LAST MODIFIED Tuesday 4 February 2025 9:53
George Hudson and family
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"George Hudson and family",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
HUDSON, George (George WALL; alias George Wall HUDSON; G. W. HUDSON; George HUDSON)
Musician, member of the theatrical orchestra, bandmaster (City Band), music seller, music publisher
(Trading as G. Hudson, G. W. Hudson, Hudson and Co.)
Born Ireland, c. 1808
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by October 1842
Married Charlotte Elizabeth (Eliza) HUDSON, by 1842
Died Sydney, NSW, 27 July 1854, aged 46 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
HUDSON, Eliza (Charlotte Elizabeth HUDSON; Eliza HUDSON; Mrs. George WALL [HUDSON]; Mrs. William Sheridan WALL)
Music retailer
Born Cork, Ireland, c. 1803
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1842
Married (common law) George WALL (HUDSON), by 1842
Married (1) George WALL (HUDSON), St. Andrew's Scots church, Sydney, 11 August 1852
Married (2) William Sheridan WALL, Sydney, NSW, 1858
Died Coogee, NSW, 18 June 1873, aged "70" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
HUDSON, George (George WALL; George HUDSON)
Orchestral musician
Born Sydney, NSW, 19 January 1843; baptised St. Philip's church, Sydney, 29 January 1843; son of George WALL [HUDSON] and Eliza HUDSON
Married Sophia Jane KIDD, Sydney, NSW, 1868
Died Randwick, NSW, 24 January 1918 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
HUDSON, Joseph (Joseph HUDSON; Joseph WALL)
Born Sydney, NSW, 27 August 1845; baptised St. Philip's church, Sydney, 7 September 1845; son of George [WALL] HUDSON and Eliza HUDSON
Died Artarmon, NSW, 1918 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

G. W. Hudson, music seller (formerly Richards's), 377 Pitt Street, West side; from Joseph Fowlesm Sydney in 1848 (DIGITISED)
George Hudson's 1854 death record gives his name simply as George Hudson, with no further identifying details. However, according to his wife's death certificate, Hudson was her maiden name, and both her first husband, George, and second husband, William Sheridan, went by the surname Wall.
Tellingly, the baptism record of George and Eliza's first son, George, junior, at St. Philip's church in January 1843 gives the family name as Wall. A couple of years later, however, that for their second Joseph in the same church, gives their name as Hudson.
George Hudson's names first appears among the signatories in a published letter, dated 22 October 1842, from electors in the new Sydney City Council's Gipps Ward, pledging themselves to Daniel Egan as candidate
Hudson is next documented in 1844, with the release, by "Hudson and Co." from their musical retail premises at 377 Pitt Street North, of the original ballad My lov'd my happy home by 99th Regiment bandsman, William Cleary. Hudson's connection with this bandsman was probably not incidental, for, from by November 1848, he was a (civilian) bandmaster himself, of the Sydney City Band. The band was apparently a successor to the St. Patrick's Band, with which Hudson may also have been associated, if not necessarily as bandmaster, then as a player.
As one of Sydney's most prolific music publishers, Hudson also took a special interest in issuing local lithographic editions of popular songs and dance band music, especially polkas, based on imported prints.
By November 1848, if not earlier, Hudson was apparently also a member of the orchestra at the Royal Victoria Theatre, under its then leader John Gibbs.
In 1850-51, Gibbs went briefly into a business partnership, nominally with Eliza Hudson, perhaps not unconnected with the fact that by February 1852 George was newly insolvent. Hudson must have continued trading, at least sufficiently to be the subject of a good-natured Bell's Life lampoon in July that year. Early in July 1854 he was advertising the services of a band along with John Gibbs and William Johnson, but died after a short illness later that month.
In August 1854, as "Master Hudson".,George Hudson, junior, aged just 10 and a half, was listed as a member of John Gibbs's orchestra for Lewis Lavenu's opera season at the Royal Victoria Theatre, presumably the son taking the place of his late father.
Eliza Hudson appears to have continued her late husband's business until she sold up the stock and good-will early in 1858.
Later in 1858, the widow Eliza married William Sheridan Wall (1815-1876), curator of the Australian Museum, whose second wife, Frances, had died earlier that year after a long illness.
