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Spagnoletti family

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Spagnoletti family", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025

Paolo Spagnoletti (at right), with Robert Lindley (cello) and his son William Lindley (standing)

Paolo Spagnoletti (at right), with Robert Lindley (cello) and his son William Lindley (standing); from a miniature by Mrs. Wigley, of Salop, drawn on stone by Mr. Sharp (London: Dickinson, [1836]); Royal College of Music 

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Lindley (violoncello)

"SPAGNOLETTI, LINDLEY AND SON", The musical world [London, England] (18 November 1836), 159

A lithographic engraving has been made by Mr. Sharpe, from a miniature group of the above musicians, painted by Mr. Wigley of Shrewsbury. The original, which we have seen, was finished some years ago; but in the two principal characters, there are evidences of their having been excellent likenesses - particularly that of Mr. Lindley. As a work of art, it possesses very high merit indeed, as well in the grouping, as in the subordinate departments of colouring and pencilling. The picture is at Mr. Dickinson's, in Bond Street; and the lithography which is an accurate copy, will, we doubt not, command a good sale.


Violinist, orchestral leader, composer

Born Cremona, Italy, 24 May 1773
Died London, England, 23 September 1834 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)

See Leake, Annals of the Theatre Royal Dublin 1821-1880, (75), 76-77

[75] The first properly organized Italian Opera Company in Dublin commenced then on the 14th October, 1829, under the management of Signor de Begnis . . . Leader, Signor Spagnoletti. The campaign commenced with "Il Barbiere," then at the height of its popularity . . . Signor Spagnoletti led with his bow, playing his violin at intervals (the conductor's baton had not as yet been introduced). [77] He was a great master of his instrument, and for years had kept together with a firm and powerful hand the fine band, chorus and principals of the Italian Opera House in London. He had, however, two great lieutenants, Lindley (violoncello), and Dragonetti (double bass). Signor Spagnoletti, in addition to his great musical genius, had a keen sense of the ridiculous, and frequently amused the members of his orchestra with some witty observation or droll action. On one occasion, after rehearsal, he descended from his elevated seat, stooped, and was observed to search closely as if under the music-stand of the violin players. W. Vincent Wallace (who, at this time, played from the same desk as Spagnoletti) asked him what he was looking for; when the Signor replied - "Ah, for a great many notes which I missed from some of the violin parts. I suppose I shall find them after two or three nights more." He added, at the same time, addressing Wallace - "You didn't drop any." The future eminent composer was a most accomplished violinist, and received much praise, and a souvenir from Signor Spagnoletti at the termination of the season. It will be new to many to learn that Rossini's "Il Turco in Italia," and "La Gazza Ladra" were produced during this engagement; also "Il Fanatico per la Musica," in which De Begnis seemed to revel . . .


Born c. 1770
Died Brompton, London, England, 1833; buried Holy Trinity, Brompton, 19 June 1833, aged 63

SPAGNOLETTI, Ernesto (Ernesto Domenico SPAGNOLETTI Della DIANA) (senior)

Professor of music, vocalist, organist, composer

Born London, England, 1804; only son of Paolo SPAGNOLETTI and Madalena SPAGNOLETTI above; godson of Domenico DRAGONETTI
Married Charlotte STOHWASSER, London, England, ? before 1832
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by October 1853
Died Sydney, NSW, 28 September 1862, aged 58 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)


Born London, England, 1809; baptised St. Leonard's, Hounslow, 12 February 1809 (daughter of Michael STOHWASSER and Ann THORNLEY)
Married Ernesto SPAGNOLETTI, before 1832
Died Hampstead, London, England, 10 December 1901, aged 92 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Charlotte was a daughter of the musician Michael Stohwasser, music master, and his wife Ann Thornley. Stohwasser taught oboe and clarinet at the Royal Academy of Music, and a Frederick Stohwasser (? his son) was one of the early students there, elected to a place in the same 1824 intake as Anna Riviere (Cazalet, History, 138, 166). Charlotte's younger sister was the singer and actor Georgina Stohwasser (b. 1811), active from c. 1831 up until her marriage in 1836 to J. R. Anderson, a theatrical manager. Charlotte was still alive, aged 92, at the time of the 1901 census.


SPAGNOLETTI, Charles (Charles Ernest SPAGNOLETTI; Charles Ernest Paolo della Diana SPAGNOLETTI)

Railway and telegraph electrical engineer and inventor

Born Brompton, London, England, 12 July 1832
Died Hampstead, London, England, 28 June 1915 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Ernesto and Charlotte Spagnoletti's eldest son Charles Ernest was educated at Blemmell House School, Brompton. When the rest of the family came to Australia, he remained in England. He joined the Great Western Railway company in 1855, aged 23, and by the mid 1860s his inventions and innovations in rail system communication were being widely noticed, including in the Australian press.

SPAGNOLETTI, Ernesto (junior)

Professor of music, pianist, vocalist, organist, composer

Born London, 1837
Died Sydney NSW, 1871 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Amateur male vocalist

Born Brompton, London, England, April-June 1839
Active Sydney, NSW, 1859 (? son of Ernesto Spagnoletti, senior)
? Departed, before 1862 (see Ernesto Spagnoletti obituary above)
Died Staines, London, England, April-June 1916 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

SPAGNOLETTI, Nina (Madalena Emilia SPAGNOLETTI; Mrs. Spencer WHATLEY)

Soprano vocalist

Born Brompton, London, England, 1841; baptised Holy Trinity, Brompton
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by October 1853 (daughter of Ernesto Spagnoletti, senior)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 1 April 1865 (per Orwell, for London)
Married Spencer WHATLEY, St. Paul's, Hammersmith, London, England, 26 August 1869, aged "27"
Died Camberwell, London, England, 1892 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

SPAGNOLETTI, Robert Harman

Born West London, England, c.1848/49
Died Sydney, NSW, 31 May 1870, "in the 22nd year of his age" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)



Ernesto Spagnoletti senior's famous father, the violinist Paolo Spagnoletti, was frequently mentioned in the Australian press; his pupil, amateur violinist George Boyes, came to Australia in 1824. In Dublin in Octobert-November 1829, William Vincent Wallace was a member of the orchestra that Spagnoletti led at the Theatre Royal, playing next to him on the same desk.

In September 1825, Ernesto was enrolled at the Royal Academy of Music, where his father was a teacher. He studied under Henry Bishop and Nicholas Bochsa, and along with fellow students including Charles Packer and soprano Anna Riviere (late Anna Bishop) appeared in many of the Academy's concerts. These included Dr. Crotch's oratorio Palestine and a musical drama Catherine; or, The Austrian captive by the founder of the Royal Academy, John Fane (Lord Burghersh) in November 1830.

Ernesto probably married Charlotte, daughter of the music master Michael Stohwasser, in 1831. Their first child, Charles Ernest (later a noted railway and electrical engineer), was born in July 1832. Ernesto junior was born in 1837, Hylton in 1839, and Madalena (called Nina) in 1841. Ernesto senior was established as a professor of singing in Brompton Grove, London by 1838, and at Belle Terrace, Albion Road, Hammersmith by 1851.

Spagnoletti, his wife Charlotte and six children arrived in Sydney in August 1853. He advertised for pupils in Italian and English singing and piano, and was engaged as organist at old St. Stephen's Church, Newtown (though, as of 2018, I have found no documentary evidence for this claim). He performed with his old colleague Anna Bishop in the Sydney concerts of her tour of 1855-6. He was also one of five principal tenors at the 1859 Sydney University Music Festival under the direction by Lewis Lavenu. In September 1859, Spagnoletti displayed the talents of his daughter Nina and one of son Hylton at a musical soiree at Clark's Assembly Rooms, William Street, Woolloomooloo.

At the Sydney University Musical Festival in July 1859, "A duett from Don Giovanni, La ci darem, sung by Mr. and Miss Spagnoletti, was very much admired". At Marian Chester's farewell concert in November, "Miss Nina Spagnoletti in Linley's ballad of Ever of thee, charmingly executed, and wisely substituted for the hacknied [sic] scena from "Robert le Diable", the vocalist giving for the encore Wrighton's Sweet home, equally well sung." On publication in 1861, Charles Harwood dedicated his song Thinkest thou of me? to her. Nina and her widowed mother sailed for England in April 1865.

Ernesto, father and son's documented Australian compositions are as follows:

Ernesto Spagnoletti senior

Tho' for a while (1853)

New bazaar waltz (1854)

Simla polka (1857)

The Woolloomooloo octave polka (1858)

The cornstalk galop (1859)

Agile (1859; ? unpublished)

Il trovatore waltzes ([Verdi, arr., 1859)

Cooey! an Australian song (1860)

The captured lady (1861)

Come shining forth, my dearest (Mozart, arr., 1861)

The singing polka ([Alary], arr., 1861)

Works in manuscript (1862)

Ernesto Spagnoletti junior

Our village home (1856)

The Balmain polka (1857)

Nina waltz (1857)

Woolloomooloo schottische (1858; second edition 1860)

The Madalena schottische (1859; second edition 1860)

The Sydney schottische (1860; second edition 1860)

The Sydney volunteers polka (1861)

The Garibaldi polka (1861)

St. Leonards schottische (1862)

Marion schottische (1863)

Our Australian Christmas song (1863)

Gentle words are lightly spoken, song (1871)

Documentation (UK)

December 1823 to July 1824, Rossini's visit to London

William Gardiner, Music and friends: or, Pleasant recollections of a dilettante, volume 2 (London: 1838), 564 

. . . When Rossini visited this country I was introduced to him by Spagnoletti. He was a fine, portly, good-looking fellow, a voluptuary that revelled in the delights of the table as much as in the luxury of sweet sounds. He had just composed a dirge on the death of Lord Byron, the score of which he exhibited to me, obviously penned with the greatest rapidity. I heard part of it performed, and thought it worthy of that great genius . . .

November 1826, concert, pupils of the Royal Academy of Music

"Royal Academy of Music", The new monthly and literary journal (1 December 1826), 505 

At the last Monthly Concert of the pupils of this Institution, at the Academy in Tenterden-street, a variety of excellent pieces were played, among which were the following: - The Overture, a M.S., composed by Master Hart, a pupil of Dr. Crotch. It did equal credit both to master and pupil. A solo on the violin, by Master Seymour, deserved similar approbation. Mozart's "Parto matu ben mio" was sung by Miss Grant as sweetly as the composer could have desired. The first part of the Concert terminated with a MS. chorus, called "Ciel Pietoso," composed by Master Mudie, a pupil of Dr. Crotch; the solo parts by E. D. Spagnoletti and E. Seguin. It was played at the last concert, but was now repeated by desire. It well deserves the applause it has received . . . We must not forget to mention a serenata of Paer's. It was performed rather too slowly in the first part ; but, upon the whole, went off very well . . . The Concert concluded with Rossini's "Se tu m'ami," in the chorus of which the whole of the Pupils of the Academy joined. Dr. Crotch acted as director, except when the piece was the composition of one of the pupils, when he resigned his seat to the composer.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Crotch (director); Thomas Molleson Mudie (student composer); Arthur Seguin (student vocalist)

12 and 26 March, 14 and 28 May 1827, concerts, pupils of the Royal Academy of Music

"STATE OF MUSIC IN LONDON", The quarterly musical magazine and review (1827), 81-84 

. . . While the Antient Concert aims at the conservation of a particular style - the Philharmonic at the improvement of instrumental music, and at the introduction of compositions and artists of eminent distinction, the committee of the Royal Academy, in their orchestra, have endeavoured to combine all these objects, and they have succeeded to a degree which has not perhaps been before paralleled, at the same time that they desire to create a school in which the rising talent of the country may be cherished, while it receives the united advantages of a general and a musical education upon a national foundation. Such objects, of a benefit so universal, ought not to need the amplest assistance, especially while there is opulence enough in the country to patronize talent of every class and from every clime.

Upon inspection of the "schemes" it will be directly perceptible, - . . .

FIRST CONCERT, Monday, March 12, 1827 . . . [PROGRAM]

. . . [82] . . . SECOND CONCERT, March 26, 1827 . . .

THIRD CONCERT, Monday, April 30, 1827.
- PART I. Grand Sinfonia. (Eroica.) Beethoven. To end with the Marcia Funebre, as a Tribute of Respect to the Memory of the Composer.
Sestetto, Madame Caradori Allan, Miss Bellchambers, Mr. Vaughan, Mr. A. Sapio, Mr. E. Spagnoletti, and Signor De Begnis, "Riconosci in questo amplesso." (Figaro.) Mozart . . .
. . . Leader, Mr. Mori. - Conductor, Sir G. Smart.

[83] . . . FOURTH CONCERT, May 14, 1827.
Grand Sinfonia in E flat. - Mozart.
Septetto, Madame Stockhausen, Miss Childe, Miss Watson, Signor Begrez, Mr. E. Seguin, Mr. A. Sapio, and Signor De Begnis, "Oh come mai quest'anima." (Bellezza e Cuor di Ferro.) - Rossini.
Scena ed Aria, Mr. Sapio, "Ah! perfido." Beethoven.
Aria, Madame Stockhausen, "Ch'io perdessa la mia pace." (L'Audacia Fortunata.) - Sapienza.
Concertino Violino, (Sur un Motif de Rossini.) Monsieur de Beriot. - De Beriot.
Duetto, Madame Pasta and Signor De Begnis, "Non temer mio bel Cadetto." - Mercadante.
Finale to the First Act of Figaro, Madame Pasta, Madame Stockhausen, Miss Bellchambers, Signor Begrez, Mr. A. Sapio, Mr. E. Seguin, Mr. E. Spagnoletti, and Signor De Begnis - Mozart . . .
. . . Leader, Mr. Kiesewetter. - Conductor, Sir G. Smart.

[84] . . . FIFTH CONCERT, Monday, May 28, 1827.
PART I . . . Motet, "O God, when thou appearest," The Solo parts by Miss Stephens, Miss Childe, Mr. E. Spagnoletti, and Mr. A. Sapio. Mozart.
PART II . . . Quartet, Miss Stephens, Miss Watson, Mr. E. Spagnoletti, Mr. E. Seguin, and Chorus, "Cheer her, O Baal". (Athalia.) Handel.
. . . Leader, Mr. F. Cramer. - Conductor, Sir G. Smart.

ASSOCIATIONS (selected): Maria Caradori-Allan (vocalist); Anthony Sapio (student vocalist); Joseph de Begnis (instructor vocalist); Giuditta Pasta (vocalist); Margarethe Stockhausen (vocalist); Franz Cramer (leader); Nicholas Mori (leader); George Smart (conductor)

25 June 1827, concert, Paolo Spagnoletti, Argyll Rooms, Regent Street, London

"Benefit concerts of the Season 1827, concluded", The harmonicon (July 1827), 171 

MR. SPAGNOLETTI's, Argyll Rooms, Monday, June 25th. All the vocal strength of the King's Theatre, together with a debutant, Signor RAVAGLIA (who sang an air by PACINI,) Mr. E. SPAGNOLETTI, and Miss FOSTER, assisted at this concert. Mr. SPAGNOLETTI played a concerto by Rode, which had never before been performed in this country, with that delicacy for which he is so much distinguished. Madame PASTA sang a cavatina by Meyerbeer, and a duet by Madame PUZZI (Signora Toso). Miss F. AYTON, CURIONI, GALLI, DE BEGNIS, and many others, took a full share of the performance, and the room was crowded with good company.

13 June 1828, concert, pupils of the Royal Academy of Music, St. James's Palace

Letter, Andrew Barnard, to John Fane (Lord Burghersh), July 1828 [re concert on 13 June 1828]; ed. Cazalet, History, 212-14 

. . . June 13th. Since writing the above, I was sent for by His Majesty (who gave up a proposed musical soiree with artists lest it should interfere with [213] Braham's benefit). He then was graciously pleased to order the pupils to St. James's for Wednesday the 11th.

I give you the bill of fare, with my remarks on the manner of its performance.

Overture. "Freischutz" - Weber.
Serenata. Misses Bromley and Bellchambers; Spagnoletti and Sapio - Paer; Horn, Daniells; violoncello, C. Lucas; harp, Miss Prescott.
Oboe Concerto. G. Cooke - Vogt.
Aria. Miss Childe. "Ah che forse" - Pacini.
Choral Fantasia, Piano. W. H. Holmes - Beethoven.
Overture. "Anacreon" - Cherubini.
Trio. Miss Childe, Sapio, and Seguin. "Oh mime benefico" - Rossini.
Quartetto. Voice, Miss Bellchambers, pianoforte, Miss Foster; violin, Mawkes; and violoncello, C. Lucas - Moscheles and Mayseder.
Quartetto. "Dorina mia Carina". Miss ; Spagnoletti, Sapio, and Seguin - Sarti.
Finale. First Act of "Don Giovanni" - Mozart.
"God Save the King."
Leader, C. A. Seymour. Conductor, Mr. Potter.

Overture, "Freischutz"; very well done, with great effect. Serenata, Paer, Misses Bromley and Bellchambers, Spagnoletti and Sapio; all frightened, which made it go rather dull . . . Quartetto, "Dorina mia carina", Miss Riviere, Spagnoletti, Sapio, and Seguin; this is an old favourite of the King's, and the execution of it pleased him, but I have heard it better done by the pupils. Finale, first act of "Don Giovanni", concluded the concert, and was done with very great spirit and effect. "God Save the King" was sung better and with as much real feeling and enthusiasm as I ever heard it. Miss Childe's delivery of the words of the first verse was magnificent, and proves that a good school of Italian singing ensures a good style for the language of the country. It must be managed to send this girl to Italy, for her to debuter at some of the smaller theatres to prepare her for the greater ones, at the same time to improve her taste, knowledge, and pronunciation of the Italian language: she ought not to delay above another year in doing this. I wish you would give a little advice on this subject. Seguin has a very fine bass voice, and ought to do the same; the above qualification will ensure him an engagement. About a young man there can be no difficulty, but a young lady requires a little looking after. Pray give a line on the subject . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Riviere = Anna Bishop

16 August 1828, Royal Academy of Music, minutes of the committee; in Corder, A history of the Royal Academy of Music (London: F. Corder, 1922), 32

August 16, 1828. - Read Mr. E. Spagnoletti's explanation of the cause of his absence from the annual Prize Concert, which is considered very insufficient and unsatisfactory; The Committee have therefore - "Resolved that he can no longer be received as a student of the Academy.

[Review], The Athenaeum (1829), 713 

Oh, Dearest Girl, I love but thee! a Ballad by Mrs. C. R. Hurley; sung by Mr. E. Spagnoletti, composed and dedicated to him by Joseph C. Taws, of Philadelphia. Vernon.

MR. TAWS is a talented and respected young professor, from America, now residing and teaching in the neighbourhood of London; his song (an affettuoso in D.) is well adapted to Mrs. Huxley's language, and presents a favourable specimen of his experience and knowledge. His intimate friend, Ernest Spagnoletti, (son of our much-respected Opera leader,) is also highly talented, and respected as a tenor vocalist, a teacher of the piano-forte and singing, and is, we believe, at this present time engaged in the Italian dramatic performances at Brighton, with the pupils of the Royal Academy of Music, of which he has been a member. We offer these biographical sketches, this being the first opportunity we have afforded us of noticing these two young and clever professors.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph C. Taws (composer)

6 November 1830, first performance of Catherine (by John Fane, lord Burghersh)

"KING's THEATRE. LORD BURGHERSH's NEW OPERA", The athenaeum (16 October 1830), 651 

"ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC", The New Monthly Magazine (1 December 1830), 515 

Catherine, the Austrian Captive, by Lord Burghersh - On Saturday, the 6th of November, the pupils of the Royal Academy of Music commenced their dramatic representations in the Concert Room of the King's Theatre. The performance of the evening was rendered doubly interesting by the attendance of their Majesties, and the production of an entirely new composition, under the title of "Catherine, the Austrian Captive," composed by Lord Burghersh . . .

. . . it is far from our intention to depreciate the cut of characters on the present occasion, which included not only the sum total of the higher talent reared by the Academy, but even auxiliary assistance. The principal performers being as follows:-
Sernskier . . Mr. Bennett.
Yussuf . . Mr. Hill.
Leopold . . Mr. Spagnoletti, jun.
Peter . . . Mr. Brizzi.
Col. Cohenberg . . . Mr. ***.
Ismael . . Mr. Seguin, jun.
Catherine . Miss Childe.
Lilla . . . Miss Bromley.
Ghita . . . Miss Osborne.
The choruses by the remainder of the vocal pupils.

. . . Mr. Spagnolctti, in the character of Leopold, displayed, independently of vocal merit, histrionic capabilities of no common order. His performance was marked by a high degree of vivacity, comic humour, and by considerable scenic ease, whether acquired by intuitive tact or by experience. He strongly reminded us of Harley, whom he seems to have chosen for his model. At present there is a little too much redundancy of action and motion; but this defect will subside in time . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Fane (Lord Burghersh)

10-22 December 1830, Le nozze di Figaro, pupils of the Royal Academy of Music, King's Theatre

[Advertisement], Globe (20 December 1830), 2

GREAT CONCERT ROOM, KING'S THEATRE, Fitted up expressly for this occasion. UNDER THE IMMEDIATE PATRONAGE Or HER MAJESTY. LAST NIGHT OF PERFORMANCE By the Pupils of the Royal Academy of Music. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT (by Particular Desire), will be performed Mozart's favourite Opera Buffa, entitled LE NOZZE DI FIGARO. The principal vocal characters by Miss Childe, Miss Wharton, Miss Dowell, Miss Williams, Mr. E. Spagnoletti, Mr. F. Smith, Master Bennett, Mr. Allan, Mr. Bally, and Mr. E. Seguin . . .

[Review], The harmonicon (January 1831), 23

. . . E. Seguin's Figaro shewed more animation than we are accustomed to see in him. His "Non piu andrai" was encored, and in the concerted pieces his powerful voice and steadiness were of the utmost importance . . . Mr. E. Spagnoletti's voice, though a low tenor, is not deep enough.

"MUSIC. Performances of the pupils of the Royal Academy", The New Monthly Magazine (1 January 1831), 23-24 

During the month of December the pupils of the Royal Academy of music continued their operatic performances at the concert-room of the King's Theatre. Mozart's "Cosi fan' tutte," which they had played before, was repeated with indifferent success; and on Saturday, the 10th of December, they produced, for the first time, his "Nozze di Figaro," in a manner highly creditable to two or three of the parties, but, as a whole, far from being perfect, or sufficiently satisfactory for a public exhibition.

Miss Childe, as Susanna, and Mr. Seguin, as Figaro, met with great and well-merited applause . . . Mr. Spagnoletti junior's exertions, as [24] Count Almaviva, were praiseworthy; but the part did not tell: notwithstanding the transpositions occasionally resorted to, it proved too low for his voice; and, besides, there was a want of dignity and of the tokens of the tender passion. There were two or three new debuts in this opera - Miss Williams as the Countess, and Miss Dorrell as Marcellina . . .

