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Music and musical instruments for sale in early colonial Australia

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Music and musical instruments for sale in early colonial Australia", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025


[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (23 August 1828), 1 

At Deane's Circulating Library,
THE following MUSIC is offered for Sale, on the most reasonable terms, viz:
God save the King, 8 variations, Kalkbrenner.
Will you come to the bower, do. do.
Grand Sonata, Op. 22, do.
Second Fantasia, introducing the air of Pria ch'io L'empegno - Kalkbrenner.
12 do. Air of Auld lang syne - do.
Rondo, Op. 32 - do.
Sonata for the left Hand (Obliga) do.
Fille du Harnean, with variations. - do.
French Romance, with variations. - do.
Air with variations - Cramer.
Rousseau's Dream - do.
The Overture to Lodoiska, arranged by Cramer.
Divertimenti - Cramer.
Dusseck, Op. 37, arranged for the piano forte by Cramer.
Ride's celebrated air, arranged for the piano forte, as sung by Madame Catalani -Cianchettini.
Caller Herring, with variations - do.
Variations on a favourite waltz - Gelinek.
La ci darem la mano - do. do.
Ah vous dirai je maman - do. do.
Bells of St. Petersburg - do. do.
Overture to Don Giovanni, arranged for pianoforte by - Clementi.
Haydon's 1, 2, 8, and 11, Symphony - do. do.
Stay, prithee stay, with variations by Ries.
Sonata, Op. 6, 9 - do.
The Drearn, Op 49. - do.
Said a smile to a tear, with variations - do.
Amanti Constanti, with variations - do.
Rosina - do.
Sonata for the piano forte - Donaldson.
Sul margine d'un rio, with variations - Latour.
Grand Sonata - Hummell.
Sonata 3 - Mozaat [Mozart]
Grand Overture to Anacreon, for the piano forte - Cherubini.
Overture - Beethoven.
Bewildered Maid, variations - Mazzinghi.
Huntsman's Rest, duet for two performers - do.
La Premiere Tentative, Rondo - Frazer.
Lord Wellington's March, for two performers - Bontemps.
Miss Forbes Farewell to Banff, with variations - Cooper.
The Yellow haired Laddie - Cooper.
New Quadrilles - Webster.
Hobart town, do - Reichenberg.
Tasmanian do. - Deane.
Instruction books for the piano forte, flute, violin, and violoncello.
Oh! Lady fair - King.
Dame Durdon - Calliotti [Callcott]
Sweet soothing sound - King.
The Wreath - Mazzinghi.
Boat song - Mebes.
Peace to the souls of the Heroes - Callcott.
Sweet little Barbara - Storace.
How sweet in the Woodlands - Harrington.
When Author first - Callcott.
Time has not thinned - Jackson.
The Manly Heart - Mozart.
All's Well - Braham.
Winds gentle evergreen - Cramer.
Hark the bonny Christ Church bells - &c. &c.
Look, neighbours look, &c. &c.
When darkness reigns, (sung by Miss Stephens) - Bishop.
Tyrant I come - Bishop.
Plutus, Love and Folly - Smith.
Hope disappearing - Bishop.
Gay summer is flown - Emdin.
Vedrai Carino - Mozart.
And has she then failed in her truth - Bishop.
Love is like a playful boy - Smith.
Thou has sent me a flowery band - Moore.
If doughty deeds my lady please, by - Walter Scott.
Dearest Maid I adore thee - Slade.
How happy could I pass my days - Bishop.
Tuche Accendi. - Rossini.
Music paper, Violins, Violin Strings, Flutes, &c. &c.
J. P. Deane, Teacher of the Piano Forte, Violin, Flute, and Violoncello.
Piano Fortes tuned and put into complete repair.
Mr. DEANE begs to take this opportunity of saying, his time not being as yet fully occupied, he would be happy to take a few more young ladies as pupils on the Piano Forte, and from the knowledge he has from long and arduous practice, he flatters himself he has obtained a quick and perfect method of teaching; and, for the convenience of those who wish to become perfect, he has rooms and Piano Fortes for their accommodation, where they will be enabled to practice daily and without interruption.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 November 1830), 4 


[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (17 September 1831), 1 


[Advertisement], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (29 March 1833), 1 