George Hudson junior appears to have resumed his original surname, it being also that of his step-father, and as George Wall later served as mayor of Randwick in 1879, remaining a prominent alderman. He died in 1918. His son Frank Edgar Wall, M.D (1879-1941) was a NSW MLC from 1914 to 1941.
To date, it is still unclear how, or inded whether, George Wall Hudson and William Sheridan Wall were related. Was George perhaps a cousin, or a step- or illegitimate brother? It is surely significant that one of Hudson's last publications (and perhaps indeed his last), in January 1854, was The catodon polka by his young theatrical orchestra colleague, violinist George Strong (d. 1878). The dedicatee of Strong's polka, celebrating the Australian Museum's acquisition of a catodon skeleton, was also William Sheridan Wall.
? "List of unclaimed letters for the month of April, 1842", Australasian Chronicle (12 May 1842), 4
. . . George Wall . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (24 October 1842), 3
GIPPS WARD. WE the undersigned, Citizens of the above Ward,
beg to propose Mr. Daniel Egan as a fit and proper person to represent us in the City Countil . . .
. . . George Hudson . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (28 October 1842), 3
WE, the undersigned, Citizens of Gipps Ward, request that you will allow youself to be put in nomination as a
Councillor for the above Ward . . .
. . . George Hudson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Egan (merchant)
19 January 1843, birth of George Wall [Hudson], junior, Gloucester Street, The Rocks
![Baptism of George Wall [Hudson] junior, 1843](imageslocal/hudson-george-1843-baptism.jpg)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Philip's, Sydney, in the year 1843
No. 1163 / [baptised] 29 January 1843 / [born] 19 Jan'y 1843 / George Son of / George and Eliza / Wall / Gloucester Street / Music Printer . . .
Low's City of Sydney directory for 1844-45
Hudson & Dolan (late Richards), music sell[e]rs, 277 [sic], Pitt st.
August 1844, publication by Hudson of the music of My loved, my happy home, by William Cleary
![My lov'd my happy home by William Cleary (Sydney: Hudson, [1844], cover)](imageslocal/cleary-my-loved-hudson-1844-cover.jpg)
My lov'd my happy home, an original ballad, the words & music composer and by permission, most repectfully dedicated to Mrs. Colonel Despard, 99th Lanarkshire Regiment, by William Cleary, corporal of the band (Sydney: Published by Hudson & Co., [1844])
"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August 1844), 4
NEW MUSIC. My Loved my Happy Home.-
An original Ballad, the words and music composed
(and by permission most respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Colonel Despard, 99th Lanarkshire Regiment) by W. CLEARY,
Corporal of the Band. Published by Hudson and Co., 377, Pitt-street North . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Cleary (bandsman, Band of the 99th Regiment, composer)
27 August 1845, birth of Joseph Hudson, Pitt Street, Sydney

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Philip's, Sydney, in the year 1845
No. 1944 / [baptised] 7 Septem'r 1845 / [born] 27 Aug't 1845 / George Son of / George and Eliza / Hudson / Pitt Street / Music Seller . . .
August 1845, publication by Hudson of The banner of old England, by Charles Nagel
Song, The banner of old England, dedicated to the Blue and Red Jackets of the Fighting School, by an Australian emigrant old soldier (Sydney: Published for the author by G. Hudson, 1845) (DIGITISED; photocopy of a State Library of New South Wales exemplar below)
Copy at the State Library of New South Wales (not digitised)
Also copy at SL-NSW (Q786.4/Mu3); not yet in electronic catalogue
Titlepage (with pictorial engraving, "When gallic cock was trampled low 'neath British lion's tread, New Zealand 1845 Tahiti", signed "J. Carmichael, Sc., Kent Street North"
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nagel (composer); John Carmichael (engraver)
[Advertisement], The Examiner (9 August 1845), 6
Just Published,
Dedicated to the Blue and Red Jackets of the Old Fighting School, by an Australian Emigrant, Old Soldier.
To be had at Messrs. Ford's and Grocott's, George-street; also of the Publisher, G. Hudson, 377, Pitt-street North. Price 2s. 6d .