. . . Upon the whole, if, as Mr. Logier used to say of his scholars, we are to judge of the tree from its fruit, the institution, though tolerably successful in producing promising instrumentalists, has not been very fortunate in the vocal department. Of the numerous pupils trained during so many years, there are but three or four, at most, who appear at all likely to attain an eminent rank as singers. We are not sufficiently acquainted with the organization of the Academy, and its mode of tuition, to attribute this result to any defect in the system of instruction. Indeed, when we consider the talents and zeal of some of the masters that are, or have been employed - such as Liverati, Coccia, Crivelli, and others, we must look elsewhere for the cause. We are inclined to think, after all, the tree is an exotic which is reared with difficulty in our clime. The dense fogs, the nipping frosts, the raw blasts, which at this very time seem to wage war with each other for our destruction, are alone sufficient to shake the most patriotic confidence in our vocal aptitudes. But it is, probably, not the atmosphere and climate alone which operate disadvantageously in the training of singers. There seems to be a something in the intellectual frame of the inmates of these latitudes which is less susceptible of the Promethean spark of musical feeling, of nerve and enthusiasm, than the organization of the more sensitive and genial children of southern regions. We have no lack of soft and sweet voices; indeed, many are of too honied and languid a tenderness: it is fire, energy, and pathos, that are rarely found indigenous with us, and which, unfortunately, can but little be imparted by any instruction.

19 January 1831 and nights following, The chaste salute (Planché, after Scribe; music by C. E. Horn), Royal Olympic Theatre (Ernesto's professional debut)

"OLYMPIC THEATRE", The tatler (20 January 1831), 475-76 

. . . There were two new performers on this occasion, Mr. SPAGNOLETTI from the Royal Academy of Music, and Miss SIDNEY, we know not whence. Miss SIDNEY is a lively-looking girl, probably very young, who promises to be a better actress than singer, though she sang with more spirit and meaning than most debutantes. But her voice appears to be weak, and not of good quality. Allowance must be made, however, for a first appearance, both as regards lady and gentleman, especially as Mr. SPAGNOLETTI, seemed hardly perfect in his part. Probably a little hissing helped to put him out. It was hardly fair, we think, in a first appearance, and towards a young singer; nor did he indeed any way deserve it; for though his voice is better in quality than in power, or at least he does not yet throw it out, he both sang and acted better than we have known many on their first appearance, who have been much encouraged. We liked in particular his walking to and fro as he sang, on one occasion. It suited the familiar style of these vaudeville pieces; and is natural in itself. Mr. SPAGNOLETTI'S voice resembles Incledon's, and therefore the more disappointed, perhaps, those who found fault with him, in turning out to be comparatively so inefficient . . . The music of The Chaste Salute is by Mr Horn; and though of no very solid character, is of reasonable goodness for a piece vaudeville . . .

"OLYMPIC THEATRE", London Courier and Evening Gazette (20 January 1831), 3

Another new piece was produced here last night, called The Chaste Salute; but we have not room to give a detail of the plot, which is of amusing description. - The piece was very successful, and Miss Sydney and Mr. Spagnoletti, who made their first appearance in it, have no reason to be dissatisfied with their reception.

"ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE", London Evening Standard (20 January 1831), 4

A new one-act comic burletta, or rather vaudeville, called the Chaste Salute, from an acknowledged French source, was last night presented this theatre, and was favourably received. It was the chosen medium for the introduction of two other novelties, - an agreeable little actress and singer in a Miss Sydney, from whence we know not, but entirely new, we believe, to a London audience; and Mr. Spagnoletti, from the Royal Academy of Music, son, doubtless, of the eminent leader, whose "first appearance" it professes to be, "on the English stage" . . . Mr. Spagnoletti, as the Colonel, acquitted himself, for a first appearance, with success, but he will doubtless improve by repetition of the part, as he will necessarily become better acquainted with the words, the recollection of which the fears a first night might deprive him . . .

"OLYMPIC THEATRE", The Athenaeum (22 January 1831), 61 

On Wednesday, a one act musical burletta, called "The Chaste Salute," was produced. It is a lively pleasant trifle, which was originally written for Vauxhall-gardens, a few seasons since, and acted there, under the title of "Pay to my Order." As it is not therefore new, we have no occasion to say more of the piece, than that it was quite successful. There were two reasons for its being so: it had succeeded previously elsewhere, and Mr. Planché is the author - either of these would at once account for it. "The Chaste Salute," introduced us to two new musical candidates for public favour, Miss Sydney, and Mr. Spagnoletti - the son of that well-known father, whose fine head and fine taste have long been the chief ornaments of the orchestra at the King's Theatre. Mr. Spagnoletti, jun. has a good person and a good voice - and there seemed to us to be no inconsiderable promise about him, but he was so completely disconcerted by the conduct of three or four ruffians in gentlemen's clothes, who evidently came for the purpose of annoying him, that he never recovered his self-possession, sufficiently to do himself justice - we shall therefore defer a more particular notice of him, until he has been allowed a fairer opportunity. It is idle to preach decency to such animals as those, who came purposely to injure and insult this gentleman, but we wish we could convince some of a better description, who occasionally express their disapprobation of individual actors, by hissing - that the practice is as ungentlemanly, as it is cruel and unfeeling; and that the absence of applause is quite sufficient annoyance for those who live upon it. We have much pleasure in reporting most favourably of Miss Sydney. She gave evidence of good looks, good singing, and good acting, which lead us to congratulate the proprietress on a decided acquisition. Mr. Cooper is a good low comedian, Mr. Raymond and Miss Pincott are rising rapidly and deservedly in public estimation, and altogether, there appears a determination on the part of the spirited less-she, which communicates itself to all under her command, to exert herself to the utmost to merit a continuance of the large portion of public favour which she has already received.

"OLYMPIC THEATRE", The Literary Gazette (22 January 1831), 59 

. . . With regard to the burletta, we have only to remark that it furnished the means of introducing M. Spagnoletti to the public; but so deplorably was his part obliterated from his memory, as grievously to destroy the effect of the piece, and totally that of his début. A very clever little girl, a Miss Sidney, also made her first appearance and a far more favourable impression . . .

"OLYMPIC THEATRE", Morning Post (28 January 1831), 3

The Chaste Salute was acted last night, and is considerably improved since its first representation. Mr. Spagnoletti sings with more care, and is not only perfect in the words of his part, but performs it with considerable spirit. Miss Sidney has already acquired all the tact and manner of an experienced actress, and sings with much sweetness and archness. All the characters in this trifle are well sustained. The acting of Madame Vestris in the Grenadier, which followed, can scarcely be too highly praised . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Lucia Vestris (lessee, manager, Olympic Theatre); Charles Edward Horn (composer)

9 June 1831, pupils of the Royal Academy of Music, Hanover-square Rooms

[Advertisement], Morning Post [London] (9 June 1831), 1

ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC - The Subscribers are respectfully informed that the next MORNING CONCERT by the PUPILS will (by permission of the Right Honourable the Directors of Antient Concerts) take place at the Hanover-square Rooms, THIS MORNING, the 9th June. To commence at Two o'Clock. Part I. Overture in D, Romberg; Duetto, "Non palpitar," Miss Applerly and Mr. E. Spagnoletti (Medea), Bellini . . . Sestetto (Catherine), Lord Burghersh . . . Part II . . . Finale, 2d Act of Le Nozze di Figaro, Mozart . . .

5 July 1831, Paganini, King's Theatre Concert Room

[Advertisement], The morning post [London] (2 July 1831), 1

SIGNOR PAGANINI. - KING'S CONCERT ROOM, King's Theatre. - Mr. SPAGNOLETTI most respectfully begs leave to announce that his ANNUAL BENEFIT CONCERT will take place in the above Room on TUESDAY MORNING, July 5, when a Selection of MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC will be performed, in the course of which, in addition to the Solos already announced, Sig. PAGANINI will execute a GRAND CONCERTO on the VIOLIN. Principal Vocal Performers: - Madame Pasta, Madame Rubini, Miss Masson, Miss Childe, and Madame Stockhausen; Signor Rubini, Signor Torri, Signor Curioni, Mr. Spagnoletti, jun., Signor De Begnis, Signor Santini, and Signor Lablache. The Orchestra will consist of the principal Professors engaged atthe Philharmonic Concerts and at the King's Theatre, and will be on the most extensive scale. Leader, Sig. Spagnoletti. Conductor, Signor Costa. Further particulars will be duly announced. Tickets, 10s. 6d. each, may be had of Mr. Spagnoletti, 21, Brompton-square; of Mr. Seguin, at the King's Theatre; and of the principal Musicsellers. Applications for Boxes are requested to be made to Mr. Spagnoletti. The Concert will commence at Two o'Clock precisely.

17 April 1839, Hanover-square Rooms, London

[Review], Morning Post [London] (18 April 1839), 6

The concert of Mademoiselle Bott, the pianiste, at the Hanover Rooms, yesterday morning, was numerously attended . . . the vocal portion of the concert was ably sustained by Mrs. W. Seguin, Miss Lanza, Madame Catrufo, W. Seguin, Cobham, Spagnoletti, and M. Schepens. Both the vocal and instrumental music (with the exception of Catrufo's songs) were accompanied on the piano-forte by Sir George Smart, with his accustomed care and attention.

[Advertisement], Morning Post [London] (30 July 1839), 1

MR. SPAGNOLETTI begs to inform his Friends and Pupils that he has OPENED his ECOLE DE MUSIQUE at No. 2, Charlotte-street, Bedford-square, for the Instruction of young Ladies in the art of Singing, where Masters of celebrity attend to teach the Harp and Pianoforte; and as a distinct, graceful, and eloquent pronunciation is essential to a good vocalist, Mr. S has thought it advisable to engage with a native of Rome to teach the Italian language, and also with an English Professor to instruct in the science of Elocution. Mr. Spagnolelti conceives that the union of thess fashionable accomplishments in the same establishment (any of which may be learnt separately) will be approved of, as it cannot fail to combine economy amongst its other advantages. TERMS. Singing per Quarter £4 4 0; Harp (Mr. F. Chatterton) 4 4 0; Pianoforte (Mr. C. J. Griesbach) 3 3 0; Italian (Signor Garofolini) 2 12 6; Elocution (Mr. J. R. Anderson) 2 12 6; Mrs. Spagnoletti receives the Ladies, and is present on Mondays and Thursdays during the hours of instruction, which are from ten till four.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Chatterton (harpist, younger brother of J. B. Chatterton); Charles James Griesbach (pianist); J. R. Anderson (Charlotte Spagnoletti's brother-in-law)

"INSOLVENTS", Perry's Bankrupt Gazette (28 March 1840), 6

Estates vested in Assignee . . . Spagnoletti Ernesto Domenico Diana, of Old Brompton, professor of music - Marshalsea . . .

29 July 1841, baptism of Nina Spagnoletti

Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Kensington, Brompton district . . . 1841, page 87

No. 689 / 29 July 1841 / Madalena Emilia Diana / Ernesto Diana & Charlotte / Spagnoletti / Old Brompton / Gentleman . . .

England census, 1841, Hamlet of Brompton, Parish of Kensington; UK National Archives, HO 107/690/1015/H/23-24 (PAYWALL)

No 4 Brompton Vale / Ernesto Spagnoletti / 35 / Singing master
Charlotte [Spagnoletti] / 29
Charles [Spagnoletti] / 8
Ernesto [Spagnoletti] / 4
Hylton [Spagnoletti] / 2
N. k. [Name not known, female / 14 days

"BIRTHS", Leeds Times [England] (10 June 1843), 8

On the 1st instant, at Brompton Vale, the wife of E. Spagnoletti, Esq., of three daughters, two of which, with their mother, are doing well - the third was stillborn.

"INSOLVENT DEBTORS COURT. Portugal-street", Morning Advertiser [London] (7 December 1850), 4 (PAYWALL)

. . . (Before Mr. Commissioner Phillips, at Eleven.) Final Orders - Edward Ashdown, jun. - James Townshend - Benjamin Fawcett - Erneste Diana D. Spagnoletti.

English census, 1851; UK National Archives, HO 107/ 1469; Parish of Hammersmith, 31 (DIGITISED)

. . . Albion Road / Ernesto Spagnoletti / Head / 47 / professor of Singing / [Born] Middlesex, London
Charlotte [Spagnoletti] / Wife / 40 / [Middlesex] Brompton
Ernesto [Spagnoletti] / Son / 14 / [Middlesex Brompton]
Hylton [Spagnoletti] / [Son] / 11 / [Middlesex Brompton]
Charlotte [Spagnoletti] / Dau. / 7 / [Middlesex Brompton]
Zepee [Spagnoletti] / [Dau.] / 5 / [Middlesex Brompton]
Robert [Spagnoletti] / Son / 2 / [Middlesex Brompton]

[Advertisement], Morning Post [London] (4 December 1851), 1 (PAYWALL)

Schools or Families, in or out of town, attended on moderate terms. -
Apply by letter, post-paid, 3, Belle Terre Villas, Albion-road, Hammersmith; or at Messrs. Cramer and Co.'s, Regent-street.

UK documentation after departure early in 1853

13 June 1853, copyright case concerning La Dorset (Paolo Spagnoletti; ? Ernesto Spagnoletti)

Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench ... volume 2 (London: S. Sweet, 1854), 577-79 

"COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH ... Ex parte GEORGE HENRY DAVIDSON. - June 13, 1853", The Jurist 18/1 (1855), 57-58 

COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. [Reported by G. J. P. SMITH, Esq., of the Inner Temple; and W. B. BRETT, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barristers at Law.] TRINITY TERM.

Ex parte GEORGE HENRY DAVIDSON. - June 13, 1853. Registration of Copyright - Application to expunge Entry - 5 & 6 Vict. c. 45, ss. 11, 14.

Upon a Rule Nisi to expunge three Entries made in the Registry at Stationers' Hall, kept under Sect. 11 of Stat 5 & 6 Vict. c. 45, on the Ground that they would be prima facie Evidence in an Action which had been brought against Defendant for publishing the Pieces of Music mentioned in them, alleged to be the Copyright of Plaintiff, the Court (Plaintiff refusing to consent not to use the Entries on the Trial of the Action) declined to expunge the Entries, but directed an Issue whether there was Copyright in the Music, and whether Plaintiff was the Proprietor of the Copyright, on the Trial of which they should not be used; and ordered that the Rule should be enlarged until the Trial of the Issue.

Willes (May 23) moved for a rule calling upon Robert Cocks to shew cause why three entries by him in the book of registry kept at Stationers' Hall, under sect. 11 of stat. 5 & 6 Vict. c. 45, should not be expunged or varied. It appeared from the affidavits that the entries in question, which were in the form No. 3 in the schedule to stat. 5 & 6 Vict. c. 45, were - first, an entry made on the 6th October, 1848, which stated that Robert Cocks was the proprietor of the copyright of a musical piece called "The Lancers' Quadrilles," first published by himself on the 6th October, 1848; secondly, an entry made on the 29th June, 1847, by which F. Yaniewicz, professing to be the author of a musical piece called "A Polish Rondo," accepted the benefit of the extension of copyright, under stat. 5 & 6 Vict. c. 45, and declared the copyright to be the property of J. Willis; and, thirdly, an entry made on the 26th February, 1853, by which E. Spagnoletti, professing to be the author of a musical piece called "La Dorset," accepted the extension of copyright, under stat. 5 & 6 Vict. c. 45, and declared Robert Cocks to be the owner of the copyright. An action had been commenced by Cocks, who had purchased Willis's right to the air mentioned in the second entry, against Davidson, for publishing the three airs, but the defendant had not pleaded. An affidavit of Davidson stated his belief that the three airs were old; that the first was not published by Cocks in 1848, and that neither Yaniewicz nor E. Spagnoletti were the authors of the airs; that one of those airs was in the Beggars' Opera; and a printed sheet of music, purporting to be a copy of the second air, which was published in 1817, at a time when E. Spagnoletti was not ten years old, was attached to his affidavit; and that the author of the air was his father - These entries will be prima facie evidence of title and of originality against Davidson on the trial of the action.

[Lord Campbell, C. J. - [58] The question of proprietorship is not a matter to be tried on affidavit. Erle, Does not this application ask us to prejudge the case?].

The grievance of the entries is, that they will shift the burthen of proof on the trial. Sect. 14 of stat. 5 & 6 Vict. c. 45, which empowers the Court, upon the application of any person who deems himself by any entry made under colour of the act in the registry, to make an order for expunging, varying, or confirming the same, intrusts the Court with the protection of the registry.

[Lord Campbell, C. J. - If you could make out that ese were false entries, it would be a case in which we should interpose. Coleridge, J. - Do you not charge an indictable offence against the parties? Does the Court ever try the truth of such a charge on affidavits? Crompton, J., referred to Chappell v. Purday, (12 M. & W. 303). Lord Campbell, C. J. - Would the Court grant an issue to try a question which would be tried if the action proceeded?].

The defendant has not pleaded to the declaration. The person who makes an application under sect. 14 does not make it merely for himself or for the present time. An attorney may be struck off the rolls upon affidavits, though he cannot be called upon to answer affidavits which charge him with an indictable offence.

[Lord Campbell, C. J. - This is not a false entry within the meaning of sect. 14; at the utmost it is fraudulent. If there is colour for making the entry, we cannot try it on affidavit.]

Until the charge is denied on affidavit, the title of Davidson is apparent.

[Lord Campbell, C. J. - If it turns out that there is a bona fide contention, the case is not within sect. 14.]

- Rule nisi.

Bovill and Webster now shewed cause. - The affidavit of Davidson is no more than hearsay.

[Lord Campbell, C. J. - If the air is old, no more than information and belief as to its antiquity can be deposed to.]

Bramwell and Willes, contra. - The affidavit of Davidson states reasonable ground for his belief.

[Lord Campbell, C. J. - If the entries are expunged, the title of Cocks is gone for ever.]

A new entry might be made according to the truth. The plaintiff has chosen to give himself a statutory title behind the backs of all the world, which the defendant seeks to have removed until it is ascertained by the result of the action.

[Lord Campbell, C. J., suggested that the plaintiff should undertake to waive using the entries as evidence at the trial, as was done in Chappell v. Purday, (12 M. & W. 303, 305), the defendant agreeing to waive the plaintiff's shewing such an entry.]

The rule may be enlarged, subject to those terms.

Bovill declined to give such an undertaking.

Lord CAMPBELL, C. J. - We are not prepared to order that these entries should be expunged; but we think that there is enough to justify us in directing an issue to inform the Court whether there was copyright in the airs, and whether Cocks was proprietor of the copyright, the rule to be enlarged until the trial of the issue; Cocks to be plaintiff in the issue, and on the trial he is not to use these entries as evidence.

ERLE and CROMPTON, J.J., concurred. - Rule accordingly.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Cocks (1796-1887, music publisher); Isaac Willis (music publisher)

William W. Cazalet, The history of the Royal Academy of Music (London: T. Bosworth, 1854), passim 

March 1856, Sydney, NSW

[News], Manchester Times [England] (14 June 1856), 11

MRS. ANNA BISHOP was still the vocal star in the ascendant at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney, in the beginning of March. She had met with success scarcely second to that of Catherine Hayes, who had the advantage of priority in her visit to Sydney. The fair Anna, it is alleged, seemed to bear the loss of her "musical director," Mr. Bochsa, with composure. Strange that the great harpist should have ended his days in that out-of-the-way part of the globe. Mrs. Bishop was well supported by a Mr. Spagnoletti, who claims to be the son the once celebrated leader at Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket.

23 September 1862, death of Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, Sydney, NSW

"FOREIGN AND COLONIAL", Leicester Journal [England] (9 January 1863), 9

Ernesto Spagnoletti, the celebrated and accomplished musician, died at Sydney, in Australia, on the 23th of September last, at his residence in the Glebe-road.

8 March 1867, performances by Hylton Spagnoletti and (? his daughter) Miss Spagnoletti

"COLNBROOK. PENNY READINGS", Windsor and Eton Express [England] (16 March 1867), 2

On Tuesday evening the eighth entertainment for the season was given in the Public Rooms, and not withstanding the severity of the weather and the season of Lent, there was a very numerous and highly respectable audience. The chair was taken Mr. Stephen Pullin, of Horton, who was supported by Messrs. Saunders and Hickman. The programme was unusually full and attractive, as follows: Pianoforte solo, "Sans Souci," Miss Marshall; song, "Father's love," Mr. H. Spagnoletti; ... song, "The wish," Miss Spagnoletti; song, "Margate sands," Mr. H. Spagnoletti; song, "When I am far away from home," Miss Spagnoletti ... ; song, "When I was a schoolboy," Mr. Spagnoletti ... Australian song, Miss Spagnolotti; finale, "God save the Queen," solo by Miss Spagnoletti. Those who were present must have been highly pleased with the entertainment; there was not one failure throughout the evening. The playing of Miss Marshall and the singing of Miss Spagnoletti and her brother could not fail to please ...

2 July 1877, St. James's Hall, London

"RECENT CONCERTS", London Evening Standard [England] (5 July 1877), 2

Madame Lemmens-Sherrington, Madame Antoinette Sterling, Madame Nina Spagnoletti, Mdlle. Enequist, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Signor Foli, Mr. W. Ganz, and Herr Wilhelmj were amongst the artists who assisted Mr. Carlos Florentine at his evening concert in St. James's Hall, on Monday evening. Such an array of talent could but incite admiration; but inasmuch as the programme set forth included no feature of artistic importance we may be spared the particulars. When will the givers of benefit concerts understand that something more than a mere jumble of miscellaneous songs and instrumental pieces is requisite to constitute an artistic success.

10 December 1901, death of Charlotte Spagnoletti

"AN AGED LADY'S DEATH", Hampstead & Highgate Express (14 December 1901), 3

YESTERDAY (Friday) Mr. Walter Schröder, deputy coroner, held an inquest at the Dispensary Hall, New-end, on the body of Mrs. Charlotte Spagnoletti, aged ninety two, of 47 Minster-road, West Hampstead. Mrs. Spagnoletti, wife of Mr. Charles Robert Spagnoletti, an electrical engineer, living at 47 Minster road, deposed that the deceased was her husband's grandmother, and was the widow of the late Mr. Carlo Ernesto Spagnoletti, a professor of music, and was ninety two years of age. She had enjoyed very good health. On Nov. 28th . . . said she had lost her balance and had fallen and hurt her leg. A doctor was sent for, and be found that she had broken her left leg. She died on Dec. 10th . . . The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death."

Documentation (Australia)

"WHALE-FISHING IN THE Arctic Seas", Colonial Advocate, and Tasmanian Monthly Review and Register (1 October 1828), 37 

. . . In the afternoon (writes the voyager), an unusual bustle commenced throughout the vessel, arising from the first preparation for the whale-fishery, called "spanning the harpoons" . . . This duty being completed, Jock, the cook, was called down, and a fiddle was placed in his hands, upon which he performed several airs, with all the conscious superiority of a Mori or a Spagnoletti. Nor was he less urbane in devoting his talents to the decantation of several cans of grog, with which he was liberally supplied; and after regaling our ears with sundry airs, among which "The Fisher's Boy" was most in favour, he was sent upon deck for the amusement of "all hands" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Nicholas Mori (1796-1839), stepfather of Lewis Henry Lavenu

[Advertisement], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (11 November 1828), 2 

SALES BY AUCTION . . . BY MR. BODENHAM, On Monday the 17th November, at his New Rooms, without any reserve, at half past eleven o'clock precisely . . .

