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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–V

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–V", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025

- V -

Introductory note:

The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.

Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.

A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in December 2019, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.

Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.

The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.

VAILET, Mons. (M. VAILET; Monsieur VAILET; ? pseudonym)

Musician, flute and castanet player

Active Melbourne, VIC, March 1854 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus (12 March 1853), 12 

CIRCUS, Top of Bourke-street, east.
WINTERBOTTOM'S BENEFIT, Monday Evening Next; March 14th.
M. WINTERBOTTOM begs to announce to his Friends and Patrons that it is his intention on this occasion, to give a
MONSTER CONCERT, For which he has engaged the whole of the Musical celebrities in the Colony,
and, through the kind permission of Col. Valiant, he has succeeded in making an arrangement for the entire
Band of the 40th Regiment, Conducted by Mr. Johnson.
PROGRAMME, Which will be strictly adhered to.
PART I. Overture - Zampa - Herold . . . First time, GREAT EXHIBITION QUADRILLE, By Jullien, Founded on the all absorbing question of that day, the Exhibition of 1851.
In the production of this Quadrille, M. Winterbottom has endeavored to bring together every possible element which could conduce to the interpretation or the characteristic music of the different nations therein introduced, and has made the following arrangements: The Grand Morceaux will be aided by
The ENTIRE BAND of the 40th Regiment, under the direction of Mr. Johnson, by the kind permission of Colonel Valiant;
The Drummers of the 40th Regiment, under the direction of the Drum Major, by the kind permission of Colonel Valiant; and
INTRODUCTION. - Music of Northern nations.
No. 1. - The French "Pas Accelere," performed by the Drummers, including "La Chamade," "Le Chant d'Honour," and "Le Blanc."
The Grand "Pas Redouble," by the Military Band, and the "Reulement Serre."
Concluding with the graud "Chant Militaire."
No. 2. - The "Spanish Sapatieodo," with variations - clarionet, Mr. Johnson; flute and castanettes, M. Vailet.
No. 3. - The "Piedmontese Monferina," concluding with the "Neapolitan Tarantella." Castanettes, M. Vailet.
No. 4. - "Partant pour La Syrie," French air, taken from an old eastern melody, with variations for opheclide, Mr. Hartigan; cornet, Mr. Maffei.
No. 5. - March of all nations to London!
The morning of the Inauguration of the Grand Exhibition is supposed to have arrived.
The Great City which, for the first time, shelters such masses from all parts of the known world, is as yet tranquil, when at daybreak the Festival is ushered in by the sounding of the chimes of London, echoed far and near from each surrounding belfry. Soon the City is in movement, and the multitudes hasten towards the same goal, all eager to behold the most stupendous realisation of human industry recorded in the history of the globe. A tremendous shout bursts forth, and the welcomed Nations, one and all, join in the glorious cry -
God save the Queen!
PART II. . . . Polka, Drum, with the entire force of the two bands, the drummers under the direction of the Drum-Major of the 40th Regiment - Jullien.
To commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
Doors open at Seven o'clock punctually.


Amateur organist, organ builder, surgeon

Born 11 March 1808; baptised All Saints, Martock, Somerset, England, 19 April 1808; son of John and Sarah VALENTINE
Married Mary Anne MATCHAM (d. 1872), All Saints, Martock, 6 August 1834
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 13 December 1839 (per Derwent, from London, 12 August)
Died Campbell Town, TAS, 2 December 1876, aged 68 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


1808, baptisms; register of baptisms, All Saints, Martock, Somerset, 1756-1812; Somerset Archives and Local Studies (PAYWALL)

[1808], [April] [19] / William, the son of Rev. John Valentine (Master of the Grammar School) & Sarah his wife, born March 11.

Marriages solemnized in the parish of Martock in the county of Somerset in the year 1834; register 1813-37, page 134; Somerset Archives and Local Studies (PAYWALL)

No. 401 / William Valentine a Bachelor of the parish of St. Mary Nottingham /
and Mary Anne Matcham a Spinster of this Parish were married in this Church by license with consent of Parties this [6 August 1834] . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: All Saints, Martock (parish church)

"SHIP NEWS", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (17 December 1839), 2 

Dec. 13. - The barque Derwent, 362 tons, A. Riddel, master, from London, Aug. 12, with a general cargo. Passengers, Mr & Mrs. McLean, 4 children, and 2 servants; Mr. & Mrs. Gruber, Miss Newton, Mr. & Mrs. Valentine, 2 children, and 1 servant, Messrs. Dyne, Fisher and wife, Laugham, Lynch, Richardson, Gibbon, Murray, Hannifield.

"[Great Exhibition, London] . . . VAN DIEMEN'S LAND", The Courier (8 November 1851), 2 

The principal staple of exhibition from this colony consists of a variety of timbers, many of which are beautifully veined, and, when polished, form furniture as ornamental as any of the timbers in use in this country. In order to show their effect, many of the exhibitors have sent articles of furniture made from these woods to the Exhibition . . . Dr. Valentine, of Campbell Town, exhibits some organ pipes of Huon pine, bored in the solid, with stops, which, having a soft and spongy grain, it is stated are found to yield a softer and more mellow tone than those made of wood. One of the pipes has a stopper, which, upon being removed, the octave above is produced. This Dr. Valentine considers a great novelty, and says relative to it, "It gives a very soft note, well adapted for the treble half of the stop diapason of a chamber organ" . . . Era, July 13.

"ROYAL SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (22 May 1858), 2

. . . In the course of the evening Mr. Vautin was introduced, together with Mr. Shiel, the maker of the violin which was exhibited at the last monthly meeting as having been constructed of colonial woods-namely, Musk Wood and Huon Pine, and the opinions of the latter stated upon the value and adaptability of various Tasmanian timbers to such purposes. The Ven. Archdeacon Davis said that the organ pipes at St. David's had been found faulty from expansion and contraction, according to the hygrometric conditon of the atmosphere, and wished to know what colonial wood would be most suitable for replacing them. Dr. Bedford reminded the meeting that Huon pine organ pipes sent to the London Exhibition of 1851 by Dr. Vallentine, of Campbell Town, had been spoken of in the highest terms.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Vautin (member); William Shield (violin maker); William Bedford (member, clergyman); Robert Rowland Davies (member, clergyman)

"CAMPBELL TOWN", The Cornwall Chronicle (9 December 1865), 3 

It is with deep regret I have to record the destruction of Dr. Valentine's beautiful house by fire last evening. The alarm was given about six o'clock, just as the community were preparing for an Amateur Concert that was to take place in the Grammar School . . . Amongst the effects of Dr. Valentine that was destroyed was a most beautiful organ he has been engaged building in his spare hours for the last eighteen years, and he told the writer this morning, that one half hour would have completed it; in fact it was to have been tuned to-day. It is not quite certain at present how the fire originated. I believe the doctor is to some extent insured.

"CONCERT AT CAMPBELL TOWN", The Cornwall Chronicle (14 October 1870), 2 

On Wednesday evening a concert was given in the Campbell Town Grammar School, for the benefit of the Campbell Town Institute. Mr. J. H. Melvyn, assisted by local talent, supplied the entertainment, which was every excellent one as for as it was permitted to proceed. Owing, however, to the conduct of the chairman, Dr. Valentine, the concert was brought to a somewhat abrupt conclusion. The introduction of chairman at concerts is an innovation happily confined to a few country districts of Tasmania, and the sooner it is abandoned the better. When an audience is supplied with programmes an entertainment of the kind can pass off very pleasantly without any interference; the performers and the audience generally managing their own business best. On the present occasion the room was crowded by a very fashionable and numerous. Mr. Melvyn sang "The Queen's Letter," and was loudly encored. The chairman insisted that he could not allow encores; the audience were determined to hear Mr. Melvyn again, and demonstrated their intention in a vociferous manner which prevented any one else from gaining a hearing. Several gentlemen urged the chairman to yield, and at length peace was restored by Mr. Melvyn volunteering to sing, and giving "My Pretty Jane." Afterwards he sung "Rock me to Sleep Mother," and the same uproar for an encore ensued, the audience on this occasion yielding to the chairman's crotchet. In the second part Mr. Melvyn sung "Happy be thy Dreams;" again an encore was demanded, but this time Dr. Valentine was very determined. A great uproar ensued; gentlemen from the audience remonstrating with the chairman but in vain. Ultimately the excitement became so great that the ladies grew alarmed and began to retire, and soon the valiant Doctor was left in possession of the field, the concert having broken up. It is no doubt a proper rule in small districts not to allow encores where amateurs only are engaged, as it frequently leads to jealousy, and the breaking up of amateur companies. Where professionals take part, however, the rule may be relaxed with propriety, in deference to the wishes of the audience, and it is to be regretted the chairman did not sec the matter in this light. - Communicated.

"CAMPBELL TOWN CONCERT. To the Editor of . . .", The Cornwall Chronicle (22 October 1870), 14 

SIR, - In your issue of this morning's date, you have a paragraph giving a somewhat incorrect version of the amateur concert given at Campbell Town on Wednesday last. Your correspondent states, that "Mr. J. F. Melvyn [sic], assisted by local talent, supplied the entertainment." This is simply putting the cart before the horse. It ought to have been, "local talent, assisted by Mr. Melvyn," for it was strictly an amateur concert, and so advertised in the shop windows, our usual mode of advertising our concerts . . .
I am. Sir, yours &c., WM. VALLENTINE.
Campbell Town, Oct. 14, 1870.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Hadock Melvyn (vocalist)

"OPENING OF THE NEW ORGAN OF PRINCE'S SQUARE CHURCH", The Cornwall Chronicle (16 April 1875), 2 

In last issue we recorded the fact that the new organ recently imported for Prince's Square Congregational Church, had been formally opened by a sacred concert given in the church, and in our issue of Monday last we gave a brief description of the instrument . . . The organ committee consisted of Rev. W. Law, Messrs. A. J. Parker, (Treasurer), S. Joscelyne, A. Birchall, and C. K. Button (Secretary). The plan of the organ was submitted to Rev. W. A. Brooke, Dr. Valentine and Mr. F. A. Packer, who made suggestions thereon. Mr. Joscelyne being an amateur organ builder, and Mr. C. S. Button having a good theoretic knowledge of organs, they were both able to render valuable assistance in preparing plans for Messrs. Bevington and Sons. The organ was tuned by Mr J. D. Redfearn. Captain Barwood was in London when the organ was shipped on board the Philippine, and saw to the cases being placed in a good dry place. The organ was erected by the Messrs. Joscelyne assisted by Mr. C. S. Button, and it has given general satisfaction to all who have heard it. The cost of the instrument has been about £500, and of this sum a portion is yet to be raised, but should the collections to be made on Sunday next prove successful, it is likely the committee will soon have a most satisfactory report to submit to the congregation.

The proceedings on Tuesday evening were opened by the Rev. Mr. Law, who expressed the hope that after all their endeavors the congregation would be pleased with the new instrument . . . They intended to use the organ as an aid to Divine worship, and not, for their own pleasure; and he thought it would be appropriate for them to open the proceedings by singing a hymn of praise. The hundredth psalm was then given out, and sung to the tune of the "Old Hundred," Mr. T. Sharp accompanying. The following programme was then gone through - Organ solo (improvised), Mr. Sharp; "Woe unto them" (Elijah), Miss Sherwin, accompanied by Miss Mason . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel and Walter Joscelyne (organ builders); Frederick Augustus Packer (organist); Thomas Sharp (organist); Amy Sherwin (vocalist)

"DEATHS", The Mercury (4 December 1876), 1

VALENTINE. - On the 2nd December, at his residence, Campbell Town, William Valentine, Surgeon, aged sixty-eight. The funeral will leave his late residence on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.

"OBITUARY", The Mercury (23 December 1876), 3s

Mr. Valentine, a gentleman of considerable fame in Tasmania, and particularly in the neighbourhood of Campbell Town where he resided, died in that township on the 2nd December, rather unexpectedly, although he had been suffering a good deal and had been confined to his bed. Mr. William Valentine was an Englishman by birth, and became a L.S.A., London, in 1829. Subsequently he held the position of surgeon of the Nottingham Infirmary, where he improved on, and was the first Englishman to successfully apply the French invention for crushing stone in the bladder. At that time, had he removed to London and practised his profession, he might have made a fortune; but unfortunately for his future prospects, he turned his attention to botany, which he studied very zealously, partly because he was fond of the pursuit, and partly because he hoped to obtain the secretaryship of the Linnaean Society. It was not a profitable occupation; however, and in 1839 he was induced by Captain Langdon, who was a very great friend of his in England, to go to Tasmania, and he came out with his family in the Derwent, commanded by Captain Riddell. After living a few months in New Town, he removed to Campbell Town, where he has resided ever since, practising the medical profession. Had he followed that profession with the zeal which he brought to bear in other matters, he might have done well; but he was a man somewhat diversified in his pursuits. Possessing excellent mechanical talents, he spent much time and money in making two organs. The first he did not like; and it was accordingly put on one side; and though more successful with the second, on the very day that he had finished it, it was lost in the fire that destroyed his house in 1864. . . . As one of the most zealous advocates for the discontinuance of transportation, Dr. Valentine's name will long be remembered; while his strong opposition to ritualism and his epistolary warfare with the present Bishop, are fresh in the memory of our readers . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: "the present bishop", Charles Bromby

"THE ORGAN IN THE TOWN HALL,", Launceston Examiner (21 March 1878), 3 

The Messrs. Pollard have removed the organ formerly the property of the late Dr. Valentine, safely from Campbell Town to the Town Hall, not a single mishap having occurred. They are now erecting it on the platform at the northern end of the room, under the conditions entered into with Miss Mason and the Municipal Council. They expect to have it ready for use within a week and the first of the organ recitals will be given shortly afterwards under the conductorship of Herr Carl Schmitt. The instrumont is a fine-toned chamber organ, and was built to the order of the late Dr. Valentine, in 1867, by Mr. J. W. Walker, of London, and is wonderfully compact and comprehensive instrument. It contains two complete manuals, with a compass of fifty-six notes, CC. to G. and an independent pedal organ of 30 notes, CCC. to F. Its range and power may be judged from the following lists -
Great organ (compass CC. to G. in alto) open diapason, clarabella, keraulophon (tenor C. continued by stopped diapason), principal, stopped flute, twelfth, and fifteenth.
Swell organ (same compass) open diapason (tenor C.) stopped diapason, dulciana (tenor C. continued by stopped diapason), principal, snabe flute, oboe. Pedal organ - Bourbon.
There are also the following couplers - Swell to great, swell to pedals, great to pedals, and three composition pedals to the great organ, and two to the swell organ. The organ is about 14ft. in height, by 8ft. 8 1/2 in. wide, and has a neat ornamental front. The total number of pipes brought into use is 710.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Joseph Pollard sen. and jun. (musical instrument builders and repairers); Carl Schmitt (musician); J. W. Walker (organ builder, London)

William Valentine's music room, Campbell Town, c. early 1870s; with piano, and his 1867 organ by J. W. Walker of London; Tasmanian Archives

William Valentine's music room, Campbell Town, c. early 1870s; with piano, and the 1867 organ, made to his order by J. W. Walker of London; Tasmanian Archives (Cox at al., Lost pipe organs; from originals in Tasmanian Archives, see below)

Bibliography and resources:

Photographs (4 glass negatives); Dr. William Valentine and family; Tasmanian Archives 

David Shield, "The organ at 'The Grange', Campbell Town, Tasmania, the residence of Dr. William Valentine", OHTA news 37/1 (2013), 23-29

"St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Paterson Street, Launceston", OHTA (Organ Historical Trust of Australia) 

Present organ, B. 1867, J. W. Walker, London (job no. 857) for residence of Dr. William Valentine, "The Grange", Campbell Town . . .

Geoffrey Cox, Kelvin Hastie, John Maidment, Lost pipe organs of Australia: a pictorial record (Melbourne: The authors, Xlibris, 2017) (PREVIEW)

VALERA, Senora de (La senora de VALERA; Signora VALERA; VALERO)

Soprano, mezzo soprano vocalist

Active Sydney, NSW, late 1864 and early 1865 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



"THE CONCERT AT THE AUSTRALIAN LIBRARY", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 December 1864), 4 

The concert on Tuesday evening last, in aid of the Building Fund of St. Peter's Church, at Watson's Bay, which took place in the hall of the Australian Library in Bent-street, was in a pecuniary and musical sense a success . . . The arrangements were under the management of a committee of gentlemen with Mr. Sloper, a talented amateur musician, at their head, and several professional and amateur musicians gave their gratuitous services in aid of the desirable object for which the concert was organized, an also a lady who lately arrived in Australia, Signora Valera - who possesses a well cultivated voice - and the announcement of whose debut in Sydney no doubt added to the attractions of the programme . . . Between the first and second parts Signora Valera sung the "Tacea la notte," and the allegro "Di tale amor," from Trovatore, in which she displayed considerable facility of execution. This lady's voice inclines to mezzo-soprano of average range, and it has evidently been cultivated for the florid Italian style. As an encores she gave "Robert toi que j'aime," which further confirmed us that the French or German school is not her forte. In the second part Signora Valera sang "Una Voce," from Il Barbiere, - previously set down in the programme for Mrs. Cordner; this was also very creditably rendered, and on being encored she sang a Spanish cabaletta with characteristic effect, - which amused the audience, as they frequently went off in an eclat di rire. For some reason not satisfactorily explained Signor Cutolo, who had hitherto taken no part in the concert, was requested to accompany Signora Valera, although competent accompanyists - who had been very active in the preliminary arrangements and in the reheareals - were present. The object for which this concert was given precludes extended comment on a proceeding which must have been the cause of annoyance to those gentlemen, as on former occasions they have performed accompaniments to the first artists who have visited Australia. It might be, too, that professional etiquette was suspended pro hac vice . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Evans Sloper (musician); Ellen Cordner (vocalist); Cesare Cutolo (pianist)


. . . it will not be out of place to say a few words as to one of the chief sources of musical attraction, La Senora di Valero, to whose merits we regret not to have been able to do justice on her recent appearance, owing to the crowded state of our columns. This lady emerged from the privacy of her domestic relations for the purpose of gratuitously assisting in a charitable object. Entirely unknown here, her appearance resulted in one of the most extraordinary and enthusiastic successes ever known. The audience seemed entranced. Instead of one piece, she sang four. But La Senora di Valero must not be supposed to be a mere amateur, however talented. Connected with a high and noble and, at the same, very musical family of old Spain, she received a musical education from the first masters, in order, as in the case of Piccolomini, to humour her desire for adopting the career of an artist. Subsequent to the tuition in her native land, she received, in Paris, instruction from Duprez, and, in London, from Arditi. Enjoying the friendship of a lady high at the Court of Spain and connected with the Imperial family of France, she was introduced to the notice of the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Eugenie, and had the honour of singing before them at St. Cloud. Engagements having been offered her for her Majesty's Theatre and other opera houses, she would undoubtedly have appeared, but that domestic arrangements prevented her adoption of the stage professionally. Senora di Valero is merely passing through Sydney, having made the transpacific voyage in company with her husband, a gentleman of high standing in one of the learned professions; and the good fortune is thus accorded to a Sydney public to hear this artiste before her return to Europe.

ASSOCIATIONS: Gilbert Duprez (singing master, Paris); Luigi Arditti (singing master, London)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1864), 8

The committee have been fortunately enabled to secure the valuable assistance of the following ladies and gentlemen: -
Lady amateur, pupil of Madame E. Wallace Bushelle;
Lady amateur, Miss HAIDEE HARRIS;
Mr. J. WALLER (amateur).
Mr. J. BUSHELLE (amateur).
Gentleman amateur (Tenor).
Mr. W. HERRMAN, Pianist.
Mr. F. HERRMAN, Violinist . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 5. Air introduced by Madame Mailbran in the opera of L'Elisire d'Amore - De Beriot - LA SENORA DI VALERA . . .
PART II . . . 4. Scena - Tacea la Notte (Il Trovatore) - Verdi - LA SENORA DI VALERA . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Wallace Bushelle (singing teacher); Haidee Harris (vocalist); James Waller (vocalist); John Butler Bushelle (vocalist); William Hermann (pianist); Frederick Hermann (violinist)

"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 December 1864), 4

There have been several concerts during the month, the most noticeable being that given at the Australian Library in aid of the funds of the Watson's Bay church, and a complimentary concert to Signor Cutolo, the pianist, prior to his departure from Sydney, where he has resided for long time. At both these concerts, Senora Valero, a Spanish lady, whose voice has been highly cultivated, sang selections from Verdi and Rossini, and in such a manner as to give very great delight to large audiences . . .


. . . This was followed by an air said to have been sung by Madame Malibran in the opera of "L'Elisire d'Amour," by that charming singer, La Senora Di Valero, whose artistic rendering of the melody was followed by an irresistible encore. This lady possesses a very beautiful voice, and has evidently studied hard under the finest of tutors to make its development perfect. Her vocalisation is distinct and pure, and her expression finely marked; each and every note receiving its necessary attention without any unnatural forcing of her exquisite organ . . . La Senora di Valero delighted the audience by her singing of "Tacea la Notte," from "Il Trovatore," in which her delicious tone and splendid execution were quite equal to former efforts, and consequently obtained the inevitable encore, when, accompanying herself on the piano, she gave a specimen of the songs of her own land, with the same successful result . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 December 1864), 8

INSTRUCTION IN SINGING. - The SENORA DE VALERA begs to announce that she will remain in Sydney, and give lessons in singing, should a sufficient number of pupils offer before the 5th January, 1865. 187, William-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 January 1865), 7  

LA SENORA DE VALERA will give INSTRUCTION in Singing, at her residence, 151, Phillip-st.

VALERE, Mons. (Mons. VALERE; M. VALERE; Signor VALERI [sic]; ? Theodore VALERE, b. c. 1825)

Vocalist, variously described as bass, baritone, tenor

Arrived (1) ? Melbourne, VIC, 18 November 1852 (per Dinapore, Theodore Valere, age 27, from London, via Dartmouth, August 16)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 18 November 1852 (per Dinapore, from London via Dartmouth, 16 August)
Departed (1) Sydney, NSW, 20 February 1855 (for Auckland)
Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, 28 May 1855 (from Auckland)
Departed (2) ? Sydney, NSW, after June 1855 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


He was probably Theodore Valere, who, aged 27 (born c. 1825), arrived in Melbourne from London in the Dinapore on 18 November 1852. Having first appeared in a series of benefit concerts for leading vocalists in March and April 1853 as Signor Valeri, in July, as Mons. Valere, he commenced his ongoing professional association with Ali-Ben Sou-Alle.

For fuller documentation of Valere's activities after July 1853, see the Ali-Ben Sou-Alle mainpage


List of passengers per Dinapore from London, arrived Port Phillip, 18 November 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Giuseppe Maffei / 40 / - / Italian
William Tanner / 21 / Musician / English . . .
Theodore Valere / 27 / Gentleman / French . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Maffei (musician); William Tanner (musician)

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 March 1853), 3

THIS EVENING. Under the immediate Patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor.
SIGNOR VALERI'S Grand Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT, at the Mechanic's Institution, On MONDAY EVENING, 28th INST.
Quartette, - Lo! the early beams of morn - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Mr. Hancock, Mr. Gregg - Balfe.
Solo, - Cornet-a-Piston, - Signor Maffei - Bellini.
Grand Serenade, - Softly sighs the voice of Evening - Mrs. Hancock - Weber.
Air, - Vainement Pharaon, (Joseph) - Signor Valeri - Mehul.
Solo, - French flageolet, - Mr. Chapman - Mesida.
Song, - Why do I weep for thee - Mrs. Fiddes - Linley.
Song, - O ruddier than the cherry - Mr. Gregg - Handel.
Duet, - Cornet-a-Pistons, (Belisario) - Signor Maffei and Mr. Chapman - Donizetti.
Duet,- We are wandering - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes - Wallace.
Solo, - Bassoon - Mr. Winterbottom - Winterbottom.
Cavatina. - Lucrezia Borgia - Signor Valeri - Donizetti.
Trio, - Winds gently whisper - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Mr. Hancock - Whittaker.
Scotch song, - Coming through the rye - Mrs. Hancock.
Song, - The three ages of Love - Mrs. Hancock - Loder.
Duet, - Childhood - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes - Mrs. Fiddes.
Tutti, - Quartetto, (Moise in Egypte) - Rossini.
MR. BUDDEE Has kindly consented to preside at the Piano Forte.
Tickets Five Shillings each; family tickets, to admit five persons, One Guinea.
Tickets to be had at Mr. Wilkie's Musical Repository; at the Mechanics' Institution; and at all the music and bookseller's shops.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles La Trobe (governor, musician amateur); Mary Ellen and Edward Hancock (vocalists); Harriet Cawse Fiddes (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); Joseph Maffei (cornet); George Chapman (cornet); John Winterbottom (bassoon); Julius Buddee (pianist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 April 1853), 12 

MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. Monday Evening, April 11th.
MRS. HOUGHTON begs to inform her Friends and the Public of Melbourne, that her first Concert will take place as above, assisted by Mrs. Testar, Mons. Barre, Sig. Valeri, Mr. Megson, Sig. Maffei, and Mr. Buddee.
PROGRAMME: PART I. 1. Trio - "Guai! se ti sfugge un moto" from the opera of Lucrezia Borgia - Mrs. Testar, Mons. Barre and Signor Valeri - DONIZETTI
2. Barcarole, "Ah! que la Nuit est belle" - Signor Valeri (bass), AUBER . . .
PART II . . . 3. Cavatina - Vieni la mia vendetta (from the opera of Lucrezia Borgia) Signor Valeri - DONIZETTI . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Houghton (vocalist); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Anthony Barre (vocalist); Joseph Megson (violinist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (18 April 1853), 12 

MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. MRS. HANCOCK'S Grand Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT, Monday Evening, April 18, 1853.
Vocalists: Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Hancock, Signor Valeri, Mr. Gregg (who has kindly delayed his departure for Sydney for this occasion), and Mr. Hancock.
Instrumentalists: Cornopean - Mr. Maffei; Clarionet - Mr. Johnson; Ophecleide - Mr. Hartigan;
Pianists Miss Smith (aged 14), pupil of Madlle Clara Loveday (her second appearance), and Mr. Buddee;
and the Band of the 40th Regiment, under the direction of Mr. Johnson (by the kind permission of Col. Valiant).
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Song - Signor Valeri . . .
PART II . . . Song - Signor Valeri . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Emilie Smith (pianist); Band of the 40th regiment, master Henry Johnson (clarinet), Joseph Hartigan (ophicleide)

Co-performer with Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (July 1853 to June 1855):

[Advertisement], The Argus (14 July 1853), 8 

ALI-BEN-SOU-ALLE, who has had the honor of performing on the new and wonderful Turkophone . . . will make his second appearance in Melbourne, in his grand national costume, assisted by the following eminent artistes:-
Vocalists: Mrs. Testar, Mons. Valere, and Mr. Power.
Leader, Herr Strebinger. Conductor, Mr. Buddee. Cornet-a-Piston, Mr. Chapman.
And the Full Band of the 40th Regiment.
PROGRAMME. Part I . . . 2. Celebrated barcarole from the opera of Haidee, Mons. Valere - Auber . . .
Part II . . . 6. Song, Ben Bolt, Mons. Valere . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (musician); William Pierce Power (vocalist); Frederick Strebinger (violinist, leader)

"ALI-BEN-SOU-ALLE", The Argus (26 July 1853), 5

This gentleman's concert last evening was again very well attended, although it was not as crowded as on former occasions. The illness of M. Valere deprived us or the pleasure of hearing the duet, which was almost the first, we are sorry to say, that has been announced since dear Mrs. Hancock deserted us. M. Valere's place was filled by Mr. Simonson, a German, whose efforts were not very successful . . .

"CLEARANCE", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 February 1855), 4

February 28 - William Denny (s.), 454 tons, Captain Mailler, for Auckland. Passengers . . . Messrs. . . . Bensonall [sic], Valere . . .

With Sou-Alle in New Zealand (March to May 1855): 

With Sou-Alle in NSW (June 1855):

"ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1855), 4

May 28. - William Denny (s.), 700 tons, Captain Mailler, from Auckland 19th instant. Passengers . . . Mons. Ali-Ben-Sou Alle, Mons. Valere . . .

[News], The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (4 June 1855), 119 

The William Denny (s.), arrived; on Monday . . . During the passage Mons. Ali-Ben-Sou-Ale and Valere, and passengers, kindly gave a concert on the Queen's Birthday, in aid of the Patriotic Fund.

"MORE CONCERTS - ALI BEN SOU ALLE", The Moreton Bay Courier (16 June 1855), 3

We are glad to be able to announce that this celebrated performer upon the newly invented wind instrument called the "Turcophone," intends to visit Moreton Bay, where he will give a series of concerts, before the end of the present month. His performances in the Australian colonies and New Zealand have elicited the most hearty applause of the press, and we may confidently expect a musical treat. Ali Ben Sou Alle will be accompanied by M. Valere, who is spoken of as a most accomplished vocalist, and who will assist in the concerts.

"ALI BEN SOU ALLE", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 June 1855), 5

After a professional tour through the chief provinces of New Zealand, where his success throughout was of the most flattering, and, we are glad to add, the most substantial character, this clever artiste has returned to the colony, and previous to giving a series of concerts in Sydney, he has accepted a pressing invitation to visit Woollongong and its vicinity. He was accompanied to New Zealand by Monsieur Valere, a tenor singer of much promise, and who continues to assist in the concerts which he is now giving. On the 8th and 11th instant, he gave concerts at Wollongong to crowded audiences . . . On the 10th, he gave a concert at Dapto, with equal success, and was to give another last evening at Kiama. We shall be glad to see Ali-Ben-Sou-Alle return to Sydney, and assist in various musical entertainments which are in contemplation for the winter season. He is a musician of great attainments, and we hope that his reception on his return to Sydney, will induce him to prolong his stay.


Bell-ringer, bellman

Born c. 1764 (? 1755)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 14 October 1791 (free per Britannia, from Portsmouth, 27 March)
Died (murdered), Parramatta, NSW, 4 October 1829, aged "74" (? 65) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Colonial Secretary's papers, speical bundles, 1794-1825; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

This is to certify that Edward Vallis Private late of the Royal Veteran Company, disbanded on the 24th of September last, is entitled to a Grant of Land according to the instructions of His Excellency Major General Sir Thomas Brisbane . . . Dated this 3 Nov'r 1823.

NSW census, 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)

[V] 16 / Valles [? Vallis] Edward / 64 / Came Free / Britannia / 1791 / Prot. / Bell Ringer / Parramatta

Burials in the parish of Saint John Parramatta in the county of Cumberland in the year 1829; register 1826-34, page 23; St. John's Parramatta (PAYWALL)

No. 343 / Edward Vallace / Parramatta / [buried] 6th Oct'r / [age] 74 yrs / Free Bell man / [officiant] Samuel Marsden

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Marsden (clergyman)

"HORRIBLE CATASTROPHE", The Australian (7 October 1829), 3

On Sunday evening last a man named James Poole [McManus], who is known to have been deranged for some years, in one of his usual fits commenced flinging stones at the windows of St. John's Church in Parramatta. The bell-ringer who was employed at the time on a peal stepped outside to discover who was committing the sacriligious devastation, when he was seized upon bones and body, by the maniac, flung on the ground, and speedily disburthened of his head by an axe, with which the infuriated wretch chanced to be provided. With demoniacal vengeance the madman next plucked out the eyes of his victim from the severed head. He was shortly after taken into custody, and when discovered, was in a state of nudity. This horrible affair has created no ordinary sensation.

"CORONER'S INQUEST", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 October 1829), 2

HORRID MURDER. An Inquest was held at Parramatta on Monday evening last, on the body of Edward Vallace, found murdered in the lodge of the church yard at Parramatta. The deceased resided in the place as bellman of the church and keeper of the keys . . .

"MURDER BY A MANIAC", The Australian (16 October 1829), 3 

Before Mr. Justice Dowling, James Macmanus was indicted for the wilful murder of Edward Vales at Parramatta, on the 4th of October . . .

