's Miller a complete failure . . . In the Devil to Pay, Mr. Buckingham played the character of Jobson, we do not consider his performance of this part equal to Meredith's. A variety of songs were introduced between the pieces, some of which were encored. We would advise Mr. Huffnell and Mr. Buckingham not to attempt comic songs again, for such vile trash as they attempted to palm on the public for singing, we never heard before . . . Mr. Buckingham's Benefit will take place on the 11th instant', he has provided a good bill of fare for the entertainment of the Public, and from the popularity of this Gentleman a crowded house is anticipated.

"To the editors", The Sydney Herald (18 July 1833), 2

GENTLEMEN, - It having been reported by some malicious person, that Mr. George Buckingham refused to play for the benefit of the widow of the late Mr. Laverty, I beg to slate, that Mr. B. not only played the principal exempt in the Tale of Mystery, and Pantaloon in the Pantomime, but that he exerted himself on the occasion, in a manner that satisfied those, who are considered capable of criticising a Theatrical performance.
yours, &c. L. B.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frances Laverty (actor)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (3 October 1833), 3 

Theatre Royal, SYDNEY.
THE Public are respectfully informed, that the SYDNEY THEATRE will commence its Season on SATURDAY, 5th October, 1833,
when His Majesty's Servants, at the rise of the Curtain, will sing the National Anthem "GOD SAVE THE KING."
After which, an ORIGINAL ADDRESS, written expressly for the occasion, by Mr. KNOWLES, and to be spoken by him.
The Dramatic Performance will commence with that much admired Melo-drama, in Two Acts, the Miller and his Men.
Count Frederick Friberg - Mr. HARPUR.
Karl (his Servant) - Mr. BUCKINGHAM.
Grindoff (the Miller) - Mr. GROVE.
Lothair (a young peasant) - Mr. KNOWLES.
Kelmar - Mr. VALE.
Riber, Krutz, Golotz, Banditti, Soldiers, Millers.
Ravina - Mrs. DAWES.
Lunetta - Mrs. COVENEY.
Claudine - Mrs. LOVE.
This Piece will conclude with the CONFLAGRATION of the MILL, and DESTRUCTION of the BANDITTI . . .
Stage Manager, Mr. CAVENDISH; Acting ditto, Mr. KNOWLES; Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. EDWARDS; Principal Violincello, Mr. SIPPE . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Opening night of the new theatre; Daniel Parsons Grove (actor); Conrad Knowles (actor, manager); William Joseph Cavendish (stage manager, musician); John Edwards (leader, violin); George Sippe (cello)

PLAY: The miller and his men (Pocock)

"THEATRICAL BENEFIT CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (21 April 1834), 2 

On Friday evening last, the principal performers of the Sydney Theatre gave their first Concert at the Pulteney Hotel . . . The entertainments opened with the Hunting Chorus, in Der Freischutz," by the whole of the company, which obtained loud applause, several gentleman remarking, that they had not heard such a full and harmonious piece of vocal music in the Colony . . . "Rest Thee Babe," arranged as a quartette followed, between Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Buckingham and Mr. Grove, (Mr. Knowles presiding at the piano), and was sung with great sweetness and melody. This finished Part the First. Part the Second commenced with the glee of "Drink to me only &c." . . . "Shades of Evening" followed; after which, "Auld Lang Syne," between Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Jones, Braham, and Buckingham, (Mr. Knowles at the piano-forte) which was appreciated by the audience and encored. "God save the King," by the whole of the Company, wound up the Evening's Amusements. On Saturday, another Concert was given at the Pulteney Hotel, which was rather thinly attended; the performers, however, sung with spirit, and the orchestra had improved. Another Concert will take place to-morrow evening (Tuesday), when a full house is expected.

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Taylor (vocalist, actor); Harriet Jones (formerly "Mrs. Love", as above); Mr. Braham (vocalist); Pulteney Hotel (Sydney venue)

"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (11 April 1835), 3 

Several persons of capital have become joint lessees of the Theatre which opens to night under the management of Mr. Joseph Simmons, with the favorite piece of Luke the Labourer. The old favorites Messdames Taylor and Jones, and Messrs. Knowles and Buckingham, will make their re-appearance . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist, manager)

"BIRTH", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 October 1835), 3 

On Wednesday last, the 7th October, the wife of Mr. George Buckingham, the Comedian, of a daughter.

Baptisms, St. Philip's church, Sydney, 1835; Australia, births and baptisms database (PAYWALL) (PAYWALL)

8 November 1835 / Born 5 October 1835 / Ann Jane / daughter of George and Ann / Buckingham / Comedian

"QUIDS AND QUIDDITIES. COURT OF REQUESTS SYDNEY, 9th Inst. . . . Whitfield v. Buckingham", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 January 1836), 3 

The plaintiff sought to recover £2 the value of a song book lent to the defendant some three or four months back, which was lost by the latter.
Mr. Buckingham an extensive dealer and agent lives in Barrack Lane, and one evening being musically inclined, hied him to the plaintiff and requested the loan of the book in question to copy therefrom "Oh rest thee my baby," to sing to master [sic, ? miss] Buckingham who was restless at night, but would lay "peaceful slumbering" in his cradle, when lulled by rich tones of his father's voice. The book was lent and Mr. B. hurried home, strung his guitar and struck in an adagio movement, into the charmed air, which hushed the restless babe. This was continued for several nights, when a friend happened to call Mr. B. in an unguarded moment, lent the treasured book, which never found its way back, and plaintiff was at last acquainted that the book had strayed.
Mr. B. now contended that £2 was a most exorbitant demand for the article; he was willing to pay a reasonable price for the book, but as books were now selling he could purchase several such for the sum sought for.
Mr. Therry. - It does appear to me that £2 is a targe sum for a song book. What kind of book was it Mr. Buckingham?
Mr. Buckingham. It was a tolerable good book, your Honor; I don't wish to run down the article; it contained:
"Should he upbraid"
"The mountain maid"
"A down in the valley"
"Sally of our alley"
"The old Commodore,"
And many more favourite songs, which however I can purchase for a much lower sum than £2. If the plaintiff will give me time I think I can recover the original which I will seek for, and return; but if I fail in doing so, I hope your Honor will reduce the charge to something reasonable, otherwise it will spoil my singing for some time. Verdict for £1 if the book is not returned in a fortnight.

ASSOCIATIONS: Roger Therry (lawyer)

"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 December 1836), 2 

"Blue Beard," after a long rest was again produced on Saturday night . . . Mr. Buckingham was very respectable as Shacabac, a favorite slave of Blue Beard - made one in the duet of "Tink a Tink," and "A fond Husband will after a conjugal strife" decently, although singing is out of his line . . . sbelieve it. Mrs. Jones was lively and attractive as Beda, and sang well, "Tink a Tink" and "The Lively Serenade." The piece on the whole went off well . . . - Rep.

MUSIC: Tink a tink (Michael Kelly); A fond husband will after a conjugal strife (song) or as set Some husbands will after a conjugal strife (Kelly)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Times (14 January 1837), 2 

Theatre Royal, Sydney.
THIS EVENING, the performance will commence with the admired and interesting Drama of the SOMNAMBULIST; or the Phantom of the Village.
M. de Rosambert, Mr. Knowles; Edmund, Mr. Spencer; Ernestine, Mrs. Taylor.
A Comic Dance, by Mr. Fitzgerald.
After which, Mr. Buckingham will sing the favorite Song, called the "Batch of Conundrums."
The whole to conclude with the Fairy Spectacle, called OBERON; or the Charmed Horn.
C. KNOWLES, Manager.

See also, [Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 January 1837), 3 

. . . Mr. Buckingham as "Billy Black," will give his "Bundle of Conundrums" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Spencer (actor); Dennis Fitzgerald (dancer, actor)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (18 January 1837), 3 

Mr. BUCKINGHAM will appear for this Night only as DOCTOR SYNTAX, and Sing the New and admired Comic Song called - "NOTHING AT ALL" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Simes (actor)

MUSIC: Nothing at all ["In Derry down dale when I wanted a mate . . ."] (song)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (30 January 1837), 2 

Theatre Royal, Sydney.
MRS. JONES RESPECTFULLY begs to inform her Friends and Patrons, that her BENEFIT is fixed for Monday, January 30 . . .
The Evening's Entertainments will conclude with the Operatic Extravaganza, by Moncrieff, called
Act 1st, Scene 1st. The Infernal Regions by Torchlight.
Don Giovanni (for the first time) Mrs. Jones.
Firedrake, Mr. Buckingham.
Demons, Messrs. Dyball and Fitzgerald.
Song - Fly not yet, Mr. Buckingham.
Pray, Goody, Mrs. Jones.
Succubus and Brimstone, Mrs. M. Jones and Miss Jones
Song - I've kissed and I've prattled, Mrs. Jones
Pluto, Mr. Spencer
Proserpine, Miss Douglass
Glee - From our Infernal Regions, turn out . . .
ACT 2nd . . . Scene 4th . . . Glee - We laugh at the hour, Messrs. Buckingham, Lane, Lee, Dyball, &c. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Dyball (actor); Matilda and Matilda Jones (performers, mother and daughter); Ellen Hatch Douglass (actor); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor, vocalist)

PLAY (with songs): Giovanni in London (Moncrieff, with songs)

MUSIC: Fly not yet, 'tis just the hour (Moore and Stevenson)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Times (11 February 1837), 4 

Theatre Royal, Sydney. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MRS. LARRA . . . Monday, February the 13th, 1837 . . .
Between the Pieces a variety of Entertainments, viz.: -
Comic Song - "The Royal Visitors," by MR. LEVEY.
The Tullochgoram Reel, by Mr. Goring HEWSON [sic].
Comic Song - "What are you at? what are you arter?" by Mr. Buckingham . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Larra (actor); Young Hewson (dancer)

MUSIC: What are you at? what are you arter? (comic song)

Theatre Royal, Sydney. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. LEE . . . MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20 . . .
Comic Song in character, "I never says nothing to nobody," BY MR. BUCKINGHAM . . .

MUSIC: I never says nothing to nobody (comic song, by Thomas Hudson)

"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (1 March 1837), 2 

Zara, or the Gypsey's Fate, was performed on Monday and last evening . . . Knowles and Buckingham were interesting, throughout in their parts, particularly the first. There was bungling in the scenes and movements as usual . . . The music too, played always either too soon or too late; every one can perceive when it ought to commence and cease except the proper person; although Mr. Buckingham began to sing, the leader of the band would not join . . .

"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 March 1837), 2 

Friday being St. Patrick's Day, the Theatre was opened in the evening, out of the usual course, but so short a notice had been given of this indication, that the audience was not by any means so numerous as it otherwise would have been. The pieces were "The Rake's Progress" and "The Young Reefer." Mrs. Taylor sung the popular song of "Kate Kearney," and was vociferously encored. This lady's voice is recovering its wonted strength and mellowness. Mr. Buckingham broke down in two attempts at comic songs. The Amateur who was to have sung "Kitty O'Lynch" disappointed the audience; indisposition was assigned as the reason. Mr. Dyball, however, substituted "Quarter Day" in its place, which was well received . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (27 March 1837), 2 

To conclude with DON GIOVANNI; Don Giovanni, with all the original Songs, Mrs. Taylor, her first appearance in that character this season;
Leperello, Mr. Buckingham, his first appearance in that character.

"THE THEATRE", The Australian (31 March 1837), 

On Easter Monday the performances commenced with The Dog of Montargis, in which the dog was very successful, and like the other actors required occasional prompting, but was not guilty of gagging. Then followed Don Giovanni, in which Mrs. Taylor for the 20th time played her original character of the Don. It drew a crowded house and gave abundant satisfaction. We, as well our contemporaries, have written so repeatedly on her excellent performance of that difficult character, that we can add nothing to what we have already stated, excepting that since the Theatre has been established, none of the representatives of that character were competent to rival her in the gay vivacious merry Don. Her acting in that character is perfect; her singing of the delightful music with which the piece abounds was beautifully executed; her happiest efforts were Stern Pluto, and the parody on Bruce's Address. Buckingham as Leperello was much better than we expected, and sang some of the parodies with taste . . .

"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 April 1837), 2 

On Thursday night . . . The evening's amusement concluded with the extravaganza of "Giovanni in London; or, the Libertine Reclaimed" . . . Leporello was sustained for the second time by Mr. Buckingham, although upon his first appearance in it he played well, he had considerably improved upon this occasion, especially in the songs, which Mr. B. hit off very happily, and with effect; we are of opinion that he generally commences in too high a key . . .

"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (3 April 1837), 2 

We are glad to learn that Mr. Dean is to lead the Orchestra in the Theatre. The selection of music has been indifferent and always the same; the performance was miserable; mere noise. When the house is full, the band may play a little louder; but when it is thin, the loud grinding of the orchestra has been tormenting to the ear, in lieu of being grateful. One would suppose, that when the same pieces are performed two or three times a week, there would be something like music. Quite the contrary; the oftener the band plays a piece; the less music is produced. The way in which performers touch their instruments is truly pot-house like. The band is equally inattentive to the acting. We have seen poor Buckingham come forward and give the signal in such a way, as to spoil, the drama, and yet the orchestra could not comprehend. We often thought, that the smoke of the penny tin lamps which light the orchestra, and which is insufferable in the dress boxes near the stage, rendered the leader of the orchestra half insensible. The smoke is certainly dreadful. Instead of glass curtains made of children's penny looking glasses, and trumpery of this kind, Mr. Levey had much better light the orchestra with lamps, which consume their own smoke. We hope Mr. Dean will refuse to enter the orchestra until the present vile Butchers' lamps are substituted by Argand lamps. If he does not, he will certainly be poisoned and he should consider his large family.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (violin, leader)

"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 May 1837), 2 

THE Sydney Theatre re-opened for the season on Saturday night, under the acting management of Mr. Simes, and the stage management of Mr. Buckingham, Mr. Levey being manager and director . . .

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 June 1837), 3 

. . . All the Government Buildings in the colony proceed at a snail's pace, and the excuse is want of hands. This is not a tangible excuse, as we may every day observe the residences of private individuals rising as though by magic. A few days since we passed a garden studded with cabbages, &c., surrounding a cottage at the corner of Elizabeth and Park streets; about a week afterwards we passed the same spot and there was a house roofed in, occupying the place of the garden; we enquired particulars, and found that the building had been erected by Mr. Buckingham, the comedian, for the purposes of a Inn. From the rapidity with which the building raised its head aloft, we suspected that Mr. B. had some dealings with "Aladdin's Wonderful Lamp," but soon discovered that the only magic used was the loosing of the purse strings.

"THE LICENSING MEETING", The Sydney Herald (29 June 1837), 2 

The Magistrates have taken great pains in the granting of Licenses this year . . . Through the courtesy of the Police Clerks, we have been enabled to publish the following list of new Licenses: - . . . ELIZABETH STREET - George Buckingham, Odd Fellows' Arms . . .

"THE DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 July 1837), 2 

We had almost been diverted from our original intention of criticising the performance of a new farce called "Crossing the Line," which was produced for the first time at our theatre on Thursday evening last, by the pretty apology made by Mrs. Taylor for the defects of the performance, for not even her sweet smile could induce us to notice it with any thing like approbation . . . The piece was most miserably cast. Lee, although rapidly improving as a performer, with a tolerably good conception too of every character he attempts to play, has been gifted by nature with so comic a countenance as to disable him from playing successfully any part containing the slightest tinge of any thing like sentiment. That he did not succeed in "Wouvernian Van Broom" is not so much attributable to himself, for his idea of the character was tolerably good, as to the joint effect of Buckingham and nature to render his efforts abortive. The more we see of Buckingham the more fully we are convinced that he can play no description of character but the vulgar old man, and even that he will not long continue to shine in, if he is not more careful than he has been of late. On Thursday evening he appeared in the character of "Wouter Van Broom," a musical pilot. Who on earth could have conceived the idea of casting Buckingham for a musical character, the man's wits must surely have been woolgathering. We would seriously advise Buckingham in future not to -
". . . Tax so bad a voice
"To slander music any more than once."
Of his part on Monday night Buckingham knew not a syllable. He favoured the gods instead with a few phrases of his own construction, and they in turn very judiciously hissed him off the stage at the close of a murdered medley. Buckingham's ignorance ruined the effect of the piece, which might perhaps have otherwise come off tolerably well . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 August 1837), 1 

THE Next MEETING takes place on TUESDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock.
Mr. B., President.
Mr. L., Vice-ditto.
Mr. Rosincrantz will preside at the Pianoforte.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Rosincrantz (piano)

"THEATRE", The Australian (22 August 1837), 2 

Mr. Buckingham's Benefit is announced for Monday next - on which occasion will be performed some well chosen pieces (vide Advertisement). Mr. B. has announced this as his last benefit, as it [is] his intention of retiring from the Stage, - and we have no doubt that his friends will muster on the occasion and give him a bumping "farewell."

"THE DRAMA", The Sydney Times (26 August 1837), 3 

Of Actors on our Royal Stage, the first
Was BUCKINGHAM; if not the best, not worst
Of Sydney Thespians! On Monday he takes leave
Of Friends and Drama - whilst the public grieve
For his departure, yet the House will tell.
It gives and takes of him a kind farewell.
The Tragic, and the Comic Muse will feel
His loss; and all the corps dramatique without sham
To friendship, feeling as they make appeal,
"Take him for all in all" will say with zeal,
"Where shall we find the like of BUCKINGHAM?"
"Alas!" they answer - quite o'ercome with pain;
"We ne'er shall look upon his like again."

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (28 August 1837), 3 

Theatre Royal, Sydney. Farewell Benefit of Mr. Buckingham.
MR. BUCKINGHAM most respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general, that his last Benefit at the Theatre will take place
THIS EVENING, August 28. 1837, on which occasion will be presented (for the first time in this Colony,
the deeply interesting romantic Drama, in two Acts, called THE CHAIN OF GUILT; OR, THE MURDER ON THE HEATH . . .
The Highland Fling, in character, by MISS LAZAR.
To be followed by the broad laughable Farce, in one act, called THE FIRST NIGHT; OR, MY OWN GHOST . . .
A Comic Duet, by Mr. Buckingham and Mrs. Taylor. The whole to conclude with (for this night only) the grand Eastern Spectacle called BLUE BEARD; OR, FEMALE CURIOSITY.
Blue Beard (first time) - Mr. Spencer
Selim - Mr. Peal
Hassan - Mr. Johnson
Ibrahim - Mr. Simes
Shacabac - Mr. Buckingham
Spahis - Messrs. Collins, Dyball, Lee, and Lane
Fatima - Miss Winstanley
Irene - Mrs. Downes
Beda (first time) - Mrs. Taylor
Guards, Slaves, &c.
In the course of the Piece, the following Songs, Duets, &c.
"Tink a Tink" - Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Buckingham.
"When will you meet me, Love" - Mrs. Taylor
"While pensive, I thought on my Love" - Miss Winstanley.
"Love is a mischievous Boy" - Mrs. Downes.
"A fond Husband will after a conjugal strife" - Mr. Buckingham.
SA Grand Turkish Dance, BY MISS LAZAR;
*** Tickets and Boxes to be obtained from Mr. Buckingham, at his residence, the "Odd Fellows' Arms," Elizabeth and Park-streets; and at the Theatre, from ten till four daily.
N.B.-In order to ensure the comfort of the Evening, there will not be any Half Price, nor will children in arms be admitted.

ASSOCIATIONS: Rachel Lazar (dancer); Mrs. Downes (actor, vocalist); Eliza Winstanley (actor, vocalist)

PLAY: Blue-beard; or, Female curiosity (Colman)

[Advertisement], The Australian (13 October 1837), 1 

SPLENDID NOVELTY. Mr. Buckingham's re-appearance in the character of Boniface . . .
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. - Having quitted the Stage for the Bar (I bar all punning,) permit me to solicit your applause in the character of Boniface, (rather Bony I admit) at the "Odd Fellows' Arms" . . .

[Advertisement], The Australian (27 October 1837), 3 

GLEE CLUB. GENTLEMEN desirous of hearing and enjoying Harmony,
are respectfully invited to call at Buckingham's Glee Club, held every Tuesday Evening,
at the sign of the Odd Fellows' Arms, corner of Park and Elizabeth- streets.

"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Times (4 November 1837), 3 

We have omitted in our theatrical notices of the Stage and of Benefits, to direct attention to Buckingham's facetious advertisement of having quitted the stage and been called to the bar. On Friday evenings the Catch and Glee Club is well attended; performers and visitors muster from thirty to forty strong, and all friends of Buckingham and the Drama, of songs, catches, and glees, should repair to the Odd-fellows Hall.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 November 1837), 2 

The Glee Club held at Buckingham's, has received an addition, both vocal and instrumental. The whole affair goes off with much eclat, - and so pays the proprietor remarkably well.

[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (28 March 1838), 1 

BUCKINGHAM AGAIN . . . N.B. - The Glee Club flourishes. A few choice throats from London lately added. Monsieur diable Kikankruse, has been engaged for the quarter . . .

"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (25 July 1838), 2 

Mr. Wyatt has been gradually gathering around him all the talent within his reach, and he has been successful in every instance but one - we allude to Mr. Buckingham, whose "old men" have been unrivalled upon the Sydney boards; and he alone is wanting to complete Mr. Wyatt's now powerful company. Understanding that Mr. B. is open for an engagement, we anticipate shortly to have the pleasure of hailing his return to the Stage, which he trod, for several years, not only to the satisfaction of the public, but with credit to himself.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wyatt (proprietor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue, successor to the Theatre Royal)

[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (15 August 1838), 1 

Odd Fellows' Tavern. Household Furniture, Books, cut Glass, splendid Gig, Cart, Harness, &c. complete;
together with the entire Stock-in-Trade of Mr. GEORGE BUCKINGHAM, at the Odd Fellows' Tavern,
situate at the corner of Elizabeth and Park streets.
TO-BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY SAMUEL SOLOMON, On THURSDAY the 15th day of August instant . . .

[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (8 September 1838), 2

Buckingham Again!!! . . . Glee Club every Monday evening; Mr. Braham in the chair . . .

[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (19 September 1838), 1 

Royal Victoria Theatre, PITT-STREET.
Messrs. COLLINS and FITZGERALD most respectfully inform their Friends and the Public in general, that their
BENEFIT will take place on THURSDAY EVENING, the 20th September, 1838 . . .
MR. BUCKINGHAM will appear for this night only, in the character of Corporal Stiff, and sing the Comic Song of the Steam Arm.
Comic Song by Mr. Falchon . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Collins (actor); Arthur Falchon (vocalist)

MUSIC: The steam arm (song), as sung c. 1835, by a London "Mr. Buckingham", probably Thomas Buckingham (actor, comedian, vocalist), ? father of Edward Buckingham (below)

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (14 January 1839), 1 supplement 

The friends of the late facecious theatrical bony-face of the Odd Fellows Arms, were thrown into a state of consternation on Saturday, by his sudden disappearance. The house and premises lately occupied by Mr. Buckingham, have been let to Mr. Pullinger, publican, of Kent-street.

Hobart and Launceston, VDL (TAS) (1839-40):

"BOLTERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 March 1839), 2 

Among the applicants for relief under the Insolvent Act of Van Dieman's Land, commonly called the Whitewashing Act, we observe that of Mr. George Buckingham, formerly a licensed victualler of Sydney, latterly of Hobart Town, out of business, - but now a prisoner for debt in her Majesty's gaol at Launceston. Master Buckingham, it would seem from this, although he succeeded in bolting from this Colony, has not been successful in eluding the vigilance of some of his creditors.

[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser [Sydney, NSW] (20 March 1839), 3 

IN the matter of the" Insolvency of George Buckingham, late of Sydney, in New South Wales, Innkeeper, and afterwards of Hobart Town, in the island of Van Diemen's Land, out of business, but now confined for debt in Her Majesty's Gaol at Launceston . . .

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (27 March 1839), 2 

By the Minerva we learn, that Mr. Buckingham, of eccentric memory, is at Launceston, beating up for recruits for a small theatrical corps to perform in that town.

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (14 December 1839), 2 

THEATRE. Last night of Performance.
On TUESDAY, the 17th or December, will be performed the laughable Farce of THE MARRIED RAKE; OR, A WIDOWS LECTURE.
Mr. Frederick Flinty (a fickle, changeable, married gentleman) - MR. BUCKINGHAM . . .
Mrs. Trictrac (a teasing, tormenting, bewitching young widow) - MRS. CAMERON . . .
Cornet Fitzherbert Fitzhenry (an elegant extract, a regular lady killer, and a fashionable cavalry officer) - MRS. CAMERON . . .
Matrimonial Duet by Mr. Buckingham and Mrs. Cameron.
Comic Song by Mr. Buckingham . . .
TICKETS to be obtained at Mr. Suisted's, Steam Packet Tavern.

ASSOCIATIONS: Cordelia Cameron (actor, vocalist); Theatre Steam Packet Tavern (Launceston venue)

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (28 December 1839), 2 

DRAMATIC AMUSEMENT. MR. BUCKINGHAM, begs to offer himself to the Public by giving a series of
DRAMATIC PERFORMANCES, assisted by MRS. CAMERON and several Amateurs, at the Cornwall Hotel.
The first performance to take place on the 1st January, previous to Mrs. Cameron's departure for South Australia.
The Evenings Amusement to commence with the laughable farce of
THE ORIGINAL!!! OR, WHO'S THE DUPE. Jack Nonpareil - Mr. Buckingham . . . Emily Lukewarm - Mrs. Cameron.
Comic Song, by an Amateur.
Comic Duet, by Mrs. Cameron & Mr. Buckingham.
COMIC SONG, By an Amateur.
Comic Duet, by Mrs. Cameron and Mr. Buckingham.
SONG, MRS. CAMERON. To conclude with for the last time BATCHELORS' BUTTONS, Sam - Mr. Buckingham. Emily - Mrs. Cameron.
N.B - In order to insure the comfort and respectability of the Audience, only 60 Tickets, (not transferable) will be issued.
Paid 7s. 6d. EACH, which can be obtained at the Office of the Cornwall Chronicle.
Performance to commence at 8 o'clock precisely.

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. John's Launceston in the county of Cornwall in the year 1840; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1087831; RGD32/1/3/ no 1002 (DIGITISED)

No. 529 / 8th January 1840 / [born] 6th Nov'r 1839 / George Robert / [son of] George and Anne / Buckingham / Launceston / Dealer . . .

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (25 January 1840), 1 

NOTICE. THE Undersigned being about to leave the Colony, will feel obliged by all Persons who have claims upon him presenting the same for liquidation; and all those who are indebted to him will arrange their accounts immediately,

Adelaide, SA (1 February 1840 to 27 March 1841):

"PORT ADELAIDE SHIPPING. ARRIVED", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (8 February 1840), 3 

February 1. - The brig Hamilton, 248 tons, Thomas William Bradbury commander, from Launceston, having left that place on the 22nd ult., with a cargo of sundries as per imports.
Passengers . . . Mrs. Cameron and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham and two children . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (15 February 1840), 3 

VICTORIA THEATRE. The public are respectfully informed that on
Monday Evening, February 17, 1840, will be performed for the first time in this colony, Buckstone's highly wrought drama called
ISABELLE; OR, WOMAN'S LIFE . . . It was played at the Sydney Theatre upwards of 60 nights, to crowded houses;
and the proprietor trusts it will meet with the same encouragement at the Victoria Theatre, Adelaide.
The Scenery is entirely new by Mr. Opie. The Music by Mr. Lee. Machinery by Mr. Benham.
The Dresses by Mrs. Smith. The whole under the entire direction of Mr. Buckingham . . .
To conclude with the TWO GREGORIES. Gregory - Mr. Buckingham. Fanchette - Mrs. Cameron.
G. BUCKINGHAM, Stage Manager.

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Andrew Opie (scenic artist, actor); Philip Lee (musician, leader); Charles Edward Benham (machinist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)

"THE THEATRE", South Australian Register (15 February 1840), 5 

During the last ten days, Mrs. Cameron and Mr. Buckingham have been performing with great success to well-filled houses. The want of novelty for some time previous had rather damped the spirits of the actors as well as of the audiences; but both have been enlivened by the arrival of Mrs. Cameron and Mr. Buckingham . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (28 March 1840), 3 

VICTORIA THEATRE. Splendid Novelty!! BUCKINGHAM'S NIGHT. (Stage Manager.)
On Monday Evening, March 30, will be performed, for the first time in this colony,
that splendid Romance, played for upwards of 140 nights to crowded houses in London, entitled ONE O'CLOCK; OR, THE WOOD DEMON . . .
. . . the Dresses by Mrs. Buckingham; Music by Mr. Lee . . . the whole under the entire direction of Mr. Buckingham.
COMIC SONG - Young Larry, By an Amateur.
SONG - Rory o'More - Mrs. Mansfield.
GLEE - By Messrs. Buckingham, Gates, Fenton, and Mrs. Mansfield.
SONG - The Wolf, Mr. Gates.
COMIC SONG - Mr. Buckingham.
To conclude with the Operatic Farce of NO SONG NO SUPPER . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Mansfield (actor, vocalist); Mr. Gates (actor, vocalist); Charles Fenton (actor, vocalist)

[Advertisement], Adelaide Chronicle and South Australian Advertiser (28 April 1840), 2 

ARGYLE ROOMS. MR. BUCKINGHAM (late of the Theatre)
begs to return his most sincere thanks to the public for the liberal support he has received since his arrival in Adelaide, and trusts he may continue to receive a share of that patronage which has hitherto been so liberally bestowed on him.
The Argyle Rooms will be opened On Monday Evening, May 4, 1840,
With an entirely new piece, entitled The King's Command; OR, THE DISGUISES.
The celebrated tournament scene from TIMOUR THE TARTAR.
To conclude with (for the first time in this Colony) - THE TURNED HEAD.
Mr. Buckingham begs to say that his present Company consists of Mr. Easther, Mr. Opie (Scene Painter),
Mr. Lewis, Mr. Levey, Mr. Rainsford, Mr. Malpas, Mr. Buckingham,
Mr. Lee (Leader of the Orchestre), Mr. Benham (Machinist), Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Rainsford,
Mrs. Joel, Mrs. Coombes, Mrs. Grove (Dress Maker).
Private Boxes may be had at the Box Office, late entrance to Solomon's Rooms.
G. BUCKINGHAM, Stage Manager.

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (20 June 1840), 3 

ARGYLE THEATRE. MR. BUCKINGHAM begs to state that he has at present, vacancies for two or three actresses.
Salary, three pounds per week, and a benefit during the season. Application to be made at the Theatre.
GEORGE BUCKINGHAM. Currie-street, June 19.
* The present season will conclude as soon as the new theatre is finished.

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (11 July 1840), 2 

ARGYLE THEATRE. BLUE BEARD, half-price, - On Saturday Evening, July 11, 1840 . . .
Mr. Buckingham begs most respectfully to return his sincere thanks for the very liberal support he has received since he had opened the Argyle Theatre, and begs to assure the public that nothing shall be wanting on his part, or that of his company, to give them every satisfaction.
He begs further to acquaint them that he has built an entirely new stage, which is twenty-seven feet in length, in order to give more effect to a series of Melo dramas he is about producing; the great success of Blue Beard has induced him to do this, and he feels convinced when they see Der Freischutz, or, The Demon of the Forest, they will award that praise to him which is due to industry and perseverance.
It is also the intention of Mr. B. to improve the Front of the Theatre, so that the boxes will be brought on each side as soon as the weather will permit.
G. BUCKINGHAM, Stage Manager. Fancy Dress Balls every fortnight.

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (2 January 1841), 2 

THE Gentry and Public of Adelaide and its vicinity are most respectfully informed that the above elegant Theatre being now completed will open for the season, ON MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1841, Under the exclusive Direction of Mr. Lazar (late Manager of the Victoria, and Theatre Royal, Sydney) . . .
The Company will consist of . . . Mr. Buckingham - From the Victoria Theatre Sydney . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, manager); Queen's Theatre (Adelaide venue)

"THE QUEEN'S THEATRE", South Australian Register (16 January 1841), 2 

This fine building, finished by Mr. E. Solomon at an expense of nearly £10,000, was opened on Monday last, by an effective and well-organised company under the experienced management of Mr. Lazar - well known and much respected as the conductor of the theatrical amusements of Sydney . . . Miss Lazar's dance was exceedingly graceful, and met a deserved and unanimous encore. This young lady would be an acquisition to any theatre, as, in addition to her talent in the ballet, her acting in the after piece, Mary Anne, a farce of Buckstone's, was excellent. She was well-supported by Mr. Buckingham, and by the other actors. The house was crowded in every part.

[Advertisement], Southern Australian (5 March 1841), 2 

MR. Buckingham begs to acknowledge the kind and liberal support he has met with in the province of South Australia; and, at the same time, to inform the public, that at the request of a large number of his well-wishers, he has been induced to get up an evening's entertainment, which he proposes shall take place at the old Victoria Theatre, on Wednesday, March 10th,
- being the place in which he had the honour of making his first appearance, there will he MAKE HIS EXIT
in an appropriate address - at the same time bidding them farewell. For particulars, see bills of the day.
N.B. A Grand Carnival will be given at the conclusion of the performance; an extra band will be in attendance.

"THEATRICALS AT A DISCOUNT", Southern Australian (9 March 1841), 3 

From an advertisement in our last, it will have been seen, that Mr. Buckingham is about to take a Farewell Benefit at the Victoria Theatre, on Wednesday next the 10th instant. As we have before said upon this subject, the tone of moral and religious feeling in Adelaide is not of such a nature as to induce the expectation that any theatrical party would stand long. Mr. Buckingham it appears proceeds to Port Phillip; and, from what we hear, it is likely he will soon be followed by some others. Of this we are pretty certain, that money would be much more profitably invested in useful public buildings than in theatres in Adelaide. Whist we thus freely express ourselves, and have to record Mr. Buckingham's want of success in theatricals here, we sincerely wish him success in any new pursuits, more congenial to the public interest, to which he may devote himself on his arrival at Port Phillip.

Melbourne, NSW (VIC) (4 April 1841 to 4 November 1842):

"MELBOURNE SHIPPING", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (10 April 1841), 3 

4 - JOHN COOPER, ship, Salmon, master, from Greenock via Adelaide. Passengers - . . . Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham and two children . . .

"SOCK AND BUSKIN", Port Phillip Gazette (10 April 1841), 3 

We hail the arrival of an old Sydney favorite, Mr. Buckingham, as an assurance of the pledge given by the proprietor of the pavilion, that the drama should ere long obtain a fooling in Melbourne. The talents of Buckingham require no adventitious aid from our pen, beyond the bare announcement of his debut on Monday evening next at the Concert.

ASSOCIATIONS: Melbourne Amateur Concerts (series); Royal Pavilion Theatre (Melbourne venue, also advertised as "Theatre Royal", and "Royal Victoria Theatre")

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (14 April 1841), 2 

ROYAL PAVILION. THE Public is respectfully informed that the Pavilion will be opened during every evening of the Race week.
This evening (April 14) the Entertainments will consist of Vocal and Instrumental Music, a Sailor's Hornpipe, and a Comic Recitation by Mr. Buckingham.
(For particulars see Bills) Boxes 10s 6d, Pit, 7s, Gallery, 4s.
MR. BUCKINGHAM, Sole Manager.

"THE PAVILION", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (19 April 1841), 2 

During the Races the little theatre in Bourke-street, to which Sir George Gipps refused a license, has been open, under the denomination of the Pavilion, for the performance of concerts and various other entertainments. Buckingham formerly of the Sydney Theatre, and latterly of Adelaide, has the entire management. The multiplicity of our engagements has hitherto prevented our attendance, but we propose seeing and judging for ourselves on an early night. A report with which we are furnished states, that Madame Gautrot is the star of the boards; but that Buckingham's comic songs are well received. On Saturday night a Mr. Miller is said to have been allowed to sing a song for which he ought to have been kicked out of the house. The constabulary do not attend, it seems, to maintain order, because the house is open without the sanction of Sir George Gipps.

ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Gautrot (vocalist); William Miller (actor, vocalist); George Gipps (governor of NSW)

"PRIVATE ASSEMBLIES", Port Phillip Gazette (23 October 1841), 3 

The first ball of the season took place last night at the Freemasons' Lodge-room, in the Exchange Hotel. The attendance was numerous, considering the unsettled state of the weather; and the arrangements made reflected the greatest praise upon the stewards of the evening. The ball room was most tastefully decorated, under the supervision of Mr. Buckingham. The refreshments were of the first-rate description. Quadrilles, waltzes, and gallopades divided the entertainments into their due proportions, to which the exertions of the orchestra contributed the full share of mirth and activity. The supper room was ornamented with flags of various descriptions. Altogether the entertainment appeared to afford ample satisfaction to all parties; and the tout ensemble afforded a gratifying spectacle of colonial gaiety, which cannot be too often repeated.

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (16 February 1842), 2 

THE public is most respectfully informed, that the Amateur performance, in aid of the Melbourne Hospital Fund, will take place
ON MONDAY EVENING, FEB. 21, at the theatre, in Bourke-street.
Previous to the commencement of the performance, the Band will play the National anthem of GOD SAVE THE QUEEN,
To be followed by au appropriate Address, to be delivered by MR. ARDEN.
The performance will commence with the laughable petit comedy, entitled THE WIDOW'S VICTIM.
AFTER WHICH, A Sailor's Hornpipe, (in character) - By a Amateur.
Song - Master Eyles. Highland Fling, (in character) - by a gentleman Amateur.
The "Steam Arm," - Mr. Buckingham.
The whole will conclude with the laughable Farce, in one act, called THE LOTTERY TICKET; or, THE LAWYER'S CLERK . . .
The Stage Management under the direction of MR. BUCKINGHAM.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Arden (amateur); Master Eyles (vocalist)

See also, above, [Playbill], Theatre Royal, Melbourne, 21 February 1842 

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Stainsborough [sic] = Robert Stainsby (musician)

"AMATEUR THEATRICALS", Port Phillip Gazette (23 February 1841), 3 

. . . Mr. Buckingham, of the Gazette office, undertook the arduous duties of stage manager, and from morning till midnight was constantly engaged in refitting the Pavilion, ordering the materials, directing the scene painter, looking over the amanuensis employed to write out the parts, attending the rehearsals, and drilling the new hands into the mysteries of stage effect . . .

"AMATEUR THEATRICALS", Port Phillip Gazette (26 February 1841), 3 

On Thursday evening the second and last of the theatrical entertainments announced on behalf of the Melbourne Hospital came off to an immensely crowded house . . . Rob Roy . . . which with the exception of Mr. Buckingham was supported entirely by amateur talent, was the great attraction of the evening . . . It is sufficient to say that Mr. Buckingham took the part of the Dougal Creature, to satisfy the reader that the singular traits of this character were properly brought out. The scenery, printed by Mr. Southall, under Mr. Buckingham's directions, received its share of praise . . . Between the pieces Mr. Mossman again displayed his brilliant and expressive execution on the accordion. Master Eyles sung with his usual sweetness and acceptance. Mr. Harper, in the Highland fling, was also deservedly saluted; while Mr. Buckingham, in the song of "Nothing," was not only encored, but was called on for the "Steam Arm," which he was obliged, however, to decline, from the fatigue he had encountered during the evening in superintending the minutest arrangements of the theatre . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Felix Mossman (accordion)

"AMATEUR THEATRICALS", Melbourne Times (23 April 1842), 3 

On Monday evening last, pursuant to previous announcement, was performed the popular historic opera of Rob Roy, which was received with great and unqualified approbation . . . Rashleigh Osbaldiston, (Mr. Thomson,) fully, sustained the encomiums passed upon him on a former occasion, as did also Mr. Buckingham, who in the character of Major Galbraith, appeared the very counterpart of the jolly soldier . . .

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (16 May 1842), 1 

will be performed, for the first time in this province, the Grand Eastern spectacle,
with New Dresses, Scenery, Music, Machinery, and Decorations,
founded on those popular tales, the Arabian Nights, and entitled
Married and Buried; OR; THE SHIPWRECKED COCKNEY . . .
Mr. B. has obtained all the original music, which will be arranged by two professional gentlemen . . .
G. BUCKINGHAM, Stage Manager.

ASSOCIATIONS: The illustrious stranger; or, Married and buried (James Kenney; original music by Isaac Nathan)

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", Port Phillip Gazette (18 June 1842), 3 

On Thursday night last, the Pavilion was made the scene of a confusion which has been unparalleled in the district. During the course of the after piece in which Miss Sinclair was taking the part of Mannette, some parties in the pit, sitting close to the stage, made use of offensive expressions, accompanied by notes of purposed disapprobation, that obliged the actress to stop and complain of the interruption; Mr. Stephen, the honorary manager, observing one of the young men attempting to repeat his sallies, ordered a constable down into the pit to take him into charge . . . The performers, headed by Mr. Buckingham and Miss Sinclair, coming on again, sung a finale chorus, and the house was dismissed . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Stephen (venue manager)

"VAN DIEMEN'S LAND", Port Phillip Gazette (27 July 1842), 3 

We see by an advertisement, that Mrs. Clark, encouraged by her well-deserved success at the Argyle Rooms, had determined on the bold measure of opening the Campbell-street Theatre . . . Mrs. Clarke, in order to strengthen and bring into the best order her corps dramatique, had written, it was reported, to engage the services of Mr. Buckingham, the manager of the Melbourne Pavilion.

ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens Clarke (actor, vocalist, manager); Argyle Rooms (Hobart venue); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)

"BIRTH", Melbourne Times (13 August 1842), 3 

To-day the lady of Mr. G. Buckingham, Stephens street, of a daughter.

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (27 August 1842), 2 

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. MR. GEORGE BUCKINGHAM having received a permanent engagement, as Stage Manager of the Pavilion Theatre, retires by his own wish from the situation of General Agent to the Gazette newspaper and printing establishment. Mr. Arden takes the opportunity of acknowledging the industry and aptitude which distinguished Mr. Buckingham's services in his interest during the period of his connection with this office.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Arden (newspaper proprietor)

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (29 September 1842), 3 

GREAT ATTRACTION. Royal Victoria Theatre . . .
THIS EVENING, 29th September, will be performed, for the first time in this province,
Buckstone's celebrated nautical burlesque burletta in two acts, entitled
After which, Mr. Buckingham will sing the "Statty Fair," in character.
"Jim Crow" By an amateur
With a variety of entertainments.
The whole to conclude with, and positively for the last time this season, the grand romantic spectacle, entitled THE WOOD DEMON . . .
G. BUCKINGHAM, Stage Manager.

MUSIC: Statty Fair [The statute fair] (song)

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", Port Phillip Gazette (12 November 1842), 2 

The Ice Witch was repeated with increased success, at the Pavilion, ou Thursday night, to a very respectable audience; it will be repeated, fur the last time, on Monday night, under the patronage of the free and accepted Masons. Black-eyed Susan, or All in the Downs, will be produced at the theatre, for the first time, this evening, for the purpose of introducing to the Melbourne public Mrs. Arabin, late of the Sydney theatre, in the character of Black-eyed Susan, and a Mr. Boyd, late of the Hobart Town theatre, as William . . . Black-eyed Susan was the first piece ever produced in the Australasinn colonies, in 1832; and in which piece Mr. Buckingham spoke the first sentence, in the character of Doggrass.

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (31 December 1842), 3 

The regular nights of performances are Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.
Doors to open at seven, and the performances to commence at half-past seven precisely.
Dress Circle 5s., half-price 2s. 6d.; Upper Circle 4s., half-price 2s.; Pit 3s., half-price, 1s. 6d.; Gallery 2s.; half-price 1s.
G. BUCKINGHAM, Stage Manager.

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", Port Phillip Gazette (4 February 1843), 2 

The Theatre has closed for the season but whether the result of the speculation is successful or not has not transpired. We, however, are much disappointed that among all the "Benefits," not one should have been devoted to the funds of the hospital, for the advantage of which the license was granted. During the recess, we understand the interior will be entirely remodelled and decorated a fresh; and that arrangements will be made for the conducting of the theatre in the audience part with that decorum, without which it is impossible that it can be sustained any longer. Sufficient evidence has been given that there is a taste for dramatic amusements in Melbourne; and with a good company, good selections of pieces and performances not too frequent, we are satisfied the Theatre would succeed. We hope the manager, Mr. Buckingham, who is THE Theatre, will consider this advice with the good feeling in which it is given, and that his matured experience may not in future be embarrassed by the caprice of any individuals.

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (15 March 1843), 3 

ADVERTISEMENT. Melbourne Theatre, March 14, 1843.
WE, the undersigned members of the Melbourne Corps, are unanimously of opinion that the remarks (that have lately appeared before the public,) relative to the conduct of the stage-manager towards Mrs. Murray was most unjustifiable, inasmuch as, that instead of insulting the lady, he has always (since her engagement this season) shown her the greatest attention, and endeavoured to the extent of his means to assist her in her profession.
And that any difference that may have occurred originated solely in herself, as she at all times been treated with the most marked respect by the whole company.
Thos. S. Boyd; Robert Stainsby; Richard Capper; M. Mickleburgh; William Miller; M. L. Vincent; John Davies; Henry Avins; M. Avins; Richard Batters; P. Burgin.
To Mr. George Buckingham, Stage Manger.

ASSOCIATIONS: Dinah Murray (actor); Robert Stainsby (musician); Richard Capper (actor); Henry and Julia Avins (actors); Richard Batters (actor); Philip Burgin (actor, vocalist)

"THE THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette (10 May 1843), 2 

Buckingham's benefit took place at the Theatre on Monday night, before a tolerably well filled house. His Worship the Mayor was present, and appeared highly delighted with the Pantomime, in which Harper (as Harlequin), Miss Warman (as Columbine), and Miller and Avins (as Clown and Pantaloon), acquitted themselves remarkably well. The piece was well got up, and the scenery respectable, particularly the panorama - the exterior of the Royal Hotel, and Harris and Marks' new shop. Mrs. Murray performed Jacintha, in Lovers' Quarrels, in rather a superior a manner; this line of character suits her talents and we hope to see her often in it.

ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Warman (actor)

"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. MR. BUCKINGHAM'S BENEFIT", Melbourne Times (13 May 1843), 2 

On Monday evening last, the benefit of Mr. Buckingham, the Stage Manager, came off. We were happy to observe that it fell under such respectable auspices, the Chief Magistrate, his Worship the Mayor, having condescended to patronise the entertainments, and as a consequence the majority of the Municipal Body followed so good an example. The performances consisted of the Pantomime entitled Robinson Crusoe, or, the Frozen Regions. Songs of a variegated nature then followed, and the evening's entertainments concluded with Lovers' Quarrels. It is a truism, that those who seek intellectual amusement in a Pantomime will be disappointed, for its merits unequivocally consist of mirth and glee and those seeking that, as a relaxation from worldly toils, met the required gratification. As the first attempt at Pantomime here, it was particularly successful; Mr. Harper, who is well known as a talented professor of dancing, discharged his most arduous duties as Harlequin in a style which, the auditory duly awarded by their applause. We regretted to observe Mr. H. owing to the scandalous state of the stage, which, from hills and hollows, is in a worse condition than any of our streets, fall, and strike his forehead severely in the early part of the evening, but it had not the slightest effect in his successful essay to carry out the part allotted to him. Miss Warman's Columbine was a character of the most fatiguing description, but that young lady acquitted herself in a style, and with an assiduity, that merited the applause which followed. Clown by Mr. Miller, and Pantaloon by Mr. Avins, were respectably got through although so foreign to their line of business. Mr. Buckingham did a Demon, or something of the kind, while Mrs. Murray did the reverse, Angelicising. There was a motley group of red Indians, Esquimaux, devils and angels, the latter of which took our taste . . . The accomplished lady then endeavoured to "Tell me my heart," but unless she can appear, in future in a state of sobriety, we should recommend her never again to insult the public when in a state of intoxication. Mr. Buckingham had to lead her from the stage apologising for her indisposition. Mr. Burgin, who we are glad to see once more upon the boards, also Mrs. Murray, and Mr. Buckingham entertained the audience with comic songs, which were well received. The after-piece, Lovers Quarrels, substituted for the Unfinished Gentleman, which system without public announcement we cannot too much deprecate, went off as usual, and the evening's entertainment apparently concluded satisfactorily to all parties. The audience was numerous. By the-bye, in writing, the above, we totally overlooked one of the attractions of the evening, but our excuse must rest upon his being such a little fellow, we allude to Master Buckingham, who strutted to and fro across the stage and sung a verse or two of "My master's gun" in a highly facetious manner, and the audience testified their approbation of his juvenile efforts in a most flattering manner.

"THEATRICAL REPRESENTATIONS", Melbourne Times (14 July 1843), 3 

On Thursday, Mr. George Buckingham obtained the consent of the full Bench, of which the Mayor was Chairman, for one nights additional theatrical representation. Mr. B. hoping thereby to raise sufficient funds to convey himself and family to New Zealand where he contemplates a fresh Theatrical career.

"THE THEATRE", Melbourne Times (15 August 1843), 3 

By special permission of the Magistrates this place of amusement was opened last evening for the benefit of Mr. Davies, under the patronage of the Licensed Victuallers' Society. We were happy to see that the house was a bumper. The pieces selected for the evening's performance were, the Maid and the Magpie, and the Married Bachelor; all the characters being sustained in a manner which left no doubt that Melbourne has its dramatic talent. Buckingham was quite at home as a Jew, whilst the character of Annette was pleasingly pourtrayed by Miss Vincent. We regret that from the continued mismanagement of those upon whom the conducting of this Establishment has devolved; it is more than probable that the house will now finally close . . . we are sorry therefore that the play-going public should be deprived of the opportunity of gratifying their taste, but trust that upon the completion of Mr. Smith's new theatre arrangements may be made which will ensure rational amusement to the public, a fair remuneration to the performers, and success to its enterprising projector.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Thomas Smith (entrepreneur), project which became the Queen's Theatre (projected Melbourne venue)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (2 October 1843), 3 

GEELONG THEATRE!!! MR. BUCKINGHAM RESPECTFULLY informs the Patrons of the Drama,
the first Performance will take place on Thursday, the 5th of October; when Mr. B. trusts the great expense of procuring a treat for his Geelong Friends will not be forgotten.
The evening's entertainments will commence with the nautical farce entitled the Middy Ashore; OR, A SPREE UPON LAND.
Lieutenant Morton, Mr. Alexander. The Middy Ashore, Mrs. Murray.
Tom Cringle, Mr. Buckingham. Tonish (a Fop), Mr. Capper.
Limberback (a Lawyer), Mr. Wilson. Taphim, Mr. Grose.
Touchem, Mr. Green. Lady Broomback, Miss Horton. Amelia, Miss Warman.
The piece will conclude with a grand Finale.
AFTER WHICH A Musical Olio.
Solo - Margate Steamer, Mr. Wilson.
Solo - Good bye my love good bye, Mrs. Murray.
Glee - Never get married, Ladies pray! - Mrs. Murray, Miss Warman, Mr. Buckingham.
Solo - I never says nothing to nobody, Mr. Buckingham.
Comic Medley - Master Buckingham, a child only three years of age.
Solo - Some love to roam, Mrs. Murray.
Chorus - While each jovial evening passes, by all the company.
To conclude with by particular desire the much admired and favourite Farce of the Two Gregories; or, WHICH IS THE MAN . . . Grand Chorus . . .
A full Band has been engaged. Box tickets, Five Shillings.

"MELBOURNE . . . THEATRICALS", Geelong Advertiser (2 October 1843), 3 

While the Melbournians appear to have relinquished even the very name of pleasure, and corroding care sits heavily on their, souls, the good people of Geelong, doubtless elated at the upward tendency of the squatting interest, and the improved markets at Van Diemen's Land, are about the indulge in unwonted mirth. Closing their stores and shops, their counting-houses and other offices, unyoking the oxen from the plough and the dray, and no longer pouring over the columns of "profit and loss," which their several affairs display, our friends purpose to hold a "race week." And to add to the hilarity of the season, Mr. Buckingham, of histrionic celebrity, takes the field, well-supported by the leading members of his former company, first of whom stands Mrs. Murray, followed by Misses Horton and Warman, Messrs. Capper, Alexander, and several others, besides the juveniles of Mr. Buckingham's talented family. - Patriot.

"THEATRICALS", Melbourne Times (3 November 1843), 2 

By the Shamrock, which starts, we believe, to-morrow, we perceive that Mr. Buckingham has taken a passage for himself and family. Mr. Buckingham was the first who afforded the inhabitants of Melbourne the amusement of witnessing dramatic performances, and notwithstanding the great difficulties which he encountered in procuring talent to carry out his design, the theatre was admirably conducted under his management, but from the heavy expenses which were attached to it, we fear that he has reaped but a poor recompense for his indefatigable exertions. He is an actor of considerable talent, and in losing him we lose the Star of our corps dramatique. We must not omit to notice his son George, who bids fair to outstrip the celebrated Master Betty. The ultimate destination of Mr. Buckingham, we believe, to be Auckland, where, we sincerely hope, he may find a more lucrative field for his talents than he has found in Melbourne.

Sydney, NSW, (11 November to 4 December 1843):

"THEATRICALS", The Sydney Record (18 November 1843), 52 

. . . Mr. Buckingham, the late manager of the Melbourne theatre, arrived in Sydney on Saturday en route to New Zealand; Mr. Buckingham was an established favourite in Port Phillip, and the Melbourne journals have one and all passed very high encomiums oh his managerial career while in that town. We are enabled to bear testimony also as to his indefatigable industry and assiduity as a manager. We do not believe there is any man in the colony more capable of getting up a spectacle successfully than Mr. B. He also possesses considerable talent as an actor. The good folks at Auckland may congratulate themselves on the prospect of abundant amusement being afforded them by Mr. Buckingham on his arrival there . . .

Shipping Intelligence . . . DEPARTURES", The Dispatch [Sydney, NSW] (9 December 1843), 3 

MONDAY, 4 - For Auckland, and the Bay of Islands, the brig City of Sydney, Captain Munro, with sundries. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham, and three children . . .

New Zealand (21 December 1843 to 22 February 1854):

"SHIPPING LIST. ARRIVALS", Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (23 December 1843), 2 

Dec. 21. "City of Sydney," brig, Monro. Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Thomspson and three children . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harrold and child.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. and Mrs. Thompson (actors); Thomas and Hannah Harrold (actors)

[Advertisement], Daily Southern Cross (23 December 1843), 1 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, MR. BUCKINGHAM'S first Entertainment will be given on Tuesday evening next, at the Royal Hotel, when will be performed the laughable Farce of THE TWO GREOGRIES.
Singing and Dancing, to conclude with LOVER'S QUARRELS . . .

"THEATRE", Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist (27 December 1843), 2 

We last night attended the first theatrical performance in Auckland. It took place (under management of Mr. George Buckingham) at the Royal Hotel, the long room in which we found converted into a very tasty little theatre. The performances consisted of the two Gregories - an interlude, and concluded with Lover's Quarrels - the whole of which entertainments appeared to give great satisfaction to the audience. The characters of Gregory in the first piece, and Sancho in the after-piece, were sustained by Mr. Buckingham, in a style not to be excelled, we think in the Colonies, and the laughter and applause he elicited, must have shewn him his talent, was duly appreciated. His son, a boy of three years old, astonished and delighted the audience by his comic singing; it is evident he will require little to become great in the lustrome art. The performance being on our night of publication, prevents our giving as full an estreque as we should wish; suffice it, the whole company exerted themselves to the utmost, and if the performances continued to be conducted as the first night, there can be no doubt the theatre will become a fashionable resort. We are sorry that there was but a very poor attendance, as we consider Mr. Buckingham entitled to the public support.

[Advertisement], Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist (18 April 1844), 1 

TO THE PUBLIC. HAVING seen an advertisement (?) in the Auckland Times of Tuesday last, signed "Thompson and Harold," wherein a gross attack is made on my character, which they have throughout attempted to sustain by a tissue of falsehoods, I beg to state that it was at first my intention not to notice anything that proceeded from that quarter, but to treat it with that contempt which it merits; but as all the good folks of Auckland may not be acquainted with the character of that "par nobile Fratrum," and it is possible if I remained silent, some credit might be given to their unfonnded misrepresentations; I shall feel thankful to any who may take an interest in the matter, if they will call at my house in Shortland Crescent, where I will produce such testimonials as will entirely refute their malignant aspersions, and satisfy them as to my character for twelve years past, since my first arrival in Sydney by the brig Mountaineer, Captain William Thomson, from Liverpool, in 1832. But with respect to my "Sydney notoriety," the short paragraph below will speak for itself. -
"We perceive that Mr. Buckingham of the Theatre takes his farewell Benefit on Monday Evening, after eight years, being an established favourite on these boards. We doubt not that a crowded house will testify the public sense of his long and popular career.” - Sydney Herald, August 24th, 1840.
"On their own merits modest men are Dumb!
"Juste judicato" - "Pangloss." Hum!

"BIRTH", New Zealander [Auckland] (15 May 1847), 2 

On Thursday last, at Official Bay, Mrs. Buckingham, of a son.

"BIRTH", New Zealander (12 December 1849), 2 

On Monday morning, at Princes-street, Mrs. Buckingham, of a Son.

"BIRTH", New Zealander (25 September 1852), 3 

On Friday, 24th September, 1852, at Waterloo Quadrant, Mrs. G. Buckingham, of a son.

"BIRTH", New Zealander (4 October 1854), 3 

At her residence, Waterloo Quadrant, on Saturday, 30th September, Mrs. G. Buckingham, of a Son.

Australia (4 March to 26 August 1854):

"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 March 1854), 4 

MARCH 4. - Moa, brig, 218 tons, Captain Bowden, from Auckland 22nd February. Passengers - . . . Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham and six children . . .

[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (15 March 1854), 1 

BUCKINGHAM AND FAMILY will give two Entertainments during their stay in Sydney.
The first will take place TO-MORROW EVENING, 10th March, at eight o'clock.
The following will be the order of the Programme: -
No. 1. Come, brothers, arouse. - Chorus.
2. German Waltz - piano, and flute, - Miss and Master Buckingham.
3. Ethiopian Melodies - Quintette.
4. Ben Bolt - Miss Buckingham.
5. Queen of my Soul (flute accompaniment).
- Miss R. Buckingham.
6. Singing Lesson. - Mr. and Miss Buckingham.
7. Lovely May. - Chorus.
Between first and second parts, Monsieur Louvedin will perform a Solo on the Cornopean.
1. Haste to the Woods. - Chorus.
2. Faint and Wearily. - Quartette.
3. Goody Guy. - Miss R. Buckingham.
4. Solo (flute) - Master Buckingham.
5. Wanted, a Governess. - Mr. Buckingham.
6. Merry Sunshine (flute accompaniment) - Miss Buckingham.
7. Good time Coming - Master W. Buckingham.
Between the second and third parts Monsieur Dumont will perform a Solo on the Flutina.
1. Whisper Low, - Chorus.
2. Trabb, Trabb. - Master Buckingham.
3. Blanch and Lisette. - Quartette.
4. Flute Melodies. - Master Buckingham.
5. Merry and Free (Trio). - Master C. Buckingham, &c.
6. Mountain Flower. - Miss Buckingham.
7. Finale - The Legend of Cinderella. - By all the members.
Boxes, 4s.; upper circle, 3s.; pit, 2s.; gallery, 1s.

ASSOCIATIONS: Adolphus Louedin (cornopean); Monsieur Dumont (flutina)

"THE BUCKINGHAM FAMIIY", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (18 March 1854), 2 

This talented family gave their first entertainment at the Royal Victoria Theatre, on Thursday evening, and received the approbation of a fashionable and well-filled house. The family consists of Mr. Buckingham, his two daughters, and three sons, and they have also secured the assistance of Mons. Loudevein, professor of the cornopean, and Mons. Dumont, whose performance upon the flutina is unrivalled. Mr. Buckingham is one of the oldest members of the Sydney stage, will we trust receive the support of all who entertain a remembrance of his histrionic career. As the Buckingham family are under engagement to proceed to Melbourne immediately, they announce a second and last entertainment for Wednesday evening next, to which we specially invite the attention of the musical world.

"CONCERT AT THE THEATRE", Empire (23 March 1854), 2 

The Buckingham Family's second Juvenile Musical Entertainment came off at the Theatre last evening. The programme, (which consisted of a well-selected variety of popular pieces) was gone through, to the entire satisfaction of the audience, as evinced by repeated encores. The older Miss Buckingham was in much better voice, and sang with more confidence than on the last occasion. Her songs, "I love the Night," and "The Merry Sunshine," were rapturously applauded. Master Buckingham's Flute Performances also called forth the approbation of the House, particularly in his execution of the Irish Melodies, which were given with a taste hardly to be expected in a youth of his tender age. We understand the Family purpose pose leaving Sydney in a few days for Melbourne, where they intend to give a series of similar Entertainments to those which have just terminated here. We wish them every success in their undertaking.

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (24 April 1854), 8 

MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. The approbation bestowed on the first appearance of the Buckingham Family at the Queen's Theatre, on Saturday evening,
has induced them announce, on Wednesday, one more entertainment . . . Wednesday Evening. - Judge for yourselves.
Flute, Master Buckingham; Second Flute, Master M. Buckingham. "Good time coming, boys," by young C. Buckingham. Seats 5s., and 2s 6d.

ASSOCIATIONS: Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)

"SHIPPING", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 July 1854), 4 

July 17 London (s), 405 tons, Captain Watts from Melbourne, 15th instant. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham and 5 children, Miss Buckingham . . .

"THE CONCERT . . .", Empire (16 August 1854), 5 

. . . given by the Buckingham Family on Monday evening, at the Royal Hotel, was numerously and respectably attended; and, judging from the applause bestowed, must have afforded considerable gratification to the audience. Master Buckingham's flute solo was an excellent performance, and the quartette sung by Miss R. and Masters G., M. [sic, W.] and Conrad Buckingham, was rendered with great effect. In the second part, "Piccaninny" Buckingham, (aged three years) particularly distinguished himself, and was warmly applauded; and Mr. Fairchild was exceedingly happy in the beautiful ballad "I'm leaving thee, Annie." The various songs were accompanied by Miss Buckingham on the piano-forte, and her tasteful execution of the different pieces was much and deservedly admired. Prior to their departure for New Zealand, which will take place shortly, the Family purpose giving a Farewell Concert, to which the patronage of several distinguished persons has been promised.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)

"THE BUCKINGHAM FAMILY", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (19 August 1854), 2 

This talented family announce their last appearance in Sydney prior to their departure for New Zealand, for Tuesday evening next, at the Royal Hotel, under the immediate patronage of His Excellency the Governor-General, and the leading families of the city.

"CONCERT", Empire (26 August 1854), 5 

The farewell Concert of the Buckingham Family came off last evening in the saloon of the Royal Hotel. The programme, which contained several popular pieces, was gone through with entire satisfaction to a very numerous audience who had honoured the young artistes with their presence on the occasion. His Excellency the Governor-General and several other distinguished individuals patronised the entertainment, which was considerable enlivened throughout by the performances of the Military Band. The elder Miss Buckingham, as usual, presided at the pianoforte, and her tasteful execution of the various selections, as also two or three ballads which she sung during the evening, formed the theme of general admiration. The younger members, likewise, acquitted themselves very creditably - more particularly the "Piccaninny," (aged four years), who afforded infinite amusement to the juvenile portion of the audience.

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 11th Regiment (military); Charles Fitzroy (governor)

"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1854), 4 

August 26 - Algerine, brig, 180 tons, Captain Lillwall, for Auckland. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Sharp, Mr. and Mr. Buckingham and family (5) . . .

New Zealand (11 September 1854 to 2 April 1856):

"PORT OF AUCKLAND. ENTERED INWARDS", Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (12 September 1854), 2 

September 11 - Algerine, brig, 160 tons, Capt. Lillewall, from Sydney. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham and family (5) . . .

[Advertisement], Daily Southern Cross (11 December 1855), 2 

Notice, MR. BUCKINGHAM and FAMILY request that all claims or demands may be presented for liquidation up to the 1st January, 1856.

"PORT OF AUCKLAND. CLEARED OUTWARDS", Daily Southern Cross (4 April 1856), 2 

April 2 - William Denny, (s.s.), 454 tons, Capt. Mailler, for Sydney.
Passengers . . . Mrs. Buckingham and family (6) . . .

Australia (from 9 April 1856):

"THEATRICAL", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (11 April 1856), 5 

We observe that the celebrated Buckingham Family appear at the Victoria Theatre on Tuesday evening previous to their departure on their American tour.

[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (11 April 1856), 1 

FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. - The Celebrated BUCKINGHAM FAMILY, having arrived from Auckland, will appear at the ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, in one of their popular Musical and Dramatic pieces; being their only Appearance in Sydney previous to their departure for America.

RE-OPENING OF THE QUEEN'S THEATRE", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 April 1856), 5 

The Queen's Theatre is announced to be re-opened on Wednesday next by the Buckingham Family, whose performances some two or three years back were very popular in Melbourne. Messrs. Fry and Renno, the scenic and mechanical artists from the Theatre Royal, are engaged furbishing up the theatre.

"FETE IN THE DOMAIN", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (16 September 1856), 5 

Between four and five thousand persons attended the moonlight fete in the Domain last evening. Three bands, including that of the 11th Regiment, enlivened the scene by the continuous succession of airs, principally quadrilles and polkas. The utmost good order was maintained until towards ten o'clock, when it was observed that preparations were being made for removing a piano which had been placed in a booth, under which a stage had also been erected for the promised concert. At this height a number of boys present set up a series of yells, which increased to a perfect storm when it was known that the Buckingham Family would not appear . . . Great discontent was expressed at the disappointment, the majority having attended solely to hear the Buckingham Family.

"To the Editor of the . . .", Empire (17 September 1856), 7

SIR. - With reference to a report of the proceedings at the Moonlight Fête in the Domain on Monday evening, which appeared in your paper of to-day, the Buckingham Family beg to acquaint those ladies and gentlemen who attended, that the fault of their not performing is to be attributed solely to the bad arrangements of the projector of the entertainment. They went there at twenty minutes before 9 o'clock and remained until ten minutes past 9, in company with two old and respected citizens, ready to carry out their engagements; but finding, in lieu of a platform, only a few drays covered with calico, and not a seat for Miss Buckingham to sit at the piano, nor even a light in the temporary place, by which the music could have been deciphered, the family left the carriage and walked home. Trusting that this will be deemed a sufficient apology, I remain, yours, &c.,
GEORGE BUCKINGHAM. September 16, 1856.

[News], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (26 September 1856), 2 

This talented family give their farewell concert at the Prince of Wales Theatre, on Tuesday next, 23th instant, prior to their departure from Sydney. The gratification and amusement which the public have so often derived from the performances of Mr. Buckingham's party, during a period of 25 years, are the best guarantee that his appeal for Tuesday next will meet with a ready response. We heartily recommend the Buckingham family to the favorable notice of the public.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 March 1857), 1 

1. Chorus - Elfin Call - Company
2. Mocking Bird - (Flute obligato), Miss and Master Buckingham
3. Lubin' Finger and Thumb, Miss R. Buckingham
4. Two Flutes - (Bohemian Girl), Masters G. and W. Buckingham
5. School Boys we used to play - Master W. Buckingham
6. Drawing of Teeth - Master C. Buckingham
7. Laughing Solo and Chorus, Master H. Buckingham.
End of Part I.
Between the parts Mr. I. Davis has kindly consented to perform a solo on the violin.
Part II.
Overture - Caliph of Bagdad, Mr. Davis, Miss Buckingham, Master Buckingham
1. Chorus - Massaniello, Company
2. Merry Sunshine, Miss Buckingham
3. Old Man he cried. Miss R. Buckingham
4. Three Flutes - Norma, Masters G., W., and Conrad Buckingham
5. Bloomer Costume, Master T. Buckingham
6. Irish Medley - St. Patrick's Day, Miss and Master Buckingham
7. Red, White, and Blue - (Solo and Chorus), Master H. Buckingham.
God Save the Queen.

ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Henry Davis (violin); School of Arts (Sydney venue)

[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (8 September 1857), 1754 

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. IN INSOLVENCY.
In the Insolvent Estate of George Harney [sic] Buckingham, of Charles-street, Woolloomooloo.
WHEREAS the Estate of George Harney Buckingham was, on the 1st day of September, 1857, placed under sequestration by order of His Honor Roger Therry, Esquire . . .

"THE BUCKINGHAM FAMILY", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (18 November 1857), 2 

This talented family made their appearance, after so many promises, on Monday evening last, at the Chequers' Inn, and a very great treat was experienced. They have a pretty little theatre, fitted up with gallery, &c. As to the entertainment, each one seemed to be delighted with the talent displayed by children so young. First, we were treated with a Grand Chorus by all the company; next, we had the Mocking Bird, by Miss Buckingham, with Flute obligato by Master Buckingham. Then came two more of the family, brother and sister, in a very comical Duet, which was vociferously encored. After which a little creature, quite a mite, appeared and sang Paddy Malone in first-rate style. Then Miss R. Buckingham sang the Little Maid very prettily. This was followed by Mr. Buckingham's song, who clearly showed he had not forgotten how to please; the three sons finishing the first part, by a selection from Norma, &c., on three flutes. In the second part, we were treated to a great variety of Songs, Duets, Glees, &c. When all was performed so well, it would be invidious to particularize. Suffice it to say, the audience were unanimous in their opinion as to their being the most talented family that have yet visited Goulburn. We advise all to go and see them. We perceive they are to be patronised this evening by Captain Plunkett, and we heartily wish them a bumper.

ASSOCIATIONS: Patrick Plunkett (retired soldier, magistrate, patron, d. 1865)

"DISTRICT NEWS. MUSWELL BROOK. THE BUCKINGHAM FAMILY", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (14 January 1858), 2 

We have welcomed, for two nights, an agreeable visit from this musical generation, whose various acquirements, vocal and instrumental, have earned them a wide-won reputation. We have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the cleverness of the individual, and united exertions of these young artists, whose experienced father, a member of the London boards when 1800 had recently come of age, must have taken great pains to cultivate them, so as to make his cluster of rising plants bring forth such exceedingly palatable fruits. The eldest son is a flutist of delicacy of touch and rapidity of execution; his eldest sister a pianiste and songstress rather of the bravura order; her "Mocking Bird," and "I love the merry sunshine," were ably and artistically given. The second sister must not be unrecorded as a Hebe, all smiles and dimples, her song, "I'm single yet," was warbled with a bewitching archness, and such pointed articulation, as completely to challenge a practical alteration instanter, if anything like gallantry be extant in 1858. Nor must be omitted the second son's martial and stirring song, in character, of "The bold musqueteer." But the cadet, the Buckingham bit, with his "Paddy Malone," "Barber Brown," &c., &c., made much laughter, and elicited unanimous encores. Several duets and chorusses were spiritedly given and deservedly admired. The little fellow is really clever. We are not thick and thin adulators of stage precocity - rather sceptical about hot-bed Othellos, and not staunch voters for the Hamlets when very green. When Dr Johnson was pestered for praise by it fond mamma, who declared her young daughter's extraordinary outpouring of noise from a harpsichord as "wonderful," he replied, "Wonderful, madame! would it be impossible!" But young Buckingham is, and appears as a child, and one full of fun and joy, which he literally scatters around. Mr. B gave some good comic songs with appropriate humour. The stage tact of the "Happy Family" was developed in a vaudeville, which concluded the last night's performance to the elite and other classes who notwithstanding the intense heat of the atmosphere, well attended our court house, a large and lofty building, and one particularly adapted for sound The Buckinghams left this day (Wednesday) on an up-county tour, which we hope may bring them in approximation to the golden regions, there to barter for their notes.
6th January, 1858.

[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (13 March 1858), 1 

at TOOGOOD'S SALOON, which will be opened under different management, and as puffing will not be resorted to, A. T. would merely mention the following names as a proof of the proprietor's sincerity in endeavouring to render his saloon one of the greatest attractions in the city.
- Behold!!! All this Talent at TOOGOOD'S SALOON, Every Night for One Week, with other Artistes.
The BUCKINGHAM FAMILY AND TROUPE. Largest Operatic Company out of England.
Having at great expense engaged the following artistes:
- Madame Josephine Picilomo, the eminent pianist and cantatrice;
Monsieur Picilomo, the talented basso;
Madame A. J. Glogoski, the charming ballad singer;
Signor Glogoski, the Prussian violinist;
Miss Buckingham, the talented singer;
Mr. G. H. Buckingham, the buffo singer;
Master G. R. Buckingham, the flute player;
Master W. Buckingham, the tenor singer (called the Old Musketeer);
Master C. Buckingham, Irish singer (Paddy Malone);
Master H. Buckingham, the nautical singer (Red, White, and Blue, &c.).
N.B. Artistes requiring engagements, will please apply by letter to
G. H. BUCKINGHAM, Toogood's Saloon.
WANTED, a Cornet Player.

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Toogood (proprietor); Simon Glogoski (violin); Monsieur and Josephine Picilomo (vocalists, pianist); Toogood's Saloon (Sydney venue)

"THEATRICALS . . . TOOGOOD'S SALOON", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (13 March 1858), 2 

We observe by advertisement that Mr. Toogood is making a great effort to amuse his friends during the winter months, having just in the nick of time engaged the talented Buckingham family, Madame Josephine, Madame Glogoski, Miss Buckingham, and in fact all the Buckingham troupe, who have abandoned for the present their purposed visit to Albury. With so efficient a company, we trust it may pay him. We can vouch for the respectability of the Saloon, and the mode in which it will be conducted, from the favorable knowledge we have had for many years past of Mr. Buckingham and his gifted children.

"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. THURSDAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 July 1858), 2 

A considerable time was occupied in investigating a quarrel between Mr. Alfred Toogood, of the Rainbow Tavern, and Mr. George H. Buckingham, whose musical family have for some time past drawn considerable numbers to frequent the Rainbow Concert Room. Mr. Roberts conducted Mr. Toogood's case; and Mr. Michael appeared as counsel for Mr. Buckingham. Some misunderstanding appears to have for some time existed between them, and on Thursday evening Mr. Toogood (for the purpose, he alleged, of confining the noise of the music to the concert room) put up a door, which at the commencement of the lease of the room to Buckingham was for his convenience taken off its hinges; while Toogood was on his knees thus employed, Buckingham having to pass him, stepped over him, and then, lifting his heel, struck Toogood therewith on his side. On the other side, it was denied that Toogood was kicked, or even touched, as described, but if he was it was accidental and not of design. Toogood deposed that he then told defendant that if he (Buckingham) kicked him again he would give him a rap with the hammer with which he was fixing the door. Buckingham, on the other hand, alleged that without complaining of having been kicked, Toogood threatened that if he came in his way again he would knock him down with the hammer. This trumpery affair occupied two gentlemen on the Bench and two attorneys for nearly two hours. Their worships found Buckingham guilty of an assault, and sentenced him to pay a penalty of 1s., and recommended him to withdraw his complaint against Toogood for threatening language, which he did.

"CARCOAR [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT]", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (27 November 1858), 2 

This highly talented family (seven in number) paid us a visit last week, and performed four nights to crowded and delighted audiences, giving to the residents of the town the greatest treat that they have ever experienced. The performances were far superior to anything of the kind ever attempted here before. Mr. Buckingham is a performer of ability, his medley of "Alonzo the Brave," only required to be heard to be appreciated; the performances of the eldest daughter upon the pianoforte, and her selections from several favorite Operas, received great applause and repeated encores; Miss R. Buckingham and her brother Walter sang some pretty duets and were loudly applauded, and the whole of them gave the greatest satisfaction both in their vocal and instrumental performances. On Friday evening they went through the musical piece of the "Troubles of Matrimony," which was received with roars of laughter and great applause. The family intend shortly to pay a visit to the Lachlan, where I am sure they will meet with a warm reception.

"THE BUCKINGHAM FAMILY", Wagga Wagga Express and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser [NSW] (29 January 1859), 2

This very talented family arrived here on Saturday and played on the same night to a crowded house at Mr. Byrnes' Hotel. Their fame came before them and therefore it was not to be wondered at, claiming as they did at a few hours notice, the numerous attendance that appeared in the saloon of the Hotel. This clearly demonstrates how the good people of Wagga Wagga are desirous of patronising anything in the shape of genuine talent. It is needless to speak of their ability, as their claims have been acknowledged in every town and by every person who may have heard them. The public press also has been lavish in their praise. The precosity of the juvenile portion of the family are astonishing. Master Walter in particular, as the "Old Musketeer". There he may be seen with the violin, again at the flute, then at the piano; in fact he seems au fait in whatever may come in his way. Then we have the picaninny, whose "Billy Crow" is the most comical thing our readers can imagine. "Barber Brown," "Beautiful Boy," "Paddy Malone," are all of the same class. His performance on the flute in company with his brothers is excellent. Again where shall we find a better player than the elder son George on the flute? Who can forget the exquisite tones in that beautiful melody "Home, sweet home," rendered by him, with others of a similar character. We must not forget to make particular mention of Miss Rosa Buckingham, whose performance on the piano, (which was kindly lent for the occasion by George Forsyth, Esq.), was excellent; she also sang the song of "Molly Asthore." On Wednesday evening the performance took place in the large ball room attached to Mr. Fox's Squatters' Hotel, and notwithstanding the heavy rain the room was crowded . . . [the family also appear in several other reports]

"THE BUCKINGHAM FAMILY", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (19 February 1859), 3 

This talented family give their second entertainment at the Telegraph hotel, on Thursday night. We were unable t0 be present but for a short time, but during that time we were highly pleased with what we saw and heard. Mr. Buckingham sings comic songs with great spirit and effect, and from all that we have heard, the family fully deserve the high encomiums which have been passed on them by the press. A third and final entertainment is announced for this evening, it being for the benefit of one of the juvenile members of this very clever family, and as this will probably be the last opportunity we shall have of listening to their delightful music, a full house at the "Telegraph" may reasonably be expected.

"Local Intelligence. THE BUCKINGHAM FAMILY", Wagga Wagga Express and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (26 March 1859), 2 

On Saturday evening Mr. G. H. Buckingham had a complimentary benefit. The house was crowded and everything passed off well. The performance was, as usual, good. On Monday evening the Buckingham Family gave a free concert, it being their last appearance previous to their departure for Albury, Yass, and other places. The room was crowded to excess, and the Family performed in their usual style. Everything passed off pleasantly, with the exception of the attempt to get up a demonstration against a gentleman of the town. This attempt, we understand, was instantly suppressed by Mr. Buckingham, who did everything in his power to preserve order. On the audience leaving the room, the same disgraceful scene was enacted, and was kept up for about half an hour. We think that such demonstrations in a community like this reflect great discredit upon all parties concerned. Mr. Buckingham and his family left for Albury on Wednesday last, to be present at the Agricultural Ball, whence they will proceed to Yass, Goulburn, returning to this place by the 24th May, at which time the Bachelor's Ball will take place.

"AN INCIDENT IN THE ADVENTURES OF THE CELEBRATED BUCKINGHAM FAMILY", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (2 April 1859), 4

. . . POLICE COURT, WAGGA WAGGA. Monday, March 21. ROSA Buckingham was charged by James Thornburn Brown, of the Wagga Wagga Express, with having purloined sundry valentines, his property, to the value of 8s 6d sterling. Miss Buckingham pleaded not guilty, and was defended by her father . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 May 1849), 1 

THE MANLY BEACH FESTIVAL. - The BUCKINGHAM FAMILY will appear in the Saloon at 3 p.m., with the Musketeer, Billy Crow, and Peter Peppercorn.
Madame GLOGOSKI will preside at the pianoforte. MANLY BEACH REGATTA . . .
THE BUCKINGHAM FAMILY will give a Shilling Concert. The European Band are engaged for the day.

[Advertisement], Illawarra Mercury [Wollongong, NSW] (14 July 1859), 3 

Buckingham Family's Dancing School.
PUPILS not far advanced will take notice we meet at 7 o'clock THIS EVENING.
QUADRILLE PARTY at 1 o'clock. Only 10s per month.
Musical Instruments tuned and repaired.
Dapto, Kiama, and Shoalhaven NEXT WEEK.

[Advertisement], Illawarra Mercury (25 August 1859), 3 

Ball at the Wollongong Hotel.
A BALL AND REFRESHMENT will be given in the spacious saloon of the Wollongong Hotel, on TUESDAY Night, the 30th instant.
The Buckingham Family's most efficient and full band will be in attendance. Dancing to commence at 8 o'clock, p.m.
Double Tickets, 7s 6d; single ditto 5s, which can be obtained at the Hotel.
Grand Ball. HERR GLOGOSKI, begs to inform the inhabitants of Shoalhaven, that a Grand Ball will take place at his Dancing Academy, on Monday, the 29th August . . .
MADAM GLOGOSKI begs to inform the inhabitants of Shoalhaven, that she intends giving lessons on the Pianoforte, Singing, Dancing, and every description of Fancy Work. Charges moderate . . .

"QUEANBEYAN", New South Wales reports of crime, etc., etc. for police information (16 January 1860), 2 (PAYWALL)

A warrant has been issued for the apprehension of Phillip Wagganer, a German travelling musician, for having, on the 6th inst., failed to enter the hired service of Mr. George Harvey Buckingham, with whom he had engaged as cook. He is about 28 or 30 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches in height, slender make, sandy hair, small eyes, fair complexion, plays on the violin and cornet. Supposed to have gone towards Goulburn. £1 reward.

ASSOCIATIONS: Phillip Wagganer (musician)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1860), 1 

BUCKINGHAM FAMIUY - Come and hear Master Walter's tenor singing, George's flute, and Master Conrad's comicality._ BUCKINGHAM FAMILY. - Come and hear the Dashing Volunteer, and Maid of all Work, and Henry's picco.


Robert W. Crooke, a very respectable looking man, was charged with absconding from the service of George Harvey Buckingham, of Campbelltown. The defendant was apprehended by virtue of a warrant issued from the Campbelltown bench, and, when arrested, had informed sergeant Lenehan that his reason for leaving was, Buckingham would not pay him his wages. In reply to the Bench, Crooke stated that he had been hired to play the double-bass and cornet; Buckingham, who is a concert giver, having agreed to raise his wages £1 every month, which he had not done. The following is a copy of the agreement between the parties:- "Sydney, November 9th, 1860. George Harvey Buckingham, doth agree to give board and lodging, all horse hire, all hotel expenses, and for the first month to pay unto Robert Crooke the sum of £4 sterling, and to increase £1 every month for a period of six months. Signed, G. H. Buckingham. Witness, Thomas Crowe." The Bench stated that they had no alternative but to remand Crooke to Campbell town, and he was remanded accordingly.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert William Crook (musician); Thomas Crowe (musician)

"DIED", Illawarra Mercury (26 April 1861), 2 

At her residence, George street, Campbelltown on the 19th instant, Anne Jane, the beloved wife of George H. Buckingham, aged 44 years, leaving husband and nine children to mourn their loss.

"CATHOLIC YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (4 January 1862), 2 

On Wednesday evening last a public tea meeting in connection with the above Society was held at St. Michael's School-room, Bathurst, at which there were about 150 persons present. The Buckingham family had been engaged for the occasion, to enliven the mooting with their superior instrumental performances, and during the evening numbers of the young persons present, enjoyed themselves in dancing various quadrilles, &c. From an advertisement in another column, it will be seen that the talented family alluded to above, will give one of their musical entertainments on Monday next, at the same place for the benefit of the Young Men's Society and from the success which has heretofore attended their efforts to amuse the public, a full attendance is anticipated.

"DEATH", Bells Life Sydney newspaper (3 May 1862), 3 

Died of dysentery, on 25th April at Orange, Mr. G. H. Buckingham, aged 66 years, leaving a family of 9 children to mourn their loss.

[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (22 July 1862), 1331 

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION.
In the Goods of George Harvey Buckingham, late of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, innkeeper, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, application will be made to this Honorable Court in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that Letters of Administration of the goods, chattels, credits and effects of the abovenamed deceased, may be granted to George Robert Buckingham, of Maitland, the eldest son of the said deceased. -
Dated this 21st day of July, a.d. 1862.
W. H. MULLEN, Proctor for the said Applicant, By THOMAS ICETON, his Agent.

After 1862:

"SHIPPING", The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News (10 September 1862), 2 

Sep. 9.- Cincinatti, barque, 413, Hyde, for Otago, with 643 tons coal. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Glogoski and two children, Mrs. and Miss Buckingham and servant, Masters Buckingham (3), and Messrs. Dalton, Ridgeway, E. Conn, and G. Buckingham, and 5 in steerage. Ward and Co., agents.


"NEW ZEALAND . . . THE FATAL ACCIDENT AT CROIXELLES HARBOUR", The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News [NSW] (1 October 1864), 4 

When intelligence was received at Nelson of the deplorable accident which occurred at Croixelles Harbour, constable Mayo was despatched to make enquiries. A search was then made for the bodies of the persons who were drowned. Their names are - Mrs. Rosa Hayes, aged 20; Adelaide Eudora Hayes, aged 13 months; George Buckingham (not Colins as at first, reported), brother to Mrs. Hayes, aged 23; and Mary Cowley, the maid servant, aged 15. The body of the child, which was found on the beach near the Boulder Bank, was disinterred in the presence of a number of witnesses. It had scarcely begun to decompose, and with the exception of a slight graze on the temple, quite a skin wound, there was no mark on the body. When the boat sank, which she did instantly, the captain seized the infant with one hand and his wife with the other, while his brother in law struck out for one of the islands. Captain Hayes called to him to take the baby, but he apparently did not hear; and bye-and-bye first one oar and then another floated in the direction of the three, and enabled Captain Hayes to keep up his burden longer than he otherwise could have done. The place he landed at was very rugged, and he must, while in a state of mental insensibility, have climbed over a rugged point on the coast which intervened between the spot at which he landed and that where the ship was lying. Under the police officer's management, dragging was carried on around the spot where the yacht sunk; and diligent search was made for days all round the harbour, but without success; none of the bodies has been found. The yacht herself was raised by the crew of the Black Diamond, and in it was found the coat of George Buckingham. The hat of the maid, and the cap of Buckingham were found about the same time as the body of the child was discovered. Before leaving, Captain Hayes left orders to continue to search the shore and the harbour and send to Nelson immediately if any of the bodies should be found. But we fear, after this lapse of time that there is little likelihood of their being found.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 July 1895), 1 

BUCKINGHAM. - June 28, 1895, at Melbourne, Walter, the beloved father of Arthur and Harry, after a very long and painful illness.

"Deaths", Sunday Times [Sydney, NSW] (23 September 1906), 2 

BUCKINGHAM. - On 22nd inst., at Sydney Hospital, Conrad Buckingham (late of New Zealand), aged 56 years.
Friends are notified that the funeral will start from the Redfern Mortuary Station To-morrow (Monday), at 9.30 a.m.

Bibliography and resources:

"The Melbourne stage in its infancy", Colonial monthly: an Australian magazine 3/13 (31 August 1868), 45-53 (DIGITISED)


"MUMMER MEMOIRS. MR. DAVE CLINTON REMINISCES - EARLY DUNEDIN STAGE . . . No. 182 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (6 September 1911), 3 

. . . Mr. Dave Clinton sends me, from Adelaide . . . a reminiscent letter . . . -
"Arriving at The Dunstan [NZ] in December [? 1863], near Christmas time, quite a large township had been formed of tents and canvas buildings, a few with sod walls. Bob Lynch, formerly of the Montezuma Hotel, Ballarat, was doing a roaring business. The Buckingham Family were giving entertainments. Previous to this they had been engaged by Clarence Holt to strengthen the cast in Buckstone's "Flowers of the Forest." Captain Hayes (better known perhaps as Bully Hayes, the South Sea pirate or modern buccaneer) was also here, being related to the Buckingham family by having married Rosa Buckingham.
A portly man of giant form.
Who had no fear of direst storm.
I may possibly tell you more about Bully Hayes, being familiar with his history from his birth in Cleveland, Ohio, to his death among the islands. I had several business transactions with him . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Dave Clinton (actor, memoirist); Joseph Michael Forde (memoirist); Clarance Holt (actor, manager)

Peter Downes [1990], "Buckingham, George and Buckingham, Rosetta", Te Ara (Encyclopedia of New Zealand) 

George Buckingham, one of the pioneers of theatre in Auckland, came to New Zealand from Australia late in 1843 on the City of Sydney, accompanied by his wife and three children . . . there is a strong probability that he was a freed convict. His career as an actor began in Sydney in 1832. He married Anne Jessop there on 21 July 1834 . . . George Buckingham senior returned to acting in late 1855 to partner the highly esteemed actress Mrs. W. H. Foley for a few months in her Auckland debut season, but after a violent disagreement over money the couple parted company. The next few years were spent touring with the family group around the inland towns of New South Wales and Victoria. In 1861 the Buckingham Family entertainers turned up in Sydney, but without either mother or father. Anne Buckingham had died in Campbelltown, New South Wales, on 20 April 1861, probably outliving her husband. How and where George Buckingham [senior] died is not known [sic] . . .