. . . Music. Duets and solos for the flute, also songs, and overtures for the Piano, an excellent violin, supposed to be Cremona, and 15 years the property of the leader of the Italian Opera-house . . .

"Select Poetry. PAGANINI (From the Metropolitan)", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 January 1832), 4 

. . . Wieschel, Viotti, Spagnoletti, Mori,
Lafont, De Beriot, bold Spohr, and Oury,
Loder, and Cramer, and the noted Mayseder,
All great, are little against thee,
thou Lord of Crowderos, competition-free,
The ne plus ultra, and non più addrai . . .

"The Concert at the Court House . . .", The Tasmanian (2 August 1833), 6 

. . . Mr. Peck is a very able and accomplished violinist. To a perfect command of his instrument, he adds a precision and delicacy of "bowing," which surpass any thing we have ever heard in this Colony. He has all Spagnoletti's elegance, and much of Mori's fine, bold style . . .


"SIGNOR SPAGNOLETTI", The Sydney Monitor (14 March 1835), 4 

This talented leader of the Italian Opera is no more. On Sunday, the 14th ult, he was seized with paralysis, which rendered him speechless, though his mental faculties were preserved until Tuesday last, 23rd. [September 1834], when at half-past one A. M., death put a period to his sufferings. Signor Spagnoletti was born at Cremona, where he received his musical education; but this city not affording sufficient scope for his abilities, he left it when very young, and travelled through Italy, playing at all the cities. He resided at Milan for some time, and met with considerable patronage; after which he went to Naples, and it was there his talents were fully appreciated, and he gained the reputation of being the first violinist of the day. Encouraged by his success, he resolved on visiting this country; here his superior abilities were soon acknowledged by all competent judges, which was fully proved by his having the appointment of first violin leader of the Italian Opera, which situation he filled for so many years with entire satisfaction to the subscribers of the Opera and the public generally. He afterwards became a member of the Philharmonic Society, and one of the leaders of their band. The very delicate expression, the perfect intonation and fullness and richness of tone, for which he was so particularly famed, were, as we are informed by a gentleman who heard him playing only two days before his last attack, unimpaired; and though suffering then from extreme debility, the violin seemed to inspire him with renewed energy, and while he was playing he appeared quite another being. As a private member of society, Signor Spagnoletti was no less deserving of eulogy than in his professional career. He was an affectionate husband and father, and a kind friend - one who was always ready to assist and relieve (as far as his means warranted) his unfortunate countrymen, or musicians of any nation.

[Home news], The Australian (27 March 1835), 4 

The musical world has sustained a severe loss in the death of Spagnoletti, the violinist, who dies of apoplexy, lately, at his lodgings in Berners Street.

"MUSICAL PUN", Launceston Examiner (11 September 1850), 5 

Spagnoletti, in speaking of his first viola player, declared that both as a man and musician he was most praiseworthy - as a man, for the tenor of his conduct; as a musician, for the conduct of his tenor.


By 20 August 1853, arrival in Sydney of Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, and family

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 August 1853), 6 

MUSIC. - SPAGNOLETTI, from England, of Her Majesty's Theatre, and Professor of the Royal Academy of Music, begs to acquaint the public that he gives lessons in Italian and English Singing and Piano. Families or Schools, in or out of town, attended on moderate terms Address by letter post-paid, to Mr. JAMES W. WAUGH, No. 14, Hunter-street; or to HENRY MARSH AND CO., 490½, George-street. 6494

ASSOCIATIONS: James Waugh (bookseller); Henry Marsh (musicseller)

25 October 1853, concert, benefit of Coleman Jacobs (pianist) (Spagnoletti senior was indisposed and did not appear)

"GRAND EVENING CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 October 1853), 5 

This evening, Mr. Colman Jacobs gives his farewell concert in the saloon of the Royal Hotel. During his short sojourn in Sydney he has won opinions (golden ones we hope) from our musical circles. His programme includes selections from the best masters of the ancient and modern schools. The instrumentalists are Mr. C. Jacobs, pianoforte; Herr Strebinger, violin; Mr. Baly, flute. Vocalists, Miss Flora Harris, Miss Armfield; Signor Spagnoletti (his first appearance in the colony), Mr. John Howson, and Mr. W. J. Palmer. To the classical morceaux confided to each artiste, and which will be found in another column, we cordially invite the attention of our musical friends.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 October 1853), 2 

ROYAL HOTEL. GRAND EVENING CONCERT. Under distinguished Patronage. MR. COLEMAN JACOBS (Pianist to H.R.H. the Duchess of Gloucester) begs respectfully to inform the Gentry, his pupils, and the public of Sydney, that his FAREWELL CONCERT, will take place on TUESDAY (this Day), 25th October, being positively his last appearance in Sydney, previous to his departure for India and England. Mr. C. J. has the pleasure of announcing that he has already engaged the following eminent artistes: - Vocalists - Madame Ferari, the celebrated vocalist from the Italian Opera, Paris - her first appearance m this country, who is expected from Melbourne daily; Miss Flora Harris; Miss Armfleld; Signer Spagnoletti, the celebrated vocalist from the Royal Italian Opera - his first appearance in this country; Mr. John Howson, and Mr. W. J. Palmer . . .
Programme. Conductor and Pianist, Mr. Stanley.
PART I . . . Song, Sweet Home, Signor Spagnoletti (his first appearance) . . .
PART II . . . Trio, "La Gazza Ladra," Signor Spagnoletti, Mr. John Howson, and Miss Flora Harris . . .

"MR. COLEMAN JACOBS' CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 October 1853), 5 

Last evening a full and fashionable audience assembled in the large saloon of the Royal Hotel, on the occasion of Mr. Coleman Jacobs giving his farewell concert. The published programme was somewhat disarranged by reason of the non-arrival from Melbourne of Madame Ferari, and the illness of Signor Spagnoletti, but every endeavour was made to atone for these drawbacks . . .

"MR. COLEMAN JACOBS' CONCERT", Empire (27 October 1853), 3 

. . . In the first place, an apology was made for Madame Ferari who had not arrived from Melbourne, and afterwards for Signor Spagnoletti, who was said to be labouring under a severe indisposition . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Coleman Jacobs (pianist); Frederick Strebinger (violin); Edward Baly (flute player); Flora Harris (vocalist); Lilie Armfeldt (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist); W. J. Palmer (vocalist); Madame Ferari (vocalist); William Stanley (piano accompanist)

MUSIC: Sweet home (Wrighton); Terzetto - Oh nume beneficio (Rossini, La gazza ladra)

26 October 1853, publication of Tho' for awhile (Spagnoletti senior)

Tho' for a while, a new canzonet, for soprano voice by Sign. Spagnoletti ([Sydney: W. J. Johnson and Co., 1853])


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 October 1853), 8 

MUSICAL REPOSITORY, 314, Pitt-street. NEW MUSIC - . . . A new canzonet, for a soprano voice, "Tho' for awhile," by Erneste Spagnoletti, price 2s. 6d. W. J. JOHNSON AND CO. . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 November 1853), 8 

. . . New Canzonet, composed by Sig. Spagnoletti, "THO' FOR AWHILE" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: W. J. Johnson (music publisher)



"THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S VISIT TO THE NEW FANCY BAZAAR", originally in Illustrated Sydney News (14 January 1854); reprinted in The Australian picture pleasure book . . . engraved, selected and arranged by Walter G. Mason (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, 1857); at right notice the musicseller Henry Marsh and Co.'s stall, and three musicians of the Band of the 11th Regiment (DIGITISED)

31 January 1854, publication of the New bazaar waltz (Spagnoletti senior)

New bazaar waltz (by Spagnoletti) ([Sydney: W. J. Johnson, 1854)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 January 1854), 5 

NEW BAZAAR WALTZ, by Spagnoletti. W. J. JOHNSON AND CO., 314, Pitt-street.

On the New Fancy Bazaar in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, see:

"THE NEW FANCY BAZAAR, ROYAL HOTEL", Illustrated Sydney News (7 January 1854), 2 

"THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S VISIT TO THE NEW FANCY BAZAAR", Illustrated Sydney News (14 January 1854), 1 

Royal Polytechnic, cnr Pitt and Bathurst Sts, Sydney, 1854

J. S. Norrie's Royal Polytechnic Exhibition, first opened at the corner of Pitt and Bathurst Streets, Sydney, in February 1854; this illustration, Illustrated Sydney News (25 March 1854), 4 

6, 13, and 20 June 1854, entertainments, Mrs. Greig, Royal Polytechnic Institution, Sydney

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 June 1854), 8 

Programme of Mrs. GREIG'S Grand Dramatic, Vocal, and Instrumental Entertainment,
THIS EVENING, Tuesday, June 6th, 1855.
Part 1.
Overture - "Semiramide" - Rossini - Pianoforte - Messrs. Packer and Emanuel.
Song - "Kathleen Mavourneen" - Mrs. Greig - Crouch.
Song - "Madoline" - Mr. E. Spagnoletti - Nelson . . .
Part 2.
Aria - "Deh Viene Alla" [sic] - Mr. E. Spagnoletti - Mozart . . .
. . .
Part 3.
Ballad - Mr. E. Spagnoletti . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 June 1854), 1 

Programme of Mrs GRIEG'S Grand Dramatic, Vocal, and Instrumental Entertainment, THIS EVENING, June 13th.
Overture - "Semiramide," Rossini - Pianoforte, Messrs. Packer and Emanuel.
Song - "Kathleen Mavourneen," Crouch - Mrs. Greig.
Aria - "Non Piu Andrai," Mozart - Spagnoletti . . .
. . .
Duetto - "Se fiato in Corpo," Cimarosa - Messrs. Spagnoletti and Packer . . .
. . .
Ballad - "Home, Sweet Home" - Spagnoletti . . .

"MRS. GREIG'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 June 1854), 5 

-Mrs. Greig's grand dramatic, vocal, and instrumental entertainment took place yesterday evening, at the Royal Polytechnic Institution, before a large and highly respectable audience. The songs and pieces of music selected for the occasion were from the best and most popular authors, and were given in a manner which elicited a very marked appreciation on the part of the audience. The dramatic part of the entertainment was confined to the delivery by Mrs. Greig, of nearly the whole of the Lady of Lyons - one of the most difficult and most beautiful plays in the whole range of the drama. We must do her the justice to say that her conception of the various characters was admirable, and although she may have been deficient in the more masculine parts, yet her rendering of Pauline, both in point of correct pronunciation and genuine elocution, was exceedingly pleasing. As a vocalist she ranks far above mediocrity; her voice, although not remarkable for compass, is clear, musical, and sweet, and evidently well cultivated. As an artiste, whether in the vocal or dramatic walks she bids fair to become a favourite, and we have no doubt she will reap a "golden" reward. Mr. Spagnoletti's vocal powers are also of a high order, his voice is rich and susceptible of the nicest modulation; whilst his manner of singing intimates an accurate acquaintance with the science of music. The performances of Misses [sic] Packer and Emanuel on the pianoforte contributed greatly to enhance the entertainment, which on the whole was well given and deservedly applauded. The time occupied, however, was rather too long; and, in future, we would suggest a considerable limitation.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 June 1854), 1 

Programme of Mrs. GREIG'S Grand Dramatic, Vocal, and Instrumental Entertainment,
THIS EVENING, Tuesday, June 20th.
Overture, " Semiramide" Rossini - Pianoforte, Messrs. Packer and Emanuel.
Alpine Song, "My Father Land," Barnet - Mrs. Greig.
Ballad, "Madoline," Nelson - Spagnoletti . . .
. . .
Serenade, "Deh Viene" - Mozart, Spagnoletti . . .
. . .
Song, " Oh, wert thou but mine own one," Spagnoletti.
Recitation, "Macbeth," Mrs. Greig.
. . .
Song, "Home. Sweet Home," Spagnoletti.
Recitation, "Macbeth," Mrs. Greig . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Smith Norrie (proprietor); Royal Polytechnic Institution (Sydney); Mrs. Greig (dramatic reader, ballad vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (pianist); Abraham Emanuel (pianist)

MUSIC: Madoline (Nelson); Deh vieni alla finestra (Mozart, Don Giovanni); Non piu andrai (Mozart, The marriage of Figaro); Se fiato in corpo avete (Cimarosa, Il matrimonio segreto); Home, sweet home (Bishop); Oh, wert thou but my own (Kücken) [Ach wenn du wärst mein eigen]

29 June and 10 July 1854, Mrs. Greig, entertainments, Saloon, Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1854), 2 

Performers and program as for 20 June above

"DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 July 1854), 4 

On Thursday evening, Mrs. Greig gave her second [sic] dramatic and musical entertainment (assisted in the musical department by Messrs. Packer, Spagnoletti, and Emanuel). His Excellency the Governor-General and suite, his Honor Mr. Justice Therry and family, the Colonial Treasurer and family, and a large party of other of the leading families of Sydney, honoured the saloon with their presence. The readings of Mrs. Greig were from the chief scenes of Shakspere's Macbeth, and whether as regards the conception of the characters of the ambitious Thane and his reckless wife, or the execution with which these most difficult portraitures were displayed, Mrs. Greig must justly claim high rank in histrionic art. She was warmly applauded throughout, and it is to be hoped for the sake of those who admire classical readings, that the series will be continued. This description of entertainments although so extremely popular in England (where at the Athenaeums and other literary institutions of all the large towns it has long formed a favourite feature in the programmes of their sessions), is new to Sydney; but from the marked approval which has attended its introduction here by Mrs. Greig, we have little doubt that it has taken firm root. The readings were relieved by vocal and instrumental music by the artists already named.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 1854), 1 

GRAND DRAMATIC, VOCAL, and Instrumental Entertainment. -
Mrs. GREIG'S farewell benefit and last appearance in Sydney.- Royal Hotel,
This Evening, July 10.
Pianoforte overture to Semiramide, Messrs. Packer and Emanuel.
Ballad, "Then you'll remember me," Balfe - Mrs. Greig.
Ballad, "My Pretty Jane," Bishop - Spagnoletti.
Song, "The Heart bowed down," Wallace - Mr. George Wilkinson.
Recitation, Shakspeare's celebrated tragedy of Macbeth- Mrs. Greig.
PART II . . .
PART III . . . Song, "Home, Sweet home" (by particular desire)- Spagnoletti . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Wilkinson (vocalist)

MUSIC: My pretty Jane (Bishop) [The bloom is on the rye]

15 November 1854, concert, Mrs. Frank Andrews, Royal Hotel, George Street

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 November 1854), 1 

MRS. ANDREWS GRAND EVENING CONCERT, ROYAL HOTEL, WEDNESDAY, November the 15th, 1854. PROGRAMME. - PART I . . . Sweet Home - Signor Spagnioletti [sic] . . . Non Piu Andrai - Signor Spagnioletti . . . PART II . . . Sovra Il - Signor Spagnioletti . . .

"CONCERT AT THE ROYAL HOTEL", Empire (16 November 1854), 5 

Mrs. Andrews gave a concert last evening at the Royal Hotel, assisted by Madame Sara Flower, and M. Spagnoletti. There was a very respectable audience, to whom the debutante appeared very acceptable, judging from the encores demanded each time she appeared . . . Mr. Spagniolettl sang several songs in a most finished manner - his voice is a tenor, and his style evinces much cultivation; a duet between him and Madame Sara Flower was encored [sic] . . .

"CONCERT, ROYAL HOTEL", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1854), 5 

. . . Mr. Spagnioletti was highly applauded, and encored in "Non piu andrai" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Frank Andrews (vocalist); Sara Flower (vocalist)

MUSIC: ? Sovra il sen la mar mi posa (Bellini, La sonnambula); originally for soprano

25 November 1854, concert, Miska Hauser, Royal Victoria Theatre

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (25 November 1854), 2 

MR. A. TORNING begs to inform the public generally, that the Third Grand Concert will be given on the above evening, when the celebrated Hungarian Violinist will perform some of his most celebrated morceaux.
MISKA HAUSER will be assisted by Madame Sara Flower, Mrs. Guerin, Messrs. F. and J. Howson,
and Signor SPAGNOLETTI, from the London Concerts.
PART 1ST . . .
Duet - "Crudel Perche" (Mozart) - Madame Sara Flower and Signor SPAGNOLETTI . . .
PART 2ND . . .
Ballad - "Sweet Home" (by desire) - Signor SPAGNOLETTI . . .

"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERT", Empire (27 November 1854), 4 

. . . Signor Spagnoletti also made his debut at this theatre. He possesses a fine tenor voice, and his method of singing shows a very high degree of cultivation and taste. He was greatly and deservedly applauded, and will be a great acquisition to the musical world here . . .

"MISKA HAUSER'S THIRD CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 November 1854), 5

On Saturday evening his excellency the Governor-General, with most of the naval, military, and civil officers now in Sydney, and many of the leading families of the city, visited the Royal Victoria Theatre on the occasion of Miska Hauser's third concert . . . To the various artistes who assisted warm praise is due. Madame Sara Flower sang the beautiful "Io non riposso" of Donizetti (which she chose for her debut in Sydney), with great effect; and Spohr's duetto from Faust, "In thee still confiding," was rendered in fine style by herself and Mr. F. Howson. Mrs. Guerin and Signor Spagnioletti [sic] were also most successful. Mr. Stanley presided, and Mr. Gibbs led his small but effective band . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Torning (theatre manager); Miska Hauser (violinist); Frank Howson (vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); John Gibbs (violinist)

MUSIC: Crudel perchè finora (Mozart, The marriage of Figaro); Sweet home (Wrighton), unless correctly "Home sweet home" as above

6 December 1854, concert, Miska Hauser, Parramatta

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1854), 1 

MISKA HAUSER has the honour of informing the public that he has, in compliance with the request of some of the inhabitants in
Parramatta and vicinity, concluded to give a GRAND CONCERT,
on WEDNESDAY next December 6th, which, by the kind permission of the Rev. the Head Master, will take place at the
Dining Hall, King's School house.
MISKA HAUSER will, on this occasion, be assisted by Mrs. St John Adcock, Messrs. Spagnoletti, and Charles S. Packer.
Part I.
Trio - "Canoni a tre voci" (Perfida Clori, Cherubini) - Mrs. St. John Adcock, Messrs Spagnoletti and Packer.
Song - "Fading Away" - Mr. Spagnoletti.
Grand Fantasia of the Opera Lucrezia Borgia (Allegro and Maestoso, Thema and Variations, Andante, and Finale), composed and executed by MISKA HAUSER.
Duet - "Se Viati in Corpo Aveti" [sic] - Messrs. Spagnoletti and Packer . . .
Part II.
Trio - "O'er the far Mountain" (Sadak, C. S. Packer) - Mrs. St. John Adcock, Messrs. Spagnoletti and Packer.
Ballad - "When the Swallows homeward fly" - Mr. Spagnoletti . . .

"MISKA HAUSER AT PARRAMATTA", Empire (8 December 1854), 5 

. . . Signor Spagnoletti sang one or two songs in his usual manner. This gentleman is an excellent concert singer, his chaste style and great cultivation rendering him appreciated by the most critical of his audience . . .

"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERT AT PARRAMATTA", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 December 1854), 5 

By the kind permission of the head-master, the Rev. Thomas Druitt, a grand concert was given on Wednesday evening, by Miska Hauser, in the dining-hall, at the King's School House. The hall was crowded even to inconvenience. The families of the clergy, members of the Legislative Council, the magistracy, and others of the élite of Parramatta were present, and every effort was made to do justice to the occasion. Miska Hauser was assisted by Mrs. St. John Adcock, who at a very short notice, supplied the place of Mrs. Andrews, who, from indisposition, was prevented from attending; and also by Signor Spagnoletti, a son of the famous leader of the orchestra of the Italian Opera House, London; Mr. C. T. Packer presided . . . Mrs. St. John Adcock, Messrs. Spagnoletti, and Packer sang Cherubini's beautiful trio, "Perfida." Mrs. St. John Adcock and Mr. Packer obtained great applause in a duetto, pianoforte, by Schulhoff . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Druitt (headmaster); Marianne Adcock (vocalist, pianist)

MUSIC: Perfida Clori (Cherubini); Fading away (Fricker); O'er the far mountain (Packer, Sadak and Kalsrade); When the swallows homeward fly [Agathe] (Abt)


3 March 1855, soirée musicale, Henry Marsh

[Advertisement], Empire (3 March 1855), 1 

MR. HENRY MARSH'S Soirée Musicale, at his Private Concert Rooms, late Exchange Rooms, George-street,
THIS EVENING, 3rd March.
Assisted by Mrs. Spence, pupil of Garcia,
Mr. E. Boulanger,
Signor Spagnoletti,
Mr. Fairchild, and
Mr. Moss.
. . .
Serenade - Come o Gentil [sic], Signor Spagnoletti - Donizetti.
. . .
Song - "By Murray's Banks," Signor Spagnoletti - S. H. Marsh.
. . .
Finale - Australian National Anthem, Mrs. Spence, Signor Spagnoletti, Mr. Fairchild, Mr. Moss, Mr. H. Marsh - S. H. Marsh . . .

"MR. MARSH'S SOIREE MUSICALE", Empire (5 March 1855), 5

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Spence (vocalist); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Lewis Moss (pianist, vocalist); Stephen Hale Marsh (composer)

MUSIC: Come gentil (Donizetti, Don Pasquale); By Murray's banks (Marsh); Hail to Victoria ["Australian national anthem"] (Marsh)

22 June 1855, first notice of publication of Awake my love (Spagnoletti junior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 June 1855), 1 

No. 2, of the AUSTRALIAN CADEAU will contain the new serenade, Awake my Love. H. MARSH & CO.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 June 1855), 3 

NO. 4 [sic] of the AUSTRALIAN CADEAU contains the new serenade - Awake my Love. MARSH and CO.


8 January 1856, funeral procession and burial of Nicholas Charles Bochsa

"Bochsa", Daily Alta California (12 July 1856), 1

Died, "on the night of Sunday, January 6th, at the Royal Hotel, Sydney, after a long and painful illness, the Chevalier Bochsa." His remains were carried, on Tuesday morning, to Newtown Cemetery for internment, attended by a numerous concourse of musical, dramatic, and other friends; among whom were his Secretary, Mr. Schultz, his old pupils Stephen Marsh, Charles Packer and E. Spagnoletti, and the elite of the artistes residing in Sydney. The band of wind instruments heading the cortege were under the direction of Mons. Paling. After the burial service, "a very simple, sweet and solemn requiem, composed by the veteran musician" a few hours before his decease, was sung by his professional friends, and "thus the world closed upon the remains of one, who, but a few days back, was one of its greatest living musicians."