Bibliography and resources:

"Going on ahead", Blog, Dictionary of Sydney (28 September 2011)

"Every picture tells a story", Blog, Dictionary of Sydney (12 September 2013)

H. W. Burgin's trick photo, c. 1870, possibly features later members of the McManis family


Amateur musician, violinist, merchant, publican

Born Rotterdam, Netherlands, c. 1812/13; son of Levy VAN DEN BERG and Hannah COPPEL
Married Cristina Van EIJL (1810-1879), Rotterdam, 27 October 1841
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 November 1855 (per Adèle, from Antwerp, 12 July)
Active Beechworth, VIC, by 1857
Died Beechworth, VIC, 29 August 1875, aged 63 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

VAN DEN BERG, Lena (Helene "Lena" VAN DEN BERG; Miss VAN DEN BERG; Lena VANDENBERG; Mrs. John TURNER; Mrs. Frederick BRIGGS)

Musician, teacher of the pianoforte, pupil of James Arthur Schott

Born Rotterdam, Netherlands, 24 September 1854; daughter of Jacob VAN DEN BERG and Cristina Van EIJL
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 November 1855 (per Adèle, from Antwerp, 12 July)
Married (1) John TURNER (1827-1883), Beechworth, VIC, 1 August 1878
Married (2) Frederick William BRIGGS (d. 1934), Wangaratta, VIC, 4 June 1889
Died Hawthorn, VIC, 7 May 1946, aged 91 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


England, alien arrivals, London, England, 1851, June; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

A list of aliens, . . . the Rainbow, bound from Rotterdam to the port of London . . .
Jacob Van Den Berg / Dealer / [native place] Rotterdam / . . . dated his 29 day of June, 1851 . . .

England, alien arrivals, London, England, 1852, June; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

A list of aliens, . . . the Orion, bound from Rotterdam to the port of London . . .
Jacob Van Den Berg / Merchant / [native place] Rotterdam / . . . dated his 14 day of March, 1852 . . .

Arrivals per Adèle, Melbourne, VIC, 31 October/1 November 1855 (list taken on departure from Europe, 13 July 1855); Public Record Office, Victoria (DIGITISED)

Vanden Berg / Jacob / 43 / Rotterdam / Hollande / Merchant
[Vanden Berg] / Christina / 45 / [Rotterdam]
[Vanden Berg] / Henrietta / 13 / [Rotterdam]
[Vanden Berg] / Leon / 11 / [Rotterdam]
[Vanden Berg] / Betti / 9 / [Rotterdam]
[Vanden Berg] / Henri / 6 / [Rotterdam]
[Vanden Berg] / Helene / 8 months / [Rotterdam] . . .
Vander Stadt / Louis/ 41 / Oosterhaut / Hollande . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: See also Van de Stadt below

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (29 January 1857), 1

GRAND CONCERT & BALL, Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
THE Proprietors have great pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of the Woolshed that they have succeded in making an arrangement with Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, the original comic duet singers, and delineators of domestic life.
Mr. Pendleton, the unrivalled performer on the three Tambourines, and Bones Soloist.
Mrs. Pendleton, the pleasing comic Vocalist.
Mr. Pendleton will sing a variety of Irish Comic Songs, assisted by several gentlemen of talent.
1st Violin, Mons. Myer Fransie
2nd ditto, Herr Vandeberg.
Concert Flute, Herr Varherr
Clarionet, Herr Schlu
Cornet-a-piston, Mr. Fitzhenry
Harp, Mr. Wicks
Basso, Herr Martin.
Leader of the Band, Herr Weishmann [Weichmann], from the Olympic Theatre, Melbourne.
Admission - Free.

ASSOCIATIONS: Myer Fransie (violin); Herman Vorherr (flute); Heinrick Weichmann (violin, leader); Henry Schlue (clarinet)

"BEECHWORTH COUNTY COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (14 August 1857), 3

H. Worheer v J. V. De Berg.
Amount claimed £6 for services as musician.
The defendant denied the services being performed.
Verdict for defendant.
W. Martin v J. V. De Berg.
No Appearance. Struck out.
H. Worheer v W. Hill.
No appearance, Struck out.

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (24 August 1857), 4 

Amusement for the Million!!
J. V. DE BERG begs to inform the people of the Woolshed, and the public in general, that, in consequence of the great success attending the concerts of the celebrated
ALPINE AND TYROLESE MINSTRELS, at the above hotel, he has succeeded in effecting a RE-ENGAGEMENT with them for one night only,
In addition to the abore, the following artists are engaged :
MR. ROMBOM, First Violin.
MADAME SCHLUTER, who will preside at the piano.
MR. MARTIN, he celebrated flutist.
MR. SLEW, Clarionet.
MR. HARGUS, Cornet-a-piston.
And, at ten o'clock, Mr. De Berg will introduce a novelty, - a Cat with a Horse's Tail!!

ASSOCIATIONS: Julius and Margaretha Haimberger (Tyrolese minstrels); Alwine Schluter (pianist)

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (7 November 1857), 1 

JACOB VAN DE BERG HAS succeeded in engaging
MR. BLACK, The celebrated Comic Singer,
MR. PERCIVAL, The celebrated Sentimental Singer,
And Ladies of talent,
At the Britannia Hotel, Upper Woolshed.
Concerts to commence on the 14th day of November next.
The Music will be conducted by a first-rate Musician.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Black (comic vocalist); Charles Percival (vocalist)

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (24 May 1858), 6 

Jacob Vandenberg, Britannia Hotel, Woolshed, Ovens, Licensed Victualler.
Causes of Insolvency - Losses in business and pressure of creditors, particularly the suit of A. S. De Young, of Melbourne, both at law and in equity, on a deputed partnership account.
Debts, £884 14s. 2d.; assets, £846 18s. 4d.; deficiency, £38 0s 10 pence. Mr. Laing, Official Assignee.

"INSOLVENT COURT. Monday, July 19", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (23 July 1858), 2

(Before F. Wilkinson, Esq., Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates.)
A first meeting - Present, the insolvent, and Mr. Laing, the Official Assignee. Mr. Patrick J. Murphy appeared for the insolvent.
Some debts were proved, and insolvent was very briefly examined on the subject or a former partnership that existed between him and a Mr. Hill, and also on the subject of his accounts, with which his Honor expressed himself well satisfied. Nothing of import was elicited, and the meeting closed. Insolvent resides at the Ovens, to which place his expenses were paid out of the estate. He was also told that at the next meeting his attendance would be dispensed with.

"INDIGO", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (19 November 1858), 2 

At present we are sadly deficient in places of amusement. Wallace, to be sure, has a good band, and Froste has a Violin, and De Burg, Quirk, and others have one sort or another of instrumental music, but we want something more exciting, more spirit-stiring, more ennobling . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Quirk (licensee, Freemason's Arms Hotel); John A. Wallace (Star Hotel); William Froste (Coach and Horses Hotel)

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (30 August 1862), 3 

Woolshed Hotel! Jacob Van den Berg
AT the great desire of his friends intends to give an
OPENING Free Ball, Concert and Supper,
ON Friday, 5th September, For which occasion,
JOVIAL JOHNSON, HERR SCHMIDT, The celebrated Violinist, And the following Musicians are engaged.
First Violin - Herr Schmidt
Second Violin - J. Van den Berg
Bass - A. Fruarhan
Clarionet - Brenham
Flute - Pape
Cornet a Piston - W. Burke
Harp - Herr Lemgemeir
Trombone - August.
Leader of the Band - Herr Schmidt.

ASSOCIATIONS: Herr Schmidt (violin, leader); Jovial Johnson (comic vocalist, entertainer)

"SUMMARY FOR HOME FRIENDS", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (23 December 1865), 2 

. . . In sad contrast to all the joyous preparations of which we have just concluded writing, is the duty that devolves upon us of recording severe losses through fire that have occurred in the Ovens District. At, about four o'clock on the morning of the 29th ult., Mr. Van Den Berg's Vine Hotel, within a mile of Beechworth, was totally destroyed by fire . . . Mr. Van Den Berg was partially insured, but still the loss will fall heavily upon him. He is a fine performer on the violin, and was ever ready to give his services at any concert got up for a charitable purpose. Several musical gentlemen, professionals and amateurs, gave him a complimentary benefit concert in the Star Theatre last evening, which we are happy to say was successful.

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (28 January 1868), 3 

Will be given, on the above date, in aid of the funds for the erection of a Monument to the Memory of the late Herr Schmidt.
The BAND will comprise the following gentlemen, who have kindly volunteered their services :
1st Violins - Herr WEINBERG and VAN DEN BERG
2nd Do - Herr BAUSCHMAN and Mr. WATTS
Tenor - Mr. E. S. RUSSOM
Violincellos - Mr. MORRIS and Herr OTTO
Contre Basses - Herr ESTHER and GERKE
Cornets - Herr SCHMIDT and BURKE
Clarinet - Herr VORHEN [Vorherr]
Flute - Herr BUSSE
Flageolet - Mr. Henri RUXTON
Cornos - Messrs. PALMER and GEORGE
Trombone - Herr HARTMAN
Drums - Herr RUDOLPH
Conductor, Herr SCHLUTER.
Assisted by Ladies and Gentlemen Amateurs and the German Vocal Union . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Weinberg (violin); Carl Esther (contrabass); Adolph Schluter (piano); Peter Constantine Burke (cornet); Henri Ruxton (flageolet)

"HERR SCHMIDT'S MONUMENT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (1 February 1868), 2 

. . . The performance of Miss Van den Berg was remarkably good for a child of her age. It is not merely that the execution is good, but she displayed considerable taste in the piece she played on being encored in the first part . . .

"STANLEY (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Nov. 6th", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (7 November 1868), 2 

The readings upon Thursday night were well attended, and a long and varied programme was gone through in good style. The quantity of instrumental music was the most prominent feature in the entertainment, as there were no less than five performers, Mrs. Palmer and Miss Van den Berg on the piano, the Messrs. Hollister, flute and piccolo, and Mr. Van Den Berg, violin . . . followed by Miss and Mr. Van den Berg in a duet, piano and violin, very effectively given . . . Miss Van den Berg played a solo upon the piano very nicely and in the course of the evening several duets with the father . . .

"BEECHWORTH ATHENAEUM", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (7 March 1871), 2 

. . . we are informed that Messrs. Amery, Longmuir, and J. Turner will take part in the musical portion of the performance, as also Miss Waite, who is a great favorite with Beechworth audiences, Mrs. Alderdice and Miss Van Den Berg . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Turner (amateur)

"SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT AT THE ODDFELLOWS' HALL, BEECHWORTH", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (26 August 1871), 2 

. . . Mr. and Miss Vandenberg then played the overture to "Fra Diavolo" on violin and piano, and both the music and the execution must have been highly appreciated by the musically educated among the audience . . .

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (30 April 1874), 3 

MUSIC. MISS VAN DEN BERG, (Late Pupil of Professor Schott, R.A.M.), IS now prepared to give LESSONS on the PIANOFORTE at the Residence of her Pupils. Terms and particulars on application at the Vine Hotel, Sydney-road, Beechworth.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Arthur Schott (teacher)

[Advertisement, Ovens and Murray Advertiser (12 January 1875), 1 

GIVES LESSONS at the Houses of Pupils when desired.
Address: Care of Mr. James Ingrain, Beechworth.

"DEATH", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (31 August 1875), 2 

VAN DEN BERG. - On the 29th August, at the Vine Hotel, Beechworth, Jacob Van Den Berg, aged 63 years. Melbourne and Home papers please copy.

"MILAWA", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (18 November 1876), 4-5 

. . . A concert in aid of the funds to procure prizes for the children attending the State school at the Tea Garden Creek took place at Kettle's well-known hostelry, Milawa, on Tuesday, the 14th instant, and its pecuniary aspects were affected thereby. The concert was opened by Herr Schluter playing a fantasia on the pianoforte . . . Mr. J. R. Crone, who came up expressly from Melbourne to give his valuable assistance, was suffering from a severe cold, and was hoarse, but his rendering of "The Gallants of Englnnd" was worth a long ride to hear. He was accompanied by Miss Van Den Berg, whose spirited accompaniment was well played . . . Miss Van Den Berg, of Beechworth, sang " Madoline"; the words are pretty, and the music by Nelson sympathises with the theme, and the rendering of words and music by the lady were simply charming. The swwet, flexible, young voice, a mezzo-soprano of great beauty enabled the singer to do full justice to the writer and composer . . . Then came, in my opinion, the gem of the evening's entertainment. Miss Vandenberg gave the evergreen and everloved "Last Rose of Summer." The artistic execution merited high commendation, and received it; but the sympathetic and intelligent rendering of the feeling of the words, and their musical expression, called to mind days long passed away, when Anna Reviere, better known as Madame Bishop, delighted her hearers in London drawing-rooms and concerts. Should Miss Vandenburg makes music her profession, I am certain that a bright career would await her. Her well-known desire to aid by her talents in all benevolent objects has endeared her already to many friends; and when her vocal and instrumental gifts are still further improved by time and culture, she will win, I am sure, not only golden opinions, but also the loss transitory possession of golden harvests. That she may reap them often and plenteously is, I know, the desire of many who had the pleasure of hearing her for the first time on Tuesday last. All the bouquets in the room were thrown on the stage in recognition of the approbation of her singing, but an encore was not insisted upon, as the audience [5] were aware that they would again have the pleasure of hearing her during the evening . . .

"MARRIAGE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (3 August 1878), 4 

TURNER - VANDENBERG - On the 1st instant, at the residence of the bride's mother, Beechworth, by the Rev. Charles Strong, Scot's Church, Melbourne, John Turner to Lena Vandenberg, youngest daughter of the late Jacob Vandenberg, all of Beechworth.

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (1 September 1883), 5 

TO CREDITORS OF JOHH TURNER, deceased . . . who died on the Seconday of June, 1888 . . . Lena Turner, of Beechworth, aforesaid Widow, and the Executrix of the Will . . .

"PRESENTATION", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (30 April 1887), 8 

On the occasion of her leaving Beeehworth for Wangaratta Mrs. J. Turner was made the recipient of an address and souvenir from her former music pupils. The address read as follows:
"To Mrs. John Turner. Dear Madam, We, the undersigned, your late pupils, desire to express our sincere regard at your departure from amongst us. We speak feelingly, and doubtless a little selfishly, as we fear we shall be a long time in obtaining one so clever and amiable as yourself to expand our musical abilities and teach us as you only can. Notwithstanding our loss, we wish to show the highest esteem in which we hold you by most earnestly hoping that your removal will be to your advantage, as it will be to the benefit of those who may obtain your professional services. We, your late pupils, Wish to present you with a small memento of our regard. Trusting you will accept same, and live long to wear it, enjoying all the good things this world affords, with best wishes, of, - Yours sincerely,
Robert Hy. Mitchelson, Harry Stewart, Lillias Vandenberg, Fannie Greer, Alice Greer, Harry Darvall, Miss Hopper, and others.
Beechworth, March 9th, 1887."

"MARRIAGES", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (15 June 1889), 4 

BRIGGS - TURNER. - At Wangaratta, on the 4th June, by Rev. A. McDonald, Frederick William Briggs, late of Warrnambool, to Lena Turner, late of Beechworth.

"OBITUARY. MRS. LENA BRIGGS", The Argus (9 May 1946), 4 

Mrs. Lena Briggs, who died in her 92nd year at her home in Chrystobel cres., Glenferrie, on Tuesday, was one of the early pioneers of Victoria. She was born in Holland, came to Melbourne at the age of three years, and, with her parents, went to Beechworth, then an active mining centre. In later years Mrs. Briggs devoted her musical talents to the cause of charity. She was a past president of the AWNL at Wangaratta, and, despite her great age, was an active patriotic worker throughout the war. Relict of the late John Turner, of Beechworth, and widow of the late F. W. Briggs, of Wangaratta, she is survived by five sons and one daughter.

VAN DE STADT, T. L. ? or "J. L." (T. L. VAN DE STADT; Mr. VAN DE STADT; ? John Louis VAN DE STADT)

Professor of the piano, flute, singing

? Born Oosterhout, Holland, Netherlands, c. 1814
? Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 November 1855 (per Adèle, from Antwerp, 12 July)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1856-57
? Died Sydney, NSW, May 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Vocalist, choral singer, liturgical cantor, drawing and writing master

? Born Netherlands, ?
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1866; Melbourne, VIC, by 1868
Departed Melbourne, VIC, April 1873 (via Sydney, for Holland) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


? "Briefwisling", Noord-Brabande ['s Bosch, Netherlands] (2 January 1841), 3 

Wij Hebben, bij herhaling, aanzoek gehad, om hulde te brengen aan den verdienstelijken Directeir van het Harmonie-gezelschap te Oosterhout, den Heere J. L. VAN DE STADT, dien men dan ook gaarne als zoodanig vermeld had gezien . . .

[Advertisement], Catholijke Nederlandsche stemmen (1 April 1848), 116 

. . . LOFZANGEN, MISSEN, ELEVATIEN, BENEDICTIEN enz. met begeleiding van Orgel, nog kunnen deelnemen tot 8 April 1848. - Prijs per jaargang f 5.00. Brieven franco. J. L. VAN DE STADT, Organist te Oosterhout. (prov. Noord-Br.)

[Review], Caecilia: algemeen muzikaal tijdschrift van Nederland (1 July 1848), 111-112 (includes music example) 

Nette en gemakkelijke Lofzangen, Missen ‚ Benedictiën, Elevatiën, enz. voor 3 of 4 stemmen met Orgel-begeleiding, gecomponeerd door J. L. van de Stadt. Op. 19. No. 1. Benedictie en Lofzangen. Eigendom van den uitgever. Steend. van de Lapatterie. Gorinchem.

. . . en daarom vindt het afgedrukt (letterlijk) hier eene plaats:

Oosterhout. 3 Mei 1848.
WelEerwaarde Heer! Daar ieder Eerw. Pastoor eene Prospectus ter Inteekening heeft ontvangen . . .
Met Hoogachting ben ik UWE Dw. Dienaar,
J. L. VAN DE STADT . . .

? Arrivals per Adèle, Melbourne, VIC, 31 October/1 November 1855 (list taken on departure from Europe, 13 July 1855); Public Record Office, Victoria (DIGITISED)

Vande Stadt / Louis / 41 / Oosterhaut / Holland / Particuliere

NOTE: If this is the Van de Stadt later active in Sydney, he arrived on the same ship as Jacob Van den Berg and family above

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 February 1856),1 

ROYAL HOTEL. - MADEMOISELLE C. T. J. TISROUX has the honour to inform the ladies and gentlemen, her friends and inhabitants of Sydney, that her GRAND EVENING CONCERT will take place on the 27th of February when Madelle C. T. J. TISROUX will introduce Madame Malibran's beautiful una voce poco fa, "Do not mingle," "Kathleen Mavourneen," a well-known French air, "Au que l'amour" with her own embellishments. Madelle. C. T. J. TISROUX has engaged Mr. T. L VAN DE STADT, who will play "bonheur de se Revoir Fantasia" for flute, accompanied by Mrs. C. READ, also sing the "Marseillaise," and that celebrated contralto singer MISS MONTAGUE, who will make her first appearance at this concert, will sing "Love Not," and "Happy Moments." Mr. BANKS will introduce some favourite ballads. Mrs. C. READ will play Fantasia on airs from L'Elisir d'Amore. Tickets 4s. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mdlle Tisroux (vocalist); Eliza Read (pianist); Thomas Banks (vocalist)

MUSIC: Le bonheur de se revoir (by Eugène Walckiers)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 October 1857), 2

PETERSHAM, &c. - Mr. VAN DE STADT begs most respectfully to announce that on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS he will attend at Newtown and Petersham and on the other days of the week in or around Sydney, to give lessons on the Piano, Flute, &c., and in Singing, Terms, moderate. Tuned pianos. Reference to Mr. Derbyshere, O'Connell-street, Newtown; Mr. Parkinson, Petersham; and at Mr. Logue's, corner of Crown and Stanley-streets, Woolloomooloo.

? "FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1859), 8 

The Friends of the late JOHN LOUIS VAN-DE-STRADT [sic] are respectfully invited to attend his FUNERAL, this (MONDAY) afternoon, May 30th. The procession to move from the Sydney Infirmary at three o'clock precisely. THOMAS DIXON, undertaker, Southhead-Road.

[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 May 1866), 1

Mr. WILLIAM STANLEY NORRIS, Finishing Writing Master (teacher of Vandestadt, Mrs. Norris, and other teachers), respectfully notifies that he will qualify Ladies to teach the Fashionable Angular Handwriting, certificates of competency being granted when proficient.
NORRIS, Writing Institution, 726, George-street, near Haymarket, late of Hunter-street. Established 1861. Open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.

MR. J. T. VAN DE STADT, Finishing Writing Master, late of Hunter-street, has opened his Writing Institute at 182, Pitt-streot South, one door from King street. Classes as usual for Bookkeeping, &c.

[Advertisement], Advocate (1 February 1868), 1

A CARD. - MR. J. T. VAN DE STADT, Finishing Writing Master,
guarantees a Good Hand to Ladies or Gentlemen, and prepares Youths for the Counting-house.
Terms Moderate. Day and Evening Classes. Melbourne Writing Academy, 83, Elizabeth-street.

"ST. PATRICK'S CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Advocate (22 October 1870), 10 

THE first concert of this society was given on Monday evening in St. Patrick's Schoolroom, Victoria Parade, under the able conductorship of Professor Tracy . . . Amongst those present were . . . Rev. Dr. Barsanti, O.S.F. . . . The "Ivy green" was rendered so spiritedly and expressively by Mr. Van de Stadt that he also received an encore . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Austin Tracy (choirmaster); Octavius Barsanti (priest, musician)

"ARRIVAL OF HIS LORDSHIP THE BISHOP", Advocate (28 January 1871), 5

His Lordship the revered Bishop of the Diocese, the Right Rev. Dr. Goold, arrived at Sandridge at 4 a.m., on Sunday, by the steamship Macedon, from Sydney, after an absence of more than thirteen months in Europe . . . The eleven o'clock Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Daniel O'Connell . . . As the procession moved to the foot of the High Altar the Te Deum was chaunted in an excellent manner, Dr. Barsanti and Mr. Van de Stadt, the sacristan, officiating as principal cantors. The choir, under the usually able direction of Professor Tracy, performed its part creditably . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Alipius Goold (bishop)


. . . The Solemn Dedication of the Convent and Schools of the Christian Brothers Community, took place on Sunday, and was witnessed by fully 5000 persons. From a comparatively early hour St. Patrick's Cathedral was filled with persons awaiting the commencement of the ceremonies of the day by Solemn High Mass . . . During the Mass the choir, under the efficient direction of the organist, Professor Tracy, performed its part admirably. The offertory piece was sung by Mr. J. T. Van de Stadt, the sacristan of the Cathedral, in a really artistic style. The piece was Rossi's beautiful Justorum Animae. Mr. Van de Stadt possesses a genuine appreciation of sacred music, and throws into the execution of it a religious spirit, without which a mere artistic execution lacks a peculiar charm, indeed its very soul. This gentleman promises at no distant date to be an ornament and an acquisition to the choir of our fine Cathedral . . .

"CATHOLIC INTELLIGENCE . . . ST. PATRICK'S COLLEGE", Advocate (24 June 1871), 5 

On Wednesday - the Feast of St. Aloysius, the patron of young students - the "breaking up" for the midwinter vacation took place at St. Patrick's College. At half-past eight a.m., Mass was celebrated in St. Patrick's Cathedral by his Lordship the Bishop, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Barsanti, O.S.F., as chaplain . . . During the administration of the Blessed Sacrament by his Lordship, the pupils sang the Adoro te of L'Abbe Lambillotte. The same composer's Litanie Espagnole was subsequently chanted. After Mass, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament was given by the Bishop, at which Cartoni's Tantum Ergo was rendered as a duet by Father O'Malley and Mr. Van de Stadt. Professor Tracy presided at the organ . . .

"PRESENTATION TO MR. J. T. VAN DE STADT", Advocate (1 March 1873), 13 

MR. J. T. VAN DE STADT, who has held a responsible lay-office in connection with the domestic arrangements of of St. Patrick's College, being about to return to his native country, Holland, was entertained, by his friends, on Tuesday evening, at a complimentary supper, in Cavanagh's Hotel, Swanston-street. Professor Tracy occupied the chair, and Mr. E. L. Nolan the vice-chair. After the usual loyal and some other toasts had been duly honoured, Mr. J. Sexton proposed the health of Mr. Van de Stadt, which was enthusiastically drunk . . . an address was presented to him, and regret was expressed that the shortness of time to elapse before his departure (he leaves on Monday next) precluded the possibility of presenting him with that substantial mark of esteem which he so well deserved . . .

"PRESENTATONS TO MR. J. T. VAN DE STADT", Advocate (8 March 1873), 13 

On the evening of Tuesday week, the students of St. Patrick's College presented an address to Mr. J. T. Van de Stadt, late prefect of students in the college, accompanied by a handsome silver pencil case, as a testimony of esteem, on the occasion of his departure for his native country (Holland). On the following evening the Altar boys of the Cathedral also presented an address to Mr. Van de Stadt, accompanied by a beautiful gold cross. Mr. Van de Stadt on Sunday last took his leave of the Cathedral choir, of which he has been a member for some years, by singing Justorum animae as an offertory piece at the 11 o'clock Mass, and rendering Rossini's O Salutaris in the evening, at Benediction. On Tuesday he left for Sydney by the s.s. Wonga Wonga, en route for London. A large number of Mr. Van. de Stadt's friends accompanied him to Sandridge, and bade him a cordial and final farewell.

"MR. J. T. VAN DE STADT", Advocate (26 April 1873), 6 

The friends of Mr. Van de Stadt, late of St. Patrick's College, will be interested to learn that he sailed from Sydney on the 29th ult., in the ship Agnes Rose, Captain Purres, for London, en route for Holland. During his brief stay in Sydney Mr. Van de Stadt sang in several of the churches, including St. Mary's Cathedral, where he performed two solos. Writing to a gentleman in Melbourne, on the eve of his departure, Mr. Van de Stadt, speaking of his friends here, says - "I shall never forget how kindly you have all treated me."

VAN GHELE, Charles (Charles François VAN GHELE; Charles VAN GHELE; VAN GELE)

Conductor, composer

Born Gand, Belgium, 12/13 January 1825
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1877
Departed Sydney, NSW, 1884
Died ? Colombo, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 1885 (shareable link to this entry)



Van Ghele worked as an opera composer an conductor in Belgium, France, Holland, and Algeria until 1866 when he left for North America. He came to Australia by September 1877 as conductor of the Emily Soldene company and left, late in 1884, with the Emilie Melville company. He was reported in the Australian press in December 1884 variously as dead from cholera in Calcutta, or confined to an asylum in Colombo. Again in 1889 in the Australian press it was reported as news that he had "died a lunatic in Batavia". His descendant, Robert Van Ghele, published research into Charles's life on the web, c.1999-2007.


[Advertising], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 September 1877), 2

"Emelie Melville's Company", Evening News (11 December 1884), 5

"Miss Nellie Stewart", Table Talk (12 April 1889), 6

. . . the troupe returned to Australia, and in the Christmas production of Sinbad the Sailor in 1879 Nellie Stewart sustained the leading part. Her singing was the success of the piece, and poor Van Ghele, who heard her, prophesied a brilliant future.

"THE STAGE IN AUSTRALIA. Notes by Scalfax. Melbourne, May 21", Otago Witness (30 May 1889), 28 

Bibliography and resources:

Opera's van Van Ghele Charles, Muziektheater in Vlaanderen 

VARLEY, Frank (Frank VARLEY)

Artist, lithographer, publisher, "polyphonist" (ventriloquist), manager, agent, scenic artist, machinist, playwright, actor, union organiser, concert promoter

Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1855
Active NZ, 1868 to early 1870s
Active VIC, 1873-75
Active Bombay, India, September 1875 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

Frank Varley, VIC, October 1856

Frank Varley ("son of the Earl of Glinton"), Thomas F. Flintoff, "Oct. 20th, 1856" (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Flintoff (artist); there was no "earl of Glinton", though there was an Earl of Eglinton, Archibald Montgomerie; however, it is perhaps more likely that Varley was a member of the same extended Varley family of artists to which Nugent Varley (below) also belonged


[8] views of Melbourne, lithographed from original drawing by E. Thomas & published by F. Varley [? 1855] 

"COLLINS STREET - 1853. LOOKING WEST", lithograph, by Edmund Thomas, (Melbourne, F. Varley, [? 1855]) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: "Lithographed from Original Drawing by E. Thomas & Published by F. Varley"; Edmund Thomas (artist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (19 June 1855), 8 

MELBOURNE. - Ayrshire Hotel. - Frank Varley will give one of his highly Amusing Entertainments this evening.

[Advertisement], The Argus (21 June 1855), 8 

FLEMINGTON. - Frank Varley, the Polyphonist, will Give One of his Popular Entertainments on Saturday Evening next, at the Bridge Inn. N.B.-Private entrance.

"MR. FRANK VARLEY", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (26 November 1855), 3 

This gentleman's entertainment took place on Saturday evening, at Southey's Hotel, before a very small audience. Varley is really clever, and itmust have been most disheartening to him to go through his most exquisite drolleries to empty benches. We are not aware whether Mr. Varley will again test the taste and the pocket of Goelongites by repeating his entertainment; if he do not, then the public have lost a treat. Varley's personation of the "Veway Wefined young gentleman in winglets" was exquisite; the French Shoeblack is a character never to be forgotten, and the simpering Miss Aribella Brown with her "well, I don't mind telling YOU you know," irresistibly ludicrous. Varley is the best Ventriloquest that has ever visited Geelong; and we can only account for the poor attendance by supposing that his merits were not known. We would advise him to give the public another trial.

[Advertisement], Empire (24 September 1857), 1 

CREMORNE GARDENS.-The Lessee of the above place of public entertainment begs to announce to the public that he intends opening, with a GRAND GALA AND FETE DAY, on MONDAY NEXT, September 28th instant . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 September 1857), 1 

CREMORNE GARDENS.-The above beautiful gronnds will open MONDAY next, September 28th . . .
Herr Appel's brilliant Band will perform several selections from the operatic gems of the day during the afternoon, and in the evening the grounds will be brilliantly illuminated.
The Ball will commence at 8, and the entertainments conclude with a gorgeous display of Fireworks . . .
F. VARLEY, agent

ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Appel (musician)

"CREMORNE GARDENS, NORTH SHORE", Empire (29 September 1857), 4 

The Cremorne Gardens opened for the Summer season yesterday, under the management of Mr. F. Varley. We were pleased to notice that during the recess, the grounds have been very much improved, and the accommodation rendered more perfect than formerly . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (21 July 1858), 1 

We, the undersigned members of the above Company, beg leave to call the attention of the play-going public to the slanderous and malicious attack made this morning, Tuesday, July 20th, upon our talents by a Mr. Holloway, a Coal Collector, who is allowed by Mr. Fairfax occasionally to write criticisms upon theatrical performances . . .
We beg leave to subscribe ourselves . . .
Joseph Rayner, Richard Stewart, C. H. Burford, Frank Howson . . . F. Varley . . . Mrs. Guerin . . . [Mrs.] Winterbottom . . . John Winterbottom, Conductor of the Orchestra, A. Usher, Leader . . .
JAMES SIMMONDS, Lessee and Manager, Royal Victoria Theatre.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Fairfax (editor); Edmund Holloway (reviewer, comedian); Richard Stewart (actor, vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (actor, vocalist); John and Maria Winterbottom (conductor and actor); Alfred Usher (leader, violin); James Simmonds (lessee)

See also: "COURT OF O. P. AND P. O.", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (24 July 1858), 2 

"THEATRICALS. PRINCE OF WALES", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (2 July 1859), 2 

The revival of Opera at this Theatre on Saturday evening was rapturously greeted. The gorgeous power and luscious richness of sweet voices now resound through out this spacious edifice. The artistes on their appearance were warmly welcomed, and, encouraged by the plaudits of a house crowded to excess, the performance became a brilliant triumph. The powerful music of Verdi is difficult of comprehension to English voices; but, nevertheless, so popular has the melodious Trovatore proved, that Mr. Charles Poole could not resist the temptation of bringing it out on his opening night. The band, led on by Lavenu, was excellent, the choruses good, and not distinguished by that loud shouting which many of our choruses are, the leading vocalists winning fresh laurels in their respective roles . . . We may add that the scenery, by Mr. Frank Varley, exceeded even the highest expectations we had formed of it . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (manager, actor); Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1859), 1 

President, - Mr. Henry Edwards.
Treasurer, - Mr. Charles Jones.
Secretary, - Mr. Frank Varley.
COMMITTEE. Mr. H. Burford; Mr. H. Twight; R. Stewart; F. Sharp; A. Usher; C. Jones; G. Morton; F. Varley.
Firstly, - The advancement of the Dramatic and Musical Professions, especially with regard to their position as branches of the liberal arts.
Secondly, - The maintenance of a system of correspondence as far as practicable, with the theatres of the Australian Colonies, so as to enable the society to gain every information affecting the interests of members of the profession.
Thirdly, - The provision of funds for the relief of members of the Association when out of employment, together with an ulterior view to the establishment of a benefit fund based on the principles of similar institutions existing in England.
Fourthly. - For the promotion of a better feeling of brotherhood among the members of the profession, and the free and unbiassed discussion of all interests affecting the same.
FRANK VARLEY, honorary secretary.
All inquiries and communications to be addressed to the Secretary, Prince of Wales Theatre.
N.B. A special MEETING of the Committee, on TUESDAY, the 26th instant, at three o'clock precisely.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Jones (manager, member); Frederick Sharp (musician)


A meeting was held at the Shakespare Hotel, Pitt-street, for the purpose of extending the formation of the society, and was numerously attended by members of the Theatrical profession. Mr. Usher in the absence of Mr. Edwards, the president of the society, occupied the chair. Mr. Frank Varley, the secretary, briefly stated the objects of the association, calling particular attention to the fact that it was to elevate the moral tone and social position of every member of the theatrical community. He then adverted to the unprovoked and illiberal attack of the Rev. Mr. Beasley [sic], in his recent lecture at the Young Men's Christian Association, and said that it would be the pride of every gentleman connected with the stage to prove, by their conduct, that the narrow views which the reverend lecturer entertained were wrong . . .