Actor, comedian, dancer, vocalist, clown, tumbler, convict

Born England, c. 1828; son of Thomas Edward BUCKINGHAM (c. 1795-1847) and Lucinda McBRAIN
Convicted Hastings, Sussex, England, 11 July 1846 (7 years transportation)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 12 November 1848 (convict per Ratcliffe, from Spithead, 29 July 1848)
Married Sarah REED, St. George, Battery Point, Hobart, VDL (TAS), 26 November 1849
Arrived Adelaide, SA, by August 1853
Died Magill, SA, 10 July 1920, "in his 92nd year" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Edward Buckingham was tried for repeat petty thefts at Hastings, Sussex, England, on 11 July 1846, reportedly aged 18; found guilty of felony, he was sentenced to 7 years transportation. On arrival in Hobart as a convict on 12 November 1848, he gave his age as 20 and his trade as "servant and tumbler". He appears to have been assigned immediately to the circus proprietor Robert Avis Radford (c.1815-1865), and was already advertised to perform at Radford's Amphitheatre on 21 November. Buckingham's sentence expired in July 1853, and he was in South Australia by August, billed as a "son of" Thomas Buckingham, "of the Surrey and Haymarket Theatres" on taking his first Adelaide benefit at the Royal Victoria Theatre in September.

If the London actor Thomas Buckingham was indeed Edward's father, he did not die when Edward was still a child, but in Lambeth Workhouse on 6 September 1847. According to the report of Edward's trial in 1846, he strenuously avoided giving any identifying details or potentially mitigating references, despite these being eagerly sought by the magistrate, concerning his family and other contacts in London. It is even possible, assuming that his father was already in straightened circumstances in 1846, that Edward actively contrived to be apprehended and transported.

Buckingham of course did not come out to Hobart for Anne Remens Clarke, as he claimed in 1905; rather it was Charles Young, who he performed with in 1849, who came out to Hobart for Clarke in 1843. He cannot have appeared in Melbourne or Sydney in 1852-53, or visited "the diggings" then. His anecdote about the musicians Alfred Howson probably correctly occurred in Hobart, where in 1848 Alfred's brother (not father) Henry Howson was leading the band for Radford. In Adelaide, he indeed performed at the Royal Victoria Theatre for Harriet Lambert, and during the visit there of Lola Montez.

Edward Buckingham's convict record is unusually short on later detail. He was given permission to marry Sarah Reed, and did so on 26 November 1849. His only further offence, on 13 April 1850 he was apprehended for being at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart, without permission. He was granted a ticket-of-leave in mid 1851.

Buckingham's documented theatrical career seems not to have continued beyond the 1855 or 1856, whereafter, according to his own account, indebted to the theatre owner, Emanuel Solomon, he left Adelaide and settled in the country.

DISAMBIGUATION: Edward Buckingham (convict per Marian Watson)


"BOROUGH QUARTER SESSIONS", Brighton Gazette [Sussex, England] (16 July 1846), 7 (PAYWALL)

The Midsummer Sessions for this Borough were held on Friday, in the Town Hall . . . Edward Buckingham, a young man, pleaded Guilty to stealing, on the 16th June, in the parish of All Saints, two silk pocket handkerchiefs, one cloth cap, and one pair of black cloth trowsers, the property of Benjamin Coppard Betts. He was also charged with having, on the 11th June, stolen one silk pocket handkerchief, the property of John Betts, and again pleaded Guilty. A former conviction of felony was put in against the prisoner, who admitted that be was the party named in the certificate.
Recorder - Is there any one who knows anything you.
Prisoner - No.
Recorder - I have just seen a letter written by you, and so much as makes in your favour I will take, but some expressions I will pass by. Is there any thing you wish to say?
Prisoner - I consider that a person who is guilty of perjury is deserving punishment the person convicted of felony. There is that female . . .
Recorder - We have nothing to do with that. Prisoner - That's all I wish to say.
Recorder - I cannot allow you, after your conduct, to make any observations tending to impeach the evidence of a witness. Have you anything say to induce me to lighten the sentence?
Prisoner - No, I am well deserving all.
Recorder - Have you any friends here?
Prisoner - No.
Recorder - Where are your relatives living?
Prisoner - In London.
Recorder - Have they any connections here?
Prisoner - No.
Recorder - Is there any one here to whom I could refer, to justify me in departing from the heavy sentence which I must otherwise pass?
Prisoner - I don't know.
Recorder - Are none of your relatives here, knowing the position you are in?
Prisoner - I shouldn't like them to know it.
The Recorder, in passing sentence, said the prisoner had been guilty of most ungrateful conduct in robbing those who had generously assisted him in the time of trouble. I learn from your own statement (said the Recorder) that you have articles, not included in these charges, which you are desirous of restoring to their owners. I find from a certificate of the Clerk of the Peace that you were convicted in February last, at Lewes, of stealing two waistcoats, one shirt, four neckcloths, two pairs of stockings, two aprons, and one pair of trousers. You then had a light punishment; and now it remains for me to consider what sentence I shall pass upon you to deter you from further progress in crime, and so to prevent others from following your wretched example. I have earnestly made enquiries to ascertain whether I could find any person to give me hope as to your future conduct. I cannot overlook the fact that the former conviction was for stealing wearing apparel; I therefore find repetition of a similar offence after the lapse of a short time, which shews that the punishment you received for the first offence has not had desired effect. I cannot find, in the treatment of others towards you, that you have any grounds of justification for your conduct; in fact, the circumstances under which the offences were committed are great aggravation. You have been treated with great kindness; and this is the return you make. That you have not erred from ignorance is quite clear, and I trust that the sentence I am about to pass will have the effect ultimately of making you good member of society. The sentence is that you be Transported beyond the seas for seven years; and you will be Imprisoned at the Hastings Gaol for one week for the first offence.

"EXTRACTS . . . Death of Buckingham, the Comedian", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (22 January 1848), 1 

On Monday afternoon, September 6 [1847], Thomas Buckingham, the well-known comedian, expired in Lambeth Workhouse, after suffering great privation and distress, owing to infirmity and long-standing disease. On Saturday fortnight he was taken to Lambeth Workhouse, where he was removed into the infirmary, and received every attention from the officials, but gradually sank and died from general debility.

Medical journal of the Ratcliff, hired convict ship, 24 June to 30 November 1848, by John Gibson, surgeon superintendent; UK National Archives, ADM 101/63/4/3 

. . . Folio 11: case no 39, Edward Buckingham, aged 20, convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list 26 September 1848, discharged 2 October 1848 cured.

Convict record, Edward Buckingham, arrived 1848; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1377026$init=CON33-1-91p21 

No. 20887 / Buckingham Edward / Tried Hastings 10 July 1846 7 years / Arrived 12 November 1848 /
Trade - Servant & Tumbler / Height 5ft 3in / age 20 / . . . Native place - Clerkenwell . . .
Offences & Sentences - 13 Apr'l '50 Hob't . . . being at the "Victoria Theatre without permission . . .
10. 6. 59 C[onditional] P[ardon] app'd$init=CON18-1-50P9 

[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (21 November 1848), 1 

FIRST APPEARANCE OF Mr. BUCKINGHAM, from the Theatres Royal, London.
THIS EVENING, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, The 21st, 23rd, and 25th instants . . .
Comic Song, "The Beautiful Boy," MR. BUCKINGHAM, (His first appearance here.) . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Howson; Acting Manager, Mr. Axtelle . . . Sole Proprietor, Mr. Radford.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Avis Radford (circus proprietor); Charles Axtelle (manager); Henry Howson (musician, leader)

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (24 November 1848), 2 

The Interlude will consist of The Highland Fling, by Mr. Cohen.
After which, a Series of entirely new Pictures, entitled THE FIGHTING GLADIATORS, by Messrs. Risley, Buckingham, and Grout.
Favorite Song, by Mrs. Lambert. To be followed by a favorite Ballad by Miss Howard, the Infant Prodigy . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Cohen (dancer); John Risley (acrobat, dancer); Harriet Lambert (formerly Jones, actor, vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (8 December 1848), 1 

Clown to the Rope, Mr. Buckingham . . .
Flag Hornpipe - Mr. Ashton . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Henry Golden Ashton (dancer, circus performer)

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (12 December 1848), 4 

To be followed by a DANCE OF THE DROLLS, By Messrs. Risley, Buckingham, and Grout . . .

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (19 December 1848), 1 

Positively the LAST NIGHT of the Season, being for the BENEFIT of MR. AXTELLE, THE CLOWN.
Comic Song - The Clown's Old Sweetheart - Mr. Axtelle.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. NEW PANTOMIME, The Courier (27 December 1848), 2 

The new pantomime of Puss in Boots, or Harlequin and the Fairy of the Feline Species, adapted from the popular juvenile tale, was produced at the Victoria Theatre last evening . . . The polite politic philosophic persevering Puss in prunella is sustained by Mr. Young; Harlequin, Mr. Buckingham; Clown, Mr. Bragg; and Pantaloon by Mr. Campbell. Mrs. Young, as Columbine, executes some graceful dances during the representation.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles and Jane Eliza Young (actors, dancer)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (21 February 1849), 2 

The entertainments at this theatre on Monday evening were liberally patronized . . . The programme of performances marked out for Thursday evening, will doubtless secure a good return; and as it is to be the auspicious occasion of Mr. Buckingham's benefit, we hope the expectations of the gteen-room committee may not be disappointed.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (27 March 1849), 1 

Medley Dance, Mr. Buckingham.
[REDACTED] Melody - Mr. Meadows . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Meadows (vocalist); Royal Albert Theatre (Hobart venue)

Marriage permission, Edward Buckingham, 1849; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1245033 

. . . Sarah Reed, free, 30 October 1849 . . .

1849, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:841195; RGD37/1/8 no 778 (DIGITISED)

No. 901 / Nov 26 1849 / St. George's / Edw'd Buckingham / Full Age / Writer / Sarah Reed / [Full Age] / Spinster . . .

"ROYAL ALBERT THEATRE", The Hobart Town Advertiser (4 December 1849), 3 

This pretty place of amusement was crowded to excess on the Regatta night. Previous to the rising of the curtain the Manager came forward and made an apology about the music, as there was some misunderstanding; but however the performance commenced with the nautical drama of Black Eyed Susan; Mr. Turner, as William, played his part admirably. Mr. Meadows, as Jacob Twig, and Mr. Johnson, as Gnatbrain, kept the audience in roars of laughter. Raker, Doggrass and Captain Crosstree, by Messrs. Cohen, Buckingham and Brooke, did justice to their respective parts. Susan, by Mrs. Buckingham, was played very well, as also Dolly Mayflower, by Mrs. Webster . . . The evenings' amusement concluded with the musical farce of the Waterman, which was played very well, and the songs by Sam Tug, Johnson, Robin, and Turner were sung remarkably well . . . - Communicated.

"MR. AND MRS. BUCKINGHAM'S BENEFIT", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (23 March 1850), 2 

We beg to call the attention of the public to the Benefit at the Albert Theatre, on Monday evening next, for Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham. The programme of amusements, as advertised for the occasion, promise a full house, and a gratifying patronage to the theatrical company, which consists of some of the leaders of the stage in this island. Mr. Buckingham's connection with a performer of considerable celebrity at home, upon the boards of the principal theatres, will perhaps secure him a share of that encouragement, which the Tasmanian public have always extended to the efforts of those who have done their best to contribute to their innocent amusement. The "drama" must receive patronage, otherwise the highest talent, or most anxious zeal, may become prostrated by the too frequent assaults of disappointment. For particulars see hand-bills.

"CONVICT DEPARTMENT. April 13, 1850", Launceston Examiner (20 April 1850), 8 

Conditional Pardons Recommended . . . Edward Buckingham, Ratcliffe 2 . . .

"POLICE REPORT", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (18 April 1850), 2 

Edward Buckingham and James Brignell, both holding tickets-of-leave, were charged by constable Barber with misconduct as prisoners of the crown in being in the Victoria Theatre at 10 o'clock on the night of Friday last, contrary to the Government regulations. Both were actors at the Theatre. Sentence - one month's imprisonment and hard labour, and then to be sent to reside in the country to cure their propensity for the "stock and buskin." As Shakespeare says in, Richard III, "so much for Buckingham."

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (24 December 1850), 933 

PRINCE OF WALES, EVANDALE. JOHN KING determined on the ensuing Boxing Day not to be behind hand, has, at a great expense engaged that celebrated American Horseman, Mr. Hunter, whose unrivalled performances in the "Ring," on the "Tight Rope" and "Corde Volante," were the theme of admiration in the metropolis; and also the provincial Theatres of Eng land, will, assisted by the eccentricities of Buckingham, the well known Clown, late of Battie's Amphitheatrical Establishment, afford the highest rational amusement to those parties who may feel inclined to patronize the "Royal Circus," Evandale . . . PS. MR. HUNTER is the celebrated equestrian who, after clearing £75,000 in New York and Boston, came over to England, and having doubled the amount in London time, out here "to astonish the natives."

"Convict Department . . . CONDITIONAL PARDONS GRANTED", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (14 June 1851), 376 

. . . Edward Buckingham, Ratcliffe 2 . . .

NSW (by May 1853):

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (25 May 1853), 3 

A GRAND ENTERTAINMENT will take place on MONDAY EVENING, the 30th, at the "Northumberland," consisting of a variety of Performances by the Great Wizard of the South, assisted by Mr. E. Buckingham, the celebrated Clown, and Company, who will go through a variety of entertainments too numerous to mention. For particulars see Small Bills.

SA (by August 1853):

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times [SA] (20 August 1853), 1 

COMIC PAS DE TROIS - Messrs. Buckingham, Newson, and Rainsforth.
SONG - Ship on Fire - Troy Knight. SONG - I'll be a Gypsy - Master Bear . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Newson (dancer, vocalist); Troy Knight (vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)

[2 advertisements], South Australian Register (12 September 1853), 2 

GRAND CONCERT, given by the NEW YORK SERENADERS, patronised by their Excellencies Sir Charles Fitz Roy, Sir William Denison, G. J. La Trobe, the Governor of the Sandwich Islands, &c.,
THIS EVENING (Monday), September 12.
The New York Serenaders beg to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Adelaide that a Grand Concert will be given This Evening (Monday), by the following gentlemen: -
1st Banjo, Mr. C. Lyons; Flutina, Mr. S. Nash; 2nd Banjo, Mr. J. Peirce; Flute, Mr. F. Lee; Triangles, Master Christie;
Bones, Mr. E. Buckingham; Tambourine, Mr. C. Ellis.
Oberture - Band [sic]
Darkies, Sing - C. Ellis
Old Palm Tree - C. Lyons
Uncle Ned - Master Christie
Lynchburg Town - C. Ellis
O.P.G. - E. Buckingham
Rosa Mae - J. Peirce
Solo on the Flute - F. Lee
Pretty Yaller Gal - C. Lyons
Stop dat Laffin - C. Ellis.
Hab you seen my Pretty Gal - C. Ellis
I'll be a Darkie - Master Christie
Mr. Coon - E. Buckingham
My Cynthy - C. Lyons
Solo on the Flutina - S. Nash
Dixon's Horse - C. Ellis
Slave's Dream - Master Christie
Susanna - J. Peirce
Rosa Lee - C. Lyons
Ghost ob Dinah - C. Ellis.
Da ole to conclude wid de Railroad Locomotivesteamumex-pressumgoaheadumsqnashumexplodeumbustumboilerum!
Boxes, 5s.; Pit, 3s.; Gallery, 2s. Doors open at half-past 7; commence at 8.

Tuesday, September 13th, the performances will commence with the historical play, in three acts, entitled
"JACK SHEPPARD." - Jonathan Wild - Mr. Buckingham . . . Jack Sheppard - Troy Knight . . .
Overture - Caliph of Bagdad - Band
Darling Ould Stick - Mr. Newson
Trab, Trab - Mrs. Atkinson
Comic Dance - Mr. E. Buckingham . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: New York Serenaders (counterfeit troupe, SA, 1853); the real New York Serenaders, including John Ottis Pierce, were performing in Bathurst (NSW) in the same week; see "THE NEW YORK SERENADERS", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (10 September 1853), 2 

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (20 September 1853), 4 

son of Mr. Thomas Buckingham, of the Surrey and Haymarket Theatres,
begs most respectfully to inform his friends, and patrons of the Drama, that his
BENEFIT is fixed for TUESDAY, SEPT. 20, on which occasion he trusts to meet with that patronage which it has ever been his study to merit.
The Performance will commence with the celebrated Nautical Dram, by E. Stirling, Esq., entitled GRACE DARLING: or, THE WRECK AT SEA. Characters by the Company.
Comic Song - Mr. Johnson, from Vauxhall.
Highland Fling - Mr. Newson.
Song - Miss La Roche.
Comic Pas Seul - E. Buckingham.
Song - "Thou art gone from my gaze" - Master Bear.
To conclude with the Laughable Farce of HAVE YOU SEEN MY WIFE?
Characters by the whole strength of the Company . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Miss La Roche (vocalist, actor); Master Bear (vocalist, actor)

"LAW AND CRIMINAL COURTS", South Australian Register (4 November 1853), 3 

Edward Buckingham, described as a playactor, was charged with assaulting Mary Ann Fonsaker on Sunday last. The defendant, she said, beat her, bit her hand, and knocked a tooth out. In reply to Mr. Parker, she admitted that the defendant had left a gold ring in her possession; also that she had accused him of dishonest practices with his master, Mr. Radford, of the Temple Tap. A witness named Susannah Brydon stated that she saw Buckingham throw the woman down, but he did not strike the complainant in her presence. Mr. Walker undertook to conduct the complainant's case, but the Stipendiary Magistrate intimated that the Court was of opinion he was not sufficiently instructed in the case, and declined to hear him. The Court fined the defendant 40s. and costs.

"WANT OF WATCHFULNESS", Adelaide Observer (21 January 1854), 3 

On Thursday evening last week, at the City Bridge Hotel, William O'Shaughnessy, one of the guards at the City Gaol, not being sufficiently on the watch, was lightened of his own watch and guard. It seems that a man named Edward Buckingham was with O'Shaughnessy the greater part of the evening, and he is suspected of having taken the missing articles from the waistcoat pocket of his companion whilst the latter was in a state of somnolency. Buckingham is in custody, and was brought before His Worship on Saturday. The case was remanded till Tuesday for further evidence, when none being forthcoming, the prisoner was discharged.

"VICTORIA THEATRE", South Australian Register (7 May 1855), 3 

There will be a performance at the theatre this evening for the benefit of Mr. E. Buckingham, who appeals in the bills for support to "the Citizens of Adelaide and its vicinity." Again from the merits of Mr. Buckingham as an actor, and they are, of course, well known to all playgoers he makes his claim for special support on this occasion of his benefit to the judicious selection of the pieces which are to form the entertainment, and the style in which they will be put on the stage. According to the carte, a drama of intense interest is to be followed by an interlude of singing and dancing; the whole to conclude with "a ballet of action." The drama, under the name of Will Watch, is a great favourite at the London [illegible] . . .

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Adelaide Observer (17 November 1855), 4 

There was a very good attendance on Monday evening at the Theatre, and the performances went off with great spirit. Mrs. Lambert appeared as Black-eyed Susan, and was warmly greeted by a host of old supporters. Being the first character in which Mrs. Lambert appeared on the stage, it has always been with her a favourite study, and she seldom played it more affectingly or effectively than last night. Vinson was as natural as it was possible to be in that most artificial production of the "tight little island," a genuine British Jack-tar . . . Buckingham was a capital Doggrass, and Downey was intently amusing as Gnatbrain . . . The laughable farce of "To Parents and Guardians" followed, in which Miss Quinn played the mischievous schoolboy to the life . . . Downey then delivered a short address, thanking the public, on behalf of the company, for its support during the last three months.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Hetters Vinson (actor); Anna Maria Quinn (actor); Joseph Tracy Downey (actor, manager)

"VICTORIA THEATRE", South Australian Register (26 December 1855), 3 

On Monday evening the house was exceedingly well filled for Mr. Vinson's benefit, on which occasion the "Corsican Brothers" was announced - a most difficult piece to get up at any Theatre, and one upon which we should hardly have expected an Adelaide manager to venture. To make matters worse, Miss Josephine Fiddes, who was cast for the very onerous part (or rather parts) of the twins, had been suffering for some days from severe indisposition, and it was doubtful to the hist moment whether she would be able to perform. She determined, however, like a brave girl as she is, to do her best, and to trust to the gallantry and kindness of the audience to pardon any deficiencies arising from her illness. As it turned out, very little apology was requisite, for she played the brothers in admirable style . . . The piece was particularly successful, and will probably attract several full houses at this period of the year, as it combines the interest of melodrama and spectacle with that of ballet and pantomime. The masked ball was will got up, and the frolics of Clown and Pantaloon were introduced with very fair effect. Buckingham's travestie of the Spider Dance was exceedingly good, and the jokes of the monstrous tarantula, and the favours of cabbage-stalks and carrot bunches from the boxes, told very well . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Josephine Fiddes (actor)

"VICTORIA THEATRE", Adelaide Times (26 December 1855), 3 

The performances at thin theatre on Monday evening were for the benefit of Mr. Vinson, and his popularity was well evinced by a very crowded house, which appeared on the occasion . . . The first scene of the piece somewhat failed, owing to the great exertions of the prompter, but the introduction of a lively scene between. Messrs. Downey and Buckingham, raised an excitement which never failed for the rest of the evening . . . The masks chosen for the ball possessed the usual peculiarity of being stupidly hideous, of which the owners appear to be very well conscious. To enliven the occasion, Mr. Buckingham appeared as a clown, supported by Vinson as pantaloon. The former went through a vulgar imitation of the spider dance. His performance was characterised by much vigour and immodesty without one trace of the elegance or spirit of the original. At the conclusion thereof, he was suitably rewarded, not by a bouquet, but a selection of greens, carrots, &c., showered from the boxes by his coadjutor the pantaloon. Then followed several tricks in which Mr. Buckingham showed he was a very fair clown. Several victims appeared successively on the stage to undergo the ordeal of his practical jokes which were dealt with no measured hand, and fully answered the purpose of keeping the audience in a roar of laughter . . .


"This is Mr. Buckingham, Mr. Edward Buckingham," said Mr. W. R. Hunt as he introduced me to the subject of this interview. Mr. Buckingham, an old man with a kerchief tied around his neck, and with every appearance of having been some years in the back blocks, dropped his hat on the floor, a characteristic of those who live in the bush, and took a seat. Mr. Buckingham is an example of the Shakespearean expression that one man in his life plays many parts. Fifty years ago he was a smart man about town, and a good actor and dancer. To-day he is a shepherd, and at 76 years of age is "out of suits with fortune." But let him tell his own strikingly interesting story.

- Early Life. - "I am a son of Thomas Buckingham, one of the leading actors of the Surrey, Haymarket, and Olympic Theatres, London. I went on the stage when I was five years old. I was bringing my parents in three guineas a week before I was eight years old. That was £3 for them, and 3/- for myself. On my father's death I joined Frampton's pupils; we played ballets. When nine years of age, I played the Miser in "The Miser of Southward Ferry." In the afterpiece the same night I was the actor of all work. That was a pretty severe task for a child of nine years.

- To Australia. - Mrs. Clark took me from London to Hobart with Mr. Charles Young and Mrs. Thompson. We had not been at Hobart more than three months before Mrs. Clark eloped with the leader of the orchestra. Then I was thrown on my own resources. I went to Melbourne in 1852, and played at the Queen's Theatre, with Charles Young. After a visit to the diggings I proceeded to Sydney. I got an engagement under Madame Torney [sic, Torning], at the old Victoria Theatre, Pitt street. I will never forget the ludicrous incident that happened the first night I went on. There was a young fellow named Alfred Howson, who was very fond of a practical joke. His father was leader of the orchestra, and he also played in it. Alfred had been out fishing, and he brought a fish hook to the theatre to carry out his nefarious little plan. Early in the evening he ran a piece of cotton with the hook attached from the curtain to the orchestra. When his father took his seat Alfred placed the hook in the wig which his parent wore. Then the curtain rose to plaintive music, and simultaneously the poor old man's wig went up into the air. The angry parent in his effort to reach his wig with his fiddlestick fell flop on the drum in the corner of the orchestra. There were roars of laughter from the gods, and the first scene was completely annihilated.

- In Adelaide - "Well, salaries were so small that I came to Adelaide. I was first a member of Radford's company, at the circus in Light square. Owing to the people leaving for the diggings the attendances became so small that the circus had to be closed. I next played at the old Victoria, under the management of Mrs. Harry Lambert. That was about 1854. Those were the good old days of melodrama, and plenty of blue fire. I remember I afterwards appeared as Old Crumbs in 'The Rent Day.' Dicky Dean in 'Susan Hopley,' and Doggrass in 'Black-Eyed Susan.' I played under the management of L. N. Griffin at the old Victoria in 1855. I was Max Harkaway in 'London Assurance,' the Kinchin in 'Green Bushes,' and Jonathan Wild in 'Jack Sheppard.' I doubled the part of Polonius and the gravedigger in 'Hamlet.' Under the management of Quinn, father of the celebrated Anna Maria Quinn, the infant prodigy, I performed in 'The Two Gentlemen of Verona,' and I appeared as Roderigo in 'Othello.' I played utility parts for Charles Poole, and with Kemble Mason I impersonated Christopher Sly in The Taming of the Shrew.'

- With G. V. Brooke. - "I played with G. V. Brooke in Melbourne. I was engaged by George Coppin, the well-known veteran, at the Olympic, the 'old iron not,' as we called it, in Lonsdale-street. The theatre was made in London and brought out to Melbourne, and fitted up. I played for about six weeks with the great tragedian, appearing in a variety of parts.

- Lola Montez. - "Then I returned to Adelaide and played with Lola Montez, the great dancer. I remember taking part in an operetta called 'One Hour, or the Carnival Ball.' I also appeared as Moses in 'Money,' by Bulwer Lytton, and as Dolly Spanker in 'London Assurance.' I was the clown in the pantomime 'Puss in Boots.' That was for Mungall's gall's benefit. In that production I burlesqued Lola Montez's great spider dance. That was after the artiste had left for Melbourne. The Victoria Theatre having closed to be renovated, I went to Melbourne.

"I proceeded to Melbourne, and was advised not to go on the stage while Lola Montez was there. It was said she was very enraged at my burlesquing what she called her national dance. She said she was Spanish. I knew as a fact that her name was McCarthy, which, at any rate, has a truly Hibernian ring, so I determined to face the music. I went on the stage to tell Mr. Coppin of my arrival. As soon as Lola Montez heard my name mentioned she came over to me, and enquired if my name was Buckingham. I replied that it was. She asked me what I meant by burlesquing her national dance. I told her that as an old actress she ought to know that I had to do anything I was cast for, and anything my ability would allow be to do. She flew into a great rage, and told me that the spider dance was her national dance, and that I ought not to have performed it in a grotesque manner. I denied that I had ever danced her national dance, explaining that I had never stepped an Irish jig in my life. Close by was the carpenter's toolbox. She picked up the hammer and threw it at me with all her might. It missed me, but smashed a mirror Mr. Coppin, who was suffering with gout at the time, and had his leg encased in flannels, advised me to keep away from the theatre till Lola Montez had gone. He told me that I could call at the treasury every Saturday, and receive half salary until G. V. Brooke arrives. I had to study subordinate parts, and I continued to do this for about six weeks, when the news came that Brooke had gone down in the London. The company was disbanded, and I returned to Adelaide.

- Failure in Management. - "With a man named Troy Knight I took the Victoria Theatre, but owing to the heavy rent and a succession of bad houses we were soon out of pocket. The company was disbanded. Some few weeks after the theatre was closed, and Emmanuel Solomon came to me for the back rent. I couldn't pay, and was summoned. I went away touring the country on the burnt-cork business. I was 'bones.' I returned to Adelaide, was served with a U.J.S. and failing to appear, was awarded 40 days; but I had a friend in Mr. Hunt, sen., who sent me away in the bush out of sight. I have been in the bush ever since, and I have become so enamoured of the life that I like it better than any other. I was with Mr. Andrew Tennant and Mr. Samuel Mills.

- A Holiday. - "I once came to town for a holiday, and I couldn't keep away from the old theatre. 'Hoppy' Solomon saw me, and he said, 'You are just the man we want.' I said, 'What about the old man?' (meaning his uncle Emmanuel). He said. 'Oh, you needn't be afraid of him; he can't take the shirt away from a hungry man.' The result of the conversation was that I was to go to rehearsal at 10 o'clock the next morning. I was to play the harlequin in the pantomime to Mrs. Chambers's columbine. I was to get £10 a week during the run of the pantomime and £7 a week afterwards, and I was to go to Melbourne and Sydney with the company during the engagement of Charles Dillon. When I awoke in bed the next morning my wife persuaded me that it was a trap to catch me and put me in gaol for the debt I owed Emmanuel Solomon. I got frightened, and made my exit. I went straight back to Port Lincoln in the Lubra.

- How the Stage has Altered. -
"Yes, the profession has altered very much. My father, who was the cleverest artist in his line of business, never received more than £10 a night. That was considered a tremendous salary in those days. If he had been alive to-day he would have earned nearer £50 a night. The most I ever earned was £2 a night, and that was in Adelaide. I have not been to the theatre since Ada Ward was here."

- Theatrical Celebrities. -
I showed Mr. Buckingham an album containing photographs of theatrical celebrities which was given to me by the late Mr. J. C. F. Johnson, who was at one time dramatic critic of The Register. Mr. Buckingham was greatly interested in the old faces. He remarked:
"Yes. I saw Walter Montgomery: he was a great actor. But the greatest tragedian I ever saw was Macready. My father always contended that Edmund Keen was the greatest tragedian. I knew the son of Charles Keen. Why here's Creswick. I knew his people in London. They played at the Surrey. And here's Mrs. Cotterell, nee Carandini. That reminds me that I played once with Madame Carandini. I appeared as Sir Lawrance Paragon in "Perfection," a musical comedy. It was a long part, and I had only four hours' notice, but I played at night, and was line perfect."

- Hard Times. -
"I remember with one company I was with we were on the commonwealth principle, share and share alike. I got the paste pot and brush when it was all over; and I remember another member of the company had to be content with, half a pound of candles. Yes; I am getting up in years, and would not be much good upon the stage now. I have been in the hospital for some time, and have not been in work for several weeks. Still, I am going away soon to Fowler's Bay to shepherd sheep at 10/- a week. Well, I must play my part till the end."
And the old man walked out into the night.

ASSOCIATIONS: Buckingham cannot even have met Anne Remens Clarke (actor, manager) in Australia, let alone been employed by her, as she was last active professionally in Hobart in 1847; she had employed Charles Young (actor) on arrival in Hobart in 1843; Young's future mother-in-law Martha Thomson (actor), had arrived in Hobart much earlier, in 1837; Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue); Eliza Torning (dancer, actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue); Alfred Howson (musician, probably referring to an incident in Tasmania); Henry Howson (musician, Alfred's elder brother, not his father); Robert Avis Radford (circus performer, manager); Harriet Lambert (formerly Jones, actor, manager); Nathaniel Lewis Griffin (actor, manager); Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor, manager); George Coppin (actor, manager); Coppin's Olympic (Melbourne venue); Lola Montez (dancer); Maria Carandini (actor, vocalist)

Register of admissions, Adelaide Hospital, 30 September 1918; State Records of South Australia, GRG78/49 (PAYWALL)

No. 4022 / Buckingham Edward / [residence] Beaumont / [age] 92 / Widower / Church of England / [admitted] 30. 9. 18 / [discharged] 9. 1. 19 / Senility / [born] England / Actor . . .

"Obituary", West Coast Sentinel [Streaky Bay, SA] (17 July 1920), 2 

At the Old Folks' Home, Magill, last Friday morning, a very old identity of Streaky Bay passed away in the person of Mr. Edward Buckingham. The late Mr. Buckingham in his younger days followed the dramatic profession, and is reputed to have been an actor of no mean order. He came to the West Coast in the early days, and was for a great many years employed at the Flinders hotel. About four years ago, he realised that his great age prevented him from working, so decided to end his days at the Old Folks' Home. The late Mr. Buckingham was a general favorite in the district, and during the time he was in Adelaide was visited by a large number of West Coasters whom he was always pleased to see. He was a regular reader of "The Sentinel," and on more than one occasion said that its arrival cheered him up and reminded him of his old friends. The deceased was in his 92nd year.

BUCKLAND, Elizabeth Oke (Elizabeth Oke BUCKLAND; Miss BUCKLAND; Mrs. Valentine FLEMING)

Musician, teacher of the pianoforte, Italian and English singing, dancing, pupil of Julius Buddee

Born London, England, 1815; baptised St. George, Hanover Square, 9 August 1815; daughter of Charles BUCKLAND (1788-1880) and Anne Eliza MORRIS (1794-1873) (m. St. James, Paddington, 21 July 1813)
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 29 March 1841 (per Neptune, from London, via Plymouth, 12 December 1840)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 26 June 1841 (per Lillias, from Melbourne)
Married Valentine FLEMING (1809-1884), Hobart, TAS, 20 March 1852
Departed Hobart Town, TAS, 9 February 1870 (per Southern Cross, for Melbourne, en route to England)
Died Kensignton, London, England, 16 August 1870; buried 20 August 1870, aged "55" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Elizabeth Oke Buckland; by Robert Hawker Dowling

Elizabeth Oke Buckland (Robert Hawker Dowling)

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Hawker Dowling (painter)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. George Hanover Square in the county of Middlesex in the year 1815; register 1812-15, page 71; London Metropolitan Archives, DL/T/089/010 (PAYWALL)

no. 566 / Aug't 9 / Elizabeth Oke / [daughter of] Charles & Ann / Bond St. / Linen Draper . . .

List of immigrants [and cabin passengers] per the ship Neptune, 29 March 1841; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Cabin Passengers . . . Mr. C. Buckland / Mrs. [Buckland] / Miss Elizabeth [Buckland] / [Miss] Theophila [Buckland] / [Miss] Mary [Buckland] . . .

"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVALS", Port Phillip Gazette [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (31 March 1841), 3 

On Sunday last [28 March], from London via Plymouth December 12, the ship Neptune, Ferris. Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Buckland, three Misses Buckland, and Master Buckland . . . 21 intermediate, and 274 steerage passengers, under the superintendence of Dr Brown.

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (21 April 1841), 1 

MRS. AND BUSS BUCKLAND BEG to inform the families resident at New Town and Melbourne, that they purpose opening a School for the instruction of young Ladies.
Miss Buckland has herself had the advantage of the first masters in London, and is accustomed to Tuition.
She is perfectly competent to teach the general routine of a plain Education, with Music, Singing, French, and Drawing.
For terms, &c. enquire at Brunswick-street, New Town, adjoining the residence of Captain Eddington.

"SHIP NEWS", Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (29 June 1841), 2 

JUNE 26. Arrived the schooner Lillias, Smith, master, from port Phillip 26th [sic] June with sheep. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Buckland and family . . .

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (29 June 1841), 3 

Mrs. and Miss Buckland
BEG respectfully to inform the Inhabitants of Hobart Town and its Vicinity, that they purpose receiving Pupils for
instruction in Music, Singing, French, Drawing, and Dancing.
Miss Buckland has had the advantage of the first Masters in London, and is accustomed to tuition.
For terms, &c., enquire of No. 24, Davey-street, opposite the Windmill. June 29, 1841.

[Advertising], The Courier (27 August 1841), 1

beg respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity, that they purpose receiving pupils
for instruction in the Pianoforte, Italian and English Singing, Dancing, French, and Drawing.
Miss Buckland has had the advantage of the first masters in London, and is accustomed to tuition.
For particulars, &c., inquire at No. 24, Davey-street, opposite the Windmill.

[Advertising], Colonial Times (16 August 1842), 1

A Card. MISS BUCKLAND respectfully informs the Ladies of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that she continues to give instruction in Italian and English singing, the pianoforte and dancing, at her residence, 24, Davey-street.
August 15, 1842.

1852, marriages in the district of St. George Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:842390; RGD37/1/11 no 249 (DIGITISED)

No. 1369 / 20 March 1852 / St. George's / Valentine Fleming / 37 / Attorney General of V.D.L. / . . . Elizabeth Oke Buckland / 35 [sic] / Spinster / . . . [Officiant] John R. Buckland . . .

"MARRIED", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (24 March 1852), 188 

On the 20th instant at St. George's Church, Hobart Town, by the Rev. J. R. Buckland, Valentine Fleming, Esq., Her Majesty's Attorney General of Van Dieman's Land, to Elizabeth Oke, daughter of Charles Buckland, Esq., of Hobart Town, and niece of the Dean of Westminster.

"CONCERT AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE. MISKA HAUSER AND M. BUDDEE", The Tasmanian Daily News (24 November 1856), 2 

The first of two subscription concerts announced by Messrs. Miska Hauser and Buddee took place on Saturday evening, in the ball-room of Government House. The chamber band of the 12th regiment, by the permission of Colonel Percival, C.B., added to the evening's amusement, and the Messrs. Stevens, with Mr. Bryant, diversified the entertainment with some well-delivered glees. The appearance of Miska Hauser, and the popularity of so great a favorite with the musical public of Hobart Town as M. Buddee, combined to fill the room with a large and attentive audience. The raised dais was occupied by His Excellency the Governor and Lady Young, the Chief Justice and Lady Fleming . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violin); Julius Buddee (piano); Band of the 12th Regiment (military)

"TOWN HALL CONCERT", The Tasmanian Times (15 September 1868), 3 

The concert given last night by professional and amateur performers under the respective batons of Messrs. Tapfield, Packer and Buck, in honour of Mrs. CANSDELL, and in recognition of her frequent services, as an Amateur, in aid of public objects and charitable institutions, was, we are happy to be able to say, a most complete success . . . . Mrs. Cansdell's great popularity as an amateur singer at the Town Hall Organ Fund Concerts and kindred musical reunions, is no doubt due the bumper house that filled the Assembly room of our Hotel de Ville last night. There must have been from 600 to S00 persons present. All the beauty and fashion of Hobart Town seemed congregated in that fine apartment. The programme comprised a selection of music, both vocal and instrumental, in which the severe and scientific element predominated over the popular. Messrs. Tapfield, Packer, and Buck presided alternately at the piano, Mr. Tapfield acting as principal conductor . . . Lady Fleming, Lady Dry, and Lady Smith assisted in some part songs, which were given with great accuracy and vivacity . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Cansdell (1832-1905, vocalist); Samuel Tapfield (musician); Frederick Augustus Packer (musician); Frederick Buck (musician)

Register of burials, Brompton Cemetery, London, 1870; UK National Archives, 97/112 (PAYWALL)

No. 61099 / Elizabeth Oke Fleming / 53 Warwick Gardens, Kensington / [buried] Aug't 20 / 55 Years

"LADY FLEMING", The Tasmanian Times (28 October 1870), 2 

We regret to notice by the Home News, of September 9th, that Lady Fleming, wife of Sir Valentine Fleming, late Chief Justice of Tasmania, died on 16th August last at Kensington, near London.

"Mr. Julius Buddee", Table Talk [Melbourne, VIC] (26 September 1890), 8 

THE news of the death of Mr. Julius Buddee, which took place at his residence, "Cremona," Glebe Point, Sydney, on Tuesday, September 9, was received with regret in Melbourne where many of his old musical friends still survive, amongst whom the sad announcement must have awakened a host of reminiscences . . .
Amongst his Tasmanian pupils were: Lady Fleming (wife of the Chief Justice), Sir Francis and Lady Smith, and the daughters of Bishop Nixon . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Buddee (teacher)


Amateur comic vocalist, stock agent, auctioneer

Born Sydney, NSW, 1 April 1830; baptised St. Philip's, Sydney, 20 May 1830; son of John BUCKLAND and Clarissa Soby SMITH
Active Geelong, VIC, by 1850
Married Mary Ann GIBSON (1837-1917), Winchelsea, VIC, 1854
Died Bundanoon, NSW, 5 October 1905, aged "75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms, St. Philip, Sydney, 1830; Australia, births and baptisms database (PAYWALL)

20 May 1830 / Born 1 April 1830 / John Jeffreys / son of John and Clarissa Soby / Buckland

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (18 July 1859), 4 

Overture - "Italiani in Algieri" - Band. - Rossini
Song - "Kathleen Mavourneen" - Mrs. Goodliffe.
Song - "Man the Life Boat." - Mr. Meakin. - Russell
Solo - (Pianoforte) "La Cascade" - Mr. Pringle
Song - "The Three Ages of Love" - Mr. Badnall - Loder
Comic Song - Mr. J. Buckland
Song - "Only in Jest" - Mrs. Goodliffe. - Mendelssohn
Quadrille - "Court of St. James"- Band
Valse - "Martha" - Band. - D'Albert.
Song - "Happy Birds" - Mrs. Goodliffe - Paravicini
Trio (Flute, Pianoforte, and Violincello) - Messrs. Stoneham, Plumstead and Wyvill
Song - "A Life on the Ocean Wave" - Mr. Boyce
Quadrille - (Ireland) - Band
Comic Song - Mr. J. Buckland
Glee - "Hail Smiling Morn" - Messrs. Walton, Badnall and Meakin
"God Save the Queen" . . .
W. STITT JENKINS, Hon. Secretary.

ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Goodliffe (vocalist); Henry Meakin (vocalist); George Robert Grant Pringle (pianist); William Stoneham (flute); Henry Plumstead (piano); Mr. Wyvill (cello); Charles Henry Badnall (vocalist); Thomas Henry Walton (vocalist); William Stitt Jenkins (secretary); Geelong Recreative Society (association)

"NEWTOWN AND CHILWELL FIRE BRIGADE", Geelong Advertiser (9 June 1860), 2 

The first anniversary of the establishment of the Newtown and Chilwell Fire Brigade was honored with a commemoration (of course in the shape of a public dinner, with speeches to follow) on Thursday evening last at Mr. Jeffries' Newtown Hotel . . . whereby between 60 and 70 gentlemen were enabled to dine together . . . Mr. Stoneham, with a sufficient detachment of his musical corps, was in attendance, and played a variety of appropriate airs during the evening. Mr. Charles Nantes, the President of the Newtown Fire Brigade, occupied the chair, and Mr. J. J. Buckland the vice-president, the vice chair . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Stoneham (musician)

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (11 December 1866), 2 

The penny readings were given last night to a crowded audience, larger than we have seen for some weeks past. James Balfour, Esq., M.P., from Melbourne was present together with Mr. John Middlemiss, Mr. J. Brownhill (who read: "Caudle is made a Freemason" remarkably well) Mr. Leechman, and Mr. Beattoun. Mr. Augustus Francisco with Mr. Buckland undertook vocal part of the entertainment . . . It is needless to say how Mr. Jeff Buckland sings, because everyone knows his comical abilities and laughter-provoking songs. John Guthrie, Esq., J.P., was in the chair.

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (27 July 1882), 2 

Mr. Jeff Buckland, who for many years carried on business at Geelong as a stock and station agent, has decided to settle in Sydney. Mr. Buckland, who is an excellent amateur comic vocalist, was a great favourite with a large number of the citizens of Ballarat.

"Death of Mr. J. J. Buckland", Robertson Advocate [NSW] (6 October 1905), 2 

News of the death of Mr. J. J. Buckland, of "Woodside," Bundanoon, which occurred about 11 o'clock yesterday morning, will be learnt with regret by a wide circle of friends throughout the district. The deceased gentleman had been an invalid for years. He was an old resident of Bundanoon, and was universally respected for his integrity and straightforwardness. The funeral will move from deceased's late residence at 4 o'clock this (Friday) afternoon.

BUCKNALL, William Aston (William Aston BUCKNALL; W. A. BUCKNALL; Mr. BUCKNALL)

? Amateur musician, vocalist, auctioneer

Born Newington, Surrey, England, 19 October 1833; baptised Lambeth, Surrey, 22 January 1834; son of William BUCKNALL and Louisa THOMAS (m. Hackney, 5 January 1833)
? Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1853 (per Arrogant, from London, 16 November 1852, aged "19")
Married Elizabeth Harriet HAWES (widow BISHOP) (c, 1833-1871), All Saints's church, Bendigo, VIC, 19 June 1860
Died Bendigo, VIC, 22 March 1877 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BUCKNALL, Frederick Estcourt (Frederick Estcourt BUCKNALL; F. E. BUCKNALL; Mr. R. BUCKNALL)

Amateur musician, organist, pianist, amateur sportsman

Born Newington, Surrey, England, 6 July 1835; son of William BUCKNALL and Louisa THOMAS
Arrived (? 1) Melbourne, VIC, 7 March 1861 (per Dover Castle, from London, 5 December 1860)
Married Rosa HAUSSEN, All Saints church, Hindmarsh, SA, 1 October 1874
Died North Adelaide, SA, 4 June 1896 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)

DISAMBIGUATION: It is not clear which of the brothers was the singer active in 1859, whether William, who was certainly well estbalished in Bendigo by then, or Frederick on an earlier visit preceding his reported arrival in 1861.


England census, 30 March 1851, St. Michael Stockwell, Lambeth, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO107/1574/495/21 (PAYWALL)

39 New Road / St. George's Villa / Wm. Bucknall / Haead / Mar. / 60 / Merchant & Cork Cutter master 12 men / [born] Shropshire
Louisa / Wife / Mar. / 40 / [born] Caermarthen . . . South Wales
Wm. Aston / Son / 17 / Unm. / Clerk Stockbroker / [born] Surrey Newington
Fred'k E. / Son / Unm. 15 / Scholar / [born Surrey Newington]
Louis Kath'ne / Daur / Unm. / 9 / Scholar / [born] Caermarthen Wales . . .

Names and descriptions of passengers per Arrogant, from London, 16 November 1852, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Bucknall W. / Clerk / 19 . . .

"THE CONCERT IN AID OF THE HOSPITAL FUNDS", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (1 July 1859), 2 

Most of our readers will no doubt ere this have seen the announcement in our advertising columns of the concert to be given in aid of the funds of the Bendigo Hospital, on Monday next, by the pupils of Mr. Pollard's Choral Singing Class . . . The first and second parts of the concert are to be devoted solely to selections from the oratorios of the "Creation" and the "Messiah," and having attended the rehearsal of the class last evening we can assure our readers that the members are all up to the mark in their respective parts. In the second part the class will sing some new concerted pieces, the solo parts being taken by Miss Warden, Mr. Newton Clapham, Mr. Bucknall, Mr. W. Watson, and Mr. Macord. We trust that the public will attend in such numbers as will induce Mr. Pollard to give many more of his pleasing and entertaining reunions.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Henry Pollard (musician); Agnes Florence Warden (vocalist); Newton Clapham (vocalist); Samuel Macord (vocalist);

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (5 July 1859), 2-3 

Last evening the fourth public concert given by the members of Mr. Pollard's Choral Singing Class was held at the Presbyterian Schoolroom. Notwithstanding the counter attractions at the Theatre and elsewhere, the room was completely filled with a most respectable audience. The first two parts of the evening's entertainment were devoted entirely to the singing of selections from the oratorios of the "Messiah" and the "Creation" . . . [3] . . . The second part of the concert was devoted to secular music. In it Messrs. Bucknall, Newton, W. Watson, and Macord, together with Miss Warden, who, by the way, was the only lady who ventured on a solo during the evening, sang a selection of the latest songs, which were all most vociferously applauded . . .

"THE FIFTH CHORAL REUNION", Bendigo Advertiser (12 October 1859), 3 

Notwithstanding the threatening aspect of the weather, there was a good attendance at the reunion of Mr. Pollard's pupils, in the Town Hall, last evening; upwards of two hundred persons being present . . . Mr. Bucknall was encored in the song of "Love in Those Eyes" . . .

"MARRIED", Bendigo Advertiser (20 June 1860), 2 

On the 19th instant, at All Saints' Church, Sandhurst, by the Rev. W. R. Croxton, William Aston Bucknall, eldest son of William Bucknall, Esq., of London, merchant, to Elizabeth, widow of the late Henry Bishop, Esq., of Sandhurst.

Names and descriptions of passengers per Dover Castle, from London, 5 December 1860, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Second Cabin . . . Bucknall Fred'k E. / 25 / Trader / [for] Melbourne . . .

However, this may not have been his first arrival; see also a later arrival, [Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (16 November 1863), 1 

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (9 December 1863), 1 

MEMBERS and Others who Wish to Join the Bendigo Swimming Club are requested to attend the MEETING at McGuire's Baths on Wednesday, Eight p.m. F. E. BUCKNALL, Sec, pro tem.

"THE SANDHURST PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Bendigo Advertiser (2 June 1865), 3 

A meeting was held last night, at the Temperance Hall, of persons interested in the formation of a Philharmonic Society, for the purpose of enrolling members, electing office bearers, and discussing a code of rules drawn up by a committee appointed at a previous meeting, held at the Mechanics' Institute. Mr Garsed was voted to the chair. The first proceeding was the enrollment of members, and in a few minutes, thirty-five names were put down. The rules were next considered, and it was resolved that the name of the society should be "the Sandhurst Philharmonic Society," the objects of which should be to encourage the cultivation of classical music, vocal and instrumental. The subscription for practising members was fixed at five shillings a quarter, and they were further required to be approved of by the conductor; ordinary members, have to pay ten shillings and sixpence half-yearly; junior members under fifteen years of age, are to be charged half these fees. The committoe in their expenditure are not to exceed the assets by more than five pounds; four concerts are to be given in the year, and there is to be a practice once a week. After the adoption of the rules, the election of office bearers and committee took place, and resulted as follows: - President, Mr. Garsed, Vice President, Mr. Hardie, Conductor and organist, Mr Gollmick, this gentleman undertaking the duties for the first six months to give the society a start. Leader, Mr. Leech, Secretary, Mr. F. Bucknall, Treasurer, Mr. Davis, Librarian, Mr. Steane, Committee - Messrs. Bridges, Cattran, Fisher, and Hopkins. The election of the foregoing concluded the business of the meeting.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Gollmick (musician, conductor); Frederick Leech (violin, leader); Sandhurst Philharmonic Society (association)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (21 June 1865), 3 

SANDHURST PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. REHEARSAL at the Temperance Hall, on Thursday, 22nd June.
Members are requested to attend at eight o'clock punctually. F. E. BUCKNALL, Hon. Sec.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (30 August 1865), 3 

PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. ESPECIAL GENERAL MEETING on Thursday evening, Temperance Hall, at eight o'clock precisely. All members, both vocal and instrumental, who intend taking part in the ensuing concert are requested to attend. Any members desirous of aiding the Society by singing or playing solos or part music must be prepared to enter their names, with full particulars, to the conductor, Mr Gollmick, who will be in attendance at the meeting.
F. E. BUCKNALL, Hon. Sec.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (12 October 1865), 3 

SANDHURST PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. A FULL REHEARSAL of the whole of the Programme at the Wesleyan School-house, Forest-street, This Evening, from six to eight o'clock.
Mr. Gollmick will conduct. Practising members are requested to attend punctually at six. None but members can be admitted. F. E. BUCKNALL, Hon Sec.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (14 November 1865), 1 

The Words by T. C Cooper, Esq.; Music by Herr Gollmick.
Conductor - HERR GOLLMICK.
Organist - MRS. FATHERLY Leader - MR. LEECH.
Mrs. Ellis, Madame Mitchell, Mr. Hallas, Mr. James Stewart, with a numerous band of amateur and professional gentlemen, together with forty or fifty vocalists, have volunteered their assistance.
Dress Circle, 4s; Side Boxes, 3s; Stalls, 2s; Pit, 1s. Doors open at half-past seven o'clock, to commence punctually at eight.
F. E. BUCKNALL, Hon. Sec.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charlotte Crofton Fatherley (organist); Eliza Stewart Ellis (vocalist); Madelina Forbes Mitchell (vocalist); Nathan Hallas (musician); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo)

"THE HOSPITAL BAZAAR AND THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY (To the Editor of the Bendigo Advertiser)", Bendigo Advertiser (22 November 1865), 2 

Sir, - We beg to call your attention to a paragraph that appeared in your columns of yesterday to the effect that the Philharmonic Society would open the Hospital Bazaar with a concert. We beg to state that they have not been even asked to do so. We have no doubt that some of the members will volunteer for so good a cause; nevertheless it would be desirable that a little courtesy should be shown the society in future.
We remain, yours truly,
F. E. BUCKNALL, Hon. Sec.

"DEATH", Bendigo Advertiser (21 March 1877), 2 

On the 20th March, at his residence, Wattle-street, William Aston Bucknall, in the 44th year of his age.

"DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT", Bendigo Advertiser (21 March 1877), 2 

It is with extreme regret that we notice the removal by death of many old residents from amongst us. To-day we have to record the decease of an old and respected resident, Mr. William Bucknall. Many of our readers will have known Mr. Bucknall, who was resident in Sandhurst for nearly 20 years, and who carried on the business of auctioneer for some time in the early days of the goldfield. The deceased has of late years been in a declining condition, but it was only for the past two days that he had been confined to his bed. He expired yesterday evening at his residence in Wattle-street, and leaves behind him several children. His wife died about four or five years ago.

"THE LATE MR F. E. BUCKNALL", The Express and Telegraph [Adelaide, SA] (5 June 1896), 3 

Mr. F. E. Bucknall, who at one time represented West Torrens in the House of Assembly, died at North Adelaide on Thursday morning. Some time after his arrival in the colony the deceased became a licensed victualler, and was landlord of the South Australian Club Hotel in Vincent-street, Port Adelaide. He took great interest in aquatics, went in for boatbuilding, introduced a good class of racing boats, and created much interest in sculling on the Port River. He was an enthusiastic yachtsman, and owned the yachts Brilliant, Rosa, and Enchantress. In his day he was a smart athlete and an ardent supporter of manly sports. For several years he was president of the Hindmarsh Cricket Club, and for over ten years prior to his death was its patron. He married the widow of the late Mr. H. Haussen, of the firm of Haussen & Catchlove, proprietors of the Hindmarsh brewery . . . Our Semaphore reporter writes: . . . He was an excellent musician, and was at one period grand organist of the Masonic Lodge.

"DEATHS", South Australian Register (8 June 1896), 4 

BUCKNALL. - On the 4th June, at his residence, Childers-street, North Adelaide, Frederick Estcourt, son of the late Wm. Bucknall, Crutched Friars, London, aged 58. Home papers please copy.


Musician, violinist, fiddler, tailor, emancipist, convict

Born St. Marychurch, Devon, England, c. 1818
Convicted Somerset Assizes, England, 1 April 1837 (transportation life, aged "19")
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 21 November 1837 (convict per Susan, from England, 5 August 1837)
Conditional pardon approved, 10 January 1849
Married Barbara GORDON, St. Joseph's, Hobart, TAS, 8 July 1850 (aged "32")
Active Launceston, TAS, 1854; Geelong, VIC, 1860 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"SOMERSET ASSIZES (Concluded from our last)", Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette (20 April 1837), 3 (PAYWALL)

TRANSPORTATION. For Life: . . . Thomas Bucknell for having his possession moulds for coining money . . .

Convict records, Thomas Bucknall [sic], per Susan, 1837; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1377108$init=CON34-1-7P290 (DIGITISED)

No. 2728 / Bucknall Thomas / Arrived 21 Nov'r 1837 / Somerset Ass. 1st April 1837 Life . . .
Con[ditional] Pardon App'd 10/1/'49$init=CON18-1-19P159 (DIGITISED)

Bucknall Thomas / No. 2728 / Lab'r & Carter . . . St. Mary's Devon . . .

"QUARTER SESSIONS. 5TH JULY", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (6 July 1839), 2 

. . . Thomas Bucknell, for uttering counterfeit coin, guilty. Sentenced to imprisonment in the House or Correction for six calendar months . . .

"GOVERNMENT NOTICE", The Cornwall Chronicle (2 December 1840), 4 

Colonial Secretary's Office, November 26, 1840.
The Lieutenant Governor has approved of the appointment of Thomas Bucknell, per Susan, as Javelin Man in the Sheriff's Department, vice Alexander Smith, per Neptune, dismissed ; to take effect from 1st proximo.
By His Excellency's Command, M. Forster.

"GOVERNMENT NOTICE. No. 323", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (17 December 1841), 4 

Colonial Secretary's Office, 3rd December, 1841. The Lieutenant-Governor has approved of the appointment of Beattie Colquhoun Goodyer, per Lady Kennaway, as javelin-man in the Sheriff's department, vice Thomas Bucknell, per Susan, dismissed; to take effect from the 1st instant.
By His Excellency's command, JOHN MONTAGU.

"SHERIFF'S OFFICE", The Courier (3 June 1842), 4 

25th May, 1843. The Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to approve of 2728 Thomas Bucknell, per Susan, being appointed Javelin-man, in lieu of Richard Baker, per Lady Kennaway, resigned; to take effect from the 15th instant.
P. FRASER, Sherriff.

1850, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:840123; RGD37/1/9 no 510 (DIGITISED)

No. 412 / July 8 1850 / Married in St. Joseph's Church / Thomas Bucknell / 32 / Tailor / . . .Bachelor
" Barbara Gordon / 30 / Servant / . . . Spinster

ASSOCIATIONS: Barbara Gordon was a convict; in the marriage permission Bucknell was correctly described as free 

"WHAT IS A MUSICIAN", The Cornwall Chronicle (3 June 1854), 5

What is a Musician? - In answer to a question put by the Chairman of Quarter Sessions during the trial of John Beck, to a witness named Bucknell, concerning the mode in which he earned his living, witness replied that he was a musician.
The Chairman, "What is commonly called a fiddler?"
Witness, - "Yes Sir."  It appears Bucknell procures a livelihood by playing the violin in the tap-rooms of public-houses" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: On John Beck's trial, see "QUARTER SESSIONS . . . THURSDAY, JUNE 1", The Cornwall Chronicle (3 June 1854), 3 

. . . A man named Bucknell, in the service of Mr. Lewis, said that prisoner sold him some damask, which he said he could let him have cheap, as he had purchased it at a sale. Mary Torley also purchased some of the damask from prisoner, and corroborated Bucknell's testimony . . .


Thomas Bucknell, fiddler, charged a female named Julia Fletcher, with robbing him of 5s, by picking his pocket on Saturday night last. The musician stated that he engaged to fiddle during the whole night on Saturday night for 6s, for the amusement of a party given at Mrs. Birdwoods, near the old Telegraph office; that after performing his work to the satisfaction of all present, he was paid by the hostess the 6s for his trouble, which money he placed, in his outside coat-pocket, and took seat on a sofa alongside Miss Fletcher. The lady observing that he had had a glass or two, dived her hand into his pocket and abstracted five out of the six shillings, which she refused to return. The defence was that the money was handed to the female by Bucknell, and the story about her picking his pocket was trumped up. Case dismissed.

See also "CENTRAL POLICE COURT . . . Thursday, 22nd March . . . ARSON", Geelong Advertiser (23 March 1860), 3 

Thomas Bucknell was charged by Detective Duross with setting fire to a hay stack on Sunday night last . . . nothing further was elicited to incuplate the man in the dock, the Magistrate ordered him to be discharged from custody.

BUDD, Thomas (Thomas BUDDS [sic]; Thomas BUDD)

Musician, saxophone player, bandmaster, composer

Born (into 46th Regiment) Sydney, NSW, 14 February 1817; baptised Sydney, 30 March 1817; son of Thomas BUDD (1788-1833; 46th Regiment) and Hozapha (Sophia) WOOD (d. 1868)
Departed (with 46th Regiment) Sydney, NSW, 23 September 1817 (per Matilda, for Madras, India, 16 December)
Enlisted 46th Regiment, 24 May 1825 (aged "10 years 142 days" sic)
Married (1) Margaret LUNDY, St. Peter's, Liverpool, England, 2 October 1849
Married (2) Mary MULLIN, St. Peter's Priory (RC), Liverpool, England, 17 September 1861
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, November 1868 (per Donald Mackay, from Liverpool, 19 August, for Sydney)
Died Sydney, NSW, 5 October 1874, aged "55" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Baptisms, St. Philip, Sydney, 1817; Australia, births and baptisms database (PAYWALL)

30 March 1817 / born 14 February 1817 / [son of] Thomas and Hozapha / Budds

ASSOCIATIONS: Budd's 1874 death certificate, aged "55", states he was born in Sydney, son of Thomas Budd and Sophia Wood; Thomas Budds senior, born Tipperary, Ireland, enlisted in the 46th Regiment on 25 December 1815, aged 27, having served previously in 2 other regiments; for some reason, however, he does not appear under that name in the paylists of the 46th Regiment in Sydney

Register of 46th Regiment of Foot; UK National Archives, WO25/396 (PAYWALL)

Thomas Budds 2 / . . . Age at enlistment 10 years 142 days [sic] / . . . born Hants Portsmouth [sic]

1849, marriage solemnized in the parish church in the parish of Liverpool in the county of Lancaster; register 1849-50, page 112; Liverpool Record Office, Anglican registers, 283-PET-3-41 (PAYWALL)

No. 223 / 2nd October 1849 / Thomas Budds / Full [age] / Bachelor / Musician / Brownlow Hill / [son of] Thomas Budds / Joiner
Margaret Lundy / Full / Spinster / - / Brownlow Hill / [daughter of] James Lundy / Linen Manufacturer . . .

Marriages, St. Peter's Priory (RC), Liverpool, 1861; register 1853-90; Liverpool Record Office; Catholic registers 2/3-2/4 (PAYWALL)

No. 487 / Budds / [17 September 1861] . . . Thomas Budds de Hopwood St filium Thomas Budds et Marian Mullin . . . filiam Jacobi Mullin . . .

Names and descriptions of passengers per Donald Mackay, from Liverpool, 19 August 1868, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Budd Thomas / 51 // Mary / 33 // Thos. Jas. / 6 / Sophia M. / 4 // Rose Eliz. / 2 // Henry / Inf.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (24 December 1868), 1 

When, in addition to the Band being of late rendered more efficient than ever it was before since its formation . . .
several of the most talented local amateurs, chiefly members of the Volunteer Corps, have kindly given their services,
and Mr. T. Budd, formerly Bandmaster of the 46th Regiment, has also tendered his services, and will perform, for the first time in this colony, on the celebrated new instrument, the Saxaphone, now becoming such a favorite in the old country . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Saxaphone Solo - "Jenny Jones," with variations - MR. T. BUDD . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Prince (bandmaster); West Maitland Volunteer Band (volunteer military)

"SYDNEY CORRESPONDENCE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (5 June 1869), 2

On Monday evening the Philharmonic Society gave their first grand concert for the season, in the hall of the Exchange; the programme was an attractive one, and the spacious room was filled to the doors. Mr. Budd's (for the first time in Sydney) "Sax-a-phone", was evidently appreciated by the audience, who insisted upon an encore . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Philharmonic Society (association); Exchange Hall (Sydney venue)

"M. GUILLAUME JONSON'S CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (7 August 1869), 3

At the Masonic Hall, on Monday evening last, a large and fashionable audience assembled to witness the annual entertainment given in aid of M. Guillaume Jonson. A programme in every way worthy, of the occasion was announced, and almost all our leading artistes took part in it . . . the instrumentalists being - Mr. Horsley and Mr. Packer, pianoforte; Mr. Greenfield, violin; and Mr. Budd, saxaphone. Accompanyist, Mr. Cordner. The entertainment was a complete success, and we have no doubt a considerable sum of money in aid of a gentleman truly deserving of every assistance was obtained.

ASSOCIATIONS: Guillaume Jonson (d. 1872, elderly and incapacitated artist); Charles Edward Horsley (musician); Charles Sandys Packer (musician); William John Cordner (musician)

"NAVAL BRIGADE FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 October 1874), 4

The funeral of Mr. Thomas Budd, bandmaster of the Naval Brigade Band, took place yesterday afternoon. About eighty members of the Naval Brigade, together with several petty and warrant officers, assembled at their comrade's residence, in accordance with the order issued by Commander Jones, who was present, with Lieutenants Lewington, Deloitte, and sub-lieutenants Cope and Kopsch. The firing-party comprised thirty men; and, the funeral procession having reached the Mortuary station, the Naval Brigade was dismissed. Mr. Budd has had charge of the Naval Brigade Band for about four years, he having joined when it was composed of drums and fifes; and under his able tuition it is now one of the best brass bands in the colony. He was much esteemed by his pupils and fellow-officers, and his death is sincerely regretted by a large number of citizens. The members of the Young Australian band, which was also under Mr. Budd's tuition, were also present at the funeral.

[News], Illustrated Sydney News (17 October 1874), 15

Mr. Thomas Budd, bandmaster to the Naval Brigade, and teacher to several private and Volunteer bands in Sydney, died on the 5th instant, and was buried with military honours.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 October 1874), 4

on MONDAY next, the 19th October, in aid of the Widow and children of the late T. Budd, Bandmaster.
PROGRAMME . . . PART II. Overture - "Young Australian Lancers" (Band) - T. Budd . . .

BUDDEE, Julius (Friedrich Wilhelm Julius BUDDEE; Julius BUDDEE; J. BUDDEE; Mr. BUDDEE; Herr BUDDEE)

Musician, pianist, violinist, professor of music, teacher of piano

Born Berlin, Germany, 19 April 1823; baptised 27 April 1823, son of (Christoph) Friedrich Wilhelm BUDDEE (c. 1787-1868) and Henrietta Friedricke ENGERS (m. Berlin, 26 September 1819)
Married Josephine Elise Henriette SCHROEDER (1823-1898), St. Jacobkircke, Berlin, 10 May 1846
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 28 March 1849 (per Louisa, from Hamburg)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by July 1849
Died Glebe Point, NSW, 9 September 1890, aged 67 years (TROVE tagged by Australharmony and others) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms, Bethlehemkirche Berlin, 1823; Staatliche Archivverwaltung [former DDR] 1270925/141 (PAYWALL)

No. 51 / Friedrich Wilhelm Julius / 19 April / [son of] Friedrich Wilhelm Buddee / [and] Henriette Friedricke Engers

Marriages, Sankt Jakobikirche, Berlin, 1846; Germany, Lutheran baptisms, marriages, and burials database (PAYWALL)

no. 56 / Buddee / Friederich Wilhelm Julius / [Born] 19. 4. 1823 / [son of] Friedrich Buddee / [married] Josephine Elise Henriette Schroeder / 10 Mai 1846

Adelaide, SA (from 28 March 1849):

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (28 March 1849), 3

Monday, March 28 - The Barque Louise 250 tons, Geelts, master, from Hamburg. Passengers in the cabin . . . Mr. and Mrs. Buddee . . .

Melbourne, NSW (VIC) (by July 1849):

[2 advertisements], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (7 July 1849), 3

German Quartette Soirees,
Under the Patronage of His Honor the Superintendent, His Honor the Resident Judge, and His Worship the Mayor.
THE German Amateurs who performed at the Concerts lately given in the Mechanic's Institute, have,
in compliance with the wishes of their numerous friends in this city, determined upon holding
three Musical Soirees in the large room of the Prince of Wales Hotel, the first of which will take place on
And they are happy to announce that they have secured the professional assistance of Mr. Buddee, a distinguished Pianist, lately arrived from Berlin.
On the first Soiree, the following is the PROGRAMME.
PART I . . . 2 Solo Piano, by Mr. Buddee Pianist from Berlin . . .
PART II . . . 6 Solo Piano, by Mr. Buddee . . .
Melbourne, July 5th, 1849.

BEGS respectfully to inform the gentry Melbourne, and its vicinity, that he gives lessons on the Piano Forte, and theoretical instructions in music.
Flinders-street, between Swanston and Russell streets.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles La Trobe (superintendent); German Quarette (Melbourne group); Frederick and Theodore Kawerau (quartet members, vocalists)

[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (27 August 1849), 2 

German Quartette Soirees . . . The Second of the series . . .
will take place on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, 28th inst. . . .
IN the course of the Evening, Two Solos will be played by Mr. Buddee, and that gentleman will also accompany the Songs . . .

"THE CONCERT", The Argus (29 August 1849), 2 

The German singers seem almost fated in point of weather, their last soiree having been on the coldest and foggiest night of the season, and last night being very threatening, with occasional heavy showers. In spite of all, however, a very numerous and respectable assemblage met at the Prince of Wales, and were rewarded by some very good music, and a pleasant evening. Many of the quartettes were of extreme beauty, and very well given; Mr. Buddee's solos excessively brilliant and effective, and the horn playing of the Messrs. Hore, both deserved and excited great applause, and added much to the variety and pleasure of the entertainment . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Hore and sons (saxhorn players)

"THE PIANO", The Argus (31 August 1849), 2 

In commenting upon the very brilliant performance of Mr. Buddee at the German Soiree on Tuesday night, we ought not to have omitted mentioning the admirable style in which the songs were accompanied by that gentleman. So tasteful and correct indeed, is Mr. Buddee's accompaniment, that while in Berlin he was selected by the Swedish Nightingale, Jenny Lind herself, to accompany her in the various concerts she gave in that city. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good, and the disturbances on the Continent having produced a sort of social explosion, which will be very beneficial to other countries, let us see that we welcome warmly, and give sufficient encouragement to retain amongst us, such sprinklings of genius as may reach our happy shores.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jenny Lind (Swedish vocalist)

"MR. BUDDEE'S CONCERT", The Argus (30 October 1849), 2 

We need scarcely remind our readers of the concert at the Prince of Wales, this evening, under the auspices of Mr. Buddee. Those who have heard the performances of that gentleman, need no assurance of his very high abilities; those who have not hitherto had that pleasure will be struck with the happy union of the greatest talent with the most refined taste. As a pianist Mr. Buddee is altogether without a rival in these colonies; and, conscious of his position, he combines complete correctness and the most spirited execution, with a winning simplicity, which disdains the meretricious adornment of affected display, and constitutes the strongest indication of true genius. We recommend our readers to attend and judge for themselves.

"MR. BUDDEE'S CONCERT", The Argus (31 October 1849), 2 

A very gay and fashionable audience filled the large room of the "Prince of Wales Hotel," last evening, drawn thither by the temptations of Mr. Buddee's Concert. Everything passed off with considerable spirit, Mr. Buddee's performances of course occupying the most prominent position. Some excellent quartettes, and other pieces were sung by the German gentlemen so favourably known to the musical people of Melbourne, and we never heard them sing so well. It was s source of particular gratification to find the first concert given by Mr. Buddee so eminently successful, partly on account of that gentleman himself, but principally because we are glad to find that the good people of Melbourne have the good taste to appreciate, and the spirit to encourage real talent.

"GRAND CONCERT", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (1 November 1849), 2 

Mr. Buddee's concert came off with great eclat, at the "Prince of Wales Hotel," on Tuesday evening last, and a number of fashionables attended. The performances were unusually spirited, and the audience were delighted, not only with Mr. Buddee, but with the other gentlemen who performed on the occasion.

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 January 1850), 2 

On which occasion he will be assisted by Mr. BUDDEE, Mr. REED, And all the available talent in Melbourne.
Programme. PART I . . . Duet - L'Enfant du Regiment, (Violin and Piano, Herz and Lafont) by Messrs. Megson and Buddee.
PART II . . . Solo - Pianoforte - by Mr. Buddee . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (violin); Thomas Reed (string player); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)

"MR. MEGSON'S CONCERT", The Argus (4 January 1850), 2 

The large room at the Mechanics' Institute was last night filled with a very respectable audience to enjoy the fifth annual Concert given by Mr. Megson . . . All went pretty well through the first four pieces, but then came an untoward pause, which showed that there was something wrong; when one of the German quartette singers came forward kindly to apologise for Mr. Young's absence, and in very passable English claimed the indulgence of the audience. A gentleman then ventured a substitute for the song set down for Mr. Young, but his powers of execution not quite equalling the goodness of his intentions, he received a slight hint that his efforts scarcely came up to concert pitch. This little contretemps, however, was made amends for by a capital solo on the violin, by Mr. Megson, a very brilliant fantasia on the piano by Mr. Buddee, and an admirable duet by those two gentlemen . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Young (absent vocalist)

"LAST NIGHT'S CONCERT", The Melbourne Daily News (1 March 1850), 2 

As might have been expected the attendance at Mr. Reed's first concert was most flattering. The room at an early hour was densely crowded, and it was very evident that the same result would have occurred had the apartment been double the size. Mr. Reed's well known musical abilities and experience inspired faith in his programme, and the accession of a vocalist of the powers of Miss Flower further added to the prestige . . . This lady's reception was most cordial and general. The first notes of her magnificent voice satisfied all of the power of the singer . . . [She] was succeeded by a sonate on the pianoforte, violin, and violoncello, by Messrs. Buddee, Megson, and Reed - an exquisite performance, and every way worthy of the author, Himmel . . .

[2 advertisements], The Argus (11 April 1850), 3 

SINGING. MR. T. KAWERAU, from Koenigsberg (Prussia),
at the request of numerous friends, intends to commence Tuition in the Art of Singing, in Melbourne and its vicinity.
For Terms, apply to Mr. J. Buddee, Russell-street.

Piano Forte for Sale. NEW Square Piano for sale. Apply at Mr. Buddee's, Russell-street south.

[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (11 September 1850), 3 

CONCERT, IN aid of the Barracks for German Immigrants.
Under the Patronage of His Honor the Superintendent, C. J. La Trobe, Esq., and of the Committee for German Immigration,
at the Protestant Hall, THIS DAY, SEPTEMBER 11.
PROGRAMME. 1ST PART . . . Solo Piano - Mr. Buddee . . .
2ND PART . . . Solo Piano, Mr. Buddee . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 October 1850), 3 

MR. BUDDEE BEGS to give notice, that having removed to the country,
such of his pupil as prefer taking their lessons at his residence will favour him by attending at the private entrance of the buildings lately erected by Mr. Dawson, at the corner of Bourke and Swanston Streets.
Letters and messages for Mr. Buddee, may also be left with Mr. Dawson at the same place.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (19 December 1850), 3 

THIS EVENING. Grand Concert,
MR. BUDDEE has the honor of informing the inhabitants of Geelong,
and its vicinity, that his GRAND CONCERT will take place, on the evening of
Thursday, December 19, when he will have the pleasure of introducing
MR. TESTAR, Whose vocal talents have elicited the warmest and most rapturous approbation in Melbourne.
Mr. Buddee trusts that the following programme will afford a treat to all lovers of genuine music:
1. German Quartett (Die Capelle) (Blauer Montag) a comic song
2. Glee - MRS. TESTAR, T. KAWERAU, J. K. [sic, F. K.]
3. Solo Piano (Lucia di LAMMERMOORE, Fantasie) - MR. BUDDEE
4. A Quartet (German) Trinklied
5. Solo (I am a Merry Zingara) - MR[S]. TESTAR
6. Duet (I've wander'd in Dreams) - MRS. TESTAR, T. KAWERAU
7. Quartett (Where would I be?) - Die Kaferknaben, the "Three Beetles," comic song
8. Quartett (A. B. C.)
9. Solo (Il Soave del contento) - MRS. TESTAR
10. Solo Piano (Sehnsucht am Meere) - MR. BUDDEE
11. Comic Duett (from the 'Secret Marriage,' by Cimarosa - T. KAWERAU, F. K.
12. Quartett (Walzer ohne Worte)
13. Solo (Auld Robin Gray) - MRS. TESTAR
14. Solo Piano - Notturno, The Green Hills - MR. BUDDEE
15. - Quartett, by Mendelsohn Bartholdi
16. Separation song, by MR. REED
Reserved seats, 6s; single tickets 4s; family tickets, to admit six, £1 1s.
Tickets to be procured at Mr. Harrison's, Malop-street, and at the Victoria Colonist Office, at Dr. Baylie's, and at Mack's Hotel.
Doors to be open at seven o'clock, and Concert to commence at half-past seven.

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 March 1851), 3 

NOTICE. MR. BUDDEE begs to intimate to his friends and the public that he has removed from his late residence to No. 105, Flinders-lane. 25th March, 1851.

[Advertisement], The Argus (18 October 1851), 3 

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, and His Honor the Judge.
AT THE MECHANIC'S INSTITUTION, ON MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 20th, To commence at 1/2-past 7 o'clock, P.M.
1st PART.
Overture - Auber
Polacca (Puritani) - Mrs. Testar - Bellini
Elegie, song (without words). Transcript, p. 1. Piano - Mr. Buddee - Ernst
Solo, Violin - Mr. Megson - Mayseder
"Maiden Gay" - Mrs. Testar - Curshmann
Lucia di Lammermoor - Mr. Buddee - Prudent
2nd PART.
Duet, Violoncello and Piano - Mr. Reed and Mr. Buddee - Beethoven
"How Sweet." (Lucia) - Mrs. Testar - Donizetti
Beethoven's Grand Septuor Transcrit. par Liszt - Mr. Buddee - Beethoven
Duet - Violin and Piano, Mr. Megson and Mr. Buddee - Mayseder
"Auld Robin Gray " - Mrs. Testar
Fantasia p. 1 Piano - Mr. Buddee - Kullak.
Single Tickets, 4s each; Family ditto, admitting Six, £1 1s;
to be obtained of Mr. Roycraft, at the Institution, Collins-street; Mr. Reed's, near the Royal Hotel;
and at Mr. Buddee's residence, 54, William-street, North.

MUSIC: Elegie (Ernst, arranged for piano solo); Fantasie sur Lucia di Lammermoor (Prudent)

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 November 1851), 4 

PIANO FORTE. A GRAND PIANO FORTE for Sale. Apply to Mr. Buddee, 54, William-street.

[Advertisement], The Argus (29 January 1852), 1 

MR. BUDDEE BEGS to intimate to his friends and the Public, that he intends resuming his lessons on the Piano forte;
and those who intend recommencing with him, are requested to apply at his residence, William-street, 54.
N B. - Piano fortes tuned in the best possible manner.

[Advertisement], The Argus (30 January 1852), 4 

MONDAY, 2nd FEBRUARY Magnificent Grand Pianoforte.
SYMONS & PERRY Have received instructions from Mr. Julius Buddee to sell by auction at the Commercial Sales Room,
On MONDAY NEXT, FEBRUARY 2, At Twelve o'clock,
HIS well known and justly admired brilliant toned grand Piano Forte, by Broadwood and Son.
Terms at Sale.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Broadwood and Sons (London pianoforte makers); see also Broadwood pianos in Australia (onsite)

"MUSICAL", The Argus (31 January 1852), 2 

It is with very sincere sorrow that we perceive that the splendid piano lately imported from England by Mr. Buddee is to be sold on Tuesday, at the sale room of Messrs. Symons and Perry. From what we hear we fear that it is to be disposed of, not because its present owner wishes to part with it, but because he is not quite rich enough to keep it. If this community is really as kind hearted as it has given many and many a reason to believe, we think that it might make one such slight effort, as to prevent the divorce between this most talented performer and his favorite instrument!

"MR. BUDDEE", The Argus (2 February 1852), 3 

In answer to a paragraph referring to the intended sale of the splendid piano imported by Messrs. Wilkie & Co., for Mr. Buddee, we beg to acknowledge the receipt of one or two sums contributed with a view to prevent the necessity of that gentleman parting with his instrument. One gentleman writes as follows: - "I quite join with you in your sympathy for Mr. Buddee, and no doubt the amount required would be easily raised, if some of his friends would interest themselves in the matter. I have not time to do this myself, but by way of giving it a start (if it is not already set on foot), I enclose five pounds as my subscription towards it, which perhaps you will have the goodness to see properly applied." We quite agree with this kind and liberal gentleman that the amount necessary to prevent the separation of Mr. Buddee and his beautiful instrument would be raised in a day, if any good Samaritan would undertake the task, and we trust that such a ono will offer. We, too, must put in the plea of want of time, that article being rather of the scarcest just now, but we shall be most happy to receive the contributions of such of our friends as may think proper to follow the example set them in so kind a manner, in the letter we have quoted.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller)

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. CONCERT", The Argus (12 February 1852), 2 

The following is the Programme of the Concert for this evening: -
Overture - "I Montecchi i Capuletti"
Song - "When other Lips," Mr. Riley.
Solo - Violin, Mr. Megson.
Song - "England, Europe's Glory," Mr. Riley.
Scena - "How sweetly, gently," Mrs. Testar.
Quadrille - "Champs Elysees."
Overture - "Semiramide."
Song - "Batti, Batti," Mrs. Testar, (Violoncello Obligato, Mr. Thompson.)
Solo - Piano, Mr. Buddee.
Polka - "Jenny Lind."
Ballad - "Terence's Farewell," Mrs. Testar.
Buffo Song - "Cinderella" (by desire) Mr. Cooze.
Finale - "God Save the Queen."

ASSOCIATIONS: ? John Riley (vocalist); John Charles Thompson (cello); William Joseph Cooze (vocalist); Thursday Concerts (Melbourne series); this was the first of the series at which Buddee was advertised to appear; his reappearance as a regular public performer may have been in response to his recent financial difficulties; though seldom specifically recorded, it is likely that, in addition to solos, Buddee also played most of the song and others accompaniments in most of the concerts in which he took part; only a selection of the programs in which he appeared are transcribed here

THURSDAY'S CONCERT", The Argus (29 April 1852), 5 

The following is the programme of this evening's concert.
PART I. Overture - Don Pasquale.
Glee - Three voices.
Song - The Old House at Home, Mr. Walsh.
Piano Solo - Mr. Buddee.
Song - The Soldier Tired, Mrs. Testar.
Song - The Wolf, Mr. Bancroft.
Glee - Friar of Orders Gray, Mrs. Testar, &c.
Overture - Barbiere de Seviglia.
Glee - Mrs. Testar, &c.
Song - Come o'er the Stream Charlie, Mr. Walsh.
Polka - All Nations.
Ballad - Love in Language, Mrs. Testar.
Buffo Song - Wanted a Song, by Mr. Cooze.
Finale - God save the Queen.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Walsh (vocalist); Richard Bancroft (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (27 April 1852), 1 supplement

MESSRS. MEGSON & BUDDEE beg leave to announce to the gentry and inhabitants of Melbourne and its vicinity,
that their first subscription concert of the series, will take place in the
Hall of the Mechanics' Institution, on Tuesday Evening next, April 27,
on which occasion they will be assisted by Mrs. Testar.
Overture - Fra Diavolo - Auber
Scena - Softly Sighs (Mrs. Testar) - Weber
Solo - Violin (Mr. Megson) - De Beriot
Song - I see thine eyes still beaming (Amateur) - Handel Gier [sic, Henry Handel Gear]
Solo - Piano - Perles d'Ecume (Mr. Buddee) - Kullak
Slumber Song - (Mrs. Testar) - Kucken
Quartette - Instrumental - Beethoven
PART 2ND. Overture - Otello - Rossini
Bolero - Le Retour des Promis (Mrs. Testar) - Dessaner [Dessauer]
Solo - Violoncello (Mr. Thompson) - Merk
Song - (Amateur)
Duet - Violin and pianoforte (Messrs. Megson and Buddee) - Herz & Lafont
Ballad - When Lubin sings (Mrs. Testar) - Hobbs
Buffo Song - The Lost Child (Mr. Cooze) - Ford
Finale - God saye the Queen.
Concert to commence at Eight o'clock.
Subscribers Tickets for the Series, 12s each, reserved seats; non-subscribers tickets for single concert, 2s 6d each;
to be had of Messrs. Buddee and Megson, or of Mr. Patterson, at the Institution.
Seats will be reserved for subscribers only.

MUSIC: Perles d'Ecume (fantaisie-etude, op. 37) (Kullak)

"SUBSCRIPTION CONCERTS", The Argus (19 May 1852), 4 

The second of the concerts of Messrs. Megson and Buddee will take place this evening. The new singer named in the programme is, we hear, the same gentleman of whom we felt bound to make such favourable mention upon the last concert.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Cogdon (new vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (6 July 1852), 3 

MR. BUDDEE HAS the honour to announce that he continues giving lessons on the pianoforte, and has now vacancies for pupils at his own residence, 54, William-street

"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (29 July 1852), 3 

We are very glad to notice signs of vigorous measures in reference to the weekly concerts, consequent upon the placing them under the entire control of Herr Mater. Those who have so long been in the habit of visiting them, will be glad to see the names of their old friends Mrs. Testar and Mr. Buddee again. The splendid piano, lately the property of the latter, has been purchased by the Committee, and will form no inconsiderable item in the capacity of the class to deserve the continuance of public support . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Albert Frederic Mater (musician)

"THE CONCERT", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (27 September 1852), 2 

Those who attended the Concert on Saturday night were doubtless impressed with the truth of the old aphorism, that "Time and Tide wait for no man." On account of the late arrival of the steamer on Saturday night, nine o'clock, even the energy of Herr Mater was damped, and consequently a dull feeling was thrown over the whole proceedings. Mrs. Testar was, as usual, in splendid voice, but Messrs. Cogden and Buddee were evidently somewhat out of order from their voyage. However, the spirited leading of the talented conductor, and the general good humour of the audience, contributed to render the evening a pleasant one. We wish Herr Mater every success in his efforts to place really good music before the people of Geelong.

"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (28 October 1852), 4 

. . . Duet - Piano and Violin fantasia, from Guillaume Tell, by desire - Mr. Buddee and Herr Mater - De Beriot and Osborne . . .

MUSIC: Fantaisie brillante sur Guillaume Tell (De Beriot and Osborne)

"THE CONCERT", The Argus (12 November 1852), 5 

We really believe, that in a musical point of view, we shall have more cause for congratulating our readers upon the introduction of the late importation per Vulcan than we imagined. The instrumental performance last evening, was really first-rate; and, considering the short time the combined band have had to rehearse, it deserves great credit. A little alteration was necessary in the programme we are sorry to say, in consequence of the indisposition of Mrs. Testar and Mr. Buddee, who are both laboring under a severe attack of influenza. Mrs. Bourn, however, supplied the place of the former, and no doubt will prove a great acquisition to these concerts. Mr. Jacobs presided at the piano almost at a moment's notice, in a very creditable manner. Now, summer is close upon us, and crowded houses a certainty, we must object to the bad ventilation of the room, if the comparison is not too odious, like the Colony of Victoria and the Governor, it is almost getting "too hot to hold us."

ASSOCIATIONS: "the late Importation per Vulcan" = Band of the 40th Regiment (military); Georgina Bourn (vocalist); Coleman Jacobs (pianist)

"MUSICAL", The Argus (26 April 1853), 5 

A very elegant and classical entertainment is offered this evening by the combined efforts of Mr. Buddee and Mr. Fleury, the violinist . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violin)

"CONCERT", The Argus (5 May 1853), 9 

The following is the programme for this evening: -
PART I. Overture - Fra Diavolo - Full Band.
Song - Mr. Bancroft.
Violin Solo - Andantino et Rondo Russe - Herr Strebinger.
Sorg - Sweetly o'er my Senses Stealing - Mrs. Testar. (Band accompaniment)
Quadrille - Exposition - Full Band.
Scena - At length I'm Thine. Mrs. Testar.
Overture - Der Freischutz - Full Band.
Song - I'm the genius of the Spring - Mrs. Testar.
Piano Solo - Sur Lucia (by desire) - Mr. Buddee.
Song - By the Sad Sea Waves - Miss Kate Walker.
Gallop - Sturm Marsch - Full Band.
Scotch Ballad - Annie Laurie (by desire) - Mrs. Testar.
Finale - God save the Queen.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Strebinger (violin); Kate Walker (vocalist); Buddee's regular association with the Thursday concerts, later remembered, appears to have lasted from February 1852 to May 1853; this was the last in which he was advertised to appear; the series resumed in July, but, although Buddee continued to appear as soloist and accompanist at benefit concerts through the winter and early spring, he was not again listed as a performer on the Thursday series, as The Argus put it, at "the piano usually sacred to the genius of Buddee", see "THE TYROLESE", The Argus (10 May 1853), 9 

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 June 1853), 12 

VICTORIA Concert at the Mechanics' Institute, on Monday, 13th June, at eight o'clock.
Mr. Fleury, violin; Ali Ben Soualle, turkophone; Mr. Buddee, pianist; Mr. Maffei, cornopean.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (saxophone); Joseph Maffei (cornopean)

[Advertisement], The Argus (17 October 1853), 12 

MECHANICS' Institution. -
Under the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor.
Mr. Buddee's Concert, on Monday, 17th October, 1853.
Solo Performers - Mrs. Testar, Madame Arnati White and Mr. Buddee.
Band of the 99th Regiment.
Band - Overture to Zampa - Herold
Romance - L'Ecosse est ma Patrie, Madame Arnati White - Newland
Band - Waltzes - Queen of Roses - D'Albert
Serenade - Hark! the Lark, Mrs. Testar - Schubert
Solo - Piano - Paraphrase sur Lucretia Borgia - Mr. Buddee
Duet- Su l'aria (Opera le Nozze di Figaro,) Mrs. Testar and Madame Arnati White - Mozart
Band - Overture - La Sirene - Auber
Aria - O mia Fernando (La Favorite), Mrs. Testar - Donizetti
Solo - Piano - Fantasia de Caprice, Mr. Buddee - Kullak
Cavatina - Give me a Path, Madame Arnati White - Wade
Band - Polka - Rifle - Steck
Song - Down where the Blue Bells Grow - Madame A. White - Lee
Scotch Ballad - Jock O'Hazeldean - Mrs. Testar.
God save the Queen.
Doors open at Seven, Concert to commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
Reserved Seats 7s.; Unreserved 5s.
Tickets to be had at Mr. Joseph Wilkie's Music Saloon, 16 Collins-street, and of Mr. Patterson, at the Mechanics' Institution.