ASSOCIATIONS: Nicholas Bochsa (died 6 January); William Henry Paling

19 January 1855, publication of Our village home (Spagnoletti junior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 February 1856), 9 

SYDNEY HARMONICON.- This day is published
No. 7 of the above weekly periodical . . . The back numbers can be had on application at the Sydney Harmonicon Office,
at W. J. JOHNSON and CO's., Musical Repository, No. 57, Pitt-street . . .
No. 5, - Military Galop - Neuman
Our Village Home (song) - Spagnoletti . . .

"THE SYDNEY HARMONICON", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1856), 5 

This musical serial has now reached its tenth number, and the success which is attending it verifies the favourable prediction which we had no hesitation in offering upon its first appearance . . . In the list of vocal music will be found . . . Ernest Spagnoletti's "Our Village Home," - a composition, worthy of the son of the most accomplished musician who ever presided over the splendid orchestra of the Italian Opera House in the Haymarket. Musical talent of a high order is inherent in the Spagnoletti family, for a son of M. Ernst, who is also pursuing the profession in Sydney, has published some compositions bearing the impress of much talent . . .

28 February 1856, Anna Bishop, concert, Royal Hotel, George Street

[Advertisement], Empire (28 February 1856), 1 

Madame ANNA BISHOP will give her First
GRAND CONCERT, THIS (Thursday) EVENING, February 28, 1856.
Mr. W. H. PALING, Solo Violinist of the Royal Academy of Music of Holland
Mr. J. M. RICHARDSON - Flute.
Conductor - Mr. CHARLES S. PACKER.
[1] Grand Duo - "Oh! Mathilde!" (Guillaume Tell) Rossini - Mons. Laglaise and Mr. F. Howson.
[2] Song - Signor Spagnoletti . . .
. . . [8] Grand Duo - The celebrated Singing Lesson - Il Fanatico - Madame ANNA BISHOP and Signor SPAGNOLETTI . . .
. . .
[6] Laughing Trio - "Vadasi via di qua" - Martini - Mons. Laglaise, Signor Spagnoletti, and Mr. F. Howson.

"CONCERT HALL, ROYAL HOTEL", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 March 1856), 6 

The announcement of Madame Anna Bishop's first concert drew together a large auditory, among whom we noticed the elite of Sydney society. The programme was selected with evident skill and judgment. It was not a too professional concert, but one so arranged as to give satisfaction and delight to the musical amateur and the general public. Hence its success; and a more perfect success we have rarely witnessed . . .

The concert commenced with a grand duo from "Guillaume Tell." We thought the pianoforte too loud in its accompaniment to Mons. Laglaise and F. Howson; certainly we did not perceive the same objection to the following song, as sang by Signor Spagnoletti, "My Pretty Jane," &c., which obtained the first encores of the evening . . . The concert concluded with a quartette by Monsieur Laglaise, Signor Spagnoletti, Mr. F. Howson, and Madame Anna Bishop, and the audience retired delighted with their entertainment . . .

"MADAME BISHOP'S CONCERT", Empire (1 March 1856), 4 

ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist); John Malcolm Richardson (flute player)

MUSIC: The singing lesson (Mayr, Il fanatico per la musica [Che originale]); see Il fanatico per la musica, opera buffa, the music by Mayer, with additional music by other celebrated composers, arranged by Signor de Begnis, expressly for the first representation of the pupils of the Royal Academy of Music, at the Theatre Royal, English Opera House, January, 1829, the whole under the direction of Signor de Begnis (London: Seguin, 1829); the singing lesson duet, "La sua voce . . ." is in scene 12 in De Begnis's version, beginning page 38-39;view=2up;seq=40 (DIGITISED)

NOTE: Bishop and Spagnoletti's fellow pupil Charles Packer was the conductor (orchestral pianist/accompanist) of this production

MUSIC (continued): Vadasi via di qua (Martini); My pretty Jane (Bishop) [The bloom on the rye]

1 March 1856, Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, morning concert

The Sydney Morning Herald (1 March 1856), 6 

We have so recently, in our review of the Sydney Harmonicon, adverted to the claims which Signor Spagnoletti possesses for the patronage of the lovers of classical music, that, in reminding our musical friends that his morning concert is announced for to-day, under the immediate patronage of his Excellency the Governor-General and Lady Denison, we need only refer to his programme. Madame Anna Bishop will sing "Home Sweet Home," and with Signor Spagnoletti the celebrated singing lesson, "Con Payinpa" from "Il Fanatico per Musica." Donizetti's beautiful serenade, from Don Pasquale " Come e gentil," will be sung by Signor Spagnoletti. To Mr. Frank Howson and Mrs John St. Adcock are given several of their favourite compositions. The famous Trio "Vadasi via di qua" concludes the programme, to which we have but briefly alluded. Mr. Charles Packer, whose able conduct of previous concerts as we have frequently had the pleasure of mentioning, will conduct the concert.

[Advertisement], Empire (1 March 1856), 1 

UNDER the immediate patronage of their Excellencies the GOVERNOR-GENERAL and LADY DENISON.
Andante - Solo, Flute, Casta Diva (Norma) - Ford - Mr. J. M. Richardson
Serenade - "Come o gentil" ( Don Pasquale) - Donnizetti - Signor SPAGNOLETTI
Song - "Truth in absence" - B. Harper - Mrs. St. John Adcock
Ballad - "Home sweet home" (by particular desire) - Bishop - Madame ANNA BISHOP
German Song - "The blind man" (Kucken) - Mr. F. Howson
Grand Duo - "The celebrated, singing lesson" (Conpieza) - Il Fanatico - Madame ANNA BISHOP and Signor SPAGNOLETTI
Duetto - "La ci darem" (Don Juan) - Mozart - Mrs. St. John Adcock and SPAGNOLETTI
Song - "Why do you leave me" - Lover - Mr. F. Howson
Song - "Pure as the snow" (from the Huguenots) - Meyerbeer - Mrs. St. John Adcock
Duo Buffo - "Se feato in corpo" (Aveta) - Il Matrimonia Segretto - Mr. F. Howson and SPAGNOLETTI
Fantasia - Flute, " Uri Varie " (Swiss Boy) - Boehm - Mr. J. M. Richardson
Song - "Minnie" (by particular desire) - Signor SPAGNOLETTI
Trio - "Vadasi via di qua" - Mrs. St. John Adcock, F. Howson, and SPAGNOLETTI
Conductor - Mr. CHARLES S. PACKER.
To commence punctually. at half-past 2 o'clock.
Tickets, 7s. 6d. each; Family Tickets, to admit four, £1 1s.; to be obtained at W. J. Johnson's, Pitt-street; Mr. Moss, Hunter-street; Mr. Buist, Bridge-street; J. C. Horner, Chemist, Riley-street, Woolloomooloo.


Signor Spagnoletti gave a concert on Saturday at the Royal Hotel. The programme was attractive, and the time appointed for the entertainment offered so much convenience to those residing at a distance from Sydney, that we quite expected it would have been very fully attended. The unfavourable aspect of the morning as regarded the weather, conjoined, perhaps, with the occurrence of the funeral of the late lamented Admiral King, no doubt deprived many of the pleasure they would otherwise have enjoyed, for the attendance was certainly inadequate to the attractions offered in the bill of fare. Signor Spagnoletti has strong claims on the lovers of music. His whole life has been devoted to its service, and he has an hereditary connection with one of its most celebrated shrines, his father having for many years led the band at the Italian Opera in the Haymarket. The results of such experience are evident in the polished and gentlemanly ease with which he sings; and although the vigour and freshness of his voice may have diminished, yet the art remains, and invests his performance with a grace and smoothness that unassisted natural powers, however great, rarely or ever obtain. He was warmly applauded in his various songs, and obtained an encore in the concluding ballad, which was very sweetly sung. Madame Anna Bishop delighted the audience with the wonderful pathos and expression which she threw into the sweet old song, "Home, sweet Home;" and, being encored, sang the "Last Rose of Summer" as she alone can sing it. This really great artiste appears to gain ground at every public appearance. Mrs. St. John Adcock sang the songs allotted to her with sweetness and taste, but her style somewhat lacks animation. With more fire and abandon she would take a high place among the concert-singers of Sydney. Mr. Frank Howson was as usual correct and conscientious in the delivery of the songs allotted to him. Mr. Richardson's performance on the flute is worthy of especial commendation. If this gentleman is to be considered as an amateur performer, his powers of execution are remarkable, if he aspires to take rank as a professional he may certainly take very high rank. The well-known laughing trio of Martini's, capitally sung, terminated an excellent concert, and left the audience satisfied but not satiated with their two hours' enjoyment.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Denison (governor); Caroline Denison (musical patron)

MUSIC: La ci darem la mano (Mozart, Don Giovanni); Minnie (Linley)

3 March 1856, Anna Bishop, second concert

[Advertisement], Empire (3 March 1856), 1 

THIS (Monday) EVENING, March 3rd,
Mr. W. H. PALING, Solo Violinist of the Royal Academy of Music in Holland.
Conductor - Mr. CHARLES S. PACKER.
[1] Duo Buffo - "Se fiato" - (Il matrimonio segreto) - Cimarosa - Messrs. SPAGNOLETTI and F. HOWSON . . .
. . .
[3] Song - "Madoline" - Nelson - Signor SPAGNOLETTI
. . .
[6 and final] Terzetto - "Zitti Zitti" - (Il Barbiere) - Rossini - Madame ANNA BISHOP, M. LAGLAISE, and Signor SPAGNOLETTI . . .

"CONCERT HALL, ROYAL HOTEL", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 March 1856), 5 

A gloomy wet evening apparently possessed no influence over the attendance to Madame Bishop's second concert, for on the night of Monday last all the reserved places were occupied, and the back seats appeared crowded, with a music-loving auditory . . . Signor Spagnoletti had but little to do; and although the rendering of that pretty song of Madoline gave evidence of a time-worn organ it was at the same time indication of considerable artistic and vocal accomplishment . . .

MUSIC: Zitti Zitti piano piano (Rossini, Il barbiere di Siviglia)

7 and 10 March 1856, Anna Bishop, two sacred concerts for the benefit of Sisters of Charity's Free Hospital and the Destitute Children's Asylum

[Advertisement], Empire (7 March 1856), 1 

- THIS EVENING, March 7th, 1856.
Miss Flora Harris, Mrs. Guerin, Mrs. Gibbs, Monsieur LAGLAISE, Mr. Fisher, Mr. F. Howson, and Signor SPAGNOLETTI.
A full and efficient Chorus and Orchestra, with a magnificent Organ.
PART I . . .
. . . Song - "Holy! Holy!" (Solomon) [sic] - Handel - Signor SPAGNOLETTI . . .

"THE CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC AT THE ROYAL HOTEL", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 March 1856), 4 

On Friday evening last a concert of sacred music was given by Madame Anna Bishop, at the Royal Hotel, the profits of which are to be devoted in aid of the Hospital of the Sisters of Charity and the Destitute Children's Asylum. The weather was most unpropitious on the occasion, which prevented many from attending who had secured places; notwithstanding, however the room was tolerably well filled, and the audience comprised the elite of our community. The appearance of the room was very much improved by the erection of a splendid organ at the eastern end, the fine tones of which rendered the instrumentation most complete . . . Mesdames Guerin and Gibbs, Mr. F. Howson, Monsieur Laglaise, and Signor Spagnoletti acquitted themselves well in the passages entrusted to their care . . . The second concert takes place this evening when the "Stabet Mater" [Rossini] will be repeated.

[Advertisement], Empire (10 March 1856), 1 

. . . PART I . . .
. . . Song - "Lord remember David - Handel - Signor SPAGNOLETTI . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); Eliza Gibbs (vocalist); James Churchill Fisher (vocalist)

MUSIC: Holy holy Lord (Handel arr. Arnold, Redemption; after Dove sei, amato bene, Rodelinda); Lord remember David (Handel, Solomon)

"COUNTRY COMMENTS ON PASSING EVENTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 March 1856), 3 

. . . The recent musical aspect of the Herald has been to me most tantalising. Columns of concert programmes, their promises all nil to me - smug, selfish, little paragraphs announcing that such and such an opera (at which, of course, I cannot assist) "will be performed to-night," tremendous, long-winded critiques, condescendingly sent down from the Seventh Heaven by Enthusiastic Theatrical Reporter, succulent with sentiment, blossoming out ever and anon in hyper-poesie, with swarms of Pinnockian technicalities, "chromatic," "diatonic," and what not, buzzing about like summer flies (confound the fellow's rapture! - what do I care for his delight?) -
Music, music, everywhere,
But not a note to hear!
I console myself with the reflection that the Sydney folks have all gone music-mad; and experience a savage exultation at being able to bolster up this belief by one of the aforesaid programmes, at the bottom of which I read
- - - - SIGNOR SPAGNOLETTI ..... Il Fanatico.
A nice amount of change the chief songstress must have got for her notes! Nolo episcopari, indeed! Who wouldn't be a Bishop? . . .

15 March 1856, Anna Bishop, matinee concert, Royal Hotel, Sydney

[Advertisement], Empire (15 March 1856), 1 

CONCERT HALL, ROYAL HOTEL. - Madame ANNA BISHOP, at the request of several families, will have the honour of giving a MATINEE MUSICALE, THIS (Saturday) MORNING, 15th March, 1856.
She will be assisted by the following talented Artistes:
Monsieur LAGLAISE (the celebrated tenor), Signor Spagnoletti, Mr. Frank Howson, Mr. J. M. Richardson (Flute).
Mr. W. H. Paling will perform a Solo on the Pianoforte. Conductor, Mr. W. H. Paling.
English Ballad - "Home, Sweet Home" - Bishop - Madame ANNA BISHOP.
Ballad - "My pretty Jane" - Bishop - Signor SPAGNOLETTI . . .

17 April and 1 May 1856, W. J. Johnson, festival of sacred music

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 April 1856), 1 

UNDER THE PATRONAGE of His Excellency the Governor-General, lady Denison, their Honors the Judges, the Colonial Secretary, Mrs. Thompson, &c., &c. Mr. W. J. JOHNSON'S Grand Festival of Sacred Music will take place at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel, THIS EVENING, April the 17th, 1856, when, in addition to a large and efficient chorus, he will be assisted by Madame Anna Bishop, Mrs. Guerin, Miss Flora Harris, Mrs. St. John Adcock, Mrs. Craven, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Bridson, &c, Mr. Packer, Mr. Paling, Mr. F. Howson, Mr. J. Howson, Signor Spagnoletti, Mr. Banks, Mr. Hurford, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Chizlett, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Kitts, Mr. Phyhers, Mr. Walcott, Mr. Wolford, &c, &c, &c. . . .

"FESTIVAL OF SACRED MUSIC", Empire (18 April 1856), 5 

Mr. Johnson's Festival of Sacred Music took place at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel, last evening. Despite the unfavourable aspect of the weather, the attendance was very numerous. The new Hall, which is capable of holding about 800 persons, being filled in every part. This unusually extensive patronage was doubtless owing to the unprecedented number of artistes, including Madame Bishop, Mr. Paling, Mr. Frank Howson, and Signor Spagnoletti, whose names graced the programme of the evening. The entertainment was divided into three parts or courses; the first consisting of a selection of the more popular pieces from the "Creation;" the second being devoted to the "Elijah;" and the third to the "Messiah" . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 May 1856), 1 


January 1857, first notices of publication of the Nina waltz (Spagnoletti junior), Simla polka (Spagnoletti senior), The Balmain polka (Spagnoletti junior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 January 1857), 2 

MUSIC - The Nina Waltz, Briliante, respectfully dedicated to Lady Denison, by E. Spagnoletti. JOHNSON. and CO., 2s 6d.

THE SIMLA POLKA, respectfully dedicated to Captain Cooper and the officers, by Spagnoletti. To be had at W. J. JOHNSON and CO., 314, Pitt-street.

[Advertisement], Empire (30 January 1857), 1 


{Advertisement], Empire (3 February 1857), 1 

THE SIMLA POLKA will be published this week by Signor SPAGNOLETTI.

THE BALMAIN POLKA, by E. SPAGNOLETTI, will be published in a few days.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 February 1857), 2 

JUST PUBLISHED, the BALMAIN POLKA, by E. SPAGNOLETTI. Respectfully dedicated to the Ladies of Balmain. To be had at all the principal Music Sellers; also at his residence, Balmain.

THE SIMLA POLKA, by Spagnolotti, to be had at all the principal music shops, and at his residence, Balmain.

"SIMLA POLKA", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 February 1857), 5 

Messrs. W. J. Johnson and Co., of Pitt-street, have just published a characteristic polka under the above title. It is the composition of Signor Spagnoletti, and fully sustains his high musical reputation. It is dedicated to Captain Cooper and the officers of the Simla, and will, we feel assured, be a great favorite in those amusements which so generally relieve the monotony of a long sea-voyage; whilst its sparkling style will, we doubt not, secure for it as cordial a welcome in our ball rooms on shore. We are gratified to notice the many charming morceaux of this description, the compositions of our resident musical professors, which have been lately issued by the enterprising publishers of Sydney.

NOTE: On the steamship Simla, see:

"THE SIMLA", Empire (12 January 1857), 4 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 February 1857), 1 

BALMAIN. - Signor SPAGNOLETTI begs to acquaint the Ladies of Balmain, that he intends to open a class for Singing and Piano, at his residence, Balmain, every TUESDAY and FRIDAY mornings. Terms, moderate.

[Advertisement], Empire (21 December 1857), 1 

SPAGNOLETTI, R.A., Professor of Italian and English Singing; families attended in town or country. Address, BALMAIN.


[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 February 1858), 1 

[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 February 1858), 1 

E. SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Pianoforte, Balmain.

SPAGNOLETTI, R.A., Professor of Italian and English Singing, either town or country. Balmain.

16 July 1858, first notice of publication of Woolloomooloo schottische (Spagnoletti junior) and The Woolloomooloo octave polka (Spagnoletti senior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 July 1858), 1 

MUSIC - The Woolloomooloo Schottische, by E. Spagnoletti; also, the Companion, Woolloomooloo Polka, by Spagnoletti, R. A., will be published in a few days.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 July 1858), 8 

JUST PUBLISHED, the Woolloomooloo Schottische respectfully dedicated to the Ladies of Woolloomooloo, by E. Spagnoletti; also the Companion, Woolloomooloo Octave Polka, by Spagnoletti, R.A. To be had at all music-sellers.


Simmons Point, Balmain East, c.1865

Simmons Point, Balmain East, from Goat Island, c.1865 (including dwellings on Nicholson Street); photograph by John Degotardi; Sydney Living Museums (DIGITISED)

[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 January 1859), 8 

E. SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Piano, Nicholson-street, Balmain.

SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Italian and English Singing, Nicholson-street, Balmain.

22 March 1859, first notice of publication of The cornstalk galop (Spagnoletti senior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 March 1859), 5 

CORNSTALK GALOP, by Spagnoletti, just published. D. BUIST and SON, 254, George-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 April 1859), 3 

JUST Published, the Cornstalk Polka, by Spagnoletti, R. A., as played every night at the Prince of Wales Theatre by Winterbottom's celebrated band. D. BUIST.

ASSOCIATIONS: David Buist (musicseller, publisher); John Winterbottom (band leader)

30 May 1859, soiree musical, Spagnoletti family

First and only identified notice of Agile (? Spagnoletti senior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1859), 1 

Overture - "Guillaume Tell" (Rossini) - Two Lady Amateurs
Romance - "Agile" (Spagnoletti) - Spagnoletti
Duett - "Ambling Steed" (Kucken) - Lady Amateur and Spagnoletti
Song - "Yes, in My Dreams" (Verdi) - Lady Amateur
Song - "The Blacksmith" (Cherry) - Amateur Gentleman
Glee - "Stars of the Summer Night" (Compton), arranged as Glee by Spagnoletti.
Overture - "Fra Diavolo" (Auber) - Two Lady Amateurs
Song - "I Dream of Thee " (Barker) - Amateur Lady
Grand Duett - "Se un Istante" (Mercadante) - Amateur Lady and Spagnoletti
Song - "Our Village Home" (E. Spagnoletti) - Lady Amateur
Song - "Sweet Home" (Wrighton), by particular desire - Spagnoletti
Ballad - "Good bye Sweetheart" (Hatton) - Amateur Lady
Finale - God Save the Queen.
Conductor - Mr. E. Spagnoletti.
Tickets to be had at Spagnoletti's residence, Nicholson-street, Balmain; W. Parker's, chemist, and Mr. Chape, Post Office, Balmain. Commence at eight o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Compton (composer)

MUSIC: Ambling steed (Kucken); Stars of the summer night (Compton); Se un istante all'offerta d'un soglio (Mercadante, Elisa e Claudio)

6 June 1859, Sydney Philharmonic Society, first concert of season (Spagnioletti senior was ill, and did appear)

[Advertisement], Empire (6 June 1859), 1 

PROGRAMME. - PART 1. God save the Queen - solo, duett, trio, and chorus.
1. Overture - Le Domino Noir - Auber
2. Song - Com e' gentil- Donizetti - MR. E. SPAGNOLETTI . . .

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (7 June 1859), 5 

. . . We regretted that we had not the opportunity of hearing Mr. Spagnoletti, whom illness prevented assisting at this Concert; in his stead Mr. Walter Sherwin sang the recitative and aria from Sonnambula, "All is lost now" . . .

[News], Freeman's Journal (8 June 1859), 2 

The Sydney Philharmonic Society gave their first concert for the season on Monday evening last, to a crowded audience, who evinced their appreciation of the merits of the various performances, by loud and repeated plaudits. Considerable regret was expressed at the disappointment caused by the non-performance of M. Spagnioletti, who from illness, was prevented from assisting. On the whole, the concert gave great satisfaction.

ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Sherwin (vocalist)

19-23 July 1859, Sydney University Musical Festival, and extra concert 30 July

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1859), 1

On TUESDAY, July 19th, and THREE FOLLOWING DAYS, a series of
GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES will be held, to celebrate the
opening of the HALL of the Sydney University, in which the performances will take place . . .
Principal Soprani - Madame CARANDINI; Mrs. TESTAR, of Melbourne; Mrs. ST. JOHN ADCOCK; And also Lady amateur;
Principal Contralto - Madame SARA FLOWER.
Principal Bassi, Mr. JOHN GREGG, Mr. FRANK HOWSON, And also, An Amateur - Mr. WALLER . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (20 July 1859), 8 

. . . THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock, there will be performed, a GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT of Secular Music. PROGRAMME. PART THE FIRST . . . [finale] Sestetto - "Sola Sola" (Don Giovanni) - Mozart - Mesdames Carandini, Testar, Sara Flower; Messrs. F. Ellard, Spagnoletti, and amateur (Mr. Waller. )

NOTE: Nina Spagnoletti was listed in place of Sara Flower in earlier advertisements

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 July 1859), 1 

Sydney University, will be concluded . . . Doors open at 2 p.m., concert commences at 3 p.m. precisely.
. . .
Duet - "Crudel perche finora" (Figaro) Mozart - Mr. Spagnoletti and Miss Spagnoletti . . .