For the Rev. Joseph Beazley's lecture, see "YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. LECTURE ON POPULAR AMUSEMENTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 July 1859), 5 

[Advertisement], Empire (23 November 1859), 1 

The first of a series of Monster CONCERTS, for the benefit of the Dramatic and Musical Artists, late of the Victoria and Prince of Wales Theatres, will take place
THIS EVENING, the 23rd instant, At the School of Arts, When the following combination of talent will appear: -
Pianist, Mr. C. Packer
Leaders, Messrs. Usher and Eigenschenck
Second Violins, Messrs. Josephson and Hall
Tenori, Messrs. Rice and Davis
Violoncello, Mr. F. Howson, jun.
Contra Bassi, Messrs. Chate and Brown.
Flauto, Messrs. Vaughan and Gallagher.
Clarinetti, Messrs. Johnson and Taylor
Cornetti - Messrs. Prince and Fredericks
Saxe Tuba, Mr. Bligh
Tympani and Side Dram, Messrs. Sharpe and Dalton
Solo Cornet, Flageolet, and Concertina, Mr. R. W. Kohler
VOCALISTS, Mrs. Guerin, Miss Julia Matthews, Mr. R. Stewart, Mr. Frank Howson, Mr. Sam Howard, Mr. T. Taylor.
Overture, Guillaume Tell - (Rossini), - by double orchestra
Ballad, The People, F. Howson
Quadrille, L'Indienne, with brilliant variations, and new effects, 1st time in Sydney
Ballad, Miss Julia Matthews
Song, The Groves of Blarney, Mr. Stewart
Waltz, Lucia di Lammermoor, Violoncello Obligato, Mr. F. Howson, junr.
Ballad, The Cantineer (Balfe), Mrs. Guerin
Song, Mr. Taylor
Polka, with obligato movement, first time in Sydney R. W. Kohler.
(Interval of Ten Minutes.)
Overture, La Bayadere, 1st time in Sydney (Auber).
Duet, Medley, Mrs. Guerin and Mr. Stewart
Flute - solo and variations, Gentleman Amateur
Song, Ship on Fire (Russell), Mr. Frank Howson
Solo Flageolet, Mr. R. W. Kohler
Local Comic Song (written for this occasion,) Mr. S. Howard
Finale - Galop, Champagne, with original effects, by Mr. R. W. Kohler . . .
Communications for Committee to be forwarded to the Shakespeare Hotel, Pitt-street.
FRANK VARLEY, Secretary.
Mr. R. STEWART, Treasurer.
SCHOOL OF ARTS CONCERTS. - Rehearsal TO-DAY, at 11 a.m.
F. VARLEY, Secretary.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Packer (piano, conductor); Charles Eigenschenck (violin); Walter John Rice (viola); Julia Mathews (vocalist); Sam Howard (comic vocalist); Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician)

"OLYMPC THEATRE, MAITLAND", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (24 December 1859), 2 

The members of the Sydney Dramatic Company commenced their season at this elegant little theatre on Monday evening last, under most favorable auspices . . . The new scenery, painted by Mr F. Varley, was characteristic and elegant . . . The orchestra, under the able direction of Mr. W. Rice, played some first rate selections in brilliant style . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (8 February 1861), 8 

Lessees - Messrs. Varley and Hancock.
EVERY EVENING. Admission, One Shilling.
Madame CARANDINI, Mrs. Hancock, Miss Chalker, Mr. Walter Sherwin, and Mr. Hancock.
HERR GUSTAVUS STRAUCH, The eminent basso (pupil of Lablache), will appear on Saturday next.

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward and Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalists); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Marie Chalker (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Gustavus Strauch (vocalist)

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Age (28 September 1866), 7 

Frank Varley, late of Ballaarat, but now of Melbourne, theatrical manager. Causes of insolvency: Losses in business, pressure of creditors, adverse judgment in the Supreme Court at the suit of the Dramatic Authors' Society, and loss of about £700 in the Ballaarat Theatre. Liabilities, £351 10s 10d; assets, £78; deficiency, £273 10s 10d. Mr. Goodman, official assignee.

"MELBOURNE (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT)", Geelong Advertiser (13 July 1875), 3 

. . . The prospect of a visit of the Prince of Wales to India has created great excitement in theatrical circles here, and already numerous companies are being formed with a view of following the royal progress. The Carandinis are about to take their departure for the scene of splendour; an agent for Miss Alice May's Opera Company proceeds by to-morrow's steamer in advance; and a' company of dramatic performers, engaged by Mr Lewis, proceed by the August mail. Amongst the company engaged by Mr. Lewis are some of the best "genteel comedy" representatives the colony possesses. Mr. Frank Varley is engaged as scenic artist . . .

[Advertisement], Indian Statesman [Bombay, India] (7 September 1875), 1 (PAYWALL)

The Company includes the following talented Artistes being the largest ever visiting India: -
Mr. G. B. W. Lewis . . . [Mr.] Frank Varley . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Benjamin William Lewis (actor, manager)

"MUMMER MEMOIRS", Sydney Sportsman (14 October 1908), 2 

Bibliography and resources:

"Frank Varley", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO)

Varley, Frank, active 1850-1870s, NZ National Library 

VARLEY, Nugent (Nugent Augustus Fleetwood VARLEY; Mr. Nugent VARLEY)

Concert manager (Winterbottom's Band)

Born Shrewesbury, Shropshire, England, c. 1827; son of William Fleetwood VARLEY (1785-1856) and Maria Susanna ALSOP (d. 1849)
Married Louisa Rose DISTIN (1831-1908), St. Mary, Lambeth, London, England, 8 February 1851
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by early 1853
Died ? Talbot, VIC, c. 1880 (before 1886) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor, promoter)

VARLEY, Louisa (Louisa Rose DISTIN; Miss DISTIN; Mrs. Nugent VARLEY; Mrs. McKINLAY)


Born London, England, 12 December 1831; baptised St. George's, Hanover Square, 14 January 1832; daughter of John DISTIN (1794-1863) and Ann Matilda LODER (1790-1848)
Married Nugent VARLEY, St. Mary, Lambeth, London, England, 8 February 1851
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by April 1853
Died Prahran, VIC, 7 January 1908 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Distin family (musicians); Loder family (musicians)

VARLEY, Violet (Violet Amelia VARLEY; Miss Violet VARLEY; Mrs. Joseph TAPLEY)

Vocalist, actor

Born Talbot-Amherst, VIC, 1871; daughter of Nugent VARLEY and Louisa DISTIN
Married Joseph TAPLEY (1862-1943), The Australian Church, Melbourne, VIC, 11 April 1894
Died East Melbourne, VIC, 2 June 1895 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged) (NLA persistent identifier)


Nugent Varley had been a music seller in Pall-Mall, London, until November 1849, when he and his partner, John Taylor, dissolved the business. A year later, November 1850, Varley was manager for the famous Distin family concert troupe, and in February the following year he married Louisa Distin, daughter of John Distin (1794-1863). Louisa was also a cousin of Charlotte Loder, wife and widow of Alfred Loder (died Prahran, VIC, February 1853), and sister-in-law of George Loder.

The Varleys probably first arrived in Melbourne, around the same time as John and Marua Winterbottom, who landed from the Moselle in December 1852. Louisa duly arrived in Sydney with the Wintebottoms on the steamer Shamrock from Melbourne on 4 April 1853. Nugent having perahps sailed separately, on 6 April he advertised for local Sydney musicians to join Wintbottom's band.

On 9 April he advertised for "two carpenters, to erect a large orchestra". These same fittings were put up for sale in June, and by August Varley, Winterbotttom, and at least some of his Sydney band had arrived in Melbourne.

After August 1853, there is no further documented reference to Varley as Winterbottom's manager, and by 1856, and perhaps much earlier, the Varleys had settled in the central Victorian goldfields, where for the next 20 years they were general storekeepers.

Their daughter was the operetta vocalist Violet Varley (Mrs. Joseph Tapley). Violet was touring in juvenile roles as early as 1883, and was later a pupil of Lucy Chambers.

She died in 1895, barely in her mid 20. The Melbourne musician Walter J. Turner composed a song The passing show in Violet's memory (published by W. H. Glen, NO COPY IDENTIFIED).


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, in the month of January & February 1832; register 1816-33, folio 533; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

January 14 / Louisa Rose / [daughter of] John & Matilda / Distin / Gillingham Street / [born] 12 Dec. 1831 / Professor of Music . . .

[Notice], The London gazette (16 November 1849), 3457 (DIGITISED)

Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership, if any such existed or can be considered to have existed between us the undersigned, John Taylor and Nugent Varley, in the business of Musicsellers, carried on at No. 10, Opera-arcade, Pall Mall, in the county of Middlesex, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 23rd day of September last. - As witness our hands this 9th day of November 1849.
Nugent Varley. John Taylor.

[Advertisement], Nottingham Review and General Advertiser for the Midland Counties [England] (8 November 1850), 5 (PAYWALL)

CORN EXCHANGE, NOTTINGHAM, MONDAY EVEMING, NOVEMBER 18th, 1850. GRAND PRESENTATION CONCERT by the DISTINS, who had the honor of performing before her Majesty the Queen at Balmoral Castle, in September last. Mr. DISTIN and his SONS will perform on their silver Sax-Horns, which were presented to them by the late Louis Philippe, in Paris, 1844 . . . The entire arrangements will he under the management of Mr. NUGENT VARLEY (Manager), who will be in attendance, for the Sale of Tickets . . .

1851, marriage solemnized in the parish church in the parish of St. Mary Lambeth, in the county of Surrey; register 1849-53, page 106; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 212 / Eighth of February 1851 / Nugent Augustus Fleetwood Varley / Bachelor / Artist / 126 Princes Road / [father] William Varley / Artist
Louisa Rose Distin / Spinster / - / - / [father] John Distin / Artist . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, St. Mary, Lambeth, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1572 (PAYWALL)

120 Princes Rd. / John Ensworth / Head / Mar. / 29 / Clothier / . . . Matilda [Ensworth] / Wife / [mar.] / 26 . . .
Nugent Varley / Visitor / Mar. / 24 / Music Seller / [born] Shrewsbury

Australia (by early 1853):

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . CEARED OUT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (1 April 1853), 4 

March 31. - Shamrock, steamer, 200 tons, J. J. Warner, for Sydney. Passengers - cabin, J. T. Smith, Esq., M.L C. (Mayor of Melbourne) . . . Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom and Child, Mrs. Varney [sic] . . . Mrs. Fiddes, Miss Fiddes, Miss S. Fiddes . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 April 1853), 1

MR. NUGENT VARLEY (late Director of the Exeter Hall Concerts London,) begs to inform the profession that he is instructed to engage the following artistes for a lengthened period, viz.
eight first violins, eight second violins, four violas, two violoncellos, two double basses, two flutes, one flageolet, two clarionets, one oboe, one bassoon, two cornet-a-pistons, two horns, three trombones, one ophecleide, one side drum, kettle drum, and grosse caisse.
Applications to be addressed care of Mr. MARSH, Musicseller, George-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (musicseller)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 April 1853), 8

WANTED, Two Carpenters, to erect a large orchestra. Plans to be seen at Mr. NUGENT VARLEY'S Office, at H. MARSH and CO.'s, Musicsellers, 490 1/2 George-street.

[Advertisement], The Argus (23 April 1853), 1 

MRS. ALFRED LODER, late of New York; your cousin, Mrs. Varley (late Louisa Distin) would wish to hear from you; write, 490 1/2, George-street, Sydney.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charlotte Loder (cousin)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 April 1853), 3 

It is a source of the greatest pride and gratification to M. Winterbottom (as the sole projector of these popular concerts in the Australian colonies,) that the vast influx of population has enabled him to form a band, selected from the finest orchestras in the world, artistes as well capable of interpreting the sublime compositions of Handel, Beethoven, or Mendelssohn, as to delineate music of a lighter character.
The immense success attending these Concerts at Melbourne enabled M. Winterbottom to extend his season over a period of
Mr. Winterbottom, and Mr. Henry Marsh, in conjunction, respectfully solicit the patronage of the gentry and public.
VOCALIST - Mrs. FIDDES (late Miss H. Cawse) will make her last appearance but one.
M. CARANZANI DEL VALLE, the celebrated Violinist from La Scala . . .
All communications to be addressed to Mr. NUGENT VARLEY, Manager.

[2 Advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 June 1853), 1 

WINTERBOTTOM'S Band will arrive in Sydney on Tuesday next, June 21. All communications to be addressed to Mr. NUGENT VARLEY, Manager, 555, George-street.

FOR SALE, the Orchestra Desks, and fittings, lately erected for Winterbottom's Band at the Royal Hotel, so constructed that it can be erected at the shortest notice, and taken down without injury. The whole comprises about 500 feet of timber. For price enquire 555, George-street, between 10 and 12 o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: 555, George-street was the premises of Woolcott and Clarke

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 August 1853), 8

ROWE'S CIRCUS. - TO MORROW, August 20th.
WINTERBOTTOM'S Grand Monster Concert, nearly One Hundred Performers . . .


. . . Nugent Varley, storekeeper, of Back Creek, had known the deceased, as a customer, for the last five or six months . . .

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Age (26 July 1861), 7 

Nugent Varley, of Navarre, storekeeper. Cause of insolvency - Pressure of creditors. Debts, £364 17s 5d; assets, £313 14s 9d; deficiency, £21 2s 8d. Official assignes, Mr. Shaw.

"VICTORIA", Launceston Examiner (10 January 1865), 3

A case of somnambulism, which was nearly being attended with very serious consequences, is reported by the Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser. The somnambulist was named Nugent Varley, who was lodging at the Telegraph Hotel. After the fatigues of the ball the previous night, he retired to rest in one of the bedrooms upstairs. Some time early in the morning he arose in his sleep, and, there being no impediment in his way, he fell head foremost from top to bottom. Strange to say, he escaped with few bruises and a good shaking.

[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (24 March 1883), 1

Offenbach's Spectacular Comic Opera, in Three Acts, entitled
Riccardi (second Page) - Miss Violet Varley . . .

"MARRIAGES", The Argus (14 April 1894), 1

TAPLEY - VARLEY. - On the 11th inst., at the Australian Church, Flinders-street, by the Rev. Dr. Charles Strong, Joseph, son of the late John Tapley, of London, to Violet Amelia, youngest daughter of the late Nugent Varley, and grand-daughter of the late John Distin, of London.

"SOCIAL ITEMS", Evening News (11 May 1894), 3 

A marriage that would have attracted a number of spectators had it not been kept so exceedingly quiet was recently celebrated at the Australian Church, Melbourne, by the Rev. Chas. Strong. The bride, Miss Violet Varley, has worked her way rapidly to the front of her profession, and is at present one of the most popular artistes on the Australian operatic stage. Miss Varley is the youngest daughter of the late Mr. Nugent Varley, of London, and Mrs. N. Varley, of Violetta, Hotham-street, East Melbourne. She derives her musical talent from her mother's family, being a granddaughter of the late Mr. John Distin, the well-known performer on the trumpet and saxhorn, who was principal trumpeter at her Majesty's coronation. Her uncle, lately deceased, and her cousin are also well known in the English musical world. Mr. Joseph Tapley, the bridegroom, is a son of Mr. John Tapley, of London, and although one of the latest additions to the Royal Comic Opera Company, is a firmly established favorite.

"DEATH OF MISS VIOLET VARLEY", The Argus (4 June 1895), 6

[News], The Argus (26 June 1895), 5

[News], Champion (3 October 1896), 4 

[John Sandes's] lines, "In an Old Wardrobe," on the death of Mrs. Joseph Tapley (Miss Violet Varley) which appeared in "The Passing Show" were set to music by W. J. Turner and published by Glen a few months ago . . .

"DEATHS", The Argus (7 January 1908), 1 

McKINLAY (VARLEY). - On the 6th January, Louisa Rose McKinlay (Varley), mother of the late Violet Varley, Walter, John, Reginald, and Harry Varley, and Mrs. E. C. Perrin, Mrs. F. Dryden, and Mrs. C. R. Dyson, aged 76 years.

Bibliography and resources:

"VARLEY, WILLIAM FLEETWOOD", Dictionary of national biography 58 (1899), 153,_1885-1900/Varley,_William_Fleetwood 

Ray Farr, The Distin legacy: the rise of the brass band in 19th-Century Britain (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014), 39-40 (PREVIEW)

John Distin and Ann Matilda's youngest child was a daughter, Louisa (Louise) Rose Distin . . . born on December 12th 1831 in London . . . She appeared on some of the Distin family concerts as a vocalist when she was quite young and later, in 1849 on the concert tour of America. She married Nugent Augustus Fleetwood Varley (born 1827 in Shrewesbury, Shropshire) son of William Fleetwood Varley, the famous landscape artist. In 1851 [? recte 1852/53] she emigrated to Australia.

VAUDRE, Alfred Walter (Alfred Walter VAUDRE)

Professor of music and dancing

Active Albury, NSW, 1861 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


? "SCENE IN A NEW-YORK POLICE OFFICE", The Perth Gazette (27 March 1841), 3

(From Brother Jonathan, Aug. 29.) WALTER VAUDRE, a little French street-musician, charged Michael Farrell, on Thursday, with breaking his organ, and threatening to do terrible things to himself . . .

"NEW SOUTH WALES", Launceston Examiner (8 June 1861), 4

An individual styling himself "Professor Vaudre," i.e., a professor of music and dancing, has been cheating the good folks at Albury. He not only ran several accounts, but obtained several "quarters in advance" from unsuspecting parents, when suddenly he was carried off by the police on the charge of having stolen a gold watch at Beechworth. It seemed that he had only just left gaol after completing a sentence of imprisonment, which he had received some nine or ten months before at Wodonga.

"GENERAL SESSIONS", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (29 June 1861), 3 

The General Sessions, for Beechworth, will be held at the Court House, Ford-street, on Tuesday next, the 2nd July. The following is a list of the prisoners for trial:- . . . Alfred Walter Vaudre, larceny . . .


Musician, instrumentalist (theatrical orchestra), drummer, ? former soldier

Born Dublin, Ireland, 1805; son of Robert VAUGHAN
Enlisted 47th Regiment, Dublin, Ireland, 17 June 1820 (aged "15")
Discharged 47th Regiment, England, 12 July 1831
Married Catherine ?, Ireland, c. 1832
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 30 May 1833 (per Eliza, from Liverpool, England, 28 December 1832, via Hobart Town)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1835-50
Died Sydney, NSW, 3 February 1857, aged "52" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

VAUGHAN, Robert (Robert VAUGHAN; R. VAUGHAN; Mr. VAUGHAN, junior)

Musician, instrumentalist (theatrical orchestra), flautist, piccolo player (pupil of John Gibbs), first-class cricketer

Born Ireland, 1832; son of Michael VAUGHAN and Catherine ?
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 30 May 1833 (per Eliza, from Liverpool, England, 28 December 1832, via Hobart Town)
Married Mary Isabel WINNETT, Sydney, NSW, 1852
Died at sea, 12 July 1865, "aged 31" (passenger per Novelty, returning from NZ) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Michael Vaughan was born in Dublin in 1805, and is probably the Michael Vaughan who served in the 1820s as a drummer in the British 47th Regiment of Foot in India and Burma.

Michael Vaughan was a member of the Sydney theatre band from 1835 until as late as 1854 as its regular drum player. In 1854 he was carrying on his main business as a hay and corn dealer in Woolloomooloo.

Michael and Robert were first billed together in the band for Edward Deane's concert in Sydney in April 1850, and again, as M. Vaughan and R. Vaughan, as members of the theatre orchestra for Andrew Torning for the 1854 spring season.

At the theatre in August 1852, Robert, described as a pupil of John Gibbs, the leader, performed a solo, The Swiss boy with variations.

In September 1854, for Catherine Hayes, he played the elaborate flute obligato to Vincent Wallace's bravura song Happy birdling of the forest. He was described in the press at the time as a "native", which was only a slight exaggeration; he had in fact arrived with his parents in 1833, aged just 6 months.

Playing during the 1850s in the orchestras as Sydneys two theatres, the Victoria and the Prince of Wales, Robert performed under Lewis Lavenu and John Winterbottom.

In October 1861, Robert gave a demonstration on a new 8-keyed flute, made of myall wood by Jordan Wainwright, prior to it being sent to London for the 1862 international exhibition.

Robert also became widely known to the general public in the years 1854 to 1856 as a high performing cricketer.

A Robert Vaughan junior, born in 1855 to Robert and Margaret Vaughan, was perhaps his son, though no record has so far been identified of his marriage, or a later record of his widow and son.

Michael Vaughan died in Sydney on 3 February 1857, aged 52.

Having perhaps made at least one earlier sea voyage across the Tasman as a crew member, Robert Vaughan died at sea, returning from New Zealand, on 12 July 1865, as a result of an epileptic fit, while reportedly also suffering from delerium tremens.

An amateur concert and an amateur theatrical performance were held in August and September for the benefit of his widow and child. The concert, under the patronage of several cricket clubs, was directed by Douglas Callen, with his Volunteer Band, and with the participation of John James Ryall, Sebastian Hodge, and George Forbes Jackson.


? Discharge, from Michael Vaughan, 47th Regiment, 1831; UK National Archives, WO97/621/3 (PAYWALL) (PAYWALL)

His Majesty's 47th Reg't of Foot . . .
No. 206 Michael Vaughan Private BORN in the Parish of St. Thomas in or near the town of Dublin . . . by Trade a Servant
ATTESTED for the 47 Regiment of Foot at Dublin . . . on the 17 June 1820 at the age of Fifteen
1st SERVICE AFTER the Age of 18 years . . . up to 31 January 1831 is 10 years 276 days [sic] . . . as follows: -
Private / 17 June 1820 / 30 April 1822 / Under Age
Appointed Drummer / 1 May 1822 / 16 June 1823 / Under Age
Drummer / 17 June 1823 / 24 October 1829 / 6 years 130 days
Sent to the Ranks / 25 Oct'r 1829 / 31 Jan'y 1832 / 1 year 99 days . . .
INDIES East / 17 June 1823 / 18 Sept'r 1829 / 6 years 94 days / [which count as and additional 0.5] 3 years 47 days
[TOTAL] 10 years 276 days . . . [plus] Further service from 1st Feb'y 1831 to the 12 July 1831 when finally discharged - 162 days
Served 2 years and 1 month in the East Indies under age and 6 years . . .
DISABILITY and Cause of Discharge - Chronic Rheumatism contracted in the service . . .
. . . his character has been good . . .
12th July 1831 . . . Michael Vaughan at the time of his discharge is 25 and 8/12 years, 5 feet 5 inches in height . . .

List of steerage passengers on the barque Eliza, from Liverpool via Hobart Town, 30th May 1833; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

Michael Vaughan, England, labourer // Catherine, wife // Robert, 1/2 year of age

NOTE: The online index gives the ship name incorrectly as Caroline.

? "SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (3 June 1833), 2 

From Liverpool via Hobart Town, also same day [Thursday last, 30 May], having sailed from the former place the 28th of December, and the latter on the 23rd instant, the barque Eliza, 263 tons . . . Michael Vaughan, labourer; Catherine, and Robert Vaughan . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 May 1835), 3 

Theatre Royal, Sydney . . . The Lessees are highly gratified in informing the public, that they have succeeded in engaging all the first Musical Talent in Sydney to form their Orchestra, which consists of the following gentlemen, viz. Leader of the Band - Mr. CLARKE; Violins - Messrs. SPYER, JOHNSON, DYER, and SCOTT; Principal Flute - Mr. STUBBS; Violincello and Grand Piano Forte - Mr. CAVENDISH; Clarionetts - Messrs TURNER & SHARP; Bassoons - Messrs. HOARE & BALL; Bugle - Mr. PAPPIN; Drums - Mr. VAUGHAN . . .

? [Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (8 February 1845), 1 

. . . . HENRY VAUGHAN (of Pitt street, three doors from the Royal Victoria Theatre) . . . MESSRS. VAUGHAN and ZAHEL . . . Tailors, Hatters, and Drapers . . .

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 April 1845), 2

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. FIRST NIGHT OF THE WINTER SEASON. THE public is most respectfully informed, that this Theatre will Re-open for the Winter Season on MONDAY EVENING, April 14, 1845. The nights of performance are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday . . . The Orchestra - Mr. J. Gibbs, Leader; Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. Friedlander, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. W. Deane, Mr. Westroppe, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Wright . . .

[Advertisement], Morning Chronicle (28 May 1845), 3

The Theatrical Band will comprehend Messrs. O'Flaherty, Deane, E. Deane. W. Deane, Turner, Friedlander, Westrip, Adams, Wright, Vaughan; and will be assisted by the Members of St. Patrick's Band . . .

[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1

and Orchestra, which will be full and complete, consisting of the following instruments in two New Overtures: -
1st Violins - Messrs. Gibbs, Wallace, John Deane.
2nd Violins - Messrs. O'Flaherty, Strong, Guerin . . . Kettle Drum - Mr. Vaughan . . .

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (24 March 1849), 3

. . . Friday Evening, 30th March. Mr. Deane will be assisted by . . . Messrs. Deane, Guerin, Friedlander, Strong, Turner, Vaughan, Hudson, Ducros, Wright, and . . . BAND OF THE 11th REGIMENT. Leader - Mr. GIBBES. Conductor, Mr. DEANE . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 April 1850), 1

GRAND CONCERT . . . on Wednesday Evening, the 3rd of April instant . . . Mr. Deane will be assisted by Mrs. Guerin, Madame Carandini, Messrs. F. and J. Howson, Mr. Stanley, Mr. Gibbs, Messrs. Guerin, Friedlander, Strong, Turner, Vaughan, Vaughan, jun., Hudson, Ducros, Wright, several Amateurs of talent, and by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield and Officers, the splendid Band of the 11th Regiment. Leader, Mr. Gibbs. Conductor, Mr. Deane. Mr Stanley will preside at the Pianoforte . . .

"Royal Victoria Theatre", Bell's Life in Sydney (21 August 1852), 2

This Evening, August 21, 1852, Will be produced a Drama of intense interest, entitled, THERESE; or, The Orphan of Geneva . . . Solo flute, (second time) - Swiss Boy, with variations, Master Robert Vaughan, pupil of Mr. Gibbs . . .

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (26 August 1854), 3 

Royal Victoria Theatre. Andrew Torning, Sole Lessee and Manager . . .
will open, for dramatic and operatic performances (on a scale superior to any yet attempted in the colonies) on MONDAY, August 28th, with the following company: - . . .
ORCHESTRA. Messrs Lavenu, John Gibbs, C. Riffel, G. Strong, J. Guerin, Davis,
R. Vaughan, M. Vaughan, Wright, Wheeler, Turner, Seymour, McLauglin, Bing, Theobald, Erle, and Master Hudson . . .

"MISS CATHERINE HAYES", Bell's Life in Sydney (30 September 1854), 2

. . . The flute obligato of Mr. Vaughan, to Miss Hayes's song of the Happy Birdling, was a great triumph to a young musician who has had so few opportunities or advantages of taking such a prominent position. He played sweetly and correctly; and the "Sydney natives" may be well proud of their "fellow" so distinguishing himself . . .

? "DIED", Empire (3 February 1857), 4 

On the 2nd Instant, at his residence, William-street, Woolloomooloo, Mr. Michael Vaughan, aged 57.

? "ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION", New South Wales Government Gazette (3 April 1857), 823 

In the Estate of Michael Vaughan, late of William-street, Wooloomooloo, in the City of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, freeholder, deceased . . . that Probate . . . be granted to Catherine Vaughan, of Sydney aforesaid, his wife and sole Executrix . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 December 1858), 4 

PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE . . . ORCHESTRA: John Winterbottom, conductor; R. Vaughan; Charles Friedrichs; F. S. Wilkinson; W. Dalton; S. Davis; L. Hall; W. J. S. Tranter; Charles Eigenschenk . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (2 July 1859), 3

FLUTES. 1st FLUTE - Mr. Robert Vaughan; 2nd DITTO - Mr. Gottfried Smith . . .

"MR. WINTERBOTTOM", Empire (14 August 1861), 5 

A very gratifying testimonial was presented to Mr. Winterbottom, the eminent bassoonist and conductor, previous to his departure from Sydney, yesterday, for Melbourne, en route for England, by several of the artistes who have been members of the corps d'orchestre, under Mr. Winterbottom, since he arrived in these colonies. The testimonial consisted of a handsome frame, containing photographic portraits, very beautifully executed by Mr. Glaister, of Pitt-street, of Mr. Winterbottom himself (in the centre), surrounded by those of the following artistes: Mr. Eigenschenck (leader), Mr. J. Hall (second violin), Mr. Rice (viola), Mr. Vaughan (flute), Mr. Chate (basso), Mr. Prince (cornet), Mr. Seamore (trombone), and Mr. Sharp (drums); all of whom, we understand, have, with slight intermission, been connected with Mr. Winterbottom during the last nine years in his professional career in Australia. The manner in which they have thus testified their regard and sympathy for their late talented conductor, is at once appropriate and suggestive, and we doubt not, will be long cherished by the accomplished artiste to whom it has been offered, and whose departure from these colonies will create a vacuum in the musical world which it will be extremely difficult to supply.

"COLONIAL PRODUCTIONS FOR THE GREAT EXHIBITION", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1861), 4 

Among the various articles of colonial manufacture which are being prepared for the Great Exhibition, a flute, made of myall wood, deserves especial notice. This flute has eight keys of silver, and bears the name, as maker, of Mr. Wainwright, of 711, George-street. It was performed on by Mr. Vaughan, of the Victoria Theatre, who pronounces it perfect in tone. As a colonial production it reflects the highest credit on Mr. Wainwright's skill and enterprise. The wood of which it is composed (myall) is very hard, and emits a very pleasant odour, and is something like cocoanut in colour. It is enclosed in a plain cedar case, made by Messrs. John Hill and Sons, the grain in the lid being very beautiful. That it will attract attention there is little doubt, as few could pass it by and not be struck with its peculiar fragrance.