Musical Instruments for Sale.
A very first-rate eight keyed BASSOON, by KEY, Charing Cross, London, with six reeds and an instruction book, price £5 5s.
An eight keyed BASSOON by PARKER, London, with six reeds, and "a scale," price £4 4s. A very excellent ten keyed CLARINET, by NORMAN, London, with six reeds, and an "instruction" book, price £5 5s.
A powerful toned box FLUTE, eight silver keys, by that celebrated maker "HENRY POTTER," of London, price £5. 5s.
An eight key'd COCOA FLUTE, by CLEMENTI, Cheapside, London, possessing a rich mellow tone, price £3 3s.
These Instruments lately arrived from London, (per Ship ELLEN,) are in capital order, and well worthy the attention both of the Amateur and the Musician, and are warranted to be in perfect tone and condition. -
Apply to A. Z., at the George and Dragon, Elizabeth-street.

[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (30 May 1833), 1 

NEW MUSIC - Just received per "Brazil Packet," and on SALE at the Advertiser Office, a variety of Piano Forte MUSIC, amongst which are some of the most modern and popular SONGS, QUADRILLES &c., as follows :-
Song, "The Coronach," sung by Mr. Braham, in the grand Scenic Apotheosis of The Bard of Scotland, at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane - the poetry by Sir Walter Scott.
-- "Tuscan Wine."
-- "They mourn me dead in my father's halls."
-- "I stand amidst the glitt'ring throng."
-- "The Gem that decks her Queenly Brow."
-- "Beautiful Blue Violets."
-- "Love's a Little Pet."
-- "The Warrior's Bride."
-- "The Tartar Drum."
-- "Why comes he not!"
-- "The Bird of Love."
-- "Sweet Eyes."
-- "Banks of the blue Moselle."
-- "Come dwell with me."
-- "The King, God bless him!"
-- "At close of day."
-- "Kate Kearney."
-- "The groves of Blarney."
&c. &c. &c.
Overture, II Barbiere di Siviglia, with accompaniment for Flute and Violoncello.
-- The Doom Kiss.
-- William Tell, arranged as a duett.
-- Der Freyschutz.
-- La Cenerentola.
-- Semiramese [Semiramide]
-- Caliph of Bagdat [Bagdad]
-- Il Don Giovanni.
-- Miller and his Men.
-- La Clemenza di Tito.
-- Cinderella.
-- Masaniello, with accompaniments for the Flute.
-- My Uncle Gabriel.
Herz' celebrated Tyrolien Dance.
-- La Parisienne, with variations
-- Quadrilles - Contradanses variees
-- Rondo Capricio
-- Trois Rondeaux caracteristiques
-- Les Trois Graces
-- Non piu Mesta - air, with variations
-- Six airs de ballet, de Guillaume Tell, de Rossini, arranges en Rondeaux
-- Variationes Brilliant
Wieppert's Alpine Quadrilles
-- Abbotsford House ditto
-- Talbot ditto
-- La Bruce waltzes
-- Paganini ditto
-- Parisian ditto
Divertimento for two performers, by Chevalier Neukomm
Trois Rondeaux Brillians, by Frederick Kuhlan [Kuhlau]
Rondeaux caracteristiques
Rossignol Waltz
Taglioni Waltz
Alpine March, arranged by C. Kiallmark
Henriette Quadrilles
Rondeaux caracteristiques a la Napolitaine, by F. Kuhlan [Kuhlau]
Rondeaux caracteristiques a la Francaise, Ditto
&c. &c. &c.
As there are only a few copies of the above,
early application is necessary.

[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (6 June 1833), 2


[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (1 September 1834), 3

NEW AND POPULAR MUSIC JUST RECEIVED BY THE LATE ARRIVALS. W. M'GARVIE BEGS to inform his numerous Friends and the Public generally, that he has received an assortment of late Music. The selection consists of the latest Compositions of the most celebrated Authors, amongst which will be found the following popular -