THE last Grand Scene of the first Australian Music Festival - the People's Day - has taken place, and borne triumphant testimony of the evident desire on the part of general public to support musical entertainments of a high order, if the charges are only within the bounds of pecuniary possibility. The Hall was, on Saturday, crowded almost to suffocation, in the true sense of the word . . . Mrs. Testar gave the ever welcome "Home, sweet Home," as a substitute for the encore of "When Lubin sings." Signor Spagnoletti with his daughter, Miss Nina Spagnoletti, executed Mozart's "Crudel perche," (Figaro) with considerable taste, allowance being made for the young lady's nervousness on a first appearance before such an audience. The duett was loudly applauded . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 July 1859), 1 

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY MUSICAL FESTIVAL. The Committee beg to announce that, by the permission of the Senate, they are enabled to give in the HALL of the UNIVERSITY ONE MORE MISSCELLANEOUS CONCERT which will take place THIS DAY (SATURDAY), the 30th July, 1859, at 3 p.m. PROGRAMME . . . PART THE SECOND . . . Duet - "La ci darem" - (Don Giovanni), Mozart - Signor Spagnoletti, and Signorina Spagnoletti . . .

"SYDNEY UNIVERSITY FESTIVAL. EXTRA CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 August 1859), 5

A Miscellaneous concert was given by the University Festival Committee on Saturday afternoon, in the hall of the University. The primary object of the concert was announced to be the raising of a sum towards meeting the loss sustained by the committee, through the small attendance, caused by the unpropitiousness of the weather during two days of the Festival . . .

. . . A duett from Don Giovanni, "La ci darem," sung by Mr. and Miss Spagnoletti, was very much admired . . .

"SYDNEY UNIVERSITY FESTIVAL . . . THE PERFORMERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 August 1859), 7 

As much of the success of musical entertainments depends on the abilities of the solo performers, some allusion to the principal vocalists at the Festival concerts may be desirable . . . The principal singers who took part in the concerted music were Signor Spagnoletti, an accomplished singer and a good musician. His daughter, who has a fine soprano voice, sang with him some duetts from the operas . . .

"SYDNEY UNIVERSITY FESTIVAL . . . THE PERFORMANCES. SECOND DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 August 1859), 7 

. . . A sestetto from Don Giovanni, by Mozart, was very elaborately and spiritedly sang by Mesdames Testar, Carandini, and S. Flower; and by Messrs. Ellard, Spagnoletti, and Howson . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist): Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Frederick Ellard (vocalist); James Waller (vocalist)

MUSIC: Sola sola in buio loco (Mozart, Don Giovanni)

25 July 1859, first notice of publication of The Madalena schottische (Spagnoletti junior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1859), 1 

NEW MUSIC. - Just published . . . The Madalena Schottische . . . J. R. CLARKE, music publisher, 356, George-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 July 1859), 10 

NEW DANCE MUSIC . . . The Madelena Schottishe [sic], by E. Spagnoletti, 2s. 6d . . . J. R. CLARKE, Music-seller and Publisher, 356, George-street, Sydney.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Clarke (music publisher)

17 September 1859, soiree, Spagnoletti family (Ernesto senior and junior, Nina, Hylton)

"MUSICAL SOIREE THIS EVENING", Empire (17 September 1859), 5 

Mr. Spagnoletti, one of the oldest professional musicians in the colony, and formerly a London operatic and concert singer or considerable eminence, will give an entertainment this evening at Clark's Assembly Rooms, William-street, Woolloomooloo. Mr. Spagnoletti will be assisted by members of his own family, Mrs. St. John Adcock and various amateurs. The beneficier has completed expressly for this occasion, a pretty song entitled "Your Willie has returned, dear," in reply to "Willie we have missed you," which song it will follow in the programme which comprises much popular music.

[Advertisement], Empire (17 September 1859), 1

THIS EVENING, September 17th, 1859, At half-past seven.
1. Glee - "Stars of the Summer Night" - Mrs. ST. JOHN ADCOCK, LADY AMATEUR, Miss SPAGNOLETTI, Mr. H. SPAGNOLETTI (Amateur), and SPAGNOLETTI - Compton.
2. "Oh think no more of me" - H. SPAGNOLETTI - Glover.
3. Duet - "There's a sweet Wild Rose" Mrs. ST. JOHN ADCOCK and LADY AMATEUR - Glover.
4. Solo, Flute - AMATEUR GENTLEMAN - Boehm.
6. "Ever of Thee" - Miss SPAGNOLETTI - Hall.
6. "Sweet Home," (by particular desire.) - SPAGNOLETTI - Wrighton.
7. "Truth in Absence" - Mrs. St. JOHN ADCOCK - Harper.
8. Duett - "The Ambling Steed" - Miss SPAGNOLETTI and SPAGNOLETTI - Kucken.
9. Duett - "What are the Wild Waves?" (By particular desire) - LADY AMATEUR and H. SPAGNOLETTI - Glover.
10. "Willie We have Missed You" - Miss SPAGNOLETTI - Foster.
11. "Your Willie has Returned Dear" SPAGNOLETTI - Spagnoletti (Answer to Willie written for the occasion).
12. "The Violet" - LADY AMATEUR - Barker.
13. "The Blacksmith" - H. SPAGNOLETTI - Cherry.
14. "Good Bye Sweet Heart" - Miss SPAGNOLETTI - Hatton.
15. "God Save the Queen" - COMPANY.
Conductor - Mr. E. SPAGNOLETTI.
Tickets, 3s. 6d. each; to be had of W. J. Johnson and Co. Pitt-street; D. Buist and Son, 254, George-street; Mr. King, Market-street; Mr. Banks, William-street, Woolloomooloo; and Mr. Muspratt, William-street, Woolloomooloo.

"SPAGNOLETTI'S CONCERT", The Australian Home Companion (24 September 1859), 24

On the 19th inst., an excellent entertainment was given at Mr. Clark's Assembly Rooms, William-street, which was well received by a pretty large audience. The music was judiciously selected, and rendered in best style. Miss Spagnoletti is a very charming singer, and must become a general favorite.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Clark (dancing master)

MUSIC: Oh think no more of me (Glover); Ever of thee (Foley Hall); What are the wild waves saying (Glover); Willie we have missed you (Foster); The blacksmith (Cherry); Good bye swee heart (Hatton)

13 October 1859, first notice of publication of Your Willie has returned dear (Spagnoletti senior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 October 1859), 1 

ANSWER TO WILLIE WE HAVE MISSED YOU, by Signor Spagnoletti, R.A., H. MARSH and CO.

[News], Empire (18 October 1859), 4

The welcome given to "Willie" - on his return home - in the song of "Willie, we have missed you," has induced a Sydney poet - writing under the soubriquet of "Desda" - to express Willie's gratitude for his kind reception. To the text of "Your Willie has returned, dear," - an answer to the above named well known song - Mr. Spagnoletti, one of the best musicians in this city, has composed a remarkably pretty song, which has just been published by Messrs. Henry Marsh and Co. In the simple ballad school, English composers excel; there is an air of touching homeliness in this class of composition, that appeals to the tenderest feelings. The song under notice has a very pleasing, but simple, unornamented, and flowing melody. It is within the compass of every voice, extending only to E, the entire distance including a note more than the octave. The accompaniment is also exceedingly light and easy of execution. We are convinced that if this ballad be occasionally heard, it will be come one of the most popular songs of the day.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jane Messiter Davies (Desda)

27 October, vocal and instrumental soiree, Ernesto Spagnoletti junior and Marmaduke Henry Wilson (with Nina and Ernesto senior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 October 1859), 1

Quartette - Stars of the Summer Night (arranged by Spagnoletti) - C. Compton - Madame Lamont, Nina Spagnoletti, Sig. Spagnoletti, and Amateur.
Song - Violet - Madame Lamont - Barker
Song - The Blacksmith - An Amateur - Cherry
New Ballad - Jeanie Deans - Wilson - Nina Spagnoletti (accompanied by the Composer.)
Solo - Bohemian Girl - Mr. Kohler - Balfe
Duett - The Ambling Steed - Kucken - Nina Spagnoletti and Signor Spagnoletti.
Piano Solo - Allegro and Andante (Op. 10, No. 1) - Beethoven - Mr. Marmaduke H. Wilson.
Duett - Se un istanto - Mercadante - Nina Spagnoletti and Signor Spagnoletti.
Song - Truth in Absence - Madame Lamont - Harper
Piano Solo - Fantasia Comique "Ethiopia" - Wilson - Mr. Marmaduke Wilson.
Song - Willie we have missed you - Foster - Nina Spagnoletti.
Song (in answer) - Your Willie has returned dear - Signor Spagnoletti - Spagnoletti
Finale - By the entire Company - God save the Queen.
Tickets to be had of all Music and Book-sellers.

[News], Empire (27 October 1859), 5 

A pleasing selection of music is to be performed at the School of Arts, this evening, by Messrs. Marmaduke Wilson and E. Spagnolatti. In addition to these two gentlemen, Madame Lamont, Misa Nina Spagnoletti, Mr. R. Kohler, of the Prince of Wales Theatre, Signor Spagnoletti, and an amateur will assist on this occasion. Amongst the music to be executed are some of the recently-published ballads. Mr. M. H. Wilson's song of "Jeanie Deans," composed for Madama Carandini, will be sung by Miss Spagnoletti, whose father will give his own answer to Willie "Your Willie has returned dear." Mr. Wilson will play two pianoforte solos - one by Beethoven, and one of his own composition on Ethiopian melodies; and Mr. Kohler a cornet solo, on airs from Balfe's opera of "The Bohemian Girl."

"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 October 1859), 4

Messrs. Wilson and Spagnoletti gave a vocal and instrumental concert last night, at the School of Arts. Owing, no doubt, to the unfavourable state of the weather, the audience was but limited in number, and consequently the various pieces on the programme, though well and tastefully executed, did not go off with that spirit that is so much needed to form a successful entertainment. In addition to Messrs. Wilson and Spagnoletti, the performers consisted of Nina Spagnoletti, Madame Lamont, Herr Kohler, and an amateur.

[News], Empire (28 October 1859), 5 

The Concert given at the School of Arts last night by Messrs. Marmaduke Wilson and E. Spagnoletti was but thinly attended. The vocalists were Miss Spagnolotti, a Madame Lamont, Mr. Spagnoletti, and son; the instrumentalists, Mr. R. Kohler, cornet-a-piston, Mr. Wilson, pianoforte. A well-selected programme was equally well carried out. Miss Spagnoletti has a good voice, but wants ease and finish; she was encored in Wilson's ballad of "Jeanie Deans," as was Mr. Spagnoletti in his own ballad of, "Your Willie has returned Dear," - also. Mr. Kohler in his brilliantly executed cornet solo, and Mr. Marmaduke Wilson in the variations to the [REDACTED] melody of "Oh Susanna, don't you cry for me"!

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Augusta Lamont (vocalist); Marmaduke Henry Wilson (composer, pianist); Richard Kohler (cornet player)

MUSIC: Jeanie Deans (Wilson)

22 November 1859, complimentary benefit to Marian Maria Chester

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 November 1859), 1 

Mrs. CHESTER has the honour to announce to her friends and the musical public in general, that the
CONCERT, under the immediate patronage of his Excellency the Governor General and Lady Denison, Sir George Bowen (Governor of Queensland), and Lady Bowen, also of the Masonic Body in Sydney, to raise funds to enable her to return to her friends in England, a step rendered necessary by the severe attack of
PARALYSIS, under which she has been recently suffering, and at which the following talented artistes
Madame FLORA HARRIS; Miss NINA SPAGNOLETTI; Madame JAFFA; By the kind permission of Charles Poole, Esq., Mr. F. HOWSON, and Mr. R. KOHLER; Mr. F. ELLARD; Messrs. J. and E. DEANE; Mr. E. H. COBLEY; Several Amateurs, And the Members of the People's Vocal Association, have generously proffered their gratuitous assistance.
THIS EVENING, November 22nd.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Scena - "Robert toi que j'aime" (Miss Nina Spngnoletti) - Meyerbeer . . .
PART II . . . Ballad - "Violet" (Miss Nina Spagnoletti) - Barker . . .

[News], Empire (24 November 1859), 4

As a musical entertainment, the Concert of Mrs. Chester, at the Exchange, on Tuesday evening, was undoubtedly one of the best of the season; and this, as well as the peculiar cause for which it was given - aid to so deserving and unfortunate a member of the musical profession - makes us regret that it was not more successful in a pecuniary point of view . . . Miss Nina Spagnoletti in Linley's ballad of "Ever of Thee," charmingly executed, and wisely substituted for the hacknied scena from "Robert le Diable," the vocalist giving for the encore Wrighton's "Sweet Home," equally well sung . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Marian Maria Chester (vocalist, benefit)

MUSIC: Robert toi que j'aime (Meyerbeer, Robert le diable); Violet (Barker)

9 December 1859, benefit, Spagnoletti family

"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 December 1859), 3 

Balmain seems quite a musical suburb. Only about a fortnight since we reported a successful and well attended concert in aid of the funds of the School of Arts, and our columns of to-day advertise another for this evening. Signor Spagnoletti intends favouring the residents of Balmain, and we trust that they in return will patronise his efforts to afford amusement at once intellectual and entertaining. Four new songs appear in the programme, two of which have not yet been sung in public, "Cooey," written by the Australian songstress "Desda," is one of them; the music of which, by Spagnoletti, we hear from private sources is extremely new and pretty.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 December 1859), 1 

Madame Flora Harris, Nina Spagnoletti, Lady Amateur, Mr. Marmaduke H. Wilson, Spagnoletti, Gentlemen Amateur.
Conductor, Mr. E. Spagnoletti.
To commence at eight o'clock. Tickets, 3s. 6d. each; children under twelve years, 2s. each.

[News], Empire (27 December 1859), 5 

Considerable animation is succeeding the dulness that has of late prevailed in the musical world. In the ensuing week, Misses Emma and Clelia Howson, the young Sydney debutantes who delighted the public with their sweet vocalisation in "The Mountain Sylph," at their father's (Frank Howson) and Charles Packer's benefits, will give their first concert. Every Australian will support them for their own sake; many others for their father's sake (Frank Howson and music in Sydney are synonymous); and many for the sake of the good cause. - During the same week, also, Spagnoletti, one of our oldest musicians - a name renowned in European musical matters, - will give a concert at Parramatta.

[Advertisement], Empire (30 December 1859), 1 

SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of ITALIAN and ENGLISH SINGING; Families and Schools attended, both in and ont of town. Apply to SPAGNOLETTI, Balmain, and at Messrs. BUIST and SON'S, George-street.


14 March 1860, flood relief fund concert

THE Committee of the Musical Profession have much pleasure in announcing that in consequence of the very general voluntary support tendered to aid them in carrying out the resolutions adopted at their meeting, held on the 2nd instant, a
In aid of the above funds, will take place in the GREAT HALL of the EXCHANGE,
PART I . . . Song, "Violet" - BARKER - NINA SPAGNOLETTI . . .
PART II . . . Duetto, "Se un Istante"- MERCADANTE - NINA SPAGNOLETTI and Signor SPAGNOLETTI . . .
. . . [finale] Preghiere, "Dal tuo stellato" (Mose) - ROSSINI - Soli parts by Mrs. GUERIN, Mr. F. ELLARD, and Signor SPAGNOLETTI.
Accompanists , Messrs. W. STANLEY, and H. MARSH . . .

MUSIC: Dal tuo stellato soglio [preghiere, act 4] (Rossini, Mosè in egitto)

NOTE: Early in 1860, severe floods inundated areas to the South of Sydney, doing particular damage on the Shoalhaven and at the Braidwood diggings. A public meeting was held in Sydney on 20 February to organise fundraising in aid of those who had suffered; see "THE LATE DISASTROUS FLOODS", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 February 1860), 4 

On this fund-raising concert organised by the musical profession of Sydney, see "FLOOD RELIEF FUND", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 March 1860), 7 

23 May 1860, first notice of publication of The Sydney schottische (Spagnoletti junior)

[Advertisement], Empire (23 May 1860), 1 

JUST PUBLISHED, the SYDNEY SCHOTTISCHE, by E. SPAGNOLETTI. Price 2s. 6d. To be had at all the Music Sellers.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 July 1860), 2 

AUSTRALIAN LADIES' COLLEGE, Brougham Lodge, Darlinghurst. -
Established 1857, for the purpose of affording to ladies generally the advantages of a sound, liberal, and comprehensive course of instruction, on moderate terms, under the guidance of professors, supervised by the lady principal . . .
Theory of music and choral singing, by W. H. Paling, Esq. . . .
Instrumental music, by Messrs. W. H. Paling, and H. Marsh.
Solo singing, by Signor Spagnoletti, and W. H. Paling, Esq.
Dancing and deportment, by Signor Carandini . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Jessie Reid (Mrs. Alexander Reid) (principal); Gerome Carandini (dancing-master)

21 July 1860, first notice of publication of Cooey (Spagnoletti senior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 July 1860), 1 

COOEY ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Ceoey ! Cooey ! Cooey !

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 July 1860), 8 

COO-EY, an Australian Song, published by JOHN DAVIS, draper. Kiandra House, George-street.

COO-EY, new Song, to be had at Kiandra House, and the principal Music-sellers.

"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 August 1860), 4 

Under the euphonistic name of "Coo-ey," a new song has issued from the musical press, the words by, an Australian lady, and the music by Spagnoletti, R.A. Most of our readers are aware that the title is derived from the aboriginal cry by which the dusky denizens of the bush make known their whereabouts to each other. The "argument" of the poetry, however, has nothing whatever to do with the aborigines, but is the simple recital of how a young maiden wandered from a pic-nic party and could not find them again - how she resorts to the "Coo-ey," and is overheard by a youth, who conducts, her safely to her friends. The denouement being that "He's blessed the star that led the maid to rove," as he found a "trusting wife within the grove." The peculiar tone in which this cry is usually given is preserved in the music, with such modulations as make it accord with the preceding passages. The printing is very clear and good; the publisher is Mr. John Davis, of Kiandra House, George-street.

"SYDNEY (FROM THE METROPOLITAN PAPERS)", Goulburn Herald (8 August 1860), 2 

A new song, entitled "Coo-ey," has just been issued, the words by an Australian lady, and the music by Spagnoletti, R.A. "The peculiar tone in which this cry is usually given, is preserved in the music with such modulations as make it accord with the preceding passages." We should imagine it likely to become a popular melody, in the bush at least.

"NEW MUSIC", The Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope Journal (11 August 1860), 383 

Coo-ey! This very characteristic Australian song has come under our notice. The poetry is excellent, the subject very interesting, the aboriginal cry gracefully introduced. The music (by Signor Spagnoletti) is simple, but pretty; within the compass of ordinary singers, and with a very easy accompaniment. No doubt the publisher, Mr. Davis, of Kiandra House, Sydney, will meet with a large demand for this song.

"NEW MUSIC", Empire (13 August 1859), 5 

In the style of the words of "Cooey" by an Australian lady, we recognise that of "Desda," whose song of "Your Willie has returned, dear," was likewise composed by Spagnoletti, one of our oldest Royal Academicians. A pleasing but every-day melody, easy of execution, gives expression to a neat little love-tale of a maid that, in wandering in the bush, had missed her friends, to whom a passing swain restored her. The concluding passage is very effective. The "Answer to Willie" has, we believe, reached a sixth edition, and we think "Cooey" is likely to become equally popular.

"ART, SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE", Empire (21 August 1860), 2 

. . . A new song, under the eccentric title of "Cooey," has been published, the music by Signor Spagnoletti, and the words by a lady already favourably known to the public. It is a simple, pleasing production, and has already attained considerable popularity . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: The song was advertised as "published" by John Davies [sic, not Davis as printed], draper, of Kiandra House, George Street, Sydney; he and Jane Messiter ("Desda", the author of the words) married in March 1861; Jane Davies died in 1890, and John in 1891.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 August 1860), 1 

MUSIC - "Our Village Home," by Ernest Spagnoletti.
Sold at J. R. CLARKE'S, George-street.

20 August 1860, concert, T. H. Brooks

"MR. BROOKS' CONCERT THIS EVENING", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 August 1860), 5 

Under the patronage of the Committee of the Sydney Philharmonic Society, Mr. T. H. Brooks, the celebrated harpist, gives his second grand concert of vocal and instrumental music, in the hall of the Royal Exchange, this evening. The two Misses Howson, and Miss Spagnoletti and the Messrs Grossi, Howson, Spagnoletti, Schluter, Packer, and Wilson are announced as intending to afford their valuable assistance on the occasion . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 August 1860), 1 

EXCHANGE HALL - Under the immediate patronage of the Committee of the Philharmonic Society.
THIS EVENING, Monday, August 20th.
PART I . . .
. . . Song - "Our Village Home" - E. Spagnoletti - Miss NINA SPAGNOLETTI . . .
PART II . . .
. . . Romanza - Flower Angels - Donizetti - Miss NINA SPAGNOLETTI . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: T. H. Brooks (harp player)

MUSIC: The flower angels (after Donizetti)

8 October 1860, Nina Spagnoletti's benefit, Balmain (Ernesto junior conductor)

[Advertisement], Empire (8 October 1860), 1 

BALMAIN. - NINA SPAGNOLETTI'S Benefit Concert, under the patronage of the Committee and gentlemen of the Rifle Corps, who have kindly given up the Large Room at the rear of the Church for the occasion, THIS EVENING, MONDAY, October 8th; to commence at 8 o'clock. Conductor, Mr. E. SPAGNOLETTI.

20 October 1860, second editions of Sydney, Woolloomooloo, and Madelena Schottisches (Spagnoletti junior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 October 1860), 16 

MUSIC by E. SPAGNOLETTI. - Second edition of Sydney, Woolloomooloo, and Madelena Schottisches. Price 2s. 6d. J. R. CLARKE, George-street.

[Advertisement], Empire (19 November 1860), 8 

SIR, - Having known you for some years, and being convinced of your independence and ability to serve us, and to forward the general interests of the colony, we beg to request that yon will allow yourself to be put in nomination as a member to represent The Glebe and Balmain in the Colonial Parliament, and we pledge ourselves to endeavour to secure your return.
We have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient servants,
. . . Spagnoletti, R.A. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: On William Palmer Moffat, see John Michael Bennett, Sir Alfred Stephen: third Chief Justice of New South Wales 1844-1873 (Sydney: Federation Press, 2009), 261 (PREVIEW)

Moffat later disputed the election of Thomas Ware Smart as local member


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 January 1861), 8 

AUSTRALIAN LADIES' COLLEGE, Brougham Lodge, Darlinghurst, Sydney.
The following are the arrangements for the Fourth Session of this institution, which will commence on FRIDAY, 18th January, 1861 . . .
Italian Language - Signor Carandini . . .
Theory of Music, elements of Composition, Choral Singing - W. H. Paling, Esq.
Solo Singing - Signor Spagnoletti
Instrumental music - Messrs. Paling, Marsh, and Cutolo . . .
Each subject will be opened by an Introductory lecture, at which the presence of the parents and friends of the pupils is particularly requested.

