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Paling family of musicians and music sellers

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Paling family of musicians and music sellers", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025

PALING, William Henry (Willem Hendrik PALING; William Henry PALING; Mr. W. H. PALING)

Violinist, pianist, organist, music retailer, music publisher, composer

Born Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1 September 1825; son of Jan Hendrik/John Henry PALING (1796-1879) and Aagje/Agatha PALING (c. 1800-1883)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 22 February 1855 (per Clio, from Amsterdam, 16 November 1854)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, September 1855
Married (1) Mary Ann MANEY (FULLER) (d. 1877), Holy Trinity, Higham, Norfolk, England, 24 July 1863
Married (2) Anne Case LEEDER (LAKE) (d. 1894), South Kingston, NSW, 19 October 1878
Died Stanmore, NSW, 27 August 1895 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (music business)

PALING, Richard John (Richard John PALING; Richard John PALING; Mr. R. J. PALING)

Music retailer, music publisher

Born Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1 December 1829; son of Jan Hendrik/John Henry PALING (1796-1879) and Aagje/Agatha PALING (c. 1800-1883)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 13 April 1856 (per Royal Charter, from Liverpool, England, 17 January)
Married Florence May Maria EVANS, All Saints' church, St. Kilda, VIC, 4 July 1863
Died Bondi, NSW, 6 March 1914, aged 84 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (music business)

PALING, John Henry, junior (Jan Henrick/Johannes Henricus PALING; Mr. PALING, junior; Mr. J. H. PALING; Mr. G. H. PALING [sic])

Pianist, organist

Born Rotterdam, Netherlands, 15 December 1830; son of Jan Hendrik/John Henry PALING (1796-1879) and Aagje/Agatha PALING (c.1800-1883)
Active Sydney, NSW, June 1856 to May 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

"Paling junior" was once identified by the initials "G. H.", and once as "John H. Paling"; Eve Keane stated that he was William's brother, J. G. Paling, but no brother with the initials "J. G. or "G. H." can be identified (see Netherlands documentation below); so it is most likely that he was John Henry / Jan Henrick Paling (born 1830)

Another son of J. H. Paling, senior, born on 14 September 1835, was Anton Adriaan Paling, who died on 12 October 1922, aged 87 (see Netherlands documentation below)

A much younger son, Adriaan Gerard Paling, was born on 22 September 1842; active as an organist in the 1860s (see Netherlands documentation below), he died in 1896.

Family birth documentation:

"Jan Hendrik Paling", Bevolkingsreconstructie Stad Rotterdam 1811 t/m 1930 

Jan Hendrick Paling married Aagje Paling on 23 August 1821; their offspring were:

1. Adriana Geertruida Agatha Paling, geb. 10 okt 1822, Rotterdam
2. Anna Wilhelmina Paling, geb. 5 jan 1824, Rotterdam
3. Willem Hendrik Paling, geb. 1 sep 1825, Rotterdam
4. Richard Jan Paling (1), geb. 11 mei 1827, Rotterdam; died 1828
5. Richard Jan Paling (2), geb. 1 dec 1829, Rotterdam
6. Johannes Henricus Paling, geb. 15 dec 1830, Rotterdam
7. Hendrik Adrianus Paling, geb. 26 jul 1832, Rotterdam
8. Hendrina Johanna Paling, geb. 12 mei 1834, Rotterdam
9. Anton Adriaan Paling, geb. 14 sep 1835, Rotterdam
10. Agatha Johanna Wilhelmina Paling, geb. 27 jul 1838, Rotterdam
11. Adriaan Gerard Paling, geb. 22 sep 1842, Rotterdam


W. H. Paling, Sydney, 1880s

Family background (to 1855)

The Australian Paling brothers, Willem/William and Richard, were sons of the Rotterdam pianist, organist, and carillonneur Jan Hendrik Paling (b. Woerden, 14 December 1796; d. Rotterdam, 23 February 1879), who, from the late 1830s onwards, was also a leading music retailer and publisher, and piano manufacturer. After his sons William and Richard emigrated to Australia, their younger brother Anton Adriaan Paling (b. Rotterdam, 14 September 1835; d. Nijmegen, 12 October 1922) joined his father in the piano factory, and became head of the firm in 1879. After his death the business was continued by Quispel.