"MUSICAL EXAMINER", The Examiner (9 August 1845), 4
. . . This dashing affair is published at an appropriate moment. The peculiar phasis of the author's genuis is here developed, and the whole idea of the piece is imaginative and martial in a high degree. "The poet, painter, the musician's art," has been evoked, and yielded obedience to the call . . . The words and music are from the pen of Captain Nagel. The frontispiece is a copperplate engraving, from a drawing by another gallant officer, some passages of whose peninsular career, under the "Beau," it has been lately our agreeable province to present to the Australian public. The sketch displays the British Lion crushing the Gallic Cock for his presumption in crossing the Lion's path. He holds, aloft, under, an oak tree, the Banner of Old England. In the distance the words "Tahiti," "New Zealand," are dimly shadowed forth in dark clouds. Whether we regard this publication as a composition or a work of art, we are justified in awarding our cordial commendation . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Thompson (reviewer, editor); James and Alonzo Grocott (booksellers); William Ford (bookseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1846), 1
MR. WALLACE has the honour to inform his friends and the public of Sydney,
that he has published the admired ballad from his brother's Opera of MARITANA, entitled "In Happy Moments."
All copies got up under his inspection will bear his signature, "S. W. Wallace."
To be had of Messrs. Grocott, Ford, and Colman, booksellers, George-street; Mr. Moffitt, Pitt-street;
and Mr. Hudson, musicseller, Pitt-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (musician, brother of the composer William Vincent Wallace); William Moffitt (bookseller)
21 April 1847, charity concert at which the reformed City Band appeared, under Hudson's direction
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 April 1847), 1
A CONCERT, in aid of the surviving Sufferers by the above Wreck, will take place at P. SOLOMON'S TEMPLE,
Clarence-Rtreet, on WEDNESDAY, THE 21st APRIL.
Several Gentlemen Amateurs have proffered their services for the occasion,
and the Band late of the Saint Patrick's Society, have also, in the most kind manner, tendered their services.
Tickets of admission, 2s. each, may be had at Mr. Mori's auction mart, George-street;
Mr. Aldis, tobacconist, George-street; Mr. I. Myers, George-street; Mr. Edwards, 505, Lower George-street;
Mr. Hudson, music shop, Pitt street; at the Steam Navigation Company's Wharf;
and at P. Solomon's Temple, Clarence-street. No children in the arms admitted.
Doors open at half past seven o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 April 1847), 1
To the Editors of the Sydney Morning Herald.
GENTLEMEN, - Please to insert in to-morrow's Herald the following report of the Concert held at Solomon's Temple,
Clarence-street, on Wednesday evening, the 21st instant, for the benefit of the widows and orphans of the shipwreck of the Sovereign steamer.
Notwithstanding the weather being bad, it was most numerously and respectably attended; the gentlemen that combined the amature band had done all in their power to make the evening pass off comfortable and agreeable; after the song of "Mary Gore," by Mr. Thomson, Mr. Solomon stepped up on the stage and addressed the company: -
"Ladies and gentlemen, I beg to claim your attention for a few minutes - when a gentleman made application to me if I would allow a concert to be held in my house for the benefit of the widows and orphans which were left from the wreck of the Sovereign, my reply to him was, that I would give the room, light up the entire house, use of the pianoforte, and one guinea for myself, which I now place in this tray, and also eight shillings donation from the pianoforte player - I shall now pass round the tray to those ladies."
The tray passed round, and the poll or donations were as follow: - R. Dalore, Esq., handed in five guineas, Mr. Hudson, the leader of the city band, also gave a guinea in behalf of the city band, which was followed by many donations to the amount of £10 2s. The whole proceeds after deducting bills, tickets, and advertisements, &c, £23 2s. Great praise was given to Mr. Solomon for the style of the room, and his attention on the occasion.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 August 1847), 1
JUST PUBLISHED. The Brecon, Bohemian, and Jullien's original Polkas.
Also, the following favourite Songs:
"We may be happy yet", "The Spell is broken", "They say there is some distant Land", "In happy Moments," &c.
The above may be had from G. Hudson, music seller, No 377, Pitt-street North.
N.B. - A superior toned Cornopean, by Pask. Also, Fousses' Pianoforte Tutor, Nicholson's Flute Tutor.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (7 June 1848), 3
THE Post Horn and Hyacinthen Polkas, by Jullien;
Jenny Lind's Songs, "Our parting is Near," "Farewell my Fatherland,"
"The spell is Broken," and "We may be happy Yet."