ASSOCIATIONS: Emilia Arnati White (vocalist); Band of the 99th Regiment (military)

MUSIC: Fantaisie de caprice (Kullak, op. 19)

"CONCERT", The Argus (18 October 1853), 5 

Mr. Buddee's concert was pretty well attended last evening, Mrs. Testar and Madame White were received very cordially, although not quite with the enthusiasm exhibited at the concert lately given by the latter lady. Two very brilliant fantasias by Mr. Buddee were not appreciated as they deserved. The pure taste exhibited by this gentleman in his performances, and the utter disdain of anything like affectation or show, give an unpretending simplicity to his style, which scarcely strikes a popular audience so much as the dash and rattle of more energetic players; and it requires some knowledge of the instrument fully to appreciate the elegance, correctness, and brilliancy with which he shows his perfect mastery of the piano. The band of the 99th played very well; but favored us with rather a meagre supply of their sweet sounds . . .

" ", The Banner (18 October 1853), 9 

We had last evening another opportunity of judging of the vocal powers of that promising "little lady," (as our contemporary playfully calls her), Madam A. White, in a concert given by Mr. Buddee, at the above rooms. The programme was tolerably attractive . . . We were much delighted with the capital performance of Mr. Buddee on the piano forte of that beautiful chorus from the second act of Lucretia Borgia. His touch is perfect, and his playing altogether brilliant; both in this, and a very difficult Fantasia, by Kullack, in the second part . . . The room was very well filled, and was honored by the presence of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, the Auditor-General, Mrs. Childers, Colonel Despard, Captain Carey, &c., &c..

Hobart Town, TAS (by April 1854):

"ATTENTION", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (5 April 1854), 2 

There are a few matters to which we wish to direct the attention of our readers . . . in things intellectual and musical there is a Grand Concert to be given by Mr. Buddee (a pianist of whose abilities public report speaks very highly), at the Mechanics' Institute to-morrow evening, when the Band of H.M. 99th Regiment will be in attendance, as well as Mrs. Dawson and Mr. Megson. Mrs. Dawson will be accompanied in one of her songs by Mr. Hill on the flute . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Dawson (vocalist); Arthur Silvester Hill (flute, 99th band)

"Public Amusements. MR. BUDDEE'S CONCERT", The Courier (7 April 1854), 2 

A new arrival, Mr. Buddee, having obtained the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, made his bow before a Hobart Town audience at the Mechanics' Institute last evening. The concert was one of the best little musical entertainments ever given in this city, and Mr. Buddee was assisted by the splendid Band of the 99th Regiment, Mrs. Dawson and Mr. Megson. The following was the programme: -

Band, Overture to Haydee - AUBER.
Ballad, The Slave Mother. Mrs. Dawson - LINLEY. Solo Piano, Fantasia di Lucia di Lammermoor, Mr. Buddee - PRUDENT.
BAND - Duetto, Qual mare, qual terra - Opera - I. MASNADIERI.
Solo Violin - Mr. Megson - DE BERIOT.
Air, Do not Mingle. Mrs. Dawson - BELLINI.
Solo Piano, Reverie au Bord de la Mer, Mr. Buddee - WILLMERS.
BAND - Overture, Montenegrins - LIMMANDER.
Ballad, It is not Form, it is not Face, Mrs. Dawson - BALFE.
Solo, Fantasie pour le Piano. Mr. Buddee
BAND - Waltz, Queen of Roses - D'ALBERT.
Duet (Violin and Piano) - Mr. Megson and Mr. Buddee - HERZ & LAFONT.
Song, Tell me my Heart - (with flute obligato, Mr. Hill), Mrs. Dawson - BISHOP.

The attendance was tolerably fair, and, although His Excellency did not make his appearance, consisted of a fair sprinkling of the Hobart Town elite; His Excellency's Private Secretary and Aide de-Camp were present, as also the Clerk of the Executive council, &c. The Overture to the first part was given in a style equally as effective as any of the well-known performances of the Military Band, but the inapplicability of the room for such an instrumental power was never more apparent than upon this occasion. Mrs. Dawson (her first appearance for some time past) did not seem to be in very good voice - in fact the only effort which that lady made in her usual style was in the "Slave Mother;" in "Do not Mingle" she was rather ineffective, and we should regret to see her risk a well-earned reputation as a ballad singer by attempting the higher walks of art.

As a pianist Mr. Buddee displays a finished and brilliant manual execution, remarkable from the total absence of that mannerism which modern German musicians at times betray. Combined with an accurate recollection, and consequently a perfect knowledge of his score, these qualifications must establish him as a favourite; and, notwithstanding the contrasts which were hazarded as to the musical merits of this performer and Packer, we may at once say that we see no comparison between the two - to compare their relative abilities would be but to "begin with an amphora and end with an urceus." The "Fantasia di Lucia di Lammermoor" was given with much power and ability, and called forth an encore; but our favourite was the "Reverie au Bord de la Mer." The raging of the mighty storm, the lull of the elements, the gentle rippling of the ocean wave and under-current, were rendered in fine style, and were unanimously encored.

Mr. Megson, as the sole violinist, came out to considerable advantage, although (like Spohr, who once, at Norwich, gave out he had done playing, and electrified the audience at the following festival), he has been called to the bar in another profession. His style of bowing was unique, and the best amateur in the Hall was the keenest to applaud the taste and judgment with which he rendered some of the finest and most intricate passages. The solo was one of the most difficult of the gifted husband of the lamented Malibran, and was enthusiastically encored. Mr. Hill, the flautist, acquitted himself in his usual excellent style while accompanying Mrs. Dawson in "Tell me my Heart," and upon the whole the concert was a very successful one.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (pianist)

MUSIC: Reverie au bord de la mer = Sehnsucht am Meere (by Rudolf Willmers, op. 8)

"MR. BUDDEE'S CONCERT", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (8 April 1854), 2 

THE performances at Thursday's Concert were highly satisfactory. Mr. Buddee acquitted himself to admiration, and elicited enthusiastic applause. His command over the instrument is perfect, and he delighted no less by the delicate touch with which, especially in the "Reverie," he brought out the air, than by the volume of music that he educed in the accompaniment . . . We regret that the audience was not more numerous, which we understand was partly owing to several parties which were given that evening. Now that Mr. Buddee has established his character as a first-rate artist he need not be discouraged by this circumstance, and we have no doubt that the announcement of his next Concert will draw a full house. We are happy to hear that this gentleman intends to reside amongst us.

"LOCAL", The Hobart Town Advertiser (8 April 1854), 2 

. . . But the lion of the evening was Mr. Buddee himself. As a pianist, he is most effective, his delicacy of touch combined with a brilliant execution entitle him to rank with pianists of a high order. The splendid manner in which he executed the "Fantasia de Lucia di Lammermoor" stamped his performance as that of a master. The piece is most difficultly written in a difficult key namely that of D flat, yet it was performed with the greatest grace and ease. Mr. Buddee's manner is also pleasing and wholly free from affectation. It will be sufficient to mention that every piece which he performed was loudly encored to show how much the audience was delighted . . .

"SHIPPING REPORT", The Hobart Town Advertiser (17 April 1854), 2 

April 15 - T.S.N.Co.'s steamer Iron Tasmania, 275 tons, Thorn, from Melbourne, 12th inst., with sundries; passengers . . . Monsieur Carandini, Madame Strabinger [sic] . . . Mrs. Eliza Buddee, 2 children and infant . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Gerome Carandini (dancer); Therese Strebinger (dancer)

"Public Amusements. MR. BUDDEE'S SECOND CONCERT", The Courier (17 May 1854), 2 

The Second Concert of this highly talented musician took place last evening, in the Mechanics Institute, but the attendance, though highly respectable, was painfully slack. As before, we have to observe the selection was remarkably chaste; and the principal performers were Mrs. Dawson, Mr. Buddee, Mr. Megson, and the members of the orchestra of the Royal Victorian Theatre, mustering altogether a force of nine wind and string instruments.

Band - Overture, Les Diamans de la Couronne - Auber.
Song, Will you Love me then as now? Mrs. Dawson.
Solo Piano, Fantasia pour le Piano, Mr. Buddee - Thalberg.
Band - Waltz, Pensées d'Amour - Bossissio.
Air & Recitative, Ah, yet he comes not!
Oh, for an Eagle's Pinions! Mrs. Dawson - Donizetti.
Solo Piano, Fantasia (Straniera), Mr. Buddee - Thalberg.
Band - Overture, Maritana - Wallace.
Song, A Young Lady's "No!" Mrs. Dawson.
Solo Piano (by desire), Fantasia di Lucia di Lammermoor, Mr. Buddee - Prudent.
Band - Polka, Cricketers - Megson.
Duet Violin and Piano, Messrs. Megson and Buddee - Mayseder.
Cavatina, Robert, toi que j'aime! Mrs. Dawson - Meyerbeer.

. . . Mr. Buddee acquitted himself upon his instrument - by the way, a remarkably fine one, of extensive tone and volume, and excellently adapted to the area of the Hall - in a manner, both as regards style and execution, which contrasted favourably with the performances of some of the leading pianists of Europe. The "Fantasia di Lucia di Lammermoor," - no less beautiful as a composition than as a test of manipulative dexterity and artistic taste, - was repeated by desire . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)

GRAND CONCERT", The Hobart Town Advertiser (7 June 1854), 3

A Concert will be given to-morrow evening in M. Del Sarte's Assembly ROOMS, Harrington-street. The instrumental performers are Messrs. Buddee, Megson, Hill and Wheeler. Vocalists - Mrs. Dawson, M. Del Sarte, and Mr. Wheeler . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Camille Del Sarte (vocalist); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (vocalist, cornet player); Del Sarte's Assembly Rooms (Hobart venue)

"GRAND CONCERT", The Courier (16 June 1854), 2 

Mr. Del Sarte's concert last evening was well attended, and passed off with considerable eclat . . . Mr. Buddee's solo on the pianoforte was the gem of the evening, and confirmed the opinion we had formed of his powers as a pianist of consummate taste, profound musical knowledge, and brilliant execution . . .

[Advertisement], The Hobarton Mercury (12 August 1854), 1 

MECHANICS' INSTITUTE . . . Madame Carandini has the honor to announce that she will give
FOUR GRAND SUBSCRIPTION CONCERTS, at a much lower rate of admission than heretofore, the first of which will be given on
TUESDAY, August the 15th, and each succeeding Tuesday. All the available talent in Hobarton will be engaged . . .
Principal Performers: Madame Carandini, Mrs. Dawson, Messrs. Buddee, Megson, Gatland, Thompson, Wheeler and Lavenu . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Thomas Gatland (musician); John Charles Thompson (cello); Lewis Henry Lavenu (musician)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Opening Night. - This Evening", The Courier (18 September 1854), 2 

. . . in relation to the mammoth theatres of the older colonies, the Theatre Royal of Tasmania, according to the opinion of most competent judges, far exceeds in completeness of detail and acoustic design any which have been erected in the Australian colonies. Coupled with this fact it is a pleasing task to record, in addition to what we have already stated on the subject, that the exertions of Mr. Watson hold out bright promise of a splendid season. It is not the least satisfactory token of his enterprise, and of the success which will be induced thereby, to notice that the orchestral strength has been doubled in numbers, and we might say quadrupled in power, by the accession of such well-known artists as Messrs. Buddee and Megson. The everlasting repetitions of particular overtures will be avoided, from the daily rehearsals which are now to take place, the repertoire will be constantly changed to suit the manner and the time . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Feltham Bold Watson (actor, manager)

"Public Amusements. THEATRE ROYAL", The Courier (4 October 1854), 2 

SHAKESPEARE'S sublime tragedy, Macbeth, was presented on Monday night to a house full to overflowing, and, as usual including the elite of this city. We may safely venture to assert that this most difficult play, so trying to the resources of any theatre, was never placed on colonial boards in such a style of completeness, with one slight exception, as at the Royal Victoria on Monday night. The wild, appropriate, and beautiful music of Locke was well given, the voice of Madame Carandini, and the piano accompaniment of Mr. Buddee, hiding minor faults, and rendering the effect of the choruses very pleasing. The echo was pleasingly given. Mr. Waller's Macbeth was a very good performance, and gained general approval. The Lady Macbeth of Mrs. Waller exceeded the anticipations of her admirers . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel and Emma Waller (actors)

MUSIC: "Locke's music in Macbeth" (correctly by Richard Leveridge)

"Public Amusements. ALI-BEN-SOU-ALLE", The Hobarton Mercury (4 November 1854), 2 

. . . Nor must we close our remarks without a passing eulogy on the performance of Mr. Buddee. This gentleman sufficiently maintained a high reputation as a pianist of considerable ability; he ably supported the endeavours of Ali-Ben-Sou-Alle to render the concert one of more than usual perfection, and in the solo on "Lucia di Lammermoor" displayed powers both of taste and execution, which justly earned the unanimous applause of the audience. As we premised, the Second Concert on Thursday evening proved equally as attractive as its predecessor, Ali-Ben-Sou-Alle perfectly electrifying his auditory by the immensity of his execution upon the several instruments he has so perfect a command of. Mr. Buddee's solo from Norma was brilliantly executed, and called forth an unanimous encore. Mrs. Dawson sang several pieces in her usual style . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (saxophone player)

[Advertisement], The Courier (7 December 1854), 4 

Overture - "Fra Diavolo" - AUBER.
Song - "Thou art gone from my gaze" - Mrs. Dawson - LINLEY.
Solo - Piano - Grande Fantaisie, "Lucia and Lucrezia" - Mr. Buddee - WILLMERS.
Chant - Grand Air from Lucia "Edgard, à toi malheur" - Mons. Del Sarte - DONIZETTI.
Solo - Violin - Air varièe - Mr. Megson - DE BERIOT.
Duet - "Le Barbier - je suis donc, celle qu'il aime" - Mrs. Dawson, Mons. Del Sarte - ROSSINI.
Overture - "Tancredi" - ROSSINI.
Irish Ballad - "Ellen and Patrick," Mrs. Dawson - KNIGHT.
Solo - Piano - "Grand Caprice sur les motifs de la Sonnambula" - Mr. Buddee - THALBERG.
Chant (by desire) - "Les yeux noirs" - Mons. Del Sarte - E. ARNAUD.
Solo - Violoncello - Romance - Mr. Thompson . G. HAUSMANN.
Duet - Violin and Piano - Messrs. Megson and Buddee - MAYSEDER.
To commence at Eight o'Clock precisely. Admission 5s.
Tickets to be had of Messrs. Huxtable and Deakin; Mr. Walch; Mons. Del Sarte;
and at Mr. Buddee's residence, Battery Point.

"MR. BUDDEE'S GRAND CONCERT", The Courier (9 December 1854), 3 

THE grand concert given by this exceedingly clever pianist at the Assembly Rooms, on Thursday evening, was not so well attended as his merits deserve, but those who favoured him with their company were well pleased with his instrumentation, and with the efforts of Mrs. Dawson, Mr. Megson, and M. Del Sarte, who assisted him upon the occasion. The programme, which consisted of selections from Auber, Linley, Willmers, Donizetti, De Beriot, Rossini, Knight, Thalberg, Arnaud, Hausmann, and Mayseder, was one of the most attractive which could be put forth, a fact sufficiently condemnatory of the want of taste which led to such an extraordinary paucity of patronage.

[Advertisement], The Hobarton Mercury (22 January 1855), 3 

MR. BUDDEE BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public that he has not [sic] intention of leaving Hobart Town, and that he will be a happy to take engagements in town and country.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. MONS. EMILE COULON", The Courier (13 February 1855), 2 

This eminent singer . . . gives a concert to-morrow evening at the Royal Victoria Theatre . . . He will be assisted by two new aspirants for colonial honours in Tasmania - Miss Octavia Hamilton and Mons. Fleury of whose talents we have seen favourable reports from the colonies from whence they have arrived . . . M.M. Buddee and Strebinger, as well as Madame Carandini, will appear.

ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (vocalist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Achille Fleury (violin); Frederick Strebinger (violin)

"MISKA HAUSER", Colonial Times (13 October 1855), 3 

MISKA HAUSER gave his final concert in Hobart Town at the Mechanics' Institute, last evening . . . The concert itself was of first-rate character. M. Hauser was assisted by Messrs. Buddee, Bial, and Del Sarte. Mr. Buddee was deservedly encored. His solo exhibited all his usual finish and severity of execution. We cannot but think that this gentleman's talent has been somewhat underrated here, and that he is growing in the public estimation. M. Bial's accompaniments were finished and exact. M. Del Sarte did his best; better, indeed, than might have been expected, remembering that he has been indisposed throughout the week. M. Hauser's execution appeared to us to be even more exact than before . . . A duo with Mr. Buddee from Der Freischutz was exquisite, both players exhibiting not only the richness of the music, but their own ability as timists and executants . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist); Charles Bial (pianist, accompanist)

"MISS CATHERINE HAYES", The Tasmanian Daily News (24 January 1856), 3 

Last night, Miss Catherine Hayes gave her first concert in Hobart Town . . . All expectance, all excitement . . . At length this excitement found vent in calls from some in the pit, which gradually grew louder and louder, but were stilled in an instance by the appearance of Mr. Buddee at the pianoforte. The first song on the programme was, "Tell me, Mary, how to woo thee," by Mr. Lyall . . . Mr. Buddee played La Gizelle [sic, Gazelle] in a very pleasing manner. This gentleman is remarkable for the classical severity of his style; and purity of his taste. We wish, however, that he would infuse more fire and expression into the manner in which he renders the compositions which he plays. He was rewarded with considerable applause . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Charles Lyall (vocalist)

MUSIC: La gazelle (Kullak); Buddee was also billed to play an unidentified Lieder ohne Worte by Mendelssohn

"MISS CATHERINE HAYES", Colonial Times (25 January 1856), 2 

Our columns yesterday contained a brief notice of the enthusiastic manner in which the celebrated cantatrice, Miss Catherine Hayes, was received on her first appearance before a Tasmanian public . . . Mr. Buddee played as usual, with much taste and precision, but was evidently too near Miss Hayes to feel at ease himself. His susceptibility to, and appreciation of excellent music, somewhat affected him. But he played very well, and was as pleasing as he ever must be . . .

"MISS HAYES' LAST CONCERT", Colonial Times (7 February 1856), 2 

It was to be expected that unusual interest would attach to Miss Catherine Hayes' last concert in Hobart Town. And it was so. Nearly all the box tickets were disposed of at an early hour on Tuesday morning, and, when the evening came many who had neglected to make earlier provision were obliged to go away without the satisfaction of hearing Miss Hayes in Amina . . . The programme was exceedingly good. Divided into two parts; Miss Hayes in the first sang a few ballads in the other, several scenes from the Sonnambula. Mr. Gregg sang, "Each nerve with fury tremble till," from the opera of Lucia de Lammermoor, and Phillips' "Woman," and, as we thought, with some skill and taste. Mr. Lyall sang "The bloom is off the rye" . . . Prudent's Fantasia from the Lucia de Lammermoor, exquisitely played by Mr. Buddee concluded the first part . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Tasmanian Daily News (7 May 1856), 3 


"MISKA HAUSER", The Courier (22 October 1856), 2 

This celebrated violinist, who was expected in the Tasmania, from Sydney, was unavoidably detained there on account of a large number of influential persons wishing to present him with a very flattering testimonial. He will arrive here in a few days via Melbourne and Launceston, when the announced Grand Concerts, in connection with Mr. Buddee, will come off.

"CONCERT AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE. MISKA HAUSER AND M. BUDDEE", The Tasmanian Daily News (24 November 1856), 2-3 

The first of two subscription concerts announced by Messrs. Miska Hauser and Buddee took place on Saturday evening, in the ball-room of Government House. The chamber band of the 12th regiment, by the permission of Colonel Percival, C.B., added to the evening's amusement . . . M. Buddee followed with a Solo on the Piano - Thalberg's arrangement of airs from the "Straniera" of Bellini. M. Buddee's admirable delivery of this beautiful solo exhibited thorough appreciation of the peculiar beauties of the composition. There breathes throughout this piece a tenderness of soul, a pathos which indicates the poetry and genius of the composer. The exquisite "Adagio" met with true and artistic expression at Mr. Buddee's hands. His treatment of the theme was at once effective and correct. A well-deserved encore greeted its close, when M. Buddee resumed his seat to preform a clever and brilliant piece characteristique - il Siciliano - by Ravina . . . [3] . . . M. Buddee's "Souvenir de Donizetti" was an admirable piece of instrumentation, and was properly appreciated. There is a quiet grace and a finish about this gentleman's execution which have secured him the admiration of his Hobart Town audience, and both were remarkably conspicuous in the delivery of the beautiful arrangement of Lizt's [Liszt] . . . This was a very successful concert on the whole, and great credit is due to M. Buddee for the pains and trouble he has been at to complete all the necessary arrangements, and for getting together so large an audience to be so pleasantly and innocently entertained . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 12th Regiment (military)

MUSIC: Fantaisie sur La straniera (Thalberg, op. 9)

"THE CONCERT AT THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS . . .", The Courier (5 December 1856), 3 

The Concert at the Assembly Rooms was not so well attended as had been anticipated, a circumstance which perhaps was owing in a great degree to the anticipation which had been excited with respect to the morrow's recreation, the preparations for a full enjoyment of the aquatic sports, rather than to any evidence of want of appreciation of the artists who appeared, M.M. Miska Hauser and Buddee. The concert itself was, however, one of the best which has been given, the gifted Hungarian never playing in better style . . . Mr. Buddee was as unapproachable on the pianoforte as usual. We would direct particular attention to the final Concert of to-night. The band of the 12th Regiment will be in attendance, and M.M. Miska Hauser and Buddee will also be assisted again by M. Del Sarte.

"MR. BUDDEE", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (27 December 1856), 5 

The friends and professional connections of this gentleman may with confidence expect his return to Hobart Town within about three or four weeks from this date. M. Buddee's present engagement will extend longer than he at first calculated, owing to his length of stay here. In conjunction with M. Hauser, he starts forthwith for Port Phillip and Adelaide, and will return from the latter direct to Hobart Town, as stated.

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (9 January 1857), 2 

Thursday, January 8 - The steamer Burra Burra, 337 tons, A. Harper, master, from Melbourne January 5. Hall and Co, agents. Passengers - Messrs. . . . Miska Hauser . . . Herr Buddee . . .

"MISKA HAUSER", South Australian Register (9 January 1857), 3 

Our readers will be gratified to learn that among the passengers by the Burra Burra on Thursday was Miska Hauser, the celebrated violinist, with whose powers of pleasing and astonishing many of them are already acquainted. He is accompanied by Herr Buddee, the pianist, of the Royal Academy, Berlin, of whom report speaks very highly. There is no doubt that Herr Hausker's [sic] reception will correspond with the enthusiasm excited on his former visit.

"MISKA HAUSER", Adelaide Times (24 January 1857), 2 

The last concert but one of the series now being given by this celebrated violinist came off yesterday evening, when Herr Buddee, whose benefit it was, was honoured by a crowded audience, amongst whom was his Excellency and Lady Macdondell . . . Herr Buddee well maintained the reputation which has been accorded him, whilst Miss Chalker, Miss Cranz, Mr. Linger, and a gentleman who, we believe, made his first appearance as a singer, rendered effective service.

ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Chalker (vocalist); Mathilde Cranz (vocalist); Carl Linger (pianist)

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. CLEARED OUT", Adelaide Observer (7 February 1857), 1 supplement 

Friday, February 6 . . . The steamer White Swan, 330 tons, Gill, master, for Melbourne. Passengers . . . Miska Hauser, Messrs. Buddee . . .

"MUSIC FOR THE MILLION", Colonial Times (10 March 1857), 3 

The first of a series of four concerts of vocal and instrumental music came off at the Theatre Royal on Saturday evening, under the conduct of Mr. Callen. The entertainment was not so well attended as it deserved to be. It is a praiseworthy attempt to introduce a love for music among the working classes more particularly, and on that account receives notice at our hands. The splendid band of the 12th played a choice selection of music unexceptionably. Miss Stewart sang some ballads in a very agreeable manner; some comic songs, and a souvenir de Donizetti played by Mr. Buddee with his usual taste and precision made the whole entertainment a very agreeable one. We should be glad to learn that the encouragement afforded was sufficient . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (master of the 12th band); Eliza Stewart (vocalist)

"ECCLESIASTICAL", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (10 July 1858), 5 

Our last record of ecclesiastical matters concluded with notice of the organ question, as discussed by the congregation of St. Andrew's Church, and their determination to a purchase a new organ, appointing Mr. Buddee the organist.

ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Presbyterian churches (general)

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (7 October 1858), 3 

MONDAY, 11th OCTOBER, 1858, IN HER CELEBRATED SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENT . . . [readings and songs] . . .
Mr. Buddee has kindly consented to preside at the Piano . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Isabella Cowan Cameron (actor, vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Courier (14 December 1858), 3 

MADAME CARANDINI . . . has made arrangements with the EDOUIN FAMILY . . . to give
A CONCERT Before her departure for Melbourne on FRIDAY, the 17th instant,
between the VAUDEVILLE AND THE BALLET, At the Theatre Royal,
MISS ROSINA CARANDINI, a native of Hobart Town, will have the honour to make her appearance before the public, for the first time, as singer and pianist.
The Concerts will consist of choice selections from Il Trovatore and Lucia di Lammermoor, interspersed with favourite Ballads.
MR. BUDDEE will preside at the Piano Forte . . ..

ASSOCIATIONS: Rosina Carandini (vocalist, pianist); Edouin family (performers)

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (5 January 1859), 3 

Mayfield House, New Town. MRS. and MISS REDFORD beg to inform the parents of their pupils that the duties of their Establishment will be resumed on MONDAY, the 17th inst. . . . Music - HERR J. BUDDEE, MR. RUSSELL . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins Russell (musician)

[Advertisement], The Courier (8 January 1859), 3 

R. Giblin, Head Master . . . N.B. - Music taught by Professors Tapfield and Buddee.

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Tapfield (musician)

"ASSEMBLY BALL", The Hobart Town Advertiser (14 January 1859), 3 

The Assembly Ball, the fourth of season, took place last evening, at the Town Hall, which was brilliantly illuminated with gas for the occasion. Sir Henry and Lady Young were present, as also the elite of the district, the military officers, and the officers of H M. ships Iris and Amethyst, now in our harbor. The German band, was ably assisted by Mr. Buddee who presided at the Piano Forte . . .

"SACRED MUSIC", The Courier (26 May 1859), 3 

Our musical friends will be glad to hear that Madame Carandini, assisted by her talented daughter and Mr. Buddee, will give a concert at the Mechanics' Institute on Monday next.

"NEW ORGAN", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (19 November 1859), 3 

Last evening the new organ of St. Joseph's Church Macquarie-street having been completed, was opened with a selection of sacred music, vocal and instrumental, Mr. Buddee being the organist. The numerous assemblage, admitted by free tickets, was gratified by the performance of three voluntaries, the Gloria Sanctus, No. 12 of Mozart, his Kyrie, No. 2, and the Agnus Dei of Farmer which were sung with great effect. The organ is of a fine tone, which will be further improved by time, and the whole of the performance gave very general satisfaction.

ASSOCIATIONS: Music at St. Joseph's church (Hobart)

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (31 January 1860), 1 

MR. T. BROOKS, The Celebrated Harpist, AND HERR W. CARL SCHMITT, The Great Bavarian Violinist,
WITH THE KIND ASSISTANCE OF Miss Rosina Carandini and Mr. Buddee
PROGRAMME. - PART I. Overture - Tancredi, arranged for Harp and Pianoforte - Messrs. Brooks and Buddee . . .
Duo Concertante, Duo da Camera, Harp and Pianoforte - Messrs. T. Brooks and Buddee.
PART II. Duo Concertante - Violin and Pianoforte, from the opera Masaniello - Herr W. Carl Schmitt and Mr. Buddee . . .
Overture - To Agnese, Harp and Piano-forte, (Paer) - Messrs. T. Brooks and Buddee . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Brooks (harpist); Carl Schmitt (violinist)

"THE ORATORIO. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7", The Hobart Town Advertiser (9 February 1860), 3 

The Performance of Handel's Messiah, came off, as announced, this evening, at the Town Hall . . . the performances commenced with the Overture, Mr. Tapfield officiating as Conductor; Mr. Russell, leader; Mr. Buddee presiding at the Piano (Mr. Tapfield's Semi-Grand}; Monsieur Delsarte, Leader of the Tenores; Mr. Sharpe, senr., (of Launceston) Principal Double Bass, and Mr. Sharpe (junr), Principal Violin; Miss Carandini (Soprano), Miss Kent (Cont' Alto); Mr. Weber, Cornet . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William and Thomas Sharp (musicians, father and son); Ellen Kent (vocalist); Albert Weber (cornet)

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (16 March 1860), 4 

Academy of Music, 181 Macquarie Street.
MR. BUDDEE, in conjunction with Messrs. SCHMITT & RUSSELL,
have the honor to announce that on the 1st of April next, an Academy of Music will be commenced,
in which the Piano-forte, Violin, Harmonium, and Flute, will be Taught.
Also classes formed for Singing and the Theory of Music.
Terms, which will be very moderate, may be known by application to Mr. Buddee, at his residence, 181 Macquarie-street.

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (21 June 1860), 3 

PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. THE Members of this Society meet for practice
at the residence of Mr. Buddee, Musical Academy, 89, Macquarie street,
every FRIDAY evening, at half past 7 o'clock. Conductor - HERR CARL SCHMITT.
Terms of Membership and other information may be obtained at the Academy. June 20.

ASSOCIATIONS: Hobart Town Philharmonic Society (association)

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (16 August 1860), 3 

BEG that Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to Subscribe to the Last Series of Six Concerts, will do so before the end of this week at Mr. Buddee's residence, No. 181, Macquarie-street.
The FIRST CONCERT will take place next MONDAY, August 20th, 181, Macquarie-street. August 16.

[Advertisement], The Mercury (6 September 1860), 4 

CHAMBER CONCERT, AT MR. BUDDEE'S RESIDENCE, 181, Macquarie-street, THIS EVENING, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH, At Eight o'clock. Single Tickets, 4s. each.

[Advertisement], The Mercury (28 September 1860), 4 

A PEDAL HARMONIUM for Sale. Apply at Mr. BUDDEE'S residence, 181, Macquarie-street.

"ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH", The Hobart Town Advertiser (11 October 1860), 3 

THE Managers of St. Andrew's Church issued, through the papers, an invitation to the public to attend, on Tuesday evening, to hear the performance of a selection of vocal and instrumental music, with the view of testing the quality of the tone and power of the splendid Organ lately erected in the building . . . It is a splendid instrument, enclosed in a magnificent case, with gilt pipes. It was built by Mr. Charles Brindley of Sheffield, and was arranged and planned by Professor Hopkins, of the Temple Church, London, who also superintended its building, and tried its tone before being shipped for this Colony. It contains all the latest improvements, and no pains nor expense has been spared to make it perfect. The Organ has three manuals of full compass, and a pedal organ of two octaves and a third . . . On the arrival of the organ in this colony the services of Mr. Biggs were secured to erect it . . . Mr. Buddee, who has been for some time organist at St. Andrew's, presided at the Organ, assisted by Mr. Tapfeld, and they alternately performed the various pieces . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Brindley (English organ builder); Edward John Hopkins (London organist)

"CHEAP CONCERTS", The Hobart Town Advertiser (19 February 1861), 3 

The first of a series of Concerts is announced for this evening at Mons. Del Sarte's Rooms. The programme includes some choice pieces of music, which we believe have been arranged with much care for the various instruments employed. The vocal portion will devolve upon several gentlemen (amateurs principally) who have kindly rallied round Mr. Russell, thereby enabling him to start this affair; and to crown the whole Mr. Buddee will preside at the grand pianoforte. This is certainly one of the cheapest concerts ever offered to the public in Tasmania . . .

"HERR W. CARL SCHMITT'S CONCERT", The Hobart Town Advertiser (22 August 1861), 3 

We are glad to find that this gentleman is about to repeat the Concert lately given with so much success, so far as the performance went, at Mons. Del Sarte's Rooms, on Friday (tomorrow) evening the 23rd instant. Owing to the unpropitious character of the weather on the previous occasion, the attendance was more select than remunerative; and at the suggestion of several influential admirers, Herr Schmitt has consented to give a second entertainment, assisted as before, by the members of the Philharmonic Society, and Mr. Buddee . . .

[Advertisement], The Mercury (8 October 1861), 4 

In the matter of the insolvency of Julius Buddee of Hobart Town in Tasmania Professor of Music.
To the several creditors of the said insolvent or their agents.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above-named Julius Buddee did this day present his petition . . .
And the same having come on to be heard before the said Commissioner the said Julius Buddee was declared insolvent
and John Milward of Hobart Town aforesaid gentleman was thereupon appointed Provisional Assignee of the estate and effects of the said insolvent . . .

"INSOLVENT COURT. WEDNESDAY, October 23rd, 1861", The Mercury (24 October 1861), 3 

In re Julius BUDDEE. First meeting of creditors. Mr. Adams for insolvent. Proof - William Robb, Hobart Town, land agent, £57 10s., balance bill of exchange; William Sherwin, Hobart Town, butcher, £17 11s. 8d., goods sold. Insolvent's furniture allowed. Meeting adjourned and for discharge, fixed for this day fortnight.

"INSOLVENT COURT. WEDNESDAY, 6TH NOVEMBER, 1861", The Mercury (7 November 1861), 2 

In re JULIUS BUDDEE. Adjourned first meeting and meeting for discharge. Mr. Adams for insolvent. Proofs - Marwedel and Company, Hobart Town, merchants, £79 17s. 6d., bills of exchange for goods sold and interest; F. G. Holbird, Hobart Town, grocer, £80 11S. 5d., bills of exchange for goods sold and interest. Mr. Adams applied for order of discharge. Discharged.

"SHIPPING. PORT OF HOBART TOWN. CLEARED OUT", The Mercury (21 March 1862), 2 

March 20. Balmoral, schooner, 107 tons, Shimmins, for Melbourne. Cabin passengers - Mrs. Buddee and 6 children.

Melbourne, VIC (from 1862):

"AMATEUR CONCERT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 December 1862), 5 

An amateur concert was given at the Town Hall, Prahran, last night, in aid of the Melbourne Hospital. His Excellency and Lady Barkly were present and there was not a single empty seat in the room. The programme was very miscellaneous . . . The selection from "The Huguenots," arranged as a duet for two pianofortes, one of which was played by Mr. Buddee and the other by a lady whose musical talents appear to be of a very high order, was decidedly the piece de resistance . . .

"BIRTHS", The Herald (28 September 1863), 2 

BUDDEE. - On the 25th September, at Brighton, Mrs. E. I. Buddee, of a daughter.

[News], The Argus (30 December 1863), 4 

The German Festival, commenced on Monday at Cremorne, was continued last evening at the Exhibition building, the entertainment consisting of a concert, a public distribution of prizes, a ball, and a supper. The concert began at eight o'clock, and occupied about two hours. As many as nine pieces on the programme were original quartettes and choruses for male voices which had been sent in for competition . . . The chief features, however, were the instrumental solos, each of which elicited loud expressions of deserved approbation. The solo performers were Herr Siede, on the flute; Herr Elsasser and Herr J. Buddee, on the pianoforte, and Herr J. Schott, on the oboe. The whole of the musical arrangements were under Herr Schott's direction . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Siede (flute); Charles Elsasser (piano); James Arthur Schott (oboe); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)

[Advertisement], The Argus (6 April 1864), 8 

MUSIC - Mr. BUDDEE has REMOVED from Brighton to Myrtle-cottage, Lennox-street, Richmond.

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 November 1864), 6 

MUSIC. - Mr. BUDDEE has REMOVED to No. 65 Stephen-street, opposite the Protestant hall.

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (7 November 1867), 5 

Mr. Buddee's Soiree Musicale, at his residence, Flinders-lane east, yesterday evening, was attended by between twenty and thirty subscribers, and the performance passed off with the success which has always accompanied his delightful musical reunions. He was assisted, as on the former evenings of the series, by Miss Horwitz and Professor Hughes; and on this occasion Herr Siede, the well-known flautist, lent his valuable services. The programme was selected from the works of Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Willmert and Vruhlan. Mr. Buddee's execution of Czerny's arrangement of Beethoven's "Second Sinfonie" was especially admirable, and his duets with Professor Hughes (violin), and Herr Siede (flute), met with particular approval. Miss Horwitz gratified the audience with a very delicate and artistic performance of a sonata from Beethoven.

ASSOCIATIONS: Hannah Horwitz (pianist, later Mrs. Jacoby, see 1884 below); Henry Hughes (violin)


The Melbourne German Liedertafel gave one of their usual bi-monthly entertainments at Hockin's Assembly-rooms last night. The event was specialised as being in commemoration of the birth, 100 years ago, of the greatest musical genius the world has yet produced, Ludwig van Beethoven. The programme was divided into two parts, the first being entirely devoted to the productions of the great master. The resources of the society did not permit the performance of any of those grand orchestral works in which the genius of the composer appears at its very brightest, but there was, nevertheless, an excellent selection made from those pieces whose less elaborate construction brought them within the grasp of the performers . . . the trio, Op. 11, for piano, clarionet, and violoncello, was given by Messrs. Buddee, Lundborg, and Montague. These names were in themselves sufficient to warrant a fine performance, and the audience considered it in that light by listening attentively, and applauding most heartily. We have not heard such a treat as this since the same gentlemen played it more than 12 months since at Prahran. The last, and not the least notable of the Beethoven selections was a quintette, Op. 16 (originally for four wind instruments and piano) arranged for two pianos by Czerny. This was played by Mr. Buddee and Miss Clark, a young lady pupil of his, an accomplished young amateur, who unites skill with intelligence, and is a promising pupil of a very worthy master. It is a pity the public hear so little of Mr. Buddee's playing, which is in itself the best standard we have amongst us by which those who wish to study the pianoforte might be guided. The second part consisted of a well-chosen general selection, in which Mozart's overture to "Don Juan" was excellently played; a duet for two pianos, on subjects from "The Huguenots," played by Mr. Buddee and Miss Clark . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John William Lundborg (clarinet); Alfred Montague (cello); Hockin's Rooms (Melbourne venue)

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (21 August 1876), 2 

A meeting of the members and trustees of the Musical Association of Victoria was held in the German Association's rooms on Saturday; Mr. J. W. Lundborg presiding. The following gentlemen were unanimously elected associates: - Messrs. W. H. Glen, R. J. Paling, and A. C. Huenerbein. Mr. E. A. Jager proposed Mr. W. Hunter (pianist of the German Liedertafel) and Mr. H. Curtis (violinist) as members, and Mr. J. Siede proposed Mr. Julius Buddee to be balloted for at the meeting on next Saturday. As the number of members and associates is gradually increasing, the association will doubtless soon be in a position to accomplish the object for which it was formed.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henderson Glen (associate); Richard John Paling (associate); August Christian Huenerbein (associate); Ernest Augustus Jaeger (member); William Hunter (member); Henry Curtis (member)

"MR. BUDDEE'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Argus (15 December 1884), 6 

On Saturday night, at the Melbourne Athenaeum, Mr. Julius Buddee made his farewell public appearance in the midst of a fairly numerous and admiring audience, and in so doing brought to a close, so far as this city's concerned, a distinguished artist career of 35 years duration. The entertainment was of the most enjoyable kind, and quite in keeping with the known characteristics of the principal performer. The audience were made to share freely in the pleasure which comes from hearing music played conscientiously for the sake of the beauty there is in it, rather than as a means of showing off technical skill and merely digital dexterity. A perfect master over the manual of the piano-forte, Mr. Buddee has always been distinguished by his truly artistic trait, namely, that of subordinating the player to the composer, and using his best skill and sympathy to present in fairest light the very poesie and spirit of the music upon which he is engaged. A fitting selection of his final solo performance was found in the larghetto movement from the Second Symphony of Beethoven, arranged by Liszt. This, the musical reader knows, is perhaps the most gracious movement in all music known up to the present time, and it was played with profoundly impressive and penetrating effect. The transcription is harmoniously full, as becomes a reduction from a great orchestral score to the capacities of the pianoforte; and this was made to appear through an admirable mastery of touch which suggested variety of instrumentation and the charm of musical colour. The dignified and pathetic musical phrase which marks the opening movement and pervades the whole of the larghetto to the end was full of grace and fervour, suggesting an unmistakable tones the strength of resignation and the joy of perennial hope. The player himself was full of the beauty of his theme and completely charmed all hearers. On entering on the platform Mr. Buddee was accorded a most enthusiastic reception, and the applause was renewed with equal warmth on the conclusion of this beautiful performance.

At the commencement of the second part of the programme Mr. Buddee had associated with him a lady, Mrs. Sigismund Jacoby (nee Horwitz), who was formerly his most talented pupil, and is now an executant of the first rank in private circles. Their performance consisted of the grand duo for two pianos on themes from Meyerbeer's "Huguenots" arranged by Pixis. The principal theme in this is the final trio in the 5th act between Valentine, Raoul, and Marcel, which is largely developed in the way of variation and ornamentation. The appearance of such master and pupil as Mr. Buddee and Mrs. Jacoby in this elaborate and highly finished interpretation was full of interest to numbers amongst the audience, and the hearty applause which followed the conclusion of the pieces was well earned by the excellent performance of the players. The other selections in which Mr. Buddee was engaged were the trios Op. 59, by De Beriot, and Op. 32, by Taubert. In each case he had associated with him Messrs. Henry Curtis (violin) and A. Montague (violoncello) . . . Mrs. Armstrong (nee Mitchell), a former pupil of Mr. Buddee for pianoforte, and present pupil of Signor Cecchi as vocalist, surprised and delighted the audience by her easily fluent and highly-finished execution of the cavatina for soprano voice, "Regnava nel Silenzio," from "Lucia di Lammermoor," and Tosti's effective song "Goodbye." With her natural qualifications and acquired accomplishments, this young lady is undoubtedly an admirable singer. Mrs. Palmer sang with fine voice and excellent expression the song "Severed," composed by Sir William Robinson, and Kalliwoda's song "The Mountaineer's Home" (with violin obligato accompaniment by Mr. Curtis). Mr. Armes Beaumont's contributions to the vocal work of the evening were received with high favour. They were Pinsuti's "I heard a voice," and "The Pilgrim," by Adams. In the lastnamed Mr. Beaumont sang the high note C in alt with assured power and good effect. Mr. S. Lambie sang "She comes in all her loveliness," by Wallace, and Schira's song, "Joy and Sorrow," with a very full accompaniment of piano, organ, violin, and violoncello. We mention, finally, a "Romance for Violin and Piano," composed by Mr. Austin T . Turner, and played by Mr. H. Curtis and the composer; this composition is marked by grace and sentiment and good feeling. Messrs. Otto Vogt and W. Hunter assisted throughout the evening with Mr. Buddee in the work of accompaniment. The audience were warm in their applause, and the recalls were very numerous. Mr. Buddee will shortly take up his residence in Sydney.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Armstrong = Nellie Melba (vocalist); Armes Beaumont (vocalist); Austin Theodore Turner (pianist, composer); Otto Vogt (pianist)

Sydney, NSW (from mid 1884, and permanently by 1885):

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (15 July 1885), 2 

Mr. JULIUS BUDDEE, having settled In Sydney, begs to inform his friends and the public that he has room for
A FEW PUPILS at his Rooms, at W. H. PALING and CO'S., Limited, 356, George-street, or at Hebron, 13, Hereford-street, Glebe Point.

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 September 1890), 1

BUDDEE. - September 9, Julius Buddee, formerly of Melbourne, at his residence, Cremona, 28 Royce-street, Glebe Point, aged 67 years. "In the midst of life we are in death."

[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 September 1890), 7

THE news of the death of Mr. Julius Buddee will be received with sincere regret in musical circles. For many years he was esteemed in Melbourne as one of the first among teachers of the pianoforte, besides being recognised as a truly artistic performer of classical music. Failing health led him to remove to Sydney some four years ago, since which time he has held a high place among the professional musicians of this city. Growing weakness has been apparent for some time, but he was sufficiently well on Monday to continue teaching throughout the day, and the announcement of his decease at about 3 a.m. yesterday caused no less surprise than sorrow.

"Mr. Julius Buddee", Table Talk [Melbourne, VIC] (26 September 1890), 8 

THE news of the death of Mr. Julius Buddee, which took place at his residence, "Cremona," Glebe Point, Sydney, on Tuesday, September 9, was received with regret in Melbourne where many of his old musical friends still survive, amongst whom the sad announcement must have awakened a host of reminiscences. For a good many years Mr. Buddee was recognised as the leading pianist of Melbourne, and being what he was, a thoroughly sound musician, a player of the quiet, refined and polished order of Sir Charles Halle and an orthodox interpreter of Beethoven, his claims to that recognition were well-founded. The greatest quarrel Mr. Buddee's friends ever had with him was, that being such a fine player, he could seldom be induced to play in public, or in private either for that matter.

Mr. Buddee was born in Berlin in April, 1823. His father, Frederick Julius Buddee, was a teacher of music there, but was not known as a public performer. Young Julius received his musical education at the Berlin Royal Academy of Music, under Dr. Kullak and Dr. Dehn. Theodor Kullak had been a pupil of Hanck, Agthe and Czerny, and in 1846 was made pianist to the King of Prussia. In 1851 he founded a Conservatorium in Berlin in conjunction with Stern and Marx, and in 1855 in consequence of some disagreement with his fellow workers, he retired from the Conservatorium, and founded the Neue Akademie der Tonkunst, but long before that time his pupil, Julius Buddee, had come to the Antipodes.

At nine years old, being then a little boy with long curls, Julius Buddee made his first public appearance, and played solos for the pianoforte and violin. At 15 years of age he commenced to teach, and amongst his pupils were Meyerbeer's daughters and Kullak's wife, whom he taught for some years. Both Meyerbeer and Kullak took much interest in the promising youth, and Kullak, who was too nervous to play his own compositions in public, would never have anyone else to play them except Mr. Buddee, at his concerts. As an accompanist Mr. Buddee was quite famous, and he presided at the pianoforte for such artists as Madame Sontag, Jenny Lind, Viardot, Garcia, Vivier the celebrated horn-player, Mademoiselle Christiani, the great 'cellist, and Leonard, the violinist, when they visited Berlin. Amongst Mr. Buddee's pupils were the present Count Arnheim and his sisters, the daughter of the Bavarian ambassador (Lerchenfeldt), of the time, and the family of the Hanoverian Ambassador of the time. It was at the country seat of the Arnheim family, whither Mr. Buddee often accompanied his pupils, that he made the acquaintance of the celebrated prima donna, Madame Sontag, and we cannot wonder that such happy circumstances and associations made Mr. Buddee the artist whom we in Australia afterwards knew.

In May, 1847, Mr. Buddee married Fraulein Elise Schroeder, the daughter of a sea captain, and next year (1848), when the whole of Europe was in a state of revolution, being advised by Mr. William Westgarth, afterwards the author of the "History of Victoria," to go to Australia, Mr. Buddee, with wife and baby, in October sailed from Hamburg in the ship Louisa for Adelaide. On the voyage the baby died, and in March, 1849, Mr. and Mrs. Buddee landed in Adelaide, where they only stayed three months and then came to Melbourne. Soon after arriving in the city Mr. Buddee gave his first concert at Murray's Hotel in Flinders lane - now the site of the Gas Company's buildings. The pianoforte used on the occasion was an "Upright," and those who assisted Mr. Buddee were all amateurs.

When the first Philharmonic Society was formed in Melbourne, Mr. Buddee was requested to become the conductor, but his knowledge of English was at that time so limited that he was obliged to decline. For a long time he was organist at St. James' Cathedral, but twice left when seized with the gold fever, which took hold of nearly all the population on the discovery of the precious metal in 1851. About this time Mr. Buddee was on very intimate terms with the Lieutenant Governor, Latrobe, and the Treasurer, Captain Lonsdale. The only result Mr. Buddee brought back from the goldfields was bad health, and after his second expedition, old Dr. Howitt, who attended him through a long illness, advised him to go to Tasmania.

Accordingly Mr. Buddee and family removed in 1853 [sic, 1854] to Hobart, where they stayed eight years, and where Mr. Buddee held the premier position as pianist and teacher. Amongst his Tasmanian pupils were: Lady Fleming (wife of the Chief Justice), Sir Francis and Lady Smith, and the daughters of Bishop Nixon. It was at Mr. Buddee's house in Hobart that Mr. Carl Schmidtt started the Hobart Philharmonic Society, and there also its first concert was given. During Mr. Buddee's Hobart sojourn, Miska Hauser, the celebrated Hungarian violinist visited the colonies and Mr. Buddee acted as his accompanist in Hobart, Adelaide and Melbourne.

Returning to Victoria in 1861 with health quite restored, Mr. Buddee speedily formed an excellent clientele amongst his first pupils being Lady Barkly (wife of Governor Barkly). Amongst others who have been pupils of Mr. Buddee are: - Mr. Moritz Alexander, Mr. Philip Plaisted, Mr. Charles Foster, Mr. Otto Vogt, Mr. William Hunter and Miss Rosina Carandini (Mrs. Palmer). At the present moment his young pupil, Mr. Truman, who is known as the "future Bach," is studying at the Leipsic Conservatorium, and it was said of him when he went there by all the professors, "He has nothing to unlearn."

Mr. Buddee's house in Melbourne, was long a rendezvous for musical amateurs, and here the most delightful music parties used to be held, amongst the frequenters were the Baron von Zedwitz who has gone from view, Mr. A. Montagu, the accomplished cellist, Mr. William Lynch, Mr. Frederick Tate and Mr. A. J. Kaeppell, all still in Melbourne, and many others who have received the news of the death of their old friend with sincere sorrow.

Mr. Buddee had a large family who are all grown up. Several of the sons are established in business in Sydney, and a daughter is married to the Lutheran minister at Sandhurst. Mrs. Buddee survives her husband.

ASSOCIATIONS (Europe): Theodor Kullak (teacher); Siegfried Dehn (teacher); Giacomo Meyerbeer (patron); Lisa Cristiani (cellist); Henrietta Sontag (vocalist); Jenny Lind (vocalist)

ASSOCIATIONS (Australia): St. James's church (Melbourne); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (formed 1853-54); Elizabeth Oke Fleming (pupil); daughters of Francis Russell Nixon (bishop); Anne Maria Barkly (pupil); Philip Plaisted (pupil); Ernest Truman (pupil)

[News], The Argus (29 September 1890), 5

The Musical Artists and Organists' Society held their usual Ladies night on Saturday evening at Pleasance's buildings, Collins-street . . . A large amount of business of an important character was transacted . . . Reference was made to the death of Mr. Julius Buddee, who was formerly a most honoured and distinguished member of the society, and it was evident from a very touching letter received from Mrs. Buddee in acknowledgment of the letter of condolence that he retained a very warm sympathy and interest in the society, although living in a neighbouring colony . . .

Probate and administration, Julius Buddee, 1890; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

"DEATHS", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (19 November 1898), 55 

BUDDEE. - On the 6th November, at her residence, Ythan, Annandale-street, Annandale, N.S.W., Josephine Elise Henrietta, in her 76th year, relict of the late Julius Buddee, formerly of Melbourne.

Bibliography and resources:

H. Morin Humphreys (comp.), Men of the time in Australia, Victorian series, second edition (Melbourne: McCarron, Bird & Co. 1882), [xviii]-[xix] (DIGITISED)

Buddee, Julius, was born at Berlin, 1823, and received, a thorough musical education in his native town, where, at the "Royal Academy," he studied under such masters as Dr. Kullak and Dr. Dehn. At an early age Mr. Buddee showed a great taste for music, and when only nine years old made his first bow to an audience as a claimant for consideration as a skilled performer on the pianoforte. His success was very encouraging, and after finishing his professional education he commenced life as a teacher of music, and had considerable success. He was on terms of intimacy with Meyerbeer, and gave pianoforte lessons to the daughters of the maestro. Mr. Buddee is a most accomplished accompanist, and in that capacity has presided at the piano and played to such artists as Jenny Lind, Viardot, Garcia, Madame Sontag, Vivier (the great horn player), and Leonard, the celebrated violinist. In 1848, when Europe was in a state of revolution, Mr. Buddee decided to come to Australia, and landed at Port Phillip in 1849. On arrival in Victoria he at once [xix] commenced business as a teacher of music, quickly formed a business connection, and now holds an enviable position as a member of the musical profession, and a high rank as an instructor in his art.

"MUSIC", in James Smith, The cyclopedia of Victoria, an historical and commercial review, descriptive and biographical facts, figures and illustrations, an epitome of progress (Melbourne: The Cyclopedia Company, 1903), 82 (DIGITISED)

. . . An excellent pianist and musician, in the person of Herr Buddee, came hither from Berlin in 1849, and organised a German quartette, whose public entertainments were a source of considerable pleasure to the Melbourne public. Mrs. Testar, who is still living in a green old age, was then the principal soprano, and held her ground as such for a great number of years . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Smith (journalist)

Julius Buddee, Find a grave 

BUDGETT, Joseph (Joseph BUDGETT)

Musician, bandsman, Band of the 3rd Regiment

Born Gibraltar, 1786
Enlisted (3rd Regiment), Isle of Jersey, 1 May 1794 (aged "8")
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 16 August 1823 (per Commodore Hayes, from England, 26 April)
Discharge approved Sydney, NSW, 11 October 1825 (signed off 24 February 1826)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 4 February 1826 (for England)
Final discharge, Chelsea, London, England, 28 July 1826 (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 3rd Regiment (military)


Register of service, Joseph Budgett, 3rd Regiment; UK National Archives, WO25/323 (PAYWALL)

Budgett Joseph / age at enlistment 8 / Born Gibraltar, Garrison / Laborer / Enlisted Jersey, 1st May 1794 / service in the East or West Indies from 25th Oct'r 1795 to 2'd Sep'r 1802 / discharged Chelsea, 28 July 1826 . . .

Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 December 1825 to 24 March 1826 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Privates . . . Budgett Jos'ph / Emb'd for Eng'd 4 Feb'y paid to 24 March & Transf'd to Reg'l Depot

Discharge of Joseph Budgett, 3rd Regiment, Sydney, NSW, 11 October 1825, 24 February 1826; UK National Archives, WO97/248 (PAYWALL)

. . . THAT Private Joseph Budgett, born in the Parish of Gibraltar . . . was enlisted for the aforesaid Regiment at Jersey . . . on the [1 May 1794] at the age of Eight years for unlimited service . . .
Period of service from 1 may 1794 to 27 July 1826 [including] 10 years [as] Trumpeter or Drummer / 22 years 88 days [as] Private
THAT by the authority of His Excellency Major General Sir Thomas Brisbane K.C.B. dated Sydney 11th October 1825
HE IS HHEREBY DISCHARGED in consequence of his being worn out from length of service. . .
THAT his general Conduct as a Soldier has been uniformly that of a faithful and trustworthy soldier, he has always maintained an excellent character in the Regiment -
He was wounded in the left soldier by a musket-ball, at Bayonne in France, on the 13th December 1813 . . .
He is about 40 years of Age, is 5 feet 6 i/2 inches in height . . . a Laborer . . .
[Signed off by commander], at Sydney, New South Wales, [24 February 1826] . . .

Register of Chelsea pensioners, aged 40 in 1826; UK National Archives, WO 23/25 (PAYWALL)

[Regiment] 3d / [rate of pension] 1/2 / Joseph Budgett / [start pension] 1826 / [age] 40 / 1837 [age] 51 D[ied] / [service] 25 1/12 yrs / West Indes 6 10/12 yrs / [cause of debility] Worn-out

BUIST, David (David BUIST; D. BUIST)

Musicseller, music retailer and publisher, pianoforte and harmonium maker, repairer, and tuner, "from John Broadwood's"

Born London, England, 14 February 1806; baptised Scotch church, London, 16 March 1806; son of William BUIST and Jane BLACK (m. St. Martin-in-the-fields, 31 December 1800)
Married Ann WATERS (d. 1894), St. James, Piccadilly, London, England, 10 February 1828
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 12 February 1849 (per Walter Morrice, from London and Plymouth, 25 October)
Died Stanmore, NSW, 26 October 1876, aged "70/71" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BUIST, Richard Thomas (Richard Thomas BUIST; Richard BUIST; Mr. R. BUIST)

Pianoforte maker, tuner, and repairer

Born London, England, 27 February 1823; baptised St. Dunstan, Stepney, 15 June 1823; son of George BUIST (1793-1872) and Mary Ann BRISLAND (1797-1880) (m. St. Mary, Aldermanbury, 29 October 1815)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by 1850 or earlier
Married Esther Ann BUIST (1828-1905), Sydney, NSW, 4 April 1850
Died Enmore, NSW, 22 May 1886, aged "63" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BUIST, William David (William David BUIST; W. D. BUIST)

Musicseller, music retailer and publisher, pianoforte and harmonium maker, repairer, and tuner

Born London, England, 25 November 1830; baptised St. Marylebone, 9 October 1831; son of David BUIST and Ann WATERS
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 12 February 1849 (per Walter Morrice, from London and Plymouth, 25 October)
Married Louisa JONES, St. Philip's church, Sydney, NSW, 22 November 1866
Died Petersham, NSW, 14 November 1893 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BUIST, Henry (Henry BUIST; Harry BUIST)

? Pianoforte maker, tuner, later tobacconist

Born London, England, 25 November 1832; baptised St. Peter, Pimlico, 30 August 1848 [sic]; son of David BUIST and Ann WATERS
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 12 February 1849 (per Walter Morrice, from London and Plymouth, 25 October)
Married Hannah EVANS, Wesleyan Centenary Church, Sydney, NSW, 2 March 1872
Died Marrickville, NSW, 20 June 1883, aged "50" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BUIST, George (George BUIST)

? Pianoforte maker

Born London, England, 8 August 1834; baptised St. Peter, Pimlico, 30 August 1848 [sic]; son of David BUIST and Ann WATERS
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 12 February 1849 (per Walter Morrice, from London and Plymouth, 25 October)
Died Sydney, NSW, 11 February 1913, aged "78/79" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


David Buist traded as "D. Buist and Sons", from 6 Bridge-street, Sydney, from as early as 1852, in partnership with his eldest son William David Buist, and his son-in-law Richard Thomas Buist, probably a cousin.

Richard left the partnership in April 1855 and went into business by himself, David and William continuing thereafter as "D. Buist and Son".

By October 1857 Buist and Son were trading at 254 George-street, and by late 1862, at 235 George-street.

The firm was dissolved by the partners, David and William, on 23 March 1874, after which William continued in business as W. D. Buist.

William's son, Thomas Buist (1867-1934), was later proprietor of a piano warehouse in Newcastle.

See D. Buist and Sons (c. 1852-55): (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

See D. Buist and Son (c. 1855-74): (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Baptisms, Scotch church, London, 1806; register 1784-1836, fol. 25v; UK National Archives, RG4/4232 (PAYWALL)

David, Son of William & Jane Buist, No. 10 Queen Street Grosvenor Square in the Parish of St. George Hanover Square
born 14th Feb'y & Baptized 16th March 1806

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Dunstan, Stepney, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1823; register 1816-26, page 79; London Metropolitan Archives, P93/DUN/012 (PAYWALL)

No. 448 / [1823 June] 15 / Born 27 Feb'y / Richard Thomas / [son of] George & Ann / Buist / . . . Cooper . . .

Marriages, St. James, [Piccadilly] Westminster, 1828; England marriages database (PAYWALL)

10 February 1828 / David Buist / Ann Waters

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, in the month of March 1829; register 1816-33, fol. 409; City of Westminster Archives, STG/PR/2/7 (PAYWAL)

29 / Esther Ann / [daughter of] David & Ann / Buist / George Street / [born] 28 Dec. 1828 / Cabinet Maker

Baptisms, St. Marylebone, 1831; England, select births and christenings database (PAYWALL)

9 October 1831 / born 25 November 1830 / William David / son of David and Ann / Buist

England census, 1841, St. George, Hanover Square, Westminster; UK National Archives, HO107/732/17 (PAYWALL)

David Buist / 35 / Piano F. Mk'r
Ann / 35 // William David / 10 // Ann / 12 // Henry / 8 // George / 6 //
Mary / 4 // Sophia / 2 // Robert / 10 mths

England census, 1841, St. George, Southwark; UK National Archives, HO107/7/14/33/13 (PAYWALL)

G. Buist / 40 [sic] // Geo. [Buist] / 16 / Cabinet Maker // Richard [Buist] / 14 [sic] / [Cabinet Maker] // Henry / 10 // Mary Buist / 50 [sic]

Baptisms solemnized in Saint Peter's church, Pimlico, in the month of August 1848; register 1831-61; City of Westminster Archives (PAYWALL)

August 22 / Mary / [daughter of] David & Ann / Buist / Hindon Street / [born] Oct. 27 1836 / Pianoforte maker
August 22 / Sophia / [daughter of] David & Ann / Buist / Hindon Street / [born] Oct. 27 1838
August 22 / Albert / [son of] David & Ann / Buist / Hindon Street / [born] Jan'y 15 1845
August 22 / Jane / [daughter of] David & Ann / Buist / Hindon Street / [born] April 13 1847 . . .
August 30 / Henry / [son of] David & Ann / Buist / Hindon Street / [born] Nov. 25 1832
August 30 / George / [son of] David & Ann / Buist / Hindon Street / [born] August 8 1834

New South Wales, List of immigrants per ship Walter Morrice, arrived 12 February 1849 (State Records NSW) (PAYWALL)

Buist, David, 42, Cabinet pianoforte maker, [native of] London
Ann, 42, wife, do.; Esther Ann, 20, Dressmaker, do.;
William D., 18, Cabinet pianoforte maker, do.; Harry, 16, do., do.; George, 14, do., do.;
Mary / 12 // Sophia / 10 // Robert / 8 // Alfred / 6 // Albert / 4 // Jane / 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 October 1849), 1

BOURKE WARD ELECTION. TO MR. DAVID PEDEN. SIR, - We, the undersigned, qualified Electors of Bourke Ward . . . request that you will be pleased to allow yourself to be put in nomination to represent us in the City Council, at the forthcoming Election . . .
[signed] W. H. Aldis . . . Henry Cooper Jervis . . . John Ducros . . . George Hudson . . .

ASOCIATIONS: David Peden (c. 1789-1867, draper, Sydney alderman); William Henry Aldis (elector); Harry Cooper Jervis (elector); John Henry Ducros (elector); George Hudson (elector)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 June 1852), 1

INTENDING Purchasers of Pianofortes are informed, that some very superior instruments,
which have been carefully selected by a professional gentleman in London, will be ready for inspection in a few days,
at Messrs. D. Buist and Sons', Pianoforte-makers, &c., No. 6, Bridge-street.
The importation consists of Cabinet, Semi-Cabinet, Cottage, and Semi-Cottage Pianofortes, and will be sold at the smallest remunerative profit.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 July 1852), 1 

Pianoforte Makers, Tuners, and Repairers, (sixteen years with Messrs. Broadwood and Sons,)
No. 6, Bridge-street, beg to announce that they have on Sale some elegant and really superior PIANOFORTES, 7 7/8 octaves, just imported per Mary Bannatyne, consisting of -
Rosewood Cabinet
Ditto Semi-Cabinet, and ditto Cottages.
Price, from 35 Guineas to 55 Guineas.
Also on Sale, a Second-hand CHURCH ORGAN, in excellent condition; price, 60 Guineas.
N.B.- Harmoniums and Piano-Melodias manufactured.
Pianofortes taken in exchange, and for hire.
Musical Instruments Bought and Sold upon Commission, &c., &c.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Broadwood and Sons (London pianoforte makers); see also Broadwood pianos in Australia (onsite)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 June 1853), 5 

PIANOFORTES. - The undersigned beg to announce that they have on sale some very elegant and rich toned Pianofortes, 6 7/8 octaves, C to A, by Charles Cadby.
Also, Harmoniums, from 18 guineas. Pianofortes tuned and repaired in the best manner.
D. BUIST AND SONS, No. 6, Bridge-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Cadby (London pianoforte manufacturer)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 November 1853), 8 

PIANOFORTES. THE undersigned has just received several very elegant Grand Square Pianofortes, with patent repetition action, 6 7/8 octaves, and all the latest improvements.
Also, on Sale, Some very superior Grands, Semi-Cabinets, Cottage, and Boudoir Pianofortes, in rosewood, walnut, zebra and mahogany cases, by Stodart and Son, Cadby, Oetzman and Plumb, Allison, and other makers.
Musical Boxes in great variety, playing 4 to 12 tunes
Flutinas and Accordeons, 8, 10, 12, and 14 keys, very superior
Music Stools of the newest design, with patent iron screw, in rosewood, walnut, and mahogany
One second-hand mahogany Grand Square, by Broadwood, in excellent condition
Pianofortes, Flutinas, and other musical instruments tuned and repaired
Instruments removed in town and country by spring van.
D. BUIST AND SONS, No. 6, Bridge-street, (from Messrs. Broadwood and Sons.)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 August 1854), 1 

HARMONIUM. - The only one in the Colony. A rosewood harmonium, with 12 stops.
This instrument has a self-acting action, and can be played by any person without any knowledge of music, with the greatest accuracy.
It plays Sacred music; also the most celebrated airs and overtures from William Tell, Norma, Prophet, &c. Polkas, quadrilles, galops, &c.,
must be heard to be appreciated. D. BUIST and SONS, 6, Bridge-street.
PIANOFORTES. - Collard and Collard, and Broadwood and Son's, Cottage pianofortes, in elegant rosewood cases. D. BUIST and SONS, 6, Bridge-street.
PIANOFORES tuned, repaired, or removed, by spring vans. D. BUIST and SONS, 6, Bridge-street.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (4 November 1854), 3 

To the Inhabitants of East and West Maitland and its vicinity.
D. BUIST, of the firm of D. Buist and Sons, Pianoforte Makers, Sydney,
begs to inform his friends that he will be in Maitland on TUESDAY NEXT,
for the purpose of Tuning, Repairing, and Regulating PIANO-FORTES; also, Harmoniums, and other Musical Instruments.
All orders left at Mr. Levien's Hotel, will be punctually attended to.
D. B. guarantees to all parties placing instruments in his hands to give every satisfaction.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1854), 6 

PIANOFORTES, by Collard and Collard, Lambert, Cadby, and other makers. BUIST and SONS, Bridge-street.
MUSICAL BOXES, Flutinas, Concertinas, Flutes, Violins, Cornopeans, &c. BUIST and SONS, Bridge-street.
HARMONIUMS by Alexandre, from 1 to 12 stops, in great variety. BUIST and SONS, Bridge-street.
PIANOFORTES, Flutinas, Harmoniums, &c., tuned and repaired. BUIST and SONS, Bridge-street.

[3 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 April 1855), 1

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership formerly subsisting between D. Buist, R. Buist, and W. D. Buist, under the firm of D. Buist and Sons, was dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 31st day of March.
Signed - D. BUIST, RICHARD BUIST, W. D. BUIST. 19, Bridge-street. NOTICE. - The undersigned beg to inform the musical public of Sydney that they will continue to tune, repair, or remove pianofortes, as usual, at 19, Bridge-street. D. BUIST and SON.

RICHARD BUIST, late of the firm of D. Buist and Sons, of 19, Bridge-street,
begs to inform the public that he has removed to No. 11, Gloucester-terrace, Macquarie-street South, where all orders will be punctually attended to.

TO THE INHABITANTS OF WOLLONGONG - RICHARD BUIST, late of the firm of D. Buist and Sons, Bridge-street, Sydney,
begs to inform the inhabitants of Wollongong that he intends visiting their district on or about the 6th instant,
for the purpose of tuning and repairing pianofortes, harmoniums, flutinas, accordeons, &c., &c.
All orders addressed to the Post Office, Wollongong, will meet with immediate attention.

[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (26 May 1855), 4 

Pianofortes! Pianofortes!! RICHARD BUIST, late of the firm of D. Buist and Son, Sydney,
begs to inform the inhabitant of Bathurst and surrounding districts, that he intends visiting them about the end of the month
for the purpose of tuning Pianofortes, Harmoniums, Concertinas, Flutinas, &c., &c.
All orders addressed to the Post Office will meet with immediate attention.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (30 June 1855), 2 supplement 

To the Inhabitants of Newcastle, Raymond Terrace, Maitland, and all intermediate places between Maitland and Armidale, New England.
RICHARD BUIST, late of the firm of D. Buist and Sons, begs to inform the inhabitants of the above districts that he intends leaving Sydney on or about the 30th instant,
on a PROFESSIONAL VISIT, for the purpose of Tuning and Repairing Pianofortes, Harmoniums, Concertinas, Flutinas, &c.
All orders addressed to the Post Office at any of the above districts will meet with immediate attention. June 27th, 1855.

[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (5 September 1855), 6 

RICHARD BUIST. Pianoforte Tuner, &c., Riley-street South, Woolloomooloo, late of Bridge-street.

[4 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 May 1856), 2 

PIANOFORTE WAREROOMS, 200, George-street. Messrs. MARSHALL and BUIST
wish to inform the musical public of New South Wales that they are now carrying on their business at the above establishment as dealers, tuners, repairers, &c., of pianofortes;
they flatter themselves that they possess a first-rate selection, and one likely to suit all buyers.
They consist of Collard and Collard's, Erard, Murphy, Priestley, and others, with all of which they give a written guarantee.
The abovo pianos are of the most useful and elegant description, and have the equalization touch, &c.
All repairs done on the most moderate terms. No extra charge for cases or packing.
200, George-street, opposite the EMPIRE Office, N.B.- A spring van kept for removing pianos, &c.

PAINOFORTES. - D. BUIST and SON have much pleasure to announce to the musical public
that they(by their kind patronage) still continue to carry on business of pianoforte tuning, repairing, &c., at their establishment, 10, Bridge-street.
D. BUIST and SON also return their sincere thanks for the support they have received for the last five years,
and beg to assure them that no effort on their part shall be wanting to merit a continuance of the same. -
D. BUIST and SON, Bridge-street.

PIANOFORTES, and other musical instruments and repaired, or removed. D. BUIST, 19, Bridge-street.

PIANOFORTES tuned, repaired, and removed. MARSHALL and BUIST, Pianoforte Warerooms, George-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard's business partner was perhaps George Marshall, general importer and commission agent

[Advertisement], Empire (9 June 1856), 1 

The first public meeting of this Society will take place, on MONDAY EVENING, June 9th, at the Wesleyan Chapel, York street, at half-past seven o'clock - when selections from Handel and other approved pieces will be sung.
Persons not being subscribers to this Society may obtain tickets 2s, each; juveniles 1s., on application . . . to Mr. BUIST, Music-seller, Bridge-street.
Conductor, J. Massey. Although this infant society has been for nearly two years in almost utter obscurity it has not failed in securing the patronage of a few friends of the Wesleyan body, but we do hope and expect friends of every Church, and members of every Christian congregation will come and testify their approval of a society of this class by a numerous attendance
THIS EVENING, the sole object being the cultivation and advancement of Sacred Harmony, which is calculated to inspire the mind (if not abused) with the purest devotional feelings.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Massey (conductor); Wesleyan Sacred Choral Society (Sydney association)

[Advertisement], Empire (9 July 1856), 6 

PIANOFORTES. - MARSHALL AND BUIST beg to inform intending purchasers,
that they have on show, a large and elegant assortment of Pianofortes, by Collard and Collard, Erard, Murphy, and others, at prices from 35 guineas; also, Harmoniums, by Alexandre, and others, with 1 to 10 stops, and barrel organ attached, prices from 12 guineas.
Marshall and Buist . feel every confidence in stating that the above are decidedly the best selection in the colony.
Piano Warehouse, 200, George-street, opposite Empire Office. N.B. - Pianos tuned, repaired, and removed.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (28 August 1856), 1 

MARSHALL & BUIST, Pianoforte Warehouse, 200 George-street, Sydney.
RICHARD BUIST begs to inform the inhabitants of Morpeth, Maitland, Singleton, and Muswell Brook, that he intends being at the above places in a few days, for the purpose of

[Advertisement], Illawarra Mercury [Wollongong, NSW] (13 July 1857), 3 

TO THE inhabitants of Wollongong, Kiama, and Shoalhaven.
Richard Buist, of Sydney, begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants, that he purposes visiting their district in a few days, for the purpose of Tuning and Repairing Pianofortes, &c., &c. . . .

"NEWLY PATENTED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 April 1857), 5 

We need scarcely speak of the unprecedented interest, as regards the arts and industry of all nations, which arose from the London and Paris Exhibitions . . . Perhaps in no department of mechanical industry has such extraordinary improvements been effected as in the musical instrument manufactories of London and Paris, and especially as regards organs and pianofortes . . . The result of the keen competition which ensued was shown at the Paris Exhibition, where organs of surpassing power, apollonicons, and harmoniums of entirely novel construction, with admirable mechanical actions, and pianofortes of the highest excellence were exhibited with the highest success. Names not to be found in the list of the prizes bestowed at the London Exhibition, stood high in the list of those given at that of Paris. Foremost amongst those who gained prizes and patents for novel applications of the principles of the organ, harmonium, and pianoforte, stood the names of Alexandre et Fils, Rue Meslay, Paris. The first prize was an, "Orgue à Percussion, à systeme Martin." The second prize was awarded for an instrument combining the actions of both the organ and the pianoforte. One of each of these specimens of what may be justly called the "mathematics of music," has just been imported by Messrs. Buist and Co., of Bridge-street, and having been present at trial performances upon them by M. Boulanger and Mr. Henry Marsh, we have been enabled to find that the very high praises bestowed upon them in unqualified terms by the continental and English cognoscenti are not, in the slightest degree, exaggerations. The "Orgue à Percussion" is an harmonium, on a scale, whether as regards its actions or its construction, never before attempted. It has five octaves, and a double row of keys, with 20 stops. These include effects a percussion trompette, basson, clarinet, flute traversiere, picolo, fifre, violencelle, copula, expression à la main, grand jeu de recit, bourdon, prestant, grand jeu, expression aux pedales, musette, baryton. The powerful effect produced by these stops, whether drawn singly or in connexion, may be conceived, and, we scarcely need observe, that they were rendered and illustrated to their full extent by both M. Boulanger, and Mr. Marsh. The massive case of this instrument (unlike those hitherto constructed, which were not equal in dimensions to those of cottage pianofortes) is about 13 feet in height and 6 inches in width. It consists of rosewood of the finest grain, and the richly carved architrave cornice, and brackets, are of that elaborate beauty which has so long placed the makers of France foremost as regards excellence in cabinet work. The case has 18 silvered pipes and one great feature in the instrument is, that it will never require tuning. The second instrument has two distinct actions, those of the organ and pianoforte. It is of the full compass of seven octaves. The pianoforte portion is three stringed, whilst the other has eight stops. The great advantage of an instrument with these double powers is, that whilst singly on the organ, staccato and leggato passages cannot be rendered, so with the pianoforte, the performer cannot sustain the notes.

ASSOCIATIONS: Alexandre père et fils (Paris manufacturers); Edward Boulanger (musician); Henry Marsh (musician)

[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (30 September 1857), 3 

PIANOFORTES. T0 the Inhabitants of Yass, Gundagai, and Tumut. MR. R. BUIST, late of George and Bridge-streets, Sydney, begs to announce that he will be in Yass in the course of a few days . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 October 1857), 10

PIANOFORTES by Broadwood, Erard, Cadby, Alexandre of Paris, D'Almaine, Oetzman and Plumb, Murphy, and other celebrated London makers. D. BUIST and SON, 254, George-street, late Bridge-street.
HARMONIUMS by Alexandre and Son, of Paris, from 1 to 24 stops. D. BUIST and SON, George-street.
HARP and VIOLIN STRINGS, Violoncello and Violin Bows, &c. D. BUIST and SONS, 254, George-st.
FURNITURE carefully REMOVED by spring vans, 5s. per hour, or by contract. D. BUIST and SON.
BUIST and SON, Pianoforte Makers. Pianofortes tuned, repaired, or removed. 254, George-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 November 1858), 1

D. BUIST and SON, Pianoforte Makers. - Pianofortes Tuned, Repaired, and Removed. 254, George-st.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 April 1859), 1

D. BUIST and SON, Pianoforte Makers. Pianofortes Tuned, Repaired, and Removed. 254, George-st.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ernesto Spagnoletti senior (composer)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 April 1859), 3

PIANOFORTES by the best, makers, in walnut and rosewood D. BUIST and SON, 254, George-st.
PIANOFORTE REPAIRING. - Just received, some very superior material for repairing pianofortes. The undersigned beg to state that any instruments placed in their hands pledge themselves to give satisfaction. D. BUIST and SON.
HARMONIUMS Melodiums, Concertinas, Violins, Violoncellos, Cornets, Flutes, Guitars, &c. D. BUIST and SON.
BASSOON, a very superior article, cheap; also, a B flat Ophicleide. D. BUIST and SON.
JUST Published, the Cornstalk Polka, by Spagnoletti, R. A., as played every night at the Prince of Wales Theatre by Winterbottom's celebrated band. D. BUIST and SON.
ORGANS. - Two Barrel Organs, playing English, Irish, and Scotch airs. D. BUIST and SON.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)

[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (27 July 1859), 3 

Pianofortes. Pianofortes. MR. RICHARD BUIST, Pianoforte Maker, Repairer and Tuner,
begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Goulburn and surrounding district, that he purposes
VISITING GOULBURN IN A FEW DAYS, when all orders addressed to him, at Mr. Roberts's Hotel, will meet with his immediate attention. Sydney July 12th 1859.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 October 1859), 1 

Madame Carandini will sing Marmaduke H. Wilson's new ballad, entitled "Jeannies Deans,"
accompanied by the composer, and written expressly for this occasion.
Published by H. MARSH and CO., at Messrs. Buist and Son, 254, George-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh had evidently come to an arrangement with Buist to sell his print music editions from their premises; John Gregg (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Marmaduke Henry Wilson (composer, pianist)

"ALARMING FIRE IN GEORGE STREET", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 February 1860), 4

AT about half-past one o'clock yesterday morning a fire broke out in George-street, in a shop occupied by Mr. Coulston, boot and shoe maker, opposite the new building at the corner of Margaret-street. The fire was first discovered by Mr. George Buist, of the firm of Buist and Son, music-sellers, of George-street. He immediately commenced kicking the door, and succeeded in arousing Mr. Coulston and family; and then, with the assistance of Mr. Levy (late foreman of the No. 2 Volunteer Fire Company) got Mrs. Coulston and child out of the bedroom window, the shop at this time being one mass of flame . . . The fire completely gutted the shop and house occupied by Mr. Coulston, and did very great damage to the house on the south side of it . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 April 1861), 12 

PIANOFORTES, in walnut and Rosewood cases, by Collard, Broadwood, Murphy. D. BUIST and SON.
HARMONIUMS by Alexandre, from 3 to 15 stops, knee swell, &c. D. BUIST and SON, 254, George-street.
CONCERTINAS, by Wheatstone, very superior, 48 notes, 6 guineas, warranted. D. BUIST and SON.
CORNETS, Opheclides, Bassoons, Flutes, Violins, Bows, Strings. D. BUIST and SON, 254, George-st.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Wheatstone (inventor, musical instrument maker)

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (1 March 1862), 1 

SINGLETON. MR. W. D. BUIST, of the Firm of D. BUIST & SON,
has Arrived, and is now at Mr. Hewitt's, Royal Hotel, where he will remain for a few days only,
for the purpose of TUNING and REPAIRING PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, &c. . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 April 1862), 8 

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - Bass and side drums; tenor, baritone, bass, and contra bass sax tubas;
French horns; clarionets, in cocoa and box; fifes, rifle bugles, with cords and tassels;
cornopeans, new models, &c.; harmoniums, from 1 to 14 stops, with or without percussion pieces, from 9 guineas;
violins, violoncellos, tambourines, banjos, English and German concertinas, melodias, flute harmoniums,
best roman strings for violin, violoncello, harp, &c.; violin bows, bridges, tailpieces, &c.
D. BUIST and SON, George-street.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 May 1862), 4 

PIANO FORTES, by Collard, Broadwood, Murphy Cadby, Oetzman, and Plumb
SAXHORNS, tenor, baritone, bass, and contra-bass, with 3 and 4 valves
CLARIONETs, 14 keys and 3 rings; price 3 guineas
BASS DRUMS, painted with the Royal arms; also side and quadrille drums
Four-keyed military fifes, B in cocoa
Piccolos, handsomely mounted in silver, with 6 keys and patent head, in velvet-lined cases
French flageolets, in ebony and cocoa, with 7 keys; rifle bugles, in copper, with cord and tassels
Tambourines, 8, 10, 12, and 16 inch vellum heads
Flute harmoniums, made to close in box, in handsome rosewood case, 4 stops
Melodias, flutinas, concertinas (English and German) Violins, violoncellos, flutes, &c., &c.
French horns, 3 valves, with 10 crooks
Violin strings - best roman strings for violin, violoncello, harp, double bass, &c.
Pianofortes and every description of musical instruments tuned and repaired.
In oak and rosewood oases, from 1 to 16 stops, by Alexandre, of Paris, and Wheatstone, of London; prices from nine guineas.
The new piccolo model Harmonium, in oak case, and wind indicator.
D. BUIST & SON, Next to the Old Bank of Australasia, George-street, Sydney.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 June 1862), 12

HARMONIUMS, from 1 to 10 stops, in oak and rosewood cases, will be sold cheap, to make room for further shipments to arrive shortly. D. BUIST and SON, 254, George-street.
PIANOFORTE Repairing. - A large stock of material for repairing Pianofortes, Harmoniums, &c. D. BUIST and SON.
BASS INSTRUMENTS, DRUMS, &c., suitable for military and volunteer bands. D. BUIST and SON.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 October 1862), 1

TO the Inhabitants of the WES1ERN DISTRICT. - Pianofortes and Harmoniums.- Tuning, Repairing, &c., &c.
- Mr. RICHARD BUIST purposes leaving Sydney in a few days on his usual periodical tour for
Penrith, Hartley, Bowenfels, Bathurst, Carcoar, Cowra, Forbes, Molong, Orange, Wellington, Dubbo, Mudgee, and Sofala,
and will be happy to attend to all orders addressed to him at the post office of any of the foregoing towns.
4, Devonshire-terrace, William-street, Sydney, January 2.

"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 December 1866), 1

On the 22nd November, by special license, at St. Philip's Church, by the Rev. Thomas O'Reilly, WILLIAM DAVID, eldest son of DAVID BUIST, Esq., George-street, Sydney, to LOUISA, second daughter of THOMAS JONES, Esq., Redfern. No cards.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 August 1870), 1 

NOTICE. - The PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing between LOVEDAY and BUIST has been, THIS DAY, mutually dissolved.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry William Loveday (piano tuner)

"MARRIAGES", Empire (12 March 1872), 1 

On the 2nd March, at the Wesleyan Centenary Church, York-Street, by the Rev. E. Sellors, Henry, second son of Mr. D. Buist, of Sydney, to Hannah, second daughter of Mr. Thomas Evans, of Sydney.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 April 1874), 4

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. - The Partnership hitherto subsisting between
DAVID BUIST and me, the undersigned WILLIAM DAVID BUIST,
under the style and firm of D. BUIST and SON, Pianoforte-makers and Tuners,
No. 235, George-street, Sydney, had been, this day, DISSOLVED.
Dated this 23rd day March, A.D. 1874.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 October 1876), 1

BUIST. - October 26, at his residence, Stanmore, in the 71st year of his age, Mr. David Buist, of the late firm of D. Buist and Son, pianoforte makers, George-street.

[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (23 August 1882), 3 

MR. RICHARD BUIST (Of SYDNEY) BEGS to notify to the inhabitants that he will visit Bathurst (professionally) in a few days,
when he will be prepared to Tune and Repair Pianos, Harmoniums and American Organs.
All favours promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed.
ADDRESS: ROYAL HOTEL, Bathurst. August 21st, 1882.

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 June 1883), 1 

BUIST. - June 20, at his residence, Arthurville, Livingstone-street, Marrickville, Henry Buist, second eldest son of the late David Buist, in his 50th year, and brother of Mrs. Richard Buist, of Enmore.

[Advertisement], Clarence and Richmond Examiner and New England Advertiser [Grafton, NSW] (5 September 1885), 5 

IMPORTANT. In order to remove a wrong impression that may exist,
Mr. GOODALL begs to say that his leaving Messrs. Nicholson and Co. is through no unpleasantness,
but in order to better his position, he having bought an old Tuning connection in the Western districts from a Mr. Richard Buist . . .
Address orders to C. GOODALL, Brindle's Boarding house, Grafton. Sydney address- 187, Bourke-street.

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 May 1886), 1 

BUIST. - May 22, 1886, at his residence, Ashley Villa, Belmore-street, Enmore, Richard Thomas Buist, in the 63rd year of his age.

See also [Probate notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (28 May 1886), 3744 

In the will of Richard Thomas Buist, late of Ashley Villa, Belmore-street, Enmore, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, pianoforte maker and tuner, deceased . . .

And "PROBATES", The Daily Telegraph (30 July 1886), 3 

Probates were granted as follows . . . Richard Thomas Buist, £2788 . . .

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 February 1894), 1 

BUIST. - February 12, at her residence, Belmont, Belmore-street, Enmore, Ann, relict of David Buist, formerly of George-street, aged 88.
BUIST. - February 13, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. George Stratford, Belmore-street, Enmore, Ann, relict of D. Buist, sen., late of George-street, in her 89th year.

"IN MEMORIAM", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (16 November 1895), 4 

BUIST. - In loving memory of our dear father, William David Buist, departed this life November 14, 1893. Inserted by his loving, son and daughter, Walter and Helen Buist.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 February 1905), 6 

STRATFORD. - February 19, at her residence, Ashley Villa, Belmore-street, Enmore, Esther Ann, widow of the late George Stratford, and relict of the late Richard Buist, aged 76 years.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 February 1913), 12 

BUIST. - February 11, 1913, at his residence, 80 Harrington-street, Sydney, George Buist, sen., in his 79th year.

Musical editions (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):

Good news from home (after 1859)

Good news from home, as sung by Christie's Minstrels, second edition [P. S. Gilmore] (Sydney: D. Buist & Son's Pianoforte & Harmonium Warerooms, [after 1859]); "J. Degotardi, engraver and printer" (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (musicseller and publisher); John Degotardi (music engraver and printer); this Buist second edition has a new cover, but the engraved music is identical with the original edition issued by "Henry Marsh and Co. at Messrs. Buist & Son's pianoforte warerooms" in 1859, followed by a Marsh "second edition" in November 1859

The cornstalk galop (Spagnoletti)

The cornstalk galop, respectfully dedicated to his pupils, by Spagnoletti, R.A. (Sydney: D. Buist and Son, [1859]); "J. Degotardi, printer" (DIGITISED)

? The cornstalk polka (Spagnoletti)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 April 1859), 3

JUST Published, the Cornstalk Polka, by Spagnoletti, R. A., as played every night at the Prince of Wales Theatre by Winterbottom's celebrated band. D. BUIST and SON.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue); "polka" probably a misprint for the above galop; compare the well-known Cornstalk polka (1857) by George Thornton (mayor of Sydney, composer)

Bibliography and resources:

Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 140-41 (DIGITISED)

David Buist, WikiTree 


Educator, music class organiser, ? instructor

Born c. 1807/08
Married Henry BULGIN (1808-1874), St. Michael on the Mount Without, Bristol, England, 21 October 1834
Arrived Brisbane, NSW, 1 May 1849 (assisted immigrant per Chaseley, aged "32")
Died Milton, QLD, 21 June 1872, aged "66" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Michael's in the city of Bristol in the year 1834; register 1823-36, page 273; Bristol Archives, P/St M/R/3/E (PAYWALL)

No. 818 / Henry Bulgin of Saint Verburgh in this city, Bachelor and Jane Prichard of this Parish Spinster
were married in this church by licence this [21 October 1834] . . .