? List of crew and passengers arrived in the ship Kate of Auckland, John Byron Sherlock master . . . from the port of Auckland to Sydney . . . April 19th 1864; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

Robert Vaughan / 2 Mate / [age] 30 / [born] [Great Britain]

"DEATHS", Empire (22 July 1865), 1 

At sea, on boards the barque Novelty, on the 12th July, Robert Vaughan, aged 31 years, for many years connected with the Victoria and Prince of Wales Theatres, of this city, leaving a wife and child to mourn their loss.

"DEATH OF ROBERT VAUGHAN, THE CRICKETER", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (22 July 1865), 3 

The barque Novelty, arrived in this port on Thursday, sailed from Auckland on the evening of the 8th instant, heavy head winds having prevailed. For the last five days she has been within 300 miles of these Heads. A steerage passenger, named Robert Vaughan, died on the 12th instant in an epileptic fit, being at the same time suffering from delirium tremens.

"THEATRICALS, &c.", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (26 August 1865), 2 

In our advertising columns will be found notified a concert to take place at the Masonic Hall on Wednesday next, on behalf of the widow of Mr. Robert Vaughan who died on his return passage to Sydney from New Zealand. Mr. Vaughan was well known in this city both as an excellent musician, and a first rate cricketer, and we hope, and indeed have no doubt, that his fellow country-men will muster, strongly on the occasion, both out of respect to the dead, and in sympathy for his bereaved wife.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 August 1865), 1 

will take place at the Masonic Hall, THIS EVENING, the 30th August,
under the patronage of R. D. Merrill, Esq., American Consul, the Foreign Consuls,
and the Australian, National, and Warwick Cricket Clubs.
Parade March - Callen - Volunteer Band
Chorus - Amateurs
Song - Gone is that calmness - Mr. Jackson (Gentleman Amateur)
Solo, Echo - Cornet - Callen - Mr. Thompson
Ballad - Cushla Macree - Lady Amateur
Song - Sun of Freedom - Bellini - Gentleman Amateur (Basso)
Song - Miss James (Amateur) - with Clarionet Obligato - Mr. Hodge
Selection - Ruy Blas - Glover - Volunteer Band.
Selection - Don Pasquale - Donizetti - Volunteer Band
Chorus - Amateurs
Song - Nil Desperandum - Blockley - Mr. Bannister
Ballad - Lady Amateur
Song - I see her still in my dreams - Mr. Jackson (Amateur)
Solo - Clarionette - Mr. Hodge
Duet - Down by the Avon's flowing stream - S. Glover - Miss James and Mr. Bannister
Song - Truth in absence - Harper - Miss James (Amateur)
Chorus - Amateurs.
Conductor - Mr. D. CALLEN.
Accompanyist - Mr. J. J. RYALL.
Doors open at half-past 7. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
Tickets and programmes may be obtained at Messrs. Elvy and Co.'s, J. H. Anderson's, Reading and Wellbank's; Moss and Co's, Hunter-street.
Entrance to Hall, York-street; gallery, Clarence-street.
Prices of admission: Reserved seats, 4s.; back seats, 2s. 6d.; gallery, 1s.

"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1865), 4 

A complimentary concert was given yesterday evening, at the Masonic Hall, for the benefit of the widow and orphan of the late Robert Vaughan, known to many in this city as a piccolo player in the orchestra of one of the theatres, but perhaps better known as an old cricketer. The services of some of the most talented musical amateurs in Sydney were obtained in furtherance of the benevolent object of the concert. The principal vocalist was Miss James, who sang two solos, in both of which sbe acquitted herself to the admiration of the audience. The singing of another lady amateur, who favoured the audience with two ballads, appeared to produce a favourable impression. The other vocalists were Mr. Jackson and Mr. Bannister, whose singing was considerably above the average merit of amateurs, and was evidently appreciated. Mr. Hodge performed a solo on the clarionet, and was honoured with an encore. Several favourite selections were spiritedly played by the band of the Sydney Battalion of Volunteer Rifles. Mr. D. Callen officiated as conductor, and Mr. Ryall as accompanyist.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 September 1865), 1 

SCHOOL OF ARTS - DRAMATIC and MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT to be given in the above Hall, on THURSDAY, September 21st, for the benefit of the widow of the late Robert Vaughan, by the Sydney Amateur Society and Kingslake Minstrels. The entertainment will commence with the beautiful comic drama entitled DELICATE GROUND. To be followed by a Musical Tnterlude by the Minstrels. The whole to conclude with a favourite comic drama, by Buckstone, entitled THE ROUGH DIAMOND. Admission - Reserved seats, 3s.; body of the hall, 2s.; gallery, 1s. Doors open at half-past 7, to commence at 8.

Bibliography and resources:

Sydney Burial Ground Monumental Inscriptions 1901; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)

Michael VAUGHAN, native of Dublin, died 5th February 1857 aged 52 years.
Also his son Robert VAUGHAN, died 12th July 1865 aged 31 years whilst on a voyage from New Zealand to Sydney.

Michael and Robert Vaughan, Find a grave 

Sacred to the memory of Mr. MICHAEL VAUGHAN native of Dublin who departed this life 3rd February 1857. Aged 52 years
also his son, ROBERT VAUGHAN who departed this life on the 12th of July 1865, while on a voyage from New Zealand to Sydney. Aged 31 years

"Robert Vaughan (cricketer)", Wikipedia

"Robert Vaughan", ESPN cricinfo 

VAUGHAN, Charles (Charles VAUGHAN; the hon. C. VAUGHAN)

Musical amateur, amateur vocalist

Born Liverpool, England, 25 March 1811; son of William and Mary VAUGHAN
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1839
Died St. Kilka, VIC, 18 June 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Register of births, Byron Street Baptish chapel, Liverpool, 1783-1837; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

1811 / March 25 / Charles son of William Vaughan and Mary his wife was born in the Parish of Liverpool the 25th of March 1811

"COLONIAL INTELLIGENCE. THE ORATORIO", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (28 January 1843), 3 

The grand Oratorio under the patronage of his Honor the Superintendent, for which preparations had been making for several weeks past, was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, Collins-street, last Monday evening. The pieces selected for performance were from Handel, Mozart, and Haydn; and, considering that the performers were amateurs, except Mr. Clarke under whose very able management the whole was conducted, exceedingly well executed. Mr. Clarke's performance on the organ, whose rich and deep tones he so well succeeded in drawing forth, was the admiration of all, as well as the pieces sung by Dr. Sandford and Mr. Pullar. The choruses sung by Messrs. Heape and Vaughan, together with the performance of Miss Gale and Miss Edwards, gave general satisfacton . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Clarke (organist); Mr. Pullar (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (14 June 1849), 3 

GRAND CONCERT, Under the Immediate patronage of His Honor the Superintendent and His Worship the Mayor.
MR. J. GRIFFITHS has the honor to announce that his CONCERT of vocal and instrumental music will take place at the room of the Mechanic's Institute, THIS EVENING, JUNE 14TH. On which occasion the Amateurs connected with the Musical Society have kindly given their services - together with several distinguished amateur vocalists . . .
PROGRAMME. Part 1. Overture - "Guy Mannering" - H. R. Bishop . . .
Glee - "poor Insect," Messrs. Griffiths, Hailes, and Vaughan . . .
Overture - Cheval de Bronze - Auber
Part 2. Overture - "Fra Diavolo" - Auber . . .
Duett - "Flow Gently, Deva," Messrs. Griffiths and Hailes - J. Parry . . .
Canone - "Perfida Clori" Messrs. Griffiths, Vaughan, and Hailes - Cherubini
Tickets, 5s. each; to be obtained from Mr. Megson, Swanston-street; Mr. Clarke, Collins-street; Mr. C. Vaughan; Messrs. Pullar and Pittman, stationers; and from Mr. Griffiths, at Mr. Doyle's Confectionery Establishment, Swanston Street . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (14 October 1853), 7 

.MELBOURNE CHORAL SOCIETY. - At a meeting convened by advertisement and attended by upward of fifty persons, held in the Mechanics' Hall on Saturday, 8th October, 1853. Chares Vaughan, Esq., J. P., in the chair; the following Resolutions were passed unanimously:- 1. That the meeting constitute itself an Association for the cultivation of Choral Music, Sacred and Secular, to be called the "Melbourne Choral Society" . . .

"DEATHS", The Age (20 June 1864), 4 

VAUGHAN. - On the 18th instant, St. Kilda, the honorable Charles Vaughan, M.L.C., aged fifty-three years.

"THE LATE HON. CHARLES VAUGHAN", The Argus (20 June 1864), 5

. . . The deceased has for many years occupied a prominent and useful place in society. He was born in 1811, in Liverpool, where his father was a merchant draper, and in his school days he had for tutor Mr. La Trobe, afterwards Superintendent of Port Phillip, and subsequently the first Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria. In 1831, Mr. Vaughan, then twenty years old, left England for Portugal, where he joined in business a firm of which a cousin of Mr. Wild, his late partner, was the head. He was at Oporto during its siego by Don Miguel, and remained in that city for several years afterwards. He then returned to Liverpool, where, as sleeping partner, he connected himself in business with Mr. Jones, a watch manufacturer. In 1839, both Mr. Jones and himself came to Victoria, then Port Philip, and here he invested his capital in squatting pursuits, and occupied a station in the Avoca district. He also fulfilled the office of inspector of markets to the City of Melbourne, which he resigned to become chief clerk to his old tutor, his Honour Mr. La Trobe . . . He was also elected a member of the City Council, and eventually alderman, but severed his connexion with the Corporation in 1853, when he joined in partnership with Mr. Wild, the firm of Vaughan and Wild being the successors of Boar and Son, in Queen-street. When the New Constitution came into operation, he was elected member of the Legislative Council for the Western Province . . . The Hon. C. Vaughan was also a prominent member of the Baptist Church in Albert-street, under the pastorate of the Rev. Izaac New, and for many years fulfilled the office of senior deacon. He was, as well as his partner, widely known in musical circles as an enthusiastic amateur, and was a member of the Philharmonic Society and Orpheus Union.

ASSOCIATIONS: Melbourne Philharmonic Society; Orpheus Union

"THE MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (25 December 1878), 6

In a colony whose distinct history extends over little more than 27 years, a society which has existed and has been uninterruptedly before the public for 25 years is entitled to rank as a venerable institution . . . The Argus of the 26th September, 1853, contained notice of a meeting to be held in the Mechanics Institution, consequent on a requisition, signed by 20 amateurs, requesting Mr. John Russell to undertake the management of a society to be formed "for the practice and cultivation of classical music, vocal and instrumental." The meeting was held on the 1st October. On the 8th the Society was formally inaugurated, and the following officers appointed - Patron - His Excellency Lieut. Governor Latrobe; president - His Honour Mr. Justice Barry, then Acting Chief Justice; vice presidents, Mr. Chas. Vaughan and Mr. J. M. Smith; conductor, John Russell; leader, Joseph Griffiths; treasurer, W. G. Dredge; Hon. secretary, James Paterson; committee, Messrs. F. J. Sargood, T. G. Goold, Montefiore, Walker, T. Dredge, G. L. Allan, Revs. W. Jarrett and A. Morrison, with the conductor, leader, treasurer, and hon. secretary . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Gilpin Dredge; Thomas Green Goold; George Leavis Allan; Joseph Griffiths; John Russell

VAUTIN, James (junior) (James VAUTIN; Mr. VAUTIN)

Amateur musician, violoncello player, member of Hobart Town Choral Society

Born Islington, London, 29 April 1798; son of James Theodore VAUTIN (1776-1857) and Mary Anne CHARLTON (1776-1841)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 26 October 1842 (per Janet Izat, from London, 24 June)
Died Hobart, TAS, 10 June 1880, in his 83rd year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


? Amateur musician, pianist

Born Islington, London, England, 18 October 1819; son of James Theodore VAUTIN (1776-1857) and Mary Anne CHARLTON (1776-1841)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 26 October 1842 (per Janet Izat, from London, 24 June)
Died (by accident or suicide) Ashfield, NSW, 24/25 November 1876 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


James and John Vautin, the eldest and youngest sons of James Theodore Vautin of London (formerly of the Bank of England), arrived in Hobart Town in 1842. In 1844, one of them, almost certainly James, was already noted, along with Mr. Marshall and Joseph Reichenberg, as supporting the Hobart Town Choral Society.

John Vautin was proprietor of the new Hobart Observer in 1845, and in September was advertising music for sale, apparently full orchestral scores of "Grand Concertos" by Moschelles, Steibelt, Hummel, Beethoven (3 separate titles), Dussek, and Kalkbrenner.

In "O liberty" from Handel's Judas Maccabaeus for the choral society in July 1846, "the violoncello obligato accompaniment of Mr. Vautin, was marked by peculiar neatness and excellent judgment".

James was a clerk in the Audit Office in Hobart in 1850, when John was in Launceston.

Several later members of the family were active as musicans into the 20th-century.


Non-conformist births, Dr. Williams´ Library Registry, Birth Certificates, 1805-12; UK National Archives; RG 4/4661 (PAYWALL)

No. 3160 / James Vautin, Charlotte Place, Par. St. Mary Islington, County of Middlesex; Reg'd. Oct. 5th 1810, Thomas Morgan / James Theodore Vautin, & Mary, daughter of John & Sarah Charlton / . . . / 29th April 1798

Protestant dissenters birth registry, 1817-1823; UK National Archives; (PAYWALL)

F. No. 3367 / . . . John Vautin, Son of James T. Vautin and Mary his Wife was born in 3b Gloucester Terrace in the Parish of St. Dunstan Stepney . . . the 18th Day of October in the year [1819] . . . Baptized the 16th day of December 1819 . . .

"ARRIVED", The Courier (28 October 1842), 2

26. - Arrived the bark Janet Izat, 229 tons, 2 guns, Goldsmith, from London 24th June, with a general cargo - passengers, Mr. Roup, Mr. Weeding, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Vautin, Mr. J. Vautin . . .

"To the Editor", The Courier (29 October 1844), 3

Hobart Town, 23rd October, 1844.
MR. EDITOR, - On perusing your paper of the 22nd instant I found an account of the performance of the Hobart Town Choral Society, and was much surprised that two of the performers, whom the Society found it necessary to employ, and who received a remuneration for their services, should have been noticed, while others, to whom the Society is under the greatest obligation, were not named. I allude to Messrs. Reichenberg, Marshall, and Vautin, who have been most indefatigable in their exertions to benefit the Society, the latter gentleman coming a distance of two miles every Tuesday evening - I am, Sir, your most obedient enthusiast for fair play.

[Advertisement], The Observer (19 September 1845), 1

Music for Sale.
GRAND CONCERTO, by Moshcelles.
" " Steibelt.
" " Hummel.
" " Beethoven.
" " Dussek.
Second " " Ditto
Concerto in D, by " Beethoven.
" " E bbb [E flat]" "
Second Concerto " Kalkbrenner.
The above excellent pieces of Music are arranged with accompaniments for an orchestra.
Also on sale, a very handsome set of Chessmen.
Apply to John Vautin, Collins-street.
September 13, 1845.



Treasurer - Mr. John Marshall.
Secretary - Mr. John C. Hall.
Director - Mr. Richard Curtis.
Conductor - Mr. A. P. Duly.
Leader - Mons. Gautrot.
Librarian - Mr. Henry Elliott.
Collector - Mr. William Holdship.
Auditors - Messrs. J. Hall & J. A. Thomson.
Trustees W. Watchorn & W. Carter, Esqrs.v COMMITTEE:
Messrs. Creswell
- Dyne
- Degraves
- Harbottle.
Messrs. Milward
- McGregor
- Reichenberg
- Vautin . . .

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (18 October 1845), 2 

. . . Of the instrumental performers, the veteran leader, Mons. Gautrot, fully sustained the character he has won; while Messrs. Marshall and Vautin, on the flute and violoncello, contributed, in no slight degree, to the eclat of the performance. In the air, "O liberty," spiritedly sung by Mr. McGregor, and very neatly accompanied by Mr. Vautin, it seemed to be forgotten by all except the able and experienced conductor, Mr. Curtis, that the accompaniment is, throughout, a violoncello obligato . . .

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (18 July 1846), 2

. . . In the second part, consisting of selections from the fine Oratorio of Judas Maccabseus, all previous deficiencies were amply redeemed. The whole orchestra seemed to feel that they were treading on well-known ground. The overture and choruses were spirited, flowing, and correct; closing with that noble combination of mechanism and grandeur, "Sing unto God." In this general summary, however, it would be unjust not to particularize the admirable style in which Mr. Allen gave the beautiful air, "Come, ever-smiling Liberty!" - the feeling and taste thrown into "O Liberty!" by Mr. McGregor, who never acquitted himself better, while the violoncello obligato accompaniment of Mr. Vautin, was marked by peculiar neatness and excellent judgment - and the superior character of the spirit-stirring trio, "Disdainful of danger," by Messrs. Allen, Creswell, and Allen jun., who well sustained their local reputation . . .

"MARRIED", Launceston Examiner (16 August 1848), 6

On the 11th instant, by the Rev. John West, at the residence of Mr. W. M. Dean, Mr. J. Vautin, youngest son of James T. Vautin, Esq., of the Bank of England, to Louisa, relict of the late Mr. B. Chitty.

"CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (6 April 1850), 2

An adjourned special general meeting of the members of this society was held at the Mechanics' Institute on the evening of Tuesday last, Mr. Vautin in the chair. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Tasmania, by letter, intimated his willingness to increase the amount of his annual subscription if the Society was not broken up; but a resolution was adopted to the effect that the organ and other properties should be disposed of We believe the former will be sold by tender.

"THE MUSICAL LECTURE", Colonial Times (13 February 1852), 3

. . . It is but proper to record that Mr. Salier was ably assisted by Mr. Vautin, (violincello), Mr. Elliott, (flute) Mr. Duly, (first violin) and other friends . . .

"DEATHS", Launceston Examiner (13 March 1858), 2

Nov. 15, at 1 Abney-villa, Church-street, Stoke Newington, James Theodore Vautin, Esq., late of the Bank of England, in his 82nd year.

"ROYAL SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (22 May 1858), 2

. . . In the course of the evening Mr. Vautin was introduced, together with Mr. Shiel, the maker of the violin which was exhibited at the last monthly meeting as having been constructed of colonial woods . . .

"AN IMPORTED ORGAN", The Mercury (23 June 1865), 3 

AN organ, imported to the order of, and constructed upon the design furnished by Mr. Witherington, Superintendent of the Brickfields Pauper Asylum, is an excellent sample from the manufactory of Messrs. King of London. It has been built up by Mr. Witherington, assisted by Mr. Vautin, a friend, and many amateur musicians have had the opportunity of testing the compass and power of the instrument. It is of C to G compass, has 528 pipes, and 56 notes, with the following stops, namely, stopped diapason, 8 ft., open ditto, 8 ft., flute 4 ft., dulciana 8 ft., principal 4 ft., fifteenth 2 ft., sesquialtera 3 ranks, bourdon 16 ft., two octaves with keys to pedals, and three composition pedals in general swell. The case is built of pine, which is tastefully grained and varnished. It has a gilded front, with castellated ornamenting, and appears to be fitted up in a superior manner. The organ is on a full church scale, and has plenty of power. Some of the solo stops are very superior. The compass and tones are remarkably good, and the bourdon is exceedingly clear. Great credit is due to the importer as designer, and the manufacturers. We understand that organs of similar style can be imported and built at the cost of £250.

"TOWN HALL ORGAN FUND", The Mercury (26 July 1867), 3 

"TELEGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE. NEW SOUTH WALES. SYDNEY, Nov. 25", Launceston Examiner (30 November 1876), 3 

The body of a clerk in the Bank of New South Wales named Vautin was found on the railway line. His neck was broken.

"DEATH", The Mercury (12 June 1880), 1 

VAUTIN. - On Thursday, June 10, 1880, at 114, Murray-street, in his 83rd year, James, eldest son of the late James Theodore Vautin, of the Bank of England.

"Music & Drama", The Mercury (16 March 1927), 10 

Mr. Clinch, superintendent of mails, gives the interesting information that one of the pianofortes made by the J. Williams, of Hobart Town, who advertised in the "Royal Kalendar" for 1848, mentioned in these notes last week, is still in use at the house of his sister, Mrs. Corney, of Lunawanna, Bruny Island. It is also learned that Mr. Frank Harbottle, [? grandson of] one of the members of the committee of the Hobart Town Choral Society in 1848, died only a few years ago. He was well-known in musical and military circles. Another member, Mr. Reichenberg, was the father of Miss Reichenberg, organist at St. Joseph's Church, and a third, Mr. Vautin, was the father of Mr. D. Vautin, flutist, at the Prince of Wales Theatre, and of his brother, a cellist.

"THEY RUN THE WATERFRONT", The Daily Telegraph (5 August 1949), 8 

. . . Douglas Maynard Vautin (pronounced Vawtin), the third member of the Board, is of French ancestry, but the family left France many generations back. He is a third generation Australian. This tall, slim, quiet-spoken public servant has an air of authority . . . Vautin was born in Hobart, the son of a city mercer. At school in Tasmania he played cricket and Australian Rules football. He studied music, and was an accomplished flautist. He doesn't play the flute now. He can't find the time . . .


Dancer, actor


Dancer, actor

VENTURA, Charlotte (Charlotte Elizabeth HARVEY; [1] Mrs. Giuseppe VENTURA; Signora VENTURA; Madame VENTURA; [2] Mrs. Henry BARBER)

Musician, vocalist, teacher of Italian and English singing

Born c. 1813; daughter of Francis HARVEY
Married [1] Giuseppe VENTURA, Calcutta, Bengal, India, 7 December 1837
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 2 May 1853 (per Marlborough, from Calcutta, 12 March)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1853 (per Shamrock, from Melbourne, 6 May, aged "26")
Departed ? Sydney, NSW, after mid July 1853 (for India)
Married [2] Henry BARBER, Calcutta, Bengal, India, 3 June 1867
Died Calcutta, Bengal, India, 25 January 1868, aged "55" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

VENTURA, Adelaide (Adelaide VENTURA; Mrs. John Calvin LEE)

Amateur vocalist

Born Calcutta, Bengal, India, 25 October 1838; daughter of Giuseppe VENTURA and Charlotte Elizabeth HARVEY
Married John Calvin LEE, Calcutta, Bengal, India, 17 February 1853 (aged "14" [sic])
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 2 May 1853 (per Marlborough, from Calcutta, 12 March)
Departed ? Sydney, NSW, after mid July 1853 (for India)
Died Calcutta, Bengal, India, 29 September 1854, aged "15 years, 11 months and 4 days" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement] Bombay Gazette [India] (12 April 1837), 1 (PAYWALL)

SOIREE MUSICAL. Town Hall, 15th April. SIGNOR G. SALIS VENTURA, Professor of Music . . .
PART 2D. . . . 4 Concert Variation by Signor Ventura . . .

"TO THE EDITOR", Bombay Gazette (26 April 1837), 3 (PAYWALL)

SIR, - "Musical talent must be at a discount in Bombay," said I to a friend, as I took my place beside him, after the performance of Haydn's overture "Di Mazaquello" at Signor Ventura's Soiree on Saturday night last. The remark was elicited by the scantiness of his audience; and when shortly afterwards we heard his astonishing execution on the trumpet, of the most difficult passages in the duet from Rossini's "Semiramide, his concert variations, and the beautiful Cavatina "Com per me sereno" from Bellini's "Sonnambula," we mutually congratulated ourselves on not having missed so intellectual a treat. His performance was indeed wonderful, and I could never have imagined such tones capable of being produced from so unpromising an instrument. From the slight encouragement he met with on this occasion, I fear there is little prospect of the Signor affording the public an opportunity of hearing him again, but should he decide upon giving another Soiree, I hope he will be able to secure the Town Hall for the purpose. - A STRANGER IN THESE PARTS.

Marriages, Calcutta, 1837; India, select marriages database (PAYWALL)

7 December 1837 / Giuseppe Ventura / Cherlotte Elizabeth Harvey

"CALCUTTA. BENGAL HURKARU. FEBRUARY 5", Bombay Gazette (19 February 1838), 3-4 (PAYWALL)

We beg to remind our readers that Signora Schieroni's benefit Concert takes place this evening at the Town Hall, and will commence precisely at 8 o'clock. A richer selection of music than that which has been made for the occasion we cannot recal. Besides the singing of our Prime Donna, in itself a host, we are to have that of Signora Ventura (late Miss Harvey); our veteran favorite Linton sings that fine air of Braham's, "The death of Abercrombie," and we are to hear Pizzoni very probably for the last time in public. In the instrumental department we are to have those wonders of the musical world the Messrs. Ryckman, father and son, on the grand and taw bassoons and the piano forte, and Thonon leads the orchestra . . .

Marriages, Bombay, India, 1844; India, select marriages database (PAYWALL)

14 December 1844 / William Benjamin Fellows and Annetta Ventura, daughter of Giuseppe Ventura

"BENGAL", Bombay Gazette [India] (29 March 1850), 4 (PAYWALL)

We understand that Mr. Linton has very gallantly postponed his Concert, to make way for a professional lady of talent, who has just arrived, and is anxious to make her debut before a Calcutta audience, without delay. We are requested to add that Mrs. Fellows, from Bombay, the lady vocalist alluded to, will give a Concert shortly. Mrs. F. who is related to Madame Ventura, is an Italian by birth, has received a good musical education, and we are assured, by a competent judge, will not disappoint public expectation. Id. [Hurkaru, March 18.]

Mr. Linton informs us that owing to the arrival of a professional lady of great talent, he postpones his own concert in order to allow the debutante to make her appearance as soon as possible before the Calcutta Public. We learn this lady is Signora Ventura Fellowes, whose musical composition, sent us from Bombay we, noticed favorable a short time ago. - Star, March 18.

We have been requested to mention that Mr. Linton's intended Oratorio is postponed. That gentleman, with proper consideration for the claims of the fair sex, having allowed precedence to a lady, who is newly arrived among us, and is desirous of becoming known to a Calcutta audience as soon as possible, and will fix an early day for a concert, which will be announced in good time. We understand that this lady will be an important accession to the profession in Calcutta. Mrs. Fellows is the step-daughter of our prima-soprano Signora Ventura. She is an Italian by birth, and we learn that she has not lost the advantages and opportunities her native country affords, for the prosecution of the study of music. Some of our readers may have heard a Rondinella written by this lady, and sung on two or three occaisons by Signora Ventura. This and some few other little compositions for the piano forte, pleasing and correct, which have preceded Mrs. Fellows to this place, entitle her to a favorable reception, if talent may secure it. - Englishman, March 18.

We have much pleasure in announcing the arrival of a new vocalist and performer of superior pretensions - Signora Ventura Fellows, the stepdaughter of our Ventura, and whose fame has preceded her, is come, which gives a better opportunity for judgment on both points than could be formed from the pretty Rondinella with which she favored us from Bombay. The Signora proposes giving a Concert as early as possible; we sincerely hope she will be greeted with a hearty welcome in the shape of a full house on the occasion of her debut. Born and brought up in Italy, Signora V. Fellows has all the advantages of the School in which she has been educated, and we may anticipate a corresponding treat in the exhibition of her talents. - Indian Times, March 18.

Marriages, Calcutta, 1853; India, Select marriages database (PAYWALL)

17 February 1853 / John Calvin Lee [24] [son of] William Lee
Adelaide Ventura [aged] 14 [sic] [daughter of] Giuseppe Ventura

Passengers per Marlborough, from Calcutta, arrived Melbourne, 2 May 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Mr. Nash, Mr. Pierce, Mr. Kitts, Mr. Reading, Mrs. Ventura, Mr. Lee, Mrs. Lee . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 May 1853), 4 

May 2. - Marlborough ship, 1210 tons, Allen Young, from Calcutta 12th March. Passengers - cabin . . . Mrs. J. C. Lee, Madame Ventura . . . J. W. Reading, J. O. Pearce, J. C. Lee, J. E. Kitts, J. P. Nash . . . and seventy in the steerage . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: New York Serenaders (troupe)

Names and descritpions of passengers per Shamrock, from Melbourne, 6 May 1853, for Sydney: Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . J. C. Lee / 36 // Madame Ventura / 26 . . .


May 6. - Shamrock, steamer, 200 tons, J. J. Warner, for Sydney, in ballast. Passengers - cabin . . . Messrs. . . . Lee, Madame Ventura . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: These two are almost certainly, correctly, Charlotte and Adelaide, the serenaders, including John Calvin Lee, having taken the voyage from Melbourne to Sydney separately by another ship

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 July 1853), 3 

SIGNORA VENTURA, recently arrived from India, begs to intimate to the Ladies of Sydney she intends giving Lessons in Italian and English Singing, during her stay in Australia.
A line addressed to the above, at No. 16, Jamison-street, will meet with prompt attention.

[Advertisement], Empire (11 July 1853), 3 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. TO-MORROW Evening, Tuesday, July 12, 1853.
NEW YORK SERENADERS. Last Night but one. For the benefit of Messrs. PIERCE AND LEE, Bones and Tamborine . . .
and upon that occasion they will be assisted by SIGNORA VENTURA AND DAUGHTER, late from India.
Pianoforte Accompaniment, by Mrs. St. John Adcock . . .
Quartette - "Hark! 'tis the Indian Drum," Signora Ventura, Amateur Lady, and Messrs. Nash and Kitts . . .
Duetto - "Se mi credi amato bene," Signora Ventura and Amateur Lady . . .
Song - "They have welcomed me again," as sung by Madame Sontag, Signora Ventura . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Marianne Pettingell Adcock (pianist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)

MUSIC: Yes! 'tis the Indian drum (Bishop); Se mi credi amato bene (Florio); They have welcomed me again (as sung by Henriette Sontag)

"THE NEW YORK SERENADERS", Empire (12 July 1853), 3 

These old favourites in Sydney perform to-morrow evening [sic] at the Victoria Theatre, for the last time, but one, being for the benefit of Meesrs. Pierce and Lee, whose exertions on the bones and tambourine, must be seen and heard to be appreciated . . . The company will be assisted by Signora Ventura and her daughter, and have also secured the valuable assistance of Mrs. St. John Adcock, as an accompanyist on the pianoforte . . .

Deaths and burials, Calcutta, 1854; India, select deaths and burials database (PAYWALL)

29 September 1854 / Adelaide Lee / 15 / [spouse] J. C. Lee

"DEATHS", Friend of India and Statesman [India] (5 October 1854), 6 (PAYWALL)

29. At Calcutta, Mrs. ADELAIDE LEE [sic], the only daughter of Signora Ventura, aged 15 years, 11 months and 4 days [sic].

VERDI, Guglielmo (William GREEN; Signor VERDI; also referred to as George VERDI)

Baritone vocalist, opera company manager

Born Baltimore, USA, 1854
Arrived Melbourne, 18 January 1879 (per Lusitania, from Europe via Cape Town)
Departed Australia, ? early 1889 (shareable link to this entry)


Guglielmo Verdi, 1880



Verdi and his wife, and fellow Lyster artist Ugo Angieri and his wife, arrived together in Melbourne on the Lusitana. On his first appearance for Lyster in March 1879, Verdi was advertised as "From the Strackosh [Strakosch] Opera Company, America, and the principal opera-houses of Europe". His last advertised Melbourne appearance was in his namesake's Il Trovatore and Maritana in December 1888.

In June 1890, he and Emilie Melville were reported in the Australian press to have been playing comic opera at Kimberley in the Cape Colony. He was sometimes referred to in the press as "George Verdi". Historian Alan Atkinson (Atkinson 2014, 378 and 464 note 3) refers to him as "George Verdi (real name William Green), 'Australia's Favourite Baritone'", and suggests, plausibly, that he was popular enough for children to be named after him.


"ARRIVED", The Australasian (25 January 1879), 14

[News], The Argus (15 March 1879), 7

The particulars of Mr. Lysters English and Italian Opera season for 1879 are now announced. The principal artistes are Madame Rose Hersee, Miss Agnes Palma, Signora Link and Messrs Francis Gaynor, G. Verdi, Ugo Angieri, Arthur Howell, and the old Melbourne favourite Mr Armes Beaumont.