Lessons given on the Cornet a Piston, Flute, Clarionet, &c.
G. HUDSON, Music Publisher, No. 377, Pitt-street.
N.B. Jousse's tutors for Pianoforte, Violin, and Flute. Accordion and Cornopion Instructors.
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 November 1848), 2
For the Benefit of Mr. and Mrs. GIBBS, who respectfully solicit a continuance of that liberal patronage which they have hitherto experienced. THIS EVENING, Nov. 27, THE entertainments will commence with, for the first time, the Historical Opera, in three acts (the music arranged for this occasion by Mr. Gibbs), entitled THE ENGLISH FLEET IN 1342; or, THE HEROINE OF BRITANNY . . . Song, "The Robber of the Glen," Mr. Smith. Comic Song, "Ladies in Parliament," Mrs. Gibbs. After which, the City Band, under the direction of Mr. Hudson, will perform the popular RAILWAY GALLOP, accompanied by the Band of the Theatre. To be succeeded by an entirely new Ballet Divertisetnent (arranged by Mr. Gibbs), entitled THE LOVE TEST; or, THE VINTAGER'S FETE. Comic Duet, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," Mrs. Gibbs and Mr. Rogers. To conclude with the Farce, entitled BOOTS AT THE SWAN . . .
MUSIC CONCORDANCE: The Railroad Gallop (Jullien; Sydney edition by Francis Ellard)
"THE DRAMA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (23 December 1848), 2
The great novelty of the season, the Opera of the "Corsair," was produced on Monday night at the Victoria, for the benefit of Mr. J. Howson . . . The libretto of the opera was written by Mr. Fitz Ball, to which Frank Romer composed the music; but as this was not procurable in the colony, Mr. Howson set about the arduous task himself; and it is but just to say, that he has performed it with great taste and ability . . . This was followed by one of the best compositions in the opera, a solo, "I've watched with thee." It was sung with great feeling by Mr. F. Howson, who was excellently accompanied by Mr. Hudson on the Cornet-a-Piston . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (composer); Frank Howson (vocalist
"MUSIC", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (20 January 1849), 2
The charming little ballad, "Will you love me then as now?" so effectively sung by Madame Carandini, at the Victoria Theatre, has been published by Mr. G. Hudson, music-seller, Pitt-street. It is got up in excellent style, and the thanks of the public are due to Mr. Hudson for having dashed into the speculation of music publishing for their convenience, in a time of unparalelled gloom and depression.
EDITION: Will you love me then as now (Hudson's editions; music recte by Charles Glover; sung as an insertion song in Thomas Dibdin's opera The English fleet in 1342, as performed 27 November 1848 above)
"A SHARP", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (10 February 1849), 2
A few weeks since we felt ourselves called upon to compliment Mr. Hudson, the music seller, of Pitt-street, for having the courage, in these bad times, to publish the very sweet ballad, sung by Madame Carandini, " Do you love me then as now." Since that time we are Informed, that Mr. H. sent the usual number of copies to a music seller in George-street, who, in lieu of following the rules of the trade, republished the ballad in his own name with the ad captandum words "SECOND EDITION." This is bringing out the opera of the "Pirati" with a vengeance, and in a style that can never produce anything but discord. "The world" as Tom Cook was wont to say, "is made up with flats and sharps" - in this case we have the saying verified quite as natural as life.
"Australian Botanic and Horticultural Society", Bell's Life in Sydney (29 September 1849), 2
. . . the lively Polkas of the military band, responded to by those of the city [band], led by the illustrious Hudson, "the railway galop king", roused us from our reverie, and recalled us to our usual observing mood.
Hudson's band may well have played Jullien's famous Railway Galop; however, this is also a punning reference to his namesake, the British railway entrepreneur George Hudson.
"Irish Melody, SET TO A SCOTCH TUNE", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (20 October 1849), 3
On Thursday last a party of about sixty or seventy ladies and gentlemen proceeded down the harbour on board the steamer Brothers, which had been engaged for the occasion, on a picnic excursion. The City Band was on board, and played several airs . . .
What tunes and what tunes
Did the portly Hudson play?