England census, 1841, St. Marylebone, Middlesex; HO107/678/12/16/18/29 (PAYWALL)

Charles Street No. 2 / Henry Bulgin / 30 / Bookseller / [not born in county]
Jane / 30 / - / [not born in county] // Henry / 5 / [not born in county] // Jessy / 2 / [born in county]

Immigrants per Chaseley, Brisbane, May 1849; Queensland State Archives, DR38022 (search assisted immigration index - digital image no. DR38022)

Bulgin Henry / 33 / Stationer / Bristol
Jane / 32 // Henry / 13 // Jessie / 11 // Lewis / 8 // Arthur / 5 // Esther Ellen / 1 [all Bristol]

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, NSW (QLD)] (31 August 1850), 1 

EDUCATION. FORTITUDE VALLEY. MR. and MRS. BULGIN beg to return thanks for the patronage already received, and to announce that, in accordance with the suggestions of several friends, they have removed their establishment from Fortitude Valley into the
SETTLEMENT, to the House formerly occupied by W. A. DUNCAN, Esq., where it is their intention to take a limited number of Pupils . . .
The following gentlemen have kindly allowed their names for references. - Captain Coley, David McConnel, Esq., John Richardson, Esq., James Warner, Esq., William Kent, Esq., Dr. Hobbs, Job Twine, Esq., and T. S. Mort, Esq , of Sydney.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Augustine Duncan (public servant, musical amateur)

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (25 September 1852), 3 

MRS. BULGIN having removed her Establishment to those commodious premises lately known as the Caledonian Hotel,
is enabled to increase the number of her Boarders . . .
Having engaged the attendance of a Professor of the Pianoforte, Mrs. Bulgin is enabled to offer the advantages of Music.
Terms - Two Guineas per quarter.

ASSOCIATIONS: The professor of the pianoforte was perhaps Humphrey Walton, who also advertised immediately above on the same page his services as piano tuner

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, NSW (QLD)] (2 October 1852), 3 

MRS. BULGIN begs to announce that she has formed a separate MUSICAL CLASS for Ladies unconnected with the School.
Terms - Three Guineas per quarter.
(See Advertisement in front page.)

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (8 January 1853), 3 

EDUCATION. MRS. BULGIN will be happy to meet her PUPILS on MONDAY next, the 10th of January. Caledonian House.

"DEATHS", The Brisbane Courier (22 June 1872), 4 

BULGIN. - On the 21st June, at Milton, Brisbane, Jane, the beloved wife of Henry Bulgin, aged 66 years.

BULL, James (James BULL; Mr. J. BULL)

Musician, clarinet player, bandsman, Band of the 99th Regiment

Born Bristol, England, 1824
Enlisted 2 June 1842, aged "18"
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 February 1843 (per Earl Grey, from Deptford, 16 September 1842, via Hobart Town)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 July 1848 (per Sir Edward Paget, from Sydney)
Active Melbourne, VIC, September-October 1853
Departed Hobart, TAS, 10 January 1856 (per Windsor, via Fremantle, WA, 11 February, for London)
Discharged approved Hong Kong, 13 December 1861
Finally discharged England, 9 December 1862, aged "38 and 8/12 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 99th Regiment (military)


Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1843; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/9806 (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . 1782 / Bull James / [not among those band indicated]

Pay-list of the 99th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1850; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/9814 (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . 1782 / Bull James / [no band indicated in this paylist]

Pay-list of the 99th Regiment, 1 October to 31 December 1853; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/9818 (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . 1782 / Bull James / . . . Band

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 November 1853), 8 

ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS. Grand Promenade Concert.
Saturday Evening, 12th November, 1853. Under the direction of Mr. Alfred Oakey.
In announcing to the inhabitants of Melbourne the first of a series of Saturday Evening Promenade Concerts, Mr. Rowe begs to state that he feels great confidence in submitting the Evening's Entertainments to his patrons . . .
The Monster Band will embrace all the available talent in Melbourne, assisted by several members of the Band of the 99th Regiment . . .
Cornet Primo and Saxe Clavicore - Mr. P. C. Burke.
Saxe Horn - Mr. Hore and Sons.
Clarionet Primo - Mr. R. Martin.
Clarionet Secondo - Mr. J. Bull.
Ophecleide - Mr. Wigney.
Trombone - Mr. Freeman . . .
Leader, Mr. Edward Tucker.
Conductor - Mr. Alfred Oakey . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Andrew Rowe (proprietor); Alfred Oakey (conductor); Edward Tucker (leader); Peter Constantine Burke (cornet); Joseph Hore and sons (musicians); Robert Martin (master, 99th band); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)

Discharge, James Bull, 99th Regiment, Hong Kong, 13 December 1861; UK National Archives, WO97/1674/45 (PAYWALL)

. . . Hong Kong, 13th Dec'r 1861
Discharge of No. 1782 Corporal James Bull . . . by Trade a Laborer was
BORN in the Parish of St. George's . . . Bristol . . . Somerset and was
ATTESTED for the 99th Regiment of Foot at London . . . on 2 June 1842 at the age of 18 2/12 years . . . SERVICE up to 31 Dec. 1861 . . . 19 years 213 days . . . during which . . . Abroad 15 11/12 years, viz. - at Australian Colonies 12 11/12 years,
in India 1 2/12 years; China 1 9/12 years . . .
DISCHARGE . . . in consequence of his having been found unfit for further service . . .
CHARACTER AND CONDUCT . . . have been very good . . .
Private 2 June 1842 / Corporal 11 April 1861 . . .
Further service . . . to 9 December 1862 when finally discharged . . .
MEDICAL REPORT . . . Nature of Disability, Constitutional Syphilis, which will render him unfit for further service . . .

BULL, Knud (Knud Geelmuyden BULL; alias Thomas EVANS)

Artist, painter, drawing master, amateur musician, brother of Ole BULL

Born Bergen, Norway, 10 September 1811; son of Johan Storm BULL (1787-1838) and Anna Dorothea Borse GEELMUYDEN (1789-1875)
Convicted Old Bailey, London, England, 15 December 1845 (transportation, 14 years)
Arrived Norfolk Island, 21 September 1846 (convict per John Calvin, from England, 9 May)
Married Mary Ann BRYAN, Hobart, TAS, 14 May 1852
Died Surry Hills, NSW, 22 December 1889 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


Convict records, Knut Bull, per John Calvin, 1846; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1377172$init=CON33-1-88P14 (DIGITISED)

Marriage permission, Knut Bull, 1852; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1245075 

Knud Bull, City of Hobart Town 1855

Knud Bull, City of Hobart Town 1855 / Day & Son Lith'rs To The Queen. Oate St London Dec'r 1855

"FINE ARTS", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (1 July 1856), 3 

We have received from the artist, Mr. Bull, of Hobarton, a very beautiful print, executed in London, from a painting made by him, and coloured in the most natural and delicate manner. It is a view of Hobarton, including the bay and city, with Mount Wellington in the back ground. The aerial perspective is remarkably good, and a nautical friend has pointed out to us the singular correctness and grace with which the shipping, and especially a sailing boat, are introduced. The true tone and sentiment of the Australian land-scape have been rendered with marvellous fidelity, and a more agreeable ornament to an Australian room could not be selected. The painter is, we understand, a brother to the celebrated OLE BULL, the musician; and as Mr. Geo. Robertson, of Collins street, has only a few copies of the print at his disposal, we recommend our readers to purchase at once; by which means they will not only gratify their own taste, but benefit a very talented and deserving man. - Melbourne Herald.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Robertson (bookseller)

"Ole Bull's Brother", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (18 October 1880), 2 

Our readers will perceive in another part of the present issue as account of the celebrated violinist Ole Bull. The death of such a distinguished artist is a subject of deep regret to all lovers of the queen of instruments, the glorious "fiddle," which, under the bow of the illustrious deceased, enchanted crowds of auditors in all parts of the world. It is not however, generally known that Ole Bull's brother, also a man of genius, a musician, and an artist in another branch of art, resides at 158 Phillip-street in this city. Mr. K. Bull is a portrait painter, and also paints landscapes . . .

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 December 1889), 1 

BULL.- Knud Gelmeyden, artist, at his son's residence, 177, Devonshire-street, aged 77.

Bibliography and resources:

Knud Geelmuyden Bull , Design & art Australia online (DAAO) 

BULL, Ole (Ole BULL, ? alias; "a nephew of . . ."); probably Louis IVERSON ("pupil of Ole Bull")

Musician, violinist, violin player

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (10 June 1854), 8 

ROWE'S CIRCUS. Concert Extraordinary . . .
on Saturday evening, June 10th 1854 . . .
Ole Bull (a Nephew of the celebrated Violinist of that name, and equally talented) will perform a Solo on the Violin, "Home Sweet Home" . . .
A Solo by Ole Bull, Violinist . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ole Bull (Norwegian violinist); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)

BULLEN, Robert Napoleon (Robert Napoleon BULLEN; Mr. BULLEN)

Musician, singing master, painter and decorator

Born London, England, 2 November 1820; baptised St. Giles Cripplegate, 24 December 1820; son of Robert BULLEN and Mary WARD
Married (1) Caroline GALLINGTON (1821-1861), St. Leonard, Shoreditch, London, England, 14 November 1841
Arrived Perth, WA, 1860 (with daughter Caroline)
Married (2) Alice BRIDGEMAN (d. 1909), Fremantle, WA, 24 October 1860
Died Perth, WA, 11 June 1888, aged "67/68" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Giles, without Cripplegate, in the city of London, in the year [1820]; register 1817-25, page 283; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/Gis/A/01/Ms 6423/2 (PAYWALL)

No. 4677 / [1820 Dec.] 24 / Robert Napoleon B. 2 Nov. S. of / Robert & Mary / Bullen / Ship Yard / Wax Chandler . . .

1841, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch in the county of Middlesex; register 1841-42, page 125; London Metropolitan Archives, P91/Len/A/01/Ms 7498/51 (PAYWALL)

No. 249 / 1841 November Fourteenth / Robert Napoleon Bullen / of full age / Bachelor / Wafer Maker / 20 William Street / [son of] Robert Bullen / Wafer Maker
Caroline Gallington / of full age / Spinster / Umbrella Maker / 20 Bateman's Row / [daughter of] Benjamin Gallington / Clock Maker . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, St. Giles Cripplegate, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1525/172/19 (PAYWALL)

37 Whitecross Street / Robert N. Bullen / Head / Mar. / 30 / Printer / [born London]
Caroline / Wife / 30 / Umbrella Maker / [born] Midd'x Clerkenwell
Caroline / Daur. / 8 / Scholar / [born] [Middlesex] Bishopgate

"Local and Domestic Intelligence", The Inquirer and Commercial News [Perth, WA] (30 January 1861), 2 

What was termed in the hand-bills, "A Tonic Sol-fa juvenile choral meeting" was held in the Girls' School, Perth, on Tuesday, 22 inst. There was a good gathering of young performers, but not so many auditors as were anticipated. Those who were absent lost a great treat, for the children acquitted themselves admirably. The Echo song was very well executed, the echo being answered by three children several rooms off from the school, with closed doors. Between the first and second parts of the programme there was a short respite, when the children were regaled with cakes, fruit, and lemonade. At the termination of the entertainment the Dean proposed a vote of thanks to the teacher, (Mr. Bullen), under whose conductorship the performance took place. We regret to learn that in a pecuniary point of view, the meeting was not so satisfactory, the expenses falling heavily on Mr. Bullen.

ASSOCIATIONS: Tonic sol fa (system)

"General Intelligence", The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (2 August 1861), 2 

On Tuesday evening last, Mr. Bullen held his second half-yearly juvenile Sol-fa Concert in the Perth Girls' School Room. There were not so many pupils present on this occasion as at the last Meeting, but there were quite sufficient to illustrate the system taught by Mr. Bullen, which we can confidently recommend to those parents who wish their children initiated in the beautiful art of music and singing. The pupils, about fifteen in number, both male and female, were apparently between the ages of 9 and 13, and sang the several pieces of music they had to execute correctly and well. There were several juveniles amongst the numerous audience, who all seemed highly pleased with the entertainment. We are happy to have this opportunity of favorably noticing Mr. Bullen's attempts in his praiseworthy undertaking, and wish him every success. When more generally known we have no doubt his system will command the encouragement it deserves.

"General Intelligence", The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (27 September 1861), 2 

On Tuesday evening last there was another Tonic Sol-Fa Concert held in the Perth Girls' School Room, at which about fifty persons were present. Mr. Bullen's pupils are steadily progressing under his system and management, and when a number of books of instruction which he expects from England arrive in the colony, they will make still more rapid progress. The Concert on Tuesday evening realised a sufficient sum to pay expences, and to leave a small balance to remit for books. Mr. Bullen deserves encouragement in his undertaking, and we trust he may continue to meet with it. Many additional pupils have recently joined his class.

"General Intelligence", The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (25 October 1861), 3 

Mr. Bullen's lecture in the Mechanics' Hall on Wednesday evening last, on the Tonic Sol-Fa method of teaching singing was well attended; after the lecturer had explained at some considerable length the theory of his system and its superiority over the old style of notation, he gave a practical proof of how well his pupils had progressed under him by calling upon them to sing several interesting juvenile pieces, which they did in a most creditable manner, and which evidently afforded the audience a considerable amount of gratification. The Dean in his usual happy manner returned Mr. Bullen the thanks of the Institute for his kindness in coming forward to explain to the public the system of singing of which he is such a warm advocate.

"Local and Domestic Intelligence", The Inquirer and Commercial News (30 October 1861), 2 

There was a good attendance at Mr. Bullen's lecture at the Mechanic's Institute, on Wednesday last, and the audience expressed themselves well pleased both with the lecture and the examples of the Tonic sol-fa method of singing given by some of Mr. Bullen's pupils. The Dean on behalf of the Institute returned thanks.

"Deaths", The West Australian (14 June 1888), 2 

BULLEN. - At his residence, the Half-way house, Perth-Fremantle Road, on the 12th inst, Mr. Robert Napoleon Bullen, aged 68 years.

"DEATH OF AN OLD COLONIST", Western Mail [Perth, WA] (16 June 1888), 17 

We regret to report the sudden death of Mr. Robert Napoleon Bullen, one of the fast diminishing number of old colonists, which took place at his residence, the Albion Hotel, yesterday morning. The subject of this notice was, as we have said, one of the early arrivals in this, colony, and up to a few years ago, was engaged in a very prosperous business in the city. He was well-known and respected, for his genial and charitable disposition, and for the interest he took in public matters, having been a member of the Municipal Council at one period of his life, and also serving on the District Board of Education for some considerable time after the passing of the Elementary Education Act of 1871. He was also, at one time, a valuable member of St. George's Cathedral choir, as well as of the vestry. A few years ago, he disposed of his business premises in Hay Street to Mr. W. G., Hearman, and retired from business. After enjoying a well-earned holiday in England, he returned to this colony, and shortly afterwards, purchased the Half-way House, which he fitted up and converted into the well-known Albion Hotel. Unfortunately the speculation was not as successful as Mr. Bullen's enterprise deserved, and it is possible that his disappointment and anxieties may have hastened his end. The news of his death came very suddenly upon the community, as he was seen in Perth the previous day and appeared to be in fairly good health, considering his age. He retired to bed between ten and eleven o'clock, and the following morning when his wife awoke, she found he had died in his sleep. A message was at once despatched for Dr. Scott who, upon arriving at the hotel, examined the deceased, and pronounced heart disease to be the cause of his death. Mr. Bullen's circle of friends and acquaintances was a very wide one, and the well-known face of this popular old colonist will be greatly missed. He leaves a wife and daughter for whom much sympathy has been expressed in the unexpected bereavement.


Musician, teacher of harp, cornopean, and clarionet / clarinet

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 15 May 1855 (per Zwaan, from London)
Acrive Melbourne, VIC, until January 1856 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


List of passengers arrived at Melbourne, 15 May 1855, from London, per Zwaan; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Mr. Bumby / Mrs. [Bumby] . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (31 May 1855), 1 

MR. BUMBEY, - please send your address to Edward Glaser, 187 Swanston-street.

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 September 1855), 7 

MR. BUMBEY, Teacher of the Harp, Cornonopeon, Clarionet, &c. Apply Mr. Arnott, Junction Library, St. Kilda.

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 January 1856), 3 

HARP, Clarionet, Cornopean, Flute, Flutina. Taught by Mr. Bumbey, Melbourne, St. Kilda. Apply Wilkie's, Collins street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller)

BUNCE, Charlotte (Charlotte CHAPPLE; Mrs. James BUNCE)

Musician, professor of music, vocalist, teacher of piano and singing

Born Devon, England, c. 1820; daughter of James CHAPPLE and Mary MOYSEY
Married James BUNCE, St. George, East Stonehouse, Devon, England, 21 March 1839
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 17 December 1839 (per Caroline, from Plymouth, 17 July)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, April 1853 (per Cleopatra, from Adelaide, 9 April)
Died Windsor, VIC, 9 August 1897, aged "77"; "a colonist of 58 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Bunce (brother-in-law, surgeon, d. Ballarat, 1885); Ellen Bunce (mother-in-law, d. Ballarat, 1864); Miss Bunce (vocalist, active 1867, probably eldest daughter of Richard, Mary Ellen, b. Adelaide, SA, 4 June 1849; d. London, England, 8 March 1930)


"MARRIED", Hampshire Telegraph [England] (1 April 1839), 4 (PAYWALL)

At Stonehouse. James Bunce, Esq., son of Capt. Bunce, R.N., to Miss Charlotte Chapple, daughter of James Chapple, Esq., of Exeter.

"DEPARTURES FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIA . . . PLYMOUTH", South Australian Record [London, England] (14 August 1839), 10 

July 17 - Caroline, 450 tons, Williams; passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Bunce . . .

"PORT ADELAIDE SHIPPING. ARRIVED", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (21 December 1839), 3 

Dec 17. - The ship Caroline, 450 tons, John Williams commander, from Gravesend 28th June, Plymouth 17th July, and Table Bay 19th October, with a cargo of sundries. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Bunce . . .

"CLEARED OUT", Examiner [Adelaide, SA] (16 April 1853), 8 

April 9 - The steam-ship Cleopatra, 1,800 tons, F. Cadell, master, for Melbourne. Passengers . . . Mrs. Bunce and three children . . .

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (12 April 1853), 2 

Are instructed by Mrs. James Bunce, who has left the colony, to sell, at the bouse lately occupied by her . . .
O'Connell-street, North Adelaide . . . A FEW ARTICLES of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS . . .

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (12 January 1859), 3 

BELLEVUE HOUSE, Educational Establishment for Young Ladies, Doveton Street.
MRS. JAMES BUNCE having been solicited by several friends to open an establishment for Young Ladies, begs to inform the public that she will be ready to receive pupils on the 20th inst.
Mrs. James Bunce would intimate that she has been engaged in teaching for several years with great success.
Prospectus of terms, &c., may be had on applying at the establishment.
References kindly permitted to the Rev. J. Potter, Rev. C. Searle, and the Rev. W. Henderson.

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (14 August 1863), 2

The attendance at the Mechanics' Exhibition last night was good, though the hall was not quite so crowded as on the previous evening . . . A new amateur presented himself [sic] last evening in the person of Mrs. James Bunce, who sang the beautiful and rather glowing song from Bishop "Bid me discourse," and sang it so well to be encored. Mrs. Bunce has long been known as an accomplished musician in private circles and her appearance in public last night proved that she has a faculty for pleasing a still larger circle. The re-appearance of Mr. Meakin was another of the main features - was perhaps the principal feature of last night's programme. His singing, his ventriloquism, and his comic doings that were neither purely ventriloquial nor musical, created no end of fun, and his reception all through was thoroughly hearty . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Meakin (amateur comic vocalist)

MUSIC: Bid me discourse (Bishop)

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (18 August 1863), 2

The bad weather and the counter attraction at the theatre last evening, had a sensible effect upon the attendance last night at the Exhibition at the Mechanics' Institute, the receipts for the day not amounting to £10 . . . The musical programme for the evening was as follows: - The Band. Song, "Remember" (Donizetti), Miss Liddle. Pianoforte Solo, Miss Pilkington. Song, "Adelaide" Mrs. James Bunce. The Band. Song, "Jessie's Dream," Miss Liddle. The Band . . . The Band. Song, "Home, Sweet Home," Miss Liddle. Pianoforte Solo, Miss Pilkington. Song, "Sweet Spirit, hear my Prayer," Mrs. James Bunce. The Band. Flute Trio, Messrs. Robson, Towl and Oliver. Song (Comic), "The Ladies' Darling," Miss Liddle. "God Save the Queen." Of those portions of the programme which it was our good fortune to hear we can speak in the highest terms. Miss Liddle, a debutante from Melbourne, has a voice of great purity and considerable compass . . . Miss Pilkington, another young debutante, made her appearance as a pianist . . . Mrs. Bunce sang "Sweet Spirit hear my Prayer," with much taste and feeling, and the trio of flautists Messrs. Robson, Towl, and Oliver won again as warm applause as that given to their excellent execution on the previous night of their appearance.

ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Alicia Pilkington (pianist); Maggie Liddle (vocalist); John Robson (flute); Edward Towl (flute); Albert Oliver (flute)

MUSIC: Adelaide (Beethoven); Sweet spirit hear my prayer (Wallace, from Lurline)

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (22 August 1863), 2 

The hall of the Mechanics' Institute was crowded last evening, and the receipts amounted to £30. As will be seen below the musical programme was a very attractive one, and being supplemented by many encores, was also a long one . . . Last night's programme was as follows: -
Duett, "The Elfin Call," Mrs. James Bunce and Miss Liddle; pianoforte duett (Mendelssohn), Mrs. King and Mr. Turner; song, "Bid me discourse " (Bishop), Mrs. J. Bunce; part song, "Awake the starry midnight hour" (Mendelssohn); song, by a Gentleman amateur; grand fantasia, "La Cracovienne" (Wall Miss Pilkington; song, "Come into the garden Maud" (Balfe), by a quasi Professor; part song "May-day " (Neitchart); duett, "I've wandered in dreams," Mrs. King and Mr. Turner; madrigal, "The peerless rose," Mr. A. T. Turner; grand fantasia "Irish and Scotch Airs" (Osborne), Miss Pilkington; sacred solo, "He was despised" (Handel), Miss Liddle; duett, "The greeting" (Mendelssohn) Mr. Turner and a Gentleman Amateur; song, "Toujours Gai" (Horn), Mrs. James Bunce; trio, "Indian Drum," Mrs. King and two Gentlemen amateurs; song, "Auld Bobin Gray," Miss Liddle; "Zitti Zitti Piano," Mrs. King, Mr. Turner, and Gentleman Amateur. Dissolving Views, by the Rev. J. Gilbertson. God Save the Queen!

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Ann South King (vocalist, pianist); Austin Theodore Turner (vocalist, pianist)

MUSIC: The elfin call (Stephen Glover); Toujours gai (Horn);

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (23 April 1864), 2 

On Friday evening, at the Mechanics' Institute, the Ballarat Harmonic Society repeated the performance of Handel's oratorio "The Messiah," in aid of the fund for rebuilding the church of St. Paul. It is gratifying to be able to state that the concert was entirely successful in realising the intentions of the donors, as a gross sum of about £90, subject to deductions for necessary expenses, will be the result of the society's well intentioned efforts. The chorus was in capital condition, and trolled forth the passages entrusted to it with wonderful effect, considering its comparatively limited numbers. The band was a little weak and uncertain, and did not work up so well as we could have wished. Miss Hamilton's efforts were, as usual, of a highly meritorious character, but some weeks of severe indisposition had not failed to deprive them of a portion of the spirit which we have seen the lady throw into her vocalisation. Master Cook, Mrs. Bunce, Misses Hoffmeister and Robinson, and Messrs. Oliver and Cazaly, gave their important aid, and the result was a most enjoyable entertainment.

ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); John Cook (vocalist); Henrietta Hoffmeister (vocalist); Daniel Oliver (vocalist); Peter Cazaly (vocalist); John Robson (conductor); Ballarat Harmonic Society (association)

"CHRIST CHURCH ORGAN", The Star (15 November 1864), 2

Christ Church, Lydiard street, was, on Monday evening, completely filled by an audience assembled on the occasion of the inauguration of the organ lately imported from England. A grand concert of sacred music was the mode adopted to celebrate an event notable in reference to the advance of musical tastes in Ballarat, as well as important more immediately in connection with the conduct of the musical services to be held in the edifice itself . . . The organ has been erected under the superintendence of Mr. Moyle, of Prahran, organ-builder, and does credit to his abilities in a handicraft requiring the exercise of no small amount of taste and intelligence. Of Mr. Turner's success in handling a class of instrument to which he has for so long a time been all but an utter stranger, it would be difficult to speak in too strong terms; while the necessarily limited number of rehearsals which the chorus have enjoyed, entitle each and every member of it to high praise for the effective manner in which, almost without exception, the various divisions of the programme were successively delivered . . . Mr. G. O. Rutter's share in the success of the concert was of course a large one, and he was, with trifling exceptions, well supported by the solo singers, comprising Miss Octavia Hamilton, Mrs. King, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Bunce, Misses Hoffmeister, Robinson, Bray, and Howard; Master Johnson; Messrs. D. Oliver, Bruun, Wrigley, Cazaly, Lake, Kawerau, and Miller . . . As will be seen, the programme contained judicious selections from the oratorios of Handel, Haydon [sic, Haydn], Mendelssohn, and Rossini, the masses of Haydon, and Mozart; special passages from the works of Cherubini and other standard writers; anthems of the English Cathedral School. There were besides, two original compositions, by the musical director and organist respectively . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Moyle (organ builder); George Oswald Rutter (music director, composer); Charlotte Ann Turner (vocalist); one of the Bruun brothers (vocalists); John Lake (vocalist); Theodore Kawerau (vocalist)

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (8 December 1864), 2 

Mr. and Mrs. Heine's "recital" last evening in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, was greeted by a very large audience with no small enthusiasm as its excellence merited. It is really no small praise to either of those eminent artists to say that the violin and the piano have never been more thoroughly mastered in Ballarat . . . Mrs. James Bunce assisted as a vocalist, and sang some very good selections, including a charming air by G. O. Rutter, entitled "Beauty, sweet beauty" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Ada Heine (violin and piano)

MUSIC: Beauty sweet beauty bright (G. O. Rutter)

Ballarat and Ballarat district directory . . . for 1865-66 (Ballarat: James Curtis, 1865), 44, 79, 183 (DIGITISED)

PROFESSORS OF MUSIC . . . Bunce, Mrs., Lyons street . . .

[Advertisement], The Ballarat Star (7 January 1865), 1 

Principal and Commercial Master, Mr. WM. STALLARD . . .
Drawing Master, Mr. L. E. BRUUN, late of the Royal Academy of the Fine Arts, Copenhagen.
Music, Mrs. JAMES BUNCE and Miss BINDER.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ludwig Edward Bruun (drawing master, amateur musician); Marion Binder (musician)

[Advertisement], The Ballarat Star (9 January 1865), 3 

NEW and Fashionable MUSIC, English prices.
Mrs. James Bunce, next cottage to Michael Walsh, Esq., Lyons street.
Music Lessons resumed on and after Monday, 16th inst.

[Advertisement], The Ballarat Star (12 January 1866), 3 

EDUCATIONAL. - Pianoforte and Singing.
Mrs. JAMES BUNCE resumes her teaching on Monday, the 10th of January.
Terms on application. Raglan street, between Sturt and Dana streets.

"CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL. THE ANNUAL SOIREE", The Ballarat Star (14 February 1866), 2 supplement 

The annual soiree in aid of the Christ Church Sunday School funds was held on the evening of Tuesday, 13th February, in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute. As is always the case at these yearly gatherings the hall was filled and presented an animated appearance. One of the pleasantest features in this year's assembly was the number of boys and girls of the school on the platform, where they sang, under the leadership of Mr. A. T. Turner, several part songs with creditable knowledge both of time and tune. But music made up a large portion of the evening's agremens, several ladies and gentlemen giving their assistance in that way, Mr. A. T. Turner conducting the musical business, and had as soloists, Mrs. James Bunce, Miss Bunce, Miss Bray, Mr. Cazaly, and one or two others. Mrs. J. Bunce accompanying herself occasionally on the piano. A solo on the violin by Herr Carl Schmidt [sic] from the works of De Beriot was charmingly performed and rapturously applauded. As in relation to a meeting for social purposes like this, where amateurs and professionals alike give their services gratuitously, it would be improper to deal in criticisms of individual efforts, either in praise or dispraise, but it is due to those who sang to say that nearly everything that was done was so well done that encores were with difficulty avoided . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Schmitt (violin)

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (14 August 1866), 2 

The Caledonian Hall, Sturt street, was well filled on Monday evening, the occasion being a "soiree musicale," held for the benefit of Mrs. James Bunce. As may be imagined, the entertainment was somewhat of a private nature, and, with the exception of Mrs. Bunce herself, the performers were amateurs, who gave their willing services. These ladies and gentlemen were Misses Bunce, Hoffmeister, Robinson and Pascoe; Master Elliott, Messrs. Knox, Lamble, Robson, Uren, Kennedy, Stower, and Streeter. The entertainment, which included instrumental as well as vocal music, was a very worthy one, and appeared to give great satisfaction to the audience.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henrietta Hoffmeister (vocalist); Samuel Lamble (vocalist)

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Ballarat Star (30 November 1866), 3 

The second concert of the Ballarat Choral Society was given on the evening of Thursday, 29th November, in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, before a well-filled hall . . . The concert was conducted by Herr Carl Schmitt, to whose skill and enterprise as a musician the organisation of the society is mainly due. An orchestra numbering over one hundred performers assembled, and the instrumentalists bore a satisfactory proportion to the total body of choristers. Mrs. Richard Bunce presided at the piano, and Mr. E. King, of Melbourne, led as first violinist . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward King (violin); Ballarat Choral Society (association, founded 1866)

[Advertisement], The Ballarat Star (10 January 1867), 3 

PIANOFORTE AND SINGING. - Mrs. JAMES BUNCE will resume her professional duties on Monday, 14th January. 16 Raglan street.

"THE CONCERT", Geelong Advertiser (21 February 1867), 3 

Herr Carl Schmitt's concert given last night at the Mechanics' Institute, was in every respect an exceptional one, both as to the compositions selected for the performance and the artistes amateurs engaged to execute them . . . The duett for violin and piano upon themes from the opera of Masaniello was performed with great and musicianlike skill by Mrs. Bunce and Herr Schmitt . . . the soprano air, from a manuscript opera, by Mr. Schmitt . . . was extremely well rendered [by] Miss Bunce . . . Foremost among the morceaux comprised in the programme must be ranked the piano solo "Le jet d'eau" magnificently executed by Mrs. Bunce, whose touch is at once delicate, firm and brilliant. This lady was followed by Miss Bunce, a young lady amateur of great promise, who sang with excellent taste and correct method, the beautifully characteristic but very trying aria "Robert toi que j'aime," which was justly encored. Miss Bunce possesses a pure soprano voice of good compass, well cultivated, and under excellent control; her musical education reflects great credit upon Herr Schmitt, the able maestro who directed it . . .

[Advertisement], The Ballarat Star (18 March 1867), 1 

MRS. JAMES BUNCE, Teacher of PIANOFORTE and SINGING, 16 Raglan street, south.

[Advertisement], The Ballarat Courier (1 August 1870), 3 

EDUCATIONAL. - Pianoforte and Singing. - Mrs. JAMES BUNCE will resume her Teaching on Monday, 1st August. Escu Cottage, Raglan street.

[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (10 April 1875), 8 

PIANO and SINGING. - Rudimentary and advanced pupils. Mrs. James Bunce, 8 Raglan-street, Albert Park, Emerald-hill.

"SUMMARY FOR EUORPE . . . MUSIC", The Argus (23 January 1878), 3 

. . . On the following night [27 December 1877] a concert was given in the Mechanics' Institute, Emerald Hill, by Mrs. J. Bunce, in which Mrs. Smythe, Miss Christian, Mr. Exon, and Mr. S. Lamble took part. Mr. Edward King was leader of the orchestra . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey Smythe (vocalist); Mary Ellen Christian (vocalist); Edwin Exon (vocalist)

Will of Richard Bunce, surgeon of Ballarat, 1885; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

I, Richard Bunce, of Eyre Street in the City of Ballarat, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England, Declare this to be my last Will and Testament. I bequeath an annuity of Forty pounds for her life to Charlotte Bunce of Windsor near Melbourne, widow of my late Brother James Bunce. I devise give and bequeath all the real and personal estate and effects of which I shall be possessed or entitled to at the time of my decease unto my friends John Robson of Ballarat East Gentleman and Frederick Howarth of the City of Ballarat Pianoforte Maker . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Robson (musician); Frederick Howarth (d. 1914)

"PIANOS AND PIANISTS (BY OUR MUSICAL REPORTER)", The Ballarat Star (26 June 1888), 4 

. . . Mrs. Charlotte Bunce was a musician of sterling worth. Trained in the best Continental schools, it was something in those days to meet with so accomplished a woman. Adverse fortune and the loss of her husband forced her into the professional ranks, and for years she taught music and singing. Great brilliancy and a dashing style were her characteristics as a pianiste, with a truly artistic and sympathetic perception of the highest forms of music. In personal appearance she was exceedingly attractive; very tall and graceful, her every movement bespoke the true gentlewoman. She was also an accomplished linguist . . .

"SONGS AND SINGERS (BY OUR MUSICAL REPORTER) I", The Ballarat Star (31 July 1888), 4 

. . . Mrs. Charlotte Bunce at this time also held a prominent place among our best singers. Trained in one of the best European schools, and being the happy possessor of a magnificent voice of great range and power, as well as an accomplished musician, her services were, as a matter of course, in constant request. Her brilliant execution naturally led her to identify herself with music that lay beyond the reach and power of ordinary vocalists. In her younger days, before
Age, with his stealing steps
Had clawed her in his clutch,
with her tall and well-formed figure, stately bearing, and numerous accomplishments, she must have been a woman to be cordially hated by her less fortunate sisters . . .

"DEATHS", The Argus (12 August 1897), 1 

BUNCE. - On the 9th August, at her daughter's residence, Esca, Chomley-street, Windsor, Charlotte, relict of the late James Bunce, formerly of South Australia. A colonist of 58 years. Interred August 11.

BUNN, James Richard (James Richard BUNN; James BUNN; Mr. BUNN)

Actor, dancer, comedian, vocalist, theatrical manager

Active Melbourne and regional VIC, 1855
Active central VIC, c. 1858-60 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"CRESWICK'S CREEK (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Creswck's Creek . . . 2nd March, 1855", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (8 March 1855), 6 

The hospital fund is rapidly increasing. Last night the Ethiopian Serenaders gave a benefit in aid of the funds, for which purpose the use of the Theatre was gratuitously given by the proprietor. These gentlemen deserve the warmest plaudits of the inhabitants for the prompt manner in which they came forward on the occasion, as well as for the able manner in which they went through their performances. Mr. Bunn's Grecian Statues and Lucy Long were particularly pleasing . . .

[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (16 October 1855), 8 

The Primiere Danseuse, From the Grand Opera, Paris, who is engaged for Nine Nights only, will appear in a NEW GRAND BALLET,
Dame Soimnie (a farmer's widow) - Mr. Bunn.
Lise (her daughter) - Madlle Aurelia Dimier.
Colin (in love with Lise) - Mr. Chambers, jun. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Aurelie Dimier (dancer); Joseph Chambers junior (dancer); Coppin's Olympic (Melbourne venue)

"EASTERN POLICE COURT. Tuesday, 19th October . . . CAUSE LIST", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (21 October 1858), 3 

Arthur Wooldridge v John Gibbs, £8; Francis Belfield v same, £4; James R. Bunn v same, £3; C. Ward v same, £5; Joseph Dias v same, £3; John Musgrove [sic] v same, £5; H. T. Ray v same, £8 for work and labor; settled out of Court . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (theatre proprietor); Arthur Wooldridge (actor); Francis Belfield (actor); Con Warde (actor); John Musgrave (actor); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)

"MARYBOROUGH COUNTY COURT. June 15 . . . THEATRICAL CASE", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser [VIC] (17 June 1859), 2-3 

Thom and others v. Johnson and others. Claim, £35 5s. 9d. Goods sold and delivered. Mr. Prendergast apparel for the plaintiff, and Mr. Wells appeared for the defendant, Johnson. The other defendants were Belfield, Bunn, and Webster, who appeared in person. They admitted the debt was due, but urged that they had paid their fair proportion, and that Johnson was liable for the amount. Thomas Peters, traveler for the firm of Thom, Gray, and Co., Drapers, Ballarat, proved having delivered a quantity of American drills, calico, &c., at the Princess Royal Theatre, Back Creek . . . [3] . . . Jas. Bunn, the treasurer of the company, one of the defendants in the action, was called to corroborate the verbal agreement . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sampson Webster (actor)

"BACK CREEK (From our own Correspondent) 17th September", The Star (19 September 1859), 4 

Mrs. Evans's benefit at the Princess' Theatre last night was well attended. The drama of "The Bottle" gave Mrs. Evans as the drunkard's wife an opportunity of displaying considerable histrionic talent, while Mr. Warde as the drunkard performed to the very life. Misses Emily and Fanny Wisemen delighted the audience with their spirited dancing of an Irish jig, and Messrs. Bunn and Ransford in a comic hornpipe were greatly applauded. The new Theatre Royal will be a fine building, and vastiy superior to anything we have yet had on Back Creek.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. W. Evadne Evans (actor); Emily and Fanny Wiseman (actors); John Ransford (dancer, actor)

Playbill, Theatre Royal, Back Creek [Talbot], VIC, 12 November 1859; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

Messrs. Webster, Belfield, and Bunn, Lessees.
Stage Manager - Mr. J. R. Greville.
The performances will commence with the far-famed Musical Drama,
THE MILLER AND HIS MEN! With Sir Henry Bishop's Original Music.
Karl (with a horror of rats) - MR. GREVILLE . . . Riber - Mr. Bunn . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Rodger Greville (actor, manager); Back Creek (VIC)

"BACK CREEK (From our own Correspondent) 2nd December", The Star (3 December 1859), 2 

. . . Mr. Bunn, one of the late lessees of the Theatre Royal here, is about to erect a theatre on the Rush . . .

Playbill, Royal Garrick Theatre, Lamplough, VIC, 7 January 1860; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

This Evening, Saturday, January 7 [1860].
This splendid temple of the drama will open with the best and most powerful Corps Dramatique on the goldfields . . .
Leader and Musical Musical Director, Mr. Peter Burke . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Constantine Burke (leader, musical director); Lamplough (VIC)

"NEW INSOLVENT", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (6 February 1860), 2 

James Rich Bunn [sic], of Lamplough, comedian. Causes of insolvency: Losses in his profession, and fear of arrest. Debts, L259 10s; assets, L29; deficiency, L230 10s. Mr Shaw, Official Assignee.

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 February 1860), 2 supplement 

IN the INSOLVENT ESTATE of JAMES RICHARD BUNN, of Lamplough, in the Colony of Victoria, Comedian . . .

"News and Notes", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (26 July 1860), 2 

The performances at the Charlie have undergone another metamorphosis. Last night a very liberal bill of fare was presented to the public, which was very diversified and attractive, and comprised some first class vocal and terpsichorean selections. The programme opened with an overture by the band, and was followed by a glee entitled the "Opening Day," which was effectively rendered by the company, and rapturously applauded by the audience. The company comprise some first class vocalists, among whom are the Misses Royal, Mr. Johnson, Mr. J. Bunn, and Mr. Morris . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Kate and Lizzie Royal (vocalists, actors); Jovial Johnson (vocalist, dancer, actor); Edgar Morris (vocalist, actor)

[Advertisement], The Star (27 July 1860), 3 

. . . Mr J. BUNN in New Descriptive Songs . . .


Musician, minstrel serenader, delineator, dancer, member of Backus Minstrels (1855-56) and San Francisco Minstrels (1857-60)

Born New York, USA, 29 April 1829 (calculated from reported aged at death)
Married Elizabeth GORDON, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA, 25 November 1852 (divorced 1857)
Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, 23 October 1855 (per Audobon, from San Francisco, 9 August, and Honolulu, 8 September)
Departed (1) Sydney, NSW, 7 April 1856 (per What Cheer, for San Francisco)
Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, 15 November 1857 (per Jacatra, from San Francisco, 15 September)
Departed (2) Melbourne, VIC, 19 January 1861 (per Southampton, for London)
Died Peoria, Illinois, USA, 13 February 1882, aged "52 years 9 months 17 days" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Marriages, Hamilton County, State of Ohio, 1852; Ohio, county marriage records (PAYWALL)

MARRIED on the 25 day of November A.D., 1852, Oscar Burbank and Elizabeth Gordon . . .

"SAN FRANCISCO THEATRE", Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (21 December 1853), 2 

Last evening, the performances were for thy benefit of Mr. Thompson, an actor of this theatre . . . Mr. Booth as Petruchio. This gentleman, possessing decided talent as an actor, is injuring himself seriously now, in the time when he might lay a foundation for future greatness as an actor, by his carelessness and haste. A number of dances and songs were given between the pieces; those most loudly applauded being a negro dance and banjo solo by Otto Burbank and George Coes . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Booth (actor), who, with Laura Keene (actor), visited Sydney, NSW, from 11 October to 1 December 1854)

[Advertisement], Sacramento Daily Union [CA, USA] (8 July 1854), 2 

SACRAMENTO THEATER . . . will be re-opened on SATURDAY EVENING, July 8th, by the celebrated
BACKUS MINSTRELS, who have just returned from the interior, having achieved one of the greatest triumphs ever known in the era of Ethiopian Minstrelsy.
The Theater being well adapted for their popular style of performance, they will introduce their
Burlesque Tragedies and Operas with grand scenic effect, under the direction of O. N. BURBANK . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Backus (leader); Backus Minstrels (troupe)

[Advertisement], Daily Alta California (24 December 1854), 3 

SAN FRANCISCO HALL - WASHINGTON STREET, between Montgomery and Kearny. Musical Director - C. D. ABBOT. Stage Manager - O. N. BURBANK. GREAT COMBINATION OF TALENT! The renowned BACKUS MINSTRELS and the original CHRYSTY MINSTRELS have (agreeable to both parties) made arrangements to join the Bands together making it, without exception, the best and most talented Band of Ethiopian Minstrels in the world. OPEN EVERY EVENING IN THE WEEK . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles D. Abbott (musical director)

[Advertisement], Daily Alta California [San Francisco, USA] (1 August 1855), 3 

Acting Manager - W. A. Porter.
Musical Director - C. D. Abbott.
Stage Manager - O. N. Burbank.
This (Wednesday) Evening, Aug. 1. 1853. BENEFIT FOR THE FAMILY OF THE LATE T. F. BRIGGS.
LAST APPEARANCE OF THE MINSTRELS prior to their departure for Australia.
The company consists of the following well known and talented Performers:

ASSOCIATIONS: Sherwood Coan Campbell (member); William M. Barker (member); Jerry Bryant (member); Albert Morgan (member); William Alonzo Porter (member); Dorrel Fair Boley (member)

Australia (from 23 October 1855 to . . .):

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (24 October 1855), 4 

October 23. - Audubon, American ship, 531 tons, Captain Arthur, from San Francisco, August 9, and Honolulu September 8. Passengers - . . . Messrs. C. Backus, Charles Abbott, W. Barker, D. F. Boley, S. C. Campbell, Bryant, Porter, Morgan, Bryant, Burbank . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (29 October 1855), 4 

the entertainments will commence with the unrivalled performances of the BACKUS MINSTRELS,
Characters by Messrs. Charles Backus, S. C. Campbell, W. M. Parker [sic], Jerry Bryant, C. D. Abbott, A. Morgan, W. A. Porter, D. F. Boley, O. N. Burbank.
To conclude with JACK SHEPPARD.
J. G. GRIFFITHS, Stage Manager.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gordon Griffiths (actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)

[Advertisement], Empire (31 October 1855), 1 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. - Go This Evening and see the
Burlesque Chinaman of Backus
The beautiful ballad singing of Campbell
The solo singing of Backus
The Lucy Long, and Jig, of Burbank
The Banjo Solos of Boley, the Melophone, and Violin Solos of Abbot,
and the comic duets of Morgan and Bryant.

"THE BACKUS MINSTRELS" Empire (2 November 1855), 5 

This inimitable band of performers continue to attract a crowded house nightly at the Victoria Theatre, and, judging from the applause bestowed, their entertainments appear to give infinite satisfaction to the public. The beautiful ballad singing of Barker and Campbell, the eccentricities of Backus in his burlesque Chinese, the violin solos of Abbott, the characteristic "[REDACTED]" dancing of Bryant and Burbank, and, above all, the ludicrous festival of "Old Bob Ridley," are each in themselves a positive treat, such as has rarely been provided. The programme, we understand, will be changed each week during the sojourn of the band in Sydney; previous to their departure it is to be hoped a night will be set apart exclusively for the juveniles, to whom the comic portion of the entertainment seems particularly pleasing, if we may judge by the peals of merry ringing laughter which has burst from the hundreds of little fellows who have been indulged with a visit to the theatre during the last four nights. The minstrels have announced their burlesque circus performance for this (Friday) evening.

[Advertisement], Empire (3 November 1855), 1 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. - THIS EVENING, BURBANK in his inimitable RATTLESNAKE JIG, in which he challenges the World to produce his equal.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire (5 November 1855), 5 

During the past week, the Backus minstrels have formed the principal attraction at the Victoria Theatre. By their ever-varying but constantly entertaining and amusing performances, they have night after night drawn crowded houses. The Backus minstrels possess talents of an order higher than might be inferred from the unpretending title by which they designate themselves. Their powers are remarkably versatile, and the resources they bring to bear in the entertainment of their audiences embrace excellent vocal and instrumental music, capital dancing, and most amusing pantomimic and burlesque stage performances. The interest of the house is never suffered to flag, and the audience is led irresistibly from the comic to the pathetic, from the sublime to the ridiculous, from the unaffectedly natural to the outrageously burlesque. To particularize any one member of this clever company would almost appear invidious; but we cannot help calling attention to the beautiful singing of Mr. S. C. Campbell, who possesses a voice of extraordinary compass and inflexibility [sic]; to the capital dancing of Jerry Bryant and Mr. O. N. Burbank; to the violin solos of Mr. C. D. Abbott, who is a performer of real ability; and to the burlesque acting of Mr. Backus, who is irresistibly comic, and in the piece called "Spirit rappings" drew tears of laughter from the audience. This latter gentleman, too, possesses a remarkable power of imitating by the voice the sounds of a musical instrument, and in particular is very happy in hitting off Miska Hauser's peculiar performances on the violin, giving his very tone and manner in a way not to be mistaken by any one who has seen and heard that gentleman. Mr. Campbell, too, possesses the same talent of imitation. On Friday and Saturday evenings a piece was produced by the minstrels under the title of the "Burlesque Circus," the effect of which must be seen to be understood. It consists in a ludicrous imitation of the pompous flourishes and pretentious preparations by which the conjurors and acrobats of the circus heighten the effect of their tricks and tours de force; and we should imagine it would scarcely be flattering to these gentlemen, as it tends to strip their performances of much of their effect by exposing their claptrap. The satire of the burlesque was keenly appreciated by the audience who evinced their enjoyment by continued bursts of laughter. The Backus Minstrels have deservedly gained a decided success . . .

"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 November 1855), 4 

November 28 - Wonga Wonga (s.), 650 tons. Captain R. G. Gilmore, for Melbourne.
Passengers . . . M. A. Morgan, W. A. Barker, D. F. Boley, C. D. Abbott, O. N. Burbank, C. Backus, J. V. Bryant, Jerry Bryant, S. C. Campbell, and 59 in the steerage.

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 December 1855), 8 

COPPIN'S OLYMPIC. Free List suspended, except the Press.
First Appearance of the World-renowned BACKUS MINSTRELS.
Who are engaged For a limited number of Nights.

ASSOCIATIONS: Coppin's Olympic (Melbourne venue)

"COPPIN'S OLYMPIC", The Argus (17 December 1855), 5 

Every seat in this theatre had its occupant on Saturday evenings fact which, had proof been required of the popularity of Mr. Coppin, for whose especial benefit the performances were on this occasion, would have most unequivocally attested it. Our reason for this remark is, that no ordinary amount of attraction would have provided such result in the face of the powerful competition which the last night of "Lucrezia Borgia" and of Miss Hayes's engagement at the Theatre Royal instituted, besides the circumstance of Saturday evening being notoriously unfavorable for a theatrical treasury, and the fact of there being a third theatre open at the same time. The entertainments commenced with the performance of the Backus Ethiopian corps whose vocal and saltatory efforts, sentimental and "funnimental," were intensity relished by the audience . . . Jerry Bryant, the Bones of the corps, is an immense treat . . .and he is also an excellent dancer, although in this respect he is excelled by Mr. Burbank, whose Rattlesnake Jig is one of the most wonderful "hits" of quick step that we have ever witnessed . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager)

Names and descriptions of passengers per Black Swan, from Melbourne, 27 December 1855, for Launceston; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Minstrels American // Mr. Backus / 28 // Mr. Boley / 30 // Mr. J. Bryant / 24 // Mr. N. Bryant / 28
Mr. Campbell / 30 // Mr. Burbank / 32 // Mr. Morgan / 34 / Mr. Barker / 31

"BACKUS MINSTRELS", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (9 January 1856), 3 

Notwithstanding the humidity of the atmosphere last evening, and the intermittent showers of rain which fell about the hour of assembling, a numerous and fashionable audience attended the Theatre. The performances commanded universal approbation, and the applause was pretty fairly divided among every member of the corps; it would be hard to conceive whether the singing of Campbell and Barker, the eccentricities of J. Bryant and Backus, the tasteful accompaniments of N. Bryant, or the dancing of Burbank, were mostly admired. The Minstrels perform again this evening, concluding by the enactment of an Ethiopian version of Damon and Pythias, as received with unbounded satisfaction at Sydney.

ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Complimentary Benefit to Mr. Watson", The Courier (31 January 1856), 2 

The Backus Minstrels gave a complimentary benefit to Mr. F. B. Watson, last evening, and notwithstanding the superior "draw" of Miss Hayes' concerts, which by the liberality of the tariffs are placed within the reach of the million, the theatre was pretty well attended . . . Miss Catherine Hayes was present, and appeared to be pleased with the efforts of the sable corps. At the conclusion of the eccentric extravaganza of Bob Ridley's Festival, Messrs. Burbank and Bryant were called before the curtain, and were honoured with several floral tributes to their genius . . . Mr. Burbank returned thanks on their behalf for the patronage they had received here, and stated that if their arrangements ever permitted their return, there was no part of the world they would more prefer than Hobart Town. (Cheers.) He also announced that the company would perform at Launceston on Friday evening next. We can confidently recommend this clever corps to the patronage of the inhabitants of Launceston. At the termination of the performances, the Minstrels and a few of their friends partook of a parting supper, laid out in the saloon, furnished by the lessee. They left Hobart Town en route to the north this morning.

ASSOCIATIONS: Feltham Bold Watson (actor, manager); Catherine Hayes (vocalist)

"THE BACKUS MINSTRELS", The People's Advocate or True Friend of Tasmania [Launceston, TAS] (11 February 1856), 3 

These enlivening gentlemen were again and finally welcomed on Friday night, by a crowded and delighted house . . . At the close of the entertainment, Mr. Burbank returned thanks on behalf of the company, for the generous support they had received, and it was most gratifying to them to be assured, by the applause which had been so liberally and kindly bestowed on their performances, that their endeavours to please had not been unsuccessful. Mr. Burbank retired amidst thunders of cheering voices. The band left for Geelong by the Clarence on Saturday, and most heartily we wish them success wherever they may go.

"THEATRE", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (16 February 1856), 2 

The Backus Minstrels continue successful. Their style is certainly very superior to what is generally understood by "Ethiopian Serenading." - and the diversity introduced in their entertainments prevents anything like ennui during the performance. The Theatre Royal was nearly full last evening - and the applause of the house was unintermitted . . . Messrs. Campbell, Bryant, Boley and Backus, as the "Swiss Warblers," were excessively comic; as also were Burbank and Jerry Bryant in the "Challenge Dance" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)

"COPPIN'S OLYMPIC", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (24 March 1856), 6 

On Saturday evening the Backus Minstrels gave a final performance prior to leaving the colony for Sydney, en route to California. Although the weather was very unfavorable the attendance was more numerous than might have been expected under such untoward circumstances, proving the great popularity of these princes of [REDACTED] minstrelsy. The programme contained nothing but what we and probably most of the audience had heard before from the same troupe, but the laughter and applause with which the notable bits were received were as hearty as though they were then for the first time made known to the company. The drolleries of Backus, Jerry Bryant, and Porter, the fine vocalisation of Campbell, Barker, and Boley, the instrumental proficiency of Abbott and Neal Bryant, and the clever terpsichorean vagaries of Burbank, succeeded for three hours in enchaining the interest of the audience, with whom, indeed, the time passed quickly enough . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Neil Bryant (brother of Jerry, already in Australia, recently joined the troupe)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (5 April 1856), 1

Grand Complimentary Benefit and Last Appearance of the Backus Minstrels, upon which occasion the following talented artistes have kindly volunteered: - Messrs. Frank Moran, Foans, Brower, and Jame Kitts. Part first in white faces. The Minstrels will give the whole entertainment.
SATURDAY Evening, April 5th, Farewell Concert . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Moran (would return to California with the troupe); James Milton Foans (serenader); Thomas Palmer Brower (serenader); James Edward Kitts (serenader)

"DEPARTURES", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (14 April 1856), 66 

April 7, - What Cheer, barque, 384 tons, Captain Baker, for San Francisco.
Passengers - Messrs. C. Backus, F. Moran, A. Morgan, W. M. Barker, O. N. Burbank, T. R. Morgan, S. A. Campbell, J. Bryant, Abbott, W. Bryant, Hyman . . .

California (1856-57)

[Advertisement], San Joaquin Republican [CA, USA] (25 July 1856), 2 

[Manicule] Consisting of the following well known and favorite Artists: -

"DIVORCE CASE IN OREGON", Nevada Democrat (25 February 1857), 1 

On the 16th of January, a petition was presented to the Oregon Legislature, from Lizzie Burbank, (actress in Thoman's Theatrical Troupe,) praying for a divorce from her husband, who is now in California. On the following day a bill was Introduced in accordance with the petition.

[Advertisement], San Joaquin Republican (3 July 1857), 2 

STOCKTON THEATRE. FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Friday and Saturday July 3 and 4.
BURBANK & MITCHELL'S ORIGINAL Ethiopian Serenaders . . .
under the direction of the TWO CHAMPION DANCERS . . . BURBANK & MITCHELL . . .
Whose names since 1842 have been the first on the bills of the best bands in the world.
It would be impossible to imagine that after 15 years' practice and devotion to their arduous profession they would, at this late day, connect with any thing that did not stand first in their business as performers and gentlemen.
Chas. B. Abbott, The prince of Violinists, whose enviable reputation at a leader of Minstrelsy, and whose name is spoken of in admiration for his musical talent, is connected with this star Troupe.
W. L. Murphy . . . R. B. Francis . . . J. C. Dramer . . . Mike Mitchell, The Champion Dancer . . .
O. N. Burbank, The unrivalled Reel and Jig Dancer, having had the honor of appearing before the people throughout the State with the Backus Minstrels, and now taking on active part in this, his own company, pledges himself to offer his patrons a programme of performances worth double the price of admission.
Each evening Burbank and Mitchell will contend for the championship in a Grand MATCH DANCE.
R. M. DORAN, General Agent . . .

"MARRIED", Trinity Journal [CA, USA] (8 August 1857), 2 

We notice by the last Oregon papers that Miss Lizzie Gordon, formerly the wife of O. N. Burbank, has recently married in that Territory. The name of the lucky (!) hombre is Charles P. Stewart. Lizzie has retired into private life, become a member of the Methodist church, and says that she will never leave the precincts of Oregon.

"RESUME OF SAN FRANCISCO NEWS . . . Sep. 10", Sacramento Daily Union [CA, USA] (11 September 1857), 2 

. . . Theatrical amusements are duller here at present than at any time since their inaugeration in California. The Minstrels only, are now playing, and they draw but indifferent houses. Mr. C. E. Bingham had a benefit last night at the American, but barely paid expenses. Two of the minstrel, Burbank and Demerest, leave for Australia to-morrow . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Washington Demerest (minstrel serenader)

Australia (2) (from 15 November 1857 to 19 January 1861):

"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1847), 4 

November 15 - Jacatra, ship, 348 tons, Captain McToldridge, from San Francisco 15th September.
Passengers - . . . Messrs. Blain, Burbank, Deverest, Knox, and 29 in the steerage. Montefiore, Graham, and Co., agents.

"SHIPS MAILS", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (16 November 1857), 5 

The Jacatra, from San Francisco, during a strong southerly squall on Friday last, carried away her crossjack-yard, main topmost staysail, and head sails. We are indebted to Mr. O. N. Burbank, for complete files of various San Francisco papers.

"SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS, ROYAL HOTEL", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 December 1857), 5 

This troupe of serenaders commenced their novel entertainment on Wednesday evening, to a tolerably numerous audience. Their performances were successful, and drew forth loud applause. In the first division of the programme, (consisting of three parts), the song "We are coming, Mary," by D. F. Boley, and a sentimental composition, entitled "Lilly Bell," formed a pleasing contrast to the ludicrous melodies so characteristically given by Messrs. O. N. Burbank, J. M. Foans, and Carson. This latter gentleman received the first encore of the evening, in a new [REDACTED] song called "Wasn't that a pull back." The novelty of the entertainment was in the second part of the programme, which introduced Mr. G. W. Demerest, whose imitation of Fanny Elsler forms an important feature in the terpsichorean divertisement. Although a burlesque, it is replete with interest. Mr. Burbank, late of the Bacchus Minstrels, gave his well-known Rattlesnake Jig, and with Mr. Demerest danced the Drum Polka. In the comic song of "The Blue Tail Fly," Mr. Dave Carson is worthy of notice for his clever imitation of the teasing insect, with its bold humming sound. The melange terminated with a scene depicting a plantation festival. The minstrels have taken the Lyceum, in York-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Dorrel Fair Boley (serenader); James Milton Foans (serenader); Dave Carson (serenader); San Francisco Serenaders (troupe); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)

"ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 February 1858), 4 

February 3. - London, A.S.N. s.s., 500 tons, W. Cottier, from Sydney 31st ult.
Passengers - cabin . . . Cittenden [sic], Florence . . . Burbank, Carson, Boley . . . and 33 in the steerage. W. P. White and Co., agents.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Chittenden junior (musician, serenader); J. Florence (serenader)

"THE SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS", The Tasmanian Daily News [Hobart Town, TAS] (9 March 1858), 3 

Last evening these minstrels gave their opening concert to a small audience in the boxes, but a very fair one in the other parts of the house. We regret that there were not more present, as the performances elicited universal applause. In some respects ther were the best set of minstrels which has hitherto visited our shores . . . . We have seen ballet dancers on the boards of the Victoria Theatre whose movements were not marked by even so much lightness and elegance as Mr. Burbank's . . .

"THE SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS", The Tasmanian Daily News [Hobart Town, TAS] (10 March 1858), 2 

These very amusing performers gave their second entertainment last evening, at the Theatre Royal . . . In the second part a dance by Mr. Burbank, "Nip up de doodle dum," was irresistibly ludicrous, and received rapturous applause . . . In this part Messrs. Demerest and Burbank enacted the parts of master and pupil in a dancing lesson, the latter, assuming, the character of a French dancing master, whilst the former, dressed as a lady, was his pupil . . . Mr. Burbank's "rattlesnake jig" is the most wonderful performance of the sort we ever witnessed, and must be seen to be appreciated . . .

"SHAMROCK THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (6 November 1858), 3 

The San Francisco Minstrels at the Shamrock Theatre were visited last night by a very numerous audience. A fresh feature was introduced into their entertainment in the shape of a very amusing illustration of the mysteries of "Spirit Rapping," which although not so scientifically explained as Mr. Bushell's, was much more laughable. Mr. Burbank, also, delivered a very humorous phrenological lecture, his subject being - "Bones," - whose peculiar comicalities while having his "bumps" explained, combined with the mock scientific lecture of the professor, elicited the most uproarious laughter. The concert included some pretty ballads, sung by Mr. Conna, and the duett of "I Know a Bank," on two cornopeans, by the Brothers Kohler, well merited the encores which it received.

ASSOCIATIONS: F. W. Conna (serenader, vocalist, actor); Richard and John Kohler (musicians); Shamrock Theatre (Bendigo venue)

"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (19 April 1859), 2 

A crowded audience assembled at this favorite place of amusement last evening, and the entertainments, as they usually are, were of such a character as to afford them the highest gratification, Everything as announced in the programme went off in the happiest manner, with the exception of an unfortunate hitch which occurred in the unavoidable absence of Mr. Burbank, who, it is stated, had received the permission of Mr. Heffernan to dance against Mr. Burgess, which permission was withdrawn, it was stated at the eleventh hour, much to the disappointment and vexation of those assembled. The other performances, however, were capitally gone through, and reflected the highest credit on the company. They were given as a grand complimentary benefit to Mr. J. Burgess, who, notwithstanding the unexpected absence of his challenged antagonist, exerted himself to the uttermost to render the entertainments of the evening pleasing and satisfactory . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Heffernan (proprietor of the Shamrock); Johnny Burgess (dancer)

"THE SHAMROCK THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (2 May 1859), 3 

It is not the slightest exaggeration to assert that this place of amusement is the most favorite resort of an evening of the people of Sandhurst. The entertainments are so varied and so excellent that it would be impossible that it could be otherwise . . . It is unnecessary to speak of the performance of the well known San Francisco Minstrels. Considering the length of time their engagement has lasted, and the unflagging interest still nightly manifested in their superior performances, it must be admitted that no company of Ethiopian Minstrels have ever met with anything like similar success to them either in Sandhurst or any other town in the colony . . . The second part was an inimitable performance, and it is only necessary to mention the names of Burbank, Harry Sharp, Burgess, Demerest, and Chambers as the principal performers in song and dance to carry conviction to the minds of every one cognizant of the accomplishments of these artistes, that it was a treat of the rarest kind . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Chambers junior (dancer); Harry Sharp (musician, banjo player)

"AMUSEMENTS", Bendigo Advertiser (15 September 1859), 3 

. . . The Shamrock is still as much frequented of an evening as ever. The engagement of Miss Kate Warde, Mrs. Chapman, and Messrs. Vinson and Chapman, a portion of the late Haymarket Company, has met with the most decided success. The engagement of Mr. Backus, a clever negro actor, Miss Backus, a vocalist of some pretensions, and Master Backus, a juvenile Ethiopian, in addition to the old established corps, consisting of the Worrel Family, the Brothers Chambers, Burbank, and the humorous Irish character singer, Wilson . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Kate Warde (actor, vocalist); James Hetters Vinson (actor); Julia Backus and son (vocalists); Worrell family (entertainers); Thomas Wilson (Irish vocalist)

"AMUSEMENTS", Bendigo Advertiser (3 October 1859), 3 

On Saturday night, to a crowded house, a very excellent entertainment was afforded by the management. The first portion of the entertainment was a concert by the Minstrels Backus, Chittenden, Boley and Burgess, the two latter of whom have been re-engaged . . . We hear that Burbank and Carson (of the capacious mouth) will make their re-appearance amongst the minstrels to-night, when we may expect a fund of amusement from this really clever corps of sable harmonists.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (5 October 1859), 1 

HAYMARKET THEATRE. Under the Management of Messrs. Heffernan and Crowley.
Pit, 6d; Boxes, 1s; Stalls, 2s. IMMENSE SUCCESS Of the Largest and most Talented Company in the Colonies.
The Laughable Farce of the MOUSTACHE MOVEMENT.
Pas Seul - Madame Strebinger.
Comic Irish Duets, Julia Backus and Mr. Wilson.
Grand Sword Dance, Professor Anderson.
Favorite Dances, the Miss Worrells.
By Boley, Dave Carson, Burgess, Backus, Burbank, Chittenden, and Company.

ASSOCIATIONS: Therese Strebinger (dancer); John Henry Anderson (magician); Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue)

"THE SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS", Bendigo Advertiser (14 April 1860), 2 

We have to call the attention of the public to the announcement in another portion of our columns that this corps of sable melodists will make their final appearance on Bendigo, to-night, at the Lyceum Theatre. Since their first appearance at the Shamrock, now nearly two years ago, there have been few companies of public performers who have earned such a reputation for their humorous and numerous talents of singing, dancing, and burlesque performances, as this troupe. Each and all of them have made themselves favourites with the public, and whether it he the genuinely comic humor of Carson, the inimitable dancing of Burbank, the banjo playing and singing of Boley, the talent of Chittenden as a violinist, or the clever travestied ballet dancing of Demerest, the San Francisco Minstrels will be for a long time favourably remembered, and their absence regretted . . . We hear that the Minstrels intend proceeding to Adelaide, thence to Sydney, from which place they will probably proceed on a visit to India.

"CHARITY", Bendigo Advertiser (17 April 1860), 2 

Yesterday a poor lame Chinaman was working his way along Pall Mall, and his evident suffering attracted the attention of some passers by, and a party - Mr. Burbank, we believe having originated the idea of a subscription, 15s. was gathered in a few minutes, and a cab chartered to convey the unfortunate Mongolian to Back Creek, where he was bound, the cab hire paid, and the balance handed over to the astonished Pagan, who seemed perfectly astounded at this unexpected Christian kindness.

"SHIPPING NEWS . . . ARRIVED", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (25 April 1860), 2 

Tuesday, April 24 - Havilah, steamer, 330 tons, McFie, master, from Melbourne . . .
Passengers . . . Mr. O. N. Burbank, T. P. Brower, G. W. Demerest, D. Carson (the San Francisco Minstrels), in the cabin . . .

"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The South Australian Advertiser (17 May 1860), 2 

On Wednesday evening the San Francisco Minstrels performed before an unusually fashionable audience . . . We can only reiterate our previously expressed opinion of this very talented Company. The choruses were excellent, the beautiful solos of Mr. Boley received marked admiration, the comicalities of Mr. Carson drew down screams of laughter, the dancing of Messrs. Burkank and Demarest was loudly applauded, and all the Company executed their parts with more than usual success . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)

"SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS", South Australian Register (30 May 1860), 2 

The performances at the Theatre last night, being for the benefit of Messrs. Burbank and Demerest, a first-rate entertainment was promised, and the promise was fully realized. The friends and admirers of the above actors assembled in considerable force, and a full house was the result. Some very superior music, selected from the opera of Il Trovatore, prefaced the acting; but the peculiarly discordant influence of the Juvenile portion of the theatrical divinities considerably spoiled the enjoyment of it. When the evenings entertainment fairly commenced amusement and laughter set in, and continued with scarcely any intermission to the last fall of the curtain. In the first part the "Old Dog Tray" was rendered with great skill and feeling; nor could anyone of the [REDACTED] songs be said to be other than a great success. In the second part Demerest on the trapeze and in the perche act, assisted by Mr. Samuel Holmes, quite astonished the audience with his graceful attitudes and perilous positions, eliciting frequent and enthusiastic applause. The Rattlesnake Jig was beautifully danced by Burbank, while Boley and Carson were exquisitely comic in the duet they performed. The last part of the entertainment - "The Masquerade Ball, or the Ticket-Taker Outdone" - went off rather flatly compared with the preceding performances; perhaps because the audience was thoroughly sated with fun. It had, however, some excellent points about it. The whole entertainment may be safely prescribed to the community as a harmless and inexpensive cure for ennui; but with caution lest there should be a disposition too frequently to repeat the dose, and with a further reminder that the dispensary will shortly be closed. The benefit of Boley and Brower is to take place on Thursday next.

"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS. AUGUST 4", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (6 August 1860), 4 

Wonga Wonga (s.), 700 tons, Captain Walker, from Melbourne 2nd instant.
Passengers . . . Dave Carson . . . Brower, Chittendale, Boley . . .Burbank . . . 49 in the steerage . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 1860), 1 

WEDNESDAY EVENING [8 August] First night of the limited engagement at very great expense of the far-famed
amongst whom will be found the following well-known artistes:
Mr. O. W. Burbank [sic], Mr. D. F. Boley, G. W. Demerest, Dave Carson,
G. Chittenden, T. P. Brower, J. O. Pierce, C. Walsh . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Ottis Pierce (serenader); Charles Walsh (vocalist); Samuel Colville (theatre proprietor); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)

"THE OPERA", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (8 August 1860), 5 

After a short interregnum, we are again to be favoured with operatic performances at our principal temple of art. This time, however, Mauresque (alia, "[REDACTED]") music taken the place of Italian - burlesque that of tragedy. Instead of Bianchi and troupe, we have Burbank, Pierce, and Company, under the denomination of the "San Francisco Minstrels, and Ethiopian Opera Company," who commence their entertainments this evening. Several of the party are known here as having belonged to the "Backus Minstrels" . . .

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (25 August 1860), 3 

The Terpsichorean Challenge. O. N. BURBANK (of the San Francisco Minstrels)
is open to dance against any individual, professional or otherwise,
in "Jigs" and " Break-downs," or either, for £50 aside.
Any communication addressed either to Mr. Burbank, at the Prince of Wales Theatre,
or to the Proprietors of this Journal, will receive immediate attention.

"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (27 August 1860), 4 

The programme for Friday night consisted of fifteen selections, and concluded with the laughable ballet of "The Village Coquette." The songs "Lilly Bell" and "Wait for the Waggon," were very tastefully rendered; and the already celebrated "Nip-up-dee-doo-dendom," elicited roars of laughter from the audience. The performance on the rock harmonicon and the pine-stick by Mr. Pierce were very pretty, and the music discoursed by these rude instruments was astonishingly sweet and effective. "The Grand Challenge Dance," by Messrs. Burbank and Carson, was tumultuously applauded, and the "Village Coquette" kept the house in roars for nearly an hour. The success of the San Francisco Minstrels continues uninterrupted, and they draw crowded houses nightly . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 August 1860), 1 

MONDAY EVENING, August 27, being the 19th appearance of the
SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS, who will appear after the first and second parts of their entertainments,
in which there is an entire change of pro- gramme, will appear in the
tragical, operatical, farcical, highly affecting burlesque upon Burlesques (which has and most been some time in rehearsal) of
LUCREZIA BORGIA; or, at Home and All Abroad, produced with entirely new scenery, by Herr Habbe;
vocal music by the San Francisco Minstrels; instrumental, Frank Howson, junior;
wonderfully correct costumes, by a celebrated antiquarian, the whole under the immediate direction of Mr. Alexander Fitzgerald.
Lucrezia Borgia, Signora Charles Walsh.
Johnny Raw (better known as Gennars), Signor Dave Carson.
Gabetta (general commission agent, specially retained by Lucrezia), Signor O. W. Burbank.
Rustighello (apparently Prime Minister, (but certainly flrtst robber), Signor D. F. Boley.
Other characters by the company . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Christian Haabe (scenic artist); Frank Alfred Howson (musician); Alexander Fitzgerald (actor, manager)

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 September 1860), 4 

SEPTEMBER 11 . . . Wonga Wonga, A.S.N. Company's s.s.s., 444 tons, David Walker, from Sydney 8th inst. Passengers - saloon . . . Burbank, Carson, Boley, Demerest, Bower, Chillender [sic, Chittenden], Walsh, Pierce; and 57 in the steerage.

"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (22 September 1860), 2 

Mr. Colville has become the lessee of this theatre, and he has initiated his reign with a bold stroke in favour of "black lyrics." The San Francisco Minstrels form a band of some seven or eight performers, and what they do is undoubtedly very clever. Mr. Walsh, who, since we saw him last, has adopted burnt cork - we trust to the advantage of his complexion - has a beautiful baritone, and sings in an unaffected, although not uncultivated, style. Mr. O. Burbank is an excellent dancer and a capital burlesque actor, and Mr. D. Carson, as a low comedian, need not fear comparison with any competitor of the same line. Mr. Demerest's utilities as a mock danseuse are well-known, and Mr. J. O. Pierce unites in himself many of the qualities of a good vocal and instrumental musician. The house has been exceedingly well attended.

ASSOCIATIONS: Prince of Wales Theatre (Melbourne venue)

"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (20 October 1860), 2 

The San Francisco Minstrels concluded their engagement on Saturday very successfully. There would seem to have been some little disagreement in the camp, commencing with the retirement of Mr. O. Burbank, or otherwise we cannot account for their so abruptly quitting the scene of their triumphs . . .

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (30 October 1860), 3 

The San Francisco Minstrels and Sable Operatic Troupe.
Last night but four. Houses crowded nightly.
THIS EVENING, TUESDAY, Will be produced for the first time the opera of OH! HUSH! ETHIOPIANIZED.
Signora Don in her Great Waltz.
GRAND CHALLENGE DANCE Between Burbank and Carson.
Pit One Shilling.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)

[Advertisement], The Age (14 December 1860), 1 

This (Friday) Evening, GREAT CHALLENGE DANCE, For £50, Between Mr. J. BURGESS, from London, and Mr. O. N. BURBANK (San Francisco Minstrels.)
To-morrow Evening, the 16th [sic, 15th], Positively Last Appearance of this Inimitable Troupe.

"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (19 January 1861), 2 

Dave Carson and Otto Burbank, of the San Francisco Minstrels, intend shortly leaving Victoria for London.

ASSOCIATIONS: Carson did not embark for London as announced, but for Calcutta later in the year

Names and descriptions of passengers per Southampton, from Melbourne, 19 January 1861, for London; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . N. Burbank / 31 . . .

After Australia:

[Advertisement], The Era [London, England] (13 October 1861), 8 (PAYWALL)

The Best Entertainment in London. - The following popular Vocalists appear every evening, viz.:
. . . . Immense success of Oscar Birbank [sic], the Mackney of Australia, assisted by Messrs. Warden and Collins.
Great excitement caused every evening by the youthful Blondin, Mister Alfred Corelli.
First appearance in England of the celebrated Comic Duet Vocalists, Mr. Newman and Miss Mortimer, from Australia.
Pianist, Mr. Saqui; Leader, Mr. S. Tute.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Newman and wife (Miss Mortimer) (vocalists)

"THE LONDON MUSIC HALLS. WILTON'S", The Era (27 October 1861), 5 (PAYWALL)

The Eastern evening amusement-seekers night after night crowd this spacious Hall, and give ample proof that the entertainments gratify them to the full. In addition to former attractions, Mr. Wilton has produced a new feature in Miss Mortimer and Mr. Newman, who are designated "The Great Australian Duet Vocalists." Whether from Australia or not, is "neither here nor there." It is enough to know that they execute some charming melodies, marked by decided taste, and productive of very great effect . . . the famous Oscar Birbank [sic], aided by Messrs. Warden and Collins, create quite a furore in their [REDACTED] business . . .

Great register, San Francisco County, 1866; California State Library, Great registers, 4-2A (PAYWALL)

Burbank, Oscar / [age] 40 [sic] / [born] New York / Minstrel / 834 Vellejo / [date of registration] June 18 [1866]

"THE CHRISTY MINSTRELS", The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News [NSW] (12 May 1866), 2 

This well-known troupe of minstrels have again made their appearance in Newcastle and performed at the Assembly Room on Thursday evening for the first time. Since their last visit to Newcastle they have journeyed through nearly the whole of New Zealand. We notice several additions to their numbers - two of them rejoicing in the soubriquet of Kohler and Peel . . . The step-dancing of Mr. Peel drew from the audience evident signs of satisfaction and delight . . . The following is from the San Francisco Spirit of the Times on the dance for the champion belt: "The great match danced between Otto Burbank and Tommy Peel was decided at Maguire's opera house in favor of the latter. The judges, seven in number, were selected from the audience, and unanimously decided in favor of Peel. When danced on the Thursday previous a decision could not be arrived at, and hence the repetition of the dance on Saturday night, November 13, 1864 . . .

[News], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (19 August 1867), 5 

WHAT OLD COLONIST is there who does not remember jovial Dave Carson? The N. Y. Clipper has some interesting facts relating to him and others once well known in Australia. It appear that Burbank (the best negro minstrel this colony has ever seen) is not dead It will be remembered that Carson, Brower and J. O. Pierce organised a company for India, which left Australia in August, '61 . . .

Register of deaths, 1882, Peoria, Illinois, USA; Peoria County Courthouse, County Deaths, 1878-1915 (PAYWALL)

No. 177 / [date of report / July 6 / Otto N. Burbank / [aged] 52 years 9 months 17 days / Actor / [Died] Feb'y 15 '82 / Married / American / 517 Fourth St. / Consumption

"Figaro", The Lorgnette (13 June 1882), 2 

The death from quick consumption is announced of Mr. Otto Burbank, the well-known negro minstrel, who visited this colony with the Backus Minstrels, opening in Melbourne at Coppin's Olympic Theatre on the 3rd of December, 1855. Early in 1861 he left Australia for London and shortly after returned to his native country, America. He died at Peoria, Illinois, on the 18th [sic] of February last, after an illness of a few weeks.

Musical resources:

Burbank's rattlesnake jig, Traditional tune archive's_Rattlesnake_Jig's_Rattlesnake_Jig 

Bibliography and resources:

"MUMMER MEMOIRS. MR. HARRY DANIELS, AN OLD-TIME MINSTRELSY - THE BACKUS TROUPE . . . No. 36 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (23 September 1908), 3 

. . . Mr. Harry Daniels says: - "Old-time Minstrelsy. - I will endeavor to give you a few of my early impressions and reminiscences! First and foremost it was about 1856 that Harry Lyons and myself sat in a dress-circle seat, the old style of bench, in the old Victoria Theatre, in Pitt-street, Sydney, witnessing the clever performances of the 'Backus Minstrels.' Never shall I forget what a grand display when the curtain rose on those artistes - Messrs. Charles Backus, Sher Campbell, D. F. Boley, Brower, Dan and Jerry Bryant, Bill Porter, Otto Burbank, Demerest (a wench dancer), and other names which I have forgotten, all, even under the burnt cork, handsome men. Yes, handsome men! No 'silk stockings' . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: "Hayseed" = Joseph Michael Forde (journalist); Harry Daniels (actor, memoirist); Harry Lyons (actor)

Edward Le Roy Rice, Monarchs of minstrelsy, from "Daddy" Rice to date (New York: Kenny Publishing Company, 1911), 72 (DIGITISED)

Otto Burbank was one of the best jig dancers in the early minstrel days, likewise a good comedian. He was prominently identified with some of the best minstrel organizations, notably Collins' "Christy" Minstrels, in London, England, in 1862. He died at Peoria, Ill., February 13, 1882.

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Le Roy Rice (memoirist); W. P. Collins (minstrel), came to Australia with the Smith, Brown, and Collins Original Christy's Minstrels (troupe)

BURDON, George (George BURDON)

Musician, itinerant musician, band musician, vagrant, convict

Born London, England, c. 1816
Convicted Exeter, Devon, England, 23 February 1836 (7 years transportation)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 16 July 1837 (convict per Blenheim, from Woolwich, aged "21")
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by late 1850 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Itinerant musicians (general)


"DEVON COUNTY SESSIONS", Exeter and Plymouth Gazette [Devon, England] (27 February 1836), 3 (PAYWALL)

. . . Christopher Foster, George Burdon, and Thomas Brook, to be transported 7 years . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Christopher Foster (fellow convict per Blenheim)

George Burdon, convict record; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1377292; CON31/1/3; CON27/1/7$init=CON31-1-3p156 (DIGITISED)

2628 / Burdon George / Benheim 16th July 1837 / Devon/Exeter/QS 23rd Feb'y 1836. 7 [years] . . .
T. of L. 16. 12. '42 / Free Certificate no. 198 1843$init=CON27-1-7P34 (DIGITISED)

2628 / Burden George / 5 feet 2 1/2 inches / [age] 21 / Labourer & Carter / [tried] Devon / 7 [years] / [native place] London / [appropriated] Mr. Costello, Vet[erans] Row

"GAZETTE. GOVERNMENT NOTICE, No. 25", The Courier [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (3 February 1843), 4 

Colonial Secretary's Office, 25th January, 1843.
The periods for which the under-mentioned persons were transported expiring at the date placed after their respective names, Certificates of their Freedom may be obtained then . . .
Blenheim - George Burdon, 23rd February; Christopher Forster, alias Richard Guy, 23rd do . . .

"THE VAGRANT ACT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 December 1850), 2

Mr. Moor presided at the Police Court on Monday [9 December], and two or three cases under the Vagrant Act were brought before him. The first case was that of George Burdon, who was charged by Mr. Chief Constable Bloomfield with being a vagrant, having been fourteen days in Melbourne without having any other visible means of subsistence than that of going about from one public house to another playing "music" and asking alms. The defendant arrived from Van Diemen's Land in company with four others of the same stamp, who figured at the Collingwood election as "a band of musicians." When called upon to state how he obtained a living, Burdon said he brought about eight pounds with him from Van Diemen's Land, and that he had still three pounds left, that he was not aware that it was contrary to the law to play in public-houses; that he had been a fish hawker in Van Diemen's Land for ten years, and could produce many persons of respectability in Melbourne, who had known him in Launceston and Hobart Town; that he intended to follow the business of fish-hawker in Melbourne, and that he expected his brother, wife and family from Van Diemen's Land, with boats, masts, &c.
Mr. Moor said he observed the man was described in the watch-house list as an "expiree," and he should like to know how the watch-house keeper had arrived at that conclusion.
The watch-house keeper was consequently sent for, and said that, although he had not asked the man any question upon the subject, he had no doubt whatever that he was an expiree, nor indeed could any man with the slightest experience of such characters be mistaken.
Mr. Moor considered the watch-house keeper ought not to have put the man down as an expiree upon merely his own conclusions, and that however little doubt there might be on the subject, he ought at least to have asked the question, or ascertained the facts before having prejudiced the accused party by merely assuming that he was an expiree.
The man admitted readily that he was an expiree; that he hoped he should be allowed another chance; that he intended to go to work and get an honest living.
Mr. Moor then pointed out to him the third section of the Vagrant Act, which requires that persons having been prisoners in Van Diemen's Land should register their names within a week at most after their arrival here.
The man said he would register himself at once, but the fact is that not a single register has been made since the Act was passed, and there is no book kept for the purpose, so lightly have the provisions of the Act been thought of.
Mr. Moor said people talked a great deal about convictism from Van Diemen's Land, but if the Act were enforced he thought it would in great measure put a stop to it.
Mr. John Stephen said the Act had been disallowed.
Mr. Moor replied that no official intimation of that assertion had been received, and until the Act had been officially disallowed it remained the law of the land.
- The bench allowed the man "another chance."
Another man named Charles Fletcher, one of the same sort as Burdon, was also charged with being a vagrant He admitted that music was his "profession," and that he had been brought up in it from infancy.
He was cautioned in the same way as his friend had been, and discharged upon a distinct promise that he would eschew music for the rest of his life.
There are several others of the same gang still at large who will be apprehended if they remain in town.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Fletcher (itinerant musician, vagrant, ex-convict)

"ENCOURAGEMENT OF MUSICAL TALENT", The Melbourne Daily News (12 December 1850), 2 

George Burdon, an itinerant musician, who, with three others of the same genus, recently arrived from Van Diemen's Land, was on Monday brought before the police court under the vagrant act. The Chief Constable for the city stated, that on the day upon which the election for Fitzroy Ward was held the defendant with his companions came up to him and solicited some acknowledgement for their display of musical talent. The Chief Constable told him that be was acting improperly, and that if he persisted in going about with his band, and soliciting contributions, he would certainly bring him up under the vagrant act. Burdon, however, expressed his intention of setting the authorities at defiance. Several witnesses were brought forward to shew the part which Burdon had taken in the musical entertainment, and that he had solicited contributions. In answer to questions from Mr. Moor, Burdon stated that he had been here only a few days, that he had brought eight pounds in cash with him, three of which he had left, and that he was not aware he was acting illegally in going about with musical instruments; he added that he had come here with the intention of following the avocation of a fisherman, in which pursuit he had been engaged for nearly twenty years "on the other side." He was discharged with a caution -
Charles Fletcher, another of the band, said that he had been brought up to music all his life and had just come over from V. D. Land in the hope of getting some situation in his line. He was recommended to give up music and take to some other means of obtaining a livelihood, and haying promised to take the hint he was discharged.

BURFORD, Charles Henry (Charles Henry BURFORD; C. H. BURFORD; Mr. BURFORD)

Actor, vocalist, manager

Born London, England, 3 December 1827; baptised St. Pancras, 15 June 1828; son of Charles Reeks BURFORD (1803-1845) and Rachel MONK
Married [1] Louisa ?, by 1850
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 7 July 1853 (per Albemarle, from London, 12 March, aged "25")
Married [2] Catherine GETTINS / GETTEN (d. 1903), VIC, 1854
Died Sydney, NSW, 8 October 1899 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BURFORD, Carrie (Kate BURFORD; Catherine BURFORD; Miss Carry BURFORD; Miss Carrie BURFORD; Miss Kate BURFORD)

Actor, vocalist

Born Melbourne, VIC, 1855; daughter of Charles Henry BURFORD and Catherine GETTEN (3439/1855, "Kate")
? Died Sydney, NSW, 15 May 1881 (no death certificate recorded) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Pancras in the county of Middlesex in the year [1828]; register 1826-28, page 475; London Metropolitan Archives, P90/PAN1/015 (PAYWALL)

No. 869 / [1828 June] 15 / Charles Henry [son of] Charles Reeks & Rachel / Burford / Upper Charlotte St. / Artist / . . . [Born] 3. Dec. 1827

ASSOCIATIONS: At various times Charles Reeks Burford gave his trade as paperhanger, painter, house decorator, and builder; and see: 

England census, 30 March 1851, St. Margaret, Westminster, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1480/374/21 (PAYWALL)

29 York St / Charles H. Burford / Head / Mar. / 23 / Theatrical / [born] Midd'x St. Pancras
Lousia L. [Burford] / Wife / Mar. / 30 / - / [born] hants. Isle of Wight
Maria L. [Burford] / Daur. / - / 7 months [?] / - / [born] Midd'x Westm'r

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Louise Burford was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, on 28 September 1851, aged 9 months

Names and descriptions of passengers per Albemarle from London, 12 March 1853, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)

. . . Burford Charles Henry / 25 / Builder / English . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (21 June 1854), 8 

QUEEN'S THEATRE. - Wednesday Evening, June 21st, 1854. Mr. Charles's Benefit.
The Rebel Chief, a variety of Entertainments, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter White,
Principal characters by Messrs. Young, and Hydes; Messrs. Young, Hydes, Burford, and Charles. Vivat Regina.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Young (actor); John Proctor Hydes (actor); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (25 July 1859), 1 

President, - Mr. Henry Edwards. Treasurer, - Mr. Charles Jones, Secretary, - Mr. Frank Varley.
COMMITTEE. Mr. H. Burford; Mr. H. Twight; R. Stewart; F. Sharp; A. Usher; C. Jones; G. Morton; F. Varley.
Firstly, - The advancement of the Dramatic and Musical Professions, especially with regard to their position as branches of the liberal arts.
Secondly, - The maintenance of a system of correspondence as far as practicable, with the theatres of the Australian Colonies, so as to enable the society to gain every information affecting the interests of members of the profession.
Thirdly, - The provision of funds for the relief of members of the Association when out of employment, together with an ulterior view to the establishment of a benefit fund based on the principles of similar institutions existing in England.
Fourthly. - For the promotion of a better feeling of brotherhood among the members of the profession, and the free and unbiassed discussion of all interests affecting the same.
FRANK VARLEY, honorary secretary. All inquiries and communications to be addressed to the Secretary, Prince of Wales Theatre.
N.B. A special MEETING of the Committee, on TUESDAY, the 26th instant, at three o'clock precisely.

