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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–P (Pa-Ph)

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–P (Pa-Ph)", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025

- P - (Pa - Ph)

Introductory note:

The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.

Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.

A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in December 2020, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.

Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.

The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.


Go to family main page: 

PACKER, Augusta Gow - see main page Augusta Gow PACKER
PACKER, Charles Sandys - see main page Charles Sandys PACKER
PACKER, Frederick Alexander - see main page Frederick Alexander PACKER
PACKER, Frederick Augustus - see main page Frederick Augustus PACKER
PACKER, John Edward - see main page John Edward PACKER
PACKER, Arthur Howard - see main page Arthur Howard PACKER

PAGET, Miss (Miss PAGET)


Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1845 (shareable link to this entry)


"THEATRICAL BENEFIT", Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (26 December 1845), 3 

PAGNOTTI, Alfonso (Alfonso PAGNOTTA; Alphonse; Alfonzo PAGNOTTI)

Flautist, teacher

Born Naples, Italy, c. 1850
Active Sydney, NSW, by September 1877
Married Annie Ruth PRESTON, St. Peter's, Woolloomooloo, NSW, 20 September 1883
Died Enmore, NSW, 26 September 1924, aged "74" (shareable link to this entry)



[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 September 1877), 8 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 January 1878), 15

SIGNOR PAGNOTTA, Flautist, from the Conservatory of Naples, is prepared to give lessons. 90, Elizabeth-st.

"AMUSEMENTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 October 1878), 5

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 April 1879), 8

[Advertisement], Evening News (6 October 1879), 1

INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1879. MUSIC. The Instruments used at these Concerts are by Emil Ascherberg, of Dresden, from the warehouses of Messrs. Nicholson and Ascherberg, Sydney. The Flute used by Signor Pagnotti, by Boehm, is from the Belgium Court of the International Exhibition. The Solo played by Signor Pagnotti will be on one of Boehm's Exhibition Flutes.

[Births], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 July 1884), 12

"Miss Sherwin's Concert", Evening News (25 August 1887), 4

Signor A. Pagnotti played with much sweetness the flute obligato to Miss Sherwin's rendering of "Lo, hear the gentle lark."

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 September 1924), 8

"LATE SIGNOR PAGNOTTI", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 October 1924), 10 (with photograph) 

Alfonzo Pagnotti, the well-known flautist, passed away on Friday last, after a long illness at his home at Enmore, and was buried at Rookwood. The mourners included his widow (Mrs. Annie Pagnotti), and other relatives, Miss Elvy, and Dr. Fiaschi. Pagnotti was a thorough musician, educated at a leading conservatorio in Italy, and came to Australia many years ago for Italian opera, and settled in Sydney. When Madame Amy Sherwin made her operatic debut in "Lucia" at the old Victoria Theatre, Pitt-street, in 1879, Pagnotti beautifully rendered the obbligato in the Mad Scene, and he accompanied the Tasmanian Nightingale on some of her subsequent girlish tours before she settled in Europe, where she became a celebrity. In 1883 Pagnotti was principal flute in the Italian Opera Company conducted by Signor Paolo Giorza, of which the flautist's friend, Signor Tramaglia, of Naples, was leader. Pagnotti was in several fine Italian opera companies here, and ultimately was attached to the orchestra at Her Majesty's in comic opera for a long period of years. He was highly esteemed as a musician of refinement, and his diminutive figure was familiar to thousands of playgoers.

PAINE, Fanny (Fanny ROOKE; Mrs. Henry PAINE; Mrs. PAINE; PAYNE)

Musician, contralto vocalist, pianist, composer

Born St. Giles, London, England, 20 December 1828; baptised St. George's, Hanover Square, 21 March 1838 [sic]; daughter of William Michael ROOKE (O'ROURKE) (1794-1847) and Eleanor BLAGG (1803-1886)
Married Henry William PAINE, All Souls, Langham Place, London, 11 November 1850
? Arrived Adelaide, SA, 24 December 1856 (per Norna, from London, 2 September)
Active Adelaide, SA, by July 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


As reported in Australia, Fanny was a daughter of William Michael Rooke (Rourke, or O'Rourke), composer of the popular opera Amilie; or, The love test, and a pupil of Felice Ronconi.

She married Henry William Paine, a mercer, in 1850, and a daughter Maria Fanny was born to them in August 1851, but died in May 1856, aged "4".

At her own "grand concert" in February 1858, Mrs. Paine introduced a polka ("New Original, composed by Mrs. Paine").

By mid 1858, she had disappeared from the record, and probably moved to Melbourne with her husband, and where, in 1862, she petitioned for divorce.

Either she or one of her sisters (if the latter, presumably recently arrived) was the "Miss Rooke, daughter of the celebrated composer" who appeared at the Varieties in Melbourne in November 1867.

No later reference to Fanny - Rooke or Paine - has been found. However, a Miss Bartley, who was active as a vocalist in Victoria from 1859 to 1862, also claimed to be a daughter of the composer W. M. Rooke.


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square; register 1833-50, fol. 217; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

March 21 / [no.] 51 / Fanny / [dau. of] Will'm Mich. & Eleanor / O'Rourke [sic] / Newman St. / [born] 20 Dec'r 1828 / Composer of Music

England census, 6 June 1841, borough of Marylebone, London, England; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 675 / 13 (PAYWALL)

William Rooke / 45 / Professor of Music . . .
Eleanor Rooke / 40 // Eleanor / 10 //
Fanny [Rooke] / 12 // Susan / 9 // John / 6 // Mary / 4 // Amelia / 1

[Musical news], The illustrated London news (2 March 1850), 10

Signor F. Ronconi, brother of the celebrated Ronconi, commenced a series of concerts at the Beethoven Rooms. Miss Noble, a debutante of much promise, was encored in Verdi's air, "Tu al cui sguardo." Mdlle. St. Marc has a fine voice. The other vocalists were Mdlle. Davinci, Miss S. Howson, Miss Leslie, Miss Rooke; Signori Burdini, F. Ronconi (an agreeable tenor), Mr. Henry Mapleson, and Mr. C. Toulmin. Burdini was encored in Donizetti's air, "Pour tant d'amour." The solo instrumentalists were Thalberg and Briccialdi (flute).

ASSOCIATIONS: Felice Ronconi (vocalist, Fanny's teacher); James Henry Mapleson (vocalist); Sigismond Thalberg (pianist); Giulio Briccialdi (flautist); Miss S. Howson (vocalist, cousin of the Australian Howsons)

"SIGNOR RONCONI'S SOIREE MUSICALE", Morning Advertiser [London] (15 March 1850), 4

On Wednesday evening Sig. Ronconi gave a second grand soiree musicale at the Beethoven Rooms, Harley-street, Cavendish-square . . . in the list of artistes who assisted on the occasion . . . we found the names of Mapleson, Toulmin, Miss Noble, Miss Leslie, Miss Rooke, and others of equal note. The last-named young lady gives much promise of future excellence and well vindicates the musical prestige of her name. A daughter, we believe, of the gifted and tasteful composer of Amelie, so prematurely taken from us, is entitled to the warmest sympathies of our musical readers. She sang with much care the difficult preghiera from Le Prophète, "L'ingrato m'abbandono;" though she evinced a slight trepidation while singing, she acquitted herself with effect, and received warm encomiums . . . The second part of the programme was equally full of vocal beauties, as may be seen by the following specimens: . . . Duettino, "Mi balza in petto," Miss Leslie and Miss Rooke . . .

MUSIC: L'ingrato m'abbandono (Meyerbeer, from Le prophète); Mi balza in petto (Vincenzo Gabussi)

1850, marriage solemnized at All Souls' church, in the Parish of Marylebone; register 1845-52, page 52; London (PAYWALL)

No. 103 / 11 November 1850 / Henry William Paine, of full age, Bachelor, Draper / [father] William Paine / Licensed Victualler (dec'd)
and Fanny Rooke, of full age, Spinster, - / [father] William Michael Rooke / Professor of Music (dec'd)

England census, 30 March 1851, parish of St. John, Paddington, London, England; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1467 (PAYWALL)

19 Portsea Place / Henry Paine / Head / 24 / Silk Mercer / . . .
Fanny Paine / Wife / 22 / Professor of Singing and Music / [born] London, St. Giles

Adelaide, SA (? from December 1856):

? "SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", Adelaide Times (26 December 1856), 2 

Wednesday, December 24 - The ship Norna, 392 tons, John Lawrence Kirby, from London the 2nd September. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Paine . . . in the cabin . . .

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (2 July 1857), 3 

The Society's second concert came off most successfully on Wednesday evening at White's Room, which was exceedingly well filled . . . In the vocal department the choruses were deserving of high praise, and there were several sweet songs by Madame Crantz [sic], Miss Petman, and Mrs. Paine. The lady last named has not been very long in Adelaide, but she may be remembered as having sung at the conversazione of the South Australian Institute a short time ago. She was then labouring under indisposition, and was not heard to nearly to much advantage as on Wednesday evening. She is, we understand, a pupil of Ronconi, and the daughter of William Michael Rooke, well known as the composer of "Amilie," one of the most successful operas lately produced at Covent Garden. She was encored in Farmer's cavatina, "I'll follow thee," which she had sung with much effect, and for which she substituted Lacy's Neapolitan air, "Fuor di Parigi." Balfe's "Canteneer" she was also required to repeat; and a similar compliment was justly paid by the audience to their old favourite, Miss Petman, in Edward Land's very pretty song, "Why linger so long" . . .

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (2 July 1857), 2 

. . . Herr Linger, the conductor of the Society, is deserving of all praise, for the great care he has constantly evinced to render the Society as effective as possible under existing conditions. The excellence of his pianoforte accompaniments must be well appreciated by his pupils, and the choir generally . . . Mrs. Payne, with a fine contralto voice, was equally successful in "The Canteneer" which she sang in an animated style . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Linger (conductor); Mathilde Cranz (soprano vocalist); Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist); Adelaide Choral Society

MUSIC: I'll follow thee (Henry Farmer); Fuor di Parigi (Rophino Lacy); The canteener (Balfe)

NOTE: The most recent conversazione of the South Australian Institute was on 5 May, when un-named members of the Adelaide Choral Society performed

"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (1 October 1857), 2 

The third concert of this Society took place yesterday evening, at White's Room . . . the second portion of the programme was opened by an operatic overture . . . To this succeeded trios and songs, among which the most noticeable were "Stars of the night," "Like the songbirds in summer," by Miss Pettman; and "Sprites of the wind," by Mrs. Payne. The entertainment concluded with a chorus from the opera of the "Vestal," in which the whole strength of the company was put forth, and . . . did great credit to the performers and their conductor, Mr. Linger. Miss Pettman, Madame Cranz, and Mrs. Payne were encored in more than one of the songs . . .

MUSIC: Sprites of the wind (Samuel Lover)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 October 1857), 1 

PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 7. Song, "The Canteneer," by Mrs. Paine . . .
PART II . . . 5. Song, "Evangeline," by Mrs. Paine . . .
9. Song, by Mrs. Paine . . .

MUSIC: Evangeline (John Blockley, words: Longfellow)

"EAST TORRENS INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (29 October 1857), 3

. . . The pianoforte was ably presided at by Herr Kunze. Mrs. Paine kindly gave gratuitously her valuable assistance, and several gentlemen amateurs rendered most effective aid . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Julius Kunze (pianist)

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (22 December 1857), 3

The fourth concert of the Adelaide Choral Society for the year was performed on Monday evening in White's Assembly-room. His Excellency and Lady MacDonnell were present . . . Mrs. Paine added much to the pleasure of the audience by the display of her vocal powers in Rodwell's sweet ballad "O charming May," and the no less pretty song "Good-by, sweetheart, good-by." The former was encored . . .

MUSIC: O charming May (Rodwell); Good bye, sweet heart, good bye (Hatton)

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (18 February 1858), 1 

MRS. PAINE'S GRAND CONCERT, White's Assembly-Room.
The above Concert will take place THIS EVENING (Thursday), February 18th, the night of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society's Annual Show.
Part I.
1. Overture - "King's Command" - Schmidt.
2. Song - Kathleen Mavourneen - Crouch.
3. Glee - "Mynheer Van Dunck" - Bishop.
4. Solo - Clarionet, "Barber de Seville" - Rossini.
5. Duet - "My Pretty Page" - Bishop.
6. Song - "The Right of Loving Thee" - S. Rooke [sic]
7. Song - "Man the Life-boat" - Gentleman Amateur - Russell.
8. Polka - New Original, composed by Mrs. Payne.
Interval of 10 minutes.
Part II.
9. Wedding March - Mendelssohn.
10. Song - "Nora McCrae" - Lovell Phillips.
11. Cavatina - Bellini.
12. Song - "The Slave Chase" -Gentleman Amateur - Russell.
13. Song - "I'll follow Thee" - Farmer.
14. Glee - "Gipsies" - Reeve.
15. Duet - "The Two Cousins" - C. Glover.
16. Guaracha, from Massaniello" - Auber.
Conductor - Mr. Chapman.
Pianist, Mr. Herbelet.
The celebrated Herr Heydecke will perform a Solo on the Clarionet.
Tickets - Double, 8s.; Single, 5s.; to be obtained of Mr. White, Mr. Lower, and Messrs. Aldridge and Bayston, King William-street; Mr. Hillier, stationer, Hindley-street; Mr. Richardson, chemist, Mount Barker; Mr. Wilcox, draper, Gawler Town; and at the door, at the night of the Concert. Doors open at half-past 7, Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.

"MRS. PAINE'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (17 February 1858), 3

From the perusal of an advertisement which appears elsewhere it will be seen that this gifted lady gives a concert in White's Room to-morrow evening. The unusually attractive programme will, no doubt, draw a large audience to hear some of the best vocal and instrumental performers in the colony. Mrs. Paine, is, we understand, the daughter of W. M. Rooke, Esq., composer of the well-known English opera of "Amilie," which contains a great deal of beautiful music comprising, "My Boyhood's Home," "What is the Spell" "'Tis Woman's Love," and "Thou art gone." Mrs. Paine has also a claim on public liberality in consideration of services rendered gratuitously, and adequately appreciated, on various occasions at the meetings of the Choral Society . . .

"MUSICAL TREAT", Adelaide Times (18 February 1858), 3 

Yesterday we made mention of a concert, to take place this evening, and having been at some of the rehearsals, we can confidently predict that, from the amalgamation of talent, comprising the best vocalists and instrumentalists in South Australia, that it will be the most successful of any concert of the season. The enormous contra-basse just imported by Herr Weydenhafer, from Germany, which will be used for the first time on this occasion, will surprise all who hear it. Mr. Chapman has been most indefatigable in bringing the instrumental pieces to perfection; and the Messrs. Rowe will take the glee parts. An amateur gentleman, considered the best in South Australia, will sing some of Russell's songs and the Polka (new original) by Mrs. Paine, is arranged for the orchestral accompaniment of 20 instrumentalists. Parties from the country, attending the Agricultural Show, should seize this opportunity of hearing such a combination of resident talent.

"MRS. PAINE'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (19 February 1858), 3

The concert given on Friday evening, at White's Room, under the patronage of His Excellency and Lady MacDonnell, was attended by a large audience including many families from the country whom the Agricultural and Horticultural Society's Exhibition had brought into Adelaide. The principal vocalists were Mrs. Paine, Mrs. Wallace, Miss Petman, and a gentleman amateur. Mr. Chapman acted as conductor, and Mr. Herberlet as pianist. Mrs. Paine also accompanied the other vocalists in several of their songs upon the piano. The selection of music was of a very miscellaneous character; and, if we may judge from the fact that about every alternate piece was enthusiastically, and even vociferously encored, the audience were highly gratified with the entertainment. Lady MacDonnell and suite were there from the commencement, and His Excellency arrived shortly before 10 o'clock. The performances did not close till about 11 o'clock. Several of the pieces were performed with considerable taste and spirit; but we have not room to particularise at present beyond stating that amongst the most successful were, "Kathleen Mavourneen," "My Pretty Page," "The Wedding March," and "The Two Cousins." Also one or two of Russell's songs by the gentleman amateur to whom we have alluded.

"MRS. PAINE'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (19 February 1858), 3 

This concert commenced under most inauspicious circumstances, inasmuch that the storm was quite a double dose of the previous evening. We noticed the early arrival of Lady Macdonnell, and then followed such an influx of visitors that the few collected were taken by surprise. The overture commenced well worthy of its title, "The King's Command," and was very successful. Mrs. Paine was rapturously encored in that beautiful ballad " Kathleen Mavourneen," and the next piece, a glee well known and much admired, " Mynheer Van Dunck," was rendered efficiently by the Messrs. Rowe. Perhaps the most attractive part of the programme was, "Man the Life-boat," by a gentleman amateur, which was rapturously encored. Miss Petman was, at usual, well received; and the Polka (new original) by Mrs. Paine, merited the unbounded success which it met with, from its true originality. Mr. Chapman has shown his efficiency as a conductor; and the instrumentalists rendered the "Wedding March" so effective, that we do not remember anything to equal it upon a previous occasion. Herr Heyleck's [sic] performance on the clarionet elicited most rapturous applause, and the gentleman amateur in another of Russell's favourites, "The Maniac," was encored so hearty, that "A Life on the Ocean Wave" was substituted and equally well. Mrs. Paine's exertions must have been indefatigable for all pieces to give so much satisfaction. Mrs. Wallace, a lady well known on previous occasions, was also well received. His Excellency and suite arrived from the dinner at the conclusion of the first part and met with his usual warm reception. Altogether we consider this to have been the most successful concert of the season.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Chapman (conductor); James Heberlet (pianist); Maria Wallace (vocalist); Theodor Heydecke (clarinet); Blanche Macdonnell (wife of governor Richard Macdonnell)

MUSIC: Kathleen Mavourneen (Crouch); I'll follow thee (Farmer); My pretty page (Bishop); The two cousins (Charles Glover); The right of loving thee (by William Stephen Rooke [sic], probably Fanny's eldest brother, b. 1827, active USA by c. 1850)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (24 February 1858), 1 

EAST TORRENS INSTITUTE. - The Committee have arranged with Mr. Chapman to give a VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT at Kensington, on Wednesday evening, February 24, when he will be assisted by his full Orchestra, and by Mrs. Paine, Miss Pettman, and Mr. Nash, as Vocalists. -
1. Overture in C - Orchestra - Schmidt.
2. Song - "Why linger so long" - Miss Pettman.
3. Song - "Good by, Sweetheart, good by," - Mr. Nash.
4. Quadrille - "La Traviata" - Laurent.
5. Song - "To the Wine Feast," Mrs. Paine.
6. Duet - "I know a Bank," - Miss Petman and Mrs. Paine.
7. Triumphal March - Beethoven.
An interval of 10 minutes.
8. Minuetto, Trio, and Finale (Haydn's Symphony No. 11) - Haydn.
9. Song - "The Response" - Mrs. Paine.
10. Song - "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep," Mr. Nash.
11. Waltz - "Piccolomini" - Wagner.
12. Song - "The Music of the Past," Miss Pettman.
13. Duet - "The two Cousins," Miss Pettman and Mrs. Paine.
14. Air de Ballet - "Masaniello" - Auber.
15. Finale - "God save the Queen" . . .

"EAST TORRENS INSTITUTE", Adelaide Times (25 February 1858), 2

A very succesful and well-attended concert was given at this institute on Wednesday evening. The vocal department was well supported by Mrs. Paine, Miss Petman, and Mr. Nash, and several effectively executed pieces were performed by Mr. Chapman and a vigorous band. A duet, "The Two Cousins," by Mrs. Paine and Miss Petman, was exceedingly well rendered and vociferously encored.

"EAST TORRENS INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (25 February 1858), 2 

On Wednesday evening, a concert, instrumental and vocal was given at this Institute, on which occasion there was in attendance a respectable audience, consisting of about 80 ladies and gentlemen. The concert, under the direction of Mr. Chapman, commenced with an overture, which was played with much precision and effect. Several songs followed, amongst which might be mentioned "Goodbye, sweetheart, good-bye," sung by Mr. Nash . . . Another piece, well received, and which was encored, was the old and pretty duet, "I know a bank," which was sung so well by Miss Pettman and Mrs. Paine as to warrant a witty gentleman in saying that he should like to know the "bank" too, since such beautiful notes were issued from it. Many other songs and instrumental pieces were given, and the entertainment concluded to the apparent satisfaction of every one.

ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Nash (vocalist)

MUSIC: I know a bank (C. E. Horn)

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (13 March 1858), 1 

MR. J. SAUNDERS, Adelaide, - H. W. Paine wishes your address. Important. Office of this paper.

[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (3 April 1858), 8 

A GRAND VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT will be held in connection with the
SALISBURY LITERART SOCIETY and READING-ROOMS, on Tuesday, April the 6th, 1858, in the large Hail adjoining Scott's Hotel.
Vocalists - Mrs. Paine, Miss Pettman, Mr. Pounsett, Mr. Edwards, and Members of the Society.
Pianist - Miss Rowe.
And the beautiful and efficient Band of seven performers, under the direction of Herr Schrader . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Pounsett (junior) (vocalist); Solomon Edwards (vocalist); Louisa Jane Rowe (pianist); Heinrich Schrader (band leader)

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (13 September 1861), 7 

Henry William Paine, of Melbourne, salesman. Causes of insolvency - Loss of situation, and pressure of creditors. Assets, £20; liabilities £181 9s. 4d.; deficiency, £161 9s. 4d. Mr. Courtney, official assignee.

"LATEST NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail (7 November 1862), 3 

The Police Magistrate granted a protection order, under the Divorce Act, this morning, to Mrs. Fanny Paine, against her husband, William Henry Paine. The petition set forth that the parties were married on the 11th of November 1850; at All Souls' Church, Langham place, London; and that they resided together in England, Adelaide, and this colony, until the month of July last, when her husband deserted her without reasonable cause; and had remained away for six months. The petitioner had been engaged as a vocalist, and she prayed that her earnings and property might be protected from her husband. The application was granted.

"NEWS OF THE WEEK", Leader (8 November 1862), 3 

A petition was on 6th inst., presented to Mr. Sturt, P.M., at the City Police Court, by Mrs. Fanny Paine (vocalist), praying that her earnings and property might be protected as against her husband, William Henry Paine. The parties had been married in London, in 1850, and resided together till last July, when the husband deserted her without any reasonable cause. The magistrate granted the application.

? [Advertisement], New Zealander (14 April 1863), 1 

Assisted by the following talented Artistes -
and the renowned GEORGE ELLIS. For full particulars see future advertisement.


[Advertisements], The Argus (4 November 1867), 8 

Solo Proprietor and Director - Mr. T. Coker.
Acting Manager - Mr. De la Chapelle.
THIS EVENING, Another Tremendous Programme.
Mrs. Peryman, Miss Rooke,
Miss Weippert, The Canadian Glee Singers . . .
Zeplin's Grand Orchestra of Soloists . . .

VARIETIES - Great Success of Miss ROOKE, vocalist, daughter of the celebrated composer . . .

Bibliography and resources:

"William Michael Rooke", Dictionary of national biography 49,_William_Michael_(DNB00)

"William Michael Rooke", IMSLP,_William_Michael 

On Rooke, and his friendship with George Samuel Evans, later of Melbourne, VIC, see also: "THE AURORA SONG. TO THE EDITOR", Taranaki Herald [NZ] (30 July 1892), 2

PALIN, Lawrence Frederick (Lorens Frederic PALEN / PALIN; Lawrence Frederick PALIN; Mr. L. F. PALIN; Herr PALIN, Mons. PALIN; PALING [sic])

Musician, flute and piccolo player, pianist, teacher

Born ? Sweden, c. 1830
Married Sophia Albertina STROMGREEN, before 1854
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, December 1854 (per Champion of the Seas, aged "24", wife "26")
Active Melbourne, VIC, by February 1855; Ballarat, VIC, by 1857; to early 1860
Active Bombay, India, 1863-66 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


In Sandridge, VIC, in 1859, Lorens Frederic Palin and Sophia Albertina Stromgreen registered the birth of their son, Lorens Albert.


"CONCERT HALL", The Argus (8 January 1855), 5 

The magnificent concert room of the new theatre was filled to its fullest capacity on Saturday evening, with a most respectable and well-conducted audience. The band of the 11th regiment, conducted by Mr. Cullen [sic], performed several overtures and pieces of operatic and dance music in their usual effective manner. Mr. Collin's clever overture "Le bal des Fees" was splendidly given, and called forth rapturous applause. A new arrival, M. Palen, from the Stockholm Theatre, performed a flute solo, by Furstenau, with much taste; the performers however suffered from the difficulty which the accompanyist naturally had in transposing at sight, the pianoforte being half a note flat. We could recommend in future a more popular selection of music, the public taste not being at present equal to the appreciation of the recondite beauties of such compositions as that which M. Palen performed. His tone is round and firm, and he appears to have mastered the difficulties of his instrument. Mrs. Hancock, as is her wont, sang several songs and ballads sweetly, and with due expression. Miss Octavia Hamilton and M. Coulon sang the duet "Signorini in tanta fretta" (Don Paequale) in, the most brilliant manner . . . The accompaniments of Mr. Bial are artistically given, and contribute to a great extent to the general effect . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: New theatre = Theatre Royal, Melbourne (John Melton Black, proprietor); George Douglas Callen (master of the Band of the 12th Regiment); Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist)

MUSIC: Anton Bernhard Furstenau (composer, flautist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 February 1855), 3

HERR PALIN, of the Concert Hall, Theatre Royal, will give Lessons on the Flute and Piano. Apply 222 Lonsdale-street east.

[Advertisement], The Argus (5 May 1856), 8 

This Evening, Monday, 6th May, The Celebrated PROFESSOR EAGLE Will appear in his Celebrated Character of WIZARD . . .
An efficient Orchestra, under the able guidance of M. Palin, will enliven the proceedings of the evening.
Remember! Monday Evening, 6th May, and Every Evening During the Week.
Boxes, 3s.; Pit, 2s.; Gallery, 1s. Doors open at Half-past Seven; commence at Eight.

[Advertisement], The Argus (24 May 1856), 8 

ATHENAEUM ASSEMBLY & ROOMS Bourke-street east, having been redecorated and brilliantly illuminated, will Reopen on Saturday, May 24, under the management of Mr. L. F. Palin, and the best Band in Melbourne. Admission, One Shilling.
ATHENAEUM ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Bourke-street east, Opens To-night with the best band in Melbourne.

[Advertisement], The Argus (13 February 1857), 8

THE ATHENAEUM ASSEMBLY ROOM will be opened on Saturday Evening. Newly Decorated. L. F. Palin. Admission 1s.

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (9 April 1857), 3 

THE STAR CONCERT HALL has undergone an entire renovation and decoration and been considerably enlarged, forming one of the most commodious and magnificent Halls on the Victorian Goldfields. Several gentlemen amateurs have generously volunteered their services, and will favor the public with a selection of Glees, Songs, Duets, &c.
MR. HENRY COLEMAN, the celebrated Dramatic Polyphonist, has kindly placed his services at the disposal of the Committee, and will give selections from his popular entertainment of MASKS AND FACES.
Mr. PALIN will preside at the Pianoforte, and introduce selections from the most favorite composers.
Admission, One Shilling.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Coleman (polyphonist)

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (21 May 1857), 1

LESSONS given on the pianoforte and flute. Terms moderate. Apply to Mons. Palin, Stat Hotel.

[Advertisement], The Star (25 May 1857), 3 

The third appearance of the celebrated NEGRO DELINEATORS,
MR. C. WILSON, Banjo.
MR. J. DAY, Violin.
MR. G. MARTIN, Bones.
MR. J. WILSON, Tambo . . .
THIS EVENING, 25TH MAY, 1857. PART I. The evening's entertainments will commence with the Grand Overture, from Tancredi . . .
Mr. John James, Agent and Manager for Company; Admission Free.
Mons. Paling [sic], Pianist. Sole Proprietor, Mr. Irwin.

[Advertisement], The Star (3 October 1857), 3 

STAR CONCERT HALL. ENGAGEMENT of the celebrated Misses Creed Royal,
Who will sing some, of their much admired Duets.
Mr. Cassidy, The Australian Sam Cowell, in new characteristic Comic Songs.
Madam Onn, The admired Mezzo Soprano.
Mr. McDonald, The well known Scotch Vocalist.
To-night, Saturday, Billy Barlow will communicate the result of the great intercolonial matches between "ALICE HAWTHORN" and "VENO," &c., &c.
Pianists: Creed Royal and Mons. Palin.
Saturday, 3rd October.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Irwin (proprietor); James W. Cassidy (comic singer, "Billy Barlow"); Constantia Onn (vocalist); Creed Royal (pianist); Eliza Royal and Kate Royal (vocalists)

[Advertisement], The Star (26 March 1858), 3 

MADAME ARNATI WHITE Has the honor to announce that her
SELECT CONCERT Will take place in the above hall to-morrow evening, Saturday, 27th March, 1858,
on which occasion she will be assisted by Mr. Sayer, Mons. Paltzer, Mons. Palin, and Mr. White.

ASSOCIATIONS: Emilia Arnati White (vocalist) and husband; W. F. Sayer (vocalist); Jacques Paltzer (violinist)

[Advertisement], The Star (29 September 1858), 3

MONTEZUMA THEATRE, Mons. Fleury's Monster Promenade Concerts.
PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS: MRS. TURNER, of the Philharmonic Concerts.
MR. HORSFORD, the Comic Vocalist, MR. W. F. SAYERS, & MR. T. KING.
Mons Fleury, Violin.
Mr. T. King, Clarionet.
Mr. W. F. Sayers, Flageolette.
Herr L. F. Palin, Flute and Piccolo.
Messrs. Palin and King, Pianists.
Overture - Tancred (Rossini)
Polka - Isabella (D'Albert)
Ballad - Mr. W. P. Sayers
Valse - "Les Francais" (Labitzky)
Duet - "I've Wandered in Dreams," Mrs. Turner and Mr. W. F. Sayers (Wade)
Quadrille, "Les Palais L' Alcazar" (Lamotte)
Comic Song, "The Little Fat Gray Man," Mr. Horsford (Blewett)
Violin Obligato - M. Fleury
Polka - "Gadogan," (Kalozdy)
Overture - "Le Pres Aux Clercs" (Auber)
Song, "Up with the Standard of England," Mr. T. King (with full band accompaniment)
Polka - "Coquette" (D'Albert)
Trio, "Bohemian Girl," Mrs. Turner, Messrs. Sayers and King (Balfe)
Traviata - (Verdi)
Solo, Clarionette, "Come per me Sereno" (Bellini)
Buffo Song - "The Spider and Fly," Mr. Horsford (H. Russell)
Galop, "War," (D'Albert)
"God Save the Queen."
M. FLEURY - Leader, and Conductor.
Admission:- Pit and boxes, 1s, reserved seats, 2s. 6d.
Doors open at half past seven, concert to commence at eight o'clock precisely.

ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violinist, conductor); Charlotte Turner (vocalist); Thomas King (pianist, clarinettist, vocalist, violinist)

[Advertisement], The Star (2 October 1858), 3 

Mons. Fleury's Monstre Promenade Concerts.
PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS: Mesdames Vitelli, Turner, and Earle, Messrs. Sayers and King.
First Night of the Great Exhibition Quadrille.
PROGRAMME. Part 1st.
Overture - "Fra Diavolo" - Auber
"Les Souvenirs D'Amerique" - D'Albert
Ballad - Miss F. EARLE.
Polka - "Undine" (Flute Obligato- Herr Palin.) . . .
Part 2nd . . . Grand March - "King of Sardinia" - (Drums, ad lib., Pietro Canna.)
God Save the Queen.
Pianist - Herr L. F. PALIN.
Conductor - M. FLEURY . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Vitelli (vocalist); Alfred Labalestrier (cornet); Fanny Earl (vocalist); Pietro Canna (drums)

"MONTEZUMA PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Star (6 October 1858), 2

It is a matter of regret that so much exertion to provide really good music for the Ballarat public should meet with so small a success. Last evening it was impossible for any one in any degree competent to judge, to withhold the meed of high approbation which the performances deserved. The orchestra play with rare excellence of instrumentation, and M. Fleury's leadership, Messrs. King and Palin's solos on the clarionet and piccolo, and M. Labalestrier's solos on the cornet, were greeted with loud and deserved applause. Madame Vitelli has vastly improved since her last visit to Ballarat, and her rendering of the charming ballads committed to her care repeatedly called for the applause so well merited. Miss Earle sang with great taste and expression. We trust these concerts, as they become better known, will receive the support they so well deserve.

[Advertisement], The Star (22 October 1858), 3 

BENEFIT OF MONS. FLEURY! Under the Patronage of the Philharmonic Society.
Last Night but one of MADAME VITELLI!
MRS. TURNER (Of the Philharmonic Society's Concerts) has kindly volunteered ber services . . .
The Band will comprise the following unrivalled instrumentalists:-
Messrs. Fleury, Palin, King, Labalestrier, Ellis, Herudoff,
Miell, Minton, Fillion, Whetter, Wild, Khidle, Hort, Gunn, and Signor Pietro Canna.
During the Evening, Locke's celebrated Music in MACBETH! . . .

"WIFE-BEATING", The Star (4 December 1858), 2

Frederick Palin was brought up for this offence, but no prosecutrix appeared. Case dismissed.

[Advertisement], The Star (20 December 1858), 3 

THE OPERA SEASON, Under the direction of MONS. LAVENUE, Will commence on MONDAY EVENING, 27th DECEMBER . . .
MONS. LAVENUE, Assisted by the most powerful and efficient CHORUS That ever appeared in the colony.
THE PREMIERE BAND Of the Australian colonies, under the able leadership of Mons. Fleury, will comprise the following instrumentalists:
1st Violin - Mons. Fleury
2nd Violin - Mons. Filhou
Tenor - Mons. Labat
Violincello - Mr. T. Minton
Double Bass - Mons. Havendoff
Flute - Herr Palin
Clarionet - Mons. Faure
1st Cornet - Mons. Labalestrier
2nd Cornet - Mr. Miell
Trombone - Mr. Ellis
Drums, Cymbals, &c. - Mons. Pietro Canna.
Leader of the Band - MONS. FLEURY.
Conductor - MONS. LAVENUE . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (soprano vocalist); Lewis Lavenu (conductor)

"COUNTY COURT. Monday, 4th April", The Star (5 April 1859), 2

Before the business of the Court commenced a complaint was made by a certain Madame Palin, of the conduct of Mr. Tweedie (bailiff of the Court), in seizing certain jewels belonging to the applicant, in satisfaction of a debt, for which judgment had been obtained. The complaint was that proper time had not been given, and Mr. Tweedie explained that what he had done had been by special agreement in order to save Madame Palin the inconvenience of a man in possession. His Honor said the complaint did not appear to be well grounded, and said it must be brought before him in a proper manner . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 June 1859), 3 

OPENING of the CAFE D'ITALIEN, 201 Bourke-street east, under the MANAGEMENT of MADAME PALEN. -
The saloon has been entirely related, and will be found well worthy of support.
COFFEE and CHOCOLATE Will be served up unequalled in the colony.
The leading dally papers, &c.
Cafe D'Italien, 201 Bourke-street east.

[Advertisement], The Argus (20 July 1859), 3 

NOTICE. - The PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing between MADAME PALEN and M. SOUTHWORTH, in the Cafe No. 201 Bourke-street east, has this day boon DISSOLVED by mutual consent.
Melbourne, Jul. 19, 1859.

[Advertisement], The Argus (21 December 1859), 1 

A FLAUTIST, or Pianist, is open to an ENGAGEMENT. Address, by letter, Mr. Palin, Olympic Theatre.

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Age (7 February 1860), 5 

Lawrence Frederick Palin, Sandridge, musician. Causes of insolvency: Losses in business, non-payment of debtors, pressure of creditors, and fear of arrest. Liabilities, L121 12s 4d; assets, L7 10s; deficiency, L114 2s 4d. Official assignee, Mr. Goodman.

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 February 1860), supplement 2 

IN the INSOLVENT ESTATE of LAWRENCE FREDERICK PALIN, of Sandridge, in the Colony of Victoria, Musician. - Whereas the estate of Lawrence Frederick Palin, of Sandridge, in the colony of Victoria, musician, was, on the third day of February, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty, placed under sequestration . . .

Bombay, India (1863-66):

[Advertisement], Times of India (3 March 1863), 1

Introductory Overture - S. F. MINSTRELS
Opening Chorus, "Joy, joy to-day" - S. F. MINSTRELS
Come where my love lies dreaming - H. C. CAMPBELL
Tilda Horn - DAVE CARSON
The Mocking Bird - T. P. BROWER (With flute obligato by L. F. Palin.) . . .
Gentle Jenny Gray - J. O. PIERCE . . .
. . . to conclude with the performance of the Little Wonder, SIGNORA DON.
Mr. L. F. PALIN will preside at the Piano . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Dave Carson (minstrel serenader); Thomas P. Brower (minstrel serenader); John O. Pierce (minstrel serenader)

[Advertisement], Bombay Gazette [India] (5 May 1865), 2 (PAYWALL)

PART 1ST. Instrumental Introduction - S. F. Minstrels.
Chorus - 1st Time (Music from Trovatore) - Ditto.
"Come O'er the Stream Jessie" (1st time) - H. C. Campbell.
"Away She Went" (Local) 1st Time - Dave Carson.
I'm off the Rail (1st Time) - T. P. Brower . . .
An Orchestra of 40 (keys) imported expressly for this occasion, under the direction of L. F. Palin . . .

[Advertisement], Bombay gazette (20 May 1865), 2

MR. L. F. PALIN, in announcing his FAREWELL BENEFIT, and the last appearance of the SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS, begs respectfully to state that he has taken great care to select his Programme, embracing as it does,
GEMS OF ETHIOPIAN MINATRIMEY: together with a small sprinkling of the OLD FAVOCRITES . . .
H. C. CAMPBELL . . . Dave CARSON . . . T. P. BROWER . . . J. O. PIERCE . . .
PART 2ND . . . Solo - Flute, Operatic Airs - F. L. PALIN [sic]
An ORCHESTRA of 40 (keys) imported expressly for this occasion, under the direction of L. F. PALIN . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . PASSENGERS DEPARTED FROM BOMBAY", Homeward mail from India, China and the East (23 May 1866), 18 (PAYWALL)

[April] 29 - P. &. O. Co.'s str. Carnatic . . . For Suez - . . . T. P. Brower, J. O. Pierce, L. F. Palin . . .


Go to family mainpage: 

PALING, William Henry - see main page William Henry PALING
PALING, Richard John - see main page Richard John PALING
PALING, John Henry (Mr. PALING, junior) - see main page John Henry PALING jun.

PALMER, William Henry (William Henry PALMER; W. H. PALMER)

Flute player (Lyceum Theatre), amateur vocalist, organist, merchant

Born London, England, 31 January 1831; baptised St. Benet Gracechurch, London, 22 April 1831; son of William Henry PALMER (c. 1789-1861) and Elizabeth HUTTON (1796-1837)
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1861 or earlier
Active Brisbane, QLD, & Sydney, NSW, 1860s
Married Hannah ALDIS, St. James's church, Sydney, NSW, 19 November 1863
Died at sea, near Somerset, England, 6 August 1876 (per Great Queensland, from London, bound for Melbourne) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PALMER, Hannah = go to main entry Hannah ALDIS

Pianist, teacher of the piano

Born Sydney, NSW, 11 December 1838; baptised St. Philip's church, Sydney, 17 January 1839, daughter of William Henry ALDIS and Mary Ann LENNOX
Married William Henry PALMER, St. James's church, Sydney, NSW, 19 November 1863
Died Sydney, NSW, 25 November 1912, aged 73 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PALMER, Gertrude (Emily Gertrude PALMER; Miss PALMER; Miss Gertrude PALMER)

Pianist, teacher of the piano

Born Newtown, NSW, 1 February 1866; baptised St. Stephen's church, Newtown, 3 March 1866, daughter of William Henry PALMER and Hannah ALDIS
Died Darlinghurst, NSW, 8 January 1925, aged 58 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PALMER, Grace Hutton (Grace Hutton PALMER; Miss G. PALMER; Mrs. Robert DEBENHAM)


Born Sydney, NSW, c. 1868; daughter of William Henry PALMER and Hannah ALDIS
Married Robert DEBENHAM, St. Andrew's cathedral, Sydney, NSW, 28 February 1893
Died Toorak, VIC, 22 January 1953 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PALMER, Philip John Gottfried (Philip John Gottfried PALMER; Master Gottfried PALMER; Philip G. PALMER; Godfrey PALMER)

Violinist, pianist, organist, journalist

Born Balmain, NSW, 1873; son of William Henry PALMER and Hannah ALDIS
Died Sydney, NSW, 6 August 1944 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


William Henry Palmer was the son of William Henry Palmer, senior, a London grocer, and his second wife Elizabeth Hutton. He was working as a mercantile clerk, and still living in Islington with his twice widowed father, at the time of the 1851 census.

There is no certain record of his arrival in New South Wales, although, according to his daughter's obituary, he was at one time organist of St. Philip's church, Sydney. By 1861 or early 1862 he was probably already engaged as a mercantile trader in Brisbane, while also apparently travelling often back to Sydney.

He first appeared billed as flautist of the Lyceum Theatre orchestra in Sydney for opening of the season in August 1861, notably in company with another Brisbane musician, August Seal, as double bass. He was back at the Lyceum briefly around Christmas 1862.

He appeared playing the flute in Isaac Nathan's concert in 1861, and for the Sydney Philharmonic Society in April and November 1864

He married the pianist Hannah Aldis, daughter of William Henry Aldis, at St. James's church, Sydney, on 19 November 1863.

Their eldest daughter Gertrude was born at her Aldis grandfather's house in Newtown, on 1 February 1866.

According to Gertrude's obituary, she was a cousin of both Charles Steggall and Karl Straube.


Baptisms solemnized in the united parish of St. Benet Gracechurch & St. Leonard Eastcheap in the City of London in the year 1831, register 1813-61, page 18; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

Said to be born Jan. 31, 1831 / No. 139. April 22 / William Henry son of / William Henry & Elizabeth / Palmer / No. 5. St. Benet's Place, Gracechurch St. / Grocer / . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, Islington East, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1502 (PAYWALL)

1 Southampton Park / William H'y Palmer / Son / 20 / Merchantile [sic] Clerk / Middlesex London
Elizabeth H. [Palmer] / Daughter / 27 / - / [Middlesex] Islington // Maria / 16 // Sarah / 15 / Emily / 13 . . .

Father, William Henry senior, absent on census night

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1861), 1

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE. Lessee, Mr. R. TOLANO. Stage Manager, Mr. G. H. Rogers. Treasurer, Mr. C. Jones.
A Full and Efficient Orchestra of first class Artistes.
Leader and Director, Mr. G. Peck; Principal second Violin, Mr. Charles Bowen;
Flute, Mr. Palmer; Clarionet, Mr. McCoy; Double Bass, Mr. Seal; Bassoon, Mr. Wright;
Cornet, Mr. McHarnish; Drums and Triangle, Mr. Johnson . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Raphael Tolano (lessee); George Peck (violin, leader); August Seal 9double bass);

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1861), 1

MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT . . . THIS EVENING . . . Flauto - Mr. Palmer . . .

ASSOCIATION: Isaac Nathan (conductor)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 December 1862), 1

LYCEUM THEATRE . . . THIS (Friday) EVENING, December 12th . . . During the evening the Band will perform Bellini's operatic selection, La Sonnambula, with flute obligato, by W. H. Palmer . . .

"MARRIAGES", Empire (24 November 1863), 1

On the 19th instant, by special license, at St. James' Church, by the Rev. Canon Allwood, William Henry Palmer, Esq., of Brisbane, Queensland, to Hannah Hay, eldest daughter of W. H. Aldis, Esq., of Sydney.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 April 1864), 1

The FOURTH CONCERT of the season will take place In the Freemasons' Hall, Clarence-street,
THIS EVENING, being the TERCENTENARY of the birth of the IMMORTAL SHAKSPERE. the "Swan of Avon."
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Song (with flute obligato, by Mr. Palmer) - "Lo, here the gentle Lark" - Sir H. Bishop - Lady Amateur . . .

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Sydney Mail (30 April 1864), 3 

. . . The exquisite song of "Lo, here, the gentle lark," - the flute obligato by Mr. Palmer - was decidedly one of the gems of the evening. It was sung in a most artistic style by a third lady amateur, who electrified her audience by her scientific and brilliant execution of this difficult song, and especially of those upper notes, wherein the composer has introduced a bird-like mocking of the flute . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Philharmonic Society

MUSIC: Lo, here the gentle lark (Bishop, from The comedy of errors)

"MUSIC. CONCERT", Sydney Mail (3 December 1864), 2 

The Philharmonic Society's first concert of the season was given on Tuesday, at the Masonic Hall . . . The orchestra was augmented by the recent accession of new members, and the efficient aid of Mr. J. Haimberger, Mr. S. Hodge, Mr. G. McCoy, and Mr. W. Palmer . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Haimberger (violin); Sebastian Hodge (clarinet); G. McCoy (? clarinet)

"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 February 1866), 1

On the 1st instant, at the residence of her father, Leichhardt Lodge, Newtown, the wife of WILLIAM HENRY PALMER, of Brisbane, Queensland, of a daughter.

Baptisms administered in the parish of St. Stephen, Newtown . . . in the year 1866; register 1858-78, page 30; Anglican parish registers, Sydney (PAYWALL)

No. 412 / March 3rd 1866 / [born] Feb'y 1st 1866 / Emily Gertrude / [daughter of] William Henry & Hannah Hay / Palmer / Newtown / Gentleman . . .

"CONCERT AT WOOLLOOMOOLOO", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 September 1876), 5

The programme of the concert which is to be given this evening in St. Peter's Schoolroom is likely to alford enjoyment. It consists of vocal and instrumental music, and among the performers is Miss Gertrude Palmer, who is only ten years of age.

"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (15 June 1878), 854

BRIEF has been the period since Mdlle. Charbonnet first made an appearance before a Sydney audience it has proved long enough to make one of her concerts a notable event. On Tuesday last this accomplished pianiste made her fifth appearance in this city, and an audience more numerous than ever had assembled . . . Mrs. Palmer most competently fulfilled her part at the pianoforte, and the playing of the very juvenile Miss Gertrude Palmer in the opening quartette on two pianos was worthy of every commendation. But even of a good thing it is possible to have too much, and Mdlle. Charbonnet would, singly, have amply satisfied all lovers of the instrument she touches so deftly. Miss Gertrude must not, however, be passed ever without her meed of commendation. This promising, and in fact accomplished young lady - indeed, she is almost a child - displayed a firm and precise touch, preserved time with accuracy which was especially noticeable in some troublesome syncopated passages in the overture which she assisted to render, and, further, managed a crisper and more effective shake than could have been expected from so young a student . . .

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 July 1878), 1 

PALMER. - On board the ill-fated steamer, Great Queensland, which sailed from London August 6th, 1876, for Melbourne, W. H. Palmer, son of the late W. H. Palmer, Esq., merchant, of London, for fifteen years with R. Towns and Co., subsequently a merchant of Brisbane.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 January 1884), 2 

CONCERT in Aid of the above Society, at Protestant Hall, JANUARY 22, 1884.
PROGRAMME - Part I . . . 2. Grand Duo, two pianos, "Belisario," Goria - Mrs. and Miss Palmer . . .
7. Piano Solo - "Rigoletto," F. Liszt - Miss Palmer . . .
Part II . . . 10. Grand Duo (two pianos) - "Guillaume Tell" Ascher, the Misses Palmer . . .
18. Valse, "Gloire de Dijon" (two pianos and harmonium), Andrews - Mesdames Gailing and Harper, Miss G. Palmer . . .
The grand pianos used on this occasion generously lent by W. H. Paling . . .

MUSIC: Paraphrase de concert sur Rigoletto (Liszt);

"AMUSEMENTS", The Daily Telegraph (29 April 1884), 5 

A concert was given last night in the schoolroom, Darlinghurst-road, by Mrs. Palmer, in aid of the funds of the St. John's (Darlinghurst) Church of England Temperance Society. Despite the incessent downpour of rain during the evening, an almost full audience assembled in the concert-room, and were well entertained . . . The concert opened with a nicely-played duet, entitled "Preciosa," by Mrs. and Miss G. Palmer. The piano solo, "Rhapsodic Hongroise," splendidly played by Miss Palmer, awakened much admiration . . .

"THE METROPOLITAN LIEDERTAFEL", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1884), 8

The fifth concert of this, the youngest musical society in Sydney, takes place to-night in the Protestant Hall, Castlereagh-street . . . a young lady will make her first appearance and play Thalberg's fantasia on "Semiramide." Miss Palmer is the grand-daughter of Mr. Aldis, who, many years ago, was a liberal supporter of music in Sydney, and whose daughter, Mrs. Palmer, a pupil of Boulanger, has been the teacher of the debutante . . .

MUSIC: Grand fantaisie sur Semiramide (Thalberg)

"Mrs. Palmer's concert", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 October 1884), 10

Mrs. Palmer, assisted by Miss Eva Thompson, A.R.A.M., M. de Willimoff, violin, Mr. Chambers (amateur), viola, Herr Gumprecht (amateur), violoncello, the Misses Palmer, and other musicians - will to-night give a concert in the old Masonic Hall, York-street, and from the abilities of those engaged some excellent instrumental music may be confidently expected. Miss Palmer made a highly successful first appearance a short time since. She is a pupil of Mrs. Palmer (herself a pupil of Boulanger), who has long held a high position among teachers, and some years ago, as Miss Aldis, was a frequent performer at the Philharmonic and other concerts in Sydney. The entertainment is under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor and Lady Augustus Loftus, Sir Alfred and Lady Stephen, Sir John and Lady Hay, and other distinguished persons.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 October 1884), 2 

Under the patronage of Lord Augustus Loftus and Lady Loftus, Sir Alfred and Lady Stephen, Sir John and Lady Hay.
Mrs. PALMER has the honour to announce A SOIREE MUSICALE, THURSDAY, October 23, 1884.
1. Grand Duo, 2 pianos - "William Tell" - Ascher - The Misses PALMER.
2. Song, tenor - "I seek for Thee" - Ganz - GENTLEMAN AMATEUR.
3. Piano Solo - Sonate No. 12 - Beethoven - Miss G. PALMER.
4. Song, soprano - "What shall I Say?" - F. N. Lohr - Miss EVA THOMPSON, A.R.A.M. (who has kindly given her services).
5. Duo, piano and violin - Sonate in F - Beethoven - Mrs. PALMER and M. DE WILLIMOFF.
6. Song, basso - "Love Laid his Sleepless Head" - A. Sullivan - Mr. F. PERCIVAL COWPER, amateur.
7. Piano Solo - "Rhapsodie Hongroise" - F. Lisz [Liszt] - Miss PALMER, amateur.
8. Quartette - Piano, Violin, 2nd Violin, Violoncello No. 1, Weber - Mrs. PALMER, M. DE WILLIMOFF, CHAMBERS, GUMPRICH.
Second Part.
9. Duo, 2 pianos - Rondo in C, op. 73 - F. Chopin - Mrs. PALMER and Miss G. PALMER.
10. Song, tenor - "Good Night, Beloved" - M. W. Balfe - GENTLEMAN AMATEUR.
11. Song, soprano - "When the Heart is Young" - Dudley Buck - Miss EVA THOMPSON, A.R.A.M.
12. Solo, violoncello - "Fantaisie on the Last Rose of Summer" - Herr GUMPRICH, Amateur.
13. Piano Solo - 2nd Scherzo - F. Chopin - Miss PALMER.
14. Song, basso - "La Mia Vendetta" - Donizetti - Mr. F. PERCIVAL COWPER, Amateur.
Tickets at Paling's and Elvy's. The magnificent Concert Grands kindly lent by A. and C. Huenerbein, Royal Pianoforte Warehouse, 318, George-street.
Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.

"MRS. PALMER'S CONCERT", The Daily Telegraph (28 October 1884), 8 

On Thursday night the Masonic Hall was crowded with a brilliant audience on the occasion of Mrs. Palmer's soiree musicale. A programme, which rivalled any presented in the Sydney concert-rooms, was performed with evident pleasure to a critical audience. Mrs. Palmer, with M. de Willimoff, gave a beautiful rendering of Beethoven's "Sonata in F" on piano and violin . . . Miss Palmer gave a rendering of Liszt's "Rhapsodie Hongroise," which was unusually brilliant for a young player; an encore became necessary, and "Home, Sweet Home" was given . . . Other numbers were rendered by Miss G. Palmer, Mr. A. B. McMinn, Herr Gumprich, and other distinguished amateurs . . .

MUSIC: Rondo in C (Chopin); Scherzo no. 2 (Chopin)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 February 1885), 2

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, Benefit of Madame PAULINE RITA . . .

[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 October 1887), 5 

In our account of the "Mossman's Bay Musical Union" in Friday's issue, we omitted to state that in the quartet, "Adoremus," Mrs. W. H. Palmer sang the voice part, and Master Gottfried Palmer, who is a promising pupil of Mons. Poussard, played the violin obligato. This item was given with much skill.

ASSOCIATIONS: Horace Poussard (violin)

"St. Mary's Concert", Balmain Observer and Western Suburbs Advertiser (27 July 1889), 4 

On Thursday evening a vocal and instrumental concert was given in the School of Arts, Balmain, in aid of the funds of St. Mary's Parochial Association. There was a fair attendance only, the weather being very unpropitious . . . A duo on pianos, a selection from "William Tell," was then performed by Miss and Miss G. H. Palmer, which was beautiful both for coloring and precision; these young ladies know how to play . . .

"AMUSEMENTS", The Daily Telegraph (16 June 1891), 6 

Last Saturday afternoon a concert was given in the Temperance-hull, Pitt-street, by Miss Palmer and her pupils, assisted by several professionals . . . Miss Palmer played Liszt's Transcription of Rigoletto, and was well applauded. Mons. Poussard, Miss Grace Palmer and Mrs. Teece also assisted.

"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 March 1993), 1 

DEBENHAM - PALMER. - February 28, 1893, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, by the Rev. J. Reade, M.A., Robert, younger son of S. Debenham, Esq., of Kensington, London, to Grace Hutton, second daughter of the late W. H. Palmer, Esq., of Brisbane. Home papers please copy.

"Shipping", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (22 February 1896), 369 

February 17. Arcadia, Royal Mail steamer, 6188 tons, Captain A. C. Loggin, for London, via ports. Passengers - For London . . . Miss Gertrude Palmer . . .

"MISS GERTRUDE PALMER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1897), 10

Miss Gertrude Palmer will make her first appearance since her return from London at an invitation recital at the YMCA Hall to-morrow night. Miss Palmer will play pieces by Chopin, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Macfarren, Schutt, Helier, Vogrich, Rubenstein, and Liszt, so that her programme will illustrate several different styles of music.

"MISS GERTRUDE PALMER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 December 1900), 3

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 January 1925), 8 

PALMER - January 8, 1925 at a private hospital, Darlinghurst, Emily Gertrude, eldest daughter of the late W. H. Palmer, Sydney.

"MISS GERTRUDE PALMER", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 January 1925), 10

Miss Gertrude Palmer, L.R.A.M., died yesterday morning at a private hospital in Darlinghurst. This lady, though of late years somewhat retired from active concert-room life, made frequent appearances here, both as solo pianist and as accompanist, and in both capacities displayed interpretative sympathy in alliance with technical achievement. Miss Palmer belonged to a distinguished musical family, as her father, Mr. William H. Palmer, long years ago was one of the early organists of St. Philip's Church, York-street. Her mother, Miss Aldis, was a brilliant Sydney pianist, who played at the festival opening of the University Great Hall, and she was not only a cousin of Professor Karl Straube, who prepared the design for the colossal organ at the Breslau City Hall, but also of the late Dr. Charles Steggall, formerly one of the directors of the Royal Academy of Music (London). Some fifteen years or so ago Miss Palmer attended the Royal Academy for the full three years' as a student, and secured her diploma, and in 1914 she visited London again, and, being cordially introduced by M. Charlier (Governor of the French Pacific possession of Tahiti) to Camille Saint-Saens, that great composer-pianist arranged dates for two recitals which the Australian was to give in the concert hall of the Paris Conservatoire. The outbreak of war, however, cancelled the engagement. Since her resumption of her duties as a teacher in this city Miss Palmer gradually diminished her public appearances, which latterly ceased altogether, owing to an attack of neurosis. Always ready to assist freely in the cause of charity, Miss Palmer throughout her career was highly esteemed in musical circles and in social life.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Steggall (musician); Karl Straube (organist)

"MISS GERTRUDE PALMER", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 January 1925), 16 

The Rev. Canon Bock read the burial service in the Church of England portion of the South Head Cemetery yesterday over Miss Gertrude Palmer, when relatives and a few old friends gathered round the grave, which adjoined that of her mother. The pianist's final illness was very brief, and she passed away at the comparatively early age of 58 years. The principal mourners were Messrs. Godfrey Palmer (organist, St. Matthews's Church of England, Manly), W. L. Palmer (Wellington, New Zealand), W. A. Freeman (brother-in-law), and Ambrose W. Freeman; and the circle further included the Rev. A. R. Ebbs (rector of St. Matthias', Manly), Messrs. F. Hambridge. A. W. Juncker (organist, St. Matthias' Church of England, Paddington), and Gerald Marr Thompson.

ASSOCIATIONS: Augustus William Juncker (musician); Gerald Marr Thompson

"DEATHS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (24 January 1953), 17 

DEBENHAM, Grace Hutton. - On January 22, died peacefully, widow of Robert Debenham. Privately cremated.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 August 1944), 10 

PALMER. - August 6, at Sydney, Philip John Gottfried Palmer.

PALMER, Daniel (Daniel Richard PALMER; D. R. PALMER; Daniel PALMER; D. PALMER)

Musician, cornet player, band leader, music teacher, musical instrument tuner and repairer, "music smith", gold miner, mine proprietor

Born Shoreditch, London, England, 17 March 1828; baptised St. Leonard Shoreditch, 20 April 1828; son of James PALMER and Jane HOLSON
? Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 26 November 1852 (per Agrippina, from Madras)
Active Beechworth, VIC, by 1863
Married Margaret BRADY (Mrs. RAY), Beechworth, VIC, 21 January 1871
Died near Beechworth, VIC, 26 September 1906, aged "77/78" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch in the county of Middlesex in the year 1828; register 1828, page 94; London Metropolitan Archives, P91/LEN/A/004/MS07496/033 (PAYWALL)

No. 745 / 1828 April 20 / Daniel Richard S[on] of / James & Jane / Palmer / Tile Kiln Yard Hackney Rd. / Gardener . . .

Paylist, 15th Regiment of Foot, Kandy and Colombo, Ceylon [Sri Lanka], 1 January to 31 March 1851; UK National Archives, WO12/3268 (PAYWALL)

Privates . . . 2283 / Palmer Daniel . . .

? Names and descriptions of passengers per Agrippina, from Madras and Ceylon, for Melbourne, 26 November 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Palmer Daniel / 21 / . . . [English] . . .

"Beechworth Police Court. April 7th, 1863 . . . Disturbing a Congregation", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (9 April 1863), 4 

Daniel R. Palmer was charged with disturbing a congregation at Stanley. The evidence showed that prisoner entered the place where service was being held drunk, and with his clothes in a disgraceful state of disorder. Fined 40s or 48 hours imprisonment.

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (28 January 1868), 3 

GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT Will be given, on the above date, in aid of the funds for the erection of a
Monument to the Memory of the late Herr Schmidt.
The BAND will comprise the following gentlemen, who have kindly volunteered their services:
1st Violins - Herr WEINBERG and VAN DEN BERG
2nd Do - Herr BAUSCHMAN and Mr. WATTS
Tenor - Mr. E. S. RUSSOM
Violincellos - Mr. MORRIS and Herr OTTO
Contre Basses - Herr ESTHER and GERKE
Cornets - Herr SCHMIDT and BURKE
Clarinet - Herr VORHEN
Flute - Herr BUSSE
Flageolet - Mr. Henri RUXTON
Cornos - Messrs. PALMER and GEORGE
Trombone - Herr HARTMAN
Drums - Herr RUDOLPH
Conductor, Herr SCHLUTER.
Assisted by Ladies and Gentlemen Amateurs and the German Vocal Union . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Herr Schmidt (musician); Henry Weinberg (violin); Jacob Van den Berg (violin); August Borschmann (violin); James Watts (violin); Edward Stephenson Russom (viola); Heinrich Gerke (double bass); Peter Constantine Burke (cornet); Herman Vorherr (clarinet); Frederick Busse (flute); Henri Ruxton (flageolet); Adolph Schluter (conductor); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)

"MARRIAGE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (4 March 1871), 2 

PALMER - RAY. - On the 21st January, at Beechworth, by the Rev M. W. Bradney, Daniel Richard Palmer, son of late Rev. T. S. Palmer, Hackney, London, to Margaret, widow of late David Ray, junction of Spring and Silver Creeks.

"M.U.I.O.O.F., LOYAL BEECHWORTH LODGE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (3 August 1876), 2 

The fifteenth anniversary of the opening of this lodge was celebrated last Monday evening at the Odd Fellows' Hall, by a tea-meeting, a concert and a dance . . . about one hundred persons were seated at the tables. A number more, however, were present (fully 150) at the concert, which, after an overture by the string band, was preceded by a short address . . . This short statement having been delivered, a glee, "See Our Oars," was followed by a toast by the brethren . . . Mr. Schluter then gave a song in his best style, having quite recovered from the cold, which so entirely incapacitated him at his late benefit. A quartette by tho string band, led by Mr. August Borschmann, and assisted by Mr. Daniel Palmer, on the cornet, fairly delighted the audience; and we must say that the music by this band is about the best we ever heard rendered by Beechworth musicians . . .

"THE BEECHWORTH BRASS BAND", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (9 December 1876), 4 

We hear that Mr. Lufton, after having done the most difficult part of the work in teaching this band their ABC, and making them very creditable performers, considering the time they have been practising, has resigned the leadership. They have, however, secured the services of Mr. D. R. Palmer, who is so well-known in this district as an accomplished musician and teacher. Persons desirous of joining the band will find further particulars in our advertising columns.

"THE PALMER BAND", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (30 December 1876), 4 

We see by an advertisement that the first of a new series of weekly dancing entertainments will be held on New Year's night at the Oddfellows' Hall, Beechworth; to be followed by a dance on each Saturday night. The band consists of of Herr Schluter (piano), Messrs. August Borschmann (violin), R. D. Palmer (cornet), and A. Hartmann (base violin).

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (9 February 1878), 3 

Music! Music! Music!
PIANOFORTES, Organs, Harmoniums, Harps, Guitars, and all kinds of String,
Reed, and Brass Instruments tuned and repaired, on very Reasonable Terms, by
(From Worster's and Co., London, Late Bandmaster, Sergeant H.M.'s 15th Regiment.)
MUSIC. Brass, Reed , String and Drum and Fife Bands SUPPLIED.
Procession, Ball, Concert, Pic-nic, and Parties; Three to twenty performers.
Pianofortes tuned, touch restored, Strings, Keys, and action Springs renewed;
and all kinds of Musical Instruments tuned, and repaired.
All orders will receive prompt attention.
Address by Post:
D. R. PALMER, Music Smith,
Silver Creek, Beechworth.

ASSOCIATIONS: Worster and Co. (London and Northampton wharfingers and carriers)

"BENALLA AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL SOCIETY'S SHOW", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (11 September 1880), 4 

The above show came off at Benalla on Thursday [9 September], and but for the weather would have been an unqualified success . . . The ground was tastefully decorated with a large number of beautiful flags, and a brass band of music under the leadership of Mr. Daniel Palmer made things look lively during the day . . .

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (10 February 1906), 2 supplement 

. . . Mr. D. H. Palmer, gold-miner, living on the Stanley-road, Beechworth, says: -
"For nearly forty years I've been had with nasty pains in the back, but ten years ago they began to get pretty constant and very sharp. In fact, reached such a state that I could scarcely straighten myself after I had been working in the mine. I would be quite stiff and sore about the kidneys. I think my troubles started in India, where I spent a number of years before I came to Australia . . . I owe my cure to Doan's Backache Kidney Pills . . .

"DEATH OF MR. D. PALMER", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (29 September 1906), 4 

News was received in Beechworth on Wednesday night of the death of Mr. Daniel R. Palmer, an old resident of Stanley-road, where he had been for many years engaged in mining. Full particulars of the sad occurrence are not yet available, but it is stated that the deceased, who was 77 years of age, appeared in his usual health in the morning, and died about 6 o'clock in the evening from hemorrhage, supervening on Bright's disease. The deceased was well known as an accomplished musician, and was highly esteemed for his upright character and many estimable qualities. He leaves an invalid wife and a married daughter, for whose sad deprivation general sympathy is expressed. The funeral is announced to take place at the Beechworth Cemetery on Friday afternoon, under the direction of Mr. W. H. Phillips, undertaker. A notification also appears in our columns requesting the attendance of members of the Albion Tent of Reohabites, of which Order the deceased was a life-long and consistent member.

"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (1 October 1906), 1 

PALMER. - At his residence, Stanley-road, Beechworth, suddenly, Daniel Richard Palmer, in his 78th year.

PALMER, Rodber (Rodber Wylde PALMER; Rodber PALMER)

Lecturer on music, schoolmaster

Born Parramatta, NSW, 10 July 1823; baptised St. John's church, Parramatta, 15 November 1823; son of George Thomas PALMER and Catherine Irena PEMBERTON
Married Isabella Lydia MIDDLETON, Sydney, NSW, 1851
Died Tumbarumba, NSW, 22 February 1887 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Palmer returned to Sydney in 1846 with an B.A. from Oxford. He resigned as teacher of Coonamble public school on 30 March 1870, and later opened his own school in Orange.


Baptisms, St. John's, Parramatta; register 1790-1825, page 140; St. John's Anglican church, Parramatta (PAYWALL)

Rodber Wylde Palmer, son of George Thomas Palmer & Catherine Irena Palmer was born July 10th and Christened Nov'r 15th 1823 . . .

"Ship News", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 January 1838), 2 

The Eweretta will sail this morning for London. Passengers . . . G. T. Palmer, Esq. and lady, Miss Palmer, and the Masters Palmer, Miss Lewis, governess, and servant . . .

Report of a barque arrived in Port Jackson this [20 April 1846]; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

St. Vincent / [from] Downs, England / December 10th [1845] / . . .
[Passengers] Mr. Rodber Palmer / 23 / [native place] N. S. Wales / [Gentleman] / [Settler] . . .

"Marriage", The Maitland Mercury (17 December 1851), 3

At St James's Church, Morpeth, on the 15th instant, by license, by the Rev. R. Chapman, Mr. Rodber Palmer, fourth son of G. T. Palmer, Esq., of Giningininderra, near Queanbeyan, to Isabella Lydia, second daughter of the late Rev. George Augustus Middleton, M.A.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (15 March 1854), 1 

SALE BY AUCTION, AT Eagleton, William River, near Raymond Terrace,
Of superior Household Furniture, Piano Forte, Working Bullocks, Milch Cows, Farming Implements &c.
MR. JEREMIAH LEDSAM has received instructions from Rodber Palmer, Esq., to sell by public auction at his residence . . .
on the 28th day of March, 1854, at ten o'clock . . .

Teacher application, c. 1858; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL0

Rodber Palmer / Married / 35 / [born] Parramatta N.S.Wales / Church of England / [employed as teacher] King's School Parramatta 2 1/2 years, Rev'd Jo. Wilkinson's nearby day, 1 year / [character references] Rev'd Wm. Hobson [? Horton, Hodson, Robson], Parramatta, Rev'd W. Gore Parramatta

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1861), 1 

A LECTURE on "Music" will be delivered in the Hall of the above-named institution, by Mr. RODBER PALMER, on MONDAY EVENING, the 19th instant, commencing at half-past seven o'clock.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 September 1861), 1

A LECTURE (the second of a series.) on the subject of MUSIC, will he delivered in this Institution, on MONDAY EVENING next, at half-past seven o'clock, by Mr. RODBER PALMER.
The discourse to be illustrated by some choice music by the German Band, and also by the performance of Chinese musicians.

"LECTURE ON MUSIC", Empire (24 September 1861), 5

A LECTURE WAS delivered last evening, in the School of Arts, St. Leonard's, by Mr. Rodlen Palmer [sic]. E. M. Sayers, Esq., occupied the chair, and introduced the lecturer.

Mr. Conrad Appel's band of German musicians were present, and illustrated the lecture by the performance of a variety of pieces. Some Chinese musicians, whose attendance Mr. Palmer had made great exertions to secure, and who had promised to attend did not come, much to the regret of the lecturer and the audience. There were fully 230 persons present.

The lecturer, who was greeted with applause, began by referring to his former lecture on this subject. He had spoken of the universality of music in the song of the bird, in the noise of the waterfall, in the human voice. His first illustrations had been of sacred music. The present lecture would be occupied with the subject of secular music generally. On some future occasion he hoped to lecture on the national music of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. The faculty of music was universal. The savage aborigines of Australia, and all other people have some knowledge of music. Instrumental music was invented before the flood. Jubal is mentioned in the Bible as the father of them that handled the harp. The Egyptian Hermes, afterwards deified, was the inventor of the harp, which was suggested to him by a tortoiseshell. The Chaldeans were early proficient in music. In modern Europe the greatest musicians were of the Hebrew race; for instance, Rossini, Meyerbeer, Mendelssohn. Mr. Disraeli in the person of his "Sidonia" in "Coningsby," was right, to some extent, in claiming for his race all the highest musical talent. The Chinese music had a very strong resemblance to the Scotch. The Chinese had treated music as a science from the earliest times. The Chinese Emperors had always encouraged music. The lecturer here stated that he had made great exertions to secure the attendance of a band of musicians, from whose performances the audience might have observed the similarity between the Chinese and Scotch airs. But he regretted to find that, notwithstanding all his efforts, the four Chinese musicians had not made their appearance. He, therefore, called on the German band, who played "The bonnie hills o' Scotland."

Mr. Palmer than proceeded to speak of the music which, in Arabia and Syria, beguiles the solitude of the desert. There was great simplicity and monotony about Turkish music; but of late European, and especially Italian music, has been introduced into Turkey. The Eastern nations generally are fond of music, and loved the loud clanging sound of the gong. Hindoo and Chinese music were next described. Among other instruments the Chinese have one called "Ching," formed of a gourd or bamboo for its foundation, with pipes like an organ. The nations of Africa have all a rude but not unpleasant kind of music. The Mahomedans of Abyssinia use the guitar. In the interior of Africa, stringed instruments are made by stretching the hair of the elephant across a gourd. Music was much cultivated in Greece. They ascribed the lyre to Mercury, but said that Apollo first played upon it. Homer made frequent allusions to music. After his times the Isthmian and Pythian games were introduced. No professors were more honoured than those of the tuneful art. Greek authors informed us that the Greek musicians lived in a most sumptuous manner. The Romans borrowed their musical art from Greece. Nero, the Emperor, was the greatest patron of this art; and brought discredit upon it.

The lecturer then passed on to the rise of the modern opera. The Flemish school of music took the lead in Europe at the close of the 16th century. The Italian school soon surpassed it; and was developed in the opera. He then alluded to the career of Spontini - born 1778, and other Italians, of Donizetti, and of Bellini, perhaps the greatest musician of this century. [The German band tben played from Bellini's "Norma."] All Bellini's operas were cast in a fine mould. His melodies were always graceful; some of his scenas were highly impassioned. [The band then played from Bellini's "Sonnambula," "As I view those scenes so charming."] Operatic music was almost at as low an ebb in Italy as that of the Church. There were few good singers in that country, for as soon as they rose to eminence they went to England and Germany. Music was not supported in Italy. [The band then played " Fra Diavolo."] The lecturer then observed that the Italian opera was introduced into Germany in 1630; the first German opera was played at Hamburgh in 1678. But Kaiser, a native of Leipsic, who was born in 1673, and died in 1730, was esteemed the father of the German opera. After enumerating a succession of illustrious German musicians, the name of Mozart occurred. Mozart was one of the most remarkable men of the eighteenth century. When only four years of age, he had a perfect command over the harpsichord. At the age of eleven, he wrote his first opera. His fame soon filled Europe, and he continued to shine as a star of the brightest order, up to his early death at the age of thirty-six. The Zauber-flote breathes the very spirit of wild romance. The band then played " Zauber-flote." Mozart was the founder of a dramatic school, in which he had had many successors. The effects of his arrangement of the music produced by wind instruments were as remarkable as, before his time, they were unknown.

The band would next give them what Byron called "a see-saw, up-and-down sort of tune," a waltz. [The band then played one of Labitzky's waltzes.] This "import from the Rhine" was a most spirit-stirring piece of music. [He then requested the band to play the "Farewell to Hanover" waltz.] With the imaginative Weber began the latest era of the German opera. He delighted in the most wild and majestic scenes of nature. In a more cheerful strain were the works of a modern writer of music, Wallace, who had formerly been in this colony, and wrote the "Bohemian Girl" [sic]. This piece was then played by the band. The next piece was a merry one, "The shells of the ocean." The lecturer then announced that in about a month he hoped to give his third lecture, on the national music of England, Scot' and, Ireland, and Wales.

The band than played " God save the Queen," the audience standing. Hearty applause greeted the performance of the band, and the lecture. Dr. WARD proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Palmer and to the musicians. This, he said, was the greatest hit of the season. Mr. Palmer had shown that the people of St. Leonard's could appreciate good amusement. He only regretted the absence of their "celestial friends."

Rev. JOHN REID seconded the motion. He had been visiting some of his friends in this locality, and hearing of the lecture determined to be present. He rejoiced in the progress of the School of Arts, and he was particularly gratified with the subject of that evening; for he regarded music as one of the noblest gifts of God to man - fitted to elevate the mind, and impart one of the most intense pleasures. He was much interested in the information given, and thought they owed thanks to the band for their laborious and skilful service. He was particularly pleased with "The bonnie hills of Scotland;" he found himself carried back in imagination to his native land, "the land of the brave and the free." He hoped the St. Leonard's people would continued long to manifest the interest they had done in elevating pursuits.

The vote was carried by acclamation.

ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Appel (musician)

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 March 1887), 1 

PALMER. - February 22, at Tumberumba [sic], Rodber Wylde Palmer, aged 65 years.


Soprano vocalist

PALMER, W. J. (W. J. PALMER; or W. I. PALMER [sic]; ? William)

Male soprano vocalist, countertenor

Active Sydney, NSW, by November 1851 to 54 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


On his first appearance in Sydney in November 1851, for St. Mary's Choral Society, under the direction of Isaac Nathan, Palmer was reportedly a young man hoping to pursue a musical career, to support himself and his widowed mother. However, the Empire's reviewer also suggested, none too subtly, that his soprano voice was the result of "accidental circumstances" that nonetheless placed him in the same category as Giambattista Veluti (1780-1861), the last of the great castrati to appear on the London stage.

Some of the English contents of Palmer's bound album suggest his mother was only relatively recently widowed, and that she and he were then perhaps only recently arrived in the colony from London. A copy of song by Henry Smart, My own dear mountain home (first published 1839) is inscribed to "W. J. Palmer from his affectionate father".

And a copy of a balled, Beautiful sea, composed and published, probably c. mid to late 1840s, by the London concert and opera singer, Edwin Ransford, is inscribed to "Master Palmer with the author's kind regards".

Among other contents of the album, most if not all of the 14 editions of vocal music by Isaac Nathan, were acquired by Palmer in Sydney, probably direct from Nathan himself. Two of them, Bright be the place of thy soul, and Queen of evening, have manuscript annotations on the music perhaps in Nathan's hand. Four others were published in Sydney during the 1840s.

Not included in Palmer's album, however, are the two Sydney editions that Nathan "arranged expressly for Mr. Palmer" and "his extraordinary voice", and published in 1852-53, ornamented versions of Sarti's Lungi dal caro bene and Handel's Angels ever bright and fair. The latter, however, was probably based upon, and closely similar to, a version Nathan had advertised for performance in Sydney in 1842 as being "With the original ornaments, as expressly written by Mr. Nathan for Madame Malibran" = that is, for Maria Malibran, and therefore probably written for her during her last years in London, 1834-36.

"Master Palmer", the "young Soprano singer", anyway performed both arrangements several times for Nathan at St. Mary's Choral Society concerts during 1852 and 1853. At Coleman Jacobs's concert in October 1853, The Illustrated Sydney News observed wryly, again punning on his similarity to the castrato Veluti:

Master Palmer has a nice veluti in speculum sort of voice, and which, if not injured by injudicious treatment or culture, will be of some value in Sydney.

Palmer then made his theatrical debut at the Royal Victoria for John Gibbs's benefit in January 1854 singing an unattributed song The maids of happy Sydney (perhaps a localised version of the ballad The maids of merry England). He appeared again at the theatre in February, and gave his own first (and possibly only) concert, on 20 February, assisted by Flora Harris and Charles Packer. On that occasion, he again sang Lungi del caro bene, and Nathan's song, Queen of evening, his own copy of which, in his album, is annotated with performance markings.

Palmer, who was living at the time of his concert in Riley Street, Darlinghurst, seems to disappear completely from the musical record thereafter, and, as yet, he remains unidentified. He was usually billed as W. J. Palmer, but the later advertisements for his own concert have instead W. I. Palmer, suggesting his middle initial was perhaps more probably I than J (the later letter still often used for the former in the Sydney press in the early 1850s); and if he was a full member of St. Mary's Choral Society, he was more probably Catholic than Protestant.


"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", Empire (26 November 1851), 2

We have pleasure in testifying to the progress made by the Choral Society of St. Mary's, in the objects for which it has been established. The concerts given by the Society are really well worth going to hear, and the performance of the pupils does great credit to themselves and to their talented conductor, Mr. Nathan. Perhaps a little more variety might be introduced in the class of music selected for illustration; but this is a matter upon which tot homines tot sententiae . . . But we must . . . announce to the public of Australia, the existence of a perfect Musico on our shores. So unusual an occurrence calls for a word of notice; and although we are not inclined to go into the history of that class of singers who are technically designated by the title of Musico, we may briefly state that a young man made his appearance at the concert on Monday evening, who, if we mistake not, will prove a resuscitation of the world-wide célébrité, Veluti. Accidental circumstances, the details of which are "caviare to the general", but which can be easily ascertained by the curious in musical arcana, have brought before the public this candidate for vocal distinction; and although Mr. Palmer is but a tyro in the art, the strength and compass of his soprano voice are a certain guarantee that, with assiduous cultivation, he will become a very great acquisition to the musical world. The lower tones are exceedingly full, and the high notes of a richness and clearness which only soprano singers can boast. But there is in the medium considerable weakness, which, however, may fairly be ascribed to want of proper training. We understand Mr. Palmer intends to cultivate the gift he possesses, with the ultimate view of benefitting himself and of contributing to the support of a widowed mother. We shall be glad to have another occasion of commenting upon Mr. Palmer's vocal powers; and in the meanwhile we are sure that, for the scientific cultivation of his talent, and for the development of the voice, he cannot be in better hands than Mr. Nathan's.

"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 March 1852), 4

We have received a copy of Mr. Nathan's recent adaptation of the favourite air Lungi dal Caro bene, harmonized and revised, with variations expressly composed for Mr. Palmer, the young sofrano [sic] singer, who made his debut some months ago at the concert of St. Mary's Choral Society. Mr. Nathan's name is a sufficient guarantee for the correct treatment of the subject, and his acknowledged taste is fully displayed in the elegance and lightness of the fioriture.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 April 1853), 3 

ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY. CONCERT, - MONDAY, 4TH APRIL, 1853. Conductor - I. Nathan. Esq.
PROGRAMME: PART I . . . 7. Air - "Lungi del caro bene," (arranged with variations for Mr. Palmer, expressly for this Society, by Mr. Nathan) - SARTI . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 April 1853), 3

JEPHTHA'S DAUGHTER and Lungi dal Caro Bene - the two songs so unanimously received with enthusiastic marks of approbation on Monday last at St. Mary's Choral Society - as sung by Mr. Palmer - are now published, 2s. each; with Angels ever Bright and Fair, - The Lord's Prayer, - The Names of Christ, - and all Mr. Nathan's works. At W. J. JOHNSON'S Music Warehouse, 314, Pitt-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 May 1853), 1s

The character acquired by this Society at a very early period of its history was admirably sustained on Monday evening last. Although the weather was unpropitious, with occasional light showers, the Hall of St. Mary's Seminary was filled at the hour of commencement. | The audience comprised individuals of the highest respectability, a circumstance exceedingly flattering to the society, since the selection of music could not certainly offer the charm of novelty, and the attendance consequently was a mark of their appreciation, rather than a mere gratification of curiosity. Amongst several leading members of society we noticed His Honor Mr. Justice Therry and family, Colonel Macarthur, the Crown Solicitor, Dr. Alleyn, Mr. Claxton and family, Miss Raymond, Mr. Castilla and others. The opening anthem, (an unfortunately exceptionable affair by the way as regards the graces of composition,) was executed with much taste and fullness, and was loudly applauded. The remainder of the selections might be disposed of with an almost similar observation, with the exception, of the exquisite air Lungi dal card bene, sang by Mr. Palmer. This young gentleman's voice and musical faculty have already formed the subject of high commendation, but after his perfect performance on this occasion, we feel some difficulty in adequately expressing our sense of its beauty. The volume and thrilling tenderness, the perfect ease, and impassioned expression, the apparent absence of labour, with the justest execution, form a whole that we cannot properly eulogise, and in the confession of our incompetency can only exhort our musical friends, if they should again have an opportunity, to embrace it, and judge for themselves. The most rapturous applause continued for some time, caused the reappearance of Mr. Palmer, who kindly favoured the audience with a repetition of the air. We know not whether the preceptor, or the pupil is entitled to the greater praise, but doubtlessly the care of the former must have been unwearied, since the execution of the latter was so perfect. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Roger Therry; John Moore Dillon (d. 1878, crown solicitor)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 May 1853), 1 

ST. MARY'S CHORAL S0CIETY. THE next Concert of this Society will take place in the Hall of St. Mary's Seminary on Monday, 23rd May, 1853. Conductor, I. Nathan, Esq.
PROGRAMME: PART FIRST . . . 5. Solo - "Lungi dal caro bene" (arranged with variations for Mr. Palmer expressly for this Society by Nathan) - Sarti . . .

"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 May 1853), 2 

. . . At the request of some of the company the beautiful Hebrew melody "Jephtha's daughter," was sung by Mr. Palmer, and another of Nathan's own, "She walks in beauty," was also introduced by request, although they were not in the programme . . .

"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", Freeman's Journal (28 May 1853), 10 

. . . Mr. Palmer's solo "Lungi dal caro Vene," arranged expressly for him by Mr. Nathan, was beautifully given. This gentleman to a voice of great flexibility and sweetness joins a very expressive style that renders his singing very effective . . . By request, Mr. Palmer sang the "Gentleman's Daughter" [sic, Jephtha's daughter] in his most felicitous manner . . .

MUSIC: Jephtha's daughter (Nathan, from Hebrew melodies)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 August 1853), 3

ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY. THE next CONCERT of this Society will take place in the Hall of St. Mary's Seminary, on Monday (this evening), August 8th, 1853. Conductor . I. Nathan, Esq.
PROGRAMME. PART I. - SACRED . . . 2. Solo - Angels ever bright and fair (arranged expressly for Mr. Palmer) - Handel . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 September 1853), 1 supplement 

ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY . . . Monday (this evening), September 5th. Conductor - I. Nathan, Esq.
PROGRAMME. PART I. - SACRED . . . 2, Solo - Angels ever bright and fair (arranged expressly for Mr. Palmer) - Handel . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 October 1853), 2

ROYAL HOTEL. GRAND EVENING CONCERT. Under distinguished Patronage.
MR. COLEMAN JACOBS (Pianist to H.R.H. the Duchess of Gloucester) begs respectfully to inform the Gentry, his pupils, and the public of Sydney, that his
FAREWELL CONCERT, will take place on TUESDAY (rhis Day), 25th October . . .
he has already engaged the following eminent artistes: - Vocalists:
Madame Ferari, the celebrated vocalist from the Italian Opera, Paris - her first appearance in this country, who is expected from Melbourne daily; Miss Flora Harris; Miss Armfeld; Signor Spagnoletti, the celebrated vocalist from the Royal Italian Opera, first appearance in this country; Mr. John Howson, and Mr. W. J. Palmer . . .
PROGRAMME. Conductor and Pianist, Mr. Stanley.
PART I . . . Song, My own dear Native Land, Mr. W. J. Palmer . . .
PART II . . . Lungi dal Caro bene (by desire), Mr. J. W. Palmer [sic] . . .

"MR. COLEMAN JACOBS'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 October 1853), 5 

Last evening a fulI and fashionable audience assembled in the large saloon of the Royal Hotel, on the occasion of Mr. Coleman Jacobs giving his farewell concert . . . We must make favourable mention of Mr. W. J. Palmer, a young vocalist of some promise (a pupil, we believe, of Mr. Nathan) . . . and Mr. Stanley. The latter conducted the concert, and certainly did wonders in keeping down the jingle of the pianoforte, which it was hoped would have been the great feature of the evening.

"MR. COLEMAN JACOBS'S CONCERT", Empire (27 October 1853), 2

. . . Mr. Palmer, who possesses a powerful and flexible soprano voice, sang two songs very nicely . . .

"MR. COLEMAN JACOBS'S CONCERT", Illustrated Sydney News (29 October 1853), 6

. . . Master Palmer has a nice veluti in speculum sort of voice, and which, if not injured by injudicious treatment or culture, will be of some value in Sydney . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Coleman Jacobs (pianist); Flora Harris (vocalis); Lilie Armfeldt (vocalist); Ernesto Spagnoletti (tenor vocalist); John Howson (tenor vocalist)

MUSIC: My own dear native land (?)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 December 1853), 2

ROYAL HOTEL - Programme of Mr. Charles S. Packer's Grand Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music. - Thursday Evening, December 15th, 1853.
PART 1ST . . . Song, I dare not tell, Nathan, Mr. Palmer . . .

"MR. PACKER'S CONCERT", Empire (17 December 1853), 5 

On Thursday Evening Mr. Packer, a recent arrival from Van Diemen's Land, and a professor of music of high standing, gave a concert in the large room at the Royal Hotel. It was a thoroughly honest concert. All that was put down in the programme was performed, and there was an absence of those vexatious delays that make such havoc with the patience of the audience . . . Mr. Palmer also met with much applause in his songs. We were sorry to see but a small audience . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (pianist, vocalist, composer)

MUSIC: I dare not say how much I love (Nathan, from Don John of Austria)

"NOVEL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 January 1854), 2

Yesterday, the lovers of melodious sounds amongst the fashionable throng of visitors in the Royal Hotel Bazaar, were delighted by the dulcet notes of an instrument of an entirely novel and very beautiful description - beautiful, both with regard to the music and the outward appearance of the instrument. At the western end of the gallery, Mr. Marsh, of George-street, had set up one of the newly invented patent cottage pianofortes, with eolian and harmonium attachments, thus combining in one instrument all the melodies of the piano and the harmonium. Mr. Palmer, whose vocal talents have previously been noted in print, as a singer in the choral society, performed a few tunes on the instrument, ostensibly with the design of testing whether or not its musical strains would be sufficiently audible in the spacious and crowded bazaar. Mr. Palmer sang a couple of ballads, which he accompanied by his performance on the piano, and the result appeared eminently successful, the music and the song meeting with murmurs of approbation. Mr. Palmer's voice is a high counter tenor.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (music and instrument seller)

"THE VICTORIA THEATRE. PROGRESS OF THE BENEFITS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (21 January 1854), 2

. . . The next candidate on the Thespian scroll for public honors is the able leader of the Orchestra, Mr. JOHN GIBBS . . . The entertainments selected by Mr. GIBBS (vide programme) embrace amongst many novelties the first appearance of a Miss Carter, late of the Opera Comique, Paris, of whom report speaks highly favorably; as also that of Mr. Palmer, known as one of the principal vocalists of St. Mary's Choral Society.

[Playbill] Benefit of John Gibbs, Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, 23 January 1854; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 January 1854), 4

THIS EVENING, JANUARY 23 . . . For the Benefit of Mr. JOHN GIBBS, Leader of the Orchestra . . .
First Appearance of Mr. W. J. Palmer . . .
Song, The Maids of happy Sydney, Mr. Palmer (his first appearance) . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (violin, leader of the theatrical band)

[Advertisement], Empire (30 January 1854), 1 

THE Promenade Gallery of this Establishment . . . will be Opened THIS DAY to Subscribers, with the First of a Series of Musical Entertainments, which will be continued three times a-week, the days to be fixed by the Committee on this occasion . . .
PROGRAMME . . . Song. - Mr. W. J. Palmer, "Advance Australia" . . .
Song. - Mr. W. J. Palmer, "Maids of happy Sydney" . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (9 February 1854), 1 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . THURSDAY, February 9th, 1854.
For the Benefit of Messrs. WELSH AND HAMMOND . . .
Irish Comic Song, Mr. Turner . . . Comic Song, Mr. Rogers . . . Song, Mr. Palmer . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Turner (vocalist); George Herbert Rogers (actor, vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 February 1854), 1

Grand Evening Concert!!!
Under the most distinguished Patronage.
MR. W. J. PALMER has the honour to announce to his friends and the public of Sydney in general, that he purposes giving a Grand Evening Concert, at the Royal Hotel, on Monday, February 20th, on which occasion he trusts to be able to present such a Programme as will ensure their kind support.
The following distinguished artists are already engaged -
VOCAL. Miss Flora Harris, Mrs. Hancock (from the Hanover Square Rooms), her first appearance; Mr. Hancock (from the Exeter and Crosby Hall Concerts), his first appearance; Mr. Fairchild, and Mr. W. J. Palmer.
INSTRUMENTAL. Pianoforte - Mr. C S. Packer; Conductor, Mr. Packer.
Further particulars will be duly announced.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 February 1854), 4

THIS EVENING, FEBRUARY 14 . . . Song, "The Fountain and the Flower," Mr. W. J. Palmer, accompanied on the pianoforte by Mrs. Gibbs . . .

"MR. W. J. PALMER'S CONCERT", Empire (18 February 1854), 4 

This young gentleman, who is a pupil of Mr. Nathan's, and has been received with considerable favour at various public concerts here, announces a concert on his own behalf, at the Royal Hotel, on Monday evening next, the 20th instant. He is to be assisted in his efforts to please his patrons, by Miss Flora Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock and Mr. Fairchild. Mr. Packer will preside at the pianoforte. We hope his numerous friends and the public generally will attend, and give him an auspicious start, in his professional career.