"THE OPERA", The Argus (24 Mar 1879), 7

LA SONNAMBULA . . . We come now to a name which is destined to hold foremost rank in our notices of the new season of opera in Melbourne. We mean that of the new baritone singer, Mr. G. Verdi. We use the English title to the Italian patronymic just as we find it in the bills. It is at once a surprise and a delight to listen to him - surprise to find him travelling so far from those great musical centres which exist in the older parts of the world, and a delight that never palls on the ear to listen to the typical manly voice - the baritone - so richly endowed as this is with the noble attributes of compass, power, sweetness, and that quality of sympathetic expression which is the highest form of eloquence in music. Mr. Verdi is the happy recipient of a great many good gifts. He is great in stature, and of the massive form and easy carriage which temper dignity with grace. He is young looking, and necessarily - on the stage - good looking. He sings with ease, and with a distinct delivery of words (English) which enhances the value of every line he utters by making it intelligible, and he sings also with a fervour which bespeaks warmth of heart and even enthusiasm for the art which he is so well fitted to illustrate and adopt. It is not a great part to play - that of Count Rodolfo - but Mr. Verdi made of it all that was seemly and proper in action, and musically lifted it into higher prominence than it has ever enjoyed here before. His performance, even to the minutest detail of the cavatina "As I view now these scenes so charming," had a surprising effect upon his hearers. As the grand tones of his voice rolled out in final cadence, increasing always in richness of sound and extent of compass until the climax was reached, the audience were first spell-bound in silence and then there arose from them such a storm of applause as has been rarely heard even amongst the many good musical events that most of us remember. The piece was encored, and Signor Verdi was at once acknowledged as a rarely gifted artist . . .

"MR. G. VERDI, OF THE OPERA HOUSE", The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil (11 September 1880), 228, 230

MR. GUILLAUME VERDI, the popular baritone of the Lyster Opera Company, is an American by birth, having been born at Baltimore in 1854. He studied music in Baltimore under local masters, and had also the advantage of tuition from an Italian master. At the age of 19 he left for Italy on a pleasure excursion, but when there he determined to devote himself to the study of music, and placed himself under the great Lamperti, of Milan. After six months he went to Switzerland, and made his debut at Lugano as Belisario, in Donizetti's opera of that name. Two months afterwards he returned to Italy, and studied there at intervals for three years, occasionally making public appearances. He played last in Italy at the Theatre Bellini, at Palermo, in 1874, and then played a long engagement in Austria, Poland, and Russia. He was next engaged by Mr. Max Strakosch, the great impressario [sic], for a protracted tour in the United States, where he sang as baritone in 1877 and part of 1878. After this he went to London for a rest, and there met Mr. Lyster, who, having heard of him in America, engaged him for Australia as one of the Rose Hersee company. He opened in Melbourne in March, 1879, in 'Sonnambula.' Although only 26 years of age, Mr. Verdi can sing in 40 operas.

"NEW INSOLVENT", The Argus (13 November 1883), 9

NEW INSOLVENT. Guglielmo Verdi, of Hotham street, East Melbourne, actor. Causes of insolvency - Losses sustained in working an Italian opera company of which he was manager. Liabilities, £1,013 19s. 3d.; assets £469; deficiency, £544 19s. 3d. Mr. Halfey, assignee.

"INSOLVENCY OF SIGNOR VERDI", The Argus (13 December 1883), 11

Signor G. Verdi, an insolvent appeared on an examination summons before his Honour Judge Noel yesterday. Mr. Sabelberg appeared for the insolvent. Mr. PURVES said he was instructed to appear on behalf of the creditors to examine the insolvent. The insolvent being sworn, Mr. PURVES asked him what was his name.
Insolvent: Guglielmo Verdi.
Mr. PURVES: Is that your real name?
Insolvent: That is my English name translated into Italian.
Mr. PURVES: What is your real name is what I want to know.
Insolvent: Is it the judge's opinion I should give this? I have been generally known in my profession as Guglielmo Verdi for the last 10 or 12 years.
His HONOUR: It maybe necessary to know what your real name is and therefore you had better state what it is.
Insolvent: It is William Green.
To Mr. PURVES: My father is alive. His name is Robert F. Green. He lives in Baltimore, United States. I have been away from home for five years. He is in business there. When I left home my father was a wholesale wine and spirit merchant. He held landed property at that time as the absolute owner. I think his property consisted of dwelling houses. I first became insolvent about the 11th of August, the first week of my operatic season. I was able to pay my debts up to the 11th of August . . .

"The Opera in India", Table Talk (4 March 1886), 14

"INTERCOLONIAL", Daily Telegraph (24 March 1886), 2

Miss Emilie Melville and Signor Verdi have arrived at Brisbane from Calcutta, and will come on to Melbourne.

"LOCAL NEWS", Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (19 January 1888), 2

On the return of the Emelie Melville Dramatic Company from Gympie, they will on Monday night tender a benefit to Mr. Frank Ward, the well-known theatrical agent of this town, who for the last six months has been laid up in bed with a severe illness. The piece for the occasion will be the 'Colleen Bawn,' interspersed with the beautiful songs and music of Sir Jules Benedict's elegant composition 'The Lily of Killarny,' in which Miss Melville and Mr. G. Verdi will be heard to advantage in a number of solos and duetts. One or two leading amateurs will probably join in, and a good entertainment is sure to be provided.

[Advertisement], Table Talk (20 July 1888), 12

"Table Talk", Table Talk (6 June 1890), 1

"Miss Emelie Melville", Table Talk (19 June 1891), 16

"Rhoda's Letter", Melbourne Punch (22 August 1895), 10

Rhoda's Letter. London, 12th July 1895 . . . Among those I have seen in town during this week are Annie Mayor, just over from America . . . and Signor G. Verdi, once the idol of Melbourne stage-land. The latter has grown very stout . . .

"GENERAL GOSSIP", Referee (28 September 1910), 16 

VERNICKEL, Albrecht Friedrich (Albrecht Friedrich VERNICKEL; Albr. Fr. VERNICKEL; Mr. VERNEEKEL)

Pianist, piano tuner

Arrived Adelaide, SA, 13 March 1854 (per Iserbrook, from Hamburg, 23 November 1853)
Active Adelaide, SA, until ? 1855 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (14 March 1854), 2 

Same day [11 March] - The brig Iserbrook, 200 tons, Kruyer, master, from Hamburg November 23. Passengers - Mrs. Emilie Fischer and 4 children, in the cabin; Messrs. Spiller 2, Vernickel . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (3 March 1855), 1 

THE undersigned Tunes PIANOFORTES; of every description in town and country. FR. VERNICKEL, At Mr. Fischer's, Confectioner, Rundle-street, opposite the John Barleycorn.

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (6 April 1855), 3 

Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Acting Governor and Mrs. Finniss. At the Theatre Royal. MONDAY EVENING, 9th April.
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . Solo - Piano, Mr. Verneekel . . .

"VICTORIA THEATRE", Adelaide Times (10 April 1855), 3

. . . We are sorry we cannot speak equally favourably of the performance of Mr. Verneekel, the pianist, whose frequent mishaps were the cause of much confusion . . .

"MRS. MITCHELL'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (10 April 1855), 3 

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (13 April 1855), 1 

F. VERNICKEL, TUNER and PIANIST, at Mr. Anders's, opposite the Young Queen, Freeman-street.

"MRS. MITCHELL'S CONCERT", Adelaide Observer (14 April 1855), 5 

. . . Mr. Verneekel proved himself an accomplished pianist, and Herr Wurna, the gentleman whose performance on the violin was so much admired at the last concert of the Choral Society, again played De Beriot's air "Varié," with increased success. "Rule Britannia," by Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Wallace, and the Amateur, concluded most appropriately this delightful entertainment, and the loyal feeling of the company was manifested by their standing during the performance of the national melody.

VERNON, Howard (John LETT; Jack LETT; Howard VERNON)

Tenor vocalist, actor, comedian

Born Batman's Swamp, Melbourne, VIC, 20 May 1848
Active Melbourne, VIC, by December 1872
Died Windsor-Prahran, VIC, 26 July 1921 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

Howard Vernon, 1882



[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 December 1872), 10

"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 September 1906), 4

"STAGE VETERAN DIES", The Argus (27 July 1921), 8

"HOWARD VERNON", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 July 1921), 12

"STAGE VETERAN DIES", The Argus (27 July 1921), 8

The many friends and admirers of Mr. Howard Vernon, the veteran actor, will learn with regret of his death, which occurred yesterday in a private hospital at Windsor. Mr. Vernon was born 73 years ago, on the site of Scott's Hotel, in Collins street. He made his first stage appearance in Melbourne as a tenor in a concert programme, singing, "A Bird There Sat On a Hawthorn Spray," with a violin obbligato by John Kruse, then but a boy. Referring to the incident some years afterwards, Mr. Vernon said:

"There was a glow on Kruse's face that was the nearest thing to heavenly inspiration I have ever realised. I knew that the tremendous applause that followed was his, and said, 'Go on, Jack, it's yours.' Then hard upon the heels of a sigh of envy came an impulse of mischievous humour, and I went on with him and shared in the applause. The audience was laughing, I was laughing, everyone but the boy violinist saw the humour of it, and as we came off George Coppin remarked to me, 'My boy, you are a comedian.'"

Later, Mr. Vernon made his reputation as the happy interpreter of the most difficult of Gilbert and Sullivan's roles. He played and sang in many parts, and adventured as a manager in India and the East with a three-sided company, the star of which was the Shakespearian actor Bothroyd Fairclough, whose Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and other Shakesperian tragedy roles were the sensation of his day. Mr. Vernon was as closely and continuously associated with Gilbert and Sullivan's operas in Australia as was George Grossmith with the Savoy originals in London. They took the tame parts. for his Ko Ko in "The Mikado", his Bunthorne in "Patience," his Shadholt, the gaoler, in "The Yeomen of the Guard," and other Gilbertian roles, Mr. Howard Vernon won a very high place in the esteem of Australian playgoers of his period. While the principals were frequently changed in the first Gilbert and Sullivan productions, Mr. Vernon went on to the end. Each new opera in its turn had the one character which was his by inheritance of right and merit. His parts he took were made for him, he for them just as indubitably as in the case of Grossmith. In "The Mikado," where he reached the pinnacle of his stage fame, he played with Alice Barnett, the original of the Katisha roles at the Savoy, and from time to time others who had won a London reputation dropped in, but Howard Vernon's monopolistic right to certain parts was never questioned, and his association with William Elton, as lack Point - which George Lauri afterwards played in a somewhat different vein - was perhaps the happiest of them all. Mr. Vernon leaves a widow, two sons, and two married daughters. One of the sons is Mr. Victor Prince, the comedian, and the other is a resident of Box Hill. Before his health failed completely, Mr. Vernon assisted in conducting a book business at Richmond.

"DEATH OF HOWARD VERNON", The Australasian (30 July 1921), 31 

Bibliography and resources:

Joan Maslen, "Vernon, Howard (1848-1921)", Australian dictionary of biography 12 (1990)

Howard Vernon's memoirs [Press cuttings from newspapers, 1923-1926, glued into blank book]

VERSO, Joseph (Joseph VERSO; Mr. VERSO; Mr. VERSOE)

Trombone and horn player (Lyster Opera Company orchestra, Melbourne Philharmonic)

Born Dublin, Ireland, 18 September 1825; baptised St. George (CoI), Dublin, 16 October 1825; son of Jacob and Mary Ann VERSO
Married Sussanah BRUKNER (c. 1828-1898), St. Mary's, North Dublin, Ireland, 24 April 1848
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, December 1854 (per Falcon, from Liverpool)
Died Northcote, VIC, 10 June 1899, aged 73 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

VERSO, Susanna Mary (Susanna VERSO; Susan Mary VERSO; Miss VERSO; Mrs. Henry Vincent SMITH)

Vocalist, chorus singer (Lyster Opera Company; pupil of Patrick Henry Hughes)

Born Dublin, Ireland, 9 February 1851; baptised St. Mary (CoI), Dublin, 9 March 1851; daughter of Joseph VERSO and Susanna BRUNCKER
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, December 1854 (per Falcon, from Liverpool)
Married Henry Vincent SMITH (c. 1829-1898), All Saints, East St. Kilda, VIC, 16 April 1879
Died Cheltenham, VIC, 5 November 1924

VERSO, Caroline Florence (Caroline Florence VERSO; Carrie VERSO; Miss VERSO; Mrs. George Harvey PARSONS)

Pianist, organist

Born Richmond, VIC, 14 January 1863; daughter of Joseph VERSO and Susanna BRUNCKER
Married George Harvey PARSONS (1854-1923), All Saints, Northcote, VIC, 22 December 1893
Died Christchurch, NZ, 27 August 1943


The Dublin directory for 1853 lists "Joseph Verso, builder, 1 Paradise Lane", along with 3 other Verso builders and cabinetmakers (two Johns and a William), presumably all related. Described as a clerk aged 29, he and his wife appear in the passenger list for the Falcon, which arrived in Melbourne from Liverpool in December 1854.


Register of baptisms (the year 1825), St. George, Dublin; Irish Church Records (DIGITISED)

Joseph Son of Jacob & Mary Verso, was born 19th Septem'r 1825 and Christened 16 October 1825 . . .

1848, Marriage solemnized at St. Mary's Church in the Parish of St. Mary in the city of Dublin; Irish Church Records (DIGITISED)

No. 176 / 24th April 1848 / Joseph Verso, full age / bachelor / Carpenter / 2 Paradise Place / [son of] Jacob Verso / Cabinet Maker
Susanna Brunker / Minor / Spinster / Dress Maker / 2 Paradise Place / George Brunker / Teacher

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Mary in the city of Dublin in the year 1851; Irish Church Records (DIGITISED)

[Baptised] 9 March 1851 / [born] 9 Feb'ry 1851 / Susanna Mary / [daughter of] Joseph & Susanna / Verso / 2 Paradise Place / Carpenter . . .

British passenger list, VIC, Falcon, from Liverpool, December 1864; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)

[From Liverpool] Joseph Verso / 29 / Clerk // Susannah [Verso] / 26 / Wife // [Susannah Verso] / 2

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 May 1861), 8 

MUSICAL UNION. GRAND CONCERT, in aid of the Fund for Relief of the Widows and orphans of the Soldiers of the 40th Regiment who have fallen in New Zealand, will be given in the EXHIBITION BUILDING, THIS EVENING, MAY 22 . . . Programme will consist of
Overture - "Ruy Blas" - Mendelssohn.
And Mr. Henry Leslie's JUDITH.
All for the first time In Victoria . . .
Principal Violin - Mr. A. J. LESLIE. Conductor, Mr. G. R. G. PRINGLE.
First Violins: Messrs. Leslie, A. J.; Edwards; Fischer; Levy; Peters; Strebinger; Smith; Zeplin.
Second Violins: Messrs. Ryder; Fredlein; Lewis, R. E.; Lewis; Megson; Pringle, A.; Putman; Spensley.
Violas: Messrs. Thomas; Cousins; Hines; Izard; Jolly.
Violoncellos: Messrs. Reed; Jones; Kent; Montague.
Double Basses: Messrs. Hardman; Gover; Peters; Thorne.
Flutes: Messrs. Johnson, F.; Boom.
Oboes: Messrs. Hornidge; Mortimer.
Clarionets: Messrs. Johnson; Clark.
Bassoons: Messrs. Winterbottom, J.; Hore.
Trumpets: Messrs. Richardson; Wallerstein.
Horns: Messrs. Kohler; Verso; Graner; Hore, J.
Trombones: Messrs. Hore, R.; Huenerbein; Carrington.
Ophecleide: Mr. Hore.
Double Drums: Mr. Tolhurst.
Side Drum: Mr. Mullens.
Bass Drum: Mr. Lissignol.
Harp: Mr. Scabrooke . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (23 December 1862), 8

HANDEL'S ORATORIO Of the "MESSIAH," THEATRE ROYAL, By the Melbourne Musical Union, in conjunction with Lyster's Royal Italian and English Opera Company, CHRISTMAS EVE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 . . . The GRAND ORCHESTRA, the largest ever organised in this city, will include in its number the following well-known artistes:-
Herr Strebinger, Mr. E. King, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Reed, Mr. Leslie, Mr. Gover, Mr. Midman, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Western. Herr Siede, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Kingley, Herr Kohler, Mr. Versoe, Mr. Rusteberg, Mr. Hoare, Slgnor Canna, Mr. Carrington . . .

NOTE: There were 2 simultaneous performances of Messiah that night, the other by the Melbourne Philharmonic Society

[Advertisement], The Argus (19 December 1864), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 December 1865), 8

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 November 1866), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 May 1867), 8

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1868), 8

St. GEORGE'S HALL. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO PROFESSOR HUGHES By his PUPILS, MONDAY EVENING, 26TH OCTOBER . . . The following, amongst other pupils, will have the honour of appearing: - Miss Maggie Stewart, Miss Kate Rider, Miss Juliet Crosbie, Miss Kruse, Miss Verso, Master McDonnell, Mr. Norman Lett, Mr. J. F. Dunning, Mr. Moroney, Miss Anna Ford, Miss Chester, Mrs. Gardner, Miss Galli, Master Kruse, Master Whitehead, Mr. A. Hampshire, Mr. William Powell, Mr. A. H. Cohen . . .

[Advertisement], Advocate (24 October 1868), 16 

"THE ITALIAN OPERA", The Argus (29 April 1872), 5

"THE OPERA. BARBE BLEU", The Argus (10 June 1873), 6

"DEATHS", The Argus (12 June 1899), 1

VERSO. - On the 10th June, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. G. H. Parsons, Northcote, Joseph Verso, aged 73. No flowers (by request).

"THE LATE MR. JOSEPH VERSO", Evelyn Observer (23 June 1899), 5

The colonists of the "fifties" are fast leaving us. Each day (as the obituary columns of the Press inform us) they are passing away to "that bourne whence no traveller returns." In the prime of their manhood and womanhood they came here seeking fortune in a new land. There was hard pioneering work to do, but for the most part they have borne the "heat and burden of the day" so well that the Psalmist's allotted span of "three score years and ten" and even four score years is not uncommon among them. The "passing" of the majority of these, our first generation, gives us but little concern. It is only when one finishes his life's race in our very midst that the fact comes home to us. Such reflections are caused by the death of Mr. Joseph Verso, father of Mr. C. J. Verso, a former mayor of Northcote, and of Mrs. G. H. Parsons, the present mayoress of the town. The old gentleman was held in the highest respect by all who had his acquaintance, and by those immediately connected with him, he was loved. He had all the qualities of heart and mind to make him so. Up till a few months ago the late Mr. Verso's years sat lightly upon him, and he walked with as brisk a step as many half his age. Then an internal complaint seized him from which his medical advisers could hold out no hope of recovery. The illness was a painful and trying one, but was borne with patience and even cheerfulness, much of its hardness being doubtless relieved by the devoted nursing of his daughter (Mrs. Parsons) and other members of his family. Death took place on Saturday morning, 10th inst., at the residence of Mrs. Parsons, with whom he had resided during the past three years. It is just about a year since Mrs. Verso died so that the double term of office of the Mayor and Mayoress compasses the deaths of no less than three members of the family - father, mother, and a little daughter - truly, for them an overfull cup of sorrow.

Mr. Verso was a native of Dublin, Ireland, and was born in 1825. He came to this colony in 1854. By occupation he was a builder, but also was an ardent musician, being a member of the orchestra of the Lyster Opera Company for a great many years. After first trying his fortune in the Greensborough and Eltham districts, Mr. Verso eventually settled in Richmond, where, as the result of industry and thrift, he became possessed of considerable property. Twelve years ago he came to reside in Northcote, where his son, Mr. C. J. Verso, was already living. Like many others he did not pass through the "boom" scathless, but lost the greater part of the savings of a lifetime.

The interment took place on Monday. The funeral was preceded by a short service at the house conducted by the Rev. Hector Ferguson, while the Revs. Canon Ford and C. P. Thomas officiated at the grave. Monday afternoon was most winterly, with hail, rain, and intense cold, but this did not prevent a representative gathering of relatives and friends turning out to pay a last tribute of respect. In addition to the above-mentioned clergyman the Revd. Fathers Brazil and Cusack were present, and Crs. Brock and Herbert had come all the way from the Whittlesea district. The pall-bearers were Dr. Leeper (whom Mr. Verso had known as a boy in Dublin), Mr. C. Bernard (Geelong), and. Messrs. V. Griffith, Jas. Mitchell, H. Knott, and John Herbert. - Preston Leader.

ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Leeper

VERT, Mr. (Mr. VERT; Herr VERT)

German musician

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1858 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"POLICE. FRIDAY, 14TH MAY . . .", The Argus (15 May 1858), 6 

Dora Vert was charged with vagrancy and fortune-telling. She made a solemn, protestation to the Bench that she would offend no more, and was discharged.

"CARD-CUTTING", Bendigo Advertiser (17 May 1858), 3 

Dora Vert, the wife of a German musician, was brought before the City Court, on Friday, to answer a charge of vagrancy. Inspector Nicholas stated that he had arrested the prisoner by virtue of a warrant which accused her of telling fortunes. Her husband was a German, and she admitted being a fortune-teller for the purpose of supporting her husband, who was ill. A pack of cards was found in her house. The prisoner declared she would never do it again, but she had been induced by some improper girls to practise on the cards. The Mayor cautioned her against a repetition of her offence, and discharged her. - Herald.

"MELBOURNE", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (19 May 1858), 2 

By the "Admella" this morning we have papers to yesterday. We extract the following: - . . .

We had a charge of fortune-telling alias card cutting at the City Court to-day. Dora Vert, a German female, and wife to a musician, has for some time been carrying on the business of a fortune-teller, in a house situate in Hayward's lane off Little Lonsdale-street east; and is consequence of some neighbor's reporting her dark deeds to the police authorities, a warrant was issued, and the woman was apprehended. It was stated to the Court that her husband had been ill in Hospital, and she was compelled to resort to the cards as a means of supporting herself and family. The Bench, under the circumstances, considered it a case in which a caution would be sufficient, and she was accordingly discharged on condition "to go and sin no more."


Actor, comedian

Born England, c. 1809; daughter of John RICHARDSON
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 8 February 1858 (per Norfolk, from Gravesend, 27 November 1857)
Died Melbourne, VIC, 1861, aged "52" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"Drury-lane - READPPEARANCE OF MR. G. V. BROOKE", The Era [London, England] (11 September 1853), 10 (PAYWALL)

. . . The part of Emilia was taken, on Monday, by a Mrs. Leslie, from the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh; but, on Wednesday, it was undertaken by Mrs. Vickery (late Miss Richardson), who gave it with great effect . . .

"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (16 January 1858), 2 

Names and descriptions of passengers per Norfolk from Gravesend, 27 November 1857, for Port Phillip, 8 February 1858; Public Record Office Victoria 

Steerage Passengers / Younge Fred / 30 // Younge / [wife] 25 . . .
Cabin Passengers . . . Helen Vickery / 25 / Comedian . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED", The Argus (9 February 1858), 4 

February 8. - Norfolk, Blackwall liner, ship, 1,000 tons, E. A. Reynell, from London 29th November. Passengers - cabin . . . Mrs. J. G. Vickery . . .

"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (16 February 1858), 5 

"DEATHS", The Age (18 January 1861), 4 

On 17th January, at her residence, Russell street, Mrs. Mary Vickery, aged 54 years.

"Funerals", The Herald (19 January 1861), 7 

MEMBERS of the Dramatic and Musical Professions, and the Personal Friends of the late
Mrs. VICKERY (of the Theatre Royal) are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the Melbourne General Cemetery.
The funeral procession is appointed to move from her late residence, No. 90 Russell street,
this day, Saturday, the 19th instant, about Three o'clock.
JOHN SLEIGHT, Undertaker, 71 Collins-street east.

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (18 January 1861), 5 

We regret to have to announce the death of the talented and deserving actress, Mrs. Vickery. It will be remembered that several months ago, she accidentally broke her leg, and was incapacitated from appearing on the stage. It seems, however, that she was also suffering from an insidious and fatal disease. On Saturday last she underwent an operation for cancer. She gradually sank, and died yesterday, at her residence in Russell-street. The deceased lady, who was in her 53rd year, arrived here in 1857 as a member of the theatrical company engaged by Mr. Coppin in England. Her presence was a great acquisition to the colonial stage, and as a careful, intelligent artiste, in her own walk of the drama, she had no equal.

"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . IN MEMORIAM", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (19 January 1861), 2 

Mrs. Vickery died on Thursday night at her residence, in Russell street. Some ten months ago she broke her leg, while descending from the stage of the Royal, and was confined to her house for many months. On recovering from this severe accident, she was attacked with cancer, which rendered an operation necessary, from the effects of which she never recovered. Mrs. Vickery is well-known to the play going public of Great Britain, where, under her maiden name, Miss Richardson, she long maintained a leading position.


Musician, clarinettist, clarionet player

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1853 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus (19 August 1853), 8 

ROWE'S CIRCUS. - TO MORROW, August 20th. WINTERBOTTOM'S Grand Monster Concert, nearly One Hundred Performers . . .
First time this season, Great Exhibition Quadrille . . . Jullien . . .
No. 3. - The Spanish Sapatieodo, with variations clarionet, Mr. Villiers, flute and castagnettes, M. Vailet . . .

VINCENT, George (I) (George VINCENT; Mr. G. VINCENT)

Bandsman (Brunswick Band, Schrader's band), blacksmith, iron-worker

Born Dorchester, Dorset, England, 1818; baptised Holy Trinity, Dorchester, 26 April 1818; son of George VINCENT (d. 1855) and Mary JENKINS (d. 1849)
Married (1) Mary HONEYWELL (d. SA, 1854), Holy Trinity, Dorchester, Dorset, 19 May 1847
Arrived Adelaide, 5 July 1848 (assisted immigrant, steerage, per Westminster, from London and Plymouth)
Married (2) Jane HAWKER, Adelaide, SA, 9 July 1855
Died Norwood, SA, 5 September 1879, aged 62 (shareable link to this entry)

? VINCENT, William (William VINCENT; ? correctly George above)

Bandsman (contra bass player, West Adelaide Band, 1862)

VINCENT, George (junior) (George VINCENT)

Musician, brass player (cornet, trumpet)

Born Adelaide, SA, 11 May 1860; son of George VINCENT and Jane HAWKER
Died Ceduna, SA, 12 July 1937


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester in the county of Dorset in the year 1817-18; register 1813-43, page 12; Dorset History Centre (PAYWALL)

No. 95 / [1818] April 26 / George son of / George & Mary / Vincent / Hollis Frome [? House] belonging to this parish / Serving Man . . .

1847, marriage solemnized by Banns in the town of Dorchester in the county of Dorset; register 1813-1921, page 36; Dorset History Centre (PAYWALL)

No. 72 / May 19 / George Vincent / of full age / Bachelor / Blacksmith / Pease Lane / [son of] George Vincent / Groom
Mary Honeywell / of full age / Spinster / Dressmaker / High Street / [daur. of] John Honeywell / Chair maker
married in the parish church of Holy Trinity . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (8 July 1848), 3

Same Day [5 July] - The barque Westminster, F. Michie, master, from London and Plymouth, with 247 Government emigrants in the steerages as follows: - From London . . . George Vincent and wife . . .

"GAWLER TOWN RURAL FETE AND PICNIC. THE BAND CONTEST", The South Australian Advertiser (7 November 1862), 3

- Schmidt - Eb Clarionet.
W. Sumsion - Bb Clarionet.
H. Schrader - First Cornet.
John Medley - First Cornet.
George Freeman - Second Cornet.
F. Fletcher Second - Cornet.
R. Morris - First tenor Saxhorn.
W. Stratton - Second tenor do.
W. Vincent - Contra Bass.
G. Clift - Solo Bass.
T. Schrader - Solo Bass.
H. Clift - Drum . . .

"MACCLESFIELD", The South Australian Advertiser (18 March 1865), 3

There has been a good deal of excitement here lately caused by the elections, celebration of anniversary of Lodge, &c. . . . The Brethren assembled at 10 o'clock at the Lodge-room, and formed into procession, headed by the Brunswick Band, who enlivened the scene by their excellent music . . . Thanks were returned by Mr. Vincent of the band. The music was certainly very good, and eepedallly a quartette, by Verdi, which was given with such precision and musical taste that we were really astonished, Mr. Heydecke, Jun., playing the cornet, an instrument he is not in the custom to perform on. We only can recommend the gentlemen present, and also Mr. Schrader, who is connected with the band, that they cultivate such music, and we are sure if they progress in this way they soon will give the Adriaidp public a taste for classical music.

"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (12 July 1866), 2

A very pleasant gathering took place at the London Inn on Wednesday evening, July 11. The members of the late West Adelaide Bifles Company, having some surplus cash in hand, had decided upon spending it in a dinner, to which they invited the new recruits of the Company, and the event came off as above stated . . . Drill-instructor Mortimer briefly responded on behalf of the army, and Mr. G. Vincent, a member of the band, for the navy . . . The proceedings were greatly enlivened by a number of good songs which were sung by several present, and by the excellent music of the band which played appropriate tunes between the toasts.

"COMPLIMENTARY DINNER TO MAJOR BAKER", South Australian Register (22 May 1867), 2

. . . Private George Vincent returned thanks on behalf of the navy. The British navy bore a high name when he was connected with it 20 years ago, but it must be something wonderful now if the wooden ships that were once considered invincible were being condemned, and iron vessels substituted in their place . . .

"FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. G. LODER", South Australian Register (17 July 1868), 2

. . . The burial service was read by the Rev. James Poliitt. At the Cemetery, adjoining the grave, were stationed the following members of Schrader's Band:- Messrs. F. Heydecke, C. Howson, A. Klauer, T. G. Pappin. and G. Vincent . . .

"DIED", South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (6 September 1879), 4 

VINCENT. - On the [blank] September, at Alfred street, Norwood, after a short illness, George Vincent, ironworker, aged sixty-two years.

"NORWOOD TOWN HALL", South Australian Register (4 August 1885), 5 

. . . Mr. C. P. James was encored for his song "The Death of Nelson," to which Mr. G. Vincent played a trumpet obbligato . . .

"ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S SCHOOLROOM", Evening Journal (6 September 1889), 4M 

. . . During the evening an orchestra under Mr. G. Vincent played an overture, a valse, and a march.

"DEATHS", The Advertiser (16 July 1937), 18 

On the 12th July, at Ceduna, George, dearly loved eldest son of the late George and Jane Vincent, of Norwood.

"OBITUARY. THE LATE MR. GEORGE VINCENT", West Coast Sentinel (16 July 1937), 4 

On Monday last, Mr. George Vincent, of Ceduna, passed away. Mr. Vincent had been some twelve years in Ceduna and was a most interesting personality. He was a musician of a very high order, indeed there were few in the Commonwealth who could rank with him. He had been associated with many great orchestras, among them being Sir Frederic Cowen's of 1888-9, considered by many to have been the finest ever heard in Australia. It was composed largely of English artists, but Mr. Vincent was specially chosen from Australia. This, in itself, testifies to the musical ability of the gentleman who has, alas, left us . . .

VINCENT, George (George VINCENT)

Musician, bandmaster

Born c. 1848
Died Sydney, NSW, September 1885, aged 37 (shareable link to this entry)


"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 September 1885), 1

VINCENT. - At his residence, No. 2, Edgeley-street, Surry Hills, Mr. George Vincent, musician, aged 37 years, leaving an affectionate wife and large family to mourn their loss. "There is sweet rest in heaven."

"FUNERALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 September 1885), 16

MEMBERS of the different Bands in Sydney and Suburbs, who have been under the tuition of Mr. GEORGE VINCENT, Bandmaster, are most respectively invited to attend his Funeral; procession will move from his residence, No. 2, Edgeley street, Surry Hills, THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON, 29th instant, at 1 30 o'clock, for Necropolis. THOS. HIGLEY, late Band Sergeant to St.Leonards Band.


Clergyman, colonial chaplain

Born c. 1792
Arrived Sydney, NSW, January 1828
Active Moreton Bay, NSW (QLD), mid 1829
Died Penrith, NSW, 2 January 1854, aged 62 (shareable link to this entry)


John Vincent (d. 1854) first came to New South Wales in January 1828, and arrived at Moreton Bay as chaplain some time between March and May 1829, but he soon quarrelled with the commandant, Patrick Logan, and was back in Sydney on 29 December 1829, whereafter he was the first minister stationed at Goulburn and Sutton's Forest, in 1830. Logan was murdered by Indigenous natives in the region of Mt. Beppo on 17 October 1830.