ASSOCIATIONS: Harry Edwards (member); Charles Edward Jones (member); Frank Varley (member); Henry Twight (member); Richard Stewart (member); Frederick Sharp (member); Alfred Usher (member); Australian Musical and Dramatic Association (association)

"THEATRICALS. PRINCE OF WALES", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (13 August 1859), 3 

. . . Last night the house presented a brilliant array of fashion, the performances being in aid of the Lavenu Benefit Fund. The Opera of Il Trovatore was the piece selected, between the 4th and 5th Acts of which Mr. Burford delivered the following Address of Acknowledgment, written for the occasion by Mr. G. F. Pickering: -
A parting word, ere yet the curtain falls.
To you, kind patrons of fair Thespis' halls,
Who lend your sympathising presence here
To stay the Widow's and the Orphan's tear.
He whom ye mourn - the Minstrel called away
To join the choirs of Eternal Day -
Sleeps in a stranger's grave, by Friendship's hand
Consigned to dust, far from his native land.
For him is o'er life's brief and fitful dream;
His harp, late strung to Earth's imperfect theme,
Now, tuned by hand celestial, wakes its chords
To strains immortal, and to holier words.
Where Bochsa's broken lyre - meet emblem - shows
The spot where Genius found its last repose,
Plant we a willow that shall weeping wave
Oer Music's Sons - companions in the grave.
Peace to his ashes! Yet the while we mourn
That dust must to its kindred dust return,
Turn we our gaze upon the lovod ones left -
The Widow of her gifted spouse bereft,
The Orphans clinging to that mother's knee,
Unconscious of her speechless agony.
When the sad tidings shall to her be borne
That tells of father from his offspring torn,
Still in Affliction's cup infused the tear
Of Sympathy, so freely rendered here,
Will yield a balm to heal the bleeding smart
And soothe the anguish of the widowed heart.
For her, for them kind friends, we thank you all
Nobly responding to sweet Pity's call,
As ye have done so be it done to you
When to Life's fleeting stage ye bid adieu!
The exertions of Messrs. J. R. Clarke and H. N. Montague, the Treasurer and Secretary to the Lavenu Committee, in promotion of this benevolent movement, are beyond all praise, and the gratification derived from its results will, doubtless, amply repay their "labor of love".

ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (musician, recently deceased); George Ferrers Pickering (musical amateur); Nicholas Charles Bochsa (musician, harpist; Lavenu was buried close to Bochsa's grave in St. Stephen's Cemetery, Newtown); Jacob Richard Clarke (treasurer); Henry Neville Montague (secretary); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)

"MACGOWAN'S LYCEUM", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (11 February 1860), 2 

On Thursday evening last this highly gifted and talented Company performed again at the Shearer's Arms Hotel. The opening piece was the "Omnibus," in which Mr. Macgowan acquitted himself in the most masterly manner; the subordinate parts were well supported by the other members of the Company. "The Wandering Minstrel" was the afterpiece, it was a faithful representation and went off exceedingly well, the audience, although thin, gave several enthusiastic rounds of applause; Mr. Burford's song "Willie," was correct and effective, and Mr. Macgowan's song "Ye mournfulle Historic and tragic Death of poore Dogge Traye," was encored . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert McGowan (actor, vocalist, manager)

"Deserting Wives and Families, Service, &c.", New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (12 September 1866), 335 

A warrant has been issued by the Sydney Bench for the arrest of Charles Henry Burford, charged with deserting his female child, Catherine Burford, of the age of 11 years, leaving her without the means of support. He is about 36 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, light brown hair, sandy moustache, no whiskers; an actor. This offender is supposed to be with Bartlett, of the Prince of Wales Theatre, Hokitika.

[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier [QLD] (26 March 1867), 1 

RIP VAN WINKLE, OR THE SLEEP OF TWENTY YEARS. Rip Van Winkle (his first appearance in Brisbane), Mr. C. H. Burford . . .
Alice Van Winkle (her first appearance in Brisbane), Miss Carry Burford . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (12 May 1871), 8 

THEATRE ROYAL ADELPHI. Lessee, Mr. George Anderson. Stage Manager, Mr. C. H. Burford.
SPECIAL PERFORMANCE. TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY . . . Mr. C. H. Burford . . . Miss Kate Burford . . .

"SYDNEY. Monday", Gippsland Times [VIC] (29 April 1873), 3 

Kate Burford, the daughter of an actor, has been committed for robbery in a house of ill fame.

See also "CENTRAL POLICE COURT. SATURDAY [26 April]", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 April 1873), 7 

Catherine Burford, 18, was charged with larceny. Michael Buckley, a digger, deposed that, last night, he met with prisoner at Hopgood's public-house; proceeded with her to Owen's public-house, and thence to Williams's oyster saloon, in Pitt-street; he then paid Williams 7s. 6d. for the use of a room, to which he and the prisoner retired . . .

See also "RETURN OF PRISONERS TRIED AT THE DIFFERENT CIRCUIT COURTS AND COURTS OF QUARTER SESSIONS, 1873", New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (11 June 1873), 178 

Kate Burford / Stealing from the person / [of] Michael Buckley / Sydney Criminal Court, 12th May 1873 / 6 months, Darlinghurst Gaol

"CENTRAL POLICE COURT", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (24 April 1874), 2 

John Gallagher and Kate Burford were sent to gaol for three months for haying stolen 5s and a bundle of clothes, the property of Charles Williams.

"POLICE COURTS. THIS DAY", Evening News (8 May 1875), 5 

Kate Burford, 23, was flued 20s, with the alternative of seven days' incarceration, for drunkeness and disorderly conduct.

? "Funerals", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 May 1881), 12 

THE FRIENDS of Messrs. FREDERICK and JOHN BURFORD are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved SISTER, Miss Catherine Burford, to move from the residence of her mother, No. 220, Sussex-street, THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON, at half-past 2 o'clock, to Catholic Cemetery, Petersham. W. and H. KINSELA, George-st., op. Christ Church.

"Peat's Ferry and the Hawkesbury. BY A TRAVELLING CORRESPONDENT", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (15 June 1885), 8 

Peat's Ferry has had the pleasure of a visit from the Cora Mclan Company, comprising the lady whose name heads the bill, the time-honored veteran Mr. Charles Burford - who renews his youth like the eagle (whatever that mysterious process may be) - Miss Lucy Frazer, Mr. Martin Hagan, and Miss Carrie Burford [sic ?]. They opened in Dick's Assembly on Monday to a fair house, and gave a capital performance, consisting of scenes from dramas and comedies, songs, dances, &c. I was nearly forgetting to say, that Mr. Mason, the accomplished wood engraver, presided very ably at the piano . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Mason (pianist)

"Funerals", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (10 October 1899), 10 

BURFORD. - The Friends of Mrs. BURFORD are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved HUSBAND, Charles HenrY BURFORD (comedian): to move from their residence, 50 Druitt-street, THIS TUESDAY, at 1.30 p.m., for the Necropolis.

"AN ACTOR'S FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 October 1899), 6 

There was a gathering of well-known actors at the funeral of the late Charles Henry Burford yesterday afternoon, and many flowers were placed upon the coffin. Wreaths and emblems were sent by Messrs. Williamson and Musgrove, by the dramatic company now appearing at Her Majesty's Theatre, the "boy in front" at the same playhouse, Mr. Clarke and the fruit boys, the Lyceum Theatre, Miss Ada Woodhill, and by many private friends and relatives. The funeral left the residence of the deceased for Redfern railway station, and the remains were interred in the Church of England portion of the Rookwood Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. John Burford, Mr. and Mrs. William Burford, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Burford, and Miss Catherine Burford were the chief mourners . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Burford (son, born NSW 1864); William Burford (son, born NSW 1870); grandson Frederick, not son Frederick (1859-1896); and grandaughter Catherine (see 1903 below); J. C. Williamson and George Musgrove (theatrical managers); see also, "AN OLD ACTOR GONE", The Australian Star (10 October 1899), 5 

See also, "OBITUARY", Truth (15 October 1899), 5 

"FUNERALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 July 1903), 10 

BURFORD,- The Friends of Mr. and Ms. FREDERICK and JOHN and CATHERINE BURFORD are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late dearly loved GRANDMOTHER, Mrs. Catherine Burford , to leave 10 Mount-street Prymont, THIS AFTERNOON, at 1.30, for the Necoropolis.

BURFORD, William Henville (William Henville BURFORD; Mr. W. H. BURFORD; Mr. BURFORD)

Amateur musician, alto vocalist, candle and soap manufacturer, parliamentarian

Born East Smithfield, London, England, 24 January 1807; son of Benjamin BURFORD (1775-1829) and Ann BURFORD [sic] (1772-1858) (m. 1797)
Married (1) Elizabeth MESSENT (1814-1858), St. George in the East, London, England, 16 May 1833
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 12 October 1838 (per Pestonjee Bomanjee, from London, 10 May)
Married (2) Mary Ann MESSENT (c. 1815-1879), Adelaide, SA, 31 October 1866
Married (3) Frances SYMONDS (c. 1832-1902), Adelaide, SA, 2 March 1880
Died Clapham, SA, 23 October 1895, aged "88/89" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Birth certificates, Dr. Williams' Library Registry of dissenting births; register 1812-1817; UK National Archives, RG4/4662 (PAYWALL)

No. 3283 / William Henville Burford, Butcher Row, East Smithfield, Par. St. Catherine, County of Middlesex; Reg'd Nov'r 29th 1815 . . .
[son of] Benjamin Burford, & Ann, Daughter of Edward Burford / . . . [born] 24th Jan'y 1807

Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. George [in the East, Tower Hamlets] in the county of Middlesex in the year 1833; register 1829-37, page 25; London Metropolitan Archives, P93/GEO/047 (PAYWALL)

No. 75 / William Henville Burford of this parish a bachelor
and Elizabeth Messent of the parish of Saint Paul Shadwell a spinster and a minor
were married in this Church by License and with consent of Samuel Messent the natural and lawful father of the said minor, this [18 May 1833] . . .

[News], Adelaide Observer [SA] (28 August 1847), 5 

. . . We (Adelaide Observer) were present at the Society's second concert, last night Mrs. Murray's absence from indisposition, and the consequent silence of the organ were much to be regretted. The pieces performed were selected from, the works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, &c. The quartette, "Judge me, O Lord," was sung with great judgment by Messrs. Ewens, Burford, Harwood, and Mrs. Jones, and the supplicatory, plaintive tone, in which the solemn appeal was expressed, was truly touching. In the choral part of the same piece, the joyously triumphant notes of gladness, in which the Psalmist is made to exhibit his confidence and happiness, were well expressed. The recitative and solos gave painful proofs of the sufferings of their performances from the prevalent epidemic. Notwithstanding this drawback, the solo by Mrs. Bushell was both tasteful and pleasing. The grand chorus " Hallelujah," was rendered with admirable expression, precision, and power, and evidently left an effect on the audience that well suited a closing performance. Some of the instruments were, on a few occasions, rather out of tune; but the cornopean and bass violin did wonders, and it is hardly a stretch of praise to say that they themselves would form no insignificant orchestra. It is calculated that the two evenings' performances will leave a net profit of £60 or £70 on behalf of the South Australian British Destitution Relief Fund.

ASSOCIATIONS: Georgiana Murray (vocalist, organist); William Ewens (vocalist); Thomas Harward (vocalist); Rebecca Bushell (vocalist); Adelaide Choral Society (association)

"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (22 April 1848), 3 

The Concert, got up to assist in defraying the cost of the organ and gallery for St. John's Church, took place on Wednesday evening last, in the New Collegiate School-room in Pultney-street. The attendance, though not so large as might have been anticipated, for the occasion, and the expected treat, was nevertheless highly respectable; and the whole affair went off with considerable eclat. His Excellency the Governor (accompanied by several ladies and gentlemen) honoured the performance with his presence. The School-room afforded ample accommodation, in point of space; but was, from its unfinished state, in some measure detrimental to the effect of the music. The organ, which has been built by our clever fellow-colonist, Mr. Samuel Marshall, of Currie-street, and which reflects great credit upon his ingenuity and skill, was opened by a Voluntary performed by Mr. Bennett, the leader of the Concert, with his accustomed good taste. The tones of the instrument were rich and full, and altogether, under circumstances, exceeded our expectations. The Venetian Swell, however, will, we think, be indispensably needed to perfect this work of colonial artizanship. Handel's Coronation Anthem followed, and was executed with considerable precision, the vocal parts being undertaken for the first time in the colony. The several solos, by Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Jones, and Mrs. Bushell were sung with good effect . . . Mr. Burford's alto voice, though sweet, was unsuited to the place. The choruses were generally well performed. We would especially notice "All we, like sheep." The Allegro movement was well sung, and the fine and difficult Adagio well sustained, giving good effect to the entire piece. The "Grand Hallelujah Chorus" has never been better performed in Adelaide. The time, throughout the Concert, was excellent. The Choral Society are entitled to many thanks for their great exertions to gratify the public taste. Their conduct or this occasion was most decorous and gratifying.

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Marshall (organ builder); George Bennett (musician)

"BAPTIST CHAPEL, NORTH ADELAIDE", South Australian Register (16 May 1851), 2 

The first anniversary of the opening of the Baptist Chapel, on Lefevre-terrace, North Adelaide . . . was held on Sunday last . . . A public meeting, in connection with the same object, was held on Monday evening, William Peacock, Esq., in the chair. A comparatively small number of persons attended on this occasion, many others being prevented by the unfavourable state of the weather; and had it not been for the unity and good feeling which evidently pervaded the meeting, and were greatly heightened by the influence of sacred song, it must have been what it all day threatened to be, a very dull affair. It was, however, not so . . . very interesting and animated addresses were delivered by the Revs. Hull and Butfield, also by Mr. Bonwick; and select pieces of sacred music were sung at intervals by Messrs. Daniel, Burford, Chinner, and Wylde, in very effective style and exquisite taste, to the marked gratification of all present. The subscriptions to the Chapel funds during the services amounted to upwards of £30.

ASSOCIATIONS: Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist); George Williams Chinner (vocalist); Charles Wylde (vocalist)

"HULLAH'S SYSTEM OF MUSIC", South Australian Register (31 May 1851), 3 

On Wednesday evening last a public examination of the pupils under the direction of Mr. Joseph Ryder took place in the school-room behind the Rev. Mr. Stow's chapel in Freeman-street, before a numerous and respectable audience. On the occasion also a farewell address was presented to Mr. Ryder, with a pecuniary donation, before leaving finally for a residence near Nairne. The performance of the whole evening's programme seemed to pass off with much satisfaction to the audience and credit to the teacher, consisting of various pieces in the second-class books Hullah, both in the major and minor scales, and in various keys . . . the paper containing the address, and read as follows: -
"Adelaide, South Australia, 28th May, 1831.
"Dear Sir - We, the undersigned, cannot permit you to depart from us without expressing our sincere regret on this occasion.
During the nine months we have now been pupils in your class - your kind attention and urbanity, your solicitude to impart to us a correct and practical knowledge of the principles of vocal harmony according to the Hullah systems have won our warmest esteem and gratitude; and rest assured, dear Sir, that, wherever you may sojourn, yourself and family have our best wishes for your future prosperity.
"In bidding you now farewell, we beg to subscribe ourselves, dear Sir, yours very truly,
[23 signatories including] . . . MISS BURFORD . . . C. BOWEN . . .
The class then sang a fine piece of melody, "The Death of the Just," and the meeting separated.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Ryder (singing master); Hullah's system (general); Miss Burford was William's eldest daughter Elizabeth, and Bowen her future husband; Elizabeth Burford, b. London, c. 1834; m. (1) Charles Bowen (1834-70), Adelaide, SA, 10 April 1857; m. (2) Robert Kettle Finlayson (1839-1916), Clapham, SA, 19 August 1884; d. Adelaide, 28 January 1900; see "PERSONAL", The Express and Telegraph (29 January 1900), 2 

"DINNER TO F. S. DUTTON, AND G. M. WATERHOUSE, ESQRS.", Adelaide Observer [SA] (12 July 1851), 4 

The Committee of F. S. Dutton, Esq., M.L.C., gave a dinner to the hon. gentleman on Wednesday evening, at the Hamburg Hotel, as a fitting finale to the long and arduous contest so successfully terminated by the triumph of the candidate whom they supported as the exponent of their political principles. G. M. Waterhouse, Esq., member for East Torrens, was also a guest, as well as a few other gentlemen, amongst whom we noticed Mr. Whittridge, of the Austral Examiner, some members of the Press, and Messrs. Daniels, Chinner, and Wylde, of the Choral Society . . .
Dr. Eades occupied the presidential chair . . . He called on them to quaff to "The health of Francis Stacker Dutton, Esq., Member of the Legislative Council for East Adelaide."
The toast was drunk upstanding with tremendous applause, which burst out repeatedly as it appeared to be subsiding . . .
Quartetto arranged expressly for the occasion by J. W. Daniels:
"Fair is the statesman's honour'd crown,
And fair his laurell'd wreath;
The lustre of their bright renown
Fades not, bedimm'd by death."
By Messrs. Daniel, Chinner, Burford, and Wylde . . .
Song by Mr. Burford - "A Fine Old English Gentleman," in which the whole company joined in chorus . . .
"Prosperity to South Australia." (Cheers.)
Glee - "Hail smiling Morn" . . .
"The Liberal Interest," which was drunk with applause.
Glee - "Foresters Sound the Cheerful Horn" . . .
Glee - "The Souls of the Brave" . . .
Glee - "Awake, Eolian Lyre" . . .
Quartette - "Where is the German's Fatherland?" . . .
Glee - "Sleep, Gentle Lady" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Stacker Dutton (politician, musical amateur); Adelaide Choral Society (association)

"YATALA ELECTION DINNER", South Australian Register (19 August 1851), 3 

The friends of W. Giles, Esq., the successful candidate for Yatala, celebrated his return for that district by a sumptuous dinner yesterday evening, at the Norfolk Hotel, Rundle-street. The Chair was filled by F. S. Dutton, Esq., M.L.C. . . . During the evening the proceedings were greatly enlivened by the superior glee-singing of Messrs. Daniels, Wylde, Chinner, and Burford; and in addition to the comic song by Mr. Fisher, there was another written expressly for the occasion, and sung by Mr. Dicker, which elicited loud applause.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Giles (politician); Daniel Fisher (vocalist); Frederick Dicker (vocalist)

"UNION CHAPEL, COROMANDEL VALLEY, UPPER STURT", Adelaide Observer (2 April 1853), 3 

A social meeting of a very animating description was held here in the afternoon and evening of Good Friday, to celebrate the opening of the Chapel on the same day in 1851. The neat Chapel, which would have proved too small to accommodate many visitors in addition to its ordinary congregation, had its accommodations enlarged by a tent erected at the vestry end . . . On re-assembling after tea, the company was agreeably entertained by a piece of sacred music, performed by a choir from Adelaide, consisting of Messrs. Chinner, Daniells, jun., Burford, and Wylde. This was continued at short intervals throughout the evening . . .

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (29 July 1854), 3 

WITH a desire to aid in the successful accomplishment of the great object now before the public, the undersigned have taken steps to carry out a
SACRED CONCERT; and with a view to its being efficiently and solemnly conducted, hereby invite the cooperation of all who are practised in concerted singing.
They have obtained the cheerful acquiescence of the office-bearers of Freeman-street Chapel, who have, without hesitation, granted its use for the purpose.
A Committee will be formed, and immediate notice given of the time and place for practice.
July 27th, 1854.

ASSOCIATIONS: George White (musical amateur)

"SACRED CONCERT", Adelaide Times (7 September 1854), 3 

The Sacred Vocal Concert in aid of the War Relief Fund took place last evening in the Freeman-street Chapel, and was, as we predicted, decidedly the most brilliant and successful musical entertainment that has ever taken place in South Australia. The building was crowded, not less we should imagine, than 700 persons being present, amongst whom were Sir Henry and Lady Young, and most of the leading residents in Adelaide and the neighbourhood. Before noticing the performance in detail, we feel no hesitation in stating that in the management of the choruses, and the great science and judgment displayed in their execution, the performance of last evening - excepting, of course in point of numbers - would bear by no means a discreditable comparison with those we have been accustomed to hear in Exeter Hall. Mr. Daniels acted as Leader, in a manner which reflected great credit upon him. It, perhaps, was to be regretted that a fuller instrumental accompaniment was not available; although the two pianofortes, under the tasteful and brilliant management of Mrs. Young and Mr. Francis Dutton, were made the most of. We can only briefly refer to some of be more prominent features of this highly interesting entertainment, and amongst them we would mention as deserving of special praise the alto of Mr. Burford, which was eminently successful throughout. Miss Chalker sang with her accustomed good taste, and was, we thought, in remarkably fine voice. The old favourite "With verdure clad," and the duet from the "Creation," "Graceful Consort," sung by that young lady and Mr.Daniels, were warmly and deservedly encored. Mrs. Adamson delighted the audience by her beautiful rendering of Handel's "When warlike ensigns;" and Mr. Daniels gave "Arm, arm, ye brave" with very good taste, and was loudly encored. We will not conclude this necessarily hurried notice without recording our unqualified approval of the unaccompanied quartette of Franz Abt, "Morn awakes in silence," sung by Messrs. Burford, Chinner, Wilds, and Daniels, in very excellent style. The unsparing efforts of Messrs. White and Burford, to carry out the arrangements of the Concert with credit and eclat, have been completely successful, and we cordially compliment those gentlemen and all other parties concerned in the arrangements, upon the gratifying result of their exertions.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Augusta Young (governor and wife); Rebecca Cash Young (pianist); Marie Chalker (vocalist); Emma Golding La Vence Adamson (vocalist)

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (11 September 1854), 1 

THE Committee for carrying out the Sacred Concert in aid of the War Relief Fund,
beg publicly to express their thanks to Mr. J. W. Daniel for his disinterested and efficient services as conductor, and congratulate him most warmly on his complete success,

"ANNIVERSARY SERVICES", South Australian Register (6 December 1854), 3 

On Sunday last, the 3rd December, services in commemoration of the fourth anniversary were held in the Baptist Chapel, Lefevre terrace, North Adelaide . . . On Tuesday evening a tea meeting, held in the chapel, was well attended . . . The chair was taken by G. F. Angas, Esq., M.L.C., by whom, and by several other gentlemen, the meeting was addressed. It is pleasing to add that the debt upon the chapel, which previous to those services was £350, has, by the liberality of those who attended, been reduced to less than one-half that sum. During the evening some excellent pieces of sacred music were sung by Messrs. Burford, Chinner, Daniel, and Wylde. The proceedings were closed shortly before 10 o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: George French Angas (politician)

"THE LATE MR. W. H. BURFORD", South Australian Register (24 October 1895), 6 

After a protracted illness Mr. William Henville Burford, the founder of the firm of Messrs. W. H. Burford & Sons, died on Wednesday forenoon, at his residence, Clapham Park, West Mitcham, in the 89th year of his age. Mr. Burford was one of the pioneer colonists of South Australia, for although the colony was nearly two years old when the Pestonjee Bomanjee, by which he was a passenger, arrived at Glenelg from England on October 12, 1838, he did a great deal to set the young province in going order. He came from the old land with plenty of courage and perseverance, and his efforts were fully rewarded.

Mr. Burford was born on January 24, 1807, at St. Catharine's, Middlesex. He was the youngest of five sons, and of his own choice was apprenticed to the butchering business. After butchering a few years he entered the oil and colour trade, which included tallow rendering and tallow-candle making. He had many difficulties to contend against during his life in England, which no doubt helped to fit him for the rough colonial life which he was subsequently to experience. A friend of his advised him to emigrate. He took passage with his family for Sydney, but while waiting for a ship his attention was called to South Australia. In view of the liberality of the Constitution of this colony, and, above all, that there was to be no State Church, he greatly preferred the younger province, and obtained consent to change his destination. He then sailed by the Pestonjee Bomanjee, which had amongst her passengers Governor Gawler. Speaking of his disembarkation from the vessel, Mr. Burford said - "We landed in water up to our waists, and were for two days and nights on the beach guarding our luggage. Conveyed thence to Emigration square and lodged in a rude wooden shanty without a single article of commerce, and only 1s. 6d. in cash to begin colonial life. Wife invalided, and two children of three and five years of age to support." What a contrast with the present times! . . .

His first employment was at a limekiln, and next he was engaged in excavating a cellar in Hindley-street. For a time Mr. Burford was employed in painting and glazing, and soon afterwards engaged several hands on his own account, until he had a large business, paying men at from 10s. to 14s. per day. Suddenly this was stopped by the crisis which came upon the colony when its credit ceased at the Colonial Office in London. For some time prior to this the colony suffered much inconvenience from a scarcity of candles, as much as six pence being given for a single candle. So Mr. Burford began the manufacture of candles and soap at an early date, for in the old land he had had a practical knowledge of the business . . .

Mr. Burford was a well-known religious worker. Of strong religious convictions he was never backward in enunciating his views. As early as April, 1841, he signed a memorial to Governor Gawler in the interests of religious equality. At the age of nineteen he joined the party of the celebrated Rev. G. C. Smith, the sailors' missionary, and led the singing at the open-air services at Billingsgate Fish Market . . . Mr. Burford had never been out of South Australia since the day of his arrival, nor travelled more than 100 miles from the city. He was always very just to those he employed, and was greatly respected by them. Some of the present employees have been thirty years with the firm. The late Mr. Burford had a family of seven children. One died on the voyage from England, two died in South Australia, and the surviving members are Messrs. Benjamin and William Burford, Mrs. R. K. Finlayson and Mrs. R. H. Eddy, and there are fifteen grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren. In 1833 Mr. Burford married the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Samuel Messent. Mrs. Burford was ill on the voyage, and was an invalid for several years after her arrival in the colony until she died. In 1861 Mr. Burford married another daughter of Mr. Messent, who also died. In 1880 he married for the third time the present Mrs. Burford, who was the widow of the late Mr. J. H. M. Hawkes.


Vendor of a cornopean

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1854 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 April 1854), 8 

TO Musicians. - On Sale a splendid silver Cornopean, by that celebrated maker, Distin, London. Price £15. E. Burgess, near Olive Branch, Stephen-street north.

ASSOCIATIONS: Distin family (London musicians and musical instrument makers)


Dancer, vocalist, entertainer, minstrel serenader

Active Bendigo, VIC, by March 1859
Active Melbourne, VIC, until 1881 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BURGESS, William (William BURGESS; Master BURGESS; Master Wm. BURGESS)

Juvenile vocalist, tenor vocalist, Irish comic vocalist, dancer, entertainer

Active Bendigo, VIC, by December 1858
Active Beechworth, VIC, until December 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (8 December 1858), 1 

MASTER BURGESS, The Infant Wonder, in his Irish Comic Songs,
MRS. BYRNE Will sing her most charming Ballads.
MR. C. WILLIAMS Will introduce his Shaksperian Ditties.
MR. J. BUSH, Pianist.
Forming a most pleasing evening's entertainment, and the

ASSOCIATIONS: Georgina Bourn (vocalist); Charles Williams (vocalist); James Bush (pianist); Victoria Concert Hall (Bendigo venue)

"CHRISTMAS EVE IN SANDHURST", Bendigo Advertiser (27 December 1858), 3 

. . . On dropping into the theatre we found that the company were performing Auber's opera of "Fra Diavolo," in which the character of Zerlina was sustained by Miss Julia Harland, Beppo by M. Coulon, Fra Diavolo by Mr. Sherwin, and Lord Alcash by Mr. Linley Norman . . . From the Theatre to the Shamrock, where by a vigorous determination and a resolution not to be done, we were enabled to gain admission through the tremendous crowd that thronged to the very doors . . . as well as the Ethiopian Burbank - Thatcher is again, and was "all there" in his local originals. From thence to Ned Ryan's, at the Victoria, in time to, hear the new singer which he has brought forward - Mr. Cassidy, a gentleman who in his particular line of character songs is capital . . . In the Victoria we listened with pleasure to the singing of Mrs. Byrne and Master Burgess. The former sang tastefully, and was encored by a crowded audience; Master Burgess sang some of Russell's melodies in a style that would have earned fame for an older and much more-experienced performer. The presiding genius, at the piano accompanied the vocalists efficiently . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Harland (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist), Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Linly Norman (vocalist, musical director); English Opera Company (troupe); Otto N. Burbank (minstrel, dancer); Charles Thatcher (comic vocalist); James W. Cassidy (vocalist); Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue); Shamrock Concert Hall (Bendigo venue)

"VICTORIA THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (17 January 1858), 3 

The house, was, despite the unfavorable state of the weather, quite crowded on Saturday evening last. Mrs. Stone, on her re-appearance from Epsom, was extremely well received, as were Master Burgess and the rest of the company. Several broad country songs from Mrs. Stone, and some Irish national melodies by Master Burgess, were loudly applauded.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Stone (vocalist)

"VICTORIA THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (24 March 1859), 3 

Last night the already numerous and varied attractions of this place of amusement were considerably increased by the first appearance on Bendigo of two impersonators of negro character - Messrs. John Burgess and Henry Sharp, from Melbourne, who in this species of performance will certainly bear comparison with any we have yet seen. Indeed, the first mentioned performer in the "break down" dance will cause even the celebrated Burbank to put a little extra "life and mettle in his heels" if he would retain his laurels.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Sharp (banjo player, minstrel serenader)

"VICTORIA THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (26 March 1859), 3 

The performances of the new dancer, Mr. Burgess, at the Victoria, appear to elicit a perfect furore of admiration from the audience. He certainly is one of the most agile dancers in what is termed the "Juba break down," that has appeared, and without doubt may be said to have so far cultivated this toe and heel performance, as to entitle it to be classed in the category of scientific. We hear that there are likely to be some heavy sporting bets made on his dancing against that of his rival performer, Burbank, at the Shamrock. Should the match really be made the office of umpire, to decide on the most proficient, will be a very difficult one.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (29 March 1859), 1 

TO SEE JOHNNY BURGESS, Dance, acknowledged, without doubt, the Greatest Dancer in the World.
MR. SHARP, Stands Unrivalled as a Banjoist.
ME. J. A. PICCO, The Australian Paganini, and Soloist on various Instruments.
MASTER BURGESS, Still gains Laurels as a Juvenile Vocalist.
Pianist - MR. BUSH.
Leader - Mr. J. A. Picco.
Admission Free.

ASSOCIATIONS: J. A. Picco (musician)

"VICTORIA THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (30 March 1859), 3 

Despite the attractions at the Haymarket Theatre, the Victoria Concert Hall is numerously patronised. Joe Miller's comicalities are always amusing, Master Burgess's vocalism is well appreciated, and the [REDACTED] delineators, Mr. Sharp and Mr. John Burgess, are applauded to the echo, "which doth applaud again." The latter, by his wonderful "step dancing," seems to have securely established a footing on Bendigo as one of the cleverest of Ethiopian dancers.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joe Miller (comedian)

"THE VICTORIA CONCERT HALL", Bendigo Advertiser (7 April 1859), 3 

The proprietor of the Victoria still maintains the reputation he has achieved for it as one of the best places for the enjoyment of an evening's amusement on Bendigo. In addition to the old favorites, Joe Miller, Master Burgess, and the Ethiopian delineators, Burgess and Sharp, (for they have now successfully established themselves as favorites with the public,) we see that he has produced a very novel species of entertainment in the performances of the Italian Marionettes, which are nightly applauded.

"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (19 April 1859), 2 

A crowded audience assembled at this favorite place of amusement last evening, and the entertainments, as they usually are, were of such a character as to afford them the highest gratification. Everything as announced in the programme went off in the happiest manner, with the exception of an unfortunate hitch which occurred in the unavoidable absence of Mr. Burbank, who, it is stated, had received the permission of Mr. Heffernan to dance against Mr. Burgess, which permission was withdrawn, it was stated at the eleventh hour, much to the disappointment and vexation of those assembled. The other performances, however, were capitally gone through, and reflected the highest credit on the company. They were given as a grand complimentary benefit to Mr. J. Burgess, who, notwithstanding the unexpected absence of his challenged antagonist, exerted himself to the uttermost to render the entertainments of the evening pleasing and satisfactory. The performances of Mr. J. A. Picco on the violin, the gridiron, whistle, and other instruments, were received with uproarious applause, and the great gun trick of the Wizard of the North was performed in a manner which created deservedly a very powerful sensation. The evenings entertainment on tlio whole was highly successful, and the audience were evidently highly delighted throughout.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Heffernan (proprietor of the Shamrock Concert Hall)

[2 advertisements], Bendigo Advertiser (23 April 1859), 1 

MR. J. BURGESS, Who will make his First Appearance this Evening in Connection with the above Company, in a

MASTER WM. BURGESS The Celebrated Irish Comic Singer will also appear . . .
Pianist, Mr. BUSH . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Crowley (co-proprietor); San Francisco Minstrels (troupe)

"THE SHAMROCK THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (3 May 1859), 2 

The popularity of this favorite place of amusement is constantly on the increase, and is nightly crowded with admiring and applauding audiences. Generally speaking, the hall is crowded in such a manner that shortly after the opening of the doors it is difficult to squeeze oneself into a seat, or to obtain even standing room. Last evening was no exception to the general rule, and the performances, as they usually are, were of a most amusing and superior order. The ballet entitled "The Painter's Illusion" was the first piece, and the various characters were admirably sustained by Mdlle. Therese, M. Schmidt, and Mr. Chambers. A performance by the celebrated San Francisco Minstrels succeeded, and was throughout most rapturously applauded. Then came the grand trial dance between Burbank and Burgess, in which both acquitted themselves in a superior style, and were received with loud and continued plaudits . . . A Clog Dance by J. Burgess wits performed in the usual excellent style of that artist, and was loudly applauded . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Therese Ferdinand Strebinger (dancer); Mons. and Therese Schmidt (dancers); Joseph Chambers junior (dancer)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (11 June 1859), 1 

MASTER WM. BURGESS, With his usual variety of Sentimental and Comic Singing.

"STAR THEATRE, CHILTERN", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (31 October 1859), 2 

Mr. Johnson's celebrated Concert Company continue to perform at this popular place of amusement; since their last visit their strength has been augmented by Miss Bartley and Master Burgess, the celebrated tenor singer. To remark on the performances of the Johnson, junr., and senior, and Mrs. Andrew, would be superfluous they are greeted nightly with rounds of applause and respected encores . . . As to Master Burgess, he is everything that could be desired, except indeed when he attempts to torture his fine voice into the production of an Irish comic song. For the future let this gentleman confine himself to those fine ballads and sentimental songs for which his voice is so well adapted, doing otherwise he is only spoiling both his reputation as a singer and his voice. Altogether, in the absence of every thing like menial recreation at Chiltern, we know of no place where such a evening may be spent as at the Star.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jovial and Charley Johnson (entertainers); Theresa Shirley Andrew (vocalist); Miss Bartley (vocalist); Star Theatre (Chiltern venue)

"STAR THEATRE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (21 November 1859), 2 

The concert company must be well pleased with the unmistakeable demonstration and crowded house that greeted them on Saturday night last, when the entire programme met with such enthusiastic approval. Mr. Johnson proved himself in the farce well qualified for comedy . . . also the ladies and little Charley deserve great commendation. We think the "Demon Flea" quite a master piece of the Jovial Johnson, and a new duett "The Quakers," elicited roars of laughter from all parts of the house, in which he was well supported by Miss Bartley . . . Mrs. Andrew shows off to great advantage in duetts with Miss Bartley . . . Master Burgess improves very considerably, and possesses an excellent quality of voice for concerted pieces . . . and we hope that our Beechworth friends will be liberal in their support of this talented company. The pianoforte playing of Mons. Linden proved him be a master of the art.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Linden (pianist); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)

"STAR THEATRE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (1 December 1859), 2 

The celebration of St. Andrew's Day was carried out to repletion by the Concert Company last evening, and thoroughly appreciated by all lovers of "Auld Lang Syne" . . . Masters Burgess and Charley were as usual appreciated, most deservedly . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 December 1859), 1 

JAMES BUSH and WILLIAM BURGESS, late of Victoria Hotel, Sandhurst, send your address, Victoria Hotel, Sandridge.

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (14 December 1860), 8 

GREAT CHALLENGE DANCE For £50, Between Mr. J. Burgess, from London, and Mr. O. N. Burbank (San Francisco Minstrels) . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Prince of Wales Theatre (Melbourne venue)

[Advertisement], The Argus (16 August 1862), 8 

COPPIN'S APOLLO MUSIC HALL. Lessee and Manager, Mr. James Simmonds
NOVELTY TO-NIGHT, And every Evening till further notice,
The COURT MINSTRELS Will appear in the costume of King George II
Negro Ballads, Songs, Choruses, Breakdowns, Burlesques, &c.
ENGLISH, IRISH, and SCOTCH BALLADS, By Madame Carandini, Miss Chalker,
The Misses Royal, Mr. Small, And Mr. Sherwin.
Part I.
Grand Introductory overture (Instrumental) - Court Minstrels.
Opening Chorus - "Let's be gay" (operatic) - Company.
"Let me kiss him for his mother" - Percival.
"Kiss me quick and go" - Burgess.
"Ellen Bayne" - Pearson.
"Gone to Alabama State" - Harry Leslie.
"The Virginia Rosebud" (Cheval de Bronze.) - Morgan.
"Come where my love lies dreaming" - Percival.
"Arrival of Picayune Butler" - Burgess.
Finale - "Railway Galop" - Leathwood and Company . . .
Part 3.
Ballad - Percival.
Solo, Song, and Dance (comic) - J. J. Burgess.
Duett - Pearson and Percival.
Comic Duett, Introducing the Madagascar Fiddle - F. Leathwood and Harry Leslie.
The two Dromies - Harry Leslie and J. J Burgess.
Rattlesnake Jig - J. J. Burgess . . .
Musical Director - Mr. George Loder . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Court Minstrels (troupe), consisting of Charles F. Percival (minstrel); Harry Leslie (minstrel) J. W. Morgan (minstrel); Frank Leathwood (minstrel); A. Pearson (minstrel)

ASSOCIATIONS (other): Maria Carandini (vocalist); Marie Chalker (vocalist); Kate and Lizzie Royal (vocalists); Joe Small (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); George Loder (venue musical director); James Simmonds (manager, actor); Apollo Music Hall (Melbourne venue)

"TOWN TALK", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (6 October 1862), 5 

The first afternoon performance at Coppin's Apollo Music Hall took place on Saturday . . . The Court Minstrels were excellent in their performance, and received unanimous applause . . . and the dancing of Mr. Flexmore and. Mr. J. J. Burgess, met with especial favour . . .

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (26 November 1862), 3 

J. W. Morgan . . . J. J. Burgess . . . F. Dixon . . . F. Leatherwood . . .
Harry Leslie . . . A. Pearson . . . C. Percival . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Dixon (minstrel); Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 July 1863), 8 

JOHNNY BURGESS, the Champion Dancer . . . every night, Royal Charter Concert-hall . . .
J. J. BURGESS in his [REDACTED] BREAK-DOWN TO-NIGHT Royal Charter Hotel Concert-hall.

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (2 April 1864), 2 

Messrs. JOHNNY BURGESS and RAMSAY, in their great Challenge Dance . . .
Musical Director and Pianist: J. Bush . . . ADMISSION FREE.

[Advertisement], The Ballarat Star [VIC] (25 August 1865), 3 

the celebrated and original COURT MINSTRELS.
Johnny Burgess, Solo, Song and Dance, "Finnigan's Wake" . . .

New Zealand (1868-71):

[Advertisement], Grey River Argus (3 November 1868), 3 

Engagement of JOHNNY BURGESS, the Champion Clog and Pump Dancer,
and FRANK LEATHWOOD, the Celebrated Banjo and Concertina Soloist,
who will appear nightly at this Popular Place of Amusement, in conjunction with the talented company already engaged.

[Advertisement], Star [Christchurch, NZ] (20 January 1871), 1 

the First Appearance of MR. C. F. PERCIVAL, The well-known Tenor,
and MR. JOHNNY BURGESS, The acknowledged Star Negro Singer and Champion Dancer . . .

[Advertisement], Lyttelton Times [NZ] (4 February 1871), 3 

MR. J. J. DANIELS, The Accomplished Baritone. MR. C. F. PERCIVAL, The Celebrated Tenor.
Mr. JOHNNY BURGESS, Late San Francisco Minstrels' Champion Negro Delineator . . .

Australia (from April 1871):

[Advertisement], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (8 April 1871), 2 

See the array of Ethiopean Minstrel Talent . . . JOHNNY BURGESS . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Nicholas La Feuillade (musician)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 May 1881), 2 

QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY . . . TIVOLI GARDENS, WAVERLEY. Grand Carnival. Galaxy of Talent.
Three Full Bands. Monster Procession through Sydney . . .
The renowned and old favourite, JOHNNY BURGESS, will also appear.

BURGESS, Joseph Bird (Joseph Bird BURGESS; J. B. BURGESS)

Musician, professor of music, violinist, quadrille band and orchestral leader, pianist, organist, piano tuner, composer, importer of pianofortes and harmoniums

Born Walworth, Surrey, England, 19 June 1830; son of Joseph BURGESS (c. 1810-1875) and Elizabeth BIRD (1805-1891) (m. Newington, Surrey, 8 June 1829)
Married Margaret Susannah FOSTER (c. 1833-1895), Bredhurst, Kent, England, 1 August 1852
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 4 January 1853 (per Wandsworth, from London, 16 September 1852, aged "22")
Active Bendigo, VIC, by December 1855
Died Geelong, VIC, 20 March 1907, aged "77" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Births, June 1830; Protestant dissenters' birth registry, 1824-27; UK National Archives, RG5/146 (PAYWALL)

No. 11383 / . . . that Joseph Bird Burgess / the son of Joseph Burgess of Walworth in the county of Surrey, Tailor, Hatter, & Hosier,
and Elizabeth his wife (who was the daughter of Joseph Bird of Walworth . . . Gentleman)
was born at the house of the said Joseph Burgess, No. 19 in Manor Place, Walworth . . . on the [19 June 1830]

England census, St. Peter Walworth, Newington, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO107/1567/58/1 (PAYWALL)

2 Keens Row / Joseph Burgess / Head / Married / 41 / Vestry Clerk / [born] Surrey Newington
Elizabeth [Burgess] / Wife / Married / 45 / - / [born Surrey Newington]
Joseph Bird [Burgess] / Son / Unmarried / 20 / Clerk to Father / [born Surrey Newington]
John / Son / 19 / Tailor // Henry / 18 / Clerk to Father // James Phelp / Son / 16 / Bookseller //
Elizabeth / 14 // Leemin / 12 // Thomas Clarkson / 10 // Ellen / 8

Marriages, Bredhurst, Kent, 1852; Kent Archives Office (PAYWALL)

1 August 1852 / Joseph Bird Burgess / 22 / Margaret Susannah Foster / 19

VIC, Australia (from 4 January 1853):

Names and descriptions of passengers per Wandsworth, from London, 7 September 1852, for Port Phillip, 4 January 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Burgess Joseph / 22 / Prof. of Music // [Burgess] Margaret / 19 . . .

? "ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (27 August 1853), 2 

August 21. - Tartar, barque, 871 tons, Captain Madigan, from New Zealand the 8th instant. Passengers - Mr. J. B. Burgess . . . and 146 in the steerage. Captain, agent.

[Advertisement], The Argus (19 November 1853), 8 

ROWE'S CIRCUS! - The Second of the Series of Grand Promenade Concerts!!
Will be given at this Establishment on Saturday, the 19th November . . .
Madame Sara Flower, who will on this occasion sing a great number of her best and choicest gems of song . . .
The Monster Orchestra Will embrace all the available talent in Melbourne,
assisted by several members of the band of the 99th regiment . . .
Instrumentalists. Grand Piano Forte - Mr. Alfred Oakey
Violino Primo - Mr. Tucker and Mr. Peck
Vlolino Secondo - Mr. Howson, Mr. Mather, and Mr. Burgess . . . .
Leader - Mr. Tucker. Conductor - Mr. Alfred Oakey.
First Night of Jullien's New Irish Quadrille, The Hibernians . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); Alfred Oakey (musician); Edward Tucker (violinist); George Peck (violinist); Henry Howson (violinist); William Mather (violinist); Joseph Andrew Rowe (proprietor); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue); see also [Playbill] Rowe's American Circus, the second grand promenade concert, Saturday Evening, Nov. 19 

[Advertisement], The Argus (17 December 1853), 5 

ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS, Corner of Stephen and Lonsdale streets.
The sixth of a Series of Grand PROMENADE CONCERTS will take place at the above place of amusement on Saturday Evening, December 7th, 1853 . . .
Instrumentalists. Pianoforte - Mr. Alfred Oakey.
Violino primo - Mr. Radford and Mr. Peck. Violino Second - Mr. Mather and Mr. Burgess . . .
Leader - Mr. M. Radford. Conductor and Composer - Mr. Alfred Oakey . . .
In Preparation: Grand Indian Quadrille, by Jullien, the Band arrangement by Alfred Oakey . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mark Radford (violinist, leader)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (13 October 1855), 3 

ROYAL HOTEL. Concert Hall. For the Benefit of MISS ANNIE LEWIS. Miss Lewis begs to state that through the kindness of Mr. Hemingway she will take a benefit on Tuesday Next, the 15th Instant, at the Royal Hotel Concert Hall, View Point, when the following talented artistes have volunteered to give their valuable services; Miss Graham, the-old Bendigo favorite, Miss Pearson, her second appearance on Bendigo, Mrs. Bourne, Mrs. Mitchell, and Mrs. Gill. Mr. Small, Mr. Cumming, Mr. Warden, and Mr. Burgess . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Lewis (Mrs. Edward Salamon, vocalist); Amelia Graham (vocalist); Georigina Bourn (vocalist); Madelina Mitchell (vocalist); Joe Small (vocalist); Mr. Cumming (vocalist); James Warden (vocalist, musician)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (6 December 1855), 1 

A GRAND Opening Ball and Supper will take place at the above Hotel on Thursday, 13th December,
on which occasion no expense or exertion will be spared . . .
The Band will be under the direction of Mr. J. Burgess,
late of Julien Loden [sic, Jullien's, London, and] Winterbottom's Band.
Tickets to admit a Lady and Gentleman One Guinea, to be obtained of the Stewards, the Victoria, Royal, and Wellington Hotels.
C. C. HILLMAN, Proprietor.

ASSOCIATIONS: Louis Jullien (London band leader); John Winterbottom (band leader)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (11 December 1855), 3 

THE Sir Charles Hotham Hotel Quadrille Club will give their first Quarterly Ball on Wednesday,
the 26th day of December, in the Sir Charles Hotham Hotel Assembly Room . . . .
Proprietor - Mr. John Ellison. Radford's Band will be in attendance, accompanied by Messrs. Burgess and Irish.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Radford (musician)

"MR. BURGESS'S BALL", Bendigo Advertiser (22 January 1856), 3 

A complimentary ball is to be given to this gentleman, on to-morrow evening, at the Epsom Hotel. The ability of Mr. Burgess for composing and arranging music is worthy of more than a passing notice. It is with regret for the present, however, that, for want of space, we must defer giving a lengthy one. Some very pleasing airs have been recently composed by him. The "Octavia Polka" we believe is one of them. At the ball some new airs are to be played for the first time, and if rumour is worth a groat, they are worth hearing.

"ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. To the Editor", Bendigo Advertiser (24 January 1856), 3

Sir - Will you be kind enough to allow me to correct an error that appeared in your issue of this morning, relative to my ball. The "Octavia Polka" was written by Mr. E. Salaman and not by me as you have stated. The "Casey Polka" was composed by me for the same occasion, and both Polkas were produced for the first time, at the opening ball, Wellington Hotel, Epsom.
Trusting you will excuse me for so far trespassing on your valuable space,
I am, Sir. Yours obediently, JOSEPH BURGESS, Late of Mons. Jullien and Winterbottom's Bands.
Epsom, 22nd Jan., 1856

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Salamon (composer)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (15 May 1856), 3 

A GRAND BALL will be given on Thursday, the 15th of May, at the SYDENHAM GARDENS.
Admission to Ball and Supper for one Gentleman and two Ladies, 10s. 6d.
Dancing to commence at Half-past Eight o'clock. A FIRST-RATE BAND IS ENGAGED.
Leader, Mr. Burgess. Cornet, Mr. R. W. Kohler.

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Wildblood Kohler (cornet)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (12 August 1856), 3 

Grand opening ball and supper, Wednesday Evening, August 13th.
MR. S. BURGESS'S [sic] Celebrated Quadrille Band Will be in attendance . . .

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (23 October 1856), 3 

STAR HOTEL, Milkmaid's Flat, MR. GRAHAM has much pleasure in informing his friends that a grand
SELECT BALL will be held at the above Hotel, on FRIDAY, 31st OCTOBER, When he hopes to receive the support of the public in the vicinity.
Mr. Burgess's Quadrille Band wilt be in attendance . . .

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (12 January 1857), 3 

S. E. WITHERS has much pleasure in announcing that he will open his splendid Hall With a Grand Ball and Supper on Tuesday, January 13th . . .
Mr. Burgess's celebrated Quadrille Band will be in attendance . . .

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (25 February 1857), 3 

GRAND BALL. MR. J. BURGESS'S ANNUAL BENEFIT BALL Will be held at Young's British American Hotel, Iron Bark, On THURSDAY, 12th MARCH, 1857.
Tickets, one guinea each, admitting one lady and gentleman to Ball and Supper.

"CONCERT IN AID OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND FUNDS", Bendigo Advertiser (21 August 1857), 3 

The concert given on Thursday evening last, at the Assembly Rooms of Mr. Ellison's well-known hostelrie, the Sir Charles Hotham Hotel, Seventh White Hill, in aid of the funds of the Church of England in that hamlet, was a very creditable affair . . . We must not forget to mention the singing of Mr. W. M. Laurie, and also the comic singing of Mr. Macord . . . Last, though not least, the violin playing of Mr. Burgess demands our notice. This deservedly popular gentleman commanded an immense amount of applause, and showed himself to be a first-rate performer on that most difficult instrument. Mr. T. Barwick presided at the pianoforte, with his usual ability . . . Great praise is due to the amateurs who so nobly came forward to assist in a good cause, and also to the worthy incumbent of the parish (the Rev. James Linskea), who is indefatigable in his endeavors to promote the interests of the district. - Communicated.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Muir Laurie (vocalist); Samuel Macord (vocalist); Thomas Barwick (pianist)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (1 December 1857), 3 

DANCING, DANCING, DANCING. CROOM'S QUADRILLE PARTY on Thursday Evening next, 3rd instant, at Diggers' Arms, White Hills.
Mr. Burgess leader of the Band. Mr. Raeman, Pianist.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (30 December 1857), 3 

LAWTON'S ADELPHI HOTEL, JACKASS FLAT . . . A LADIES' EVENING For Thursday Evening, 31st Dec. . . .
The Proprietor has engaged Mr. Burgess, the well known Violinist, and Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, the celebrated Comic Duetists.

ASSOCIATIONS: Emma and John Pendleton (vocalists)

"MUNICIPAL POLICE COURT. Tuesday, 9th March, 1858 . . . Burgess v. Linskea. - L.12", Bendigo Advertiser (10 March 1858), 3 

Mr. O'Loughlin appeared for the plaintiff; Mr. Lysaght, for the defendant, pleaded not indebted. Mr. O'Loughlin said the plaintiff sued the Rev. Mr. Linskea, the incumbent of the Church of England at the White Hills, for this amount, the balance of his salary as organist to the church, at the rate of L.40 per annum. Mr. Linskea had paid part of the plaintiff's salary, to the amount of L.28, in a money payment of L.10, and the plaintiff had accepted the possession of the harmonium for L.18. Since this payment Mr. Linskea had denied his liability to pay the salary, throwing the responsibility on the trustees of the church.
Joseph Burgess stated that he was engaged by Mr. Linskea on the 15th August, 1856, at a salary of L.40 per annum. He understood that he was engaged by Mr. Linskea, without any reference to the trustees. When near the completion of the year, Mr. Linskea had communicated to him that if he continued his services beyond the 15th of August, 1856 [? 1857], he would have to look to the trustees for payment of his salary. Since the expiration of the year be had given his services gratuitously to the church.
By Mr. Lysaght: Had no written agreement with Mr. Linksea; he did not know that the harmonium he had received was the property of the church. He had written to Mr. Linskea, asking him to apply, to the trustees for the balance of his salary.
Mr. Thompson, one of the trustees, stated that they did not appoint the organist, he had been appointed by the Rev. Mr. Linskea. The old harmonium was bought by subscription. Mr. Linskea had informed them that it would be sold to assist the purchase of the new one.
The Bench considered that Mr. Linskea had admitted, in his communication to the plaintiff, that he was responsible for his salary.
Judgment for plaintiff, with costs; immediate execution.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (9 October 1858), 1 

MR. KOHLER has the honor to announce to his kind friends and the public of Bendigo, that on the occasion of taking his
FAREWELL BENEFIT, ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT, He will, at considerable expense, convert the above Hall into an ELEGANT THEATRE . . .
On the above occasion he will spare no expense to procure all the available Musical Talent;
and in addition to the usual programme, he will have the valuable assistance of
Instrumentalists: Pianoforte Mr. Linden.
First Violin - Mr. Zilen [sic, ? Zeplin]. [First violin] - Mr. Burgess. Second Violin - Mr. Chittenden.
In addition to the world-renowned SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Urie (vocalist); Minnie Clifford (vocalist); Frederick Leeman (vocalist); Frederick Dixon (vocalist); Charles Thatcher (vocalist); Otto Linden (pianist); ? one of the Zeplin family (violin); George Chittenden junior (violinist); San Francisco Minstrels (troupe); Shamrock Concert Hall (Bendigo venue)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (26 November 1858), 1 

MR. J. WOOLF bags to inform the public that he will open his first Free-and-Easy Concert on Saturday Evening next,
when he hopes to see all his old friends around him.
Mr. Schede, Pianist; Mr. Burgess, Violinist; and Mr. Jackson, Conductor.

ASSOCIATIONS: Herman Schede (pianist)

"THE FIRE BRIGADE BALL", Bendigo Advertiser (14 April 1859), 2 

The fourth anniversary of this Institution was duly celebrated by a ball and supper at Abbott's yesterday evening, the arrangements for which were so completely successful as to give general satisfaction . . . The orchestra, under the management of Mr. Burgess, was very effective, and both the selection and execution of the music highly commendable. Dancing was commenced soon after nine o'clock . . .

"THE HAYMARKET THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (17 June 1859), 3 

The burlesque burletta of "Fra Diavolo" was reproduced last evening, and drew down immense applause from a crowded house . . . At the conclusion of the piece Miss Kate Warde was brought before the curtain by continued and vociferous cries. An Assaut D'Armes succeeded, in which Professor Parker, Mons. Lissignol, and a number of amateurs took part, each combat giving great amusement to the audience . . . A musical entertainment by Messrs. Lissignol, Pollard, and Burgess, concluded the performances. The pieces consisted of concerted pieces from the opera of "Les Hugenots," "Ah Che La Morte," from "Il Trovatore," and the "March," from "Le Prophete." The several pieces were undoubtedly very beautifully performed, and elicited considerable applause.

ASSOCIATIONS: Kate Warde (actor, vocalist); Eugene Lissignol (musician, fencer); Joseph Henry Pollard (musician); Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue)

"THE MASONIC BALL AT ABBOTT'S LYCEUM", Bendigo Advertiser (24 June 1859), 2 

There has, we may almost venture to say, never been a more numerously attended, or more brilliant or successful, and, at the same time, more select ball in Sandhurst than that which came off last night at the Lyceum. The spacious ball room was splendidly decorated with evergreens and flags, and the effect on the first entrance was very fine. The orchestra was capital, and too much credit cannot be given to the several performers. With such musicians as Salaman and Burgess as conductor and leader, it might well be expected that the musical arrangements would be excellent, as they turned out to be . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Henry Abbott (venue proprietor); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)

"THE MASONIC BALL (To the Editor of the . . .)", Bendigo Advertiser (25 June 1859), 3

Sir, - The letter of Mr. J. A. Picco, which appears in the columns of your contemporary, unfortunately calls for a reply from me, inasmuch as his statement is utterly incorrect, and it is a matter of regret that the above gentleman in his anxiety to rush into print has not been more careful in his assertion.
I will simply state that Mr. Picco occupied in the orchestra the very same position that he describes as having been occupied by me. I was the recognised leader of the band, as the gentlemen of the orchestra can testify. Regretting that I have been compelled to intrude upon your space,
I am, Sir, yours obediently,
Barnard-street, Sandhurst, 24th June, 1859.

ASSOCIATIONS: J. W. Picco (musician)

"OUR MUSICAL TALENT", Bendigo Advertiser (6 August 1859), 2

In our report of the late Municipal festivities, we omitted to notice a musical composition by Mr. Joseph Burgess, entitled "The W. V. Simons' Schottische." The piece is certainly well arranged, and is a very pleasing composition.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Vazie Simons was mayor of Bendigo in 1859

"LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (5 September 1859), 3 

On Saturday night the Lyceum Theatre was re-opened with a talented little company consisting of Mrs. Oakey, Madame Vitelli, and Messrs. Thatcher and Leeman . . . The orchestral department was under the directorship of Mr. Alfred Oakey, than whom, we believe, there is not a more efficient accompanist on the piano in the colony. Mr. Burgess on the violin, and Mr. Oakey on the pianoforte, also did service in the introduction of overtures, &c., in the intervals of the programme. The house was crowded, as it deserved to be, and we hope the re-opening of the Lyceum will be a success.

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Oakey (vocalist and musician, wife of Alfred Oakey); Annie Vitelli (vocalist)

"THE MUNICIPAL BALL", Bendigo Advertiser (5 August 1859), 2 

This event, which had for its object the inauguration of the Town Assembly Room, came off last night with appropriate eclat . . . The orchestral arrangements had been entrusted to those well-known ball-room musicians, Messrs. Burgess, Linden, and Kohler, who with the band engaged by them on this occasion in nowise lessened their previous professional reputation . . .

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (21 March 1860), 5

Joseph Bird Burgess, of Sandhurst, musician.
Causes of insolvency - Want of money, and absence of employment, pressure of a creditor, and fear of imprisonment under Fellows's Act.
Liabilities, £83 16s. 6d.; assets, £55 ; deficiency, £28 16s. 6d. Mr. Courtney, official assignee.

"KANGAROO FLAT CEMETERY", Bendigo Advertiser (2 May 1860), 2 

A meeting of the trustees of the Kangaroo Flat Cemetery, was held yesterday, at the Glasgow Arms Hotel, for the purpose of appointing a sexton . . . Sixteen persons sent in applications with testimonials for the vacant office. The successful candidate was Mr. Joseph Burgess of Sandhurst.

"HAYMARKET THEATRE. THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (17 November 1860), 2 

The crowded state of the Haymarket Theatre last evening is sufficient evidence that when a first class musical entertainment is brought within the reach of the Bendigo public they know how to appreciate it . . . It is a work of some labor for a body of vocalists, consisting of amateurs, with but one exception, that of Mrs. Ellis, to produce even respectably as heavy an oratorio as is "The Creation" and that the concert of last evening was more than respectable, none will deny . . . The band - which was as good a one as any which ever played in Sandhurst together - consisted of the following gentlemen, most of whom, we believe, volunteered their services: - Messrs. Linden, Hallas, Burgess, Brown, Middleton, Hid, Bower, Sayers, Richter, Hunter (Castlemaine amateur), and another amateur whose name we could not ascertain. Mr. Pollard conducted, and it is mainly to his exertions, together with those of Messrs. Fowler and Von Ende, that the unparalleled success of the present concert may be attributed. The Philharmonic Society may now be said to have gained a footing amongst us . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Stewart Ellis (vocalist); Nathan Hallas (musician); Mr. Hid (musician); Frederick Alexander Bower (musician); William Francis Sayer (musician); James or Thomas Hunter (musician); Charles William Von Ende (musician); Bendigo Philharmonic Society (association)

"WESLEYAN CHAPEL, KANGAROO FLAT", Bendigo Advertiser (7 October 1862), 2 

On Sunday last a valuable addition and desideratum to vocal music was effected in this place of worship, in the shape of a handsome and well-toned harmonium, which had come direct from Melbourne, and cost the moderate sum of £39. The rendering of the various pieces of sacred music, both morning and evening, was ably executed by Mr. Joseph Burgess, the well-known and talented musician . . . - Communicated.

"ST. MARK'S CHURCH, KANGAROO FLAT", Bendigo Advertiser (1 December 1862), 2 

The interior of this little edifice is worthy of a brief notice. It is neatly fitted up in a plain unornamental style. A fine toned harmonium has been added, at which Mr. Burgess is the instrumentalist . . .

[News], The Riverine Herald [Echuca, VIC; Moama, NSW] (8 December 1869), 2 

We are informed that Mr. Towle and Dr. Crossen waited on Madame Simonsen yesterday afternoon for the purpose of requesting her to sing, during her stay in Echuca, a song composed by Mr. J. B. Burgess, which H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh permitted him to dedicate to him. Madame Simonsen expressed her willingness to comply with the request, and the song will be sung by her probably this evening.

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (duke of Edinburgh)

"DEATHS", The Argus (20 March 1870), 4

BURGESS. - On the 25th inst., at Moama, New South Wales, accidentally killed by a fall from a vehicle, Nellie Bird, elder daughter of Joseph Bird Burgess, late of Walworth, Surrey, professor of music, in the sixth year of her age. London papers please copy.

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (13 July 1870), 3 

We have to acknowledge the receipt of the music and words of a song composed by Mr. J. B. Burgess, entitled Rest, Rest, Thou Gentle Sea. It was sung by Madame Simonson with immense success in the country districts, and has been splendidly got up. Mr. R. J. Paling is the publisher.

ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Simonsen (vocalist); Richard John Paling (musicseller, publisher)

[News], The Argus (19 July 1870), 5

We have had submitted to our notice by Mr. Paling, of Collins street, a song composed by Mr. Joseph Bird Burgess, entitled "Rest, rest, thou gentle sea." There is nothing in the song that is at all displeasing, but it is in nowise distinguished by special merit from numberless compositions of the same stamp which are produced every season with the greatest regularity.

"NEW SONG", Bendigo Advertiser (23 July 1870), 2

We have to acknowledge the receipt of the words and music of a new song, entitled " Rest, rest, thou gentle sea," composed and dedicated, by special permission, to His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, by Joseph Bird Burgess, of Moama . . . We hear that two more songs of Mr. Burgess' are in the hands of the publishers. He is also preparing a volume of his sacred compositions for the press, which is to be published by subscription.

"New Song", The Tarrangower Times and Maldon and Newstead Advertiser [VIC] (30 July 1870), 2 

We have already acknowledged the receipt of a new song from the publisher, Mr. R. J. Paling, Collins-street, Melbourne, but our description was inaccurate. It is entitled, "Rest, Rest thou Gentle Sea," by Mr. Joseph Bird Burgess, is dedicated by special permission to His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, and has been sang publicly by Madame Simonsen - in our opinion the sweetest prima donna that has ever visited Australian shores. The music is charmingly appropriate to the words - is in the key of G, and ranges from C to G. The contralto notes are particularly pleasing, and generally the song is one that cannot fail to become a favorite in the drawing room. We should much like the public to hear it at some future philanthropic concert in Maldon, when we doubt not the verdict would be that it is a song superior in a great degree to the many that are considered so good simply because they are importations from the old country. As a Victorian composer, Mr. Burgess is some one to be proud of. The Riverine Herald has the following:
- "We hear that two more songs of Mr. Burgess' are in the hands of the publishers. He is also preparing a volume of his sacred compositions for the press, which is to be published by subscription. We have been requested by Mr. Burgess to publish the following letter received by him from His Excellency the Governor: -
"Governor's Office, Melbourne, 9th July 1870, -
Sir, - I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 9th June, 1870, addressed to his Excellency Viscount Canterbury, which letter reached his Excellency on the 7th July, together with the manuscript book of music, the pieces contained in which have been tried and admired. His Excellency directs me to inform yon that he readily acquiesces in in the request that the volume should be dedicated to him, and also as regards the proposed title for the Double 'Canterbury Chant.' I am further directed to request that you will furnish me with particulars as to the publication by subscription of the volume. -
I have the honor to be, air, your obedient servant (signed) J. S. ROTHWELL, A.D.C. To J. B. Burgess.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Manners-Sutton (viscount Canterbury, governor, VIC)

"NEW MUSIC", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (17 October 1870), 2 

A new schottische has been published by Paling and Co., for the composer, Mr. Joseph Bird Burgess, which is likely to become a general favorite. The name given to it by the composer is "The Ulupna," and the music is much praised by those who already have had the pleasure of dancing to it. The time and cadence are well marked.

[News], The Argus (11 November 1870), 5

We have received from the composer, Mr. J. B. Burgess, the music of a song, "The stars sink one by one from sight," [sic] the words of which appeared in the Dublin University Magazine. Mr. Burgess has dedicated his work to Mr. Amess, the late mayor.

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Amess (former mayor of Melbourne)

[Advertisement], The Pastoral Times [South Deniliquin, NSW] (12 November 1870), 3 

MR. J. B. BURGESS begs respectfully to announce in reply to numerous inquiries, that his "Ulupna Schottische" will issue from the publishers in a few days, as will his new song, "The stars sink one by one from night."
This song is dedicated by permission, to the Right Worshipful the Mayor of Melbourne.
Ranging from E to F, it will be found within the compass of nearly every class of voice.
Mr. Burgess's compositions can be obtained from the principal music-sellers both at Melbourne and Sydney.
In reference to Piano-forte tuning, Mr. Burgess begs to state that he has followed up this branch of his profession for almost a quarter of a century, the first part of his experience being gained in London.
His constituents comprise nearly the whole of the leading squatters and inhabitants within a radius of more than one hundred miles of Deniliquin, for the majority of whom he has tuned for many years past.
Mr. Burgess having been informed on the most indisputable authority that certain travelling tuners - persons who have no settled district, but are continually migrating from town to town - have asserted to several of his supporters that he has abandoned a portion of his district, deems it right that this fabrication should have publicity.
To those persons who may be desirous of improving their knowledge of the theory of music, Mr. Burgess will be most happy to give lessons in those vitally important branches of musical learning - Thorough Bass, Counterpoint, &c.
Terms. - Half-a-guinea a Lesson. Address. - Moama or Echuca.

"CHURCH OF ENGLAND", The Riverine Herald (31 December 1873), 2 

We feel much pleasure in expressing our approbation of the musical portion of the service at Christ Church on the morning of Christmas Day. The organist (Mr. Connebee) and the choir - led by Miss Fallow - did their duty remarkably well. Their rendering of the Christmas hymn, "Hark! the herald angels sing," is deserving of more than a passing notice. The musical setting of this hymn is, we are informed, the composition of our old friend and townsman, Mr. J. B. Burgess, and was composed by him expressly for the choir of this church for the Christmas service of last year. Mr. Burgess has been very successful in this composition, the style of which, though peculiarly joyous, is not wanting in solemnity. It is altogether in keeping with the spirit of the hymn. We believe that this tune, which is designated "Dulverton" will be comprised in the volume of Mr. Burgess's sacred compositions now publishing in London under the especial patronage of Viscount Canterbury, who has ordered six copies to be sent to him. His Excellency Sir George Bowen has also liberally extended his patronage to the work. Upwards of 600 copies of this book are already subscribed for, and it is believed that before long the number will be increased to 1,000. We can only say that we cordially wish Mr. Burgess the success his ability merits.

"THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND CONCERT", The Riverine Herald [Echuca, VIC; Moama, NSW] (16 December 1874), 2 

The concert which took place at the Shire-Hall on Monday night, in aid of the Church of England funds, was without exception, the most enjoyable entertainment that we have had, for a longtime. The hall was neatly full, and the audience comprised the representatives of every class in the community . . . Mr. J. B. Burgess opened with a very pretty composition of his own, the "Ulupna Schottische" . . . A song called "The stars sink one by one from night," composed by Mr. J. B. Burgess, the words taken from the Dublin-Magazine, was next sung by Mr. G. H. Kendall, and although a very plaintive melody, possesses more than ordinary merit. It was admirably sung, and elicited an encore . . .

"DEATH", The Riverine Herald [Echuca, VIC; Moama, NSW] (3 August 1875), 2 

BURGESS. - On the 20th April last, at Vermont, Upper Norwood, Surrey, England, Joseph Burgess, in the 66th year of his age, father of Joseph Bird Burgess, Professor of Music, Echuca.

"SACRED MUSIC", Bendigo Advertiser (7 February 1876), 2 

We have received from the compiler "a selection of sacred music," which has been composed and arranged by Mr. Joseph Bird Burgess, of Echuca, and dedicated to Viscount Canterbury, K.C.B. The work is very neatly and clearly printed. Over 900 copies are subscribed for; the names of the subscribers are printed with the work, and we understand that a large number of influential names (including those of Sir Hercules Robinson, the Bishop of Ballarat, and the Dean of Melbourne) reached the author after the work had been placed in the hand of the publishers (Messrs. Chappell and Co., London), and therefore, too late to be inserted in the subscribers' list.

See also "MUSIC, The Riverine Herald (29 January 1876), 2 

"SACRED MUSIC", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (12 February 1876), 205 

We have received from the composer, Mr. J. B. Burgess, a selection of sacred music which is published by Messrs. Chapell and Co., of Bond street, London, and dedicated by permission to his Excellency Viscount Canterbury, ex Governor of Victoria. The work is published by subscription, and the subscribers include a large number of the leading colonists of Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland. The selection commences with "The Canterbury Chant," single and double, in the key of E flat minor. Then follow two anthems, "Bend your heart " and "O, Lord, correct me," after which there are a number of favourite hymns set to new tunes, a "Sanctus," and "Responses after the Commandments." All this music is arranged for four voices, with organ or pianoforte accompaniment. The characteristics of Mr. Burgess's compositions seem to be a flowing and graceful melody, combined with a full and pleasant harmonious arrangements of the several parts. There is no decided originality in any of these pieces, but they are moderately easy of execution, and pleasing in effect, so that they are likely to find favour at the hands of church choirs.

[News], The Argus (23 February 1876), 5 

We have received from the composer, Mr. Joseph Bird Burgess, a copy of "A Selection of Sacred Music, composed, arranged, and dedicated (by permission) to Viscount Canterbury, K.C.B." The work is admirably got up, and is published by Chappell and Co., 50 New Bond street, London. The composer is Victorian, and lives at Echuca. The work commences with an influential list of between 400 and 500 subscribers, residing in various parts of Victoria and New South Wales. A number of single and double chants, two anthems, nine hymn tunes, a "Sanctus," and responses to the Commandments make up the body of the book. The hymn tunes are very good indeed, and deserve to be taken into common use.

[News], The Argus (27 May 1876), 7 

We have received . . . a new waltz, entitled "La Belle Christine," composed by Joseph Bird Burgess, of Echuca, and dedicated to Miss Christina Rutherford. It is a graceful composition, and easy to play. The cover is adorned with a handsome chromolithograph by Brandard, and the whole work is turned out in admirable style by Chappell and Co., of 50 New Bond-street, London.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Brandard (English lithographer; however, note that Brandard died in 1863, so it cannot have been a new design)

"TOWN NEWS", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (10 June 1876), 20 

Mr. J. B. Burgess, of Echuca, has sent us a waltz, composed by him, under the title of "La Belle Christine Waltz." It is published by Messrs. Chapell and Co., London.

"DEATH", The Riverine Herald (11 January 1895), 2 

BURGESS. - On the 9th inst., at Orson-street, Hay, Margaret, the beloved wife of Joseph Bird Burgess, and mother of John J. Burgess, Yarra-street, Echuca, in her 62nd year. Twenty-five years resident in Echuca.

"DEATHS", The Argus (21 March 1907), 1 

BURGESS. - On the 20th March, at Highton, Geelong, in his 77th year, Joseph Bird, eldest son of the late Joseph Burgess, Esq., Walworth, London, and formerly of Echuca and Hay, N.S.W. (interment at Echuca.)

"OBITUARY", Bendigo Advertiser (25 March 1907), 5 

Many old colonists will regret to hear of the death of Mr. Joseph Bird Burgess, which occurred on Wednesday. Mr. Burgess, who arrived from England in the ship Wandsworth on 1st January, 1853, was a leading figure in the musical world of the infant settlement. In company with Herr Plock he contributed largely to the pleasure of the music-loving public of the Melbourne of those stirring times. In 1854 Mr. Burgess settled in Bendigo, joining Winterbotham's band, which catered so successfully for the old Bendigonians. Ten years later he removed to Echuca, where he made the acquaintance of many of the pioneer pastoralists of Riverina and the northern districts of Victoria. Mr. Burgess was also a musical composer of no mean merit.

ASSOCIATIONs: Adam Plock (musician)

Probate and administration, Joseph B. Burgess, pianoforte tuner; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 April 1907), 6

BURGESS. - March 20, at his son's residence Highton, Geelong, Victoria, Joseph Bird Burgess, late of Bendigo, Echuca, and Hay, aged 77 years.

Musical editions (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):

Rest, rest, thou gentle sea

Rest, rest, thou gentle sea, new song, composed and dedicated, by special permission, to his royal highness the duke of Edinburgh, by Joseph Bird Burgess, of Moama ([Melbourne: Paling, 1870])


The stars sink one by one from night (1870)

The stars sink one by one from night, song, the poetry from the Dublin University Magazine, the music composed and most respectfully dedicated by permission to Samuel Amess esq're, the right worshipful the mayor of Melbourne, by Joseph Bird Burgess (Melbourne: Published for the composer by Ch's Troedel, [1870]) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Troedel (printer, publisher)

The Ulupna Schottische Joseph Bird Burgess ([Melbourne: Paling] [1870]) 

A selection of sacred music (1876)

A selection of sacred music, composed, arranged & dedicated to Viscount Canterbury, K.C.B., by Joseph Bird Burgess (London: Chappell & Co., [1876]) 

La belle Christine waltz (1876)

La belle Christine waltz by Joseph Bird Burgess (London: Chappell & Co., [1876]) 

BURGESS, Richard (Richard BURGESS; Mr. R. BURGESS)

Musician, organist, pianist, piano tuner

Active Goulburn and southern NSW, 1852-67 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"MUSICAL", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (22 May 1852), 4 

The musical public of our neighbourhood will be delighted to hear that a gentleman of great instrumental talents, named Burgess, has been induced to take up his residence in Goulburn. As a pianist and organist there are none in the Colony who can rival Mr. Burgess in fingering, correctness and taste. His performances on the Harmonium at St. Saviour's Church, are perfectly electrifying; under his hands the instrument is made to speak, and to give forth its exqqisitely sombre tones, so admirably adapted to sacred music. His method of instruction has been highly approved of by those families who have as yet sought his services. We may also meution that Mr. Burgess is a most admirable tuner.

[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (29 May 1852), 5 

PIANOS. MR. BURGESS BEGS respectfully to tender his sincere thanks to those Ladies and Gentlemen who have so kindly patronised him since his arrival in Goulburn, and to inform the inhabitants of the surrounding districts that he will be happy to wait on those who require his services in tuning or repairing Pianos.
Simons' Hotel, Auburn-street, Goulburn, May 29, 1852.

[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (5 June 1852), 5 

Musical Instruction. MR. R. BURGESS, (Organist of St. Saviour's, Goulburn,)
BEGS to return his sincere thanks to those Ladies and Gentlemen who have so kindly patronised him as a Tuner, since his arrival, and to inform them, that at the request of some of the most respectable parties, it is his intention to give instruction in Music, as soon as his present engagements for Tuning, in the surrounding district, are fulfilled.

ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Anglican churches (general)

[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (26 June 1852), 5

R. BURGESS, Organist of St. Saviour's Church, TEACHER OF THE PIANO-FORTE & SINGING.
R. B. begs leave to say, he has sufficient time unemployed on Mondays and Saturdays to receive two more pupils. June 25, 1852.

[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (10 July 1852), 7 

R. BURGESS, Organist of St. Saviour's, Goulburn,
DEGS leave to return his sincere thanks for the liberal support he has received since his residence in Goulburn, as
A TUNER AND REPAIRER OF PIANO-FORTES, and to inform those ladies and gentlemen in the surrounding districts who have kindly favored him with their commands that as soon as travelling is practicable he will do himself the honor of waiting on them.
Parties in the vicinity of Braidwood, Yass, Queanbeyan, and Gunning, who may require his services, are requested to communicate with him, as his engagements will call him to those districts in a few days.
R. B. begs to say he has had many years PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE in England; and begs to refer to the Rev. W. Sowerby and other most respectable parties who have availed themselves of his services.
Simons' Hotel, Goulburn, July 3, 1852.

ASSOCIATIONS: The advertisement immediately below is for another visiting piano tuner William Dettmer

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 July 1852), 1 

BRAIDWOOD. R. BURGESS, (Organist of St. Saviour's, Goulburn), TUNER and REPAIRER OF PIANOFORTES,
begs leave respectfully to inform the Inhabitants of Braidwood and its vicinity, that his engagements will call him to that district on the 2nd of August.
Parties requiring his services are requested to intimate the same by addressing to him at the Doncaster Inn, as his engagements will oblige him to leave Braidwood on the 5th.
R. B. begs leave to say, that his intention in visiting this district is to execute the necessary tuning and repairing, at a moderate charge.
Simon's Hotel. Goulburn, July 23.

"BRAIDWOOD", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (31 July 1852), 5 

We have to congratulate the musical gentry of Braidwood and its vicinity, that Mr. Burgess, (Organist of St. Saviour's, Goulburn) whose reputation as a tuner and repairer of pianos is so well known, intends visiting them professionally. We of this town have received so much benefit from his residence amongst us, Mr. B. having given entire proof of his mastery in the mechanism of the instrument, as well as possessing the strictest ear for intonation (and our assertions are borne out by the many highly respectable parties for whom he has tuned) that we feel bound to give our neighbours joy of his visit, as notified in our advertising columns.

ASSOCIATIONS: By April 1853 he had been succeeded at St. Saviour's by a Mr. Davis (organist, piano tuner)

[Advertisement], Pastoral Times and Echuca and Moama Chronicle [Deniliquin, NSW] (24 February 1866), 3 

Communications sent to the office of this paper will be attended to.^

[Advertisement], The Yass Courier [NSW] (9 October 1867), 3 

BEGS to inform Parents and others that it is his intention to reside permanently in YASS, and to OPEN CLASSES for giving instruction on the PIANOFORTE.
Arrangements will be made for attending at private houses, schools, &c.
Pianofortes tuned and repaired. Letters for the present to be sent to the Commercial Hotel, Yass.

BURGH, Henry (Henry BURGH; Henry de BURGH)

Amateur vocalist, pianist, composer

Born Ireland, 1816; son of Thomas John BURGH (1786-1845) and Anna Louisa HELY HUTCHINSON (1789-1857)
Arrived Perth, WA, 21 July 1841 (per James Matthews, from London)
Departed Perth, WA, 26 February 1846 (per Cumberland, for Britain)
Married Elizabeth Louisa HENDRICK, St. George, Dublin, 17 August 1848
Died Dublin, Ireland, 29 July 1876 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert de Burgh (d. WA, 1884, brother)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", Inquirer [Perth, WA] (28 July 1841), 2 

On the 21st instant, the James Matthews, Roberts, master, from London, touching at the Cape of Good Hope. - Passengers, Messrs. Burgh, Mrs. Roberts, and Mr. F. Luth.

"FREEMASONRY", The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal [WA] (28 December 1844), 2

The brethren of Lodge 712 yesterday entertained their late Master, his Excellency John Hutt, Esq., at dinner at Leeder's Hotel . . . The intervals between the toasts were occupied by the performance of some choice music, amongst which was an original glee for four equal voices, written for the occasion by Brother Henry Burgh, who presided at the piano. This very able production was beautifully sung by the brethren . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Hutt (governor); for an earlier masonic glee, see 2 pages after 472 (DIGITISED)

"MEETING OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS IN PERTH", Inquirer (1 January 1845), 2-3

On Friday last, being St. John's Day, the Masonic Lodge No. 712 on the registry of the Grand Lodge of England, met in full strength in their Lodge-room, Perth, for the purpose as well of celebrating this high Masonic festival, as of electing a Worshipful Master to succeed His Excellency Brother John Hutt, and other officers . . . [3] . . .
The usual Masonic toasts were given, and cordially responded to, accompanied by some excellent songs and glees, performed by several of the Brethren, and appropriate to the sentiment of each; among the rest, a Masonic glee, composed expressly for this occasion by Brother Henry Burgh, and which is acknowledged on all hands to be a composition of very great musical merit. A very beautifully executed copy of this glee was presented to Brother Hutt, and as it is unquestionably worthy of publication in any part of the world, we look to have the pleasure of some day seeing it in print, when we are sure it will become a universal favourite among the brethren . . .

See also "WESTERN AUSTRALIA", Freemason's Quarterly Magazine (30 September 1845), 369 (DIGITISED)

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. DEPARTURE", The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (28 February 1846), 2 

On the 26th inst. the Cumberland, Sinclair, master - Passengers - Mr. F. Wittenoom, Mr. Burgh . . .

The Celtic Lodge, Edinburgh and Leith, No. 291, extract of minutes, 28 November 1846; from lodge website (since decommissioned)

28th November 1846 . . . Bro. The Honourable Henry Burgh, Naas, Ireland, 712 Western Australia Lodge was admitted an Honorary Member of the Celtic Lodge.

"MARRIAGES", Freeman's Journal [Dublin, Ireland] (19 August 1848), 4 (PAYWALL)

On the 17th instant, in St. George's Church, Henry De Burgh, Esq., to Elizabeth Louisa, daughter of Hans Hendrick, Esq., of Kerdiffstown, county Kildare.

"CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Inquirer (20 January 1869), 3

We call the attention of the lovers of harmony and melody to an advertisement of the Perth Choral Society in our issue of this day. There are still many among us who remember the charming concerts given long since in Perth, and to which Mr. and Mrs. Symmons, Mr. Wittenoom, Mr. Stone, Mr. Schoales, Mr. Lochée, Mr. H. de Burgh, and Mrs. Maycock contributed their great and varied talents . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles and Joanna Symmons (amateurs); John Burdett Wittenoom (amateur); Alfred Hawes Stone (amateur); John Schoales (amateur); Alfred Lochee (amateur); Eliza Maycock (amateur)

Other sources:

Henry de Burgh's diary, 28 March 1841 to 3 February 1844, from England to the Avon Valley, WA; State Library of WA

Henry de Burgh, Find a grave 

BURGIN, Philip (Philip BURGIN; Mr. BURGIN)

Comic vocalist, actor, confectioner, pastry cook

Born London, England, c. 1808 (? 1814); son of William BURGIN and Henrietta ("unknown")
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), by May 1841
Married Maria MURRAY, St. Peter, Melbourne, VIC, 19 May 1862 (aged "48")
Died Melbourne, VIC, 31 October 1872, aged "64" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser [NSW (VIC)] (31 May 1841), 1 

NOTICE. P. BURGIN, from London, pastry-cook and confectioner,
begs respectfully to form the Inhabitants of Melbourne, that he has re-opened the shop late in possession of Messrs. Harrison and Hames, where he intends carrying on the above line of business.
From the long experience P. B. has had, in the trade, in some of the best shops in London, he flatters himself he shall be able to give the public satisfaction . . .

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", Port Phillip Gazette (3 September 1842), 3 

The Pavilion opened on Monday and Thursday nights. On the former occasion, the bill of fare presented for the evening's entertainment - The Irish Tutor, in which Mr. Burgin (whose famous song of "Larry O'Brien" had gained him the patronage of the Gods) made his debut as Teddy O'Rourke . . . The entertainments on Thursday night were mingled with some good singing - a pleasant species of interlude, which has latterly, from the length of the pieces, been omitted. Miller amused in the comic song of "My Father's Gun; " and Miss Sinclair pleased in the sweet madrigal of "After many roving years" . . . The theatre will open again on Monday night when will be played a piece entitled the Wood Demon. If for the spectacle lone this performance is well worth attending. Mr. Buckingham, the stage manager, who is justly famous for his talent in arranging and bringing out scenery and decorations, has had the Wood Demon in rehearsal for a week past . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Miller (actor, vocalist); George Buckingham (actor, manager); Pavilion Theatre (Melbourne venue, also known as the Royal Victoria Theatre, and occasionally as the Theatre Royal)

[Advertisement], Melbourne Times (3 September 1842), 3 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . MONDAY EVENING, the 5th instant . . . A Song - By Mr. Burgin . . .

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (5 November 1842), 2 

will be performed, for the first time in Australia, the Grand Melo-Dramatic Tale of Enchantment,
with new Dresses, Scenery, Machinery, Music, and Decorations, founded on those popular Tales of the Fairies, and dramatised from the Frozen Hand, entitled
After which, The Irish Ballad of "Norah Crena," Miss Vincent.
"Larry O'Brien," (by desire,) - Mr. Burgin.
A Sailors Hornpipe, - By a Gentleman . . .

MUSIC: Larry O'Brien (comic song)

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (10 December 1842), 2 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . THIS EVENING, December 10, will be performed THE SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM. Song - By Mr. Burgin . . .

"THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette (17 December 1842), 2 

On Thursday evening, Mr. McMillan having kindly postponed his benefit in favor of Mr. Burgin, that of the latter came off with great eclat. The drama of Love's Frailties being performed with the assistance of the constellation of London stars who are now in Melbourne, en route to Sydney. Mr. H. Deering, as Lubin, acted admirably . . . The afterpiece was Clari, in which Mrs. Mereton took the part of Clari, and Mr. Mereton that of Rolamo . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Shinton Deering (actor); Thomas Mereton and wife (actors); on the performance, see also "THEATRICALS", Melbourne Times (17 December 1842), 2 

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (21 January 1843), 3 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. This EVENING, Jan. 21st . . . the laughable farce of A SOLDIER AND SAILOR, A Tinker and a Tailor.
After which, Larry O'Brien - By Mr. Burgin. We are all Nervous - By Mr. Miller . . . Song - Mr. Burgin . . .

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (28 January 1843), 3 

A favorite Song - MR. BURGIN. "Some love to roam" (in character) - MRS. MURRAY . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Dinah Rudelhoff Murray (actor, vocalist)

"THEATRE DISTURBANCE", Melbourne Times (25 March 1843), 4 

On Thursday night in consequence of the improper behaviour of the performers a disturbance occurred which for obscenity of exhibition has no parallel in the district. One of the stewards interfering to keep order was with two of his friends violently assaulted, and the performances closed amidst the greatest uproar and riot. On the following day a meeting of the stewards was held to investigate the affair when it was found necessary to censure and fine the stage manager and to dismiss Messrs. Davis, Burgin, and Miller . . .

"MR. BUCKINGHAM"S BENEFIT", Melbourne Times (13 May 1843), 2 

On Monday evening last, the benefit of Mr. Buckingham, the Stage Manager, came off . . . The performances consisted of the Pantomime entitled Robinson Crusoe, or, the Frozen Regions. Songs of a variegated nature then followed, and the evening's entertainments concluded with Lovers' Quarrels . . . Mr. Burgin, who we are glad to see once more upon the boards, also Mrs. Murray, and Mr. Buckingham entertained the audience with comic songs, which were well received . . .

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (14 June 1843), 3 

To be followed, for the second time in the Colony, the celebrated Song and Chorus,
To which will be added A MUSICAL INTERLUDE.
Comprising a favorite Dance, MR. HARPER.
A Comic Duet, by a LADY and GENTLEMAN!
Sailor's Hornpipe, - MR. BOYD.
A new and original song - MR. BURGIN . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Lightwood (scenic artist)

"THE THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette (13 December 1843), 2 

In pursuance of the permission granted by the authorities to Mr. Knowles, the Theatre was opened on Monday evening last, at reduced prices . . . Mr. Burgin favored the audience with an Irish comic song, but not with that success which distinguished his debut in Larry O'Brien. His comic powers of song seem to have vanished with that effort. However, a new song to this popular air has been been written for him by one of the former amateur club, of the merits of which we will speak when produced. Mrs. Murray sang her favorite "Buy a Broom," and made some profitable sales, considering the present state of the monetary crisis . . . We would suggest that the orchestra should endeavour to learn some other fragments of airs than those learnt from the humming of Buckingham when stage manager, and since that time the stock score of the Theatre . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Knowles (actor, manager);

"THEATRICALS. SATURDAY NIGHT", Port Phillip Gazette (7 February 1844), 2 

The amusements for this evening were the farce of "A Race for a Dinner," and "My Poll and my Partner Joe" . . . Mr. Burgin's Irish song of "Oh, I am the boy for bewitching them," lacked that spirit of fire and vivacity with which such songs should be executed. The same song from the mouth of Weekes, would have created roars of laughter. Mr. Burgin should be more successful, with the good voice he possesses, for, though not a strong toned one, it is perfectly true in every note, and not divested of melody. As to Miller's song, he did it all the justice it deserved, and that was certainly little. The theatre did not fill well throughout the evening.