[Advertisement], Empire (20 February 1854), 1 

MR. W. I. PALMER'S Grand Evening Concert, Royal Hotel, MONDAY, the 20th February, 1854.
Under the distinguished patronage, of the CHIEF JUSTICE and LADY STEPHEN, SIR OSBORNE and LADY CURTIS.
Part 1.
Glee - "The Gipsies' Tent," Mrs. Hancock, Mr. W. I. Palmer, and Mr. Hancock - T. Cooke.
Song - "You'll remember me," [Mr. Fair]child - Balfe.
Fantasia - Flute, Mr. Baly - Richardson.
Song - "The Fountain and the Flower,"' Mr. W. I. Palmer - Lover.
Song - "Cherry Ripe," Miss Flora Harris - Horn.
Fantasia - Pianoforte, Mr. Packer - Hertz.
Song - "Should he upbraid," Mrs. Hancock - Bishop.
Song - "The Red Rover," Mr. Hancock - Linley.
Part 2.
Song - "Queen of Evening," Mr. W. I. Palmer - Nathan.
Song - "The Wishing Gate," Mrs. Hancock - Sporle.
Song - "Wapping Old Stairs," Mr. Fairchild - Dibdin
Song - "Lungi dal caro bene," (by particular desire) - Mr. W. I. Palmer - Sarti
Air Varia Flute, "Swiss Boy," Mr. Baly - Nicholson.
Song - "My beautiful, my own," Mr. Hancock - Alban Croft
Song - "May Day," Miss Flora Harris - Packer.
Duetto - "I've wandered in dreams," Mrs. and Mr. Hancock - S. A. Wade.
Finale - "God save the Queen."
To commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
Admission: Single Tickets, 5s. Family Tickets, to admit five, £1 1s.
To be had at all the Music-sellers, at the Royal Hotel, &c.,
at Mr. Palmer's residence, Riley-street, South Head Road.
Early application is necessary to obtain reserved seats.

"MR. PALMER'S CONCERT . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 February 1854), 5 

. . . last evening was very fairly attended, and, on the whole, successful. Miss Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, and Mr. Packer assisted the young musico. The performance of Mr. Packer on the piano elicited warm applause. The Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, Mr. Darvall, M.L.C. and their families, with several other persons of note, honored Mr. Palmer with their patronage and their presence.

"MR. W. J. PALMER'S CONCERT", Empire (22 February 1854), 2 

A very select, if not a numerous audience, honoured Mr. Palmer with their attendance, at the Royal Hotel, on Monday evening. The Chief Justice and his family, the Attorney-General and his lady, Sir Osborne Gibbes, Mr. J. H. Darvall and family, and Colonel Gibbs were among the visitors. The music performed consisted principally of ballads of the ordinary concert class. On this occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, two new arrivals from Melbourne, made their first appearance before a Sydney audience. Mrs. Hancock possesses a nice voice, with a very quiet and chaste style of singing. Mr. Hancock seemed to be suffering from a severe cold, which prevented him being heard to advantage. Miss Flora Harris was received with much favour. The beneficiare, too, received the honour of an encore. Mr. Packer presided at the pianoforte, and performed a fantasia in his remarkably neat and finished style, and accompanied the songs in a manner that left nothing to be desired.

"MR. J. W. PALMER'S CONCERT [sic]", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (25 February 1854), 3 

We had the pleasure on Monday evening last of listening to the dulcet notes drawn by musical throats, at Mr. Palmer s Concert at the Royal Hotel. Miss Flora Harris was most cordially greeted; and much praise is due. to Mr. and Mrs. Hancock. We must not omit to notice Mr. Fairchild's expression in "Wapping old Stairs;" it brought back to our minds "the light of other days." We regret much that there were so few who could be lulled from the cares of life "by sounds of sweetest harmony." As to Mr. Packer we have never in England or elsewhere met with a pianist to rival him; our young Apollo was at home in both songs "Queen of evening" and "Lungi dal caro bene."

"MR. W. J. PALMER'S CONCERT", Illustrated Sydney News (25 February 1854), 3

On Monday evening last, Mr. W. J. Palmer's concert took place at the Royal Hotel. The attendance was respectable, but by no means so numerous as could have been desired. Several families of distinction were present, amongst whom we noticed His Honor the Chief Justice, Col. Gibbs, Mr. Darvall, M.L.C., &c., &c. Mr. Packer presided at the pianoforte, and executed a fantasia, in a neat style, to the evident satisfaction of his audience. Mrs. Hancock in "Should he Upbraid," and "The Wishing Gate," met with an unanimous encore. We must congratulate the Sydney public on this lady, as a desirable acquisition to their enjoyment. Her voice is melodiously sweet, and the distinctness of her enunciation, is admirable. Mr. Hancock was evidently painfully labouring under a severe cold. Mr. Fairchild sang "You'll Remember Me," and "Wapping Old Stairs," with great feeling, and in the last named song had a well deserved encore. Miss Flora Harris and Mr. W. J. Palmer, are too well known to our readers to require any commendation at our hands. We cannot conclude our notice without remarking that the finale, "God Save the Queen," was sang in a manner not eminently calculated to call forth our ebullition of loyal feeling.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Edward Hancock (vocalist); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Edward Baly (flute)

MUSIC: Queen of evening; see also his own copy in his album

? "SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. DEPARTURES", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (20 March 1854), 54 

March 17 - City of Melbourne (s.s.), 138 tons, Henry O'Reilly, commander, for Moreton Bay. Passengers . . . W. J. Palmer . . .

? [Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 February 1865), 7 

Musical sources:

Palmer's bound album

W. J. Palmer, owner bound album of printed sheet music; State Library of New South Wales, MLMSS 6132

Album purchased from bookseller Richard Neylon, 1994; contents include items with inscriptions to Palmer (probably all London, c. late 1840s), see below; however, the album does not include copies of either of the published arrangements Nathan made for Palmer

Items with inscriptions:

Hail to Victoria! queen of the ocean . . . words and music by S. H. Marsh ([London: T. Boosey, [1848]); inscribed by the composer ". . . Palmer with the author's kind regards"

Beautiful sea! ballad, words by J. E. Carpenter; music by Edwin Ransford (London: E. Ransford, Charles Street, Soho Square, [c. 1843-7]); inscribed: "Master Palmer with the author's kind regards"

My own dear mountain home; words by G. Macfarren; music by Henry Smart (London: J. Duff & Co., 65 Oxford Street, [?]); inscribed "W. J. Palmer from his affectionate father"

Consider the lilies, words from the Holy Scriptures; music by Stephen Glover (London: C. Jefferys, 21 Soho Square, [?]); inscribed "W. J. Palmer from his affectionate Mamma"

Lungi dal caro bene (arr. Nathan, publ. 1852)

Lungi dal caro bene, sung by Mr. Palmer, as newly harmonised, corrected and revised, with appropriate symphonies and accompaniments; and with variations composed expressly for his extraordinary soprano voice by I. Nathan (Sydney: Kern and Mader, Hunter Street, [1852])

Published Sydney, March 1852; copy at National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

Originally from Guiseppe Sarti's Le gelosie villane (1776), but popularised later as an insertion aria in his Giulio Sabino; for an earlier London unembellised edition, see The music library volume 4 (London: Charles Knight & Co., 1837), 101-03 (DIGITISED)

But see [Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 May 1842), 3

Angels ever bright and fair (arr. Nathan, publ. 1853)

Angels ever bright and fair, from Handel's Theodora; sung by Mr. Palmer, at St. Mary's Choral Society; as arranged with variations &c., expressly for his extraordinary soprano voice by I. Nathan (Sydney: Kern and Mader, [by 1853])

Copy at National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

Compare with the original in Arnold's edition


Paltridge's brass band (fl. Mount Barker, SA, c. 1858-62)'s+brass+band (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Also, 1858-62 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


? Cornet player, vocalist

Born Okehampton, Devon, England, 25 February 1800
Married Mary Ann DUNN (1799-1882), Okehampton, 22 February 1824
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 27 March 1847 (per Phoebe, from London and Plymouth, 22 December 1846)
Died Mount Barker, SA, 24 July 1883 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Cornet player, vocalist

Born Okehampton, Devon, England, 1828; baptised Okehampton, 2 November 1828; son of Thomas PALTRIDGE and Mary Ann DUNN
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 27 March 1847 (per Phoebe, from London and Plymouth, 22 December 1846)
Married (1) Julia Colling GILL (1828-1868), Adelaide, SA, 28 June 1847
Died Mount Barker, SA, 18 September 1905 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Cornet player, vocalist, singer and songwriter of local songs

Born Okehampton, Devon, England, 1 May 1837; son of Thomas PALTRIDGE and Mary Ann DUNN
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 27 March 1847 (per Phoebe, from London and Plymouth, 22 December 1846)
Married Mary Jane CORNELIUS (1843-c. 1880), Mount Barker, SA, 19 November 1863
Died (suicide) Melrose, SA, 25/26 March 1879, aged "42" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PALRTIDGE, Thomas Cornelius (Thomas Cornelius PALTRIDGE; Tom PALTRIDGE)

Bandmaster (Brinkworth Brass Band), ? vocalist

Born Mount Barker, SA, 27 September 1864; son of Samuel PALTRIDGE and Mary Jane CORNELIUS
Died Malvern, SA, 6 April 1937, aged 72 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Not to be confused with another T. C. Palrtidge, Thomas junior's eldest son, Thomas Colling Paltridge (c. 1848-1918)
Members of the extended family of Thomas Paltridge (1828-1905) of Mount Barker; State Library of South Australia

Members of the extended family of Thomas Paltridge (1828-1905) of Mount Barker; State Library of South Australia (DIGITISED)


Thomas Paltridge, senior, with his wife and six children (3 of them adults) arrived in South Australia on the Phoebe in 1847, and settled at Mount Barker, where the men of the family were shoe and boot makers and tanners.

There is no indication in the documentation which of the Paltridge family it was who was billed playing in Henry Richards's quadrille band for John Lewis Jacobs in December 1847, and cornet in the band of the New Queen's Theatre in February 1848; however, according to a local history, it was Thomas junior, who:

to supplement his income . . . walked to Adelaide on Saturday afternoons to play his cornet in the orchestra at the Theatre Royal and walked back on Sunday.

Likewise, it is not clear from the documentation which male family members were involved, from as early as 1848-49, in the local band at Mount Barker, or indeed later between 1858 and 1862, when, as Paltridge's brass band (also Mount Barker Brass Band), it was regularly active in district. Perhaps all of the adults - Thomas senior and junior and John - were amateur brass musicians, as later the younger Samuel was also reported to be, and perhaps also William. It also appears likely that the band included as members other townsmen and employees of the Paltridge and Sons' tannery, and thus was an early example of a factory or works band. Thomas junior and at least one of his brothers (? Samuel) was also a little later involved in the Strathalbyn Amateur Brass Band.

As well as playing the cornet, Samuel was also well-known in the district in the 1860s and early 1870s as a popular amateur vocalist, and a songwriter and performer of humorous and topical local songs.


England census, 6 June 1841, Okehampton, Devon; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 233 / 7 (PAYWALL)

Thomas Paltridge / 40 / Shoe M[aker] / [Born in this county] Y; Mary [Paltridge] / 40 / Y; Elizabeth / 15 / Y; Thomas / 12 / Y; John / 10 / Y; William / 7 / Y; Samuel / 4 / Y; Mary / 1 / Y

"ADELAIDE SHIPPING", South Australian Register (3 April 1847), 3 

Emigrants by the Phoebe . . . Thomas Paltridge, wife, and 3 children; Elizabeth Paltridge; Thomas Paltridge; John Paltridge . . .

[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (18 December 1847), 8 

J. L. JACOBS, Teacher of Dancing, respectfully aannounces . . . that his QUADRILLE ASSEMBLY will take place on TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 21st, and on every Tuesday, at Mr. Ottaway's spacious rooms, Rundle-street. A full and efficient band is secured, under the direction of Mr. Richards, assisted by Messrs. W. J. Richards, Smith, Cower, and Portbridge.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Lewis Jacobs (dancing master); Henry Richards (band leader, violin)

[Advertisement], South Australian (18 February 1848), 2 

THE public is most respectfully informed that this Theatre will be closed on Saturday evening next, and re-opened on the following Monday, Feb. 21st, 1848, under the management of MR. LAZAR . . .
The Orchestral Department will be considerably augmented, and consist of -
Mr. Lee (leader), Mr. Richards (second violin), Mr. Thomson (violincello),
Mr. Poltridge (cornet-a'-piston), Mr. Hewitt (trombone), Mr. Swift (tenor), Mr. Kaebet (master of the German Band, flute).

[Advertisement], South Australian (29 February 1848), 2

Under the distinguished patronage of HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR . . .
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Leader, Mr. Lee; Mr. Richards (second violin); Mr. Thompson (violoncello);
Mr. Kaebet (flute); Mr. Swift (tenor); Mr. Smith (double bass); Mr. Hewett (trombone);
Mr. Poltridge (cornet a' piston); Mr. Barnett (drum); Mr. Bennett will preside at the Pianoforte.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - "Il Barbierre di Saviglia" (Rossini) - Orchestra . . .
4. Solo - Cornet a'Piston, Mr. Poltridge . . .
PART II. Overture - "Massaniello" (Auber), Orchestra . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, manager); Philip Lee (violinist, leader)

"MANCHESTER UNITY AND ODD FELLOWS", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (9 September 1848), 4 

The second anniversary of the Loyal Flinders Lodge of this Order was celebrated at Nairne on Monday week last, when, notwithstanding the severity of the weather, which prevented many Brothers being present, a goodly muster took place, and went in procession to attend Divine Service . . . The Brothers and friends, to the number of about 80, sat down at four o'clock to a first-rate dinner, at the "Nairne Arms" . . . The utmost harmony and good humour prevailed throughout the evening, and many excellent songs were sung, the whole of the proceedings being also enlivened by a deserving little band of musicians, consisting of Brothers J. & S. Lang and the Messrs. Poltridge of Mount Barker . . .

"ODDFELLOWSHIP", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (5 May 1849), 3 

The brothers of the Loyal Flinders Lodge of Oddfellows, M.U., held their third anniversary at Nairne, on Tuesday last. They attended, as usual Divine service . . . The brothers and friends afterwards partook of a repast provided by Host Hawkins, of the Nairne Arms, in the same style of excellence, both as to viands and wine, that has always characterized the anniversary dinner of this lodge . . . the whole proceedings being enlivened by Messrs. Poltridge and Lang's very deserving band, and by the harmony of several brothers connected with the lodge.


On Friday, the 1st December, the Britannia Lodge of Oddfellows held their fifth anniversary festival at the Crown Hotel, Mount Barker. The members, decked with the various insignia of office and badges characteristic of the Order, walked in procession to St. James's Church at Blakiston, headed by Paltridge's excellent amateur brass band, with a splendid banner, and accompanied by their regalia, &c . . .

"LOYAL BRITANNIA LODGE OF ODDFELLOWS, M.U.", The South Australian Advertiser (4 December 1858), 3 

"WOODSIDE", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (5 November 1859), 3 

On Tuesday, October 27th, the above thriving township presented a very gay appearance, it being the anniversary of the Loyal Onkaparinga Lodge of Oddfellows, M.U. According to arrangement the members met in the lodge-room, at 12 o'clock, and preceded from thence in procession to Charlston, dressed in regalia costume; banners flying, accompanied by Paltridge's celebrated Mount Barker brass band . . .

"MOUNT-BARKER AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY", The South Australian Advertiser (27 August 1860), 3 

The annual ploughing match of this Society, came off on Thursday, August 23 . . . The dinner took place at Mr. G. Uphill's, Globe Hotel, where a numerous company sat down to an excellent dinner . . . Song - Mr. Samuel Paltridge, "The Mount Barker Rifle Brigade," which caused roars of laughter, it being a comic description of the Mount Barker Volunteer Companies having to go to the Port to meet the French . . .

"MOUNT BARKER [From our Correspondent] December 8", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (15 December 1860), 7 

On Thursday, the 6th inst., our usually quiet town was suddenly awakened from its dull state by the strains of Paltridge's brass band, it being the tenth anniversary of of the Loyal Britannia Lodge of Odd fellows . . . The procession having reformed, returned through the principal street, to the Crown Hotel, where a first-rate dinner was prepared by Host George Freeman . . . The usual loyal toasts having been proposed, the band played between each. "The Health of the Governor" was given, and the band played in excellent style "The Song of Australia," as arranged by Mr. Lillywhite, of North Adelaide, which was much admired. From the manner in which the song has been received in the district it bids fair to become our real "National Song." Mr. S. Paltridge, our local wit, was as new as ever with fresh local songs, which he sung in first-rate style, causing roars of laughter. As many strangers have heard him on various occasions, and have been struck with his talent as a comic songster and poet of no mean order, I may state for their information that he is the son of Mr. T. Palridge, father of the Messrs. Paltridge, and nephew of Mr. J. Dunn, M.P. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Lillywhite (? composer, arranger); John Dunn (1802-1894)

MUSIC: It is not clear whether this was a new setting composed by Lillywhite, or an arrangement of Carl Linger's setting

"MILANG REGATTA", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (14 October 1865), 7 

. . . In the evening a musical and dramatic entertainment in aid of the building fund of the Milang School was held, Mr. J. Cheriton in the chair. The pianoforte was ably presided over by Mrs. Evans, of Strathalbyn, Mr. Lower played a violin, and Messrs. Paltridge, of Mount Barker, on cornets. The very large and spacious schoolroom was crowded to excess, and many could not gain admittance. Precisely at half-past 7 the orchestra commenced with an overture, and the programme consisted of a recitation, "Clarence's Dream," by Mr. Kemp; The glee, "Chough and Crow," by Messrs. T. Paltridge, S. Paltridge. T. Cornelius, and Evans. A scene from the "Lady of Lyons," by Messrs. Makin, Kemp, Bishop, Pavy; piano solo - by Mre. Evans - "Fairy Dreams;" duets, cornets, Messrs. Paltridge's; "The King and Miller of Mansfield," by Mr. Kemp, and Mr. Makin; a solo and chorus by Messrs. Lower, Evans. S. Paltridge, T. Paltridge, T. Cornelius "Stop dat Knocking;" "Lochiel's Warning," by Mr. Kemp, and J. Bishop; waltz, "Reigning Beauty," piano and cornet; scene from Douglas, Mr. Kemp and Mr. Makin, solo, full orchestra. A scene from 'William Tell," was received with much applause. The entertainment altogether showed the gentlemen must have taken great trouble and pains by the way in which it was carried out . . . Mr. Crawford moved a vote of thanks to the gentlemen forming the orchestra, for their kind and gratuitous services. Mr. T. Paltridge returned thanks . . .

"STRATHALBYN", Adelaide Observer (25 August 1866), 7 

On Friday evening (17th) a lecture was delivered in Mr. Colman's store by Mr. O. K. Richardson, in aid of funds for the purchase of an harmonium for the services in connection with the Church of England. About 70 persons were present. Dr. Herbert occupied the chair. Mr. T. Evans presided at the piano, the other instrumental and vocal music being rendered by several gentlemen whose names appear below, first overture - Piano, cornets, Messrs. T. and S. Paltridge . . .

"STRATHALBYN [From our own Correspondent.] . . . October 18", Adelaide Observer (26 October 1867), 3 

The anniversary of the Loyal Angas Lodge, I.O.O.F., M.U., was celebrated on Thursday (17th) . . . The brothers met at the Lodgeroom - Robin Hood Hotel - at 9 a.m., and at 11 marched in order, headed by the Lodge banner, and the Strathalbyn Amateur Brass Band, assisted by Messrs. T. Paltridge and Son of Mount Barker, to the Presbyterian Church . . . In the evening at 6 o'clock a public dinner was held . . . The band at intervals played some pleasant airs, and some good songs were sung by Messrs. McDermott, Paltridge, Allen, Bryan, and Close. On the following evening the band gave an entertainment on behalf of the Lodge anniversary at Mr. Colman's store, which I understand went off well . . .

"COUNTRY LETTERS", Port Augusta Dispatch (28 March 1879), 8 

An inquest was held this evening by Mr. F. McCoull, J.P., coroner, and a jury of 12 (Mr. T. B. Marshall foreman) at the Courthouse, on the body of Samuel Paltridge, of Melrose, shoemaker, who was found this morning hanging in a lean-to at Mr. Challenger's house, having evidently committed suicide . . . Richard Cornelius. - I live at Beautiful Valley. Deceased is my brother-in-law. He was subject to fits of despondency after drinking heavily. Some six or eight months ago he was in charge of the police, suffering from delirium tremens. By the coroner. - There has been no disagreement with his family to cause the rash act. He attempted to destroy himself some time ago by poison. He has been in communication with his family lately . . . The inquest was not concluded until after 9 o'clock p.m., when the coroner addressed the jury briefly, referring to the evidence given as to the state of mind of the deceased when last seen alive, and the jury returned a verdict that Samuel Paltridge destroyed himself while in a state of extreme despondency. The unfortunate man was a shoemaker by trade, but will be remembered by many of our readers as an auctioneer at Mount Barker, where he carried on an extensive business some years ago, and seemed to be very successful in his profession.

"PROVINCIAL TELEGRAMS . . . MOUNT BARKER, July 24", Adelaide Observer (28 July 1883), 15 

Mr. Thomas Paltridge, sen., died to-day at a ripe old age. The deceased, who was a brother-in-law of Mr. John Dunn, J.P., was one of the original settlers of Mount Barker. He had been ailing for some weeks, and his death was therefore not unexpected. He leaves three sons, one daughter, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Mr. Paltridge was in his eighty-third year.

"Personal Gossip", Critic [Adelaide, SA] (9 December 1899), 21 

. . . Mr. Tom Paltridge, J.P., of Mount Barker, in the young days of the colony, played a cornet in the Theatre Royal orchestra . . .

"DEATH OF MR. T. PALTRIDGE", Border Watch (23 September 1905), 4 

"JOTTINGS, BY J. W. E.", Southern Argus (23 January 1913), 3 

. . . Not long ago the Strathalbyn band was a credit to the town . . . The unexpected happened again however, for one by one changes were made, and the ranks of the players have for some months now suffered sadly from depletion. 'Twas ever thus. If I am not mistaken, the town owned a very fine band quite early in its history; and certainly in the late sixties and early seventies, when various members of the Paltridge and Cornelius family, William Fisher, Tom Evans, Charles Pascoe, Frank Monk, and one or two other musical enthusiasts lived here, the Strathalbyn Band held quite a high reputation in the south. Sam Paltridge was a fine cornetist, as was Tom of that same ilk, and the practices of the band used to be enjoyable little social functions, attended by a good deal of conviviality. It was that same Sam Paltridge who "broke up" George Oughton's military band performance once by passing lemons around amongst those of the audience close to the performers, Sam being a sad wag. What do the lemons do? Well, when next you are worried by a cornet player's tortures, commence to eat a lemon in front of him. Then you'll know . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Oughton (bandmaster)

"REMINISCENCES. WATCHING THE TOWN GROW. LONG AND HONOURABLE CAREER", The Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser (19 October 1917), 3 

There were nine families of Paltridges in Okehampton, Devonshire, when Mr. John Paltridge left that charming spot for South Australia more than seventy years ago, and history has repeated itself in Mount Barker, today . . . The personnel of the expedition comprised Mr. Thomas Paltridge, his wife, and a family of six boys and girls. Miss Julia Collin [sic], who was engaged to Mr. Thomas Paltridge, junior, and Mr. Hains, with five girls and two sons, one of whom afterwards married a Miss Paltridge. Mrs. McKenzie well remembers the occasion, and the order of the flitting. A relative just before Christmas came to the town with a great English waggon, covered in to provide shelter, and at 10 p.m. all the travellers left for Plymouth to join the "Phoebe," Captain Dale, in which ship the voyage to Australia was made . . . The voyage began three days before Christmas Day, 1846 . . . All four brothers went to the Victorian diggings at Forest Creek in 1851. Mr. Thomas Paltridge, who remained in Adelaide, where he was married, played the cornet for some time in the old Victoria Theatre . . .

"Mr. T. C. Paltridge", Chronicle (15 April 1937), 17 

Mr. T. C. Paltridge, who died recently, aged 72, was born at Mount Barker, being a son of Mr. S. L. Paltridge. When a boy, he was taken to Wilmington, and in 1878 entered the service of Mr. George Marshall. In 1880 he was employed by James Marshall & Co., and afterwards he joined the firm of G. & R. Wills. His experience in Adelaide led to his going into business as a general store keeper at Brinkworth. Mr. Paltridge was a foundation member of the Adelaide Orpheus Society, of which organisation he was for many years a soloist, possessing a voice of exceptional quality. On one occasion he contested the Liberal plebiscite for Stanley, but was defeated by Sir Henry Barwell. Mr. Paltridge left a widow and four married daughters, Mrs. A. Manthorpe, of Hawker; Mrs. J. A. Pook, of Adelaide; Mrs. E. Bond, of Adelaide; and Mrs. D. Faulkner, of Adelaide.

Other sources:

Paltridge family photograph albums; State Library of South Australia (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Jean Trigg and Majorie Robertson (1950), History of Mount Barker, localwiki, Adelaide Hills 

Thomas Paltridge, senior, and family 

William Paltridge, Wikipedia 

PALTZER, Jacques (Jacques Guillaume PALTZER; Jacques PALTZER; Mons. J. PALTZER; M. PALTZER; ? "SIVORINI")

Professor of music, violinist, band-leader, composer, arranger

Born Antwerp, Belgium, c. 1828; son of Jacques PALTZER and Petronill LICKENS
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 17 June 1853 (per Bright Planet, from Mauritius, 18 April)
Married Julia Emma McKAY (1832-1906), St. Peter's church, Melbourne, VIC, 29 September 1855
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 18 February 1861 (per Peru, for London)
Died Brussels, Belgium, 16 February 1902 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PALTZER, Florence (Florence Unes Victoria PALTZER; Mrs. Thomas Neville Richard HUGHES; Madame HUGHES PALZTER)

Soprano vocalist

Born Ballarat, VIC, 1860; daughter of Jacques PALTZER and Julia Emma McKAY
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 18 February 1861 (per Peru, for London)
Married Thomas Neville Richard HUGHES, Brussels, Belgium, 1 March 1883 (shareable link to this entry)


Jacques Paltzer was born in Antwerp c. 1828, the son of Jacques, a musician in the Belgian 7th line regiment, and his wife Petronill Lickens.

On his 1855 marriage record, Paltzer described his father as a "Knight of the Order of St. Leopold". He was perhaps the J. J. Paltzer, "Musicien gagiste au 7e régiment de ligne", who was awarded a service medal in 1841, along with several other members of his regiment, including another musician J. H. Krommenacker, and a sergeant, J. M. Loos.

According to several later reports, Paltzer had been a pupil of Charles Auguste de Bériot, at the Royal Conservatory, Brussels.

Aged around 22, Paltzer appeared as violin soloist in a concert for the Sociéte de la concorde, Brussels, on 7 January 1851, with several students of the Royal Conservatory, including the pianist Alphonse Mailly.

He had left Europe by 1852 and reportedly took up a position on the island of Réunion, as first violinist at the theatre there. By early 1853, however, he had already moved on to Mauritius.

Melbourne and Ballarat, VIC, Australia (1853-61):

Paltzer was first heard of in Australia in April 1853, in a report from the Mauritius papers:

On the 23rd February the Bright Planet, which had sailed on the previous Sunday for Australia, returned to Port Louis, in consequence of having sprung a leak which threatened the safety of the ship. Among the numerous passengers were four theatrical performers, Mme. Beaugrand and MM. Delmary, Alexandra, and Paltzer, whom our Port Louis contemporary describes as "artistes de la dernière troupe dramatique."

However, of these four, apparently only Paltzer sailed a second time with the Bright Planet, and arrived in Melbourne, VIC, on 17 June 1853.

He was first billed to appear at the weekly Thursday concert at the Mechanics' Institution on 21 July, and the following week was already listed as conductor and director. Meanwhile, he was also listed as second violinist to Achille Fleury for the nightly promenade concerts at James Ellis's Salle de Valentino.

For appearances with Robert Barlow's sable minstrels he appears to have adopted the stage name "Sivorini" (presumably, the "little Sivori", after the Italian virtuoso Camillo Sivori).

"M. Paltzer Sivorini" was to be among the company at Melbourne's Queen's Theatre in October 1853, and "M. Paltzer" directed the music for Queen's Birthday celebrations in Ballarat in 1855. In August 1856, "Palzer's Celebrated Band" was advertised as being "Composed of the twelve first Musicians in the Colony".

At the Charlie Napier Theatre in February 1857, for the "operatic burlesque" Othello travestie ("Operatic burlesque") there was "a NEW OVERTURE Introducing the Airs from the Burleqsue Composed by Mons. Paltzer", and Castle spectre; or. The haunted oratory ("Dramatic Romance") was "Produced with new music, arranged by Mons. Paltzer". At Ballarat's Royal Victoria Theatre in June 1857, The wood demon; or, The hour of one, was produced with "The whole of the choruses and the original music arranged and composed by Monsieur Paltzer, expressly for this occasion."

A daughter, Florence Unes Victoria, was born in Ballarat in 1860.

About to go on tour with the Bianchis, Paltzer put his house up for sale prior to leaving Ballarat in May 1860, arriving in Sydney in the same month where "Mons. A. Paltzer" (the initial evidently misheard) was to be conductor for the opera season, opening with Il trovatore, at the Prince of Wales Theatre. In June 1860, the Empire noted the recent publication in Melbourne of the opera conductor, J. Paltzer's Lola Montez schottische, "a pleasing dance in honour of the once renowned countess-danseuse, of whom the title-page presents a portrait". Having returned to Melbourne, Paltzer toured with the Bianchis' company to Tasmania, and then, back in Victoria, performed short opera seasons in Geelong, Bendigo, Castlemaine, and Ballarat.

Back in Ballarat, Paltzer took his farewell benefit on 8 February 1861, before sailing a week later, with his wife, Julia, and infant daughter, Florence, from Melbourne for Europe.

Belgium and England (from 1861):

The Paltzers appear to have been settled back in Brussels by 1862, when Paltzer's name begins to appear regularly as a composer of dance music in programmes of park concerts given by Charles-Louis Hanssens's orchestra of the Théâtre de la Monnaie. Among the works listed were several with Australian references, a galop L'Australie, a quadrille Victoria, as well as a polka Lola Montès, perhaps slightly reworked from his Lola Montez schottische, and another galop, Le Pérou, after the ship Peru in which he had returned to Europe.

At around this time, Paltzer embarked on a second career as a philatelist and dealer in rare stamps. According to one report, he was also suspected of occasionally forging and selling spurious stock.

The Paltzer's Australia-born daughter, Florence, meanwhile, trained as a singer, and by 1880, aged around 20, was making a favourable impression on the concert stage. In Brussels, on 1 March 1883, she married the English singer, Neville Hughes, and went on to pursue an English career as a concert and opera singer as Madame Hughes Paltzer. She and Hughes had three children, but they had separated by 1898, when she returned to Brussels, and appeared there as Madame Florence Paltzer. In April 1900, Hughes sued her for divorce, citing Leon Taubflichen and a Dr. L. Bayer as correspondents. Thereafter, she disappears from record.

Jacques Paltzer died at home, at 80 rue-de-la-Croix de Fer, Brussels, on 16 February 1902, aged 74. His widow, Julia, died four years later.

References (Jacques Paltzer senior)

Bulletin officiel des lois et arrêtés royaux de la Belgique, 2e Semestre 1841 . . . tome 24 (Buxelles: Imprimerie de Weissenbruch Pere, 1841), 1260/61-62/63 (French and Flemish on facing pages) 

Almanach royal de Belgique, classé et mis en ordre par H. Tarlier . . . année 1845 (Brussels: Librairie Polytechnique de Aug. Decq., 1845), 57 

PALTZER (J. J.), Musicien gagiste au 7e régiment de ligne, 26 février 1841


[News], L'indépendence belge (8 January 1851), 2, col. 1 (DIGITISED)

La sociéte de la Concorde de cette ville a donné, hier, dans son local, de l'Hôtel des Brasseurs, un brillant concert. Mlle. Haenen, premier prix du Conservatoire, s'y est fait apllaudir dans diffèrents morceaux. Les choeurs digigés et composés par M. Lefévre ont été exécutés avec beaucoup d'ensemble. Nous devons mentionner, en outre, un septuor sur des motifs du Domino Noir et un concerto de violin par M. Paltzer qui on été vivement applaudis. Le piano était tenu par M. Mailly.

ASSOCIATIONS: Alphonse Mailly

Passenger list, Bright Planet, Port Louis, Mauritius, 16 April 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)

. . . Cabin Passengers / Jacques Paltzer / 25 / Artist / French . . .

"MAURITIUS", South Australian Register (22 April 1853), 3

The Elizabeth, which arrived yesterday from Port Louis, has brought us some newspapers, including Le Gerneen of the 9th March . . . On the 23rd February the Bright Planet, which had sailed on the previous Sunday for Australia, returned to Port Louis, in consequence of having sprung a leak which threatened the safety of the ship. Among the numerous passengers were four theatrical performers, Mme. Beaugrand and MM. Delmary, Alexandre, and Paltzer, whom our Port Louis contemporary describes as "artistes de la dernière troupe dramatique."

Melbourne, VIC, Australia (1853-54):

[Advertisement], The Argus (21 July 1853), 8 

MECHANICS' INSTITUTION - Weekly Concert, Thursday, July 21st.
Principal Vocalists - Mrs. Testar, Miss Graham, and Mrs. L. Urie
PROGRAMME - PART I. Overture - La Bayadere - Aubert [sic] . . .
Solo - Violin - Mons. Paltzer - Paltzer . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 July 1853), 3 

MECHANICS INSTITUTION - Weekly Concerts, Thursday, 28th inst. -
Principal Performers: - Mrs. Testar, Miss Martin, who will have the honor of making her first appearance, and will sing a duet with Mrs. Testar.
Sig. Maffei will play a Duo with Mr. Stuart; pianoforte, Mr. Sullivan, his first appearance.
Conductor and Director - Mons. Saltzer [sic].

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (soprano vocalist); Louisa Urie (vocalist); Joseph Maffei (cornet); Charles O'Sullivan (piano)

[Advertisement], The Argus (27 July 1853), 8 

OPEN every Evening, the Salle de Valentino.
Proprietor, Mr. James Ellis, of Cremorne Gardens.
Grand Promenade Concerts, a la Musard. Conductor - Mons. Fleury.
The following vocalists will appear this week -
Miss Louisa Urie, Miss Theresa Shirley, Miss Bourne, and Mr. Barlow.
Instrumental Solo Performers: Violins, M. M. Fleury and Paltzer;
clarionet, Mr. Johnson; ophecleide, Mr. Hartigan; coronet-a piston, Signor Maffei; sax-horn, Mr. Baker; flute, Mr. Murrell; contra basso, Mr. Hardman . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Ellis (proprietor); Robert Barlow (comic vocalist); Achille Fleury (violin, conductor)

"THURSDAY CONCERT", The Argus (28 July 1853), 5 

We are glad to see that that Signor Maffei is not satisfied with his attempt, and that he is not discouraged, though the attendance last week was not so numerous as the concert deserved. To-night promises even better, for the noble piano was banished on the last occasion, but is to be restored this evening, and presided at by Mr. Sullivan, who makes his first appearance, and of whom, both as a performer and composer, we have heard a very flattering report. This will be an improvement; for many of the songs before were spoiled by the loud orchestral accompaniment. Two new vocalists, Miss Martin and Mr. Taunton, also appear for the first time. M. Paltzer is an excellent conductor, and his solo-playing is rarely excelled here.

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 July 1853), 8 

This Evening, Thursday, 28th July, a grand concert will take place in the Hall of the above Institution, when the following artistes will appear:-
Vocal: - Mrs. Testar, Miss Martin, Mr. Taunton (Their first appearance).
Instrumental. - Harp, Mr. Edwards (his first appearance), Violin, M. Paltzer, Cornet a Piston, Signor Maffei and Mr. Stewart, Pianoforte, Mr. Sullivan (his first appearance).
Full Band. Director and Conductor - Mons. Paltzer.
Overture - L'Italiana in Algeri - Rossini.
Melodie Musicale - Full Band - J. G. Reed [T. German Reed]
Song - The Old Arm Chair, Mr. Taunton (his first appearance in Melbourne) - H. Russell.
Solo, Violin - Il passionato, Mr. Paltzer - Remy.
Duet - The Elfin Call, Mrs. Testar and Miss Martin (her first appearance) - Glover.
Waltz - The Berlin Echo - Arban.
Ballad - My Childhoods Happy Home, Miss Martin - Williams.
Polka - Young Couple, with Cornet Obligato (by desire), Mr. Stewart - Cooke.
Overture - Harmonious Blacksmith, Full Band - Handel.
Solo Harp - French Air, Mr. Edwards, (his first appearance) - Edwards.
Song - Gathered Shells, Mr. Taunton - Loder.
Duet for two Cornopeans, from Belisario, Signor Maffei and Mr. Stewart - Donizetti.
Ballad - While I hear thy voice, Mrs. Testar - Balfe.
Polka - The Drum - Jullien.
God save the Queen.
Pianoforte, Mr. Sullivan. Director and Conductor, M. Paltzer.
Concert to commence at eight o'clock.

[Advertisement], The Argus (23 September 1853), 3 

BARLOW'S Sable Minstrels - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday next, September 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. Mr. Barlow, begs respectfully to announce that he, accompanied by his unrivalled Troupe of Sable Minstrels, who were received at the Queen's Theatre, on Saturday evening last, with tremendous applause, intends giving a series of Concert Entertainments at Mr. Crowther's Rooms, the Terpsichorean Hall, top of Collins-street, between Russell and Stephen-streets, where Messrs. Barlow, Sivorini and Brice will perform some of their brilliant Solos . . .

NOTE: "Sivorini" - Paltzer

[Advertisement], The Argus (1 October 1853), 3 

BARLOW'S Sable Minstrel . . . at Mr. Crowther's rooms . . . Saturday next, 1st October . . .
Messrs. Barlow, Brice, Sivorini, Scott, Dixon and Swinerton.
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . Blue Tail Fly - Barlow
Duetto - Banjo and Violin - Old Folks at Home (with variations) - Barlow & Sivorini . . .
Violin Solo - Sivorini . . .

"THE QUEEN'S THEATRE", The Argus (15 October 1853), 5

We perceive that the popular, amusing, and really clever Barlow announces a farewell vocal and instrumental concert at the Queen's Theatre this evening . . . Miss Louisa Urie, Mons. Paltzer Sivorini, Mr. Oakey, and other talented persons have been engaged . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Oakey (pianist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 October 1853), 8 

Barlow's Farewell Concert To-night . . .
The following Talented Performers will appear: -
Mons. Paltzer Sivorini, late premier violinist in the orchestra of the King of the Belgians, and pupil of De Beriot;
Miss Louisa Urie; Mr. Thomas Dixon, Tenor; Mr. George Stanley . . .; Mr. J. Fairchild, Basso; Mr. A. Oakey, late pianist to the Duchess of Kent . . .
will preside at the Grand Pianoforte . . .
PROGRAMME - PART FIRST. Overture - Violin and Pianoforte - Messrs. Paltzer and Oakey . . .
PART SECOND. Waltz - Violin and Pianoforte - Mons. Paltzer and Oakey . . .
Solo - Violin (Passionato) - Mons. Paltzer.
Duet - Banjo and Violin (with variations) - Messrs. Barlow and Paltzer . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (14 January 1854), 10 

ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS. Augmentation of the Orchestra.
The tenth of a series of Grand Promenade Concerts will take place on Saturday evening, January 14th, 1854.
Mr. Alfred Oakey's Celebrated Monster Orchestra . . . First night of Jullien's Bloomer Quadrille.
Mr. Rowe has also engaged the eminent violinist, Mr. T. Paltzer, late Violino Primo in the King of Belgium's orchestra, who will execute one of the most difficult solos for this instrument.
First night of a new Chinese Polka, by Alfred Oakey . . . First night of the Melbourne Polka, by Alfred Oakey.
Conductor - Mr. Alfred Oakey. Leader - Mr. M. Radford . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Andrew Rowe (proprietor); Mark Radford (violin, leader)

[Advertisement], The Argus (21 January 1854), 8 

ROWE'S CIRCUS . . . The Eleventh of a series of Promenade Concerts . . . Saturday evening, Jan. 21, 1854 . . .
In consequence of the great applause bestowed upon the clever performance of Mr. Paltzer (late Violino Primo in the King of Belgium's Orchestra) he has been re-engaged, and will appear to-night . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 January 1854), 8 

COLLINGWOOD - Brunswick Hotel. Grand Evening Concert, on Friday next, 27th inst. Performers - Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Mons. Paltzer, and Herr Rahm. Admission, 5s. and 3s. To commence at eight o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: Rachel and Andrew Moore (vocalist and violinist); Veit Rahm (zither player, vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 January 1854), 8

ROWE'S CIRCUS . . . The Twelfth of a series of PROMENADE CONCERTS . . . Saturday evening, January 28th, 1854 . . .
Mr. T. Paltzer [sic], the celebrated Solo Performer, late Violino Primo to the King of Belgium . . .
First night of an original Quadrille, by T. Paltzer, Siege of Mauritius, Bourbon and Madagascar.
Also by the same composer, The Creole Polka . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 March 1854), 8

EUREKA. Opening of the Royal Victoria Concert Hall, Monday, 6th March. Performers - Miss Miabella Smith, Herr Rahm, Mons. Paltzer, Herr Collins, and the celebrated Ethiopian Serenaders. Managers Rahm and Paltzer.

ASSOCIATIONS: Meabella Smith (vocalist); Leopold Collin (pianist)

Ballarat, VIC (1854-61):

"BALLARAT . . . MECHANICS' INSTITUTION", The Age (14 May 1855), 6 

It has long been lamented on Ballarat that we have not had an institution of this kind; and though the name Mechanics' Institution may hardly be a strictly proper term on a gold-field - especially as it is a private and not a public affair, still from the association of ideas a batter name can with difficulty be hit on, and as the proprietor, Mr. Holyoake, is well versed in the management of such institutions and has determined to throw his whole energy into its management, we augur well for its prosperity and usefulness . . . On Thursday evening, 3rd instant, the Institution was opened with a select dress ball, a numerous and highly respectable company assembled, and when we say that Mr. Percy was master of the ceremonies, and Mr. Paltzer and his band in attendance, it will not appear singular that the dancing was kept up till a late, or rather early, hour . . . The company numbered between 60 and 70, nearly half of whom were of the fair sex.

"BALLARAT, The Argus (1 June 1855), 6

The Queen's Birthday was a general holiday all over this gold-field (of course, as far as absolute necessity would permit), and a ball was given at the Golden Fleece, which was attended by about 150 people, who enjoyed themselves much upon the occasion. The room was beautifully decorated; the music excellent, under the direction of M. Paltzer; and the supper capital . . .

"POLICE COURT . . . Monday, 30th June", The Star (? July 1855; sheet incorrectly bound with 4 October 1855), 6 

Bolliver v. Paltzer. This was a summons for £15 5s alleged to be due as wages, but the Bench held that it was not a case coming within the Master and Servants Act, and it was therefore dismissed.

"BALLARAT (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) August 23rd, 1855", The Age (25 August 1855), 4 

. . . Dancing schools and periodical balls have been introduced by Mr. Powell to the Mechanics' Institution, and a Casino has taken the place of the Concert Room at the Royal Mail, whilst Thatcher is giving his farewell songs at the Charlie Napier Concert Room, as he purposes leaving Ballarat; and Mrs. Hancock, and Miss King, the juvenile prodigy, assisted by Paltzer's unequalled band, still pour forth their melodious treats at the Charlie . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (comic vocalist, songwriter); Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Juliana King (vocalist)

Marriages solemnized in the district of St. Peter's Melbourne, 1855; register 1855-56; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)

599 / 1599 / This [29 September 1855] at St. Peter's Church / Jacques Paltzer / Bachelor / [born] Antwerp, Belgium / Artist / [age] 27 / [present address] Melbourne / [usual address] Ballarat / [parents] Jacques Paltzer, Knight of the Order of Leopold [&] Petronill Lickens
Julia Emma McKay / Spinster / [born] Cheltenham, Gloucestershire / - / 23 / Melbourne / Melbourne / John Henry McKay, Gentleman [&] Mary Williams . . .
[witnesses] Henry Harper, Marianne Blackburn . . .

"MARRIAGES", The Argus (1 October 1855), 4

On the 29th ult., by license, at St, Peter's Church, by the Rev. John Barlow, Jacques Paltzer, youngest son of Jacques Paltzer, Knight of the Order of Leopold, to Julia Emma McKay, youngest daughter of John Henry McKay, Esq., of Cheltenham, England.

[Advertisement], The Argus (1 October 1855), 8 

BALLAARAT. Charlie Napier Hotel,
Paltzer's Casino, Open every Evening at Eight. 72 oct 29

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (4 October 1855), 1 

Paltzer's Casino.
Delightful dancing,
Music entrancing;
This scene of delight,
Open every night.
PALTZER, begs to inform the public that the success with which he has been favoured has induced him to prolong this Brilliant Entertainment, where music, beauty, and dancing, combine to absorb the senses and stultify the imagination.
Among other popular novelties will be introduced,
My Jug of Punch,
and other performances by Paltzer's celebrated Band.
Mr. Misker Hasser will preside at the pianoforte.
Admission one shilling.

ASSOCIATIONS: "Misker Hasser" (pseudonym, evidently not Miska Hauser, violinist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (30 January 1856), 8 

BALLAARAT, Charlie Napier Hotel. Paltzer's Casino open every evening. Admission One Shilling.

"LOLA MONTES AT BALLAARAT", Bendigo Advertiser (23 February 1856), 3 

At the conclusion of the performances at the theatre, on Monday, the 18th inst., at Ballaarat, Lola Montes came forward and addressed the audience in the following terms, which we extract from the Star of Tuesday, February 19th: - . . . Mr. Seekamp, the great friend of the miners told me in the hearing of two respectable men and a lady, that the miners "were a set of- " I cannot use the words, something hogs . . . they were an ungrateful set, and I was not to believe them. Mr. Seekamp first called on me several months ago - "Ah I there you are!" [believing to see him there in the theatre] (Lola here made a slight mistake, for she mistook the black moustache and gleaming spectacles of Paltzer, for the veritable "martyr,") and introduced himself as the editor of one of the papers, on the goldfields, at my house . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Lola Montez (dancer, actor); Henry Seekamp (journalist)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (26 February 1856), 1 

Paltzer's Casino. - Re-engagement of the Inimitable THATCHER, with new songs every evening.
Admission One Shilling.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (vocalist, songwriter)

"BALLARAT (From our own Correspondent), June 2nd", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (4 June 1856), 2 

On Friday last a grand morning concert was given at the Charlie Napier Hotel, on behalf of the funds of the Mechanics Institute. It was attended by some 150 of the most respectable persons on Ballarat, Mr. Turner, the newly appointed Stipendiary Magistrate, being present. The entertainment was one of an excellent and refined kind, and was under the direction of Mr. Paltzer. The singers were Mr. Jo. Gregg, Mrs. Hancock, Madame White, Mr. Golding, and the inimitable Thatcher, whose local songs are as piquant and amusing as they ever were.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (bass vocalist); Emilia Arnati White (vocalist); Daniel Golding (comic vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Star (12 August 1856), 1

Charlie Napier Assembly Rooms . . .
RE-ENGAGEMENT for one week of Messrs. DHERAG AND STEBBING . . .
THE CHAMBERS FAMILY, In a grand English, Irish, and Scotch DALLET DIVERTISEMENT.
CONCERT, Madame Naey [sic], The Eminent Soprano.
Mr. Small, The Favorite Comic Local Vocalist.
Mons. Pietro Canna, The first Performer in the world, who will perform on twenty Drums.
Mons. Paltzer, The Eminent Violinist, and accomplished Leader, with a select Quadrille Band of Twelve Performers, who will introduce Julien's celebrated Peter the Great Quadrille.
At the conclusion of the Concert, DANCING!!
Under the Personal Superintendence of MR. G. LOVETT, M.C. . . .
MR. C. A. FRY, Acting Manager.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Chambers and family (theatrical dancers); Madame Leon Naej (soprano vocalist); Joe Small (comic vocalist); Pietro Canna (drummer); Charles Alfred Fry (manager)

"WESLEYAN BAZAAR", The Star (7 January 1857), 2

This exhibition of native industry, for which during the past four months many have been industriously toiling, came off on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday last, in the Wesleyan schoolhouse, Lydiard-street . . . An excellent band, under the able leadership of our townsman Mons. Paltzer, and a fine toned pianoforte, at which our talented friend Mr. Symons presided, enlivened the proceedings with their strains of harmony, and added another attraction to the many interesting features of the bazaar . . .

[Advertisement], The Star (23 February 1857), 3

First Night of the Tragico, Farcico, Comico, Operatic Burlesque,
OTHELLO TRAVESTIE, As played upwards of 600 Nights in the Principal LONDON THEATRES.
Produced with New Music, arranged by Mons. Paltzer.
New Appointments and Effects, Unequalled as yet on Ballarat.
Previous to the rising of the Curtain, the Orchestra will perform
NEW OVERTURE Introducing the Airs from the Burlesque, Composed by Mons. Paltzer . . .
J. R. GREVILLE, Stage Manager.

[Advertisement], The Star (28 February 1857), 3

First Night of Monk Lewis's celebrated dramatic romance, in three acts, entitled the
Produced with New Music, arranged by Mons. Paltzer.
New Scenery, Machinery, Chorusses, Supernatural Effects, &c., &c. Supported by the most powerful Stock Company in the Colonies . . .
J. R. GREVILLE, Stage Manager.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Rodger Greville (comedian, actor)

PIECES: Othello travestie (Dowling); The castle spectre (Lewis)

"BUNINYONG", The Star (24 March 1857), 3 

. . . M. Paltzer's casino has been sold to a person named Smith, and will be opened this week . . .

[Advertisement], The Star (8 June 1857), 3

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! MONDAY, 8th JUNE. Melo-Drama and Burlesque. Splendid new scenery! Unequalled mechanical effects! THIS EVENING will be repeated, in consequence of its unprecedented success on Saturday evening, the grand, spectacular, legendary melodrama, THE WOOD DEMON! OR, THE HOUR OF ONE, Produced on a scale of unprecedented magnificence. The whole of the choruses and the original music arranged and composed by Monsieur Paltzer, expressly for this occasion . . . Stage Manager - Mr. R. H. COX.

MUSIC: One o'clock; or, The knight and the wood demon (by M. G. Lewis, the overture by M. P. King, other music by Michael KELLY)

"POLICE COURT. Monday, 29th June . . . SUMMONS CASES . . . MUSICIANS' DISCORDS", The Star (30 June 1857), 2 

Paltzer v. Fleury, for abusive language. Complainant, the well known violinist, accused the defendant, another equally well known professor of the violin, with having shook his hand at complainant, near the police court, and used abusive epithets against complainant, calling him a low damned fellow, and a son of a mob. Defendant Spoke through an interpreter, and declared that he had not used any bad language at all. He had not called defendant a "gamin" or a "son of a mob," either in French or English.
Complainant. - I assure your worship he did call me a gamin, which is a great insult.
Defendant.-I did never use such word.
The Bench fined defendant 5s. and 4s. 6d costs.

[Advertisement], The Star (3 September 1857), 3

For the Benefit of MESSES. LYNCH AND HYDES . . .
MONS. PALTZER will play a Fantasia on the Violin . . .
Acting Manager - Mr. CHARLES WALSH . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Proctor Hydes (actor, vocalist); Charles Walsh (actor, manager, vocalist)

Paltzer, 12 October 1857; Index of naturalisations, VIC; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)

Name: Jacques Guillaume Paltzer / Occupation: Professor of Music /
Address: Ballarat / Age (on date of naturalization): 29 / native Place; Antwerp, Belgium /
Date of Certificate: 12. 10. '57 . . .

"BALLARAT", The musical times and singing class circular [London, England] (1 November 1858), 334

The Philharmonic Society of Ballarat has made so much progress of late that they have been enabled to perform the Messiah. The oratorio was rendered with great effect, and was altogether successful. The solo performers were Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Moss, Mr. Williams, Dr. Kupferberg, and Mr. Hancock, who were most efficient in their respective parts. A selection of glees and madrigals followed the oratorio, when Mr. Oliver, the hon. secretary of the society, sang Handel's "Haste thee, Nymph," in a most agreeable style. Mr. Turner was the conductor, and Messrs. Fleury and Paltzer led the orchestra.

ASSOCIATIONS: Austin Theodore Turner (conductor); Ballarat Philharmonic Society

"EASTERN POLICE COURT . . . Thursday, 2nd December . . . VAGRANCY AND PROSTITUTION", The Star (3 December 1859), 2 

Emily Mitchell, alias Cornish Rose, was charged with having a house frequented by persons without lawful or visible means of support. M. Paltzer deposed that he was a professor of music, and that the prisoner was a neighbor, and lived on Specimen Hill. The frequenters of her house were of the lowest description, and women who were prostitutes. He complained bitterly of the rows which continually took place at night, and the horrible language used by the prisoner and her associates. His evidence was supplemented by Sergeant Lamer and Constable Burke, who told a terrible story of the profligacy of the still young looking prisoner. The latter when called for her defence, said she was living alone and could not help the bad people coming there. She did not disown that she got her living the best way she could, whether lawful or unlawful. She wanted to go to Melbourne, and would promise to go on Saturday next if she were let off now. The Bench made a condition that she was to go at that date, and the case was dismissed.

"DISTRICT POLICE COURT. Tuesday, 10th January . . . CAUSE LIST", The Star (11 January 1860), 4 

Quin v. Paltzer, £1 9s, work and labor as drummer in defendant's band at the wrestling sports at Christmas; the defence was that plaintiff got drunk and left his work after offering to fight everybody in the band; this was flatly denied, and Sergeant Grant said plaintiff was sober between two and three o'clock; order for £1 and costs.

[Advertisement], The Star (20 February 1860), 3 

Italian Opera Company. MONDAY, 27th FEBRUARY,
IL TROVATORE. Signor and Signora Bianchi, Mr. Farquharson, Miss Octavia Hamilton, Signor Grossi.
Chorus expressly engaged from the Theatre Royal Melbourne.
Conductor - Mr. Winterbottom.
Leader - Mons. Paltzer.

ASSOCIATIONS: Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists); Octavia Hamilton (mezzo); Robert Farquharson (bass); Enrico Grossi (baritone); John Winterbottom (conductor)

[Advertisement], The Star (9 March 1860), 3 

THIS EVENING, will be repeated, by special desire, Donizetti's Opera of LUCREZIA BORGIA . . .
Conductor - MR. WINTERBOTTOM. Leader - MONS. PALTZER . . .

[Advertisement], The Star (29 March 1860), 4 

FOR SALE, by private contract, a Brick House with detached servant's room and kitchen, and an adjoining allotment of Land. The above property is titrated in Webster street. Also, a fine Cottage Piano; to be sold in consequence of the owner leaving for England. Apply to J. PALTZER, Unicorn Hotel.

"THE CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE", The Star (9 April 1860), 2 

On Saturday evening the above place of amusement was re-opened under the direction of Signor Bianchi, when Bellini's chef d'oeuvre "Norma" ushered in what we may confidently predict a successful operatic season . . . The chorus and orchestra, under the direction of Mons. Paltzer, though not powerful, nevertheless acquitted themselves very creditably . . . To-morrow evening, Verdi's favorite opera of "Ernani" will be produced, with the powerful aid of Mons. Coulon, as Don Carlos . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (bass-baritone)

[Advertisement], The Star (17 April 1860), 3

W. C. SMITH HAS received instructions from J. Paltzer, Esq., (who is leaving the district), to sell by public auction, on Monday April 23rd . . . That piece or parcel of land . . . on which is erected . . . A neat Four-roomed Cottage . . .

"EASTERN POLICE COURT. Monday, 14th May . . . CAUSE LIST", The Star (15 May 1860), 2

. . . Funke v. Paltzer, £3 10s, a week's wages as a musician at the "Charlie." Defendant said plaintiff had been engaged through him for Signor Bianchi, and the Signor had paid every one what was due to them. The plaintiff commenced work on a Saturday, and on the following Tuesday he was stupidly drunk - (laughter) - and put out of theatre by main force. Order for amount and costs.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Funk (clarinet)

"ITALIAN OPERA", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 May 1860), 4 

Arrangements have at length been effected by Mr. Samuel Colville, the enterprising manager of the Prince of Wales Theatre, which are shortly to result in the production here, on a scale of unequalled attraction, of the grand Opera; to be continued for one month only, four nights per week, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays - the Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays being set apart as subscription nights. With this in view engagements have been already concluded with the long expected artists, the Signora and Signor Bianchi, who arrived in this city from Victoria on Friday evening last . . . The following engagements have already been entered into: Signor Cesare Cutolo, conductor; and a full and efficient orchestra, in which will be comprised the well-known piano instrumental performer, Monsieur Eigenschenk, and Monsieur Paltzer - the last-named gentleman having been expressly brought up to Sydney from Melbourne for this occasion . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Colville (manager); Cesare Cutolo (conductor); Charles Eigenschenck (violin)

"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS . . . MAY 20", Empire (21 May 1860), 4

CITY OF SYDNEY, steamer, 700 tons, Captain Moodie, from Melbourne 17th instant . . . Miss Hamilton and servant . . . Messrs. . . . Paltzer . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 May 1860), 1 

Patron, his Excellency the Governor-General Sir W. T. Denison, K.C.B., &c., &c. ; Lady Denison and family.
GRAND OPERA, As before announced, will be given at the PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE,
for a season limited to four weeks, four nights per week, viz.- Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays;
and will commence on the evening of the 29th instant.
The distinguished artistes, SIGNOR and SIGNORA BIANCHI, who have been engaged at a most enormous expense, will be ably supported by
Mesdames Lacey, Reymond [sic. ? Raymond], &c., &c., together with a powerful chorus and augmented orchestra.
Leader - Mons. C. EIGENSCHENCK.
The whole under the direction and conductorship of
Mons. A. PALTZER, who has been engaged expressly on account of his ability, having been engaged in the present capacity by
SIGNOR and SIGNORA BIANCHI, in their professional tour throughout Victoria . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Ottis Pierce (vocalist); Frank Howson (baritone)

"ITALIAN OPERA", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1860), 5 

ALTHOUGH expectation had been raised to a considerable degree by the announcements which preceded the performance last night at the Prince of Wales Theatre, the highest anticipations, if we may judge from the enthusiastic reception of Trovatore by a house crowded in every part, were realised to the fullest extent . . . The orchestra, in all respects, was sufficiently powerful, but at the same time well balanced, and the manner in which. the instrumentation was performed evidenced assiduity at rehearsal; it was very ably conducted by M. Paltzer, and led by M. Eigenschank [sic] . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1860), 1 

THE LOLA MONTEZ SCHOTTISCHE, composed by J. PALTZER, conductor of the orchestra at the Prince of Wales Opera House, 2s. 6d. J. R. CLARKE, 386, George-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 June 1860), 1 

LIBRETTOS OF LA TRAVIATA! (In Italian and English) now ready, price one shilling; and may be had at the Carlton Printing Office, 317, George-street, Mr. J. R. CLARKE, George-street; Mr. MOSS, Hunter-street; and at the doors of the Opera House each evening of performance. Patrons of the opera may rely on the Italian and English edition being correct, the publisher having had the copy revised by Mons. A. Paltzer, conductor, and the proof sheets carefully read by a gentleman, thoroughly conversant with the Italian language.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (music publisher)

"THEATRICALS. PRINCE OF WALES. ITALIAN OPERA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (9 June 1860), 2 

On Saturday night last Donizetti's fine opera, "Lucretia Borgia," was produced to a well filled house. The opera was placed on the stage with care. The scenery, &c., being good, the characters and minor characters all that could be desired, and the singing of the Signor and Signora Bianchi brilliant - justified the managers and artistes in expecting a success in every way perfect; and they were certainly not disappointed . . . On Monday night the "Trovatore" was produced by "command" of his Excellency the Governor-General. The house was crowded almost to overflowing, and the performance went off with eclat, though Sir William Denison was unable to be present, as he was suffering from a severs attack of Influenza . . . "Traviata," popularly known as "Camilo" was the "great card" of Wednesday evening: the "mounting" of which eclipses in splendour all Mr. Fitzgerald's previous managerial efforts - the ball room scene being grand in the extreme . . . Before we close our notice we must not forget the Conductor of the Opera, Mons. J. Paltzer. To this gentleman's admirable management much of the success of the opera is owing; he is a clever musician, and, judging by the completeness which marks every production, an experienced and skilful conductor.

"THE OPERA", Empire (11 June 1860), 5 

The third representation of "La Traviata," was given on Saturday evening to a full house, performance and applause proving that the most frequent the repetition the better is the execution, and the more popular the music becomes . . . We are reluctantly compelled to add a word - not in praise. In those portions where the beautiful air that runs through the opera (amami Alfredo) is played as a solo, with accompaniment, discord is produced by the cornopean being completely out of time. Now, as the player is known to be a very excellent orchestra musician, we cannot imagine the fault to rest entirely with him. The melody is played slowly (andante) on the cornopean, with an accompaniment of stringed instruments, in much quicker time. This is very difficult for the soloist if the time is not distinctly beaten by the conductor; and such results must occasionally take place as long as M. Paltzer will persist in alternately beating the time and playing violin passages, instead of confining himself to his legitimate duty.

[Advertisement], Empire (12 June 1860), 8 

Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney, Tuesday Morning, May 22nd, 1860.
WE, the undersigned, professors of music, vocal and instrumental, and also the chorus engaged in the forthcoming Opera, season, deem it a bounden duty, taking into consideration an article appearing in this morning's Empire, to protest against the ability of Sig. CUTOLO, as a conductor of grand opera, at the same time believing him to be, without doubt, an excellent pianist; but from inexperience, unable to wield the baton as conductor.

"NINO" [Nabucco], Empire (16 June 1860), 4

The opera to be performed this evening for the first time in Australia, is, generally speaking, so unknown here, except to a few amateurs and professionals, that even the plot is a mystery . . . though Signor Bianchi intended producing this work at Melbourne, the honour of its first representation is reserved for Sydney . . .

A Schottische is by no means calculated to display a musician's capabilities as a composer; but, as Mr. Paltzer is now in Sydney as conductor of the opera company, we may therefore hope to have an opportunity or judging of his merits in that branch of the divine heart [sic]. We take this occasion of noticing the "Lola Montez Schottische" by Mr. Paltzer, which has recently been published in Melbourne, and has just been forwarded to us. It has no pretension whatever to anything beyond what its name imparts - a pleasing dance in honour of the once renowned countess-danseuse, of whom the title-page presents a portrait. There is in it no striving after effect, but that which is produced by a change of key in both the first and second movements, returning very cleverly to the former.

"ITALIAN OPERA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (14 July 1860), 3 

With to-night's performance the entertainment of the operatic troupe trill terminate. The season opened with Il Trovatore; Traviata, Lucrezia Borgia, Nino, Ernani, Norma, Macbeth and Attila following in rapid succession. The whole of the Operas were magnificently mounted, and all deserved, though all did not win, success. Il Trovatore and Norma drew the largest houses . . . The choruses were, generally speaking, well sung; and the orchestra, under the direction of M. Paltza [sic], and the leadership of Mr. Charles Eigenschank [sic], were very effective.

"DEPARTURES. July 14", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (23 July 1860), 122 

Wonga Wonga, (s.), Captain Walker, for Melbourne. Passengers . . . Signor Bianchi, Signora Bianchi, Mr. J. Paltzer . . .

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (13 October 1860), 5

First Appearance of Signor and Signora BIANCHI Supported by
Mrs. E. Hancock, Mr. John Gregg, Mr. E. Hancock, Mr. Megson, Mons. Paltzer, Mr. R. Sharpe, Mr. J. Winterbottom.
on Monday evening . . . Il Trovatore . . . On Tuesday, selections from LUCREZIA BORGIA . . .

"ITALIAN OPERA", The Mercury (17 October 1860), 2 

. . . A small but effective chorus and an orchestra, led by M. Pattzer [Paltzer], with Mr. R. Sharpe at the pianoforte, completed the arrangements, and we may venture to assert that never has II Trovatore been put upon the stage in Tasmania, in a more creditable manner. - -Yesterday's [Launceston] Examiner.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (bass vocalist); Joseph Megson (violinist); Robert Sharpe (pianist)

[Advertisement], The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (22 October 1860), 4 


"THE ITALIAN OPERA COMPANY", The Mercury (23 October 1860), 2 

Perhaps Italian Opera was seldom presented under greater difficulties than at the Theatre Royal last evening, and certainly never in the face of equal difficulties achieved a more genuine success. Il Trovatore was performed without, a chorus and almost without an orchestra. The piano which had been prepared for the occasion was silent - no instrumentalist having been found willing at almost a moment's notice and at first sight to read off the libretto of the opera. The few instruments that were available however, were in the hands of masters of their art. Mr. Winterbottom on the double bass, and Monsieur Paltzer and Mr. Megson on the violin, played with great taste and execution, and did much to atone for the want of orchestral power. Of course in the absence of the pianoforte accompaniment the opera was heard to disadvantage, but the magnificent singing and acting of Signor and Signora Bianchi made more than amends, and caused the audience to lose sight of every drawback . . .

"THE MONTH", The Mercury (22 November 1860), 3 

"HOBART TOWN", The musical world [London, England] (2 February 1861), 79 (DIGITISED)

The long expected Italian Opera Company arrived in Hobart Town, from Launceston, and opened a short campaign at the Theatre Royal, on the evening of the 22nd ultimo [October]. The company consisted of Signor and Signora Bianchi, M. Paltzer, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, Messrs. J. Gregg, Megson, and Winterbottom, the well-known bassoon-player. They remained only a week, and although they introduced, and well performed, some of the choicest works of the modern lyric drama, they were not patronised so liberally as they deserved to be. - Hobart Town Mercury Puff, Nov. 22.

"OPERATIC PERFORMANCES", Launceston Examiner (3 November 1860), 3 

. . . A musical melange, in which Mrs. Hancock, M. Paltzer, and Messrs. Winterbottom and Hancock took part, closed the evening's amusement. Last evening the entertainments were for the benefit of Mr. Winterbottom, and consisted principally of selections from "Ernani" . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED. NOVEMBER 6", The Argus (7 November 1860), 4 

Black Swan, s.s.s., 139 tons, A. T. Woods, from Launceston 5th inst. Passengers - saloon: Signor and Signora Bianchi, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, Messrs. Winterbottom, Gregg, Paltzer, Mariotti . . .

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (20 November 1860), 2 

The Opera Company made their first appearance for the season last night in Verdi's Trovatore . . . and Mr. Paltzer with an orchestra somewhat limited in number but very efficient, supplied the remaining requirements of a first class operatic performance . . .

"NEW LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (12 December 1860), 3 

Donizetti's grand Opera of "Lucrezia Borgia" was performed last night to a numerous audience. Although not so crowded as on the opening night, the boxes, dress circle, and stalls, were well filled . . . the choruses and orchestra, under the direction of M. Paltzer, working most harmoniously together . . .

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (22 December 1860), 3 

FOR SALE, by private contract, a neatly and substantially built four-roomed House, also kitchen and servant's room, the property of J. Paltzer, Esq., who is leaving the colony . . .

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (9 February 1861), 2

The Theatre Royal was well attended last night, when the Opera "La Traviata," and the Shaksperean Comedy of "Katherine and Petruchio" were produced for the benefit of M. Paltzer, who has long been known as an accomplished violinist in Ballarat. The music of the opera was well rendered barring a deficiency in chorus . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . PASSENGERS SAILED", The Argus (23 February 1861), 4

FEB. 18 . . . Peru, for London. - Mr. and Mrs. Paltzer and child.

Australia (after February 1861):

[Advertisement], The Star (15 May 1861), 3 

. . . Elegant Household Furniture. J. S. CARVER has been favored with instructions to sell by auction . . . Pianoforte, by Wm. Townsend and Son, a splendid instrument, lately selected by Mons. Paltzer . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (24 September 1885), 1 

THE whereabouts of JAMES PALTZER and AUGUSTUS MIELL, late of Ballarat, required by D. Holden, 30 Lydiard-street Ballarat.

ASSOCIATIONS: Augustus Miell (musician)

"VIOLINS AND VIOLINISTS", The Ballarat Star (11 June 1888), 3 

. . . It comes next to say something of violin players; not of birds of passage like Miska Hauser, Wilhelmj, Remenyi, Rhodes and Poussard, but of performers who are or have been identified with our own City of Ballarat. Those whose memories carry them back 30 years, to the days of uncomfortable tents, and dirty stringy-bark huts, will of course remember two popular places of resort, the "Charlie" and the "Victoria," each supporting a capable orchestra, led respectively bv two French musicians, Mons. Fleury and Mons. Palzer [sic]. Mons. Fleury, with his long fair hair floating over his shoulders in massy curls, his coat sleeve lined with pink silk well turned back, is described as presenting an airy and fantastic appearance. He handled his violin with a light and jaunty air, and his playing was of that brilliant rippling kind, which charms the ordinary listener without allowing the artist to be lost sight of. Of Palzer it is said that he disdained the whimsical style of Fleury, aiming at a solidity that accorded well with his personal appearance. Dark, with close cropped hair, and scrupulously neat and prim in dress, his violin-playing was neat and crisp, without a trace of slovenliness, but wanting in the dash and go which characterised the performances of Fleury. Both appear to have been really good violinists, and when playing side by side, as sometimes occurred at the Philharmonic concerts, their styles united with excellent effect, each seeming to supply what the other lacked; Fleury impatient when a solid passage had to be negotiated which did not admit of display - Palzer in his element; for his breadth of tone and rigid accuracy found here their appropriate sphere. How a passage would occur in which the fairy whispers of Fleury's fancy revelled, and as his lingers flew along the instrument he would shake back his wavy ringlets, his visage beaming with enjoyment; while Palzer, rarely smiling, peered through his spectacles, and bending to his work, did it conscientiously, but apparently with less interest than possessed him in the more difficult passages. Those were the days of Lola Montez, the famous danseuse, to whom Palzer dedicated a pretty schottische, named after that erratic but fascinating creature. In a few years, however, a change came over Ballarat. People began to settle in homes, and to incline less to the "Charlie" and "Victoria," with the play first and the dancing afterwards; music in its higher branches became neglected; the talented violinists, Fleury and Palzer, had to go, and with them went the orchestras, which for years in the rough times had given delight to all who had a taste for the good things they remembered to have heard in the European centres . . .

"BALLARAT CHRONICLES AND PICTURES. BY W. B. WITHERS . . . THE FINE ARTS", The Ballarat Star (26 October 1889), 1 

. . . Early in 1854 . . . the first dramatic exhibition opened. It was a canvas theatre known as Coleman's or Coleman and Landells'. His brother afterwards made his mark in the mono-polylogue "Masks and Face." The canvas theatre was promoted by George Codlin, a blacksmith . . . Coleman's orchestra consisted of Jacques Paltzer, leader and violin; Longbottom, second violin; Ed. West, double bass; August Miell, cornet. West, familiarly known as Daddy West, resided here till 1888, and played all the time off and on in theatres, concert rooms, and in both sacred and secular music. The first star was Clara Duval, who subsequently married Mr. Henry Seekamp, of Ballarat Times and Lola Montes fame . . . Coleman did not make the venture pay . . .

"BALLARAT CHRONICLES AND PICTURES. BY W. B. WITHERS . . . THE FINE ARTS", The Ballarat Star (2 November 1889), 1 

. . . Shortly before Bentley's hotel was burnt, in October, 1854, Alexander Dimant and James Mulholland - both afterwards attached to local municipal bodies - who were store keepers on the Eureka, opened the Victorian Concert Hall on the Eureka Lead, the company consisting of the still extant Billy Barlow, with his clever farrago of comic and other songs and the buzzing bluetail fly; Herr Von Rhamn [Veit Rahm], with zither and guitar; Daddy West, double bass; Miell, cornet; Herr Collins, pianoforte; J. Paltzer, violin, and leader. The venture soon failed. About the same time that Dimant and Mullholland opened their hall, J. Clarke opened a theatre on the same lead. It outlived the concert hall. Bently also opened a concert room in his hotel, but the fire put an end to that speculation. Paltzer, West, and Miell were driven out, too, and they migrated to the theatres elsewhere, all being victims to the fire. West had all his music burnt, and his instrument as well. Miell lost his cornet, but Paltzer saved his violin. Paltzer, by the Belgian consul, claimed and obtained from the government compensation for his losses, but West and Miel had no such luck. They were only Englishmen . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Bramwell Withers (author)

Belgium and England (after 1861):

"WAUX-HALL, au Parc", L'indépendence belge (25 August 1862), 3, col. 4 (DIGITISED)

(8h.) Lundi, 25, concert de symphonie. Programme. - 1. Victoria, quadrille (Paltzer) . . .

"WAUX-HALL, au Parc", L'indépendence belge (26 August 1862), 4, col. 4 (DIGITISED)

(8h.) Mardi, 26, concert de symphonie. Programme . . . 3.o Lola Montès, polka (Paltzer) . . .

"Vauxhall, au Parc", Le moniteur Belge (9 July 1863), 3271 (DIGITISED)

Concert de symphonie du 9 juillet, donné par l'orchestre complet eu théâtre roayl de la Monnaie, sous la direction de M. Ch. Hanssens. Programme . . . Deuxième partie . . . 4. L'Australie, galop (Paltzer).

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles-Louis Hanssens (conductor); the galop also programmed by the same performers on 23 July 1863 (see page 3626)

"WAUX-HALL, au Parc", L'indépendence belge (2 July 1864), 4, cols. 3-4 (DIGITISED)

Samedi, 2, concert de symphonie . . . Programme . . . 9. Le Peroù, galop (Paltzer).

"QUINCONCE DU PARC", L'indépendence belge (15 June 1864), 4, col. 4 (DIGITISED)

98 h.). - Jeudi, 15, concert d'ete d'orchestre du Théâtre-Royal, sous la direction de m. Hanssens. - Programme . . . 3. Princesse royale, polka, 1re exécution (Paltzer) . . .

"PARC", L'indépendence belge (20 August 1865), 3, col. 4 (DIGITISED)

(1 h.) - Dimanche, 20, concert, d'harmonie par la musique du 9e régiment de ligne. - Programme . . . 4. L'Australie, polka pour piston, première exécution (Paltzer) . . . 6. Flora, glaop, première exécution (Paltzer).

[News], The stamp-collector's magazine (December 1874), 185 (DIGITISED)

Le Timbre-Poste for October concludes with a description of a spurious series of Carlist stamps, said to have been concocted by M. Paltzer, of Brussels, who, to give them a more genuine appearance, had them printed and perforated by MM. Gonweloos freres, of that city. The pretender's head is in an oval; a bull-dog look has been given him which is far from nattering. In the left upper corner is something intended for three fleurs-de-lis, and on the right the tower of Arragon. These humbugs are printed in the following colours: 2 cuartos green; 4 " brown; 12 " yellow; 1 real blue; 2 " red.

"BELGIQUE . . . MONS", Le guide musicale (1 April 1880), 5 (DIGITISED)

Concert de l'Académie de musique (23 mars) . . . Mlle E. Paltzer [sic], de Bruxelles, que nous avions déjà eu le plaisir d'entendre au festival de l'an dernier, a chanté avec infiniment de méthode le grand air de Freischütz et une délicieuse ariette de Richurd Coeur de Lion, dans laquelle l'immortel Grétry a imité avec un rare bonheur les palpitations du coeur. Mlle F. Paltzer est élève de Mme Rey; sa voix, qui est des plus fraiches et des plus sympathiques, a gagné en fermeté depuis l'éé dernier. On a vivement applaudi la jeune cantatrice . . .

"MARRIAGES" St. James's Gazette [London, England] (5 March 1883), 14

HUGHES - PALTZER. - At the British Legation, Brussels, T. Neville, son of Major-General Robert Hughes, to Florence, daughter of Mr. J. Paltzer, of Brussels, March 1.

"The Registration Conference", Musical news (5 May 1894), (412), 415 (DIGITISED)

[412] The Conference on the Registration of Teachers of Music, was held at the rooms of the Royal Society of Musicians, 12, Lisle Street, Leicester Square, on Thursday, April 26th, 1894. Some hundreds of musicians from all parts of the kingdom attended. Professor Sir John Stainer, M.A., Mus. Doc. Oxon. et Dunelm, took the chair at 11 a.m. . . .
[415] . . . Mr. J. Paltzer, a Belgian, stated that at a Congress of Musicians held at Antwerp, at which the Minister of Education was present, a resolution to the effect that Registration was desirable was unanimously passed . . .

"État civil. BRUXELLES . . . Décès", Journal de Bruxelles (23 February 1902), 3 (DIGITISED)

Paltzer, 74 ans, rue de la Croix-de-Fer.

[Obituary], Le petit bleu du matin [Brussels] (23 March 1902), 4, col. 1

[Obituary], Le petit bleu du matin (23 March 1902), 4, col. 1 (DIGITISED)

Un marchand de timbres bien connu de la génération précédente, si pas des collectioneurs contemporains, M. Paltzer, vient de mourir à Bruxelles. Par une bizarre ironie de la destinée, ce philatéliste, qui alimenta de ses dépôts de timbres, pendant près de quarante ans, la plupart des papetiers de Belgique, eut à l'epoque où le premier collectionneur était encore à naitre, les mains pleines de timbres rares, dont quelques-uns constitueraient aujourd'hui une fortune!

En 1852, M. Paltzer, qui était musicien et élève du fameux violiniste belge de Bériot, accepts un engagement à la Réunion comme premier violin solo. C'était l-ée où l'on venait de céer, dans cette possession française, les timbres de 15 et de 30 centimes, qui valent aujourd'huis 4,000 francs la paire. M. Paltzer utilisa pour 50 à 60 francs de ces précieuses vignettes, qui fournissait gratuitement aux artistes le directeur du téâtre, M. Lacoste. La valeur de 15 centimes était employée pour la ville de Saint-Denis, celle de 30 pour Brule, un faubourg de Saint-Denis, ou pour d'autres localitées de l'ile. Les oblitérations n'étant pas connues à cette époque, notre compatriote annulait lui-même les timbres ou'il employait au moyen de son initiale P, tracée à l'encre, et, comme ces timbres n'etaient pas gommés, il les fixait au moyen de pains à cacheter.

M. Paltzer habita ausi Maurice, où il utilisa kes vieux timbres, dits "bandeaux", qui valent couramment 25 louis aujourd'hui. Malheureusement, ne soupçonnant pas l'avenir brillant réservé à ces carrés de papier, il ne conserva aucune des nombreuses enveloppes qui lui furent adressées!

C'est réellement dommane pour quel-qu'un qui devait plus tard toruver sa voie dans le commerce des timbres et s'y créer un honorable réputation!


ASSOCIATIONS: Armand Dethier (pharmacist, linguist, philatelist; editor, L'annonce trimbrologique)

England, probate calendar, 1903; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

Paltzer Jacques Guillaume of 80 rue-de-la-Croix de Fer Brussels Belgium died 16 February 1902 Administration (with Will) London 12 march to Julia Emma Mc Kay widow Effects £ 328 9s. 6d.

England, register of foreign deaths of British subjects, 14 August 1906; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 2910 / Le quinze aout [1906] . . .
Julie Emma McKay, rentière, décédée le quatorze de ce mois, a quatre heures du matin, rue des guildes, no. 38, St. Jou.; y résidant domiciliée à Saint Josse ten Noode, rue Braenit [sic, ? Brialmont], 119; agée de septante quatre ans, deux mois, vingt-huit jours; née à Cheltenham, Iles brittanieuqes; veuve de Jacques Guillaume Paltzer; fille de John Henry McCay et de Mary Williams, décédées . . .

Musical work:

Lola Montez schottische, composed & dedicated to Mme. Lola Montez, countesss of Lansfeld, by I. Paltzer (Melbourne: [?], ) (DIGITISED)

Other sources:

Il trovatore - The troubadour - a grand opera in four acts composed by Verdi, produced under the direction of Signor E. Bianchi; musical director and conductor Mons. J. Palzer ([Sydney: J. R. Clarke, 1860]) 

Bibliography and resources:

"Madame Hughes Paltzer", La musique au pays des brouillards (Paris: A. Ghio, 1886), 332-22 (DIGITISED)

Mme. Hughes Paltzer est une charmante artiste douée d'une fort jolie voix, fraîche, étendue, tantôt douce et caressante, tantôt dramatique. Sa diction est irréprochable. Jeune, belle et gracieuse, avec le plus séduisant sourire, il est impossible de mieux disposer le public. Il y a autour de sa élicieuse personne un rayonnement de fascination qui impose le succès. Née en Australie, mais éée en France et en Belgique, elle s'est ée en Angleterre depuis deux ou trois ans, et éjà son nom est sur tous les programmes. Elle a été prise en affection par de grands artistes anglais et français, et son salon est encombré de portraits comme ceux de Patti, Sarah Bernhardt, etc., avec d'affectueuses dédicaces. Elle se destine au théâtre où son chemin est tout tracé. Avis aux directeurs en quête d'un joyau. Son mari, M. Neville Hughes, est anglais; il a fait ses études en Italie; sa méthode est excellente, et il chante avec beaucoup de sentiment, la musique italienne de préférence. Il possède une jolie voix de baryton. J'ajouterai que c'est un homme simple, distingué et très sympathique. Il a beaucoup voyagé et parle couramment plusieurs langues.

Anne Doggett, "And for harmony most ardently we long": musical life in Ballarat 1851-1871 (Ph.D thesis, University of Ballarat, 2006), passim (DIGITISED)

PANORMO, Sophia (Sophia Louisa PANORMO; Miss S. PANORMO; Mrs. William COLE)

Vocalist (? contralto), guitarist

Born London, 1 November 1829; baptised St. George, Bloomsbury, 6 January 1830; daughter of Louis PARNOMO and Sarah SUTTON
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by September 1850
Married William COLE (d. NZ, 1863), Sydney, NSW, 1853
Died Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 April 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


The name Panormo was well known in musical circles in Australia in the first half of the 19th century. On her first public appearance in Hobart Town, VDL, for George Peck's Theatre of Arts in May 1835, Marianne Pettingell (later Mrs. St. John Adcock) was billed as "a Young Lady only 12 years of Age, Pupil of the celebrated Panorma" [sic]. This was probably the composer and music teacher Francis Panormo (1763-1843), famous as composer of the Bird waltz, even in far away Sydney, where, in the 1840s, Francis Ellard issued a local edition. Francis Panormo's waltz was, likewise, almost certainly still in Francis's son, Frederick Ellard's mind when he composed his Australian bird waltz (1854).

Francis's much younger brother, Louis Panormo (1784-1862), a musical instrument maker (violins, bows, guitars), began building guitars in the "Spanish Style" (as distinct from the English guitar, or gittern) in London in the 1820s, and among performers his instruments were popularised by his son-in-law, Antonio Trinitario Huerta (1800-1874). Louis's eldest daughter Angelina (1811-1900) was a pupil of Huerta, and also dedicatee of a set of easy divertimentos by Huerta that Panormo published in 1827. Heurta married the 17-year-old Angelina the following year. Panormo's nephew, George Lewis Panormo (1815-1877) later claimed to be successor to his uncle's business, after the latter retired in 1854, aged 70.

On 8 May 1859, Louis, aged 75, his second wife Sarah Sutton, and three of their grown children, Sarah Matilda (b. 1821; from 26 May 1868 Mrs. Thomas Coulthard), Eliza (b. 1824), and Theophilus (b. c. 1837), sailed from London for Auckland, New Zealand, arriving there on 18 August, and settling in the colony.

Earlier, in August 1853, an advance party of three sons - Vincent (b. c. 1831), Louis (c. 1827-1899), and Charles (1833-1915) - sailed for Australia on the Blackwall, arriving in Melbourne in November 1853, all intending to be (gold) miners.

But the earliest to arrive in the colonies was probably Sophia Louisa Panormo. In Sydney, NSW, early in 1853 she married William Cole. And it is most likely that Sophia was the Miss Panormo active in Melbourne in 1850. If so, her early arrival was no doubt influential in the later family migrations of 1853 and 1859.

When William Cole died in Auckland, NZ, late in 1863, Sophia was pregnant. She gave birth to a son Alfred on 10 April 1864 (d. 1952). She died three weeks later.

NOTE: Huerta's forenames are given variously, e.g. Francisco Trinidad Huerta; but he unequivocally signed his own name as Antonio Trinitario on his marriage record at St. John's Lambeth, on 27 September 1828; as see below, Isaac Nathan, was a witness.

Marriages solemnized in the district parish of St. John the evangelist Lambeth in the county of Surrey in the year 1828; register 1825-33, page 211; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. George, Bloomsbury in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1830; register 1819-38, page 196; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 1565 / Jan'y 6 / Born Nov'r 1 1829 / Sophia Louisa / [daughter of] Louis & Sarah / Panormo / High Street St. Giles in the Fields / Musical Instrument Maker . . .

England census, 1841, St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 873 / 17 (PAYWALL

Louis Panormo / 57 / Musical Comp. // Sarah / 40 //
Cecilia / 18 // Eliza / 16 // Sophia / 11 / Vincent / 8 // Charles / 6 // Theophilus / 4 // Frederic / 2

[Advertisement], The Morning Post [London, England] (19 April 1827)

L. Panormo has the honour of informing the Nobility, Gentry and Public, that he is the maker of the GUITAR the celebrated A. T. Huerta plays on with so much success. L. P. has several ready made of the same pattern, equally good in tone, and warranted to stand in any climate . . . Those that have not a label inside marked "Panormo, fecit, anno, London, 26, High-Street, Bloomsbury" are only imitations got up cheaper. Four very easy Divertimentos for the Spanish guitar, by A. T. Huerta. Published by L. Panormo.

? "DUBLIN. THEATRE ROYAL", Theatrical Times (22 July 1848), 240

Miss Rainforth took a benefit on the night of Monday, February 14, when the bill of fare was as follows: - "Norma;" Miss Rainforth as Norma, Mr. Travers as Pollio, Mr. Stretton as Oroveso, Mr. Houghton as Flavius, Miss Panormo as Clotilda, and Miss Mason as Adalgisa . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (25 September 1850), 3

MUSIC CLASS. Mechanics' School of Arts.
THE Members of the above class beg to announce their third Public Concert, to take place in the Hall of the Institution on
THIS DAY 25th inst., on which occasion Miss Panormo, recently arrived from Britain, will make her debut before a Melbourne audience.
Overture - Iphigenia - Gluck
Glee - Come o'er the Brook
Ballad - (new) Sing me then the Songs of Old - Mr. Young
Ballad - The Secret to be happy - Miss Panormo
Valse a deux temps - Jullien
Ballad - Guitar Accompaniment - Miss Panormo
Evergreen Polka - (new)
Overture - Preciosa - Weber
Glee - Hark tis the Indian drum - Bishop
Ballad - Robinson Crusoe - Mr. Young
Spanish Song with Guitar Accompaniment - [Miss Panormo]
Emerald Polka.
Ballad - Miss Panormo
Song - Mr. Young
Waltz - Labitzky
Doors open at half past seven, to commence at eight precisely. Members Tickets, and Tickets to Members of the Institute 3s., obtainable from Mr. Roycraft. Non-members 4s. obtainable from Mr. Reed, Bourke-street, the various Booksellers of the City, also from Mr. Roycraft.

"LAST NIGHT'S CONCERT", The Melbourne Daily News (26 September 1850), 2 

Great praise is due to Mr. Reed for the very creditable way in which he has brought on the music class of the Mechanics' Institute. Their performance last evening (after being three months in drill) was most remarkable and far in advance of what we anticipated. It gives promise, in a few more months, of great proficiency. The overtures went off well and smartly. The violin department wanted more strength. We noticed a new double-bass, opheclide, French horn and flute. A young lady, Miss Panormo, made her debût on the occasion. She possesses a mezzo soprano of good quality, which will improve under cultivation and that constant practice which it will be necessary she should undergo to obtain that control, modulation, and flexibility which at present is not very observable. The selection was not very judicious, and her style capable of improvement. We are not disposed to criticise too closely first appearances, as much allowance is to be made for nervousness, &c, under which Miss Panormo evidently laboured. We have no hesitation, however, in saying that with study and hard practice this lady will become a very pleasing vocalist . . . Miss Panormo was also encored in a ballad, "Lovely Night," which could have been improved by a little more breadth of tone, spirit, and intonation . . . We were not in time to hear Gluck's overture, which Jullien has lately made quite a feature in the musical world, or "the Secret to be Happy," (Donizetti) Alboni's favourite ballad, which was allotted to Miss Panormo - but we heard both performances commended . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Reed (class instructor, conductor); Charles Young (vocalist); Marietta Alboni (contralto vocalist)

MUSIC: Il segreto per esser felici (Donizetti, from Lucrezia Borgia)

[Advertisement], The Argus (17 December 1850), 2

TRIO - "The Wreath," - Mrs. TESTAR, Messrs. Kawerau and Lord.
SONG, "I am thine" - Miss PANORMO.
SOLO on the SAX HORN, (from Somnambula) - Master HORE.
* CAVATINA , "Il Soave Bel Contento" - Mrs. TESTAR.
Solo on the GUITAR - Miss PANORMO.
* DUETT, "I've wandered in Dreams" - Mrs. TESTAR and Mr. Kawerau.
* INSTRUMENTAL, "Railway Galop - Full Band.
PART II. INSTRUMENTAL - "Wilkie's Separation Polka," - Full Band.
TRIO, "Magic Wove Scarf" - Mrs. TESTAR, Messrs. Kawerau and Lord.
SONG (with flute accompaniment, "Lo, here the gentle Lark" - Mrs. TESTAR.
QUARTETTE - Sax Horns.
SONG, "Trab, Trab" (Guitar accompaniment) - Miss PANORMO.
DiUETT - Messrs. Kawerau and Lord.
SONG, "Where the Bee sucks" - Mrs. TESTAR.
SOLO and CHORUS, "God save the Queen" . . .
* By particular desire . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (promoter); Elizabeth Testar (soprano vocalist); Theodore Kawerau (tenor vocalist); Ebenezer Lord (vocalist); Hore family (sax horns); Charles La Trobe (patron, superintendent of Port Phillip district)

MUSIC: Trab, trab (Kucken, as sung by Jetty Treffz)

[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (19 December 1850), 3 

A CARD. MISS PANORMO, pupil of that celebrated master, the Senhor Huerta, begs to intimate that she gives lessons on the Guitar in the Spanish style and Singing. Address, Williams street, Collingwood.

"POST OFFICE. List of Letters . . . Unclaimed", The Argus (10 January 1851), 1

. . . Panormo, Miss . . .

"MELBOURNE. ARRIVED . . . IMPORTS", Geelong Advertiser (12 August 1851), 2 

August 10. - Thomas Sparkes, ship, 500 tons . . . from London April 17th . . . Per Thomas Sparks . . . 1 case, Miss Panorma . . .