William Ross, The fell tyrant; or, The suffering convict: showing the horrid and dreadful suffering of the convicts of Norfolk Island and Moreton Bay, our two penal settlements in New South Wales, with the life of the author, William R--S (London: J. Ward, 1836), 26 

. . . I recollect a prisoner, who formed one of the choir of singers, being brought to court for stealing a cob of corn in the field where he had been laboriously working, and in almost a state of starvation. Logan addressed him in the following manner, "You, sir, are one of Mr. Vincent's psalm singers, and you can steal corn: I shall, in consequence most severely punish you." Then addressing himself to the constable in attendance, "Take him to the scourger, and let him have a hundred lashes." This was no sooner said than done, and he was no longer permitted to remain in the choir; not because he had stolen a cob of corn, as it was termed, but Logan thought it would offend Mr. Vincent, and held this as his pretext . . .

"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 January 1854), 5 

At his residence, in Penrith, on the 2nd instant, after a short and painful illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, the Rev. John Vincent, aged sixty-two years, colonial chaplain in the colony of New South Wales for twenty-six years, and minister of Castlereagh and Emu Plains for the last thirteen years, leaving a widow and large family to deplore their irreparable loss.

Bibliography and resources:

Robert Jordan, "Music and civil society in New South Wales, 1788-1809", Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 98/2 (December 2012), (193-210), 194;dn=060857840144157;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)

VINCENT, John Rimmer (John Rimmer VINCENT; J. R. VINCENT)

Professor of music, pianist, organist, composer

Born ? Liverpool, England, c. 1834
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1855
Active Castlemaine and Daylesford, VIC, 1861-62
Died Greymouth, NZ, 23 November 1866, aged 32 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Vocalist ("the star of Bendigo")

Active VIC, by 1855-62 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"STEALING", The Argus (29 June 1855), 5 

At the City Court yesterday, John R. Vincent charged Edgar Morris with stealing sundry shirts, collars, &c., from his trunk at the Ship Inn, Sandridge. It appeared that they were musicians, - one a pianist and the other a singer, - and lodged together. Morris succeeded in convincing the Magistrate that he had full permission to wear the articles which he was accused of stealing, all of which he had returned, with the exception of those now out to be washed, and these he said he would return as soon as they were brought home. The Magistrates ordered him to do so, and then discharged him.

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 August 1855), 8 

CONCERT HALL of the Union Hotel, Bourke-street.
Mrs. Vincent, "Star of Bendigo," Continues to attract large and respectable houses every evening. She is assisted by
Mr. S. King, the well-known Instumentaliat and Vocalist,
Mr. C. Williams, the admired Local and Comic singer, and
Mr. J. R. Vincent, the favorite Pianist and Vocalist, who offer to the public a most varied and amusing evening's entertainment.
Admission, by refreshment ticket, One Shilling.
Doors open at half-past seven, commences at eight o'clock precisely.
Conductor and Pianist, Mr. J. R. Vincent.

Victoria, electoral role, 1856, Melbourne, Eastern Hill, page 33 (PAYWALL)

2233 / Vincent, John Rimmer / professor music / salary £500 / National Hotel, Hutchinson

[Advertisement], The Argus (12 June 1856), 8 

NATIONAL HOTEL MUSIC HALL. Proprietor, William Hutchinson.
- The best Entertainment in the colony, supported by the following celebrated artistes:-
Mrs. Vincent, Mr. Bardini. Mr. McDonald, Mr. Youle, Mr. Taylor, and Mr. Rignald.
Mr. J. R. Vincent, pianist.

"CRESWICK . . . COLLIER'S HOTEL", The Star (6 December 1856), 1 supplement 

A small but highly talented company have been singing this week at Collier's Theatre. It consists of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, and Mr. Youle. Mr. Vincent performs on the piano in a masterly manner, and sings Russell's songs with powerful effect. This gentleman has not only a splendid musical voice, but every word of all his beautiful songs is distinctly articulated. His style of singing "They are Coming," "The Slave Ship," and "Land, Land, Land," I have never heard equalled on these diggings, and drew down most deservedly the rapturous applause of a respectable audience. Mrs. Vincent can sing an Irish song well, and a Scotch song exceedingly well; but it is in the comic line that this lady really excels. She along with Mr. Youle kept us roaring with laughter, especially in the duet of "The Cadging Gypsies," Mrs V. being just the sort of fascinating little Egyptian a man would like to have his fortune told by pretty often. Mr. Youle is a comic singer of the first water, and in his descriptive characters can manage successfully to imitate anybody and everybody, from a solemn sour-looking old gentleman, mourning for his Barbara Allen, to a not over nice-looking member of the female sex, rejoicing at the discovery of her gutter-loving child. Saturday night will be the last of their performing here, as they have an engagement at Ballarat early next week.


Vincent v. Fleury de Recuillon. -
Mr. Cope appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Wigley for the defendant.
This was a plaint to recover £29 10s. for the performance of the plaintiff, his wife, and a Mr. Youle, for singing and playing the piano for M. Fleury in Melbourne.
The defendant was the well-known M. Fleury, formerly the leader of the band at the Victoria Theatre.
It appeared that the plaintiff, his wife, and Mr. Youle had been engaged under a written agreement, and had received £14.
The plaintiff denied that he had agreed to take £14 in full satisfaction of all demands.
Mr. Wigley having addressed the assessors, called -
The defendant, who stated that after he engaged the plaintiff and his wife the attendance at his concerts in Melbourne, which had hitherto been good, fell off.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and Mr. Youle always sung the same songs, and the public got sick of them.
His Honor - Then it would have been cheaper to buy a musical box, and have laid it on the table.
Examination continued - The plaintiff had charged £2 10s. for an extra performance.
This was on a night when all the musicians played free of charge for the benefit of defendant, as the concerts turned out badly; the other musicians took half their wages.
Cross-examined by Mr Cope, - Although the public did not like the singing of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and Mr. Youle, they performed for his benefit, but he lost by that.
They were encored but by defendant and his band, not by the public.
A witness named Quinn, who had been one of Mr. Fleury's band, was called, and said he had performed at Mr. Fleury's concerts for five months before the plaintiff, his wife and Mr. Youle came, and they were well attended. After these parties came, the attendance fell off.
The extra night charged £2 10s. for, was for the benefit of Mr. Fleury.
"The musicians agreed to take half salary. The Vincents and Youle sang only two songs.
Cross-examined by Mr Cope. - One of these songs was the "Rat Catcher's Daughter," the other a comic duet between Mr. Youle and Mrs. Vincent.
Auguste Feuillen [? Feuillon] gave similar testimony to the preceding witness.
The Assessors found a verdict for the plaintiff for £13, being the balance, allowing for £14 already received.

[News], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (22 May 1857), 4 

The entertainments at the Kangaroo caterred for by Mr., Mrs. Vincent, and Mr. Youle, were A1. Mrs. Vincent's "Bonnie Dundee" was rapturously encored. Mrs. V. sings ballads and scenas with much taste; her comic duets, in which she is accompanied by Mr. Youle, are inimitable. The applause that followed the "Wandering ballad singers" and the "Strolling gypsies" was absolutely deafening. Mr. Youle s "Doctor's boy" and "Lazy society" exercised the risible faculties of the audience. Mr. Vincent's "Land ho!" "Slave ship," "Long parted have we been," are alone worth the price charged for the entire entertainment. These artistes intend giving another entertainment on Saturday. Mr. Ellis has added to the attractions of his concert room by the acquisition of a magnificently-toned pianoforte.

[Advertisement], The Argus (29 July 1857), 1 

TO Ministers, Churchwerdens, &c - An ORGANIST and Lady VOCALIST, each having filled similar engagements for years, are disengaged. Good references given. Address J. R Vincent, 38 Young-street, Collingwood.

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (24 August 1857), 4 

ENGAGEMENT OF MRS. VINCENT, WHO will delight the inhabitants of Beechworth with her pleasing ballads, every evening, supported by the following talented artistes:
The Alpine and Tyrolese Minstrels,
MR. A. SAQUI, Musical Director & Pianist.

[Advertisement], The Argus (16 November 1857), 8 

TILKE'S CITY CONCERT HALL Open Every Evening. Artistes:
Mrs. Vincent, soprano and comic.
Mrs. Spiden, contralto.
Mr. Vincent, pianist.
Mr. McDonald, Scotch ballad singer.
Mr. Youle, buffo.
Mr. Shepherd, baritone.
Mr. Houston, comic.
Mr. Champion West, negro delineator.
Mr. Anderson, Highland piper and dancing.
Mr. Taylor, tenor.
Musical Director, Mr. J. R. Vincent.

Frederick Hugh Havell Woodin, marriage, 9 November 1858; BDM VIC

1858, marriages solemnized in the district of the Loddon; BDM VIC

Castlemaine November 9 1858 / Frederick Hugh Havell Woodin / Widower 1856 / [born] Berkshire / Professor of Music / 34 [?] / [resident] Castlemaine / [son of] Edmund Woodin / Artist [and] Mary Binfield
Jane Woodroof / Spinster / [born] London] / - / 19 [?] / [resident] Castlemaine / [daughter of] Joseph Woodroof / Turner [and] Mary Ann Hall . . . in the presence of John R. Vincent, Priscilla Vincent [?] . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Woodin (vocalist, musician)

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (6 December 1858), 3 

Proprietors, Messrs. Gingell & Rainer . . .
Engagement of MR. WILSON, the celebrated Cornet-a-Piston.

"ST. JOHN'S CHURCH SOIREE", Mount Alexander Mail (24 January 1859), 3 

. . . During the evening an efficient choir sung several fine selections of sacred music, the solo parts being taken by Mrs. Vincent. Mr. Vincent presided at the harmonium, with his accustomed ability . . .

"THEATRE ROYAL", Mount Alexander Mail (7 February 1859), 2 

There were crowded audiences on Friday and Saturday at the Theatre. The extravaganza, after the manner of those productions, gets :-s better the longer it runs. Every thing is ready, and no hitches or delays occur. The actors play closely up to each other, singers and musicians understand each other, and there is a general air of mutual confidence . . . The music is under the direction of Mr. Vincent, and most assiduous and indefatigable have been his efforts, and they have been no less successful . . .

"THE THEATRE", Mount Alexander Mail (7 January 1861), 3 

On Saturday night Mr. G. V. Brooke and Miss Avonia Jones, together with Mr. and Mrs. Clarance Holt, and the reat of the company, appeared in "Love's Sacrifice" . . . we must protest against the orchestra, which consisted of Mr. Vincent, who rattled away on his piano with force and the well known skill he admittedly possesses; but a single piano, however ably handled, is hardly a host in itself, as far as music in a theatre is concerned . . .


An amateur performance, to be played by a Castlemaine club and amateurs from Bendigo had been announced . . . Amongst other pieces, the Castlemaine band played a march composed expressly for the corps by Mr. Vincent . . .

Amongst other pieces the Castlemaine Band played a march composed expressly for the corps by Mr. Vincent.

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Star (21 October 1862), 3

John Rimmer Vincent, of Daylesford, professor of music. Causes of insolvency - Want of professional engagements, depreciation in the value of the same when obtained, pressure of creditors, adverse verdict in County Court, and depreciation in the value of property. Liabilities, £273 15s; assets, £253 1s; deficiency, £20 14s. Mr. Courtney, official assignee.

"ACTION FOR FALSE IMPRISONMENT", Bendigo Advertiser (31 August 1865), 2 

On Saturday last, a professional musician, named J. R Vincent, was brought before the Municipal Bench by Detective Kolle, on a warrant from Heathcote, charging Vincent with deserting the hired service of Mr. Hay, of the Heathcote Hotel, and was remanded to that place. We understand that an action will be brought against Mr. Hay for damages for false, and malicious imprisonment. It appears that Vincent was only hired to play at Mr Hay's establishment on Saturday and Monday nights, and - as he alleges - he was arrested in Sandhurst on Friday night, when it was his intention to return to Heathcote on the following morning, in order to fulfil his engagement on Saturday night.


First and only meetings wore held in the estates of David John Meredith, of Wood's Point, blacksmith; George Brown, of Maldon, wheelwright; John Gustav Adler, of Sandhurst, quartz carter; and John Rimmer Vincent, of Fitzroy, musician. Neither of these insolvents attended, and no creditors appeared.

New Zealand (by July 1866):

[Advertisement], Grey River Argus [NZ] (7 July 1866), 3 

ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH, Greymouth. SUNDAY, 8th JULY, 1866, HIGH MASS, At 12 o'clock. The Music will he conducted by Mr. J. R. Vincent, of Melbourne, Castlemaine, Daylesford and Sandhurst, who is now appointed permanent Organist of the Church. EMMANUEL ROVER, P.P.

[News], Grey River Argus (7 July 1866), 2 

Mr. J. R. Vincent has been appointed organist at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Vincent bears the reputation [of] being a first-class musician, and was a pupil of T. W. Best, Esq., the celebrated organist of Liverpool.

"THE AMATEUR CONCERT", Grey River Argus (25 September 1866), 2 

"FUNERAL NOTICE", Grey River Argus (24 November 1866), 3 

The friends of the late Mr J. R. Vincent, Pianist, are respectfully requested to meet at the Hospital to-morrow (Sunday), at two o'clock, to follow his remains to the cemetery.

"DEATHS", The Australian News for Home Readers (27 December 1866), 16

VINCENT. - On the 23rd ult., at Greymouth, West Coast, New Zealand, John Rimmer Vincent, pianist, aged 32 years late of Castlemaine and Daylesford.

Bibliography and resources:

E. N. Matthews, Colonial organs and organbuilders (Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 1969), 134

[134] ST. MARK'S FITZROY. . . March 1855, second organ, of 14 stops with mahogany case, built by Forster & Andrews, Hull, erected by H. J. Izard for £14 . . . tuning and maintenance by Izard, the church sexton until 1857 . . . Organists: 1854: H. J. King; 1855, J. R. Vincent; 1856: S. Kaye; H. R. Ruxton . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: St. Mark's, Fitzroy (Episcopalian/Anglican church); Henry John Izard (sexton); Henry John King (organist); John Rimmer Vincent (organist); Samuel Kaye (organist); Henri Ruxton (organist)

VINCENT, Millist (senior) (Millist VINCENT; Mr. VINCENT)

Bandsman (Band of the 2-14th Regiment, Hobart detachment band), bandmaster

Born Surrey, England, December 1843
Active Hobart, TAS, by c. 1866
Died Hobart, TAS, 2 July 1931 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

See also Band of the 14th Regiment

VINCENT, Millist (junior)

Musician, bandsman, bandmaster

Born c. 1870
Died Launceston, TAS, 18 April 1912, aged 42 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)



"BANDS AND BANDSMEN", Daily Post (23 April 1912), 2 

The death of Mr. Millist Vincent, of the Derwent Regiment Band, leaves a gap in banding circles. Mr. Vincent was one of the oldest and most respected bandsmen in Hobart. For many years he was a leading light of the City Band, and has been attached to the Derwent Band for a very lengthy period, totalling in all about 25 years' devotion to the cause of band music. Mr. Vincent, at the time of his illness, was bandmaster of the Glenorchy Band. Apart from his service in bands, he had considerable experience in orchestral and theatrical work, and his genial face will be sadly missed from these organisations. Bandsmen, all over Tasmania and the Commonwealth, who have fraternised with the deceased deeply sympathise with his widow and family. His funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, and was attended by a large cortege of friends. The Derwent Regiment Band, assisted by other bandsmen, played en route to the Queenborough Cemetery. One of the finest gathering of bandsmen in Hobart was seen at the funeral, totalling 100. These were made up of representatives of the Derwent Regiment, Tasmanian Military, Hobart City, Salvation Army, Devonport, and Glenorchy bands, besides several old bandsmen out of active harness. The massed hands in the march were under the conductorship of Mr. T. W. Hopkins, and the playing of the "Dead March in Saul" en route to the cemetery and "The Garnie Military March" on the return was much admired by lovers of band music. The bands, after parading the principal streets, were dismissed by Drum-Major H. Wilson at the G.P.O.

"PERSONAL. MR. MILLIST VINCENT. Served with Imperial Forces", The Mercury (3 July 1931), 6 

The death occurred at Hobart yesterday, after a short illness, of Mr. Millist Vincent, who had enjoyed the proud distinction of having served for over half a century under the Crown, 21 years of which was as a member of the 14th Regiment (Prince of Wales's West Yorkshire Regiment) in England, Tasmania, and India, and 31 years in the Tasmanian public service. Mr. Vincent was born at Chertsey, Surrey, England, in December, 1843, and after enlisting at an early age, came to Tasmania with two companies of his regiment, under Major Vivian, in 1867. He was stationed at Hobart for two years, during which time he married Miss Mary Watson, of Hobart, and in 1869 left for India, where he served with his regiment till he secured his discharge in 1882, when he returned to Tasmania. He soon afterwards joined the public service as a messenger, and for many years was office-keeper and messenger attached to the Mines and Works Departments. Although well advanced in years, when the Boer War broke out Mr. Vincent endeavoured to enlist but was rejected, but one of his sons served in that campaign, and was invalided home. In 1913 Mr. Vincent retired from the public service, and the following year was publicly presented with the Long Service Medal. He lived in retirement at Hobart, enjoying his full faculties until a sudden illness brought about his death . . .

"BANDS OF HOBART", Daily Post (30 August 1917), 2 


. . . it was not until 1866 (after the New Zealand war) before another regiment, the 2/14th West Yorkshire (now Prince of Wales' West Yorkshire). A detachment band formed in Adelaide arrived in 1867, to join the regiment. Mr Millist Vincent, of this city, was a member of the same. Mr. Robert Cherry was the bandmaster. So ends this history of Imperial military hands in Tasmania . . .

VINSON, James Hetters (James Hetters VINSON; J. H. VINSON)

Actor, manager

Born Rhode Island, USA, c. 1819/20; ? 1830
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 December 1854 (per Spray, from San Francisco, 4 September)
Married Catherine Theresa COUGHLAN, alias Kate WARDE, Castlemaine, VIC, 1857
Departed Sydney, NSW, 12 April 1867 (per Ann Sanderson, for San Francisco)
Died New York, USA, 21 November 1881, aged "62" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

VINSON, Kate (Mrs. J. H. VINSON) = Kate WARDE

Actor, vocalist

Married Jamess Hetters VINSON, Castlemaine, VIC, 1857

VINSON, Kate (Catherine Josephine Harriet VINSON; Kate VINSON)


Born Hobart, TAS, 3 June 1862; daughter of James Hetters VINSON and Kate WARDE
Married Albert Walter RIDSDALE (1863-1904), Christ Church, St. Leonards, 7 December 1887 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA] (1 August 1854), 3 

UNION THEATRE. [Commercial street, between Dupont and Kearny.]
MISS LAURA KEENE - Sole Manageress and Lessee.
This (Tuesday) Evening, August 1 . . .
five acts of the Tragedy or DOUGLASS,
Young Norval - Miss Anna Quinn.
Old Norval - Mr. Vinson . . .

"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 December 1854), 4 

December 18. - Spray, schooner, 95 tons, Captain Martin, from San Francisco September 4, Twofold Bay the 16th instant. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Quin, Miss Quin, Dr. Crawford, Messrs. J. H. Vincent [sic], Solomon, and 13 in the steerage. Captain, agent.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Henry Quinn and wife, parents of Anna Maria Quinn

[Advertisement], Empire (21 December 1854), 1 

He takes pleasure in announcing that he has effected an engagement with the celebrated artists - Mr. J. H. VINSON, Comedian, and MISS ANNA M. QUINN, the youngest living actress, being six years of age, who will appear in a role of Shaksperian tragedy, comedy, farce, burlesque, &c., &c. . . .

"LYCEUM THEATRE", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (23 December 1854), 2 

By the "Spray" schooner, from San Francisco, two theatrical performers have arrived in Sydney, namely, Miss Anna Maria Quinn, and Mr. J. H. Vinson. The Californian Press, is unanimous in extolling the merits of these candidates for Australian laurels. Miss Quinn is but six years of age, yet she displays wonderful histronic talent, and a promise of ranking, as she advances in age, amongst the first class actresses in the world. Her impersonation of "Little Eva " in "Uncle Tom's Cabin!" is highly eulogised. Miss Quinn has also astonished the Californians by her clever representations of Hamlet, Richard III., Norval, Paul Pry, and many other leading characters in both tragedy and comedy. Mr. Vinson is also criticised as an actor of considerable merit, and the San Francisco Evening Journal concludes a very favorable critique, by recommending Miss Quinn and Mr. Vinson to the good feeling of the Australian public, and by wishing the talented child every success. Mr. Vinson and Miss Quinn will make their debut on Boxing Night, Tuesday, 26th instant, at the Lyceum Theatre in York-street.

"BIRTHS", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (30 July 1858), 4 

At the Red Hill Hotel, Forest Creek, on the 24th inst., the wife of J. H. Vinson, Esq., of a son.

1862, births in the district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:966910; RGD33/1/8 no 5390$init=RGD33-1-8-P262J2K (DIGITISED)

No. 5390 / June 3rd / Catherine Josephine Harriett / [father] James Hetters Vinson / [mother] / Catherine Theresa Vinson (formerly Ward [sic]) / Comedian / . . .

"DEATHS", Sydney Mail (21 October 1865), 9 

VINSON - October 16th, at No. 11, Jamison-street, James Hetters, son of Mr. James Hetters Vinson, aged 5 years and 5 months.

[Advertisement], Empire (5 April 1867), 1 

BENEFIT of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. VINSON (nee) MISS KATE WARDE . . .

"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 April 1867), 4 

APRIL 8. Ann Sanderson, brig, 266 tons, Captain Johnes, for San Francisco. Passengers - Miss O'Sullivan, Mrs. Kirchbaum, Messrs. J. H. Vinson, F. Linner, and 1 in the steerage.

"Shipping Gazette . . . DEPARTURES", Sydney Mail (20 April 1867), 10 

April 12 . . . Ann Sanderson, brig, 266 tons, Captain Johnes, for San Francisco. Passengers . . . Messrs. J. H. Vinson . . .

"PASSENGERS", Daily Alta California [San Francisco, USA] (14 July 1867), 3 

SYDNEY - Per Ann Sanderson - J. H. Vinson, Mrs. Kirchbaum, Miss O'Sullivan, Mr. White and six others.

register of voters, San Francisco County, 1868; California State Library, Sacramento, Great Registers (PAYWALL)

. . . Vinson James Hetters / [age] 38 [sic] / [born] R. Island / Comedian / Brooklyn Hotel . . .

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (21 June 1872), 2 

Yesterday morning Mrs. James Vinson, better known in theatrical circles as Kate Warde, breathed her last. The deceased lady will be remembered best as a member of the Fanny Young quartette, consisting of James Vinson, G. W. Daniels, Fanny Young, and Kate Warde. Both the ladies were married in Castlemaine, and as far as we know the only survivor now left is Mr. James Vinson, who at last advices was in San Francisco. It is no secret that he deserted his late wife in a shameless manner . . .

"The Late J. H. Vinson", Truckee Republican [CA, USA] (30 November 1881), 2 

J. H. Vinson, the actor, who died in New York on Monday last, was well known and liked on this coast. He was formerly stage manager at Piper's Opera House. Mr. Vinson was an excellent actor in old men parts, and had many friends on the Comstock who will regret to hear of his death. The circumstances attending his death were painful. He was taken ill in a saloon on Sixth avenue, New York, last Monday evening, and requested the man in charge to allow him to remain there all night. When the saloon was opened next morning he was found dead. He died alone, it is thought of rheumatism of the heart. A number of prominent actors took charge of the funeral. The remains were buried in Woodlawn Cemetary.

"Death of Mr. J. H. Vinson (Actor)", The Lorgnette (20 January 1882), 2 

This gentleman and well-known actor - husband of the late Miss Kate Warde and father of the graceful young actress, Miss Kate Vinson, of this city - was found dead in a saloon (No. 368 Sixth avenue) adjoining Booth's Theatre, New York, on the 21st of November last. After entering the place about midnight he was suddenly taken ill and was placed on a lounge. Some remedies were applied and two of the attendants remained with him until about three o'clock, when he felt better. He asked permission to remain there for the night which was agreed to, and he was locked in. When the place was opened at daybreak he was found dead. No inquest was held, as the medical men decided that death resulted from natural causes. At the time of his death Mr. Vinson was 62 years of age. In the early days of the old Theatre Royal, Melbourne, under the proprietorship of the builder, Mr. John Black, the stage management was in the bands of Mr. Vinson, who was recognized as one of the leading "old men" of the Australian stage. After a long sojourn at Ballarat and other up-country towns be left Australia for America, and was for many years connected with the Californian stage. In December, 1880, he migrated to New York, being engaged by Mr. Abbey to appear at Booth's Theatre in "The Passion" play, which, however, was not produced, in deference to public opinion, which was against it. Compensation was, however, made to Mr. Vinson by the management, but since then fate has run againt him, as for some months prior to his decease he had been without engagement.

"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (7 January 1888), 49 

RIDSDALE - VINSON. - December 7, at Christ Church, St. Leonards, by the Rev. Alfred Yarnold, Albert Walter Ridsdale to Kate, daughter of the late J. H. Vinson.

VITELLI, Giovanni (John WHITTLE; Giovanni VITELLI; Signor VITELLI; Mr. VITELLI, R.A.M.)

Professor of music, professed trainer of public and amateur singers

Born London, England; baptised Christ church, Spitalfields, 14 August 1825, son of Henry Richard WHITTLE (c. 1795-1838) and Sophia Caroline GLESSING (1798-1851), married Christ church, Spitalfields, 7 January 1821
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by July 1854
Died Richmond, Melbourne, VIC, 20 April 1859, aged 34 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

VITELLI, Annie (Annie DAY; Madame Annie VITELLI; Madame VITELLI; Mrs. Charles THATCHER; Miss Lydia HOWARDE)

Vocalist, pianist, teacher of singing and music

Born London, England; baptised St. Michael Paternoster, London, 7 May 1837; daughter of Francis John DAY (c. 1804-1885) and Margaret TILLEY (c. 1808-1892)
Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, 23 September 1854 (per Oliver Lang, from Liverpool, 29 June)
Married (1) John WHITTLE (Giovanni VITELLI), St. Stephen's church, Richmond, VIC, 4 July 1855
Married (2) Charles THATCHER, Newtown, Geelong, VIC, 8 February 1861
Departed Melbourne, VIC, March 1869 (per Rangitoto, for New Zealand and, 1870, California)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, by 1889
Died Moonee Ponds, VIC, 18 June 1917 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


John Whittle was a son of Henry Richard Whittle and Sophia Caroline Glessing, daughter of a German emigre, John Balthasar Glessing. His parents married at Christ church, Spitalfields, on 7 January 1821, and he was baptised in the same parish on 14 August 1825. His father was a market trader, and it is not implausible that he was, like his wife, also from an immigrant family, and his surname anglicised. Much was made in the press (and in later histories) of John Whittle assuming the name Vitelli. But is it entirely implausible that it was his real paternal family name?

The Launceston Examiner in December 1851 reported the English news:

Signor Giovanni Vitelli, "professor of music," having got into the insolvent court, turns out to be "John Whittle"!

Whittle had been before the court in London in June:

From the examination of the insolvent it appeared that he was a professor of music, elocution, singing, &c., and he had gone by the name of Signor Vitelli. To aid him in obtaining celebrity in his professional pursuits he had published a treatise on the voice. The printer sent him the books when printed, and he sold them. He paid 14l. for the first thousand, and after that 5l. for the following thousand. He had only 2,000 printed, and had sold 800 copies in all. He had sold them at a profit, but his object was by no means to gain a livelihood. He bought some copies at 1l. a hundred, and sold them at the rate of 4l. a hundred. He meant to make as large a profit as he could to enable him to advertise. He had sold 1,200 to booksellers, music-sellers, and his pupils. He would sell copies to any one who would pay for them . . . he had written the MS., had it printed, paid for the copies, and made a profit by selling them.

The book in question was a slim pamphlet, Vitelli's Art of singing and new system for the cultivation of the voice, which, by April 1853, he claimed to have sold to Cramer, Beale and Co., and to which he was now adding new "Monthly Numbers".

It was this same book that was to be reprinted on subscription in Melbourne in 10 August 1854, to accompany his public lectures. Advertising that he was "of the Royal Academy of Music . . . late Choir Master of Her Majesty's Chapel Royal", and author of "several books" on singing, Vitelli and George Allan announced in July 1854 the launch of their singing classes at Melbourne's Mechanics' Institute.

(There is no evidence to support his claim of an official association with the Chapel Royal; see, for instance, the largely stable list of chapel musicians in the Royal kalendars of 1849, 1852, and 1854; however, it is not implausible that he might have deputised for one of the office-holders occasionally or even regularly.)

In August Vitelli advertised a lecture on the art of singing, "Accompanied with Vocal and Instrumental Illustrations by Mr. Vitelli", and also by Octavia Hamilton, Charles Elsasser and John Winterbottom.

The singer, Annie Day married Vitelli in Melbourne in July 1855. She had arrived in Melbourne with her parents, Francis John Day and Margaret Tilley, in September 1854. Her parents married at St. Michael, Paternoster Row, in the City of London, on 9 May 1830, and she was born in London in 1837.

With flautist Creed Royal and his wife, the Vitellis gave a concert in April 1856, and, as Madame Vitelli, Annie was a featured artist at Henry Coleman's Lyceum in June. During 1857 and 1858 Vitelli regularly presented concerts variously marketed as "cheap" and "grand", as well as continuing teaching, while Annie was a popular star on the Victorian goldfields.

Vitelli died on 20 April 1859, but by mid-May Annie was back in Ballarat, appearing under Alfred Oakey with "the inimitable Local Comic Singer THATCHER".

Annie married Charles Thatcher in February 1861, and continued to appear onstage as "Mrs. Charles Thatcher". They toured New Zealand extensively, and left for England in 1870, however, Charles having died in 1878, Annie was back teaching in Moonee Ponds, Melbourne, in 1889. George Thatcher, musician, was their son.


London (to late 1853):

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Christ Church [Spitalfields] in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1825; London metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 176 / Aug. 14 [1825] / John Francis, son of / Henry and Sophia / Whittle / Market salesman

"MUSIC", Weekly Dispatch [London, England] (1 April 1849), 6 (PAYWALL)

A TREATISE ON THE FORMATION, CULTIVATION, AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE VOICE. BY GIOVANNI VITELLI. - Coe and Hobday, 27, Old Change, Cheapside. - A little pamphlet with this title has been published by Signor Vitelli. It confines itself to the very first rudiments of practice, indicating the exercises to which beginners should apply themselves. This is done correctly and usefully; but we would advise the author in his next edition to further. The method of producing the notes is the vade mecum really needed by the English vocalist, who uses his throat, his palate, any thing but his chest, for the purpose of vocalization. We give this hint to Signor Vitelli, in the hope of finding stuff enough in him to follow it up, and so to confer a real benefit upon those who are entering on the profession of which he is a worthy member.

"VITELLI'S MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS", Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper [London, England] (13 October 1850), 8 (PAYWALL)

The first of Signor Vitelli's entertainments (given at the Hall of Commerce, Threadneedle-street) came off on Monday last, with great eclat. There was a full and fashionable audience. Great interest has been manifested in very influential circles to hear this clever and justly distinguished gentleman's opinions upon this popular and engrossing science. The illustrations were highly peculiar, novel, and agreeable, and cannot fail to gratify the musical world. The following distinguished artistes, amongst others, were engaged to give them due effect:- Vocalists: Mrs. A. Newton, Mr. Frodsham, and Herr Susman. Instrumentalists: Violin, Mr. Hill, of the Philharmonic; flute, Mr. Richardson; piano, Mr. Noble, &c. The second entertainsment takes place on Monday next.