23 January 1861, first notice of publication of The Sydney volunteers polka (Spagnoletti junior)

"THE VOLUNTEERS' POLKA", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 January 1861), 5 

The auspicious assembling in Sydney, of the Volunteers of the city, suburbs, and chief country towns, has been agreeably welcomed, in sparkling dance music, by M. Ernesto Spagnoletti, who has composed, in their honour, a graceful polka, which promises to become a standard favourite in metropolitan as well as country ballrooms or quiet evening parties. It is one of those light, effervescent morceaux which, from its appropriate character and timely publication, must become popular with the votaries of Terpsichore, and will, we have no doubt, receive the cordial patronage of the gallant companies of volunteers to whom it is dedicated.

"MUSIC AND DRAMA", Sydney Mail (26 January 1861), 4 

4 February 1861, first notice of publication of unidentified song, probably that below (Spagnoletti senior)

"MUSICAL", Empire (4 February 1861), 5 

The season for musical publications is approaching. In addition to Cutolo's "Pyramids," Anderson's "Sydney Polka," and other pieces recently noticed, we hear of several vocal and instrumental novelties in the press. For one thing the publisher of the "Australian Musical Bouquet," must receive the greatest praise for the good faith kept with the public in the punctuality in issuing the publication. We have been somewhat remiss of late in noticing this useful work, which is "undoubtedly" music for the million - Nos. 5, 6, and 7, duly appeared on the first of successive months, the latter during the past week . . . The latest number seems to have undergone an editorial change. There is an original song by Spagnoletti, R.A., (had this gentleman ever the benefit of sponsors?), and a polka by E. Spagnoletti, with the airs of other songs . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (composer); Alfred Anderson (composer)

"TO THE EDITOR", Empire (6 February 1861), 2

TO THE EDITOR OF THE EMPIRE. SIR, - In a lengthy notice which appeared in your Monday's issue, relative to musical matters, your reviewer in his friendly comments, appertaining to one of my recent compositions, asks, if "I ever had the benefit of sponsors." For the satisfaction of your critic, allow me to remark, that my godfather was no less a personage than the well-known Dragonetti, whether this circumstance (musically speaking) has been of benefit to me, modesty will scarcely allow one to give forth an opinion; but of such a sponsor, I certainly think I may be pardoned in feeling somewhat proud, and assuredly I shall ever regard his memory with feelings of respect and admiration.

I am your most obedient, ERNESTO DOMINICO SPAGNOLETTI, R.A. Balmain, February 5th.

ASSOCIATIONS: Domenico Dragonetti

29 March 1861, first notice of publication of The captured lady (Spagnoletti senior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 March 1861), 1 

JUST PUBLISHED.- "The Captive and Lady," [sic] answer to "Ever of Thee." By Spagnoletti, R.A.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 April 1861), 12 

JUST PUBLISHED, "The Captured Lady," answer to Ever of Thee, by Spagnoletti, R.A.

"METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COURT . . . KENTISH V. SPAGNOLETTI", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1861), 5 

This was an action to recover £25 for composing to defendant's order a song - "The Captured Lady's Answer to Ever of Thee I'm fondly Dreaming" - which defendant had set to music and published. Plaintiff not being in a position to prove his contract, was nonsuited.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 August 1861), 2 

KENTISH v. SPAGNOLETTI - To his Fellow-colonists and the Public. - FRIENDS and GENTLEMEN, - Not presuming to address you through the editor on a subject purely personal, yet having a great objection to being misapprehended by society with respect to any affair of mine brought under public notice, I adopt this mode of explaining to the readers of the Sydney newspapers of Saturday last the real circumstances of a case which, unexplained, makes me to appear, prima facie, both avaricious and as a mere poetaster conceited; whilst those who know me most intimately are well able to vouch for my characteristics being in a very opposite direction.

When requested by Signor Spagnoletti, jun., to say what remuneration would be satisfactory to me, to induce compliance with his solicitation to try my hand at a sentimental ditty in response to, and to be written to the music of "Ever of Thee," which he had slightly varied, I smiled at his complimentary notion of "my possessing the ability" to do what he required to be done, and - being no mercenary - I did not desire, and I never dreamt of accepting other recompense, for any effort of my humble Muse, if sufficiently successful to satisfy the Professor, than, perhaps, a score of two of copies when published. As it happened, that a few months after this first and last meeting "my Poet's eye, in a fine fire of frenzy rolling," I suddenly became sufficiently "inspired" to throw off the lines which the talented musician of Balmain has, by his setting, enabled all captivated maidens to sing to their gallant captors at the Court of Venus, or in the temple of Apollo; I sent them to the Signor for approval or rejection and not being honoured with any reply for three months - viz., until after they had been set to music, printed, and published in my name, but as the property of his father, who had the nonchalance actually to solicit me "to exert myself for the sole of his song" (!) which I was, and still am under the impression of being "my own song," and no more Signor Spagnoletti's than is his music mine - I naturally felt very indignant, and addressed to the composer and naive publisher, the following letter, which I leave to speak for itself. After waiting [an]other four months in vain, for the courtesy of a reply, I at length applied to the District Court, making a claim, as the author, of a moiety of the bagatelle, of what is estimated to be a value of a fourth share of the net profits. Had Signor Spagnoletti treated me with common civility, my expectations would have been satisfied by merely a moderate number of the songs for presentation to my acquaintances, but when compelled to make a demand, I dare to believe, that no publisher will deem twenty-five per cent of the profits an unreasonable expectation on the part of an author, whose pen has created the same, and whose literary property has been published in his name, for the sole benefit of a rude and unscrupulous pirate.

(Copy) To Signor Spagnolotti (meaning the son), "Sir - I have the honour to acknowledge your note and three copies of 'your song,' and having long felt surprise at no acknowledgment having reached me of your receipt of the words, which I enclosed under cover to you about three months ago, not suspecting a gentleman of discourtesy, I was under the impression that I had been misinformed as to your address, and that the lines which I posted to 'Balmain,' as soon as my Muse enabled me to throw them off were lost, but having copied them into my MS book, I had it in contemplation to get them set to music by Mr. Packer, and myself publishing 'The Captivated Maiden's response to her enamoured swain,' 'Ever of thee,' at the same time with my 'Volunteers' War Song.'

"It is most annoying to me to be held up to the public as a fool by stupid errors of the Printer's Devil, as a fault in orthography will, of course, be attributed to the author. "Had you, Sir, but condescended to consult with, or even had the decency to cause a proof to be shown to the author, before putting his words in the Press, he would have prevented this disgrace to himself and blunders enough to damn the song with the public, notwithstanding its admirable arrangement, and to injure is sale, until republished with four corrections of the words. 'Any,' instead of 'my fond heart,' is a double error, as it destroys both the sense and the sound - the metre and the meaning. None but a foreigner could have permitted the word 'principle,' as of course written by me, to be printed 'Heavenly principal (see English Dictionary), nor the points or stops to abound in errors - all of which, and 'claim' instead of 'love's chain invincible,' &c. Even the title page itself - is most disgraceful, and my name is neither Charles nor Christopher, but Lipscomb. But that's of no consequence.

"I confess that I should like to see the whole of the 250 copies at present printed, put into the fire, which are falsely stated to be published 'by the author,' which I am, who never sanctioned the publication, nor was informed of it instead of 'By the composer,' which I suppose you claim to be, as having altered the arrangement of ----'s original music to 'Ever of Thee.' Having composed the words of this song expressly at your request, purely as a matter of business (for you are aware that I never had the pleasure of seeing you in my life, nor did I so much as know your name before that occasion, when accidentally meeting with me at Mr. Grocott's, and being shown my Volunteers' song, you were pleased to think that 'I was just the very person to effect for you, - a wish you had long entertained' - not being yourself poetical, as well as musical, viz., to get some suitable words written as a response to that most popular ballad, 'Ever of thee)' I beg leave politely, but distinctly, to give you notice, that your presuming to exercise the right of 'printing, publishing, and selling my composition,' and that, too, for your own exclusive benefit, is illegal, as well as in my opinion dishonourable, besides being ungentlemanly, and will not be tolerated 'by the author,' whose copyright is thus barefacedly appropriated without his consent, or even his knowledge.

"Unless a proper understanding and equitable agreement in writing, such as is usual, between the joint producers of a 'new piece' of vocal music, viz., the author of the words and the composer of the music be entered into forthwith, I shall place myself entirely in the hands of my attorney to institute such legal proceedings, under the extraordinary circumstances as he may deem proper.

"It is not for me, but for the public only, to judge of the composition of my humble Muse (as of yours also), but several literary and musical acquaintances assure me that my verses (little as I think of them), happen to harmonise so perfectly in sentiment with 'Ever of thee' - one of the most popular songs of the day - that they are - I mean that our song is - sure of a good sale; and a professional - I mean musical - gentleman having asked me, 'whether I would take £50 for my share of the profits on its sale in these colonies,' - this circumstance, and the disgust which I naturally feel at you treatment of me (the illegality of which is even exceeded by what I cannot but view as meanness so outrageous as to be perfectly insulting, but I am free to admit, practised on me without any intention on your part, that I should so consider it) in not only publishing my song without my knowledge, but in coolly appropriating the copyright, just as if you had purchased it; which words of mine, attached to the old popular air, will realise, at first say 1000 copies, profit £75 , and from time to time, for years, perhaps, more than a second thousand, also selling in the other colonies, and in England, for my share of which (far the greater part of the work, and perhaps of the merit, being mine - as my composition is now and original, whilst your composition consists of the slight variation from an old favourite air) you have been pleased most liberally to reward me with 'Signor Spagnoletti's thanks' and a couple of his (whose?) songs, of the value of about 1s. 6d. or 1s. 9d. sterling; that being about the cost price of the three sent (two of which are soiled), in return for which extreme generosity you tell me that 'you trust that I will use all my interest for the sale of your song,' of my own composition, for your exclusive benefit !!!

"Having consulted a solicitor, I find that it is open to me to file an information against you on affidavit, which will entitle me to an injunction, restraining you from making use of that which is exclusively MY literary property, or to bring an action against you for damages, for pirating, or illegally appropriating my copyright. But, Sir, I have no desire to do either, provided a proper understanding be come to immediately, by means of an agreement in writing to be prepared by my solicitor, at our joint expense.

"Requesting the favour of your immediate attention,
"I have the honour to be, Sir,
"Your very obedient servant,
"425, Pitt-street South, March 28th, 1861."

"Metropolitan Correspondence. SYDNEY, Tuesday Afternoon", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (24 August 1861), 2 

Do ye ken a certain Mr. Nathaniel Lipscombe Kentish? I confess I don't, save by his name, which has a tripping sound on the tongue and remains there; but I think he was up your way somewhere as Clerk of Petty Sessions for a a short time. However, this gentleman lately wrote what he calls a "Volunteers' Song" - saving your presence, the veriest trash that was ever spawned out of Seven Dials. He has lately had a case before the District Court here, which is a lark in its way. A certain Mr. or Signor Spagnoletti (chaffing him, I suppose) asked him to write a song - a response to the ballad "Ever of thee I'm fondly Dreaming," with which request Mr. Kentish complied on the very next occasion when he had a visit from the Muses. He says that if Spagnoletti had sent him a few score copies of the song when set to music, he might have let him off, though an intimate friend had asked him if he would take £50 for the copyright - adding, no doubt, sotto voce, "don't you wish you may get it?" but when he found that the musician only sent him a couple of copies - value (as Kentish says) 1s. 9d., but which I presume would be dear at the odd ninepence, he waxed wroth, and summoned the luckless wag to the District Court for £25, which he didn't get, of course, being a kinder sorter non-suited. Good Lord how this world is given to bosh!

ASSOCIATIONS: Nathaniel Lipscomb Kentish (lyricist)

MUSIC: Ever of thee I'm fondly dreaming (music by Foley Hall; lyrics by George Linley)

6 April 1861, first notice of publication of The Garibaldi polka (Spagnoletti junior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 April 1861), 12 

THE GARIBALDI POLKA, by E. SPAGNOLETTI, beautifully illustrated, 2s. 6d. JOHNSON and CO., Pitt-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 April 1861), 9 

JUST PUBLISHED, "The Garibaldi Polka," beautifully illustrated. Price 2s. 6d. JOHNSON and CO., warehouse, Pitt-street.

"THE GARIBALDI POLKA", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 August 1861), 5 

Every week brings out something new in dance music: remarkable personages or events suggest to the composer who caters for the demand of the votaries of Terpsichore that such ought to be recorded in galop, valse, or polka, and, indeed, a hero, on whatever stage of life he may appear, can scarce be said to have achieved immortal fame until his name or portrait is attached to the title page of some composition specially written for the ball-room. The great Italian hero of the present day has at length reached this apex of popularity, and we have now to record the publication of a polka bearing his name, by Ernesto Spagnoletti, and dedicated to the patriot's countryman and accomplished pianist, Signor Cutolo. Besides being brilliant in style, it possesses greater originality than is usually met with in compositions of this character. The time is well marked, a circumstance of great value to the dancer and the triplets at the end of each bar in the first part give it a pleasing effect, a plentiful use has also been made of the chromatic scale in the second part, which, is in B flat, the coda returning to the original key of A flat. The whole is well modulated, which, as a matter of course, adds materially to the brilliancy of the polka. As a specimen of colonial printing it is highly creditable, the title page is most elaborate, and artistically designed, - the prominent word "Garibaldi" being printed in fancy letters of gold and red. The notation is remarkably clear and apparently correct, which is also a very important feature, but one to which frequently little regard is paid. With so many commendable points, it cannot fail to become a great favourite in fashionable circles. The publishers are Messrs Johnson and Co., of Pitt-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (dedicatee)

1 May 1861, first notice of publication of Come shining forth, my dearest (Mozart, arr. Spagnoletti senior) and The singing polka (arr. Spagnoletti senior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 May 1861), 8 

contains eight full-sized pages of Vocal and Pianoforte Music. Price, one shilling.
Contents: Deh Vieni alla finestra, O mio tesoro, with English words; Come shining forth, my dearest -serenade from Mozart's Il Don Giovanni, arranged by Spagnoletti, R.A. expressly for the Australian Musical Bouquet.
The Singing Polka, arranged by Spagnoletti;
The Youthful Heart, ballad, by E. F. Rimbault.
May be purchased at all musicsellers' and booksellers' in Sydney and the suburbs, and at the Australian Bouquet Office, 66, Bathurst-street West . . .

"MUSIC AND DRAMA", Sydney Mail (4 May 1861), 8 

Two musical publications have issued from the Press during the past week: "Grocott's Musical Bouquet," for May; and a Quick March for the Volunteers, by Mr. Stanley, of the South Sydney Company, published by Mr. J. R. Clarke, of George-street. The "Bouquet" contains three pieces : A serenade from Don Giovanni, with Italian and English words, "Come Shining forth my Dearest;" Sontag's celebrated "Singing Polka," for the piano; and a ballad entitled "The Youthful heart," dedicated to Mr. M. Wilson, which will be found very pretty. This publication is gradually improving in the selections made, and also in the printing, which is exceedingly good.

ASSOCIATIONS: Alonzo Grocott (publisher)

Thinkest thou of me? song, dedicated to Miss Nina Spagnoletti and composed by C. W. Harwood (Sydney: Printed by Alonzo Grocott, [1861]) 

"THINKEST THOU OF ME?", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 August 1861), 4 

An exceedingly pretty ballad under this title, in the key of F, has recently issued from the press and is deserving of very favourable notice. Both the music and the verses of this little song (composed by Mr. C. W. Harwood, R. A.) bear the impress of undoubted taste and ability, and have obviously been carefully revised by the author. The air modulates gracefully into related keys, flowing throughout in a spirited and measured strain, which accords agreeably and harmoniously with the words. It is not too simple, however - a common fault - but sufficiently difficult to occupy the artistic talents of an accomplished cantatrice, such as those of the lady to whom the composer has inscribed it - Miss Nina Spagnoletti. This ballad which will doubtless be well received by the musical public, has been neatly printed by Mr. Alonzo Grocott, of 66, Bathurst street West.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles William Harwood (composer)

MUSIC: Thinkest thou of me (Harwood)

"RAILWAY SIGNALS FOR THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 December 1861), 7 

We find the following communication in the Times of August 31st, from "Frank W. Mortimer, superintendent of the Swansea Vale Railway." The circumstances which called this letter forth being the fatal collision and serious loss of life on the Brighton Railway some days previously. The writer says: - On the line of which I am superintendent, I have adopted a similar system of signalling the passage of trains by telegraph (suggested by Mr. Spagnoletti, telegraph superintendent of the Great Western Railway), which has hitherto worked most satisfactorily . . .

[The Mr. Spagnoletti above referred to is, we believe, a son of Mr. Spagnoletti, R.A., of Balmain. Ed. S.M.H.]

"WAVERLEY MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. - TUESDAY, 17TH DECEMBER", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 December 1861), 5 

. . . Councillor Birrell brought up and moved the adoption of a report from the Council Chambers' Building Committee . . . and moved the adoption of a report from the same committee, recommending that the Council Chambers might be let for public meetings, concerts, and lectures, free of any charge, except for lighting, cleaning, or damage to furniture, &c. . . . It was understood that leave to use the chambers would be granted first to Mr. Spagnoletti for a concert, and secondly to Mr. Hamilton for lectures . . .


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 January 1862), 7 

AUSTRALIAN LADIES' COLLEGE, Brougham Lodge, Darlinghurst. -
The duties of this Institution will be resumed on MONDAY, 27th January, 1862.
Resident pupils to re-assemble on-the 25th instant . . .
Individual lessons in Music -
Piano, Mr. Paling; Singing, Signor Spagnoletti . . .
For terms and other particular, apply to Mrs. REID, Lady Principal.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 February 1862), 1 

E. SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Music, Vernon Cottage, Glebe Road.

11 March 1862, concert, T. H. Brooks

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 March 1862), 1 

MR. T. H. BROOKS' (the celebrated harpist)
Grand CONCERT, THIS EVENING, at the Freemasons' Hall, under the distinguished patronage of
His Excellency Sir JOHN YOUNG and Lady YOUNG,
who will be present at the concert, accompanied by Lord John Taylour, Lady Taylour, Colonel Kempt, and Mrs. Kempt, &c.
Brother BROOKS will be assisted by the Brethren of the Masonic Order.
PART I . . .
. . . Ballad - Gentle Troubadour - W. F. Wallace [sic] - Miss Nina Spagnoletti . . .
PART II . . .
. . . Cavatina - The blind girl to her harp - Glover - with harp accompaniment - Miss Nina Spagnoletti . . .

"MR. T. H. BROOKS' CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 March 1862), 5 

. . . The circumstance of the harp being now seldom heard has the effect of rendering such performances as those of last evening a grateful variation upon the staple of concerts, the music possessing, in addition to its other charms, those of novelty and freshness . . . The other portions of the concert consisted chiefly of ballads, which were sung by Mrs. Cordner, the Misses Brady, Miss Nina Spagnoletti, and a gentleman amateur; the singing of each of whom was much admired, several of the pieces being encored . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (2 September 1862), 2 

DISTRESS IN THE MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS - FOURTEENTH SUBSCIPTION LIST: - . . . [Collected by] St. John's School Children, Bishopthorpe, Glebe . . . Miss J. Spagnoletti 0 2 6 . . .

28 September 1862, death of Ernesto Spagnoletti senior

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 September 1862), 1

On Sunday, 28th instant, at his residence, Glebe-road, Ernesto Spagnoletti, aged 58 years.

"FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 September 1862), 8 

The Friends of the late Mr. E. SPAGNOLETTI are invited to attend his Funeral, to move from his late residence, Vernon Cottage, Glebe Road, on TUESDAY next, at 3 o'clock. THOMAS HILL, undertaker, 99, Parramatta-street.

"DEATHS", Empire (2 October 1862), 1 

SPAGNOLETTI - On the 28th September, at his late residence, Glebe, Signor Spagnoletti, Royal Academician, aged 58 years.

"THE LATE ERNESTO SPAGNOLETTI", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 October 1862), 4

This professor of vocal and instrumental music, after a sudden and painful attack of gout in the chest, died on Sunday, the 28th ultimo, at his residence on the Glebe Road. At an early age he commenced his musical education under his father, who was then leader of the Italian Opera house, London. He afterwards became a member of the Royal Academy of Music, and studied under Sir Henry Bishop and other leading members of that institution. Signor Spagnoletti was a great favourite with the president of the Royal Academy, the Earl of Westmoreland, then Lord Burghersh, himself an accomplished musician, and composer of several successful works; and under that nobleman's patronage he made his first appearance at the Italian Opera in Mozart's Don Giovanni, and was very cordially received by the most aristocratic audience in England. After the close of the season he joined an opera company formed by Bochsa, which during the recess made a highly successful tour through all the chief towns of the United Kingdom. About ten years ago Signor Spagnoletti arrived with his family in Sydney, where he pursued his profession to advantage, being up to the time of his death organist at St. John's, Bishopthorpe. His grave in the Newtown cemetery is between that of Bochsa, his preceptor at the Royal Academy, and his fellow-pupil, Lavenu, and, by a melancholy coincidence, he visited the opera only a few evenings before his death to hear the music of Don Giovanni, in which, as above stated, he made his first appearance in London. His son Ernesto has taken his father's place at St. John's, and, as an accomplished musician, will continue the duties of teacher of singing and instrumental music. Signor Spagnoletti had also another son in England, of whose ability report speaks highly.

"MR. ERNEST SPAGNOLETTI", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 October 1862), 5

Mr. Ernest Spagnoletti, musical professor, died on the 28th ultimo. At an early age he commenced his musical education under his father, who was then leader of the Italian Opera House, London. He afterwards became a member of the Royal Academy of Music, and studied under Sir Henry Bishop and other leading members of that institution.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 October 1862), 1 

MR. E. SPAGNOLETTI resumes his Professional Duties on MONDAY, the 6th.

11 October 1862, first notice of publication of St. Leonards schottische (Spagnoletti junior) and of surviving manuscript music (Spagnoletti senior)

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (11 October 1862), 3

JUST PUBLISHED. - St. LEONARD'S SCHOTTISCHE, composed by ERNESTO SPAGNOLETTI, and dedicated to his friend and pupil, H. Coleman, Esq. It is embellished with a tinted view of St. Leonards, from a drawing by Mr. Thomas, lithographed by Herr Degotardi, Price, Three Shillings. Published by J. R. Clarke, George-street, from whom all E. Spagnoletti's previous compositions may be obtained, viz:
THE SYDNEY SCHOTTISCHE, 3s. 6d.; Dedicated to Miss Brown.
WOOLLOOMOOLOO SCHOTTISCHE, 2s. 6d.; Dedicated to the Ladies of Woolloomooloo.
MADALENA SCHOTTISCHE, 2s. 6d.; Dedicated to Mr. F. Ellard.
THE BALMAIN POLKA, 2s 6d; Dedicated to the Ladies of Balmain.
THE NINA WALTZ, 2s. 6d. Dedicated to Lady Denison.
OUR VILLAGE HOME, 2s.; Dedicated to Mrs. O. S. Evans.
AWAKE MY LOVE, 2s. 6d.