[Unclaimed letters and packages . . . Sydney], New South Wales Government Gazette (10 December 1852), 1794 

. . . Panorma, Miss Sophia . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 June 1853), 3

MR. S. PANORMO, a Box sent by L. Panormo, London, per Hellespont, directed to you, is lying at Joseph Wilkie's Musical and Pianoforte Saloon, 15, Collins street.

List of passengers, per Blackwall, London, 1 August 1853, for Port Phillip, VIC; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)

Third Cabin . . . Panormo Vincent / 22 / [Miner] // [Panormo] Louis / 25 / [Miner] // [Panormo] Charles / 18 / [Miner]

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 January 1857), 8 

A. BROWN, Violin Maker and Repairer, from Joseph Panormo's, London, at D. Buist's, Bridge-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: A. Brown (violin maker)

? [Advertisement], New Zealander (10 December 1859), 4 

MISS PANORMO, DRESSMAKER, CHAPEL-STREET, near the Roman Catholic Chapel . . .. Having recently arrived from London, she has brought with her latest Fashions for inspection . . . A fine-toned Italian Violoncello for sale, price 30 guineas.

Bibliography and resources:

"Panormo (Francis)", in Sainsbury, A dictionary of musicians . . . vol. 2 (London: J. Sainsbury, 1824), 260 (DIGITISED)

James Westbrook, "Louis Panormo: 'The only maker of guitars in the Spanish style'", Early music 41/4 (2013), 571-84 (PAYWALL)

. . . [584, note 46] Panormo's New Zealand ancestors [sic, descendents] all believe that [Sarah] Matilda Panormo had a scandalous affair with some prominent person and that they [the family] were forcefully given an assisted passage to leave Britain (personal interviews, 9-11 September 2012, Auckland and Christchurch).

Panormo, per Joseph Fletcher, from London (8 May 1859) to Auckland (18 August 1859), Under Captain Pook 

PANORMO Louis / Sarah / Matilda / Eliza / Theopilus (sic)

Alfred William Cole, Find a grave 

PANTON, David (David PANTON, junior)

Singer (St. David's church, Hobart)

Born Scotland, c. 1827; son of David PANTON (c. 1790-1864) and ?
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 August 1833 (per Thomas, from Leith)
Died Hobart Town, TAS, 5 December 1862, aged 35 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Letter to governor George Arthur, from the colonial office, London, 14 February 1833; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1509806; GO3/1/1 p491$init=G03-1-1p248jpg (DIGITISED)

Downing Street, 14 Feb'y 1833.
Sir, I am directed by Viscount Goderich to request that you will case to be paid to Messrs. Kemp & Co. the sum of £20 on account of David Panton, who is proceeding to V.D.Land on board of the "Thomas". D. Panton is a "Tailor"m aged 40 yrs; & will be accompanied by the following family: -
Wife, aged 28 years / William 11 / Ann 8 / David 6 / Robert 2 . . .

[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (3 December 1841), 2 

TO THE PUBLIC. HAVING received a notice stating that "at a meeting of the Chaplain and Churchwardens, held on the 1st of November, at St. David's Church, it was unanimously resolved that my services as Organist would not be required beyond the end of the month," and having been previously charged by the Rev. Mr. Bedford with taking no interest in the organ, singing, &c., beyond mere attending on the Sundays, I feel duty bound to offer some explanation, and therefore beg most respectfully to submit the following statement of facts, as connected with the above.

In January, 1838, I accepted the situation of Organist at St. David's Church, with a salary of £50 per annum, agreeing to tune the organ and instruct the singers. After going on for several months, the boys and girls who formed the choir found great difficulty in getting their pay, in consequence of which they nearly all left off attending. I then suggested to Mr. Bedford that a choir might be formed from the band of the 51st Regt.; permission was accordingly given by the commanding officer, and a certain number of men selected, who attended regularly, and assisted in the singing at church; however, at the expiration of the third quarter, their pay was not forthcoming, I then advanced them the sum due (£5) in order to keep on the singing. On the following quarter's pay becoming due, the same delay was experienced by the men, who, having been several times put off with excuses and promises by Mr. Bedford, stated their determination of not singing again until they were paid. As this determination was rather premature, it was deemed advisable to take them at their word, and dispense with their further assistance.

It was then arranged by myself and Mr. Bedford that some of the boys who used to sing at church should be engaged again - of course with an understanding that some remuneration should be promised. The boys alluded to returned accordingly, and assisted in the singing; but quarter after quarter passed away, and the boys (with the exception of one) could get nothing but promises of books, &c., from Mr. Bedford. I was therefore compelled to write to the Rev. Gentleman, stating that in consequence of the boys not being paid, it was impossible for me to have them under proper control, also that I was afraid they would leave at a moment's notice, and further, begging that he would allow me to call upon, and endeavour to collect a small sum from the congregation, to pay the boys with. In reply to which, Mr. Bedford stated that the boys were not engaged again with his approbation, and that he did not approve of my endeavouring to collect anything from the congregation, adding also, that my letter should be laid before the Churchwardens at their next meeting.

The boys, of course, in the meantime were getting very impatient. I then purchased a new silver watch of Mr. Heekscher, for which I paid £5, and made a present of the same to "W. Hamilton," a lad who had been extremely regular in his attendance for a very long period; another of the singers, "D. Panton," I gave £1, likewise half-a-dozen of wine to his parents; to another boy, "W. Erle" I gave instruction on the pianoforte; Mr. Duly's son also received instruction on the pianoforte, for which I refused to be paid, in consequence of his father having assisted in the choir; my brother assisted nearly the whole of the time I held the situation; our nurse-girl, too, was spared to assist in the singing, to the great inconvenience of my home, for eighteen months. These, and many other exertions have been made, both in the choir and in tuning the organ. And yet the Rev. Chaplain has stated, that I have taken no interest in the situation beyond the mere attending on the Sundays.

Bad as the singing has been, it has required considerable exertion on my part, to keep up any singing at all - and nothing but the circumstance of my having stood much in need of the salary, towards the support of myself and family, induced me to continue in a situation so connected with unpleasantness, as it was grievous to be obliged to sit and hear, which I have often done, both the men and boys in the choir express their rude, though honest indignation, by sneering when the Rev. Mr. Bedford has been lecturing on that part of the Scripture which relates to the necessity of a strict adherence to the truth, the more grievous because I have known that such sneers were caused in consequence of the repeated promises of the Rev. Gentleman remaining unfulfilled.

I have been unwillingly compelled to make the foregoing statement - as were I to submit to so sudden a dismissal without giving an explanation, I should not be considered eligible to apply elsewhere for a similar appointment.

W. RUSSELL. Dec. 3, 1841.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins Russell (organist); William Bedford (chaplain); George Duly, son of Abraham Duly

1862, deaths in the district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1224657; RGD35/1/6 no 3630$init=RGD35-1-6P240 (DIGITISED)

3630 / December 5 / David Panton (Born Scotland, Died Melville Street) / 35 years / Joiner / Phthisis Pulmonalis . . .

"DEATHS", The Mercury (6 December 1862), 1 

Died on the 5th instant, David youngest son of Mr. David Panton, aged 35 years. The funeral will take place from his father's residence, 100 Melville-street, on Monday next, at 3 o'clock. Friends please accept this notice as an invitation.

PAPPIN, Stephen (Etienne PAPIN; Estiphania PAPPIN; Stephen PAPPIN; Mr. PAPPIN; PAPPING)

Musician, bandsman, Band of the 39th Regiment (in England), orchestral bugle player, French horn player, soldier

Born San Domingo (St. Domingue, Hispaniola) (Haiti), 1788
Enlisted (39th Regiment), Malta, 1 March 1808 (aged "20")
Married Josephine Louise ? (d. 1880), ? France, by c. 1817/18
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 26 November 1831 (per Surry, with detachment of 39th, from Portsmouth, 18 July)
Discharged (39th Regiment), Sydney, NSW, 30 June 1832 (aged "44 years 4 months", "9 months in NSW")
Died Sydney, NSW, 27 June 1845, aged "57/58" ("Papin", incorrectly indexed 1865 [sic]; NSW BDM 432/1865, 58, Kent St. Sydney, musician) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 39th Regiment (military)

PAPPIN, George (George PAPPIN)

Musician, French horn player

Born ? France, c. 1818; son of Estiphania PAPPIN and Josephine Louise ?
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by late 1831 (in 39th Regiment, from England, March)
Died Sydney, NSW, 9 March 1839, aged "21" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


According to his military record, Etienne Papin, was born on the island of San Domingo (Haiti) in 1788. Described as a "man of color", he may have been a son or grandson of slaves, who took the surname Papin from a French resident, slave owner, or mariner.

Papin was serving as a soldier in the French army when he was captured by the British near Malta in December 1807. As Estiphania Pappin, he enlisted as a private soldier in the British 39th Regiment of Foot at Malta, in March 1808, giving his age as 20. Having also served as a drummer, in the regimental pay-lists for 1824-25 he was listed as a regular member of the Band of the 39th Regiment. He was promoted to corporal in 1828, having remained in England when the headquarters of the regiment relocated to Sydney. Pappin and his family arrived finally in Sydney on the convict transport, Surry, on 26 November 1831. There he served a final 7 months in the colony before taking his discharge from the regiment in Sydney on 30 June 1832. There is no record that he was again formally associated with the regimental band in Sydney during these few months, though he may well have performed with them on occasion informally. After their discharge, he and a fellow 39th pensioner, former private Charles Hunt, together received a NSW land grant of 100 acres near Windsor in October 1832.

Among the earliest colonial records of Pappin and his wife is the baptism of their daughter, Sarah Ann, at St. Philip's church, Sydney, on 8 September (born 6 August) 1832. Another daughter, Elizabeth, was baptised at St. Philip's on 17 July (born 13 May) 1836. Stephen's much older and only surviving son, George, died in Sydney on 9 March 1839, aged 21 (born c. 1818), and there were two older daughters who also arrived in the colony with their parents in 1831: Phoebe (c. 1820-1904), who married Patrick Leary in 1836, and George Morris in 1853; and Mary Ann (c. 1826-1883), who married William Hoare in Sydney in 1845.

Stephen Pappin is first listed playing bugle (presumably a keyed bugle) in the orchestra of the Theatre Royal, Sydney, for the season commencing in May 1835, under the management of Joseph Simmons and musical direction of William Joseph Cavendish. Notably, Thomas Stubbs, who also played keyed bugle, was at the time playing flute in the band.

In March 1837, both Stephen and his son George, aged 16, were engaged as French horn players for the ensuing Theatre Royal season by Barnett Levey, the band bring then under the direction of John Philip Deane.

Stephen continued to be regularly listed in the band of the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, in 1841-43.

Stephen Pappin, musician, died at his home in Kent Street, Sydney, on 27 June 1845, aged "58". His widow, Josephine, died in Sydney on 13 June 1880, "in her 80th year".


Prisoners of war, French, Malta, 1807; UK National Archives, ADM 103 (PAYWALL)

No. 2524 / [by] H.M.S. Cephalis / 6th December 1807 / Off Sassino / [per ? ship] La Providentia Temporial /
[name of prisoner] Etienne Papin / Soldier / Taken into custody 16th December 1807 / [per] H.M.S. Sloop Weazle / Discharged 2nd March 1808 To 39th Regiment

Pay-list, 39th Regiment of Foot, 25 December 1824 to 24 March 1825; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5263 (DIGITISED)

Privates . . . Pappin Estiphania / . . . Band

Baptisms, St. Nicholas, Harwich, Essex; Essex Society for Family History (PAYWALL)

18 September 1830 / born 13 September 1830 / Stephen and James sons of / Stephen and Josephine / Pappin / H.M. 39th Infantry . . .

ASSOCIATION: The child James was buried at Chatham, Kent, on 6 October 1830 and Stephen was buried at Chatham on 14 February 1831

Pay-list, 39th Regiment of Foot, 1 January to 31 March 1831; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5266 (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . . Pappin Estephania / England . . .

"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (29 November 1831), 2 

From Portsmouth, on Saturday last [26 November], whence she sailed the 18th July, the ship SURRY (461 tons), Captain Kemp, with male prisoners. Surgeon Superintendent, Culling R. Browning, Esq. The guard consists of a detachment of the 39th Regiment, under the command of Captain Waldron. Passengers, Mrs. Waldron and 9 children, Ensign Morris, 39th Regiment, 3 soldiers' wives, and 4 children.

Pay-list, 39th Regiment of Foot, 1 January to 31 March 1832; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5266 (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . . Pappin Estephania / 26 Feb'y to 31 March / [January] England / [February] England / Joined from England 17th March

Pay-list, 39th Regiment of Foot, 1 April to 30 June 1832; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5266 (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . . Pappin Estephania / . . . Discharged 30th June on pension

Discharge, Estiphania Pappin, Corporal, Sydney, 30 June 1832; UK National Archives, WO97/0557/006 (PAYWALL)

HIS MAJESTY'S 39th REG'T OF Foot . . .
No. [blank] Estiphania Pappin Corporal BORN in the Island of St. Domingo by Trade a labourer
ATTESTED for the 39th Regiment of Foot at Malta in the Island of Malta on the 1st March 1808, at the age of [20] years . . .
[Service] up to the 30 June 1832 is [24] years and [122] days of which is as follows -
Private / 1 March 1808 [to] 31 Jan'y 1838 / 19 years 337 days
Promoted Corporal / 1 Feb'y 1828 [to] 30 June 1832 / 4 years 150 days
SERVED In Malta one year / In Sicily about [14] months.
On the Peninsula [3] years, and was present at the several engagements at Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivell, Nive, Garris, Orthes, and Toulouse.
In America [1] year. In France [3] years, and in New South Wales [9] months. The remainder at home [Britain]
[Discharge] AT his own request under the regulations of 14th November 1829 receiving a reduced pension of one shilling per day.
[Character] that his conduct has been that of a particularly regular, sober, well conducted man . . .
DESCRIPTION of Estiph'a Pappin at the time of his Discharge.
He is 44 4/12 Years of Age. 5 feet 10 inches in height, Grey hair, Dark Eyes, Dark Complexion - A man of Color / By Trade a Labourer

The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (15 August 1832), 1 

TITLE DEEDS. THE undermentioned DEEDS of GRANT have been transmitted, in the usual manner, from this Office to the Collector of Internal Revenue, between the date of the List last published, and the 30th of June, 1833, viz: -
PORTIONS OF LAND . . . Advertisement of 20th August, 1832 . . .
56. Estaphina Pappin and Charles Hunt, 100 Acres, Cumberland, Lot 2 . . .

Baptisms, St. Philip's, Sydney, 1832; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)

9 September 1832 / born 6 August 1832 / Sarah Ann daughter of / Stephen and Josephine / Pappin / Pensioner . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Ann Pappin, married William Crispin, NSW, 1851; died Sydney, NSW, 31 July 1867

Deed of mortgage, Estaphina Pappin [sic] and Charles Hunt, 10 November 1834; State Records Authority of NSW, Registers of Memorials For Land 1825-42, series (PAYWALL)

10 November 1834 / A Mortgage / Estaphina Pappin and Charles Hunt,
now of Sydney & Newcastle in the colony of new South Wales, Settlers,
late Corporal and Private in His Majesty's 39[th] Regiment of Foot of the one part
and William Macpherson of Sydney Esquire Collector of Internal Revenue of the Colony of New South Wakes
acting for an on behalf of His Majesty King William the fourth of the other part . . .
All those One Hundred Acres of Land situated in the County of Cumberland Parish of Saint Matthew allotment no. three . . .
granted to Estaphina Pappin and Charles Hunt herein mentioned by His Excellency Richard Bourke
by a Deed of Grant dated the [19 October 1832] . . .
The Mortgage herein recited is given in security for the Sum of [46] pounds and [5] shillings stirling remaining unpaid
and being the price of the [100] acres herein described
purchased by Estaphine Pappin and Charles Hunt at a Sale of Crown Lands by Auction on 1st October 1832
which Amount is conditionally remitted to them as a retired Corporal and Private late of His Majesty's 39[th] Regiment . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 May 1835), 3

Theatre Royal, Sydney.
THE LESSEES respectfully inform the Patrons of the Drama, and Public in general, that the THEATRE will open On Monday Evening, May 4th . . .
The Company engaged for the ensuing Season consist of . . .
The Lessees are highly gratified in informing the Public, that they have succeeded in engaging all the first-rate musical talent in Sydney, to form their Orchestra, which consists of the following Gentlemen, viz.:-
Leader of the Band - Mr. CLARKE.
Violins - Messrs. SPYERS, JOHNSON, DYER, and SCOTT.
Principal Flute - Mr. STUBBS.
Violincello and Grand Pianoforte - Mr. CAVENDISH.
Clarionets - Messrs. TURNER and SHARP.
Bassoons - Messrs. HOARE and BALL.
Bugle - Mr. PAPPIN.
Drum - Mr. VAUGHAN.
The object of the Lessees in opening the Theatre so early, renders it impossible to carry into effect all the improvements they have in contemplation, (many of which are in a forward state) there being upwards of 120 persons whose livelihood depends on the Theatre, and whose circumstances will not afford them to be unemployed during the length of time the Lessees were desirous of closing, in order to carry their original plan into operation . . .
The MUSICAL DEPARTMENT will be considerably improved, and under the entire Direction of Mr. CAVENDISH . . .
The Public are most particularly requested to notice, that, under the new management, the doors will open at half past 5, and the performance will commence with an Overture, the composition of some well known author, by the full band, at 7 o'clock, precisely, and the curtain will rise at the conclusion of the same; and invariably at the fall of the drop scene, will be played some Concerto by an eminent composer . . .
The Acting and Stage Management under the sole direction of Mr. JOSEPH SIMMONS.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Clarke (violinist, leader); Lawrence Joseph Spyer (violin); Mr. Johnson (violin); Benjamin Bissell Dyer (violin); Mr. Scott (violin); Thomas Stubbs (flute); William Joseph Cavendish (cello, piano, musical director); Stephen Turner (clarinet); Mr. Sharp (clarinet); Mr. Hoare (bassoon); Mr. Ball (bassoon); Michael Vaughan (drums); Joseph Simmons (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)

Baptisms, St. Philip's, Sydney, 1836; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)

17 July 1836 / born 13 May 1836 / Elizabeth daughter of / Stephen and Josephine / Pappin / Musician . . .

"To the Editor", The Sydney Monitor (31 March 1837), 3

To the Editor of the Sydney Monitor.
SIR - I respectfully beg that you will in your journal contradict - "That I have leased the Theatre to any one."
But that, from the great sums I have expended for its re opening, not only the scenery, dresses, and others; and, though last, not least, a considerable number of musicians;
amongst the names of the gentlemen, are - Mr. Dean (leader), his Three Sons,
Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Turner, Papping and Son (French horns),
Johnson, White, Westrop, White, Bowles, and others whose names I have not taken note of. And I trust, when I take charge of the Theatre, to conduct it with respectability, and make it convenient to a liberal public.
I am, Sir, Your obedient servant,
BARNETT LEVEY. Thursday, 20th March, 1836.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane and 3 sons (violinist and leader, and musicians); George Sippe (musician); Mr. Wilson (musician); Zachariah Westrop (musician);
Barnett Levey (proprietor)

"DEATH", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (16 March 1839), 3

Death. - On the 9th March, at his Father's residence, Kent street, much respected and regretted, George Pappin, Musician, the only son of Mr. Stephen Pappin.

Burials, St. James, Sydney, 1839; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)

12 March 1839 / died 9 March 1839 / George Pappin / 21 / Musician

[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (6 February 1841), 3

GRAND CONCERT AT THE Royal Victoria Theatre, On Wednesday, 10th of February, 1841.
MR. and Mrs. BUSHELLE . . . will be assisted by the Professionals of Sydney, several distinguished Vocal Amateurs, by A young Lady a Pupil or Mrs. Bushelle's, Messrs. Wallace, Leggatt, Deane and Son, Sippe, Flaherty, Parbury [sic], Downes, Pappin, Westrop, and the rest of the Theatrical Band . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. W. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture to "La Vestale" - Spontini - Full Orchestra . . .
PART II. Overture to the "Gazza ladra" - Rossini - Full Orchestra . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John and Eliza Bushelle (vocalists); Thomas Leggatt (conductor); Spencer Wellington Wallace (leader); Henry Charles O'Flaherty (musician); Benjamin Portbury (musician); William Downs (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)

[Advertisement], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (23 March 1841), 3 

MRS. J. S. PROUT, PIANIST, begs to announce that her
CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Royal Victoria Theatre,
Tomorrow, March 24. She will be assisted by Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, several vocal amateurs,
Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. T. Leggatt, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. E. Deane,
Mr. Sippe, Mr. Walton, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Downes,
and the other members of the theatrical orchestra.
Colonel French has also kindly allowed the use of the excellent Band of the 28th Regiment.
Leader, Mr. S. W. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt . . .
PROGRAMME. PART 1. Overture to Don Giovanni, Mozart, full orchestra . . .
PART II. Overture to Ludovic, Herold, full orchestra . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Prout (pianist); George William Worgan (vocalist); Humphrey Walton (musician); Richard Gill Curtis (musician)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (21 September 1841), 1

. . . FAREWELL CONCERT, Royal Victoria Theatre,
WEDNESDAY, 22nd September, 1841 . . . MR. AND MRS. BUSHELLE . . .
Instrumental Performers - Mrs. Prout, Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Emanuel,
Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Wallace, sen., Mr. Sippe, Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Downes, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Westropp, the rest of the Theatrical Orchestra,
and, by the king permission of Colonel Baker, a select number from the far-famed BAND of the 80th REGIMENT, under the superintendence of Mr. Egerton.
Leader - Mr. S. W. Wallace; Conductor - Mr. Leggatt . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Emanuel (musician); Spencer Wallace senior (musician); Samuel Edgerton (master, 80th band); Band of the 80th Regiment (military)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 February 1842), 3

Royal Victoria Theatre. First Night of the Season.
MR. S. W. WALLACE, Leader, Mr. Deane, Master Deane, Mr. Leggatt,
Mr. Wallace, sen., Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury,
Mr. Pappin, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Robertson, Master Strong, Mr. Boyle, &c. &c. . . .
ON MONDAY, FEB. 21, The Theatre will re-open . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Simes (actor, manager); George Strong (musician)

[Advertisement], The Australian (22 February 1842), 3 

TO-MORROW, 23rd February, 1842, which day is also that fixed for The FLORAL AND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION.
MRS. BUSHELLE . . . will be assisted by Mrs. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Bushelle, and Amateurs, in the vocal department;
and by Mrs. J. S. Prout, pianiste, Mr. S. W. Wallace, leader, Mr. Leggatt, conductor of the concert,
Mr. Deane, Mr. Wallace, senior, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Edward Deane, Mr. Walton,
Mr. Portbury, Mr. Pappin, and the rest of the Theatrical Orchestra . . .

"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 September 1842), 2 

It is with much pleasure we avail ourselves of calling the attention of our readers to the advertisement in our columns of to-day, announcing the re-opening of the Victoria Theatre, on the evening of Thursday next, under the distinguished patronage of the Stewards of the Homebush Races, and the Members of the Jockey Club . . . We have no doubt but that the same laudable public spirit which characterised the exertions of the acting proprietor, (Mr. Knight) during last season, will be strenuously continued in the forthcoming one . . .
The Orchestra: Mr. W. Wallace; Mr. Wallace, sen.; Mr. Leggatt; Mr. Deane; Messrs. Deane, Pontbery [sic, Portbury], Walton, O'Flaherty, Pappin, Downes, and Weston; also Mr. Gibbs, from England, who is expected daily by the Trial.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Knight (proprietor); Mr. Weston (musician); John Gibbs (new leader, violinist)

[Advertisement], The Australian (8 March 1843), 4 

PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS - Mr. Wallace - Mr. E. Deane - Mr. Pappin -
Leggatt - W. Deane - Downs - Gibbs - O'Flaherty - Turner
Deane, sen. - Portbury - Westrop.
Monsieur Gautrot and Amateurs . . .
Conductor, Mr. Leggatt. - Leader; Mr. Wallace . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I. 1. Overture: Gaza Ladra, Rossini . . .
PART II. Overture: Tancredi, Rossini . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Gautrot (musician); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 June 1880), 1 

PAPPIN. - June 13, at the residence of her grandson, Mr. John Hoare, of Burwood, Josephine Louise, widow of the late Stephen Pappin, and mother of Mrs. G. Morris and Mrs. W. Hoare, of Dowling-street, Woolloomooloo, in her 80th year. Much respected by all who knew her.

Bibliography and resources:

James D. Ellis, Stephen Pappin c. 1788-1845, Black soldiers in the Napoleonic wars, Historycal roots (blog posts, 28 June 2022) 

PAPPIN, Thomas Green (Thomas Green PAPPIN; Mr. T. G. PAPPIN; Tom PAPPIN)

Musician, music seller, baritone vocalist, pianist, harmonium player, bandsman, orchestral trombonist, tuner and repairer of pianos, photographer

Born Helston, Cornwall, England, January 1841; son of Joseph PAPPIN (1800-1857) and Sarah GREEN (1897-1855)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 2 August 1850 (per Francis Ridley, from Plymouth, 13 April)
Married Mary WALKER (c. 1839-1910), Norwood, SA, 29 September 1863
Died Perth, WA, 20 June 1912, aged 71 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Thomas Green Pappin

Thomas Green Pappin; Pappin was himself a photographer


Pappin's family were Cornish farmers and committed Wesleyan Methodists. His elder siblings having arrived in South Australia on the David Malcolm in April 1849, he followed with his parents in 1850, arriving on the Francis Ridley in August 1850, aged 9.

Pappin first traded briefly as a music and instrument seller in 1863, and later as a piano tuner, and a band and orchestral musician, but also began singing in public concerts for George Loder and Charles Thatcher in 1866-67.

He appeared in amateur opera productions in the 1880s including Maritana and The Bohemian Girl.

He and his wife moved to Perth in 1902 to join his married daughter there, continuing in business as a piano tuner.


England census, 6 June 1841, Helston, Cornwall; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 139 / 7 (PAYWALL)

Joseph Pappin / 40 // Sarah / 40 // James / 16 // Mary / 14 // Joseph / 12 // William / 10 // Sarah / 8 // Elizabeth / 6 // Henrietta / 3 // Thomas/ 5 months

"SHIPPING", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (8 August 1850), 2 

Passengers per Francis Ridley, arrival reported on Saturday . . . J. Pappin, wife and three children . . .

"SALISBURY [From our Correspondent]", The South Australian Advertiser (20 October 1859), 3

The first anniversary of the Wesleyan Chapel, Salisbury, took place on Sunday, the 16th instant, when three sermons were preached to large and attentive congregations . . . On Tuesday, a public tea meeting was held in a spacious marquee erected for the occasion, when nearly 200 persons partook of the hospitality of the ladies connected with the chapel. A public meeting was held in the chapel after tea, presided over by Mr. Colton of Adelaide . . . The musical arrangements, under the superintendence of Mr. Tilly, were of the most pleasing and interesting character. The harmonium kindly lent by Mr. Coulls for the occasion, and presided over by Mr. Pappin, with the assistance of a bass viol and violin, and the united aid of a very effective choir, supplied the intervals between the speeches with several beautiful pieces, which reflected the highest credit on all concerned . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Tilly (conductor, cello)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (19 September 1862), 1 

NEW MUSICAL REPOSITORY, 97, RUNDLE-STREET, Two doors east of Messrs. Mayfield's Cabinet and Upholstery Warerooms.
WHEATLEY & PAPPIN beg to inform their friends and the Public generally that they have
OPENED the above ESTABLISHMENT with a CHOICE SELECTION of every description of
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS direct from the Manufacturers, and trust that by strict attention a business to merit a share of their support and patronage.
Volunteer Companies will have an opportunity of choosing from a large Assortment of Brass Instruments, Drums, &c.
A well-selected Stock of new Music always on hand.
Pianofortes, Harmoniums, and other Instruments Tuned and Repaired.

[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (31 October 1863), 1 

We the undersigned, JAMES WHEATLEY, of North Adelaide, and THOMAS GREEN PAPPIN, of Kensington, lately carrying on business together as Music sellers, have this day, the 30th October, 1863, DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP by mutual consent.
Witness to signatures - James Pappin.
All Outstanding Debts due to the above must be sent to Mr. James Wheatley, builder, North Adelaide.

"THE NEW VOLUNTEER FORCE", South Australian Register (21 May 1866), 2

The following enrolments were made at the Volunteer Office on Saturday. Reserve force, Mr. S. Tomkinson; infantry, John Waite, Wm. Stratton, Thos. Green Pappin, Theodore Heydecke, and George John Freeman - making a total of 78 for the five days . . .

[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (29 May 1866), 1

MR. T. G. PAPPIN, TUNER and REPAIRER of PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, &c., &c., Gawler-place, next to Mr. J. Thomas, Wholesale Draper.

"THE VOLUNTEER FORCE", The Adelaide Express (23 July 1866), 3 

. . . No. 1 INFANTRY (ADELAIDE). - Captain Hon. John Baker, Lieutenant B. J. Scott, Ensign B. C. Baker, Bugler Girdler . . . Supernumeraries - Musicians. - G. F. Freeman, T. Heydecke, August Klauer, R. J. McSherry, T. G. Pappin, George Ryan, Wm. Stratton, William Henry Stratton, William Sumsion, George Vincent, John Waite. Total strength 94. Hours of drill - Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m., and Saturdays at 5 p.m. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Theodor Heydecke (clarinet); August Klauer (musician); William Sumsion (clarinet); William Stratton and son (bandsmen)

"TOPICS OF THE WEEK", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (15 December 1866), 4 supplement 

Mr. Thatcher gave the first of his entertainments at White's Rooms, on Thursday evening. There was a tolerably good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Loder took part in the evening's proceedings, Mrs. Loder singing some of her most popular songs with excellent effect, and Mr. Loder accompanying all the music in his usual admirable manner. Mr. T. G. Pappin also sang several songs which were very well received . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (vocalist, songwriter); George and Emma Loder (pianist, vocalist)


"THIRTY YEARS IN STAGELAND. BY J. H. L. No. III", Adelaide Observer (28 July 1900), 33 

. . . During the later "sixties" and the early "seventies" there were several amateurs of more than average ability, who delighted their patrons by clever performances. Notable among these was the talented company of singers and comedians who went under the name of the Original Amateur Christy Minstrels. The moving spirits in the company were Arthur J. Diamond and Henry Pounsett; and associated with them were T. G. Pappin, Charles Lyons, Walter Dyer, Lou and Vaughan Jagoe, George Selth, Harry Howard; and last, but not least, Charley Howson, who was really a professional, but who devoted much of his time to the assistance of amateurs . . . Tom Pappin was in his prime, and was a favourite baritone . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Pounsett (junior) (musician, vocalist); Arthur James Diamond (amateur musician, d. WA, 1906); Charles Howson (musician)

"THIRTY YEARS IN STAGELAND. BY J. H. L. XI. MUSICAL ADELAIDE", South Australian Register (22 September 1900), 10

. . . Encouraged by his success Mr. Shakespeare later on produced "Maritana," with Mrs. Perryman (Maritana), Miss Daniel (Lazarillo), and Messrs. Gowenlock (Don Caesar), J. J. O'Brien (King), T. G. Pappin (Don Jose), and others . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Shakespeare (conductor); Caroline Peryman (soprano); Emma Daniel (vocalist)

[Advertisement], Sunday Times (23 November 1902), 5 

Terms Moderate. (Reference, &c., Arthur J. Diamond, Esq. M.L.A.),

[Advertisement], Sunday Times [Perth, WA] (5 May 1907), 7

FIRST-CLASS PIANO TUNING. CITY or Suburbs. 7s. 6d. T. G. Pappin, 389 Bulwer-st.

"DEATHS", The West Australian (21 June 1912), 1

PAPPIN. - On June 20, 1912, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. L. Packham, 187 Beaufort-street, Perth, Thomas Green Pappin, the beloved father of Mrs. Lillian Packham, and grandfather of Mr. Leonard Packham, of Perth, aged 71 years. South Australian papers please copy.

"FUNERAL REPORT", The Daily News (25 June 1912), 1

"PERSONAL ITEMS", Kalgoorlie Miner (3 July 1912), 6 

The death occurred at Perth on June 20, at the age of 71 years, of Thomas Green Pappin, a former old identity of Adelaide, where for many years he was a well-known tuner. He was considered an excellent tradesman. He played the tenor horn, and performed at philharmonic band concerts and similar fixtures. It is related that upon one occasion he visited Government House, after a big ball, to tune a grand piano, and found a diamond ring in it. The then Governor made him a presentation by which he might remember the incident.

"Theatre Royal Orchestra", Chronicle [Adelaide, SA] (22 June 1939), 66

A FRIEND of mine last week came across an old photo in the possession of Mrs. Fiebig, postmistress at One Tree Hill, representing the Theatre Royal orchestra in 1888. Performers shown in the picture: - A. Fiebig (bass), R. Trenberth (second clarionette), A. Heath (first clarionette), G. Gardiner (cornet), T. G. Pappin (trombone), J. Sparbier (drums), T. L. Hawker (flute), T. Grigg (first violin), A. Mumme (second violin), F. Gargaro (viola), Chevalier R. Squarise, R.C.M., leader. Mrs. Fiebig has the original violin made by old Mr. Fiebig, some 60 years ago. In the neighborhood, he was known as Grosvater Fiebig, and made a number of violins, which were quite creditable pieces of work. She confided to my friend that the name of the leader of the orchestra was corrupted to Square-eyes.

ASSOCIATIONS: August Fiebig (double bass player, violin maker); Raffaelo Squarise (violinist, leader)

Bibliography and resources:

Thomas Green Pappin, WikiTree 

Thomas Green Pappin, Passenger history SA 

PARIS, Eugene (Eugene Adolphus PARIS; Eugene PARIS; Mons. E. PARIS; Mons. PARIS)

Double bass player, dancing master (secretary Adelaide Choral Society; founder secretary Sydney Philharmonic Society)

Born Lancashire, England, 1 September 1821; baptised St. Nicholas, Liverpool, 24 November 1821; son of Jean-Baptiste Prosper PARIS (c. 1796-1857) and Ludovica Eugenie LE GRIX (d. 1868)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 2 June 1849 (per Royal Sovereign, from Plymouth, 17 February)
Married (1) Anne McDONALD, Adelaide, SA, 1849
Active Adelaide, SA, until 1851, Sydney, NSW, until late 1856
Married (2) Sophia COLLINS (d. 1893), Gloucester, 1879
Married (3) Elizabeth MITCHELL, Totnes, Devon, 1894
Died Totnes, Devon, England, 2 April 1907, aged "85" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Eugene Paris was born in Liverpool, Lancashire, on 1 September 1821, the first child of Prosper Paris, dancing master, and his wife Eugenie Le Grix. Having just returned from studying in France with the "best masters of the Royal Academy of Paris", Eugene first advertised as joining his father's Manchester practice in August 1843. Early in 1844, Eugene advertised his intention to settle in Dundee, Scotland. However, in January 1855, he was back in Manchester, where he and his father directed the dancing for a grand fancy dress ball promoted and conducted by Louis Jullien and his band.

Apparently after some initial reluctance on his father's part, Eugene took over the family practice in mid 1847, advertising that he would carry it on in partnership with his younger brother Prosper Henry (1826-1881). However, by the end of 1847 Eugene disappeared from record in Manchester, and did not reappear until his departure from Plymouth for South Australia in February 1849.

Eugene disembarked in Adelaide on 2 June 1829. It is perhaps not entirely coincidental that two notable colonial returnees, the cousins Frederick Ellard and Spencer Wellington Wallace, had arrived in Adelaide from Europe only 2 months earlier. In late August, when Paris first advertised in Adelaide as a teacher of dancing, deportment and calisthenics, he had taken over the house that Ellard and Wallace had recently occupied.


Eugene Adolphus Paris, 1821

Register of baptisms, 1814-26, St. Nicholas (RC), Liverpool; Liverpool City Council (PAYWALL)

1821 / Die 1 Septembris 1821 natus et die 24 Novembris baptizatus est Eugenis Adolphus filius Joannis Baptisti Prosperi et Ludovicae Eugeniae Paris (olim Le Grix), [? ] Nicholas Hieronimus Paris . . .

[Advertisement], Manchester Guardian (23 July 1825), 2

MONSIEUR PARIS has the honour to inform his friends and the Public, that his ACADEMIES will open viz. at Pendleton, on Monday the 25th inst. at 3 o'clock, and at No. 10 St. Mary's, Manchester, on Thursday next the 28th, at the same hour. Mons. Paris's private Academy St. Mary's, every Monday and Wednesday morning at in 10 o'clock.

[Advertisement], Preston Chronicle (13 July 1833), 1

MONSIEUR PARIS, Of Manchester, BEGS to inform the Gentry and Inhabitants of Preston and its vicinity, that at the suggestion of several families, he intends, after the Midsummer Recess, to resume his instructions on the following plan: -
Private Instruction each Friday, as usual, in the Afternoon. The Academy in the Morning at Ten o'clock.
TERMS FOR THE ACADEMY. Dancing, Walking, Calisthenic Exercises and Deportment, in all its branches - 1 11 6
Calisthenic Exercises and Deportment - 1 1 0
No charge for entrance, but one quarter's notice required previous to the removal of a pupil.
Mons. Paris will resume his instructions on Friday the 26th instant. July 12, 1833.

England census, 6 June 1841, Chorlton upon Medlock, Manchester, Lancashire; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 580 / 9 (PAYWALL)

London Road / Prosper Paris / 45 / Dancing Master / [born foreign parts]
Eugenie [Paris] / 40 / - / [born foreign parts]
Eugene [Paris] / 20 / Dancing master / [born Lancashire]
Prosper [Paris] 15 / Ap. Architect / [born Lancashire]
Eugenie [Paris] / 12 // Juliess / 10 // Stanislas / 8 [born Lancashire]

[Advertisement], Preston Chronicle (5 August 1843), 1

MONS. PARIS RESPECTEULLY begs to inform the Nobility and Gentry of Preston, that, in consideration of the celerity of Railway travelling, he intends to resume his instructions TWICE-A-WEEk, conjointly with his eldest Son, EUGENE PARIS, who has lately returned to England, having been educated for his Profession by the best Masters of the Royal Academy of Paris.
Days attendance, TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at Eleven o'clock.
Terms - £1 11s. 6d. per Quarter, at the Academy, commencing on the 26th of September next.
Schools attended. For other particulars, applications to be referred to Messrs. WILCOCKSON and DOBSON, Chronicle Office, where letters may also be addressed; or to M.P., 118, Bloomsbury, Manchester. Preston, August, 1843.

[Advertisement], Northern Warder and General Advertiser for the Counties of Fife, Perth and Forfar [Scotland] (30 January 1844), 1

MONSIEUR EUGENE PARIS (from Manchester), native of France, respectfully begs to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Dundee and its environs, that he intends giving INSTRUCTIONS in the FRENCH LANGUAGE; and also, TUITION in the modern French Style of DANCING, including DEPORTMENT and the CALISTHENIC EXERCISES, so much recommended on the Continent for the improvement of the Carriage and Health of Young Ladies. Monsieur P. will be proud to show Testimonials from Families and Schools of the first respectability in Manchester and neighbourhood; and, as his terms will be moderate, either for attending Schools or Private Families, and as he intends being a permanent resident in Dundee, be trusts to meet with liberal encouragement, assuring those parties who may honour him with their Patronage, that the utmost care and attention will be devoted to the progress and improvement of Pupils intrusted to him. It is Monsieur E. P.'s intention to visit Perth, Arbroath, and Montrose. No. 3 Tay Street, Dundee, January 26, 1844.

"FANCY DRESS BALL", Manchester Times (25 January 1845), 5

This brilliant fete, originated, arranged, and conducted by the master-spirit of M. Jullien, was, as we had anticipated, one of the most animated and fascinating scenes ever exhibited in this town. The entire festivity did honour to the unique talents of Jullien, who, in captivating music and the glittering, social dance, is unrivalled . . . To enter upon a minute description of the various dances of the evening would be tedious. The waltz, the quadrille, the polka, the gallope, the Mazurka, the cracovienne, the contre-danse, were each selected . . . The floor was chalked out, and the dances were directed by M. Paris and his son M. Eugene Paris. The dancing was kept up with spirit till about two o'clock . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Louis Jullien (conductor)

Manchester courier (31 July 1847)

[2 advertisements], Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser (31 July 1847), 1

MONS. PARIS begs leave to inform his numerous Friends and the Public, that he has RESUMED his INSTRUCTIONS on the 28th of the present month. Mons. Paris also begs to state, that in future the business will be carried on by himself at the usual places.
N. B. In consequence of a report maliciously spread, that Mons. Paris was declining business, he has deemed it his duty to give this public contradiction. 86, Oxford-street.

MR. EUGENE PARIS respectfully informs his friends, the ladies and gentry of Manchester and its environs, that he is now no more with his father, and that he will in future carry on the Profession of DANCING, &c. conjointly with his brother, P. H. PARIS.
Messrs. E. and P. H. PARIS will COMMENCE their Avocations on Monday, August 2nd, 1847.
76, Grosvenor-street, July 24, 1847.

[Advertisement], Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser (25 September 1847), 1

MONSIEUR EUGENE PARIS, in entering on the duties Establishment, as successor to Monsieur P. Paris, hopes by a continuance of that assiduity, which it has been his pleasure to exercise in conjunction with this father, to merit a share of public patronage; and begs to announces that the business heretofore carried on at 96, Oxford-street, will in future be conducted by Monsr. E. P, conjointly with his Brother, Monsieur P. H. PARIS, as his residence, Sidney House, Sidney-street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock . . .

Adelaide, SA (2 June 1849 to . . .):

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian (5 June 1849), 2

June 2 . . . Same day- The barque Royal Sovereign, 573 tons, Dislaudis, from Plymouth, 17th February. Passengers - . . . Eugene Paris . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (30 August 1849), 1 

MONSIEUR PARIS (from the Royal Academy of Paris, and several years Professor in England), respectfully begs to inform the Ladies and Gentry of Adelaide and its vicinity, that he has taken the house lately occupied by Messrs. Wallace & Ellard, King William-street, where he intends opening classes in the above branches.
Mons. P. respectfully calls the attention of ladies to the Calisthenic Exercises, so much recommended on the Continent and in England by the faculty, not only for the improvement of the figure and carriage, but also as being so conducive to health.
TERMS FOR THE COURSE OF TWENTY CLASSES, Adults - 5 guineas; Children - 2 [guineas]
For further particulars apply at the Academy, King William-street; or, by letter, at the Exchange. N.B. - Schools attended.
Adelaide, August, 1849.

ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (violinist, flautist); Frederick Ellard (pianist)

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (15 November 1849), 2 

IF MONSIEUR PARIS, Professor of Dancing, does not reclaim the goods left in my possession within fourteen days they will be sold to pay expenses. JOHN HUDSON. Nov. 15, 1849.

"RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT. CIVIL JURISDICTION. Wednesday, 5th December . . . E. PARIS v J. HUDSON", South Australian Register (8 December 1849), 3 

Action for £20, value of a quantity of personal effects illegally detained by the defendant. Mr. Fisher appeared for the plaintiff in the absence of Mr. Sabben, indisposed. The defendant pleaded a lien, which he proved on oath, and His Worship ordered the goods to be given up on payment of the defendant's claim, £7.

"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (28 June 1850), 3 

The want of a means of sociable assembling of the different families of Adelaide and neighbourhood has long been felt, and an attempt has lately been made to get up a series of six subscription assemblies, the first of which took place in the Exchange-room on Wednesday night, and went off with, the greatest possible eclat. There were upwards of 200 ladies and gentlemen present, including Sir Henry and Lady Young, and most of the leading colonists and their families. Dancing commenced soon after 9 o'clock, and by 10 o'clock the large room was completely filled, presenting a most animating picture, from the beauty and variety of the ladies' dresses, the brilliant lighting of the room, and the lively strain of an excellent band of ten performers. The refreshments were liberally supplied throughout the evening, and the arrangements gave the greatest satisfaction to all parties present, reflecting great credit on Monsieur Paris, the master of the ceremonies, and on the gentlemen of the committee who were instrumental in getting up these very desirable reunions . . .

"ADELAIDE ASSEMBLIES", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (29 June 1850), 3 

. . . The music, under the leadership of Mr. Osborne, was better than usual, and the dancing arrangements, directed by Monsieur Paris, gave much satisfaction . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Young (governor); Ferdinand Osborne (band leader)

[Advertisement], South Australian (9 July 1850), 3

UPON which occasion the following ladies, and gentlemen have kindly offered their gratuitous services.
INSTRUMENTAL. Conductor - Mr. Wallace . . . Doubles Basses - Mons. Paris and Herr Zeigler . . .
On Friday Evening, 19th of July, 1850 . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (11 July 1850), 1 

The Second Assembly for the season will take place on the evening of Tuesday, the 23rd of July. No further single tickets will be issued, except to country residents and strangers.
New subscriptions for the remaining five Assemblies are received by Monsieur Paris, or

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Dutton

[2 advertisements], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (25 July 1850), 2 

ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY - Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Young. - On account of the severe indisposition of some of the principal performers, the Concert of Miscellaneous Music announced for Friday next, the 26th instant, at the Exchange, King William-street, will be postponed until Wednesday, 31st instant, at the same place - to commence at eight o'clock precisely.
E. PARIS, Hon. Sec.

ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY. - Postponed to Friday, the 26th July. - The Committee of the Adelaide Choral Society do not think it expedient, under existing financial difficulties, to incur the cost and consequent liability which the getting up a PUBLIC Concert entails, but feeling pledged to the Subscribers for four Concerts during the year, their endeavours have been directed to redeem that pledge, without entailing on the Society any expense which could be avoided. They have therefore determined to give the next Quarterly Concert in the Exchange Room, King William-street, On Wednesday, 31st July, to which Subscribers will be free on production of their tickets at the door.
The Committee cannot but express their regret that the public of Adelaide has shown so little disposition to uphold a Society which, at much pains, has endeavoured to cherish a taste for Classical Music, and which for past years has been the only effective means of bringing Concerted Music before the public.
Leader - Mr. W. F. Osborne.
Overture - Cosi fan Tutti - Mozart
Glee and Chorus - The Chough and Crow - Bishop
Song - England's own True Blue
Glee - Here in Cool Grot - Mornington
Solo, Flute - Air and Variations - Dipple
Madrigal -Down in a Flowery Vale - Festa
Symphony - The Surprise - Haydn.
Overture - Zampa - Herrold
Air, Flute obligato - Hush, ye Pretty Warbling Choir: from 'Acis and Galatea' - Handel
Duet, Violin and Piano - On Airs from 'Guillaume Tell' - Mr. F. W. Osborne and Mrs. Murray - De Beriot & Osborne
Trio - Vadasi via di qua - Mortini [Martini]
Song - Teach me to Forget - T. H. Bayley
Glee - Breath of the Brier - Whittaker
Solo, Cornopean - As I View those Scenes, &c. - Somnambula
Chorus - Pirates' Chorus - 'The Enchantress' - Balfe.
An interval often minutes between the Parts.
Tickets - 5s each - obtainable for Subscribers' friends at Platts's Stationery Warehouses; Mr. Paris, Secretary; and at the door.
Books of words, price sixpence, to be had at the Concert Room.

ASSOCIATIONS: Georgiana Murray (pianist)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (12 August 1850), 2 

THE Committee of the Adelaide Choral Society respectfully beg to inform the Subscribers and the public that, in consequence of the unfavourable state of the weather at the last Concert, and at the request of numerous parties, | they have determined to repeat the Concert on Tuesday, the 13th inst., on which occasion Mr. Andrew Moore, the celebrated violinist (late of her Majesty's Theatre), who has just arrived, being en route to Sydney, has kindly offered his services.
E. PARIS, Hon. Secretary.
Tickets to be had of Messrs. Platts, D'Arcy, Clisby, at the Exchange, and of the Secretary.

ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Moore (violin)

[News], South Australian (29 August 1850), 2

We observe that Mons. Paris has taken the commodious house at the east end of Tavistock buildings lately occupied by Mrs. Bray, and intends establishing classes for dancing and calisthenics. We can speak of this gentleman from personal knowledge as a perfect master of his profession, and we doubt not the juvenile population of Adelaide will profit extensively by the means offered them of acquiring those elegant and healthful accomplishments.

[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (12 September 1850), 1 

MONSIEUR PARIS, Professor of Dancing, Deportment, and Calisthenic Exercises begs to inform the Ladies and Gentry of Adelaide and its vicinity, that he has taken the premises situated in Tavistock Buildings, Rundle-street, lately occupied by Mrs. Bray, where he purposes to Commence his avocations . . .
Monsieur P. purposes holding a Quadrille Party once a week at his residence. Terms - One guinea and a-half per quarter, to admit a lady and gentleman. For further particulars, apply at the Academy; or by letter at the Exchange.

"LOCAL NEWS", South Australian (26 September 1850), 2 

The Masonic ball, at the Exchange, on Tuesday evening, went off with great spirit . . . The arrangements were under the able direction of Monsieur Paris.

"ASSEMBLY BALL", Adelaide Times (25 October 1850), 3 

One of Monsieur Paris's Assembly Balls came off last night in the Exchange, and was tolerably well attended. The band was an efficient one, led by Mr. Osborne, and the general arrangements gave entire satisfaction. The refreshments, as far as regarded the caterer, were all that could be wished; and dancing was spiritedly kept up during the night.

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (12 November 1850), 2 

MR. A. MOORE'S THIRD PROMENADE CONCERT . . . On Tuesday next, Nov. 12th . . . LEADER - Mr. WALLACE . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 5. Sestett, "Thoughts of Home" - Gung'l - Messrs. Wallace, Mater, Huenerbein, Lee, Paris, and A. Moore . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Mater (wind instrumentalist); August Huenerbein (wind instrumentalist); Philip Lee (violin)

MUSIC: Klänge aus der Heimath (Joseph Gungl)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (20 January 1851), 2 

Adelaide Choral Society . . .
THE Annual General Meeting of the above Society will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern, on Wednesday evening next, the 22nd inst., at half-past 7.
Dr. KENT, President; E. PARIS, Hon. Sec.

"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (24 January 1851), 3 

The annual meeting of this society was held at the Freemason's Tavern, on Wednesday evening, Dr. Kent in the chair. A Mr. Thurlow made some remarks respecting the sale of tickets at the last concert, and also on the fact that the offices of Secretary and Treasurer were vested in the one person. Several members expressed their satisfaction at the manner in which the twofold duties were performed by Mons. Paris, and their confidence in him. The Chairman also reminded Mr. Thurlow that the Treasurer did not appoint himself to the office. Mr. Thurlow then moved, the adoption of the balance sheet. The motion was carried, but he immediately asked questions which proved that he had not read the document which he recommended to the meeting. He then objected to the proposed additions to the Committee, which he said appeared to be packed by a Committeeman. A member occasioned some mirth by proposing Mr. Thurlow, and the laughter increased considerably on that gentleman consenting to act if elected; and it reached its climax on the announcement of his rejection when the votes were taken. The following officers were elected, Mr. Allen, Treasurer; Mons. Paris, Secretary; and Mr. Brenton, Librarian . . . The following report was read to, and adopted by, the meeting: -

"The Committee of the Adelaide Choral Society for the year ending December 1850, in laying before you the accounts for that period, regret that not withstanding their efforts to create a taste for classical music, by bringing before the subscribers and the public well-selected pieces from the most able composers, they have been unable to accomplish their desire; and also with the most rigid economy they have been unable to lessen the amount of their liabilities; they trust, however, that their labours have not been altogether unavailing, as they have been enabled during a year of unprecedented difficulties still to maintain the efficiency of the society in the estimation of the musical portion of the public. The Committee have to express their warmest thank to Mrs. Murray and Mr. Osborne for the zeal they have displayed for the welfare of the Society in kindly offering their very efficient services gratuitously. The Committee have also much pleasure in stating the valuable addition which has been made in the orchestra by the admission of several of the leading members of the Liedertafel, Mr. Linger and Mr. Daniel. In order further to lessen the expenses of the society, the Committee beg to suggest for your consideration an amendment of the rules; and as one of the most essential, discontinuing the public concerts, and confining the admission to subscribers only. The accounts having been duly audited, will be submitted to you, and read by the Secretary."

ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Archer Kent (president); Charles Alston Thurlow (member); Carl Linger (conductor, pianist); Josiah Daniel (tenor vocalist, choral leader)

[Advertisement], South Australian (19 August 1851), 2

MR. SCHMIDT begs to announce that the FIRST of a Series of SELECT BALLS will take place in the spacious room at the EXCHANGE, King William-street, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, TO-MORROW, 20th August, in honour of the opening of the New Legislative Council, under the immediate superintendence of Mons. Paris. -
Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock . . .

"JUVENILE BALL", Adelaide Times (9 October 1851), 3 

Mr. Paris gave a juvenile ball at the Exchange yesterday evening, which was attended by about a hundred young ladies and gentlemen, many of whom are his own pupils. Nearly twice that number of parents and friends were present, making together a larger body than we remember to have seen in that spacious hall. The company included Lady Young, the Colonial Secretary, the Registrar-General, the Private Secretary, Major Campbell, Messrs. Dutton, Kingston, Younghusband, Fisher, Montefiore, Nash, Kent, Woodforde, Crawford, Wyatt, and numerous other gentlemen of the highest standing, with their ladies and families. Mr. Paris's pupils do him the highest credit, and we believe we speak the feeling of all present when we say that no similar party in the colony has gone off more brilliantly. The little dancers retired before midnight, but the elder guests, who took their places, kept up the amusements of the evening for some time longer.

"JUVENILE BALL", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (11 October 1851), 3 

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (28 October 1851), 1

MONS. PARIS begs respectfully to inform his Friends and the Subscribers to the Adelaide Assemblies, that, on account of unforeseen circumstances, his BENEFIT BALL, for the 29th instant is POSTPONED to WEDNESDAY, the 10th of December next.

"SHIPPING . . . CLEARED OUT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (15 January 1862), 2 

January 9 - The barque Maid of Auckland, 395 tons, Shepherd master, for Melbourne. Passengers . . . M. Paris and lady . . .

Victoria (January to 4 September 1852):

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus (16 January 1852), 2 

January 15. - Maid of Auckland barque, 395 tons, S. Shepherd, commander, from Adelaide 11th instant. Passengers (cabin) - . . . Mrs. Paris, Mr. Delsaide [sic] . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Camille Del Sarte (musician)

[Advertisement], The Argus (17 January 1852), 3 

BARQUE, MAID OF AUCKLAND. To Captain Simon Shepherd . . . M. Paris

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (31 January 1852), 2 

January 30. - Asia, ship, 637 tons, J. T. Roskell, commander, from Adelaide the 25th instant, Passengers, (cabin) - Mr. Paris . . .

Sydney, NSW (9 September 1852 to October 1856):

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Empire (10 September 1852), 2 

September 9. - Dart, brig, 153 tons, Captain A. Collins, from Melbourne, 4th instant. Passengers - Captain Forrester, Messrs. E. Paris . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 September 1852), 1

MONSIEUR EUGENE PARIS (of the Royal Academy of Paris) respectfully begs to intimate to the leading families of Sydney, that he intends taking his residence in this city, where he purposes giving tuition in the above branches.
Monsieur E. P. would respectfully call the attention of ladies to the Calisthenic Exercises, so much recommended on the Continent and in England by the faculty, not only for the improvement of the figure, but also as being so conducive to health.
Among the newest and most fashionable dances now in vogue in Paris are the Varsovienne and Redowa Waltzes.
Terms, in classes, for the course of twenty lessons, two guineas, to be paid in advance.
Address, by letter, to the care of Messrs. KERN AND MAHER, Hunter-street, Sydney.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Kern and Frederick Mader

[Advertisement], Empire (30 May 1853), 1 

M. WINTERBOTTOM has the honour to announce . . . a
GRAND RACE BALL, On FRIDAY Evening, June 3rd, 1853, (Last day of the Races) . . .
WINTERBOTTOM'S UNRIVALLED BAND will have the honour of performing the choicest compositions of Jullien, Koenig, D'Albert, Bossiseo, Strauss, and Launer . . .
M. Winterbottom respectfully intimates that no exertion will be spared to render this assembly entirely select.
Principal M. C., M. PARIS.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 June 1853), 2 

MASONIC BALL. In Celebration of the Festival of St. John.
THE Committee have to announce, that a Full Dress Ball will take place at the Royal Hotel, on Monday, 27th instant, when by the kind permission of the Colonel and Officers, the Band of H.M. 11th Regiment will be in attendance.
Brother E. Paris has kindly consented to act as Master of the Ceremonies.
Applications for Tickets . . . at Brother Torning's, Victoria Hotel, Royal Hotel, and Brother Aldis, George street . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Torning (mason); William Henry Aldis (mason)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 March 1854), 2

SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. - This Society has been established by a number of musical gentlemen, for the cultivation and performance of the most approved Vocal and Instrumental Music. The proceeds, after paying the necessary expenses, to go towards a fund for the encouragement of musical talent in this colony. The Society to be supported by annual subscriptions, and by voluntary contributions; and to consist of members, subscribers, and associates. Members to take an active part in the Society, and subscribers to be admitted to the concerts; the former to pay an annual subscription of £2; the latter of £1 1s. Associates are elected by the committee, and admitted gratuitously. Parties desirous of joining the Society will please send their names, and the amount of their subscriptions, either to the Treasurer, Mr. B. Mountcastle, George-street; the gentlemen of the Committee - Messrs. Gilbert Wright, King street; Frederick Kellerman, Church Hill; Francis Clarke, Town Hall; Charles Younger, Pitt-street; William McDonnell, George-street; or to Mons. EUGENE PARIS, Honorary Secretary, 231, Elizabeth-street North.

ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Such Mountcastle (amateur); Gilbert Wright (amateur); Frederick Kellerman (amateur); Francis Clarke (amateur); Charles Younger (amateur); William Macdonnell (amateur); Sydney Philharmonic Society

[Advertisement], Illustrated Sydney News (27 May 1854), 10 

PARIS, MONSIEUR EUGENE (of the Royal Academy, Paris), Professor of Dancing, Deportment, &c., 231, Elizabeth-street North.

"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (20 May 1854), 2 

These musical amateurs are gradually increasing in number and excellence, and will soon be in a position to both astonish and delight the public. The greatest difficulty they have to encounter is the small supply of full part vocal music, and instrumental scores at present in the colony - but they have sent home for the choicest morceaux adapted to their capabilities, and which may be shortly expected to arrive. We trust all those who appreciate the elevating influence on the mind of truly good and classical music, will join this society, and aid with their subscriptions if they cannot with their musical powers. Mons. Paris is the efficient Hon. Secretary, and will receive any communications.

[Advertisement], Empire (14 July 1854), 1 

MONS. E. PARIS, Dancing Academy, at the School Room, Jamison-street. Days of attendance: Thursday and Saturday, at half past two. Evening Classes for adults, at seven p.m.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 July 1854), 1 

MONS. E. PARIS has removed his residence from Elizabeth-street, to No. 14, Castlereagh-street North. The Academy, as usual, in Jamison-street, on Thursday and Saturday, at half-past 2, p.m

[George Ferrers Pickering], "FIRST PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (2 September 1854), 2 

This promising society gave their opening musical treat on Monday evening last, at St. Mary's Hall. The attendance was very numerous, and consisted of the "elite" of our city, notwithstanding the counter-attraction of the Theatre. The performances, throughout, were most praiseworthy for so young a musical partie, and reflect much credit on those who have given their superintendence and instruction. The Herwyns added their valuable talent to the programme of the evening, and were enthusiastically applauded for the artistic treat they afforded. Much is due to Mr. Paris, the Hon. Sec., for the pains he has taken in the formation of the Society; nor is there any doubt, under the distinguished patronage it possesses, but that it will become one of the chief ornaments of Sydney.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Madame Herwyn (violin and piano)

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (6 January 1855), 3 

MONSIEUR E. PARIS respectfully begs to inform the ladies and gentry of Maitland and its environs that he has taken his residence at Mrs. Muir's, East Maitland.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (20 January 1855), 3

MRS. & MISS TURNER having engaged Mons. Paris to give lessons in DANCING to the pupils of their Establishment, will be happy to receive any other children (to join the dancing class) whose parents would be desirous of availing themselves of this opportunity. Mons. Paris will give his first lesson on Monday afternoon, the 21st inst.

"MASONIC SOIREE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (14 March 1855), 2 

The Maitland Lodge of Unity, No. 804, having experienced great kindness and attention from brother Eugene Paris, S.D.P.G.L., and W.M. of the Lodge of Harmony, Sydney, during his short sojourn in Maitland, invited him to an entertainment at the Lodge room, brother Clark's, Devonshire-street, on Monday evening, the 12th inst. About thirty brethren sat down to a true Masonic spread; the viands were plenteous, and good to satisfy the most fastidious. The chair was ably filled and supported by W. M. Richardson, S. W. Briggs and the other officers of the Lodge. After the usual loyal and social toasts were given and masonically responded to, the guest of the evening replied to the one to himself, in a speech which not only exhibited high talents as a Mason, but also inculcated in a most pleasing and delightful manner the principles of the craft; and no doubt a lasting impression is made on the minds of all present, especially the younger brethren. After numerous songs the lodge closed in love, peace and harmony in true Masonic form. - Communicated.

[Advertisement], Empire (20 March 1855), 1 

MONSIEUR E. PARIS respectfully begs to intimate that he will resume his avocations on MONDAY, the 26th instant. Days of attendance at the Academy, Jamieson-street, Thursday and Saturday afternoons, at two o'clock for Juveniles, and at seven in the evening for Adults. 3, College-buildings, Jamison-street.

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1855), 5

The attendance, last evening, of an audience comprising nearly one thousand of the members of the families of the citizens of Sydney, at the Concert Hall of the Royal Hotel, on the occasion of the third concert of the second season of the Sydney Philharmonic Society, is a significant proof of the earnest recognition amongst us of the "Poetry of Progress." To M. E. Paris, the founder of the society, and to whose perseverance and tact through all the difficulties attendant upon the establishment of an institution whose success depends upon a pure love of art, the present position of the society is mainly ascribable, the warmest congratulations may be offered. Lady Denison, the Patroness of the society, with a large party; the Chief Justice and family; the chief officers of the Government; the military and naval officers of the garrison and port; and the leading families of the city, were present; and the eclat with which the concert went off must have been most gratifying to those who, con amore, took part in it. The absence of Miss Catherine Hayes, in consequence of severe indisposition, which may prevent her from re-appearing at the Prince of Wales Theatre for some short time, was, we I need scarcely say, a matter of much regret. Madame Sara Flower and Monsieur Boulanger volunteered to sing, and to play additional pieces to those apportioned to them in the programme, and their consideration in this respect was acknowledged in the most flattering manner. The orchestral performance, in which the Society now displays much force and ability, consisted of Rossini's Overture to L'ltaliana in Algeria; Haydn's famous symphony No. 8, 1st and 2nd parts, and Beethoven's magnificent overture to the "Men of Prometheus." The instrumental soli performers, were Monsieur Herwyn on the violin; and by Mons. Boulanger on the pianoforte; and the enthusiastic applause with which each was greeted testified the pleasure with which the society welcomes these valuable additions to their members. In the duet from Rossini's Tancredi, Madame Sara Flower and Miss Flora Harris were eminently successful. In the genuine spirit of song with which these ladies (as also Mrs. St. John Adcock, whose unavoidable absence last evening was regretted) have entered the Society, whose arrangements may often interfere with their professional engagements, we see additional proofs of the sure progress of the institution. The famous glees, by S. Webbe and Calcott, of "When winds breathe soft," and "Queen of the Valley," were rendered in excellent style. Nor must we omit mention of the dashing manner in which Mozart's "Non piu andrai" was sung by a non-professional member. The tones of Erard's grand concert pianoforte, lent by Mr. Henry Marsh, were heard to great advantage in the large hall, and afforded Mons. Boulanger every facility to display his extraordinary powers of execution. The concert was under the direction of Mr. C. W. F. Stier, who conducted it in his usual careful and artistic style.

ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Denison (governor's wife); Alfred and Eleanor Stephen (chief justice and wife); Catherine Hayes (soprano vocalist); Sara Flower (contralto vocalist); Edward Boulanger (pianist); Flora Harris (soprano vocalist); Marianne Adcock (soprano vocalist); Henry Marsh (musical instrument seller); Charles Stier (conductor)

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (1 September 1855), 3 

. . . The Concert which was of the first order, was under the direction of Mr. C. W. F. Stier, and most ably did he sustain the duty entrusted to his hands, but it was to. him a "labour of love;" so also has been the Philharmonic Society's progress to M. E. Paris. He was its founder and has spared no exertions to foster and mature it into a goodly tree.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (2 January 1856), 1 

MRS. & MISSES WHITE will resume the duties of their School on MONDAY, 14th January, 1856 . . .
Dancing, by Mr. Paris . . . Hannan-street, West Maitland.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (5 January 1856), 3 

MRS. and MISS TURNER will RE-OPEN their CLASSES on WEDNESDAY, January 9. Dancing by Mons Paris.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (12 January 1856), 6 supplement 

Dancing. MONS. E. PARIS respectfully informs his friends of Maitland and its vioinity that he will RESUME his PROFESSIONAL DUTIES on the 15th instant.
Terms - For the course of Twenty Lessons (to be paid in advance) -
Public classes for children - Two Guineas; Private " - Three "; Public - adults - Three "; Private tuition for adults according to agreement.
Days of Attendance in West Maitland, Wednesdays and Fridays; Public class for children, at 9 a.m.; " " adults " 7 p.m.
Days of attendance in East Maitland, at Mrs. Muir's, Tuesdays and Thursdays; Public class for children, at 4 p.m. " " adults " 7 p.m.
Through the kindness of Mrs. Edye, Mrs. White, and Mrs. Turner, parties who would prefer their children to join their classes can avail themselves of the opportunity by applying to these ladies.
Mrs. Muir's, East Maitland, Jan. 7th, 1856.

[Advertisement], Empire (12 January 1856), 1 

SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. - The members of the Orchestra are respectfully informed that the Practice Meetings will be resumed on MONDAY Evening next, the 14th instant, at 7 o'clock, at the Society's Room, 16, Jamison-street, and on every following Monday evening.
Performers on the following instruments are invited to join the society: - clarionettes, bassoons, cornet-a-pistons, ophicleide, and other brass instruments.
E. PARIS, Honorary Secretary. 16, Jamison-street.

[Advertisement], Empire (19 March 1856), 1 

DANCING. - Mons. E. PARIS will resume his Professional duties, on MONDAY, 30th of March. Parties desirous of availing themselves of his services are respectfully requested to make early application. Days of attendance at his residence, 10, Jamison-street, Thursday and Saturday. A Juvenile class at 2 p.m. Adult ditto at 7 p.m. Sydney, March 18th, 1856.

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1856), 4 

On Tuesday evening, the sixth and last concert of the present season, of this Society, took place at the Concert Hall, at the Royal Hotel . . . The orchestra consisted of thirty performers, conducted by Mr. C. W. F. Stier; and the overtures to Bellini's "II Pirate," and "Norma," Haydn's famous Symphony No. 3; and Auber's overture to the "Crown Diamonds," were executed in a masterly manner - strangers did not believe that Mr. Stier's baton directed a band of amateurs. Madame Anna Bishop sang the opening scena from Bellini's chef d'oeuvre, Norma, Casta Diva, with the highest success . . . as regards the musical profession, that since the initiation of the Society in 1854 it has enlisted as honorary members - Miss Catherine Hayes; Madame Anna Bishop; Madame Sara Flower; Mrs. Guerin; Mrs. Adcock; and Miss Flora Harris; M. Miska Hauser; M. and Madame Herwyn; M. Strebinger; M. Boulanger; and M. Paling. The early members of the Society met for the first time for practice on the 5th April, 1854, and the result of their exertions was shown on Tuesday evening in the crowded audience who attended their last concert of the present season. To Mons. Paris and his zealous coadjutors this must have been the most grateful reward for their unremitting labours . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (soprano vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (soprano vocalist); Miska Hauser (violinist); Frederick Strebinger (violinist); William Henry Paling (violinist);

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 April 1856), 5 

THE UNDERSIGNED requests that all persons having any claim against him will send particulars of the same to him at his residence, No. 16, Jamieson-street, immediately. And he also hereby gives notice that from this date he will not be responsible for any debt contracted in his name without his written authority.
EUGENE PARIS. Sydney, April 19.

"'THE MASONIC BALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 June 1856), 5 

YESTERDAY, the 24th July, was St, John's day in the calendar . . . In pursuance of what may now be considered time honoured custom, the fraternity last night celebrated its festive anniversary by a ball held at the Prince of Wales Theatre . . . Dancing commenced at 9 o'clock, and was kept up with much, spirit, under the superintendence of M. Paris, who throughout the evening officiated as Master of the Ceremonies with great efficiency . . . The Military band, also the Theatrical band of the Prince of Wales Theatre were in attendance throughout the night . . .

"BACHELORS' BALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 June 1856), 8 

THE Bachelors' Ball came off last night at the Prince of Wales Theatre, with more than usual eclat. There were upwards of 500 ladies and gentlemen present . . . At ten o'clock the theatre presented a very gay and animated appearance, most of the company having arrived, and joined in the festive dance, which was maintained throughout the night with unflagging vigour and ardour under the superintendence of M. Paris, who officiated as Master of the Ceremonies. The band of the XIth Regiment was in attendance and executed with their usual ability quadrilles, polkas, waltzes, &c., &c."

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 11th Regiment

[Edward John Hawkesley], "SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (5 July 1856), 2 

. . . This Society cannot be too highly recommended, its object being to spread through the length and breadth of the land, one of the most humanizing influences, an appreciation of the charm of music. Amongst the members who have been indefatigable in endeavoring to attain this end, Mr. E. Paris, the honorary secretary, deserves especial mention.

[Advertisement], Empire (13 October 1856), 1 

SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. - The next Concert of the Season will take place THIS (Monday) EVENING, 13th instant, at the Concert Room, Royal Hotel.
Overture - Fauchon - Himmel
Quintette - " Allegro and Scherzo "-Mayseder - M. HAUSER, J. Deane, E. Deane, and Gentlemen Amateurs
Duet, Piano and Violin - "Benedict and De Beriot" - Lady Amateur and MISKA HAUSER.
Symphony - No. 3, G. Minor - Mozart
Solo, Piano - Lady Amateur
Solo, Violin - "Mother's Prayer," Ole Bull - MISKA HAUSER
Overture - "Les Diamans de la Couronne," Auber . . .
Visitors and extra Ladies tickets . . . on application to the Treasurer, Mr. MOUNTCASTLE, George-street; or to E. PARIS, Honorary Secretary, 10. Jamison-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Lady amateur = Hannah Aldis (piano)

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (18 April 1857), 5 

The annual meeting of the Sydney Philharmonic Society was held on Thursday evening . . . The departure from the city of M. Paris rendered a successor to that gentleman necessary, and Mr. John Deane accepted the appointment of leader . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Deane (violinist)

"TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 March 1887), 9 

Sir, - Will you kindly allow me space in your paper to correct a mistake in paragraph . . . in Monday's issue? Our original Philharmonic (in which, my father and myself took an active part) had for its first conductor Mons. Paris, a gentleman of good business capabilities and excellent continental musical education . . . As regards the conductorship of the old Philharmonic, after Mons. Paris left for Europe it was at once offered to Mr. John Deane, who had returned from San Francisco . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Author probably Montague Younger (musician)

England (by c. 1879 or earlier):

England census, 1881, Totnes, Devon; UK National Archives, RG 11 / 2176 (PAYWALL)

Belle Vue Cottage / Eugene A. Paris / Head / 60 / Annuitant / [born] Lancashire Liverpool
Sophia E. [Paris] Wife / 57 / - / [born] Kent Dover . . .

"DEATHS", Totnes Weekly Times (6 April 1907), 5

On the 2nd of April, at Belle Vue, Totnes, Eugene Adolphus Paris, aged 85 Funeral on Saturday at 11. No flowers.

PARK, Archibald Alexander (Archibald Alexander PARK; Alexander Archibald PARK [sic]; A. PARK)

Music lithographer, engraver, stationer

Born London, England; baptised St. Botolph, Bishopgate, 22 December 1799; son of Archibald PARK and Mary STUART
Married (? 2) Sarah PROSSER, St. Matthew's, Bethnal Green, London, England, 1 September 1835
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1856
Died Sydney, NSW, 13 April 1863, aged "62" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

Summary (biography)

Archibald Alexander Park was born in London in 1799, a son of Archibald Park and Mary Stuart, who had married in 1792.

Park took over premises at 47 Leonard Street in 1834, from William Prosser, his future father-in-law. The 1841 England census lists Park as living there, with his wife Sarah Prosser, and infant son Alexander, and William Webb, who had been apprenticed to Park since 1835. Kelly's directory for London 1846 has Archibald Alexander Park, engraver & publisher, 47 Leonard Street, Finsbury, and again in 1848 and 1852.

In the years around 1840, Park was best known for his range of illustrated fairy tales and children's books.

Park had evidently disappeared from English record by the time of the 1861 census. However, his wife Sarah, still listed as "married, 56, printer and publisher", and son Alexander, "20, Litho. Printer" were continuing the business at the same Leonard-street address.

This suggests that Park came to New South Wales alone, though why he did so is a mystery. No certain record of his arrival has been identified, and there were few local advertisements of his work or business. In the 1858 Sydney directory, Archibald Park is listed at 64 Yurong-street. However, the earliest musical editions to which he contributed were first advertised in 1856.

His 1863 newspaper death notices give his forenames in reverse order, a mistake corrected however in the gazetted notice of his estate.

Apparently unrelated to him were Archibald Park (d. NSW 1860), and the young Sydney sportsman and public servant Archibald John Park (1841-1924).

Summary (musical editions):

Archibald Park's cover for The Englishman (Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke, c. 1855)

One of the earliest colonial examples of Park's work was his characteristic lithographic cover for The Englishman, by John Blockley, published (in a pirate edition) by Woolcott and Clarke, probably in 1855 or 1856 (music engraved).

He next produced covers (signed: "A. Park, del et Litho. 39 Yurong Street"), as well as lithographed music, for three new issues published by Charles Sandon in April 1856: The red, white and blue ("a popular national air") [O Britannia pride of the ocean]; The last rose of summer ("sung by Madame Anna Bishop"); and the Undine polka - all three titles having also recently published by Woolcott and Clarke.

From April or May 1856 onward Park then steadily produced new pirate lithographic editions, both covers and music, for at least 26 music titles published in Sydney by Jeremiah Moore, exemplars of at least 10 of which are extant in public collections. Moore offered titles otherwise available in local editions from Woolcott and Clarke, but at less than half the usual price, with Park's attractive illustrated covers as a further inducement to sales. That the numbers of the series were specifically identified as "Park's edition" suggests that his earlier London illustrated children's publications were well-known in the colony.

The first six of the series having been reviewed in June 1856, in November Moore advertised:

. . . that he has made arrangements to reproduce in a handsome manner, and much superior to anything of the kind hitherto produced in this colony, a series of the newest and most popular pieces of music, at less than half the English price. The following pieces are already published at the annexed prices:

1. The Lancer's quadrilles

[2]. The sultan polkas

3. Then you'll remember me (Song by Balfe)

4. King Pippin's polka

5. Lilly Dale (Park's Edition No. 5)

6. The postman's knock (Park's Edition No. 6)

7. Moonlight polka

8. Old folks at home

9. Shells of the ocean (Park's Edition No. 9)

10. Young England quadrille (Park's Edition No. 10)

11. Cushla Machree

12. Oh steer my bark to Erin's isle

13. I'm leaving thee Annie (Park's Edition No. 13)

14. By the sad sea waves

15. The Egyptian polka

All of these were evidently Park's work, as also were the following identified Moore prints, advertised in March 1857:

[?]. My Mary Anne or bobbing around quadrilles

[?]. The Royal Irish quadrilles ("arranged by Jullien")

25. Annie Laurie ("a favourite ballad, as sung by Mrs. St. John Adcock"); it sold for 1 shilling, and therefore may have been issued to undercut Woolcott and Clarke's 2/6 edition of the song ("as sung by Mrs. St John Adcock") which they had published in 1855.

[?] Heart's misgiving (a favourite song)

And, probably the last of the Moore series:

26. La varsoviana ("new and admired dance")

The latest of his musical work so far identified, in September 1859, Robert Bishop Theobald first advertised an edition of his own Rosella schottische with fine cover lithography by Park.


Baptisms solemnized at St. Botolph, Bishopgate, 1799; register 1780-1802, page 250; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

[1799 December] 22 / Archibald Alexander Park / Son of Archibald & Mary / [birth date given in gutter but illegible on the scan]

Register of banns of marriage, St. Mary Islington, Chapel of Ease, 1830; register 1827-85, page 235; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 1174. Banns of Marriage between Archibald Alexander Park Bachelor & Frances Rome, Spinster, both of this parish, were published on the three Sundays underwritten 12th, 19th, 26th Sept'r . . . Out [indicating marriage did not take place]

Register of banns of marriage, St. Mary Islington, 1832; register 1827-85, page 79; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 392. Banns of Marriage between Archibald Alexander Park Bachelor & Sarah Prosser, Spinster, both of this parish, were published on the three Sundays underwritten 30th Sept'r, 7th, 14th Oct'r . . . Out [indicating marriage did not take place]

Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Matthew, Bethnal Green in the county of Middlesex in the year 1835; register 1823-37, page 189; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 566 / Archibald Alexander Park of this Parish Bachelor
and Sarah Prosser of this Parish Spinster, were married in this church by banns . . . this [1 September 1835] . . .

England census, 6 June 1841, St. Luke, Finsbury, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 667 / 6 (PAYWALL)

Leonard Street / Archibald Pack [sic] / 40 / Engraver / [born Middlesex]
Sarah [Pack] / 30 / - / [born Middlesex]
Alexander [Pack] / 11 months [sic] / - / [born Middlesex]
Maria Prosser / 20 / - / [born Middlesex]
William Webb / 20 / Apprentice / [born Middlesex]

"FIRES", Morning Post [London, England] (1 May 1843), 7

. . . On Saturday morning, soon after four o'clock, another fire, which was nigh being attended with most devastating consequences, broke out on the spacious premises in the occupancy of Mr. Archibald Park, engraver and letter-press printer, Nos. 46 and 47, Great Leonard-street, Shoreditch. Much injury was done to the property before the flames were extinguished. There is but one opinion entertained as to the cause of the accident, and that is, that it originated through spontaneous combustion amongst the quantity of oily cotton rags which had by some means got between the flooring of the printing-office and the ceiling of the back kitchen. The rags were those that the printers used to wipe the presses and the engraving plates, and there is no doubt but that is really the fact. The stock, &c. is insured to the amount of 1,000l, and the building to double that extent . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, Islington, Finsbury; UK National Archives, HO 107/1501 (PAYWALL)

Seven Sisters Road, 4 Medina Cottage / Archibald A. Park / Head / 50 / Master Engraver employing 4 men & 1 boy / [born] Middlesex, Bishopgate
Sarah [Park] / Wife / 45 / - / [born] [Middlesex] Shoreditch
Alexander [Park] / Son / 10 / Scholar / [born] [Middlesex] Bethnal Green
Sarah [Park] / Dau'r / 8 / [Scholar] / [born] Kent Ramsgate . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 April 1856), 5 

JUST PUBLISHED. - ONDINE POLKA, and the Last Rose of Summer. C. T. SANDON, 171, George-street, next Empire Office.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 April 1856), 8 

JUST PUBLISHED, the celebrated Undine Polka, "The Last Rose of Summer;" and the National Song, "Red, White, and Blue." The three sent post free for 7s. CHARLES T. SANDON, next Empire Office, 171, George-street.

"NEW MUSIC", The Moreton Bay Courier (21 June 1856), 4 

Popular Songs, Ballad and Piano pieces. Sydney, J. Moore; Brisbane, James Swan. -
This series bids fair to supply an acknowledged desideratum in this colony. Various attempts have been made in Sydney to print music from plates, but nearly all have been complete failures. It is quite painful to compare a Sydney music publication with one got up in London or any part of Europe. The present series are lithographed by Mr. A. Park. of Sydney, and they are really beautiful, correct and cheap. The pieces already published, six in number, are upon the whole will chosen; one or two of them, however, would admit of improvement; and as this is a most important point, we would recommend that nothing should in future be admitted into the series the merit of which is not thoroughly established. With care in this respect this series would be deserving of greater encouragement than anything of the kind that has ever appeared in the colony. The prices hitherto charged by the Sydney music sellers have been most exorbitant, while their reprints has been for the most part trashy in the extreme. Here we have elegantly printed sheets at one half the price hitherto charged for the inferior editions. We can therefore honestly recommend Mr. Parks' editions to our musical friends, both on the ground of superiority and price; and the selection, with the slight exceptions we have alluded to decidedly is good. It merits entire success.

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, QLD] (29 November 1856), 4

THE undersigned intimates to the music-loving people of these colonies, that he has made arrangements to reproduce in a handsome manner, and much superior to anything of the kind hitherto produced in this colony, a series of the newest and most popular pieces of music, at less than half the English price.
The following pieces are already published at the annexed prices :
1. The Lancer's Quadrilles, 1s. 6d.; by post, 1s. 9d.
2. The Sultan Polkas, 1s.; by post, 1s. 3d.
3. Then you'll remember me (Song by Balfe) 1s. 6d.; by post, 1s. 9d.
4. King Pippin's Polka, 1s.; by post, 1s. 3d.
5. Lilly Dale (a favourite song), 1s. 6d.; by post, 1s. 9d.
6. The Postman's Knock (new song), 1s. 6d.; by post, 1s. 9d.
7. Moonlight Polka, 1s. 6d.; by post, 1s. 9d.
8. Old Folks at Home, 1s.; by post, 1s. 4d.
9. Shells of the Ocean, 1s. 6d.; by post, 1s. 9d.
10. Young England, Quadrille, Is. 6
11. Cushla Machree, 1s.
12. Oh Steer my Bark to Erin's Isle, 1s. 6d.
13. I am leaving thee, Annie, 1s. 6d.
14. By the Sad Sea Waves, 1s. 6d.
15. The Egyptian Polka, 1s. 6d.
J. MOORE, Publisher, George-street, opposite St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney.
* A variety of cheap music on sale.
Sold by J. SWAN Brisbane.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 March 1857), 8 

NEW MUSIC - Cheap Music, at less than one-half the English price.
Just published -
My Mary Amie, or Bobbing Around. Quadrilles, 1s. 6d.
The Royal Irish Quadrilles, 1s. 6d.
Annie Laurie, (a favourite song), 1s.
Heart's Misgiving, (a favourite song), 1s. 6d.
J. MOORE, Publisher, George-street, opposite St. Andrew's Cathedral.
* A large assortment of music always on hand.

Sands and Kenny's Sydney commercial and general directory, for 1858-9 (Sydney: Sands and Kenny, 1858), 189 (DIGITISED)

Park, Archibald, lithographer, 64, Yurong-st.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 September 1859), 1 

ROSELLA SCHOTTISCHE, illustrated, just published price 2s. 6d. To be had at the Music-shops.

[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (21 February 1862), 422 

The Treasury, New South Wales, 18th February, 1862.
THE undermentioned person has been duly authorized to sell Postage Stamps: -
Archibald Park, stationer and bookseller, 39, Park-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 May 1862), 3

THIS DAY is published, a Lithograph PORTRAIT of a N. S. W, Volunteer Rifleman. Price 1s. By A. PARK, 39, Park-street, Sydney.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 April 1863), 1

On the 13th instant, at his residence, Park-street, Alexander Archibald Park, aged 62 years. Home papers, please copy.

"ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION", New South Wales Government Gazette (21 April 1863), 917 

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the will of Archibald Alexander Park, late of Park-street, in the City of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, stationer, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, mat atter the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, application will be made to this Honorable Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that probate of the last will and testament of the abovenamed deceased, may be granted to George Richardson and Sophia King, both of Park-street, aforesaid, the Executor and Executrix, in the said will named. - Dated this 20th day of April, A.D. 1863.
RICHARD YEOMANS, Proctor for the said Executor and Executrix, 97, Elizabeth-street, Sydney.

Other editions (London, c. 1840, select):

Madam Vestris as Oberon (London: A. Park, 47, Leonard Street, Finsbury, [n.d.]); Victoria and Albert Museum, London<

Madam Vestris as Oberon (London: A. Park, 47, Leonard Street, Finsbury, [n.d.]); Victoria and Albert Museum, London (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Lucia Vestris (contralto vocalist)

Jenny Jingle's little prattler (London: Pub. by A. Park, 47, Leonard Street, Finsbury, [n.d.]) (DIGITISED)

Park's amusing history of Little Jack Horner, embellished with coloured engravings (London: Printed and published by A. Park, 47, Leonard Street, Finsbury, [n.d.]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

Park's history of John and the oak tree (London: A. Park, 47, Leonard Street, Finsbury, [n.d.]) (DIGITSED)

Park's history of Simple Simon (London: A. Park, 47, Leonard Street, Finsbury, [n.d.]) (DIGITISED)

Park's surprising history of Jack and the bean stalk, detailing his journeys up the bean stalk, the way in which he obtained possession of the bags of gold, and effected the destruction of the ogre, by chopping down the bean stalk, with engravings (London: A. Park, 47, Leonard Street, Tabernacle Walk, Finsbury, [n.d.]) (DIGITSED)

Bibliography and resources

Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 205-07 (Moore), 221 (Park) (DIGITISED)

"Archibald Park", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO)

The Toy Theatre Publishers Of Old St., Spitalfields life, posted 26 December 2017 

Parks family history, Hugo's Toy Theatre 

PARK, George Gethin (George Gethin PARK; G. G. PARK)

Flautist, bandmaster, conductor, composer, author

Born Sydney, NSW, 15 February 1868; son of Thomas and Emily PARK
Married Sybella Agnes PRINCE, Ashfield, NSW, 1902
Died Coogee, NSW, 31 May 1932, in his 65th year (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)



[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1891), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 July 1895), 2

"MUSICAL GOSSIP . . . NEW OVERTURE", Evening News (4 June 1910), 13 

Mr. G. G. Park's new overture, "The Surfers," which is to be performed for the first time by the Randwick District Musical Society on June 15 at the local Town Hall, is an attempt to illustrate by music a day's holiday on one of our beaches. The themes are written to suggest the majesty and dignity of the ocean, the sea and shore birds, life on the beach and fun in the surf, and a reverie "such as one might indulge in while sun-bathing and contemplating the beauties and wonders of nature." Then there is an awakening from the reverie and a return to the surf bathers. We have not yet heard the new overture, but it is certainly to Mr. Park's credit that he has made this attempt to picture in music a typically Australian scene, and the one selected should suggest some happy musical thoughts apart from its descriptive intention. Many people in these days like to see on their programmes a progressive analysis of the music which they are about to hear, and even strive to attribute to compositions that are without such "labels" a meaning which their authors never had the remotest intention to convey. It pleases them to go beyond the aesthetic purpose of the music, and to say, "Now, we are listening to a remarkable description of a butterfly's wedding," or "How moving is this period of storm; soon, soon, we shall have a beautiful time of peace," and so on. It is for the composer himself to declare, in descriptive music, what he desires to express, otherwise mistakes are certain to be made; and there may be an abundant field for such work in Australia, as yet untouched. An Australian musician when travelling not long ago sat down at his hotel and gave his friends the benefit of a vivid musical reproduction of the scenes through which the party had passed; but the musical story was never published, unfortunately. Mr. Park's new composition will be heard with interest, and it may be enjoyed in its aesthetic as well as its descriptive meaning.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 June 1932), 6

"OBITUARY. GEORGE G. PARK", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 June 1932), 15

Mr. George Gethin Park, who died recently, in his 65th year, was well known in the musical life of Sydney. As far back as the time of the late Signor Hazon he was flautist with the Sydney Amateur Orchestral Society, the Philharmonic Society, and other musical societies. He organised and was secretary of the New South Wales State Military Band. Mr. Park gave much time in later years to conducting and training church choirs . . .


Amateur musician, pianist, music teacher, governess

Active Sydney, NSW, 1847 (shareable link to this entry)


"COURT OF REQUESTS - £30 Jurisdiction . . . Naturals, Flats, and Sharps", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (19 June 1847), 2 

Mrs. Parker, an aged gentlewoman, appeared through her attorney, Mr. George Robert Nichols, as plaintiff in an action of trover, for the recovery of the value of a pianoforte, illicitly detained by Mr. Robert Cooper, senior, better known to the colonial world as Wicked Bob. Defendant had pleaded not guilty, not possessed, lien, and so forth.
The plaintiff had engaged with Mrs. Cooper as governess to the young ladies, she accordingly entered upon her duties at Juniper Hall, and continued to instruct the refractory pupils for a period of several weeks, till Mrs. Cooper's ill-usage and abuse caused her to quit. During Mrs. Parker's residence with defendant, a piano belonging to the plaintiff had been removed from Sydney to Mr. Cooper's, in order to give the girls an opportunity of strumming till all was blue, and in consideration of the extra accommodation thus afforded, the pianist was to receive a rental of 30s. per month; in addition to her previously stipulated salary.
Mrs. Sarah Cooper, Miss Louisa Cooper, Miss Sarah Cooper, Miss Angelica Cooper, Miss Alfrida Julia Wilhelmina Cooper, Miss Saccharina Junipera Cooper, Mr. Gadcock, and Mr. Caldwell, were respectively yet vainly, well called by the officer of the Court; at length Mr. Nesbitt was put into the witness box, and deposed to having had charge of the said instrument as tangible security for the sum of £3; subsequent to Mrs. Parker's engagement with the Coopers, he received together with the amount due, an order to deliver the piano to the bearer of the note; he further estimated the musical machine at £18 or £20.
Mr Badcock now arrived, and gave evidence to having served Mr. Cooper with a notice to deliver up possesssion &c, &c.
His Honor then recapitulated the evidence to the Assessors, and just as he was concluding his remarks, in stalked Mr. Archibald Little, the solicitor for the defendant. This latter gentleman objected in toto to the proceedings, as no notice to produce notice had been served, an objection, which, owing to the advanced stage of the plaintiff's case, was overruled.& A loquacious youth, named Daniels, who styled himself a tuner, was requested to step up and enlighten the Court as to the valuation. This "second Daniel come to judgment" stated, "that it was not worth a deal - 'twas, at least 40 years old a 5 1/2 octave." He further added by way of gratuity, that "no instrument could stand 40 years of constant strumming."
Mrs. Parker's evidence went to show that she was not discharged on any alleged ground of making free with Old Bob's worm, or in other words, of drunkenness, but she had found it necessary to leave on account of the ladies having on more than one occasion gone into her room, pulled the bed clothes off, and thrown cold water on her. The case closed, abruptly, and the Assessors found for the plaintiff, damages £20.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Cooper (merchant, householder); John Alfred Daniell (pianoforte tuner)

"COURT OF REQUESTS . . . PARKES v. COOPER", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (16 December 1848), 3 

This was an action brought by Mr. William Parkes, on behalf of his wife Sarah, against Mr. Robert Cooper, for damages, to the amount of £30, caused by a violation of an agreement, whereby Mrs. Parkes was hired tn instruct the younger parts of Mr. Cooper's family, in those particular branches of female education which the world terms "accomplishments," namely, piano fingering, French smattering and English of all sorts, from the use of the globes down to Murray's grammar, and arithmetical calculations, including multiplication . . .
The only proof for the plaintiff is the agreement to enter the service of the defendant on the 8th March, for 12 months, at a salary of £30 a year, payable monthly, and that she was dismissed in the latter part of April, because she would not sit up after ten o'clock to play the piano for quadrille dancing for the young ladies . . .
Mrs. O'Keefe . . . went on to say that Mrs. Parkes had repeatedly called Mrs. Cooper an angel, and her daughters little seraphs; and that she little thought that there was such a heaven in New South Wales as Juniper Hall.
Mr. Daniel, pianoforte player corroborated the latter part of this testimony; but as he had known Mrs. Parkes for a considerable time, and was aware that her usual habit was to look upon all persons as angels when first entering their service, and the reverse when she was tired of them; he had felt it his duty to warn Mrs. Cooper that he was afraid Mrs. Parkes was laying it on too thick. This gentleman had also prescribed for a piano, which had been redeemed for Mrs. P. out of the pocket of Mrs. C.
The only other material witnesses were a Mrs. Easton, who spoke to having seen Mrs. P. the worse for liquor, and having heard her use most disgraceful language to her employer . . .