As early as February 1829, J. H. Paling appeared as a piano soloist, in Weber's Concertino, for Rotterdam's Eruditio Musica society, of which the violinist Bartholomeus Tours (1797-1864), also organist of the Laurenskerk, was a director. In November 1832, for the same society, Paling and Tours were duo partners in a performance of a "Groot rondo concertant" by Kalliwoda.

In due course, Bartholomeus Tours was the teacher and mentor of Willem (b. 1825), not, as sometimes incorrectly assumed, his son Berthold Tours. Willem almost certainly, however, knew the younger Tours and played alongside him in orchestral performances.

Willem also claimed to have received training and support in harmony and composition, when very young, from Carel Ferdinand Hommert (c.1810-1838), a noted Bach enthusiast, and later also from Johannes Verhulst.

From the 1830s onwards, the Tours and the Palings were closely involved in the activities of the Rotterdam branch of the Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst (Association for the Promotion of Music).

In an advertisement of August 1853 for the forthcoming teaching term at Rotterdam's Organists' training school (Muzijkschool en Inrigting voor Orgelonderwijs), J. H. and W. H. Paling were both listed as giving instruction in piano, and Tours (again, almost certainly the elder) in the violin.

In later advertisements in Australia Willem/William described himself as "first violinist of the Royal Holland Academy" (perhaps indicating that he had played in the orchestra of the Koninklijke Muzijkschool in Den Haag), and as director of a musical "academy" in that country.

Anton Adriaan Paling later took over his father's music shop and piano factory in Rotterdam and carried on the business until 1925.

Australia (from 1855)

Most 20th-century accounts of William's life followed Australian men of mark (1888) in dating his arrival in the colonies to 1853. Contemporary records, including his naturalisation certificate, make clear, however, that he arrived at Melbourne in the Clio in February 1855. Seven pianos he had imported were landed with him, and in March the Argus reported that Paling himself:

. . . a musical professor recently arrived, will give a concert at the Grand Junction Hotel, St. Kilda . . . assisted by Mrs. Testar and others of our musical celebrities . . . We understand, Mr. Paling is unsurpassed in this colony in his execution on the piano and violin . . .

He was in Ballarat appearing with Emile Coulon and Maria Carandini in May 1855, according to the Star:

. . . by far the greatest musical treat ever experienced by a Ballaarat audience . . . at the Golden Fleece, on the town-ship.

In July, he was likewise accompanying Miska Hauser and Octavia Hamilton.

At his first concert in Sydney in September (with William Stanley as accompanist) he introduced his own The last rose of summer, for the violin, a:

thema, with modulations and sounds harmoniques; variation for two violins, without piano accompaniment; finale brillante, con Arpeggio et Pizzicato

and also announced:

W. H. Paling will also introduce several Irish and Scotch Airs, purposely arranged by him for this Concert.

To celebrate the opening of the Sydney to Parramatta railway, on 26 September 1855, and played for the first time at the Railway Ball the following week, Paling composed The Sydney railway waltz, published by Woolcott and Clarke in October.

The same publishers advertised in December 1855 his song Thoughts of home ("words by Henry Halloran, Esq., the music composed and dedicated to the Baron Haines, By W. H. PALING"), but no copy is known to survive.

In January 1856, William was also reportedly involved in the preparation for publication, following Bochsa's funeral, of a harmonised setting of the harpist-composer's final sketch, Requiem aeternam ("Rest, great Musician, rest . . . a mournful refrain . . . adapted by Mr. Frank Howson, and harmonised in four parts by Mr. [W. H.] Paling"). If it ever appeared, however, no copy has been identified.