Music for the Pianoforte. - The Alpine Singer's March; Grand Variations on an Air of the Swiss Family; Remember Me, Canzonet; Tu Vedrai, fiom Bellini's Il Pirata; O Cara Memoria; Rosseau's Dream, with Variations; Favorite Airs, from Il Crociato, In Egeto, and Recciardo E Zoraide; An Original Theme, by Loder; Hart's Military Quadrilles and two Waltzes; Les Victorieuse's Set French Quadrilles; Les Deux Soeur's Original Set of Quadrilles; Set 2 of Quadrilles, from La Somnambule; Les Papillon's A 4th Set of Quadrilles; Select Airs, from Bellini's Opera Il Pirata; Introduction and Rossignol Waltz; The Bride of Lammermoor, Introduction and Rondo; A Favorite Austrian March; Two Quadrilles, from La Somnambule, for two Performers; Ma Macelle Fantasia; Air De Ballet; The Diadem Waltz; The March in Mose in Egitto; A Polish Rondo; Three Pieces from Rossini's Opera Othello; Fantasia on the Air A Celui Que l'Aimais; Dos Santo's 3d and 4th Set of Quadrilles, arranged as a Solo; Overture to La Donna Del Lago; Deux Airs, varies 1 and 2; German Waltz and Trio; A selection of Italian Airs, arranged for two Performers; The Rose of Allandale, arranged as a Divertimento; National Medley Overture; Non Piu Mesta, as a Divertimento; Select Airs in the Opera of Guillaume Tell 1 & 2; La Fete Pastorale; Variations on the Fall of Paris; Victoria, Introduction, and Waltz Rondo; A First Capriccio; La Galopade Hongroise; King of Belgium's Waltz; Une Veuve Grecque; Challenger's 1st and 2d Set of Waltzes; Hart's Fancy Ball Quadrilles; Romberg's celebrated Overture in Dor H.; Vacations Sur un Air National Autrichien; Beviamo, from La Gazra Ladra; A Waltz, with Variations; Haydn's On Mighty Pens; Six German Waltzes; Recordanza the Air Comce innocente giovane; Fantasia, in which is introduced Kelvin Grove; Souvenir, Du Tyrol; Impromptu, in which is introduced Popular Airs; A selection of Venetian Melodies, for two Performers; Variations on Ecco Ridente il Cielo; Three Brilliant Waltzes; Three Favorite ditto; A Fantasia, in which is introduced Mary of Castle Cary; The Foresters, a Divertimento; Overture to Le Philtre; Divertimento, by Mayseder; Euterpe's Gifts Fantaisie; Souvenirs a La Pasta, 5 Nos; Rondos from the admired Works of Paganini, 10 Nos.; Trois Rondeaus, 1 and 3; Decameron Musical, 1, 2, and 5; Rossini's Airs, 1 and 2; Airs from Rossini's Armida; Select Pieces from Rossini's and other Operas; The Wreath for Young Performers; Calkin's Two Divertimentos.

Songs for the Pianoforte. [ It was a Dream of Perfect Bliss; Songs of Fashionable Life, No. 4; The Brook is Purling on its Way; Love Wakes and Weeps; Listen ! Ladies, Listen !; March forward to Glory; Songs in the Farce of a Genius Wanted; The Spot where I was Born; Sicilian Vespers; A Brave Old Country Gentleman, All of the Olden Time; Come Deck Me for the Dance Again; I have Sought the Forest Glen; I've heard my own dear Mother Sing; The Rose of Allandale; Juliet to Romeo; Dark Eyed One; The Hour is Come, a Duet; The Blush of Eve hath Tinged the Wave; Oh ! Yes, I too well can describe; My Father Land; O ! How can I his Power Deny; Lis, my Duly Calls; Castle Thierry, a Lay of Romance; Maureen, a Ballad; Wi' Snood, and Wi' Plad; The Lamp that Gleams from Beauties Bower; Helen Trevor, a Ballad; Sweet Rosies, Sweet Posies, Cavatina; The Crusader's Farewell; No More ! Oh, Never More !; How Could he say Good Night; The Woodland Boy; The Lay of the Indian Girl; Sicilian Matins; See, dear Louise, thy Captive Bird; Hunter of Tyrol; The Sea Fairies Song, Canzonet; The Pride of the Village; Pretty Rose; Brave and Gallant; We Look for Her; I Know Who, a Ballad; The Lay of Poor Louisa; Iseult the Queen with the Snow White Hands; The Rising of the Borderers, a Ballad; Here's a Health to Fair Victoria; Oh, this World of Ours; Oh, When in Life's Fair Morning; Beats there on Earth a Heart Sincere; Oh, Meet me where the Graceful Willow Weeps.

Music for the Flute. - Airs from the Opera of Das Unterbrochene, Opferfest, 1, 2, and 3; Six easy Duets, for two Flutes, 1 and 2; Pot Pouri; Twenty-seven Exercises in the Major and Minor Keys, 1 and 2; Solo for the Flute; Tulon's Recreations, 1 and 2; Triente Six Petits Duos, by Berbiquier; Drouet's Perceptive Duets, 1 and 2; Dramatic Flowers, 4 Nos.; Lay of Harmony, 3 ditto.