"NEW PIANOFORTE MUSIC", Empire (11 October 1862), 4 

Mr. J. R. Clarke, of George-street, has just published a brilliant and classical composition by Mr. Ernesto Spagnoletti, entitled St. Leonards' Scottische. Apart from its merit as an acceptable addition to our ball-room music, it will take a high stand with musical students as a valuable pianoforte lesson. In ordinary schottisches, polkas, and other dances, of their school, the music, however brilliant, has generally very slight claim to scientific structure; but in the composition before us, the arrangement is of a novel and peculiar character. The ordinary and monotonous bass chords are discarded, and each passage performed by the right hand is immediately played by the left. The effect is as striking as it is agreeable, and although somewhat difficult, we feel assured that this schottische will meet with the patronage of many fair pianistes and votaries of the "Muse of the many twinkling feet." The getting up of this publication is of a first-class character. The frontispiece is embellished with a highly-finished view of St. Leonards, North Shore, from the pencil of Mr. Thomas, lithographed in colours by Herr Degotardi. We understand that Mr. Spagnoletti intends to publish several M.S.S. left by his late father, whose sudden death it was lately our duty to record. Report speaks highly of them as compositions worthy of the reputation of a Royal Academician.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 October 1862), 1 

ORMONDE HOUSE, PADDINGTON. - The above School, being now in full working order, Mrs. W. BLAXLAND can offer parents a thorough and accomplished education for their daughters, on moderate and inclusive terms. English and Latin, grammar and composition, Mr. Sheridan Moore. Arithmetic, Mr. Morel. Drawing, Mr. Fairland. French, M. Morel (Parisian). German, the pianoforte, and the general routine of education, by competent governesses . . . Finishing pianoforte and singing lessons by Messrs. Paling, Marsh, and Spagnoletti, are the only extras charged, and a singing class, conducted by Herr Sussmilch, instructor and choral leader of the Orpheonist Society - 1 guinea a quarter. The half-quarter commences November 15th.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 December 1862), 1 

MR. HENRY MARSH'S EVENING CONCERT. Masonic Hall, 30th December, 1862. Mr. HENRY MARSH has the pleasure of stating that he will be assisted by the following eminent artistes, viz, Madame Sara Flower, Madame Flora Harris, Mr. E. Boulanger. Mr. F. Ellard. Mr. E. Deane, Mr. E. Spagnoletti, Mr. W. Harwood, Mr. Sussmilch, Mr. McDougall, and by several talented amateurs-members of the Orpheonist Society. Other engagements are pending. Tickets, 6s. each, to be obtained at Mr. HENRY MARSH'S residence, 175, Premier-terrace, William-street, and of all the principal music and booksellers.

ASSOCIATIONS: Bernhard Sussmilch; William James Macdougall


"ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL", Freeman's Journal (8 April 1863), 7 

. . . On Easter Sunday St. Mary's was very full at the seven and eight o'clock mass, and a vast number of persons approached the Holy Communion; but at the High Mass at eleven o'clock, the Cathedral was crowded to suffocation, a very large number of our Protestant brethren being present. His Grace the Archbishop officiated . . . The musical services were on a scale of grandeur to which we have not been accustomed for some time at St. Mary's, the principal vocalists being Miss Spagnoletti, Mrs. W. J. Cordner, Mr. Stewart, and Mr. Rainford, of the Christy's Minstrels who with great kindness offered their services, and a well known talented amateur bass. The Mass sung consisted of the Kyrie and Gloria from Farmer's Mass, in B flat, Credo from Van Bree, in C, and Sanctus and Agnus Dei from Webber, in G, with the usual mottetts proper for the season. The whole of the musical arrangements reflect the greatest credit on Mr. Cordner, who has made the most of the limited materials at his command, and from a number of amateurs, most of them very slightly acquainted with music, has managed to found a choir which we hope will shortly be worthy of the Cathedral Church of the colony. At the time the Howson family left St. Mary's the whole weight of supporting the music of the choir fell upon Mr. and Mrs. Cordner, and had they not worked most zealously there was great danger that the choir of St. Mary's would soon have ceased to exist. The accurate manner, in which the choruses were performed on Sunday was a subject of general remark, and that this was the case we are indebted to the St. Mary's Choral Society, from the members of which the chorus of the Cathedral is entirely selected.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Henry Rainford (vocalist)

MUSIC: Mass in G (Weber); Mass in B flat (Farmer); Mass in C (Van Bree)

23 May 1863, first notice of publication of the Marion schottische (Spagnoletti junior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 May 1863), 7 

JUST Published, price 2s., the Marion Schottische, by Ernest Spagnoletti WILKIE, ELVY, and CO.

"VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 June 1863), 5 

. . . The Marion Schottische, for the pianoforte, by Ernesto Spagnoletti, has recently been published by Messrs. Wilkie and Elvy . . .

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (27 August 1863), 1 

AT 3, LYONS-TERRACE, (centre house,) SYDNEY.
MRS. TAIT is glad to intimate that she expects the arrival from England shortly of a highly-accomplished lady as Governess, and that she will be Prepared to RECEIVE a FEW ADDITIONAL BOARDERS . . .
. . . Music - Signor Cutolo and Miss Notts.
Singing Signor Spagnoletti and Madame F. Harris . . .

9 November 1863, first notice of publication of Our Australian Christmas song (Spagnoletti junior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 November 1863), 1 

A NEW SONG - "Our Australian Christmas," by E. Spagnoletti, will be published next week.

[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 September 1863), 5 

. . . Mr. Ernest Spagnoletti has also composed a pretty morceau, entitled "Our Australian Christmas Song." The words have been set to a flowing melody in the key of D. The range is within easy compass for the voice, with a suitable accompaniment. It is published by A. Grocott, and is neatly and clearly printed.

10 November 1863, performance, for St. Philip's choir

"ENTERTAINMENT AT ST. PHILIP'S SCHOOLROOM", Empire (11 November 1863), 4

The Dean of Sydney, being desirous of evincing his due appreciation of the valuable services rendered by the choir of St. Philip's Church, invited, last evening, the several members comprising the same to tea in the schoolroom on Church Hill . . . To add to the harmony of the meeting, it was arranged that a vocal and instrumental performance of sacred and secular music should take place. The only matter to mar the festivities of the evening was the unavoidable absence of the Dean from illness . . . After the guests had partaken of the refreshments which had been prepared for them, the musical portion of the entertainment commenced with a duet on the harmonium by Mr. Edwin H. Cobley, the talented organist and choir-master of St. Philip's, and an amateur, which was gone through with very considerable skill. The beautiful tones of the instrument rang through the specious school-house with the most pleasing effect. Then followed "Angels ever bright and fair," by Miss Spagnoletti . . . [second part] . . . Then followed "The Blind Girl to her Harp," by Miss Spagnoletti, which was encored . . . But one of the greatest treats of the evening was "Our Australian Christmas," composed by Ernesto Spagnoletti, sung by Miss Spagnoletti, and which satisfied the most critical while the delivery of the melodious passages must have convinced all of the delicacy and natural rendering of the performance. We understand this song has just been published . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Harry Cobley

"LOCAL AND PROVINCIAL. EDUCATIONAL", Goulburn Herald (25 December 1863), 2 

On Friday afternoon the annual examination of the young ladies of Mrs. Tait's educational establishment, at 3, Lyon-terrace, took place. A large number of the fashionable elite of our city assembled on the occasion . . . The display of music redounded to the admirable teaching of Signor Cutolo and Miss Nott . . . The highly interesting proceedings terminated about nine o'clock, the young ladies, under the tuition of Signor Spagnoletti, singing the National Anthem. - Communicated.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 January 1864), 1 

MISS SPAGNOLETTI receives pupils in Singing, on MONDAY and THURSDAY. Glebe Point Road.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 January 1864), 1 

SIGNOR SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Singing and Piano, Glebe Point Road.

"CENTRAL POLICE COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 July 1864), 2 

. . . E. Spagnoletti and Jane Chislett, charged with having assaulted William H. Carrick while he was in the execution of his duty as a bailiff, pleaded guilty, by Mr. Dillon, their attorney, and were each sentenced to pay a penalty of 10s., with 6s. 6d. costs of Court, and 21s. professional costs for Mr. Cory.

"INSOLVENCY COURT", Empire (29 July 1864), 5

Ernesto Spagnoletti, of H.M. gaol, at Darlinghurst, late of Glebe, musician. Liabilities, £40 3s. Assets, £3. Deficit, £35 3s. Official assignee, Mr. Meckenzie.

"IN INSOLVENCY", New South Wales Government Gazette (9 August 1864), 1788-79 

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. IN INSOLVENCY. In the Insolvent Estate of Erneste [sic] Spagnoletti, of the Glebe Road, musician. SINGLE OR ONLY MEETING. WHEREAS the Estate of the abovenamed Insolvent was, on the 28th day of July, 1864, placed under sequestration by order under my hand: hereby appoint a Single Meeting of the Creditors of the said Insolvent, to be holden before me, or before the Registrar in Insolvency, at the Court Room, King street, Sydney, on Monday, the 22nd day of August . . . Dated at Sydney, the 4th day of August, a.d. 1864 . . . Official Assignee - JOHN PIPER MACKENZIE.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1864), 6 

E. SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Singing and Piano, Elvy, George-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 December 1864), 1 

SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Music; three lessons one guinea. ELVY and CO., and W. J. JOHNSON, Pitt-street.

12 December 1864, concert, Waverley

"WAVERLEY", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 December 1864), 4 

A concert was given on Monday evening last, at the Municipal Council Chambers, by children attending the Presbyterian school, conducted by Mr. J. Wiley; the object being to raise funds for purchasing books, to be presented to the children at Christmas. The first part consisted of sacred music, in which several solos and duets were very tastefully executed by ladies and gentlemen from Sydney, who kindly lent their valuable aid. "Angels ever bright and fair" was very tastefully sung by one of the ladies, accompanied by herself on the harmonium. The second part consisted of school and other songs, one of which, sung by the children, was encored; as was likewise the "Laughing song." The serio-comic song "Robinson Crusoe" was very humorously given by a gentleman, which produced great merriment and applause. The Australian Christmas song, by Spagnoletti, was tastefully rendered. The singing was effectively accompanied on the harmonium and pianoforte by a lady who kindly gave her services. The entertainment concluded with the National anthem.


"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO MISS SPAGNOLETTI", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (21 February 1865), 2 

On Saturday evening a meeting of the friends of Miss Spagnoletti was convened by advertisement to make arrangements for a complimentary concert to be given to that lady previous to her contemplated departure for England. This meeting was to have been held in St Mary's School-room, but circulars having previously been issued, convening a meeting at Mrs. Hillcoat's school room, on the same evening, for the same purpose, the two meetings were resolved into one. Upwards of twenty gentlemen, principally members of St. Mary's Young Men's Society, were present. Mr. H. H. Capper was voted to the chair. After considerable discussion as to whether the concert should be given by the members of the Society, assisted by their friends, in recognition of the services rendered by this lady to St. Mary's Church, or by her friends generally in recognition of her talent, it was resolved that a complimentary concert be given by ladies and gentlemen amateurs, the friends of Miss Spagnoletti, assisted by the members of St. Mary's Young Men's Society and the musical profession. A committee was then appointed to give effect to the resolution, and Mr. Clark undertook the duties of secretary to the committee. A meeting of the committee was subsequently held and arrangements were made for giving the concert on the 7th proximo.

"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO MISS SPAGNOLETTI", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (18 February 1865), 3 

It will be seen by an advertisement in another column that a meeting of gentlemen favourable to giving a complimentary concert to Miss Spagnolelti, previous to her contemplated departure for England, is to be held.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (21 February 1865), 1 

Prior to her departure for England.
To the Inhabitants of Maitland and Surrounding Districts.
SEVERAL Ladies and Gentlemen (amateurs), friends of Miss Nina Spagnoletti, assisted by the members of the St. Mary's Young Men's Society, and the profession, having kindly consented to render their valuable aid for the above purpose, the undersigned respectfully request the honor of your patronage on that occasion. Committee: Messrs. MARMADUKE WILSON; HILLCOAT; LANGLEY; H. CAPPER; CUNNINGHAM; LEADER; H. PRENTICE; W. SOLLING; JNO. ROURKE; J. PRENTICE; COUSENS; A. GRAY; MARKS; W. CAPPER; GRIFFITHS; CHAS. TUCKER
J. J. CLARK, Hon. Secretary. West Maitland, Feb. 20th, 1865.

8 March 1865, complimentary concert to Nina Spahnoletti, Maitland

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (7 March 1865), 1

SCHOOL OF ARTS, West Maitland.
Prior to her Departure for England.
Solo, Quartette, and Chorus - "Cherry ripe" - arranged expressly by - M. H. WILSON
Scena - As I view ("Somnambula") - BELLINI
Duett - When the swallow - F. ABT
Song - There is music in the fountain - DONIZETTI - MISS SPAGNOLETTI.
Trio - "The wreath" - MAZZINGHI
Song. - - -
Pianoforte Solo - "Maritana" - M. H. WILSON.
Duett - Sound the trumpet ("Puritani") - BELLINI
Song - The heart bowed down ("Bohemian Girl") - BALFE
Old Ballad - Home, sweet home -
Song - The Gipsy Prince - S. GLOVER
Duett - The minute gun at sea - BRAHAM
Chorus - Blest Saint in Heaven ("Masaniello") - AUBER
Song - I am saddest when I sing - M. H. WILSON
Duett - Mary o' the glen -
Cavatina - Una voce poco fa ("Barber of Seville") - ROSSINI - MISS SPAGNOLETTI.
Tenor Song - Chimes of home ("Lurline") - WALLACE.
Pianoforte Duett - Overture "Fra Diavolo" - AUBER.
Two-part Song - I would that my love - MENDELSSOHN
Song - Ah! I have sighed to rest me ("Trovatore") - VERDI
Tenor Song - There is a flower that bloometh ("Maritana") - WALLACE
Song - The appeal of love ("Daughter of the Regiment") - DONIZETTI
Ballad - Good-bye - M. H. WILSON - MISS SPAGNOLETTI.
Solo and Chorus - God bless the Prince of Wales - God save the Queen.
Musical Conductor and Pianist - Marmaduke H. Wilson.
Mr. Wilson will preside at one of Erard's Trichord Concert Grand Pianofortes, kindly lent by George Vindin, Esq., for this occasion only . . .

"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO MISS SPAGNOLETTI", The Maitland Mercury (11 March 1865), 2

In consequence of the contemplated departure of Miss Nina Spagnoletti for England, a number of her friends, assisted by members of St. Mary's Young Men's Society, determined on giving her a complimentary concert, in recognition of her vocal talent and the pleasure afforded many of them by its exercise at the soirees of the society named, and in private life. The concert was given last Wednesday evening, in the hall of the School of Arts, which, on the occasion, was filled by the most fashionable audience that has perhaps assembled in Maitland for some years past. The well-filled appearance of the room must have been exceedingly pleasing to the promoters of the concert, and especially complimentary to the talented cantatrice. The programme was divided into two parts, of twelve items each, and comprised selections from the compositions of Bellini, Abt, Donizetti, Mazzinghi, Balfe, Auber, Rossini, Mendelssohn, Verdi, Wallace. M. H. Wilson, Glover, and Braham. The first part opened with a new arrangement of an old song, "Cherry ripe," arranged by Mr. Wilson (who officiated as musical conductor and pianist) as a solo, quartetto, and chorus especially for this concert. The beautiful scene, "As I view those scenes so charming," (from "La Somnambula,") was next given; and this was followed by that charming duet, "When the swallows homeward fly," which was effectively sung.

Miss Spagnoletti, whose appearance was the signal for enthusiastic applause, then delighted the audience by her exquisite rendering of the blind girl's song - "There's music in the fountain" - a beautiful composition, by Donizetti. Being encored, she sang the ever-pleasing ballad, "Ever of thee."

"The wreath," a trio, by Mazzinghi, was next given, and, as at a former concert, it was deservedly applauded. "Di pescatore" (from the opera of "Lucretia Borgia"), was sweetly sung by a young lady, as was also the dear old ballad "Home, sweet home," sang by another lady. A pianoforte solo, an arrangement by Mr. Wilson, of airs from "Maritana," was played by that gentleman with his accustomed efficiency, and the performance won for him the compliment of an encore. "The heart bowed down," "The gipsy prince," "Sound now the trumpet," and "The minute gun at sea," together with the pieces already mentioned, formed the first part of the programme.

The second part opened with a chorus from "Masaniello" - "Blest saint in heaven" - which was succeeded by the song "I'm saddest when I sing;" this was rendered in a very pleasing style, as was also "The appeal of love;" both were much applauded. But the vocal gem of the evening was "Una voce poco fa" - the celebrated cavatina in "Il barbiere de Seviglia," which was executed by Miss Spagnoletti in her best style, and elicited most rapturous applause. She also sang " Good-bye," and being encored, sang "Rolling home to merry England," and "Cooey," all of which were most favourably received by the audience.

The overture to the opera "Fra Diavolo," played as a pianoforte duett by a young lady amateur and Mr. Wilson, was perhaps the most brilliant piece of instrumental music that it has been the pleasure of so large an audience to hear in this district; an enthusiastic encore was accorded to the performers. The instrument was one of Erard's trichord concert grand pianofortes, and was kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. George Vindin. A two-part song, "I would that my love," and the tenor song, "There is a flower that bloometh," were fairly rendered and well received. The concert terminated, shortly before eleven o'clock, with "God bless the Prince of Wales," and the national anthem.

"Shipping Gazette. DEPARTURES", Sydney Mail (8 April 1865), 10 

April 1. Orwell, ship, 1109 tons, Captain Quinn, for London. Passengers - Rev. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mitchell and infant, Misses Mitchell (2), Master Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Misses Thomas (2), Mrs. Herring. Mrs. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. La Moile, Mrs. Keyte, Mrs. Spagnoletti, Misses Spagnoletti (3) . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 August 1865), 1 

E. SPAGNOLETTI'S SINGING CLASS, Monday and Thursday, at Madame Curtis's, Belgrave-terrace.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 October 1865), 1 

E. SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Music. Three lessons 1 guinea, at W. J. JOHNSON'S, Pitt-st.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1866), 8 

SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Music, will resume his duties on the 11th instant.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1867), 7 

SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Singing and Piano. Frith and Co., next Pitt-street Church.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 July 1867), 8

SPAGNOLETTI, a name known to the musical world for 100 years, second to none. TUNING, Repairing, and Instruction in MUSIC and SINGING ...

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (31 August 1867), 6 

EDUCATION. ASHGROVE LODGE, Ashfield. MRS. TAIT'S SYSTEM combines a superior English Education with the Modern Languages and Accomplishments, in which she is assisted by the following Professors, viz.
Piano: C. d'Apice, Esq., and Miss Nott
Singing: E. Spagnoletti and Madame Flora Harris . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles d'Apice


Sands' Sydney directory for 1868 (Sydney: John Sands, 1868), 347 

Spagnoletti, E., teacher of music, Paddington

"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. FRIDAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 July 1868), 5 

On the summons paper were seventeen cases, of which one was dismissed and two were not prosecuted. In Gooch v. Spagnoletti, a proceeding to recover possession from an overholding tenant of premises situated at Redfern, the complainant obtained a warrant, which is to lie in the office seven days.

"SPAGNOLETTI V. SIMPSON", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1868), 2

This was an action for assault, damages being laid at £30. The evidence for the plaintiff was that, on the afternoon of the 6th November, he asked the defendant for a small account, whereupon the latter struck him a violent blow on the face, necessitating medical attendance, and entailing the loss of several pupils. For the defendant, however, evidence was given, showing that the plaintiff accosted the defendant in words of vulgar abuse, and applied offensive words to some member of his family. Defendant swore that he apprehended violence, from the plaintiff, and that he struck the blow (a very slight one) in self-defence. His HONOR was of opinion that the conduct and language of the plaintiff were most aggravating and annoying. Verdict for the plaintiff, 20s; professional costs, disallowed. Mr. Watson appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. R. B. Smith for the defendant.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1869), 1 

SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Singing and Piano. Thurlow-terrace, Bourke-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 July 1869), 1 

SPAGNOLETTI'S Evening Classes. - Piano and Singing. Frith's Rooms, next Burt's Yard, Castlereagh-st.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 September 1869), 1

SPAGNOLETTI.- Piano and Singing. Pianos for practice, next Bull's Sale Yard, Castlereagh-street.


"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 June 1870), 1 

On the 31st May, R. H. SPAGNOLETTI, fourth son of the late E. Spagnoletti, in the 22nd year of his age.

"DISTIRCT COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 June 1870), 5 

. . . Seal v. Spagnoletti . . .


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 February 1871), 1

ERNESTO SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Singing and Piano. Address Pierce, William-street, Woolloomooloo.

24 February 1871, first and only notice of Gentle words are lightly spoken (Sepagnoletti junior)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 February 1871), 12 

ERNEST Spagnoletti's new Song, "Gentle Words are lightly spoken," as sung by Mrs. Cordner. 3s.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 May 1871), 1

ERNESTO SPAGNOLETTI, Professor of Singing and Piano, 160, Forbes street, Woolloomooloo.

1871, death of Ernesto Spagnoletti junior

BDM NSW registration 953/1871

Musical works
Paolo Spagnoletti (also later claimed by Ernesto senior)

La Dorset and The Countess of Farnham's waltz in The lancers' quadrilles (1817)

La dorset, Spagnoletti (Sydney, Ellard)

La Dorset, Spagnoletti (Sydney: Ellard, [1839]); National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

The countess of Farnham's waltz, Spagnoletti (Sydney, Ellard)

The countess of Farnham's waltz, Spagnoletti (Sydney: Ellard, [1839]); National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

New quadrilles ... the music by Yaniewicz and Spagnoletti, the figures by Mr. Duval, to which is added a new Waltz [The countess of Farnham's] by Spagnoletti (Dublin: J. Willis, [1817])

Later editions: 

The lancers' quadrilles (Duval of Dublin's second set) containing ... La dorset [Spagnoletti] as danced at Almack's, London, to which is added a new waltz by Sig[no]r Spagnoletti, and the Stop waltz (Sydney: F. Ellard, [1839]) (DIGITISED)

For Documentation on the Ellard 1839 edition, see: 

But especially this review by William Augustine Duncan:

"New Music", Australasian Chronicle (16 August 1839), 1 

No. 1. THE LANCERS' QUADRILLES, to which are added, a New Waltz, by Spagnoletti, and the Stop Waltz. F. Ellard, George-street, Sydney . . . No. 1 is a complete "Book" in technical phrase. Its contents are well known, but we ought to say this much of Mr. Ellard's edition, that it is neatly printed in a bold legible note, and as far as we have had time to examine it, correct . . .