A Mr. Paling junior had joined William in Sydney by June 1856. Active as a pianist and organist in Sydney until May 1857, he was probably William's younger brother John Henry / Johanness Henricus Paling, born 1830.

A third Paling brother, Richard Jan / Richard John Paling (born 1829), also arrived, but in Melbourne, at around the same time that John Henry is first documented in Sydney. Richard had advertised in November 1854 that he was opening a piano store in Den Haag. However, by May 1856, he was in Melbourne, importing and selling Erard pianos, and advertising as a piano tuner and teacher.

Among the earliest musical publications under the Paling imprint, were The Australian melodies, by Winifred Amelia Brickwood, of Newtown, advertised by W. H. Paling in December 1864 (no copy identified), and a joint Sydney-Melbourne publication by both brothers (W. H. and R. J.) in November 1866, of the Joy galop brilliant by the Melbourne pianist and composer Charles Elsasser.

Portrait of a man, with piano, thought to be Richard John Paling, of Melbourne, collection of Richard d'Apice

Detail of an portrait of Jan Hendrick Paling, senior (1796-1879), seated at a grand piano, Amsterdam; the artist perhaps Johannes Jacobus Paling (1844–1892); bequeathed by William Henry Paling (1825-1895) to his brother Richard John Paling (1829-1914), from whom it descended to Gerald Paling (1923-2003).
Now in the private collection of Richard d'Apice, Sydney, ©, reproduced here with his kind permission, 2019


The Netherlands (to 1855; and after)


1 September 1825, birth of William Henry Paling, Rotterdam

Geboorteakte Willem Hendrik Paling; 999-01.1825B het geboorteregister van de gemeente Rotterdam

Geboorteakte Willem Hendrik Paling; 999-01.1825B het geboorteregister van de gemeente Rotterdam (DIGITISED, image 40)

[Birth notices], Rotterdamsche courant (6 September 1825), 3 

Heden werd voorfpoedig van een ZOON verlost de geliefde Echtgenoot van Rotterdam den 1 September 1825. J. H. PALING.


[Advertisement], Rotterdamsche courant (21 February 1829), 3 

ERUDIATIO MUSICA. VIERDE CONCERT, Maandag den 23 Februarij 1829. PROGRAMMA . . .
1. Concertino van C. M. von Weber, voor de Piano-Forte, uitgevoerd door den Heer J. H. Paling . . .
Directeuren van voorn, Concert,

ASSOCIATIONS: Bartholomeus Tours; Carl Muhlenfeldt


19 April 1828, death notice of Richard Jan Paling (1), born 11 May 1827

[Death notice], Rotterdamsche courant (19 April 1828) 

Gevoelig over de menigvuldige bewijzen van deelneming, ons bij het overlijden van ons teedergeliefd Zoontje betoond, betuigen wij aan onze geëerde Vrienden en Bekenden de» opregtsten dank, met den hnrtclijksten wensch, zij zich nog lang in het bezit hunner dierbare betrekkingen mogen verheugen.
Rotterdam den 19 April 1828.


15 December 1830, birth of Johannes Henricus Paling, junior

[Family notices], Rotterdamsche courant (18 December 1830), 4 

Mijne geliefde Echtgenoot beviel heden voorspoedig van een ZOON. J. H. PALING. Rotterdam den 15 December 1830.


[Advertisement], Rotterdamsche courant (27 November 1832), 4 

ERUDITIO MUSICA. TWEEDE CONCERT. Donderdag den 29 November 1832. PROGRAMMA . . . TWEEDE AFDEELING . . . 3. Groot Rondo Concertant voor Pianoforte en Viool van J. Kalliwoda, uitgevoerd door de Heeren Paling en Tours . . . Directeuren van het voorn, Concert,


Vierde algemeen muzyk-feest van de maatschappy 'tot bevordering der toonkunst'. Gehouden te 's Gravenhage, 7 en 8 july 1842, in de loteryzaal op het binnenhof ('s Gravenhage: H. S. J. De Groot, 1842), 