Music for the Harp and Guitar. - Three Italian Airs for Guitar; Stanco di Pascolar le Pecorelle, for Guitar; Amor che Nasce, Buona Notte, for voices, Guitar; Beethoven's Cantata Adelaida, for Guitar; Divertimento for Guitar; Denwort's Collections of Songs for Guitar; Collection of Italian, French, German, Spanish, and English Songs, for Guitar, 18 Nos.; Favorite Song, by Barnet, for Guitar; Selections from the Overture and Airs of Der Freischutz, for Harp; Two French Airs, for Harp; March and Rondo, for ditto; Select Airs, for ditto; The Bohemian's Horn, ditto; Winter's March in Tamerlane, ditto; Favorite Sonatina, ditto; Rondo, ditto; Panore Jacques, a French Air, ditto; Los Pensees d'un Moment, ditto; Blue Bells of Scotland, ditto; Theme Allemande, ditto; Favorite German Air, ditto; Lieber Augustin, ditto; Quartet in the Interrupted Sacrifice, ditto; Turkish March and Waltz, ditto; Ancient Irish Melodies, ditto; Cruda Sonte, from the Opera of Ricciardo Zoraide; Duet, for Harp and Pianoforte; Le Petit Tambour, arranged as a Duet for Harp and Pianoforte; Three Airs from the Opera of Ricciardo e Zolaide, as Duet for ditto; Russian Dance, as Duet for ditto; Shepherds, I have lost my love ! for Harp and Pianoforte; Defile March, as a Duet for ditto; Venetian Rondo, for Harp; Aure Felici, ditto; Rule Britannia, ditto; The Boatie Rows, ditto; My Lodging is on the cold Ground, ditto; O Pescator, with Variations, ditto; Ah, vous dirai je Mamam, ditto; Gently touch the warbling Lyre, ditto; Lady Mary Douglas, arranged as a Rondo for ditto; God save the King, ditto

W. McGarvie has always on hand, A large assortment of Music Paper and Books, Pianoforte Instructors, Flute, Fife, and Violin Tutors, Harp and Violin Strings, with Flutes, Fifes, and Violins, plain or mounted, Stationery, and School Books. *"* Bookbinding executed with neatness and dispatch.

[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (11 September 1834), 1

New Music.
H. DOWLlNG has JUST RECEIVED a small parcel of D'Aimaine and Co.'s NEW PIANO FORTE, GUITAR, and HARP MUSIC, amongst which will be found -
Recreations Musicales, In Four Books of progressive degrees of difficulty, composed and dedicated (by permission) to their Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Kent and Princess Victoria, by HENRI HERZ, containing 24 Popular Pieces.
OVERTURE to Auber's celebrated Grand Opera of GUSTAVUS III, or the Masked Ball; performed last year at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden.
QUADRILLES - the subjects from the same opera, arranged by TOLBECQUE.
THREE AIRS DE BALLET, from the same, arranged by HENRI HERZ.
GALOP FAVORIG [FAVORITE], from the same, arranged by HENRI HERZ.
DITTO, for the Harp, arranged by BOCHSA.
SONGS— from the same opera - vis.:-
Peace within the Grave.
I love her! how I love her!
Masquerade song.
When Time hath bereft Thee.
To read the stars pretending, &c. &c.
Stationery Warehouse,
September 2, 1834.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (29 September 1834), 3

500 PIECES OF MUSIC. W. McGARVIE BEGS to intimate that he has JUST RECEIVED on assortment of LATE MUSIC, consisting of Songs, Quadrilles, Duets, Glees, Italian and French Vocal Music, and a few Pieces for the Guitar. W. M'G. begs to call attention to this Assortment, us it is from the celebrated House of Willis and Co., Music Sellers to their Majesties.