"THE THEATRE. Monday Night", Port Phillip Gazette (10 February 1844), 2 

. . . The House was very full and appeared highly satisfied with their evening's entertainments. Miller sang a comic song of little merit, but made the most of it. Mr. Burgin was advertised for a new song, but the audience were left in pleasing doubt as to its probable merits, as that gentleman did not make his appearance . . .

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (6 March 1844), 3 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THE Public is most respectfully informed, that
TO-MORROW EVENING, MARCH 7th, 1844, will be performed the celebrated burlesque tragic opera, entitled
BOMBASTES FURIOSO. With all the Songs, Glees, and Music . . .
General Bombastes (Commander-in-Chief of the Army) - Mr. Knowles.
Courtiers, MR. ALEXANDER and MR. BURGIN . . .
In the course of the piece the following Songs, Glees, Duets, &c., &c., incidental to the opera will be sung :
Opening Duet, "What will your Majesty please to wear," BY MR. ALEXANDER and MR. BURGIN . . .
Finale, "Briny tears I'll shed," by the whole of the Characters.

ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Jones Knowles (actor, vocalist)

MUSIC: What will your majesty please to wear (song, in Bombastes furioso), to Tekeli (tune)

"THE THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette (13 March 1844), 2 

The performances of Saturday evening, were the drama entitled the May Queen, and the extravaganza of Bombastes Furioso . . . Between the pieces several songs were given. Burgin's was a failure. Miller's as usual was good and full of humour. Winter endeavoured to acquit himself well, and would have succeeded had he been more judicious in the selection of his song. Mrs. Murray was labouring under a severe attack of cold, and we were unable to catch either the words or the tune . . . Bombastes Furioso, followed, and was if we mistake not considerably abridged. Many of the glees, were very creditably executed, when it is remembered that some of the performers are wholly unacquainted with music . . .

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (11 May 1844), 2 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE.A nautical Drama of great, interest at half price. THIS EVENING, MAY 11th, 1844 . . .
The whole to conclude with by particular desire, the highly affecting nautical spectacle, entitled
In the course of the piece Mrs. Knowles will sing a favourite song, "Poor Bessy,"
and Mr. Burgin the admired ballad of "Black Eyed Susan."

MUSIC: Sweet William's farewell to Black-eyed Susan (words by John Gay)

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (11 May 1844), 3 

Royal Victoria Theatre. First of a grand new Melo-dramatic Romance,
First night also of one of the most popular Farces ever performed in London.
MR. BURGIN BEGS most respectfully to inform the Gentry of Melbourne, the Patrons of the Drama, and the Public generally, that his
AFTER THE DRAMA, Hornpipe, by an Amateur, his first appearance.
Song, "Biddy Maguire," by Mr. Burgin.
Song, "Shakpeare's Seven Ages," Mr. Knowles.
Comic Song, "Uncle Ben's Gun," Mr. Brannagan, from the Theatre Royal, Dublin and Belfast.
Song, " Mountain Maid," Mrs. Knowles.
Comic Song, "The Artful Dodge," Mr. Miller . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: ? Mr. Brannagan (comic vocalist)

MUSIC: Biddy Maguire of Ballinaclash (song)

"MR. BURGIN'S BENEFIT", Port Phillip Gazette (18 May 1844), 2 

After having been edified and interested by sentiments and oratory or the teetotal meeting, (for the report of which see our columns) we had just time enough left to visit the Victoria, and scrutinise the doings there. The house was crowded and apparently has been the best benefit which has yet taken place. The first piece "Will Watch," a favorite Surrey piece when T. P. Cooke, performed the hero, we did not see, but understood that it was well played, and had been produced with great pains and care. Several songs succeeded, Burgin appeared to be animated with superior powers on this occasion, and sang "Biddy Maguire" with considerable humour. Miller gave us "The Artful Dodge" in his usually comic style, and received a deafening encore to which he replied by judiciously repeating a portion of his song. Mrs. Knowles maintained her reputation as a pleasing singer in "the Mountain Maid." A hornpipe was danced in first-rate style and spirit by an amateur . . . The house was orderly and very full.

[Playbill], 1 July 1844, Royal Victoria Theatre, Melbourne; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

The whole to conclude with, for the first time, an entirely new comic Pantomime, with new local scenery, tricks, dresses, and decorations, by Mr. Miller, entitled the
FIEND OF THE WAVE, OR Harlequin and the Fairy of the Coral Rock.
The whole of the music arranged by Mr. Richards; scenery by Messrs. Boyd and Miller; dresses by Mr. Avins . . .
The whole under the management of MRS. KNOWLES.

ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Avins (actor, vocalist); Henry Augustus Richards (musician)

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (6 November 1844), 3 

Royal Victoria Theatre . . . THURSDAY, 7th of November, 1844 . . .
A Comic Song - Mr. Burgin. A New Version of Billy Barlow, by Mr. Lee . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor, vocalist)

MUSIC: Billy Barlow (song and parodies)

"THE THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (14 October 1846), 2 

A series of entertainments will be presented, at this popular place of amusement to-morrow evening for the benefit of Mr. Boyd, on which occasion Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Boyd and Mr. Burgin will re-appear . . .

ASSOCIATION: Caroline Wallace (actor, vocalist); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (1 December 1847), 3 

[Queen's Theatre] . . . FRIDAY EVENING, DEC, 3, 1847 . . .
Song," Larry O'Brien," - Mr. Burgin (Only night of the season.) . . . Song, - Mrs. Clarke . . .

ASSOCIATION: Anne Remens Clarke (vocalist, actor)

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (20 November 1849), 3 

THE BILLIARD ROOM . . . is under the abe care of MR. P. BURGIN
who challenges any gentleman in the city or colony to play for £20 a-side . . .

Certificate of marriage, 1862, St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)

No. 1383 [2383] On [19 May 1862] at St. Peter's Church Melbourne Marriage by Licence
was solemnized between US . . . Philip Burgin, Gore Street, Fitzroy, 48 years, Pastry Cook, Bachelor . . . Birth place London Parents . . . William Burgin Pastry Cook / Henrietta unknown
[and] Maria Murray . . . 35 years, Spinster, Birth place Cavan Parents Henry Murray Farmer / Catherine Hudson . . .

"DEATHS", The Argus (7 November 1872), 4 

BURGIN - On the 31st ult., Mr. Philip Burgin, an old and much respected colonist, aged 64 years.

"SUMMARY FOR EUROPE . . . DEATHS IN THE HOSPITALS . . . MELBOURNE HOSPITAL", The Argus (7 November 1872), 3 supplement 

. . . Burgin, Philip, pastrycook, aged 64, native of London; arrived in 1839 by the Swan, brig [sic]; died October 31, of morbus cordis.


[Edmund Finn] The chronicles of early Melbourne, 1835 to 1852, historical, anecdotal and personal by "Garryowen" (Melbourne: Fergusson and Mitchell, 1888), 472 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

THE MELBOURNE COMPANY . . . There is one song in particular, which we have heard [Falchon] sing at least fifty times, with bursting sides; we mean, "Paddy's Wedding;" this song has hitherto been awfully butchered by Burgin . . ." The "butcher" Burgin was first a confectioner, and next a billiard player, who occasionally eked out a few shillings a week at the Pavilion . . .

Phillip Burgin [sic], Find a grave 


Comic vocalist

Active Maryborough, VIC, 1858 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"CONCERT AT THE GOLDEN AGE", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser [VIC] (5 October 1858), 3 

We were guilty of an unpardonable emission in our last issue, in failing to notice the concert at the Golden Age. We the more regret this, because, although the company is as excellent at any that has yet visited Maryborough, the attendance has been exceedingly disproportionate. Mr. John Gregg will be known to most of our readers, either personally or by repute, as one of the best bass singers in Australia. We can remember the time when the announcement of his name on the bills would serve to fill the Melbourne Mechanics' Institute. It is sufficient to say that his voice and style have lost none of their excellence, and that our readers will do well to avail themselves of the few opportunities yet left them of enjoying a rare treat. Mr. Jervis has a fine tenor voice; we heard him sing some Scottish ballads with much feeling and expression. Mr. D. D. Burke's comic songs were received with considerable applause. This company have kindly volunteered their services for the Hospital Benefit to-night. We trust they will, themselves, take one before leaving the district.

"THE HOSPITAL BENEFIT", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (8 October 1858), 2 

We were sorry to we a much smaller attendance on Tuesday evening, than the excellence of the entertainment merited. Those who were there we believe spent a pleasant evening . . . Messrs. Sams and Burke sang several comic songs, and received encores. The former in "The Charity Boy," and the latter in " The Volunteer Rifle Brigade," made quite a hit . . .

[Advertisement], Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (8 October 1858), 2 

Extraordinary Attraction for This (Friday) Night only.
On which occasion the following Artistes will appear: -
Mr. John Gregg
Mr. Jervis
Mr. E. Granville
Mr. Sams
Mr. D. D. Burke
Herr Schluter, and
Professor Houdin, Who will amuse his audience with several new tricks . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (vocalist); Pryce Challis Jervis (vocalist); Frederic Sams (vocalist); Emile De Granville (vocalist); Adolph Schluter (vocalist, pianist); Harry Houdin (magician)

BURKE, Peter Constantine (Peter Constantine BURKE; P. C. BURKE; Mr. BURKE)

Musician, professor of music, pianist, piano player, cornet and cornopean player, banjo player, piano tuner

Born Carrickmacross, Managhan, Ireland, c. 1831; son of John BURKE and Dorothy HALL
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 29 May 1853 (per Marco Polo, from Liverpool, 12 March)
Active northern VIC and southern NSW, by 1860
Died Laceby, VIC, 18 March 1901, aged "69. A colonist of 48 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


England census, 30 March 1851, Islington, Liverpool, Lancashire; UK National Archives, HO107/2185/128/35 (PAYWALL)

No. 1 Court Hunter St. / John Burke / Head / Mar. / 42 / Musician / [born] Kildare Ireland
Dorothy [Burke] / Wife / Mar. 40 / - / [born] Monaghan [Ireland]
P. C. [Burke] / Son / Unm. / 19 / Musician / [born Monaghan Ireland]
James Osmond Smyth / Lodger / Mar. / 22 / Vocalist // Ellen [Smyth] / 21 . . .

Names and descriptions of passengers per Marco Polo, from Liverpool, 12 March 1853, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: There are several single men of surname Burk(e) listed as immigrants, though none with the given forename of Peter

Marriages solemnized at St. Peter's Melbourne, 1853; register 1853-54; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)

No. 15 / [27 July 1853] At St. Peter's Church / Peter Constantine Bourke / Bachelor / [born] County Monaghan / Musician / 22 / Melbourne / [son of] John Burke / Musician / [and] Dorothy Hall
Isabella Ross / Spinster / [born] Glasgow / - / 22 / Melbourne / [daughter of] Matthew Ross / Steward / [and] Margaret Jiffilan . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 November 1853), 8 

ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS. Grand Promenade Concert. Saturday Evening, 12th November, 1853.
Under the direction of Mr. Alfred Oakey . . .
The Monster Band will embrace all the available talent in Melbourne, assisted by several members of the Band of the 99th Regiment.
INSTRUMENTAL ARTISTS: - Grand Pianoforte - Mr. Alfred Oakey.
Violin Primo - M. Tucker and Mr. Peck . . .
Flute - Mr. Hill and Mr. Thatcher.
Cornet Primo and Saxe Clavicore - Mr. P. C. Burke.
Saxe Horn - Mr. Hore and Sons.
Clarionet Primo - Mr. R. Martin . . .
Leader, Mr. Edward Tucker
Conductor - Mr. Alfred Oakey.
Madame Sara Flower is hourly expected . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Oakey (musician); Edward Tucker (violinist); George Peck (violinist); Arthur Silvester Hill (flute, 99th band); Charles Thatcher (flute); Joseph Hore and sons (musicians); Robert Martin (master, 99th band); Band of the 99th Regiment (military band); Sara Flower (vocalist); Joseph Andrew Rowe (venue proprietor); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue); Clavicor (keyed brass instrument)

[Advertisement], The Argus (19 November 1853), 8 

ROWE'S CIRCUS! - The Second of the Series of Grand Promenade Concerts!! . . . Saturday, the 19th November . . .
Cornet Primo - Mr. P. C. Burke . . . Leader - Mr. Tucker. Conductor - Mr. Alfred Oakey.
First Night of Jullien's New Irish Quadrille, The Hibernians . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 December 1853), 8 

ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS. Corner of Stephen and Lonsdale streets.
The Fourth GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT Will be Given This Evening, Saturday, December 3rd, 1853.
Mr. Alfred Oakey's Celebrated Monster Band, embracing all the talented Performers in Melbourne.
Entire Change of Programme with the exception of Jullien's Derby Galop (Performed with all the Original Effects)
This composition, having elicited the most enthusiastic applause on the last performance, it will be repeated this evening.
First Night of D'Albert's New Scotch Quadrilles . . .
Cornetti - Messrs. P. C. Burke and Wheeler . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Thomas Wheeler (cornet)

[Advertisement], The Argus (17 December 1853), 5 

ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS . . . The sixth of a Series of Grand PROMENADE CONCERTS . . . on Saturday Evening, December 7th, 1853.
Cornetti - Mr. P. C. Burke and Mr. Wood [sic, ?]. . .
Leader - Mr. M. Radford. Conductor and Composer - Mr. Alfred Oakey . . .
In Preparation: Grand Indian Quadrille, by Jullien, the Band arrangement by Alfred Oakey . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mark Radford (violin, leader)

[Advertisement], The Argus (7 January 1854), 8 

ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS. The Ninth of a Series of GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS . . . on Saturday Evening, Jan. 7th, 1854.
The Band will be under the direction of Mr. Alfred Oakey. Solos by Messrs. Moore and P. C. Burke.
Vocalists: Madame Sara Flower (the Australian Nightingale), Mrs. Moore . . .
First Night of Auber's overture to the Opera of Masaniello.
Conductor - Mr. Alfred Oakey. Leader - Mr. Tucker . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew and Rachel Moore (violinist and vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (21 January 1854), 8 

ROWE'S CIRCUS. Further augmentation of Orchestra. The Eleventh of a series of Promenade Concerts . . . on Saturday evening, Jan. 21, 1854 . . .
First performance of a new Polka, entitled The Highland Girl . . .
Second night of the Chinese polka Tchong Kous, or the Middle Kingdom . . .
First night of Jullien's American Quadrilles. Solo, Saxe Clavicor, Mr. P. C. Burke . . .
Conductor - Mr. Alfred Oakey. Leader - Mr. M. Radford . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (31 March 1854), 3 

TO-NIGHT! To-Night! Kossuth Assembly Rooms, Great Brunswick-street, Collingwood.
Music and Dancing every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. No more dull nights.
P. C. Burke and L. Gross, Proprietors.

ASSOCIATIONS: Herr Kramer alias Lazarus Grosse (co-proprietor)

[Advertisement], The Argus (20 May 1854), 8 

NOTICE. - P. C. BURKE, late first Cornet-a-Piston of Mr. Gribbin's, Wellington Rooms, Band, Liverpool, will give tuition on the above instrument, 109 Great Lonsdale-street east.
Notice - P. C. Burke (having resigned all business) will accept engagements for the Cornet-a-Piston or Saxe Clavicore. Address, 109 Great Lonsdale-street east.

ASSOCIATIONS: Gribbin's Wellington-Rooms Quadrille Band was active in Liverpool in the years around 1850

[Advertisement], The Argus (2 September 1854), 7 

CRITERION HALL. - Go and hear Mr. Burke (the Australian Koenig) play Our Polka, every evening.
CORNET-A-PISTON. - P. Burke, late First Cornet-a-Piston, of the Wellington-Rooms Band, Liverpool.
CRITERION HALL. - Cornet-a-piston. - P. Burke will give Tuition on the above Instrument, any time.

ASSOCIATIONS: Hermann Koenig (cornet player active in Britain with Louis Jullien's band); Samuel Moss (venue proprietor); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)

"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", The Argus (20 September 1854), 5 

. . . The Casino balls at the Criterion, judging from the crowds which resort there nightly, are very successful. Mr. Burke, the first cornet-a-piston, is a magnificent performer, and his brilliant rendering of the florid passages in "Our" Polka is applauded to the echo . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (20 September 1854), 8 

CRITERION HALL. Laurent's. Open Every Evening, Dancing to commence at Eight o'clock.
Winterbottom's Unrivalled Band. Cornet a Piston, Mr. Burke; Conductor, M. Winterbottom.
Admission, 2s. 6d. Ladies, free. Railway Galop every night.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor)

[Advertisement], The Argus (25 September 1854), 8 

CRITERION HALL. - Laurent's. - Open every evening . . .
Mr. Winterbottom's unrivalled Band will perform the latest compositions of D'Albert, Jullien, &c.
Leader, M. Tranter: Cornet-a-piston, M. Burke; Conductor, M. Winterbottom . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Joseph Tranter (musician, violin)

[Advertisement], The Argus (2 October 1854), 8 

MASQUERADE to-night, at the Casino, Victoria-street, opposite Stephen-street, Admission, 5s.; ladies free . . .
Dancing to commence at nine . . . The Musical arrangements under the superintendence of Mr. S. Radford . . .
The Koenig of the Colonies, (Mr. P. Burke) will assist Mr. S. Radford.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Radford (violinist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (13 October 1854), 8 

QUADRILLES. - The best attendance is at the Melbourne Casino, where Sydney Radford and P. Burke's Band nightly enchant the million. Admission 2s. 6d.

[Advertisement], The Argus (19 October 1854), 8 

TO-NIGHT! Melbourne Casino to-night! The great night of the season. For the Benefit of the Band.
On this occasion the following eminent Artists, among many other professional friends, have kindly volunteered their services: -
First violins - W. and S. Radford . . . Double basses - W. Tranter and Herr Plock.
Cornet-a-Pistons - P. C. Burke and W. Carey. French Horn - Herr Khoeler . . .
To commence with a Grand Concert in which Messrs. William and Sydney Radford will play a duet on one violin, first time in Australia;
and the celebrated duet from Les Huguenots, for the cornet and violin, by P. Burke, and W. Radford.
To conclude with a Fancy Dress Ball Admission, 5s.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Radford (violinist); Adam Plock (double bass)

"DAISY HILL", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (18 December 1856), 3

. . . It is rumored that an instrumental and vocal concert will shortly be given by amateurs resident at Amherst, assisted by one or two professors, the proceeds of which are to be added to the funds already in the hands of the Amherst school trustees. On dit, that the two quartz reefers, well known for their high musical attainments, have at the especial and personal request of the trustees, very kindly consented to lend their valuable aid on the occasion. We trust the rumor is correct, and we are inclined to think that it is, as, in reference to the report, a wretched Amherst punster was heard to remark that the school trustees had, in this instance, made a "good shot" (Schott), and it would now be impossible to burk (Bourke) the concert at any rate." - Maryborough Advertiser.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Arthur Schott (musician)

"DAISY HILL", The Age (5 January 1857), 6 

. . . An excellent ball and supper was given on the 26th instant, at Mr. Albion Cowley's Amherst Hotel, dancing being kept up till daylight, to the admirable music of Messrs. Schott and Burke. - Maryborough Advertiser.

? "BEECHWORTH POLICE COURT. Monday, Oct. 22, 1860", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (27 October 1860), 3 

Peter Burke was fined 5s, for being drunk and disorderly.

"MUNICIPAL COURT . . . LICENSES GRANTED", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (5 January 1861), 2 

. . . refreshment licenses, and Peter C. Burke, Spring Creek . . .


Last evening, about eight o'clock, the cry of Fire! Fire! Fire! was heard in all directions, and shortly after the fire-alarm bell tolled out. Flames were soon discovered issuing from one of the bedrooms in the Royal Oak Hotel, Spring Creek, and in a very short space of time the whole pile of buildings were one mass of flame, illuminating the whole town, and conveying the idea, to those on the west side, that it was the Empire Hotel, or some of the gaol buildings that were burning. In about three minutes the fire had so far got the mastery that every attempt to save the building was unavailing, and all that could be done was to stay the spread of the fire to the adjoining buildings . . . Mr. Burke, by this sad catastrophe, is reduced to ruin, and is left destitute with a wife and family dependent upon him for support. He had invested all his savings in furnishing and stocking the house, and had paid part of the purchase money. It was really painful to see Mr. Burke with his wife and young family coming to Beechworth very barely clad, as nothing more than they stood up in was saved . . .

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (19 November 1861), 3 

A BENEFIT In consequence of the severe loss incurred by the total destruction of his house and effects from last night's conflagration, will be given at the
STAR THEATRE TO-NIGHT, TUESDAY, NOV. 19th, to Mr. PETER BURKE, on which occasion the following artistes have kindly tendered their valuable services:-
Admission - Reserved seats, 4s.; unreserved do. 2s.

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Marie Chalker (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Jovial Johnson (entertainer); Henry Hennigs (musician); Henry Weinberg (musician); Herr Martin (musician); James Watts (musician); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)

BENEFIT FOR MR. BURKE OF THE ROYAL OAK HOTEL", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (21 November 1861), 2 

The performances at the Star Theatre on Tuesday evening, for the benefit of Mr. Burke, who was on the previous night burnt out of house and home by the fire at the Royal Oak hotel, Spring Creek, was well attended, and a sum of about £30, we understand, was realised. Great praise is due to Madame Carandini's company for their gratuitous services on the occasion; as also to Messrs. Hennig's and Weinberg's band - the Beechworth band, and several other artistes . . .

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (6 January 1863), 3 

IN consequence of W. E. LAYCOCK being compelled to disappoint his numerous friends on Boxing Night,
on account of the Band he engaged not being present, he has resolved to give an
ENTERTAINMENT On the above night, and hopes to see all his friends present on the occasion.
A GOOD BAND - Under the Management of P. C. Burke . . .

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (23 March 1863), 1 

SELECT DANCING Every MONDAY and SATURDAY. Orchestra under the superintendence of Mr. P. C. Burke.
The Ball Room is the Largest and Best in the district . . .

"THE CHURCH BALL", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (25 August 1864), 3 

The ball in aid of the Church of England building fund took place on Thursday night, and was a complete success. The people of Rutherglen are indebted to the trustees for the most agreeable evening ever spent in the town, and we are glad to learn that a considerable addition will be made to the fund. About forty couples were present . . . We must not forget to mention that the music contributed in no slight measure to the success of the evening, and Messrs. Burke, Weinberg, Zeplin, and Vorherr, well known musicians as they are, certainly on this occasion excelled themselves - Murray Gazette.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Frederick Zeplin (musician); Hermann Vorherr (musician)

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (27 June 1867), 3 

THE BEECHWORTH AMATEUR SERENADERS . . . will give their first
CONCERT, On the above date, In aid of the funds of the Ovens District Hospital and Benevolent Asylum.
PROGRAMME . . . PART II. Banjo Solo - P. C. Burke . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Herr Schmidt (violinist); Adolph Schluter (pianist)

"HERR SCHMIDT'S MONUMENT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (1 February 1868), 2 

A concert in aid of the funds for the erection of a monument to the memory of the late Herr Schmidt was given by some of his brother artists on Thursday evening, at the Star Theatre, Beechworth. The attendance was large, but not crowded . . . Such music, indeed, as was rendered by the band in the Overture to "Zampa," in the March in "Figaro," and in the Crystal Palace Waltzes, we have never heard in the district. But it could scarcely have been otherwise, as all the real professional talent, within one hundred miles at all events, was employed in the performance . . . Mr. Weinberg's violin playing is familiar to most of us, and we think him the nearest successor to the late Mr. Schmidt. Mr. Burke never played the cornet better . . .

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (22 February 1868), 1 

P. C. BURKE RESPECTFULLY intimates to the residents of the Ovens District that he is prepared to
REPAIR and TUNE PIANOFORTES on the most reasonable terms, and can assure the public that having had several years experience under the best tuners in England, he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage.
All orders left at the Star Hotel, Beechworth, punctually attended to.

"THE RIVERINA PASTORAL SOCIETY'S SHOW , Ovens and Murray Advertiser (14 August 1869), 3 

The first exhibition in connection with the Riverina Pastoral Society was held at the show yards, Corowa, on Thursday . . .
THE BALL. In order to give the ladies who had visited the exhibition an opportunity of enjoying themselves, it was decided to have a ball in the evening, at the Corowa Court House . . . From eighty to ninety ladies and gentlemen assembled at the Court House by ten o'clock, and from that hour until early morning dancing was kept up with great spirit. The ball room was tastefully fitted up; the band, amongst whom were Messrs. Weinberg and P. C. Burke, was excellent, so that with good music, nice partners, and a pleasant dance, everyone enjoyed themselves in the most hearty manner.

"THE FUNERAL OF MR. H. MURTON", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (28 December 1869), 2 

. . . the friends of deceased, embracing all sections of the community, and all shades of religious and political opinions, numbering about 200, were in attendance, and took part in the procession. A band, under the leadership of Mr. P. C. Burke, headed the procession, discoursing that sublime music, which has come to be looked on as peculiarly appropriate to the interment of the dead. The procession, after leaving the hall, went by way of Camp Street into Ford Street, and from thence by way of the Victoria road to the Beechworth Cemetery . . .

"MR. C. E. HORSLEY'S CONCERTS", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (28 December 1869), 2 

Madame Hildebrand and Mr. C. E. Horsley, assisted by Mr. P. C. Burke, will give a grand farewell concert at Nolan's Plough Inn, Tarrawingee, on Wednesday (to-morrow) evening. The fame of these artistes is so thoroughly recognised that it is almost unnecessary for us to pass any encomium on their performances. We can simply assure our readers in the Tarrawingee neighborhood that a long time may elapse before they will again have the opportunity of listening to such accomplished musicians. On Thursday evening, the same performers will give a grand entertainment at Kettle's Emu Hotel, Oxley.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (musician)

"FI FA", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (4 June 1870), 2 

Mr. Nethercott will dispose of at auction this day, at the Empire Hotel, Camp-street, under a warrant of execution in the case of W. Hamilton v. P. C. Burke, the right, title, and interest (if any) in and to a piano-forte, manufactured by Ramsay and Co., from Stodart, of London.

MUSICAL", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (11 March 1879), 2 

Mr. P. C. Burke, the well and widely known pianoforte-tuner, elsewhere notifies to his numerous patrons in Corowa, Wahgunyah, and Rutherglen, his intention of visiting them, during the week. He also intimates that he is the local agent for Messrs. Nicholson and Ascherberg, and has piano-fortes for sale or hire, with music one-third and one-quarter of marked price.

"THE AMATEUR ENTERTAINMENT ON THURSDAY EVENING", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (26 July 1879), 4 

The amateur musical and dramatic entertainment given in the Oddfellows' Hall, Beechworth, in aid of the funds of the Ideal cricket-club, on Thursday evening was, comparatively speaking - i.e. taking into consideration the inclement state of the weather, which prevented many holders of tickets living at a distance from attending - a great success in every way . . . with the exception of the unavoidable absence of Messrs. Cancellor and McCaul, whose places, however, were well filled by Mr. Peter Burke and his two talented daughters - with cornet, violin, pianoforte and song . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Burke (born Amherst, VIC, 1857); Isabel Burke (born Amherst, VIC, 1860)

"THE PIANOFORTE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (14 August 1886), 4 

We would direct attention to Mr. P. C. Burke's advertisement in another column, and to the following testimonials he has received:

"Leigh's Hotel, Wangaratta, 3rd December, 1869. A. C. Wills, Esq., P.M.
My Dear Sir - In answer to your inquiry for a pianoforte tuner, I have much pleasure in recommending my friend, Mr. P. C. Burke, as by far the best tuner in this district, and a man whose punctuality and steadiness may, in all respects, be relied on. I shall feel much obliged by your placing all the business you spoke to me of in Mr. Burke's hands, feeling, confident that not only will it be an advantage to him, but also a great boon to all those having pianos to place them under the care of a man thoroughly competent to keep them in order.
Believe me, my dear sir, very faithfully yours,
Charles Edward Horsley."

"London Tavern, Beechworth, 23rd December, 1869. Mr. P. C. Burke.
My Dear Friend - I cannot leave this district without expressing my opinion of your great merits as a tuner and repairer of pianofortes. If my recommendation is of any use, pray show this. During my musical tour from Sydney, I have met with none as competent as yourself to undertake the charge of instruments by any makers, British or Foreign.
Believe me, most sincerely yours, Charles Edward Horsley."

"Bright, 26th October, 1875.
Mr. P. C. Burke is a competent tuner of pianofortes. Any instruments entrusted to his care will give entire satisfaction.
J. H. Anderson. R.A.M."

"Melbourne, 10th March, 1880.
We consider Mr. P. C. Burke to be an excellent pianoforte tuner, and well qualified to take charge of any instrument, and confidently recommend him to those requiring the services of a first-class workman.
Nicholson and Ascherberg."

ASSOCIATIONS: James Henri Anderson (pianist, musicseller)

[Advertisement], The Riverine Grazier [NSW] (16 October 1880), 2

Piano Tuner. - Mr. P. C. Burke announces in our advertising columns that he intends visiting Hay about 23rd inst. He bears first class testimonials, and is confidently recommended by Nicholson and Ascherberg as an excellent tuner.

[News], Wagga Wagga Advertiser [NSW] (26 April 1894), 2

Mr. P. C. Burke, junr., piano tuner, announces that he is at present on his periodical round through Narandera, Coolamon, Junee, and the Wagga districts, and may be expected in this town shortly.

ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Constantine Burke, junior; born Amherst, VIC, 1858; died Beechworth, VIC, 7 September 1943

"WANGARATTA", Benalla Standard (22 March 1901), 3

The death occurred at Laceby on Monday morning of Mr. Peter C. Burke, at the age of 69 years. He was born at Drogheda, Ireland, being the only son of Mr. John Burke, A.R.A.M., professor of music. He came to the colony when he was 20 years old, and followed the profession of music. He was well known throughout the North-Eastern District as a piano forte tuner. He was a resident of Killawarra, where he has reared a large family of sons and daughters. He was well known in the Benalla district, where the news of his death was much regretted.

"DEATH OF AN OLD COLONIST", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (23 March 1901), 10 

Early on Monday morning Mr. Peter C. Burke died at the residence of his daughter, Miss Burke, of Laceby, the cause of death being Bright's disease. Deceased was 69 years old, and was born at Drogheda, Ireland, being the only son of the late John Burke, A.R.A.M., Professor of Music. He came to the colony when he was 20 years old, and followed the profession of music. He was well known throughout the North-Eastern District as a pianoforte tuner. He was a resident of Killawarra, where he has reared a large family of sons and daughters, who are now all occupying good positions in various parts of the colony. Mr. Burke will be remembered by the older residents of Beechworth, he having resided here for many years.

"DEATH OF MR. P. C. BURKE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (23 March 1901), 11 

We are indebted to an intimate friend of the late Mr. Peter C. Burke for the following particulars of his career in this colony, which will be of interest to his numerous friends who were acquainted with him in the earlier years of Beechworth: -
Peter Constantine Burke, born at Carrickmacross, Managhan, Ireland. He was the only issue of the late John Burke, professor of music, Drogheda, Ireland. He received a good musical education, and, as well as being master of the cornet, was no mean performer on several other instruments. He came out to Australia in 1853 in the ship Marco Polo, Capt. Forbes, leaving Harry Hawkes, of the Coldstream Guards - his former pupil - to obtain the position of musician in ordinary to the Queen, a post which would undoubtedly have been his had he remained in England. After landing in Melbourne he followed his profession for a short time, receiving 15 guineas per night for the rendering of such solos as "Scenes that are brightest" and "All is lost," etc. In 1853 he was associated with Herr Plock, and although holding a good position in Melbourne, he got the gold fever and left for Maryborough, where, although he followed gold mining, he was musically associated with Herr Schott and Mr. Samuel Chapman. He visited several gold rushes in the Ballarat district, and later on settled in Beechworth. Here, too, for a time he followed the occupation of gold mining, and he was associated in music with the late Herr Schmitt. Finally he abandoned mining, and followed the occupation of a pianoforte tuner. He was well-known all over the Riverina and Upper Murray, where he visited most of the stations periodically in his capacity as tuner, and where he was always welcomed, not only for his genial disposition, but also for the pleasure afforded by his musical ability. Of late years he never played professionally, but was always ready when requested to give his services gratuitously for charity.

He had very few pupils, because unless they showed signs of unusual ability he soon gave them up. Mr. Charles Roe, formerly leading cornet at the Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, was one of them, and Mr. Harry Hawkes, of Rievere and Hawkes [sic, Riviere and Hawkes], London, was another. The late Mr. Burke was the first to recognise [sic] the ability of the late Charles Edward Horsley, and his judgment was proved correct when the latter was engaged to compose the cantata for the opening of the Melbourne Town Hall.

In 1853 he was married to Miss Isabella Ross, the only daughter of the Late Matthew Ross, of Glasgow, at St. Peter's, Eastern Hill, Melbourne, by the late Canon H. P. Handfield. He leaves a widow and grown up family to mourn their loss - Peter C. Burke, of Boweya; J. Wallace Burke, of Zeehan, Tasmania; Mrs. J. Campbell-Fergusson, of South Yarra; Mrs. E. J. Goode, of Thoona; and Mary Burke, all married with the exception of the latter. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity (Ionic Lodge, Tungamah); also of the Order of Foresters. A few years ago he left Beechworth to reside at Killawarra, near Wangaratta, but continued his periodical trips to the Murray and Riverina. About five weeks ago he returned to Wangaratta, being unable to finish his Upper Murray trip, on which he had started. He was a man of robust constitution and fine physique, and every one was surprised when Drs. Henderson and McCardel pronounced his case hopeless. He had Bright's disease in a very advanced stage, complicated with heart weakness. He was tended in his last illness by his wife and daughter Mary, and passed peacefully away in his sleep on Monday morning, 18th inst. His remains were interred in the Wangaratta Cemetery, the Rev. J. K. Hall officiating at the grave.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Hawkes (1830-1900, state trumpeter, London); Samuel Chapman (musician)

"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 March 1901), 1

BURKE. - On the 18th March, at the residence of his daughter, Laceby, near Wangaratta, Peter Constantine Burke, of Killawarra, late of Beechworth (of Bright's disease), only son of the late John Burke, A.R.A.M., professor of music, Drogheda, Ireland, beloved husband of Isabella Burke, aged 69. A colonist of 48 years.

"DEATH OF MR. P. C. BURKE", The Corowa Free Press [NSW] (29 March 1901), 2 

The death is announced of Mr. P. C. Burke, piano tuner, at the age of 69, from Bright's disease. He was a well-known figure in Corowa and at all the stations in Riverina for many years past. He was a very fine cornet player, and could, had he so desired, have made a name for himself in that line. He, however, preferred the quieter life, and, with his buggy and pair, travelled up and down Riverina in pursuit of his calling.

Probate and administration, Peter C. Burke, farmer, Killawarra, died 18 March 1901; Public Record Office Victoria 

"MRS. P. C. BURKE", Benalla Standard [VIC] (1 June 1909), 2 

The death is reported as having occurred at her residence, Wangaratta, on Thursday last of Mrs. P. C. Burke, at the age of 76 years . . . The late Mrs. Burke, who was well known and highly respected in this and the Samaria district was born in Glasgow in 1833. In 1852, with her uncle Captain Gilfillan, and his widowed sister, she came to Victoria in the ship Progress and the next year she was married by the late Canon Handfield at St. Peter's Church Eastern Hill, to the late Mr. P. C. Burke who for twelve months followed his profession as a musician. Then, accompanied by his wire, he visited a number of gold rushes, and finally they settled at Beechworth. Mrs. Burke's husband predeceased her about eight years ago, and after his death Mrs. Burke and her daughter Miss Marie Burke, resided in Wangaratta. Mrs. Burke was the mother of ten children, five of whom are living, viz Mr. P. C. Burke, of Ideraway, Queensland . . . The deceased lady was noted for her kindly and cheerful disposition, and her unostentatious charity. She was a most attentive and kindly mother, and sympathy is tendered to the members of the family in their deprivation. The remains were interred in the Wangaratta cemetery on Saturday.

"OLD IDENTITIES OF BEECHWORTH. BEN. EAGLETON ("BILLY NUTTS") Being the Reminiscences of a Colonist of 57 Years", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (24 July 1909), 12 

. . . I have spoken of the number of excellent musicians who made Melbourne their temporary home. Among these were some who, finding too much competition in the city, made their way to the goldfields with varying fortune. The only ones I became acquainted with were settled at Beechworth when I arrived there some years afterwards, towards the end of my seven years' practical experience of mining. These were Burke, a fine performer on the cornet; Radford and Griffiths, violinists; and Ruxton, a pianist . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Eagleton (memoirist); George Griffith (violinist); William Radford (violinist); Henri W. Ruxton (pianist)

BURKE, Robert O'Hara (Robert O'Hara BURKE)

Musical amateur and patron, amateur musician, pianist, surveyor, explorer

Born St. Clerans, Galway, Ireland, 1821; son of James Hardiman BURKE and Anne O'HARA
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1853
Died near Cooper's Creek, SA, (? 28 June) 1861 (NLA persistent identifier)'Hara (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Ludwig Becker (recorder of Indigenous song, member of Burke's expedition)


[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (19 May 1855), 5 

MUSIC SALOON, El Dorado Hotel, High-street, Beechworth.
Messrs. Peck and Saqui BEG leave most respectfully to announce to their friends and the public, that their
BENEFIT CONCERT Is fixed for Monday, May the 23th [sic],
On which occasion they will, with the assistance of several musical friends, bring forward such a
Concentration of Vocal and Instrumental Talent as has not yet been produced on the district of the Ovens Gold Field.
The CONCERT will be under the PATRONAGE of R. O'H. BURKE, ESQ., J.P.,
And the arrangements for the comfort of visitors will be under the management of a Committee of Gentlemen.
Full particulars and programme will appear immediately.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (musician); Austin Saqui (musician)

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (26 May 1855), 6 

MUSIC SALOON, El Dorado Hotel, High-street, Beechworth.
Grand Concert Of Vocal and Instrumental Music, under the patronage of
R. O'H. BURKE, ESQ., J.P., And the Stewards of the Races.
On Monday, May 28th, 1855, For the benefit of Messrs. Peck and Saqui.
THE following professionals and amaters [sic] have kindly offered their valuable services, and will during the evening sing and perform a choice collection of the most popular Overtures, Solos, Duets, Chorusses, Fantasias, &c., &c.:
Signor Rangoni, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ellar, Mr. Small, Mr. Geo. Smith, Mr. Peter Bruce, Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Hurley, Herr Schmidt,
In addition to Messrs. Peck and Saqui.
The best arrangements will he made for the comfort of ladies and families visiting this Concert, by a Committee of Management.
Mr. Ellar will sing Beethoven's magnificent solo, 'Adelaide,' acknowledged to be the most superb vocal composition in existence.
Messrs. Peck and Saqui will perform a brilliant duet, for violin and piano, variations on the favourite opera, Le Pre Aux Clercs, by De Beriot and Osborne.
Mr. Peter Bruce will perform a grand Invocation of Scottish National Music, on the Scotch Pipes, in full Highland costume, as played before the Duke of Buccleuch and the whole court of Queen Victoria, in Scotland.
Mr. Peck will perform Paganini's celebrated Burlesque Variations on the Carnival of Venice, Also his own favourite fantasia on popular airs, introducing 'Auld Robin Gray,' 'Comin thro' the Rye,' 'Sally in our Alley,' and 'When the Swallows.'
Mr. Saqui will play a solo on the piano, introducing the imitation of a musical box, and sing some of his admired songs.
Leader and Solo Violin, Mr. Peck. Flute, Mr. Johnson; Cornet a Piston, Herr Schmidt; Second Violin, Mr. Hurley; Basso, Mr. Thompson; Trombone, Signor Rangoni.
Mr. Saqui will preside at the piano-forte.
Doors open at half-past seven o'clock; concert to commence at eight precisely. For particulars see programme.
Admission, by tickets only, 5s. each; reserved seats, 7s. 6d.; to be had at the principal stores and hotels.

ASSOCIATIONS: Antonio Rangoni (trombone); ? Frederick Johnson (flute); Julius Henry Eller [sic] (vocalist); Joe Small (vocalist); Peter Bruce (bagpiper); Mr. Hewitt (musician); Mr. Hurley (violin); ? Herr Schmidt (cornet, ? violin)

Diary, John Buckley Castieau, Beechworth, VIC, 13 February 1857; original MS, National Library of Australia; transcribed and edited by Mark Finnane, online at Centre for 21st Century Humanities, University of Newcastle (TRANSCRIPT) (Finnane 2004 DIGITISED)

[Friday 13 February 1857] . . . In the evening dined with Miss Hamilton & Coulon at Inspector Bourke's.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Buckley Castieau (musical amateur, prison warden); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); thanks to Mark Finnane (April 2023), for kindly giving permission to reproduce and annotate selections from his transcript here

"ROBERT O'HARA BURKE", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 December 1861), 5 

Bell's Life in Adelaide contains the following sketch of the hero Burke, from an intimate friend, which will be interesting to our readers: -
"Now that universal attention is absorbed in poor Burke and his sad fate - his life sacrificed, after he had successfully accomplished the crossing of the continent - it may not, perhaps, be uninteresting to our readers to be made acquainted with his high and noble character . . . He was about thirty-eight years of age, and never married, though an admirer of the fair sex. He was fond of music, and played upon the piano exquisitely. He wore his hair and peculiarly-shaped hat a good deal over his forehead, partly hiding the pleasing expression of his eyes, to cover a sabre-cut he received while in the Austrian army. He had high spirits, was affable in manners, and most affectionate in disposition naturally, though occasionally amusingly sarcastic when ruffled. He was not resentful, and quickly forgot an injury. He prided himself in exercises which caused fatigue and privation, to which his Woolwich education had inured him, and this in other respects would have fitted him to take command of such an expedition as the one which, through the shameful neglect of others, has proved fatal to our devoted and deeply-lamented hero, "the Nelson of the desert."

"OLD TIME MEMORIES. ROBERT O'HARA BURKE [BY J. SADLEIR, IN THE 'AUSTRALASIAN']", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (28 May 1898), 2 

I first became acquainted with Robert O'Hara Burke in 1854, and a little later we became firm friends. Although there were something like 13 years' difference in age between us, I was one of the privileged few (for Burke was not a man of many friends) admitted to anything like intimacy with him . . .
A burlesque company, in which Miss Julia Matthews took the leading part, visited Beechworth about 1858. Burke attended every performance, and ended by falling head over ears in love with the prima donna. He made love to the mother for her daughter's sake, and followed the company from one town to another pressing his suit, without success. Forty years have passed, and one cannot help wondering how many old playgoers remain who remember the buxom and sprightly actress; and, if the lady is still living, whether her pretty brown hair has turned to grey, or whether she ever indulges in a kindly thought of the hero who flung himself at her feet.
After this disappointment Burke returned to Beechworth, believing that life had no further good in store for him. He laid bare his wounded heart before his friends, who were disposed to laugh at his grief. He bought a piano, and took daily lessons from a little German teacher, so that he might learn to play the airs Julia used to sing. His quarters were close to mine. I was then married. Burke suddenly remembered that an auspicious event was daily expected in my family, and that his constant practice on the piano might cause annoyance. He could not, however, give up the luxury of soothing his grief by playing the music with which his loved one was associated, so he compromised the matter by covering up his piano with all the blankets and rugs he could lay hands on. When a son was born to me Burke was the very first to inquire for the welfare of mother and child; and when I brought the baby boy out in my arms for him to see he kissed him, and turning away with tears in his eyes, said, "Ah, if I had such ties as you have I think I should be a happier and better man" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Sadleir (police officer); Julia Mathews (actor, vocalist, dancer); there is, however, no record of Mathews visiting and performing in Beechworth; she did however perform in Melbourne in 1860, when aged about 17

"MUMMER MEMOIRS. A letter from the Far East - Some Reminiscences, by Mrs. E. S. Patton (nee Miss Emily Holroyd) . . . No. 41 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (25 November 1908), 2 

I have another very interesting letter from Mrs. Patton (nee Miss Emily Holroyd of half a century ago). Amongst other items, the lady says: . . . I saw him [George Fawcett Rowe] once when he was playing the Widow Twankey in the burlesque of 'Aladdin,' in which poor Julia Mathews created such a furore, one evening, just as he was going on the stage, snatch oft old Mrs. Mathews' battered old night bonnet, put it on his own head, and stalk on with it. Mrs. Mathews always sat sewing or knitting and watching her daughter. She and her husband were the meanest couple that ever were seen, and were so stingy that they never allowed poor Julia any of the money she earned, but put it all by for themselves. The girl was never even properly dressed for her parts, her parents were so mean; but her talent was so great her voice so sweet, her dancing and acting so full of verve and go, that she was the greatest favorite with the public in spite of her shabbiness.

"Poor O'Hara Burke, - the gallant leader of the exploring expedition which crossed the continent of Australia, and who lost his life on the return journey through starvation, was madly in love with Julia, and would have married her had he lived. She subsequently married the mate of a ship named Mumford, went with him to America, and died there prematurely in a few years. Take her for all in all, she was the most clever and attractive young actress that we have had in Australia.

ASSOCIATIONS: "Hayseed" = Joseph Michael Forde (compiler); Emily Holdroyd Patton (actor); George Fawcett Rowe (actor)


. . . Speaking recently to an interviewer . . . "If I may say so without boasting," said Mr. Daniels, "I suppose there is now no living actor in Australia who has seen so much of the ups and downs of the profession as I . . .
"A few days ago," continued the old actor, "I spent a few hours in the Public Library, and there gazed upon that wonderful picture of those intrepid explorers, Burke and Wills and King, as has often been my wont. The sight of poor Burke's distraught face in that picture sends my memory back to the later fifties, when I was playing at the Old Star Theatre at Beechworth. Here it was that an incident occurred which, although it changed the whole course of Burke's life, nevertheless caused his name to live in the memory of Australians for ever. I was just getting out of my stage clothes, when the handsome, debonnaire Irishman came behind the scenes in search of the star actress, Miss Julia Matthews, with whom he had fallen desperately in love, and whom he was assiduously courting. He had come, poor fellow, to put his fate to the test. The lady, however, did not love him, and as he left the precincts of the theatre he had a look upon his face which the picture I love to gaze on always recalls to me. It was because Burke was a broken-hearted man that he gave full rein to his reckless spirit. Had Julia Matthews accepted him he would never have met his sad end, and perhaps never have carved a name for himself in the hearts of his countrymen. These facts are probably known, but I mention them because I was near him just after Miss Matthews had kindly but firmly rejected his passionate avowals . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Harry Daniels (actor); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue); Launceston reprint above copied from "AN OLD TIME ACTOR", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (13 January 1910), 5 

"EARLY MELBOURNE . . . The Funeral of Burke and Wills . . . (By 'Old Chum'), No. 221", Truth [Perth, WA] (21 February 1914), 2 

. . . The Government was not niggardly in its rewards. In addition to the pension to John King, it gave an amount to the old lady who had been Burke's nurse, and who had followed his fortunes in Australia. When Burke started on his expedition, the old lady found a home with Dr. Macadam on Eastern Hill . . . I don't think Burke's relatives made any claim; and Burke, being a bachelor, had no immediate representative. Had he returned alive, he might have wedded Miss Julia Mathews, vocalist and actress, who had refused him when a mere inspector of police. She wore his miniature at her throat when news of his death arrived, and contrived to lose it in the Botanical Gardens, which gave her an opportunity for an advertisement. She got the brooch back. Many were ungenerous enough to say that it was never lost. Poor Julia died young, in America, after an experience of wedded life, which went to prove, at least in her case, that "marriage was a failure" . . .

For the original notice, see [Advertisement], The Age (4 November 1861), 8 

FIVE POUNDS REWARD. - LOST, in the Botanical Gardens, yesterday afternoon, a GOLD BRACELET, Carbuncle in centre, with Photograph miniature. On returning same to Miss Julia Mathews, 21 Napier street, Collingwood, the finder will receive the above reward.

Bibliography and resources:


. . . Camp XII. (Booth and Holloway's.) Sunday and Monday, 2 to 3 September 1860 . . .
Burke, Landells and Becker slept at the Holloways. Burke passed the time playing the piano. This piano is now at the Tyntynder Homestead, the property of Mr. Rothwell Holloway, a grandson of John Holloway . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ludwig Becker (recorder of Indigenous song, member of Burke's expedition)

BURN, David (David BURN; Edmund David BURN; "Tasso Australasiatticus")

Journalist, playwright, diarist, songwriter

Born Edinburgh, Scotland, 1799; baptised Cannongate, 22 June 1799; son of David BURN and Jacobina HUNTER (1763-1851)
Married (1) Frances Maria ELDRED, St. Anne, Soho, London, 13 April 1820 (divorced c. 1830)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 24 April 1826 (per Greenock, from Leith, 22 November 1825)
Married (2) Catherine FENTON, New Norfolk, VDL (TAS), 6 November 1832
Departed Sydney, NSW, 4 April 1848 (per Hyderabad, for Auckland, NZ)
Died North Shore, Auckland, NZ, 14 June 1875 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (AustLit - PAYWALL) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Jemima Francis Burn (daughter, Mrs. Charles James Irvine)


Baptisms, Cannongate, Edinburgh, 1799; Scotland, select births and baptisms (PAYWALL)

22 June 1799 / David / son of David Burn and Jacobina Hunter

Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Anne Westminster in the county of Middlesex in the year 1820; register 1817-21, page 455; London Metropolitan Archives, DL/T/087/031 (PAYWALL)

No. 1364 / Edmond David Burn of this Parish bachelor and Frances Maria Eldred . . . spinster
were married in this church by licence this [13 April 1820] . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Hobart Town Gazette (29 April 1826), 2 

April 24. - The Edinburgh Australian Company's ship Greenock, Captain Miller, from Leith 22d Nov. from the Cape of Good Hope 4th March . . .
with 44 passengers, viz: . . . Mr. David Burns, Miss Jemima and Master D. Burns . . .

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier [VDL (TAS)] (6 August 1831), 1 

TO FENCERS. WANTED, two or more industrious men, to put up several miles of Log Fencing. For particulars apply to DAVID BURN. Ellangowan, Sorrell plains, August 1, 1831.

Marriages solemnized in the parish of New Norfolk in the county of Buckingham in the year 1832; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:820011; RGD36/1/2 no 1995 (DIGITISED)

No. 122 / 1993 / David Burn of the Parish of Ellangowan and Catherine Fenton of the Parish of Fenton Forrest [sic]
were married in this church by License . . . this [6 November 1832] in the presence of Mick Fenton of Fenton Forest . . .

On his divorce and remarriage, see also "VAN DIEMEN'S LAND", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature [Sydney, NSW] (8 March 1845), 118 

"REVIEW", The Australian (22 January 1845), 3 

SYDNEY DELIVERED; OR, THE PRINCELY BUCCANEER, by TASSO AUSTRALASIATTICUS. Sydney: Printed and Published by Statham and Forster, at "THE AUSTRALIAN DAILY JOURNAL" Office, 575, Lower George-street, and to be had of all the Booksellers in the City. - MDCCCXLV . . .
The Finale, adapted to that well known stave, "The Campbell's are coming," is thus whimsically disposed of by the Town Crier, assisted, by his Worship the Mayor, and the Councillors: -


"The French, they are coming, oh dear, oh dear,
The French they are coming, oh dear!
The French they are coming,
The Corn-stalks are running,
And we're all of us funking for fear, for fear!
The drums they are beating row, dow, row dow!
The drums they are beating, row dow!
The drums they are beating,
The sogers retreating
And there's no one has pluck for a row, a row!.
The French they are coming, &c. . . .

MUSIC: The Campbells are coming (tune)

"THE DRAMA - THE QUEEN'S LOVE!", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (23 September 1845), 3 

The forthcoming representation of this exquisite play reminds us of a duty we owe its talented author, to whom we are indebted for the pleasure of its perusal. The Queen's Love stands first in order in the elegant volume of Mr. Burn's "Plays and Fugitive Pieces, in verse and prose;" and as it is on the eve of making its appearance at the Victoria Theatre, to its merits we shall especially confine our present remarks . . . The greatest care is being paid to the rehearsals. and the eloquent pen of Mr. Nathan has been spirited to discourse sweet music in illustration of an Olden Romance to be sung by Madame Carandini . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (composer); Maria Carandini (vocalist, actor; in the event, Carandini was indisposed); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 September 1845), 2 

WILL be produced, with new scenery, dresses, decorations, and music, the new Historical Tragic Play, in 6 Acts,
from the pen of David Burn, Esq., (Member of the Dramatic Authors' Society,) entitled THE QUEEN'S LOVE . . .
In the course of the Piece, Mrs. Ximenes will sing an olden Romance, called "Sir Wilfred he mounted his War-steed true."
The Melody and Orchestral Accompaniments written and arranged expressly for the Tragedy, by J. Nathan, Esq. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ann Ximenes (vocalist, actor)

FURTHER PERFORMANCES: 2 October 1845 (2nd time); 4 October 1845 (3rd time)

"THEATRICAL REGISTER", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (4 October 1845), 166 

On Monday night was produced at the Victoria Theatre an original tragedy, written by Mr. Burn, entitled "The Queens Love" . . . Mrs. O'Flaherty acted as she always does act - need we say more? And her sister sang as we never heard her sing before - we cannot say less. Indeed the little romance sung by Mrs. Ximenes in the early part of the piece ought to become a great favourite, and we would seriously recommend the composer, in the midst of his many publications, to favour the public with "Sir Wilfred he mounted his war steed true" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Augustine Duncan (editor, journalist)

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (4 October 1845), 3 

. . . Mrs. Ximenes gave delightful effect to Mr. Nathan's music in the pretty romance "Sir Wilfred." The Scotch music, too, was well performed . . . We perceive by the bills that "The Queen's Love" is announced for repetition this evening. We regret to see Mrs. Carandini still laboring under indisposition . . . on Thursday evening "The Queen's Love" was repeated . . .

"THE THEATRICAL EXAMINER", The Examiner (4 October 1845), 68-69 

[69] . . . That Mr. Burn possesses poetical talent of no mean order the following morceau will prove, and in taking leave of him we can only express our earnest desire that he will perseveringly and patiently woo a Muse from whose genius will arise far nobler creations than "The Queen's Love": -


Sir Wilfred he mounted his war steed true,
And his Milan shirt he donn'd;
And with pennon and panoply merrily,
To Granada's lists lie wonn'd:
His heart swell'd high with proud emprize,
No love thought harbour' d there;
He sought not beauty in her bower,
But spurn' d each haughty fair!

Proud glanc'd his crest in the proud tourney,
And proud glanc'd his high blazoned shield
And proudly both horse and rider bore,
The palm of that blood-red field:
But a slighted guest to his proud heart crept,
The proud Knight fell stricken there;
For Zara the pride of Granada,
Mid the fairest shone most fair!

Sir Wilfred sigh'd, but lie sigh'd in vain,
His vows on a dull ear fell;
For Zara long, long, and ardently,
Had lov'd Sir Florimel;
Despair possess'd Sir Wilfred's soul,
He spurr'd to the ranks of fame;
He won what he sought, his proud death wound there,
And he died with his Zara's name.

This graceful Romance, which we suspect, was not included in the one day's work, was set to music for the occasion by Mr. Nathan. It is a delightful composition in A 6-8 time, and the composer has given to the simple and characteristic melody such harmony as was in general use in the Elizabethian day. For this historic reason he, for example, at the end of the eleventh bar of the melody gives the sixth as it was accompanied in those days, and not the extreme sharp sixth, which is of comparatively modern invention. The whole of the modulations and progressions are in perfect keeping with the style which, as an historical musician, Mr. Nathan deemed appropriate to the trouvere of Queen Anne's court, and we mut highly compliment him on the taste evinced in its treatment. Mr[s]. Ximenes had bestowed evident care in its study, and deserves much praise for the pains and skill with which she essayed to carry out the intention of the composer. We had almost forgotten to mention that at the fall of the curtain Mr. Burn was loudly called for, and on appearing, he, in a few brief words, responded to the warm congratulations of his friends.

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Thompson (editor)

"BALLAD FROM AN UNPUBLISHED COMEDY, 'WANTED A GOVERNESS,' BY DAVID BURN", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (18 October 1845), 187 

My morn of life shone bright and fair,
And goodly blossoms decked its tree,
And blithe hearts revelled free from care,
And golden fruitage hoped to see; -
But, ah, a timeless, fatal frost,
How keen, no utterance can express,
In one dread hour, wealth, station, lost -
I sank, an abject Governess! . . . [2 more verses]

ASSOCIATIONS: Reference to Wanted a governess (comic song by John Parry junior)

[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 2 

"SIR WILFRED." JUST PUBLISHED. THE much admired Romance,
sung by Mrs. Ximenes, in the very successful Tragic Play, produced at the Victoria Theatre, Sydney,
entitled, "The Queen's Love." Author - David Burn, Esq. Composer - J. Nathan, Esq. Price Two Shillings.
Published by W. Baker, 101, King-street Sydney, and by - Falkner, 3, Old Bond-street, London.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Kellett Baker (publisher, printer)

[Review], The Cumberland Times and Western Advertiser [Parramatta, NSW] (13 December 1845), 2 

"Sir Wilfred," a Romance sung in the tragic Play of the "Queen's Love." Composer, J. Nathan; Poet, D. Burn.
This is one of those compositions, which, in England, would have caused the composer, or rather the publisher (for, in our English days, the sic vos non vobis principle prevailed) to clear a little fortune, being a song which forced its hearers in the theatre to demand a double encore, and send them home humming it for two or three days afterwards. Whilst "Sir Wilfred" would be eagerly bought by the lovers of Genuine Music - the Antiquary would express his delight at it. There is more in it than meets the eye. Mr. Nathan has been a deep studier of the early music of England: the very characteristic style of the period at which the song is supposed to be sung is most happily imitated, even to the odd termination (according to modern practice) of some of its bars, and if he had produced it to the learned, written in whitey-brown ink, and on paper such as a modern grocer would scorn to use, he might have passed as a Musical Chatterton. Perhaps the highest approbation we can give to the Romance, is that it is one Morley might have composed, and not forgetting the Poet, whose verses are in the School of Herrick, or Dekker, and no mean imitation of them.

"Shipping Intelligence. Inwards - Foreign", Anglo-Maori Warder [NZ] (16 May 1848), 2 

April 17. - Hyderabad, ship, 816 tons, Capt. Castle, from Sydney, with cattle and sleep. Passengers - Mr. David Burn and Mrs. Burn . . .

"DEATHS", Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (17 June 1875), 2 

BURN - On June 14, at Devonport, North Shore, David Burn. The funeral will (D.V.) leave his late residence, today at 3.30 p.m.

"OUR AUCKLAND (N.Z.) LETTER", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (28 June 1875), 3 

Another old colonist has passed away at a ripe old age, whose name must be familiar to many Australian colonists, Mr. David Burn, a resident of this city for nearly thirty years, and for a long period connected with the Auckland Press, died on the 14th instant. He originally settled in Tasmania, where he married Miss Fenton, niece of the Speaker of the Legislative Council of that colony. In 1846, he migrated to Sydney where he met Mr. Williamson (our late Superintendent), and came down to Auckland with him under engagement to edit the New Zealander, of which paper Messrs. Williamson were co-proprietors. He was subsequently connected with the Southern Cross and on the establishment of the New Zealand Herald by Mr. W. C. Wilson (after his dissolution of partnership with Mr. Williamson, and retirement from the New Zealander), Mr. Burn for a short time occupied the editorial chair, but failing health compelled him to resign its duties. The deceased gentleman was the author of various dramatic works, and of sketches of Australian life, "Notes of Travel," by "Voyageur;" "Reminiscences of the early days of Norfolk Island," &c.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Williamson (publisher, politician)

"DEATH OF MR. DAVID BURN", Taranaki Herald [NZ] (3 July 1875), 3 

Another old colonist (says the Auckland Echo) has gone to his last home. Mr. David Burn, a resident of this City and Province for nearly thirty years, and for a long period of that time intimately connected with the Auckland Press, died on June 11 [sic, 14], at his residence, Devonport. Mr. Burn in early life was articled to a mercantile house in Hamburgh, but subsequently went out with his widowed mother to Tasmania, where he became the owner of an extensive and valuable estate, and married a lady of the name of Fenton, a niece of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of that Colony. About the year 1844 [sic, earlier] Mr. Burn visited Europe leaving his property in the charge of two nephews, and on his return to the Colony, some eighteen months afterwards, found that during his absence stock and property had been mismanaged, and made away with by those left in charge. Gathering together the wreck of their property, Mr. and Mrs. Burn migrated to Sydney and opened a boarding house. It was there that Mr. John Williamson, the late Superintendent and one of the proprietors of the New Zealander, met Mr. Burn, and, on behalf of himself and coproprieter, Mr. W. C. Wilson, made arrangements for Mr. Burn to come over to Auckland and edit the New Zealander. This was in 1846 . . .

Lyrics set to music:

Sir Wilfred (Isaac Nathan, 1845)

Sir Wilfred, the much admired romance sung by Mrs. Ximenes, in the very successful tragic play produced at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, entitled The queen's love, author - David Burn, esq., composer - Isaac Nathan, esq. (Sydney: W. Baker, [1845] (DIGITISED)

Other works:

Plays, and fugitive pieces, in verse, by David Burn . . . vol. 1 (Hobart Town: Printed by William Pratt; Published by S. A. Tegg, 1842)

Our first lieutenant and fugitive pieces, in prose, by David Burn . . . vol. 2 (Hobart Town: Printed by William Pratt; Published by S. A. Tegg, 1842)

Both volumes, copies at British Library, bound and digitised as one: (DIGITISED)

See also "TASMANIAN LITERATURE", Launceston Advertiser (15 December 1842), 3 

See also "THE AUTHOR OF 'QUEEN'S LOVE'", The Australian (30 December 1845), 3 

David Burn, journal, Sydney, 1 August 1844 to 19 February 1845, State Library of New South Wales, MS B 190/2 (DIGITISED) (TRANSCRIPT)

[63] Monday 12 [August 1844] - Rose before 7 and upon going to the window which looked upon the Barrack Square I beheld the 80th regt. mustering, in heavy marching order, for their last parade in Sydney . . . The proud display of manhood in its prime and glory evoked sentiments of sorrow and regret, for as the eye glanced along the serried ranks, the knowledge of the death dealing clime to which the gallant band were hurrying compelled the fateful question "How many of those who now march forth in all the pomp and circumstances of glorious war will survive the next twelve months of an Indian war? How many." Imagination [64] gives fearful response . . . At eight o'clock Sir Maurice O'Connell and his staff entered the Barrack Yard and after a brief inspection the gates were thrown open and with Colours flying, and their fine band playing the "British Grenadiers", the 80th regt. marched forth, bidding their once familiar quarters "a long farewell". The drums and pipes next took up "The Girl I left behind me" but the notes fell in faint and wailing tones upon the ear. This passed 1100 choice men, embarking in four very middling ships - viz. the Headquarters of the "Royal Saxon" . . . Met Mr. I. P. Deane and Mr. Smith, formerly Wharfinger at Hobart. Guests at Mrs. Atkinsons - . . . Mr. Keura (a Swiss) and Miss Falloon, a lady from Westmeath, who knows Abraham and George Boyd. She very kindly mended my coat and we had a great deal of chat . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 80th Regiment (military); Maurice O'Connell (resident commander of the military); John Philip Deane (musician); ? Anne Falloon (teacher of music)

Tuesday 13 [August 1844] . . . Passing into Hyde Park we contemplate St. Mary’s, the Roman Catholic Church, a large structure of fine free stone. Its dimensions are considerable and further additions are in progress. The interior is finished off with the Cedar of the Colony, large octagonal columns of that timber supporting the roof. There is a spacious gallery which contains a splendid organ, and on the outside a small temporary tower is filled with a choice peal of bells possessing a compass from low to high D . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: St. Mary's Cathedral (Sydney)

Thursday 15 [August 1844] Our close vicinity to the Barracks causes us to arouse betimes, the morning tatoo giving us early summons . . . [Dr.] Inches accompanied Mr. Klein and I to the Barrack yard to hear the 99th's splendid band . . . After dinner went with Mr. Hopkins and his two daughters to the Demesne; we were in hopes of hearing the Band, but a strong and disagreeable wind, in Sydney parlance, a Brickfielder, had arisen, scattering the red dust in immense volumes; in consequence no musicians appeared and we retraced our course homewards . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 99th Regiment (military)

Wednesday 21st [August 1844] . . . At 9.p.m. began to prepare for the grand Fancy Ball held in the royal Victoria Theatre, Pitt Street . . . he main business of the evening - Dancing - was carried on with an impassioned earnestness worthy of Terphsicore herself - few and brief were the pauses - the Australian Caper appearing to renew their vigour with fresh intensity at each succeeding onslaught - From 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. of the following morning the fun waxed fast and furious . . . On this spacious floor there were between 7 & 800 gay revellers, whilst the boxes and gallery also teemed with well dressed spectators - Two Bands, one the magnificent one of the 99th Regt, filled the arena with dulcet sounds - Mirth and good humour were the pass words of the evening and albeit a motley admixture was in some degree inevitable, still each grade made ample allowance for the other His Excellency the Gov'nr was present accompanied by his lady . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: The second band was the theatre band

Thursday 29th [August 1844] . . . Mr. Lowen and I visited the Corinthian, a whaler of 500 tons . . . On landing, I found the magnificent Band of the 99th were regaling the Natives with some choice music in the vicinity of Sir R. Bourke's statue . . .

Thursday 5th [September 1844] . . . This is a most transcendently lovely day, albeit somewhat of the hottest. Went to the Demesne, which was thickly studded with equestrians, pedestrians and charioteers, attracted by the harmonious tones of the 99th's superb band. The Overtures to Fra Diavolo, Puritani, and the Irish Quadrilles, cum multis aliis, were given in a style the most exquisite. Many of the elite were present . . .

Thursday 19 [September 1844] [on trip through the north coast] At 8.30 a.m. Wauchope was left behind . . . Mr. Taylor was kind in the extreme, proferring a horse, or to accompany me himself when or wherever I pleased, or to facilitate my wishes in any manner I chose to point out. We had a long discussion of Colonial topics, especially the Squatting wherewith the best interests of New South Wales, if not her very existence, is identified. Squatters! - Repulsive appellation, breathing Savagery and incivilisation in its every syllable - How erroneous the impressions likely to be conveyed by its [indecipherable] name! Who would dream of educated men and accomplished women being found in performance of its lonely, monotonous duties - sundered from all the congenial ties of refined taste, all the elegant habits of a highly civilised society to which birth and intelligence had access turned them. The "Bush of Australia" within and beyond the boundaries present many such, who in the active and energetic discharge of such duties may be pardoned the unbidden sigh, extracted by fond remembrance of their youthful home and earlier hopes, which the tones of their pianos, touched to "songs of other days" feelingly, plaintively and powerfully recall. Let none envy the lot of the self expatriated - in its brightest aspects there is more than sufficient bitter to neutralize all its sweet, but when misfortune and depression add their pungent flavour to the cup, the draught is fall indeed.

Thursday 10 [October 1844] . . . Went to the 99th delicious band and to the theatre in the evening, being monstrously down in the mouth. A female howled Kathleen Mavourneen. Her audacity surpassed all I conceived possible in woman, for albeit her howls were echoed by the yells of the house she and merit, persevered unflinchingly to the close, but came promptly back to a mock encore, again to undergo and seemingly with perfect self satisfaction, a repetition of her Triumphant reception. The farce was the £100 note, and in lieu of floral testimonies of approbation to the singer's entreaty to "buy a broom" she was liberally rewarded with showers of silver and copper which she picked up with much characteristic naivete . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ellen Selina Douglass (vocalist); see the program of the night, [Advertisement], The Australian (10 October 1844), 2 

MUSIC: Kathleen Mavourneen (Crouch)

Thursday 17 [October 1844] . . . We all went to the 99ths delicious band . . .

Thursday 31 [October 1844] . . . Strolled from Sussex Street to the Domain to listen to the melodious 99th . . . Klein and I went to Madame Louise's benefit. The theatre was very full, and the pieces were The Idiot of Heilberg - England's Wooden Walls - and a variety of singing and dancing. A Mrs. Wallace warbled an Irish ballad in a manner that penetrated my heart. She was deservedly encored . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Louise (dancer, actor); Caroline Wallace (vocalist, actor); program of the evening's performances, [Advertisement], The Australian (31 October 1844), 1 

Tuesday 5 [November 1844] A very fine day the most of which I spent in writing up my book on the promising land of Australia - regaled the while by the delightful band of the 99th - exercising in the Barrack Square . . .

Monday 18 [November 1844] Went to the Theatre to arrange about my farce ["Our First Lieutenant"] & found the engagt. of Mr. & Mrs. Coppin likely to interfere with its production. Mrs. C. is, I find, the runaway wife of Watkins Burroughs of Surrey celebrity . . . Went to the Theatre in the evening with Mr. Semple, a very full house to see the Lady of Lyons and Turnpike Gate. Mrs. Coppin evidently a scientific actress. Mr. Griffiths, a man who might "go ahead" in a better school.

ASSOCIATIONS: George and Maria Coppin (actors); John Gordon Griffiths (actor)

Monday 19 [November 1844] Went to the Theatre about my farce and arranged that Mrs. Coppin should play Louisa. Introduced to her. She would not see me until Mr. Coppin arrived . . . Thence to the Theatre where I was introduced to Mr. Griffiths, Mrs. Bushelle, and Madame Louise . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Wallace Bushelle (vocalist)

Saturday 14 [December 1844] At 7 the Band playing "The girl I left behind me" caused me to leap out of bed, and there I perceived a detachment of the 80th on their way to embark for the death dealing clime to which their main body a few months since preceded them . . .

Tuesday 18 [February 1845]: Copied out, with emendations, Lieut. Strong for Mrs. Ximenes . . . Looked into the Theatre . . . The Col. Sec. there - Gave Mrs. Ximenes the song. Simes had £99 3/- last night.

MUSIC: There are two song lyrics in the printed text of Our first Lieutenant, Louisa's parody song The tars of other days have left us to Balfe's air The light of other days (page 283), and Mary singing the (? traditional) lyric Come ashore, Jacky Tar (300); however, there is no record of such a song having been sung by her

Bibliography and resources:

D. H. Borchardt, "Burn, David (1799-1875)", Australian dictionary of biography 1 (1966) 


Musician, professor of music, teacher of music and languages

Active Sydney, NSW, by 1861; until 1869 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (31 October 1861), 6 

MUSIC - A collection of rare and select works of old composers; also, modern music, instruction books, &c.,
for SALE, cheap, at G. W. BURNETT'S, teacher of the harmonium and piano, No. 90, Bathurst-street.

THE LATE FIRE IN GEORGE STREET . . . TUESDAY, 30TH DECEMBER", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 January 1863), 5

. . . George W. Burnett, who described himself as a professor of music, said I have known Mr. Radley some time. I know nothing about the fire, save that I was present. I had heard that Mr. Radley had received some anonymous letters. On the day after the fire, I was in the Glasgow Arms, and heard several people say they were glad that Radley's place was burnt down, and one gentlemen said, in a jocose manner, he would not mind swearing he saw Mr. Radley do it . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 September 1864), 7 

G. W. BURNETT, Teacher of Music and Languages, 104, Elizabeth-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 July 1867), 1 

RANDWICK COLLEGE - Studies will be RESUMED on WEDNESDAY, 24th instant.
The Principal (Mr. SHERIDAN MOORE), who is assisted by the Rev. Z. Barry, M.A.,
Mr. G. W. Burnett (late of Paris), Mr. W. Anderson, artist, and Mr. Murray, guarantees a thorough liberal education, on strictly inclusive terms.
Mrs. Moore (Madame Flora Harris) personally attends to the boys' domestic comfort, and superintends their musical studies . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Flora Moore (proprietors)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 1869), 1 

MR. G. W. BURNETT, Teacher of Music and Languages. Address City College, Lyons-terrace.


Musician, band sergeant, Band of the 40th Regiment

Born c. 1822
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 5 November 1852 (per Vulcan, from Cork)
Died Melbourne, VIC, 23 April 1857, aged "35" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (military)


Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1853; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5364 (DIGITISED)

SERJEANTS . . . 839 / Burnett James / . . . Band . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Johnson (civilian master of the band)

"Funeral Notices", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (24 April 1847), 8 

THE Friends of the late Mr. JAMES BURNETT, Band Serjeant H.M. 40th Regiment, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the New Cemetery. The procession will leave the Military Hospital, Spencer-street Barracks, this afternoon, at two o'clock precisely.

"Funeral Notices", The Argus (25 April 1847), 8 

THE FUNERAL of the late Sergeant BURNETT (postponed yesterday) will take place to-day, at two p.m.

"VICTORIA", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (6 May 1857), 3

James Burnett, band sergeant of the 40th Regiment, died on Thursday morning from disease of the brain. The deceased, though comparatively a young man, served with the regiment at Candahar, Ghusnes, Cabul, and Maharajapore, and was decorated with a medal and bronze star.

BURNS, Tommie (Tommie BURNS; Blind Tommie; Blind Tommy; Blind Tommie BURNS)

Musician, itinerant musician, fiddler, vocalist, ? songwriter

Active Windsor, NSW, by c. 1833 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


James Tobias Ryan, Reminiscences of Australia (Sydney: George Robertson, 1895), 114-16 (DIGITISED)

[114] THE FIRST KILLARNEY RACES. The first Killarney Races took place on the 29th day of August, 1833 . . . It was a lovely spring morning as George . . . and Toby wended their way from South Creek, near Dunhaved, to Killarney, two miles east of Windsor . . . This was the first race meeting of any importance outside the metropolis, and so received much patronage from all classes. There were about twelve booths, a grand-stand and a weighing yard, also a military band. The sporting aristocracy of the day were present. The booths consisted of every kind of shelter, bushes, bark and tarpaulin, and were filled with people. Blind Loftus, a very ugly man, was dancing, and Black Simon playing the tambourine, at G. Freeman's booth. Every kind of amusement imaginable was going on, nine pins, puppet shows, the devil among the tailors, with lollypop and cake stalls in the front; at the back, skittles and gambling of every description, with an occasional fight throughout the day. The racehorses were scattered about under the shady clumps of trees . . . [115] . . . The Colonel of the Regiment was at Windsor, and a ball was to be given in honour of his presence that night . . . And a great night it was for the little sporting town of Windsor. There was a bonfire at the "Bell Post," a lovely spot, looking down on the Hawkesbury River. The town was alive with music. The band played for the ball, which took place in the large barracks in the square, and was a very imposing sight. In fact, Windsor was in a blaze the whole night. It commenced to rain at five o'clock [a.m.] . . . half past seven being the time appointed for starting homewards . . . They made a start, numbering about twenty whites and the same number of blacks, the former being composed of fiddlers, actors, old hangers-on from Penrith and "Yarra Monday's Lagoon." They wended their way through Windsor, and as the cattle were facing homewards they travelled via the Chain of Point, and reached Pat Harper's, of Allen Water, on the Richmond and Penrith road about noon. There they unyoked and watered [116] the cattle, and the whole of the broken tucker was pulled out and distributed between blacks and whites. Trunks of turkeys and geese, portions of sucking pigs and ham bones were all cleared up, and every bottle and keg was drained. The blacks gave a corroboree and the fiddlers played and sang "Killarney," after which they yoked up again and started on the straight road. The guides left them after being paid, and wended their way home to South Creek.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Tobias Ryan (memoirist); Blind Loftus (fiddler, dancer, singer); Black Simon (tamborine player); the first day was correctly 21 August 1833; for a contemporary report see "HAWKESBURY RACES", The Sydney Herald (29 August 1833), 2 

Compare also Gipsy Oliver (fiddler; ? fictional or semi-fictional)

"Early Hawkesbury Recollections (COLLECTED BY YELDAP)", Windsor and Richmond Gazette (11 July 1896), 6 

JAMES T. RYAN ("Toby") in his "Reminiscences of Australia" relates the following interesting account of THE FIRST KILLARNEY RACES. The first Killarney Races took place on the 29th day of August, 1833, and are remembered well by us from the fact of having a sister born that morning before leaving for the races. It was a lovely spring morning as George Rope and "Toby" (the author of Reminiscences of Australia), wended their way from South Creek . . . They made a start, numbering about twenty whites and the same number of blacks, the former being composed of fiddlers, actors, old hangers-on from Penrith and Yarra Monday's Lagoon . . .

"Early Hawkesbury Recollections", Windsor and Richmond Gazette (18 July 1896), 9 

In the district of Windsor lived two brothers named Patrick and Daniel O'Rourke. The former had a large family of daughters and one son. Daniel's family consisted only of daughters. They had a large faction of friends scattered round the district - the Daseys, the Daleys, the Shadeye - all from the same place in the old country. Young Patrick married Betsy Dasey, and when a son was born great were the preparations made for the christening, he being the first of the O'Rourkes born in Australia. The news soon spread, invitations were issued, and the time fixed for the spree. A goodly supply of spirits for the men and wine for the women was brought, and sucking pigs and poultry in galore. Two fiddlers were brought from Windsor the night before - Blind Tommy and Blind Loftus, the latter being so-called on account of having only one eye, and who had, perhaps the ugliest face ever seen. He was badly pock-marked; his nose was flat, and level with his cheek-bones, being what you would term an apology for a nose. This was the man chosen to amuse the people at the time, and well he could do it. It was very funny to see him and ---- (the tambourine player), in George Freeman's tent at the Windsor race meetings, making grimaces that would frighten a cat. He could play the fiddle well, was a splendid dancer, and could sing a good Irish song. It was surprising that such a splendid voice could belong to the owner of such a mouth and face. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father Coffee, who stayed to dinner, so that proper decorum prevailed whilst be remained. But he did not stay long, having other duties of a like nature to perform in Windsor that night. On leaving he gave them excellent advice - to enjoy themselves, but to keep within bounds. After dinner was over, and everything had been removed from the large tent erected for that purpose, boards were laid for dancing. Blind Loftus opened the proceedings by dancing a hornpipe. Then came Irish jigs, reels, and songs, and when the "boys" got warm they were as wild as goats without a shepherd. The spree was kept up for three or four days and nights, the two fiddlers taking turns at the music.

"Reminiscences of Richmond. FROM THE FORTIES DOWN [By "Cooramill"] No. 64", Hawkesbury Herald [Windsor, NSW] (17 June 1904), 16 

. . . One old ditty I often heard sung when I was a boy. It related to the death of Donohue. The Vocalist was one old blind "Tommy, the Fiddler," and his platform was, generally, an empty rum cask in a taproom, where he generally had an appreciative audience. I will repeat the song, not because it is anything intellectual, but it will give you some idea of the sentiment of the times. It is thus:-

Come all you lads of loyalty, a story I will tell,
It's of a gallant hero, who in action lately fell;
His name it was John Donohue, of courage and renown,
Who scorned to live in slavery or humble to the Crown;
"I'd sooner range the forest like some wilful kangaroo,
Than work one hour for government," says bold Jack Donohue.

As Donohue and his two companions were cruising the highway,
They were hailed by the horse police, who boldly bade them stay;
"Come on, my lads of loyalty, we'll fight them man for man,
There are only three of them you see, our number is just the same."

"Oh, no!" says cowardly Wamsley, "your wish we'll not fulfil;
Don't you see nine or ten more of them advancing over the hill!
If it comes to a close engagement, we'll see it when too late;
So come along with me, my boys, we'll beat a quick retreat."

Begone you cowardly rascals, begone from me I pray;
I'll fight them all myself, and that you plain will see."
The police commenced firing, poor Donohue did say,
"Oh curse you, cowardly rascals, that from me have run away;"

While one got in front of him, another on each side.
At last the gallant hero received a ball, and died.
Our holy angels guard him before our heavenly King,
Our Saviour dear, who died for us, redeem him from his sin.

I have missed a couple of lines, but I think I have given you enough to show in what estimation criminals were held. I must also admit that the rhyming is not perfect. But the vocalist would make that right in his pronunciation. For instance, of the words "late" and "retreat" he would pronounce the latter word "retrate." How he brought pray "and see" to rhyme I cannot explain . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: "Cooramill" = Samuel Boughton (son of a convict, born Richmond, NSW, 1841; died North Richmond, NSW, 22 September 1910, memoirist); see also "MR. SAMUEL BOUGHTON", Windsor and Richmond Gazette (8 January 1910), 9 

"DAN MAYNE. HIS REMINISCENCES (DICTATED)", National Advocate [Bathurst, NSW] (15 July 1911), 6 

. . . I remember, when I was only a little fellow, the two Freemans - George (called "Clear the Kitchen") and Thomas, kept hotels . . . The cricket dinners were mostly got up by George, whose hotel - a three storey one, long since pulled down - was close to where Miss Dick's nice residence is now. "The Cricketers' Arms" was the name of the pub . . . It was at the old "Cricketers' Arms" that I learnt the art of dancing, from a Mr. William Clarke, who hired an assembly room there, and also visited Richmond. He had a brother John in the same line in Sydney. They were fine follows. It was while conducting these assemblies that William Clarke met his wife, a nice, clever young lady living with the Freemans, who adopted her on the death of her parents when she was very young . . . The two Freemans were bitter enemies, and strove to outvie each other. Whatever one had the other would get. Each had a blind fiddler. Thomas Freeman's hotel was just about where Mr. Swords' sladdlery shop is now, and his fiddler was a red-headed chap. Music was allowed in the Hotel bars then, and dancing and singing. Not the dancing such as Mr. Clarke taught, but hornpipes and four-handed reels, especially the former. Tommie Burns and Blind Loftus were great at it, and were in demand by the publicans. Then there was Davie the barber. Blind Tommie used to have to sing a song entitled "Bold Jack Donohoe." Donohoe, you know, was the bushranger who used to bail people up about Liverpool and Penrith. He had two followers, Walmsley and Webber. But one day, when pursued by the police, these followers deserted Donohoe, leaving him alone to fight three of the police, who, after a desperate encounter, put a couple of bullets into his breast and killed him. The song described the affray, and was a favorite with everybody, particularly the ticket-o'-leave men. I think I can recall the words even yet.

Come, all you lads of loyalty, a sorrowful tale I'll tell
About a gallant hero who late in action fell;
His name it was Jack Donohoe, of courage and renown,
Who scorned to live in slavery, or humble to the Crown.

On the 21st of August (that being his natal day),
He, with his two comrades, whilst cruising the highway,
Were hailed by three horse police, who called on them to stand.
"Come on! Advance!" said Donohoe, "We'll fight you, man for man!"

He said unto his comrades, "My lads, I hope you're game;
This day you'll have to fight with me; we fight in freedom's name.
You see, there's only three of them, and our number's just the same,
So this day for life and liberty, or we'll die all on the plain.

"Oh, no," said cowardly Walmsley, "those plans we can't fulfil;
Don't you see, there's eight or ten of them advancing on yon hill?
If it comes to an engagement, we will rue it when we meet,
So turn about, come on with us, and we'll beat a quick retreat."

"Begone, you cowardly rascals, I pray begone from me;
If we were but united, we would gain a victory;
But I'll fight them all myself, and to let you plainly see,
I'd rather by their bullet's die than on a gallows tree."

Now the police commenced their firing, when Jack Donohoe did say,
"My curse upon you, traitors, to from me run away."
So one played on the front of him, and another on each side,
Till at length his breast received two balls, and soon the hero died."

ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Mayne (memoirist, musical amateur)

J. C. L. Fitzpatrick, Those were the days: being a record of the doings of the men and women of the Hawkesbury 50 years ago and more (Sydney: Bookstall Co., 1923), 58 (DIGITISED)

[58] Music was allowed in the hotel bars then, and dancing and singing. Not the dancing such as Mr. Clarke taught, but hornpipes and four-handed reels, especially the former. Tommie Burns and Blind Loftus were great at it, and were in demand by the publicans. Then there was Davie the barber. Blind Tommie used to have to sing a song entitled "Bold Jack Donohoe." Donohoe, you know, was the bushranger who used to bail people up about Liverpool and Penrith. He had two followers, Walmsley and Webber. But one day, when pursued by the police, these followers deserted Donohoe, leaving him alone to fight three of the police, who, after a desperate encounter, put a couple of bullets into his breast and killed him. The song described the affray, and was a favourite with everybody, particularly the ticket-of-leave men. Talking about dancing, it reminds me of a bit of sport got up by the ticket-of-leave men in a pub opposite where Miss Bushell is now. It was kept by George Freeman, who was always on the shift. First in one pub, then another! Well, the men got up a purse of pennies for a match between Sal the Pieman (daughter of an old pieman) and Jack Linsley, who was a big lump of a boy then, and used to knock about, like most of the youngsters of those days, bare footed. Blind Johnnie, the fiddler, played for the match. The pair danced on the board in their bare feet. The only step they knew was "straight fives," and at it they went . . .

Music concordance:

The hermit of Killarney (Riley's flute melodies, New York, 1814)

"The hermit of Kilarney", in Riley's flute melodies [volume 1] (New York: Edward Riley, [1814]), 14

It is possible that Toby Ryan's recollections of the Killarney races were elided in his own memory with the somewhat later popular tune, Killarney, composed by Michael Balfe. However, it is also possible that Ryan indeed remembered another tune named "Killarney", the most widely circulated of which in the first half of the 19th-century was "The hermit of Killarney". Moreover, whether by coincidence or not, it is set to a ballad in the same meter as the distinctive (and probably original) Windsor versions of Bold Jack Donohue song above. (Tune archive) (Tune archive)

As on Killarney's banks I stood, near to her crystal wave,
I saw a holy hermit, retired within his cave:
His eyes he often turn'd to heaven, and thus exclaimed he:
Adieu, adieu, though faithless world - thou wert not made for me! . . .

On the genesis of the ballad lyrics, attributed to George Ogle, see also Thomas Crofton Croker's Killarney legends, arranged as a guide to the lakes (London: Fisher, Son, & Jackson, 1831), 115-17 (DIGITISED)

And, Thomas Crofton Croker, The popular songs of Ireland, collected and edited, with introductions and notes (London: Henry Colburn, 1839), 209-14 (DIGITISED)

BURNS, William (alias Edward BYRNE; William Edward BYRNE)

Musician, singing class instructor, singing teacher

Active Bendigo, VIC, 1865 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"A CHARGE OF ABDUCTION", Bendigo Advertiser (13 October 1865), 2

A man named William Burns, or Byrne, who is well known in the district, and used formerly to be employed at the theatre, was charged yesterday morning at the Town Hall with having decoyed away a child, twelve years of age, named Maggy McNamara, from her parents, who live in Little Bull-street. He had been apprehended in Melbourne, and was remanded for a week.

"ABDUCTION", Bendigo Advertiser (13 October 1865), 2

William Burns, alias Edward Burns, was charged, on the information of Thos. McNamara, with having decoyed away his (the informant's) female child, Maggy McNamara, aged twelve years, on the 22nd September last. Defective Kolle applied for a remand, stating that the prisoner had been apprehended in Melbourne, and remanded thence to Sandhurst. The child was at present with her parents, who resided in Little Bull-street. The remand was granted for one week.