All sorts of cranky "Green stuff,"
With a touch of Alice Gray.
And he puffed, and he puffed,
Like a "pathriot" away . . .
A political squib on local reaction to the sentence of transportation passed in London on John Martin and Kevin O'Doherty
1 January 1850, steamer excursion to the pleasure grounds at the Sir Joseph Banks Hotel, Botany
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 December 1849), 1
MESSRS. BEAUMONT AND WALLER, of the Sir Joseph Banks Hotel, at the request of some of their friends and several highly influential gentlemen,
have engaged the Hunter's River Steam Navigation Company's splendid
For a Pleasure Trip to Botany Bay on New Year's Day,
and as this noble vessel is so commodious as to afford an opportunity of extending the pleasures of the trip to a large party,
they are induced to announce to the public generally that,
Tickets, five shillings each (for the trip there and back) . . .
Under the leadership of Mr. Hudson, has been engaged, and will accompany the steamer.
The Eagle will leave the Circular Wharf precisely at nine o'clock A.M. . .
The Sir Joseph Banks Hotel is generally recognised as the most fashionable and delightful establishment of its kind in the colony;
and on this occasion its Gardens and beautiful Walk will be enlivened, and its ordinary attractions much enhanced, by the varied performances of
Every description of refreshment will be provided, and a very large tent, in which a sumptuous Luncheon will be laid, thrown
open immediately after the company have landed.
All charges will be strictly moderate,
"Gala-Day at Botany Gardens", Bell's Life in Sydney (5 January 1850), 2
The chartering of the Eagle steamer by Messrs. Beaumont and Waller, for the conveyance to their delightful gardens at Botany, of such of their fellow-citizens as depart not from the honorod custom of their fore-fathers, in celebrating with dance and song the first day of the new year, was one of the happiest ideas that could by possibility have been conceived, and was carried out and perfected in a manner successful beyond the most sanguine expectations of the projectors. So densely crowded were the decks of the Eagle that she had scarce room to spread her wings on her onward course, and even the paddle-boxes and rigging afforded foothold to numbers who were unable to squeeze themselves into any more comfortable locality.
As the steamer ploughed her way down the harbour, the City Band, under the able direction of Mr. Hudson, struck up its enlivening strains, which were only quelled by the qualers with which the marine deities are accustomed to visit strange intruders on their boundless dominions. The drum beating a retreat as they cleared the Heads, bassoon and serpent, flageolet and cornopean, played a lively second to him, and sought the lee gangway, where they speedily cleared their instruments of all accumulated superfluities . . .
So goodly a company had never before honored the sandy shores of Botany with their presence, and a day of unclouded enjoyment was the reward of their adventurous search after pleasure so far from home. It is to be hoped that this will prove but the commencement of periodical visits to this enchanting spot, and that Messrs. Beaumont and Waller will, ere long, throw their gardens open to a liek fashionable and orderly assemblage.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1850), 1
GRAND CONCERT. UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF HIS EXCELLENCY SIR CHARLES AUGUSTUS FITZ ROY, AND THE HONORABLE MRS. KEITH STEWART. MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that under the above most distinguished patronage, he intends giving a Grand Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, at the Royal Victoria Theatre, on Wednesday Evening, the 3rd of April instant, when he solicits their kind support.
MR. DEANE will be assisted by Mrs. Guerin, Madame Carandini, Mesrrs. F. and J. Howson,
Mr. Stanley, Mr. Gibbs, Messrs. Guerin, Friedlander, Strong, Turner, Vaughan, Vaughan, jun., Hudson,
Ducros, Wright, several Amateurs of talent, and by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield and Officers,
the splendid Band of the 11th Regiment.
Leader, Mr. Gibbs. Conductor, Mr. Deane . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 March 1850), 1
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 August 1850), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THIS EVENING, AUGUST 1, Will be presented the opera of LA SONNAMBULA . . . Pas de Deux, the Misses Griffiths. [REDACTED] Melody, "Whar d'ye come from," Mr. Hydes. Pas Seul, Miss Hart. Previous to the after piece Mr. Hudson will perform Rossini's Air "Non Piu Mesta," with variations, on the Cornopean, arranged expressly for him by Mr. Gibbs. To conclude with a new farce called the OMNIBUS; or, A CONVENIENT DISTANCE . . .