Songs for the Piano-forte. - The Boquet D'Amour, a Cavatina; The Blue Sea; The Birds are Singing sweet my Love; The Brook is purling on its way; The Bonnie wee Wife; By a Mountain Stream at Rest; The Bride of Erin; The AEolian Harp, a Ballad; The Alpine Rose; A moment there is; Ah! Do not say Farewell; Come to me Dreams of Heaven; The Captive Knight; The Chord is Hush'd; Cherry Ripe, a Cavatina; The Butterfly, ditto; The Banks of the Arno; The Budding Rose; The Better Land; The Bed of Heath; The Bedouin Maid; The Bee, a Ballad; The Deserter, a Ballad; Does the Wave of the Ocean; Come Buy my Roses; Windsor Palace, a Ballad; Viva ! Viva ! The Hymn of the Portuguese Constitutionalists; Oh ! Come where those Roses so sweet; Old Norway, a War Song; Naughty Baby, a French Nursery Song; Brighton, or the Exquisite's Visit; Bruce's Address; De Clifford's Bride, a Romance; Deep 'mid the Battle's Rage; Deck not with Gems; Day is Departing; Day Breaks, a Ballad; The Daughter of Love, a Serenade; England, a Song; England's Dead, a Ballad; The Exile's Lament; Fly away pretty Moth; The Fairest Flowers; The Garden's Pride; The Graves of a Household; The Gondoliers' Serenade; Lillies of the Valley; I'd be a Butterfly; I Remember, I Remember; Have you left the Gleenwood Love; He's a Charming Fellow, a Cavatina; He never smiled again; The Hebrew Mother; Hurrah for the Bonnets of Blue; He is mine, a Ballad; The Hunter's Horn in the Morning; The Homes of England; The Horn of Chase; The Greek Bride's Farewell; Give that Wreath to Me; Hey the Bonnie Breast Knots; The Love Knot, a Ballad; The Roman Girl's Song; The Recall, a Ballad; The Parting of Summer; The Pilgrim Fathers; The Parting Song; One Hour with Thee; Oh, Yes ! I often think of Her; Oh ! Wilt thou Leave; Oh ! Sing again though late it be; Oh ! Ask Me not to Sing to Night; Mourn Erin; Morning around us is Beaming; The Mother, a Song; Nice Young Maidens; My Sister dear from Masaniello; My Native Land on thy sweet Shore; My Heart is in the Highlands; May thy lot in life be happy; The message to the dead; Merry May; The midnight Sea; The Land of the Stranger; The Lote Tree; The Old Maid; The Swiss Boy; Steh Nur Auf; or the Swiss Boy; The Streamlet; The Sleeper, a Ballad; The Sally of the Students, ditto; Thy form was fair; Tyrolese Evening Hymn; This Blooming Rose; The Treasures of the Deep; Tam O'shanter and Souter Johnny; Up to the Alps; Untrue to Me; The Wave of the Ocean; The Welcome Home; Woman, a favorite Song; The Wings of the Dove; The young Arab; Zelie; or, Strangers we met; Such Tears are Bliss; She Smiled, and I could not but Love; She ne'er Forgot Him; The Swiss Hunter; The Sighing Willow; Silent Grief; Bring Flowers; Zaras' Ear-rings; The Swiss Bride; The Moorish King; King William the Fourth; The Mountain Child; Thirty-six favourite Songs sung by the Tyrolese Family, 3 Parts.

Duets for Piano-forte. - Beyond the Sea; The Peri; When before us lowly bonding, from Masaniello; Come, let's be Gay; We're told that Man; The Child's first Grief; Evening Song to the Virgin at Sea; Think of me; Was it now at one; The sweet-scented Rose; To the Orange Bower; The Mariner's Farewell; If the treasured Gold could give; I'll be true to thee; The Messenger Bird; The Taming of the Shrew; Mr. and Mrs. Smith, a matrimonial Duet; Remembrance sweet of distant Horns; The Fairy Vale Bells

Glees for Piano-forte. - Yes, 'tis she; Penite per me; 'Tis Life to Young Lovers; Hopt she; German Watchman's Hymn; Waters of Ellie; Old King Cole; The Village Chorister; Lovely Roses; Here, in cool Grot and Mossy Cell; Hear, Holy Saint, from Masaniello; Bohemian Melodies; Farewell, sweet whispering Echo; God save the King; Deck not with Gems; Crows in a Corn Field; The Blue Bells; The Bark before the Gale; See, our Boat scuds o'er the Main; The Snowdrop; Merrily swim we; Maltese Mariner's Hymn; Celebrated scene in the Burletta of Olympic Revels; Mild as the Air; The Italian Peasant's Hymn; Hark, the Notes of Music stealing; Bacchus' Rubies; My sweet Dorabella; The Seasons; Welcome, Sons of Harmony