Instrumentaal. Viool . . . J. J. Baumgarten, W. H. Paling, D. Schnitzler, B. Tours, C. Westerbach, Rotterdam . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Berthold Tours


[News], Rotterdamsche courant (1 February 1848), 2 

Wij vernemen met genoegen dat onze jeugdige en zoo verdienstelijke stadgenoot, W. H. Paling, in den loop der volgende maand eene soiree musicale zal geven, in welke hij met verschillende zoo viool- als pianosolo's zal optreden. Ook de heeren Tuyn en Montigny zullen zich op dien avond doen hooren. Wij twijfelen niet of dit berigt zal den liefhebbers der toonkunst zeer welkom zijn, en hopen dat de concertgever door talrijke inteckeningen in zijne pogingen zal ondersteund worden.

[Advertisement], Nederlandsche staatscourant (15 February 1848), 

Op Woensdag den 16 den Februarij 1848.
1. Introductie en allegro van de 1ste symphonie van Spohr.
2. Tweede viool-concert van de Bériot, uitgevoerd door den W. H. Paling, van Rotterdam . . .
. . .
8. Fantaisie-caprice voor viool, van Vieuxtemps, uitgevoerd door den heer W. H. Paling.
9. Symphonie Eroica, van L. van Beethoven.
Aanvang des avonds ten zeven ure.

MUSIC: Violin concerto no. 2 (De Bériot); Fantaisie-caprice (Vieuxtemps)

"ROTTERDAM", Rotterdamsche courant (5 September 1848), 2 

Met genoegen verneemt men dat de heer W. H. Paling alhier zich heeft bekend gemaakt als componist der Sonate, aan welke door de Maatschappij tot bevordering der Toonkunst loffelijke melding en eene premie van aanmoediging is toegewezen.

"KUNSTBERIGTEN", Kunstkronijk: uitg. ter aanmoediging en verspreiding der schoone kunsten (1848), 80 

De heer W. H. Paling te Rotterdam heeft zich bekend gemaakt als de komponist van de Sonate, waaraan door gezegde Maatschappij de eer eener loffelijke vermelding en eene premie van aanmoediging is toegekend.



[Advertisement], Nieuwe Rotterdamsche courant: staats-, handels-, nieuws- en advertentieblad (29 October 1849), 4 

SOIREE MUSICALE, welke zal gegeven worden door
in de Concertzaal in de Bierstraat, te Botterdam,
ten behoeve der nagelatene Betrekkingen van den bij den Brand omgekomen VAN SMAALEN.
1. lste Deel van het groot Concert voor Viool, van Vieuxtemps.
2. Aria Prendi perme, expresselijk voor Mad. Malibran gecomponeerd, door de Bériot, te zingen door Mejufvrouw S. VAN HOVE van's Hage.
3. Les Souvenirs de Spa, Fantaisie voor de Violoncel, van Servais, uitgevoerd door den Heer C. HEKKING.
4. Fantaisie voor Piano van Thalberg op Thema's, uit de Moïse van Rossini, uitgevoerd door den Heer W. P.
1. Aria uit Robert le Diable (En vam j'espère) te zingen door Mejufvrouw VAN HOVE.
2. Brillante Variatiën voor Viool van Vieuxtemps, uitgevoerd door den Heer W. H. P.
3. Fantaisie voor Violoncel van Servais, op Thema's, uit de Barbier, uitgevoerd door den Heer C. HEKKING.
4. Romances, te zingen door Mejufvrouw VAN HOVE.
5. Groote Fantaisie Brillante voor Piano van Prudent, uit te voeren door den Heer W. P.
De Toegang-Billetten zijn à f 2.20 te bekomen aan het Muziek-Magazijn van den Heer W. C. DE VLETTER, en des Avonds aan de Zaal.