PARKER, George (George PARKER; Professor PARKER)

Showman, swordsman, manager

Born Britain, c. 1829
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by April 1853
Married (? common law) Annie BEAUMONT, c. 1863
Died near Walhalla, VIC, 15 February 1871, aged "42" (TROVE tagged) (Trove list - with detailed biography) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (23 April 1853), 12 

GRAND ASSAULT OF ARMS, As performed annually before her Majesty at Lord Holland's Park, London,
At the PROTESTANT HALL, On Monday and Tuesday May 2nd and 3rd.
Under the immediate Patronage of COLONEL VALIANT, and the Officers of the 40th Regiment,
on which occasion their SPLENDID BAND will attend,
THE whole under the immediate direction of Professor PARKER, late of Saville House,
Leicester-square, London, the winner of the Gold Medal at the Scottish Fetes, Holland Park, 1851.
Mr. Parker will be assisted by some of the best English and French Swordsmen of the day.
Mr. Parker will perform his Coeur de Lion feat of cutting a Bar of Lead, a Leg of Mutton, and a Whole Sheep, at one stroke, each with the BROADSWORD.
For further particulars see small Bills.

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (military); Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)


Professor Parker, the well-known swordsman, was yesterday [15 February] killed in consequence of his horse bolting with him. His wife was with him. Her horse also bolted, but she was not seriously injured.

"THE FATAL ACCIDENT TO PROFESSOR PARKER", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (20 February 1871), 3 

An inquest was held at the Junction hotel, Walhalla-road, on the 16th inst., on the body of the late Professor Parker, the celebrated swordsman. The following evidence was taken: -
Mary Ann Parker sworn: About noon on the 15th inst., she was within 300 yards of the Junction hotel, coming from Walhalla. The deceased, her husband, was riding one horse, and leading another, which carried a pack. The pack horse reared, causing the horse ridden by the deceased to shy and buck, and the deceased fell off. He fell on to his side, and never spoke. Witness at once got off her horse to assist the deceased. She tried to raise him, when blood flowed from his ears, eyes, and mouth. She called for help . . . The deceased was 42 years of age, and was perfectly sober at the time of the accident . . . The deceased was a performer of swordsmanship . . .

PARKER, Joseph (Joseph PARKER)

Musician, pianist

Active Ballarat, VIC, 1857 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Star (24 September 1857), 3 

THE PROPEIETOR begs to announce that he has secured the services of
MR. COXON, The celebrated Local Comic Singer, who will appear on Saturday next, 26th September, and every evening during the ensuing week,
is his budget of Colonial Comicalities, Burlesques, and New Local Songs, introducing (first time):
"The Flash Colonial Barman." "The Sleeping Half-share." "Unlucky Bill of London," &c.
Assisted by MR. DE COURCY, The favorite Baritone. Pianist, MR. JOSEPH PARKER.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Coxon (vocalist); David De Courcy (vocalist)

PARKER, J. Hyde (J. Hyde PARKER)

Musician, professor of music, pianist, lecturer

Active Gippsland, VIC, 1865 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Gippsland Times (28 January 1865), 1

LESSONS on the PIANO-FORTE, in singing and theory of Music.
Islay Cottage, Sale.

"LECTURE AT THE MECHANICS INSTITUTE", Gippsland Times (12 August 1865), 3 

The fourth of the winter series of lectures upon the subject of "Music," was delivered is the hall of the Mechanics' Institute by Mr. J. Hyde Parker on the evening of Wednesday last . . .

. . . The lecturer then went on to describe the invention of the piano, in 1717, by J. C. Schroeder, of Berlin . . . After describing the nature of the instrument and the improvements it had undergone to make it the cleverest and most complete ever perfected, he described its abuse, in words which, as they bear very strongly upon a fast increasing system of education, we give verbatim:-

"Since the practical part of the science of music has become a necessary part of education, many persons perform, and young people are compelled to perform in their turn, pieces and songs which they only very indifferently know, causing embarrassment to themselves and real pain to their listeners, destroying all pleasure, and compelling people to try the experiment of talking right through the music, in a spirit of hopelessness; untl it becomes a fashion to look upon conversation as a necessary accompaniment; to spare the feelings of both performer and listener. Now, this is not as it should be, and springs from the fact of those who ought to produce an intellectual gratification, not being equal to it, through not having learnt their intended performance sufficiently. Playing it well and with certainty, feeling sure there will be no mistakes, cannot be acquired without plenty of patient, careful study; going over it again and again, with a determination that what you are doing shall be worth listening to. Indifferent music indifferently performed can never be a real pleasure; so good music well performed never fails to delight all. No pupil of Art should attempt to perform until he is quite perfect in what he intends doing; for it is no more necessary that a young lady should play to the company because she knows her notes than that she should read to the company because she knows her letters. A society must he divided into performers and listeners. Performers should take care their music is good enough to rivet the attention of their company, or their art is desecrated. The classical works of Beethoven and Mozart, so eloquent to the musical student, lack that brilliancy and dash which are requisite to recommend them to the public at large; and no student of music can put in a claim to be considered a musician until he is thoroughly acquainted with the works of Handel, Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart, the Italian composers, and the early English masters. These works can almost all be learned on the pianoforte; and although it takes some time to accomplish, the persevering student will find the toil of conquering the difficulties amply rewarded in obtaining a profound knowledge of the art, and acquiring a pure and cultivated taste. So far as this superior kind of music gained favor, and popularity, and constant repetition, the very boys in the streets, according to a late copy of the Illustrated London News, go about whistling portions of symphonies and sonatas, and we may expect great things some day from the rising generation" . . .

"TOWN TALK", Gippsland Times (16 September 1865), 3 

The grand miscellaneous amateur entertainment given at the Mechanics' Institute on Wednesday evening was a most unequivocal success, the large hall being well filled, and many unable to obtain sitting room. The performers on the platform wore Messrs. McGhee, E. G. Atkinson, Sprod, W. F. Parker, Patten, Bryant, Topping and Jamieson; Mr. J. Hyde Parker presiding at the piano . . .

[Advertisement], Gippsland Times (7 October 1865), 2 

Consisting of Glees, Songs, Concerted Music, Instrumental Solos (Violin, Flute, and Pianoforte), and Buffo Songs.
Mr. Legge will perform on the violin and sing several songs.
During the evening, MR. PARKER will have the honour to deliver an ADDRESS on the occasion.
To commence at Eight o'clock. Admission - Front seats, 4s. back seats, 2s. 6d.


Musician, ? quadrille band leader, proprietor

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1860 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (10 April 1860), 8 

PARKES'S QUADRILLE BAND can be ENGAGED, at Glen's Music Warohouse, Bourke-street; 21 Yarra-street, Emerald Hill.

PARNELL, Mrs. (Mrs. PARNELL; ? an alias; also Mrs. PURNELL)

Actor, vocalist

Active Adelaide, SA, 1839 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


In December 1839, Mrs. Parnell - otherwise unidentifiable - seems to have been a useful stop-gap in Samson Cameron's Adelaide company, pending the arrival from Launceston in February 1840 of his wife and leading lady, Cordelia Cameron. Was she perhaps one and the same as the Mrs. Mansfield who reportedly joined the company in February 1840, or as Mrs. Rainsford.


[Advertisement], South Australian Register (16 November 1839), 3 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, North Terrace, Adelaide.
MR. CAMERON has the honor of announcing to the Ladies and Gentlemen, and the Public of Adelaide and its vicinity, that he has, at a considerable expence, fitted up an appropriate Theatre in North Terrace, and it is hoped the arrangements will secure that patronage and support which in catering for their amusement it will be his study to merit. The Theatre will consist of one tier of Private Boxes, and a commodious Pit, and will open on
Monday Evening, November 25, 1839, when will be presented Kotzebue's celebrated play of
THE STRANGER . . . Mrs. Haller - Mrs. Parnell.
During the piece Mrs. Coombes will sing the plaintive air - I have a silent sorrow here . . .
Song from Guy Mannering - Safely follow him - by Mr. Gates.
After which, the Third Act of Shakspeare's OTHELLO . . . Desdemona - Mrs. Parnell . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Samson Cameron (actor, manager)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (30 November 1839), 3

will be repeated Kotzebue's celebrated play of THE STRANGER . . .
A Favorite Duett, by Mrs. Parnell and Mrs. Coombes. A Song by Mr. Oaten . . .

[Advertisement], Southern Australian (4 December 1839), 2

Victoria Theatre . . . TO-MORROW EVENING, Thursday, December 5, 1839.
Will be presented, with new scenery &c., The OPERA of ROB ROY.
Rob Roy McGregor Campbell - Mr. Cameron.
Helen McGregor - Mrs. Parnell.
In the course of the Piece the following Songs, Choruses, &c.
"Soon the Sun will gae to rest."
"O My Love is like the red red rose."
"Though I leave you now in sorrow."
"A Famous man is Robin Hood."
"Should Auld Acquaintance be forgot."
"Roy's Wife of Aldivalloch."
"Forlorn and broken hearted."
FINALE - "Pardon now the bold outlaw" . . .

PIECE: Rob Roy Macgregor (Isaac Pocock; music by Henry Bishop and John Davy)

MUSIC: Though you leave me now in sorrow (Davy)

"THE THEATRE", South Australian Register (7 December 1839), 5 

On Thursday night Mr. Cameron produced the much admired melodrama of "Rob Roy" to a large and highly respectable audience. The scenery, which was painted by Mr. Opie for the occasion, was well finished, exhibiting not only Mr. Opie's talents as an artist, but also Mr. Cameron's determination not to spare expence in making his little theatre as attractive as possible. Mr. Cameron played the part of Rob Roy well; though perhaps he "got to his English" a little oftener than the hero did. Mr. Bonnar's Bailie was admirable, and was loudly and deservedly applauded. Mrs. Parnell also went through her part very creditably; and the whole piece gave such general satisfaction that it is likely to be often repeated.

[Advertisement], Southern Australian (12 December 1839), 3 

THE Public are respectfully informed, that on THURSDAY EVENING, December 12th, 1839, will be presented the Comedy in 5. Acts of
THE WONDER!! A Woman Keeps a Secret!!!
Nicolante - Mrs. Parnell. For Characters see the Bill of the Day.
GLEE - "O Lady Fair," By Mrs. Parnell, Mrs. Coombes, and Mr. Gates.

MUSIC: O lady fair (Thomas Moore)


Convict, actor, dancer, vocalist, bookbinder, printer, schoolmaster

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 26 July 1799 (convict per Hillsborough, from Portsmouth, December 1798) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


[Playbill] By permission of His Excellency, at the Theatre, Sydney . . . On Tuesday April 8 1800 will be presented the favourite play Henry the Fourth . . .; State Library of New South Wales 

By permission of His Excellency, at the Theatre, Sydney . . .
On Tuesday April 8 1800 will be presented the favourite play Henry the Fourth . . .
End of the Play a new Dance called The Drenken Swiss By D. Parnell and Mrs. Parry.
To which will be added The Irish Widow . . .


"PRECISE FORM OF A BOTANY-BAY PLAY-BILL, As there published June 23, 1800", Sporting Magazine [London, England], 20 (January 1802), 225-26 (also reproduced at Jordan 2002, 52) (DIGITISED)

For the BENEFIT of Mrs. PARRY. By permission of his Excellency. At the THEATRE, SYDNEY, This Evening will be presented the favourite Comedy of, She Stoops to Conquer; or, The Mistakes of a Night . . . End of the Play, the Interlude of Miss in her Teens.

To which will be added, a Musical Entertainment, called

The Devil to Pay; or, The Wives Metamorphosed.

Sir John Loverule. G. Hughes
Magician. J. White
Jobson. D. Parnell
Lady Loverule. Mrs. Radley
Lucy. Mrs. Barnes
Lettice. Mrs. Charlton; and
Nell. Mrs. Parry . . .

Boxes, 5s. Front Boxes, 3s. 6d. Pit 2s. 6d. Gallery, 1s. Doors open at Half past Five, begin at Half past Six. No person will be admitted without a Ticket; and it is requested that no person will attempt to smoak; or bring spirits into the Theatre. No Money will be returned. Tickets tq be had of Serj.-Major Jamieson, D. Bevan, S. Lord, M. Kearns, Mrs. Parry, Serj. Field, S. Forster, and J. Mackey, next door to the Theatre.

[Editorial comment] More recent advices from that Settlement say, that a smart altercation had just taken place in the Green-room of their Theatre, in consequence of the Beggar's Opera having been given out by the Manager. It was agreed, on all hands, that the play was very strongly cast. Mackheath observed, that as he had acted, on all occasions, like a Gentleman in his profession, he should have no objection to the performance of the character. Polly and Lucy remained passive - Bagshsot expressed some scruples - the rest of the gang were divided in opinion. At length, from a suggestion of Filch, how far the representation of the piece might tend to wound the feelings of both audience and performers, the matter was postponed for further consideration.

Despatch, governor King, 28 May 1802, to under secretary King; HRA 1/3, 624 (DIGITISED)

. . . Notwithstanding the repeated Orders to the contrary, yet the indulgence given to individuals of purchasing articles from the Stores for their domestic uses are still abused, by being converted into an extortionate traffic, for which Daniel Parnell has this day been punished with 50 lashes . . .

Letter, Daniel Parnell to Secretary Campbell, [undated c. 1810/11]; Historical records of New South Wales 7 (1901), 477 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

Sir, I beg respectfully to apologise for the liberty I take in this address. As the subject I am to trouble you with embraces a case of personal distress, I am induced to hope your humanity will kindly induce you to second the means whereby its abatement may be effected, to explain which, I am, sir, under the necessity of troubling you with a more detailed statement than I could other wise have wished. A short time previous to the arrival of His Excellency Gov'r Macquarie, I was induced to make a representation of the embarrassment I laboured under (from successive misfortunes) to Mrs. Paterson, who was pleased to lay my case before Colonel Paterson, who favoured me with his sanction for a few nights' theatrical representation, as well with a view to extricate me from my pecuniary difficulties, as to gratify the public with a theatrical temporary display, which would have taken place but for the causes above assigned. Altho', sir, I am far from imagining that His Excellency will be biassed by anything like precedent in cases of this nature, I cannot refuse myself the favourable opportunity of here informing you that Gov'r Bligh had given his permission for the erection of a permanent and spacious theatre for the performance of regular drama, and which, but for the circumstance of the change in the Government, had long since been carried into effect. How far His Excellency, our honored Governor, may consider the drama capable of producing a moral end, when properly conducted, I very submissively submit to your better know ledge; yet I flatter myself with the hope at the same time that His Excell'y will see no impropriety in granting his permission to my entertaining a select company for two or three nights, whose contributions might release me from pecuniary claims, and render this flattering imagination. I feel some assurance that your acquaintance with the Muses will befriend me at so critical a juncture, by a representation to His Excellency favourable to my application, confident as you may be in the assurance that regularity and good order shall be premier objects of attention,
with, Sir, &c. DAN'L PARNELL.

Register of certificates of freedom, 1810-11; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

10/973 / Daniel Parnell / [tried] Bristol / 3 April 1797 / Fourteen Years / Hillsborough / 1799 / [expired] 3 April 1811 / [certificate] 13 April 1811

Sydney gaol entry register, 1825-32; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

[Entered] [1827 March] 28 / Parnell Daniel / Free / . . . Felony / Tried 21st April Acquitted / April 21 Discharged

Sydney gaol entry register, 1837-41; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

1576 / Daniel Parnell / Hilsbro / 1796 [sic] / [on arrival] [Bond] / [on entry] [Free] / [born] Dublin / Protestant/ [trade] Printer / [admitted] [October] 13 [1837] / . . . [disposed] 3 Jan'y 1838

Music concordances (songs with tunes):

The devil to pay; or, The wives metamorphos'd. An opera. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. With the musick prefix'd to each song (London: Printed for J. Watts, 1732)

Jobson's songs:

He that has the best Wife. p. 2; [AIR 1 - The Twitcher] - JOBSON (also repeated on page 7)
Of all the Trades from East to West. p. 14 [AIR 9 - Charming Sally] - JOBSON
In Bath a wanton Wife did dwell. p. 15 [AIR 10 - Now ponder well, ye parents dear] - JOBSON
Let Matters of State. p. 17 [AIR 11 - Come, let us prepare] - JOBSON
Let every Face with Smiles appear. p. 31 [AIR 16 - Hey Boys up go we] - Lady, Sir John, and JOBSON

NOTE: The music for Charles Coffey's 1731 ballad opera The devil to pay; or, The wives metamorphosed was selected, and in a couple of case composed especially, by Mr. Seedo. The lengthy first version of the play included 42 songs, but these were reduced to just 16 in the much shorter final version that then became a perennially popular afterpiece.

Bibliography and resources:

John Weaver, An essay towards an history of dancing . . . (London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1712), 156-57 

. . . And an Anonymous Author in Rosinus has fumm’d up all in an elegant Epigram in praise of these Pantomimes, [157] of which I shall only transcribe the six last Lines.

Nam cum grata Chorus diffundit cantica dulcis
Quae resonat Cantor, rotibus ipse probat.
Pugnat, ludit, amat, Bacchatur, vertitur, adstat,
Illustrat verum, cuneta decore replet.
Tot Lingua, quot membra viro; mirabilis eft Ars,
Quae facit Articulos, voce silente, loqui.

The Dancer joining with the tuneful Throng,
Adds decent Motion to the sprightly Song.
This Step denotes the careful Lover, This
The hardy Warrior, or the Drunken Swiss.
His pliant Limbs in various Figures move,
And different Gestures different Passions prove.
Strange Art! that flows in Silent Eloquence,
That to the pleas'd Spectator can dispence
Words without Sound, and without speaking Sense.

"PERSONAL ITEMS . . . BY THE BULLETIN'S Oldest Inhabitant", The Bulletin (19 December 1907), 22 

An ancient Hawkesbury (N.S.W.) native, Edward Parnell, died at Newcastle last week, aged 84 years. He was born at Richmond in 1823, and when a very young man went to the Narnoi River district and settled upon the station of his father, near Gunnedah. He afterwards located in the Hunter district. In 1867 he took up Ids residence in Newcastle, and resided there ever afterwards. The first Parnell of whom we have note was a somewhat historic character. About the year 1810 Daniel Parnell wrote a respectful letter to Secretary Campbell, asking him to obtain permission from Governor Macquarie to establish a theatre. On Macquarie's arrival Daniel was in very poor circumstances, and was anxious to get up "a theatrical temporary display," which might lift him out of his difficulties. Governor Bligh had authorised the erection of a theatre, but the change of Government consequent on the Rum Revolution put an end to the speculation. Parnell winds up his letter to Campbell with: "I feel some assurance that your acquaintance with the Muses will befriend at so critical a juncture, by a representation to his Excellency favorable to my application, confident as you may be in the assurance that regularity and good order shall be the premier objects of attention with Sir, etc., Dan'l Parnell." The application was evidently not granted, as permission to build a permanent theatre was not obtained until Governor Bourke's time. So presumably "Dan'l Parnell" remained buried in his difficulties.

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Parnell was a son of Thomas and Elizabeth Parnell, unrelated

Fred. W. Weirter, "SYDNEY'S FIRST THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1926), 11 

. . . On Tuesday, April 8, Shakespeare's "Henry Fourth" is advertised, the cast being composed of W. Smith (Prince of Wales), J. Davison (Hotspur), I. Payne (King Henry), H. Parsons (Douglas), J. Cox (Blunt), W. Richards (Bardolph), B. Smith (Poins), J. White (Falstaff), Mrs. Barnes (Hostess), and Mrs. Parry (Lady Percy). It was announced on this programme that at the end of the play a new dance called "The Drunken Swiss" would be given by D. Parnell and Mrs. Parry, to which would be added "The Irish Widow." . . .

Robert Jordan, The convict theatres of early Australia 1788-1840 (Sydney: Currency House Inc., 2002), 51, 52, 238-41

PARRY, Frances (Frances FERGUSON, alias GROSVENOR, alias FOX; Mrs. PARRY)

Convict, actor, dancer, soprano vocalist

Born England, c. 1771
Convicted Surrey, England, 20 March 1797
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 July 1798 (convict per Britannia, from Portsmouth, 17 February 1798)
Married (?) Philip PARRY, Sydney, NSW, by November 1798
Departed Sydney, NSW, 21 October 1800 (passenger on the Buffalo) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Playbill], MRS. PARRY'S NIGHT . . . June 1, 1799"; in "BOTANY BAY THEATRICALS", The sporting magazine 18 (1801), 40 (DIGITISED)

MRS. PARRY's Night. (By permission of his Excellency.)
AT The THEATRE, SYDNEY, Saturday, June 1, 1799, will be presented,
Ap Hazard (for that night only) Mrs. Parry; Sir Charles Danvers, by P. Parry;
Tom Seymour, by J. White; Orville, by W. Smith; Samuel, H. Parsons;
Sir Bamber Blackletter, G. H. Hughes; Mrs. Seymour, Mrs. McCann;
Miss Union, Mrs. Radley; Lady Danvers, (for that night only) Mrs. Miller.
After the Play, a new Occasional Address I will be spoken, by Mrs. Parry.
To which will be added,
Sir John Trotley, G. H. Hughes; Colonel Tivey, W. Smith;
Lord Minikin, W. Knight; Jessamy, H. Parsons;
Davey, J. White; Lady Minikin, by Mrs. Radley;
Gymp, Mrs. Sparks; and Miss Tittup, Mrs. Parry.
Boxes 5s - Front Boxes 3s 6d - Pit 2s 6d - Gallery 1s.
Tickets to be had of Mrs. Parry and of W. Miller.
Doors open at half past five, and begin at half past six.

[Footnotes] P. Parry, convict for life, late Grocer in Oxford-street, London; highway robbery. Mrs. McCann, convict (by Britannia transport) for seven years; London brothel-keeper, St. Mary-le-bone. [Address] Written by Michael Massey Robinson. Clerk to the Judge Advocate. Hughes, a Printer, prisoner. Sparks came out a free woman, and lives with Vandercomb, who is a steady fellow. Frances Grosvenor, alias Foy, convict by Britannia transport, for seven years, from London Cyprian corps; and Pavey, a quondam grocer in Oxford-street; Occasional Performers.

PIECES: Fortune's fool (Reynolds); Bon ton; or, High life above stairs (Oxberry/Garrick)

Sydney playbill, 8 March 1800 (SL-NSW)

[Playbill], Theatre, Sydney, 8 March 1800, The recruiting officer and The virgin unmasked; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

By Permission of His Excellency,
At the THEATRE, SYDNEY, on Saturday March 8, 1800, will be Presented
The COMEDY of The Recruiting Officer . . . To which will be added
A Musical Entertainment called
The Virgin Unmasked.
Blister - W. Smith.
Goodwill - H. Parsons.
Quaver - G. Hughes
Coupee - B. Smith
Thomas - J. White
Lucy - Mrs. Parry . . .

[Playbill] Theatre, Sydney, 8 April 1800, Henry the Fourth; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

By permission of His Excellency, at the Theatre, Sydney . . .
On Tuesday April 8 1800 will be presented the favourite play Henry the Fourth . . .
Douglas - H. Parsons.
Lady Percy - Mrs. Parry.
End of the Play a new Dance called The Drenken Swiss By D. Parnell and Mrs. Parry.
To which will be added The Irish Widow . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Harry Parsons (actor, vocalist); Daniel Parnell (actor, vocalist)

"PRECISE FORM OF A BOTANY-BAY PLAY-BILL, As there published June 23, 1800", Sporting Magazine [London, England], 20 (January 1802), 225-26 (also reproduced at Jordan 2002, 52) (DIGITISED)

For the BENEFIT of Mrs. PARRY. By permission of his Excellency. At the THEATRE, SYDNEY, This Evening will be presented the favourite Comedy of, She Stoops to Conquer; or, The Mistakes of a Night . . .
Miss Hardcastle - Mrs. Parry.
End of the Play, the Interlude of Miss in her Teens.

To which will be added, a Musical Entertainment, called
The Devil to Pay; or, The Wives Metamorphosed.
Sir John Loverule - G. Hughes
Magician - J. White
Jobson - D. Parnell
Lady Loverule - Mrs. Radley
Lucy - Mrs. Barnes
Lettice - Mrs. Charlton; and
Nell - Mrs. Parry . . .

Boxes, 5s. Front Boxes, 3s. 6d. Pit 2s. 6d. Gallery, 1s. Doors open at Half past Five, begin at Half past Six. No person will be admitted without a Ticket; and it is requested that no person will attempt to smoak; or bring spirits into the Theatre. No Money will be returned. Tickets to be had of Serj.-Major Jamieson, D. Bevan, S. Lord, M. Kearns, Mrs. Parry, Serj. Field, S. Forster, and J. Mackey, next door to the Theatre.

[Editorial comment] More recent advices from that Settlement say, that a smart altercation had just taken place in the Green-room of their Theatre, in consequence of the Beggar's Opera having been given out by the Manager. It was agreed, on all hands, that the play was very strongly cast. Mackheath observed, that as he had acted, on all occasions, like a Gentleman in his profession, he should have no objection to the performance of the character. Polly and Lucy remained passive - Bagshsot expressed some scruples - the rest of the gang were divided in opinion. At length, from a suggestion of Filch, how far the representation of the piece might tend to wound the feelings of both audience and performers, the matter was postponed for further consideration.

Music concordances (songs with tunes):

An old man taught wisdom; or, The virgin unmask'd, a farce, as it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's Servants, by Henry Fielding, Esq.; with the musick prefix'd to each song (London: Printed for J. Watts, 1735) (DIGITISED)

Lucy's songs:

Do you, Papa, but find a Coach. Page 10 [AIR 1 - Thomas, I cannot] - LUCY

When he in a Coach can be carry'd. p. 12 [2 - Wully Honey] - LUCY

Ah, be not angry, good dear Sir. p. 17 [4 - Now ponder well, &c] - LUCY

Ah, Sir! I guess. p. 19 [5 - Buff-Coat] - LUCY and Blister

La! what swinging Lyes some People will tell. p. 21 [6 - Bessy Bell] - LUCY

O press me not, Sir, to be Wise. p. 24 [7 - Tweed Side] - LUCY

Dearest Charmer. p. 28 [8 - Dimi Caro] - LUCY

Did Mortal e'er see two such Fools. p. 30 [10 - Molly Mog] - LUCY

Oh dear Papa! don't look so grum. p. 36 [11 - Bush of Boon] - LUCY

Had your Daughter been physick'd well, Sir, as she ought. p. 38 [12 - The Yorkshire Ballad] - Company and LUCY

NOTE: Almost all the songs in this play were scripted to be sung by the character Lucy, played in Sydney by Frances Parry. Whether some or all of the songs were in fact sung, and whether by Lucy or allotted to some other player, can never been known.

The devil to pay; or, The wives metamorphos'd, an opera, as it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants, with the musick prefix'd to each song (London: Printed for J. Watts, 1732) (DIGITISED)

Nell's songs:

My swelling Heart now leaps with Joy. p. 11 [AIR 7 - Send home my long-stray'd Eyes] - NELL

Tho' late I was a Cobler's Wife. p. 20 [AIR 12 - What tho' I am a Country Lass] - NELL

Fine Ladies with an artful Grace. p. 22 [AIR 13 - When I was a Dame of Honour] - NELL

O charming Cunning-Man! thou hast been wond'rous kind. p. 23 [AIR 14 - 'Twas within a Furlong, &c] - NELL

Was ever Man possest of. p. 25 [AIR 15 - Duetto - ?] - Sir John and NELL

NOTE: The music for Charles Coffey's 1731 ballad opera The devil to pay; or, The wives metamorphosed was selected, and in a couple of case composed especially, by Mr. Seedo. The lengthy first version of the play included 42 songs, but these were reduced to just 16 in the much shorter final version that then became a perennially popular afterpiece.

Bibliography and resources:

[? Joseph Michael Forde], "EARLY THEATRICALS", The Australian Star (13 March 1897), 9

[Joseph Michael Forde], "MUMMER MEMOIRS", Sydney Sportsman (1 November 1905), 3 

. . . "Mrs. Parry's Night." (By Permission of the Governor.) At the Theatre, Sydney, Saturday, June 1, 1799 . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde (journalist, theatre historian)

Fred. W. Weirter, "SYDNEY'S FIRST THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1926), 11 

. . .In 1800, and it was at the opening of it that the first playbill was printed in Australia, a copy of which may be seen in the Mitchell Library. It announces: "By permission of his Excellency, at the Theatre, Sydney, on Saturday, March 8, 1800, will be performed the comedy of The Recruiting Officer." The names in the cast then follow: "W. Smith, W. Richards, G. Hughes, J. Cox. H. Parsons, B. Smith, J. White, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Radley, Master Haddocks, and Mrs. Parry." The after-piece was "The Virgin Unmasked." The prices of admission were Boxes 5/, front boxes 3/6, pit 2/6, gallery 1/. Doors opened at half-past begin at half past 6.

Robert Jordan, The convict theatres of early Australia 1788-1840 (Sydney: Currency House Inc., 2002), 241-44



Active Melbourne, VIC, (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Age (27 April 1858), 1 

In connexion with THE OPENING OF THE ORGAN.
Principal Vocalists, Mrs. Goodliffe, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Fox, Miss Parsons, Mr. Williams, and others selected from the Collingwood Harmonic Society.
Conductor, Mr. Kaye. Leader of the Band, Mr. Leslie. Organist, Mr. Boswell.
Band and Chorus will number nearly 100 Performers. PART I. - "CREATION" . . . PART II. - "CREATION" . . . PART III [Miscellaneous] . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Goodliffe (vocalist); Theresa Shirley Andrew (vocalist); Sarah Hannah Fox (vocalist); William Henry Williams (vocalist); Samuel Kaye (conductor); Alexander Leslie (leader, violin); Mr. Boswell (organist); Collingwood Harmonic Society (association)

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (4 November 1858), 5 

Mrs. Andrew, one of the most valued and oldest members of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, gave a concert yesterday evening at the Collingwood Assembly Hall, Gertrude street. She was assisted by Miss Parsons, Master Johnson, Madame Leon Naej, and Messrs. Hopkins, Hornidge, Williams, and Kaye. Mr. Pringle presided at the pianoforte. The programme chiefly consisted of glees and part songs, which were generally well performed. The beneficiaire was well received, and sang with unusual spirit and effect.

ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Leon Naej (vocalist); Master Johnson (vocalist); John Pryce Hornidge (musician)

[Advertisement], The Age (16 November 1858), 1 

The new operas produced by us at the Princess's Theatre have been acknowledged by all musical judges to be the best hitherto attempted in this young colony . . . Our position and professional efforts being thus at the mercy of a person, who hides ignorance under the mask of facetiousness, we call upon the public in future to give their own verdict on our merits, and not to place any credence in the statements made by Mr Neild in the columns of the Argus and Examiner.
[signed] L. H. Lavenu; Linly Norman; Julia Harland; Maria Carandini . . . Theresa Andrew; Emma Parsons . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Edward Neild (journalist, reviewer); Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Linly Norman (conductor); Julia Harland (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist)


Musician, master of the Band of the NSW Corps, leader of church music (St. Philip's, Sydney), singing master (Orphan School)

Born Stoke Damerel, Plymouth, Devon, England, 29 August 1768
Married ? (1) Martha ?, before 1787
Arrived Port Jackson (Sydney), NSW, 26 January 1788 (marine per Sirius, from Portsmouth, 13 May 1787)
Enlisted (1) (NSW Corps), Sydney, NSW, 6 April 1792
Married (2) Mary SWAIN (d. 1839), Sydney church, NSW, 6 September 1796
Discharged (1) (NSW Corps), Sydney, NSW, 6 April 1797
Enlisted (2) (NSW Corps), Sydney, NSW, 10 October 1797
Transferred (to NSW Veterans Co.), Sydney, NSW, 24 March 1810
Died Sydney, NSW, 1 May 1819 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Parsons Curtis (daughter); Teresa Curtis Meillon Boesen (grand-daughter); John Henry Benedict Curtis (grandson); Band of the NSW Corps (from 1808, 102nd Regiment)


Harry Parsons was born at Stoke Damerel, near Plymouth, Devon, on 20 August 1768. Aged 8, he enlisted in the Plymouth marines as a drummer on 17 November 1776.

Aged 19 and a marine private, at Portsmouth on 20 March 1787, he was transferred from the Charlotte to the Arthur Phillip's ship, the Sirius, for the voyage to Australia, sailing on 13 May 1787. Martha Parsons, probably his first wife, was also listed as on board the Sirius, but there is no certain record of her embarking or arriving in Australia.

Parsons was intended to form part of the garrison of the colony, and was listed on the Sirius as "borne supernumerary being the garrison for the Settlement in New South Wales" (Evans 1969). On arrival in New South Wales, Parsons was duly discharged from the marines and on 29 January 1788 enlisted in the Port Jackson garrison. On 4 March 1790 he sailed with the Sirius for Norfolk Island, where, in March/April 1791, he was involved in a protest against a cut in rations, and sent back to Port Jackson on 23 April.

On 6 April 1792, Parsons enlisted in the newly-formed New South Wales Regiment (Corps), under the command of Francis Grose, and if not from the first, then probably from an early date, was a member of the band. Though nothing is known for certain of the band's early membership, if Parsons was indeed a bandsman, his first promotion to corporal on 5 December 1794 may well indicate that he then assumed the position of master, perhaps taking over from Joseph Vasconcellas, who was demoted to private a few days earlier. However, George Carr, originally a convict, probably also served periods as master during the later 1790s, and more certainly from his promotion to corporal in November 1799. When Carr died on 19 October 1804, Parsons, evidently then his deputy, was immediately promoted again from private to corporal to take over as master. Parsons, who was promoted again to sergeant on 25 July 1808, continued as band master until the corps (by now styled 102nd Regiment) was recalled to England. Then, electing to remain in the colony, but too old to transfer to the incoming 73rd Regiment, Parsons transferred instead to the NSW Veteran's Company on 24 March 1810, while William Leviston was promoted to succeed him as master of the 102nd band.

The regimental description book of 1808 described Parsons as "height 5 [ft] 7 [in], fair complexion, hazel eyes, light-brown hair, round visage".

He married Mary Swain at Sydney church on 6 September 1806. Their eldest child Elizabeth was born two years earlier on 22 June 1794 (baptised Sydney church, 14 December 1794), and the next child James, on 1 August 1796 (baptised 4 March 1798). Their youngest daughter Mary Parsons, born on 6 May 1811, converted to Catholicism shortly after her marriage to James Curtis in 1828, and from that time was a member of the Catholic chapel choir and later of the choir of St. Mary's cathedral, Sydney.

Parsons took parts in theatrical productions in Sydney in March-June 1800 as an actor in The recruiting officer, The virgin unmasked, Henry IV, and She stoops to conquer, and perhaps also contributed to the season as an instrumentalist in the band.


Marines' effective list 1788 (Evans 1969):

Marines in N.S.W. 1788. Effective list of the non-com. Officers, Drummers and Private Marines belonging to the four Companies doing duty in N.S.W. between 1 July and 30 September 1788 inclusive . . .
Captain Shea's Company . . . Private Harry Parsons.

Ralph Clark, journal, Norfolk Island, 10 March 1791; State Library of New South Wales, Safe 1/27a, 241-42 (DIGITISED) (TRANSCRIPT)

[241] . . . Sunday 10th Fine weather and little Surf but blows hard from the East Majr. Ross sent for Jno. Ascott who had been his Servant a few days since but had parted with him on account of his Running after the women and asked him what the Men intended doing Yesterday if he had not taking there provisions he Said that he did not no [know] but that the men had looked very cool on him Since Yesterday because he was the first man that Said he would take his provisions So much So that he asked all the men in the Barrack to lend him a knife and none of them would that Francis Mee Said that Marching Regiment Should Stick together when I made Answer (? Ascott) and there officers Should also Majr. Ross Sent for Joseph Ratford [Radford] and asked him if he knew what the men intended to doe if the[y] had not taking there provisions he Said that he was not amongst the men except when Capt. Johnstone [242] ordered the Companies to fall in that thought then as he dose now that the men were wrong for he did not Expect to be so long on full allowance as he has been for he did not think the Store could have afforded to have given full allowance So long as it has done I asked Henry Parsons to day what they intended doing if the[y] had not taking there provisions as the[y] had Parsons made me [Radford] for answer that we Should have gone to the Store and demanded our full allowance of the Store Keeper and if he would not have given use, it Should have taking what was offered use but Should done nothing more which is what I learn from Parsons.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Ross (commander); George Johnston (captain); Ralph Clark (second lieutenant, diarist)

Muster roll of his majesty's New South Wales Corps of Foot . . . from 25 June to 24 December 1794 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . .
Joseph Vasconcellas Reduced 4 Dec'r
Henry Parsons [appointed] 8 Dec'r

Monthly pay-list and muster-roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot . . . from 25 June to 24 July 1796 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Privates . . . Hen'y Parsons - £ 1 / 10 / - . . .

[Playbill], MRS. PARRY'S NIGHT . . . June 1, 1799"; in "BOTANY BAY THEATRICALS", The sporting magazine 18 (1801), 40 (DIGITISED)

MRS. PARRY's Night. (By permission of his Excellency.)
AT The THEATRE, SYDNEY, Saturday, June 1, 1799, will be presented,
Ap Hazard (for that night only) Mrs. Parry; Sir Charles Danvers, by P. Parry;
Tom Seymour, by J. White; Orville, by W. Smith; Samuel, H. Parsons;
Sir Bamber Blackletter, G. H. Hughes; Mrs. Seymour, Mrs. McCann;
Miss Union, Mrs. Radley; Lady Danvers, (for that night only) Mrs. Miller.
After the Play, a new Occasional Address I will be spoken, by Mrs. Parry.
To which will be added,
Sir John Trotley, G. H. Hughes; Colonel Tivey, W. Smith;
Lord Minikin, W. Knight; Jessamy, H. Parsons;
Davey, J. White; Lady Minikin, by Mrs. Radley;
Gymp, Mrs. Sparks; and Miss Tittup, Mrs. Parry.
Boxes 5s - Front Boxes 3s 6d - Pit 2s 6d - Gallery 1s.
Tickets to be had of Mrs. Parry and of W. Miller.
Doors open at half past five, and begin at half past six.

[Footnotes] P. Parry, convict for life, late Grocer in Oxford-street, London; highway robbery. Mrs. McCann, convict (by Britannia transport) for seven years; London brothel-keeper, St. Mary-le-bone. [Address] Written by Michael Massey Robinson. Clerk to the Judge Advocate. Hughes, a Printer, prisoner. Sparks came out a free woman, and lives with Vandercomb, who is a steady fellow. Frances Grosvenor, alias Foy, convict by Britannia transport, for seven years, from London Cyprian corps; and Pavey, a quondam grocer in Oxford-street; Occasional Performers.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frances Parry (actor, vocalist)

PIECES: Fortune's fool (Reynolds); Bon ton; or, High life above stairs (Oxberry/Garrick)

Sydney playbill, 8 March 1800 (SL-NSW)

[Playbill], Theatre, Sydney, 8 March 1800, The recruiting officer and The virgin unmasked; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

By Permission of His Excellency,
at the THEATRE, SYDNEY, on Saturday March 8, 1800, will be Presented
The COMEDY of The Recruiting Officer . . . To which will be added
A Musical Entertainment called
The Virgin Unmasked.
Blister - W. Smith.
Goodwill - H. Parsons.
Quaver - G. Hughes
Coupee - B. Smith
Thomas - J. White
Lucy - Mrs. Parry . . .

PIECES: See main entry in chronicle 1800 The virgin un'masked

[Playbill] Theatre, Sydney, 8 April 1800, Henry the Fourth; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

By permission of His Excellency, at the Theatre, Sydney . . .
On Tuesday April 8 1800 will be presented the favourite play Henry the Fourth . . .
Douglas - H. Parsons.
Lady Percy - Mrs. Parry.
End of the Play a new Dance called The Drenken Swiss By D. Parnell and Mrs. Parry.
To which will be added The Irish Widow . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Parnell (actor, vocalist)

"PRECISE FORM OF A BOTANY-BAY PLAY-BILL, As there published June 23, 1800", Sporting Magazine [London, England], 20 (January 1802), 225-26 (also reproduced at Jordan 2002, 52) (DIGITISED)

For the BENEFIT of Mrs. PARRY.
By permission of his Excellency.
At the THEATRE, SYDNEY, This Evening will be presented the favourite Comedy of,
She Stoops to Conquer; or, The Mistakes of a Night . . .
Hardcastle - C. Hughes
Young Marlow - W. Smith
Hastings - H. Parsons
Diggory - J. Cox
Tony Lumpkin - J. White
Miss Nevile - Mrs. Radleyv Mrs. Hardcastle - Mrs. Barnes
Pimple - Mrs. Charlton; and
Miss Hardcastle - Mrs. Parry . . .

To which will be added, a Musical Entertainment, called
The Devil to Pay; or, The Wives Metamorphosed . . .
Nell - Mrs. Parry.

Boxes, 5s. Front Boxes, 3s. 6d. Pit 2s. 6d. Gallery, 1s. Doors open at Half past Five, begin at Half past Six.
No person will be admitted without a Ticket; and it is requested that no person will attempt to smoak; or bring spirits into the Theatre.
No Money will be returned. Tickets tq be had of Serj.-Major Jamieson, D. Bevan, S. Lord, M. Kearns, Mrs. Parry, Serj. Field, S. Forster, and J. Mackey, next door to the Theatre.

[Editorial comment] More recent advices from that Settlement say, that a smart altercation had just taken place in the Green-room of their Theatre, in consequence of the Beggar's Opera having been given out by the Manager. It was agreed, on all hands, that the play was very strongly cast. Mackheath observed, that as he had acted, on all occasions, like a Gentleman in his profession, he should have no objection to the performance of the character. Polly and Lucy remained passive - Bagshsot expressed some scruples - the rest of the gang were divided in opinion. At length, from a suggestion of Filch, how far the representation of the piece might tend to wound the feelings of both audience and performers, the matter was postponed for further consideration.

Monthly pay-list and muster-roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 December 1800 to 24 January 1801 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . . Kerr George / To Private 28 Dec'r
Harry Parsons / From private 28 Dec'r

Monthly pay-list and muster-roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 February to 24 March 1801 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . . Parsons Henry / To Ser't in C. Johnstone's 2 March

Monthly pay-list and muster-roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 May to 24 June 1801 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeants . . . Parsons Henry / Reduced 6 June to Private in Cap't Johnston's 7 June (DIGITISED)

Privates . . . Kerr George / To Corp. in C'n Rowley's 7 June

[1 June 1802] [balance sheet of the orphan fund . . . 9 May 1803]; HRA 1/4, 103 (DIGITISED)

. . . [1802] June 1 / paid Henry Parsons Singing Master / £3 3s 0d . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Female Orphan School (Sydney)

Monthly Pay List and Muster Roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 September to 24 October 1804 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Corporals . . .
Kerr Geo. / Died 19th October
Parsons Harry / [from] 20th Oct. / Fm. Private in C'n Johnston's 19 Oct'r

Monthly Pay-List and Muster-Roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 April to 24 May 1806 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Capt. [Ralph] Wilson's company . . . Corporals / Parsons Harry / Band

Description book, to 24 June 1806 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Corporal Parsons Harry / [re-enlisted in NSW Corps] 10 October 1797 [sic] / Division Marines 17 Nov. 1776 [to] 6 Apr. 1792 / Present Corps 7 Apr. 1792 [to] 6 Apr. 1797 / [Date of birth, originally enlisted under 18] 29 Aug. 1768 / [Promoted] To Corporal 21 Oct. 1804

Description book, June-September 1808 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeant Parsons Harry / [enlisted in present corps] 6th Apr 1792 / Sydney / [came per] Sirius / Jan'y 1788 / Prev'y Div'n Marines / [age] 40 yrs 1 mth / 5 ft 7 in . . . / [born] Stoke Dameral [sic] / Plymouth Dock / Devon / [complexion] Fair / [eyes] Hazle / [hair] Light Brown / [viage] Round . . .

Pay-list of the 102nd Regiment of Foot from 25 June to 24 September 1808 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeants . . . Parsons Harry / From Corporal . . . 25 July / Band

"LETTERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 February 1809), 1 

THE undermentioned Letters are now in the hands of G. Dowling, Hospital Wharf, and will be delivered when called for: . . . Henry Parsons . . .

"General Orders", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (25 June 1809), 1 

The undermentioned Appeals from the Decisions of the Court of Civil Judicature to His Honor the Lieutenant Governor, as a judge of the High Court of Appeals, will be heard in the order in which they have been lodged in the Secretary's Office, commencing on Monday the 26th instant, viz.
Henry Parsons, v. Edward Lambe . . .

Statement of the pay and allowances of . . . the 102nd Regiment of Foot from 25 December 1809 to 24 March 1810 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeant / Parsons Harry / Band

"SYDNEY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 May 1810), 2 

Yesterday a number of prisoners, charged with various offences, were examined before ELLIS BENT, Esq. Judge Advocate, and ALEXANDER RILEY, D'ARCY WENTWORTH, and SIMEON LORD, Esquires . . . William Hankey, Marcus Doolan, and William Marsden, the two former of whom were servants of Richard Atkins, Esq. were also examined on a charge of attempting to break and enter the shop, being part of the dwelling house of Mr. Thomas Abbott, with intent to steal therein: In support of which accusation Mr. Abbott stated upon oath, that between the hours of twelve and one on the morning of the 5th instant, he was disturbed when in bed with the noise of persons, as he considered, breaking in; that upon going to the place from whence the alarm proceeded, he found that a window shutter had been removed, and by the light of a candle which stood opposite, distinctly saw Hankey and Doolan, with whose persons he was well acquainted: that he ran immediately to the door in order to alarm the neighbourhood, & in going out was opposed by Hankey, who with horrible imprecations threatened to take his life; but that he escaped his fury, and obtaining assistance, went immediately in pursuit of the delinquents towards the premises of Mr. Atkins, whither they had retired precipitately: that upon his approaching the gate, accompanied by the Serjeant of the Barrack Guard and others, Hankey rushed towards him from out of the yard, evidently with intent to assault him, but desisted upon observing a superior force against him, and was accordingly apprehended, as afterwards were the other two. This evidence was corroborated in many material points by that of Serjeant Parsons, who had assisted to take Hankey prisoner; and who further stated, that when he was conducing him towards the guard-house, the prisoner Marsden, who said he was a landholder, and only an accidental visitor of the others, followed them and declared his readiness to prove the man in charge innocent of the crime alledged to him, and was in consequence detained as an accomplice. Doolan was afterwards taken in his master's kitchen. The prisoners set up a defence devoid of probability, upon which the Court cleared, and on re-opening Marsden was acquitted for want of evidence, and ordered to be discharged: The other prisoners were found guilty, both, and being already under sentence of the Law, sentenced for the above misdemeonor to receive 50 lashes each, and remain in gaol until banished, Hankey to the Derwent, and Doolan for 12 months to Hunter's River.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 April 1815), 2 

To be Sold by Private Contract, a HOUSE situate 67, George street, opposite the Market Place -
For particulars enquire of Sergeant Parsons, Royal Veteran Company, Sydney.

Payment request, Lachlan Macquarie to D'Arcy Wentworth, 17 September 1815; Wentworth family papers, MS A763, 83, State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

£4. 5. St'r / Gov't House Sydney / 21st Sept'r 1815.
Sir, Please to pay to the Bearer Serjeant Henry Parsons, the sum of Four Pounds and Five Shillings Sterling, being in full remuneration of Ten pairs of Shoes [? owing] to him as Leader of Church Music (by former custom) from 1 Oct'r 1812 to 1st April 1815 being for 2 1/2 years at the rate of 8/6 per pair, charging the same to the Police Fund.
L. Macquarie
To D. Wentworth Esq'r treasurer.

[Verso] Received the within / Harry Parsons

"AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 June 1817), 1

THE COMMITTEE for the Town of Sydney, with the Permission and Approbation of his EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR, and His Honor the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR; have appointed Serjeant Harry Parsons of the Royal Veteran Company to be their Collector, who will deliver the Holy Scriptures for which the inhabitants have applied, and receive all Payments for the same, and also wait upon the Benefactors and Subscribers for their Contributions to this Society.
Sydney, June 28th, 1817.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Cowper (clergyman); Edward Riley (merchant)

"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 August 1817), 2

. . . STATEMENT of the COLONIAL POLICE FUND, and FEMALE ORPHAN INSTITUTION FUND, for the Quarter ending on the 30th of June last . . .
1817 . . . [To] Serjt. Parsons, Charles Clark, Edward Roche, Thomas Byrne, Charles Thompson, Andrew Roche, Charles Whalan, John Jacques, John Clark, Edward Walsh, and William King, the amount of of sundry Disbursements on account of Government - 12 / 4 / 3 1/2 . . .

"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 June 1818), 1 

. . . CIVIL DEPARTMENT . . . STATEMENT of the COLONIAL POLICE FUND, for the Quarter ending the 31st of March last . . .
SALARIES FROM THE 31st DECEMBER, 1817, TO THE 31st MARCH, 1818 . . .
Barrack Serjeant H. Parsons - 6 / 15 / 0 . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 June 1818), 1 

SERJEANT Harry Parsons, of the Royal Veteran Company, having tendered his Services as Collector and Storekeeper; and having acquired the particular Confidence of the General Committee, has been duly appointed to the respective Offices . . .
(signed) JOHN WYLDE, President.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Wylde (president, deputy judge advocate)

[August 1818] Paid from the Police Fund for musician's performance of sacred music at St Philip's Church, Sydney; Colonial Secretary's Papers, 1788-1825; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)

"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 August 1818), 1

. . . CIVIL DEPARTMENT . . . STATEMENTS of the COLONIAL POLICE, and FEMALE ORPHAN INSTITUTION FUNDS, for the Quarter ending the 30th of June last . . .
[To] Serjeant Parsons, for Musician's Performance of Sacred Music in St. Phillip's Church, at Sydney. - 5 5 0.

"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 November 1818), 2 

. . . CIVIL DEPARTMENT . . . STATEMENTS of the COLONIAL POLICE, and FEMALE ORPHAN INSTITUTION FUNDS, for the Quarter ending 30th of September last . . .
Barrack Serjeant Harry Parsons - 6 / 18 / 0 . . .

"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 February 1819), 2 

. . . CIVIL DEPARTMENT . . . STATEMENT of the COLONIAL POLICE FUND for the Quarter ending 31st of December, 1818 . . .
Barrack Serjeant Harry Parsons - 6 / 18 / 0 . . .

"The BENEVOLENT SOCIETY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 April 1819), 1 

MR. EDWARD QUIN, of Sydney, has been duly appointed, and is authorised to act as Collector, in the Room of Serjeant PARSONS, whose other Duties have obliged him to resign that Office . . .

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 May 1819), 3

AT the ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING of the New South Wales Auxiliary Bible Society, THE HONORABLE MR. JUDGE ADVOCATE WYLDE, V. P. IN THE CHAIR, It was resolved: . . .
THAT Mr. Edward Quin of Sydney be and is appointed and authorised to act as the Collector to this Society, in the Room of the late Serjeant Parsons deceased . . .

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 May 1819), 3

The death of Serjeant Harry Parsons who arrived here in the Marines a mere youth thirty years ago, took place three weeks since at Sydney. He went from the Marines into the Colonial Corps, afterwards the 102d Regiment of the Line; was Master of the Band; and remained in each succeeding Regiment on account of his very great utility to the Colony as Instructor of Sacred Music to the little female Orphans, and their constant leader at divine worship. He was a much respected man; and at his funeral received the parting honours of his military profession, accompanied by the deepest regret from all who knew him.

"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 June 1819), 2 

. . . CIVIL DEPARTMENT . . . STATEMENTS of the COLONIAL POLICE and ORPHAN INSTITUTION FUNDS, for the Quarter ending the 31st of March last . . .
Barrack Master Harry Parsons - 6 / 15 / 0 . . .

"THE 48TH REGIMENT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 May 1830), 3 

Our old-resident readers will be gratified to hear a little news of their old friends, the 48th; but we are sorry to say the news is of a melancholy kind. Its present station is Bellary, 400 miles distant from Madras; and by letters just received, we learn that . . . Corporal THACKER had become a Serjeant, and had lost his wife by death; she was a native of this Colony, and a daughter of the late Serjeant PARSONS. So dreadful had been the havock made in the Regiment by cholera morbus, that but few of the men who composed it when here remained alive.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Parsons (b. 3 August 1802; baptised St. Philip's, Sydney, 29 August 1802; married Thomas Thacker, 48th Regiment, St. Philip's, Sydney, 14 September 1819)

"Death", The Australian (19 March 1839), 3 

On the 18th instant, at her daughter's (Mrs. Curtis, of Hunter-street), Mrs Mary Wright, aged sixty-nine years, formerly widow of the respected Barrack Sergeant (Parsons), who was followed to his grave by Colonel Erskine, and the Officers of the 48th Regiment, and an old inhabitant of the Colony and much respected.

Bibliography and resources:

[? Joseph Michael Forde], "EARLY THEATRICALS", The Australian Star (13 March 1897), 9

[Joseph Michael Forde], "MUMMER MEMOIRS", Sydney Sportsman (1 November 1905), 3 

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde (journalist, theatre historian)

Fred. W. Weirter, "SYDNEY'S FIRST THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1926), 11 

. . . On Tuesday, April 8, Shakespeare's "Henry Fourth" is advertised, the cast being composed of W. Smith (Prince of Wales), J. Davison (Hotspur), I. Payne (King Henry), H. Parsons (Douglas), J. Cox (Blunt), W. Richards (Bardolph), B. Smith (Poins), J. White (Falstaff), Mrs. Barnes (Hostess), and Mrs. Parry (Lady Percy) . . .

Claire C. Evans, "Harry Parsons - early Sydney musician", Descent 4 (1967), 109-11

Mollie Gillen, The founders of Australia: a biographical dictionary of the First Fleet (Sydney: Library of Australian History, 1989), 277

Pamela Statham (ed.), A colonial regiment: new sources relating to the New South Wales Corps 1789-1810 ([Canberra]: P. Statham, 1992), 227

PARSONS, HENRY (or Harry), born 1768 Plymouth. 5ft. 7", ex-marine.; 26-1-1788 Arrive Sirius; 4-3-1790 where to Norfolk Island; 23-4-1791 where to Sydney; 6-4-1792 Enlisted Sydney; 6-4-1792 Rank Private; 20-10-1794 Rank Corporal; 6-4-1797 Discharged; 10-10-1797 Re-enlistment; 0-0-1798 Detachment Johnston; 0-0-1799 Detachment Johnston; 0-0-1800 Detachment Johnston; 28-12-1800 Rank Corporal; 0-0-1801 Detachment Townson/Johnston; 2-3-1801 Rank Sergeant; 0-0-1802 Detachment Johnston; 0-0-1803 Detachment Johnston; 20-10-1804 Rank Corporal; 0-0-1804 Detachment Wilson; 0-0-1804 Grant 250ac Bankstown; 0-0-1805 Detachment Wilson; 0-0-1806 Detachment Wilson [Band]; 0-0-1807 Detachment Wilson [Band]; 0-0-1808 Detachment Wilson/Cummings [Band]; 25-7-1809 Rank Sergeant; 0-0-1809 Detachment Cummings/Band; 0-0-1810 Detachment 7 Co. [Band]; 24-4-1810 Transfer Veterans' Co.

Robert Jordan, The convict theatres of early Australia 1788-1840 (Sydney: Currency House Inc., 2002), 48, 50-52, 97, 107, 244-45 (main entry), 322 (notes)

Robert Jordan, "Music and civil society in New South Wales, 1788-1809", Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 98/2 (December 2012), (193-210), 195 (PAYWALL)

Robert Jordan, "Music and the military in New South Wales, 1788-1809", Journal of Australian colonial history 17 (2015), (1-22), 9-10, 11,;dn=428841963923204;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)

Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825; State Records Authority of NSW

B. and M. Chapman, "Marine Private Henry Parsons (1768-1819)", Australia's red coat settlers (archived NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)

Cathy Dunn, "Henry Parson, (Harry) Private, Marines 45th (Plymouth) Company HMS Sirius 1788," HMS Sirius (archived NLA Pandora)

PASCOE, Edward (Edward PASCOE [sic]; Hedley Vicars Edwin PASCOE; H. V. E. PASCOE)

Musician, "blind organist", composer

Born c. 1861/62
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1869
Died Warrnambool, VIC, 4 November 1936, aged "74" (shareable link to this entry)



[News], The Argus (9 September 1869), 5

A very painful case came before the Geelong bench of magistrates yesterday. A boy named Edward Pascoe, born blind, aged eight years, was charged as a neglected child. A Mrs. Harvey stated that the father was dead, and the mother left him in her charge about two years since. She went to one of the banks one day for the alleged purpose of getting money to pay witness, but had never returned. Witness had kept the child since, but could not afford to do so any longer. Although blind, the child was most intelligent. Witness, in reply to a question put by the police magistrate, stated that she would prefer that the child should be admitted in the Asylum for the Blind. He had relations in a good position in England, and witness could give their address. At the request of the Bench the charge was withdrawn, the magistrates undertaking to lay the facts before the Chief Secretary with the view of obtaining an order for the child's admission to the asylum, Mrs. Harvey in the meantime to continue to take charge of the boy.

[News], The Argus (31 March 1882), 5

Mr. Moss had gratifying news to communicate, namely, that one of the pupils had been appointed organist at St. James Church, Melbourne and that he had received from the Rev. Mr. Becher, from the choir and from the congregation, the most satisfactory accounts of the way in which Edward Pascoe had done his duty during the last two Sundays. The speaker feared that want of confidence or prejudice stood in the way of the employment of blind organists, but hoped other congregations would follow that of St. James. During the moonlit periods of the next two months the musical pupils would be engaged in country concerts on the Echuca and Wodonga lines of railway . . . It has been mentioned to us that Henry Forder, a former pupil of the institution has lately been appointed organist at the Presbyterian Church, St. Kilda.

"A WORLD WITHOUT LIGHT", The McIvor Times (26 April 1883), 3

"CHURCH NEWS", The Australasian (10 May 1902), 7

Mr. H. V. E. Pascoe, the organist of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Warrnambool, is spoken of as "a most interesting musician." Although not totally blind, his sight is so defective that he has to play his pieces entirely from memory. On Monday afternoon Mr. Pascoe gave an organ rehearsal for a recital at the Masonic-hall during the week, and not only played perfectly, among other things, Bach's great Fantasia and Fugue in G minor, but also stood the extremely difficult test of picking out rapidly, aided by ear alone, each note of greatly extended chords, worked into puzzling chromatic refinements, played by a leading local musician.

[News], Camperdown Chronicle (11 February 1919), 2

"WARRNAMBOOL & DISTRICT", The Argus (6 November 1936), 4

Mr. H. V. E. Pascoe, who was organist of St. John's Presbyterian Church for 34 years has died aged 74 years.

PASCOE, William (William PASCOE)

Musician, pianist

Active Port Augusta, SA, 1865 (shareable link to this entry)


"METHODIST NEW CONNEXION CHURCH", South Australian Register (16 June 1864), 2 

. . . Miss Rackstrow and Mr. W. Pascoe presided at the piano during the day . . .

"Criminal-Sitzungen des Supreme-Court", Süd Australische Zeitung (19 May 1865), 6 

H. J. Hall, der bekannte Schauspieler, von seinem, von ihm wegen Trunksucht entlassenen Clavierspieler W. Pascoe eines unanständigen Angriffs beschul digt, wurde, da die Beweise houml;chst unvollständig waren, freigesprochen.

"INDECENT ASSAULT", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (20 May 1865), 7

Henry Julien Colman, otherwise Hall, was indicted for indecently assaulting Wm. Pascoe, a young man lately in his employ as a musician, at Port Augusta. Mr. Downer defended the prisoner, and, from the fact which came out in evidence, that Pascoe was locked up one night at the instance of the prisoner for drunkenness, put the case as one of malice on the part of the prosecutor out of revenge for being locked up.

"LYNDOCH AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Observer (2 September 1865), 2 supplement 

. . . The Lyndoch Brass Band, Mr. W. Pascoe on the piano, and several songs added greatly to the harmony of the evening, and the proceedings were wound up by a ball.


Musicseller, piano tuner, musician, music teacher

Born Broadwater, Sussex, England, 1831
? Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 May 1853 (per Abyssinia, from San Francisco)
Married Salome HARMAN, Dunmore, NSW, 6 February 1860
Died West Maitland, NSW, 24 May 1904, aged 73 (for 50 years music importer, West Maitland) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PASKINS, Salome (Salome HARMAN; Mrs. Henry PASKINS)


Born Bolwarra, NSW, 8 June 1840; daughter of Walter and Mary Ann PAINE
Married Henry PASKINS, Dunmore, NSW, 6 February 1860
Died West Maitland, NSW, 14 July 1911 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Musicseller, musician, pianist, music teacher

Born Maitland, NSW, 1867
Died Maitland, NSW, 30 October 1945 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


England census, 30 March 1851, Broadwater, Sussex; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1651 (PAYWALL)

Job Paskings / Head / 58 / Agr'l Labo'r / [born] [Broadwater]
Sarah [Paskings] / Wife / 55 / Housekeeper / [born] [Broadwater]
Eliza / 28 // Job / 20 // [both born] [Broadwater]
Henry Paskings / Son / 19 / Grocer / [born] Broadwater
Sarad / 18 // Elias / 12 / Isaac / 11 / Albert / 8

? "ARRIVALS", Empire (12 May 1853), 2

May 11. - Abyssinia, barque, 399 tons, Captain Thomas J. Ferrers, from San Francisco 3rd. March. Passengers - Messrs. Alfred Laming, Lewis Lavenu . . . Henry Paskins . . .

[Advertisement], Northern Times (17 March 1860), 3

Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired. ON VERY LOW TERMS.
PARTIES visiting Maitland wishing to LEARN MUSIC,
by calling at H. PASKINS can be taught to play the Flutina or Accordian before leaving the shop.
N. B. - H. P. has taught parties from 12 up to 70 years of age.
Musical instruments always on hand. Don't forget the address-
H. PASKINS, Cheap Music Shop, Nearly opposite the Angel Inn, High-street, West Maitland.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (16 February 1861), 3 

PARTIES visiting Maitland, wishing to learn MUSIC, by calling on -
H. PASKINS, can be taught to play the
before leaving the shop! This call will prove a SAVING benefit, viz., being taught to play, also how to keep their instrument in order.
The following is a List of Prices of Instruments on hand, -
VIOLINS (perfect), from - 10s. to 60s.
Flutinas (with lessons) - 25s. to 60s.
Concertinas (do. do.) 20 keys, from 12s. 6d. to 35s.
"Perfect" ditto (ditto ditto), 28 keys, from - 30s.
CORNETS and SAX HORNS - 25s. to 60s.
Clarionets - 25s.
Flutes, 1 key - 4s. to 12s. 6d.
Ditto, 4 keys, silver mounted - 15s. to 30s.
Ditto, 8 keys, ebony ditto - 40s.
Flageolets, very good - 10s.
GUITARS, superior - 25s. to 40s.
HARMONA or OBGANINE, 3 octaves (with lessons) - £6 10s.
N.B. - H. P. has taught parties from 12 to 70 years of age to play in a few hours.
Note the address - H. PASKINS, CHEAP MUSIC SHOP,
Next J. Riley's, Staffordshire Warehouse, West Maitland.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (3 August 1861), 1 

Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired on very Low Terms.
PARTIES visiting Maitland, wishing to LEARN MUSIC, by calling at
THE FLUTINA, CONCERTINA, or ACCORDEON, before leaving the Shop, or no charge.
Parties will prove this a saving benefit, viz., by being taught to play; also, how to keep their instruments in order.
N.B. - H. P. has taught parties from 12 to 70 years of age.
The following INSTRUMENTS kept on hand:
Harmoniums, from 1 to 4 stops; Flutes; Tenor Horns
Picoloes; French Horns
Flutinas; Flageolettes; Trombones
German Concertinas; Clarionets; Guitars
English ditto, 48 keys; Cornets; Violin & Guitar Strings
Accordeons; Sax Horns; Violins.
Don't forget the Address - H. PASKINS, Cheap Music Shop,
Next to J. J. Riley's Staffordshire Warehouse, High-street, West Maitland.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (3 December 1861), 4 

JUST OPENED, direct from the Importers, a Fine Assortment of
Flutinas, from 15s.
A large assortment of Violins, from 7s. 6d.
Violins, in cases, 50s.
Concert Flutes, from 4s. to 40s.
Piccaloes, from 1s. to 15s.
Cornets, from 25s. in cases.
Flute Flageolets (Blackman's patent), 15s.
Harmoniums, £4 10s.
Piano Music and Instruction Books of all kinds . . .

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (29 March 1862), 1 

ANY person PURCHASING any of the following INSTRUMENTS -
viz, Flutina, Concertina, Accordion, Flute, Flageolett, Clarionet, Cornet, or Violin at the
CHEAP MUSIC SHOP, to the value of £l, can receive
Lessons given at 25s. per quarter, and New Instruments given in free of any charge . . .

"TOWN IMPROVEMENTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (21 September 1867), 4

. . . Mr. Paskins has recently opened a new music warehouse, erected on the land adjoining Mr. Norrie's residence, and with his three extensive windows makes a good show of the instruments &c., he deals in . . .

"THE ARTILLERY BAND", The Newcastle Chronicle (28 October 1869), 3

This band, which already numbers thirteen members, is making great progress towards proficiency, under the able tuition of Mr. J. M. Gates, and in about two months more we may expect to have a brass band in the town to enliven us, almost equal to that of our neighbours in West Maitland. Mr. Gates lately purchased from Mr. Paskins, of West Maitland, three brass instruments, viz., a bombardone, a baritone, and a tenor horn. He speaks highly in favor of them as being of a first class character, and were purchased at a low figure. We are glad to learn that such instruments can be obtained at Mr. Paskins', without the trouble and expense of sending to England for them.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Mortimer Gates

[Advertisement], Dungog Chronicle, Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (21 November 1899), 3

Pianos, Organs, &c.
HAYING recently purchased the Old-established Business, carried on by my father (Mr. E. Paskins) for the past 39 years, I beg to solicit a continuance of the kind support which has been extended to him . . .

"DEATHS", The Maitland Mercury (30 May 1904), 1

PASKINS. - May 24th, at his residence, Bourke-street, West Maitland, of pneumonia, Henry Paskins, aged 73 years, leaving a sorrowing wife and five children.

"DEATH OF MR. HENRY PASKINS", The Maitland Mercury (24 May 1904), 2

This afternoon Mr. Henry Paskins, of West Maitland, died at his residence in Bourke-street. He was 73 years of age. He was born near Brighton, England, and, after varied experiences in early manhood, he came to this district nearly half a century ago. He engaged in business as a dealer in musical instruments, and gradually built up a large business, and made the name of Paskins known throughout the State. For a time after coming to Maitland he had a shop near High-street railway station; but soon he moved up town, and took a place close to where Paskins' Arcade now stands. About two years ago Mr. Paskins went to England, and visited many familiar spots. He returned in excellent spirits; but during the last 12 months he has been in indifferent health. Nevertheless he continued active and vivacious, and not until a short time before his death was the end expected. He passed away peacefully. The cause of death was the wasting of the body by age. He leaves a widow and two sons and three daughters.

"Death of Mrs. Paskins", The Maitland Daily Mercury (14 July 1911), 4 

The death occurred at her residence, Bulwer-street, this morning, of Mrs. Salome Paskins, an old and highly respected resident of the district, and relict of the late Mr. Henry Paskins, who had predeceased her a number of years. Death was due to an attack of pneumonia. The late Mrs. Paskins was a native of Bolwarra, and had attained the advanced age of 71 years. She was widely known in connection with the music emporium, conducted in High-street, and was highly respected and esteemed by a large circle of acquaintances. She leaves a family of two sons and three daughters, with whom much sympathy is felt in their sad bereavement.

"OBITUARY. MR. E. PASKINS", Dungog Chronicle (9 November 1945), 3

A son of the late Mr. Henry Paskins, he was born in Maitland and spent all his life of 78 years there. His father opened a music store in High Street, near High Street railway station, 85 years ago, and Mr. Elias Paskins was associated with him in that business. He had conducted it himself since his late father retired 45 years ago. Mr. Paskins was always deeply interested in any musical organisations in the town and these always had his enthusiastic support.

Bibliography and resources:

Henry Paskins, WikiTree 

PASLEY, Charles (Charles PASLEY)

Musical amateur, soldier, member and vice-president Melbourne Philharmonic Society (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (31 January 1861), 5 

The adjourned annual meeting of the Philharmonic Society was held at the Mechanics' Institution yesterday evening, Captain Pasley, vice-president of the society, in the chair. About 60 members were present . . . The officers elected were as follow: President, Sir R. Barry; vice-presidents, Capt. Pasley, Mr. T. J. Sumner; treasurer (requested to act), Mr. E. Wyld; conductor, Herr Elsasser; organist, Mr. L. L. Lewis; committee, Messrs. W. G. Dredge, G. O. Rutter, J. Russell, E. Wyld, W. Clarke; librarian, Mr. S. Moxon . . .

PATERSON, Andrew Barton (Andrew Barton PATERSON; A. B. PATERSON; "Banjo"; "The Banjo"; Banjo PATERSON)

Colonial song collector and editor, bush balladist, poet

Born Narrambla, NSW, 17 February 1864
Died Sydney, NSW, 5 February 1941 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)



"THE OLD BUSH SONGS OF AUSTRALIA", Newcastle Morning Herald (16 August 1897), 8

MESSRS. ANGUS AND ROBERTSON contemplate the publication of a volume of the old Bush and Campfire songs of Australia, to be edited by Mr. A. B. Patersen [sic] ("The Banjo"), author of The Man from Snowy River. In this work, which may justly be called a National undertaking, the publishers rely on the co-operation of every Australian. Those having words, or even fragments, of the bush and campfire songs are requested to send them, with the music or air when possible, to Messrs. ANGUS AND RORERTSON, 89 Castlereagh-street, Sydney, who will duly acknowledge the receipt of same.

"THE OLD BUSH SONGS OF AUSTRALIA", Freeman's Journal (21 August 1897), 19

"Old Bush Songs: Memories of the Roaring Days", The Catholic Press (8 February 1906), 16

"PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. OLD BUSH SONGS", The Queenslander (17 February 1906), 20


A. B. Paterson, The old bush songs: composed and sung in the bushranging, digging, and overlanding days (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1905) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

Douglas Stewart and Nancy Keesing (eds), Old bush songs and rhymes of colonial times, enlarged and revised from the collection of A. B. Paterson (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1957) 

Warren Fahey and Graham Seal (eds), Old bush songs: the centenary edition of Banjo Paterson's classic collection (Sydney: ABC Books, 2005)

Bibliography and resources:

Clement Semmler, "Paterson, Andrew Barton (Banjo) (1864-1941)", Australian dictionary of biography 11 (1988)


Secretary (Mechanic's Institution, Melbourne; Melbourne Philharmonic Society)

Born Scotland, c. 1820s; son of James PATERSON
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1850
Died Melbourne, VIC, 18/19 February 1855 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


? "ROYAL SCOTTISH SOCIETY OF ARTS", The Melbourne Argus (19 March 1847), 2 

We observe by the late Edinburgh newspapers that at the annual general meeting of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, held in that city on the 9th November last, the honorary silver medal was awarded to Mr. James Paterson, engineer, Melbourne, Port Phillip, for his description, with drawings, of a water-meter invented by him.

[Advertisement], The Argus (12 November 1852), 5

MEMBERS of the Institution who are interested in the revival of the operation of the above Class, instituted for the Improvement of the Members by the discussion of literary,
scientific, and other subjects, are respectfully requested to attend
This Evening, the 12th Inst., at the hour of Seven o'clock, In the Hall of the Institution,

[Advertisement], The Argus (16 February 1853), 2 

WANTED, by the Concert Committee of the Mechanic's' Institution, a first-class Violinist, to act as leader and manager of a proposed new series of weekly concerts. JAMES PATERSON, Secretary.

[Advertisement], The Argus (14 October 1854), 7

PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY.- The next General Rehearsal of the Society will be held on Saturday evening, at seven o'clock, at the Exhibition Building. The copies required are the Messiah, and the Creation. JAMES PATERSON, Hon. Sec.

"DIED", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (20 February 1855), 5 

At Melbourne, on the morning of 19th February, James Paterson, son of Mr. James Paterson, Montrose, brother of William Paterson of Geelong.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Paterson, senior, of Montrose, was a surveyor of roads, and author of several pamphlets; William Paterson (c. VIC, 1884) was a watchmaker

"DIED", The Age (20 February 1855), 4

On the 18th inst., Mr. James Paterson, Secretary to the Melbourne Mechanics' Institution, Collins street

"MR. JAMES PATERSON", The Argus (21 February 1855), 6 

The Mechanics' Institution has sustained a great loss in the death of the secretary, Mr. James Paterson. This gentleman died on Sunday night, after on illness of a few days. He leaves a widow and one child. As a token of respect for his services and character, the institution was closed yesterday, and his funeral was attended by the committee and members of the Mechanics' Institute and of the Philharmonic Society, Mr. Paterson having been secretary to that society also.

"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (1 August 1855), 4 

The members of this society gave a musical soiree yesterday evening at the Mechanics' Institution, and were honored by a very large and respectable attendance . . . After several vocal performances had been listened to with the attention they merited the Rev. W. Jarrett, vice-president of the society, and president for the evening, read the following statement of the society's progress:-

"In October, 1853, the members of the choir of the Wesleyan Church, Collins-street, in conjunction with a few other lovers of choral music, requested Mr. John Russell to aid them in the formation of a musical society, and to become its conductor. That gentleman, whose extensive experience, taste, and indefatigable zeal in the diffusion of musical knowledge pre-eminently qualified him for such an office, having given his cordial assent to the proposal, the Melbourne Philharmonic Society was formed, Mr. James Paterson, the late much respected secretary to the Mechanics' Institute, kindly consenting to occupy a similar position with regard to the Philharmonic Society . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Jarrett (vice- president); John Russell (conductor)

"THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTION", The Argus (4 February 1856), 5 

. . . Your committee record with extreme regret the sudden decease of the late much-respected secretary, Mr. James Paterson, whose zeal and devotion to the interests of the Institution will be gratefully remembered by all the members . . . [accounts paid] Widow of the late Mr. Paterson, in part of vote of £100 - 25 0 0 . . .

PATERSON, William (William PATERSON)

Soldier, commander NSW Corps, lieutenant governor of NSW

Born Angus, Scotland, 17 August 1755; baptised Kinnettles, 22 August 1755; son of David PATERSON
Married Elizabeth DRIVER, St. Martin in the Fields, London, England, 28 September 1789
Arrived Sydney, NSW, October 1791
Departed Sydney, NSW, April 1810
Died at sea, 21 June 1810 (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the NSW Corps (military band)

PATERSON, Elizabeth (Elizabeth DRIVER; [1] Mrs. William PATERSON; [2] Mrs. Francis GROSE)

Amateur musician, pianist

Born c. 1760
Married (1) William PATERSON, St. Martin in the Fields, London, England, 28 September 1789
Arrived Sydney, NSW, October 1791
Departed Sydney, NSW, April 1810
Married (2) Francis GROSE (1756-1814), Bath, England, 28 March 1814
Died Liverpool, England, 14 May 1839 (shareable link to this entry)


Letter, Ellis Bent to his mother, 27 April 1810; Ellis Bent correspondence, MS 195, 147-49; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

. . . It gave us both much pleasure to hear of the safe arrival [? in London] of Mr. and Mrs. G. Knox from Madeira. They behaved with great attention to Eliza . . . [Mrs. Knox] is a very great favorite of mine and I find they have been speaking in praise of Eliza's singing. She has indeed a sweet voice, of great compass and with a little more practice would modulate it very well. But we have not any Instrument, which is a loss we both feel extremely it would be a source of much amusement to Eliza when I am engaged in business. Mrs. Paterson has a small Pianoforte but she asked for it £40, and the sounding board was broken, and the Instrument was in other respects not a good one. I offered her £26 for it, but it was not accepted, tho' it did not cost her more than £25 and she had used it for ten Years . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ellis and Eliza Bent (colonists)

PATEY, Boyle Robertson (Boyle Robertson PATEY) alias (c. 1866-70) H. B. WILTON

Agent, manager, elocutionist, magician, conjuror

Born England, c. 1829; son of ? PATEY and Rebecca ROBERTSON
Married (1) Jane SMALL, Hobart, TAS, 1854
Married (2) Emma Elizabeth WEIPPERT, Collins-street Baptist church, Melbourne, VIC, 11 June 1866
Died Northcote, VIC, 13 June 1919, aged "90", "a colonist of 67 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PATON, David (David PATON)

Musician, vocalist, bandsman or auxiliary bandsman, Band of the 4th Regiment, soldier (shareable link to this entry)


The somatic conjuror: a treatise on natural and scientific magic, including the latest novelties, supernatural vision, or, second sight: the cherubs in the air, the floating head, the sphinx, etc., etc., by H. B. Wilton, sometime practical operator to Mons. Philippem agent to De Beer, agent and aoadjutor to Professor Ion, and others (Melbourne: Clarson, Massina, & Co., 1870) (DIGITISED)

PATTON, Emily (Emily Sophia HOLROYD; Mrs. Frederic George TERRY; Miss Emily HOLROYD; Mrs. Horatio William PATTON)

Actor, teacher of music and singing, journalist, memorist

Born London, 2 May 1831; baptised St. Marylebone, 9 August 1831; daughter of Arthur Todd HOLROYD (d. NSW, 1887) and Sophia Racehl ABBS (d. 1868)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 12 October 1845 (per Bee, from Wellington, NZ, 19 September, with father)
Married (1) Frederic George TERRY (d. 1858), Trinity church, Sydney, NSW, 13 May 1853
Married (2) Horatio William PATTON (d. 1888), VIC, 1860
Died Yokohama, Japan, 7 January 1912, aged 80 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

PATTON, Reginald Holroyd (Reginald Holroyd PATTON)

Pianist, composer

Born Melbourne, VIC, 30 March 1864; son of Horatio William PATTON (d. 1888) and Emily Sophia HOLROYD
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1877
Married Kate Amelia SYMMS, East Melbourne, VIC, 28 December 1885
Died Melbourne, VIC, 20 May 1886, in his 23rd year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Marylebone, Westminster, in the year 1831; register, 1829-35; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

[1831 August] 9 / Emily Sophia D. of / Arthur Todd & Sophia Rachel / Holroyd / 72 Harley Street / M. D. / [born] 2 May 1831 . . .

"MARRIED", Empire (31 May 1853), 2 

On Monday, 30th instant, by special license, at Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. C. Grylls, Frederic George Terry to Emily Sophia, daughter of Arthur Tod Holroyd, Esq., M.L.C.

"BIRTHS", The Argus (1 April 1864), 4 

PATTON. - On the 30th ult., at the Hermitage, Jolimont, the wife of Horatio William Patton of a son.

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (15 July 1859), 5 

The "Serious Family" is the hardest of dramatic evergreens. It flourishes on every soil, is always full of vital sap, and never loses its freshness. Its performance last night at the Theatre Royal was marked by two special circumstances - the assumption of the character of Aminadab Sleek by Mr. Lambert, and that of Emma Torrens by Miss Emily Holroyd, who made her first appearance on any stage. So at least the bills informed us, though in the absence of such an assurance we should not have supposed the young lady to have been so perfect a stranger to the foot-lights. Her confidence without being obtrusive was notable, and there were no traces of that awkwardness and nervousness which usually embarrass debutantes. Possessed of an attractive and intelligent face, a pleasant voice, and an equally pleasant manner, Miss Holroyd's natural qualifications are greatly in her favor, and she exhibited so much savoir faire, and such a thorough appreciation of the part she played, that with study and experience, she may be pronounced capable of becoming a good actress, and of adorning the profession she has adopted. Now that the ice is fairly broken let her take courage and proceed. The colonial stage has need of an addition to its number of gifted female performers, and the colonial public is neither slow to recognise, nor a niggard in its encouragement of genuine merit . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Charles Lambert (actor)

"THE LILY AND THE ROSE WALTZES", The Mercury (25 August 1877), 2

We have received a copy of some cleverly-written waltzes, under the above title, recently composed by Master Reginald Holroyd Patton, a boy of 13 years of age, who resides with his parents in Melbourne. The music is extremely simple, but well timed, and comprises some well-constructed passages, which attest a knowledge of the laws of music surprising in one of such tender age. The waltzes are the result of the musical education received by the young composer from his mother, who intends shortly publishing a work on a new system which she has invented to simplify the rules of harmony so that they may come within the comprehension of even a child. In reference to her son, she says that, "having thoroughly grounded him in musical keys and their usual modulations, I explained to him the ordinary method upon which a waltz is constructed by telling him to compose an air in any major key, then to modulate to its relative minor, and afterwards to use progressive modulation." The waltzes are dedicated to the Misses Lily and Rose Dampier, the talented children of the well-known actor of that name, and the front page of the music is embellished with a photograph of those children. Messrs. W. F. Dixon and Co., of Melbourne, are the publishers, and copies may be had of all booksellers.

ASSOCIATIONS: Lily Dampier (actor); Rose Dampier (actor); daughters of Alfred Dampier

"REVIEW", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1880), 7

Harmony Simplified for Popular Use: an Original Method of applying the first Principles of Harmony to the Object of accompanying the Voice on the Pianoforte. Dedicated, by express permission, to Lady Bowen and the Misses Bowen by Mrs. EMILY S. PATTON, Teacher of Harmony at the Presbyterian Ladies College, Melbourne, and at the Ladies' College presided over by M. Vieusseux.

This is the title of a work in which the authoress undertakes, in a novel manner, to revolutionize the science of harmony. The lady, "to adults having little or no previous knowledge of music, offers a system by which they may in an incredibly short time, without the drudgery of learning the pianoforte in the usual way, not only accompany themselves agreeably and correctly, but also transpose their accompaniments into any key with the greatest facility."

This sounds delightfully encouraging. Mrs. Patton is confident in the merits of her system, and her success is endorsed by Lady Bowen, Andrew Harper, Esq., M.A., Principal of the Presbyterian Ladies' College, and by M. Vieusseux. However eminent these personages may be in special walks, the value of their testimony in such a matter is very slight; as, musically, they have no recognized status ; and the evidence of Miss Rosina Carandini (a charming songstress) and of Madame Lucy Chambers, formerly an accomplished opera-singer and now a teacher of vocal music, can scarcely be accepted as infallible. The judgment of Herr Siede, Signor Zelman, Mr. Buddee, and other pillars of musical knowledge in Victoria would have been of greater value.

With the illustrations Mrs. Patton uses in her frontispiece, and the explanation of the sketches as applied to the object of her work, we confess our inability to agree; the idea is extremely far fetched, and, in our opinion, badly reasoned out. In effect, Mrs. Parton [Patton] says, as a simple hut without surrounding objects is to one with smoke issuing from the chimney, a water-butt on one side and bushes behind it; so stands simple melody, unaccompanied, as compared with melody acted upon by a correct bass, or accompaniment. Further, that the decorated hut standing upon a hill resembles melody with a major accompaniment, and when placed upon level ground with a mountain behind it it may illustrate melody with a minor accompaniment. This may be called "popular," but it savours somewhat of the one step from the sublime. In defining "the three fundamental tones in music," Mrs. Patton selects the three primary colours to illustrate her definition :-

"Yellow is selected to represent the tonic tone, which by giving the tone or pitch of the key to be used has the same effect on the ear as light has on the eye.

"Blue is the representative of all the cool pale shades in nature, and, therefore, fitly illustrates the subdominant tone, which is quiet and plaintive.

"Red is the strong fiery colour in nature, and, therefore, fitly illustrates the dominant tone, which is powerful and impelling."

The italicized words are printed in blocks, tinted in the various colours; the application is, however, so confused that the adult or the pupil who has learned that the key-note is the tonic, the fourth the subdominant, and the fifth the dominant sound in the scale, finds himself at sea. Not that Mrs. Patton means to state anything contrary to the recognized laws of harmony, but to simplify matters she prints the I., III., V., VIII., divisions in the scale of C natural yellow (four tonics), the II, and VII. she prints red (two dominants), and the IV. and VI. blue (two subdominants), so that the difficulty is increased rather than lessened. For the minor scale the colour system is even more amusing; as blue and yellow blended make green, so this secondary colour is used because "the three primary fundamental tones and chords of the major scale, when differently combined, produce the fundamental tones and chords of the relative minor scale, which may be termed a scale of secondary sounds." Mrs. Patton further blends primary and secondary colours, producing a set of tertiary tints for chords, which, though actually discordant, are yet permissible by the laws of harmony.

From the above a little idea may be gathered of the manner in which the lady authoress applies the science of harmony. She divides her work into two parts; the first, a reproduction of the ordinary "instruction book;" in the second part the "work diverges from the usual routine of musical instruction," and, contrary to the old-fashioned notions of there being no royal road to knowledge, is intended to enable those who have not been taught the piano when children, and are unable to devote the tune necessary for learning by the ordinary routine, to play accompaniments and to take the second in pianoforte duetts. There is something very delightful in the idea of reaching the top of a ladder without climbing there step by step; but, despite the promise contained in the preface, we cannot feel that any student unaided will be able to accomplish this by "Harmony Simplified."

The language used to explain this "novel system" is neither clear nor correct. After showing the usual table of keys, Mrs. Patton says:-

"By studying the above table of keys and comparing it with the progressive major scales, from pages 56 to 57, pupils will perceive that a comparison might be drawn between these and a geographical map of the world in hemispheres and on Mercator's projection, and it will be more clearly comprehended how everything in music works in circles by an undeviating order of progression. Pupils must now exercise themselves well in this table, not only for the purpose of learning progression, but also retrogression, as it is necessary to understand clearly, not only where they are going to, but where they have come from."


"It must be thoroughly realized that in music you can never be out of one key without being in another. In the same manner as a living person cannot be nowhere, but if not in one place must be somewhere else; so in music, as long as a melody is being played or sung, if the air move out of its original key but for a single note it must have moved into some other key.

"This is termed modulation, the primary rules for which are exceedingly plain and easily understood, although they are capable of extension and elaboration until the highest results, culminating in oratorio or opera, are produced."

We cannot follow Mrs. Patton's dictum that an oratorio or an opera is the result of extended and elaborated rules in modulation. In addition to the "hut" series of pictures which are applied to make harmony simple and the introduction of primary, secondary, and tertiary colours, Mrs. Patton has a "block system," which, after many hours' examination, appears to us to multiply the difficulties of music. Without diagrams it is impossible to make the plan clear to any reader; yet, by its use, Mrs. Patton asserts that accompaniments to songs, or the second part of a duet, waltzes, quadrilles, &c., may he read and played as correctly as though the performer had the music before him."

"Harmony Simplified " teaches that there are 12 notes in music, and starts with the chromatic scale. The names of the notes upset this (A, B, C, D, E, F, G), and prove that the natural scale is the diatonic, the eighth or octave being the repetition of the first; and this interval never varies. When the eight notes are divided into a larger number of intervals, and a chromatic scale formed, the term applied to the new order shows that it has been coloured from an original, and that original is the diatonic. Thus we got from C, C sharp, C flat; .D, D sharp, D flat, &c. In her definition of enharmonic scales we differ from Mrs. Patton. It would be easy to enlarge upon the defects with which, in our opinion, the book abounds. The authoress has bestowed infinite labour, to which the numerous diagrams, illustrations, specimens of composition, blocked coloured specimens, &c., all testify. The work, which is full music size, consists of nearly 200 pages, and must have involved a large expenditure of money, as well as time; and these considerations make us regret that Mrs. Patton's industry has taken so peculiar a turn. "Richter's Harmony," or even Dr. Stainer's primer, will teach any student far more of the subject at a minimum of cost and labour, the conciseness with which the rules are expressed leaving no doubt as to their force. The printed instructions in "Harmony Simplified." are so verbose, the colloquial and the technical language is so oddly mixed, and the comparisons of grammar and music, geography and music, carpenter's tools and chords, &c., are so strangely blended that the student's thoughts, are constantly diverted from the subject of music.

One inducement held out in this book is that young people by studying the rules will find it "comparatively easy to compose simple airs suitable for ballads, dance music, &c., which, although perhaps not good enough for print, might be sufficiently pleasing and correct for the domestic circle." The italics are our own. We think the encouragement a dangerous temptation to add to the mass of musicless music, of which at the present time there is too much. Mrs. Patton evidently knows a good deal of harmony, though there are portions wherein she shows greater originality than correctness; but that she knows, how to communicate that knowledge is certainly not set forth in her book, of which we are hound to say that it furnishes another striking proof of the non-inventive powers of women in musical science.

ASSOCIATIONS: Diamantina Bowen (wife of governor George Bowen), and daughters

[News], The Mercury (23 November 1880), 2

We have received from the authoress, Mrs. Emily S. Patton, a compendious musical work of 190 pages, entitled, " Harmony Simplified for Popular use." The book displays great care and thought on the part the compiler, and its study must prove of inestimable value to musical students. The subject is a difficult one under any circumstances, and pupils possessing the comprehension required for learning, and above all retaining, its principles, would probably do so quite as satisfactorily by following out the standard treatises of Goss, Stainer, or Macfarren. With all due deference to the authoress, we cannot believe that the art of accompanying - a rare gift, possessed by one musician in a thousand - is ever to be learnt by rule, still Mrs. Patton's book is excellent, and can do nothing but good.