Quadrilles. - Six Polish Mazurkas; The Sergeant's Wife's Quadrilles; Fourth Set from La Gabriella di Vergg; Les Belles, a Set of Quadrilles; The Lancers' Quadrilles; Quadrilles de Haut Ton; Kirchner's Third Set of Brighton Quadrilles; The National Quadrilles; Hicker's Zarifa Quadrilles; Kirchner's Sixth Set of ditto, from La Pirata and La Straniero; The Kenilworth Quadrilles, 2 Parts; Quadrilles from the Ballet Une Heure à Naples; The Cimarosa Quadrilles; The Neapolitan ditto; The Mid Lothian ditto, Fifth Set; The Partington ditto; Contre Danses Variees; Contre Danses by Herz; Les Ecossois Set of Quadrilles; The Captive Quadrilles; Six celebrated Galopades; Les Trois Graces; The Alpine Quadrilles; Maria Stuart ditto; Cherry Ripe ditto; The Butterfly ditto; Quadrilles from the Siege of Corinth; Four Sets Quadrilles from Masaniello, 3 parts; The Oakly Hunt Quadrilles.

Italian and French. - C Cara, Son Soi Cosi; L'Ultimo Addio; Uno Sguardo, ed un Sospiro; Languir d'Amore; No Non Vedrete; Soave Immagine De Amor; II Consiglio; II Pianto Di Sirsi Sulla Tomba Di Fille; Funesti Pensieri; Ah ! Non V'e Cosa Pin Bella; La Caccia; T'intendo si Mio Cor; Quanto Mai Felici Siete; Vivi tu te One Scongiuro; Se Piu Felice Ogetto; Non Ridir Non Potr Mai; Adelaide, a Song; Ebben ti Rompa La Scrittura; De Piacei Niz Bala il Coru; Three Italian Ariets; La Scusa; Dolce Dell'Anima; Ma Mie Ma Douce Amie; Sereney, a Spanish Serenade; Les Ondes, a Romance; Le Pardon, ditto; La Belle et la Rose, ditto; Le Contrebandier; La Hommage, Duet; Le Refrain Tyrolien, ditto

Music for Guitar. - Twelve Popular Songs, 2 parts; Sola's 30th Set of English Airs; Four Italian Canzonets; Twelve Favorite Songs, 2 parts; May's Instructions for Guitar; Twelve Songs by Mrs. Hemans; Les Amusemens Tiroliens

Twenty Volumes Music assorted, for Pianoforte, Bound; Twenty-six Volumes Popular Songs, ditto, ditto ditto; Four ditto, ditto, Duets, ditto; Seven ditto, ditto; Glees, ditto; Three ditto Quadrilles; Miniature Lyrics, by T. H. Bayley, 3 parts; Music from Opera of Taming the Shrew; Ditto, ditto, Il Crociato in Egitto; Ditto, ditto, Preciosa.

ASSOCIATIONS: "I. Willis & Co. Royal Music Repository"; Isaac Willis, London, Dublin


[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (10 September 1836), 1


[Advertisement], Southern Australian [Adelaide, SA] (5 January 1839), 2 

Musical Instruments for sale.
NOW LANDING - Cabinet Piano Fortes, 6 1/2 octaves, splendid tone, and handsome mahogany case.
Rich toned Guitars, by Ponormo [Panormo].
Cocoa-wood and ebony Flutes, 8 silver keys.
Ditto ditto 4 ditto.
Third Flutes.
Several Accordians, full toned, and handsomely got up.
Application to be made to
Hindley Street, Nov. 16th 1838.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (5 February 1840), 4 

[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (29 July 1840), 3 

[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (17 September 1840), 2 


[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (22 November 1841), 1 

MUSIC. JUST received, and on Sale at the Stationery Warehouse, Yarra-street, an extensive and varied assortment of MUSIC, among which will be found the following:
One hundred and sixty-two Scottish Songs, with accompaniments, by John Parry, (D'Almaine's edition,) in parts, 1s. each
An Introduction to Singing; comprising various examples, rules, exercises and songs, with accompaniments for the Pianoforte, by R. A. Smith
Sixty Progressive Exercises for the Pianoforte, by Czerney
Rhine Waltzes, by Johann Strauss
Six Sonratines, by Czerney
March, for the Harp or Pianoforte, by Gildon.
Flutes and Flute Instruction Books, &c, &c.