"HALL OF COMMERCE", London Evening Standard (15 October 1850), 2 (PAYWALL)

The second of Signor Vitelli's concerts took place in the large room of this building last evening, which was numerously and very respectably attended . The vocalists were Mrs. A. Newton, Miss Lizzy Stuart, Mr. B. Frodsham, and Mr. Gregg, all more or less established favourites with the musical public. The selection of music included compositions of the great masters of the German and Italian schools, with a fair sprinkling of ballads. Mrs. Newton, by her admirable singing of Bishop's "Lo, here the gentle lark," with Mr. Richardson's flute obligato, won an enthusiastic encore. Mr. B. Frodsham, a rising tenor, by his unaffected ballad singing, gained great applause, and frequent encores. Miss Stuart, also, created a very favourable impression, having a contralto voice of good compass and fulness of tone. Solos on the piano, violin, and flute by Messrs. Noble, W. Hill, and Richardson diversified the amusements of the evening, and in the interval between the parts Herr Susman gave some imitations after the Herr Joel fashion. At the conclusion, Signor Vitelli announced that he was making arrangements for a succession of concerts in the City - an intimation which was warmly greeted by the audience.

[Advertisement], The Atlas (21 December 1850), 15 (PAYWALL)

SINGING. In the press, and shortly will be published, price 2s. 6d. of
VITELLI'S UNIVERSAL HAND-BOOK FOR VOCALISTS, comprising a solution so long wanted of the mysteries connected with the philosophy and phenomena of the Human Voice.
This purely original system is founded upon anatomical and surgical principles, traced by the author during many years of study at the different medical, anatomical, and musical schools, of Italy, Germany, France, and England. This work will be found to embody clear and distinct reasons (entirely divested of all professional technicalities) for eradicating the many faults admitted to exist in the present system of vocalization; and also a definite Mode of remedying the same in the adult, and avoiding their contraction in the student.
Signor Vitelli begs respectfully to announce that he has resumed his Instructions in Singing for the ensuing season.
London Academy of Music, 40, Cheapside. S. P. COLLIER, Secretary.

England census, 30 March 1851, Stoke Newington, Hackney; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1503 (PAYWALL)

Chapel Path / Bouvoir Cottages / Francis J. Day / Head / 47 / Glass Paper Manufacturer / [born] Essex Stratford
Margaret [Day] / Wife / 43 / - / Shropshire . . .
Ann [Day] / Dau'r / 14 / - / Midd. Shoreditch

"PROTECTION CASE. Re JOHN WHITTLE", The Law Times 18/443 (27 September 1851), 10

Saturday, June 21. PROTECTION CASE. Re John Whittle. Trader debtor - Trading.
Held, that one single isolated case of a petitioner publishing a book incidental to his profession on his own account, does not constitute him a trader within the meaning of the Bankrupt Laws. This insolvent, who petitioned as a non-trader, came up to-day for his examination, and was opposed by Sargood for a creditor, upon the ground that he was a trader owing above 300l. and that therefore the Court had no jurisdicton.

From the examination of the insolvent it appeared that he was a professor of music, elocution, singing, &c. and he had gone by the name of Signor Vitelli. To aid him in obtaining celebrity in his professional pursuits he had published a treatise on the voice. The printer sent him the books when printed, and he sold them. He paid 14l. for the first thousand, and after that 5l. for the following thousand. He had only 2,000 printed, and had sold 800 copies in all. He had sold them at a profit, but his object was by no means to gain a livelihood. He bought some copies at 1l. a hundred, and sold them at the rate of 4l. a hundred. He meant to make as large a profit as he could to enable him to advertise. He had sold 1,200 to booksellers, music-sellers, and his pupils. He would sell copies to any one who would pay for them.

Sargood said he had written the MS., had it printed, paid for the copies, and made a profit by selling them . . .

. . . So here this insolvent was the author, printer, and publisher of these books. He bought the books intending to sell them again at a profit. He did so, and he therefore submitted he was a trader.

Cooke, contra. - Barristers and physicians had in numberless instances published books incidental to their profession, and otherwise, and there had never been a case in which they were held to be traders in consequence of doing so.

Mr. Commissioner Phillips. -Suppose, instead of publishing one, he had published two or three books.

Cooke. - That would not make him a trader.

Mr. Commissioner Phillips. - I do not think that one single isolated case of a man's publishing a book incidental to his profession as a teacher of music constitutes a trading within the meaning of the bankrupt laws . . . and I shall therefore sustain the petition.

Objection overruled - Petition sustained.

"LATE ENGLISH NEWS", Adelaide Times [SA, Australia] (1 November 1851), 1 

Signor Giovanni Vitelli, "professor of music," having got into the insolvent court, turns out to be "John Whittle!"

"MISCELLANY", Launceston Examiner [TAS, Australia] (17 December 1851), 6

[As above]

"MIDDLESEX SESSIONS, Jan. 7", London Evening Standard (8 January 1852), 4 (PAYWALL)

John Whittle, a gentlemanly-looking young man, wearing moustachios, was indicted for having fraudulently obtained, by means of false pretences, from Hannah Henrietta Glassing [Glessing], 375 bundles of violin strings, of the value of 36l., with intent to cheat and defraud her thereof. Mr. Sleigh appeared for the prosecution, Mr. Hardinge Giffard for the prisoner.
The learned Counsel in opening the case for the prosecution said, the prisoner was nephew by marriage of the prosecutrix, and two years ago he took a shop in Cheapside in the name of Signor Vitelli, professor of music, dropping his real name of John Whittle, and cultivating moustachios to give himself the appearance of a foreigner. Mr. Giffard objected to his learned friend going into the hiatory of the prisoner's life - it had nothing to do with the present charge.
The learned Judge thought it was irrelevant. Mr. Sleigh would not say anything further upon that subject, but would state shortly the facts upon which the prosecution rested. Having done so the learned counsel called the witnesses.
The Prosecutrix deposed that she was the widow of John Glassing, and carried on the business of ber late husband, who was a violin and harp-string-manufacturer, in Bell-lane, Spitalfields. The prisoner was related to her by marriage. In the month of August he was in distressed circumstances, and she allowed him to reside in her house, but that continued only for three weeks, as she could not afford to keep him longer, and afterwards he asked her to allow him to sell strings for her on commission. She assented, and he duly received commission on what he did sell. In October he came to her and aaid he had got an order from a firm for strings to the amount of 50l. or 60l., requesting to know if she could supply them. Sha said she could not execute so large an order without using goods which she had got retdy for regular customers, which she was not inclined to do, and with that answer he went away. He returned a few days afterwards and aaid he wished to know whether, in the event of the firm he had got the order from consenting to take a less quantity than he had at first mentioned, she would supply him with the goods. She consented to do to, and the prisoner having said the firm would consent, had 375 bundles of strings of the value of 36l. He promised faithfully to pay for them on the following day. She asked him what firm she was to make out the invoice to, when he replied, in an off-hand way, that the name of the firm was a private affair of his own, and that she had better make the invoice out to him. She did so, and he went away.
On the evening of the following day, not having heard anything of him or the goods, she went to his sister's, in the Commercial-road, where he was staying. She saw him, and on inquiring what had become of the goods, he said he had taken them to the firm, but the person at the head of the concern was not in, and he had therefore not delivered them, but woald do so oa the following day. She did not see him for three or four weeks afterwards. She received information that he was at another sister's, and she went there and watched for him. On his leaving the house she gave him into custody. She delivered the goods to the prisoner believing his representation that ha had received an order from a firm for them. The prisoner tried to get away from her, hut she clung to him and took him to a police station a short distance off. He said she would rue what she had done, and that that day's work wonld prove the worst of her life.
From the cross-examination it appeared that the prisoner had been left in charge of the prosecutrix's business for a short time in August, and that he had bartered some of her stock for violin bows, pegs, and bridges, and had not accounted for what he had taken. He had wished to enter into partnership with her, but she had refused, as he had no money, and had heavy liabilities upon him. There was an indictment againat him for stealing the portions of the stock he had made use of. The only other evidence was that of a girl, who corroborated the prosecutrix as to what passed between her and the prisoner.
Mr. Giffard submitted, first, that the alleged false pretence was not substantiated; and secondly, that there was a fatal variance between the false pretence set forth in the indictment and that proved.
The learned Judge overruled this, and with referenoe to the first point said the onus was upon the priaoner to show that he had received an order, having refused to give the name of any firm to the prosecutrix.
Mr. Giffard then addressed the Jury. Mr. Ashley, a very respectable gentleman, gave the prisoner an excellent character.
The Jury found the prisoner Guilty.
The learned Judge said he would farther consider the points raised, and he postponed the sentence until the next session. The Court adjourned.

"MIDDLESEX SESSIONS. YESTERDAY . . . SENTENCE", London Daily News (27 January 1852), 3 (PAYWALL)

John Whittle alias Signor Vitelli, convicted last session of obtaining by false pretences a quantity of violin strings, the property of H. Glessing, was brought up for judgment. The learned Judge briefly recapitulated the facts of the case, and said the learned counsel who defended the prisoner at the trial contended that the false pretence alleged had not been negatived, and therefore there was no case to go to the jury. He, however, was of a contrary opinion, and the jury found him guilty, when the learned counsel wished to have a case on the point to be submitted to the Court of Criminal Appeal. Feeling clear upon it he was unwilling to send up a case, but in the interim since the trial he had taken the opinion of Mr. Baron Parke upon to it, and that learned judge had concurred in the view he had taken, that, the case had been properly left to the jury. After some observations on the courtesy of Baron Parke in giving his opinion, the learned Judge sentenced the prisoner to imprisonment, with hard labour, for six months.

[Advertisement], The Musical Times (1 April 1853), 161

Singing New System - Vitelli's for the Cultivation Art of of Singing the Voice and New System for the Cultivation of the Voice and general training of Vocalists, containing important discoveries for its improvement, is now Publishing in Monthly Numbers, 6d. and 1s. each, by Cramer and Co., A. Novello, and to be had of all Book and Music Sellers: also, the Author, 14, Berners-street, Alfred-street. By post, 3 stamps extra. (A vacancy for an Articled Pupil. Terms moderate.)

"ERRATUM", The Musical Times 5 (1 May 1853), 187

In Sig. Vitelli's Advertisement, in our April Number, read "Oxford Street," for "Alfred Street."

"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The athenaeum (7 May 1853), 569 

. . . Vitelli's Art of Singing, and New System for the Cultivation of the Voice, &c. &.c., is a small pamphlet in which Signor Vitelli praises himself and his "new important discoveries," and illustrates the same by little anatomical wood-cuts which will be found by some more awful than useful . . .

Melbourne, VIC (by mid 1854)

"THE ART OF SINGING", The Argus (8 July 1854), 5

Messrs. Vitelli and Allan have announced their intention of forming classes for instruction in the art of singing, both for ladies and gentlemen, to be held at the Mechanics' Institution. A day class for ladies only will be held on Wednesdays, at three o'clock, commencing 19th July, and an evening class for ladies and genltemen on Saturdays at seven o'clock, commencing 22nd July. Mr. Allan is singing master to the Denominational Schools; and Mr. Vitelli, R.A.M., is a professed trainer of public and amateur singers - was late Choir Master of Her Majesty's Chapel Royal - and is the author of several treatises on the cultivation and management of the voice, and on the art of singing, which we may hereafter have an opportunity of noticing. We wish these gentlemen every success, and consider their classes an acquisition to the community, in the way of cultivating a musical taste and accomplishment among the rising generation.

[Advertisement], The Banner (11 July 1854), 15 

CLASSES are now forming for instruction in SINGING, combining the Management and Improvement of the Voice, under the joint direction of Mr. Allan, Singing Master, to the Denominational Schools, and Mr. Vitelli, R.A.M., Professed Trainer of Public and Amateur Singers, late Choir Master of Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal, and author of Vitelli's Treatise on the Cultivation and Management of the Voice, Vitelli's Art of Singing,- etc.
A DAY CLASS FOR LADIES ONLY, Will beheld on Wednesdays, at Three o’clock, commencing 19th July, and an EVENING CLASS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN On Saturdays, at Seven o'clock, commencing 23rd July.
Terms: Ladies and Members of the Institution - £1 1 0 Per Quarter; Non-Members: 1 11 0
Tickets and Prospectuses may be obtained of the Secretary of the Institution.

"SINGING CLASSES. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Banner (11 July 1854), 9 

We observe that Messrs. Vitelli and Allan are about to commence singing classes in connection with the Mechanics' Institute here. Mr. Allan is already well known to us from his connection with the denominational schools; and Mr. Vitelli, from the standing which he occupied in the mother country, cannot fail to become equally well-known in a short period. The cultivation of music, one of the chief sources of fireside enjoyments, spreads a leaven through society, and we hail with sincere gratification all efforts in this direction as so many influences tending to domesticate our sadly unsettled colony.


On Thursday last, a most interesting meeting of children from various denominational schools, took place in the Mechanics’ Institution. The children in attendance numbered 450; 250 of whom were girls, and 200 boys, selected from schools in connection with Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, and Roman Catholic Churches. The programme was varied, and under the admirable guidance of Messrs. Allan and Vitelli, the children performed their parts with singular precision, which added of course to the delight that harmonious youthful voices never fail to afford. The little space left vacant by the children was closely packed by ladies and gentlemen. The Bishop, at the conclusion of the entertainment, congratulated Messrs. Allan and Vitelli on the success which had attended their instructions, and recommended a hint given by Mr. Allan to incorporate the children of the schools with the choirs of the respective congregations with which they were connected.

[Advertisement], The Argus (14 August 1854), 8 

This Evening Monday, August 14th.
Mr. VITELLI, R.A.M., Professed Trainer of Public and Amateur Singers, late Choir Master or Her Majesty's Chapel Royal, and author of Vitelli's Art of Singing, &c., begs to inform the public of Melbourne and its vicinity that he will deliver, at the above Institution, on Mondny next, his first
LECTURE ON THE ART OF SINGING, And his new Physiological System for the Cultivation, Management, and Improvement of the Voice.
Accompanied with Vocal and Instrumental Illustrations by Miss O. Hamilton, Herr Elsasser, and M. Winterbottom, Who have kindly proffered their valuable assistance.
Front Seats, 3s.; Back, 2s. Doors open at half-past Seven, Lecture to commence at Eight precisely.
Tickets to be had of the Secretary of the Institution; also Mr. Vitelll; and M. Winterbottom, Musicseller, 148 Great Collins-street east.

[Advertisement], The Banner (22 August 1854), 4 

VITELLI'S Art of Singing, - Under the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Sir Charles Hotham, K.C.B.; His Lordship the Right Rev. Charles Perry, D.D., Bishop of Melbourne; His Lordship the Right Reverend Dr. Goold, Catholic Bishop of Melbourne; The Worshipful the Mayor, John Hodgson, M.L.C.; Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Anderson, C.B.; Captain Charles Pasley, R.E.; &c., &c. Will be re-published by subscription, 10s, per copy, (London, published 1853, by Messrs. Cramer, and Co., Regent Street.) Subscriptions received by the Secretary of the Mechanics' Institution, and Mr. VITELLI, at Mr. Winterbottom's, Music Seller, 145 Great Collins Street east, where may be had also Tickets for Mr. Vitelli's Lectures on the Cultivation, Management, and Improvement of the Voice, to take place on Monday next, August 11, at eight o'clock precisely.

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (25 September 1854), 4

September 23. - Oliver Lang, ship, 1275 tons, H. Manning, from Liverpool 29th June. Passengers - cabin: Mr. and Mrs. G. W. F. Grylls, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Day . . .

"SINGING CLASSES AT PRAHRAN", The Argus (11 October 1854), 5

"MARRIED", The Argus (16 July 1855), 5

On the 4th inst., by license, at St. Stephen's, Richmond, by the Rev. C. T. Perks, Giovanni Whittle Vitelli, Esq., of Richmond, late of London, to Anne Day, only child of Francis John Day, Esq., also of Richmond, late of West Hill Grove, Wandsworth, Surrey, England.

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 April 1856), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (24 June 1856), 8

"CRESWICK . . . Sept. 12", The Star (13 September 1856), 2 

Our theatre is again opened under the management of Mr. White, pianist, who with Madame White, Madame Vitelli, Monsieur Vitelli and Mr. Golding, constitute the company. The concerts are not so well attended as they ought to be. We can scarcely expect talented companies to visit us frequently, if they lose always by the speculation. Those persons who do attend however are well pleased. Madame White is rapidly improving in her voice, becoming, in colonial phrase, first-rate. Madame Vitelli's singing is always deservedly applauded, and enthusiastically encored. Her "Comin' thro' the rye," and "Norah Machree," being favorite songs with the audiences. Of Mr. Golding, our old established favorite, it is scarcely necessary to say, that he will keep up his reputation as one of the best Comic singers in the colony.


On Monday evening, Signor Vitelli, is to give a concert at the Great Iron Store at Emerald Hill, on which occasion the vocal force is to include the names of Madame Annie Vitelli and Mr. John Gregg, both old favorites with Melbourne audiences.

[Advertisement], The Argus (23 September 1857), 8 

RICHMOND CHORAL SOCIETY.- A Society to be styled as above with preparatory classes, under the direction of Mr. VITELLI, late Choir Master of her Majesty's Chapel Royal, is now in course of formation. Terms of Admission, One Guinea per quarter. Class No. 1 will meet for practice Tuesday Evening next, at eight. 28 Docker-street, Richmond Hill.

"CHEAP CONCERTS", The Argus (20 March 1858), 5 

Mr. Vitelli, the promoter of these very attractive entertainments, is receiving, we are glad to find, an encouraging measure of support. His Excellency has signified his intention of being present this evening. Mr. Vitelli gave a concert at the Royal Hotel, St. Kilda, last night, which was a decided success.

CONCERT AT THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Argus (22 March 1858), 5 

If anything were wanting hitherto to encourage Mons. Vitelli, the spirited projector of the Saturday and Monday evening concerts at the above institution, he surely must have found it in the crowded honse that was assembled on Saturday evening last. His Excellency the Governor and suite entered the room shortly after eight o'clock, when the National Anthem was sung by the entire company. It is quite unnecessary to enter upon any critique of the various songs. Miss Octavia Hamilton was particularly happy in one of her favorite ballads "Truth in absence." Madame Vitelli sang the plaintive song of "Little Nell," but was not so successful in it as she was in her second song, "Coming through the rye." The pianist, Mr. King, sand Parry's song "Wanted a Governess," but it appeared to be a little above his skill, althoush from his second song there is no doubt that he will improve. "Don Pasquale" afforded the same amusement it always does. Laglaise and Coulon were, just as usual, good; and, in fact, from the reception given to all the songs, there can be but one opinion, and that is, that the public appreciate the value of concerts that are offered them at such a low rate. M. Vitelli is determined to persevere in his endeavors, and, knowing how well cheap concerts have been received in England, there is little doubt but that in course of time he will be amply repaid. On Saturday evening M. Vitelli availed himself of some advice that has too often been thrown away upon managers of concerts - namely, not to allow so much time to elapse between each of the songs, as the audience generally feel wearied, and consequently indisposed to encounter the same amount of fatigue a second time.

"MELBOURNE NEWS", Bendigo Advertiser (25 April 1859), 2 

The district Coroner received yesterday information of the death of a man at Brook's station, about thirteen miles from Gisborne, who was killed by a tree falling upon him. The same functionary has also been notified of the death of M. Pirani Vitelli [Giovanni], who died suddenly on Wednesday evening. The deceased, who was a teacher of music, was seen to fall near the Star and Garter hotel, and when taken up was found to be quite dead. It appears that he had been suffering for the last two years from consumption, and had been attended by Dr. Brown less until within a week of his death. An inquest will not be held in this case as there are no suspicious circumstances connected with it, and the deceased had been professionally attended. The deceased was, we believe, husband of Madame Vitelli, the well known vocalist.

"DEATHS", The Argus (3 May 1859), 4

On the 20th ult., at Richmond, Mr. G. Vitelli, aged 34 years.

After John's death (April 1859):

[Advertisement], The Star (12 May 1859), 3

[Advertisement], North Melbourne Advertiser (9 February 1889), 2

MRS. CHARLES THATCHER, TEACHER SINGING AND MUSIC, 'Layton,' Ardmillan Rd., Moonee Ponds. At Home Wednesday Afternoons.

"REMINISCENCES OF THE STAGE", Referee (6 June 1817), 14 

. . . The company then included Barry O'Neil, the Irish comedian and vocalist; Alfred Romer, who had a very sweet voice, and who in private life was Alf. MacLaren, a Ballarat pugilist; and Lydia Howarde, a particularly handsome woman, with a high, reputation in burlesque and opera bouffe as an actress, and a talented vocalist. She sang -
Why did she leave her Obadiah?
Why did she go without saying Adieu?
Saying she loved me, she looked so much hi-ah -
Isn't it funny what money will do?
She also sang Jeremiah, Don't You Go to Sea! which I read somewhere recently was originally Marie Lloyd's song; but as Marie, whose real name is Matilda Wood, was born on February 12, 1870, obviously she could not have preceded Lydia Howarde (Mrs. Charles Thatcher) in 1873-4 as a singer of the song in question . . .

"REMINISCENCES OF THE STAGE", Referee (27 June 1917), 14 

Lydia Howarde, Mrs. Charles Thatcher, the clever burlesque actress and vocalist, recently eulogised in our Tivoli series, died on Monday, June 18, at her home, Moonee Ponds, Melbourne. She died apparently from bodily weakness, following an operation for cataract of nearly two years since, but was able to read and write up to the last.


A treatise on the formation, cultivation and development of the voice, with general directions for singing, according to the physical principles of the art, as adopted by Mdlle. Jenny Lind, and the most eminent vocalists of the present day, by G. Vitelli (London: Printed for the author by Coe and Hobday, [1850]) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Hugh Anderson, "Thatcher, Charles Robert (1831-1878)", Australian dictionary of biography 6 (1976)

Robert H. B. Hoskins, "Vitelli, Annie", Dictionary of New Zealand biography / Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand

Kurt Gänzl, "Giovanni Vitteli and Annie Vitelli", in Victorian vocalists (New York: Routledge, 2018), 728-31 

See also Kurt Gänzl, "Lydia Howarde: Australia's Emily Soldene", Theatre heritage Australia (last modified 2019) 


Pianist, composer

Born Hermannstadt, Transylvania, 24 January 1852
Active Australia, June 1881 to December 1885 (for the USA)
Died New York, USA, 10 June 1916 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

VOGRICH, Alice (Miss Alice REES) ("The Australian Nightingale")

Soprano vocalist

Born c. 1863; daughter of William REES and Annie Elizabeth WHEELER
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1877
Died Brighton, Melbourne, VIC, 29 December 1923, aged 60 (shareable link to this entry)


Image (Alice):

Image (Max):


"MR. SIEDE'S BENEFIT CONCERT", The Argus (1 October 1877), 6

"THE CALIFORNIAN MAIL. AUCKLAND", The Argus (27 June 1881), 5

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1881), 2

"THE WILHEMMJ CONCERTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 July 1881), 5

[News], The Age (18 December 1882), 6

"THE MELBOURNE MUSIC FESTIVAL", The Argus (28 December 1882), 6

"AMUSEMENTS. PROTESTANT HALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1883), 6

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1883), 2

"The Theatres", The Australasian Sketcher (16 December 1885), 199

"Reported Death of Miss Alice Rees", Camperdown Chronicle (24 March 1888), 4

"THE CAPTIVITY. AN ORATORIO BY MR. MAX VOGRICH", The Argus (2 December 1890), 7


Sir - In your to-day's issue there is a short criticism upon the abovenamed oratorio. Perhaps it may be of interest to the very numerous musical readers of The Argus to know that "The captivity" was composed in Australia. The Argus criticism does not say in what form the work has again reached this country, but I presume it to be a compressed instrumental score with voice parts in full. The work was composed in Sydney during the year 1885, the last year that Mr. Vogrich spent in Australia. During one of my visits to his temporary residence at Annandale he spoke of his oratorio. I expressed a desire to see it. He produced the MS, and finally took his place at the piano and went through the whole of it, his wife, whom we all knew as Miss Alice Rees, singing the soprano vocal part, the composer and myself assisting as far as our limited powers of vocalisation would permit us. The work is very dramatic and powerful, combined with such an amount of originality as to amount to real genius. I beg to endorse every word which your critic says of this work, the product of one of the two or three greatest musicians which have visited Australia. On another occasion about the same time, Mr. Vogrich, his wife, and myself went through a MS. opera entitled "Guinevere," founded on Tennyson's "Idylls of the King," also by Mr. Vogrich. This work was composed in Australia, and I suppose we may shortly hear of its production in America or elsewhere. The libretto was also by the composer being an adaptation in German. Mr. Vogrich has attained a great reputation in America as a composer of church music and the firm of Schirmer and Co. accept his numerous pianoforte compositions with much profit to both composer and publisher.
- I am &c. JOSEPH GILLOTT. Dec. 2.

Rosa Newmarch (trans., ed.), The life and letters of Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky by Modeste Tchaikovsky (London: John Lane, 1906), 637 

[Tchaikovsky, New York, letter, 16 April 189] . . . We heard an oratorio, The Captivity, by the American composer Max Vogrich. Most wearisome.

"DEATHS", The Argus (14 June 1916), 1

"PERSONAL", The West Australian (27 June 1916), 7

"DEATHS", The Argus (1 January 1924), 1

VOGRICH. -On the 29th December, at Brighton (suddenly), Alice Rees-Vogrich, relict of the late Max Vogrich, and sister of J. S. and A. W. Rees (lnterred privately 31st December.) (London and New York papers please copy.)

Musical works: (Max)

Grand festival march and chorus (for the Melbourne Music Festival, December 1882)

Staccato caprice ("for the piano; To my friend W. H. Paling") (Sydney: W. H. Paling, [1883])

VOGT, Otto (Otto VOGT)


Born Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany), c. 1851
Arrived VIC, c. 1857/58
Died Marrickville, NSW, 12 November 1935, aged "84" (shareable link to this entry)


"MR. OTTO VOGT", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (14 November 1935), 12 

Mr. Otto Vogt, who died at the Marrickville District Hospital on Tuesday, aged 84 years, was born at Frankfort-on-Main, Germany, and came to this country with his parents when he was six years of age. His mother was a fine singer, who had been trained in opera. Mr. Vogt, at an early age, was organist in Daylesford. Later, he moved to Melbourne, and for a score of years was prominent in the musical life of the southern capital. The funeral took place yesterday. The interment was made at the Waverley Cemetery. The services at the chapel and the graveside were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Meldrum, pastor of the Enmore Tabernacle.


Musician, cellist, violoncello player, teacher of music

Born Den Haag, Netherlands, 14 February 1859; son of Johann Heinrich VÖLLMAR (1822-1898) and Megchelina Johanna ROERMEESTE
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 7 April 1891 (on the Braunschweig)
Died Sydney, NSW, 3 May 1907, aged "45" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)



"Musical Gossip", The Athenaeum (4 June 1881), 730 (DIGITISED)

. . . The programme of the last of the four Concerts of Herren Laistner, Mahr, and Vollmar, which was given on Thursday evening at St. George's Hall, contained as its chief items trios by Goetz and Raff, and a sonata for piano and violoncello by Rubinstein . . .

"Eingesandte Concert-Programme", Musikalisches Centralblatt 3/6 (8 February 1883), 66 (DIGITISED)

Liverpool. Am 20. Januar Kammermusik-Concert. (Ausführende Fräul. Dora Schirmacher, die Herren Schiever, Harmer, Speelmann und Vollmar). Klavierquintett Op. 114 (Cdur) von Rheinberger, Streichquartett (Bdur) von Haydn . . .

The Musical Standard (1885), 146

Herr Richter is conductor; Senor Sarasate, solo violin; Mdme. Albani and Mdme. Trevelli are the principal singers, and the band-list is dotted, speckled, and tatooed with such pure Anglican names a Slapoffshie, Strelitskie, Hachenberger, Schnitzler, Von der Finck, Windisch, Krause, Stehling, Grosshelm, Silberberg, (alas, that the proud Briton should be forced to draw on Jewry for musicians as well as statesmen!), Van de Velde, Vollmar, Van Leeniven, Progatsky, Vorzanger, Svendsen - and so on through all the peoples of Europe. We fear the insidious foreigner will soon undermine the stately fabric . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, PORT ADELAIDE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register (8 April 1891), 4

TUESDAY, APRIL 7. BRAUNSCHWEIG, steamer . . . from Bremen February 18, Antwerp 22nd, Southampton 23rd, Genoa March 3, Said 9th, suez 10th, Colombo 22nd . . . Passengers: For Adelaide . . . Gerald Vollmar [sic] . . .

"A MUSICAL ACQUISITION", The Advertiser (15 April 1891), 7

In musical circles the news that an experienced European violoncellist has come to settle in Adelaide will be received with great favor. Herr Gerard Vollmar, who arrived by steamer a week ago, was engaged by Mr. Cecil Sharp in London to come out and join the staff of the Adelaide College of Music as teacher of the 'cello and the pianoforte. Our new arrival received his first instruction in the violoncello at the Conservatoire in the Hague, where he was born, and finished his studies in Rotterdam and Brussels. In the last town he received lessons from Joseph Servais, the son and pupil of Francois Servais, the greatest master of the 'cello, and was a pupil for pianoforte and composition of Friedrich Gernsheim, one of the leading composers of the present day. At the age of 17 Herr Vollgar [sic] obtained his first engagement as principal violoncellist at Utrecht, where he resided for four years as teacher at the College of Music there, and gave concerts at nearly all the towns of Holland. Being ambitious to see London, he arrived there and found such notable men as Brahms, Joachim, Sarasate, Max Bruch, and others display a friendly interest in him, and he performed with them at concerts. He remained in London for three seasons, and in the winter months played in Liverpool and all the northern towns of England and Scotland. Going to Amsterdam for a couple of years, he passed on to Berlin and did good work there, and then took an engagement for a couple of seasons in Italy, and then travelled to South America, back to Switzerland and London, and thence to Australia. Herr Vollmar should be a valuable acquisition to our musical ranks, and Herr Reimann informs us that he is making arrangements for the new violoncellist and the teachers of the college to be heard at a concert in the Town Hall shortly after Mr. Sharp's return, who is expected to arrive in Adelaide again next week.

ASSOCIATIONS: Cecil Sharp (musician)

"DEATHS", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (8 May 1907), 1217

VOLLMAR. - May 3, Herr Gerard Vbllmar, at the age of 45 years.

"GERARD VOLLMAR", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (8 May 1907), 1163 

Gerard Vollmar, who has just passed away, will be remembered by musical Australia with such other great names as Ernest de Munck, Edgar Strauss, and Jean Gerardy. To Herr Vollmar, who first visited Australia some 20 years ago with M. Ovide Musin, chamber music owes no less than it does to Mr. George Rivers Allpress, now in Europe. Vollmar was a musician to his finger tips, and was never more the artist than when he played under the baton of the orchestral leader, subordinating his intense personality to the demands of the concerted ensemble. In the "old country" he had been associated musically with Dr. Hans Richter, Servais, Von Bulow, Tamagro, Victor Maurel, and Ovide Musin. He was not only a great artist and a solo-'cellist of the first water, but be was also the teacher of many brilliant pupils, among whom not the least is Miss Florence Taylor, now (on Paderewsky's recommendation) a learner at the feet of that Gamaliel of the pianoforte, Leschitzsky [Leschetizky], of Vienna.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Rivers Alpress (musician)

Bibliography and resources:

J. H. Letzer, Muzikaal Nederland 1850-1910, bio-bibliografisch woordenboek (Utrecht: J. L. Beijers, 1911), 186 (DIGITISD)

Völlmar (Gerard), geb. te's Hage 14 Febr. 1859, was leerling van Giese aan de Kon. muziekschool voornamelijk voor violoncel en zette zijn studiën voort onder Eberle en Servais. Daarna kwam hij, 17 jaar oud, als solo-cellist te Utrecht en werd hij benoemd tot leeraar aan de muziekschool van "Toonkunst" aldaar. In 1881 ging hij naar Engeland, waar hij zoowel te Londen als te Liverpool als solist optrad, was van 1883-85 lid in het orkest van Stumpff, ging opnieuw naar Engeland en werd in 1886 benoemd tot solo-cellist in het Concerthaus en twee jaren later in het Philharmonisch orkest te Berlijn.