MUSIC: Fantaisie sur Moïse (Thalberg)


"ROTTERDAM den 11 februarij", Rotterdamsche courant (12 February 1852), 2 

Wij vernemen, dat onze verdienstelijke stadgenoot, de heer W. H. Paling, op woensdag den 25 dezer, in de Concertzaal der Bierstraat, eene soirée musicale za' geven, bij welke gelegenheid hij verschillende nieuwe proeven van zijn bekend talent als violist en pianist zal geven en onderanderen zal voordragen de Othello-fantaisie van Ernst en Morceau de Salon van Vieuxtemps voof viool, en eene sonate van Beethoven en fantaisie van Prudent voor pianoforte. De hier ter stede met zoo verdienden bijval ontvangen zangeres mej. Brochart, uit 's Hage, zal zich bij die gelegenheid mede doen hooren. Een en ander belooft een kunstgenot dat onze stadgenooten zich voorzeker gaarne zullen zien aangeboden, te meer daar zij door hunne tegenwoordigheid een vernieuwd en verdiend bewijs van achting aan den persoon en de talenten des concertgevers zullen kunnen schenken.

MUSIC: Fantasie brillante sur Otello (Ernst)

"WILLEM HENDRIK PALING", Astrea: maandschrift voor schoone kunst, wetenschap en letteren (1852), 235-236 

Die van Rotterdam zijn, kennen den geachten Vader van dezen hoogst-verdienstelijken en eerst zeven-en-twintiarigen Virtuoos als een bekwaam Pianist en eersten Onderwijzer aan de Muzijkschool dier stad, die zijnen veelbelovenden Zoon het eerste onderrigt in de beoefening der Piano gegeven heeft, doch aanvankelijk met geen, voor den begaafden Klaviermeester gewenscht gevolg: immers, in weˆrwil der groote vorderingen, welke zijn beminde leerling voortdurend maakte, was hij toch verpligt, hem reeds op zijn achtste jaar van voor de Piano, zijn lievelingsinstrument, en waarop Willem Hendrik reeds volkomen te huis was, weg te nemen, om hem, bij wijze van verjaargeschenk, eene Viool in handen te geven, waarvoor de kleine knaap een onweerstaanbare zucht had doen blijken, die ook niet nitbleef, onder de meesterlijke leiding van den onvergetelijken Bon, de schoonste vruchten voort te brengen, totdat de dood, helaas, te vroeg dien grooten Kunstenaar wegnam, en alzoo de vorming van zijn geliefden Leerling, waarin hij eene groote toekomst zag, op een ander, ja, maar niet minder genialen Onderwijzer overging, te weten op den uitmuntenden Orgel-, Piano- en Vioolspeler Tours, in wiens bezit Rotterdam en geheel de muzijkale wereld zich nog voortdurend verheugen mag.

In de compositie of liever harmonieleer genoot Paling het theoretisch onderrigt van Hommert, Kupsch, Grenzebach en ook nog van Verhulst, alhoewel hij die studie meer als nevenzaak dan als hoofdaangelegenheid beschouwde, terwijl hij tijd en krachten gedurig en onverdeeld steeds besteedde aan de beoefening zoowel van de Piano als van de Viool, op welke beide Instrumenten hij met meestertalent zich nu en dan hooren liet. Doch dit belette evenwel niet, dat de Maatschappij van Toonkunst, in 1848, op het ingewonnen oordeel van de bevoegdste Kunstregters in Europa afgaande, eene door Paling geschreven Sonate met loflijke onderscheiding bekroonde.

Sedert nu twee jaren trad hij in onze voornaamste steden op, nu eens als Pianist, dan weder met zijne Viool, en Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leyden, 's Hage en zijne geboortestad-zelve bragten hem omstrijd de hulde, die een Talent toekomt, maar ook in hooge mate vereert, wanneer zij uitgaat van kenners en onbevooroordeelden, gelijk er in menigte zijn, die Paling kunnen waarderen, en wier beslissende stem hem eene eerste plaats toekent onder de beste Virtuozen van ons land.