"CHARGE OF ABDUCTION", The Argus (23 October 1865), 6

The following singular case of abduction was heard at Sandhurst Police Court on Thursday last. We slightly abridge the "Advertiser" report:
William Burns, alias Edward Byrne, was charged with having decoyed a child twelve years of age, named Maggy McNamara, from the house of her parents, who live in Sandhurst, on the 22nd ult. Thomas McNamara, a blacksmith residing in Bramble street, Sandhurst, said he was the father of the child Margaret, who would be thirteen years of age on the 1st of January next. He missed her on the 22nd of last month, on which day he saw her at his house in the afternoon, after coming from school. She did not come home that night. He did not see her again till the day of the review, the 5th inst. When he missed her he made inquiries, and heard she had been seen at the railway. Previous to this circumstance the prisoner taught the child singing, and they were both in the choir, but he was not in Sandhurst, to witness's knowledge, for about two months previously to the disappearance of the child. The witness laid an information against the prisoner on the 25th September.
To the prisoner. - He was a corner man, and sometimes came home drunk. (Laughter.) He was not in the habit, to his knowledge, of using improper language before his children, nor did he ever desire her to sing an indecent song (named). He never called his daughter certain names mentioned. One of his children once told him an untruth, and he was brought up for using the strap to her. He never chastised the child; her mother was able to do that. He never kicked her. He was ready to do anything he was paid for whether in drink or any other way.
Mary McNamara, wife of the last witness, said the child Maggy was hers. She corroborated the evidence of her husband. She was married in 1849. The child Maggy was her second, and born 1st January, 1853, at sea, and was registered at Melbourne. She never saw anything improper between the prisoner and her child. She had told the prisoner she would be obliged to him to see her child home at night from the singing class, which was held twice a week.
To the Prisoner - Her husband never used any improper language to the children. She had taught her child to sing the song referred to, but the song was not improper that she could see. Her daughter was at McGrath, at service, at her (witness's) wish. She never called her daughter certain names mentioned, and James McNamara's wife never told her she was bringing up her child to ruin.
Thomas Whitehead, acting yardsman at the Sandhurst Railway Station, said he saw the prisoner about the 22nd ult, in the evening in what was called a medium truck. The child Maggy McNamara was with him. He told them to get out of that truck, which they did. They were at the bottom of the truck, and appeared to be concealing themselves. He saw them afterwards on the railway platform.
Constable Dunlop said he was on duty at the railway station on the evening of the 22nd ult., and saw the prisoner, accompanied by the girl, whom he now identified, first on the platform, and then in the booking-office. The girl was getting a ticket, and the man was standing by behind her. He saw her and the change she received at the office window to the prisoner. They then proceeded to the carriages about to start for Melbourne. They got into the same second class carriage, but into different compartments of it. The carriage was not crowded.
Margaret McNamara, a good-looking girl, tall for her age, and apparently very self possessed, said she was living with her parents. She had known the prisoner for eighteen months, and he had been a visitor at her parent's house during that time. On the 22nd of September ult., she saw the prisoner in Mundy-street, as she was going to school, at about half-past nine in the morning. He said he had a situation for her near to her sister's and aunt's, and he came purposely for her he said further he would meet her in the evening when she came back from school at half-past three. She told him she would go and tell her mother and father, but he told her not to tell anybody till she was at her sister's, and then she could write to her mother. She went home at about a quarter to four, stayed about ten minutes, and then went to keep her appointment at the railway station. Her father and mother were both out when she went home. She had her dress and cloak on when she went to the station. The prisoner was at the station to meet her. He sat down without saying anything in a luggage van, after he had persuaded her to go there. They left the van when it became dark, and when it was time to get their tickets, of their own accord. She changed her clothes in the ladies' waiting-room, and she then went to get her ticket with a sovereign he gave to her, telling her the fare would be 12s., and she was to give him back 8s. They wanted to charge full fare, but the prisoner said she was only half age, and it was only half fare. They travelled in different compartments of the same carriage, the prisoner getting her a glass of lemonade at Kyneton. They went to a boarding-house in Melbourne; she could not tell which. They walked there, he saying they must wait till the next morning, when she would get her situation. He left her about on hour after, and she saw him again the next morning, when they had breakfast together. He told her then she must wait again till the next morning before she could get her situation. He was out all day, and she did not see him again till the following (Sunday) morning, at about nine o'clock, when he told her he had a situation for her at a private house, and to come along. She went with him, and he took her some distance, walking to a private weatherboard house, empty and unfurnished, on Emerald hill. He told her that was the house, and he was going to live in it. She asked whether this was the situation, and he replied that this was the house he meant. He unlocked the door, and they went in. He then screwed down the windows, and went out, leaving her there. There was no furniture whatever in the house. When he went out, he locked the door, saying he would soon come back, as he was going to look after the situation. The house was in a quiet place, and she remained there patiently for his return. He came back at about half-past six, bringing with him something to eat, but no furniture. He then took out a three bladed knife and began sharpening it, saving that would do something before many weeks were over. On asking what he replied it was a secret. On this she began to be afraid. She lay down on the floor, and remained there all night, the prisoner being in a different room. There was a fire in the grate. The next (Tuesday) morning the prisoner left at ten o'clock, locking the door as before. He came back, and then took her to her sister's, threatening her that if she told anything about his having taken her away, he would do something to her. He would not walk with her to her sister's, but at a little distance away. On her sister's questioning her she said she was in service with Mrs. Steane. The prisoner waited for her outside a few minutes, and they went back together at about six o'clock, when they had some food, and passed the night in separate rooms as before. This night the prisoner had provided some bedding. He kept her in this way for about ten days, and she saw her sister during that time three times. The prisoner had, however, told her of a situation at the Supreme Court-house Hotel, and she was one day there. This was the day after her visit to her sister. She went in the morning, and left in the evening, as he would not let her stay there, but told her to tell the landlady she wanted to go to her aunt's for some aprons. She did not go back again. During the time the prisoner kept her shut up in the house he took no improper liberties with her. On Wednesday afternoon, the 4th inst., she desired the prisoner to give her money to enable her to return home, as she wanted to go back. He refused at first, but afterwards gave her twelve shillings for that purpose. She came home the morning of the 5th. He did not go to the station with her. She had repeatedly asked him to let her come home before, that he had threatened he would do something to her if she said anything, and she was afraid of him.
To thee prisoner: She never kept company with a girl named Isabella Smart. She never had any acquaintance with men. Her father had often sworn at her, and called her a wretch, and beaten her. It was his duty. (Laughter.) Her mother also had called her a wretch. She had sung songs that he (the prisoner) had taught her, but not what her parents had taught her. She never sang the song referred to, though her mother might have said she did. She never went to an old man to get money for an improper purpose, to a barber, or anyone else. There were cabs in the street at Emerald-hill. There were no boards up in the floor of the house there, and no means of exit in any way. She never went to a baker's shop to inquire for service.
To Detective Kolle. When at Kyneton on their way to Melbourne, the prisoner said to her he was frightened that the policeman at Kyneton had been watching them, and on getting into the train he told her to keep on the off side.
Detective Kolle said that, from information he received, he communicated with the police authorities at Melbourne, and the prisoner was arrested on a warrant at Melbourne, and remanded thence to Sandhurst.
To the Prisoner - He had never seen him drunk.
In answer to the usual question and caution from the Bench, the prisoner called a most awful curse upon himself if what the father, mother, and child had stated was not false, especially the statement of the girl. He was never in any boarding-houses and never threatened the girl with any knife. He asked that all opportunity should be granted him for collecting the evidence for his defence, as there were a very great number of witnesses he should like to bring forward, who could contradict the statements made. He was assured that this would be done, and was duly committed for trial at the next general sessions, December 1.

"THE SANDHURST ABDUCTION CASE", The Kyneton Observer [VIC] (5 December 1865), 2 

William Edward Byrne was charged at the Sandhurst General Sessions on Friday [1 December] with having iuduced by false representations Maggy McNamara, a girl thirteen years of age, and daughter of Thomas McNamara, a resident of Sandhurst, to leave her home with him, and without her parents knowledge or consent . . .
The jury retired for about an hour and then returned the following answers to three questions put to them by his Honour. - 1st. Did the prisoner take the girl away without her father's consent? Yes.
2nd. Did he take her away with an immoral purpose? No.
3rd. Did he take her away with the intention of returning her to her parents? Yes.
His Honour said this finding was tantamount to a verdict of not guilty, and discharged the prisoner. On the application of the Crown Prosecutor, his Honour consented to state a case for the Supreme Court on the above findings.


Musician, bandsman, Band of the 63rd regiment


School teacher, vocal music instructor, singing master

Born Bristol, England, 1823; baptised St. Andrew, Clifton, 24 August 1823; son of James BURSTON and Mary ?
Married Sarah Spearment DIAMOND (c. 1821-1889), St. Andrew, Clifton, Bristol, England, 6 April 1844
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 9 October 1852 (per Medina, from Liverpool, 26 June)
Arrived Launceston, TAS, by January 1853
Died Warrnambool, VIC, 24 July 1881, aged "58" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Clifton in the county of Gloucester in the year 1823; bishop's transcripts; Bristol Archives, Ep/V/4/53 (PAYWALL)

No. 1396 / [1823 August] 24 / David Son of / James & Mary / Burston / Clifton / Brewer . . .

1844, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of Clifton in the city of Bristol; register 1837044, page 224; Bristol Archives, P/Sta/R/4/D (PAYWALL)

No. 448 / April 6th 1844 / David Burston / of full age / Bachelor / Accountant / Clifton / [son of] James Burston / Labourer
Sarah Spearment Diamond / of full age / Spinsetr / - / Clifton / [daughter of] John Diamond / Shipwright . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, Cannock, Staffordshire; UK National Archives, HO107/2016/445/7 (PAYWALL)

New Road / David Burston / Head / Mar. / 27 / Schoolmaster / [born] Gloucestershire Clifton Bristol
Sarah Spearman [Burston] / Wife / Mar / 29 / Schoolmistress / [born] Gloucestershire St Augustane [sic] [Bristol]
Benjamin Joseph / 5 / At Nailsea near Bristol // John James / 2 / At Buckland, Dinham [Somerset] // William / 2 / Taphorley Cheshire

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Morning Chronicle [SA] (20 December 1852), 2 

Same day [18 December] - The barque Royal Shepherdess, 406 tons, Bell, for Melbourne. Passengers . . . Mr. Burston and four children . . . in the steerage.

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (29 January 1853), 76

MR. D. BURSTON, from St. John's College, Battersea, London,
respectfully begs to inform the inhabitants of Launceston and its vicinity, that he will open the School Building situated in Franklin-street, on Monday next, the 31st January, to commence the following course of instruction to youth in the above-named locality; -
Reading, Spelling, Writing, Dictation, Arithmetic, Composition, Grammar, Geography, Map Drawing, Vocal Music, (Sewing, Knitting and Marking, to girls) &c. . . .
An Evening Singing Class will be formed for Ladies and Gentlemen in the centre of the town as soon as the names of parties have been received, on Professor Hullah's, or the sol. fa. system.
Terms, £1 1s. per quarter.

ASSOCIATIONS: Hullah's system (general)

[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (31 March 1853), 6

VOCAL MUSIC. - MR. D. BURSTON begs to intimate that he has commenced a Singing Class on Hullah's system, in the St. John's School Room, on the evening of the 22nd inst.
Ladies and gentlemen will oblige by giving in their names as early as possible, as no person can be admitted after one month from its commencement.
Every Tuesday and Thursday, from 6.30 to 7.30 p.m., will be devoted voted to the study of the theory and practice of vocal music.
Terms, in advance, £1 1. per quarter. March 31.

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (15 March 1854), 3 

EDUCATION - Mr. D. Burston, in tendering his sincere thanks to the parents of those children who have hitherto patronised him, trusts by his competency, energy, indefatigability, and seventeen years' practice in teaching, to merit a continuance of the same.
In consequence of the late Educational movement, he underwent an examination by the Government Board of Inspectors, and passed satisfactorily, both as regards efficiency and school management; however, he does not prefer to come under its controul, and therefore now begs to inform the public that he has been appointed master of St. John's Church School, which will be conducted on a new principle, and whore, on the 1st of April instant, he intends commencing and carrying out the following subjects: -
Spelling, reading, grammar, geography, history, writing, composition, Pestallozzi, arithmetic, elements of algebra, mechanics and mensuration, the Italian style of singing and needlework.
Most of his instructions are imparted orally, accompanied with ocular demonstrations, and consequently cannot fail meeting with success, as has evidently been the case at Frankland-street School.
Two Singing Classes will be formed for young persons; first to begin at 5.30, and the second at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
A few Boarders can be taken. N.A. For Terms, payable in advance, apply to the Advertiser.

"ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL", The Cornwall Chronicle (23 December 1854), 4

The examination of the children in connection with this school, took place on Wednesday rooming last. The Lord Bishop of Tasmania presided, and questioned the children in the various branches of knowledge taught them there. At the conclusion His Lordship expressed himself much gratified with the aptitude displayed by the children, and their acquirements. And complimented the master, Mr. D. Burston, his ability and attention to the children, and general arrangement of the school. The children were highly pleased at the kind manner of His Lordship towards them on the occasion, and gave their replies with a readiness and emulation most pleasing to witness.

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (29 August 1857), 5

NOTA BENE. THE following is a copy of a testimonial presented to David Burston, by the Southern Board of Education, on his quitting Tasmania. -
Southern Board of Education, Hobart Town, 26th August, 1857.
Mr. David Burston was appointed to the charge of the Public School, in Frankland-street, on the 1st February, 1853, and was subsequently transferred to Elizabeth-street School in the same town. His services extend over a period of four and a half years. Mr. Burston appears, from the records of this office, to have been a zealous and painstaking teacher, and to have afforded general satisfaction in the performance of his duties. His name is honorably mentioned on more than one occasion in the published reports of the Inspector of Schools.
By Order of the Board, MURRAY BURGESS, Secretary. August 19.

"WARRNAMBOOL, MONDAY", The Argus (26 July 1881), 6

Mr. David Burston, formerly a teacher in various schools in this district, died suddenly yesterday morning. At a magisterial examination, held to-day, it was found that death had resulted from syncope.

"DEATHS", Illustrated Australian News (24 August 1881), 158

BURSTON. - On the 24th July, at Timor-street, Warrnambool, of syncope, David Burston, teacher, aged 58.

BURTON, Henry (Henry BURTON; alias Blythe WATERLAND)

Musician, vocalist, banjo player, showman, circus performer, circus proprietor, proprietor of Burton's Circus and Burton's Band

Born Lincolnshire, England, 1825; baptised Horncastle, 11 March 1825; son of John BURTON and Jane BLYTH (d. 1869)
Married (1) Rosina LEE (d. 1860), England, by c. 1848
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 23 December 1849 (per Constant, from London)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by January 1850
Married (2) Fanny HANLY, Brighton, VIC, 7 May 1863
Married (3) Isabel Janet SUTHERLAND (d. 1886), Christ church, Sydney, NSW, 3 February 1880
Married (4) Elizabeth BUCKLAND, Toowong, QLD, 7 October 1890
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 9 March 1900, aged "76" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Burton's Circus (troupe)


Baptisms, Horncastle, 1825; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)

11 March 1825 / Henry / son of John and Jane / Burton

"COOKE'S CIRCUS", Stirling Observer [Scotland] (9 September 1847), (PAYWALL)

We visited Mr. Cooke's Circus on Tuesday and from all we witnessed we have no hesitation again calling upon all who have the opportunity to visit the Circus 'ere it finally closes. Where all seemed to exert themselves to the utmost would be improper to particularise, yet cannot avoid mentioning in terms of high approbation the name of Mr. Burton, who performs the character of "Mazeppa" in the piece that name. Mr. Burton's horsemanship is complete, and his action graceful . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Cooke (circus proprietor)

"ARRIVED", South Australian Register (26 December 1849), 3

Sunday, December 23 - The barque Constant, 535 tans, Coombes, master, from London. Passengers . . . Henry Burton and wife . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 March 1850), 1

BLYTH WATERLAND'S SERENADERS have just arrived from England, and will give their popular and fashionable Ethiopian Concerts in Sydney, of which due notice will be given.

ASSOCIATIONS: Blythe Waterland's Serenaders (troupe)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 March 1850), 1 

MR. BLYTHE WATERLAND begs respectfully to inform the Gentry and Inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity, that he intends introducing these Musical Entertainments on the same scale as those which have met such unbounded patronage from the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain for the last two years, and before whom he has had the honour of successfully appearing, combining a chaste and elevated style of music, both VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL, which must be witnessed to be fully appreciated.
The beautiful music of the AMERICAN BANJO may on this occasion be heard to advantage;
and the songs, most of which are new to the colonies, are selected from the GEMS OF NEGRO MELODY.
In conclusion, Mr. W. has not the least hesitation in stating, that during the Entertainment, neither word nor gesture will be introduced calculated to cause a blush on the cheek of the most fastidious observer.
The Entertainment will commence precisely at 8 o'clock. Doors open at half-past 7. Admission, 2s.; reserved seats, 3s.
Tickets may be had of Mr. Grocott, Music Saloon, George-street; Mr. Sparke, Royal Hotel; and at Mr. Reid's Bazaar, Hyde Park.

ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 April 1850), 1 

ON account of the enthusiastic reception with which Blythe Waterland's Serenaders were received on both Monday and Wednesday Evenings, they will give another Ethiopian Concert on Saturday, the 6th April, when those who did not go on the other evenings, may have an opportunity of witnessing these graphic delineations of Ethiopian Character.
Overture - Caliph of Bagdad - Company
Song and Chorus - Buffalo Gals - James W. Reading
Melody - (Banjo.) Pretty Little Dark-ey'd Maid - B. Waterland
Lament - Ole Uncle Ned - George B. Howard
Song - (Banjo.) Don't believe in Stephen - B. Waterland
Refrain - Lynchburg Town - Charles V. Howard
Song and Chorus - Walk along John - James W. Reading
Song - (Banjo.) Lucy Long - B. Waterland
Song and Chorus - (Two Banjos.) Neber do to gib it up so - James W. Reading
Solo - (Banjo.) Christ Church Bells - James W. Reading
Song and Chorus - (Two Banjos ) Oh, Susannah - J. W. Reading
Ballad - Rosa Lee - George B. Howard
Medley - (Banjo.) De tinkling ob de Banjo - B. Waterland
Song and Chorus - Johnny Boker - Charles V. Howard
Ballad - (Two Banjos.)
Dearest Mae. - George B. Howard
Song - (Banjo.) Dandy Jim - B. Waterland
Refrain and Chorus - Ole Grey Goose Charles V. Howard
De whole to conclude wid de celumbrated Slow Movement Quick Step known as de RAILWAY GALLOP!!
Doors open at half-past seven, to commence at eight precisely. Admission 2s.; reserved seats 3s.

ASSOCIATIONS: George and Charles Mason alias Howard (members); James W. Reading (member)

"ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", Bell's Life in Sydney (6 April 1850), 3

Mr. Blythe Waterland, Mr. C. V. Howard, Mr. G. B. Howard, and Mr. J. W. Reading, have given two concerts at the Royal Hotel, which have been remarkably successful. This company has the merit of being the first that has brought the peculiarities of the "[REDACTED]," in a contracted way, before the Sydney public. Mr. Hydes, at the Victoria Theatre, had preciously paved the way for these ebon eccentricities, and very cleverly he pourtrayed them; but he was alone, and did not possess the advantages which these gentlemen can boast. There are in the new quartette two excellent banjo players, one equally good accordianist, and a first-rate trambourinist, and these musical abilities, added to a strong perception, and marked delineation of character, render the Ethiopian Serenaders' Concert one of the best features in the city. Their efforts have fortunately been rewarded. On Monday the room was crowded, and on Thursday there was (to use a theatrical term,) "a good house," although the attraction of Mr. Deane's Concert kept many away. It would be almost invidious, where the four are so good, to select any of their various performances; but we feel inclined to say, that Mr. Waterland's "Lucy-Long," Mr. Reading's "Christ Church Bells," Mr. G. B. Howard's "Rosa Lee," Mr. C. V. Howard's "Johnny Baker," and the "Railway Gallop," were the gems which sparkled most brightly in the "dark" mine of entertainment. These gentlemen will repeat their performances on Saturday, after which they will, we are given to understand, commence a provincial tour, Windsor, during "the race time," being their first country "meet. If they there meet with success proportionate to their merits, they will have nothing to complain of.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Proctor Hydes (actor, vocalist); Edward Smith Deane (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 May 1850), 1

BLYTHE WATERLAND'S SERENADERS, previous to their leaving Sydney, with a
NEW PROGRAMME, combining Effective, Characteristic, and Original Songster the Royal Hotel, Sydney,

"BLYTHE WATERLAND'S SERENADERS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (29 May 1850), 2

We are glad to see that this first-rate company of singers are meeting with deserved success in this district. On Monday evening they gave an entertainment in the Court-house, Newcastle, which was completely crowded, and the songs were welcomed with continued applause. Last evening they gave the first of four entertainments at the Rose Inn, West Maitland, and the large room was more densely crowded than we ever before saw it, and at the moment ire left fresh parties were arriving. The songs sung while we remained were, "Who's dat knocking at de door," "Pretty little dark-eyed Maid," and "Ole Uncle Ned;" and never before Lave we heard so much fine music united with the irresistible drollery of [REDACTED] songs. Those who have heard the first named song previously will be surprised at the new effects produced by these talented artists, while the chorus of "Ole Uncle Ned" their fine voices transform into an excellent piece of music. No doubt the other songs, which we could not stop to hear, were equally well given. The quips of humour and drollery between the songs were also very effective. We recommend our readers not to lose the brief opportunity they now have of hearing "Blythe Waterland's Serenaders." It will be observed by the advertisement in another column that the entertainments on Thursday and Friday will be varied from those given last evening and to he presented this evening.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 June 1850), 1

beg respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Sydney and the public generally, that they are no longer in connection with the person known as Blythe Waterland, and that they have now formed a Company of ETHIOPIANS unequalled in talent in New South Wales . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 June 1850), 3 

beg to notify to the public, in reference to an advertisement which appeared in yesterday's Herald from the Messrs. Howards, that they have selected a SPLENDID NEW BAND OF SERENADERS, which is now in active practice, and who will in a few days solicit the patronage of the public.
Messrs. Waterland and Reading's motive for this announcement is to guard their former supporters from being imposed upon by pretenders, whose only claim is the circumstance of their having once been engaged as part of their Company. Sydney, June 13.

"THE SERENADERS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (9 November 1850), 2 

Mr. J. P. Hydes having fraternized with Mr. Reading, the original Bones of the Serenading Company, from which Mr. Waterland has retired, a series of Ethiopian Concerts have been announced by these gentlemen, who purpose giving farewell entertainments in the country districts and the metropolis prior to their departure for California . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 November 1850), 1 

Having made arrangements with Mr. Henry Burton for the establishment of a riding school, in connection with the Hotel . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Waller (venue co-proprietor)

"Boxing-day Festivities", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (28 December 1850), 2 

. . . In the evening the metropolis was as gay as a carnival, and the VICTORIA THEATRE and MALCOM'S CIRCUS ROYAL vied with each other in catering for the wind-up of the festivities. . . . a word or two upon the Circus. Mr. Henry Burton, better known to the Sydney public as Blythe Waterland, was announced as the future manager of this establishment, and his well-known ability as a stud trainer led us to anticipate an unusual treat. Nor were we disappointed . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Malcom (proprietor); Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (14 June 1851), 3 

SATURDAY, JUNE 14th, 1851. For the Benefit of Mr. Henry Burton, the Proprietor . . .
For this night only, Mr. Burton will Sing a New Song on the Times, written expressly for this occasion by a gentleman of East Maitland, and entitled,
For this night only, a Scene from Mr. Burton's original Spectacle, called,
TURPINS RIDE TO YORK! Introducing the principal feature of the piece, viz. - The Death of "Bonny Black Bess!"
with the Song of "Hurrah for the Road," by Dick Turpin and Tom King . . .

MUSIC: Hurrah for the road (music by G. H. Rodwell)

"MUDGEE. MAY 6", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 May 1852), 3

. . . On Thursday evening, this day week, imagine yourselves introduced to a handsome room beautifully ornamented with roses and flowers of all descriptions, gaily intertwining with the chandeliers, and hanging in festoons from every corner, as well as borne most appropriately in the fair hands, and on the heaving breasts of the graceful nymphs that glided and flitted, as supported by their gallant partners, through the many circumvolutions that reigned supreme throughout the evening. Mr. Burton's band ably performed their part as musicians, relieved occasionally by some of the ladies, who sung, and played upon the piano to admiration. Mr. Nathan, from Sydney, likewise played and sung to the great delight of the company . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (musician)

"THE ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (29 October 1853), 2 

Mr. Burton of equestrian celebrity, whose unrivalled company is known under the nomme de guerre of Blythe Waterland's, paid us a flying visit during the past week, and with an addition to his corps of musicians enlivened our towns-folk with some of the choicest specimens of negro melody. Although the weather was far from propitious, our old favorite was greeted with bumping houses, attentive audiences, and enthusiastic admirers. It is long since we have enjoyed such a treat, and all we regret is, that it will be long ere we are again favored by the presence of one who is so willing and able to please. Where so much excellence existed it would be a task of difficulty to particularise the performances; but we cannot refrain from alluding to a quartette in the first part of Monday's entertainment, also the rich comic delineation of "Billy Nutts, the Poet;" the plaintive song of the "Virginia Rose-bud;" the sentimental songs of "Uncle Ned," and "the Old Folks at Home," and the characteristic Negro melody of "Get up in the Morning". It was Mr. Burton (we beg his pardon, Mr. Blythe Waterland's) intention to remain only three days in Goulburn, but prompted by the charitable spirit he has before evinced, he volunteered an extra night's performance for the benefit of the Hospital; on that occasion numerous and aristocratic audience exhibited their sense of his generosity by long and repeated plaudits. On the following day, the gentleman who has left behind him many kindly feelings for his welfare, quitted Goulburn with his company for the purpose of proceeding on his journey to Bendigo, where the remainder of his corps are winning golden opinions. Mr. Burton was to play at Gunning on Thursday evening and then proceed to Yass, Binalong, Wagga Wagga, Tarcutta, and Albury. We have been informed that about £14 was collected on the occasion of the benefit for the Hospital.

"MOUNT ALEXANDER (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Forest Creek, 19th November, 1853", The Argus (26 November 1853), 4 

The celebrated Negro-Melodist, Mr. Barlow, has been engaged at Mr. Burton's Circus, at Castlemaine, for the last week or two. On Tuesday evening last a benefit was announced for that gentleman, and owing to a very favorable moonlight night, and Mr. Barlow's great celebrity, a crowded house was ensured. The performance was in the highest degree satisfactory, and Mr. Barlow delighted the audience with some of his masterpieces. His novel performance on the magical pieces of wood, and the common kitchen bellows surprised his hearers not a little. Mr. Barlow wound up the evening by singing "Ben Bolt," "The Bluebottle Fly," one or two others of his favorite songs. The performance of Mr. Holmes, as Clown, and Mr. Nunn, the conductor, was far beyond expectation. Mr. Barlow's engagement concludes to-night. I hear it is the intention of Mr. Burton to return to Bendigo after next week, and as a finishing stroke, a grand diggers' ball is to be given to the circus at Castlemaine.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Barlow (vocalist, musician); Samuel Tuson Holmes (clown)

"Police Report . . . CIRCUS MUSIC", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (17 February 1855), 6 

James H. Mathias, engaged by Mr. Burton as a musician, was brought before the court on the 14th inst., and £2 of the wages due to him abated for "disobedience of orders," in absenting him self from "parade" (as proceeding through the diggings in the musical waggon belonging to the establishment is technically called), and entering into a private speculation on the race-course.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Henry Matthias (musician)

"THE CIRCUS", The Courier [Hobrat, TAS] (5 May 1855), 3

The Circus in Murray-street will be opened on Monday evening next. The manager of the present troupe is Mr. Burton, already so well in in the colonies for the highly respectable and proper manner in which the performances under his management have been conducted. He is best known under his American cognomen, Blythe Waterland.

"MOUNT BARKER. Tuesday, November 4", South Australian Register (7 November 1856), 3

Conrad Sander, Heinrich Rodenbout, Carl Leonhardt, Daniel Müller, and Christian Prothenbuck, known as "Burton's Band", appeared to answer the complaint of Mr. Henry Burton, for that they having contracted to serve the said Henry Burton as musicians, and having entered into his service, did neglect and refuse to fulfil the same.
Henry Burton, sworn, said the defendants, who had played for him in Victoria, were engaged by his agent to play for him in Adelaide and South Australia at £16 per week, their own terms (agreement put in and acknowledged). That the day before the Circus left Port Adelaide, after they had received their week's wages, £16 (receipt put in), they said they would not go into the country with witness, unless he paid them £3 per week extra . . .
The defendants were ordered to return to their duties and pay the costs, or to be committed to Gaol for one month. They paid the costs and promised to return to their duties.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Young (musician); see also, in greater detail, 1856 "MOUNT BARKER. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4", South Australian Register (7 November 1856), 3 

"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", South Australian Weekly Chronicle [Adelaide, SA] (22 January 1859), 5 

Sir - At the present time, when business is dull, and people are all complaining of the shortness of money, Mr. Burton with his satellites has paid us another visit, in order to relieve, us of our surplus cash. Now, as a freetrader, I of course can offer no objection to Mr. Burton or anyone else entering into any business, either for a long or short period, that he may think will answer his purpose; but I do most decidedly object to his mode of carrying on that business. It is not enough that, the frequenters of the various places of worship in and near Pirie-street are disturbed by the incessant noise made by his band of musicians, but the lives of many of Her Majesty's lieges are placed in jeopardy by the fearful noise, made by them while parading the streets. Many accidents (fortunately none of a fatal character) have happened; others will happen without doubt. Our colonial horses are not accustomed to such noises, and I certainly do think that some steps should be taken to put a stop to such a nuisance. I do not see why the butchers' boys should be arrested in their mad career whilst Burton's band is allowed to parade the streets, endangering the "joints" of the public much more than do the youthful purveyors of beef and mutton. How can the tradesmen of Adelaide put a stop to this, which is injuring their trade by frightening their customers away from the principal streets of the town? For certain it is that although some of the "ladies" of South Australia can so far forget their true calling as to enter themselves as riders at the races, yet it is equally certain that the respectable females who are frequently in the habit of driving their conveyances through the streets of the city do not like to run the risk of having their horses startled, and themselves, upset, by meeting the travelling nuisance I have now referred to.
I have, &c., A TRADESMAN. Adelaide, Jan. 19, 1859.

"GAWLER [From our Correspondent]", The South Australian Advertiser (9 May 1859), 3 

On Friday, May 6, this town was again enlivened by the musical strains of the band belonging to Burton's National Circus, which made its entrée about half-past 10 o'clock a.m., the musicians being driven in by Mr. Holmes, with six-in-hand in fine style. They at once took their situation in Jacob-street, and began to make preparation for the evening's entertainment . . .

"ARRIVED", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (19 September 1859), 2

Saturday September 17 - The steamer Havilah, 330 tons, D. McFie, master, from Melbourne September 14 . . .
Passengers . . . Burton's band of seven musicians . . . in the steerage.


The above-named company gave their first entertainment last evening before a fashionable audience. From the high renown of the company, and the acknowledged talent of the various artistes connected with it, we were prepared for a treat of no ordinary kind; but the delineation of the different characters was so true and natural, that the event more than realised our expectations, and the audience testified their approbation by repealed plaudits. The vocal and instrumental music was excellent; and the comicalities of "Bones" and "Tambo," in the first part, excited the surprise and admiration of the assemblage. In the second and third parts of the performance, the exquisite ballad singing of Mr. Dixon, and the inimitable jig-dancing of Mr. Leslie, were fully appreciated; and the "Lucindia Snow" of Mr. Wells was a rare treat, the continued laughter of the-assemblage being a safe proof of the success of the character. Mr. Legrew's and Mr. Wieland's accompaniment (instrumental) were much admired, and contributed much towards the unqualified verdict of the audience in favor of the evening's entertainment. To-night, the company will perform for the last time, and we cordially recommend our readers to embrace this opportunity of witnessing a really first-class amusement. Everything connected with the performance is conducted in a style that must suit the most fastidious.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Dixon (vocalist); ? Harry Leslie (entertainer); Charles Legrew (musician); Thomas Steeden Wieland (musician)

"The Grand United Circus", Australian Town and Country Journal (11 July 1874), 24 (with portrait)

. . . Our first recollections of Mr. Burton's public life extend back some years. In 1847 he appeared professionally as Mazeppa in Cook's circus, in the city of Edinburgh. His daring rendering of the character was highly appreciated by the public and his principals, with whom he remained some years. Mr. Burton's first connection with amusements in these colonies commenced in 1851 [sic], in which year he introduced the first company of serenaders, known as Blythe Waterland's Troupe, which opened in the Royal Assembly Rooms, Sydney, under the patronage of the then Governor-Sir Charles Fitzroy. Their performances were deservedly popular, the concerts being attended nightly by the elite of the young city. As manager of the company Mr. Burton visited Tasmania, commencing at Hobart Town, and gave a series of concerts at Government House, by command of His Excellency, Sir William Denison. The troupe made a successful tour through the island, and took ship for Melbourne where they played in the Criterion Hall, and the Mechanics' Institute, after which they returned to Sydney in the Shamrock, the only steamer then running between the three ports. His first equestrian performance in Australia was given in the gardens of the Sir Joseph Banks Hotel, Botany, and commenced in December, 1851 [sic, 1850]. About this time, the discovery of gold in Australia took place, and rushes were made to Turon and Ophir. Mr. Burton who was training his stud at this time made a professional tour to the diggings, with an equestrian company which he organised; so he may fairly claim to have been the father of amusements on our early gold-fields . . .

"DEATHS", The Argus (12 March 1900), 1

BURTON. - On the 7th March, at the Dramatic Homes, North Fitzroy, Henry Burton, formerly proprietor Burton's Circus, aged 76 years. Interred St. Kilda Cemetery, 11th March.

"MR. HENRY BURTON", Bathurst Free Press [NSW] (19 March 1900), 3

MR. HENRY BURTON, who was well-known in the early days as the proprietor of Burton's Circus, died at the Dramatic Homes on March 9, and was buried in the St. Kilda Cemetery. Mr. Burton, at one period of his life, had become fairly wealthy, and in his opulence he acquired quite a reputation for his extensive charities. He afterwards met with reverses (says a Melbourne paper), and about eighteen months ago found shelter in the institution for which he himself had done so much.

"MUMMER MEMOIRS. TAYLOR AND BURTON. No. 157 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (8 March 1911), 3 

. . . From Warracknabeal, under date February 28, 1911, Mr. A. C. Taylor writes: -
"Dear Hayseed, - I have been a deeply interested reader of your 'Mummer Memoirs,' and in your columns of a recent issue you make mention of Burton's Circus showing in the old Victoria Theatre in June, 1857. The mention of Henry Burton's name, coupled with the date, reminded me that I had one of the original agreements between Henry Burton and the members of his band, drawn up prior to the commencement of his Adelaide season. The document is dated, Adelaide, November 29, 1856, which would be seven or eight months previous to the occasion referred to by you. The following is a copy of the agreement:

Adelaide, Nov. 29, 1856.
I hereby agree to pay my band at the rate of 7s 6d per night each for their performance as musicians for my circus, and according to the agreement entered into by them. This agreement to commence on our opening night, and wages to be paid weekly.
"HENRY BURTON. Samuel Holmes.

Mr. Taylor continues: - "My father was one of the band of this period, hence my possession of the agreement. I have often heard my father speak of a clever magnetic-clown who was with Burton's show in those days. I fancy his name was Holmes, but I am not sure . . . I am, etc."

Mr. A. C. Taylor is a bandmaster at Warracknabeal . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: "Hayseed" = Joseph Michael Forde (journalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)

Bibliography and resources:

Ruth Teale, "Burton, Henry (1823-1900)", Australian dictionary of biography 3 (1969)

Mark St. Leon, "Theatre, amphitheatre and circus in Sydney, 1833-60", Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 97/2 (2011), 220-43 (PAYWALL)

BUSH, James (James BUSH; J. BUSH; Master BUSH; Mr. BUSH)

Musician, pianist, piano player

Arrived Geelong, VIC, by April 1857
Died Hay, NSW, December 1872 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus (25 April 1857), 8 

GEELONG MUSIC HALL, Sir Charles Hotham Hotel. -
Great Success of Miss MORTIMER, the eminent Soprano.
Miss FITZGERALD, the celebrated Irish Ballad Singer, will appear nightly.
Mr. NEWMAN, the unrivalled Comic Singer, will open his Budget of Comicalities.
Miss SUNDERLAND in favourite sentimental songs.
Mr. WILLIAMS will make an appearance in his Shakspearian comicalities.
Miss MORTIMER and NEWMAN their side-splitting deeds [? duets].
Mons. Greno, Violinist. Master Bush, the Colonial Wonder, Pianist.

ASSOCIATIONS: George and Margaret Newman (vocalists, she "Miss Mortimer"); Giovanni Grenno (violinist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (16 April 1858), 8 

The following talented artistes appear every evening:-
Mrs. Newman, the much noticed soprano; Mr. Newman, comic vocalist;
Master Burges, tenor singer; Mr. Anderson, the Highland dancer.
Pianist, Mr. Bush. Manager, Mr. F. George.

"VICTORIA HOTEL", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (8 November 1858), 3 

Mr. Ryan, in catering for the amusement of his patrons, appears indefatigable, for no sooner is the novelty produced by the appearance of one vocalist beginning to wear off, than he replaces it by another. We see that he has secured the services of Mr. Frazer McGregor, who, in Melbourne, earned some considerable fame as a Scotch character singer and dancer, and who on Saturday night sang some of the national airs, and danced, in full Highland costume, the reel of "Tullochgorum" very cleverly; although it was evident he would have been able to appear to more advantage on a larger stage. Mr. Clement has made some additions to his budget of local songs, which are well received by his audience; while Mrs. Byrne, efficiently accompanied on the piano by Mr. Bush, warbled very musically some of her favorite songs and ballads. The room as usual was crammed.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frazer McGregor (vocalist, dancer); Georgina Bourn (vocalist)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (30 March 1859), 1 

TO SEE JOHNNY BURGESS, Dance, acknowledged, without doubt, the Greatest Dancer in the World.
MR. SHARP, Stands Unrivalled as a Banjoist.
MR. J. A. PICCO, The Australian Paganini, and Soloist on various Instruments.
MASTER BURGESS, Still gains Laurels as a Juvenile Vocalist.
Pianist - MR. BUSH.
Leader - Mr. J. A. Picco.
Admission Free.

ASSOCIATIONS: Johnny and William Burgess (dancer, vocalist); Henry Sharp (banjo); J. A. Picco (multi-instrumentalist)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (11 June 1859), 1 

"CLUNES . . . AMUSEMENTS", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (19 September 1860), 4 

We have been extra amused recently . . . The Crescent City Minstrels have also delighted us with their comicalities, Mr. James Bush distinguishing himself as an excellent pianist . . .

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (2 April 1864), 2 

MISS SUTHERLAND, the favourite soprano. Messrs. JOHNNY BURGESS and RAMSAY, in their great Challenge Dance . . .
Proprietor: J. Allen. Manager: W. J. Hatton.
Musical Director and Pianist: J. Bush.
Change of Performance Every Evening, ADMISSION FREE!!

[Advertisement], The Tarrangower Times and Maldon and Newstead Advertiser [VIC] (18 December 1866), 3 

Notice! EAGLEHAWK HOTEL. Music and Singing Every night!!! Pianist - MR. JAMES BUSH.

"THE GLASS BLOWERS", Bendigo Advertiser (14 November 1868), 2 

The Glass-blowers, at the Orderly-room last evening attracted a very fair audience, and great interest was manifested in the novel exhibition . . . an admiring crowd . . . appeared to be astonished at the ease with which such a hard and brittle substance as glass could be softened and shaped into elegant forms . . . During the evening Mr. Bush, a very tasteful performer on the piano, played selections of popular airs . . .

"MUSIC HATH CHARMS", The Tarrangower Times and Maldon and Newstead Advertiser (14 October 1868), 2 

DEAR SIR, - As so many of us who were gratified with the exertions of the Garrick Club, on last Tuesday evening, feel that the major portion of our enjoyment was due to the pianoforte accompaniment, and the previous tutelage of Mr. James Bush, we should like to be made aware of the fact that that gentleman, who is dependent for a living upon his profession as a pianist, has received a substantial token from the club, that his services were fully appreciated on that especial occasion. Some of us have made enquiries, and found the members slightly reticent upon the subject. Of course, the club must be aware that, after being accustomed to the playing of Mr. Bush - unless good music is provided as the setting for amateur acting - the public will not support; this is the opinion of many more than one

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 June 1869), 1 

WANTED. PIANIST. Twelve months' engagement. Royal Colosseum. Most varied amusements in Australia. James Bush may apply.

[Advertisement], The Argus (12 May 1870), 1 

WANTED, PIANIST, accustomed to concert business. James Bush or McGrath preferred. Continental Music hall, Ballarat. Immediately.

"MALDON ODDFELLOWS' ANNIVERSARY", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (8 March 1872), 2 

The anniversary of the Oddfellows and Foresters Lodges in Maldon was celebrated on Wednesday evening last, (the two lodges uniting for the occasion), by a tea-meeting, concert and readings, and, finally, by a ball, thus suiting the tastes of most of the members, and they turned out in force on the occasion . . . While the eatables were being discussed, the guests had an opportunity of hearing their old favourite pianist, Mr. Bush, who played throughout the evening with his usual skill, and to the entire satisfaction of the assembly . . . The duett on the piccolo and pianoforte, by Messrs. Hunter and Bush, was what might be expected from two such masters of their instruments . . . about eighty couples remained for the ball . . .

"NEWS OF THE DAY", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (24 December 1872), 2 

James Bush, a well-known pianist, died at Hay last week. He was much thought of, says the Standard, as a player; but unfortunately the temptation of liquor was too strong for him to resist. We hear that he came out in public as a pianist in Liverpool when he was only twelve years old. He died of heart disease.

For original see, "LOCAL NEWS . . . DEATH", The Hay Standard and Advertiser [NSW] (18 December 1872), 2 

BUSHELL, Rebecca (Rebecca BALL; Mrs. John Waller BUSHELL)

Musician, vocalist

Born Surrey, England, 9 July 1821; baptised St. George the martyr, Southwark, 29 July 1821; daughter of Daniel BALL and Sarah STEERS
Married John Waller BUSHELL (1821-1889), St. Matthew, Brixton, 17 June 1839
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 18 June 1840 (per Thirteen, from London, 16 January, and Portsmouth 17 February)
Died West Hindmarsh, SA, 8 December 1893, aged "72/73" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Betteridge (musician, son-in-law from 1865)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. George the Martyr Southwark in the county of Surrey in the year 1821; register 1813-23, page 94 (PAYWALL)

No. 747 / [1821 July] 29th / born 9 July 1821 / Rebecca Daug'r of / Daniel & Sarah / Ball / Mint Street / Butcher . . .

1839, marriage solemnized in the parish church in the parish of Brixton in the county of Surrey; register 1825-46, page 61; London Metropolitan Archives, P85/MTW1/016 (PAYWALL)

No. 122/ June 17th [1839] / John Waller Bushell / minor / Bachelor / Butcher / St. George Southwark / [son of] John Farr Bushell / Purser
Rebecca Ball / minor / Spinster / - / Brixton / [daughter of] Daniel Ball / Butcher . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Her elder sister Diana Ball married James Brisenden, butcher, in the same ceremony

[News], Adelaide Observer [SA] (28 August 1847), 5 

The Concert of Sacred Music given by the Choral Society, as announced in recent papers, in aid of the fund for the relief of British Destitution took place last evening [24 August], at the " Freemasons' Tavern," and without fear of contradiction we can say that those who did not, or could not avail themselves of this opportunity of hearing the performance missed a treat. The arrangements for giving effect to the beautiful music selected for the occasion were highly creditable to all parties concerned, and the satisfaction evinced by all present must have been very gratifying to the members of the Society, who appeared to vie with each other in their zeal in carrying out the benevolent object of this concert. The effects of the prevailing epidemic on some of the vocalists were painfully evident, but on the whole it was decidedly the best musical effort we have listened to in the colony. The solos by Mesdames Murray, Bushell, and Jones, were admirably sung, and elicited repeated applause. The full choruses were in excellent time, and only required a larger room to produce the deserved effect . . .

We (Adelaide Observer) were present at the Society's second concert, last night [27 August]. Mrs. Murray's absence from indisposition, and the consequent silence of the organ were much to be regretted. The pieces performed were selected from, the works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, &c. . . . The recitative and solos gave painful proofs of the sufferings of their performances from the prevalent epidemic. Notwithstanding this drawback, the solo by Mrs. Bushell was both tasteful and pleasing. The grand chorus " Hallelujah," was rendered with admirable expression, precision, and power, and evidently left an effect on the audience that well suited a closing performance . . . It is calculated that the two evenings' performances will leave a net profit of £60 or £70 on behalf of the South Australian British Destitution Relief Fund.

ASSOCIATIONS: Georgiana Murray (vocalist, organist); Adelaide Choral Society (association)

"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (15 April 1848), 2 

The third Conversazione was held at the rooms of the Mechanics Institute, on Thursday evening [13 April]; and, judging from the large attendance of members and ladies, it appears that the Institute has lost nothing of its popularity, but is evidently increasing in public favour. Mr. F. Dutton, as Vice-President, took the chair . . . The proceedings then commenced by Mrs. Murray playing on the piano, "We will March," which she executed in her best style, upon a wretchedly-bad instrument. Mr. Dutton then called upon Mr. Coyle to favour them with his promised lecture on Music . . . At the conclusion of the lecture, Mrs. Murray entertained the meeting with singing the song of "The Rover's Bride." The glee "The Muleteers" was also excellently well sung by some members of the Glee Society and Mrs. Bushelle . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Stacker Dutton (chair, musical amateur); Francis Coyle (lecturer); "glee society" probably refers to the choral society above

"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (22 April 1848), 3 

The Concert, got up to assist in defraying the cost of the organ and gallery for St. John's Church, took place on Wednesday evening last, in the New Collegiate School-room in Pultney-street. The attendance, though not so large as might have been anticipated, for the occasion, and the expected treat, was nevertheless highly respectable; and the whole affair went off with considerable eclat. His Excellency the Governor (accompanied by several ladies and gentlemen) honoured the performance with his presence. The School-room afforded ample accommodation, in point of space; but was, from its unfinished state, in some measure detrimental to the effect of the music. The organ, which has been built by our clever fellow-colonist, Mr. Samuel Marshall, of Currie-street, and which reflects great credit upon his ingenuity and skill, was opened by a Voluntary performed by Mr. Bennett, the leader of the Concert, with his accustomed good taste. The tones of the instrument were rich and full, and altogether, under circumstances, exceeded our expectations. The Venetian Swell, however, will, we think, be indispensably needed to perfect this work of colonial artizanship. Handel's Coronation Anthem followed, and was executed with considerable precision, the vocal parts being undertaken for the first time in the colony. The several solos, by Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Jones, and Mrs. Bushell were sung with good effect . . . and Mrs. Bushell's beautiful solo, "Tis Liberty," was so admirable, that we regretted it was the only one allotted her for the evening. With a little more cultivation, we shall be surprised if this lady does not take a prominent place among the vocalists of our Australasian Continent . . . The choruses were generally well performed. We would especially notice "All we, like sheep." The Allegro movement was well sung, and the fine and difficult Adagio well sustained, giving good effect to the entire piece. The "Grand Hallelujah Chorus" has never been better performed in Adelaide. The time, throughout the Concert, was excellent. The Choral Society are entitled to many thanks for their great exertions to gratify the public taste. Their conduct or this occasion was most decorous and gratifying.

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Marshall (organ builder); George Bennett (musician)

[News], South Australian Register (27 May 1848), 3 

On Thursday night [25 May] we attended a concert given by the Adelaide Choral Society, in the large room of the "Freemason's Tavern," and were much pleased with the musical treat afforded us. The room was comfortably filled, and the orchestra was well supported. The Society have made recent purchases of instruments, amongst which is a very fine-toned piano, which, under the rapid and tasteful execution of Mrs. Murray, formed an agreeable addition to the other instrumental music. The concert opened with a periodical overture by Vanhal, which was well performed . . . The air, "Before my eyes beheld him," was sung in Mrs. Murray's very best style; indeed, throughout the whole evening her voice was in powerful tone. Mrs. Bushell's songs were sweetly sung, especially the Song of the Mermaid. The glees were all well performed, and in excellent time . . . and we may say of every vocal performer what one performer said of himself, that "he had good lungs, a good voice, and great musical judgment."

"CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (27 May 1848), 3 

On Thursday evening the Choral Society gave another concert at the "Freemasons' Tavern," and, notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the weather, the darkness of the night, and the mud and water that assailed the pedestrian, whatever way he attempted an approach, it was numerously and respectably attended. It is with great pleasure that without compromising our judgment or forgetting our recollections we can speak most favorably of the performances. The overtures were well executed, particularly those to "Tancredi" and "Fra Diavolo." The time was excellent, as also the accuracy of execution, showing that the performers have benefited by the instructions of their leader, Mr. Bennett, and that he has worked well in his engagement. Among the vocal pieces we feel bound to notice Mrs. Murray's scena from "Der Freischutz" - we have seldom heard her sing better. Mrs. Bushel deserves also particular notice; a little more confidence, and a little more practice in adapting her sweet voice to a large audience, will make it a yet greater treat to hear her. The glees were nearly all very well performed. The fine old glee of Webbe's - "Come live with me" - was a bold attempt, but was, on the whole, very well executed. We cannot refrain from wishing the Choral Society good speed, and we heartily recommend it to the public for the patronage it deserves. Surely it is a matter worthy of praise to the individuals who have thus catered for the pleasure of all lovers of music, that, occupied as the majority of them are, in the ordinary pursuits of business, they have had the spirit, taste, and perseverance to devote themselves to the cultivating of one of the great refinements of social life; and we take it as something to the credit of the colony, that so many should thus, by their example, direct their fellow colonists to one way of spending their leisure hours in a rational and tasteful recreation, instead of seeking the degrading pleasures of the gin-shop. It is a lesson that may be studied, and profitably learned by more grades than one amongst us.

"Local News", South Australian (14 July 1848), 3 

On Tuesday evening [11 July], the Choral Society gave an additional Concert, at the new building in King William-street, intended for an Exchange. The performance commenced with a sinfonia by Vanhal, followed by Webbe's glee "Swiftly from the mountain's brow;" then, a ballad "You do not now remember," by Moschelles, sung by Mrs. Bushel, and deservedly encored . . .

MUSIC: The love knot ("You do not now remember", words by T. Haynes Bayly; music by Ignaz Moschelles)

"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Observer (15 July 1848), 2 

We had the courage to venture into the Royal Exchange Room on Tuesday evening last, for the purpose of attending the Quarterly Concert of the Choral Society, and if sweet sounds and brilliant execution could subdue the feeling of insecurity which from time to time came over us, and make us forgetful of the chilly nature of a large and almost empty hall at this season of the year, we should have been fully gratified. It is pleasant to mark the progress of the Society from quarter to quarter in the acquisition of musical knowledge, and considering that the members are all fully engaged in their business pursuits, such progress is really wonderful, and reflects great credit on their conductor, Mr. Bennett. Mrs. Bushel, under the tuition of Mrs. Murray, has surprisingly improved, both in tone and execution, and bids fair to become the sweetest cantatrice of the Southern Hemisphere. Where all is done well it is difficult to say which is best, and in criticizing the performances of an amateur society like the present, it would be invidious to point out particular excellences; but we cannot deny ourselves the pleasure of mentioning the duett of Mrs. Murray and Mr. Bennett, Piano and Violin; the song, "Oh! after many roving years," by Mrs. Bushel; the "Recitative," by Mrs. Murray; the "Sleep, gentle lady," and the "Overture to Tancredi" as the most brilliant achievements of the evening.

MUSIC: Oh! after many roving years (words by T. Hayne Bayly; music by C. E. Horn)

[News], South Australian Register (15 November 1848), 2 

The Choral Society's concert last evening, at the "Freemasons Tavern," was well attended, notwithstanding the very unfavourable state of the weather. His Excellency, we regret to say, was precluded by indisposition from attending, but Lady Young honoured the assembly with her presence, thereby putting to shame many whose position in our City imposes on them as a duty, the support of institutions like the Choral Society. The performers, both vocal and instrumental, acquitted themselves exceedingly well. And we were much gratified to hear a gentleman of considerable musical acquirements lately arrived, declare that the Society was creditable to our Colony. Where all was good it is difficult to select; but the very marked applause which followed Mrs. Bushell's Solo from Jephtha; the Sinfonia opening the second part, and the Anthem "Hear my prayer" proved how highly the company appreciated the excellence of the performance. Very general satisfaction was expressed at the improvement both in voice and execution noticed in Mrs. Bushell, since her last public display. Dr. Kent announced by desire of the Society that the performance would be repeated on Friday evening next to give parties disappointed last evening an opportunity to hear the entertainment. All persons desirous of having their tickets restored got them on application at the door going out.

ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Archer Kent (member)

"LOCAL NEWS", South Australian (17 November 1848), 2 

We had courage on Tuesday night to brave the darkness and the storm for the purpose of attending the Concert of the Choral Society, and were really surprised to see the room almost full. There must have been at least a hundred and fifty persons present, among whom were Lady Young and many other ladies; yet it seems that a large number of tickets were purchased and not used. The liberal amateurs, therefore, announced their intention, of repeating the performance to-night, when such tickets will be available: not only so, but all who chose had tickets of re-admission given them at the door. We remember none of the Society's concerts which as a whole went off better, though we may perhaps be permitted to say it was a little too long; it was nearly twelve o'clock when it was over. Mrs. Murray has seldom been heard to more advantage; her fine and well-regulated voice, and equally her brilliant execution on the piano-forte, charmed everyone. Mrs. Bushell sang, as usual, with much sweetness. To the whole choir we must award high praise for the performance of the anthems and masses. We have already spoken of Mozart's "I will give thanks," and need only say now that to every lover of music it will be always acceptable. The instrumental piece of Haydn's was played very beautifully; the flute part was very effective. We trust that the elite of Adelaide will attend to-night. This society is deserving of support, when, we consider that it is the only musical institution in the colony. We hope to see arising from the praiseworthy exertion of the parties a first-rate music institute.

"CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (20 November 1848), 2 

. . . Mrs. Murray sang her two songs - "From mighty kings" and "On mighty pens" - and the principal solos in the concerted pieces - with her habitual grace and feeling, and was warmly applauded, especially in "On mighty pens" and in Novello's beautiful Motett "To thee, O Lord," which were beautifully given. Mrs. Bushell sang two songs from Jeptha with much taste and sweetness, and does much honor to her instructors . . . Mr. Bennett led with his usual precision and firmness, but had his temper not a little tried by his fiddle-strings, which would rupture during every piece performed . . .

"CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (24 February 1849), 3 

The quarterly concert of this society took place last evening in the New Exchange Room; and a very brilliant affair it certainly was in all respects. The attendance was numerous, and the discreet bestowal of applause by the audience in most instances satisfied our mind that it was composed of persons not merely "fond of music," but also well acquainted with the delightful science. The bill of fare, except one or two trashy songs, was a good one; but two such overtures as the "Preciosa" and "Cenerentola" were enough to try the nerves of an orchestra of much larger practice and pretension than one chiefly composed of amateurs could reasonably be supposed to possess . . . T. Cooke's song "The Holly" was given in first-rate style by Mr. Bancroft, who manages a mellow rich toned voice - not of exceeding power, in the most effective manner . . . "My Happy Home!" was sung by Mrs. Bushelle so pleasingly as to merit an encore. This lady possesses a sweet voice, and is evidently capable of much more than she aspires to. Her diffidence affects her articulation, and she would do well to take "a good heart" and pay a little more attention to the correct English of her songs. The "Gipsey Chorus" from the "Bohemian Girl," of Balfe, was the choicest vocal performance of the evening . . .

ASOCIATIONS: Richard Bancroft (vocalist)

"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (26 February 1849), 2 

. . . Mrs. Bushell sang "Jannette and Jeanot," and "My home, my home;" the last of which was loudly encored, but why we can not unravel. The lady has a pleasing voice, her manner is good, being Mrs. Murray's [? pupil]; and if she would only infuse a little more soul into her singing, and articulate a little better, it would be a great improvement. "When winds breathe soft," introduced another pupil of Mrs. Murray's, Miss La Vence, who promises well to make a very pleasing singer . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Emma La Vence (vocalist)

MUSIC: Jeannette and Jeannot (words by C. Jefferys; music by C. W. Glover)

[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (28 April 1849), 2 

MR. S. W. WALLACE AND MR. F. ELLARD have the honor to inform their friends and the public of Adelaide and its vicinity, that their
SECOND CONCERT of vocal and instrumental music, will take place on the 2nd of May, In the hall of the New Exchange.
4. "Lo her* the gentle Lark," (Flute obligato) - Mr. Wallace - Mrs. Murray
5. "My happy Home," ballad - A. Lee - Mrs. Bushel . . .
PART II . . . 6. "Happy Heart" Loretta - Lavenu - Mrs. Bushel . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (musician); Frederick Ellard (musician)

MUSIC: Happy heart, from the opera Loretta by Lewis Henry Lavenu

"MESSRS. WALLACE AND ELLARD'S SECOND CONCERT", South Australian (1 May 1849), 2 

We anticipate a very brilliant musical treat to-morrow evening . . . We see that Mrs. Bushel - long a favorite - is to sing in each part.

"MESSRS. WALLACE AND ELLARD'S SECOND CONCERT", South Australian (4 May 1849), 2 

We can add little to our former notice of these gentlemen's performances. The room was crowded, and among the company were many whom we did not observe on the former occasion . . . Mrs. Bushel's sweet voice called forth an encore, well deserved, of Lavenu's "Happy Heart," and Mrs. Murray, especially on the pianoforte, appeared to much advantage . . .

"MESSRS. WALLACE AND ELLARD'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (7 May 1849), 3 

. . . Mrs. Bushel sang "My happy home" (Lee) with more than her usual animation; her second song, "Happy heart," (Lavenu) was encored . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (30 May 1849), 1 

MESSRS. WALLACE & ELLARD . . . their First Subscription Concert . . .
in the Hall of the Exchange, on Wednesday evening, the 30th instant.
PROGRAMME: PART I . . . 2. Ballad - "The Flower and the Stream" - Lover - Mrs. Bushell . . .
PART II . . . 2. "The Swiss Girl" - Julienne - Mrs. Bushell . . .


The first of these Concerts took place on Wednesday evening [30 May] to a select, if not a crowded audience. Our previous opinion of the talent of these gentlemen received fresh confirmation. The accompaniments of Mr. Ellard in particular were beyond measure beautiful . . . Mrs. Bushel is fast gaining confidence, and sung her two songs very prettily . . .

"WESLEYAN TEA-MEETING", South Australian Register (14 February 1851), 3 

A public meeting was held last night in Gawler-place Chapel, the company to the number of 200 having previously partaken of tea in the school-room adjoining, in aid of the fund for building the new chapel in Pirie-street. The Rev. D. J. Draper took the chair, and briefly stated . . . the speeches of those friends who addressed them should be interspersed with pieces of music. Their friends in the choir would accordingly, favour them with several . . .
Chorus - "Blessed be the Lord." - Fawcett . . . Chorus - "Judge me O Lord," by Mozart . . .
Chorus - "Joy to the world," by Fawcett . . . Quartett . . .
The meeting was also further addressed by the Rev. Mr. Draper, after which the solo "But Thou didst not," and the chorus, "Lift up your heads," from the Messiah, were sung . . . The various pieces of music were generally very well executed, especially the solo, which was extremely well sung by (as we understood) Mrs. Bushell. The chorus "Lift up your heads" was, however, beyond the strength of the choir, and it would perhaps have been better had some composition of less difficulty and requiring less power been substituted.

ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Wesleyan churches (general)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (15 October 1851), 1 

MR. R. BANCROFT respectfully announces to the Gentry and Inhabitants of Adelaide and its vicinity,
that his FAREWELL CONCERT will take place, in the EXCHANGE, THIS EVENING (Wednesday), October the 15th, 1851.
Principal Vocal Performers - Mrs. Murray, Madame Francesca Allen, Mrs. Bushell . . . .
Pianists - Mrs. Murray, Mr. G. Bennett, and Herr Linger. Conductor - Herr Cranz.
PROGRAMME: PART FIRST . . . SONG - "The Love Knot," Moscheles - Mrs. Bushell . . .
GRAND CHORUS - "Come Hither all Who Wish to Buy," Auber - With Full Orchestra . . .
PART SECOND . . . GRAND CHORUS - "The Pleasures of the Plains," Handel - With Full Orchestra.
FINALE . - The National Anthem . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Francesca Allen (vocalist); Carl Linger (pianist); August Cranz (conductor)

"DEATHS", Evening Journal (9 December 1893), 4 

BUSHELL. - On the 8th December, at Glanton-street, West Hindmarsh, Rebecca, relict of the late J. W. Bushell, sen., aged 72 years, leaving two sons and five daughters to mourn their loss.

"DEATH OF MRS. BUSHELL", The Advertiser (11 December 1893), 5 

Mrs. Rebecca Bushell, one of the oldest residents of Hindmarsh, and at one time prominent vocalist in Adelaide, died on Friday at her residence, West Hindmarsh in her 73rd year, after a long illness. The deceased lady, who was highly respected, was the relict of the late Mr. John Waller Bushell, whose father (Mr. John Farr Bushell) was an officer on board the Defiance under Lord Nelson at Trafalgar. Mrs. Bushell arrived in South Australia with her husband in the brig Thirteen on June 13, 1840, after a voyage of six months. She was a leading soprano in the Adelaide Philharmonic Society many years ago. For several years she resided at what is now known as the St. Joseph's Convent, Brompton, and for a considerable time has been a resident at West Hindmarsh, nearly the whole of her colonial life being spent in what is now known as the town of Hindmarsh. Her remains were buried in the Hindmarsh Cemetery on Saturday afternoon, when a good number of persons, including some old colonists, assembled to pay their last token of respect to the deceased lady . . .

"THE LATE MRS. BUSHELL", South Australian Register (12 December 1893), 3 

In our obituary columns on Saturday the death of Mrs. Rebecca Bushell was announced. With her husband, who died on February 3, 1889, she left England in the schooner Thirteen on February 10, 1840, the day on which Her Majesty the Queen was married, and arrived in South Australia on June 13 [sic, 18]. The late Mr. Bushell was the fourth son of Mr. John Farr Bushell, a gentleman who was actively engaged under Lord Nelson as an officer of the ship Defiance at the battle of Trafalgar. Mr. and Mrs. Bushell lived on the Port-road, Hindmarsh, until the death of the former, when Mrs. Bushell removed to West Hindmarsh, where she died on Friday last at the age of seventy two. Old colonists will recollect Mrs. Bushell as having been one of the leading vocalists in the early days.

BUSHELLE, John (John or James BUSHELL [sic]) see main entry John BUSHELLE
BUSHELLE, Eliza (Eliza WALLACE; Eliza Wallace BUSHELLE) see main entry Eliza BUSHELLE
BUSHELLE, John Butler (John BUSHELLE, junior) see below John Butler BUSHELLE
BUSHELLE, Tobias Vincent (T. V. BUSHELLE) see below Tobias VINCENT BUSHELLE

BUSHELLE, John Butler (John Butler BUSHELLE; John BUSHELLE, junior; Mr. J. BUSHELLE)

Musician, baritone singer, teacher of singing, rifle sportsman

Born Sydney, NSW, 6 March 1840; son of John BUSHELLE and Eliza WALLACE
Married (common law) Sarah Ada SIMMONS (Mrs. HART) (c. 1823-1890), Sydney, NSW, by 1865
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 29 April 1865 (per Suffolk, for London)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by April 1867 (second visit to England, c. 1870)
Married (2) Henrietta Marianne HEAD, Paddington, NSW, 14 July 1891
Died Sydney, NSW, 14 September 1891, aged 51 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Tobias Vincent Bushelle (brother); William Vincent Wallace (uncle)


"Birth", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (10 March 1840), 3 

On the 6th instant, at her residence, Castlereagh-street North, Mrs. Bushelle, of two sons.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas T. Butler Bushelle (brother, died Sydney, NSW, 6 December 1840)

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . DEPARTURES", The Colonial Observer [Sydney, NSW] (18 January 1843), 757 

15. The schooner Waterlily, Captain Munro, for Hobart Town, with sundries. Passengers - Mrs. Bushelle and two children . . .

[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (16 April 1853), 12 

AMMOUNT of SUBSCRIPTIONS received in aid of the Sacred Heart Church Surry Hills: -
For FEBRUARY - £ s. d.
. . . by Master J. Bushelle - 2 0 3 . . .
For MARCH . . . by Master J. Bushelle 12 8 . . .

Petition, Cruickshank, 1853, re John Butler Bushelle

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, In Equity, In the matter of John Butler Bushelle an Infant, Petition of Mrs. Cruickshank for the appointment of A. T. Holroyd Esq. as Guardian; State Records Authority of NSW, 1853/988

[date on wrapper] 28 Sept. 1853

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, In Equity

In the matter of John Butler Bushelle an Infant

To the Honorable Sir Alfred Stephen Knight, and the Honorable John Nodes Dickenson and Roger Therry, Chief Justice, and Puisne Judges, of the said Court

The Humble Petition of Zophielle Cruickshank, the wife of William Cruickshank, on behalf of the said infant


That John Bushelle the father of the said infant died at Hobart Town in the Colony of Van Diemen's Land on or about the nineteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and forty three leaving Elizabeth Bushelle his widow and two infant sons, that is to say the said John Butler Bushelle and Tobias Bushelle him surviving.

That the said Elizabeth Bushelle [1v] left this Colony for England some time in the commencement of the year one thousand eight hundred and forty seven, leaving the said infant John Butler Bushelle with your Petitioner and the said Infant Tobias Bushelle with Mr. Timothy Marr of Sydney.

That the said William Cruickshank, the husband of your petitioner, left this colony on or about the month of January one thousand eight hundred and forty nine.

That the said John Butler Bushelle has been residing with your Petitioner ever since the departure of his said Mother from the said Colony and has been maintained, clothed and educated by her and at her sole expense.

That Your Petitioner has heard nothing of the said Elizabeth Bushelle, the mother of the said Infants, for six or seven years last past.

That the said John Butler Bushelle attained the age of thirteen Years in or about the month of March last.

[2r] That Your Petitioner has obtained for the said Infant John Butler Bushelle a situation under Mr. William Weare Davis, the Government printer, and that it is requisite and necessary that the said infant should be apprenticed to the said William Weare Davis until he shall attain the age of Eighteen Years.

Your Petitioner has been advised that it is requisite and necessary that a Guardian should be appointed for the purpose of apprenticing the said Infant and Arthur Todd Holroyd Esq., Barrister at Law, has consented to act as such Guardian if approved of by this Honorable Court.

Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays this Honorable Court will appoint the said Arthur Todd Holroyd Esquire or some other fit and proper person to be Guardian of [2v] the estate and person of the said Infant John Butler Bushelle, and that your honors will make such further or other order in the premises as to your Honors shall seem meet.

And Your Petitioner will ever truly be

[signed] Z. Cruikshank

William Teale / Solicitor for the Petitioner

ASSOCIATIONS: William and Zophielle Cruikshank (guardians)

[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (1 April 1854), 3 

AMOUNT of Subscriptions received towards the completion of the Sacred Heart Church for the month of March: - £ s. d.
Collected by Mr. Molony - 10 0 0 . . .
Master Wallace - 1 14 7 . . .
Miss Wallace - 0 19 7
Master Bushelle - 0 11 0 . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Probably Emeline Matilda Wallace (1838-1924), his mother's half-sisterand a beneficiary of his will of 1891

[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (6 May 1854), 2 

AMOUNT of Subscriptions received towards the completion of the Sacred Heart Church for the month of April: - £ s. d.
Master Bushell - 0 5 0 . . .

[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (22 October 1863), 1 

PROGRAMME. First Part.
1. Chorus - "Preciosa" - Weber. PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY.
2. Solo Guitar-" The Spanish Retreat." Mr. F. S. WILSON, (Amateur.)
3. Duet - "The Siren and Friar" - Emanuel. Madame FLORA HARRIS and Mr. J. KITTS.
4. Patriotic Song - "Australia." (Written and composed by the vocalist.) - Mr. WALLER (Amateur.)
5. Piano Solo - "Source et Torrent" - Cutolo. Signor CUTOLO.
6. Scena - "Casta Diva" - Bellini. Mrs. E. BUSHELLE.
7. Buffo Song - Mr. T. BANKS.
8. Solo Clarionet (by the kind permission of Mr. W. S. LYSTER.) Mr. S. HODGE.
9. Part Song - "From mountains high" - Dorn. PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY.
An interval of ten minutes, during which time an original grand march, composed by J. R. Sothern, Esq., will be performed on the organ, by the composer.
1. Madrigal - "Down in a flow'ry vale" - Festa. PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY.
3. Fantasie pour Piano - "La Somnambula" - Thalberg. Signor CUTOLO.
8. Ballad - "The Beauty that blooms in Australia," Madame FLORA HARRIS. (Written by J. Sheridan Moore, composed by W. Macdougall.)
4. Descriptive Song - Mr. J. E. KITTS.
5. Ballad - "Dermot Asthore" - Crouch. Mrs. E. BUSHELLE.
6. Aria - "I cannot flatter" (Op. Night Dancers.) - Loder. Mr. WALLER (Amateur).
7. Duet - Crudel perche" - Mozart Mrs. E. BUSHELLE and Mr. J. BUSHELLE (Amateur.)
8. Solo Flute - (Fantasia on airs from "Il Trovatore" - Remusat. Mr. RICHARDSON (Amateur).
9. Chorus - "Come if you dare!" - Purcell. PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY.
Conductor - Mr. W. J. CORDNER . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Sydney Wilson (vocalist, guitarist); Flora Harris (vocalist); James Edward Kitts (vocalist); Cesare Cutolo (pianist); Thomas Banks (vocalist); Sebastian Hodge (vocalist); John Russell Sothern (composer); Joseph Sheridan Moore (lyricist); William James Macdougall (composer); James Waller (vocalist, composer); John James Mallcott Richardson (flute); William John Cordner (conductor, piano accompanist); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association); Freemasons' Hall (Sydney venue)

"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 May 1864), 4 

Yesterday evening a complimentary concert, tendered as a mark of esteem by the members of the Volunteer Rifle Band to their director, was given to that gentleman in the Masonic Hall, York street. There was a select and appreciative audience, but not by any means so numerous a one as might have been anticipated by those who know the unwearied application and great musical ability of Mr. Callen in his professional duties . . . Madame Sara Flower was in admirable voice, and was enthusiastically encored in all entrusted to her on the programme. The vocalisation of Madama Wallace Bushelle was also much applauded, especially in two ballads, executed by her in the second part. Mr. Julius Haimburger exhibited a great mastery over the violin in air varie, and Mr. Hodge was equally successful in a solo on the clarionet. Mr. John Bushelle (an amateur), the son of the celebrated vocalist, was also very happy in his songs, and was loudly applauded. The first piece sung by this gentleman was quite a sufficient proof that he possessed an excellent, highly cultivated voice. Owing to the numerous encores the concert was protracted until a very late hour.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (musician); Sara Flower (vocalist); Julius Haimberger (violinist); Sydney Volunteer Rifle Band (volunteer force)

"MR. DOUGLAS CALLEN'S CONCERT", Empire (17 May 1864), 4 

. . . The duet from "La Favorite," by Madama Sara Flower and Mr. John Bushelle, was sung with exquisite taste and feeling, the rich notes of the gentleman's voice blending most euphoniously with the delightful notes which issued from the magnificent organ, possessed by Madame Flower . . . Mr. J. Bushelle sang the scene from "Lurline" with much taste and feeling. This gentleman is likewise steadily and rapidly attaining a position in the musical world as a singer of great power of voice and expression, as well as artistic ability . . .

"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . . . PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 June 1864), 7 

. . . On Wednesday evening a performance was given by dramatic and other artists, for the benefit of the widow and children of the late Mr. Charles Jones, for a long time connected with theatricals as agent and treasurer of the Victoria Theatre. The appeal was fairly responded to . . . Mrs. Charles Dillon received the honour of an encore, in the Scotch ballad "Logie O'Buchan," and the same was accorded to Mr. J. Bushelle (amateur) in the song from Lurline "A Father's Love" - which was admirably given, and to Mr. Charles Walsh in "My Boyhood's Home" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles and Christina Mary Jones (deceased and widow); Clara Dillon (actor, vocalist); Charles Walsh (vocalist); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)

"MUSIC AND DRAMA . . . SIGNOR CUTOLO'S EVENING CONCERT", Sydney Mail (9 July 1864), 3 

On the 2nd instant, Signor Cesare Cutolo, aided by the services of several talented artistes, and by the instrumentation of the Band of the N.S.W. Volunteer Rifles, gave a concert in aid of the sufferers by the late disastrous floods in the interior . . . The overture with which the concert commenced was played with great spirit by the Volunteer Band, the next item being Wallace's scena, "Love, transient passion" (from Lurline), which was done every justice to by Mr. J. Bushelle, a gentleman amateur whose vocal powers are beginning to be generally recognised . . . The terzetto from Lucrezia Borgia, by Madame Bushelle and Messrs. Stewart and Bushelle, was also beautifully rendered, and received with loud marks of approbation. Mr. Henry Marsh acted as accompanyist.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Stewart (vocalist); Henry Marsh (piano accompanist)

"MADAME JAFFA'S CONCERT", Empire (12 July 1864), 4 

A numerous and very select audience assembled at the School of Arts last evening, to listen to various items of the very attractive programme of this lady's entertainment . . . The duet, "Quando le Soglie," by Madame Sara Flower and Mr. Bushell was sung with great taste and success, and goes far to prove that Mr. Bushelle is rapidly gaining ground as a musician of ability, with a voice of good tone and compass; although, perhaps, at present deficient in flexibility. Study and practice will supply this; and ere long, we have no doubt Mr. Bushelle will not need to take refuge as an amateur in any of his performances . . . Mr. Bridson acted as accompanyist.

ASSOCIATIONS: Rebecca Jaffa (pianist); Thomas Vicary Bridson (piano accompanist); School of Arts (Sydney venue)

"CONCERT AT BALMAIN", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1864), 4 

The St. Mary's Balmain Literary Institute, last evening, gave a complimentary concert to Mr. John Deane, whose professional services have tended to the improvement as well as to the gratification of the musical community in this suburb. The large hall of the School of Arts was crowded with a respectable audience. The only professional vocalist was Madame Sara Flower. In the first part two glees were sung by members of the institute, Mr. E. Deane played selections from Trovatore on the violoncello, and the Messrs. Deane gave an instrumental quartette. An amateur (Mr. J. Bushelle) sang "My Father's Home," and Madame Sara Flower attempted "Kathleen Mavourneen," but appeared somewhat indisposed. . . . A duet from "La Favorita," by Madame Sara Flower and Mr. J. Bushelle, brought the second part of the programme to a close . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Deane and brothers (musicians)


A very numerously attended tea party took place on Monday evening in the fine gothic hall of St. Mary's Seminary - the first reunion of the kind that has yet been given in connection with the "Australasian Holy Catholic Guild of St. Mary and St. Joseph" . . . The programme was divided into three parts, the first and last being devoted exclusively to negro melodies, and the middle portion to vocal selections from the compositions of Freeman, Lover, Kucken, and Wallace. These were done every justice to by Mr. Bushelle, and four or five other gentlemen . . .

"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", Empire (21 October 1864), 2 

Two concerts have been given in Sydney during the past month . . . The second concert was that of the Orpheonlst Society, being the last concert of the season . . . The third part was of a miscellaneous character, and embraced several vocal and instrumental pieces of excellence. Mr. John Bushelle (amateur) sung with increasing skill, and richness of tone and expression, Verdi's "E sei tu," followed by great applause . . . Mr. Callen wielded the baton with that amount of skill and effect for which he is remarkable and much of the success of the concert (if not all) was due to his diligent preparation and conducting of the music throughout . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Orpheonist Society (association)

"THE CONCERT AT THE AUSTRALIAN LIBRARY" The Sydney Morning Herald (15 December 1864), 4 

The concert on Tuesday evening last, in aid of the Building Fund of St. Peter's Church, at Watson's Bay, which took place in the hall of the Australian Library in Bent-street, was in a pecuniary and musical sense a success. The audience was very large, and the programme on the whole so well performed as to give general satisfaction. The arrangements ware under the management of a committee of gentlemen with Mr. Sloper, a talented amateur musician, at their head, and several professional and amateur musicians gave their gratuitous services . . . Mr. John Bushelle, whose progress in vocal art has been so marked of late, gave the air, "Rolling in foaming billows," in excellent style . . . Mr. J. Bushelle also gave the song, "What is the spell," with much taste and feeling . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Evans Sloper (amateur musician)


The crowded and fashionable audience which attended the above concert, must have been highly gratifying to Signor Cutolo, whether as regarded in compliment to his ability, or as testimony of the regard in which he is held as a gentleman . . . Mr. J. Bushelle, whose voice is attaining more tone and power, particularly in the higher register, on each occasion we hear it, sang an aria from Verdi's "Ernani" with great effect. A lady pupil of Madame E. Wallace Bushelle, and who kindly accompanied her pupil, executed the romanza "Com e' bello" very beautifully . . . Mr. J. Bushelle and a lady amateur sang the duet from Rossini's "Tancredi," "Lasciami non t'ascolto" in a very excellent manner, both exhibiting great taste and comprehension of the music . . . and the martial duet from "I Puritani," "Suoni la Tromba," as sung by Messrs. J. Waller and J. Bushelle, was one of the greatest efforts of the evening. It was executed by both artists con amore, and we have much pleasure in congratulating these amateurs on their very successful singing of this gem of the opera . . .

"CHRISTMAS DAY AT ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH", Freeman's Journal (31 December 1864), 5 

. . . The choir, conducted by Mr. Bridson, the organist at St. Patrick's, sang the whole of Mozart's glorious 12th mass . . . Nothing could have been more chaste and beautiful from first to last than the way in which the mass was sung; from the perfect accompanyment of the organist to the finished voices of the leading members of the choir, nothing could have been finer. The splendid voice of Mr. John Bushell (who is an honorary member of the choir) took up the bass solo in the "Kyrie," followed by the equally fine voice of the leading tenor, and these two seemed as if made for each other so equally were they balanced . . . At the offertory, the old Catholic hymn, "Adeste Fideles," as arranged by Novello was sung by the choir in a manner which we consider perfection. All this reflects the greatest credit on Mr. Bridson, who has only within a month taken the conductorship of this choir . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: St. Patrick's church (Sydney)

"MR. HILL'S CONCERT THIS EVENING", Empire (13 March 1865), 5 

Several novelties will be introduced at the entertainment to be given by Mr. Hill, at the Australian Library, this evening . . . To the admirers of Mr. John Bushelle's very fine voice the present occasion will be peculiarly significant; it is probably the last time he will be heard in Sydney for some years, as we understand he leaves for London in a few days . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Hill (pianist)

"MR. JOHN HILL'S FIRST CONCERT", Sydney Mail (18 March 1865), 6 

. . . On Monday evening Mr. Hill gave his first concert in the Australian Library, and it was patronised by a large and fashionable audience . . . Mr. J. Bushelle next sung a Romaunt - "The Winds that sigh at dead of night," composed by Mr. Ellard; the music is certainly of a superior kind, and delicately harmonised; but as Mr. Bushelle was suffering from a cold, he did not give that effect to the song of which it is unquestionably capable . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Ellard (composer, pianist, Bushelle's mother's cousin); no copy of the song is known to survive

"CLEARANCES. - MARCH 14", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 March 1865), 4 

City of Melbourne (s), 1000 tons, Captain Paddle, for Melbourne. Passengers . . . Mr. J. Bushelle . . .

[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (20 April 1865), 2 

Signor Cutolo's concert at St. George's-hall last night was in every respect one of the most successful that has taken place in Melbourne for many months past . . . Mr. John Bushelle, announced in the programme as a nephew of Vincent Wallace, the composer, made what was understood to be his first public appearance. His voice is a tenor [sic] of fair capacity, and its owner has good taste; he has yet, however, to acquire expression. He was very well received, and liberally applauded.

ASSOCIATIONS: St. George's Hall (Melbourne venue)

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (20 April 1865), 4 

. . . Several of the most accomplished musical artists in Melbourne tendered their services, amongst whom were Madame Lucy Escott, Madame Stuttaford and Mrs. Young, Mr. H. Squires, Mr. Wharton and Mr. John Bushelle . . . The concert was opened by Signor Cutolo, who performed an original movement on the pianoforte in his usual brilliant and masterly style; this was followed by a song, "The Exile," by Mr. Bushelle, an amateur, a gentleman possessing considerable power of execution, with notes clear and distinct, but somewhat lacking that fulness and rotundity which should characterise the matured bass . . . the duet from Maritana, containing the favorite and sparkling "Had I a fairy wand," by Mrs. Young and Mr. Bushelle, was excellently sung . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Escott (vocalist); Charlotte Stuttaford (vocalist); Henry Squires (vocalist); Henry Wharton (vocalist)

Names and descriptions of passengers per Suffolk, from Melbourne, 29 April 1865, for London; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Mr. Bushelle / 32 [sic] // Mrs. Bushelle / 34 [sic] . . .

England and France (1865-66):

See "William Vincent Wallace", Australian Town and Country Journal [Sydney, NSW] (30 November 1872), 9 

. . . Having sought a milder climate in the south of France, he died at the Chateau de Bagen, in the Pyrenees, (whither he was accompanied by his nephew, Mr. John Bushelle,) on the 12th of October, 1865, in his fifty second year, deeply regretted by all who know him, for his virtuous and amiable qualities.

[Advertisement], London Evening Standard [England] (30 May 1866), 1 (PAYWALL)

Mesdames Grisi, Louisa Pyne, Laura Baxter, Palmer, Rita Favanti, Weiss, Annette Hirst, Susan Pyne, Emeline Osborne, Blanche Osborne, and Louise Liebhart. Solo Pianiste - Mdlie. Mariot de Beauvoisin.
Mr. W. H. Weiss and Mr. Bushelle (nephew of the late Mr. Vincent Wallace, his first appearance),
Signor Ciabattta, Signor Ferranti, and Mr. W. Harrison.
Solo Violin, Mr. W. Holmes. Harp, Mr. Aptommis.
The London Choral Union 200 voices.
Conductors, Messrs. Benedict, Emile Berger, Lehmeyer, Howard Glover, Carter, and W. Ganz . . .

"Miss Amy Coyne's Matinee Musicale d'Invitation", The Era [London] (3 June 1866), 10 (PAYWALL)

. . . Miss Amy Coyne was assisted by Madame Rudersdorff, Miss Julia Elton, Mr. W. H. Cummings, and Mr. J. B. Bushelle (another pupil of Mr. Randegger), whose [Randegger's] capability as an instructor is clearly set forth, both by the pianiste and the last-named young vocalist, who sang Mozart's "Per questa bella mano" . . . Randegger's trio "I Naviganti" was sung by Madams Rudersdorff, Mr. Cummings, and Mr. J. B. Bushelle . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alberto Randegger (vocal teacher)

"BEETHOVEN ROOMS. MISS AMY COYNE'S CONCERT", Weekly Dispatch [London, England] (3 June 1866), 42 (PAYWALL)

We have great pleasure in recording the debut of a young and fair pianist . . . at the Beethoven Rooms, on the 28th ult., assisted by Madame Rudersdorff, Miss Julia Elton, Mr. Carrodus, Mr. Cummings and Mr. J. B. Bushelle. Miss Coyne, who is a pupil of Signor Alberto Randegger, played six pieces on this occasion in evidence of her range of style as well as general skill and accomplishment . . . In Mr. Bushelle, a new basso, we have a very sonorous voice.

"BEETHOVEN'S ROOMS, HARLEY-STREET", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August 1866), 6

Miss Amy Coyne, daughter of Mr. Sterling Coyne, the well known writer and dramatist, gave her first matinee at the above rooms on Monday, which were crowded by the elite of the literary and artistic world, who, with her friends, evinced the highest interest on the occasion of the young lady's debut into artistic life. Miss Amy Coyne is the only pianoforte pupil of Signor Randegger . . . Miss Amy Coyne was assisted by Madame Rudersdorff, Miss Julia Elton, Mr. W. H. Cummings, and Mr. J. B. Bushelle. The last-named gentleman is nephew of the late William Vincent Wallace, and son of Madame Bushelle, a favourite concert-singer some years back in London, and sister of Mr. Wallace. Mr. Bushelle is a pupil of Signor Randegger, and possesses a deep bass voice of admirable quality. He has been singing at the principal concerts in Sydney, N.S.W., of which country he is a native, and if the colony can only send us a few more voices of the same calibre and excellence, we in the old country will feel ever obliged. Mr. Bushelle sang Mozart's little known aria "Per questa bella mano," in a style which won universal approval. Signor Pezze gave the obligate violoncello in an artistic manner. Mr. Bushelle also sang the bass part of Signor Randegger's trio, " I Navigante," in conjunction with Madame Rudersdorff and Mr. W. H. Cummings, and we never heard this clever trio more effectively sung. Signor Rendegger accompanied the vocal music . . .

Sydney, NSW (by May 1867):

"SMALL BORE CLUB", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle [NSW] (25 May 1867), 3 

. . . Mr. John Bushelle, of No. 5 Company, was elected a member of the club . . .

"CHAMPION RIFLE MATCH", Sydney Mail (28 December 1867), 6 

The match for the Small Bore Championship of the colonies took place at the Volunteer Rifle Range on Monday . . . Mr. Bushelle won the much-coveted prize with the splendid score of 109 points, consisting of nineteen bull'seyes and eleven centres . . . Mr. John Bushelle, of No. 5 Company S. B. V. R., the Small-bore Rifle Champion for 1867-8, has only taken to small-bore shooting during the last few months, although he enjoys a long-established reputation as a good Enfield shot . . . At the termination of the firing the competitors fell in, and at the call of Mr. Richard Jones gave three hearty cheers for the new champion - a compliment which Mr. Bushelle acknowledged in suitable terms. The winners were - Points. Mr. J. Bushelle, 25l. and Championship . . .

See also at "INTERCOLONIAL RIFLE MATCH [Sydney]" Volunteer Service Gazette and Military Dispatch [London] (7 March 1868), 7 (PAYWALL)

[News], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (10 September 1870), 3 

We have very great pleasure in recording the success which has attended a quondam number of the New South Wales Volunteer Force - Mr. John Bushelle, now In England, and a member of the Westminster Rifle Corps. At the Altear prize meeting, in June last, Mr. Bushelle, in the small-bore match, taking second prize: and at the meeting of the Yorkshire Rifle Association we find him top scorer with 65 points . . .

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 February 1890), 1 

BUSHELLE. - February 3, at 51, Paddington-street, Sarah, beloved wife of J. B. Bushelle, aged 58 years.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Ada Simmons; born NSW c. 1823, daughter of James Simmons (c. 1795-1849) and Agnes Thorley (died Woolloomooloo, 26 June 1890); married David John Hart, England, 1843); separate death notices for Sarah Bushelle also appeared in the Sydney press under her parental name, Simmons, and married name Hart (under which he death was registered); it appears, therefore, that she and Bushelle were never legally married; my thanks (2018) to family historian George Ryan (Dublin), for this information

"MUSIC AND DRAMA. The Sydney Liedertafel", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (9 August 1890), 327 

The premier musical society of Sydney gave their fifty-first concert (smoke) on Tuesday evening, in the Exhibition Building, which was attended by a very large and enthusiastic audience . . . Mr. John Bushelle, whose reappearance was a very great acquisition, sang in the best voice and style the classic recit. and aria, "Nasce al Bosca in Rozza Cuna," from Handel's opera "Ezio" (produced 15th January, 1732), which, in its original form, and with the English words in which the song was added in the appendix to "Israel in Egypt," remains a favourite show-piece with singers of extensive compass. Mr. Bushelle was recalled with enthusiasm, and gave, for his second song, Dr. Boyce's popular "Hearts of Oak," admirably sung. An encore was demanded, when the popular "Yeoman's Wedding Song" (Poniatowski) was given with most appropriate expression. We congratulate the society upon securing to valuable a soloist . . .

"Marriages", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 July 1891), 1 

BUSHELLE - HEAD. July 14 by special license at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. G. North Ash, M.A., John Butler Bushelle, of Glendara, Paddington to Henrietta Marianna, eldest daughter of E. A. HEAD, ESQ., J. P. of Verona, Paddington. No Cards.