Ernesto Spagnoletti was only 12 or 13 years old when the two dances ascribed to "Spagnoletti" first appeared in print, a Dublin edition advertised on 22 April 1817 being perhaps the earliest; ordinarily, and most likely, the ascription was to taken to be to his father Paolo Spagnoletti; Ernesto's later claim to be the "author" of "La Dorset" (see Documentation UK 1853 above) may simply reflect the fact that he believed himself to have inherited the copyright. Nevertheless, the possibility that he had some original claim, to have been a young but precocious co-creator with his father, perhaps cannot be absolutely ruled out.

Modern downloadable editions with sound files (MIDI):

"La Dorset" 

"Countess of Farnham's Waltz" 

See Paul Cooper, "The Lancers Quadrilles", Regency Dances 

Musical works of Ernesto Spagnoletti senior

KEY: Extant works (published or MS); Lost works (or no copy yet identified)

L'allegria quadrilles (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1822)

L'allegria, a first set of quadrilles for the pianoforte by Ernesto D. Spagnoletti (1822)

Copy at London, British Library

Le printemps quadrilles (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1823)

Le printemps, second set of quadrilles for the piano forte by Ernesto D. Spagnoletti (1823)

Copy at London, British Library

Copy at State Library of New South Wales 

Conservati fedele (Ernesto Spagnoletti, 11 April 1829); August Gow commonplace book, Sydney Living Museums

Conservati fedele (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1829)

Conservati fedele, by Ernesto Spagnoletti, April 11th 1829

For voice and piano; words, aria (Mandana) from Artaserse (1730) by Pietro Metastasio (1698-1782)

MS, probably composer's autograph, copied for Augusta Gow (1815-1893), a fellow student at the Royal Academy of Music, London, 11 April 1829

The commonplace book of Augusta Gow, MS, Sydney Living Museums / Historic Houses Trust NSW

Modern edition by Graeme Skinner 2019


Yes! I'll go with you my Love, Spagnoletti (London: Willis, [1830/32])

Yes! I'll go with you my Love, song (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1830/32)

Yes! I'll go with you my Love, a reply to The deep, deep sea [by C. E. Horn], written by Mrs. C. R. Huxley, composed and dedicated to C. S. [Charlotte Stohwasser] by Ernesto Spagnoletti (London: I. Willis, [1832])

Copy at London, British Library; digitised Google books (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], Morning Post [London] (16 December 1830), 1

WILLIS and CO. Music Sellers by Special Appointment, to their Majesties, 55, St. James's-street, London; and 7, Westmorland-street, Dublin, have just published the following NEW SONGS: . . . In the press . . . "A Reply to the Deep deep Sea." The words by C. R. Huxley, the music by E. Spagnoletti.

"REVIEW: VOCAL MUSIC", The harmonicon (May 1832), 136 

. . . 7. Yes! I'll go with you, my love, a reply to 'The deep, deep sea,' written by Mrs. Huxley; composed by ERNESTO SPAGNOLETTI. (Willis and Co.) . . . No. 7 ought to encourage the author to proceed; it shows talent and a commendable effort to avoid beaten tracks . . .

Io credea contento, canzonet (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1832)

Io credea contento, a canzonet, dedicated to his friend John Foulon, esq., by Ernesto D. Spagnoletti (1832)

Copy at London, British Library

Modern edition, typeset, by Tyrone Landau, London, August 2020


The sisters valses (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1848)

Spagnoletti's valses "The sisters," for the piano forte (1848)

Copy at London, British Library

New year's polka (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1849)

Spagnoletti's new year's polka, by Ernesto D. Spagnoletti (1849)

Copy at London, British Library

Australia (1853-62)

Tho' for a while (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, canzonet) (1853)

Tho' for a while, a new canzonet, for soprano voice by Sign. Spagnoletti ([Sydney: W. J. Johnson and Co., 1853])


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 October 1853), 8 

MUSICAL REPOSITORY, 314, Pitt-street. NEW MUSIC - . . . A new canzonet, for a soprano voice, "Tho' for awhile," by Erneste Spagnoletti, price 2s. 6d. W. J. JOHNSON AND CO. . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 November 1853), 8 

. . . New Canzonet, composed by Sig. Spagnoletti, "THO' FOR AWHILE" . . .

For all Trove items tagged Tho for a while (Spagnoletti senior) see:

New bazaar waltz (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1854)

New bazaar waltz by Spagnoletti ([Sydney: W. J. Johnson and Co., 1854])


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 January 1854), 5 

NEW BAZAAR WALTZ, by Spagnoletti. W. J. JOHNSON AND CO., 314, Pitt-street.

On the New Fancy Bazaar in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, see:

"THE NEW FANCY BAZAAR, ROYAL HOTEL", Illustrated Sydney News (7 January 1854), 2 

"THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S VISIT TO THE NEW FANCY BAZAAR", Illustrated Sydney News (14 January 1854), 1 

Simla polka (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1857)

Simla polka respectfully dedicated to Capt. Cooper and the officers of the steamer Simla, played by Mr. Moss, composed by Spagnoletti (Sydney: W. J. Johnson & Co., [1857])

Copy at the State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 January 1857), 2 

"SIMLA POLKA", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 February 1857), 5 

For all Trove items tagged Simla polka (Spagnoletti senior) see:

The Woolloomooloo octave polka, by E. Spagnoletti senior (Sydney, 1858)

The Woolloomooloo octave polka (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1858)

The Woolloomooloo octave polka, composed and respectfully dedicated to the ladies of Woolloomooloo, by Spagnoletti, R. A. (Sydney: For the author, [1858])

Copy at the State Library of New South Wales 

Photocopy of the above, at National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

For all Trove items tagged The Woolloomooloo octave polka (Spagnoletti senior) see:

The cornstalk galop (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, March 1859)

The cornstalk galop, respectfully dedicated to his pupils, by Spagnoletti, R. A. ([Sydney]: D. Buist and Son, [1859])

Copy at the State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 March 1859), 5 

CORNSTALK GALOP, by Spagnoletti. just published.
D. BUIST and SON, 254, George-street.

For all Trove items tagged The cornstalk galop (Spagnoletti senior) see:

Agile (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, May 1859)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1859), 1 

Overture - "Guillaume Tell" (Rossini) - Two Lady Amateurs
Romance - "Agile" (Spagnoletti) - Spagnoletti
Duett - "Ambling Steed" (Kucken) - Lady Amateur and Spagnoletti . . .
. . . Conductor - Mr. E. Spagnoletti . . .

Il trovatore waltzes [Verdi] (arr. Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, November 1859)

Il trovatore waltzes, arranged by Spagnoletti, R. A., and dedicated to his kind friend W. J. Johnson, esq. (Sydney: W. J. Johnson & Co., [1859])

Copy at the State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1859), 8 

JUST PUBLISHED, II Trovatore Waltzes, price 2s. JOHNSON and CO., Music Warehouse, 172. Pitt-st.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 December 1859), 10 

TROVATORE WALTZES, 2s. 6d. very pretty and easy. W. J. JOHNSON and CO., 172, Pitt-street.

For all Trove items tagged Il trovatore waltzes (Spagnoletti senior) see:

Cooey! an Australian song (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, first performed December 1859, published May 1860; words by Jane Messiter)

Cooey! an Australian song, as sung by Nina Spagnoletti, respectfully dedicated to Madame Sara Flower, words by an Australian lady, music by Spagnoletti, R. A. (Sydney: James Reading and Co., [1860])

Copy at the National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 December 1859), 3 

. . . this evening. Signor Spagnoletti intends favouring the residents of Balmain . . . Four new songs appear in the programme, two of which have not yet been sung in public, "Cooey," written by the Australian songstress "Desda," is one of them; the music of which, by Spagnoletti, we hear from private sources is extremely new and pretty.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 July 1860), 1 

COOEY ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Cooey ! Ceoey ! Cooey ! Cooey !

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 July 1860), 8 

COO-EY, an Australian Song, published by JOHN DAVIS, draper. Kiandra House, George-street.

See also Documentation above

Video recording of live performance by Elizabeth Connell (1946-2012), London, November 2010 (STREAMED)

For all Trove items tagged Cooey (Spagnoletti senior) see:

The captured lady (Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, March 1861; words by Nathaniel L. Kentish)

The captured lady, answer to Ever of thee I'm fondly dreaming, respectfully dedicated to Miss Reid and the young ladies of the Australian College, words by N. C. Kentish [sic], composed by Spagnoletti, R. A. (Sydney: Published by the Author, [1861])

Copy at the National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 March 1861), 1 

JUST PUBLISHED.- "The Captive and Lady," [sic] answer to "Ever of Thee." By Spagnoletti, R.A.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 April 1861), 12 

JUST PUBLISHED, "The Captured Lady," answer to Ever of Thee, by Spagnoletti, R.A.

See also Documentation above

For all Trove items tagged The captured lady (Spagnoletti senior) see:

Two arrangements (1861)

Come shining forth, my dearest (Mozart; arr. Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1861)

The singing polka (arr. Ernesto Spagnoletti senior, 1861)

[Sydney: Alonzo Grocott's Australian musical bouquet, May 1861]


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 May 1861), 8 

contains eight full-sized pages of Vocal and Pianoforte Music. Price, one shilling.
Contents: Deh Vieni alla finestra, O mio tesoro, with English words; Come shining forth, my dearest - serenade from Mozart's Il Don Giovanni, arranged by Spagnoletti, R.A. expressly for the Australian Musical Bouquet.
The Singing Polka, arranged by Spagnoletti;
The Youthful Heart, ballad, by E. F. Rimbault.
May be purchased at all musicsellers' and booksellers' in Sydney and the suburbs, and at the Australian Bouquet Office, 66, Bathurst-street West . . .

"MUSIC AND DRAMA", Sydney Mail (4 May 1861), 8 

Two musical publications have issued from the Press during the past week: "Grocott's Musical Bouquet," for May; and a Quick March for the Volunteers, by Mr. Stanley, of the South Sydney Company, published by Mr. J. R. Clarke, of George-street. The "Bouquet" contains three pieces : A serenade from Don Giovanni, with Italian and English words, "Come Shining forth my Dearest;" Sontag's celebrated "Singing Polka," for the piano; and a ballad entitled "The Youthful heart," dedicated to Mr. M. Wilson, which will be found very pretty. This publication is gradually improving in the selections made, and also in the printing, which is exceedingly good.

Works in manuscript (1862)


"NEW PIANOFORTE MUSIC", Empire (11 October 1862), 4 

. . . We understand that Mr. Spagnoletti intends to publish several M.S.S. left by his late father, whose sudden death it was lately our duty to record. Report speaks highly of them as compositions worthy of the reputation of a Royal Academician.

Musical works of Ernesto Spagnoletti junior

KEY: Extant works (published or MS); Lost works (or no copy yet identified)

Awake, my love, serenade, by E. Spagnoletti junior (Sydney, 1855)

Awake, my love, serenade (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1855)

Awake, my love, serenade, by E. Spagnoletti (Sydney: H. Marsh and Co, [1855])

No. 2 [? 4] in The Australian cadeau (23 June 1855)

Copy at the National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

Words by Anne C. Turnbull, from The song of Azrael, the angel of death; Recollections of a village school; and other poems (London: J. W. Southgate, 1840), 60 (DIGITISED)

See also Documentation above

For all Trove items tagged Awake my love (Spagnoletti junior) see:

Our village home (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1856)

Our village home (in The Sydney harmonicon) ([Sydney; W. J. Johnson, [1856])


"THE SYDNEY HARMONICON", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1856), 5

. . . Ernest Spagnoletti's "Our Village Home," - a composition, worthy of the son of the most accomplished musician who ever presided over the splendid orchestra of the Italian Opera House in the Haymarket. Musical talent of a high order is inherent in the Spagnoletti family, for a son of M. Ernst, who is also pursuing the profession in Sydney, has published some compositions bearing the impress of much talent . . .

See also Documentation above

For all Trove items tagged Our village home (Spagnoletti junior) see:

The Balmain polka (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1857)

The Balmain polka, respectfully dedicated to the ladies of Balmain, by Ernesto Spagnoletti ([Sydney]: The author, [1857])

Copy at the State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

See also Documentation above

For all Trove items tagged The Balmain polka (Spagnoletti junior) see:

Nina waltz (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1857)

[Sydney: ?, 1857]


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 January 1857), 2 

MUSIC - The Nina Waltz, Briliante, respectfully dedicated to Lady Denison, by E. Spagnoletti. JOHNSON. and CO., 2s 6d.

For all Trove items tagged Nina waltz (Spagnoletti junior) see:

Woolloomooloo schottische (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1858; second edition 1860)

[first edition: Sydney: ? for the composer, 1858]


[Second edition] Woolloomooloo schottische, respectfully dedicated to the ladies of Woolloomooloo by Ernesto Spagnoletti, second edition (Sydney: Published by J. R. Clarke, [1860])

? Printed from same plates, but with new cover; copy at the National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

[Later edition] The Madalena schottische composed by Ernesto Spagnoletti (Sydney: James Reading & Co., [after August 1868])

Printed from same plates, new cover only; copy at the State Library of New South Wales (not digitised)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 July 1858), 1 

MUSIC - The Woolloomooloo Schottische, by E. Spagnoletti; also, the Companion, Woolloomooloo Polka, by Spagnoletti, R. A., will be published in a few days.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 July 1858), 8 

JUST PUBLISHED, the Woolloomooloo Schottische respectfully dedicated to the Ladies of Woolloomooloo, by E. Spagnoletti; also the Companion, Woolloomooloo Octave Polka, by Spagnoletti, R.A. To be had at all music-sellers.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 October 1860), 16 

MUSIC by E. SPAGNOLETTI. - Second edition of Sydney, Woolloomooloo, and Madelena Schottisches. Price 2s. 6d. J. R. CLARKE, George-street.

For all Trove items tagged Woolloomooloo schottische (Spagnoletti junior) see:

The Madalena schottische (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1859; second edition 1860)

The Madalena schottische, for the pianoforte, dedicated to his friend, F. Ellard, by Ernesto Spagnoletti (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1859])

Copy (first edition) at the National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

[Second edition]

Presumably printed from original plates, with new cover only; NO COPY IDENTIFIED

[Later edition] The Woolloomooloo schottische composed by Ernesto Spagnoletti (Sydney: James Reading & Co., [after August 1868])

Printed from original plates; new cover only; copy at the State Library of New South Wales 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1859), 1 

NEW MUSIC. - Just published . . . The Madalena Schottische . . . J. R. CLARKE, music publisher, 356, George-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 October 1860), 16 

MUSIC by E. SPAGNOLETTI. - Second edition of Sydney, Woolloomooloo, and Madelena Schottisches. Price 2s. 6d. J. R. CLARKE, George-street.

For all Trove items tagged The Madalena schottische (Spagnoletti junior) see:

The Sydney schottische (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1860; second edition 1860)

[first edition, 1859] 

The Sydney schottische, dedicated to Miss Brown of Balmain, by Ernesto Spagnoletti, second edition (Sydney: Published by the author, [1860])

Copy (second edition, ? from same plates, but with new cover) at the National Library of Australia 

[Advertisement], Empire (23 May 1860), 1 

JUST PUBLISHED, the SYDNEY SCHOTTISCHE, by E. SPAGNOLETTI. Price 2s. 6d. To be had at all the Music Sellers.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 October 1860), 16 

MUSIC by E. SPAGNOLETTI. - Second edition of Sydney, Woolloomooloo, and Madelena Schottisches. Price 2s. 6d. J. R. CLARKE, George-street.

For all Trove items tagged The Sydney schottische (Spagnoletti junior) see:

The Sydney volunteers polka (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1861)

The Sydney volunteers polka composed by E. Spagnoletti ([Sydney: ? For the composer, 1861]) 

Copy (photocopy of ? SLNSW copy) at the National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

"THE VOLUNTEERS' POLKA", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 January 1861), 5 

The auspicious assembling in Sydney, of the Volunteers of the city, suburbs, and chief country towns, has been agreeably welcomed, in sparkling dance music, by M. Ernesto Spagnoletti, who has composed, in their honour, a graceful polka, which promises to become a standard favourite in metropolitan as well as country ballrooms or quiet evening parties. It is one of those light, effervescent morceaux which, from its appropriate character and timely publication, must become popular with the votaries of Terpsichore, and will, we have no doubt, receive the cordial patronage of the gallant companies of volunteers to whom it is dedicated.

For all Trove items tagged The Sydney volunteers polka (Spagnoletti junior) see:

The Garibaldi polka (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1861)

The Garibaldi polka, dedicated to Signor Cutolo, composed by Ernesto Spagnoletti (Sydney: Pub'd by W. J. Johnson & Co., [1861])

Copy at the National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 April 1861), 12 

THE GARIBALDI POLKA, by E. SPAGNOLETTI, beautifully illustrated, 2s. 6d. JOHNSON and CO., Pitt-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 April 1861), 9 

JUST PUBLISHED, "The Garibaldi Polka," beautifully illustrated. Price 2s. 6d. JOHNSON and CO., warehouse, Pitt-street.

"THE GARIBALDI POLKA", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 August 1861), 5 

Every week brings out something new in dance music: remarkable personages or events suggest to the composer who caters for the demand of the votaries of Terpsichore that such ought to be recorded in galop, valse, or polka, and, indeed, a hero, on whatever stage of life he may appear, can scarce be said to have achieved immortal fame until his name or portrait is attached to the title page of some composition specially written for the ball-room. The great Italian hero of the present day has at length reached this apex of popularity, and we have now to record the publication of a polka bearing his name, by Ernesto Spagnoletti, and dedicated to the patriot's countryman and accomplished pianist, Signor Cutolo. Besides being brilliant in style, it possesses greater originality than is usually met with in compositions of this character. The time is well marked, a circumstance of great value to the dancer and the triplets at the end of each bar in the first part give it a pleasing effect, a plentiful use has also been made of the chromatic scale in the second part, which, is in B flat, the coda returning to the original key of A flat. The whole is well modulated, which, as a matter of course, adds materially to the brilliancy of the polka. As a specimen of colonial printing it is highly creditable, the title page is most elaborate, and artistically designed, - the prominent word "Garibaldi" being printed in fancy letters of gold and red. The notation is remarkably clear and apparently correct, which is also a very important feature, but one to which frequently little regard is paid. With so many commendable points, it cannot fail to become a great favourite in fashionable circles. The publishers are Messrs. Johnson and Co., of Pitt-street.

For all Trove items tagged The Garibaldi polka (Spagnoletti junior) see:

St. Leonards schottische (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1862)

St. Leonard's schottische, dedicated to his friend H. Coleman, esq're, by Ernesto Spagnoletti (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1862])

Copy bound in Clarke's Australian musical album for 1863 at National Library of Australia (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED ALBUM VIEW)

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (11 October 1862), 3

JUST PUBLISHED. - St. LEONARD'S SCHOTTISCHE, composed by ERNESTO SPAGNOLETTI, and dedicated to his friend and pupil, H. Coleman, Esq. It is embellished with a tinted view of St. Leonards, from a drawing by Mr. Thomas, lithographed by Herr Degotardi, Price, Three Shillings. Published by J. R. Clarke, George-street, from whom all E. Spagnoletti's previous compositions may be obtained . . .

"NEW PIANOFORTE MUSIC", Empire (11 October 1862), 4 

Mr. J. R. Clarke, of George-street, has just published a brilliant and classical composition by Mr. Ernesto Spagnoletti, entitled St. Leonards' Schottische. Apart from its merit as an acceptable addition to our ball-room music, it will take a high stand with musical students as a valuable pianoforte lesson. In ordinary schottisches, polkas, and other dances, of their school, the music, however brilliant, has generally very slight claim to scientific structure; but in the composition before us, the arrangement is of a novel and peculiar character. The ordinary and monotonous bass chords are discarded, and each passage performed by the right hand is immediately played by the left. The effect is as striking as it is agreeable, and although somewhat difficult, we feel assured that this schottische will meet with the patronage of many fair pianistes and votaries of the "Muse of the many twinkling feet." The getting up of this publication is of a first-class character. The frontispiece is embellished with a highly-finished view of St. Leonards, North Shore, from the pencil of Mr. Thomas, lithographed in colours by Herr Degotardi . . .

"NEW MUSIC", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (11 October 1862), 3 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 December 1862), 2 

. . . In preparation, The AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL ALBUM for 1863.
2 St. Leonard's Schottische, with illustrative title page in colours, designed by E. Thomas . . .
J. R. CLARKE, music publisher, 356, George street, Sydney.

For all Trove items tagged St Leonards schottische (Spagnoletti junior) see:

Marion schottische (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1863)

[Wilkie, Elvy. and Co., 1863]


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 May 1863), 7 

JUST Published, price 2s., the Marion Schottische, by Ernest Spagnoletti WILKIE, ELVY, and CO.

"VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 June 1863), 5 

. . . The Marion Schottische, for the pianoforte, by Ernesto Spagnoletti, has recently been published by Messrs. Wilkie and Elvy . . .

For all Trove items tagged Marion schottische (Spagnoletti junior) see:

Our Australian Christmas song (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1863)

Our Australian Christmas song composed by E. Spagnoletti (Sydney: Alonzo Grocott, [1863])

Copy at the National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 November 1863), 1 

A NEW SONG - "Our Australian Christmas," by E. Spagnoletti, will be published next week.

[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 September 1863), 5 

. . . Mr. Ernest Spagnoletti has also composed a pretty morceau, entitled "Our Australian Christmas Song." The words have been set to a flowing melody in the key of D. The range is within easy compass for the voice, with a suitable accompaniment. It is published by A. Grocott, and is neatly and clearly printed.

For all Trove items tagged Our Australian Christmas song (Spagnoletti junior) see:

Gentle words are lightly spoken, song (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior, 1871)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 February 1871), 12 

ERNEST Spagnoletti's new Song, "Gentle Words are lightly spoken," as sung by Mrs. Cordner. 3s.

Bibliography and resources:

Cazalet 1854

William Wahab Cazalet, The history of the Royal Academy of Music (London: T. Bosworth, 1854), 213, 215 (Ernesto sen.) 

Corder 1922

Frederick Corder, A history of the Royal Academy of Music (London: F. Corder, 1922), 32, 42 

Highfill 1991

Philip H. Highfill et al., A biographical dictionary of actors, actresses, musicians, dancers, managers, and other stage personnel in London, 1660-1800, volume 14, S. Siddons to Thynne (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1991), 202-04;view=2up;seq=212 (DIGITISED)

Neidorf 1999

Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), passim (DIGITISED)

Heron-Allen 2001

E. Heron-Allen, "Spagnoletti [della Diana], Paolo (Ludovico)", Grove music online (2001) (PAYWALL)

"Charles Spagnoletti", Wikipedia (ONLINE)

Weblog posts

Angus Trumble, "Desda", The Trumble diaries (website), posted 30 January 2011

Angus Trumble, "Cooey! An Australian song", National Portrait Gallery (website), posted 1 May 2015 

Lisa Murray, "Grab your partners for The Balmain polka", Dictionary of Sydney (weblog); posted 21 November 2018 

© Graeme Skinner 2014 - 2025