In Maart van dit loopende jaar hoorde en bewonderde men de roerende voordragt van Beethovens 26. Werk, die onvergelijklijk schoone Sonate, doch waarin de Marcia funebre sulla morte d'un Eroe boven alles uitschittert, en dan ook, naar men zich met nog onverminderd genoegen herinnert, tot het glanspunt van Palings uitvoering op de Piano verstrekte. Voor zulk een resultaat van studie hebbe des Kunstenaars Vader dank, hij, die door zijne klassieke methode dat treffend, gevolg heeft weten voor te bereiden.

Wat Ernst en Vieuxtemps lieflijks, verhevens en roerends schreven en voordroegen, schetste Paling dien avond geniaal na, en bragt het opgetogen kunstkeurig publiek van Rotterdam in twijfel, of men niet die groote vreemde Virtuozen-zelve hoorden.

Niemand zal het alzoo bevreemden, wanneer des Kunstenaars veelvuldige vrienden, na zoo groot succes als hem in het Vaderland ten deel viel, den Heer Paling ook gaarne eens buiten onze enge grenzen naar lauweren wilden zien dingen; dat verlangen is dezer dagen toevalligerwijze bevredigd. Wij hebben berigten uit Aken ontvangen, die getuigenis geven hoe ook in den Vreemde het talent van onzen Landgenoot naar verdienste gehuldigd is. Ziehier wat wij dienaangaande vandaar vernomen hebben.

"Voor duizend jaren (zoo schreef men) stichtte Karel de Groote onzen Dom; geen wonder, dat wij op zulk een Monument hoogen prijs stellen, doch geen wonder ook, dat het nu en dan groote restauraties noodig heeft, waartoe, om ze behoorlijk te kunnen uitvoeren, véél geld vereischt wordt. Te dien einde nu vestigde zich in deze stad een Dombauverein, hetgeen, even als dat van Keulen, ijvert voor de belangen der instandhouding van een meesterstuk der oude Architectuur. Onder de daartoe gebezigde middelen behoort, nu en dan, ook een Concert, gelijk er den 14. Augustus wederom een plaats had. [236] "De Heer Paling, voor zijne gezondheid, hier in het bad, had zich reeds zeer verdienstelijk gemaakt bij onze uitmuntende Liedertafel, ter gelegenheid van een Concert voor het Orchestfonds, door het in dat gezelschap meesterlijk voordragen eener schitterende Vioolcompositie van Vieuxtemps.

"Men kende alzoo den Virtuoos op dat instrument reeds van de gunstigste zijde. - Maar, voor Akens eerwaardige Cathedrale wilde hij eveneens iets doen, en door zijn talent tot instandhouding en vermeerdering van haren luister krachtig medewerken. Zoo dus trad hij andermaal onder ons op, doch toen óók als groot Pianist met Beethovens grande Sonate en Prudents Fantaisie et Variations brillantes sur Lucia di Lammermoor. Op dat Instrument leerden wij hem, door de voordragt dier beide stukken, kennen als een Meester, die volkomen te huis is in al de mysteriën der Klassieke, en in al de difficulteiten der Romantische School. Doch, vooral als Violist hebben wij den Heer Paling bewonderd. Zwierig, vast en stellig-berekend tevens, voert hij den stok; zijne Staccato's worden duidelijk, gelijkmatig en fijn uitgedrukt; zijne Arpeggio's onderscheiden zich door groote zekerheid en eene scherpe afzondering tusschen de melodie en de accompagnementsfiguren; zijne dubbelgrepen getuigen van eene sterk-geoefende, nimmer mistastende hand; zijn toon vloeit helder, afgerond, gelijkdragend van de snaren, en dringt den hoorder diep en aangenaam in het lieflijk-gestemd gemoed. - Geen wonder, dat zijne voordragt van De Bëriots Andantino en Rondo Russe uit het tweede Concert van dien grooten componist, gelijk ook Vieuxtemps tweede Brillant Morceau de Salon het in grooten getale opgekomen publiek tot ware geestdrift bragt, en het den Hollandschen Kunstenaar met oneindigen jubel huldigen deed.