"Received", Melbourne Punch (18 January 1883), 8 

"Some practical remarks on Music Teaching," by Miss Emily S. Patton; dedicated by permission to the Rev. G. W. Torrance, M.A., Mus. Doc. Melbourne: Watt & Co., Printers. These remarks are founded on personal experience, and should be found useful.

ASSOCIATIONS: George William Torrance

"MUSICAL EDUCATION", The Age (10 May 1884), 15


"Deaths", The Argus (21 May 1886), 1

"Melba's First Teacher", The Arena-Sun (14 May 1903), 8

Melba's first teacher of music was Mrs. E. S. Patton, now of Shanghai, who is well known to many people in Victoria and New South Wales. While here Madame wrote Mrs. Patton a very kindly letter dated from Government House, Macedon. containing the following reminiscences: -
"Dear Mrs. Patton, I always admired your energy when I was a little girl, and I shall always remember how much I enjoyed going to your children's parties. . . . I wonder if you remember that I studied harmony with you. I often wondered whether your book ("Harmony Simplified") was a success. It ought to have been. I have had a very happy time here, and have been spoilt by everybody." Mrs. Patton has until recently been engaged in training the budding Japanese Melbas, having been settled for nearly twelve years in Yokohama, and she leaves Shanghai next month to pass the summer vacation at her mountain residence in Japan.

ASSOCIATIONS: Nellie Melba (soprano vocalist)

[Joseph Michael Forde], "MUMMER MEMOIRS, AN INTERESTING LETTER FROM THE FAR EAST - MISS EMILY HOLROYD", Sydney Sportsman (13 May 1908), 3 

If readers will turn up their files of the 'Sportsman,' and refer to the issue of February 28, 1908, they will find that a friendly Melbourne correspondent, F.H., made mention of Miss Emily Holroyd, who had appeared on the Melbourne stage something like half a century ago, and who was teaching at Shanghai at 78 years of age. I then mentioned that I had had the pleasure of being present at her debut, and gave such information as to her parentage I then possessed. On chance I posted a copy of the paper to the lady, Mrs. Patton, at Shanghai, and promptly got an acknowledgement in a most interesting communication.

The latter is written from "95 Chapoo-road, Shanghai, China," and dated April 4.

"To 'Hayseed' - Dear Sir, - an unknown correspondent having addressed me a copy of the Sydney 'Sportsman,' of Wednesday, February 20, 1908, I am naturally very anxious to make the acquaintance of the writer of the brief memoirs of my father and myself in that paper, under the heading 'Mummer Memoirs,' as I could never have imagined there was anyone now living who not only remembered my first appearance at the Theatre Royal, but who was actually present on that occasion.

"I know I am, not only the sole survivor of those who formed that splendid cast of the 'Serious Family,' but I have outlived so many more professionals of that date and later, that I had really thought myself almost the last one left, after the death of George Coppin. Not only all those you have named, but many others, amongst whom I can only just call to mind on the moment, without referring to newspapers or programmes, the following - all of whom were personally known to myself - Joey and Adelaide Goughenheim. Mrs. Charles Poole, Joseph Jefferson, Barney [Barry] Sullivan, Charles Matthews, William Hoskins, Henry Nell Warner, Charles Dillon, Mrs. Alfred Philips, Mrs. Woolbridge, Henry Edwards, George Fawcett, Julia Mathews, Carrie George, G. H. Rogers, Fanny Young, Docy Stewart, Richard Stewart, Madame Anna Bishop, Madame Carandini, Mrs. Hancock, Walter Sherwin, Emile Coulon, John Howson, Frank Howson, J. P. Hydes, J. R. Greville, T. S. Bellair, James Milne Collingwood, Walter Hill, Tilly Earle, Charles Vincent, Miss Cleveland, Farquharson, John Hennings, Sir Wm. and Lady Don, Julia Edouin, Gladstone John Drew, John Dunn, Annie Lockhart. What a list! by just calling up my memory. And if I referred to programmes, how could I extend it . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joey and Adelaide Gougenheim (actors, vocalists); William Hoskins (comedian); Elizabeth Phillips (actor, vocalist); Julia Mathews (actor, vocalist); George Herbert Rogers (actor, vocalist); Fanny Young (actor, vocalist); Docy Stewart (actor, vocalist); Richard Stewart (actor, vocalist); Anna Bishop (soprano vocalist); Maria Carandini (soprano vocalist); Mary Ellen Hancock (mezzo-soprano vocalist); Walter Sherwin (tenor vocalist); Emile Coulon (baritone vocalist); John Howson (tenor vocalist); Frank Howson (baritone vocalist); John Proctor Hydes (actor, vocalist); John Rodger Greville (actor, vocalist); Tilly Earl (actor, vocalist); Robert Farquharson (bass vocalist); Emily Don (actor, vocalist)

"MUMMER MEMOIRS", Sydney Sportsman (20 May 1908), 3 

"MUMMER MEMOIRS. A letter from the Far East - Some Reminiscences, by Mrs. E. S. Patton (nee Miss Emily Holroyd)", Sydney Sportsman (25 November 1908), 2 

I have another very interesting letter from Mrs. Patton (nee Miss Emily Holroyd of half a century ago). Amongst other items, the lady says: -

"Would you care to have a short reminiscence of my first visit to the Victoria Theatre in Sydney? It must have been either towards the end of 1845 or early in 1846. I don't think there are many who can recall a visit to a theatre of that date, but your mention of many of the old names in 'Mummers Memoirs' brought much of it again to my mind. What do you think was the play, of all things, to take a girl to see? 'Tom and Jerry, or Life in London.' I remember Mr. Lazar was Corinthian Tom - a tall, thin man, in a grey overcoat; also, I know Mr. Griffiths, who was short and fat, was in the piece. I cannot recall any of the actresses, but I am sure Mrs. Stirling (afterwards Mrs. Guerin, and later On Mr. Richard Stewart, sen.) must have been in it, for she was playing all the leading business in those days - comedy, tragedy, drama, opera, a most versatile woman, and I should say most indispensable to a manager. I remember nothing more of the piece except a comic dance - between Dusty Bob and Black Sal, which was not a very refined performance, whoever they were. I also forget what the after-piece was, but I distinctly remember an interlude, which commenced by John Howson coming on costumed in the time of Claude Duval, and singing a highway-man's song, in the course of which he fired off a pistol, which startled me very much. I remember thinking him very handsome, and I think I must have fallen in love with him that night, for I remember being very unhappy afterwards when I heard that he was a married man.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, vocalist); John Gordon Griffiths (actor, manager); Theodosia Stirling (actor, soprano vocalist); John Howson (tenor vocalist)

"After his song there was a Pas de Trois by the Misses Griffiths - the two daughters of the manager, John Gordon Griffiths - and Signor Carandini, an Italian count, of very old family, whose title and estates had been confiscated for, it was said, some political offence, and who was reduced to teaching dancing and giving terpsichorean performances between the pieces for a living in those days. He married, in Hobart Town, a Tasmanian girl, who afterwards became the well-known singer, Madame Carandini, whose four daughters all took after their mother, and gave charming concerts. Of these, Mrs. Rosina Palmer of Melbourne, is the eldest, and her voice is said to retain its beauty. The second, Fanny, became Lady Moreland; the third, Lizzie, became Lady Campbell, and the fourth married a Queensland squatter named Gibson and his brother married Mrs. Palmer's eldest daughter, Ida, well known for her beautiful voice. Signor Carandini had only one son. Frank, who became an officer of Hussars, and of late years the title inherited from his father was restored to him by the Italian Government, but the estates were non est.

"Well, to return to my subject. After the Pas de Trois, which I thought divine, Madame Carandini came up in evening costume and sang an old fashioned song, "Child of Earth with the Golden Hair," which I think I have never heard since, but which actually still keeps some of its time and rhythm in my ear. I did not go very often go the theatre in those days - about once or twice a year, and then it was through the kindness of a friend of my father's, who often got a box for us at the old Victoria Theatre. He was a well known identity in those days - a solicitor named George Cooper Turner, who was in great social request, a small, middle-aged man, with a bald head, unmarried and much sought after by the elite of the Sydney women in those days. In fact he was the pet of the ladies. He used to come and dine with us, and tell us that he had a box for the evening, at which I used to go crazy with joy, and could only dance around the room instead of eating my dinner. That used to amuse him mightily and he would say, 'What would I not give to be able to feel as you do?'

ASSOCIATIONS: Gerome and Maria Carandini (dancer and soprano vocalist)

MUSIC: Child of earth with the golden hair (C. E. Horn)

"On these occasions I saw many of the English operas that, were produced in those days. First I remember was one of Balfe's earliest, an opera in two acts, called the 'Siege of Rochelle;' then later on, his 'Bohemian Girl,' also English editions of 'Norma; and 'La Somnambula,' and lastly 'Maritana,' the composer of which, Vincent Wallace, had written it in Sydney. It is an opera full of beautiful melodies and should not be allowed to fall into oblivion nowadays as I think is the case, for I find very few of the younger present generation know anything about it. In all these operas John Howson was the tenor, and his elder brother Frank the basso; and Mrs. Stirling took the leading prima donna parts, and Madame Carandini the second parts, until some years later, when Sara Flower, a very fine contralto singer, came, when Madame Carandini sang the soprano parts to her. The minor female parts were filled by a pretty little woman, now seldom written about, Mrs. Ximines, and a Mrs. Wallace, whose husband, Wellington Wallace (a brother of Vincent), was in the orchestra, the leader of which was a musician named Gibbs, whose wife, a big fat woman, used to play the heavy parts, literally as well as theatrically, in both opera and comedy. I have yet pen and ink sketches, made by my first husband, Fred Terry, of both Gibbs and his wife, that are very comic.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ann Ximenes (vocalist); Caroline Wallace (vocalist, actor); Spencer Wellington Wallace (violinist); John and Eliza Gibbs (violinist, leader; and vocalist, actor)

"These reminiscences date between 1846 and 1853, and I think you will say that I have a good memory, seeing that I have no one out in this part of the world to help me to revive it or prompt me in any way.

"I recall an amusing incident, of later date, about the year 1858 or '59. After I had joined Mr. G. V. Brookes' company, Madame Carandini. Madame Sara Flower, and others came to the Theatre Royal for a short engagement, to produce 'Trovatore,' 'Traviata.', etc., and Henry Edwards, who was stage manager, arranged that after each opera there should be played a short farce, in which I was generally required for the leading walking lady's part. I therefore used to come down to the theatre in the course of the opera and waited for its termination. One evening, I had come down rather early, and was standing at the back of the stage, talking to Mrs. Hancock, who was a very useful singer in minor parts at that time, and listening to Madame Carandini's grand solo scena in the second act. As I listened I caught hold of one of the many ropes that hung about the stage, and leaning against it, gently swayed myself to the rhythm of the music. To our surprise, we heard bursts of meriment from the audience, which was quite contrary to the situation of the scene, which was very serious, and I said to Mr. Hancock - 'Listen! What can they be laughing at? when a stage carpenter ran up to me in a frantic state of excitement, exclaiming - 'Good gracious, Miss Holroyd, you are shaking the moon!' It appears that the scene set for Madame's scena was an Italian balcony by moonlight, and the moon was suspended in the Sky by a rope, against which I was unconsciously leaning, so that it was swaying rhythmically to the aria being sing. You may be sure I bolted away full speed to my dressing-room and looked myself in, as the carpenter had said that the manager was raging mad, and vowing to fine the culprit heavily. Madame Carandini was very kind about it after an explanation was given, but said that at the time she was much disconcerted, because, being a serious scene, she could not understand the tittering of the audience, and being attired in a black velvet train, she thought that some of her underwear had got adrift and was being dragged about the stage as she sang and acted, and she was using all her ingenuity to discover what was wrong with her, little recking of the moon that was swaying, above her head - a wax candle confined in a drum, with the vellum side towards the audience. For many a day after that I used to be asked - 'Well, have you been shaking the moon recently?"

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen Hancock (mezzo-soprano vocalist)

"I may here mention that my first husband, Mr. Terry, when a bachelor used to visit the Carandini menage very often, in fact, was quite the friend of the family, and was godfather to their two eldest children, Rosina and Frank.

"During my short theatrical career I was only fined once. Mr. Brooke had taken the Princess as well as the Royal in Melbourne, and the company had to be in readiness to play at either house. During a week that Mr. Brooke was absent at some upcountry engagement, an equestrian troup came to the Princess to play a piece called 'Lady Godiva,' with real horses, and George Fawcett, who was stage manager, told me that he was going to cast me for the part of Lady Godiva. I, of course, told him that I should not play it. He said, 'You must; your hair is just what we want - (in those days it was immensely long and thick) - and we want someone who can look the part.' I said, 'You must get someone else, for I shall not come near the theatre while it is being played.' He said, 'Then I shall fine you every day you absent yourself,' and I was fined each day for three days; but, after all, it did not amount to much. I often thought afterwards that he meant it only for a joke to tease me, for he was an extraordinarily eccentric character. I saw him once when he was playing the Widow Twankey in the burlesque of 'Aladdin,' in which poor Julia Mathews created such a furore, one evening, just as he was going on the stage, snatch oft old Mrs. Mathews' battered old night bonnet, put it on his own head, and stalk on with it. Mrs. Mathews always sat sewing or knitting and watching her daughter. She and her husband were the meanest couple that ever were seen, and were so stingy that they never allowed poor Julia any of the money she earned, but put it all by for themselves. The girl was never even properly dressed for her parts, her parents were so mean; but her talent was so great her voice so sweet, her dancing and acting so full of verve and go, that she was the greatest favorite with the public in spite of her shabbiness.

"Poor O'Hara Burke, - the gallant leader of the exploring expedition which crossed the continent of Australia, and who lost his life on the return journey through starvation, was madly in love with Julia, and would have married her had he lived. She subsequently married the mate of a ship named Mumford, went with him to America, and died there prematurely in a few years. Take her for all in all, she was the most clever and attractive young actress that we have had in Australia.

ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Mathews (actor, vocalist); Robert O'Hara Burke (explorer)

"In one of your articles you make mention of the adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Brooke who was the sweetest boy I ever knew. As a child I loved him much. I often wonder if he be alive. I should like to know what became of him, as I have not heard of him for more than 20 years. Could you, amongst all your readers, find out for me. He seems to me to be lost, if yet alive, in that vast country America, and I have no means of tracing him. I think he also would be glad to know that I was still alive, for I was always his dear 'Auntie' to him in those days. Mr. Terry and myself were- staying at St. Kilda House when kept by the Hudsons, while Mr. and Mrs. Brooke and the Gougenheims were there. We were permanent lodgers, as we lived there for more than 12 months till we went to Melbourne, where all my misfortunes commenced in the death of my dear husband, Fred Terry."

(To be continued.)

"MR. A. T. HOLROYD", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 June 1909), 16 

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 February 1912), 18

PATTON. - January 7, 1912, at Yokohama, Japan, suddenly, Emily Sophia Patton, daughter of the late Arthur Todd Holroyd, of Sydney, N.S.W., aged 80 years.

"MRS. E. S. PATTON'S DEATH', Truth (25 February 1912), 12

"Death of Mrs. Emily S. Patton", South Bourke and Mornington Journal (29 February 1912), 2

There died at Yokohama, Japan, on January 7, Mrs. Emily S. Paton, at the ago of 80 years, from an attack of heart failure. The deceased lady was well known to early Melbourneites as Miss Holroyd. For many years in the metropolitan area she was a well known teacher of dancing and the Tonic Sol Fa notation of music and at one time she held successful classes at Dandenong, where her death will be learnt with regret by a large number of her old pupils and friends. Mrs. Patton was held in great esteem by the leading people of Japan, and was teacher at the Court of the Mikado.

"MUMMER MEMOIRS", Sydney Sportsman (24 April 1912), 3 

. . . I believe the very last of the performers at Mr. Lambert's benefit, "The School for Scandal" being the play, died last January at Yokohama, in the person of Mrs. Emily S. Patton, aged 81 years. I saw Mrs. Patton as Emily Holroyd make her first appearance on any stage on the boards of that old Theatre Royal in 1859, the part being Emma Torrens in "The Serious Family," with G. V. Brooke as Captain Murphy Maguire. Mrs. Patton's last appearance was as Maria at Mr. Lambert's benefit, or was it her last but one? She had lived in Yokohama and Shanghai for a generation . . .

Published musical works:

The lily and the rose waltzes, composed by Reginald Holroyd Patton (who is only 13 years of age) and dedicated to the wondrous children, Lily and Rose Dampier (Melbourne: W. F. Dixon & Co., [1877]) 

Harmony simplified for popular use, an original method of applying the first principles of harmony to the object of accompanying the voice on the pianoforte, by Emily S. Patton (London: Novello, Ewer; Melbourne: Allan & Co. (Wilkie's), 1880) 

Some practical remarks on music teaching, from the personal experiences of a teacher, dedicated (by permission) to the Rev. G. W. Torrance, M.A., Mus. Doc., by Emily S. Patton (Melbourne: Watt & Co., printers, 1882) 

Bibliography and resources:

Robin S. Stevens, "Nineteenth century Australia-Japan connection in music education: the work of Emily Patton in Yokohama", in Children and music: developmental perspectives (Launceston: Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education (ANZARME), 1999), 299-305;dn=698189787039043;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)

"Patton, Emily Sophia (1831-1912)", Obituaries Australia 

"Patton, Reginald Holroyd (1864-1886)", People Australia 


Eora woman, singer, song reporter

Active Sydney, NSW, 1790-91, aged about 15 (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)


It was perhaps from Patyegarang, that William Dawes received, c. 1790, the words of "A song of New South Wales"; see main entry: 

Bibliography and resources:

Ross Gibson, "Patyegarang and William Dawes: the Space of imagination", in Tracey Banivanua Mar and Penelope Edmonds (eds), Making settler colonial space (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 242-54 (PAYWALL)

Patyegarang, Wikipedia 

PAUL, Tempest Margaret (Mrs. John PAUL senior)

PAUL, John (senior)

PAUL, George

BIRD, Isabella (PAUL)

PAUL, John (junior)

See main page: 

PAULSON, George William (George William PAULSON; G. W. PAULSON; POULSON)

Amateur musician, bandsman, band sergeant, ? composer

Born Nottingham, England, 1832; baptised Mansfield, 12 September 1832; son of John POULSON [sic] (d. 1842) and Ann DAWN (d. VIC, 1866)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 16 November 1852 (per Northumberland )
Active Castlemaine, VIC, by c. 1854/55
Married (1) Georgina Elizabeth EVANS (c. 1827-1887), Castlemaine, VIC, 9 March 1856
Married (2) Mary Ann HIERONS, Christ Church, South Yarra, VIC, 11 October 1887
Died Sydney, NSW, July 1916 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

George William Paulson, ? c. 1850s; by Ann Paulson

A miniature portrait by Ann Paulson, said to be of her only son George William Paulson, ? c. 1850s


Paulson arrived on the Northumberland in 1852, aged just 20, though listed as 22. By 1856 he had settled at Castlemaine, where he married a widow, Georgina Evans. His widowed mother, the artist Ann Paulson, followed him to Victoria in 1858, arriving on the Swiftsure with an older relative, Samuel Dawn.

Paulson's wife, Georgina, was committed to Yarra Bend asylum in Melbourne on 20 February 1870 suffering from "delusional insanity". She died there on 30 January 1887, reportedly aged 60.


England census, 30 March 1851, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 2124 (PAYWALL)

Church Yard Side / Ann Paulson / Head / Widow / 41 / Artist / [born] Nott. Papplewick
Rachel Paulson / Mother in law / 70 / . . .
Darah Dwan / Siter / 45 / . . .
george Paulson / Son / 18 / Apprentice to a Bookseller / [born] Nott. Mansfield
Mary K. Dunhill / Neice / 11 // Ann Dunhill / Neice / 9 / [both] Pupil to Head . . .

Names and descriptions of passengers, per Northumberland, 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)

[from London] . . . Paulson G. W. / 22 / [Farmer] . . .

"INQUESTS", Mount Alexander Mail (18 May 1855), 3 

. . . G. W. Paulson deposed, I am a traveller in the employment of Evans and Jones, Ginger Beer manufacturers, living at Pennyweight Flat . . .

"MARRIED", Mount Alexander Mail (14 March 1856), 4

At Castlemaine, on the 9th Inst., by the Rev. John Cheyne, Mr. G. W. Paulson, formerly of Mansfield, to Georgina Elizabeth, widow of the late Mr. T. Evans.

"THE CASTLEMAINE VOLUNTEER CORPS", Mount Alexander Mail (22 February 1861), 5

. . . The band master (Mr. Taylor) and Mr. Paulson, who had been sent to Melbourne to purchase instruments for the band, returned on Wednesday, having executed their mission successfully. Some difficulty was experienced in getting instruments of a first class character, but it was at last surmounted, and we are assured that in respect of quality of instruments the Castlemaine band will not be exceeded by that of any other corps in Victoria. Active practice by the members will be commenced immediately . . .

"THE CASTLEMAINE VOLUNTEER CORPS", Mount Alexander Mail (10 April 1861), 2 

. . . The band, we may remark, consists of 25 members; the instruments - including cornets, saxhorns, clarionets, piccolos, drums, and all others necessary to make up a full brass band - were purchased by the band master, Mr. Taylor, assisted by Mr. (band sergeant) Paulson, and were carefully selected from Melbourne houses, and in quality will vie with any in the colony; the band master is competent, his pupils are willing and apt, and we have no doubt that the general public will contribute liberally to maintain what will soon be to them a source of high enjoyment.

"THE VOLUNTEER BAND AT FRYER'S CREEK", Mount Alexander Mail (22 November 1861), 5 

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Taylor; Castlemaine Volunteer Band

[News], Mount Alexander Mail (3 March 1862), 3

The Castlemaine Volunteer Rifle Band, under the direction of Mr. Taylor, will perform the following selection of music, in the New Market House, this evening, at 8 o'clock -
March, Who shall be Fairest - Mori
'Waltz, Mountain Daisy - D'Albert
Air, Mary of Argyle - [Nelson]
Solo Cornet-a-piston, The Cottage by the Sea (by desire) - Corpl. Rule
Waltz, Immortalen - Gung'l
Polka, Georgina - Paulson.
March, Weel may the keel row - Dewar.

[News], Mount Alexander Mail (26 May 1862), 3

The Volunteer Band, under the direction of Mr. Taylor, will perform the following selection of music, in the Market-house, at a quarter-past seven; o'clock this evening, weather permitting :-
March - Peasant - Farmer
Waltzes - Mountain Daisy - D'Albert
Polka - Wait for the waggon - Bellak
Quick Step - Nottingham - Farmer
Varsoviana - Midnight - Montgomery
Waltz - Sherwood - Paulson
Schottische - My Favorite - Montgomery
God Save the Queen.

"CASTLEMAINE RIFLE CORPS", Mount Alexander Mail (29 August 1862), 4

. . . The band was the next topic of discussion. The master, Mr. Taylor, stated that much complaint was made by the band about the amount of time they were compelled to devote to playing and practice, and the pressure was so great that, unless it was relaxed, some of the oldest members had intimated their intention to retire. They had now to play in public on Monday evening, on Tuesday practice, on Wednesday to attend parade, on Thursday and Friday evenings practice again. It was admitted in the course of conversation that the band were taxed rather severely, and it was resolved to relieve them from three parades a month. They will now have to attend the commanding officer's parade, to play as usual on Monday evenings, at moonlight marches, and on any special occasion when desired by the corps. Mr. Taylor, Sergeant Paulson, and Corporal Rule, expressed their satisfaction with this arrangement. In reply to a question as to how it was the band did not pay up subscriptions, it was remarked that the band, by their public playing on Monday evenings, were the means of keeping up the funds of the corps much more effectively than if their exertions were confined to payment of subscriptions. A member expressed his fear that the attendance at parades, small as it was now, would be smaller when the band were absent. The commanding officer replied he should regret if any member attended solely that he might march to music. In future, on the three parades a month from which the band would be absent, members would fall in for drill on the ground on the camp, so that really the band would not be required on those occasions . . .

"INQUESTS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (3 February 1887), 6

"Marriages", The Argus (12 October 1887), 1

PAULSON - HIERONS. - On the 11th inst., at Christ Church, South Yarra, by the Rev. H. F. Tucker, G. W. Paulson, Lismore, N.S.W., to Mary Ann Hierons, second surviving daughter of the late Dr. R. G. Hierons, Castlemaine and Raywood. Home papers please copy.

"ITEMS OF NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail (15 October 1891), 2 

Mr. J. B. De Nosek, of Barker-street, has received from Mr. G. W. Paulson (who for many years carried on the business of an aerated waters manufacturer at Campbells' Creek) a lithograph of the town of Lismore, New South Wales. In a prominent part of the lithograph is depicted the Commercial Hotel, owned by Mr. Paulson. The commodious building has a very imposing appearance, denoting it to be one of the finest structures of its kind in Lismore, which is rapidly thriving in importance as well as population. Mr. Paulson continues to take a keen interest in musical matters, as is shown by an extract from the Lismore newspaper in reference to a concert that was held in the Theatre Royal there in aid of the brass band. His friends in this district will be glad to hear that he is in robust health, and conducting a lucrative business in a town that is situated 300 miles from Sydney.

"DEATH OF MR. G. W. PAULSON", Daily Examiner (21 July 1916), 2 

Mr. George William Paulson, whose death occurred in Sydney last week at the age of 84 years, was for a number of years landlord of the old Commercial Hotel in Lismore, situated on the site now occupied by the Star Court Picture Theatre, says the "Star". The lavish champagne banquets at a guinea a head which he used to provide on State occasions sent his fame in the old days far and wide, and they are still a cherished memory of the elder generation. He took over the Commercial - then a cottage hotel, owned by the late John McLennan - about the year 1879, being previously a very popular member of the fraternity of commercial travellers. About 20 years ago he left for Sydney, subsequently taking an hotel at Clybucca, on the Macleay River, and later returning to Sydney. He first established his reputation as a host by providing the first big banquet ever held in Lismore, when Bruce Smith, as Minister for Works, turned the first sod of the Lismore-Murwillumbah railway, and it is no exaggeration to say that he came to be regarded as a positive genius in this direction. Another distinction that he enjoyed was that of establishing and instructing the first brass band in Lismore. His was the hotel in which the great floods of the early days came up to the top of the counter. He was a prominent Mason and an excellent citizen, most hospitable to travellers, and kindness itself to the poor - his house, in fact, was quite a haven of refuge for the itinerant swagman.

Bibliography and resources:

"ANN PAULSON of Mansfield, mid-19th century artist", Our Nottingham 


Vocalist (St. James's Church, Sydney), tailor, amateur comedian, convict

Born ? London, England, c. 1812
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 26 July 1828 (convict per Bussorah Merchant (1), from London, 27 March)
Married Ann MACNAMARA, St. Philip's church, Sydney, NSW, 30 September 1833
Died Goulburn Gaol, NSW, August 1855, aged 43 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Proceedings, 11th May 1826; Old Bailey online, t18260511-170 

1069. JOHN SMITH and SAMUEL PAWSEY were indicted for stealing, on the 20th of April, 1 bag, value 1s.; 27 printed books, value 2l. 17s. 6d., and 12 pamphlets, value 3s., the goods of James Robins and Joseph Robins, the younger . . .
PAWSEY'S Defence. I do not know the other prisoner at all; when the gentleman came to me the lad had got his books on his shoulder, and was going home with them.
SMITH - GUILTY . Aged 16. PAWSEY - GUILTY . Aged 14. Transported for Seven Years.

Colonial Secretary, Cash vouchers 1829, State Records Authority of NSW, 4/296 (transcribed Rushworth 1988, 363)

[St. James's Church], Chaplain Hill, £250 [per annum]; Clerk, 20; Collector of Pew Rents, 5; Sexton, 20; Beadles (2), 15 each; Pew openers (2), 10 each;
Teacher of the Choir and Organist, Mr. Pearson, £26; ditto, for tuning the organ, 8;
Singers, Harriet Edmonds, 10; Ann Lancaster, 5; E. Hoare, J. Parton, G. Shepherd, Wm. Aldis, R. Cooper, S. Pawsey, 5 each;
Organ blower, Geo. Mills, 4 6s 8d; Watchman, 13; Grave Digger, 13.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Pearson (organist); William Henry Aldis (vocalist, convict); Ann Lancaster (vocalist); Harriet Edmonds (vocalist); Edward Hoare (vocalist)

[Tickets of leave], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 October 1831), 4 

THE following Prisoners of the Crown have obtained Tickets of Leave since the last day of Publication . . .
SYDNEY . . . Pawsey Samuel, Bussorah Merchant . . .

"CERTIFICATES OF FREEDOM", New South Wales Government Gazette (5 June 1833), 209 

THE undermentioned Persons have obtained Certificates of freedom during the last week, viz. . . .
Bussorah Merchant (1), Samuel Pawsey . . .

[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (2 June 1838), 1 

CASTLEREAGH-STREET, Three doors from the Sign of the "Leaping Ba" and adjacent to King-street, SYDNEY,
RESPECTFULLY acquaints the Public, that he carries on the above Business, and solicits a shave of patronage and support.
N. B. - LIVERIES done to order of the best materials and on the most reasonable terms.

"Police Intelligence. TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1850 . . . PAWSEY IN TROUBLE", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (1 June 1850), 3 

"Police Intelligence. TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1850 . . . THE VAGRANT ACT", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (11 May 1850), 4

Samuel Pawsey, an itinerant tailor, in the possession of a superlative quantity of manner, was charged by the Chief Constable under Nichols' Act, with having no visible lawful means of living.
When the charge was being laid down to their worships, the defendant by a series of pantomimic movement expressed surprise at the audacity of the Chief Constable in bringing so unfounded an accusation against him.
The evidence necessary to support the charge having been taken, the defendant was called upon for his defence.
He stated that out of the previous fourteen days he had been at work seven or eight, at different places in the town, and had earned, besides his board, the sum of fifteen shillings, a sufficient sum he maintained to keep him comfortable for some time.
Mr. George Warne, shoemaker, was called to prove the truth of a part of the statement, which he did.
The Bench did not consider the charge against the defendant proved and therefore dismissed it.
Mr. Pawsey made an elaborate bow to their Worships, and retired humming the air of "Your kindness I ne'er shall forget."

"Police Intelligence. TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1850 . . . AN INVALID", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (31 August 1850), 4 

"Police Intelligence . . . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1850 . . . THE VAGRANT ACT", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (12 October 1850), 4 

"DISGUSTING CRIME", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (3 May 1851), 4 

Samuel Pawsey, a diminutive tailor, well known in Goulburn, was received into the gaol here, on Monday last, committed from Berrima on a charge of incest. The person upon whom the offence was committed is his own daughter, a little girl of about eleven year of age. The unfortunate child prosecuted one Goold, at the Spring Assizes, held in 1848, for a capital offence; the man was convicted on the second count, (the minor offence of attempt, &c.) and received sentence of twelve months imprisonment.

"Police Reports . . . THURSDAY, JUNE 23. VAGRANT ACT. -", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (25 June 1853), 2 

This morning, Samuel Pawsey, and old favorite of Mr. McAlister's and the Goulburn Protectives, and who had only a day or two previously received a discharge in full of all demands from Mr. Foster of the Gaol, made his first appearance these two years at the Police Office, and for "positively the first time" before the Police Magistrate, charged with the prevailing epidemic of using indecent language in the public streets or "the hearing thereof." Unfortunately "the house" was so thronged that our reporter could not gain admission, but he has been informed that the principal comedian (or defendant) did not acquit himself, or get acquitted, but found that, after going through his performance, he had to pay £1 to Her Majesty the Queen. Of course this was a mere bagatelle to Young Roscius, and he left the Court with two constables in his train for the purpose of drawing a cheque. It has been whispered that a check is about to be put upon him.

"To the Editor", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (13 January 1855), 2 

. . . it is amusing to witness the amateur dramatic exhibitions of Samuel Pawsey, Esquire . . .

Bibliography and resources:

Graeme D. Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, 1988), 363

"Pawsey, Samuel", Convict records 

PAXTON, Joseph (Joseph PAXTON; Mr. PAXTON)

Teacher of music, vocalist, Scottish balladist, lecturer on psalmody, miner

Born Dunbar, Scotland, 10 May 1828; son of James PAXTON (c. 1806-1873) and Margaret GREIG (c. 1806-1843)
Married Elizabeth BENNETT (1826-1896), Edinburgh, Scotland, 12 June 1853
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by January 1854
Died Glebe, NSW, 18 May 1882, aged 54 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Joseph Paxton

Joseph Paxton (DIGITISED)

See also photograph (c. 1870s): (DIGITISED)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 January 1854), 8

SONGS of SCOTLAND - Paxton's Scottish Entertainments, at the School of Arts.
Mr. PAXTON, from Scotland, respectfully announces that he will have the honour of presenting his first of a series of highly popular Scottish Entertainments, with pianoforte accompaniment, in the above hall, on TUESDAY evening next, January 17th, at Eight o'clock.
Tickets of admission 1s. each; reserved seats 2s.
Part first - The old song of "Toddlin' hame." Song - "My ain fireside," (Hamilton ) Old ballad - "Tak yer auld cloak aboot ye." Song - "Afton Water." (Burns.) Old ballad - "Muirland Willie." Song - "Ilka blade o' grass," (Ballantine.) Song - "When the Kye comes hame," (Hogg) Neil Gow's much admired song, characteristic of the manners and language of the Newhaven fishwives. Song - "Wha'll buy caller herrin."
Part second. - Song - "Jessie the flower o' Dumblane." "Jenny's Bawbee," a favorite dancing tune. Old ballad - "I met four chaps yon birks amang." "I'm wearin' awn Jean." Song - "The land o' the Leal." Scottish wooing amongst the higher ranks. Song "The Laird o' Cockpen." A universal favourite. Song - "Auld Lang Syne," with chorus.
For full particulars see programme, which together with tickets may be had of Messrs. Marsh, Johnston, King, Buist, Hurford, Woolcott and Clarke, Waugh and Cox, Sands and Kenny, Moffitt, Piddington, Shaw, watchmaker, South Head Road, Paxton, 194, Elizabeth-street, and at the School of Arts, Pitt-street.
N B.-The entertainment will terminate about ten.

"SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 January 1854), 4

An overflowing audience, of which a very large portion were ladies, assembled yesterday evening in the School of Arts to hear Mr. Paxton, a gentleman recently arrived from Scotland, deliver in true broad Scotch, some of the favourite national and other songs of the Land-o'-Cakes, interspersed by numerous anecdotes of its poets and musicians. The entertainment was an excellent one in every respect; and Mr. Paxton was entirely successful in carrying the feelings of his audience with him. So much so, that at the close of the performance the majority, both ladies and gentlemen, joined heartily in the chorus of Auld Lang Syne. Mr. Paxton announced the weekly repetition of the entertainment, and was warmly cheered at the conclusion.

"MR. PAXTON'S SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENT", Illustrated Sydney News (21 January 1854), 3 

Mr. Paxton must have felt highly gratified at the very warm reception he met in the School of Arts on Tuesday evening. The house was crowded, and we could see that his own countrymen formed a large proportion of the audience. The entertainment is the first of a series which Mr. Paxton proposes to give weekly. The style is after Wilson and Templeton, the interest being sustained by anecdotes and explanatory remarks illustrative of the songs announced in the programme. We thought "Tak yer auld cloak aboot ye" the best song of the evening. On being, called for a second time, Mr. Paxton introduced, with the approval of the audience, a very delightful variety in the shape of "Widow Machree," which was sung with good taste and considerable naivette. We think he might, with great effect, adopt this as a general principle, his style of Irish song being highly creditable to him. The enthusiasm displayed by the audience when called on to join in the, chorus of "Auld Lang Syne" was intense, and must have pleased every Scotchman. It will be seen, by an advertisement in another column, that the next, concert is to take place on Tuesday evening.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Templeton (vocalist); John Wilson (vocalist)

[Advertisement], Illustrated Sydney News (21 January 1854), 6 

Mr. Paxton, from Scotland, respectfully announces, that he will have the honour of presenting the second of his series of highly POPULAR SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENTS, with Pianoforte accompaniment, in the above hall on Tuesday Evening next, Jan. 24, at eight o'clock. Tickets of Admission, 1s., reserved seats, 2s.
PROGRAME [sic]. Part First. - Burns: Song, "Corn Rigs are bonnie." - Song by Hacket - in which the lassie bewails her Jamie ta'en awa', and Sandy wi's siller, houses and land, lays siege to her heart, but is rejected. Song, "Logie o'Buchan." - Song, "The braes aboon bonaw." - Old Ballad - "Jock o' Hazeldean." - Humorous Song, "The kail brose o' auld Scotland." - In the course of the evening, Mr. Paxton will sing (by desire,) "Norah; the Pride of Kildare."
Part Second. - One of Hogg's much admired Jacobite songs - his address to the Clans to rouse and join their Prince. - Song, "Wha wadna Fecht for Chavlie?" - Burn's favourite song on the Town piper of Kelso. Song, "John Anderson, my Jo." - Old humorous ditty of Scottish rural life - defeat of the gudeman by his gudewife, in his attempt to exchange offices with her. Old Ballad, "John Grumlie." - Hector Macneil's favourite ballad, "Whar' hae ye beena' day?" - Ballad, "My Boy, Tammy." Song - There's nae luck about the house," with chorus. -
For full particulars see programme, which, together with tickets, may be had of Messrs. Marsh, Johnson, King, Buist, Harford [Hurford], Woolcott and Clarke, Waugh and Cox, Sands and Kenny, Moffitt, Piddington, Shaw, watchmaker, South Head Road, Paxton, 194, Elizabeth-street, and at the, School of Arts, Pitt-street. -
N.B. - The entertainment will terminate about ten.

"SONGS OF SCOTLAND", Bell's Life in Sydney (28 January 1854), 2

A gentleman named Paxton, recently arrived from the "Auld Countree", has been lecturing with considerable success upon Scottish music, at the School of Arts. His oratory is decidedly inferior to his singing, which, despite the disadvantages of the theatre selected, was exceedingly sweet and effective. His songs, the "Kail brose o'auld Scotland", and "Wha wadna fecht for Charlie?" were given with forceful truth, as were also two Irish melodics "Norah, the Pride of Kildare", and "Widow Machree". In the latter, and "Caller Herrings", Mr. Paxton evinced great comic powers. Taken as a whole, the entertainment is entitled to public patronage. We would beg to remind Mr. Paxton, that he gives himself unnecessary trouble in explaining some Scottish words. There are few Southerns who do not know that a' means all, sma', small, and ha', hall.

"PAXTON'S SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENTS", Illustrated Sydney News (28 January 1854), 3 

This gentleman gave a public concert in the School of Arts, on Tuesday evening last, and another on Thursday evening, having specially announced the latter, in consequence of its being the anniversary of the colony. We were glad to see such a large and respectable attendance on both occasions. There is no doubt that this class of public amusement is greatly valued in Sydney, and that Mr. Paxton, as a singer, is adapted, in every respect, to the wants of a Sydney audience . . .

[Advertisement], Illustrated Sydney News (28 January 1854), 3

Mr. Paxton, from Scotland, respectfully announces, that he will have the honour of presenting the third of his series of highly POPULAR SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENTS, with Pianoforte accompaniment, in the above hall- on Tuesday Evening next, Jan. 31, at. eight o'clock. Tickets of Admission, 1s., reserved seats, 2s.-
PROGRAMME. Part First.-Ballad, " Row weel, my Boatie, Row week" - Song, "I'm o'er young to marry yet." - Song, "Thou art gane awa frae me, Mary." - Song, "Come under my plaidie." - Song, "Wae's one for Prince Charlie." - Song, "The Lass o' Gowrie." Ballad, "Maggie Lauder."
Part Second. - Song, "Flowers of the Forest." - Song, "Duncan Gray." - Song, "For the sake o' somebody." - Dialogue Song, "Hame cam our gudeman at e'en." - Song, "The Boatie Rows," with chorus . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 February 1854), 2 

. . . the Fifth, and last but one, of his series of highly popular Scottish Entertainments, with Pianoforte accompaniment, in the above Hall THIS EVENING, February 14th, at eight o'clock. Tickets of admission, 1s.; reserved seats, 2s.
PROGRAMME: PART FIRST. - Song by Burns: "O this is no my ain Lassie" - Song by Ballantine: The darkest paths o' life I tread wi' steps o' bounding glee, Cheered onward by the love that lights my nameless lassie's ee; Song, "The nameless Lassie" - Favourite domestic Song: "Bide ye yet" - Favourite Jacobite Song by Hogg; "Flora McDonald's Lament" - Song by Hogg; The Ettrick Shepherd urging the Highlanders to follow Prince Charlie; Song: "Bonnie Prince Charlie" - Much admired Song; " Saw ye Johnnie coming, quo' she" - Song; Constancy of the Lassie in spite of her Minny and Daddle's opposition; Song: "My Daddie is a Cankcr'd Carl."
PART SECOND. - Burns Song: "Aften Water," by desire - Song by Burns; A hint from auld Auntie Katie to the lassie how to get rid of her blood frozen husband; Song: What can a young lassie do wi' an auld Man" - Song by Burns; Bruce's address when marching his gallant troops to the field of Bannockburn; Song: "Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled," by desire - Song: "Johnnie Cope" - The old song of "Toddlin' hame," Mrs. Hamilton; " My Ain Fireside," with chorus . . .

"M. AND MADAME HERWYN'S SOIREE MUSICALE", Empire (8 March 1854), 2 

We had much pleasure in attending the second of these delightful reunions last night, although our gratification was somewhat modified on the performers' account, by observing a scanty attendance. We were in hopes that in this golden age, as in the Augustan era, the refinement of the popular taste would increase in some proportionate ratio with the means of its gratification. But perhaps it was unreasonable to expect that taste in art, which requires an education, and some degree of familiarity with its exercise, should all at once descend with the golden shower with which this artistic desert has been blessed. Amid the engrossing occupations which fall to the lot of all in a new country, it is too rarely the case that intellectual pursuits receive attention, the indulgence in aesthetic pleasures rather mark a period of luxurious leisure, which it is possible that Sydney will be many years before it sees. We have been induced to hazard these remarks by way of accounting for the want of appreciation that has been so much complained of by many talented artists, who have recently been disappointed in their expectation here. In music where there would be one admirer found for the works of Beethoven, Gluck, Mendelsohn, and Meyerbeer, there would be twenty who would be enchanted with a polka, exhilarated with a glee, or charmed with a simple ballad. lt is only thus we can account for the success of the Ethiopian Serenaders, and the failure of Mr. Winterbottom, the overflowing houses of Mr. Paxton, and the thin but most discriminating audience that welcomed M. and Madame Herwyn last night.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Madame Herwyn (violin and piano); of serenaders, most recently (late 1853), the New York Serenaders; John Winterbottom (conductor)

"PARRAMATTA", Empire (22 March 1854), 2 

The town has been enlivened by a series of concerts by Mr. Paxton which appear to have given much satisfaction, especially to the natives of the Land of Cakes.


All lovers of song and ballad in this district, but more particularly Caledonians, will learn with pleasure that Mr. Paxton is about to give a series of "Scottish Entertainments" here, commencing at Newcastle on Thursday (to-morrow); at East Maitland on Saturday the 15th; at West Maitland on Monday and Tuesday, the 17th and 18th; and at Singleton on Thursday, the 20th. Mr. Paxton's Scottish songs, as given in Sydney and elsewhere, have been very highly spoken of, and these entertainments have proved very popular throughout England. He introduces also, we observe, some fine English and Irish songs.

"MR. PAXTON", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (19 April 1854), 2 

According to advertisement this gentleman gave his "Scottish Entertainment," in the Court House, East Maitland, last Saturday evening, and was greeted upon his entrance in a very warm manner, by a numerous and highly respectable audience. The enthusiastic plaudits of the representatives of the various clans, or in other words, of the Caledonians, predominated. This was to be expected, for distance from the heathered hills of "Scotia dear" was not likely to smother, or annihilate, that clanish feeling, so peculiarly a characteristic of the Scotch. No, the arid plains of this distant island of the sea will never obliterate that feeling. Viewing the Scottish Entertaintment as a whole, it was exceedingly rich and good. The song least effectively sung was "Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled." "Afton Water" was a great treat, and reflected great credit upon Mr. Paxton. Time and space will not allow us to notice, seriatim, all the songs announced in the programme, and introduced during the course of the evening, which we regret, as much might be said in praise of the manner in which they were sung, especially "When the kye comes hame," - "For the sake o' somebody," - "O, but, he was a brisk young lad," - and "I met four chaps yon birks amang," or as it is familiarly and better known, "Jenny's Bawbee." But, what shall we say, what can we say of "Wha'll buy caller herrin." This song was unquestionably the real gem of the evening, and the style in which it was sung, and the rich, clear tone which constitutes the "cry" for the sale of fish, was exquisitely achieved, and made us almost imagine that "Newhaven Meg" had arrived in Australia, and without loss of time had begun to ply her vocation by bawling out, not "Fish 'o," but, "Wha'll buy caller herrín." In descriptive Mr. Paxton does not excel, but time and practice will tend much to develope his talent in this department. It would be very ungallant in us, were we to conclude without noticing Mrs. Stewart, who is undoubtedly perfect mistress of the instrument at which she presided, and added so much to the sweet harmony of the evening. It struck us that the piano-forte, which was evidently a full, rich toned instrument, did not occupy a favourable position, but, should Mr. P., as hinted at, give a second " Entertainment", this error may be remedied by placing it more in the body of the house, opposite the bench.

From a Correspondent. - On Monday evening Mr. Paxton gave a similar "Entertainment" at the Rose Inn, West Maitland, and gave great satisfaction, the song of "Wha'll buy caller herrin," being again the greatest favourite. Most of the pieces however were different from those given on Saturday evening. It is evident that these "Scottish Entertainments" are very popular ones, appealing doubtless to wider and more general sympathies than the more ambitious music of the ordinary concerts.

Last evening Mr. Paxton gave a second "Entertainment" at the Rose Inn.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Stewart (pianist)

"THE SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 June 1854), 5 

Yesterday evening Mr. Paxton gave his first entertainment in the Mechanics Institute, which went off, upon the whole, to the great amusement of the audience. The room was little more than half full on this occasion; but we have no doubt that, at his next concert, Mr. Paxton will be favored with a numerous attendance of his countrymen at least, and such others as can appreciate the quaint humor and doric style of the rustic muse of the Land o' Cakes. Mr. Paxton himself has evidently an enthusiastic appreciation of the spirit and beauties of Scottish song, of which his illustrations are generally very happy and characteristic. His efforts at giving dramatic effect to his performances, are sometimes of a ludicrously infantile character, reminding one of the significant acting of a model infant school, or of a Christmas pantomime. Perhaps to strangers not familiar with the Scottish dialect this dramatic style of singing may be suggestive of the meaning of the song, when the words are not fully comprehended. The very gaucheries and farcical effects of Mr. Paxton's performance are merits quite in keeping with the peculiar humor and rustic character of his songs. Mr. Paxton's voice is not very powerful, neither has it much compass; but it is soft, and quite capable of giving effect to the ordinary modulations of Scottish melody. His "Laird o' Cockpen" amused the audience, as it usually does when well sung; but the favorite of the evening was Burns's sentimental lyric of "Afton Water." With a little encouragement from the public, and some little improvements and additional arrangements, we have very little doubt that Mr. Paxton's entertainments may turn ouf popular with the lovers of Scottish song. Of course in such a case we have not the inclination to be critical; we accept the entertainment as good humoredly as it is offered, and it would be invidious, as it would be ungenerous, to view it in any other light.

"SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENT", Empire (11 August 1854), 5 

If most hearty applause is indicative of the pleasure an audience receives, we must confess that Mr. Paxton's Entertainments are very successful in eliciting approval. There is aa quiet humour about that gentleman's songs which is highly pleasing to an audience; and independently of the words themselves, his quaint and suggestive bye-play is in itself a treat. The song of the evening (and which was unanimously encored), was that beginning "There cam' a young man to my daddie's door." We can scarcely convey an idea of the peculiarity of this ditty: it must be heard, and we advise Mr. Paxton to include it in his next entertainments. Mrs. Shaw sang Annie Laurie, and also performed Bishop's Overture to Guy Mannering. This lady sings very sweetly, but her voice wants power: this deficiency, however, was not so very marked, as the audience accorded her a most silent attention. We commend all lovers of song, and those who can appreciate humour, pathos, and delicate rendering of a poet's meaning, to pay a visit to Mr. Paxton's Scottish Entertainments.

"SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1854), 5 

A grand musical entertainment was given on the evening of yesterday, at the School of Arts, by Mr. Paxton, on the Songs of Scotland. The programme contained many popular Scottish songs, which were sung with much effect. The vocal efforts of Mr. Brenni, in his Ethiopean melodies and inimitable performance on the banjo, were crowned with immense success. He was repeatedly encored during the evening. The performance of Mrs. Shaw on the pianoforte, is also deserving of praise. The expectations of the very numerous and highly respectable assembly were undoubtedly fully realized, if not surpassed.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Shaw (pianist, probably wife of Shaw, watchmaker, South Head-road, see January advertisements above); J. W. Brenni (minstrel serenader, vocalist, banjo)

"THE SONGS OF SCOTLAND", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (16 September 1854), 2 

Want of space excludes our notice of Mr. Paxton's vocal performances of Wednesday night last. It will be perceived by advertisement that he gives a second entertainment to-night and his final one on Monday night.

"SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENT", Empire (14 December 1854), 4 

Mr. McFarlane gave the concluding concert of his weekly series last night, when a large audience assembled in the Theatre of the School of Arts. Scottish songs seem to find favour with the Sydney public, if we may judge from the success that has attended the efforts of Mr. McFarlane, and his predecessor, Mr. Paxton. Mr. Paxton excelled in the pathetic, as does the former in the comic . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John McFarlane (vocalist)

"Presbyterian Psalmody Association", Evening News (18 January 1876), 2 

"LECTURE ON PSALMODY", The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser (3 February 1876), 2 

""Lecture on Psalmody", The Newcastle Chronicle (11 April 1876), 2 

"LECTURE ON PSALMODY", The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser (5 May 1876), 6 

"MR. PAXTON AND CONGREGATIONAL PSALMODY", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (25 November 1878), 2 

"CHURCH PSALMODY", The Mercury (26 November 1878), 2 

"LECTURE ON PSALMODY", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 November 1879), 6 

"LECTURE ON 'PSALMODY'", Evening Journal [Adelaide, SA] (7 December 1880), 3 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 September 1881), 10 

1[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 October 1881), 2 

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 May 1882), 1 

PAXTON. - May 18, at his residence, Sunnyside, Pyrmont Bridge-road, Glebe, Joseph Paxton, aged 54 years.

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 May 1882), 5

We regret to have to announce the death of a well known and highly-respected citizen, the late Mr. Joseph Paxton. J.P., who died at his residence, Glebe, on Thursday last. Mr. Paxton had been ailing for some months, but his illness was not of such a kind as to cause any serious apprehension amongst his friends. On Thursday morning, however, he became suddenly worse, and died almost immediately. Mr. Paxton was born in Dunbar, Scotland, and spent hie early years in Edinburgh. He came out to this colony in 1855 [sic, recte 1853/54]. After a short residence in Sydney, he settled in the Western district of the colony . . .

"The Late Joseph Paxton, Esq., J.P.", Australian Town and Country Journal (3 June 1882), 17 

MR. JOSEPH PAXTON was born at Dunbar, in Scotland, on the 10th of May, 1828, and from industrious parents, had the advantages of a religious and moral training. In early life Mr. Paxton removed to Edinburgh, and spent the first period of his manhood amid the stirring associations of that historic and classical city. Being endowed with the gift of song, he adopted the profession of a teacher of music, and in addition to his ordinary engagements conducted the psalmody in one of the leading churches for six years. Having found a suitable helpmeet, he married, and took his departure for New South Wales in 1853. After a long and hazardous voyage, the subject of this notice arrived in Sydney, and within the next twelvemonths found his way to the western district, where he won colonial experience in various employments. But he was not long in settling down to a new kind of labour, which eventually led to fortune. The excitement over the discovery of gold was then at its height, and Mr. Paxton, like many others, found his way to the Turon diggings, and took up a miner's right on the now famous Hawkins's Hill. Year after year passed away in patient, plodding, and unsuccessful labour, which broke the hearts of many men. But at last perseverance had its full reward. In Paxton's, Krohman's, Holtermann's, and other claims, veins were struck almost fabulously rich, with the immediate result of securing ample fortunes for their possessors, and filling the country with the excitement of a gold fever. In 1871 Mr. Paxton left Hill End and came to reside in Sydney. Fortunately wealth, which is a snare to so many, was valued by him as giving the power of a benefactor. He had scarcely settled in his new home when the great trial of his life overtook him. An only son, who was being educated at the Grammar School with a view to the ministry of the church, was drowned in the Hawkesbury during an excursion of the cadet corps, of which he was a member. The father was afflicted by this bereavement to an inconceivable degree, and never wholly recovered from the shock. He henceforth devoted himself entirely to the various religious and philanthropic movements which lay within his reach, but it would be a mistake to suppose that he did so from any sudden resolution formed in his trying bereavement. Even when Joseph Paxton was a poor labouring man he continued through the long years of his struggle to contribute his mite to the advancement of any good cause, and when this failed he gave his personal service. During late years he had the satisfaction of finding himself more free in person and purse to carry out his benevolent intentions. Being a zealous Presbyterian, he turned his leisure to excellent account in travelling over the country, bringing his influence to bear on a better style of church architecture and an improved psalmody. He was one of the prime movers in the Sustentation Fund movement, and was largely instrumental in organising the congregation and building the superb church at the Glebe. But Mr. Paxton's benevolence was not limited to the church. Various educational institutions and charities of Sydney are the better for his active service and substantial aid. He was a councillor of St. Andrew's College, and had a seat on many public committees. For a short time before his death, Mr. Paxton was unable from indisposition to take the usual part in his accustomed work, but nothing serious was apprehended by himself or his friends up to the last hour of his life. His end came suddenly on the 18th May, when he appears to have fallen dead in his library. The deceased had left a widow and one daughter, who is the wife of the Rev. Andrew Gardiner, M.A., of the Glebe. In his death the Presbyterian Church has lost one of her foremost elders, and the city of Sydney will miss him from the ranks of her philanthropists.

Published works:

Lecture on psalmody by John Paxton [sic], convenor of committee, appointed by the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales; delivered in many of the congregations and published by request (Sydney: [Presbyterian Psalmody Association], 1878) 

Bibliography and resources:

Paul F. Cooper, "Joseph Paxton (1828-1882) Miner, Musician, Philanthropist and Churchman", Philanthropy and philanthropists in Australian colonial history, posted 9 July 2015 


? Trombone player and/or owner

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1861 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (16 April 1861), 8 

A TROMBONE LOST, in or near Richmond, on the 12th inst. Any party returning same to Mr. Peachman, Cremorne bar, will be rewarded.

ASSOCIATIONS: Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue)

PEAKE, George (George PEAKE)

Boy soprano vocalist, singing master, pianist, organist, violinist, conductor

Born (? Honiton), Exeter, Devon, England, July 1853; son of Frederick PEAKE (d. 1878) and Ann HUTCHINGS (d. 1866)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 13 April 1858 (per Coldstream, from Plymouth, 31 December 1857, with parents, aged "4")
Died Sandringham, VIC, 13 April 1933, aged 79 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[News], The Argus (10 March 1868), 5 

On Friday evening last a concert of sacred music was given in the new schoolroom connected with All Saints' Church, Northcote, by the choir of St. Peter's, Melbourne. The programme was of a miscellaneous character, consisting of selections from "Elijah," "St. Paul," and "The Creation," and church services and anthems. The whole were rendered with excellent effect, the boys keeping good tune and time throughout. Master G. Peake's rendering of "With verdure clad" deserves special mention. The gem of the evening was the pianoforte solo, "Meditation Religieuse," by Gottschalk, which was given with the greatest delicacy and feeling by Mr. Pringle. Notwithstanding the heat of the weather, a most agreeable evening was spent . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Pringle (organist, choirmaster, St. Peter's church, Melbourne)

[News], The Argus (11 December 1872), 7

The annual examination of candidates for employment as singing masters in the common schools, and of employed singing masters desirous of becoming qualified for promotion, was held yesterday. Fourteen persons had given notice of their intention to attend, but only 12 attended. Mr. George Peake passed fully for the second division, and passed for the first division in all subjects except "art of teaching," in which he cannot be examined till he has been employed for 12 months, as he will have to produce a class taught by himself for that time which can pass a satisfactory examination. The board of examiners consisted of Mr. R. Hale Budd (inspector-general), who was chairman; and Messrs. Summers and Schott.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Summers (examiner); James Arthur Schott (examiner)

"MR. GEORGE PEAKE", Illustrated Australian News and Musical Times (1 June 1889), 11 (with portrait) (DIGITISED IMAGE)

Mr. George Peake, whose portrait is here given, was born in Exeter, England, in July, 1853, and arrived in Victoria shortly after attaining his fifth year. Having given evidence of musical talent, he was at the age of 13 placed under the tuition of the late Mr. G. R. S. Pringle, with whom he studied for four years, receiving instruction on the organ, pianoforte and violin, and in harmony. Soon after commencing his studies with Mr. Pringle he joined the choir of St. Peter's, and became leading boy on the cantori side. He subsequently took lessons of Mr. Summers on the organ and piano, and of Mr. E. A. Jager on the violin, receiving also from the latter gentleman much valuable advice and assistance in the study of the literature of music . . .

"OBITUARY. Mr. George Peake", The Argus (15 April 1933), 16 

The death of Mr. George Peake occurred at his home in Sims-street Sandringham, on Thursday, after a short illness. Mr. Peake, who was aged 79 years was associated with many musical institutions in Victoria. Born at Exeter in England in 1853, he came to Australia when he was a boy, and began his musical career as a chorister at St. Peter's Church, Eastern Hill . . .

Bibliography and resources:

W. A. Carne, A century of harmony: the official centenary history of the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society (Melbourne: Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society, 1954), passim (DOWNLOAD PDF TRANSCRIPT FROM PANDORA)

Thérèse Radic, "The Victorian Orchestra 1889-1891: in the wake of the Centennial Exhibition Orchestra, Melbourne", Australasian music research 1 (1996), 13-101;dn=8111425519;res=IELAPA (PAYWALL)

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Music at the Centennial Exhibition 1888", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia): (ONSITE)

PEARCE, Richard (Sydney, 1858) - see Richard PIERCE


Contralto vocalist

Active Bendigo, VIC, 1855 (shareable link to this entry)


"AN HOUR IN OULD IRELAND", Bendigo Advertiser (26 September 1855), 3 

On Saturday evening last, Mr. Besnard gave his entertainment at Burall's Assembly Rooms . . . Mr. Besnard's forte is not in singing, but he tells the humorous anecdotes very well, and many of his sketches are graphic and interesting. Mr. Gibson sang a number of Irish songs in his usual excellent manner, and was greeted with repeated encores. Miss Lewis contributed to the evening's entertainments by singing several of her pleasing songs, and Mrs. Gill ably presided at the piano forte. The most striking feature of the performances was the apperance of a young lady named Miss Emma Pearson, who sang two songs, "I'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie," and " Annie Laurie," and was encored in both. We believe that this was the first appearance of Miss Pearson before an audience, and, taking everything into consideration, cannot but regard it as most successful. She has a contralto voice, of extraordinary power in the lower notes, which she has not yet learned how to manage properly. Her upper notes are very sweet, but have a rather limited compass. She appears to have a good ear, and sings in excellent time, but of course lacks the confidence necessary to allow of her displaying her vocal abilities to advantage. Under good tuition, which we understand she is about to receive, she will become a popular singer.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (29 September 1855), 3 

PEARSON, James (1795-1841) - see mainpage James PEARSON

Musician, organist, active Sydney, 1820s-30s

PEARSON, Joseph (Joseph PEARSON; Mr. J. PEARSON; Sergeant PEARSON)

Musician, piccolo player, band sergeant, ? violinist, instructor, bandmaster, composer

Born Manchester, Lancashire, England, c. 1833; son of Thomas PEARSON (c. 1796-1876) and Sarah COOPER (c. 1800-1865)
? Arrived Sydney, NSW, 25 November 1842 (per Ocean, from Liverpool, 12 May, via Melbourne, 27 September)
Married (1) Henrietta Australia WILSON (1834-1855), St. Andrew's cathedral, Sydney, 13 April 1854
Married (2) Emma WILSON, Sydney, NSW, 19 February 1857
Died Randwick, NSW, 9 March 1888 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Joseph Pearson was a son of Thomas Pearson (c. 1796-1876), a cabinet maker, and Sarah Cooper (d. 1865). Joseph's age was given as 24 at his second marriage in 1857, thus born c. 1833. According to his parents' death certificates, Thomas (born Manchester) and Sarah (born Cheshire) had arrived in the colony in 1842, presumably with their children. They are probably the Pearson family who arrived first at Melbourne, on the Ocean, as steerage passengers from Liverpool, in September 1842, before sailing on with the ship to Sydney, arriving on 25 November 1842.

Pearson's two wives, Henrietta and Emma, were sisters, daughters of the engraver William Wilson.


? "Ship News. ARRIVED", Melbourne Times (1 October 1842), 2 

September 27. - Ocean, barque, 560 tons, James Ward, master; from Liverpool 12th May, and Rio de Janeiro 1st August. Passengers . . . and sixty-four in steerage . . .

? "SHIPPING INTELLEGENCE. ARRIVAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 November 1842), 2 

FROM Port Phillip, yesterday, having left the 25th instant, the barque Ocean, 560 tons, Captain Ward, with part of original cargo, Passengers . . . steerage - Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, and six children . . .

"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 April 1854), 8 

On the 13th instant, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, by the Rev. G. King, Joseph, fifth son of Mr. Thomas Pearson, of Pitt-street, late of Manchester, to Henrietta Australia, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Wilson, engraver, York-street, Sydney.

[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (18 December 1856), 1 

OUR LYCEUM THEATRE. - The opening of the above-mentioned Theatre having furnished employment to a number of Actors, Actresses, Artists, Musicians, Carpenters, and others, and Mr. W. H. STEPHENS having been principally instrumental in effecting this great good, it is proposed to give him a COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT, on THURSDAY Evening, December 18, 1856 . . . The following Signatures are appended: . . . The Band - Messrs. Wheeler, Davis, Pearson, Friedlander, Wilkinson, Boans, H. Cramer, F. Cramer, Hall, Cramer . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Stephens (actor, manager); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (musician, leader); Isaac Henry Davis (musician); William Friedlander (musician); Philip Barnett Boam (musician); Cramer brothers (musicians); John Thomson Hall (musician); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)

"THE VOLUNTEER BAND", Empire (28 December 1860), 5

A meeting of persons favourable to joining the Volunteer Rifles Band was held at the offices Hyde Park, yesterday evening. The band master of the 12th Regiment, Mr. Douglas Callan, was in attendance to test the qualifications of the different candidates. The names of the following amateurs were taken down -
Mr. Dennis, cornet; Mr. Arthur Stacey, cornet; Mr. Benjamin Walters, violin; Mr. P. M. Moore, flute; Mr. J. Beaumont, flute; Mr. J. Hasker, cornet; Mr. Davison, piccolo or flute; Mr. D. Shaw, cornet; Mr. G. Eginton, baritone sax horn; Mr. E. Conroy, flute; Mr. E. Turner, concertina; Mr. P. Williams, violin; Mr. Horan, cornet; Mr. G. McKinnon, flagelet; Mr. Henry Webb, triangle; Mr. Ham, cornet; Mr. Ham, sax-tuba; Mr. H. Jones, French horn; Mr. Brodie, drum; Mr. Edmonstore, French flute; Mr. McKenzie, hautboy; Mr. Nicholas Nelson, flute; and Mr. Devlin, basso. The following names have been taken down as paid members -
Mr. Leahy, bass trombone; Mr. G. Wright, bassoon; Mr. Thomas Quinn, side drum; Mr. James Wilson, clarionet; Mr. T. Gill, bombardon; Mr. M. McMahon, clarionet; Mr. Morgan, trombone; Mr. Metcalfe, clarionet; Mr. Lambe, French horn; two Messrs. Taylor, cornets; Mr. Crow, sax horn;
Mr. Pearson, piccolo; Mr. J. Palmer, flute.
The paid members, who are to be 16 in number, must have a knowledge of music; the amateurs either have a knowledge of music or will receive instruction. The collection of names as above would appear a preliminary stop, as Mr. Callan will have to report to the band committee before anything definite can be done.

ASSOCIATIONS: Douglas Callen (master, Band of the 12th Regiment)

[Advertisement], Empire (28 May 1861), 1

Thomas Pearson, senr.; Thomas Pearson, Junr.; Frederick Pearson; Joseph Pearson . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (29 July 1864), 1 

VOLUNTEER RIFLE BAND. - The Members of the above will please MEET at the Brigade Office, THIS EVENING, at 6 p.m., in full dress, for Practice, previous to proceeding to the Theatre.
D. CALLEN, Esq., Conductor.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 October 1864), 1 

VOLUNTEER RIFLE BAND - Members of the above, engaged to perform at the Flower Show, in the Botanic Gardens, will meet for practice at half-past 6 sharp, THIS EVENING.

"ST. LEONARDS VOLUNTEER RIFLES", Empire (17 February 1865), 4 

One of those happy instances of the recognition of social qualities and urbanity of disposition took place last evening at the School of Arts, St. Leonards, in the successful carrying out of a complimentary dinner given to Captain Garrett, of the St. Leonards Volunteer Rifles, previous to his departure for Europe . . . A portion of the Volunteer Rifle Band, under the directorship of sergeant Joseph Pearson, added to the charm of the entertainment by the efficient performance of many select and suitable pieces of music . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 July 1865), 10

I HEREBY NOTIFY that the JOSEPH PEARSON alluded to in the Police report of Thursday IS NOT JOSEPH PEARSON, Musician, son of Thomas Pearson, sen., 280, Pitt-street.

See "CENTRAL POLICE COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 July 1865), 8

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 September 1865), 1 

NAVAL BRIGADE BAND. - The members of the above are requested to attend a Special MEETING, at the Volunteer Barracks, on TUESDAY, 12th instant, at 7 p.m. sharp.

[Advertisement], Illawarra Mercury [Wollongong, NSW] (10 August 1866), 3 

BRASS and STRING BANDS supplied from 3 to 30 strong, at reasonable terms. All applications to be made to JOSEPH PEARSON, care of S. Pearson, Cabinet-maker, 248 and 250, Pitt-street; or to SERGEANT PEARSON, Volunteer Rifle Band, Brigade Office, Hyde Park, Sydney.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 December 1866), 8

NOTICE - PEARSON'S celebrated Brass and String BAND is open for ENGAGEMENTS for Balls, Dinners, Picnics, etc. All applications to be made to Joseph Pearson, at Mr. Thomas Pearson's, No. 248 and 250, Pitt-street, N.B.- A liberal allowance made to schools.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 January 1868), 1 

NAVAL BRIGADE BAND. - Full Practice on Monday Night, 7 sharp. J. Pearson, Instructor.

"FATAL ACCIDENT IN CAMPBELL STREET", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1868), 4 

The City Coroner held an inquiry at the Fosterville Hotel, Campbell-street, yesterday, respecting the death of a boy named Edwin Sydney Pearson, son of Joseph Pearson, of Samuel-street . . .

"NAVAL BRIGADE BAND. To the Editor of . . .", The Newcastle Chronicle (31 October 1868), 2

SIR - I beg to state that it was neither the Tantum Ergo nor a Catholic hymn in any sense of the term that the band played at the funeral on Wednesday last, as stated in your issue of the 29th, but simply the dead march of the Naval Brigade, composed by Mr. Joseph Pearson, bandmaster, Naval Brigade, Sydney.
By inserting this you will much oblige your humble servant, J. DICKSON.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 November 1868), 6 

MR. JOSEPH PEARSON'S Select Quadrille Assembly will take place in the Oddfellows' Hall, Sussex-street, on THURSDAY EVENING, November 19, commencing at 8 o'clock sharp.

? "Musical Notes", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (2 May 1874), 571 

The concerts at the Exhibition Building by the Christian Company have been fairly attended, the principal feature being undoubtedly the singing of Miss Christian herself . . . A song by Mr. Joseph Pearson, a recitation or two, and some excellent pianoforte music by Mrs. Caldwell (accompanist), and her daughter and pupils, made up a very good entertainment.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen Christian (contralto vocalist)

"DEATHS", Evening News (8 March 1890), 4 

PEARSON. - In loving memory of my dear father, Joseph Pearson, musician, who died at his residence, Clara Cottage, Lion-street, Randwick, March 9, 1888. Inserted by his loving daughter, Clara Pearson.

PEAT, Clement (Clement Shenley PEAT; Clement PEAT; Mr. PEAT)


Born England, c. 1806; baptised St. George the martyr, 17 February 1813; son of James PEAT and Hannah TAYLOR
Married Clarissa TAYLOR (c. 1806-1875), St. Giles Cripplegate, 24 April 1832
Died Sydney, NSW, 1880, aged "74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


Clement Peat was probably born in London, a son of James Peat, merchant, and Hannah Taylor, who married at Monkwearmouth, Durham, on 16 December 1803. He and two probably younger siblings were baptised together on 17 February 1813, suggesting he was born at least 2 years earlier. Banns for the marriage of Peat and Clarissa Taylor were first published in 1830; and for a second time, succesfully, in 1832. In the 1861 census, his widowed mother Hannah, aged 78, born Monkwearmouth, was living in London with her youngest daughter, Mary Elizabeth, aged 41 (born 29 June 1819).


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. George the Martyr [Queen's Square, Camden], in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1813; register 1813-23, page 5; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 38 / Feb'y 17 / Clement Shenley Son [of] / James & Hannah / Peat / East Street / Merchant
No. 39 / Feb'y 17 / Sarah janes D'r [of] / James & Hannah / Peat . . .
No. 40 /Feb'y 17 / Mary Ann D'r [of] / James & Hannah / Peat . . .

Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Giles, without Cripplegate, in the City of London, in the year [1832]; register 1826-37, page 325; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 3684 / Clement Shenly Peat of this Parish Bachelor and Clarissa Taylor of this Parish Spinster
were married in this Church by Licence this [24 April 1832] . . . in the presence of Mary Taylor . . .

Sydney, NSW (I) (1833-38):

"Theatricals. To the Editor of . . .", The Australian (11 January 1833), 4 

. . . The pieces played were "Black-eyed Susan" . . . In Mr. Meredith, William, has a very able representative . . . and Mrs. Love in Susan acquitted herself most satisfactorily . . . Mrs. Weston in "Dolly" exhibited much vivacity . . . The rest of the characters were very respectably represented, and more so than that of the Admiral by Mr. Peat . . .

"Theatricals", The Australian (24 October 1834), 2 

. . . Mr. Peat, with some judgment, produced at his benefit the popular piece of "Rob Roy," - rightly judging, that the name alone, was sufficient to touch those chords of nationality in the Scottish breast, which would meet an immediate and sympathetic response. The Theatre was full without inconvenience, and three-fourths of those present, were from the land o'cakes, and one gentlemen appeared in his native costume. The success of this excellent piece was on a par with that of its operatic predecessor[s], "The Slave," and "Guy Mannering." How an opera is to succeed when the songs are omitted, is a mystery of dramatic science, far beyond the compass of our comprehension . . .

"Blue Beard", The Sydney Monitor (27 August 1836), 2

THOSE who have seen certain pieces performed in London, and afterwards see them here, witness the Colonial representation at a disadvantage. Thirty-two years ago we saw "Blue Beard" in the old Theatre of Drury-lane . . . The impression this gorgeous spectacle made, is well fixed in our memory . . . The music of "Blue Beard" has rarely been excelled for true harmony; that which touches the heart with out breaking in on the feelings by a vulgar mechanical-execution "of difficult passages." And the circumstance of "Blue Beard" being announced by our Sydney Thespians, as it has been, with a sort of pomp, and as a piece of unusual merit, shews, that there is in this Turkish Romance something unusually imposing . . . The charming duet between Fatima and Selim had to be omitted - for though Miss Winstanley can sing, Peat cannot . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Winstanley (actor, vocalist)

"THE THEATRE", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (21 March 1838), 2 

On Saturday night was repeated the Farce of the "Married Bachelor, or Master and Man" . . . Mr. Lazar had improved upon the character of Sir Charles Courtall. Mr. John Herman Selwyn Lee caused a considerable deal of risibility by his personification of Sharpe; he made several very good points. Mr. Peat was successful as La Broche; he is the only party that can be toterated as a Frenchman upon the stage . . . On Dit. - It is said that Mr. Peat has left the Stage in consequence of his having found that a return of his late indisposition would be the necessary consequence of late hours. It is said that Mr. P. intends re-visiting his native country for the benefit of his health: we wish him a pleasant passage and a speedy restoration.

London, England (II) (1838-39):

Baptisms in the parish of Bethnal Green in the county of Middlesex in the year 1838; register 1837-91, page 14; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 110 / 1838 28 Nov'r / James Taylor born July 22 1838 / [son of] Clement Shenly & Clarissa / Peat / Patriot Square / Coach Maker . . .

Sydney, NSW (II) (from 1841):

"THE DRAMA", The Australian (20 March 1841), 2 

The Heart of Midlothian will be revived on Monday evening at the Victoria, in order to introduce Mr. Peat (late of the old Theatre) in the character of Reubin Butler in this interesting drama. Mr. Peat's performances we have often witnessed with pleasure, and no doubt, from his theatrical connexions in the Mother Country, he has returned an improved and sterling actor.

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (19 October 1843), 3

We have much pleasure in drawing the attention of the play-going public to Mr. Peat's announce bill for this evening at the Victoria. The City Members, Messrs. Wentworth and Bland, have very kindly signified their intention of honouring the Theatre with their presence on this occasion, when Mr. Peat, who has been long in declining health, takes his farewell benefit. To the visitors of the dress circle in particular we feel assured this appeal will not be in vain. Mr. Peat's gentlemanly and obliging manners having been the theme of universal approval since he has filled his present appointment before the curtain. The whole strength of the Company, including Mr. Lazar, Mr. Coppin and Mrs. Coppin, Mr. Griffiths, and Mr. Simes, will Appear.

"THE DRAMA. CITY THEATRE", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (17 February 1849), 3 

This lovely little structure, which has been decorated, or at least a portion of it, during the recess, with an extra coat of whitewash, was reopened on Wednesday for the benefit of Mr. Peat. We sincerely hope it was for his benefit, as it certainly could not be for the advantage of any one else, either actors or spectators. From the heading of the bill, it appears that Mr. Peat merely got up the Thespian treat in order "to meet the wishes of his friends." "Save me from my friends," ought to be the exclamation of the beneficiare, for their wishes certainly made him put his foot into it, in a most unquestionable manner. Mr. Peat also (bill-ularly quoting) "trusted that the amueemenit selected for the evening's entertainments would give that satisfaction it had ever been his constant study to deserve." As the gentleman and his previous exertions are perfect strangers to us, we cannot offer a single comment upon either, but, if last night's amusements may be taken as a sample, we should have no hesitation in settling the exact amount of his deserts; though we might not feel our weekly efforts strong enough to administer them . . .

"DEATHS", The Sydney Daily Telegraph (23 June 1880), 2 

PEAT. - June 20, at his residence, 488 Elizabeth-street south, Clement S. Peat, aged 74 years.

"ANNALS OF THE TURF AND OTHER PASTIMES . . . No. LVI. (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (8 June 1904), 8 

. . . Mr. Clement Peat was the father of Mr. H. J. Peat, for many years connected with the commercial department of the "Town and Country Journal" in the lifetime of Mr. Samuel Bennett, and was the originator and founder of the Friendly Societies' dispensaries which exist to day. In recognition of his good work in this direction the societies erected a very handsome memorial over his grave at Rookwood. Clement Peat, the actor, on retiring from the stage, went into trade as a publican, I think, in a house known as "Jack Straw's Castle," at Pyrmont. In the sixties and seventies he was established as a pawnbroker in Botany-street, better known as Flinders-street, Darlinghurst, where he died . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed" and "Old Chum" below, memoirist)

"OLD SYDNEY . . . No. 183 (BY 'OLD CHUM')", Truth (16 April 1911), 12 

. . . Clement Peat, a grocer, afterwards a publican at Pyrmont, and later still a pawnbroker in Botany-street, Darlinghurst (now known as Flinders-street). Clement Peat had been an actor, and performed under Mr. Simmons at the theatre attached to the Royal Hotel in the thirties. I knew him. His son, H. J. Peat, was accountant at the 'Evening News' office. He is dead. A grandson of Clement Peat is a plumber, living in Sydney . . .




Professor of music, contra bass player, trumpet player

Born Frauenberg, Austria, c. 1856; son of Adalbert PECHOTSCH and Rosalia POLLOCK
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1880 (with Austrian Strauss Band)
Married (1) Annie WALDOCK, St. Philip's church, Collingwood, VIC, 20 May 1886
Died Alexandra, VIC, 1902, aged "46" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PECHOTSCH, Rupert Joseph (Rupert Joseph PECHOTSCH; R. J. PECHOTSCH; Hubert [sic] PECHOTSCH)

Professor of music, contra bass player, trumpet player

Born Vienna, Austria, c. 1863; son of Adalbert PECHOTSCH and Rosalia POLLOCK
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1880 (with Austrian Strauss Band)
Married Ada Euphemia NORRIS, Sydney, NSW, 28 February 1882
Died South Yarra, VIC, 1839, aged "76" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PECHOTSCH, Raimund (Raimund Leo PECHOTSCH)

Professor of music, violinist, composer, teacher, conductor, choirmaster

Born ? Vienna, Austria, c. 1864; son of Adalbert PECHOTSCH and Rosalia POLLOCK
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1880 (with Austrian Strauss Band)
Married (1)
Married (2) Alice McCARTHY,
Died Darlinghurst, NSW, 20 January 1941 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

PECHOTSCH, Mary Elizabeth (Mary Elizabeth DOLMAN; Mrs. Peter CURTIS; Mrs. Raimund PECHOTSCH)

Amateur vocalist

Born Sydney, NSW, 1858; daughter of William DOLMAN and Caroline NAGEL; grand-daughter of Charles NAGEL
Married (1) Peter Campbell CURTIS (1836-1885), St. Joseph's church, Newtown, NSW, 2 February 1878
Married (2) Raimund Leo PECHOTSCH, St. Patrick's church, Sydney, NSW, 17 September 1885
Died NSW, 23 December 1936 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PECHOTSCH, Raimund (Raimund Adalbert PECHOTSCH)


Born Sydney, NSW, 1 August 1886
Departed Sydney, NSW, August 1897 (for Europe)
Died London, England, 1 February 1915 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"THE AUSTRIAN STRAUSS BAND", The Argus (11 October 1880), 6 

. . . F. A. Wildner, conductor . . . Raim Pechotz, first violin, helicon . . . A. Pechotz, contra-bass, trumpet . . . R. Pechotsch, contra-bass, trumpet . . .

"THE AUSTRIAN STRAUSS BAND", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (22 January 1881), 2 

. . . A pleasant memorial of the present visit has been left behind in the shape of a military march, composed by a member of the Austrian Band, Herr Raimund Pechotsch, expressly for, and dedicated to, Herr Schott, and fully scored for use by the Artillery Band. Herr Pechotsch is one of the youngest member of the band, being only 17 years of age, but is by no means one of the least accomplished, the fantasia on "Babies in Our Block" having been given at the open air concerts with great success . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Arthur Schott (musician)

"Marriages", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 September 1885), 1 

PECHOTSCH - CURTIS. - September 17, at St. Patrick's Church, Sydney, by the Rev. P. Le Rennetel, Raimund, youngest son of Adalbert Pechotsch, musical director, Vienna, Austria, to Mary, third daughter of William Dolman, Esq., Newtown, and relict of the late P. C. Curtis.

"Births", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 August 1886), 1 

PECHOTSCH. - August 1, at her residence, Victoria-street, Waverley, the wife of Herr Raimund Pechotsch, of a son.

"THE BOY VIOLINIST", Freeman's Journal (14 August 1897), 16 

[News], Alexandra and Yea Standard, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express (17 October 1902), 2 

Bibliography and resources:

Raimund Pechotsch, Wikipedia 

WARNING: As at December 2020, contains some incorrect information, and confuses the two Raimunds Pechotsch, senior and junior

PECK, George Henry (George PECK)

PECK, Sophia Winifred (Mrs. George PECK)

PECK, Henry George Brennan (Henry George Brennan PECK)

PECK, Felix (Felix PECK)

Go to main page:

And see also Robyn Lake's article on George Peck's Theatre of the Arts: 

PECK, George Washington (George Washington PECK; G. W. PECK)

American traveller, music critic (founder of Boston musical review, 1845), amateur violinist

Born Rehoboth, Massachusetts, USA, 4 December 1817
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 20 May 1853 (per Plymouth Rock, from Boston, 18 February)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 4 July 1853 (per Albus, for Callao)
Died Boston, USA, Massachusetts, USA, 6 June 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)



. . . According to the programme of the evening's proceedings, Mr. Geo. F. Train read the following address, from the pen of Mr. Peck, Massachusetts, who was unable to deliver it in person, as he was to sail on the day of the dinner in the Albus, for Callao . . . [prints text of address]

ASSOCIATIONS: George Francis Train (American merchant in Melbourne)

George W. Peck, Melbourne, and the Chincha Islands: with sketches of Lima, and a voyage round the world (New York: Scribner, 1854), 120-23 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

. . . Melbourne boasts a Mechanics' Institute, which occupies a conspicuous building in an excellent situation at the upper end of Collins street . . . I was almost a daily visiter here, and am indebted to Mr. Paterson, the Secretary, and to Mr. Millar, the Librarian, for more than merely official courtesy . . .One end of the hall was a raised platform, used as an orchestra, or place for the lecturer's rostrum. Here stood a grand piano, and here on Saturday evenings, listen ye who think of Melbourne as a paradise of rogues, meets a little club of amateur musicians, who strive to drag the spirits of Hadyn and Mozart out of elysium. When I inform them that the performance is almost as painful as that of the Euterpians, or the Music Club of Boston, our dilettanti will understand to what an intolerable degree of civilization the other end of the world has arrived. The native corrobories, described and sketched in Wilkes, where the dancers are shewn imitating a dance of skeletons, was but a rude attempt at the refined horrors of amateur music clubs. I helped them do (for) a symphony of Mozart's, (the one in C, number four, with the beautiful andante and the bold and characteristic presto finale,) one evening, and am entitled to speak. I did not shine particularly on the occasion. The instrument was too weak. Give me a good new violin that never was touched, and a long strong bow, and I flatter myself I can hold my own with most amateurs in point of tone; though I am rather too conscientious about putting in all the notes, and there are those who excel me in time, coming out ahead in spite of all I can do. Perhaps I might not fail, however, with my coat off; or if I had had some previous training at wood sawing. Amateurs, be it understood, play for honor, and each one as the Gow Chrom fought, "for his own hand", the world over.

There are some very good concerts in Melbourne. The advertisement of one in a paper before me, opens with the first movement of Beethoven's second symphony, followed by airs from Masaniello and Lucia, second part Zampa, Adelaide, ballads, and God save the Queen. There are not wanting good violinists, and the wind instruments from the band of the fortieth regiment, are as respectable as those in most of our orchestras. At the theatre was a German double bass player, whom I had known in Boston. Some time in June, a solo violinist arrived, whose name was like my own, and my few American friends began to fancy from his advertisement, that I was about to make my debut, a step higher in that branch of art, than I ever reached. I called on my namesake, found him to be from London, and about commencing business as a dealer in music, and instruments; he was amused at the coincidence of name, and what was most singular, had found near him still another namesake, a stranger to him also, as both were to me, so that there were almost a bushel of us. We called upon the third Richmond, and said "when shall we meet again!" My artists double furnished me with the arms of the family; according to the authorities, we go back to a knight who fought in the Holy Land, and the effigies of some of our ancestors may still be seen in churches in Derby and Lincolnshire . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Paterson (secretary, Mechanics' Institution, Melbourne)

"The native corrobories, described and sketched in Wilkes" = Charles Wilkes; see Charles Wilkes, Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842 volume 2 (Philadelphia: Lee and Blanchard, 1845), 198-99 (descriptions), illustration plate, 199-200 (music examples) (DIGITISED)

"a German double bass player, whom I had known in Boston" = Adam Plock

"a solo violinist arrived, whose name was like my own" = George Henry Peck

MUSIC: Symphony no 4 in C = Jupiter symphony in C, K 551

Bibliography and resources:

Kevin J. Hayes, "Peck, George Washington (4 December 1817 - 6 June 1859)", American national biography (PAYWALL)

Frank Luther Mott, A history of American magazines: 1741-1850 (Harvard University Press, 1930), 435

Dave Hollett, More precious than gold: the story of the Peruvian guano trade (Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses, 2008), 125

DISAMBIGUATION: Not to be confused with congressman George Washington Peck (1818-1905)

PEERS, Janet (Janet Alice GRIMES; Mrs. William Hunter PEERS; Janet PEERS; Mrs. PEERS)

Teacher of music and singing

Born Scotland, 1813; daughter of John and Janet GRIMES
Married William Hunter PEERS (1811-by 1860), St. Mary's, Edge Hill, Liverpool, England, 11 March 1840
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 11 October 1852 (per Serampore, from Liverpool, 7 July)
Died St. Kilda, VIC, 27 September 1888, aged "75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Janet Peers, giving her age as 38, and four children, John Grimes (11), Frederick William (10), Janet (9), and Charles Henry (7) arrived in Melbourne from Liverpool, on the Serampore in October 1852. Insolvent in 1860, she described herself as a widow.


1840, marriage solemnized at St. Mary's Edge Hill, in the parish of Walton in the county of Lancaster; register 1837-46, page 62; Liverpool City Council (PAYWALL)

No. 123 / March 11 / William Hunter Peers / full / bachelor / Cotton Broker / Edge Hill / [father] John Peers / Cotton Broker
Janet Grimes / full / Spinster / - / Toxteth Park / John Grimes / Comptroller in H.M. Customs . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, Birkenhead, Cheshire; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 2175 (PAYWALL)

13 Lord St. / Jennette Peers / Head / Married / 38 / Teacher of Music and Singing / [born] Scotland
John [Peers] / Son / 10 / Scholar / [born] Lanc'r L'pool
F[red.] [Peers] / Son / 9 / [Scholar] / [born Lanc'r L'pool]
J. A. [Peers] / Daur. / 7 / Scholar / [born] Lanc'r L'pool
C. H. [Peers] / Son / 6 / Scholar / [born] Lanc'r L'pool . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (12 November 1852), 5

MRS. PEERS, lately arrived from England has much pleasure in saying she is now ready to give instruction in Singing and the Pianoforte, 86, Little Collins-street, East.

[2 advertisements], The Argus (17 November 1852), 7 

[As above and]

MRS. WILLIAM H. PEERS, pupil, successively of Wilson, well-known in his songs of Scotland; Finley Dun, of Edinburgh; Shrivall, of London, and Liverpool; and finally of Signor Virgillini, under whose auspices the celebrated Miss Paton, afterwards Lady William Lennox, made her debut in the musical world, has the honor of announcing to the inhabitants of Melbourne, and its vicinity, that she is now prepared to give instruction in the above fashionable accomplishment, with the use of the Pianoforte. Scots' School Cottage, Collins-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Wilson (vocalist, teacher); Finlay Dun (vocalist. teacher); Frederick Shrivall (vocalist, teacher); Virgilini / Virgillini ? (unidentified)

"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (18 November 1852), 5 

. . . Song - Home of my Heart, Mrs. Peers . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (18 February 1853), 1 

HENRY GRIMES.-If you are still at the Ovens, you are particularly requested to communicate with your sister, Mrs. Peers, 12, Swanston-street, Melbourne.

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 September 1853), 6 

MRS. PEERS begs to inform the Inhabitants of Melbourne and its suburbs that she is prepared to give instructions in Music and singing. Terms moderate, 191, Lonsdale-street, east.


. . . Final arrangements were made as to the concert to be given by Miss Catherine Hayes . . . It was notified that Mrs. Peers and Mrs. Burns had kindly volunteered their services at the concert . . .

[2 advertisements], The Argus (31 March 1857), 6 

MRS. PEERS continues to give private LESSONS in MUSIC and SINGING. The highest references kindly permitted.

RICHMOND. - Mrs. PEERS begs to inform her friends and the public generally that her SCHOOL OPENS This Day, for the Instruction of Young Ladies in all the routine of a useful and polite education. Elizabethan Cottage, Punt-road, opposite the Barracks.

[Advertisement], The Argus (12 October 1859), 6 

LADIES' SCHOOL, Hermitage Cottage, close to Raglan-street station, Sandridge, conducted by Mrs. PEERS, assisted by efficient masters. Vacancies for boarders.

"NEW INSOLVENTS", Geelong Advertiser (7 March 1860), 2 

Janet Peers, widow, Sandridge. Causes of insolvency - From an unjust demand made by James Robertson which she is unable to pay, pressure of creditors, and being unable to realise by the sale of real property. Liabilities, L650; assets, L710; surplus, L60; Mr. Shaw, official assignee.

[Advertisement], The Argus (31 January 1861), 8

MUSIC and SINGING. - Mrs. PEERS, pupil of Virgilini, gives INSTRUCTION in the above, Russell-street.

[Advertisement], The Argus (1 March 1861), 8

MUSIC and SINGING. - Mrs. PEERS (pupil of Virgilini) gives INSTRUCTION in the above, 37 Russell-street.


Certificates of discharge were granted, to the following insolvents, there being no opposition: . . . Janet Peers . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (2 September 1861), 8 

. . . 38, Russell-street.

"Deaths", The Argus (28 September 1888), 1 

PEERS. - On the 27th inst., at her late residence, Shorwell, Carlisle-street, St. Kilda, Janet, widow of the late William Hunter Peers, cotton broker, Liverpool, and daughter of the late John Grimes comptroller of H.M. Customs at the abovenamed port, aged 75.