"MR. EMANUEL'S PROMENADE CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (29 March 1851), 2
. . . Hudson's very efficient Band was in attendance, and gave general satisfaction . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 April 1851), 3
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, in the business of Music Sellers, carried on by us under the firm of J. Gibbs and Co., at No, 377, Pitt-street, in the City of Sydney, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. - Dated this 5th of April, 1851. JOHN GIBBS. ELIZA HUDSON. Witness - W. G. PENNINGTON, Solicitor, George street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 December 1851), 3
NOTICE.- CITY BAND. Having seen an advertisement in the Bell's Life newspaper, on Saturday last, announcing the attendance of the City Band, under the guidance of Mr. Hudson, at the Balmain Regatta, this day: we, the members of the City Band, beg to apprise the public that such is not the case, and disclaim all connection with Mr. Hudson and the so-called City Band. We also understand many persons are under the impression that the City Band is not in existence at present; we therefore beg leave to contradict any such malicious insinuations, put out by all such evil-minded persons to our disadvantage. (Signed) MEMBERS OF THE CITY BAND.
"NEW INSOLVENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 February 1852), 4
"In the Insolvent Estate of George Hudson, of Hunter-street, Sydney, music publisher", New South Wales Government Gazette (10 February 1852), 268
"INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 February 1852), 2
NEW INSOLVENT. FEB. 6. - George Hudson, of Hunter-street, Sydney, music publisher. Amount of liabilities, £24 10s.; of assets, £5; and of deficiency, £19 10s. Mr. George King, official assignee.
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (24 April 1852), 2
WHY is Mr. Hudson of the Victoria Orchestra a gentleman evidently highly satisfied with his professional abilities? Because he is constantly blowing his own trumpet.
"A CARD", Bell's Life in Sydney (31 July 1852), 2
Mr. Hudson, of the Royal Victoria Theatrical Orchestra, begs to announce that, encouraged by the unrivalled success and distinguished patronage which have attended the production of "Marsh's Australian Polka," and other compositions of a similar kind, he will, in the ensuing season, introduce to the public notice two new pieces, namely, "The Household Valse" and "Menagerie Quadrilles." The former will include faithful imitations of all the peculiar sounds incidental to the course of household occupations during the day, from the cleansing of the boots and knives in the morning to the fastening of the hall-door at night. Mr. Hudson conceives that this valse will be particularly adapted to the domestic and home-loving habits of the Australian public. The Menagerie Quadrilles (dedicated by permission to the Zoological Society) will comprise combinations of the cries of the different animals - Beaumont and Waller's collection - corner of Pitt and Park-streets. The very flattering reception which had been given to Mr. Hudson's musical productions has emboldened him to bring forward these novelties, in doing which he believes he ventures upon ground which Marsh and other professors have hesitated to tread.
Hudson's recent insolvency notwithstanding, this appears to be a mostly good natured squib on Hudson's prolific output as a local publisher of popular dance and band music with modish titles. Though Henry Marsh's Australian Polka exists, the titles of the two advertised Hudson issue are merely products of the writer's whimsy.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 November 1852), 3
CORNOPEANS. FOR SALE. - Two first-rate Cornopeans, with shanks and crooks, &c, in cases complete; maker, John Kohler, 35, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, London. This maker obtained the prize medal for brass instruments at the late Great Exhibition. Apply to G. HUDSON, Pitt-street.
For 3 examples of Kohler cornopeans, see:;;
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 June 1853), 2
THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 9, 1853. For the Joint Benefit of several Members of the Orchestra, who, in submitting their claim, respectfully solicit the patronage and support of the public, which by their exertions they have endeavoured to merit. Under distinguished patronage. On Thursday Evening, June 9, will be produced a Drama, in 3 Acts, entitled THE GAMESTER OF MILAN . . . Milanese Hornpipe, Miss Collins; Terence's Farewell, Mdme. S. Flower; Comic Song (Lord Lovel), Mr. Rogers; Song (A Lowly Youth), Madame Carandini; Comic Song (Who'll have me), Mrs. Gibbs; Song (The Peace of the Valley), Mr. F. Howson; Cornet-a-Piston Obligato, Mr. Hudson; Solo, Bassoon (first time), Mr. Davies. To conclude with the very laughable farce of WHO STOLE THE POCKET BOOK . . . Tickets and boxes may be secured at Mr. Torning's, Box Office, Victoria Hotel; and at Mr. Hudson's Music Shop, Pitt-street, between King and Hunter streets.