"Behalve een warmen Dankbrief, heeft ons Stadsbestuur den Heer Paling, ten blijk der innigste erkentlijkheid voor zijne welwillende en krachtdadige ondersteuning van Akens belangen, een fraai Album aangeboden, dat, zoo wij hopen, den beminlijken man zal strekken, in lengte van dagen, tot eene aangename herinnering aan de grijze Karelstad, waar hij tallooze Vrienden heeft achtergelaten, Vrienden van zijn talent en Vrienden van zijn hart."


ASSOCIATIONS: Johannes Verhulst


[Advertisement], Rotterdamsche courant (24 August 1853), 4 

Afdeeling ROTTERDAM.
Aan de belanghebbenden wordt hiermede berigt, dat DONDERDAG den 25sten en VRIJDAG den 26sten dezer, des avonds van 5 rot 7 ure, in een der Localen van de Muzijkschool, aan de Nieuwemarkt, eene Commissie zal zitting houden tot het aannemen van LEERLINGEN, voor den Cursus die met 1 September aanstaande zal aanvangen.

Het Onderwijs wordt gegeven in de navolgende Vakken, door de daarbij genoemde Onderwijzers, als:
In den (Prima Vista en Koor) ZANG, door de Heeren W. HUTSCHENRUYTER en S. DE LANGE.
Op de PIANO-FORTE, door de Heeren J. H. PALING en W. H. PALING.
Op de VIOOL, door den Heer B. TOURS.
Op de VIOLONCEL, door den Heer S. GANZ.
Op de FLUIT, door den Heer J.F. STUTTERHEIM.
Op het ORGEL, door den Heer J. A. VAN EYKEN.

En voorts op alle gebruikelijke Strijk- en Blaas- Instrnnienten; alles voor zoover zich voor de verschillende Vakken een genoegzaam aantal Leerlingen zal opdoen en daarvoor geschikte Onderwijzers aan de School zullen kunnen worden verbonden. Het Orgel-Onderwijs zal worden gegeven op het Orgel der Zuiderkerk alhier, en de daaraan deelnemenden zullen in de gelegenheid worden gesteld zich te oefenen op een Orgel met 2 Klavieren en Pedaal, daartoe in een der Localen van de Muzijkschool voorhanden. Ook zal er, op bovengenoemde dagen en uren, gelegenheid zijn tot deelneming aan de Plano-Oefeningen voor meergevorderden, die mede met 1 September eerstkomende op nieuw zullen aanvangen.

Namens het Bestuur der Afdeeling,
J. R. SMALT, Secretaris.
Rotterdam, , 19 Augustus 1853.


View of Rotterdam, with the temporary pavilion for the 1854 music festival at left

Rotterdam in MDCCCLIV: een gedenkboek en eene kunstkronijk (Te 's Gravenhage: K. Fuhri, 1855), plate after 10 

"Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Rotterdam, 18 Maart 1854", Nieuwe Rotterdamsche courant: staats-, handels-, nieuws- en advertentieblad (20 March 1854), 4 

Voldoende aan onze belofte, komen wij thans terug op het concert, dat in den aanvang dezer maand door den heer W. H. PALING werd gegeven, onder medewerking van mejufvrouw HELENA SHERRINGTON en den jongen heer WILLEM COENEN. Wij willen niet hopen dat de indruk, dien deze belangrijke soiree bepaaldelijk maakte, reeds vervlogen zal zijn. Doch al ware dit zoo, het drietal Rotterdamsche talenten wekt te zeer de algemeene sympathie, dan dat wij zouden moeten vreezen, dat hetgeen wij hier nopens hen wenschen neder te schrijven, de belangstelling niet zoude wekken.

HELENA SHERRINGTON vereenigt 'meest alle de eigenschappen in zich, die eene chanteuse-légère kunnen doen schitteren . . .