Bibliography and resources:

Janet Peers, Find a grave 

PEERS, John Jones (John Jones PEERS; J. J. PEERS)

Amateur musician, vocalist, choir conductor, choral leader, bricklayer, builder

Born Liverpool, England, 29 March 1805 (on gravestone)
Married Mary Ann KEOWN (d. 1891), St. Nicolas's church, Liverpool, England, 23 November 1828
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1833 (free per Guardian, from London, 4 September 1832, and Cape of Good Hope, 3 December)
Active Hobart and Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1833-37
Active Melbourne, Port Philip District, NSW (VIC), 1837-50
Died Sydney, NSW, 27 August 1850 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Marriages solemnized in the parochial chapel of St. Nicholas, in Liverpool . . . in the year [1828]; Liverpool City Council (PAYWALL)

No. 816 / John Jones [sic], of this parish, bricklayer, and
Mary Ann Keown, of this parish, spinster, were married in this Chapel by Banns . . . this [23 March 1828] . . .
[signature] Mary Ann Keown X her mark . . . [witness] Ellen Keown x her mark . . .

"Shipping Intelligence", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 January 1833), 2 

From London and the Cape of Good Hope, the same day [20 January], having left the former place on the 4th of September, and the latter on the 3d of December, the barque Guardian, Captain Sinclair, with a general cargo. Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Hooson and son; John Storton, carpenter; John Jones Peers, bricklayer, John Ferries, Mr. and Mrs. Boatwright . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Boatright (musician) and husband

[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (24 May 1833), 8 

"SHIPWRECK", The Cornwall Chronicle (8 April 1837), 2 

"WESLEYAN SUNDAY SCHOOL", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (31 March 1842), 2 

. . . During the services the children sung several chaunts and hymns appropriate to the occasion, in a delightful manner, under the conduct of Messrs. Clarke and Peers . . .

[Advertisement], Melbourne Times (24 December 1842), 3 

GRAND ORATORIO, UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF His Honor the Superintendent, C. J. La trobe, esquire, Who has signified his intention of being present with his family.
A MISCELLANEOUS SELECTION, OF SACRED MUSIC, from the works of HANDEL, HAYDN, MOZART, And other eminent composers,
Conductor MR. CLARKE, Who will preside at the Organ.
Particulars of which will be given in a future advertisement.
The following gentlemen have consented to act as Stewards on the occasion; -
Tickets in sets of. three, 10s. 6d. each, and Single Tickets 12s. 6d.
To be had at the Newspaper Offices; from Mr. Ker. Jun., Stationer; Mr. Cooper, Druggist; Mr. Wilson, Druggist; and Mr. Dredge, Collins-street; Mr. Harrington, Druggist, Elizabeth-street; Mr. Clarke, Professor of Music, Swanston-street; and at Geelong, from Mr. Harrison, Post Office.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles La Trobe (superintendent, Port Phillip district); William Clarke (conductor)

"SUPREEME COURT. CIVIL SIDE . . . MONDAY, 13TH NOVEMBER, 1843", Port Phillip Gazette (15 November 1843), 2 

Mr. Williams, previous to the business set down for the day, moved for the postponement of trial in the case of Anderson v. Cain, from the absence of a material witness, Mr. J. J. Peers, who had proceeded to Portland Bay, to attend the ceremony of laying the first stone of a Wesleyan Chapel in that town . . .

"WESLEYAN SINGING CLASS", Geelong Advertiser (26 December 1848), 1 

An Adult and Juvenile Singing Class has been recently established under the leadership of Mr. Peers. It is in connexion with the Wesleyan Methodists, and its members meet every Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock, in the School-room, recently erected in the Wesleyan Chapel yard. Mr. Peers has been at some trouble in organising the class, and his gratuitous services in such a work are deserving of record. - Patriot.

"DIED", The Melbourne Daily News (30 August 1850), 2 

At Sydney, on the 21st instant, in the full triumph of Christian faith, aged 45, Mr. John Jones Peers, of Richmond, near Melbourne - an old and much esteemed resident of Port Phillip.

Grave monument of John Jones Peers; Old Melbourne Cemetery (photo, c. 1900); National Library of Australia

Grave monument of Edward Peers (d. 1842) and his father John Jones Peers; Old Melbourne Cemetery (photo, c. 1900); National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

"THE WESLEYAN JUBILEE", The Age (20 May 1886), 5 

. . . Among the earliest settlers in Port Phillip were some families of Methodists. Near the end of 1836, or the beginning of 1837 these formed themselves into a society. They consisted of Mr. George Lilly, Mr. J. J. Peers, Mr. W. Witton, Mr. Thomas Jennings and one or two others. In March, 1837, they numbered seven, and Mr. W. Witton was appointed leader. Of this small band Mr. Witton and the widow of Mr. Peers still survive and reside in the colony . . . [by 1839] a brick chapel had been built which would hold about 150 persons . . . The brick church just referred to was the first place of worship erected in the colony. It stood at the corner of Swanston-street and Flinders-lane, and was built by Mr. J. J. Peers upon his own land, and leased by him on trust for a church at a nominal rent . . .

"CATHEDRAL OF METHODISM. WESLEY CHURCH", The Herald (12 February 1912), 3 

. . . Mr. J. Peers was a musical enthusiast, and conducted the choir. By April, 1839, the church members had increased to thirty, and Mr. Peers, who advanced the money, had been repaid the greater part of his outlay in building the church . . .

Isaac Selby, The old pioneer's memorial history of Melbourne . . . (Melbourne: Old Pioneers' Memorial Fund, 1924), 

[On monument decorations in the Melbourne Cemetery] . . . John Jones Peers, one of Melbourne's earliest musicians, had David playing the harp on his stone . . .

J. J. Peers was the founder of the building trade in the sense that he took the first big contract. I find in the letters of Lonsdale a report of the completion of the contract to build the Custom House, and a statement to the Governor of New South Wales that he had paid Peers. He bought land at the first sale, 1st June, 1837, and he was a lay, if not the lay founder of the Victorian Wesleyan Church, for he built the first Wesleyan Church with his money and on his own land at the corner of Swanston Street and Flinders Lane; and later he was on the building committee of the Wesley Church, and was appointed one of its trustees. He was also a trustee of the Wesleyan Division of our Cemetery, and his grave was at the corner of that ground near the oval in the centre.

He was on the committee of the Melbourne Building Society, which was the forerunner of all our building societies, many in number, some with a precarious life, but all contributing to the development and beautifying of our cities.

J. J. Peers represents the enlightened mechanic. He associated himself with the first effort in the town for popular education, the Mechanics Institute. He was on its committee, and was also a promoter of the first auxiliary to the British and Foreign Bible Society in Victoria. He was the treasurer to the Harmonic Society, the first musical society in Melbourne, and when it was superseded by the Philharmonic Society he passed in to the more modern association. And they engraved on his tombstone the form of David playing his harp. Thus he was allied to nearly every association for the common good in early Melbourne.

ASSOCIATIONS: Harmonic Society (c. 1840-42); Philharmonic Society (c. 1846-47)

John Jones Peers, Find a grave 



Born England, 25 September 1829; baptised St. Mary the virgin, Saffron Walden, 6 November 1829, daughter of George LAWRENCE and Isabella RILEY
Married Thomas PELLATT (1822-1861), St. Mary the virgin, Saffron Walden, England, 18 April 1849
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 26 July 1852 (per Dalhousie, from Plymouth, 27 April, aged "21")
Died North Melbourne (Carlton), 19 October 1856, aged 27 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


England census, 30 March 1851, West Ham, St. Mary; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1768 (PAYWALL)

107 / Howard's Road / Thomas Pellatt / Head / 28/ Clerk in Gen'l Post Office / . . .
Isabella [Pellatt] / Wife / 21 / - / [born] Essex, Saffron Walden
Isabella Lawrence / Mother in L. / 54 . . .

"THE CONCERT", The Argus (12 August 1852), 5 

The following is the programme for this evening's Concert: -
Overture - Faniska.
Duet - "Flow gently Deva," Messrs. Travers and Bancroft.
Aria - L'amor suo mi fe' beata," Mrs. Testar.
Violin Solo - Herr Mater.
Vocal Duet - "I know a bank," Mesdames Testar and Pellatt.
Waltz - Woronzoa.
Song - "Thou art gone from my gaze," Mrs. Pellatt.
Overture - Steinerne Gast [i.e. Don Giovanni]
Song - "When will summer come again," Mrs. Pellatt.
Glee - Blow gentle gales," - Mrs. Testar, &c.
Ballad - "I love the merry sun-shine," Mrs. Testar.
Finale - Rule Britannia.

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (soprano vocalist); Charles Mater (violin, leader); Mr. Travers (tenor vocalist); Richard Bancroft (bass vocalist)

MUSIC: I know a bank (C. E. Horn); Thou art gone from my gaze (Linley); When will summer come again (C. E. Horn)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (28 August 1852), 2 

ON which occasion he will be assisted by the choicest talent in Victoria.
PRINCIPAL PERFORMERS. Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Pellatt,
Messrs. Wilkinson, Walton, and Coppin, Herr Huenerbein, Messrs. Harwood, Howson, and Menthegarni.
PART I. Overture - Il nozze de Figaro - Mozart
Song - The Maids of Merrie England, Mr. Wilkinson - Perring
Scena - Softly Sighs, Mrs. Testar - Weber
Glee - Blow Gentle Gales, Mrs. Testar, and Messrs. Wilkinson and Walton - Cooke
Solo, Violin - Herr Mater (seventh air) - De Beriot
Song - Then you'll Remember Me, Mr. Walton - Balfe
Song - Bid me Discourse, Mrs. Testar (with Orchestral accompaniments) - Bishop
Buffo Song - Mr. Coppin.
PART II. Overture - Norma, Band - Bellini
Song - Death of Nelson, Mr. Wilkinson - Braham
Song - Through the Wood, Mrs. Pellatt -
Waltz - Die Orientalen - Labitzky
Scotch Ballad - I'm a Lassie, Mrs. Testar - Evans
Duet - Clarionets, Herr Mater, Herr Huenerbein - Bellini
Song - The Anchor's Weighed, Mr. Wilkinson - Braham
Duet - I know a Bank, Mrs. Testar and Mrs. Pellatt - Horn
Finale - God save the Queen, Solo, Duet, Trio, and Chorus.
Doors open at Seven o'clock; Concert to commence at Eight.
Tickets to be had, and boxes to be let from Mr. Coppin, at the Theatre.
BOXES, 5s.; PIT, 2s. 6d.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager, vocalist); Mr. Wilkinson (vocalist); Thomas walton (vocalist); August Huenerbein (musician); William Harward (musician); Henry Howson (violin); Alfred Mantegani (musician, pianist)

MUSIC: Through the wood (C. E. Horn)

[News], The Argus (31 August 1852), 2 

Herr Mater's concert went off remarkably well. The attendance was numerous and respectable; the boxes were full, and were well sprinkled with the fair flowers of creation. Mrs. Testar, Herr Mater, and Mr. Wilkinson, were rapturously encored. Mrs. Pellat was suffering from a sore throat, which deprived the audience of the pleasure of hearing her song; but Mrs. Testar kindly volunteered and sang for her. I am not an admirer of the new style of music, and cannot help thinking, with, many of the audience, that a plaintive Scotch or Irish melody, sung by a lady of Mrs. Testar's talent, without orchestral accompaniments, would be worth half a dozen concerts of the present day.

"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (6 October 1852), 5 

We hear great things of the preparations for the Concert of tomorrow evening. The programme is not yet issued, but we understand that no fewer than four lady singers will appear, Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Pellatt, a Madame Clasen, and a Miss Hall. Miss Clasen is to perform on the piano, as well as Master Stevens, who was so warmly encored on Thursday last, and the Concert is to be still further enriched by a German chorus or two, and by the efforts of a gentleman amateur. Herr Mater is very active and enterprising and deserves encouragement.

"THE CONCERT", The Argus (7 October 1852), 5 

The following is the programme of the Concert for this evening:-
PART I. Grand Overture - No 2.
Song - Grecian Daughter.
Piano Solo - Carnival de Venice, Miss Hall.
Song - Oh, sing with me, Mrs. Pellatt.
German Chorus - Der alte der die stun den mist.
Scena - Non piu mesta, Madame Clasin.
Song - When the Swallow, Gentleman Amateur.
Ballad - Beautiful Spring, Mrs. Pellatt.
Sinfonia - Presto.
Vocal Duett - From our merry Swiss Home, Mrs. Testar and Miss Hall.
PART II. Overture - Lady of the Manor.
Duett - We come to thee, Savoy, Mesdames Testar and Pellatt.
German Chorus - Die Schildwache.
Ballad - Tartini's Dream. (Violin Obligato, Herr Mater,) Mrs. Testar.
Piano Solo - (By desire.), Master Stevens.
Song - The minstrel's harp, Madame Clasin.
Cavatina - Charming May, Miss Hall.
Finale - God Save the Queen.

ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Clasin and Miss (vocalist, pianist); Miss Hall (vocalist, pianist); Master Stevens (pianist)

MUSIC: Beautiful Spring (Blockley); We come to thee, Savoy (Charles Glover)

"MUSICAL", The Argus (21 October 1852), 5 

Once more we have great pleasure in bearing our testimony to the spirit and industry of the conductor of the weekly concerts. His annexed programme will be acknowledged on all hands to be first rate and we only trust that a fine moonlight night will enable the public to do such an entertainment the justice it deserves.
Part I. Overture - Der Freischutz
Song - Fill the bowl - Mr. Gregg
Duett - Lightly, Lightly, Mesdames Testar and Pellatt.
Solo - Cornet a'Piston, Air and Variations, Salute to the British, Mr. De Grey.
Song - Dearest, then, I'll love thee more, Mr. G. Levett.
Polka - The Elephant
Air - The Exile, Mr. J. Lounds
Song - Bid me discourse (by desire), Mrs. Testar
Part II. Overture - Fra Diavolo
Trio - The faded wreath, Mesdames Testar and Pellat, &c.
Song - The Wanderer - Mr. Gregg.
Duett - From the Barber of Seville, Mrs. Testar and Mr. Gregg.
Quadrille - The Crusader.
Song - The Slave, Mr. J. Levett.
Air - The old house at home, Mrs. Pellatt
Finale - God save the Queen.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (bass vocalist); Henry De Grey (cornet); Levett (vocalist); Lounds (vocalist)

MUSIC: The old house at home (Edward Loder, from Francis the first)

"DIED", The Argus (10 January 1853), 4 

At Great Napier street, Collingwood, on the 7th instant, Ernest Harri, the infant son of Mr. Thomas Pellatt, late of Plaistow, Essex, England, aged 16 months.

"DIED", The Argus (21 October 1856), 4 

On the 19th inst., at Lygon-street, North Melbourne, Isabella, the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Pellatt, of the General Post Office, Melbourne, aged twenty-seven years.

"MELBOURNE NEWS", Bendigo Advertiser (27 October 1859), 2 

It was rumored yesterday that Thomas Pellatt, the Post Office clerk, who was under commitment for embezzlement, and who was admitted to bail on two sureties of L.200 each, at the City Court, had absconded.

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (17 December 1859), 5 

Pellatt, the former inspector of the Dead Letter Office, who was convicted at the last Criminal Sessions of stealing money from a Post Office letter, was yesterday sentenced by the Chief Justice to two years' imprisonment.

"DEATHS", The Argus (26 December 1861), 4 

PELLATT.- On the 1st ult., at Levuka, Fiji Islands, of dysentery, Thomas Pellatt, aged forty years.

PELLETIER, Narcisse (Narcisse PELLETIER, "Anco") (1844-1894) - see main entry Narcisse PELLETIER

And see also in Checklist of colonial era Indigenous song transcriptions: 


Town crier, cryer (Sydney), bell-man, convict

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 June 1790 (per Neptune, from England, 17 January)
Active Sydney, NSW, from 1813
Died Sydney, NSW, 25 July 1835 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Government and General Orders, 17 July 1813; Colonial Secretary's papers, special bundles, 1794-1825; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

"CIVIL DEPARTMENT", The Sydney Gazette (17 July 1813), 1

JOHN Pendergrass is appointed Town Cryer in the Town of Sydney, in the Room of John Bingham, dismissed from that office for fraudulent and highly improper Conduct.
By Command of His Excellency The Governor,
J. T. CAMPBELL, Secretary.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 April 1824), 2 

We cannot refrain from noticing the disgraceful circumstance in the publicity of so many cautions from husbands respecting their wives. We think it no honor to either party, and feel almost angry with such notices in our paper; not but that there may be particular cases, which demand such expositions as a preservative from imposition and ruin. These advertisements are declarative of flagrant immorality on one side or the other. The act of crying down a wife must involve, more or less, the character of the husband; for we should be glad to know how the wife can be rendered notorious, without conferring lasting stigma upon the husband? To such husbands, in future, we would recommend Old Pendy, the bellman.

[News], The Sydney Gazette (27 June 1827), 2

We were leisurely pacing the streets of Sydney on Monday forenoon last . . . and . . . our eyes were attracted to a trio of animals, for all the world like the descendants of the famous Rozinante, with the exception of their being several feet lower in stature. It immediately struck us that these equestrian spectres were some of the ponies which had lately emigrated from Timor . . . One made a kind of hobble, in order to approach us by way of soliciting support, when down, upon his fore knees, the poor animal fell, and whilst his transported brethren were in the act of sympathizing with him, though unable to joggle on faster than old Pendy the bellman . . .

"PENSIONS PAID IN THE COLONY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 September 1829), 3

. . . John Pendergrass, late Town Crier - 12 0 0 . . .

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (27 July 1835), 3

An old man named Pendray [sic], one of the "first-fleeters" [recte Second Fleet], and who followed the occupation of town-crier, some years ago, was found near the King's wharf, on Sunday last, quite dead. It was supposed he had died from the decay of nature, being upwards of 90 years of age.

Government pensions, paid by the colonial treasurer, 1835; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

John Pendergrass / [pounds] 12 / . . . / Late Town Crier / Pendergrass died 25 July 1835.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 July 1836), 2

. . . The estimated charge of pensions for 1837 is £860, less by £521 10s. than that voted last year, owing to the demise of the venerated Mrs. Macquarie £400., Mr. William Harper, late Assistant Surveyor, £109 16s, and Town Crier Pendergrass £12 . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Macquarie (widow of Lachlan Macquarie)

Bibliography and resources:

Michael Flynn, The second fleet: Britain's grim convict armada of 1790 (Library of Australian History, 1993), 121

Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825; State Records Authority of NSW 

PENDERGRASS, John. Per "Neptune"
1813 Jul 17 / Appointed Town Cryer in Sydney (Reel 6038; SZ758 p.392)
1821 Sep 8 / Bellman. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.66)
1825 Jan 10 / Town Cryer. Had his "good leg fractur'd and the wooden one broke" when run over by a bullock cart. Wanted an old hack horse to carry him around (Reel 6063; 4/1785 p.41). Reply, 22 Jan (Reel 6014; 4/3513 p.305)
1825 Feb 5-Aug 20 / On pay lists of constables employed at Sydney (Reel 6030; 4/7016D pp.63-379)


Organ blower, miner

Born Lancashire, England, 1807; baptised Ellenbrook Chapel, Worsley, 5 July 1807; son of James PENDLEBURY and Sarah COOK
Married Sarah Ann BESWICK (d. 1868), St. Mary the Virgin, Eccles, Lancashire, 27 April 1834
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 30 August 1841 (immigrant per Adam Lodge)
Died Newcastle, NSW, 7 February 1880, aged "73" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"NEWCASTLE POLICE. . . . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3RD, 1871 . . . HOUSEBREAKING", The Newcastle Chronicle (5 October 1871), 2

Julia Hooper, in custody, pleaded not guilty to a charge of stealing about £6 from the dwelling-house of the Rev. James Coutts . . .
Richard Pendleberry, sworn; deposed: I am the organ-blower at St. John's Church; I know the prisoner, and have known her and her family for years; the prisoner was at St. John's Church last Sunday evening; she left the Church at rather better than half-past seven, it might have been forty minutes after seven; she was in the second seat in front of the choir; I did not see her come back that evening; I saw her leave the church; I saw her sister in the pew after she left; I was offered a pound to come here and swear that I saw her in church; the prisoner's mother offered it; this was since the prisoner was locked up.
[Questioned] By Mr. Capper: Prisoner was sitting on the left hand side of the alley, the choir being on the right hand side; she was sitting about the second seat; the second seat projects further into the church than the organ; I was sitting at the corner, behind the organ; no one can come in or go out without my seeing them; the handle is on the left side of the organ; I think there were three in the pew when the prisoner was there; she went out before the first hymn was called, about midway of the service; I never saw her come back; she could not pass me without my seeing her; I did not see her return by the same door; I do not know who carried the plate round; I had nothing to put in the plate . . .

"MR. RICHARD PENDLEBURY", Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (10 February 1880), 2


Musician, violinist, banjo player, vocalist, actor, professional singer, strolling musician, itinerant musician, delineator, black-face minstrel, tambourine and bones player, baker

Born England, c. 1826; son of John PENDLETON and Elizabeth ESKEW
Arrived VIC, by 1855
Married Emma Elizabeth LEGGATT, Ballarat, VIC, 1855
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 13 July 1901, aged "75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Vocalist, professional singer, entertainer, comic singer, delineator

Born London, England, 11 January 1835; baptised St. Giles, Cripplegate, 4 February 1835; daughter of James LEGGATT and Elizabeth ?
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, ? 2 May 1853 (per Earl Grey, from Plymouth, aged "18")
Married John PENDLETON, Ballarat, VIC, 1855
Died Perth, WA, 8 August 1912 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Nominal list, Earl Grey, from Plymouth 14 January 1853, for Melbourne, 2 May 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

249 / Leggatt Emma / [Domestic Servant] / [native place] [Middlesex] / 18 / [engaged by] H. Murphy Elizabeth St.

[Advertisement], The Argus (31 August 1854), 8 

SALLE DE VALENTINO .-To-night, Thursday. Grand Double Entertainment. Vocal and Instrumental Concert. Vocalists - Miss Urie, Mrs. Pendleton, Mr. Pendleton . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Urie (vocalist); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)

[Advertisement], The Argus (10 March 1855), 7 

GRAND Treat this Evening, at National Hotel. Mr. Pendleton will perform his wonderful feat on ten tambourines.

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 October 1855), 7 

NATIONAL HOTEL CONCERTS.- Mr. P. Pendleton [sic], late of the National Hotel Concerts, begs to explain that the sole cause of his not appearing any more is on account of Mr. Mooney's having wrongfully summoned him for alleged disobedience of orders. Mr. Pendleton begs to thank his patrons for the kind applause invariably awarded to himself and wife, and can only wish that Mr. Mooney may get others to serve him as long and faithfully as they have done.

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 July 1856), 8 

CHUSAN HOTEL, Sandridge. - Grand Concert Every Evening. Come and see Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, the original comic duet singers; also, Mr. Pendleton, the un-rivalled performer on the bone castanets; see his wonderful feat on the three tamborines.

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 September 1856), 8 

NATIONAL HOTEL MUSIC HALL, Bourke-street east.
A Grand Concert is given Every Evening in the above popular place of amusement, Supported by an efficient company; among whom are the following talented artistes:
MADAME D. BUTLER the much admired cantatrice.
MRS. PENDLETON, the pleasing vocalist.
MR. PENDLETON, the famed performer on the tambourine and bones, and comic vocalist, who with Mrs. Pendleton, will introduce their celebrated comic duets.
MR. POWER, the admired baritone.
Pianoforte - Mr. E. J. Piper.
Proprietor - Mr. W. Hutchinson.
Admission, Free.

ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Davis (alias Madame Butler); William Pierce Power (baritone vocalist); Edward John Piper (pianist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 October 1856), 1

LADY VOCALIST Wanted. Apply to Mr. Pendleton, National Hotel, Bourke-street. Situation for training a beginner.

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 November 1856), 8 

Messrs. OAK and BAPTISTE respectfully inform the public that their Splendid New Concert Hall will be Opened on Monday next, with the following Company:
Madame Naej, Mrs. Pendleton, and Mr. Pendleton.
Pianist and Conductor - Mr. W. Rolfe.

ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Leon Naej (vocalist); William Rolfe (pianist)

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (3 January 1857), 3

GRAND ENTERTAINMENT, Britannia hotel, Upper Woolshed,
MR. and MRS. PENDLETON the well known Comic Duet Singers will appear on the occasion:
Mr. Pendleton in his grand performances on the Bones, Castanets, and three Tambourines; together with Mr. J. Lockyer, the renowned comic vocalist, who will appear in some of his side-splitting characters.
Mrs. Pendleton in some of her inimitable comic songs.
Mr. Pendleton will sing a variety of Irish comic songs in character.
Several feats of Legerdemain, by a gentleman of talent.
TESTO, the Fire King, Will bend a two inch bar of hot iron, with his bare feet, for the first time in this district.
ADMISSION FREE. Concert to commence at half-past Seven.
A full stringed Band in attendance. Leader of Band - Mons. Myer Fransie.

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (9 January 1857), 3

GRAND CONCERT & BALL, Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
THE Proprietors have great pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of the Woolshed that they have succeeded in making an arrangement with Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, the original comic duet singers, and delineators of domestic life.
Mr. Pendleton, the unrivalled performer on the three Tambourines, and Bones Soloist.
Mrs. Pendleton, the pleasing comic Vocalist.
Mr. Pendleton will sing a variety of Irish Comic Songs, assisted by several gentlemen of talent.
1st Violin, Mons. Myer Fransie.
2nd ditto - Herr Vandeberg.
Concert Flute - Herr Varherr.
Clarionet - Herr Schlu.
Cornet-a-piston Mr. Fitzhenry.
Harp - Mr. Wicks.
Basso - Herr Martin.
Leader of the Band, Herr Weishmann, from the Olympic Theatre, Melbourne.

ASSOCIATIONS: Myer Fransie (violin); Jacob Van den Berg (violin); Herman Vorherr (flute); Henry Schlue (clarinet); Henrick Weichmann (leader)

"AMUSEMENTS AT THE WOOLSHED", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (9 January 1857), 2 

. . . Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, who are well known on the creek as good comic singers, with Mr. Murray, are now performing at the Britannia three times a week as many be seen by the advertisement in our columns.

"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Age (2 February 1857), 3 

. . . At Beechworth there is a good deal doing at various concert rooms. At Fisher's Commercial, Miss Lorette, Mr. and Mrs. King, Messrs. Frederick Sanes [Sams], Benner, and Harrison, are having a good run. The same success at tends Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, comic vocalists, at the Britannia Hotel, Upper Woolshed. The band consists of eight good performers.

ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Lorette (entertainer); Frederic Sams (manager, vocalist)

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (14 April 1857), 3 

MR. PENDLETON begs to acquaint the inhabitants of Beechworth that he intends opening the above room every night for Concerts, where the Public may pass a PLEASANT EVENING FOR ONE SHILLING.
Supported by Mrs. Pendleton, who will appear with him in all their humorous comic duets.
MR. F. PERCEY, the favorite Baritone.
MR. G. GUPPS, the admired Violin Player.
MR. PENDLETON will sing many of the most Popular Comic Songs of the day.
Doors open at half-past seven; commence at eight.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Frederick Zeplin (musician)

Dairy of John Buckley Castieau, Beechworth, VIC, 17 April 1857; original MS, National Library of Australia; transcribed and edited by Mark Finnane, online at Centre for 21st Century Humanities, University of Newcastle (TRANSCRIPT)

[Friday 17 April 1857] . . . Went in the evening to a Concert at the Star. The whole affair was contemptible and almost revolting - a Mr. & Mrs. Pendleton neither of whom have any voice - sing Duets of a very dull nature, enlivened occasionally or rather frequently by most decided "Smut".

ASSOCIATIONS: John Buckley Castieau (diarist, theatrical amateur)

"MR. AND MRS. PENDLETON", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (21 April 1857), 2 

This amusing couple who have been performing very successfully at the Star Theatre, are now engaged at Dowling's Times hotel on the Nine-mile. We are informed that Mr. Wood indemnified them for the losses they sustained through the occupation of the theatre for electioneering purposes.

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (1 June 1857), 3 

AND MR. NOVELLO (One of the Best Violinists in the World,)
WILL appear at the BUCKLAND DIGGINGS in a few days . . .

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (8 August 1857), 3

Great Success of the New Company.
Mdlle. ROLLAND, From Melbourne.
Herr KRAMER, From the Royal Concert Rooms, Buda and Pesth, Hungary.
Mr. and Mrs. PENDLETON, In their Comic Scenes.
Also, MR. PENDLETON In his Unequalled Performance on the Bones and Three Tambourines.
The Evening's Performance will conclude with the Laughable Farce, entitled
Messrs. Kramer and Pendleton.

ASSOCIATIONS: Herr Kramer (alias Lazarus Grosse) (vocalist)

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (12 August 1857), 3 

. . . Positively the last week of the present company.
MR. & MRS. PENDLETON Will appear in their celebrated characters of the
COOK AND FOOTMAN. Teddy O'Rourke and his pupil Biddy O'Shanasy.
THE ROVING GIPSIES. Pretty Polly Hopkins and Mr. Tomkins.
Also their side splitting delineations of domestic bliss, entitled MATRIMONIAL SWEETS.
MRS. PENDLETON Will sing a choice selection of most popular ballads.
MR. PENDLETON Will appear in his laughable character of the UNFORTUNATE MOTHER.
and introduce his comic abilities on the Light Fantastic Toe.
Also in his unequalled performance on the BONES AND THEIR TAMBOURINES.
Assisted by HERR KRAMER, MESSRS. GRIFFITH, ZEPLIN, And other professionals.
The Performance on Thursday Evening will be for the Benefit of MR. AND MRS. PENDLETON.
Admission Every evening Free.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Griffith (musician)

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (13 August 1857), 3 

DON'T FORGET. PENDLETON'S BENEFIT TO-NIGHT (Thursday), at the EL DORADO HOTEL, High-street, Beechworth. Admission Free.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (27 October 1857), 3 

HAS just arrived, and will shortly appear, Mr. J. PENDLETON, the celebrated Irish and Local Comic Singers also, the unequalled Bone, Castanet, and Tambourine Player, and Delineator of Negro Life. His performance on the three tambourines has never been equalled in the colonies. Further notice will he given.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (11 December 1857), 3

SECOND Appearance of Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, the celebrated Comic and Local Duett Singers, on Saturday next, December 12th. Admission Free.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (26 April 1858), 3 

WANTED to Sell, a Good Frame Tent. Apply to Mr. Pendleton, Fruiterer, Mitchell-street.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (12 June 1858), 1 

UNITED KINGDOM HOTEL, Golden Square.- Mr. Pendleton, Comic and Characteristic Singer, Negro Delineator and Dancer. Performance on Three Tambourines every Saturday . . .
Mr. Pendleton, the celebrated characteristic Comic Singer, To-night . . .
Mr. Pendleton, delineator of Negro Life, in character To-night . . . .
COME and see Pendleton in his wonderful performance on Three Tambourines . . .
Come and see Pendleton on the bones . . .

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (28 August 1858), 1 

IMPERIAL HOTEL, California Gully,
THIS EVENING, (SATURDAY.) 28th AUGUST, Supported by the following Artistes:-
MONSNOON RINO, The renowned Elastic Man, who will go through his wonderful Feats of Posturing, Bending, &c.
Also, Mr. and Mrs. PENDLETON, The Original Comic Duet Singers.
Mr. Pendleton will appear in his inimitable performance on the bone castinets and three tambourines . . .

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (8 October 1858), 8 

A FURTHER ADDITION to the manifold attractions of the above favorite place of amusement has been made by the engagement of
MR. PENDLETON, The famous Ethiopian Vocalist, unequalled "Bones," and celebrated Tambourinist, APPEARS THIS EVENING, And will exhibit his astonishing feat of playing Three Tambourines at once.

[Advertisement], Williamstown Chronicle (24 December 1859), 1 

THE Proprietor of the above hotel begs to inform his friends and the public that have kindly patronised his establishment for the last two years, that on account of his desire to afford them Amusement during the ensuing Holidays, that he intends giving a SERIES of CONCERTS every evening in the week; and for his friends' amusement he has engaged first-class talent, hoping he will have the pleasure of seeing them, in order that he may have the happiness of wishing them A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.
MR. AND MRS. PENDLETON Will introduce some of the most Celebrated Comic and Sentimental Duets, for which they have obtained Australian renown.
The Celebrated Tenor Singer MR. HENDERSON, from Sydney, Will introduce some of the most Popular Songs of the day.
Will conclude the Evening's Entertainment with his inimitable Performances on the Bone Castinets and Three Tamborines, a feat never achieved by any other performer in the Colonies.
Musical Director and Pianist, Mr. W. POLLITT . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Pollitt (pianist)

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Peter's, in the county of Bourke, colony of Victoria, in the year 1861; register 1859-70, page 342; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (DIGITISED)

4939 / [1861] January 11th / [born] 27th Dec'r 1860 / John Frederick / [son of] John [and] Emma Elizabeth / Pendleston / Collingwood / Baker . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [Sydney, NSW] (24 August 1861), 1 

TOGOOD'S SALOON - Mr. PENDLETON'S extraordinary feats on Three Tambourines at one time.

[Advertisement], The Argus (29 April 1862), 8 

Mrs. PENDLETON in The Young Man from the Country.
Mr. PENDLETON in his unrivalled feat on the three tambourines.

[Advertisement], The Argus (18 November 1863), 8

CANTERBURY MUS1C-HALL. - Mr. PENDLETON, champion Bone Castanet Soloist and performer on three tambourines.

"MOUNT EGERTON (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT)", The Bacchus Marsh Express (15 February 1868), 3 

OUR little village seems to be a great point of attraction amongst the travelling troupes of actors. We had hardly soon the last of the Murray Troupe than we were delighted with another troupe of talented artists, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Randall and other very clever performers. Mr. and Mrs. Randall are a host in themselves. The Commercial Hotel was crowded on two successive nights, and if applause is conclusive of talent, Mr. and Mrs. Randall and troupe must have been highly gratified with the reception they met with. They will give another entertainment this evening, and from what I can hear of the opinion towards them, they will again command a crowded house.

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (21 May 1869), 2 

The death of the child John Pendleton was the subject of a coroner's inquest on Thursday, when a verdict was returned to the effect that the child died from want of proper food and nourishment, accelerated by inflammation of the lungs, and from want of proper care on the part of the parents, John and Emma Pendleton. The particulars of the case have already been published. After the inquest a warrant was issued for the arrest of the parents, and later in the day, the mother, who had just arrived from Rokewood gave herself up to the police.

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (22 May 1869), 2 

John and Emma Pendleton have both been committed for trial on a coroner's warrant upon the charge of causing the death of their child, Joshua Pendleton, aged two years, on the 18th instant, by neglect. Both, the prisoners came to Ballarat on Thursday, and the woman, who had heard of the death of her child, proceeded to the lock-up to see how matters stood. She was arrested and put in a cell, and on Friday morning Sergeant Lamer, being up a little earlier than usual, observed a man whom he recognised as John Pendleton, in the way-right leading to the Eastern lock-up, talking to his wife through the wall of the cell. He immediately arrested the man, and shortly afterwards Dr. Clendinning, the coroner, who held the inquest on the child, issued the warrants of commitment, and the prisoners were sent to the Ballarat Gaol. They will be tried at the General Sessions, to be held on the 28th May. The two prisoners, who had been travelling over the colony as professional singers, went by the name of Randall, and it is said that some years ago they were obliged to leave Raywood on account of the natural disgust openly expressed by the people there at the way they neglected their children.

"CIRCUIT COURT", The Ballarat Star (22 July 1869), 3 

The following is the calendar of criminal cases, exclusive of country bail cases, for trial at the Circuit Court, to be opened this morning before his Honor Mr. Justice Barry: - . . .
10. John Pendleton, manslaughter. 11. Emma, Pendleton, manslaughter . . .

"POLICE. EASTERN COURT. Friday, 6th August . . . CAUSE LIST", The Ballarat Star (7 August 1869), 4 

John Pendleton v Geo. Dodds, summons for illegal detention of a violin. Plaintiff, who is a strolling musician, said that he left the violin with defendant every night for safety, but the last time defendant refused to give it up. The case was dismissed, as defendant's wife swore that a man named Arthur Babington had left the violin with her some weeks since.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [Sydney, NSW] (16 March 1873), 4 

SCANDINAVIAN HALL, Castlereagh-street. Lessee and Manager - Mr. W. T. Johnson . . .
TO-NIGHT, first appearance of Mr. T. PENDLETON [sic], in his Hibernian Character Songs and Female Impersonations; also Champion Bone-player of the World, and his great sensational act of playing three tambourines at the same time, never performed in New South Wales before.
Master PENDLETON'S appearance in Song and Dance; also Funny Walkrounds.

[Advertisement], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (2 August 1877), 4 

COLOSSEUM. - Mr. Pendleton, Champion Bone Soloist. Also, Astonishing Act with three Tambourines. The only performer in the colonies.

England (1878-79):

[Advertisement], London and Provincial Entr'acte [London, England] (10 August 1878), 11 (PAYWALL)

J. RANDALL PENDLETON, Acknowledged the Greatest Bone Castanet Soloist in the World, and Wonderful Artistic Performer on 3 tamborines one time will shortly appear at DEACON'S MUSIC HALL. Open to offers. Address - 76, Castle-road, Kentish Town, N.W.

[Advertisement], The Era (1 September 1878), 20 (PAYWALL)

J. RANDALL PENDLETON, the Great Australian Bone Castanet Soloist, and Wondlerful Artistic Performer on Three Tambourines.
Acknowledged by those who have seen his Performance to be unequalled in his line of business. Address, 76, Castle-road, Kentish Town.

[Advertisement], The Era [London, England] (22 September 1878), 16 (PAYWALL)

J. RANDALL PENDLETON, the Greatest Tambourine Trick Artist in the World, opens at DEACON'S MUSIC HALL, September 30th.
Vacant dates. Address, Deacon's.
"Star Music Hall, September 3d, 1878.
"Mr. Pendleton. - Dear Sir, - I have great pleasure in stating you have given satisfaction to Proprietor, audience, and myself.
Shall have pleasure in engaging you at some future time.
Wishing you success, I remain, Yours truly, CHRIS. SLATER."

Melbourne, VIC (from 1879):

Names and descriptions of passengers per Kent, from London, 12 May 1879, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Steerage . . .
Pendleton John / 53 / Actor // Emma / 43 // William / 11 // Florence / 7 // Elizabeth / 4

[Advertisement], The Argus (5 July 1879), 12 

COLOSSEUM - RANDALL PENDALTON greatest Tambourine and Bone Player in World, from England. Three tambourines revolving same time.

"TEMPERANCE HALL", The Herald (23 August 1879), 2 

A number of very attractive novelties will be introduced to-night, in addition to the usual vocal programme, at the People' Concert in the Temperance Hall, Russell street . . . Mr. Randall Pendleton will then appear in his wonderful feats with three tambourines and castanet bones . . . Miss Dwight will preside at the piano, and Mr. T. J. Lamble will act as musical conductor.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas James Lamble (musician)

[Advertisement], The Argus (20 September 1879), 12 

Mr. PENDLETON, The great Tambourine and Bone Soloist,
Plays Three Tambourines at One Time, Really Wonderful, Applauded Nightly.
ALFRED RANDEL, Irish Vocalist and Dancer, from London Music Halls . . .

[Advertisement], The Herald (2 March 1880), 1 

COLOSSEUM. - Randel Pendleton, the Wonderful Tambourine and Banjo Soloist. Great feat to-night of playing three tambourines at one time. Everyone should see him.

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (15 March 1880), 2 

At the People's Concert' on Saturday night an excellent and well-varied programme was given . . . Mr. Randall Pendleton, with his spinning tambourines, and Master Daly, with his songs and dances, also appeared. Mr. T. J. Lamble was musical director.

[Advertisement], The Herald (2 June 1880), 1 

COLOSSEUM, - Randall Pendleton, Bone Soloist, and Trick Performer on Three Tambourines, from Principal London Music Halls. Admission 6d. and shilling.

"Marriages", The Age (8 September 1883), 1 

PENDLETON - REID. - On the 18th August, at Fitzroy, by the Rev. N. Kinsman, John Fredrick, second eldest son of John Pendleton, professor of music, Carlton, to Mary Jane, eldest daughter of John H. Hold, publican, late of Fitzroy, and formerly of Gippsland.

"DEATHS", The Age (16 July 1901), 1 

PENDLETON. - On the 15th July, at his residence, 195 Gore-street, Fitzroy, John Pendleton, actor and musician, beloved husband of Emma Pendleton, aged 75 years.

"DEATHS", Western Mail [Perth, WA] (17 August 1912), 23 

PENDLETON. - On August 8, at Perth, Emma Pendleton, wife of late John Pendleton, Victoria, loving mother of Mrs. E. Harrison, Mrs. F. Gibbons, F. Pendleton, D. Pendleton. Sadly missed. Victorian papers please copy.


Lithographer and printer, music lithographer and printer (Penman and Galbraith)

Born Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland, 28 July 1817; son of Andrew PENMAN and Christian NIVEN
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 5 December 1848 (emigrant per Hooghly)
Married Elizabeth VOUT (c. 1916), Kent Town, SA, 20 April 1869
Died Grange, Adelaide, SA, 11 October 1900 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: William Galbraith (business partner); as Penman and Galbraith (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (6 December 1848), 3 

Tuesday, December 5th - The barque Hooghly, 460 tons, Henry, master, from London and Plymouth. Passengers . . . John Penman, Wm. Galbraith, James Campbell . . .

[News] South Australian Register (20 December 1848), 4 

We have been shewn some specimens of Lithography, executed by Messrs. Penman, Galbraith, and Campbell, who have lately arrived here from London; and certainly for design and execution we never before saw anything to surpass the skill displayed by these gentlemen. The accession of so much talent is decidedly an acquisition to the province, and will meet we doubt not with the patronage it deserves.

"NEW LITHOGRAPHED PLAN OF THE CITY", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (14 April 1849), 3 

We have just been favored with a beautifully executed plan of Adelaide, drawn by Messrs. Eggers and Goodhugh, and lithographed by Penman and Co. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Karl Eggers (printer, artist);

"LOCAL NEWS", South Australian (25 May 1849), 2 

We have been favoured by Mr. Gill with the first twelve of a series of heads of the people, drawn by him, and lithographed by Messrs. Penman and Co. Mr. Gill is already favourably known to the public by his numerous and tasteful water-colour sketches of scenery in this colony . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Thomas Gill (artist); see Poor exile of Erin

[Advertisement], South Australian (8 February 1850), 3 

PENMAN & GALBRAITH, Lithographers and Copperplate Printers,
RESPECTFULLY announce that they have removed from Peacock's-buildings to Grenfell-street, corner of King William-street, where they will continue to carry on their business in all its branches.
Maps, plans, drawings of machinery, architectural and landscape drawings, circulars, bills of lading, bills of exchange, bill heads, scrip, labels, business and visiting cards, &c.,
lithographed in every variety of style with neatness and dispatch.

On music prints to 1861:

"MUSIC TO THE PRIZE POEM", Adelaide Observer (12 November 1859), 2 

The Committee of the Gawler Institute have forwarded the music and poems which prizes have been awarded to Messrs. Penman & Galbraith, of Rundle-street, to be lithographed. We have heard that 1,000 copies are to be struck off.

"THE SONG OF AUSTRALIA", South Australian Register (3 December 1859), 2 

We have seen a proof of the prize music to the Song of Australia, which has been lithographed by Messrs. Penman and Galbraith, of Rundle-street. It appears to be an excellent specimen of the art. The title-page is most elaborately executed in ornamental characters.

"THE SONG OF AUSTRALIA", The South Australian Advertiser (15 December 1859), 3 

. . . We must not, however, forget Messrs. Penman and Galbraith, who appear to have lavished extraordinary pains upon the "getting up" of the double composition, and certainly they deserve to be complimented for their success. Take the piece as a whole, - words, music, and engraving, - and South Australia need not be ashamed of the achievement.

MUSIC: The song of Australia (poem by Caroline Carleton; music by Carl Linger)

"MUSIC", South Australian Register (3 August 1860), 3 

We have received a copy of the Kent Rifles Polka, composed by Mrs. Henry Price, and lithographed by Penman & Galbraith. This publication is timely, and deserves to be encouraged, not only because it is a colonial effort, but also because the music is really spirited and striking . . . It is published at all booksellers.

"THE KENT RIFLE POLKA, The South Australian Advertiser (4 August 1860), 2 

A copy of a new piece of music under the above title has been handed to us. The Polka is the production of Mrs. Henry F. Price, of Kensington, and is dedicated to the Commander of the Kent Rifle Company, Capt. Herford. It has been lithographed by Messrs. Penman & Galbraith, of Rundle-street, and, as a specimen of colonial lithography, it is perhaps superior to anything hitherto produced in the colony . . .

MUSIC: The Kent Rifles polka (by Mary Frances Price)

[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (25 October 1860), 1 

Just published, price 3s., "HAIL FAIR AUSTRALIA;" words by ELLIE, music by CUTOLO. Sold by Messrs. Mullet, Wigg, Platts, and Rigby, Adelaide; and Mr. Barnett, Gawler.

MUSIC: Hail, fair Australia (words by Ellie [Ellen Turner Debney]; music by Cesare Cutolo)

"THE VOLUNTEER WALTZ", The South Australian Advertiser (8 November 1860), 2 

A very pretty waltz by Mrs. W. H. Thirkell, and dedicated by permission to His Excellency and Lady MacDonnell, has just been published, as will have been seen from the advertisements in the public papers. This new contribution to our musical portfolios has appeared very opportunely, and we doubt not it will have an extensive sale. The waltz is got up by Messrs. Penman and Galbraith in a really superior style; in fact, it reflects very high credit upon their skill and taste as colonial engravers.

ASSOCIATIONS: Christiana Thirkell

"VOLUNTEER'S SONG", The South Australian Advertiser (9 November 1860), 3 

We have received a copy of a new volunteer's song, written by Mr. Donald McLeod, and set to music by Mr. Henry Pounsett. The music is beautifully lithographed, and the piece is got up in Messrs. Penman anti Galbraith's best style, the front page being embellished by a picture of the regimental colors of the Adelaide Rifle Regiment. The song is published by Mr. W. H. Hillier, of Rundle-street.

"THE VOLUNTEER WALTZ" and "VOLUNTEER SONG", Adelaide Observer (10 November 1860), 7 

We have been favoured with a copy of a new piece of music by Mrs. Thirkell, entitled "The Volunteer Waltz," which has appeared very opportunely, just at the time of the grand review on the Prince of Wales's birthday, and when the officers are to receive their commissions . . . The style in which it has been got up by the lithographers, Messrs. Penman & Galbraith, reflects great credit on those gentlemen. It is published at a moderate price, and ss a piece of colonial art we shall be glad to see it extensively patronised.

We have a "rush" of colonial music just now. The last piece published is a song, "Hail to thee, Riflemen," with a chorus for four voices, the music being by Mr. Henry Pounsett, and the words by Mr. Donald McLeod . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Pounsett (junior) (composer)

"NEW MUSIC", South Australian Register (12 January 1861), 3 

We have been favoured with a copy of a new schottische, composed by Mr. W. C. Oldham, and called the Kapunda Rifle Volunteers' Schottische . . . The schottische is capitally lithographed by Penman & Galbraith, of Adelaide.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Oldham

"NEW MUSIC", The South Australian Advertiser (6 December 1861), 3 

Mr. Joseph Elliott, already favorably known to the colonial public as the author of the melody entitled "By-gone Days," has added to his former productions a pretty piece of dance music entitled "The Adelaide Schottische." It is a lively and pleasing composition, and is very creditably got up by Messrs. Penman & Galbraith, whose skill in this department needs no eulogy.

"COLONIAL MUSIC", South Australian Register (12 December 1861), 3 

A collection of the musical pieces composed and published in the colony would form quite a volume. We remember to have seen the productions of Mrs. A. J. Murray, Signor Cutolo, Herr Linger, Miska Hauser, Mrs. H. F. Price, Messrs. Draeger, O. F. V. Reyher, E. K. Daniel, W. C. Oldham, H. Pounsett and J. Elliott. An addition to the list has recently been made by the publication of "The Adelaide Schottische," composed by Mr. Joseph Elliott, lithographed in Messrs. Penman & Galbraith's best style, respectfully dedicated to the ladies of South Australia, and sold at an unusually low price . . .

MUSIC: The Adelaide schottische (by Joseph Elliott)

Dissolution of partnership and obituaries:

"MARRIED", The Express and Telegraph (21 April 1869), 2 

PENMAN - VOUT. - On the 20th April, at Kent Town, by the Rev. Robert Haining, Mr. John Penman, to Miss Elizabeth Vout, daughter of Mr. William Vout, Sydney.

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (5 November 1885), 1 

NOTICE is hereby given that the PARTNERSHIP heretofore subsisting between
JOHN PENMAN and WILLIAM GALBRAITH the Elder, carrying on business as Lithographers at Gresham-street, Adelaide, under the Style or Firm of "Penman & Galbraith," was this day DISSOLVED by mutual consent;
The Business will in future be continued by the said William Galbraith alone, who will receive and pay all Debts owing to and by the late Firm.
Dated this 30th day of October, 1885.
Witness - ERNEST W. Oldham, Solicitor, Adelaide.

"DEATHS", The Advertiser (13 October 1900), 6 

PENMAN. - On the 11th October, at the Grange, John Penman, beloved husband of Elizabeth Penman, Rundle-street, Kent Town, and late of Penman & Galbraith, lithographers, aged 84. A good husband and loving father. Beloved and respected by all who knew him.

"CONCERNING PEOPLE", South Australian Register (13 October 1900), 7 

The death is announced of Mr. John Penman, an old and respected colonist of South Australia. The deceased gentleman was born in the early part of the present century at Glasgow, where his father was the proprietor of a large bookseller's establishment, and connected with several people holding high positions in the literary circles of Scotland. In due course Mr. John Penman was apprenticed to the well-known firm of Allen & Fergusson, lithographers, of Glasgow. Among his fellow apprentices were Mr. Carrick, at one time President of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, and Mr. W. Simpson, well known as an artist on the staff of the "Illustrated London News." In 1845 he went to Liverpool, and, towards the close of the same year, to London. At that time the railway boom was in full swing, and necessitated an immense amount of plan printing. Consequently Mr. Penman had no difficulty in finding immediate employment. But, as in the case of all booms, reaction set in later on, and he was obliged to obtain work elsewhere. About this time he happened to come across a pamphlet written by Mr. John Stephens on the colony of South Australia, which so impressed him that he decided to come to this colony. In 1848 he sailed from England, in company with Mr. W. Galbraith, in the ship Hooghly, commanded by Captain Hendry. On arrival in Adelaide the two began business as lithographers, under the style of Penman & Galbraith, by which name the firm was long known in this city. Their first place of business was in the shop on the west side of "The Register" office, now used as a wine saloon, and from there was issued the first job printed in lithography in the colony, work ordered by Mr. Platts. the well-known stationer of that day. The firm passed out of existence a few years ago, but Mr. Galbraith still resides, hale and hearty, at Norwood. He is an authority on pictorial printing, and he has delighted his brother Caledonians by frequent compositions of topical verse in the vernacular.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Simpson (artist); John Stephens (journalist); Charles Platts (stationer, musician)

Extant musical editions (to end of 1861):

Ballad, composed and respectfully dedicated to Lady Macdonnell, by Miska Hauser (Adelaide: Penman & Galbraith, Lith., [? 1856/57]) (DIGITISED)

The song of Australia to which the prize of twenty guineas was awarded by the Gawler Institute on the occasion of its second anniversary, 1859, words by Mrs. C. J. Carleton, music by Herr Carl Linger (Adelaide: Penman & Galbraith, Lith., 1859) (DIGITISED)

Hail fair Australia, words by Ellie, music by Cutolo, dedicated to the public of South Australia (Adelaide: Penman & Galbraith, Lith., [1860]) (DIGITISED)

The Kent Rifles polka, dedicated to Captain Herford by Mrs. Henry F. Price (Adelaide: Penman & Galbraith Lith., [1860])

The Adelaide schottische, composed and respectfully dedicated to the ladies of South Australia by Joseph Elliott (Adelaide: Printed by Penman & Galbraith, 1861)

For all Penman and Galbraith prints, including those after 1861, see: 

Bibliography and resources:

Journal of the House of Commons, vol. 101 (part 1 . . . 1846), 313 (DIGITISED)

"GEORGE WALKER MUIR AND OTHERS . . . 4 March 1859", Session cases 1858-59 (Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark, 1861), 603 (DIGITISED)

. . . This action was at the instance of George Walker Muir, residing in 1st Division, Glasgow, curator bonis for Mrs. Christian Niven or Penman, widow of the deceased Andrew Penman, bookseller in Glasgow; Christina Penman or Muir, residing in Glasgow, wife of the said George Walker Muir . . .

John Penman, Design & art Australia online (DAAO) 


Tenor vocalist, actor, dancer

Born ? Devon/Cornwall, England, c. 1804
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by 1830
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 December 1834 (per Hind, from Hobart Town, 1 December, as William Oxberry, with wife and 2 sons)
Recommended committed to Liverpool Asylum, NSW, May 1838
Died NSW, 1841 (indexed as PEMPHRAZA), aged 37 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (27 August 1830), 6 

On Saturday last, Mr. DEANE gave his concert as advertised in the newspapers . . . he concert commenced with a grand symphony by Stamity [Stamitz] . . . This was followed by the introduction to the Tasmanian public, for the first time of a Mr. Penfrist, who sang the beautiful ballad "Draw the sword Scotland," in a manner which shewed him to possess extraordinary powers. His voice has all the neatness and fulness of Incledon, with that peculiar facility of ascent, by which the celebrated Veluti and others of that class are distinguished. We recommend Mr. Penfrist to lose no time in returning to England and articling himself to Dr. Crotch, (whom we do not hesitate to designate an one of the most accomplished of modern masters of music) or Mr. Welsh; either of whom would give him a liberal engagement, which would no doubt be mutually productive. Bishop's beautiful glee "The Foresters" was then sung most admirably by Messrs. Pemfriest, Bock, Marshall, and Langford . . . Mr. Penfriest then sung in a manner which surprised the whole assembly and called for an universal encore, the beautiful Scots' song "Hey the bonnie." We can only repeat, that Mr. P. possesses all the requisites for forming a most accomplished singer. He sings up to G in perfect tune, and his chromatic and shake are perfect and completely harmonious . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (violin, theatre proprietor); William Crotch (English musician); Thomas Bock (vocalist); John Marshall (vocalist); Mr. Langford (vocalist)

MUSIC: Draw the sword Scotland (Rodwell); Foresters sound the cheerful horn (Bishop); Hey the bonnie breast knots (Sinclair)

[News], Colonial Times (24 July 1832), 2

Owing to the unfavorable weather all day yesterday, many persons were deterred from attending Mr. Deane's Seventh Concert in the evening. However malgré le temps, two hundred and forty of the most respectable of the inhabitants assembled to enjoy this rare musical treat . . . Mr. Penfrith's song of "Time is ever changing," was loudly and deservedly applauded . . .

MUSIC: We cannot live without ye [Time is ever changing] (Bishop)

[News], Colonial Times (30 July 1833), 2-3

The Fourth Concert of Mr. Deane and Mrs. Davis, took place yesterday evening, and never in the Court House of Hobart Town has there been witnessed either such a numerous assemblage, or a more respectable audience . . . [3] . . . The "Death of Nelson," by an amateur (Mr. Penphrase), was excellent, and would have been encored (to the great satisfaction of ninety-nine out of a hundred who were present), but some few dissatisfied spirits must need commence hissing, and then a regular Tom and Jerry squabble took place - a regular shilling gallery affair. Mr. Penphrase came forward, but finding the company not likely to be of accord, he withdrew . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sophia Letitia Davis (pianist, vocalist)

MUSIC: The death of Nelson (Braham)

"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (9 August 1833), 7 

Mr. Deane's Soiree was extremely well attended last evening, and the music was excellent . . . Mr. Penphrase exhibited himself to good effect, as a comic singer. We had no glees last night, and we were very sorry for it, for we consider this species of composition so truly English, that we would, above others, have it diligently cultivated . . .

[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (5 December 1833), 3 

MR. PECK, who had the honor of getting up the First Concert in Launceston, respectfully informs his numerous Friends and the Public in general, that in conjunction with Messrs. Russell and Penphraze, of Hobart Town, and some of the Amateurs of Launceston, who have kindly offered their services for the occasion, he will give a CONCERT OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, in the Assembly Rooms of the British Hotel, on Thursday Evening, December 5th.
Principal Vocalist, Mr. Penphraze - Pianist, Mr. Russell - Violin Obligato, Mr. Peck.
PART I . . . Song - Mr. Penphraze - "Why is love for ever changing," Blewitt . . .
Glee - "Winds gently Whisper," Bishop.
Song - Mr. Penphraze - "Be mine dear maid."
Comic Song - "The Great Mogul and the Blue bottle," Beuler.
PART 2. . . . Song - Mr. Penphraze - "O tell me do you ever," Sporle . . .
The celebrated Laughing Glee - "Why sure there never met," Addison.
Recitative and Air, arranged from Der Freischutz - "The Plain Gold Ring," Weber . . .
Song - "Time is ever changing," Bishop.
Finale - "God save the King" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Russell (pianist, actor)

MUSIC: Winds gently whisper (recte, Whitaker); Be mine dear maid (Dayy, from Guy Mannering); The great mogul and the blue bottle (comic song); Do you ever think of me (Sporle); The laughing trio (Addison); The plain gold ring (Weber)

"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (22 April 1834), 5

The theatrical entertainments at Mr. Deane's, are rapidly on the improve. On Thursday and yesterday, "Tom the Piper's Son" was performed to crowded houses, and the manner in which the piece was got up, does high credit to all parties interested. Mr. Penphrase makes an excellent clown . . . We understand Mr. Deane is rehearsing a Colonial piece, written in the Colony, called the "Bushrangers" . . .

"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (27 May 1834), 5

At the Theatre last evening, a misunderstanding occurred between some of the actors, which had the effect of most suddenly terminating the evening's amusement. The first act of "The Waterman" was scarcely over, when some low fellows in the gallery put the whole house in an uproar by calling upon Mr. Pemphrase for a hornpipe. We never before heard of so unreasonable a demand ever having been made by any audience; and Mr. Deane, after consulting behind the scenes, very properly went on with the musical performance, and the green curtain drew up for the second act - again did the two or three low fellows in the gallery, (whom we have reason to believe went to the Theatre for the express purpose of annoying the Public) recommence their cries for the hornpipe. Mr. Russell then spoke to the audience, and asked what they wished? Most persons cried "to order," when Mr. Mackay, seeing the strange inroad to disorder, by allowing the gods of the gallery, or any half-dozen noisy troublesome fellows, to call for just what kind of performance they pleased, jumped on the stage, and behind the scenes protested against the hornpipe . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Angus Mackay (actor)

[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (30 May 1834), 2 

Theatre, Argyle Rooms.
ON Monday Evening next, a selection of Vocal and Instrumental Music, with a variety of amusements.
To conclude with (for the second time) a new Melo-Drama, called THE BUSHRANGERS . . .
Murrahwa - Mr. Pemphrase . . .

PIECE: The bushrangers (play by Henry Melville)

"THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Tasmanian (29 August 1834), (7), 8 

. . . We had not the least idea, until we witnessed his performance, that Mr. Penphraze was so good a dancer. He would do credit to the corps de ballet of the London theatre. As a singer, he is always pleasing; and as an actor, perfect and industrious . . .

"THEATRICALS AT V. D. LAND", The Sydney Monitor (1 October 1834), 2

. . . The issue is, that Mr. and Mrs. Mackey and Mr. Penphrase have left Mr. Deane, and taken a room at the Calcutta Hotel, where they intend to perform. Mr. Deane is thus left with half a company . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frances Mackay (actor, vocalist)

[News], Trumpeter General (3 October 1834), 2 

Saturday night, at Mr. Mackey's picnic Theatre, so we call it, to witness the laughable burletta of Charles the Second, and the farce of the Waterman, for the benefit of Mr. Penphraze, whose great overflow of spirit almost overcome him . . .

PIECE: The waterman; or, The first of August (Dibdin)

[News], Morning Star and Commercial Advertiser (2 December 1834), 2 

Mr. Levy has strangely mutilated Mr. Dean's Corps Dramatic. Messrs. Jacobs and Pemphrase, Mesdame Hodges, Mackay, Pemphrase, and divers other ladies of distinction, have cleared out in the Hind, under the above General's auspices for the Theatre Royal Sydney. These departures with the company in the pass cart, that started a few days since for Launceston, have left Hobart Town totally destitute of this very peculiar and uninteresting sort of talent.

ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Levey (proprietor, Theatre Royal, Sydney); John Lewis Jacobs (actor, vocalist); Jane Hodges (Jane Gibbons) (dancer, actor);

"THEATRICALS", Morning Star and Commercial Advertiser (5 December 1834), 4 

. . . We admire the drama in its purity; but it is our bounden duty, for the reasons we have before given, to suggest the propriety of employing proper, efficient, and reputable persons as performers. We are led to make these remarks, from the circumstance of having seen, the other night, a man called Penphrase, who was recently dragged from starvation, from a wood heap in the bush, and afterwards nurtured by the public; and for such kindness he appeared in the gallery, on the night in question, with the lowest characters, hissing his brother performers and insulting the audience (his benefactors), with the most vile and profligate language . . .

Sydney, NSW (11 December 1834 to 1841):

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (15 December 1834), 2 

From Calcutta via Hobart Town, on Thursday last, having sailed from the former port on the 3rd of September, and the latter the 1st Instant, the brig Hind, Captain Wyatt, with sundries. Passengers - Mr. John White, Mrs. Frances Mackay, Mr. William Oxberry, Mrs. Jane Oxberry, Masters Charles and William Oxberry, Mr. James Brown, Mr. Barnet Levy, Mrs. Jane Gibbons, and Mr. John Kenny.

"Dometic Intelligence", The Australian (26 December 1834), 2 

The theatrical campaign opens this evening with a new drama called Jonathan Bradford, and the pantomime of Harlequin and Cinderella; most of the favourite performers of last season are engaged, and two or three new ones are announced . . . we are inclined to think, that Messrs. Levey and Simmons have materially strengthened their corps dramatique . . . The following performers are engaged: - Mr. and Mrs. Oxberry, Mrs. Gibbons, Mrs. Mackay, Miss Douglas, Miss Winstanley, Mr. Winters.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist, manager); Ellen Douglas (actor, vocalist); Eliza Winstanley (actor, vocalist)

"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Times (20 January 1835), 2 

On Saturday evening at the Theatre we witnessed the performance of a new ballet entitled "The Rival Lovers," got up under the superintendence of Mr. Oxberry. The piece does credit to his taste, and drew the applause of a well-filled house. Mrs. Gibbon, from the Derwent, who has under taken the line of characters so respectably supported last season by Mrs. Larra, danced with great elegance and spirit, but we must strongly object to her juvenile style of dress in elderly characters. Perhaps this lady is afraid of becoming old before her time? We trust this hint will suffice.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Larra (actor)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (16 March 1835), 3 

THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY . . 18th March, 1835 . . . GIOVANNI IN LONDON . . .
Don Giovanni - Miss DOUGLASS. Other characters as before.
In which Extravaganza will be sung Parodies of many Songs. After which will be sung . . .
Song, "The Soldier's Tear," by Mr. Oxberry . . .

MUSIC: Giovanni in London (Moncrieff); The soldier's tear (Alexander Lee)

"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 September 1835), 2 

Mr. Mackay's benefit took place on Saturday evening, on which occasion was performed "Alonzo the brave, and the fair Imogine;" "Bombastes Furioso," by a juvenile company; and "Valentine and Orson." The two former pieces went off with eclat . . . In the after-piece, we regret to say, that a very disreputable fracas took place. During the combat scene between Messrs. Oxberry and Buckingham, the, former as Orson, and the latter as the Green Knight, Mr. Oxberry, from some apparent misunderstanding with his antagonist, threw his heavy fencing sword at Mr. Buckingham, and afterwards his shield, knocking him down on the stage with severe force, and incapacitating him from any further performance on that evening. This occasioned an abrupt conclusion of the piece, and Mr. Mackay came down to the footlights, and apologised to the audience for the untoward affair, which had necessarily curtailed the amusement . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham (actor)

PIECE: Valentine and Orson (Dibdin)

[News], The Australian (25 May 1838), 2 

William Pemphrase, who, under the name of Oxberry, was attached to Mrs. Levy's dramatic company for some time, was brought before the Bench on Tuesday last, on a charge of disorderly conduct. The man appeared at the bar without shirt, and it was evident that he was labouring under insanity. He stated that he was going to emigrate to a newly colonized part of the territory, about 4000 miles from Sydney, and that he was then making preparations for his journey. His wife, with four children, from the ages of nine months to seven years, appeared, and stated to the Bench, that the prisoner had been out of his mind for several weeks, threatening to kill her and the children; the poor woman cried bitterly whilst giving her evidence, and appeared to be labouring under heavy bodily as well as mental suffering. The Bench bound the prisoner over to the peace (as a matter of form) and desired that a communication should be forwarded to His Excellency the Governor, recommending his removal to the mad-house at Liverpool.

"SYDNEY", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (19 June 1838), 6 

Most of the Theatre goers recollect Pemphrase, one of the most pleasing singers we ever heard here. Poor fellow, he seems to have fallen into the usual fortune of the profession. How many such have ended their mirthful, yet occasionally suffering career, in a similar, manner. We copy the following from the Herald [sic] . . . [as above]


On the owners of Penphrase's Sydney alias, see William Oxberry and his son William Henry Oxberry; "Lives of the Actors", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 December 1838), 4 

And see also "POLICE REPORT . . . FRIDAY, APRIL 15", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 April 1825), 3 

William Oxberry, prisoner of the crown, a servant to Dr. Halloran, stood charged with absenting himself from his service by day, and also by night, after the family had retired to rest; and further on a violent suspicion of having robbed his master of various articles, at different times, and of having brought into his house stockings and other goods, which he had stolen from the Market-place. The evidence was very strong against the prisoner, who had no defence to offer, and he was sentenced to Port Macquarie, for 3 years.


Tenor vocalist

Born England, c. 1827
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 April 1855 (per Richard and Harriet, from Hull, 9 December 1854, aged "27")
Active VIC, until 1868 or later
? Died Melbourne, VIC, 1892, aged "62" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Passenger list of the Richard and Harriet, bound for Melbourne, from Hull, 7 December 1854; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)

[From] Hull / Charles Percival / 27 / Portrait Taker / [English] / [for] [Melbourne]

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (22 September 1855), 1 

STAR HOTEL, CONCERT HALL, Is Open Every Evening . . . In addition, they have engaged the following Galaxy of Talent -
MRS. OAKEY, MISS STEWART (The Celebrated Mezzo-Soprano),
Mr. D. GOLDING, AND MR. C. F. PERCIVAL, (The admired Tenor).
Mr. OAKEY will preside at the Pianoforte.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Barlow (vocalist); Eliza Oakey (vocalist); Eliza Stewart (vocalist); Daniel Golding (vocalist); Alfred Oakey (pianist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (20 July 1857), 8 

TILKE'S CITY CONCERT HALL . . . THIS EVENING, and during the week . . .
Matthew Locke's Macbeth Music by express desire . . .
1st Witch, Mrs. Oakey ; 2nd, Mr. Percival; Hecate, Mr. J. W. Morgan . . .
First night of the New Comic Chorus, music composed by S. C. Forster, entitled, "Some Folks Do" . . .
Musical Director and Composer, Mr. A. Oakey.

MUSIC: Locke's music in Macbeth (recte, probably largely by Richard Leveridge); Some folks (Foster)

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (1 September 1857), 4 

EL DORADO CONCERT HALL . . . Miss Juliana King, Mr. Percival, Madame Rolland and Mr. John Black, Mr. Thompson . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Juliana King (vocalist); John Black (comic vocalist)

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (27 October 1857), 3 

NOTICE. JACOB VAN DE BEEG HAS succeeded in engaging MR. BLACK, The celebrated Comic Singer, MR. PERCIVAL, The celebrated Sentimental Singer, And Ladies of talent.
At the Britannia Hotel, Upper Woolshed . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob van den Berg (publican, musician)

"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO MR. W. POWER", The Argus (8 April 1858), 5 

Last evening a complimentary benefit concert was given at the Mechanics' Institute to Mr. W. Power, a principal member of the choir of the church of St. Francis, Elizabeth-street. The audience was numerous, and appeared highly satisfied with the entertainment. Madame Carandini, an old and highly esteemed favorite of the Melbourne public, contributed her valuable services, and was well supported by the bénéficiaire, Signor Grossi, Herr Koehler, Mr. Percival, and others . . . Mr. Percival, who possesses a good tenor voice, but is rather deficient in style at present, sang "My pretty Jane" in a manner which afforded a promise of better things. Mr. Lavenu presided at the pianoforte . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Pierce Power (vocalist); Enrico Grossi (baritone vocalist); Richard Wildblood Kohler (instrumentalist); Lewis Lavenu (piano)

MUSIC: My pretty Jane (Bishop)

[Advertisement], The Age (6 May 1858), 1 

McCOWEN'S, Late Tilke's, CONCERT HALL, Bourke-street east . . .
The usual CONCERTS Will be held every Evening.
The ladies and gentlemen at present engaged are -
Madame Leon Naej, Mrs. Alfred Oakey, Miss Louisa Sutherland,
Mr. C. F. Percival, Mr. G. Ellis, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Luntly, Mr. Reeves, and Mr. Miller.
Pianist - Mr. Alfred Oakey.
Manager - Mr. J. Miller . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Leon Naej (vocalist)

"DUCHESS OF KENT CONCERT ROOM", The Star (19 July 1858), 3 

As a concert saloon, there are few more attractive places on the Flat than this little room, which on Saturday night last was crowded to excess. The comic singer whose rather suggestive name of "Joe Miller" leads his audience to expect something very funny, is fully up to the mark. Moreover his comicality is without vulgarity or impropriety, an excellent consummation in a comic singer. Mr. Percival, a Ballarat favorite of some three years since, sings his sentimental tenor songs very sweetly, while Mr. McDonald's Scotch Ballads have lost none of their racy northern twang. We must not forget to pay a due compliment to Mr. R. A. Owens' well-judged and tasteful accompaniments.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joe Miller (comic vocalist); Richard Owen (pianist)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (22 January 1859), 3 

MANCHESTER ARMS HOTEL, GREAT MALOP-STREET. New Concert Hall, open every Evening.
Engagement of the eminent Soprano, MISS CASTINE, From the Ballarat Concerts.
Re-engagement of that much-admired tenor, Mr. C. F. PERCIVAL.
Engagement of the celebrated Irish Comedian, DAN GOLDING.
All of whom will appear and sing nightly . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Castine (soprano)

"CRAWFORD'S CITY CONCERT HALL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (19 March 1859), 2

This establishment has been well attended during the week. On Monday last Mr. C. A Fry, who has been the manager of this establishment for three different proprietors, Messrs. Tilke, McCowan, and Crawford, gave a grand concert on the occasion of his benefit. The hall was crowded in every part, and the audience was highly gratified with the performance, the most pleasing of which were the duets, by Mad. Leon Naej and Mr. Percival, of "When rolling Waves," from "Lucia di Lamermoor," and the "Singing Lesson" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Alfred Fry (manager)

MUSIC: A. B. C. [The singing lesson] (Parry)

[Advertisement], The Argus (13 April 1861), 8 


ASSOCIATIONS: John Ottis Pierce (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (16 August 1863), 8 

COPPIN'S APOLLO MUSIC HALL. Lessee and Manager, Mr. James Simmonds.
NOVELTY! TO-NIGHT, And every Evening till further notice,
The COURT MINSTRELS Will appear in the costume of King George II, Negro Ballads, Choruses, Breakdowns, Burlesques, &c.
ENGLISH, IRISH, and SCOTCH BALLADS by Madame Carandini, Miss Chalker, the Misses Royal, Mr. Small and Mr. Sherwin.
PART I. Grand Introductory overture (instrumental) - Court Minstrels.
Opening Chorus - "Let's be Gay" (operatic) - Company.
"Let me kiss him for his mother" - Percival.
"Kiss me quick and go" - Burgess.
"Ellen Baynes" - Pearson.
"Gone to Alabama State" - Harry Leslie.
"The Virginia Rosebud (Cheval de Bronze) - Morgan.
"Come where my love lies dreaming" - Percival . . .

ASSOCIATIONS (Court Minstrels): Harry Leslie (minstrel); J. W. Morgan (bass vocalist);

ASSOCIATIONS (other): James Simmonds (proprietor);

[Advertisement], The Argus (23 August 1862), 8 

COPPIN'S APOLLO MUSIC HALL. Lessee and Manager, Mr. James Simmonds.
Harry Leslie . . . J. J. Burgess . . . J. W. Morgan . . . Percival . . . F. Dixon . . . F. Leatherwood . . . Pearson . . .
Ballad - F. Dixon . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Dixon (tenor vocalist)

"CITY POLICE COURT. Thursday, 5th November, 1868", The Age (6 November 1863), 6 

Charles F. Percival was charged with assaulting Daniel B. O'Hara, who did not wish to press the charge, prisoner being a mate of his, both of them having engagements at Canterbury Hall, near which place the assault was committed. Prisoner had two stones tied in his pocket-handkerchief in his pocket when arrested. Discharged.

[Advertisement], The Argus (7 November 1863), 8 

ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE. Lessee and Manager, Mr. James Simmonds.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Beautiful Moon - C. Percival . . .
"Come where my love lies dreaming" - C. Percival . . .

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (19 November 1863), 2 

The Court Minstrels had another splendid audience at the Theatre Royal on Tuesday evening, its approbation being as enthusiastically expressed as on the occasion of the first appearance of the clever troupe. The programme was much the same, and will be repeated during the week. The parliamentary speech of Leslie, as usual elicited roars of laughter, and in obedience to a call for repetition, the performer treated the audience to a combined vocal and terpsichorean effort. We must not omit to say that Messrs. Morgan, Percival, and Dixon nightly sing Bishop's fine glee "Mynheer Van Dunck" with capital effect - the piano-forte accompaniment being equally well sustained.

MUSIC: Mynheer Van Dunck (Bishop)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 February 1864), 1 

Messrs. Leslie, Ritchie, Pearson, Coward, Robson, Oaten, Leathwood, Braham, and Percival.
The above celebrated troupe, whose concerts at the Haymarket and Princess Theatres, Melbourne, extending over a period of 160 consecutive nights, have created a furore unequalled in the annals of Ethiopian Minstrelsy, beg leave to announce that they have arrived per City of Melbourne, and
WILL SHORTLY APPEAR in a series of their unique and fashionable
GRAND SOIREE D'ETHIOPE. Further particulars in a few days.
Secretary, F. RITCHIE, Hampton's Metropolitan Hotel, corner of Castlereagh and King streets, where all business communications are to be addressed.

"THE COURT MINSTRELS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 February 1864), 4 

The company of Ethiopian performers, known as the Court Minstrels, made their debut in Sydney, last night, at the Lyceum Theatre. The reports of their successful career in Victoria had preceded their arrival here, and they were welcomed on their opening night with a full house, every part of the theatre being crowded. The Court Minstrels, who were seven in number besides accompanyists, appeared in the first part in full Court costume of the time of George II - Bones (Leslie) and Tambourine (Cowan) having the distinguishing shirt collar and necktie characteristic of the Ethiopian school. In both the instrumental and the vocal performances much skill was displayed, the minstrels having good, and well-trained voices . . . The pieces most admired were the songs "Oh gently breathe the tender sigh," which was beautifully sung by Mr. Percival and the solo and quartette "Come where my Love lies dreaming" Both of those elicited prolonged applause . . .

MUSIC: Oh gently breathe the tender sigh (J. R. Thomas)

"SINGLETON . . . THE COURT MINSTRELS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (7 May 1864), 3 

This talented company is now on a visit to Singleton, and were for the first time most enthusiastically received last evening in the large room of the Rose Inn by a crowded audience. The performances throughout were very creditable, and where every one exerted himself it would be invidious to make distinctions, but we cannot help alluding to a sweet little ballad - The Cottage by the Sea - which was most exquisitely rendered by Mr. Percival . . .

MUSIC: The cottage by the sea (J. R. Thomas)

[Advertisement], The Star (14 November 1864), 3 

GREAT BRITAIN HOTEL. - Grand Ball - Monday, 14th November. - Benefit Mr. C. F. Percival. Admission, One Shilling.

"NEWS AND NOTES" [2 items], The Ballarat Star (17 April 1865), 2 

The following cases were disposed of by Mr. Dyte J.P., at the Eastern lock-up, on the morning of Friday last: . . . Mary Ann Clarke, in custody as a disorderly prostitute, was discharged; and a man named Charles Percival, who attempted to rescue her from the custody of the police when arrested, was fined 10s or twelve hours' imprisonment.

The drama of the "Green Bushes, or One Hundred Years Ago," was produced at the Charlie Napier Theatre, on Saturday evening, to a very fair house . . . The performance concluded with the negro farce, "The Ball's Going On," by the Court Minstrels.

[News], The Brisbane Courier (2 February 1865), 2 

THE Campbell Minstrels performed in Mason's Concert Hall for the first time last evening . . . . They have secured a valuable acquisition in the shape of a new tenor singer, Mr. Percival, whose debut was eminently successful. He has a fine cultivated voice, and sings with taste and precision. His rendering of the "Mocking Bird," in the first part of the programme, secured the hearty and unanimous applause of the audience. The "Anvil Chorus" was certainly an improvement upon previous efforts; indeed we have no hesitation in stating that one of Verdi's finest choruses was done full justice to, and it secured an encore. The second part commenced with a ballad, "Hearts and Homes," by Mr. Percival, who sang the good old English song in a style that justified a vociferous encore, when "Little Nell," another favorite melody, was substituted . . .

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (11 May 1865), 2 

The Charlie Napier Theatre was re-opened on Wednesday evening with a varied entertainment, including the comedietta of "The Conjugal Lesson" . . . This was followed by an olio of songs and negro delineations. An old Ballarat favorite, Mr. Percival, sang several tenor songs . . .

[Advertisement], Grey River Argus [NZ] (16 October 1866), 3 

A GRAND CONCERT, In aid of the Funds of the GREY RIVER HOSPITAL,
Will take place at the VICTORIA HOTEL, ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, 24th INSTANT . . .
The following talented artistes are engaged -
MR. J. BURGESS, the Renowned Champion Dancer and Negro Delineator.
MISS FLORENCE COWAN, the Charming Young Characteristic & Comic Vocalist.
MR. PERCIVAL, the Australian Sims Reeves.
MR. D. GOLDING, the well-known Characteristic Irish and Scotch Comic Vocalist . . .
Musical Director, Mr. J. R. Vincent . . .

[Advertisement], Star [Christchurch, NZ] (20 January 1871), 1 

the First Appearance of MR. C. F. PERCIVAL, The well-known Tenor,
and MR. JOHNNY BURGESS, The acknowledged Star Negro Singer and Champion Dancer . . .

[Advertisement], Lyttelton Times [NZ] (4 February 1871), 3 

MR. J. J. DANIELS, The Accomplished Baritone. MR. C. F. PERCIVAL, The Celebrated Tenor.
Mr. JOHNNY BURGESS, Late San Francisco Minstrels' Champion Negro Delineator . . .


Dancer, actor, manager

Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1854 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 January 1854), 2 

The interlude will consist of Naval Hornpipe for this occasion only, Mr. Percy.
New comic song by Mr. Bruton, The Life of a Cadger.
Mr. Reading will appear and perform his inimitable [REDACTED] Break Down.
Seven Ages, by desire, Mr. Rogers. Pas Seul, Miss A. Hart . . .

"THE ROYAL ALBERT THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (12 August 1854), 3 

PERCY, Frederick (Frederick PERCY; F. PERCY; Mr. PERCY)


Active Beechworth, VIC, c. 1857-59 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (29 September 1857), 3 

PÉRON, François (François PÉRON; PERON, Francois; Francois PERON)

Indigenous culture and music recorder

Born Cérilly, Allier, France, 22 August 1775
Active Australia, 1801-03
Died Cérilly, 14 December 1810 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

For documentation see:

An exchange of songs at Bruny Island (VDL/TAS, 31 January 1802)

Péron admires band of the New South Wales Corps (Sydney, NSW, June-July 1802)

PERRATON, William (William PERRATON)

Musician, professor of music, singing master, cricketer, athlete

Born England, ? c. 1845; son of Thomas PERRATON (d. VIC, 1857) and ?
Arrived VIC, by 1851 (with father and stepmother)
Married Mary Ann GRIFFITHS, Wesley church, Melbourne, VIC, 14 August 1862
Died Maryborough, VIC, 23 February 1902, aged "57" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PERRATON, Mary Ann (Mary Ann GRIFFITHS; Mrs. William PERRATON)

Musician, mezzo-soprano / contralto vocalist

Born Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 4 November 1840; baptised St. James's church, Melbourne, 28 February 1841; daughter of John GRIFFITHS and Jane COLLIS
Married William PERRATON, Wesley church, Melbourne, VIC, 14 August 1862
Died Carlton, VIC, 17 October 1890, aged 49 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"TOWN TALK", The Herald (13 June 1861), 5 

The member of the Orpheus Union, a musical society of slender pretensions, but not the less deserving of the public confidence, gave their first concert of the season at the Mechanics' Institute yesterday evening. The audience was very numerous and attentive, and the entertainment, which consisted principally, of music arranged for part singing, was very well received. Properly speaking there were no principals, although solos were taken by Miss Mortley, Miss Griffiths, and Messrs. Beaumont and Angus, all of whom acquitted themselves with credit. The selection of vocal pieces included several songs arranged to the music of the first masters, but those which most pleased, had a less celebrated origin. Of the latter we must particularise Mr. Rutter's "Claribel," which is a very effective composition upon the German model. It was well sung and received a general encore . . . The instrumentalists were Messrs. Griffiths [recte Leslie], Lissignol, and Pringle . . .

[News], The Argus (13 June 1861), 5 

. . . Mendelssohn's "The maybells and the flowers," by Misses Mortley and Griffiths, was one of the best features of the evening, and quite deserved an encore . . . Misses Griffiths, Mortley, and Beaumont, were quite successful in Henry Smart's pretty trio, "Rest thee on this mossy pillow" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Orpheus Union (conductor Samuel Kaye); Sarah Mortley (soprano vocalist); Armes Beaumont (tenor vocalist); Silvanus Angus (bass vocalist); George Pringle (pianist, accompanist)

MUSIC: The maybells and the flowers (Mendelssohn, op. 63 no. 3)

"TOWN TALK", The Herald (23 August 1861), 5 

Mr. G. L. Allan s miscellaneous concert at the Mechanics' Institute, was well attended last night, despite unfavourable weather. The performances were undertaken by Mr. Allan's pupils, assisted by Mr. W. H. Williams, Mr. S. Angus, and Master Cook. The songs and choruses were exceedingly well rendered, and reflected great credit both on Mr. Allan and his youthful associates. Misses Liddle and Griffiths were also highly successful in rendering the music allotted to them. Mr. H. King presided at the pianoforte.

[News], The Argus (11 March 1862), 5 

A miscellaneous concert was given by Mr. G. L. Allan last evening, at the Mechanics' Institution, and the entertainment went off most successfully. The performance was wholly vocal . . . Miss Griffiths, Miss Liddle, Mr. W. H. Williams, and Mr. Angus were the principal vocalists; and they were well supported by a chorus, sixty strong, composed of the more advanced pupils in the singing classes held by Mr. Allan in connexion with the Mechanics' Institute . . . But the great achievement of the evening, undoubtedly, was the performance of the Macbeth music by Locke, which was interpreted with praiseworthy correctness. The arduous duties of pianist were performed by Mr. H. King . . .

"TOWN TALK", The Herald (11 March 1862), 5 

. . . Stephen Glover's pretty duet, "Joyous Summer," was given with proper taste and expression by Misses Griffiths and Liddle . . . The whole of Locke's glorious Macbeth music was sung, Misses Griffiths and Liddle undertaking the roles of this magnificent composition was very meritorious in the face of the difficulty of producing the proper effects of the accompaniments upon the pianoforte. Miss Griffiths received an encore for "The Cottage by the Brook," which was sung with great feeling . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Leavis Allan (conductor); William Henry Williams (tenor vocalist); John Cook (boy vocalist); Maggie Liddle (contralto vocalist); Henry John King senior (accompanist)

MUSIC: Locke's music in Macbeth (recte, probably largely by Richard Leveridge)

"MARRIED", The Age (19 August 1862), 4 

PERRATON - GRIFFITHS. - At Wesley Church, Lonsdale Street, by the Rev. D. J. Draper, Mr. William Perraton, son of Mr. T. Perraton, late of Devonshire, to Miss Mary Ann Griffiths, third daughter of Mr. J. Griffiths, late of Liverpool, on the 14th inst.

[News], The Argus (1 October 1863), 5 

Mr. George L. Allan gives a concert this evening, in St. George's Hall, at the usual hour. The artistes are Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Perraton, Master J. Cook, Mr. W. H. Williams, Mr. W. M. Gamble, Mr. Silvanus Angus, and Mr. Downes. Mr. Allan will also be assisted by a choir of about seventy voices, the members of which form Mr. Allan's upper singing class.


The concerts of this, the oldest, largest, and best of all our philharmonic societies, have come to be considered among us as musical events, looked forward to by all true lovers of harmony with interest, and generally enjoyed with keen zest. There was accordingly a very good attendance at the society's extra concert held last evening, in the Exhibition building, and the loud and frequent applause bestowed by the audience throughout the evening showed that the society still retains unimpaired the power to please. The programme was a very rich and varied one. including Weber's overture to "Euryanthe," Romberg's "Lay of the Bell," Mendelssohn's "Wedding March," a piano solo by Signor Cutolo, and the scena of Weber, "Softly sighs." Besides the chorus and orchestra, there were Mr. G. R. G. Pringle, conductor; principal violin, Mr. Herbert Thomas; and organist, Mr. David Lee. The soloists were Mrs. Perraton, Miss Ivey, and Messrs. Exon, Labertouche, and Angus . . . Mr. Exon gave the tenor solo "Though passion may fly" with much feeling, and in the loudly applauded duet "O tend'rest passion" fairly divided the honours with Mrs. Perraton. That lady, who we believe is a new accession to the solo strength of the society, executed the soprano solos which fell to her share with much grace and expression. Though her voice is not very powerful it is of good compass, and her lower tones are of touching sweetness. Her solo "Hark, 'tis come," and the duet with Mr. Exon, "O! tend'rest passion," were loudly and deservedly applauded . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 August 1868), 8 

MR. WM. PERRATON, certificated SINGING MASTER under the Board of Education, visits schools. Address 69 Oxford street, Collingwood; or at Messrs. Lee and Kaye's, Collins-street.

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (17 June 1890), 5 

A certificate of discharge from his debts was granted by Judge Molesworth in the Insolvency Court yesterday to William Perraton, of Carlton, music teacher.

"Deaths", The Argus (18 October 1890), 1 

PERRATON. - On the 17th inst., at her residence, 126 Drummond-street, Carlton, Mary Ann, the late beloved wife of Mr. William Perraton, professor of music, and sister of Mr. Walter Griffiths, of Donald, aged 49.

"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The Herald (12 December 1890), 2 

Mr. Perraton's eighteenth annual concert will be given in the Melbourne Town Hall this evening by about 600 selected voices from the Melbourne schools, assisted by Miss Mothingley, Miss Grover, Mr. W. Perraton, jun., Mr. R. Gladstones (pupils of the late Mrs. Perraton) and Miss Longuehage and others as principal vocalists. His Excellency the Governor, the Hon. the Minister of Education and his Worship the Mayor are the patrons. Mr. Chas. Sykes will preside at the organ and Mr. Perraton will conduct.

"ABOUT PEOPLE", The Age (3 March 1902), 4 

Mr. William Perraton, whose name will be familiar in musical circles as the conductor of popular concerts in Melbourne when Madame Carandini and Armes Beaumont were in their prime, reports our Maryborough correspondent, died here on Sunday from consumption. He had been ill for a considerable time past.

"PERSONAL", The Argus (4 March 1902), 5 

Mr. Wm. Perraton, a very old Victorian, who for many years was a prominent figure in Melbourne musical circles, died on Saturday at Maryborough, at the age of 57.

"A Musical Pioneer! George Leavis Allan. By J. ALEX. ALLAN", The Argus (25 June 1932), 6 

. . . On October 21, 1858, "Mr. George Allan's first benefit concert" was held in the old Exhibition Building in William street. His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly and wife were present. The pianist was George R. Pringle, organist to the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, and the chorus of 100 voices was drawn from Allan's classes in Melbourne . . . The "St. Kilda Chronicle" in its issue of the ensuing Saturday said -
"Miss Bailey and Miss Griffiths executed ballads and duets in a most artistic manner . . ." . . . The Miss Bailey mentioned was Miss Amelia Bailey, who became Mrs. R. S. Smythe. She lives in Deepdene road, Deepdene . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey (vocalist)

"A Musical Pioneer. By S. H. J.", The Argus (2 July 1932), 6

Under the title of "A Musical Pioneer," a highly interesting article, which appears in in the Camera Supplement last Saturday, described the career of the late Mr. George Leavis Allan, the founder of the musical business of Allan and Co. Pty. Ltd., Collins-street. It was mentioned in the article that Mr. Allan's first benefit concert was held in the presence of Sir Henry and Lady Barkly, then Governor of Victoria and his wife, on October 21, 1858, and that two of the singers who assisted as soloists in the concert were Misses Bailey and Griffiths. Miss Amelia Bailey in still among us - the widow of Mr. R. S. Smythe. She will reach the age of 90 in November of this year. She is in full possession of all her faculties, and is in good health. Miss Griffiths was married to a Mr. Perraton, but Mrs. Smythe does not know of her subsequent history . . .

Bibliography and resources:

H. Morin Humphreys (comp.), Men of the time in Australia, Victorian series, second edition (Melbourne: McCarron, Bird & Co. 1882), 168-69 (DIGITISED)


Musician, violinist, serenader

Active Maitland, NSW, 1857 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Northern Times [Newcastle, NSW] (16 May 1857), 3 

PERRY, Joseph (Joseph PERRY)

Overseer of bell-ringers, convict

Born England, c. 1765
Convicted Old Bailey, London, 14 January 1801, 7 years transportation
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 March 1803 (per Glatton, from England, September 1802)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1810-11 (OLD BAILEY DIGITAL PANOPTICON) (shareable link to this entry)


Joseph Perry, convicted of theft, grand larceny, 14 January 1801; Old Bailey Online (DIGITISED)

100. JOSEPH PERRY was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 2d of December [1800], a gold watch, value 30l. the property of George Welch, Esq. . . .
Prisoner's defence. I was coming from Covent-garden Theatre; it broke up about half past eleven . . . I am innocent of the charge.
GUILTY, aged 36. Transported for seven years.

[News], Salisbury and Winchester Journal (19 January 1801), 3

The Sessions commenced at the Old Bailey on Wednesday, when Joseph Perry, a man of the first fashion - in dress and appearance, was tried for picking the pocket of Mr. Welch, at Drury-lane Theatre, and capitally convicted [sic] . . .