[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (16 May 1842), 3 


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (11 April 1843), 3 

J. K. HEYDON has received instructions to sell by auction, at his Mart, in King-street, on
THURSDAY EVENING next, at seven o'clock precisely,
A small but SPLENDID COLLECTION of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC, beautifully printed, with illustrated Frontispieces, consisting of -
Handel's "Acis and Galatea," eight pieces
Cramer's Instructions for the Pianoforte, new edition, with improvements
Nelson's New Vocal School, a series of Scales, Exercises, and Solfeggios, selected from the admirable Italian treatise by Bordogni
Bernard Lee's new and comprehensive Tutor for the Cornopean, with numerous Lessons, as Solos and Duets, for one and for two Cornopeans
Glover's Thirty-six Lessons for the Pianoforte
Together with a number of Songs, too numerous to mention.


[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (23 February 1844), 2 

To Musical Amateurs.
HANDEL'S Messiah, Acis and Galatea, bound in calf;
Oratorio of Solomon, Handel, in boards, Dr. Clarke's arrangement;
Nathan's Hebrew Melodies, half bound;
a selection of Songs, Duetts, &c., half bound
Apply at Mr. MITCHELL'S, Liverpool-street, near Barrack-street.
All with Pianoforte or Organ Accompaniments.
February 20, 1844.


[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (19 April 1845), 3 

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (17 May 1845), 1 

[Advertisement], The Observer (19 September 1845), 1 


[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Squatters' Advocate (9 February 1847), 4 

Geelong Stationery Warehouse.
AMONG recent additions to the stock will be found the following . . .
Music :

II Zefliro, arietta by Luigi Bordese
Dolce Calma., andante by Luci Bordere
La Seduzione, Romanza by Giuseppe Verdi
Scheffer Polka, by M. Lordelli
Cerito Polka
Lascia o cara, serenade arranged by Mr. Wallace
Les Elegantes Waltzes
L'Aurore Waltzes
Les Perles, two Waltzes, by Wallace
Beethoven's Studies - Expression and Velocity
The Voice of Friendsip, ballad
Album de Salon
L'Innocence Waltz
Le ultim 'ore di Carmagnola
La Valiere Waltzes
Larmes d'un ami au Tombeau de Bellini, fantasia
Grand Duchess d'Helene Polka
Cento d'ester mi sento
La Parlsienne, favorite Waltz
The Railway Quadrille
Richmond's Waltzes
Three Waltzes, by Chaulieu
Thle Prussian Guards, brilliant Waltz
Gra I'ave della'era, cavatina
French Punch Quadrille
Morceau de Salon, for the Violin, by Wallace
The Chinese Quadrille
Overture to Henry IV.
Transatlantic Quadrille, by Jullien
The Manly Heart
Six Rondinos
La Tieurette, German air
Hark ! 'tis the Linnet
St. Petersburgh Quadrilles
We may be happy yet, air
Lutine, Valse brilante
La Julie fille de Gand, quadrille
God Save the Queen, with variations
Le Rossignol, organ Waltz
D'Almaine's Scottish Songs, a large collection
Que de Grace, que e ie Majestle, minuet
Tasso's Echo Quadrilles
Ommage aux Jeune Dames, rondos
Ah vous dirai je maman
Die Kosenden Walzer
Lieber Augustine
An Original Malay Air
Fantasia, By the sad Sea Waves, and the Venetian
Secrets were not meant for three
The Bonnie Blue e'en
In forest glade
The Standard Watch, ballad
Overture to II Turco in Italia
Overture to II Seraglio
Overture to Gustavus
Overture to La dame blanche
Overtures to Le Pre aux Clercs
Overture to Don Giovanni
Trois Nocturnes
Six Sonatines
Let's drink to Columbia's Daughters, song
A Bumper for thee
Come be gay, and banish sorrow, duet
Viotti's Grand Concerto in G
Sixty Progressive Exercises
The Hymn of St. Thomas
The Sanctus; or, hymn to the Holy Trinity
Flutes and Fifes, in variety
Instruction Books for the Violin, Flute, Clarinet
and Fife
Manuscript Music Books
Music Paper
Violin Strings . . .

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (18 September 1847), 3 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 October 1847), 1 

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (30 October 1847), 3 

[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (20 November 1847), 2 


[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (1 August 1848), 3 

[Advertisement], The Argus (9 August 1855), 8 

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (21 December 1858), 4 

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