VOLPI, Francesco (Francesco VOLPI)

Musician, clarionet / clarinet player

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by June 1854
Active NSW, 1855-56 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus (10 June 1854), 8 

ROWE'S CIRCUS. Concert Extraordinary.
A Band of Italian Musicians, whose talent was unsurpassed in their native country, having recently arrived in this colony, will have the honor of making their first appearance in Melbourne, and giving a grand Concert at Rowe's Circus, on Saturday evening, June 10th, 1854.
Having made arrangements with Caverly Volunteer Fire Company to appear with it on all public occasions, the Band has received permission to take its name and wear its uniform.
The Band will therefore be known as the Caverly Volunteer Band.
It consists of A. Rangoni, Manager, Cornet-a-pistons; Angelo Lagomarsino, Basso; Francesco Volpi, Clarinetto; Giacinto Gagliardi, Flauto; Giovanni Abba, Trombone; Allessandro Belloni, Basso; and Giovanni Grenno, Casa. Herr Ellerner will preside at the piano . . .

"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 September 1855), 5

PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Last evening, his Excellency the Governor-General, Lady Denison, and family, honored this Theatre with their presence on the occasion of Miss Catherine Hayes' third appearance in English opera, as Arline, in M. W. Balfe's "Bohemian Girl". The house, as on the two previous evenings when this opera was produced, was crowded by thousands of delighted auditors. The band of Her Majesty's XIth Regiment assisted on the occasion, and the national airs of England and France were performed amidst enthusiastic applause. The opera throughout was admirably sustained . . . In Mr. Balfe's piquant instrumentation, the orchestra, under M. Lavenu's direction, did ample justice. The obligato accompaniments of M. Couat, violin; M. Tranter, double bass; and M. Francesco Volpi, clarionet, demand especial attention.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (17 June 1856), 3

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 July 1856), 1

OUR LYCEUM THEATRE . . . THE BAND, under the able management of Mr. WINTERBOTTOM, will be found the most efficient in the colonies, and will include the following gentlemen.- M. Chas. Eigenschenck, leader, Messrs W Tranter, Beans, Wilkinson, Strong, Seymour, Volpi, Sharpe, Richardson, &c., &c.


Amateur musician, vocalist, merchant, politician

Born Bremen (Germany), 28 March 1834 (date on gravestone); son of Ferdinand Von HEYDE and Adeline MEYER
Active Adelaide, SA, 26 October 1854 (per Reiherstieg, from Hamburg, 22 June)
Married Mary HENDERSON, St. John's church, Melbourne, 11 February 1864
Died Sydney, NSW, 29 June 1891 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED", South Australian Register (27 October 1854), 2 

Thursday, October 26 - The brig Reiherstieg, 250 tons, J. Harmann, master, from Hamburg June 22. Amsberg and Co., Town; Mocatta, Port, agents. Passengers - Messrs. Shutte, Friebet, Hoyater, Howel, Heyde, Von der Heyde, Toyley, in the cabin; and the following Prussian emigrants . . .

"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (3 October 1856), 3 

The third season concert of this amateur society was given at Neales's Exchange, on Thursday evening, and notwithstanding the rival attractions of the Theatre, there was a very numerous and elite attendance . . . The first part of the evening's amusement concluded with the finale from " Oberon," with occasionally brilliant effect, by the full band and the chorus of gentlemen amateurs. The instrumentail department evinced great care, and, under the influence of the ably wielded baton of Herr Linger, played with much unity of tone. Possibly the violin department was comparatively in too great force. The brass instrument accompanyment was remarkably good, without being in the slightest degree too powerful. Mr. Vonderheid sung a solo in the progress of the finale in a very effective manner. The second part of the entertainment, which was of a similar character, was probably the most successful, if the consequent applause be a fair criterion.

ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Linger (conductor); Adelaide Choral Society (organisation)

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (30 June 1857), 1 

THE SECOND CONCERT of the above Society will be given at WHITE'S ASSEMBLY ROOM.
on WEDNESDAY Evening next, the 1st July, when the following Programme will be performed.
1. Symphony in D - A. Adagio B. Allegro - Mozart.
2. Cavatina - "I'll follow thee" - H. Farmer.
3. Sinfonie in D - C. Andante - Mozart.
4. Duetto - "Una Candida Columba" - Gabussi.
5. Grand Chorus from Schiller's "Song of the Bell" - Romberg.
6. Song - "Why linger so long" - Ed. Land.
7. Sinfonie in D - D. Finale - Mozart.
An interval of ten minutes.
8. Overture - "Le fidele berger" - Adam.
9. Quartetto - "The maid who'd wish to slumber" - Winter.
10. "Guarache" - Air de Ballett, from "Massaniello" - Auber.
11. Song - "The Canteneer" - Balfe.
12. Chorus from "Der Freischutz" - Weber.
13. Song - "I shall greet thee no more" - Lavenu.
14. Introduction and Chorus, from "Massaniello" - Auber.
Conductor, Mr. Linger; Leader, Mr. Chapman.
Tickets may be had at Mr. White's and Mr. Lower's, King William-street, and of any member of the Committee, or the undersigned.
G. VON DER HEYDE, Hon Sec. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Chapman (leader)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (1 April 1859), 1 

MERCHANDISE: ON SALE, at the Stores of the undersigned -
Java Rice (dressed), Liqueurs, Dried Apples, Cordials . . .
A large Assortment of Fancy Goods . . .
Musical Instrumsnts, Combs, Looking-Glasses . . . Parasols.
Also, a splendid Square Piano.
G. VON DER HEYDE & CO., Blyth's-building.

"VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT", Adelaide Observer (16 February 1861), 7 

On Wednesday evening, the 6th inst, a grand vocal and instrumental concert was given in the large room of the Hotel Europe, Gawler-place, for the benefit of the family of the celebrated composer, the late Mr. Carl Zoellner. There was a large and very respectable audience, including some of our leading German and English colonists. Mr. Treuer opened the entertainment by stating its object and giving a brief account of the career of Mr. Zoellner. This was followed by an overture, by Herold, very well executed by the Brunswick Brass Band. The German liedertafel, under the leadership of Herr Linger, came next; and gave with good effect one of Mendelssohn's choruses. A duet by Messrs. Schraeder and Heydecke was then played upon the cornet-a-piston, accompanied on the piano by Mr. Kunze. The performance was encored. Mr. Schierenbeek having sung a bass solo, entitled "How beautiful art thou," a chorus by the Liedertafel - "Our German Fatherland" - was given, and a fastasia performed upon the clarionet and cornet a-piston by Messrs. Heydecke and Schraeder. A chorus called "A B C," the production of the composer for the aid of whose family the entertainment was held, concluded the first part of the performance. The time for the intermission having expired, an overture from "Tancred" was played by the Brunswick Brass Band. Mr. Von Der Heyde then sang, with excellent effect, a ballad by Proch, entitled "Das Erkennen." He was heartily applauded, and a repetition called for. He substituted another musical gem, which was greatly appreciated. The same performers who had taken part in the preceding pieces successively appeared in new selections, all of which met with satisfactory receptions. The entertainment was brought to a termination about 11 o'clock, all having confessedly enjoyed an evening made doubly pleasant by the reflections of the good the subscriptions of the auditory will accomplish. We believe something like 40l. was taken on the occasion. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Friedrich Zöllner (1800-1860), German composer (never visited Australia); Adelaide Liedertafel (society); Heinrich Schrader (musician); Theodor Heydecke (musician); Johann Wilhelm Schierenbeck (vocalist); Carl Julius Kunze (pianist); Brunswick Brass Band (ensemble)

MUSIC: Das Erkennen (Proch)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (29 July 1862), 1

assisted by Mesdames PERYMAN and WISHART, Messrs. R. B. WHITE, R. A., and
PROGRAMME. PART II . . . Song, "The Arab's Farewell to his Favourite Steed" - Mr. G. Von der Heyde. . . .

"Musikalisches", Adelaider Deutsche Zeitung (1 August 1862), 6 

Am Mittwoch Abend gab die deutsche Liedertafel, unterstützt von den Damen Perryman und Wishart und von den Herren Schmidt, Kunze, Norman, von der Heyde, so wie von den Mitgliedern des Schraderschen Musikcorps ein Concert zum Besten der im Dampfer "Marion" gestrandeten Zwischendeck-Passagiere. Es haften sich etwa 400 Personen eingefunden, unter ihnen Sr. Exc. Sir D. Daly nebst Miss Daly und die Elite der Adelaider Gesellschaft . . . Nachdem noch die beiden Damen ein paar Lieder vorgetragen, sang Herr von der Heyde das Gedicht "Des Arabers Abschied von seinem Pferde" mit solchem Gefühle und so schöner Stimme, dass er Thränen in manches schöne Auge lockte. Da das Auditorium in ein stürmisches Dacapo ausbrach, so gab er Fesca's "Wanderer," mit dem er eben so grossen Beifall erndtete . . .

MUSIC: The Arab's farewell to his steed (Blockley); Der Wanderer (Alexander Fesca, No 1 from Fünf Leider, op. 13)

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 June 1891), 1 

VON DER HEYDE. - June 29, at his residence, Fourth-street, Woollahra, Gustave Ludwig Theodore Von der Heyde, late general agent of the German-Australian Steamship Company, of 81 Pitt-street, Sydney, aged 57 years.

Bibliography and resources:

James N. Bade, "Gustav von der Heyde", in James N. Bade (ed.), The German connection, New Zealand and German-speaking Europe in the nineteenth century (Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1993), 189-99

"Gustav von der Heyde", Wikipedia (De) 


Musician, cornet player, circus bandmaster

Active Australia, 1880s-90s (shareable link to this entry)



"GENERAL NEWS", The Express and Telegraph (5 June 1884), 2 

"JAPANESE VILLAGE", Border Watch (31 August 1887), 2 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 November 1889), 2 

[News], Morning Bulletin (13 June 1890), 4 

"OLD SYDNEY", Truth (13 February 1910), 11 

VON ENDE, Charles William (Carl Wilhelm VON ENDE; Charles William VON ENDE; C. W. VON ENDE; VON ENDE DE HUGARD)

Amateur bass vocalist, commission agent

Born Germany, c. 1835
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, September 1855 (per Alster, from Hamburg, aged "20")
Married Flora Jane McCARTHY (d. 1866), Geelong, VIC, 1856
Active Bendigo, VIC, c. 1859-61
Died Ballarat, VIC, 27 January 1870 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Musician, pianist, clarinet and flute player

Born Hanover, Germany, c. 1821
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 8 August 1854 (per Wandrahm, from Hamburg 23 April, age 33)
Active Adelaide, SA, 1854; Beechworth, VIC, 1857
Died Rutherglen, VIC, 12 October 1876, aged 55 (VIC BDM; PROV) (shareable link to this entry)


Harp player


Hermann Worherr and his wife Wilhlemine Dienel, together with the siblings Friedrich and Johanne Auguste Runge, Wilhlmine Van der Wald and Dorothea Hahn, arrived in Adelaide on the Wandrahm on 8 August 1854, having sailed from Hamburg on 23 April. The Runges may have been joining other members of their family in South Australia since 1851.

Other musicians on the Wandrahm were August Kasten and Christian Kastern, both of Hannover, and August Sande of Hannover.


Wandrahm, from Hamburg 23 April 1854, arrived Port Adelaide, SA, 8 August 1854; The ship list 

Vorherr / Hermann / 33 / Musician / Hannover // Wilhelmine (Dienel) . . .
Runge / Friedrich / Musician / Hannover // Auguste (Schwester)
Van der Wald / Wilhelmine / Hannover
Hahn / Dorothea / Hannover

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (9 August 1854), 2 

Tuesday, August 8 - The ship Wandrahm, - tons, Decker, master, from Hamburg April 23. Passengers . . . Vorhen 6 [sic] . . . in the steerage. Amsberg and Co., agents.

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (24 August 1854), 1 

Grand evening concert -
MR. WILLIAM PLOTH has the honour to announce to his friends and the public, that he will give a VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, THIS EVENING Thursday, August 24th, in the large room adjoining the Napoleon Bonaparte, when he will be assisted by the following accomplished artists:-
Herr Voreher, Flutist.
Herr Runge, Violinist.
Madame Vorherr, 1st Harp.
Fraulein Runge, 2nd Harp.
Fraulein V. D. Wall, 1st Guitar.
Fraulein Hahn, 2nd Guitar.
Tickets, 3s. each. Reserved seats.

"GRAND EVENING CONCERT", Adelaide Times (25 August 1854), 2 

A Vocal and Instrumental Concert was given on Thursday evening, by Mr. William Ploth, in the large room adjoining the Napoleon Buonaparte Inn, King "William-street. The pieces selected for performance were given with taste and skill, Madame Vorherr and Fraulein Runge exhibiting some amount of talent in their vocal duets, and the remainder of the corps ably seconding their efforts in a well-arranged yet extremely simple accompaniment. Herr Vorherr, as pianist, and Herr Runge, as violinist, also deserve praise for their execution on their respective instruments. We cannot but express our regret that the unfavourable state of the weather prevented the attendance of a larger audience, but we may hope that a greater amount of deserved success may await their efforts this evening.

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (25 August 1854), 1 

HARP CONCERT. - This Evening, Friday, the 25th, a GRAND CONCERT will take place in the Room of the Blenheim Hotel, Hindley-street. The Company, which has just arrived from Europe, consists of four Ladies and two Gentlemen. Performance to commence at 7 o'clock.

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (29 August 1854), 1 

THE VORHERR FAMILY'S CONCERT, THIS EVENING, at the Blenheim Hotel. - The Vorherr Family have the honour to announce, that their Third Grand Harp Concert will take place at the Blenheim Hotel, this evening, August 29th.

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (30 August 1854), 1 

. . . their fourth Grand Harp Concert . . . this evening, August the 30th.

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (1 September 1854), 5

GRAND HARP CONCERT. The Vorherr Family have the honour to announce their FIFTH GRAND HARP CONCERT will take place at the Blenheim Hotel, This Evening. 

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (4 September 1854), 1

GRAND EVENING CONCERT. - The VORHERR FAMILY will give a Grand Concert in the Large Room of the Dover Castle Hotel, Margaret-street, North Adelaide, on Tuesday Evening, September 5th, 1854.
Doors to open at half-past 6, and the Concert to begin at 7 o'clock.
Tickets, 3s. each, to be had of Mr. Pain, Dover Castle Hotel, and of Mr. Hillborne, Chemist, O'Connell-street, North Adelaide.

"UNCLAIMED LETTERS", South Australian Register (18 June 1855), 3

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (29 January 1857), 1

GRAND CONCERT & BALL, Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
THE Proprietors have great pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of the Woolshed that they have succeded in making an arrangement with Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, the original comic duet singers, and delineators of domestic life.
Mr. Pendleton, the unrivalled performer on the three Tambourines, and Bones Soloist.
Mrs. Pendleton, the pleasing comic Vocalist.
Mr. Pendleton will sing a variety of Irish Comic Songs, assisted by several gentlemen of talent.
1st Violin, Mons. Myer Fransie
2nd ditto, Herr Vandeberg.
Concert Flute, Herr Varherr
Clarionet, Herr Schlu
Cornet-a-piston, Mr. Fitzhenry
Harp, Mr. Wicks
Basso, Herr Martin.
Leader of the Band, Herr Weishmann [Weichmann], from the Olympic Theatre, Melbourne.
Admission - Free.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Schlue (clarinet); Jacob Van den Berg (violin)

"BEECHWORTH COUNTY COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (14 August 1857), 3

[1] H. Worheer v. J. V. De Berg. Amount claimed £6 for services as musician. The defendant denied the services being performed. Verdict for defendant. [2] W. Martin v. J. V. De Berg, No appearance. Struck out. [3] H. Worheer v. W. Hill. No appearance. Struck out.

"LETTER LIST", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (8 May 1858), 2s

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (4 May 1867), 3 

A GRAND Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT
Will take place at BISSE'S ALBION HOTEL, Conness-street, Chiltern,
On Tuesday, May 7th, 1867, In aid of the funds of the
DIRECTOR: Fred. Bisse.
Mr H. Schmidt - Mr D. Palmer
" H. Weinberg - " H. Vorherr
" E. Russom - " Fred. Bisse
" C. Esther - " W. Otto
" -. August " -. A. Schluter
Assisted by the Cornish Glee Club.
Band - 1. Overture, "Zampa," by Herold, arranged by H. Bonn.
2. Glee, "Call where the Breezes."
3. Song, by Miss D. Bisse, "Farewell, if ever fondest prayer; " music by Bellini.
Band - 4. "Des Teufels Anthiel," by D. F. E. Auber, arranged by P. Roth.
5. "Merry May," song, by Mr. H. Harris.
Band - 6. "Martha," by Flotow, arranged by P. Roth.
7. Song, by Miss D. Bisse, assisted by the Cornish Glee Club.
Interval of fifteen minutes.
Band - 1. Overture, "Otello," by G. Rossini, arranged by F. Strauss.
2. Glee, "Fisherman's Glee."
3. Quartette, by Gentlemen of the Band.
4. Duet, by Miss D. Busse and Mr. H. Harris, "What are the Wild Waves Saying," music by S. Glover, words by T. E. Carpenter.
Band - 5. "Alessandro Stradello," by F. Flotow, arranged by P. Roth.
6. Song, by Mr A. Schluter.
7. "God Save the Queen," by the Company.
Admission 3s. Doors open at half-past seven o'clock, to commence at eight o'clock sharp.
Tickets to be had at the Albion, and all the principal Hotels, Chiltern.

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (28 January 1868), 3 

Will be given, on the above date, in aid of the funds for the erection of a Monument to the Memory of the late Herr Schmidt.
The BAND will comprise the following gentlemen, who have kindly volunteered their services :
1st Violins - Herr WEINBERG and VAN DEN BERG
2nd Do - Herr BAUSCHMAN and Mr. WATTS
Tenor - Mr. E. S. RUSSOM
Violincellos - Mr. MORRIS and Herr OTTO
Contre Basses - Herr ESTHER and GERKE
Cornets - Herr SCHMIDT and BURKE
Clarinet - Herr VORHEN
Flute - Herr BUSSE
Flageolet - Mr. Henri RUXTON
Cornos - Messrs. PALMER and GEORGE
Trombone - Herr HARTMAN
Drums - Herr RUDOLPH
Conductor, Herr SCHLUTER.
Assisted by Ladies and Gentlemen Amateurs and the German Vocal Union . . .

"THE CONCERT AT THE RUTHERGLEN", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (24 April 1869), 2 

We would again draw our reader's attention to the concert to be given in the Town Hall, Rutherglen, on Monday night, by the children of Mr. Hallen's school in aid of building the new infant school. The elocution of the young ones is most highly spoken of, and the musical department, under the sunerintendence of Mrs. McKay and Herr Vorrher, is very strong. We trust the goodness of the cause, and the excellence of the entertainment, will bring a full house, and add materially to the building fund.

"RUTHERGLEN", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (19 September 1874), 4 

Our correspondent writes: The Rutherglen Quadrille Assembly Ball held at the Town Hall here on Wednesday evening last was one of the most successful ever held in Rutherglen. Host Schwenzel, who was the successful tenderer for the supply of refreshments, with his usual good taste provided a most recherche repast to which ample justice was done. The music by Messrs Schlue, Vorher, and others, was all that could he desired. The dancing was kept up with great spirit until near daylight, and everyone present seemed thoroughly to enjoy themselves.

[Advertisement], The Age (25 November 1876), 8 

In the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria. - In its Probate Jurisdiction. -
In the Will of HERMAN VORHERR, late of Rutherglen, in the County of Bogong, in the Colony of Victoria, Musician, Deceased. -
Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, APPLICATION will be made to this honorable court that PROBATE of the will of the abovenamed Herman Vorherr may be GRANTED to Mina Vorherr, of Rutherglen aforesaid, widow and wife of the said deceased, the sole executrix appointed by the will of the said Herman Vorherr.
Dated this 24 th day of November, 1876.
CHAS. SHAW, 39 Little Colllns-street west, Melbourne, Proctor for the said Mina Vorherr.

VOSPER, Laura Mary (Laura Mary WOODWARD; Miss Laura WOODWARD; Mrs. George James VOSPER)

Teacher of music, singing and piano, soprano vocalist, pianist

Married George James VOSPER (1840-1916), All Saints, Sutton Forest, NSW, 7 May 1879
Active Goulburn, NSW, by 1880 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



"CONCERT", The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (10 November 1880), 2 

Last night a musical and literary entertainment was given in the mechanics' hall, Goulburn, by the members of the Church of England Working-men's Literary Association, assisted by a number of ladies and gentlemen. The object of the entertainment was to raise a sum of money to be given in aid of St. Saviour's cathedral building fund. Despite the inclemency of the weather a goodly number of persons assembled in the hall, the front seats and gallery being well filled . . . Tell Me My Heart was very well sung by Mrs. Vosper, who, being encored, sang a serio-comic song, "They Won't Propose", for which she was applauded . . . Barney O'Hea, a simple music-hall song, was capitally sung by Mrs. Vosper, and the audience being highly delighted with it, demanded an encore, when "Who's that Tapping at the Garden Gate" was sung nicely.

[Advertisement], Goulburn Evening Penny Post (14 July 1881), 3 

MRS. VOSPER HAVING REMOVED to Sloane-street, next door to Railway Hotel, continues to RECEIVE PUPILS FOR THE PIANOFORTE AND SINGING.

"Good Templar's Entertainment", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (20 September 1881), 4 

A pianoforte duet, by Mrs. Vosper and Miss Flora Hancock, one of her pupils who is about seven years of age (The Osborne Quadrilles) were played next; the manipulation of the keys of the instrument by the child showed that care was exercised in her tuition. On the last occasion the same piece was played by the same ladies, but not so nicely. The audience in an outburst of applause showed their delight at the finish.

"THE PRESBYTERIAN ENTERTAINMENT", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (29 September 1881), 2 

Mrs. Vosper sang very sweetly "We're A Noddin'," and on being encored responded by giving the well-known Scotch solo "Coming Thro' the Rye."

"GOULBURN POLICE COURT", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (12 November 1881), 6 

G. J. Vosper was charged with threatening the life of his wife, and was also called upon to find sureties to keep the peace . . .

Laura Vosper deposed: I reside with my father, Mr. Woodward; on the morning of the 9th November prisoner came to my room; I screamed, and my brother came in; prisoner said, "I will be the death of you, and have come to perform a second East Lynne;" my husband has on several occasions molested me in the street; I get my own living by giving lessons in music; I am afraid of the prisoner; on Friday last he caught hold of my wrist and hurt me; I think unless he is bound over to keep the peace he will do me some grievous bodily harm; we have been living apart for some time . . .

"GOULBURN POLICE COURT", Goulburn Herald (27 July 1882), 2 

"THE LATE CASE OF ATTEMPTED MURDER", Goulburn Herald (12 October 1882), 2 

George James Vosper, who on Sunday evening attempted to murder his wife Laura Vosper at the residence of her father in Sloane-street, is now in custody, having given himself up . . . We learn that Mrs. Vosper is gradually recovering, but is hardly yet out of danger. Last night Dr. McKillop reported that the patient was considerably better.

"GOULBURN", Australian Town and Country Journal (14 October 1882), 38 

The most tragic occurrence was that of Mrs. Vosper, a lady well known and respected here for her musical abilities, which she was allays ready to use for the public benefit. From unhappy causes she was living apart from her husband, who on Sunday night attacked her with a tomahawk, and attempted to murder her; she lies in a precarious state . . .

"GOULBURN POLICE COURT", Goulburn Herald (26 October 1882), 2 

"I.O.G.T. CONCERT", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (13 February 1883), 4 

Miss Percival sang '"When Swallows Homeward Fly" very prettily, and in response to a warm recall, "Robin Adair," also very effectively. Mrs. Vosper accompanied both songs; In the second part Miss Percival very pleasantly sang "Wings."

"GOULBURN CIRCUIT COURT", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (19 April 1883), 2 

"TEMPERANCE ENTERTAINMENT", Southern Argus (13 October 1883), 2 

In connection with the Ark of Peace Division, Daughters of Temperance, and under the patronage of the Good Templars, a tea and musical entertainment will be given in the Temperance Hall on Tuesday evening next. The musical arrangements being entrusted to Mrs. Vosper, is sufficient guarantee that a treat is in store for all who attend.

"VOLUNTEER CONCERT", Bowral Free Press and Berrima District Intelligencer (31 December 1887), 2 

Undoubtedly the gems of the evening were contributed by Mrs. Vosper and Mr. Warrington. The first named well known in former years as Miss Laura Woodward, has been heard in Berrima and Mittagong before, but so long ago that to most her appearance had all the charm of a first. Always a great favourite in times past, she has only again returned to gain fresh laurels and plaudits. On Monday evening the encores to her numbers were most pronounced and if the temper of the audience had been considered Mrs. Vosper would have been on the stage the whole evening, however as that was impossible they rendered the homage of a perfect silence during her performance. Reuben and Rachel was sung very gaily by this fair singer and Mr. Dawson, both of whom thoroughly entered into the spirit of the words. This style exactly suits Mrs. Vosper, whose action is very good and very taking. I recollect hearing these singers sing exactly the same duet some ten years ago, and I must say time has only mellowed their voices and improved their style. The duet "Very suspicious," was given in response to a tumultuous encore.

"LAW REPORT, SUPREME COURT . . . VOSPER V. VOSPER.", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 October 1889), 5 

VOSPER V. VOSPER. Mr. Ralston appeared for the petitioner, Laura Mary Vosper, in the suit against her husband, George James Vosper, and upon his application the issues were settled as marriage on the 7th May, 1879, at Sutton Forest, adultery, and cruelty. Suit to be tried at the next sittings, before his Honor without a jury.

"Vosper v. Vosper", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (23 November 1889), 4 

"Supreme Court", Evening News (24 February 1890), 6 

. . . Evidence of adultery with co-respondent having been given a decree nisi was granted.

"LAW REPORT", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 September 1890), 4 

VOSPER v. VOSPER. On the motion of Mr. Ralston, who appeared for the petitioner, Laura Mary Vosper, the decree nisi of the 24th February last, for the dissolution of her marriage with George James Vosper, was made absolute, and the marriage accordingly declared dissolved; petitioner to have the custody of the child.

VOSS, Louis (Louis VOSS)

Musician, professor of music, pianist, piano tuner and regulator

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, April 1853 (per Amazon)
Died Parramatta, NSW, 21 May 1892 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (10 May 1853), 12 

HERR LOUIS VOSS has the pleasure of announcing that, in accordance with the wish of many influential patrons, he has arranged to give a
Upon which occasion he will have the honor to offer to the ladies and gentlemen of Melbourne some
Striking Novelties in Brilliant Dance Music, executed by a band of unrivalled talent from the Continent.
In the course of the evening there will be introduced
A Grand National Dance of Germany, embodying pleasing and elegant effects, with tasteful floral decoiations, &c. . . .
Master of the Ceremonies, Mr. Denning.
Sole Manager, Herr L. Voss . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Cornelius Denning (dancing master)

[Advertisement], Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (8 October 1858), 3 

BEGS most respectfully to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Portland and adjoining Districts, that he has arrived from Belfast to Repair and Tune Pianos and Musical Instruments of every description, during his short stay here, and shall be happy to execute any orders that may be entrusted to him.
* The best references will he given.
Tuning Piano-Forte - £2 2s.
Keeping a Piano-Forte in Tune for Six-Months - £3 3s.
Residence, at Mr J. HOGAN, Tasmania Inn, Percy-street.

"THE WIZARD", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (17 January 1859), 2 

On Friday and Saturday evenings last, Professor Rignold, performed at Mr. Hogan's New Grand Assembly Room, Tasmanian Hotel. The various tricks in legerdemain were of a new, and superior kind, and the performances throughout elicited the greatest astonishment. The attendance was numerous and the company evinced there delight in the performances by repeated and loud applause. The entertainment was varied with several comic songs, sung in excellent style and heartily encored. A band of German musicians, performed at the conmnencement of the evening, and during the intervals of the entertainment. The musical accompaniments during the evening were performed by Mr. Voss, on the piano and Mr. Hurst on the violin, altogether the exhibition of art and talent was admirable and highly entertaining. Mr. Rignold performs again this evening.

ASOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Rignold (magician, vocalist)

"TASMANIAN CONCERT ROOM", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (29 August 1859), 2 

Professor Risley and Son's performances and general entertainment were repeated here on Friday and Saturday nights, and appear to have lost nothing of their spirit and popularity. On Friday the Concert Room was crowded, every seat being occupied, and numbers of persons compelled to stand. Some variety in the feats and songs was introduced on each evening . . . Mr. Risley introduced some characteristic imitations of "persons whom he had met;" among these the young operatic singer, who on his first appearlance on the stage, and while executing mst feelingly a song from Lucia de Lammermoor, is greatly distressed and put out by the presence of an obtruding nail in the boards, by which he is ultimately floored, was much applauded. We must not omit to mention the spirited and admiralde accompaniment performances of Mr. Voss on the pianoforte, and Mr. Theadore, on the violin, whose joint efforts succeeded so thoroughly in reconciling the audience to certain occasional delays in raising the curtain, which might otherwise be felt to be somewhat tedious. The entertainment, we perceive, is to be repeated to-night and to-morrow night.

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Risley Carlisle (gymnast, entertainer)

[Advertisement], Hamilton Spectator and Grange District Advertiser (18 August 1860), 2 

MR. LOUIS VOSS, Pianist and Pianoforte Tuner, (Resident for nearly three years in the Western District,) BEGS most respectfully to intimate to the ladies and gentlemen in this district, that he is on his tour round to Tune Pianofortes, and will be most happy to execute any orders intrusted to him. Hamilton, August 17th.

[Advertisement], Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (26 August 1861), 4 

A SELECT QUADRILLE ASSEMBLY WILL take place at Mac's Hotel, on Friday Evening next, August 23rd. Tickets to admit a Gentleman, 5s. each; and also Ladies' complimentary Tickets may be obtained of Mr. H. Kuntze; Mr. A. Tait; Mrs. McDonald, Mac's Hotel; or of Mr. Louis Voss. Dancing to commence at half-past Eight o'clock.

[Advertisement], The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser (12 September 1863), 3 

A Card. MR. LOUIS VOSS, Pianist and Pianoforte Tuner,
begs most respectfully to acquaint the ladies and gentlemen of Armidale and surrounding districts that he is making his first Professional Tour in this neighbourhood to tune and repair Pianofortes and Musical Instruments.
He will arrive at Armidale in about a fortnight, and trusts, by strict attention to his profession, to ensure the same patronage which has been so kindly bestowed upon him in Orange, Wellington, Dubbo, &c., &c.
L. V. intends visiting the New England district once or twice a year, to avoid disappointments in future.
Pianofortes, Harmoniums, Musical Boxes, Melafones, Concertinas, Flutinas, &c., repaired and tuned, on moderate terms.
Engagements made for balls and private parties.
Any parties requiring Mr. L. Voss's services in this capacity will be pleased to communicate with him by letter, addressed to the post office, Armidale.

[Advertisement], The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser (18 September 1883), 3 

MR. LOUIS VOSS, Professor of Music, Pianist, and Pianoforte Tuner,.
BEGS most respectfully to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of this district that he is (after an absence of several years through illness) once more happy to offer his services to the public.
Any orders left at the office of this paper will be punctually attended to before he leaves for Glen Innes and Tenterfield.

"Apprehensions, &c.", New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (13 March 1889), 92 

George White, Patrick Kennedy, and William Jones, charged with assaulting with intent to rob Louis Voss, has [sic] been arrested by Constables Nebe and Carey, Coonamble Police. Committed for trial at Coonamble Sessions.

[Advertisement], Molong Express and Western District Advertiser (25 May 1889), 3 

MR. LOUIS VOSS, Professor of Music, PIANIST AND PIANOFORTE TUNER, BEGS most respectfully to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Molong and surrounding district that he has once more returned from the Western Districts to attend to his profession . . .

[News], Molong Express and Western District Advertiser (26 October 1889), 3 supplement 

Mr. Louis Voss is in town . . .

Louis Voss, 21 May 1892, Find a grave 

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