Public notice, 9 January 1810; Colonial Secretary's papers, special bundles; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

The persons whose names are inserted underneath . . . restored to all rights of Free Subjects in consequence of their terms of Transportation having expired . . .
[per] Glatton - 1803 . . . Joseph Perry . . .

Register of certificates of freedom, 1810-14; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

31/139 / Joseph Perry / [tried] Old Bailey / 14th Jan'y 1801 [sic] / [7 years] / [ship] Glatton / 1803 / [exp.] 14th Jan'y 1808 / [certificate of freedom] 21st April 1810

Public notice, 13 October 1810; Colonial Secretary's papers, special bundles; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

The Trustees of the Police Fund, in account current with D'arcy Wentworth, Treasurer, from the 26th July to the 30th September, 1810 . . .
Dr. . . . Sept. 1. - Dr. - Joseph Perry for One Quarter's Salary as Overseer of the Bell-ringers as per [His Excellency's Order] - 2 10 0 . . .

Public notice, 19 January 1811; Colonial Secretary's papers, special bundles; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

The Trustees of the Police Fund in Account Current with D'arcy Wentworth, Treasurer, for the quarter ending on the 31st of December 1810 . . .
Dr. . . . Dec'r 3d - To One quarters salary to Joseph Perry, as overseer of the Bell ringers by Dr. as per [His Excellency's Order] - 2 10 0 . . .

Bibliography and resources:

Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825; State Records Authority of NSW

1810 Jan 9 Granted certificate of freedom (Reel 6038; SZ758 p.55)

1810 Oct 13; 1811 Jan 19 Overseer of bell ringers. Salary paid from the Police Fund; also appears as Parry (Reel 6038; SZ758 pp. 108, 165)

Joseph Perry, Convict records

PERRY, Thomas (Thomas PERRY)

Musician, bandsman Band of the 4th Regiment, later drum major

Arrived (part of band with headquarters) Sydney, NSW, 27 August 1832 (per Clyde, from Deptford, 14 April, Portsmouth, 9 May)
? or arrived (part of band), Sydney, NSW, 7 October 1832 (per Lord William Bentick, via Hobart Town)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 9 August 1837 (per John, for India) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 July 1836), 3

Theatre Royal.
ON FRIDAY EVENING, the 15th July, 1836, His Majesty's Servants of the Fourth, The King's Own Regiment, will perform, for the amusement of the Public, the Romantic Melo-Drama of
Bamfylde Moore Carew; OR, THE GIPSY OF THE GLEN.
Earl Moreland - John Owen
De Leon - John Webster
Albert - James Conway
Judge - Andrew Greig
Bamfylde Moore Carew - John Cownley
Planxty - John Lounon
Coleman - James Conway
Escot - William Moulding
Old Martin - Michael Barber
Walter - William Westrop
Nicholas - Francis Henwood
Willie McDougall - David Paton
First Gipsy - Thomas Perry
Second Gipsy - William Henderson
Third Gipsy - Frederick Green
First Officer - William Moulding
Second Officer - John Webster
Bridget - John Elvis.
Overture - GUY MANNERING, in character by the full Band.
GLEE - "Give me the Soldier," by Messrs. Paton Cownley, and Lomax.
SONG - "Darby Kelly," by A. Greig.
GLEE - "Dame Durdon," by Messrs. Paton, Cownley, and Lomax.
GLEE - "When Arthur First," by Messrs. Paton Cownley, and Lomax.
The whole to conclude with the very laughable Farce of
Sir Jasper - Andrew Greig
Gregory - John Lounon
Leander - David Paton
Doctor Helebore - John Webster
James - Thomas Perry
Davey - John Cownley
Harry - Frances Henwood
Squire Robert - William Moulding
Charlotte - James Conway
Dorcus - William Westrop
Maid - John Elvis
The Band of the King's Own will compose the Orchestra on this occasion under the management of Mr. Coleman, the Master, when several favourite Airs will be performed.
It is particularly requested that application will be made by persons for their places, which are entered in the plan of the House, to be seen at the Entrance door. Tickets 5s.
The doors will be open at Half-past Six, and the performance to commence at seven o'clock, precisely.
Boxes may be engaged at the Orderly Room of the King's Own Regiment, or the Sergeant Major's Quarters, directly opposite.
[manicule] Pit Tickets 5s each. N.B. - There will be no Half Price.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Cownley (bandsman, 4th Regiment); Francis Henwood (bandsman, 4th Regiment); William Lomas (bandsman, 4th Regiment); William Moulding (bandsman, 4th Regiment); John Webster (bandsman, 4th Regiment); George Coleman (sergeant master of the band, 4th Regiment); Band of the 4th Regiment (military band)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (13 October 1836), 1

Under the distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor,
WILL PERFORM For the Benefit of the Sydney Dispensary,
ON FRIDAY Evening, the 21st of October, 1836, Dibdin's celebrated Comedy of
Three Weeks after Marriage,
When by particular desire the performance will open with
Balff's Grand Chorus of " Vive le Roi," In Character.
Sir Charles Racket - John Lonnon
Drugget - John Owen
Lovelace - Francis Henwood
Woodley - William P. Scott
Lady Racket - James Conway
Mrs. Drugget - William Westrop
Nancy - Frederick Green
Dimity - John Elvis
Glee - "How merrily we live that Soldiers be."
Song - "Darby Kelly," in Character, by A. Greig.
Duet - "Thou hast left me ever, Jamie."
After which, the laughable Farce of
The Lying Valet
Gayles - William Scott
Sharp - John Lonnon
Justice Guttle - Andrew Greig
Mr. Trippet - David Paton
Cook - John Owen
Mellissa - William Westrop
Kitty - James Conway
Mrs. Gadabout - John Elvis
Mrs. Trippet - Frederick Green
A Comic Dance, by Mr. Barber.
A Comic Song, (Giles Scroggins) by J. Cownley.
Overture, in character, by the full Band.
Market Chorus, from Masaniello, in character.
The whole to conclude with the very laughable Farce of
Captain O'Blunder - Francis Henwood
Treatwell - lohn Cowney
Cheatwell - James Conway
Sconce - William Scott
Serjeant - John Lonnon
Doctor Glysler - Thomas Perry
Doctor Gaílypot - Andrew Greig
Monsieur Ragou - John Webster
Lucy - William Westrop
Betty - John Elvis
Finale - "Hail, all hail, our Patriot King," BY THE WHOLE COMPANY.
The Band of the King's Own Regiment will compose the Orchestra on this Occasion, under the management of Mr. Coleman, the Master, when several favourite Airs will be performed. The doors will be open at half past six, and the performanee to commence at seven o'clock precisely.
Boxes and places may be engaged at the Orderly Room of the King's Own Regiment, or at the Serjeant-Major's Quarters directly opposite.
It is particularly requested that applications will be made by persons for their boxes, as contained in the plan of the house, to be seen at the Orderly Room.

PERYMAN, Caroline (Caroline Agnes TOZER; Miss C. A. TOZER; Mrs. Frederick PERYMAN; Mrs. PERYMAN, often PERRYMAN)

Contalto /mezzo soprano vocalist

Born Dartmouth, Devon, England, 1837 (3rd quarter); daughter of John TOZER and Ann PERYMAN
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 25 July 1856 (per Hooghly, from Plymouth, 13 April)
Married Frederick George Byron PERYMAN (1840-1898), Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1859
Active Adelaide, SA, by 1859
Active Melbourne, VIC, from August 1863
Active Adelaide, SA, by 1871
Died Rockdale, NSW, 16 February 1903, aged "64" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Tozer (Mrs. Edward Lane) (elder sister); Joanna Tozer (Mrs. Frederick Fowler) (younger sister)


The two sisters, Elizabeth and Caroline Tozer, from Dartmouth in Devon arrived in South Australia as government immigrants in July 1856. According to convention, Elizabeth Tozer, the elder, was correctly identifiable as Miss Tozer, and as such she gave her first and only concert in her own right in Adelaide on 14 July 1859, assisted by her sister Caroline, Richard Baxter White, Josiah Wyke Daniel (probably the vocal instructor of both sisters), and several other artists. Of the two, however, the younger Caroline was evidently the more talented and active as a public singer, and even in her sister's concert was billed to appear in two duets and a solo, compared with Elizabeth's single duet.

Up to the time of Caroline's marriage in 1859, when only one sister is reported to have performed it was perhaps more likely to have been Caroline, though a positive identification is not always possible.

Confusingly, for a few months after her marriage to a Peryman cousin, Frederick, in May 1859, Caroline continued to appear in public as "Miss C. A. Tozer", and to be referred to in press notices as "Miss Tozer". Within a few months, however, she was being consistently billed as Mrs. Peryman, or also often, incorrectly, Perryman.

As Mrs. Perryman [sic] she sang at the quarterly soiree of the South Australian Institute in September 1859, and again at Cesare Cutolo's Adelaide farewell, and for the Gawler Institute in December.

Having arrived in Melbourne from Adelaide in August 1863, she made her first local concert appearance in October along with Octavia Hamilton.

In 1871 she returned to Adelaide, and appeared as a soloist in a performance of Messiah conducted by another Peryman cousin and musical amateur John Wesley Peryman (1838-1923). His brother, the cricketer William Huxtable Peryman (d. 1912) was also an amateur singer.


England census, 30 March 1851, St. Saviour, Dartmouth, Devon; UK National Archives, JO 107 / 1873 (PAYWALL)

[Crowdery Hill ?] / John Tozer / Head / 39 / Mason / [born] Devon East Allington
Ann [Tozer] / Wife / 49 / Seed seller / [Devon] Stoke . . .
Ann [Tozer] / Daug'r / 25 / Dress maker / [Devon] Dartmouth
John / 20 / Gardener / [Devon Dartmouth]
Elizabeth / 18 / Milliner / [Devon Dartmouth]
Sybilla / 15 / Scholar / [Devon Dartmouth]
Caroline [Tozer] / 13 / [Devon Dartmouth]
Lydia / 9 // Margaret / 6

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (26 July 1856), 2 

Friday 25 - The ship Hooghly, 490 tons, H. R. Rich master from Plymouth April 15, Elder and Co. agents. Dr J. Spence, Surgeon-Superintendent, in the cabin. Government emigrants - . . . Caroline Tozer, Elizabeth Tozer . . .

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (8 January 1857), 1 

PROGRAMME OF COLEMAN JACOBS'S GRAND EVENING CONCERT, in White's Assembly Rooms THIS EVENING, Thursday, 8th January . . .
PART I. Glee - "Hark, the Curfew" - Miss Chalker, Miss Tozer, and J. W. Daniel - Attwood . . .
Duetto - "Oh, what various charms unfolding" - Miss Tozer and J. W. Daniel - Haydn . . .
Song and Trio - "The heir, the child of France" - Miss Chalker, Miss Tozer, and J. W. Daniel - Hobbs.
PART II. Glee - "Annie Laurie" - Rimbault . . .
Duett - "Music and her sister Song" - Miss Tozer and J. W. Daniel - Glover . . .
Duet - "What are the wild waves saying?" - Miss Chalker and Miss Tozer - S. Glover.
Finale - "God Save the Queen."

ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Chalker (soprano vocalist); Josiah Wyke Daniel (tenor vocalist)

MUSIC: Music and her sister song (Stephen Glover); What are the wild waves saying (Stephen Glover)

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (30 July 1857), 4 

North Adelaide Choral Society . . . A CONCERT of SACRED MUSIC will take place at WHITE'S ASSEMBLY ROOM, on THURSDAY Evening, July 30 . . .
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . Duet - "The Shower of Pearls" - Miss Tozer and Mr. Daniel - Glover . . .
Solo - "Eve's Lamentation" - Miss Tozer . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: North Adelaide Choral Society

MUSIC: The shower of pearls (Stephen Glover); Eve's lamentation (M. P. King, from The intrecession)

"NORTH ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (31 July 1857), 2 

. . . Miss Petman and Mr. Daniels added laurels to their already acquired popularity, but the favourite of the evening was Miss Tozer, a young lady, who, with a clear, pure voice, and an unaffected style of singing, created quite an agreeable surprise . . .

"HERR LINGER'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (27 August 1857), 3 

There was a first-rate house yesterday evening at White's Rooms, at the concert given by this talented gentleman . . . Some very sweet airs given in the course of the evening by Miss Tozer and Miss Petman.

ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Linger (conductor); Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (31 August 1857), 1 

EAST TORRENS INSTITUT . . . GRAND VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCEBT, to be given THIS EVENING (Monday), at the Institute, Kensington.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . . Song - "There's music in the waters," Miss Tozer . . .
PART II . . . Duett - "What are the wild waves saying," Miss Tozer and Mr. Edwards.
Song- "Jenny Lind's good night," Miss Tozer . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Solomon Nicholas Edwards (tenor vocalist)

MUSIC: Jenny Lind's good night (West)

"EAST TORRENS INSTITUTE", Adelaide Observer (5 September 1857), 3 

. . . the concert was opened by an overture played by Chapman's band. This was followed by a song sung by Mr. Edwards - "In that old arm-chair my father sat," and which was given with much effect. The next - and which might be said to be the gem of the evening - was a song by Miss Tozer, "There is music in the waters," which was encored . . .

"GAWLER INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (18 November 1857), 2 

The inaugural address and concert of this Institute was given on Monday last in the newly erected building belonging to the Society, in Murray-street, Gawler . . . At the termination of the address the audience were treated with a vocal and instrumental concert, in which Miss Petman and the two Misses Tozer, assisted by Mr. Edwards, won the complete suffrage of their hearers, and the Brunswick Band reaped a harvest of applause. The attendance was more numerous than was expected, or the room would hold. Upwards of 250 persons were crowded together, and many others could not get admittance.

"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY", Adelaide Observer (13 February 1858), 3 

This newly formed Society gave its first concert on Tuesday evening, in White's Assembly Room, before a large and respectable audience . . . Amongst the other pieces included in the first part of the programme, a sweet duet, named "When through life's wilderness," deserves special notice. The composition is new to us; but we were extremely pleased with the really artistic style in which it was sung by Miss Petman and Miss Tozer. In stating this we only endorse the opinion of the audience, by whom it was enthusiastically encored. In this piece Mr. Daniel accompanied the young lady vocalists on the piano . . .

MUSIC: When through life's wilderness (Henry Smart)

[2 advertisements], The South Australian Advertiser (20 September 1858), 1 

GRAND CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC Under the immediate patronage of the Lord Bishop of Adelaide.
Miss PETTMAN begs most respectfully to inform her friends and the public generally, that in consequence of the unfavourable weather on Wednesday evening, she has determined to repeat her GRAND CONCERT of SACRED MUSIC in White's Room, on the evening of Monday, September 20, when she will be assisted be nearly all the musical talent in Adelaide (the members of the various Societies who took part in the Wednesday, evening's performances having again very kindly offered their services.)
PROGRAMME. Part I. 1. Overture - Orchestra - Naumann.
2. Chorus - "Sing to the Lord" - Naumann . . .
5. Duetto (with orchestral accompaniments) - "When through life's wilderness," Miss Tozer and Miss Pettman.
6. Trio - "Hark, the sweet bells of the Sabbath are ringing," Misses Pettman and Tozer and Mr. Daniels - Smith.
7. "Te Deum Laudamus" - Mozart . . .
Part II. 8. Overture - Orchestra - Neukomm.
9. Trio - "When shall we three meet again," Misses Tozer and Pettman and Mr. Daniels - Horsley.
10. Song - "Charity," Miss Tozer - Elsaesen [sic, ?]
11. Chorus - "Praise the Lord" - Bergt . . .
14. Chorus - "Hallelujah," from the "Messiah" - Handel.
Conductor, Herr Linger. Leader, Mr. Chapman . . .

ASSOCAITIONS: William Chapman (violinist)

MUSIC: When shall we three meet again (William Horsley)

[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (22 September 1858), 1 

will take place in White's Assembly Room, on Wednesday next, the 22nd September.
His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief will preside . . .
PROGRAMME. Concert. Part I . . . 2. Song, "A Lowly Youth" (Wallace) - Miss Tozer . . .
4. Duet, "When I am Far from Thee" (Glover) - Miss C. Tozer and Mr. Daniel.
Concert. Part II . . . 8. Duet, "The Soldier's Return" (Glover) - Miss C. Tozer and Mr. Daniel.
Conductor - Mr. R. B. White . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Baxter White (violinist, pianist)

MUSIC: A lowly youth (Wallace, from Matilda of Hungary); The soldier's return (Glover)

"ANNIVERSARY OF THE GAWLER INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (18 October 1858), 3 

The concert in connection with the celebration of the above event was held on Friday evening in a large unoccupied store belonging to Mr. Martin . . . The audience, which numbered upwards of 400, assembled at half-past 7, and the performance commenced at 8 o'clock with an overture upon the piano by Mr. Phillips, of Adelaide . . . His Worship, in a brief address, congratulated his fellow-townsmen on the success of an Institution which was so well calculated to benefit their thriving township . . . The beautiful glee, "Through lanes and hedgerows," was then sung by the Misses Tozer, Mr. J. W. Daniel, Mr. Edwards, and an amateur performer, in very good style. This was followed by Glover's duet, "The wind and the harp," by Miss C. Tozer and Mr. Daniel . . .

MUSIC: The wind and the harp (Glover)

"SALISBURY LITERARY INSTITUTION", South Australian Register (29 October 1858), 3 

The first annual meeting of the members of this Institution was held in the Salisbury Assembly Room on Tuesday last, at 7. o'clock in the evening . . . they had made arrangements for a concert conducted by Mr. Daniel, assisted by the Misses Tozer and Mr. Edwards, whose performance was a source of great gratification to numbers who seldom have the opportunity of hearing music of a high class . . . "Home, sweet home," by the Harmonic Society, accompanied by Mr. Daniel on the piano. Glee, "What ho, through the forest." Miss C. Tozer and Mr. Daniel then favoured the company with the duet "The shower of pearls," one of the best musical gems of the evening, and had pearls themselves been lolling from the lady's lips she would not have been watched more intently. Being called upon to repeat it they substituted the lively "Soldier's Return." Mr. Edwards then gave "The Sea King" in his very best style, and was loudly applauded. As with this exception the music was the same as that which was so lately performed at the anniversary of the Gawler Institute, further mention of it is unnecessary, except that it was such as afforded universal gratification . . .

"MARRIED", South Australian Register (3 June 1859), 2 

On the 22nd May, by special licence, at the residence of Mr. S. Adams, Rundle-street, by the Rev. T. Lloyd, F. G. B. Peryman, to Caroline Agnes, fifth daughter of Mr. J. H. Tozer, Torquay, Devonshire, England.

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (14 July 1859), 1 

MISS TOZER has the honour to announce that she will give a Grand CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC on Thursday evening, the 14th July, under the immediate patronage of His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief. Principal Performers - Miss Tozer, Miss C. A. Tozer, Miss Polhill, Master Watson, Mr. R. B. White, Herr Ignaz Roitzsch (Pupil of the Leipzig Conservatorium), Mr. H. Christen. Conductor - Mr. J. W. Daniel.
Tickets - Reserved, 5s.; unreserved, 3s.; family tickets, reserved, to admit five, 20s.; unreserved, to admit five, 12s.- may be procured of Messrs. White, Aldridge, Platts, Hillier, Mullet, and Howell.
1. Glee, "Swift as a Flash" - "Guillaume Tell" - Rossini
2, Song, "Day Departs" - Mr. J. W. Daniel - "II Trovatore" - Verdi
3, Duet, "Gathering Flowers" - The Misses Tozer - Glover
4. Solo, piano, "Fantasie sur un Theme," original - Herr Ignaz Roitzsch, pupil of the Leipzig Conservatorium. - Moscheles
5. Quintett, "The Lark" - Mendelssohn
An interval of 10 minutes.
6. Duet, "This Heart with Joy O'erflowing" - "Maritana" - Miss C. A. Tozer and Mr. J. W. Daniel - Wallace
7. Solo, violin, Fantasie - "Nabucodonoso" - Mr. R. B. White, R.A. - Alard
8. Song, "Home" - Mr. H. Christen - Reissiger
9. Song, "Music on the Waters" - Miss C. A. Tozer - C. Peel.
10. Solo, piano, Fantasie - "Lucia di Lammermoor" - Mr. R.B. White, R.A - Prudent
11. Quintett, "All among the Barley" - Stirling

ASSOCIATIONS: Victoria Polhill (pianist, accompanist); Ignaz Roitzsch (solo pianist); Hugo Christen (bass vocalist)

MUSIC: The flower gatherers (Glover)

"MISS TOZER'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (15 July 1859), 3 

On Thursday last, Miss Tozer gave a grand concert at White's Rooms, under the immediate patronage of His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief. Coming on the evening between the Tradesmen's Ball and the Quarterly Soiree of the South Australian Institute, it might have been safely predicted that the attendance would not be large, and when the evening turned out to be showery a thin audience became a positive certainty. The room was not more than a third full - a circumstance calculated to throw a damp upon both singers and audience. We must, however, do the former the justice to say that they exerted themselves to the utmost to please, and rendered the several pieces with great spirit and effect. The first part of the concert, with the exception of a fantasia on the piano by Herr Ignaz Roizsch, very creditably performed, consisted of vocal music, of which the principal gems were "The Flower Gatherers," by the Misses Tozer; and a magnificent quintette by Mendelssohn, "The Lark." The former was executed in the true spirit of the piece. The latter, however, produced the better effect upon the audience, which was not to be wondered at when the composer's fame is remembered, and when it may be added that each part was well represented and well sustained by the several voices. The second portion of the concert was introduced by a brilliant duet," Oh Maritana," between Miss Tozer and Mr. Daniel, which deserved but did not receive an encore. Mr. White was in good bow in the violin solo which followed, eliciting frequent applause, and, being warmly encored at its close, Mr. White must have felt himself somewhat indebted for the success of his solo to the judicious and tasteful manner in which the pianoforte accompaniment to it was executed by Miss Polhill. Miss Tozer sang "There be none of beauty's daughters" with great sweetness and expression, and was warmly encored. The song told all the more coming immediately as it did after the fine manly tones of Mr. H. Christen in "Home, dear home." Indeed it was the song of the evening. The concert terminated with the National Anthem at about a quarter to 10 o'clock.

"ADELAIDE YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION", South Australian Register (23 July 1859), 3 

On Thursday evening, the 21st inst., a conversazione, to celebrate the first anniversary of the above Association, was held in Pulteney-street Schoolroom . . . Mr. J. W. Daniel had very kindly given his services - (cheers) - and he, in conjunction with Miss Tozer, would favour them with a duet . . . Miss Tozer then exquisitely sung "Music of the Waters," which using encored, another musical gem was substituted . . .

"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (7 September 1859), 3

The usual quarterly soiree in connection with the South Australian Institute took place at White's Assembly Room, on Tuesday evening September 6 . . . The musical entertainment was, as on former occasions, divided, part coming before and part after the lecture. The vocal performers were Mr. J. W. Daniel, Mrs. Perryman, a young lady (a pupil of Mr. Daniel), and two gentlemen amateurs. The instrumentalists were Mr. R. B. White (piano), and Herr Schrader (cornopean). The first part consisted of the glee, "Spring's delights;" a solo on the cornopean, by Herr Schrader, the song "Proudly and wide," from "Fra Diavolo" by Mr. Daniel; and Mendelssohn's quintette, "How lovely thy note." The several pieces were well performed and the last was encored. The Rev. F. W. Cox delivered the lecture. His subject was "Curiosities of the Microscope" . . .

The second part of the musical entertainment went off with even greater eclat than the first. A duet from Lucia di Lammermoor, by Mrs. Perryman and Mr. Daniel, was encored, but they responded with "The parting," by Glover. Mr. R. B. White's solo on the piano, "La cascade," was encored, and he gave what was better liked by the company at large - a brilliant fantasia on "Rule Britannia." The trio, "We come to thee, Savoy," was loudly encored. Mrs. Perryman's song, "The four-leafed shamrock," although redemanded, was not insisted upon; but the glee, "Come follow me" was encored imperatively . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Baxter White (piano); Heinrich Schrader (cornopean)

MUSIC: We come to thee, Savoy (Charles Glover);

"PORT ADELAIDE INSTITUTE. OPENING SOIREE", South Australian Register (12 October 1859), 3

The first soiree in connection with the Port Adelaide Institute was held, as announced, on Monday evening, in the large room at the White Horse Cellar . . . The entertainment was commenced with a glee, "Through lanes with hedgerows," which was executed in a most pleasing manner by Mrs. Perryman, Mrs. Daniel, Miss Bowman, and Messrs. Daniel, Christen, and Lake; after which Mrs. Perryman and Miss Bowman sang a duet, "I would that my love" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Hugo Christen (bass vocalist); Miss Bowman (vocalist)

"SALISBURY LITERARY SOCIETY", South Australian Register (29 October 1859), 2 

. . . The annual meeting of this Institute was held in the Assembly Room on the evening of Wednesday, the 26th inst. . . . The business having been concluded . . . a concert was given by Mr. Daniel, assisted by three ladies and Mr. Christen, whose fine deep bass voice told with excellent effect in the concerted pieces. Mrs. Perryman's merits as a vocalist are too well known to require any comment, but Miss Bowman's singing ought not to be passed over without some notice . . .

"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (9 November 1859), 3 

After an interval of nearly five months Signor Cutolo gave the public another opportunity on Tuesday evening last of listening to an excellent selection of the classic compositions . . . Signor Cutolo, Mrs. Peryman, Miss Rowe, Miss Bryan, Mr. Daniel, Mr. Christen, and Mr. Oelmann had all appeared on the platform, but it was not till the very last piece in the first part bad been commenced that the "witching spell of harmony" produced its full effects . . . Mrs. Peryman and Miss Rowe also were very effective, both in the quintette from "Oberon," "Spirits advance," and in several glees, &c., in which they took parts . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (piano); Louisa Jane Rowe (vocalist); Jane Bryan (vocalist); Hermann Oelmann (vocalist)

"SIGNOR CUTOLO", The South Australian Advertiser (9 December 1859), 3 

This eminent professor gave his grand farewell concert on Thursday evening, November [recte December] 8th, in White's Room . . . "The Beautiful Star," by Mrs. Perryman, was most excellently sung and was loudly applauded. "Love Serenade," by the Signor, succeeded, and was followed toy the "Bird Duett" by Mrs. Perryman and Miss Bryan, which was encored. Then came the "Volunteers' Song," not by the whole company as announced in the programme, but three verses of it were executed by Mrs, Perryman and Miss Bryan; the first verse sung by Miss Bryan, the second by Mrs. Perryman, and the third as a duett by both ladies. From the applause which followed it seemed the audience did not at all regret the alteration . . . "The Friar of Orders Grey" was given by Mrs. Perryman, Miss Bryan, and Mr. Christen, Christen's splendid organ voice told with wonderful effect . . . "God Save the Queen" by Mrs. Perryman, Miss Bryan, and Mr. Christen composed the finale . . .

MUSIC: Beautiful star in heaven so bright (Sayles); Song of the volunteers (Cutolo)

"GAWLER INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (14 December 1859), 3 

The concert given at the Oddfellows' Hall, Gawler Town, on Monday evening last, in celebration of the second anniversary of the Gawler Institute, was a great success . . . . The vocal performers were Mrs. Perryman, Miss Rowe, Mr. Daniel, and Mr. Oehlman; the instrumentalists included the Messrs. Schrader, Rowe, Waite, and the other members of the Brunswick Band. The orchestral arrangements were under the direction or Herr Linger, who also presided at the piano . . . The first part of the programme included several other pieces of sterling merit, amongst which may be mentioned as specially deserving commendation for the spirited manner in which it was rendered, Balfe's celebrated buffo duet from the "Siege of Rochelle," "Well, if I may speak." This was sung by Mrs. Perryman and Mr. Daniel with so much of the scherzandissimo style as to fairly rouse the sympathies of the entire auditory. The same remark applies also to Marten's [Martini's] trio, "Vadasi via di qua," which was sung in the second part by Miss Rowe, Mrs. Perryman, and Mr. Daniel. Both of these spirited compositions were encored. The first part of the entertainment was concluded with "The Song of Australia." Lithographed copies of the words and music had been presented to each person in the hall at the commencement of the concert, but the audience were scarcely prepared for the musical treat which its performance presented. Herr Linger, being himself the composer of the air, and having the arrangements of the concert under his control, appears to have determined to add to his fame as a contrapuntist on the occasion. The song was accordingly arranged and sung as follows: - Verse 1, soprano solo, by Miss Rowe; verses 2 and 4, quartette, by Miss Rowe, Mrs. Perryman, Mr. Oehlman, and Mr. Daniel; verse 3, tenor solo, by Mr. Oehlman; and verse 5, in chorus, with full band accompaniment. The effect was inspiring. The audience frequently gave indications of this during the performance of the song; and at its close their suppressed feelings broke forth in the most vehement applause. Nothing short of a repetition of the whole would satisfy them . . .


MUSIC: First performance of The song of Australia (Linger)

"MOUNT PLEASANT", South Australian Register (26 October 1860), 3 

On Thursday evening, the 18th inst., the inhabitants of the neighbourhood were enlivened by an entertainment of sacred music, given by Mr. J. W. Daniel, of musical celebrity, assisted by Mrs. Peryman and other friends who kindly gave their cervices on the occasion; the proceeds to be devoted to the purchase of an harmonium for St. John's Church, which has lately been erected near the township. It being the first concert which has taken place in this locality . . . The first piece in the programme was that exquisite choral, "Morn amid the mountains," the performance of which did great credit to all the performers. This was followed by duets and solos, which by their beautiful rendering seemed to awaken the feelings of all present. Two or three deserve particular notice. "The shower of pearls" and the "Slave's sons at midnight," in which Mrs. Peryman's and Mr. Daniel's voices blended in sweetest harmony, calling forth the rapturous applause of every one. "Angels ever bright and fair" was sung by Mrs. Peryman in sweetest strains . . .

"ANGASTON", Adelaide Observer (3 November 1860), 7 

On Wednesday evening, October 21, a concert was given in the Old Chapel, Mr. J. W. Daniel and Mrs. Peryman being the vocalists. The audience warmly testified their approval of several of the pieces. The especial favourites were - "Man the lifeboat" (song), Mr. Daniel; "Slowly and softly" (duet); "There is a path by the river," Mrs. Peryman; "Music on the waters;" and also a comic song by Mr. Daniel, "Come and take tea in the arbour."

"MOUNT PLEASANT", South Australian Register (16 October 1861), 2 

A correspondent writes as follows: -
Mrs. F. Peryman and Mr. J. W. Daniel gave the last of their series of concerts for the season at the Mount Pleasant School, on Saturday. October 12th. They were ably assisted on this occasion by Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Daniel, Miss Tozer, Miss Walker, Mr. Ough, and Master G. Daniel . . . Glover's delightful duet, "Gathering flowers," splendidly sung by Mrs. Peryman and Miss Tozer, received an enthusiastic encore, which was responded to by the substitution of "Like sunbeams gaily dancing" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Jane Daniel (vocalist); George Frederick Daniel (boy vocalist); William Fox Ough (bass vocalist)

MUSIC: The flower gatherers (Stephen Glover)

"ADELAIDE YOUNG MEN'S PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (8 January 1862), 3

The half-yearly meeting . . . was held at the Pulteney-street Schoolroom, on Tuesday evening, January 7 . . . A duet - "The Two Cousins" - was then given in a first-rate style by Mesdames Perryman and Wishart, and was loudly encored . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Susannah Wishart (vocalist)

MUSIC: The two cousins (Charles Glover)

"LANCASHIRE RELIEF FUND ENTERTAINMENT", South Australian Register (11 October 1862), 3 

On Friday evening, October 10, a soiree was given in the Adelaide Assembly Rooms by the members of the North Adelaide Young Men's Society, in aid of the fund for the distressed operatives in the mother-country . . . Mrs. Peryman next sung, "Do they think of me at home," which received an enthusiastic encore. On reascending the platform she substituted "Mary of Argyle" . . .

"THURSDAY EVENING'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (28 November 1862), 2 

The concert at the Adelaide Assembly Rooms on Thursday evening was given as a complimentary benefit to Mr. Aldridge, and we should imagine that it proved a "benefit" in the true sense of the word, as the room was exceedingly well filled. Messrs. Poussard and Douay were assisted on the occasion by Messrs. Beaumont and Wilkinson, as also by Mrs. Fox, a very sweet singer, the sister, we believe, of Mr. Beaumont, by Mrs. Peryman, a lady well known on the South Australian orchestra, and Mr. Compton . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Aldridge (lessee of the Assembly rooms, father of Rose Aldridge Grainger); Horace Poussard (violin); Rene Douay (cello); Armes Beaumont (tenor vocalist); Sarah Fox (vocalist); Charles Henry Compton (pianist)

"LOCAL COURTS. Adelaide: Thursday, June 4 . . . WISHART V. PERYMAN AND UXOR", South Australian Register (5 June 1863), 3 

[Before Messrs. J. W. Macdonald, S.M., R.R., Turner, S.M., and S. Beddome, P.M.] FULL JURISDICTION (CIVIL). JURY CAUSE . . . Action to recover £100, damages sustained by plaintiff through slander circulated by defendants . . .[full report]

"LEGAL ANOMALIES", Adelaide Observer (27 June 1863), 1 supplement 

. . . The second case to which we refer is that of Wishart versus Peryman, which was tried in the Local Court before Mr. Macdonald a few days ago. Mrs. Wishart is a widow, who supports herself as a public vocalist, and Mrs. Peryman is engaged in the same profession. The ground of action was an alleged slander of the former lady by the latter. It is not necessary that we should explain the details of the case. It was asserted that Mrs. Peryman had made statements seriously affecting the moral character of Mrs. Wisbart, in consequence of which her public engagements had fallen off, involving her in considerable pecuniary loss. These statements were not denied on the part of the defendant, nor was there any attempt at justification. The defence raised by the Attorney-General was that the words were not slanderous in the eye of the law. According to his exposition of the law, which was sustained by the Judge, "in order to sustain an action for verbal slander it should be shown that a crime had been committed, or that a person had some contagious disorder, or that the words were spoken of the plaintiff in her professional character." The point at issue in the case was whether the alleged slander spoken by Mrs. Peryman affected Mrs. Wishart in her professional character; "and with regard to that the rule of law was that the words spoken must allege that she was deficient in the knowledge necessary to the practice of her profession, or that her conduct was such that she was incapable of practising her profession." If that could not be proved, then it would be necessary to show, in order to obtain special damages, that the plaintiff had sustained special pecuniary loss by the publication of the slander. With this exposition of the law Mr. Macdonald expressed his entire concurrence. Legally there was no malice proved, "as the words did not touch Mrs. Wishart's professional character. If it had been said that Mrs. Wishart had no voice, that her conduct was so disagreeable that the other singers could not associate with her, or that her habits were so intemperate that she was incapable of performing her part, then these words would come within the rule established by the decided cases, and would be malicious slander; but no such meaning could be put upon the words alleged to be used in the present case, and therefore there must be a nonsuit on that point." This, we presume, must be accepted as the law of the case; and if so, then, however great the hardship to Mrs. Wishart, the Magistrate had no alternative but to enforce it. But we have no hesitation in saying that such a law is unjust, irrational, and cruel. The utterance of a charge against the professional ability of Mrs. Wishart would have been sustained as slanderous, and would have obtained damages; but a charge against her moral character, which may seriously effect her standing as a vocalist and her emoluments from her profession, unless special damage can be proved, is not slanderous. A person may say of a public singer that her conduct is such as to exclude her from the society of the pure and virtuous, and she has no redress; but if it be said that she croaks like a raven instead of singing like a nightingale, an action for damages will lie. There cannot be the slightest question that the alleged statements of Mrs. Peryman were calculated to injure the plaintiff professionally, as far as they were believed. Indeed, it was asserted in Court that they had done so; but as they only affected character and not professional competence, unless Mrs. Wishart could have brought witnesses to prove that in consequence of the reports against her morals they had refused to employ her, or would not go to hear her sing, she had no claim for damages . . .

Melbourne, VIC (16 August 1863-70):

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (17 August 1863), 4

AUG. 16 . . . Havilah, s s, 366 tons, W. H. Saunders, from Adelaide 14th inst. Passengers - cabin: Mrs. Perryman and two children . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 October 1863), 8

ST. GEORGE'S HALL. - Mr. S. GREENWOOD, organist of St. John's, has the honour to announce that the GRAND CONCERT and ART UNION for an Erard grand pianoforte will take place in the above hall on MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5.
Principal Vocalists. - Miss Octavia Hamilton, Miss Liddle, Mrs. Perryman (her first appearance in Melbourne) . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Greenwood (organist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Maggie Liddle (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (19 October 1865), 8

MRS. PERRYMAN Has the pleasure to inform the inhabitants of Richmond and surrounding neighbourhood that she will give a
GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT, As above, assisted by Miss FANNY REEVES, Sig. CUTOLO, Mr. C. COLES, And others, who have kindly promised their services.
Reserved seats, 3s.; unreserved, 2s. Tickets to be had at Mr. Bosisto's; office of the Australian; the Post-office; Mrs. Marsh, Church-street; and from Mrs. Peryman, 35 Brighton-street.

"CONCERT", Williamstown Chronicle (13 March 1869), 4 

We observe in our advertising columns the preliminary announcement of a concert to be given in the Mechanics Institute, on Wednesday, March 24th, for the benefit of Mrs. Peryman, who is just recovering from a very serious illness.

"MEMORANDA", The Telegraph, St. Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (26 March 1870), 7 

There was a splendid programme provided at the Town Hall Prahran, on Tuesday last, on the occasion of the second night of the popular entertainment, but the audience was not so numerous as the occasion warranted. H. Beauchamp, Esq., presided, and Madame Pett as usual took her seat at the piano . . . Mr[s]. Peryman is always good, therefore it is superfluous to say more than that she sang "The Lonely Harp," "The Queen's Letter," and other songs in her accustomed style . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Victorine Pett (piano)

"MEMORANDA", The Telegraph, St. Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (17 September 1870), 7 

There was a fair house at the Prahran Popular Entertainment on Tuesday evening last . . . Miss Sheppard and Mrs. Peryman sang in their best style . . .

The quality of the entertainment, as well as its objects, demanded a better attendance at the Town hall, Prahran, on Wednesday evening last, on the occasion of a complimentary concert to Mrs. Peryman, whose vocal assistance in any charitable undertaking has never been asked in vain. There were scarcely 100 persons present. Those, however, were very liberal in their applause. Conspicuous among the contributors were Mr. Amery, who sang several songs in fine style, the Misses Downey in comic and sentimental duets, Miss Bassett, and of course Mrs. Peryman, whose several efforts were very warmly received. Mr. W. Stoneham's performance on the flute and the pianoforte and violin by Madame Pett and Mr. W. J. Snelling [sic] were excellent. The whole entertainment, in fact, merited a much larger attendance.

ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Amery (vocalist); William Stoneham (flute); James Morris Snelling (violin)

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (19 October 1870), 3 

A complimentary concert to Mrs. Peryman look place on Tuesday evening at the Williamstown Mechanics' Institute. The programme included the names of several well-known amateurs.

Adelaide, SA (by April 1871):

"THE MESSIAH, Bunyip [Gawler, SA] (29 April 1871), 3

This splendid Oratorio was performed on Thursday evening last. There was a large attendance, the large hall of the Institute being comfortably filled . . . Mrs. F. Peryman, an old Gawler favorite, who has before assisted in entertainments for the benefit of the Institute several years ago, next appeared. Her voice is full and powerful, and well adapted for the pieces she selected ("Behold a Virgin" and "O Thou that tellest.") Her distinct articulation and correct rendering of the music was excellent . . . The recitatives "There were Shepherds," and "Lo! the Angel," were delivered by Mrs. F. Peryman in excellent taste . . . "He was despised," by Mrs. Peryman, accompanied very sweetly, by Mr. Heuzenroder on the harmonium . . . Mesdames Peryman and Fowler, and Mr. Garrood were the only singers who did not avail themselves of the band accompaniments . . . Mrs. Peryman's want of practice With the musicians, we suppose, accounted for her not availing herself of their assistance . . . Conductor - Mr. J. W. Peryman . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (29 April 1871), 1

Owing to numerous requests, Mr. James Shakespeare will REPEAT THIS GRAND OPERA, with improved effect . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Shakespeare (conductor)

"FAREWELL CONCERT TO MRS. PERYMAN", The South Australian Advertiser (2 October 1882), 6 

All lovers of popular concert music will regret to learn that Mrs. Peryman, who for many years has been closely associated with musical entertainments in Adelaide, is about to leave the colony . . .

Sydney, NSW (1883-1903):

"DEATHS", The Advertiser (28 February 1903), 6 

PERYMAN.- On the 16th February, at Doll's Point, Sandringham, N.S.W., Caroline Agnes, relict of the late F. G. B. Peryman, aged 64 years.

Bibliography and resources:

"TIVOLI REMINISCENCES", Observer (15 January 1916), 33 

. . . The old South Australian Institute, whose library was then in Neales's Buildings, King William street, held its quarterly soiree in White's Rooms, and the services of the best artists were always obtained. Miss Tozer, afterwards Mrs. Perryman, Miss Chalker, Miss Rowe, and Miss Bryan (afterwards Mrs. Monk) were among those who appeared. All the musical talent visiting Australia who found their way to Adelaide perforated in the old rooms . . .

PERYMAN, Henry William (Henry William PERRYMAN [sic]; Henry William PERYMAN; H. W. PERYMAN)

Amateur musician, vocalist

Born Dartmouth, England, 21 April 1805; baptised St. Clement Townstall, 26 May 1805; son of Henry PERRYMAN and Ann BATTENS
Died North Adalaide, SA, 20 June 1864, aged "59" (shareable link to this entry)

PERYMAN, John Huxtable Wesley (John Huxtable Wesley PERYMAN; J. H. PERYMAN; J. H. W. PERYMAN)

Amateur musician, vocalist

Born Devon, England, 11 June 1837 [sic, not 1838]; baptised Brixham (Wesleyan), 29 June 1837; son of Henry William PERYMAN and Charlotte HUXTABLE (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick George Byron Peryman (1840-1898, husband of Caroline Tozer Peryman above, was Henry William's nephew, son of his younger brother Daniel Peryman (1810-1878), and thus John's first cousin


"THE LATE MR. H. W. PERYMAN", South Australian Register (4 July 1864), 3 

The Rev. J. Cope preached at Archer-street Wesleyan Chapel on Sunday evening . . . He then gave some interesting particulars with reference to the life and death of the late Mr. H. W. Peryman. Born in Dartmouth in 1805, he received his religious instruction in the Independent Sunday-school in that place. He afterwards became a chorister in the Established Church there, and in 1827 his serious religious awakening occurred. He then joined the Wesleyan Methodist Church, and for 18 years was an intelligent and devoted local preacher and class-leader in England. He then migrated to Adelaide, where he connected himself with Archer-street Wesleyan Church, of which he was a trustee. He also continued his ministrations as a local preacher until 1857, having been an active and useful member for 30 years. The rev. gentleman referred to personal interviews he had had with the deceased in his illness, in which interviews, he said, he was struck with the composure and hope which he manifested. From questions he briefly put to him he felt assured that this composure and hope was the result of his resting on the finished work of Christ. At the conclusion of the sermon the "Dying Christian" was impressively sung by the choir.

"OBITUARY", Mount Magnet Miner and Lennonville Leader [WA] (17 February 1923), 2 

PERSON, Mr. (Geelong, c. 1856-70) = Thomas I'Erson

PETERS FAMILY OF TANUNDA, SA (shareable link to this entry)

PETERS, Johann Friederich Anton (Johann Friederich Anton PETERS; J. F. A. PETERS)

Publican, licensed victualler, venue proprietor

Born c. 1809
Died Tanunda, SA, 10 November 1870

PETERS, Amanda (Amanda PETERS)


PETERS, Emilie (Emilie PETERS)

Vocalist, pianist

PETERS, Marie (Marie PETERS)


Active Tanunda, SA, 1862


[Advertisement], Süd Australische Zeitung [Tanunda and Adelaide, SA] (20 December 1862), 3 

Victoria Hotel.
Freitag, den 26. December, am zweiten Weihnachtstage, findet bei mir GROSSER BALL . . . J. F. A. Peters. Concert-Anzeige.
Am obigen Tage, Freitag, den 26. December, Nachmittags 4 Uhr, wird bei mir gleichfalls ein Grosses Concert, ausgeführt von dem berühmten Braunschweiger Musik-corps und dem Tanunda Musik-Verein, stattfinden . . .
I. Theil.
1) OUVERTURE "Regine" - Adam - aufgeführt vom Gesammt - Orchester.
2) SOLO (Clarinette) aus "Freischütz" - C. M. v. Weber. - vorgetragen von Th. Heydecke.
3) LIED: "Ob ich dich liebe?" gesungen von Fräulein Marie Peters.
4) LA MADRILENA (Spanischer Tanz).
5) SOLO (Cornet) - T. Schneider. - vorgetragen von J. Oehlrich.
6) CHORUS & MARSCH aus "Norma" - Bellini.
7) LIED: "Zimperlieschen", gesungen mit Clavierbegleitung von Emilie Peters.
II. Theil.
8) OUVERTURE aus "Don Juan" - MOZART - vorgetragen von C. W. Draeger.
9) LIED: "Bright things can never die", gesungen von Fräulein Amanda Peters.
10) DUETT für zwei Cornets .... vorgetr. von H. Schrader u. F. Heydecke.
11) "Schwarzwälder Spieluhren - Polka.
12) HORN-QUARTETTE: "Mein doppelt Vaterland", vorgetragen v. H. Schrader, F. Heydecke, R. White u. Th. Heydecke.
13) GALLOP "Postillon" - C. Zabel.
14) EMILIEN-POLKA vorgetragen von Emilie Peters.

[Advertisement], Süd Australische Zeitung (24 December 1862), 3 

Victoria Hotel.
Freitag, den 26. December . . . GROSSER BALL . . . J. F. A. Peters. Concert-Anzeige.
Am obigen Tage, Freitag, den 26. December, Nachmittags 4 Uhr, wird bei mir gleichfalls ein Grosses Concert, ausgeführt von dem berühmten Braunschweiger Musik-corps und dem Tanunda Musik-Verein, stattfinden . . .
I. Theil.
1) OUVERTURE "Regine" - Adam - aufgeführt vom Gesammt - Orchester.
2) SOLO (Clarinette) aus "Freischütz" - C. M. v. Weber. - vorgetragen von Th. Heydecke.
3) LIED: "Ob ich dich liebe?" gesungen von Fräulein Marie Peters.
4) LA MADRILENA (Spanischer Tanz).
5) SOLO (Cornet) - T. Schneider. - vorgetragen von J. Oehlrich.
6) CHORUS & MARSCH aus "Norma" - Bellini.
II. Theil.
7) OUVERTURE aus "Don Juan" - MOZART - vorgetragen von C. W. Draeger.
8) LIED: "Bright things can never die", gesungen von Fräulein Amanda Peters.
9) DUETT für zwei Cornets .... vorgetr. von H. Schrader u. F. Heydecke.
10) "Schwarzwälder Spieluhren - Polka.
11) HORN-QUARTETTE: "Mein doppelt Vaterland", vorgetragen v. H. Schrader, F. Heydecke, R. White u. Th. Heydecke.
12) GALLOP "Postillon" - C. Zabel.

ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Wilhelm Draeger (pianist, conductor); Heinrich Schrader (musician); Theodor and Fritz Heydecke (musicians); Brunswick Band (Adelaide)

"DEATH", South Australian Register (11 November 1870), 4 

PETERS. - On the 10th November, at Tanunda, Mr. J. F. A. Peters, of consumption, aged 61.

PETERS, Alfred Richard (Alfred Richard PETERS; Mr. A. R. PETERS)

Musician, ? violinist

Born c. 1842; son of Alfred Richard PETERS and Elizabeth HAGGIS
Married Jane TALMAGE, Erskine Church, Carlton, VIC, 24 September 1864
Died Melbourne, VIC, buried 21 November 1924, aged "82" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"MARRIAGE", The Age (28 September 1864), 4 

PETERS - TALMAGE. - On the 24th inst., at Erskine Church, Carlton, by the Rev. James Ballantyne, Alfred Richard Peters, of Wood's Point, to Jane, third daughter of Mr. Robert Talmage, Collingwood, Melbourne.

"THE INTERCOLONIAL EXHIBITION", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (25 October 1866), 7 

. . . First, we will give the names of those ladies and gentlemen who assisted at the concert. Mr. Horsley, it need hardly be said, was the conductor . . . The principal violin was Mr. Edward King; the organist, Mr. David Lee . . . In the other parts of the orchestra there was this distribution: - . . .
Second Violins: Messrs. Ryder, Schmidt, Megson, Wiedemann, Lewis, Peters . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (conductor); Edward King (violin, leader); David Lee (organist); George Hopwood Ryder (violin); Joseph Megson (violin); Traugott Wiedemann (violin)

[Advertisement], The Argus (23 March 1867), 8 

THE VARIETIES. Proprietors, Messrs. Coker and Nish . . .
Stage and Musical Director, Mr. A. Nish.
TO-NIGHT Will be presented Wallace's favourite opera MARITANA,
Sustained by the most brilliant Concentration of Musical Talent in the Australian Colonies.
Including Miss Geraldine Warden . . .
Mr. R. Kohler.
Mr. N. La Feuillade.
Mr. Linley Norman.
Mr. Alfred Peters . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Geraldine Warden (vocalist); Anthony Nish (musical director); Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician); Nicholas La Feuillade (musician); Linly Norman (musician)

City of Fitzroy, rate book, 18 November 1867; Public Record Office Victoria, 2336/P [copy of VPRS 4301] (PAYWALL)

Peters / Alfred / Musician / [owner] [Butler George] / 18 Alma Street / Brick House / 3 rooms

[Advertisement], The Argus (21 December 1869), 8 

LONDON MUSIC HALL. Proprietor, I. Coleman.
This splendid place of entertainment is now open six months, with genuine success, and playing nightly to crowded houses, still retains its supremacy.
Glees, quartettes, by celebrated masters, rendered nightly by the talented company of vocalists . . .
The BAND, all soloists, under the direction of Mr. BARNETT LEVY, late of the Theatre Royal Orchestra.
Dancing every evening, for one hour.
Manager, Mr. JOHN BLACK . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Robert Devereaux (musician); William Stoneham (musician); Barnett Levy (leader)

"FUNERALS", The Age (21 November 1924), 16 

PETERS - The Friends of the late Mr. ALFRED RICHARD PETERS (Musician, late of Coles Book Arcade) are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred in the Boroondara Cemetery, Kew. The funeral will leave the residence of his daughter, 25 Maugie-street, Abbotsford, THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON, 21st November, at 2 o''clock p.m.

Bibliography and resources:

Alfred Richard Peters, Find a grave 

PETERS, Emil (Emil Carl PETERS; Emil Charles PETERS)


Born Rostock, Hamburg, Germany, c. 1835
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1859/60 (from Hamburg)
Active Castlemaine, VIC, 1860
Departed Melbourne, February 1863 (per City of Melbourne II, for New Zealand)
Married Sarah Emma McILROY, NZ, 1879
Died Kumara, Wellington, New Zealand, 26 January 1902 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (8 June 1860), 5 

A FREE AND EASY WILL be held at the Builders' Arms Hotel, every Monday and Saturday evening, to commence at half-past seven o'clock. HERR EMIL PETERS, Pianist.

CASTLEMAINE POLICE COURT. Monday, March 11 . . . SUMMONS CASES", Mount Alexander Mail (13 March 1861), 2 

Bernard Simmonds was summoned for occupying crown lands without a license, and was fined £2 10s and costs. Condor Whiteman, Emil Peters, F. E. Ungent, Henry Young, and Charles Braidwood were similarly dealt with for the same offence.

"ROUND ABOUT KUMARA (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT)", West Coast Times (30 January 1902 ), 4 

Again a familiar face has been removed from our midst. Death has claimed its own in the person of Mr. Emil Charles Peters of the Gilbert Stewart Hotel. Deceased had been a sufferer for a considerable time, but it was only within the last few weeks that the more serious developments manifested themselves. After about five weeks' confinement to his room, he passed away at his residence at about eight o'clock on Sunday morning. As the sad intelligence spread, it came with a pang of pain to those who had known our genial friend. He was 66 years of age, and a native Rostock, Hamburg, Germany; on early manhood he came out to try his luck on the Australian goldfields. The first he filled was that of interpreter to an English company of contractors who employed a large number of his countrymen.

In 1865 [sic] he came over to New Zealand. Here he first followed the pursuit of mining afterwards that of a hotel-keeper. He was for some years the popular and successful landlord of the Dillmanstown Hotel. Latterly he purchased the well known house of the late Gilbert Stewart. As an old member of the Masonic Lodge and a Forester, his funeral will be conducted with the rites of both bodies.

PETERS, William (William PETERS; Mr. W. PETERS)

Musician, band leader, professor of music

Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1854
Active Ballarat, VIC, until 1882 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus (16 February 1854), 8 

PETER'S Celebrated Quadrille Band play all the newest and most fashionable music at the Victoria Assembly Rooms.

[Advertisement], The Argus (10 April 1854), 8 

VICTORIA Assembly Rooms - To-night - A night with D'Albert Peter's celebrated Quadrille Band. Leader, Mr. W. Peters. F. C. Rout, M. G. and Manager.

[News], The Argus (7 April 1863), 4 

An entertainment partaking of the nature of a soiree, or conversazione, followed by a ball and supper, was given at Hockin's Assembly rooms, Melbourne, last night, by the members of the Musical Union. It is intended to hold similar gatherings three times a year . . . About 200 ladies and gentlemen, members and friends of the society, were present . . . A selection of favourite part and other songs was performed by Miss Octavia Hamilton, Miss Mortley, Miss Ford, Mr. A. Ford, and other members of the society, who profess more than a more love of music and Mr. G. R. G. Pringle presided at the pianoforte . . . Dancing was kept up with great spirit until an early hour this morning, to the strains of Mr. Peters's band . . .

Ballarat and Ballarat district directory (1865), 28, 183

Professors of Music . . . Peters, W., Errard street . . .

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (31 March 1865), 5

William Peters, of Eureka, Ballarat East, professor of music. Causes of insolvency Pressure of creditors, losses sustained on a professional tour, and want of engagements. Liabilities, £37.2s,.8d.; assets, £9; deficiency, £28.2s.8d.

COUNTY COURT. Thursday, 5th April . . . DEFENDED CASES . . . Hoffman v Dalley", The Ballarat Star (6 April 1866), 2 

£ 10, damages and work and labor as a violinist, under contract. Mr. Doward for the plaintiff, Mr. Finn for the defendant. The plaintiff said he performed till Mrs Dalley took his bow away and said "you play no more," and Mr. Dalley would not give up the contract, so that the plaintiff could not make another engagement, and he could only "play for mine own amoosement." William Peters, a musician engaged in lieu of the plainiff proved that the plaintiff was there ready to fulfil his contract. The defence was that Hoffman had given over in a tiff because Peters had been engaged as a supplementary player. One night's wages was admitted to be due, as also that the contract had not been given up when requested. Judgment for the defendant, without costs.

[Advertisement], The Ballarat Courier (22 December 1882), 3 

NOTICE. - The annual free BALL and SUPPER at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Happy Valley, Boxing Night.
Mr. Peters, musician. Mr. John Menhennet, proprietor.

PETRICK, Robert (Robert PETRICK)


Active VIC, 1864 (shareable link to this entry)


The only Robert Petrick documented in Victoria in the 1850s and 1860s was a baker, based between 1857 and 1863 in Sandhurst. He married Ann Price in 1857, and their son, Robert James Petrick was born in Bendigo in 1861. The family having relocated to Back Creek, an elder daughter, Janet, aged 11, was victim of a rape in 1865.

Was it that Robert Petrick, or another, who composed The lyre-bird schottische, published in The illustrated Melbourne post on 24 September 1864?

? Documentation:

"MEETING OF MASTER BAKERS", Bendigo Advertiser (9 June 1857), 3 

"MUNICIPAL POLICE COURT. Friday, 4th February . . . A WAGES CASE", Bendigo Advertiser (5 February 1859), 2 

Robert Petrick was summoned by Philip Coleman for L.5, being a balance of wages due to him as his hired servant . . .

"BIRTHS", Bendigo Advertiser (28 August 1861), 2 

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (26 January 1863), 4 

. . . BENSON and PRICE have been instructed by Mr. Robert Petrick to Sell by Tender, The Good-will of his Old Established Bakery Business, together with the Lease of the Ayrshire Bakery and Store, McIvor-street . . .

"SANDHURST POLICE COURT", Bendigo Advertiser (5 March 1869), 2 

Musical works:

"The lyre-bird schottische, composed for 'The illustrated post', by Robert Petrick", The illustrated Melbourne post (24 September 1864), 16 (DIGITISED)


Indigenous language, culture, and music reporter

Born Edinburgh, Scotland, 31 January 1831; son of Andrew PETRIE and Mary CUTHBERTSON
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 13 October 1831 (per Stirling Castle, from Greenock, 1 June)
Arrived Moreton Bay, NSW (QLD), 1837
Died Pine Creek, QLD, 26 August 1910 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

See Tom Petrie's Reminiscences:'s+Reminiscences (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Petrie arrived at Moreton Bay with his parents in 1837, aged 6, and over the next ten years grew up in close contact with local Indigenous bands. Petrie's memoirs, as serialised by his daughter Constance in The Queenslander (1902-03) and republished complete in book form in 1904, include many valuable detailed accounts of the ceremonies, songs and dances of the Brisbane region, and at least one song of which he himself was the subject.

In the 1904 version of the memoir, Constance Petrie also gave words and music for two indigenous songs, along with commentary:

Song (Jabalkan wadli):

One of the songs my father can sing was composed by a man at the Pine, and was based upon an incident which really happened. Father heard of the happening at the time, and afterwards learnt the corrobboree. Here is the whole story . . .

Song (Mina loranda)

A Manila man (who afterwards died at Miora, Dunwich, and whose daughter lives there now) once taught a song he knew to the Turrbal blacks. They did not understand its meaning in the least, but learnt the words and the tune, and it became a great favourite with all. My father also picked it up when a boy, and it has since soothed to sleep in turn all his children and two grandchildren. Indeed Baby Annour (the youngest of the tribe) at one time refused to hear anything else when his mother sang to him. "Sing Mi-na" (Mee-na), he would say, if she dared try to vary the monotony. Here is the song . . .

See also entry in Checklist of Indigenous song transcriptions: 


"Shipping Intelligence", The Sydney Herald (17 October 1831), 4

From Greenock and the Cape of Good Hope, on Thursday last, having left the former place the 1st of June, and the latter the 20th of August, the brig "Stirling Castle," 351 tons, Captain Frazer, with a general cargo; passengers - Rev. Dr. Lang and Mrs. Lang . . .

"TOM PETRIE'S REMINISCENCES", [serialised in] The Queenslander (26 April 1902 to 7 November 1903)'s+Reminiscences&sortBy=dateAsc&startPos=0

"DEATH OF MR. TOM PETRIE", The Queenslander (3 September 1910), 39 

Bibliography and resources:

Constance Campbell Petrie, Tom Petrie's reminiscences of early Queensland (dating from 1837) recorded by his daughter (Brisbane: Watson, Ferguson & Co., 1904) (DIGITISED)

Noeline V. Hall, "Petrie, Thomas (1831-1910)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974) 

PETT, Victorine (Victorine GIBBINS/GIBBONS; Mrs. Warwick Weston PETT)

Pianist, teacher of pianoforte and singing

Born England, 16 December 1835; baptised St. Alphage, Greenwich, 28 August 1839 [sic]; daughter of Henry James GIBBINS and Louise Victorine MARCHAND
Married Warwick Weston PETT (d. 1889), St. Anne's church, Soho, 29 April 1854
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 7 May 1855 (per Penelope, from London)
Died Toorak, VIC, 15 July 1915, aged "78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"DEATHS", The Argus (28 June 1858), 5 

On the 23rd inst., at South Yarra, Henry James, only son of Mr. Warwick Pett, aged four months.

[Advertisement], The Telegraph, St. Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (19 March 1864), 1 

MRS. VICTORINE PETT, Teacher of the Pianoforte & Singing (Five Years Teacher in Paris),
Highest References. Terms. £2 2s. per Quarter, or 30s. at her residence.

[Advertisement], The Argus (23 August 1865), 1

PIANOFORTE. - Madame Victorine Pett has VACANCIES for two or three pupils. Terms, £2 per quarter. High references. Grosvenor-street, Chapel-street, Prahran.

[Advertisement], The Argus (24 October 1871), 8 

BUZ! - Madame VICTORINE PETT'S Grand CONCERT, vocal, instrumental, comical. To-night, Richmond Town-hall . . .
BUZ! - Miss AMELIA BAILEY will sing . . .
BUZ! - Mrs. THATCHER will sing - "Vo Danzar," and "Canticlieer" (cornet and violin, Warnecke and Schnelling). To-night . . .
BUZ! - BARLOW'S original BLUE-TAILED FLY will buz for the last time . . . R. Smythe, Manager.

ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey; Annie Thatcher; Robert Barlow; Robert Smyth

"DEATHS", The Argus (17 July 1915), 11 

PETT.- On the 15th July, 1915, at "The Grange," Clendon road, Toorak, Victorine, widow of the late Warwick Weston Pett, aged 78 years; a colonist of 59 years.

"SOCIAL NOTES", Leader (17 July 1915), 50 

Madame Victorine Pett, one of the best known Melbourne musicians of a generation ago, died at her residence, "The Grange," Clendon-road, Toorak, on Thursday. Arriving in Melbourne by the sailing ship Penelope in 1856 [sic, 1855], her unusual ability as a pianist was soon manifested. Under the management of Mr. R. S. Smythe, Madame Pett made many successful appearances in conjunction with the late Mr. C. E. Horsley, and was associated for a number of years with the late Martin and Madame Simonsen. She appeared at practically all the principal concerts up to the end of the seventies. Four children survive her Madame Busst, Mrs. J. Montgomery Kerr, Mr. Weston Pett, well known in musical circles, and Mr. Fred Pett. Two grandsons are Mr. Aylmer Busst, conductor of the Moody-Manners Opera Company, and Mr. Victor Busst, solo pianist, who appeared in Melbourne with Miss Amy Castles a few years ago.

Bibliography and references:

Victorine Pett, Find a grave

PETTINGELL, Marianne Eliza (Miss PETTINGELL) = Mrs. St. John ADCOCK

Vocalist, pianist (elder sister of the below)

PETTINGELL, Frederica (Frederica PETTINGEL; Frederica Sebright; Miss F. PETTINGELL; Miss PETTINGELL)

? Teacher of music and dancing, soprano vocalist, choral singer

Born London, England, 1826/27; baptised St. George's, Hanover Square, 5 March 1827, daughter of Joseph PETTINGELL (1799-1859) and Marianne Linden JONES (c. 1800-1890)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 4 September 1834 (per Thomas Laurie, from London, 4 April or 17 March)
Married John Joseph ROBERTS, Sydney, NSW, 1842
Died Muswellbrook, NSW, 19 February 1896, "in her 71st year" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


A younger daughter of Joseph Pettingell ("late of Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London", "late Tailor to their Majesties, the Royal Horse Guards, the Dukes Wellington, Gordon, Newcastle, the Russian and French Ambassadors . . . maker to the Berkeley, Andover, and Heaton Park Clubs") and his wife Marianne Jones, Frederica arrived in Hobart as a child in 1834 with her parents and five siblings (they travelled under the family name of her grandmother - Linden).

The 1839 advertisement for the Misses Pettingell evidently included another sister, Margaret Abbott Pettingell (b. London, 9 May 1823; m. Robert John Banbury, Sydney, NSW, 1841; died Petersham, NSW, 5 December 1893).


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint George, Hanover Square, in the county of Middlesex, in the year [1827]; register, 1826-27; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 164 / 5th [March] / Frederica / [daughter of] Joseph & Marianne / Pettingell / Mount Street / Tailor . . .

Diary of Joseph Pettingell (1799-1859), NLA, MS 9399 (DIGITISED)

"SHIP NEWS", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch [Hobart, TAS] (9 September 1834), 2 

Sept. 4. - Arrived the ship Thomas Lawrie, Captain Langdon, from London, April 4, with a general cargo. Cabin Passengers . . . Steerage Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Linden, and six children . . .

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (27 January 1838), 15 

PRIVATE TUITION. THE MISSES PETTINGELL beg respectfully to inform the Ladies of Launceston, that they would be happy to give Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oriental Painting, and Dancing, either at their residence, or those of their Pupils. For Terms, enquire at 2, Cameron's Buildings, St. John-street, Launceston.

Sydney, NSW (from February 1839):

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (4 February 1839), 2 

From Launceston, on Saturday last, having sailed 28th January, the brig William, Captain Thom, with sundries, &c. Passengers - Mr. George Cox, Miss Cox, Mrs. Petengall, two Misses Pettengall, six children, and servant . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (20 October 1841), 3

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Programme of MR. NATHAN'S GRAND VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT (first of the series) to take place on WEDNESDAY, the 27th of October, 1841. SOPRANOS and TREBLES. - The Misses Nathan, Miss Pettingell, Miss F. Pettingell, Miss Strickland . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan and family

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 May 1842), 3

THE SPACIOUS HALL, SYDNEY COLLEGE, Having been kindly granted for this occasion to MR. NATHAN, A GRAND SELECTION OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC WILL BE PERFORMED On FRIDAY Evening, 27th May, 1842 . . . SOPRANOS AND TREBLES. - Madame Gautrot, a Young Lady . . . the Misses Nathan, Miss F. Pettingell . . .
PROGRAMME . . . PART SECOND . . . "When first I saw your Face" - Madrigal, composed in the year 1629 - A, Young Lady, the Misses Nathan, Miss Pettingell, the Masters Weavers, Master Allen, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Allen, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Waller, &c., &c, &c. . . .

"MUSIC", The Australian (2 June 1842), 3

We cannot content ourselves with taking no further notice of Mr. Nathan's Concert, than the publication of our correspondent's letter, and our supplementary remarks there on. The success which attended that attempt to give music its proper position in our society, is an event which we consider, of very considerable importance, and pregnant with many advantages to the present and future generations of the colonists. It is easy to conceive of the painful emotions and gloomy forebodings of a stranger whom circumstances had induced to settle in this colony, who had been accustomed to all the enjoyments of elegant society in England; of passionate attachment to the rich pleasures which the highest order of musical performance can impart; and of cultivated judgment and taste to discern their excellence. What a relief must such an one have found if present at Mr. Nathan's Concert . . . With none of the performers could he feel disposed to be dissatisfied, and which most to applaud he would find it difficult to decide. Monsieur Gautrot as a violinist, Mr. Marsh as a harpist, and Mr. Nathan, as a pianist, would revive with pleasure his recollections of the great performers he has listened to with so much delight in European lands. Madame Gautrot, the Misses Nathans and Pettingell, would make him again sensible of the exquisite pleasure, which, flows from as Shakspeare calls it, the "soft, sweet voice of woman." The choral music, and, to repeat it, the entire, evening's entertainment, would leave him little to desire more from such sources of enjoyment . . .

"Deaths", The Australian Star (21 February 1896), 1 

ROBERTS. - February 19, at her residence, Baerami station, Denman, Frederica Sebright, the dearly-loved wife of J. J. Roberts, late of Narrandera, in her 71st year.

PETTMAN, Mary Ann (Mary Ann PETTMAN; Miss PETMAN; Mrs. William SMART)

Soprano vocalist

Born Kent, England, 1831; baptised Herne, Kent, 17 July 1831; daughter of William PETTMAN (d. 1842/43) and Susanna JOHNSON (1809-1872)
Arrived Nelson, NZ, 29 March 1843 (per Phoebe, from Gravesend, 16 November 1842, with parents)
Arrived Launceston, VDL (TAS), 30 November 1844 (per Sir John Franklin, from Nelson, NZ)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, by early 1849
Married William SMART (c. 1837-1913), Norwood, SA, 9 June 1859
Died Albany, WA, 3 April 1909 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


William Pettman, a farmer and butcher of Herne, Kent, sailed for New Zealand in November 1842, with his wife, Susannah, their children, and a cousin, as emigrants "on reduced terms", sponsored by the New Zealand Company. William himself, however, died on the voyage, reportedly aged 34.

His widow and children made their way to Van Diemen's Land in December 1844, where, at St. John's, Launceston, on 1 December 1846, Susannah married Joseph Ringe.

Susannah and her family were in Adelaide by early 1849, where Herne cousins, Henry Pettman and his family, had arrived in 1839.

With thanks to John Bishop (Uraidla, SA) for kindly sharing his research into the Pettman family


"Shipping Intelligence . . . PORT OF LAUNCESTON", Colonial Times (7 December 1844), 2 

November 30. - Arrived the schooner Sir John Franklin, 52 tons, Campbell master, from Nelson, New Zealand. Passengers . . . Mrs. Petman and two children, Miss Petman . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (21 December 1852), 1

CONCERT. MR. BENNETT begs respectfully to inform his friends and the public, his intention of giving a CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, in the Large Room at the Freemason's Tavern, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 23rd December.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - "Tancredi" - Rossini.
Song, Mr. Stevens - "Man the Life-Boat" - Russell.
Song, Miss Pettman - M.S.
Duett - Violin and Pianoforte - De Beriot.
Song, Mr. Stevens - "We are Boys together" - Russell.
Solo, Cornopean, Mr. McCullagh - "Love Not" - Norton.
PART II. Overture - "Montrose" - Bishop.
Song, Miss Pettman - M.S.
Song, Mr. Stevens - "The Slave Ship" - Russell.
Irish Comic Song, Mr. McCullagh - M.S.
Song, Miss Pettman - Russell.
Finale - "God Save the Queen."
Tickets 5s. each, to be had at the Freemason's Tavern, and of Mr. Bennett, Thebarton.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Bennett (conductor); Mr. Stevens (vocalist)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (19 October 1853), 2

Under the immediate patronage of Capt. Cadell, the navigator of the Murray, who has signified his intention of being present.
MISS BLACKHURST'S SOIREE MUSICALE. Miss Blackhurst, nine years a pupil in the Royal Academy of Music, London . . .
Instrumental Performers - Messrs. Thurloe, Lillywhite, John Cobbin, Swift, John Cobbin, jun., McCullagh, Walker, Tuxford, Smith, Mantegeni.
Vocal Performers - Messrs. Blackhurst, Walker, Risely, Allen, Knight, Mrs. Hastings, Miss Petman, Miss Blackhurst.
Leader - Mr. Chapman. Mr. Solomon's Grand Piano will be used for this occasion.
Part I . . . 9 Song - Every Land my Home - Sporle - Miss Petman . . .
Part II . . . 3 Song - Flower Spirits - Smith - Miss Petman . . .
8 Song of the Zephyr - Rexford - Miss Petman . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Blackhurst (vocalist)

MUSIC: Every land my home (Sporle); Flower spirits (Smith); The song of the zephyr (Miss A. J. Rexford)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (2 April 1854), 2

H. EDLIN has the honour to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Adelaide, that (in the absence of all public entertainment) he has determined on giving a
PROMENADE MUSICALE, at the Pantheon, King William-street, on TUESDAY, 4th of April . . .
PROGRAMME: Part 1st . . . 4. Song, "Every Land my Home" - N. J. Sporle, Miss Pettman . . .
7. Song, "Kathleen Mavourneen," - T. N. Crouch, Miss Pettman . . .
Part 2nd . . . 7. "You'll meet me, won't you?" H. West - Miss Pettman . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Edlin (venue proprietor, d. VIC, 1883)

MUSIC: Kathleen Mavourneen (Crouch)

"MR. O'REILLY'S LECTURE", Adelaide Observer (22 April 1854), 7 

Mr. O'Reilly delivered the first of a course of lectures on Tuesday, before the members of the North Adelaide Institute (at Christchurch Schoolroom), on Irish literature and Oratory . . . Those who were not previously acquainted with the arrangements were agreeably surprised on entering the room to find an array of vocal and instrumental performers, with a fine toned pianoforte, violin, two cornopeans, two flutes, and a violincello . . . Mrs. Young presided at the piano, and to Miss Pettman the company was indebted for several songs (including "Kathleen Mavourneen,") for one of which she received the honour of a hearty encore . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Rebecca Young (piano)

"PROMENADE MUSICALE". Adelaide Observer (13 May 1854), 6 

The attendance at the musical entertainment provided on Tuesday by Mr. Edlin, at the Pantheon, was exceedingly good. His Excellency and Lady Young were present . . . The orchestra was led by Mr. Chapman, as first violinist, and included Mr. MacCullagh, and several other gentlemen of known musical talent. Mr. Montegani presided at the pianoforte. The programme consisted of no fewer than sixteen musical compositions, and with but one trifling exception was strictly observed. Miss Pettman was in excellent key, and was encored in "The Maid of Switzerland," for which she substituted "You do love, don't you?" and in "La Cour de l'Amour," for which she sang "Trab, Trab," with great spirit. This lady, in addition to great compass of voice, possesses the rare excellence of distinct enunciatio, and is rising in the estimation of the public as a professional singer . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Mantegani (piano); William Chapman (violin); Robert McCullagh (cornopean)

MUSIC: Trab, trab (Kucken)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (15 July 1854), 1

. . . MRS. YOUNG begs to announce that her FIRST CONCERT . . . will take place on TUESDAY, the 18th instant, at the PANTHEON, King William-street . . .
PROGRAMME. Part I . . . Song, "Scenes that are brightest," Miss Pettman - Wallace . . .
Song, "You'll meet me, won't you?" (by particular desire) - Miss Pettman . . .

"MRS. YOUNG'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (19 July 1854), 2 

. . . Mrs. Young's performances as a pianiste were much and deservedly admired. The flattering but onerous tribute of the encore was first conferred upon Miss Petman, who sang "You'll meet me, won't you?" with great taste and feeling . . .

MUSIC: Scenes that are brightest (Wallace)

"GRAND EVENING CONCERT", Adelaide Times (12 October 1854), 3 

The Concert given last evening by Miss Pettman and Mr. Chapman, in the Pantheon, was most numerously attended. The attractions displayed in the programme were more than realised, especially in the instrumental selections. Before particularising any part of the performance, we must express our regret that the Pantheon was chosen as a concert-room on the present occasion, as the construction of the building, and the peculiar nature of the roof, marred most materially some of the finer effects in the orchestral performances, while it deadened and rendered at times offensively flat the vocal selections. The entertainment opened with Mozart's Overture to "Don Juan," which was creditably produced, and was followed by a Song by Miss Pettman, "My father dear." The first appearance of Mr. Marshall was tolerably successful; and Mr. McCullagh made a most decided hit, his Solo on the cornet-a-piston being equal to most of those heard at first-rate provincial concerts in England. Miss Chalker, who was very flatteringly received, sang tastefully, and in a very pleasing style, the song "Dream on, young hearts;" and the song which succeeded, "The Maid of Switzerland," received a more successful rendering at the hands of Miss Pettman. The performance of the very charming "Star of the Night" valses, gained a meed of deserved applause, and was followed by an interval of fifteen minutes.

The second part opened with a very brilliant execution of the Overture to "Il Barbiere di Siviglia;" and Miss Pettman gained an encore in her song "An angel bright." A finely and well executed quartette, by Messrs. Chapman, Watts, W. Cobbin, sen., and J. R. Smith, paved the way for the introduction of the gem of the evening, the pathetic and familiarly-known ballad "Annie Lawrie," sung by Miss Chalker. We never recollect to have heard the song interpreted in a more chaste or beautiful style. It was warmly encored. The solo on the pianoforte, "La Pluie de Perles," by Mrs. Young, was a performance of great merit. The unpretending and graceful style of this lady's execution, while thoroughly effective, possesses a pleasing attraction which more florid, but less meritorious performances, will never gain. We must not conclude this short notice without remarking upon the excellence of the instrumentation throughout; and we may be permitted to express a hope that it has been in all points equally successful.

ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Chalker (vocalist); William Cobbin (violin)

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (23 December 1854), 3

. . . Miss Petman sang Nelson's "Forest Queen" in the first part, and we think was never heard to greater advantage . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide Choral Society

MUSIC: Forest queen (cavatina, words by Charles Jefferys, music by Sidney Nelson)

"CONCERT", South Australian Register (30 May 1855), 2 

Miss Chalker's second annual concert took place last evening at the Exchange . . . Miss Petman sang, during the evening, two of the genuine ballads in which she so much excels. These were "The Royal Cavaliers" and "Beautiful Flowers," in both of which she fully sustained her former reputation. The latter, especially, was enthusiastically encored . . .

"CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Adelaide Observer (7 July 1855), 5 

. . . Another very successful piece was a composition by Mr. Linger, consisting of a soprano solo, with orchestral accompaniments, entitled "Through long dull years," and performed by Miss Petman and the band. The plaintive strains with which the piece commences were strikingly contrasted by the vigorous and elaborate construction of that part of the composition which follows the opening movement. Miss Petman performed even the most difficult passages of the song with marked precision; but her voice was at times scarcely audible above the united tones of about 20 instruments. At the conclusion she was loudly applauded, and greeted with a general encore . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Linger (composer, conductor)

"THE CONCERT LAST EVENING", Adelaide Times (28 August 1855), 2

The Sacred Concert of the North Adelaide Choral Society, was given last evening, in Neales's Exchange . . . Miss Chaiker sang more effectively than perhaps she has ever done before . . . Mr. Daniels although appearing less frequently in public than he formerly did, has evidently lost none of those favourable feelings on the part of the public . . . Miss Petman also sang with simplicity and effect the air, "Father, forgive us," and was very well received . . . The anthem, "O could we soar," is a production marked with sweetness and simplicity of arrangement, its chief feature being a duet for a soprano and contralto voice. The former part was taken by an amateur, and the latter by Miss Petman. The choruses were well sustained and generally effective, there being great power exhibited, both instrumental and vocal. Mr. Chapman, as leader, very ably performed his part, while Herr Kunze was not one whit less efficient in his pianoforte accompaniments, and Mr. Lillywhite obtained credit for his conductorship.

ASSOCIATIONS: Josiah Daniel (tenor vocalist); Carl Julius Kunze (piano); William Lillywhite (conductor); North Adelaide Choral Society

"NORTH ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (18 January 1856), 2 

A concert of the above Society took place yesterday at the Lefevre-terrace Chapel, North Adelaide . . . Previous to the more harmonious portion of the proceedings, an address to the audience was delivered by Mr. Derrington . . . commenting upon the many advantages to be derived from sacred harmonic societies . . . Miss Petman, in the solo of Handel, "Angels ever bright and fair," was excellent, and received a very well-merited encore . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Henry Derrington

MUSIC: Angels ever bright and fair (Handel, from Theodora)

"CONCERT", Adelaide Times (21 May 1856), 2 

The North Adelaide Choral Society's concert of sacred music took place on Monday evening, at the Lefevre-terrace Chapel. The orchestra consisted of about thirty vocal and instrumental performers. The former included, in addition, to the members of the Society, several gentlemen from South Adelaide. Amongst the latter were Mr. Chapman, Herr Kunze, and most of the instrumentalists of the South Adelaide Society. Miss Petman sang, during the evening, "Thou didst not leave," and "Angels ever bright and fair." The accompaniments to the choruses were effective under the leadership of Mr. Chapman; and Herr Kunze did his best towards the evening's performance.

Wesleyan chapel, Pirie-street, 1851 (Adelaide: Penman and Galbraith, 1851); State Library of South Australia

Wesleyan chapel, Pirie-street, 1851 (Adelaide: Penman and Galbraith, 1851); State Library of South Australia (DIGITISED)

"MISS PETTMAN", Adelaide Observer (27 September 1856), 8 

This young lady, whose assistance has often been acknowledged at the various concerts in Adelaide, has received a very pleasing testimonial, in the form of a purse containing 20 guineas, from the congregation of the Wesleyan Chapel, Pirie-street. It was presented to her by the Rev. Mr. Williams, on Wednesday evening, accompanied by a letter, bearing his own signature and that of the Rev. Mr. Dare, stating that it was offered as an expression of high appreciation of her efficient services, gratuitously rendered, in connection with those to whom is entrusted the duty of conducting the singing at the chapel. The letter further states that the estimation of Miss Pettman's kindness in thus affording her aid is increased by the knowledge of her having declined to form the choir of another congregation who were desirous of securing her services.

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (3 October 1856), 2 

. . . The principal solo singers were Madame Cranz, Mrs. Wallace, and Miss Petman . . . Miss Petman sang two of her favourite songs during the evening. One of these was Mrs. St. Leger's very sweet ballad, "From a dream of the past I am waking," which was encored. The following words, which form the concluding lines of the song, were given with very great taste and feeling: -
"Farewell, oh, how sad is the feeling
To bid love a lasting adieu;
For in silence the canker is stealing
The heart that beats only for you" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mathilde Cranz (vocalist); Maria Wallace (vocalist)

"CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC", South Australian Register (9 May 1857), 2

. . . Miss Pettman was deservedly encored in an exquisite aria by Schultz, which she sang with equally exquisite taste and feeling. This lady undoubtedly appears to the greatest advantage in sacred music, but we think she evinces tokens of general improvement in the skill and taste with which she manages her voice. Miss Pettman, in conjunction with a young lady whose name we understood to be Miss Harper, received the honour of a recall in a duet from Fawcett's "Paradise" . . .

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (2 July 1857), 2 

. . . Several ballads were given in the course of the evening. Miss Petman, an acknowledged favourite, rendered the air, "Why linger so long," very sweetly, and an encore was spontaneously demanded . . .

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (22 December 1857), 3 

. . . Miss Petman was as effective as ever. Her rendering of Sala's song of "The music of the past" was highly applauded and encored . . .

"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY", Adelaide Observer (13 February 1858), 3 

. . . Amongst the other pieces included in the first part of the programme, a sweet duet, named "When through life's wilderness," deserves special notice. The composition is new to us; but we were extremely pleased with the really artistic style in which it was sung by Miss Petman and Miss Tozer . . . Handel's sublime solo, "Let the bright seraphim," was sung by Miss Petman in a style which does he great credit. This celebrated air, which forms part of the funeral obsequies in the oratorio of "Samson," has always been regarded as giving full scope to the abilities of the most accomplished vocalists. We have no hope of ever hearing this and the many other lofty conceptions of the great masters performed in the colony, as they are occasionally rendered in our native land. We have no Jenny Linds - no Harpers amongst us. But for this very reason we feel the more indebted to our amateur vocalists for their laudable and we may add successful attempts to awaken sympathies and feelings which nothing but the correct and tasteful performance of compositions such as those to which we allude can possibly elicit . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Tozer (vocalist); Thomas Harper (English trumpeter); Adelaide Sacred Harmonic Society

"MRS. PAINE'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (19 February 1858), 3

The concert given on Friday evening, at White's Room, under the patronage of His Excellency and Lady MacDonnell, was attended by a large audience including many families from the country whom the Agricultural and Horticultural Society's Exhibition had brought into Adelaide. The principal vocalists were Mrs. Paine, Mrs. Wallace, Miss Petman, and a gentleman amateur. Mr. Chapman acted as conductor, and Mr. Heberlet as pianist. Mrs. Paine also accompanied the other vocalists in several of their songs upon the piano . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Paine (vocalist, piano); James William Heberlet (piano)

"TESTIMONIAL", South Australian Register (31 March 1858), 2 

A correspondent writes:-
"On Monday last Miss Pettman, who is so well known to the musical part of our population, was presented by the scholars of the Gilbert-street Wesleyan Sunday-School, with a very handsome present in the form of an elegant Bible, Wesleyan Hymn-Book, and Companion to the same, with a very beautifully executed inscription to the effect that it was intended as a small return for he valuable services in connection with the singing of the school."

"GROSSI'S BENEFIT CONCERT", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (24 July 1858), 5 

. . . Signor Grossi and Mons. Laglaise were on Monday very happy in their racy buffo songs; and Miss Pettman (whose name did not appear in the programme) sang effectively several of her pretty songs . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Enrico Grossi (bass vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (tenor vocalist)

"MISS PETTMAN'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (13 September 1858), 2 

Miss Pettman has announced her intention of giving a grand concert of sacred music on Wednesday evening next, at White's Assembly Room. Miss Pettman Is very generally respected by the musical public for the willing aid she has always given whenever her services as a vocalist have been solicited on behalf of any public or charitable institution. As an acknowledgment of these services the members of the Choral Society, the Sacred Harmonic Society, and of the Pirie-street Chapel Choir have engaged to unite their efforts to render the forthcoming concert worthy the patronage of all.

"MISS PETTMAN'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (16 September 1858), 2 

We regret to say that the stormy state of the weather rendered abortive the effort of Miss Pettman's musical friends to give to her a benefit concert on Wednesday evening. The concert was, indeed, performed as announced, but from the thin attendance it is feared that a considerable loss must have been sustained . . . Miss Pettman sang two or three airs during the evening, the most successful of which was Handel's "He shall feed His flock." The duett from Judas Maccabaeus, "O, lovely peace," was rendered with considerable taste and expression by Miss Pettman and Mrs. Gurner, and was, as it deserved to be, warmly encored . . .

"MISS PETTMAN'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (21 September 1858), 3

Miss Pettman was honoured with a distinguished, rather than a numerous, attendance at her second concert on Monday evening. His Excellency the Governor and suite were present; also the Lord Bishop of Adelaide, the Dean, several of the clergy, and a number of other influential gentlemen. There was also a large proportion of ladies present. The whole of the performances were very creditably executed, though not all with equal taste and spirit. The most successful of the choruses were Bergt's "Praise the Lord," and the "Hallelujah Chorus," from "The Messiah." Smith's trio, "The Sabbath Bells," "O, Call me Swift," and "O, Lovely Peace," may be mentioned as amongst the gems of the evening. In the first of these the Misses Pettman and Tozer, and Mr. Daniel, awakened in our minds reminiscences of our fatherland, and the emotions with which in early life we listened to "The Sabbath chimes - those tones of sacred gladness" . . . In the third-named piece the Misses Pettman and Gurner carried with them the sympathies of the audience in behalf of the blessings of "peace and plenty" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Orpah Gurner (vocalist)

"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY", South Australian Advertiser (31 December 1858), 2

A grand concert of sacred music, consisting principally of selections from the splendid creations of "Joshua" by Handel, took place last evening (Thursday.) There was a large muster of orchestral and vocal performers on this occasion, amongst whom Signor Cutolo, Mr. R. B. White, Mr. Daniels, the Misses Rowe and Pettman, and the Messrs. Pounsett and Hill took part . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (piano); Richard Baxter White (violin); Louisa Jane Rowe (vocalist); Henry Pounsett (junior) (vocalist)

"CONCERT IN AID OF THE BUSH FIRE RELIEF FUND", Adelaide Observer (19 February 1859), 1 supplement 

The united Choral and Sacred Harmonic Societies gave a concert on Friday evening, at White's Rooms, in aid of the funds now bring raised for the relief of the sufferers by the late disastrous bush fires. We fear, from the paucity of the attendance, that a very small amount will accrue from this source after all expenses have been paid . . . Miss Pettman was-in excellent voice, and was warmly encored in a very pretty ballad, by Linley, "Are you coming," which she sang with more than her ordinary taste and spirit . . .

"THE HANDEL FESTIVAL", South Australian Register (14 April 1859), 3 

. . . some of the airs and choruses were very sweetly and effectively rendered - as for instance "O Thou that tellest," by Miss Tozer; "He shall feed His flock," by Miss Pettman; and "But Thou didst not leave," by Miss Rowe; "The people that walked in darkness," by Mr. Daniel; and "The trumpet shall sound," by Mr. Ball . . .

"ST. PAUL'S CHURCH CONVERSAZZIONE", Adelaide Observer (21 May 1859), 4 

. . . The entertainment of the evening was interspersed with music by the members of the Choral Society, which were very admirably rendered. Misses Petman and Rowe were both encored in the pieces they sung . . .

"MARRIED", South Australian Register (18 June 1859), 2

On the 9th June, by special licence, at the residence of the bride's mother, Norwood, by the Rev. C. W. Evan, William, eldest son of Mr. Charles Smart, of Unley, to Mary Ann eldest daughter, of the late William Pettman, of Herne, Kent, England.

"NORWOOD PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", South Australian Register (22 July 1861), 3

The first grand concert of vocal and instrumental music given by the Norwood Philharmonic Society was held in the Town Hall, Norwood, on Friday evening, 19th instant . . . The next was a song by Mrs. Smart, entitled "Why linger so long!" which, being finely rendered, was redemanded very loudly; but Mrs. Smart substituted "Beautiful Flower," which was much applauded. It was generally thought that Mrs. Smart, who is better known by her maiden name of Miss Pettman, had never been heard to greater advantage . . . and the company separated well pleased with the inaugural entertainment of this new Musical Society.

"CONCERT", South Australian Register (30 November 1861), 2

A concert was given at the Town Hall, Norwood, on Tuesday evening, November 25, by Mrs. Smart, late Miss Petman, at which she was assisted by the Philharmonic Society and the principal vocal and instrumental talent of Adelaide. The concert, which was very successful, consisted of instrumental music, with songs and choruses, which were all riven with eclat. "Kathleen Mavouneen", by Mrs. Smart, in the first part, was an especial favourite.

"NOARLUNGA", The South Australian Advertiser (21 December 1861), 2 

At Willunga, on Wednesday last, I had the pleasure of attending Mesdames Smart and Wishart's concert, assisted by Messrs. Smart and Heberlet (the latter presiding at the pianoforte) . . . The Laughing Trio," by Mesdames Smart and Wishart and Mr. Smart, excited a hearty laugh, and was repeated. Mrs. Smart (an old favourite) gave "Flow on thou Shining River" with very good taste; after which "The Song of Australia," by the whole company, wound up the evening's entertainment at a little past 10 o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: Susannah Wishart (vocalist)

"DEATHS", The Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (1 May 1909), 8

SMART.- On the 3rd April, at Cliff-street Albany, W.A., Mary Ann (nee Miss Pettman), the beloved wife of William Smart, and dearly loved and loving sister of Mrs. J. N. Perry, "Louisville," 187, South-terrace, Adelaide, and the late William Pettman, of Kensington.
Oh, how sweet it will be in that beautiful land,
So free from all sorrow and pain,
With songs on our lips, and with harps in our hands
To meet one another again.

"DEATHS", Western Mail [Perth, WA] (8 May 1909), 31

SMART. - On April 2, 1909, at the residence of her niece, Mrs. Evans, Cliff-street, Albany, Mary Ann Smart, wife of Wm. Smart, late of Fremantle, in her 78th year.