John Butler Bushelle, d. 14 September 1891; NSW death registration (15 September 1891); 1891/11735

John Butler Bushelle / 14 September 1891 / Glendarra, Paddington Street, Paddington, NSW / Gentleman / Male / 51 /
[place of birth] Sydney / [Time in Australian colonies] All his life, excepting 3 absences on visit to Great Britain /
[father] John Butler Bushelle, Teacher of Music and Languages / [mother] Elizabeth Wallace] /
[married] Paddington, [age] 51, [to] Henrietta Marianne Head, no issue /
[informant] Francis Pierce Head, brother-in-law, Verona, 16 Begg Street, Paddington / [cause of death] Cardiac failure, valvular heart disease / [length of illness] 1 year / [medical attendant] W. J. Barkas / [last seen] 14 instant /
[burial] 15 Sep 1891 / Church of England Cemetery Waverly / [minister] G. North Ash, Church of England /
[Undertaker] T. Dixon / [Witnesses] Henry Dixon, Hugh Hayes / [registered] 15 Sep 1891, Paddington

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 September 1891), 1

BUSHELLE. - September 14 at Glendara, Paddington, John Butler Bushelle, aged 51 years.

"Death of Mr. J. B. Bushelle", Bowral Free Press and Berrima District Intelligencer (16 September 1891), 2 

We regret to record the death of Mr. John Butler Bushelle, which took place at Glendara, Paddington, on Monday last. The deceased has resided in Bowral for some years, and is the owner of a great deal of property in this town. He was only recently married and leaves a young widow. Deceased was 51 years of age.

"Death of a Famous Singer. INTERESTING REMINISCENCES", Australian Town and Country Journal (19 September 1891), 43

We regret to announce the death of Mr. John Butler Bushelle, which occurred at his late residence, Paddington-street, Paddington, at an early hour on Monday. Mr. Bushelle was conspicuously in the front rank of Australian vocalists. He was well known throughout Australasia as a platform-singer of distinction, and was among the leading teachers of his time. His mother, who first sang in Australia as Miss Eliza Wallace, was a sister of William Vincent Wallace, the distinguished composer, whose genius gave to the operatic stage such works as "Maritana," "Matilda of Hungary," "The Amber Witch," "Lurline," and "The Desert Flower." It may be mentioned that during Wallace's residence in Sydney the greater portion of "Maritana" was written, and it is said that the charming air "Alas! Those Chimes," which is always a favorite number with contraltos, was suggested by the pealing of the old bells of St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney. Eliza Wallace, as a singer, possessed the genius and culture of her brother. It was some time in the early thirties that the two Wallaces gave their first series of concerts throughout the colonies, and the success which attended them was, most pronounced. At one concert given by Wallace in Sydney no less a sum than £1000 was realised, in aid of St. Mary's Cathedral. Miss. Wallace subsequently married John Bushelle, the elder, a singer in those days, of some reputation. Unquestionably the talents of both father and mother were in some degree transmitted to the son. The immediate cause of Mr. Bushelle's death was cancer on the stomach. He was 51 years of age.

"THE LATE MR. JOHN BUSHELLE", Freeman's Journal (19 September 1891), 9 

Mr. John Butler Bushelle, a well-known Sydney musical amateur, died at his residence, Glendara, Paddington, on Monday, in his 52nd year. The deceased was a son of Madame Bushelle, the celebrated teacher of singing, and nephew of the famous Irish musician, William Vincent Wallace, who gave the world "Maritana," "Lurline," and other operas. The late Madame Bushelle (mother of the deceased), who in her day was a singer of note, came to Sydney with her brother nearly 60 years back, and it is of interest to note that Wallace wrote a considerable portion of "Maritana" in this city. John Bushelle was a native of Sydney, and from his youth displayed strong musical tastes. He was possessed of a fine bass voice and was a sound musician, and for many years was the mainstay of the old Civil Service Musical Society. In oratorio he sang on many occasions with decided success, and as a ballad singer he had few equals. Besides the training received from his mother, the late Mr. Bushelle had the advantage of instruction from Randegger and other well-known teachers in England, the deceased having spent some time in London and on the Continent completing his studies in the art, to which he was devotedly attached. Mr. Bushelle was from time to time connected with most of the Catholic choirs of the city and suburbs, and his last services wore generously given to St. Francis' choir, Paddington. Mr. Bushelle, who was married only two months ago, had been in rather delicate health for some years; still his death came as a great surprise to his troops of friends. The deceased was in many ways an accomplished man, and his gentle manners and kindly disposition made him a general favourite.

"MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC NOTES", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 September 1891), 5 

By the death of John B. Bushelle, whose remains were followed to their resting-place in the Waverley Cemetery on Tuesday last, Sydney lost one of its most accomplished and most enthusiastic amateur musicians. Mr. Bushelle was a native of of Sydney, and in the 51st year of his age at the time of his death. He came of a musical stock. His mother, Madame Bushelle, was celebrated for her success, both as a singer and a teacher, and his uncle, the late William Vincent Wallace, was no other than the composer of "Maritana" and "Lurline" - "Maritana" having been partly written while the composer was living in Sydney with his sister. The late Mr. Bushelle finished his musical studies in London, where he had the benefit of instruction from Randegger and Formes. His principal successes in Sydney are achieved in oratorio music, and it will be recollected that he sang the principal bass part in "Eli" when that work was given in the Garden Palace not long before its destruction by fire. Mr. Bushelle for many years took a prominent part in the concert of the now almost forgotten Civil Service Musical Society and the Sydney Musical Union, and to every musical movement of a legitimate character subsequently started he gave his warm support.

ASSOCIATIONS: Karl Formes (German-born vocalist and teacher active in England)

"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Daily Telegraph (19 September 1891), 9 

On Tuesday last a number of old musical and other friends of the late John Bushelle followed the remains of the well-known amateur singer to the Waverley Cemetery. The deceased, who was in his 51st year, had only been married two months, and his death, which followed some two days' illness, was a painful surprise to his friends. Mr. Bushelle was born in Sydney. His mother, well known both as a singer and teacher, was a sister of William Vincent Wallace, and it was while residing in Sydney with his sister that the Irish composer wrote the greater part of "Maritana," the work by which he made his fame. Mr. Bushelle, while a young man, in addition to showing exceptional musical talent, distinguished himself as a marksman. Besides the training received from his mother, Mr. Bushelle had the advantage of instruction from Randegger and other well-known teachers. Having spent some time in London and on the Continent completing his studies in the art to which he was devotedly attached, he was from time to time connected with most of the Roman Catholic choirs of the city and suburbs, notably St. Patrick's, and his last services were given to St. Francis' choir, Paddington. Mr. Bushelle will be best remembered for his work in connection with the old Civil Service Musical Society and the Sydney Musical Union. He was most successful in oratorio.

"Mr. John Bushelle", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (3 October 1891), 748 

The musical community, by the death of Mr. John Bushelle, have lost one whose hand was ever ready to help an artist, and who, in his own career, had done veiy much to promote the culture of made amongst us. He was a link with the last generation - a nephew of William Vincent Wallace, whose "Maritana" still exercises a powerful influence over all hearers - and in oratorio, opera, and ballad himself a notable performer. Of late years his health had not been good, but his most intimate friends were quite unprepared for the end, and the genial artist who delighted to gather kindred spirits round him, and who has been honourably associated with several musical societies in Sydney, will long be kindly remembered.

ASSOCIATIONS: In his will, dated 17 July 1891, only a few days after his marriage, in addition to the main bequests to his wife, Bushelle bequeathed £100 to Emeline Matilda Wallace (1838-1924; "of Sydney, my late mother's half-sister"); and left 3 properties in trust for the use of his foster mother, Zophielle Cruikshank (d. 16 September 1892, aged 82); these were a row of three terrace houses in Underwood Street, Paddington, "Hallidon" (no. 11),"Strathmore" (No. 13), and "Trevlyn"

"Births", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 May 1892), 1 

BUSHELLE. - May 8, at her residence, Glendarra, Paddington, the wife of the late John Butler Bushelle, of a son.

BUSHELLE, Tobias Vincent (Tobias Vincent BUSHELLE; Mr. T. V. BUSHELLE; Toby DUSHELLE)

Amateur musician, bass vocalist, music reviewer, insurance agent

Born Sydney, NSW, December 1840; son of John BUSHELLE and Eliza WALLACE
Died Dunedin, NZ, 24 August 1889, aged "48" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: John Butler Bushelle (brother); William Vincent Wallace (uncle)


Bushell [sic] Tobias NSW BDM 818/1840 V1840818 133; 128/1840 V1840128 61

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . DEPARTURES", The Colonial Observer [Sydney, NSW] (18 January 1843), 757 

15. The schooner Waterlily, Captain Munro, for Hobart Town, with sundries. Passengers - Mrs. Bushelle and two children . . .

[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (13 August 1853), 11 

SUBSCRIPTIONS received in aid of the Sacred Heart Church, Surry Hills, for the month of July: -
Collected in the Church . . . by Master T. Bushell - 0 18 0 . . .

Petetition, Cruickshank, 1853 re Tobias Bushelle

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, In Equity, In the matter of John Butler Bushelle an Infant, Petition of Mrs. Cruickshank for the appointment of A. T. Holroyd Esq. as Guardian; State Records Authority of NSW, 1853/988

[date on wrapper] 28 Sept. 1853

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, In Equity

In the matter of John Butler Bushelle an Infant

To the Honorable Sir Alfred Stephen Knight, and the Honorable John Nodes Dickenson and Roger Therry, Chief Justice, and Puisne Judges, of the said Court

The Humble Petition of Zophielle Cruickshank, the wife of William Cruickshank, on behalf of the said infant


That John Bushelle the father of the said infant died at Hobart Town in the Colony of Van Diemen's Land on or about the nineteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and forty three leaving Elizabeth Bushelle his widow and two infant sons, that is to say the said John Butler Bushelle and Tobias Bushelle him surviving.

That the said Elizabeth Bushelle [1v] left this Colony for England some time in the commencement of the year one thousand eight hundred and forty seven, leaving the said infant John Butler Bushelle with your Petitioner and the said Infant Tobias Bushelle with Mr. Timothy Marr of Sydney . . .

And Your Petitioner will ever truly be

[signed] Z. Cruikshank

William Teale / Solicitor for the Petitioner

ASSOCIATIONS: William and Zophielle Cruikshank (guardians of his brother John); Timothy Marr (guardian); probably Timothy Maher (d. 1905)

[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (1 October 1853), 11 

LIST of Subscriptions received in aid of the Sacred Heart Church, Surrey Hills, for the month of September: . . .
[Collected] by Master Toby Bushel - 1 19 4 . . .

[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (3 December 1853), 11 

SUBSCRIPTIONS received in aid of the Sacred Heart Church, Surry Hills: - FOR OCTOBER . . . [Collected] by Master Toby Bushell - 2 2 11 . . .

[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (24 December 1853), 1 

RESULT of the Examination at St. Mary's Seminary.
1. John O'Connor; 2. Chas. Flanagan; 3. Tobias Bushelle . . .
ARITHMETIC, 1ST CLASS . . . 2. Tobias Bushelle . . .
CATECHISM. IST CLASS . . . 3. Matthew Maher . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Matthew Maher (? son of guardian)

[Advertisement], Empire (2 August 1865), 1

THE COMMITTEE have the satisfaction to announce that the
ORPHEONIST SOCIETY has most kindly volunteered a
GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT, in aid of the Funds for the restoration of
ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, (towards which the entire nett proceeds will be devoted,)
To take place at the MASONIC HALL, THIS (Wednesday) EVENING.
ORPHEONIST SOCIETY. In addition to the full Chorus and Orchestra of the Society,
the programme THIS EVENING, will be supported by the Solo Members,
including eight Soprano, Contralto, Tenor, and Bass voices - of the most talented Amateur Vocalists in Sydney,
chiefly pupils of Madame E. WALLACE BUSHELLE.
Song - "THE DESTRUCTION OF ST. MARY'S" (Mr. G. F. Jackson) Written by G. F. JACKSON, composed by Madame E. WALLACE BUSHELLE, expressly for this occasion . . .
Ballad - "My Father's happy Home," - Gumbert (Mr. T. Vincent Bushelle) . . .
PART II . . . Quintet from the Opera of "Lucia di Lammermuir," - Donizetti (Miss R---, Miss Jones, Messrs. Jackson, Egan, and T. V. Bushelle) . . .
Conductor - Mr. D. CALLEN. Accompanyist - Mr. J. J. RYALL . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Forbes Jackson (vocalist, lyricist); George Douglas Callen (conductor); John James Ryall (accompanist); Orpheonist Society (association)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 August 1865), 1

A CONCERT in aid of the above object will take place in the
Masonic Hall, York-street, on WEDNESDAY next, the 23rd instant . . .
Song - Mr. VINCENT T. BUSHELLE (amateur) . . .
Conductors - Messrs. W. CORDNER and B. SUSSMILCH . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William John Cordner (conductor, pianist); Christian Bernhard Sussmilch (conductor); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association); St. Mary's Choral Society (association)

"THE LEICHHARDT CONCERT", Empire (24 August 1865), 4 

The Masonic Hall was densely crowded by a most fashionable and brilliant audience yesterday evening . . . The first chorus, "To the mountains away," was well received, and Mr. T. V. Bushelle (amateur) gave a song of Verdi's very well, although we have heard him sing better . . .

"CONCERT", Sydney Mail (16 September 1865), 4 

A concert is to be given at the Masonic Hall, on Thursday evening next, for the benefit of M. Jonson, an old-established and favourably recognised teacher in this city, who is at present incapacitated through protracted illness, incurable paralysis, and other afflictions. The entertainment will be managed by a committee of benevolent gentlemen, who were formerly M. Jonson's pupils in French and other branches of education . . . Amongst the vocalists who have promised their services, we may mention Mrs. Cordner, Madame Flora Harris, Mr. Ellard, and Mr. Vincent Bushelle, and also several talented amateurs . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 October 1865), 1

PROGRAMME. FIRST PART . . . Duet - "The Kings of Spain" - W. V. Wallace - Messrs. G. F. JACKSON and VINCENT T. BUSHELLE (Amateurs) . . .
SECOND PART . . . Song - "The heart bowed down" - Balfe - Mr. VINCENT T. BUSHELLE (Amateur) . . .
Conductor - Mr. W. J. CORDNER . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Forbes Jackson (vocalist)

"CONCERT", Empire (27 June 1866), 4 

The second concert given, yesterday evening, by the choir of the Unitarian Chapel, Macquarie-street, in the hall of the School of Arts, will be admitted by the numerous audience who patronised it to be not only an agreeable one, but as excellent in quality as it was charming in variety. The first part of the programme contained selections from "Maritana," the second miscellaneous pieces from some of our most favourite composers . . . The tenor voices, one especially, and the bass voices - the latter of Mr. T. Bushelle, and another gentleman, were remarkably good, and their singing was as much appreciated as it was loudly applauded . . .

[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (11 September 1869), 2 

SCHOOL OF ARTS. A GRAND CONCERT will be given in the above Hall on MONDAY evening next, in aid of the Sacred Heart Improvement Fund.
The services of the following artists have been secured: - Mrs. W. J. Cordner, Miss C. Lea, Miss Higgins, and lady amateur,
Signor Ugo Devoti, Messrs. J. Turner, J. Kean, T. V. Bushell, F. Hosier, P. Egan, S. Ryan, and gentleman amateur.
W. J. CORDNER, Conductor. Admission, Reserved Seats, 2s. Back Seats and Gallery, 1s.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ugo Devoti (vocalist); John Turner (vocalist

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 February 1870), 8

PROGRAMME. PART 1 . . . 4. Song - "A Father's Love" - Wallace - Mr. T. VINCENT BUSHELLE . . .
7. Song - "Australia" - Waller - Mr. T. VINCENT BUSHELLE . . .

MUSIC: Australia (patriotic song composed by James Waller)

"RIFLE MATCH. - SYDNEY BATTALION V. FIRST GLOUCESTERSHIRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 March 1870), 5 

. . . Emergencies: T. V. Bushelle . . . The prizes were: - A small electroplated tankard, presented to Mr. Slade as top-scorer of the Sydney Battalion; and an electroplated flask, to Mr. T. Bushelle as highest scorer of the emergency men.

"MADAME BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", Evening News (7 February 1871), 2 

Last evening, at the Masonic Hall, Madame E. Wallace Bushelle gave a grand evening concert. All the performers were her pupils, and each one testified to the excellent system of tuition pursued by that accomplished lady . . . Mr. T. V. Bushelle, who has gained considerable notoriety as an excellent baritone, was encored in the popular aria from Sonnambula, "As I view now." He was instrumental in the success of some of the concerted pieces . . . Madame Bushelle presided at the piano, and it is needless to say that the duty was perfectly performed.

"Local and General News . . THE CARANDINI CONCERTS", The Murrurundi Times and Liverpool Plains Gazette [NSW] (8 August 1874), 2 

For three nights this week, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the public of this town and district had the exquisite pleasure of listening to a high class of music . . . Madame Carandini is truly astonishing, for the sweetness and richness, and fullness of voice she is possessed of at her time of life . . . Mr. Sherwin, tenor, Mr. Bushelle, bass (who by-the-by is a son of Madame Bushelle, the celebrated musician), and Mr. Landergan, the pianist, are all thoroughly up to the mark, and add their quota towards the success and brilliance of the entertainments . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist)

"URALLA", The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser (21 August 1874), 4 

. . . In musical circles, the performance of the Carandinis on Saturday has caused quite a pleasurable sensation . . . Madame Carandini and Mr. Bushelle (basso) - the latter being recognised as an old Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society member - were evidently not in the best of voice, but the rich tones of what was, and still is, a remarkably powerful soprano became strikingly manifest in the never-dying solo . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society (association)

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 August 1876), 1 

SOLE. - August 20, at his mother's residence, John-street, opposite Grafton Wharf, Sydney, Vincent Tobias Bushelle Sole, aged 5 months and 4 days.

[News], The Brisbane Courier [QLD] (2 October 1881), 2

The concert to be tendered to Mrs. Arthur Rawlins this evening, at the Albert Hall, judging from the number of seats already reserved and the very attractive programme published, will be a great success . . . Mr. Bushelle is set down for the aria, "Hear me gentle Maritana".

Death certificate; 1889/416, Dunedin, NZ

416 / 1889 August 24 Hospital Dunedin / Vincent Bushelle / male 42 [sic] years /
Fatty degeneration of heart, mitral & aortic, incompetence, G. A. Copland, M.B . . . /
[buried] 1889 August 27 Southern Cemetery Dunedin, P. Lynch, Roman Catholic Priest . . .

"FUNERAL NOTICE", Evening Star [Dunedin, NZ] (26 August 1889), 2 

THE Friends of the late Vincent Bushell are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, which will leave the Hospital (Cumberland street entrance) TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at a quarter to S o'clock, for the place of interment in the Southern (Catholic) Cemetery.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 September 1889), 1

BUSHELLE. - At Dunedin, New Zealand, on 24th of August, of heart disease, Tobias Vincent Bushelle, formerly of this city, aged 48 years.

"A JOURNALIST'S MEMORIES. THE OBSERVER IN 1881. By SPENCER BROWNE", The Brisbane Courier (29 March 1924), 18

[on writers for the Brisbane Observer] . . . Theobald Vincent Wallace Bushelle, a son of the famous Madame Bushelle and that great basso, her husband, who was at one time in England considered a rival of Lablache. "Toby" Bushelle was a nephew of Vincent Wallace the composer of "Maritana" - his mother's brother - and he did most of his musical and dramatic notices for the "Observer", besides pursuing the elusive advertisement. He was a very fine singer, a basso, like his father and his brother John. The last named old Sydneyites will remember. "Toby" had toured with many companies, including the Carandinis. He helped me a great deal in the matter of voice-training.

"A JOURNALIST'S MEMORIES . . . BY SPENCER BROWNE", The Brisbane Courier (27 December 1924), 16

. . . "Do you remember Tim Beal?" That was rather a familiar way of naming the Government Printer of Queensland, but it was from a very close old friend of that august official, a dear young fellow of 88. I well remember James Beal the Government Printer. He was, of course, a much older man than, I but there were several reasons why we became very good friends. In the first place he was friends with my old friend and singing master "Toby" Bushelle who was a son of Madame Wallace Bushelle, and therefore a nephew of Vincent Wallace the composer of "Maritana." In the second place he was very fond of music and knew a good deal about the old operas . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Reginald Spencer Browne (journalist)

"SONGS OF THE 'SIXTIES. By SPENCER BROWNE", The Brisbane Courier (30 October 1926), 16

. . . In later years I heard many of the little songs of Vincent Wallace from my old friend "Toby" Bushelle, who was Theobald Vincent Wallace Bushelle, a nephew of the composer. One, "The winds that waft my sighs to thee", was published in later years, and I saw a copy of it at the house of Mr. and Mrs. George Chaffey, at Renmark, in the later days of 1888. It was brought from the United States. Another very charming Vincent Wallace thing was "When the children are asleep". My friend "Toby" Bushelle had learnt them from his mother, the famous Madame Bushelle, wife of the basso Bushelle, who was the rival of Lablache.

"OLD-TIME SINGERS. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 December 1933), 3 

Sir, - I feel sure that there was no more pleased musician than myself to read in the "Herald" of the 24th and 28th November last, under the above heading, the grand list of "Old Musicians and Famous Singers," and to know that these were not quite forgotten. The time was the early sixties, or possibly before. But there are some corrections needed. One very great omission is Madam Wallace Bushell, who was the founder of vocalisation in Sydney. Madam had two sons, John and Vincent ("Toby") Bushell; there was no Wallace Bushell, but John had a very fine baritone voice. Vincent Wallace, of "Maritana" fame, was a brother of Madam Wallace Bushell . . .
I am, etc., W. BASS HODGE.
Sydney, Dec. 8.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Bass Hodge, son of Sebastian Hodge (musician), with whom Toby appeared in Sydney concerts regularly during the 1860s and 1870s

BUSHNELL, William Avery (William Avery BUSHNELL; W. A. BUSHNELL; Mr. BUSHNELL)

Musical and theatrical agent

Born Connecticut, USA, 7 May 1823; son of William Fitch BUSHNELL and Jane Corning PARRISH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 10 September 1854 (per Fanny Major, from San Francisco, 8 July, and Honolulu, 28 July)
Departed (1), Adelaide, SA, 28 November 1854 (per Norna, for Calcutta, from Melbourne, 25 June, via Albany, 5 December)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, 28 June 1855 (per Glendargh, from Batavia, 26 May)
Departed (2) Melbourne, VIC, 24 May 1856 (per Royal Charter, for Liverpool)
Married Catherine HAYES, St. George, Hanover Square, London, England, 8 October 1857
Died Biarritz, France, 2/3 July 1858 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Australia (1) (10 September to 5 December 1854):

"ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (11 September 1854), 170 

September 10. - Fanny Major, barque, 280 tons, Captain J. M. Green, from San Francisco July 8, and Honolula July 28th - Passengers - Miss Catherine Hayes, Mrs. Hayes . . . Mr. Bushnel, Mr. Coulon . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (vocalist)

"LATEST COLONIAL INTELLIGENCE", The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (15 December 1854), 3 

. . . The Norna, steamer, arrived Albany on the 5th instant, having Miss Hayes on board on her way to Calcutta . .

Australia (2) (28 June 1855 to 24 May 1856):

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED (HOBSON'S BAY)", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (29 June 1855), 4 

June 28. - Glendargh, ship, 682 tons, A. T. Smith, from Singapore 2nd May, via Batavia, 26th May. Passengers-cabin : Miss Catherine Hayes, Mrs. Hayes, Miss Kelly, Mrs. Nugent, Mrs. Millar and child . . . Messrs. W. A. Bushnell, L. H. Lavenu . . . ; and one hundred and ninety-nine Chinese in the steerage. Captain Smith, agent.

"CLEARED OUT", The Argus (26 May 1856), 4 

May 24. - Royal Charter, auxiliary screw-steamer, 2165 tons. Francis Boyce, for Liverpool. Passengers - cabin . . . Mrs. Hayes, Miss Catherine Hayes and servant . . . [Mr.] Bushnell . . . and seventy-four intermediate and one hundred and ninety-two steerage passengers. Bright Brothers and Co., agents.

After Australia:

1857, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. George Hanover Square in the county of Middlesex; register 1857-58, page 105; City of Westminster Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 210 / [1857] October 8 / William Avery Bushnell / Full age / Bachelor / Gent'n / Park Street / [father] William Fitch Bushnell / Esquire
Catherine Hayes / Full Age / Spinster / - / Albion Street Paddington / [father] Arthur Williamson Hayes / Professor of Music
In the Presence of us: G. A. Osborne, Henrietta Hayes . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Alexander Osborne (composer, songwriter)

[News], Globe [London, England] (6 July 1858), 2 (PAYWALL)

The Empress Eugenie goes definitively to Biarritz on the 10th inst. My private intelligence from that watering place brings the sad account of the death there, on the 3d inst., of W. Every Bushnell, a distinguished American, who had lately won and wedded the charming cantatrice Catherine Hayes. He was one of those gifted minds in which the administrative faculty is pre-eminent. Carnot was aptly called l'organizateur de la victoire. Early in life Bushnell was always sought for by contending interests New York, and his energy worked electoral triumphs. On the arrival of Jenny Lind his services were eagerly accrued, and he bore her triumphantly through the length and breadth of the Union. Catherine Hayes risked failure by feeble and ineffective guidance, when Bushnell, at the forfeiture by her of 3,000l., undertook the managership, and, boldly daring, conveyed her successfully from California, Mexico, and Havanna, along Peru, Chili, to Australia, to Calcutta, Manilla, through the Indian Archipelago, and finally through her own native land, receiving, last October, at St. George's, Hanover-square, her hand in reward. His devotion and anxieties on her account had developed an hereditary tendency which the south of France failed to arrest. The artistic mourner of many lyric scenes now confides his remains to earth in the English cemetery at Bayonne, with true heartfelt sorrow, in which thousands will sympathise.

See also copied at "LATEST ENGLISH NEWS", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (18 October 1858), 2 

"DEATH OF MR. BUSHNEL", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury [TAS] (26 July [sic] 1858), 3 

We regret to hear that intelligence has been received in Hobart Town, by private letter, of the death of Mr. Bushnell, who our readers will recollect was lately married to Miss Catherine Hayes.

"ARRIVAL OF THE MAIL STEAMER", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (16 October 1858), 2 

Private intelligence received from Biarritz brings the account of the death there on the 3rd August [sic, July], of W. Every Bushnell, the husband of Miss Catherine Hayes. [The death of Mr. Bushnell was announced two months back by the Hobart Town Mercury. The Melbourne Herald is at a loss, in the absence of an Anglo-Australian telegraph, to comprehend how the Mercury could have been aware of a fact which occurred about the time he stated it, some fifteen or sixteen thousand miles away.]

Bibliography and resources:

Bushnell family genealogy, seventh generation (online 2016)

940. William Fitch, b. Lisbon, Conn. 13 Nov. 1793, d. 20 Nov. 1877, buried in a Cemetery in Cayuga, N.Y. m. 1st, abt. 1815, Jane Corning Parrish . . .
1985. iv. William Avery, b. 7 May 1823, d. 2 July 1858, m. Catherine Hayes. He was a teacher in Connecticut and Long Island and later agent for P. T. Barnum. His wife was known as the "Irish Nightingale" who was associated with P. T. Barnum during the Jenny Lind tour, and when she broke with Barnum, he became her agent and toured Europe where he died in the south of France.

ASSOCIATIONS: Phineas Taylor Barnum (showman); Jenny Lind (vocalist)

BUSSE, Frederick (Heinrich Ludwig Friedrich BUSSE; Henry Louis Frederick BUSSE; Herr BUSSE; also Frederick BISSE)

Musician, cornet and flute player, publican, vigneron

Born Salzgitter, Hanover (Germany), c. 1827
Married Wilhelmina BRUNKE (d. 1907), by c. 1850
Arrived VIC, "1854"
Active Ballarat, VIC, c. 1857-59
Naturalised VIC, 25 November 1864 (publican, Chiltern, born Salzgitter, Hanover, aged "36")
Died Barnawartha, VIC, 3/4 September 1897, aged "70" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (17 August 1857), 3 

THIS EVENING - MONDAY, And every evening during the week,
Engagement of the celebrated local Comic Singer, MR. COXON . . .
A MONSTER BAND, The solo performers consisting of
Herr Richty, Monsieur Fleury, and Herr Weideman, 1st Violins.
Monsieur Feon, and Herr Rodi, 2nd Violins.
Herr Keitel and - Navaiski, Tenor.
Herr Elliott, Contra Bass.
Herr Bohler, Flute.
Herr Bouleke, 1st Clarionet.
Herr Holzapfell, 2nd Clarionet.
Herr Vohr, Oboe.
Herr Ide, 1st Cornet.
Herr Busse, 2nd Cornet.
Herr Schulze, Trombone.
Mr. Parker, Pianist.
Monsieur PIETRO CANNA, on the Drums.
Leader of the Band, HERR RICHTY.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (proprietor); Carl Richty (leader, violin); Achille Fleury (violin); Traugott Wiedemann (violin); August Keitel (viola); Pietro Canna (drums); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)

"Chiltern Police Court. Monday, August 17 . . . Wilfully Damaging Property. F. Bisse v T. Finigan", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (18 August 1863), 4 

F. Bisse, sworn, said: On Saturday night the prisoner was in my house and was 'shaping' in the ball-room. I ordered him out. I then took hold of him, and prisoner caught hold of my watch chain and broke it, tore my coat, and did damages to my watch chain and clothing to the amount of £6 10s . . .
Prisoner was fined £1, with damages £6 10s, or in default 21 days with hard labor.

"CHILTERN. From our own Correspondent. July 11th", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (14 July 1864), 3 

On Saturday night last, Mr. F. Bisse (late of the Crystal Fountain Hotel) opened his new house, entitled, The Albion, in Conness street, Chiltern. A large number of Mr. Bisse's friends patronised him on the occasion.

"Chiltern Police Court. Thursday, October 13th . . . BREACH OF PUBLICAN'S ACT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (15 October 1864), 2 

Mr. F. Bisse, of the new Albion Hotel, Conness-street, Chiltern, was charged with allowing ing dancing in his house after regular hours on Saturday night last. Dismissed with a caution.

"CHILTERN (From our own Correspondent) September 3rd. DEATH FROM DROWNING", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (4 September 1866), 2 

I regret to have to chronicle the death of a little child belonging to Mr. F. Bisse, of the Albion Hotel, Chiltern. It appears that the little one (aged one year and eight months) went out with another child to play, and fell into a hole full of water . . .

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (4 May 1867), 3

A GRAND Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT Will take place at
BISSE'S ALBION HOTEL, Conness-street, Chiltern, On Tuesday, May 7th, 1867,
In aid of the funds of the OVENS DISTRICT HOSPITAL.
Mr. H. A. Crawford - Mr. J. A. Mulligan
" John Strickland - " Fred. Bisse
" Henry Nickless - " H. Lauenstein
" E. Banks - " R. C. Barrett.
DIRECTOR: Fred. Bisse.
Mr. H. Schmidt - Mr. D. Palmer
" H. Weinberg - " H. Vorherr
" E. Russom - " Fred. Bisse
" C. Esther - " W. Otto
" - August " - A. Schluter
Assisted by the Cornish Glee Club.
Band - 1. Overture, "Zampa," by Herold, arranged by H. Bonn.
2. Glee, "Call where the Breezes."
3. Song, by Miss D. Bisse, "Farewell, if ever fondest prayer;" music by Bellini.
Band - 4. "Des Teufels Anthiel," by D. F. E. Auber, arranged by P. Roth.
5. "Merry May," song, by Mr. H. Harris.
Band - 6. "Martha," by Flotow, arranged by P. Roth.
7. Song, by Miss D. Bisse, assisted by the Cornish Glee Club.
Interval of fifteen minutes.
Band - 1. Overture, "Otello," by G. Rossini, arranged by F. Strauss.
2. Glee, "Fisherman's Glee."
3. Quartette, by Gentlemen of the Band.
4. Duet, by Miss D. Busse [sic] and Mr. H. Harris, "What are the Wild Waves Saying," music by S. Glover, words by T. E. Carpenter.
Band - 5. "Alessandro Stradello," by F. Flotow, arranged by P. Roth.
6. Song, by Mr. A. Schluter.
7. "God Save the Queen," by the Company.
Admission 3s.
Doors open at half-past seven o'clock, to commence at eight o'clock sharp.
Tickets to be had at the Albion, and all the principal Hotels, Chiltern.

ASSOCIATIONS: Herr Schmidt (violin); Henry Weinberg (musician); Herman Vorherr (musician); Edward Stephenson Russom (musician); Adolph Schluter (vocalist); Miss Busse (vocalist) is probably his eldest daughter Dorothea (b. Hanover, c. 1850; married Adolph Nicolaus Wendt, VIC, 1869; died Chiltern, 1894)

"CONCERT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (7 May 1867), 3 

A grand vocal and instrumental Concert, will take place at Bisse's Albion Hotel, Chiltern, this evening (Tuesday). The programme contains a number of really choice selections, the rendering of which by first-class performers promises a treat of no ordinary land to the residents of the Federal City. As the proceeds of the entertainment are to be devoted to the Ovens District Hospital, it is to be hoped the attendance will be such as to give encouragement to those who lend their time and talents for so good a purpose.

"HOSPITAL DONATION", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (6 June 1857), 2 

We have been requested to acknowledge the receipt of £2 10s from Mr. F. Bisse of Chiltern, being balance from an entertainment, given in aid of the Hospital funds.

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (28 January 1868), 3 

GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT Will be given, on the above date,
in aid of the funds for the erection of a Monument to the Memory of the late Herr Schmidt.
The BAND will comprise the following gentlemen, who have kindly volunteered their services:
1st Violins - Herr WEINBERG and VAN DEN BERG
2nd Do - Herr BAUSCHMAN and Mr. WATTS
Tenor - Mr. E. S. RUSSOM
Violincellos - Mr. MORRIS and Herr OTTO
Contre Basses - Herr ESTHER and GERKE
Cornets - Herr SCHMIDT and BURKE
Clarinet - Herr VORHEN [sic]
Flute - Herr BUSSE [sic]
Flageolet - Mr. Henri RUXTON
Cornos - Messrs. PALMER and GEORGE
Trombone - Herr HARTMAN
Drums - Herr RUDOLPH
Conductor, Herr SCHLUTER.
Assisted by Ladies and Gentlemen Amateurs and the German Vocal Union.
Full particulars in Programmes.
Doors open at half-past seven. Performance to commence at eight o'clock.
Admission - Front scats, 3s.; back do, 2s.
P. C. BURKE, Hon. Sec.
N.B. - Tickets for the above entertainment will be available for a Dance at the close of the Concert. The entire strength of the Band has kindly consented to perform at the same.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Van Den Berg (violin); James Watts (violin); Heinrich Gerke (double bass); Henri W. Ruxton (flageolet); Peter Constantine Burke (cornet, secretary)

"OBITUARY", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express [NSW] (17 September 1897), 22 

The Federal Standard says: - "It is with groat regret that we have to record the death of Mr. Frederick Busse, sen., an old and highly respected resident of the Barnawartha district, which occurred at his residence, Burraburnia, on the 3rd inst. Deceased, who had been ailing for some months, suffering from a painful complaint, had to undergo an operation, and although he appeared at first to rally, the shock was too severe in his enfeebled state of health, and he gradually sank and expired on the date mentioned. Deceased, who was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1827, arrived in Victoria in 1854.

"VICTORIA", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (12 November 1897), 31 

The will of Henry Louis Frederick Busse, late of Barnawartha, vigneron, who died on the 3rd September, has been lodged for probate. The testator left a will, dated 1st of September last, bequeathing hia property to his widow absolutely. Value of realty, £3560; personalty, £821.

Bibliography and resources:

Henry Louis Friedrich Busse, Find a graveüsse 

BUTLER, Madame (Mrs. William Butler DAVIS; Madame BUTLER) = Emily Butler DAVIS


Amateur vocalist, amateur actor, amateur cricketer, merchant

Born Rochdale, Lancashire, England, 1832; baptised St. Chad, Rochdale, 2 December 1832; son of William BUTTERWORTH (c. 1798-1837) and Mary LEACH
Active Castlemaine, VIC, by 1855
Married . . .
Departed VIC, ? after 1866
Died Chiswick, Middlesex, England, 6 January 1879, aged "46" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Rochdale in the county of Lancaster in the year 1832; register 1832-37, page 100; Greater Manchester County Record Office (PAYWALL)

No. 799 / [1832] December 2 / Benjamin [son of] / William [and] Mary / Butterworth / Summer Castle / Woollen Manufacturer . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Butterworth, woollen manufacturer, and Mary Leach, of Healey Hall, had married at St. Chad's, Rochdale, on 8 November 1821;
their son Robert Leach Butterworth (d. 1880) was baptised there on 21 May 1826;
Thomas Butterworth baptised there on 10 June 1827;
and John Leach Butterworth (d. NZ, 1890), born 21 January 1830, and baptised there on 12 September 1830;
the address Summer Castle was given for all four sons, and for William's burial on 19 June 1837

NOTE: As of 2024, the birth record cited in the Wikipedia article above is for another family

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (28 September 1855), 3 

CASTLEMAINE CRICKET CLUB. A MEETING of the above Club will be held at the
Castlemaine Hotel, this day, Friday, 28th September, at 7 o'clock precisely,
when members are particularly requested to, attend.

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (3 October 1856), 8 

Theatre Royal, Castlemaine. AMATEUR DRAMATIC SOCIETY,
A performance in aid of the MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Will be given by the Members of the above Society, on
WEDNESDAY, 8th OCTOBER; On which occasion will be presented COLEMAN'S ADMIRED COMEDY OR "THE HEIR AT LAW" . . .
To be followed by the Farce of "THE WEATHERCOCK!"
Old Fickle - Mr. B. Butterworth . . .
Tristram Fickle - Mr. Hamilton
Briefwit - Mr. Kentish
Sneer - Mr. Hodgson
Gardner - Mr. Burgess
Barber - Mr. Barclay
Variella - Miss Montrose
Ready - Mrs. Richardson
STAGE MANAGER, Mr. Harrington . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Thomas Hodgson (amateur, bookseller); Theatre Royal (Castlemaine venue)

"Castlemaine Amateur Dramatic Society", Mount Alexander Mail (29 May 1857), 4 

A meeting of the amateurs was held on Wednesday evening at Soady's. There was a pretty full attendance, and several important questions were discussed. Mr. J. P. Hamilton was elected president for the current year. Mr. W. W. Wilson, vice-president, Mr. B. Butterworth, secretary, and Messrs. Semple and Kentish were elected members of a general committee, to consist of these two gentlemen, and the three office-bearers already elected. It was suggested that on the occasion of each performance a special committee should be appointed to manage the details. This plan was thought to be calculated to diffuse the responsibility for the performances more equally among the members. Several arrangements, calculated to increase the efficiency of the society were discussed, and the meeting adjourned for a fortnight.

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (13 July 1857), 3 

THE Members of the Castlemaine Choral Society, with the able assistance of MADAME BUTLER,
intend giving an Entertaiument in behalf of the funds of the above institute,
on Thursday evening, the 16th JULY, 1857, when the following glees, duets, and songs will be sung.
1. Glee and Chorus, Chough and Crow
2. Glee - Fair Flora decks the flow'ry Vale
3. Song - Tyrant soon I'll burst thy Chains (Barber of Seville)
4. Song - Fra poco a me recovero (Lucia di Lammermoor)
5. Glee - Hark the Lark
6. Glee - Crabbed Age and Youth
7. Duet
8. Song - The peace of the Valley
9. Glee - Awake Aeolian Lyre!
1. Glee & Chorus - Lutzow's Wild Chase
2. Song - Bid me discourse
3. Glee - By Celia's arbour
4. Song
5. Glee & Chorus - My task is ended (Enchantress)
6. Duet - How sad it is to say farewell
7. Glee - See our oars with feather'd spray
8. Glee - I went to the Fair
9. God save the Queen
Front seats (by tickets only) 5s.; back seats, 3s.
Tickets to be procured at Mr.. SANDIFER's (late Hodgson), Market-square.
Books of words will be sold at the door.
B. BUTTERWORTH, Hon. Secretary.

ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Butler (Mrs. Davis, vocalist); Castlemaine Choral Society (association); Castlemaine Mechanics' Institute (association and venue)

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (25 November 1857), 3 

FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. HOSKINS, and under the patronage of The Licensed Victuallers of Castlemaine and its vicinity.
Last Night but two of the Season. THIS EVENING Wednesday, Nov. 25,
Will be presented Donizetti's Opera of THE LOVE SPELL, Or the QUACK DOCTOR.
Adina - Miss Julia Harland
Serjeant Belcore - Mrs Hancock
Nemorino - Mr. Sherwin
Dr Dulcamara - Mr. Hancock . . .
TO-MORROW Thursday, Nov. 26th, Will be presented the Operatic Drama of ROB ROY.
The principal characters being the Members of the Castlemaine Amateur Dramatic Society.

Castlemaine, 21st Nov., 1857.
DEAR SIR, - I am deputed by the Members of the Castlemaine Amateur Dramatic Society, to offer you the benefit of their services, as some slight compensation for the serious losses you have sustained from the late disastrous fire.
Should it not interfere with your arrangements, I would suggest that the performance take place on Thursday Evening next, the 26th Nov. I am, dear Sir, Your obedient servant, B. BUTTERWORTH, Hon. Sec.
MR. HOSKINS' REPLY. Belle Vue Hotel, Nov. 23.
Dear Sir, - I am in receipt of your kind favor of the 21st instant, and beg you will return my most sincere thanks to the Castlemaine Amateur Dramatic Society for their sympathy and offer of their services, which I accept with pleasure, and name Thursday next for the performance.
I remain, dear Sir, Yours most obediently,

ASSOCIATIONS: William Hoskins (actor, manager); Julia Harland (vocalist); Mary and Edward Hancock (vocalists); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Linly Norman (musical director); English Opera Company (troupe); the Theatre Royal (Castlemaine venue), where the company had been performing, was completely destroyed by fire a week earlier

"CASTLEMAINE THEATRE", Mount Alexander Mail (2 June 1858), 3 

A meeting of subscribers towards the erection of a new theatre, on the old site behind the Royal Hotel, and of others interested in the project, was held at the Royal, on Monday evening. About 100 persons were present . . . it was resolved to appoint five gentlemen to act as trustees, and as a committee of management for the new theatre; and the following gentlemen were elected Messrs. Oppenheim, B. Butterworth, Rainer, Flaxman, and E. Cay. It was then resolved that a prospectus should be drawn up by the committee, and submitted, and presented on Tuesday next, to which day, at half-past 7 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Cragin Rainer (actor, manager); John Flaxman (member);
see also "THE NEW THEATRE", Mount Alexander Mail (11 June 1858), 5 

"MARRIED", Mount Alexander Mail [VIC] (11 March 1859), 4 

On the 9th instant, at the house of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr Crawford, B. Butterworth, merchant, Castlemaine, to Eliza, daughter of John Hepburn, Esq., Smeaton.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Hepburn (pastoralist)

"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Mount Alexander Mail (25 July 1862), 5 

On Tuesday evening a miscellaneous concert was performed by the above society in aid of the distressed Lancashire operatives. Notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the weather, there was a very good attendance, and we are glad to be able to add, resulting in a surplus of £10 2s, which has been handed to the honorary secretary of the fund, Mr. B. Butterworth. Of the concert we can only say that we were agreeably surprised to find such a programme at the command of an up-country society, and so ably performed at so short a notice, only three days having elapsed between the receipt of the application from the relief committee and the performance. In the first part the pieces most noticeable were the glees, "Thy, voice, Oh Harmony," "Here in Cool Grot," and the quintette, "Queen of of the Valley." The trio, "Fair Flora Decks," was also well received. The second part opened with Locke's music for "Macbeth," and was certainly must creditably performed. This, was followed by a duett by Mesdames Gardner and Fox, and they were deservedly encored. The execution of the remainder of the programme was most satisfactory, the glee, "Lutzow's Wild Chase" receiving an encore. The concert was terminated about 11 o'clock. It is only due to the conductor, Mr. F. Moss, and the leader, Mr. Howson, to acknowledge their unceasing efforts to promote the interests of the society. It is to their zeal that its present high position is in a great degree attributable.

ASSOCIATIONS: Matilda Fox (vocalist); Sara Gardner (vocalist); Frederick Moss (conductor); Henry Howson (leader); Castlemaine Philharmonic Society (associations)

"CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail (2 December 1862), 3 

The Concert, given by the members of the Philharmonic Society, for the benefit of their talented conductor, Mr. F. Moss, took place last night, at the Theatre, and it was well attended, but not so well as the merits of Mr. Moss, and his services in the development of local musical talent deserved. The first part of the programme consisted of secular music, including glees, songs, etc., and selections from the "Lay of the Bell." The second part consisted of Mr. Moss's Mass in C, which we have previously noticed as an exceedingly creditable composition. Mr. Balme, Mr. B. Butterworth, and Mrs. Fox wore entrusted with solo parts in the secular music . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Balme (amateur vocalist)

"ITEMS OF NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail (19 November 1866), 2 

A painful rumor reached us last night to the effect that Mr. B. Butterworth, formerly of Castlemaine, had sustained dangerous injuries at Smeaton through being thrown from his horse and dragged a considerable distance by one of the stirrup irons.

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (28 March 1868), 3 

NOTICE is Hereby Given, that the Partnership subsisting between us, the undersigned,
Robert Leach Butterworth, Thomas Butterworth, John Leach Butterworth, and Benjamin Butterworth,
as Merchants, in Melbourne, Victoria, under the style of Butterworth Brothers,"
and in Castlemaine, Victoria, under the style of Thomas Butterworth & Co.,"
was dissolved on the 30th day of June, 1863 [sic]. As witness our, hands, this 22nd day of March, 1867 [sic] . . .

"Deaths", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 March 1879), 1 

BUTTERWORTH. - On the 6th January, at his residence, Smeaton-house, Grove-park, Chiswick, Benjamin Butterworth, Esq., aged 46 years, formerly of Castlemaine and Smeaton.

"THE MONTH", Mount Alexander Mail (21 March 1879), 2 

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Benjamin Butterworth, which took place at Chiswick, near London, on the 6th January last. Mr. Butterworth was formerly a resident of Castlemaine, and was well known and much respected. He was an ardent cricketer, and during the visit of the first English Eleven he acted as long-stop, in which position he was considered second to none. Mr. Butterworth was a member of the late firm of Butterworth Bros. of this town, and he was connected with that firm in London at the time of his death.


BYERS, James Lucas (James Lucas BYERS; J. L. BYERS; Mr. BYERS)

Actor, manager

Born USA, 1830
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by July 1853
Last reported alive NSW, 1891 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BYERS, Julia (Julia HUDSON; Mrs. James Lucas BYERS; Miss Julia HUDSON)

Actor, vocalist, dancer, manager

Born England, c. 1843 (or earlier)
Arrived VIC, by 1857
Died Gunnedah, NSW, 1891, aged "47/48" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"THE PACIFIC NEWS", Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (21 November 1850), 2 

We have received the following card to the public from the committee on behalf of the Company of the Jenny Lind Theatre, relative to the article which appeared in the Pacific News of Tuesday morning, regarding Mr. Wingerd, formerly of the Jenny Lind Theatre. It appeared in the Picayune of last evening:-
To the Public. - The undersigned, members of the theatrical corps, under the management of the late J. B. Wingerd, and personal friends of the deceased, feel ourselves bound to notice an article which appeared in the Pacific News of yesterday, under the head of "Stockton street Accident," which for mean abuse of the memory of a Gentleman, could not well have been exceeded . . .
[signed] Jos. T. Downey, J. L. Byers, Michael Dillon, M. C. Faulkner, J. Hambleton, W. H. Carey, Francis B. Harrington, A. Campbell, Theodore Hutchingson, J. McCabe, George Mitchell.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Tracy Downey (actor); James Lucas Byers (actor); John Hambleton (actor)

"Benefit of J. B. Booth", Sacramento Daily Union [CA, USA] (4 September 1851), 2 

This gentleman, son of the celebrated tragedian, takes a benefit to-night at the Pacific theatre . . . [letter from the company signed] Yours, truly . . . James L. Byers . . .

[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (2 July 1853), 14 

on which occasion Mr. Frank Howson, Mr. Belfield, and Mr. Willis, together with Mr. Malcom's troupe of Equestrians,
who, on the whole, will form a combination of entertainments never equaled in the Southern Hemisphere . . .
The whole to conclude with, for the first time here, the very laughable Farce, entitled MR. AND MRS. PETER WHITE.
Mr. Peter White - Mr. Frank Howson. Major Pepper - Mr. Byers . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ann Nesbitt; widow of Francis Nesbitt (actor); Frank Howson (actor); Francis Belfield (actor); Thomas Charles Willis (actor); John Malcom (proprietor); Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)

"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . . . MALCOM'S AMPHITHEATRE", Illustrated Sydney News (3 December 1853), 6 

. . . Mr. Byers' benefit, we see, takes place on Monday first . . . We wish Mr. Byers, what he deserves, a bumper house.

"THEATRE ROYAL", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (16 January 1854), 4 

THEATRE ROYAL. First appearance of MR. BYERS, The celebrated Californian Actor. RE-APPEARANCE OF MR. MEADOWS. MR. HOLLOWAY as ALI PACHA. THIS EVENING, January 16th . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Meadows (vocalist); Edmund Holloway (actor); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1854), 4 

The re-opening of this establishment has ushered in a new season which promises to be an auspicious one; in addition to most of the old favourites several new performers of ability made their appearance, amongst whom we may particularly mention Mr. Byers and also a youthful artiste Miss Julia Matthews, who displays much talent . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Mathews (actor, vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (2 February 1857), 3 

Theatre Royal WILL OPEN this evening for the season,
with the Nautical Drama of BEN THE BOATSWAIN;
Will appear supported by an efficient Company . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Sinclair (actor); George Fawcett (actor); Lachlan McGowan (actor); Theatre Royal (Castlemaine venue); Byers was also in the company

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser [TAS] (21 October 1857), 2 

On which occasion MISS JULIA HUDSON will appear as CORA.
The performances will commence with the play of PIZZARRO.
To conclude with GUY MANNERING.
Dandie Dinmont, MR. J. MUNGALL, his last appearance.

ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Poole (actor); George Wigan (vocalist); Agnes Booth (dancer); John Mungall (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)

"BATHURST . . . THE PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Northern Times [Newcastle, NSW] (18 August 1858), 3 

After an interval of upwards of twelve months, during which the Bathurst public have been favoured with nothing in the shape of theatrical performances, the Prince of Wales Theatre will be opened on Monday next, under the management of Mr. J. L. Byers, from the principal theatres of California, late manager of the Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney. Among the company are - Miss Julia Hudson, lately arrived from England, where she was engaged at the principal London Theatres; Mr. W. Andrews, from the Theatre Roya1, Melbourne; and Miss E. A. Allan, the celebrated ballad singer, also of the Theatre Royal, Melbourne. The opening will be Bulwer's Lady of Lyons, followed by a comic afterpiece . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Miss E. A. Allen (vocalist); Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)

"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (21 August 1858), 2 

The performances of this house during the past week have been attended with a success as marked as it was merited. On Wednesday last Kotzobue's play of "The Stranger" was presented, and the plaudits of the audience gave ample testimony in its favour . . . The interval between the drama and the afterpiece was agreeably varied by Miss Allen's singing of the beautiful ballad "Home, sweet home," which, although the lady was suffering from a severe cold, which impaired her voice, resulted in an encore, when she gave "Annie Laurie" very pleasingly. Miss Julia Hudson also performed the Highland Fling, but her efforts were completely nullified by the wretched accompaniment, which set all attempts to preserve the time of the dance at defiance. Apropos to this, we understand that Mr. Byers, who imagined, fond man, that he would find sufficient members of the musical profession resident in Bathurst, from which to construct an orchestra, has sent to the metropolis for sufficient assistance in this department, which is expected to arrive daily. Until this very desirable consummation be achieved, he desires the indulgence of the "Gods" for any shortcomings in his attempts to cater to their gratification . . .

"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (15 September 1858), 2 

The performances at this place of amusement on Saturday evening were attended by a larger assemblage than we have yet seen congregated there. The selection for the evening was the popular melodrama, "Rob Roy," which, considering the difficulties attendant upon the production of such a piece, was very effectively rendered. We need hardly say that Mr. Byers and Miss Hudson were, to use a colonial phrase, "all there," and gave the greatest satisfaction to the audience . . . The music incidental to the piece, which comprises many well known Scotch airs, was very fairly executed, and Miss Allen's sweet voice materially added to its success . . .

[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (15 December 1858), 3 

The performance will be MY BLESSED BABY.
Song - "Bobbing Around," Miss Julia Hudson.
To conclude with OUR OLD HOUSE AT HOME. Greenland - Mr. BYERS.
Pupils to make application to Miss H., Club House Hotel, private entrance. For particulars see circulars.

MUSIC: Bobbing around (comic song)

"VICTORIA (LATE QUEEN'S) THEATRE, WEST MAITLAND", Northern Times (2 March 1859), 2 

For some time back this theatre has been opened, under the able management of Miss Hudson and Mr. Byers. The company is an efficient one, but we should should consider the performers, as a whole, better adapted for comedy and farce than for tragedy . . . The ladies, Miss Hudson and Miss Allen, have been always well prepared, and we cannot omit noticing Miss Allen's songs of "Minnie," and "Comin' thro' the Rye" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Queen's Theatre (Maitland venue)

"NEW INSOLVENTS", Otago Daily Times [NZ] (29 July 1878), 2 

. . . James Lucas Byers (tragedian). Particulars not filed . . . 

"SUDDEN DEATH OF AN OLD THEATRICAL CELEBRITY", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (21 March 1891), 4 

The Namoi Independent, Gunnedah, of Tuesday says: - The sudden death yesterday morning about 10 o'clock of Mrs. J. L. Byers - known in theatrical circles as Miss Julia Hudson - caused quite a shock to the residents of Maitland-street adjacent to the Caledonian Hotel. It appears that Mrs. Byers, who had been enjoying good health up till Saturday night, complained about 9 o'clock of a pain in her chest, and a difficulty in breathing, but spoke lightly of it. The pain continued throughout the night, and next morning she stated that it had extended to her left shoulder. Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. Howes attended upon her, and applied poultices, but without any beneficial effect. On Sunday and Monday mornings she was urged strongly by her husband and these ladies to allow of the doctor being sent for, but she objected to this, saying that they were unnecessarily alarmed, but if she did not improve after a time they might do so. During this time she did not express the slightest fears of there being anything serious in her illness. However, on Monday morning about 9 o'clock, during a short retirement of her friends from her room, a sudden change must have come over her, for upon Mrs. Howes entering a few minutes later, that lady found the sufferer in what she thought to be a fit, and gave the alarm, but the poor woman was then in the throes of death, and expired shortly after. Deceased, who was 47 years of age, was widely known and esteemed.

"AN AUSTRALIAN ACTOR", Evening News (13 January 1900), 2 supplement 

. . . Byers and his wife were stranded there [Wairoa, NZ], and some of the local people helped him to raise enough to take him to Napier. The constable told me that Byers was found a year or so afterwards at the bottom of Queen-street, Auckland, with his throat cut; but whether it was suicide or murder was never determined . . .

"Missing Friends", New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (1 July 1903), 261 

Information is requested respecting James L. Byers and his wife, Mary A. Byers, formerly residents of the City of Newark, State of New Jersey, U.S.A., and who are said to have come to Australia, and last heard of from New South Wales in June, 1872. Then stated their intention of going to some seaport town near Sydney, and thence to New Zealand. They at one time resided at Brisbane. Inquiry made by Queensland Police at instance of A. E. De Baun, No. 41, Liberty-street, City of New York, USA.

See also "Missing Friends", New Zealand Police Gazette (3 June 1903), 142 

"MISSING FRIENDS", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (2 July 1903), 7 

James L. Byers, who last wrote from Newcastle, N.S.W., to his mother, in the United States, in 1872, when he said that he intended to go to New Zealand, is the subject of an inquiry from America. Byers is supposed to have been in the theatrical profession. He was born in 1830. Information respecting his wife is also desired.

"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . REMINISCENCES ON J. L. BYERS. No. 96 (BY 'HAYSEED')", Sydney Sportsman (29 December 1909), 3 

. . . "Jimmy" Byers and his little versatile wife, Julia Hudson, are not forgotten by at least one old comrade. Mr. Waldon (Little Charlie) writes: -
"Dear 'Hayseed,' -Re J. L. Byers and Julia Hudson, in 'Mummer Memoirs,' December 1. There are very few of the old school left, like myself, that knew Miss Julia Hudson, and Mr. J. L. Byers. I not only knew them personally, but performed with them in the early sixties. I first met Mr. Byers in 1857, performing with Jones's (afterwards St. Leon's ) Circus. Mr. Byers came to Sydney from San Francisco, and was starring at the old Prince of Wales Theatre, where he was afterwards manager. He was supporting Miss Mary Provost, and I have heard him say that he had supported G. V. Brooke, alternating with that great tragedian in 'Othello' and other plays. Strange to say, in 1858, having parted company with Jones, I joined Cussins and Klaus' Circus, doing double business with Morris Murray. We opened at Bathurst in August, 1858. Mr. Byers was on our track all around that district. I always thought him, when at his best, a great artist. In parts such as Rolla, Ingomar, Rob Roy, Claude Melnotte, Macbeth, Brutus, Coriolanus, and Damon he had few equals. In high comedy he was immense. Miss Julia Hudson in her best days was one of the cleverest versatile ladies on the Australian stage. You could not place her wrong, from Lady Macbeth to Marjory in 'The Rough Diamond.' Apart from her acting, she was one of nature's ladies, and, as the Yankees say, 'that's a whole heap.' I left Cussins an Klaus at the early part of 1859, and joined Faille's Circus, which I left in 1861, and came home for a rest to my mother's at West Maitland. I again met Byers at Maitland. He was manager and director of the Olympic Theatre on High-street, West Maitland. I played many juvenile parts for him at that time. He had a first-class stock company, all good actors, J. L. Byers, W. H. Newton, G. R. Morton (of 'Sydney Punch' and 'Bell's Life in Sydney'), Jack Clifford, Walter Milner, Flexmore, Murray, Jimmy Hasker, and Mr. Hart, and for a change Bob McGowan and wife, not counting supernumeraries. The ladies were Miss Julia Hudson, Miss Ada Hart, Mrs. Morton, Julia Merton, Mrs. Clifford, Harry Vincent was the scenic artist, and Mr. Boam musical director. Of the above artists, as far as I know, all are gone over except myself. At Christmas 1862, Byers produced a pantomime, 'Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son,' written and arranged by the late Christley Hipper (?), of the 'Maitland Mercury.' The pantomime was a great success. It put Byers on his feet, and the ghost walked every Monday morning at 10 o'clock, a feat not always performed in travelling companies. Byers was a good pay when he had the cash. I could let you know a lot of incidents, but, as the [REDACTED] says, huf sed. "The cast for the harlequinade may prove interesting: - Clown, W. H. Newton; pantaloon, James Hasker; harlequin, Miss Ada Hart; Columbine, Miss Julia Merton; first sprite, Charlie Waldon (late Lilliputian Charlie, of Cussin and Klaus' Circus, equestrian and tumbler); second sprite, Mr. Broadbent; policemen, Mr. Hart . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ada Hart (dancer); Philip Boam (musician)

BYRNE, Mrs. (Mrs. BYRNE) = Georgina BOURN


Active Bendigo, VIC, 1857-59

BYRNE, George (George BYRNE, alias)

Musician, violinist, violin player

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1856 (TROVE tagged) (shareable link to this entry)


"INDECENT ASSAULT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 September 1856), 6

An elderly man, named George Byrne, by calling a musician, was charged at the City Police Court yesterday with committing an indecent assault upon two little girls named Francis Johns and Christiana Blakie, residing at Collingwood. The charge, the details of which were unfit for publication, was brought by Mr. Bell, master of the Bell-street Denominational School. Several other offences recently committed and of a similar nature were adduced against the prisoner, and he was remanded till this morning in order to procure the testimony of additional witnesses.

"INDECENT ASSAULT", The Argus (30 September 1856), 5

At the City Court on Saturday George Byrne, the German musician, remanded from Friday on the charge of indecent assault against two little girls, was again brought up. It was expected that additional evidence would have been forthcoming against him, but the parties declined to appear, on the ground that they could not be certain of his identity. A publican, however, appeared in the witness-box, having been induced to do so by seeing the report of the case in the newspapers, and stated that he knew the defendant of old, and that he once behaved with the grossest indecency in the bar of his hotel before his (witness's) daughter. His evidence, however, could not be received, and he refused to bring the formal charge because it would have been necessary to bring his daughter into court. Mr. Muttlebury made an energetic defence of the prisoner, who, being allowed to speak for himself, explained his conduct in apparently a satisfactory manner. Witnesses were called to speak to the defendant's character, which they one and all described as being of the highest respectability. The Bench, however, after some deliberation expressed their belief that the prisoner was clearly guilty of the offence alleged against him by the two little girls, and, considering it of a very serious nature, adjudged him to be imprisoned for twelve months and kept to hard labor, and that in the meantime summonses should issue for the attendance of other witnesses. The charge brought against the prisoner by the publican will be privately investigated. Mr. Cookman gave notice of appeal; and the prisoner was admitted to bail, himself in £200, and two sureties of £100 each.

See also "POLICE INTELLIGENCE. CITY COURT. Saturday, 27th September . . .", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (29 September 1856), 3 

"A TWO FOOTED BEAST", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (7 October 1856), 3

The person described on the charge sheet, under the assumed name of George Byrne, but who is really a German, and one of the first violinists in the colony, and who was convicted at the City Police Court on Friday, of grossly indecent conduct towards two girls attending the Collingwood National Schools, was again brought up on Saturday. The prisoner had been remanded in consequence of it being understood that there were several more cases against him. On Saturday a publican got into the witness box and said that the prisoner had been guilty of indecently exposing himself towards his two daughters about two months since. Mr. Mattlebury objected to mixing up any new charges with the present one, and the bench thought that the present complainant had better make a definite charge, but be refused to do so, as it would oblige him to bring his daughters to that court to be examined. The Mayor said that on Monday he would hear the case in his private room, and the complainant promised to attend with his daughters. Several witnesses, mostly fellow-country-men, one of whom, a musician, had known the prisoner for fifteen years, were called, and they all gave the prisoner an excellent character. With one of them, an Irishman, the prisoner had resided for some time, and gave his daughter lessons in music. The Bench thought that the first case had been fully proved, and in a person of the prisoner's years no testimonials as to character could avail him. He was sentenced as a rogue and a vagabond to one year's hard labour. Mr. Cookman gave notice of appeal; and the prisoner was admitted to bail, himself in £200 and two sureties of £100 each. - M. Herald, Sept 29.

BYRNE, Jeremiah (Jeremiah BYRNE)

Musician, itinerant musician, flageolet player, ? convict

Active Sydney, NSW, 1832 (shareable link to this entry)


"Police Report", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (6 December 1832), 3 

Jeremiah Byrne, an itinerant, who is in the habit of spliting the ears of the groundlings at the two-penny hop shops on the rocks, was placed at the bar, having been taken out of one of those public nuisances at a very late hour of the night. A man named Brown to whom he is assigned, denied that he had his permission to be absent from home, and the Bench accordingly called upon him to know what he had to say for himself, "Why may it it please your Worship" said, Jeremiah Byrne, "I'm a musicianer, and I plays on the flageolet, I can play, 'Bobbing Joan', 'Darby Kelly', 'Paddy Ward's pig,' or 'Judy Callaghan' with any musicianer in the country;" and thereupon Jeremiah Byrne placed his flageolet to his mouth, and struck up a tune that had well nigh inflicted the Cholera Morbus on all present. "Do you call that playing?" exclaimed the constable at his elbow, snatching the instrument, " I'll show you how to play you imposter. What will your Honor please to have?"
His Honor however, being perfectly satisfied with the piper's specimen, declined hearing the indignant constable's variations, and ordered Jeremiah Byrne, as he must be pretty well tired of piping, to dance for the next seven days.

BYRNE, Stephen Joseph (Stephen Joseph BYRNE; Stephen J. BYRNE)

Amateur musician, trombone player, trombonist, bandsman, printer, theatrical and musical agent

Born Ireland, c. 1842; son of Maurice Henry BYRNE (c. 1816-1880) and Margaret Ann COADY (c. 1819-1901) (m. St. Paul, Dublin, 27 January 1839)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 6 February 1853 (per Lorena, from Dublin, 19 September 1852, aged "10")
Married Elizabeth Ellinor CRAWFORD, VIC, 14 January 1869
Died Paddington, NSW, 19 May 1903, aged "60/61" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

BYRNE, Valentine Henry (Valentine Henry BYRNE; Val. H. BYRNE; V. BYRNE; V. H. BYRNE)

Musician, drum-major, printer

Born Dublin, Ireland, 1849; baptised St. Paul's (RC), Dublin city, 11 March 1849; son of Maurice Henry BYRNE (c. 1816-1880) and Margaret Ann COADY (c. 1819-1901) (m. St. Paul, Dublin, 27 January 1839)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 6 February 1853 (per Lorena, from Dublin, 19 September 1852, aged "4")
Married Mary Josephine O'CONNELL, St. Killian's, Bendigo, VIC, 10 February 1880
Died Bendigo, VIC, 20 September 1906, aged "57" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms, St. Paul (RC), Dublin city, March 1849; Catholic parish records, National Library of Ireland (DIGITISED)

11 / Valentine / of Maurice Byrne & Margaret Cody s[ponsor]s Patrick & Catherine Farrell

List of passengers per ship Lorena of New York, Walter Urquhart, master, from Dublin to Melbourne, February 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Maurice Byrne / 30 / Clerk / [last place of residence] Dublin
Margaret / 28 // Robert / 12 // Stephen / 10 // Maurice / 8 // Valentine / 4 // Laurence / 1

"MUNICIPAL POLICE COURT. MONDAY, 14th May, 1860 . . . A LUCKY ESCAPE", Bendigo Advertiser (15 May 1860), 2

George Hall, who was sometime since taken in custody on some charges of petty larceny, but who had since been brought up under the provisions of the Vagrancy Act, was brought up on remand and pleaded not guilty to the charge.
Stephen Byrne, who described himself as a printer, deposed that the prisoner was a fellow boarder with him at the Sandhurst Hotel . . .

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (22 August 1861), 1 

Amateur Performance bv the Members of the Bendigo VOLUNTEER RIFLE DRAMATIC CLUB,
In aid of the BAND of the CORPS . . .
The Performance will commence at Eight o'Clock, with the great Military Spectacle of
LOVE AND HONOR; OR, THE SIEGE OF SEBASTOPOL . . . Bluster - Mr. S. Byrne . . .
To conclude with the Screaming Farce of the OMNIBUS . . . Farrier Boy - Mr. Stephen Byrne . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Bendigo Volunteer Band (volunteer forces)

"THE VOLUNTEER BAND", Bendigo Advertiser (24 June 1863), 2 

A meeting of the Volunteer Band Committee was held last night at the Rainbow Hotel. Amongst the business transacted by the committee was the appointment of Mr. N. Hallas as band master. The committee having received a sufficient guarantee from the number of monthly subscribers to the fund for the payment thereof, agreed to send to Melbourne for the purpose of purchasing instruments for the band. Mr. S. Byrne was appointed to collect the monthly subscriptions from the residents in Sandhurst who had subscribed their names for various donations. The members of the committee were requested to solicit the aid of amateur musicians to the band.

ASSOCIATIONS: Nathan Hallas (musician)

"PRESENTATION TO CAPTAIN SKENE", Bendigo Advertiser (16 September 1863), 2

Captain Skene has, on the eve of his departure for New Zealand, received another recognition of his services in the form of a handsome colonial gold ring, accompanied by an address from the band of the Volunteer Corps which he has so long successfully commanded . . .
The address runs thus: -"To James Skene, Esq, Captain Commanding Bendigo V. R. Corps.
Dear Sir, We, the undersigned, in behalf of the Sandhurst Volunteer Band, on the eve of your departure from amongst us for the seat of war in New Zealand, take the opportunity of expressing to you our sincere thanks for your uniform kindness and courtesy to us whilst you have been at the head of the corps . . . "Signed in behalf of the band, N. HALLAS, band-master; JOHN ADAMS and Stephen BYRNE, members.
"Sandhurst, 15th September, 1863."

"VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (6 May 1865), 2 

A vocal and instrumental concert was given in the assembly room of the Camp Hotel, Eaglehawk, last night, which was not so well patronised as the musical efforts of the various performers deserved, but this probably arose from sufficient notice not having been given, and also on account of the Catherine Reef celebration on the previous night. The opening overture by the band, "La Gazza Ladra," was very well played; indeed, their entire performances were very creditable. In the vocal efforts, Mr. Lindsay was very happy in the ballad "Rose of Hazeldean," and in several other songs was loudly applauded. Mr. Leeman, an old favorite bass singer, gave with considerable taste and energy the description scenas "The Desert" and the "Ship on Fire." The glee singing of Messrs. Lindsay, Leech, and Leeman was also very successful. Not the least pleasing portion of the entertainment was the playing of Mr. Hallas on the cornet, especially in the "Mount Blanc Polka," in which an echo is given, and a solo from "La Somnambula," introducing the airs "All is Lost Now" and "Still so Gently. Mr. Byrne promises to attain considerable proficiency on the trombone. Altogether, the performance was one deserving of support.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Leeman (vocalist); Frederick Leech (musician)

"LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (15 May 1865), 3 

An experiment was commenced on Saturday evening to popularise grand promenade concerts in the theatre. The stage was cleared of its scenery and the pit boarded over, so that an extensive promenade was formed. In the centre of the stage a raised platform was placed for the singers, and immediately behind were the stands for the musicians. The upper portion of the theatre was reserved for those who chose to witness the moving scene below. The instrumental music was undertaken by the Phoenix Band, under the leadership of Mr. Hallas, and the vocal part of the entertainment devolved upon Madame Mitchell, Mr. Leeman, Mr. Birch, and Mr. Leech. The performances of the band were but very so so . . . Of the instrumental solos, the best was the Mount Blanc Polka (Koenig) on the cornet by Mr. Hallas, and this received a well-merited encore. The cornet and trombone duet "Mira Norma," by Mr. Hallas and Mr. Byrne, was greatly applauded. To night the second concert will be given.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Mitchell (vocalist); William A. Birch (actor, vocalist); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)

"LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (27 May 1865), 3 

The theatre presented a very lively appearance last night, the occasion of the amateur performances for the benefit of the Volunteer Drum and Fife Band, for the dress circle was well filled, the side boxes passably so, and the pit crowded. That the young drummers and fifers deserved the patronage bestowed upon them no one who has listened to their inspiriting music will deny. There is little doubt the proceeds of last night's entertainment will go a good way towards giving the band a new winter fit-out. The drama presented to the audience is entitled "Jessie Brown, or the Relief of Lucknow" . . . A duet, called the "Lily and the Rose," by Mr. Hallas on the cornet and Mr. Byrne on the trombone, played as an interlude, elicited an encore . . . To-night the performances will be repeated for the benefit of Mr. Varley, who has taken considerable pains in coaching the company . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Varley (drum and fife band instructor)

"VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (17 June 1865), 2 

A grand vocal and instrumental concert was given last night in the Temperance Hall, for the benefit of Mr. F. Leech. The room was filled with a large and respectable audience, who were unsparing in their expressions of delight, and so exacting that nearly every piece was encored - a tax upon the good nature of the performers that should not have been made. The band was a most efficient one, and included Messrs. Leech, Hallas, Golmick, S. Byrne, and Warden. The chief singer was Miss Geraldine Warden, who sang some years ago in Sandhurst . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Gollmick (musician); James and Geraldine Warden (father and daughter, musician and vocalist)

"THE PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (18 November 1865), 2

The concert last night given by the Philharmonic Society in the Lyceum Theatre was eminently successful, and the lovers of harmony cannot but rejoice that a society has been organised which is a credit to the district . . . The first part of the concert was a cantata by Herr Gollmick, the conductor, entitled "The four seasons of life," a musical composition illustrative of spring, summer, autumn, and winter . . . The band, under the leadership of Mr. Leech, included Messrs. Hallas and Fisher, cornets; Messrs. Bower and Whitelaw, flutes; Mr. Warden, bass viol; and Mr. S. Byrne, trombone . . .

"THE LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (21 November 1866), 2 

. . . Mr. A. F. Spiller's performances on the skates are an attractive feature. Last evening Mr. Hallas, cornet, and Mr. Byrne, trombone, played swell executed duet from a favorite opera . . . The instrumental music by Mrs. Fatherly, piano, Mr. W. H. Spiller, violin, and Mr. Hallas, cornet, was capitally played . . . It was announced that the theatre would be closed to night for the purpose of making preparations for a grand entertainment to-morrow night, for the benefit of the Volunteer Band. Amongst the novelties to be produced will be a display of sword and bayonet exercise, and the new volunteer song "Comrade to arms" is to be sung by the volunteers, with band accompaniment.

ASSOCIATIONS: Adolphus and William Spiller (skater and violinist); Charlotte Crofton Fatherley (pianist)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (9 November 1867), 3 

THE Concert is Postponed until Further Notice, in consequence of the non-completion of the Uniforms.
STEPHEN BYRNE, Hon Secretary.

"EAGLEHAWK COUNCIL. Tuesday. 12th November . . . CORRESPONDENCE", Bendigo Advertiser (13 November 1867), 3 

. . . A letter from Stephen Byrne, hon. secretary of Hallas' Band, stated that in consequence of the petitions against "Sunday playing" at Eaglehawk, the band declined performing as intended, but thanked the Council for the permission granted. Received . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 November 1867), 1 

HALLAS'S BENDIGO BAND (who will appear in their new uniforms) are
OPEN to ENGAGEMENTS, to play at balls or processions, during the stay of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh.
Apply Stephen Byrne, Secretary, at the Bath Hotel, Sandhurst.

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (duke of Edinburgh)

"THE VOLUNTEER RIFLES DIS-ORDERLY ROOM", Bendigo Advertiser (23 January 1868), 2 

The announcement that an instrumental promenade concert would be given by Hallas's Band in the Volunteer Rifles Orderly-room (tickets to admit lady and gentleman one shilling), was sufficient to draw together a large and respectable audience last evening, the sexes being pretty equally divided. The programme was an excellent one and the band played remarkably well; the selections calling for more particular notice being the opening overture of "Tancredi," and a duet from "Norma," by Mr. Hallas (cornet), and Mr. Byrne (trombone). The dance music had a peculiarly enticing effect, and when the programme was half gone through and a quadrille was being played, some of the young folks, of whom there were many present, formed into sets with the intention of having a dance. Captain Taylor objected to any dancing going on, to the manifest disgust of many who thought that dancing was included in promenade concerts. However, the angry feelings only found vent in mutterings until a schottische was played, when a number of youths commenced to dance, and continued notwithstanding the remonstrances of Captain Taylor, who pointed out that nothing was said about dancing in the programme. As they would not desist he ordered the gas to be turned off, upon which he was greeted with loud groans, and as there appeared signs of a disturbance, a number of ladies who were present hastily left the room and stood outside, being also groaned at as they retired. The band also ceased playing, and two of the three sunlights were turned off. Some, of the promenaders insisted that there should be dancing, and Captain Taylor was called "no gentleman," and others demanded that the programme should be carried out. Quietness having been somewhat restored, Mr. Hallas wished to alter the programme, so as to avoid the dance music, but that was the signal for another uproar; the dancers groaned, and cried out that they had paid their money to hear the music on the programme, and would have it. Mr. Hallas ordered the music books to be closed, and the band to retire, but the band broke out into open mutiny, and one member raised and threatened to smash his big brass instrument if the programme was not adhered to. Tremendous excitement followed this announcement, and Mr. Hallas, to allay it, desired the band to play the waltz on the programme, and as soon as the strains of the instruments were heard, a number of youngsters in couples began to dance. The ladies referred to, who had returned in the meantime, again retired. Superintendent Chomley came in, and he was informed of the threats to damage the building, and the band then ceased playing, and retired to the public room at the Bath Hotel. Three groans were given for Captain Taylor, and the assembly dispersed.

"DEPARTURES FROM THE DISTRICT", Bendigo Advertiser (12 June 1868), 2 

. . . Last night a meeting of Hallss's Band was held at the Bath Hotel, for the purpose of presenting one of its members, Mr. S. Byrne, with a handsome silver lever watch, on his leaving Sandhurst for Ballarat . . .

[Advertisement], The McIvor Times and Rodney Advertiser [Heathcote, VIC] (27 November 1868), 3 

[Applications] for a Certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License . . .
Valentine Byrne, of Sandhurst, musician, for house at Spring Creek . . .

"MARRIED", Bendigo Advertiser (25 March 1869), 2

On the 14th of January, at the Congregational Church, Forest-street, by the Rev. Mr. Lewis, Mr. Stephen Byrne, printer, to Miss Elizabeth Eilinor Crawford, daughter of Mr. Charles Crawford, of the Bath Hotel, Sandhurst.

"THE COUNTRY", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (27 November 1869), 2 

Mr. N. Hallas, the master of the Bendigo Rifles' band, was presented with a very beautifal baton last night at Ballarat by Mr. Stephen Byrne . . .

"CITY POLICE COURT. Friday, 9th May . . . DETENTION OF A CORNET. Byrne v McDonald", Bendigo Advertiser (10 May 1870), 2 

Illegal detention of a cornet, value £10 10s.
Mr. Wrixon for the complainant and Mr. Strickland for the defendant.
Byrne, drum-major of Hallas's City Band, deposed that he was custodian of the instruments of the band. He gave defendant the cornet to play in connection with the band on his becoming a member; he was not a member now, and the band accordingly wanted the instrument back. Defendant was about leaving the district to go up the country with an itinerant band.
To Mr. Strickland: He was responsible for the instrument; it was bought from S. Manley (receipt produced).
Mr. Strickland said he was instructed the cornet was sold to defendant, who was to have time to pay it.
Witness: He never sold it; he merely lent it to defendant as a member.
Mr. Strickland wanted an adjournment to produce the minute-book.
N. Hallas, leader of the band, deposed that a silver-plated cornet was brought [sic] from Manley, and lent to McDonald, who had ceased connection with the band. Yesterday they followed McDonald to the White Hills, and he said he would not give it up, "He would try for it."
To Mr. Strickland: Didn't believe there was anything on the minutes to show defendant was to pay for the cornet by instalments. Defendant only wanted to run away with the instrument.
Mr. Strickland submitted Byrne had no power to sue; there was a positive sale, which was recorded in the minutes; here were these members of the band trying to take the bread from this man's mouth.
Defendant swore that the band agreed to give him a cornet for which he was to pay when he got the money, and he was handed this instrument by a distinct resolution.
G. Cocking said he was at a meeting of the band once, when some talk took place about an instrument being bought from Manley for McDonald, who had no means to pay for it.
V. Byrne recalled said he got the receipt or sale note from Manley yesterday.
At this case [sic] the case was adjourned till Tuesday.
Mr. Wrixen asked to have the instrument impounded, as defendant in the meantime might bolt to New South Wales.
Mr. Strickland objected to such charges against his client, as there was no evidence he was going to bolt.
It was then decide that a constable should accompany defendant to California Gully to get the instrument and impound it till Tuesday.

[News], The Ballarat Courier [VIC] (30 October 1871), 2 

An interesting ceremony took place on Saturday night [27 October] in the machine room of this office, when a handsome and weighty colonial gold albert chain and locket and pendant to match, were presented to Mr. Stephen Byrne as a mark of the respect in which he is held in The Courier office, and as a memento of his departure from Ballarat to Sandhurst, where he is about to start in business for himself. The presentation was made by Mr. Bateman, one of the proprietors, who, in the course of a few remarks, bore testimony to the zeal, fidelity, and ability with which Mr. Byrne had discharged his duty as machinist for nearly three years in The Courier office . . .

"SOCIAL", The Ballarat Star (4 November 1871), 4 

On Friday last after volunteer parade, the members of the brass band of the 3rd Ballarat Volunteer Rangers presented a gold locket to Mr. Stephen Byrne, for a long time hon. sec. and sergeant to the band, who was about to proceed to Sandhurst. The locket bore the following inscription engraved upon it: -
"Presented to Mr. Stephen Byrne by the members of the 3rd B.V.R. brass band, for his valuable services as hon. sec. and sergeant of the band. - Ballarat, 27th October, 1871."

"BENEVOLENT SOCIETY . . . A GENEROUS OFFER", Weekly Examiner [Launceston, TAS] (14 February 1874), 13 

Mr. Stephen J. Byrne, agent for Hallas's champion band, which is expected to arrive on Sunday, wrote to the Board, expressing on behalf of the band, a willingness to conduct a sacred service in the Pavilion, Public Gardens, on Sunday 15th inst., the proceeds of the collection or admission fee, whichever the Committee thought best to make, to be devoted to the funds of the Society. A long discussion took place on the offer, and it was ultimately declined in the shape in which it was first made, as the Committee while feeling thankful to Mr. Byrne considered that to hold a band concert on Sunday afternoon would have a dissipating and demoralising effect, and tend to disarrange all the Sunday Schools of the town on that day. Mr. Hubbard then tabled a motion to the effect that Mr. Byrne be requested to give a concert on Friday evening, the 13th inst.

"OUR LAUNCESTON LETTER", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (24 July 1875), 2 

Mr. Byrne, who some time ago paid a visit to Launceston as agent for Hallas's Band, whose performances will he remembered with pleasure, is now in Launceston as avant-coureur of a combined troupe of Japanese jugglers and equestrian performers who are about to visit the island, opening here on Saturday, the 31st inst. . . . Mr. Wieland, well-known as clown, also accompanies the troupe . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Steeden Wieland (clown)

"THE ASIATIC CIRCUS", Launceston Examiner (5 October 1875), 2 

There was an afternoon performance on Saturday, which was numerously attended by, juveniles and their attendant guardians. The Japanese executed some of their clever feats, and the spinning plates and other feats by Mr. Brame enhanced the pleasure of the spectators . . . The performance last evening was for the benefit of Mr. T. Wieland; and the large pavilion was crowded to excess in every part . . . Mr. Byrne was all there as ringmaster, and Mr. Wieland, came out very strong with new songs and jokes . . . To-night the same programme will be repeated, but to-morrow night the entertainment will be for the benefit of Mr. Stephen J. Byrne, the obliging ring-master and business agent of the company, and an excellent programme has been arranged. Mr. Bryne has made himself a great many friends since his first appearance in Launceston with Hallas's Band . . .

"BENEFIT TO MR. N. HALLAS", Bendigo Advertiser (26 April 1877), 2 

The members of the City Band held a meeting last evening, and it was unanimously determined to render their hearty assistance and influence to make the proposed benefit to Mr. Hallas, their bandmaster, a success. Mr. V. H. Byrne consented to act as business manager . . . for the benefit . . .

"MARRIAGES", Bendigo Advertiser (1 March 1880), 2 

On the 10th of February, at St. Kilian's Pro-Cathedral, by the Rev. Father Davey, Valentine Henry Byrne, of Sandhurst, to Mary O'Connell, of Daylesford.

[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier [QLD] (25 June 1881), 7 

In the Supreme Court of Queensland. In Insolvency . . .
STEPHEN JOSEPH BYRNE, of Brisbane, Licensed Publican, was adjudged Insolvent on the 24th day of June, 1881 . . .

"Theatrical Manager and Bill-Poster. POLICE COURT PROCEEDINGS", Illawarra Mercury [Wollongong, NSW] (1 June 1901), 2 

At the Police Court, on Thursday, before Lieut-col. Chisholm, P.M., Stephen Joseph Byrne, manager for the Elsie Lander Theatrical Company, was charged with unlawfully assaulting William Johnston, bill-poster . . .
Stephen Joseph Byrne, theatrical manager, deposed that he had been 49 years in Australia, and had not been charged in a police court previously; he had paid complainant 16s for posting bills, but he did not honestly do it, as he found many in different places; this occasioned great loss to the company . . . Defendant was fined £1, with £1 1s for medical witness, and 6s each for three other witnesses, and 2s costs of court; in default, fourteen days in Wollongong gaol with hard labor.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (27 May 1903), 1334 

BYRNE. - May 19, at Isledon, 133 Hargrave-street, Paddington, Stephen Joseph Byrne, aged 60 years.

"THE DRUM MAJOR OF HALLAS' BAND", The Bendigo Independent (21 September 1906), 3 

Yesterday Mr. Valentine H. Byrne, a veteran drum-major in rotation of Hallas', Monaghan's, Northcott's, and latterly of Flight's Band, died at his residence, Thunder Street. He was a conspicuous figure in many of the processions held within the last 30 years or so, mostly, as the neat, handsome and stylish drum major, or as the grand marshal of the procession. Failing health compelled him to relinquish the drum-majorship of Flight's Band. On leaving Flight's Band he was unanimously elected a life member in appreciation of his services. When Northcott's Band was, years ago, about to compete in Melbourne, Mr. Geo. Lansell presented Mr. Byrne with a gold-mounted staff. While in Melbourne he and his band made such an impression that the then "leviathan bookmaker," Joe Thompson, gave him gold tassels to decorate the staff. For about 35 years he was employed on the mechanical staff of our morning contemporary. The funeral will leave for the Bendigo Cemetery at 3 p.m. on Sunday, and he will be accorded a bandsman's funeral. He was about 55 years of age and had lived in Bendigo from his earliest childhood.

?OBITUARY. VETERAN DRUM-MAJOR PASSES", Bendigo Advertiser (21 September 1906), 4 

A respected citizen, a veteran bandsman, and an old and faithful employe of the "Bendigo Advertiser," passed away at his residence in Thunder-street yesterday, in the person of Mr. Valentine Byrne, who was better known as Drum-Major Val. H. Byrne. The late Mr. Byrne was born in Dublin, Ireland, 57 years ago, and came to Australia in 1853. Since that time he spent most of his life in this city. He became associated with the "Advertiser" 35 years ago, and was employed in the machinery department during that lengthy period. As a bandsman Mr. Byrne was best known. When Monaghan's Band was established, he was appointed drum-major, and acted in that capacity until he accepted a similar office in Nat. Hallas's famous Premier City Band. The older generation of Bendigonians will recall the splendid record of this band, which during its existence carried not only the best competition prizes in the state, but also in Tasmania. Hallas's Band was ultimately amalgamated with Northcott's Band, Mr. Byrne retaining his position as drum-major. On the formation of Flight's Bendigo City Band some few years ago, he joined it in his old capacity, and continued as drum-major until about 18 months ago, when he had to resign owing to failing health. Mr. Byrne was then elected a life member of the band as an appreciation of his lengthy service as a bandsman. By request the remains will not be interred until Sunday, when the deceased will be accorded a bandsman's funeral. As indicated, the late Mr. Byrne's health began to fail some 18 months ago. He gradually became worse, until ten weeks back he had to desist visiting the office, and took to his bed. Death took place yesterday as stated, the cause being a general break-up of the system. A widow and family of five, four sons and a daughter, are left to mourn their loss. Perhaps the most import distinction conferred on Mr. Byrne for his drum-major abilities was years ago, when his band was invited to Melbourne to take part in a competition on the Melbourne Friendly Societies' Grounds. The late Mr. George Lansell, with other prominent citizens on the occasion presented the deceased gentleman with a gold-mounted staff to wield at the head of his band, and the late Mr. Byrne created such an impression that on the following morning Mr. Joe Thompson, the well-known bookmaker, sent for deceased, and presented him with gold tassels to wield the staff. Mr. Byrne greatly prized these possessions.

BYRNE, William Edward (William Edward BYRNE) see William BURNS

BYRON, Henry (Henry BYRON) ? perhaps = Henry Byron MOORE

Musician, teacher of pianoforte and singing

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (25 July 1857), 3 

MUSICAL EDUCATION. - Pianoforte. - Mr. HENRY BYRON (the celebrated Pianist)
begs to inform the ladies and gentlemen of Melbourne, St. Kilda, Collingwood, &c., who have neglected their Pianoforte playing, and possess but a slight knowledge of Music, that they may acquire to perform correctly and brilliantly, Quadrilles, Waltzes, Schottisches, Polkas, &c., in Eight Easy Lessons.
More may be acquired by this method of teaching in a few lessons than by the old system in as many years.
Mr. Byron can refer to the highest families in Sydney, Tasmania, &c., who have been astonished at their improvement in so short a time.
N.B. - Governesses, schools, and professional pupils will find this a most desirable opportunity of improvement in execution, style, and finish, in an incredibly short time.
Singing Lessons also given. Evening and Private Quadrille Parties Attended.
Terms - Two Guineas the course of eight lessons, No. 2 Park terrace, St. Kilda.

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