MUSIC CONCORDANCES: The peace of the valley (music by Michael Balfe; Hudson's edition)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 August 1853), 1
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE undersigned has received the following saleable Instruments, &c.: B. Sax Cornopeans, 3 cylinders; Sax Horn, 4 ditto; Cornopeans, mounted, fitted case; Ditto, German-silver mounted; Ditto, French fitted; Opheclide, 10 keys; Bass Trombone; G. ditto; Tenor ditto; French Horns; Roling's Post Horns; Ditto Long; Ditto Short; Ditto Turned; Clarionets, B, Bb, C, &c.; Flutes, Violins, Flutinas, Accordeons, Guitars, Flageolets, Violin Bows, bridges, Best Roman and English Strings, Instruction Books, for Violin, Flute, Flutina and Accordeon, &c. Also, a variety of Music. To be had at G. W. HUDSON'S, Music Seller and Publisher, No. 377, Pitt-street North, nearly opposite the Union Bank.
14 January 1854, publication of The catodon polka by George Strong

The catodon polka, composed by George Strong, and respectfully dedicated to William Sheridan Wall, esq., curator, Australian Museum (Sydney: Published by G. W. Hudson, [1854])
Copy at the National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], Empire (14 January 1854), 1
JUST PUBLISHED, PRICE 2s. THE CATODON POLKA, composed by GEORGE STRONG, author of the "Escort Polka," and dedicated to William Sheridan Wall, Esq., Curator Australian Museum. Sydney: Published by G. W. Hudson, Music Seller, Pitt-street North, and to be had at all Music Warehouses in the City.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Hudson (music publisher, orchestral player)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 January 1854), 4
MONDAY, JANUARY 23. Greatest Novelty! this Season, and for this night only.
For the Benefit of Mr. JOHN GIBBS, Leader of the Orchestra . . .
In the course of the evening the band, which will be considerably augmented for this occasion, will perform Bellini's celebrated Overture to Norma,
The Catodon Polka, The Topsy Quadrille, &c., &c., . . .
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 February 1854), 5
Benjamin Brewer was charged with having attempted to break into a dwelling. George Hudson, of Pitt-street, music seller . . .
"CHARGE OF BURGLARY", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (4 March 1854), 3
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 April 1854), 6
The undersigned has the following assortment of musical Instruments on sale, viz.
Violins; clarionet; Nicholson's Improved silver-mounted flute, 11 keys, and a variety of others, 8, 6, 4, and single key;
cornopeans; sax horns; sax tuba; French horns; trumpets, 3 valves, and plain; Bb and C ophecleides;
G, C, and F trombones; coach, hunting, and post horns; concertinas; flutinas;
accordeons; violin and guitar strings, &c.; bassoon and clarionet reeds.
N.B. - Instructions in the ahove instruments by G. W. HUDSON, Music Seller, No. 377, Pitt-street South.
Master G. Hudson. - 3 copper coins (Dutch India); Master J. Hudson. - A specimen of malachite from the Burra Burra mines, South Australia.
Interesting evidence that the Hudson's two sons, George junior and Joseph, were both donating specimens the Australian Museum, where their future step-father William Sheridan Wall was curator.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 1854), 1
MUSICAL.- Parties wishing to engage a BAND to attend at balls, pic-nics, or other parties, can be furnished with any number, by applying to Mr. J. GIBBS, Bourke street, Woolloomooloo; Mr. W. J. JOHNSON, or G. HUDSON, Music Sellers, Pitt-street North, Sydney. Punctuality and attention to business may be relied on. N.B. - The most modern music performed.
27 July 1854, death of George Hudson, Pitt Street, Sydney; burial, St. Stephen's cemetery, Newtown, 29 July 1854
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 July 1854), 4
On the 27th instant, at his residence, Pitt-street North, Mr. George Hudson, Music-seller and Publisher, after a short but severe illness, much regretted by a numerous circle of friends, leaving a widow and two children to lament their loss.
"FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 July 1854), 5
FUNERAL. - The friends of the deceased Mr. GEORGE HUDSON, musician, are invited to attend his funeral; to move from his late residence, Pitt-street North, this Saturday morning, at a quarter to 8 o'clock. JAMES CURTIS, undertaker, Hunter-street.

Burials in the parish of Camperdown, in the county of Cumberland, in the year 1854; St. Stpehen's church, Newtown (PAYWALL)
No, 3704 / George Hudson / Pitt St. / [died] July 27 / [buried] July 29 / Years 46 / Musician . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (25 August 1854), 1
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . ORCHESTRA. Messrs. Lavenu, John Gibbs, C. Riffel, G. Strong, J. Guerin, Davis, R. Vaughan, M. Vaughan, Wright, Wheeler, Turner, Seymour, M'Laughlin, Bing, Theobald, Earle, and Master Hudson.
After 1854
"DONATIONS TO AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, APRIL, 1856", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 May 1856), 5,
. . . A little Ostracion, Port Jackson. By Master G. Hudson . . .
NOTE: Probably a yellow boxfish (Ostracion cubicus)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 January 1857), 1
late with Messrs. W. J. Johnson and Co. pianoforte-makers, &c., Pitt-street,
begs to inform the inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity that his engagement under articles has ceased,
and that he intends to follow the tuning and repairing department. Orders, from town or country,
addressed to HUDSON, music-seller, l8, Pitt-street North, will meet with prompt attention.
16th January, 1857.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Harris (piano tuner and repairer); William Johnson (music seller)
"DONATIONS TO THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM DURING APRIL, 1857.', The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1857), 5
. . . The following Australian birds, viz., a Petroica Multicolor; a Sitella Chrysptera, and a Ptilotis unicolor. Mr. G. Hudson . . .
Sands and Kenny's commercial and general Sydney directory for 1858-9 (1858), 79 (164, 256)
157 Hunter Street, Hudson, Mrs., music seller
"DONATIONS TO THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM DURING FEBRUARY, 1858", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 March 1858), 5
Two small fish from Coogee, belonging to the family Clupeidae. By Master G. W. Hudson.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 August 1858), 12
FOR SALE. The Music and Musical Instruments, &c, belonging to the late G. W. Hudson, and also the goodwill, fixtures, &c., of the shop. Apply at No. l8, Pitt-street North, opposite the Union Bank.
18 June 1873, death of Eliza Hudson
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 June 1873), 1
On the 18th instant, at her residence, Coogee Bay, CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH, wife of Mr. W. S. WALL, aged 70.
"FUNERALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 June 1873), 8
THE FRIENDS of Mr. WILLIAM S. WALL are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late beloved WIFE, Charlotte Elizabeth; to move from his residence, Coogee Bay, THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at 1 o'clock, and proceed to the Mortuary, per train to the Necropolis. C. KINSELA and SONS, Undertakers . . . THE FRIENDS of Messrs. GEORGE and JOSEPH WALL are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved MOTHER, Mrs. Charlotte E. Wall . . .
24 January 1918, death of George (Hudson) Wall, aged 75
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 January 1918), 6
WALL.- January 24 at Medma, Rae-street, Randwick, George Wall, aged 75.
"DEATH OF MR. GEO. WALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 January 1918), 6
Thw death occurred at his residence, Medina. Rae-street, Randwick, yesterday afternoon, of Mr. George Wall, who for many years was prominent in the commercial and civic life of Sydney and the Eastern Suburbs. He had been ailing for a lengthy period. He was 75 years of age . . .
"LATE MR. GEORGE WALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 January 1918), 8
Musical publications
All of George Hudson's known sheet music publications are listed here:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 178-81 (DIGITISED)
Graeme Skinner 2011, Toward a general history of Australian musical composition: first national music, 1788-c. 1860 (Ph.D thesis, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney, 2011), passim (DIGITISED)
Graeme Skinner, "A checklist of Australian sheet music prints, 1834-c.1850", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):
Many thanks:
To family historian Kylie Fennessy for kindly sharing her research findings (2015; 2021)
© Graeme Skinner 2014 - 2025