"MUSICAL NOTES . . . An Old-Time Soloist", Evening Journal [Adelaide, SA] (1 May 1909), 8

Old-time music lovers should remember the name of Miss Pettman, one of South Australia's first prominent vocalists. Under the name oi Mrs. William Smart she recently passed away at Albany. In the fifties, sixties, and seventies Miss Pettman was familiarly known in Adelaide, and her fine personality endeared her to many people. A correspondent reminds us that she was one of the inaugurators of the Choral Society. Herr Carl Linger was the conductor, Mr. W. Chapman the leader, and Miss Pettman the leading vocalist. In the old Philharmonic Society she was an active and enthusiastic member. At the Handel centenary on April 13 and 14 1859, "The Messiah" and "Alexander's Feast" were produced in White's Rooms, King William street. Miss Pettman took the leading soprano solo parts, on the occasion of a concert in White's Rooms. Governor Macdonnell and Lady MacDonnell being present, their Excellencies came forward and shook hands with her; and the next day Miss Pettman received a nice letter of congratulation from the viceregal pair. Miss Pettman, with her sister, sang for many years in the Pirie Street Methodist Church Choir. During that time Herr Carl Linger composed the music for the beautiful sacred song "My Saviour, I am thine," and he dedicated it to Miss Pettman. She first sang it in Pirie Street Church on the occasion of an evening concert and service of song, when an appeal was made to the congregation for assistance in raising funds to ray off a debt on the organ. So pleased were the committee that a purse containing 20 sovereigns was presented to Miss Pettman for her services on that and other occasions. In 1859 Miss Pettman was married to Mr. William Smart, and her death took place only a few weeks after completing the fiftieth year of their wedded life. After her marriage she continued her career of public singing in South Australia. About 20 years ago she and her family removed to Western Australia. The closing days of her life were spent in blindness, her sight having failed.

"OBITUARY", Chronicle [Adelaide, SA] (8 May 1909), 44

Mrs. William Smart, nee Pittman [sic], who was well known in South Australia as a musician and singer, died recently in Western Australia. Early in the fifties Mrs. Smart and her sister (afterwards Mrs. J. N. Perry) were members of the choir of the Pirie-street Methodist Church. A sacred concert took place in the church, the purpose being to raise further funds to assist in paying off the debt due on the organ. Mrs. Smart sang "My Saviour I am thine". Herr Carl Linger composed the song and dedicated it to Mrs. Smart, who sang it for the first time at the concert. A purse of sovereigns subscribed for by the committee was subsequently given her. She was one of the founders of the Choral Society and the Philharmonic Society.

NOTE: In fact, not a composition of Linger's; My saviour I am thine was by J. A. P. Schulz (1747-1800), as was correctly billed at the time.


Pianoforte tuner and repairer

Active Kooringa, SA, 1859 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (19 March 1859), 1 

ERNEST PFEIFFER, of Kooringa, will be happy to Tune any Pianos in Kooringa or the Northern District.
As a proof of hia ability,he begs to state that he tuned the instrument for Signor Cutolo's concert to the entire satisfaction of that gentleman.

ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (pianist)

PHAIR, John (John PHAIR; Mr. J. PHAIR)

Bandsman (band of the 40th Regiment)

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 5 November 1852 (per Vulcan, from Cork) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (second tour)


List of . . . the 40th Regiment of Foot from the 1st of April to the 30th of June 1852; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

1944/2335 / Phair George / 1 [April to June] 30 / . . .
2389 / Phair John / 1 [April to June] 30 / Band

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (19 November 1857), 4 

"SNAKES", The Argus (20 November 1857), 4 

Mr. J. Phair, of the band of H. M. 40th regiment, while walking on Tuesday last in the reserve between the Barracks and the Botanical Gardens, came upon two young black snakes, one eighteen and the other fifteen inches long. They were lying at the root of a tree. He destroyed both reptiles. A considerable number of children are in the habit of playing near this spot, and it is to be feared that some accident may occur from these reptiles . . .

"PHAX" = ? alias of Edward Thornton GILBERT

Poet, versifier, songwriter

Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1847-49 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

GILBERT, Edward (Edward GILBERT; Edward Thornton GILBERT)

Songwriter, tea dealer

Born Redbourn, Hertfordshire, England, 1815; baptised Redbourn, 30 April 1815; son of Henry William GILBERT and Elizabeth
Tried Lancashire Assizes, 25 March 1841, ten years transportation
Arrived Hobart, VDL (TAS), 18 November 1841 (per Lord Goderich, from England, 21 June)
Died Paddington, NSW, 8 October 1888, aged "73" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


For just two years in the late 1840s, the alias "PHAX" was attached to several published examples of "original poetry" and versified "advertorials" for the Hobart firm of Edward Thornton Gilbert (c.1815-1888), pardoned convict and tea merchant.

Gilbert left the colony in 1850, to pursue his trade as a merchant importer first in California, and later in Melbourne and Sydney, and after his departure from Hobart "PHAX" also disappears from record.

Whether "PHAX" was Gilbert himself, as seems most likely, or an associate, remains unclear, but of interest here are the words of several songs, including one set to the tune Legacy and another to The king of the cannibal islands.

Gilbert, aged 27, originally from Redbourn in Hertfordshire, was convicted of forgery at the Lancashire Assizes on 25 March 1841, and sentenced to ten years. After being detained in Kirkdale Prison, and on the hulk Justicia, he was transported on the Lord Goderich, departing 21 June, and arriving in Hobart Town on 18 November 1841.

He was conditionally pardoned in January 1845, and by mid 1846 had established himself as a tea merchant at his Liverpool Tea Warehouse, trading on "his experience in the London and Liverpool Markets (having been employed as a Broker in the selection of Teas from the East India Company's Warehouse)". Early in 1849 he purchased a ship, the Martha and Elizabeth, and first sent it to China, and later sailed it to California. He died in Sydney in 1888.

Documentation ("Phax" songs only):

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (12 May 1848), 2 

Intended to be sung throughout the Colony on the 24th May in each succeeding year.

Hail! four-and-twentieth of May,
Queen Victoria's Birth-day;
Long life to her, shout great and small,
For guns will be fired.
And lamps be admired,
And at Government Cottage a ball.
Bacchus, banners, and bands,
Tacks, tarpauling, and tar;
So Britons hold up your hands,
The Queen for ever, hurrah!
Singing - Cannon-ball, bomb-shell, and gunpowder.

. . . [4 more verses] . . .

"ORIGINAL POETRY", The Courier (16 August 1848), 3 

AIR - The Legacy.

THE time's fast approaching for fun and frivolity,
The bright smiling eye and the young dimpled face;
The music and dancing, the supper and jollity,
Which at the Government Ball is sure to take place.
The Ninety-ninth Band will be there in attendance,
And music divine that evening will play,
So that all the blue devils they quickly will send hence,
If they show their ill looks at this party so gay.
Fol de dol lol, &c.

. . . [3 more verses] . . .

TUNES: ? Some variant of The legacy (1) or The legacy (2)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 99th Regiment

"A NEW SONG", Colonial Times (27 April 1849), 4

Air-" The King of the Cannibal Islands."

When Governor Fitzroy did come to enjoy
Society which is so charming here,
To see different places and likewise the races,
He felt strongly inclined for touring it's clear.
So thinking just so, away he did go
To visit the Launceston people,
But quickly came back and was here in a crack,
Like Doctor who raced for the steeple.

[Chorus] No flags to admire and no guns to fire,
All his splendor in a nasty fog was hid;
No rows no riot, no cheering all quiet,
For Sir Charles came to Hobart incog, he did.

. . . [3 more verses] . . .

TUNE: The king of the cannibal islands (1)

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Fitzroy (governor)

Documentation (Gilbert):

1838, marriage solemnized in St. Philip's church in the parish of Liverpool in the county of Lancaster; register, 1837-98, page 138; Liverpool City Council (PAYWALL)

[No.] 275 / April 29th / Edward Gilbert / 23 yrs / bachelor / Tea Dealer / [residence] Great George St. / [father] Henry William Gilbert / Coach Proprietor
Sophia Cleaver / 20 years / Spinster / - / Chester Street, Toxteth Park / [father] Edward Cleaver / School Master . . .

"FORGERY", Liverpool Standard and General Commercial Advertiser (16 March 1841), 11

Edward Gilbert, a respectable looking young man was placed before Mr. Rushton, on Saturday, charged with having forged the acceptance of a bill of exchange, which he had uttered to Mr. John Holmes Clementson, solicitor, No. 6 Castle-street. It appeared that Mr. Clementson had known the prisoner a few months, during which time he had done business for him. On the 2d March last, the prisoner took to Mr. Clementson a bill of exchange for £23 16s.; and saying that he wanted some money to make a payment, induced the latter to lend him £7 10s. The bill was dated the 24th Feb., payable in one month, was signed and endorsed by the prisoner, and addressed to Mr. Charles Edward Warneford, by whom, also, it purported to be accepted, payable at Messrs. Cunliffe, Brooks, and Co.'s, bankers, London. Mr. Clementson asked who the acceptor was. The prisoner said he was a respectable young man, a son of Dr. Warneford, of Gloucester, and a clerk in the Customs. The bill was left in Mr. Clementson's possession as security, with the understanding that the prisoner was to repay ten pounds in one week. The ten pounds included the sum lent and an account for professional services. The bill was not to be negotiated. The prisoner did not call as he promised, and Mr. Clementson went to the Custom-house and found Mr. Warneford, who had been intimate with the prisoner, but knew nothing whatever of the bill. The signature to the acceptance was not in Mr. Warneford's handwriting. Mr. Clementson caused the prisoner to be apprehended. He said to Mr. Lloyd, the constable who took him into custody, that he intended to repay the money and take up the bill. The prisoner had nothing to say in his defence. He was committed for trial.

"SPRING ASSIZES . . . NORTHERN CIRCUIT. LIVERPOOL, MARCH 30", Morning Post [London] (2 April 1841), 7

Edward Gilbert, aged 26, was indicted for a similar offence in having, at Liverpool, feloniously forged an acceptance on a bill for 23l. 16s., with intent to defraud J. Holmes Clementson, a solicitor, of Castle-street, Liverpool. Mr. Ellis appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Wilkins for the prisoner, who had been for the last four years in a very respectable way of business in Liverpool as a grocer. From the evidence of Mr. Clementson it appeared that the prisoner had been his client, and was some pounds in his debt for professional business. The name forged was that of Mr. Charles Edward Warnford, a clerk in the customs of Liverpool, who stated that he had been acquainted with the prisoner. Gilbert had borrowed 6l. 10s. from Mr. Clementson upon the bill, and was to pay a certain sum for the loan. The account which the prisoner gave to the officer apprehending him was, that he did not commit the forgery himself, but got it done; that he had a payment to make, a writ being out against him; and that he intended to take up the bill himself when due. Mr. Wilkins addressed the jury, rather to bespeak their recommendation for mercy to the Court than with any hope of an acquittal, but expressed some suspicion of the sort of accommodation granted by Mr. Clementson to the prisoner.
Guilty. His Lordship, in passing sentence, told the prisoner that although a recommendation to mercy had been made in his behalf, a person in his situation must have been fully aware of the great mischief of the offence committed, and could not but have been guilty with his eyes open to all the injurious consequences of such acts. The Court could not pass over any case like this with a slight punishment, and therefore, notwithstanding the evidence to character, the prisoner must be sentenced to be transported for the term of ten years.

[Advertisement], Liverpool Standard and General Commercial Advertiser (1 June 1841), 6

ESTATE OF EDWARD GILBERT, LATE OF No. 87, GREAT GEORGE -STREET, LIVERPOOL, TEA AND COFFEE DEALER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Deed of Assignment, some time since executed by the said EDWARD GILBERT, for the equal benefit of all his creditors, is now lying at the Office of Mr. JoHN PROCTOR, No. 5, Exchange-alley, Liverpool, for execution by such of the creditors of the said Edward Gilbert as shall be willing to accept the provisions thereof; and those creditors who shall neglect or refuse to execute the said Deed by the 30th day of June next will be excluded from all benefit therefrom, as it is the intention of the assignees to make a first and final dividend on the Ist day of July next. Dated this 26th day of May, 1841. E. J. KENT, Solicitor to the Assignees.

England census, 6 June 1841, Kirkdale Prison, Everton, Lancashire; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 519 / 12 (PAYWALL)

Edward Gilbert / 25 / Tea dealer . . .

Edward Gilbert, arrived 1841, convict record; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1395057; CON33/1/14$init=CON33-1-14P61 (DIGITISED)

"HOBART TOWN GAZETTE", The Courier (9 January 1845), 4 

"To the Editor of the . . .", Colonial Times (3 July 1849), 4 

"THE TEA TRADE", The Courier (13 April 1850), 2 

It will be perceived by advertisement that Mr. Alfred Nicholas has purchased the proprietary interest in the Liverpool Tea Warehouse, the business hitherto so successfully carried on by Mr. Edward Gilbert, who, upon the arrival of the Martha and Elisabeth from Canton, proceeds to San Francisco to establish himself in business as a Californian merchant and commission agent.

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 October 1888), 1 

GILBERT. - October 8, 1888, at his residence, 42, Windsor-street, Paddington, Edward Thornton Gilbert, aged 73 years.

PHILLIP, Arthur (Arthur PHILLIP)

First governor of NSW, commodore of the First Fleet

Born London, England, 11 October 1838
Arrived Botany Bay, NSW, 18 January 1788 (from England, 13 May 1787)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 11 December 1792 (per Atlantic, for England)
Died Bath, England, 31 August 1814 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


Phillip personally is not usually considered to be a musical figure. However, among his general administrative and military duties, he had overall management of a "band of music", which he duly deployed in the interests of government and diplomacy. Several instances are documented, of which two examples here. On the voyage out, at the Cape colony on 11 November 1787, the surgeon-general and diarist John White recorded (99):

Previous to the commodore's embarkation he gave a public dinner to some of the gentlemen of the town and the officers of his fleet. The Dutch governor was to have been of the party but by some unforeseen event was detained in the country, where he had been for some days before. Commodore Phillip had his band of music on shore upon the occasion, and the day was spent with great cheerfulness and conviviality.

Again, at Sydney, on 4 June 1788:

This being the anniversary of his Majesty's birth-day, and the first celebration of it in New South Wales, his excellency ordered the Sirius and Supply to fire twenty-one guns at sun-rise, at one o'clock, and at sunset . . . After this ceremony had taken place, the lieutenant-governor, with all the officers of the settlement, civil and military, paid their respects to his excellency at his house. At two o'clock they all met there again to dinner, during which the band of musick played "God save the King" and several excellent marches.

For a chronicle of all the musical documentation from Phillip's tenure as governor, see in: 


White's journal of a voyage to New South Wales (facsimile edn.), 99, 169

John White, Journal of a voyage to New South Wales (London: J. Debrett, 1790)


Musician, pianist

Active Adelaide, SA, 1856 (shareable link to this entry)


"NORTH ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (20 September 1856), 4 

Last evening the first concert of the present series given by this Society took place in Lefevre-terrace Chapel, North Adelaide, under the conductorship of Mr. J. W. Daniel. The attendance was highly respectable, and the chapel was well filled. The orchestra consisted of about fifty vocal and instrumental performers, the latter having Mr. Chapman as leader. The programme was of a rather novel character - the selection, in accordance with the rules of the Society, was of a strictly sacred character, and comprised the first part of Fawcett's oratorio "Paradise;" the well-known chorus from the Messiah, "And the Glory of the Lord;" the rarely-attempted trio from Elijah, "Lift thine eyes;" the pathetic round by Cherubini, "Like as a Father;" the splendid chorus from the Mount of Olives, "Hallelujah to the Father;" and several other compositions of a high class. The names and styles of the greatest masters who ever lived to astonish and charm the world were thus introduced - Handel, Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Cherubini, Rossini, &c. There were one or two points which seemed rather exceptionable, and scarcely allowable when reference is had to the rules ordinarily governing concerts. Thus, for instance, the composer could scarcely have contemplated the idea that the beautiful vocal trio, "Lift thine eyes," should have been accompanied by three flutes, or rather that they should have played the voice parts. The idea was new it is true, but scarcely such as can be commended. Cherubini's three-voiced round, "Like as a Father," also was produced with eight voices, and though some of them were good ones, the effect was not so clear and expressive as it ought to have been. With these exceptions the performance was a good one. Evidently great pains had been taken by the conductor to get up the choruses, and the voices had benefited by the training. The instrumentalists were not so well up in their parts; but we were led to understand that this is explainable, as owing to peculiar difficulties which prevented the sufficient supervision of a leader. We hope this defect will be remedied by the next quarterly concert by the appointment of a gentleman to undertake that onerous duty. Miss Pettman appeared to advantage in her solo "An angel bright," a sweet and pathetic little composition; and we may also congratulate the Society on the acquisition of some excellent voices, one being especially noticeable as a good contralto. The young lady's voice, however, requires some cultivation, when she may expect to win laurels, having an extraordinary range. She acquitted herself admirably in "Eve's Lamentation," a fine little composition by Rossini, introduced, however, by the conductor into the "oratorio Paradise." This young lady, with her sister, sang a sparkling duet, by Mendelsohn, in a manner so sweetly chaste and rich that it elicited a rapturous encore; and on repetition it was, if possible, better sung. The Concert an the whole was highly Successful, the performance being spirited and tasteful, and the Society promises well for the future; and this may be regarded as due to the energy of Mr. Daniel, the conductor. He will doubtless attract around him still greater numbers of "sweet voices and tuneful hearts." We must not omit mention of a talented young lady, Miss Phillips, who presided at the pianoforte, and performed the numerous and difficult accompaniments with fluency, and a style highly creditable. We close this necessarily brief notice with wishing the Society good speed, though we have passed by without notice several excellently performed parts of the programme.


Flute player

Active Adelaide, SA, 1854 (shareable link to this entry)


Pianist, composer

Active Adelaide, SA, 1858 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (9 October 1854), 1 

will give a GRAND CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music on the evening of
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11th, 1854, at the PANTHEON, King William-street . . .
Instrumentalists: 1st Violins - Mr. P. Lee and Mr. Chapman . . .
Flutes - Mr. R. Clisby and Mr. Phillips . . .
Pianists - Mrs. Young and Mr. Linger.
PROGRAMME. PART 1. 1. Overture, Don Juan, Orchestra - Mozart . . .
7. The Star of the Night Valses, Orchestra - Par Charles D'Albert . . .
PART 2. 1. Overture, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Orchestra - Rossini . . .
8. The Etna Galop, Orchestra - Par Charles D'Albert . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Chapman (violin, band leader); Philip Lee (violin); Redford Clisby (flute); Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist); Rebecca Young (pianist); Carl Linger (pianist)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 April 1858), 1

EAST TORRENS INSTITUTE. - The usual QUARTERLY CONCERT and CONVERSAZIONE will be held at the Institute, Kensington, on Friday evening next, the 23rd inst. Mr. and Mrs. Derrington and others have kindly consented, at the request of the Committee, to assist in the Concert.
PROGRAMME. PART I. 1. Pianoforte, Fantasia (Mr. Phillips) . . .
PART II. 1. Pianoforte, Fantasia (Mr. Phillips) . . .

"EAST TORRENS INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (26 April 1858), 3

. . . the proceedings commenced with a fantasia on the pianoforte, which was brilliantly executed by Mr. Phillips, in acknowledgment of a subsequent encore this gentleman played a lively and spirited polka, which was understood to be his own composition. Several songs, duets, and glees followed, in which Mrs. Derrington and Messrs. Derrington, Sanderson, and others took part, Mr. Greenwood presiding at the pianoforte . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin and Rosa Derrington (amateur vocalists); Francis Sanderson (vocalist); Samuel Greenwood (pianist)

"ANNIVERSARY OF THE GAWLER INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (18 October 1858), 3

The concert in connection with the celebration of the above event was held on Friday evening in a large unoccupied store belonging to Mr. Martin, conveniently situated in the centre of the town, the building being fitted up for the decision in a very tasteful and commodious manner. The audience, which numbered upwards of 400, assembled at half-past 7, and the performance commenced at 8 o'clock with an overture upon the piano by Mr. Phillips, of Adelaide . . . The beautiful glee, "Through lanes and hedgerows," was then sung by the Misses Tozer, Mr. J. W. Daniel, Mr. Edwards, and an amateur performer, in very good style.

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth and Caroline Tozer (vocalists); Solomon Edwards (vocalist); Josiah Daniel (vocalist)

PHILLIPS, Alfred (Alfred PHILLIPS; ? Frederick Alfred PHILLIPS, b. 1816)

Comedian, Irish delineator, vocalist, actor

? Born London, England, 1816; baptised St. Pancras Old Church, 8 December 1816; son of Walter and Frances PHILLIPS
Married Elizabeth ELSBEE, England, c. 1848
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by June 1853
Died VIC, 1880, aged "60" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

PHILLIPS, Elizabeth (Elizabeth ELSBEE; Miss GARDNER; Mrs. Alfred PHILLIPS)

Actor, vocalist, playwright, author

Born London, England, 1822; daughter of Sarah SHAW (d. VIC, 1866) and step-daughter of William GARDNER (d. VIC, 1870)
Married Alfred PHILLIPS, England, c. 1848
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by July 1855
Died Carlton, VIC, 12 August 1876, aged "54" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)



Born c. 1864 (? late 1863); son of Alfred PHILLIPS and Elizabeth ELSBEE
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by July 1855
Died Melbourne, VIC, 23 December 1917, aged "63" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Elizabeth Phillips, actor Elizabeth Phillips, actor

Elizabeth Phillips, in character, and out of character (DIGITISED)


England (1848-53):

"THE WINDSOR THEATRE", Berkshire Chronicle (5 August 1848), 3

This theatre opened on Monday last with a very excellent company, under the management of Mr. Alfred Phillips, who is entirely unknown to us, but who appears to possess considerable tact in catering for the amusement of the public . . .

"THEATRE ROYAL, WINDSOR", Windsor and Eton Express (2 September 1848), 4

. . . Between the play and melodrama Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Phillips earned a deserved encore for their favourite duet "Jeannette and Jeannot" . . .

MUSIC: Jeannette and Jeannot (Charles Glover)

"THEATRE ROYAL, WINDSOR", Windsor and Eton Express (9 September 1848), 4

Wednesday evening was devoted the benefit Mrs. Alfred Phillips, when the performance commencing with the popular drama of the "Green Hushes," was admirably supported . . .

[Advertisement], Windsor and Eton Express (9 September 1848), 1

THEATRE ROYAL, WINDSOR . . . FRIDAY Evening, September 15 . . .
Acting Manager, Mr. Alfred Phillips; Stage Manager, Mr. R. Gordon; Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. W. J. Hill . . .

[News], The Era [London] (6 May 1849), 12

MRS. ALFRED PHILLIPS, a highly talented actress, according to provincial criticism, will make her first appearance at the Strand Theatre, on Thursday, in a comedietta written by herself, of which report speaks most favourably.

[Playbill], New Strand Theatre [26-27 June 1849]; The theatrical programme and entr'acte (26 June 1849), 32 (DIGITISED)

"MR. ALFRED PHILLIPS' VOCAL AND PICTORIAL ENTERTAINMENT", Cork Examiner [Ireland] (28 April 1852), 3

This gentleman, says a correspondent, made a first appearance before Bristol audience at the Albert-rooms, on Monday Evening, in an entertainment illustrative of the character of ancient and modern Ireland. To say, simply that Mr. Phillips was successful would be scarcely doing justice to versatility of talent, which we confidently assert has never been surpassed, if ever equalled, in Bristol. Our London contemporaries have unanimously accorded their approval, not only of Mr. Phillips's ability as a delineator of Irish song and character, but also the construction his entertainment, and never was praise more justly bestowed. As a vocalist, Mr. Phillips's rendering of some of the sweetest Moore's melodies won the sympathy of his auditors, manifested by enthusiastic applause. His expression of comic humour, both in song and story, were irresistible; while as an elocutionist, he stands in the very highest rank. The second part introduced a beautiful diorama of the scenery of Ireland . . . . - Clifton Chronicle.

[News], The spectator (1 September 1849), 823 (DIGITISED)

Mrs. Alfred Phillips, of the New Strand Theatre, is a clever comic actress, with a great deal of breadth, as she shows by her performance of a maid-servant in Hearts are Trumps; but she is not the person to sustain a piece dependent altogether on a delineation of Hibernian character. Hence, she produces no great effect in a farce called Katty from Conaught; the heroine of which, on the "Stoop-to-Conquer" principle, assumes the disguise of an Irish domestic. The dialogue is not without smartness, but is here and there too warmly coloured.

[Advertisement], Cork Examiner [Ireland] (28 April 1852), 2 (PAYWALL)

THEATRE ROYAL . . . MR. ALFRED PHILLIPS will have the honour of presenting his VOCAL and PICTORIAL ENTERTAINMENT . . . The Celebrated Pianist, Monsieur Roeckel, Repetiteur, from the Conservatoire of Music, Paris, will accompany Mr. Phillips in his Songs . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: ? Joseph Roeckel (pianist, much later active in Australia)

"THE DRAMA", The literary gazette (26 February 1853), 213 (DIGITISED)

. . . At the minor theatres the tide of emigration has set in, and the diggings have succeeded Uncle Tom's Cabin. Following the example of Drury-Lane, the OLYMPIC has Life in Australia, produced on Monday evening last . . .

"OLYMPIC", Reynolds's Newspaper [London] (27 February 1853), 9

The decided success of Mr. Reade's "Gold" at Drury Lane induced, we presume, Mrs. Alfred Phillips to seize upon the prevailing topic of Australian emigration as a fitting subject wherewith to construct a three-act play, called, "Life in Australia, from our own Correspondent," produced at this house on Monday. The opening scene is in Ireland, where two brothers are represented as in love with the same girl, and the one she is about marrying, in a fit of jealous passion deals what he believes to be a death-blow at the other. Three years are supposed to have elapsed, when the curtain rises upon a view of Melbourne, whither the Irish marriage party has emigrated; a trip to the diggings discovers the supposed murdered man in a pedlar's disguise, and his conscience-stricken brother in the vocation of a gold-digger. Recognition ensues, and all ends happily. A very humorous character, in the person of an indefatigable correspondent of a London newspaper, whose constant and eccentric efforts to procure startling subjects for the pages of the journal employing him, is humorously represented by Mr. Hoskins, who, disguised in female attire, encounters many hairbreadth escapes and ludicrous adventures. Miss Anderton plays the supposed fratricide's devoted wife with as much intelligence and pathos as the flimsiness of the part admits, and Mrs. Phillips throws more energy than humour into the termagant wife of a most submissive husband, laughably enacted by Mr. Shalders. On the literary merits of this piece we cannot dwell, being unable to discover them, but the scenery and groupings are characteristic and picturesque; mainly contributing to the undeniable success the play experienced, as demonstrated by vociferous calls for the author, duly responded to by Mr. Farren, leading Mrs. Phillips across the stage amidst a tumult of applause . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Hoskins (actor, comedian); William Farren (actor, manager)

"A FEW PROVINCIAL NOTES AND ENGAGEMENTS", Dramatic register for 1853 (London: Thomas Hailes Lacy, 1854), 104 

Liverpool . . . 8 August, Buckstone in his Ascent of Parnassus (first time here), . . . W. Farren, senr., Mrs. Alfred Phillips, German Operatic Company . . .

Melbourne, VIC (1853-80):

"MUSICAL", Colonial Times (14 April 1853), 3 

Among the probable departures for Australia, a late letter from London mentions the name of Mr. Henry Phillips, the vocalist.

NOTE: Was this perhaps mis-reported, correctly Alfred Phillips?

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 June 1853), 12 

ALFRED PHILLIPS, AT THE PROTESTANT HALL, MONDAY, JUNE 13th. For particulars see future advertisement.

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 June 1853), 12 

PROTESTANT HALL. Monday, June 13th.
MR. ALFRED PHILLIPS will have the honor of presenting, for the first time, to the inhabitants of Melbourne, his highly popular
As produced by him in London, with distinguished success on 279 successive occasions, to audiences numbering in the aggregate 200,000 persons.
A MIGNIFICENT DIORAMA! Replete with novel and startling effects, forms the Second Part of the Entertainment, and faithfully delineates the beautiful scenery of IRELAND! . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (13 June 1853), 5 

Amusements. PROTESTANT HALL. Monday, June 13th.
MR. ALFRED PHILLIPS will have the honor of presenting, for the first time, to the inhabitants of Melbourne . . .
In the course of the Entertainment, Mr. Phillips will sing the following Irish songs: -
Sweet Isle of the West, The Harp that Once thro' Tara's Halls, The Minstrel Boy, Rich and Rare, The Boys of Kilkenny, Katty Avourneen, Boys of Tipperary, Foul Leaved Shamrock, Rory O'More, And Widow Machree . . .

"ALFRED PHILLIPS'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Argus (14 June 1853), 7 

Mr. Phillips appeared for the first time before a Melbourne audience at the Protestant Hall, last evening. The attendance was numerous, the hall being nearly filled. The entertainment was divided into two parts, the first consisting of a narration of remarkable historical events relating to Ireland and sketches of modern Irish character, interspersed with songs and ballads; and the second comprised a series of views of Ireland, exhibited by the oxy-hydrogen microscope. Mr. Phillips, who has a sweet voice and an elegant style of singing, succeeded in producing a very favorable impression on those who were in attendance. He gives the words very clearly, which adds much to the effect of his songs. The programme was tastefully selected, embracing, among others, some of the best compositions of Moore and Lover. In consequence of an accident which occurred to the apparatus for supplying the requisite quantity of gas to the microscope, Mr. Phillips was unable to exhibit the dissolving views, he, however, offered to make up for any disappointed on that account, by giving all who were present tickets for the next entertainment, which is to take place tomorrow.

[Advertisement], The Argus (5 August 1853), 3 

ALFRED PHILLIPS, having concluded his provincial engagement, will have the honor of appearing at the Mechanics' Institution on Saturday Evening, August 6th, in an entertainment entitled "Our Native Land," in which he will be assisted by Mrs. Loder, her first appearance in Melbourne, and Mr. Salamons, the eminent pianist, his first appearance since his return to Melbourne. New Songs, and Scenery of England, Ireland and Scotland . . .

"SANDRIDGE", The Banner (26 August 1853), 7 

The inhabitants of this rapidly improving port were again, on Wednesday, favoured by a visit of the admired delineator of Irish character, Mr. Phillips, accompanied by Mrs. Loder. Both were received with loud applause, and encored in many of the well-selected songs which accompanied each description. Mrs. Loder's benefit took place last night, and, although we were unable to attend we trust that the audience was more numerous than on the last occasion, and we also trust that a good company awaits Mr. Phillips' benefit, which he has announced for this evening.

"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE" The Banner (30 September 1853), 7 

A Musical Entertainment, entitled "Erin go Bragh," was given on Tuesday evening, at the splendid building which Mr. McLelland has erected in Prahran as an hotel, by Mr. Alfred Philips, assisted by the charming vocalist, Mrs. Loder. The music was well selected, and very much applauded, Mr. Philip's Irish anecdotes, and excellent brogue, kept the audience in continued laughter. The pianoforte accompaniments by Mrs. Loder, were very well executed; and altogether the entertainment gave general satisfaction . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charlotte Loder (vocalist); Edward Salamon (piano)

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 February 1854), 3 

ALFRED PHILLIPS, will introduce his beautiful Diorama, at the Mechanics' Institution, on Monday, February 6th, and every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday following, till further notice.
ALFRED PHILLIPS'S double entertainment, at the Mechanics' Institution. Songs and Scenery of Ireland . . .
ALFRED PHILLIPS has much pleasure in announcing that Miss Miabella Smith will make her first appearance in his popular drawing room entertainment, on Monday, February 6th.
ALFRED PHILLIPS, Miss Miabella Smith, and Mr. Ruxton (from the Royal Academy of Music, his first appearance in Melbourne,) on Monday, at the Mechanics' Institution . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (13 February 1854), 8 

ALFRED PHILLIPS'S Drawing Room Entertainments - A new series, entitled
OUR NATIVE LAND, will commence on Monday Evening, next, at the Mechanics' Institution, on which occasion in addition to Miss Smith and Mr. Ruxton,
Mr. Phillips will be assisted by Mrs. George Cox contralto singer from the Philharmonic Concerts, Liverpool, and
Mr. Gordon Murray, buffo singer and delineator of Scottish character . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Meabella Smith (vocalist); Henri Ruxton (piano); Mrs. George Cox (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 March 1854), 3 

QUEEN'S THEATRE . . . Amateur Performance in aid of the funds of the Melbourne Hospital.
On Saturday evening, March 4th, 1854, the performances will commence with Colman's admired comedy in 5 acts, entitled
JOHN BULL; OR, AN ENGLISHMAN'S FIRESIDE . . . Denis Brulgruddery, Mr. Alfred Phillips . . .
The entertainments will conclude with Buckstone's laughable farce called the
IRISH LION . . . Tim More, Mr. Alfred Phillips (in which character he will introduce the song "I'm a Janius") . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (27 June 1854), 8 

D1SSOLUTION of Partnership. - The partnership in the Theatre Royal, Sandridge, heretofore carried on under the firm of Phillips and Peck, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and this is to give notice that all debts owing by the said firm, as respects the Sandridge Theatre, are acknowledged and will be paid by me, Alfred Phillips, Sole Proprietor.
Signed GEO. PECK, ALFRED PHILLIPS. Sandridge, June 26, 1854.


[Advertisement], The Argus (7 December 1854), 8 

VICTORIA THEATRE. - Alfred Phillips, the popular Irish comedian, every evening. Best company in Victoria; three pieces . . .
VICTORIA THEATRE, late Rowe's Circus. Proprietor, Alfred Oakey. Unprecedented success. Three new pieces nightly. Reduced prices . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Oakey (musician, proprietor)

"VICTORIA . . . ", Adelaide Observer (3 February 1855), 5 

. . . We have also received a communication from Mr. Alfred Phillips, who was an extensive sufferer by the late terrible calamity . . . According to Mr. Phillips, who states that he was awakened about half-past one o'clock on the morning of the fire, a great body of flame was at that time issuing from nearly the centre of the roof of Messrs. Gamson and Nankivell's store . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (9 February 1855), 8 

FIRE AT SANDRIDGE.- Messrs. Young and Hydes, with the Ladies and Gentlemen, under their direction, having generously proffered the Theatre and their valuable services, with a view to mitigate the heavy loss sustained by
Mr. ALFRED PHILLIPS, a Benefit in furtherance of that object will take place at the
Queen's Theatre, Melbourne, on Saturday evening, February 10th, when will be produced a variety of entertainments, supported by the following artistes:
Mr. Charles Young, Mr. Hydes, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Burford, Mr. Mungall, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Golding, Mr. Alfred Phillips, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Hydes, Mrs. Thom, and Mrs. Thompson . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Proctor Hydes (actor); Charles and Jane Young (actors); George Herbert Rogers (actor); John Mungall (actor); Joseph Chambers (dancer); Daniel Golding (vocalist); Eliza Thom (actor); Martha Thomson (actor)

"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (18 June 1855), 5 

. . . The theatre is to open on the 2nd of July . . .
Amongst the engagements already effected are those of Mr. and Mrs. C. Poole, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Phillips, Mr. Thorn, Mrs. Gowan, and Mrs. Chester; Miss Anna Maria Quinn (whose juvenile performances are said to be surprising), Mr. Rayner.
Mr. Burford, and Mr. Stephens. Madame Strebinger and an efficient corps de ballet have also been engaged . . .
The orchestra will consist of between twenty and thirty performers, including some of the best musicians in this part of the world, and led by Mr. B. Thom . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (9 July 1855), 8

THEATRE ROYAL, Melbourne. Grand Opening of THE THEATRE ROYAL, Bourke-street, ON MONDAY NEXT, JULY 10th. Under the Sole Management of MR. JOHN BLACK . . . Mrs. Alfred Phillips, From the Olympic and Strand Theatres . . .
Gentlemen of the Company . . . Mr. Phillips . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Melton Black (proprietor); Marian Maria Chester (actor, vocalist); Therese Strebinger (dancer); Bream Thom (violinist, leader)

[Advertisement], The Age (18 July 1855), 8 

THEATRE ROYAL . . . THIS EVENING, (Wednesday), July 18 . . .
To conclude with, for the first time in the Australian Colonies, the popular Farce, written by Mrs. Alfred Phillips, and performed upwards of 100 nights in London, entitled -
A BACHELOR'S VOW. Mrs. O'Neil, (her original character) - Mrs. Alfred Phillips.
Paddy O'Connor, (with the song "Boys of Kilkenny,") - Mr. Alfred Phillips . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (17 November 1855), 8 

THEATRE ROYAL, Tuesday, 20th November. For the Benefit of MRS. ALFRED PHILLIPS.
And her Last Appearance. First Night of the New Local Dramatic Spectacle, entitled
LIFE IN AUSTRALIA, "From our own Correspondent."
Local Scenery. Trained Horses . . .
Tickets of Mrs. Phillips, at her residence, 69 Stephen-street, opposite the Protestant Hall.

"THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (21 November 1855), 5 

Mrs. Alfred Phillips took her benefit at this theatre last night on which occasion was played, for the first time here, what the play bills styled "the original and celebrated dramatic spectacle, Life in Australia, from 'Our own Correspondent'" We are informed that the piece had a great run in London . . .

"THEATRICAL", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (24 December 1855), 4 

Amongst the recent arrivals of musical and histrionic celebrities, that of Mrs. Alfred Phillips, the dramatic authoress and late principal comedy actress at the Olympic Theatre, London, is worthy of special mention. This lady being at present on a visit to Sydney, we trust on opportunity may be afforded the public of witnessing her professional abilities, of which the English journals speak in most flattering terms.

[Advertisement], Empire (31 December 1855), 1 

PRINCE OF WALES' THEATRE.-Mrs. ALFRED PHILLIPS will make her first appearance THIS EVENING . . .

"ENTERTAINMENT", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (24 March 1856), 3 

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Phillips, with Mr. Taunton, gave their first Literary and Musical Entertainment in Portland, last Thursday evening, at Mr. Crouch's New Store, Gawler-street. We should describe the entertainment as a description of the character and humour of the Irish, drawn from the early history and legends of Ireland, and illustrated by the national superstitions and national melodies. It might be termed an interesting lecture on Ireland and the Irish, with musical illustrations. The performance throughout afforded both instruction and amusement. The main object of an evening's performance of that nature was amusement, and this was abundantly afforded, in strict accordance with refined taste, and to the entire satisfaction of the audience. Indeed, we believe that those who attended on Mr. and Mrs. Phillips' entertainment were agreeably surprised. The character of the performance, and the degree of amusement afforded, surpassed expectation. Mrs. Phillips evinced a high degree of theatrical as well as musical power. Her voice, in the various songs she sang, had great compass and clearness, and was managed with very tasteful modulations. Mrs. Phillips is undoubtedly a superior vocalist. Mr. Phillips' vocal powers evidently pleased the audience. Mr. Taunton, who presided at the piano, evinced great command over that instrument. His vocal performance in "The Old Arm Chair," and "The Sailor's Grave," showed great power and command of voice. The last part of the performance was a duet sung by Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, with which the audience appeared to be highly delighted. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips give another entertainment this (Monday) evening. And as their first performance last Thursday evening has raised them a respectable name in this town, while the price of the tickets is reduced from 7s. 6d. to 5s., there is every, reason to expect a numerous audience this evening.

"MR. & MRS. PHILLIPS' ENTERTAINMENT", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (26 March 1856), 2 

A second literary and musical entertainment was given last Monday evening . . . Mr. Phillips sung "The Boys of Kilkenny" with great feeling, and was encored. The song "The Low Back'd Car" Mrs. Phillips sung with great effect and was heartily encored . . .


MUSIC: The boys of Kilkenny (song); The low back'd car (Lover)

[Advertisement], The Argus (5 April 1856), 8 

MRS. ALFRED PHILLIPS, Mr. H. Goulston, and Mr. Alfred Phillips will appear in their celebrated entertainments, Evenings at Home, at the Junction Hotel, St. Kilda this evening (Saturday); on Monday, at the Devonshire Hotel, Brighton; Wednesday. St Kilda; Thursday, Marco Polo Hotel, Emerald Hill; Friday, at Brighton; Saturday, Northcote . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Harry Goulstone (piano)

After 1860:

"THE PHILLIPS FAMILY", Gippsland Times (22 May 1869), 4 

WARNING: This article contains historical matter that may be deeply offensive to Aboriginal and other people

"SUDDEN DEATHS", Weekly Times (30 July 1870), 10 

One of the pioneers of the stage in this colony passed away very suddenly on Saturday evening. Mr. William Gardner was one of the earliest actors who came to the colony, and in olden, times he was a general favourite. He was the father also of Mrs. Alfred Phillips, the popular actress. Being advanced in years, he has not appeared for a length of time on the stage, but acted in the light capacity of check-taker at the Princess Theatre . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Gardner (correctly, Elizabeth's step-father)

Marriages solemnized [at St. Peter's church, Melbourne, in] 1878; register, 1878-83; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)

[No.] 3007 / [27 August 1878] / Hans Phillip / Bachelor / [born] London, England / Actor / [age] 24 / Gore St. Fitzroy . . . / [son of] Alfred Phillips [and] Elizabeth Elsbee / Retired
Fanny Hennings / Spinster / [born] Melbourne / - / 19 / . . . [daughter of] John Hennings, Artist [and] Ellen Targett . . .

"Marriages", The Argus (28 August 1878), 1 

PHILLIPS - HENNINGS. - On the 27th inst., at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. Canon Handfield, Hans, only son of Alfred Phillips, to Fanny, eldest daughter of John Hennings, Esq.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Hennings (theatrical artist)

"DEATH OF MRS. ALFRED PHILLIPS", The Age (14 August 1876), 3 

"THE LATE MRS. ALFRED PHILLIPS", The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil (2 September 1876), 90, 93 (portrait) (PORTRAIT)

Mrs. Alfred Phillips, who for so many, years has been well and favourably known, to the Australian public as an actress of the fine old comedy school now passing away, died on Saturday, August 12, at Carlton. Mrs. Phillips was born in London in 1822, her father being a Mr. Elsbee, who was in business there. Mrs. Phillips's grandfather had been one of the sheriffs of the City of London.

On the death of her father, her mother, married a Mr. Gardiner, who was then well known on the Irish stage. It is probable that it was from her stepfather - her father having died when she was very young that Miss Elsbee first imbibed her love for the drama. She was, of course, frequently present at the performances in which her stepfather took part, and before the age of 18, having shown an aptitude for dramatic impersonation, she determined on embracing the profession of an actress. She had received a good education, and her acquaintance with the mechanism of stage pieces, together, of course, with her own bent in that direction, induced her to write several short comedies, farces, &c.

Her first appearance on the stage, was in Bangor, North Wales, in a subordinate part; and shortly afterwards she played in Edinburgh, and then in Ireland, with gradually increasing success. It was while playing at the Dover Theatre, in 1858 [sic, ? recte 1848], that Miss Elsbee first met Mr. Alfred Phillips, who was then the low comedian of the company, and a short acquaintance resulted in marriage.

It may be mentioned as of interest that the stage manager and principal actor of this company was the celebrated Mr. William Copeland, the whole company being under the management of a lady who named herself Grace Darling, and pretended - we are told - to be the heroine of the Forfarshire wreck. Mrs. Phillips's role at this time was broad comedy, and her success in this line was very considerable. Shortly afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, while at Devonport, determined on retiring from the stage, and the former opened a school, the latter becoming connected with one of the local newspapers.

After a retirement of five years [sic], during which Mrs. Phillips devoted considerable attention to the composition of lectures, the pair went to London, where Mrs. Phillips gave the first entertainments ever given singly by a woman in the great city. The entertainment was partly musical and partly dramatic. The accompanyist on the occasion, it may be interesting to note, was Mr. F. A. Crouch, the composer of the music of "Kathleen Mavourneen," as well as several other Irish melodies.

Mrs. Phillips then gave several "lecture entertainments" in London and the provinces, but they were not pecuniarily successful. The lectures were her own composition, the principal subjects being delineations of English, Irish, and Scotch character. After this she returned to the stage, taking an engagement at Newcastle, and appearing in light comedy characters. It was here she had her first introduction to the celebrated Mr. W. Farren, one of the best Sir Peter Teazles of his day. Mr. Farren was much struck with the ability displayed by Mrs. Phillips, and on further acquaintance she showed him one of her own productions, "The Bachelor's Vow," with which he was highly delighted, and in which be afterwards appeared himself with great success. On Mr. Farren taking the Strand Theatre, in London, he engaged Mrs. Phillips with Mrs. Glover and an excellent company. Mrs. Phillips still continued to play broad comedy - such characters, for instance, as Charlotte, in Colly Cibber's "Hypocrite;" and at the same theatre she appeared as the heroine in her own piece, "The Bachelor's Vow," with great success. On the retirement of Mrs. Glover, Mrs. Phillips succeeded her in her line of business, and it was then that she first undertook and appeared in the characters which she afterwards, in Australia, made her own - such as Mrs. Malaprop, the Widow Green, Mrs. Heidelberg (in the "Clandestine Marriage"), &c., and she became the recognised 'old woman' of the Melbourne stage.

It is impossible within the limits of this notice to record the details of the remaining engagements of Mrs. Phillips until her departure from England for Australia in 1854, but we are informed that wherever she went she made herself a great favourite with the public, a statement which can readily be credited. Towards the latter portion of her stay in England she devoted great attention to dramatic composition (principally of light pieces), and the following amongst others of her writing were produced: - "Caught in His Own Trap," "An Organic Affection;" "Uncle Crotchet;" "Life in Australia," by Our Own Correspondent (in the two former Farren appeared, and in the latter, Robson and Hoskins); "Katty, from Connaught;" and "The Master Passion," a comedy in two acts, which achieved a great success for the time. After the production of the last mentioned piece in 1853, Mr. Phillips - attracted, like others, by the glowing reports received from Victoria - left England and arrived in this colony, leaving Mrs. Phillips to follow him should the reality equal the expectations he had formed as to an opening for dramatic talent in Victoria. He was so encouraged by what he saw that he erected a theatre with a hotel at Sandridge, and wrote home for Mrs. Phillips to join him.

On her arrival, however, in 1854 [? recte 1855], a very unfortunate state of affairs met her. Her husband's, theatre and hotel had been burnt to the ground, and he was left penniless. Mrs. Phillips, however, was not long in using her talents to some purpose, for soon after her arrival she obtained a lucrative engagement as comedy actress, Mr. Phillips being also engaged as low comedian. They appeared on the opening of the old Theatre Royal, and Mrs. Phillips's Widow Green at once created a favourable impression. After completing her engagement there Mrs. Phillips joined Mr. Coppin's company at the Olympic (or "Old Iron Pot," as it was colloquially described, in those days), and at this theatre she played some of her most successful characters, in connexion with G. V: Brooke, Robert and Mrs. Heir, the Youngs, Miss Julia Matthews (who was then playing only child's parts); and others, whose names are as household words on the Australian stage. After the Theatre Royal passed from Mr. Coppin's hands, and Mr. Ambrose Kyte became its proprietor, with Barry Sullivan as manager, Mrs. Phillips received an engagement for three years. During this engagement, more perhaps than previously, she made herself a thorough favourite with Melbourne playgoers. When Barry Sullivan retired from the theatre he surrendered the management to Mr. Hoskins, who got into difficulties. Mrs. Phillips about this time wrote "The Mariner's Compass; or Duty," which was produced with some success. Mr. Hoskins afterwards took the Haymarket Theatre, where he was joined on the co-operative principle by Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Heir, Mr. Appleton, and others; but the adventure proved unsuccessful - resulting, in fact, in disaster to all parties concerned.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips next tried "the country," going through the colony with their own entertainments, in the performance of which they were assisted by their son, Hans Phillips. They went overland twice to Sydney, and it was on their second visit to that city that they were engaged by Mr. R. S. Smythe, an agent for Mr. Hoyt, the then proprietor of the Prince of Wales Theatre, Melbourne. Mrs. Phillips in this house played a six months' engagement with considerable success, appearing in most of her favourite pieces. Although her powers were somewhat: on the wane, she was recognised as an exponent of legitimate comedy, and her acting in the "Irish Heiress" particularly, was warmly praised by the press. This was Mrs. Phillips's last fixed engagement, although during the last three years she has appeared several times, and received two benefits, in the first of which she appeared as Mrs. Malaprop, with Mr. Coppin as Bob Acres. "Money" was played, for her second benefit, and in this she played Lady Franklyn with some remains of the old charm which had captivated Melbourne playgoers for so many years. Mrs. Phillips went to Tasmania with Miss Juno's company about two years ago, and while in Hobart Town she met with a serious accident by falling down stairs. She thoroughly recovered from this, however, and we are informed that it had nothing to do with her death. Her last appearance was in "Fanchon" at the Opera-house a few weeks ago.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager); Julia Mathews (actor, vocalist); Robert Smythe (agent)

"EARLY MELBOURNE (BY OLD CHUM) NO. 110", Truth (21 October 1911), 11 

Dramatic works (Elizabeth Phillips):


An organic affection, a farce, in one act by Mrs. Alfred Phillips (London: Thomas Hailes Lacy, [1850])

Caught in his own trap, an original comedietta, in one act (London: Hailes Lacy, [1851]) (DIGITISED)

First produced at the Royal Olympic Theatre, on Wednesday, Oct. 13th, 1851 (dedication verso)

The master passion. a comedy in two acts, by Mrs. Alfred Phillips (London: Thomas Hailes Lacy, [1852]) (DIGITISED)

First performed at the Royal Olympic Theatre, on Wednesday, September 1st, 1852 (titlepage verso)


Life in Australia, "from our own correspondent", drama in three acts by Mrs. Alfred Phillips; MS, British Library, Lord Chamberlain's plays, 1852-66, 52938 A-EE (February-March 1853), first performance, Olympic Theatre, 21 February 1853

Uncle Crotchet, a farce in one act by Mrs. Alfred Phillips; MS, British Library, Lord Chamberlain's plays, 1852-66, 52939 A-EE (March-May 1853), first performance, Olympic Theatre, 18 April 1853; 38 fols.

My husband's will, comedietta in one act by Mrs. Alfred Phillips; MS, British Library, Lord Chamberlain's plays, 1852-66, 52940 A-T (May-June 1853), first performance, Olympic Theatre, 30 May 1853

Bibliography and resources:

"Nineteenth-century British women playwrights: a checklist", in Katherine Newry, Women's theatre writing in Victorian Britain (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), 224-25 

PHILLIPS, Barnet Aaron (Barnet Aaron PHILLIPS; B. A. PHILLIPS)

Theatrical machinist (shareable link to this entry)

PHILLIPS, Charles Aaron (Charles Aaron PHILLIPS; Master C. PHILLIPS)

Juvenile actor (shareable link to this entry)


Amateur musician, violincello and flute player

Active Adelaide, SA, to 1851 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Adelaide Times 8 November 1851), 4 

SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO. Have received instructions to sell by auction
at the residence of Mr John Phillips, who is about to leave the colony, Margaret-street,
North Adelaide, on the above day, at twelve o'clock,
All his household effects and GOODS, consisting of the following - . . .
an agreeeable-tone old violincello, flutes, and AEolian harp . . .
Music books - Classic, secular, and sacred, for choral, band, and instrumental performance, glees, &c. . . .

PHILLIPS, Morrice (Morrice PHILLIPS; Maurice; ? Morris; PHILIPS)

Dancer, ballet master, burlesque dancer, professor of dancing, actor, playwright, mechanist, printer

Born ? London, England, c. 1802; ? son of Samuel PHILLIPS
Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, 12 July 1838 (per City of London, from Gravesend, 23rd March)
Active Sydney, NSW, until October 1839 (? departed for England)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, 27 March 1850 (per Stratheden, from London, via Adelaide)
? Died London, England, 1880 (4th quarter), aged "78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (WorldCat identities) (shareable link to this entry)

DISAMBIGUATION: Not to be confused with S. Phillips (comic vocalist, active Sydney c. 1841-44)

The cachuca as danced by Pauline Duvernay (1837)

The cachuca as danced by Pauline Duvernay (1837) (DIGITISED)

Wikimedia commons (DIGITISED)


"THE GARRICK", The observer [London, England] (26 March 1837), 2

Messrs. Gomersal, Freer, & Conquest are the attractions at this theatre. A new Easter piece, entitled the Eli Ben Erza [recte Eli Ben Ezrah], by a Mr. Morrice Phillips, a down-easter, who has some popularity in the locality as a melo-dramatist. Freer plays the hero, a masquerading gentleman, who assumes six different characters. The piece is founded on a tale of the first crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion, at the period of a severe enactment prohibiting Jews from passing the walls of Whitechapel.

"SHIP NEWS. ARRIVALS", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (14 July 1838), 2 

From London on Thursday, having sailed from Gravesend the 23d March, the ship City of London; Reynolds master. Lading, merchandise. Passengers, Mr. Robert Dickson, surveyor, Mr. Archibald Macintyre, Mr. Alfred Saunders, Mr. James Evans, Mr. Jacob Foster, Mr. Thos. Russell, Walter Harris, Luke Moore, Morrice Phillips and Thomas Hope. Surgeon, Mr. Neil Campbell.

[News], The Australian (24 July 1838), 2 

We understand that Mr. Phillips, who arrived the other day in this colony from England, has been connected to a great extent with the theatres in London, in the capacities of an author, ballet director, actor, &c; and no doubt should he take to theatricals in this colony, he will prove a valuable acquisition. We learn by a gentleman who knew Mr. P. in England, that he is well acquainted with stage management, and as a manager, who is not ambitious of acting, is much required in this colony, we think that an excellent opportunity now offers itself to Mr. Wyatt, to engage that necessary appendage to his establishment.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wyatt (proprietor)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 September 1838), 1 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Thursday Evening, Sept. 13, 1838.
MR. and MRS. CAMERON respectfully beg to inform the ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney that their benefit is fixed for the above Evening, under the patronage of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, who will attend the Theatre to witness the Grand Classical and Historical Drama of
MATATHIAS (High Priest) Mr. MORRIS PHILLIPS, From the Theatres Royal, London.
(Other Characters see Bills.)
In Act 3 it is declared that the persecuted Hebrews are free and Arcanas' vow is fulfilled, on which is founded the Festival of the "Lights of Dedication."
"Hail Masonry thou Craft Divine," Mr. Falchon.
The celebrated and Laughable CAT-CHOCA, BY MR. MORRIS PHILLIPS.
TO CONCLUDE WITH ROB ROY, In which the Son of a Mason will Dance the HIGHLAND FLING.
Tickets to be had at the usual places, and of Mr. Cameron, 104, Pitt-street.

"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 September 1838), 2

A new piece called the Massacre of Jerusalem, from the pen of a Mr. Morris Phillips, who made his first appearance on the occasion, was produced at the Victoria Theatre on Thursday evening, for the benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, to a very crowded audience. The piece, it appears, was an unpublished one, and consequently required to be licensed by Mr. Thomson, the Colonial Secretary, before it could be produced on the stage - the audience had therefore the treble duty to discharge, viz. of deciding upon Mr. Phillips' abilities as an author and an actor, and Mr. Thomson's as a dramatic censor. We are sorry to say that our verdict is an unfavourable one in all. A more dull, absurd, and stupid mass of nonsense than Mr. Phillips' grand historical drama, The Massacre of Jerusalem, it never was our lot before to listen to. There is not one redeeming point in the piece; the language is a mere collection of high sounding but unmeaning verbiage, and the whole is utterly without plot or design. The repeated allusions to the distinguished abilities of the Jewish people in populating the earth, were absolutely disgusting. Mr. Phillips was as little successful as an actor as he was as an author. We are decidedly of opinion that the sooner Mr. P. adopts the advice offered him from the pit, viz , to cut the stage and return to his printing, - the better will it be both for his credit and advantage. The dance with the hard name was vulgar in the extreme.

"THEATRE", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (19 September 1838), 4

. . . The great attraction of the week, however, was a new Historical Drama, and the first appearance of its talented author. Of the plot itself our limits will not now allow us to enter fully into detail. But we beg to refer our readers to the times of the Siege of Jerusalem by Antiochus, and of the heroism of Mattathias, the high priest of the Jews, and his son Judas Maccabeus. The dialogue is chaste, classical, and poetical, and gives a high estimate of the talents of the author. Had this piece been properly got up, with appropriate scenery and machinery, and performed as it ought to have been, we should have declared it the most splendid and grand production we ever witnessed in this Colony. As it was, we consider the performers, one and all, did their best to damn it. Of the acting of Mr. Phillips we shall say but little, considering the circumstance of his anxiety in getting up the drama. But his dance of Catchoka, between the acts, was highly graceful and amusing, as a burlesque on a celebrated Opera dancer. It was deservedly applauded and encored . . .

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (19 September 1838), 2 

. . . The performance on Thursday night was for the benefit of Mr. Cameron, and the bills were headed with -

"First night of the grand historical and classical drama of the Massacre of Jerusalem, or the Warrior Kings; drawn from events previous to the destruction of Jerusalem and Massacre of the Jews,
as recorded by Professor Millman, Just. D'Pinner, Basuage, Raphael, Abby, Gregoire, &c.,
founded on the festival of the Dedication of Lights.
Licensed by E. Deas Thomson, Esq., Colonial Secretary, and performed in the Theatres Royal, London, with distinguished success; from the pen of Mr. M. Phillips, author of Ahasuerus, Fidelio, &c., who will have the honor of making his first and only appearance on this occasion.
Matthias, High Priest of the Jews, Mr. M. Phillips, from the Theatres Royal, London."

With respect to the license from the Colonial Secretary, we are confident he never read the piece, for we do not believe that any person could have had sufficient patience to wade through such a mass of nonsense, and if the piece was performed in London, we cannot understand why a license from the Colonial Secretary was necessary, as it must have passed through the Chamberlain's Office before it was played in London, and there was no occasion for a license here. We must do the author of Ahasuerus and Fidelio the justice to say that Messrs. Groves, Spencer, and Arabin had such an imperfect knowledge of their parts, that from them it was impossible to learn what was the subject of the piece or the style of the language, but we presume that what Mr. Phillips himself said was part of the piece, and more unmeaning rant was never spouted forth. The plot had some connexion with the deliverance of the Jews, we believe, but upon this point we are not quite certain.

With respect to Mr. Phillips, as an actor, we can only say that he has neither voice, figure, nor face for the stage; in ordinary scenes he has the most unmeaning expression, and when he attempts to be energetic he is ridiculous. After the piece Mr. Phillips danced a burlesque upon Mlle. Duvernays's celebrated Cachouca dance, and although it might be clever as a burlesque it was a vulgar affair, but showed that Mr. P. can dance. We understand that Mr. Phillips is a good tradesman, and we would certainly advise him to stick to his trade, for he may depend upon it that at neither dramatic writing nor acting will he make a fortune . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Samson and Cordelia Cameron (actors); Daniel Parsons Grove (actor); Albert Spencer (actor); Gustavus Arabin (actor, husband of Frances Arabin); Pauline Duvernay (French-born theatrical dancer, active in London)

"THEATRICAL CHIT-CHAT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 January 1839), 2 

Peck has resigned the leadership of the orchestra and returns to Hobart Town. Deane and his family are re-engaged, and join the theatrical corps to-night. A new piece called FIDELIO, written by Mr. Morrice Phillips, the author of THE MASSACRE OF JERUSALEM, is in preparation.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (violin); John Philip Deane and sons (string players)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (14 January 1839), 2 

THIS EVENING (Monday) January 14, 1839 will be performed a Romantic Drama in three Acts
(written hy Mr. M. Phillips) entitled
FIDELIO; or, THE FORTRESS OF ST. JAQUES, in which Mr. Phillips will dance a Pas de Deux with Miss Lazar.
To conclude with the Farce of THE RIFLE BRIGADE.
J. LAZAR, Manager.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, manager); Rachel Lazar (theatrical dancer)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Australian (19 January 1839), 2 

. . . Several new pieces have recently been presented to us, and many more are promised. Among others, there is one which we cannot omit to mention, on account of the pleasing association of ideas that it calls up in us - we mean Fidelio, called by the author a romantic drama, but which is in fact only an adaptation of that highly gifted man Beethoven's beautiful opera of that name. This piece is very creditably produced, and the scenic arrangements are most effective. With respect to the piece itself, it may be said, that it will bear it very favorable comparison with many others of that genus that have been brought out here this season and the last. The incidents in the drama are neither unnatural or overstrained, which for a melodrama is saying a great deal. Mr. Phillips loses nothing of his fame as an author, by the personation of his characters in the present cast. This is a piece to be seen and not read, as it consists rather of a series of dramatic tableaux, than of exciting circumstances, and highly expressed sentiment, requiring fine acting - as it is, it was well played, and if only occasionally repeated, will always be as well received as it his been on the first two nights of representation. We cannot, however, dismiss this notice of it, without observing that it has many serious blemishes. In the first place, it is by far too long: it is wrought out so tediously, as in a great degree to falsify its name. The romance is lost in the tedium of the incidents in being brought to issue. It might very beneficially be curtailed one third, and the combat between Roquildo, Don Alonzo, and Ferdinand, might very well be spared: the contest is absurdly conceived, and absurd in its exhibition - an old man, with a short weapon, and the use of only one arm, contending with two vigorous men, each having a sword of rapier length. Ragotzi is also disposed of very clumsily by Roquildo - the former is a strong, tall, muscular man, and the latter an old one, with the use of one: arm only, and much shorter in stature - yet he very readily, in a trial of mere strength, overcomes his antagonist. The dialogue is very unequally written; in some places coarse, and in others common place. It is also garnished with a few of the lower class of adjuratives, which might be left out without much loss to the beauty of the piece. The ladies too of King Almanza's court might be spared the descent with their monarch into the dungeons of the fortress. More objections might be taken, but we make these because the evil they complain of may be remedied. Mr. Phillips has also talent in his heels, as well as in his head; in Fidelio, he danced a grand Pas de Deux with Miss Lazar, and in the afterpiece the Cracoquick [crakovik; cracovienne]. Of the former we shall say nothing, and of the latter merely that it was encored . . .

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (25 January 1839), 2 

Under the Patronage of the Umpires & Stewards of the Sydney Anniversary Regatta. TO-MORROW EVENING. Saturday, January 26, 1839 . . . In the course of the evening Mr. M. Phillips and Miss Lazar will dance an entire new Hibernian Pas de Deux . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: The following day, during the regatta, William Joseph Cavendish (musician and dancing master, formerly of the Sydney Theatre Royal) drowned in Sydney harbour

"DANCING", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (28 September 1839), 2 

We understand that Mr. Moses Phillips, author of the Massacre of Jerusalem, is about to commence business as a teacher in dancing, being unable, in consequence of ill health, to attend to the duties of his present profession. The want of a proficient in the art of dancing has been much felt of late, and we have no doubt, from the respectability and talents of Mr. P. that he will meet with extensive patronage.

"Dancing", The Australian (1 October 1839), 2 

Mr. Morrice Phillips, who for many years taught dancing in London, is about following the same profession in this colony; his dancing at the Royal Victoria, during the last season, was much admired. We have no doubt he will meet with encouragement.

[Advertisement], The Australian (1 October 1839), 1 

MR. M. PHILLIPS, Professor and Teacher of Dancing,
are respectfully apprised that the above Artist will undertake to accomplish a select number of pupils.
The system of instruction in that polite art will be entirely upon an improved principle to that usually adhered to by others in the same profession.
Any Lady or Gentleman may be instructed in SIX LESSONS!
Mr. P. will undertake to complete them, assuring them that their ease and elegance of style will render their entre into ball room or private circle unabashed and free from that tremor which usually attends those unacquainted in that most pleasing pursuit.
Terms may be known upon application.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (7 October 1839), 7 

J LAZAR . . . begs leave most respectfully to announce that his
BENEFIT will take place on MONDAY, October 7th, 1839, upon which occasion
MR. MORRICE PHILLIPS has volunteered his valuable services,
and will appear in a new Circassian Ballet, (got up expressly for the occasion)
assisted by Mr. FITZGERALD, MISS LAZAR, and MRS. KNOWLES . . .
. . . a grand ballet Divertisement (got up expressly for this occasion), with appropriate Music, Dresses, &c. called the
The Characters to be sustained by Mr. Morrice Phillips, Mr. Fitzgerald, Miss Lazar, and Mrs. Knowles.
In the course of the ballet. the following entire new Dances will be introduced
Pas Seul - Mr. M. Phillips.
Pas Seul - Miss Lazar.
Pas Deux - Mr. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Knowles.
Grand Tambourine Pas Deux - Mr. Phillips and Miss Lazar.
Concluding with a grand Pas de Quatre, by Mr. M. Phillips, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Knowles, and Miss Lazar . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Dennis Fitzgerald (actor, dancer); Harriet Knowles (actor, dancer)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (21 October 1839), 3 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. MRS. TAYLOR'S FAREWELL BENEFIT . . . THIS EVENING. Upon which occasion MR. MAURTCE PHILLIPS has kindly volunteered his services, and will (by particular desire) Dance the Celebrated CAT CHOUCA . . .
In the course of the evening the following entertainments will take place.
SONG - Under the Walnut Tree - MRS. CLARKE.

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Taylor (actor, vocalist, departing for India); Anne Clarke (actor, vocalist)

Sydney (1841-43):

[News], The Australian (21 August 1841), 2

During the ensuing week we are promised a continuation of novelties at the Victoria. On Monday Mr. Morris Phillips makes his appearance, and will dance the favourite Pas Saul from the Bronze Horse. He will doubtless prove an acquisition in the ballet department; on Wednesday Signor Dal Case announces another series of performances; and on Saturday Monsieur Charriere will make his second appearance in a new ballet got up expressly for the occasion.

ASSOCIATIONS: Luigi Dalle Case (gymnast, circus performer); Monsieur Charriere (dancer)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (23 August 1841), 3 

FIRST NIGHT OF MR. M. PHILLIP'S Engagement . . . A Variety of Entertainments.
The Pas Seul from the BRONZE HORSE, by Mr. M. PHILLIPS . . .

"THEATRICALS", Sydney Free Press (26 August 1841), 2 

. . . A new dancer, by the name of Mr. Phillips, has also been introduced to the Sydney stage, but we forbear making any remark upon his abilities until we have seen them put to a further trial . . .

, The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 August 1841), 3 

On Tuesday night, a piece called "The Brothers" was produced at the Victoria Theatre, with so little applause that we would recommend the Manager to cancel it from his bill of fare. Mr. Phillips as the bill said, danced "an entire new dance" with but indifferent success. On Tuesday night [next] . . . Mons. Charriere is to perform the Spanish dance of "La Tarrantella" . . .

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (28 August 1841), 2 

The introduction of the Ballet seems to have given a new impetus to stage matters. And certainly the style and action of Monsieur Charriere presents something that can always be viewed with pleasure. Under the skilful guidance of this gentleman, with Madame Veilburn, Mr. Phillips, and others, this department of the drama may be advanced on our boards to considerable excellence; in which case the Proprietors of the Theatre may calculate on the presence and patronage of the higher classes. This evening Monsieur Charriere favours us with an excellent new ballet, in the progress of which there will be some elegant dancing, and in the interval of the acts of the first piece, he will go through the graceful and much admired dance of La Tarantalla. The ballet is entitled The Millers; or, The Night Rendezvous - a light, well arranged, humourous little piece . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Veilburn = Jane Williamson (dancer)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (31 January 1842), 2 

AUSTRALIAN OLYMPIC THEATRE, HUNTER-STREET. THIS EVENING, JANUARY 31ST, 1842. SIGNOR DALLE CASE begs to return thanks to his numerous friends . . .
Mr. PHILLIPS will dance the celebrated Bolero, from the "Marriage of Figaro" . . .

[Advertisement], The Australian (17 May 1843), 3 

OPENING NIGHT . . . SATURDAY, THE 20th MAY, 1843 . . .
Prompter, Mr. M. Phillips . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, proprietor); James Belmore (proprietor)

"ROYAL CITY THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 June 1843), 2 

First night of LUKE THE LABOURER: Luke, Mr. Knowles. Second night of THE MOCK CATALANI . . . THIS EVENING, THURSDAY, JUNE 1 . . . Old Michael (a gipsey), Mr. M. Phillips . . .

After 1843:

Newgate calendar of prisoners, London, England, 1849; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

[No.] 64 / Morrice Phillips / [age] 47 / Compositor / . . . / [Committed] [July 30] / Unlawfully assaulting Edward Hale, with intent to incite him, &c. / Bill not found

Register of all persons charges with indictable offences . . . in the year 1849, county of Middlesex; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

Phillips Morrice / [Central Criminal Court, 20th August] / Unnatural Misdemeanour / [No bill]

[Advertisement], The Argus (5 April 1850), 2

WE, the undersigned passengers on the barque "Stratheden," from London, bound to Port Adelaide and Port Phillip, in this memorial to Captain Turner . . . [signed] . . . INTERMEDIATE PASSENGERS . . . Morrice Phillips . . .

"DIED", The Argus (12 August 1853), 4 

In March last, in London, George Phillips, formerly of Sydney, N. S. W., youngest son of the late Samuel Phillips, of Little Alie-street, Goodman's-fields, and brother of Morrice Phillips, of this city.

Victoria, electoral roll, 1856, Melbourne, St. Paul's division; page 48; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)

Phillips, Morrice / 15 Russell street, lodging-house keeper / House / 15 Russell street

Sands' Melbourne directory 1860, 253 (PAYWALL)

Phillips, Morrice, printer, 73 Flinders-lane east

? Civil registration indexes, 4th quarter, 1880, page 233; UK General Register Office (PAYWALL)

PHILLIPS . . . Morrice / 78 / Poplar / [vol.] 1c [page] 381

Dramatic works and printed editions: (WorldCat identities)

Service for the two first nights of Passover, in Hebrew and English, according to the custom of the German and Polish Jews carefully revised and corrected by Isaac Levi (London: Printed and sold by Morrice Phillips, 5591 [1831]) 

Fidelio!; or, The fortress of St. Jacque!, a drama in three acts (London: Duncombe, [1837?]) (DIGITISED - US ACCESS ONLY)

First performed, Pavilion Theatre, London, 7 January 1837

Bibliography and resources:

John S. Levi, These are the names: Jewish lives in Australia, 1788-1850, second edition (Melbourne: Miegunyah Press, 2013) (PREVIEW)

NOTES: According to a document cited by Levi, he was a brother of Michael Phillips, a Sydney merchant and auctioneer. He was almost certainly not, as suggested by Levi, the Morris Phillips who died in Sydney in 1896.


Vocalist, comedian, delineator, black-face minstrel, actor

Arrived Sydney, NSW, by January 1842
Active Sydney, NSW, until October 1844 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

DISAMBIGUATION: Not to be confused with Morrice Phillips (dancer, actor, active Sydney 1841-43)


[Advertisement], Sydney Free Press (22 January 1842), 3 

Royal Victoria Theatre. LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OF THE SEASON! . . .
. . . their JOINT BENEFIT is fixed for MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1842 . . .
MESSRS. DYBALL and FITZGERALD are happy to inform their Friends, that they are honoured with
MR. PHILLIPS, THE CELEBRATED COMIC SINGER, Late of the London Theatres, who has just arrived from England,
and will sing two of his most popular Comic Songs . . .
As sung at the London Theatres with unbounded applause, by MR. PHILLIPS . . .

"THEATRICALS", Sydney Free Press (25 January 1842), 2 

We perceive by the advertisement in another column that the Victoria will close after to-morrow evening, and that the last night's performances are intended for the benefit of Mr. Knight the acting proprietor . . . The Entertainments last night, were for the benefit of Dyball and Fitzgerald. The house was crowded to excess, and Phillips the Comic Singer from London, was a great attraction. He sung a couple of [REDACTED] Songs and was rapturously encored . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (25 January 1842), 3 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . Wednesday Evening, January 26 . . .
Mr. Phillips, the celebrated comic singer from the London Theatres, will for the second time appear before a Sydney audience, and sing the popular new comic song called
CLEAR THE KITCHEN; or, the New Broom . . .

"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 January 1842), 2 

. . . We have run these remarks out to a much greater length than we originally intended, we have therefore only space to mention the new singer, Mr. Phillips, out of all the performances of the three preceding evenings. His song of "Clare the Kitchen" was sung in the real [REDACTED] style. Rice, the celebrated Jim Crow, is outrivalled. Mr. P. gave the peculiar and characteristic laugh of the negroes with great effect, whilst his grimaces were the most horrible we have ever witnessed. With this of course the singer succeeded, being loudly encored. He will doubtless be a useful acquisition next season . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Knight (acting proprietor, the proprietor Joseph Wyatt being away in England recruiting actors); Dennis Fitzgerald (actor, dancer); Mr. Dyball (actor); Thomas Rice (American black-face singer, active in England)

[Advertisement], Sydney Free Press (8 February 1842), 3 

Royal Victoria Theatre. ATTRACTIVE NOVELTY!!!
MR. J. SIMMONS HAVING engaged the Theatre for two nights, during the vacation, has the honour to announce the first Performance will take place on the Evening of Wednesday next Feb. 9, 1842 . . . MR. SIMES Has been engaged to assist in the Performances.
MR. PHILLIPS, The Comic Singer, has also been secured for the occasion . . .
At the conclusion of the first Piece, MR. PHILLIPS Will sing the celebrated and popular Negro Song

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE" The Australian (10 February 1842), 2 

. . . Indisposition prevented Mr. Phillips from singing, and our old favourite Miss Jones appeared in his stead . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist); Thomas Simes (actor); Matilda Jones (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Australian (1 March 1842), 3 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . Re-appearance of MR. S. PHILLIPS, THE COMIC SINGER. THIS EVENING . . . At the conclusion of the first Piece, Mr. PHILLIPS will sing the celebrated and popular Negro Song . . .
J. SIMMONS, Stage-Manager. T. SIMES, Acting-Manager.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Australian (3 March 1842), 2 

. . . Phillips, the comic singer, re-appeared on Tuesday evening, and sang a Negro song in capital style. His voice and action is good, and by his excellent singing he will, ere long, become a favourite with the audience. The Manager will find him a safe card, and will draw well . . .

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (24 March 1842), 2 

With undiminished pleasure, nay with enhanced delight and admiration we witnessed Mr. Nesbitt's representation of Shylock, the third time . . . Passing from this part of Tuesday night's performance at the Victoria, to that which was designed to give high amusement to the visitors of the Theatre, we have to give our full approbation both to the manager and the performers. The comic song of "Sich a gettin up stairs" by Mr. Phillips, and of "Beggars and Ballad Singers" by Mr. Simmons, could not have been sung better by any body any where, and the audience by the enthusiasm of their encores manifested how much they were pleased . . .

[Advertisement], Sydney Free Press (26 March 1842), 3 

Royal Victoria Theatre . . . THIS EVENING, MARCH 26, 1842 . . .
Will Sing the Popular Negro Song, called "De Nigar Dancin Pompey, cos me not de, common Nigar" . . .

MUSIC: ? Pompey ran away

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 April 1842), 2 

Richard the Third at Half-price . . .
The celebrated Comic Song - "POSSUM UP A GUM TREE, THE OLD GIPCOON" - Mr. PHILLIPS . . .

MUSIC: Possum up a gum tree

[Advertisement], Sydney Free Press (9 April 1842), 3 

Royal Victoria Theatre . . . THIS EVENING, APRIL 9, 1842 . . .
. . . After which, the celebrated Comic Negro Song called, "De Sly Racoon, sitting on a Rail," BY MR. PHILLIPS . . .

January to October 1844:

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 January 1844), 3 

MR. COPPIN will open his Large Saloon Clown Hotel, Pitt-street, on
Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the 22nd, 25th, 26th, and 27th instant.
Conductor - MR. S. PHILLIPS, who will during the evenings sing his celebrated [REDACTED] Songs.
MR. PHILLIMORE will preside at the Pianoforte.
To commence at eight o'clock and close at eleven . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (proprietor, actor, vocalist); Henry Fillmore (piano)

[Advertisement], The Australian (22 February 1844), 4 

CLOWN HOTEL, PITT-STREET. MR. COPPIN'S LARGE SALOON is open every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings.
Conductor - Mr. S. PHILLIPS,
Pianist - Mr. PHILLIMORE. Singing to commence at 8 o'clock and conclude at 11.

[Advertisement], The Guardian (16 March 1844), 5 

MR. COPPIN'S LARGE SALOON, is open every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.
Conductor, Mr. S. Phillips,
Pianist, Mr. Phlllimore . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 May 1844), 3

QUESTION!!! HOW many [REDCATED]-singers are there in the colony?
QUESTION - Which is the best?
ANSWER - Don't know; they are both at
COPPIN'S Large Saloon; go there and judge for yourself.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jim Brown (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 May 1844), 3 

COPPIN'S LARGE SALOON, Open every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evening.
Mr. FALCHON will sing Three New Songs.
Pianist, Mr. Fillmore. Conductor, Mr. Phillips . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 July 1844), 3 

COPPIN'S LARGE SALOON . . . THIS EVENING, Saturday, July 6, and the following week . . .
FIRST NIGHT OF MASTER ABRAHAMS, Who will sing "As I view those scenes so charming," &c. . . .
The THREE RIVAL [REDACTED]S Will screech their American melodies, accompanied by "DE [REDACTED] JUDER DANCE."
Those gentlemen who have not witnessed this inimitable extravaganza are particularly advised not to lose the present opportunity. The "Juber Dance" is as characteristic of the "Long Island [REDACTED]s" of America as the corroboree is of the native blacks of this colony, and the excellence of Jim Brown's chaunt and beat to Rombo Sombo's Never-to be-forgotten-heavy-toe-and-heel break-down-grape-vine-twist cannot be surpassed (if equalled) by any other darkies, "no how, I guess" . . .
Mr. PHILLIPS, as an IMPROVISATORE, will notice the passing events of the evening.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 1844), 3 

THE PUBLIC is most respectfully in foi mci, that many gentlemen not having been able to obtain admission (in consequence of the crowded state of the room on Saturday and Monday evenings last) the same attractive entertainments will be repeated this evening Wednesday, and Thursday, July the 11th and 12th inst.
Vocalists - Messrs. Jim Brown, Rombo Sobo [sic], Phillips, Master Abrahams, and several gentlemen amateurs. Pianist, Mr. Fillmore.

[Advertisement], The Australian (9 September 1844), 2 

THIS EVENING, MONDAY, September 9th, 1844, to commence at Seven o'clock precisely. NO CHARGE FOR ADMISSION.
Several Singers are engaged, and a number of talented Amateurs will render assistance.
MR. PHILLIPS Will, for the first time, sing his version of "MISS LUCY LONG,"
And also describe "DUNCAN'S GREY MARE" in his own peculiar style, &c.
THE EXTEMPORANEOUS SINGER Will keep his friends in good humour, and prove himself "At Home."
A MUSICIAN of celebrity will preside at the Pianoforte.
CONCERT NIGHTS. - Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 September 1844), 4 

consisting of glees, duets, mid solos, serious and comic . . .
Mr. Phillips will, for the first time here, sing The [REDACTED]'s Reason, Clare de Kitchen, and Jenny do de ting tang tarro, &c., &c.
On to the Charge, The Battle and the Breeze, The Gypsey King, and The White Squall, by Mr. Abrahams.
The Old Commodore, The Wild Irishman, &c., &c., by Mr. Newson, Mr. Simmons will sing The Death of Tom Moody, &c., &c., and for the first time open his Extemporaneous Budget of Weekly News . . .

[Advertisement], The Dispatch (5 October 1844), 4 

SIMMONS'S SALOON . . . Comic Songs, by Messrs. Phillips, Newson, and the Extemporaneous Singer -
"I won't go to School" - "Sich a getting up stairs" - "Negar Duetts" - "An Irishman's joy" - "The Pilot coat," &c. . . .

[Advertisement], The Australian (30 October 1844), 2 

SIMMONS' SALOON, TAVISTOCK HOTEL, Corner of King and York-streets.
THE very great success that has attended these FREE CONCERTS
At the above Saloon, induces the Proprietor to announce that in future they will take place FOUR NIGHTS IN EACH WEEK . . .
Mr. Abrahams . . . Mr. Newson . . .
Comic Songs - "I wont go to School," "The Dancing Nigar," "Back Snatch ober de Double,"
"Clar de Kitchen," "Oppossum up a Gum Tree," by Mr. Phillips . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Newson (comic vocalist); Mr. Abrahams (vocalist)

? [Advertisement], South Australian [Adelaide, SA] (20 April 1847), 2 

New Queen s Theatre . . . MR. JACOBS'S BENEFIT . . .
Thursday Evening, April 22,
Third appearance of Madame Veilburn, the unrivalled danseuse of the colonies.
First night of the DRAWING ROOM POLKA . . .
In the course of the evening - Flute Solo, by Mr. S. A. Phillips, for this night only . . .

PHILLIPS, Solomon (Solomon PHILLIPS)

Jewish community leader, rabbi, synagogue singer. merchant, dealer

Born London, England, 1810; son of Philip PHILLIPS and Rosetta MOSES
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 24 April 1833 (free per Enchantress, from London, 4 December 1832)
Died Carlton, VIC, 23 February 1877 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (25 April 1833), 2 

From London and Hobart Town, also yesterday, having left the former port on the 4th December, and the latter the 17th instant, the ship Enchantress, 376 tons, Captain David Roxburgh, with a general cargo. Passengers, from England . . . Mr. Solomon Phillips, dealer . . .

"CONSECRATION OF THE NEW JEWISH SYNAGOGUE", The Colonial Observer (4 April 1844), 4 

This elegant structure was opened for Divine worship according to the ceremonies of the Jewish ritual, on Tuesday afternoon . . . The singing of Mr. Anderson was much admired, as was that of Mr. Phillips, of Parramatta, in an anthem, composed by Mr. Leo . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Henri Anderson (vocalist); Louis Leo (1809-1876, English composer)

"DEATHS", The Argus (24 February 1877), 1 

PHILLIPS. - On the 23rd inst., at Chelsworth-house, Carlton, the Rev. Solomon Phillips, late minister to the Macquarie-street Hebrew congregation, Sydney, in his 67th year.

Bibliography and resources:

John S. Levi, These are the names: Jewish lives in Australia, 1788-1850, second edition (Melbourne: Miegunyah Press, 2013), 693-94

PHYPERS, James (James PHYPERS; also PHYPHERS [sic])

Amateur musician, vocalist, organist, choral singer, and conductor; cashier (Tooth's brewery)

Born London, 15 November 1826; baptised St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, 22 July 1827; son of James PHYHERS (d. NSW, 1873) and Harriet BISIKER (d. NSW, 1870)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 24 April 1838 (per Ferguson, from London, 24 December 1837)
Married Jane BRADLEY (d. 1886), Sydney, NSW, 25 October 1848
Died Ashfield, NSW, 1 February 1901, aged "75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1827; register, 1827-28, page 61; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 484 / 22 [July] / James S[on] of / James & Harriet / Phybers [sic] / Webb Square / Coster Monger / [born] 15 Nov. 1826

"SHIP NEWS. ARRIVALS", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (25 April 1838), 2 

From London yesterday, which place she left the 24th December, the ship Ferguson (554 [tons]) Robertson master. Lading merchandise. Passengers . . . Harriet Phypers . . . James and John Phypers . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 December 1854), 1 

VOCAL ENTERTAINMENT. - The committee beg to announce to the members that a vocal entertainment will be given, under the direction of of Mr. James Boulton, in the hall of the Institution, on
TUESDAY EVENING next, the 12th December instant, on which occasion he will be assisted by
Mr. George Wilkinson, Mr. Phyphers, Mr. Waltcott, and Mr. Colley.
Glee - The Two Roses - Werner.
Glee - Hark! above us on the Mountains - Kreutzer.
Song - Phoebe Morell (Mr. Wilkinson)
Glee - The Cloud-cap'd Towers - Stevens.
Quartett - The Miller's Daughter - Härtell.
Song - In this Old Chair my Father sat (Mr. Wilkinson).
Quartett - The Hunter's Farewell - Mendelssohn.
Glee - Spring's Delights - Müller.
Glee - Lovely Night - C. C. Chwatel
Song - The Wanderer (Mr. Wilkinson) - Schubert.
Quartett - The Sabbath Call - Kreutzer.
Glee - Evening - L. De Call.
Quartett - Vesper Hymn - Beethoven.
Chorale - Holiest, breathe an Evening Blessing.
Each member of the Institution has the privilege of introducing two ladies . . .
S. W. MANSFIELD, secretary.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 December 1854), 1 

Mr. JAMES BOULTON has the honour to announce, that at the request of numerous subscribers to the institution, he purposes giving a series of Weekly Concerts at the above place.
The first to take place TO-MORROW (Tuesday) Evening, December 19th.
Firts Part.
Glee - Bright Sword of Liberty - Weber.
Quartett - Come, Boys, Drink and Merry be - Marschner.
Song - Molly Bawn (Mr. Wilkinson)
Glee - Hunting Chorus - Weber.
Glee - Oft when Night - L. de Call.
Song - Gipsey's Song (Mr. Wilkinson)
Glee - Come, thou Monarch of the Vine - Bishop.
An Interval of ten minutes.
Second Part.
Glee - Bacchanalian - Pohlenz.
Song - The Sailor's Grave (Mr. Wilkinson)
Glee - Ye Gentlemen of England - Calcott.
Quartett - Convivial Song - Molique.
Song - (Mr. Wilkinson)
Quartett - The 31st of May - Molique.
Quartett - Let us be Joyful Together - Schneider.
Admission, 2s. Members or the Institution will be admitted at half price, and have the privilege of introducing one lady.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Boulton (singing class instructor); James Churchill Fisher (vocalist); Edwin Colley (vocalist); George Wilkinson (vocalist); Robson Walcot (vocalist); Samuel Worthington Mansfield (secretary, d. 1881, brother of Ralph Mansfield)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 April 1856), 1 

W. J. JOHNSON (organist of Christ's Church) has the honour to announce that he intends giving a sacred concert,
on THURSDAY next, the 17th instant, at the new Music Hall, Royal Hotel, when, in addition to a large and efficient chorus,
he will be assisted by Madame Anna Bishop, Mrs. Guerin, Miss Flora Harris, Mrs. St. John Adcock, Mrs. Craven, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Bridson, &c.;
Mr. Packer, Mr. Paling, Mr. Frank Howson, Mr. John Howson, Signor Spagnoletti, Mr. Banks, Mr. Hurford, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Chizlett, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Kitts,
Mr. Phypers, Mr. Walford, Mr. Wolford, &c.
The programme will consist of selections from the "Creation," "Messiah," and "Elijah" . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (30 April 1856), 1 

CONCERT HALL, ROYAL HOTEL, On THURSDAY EVENING, May 1st, 1856, when . . . he will, be assisted by
MADAME ANNA BISHOP . . . Mr. Phypers, Mr. Walcott, Mr. Woolford, &c., &c., &c. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Johnson (conductor); Anna Bishop (soprano vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 May 1862), 1 

ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL, REDFERN.- A CONCERT will be given in aid of the school building fund, on TUESDAY EVENING, May 6th, commencing at half past seven . . . Tickets to be had of the committee; Mr. Saunders, at the school-room; Mr. Phypers . . .

"CONCERT AT REDFERN", Sydney Mail (5 September 1868), 12 

On Tuesday evening, the first of a series of concerts in aid of the building fund of St. Paul's new schools at Redfern was given by the members of St. Paul's choir, assisted by Mrs. St. John Adoock, and several ladies end gentlemen (amateurs) who had volunteered their services for that object . . . The concert was opened by the "Gipsy Chorus" in "Preciosa" (by Weber), which was given with much effect by the company . . . In the second part there was a selection of songs, glees, and trios, which went off with great eclat, especially the chorus of "Hail us ye free," from "Ernani;" the glees, "Hie thee Shallop," and "Lutzow's Wild Hunt," and the chorus "The Carnovale" by Rossini . . . Mrs. St. John Adcock acted as accompanyist and Mr. Phypers as conductor.

"CONCERT AT REDFERN", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 May 1870), 4 

Yesterday evening a grand concert of sacred and secular music was given in St. Paul's Schoolroom, Redfern, in aid of the fund for laying on gas to the church, by the members of St. Paul's choir, assisted by the Cathedral choir, Miss Wiseman, and several lady and gentlemen amateurs. Notwithstanding the wet weather and dirty streets, there was a large and appreciative audience, the spacious schoolroom being well filled. The first part of the programme consisted of sacred music. The opening piece was a selection from the "Creation," entitled "The heavens are telling," and, sung as it was in its various parts by upwards of sixty voices, the effect was very grand. Several other anthems, and the "Hallelujah chorus," from the "Messiah," were also sung by all the company, to the evident gratification of their audience. In the interval between the two parts the Belmore Handbell Club gave a performance with their bells, which they manipulated with remarkable dexterity, very pleasingly imitating, though with greater variations, the chiming of church bells. The second part of the concert consisted of secular music. "The Market Chorus" was very well rendered, as was also a duet by a lady and gentleman, amateurs. "The Canary Bird Quadrilles," a pianoforte duet, by Mrs. Adcock and a lady amateur was loudly encored. A glee - "There sat one day in quiet," was a very creditable feature in the evening's performance, the various parts being well rendered by the gentlemen who sang. A flute solo by Mr. T. Buchanan was warmly applauded. Mr. James Phypers was conductor, and Mr[s]. St. J. Adcock and Mr. M. Younger were the accompanists. The Rev. Canon Stephen, who presided, stated that he had been requested to announce that in consequence of the inclement weather the concert would probably be repeated . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Marianne Adcock (pianist, vocalist); Montague Younger (pianist); Alfred Hamilton Stephen (clergyman)

"PASSING EVENTS", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (21 April 1877), 491 

Mr. James Phypers was presented with a handsome testimonial in recognition of his services for the last thirty years in connection with the choirs of the various Episcopalian churches in the city.

"Deaths", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (9 February 1901), 374 

PHYPERS. - February 1, at Parkhurst, Ormond-street, Ashfield, James Phypers, aged 75 years.

THE LATE MR. JAMES PHYPERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 February 1901), 5 

There died at his residence, Myrtle Villa, Ormond-street, Ashfield, on Friday last, one of the oldest and most valued employees of Messrs. Tooth and Co. (Kent Brewery), in the person of Mr. James Phypers. The deceased gentleman entered the firm's employ in 1848 in the capacity of cashier, and he held the position for 43 years till 1891, when he retired from active business. He was at that time the recipient of an illuminated address and an album containing the photograph of every member of the staff at the Kent Brewery. The deceased was one who had endeared himself to his fellow employees, and he bore the reputation of being a loyal worker and straightforward man of business. He was a musician of much taste, a capable executant on the organ, and was at one time choirmaster at St. Andrew's Cathedral. The funeral on Saturday at Enfield was attended by Messrs. A. Tooth, L. Thompson (secretary, Tooth and Co., Limited), J. Talbot, W. Jamieson, J. McQuillan, and all the deceased's old comrades in the brewery, besides relatives and other friends.

ASSOCIATIONS: Tooth brothers (Robert, Edwin, and Frederick, brewers)

Bibliography and resources:

James Phypers, Find a grave 

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