De heer W. H. PALING is een violist van vele verdiensten, en die bij elke nadere kennismaking bewijzen geeft, dat hij steeds hooger stijgt op den verheven weg, die naar volmaaktheid en kunstroem leidt. Een fraaije en krachtige toon, een altijd vaste en zuivere greep, cene veeltijds zeer verdienstelijke voordragt, vooral wanneer de compositie warmte en energie vereischt, en eindelijk eene volkomene beheersching van vele belangrijke difficulteiten, - ziet daar de voornaamste goede eigenschappen, die dezen artiste kenmerken, en die eenmaal, in aantal vermeerderd en in innerlijk gehalte eene algeheele ontwikkeling bereikt hebbende, van den heer PALING oen solist van gansch niet onbeduidenden rang zullen maken. Wij betreuruen het voor hem, dat een ongelukkig toeval hem het vrije gebruik zijner linkerhand gedeeltelijk had ontnomen; daardoor toch kon hij zich niet in zijne volle waarde vertoonen aan het bijzonder talrijke publiek, dat wij voor deze trouwe opkomst bij een concert met slechts stedelijke solisten, opregte hulde hrengen. Niettegenstaande dat physiek beletsel, heeft de heer PALING door de voordragt van eene zeer zware fantaisie-caprice van Vieuxtemps, eene élégie van Ernst en de viool partij van eene fantaisie voor viool en piano van Hertz en La Font, een regt gunst igen indruk gemaskt. Ook hij werd luide toegejuicht en genoot de eer der terugroeping.

De jeugdige WILLEM COENEN stelt een merkwaardig verschiju sel in de kunstenaarswereld daar . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Helen Sherrington (soprano vocalist)

MUSIC: Élégie (Ernst)

Rotterdam music festival, 15 July 1854

Rotterdam in MDCCCLIV: een gedenkboek en eene kunstkronijk (Te 's Gravenhage: K. Fuhri, 1855), plate after 34 

[News], Rotterdamsche courant (6 September 1854), 2 

Reeds met een enkel woord gewaagd hebbende van den uitmuntenden afloop van het op 2 dezer gehouden jaarlijksch Examen der leerlingen van de Muzijkschool der alhier gevestigde afdeeling van de Maatschappij: tot bevordering der Toonkunst, achten wij het eene aangename taak, ten opzigte dier belangrijke plegtigheid thans in eenige meerdere bijzonderheden te treden . . .

. . . Onder zoo veel uitstekends als de verrigtingen der piano-klassen (onderwijzers de heeren J. H. en W. H. Paling) over het geheel kenmerkte, behoort in de eerste plaats genoemd te worden de voortreffelijke uitvoering, waarin klassikaal- en solo-spel zich op eene even aangename als uitnemende wijze afwisselden, der verschillende studiën van Cramer, Schmitt, Herz, Döhler en Czerny, van de heerlijke Lieder ohne Worte van Mendelssohn, van de schitterende variatien à 4 mains van Herz, van de klassieke Marcia funèbre en eindelijk van de grootsche ouverture (Egmont) van Beethoven, welke laatste ten slotte van het geheel door 28 leerlingen der piano-klassen, met eene bewonderenswaardige juistheid, volkomene eenheid en krachtige schakering werd ten gehoore gebragt.

Wanneer wij eindelijk ten laatste gewagen van de proeven der resultaten van het onderwijs in theorie en compositie-leer (onderwijzer de heer Verhuist), dan kennen wij daaraan voorzeker ook bij voorkeur hoogen lof toe. Maakten de liederen, waarvan wij reeds gewaagden, door de leerlingen der theorieklassen D. de Lange en B. Tours Jr. op muziek en door de zang-klassen ten gehoore gebragt, een aangenamen indruk, in hooge mate vooral droeg het quartet voor strijkinstrumenten, door laatstgenoemden leerling gecomponeerd, en door de heeren B. Tours, W. H. Paling, W. Hutschenruyter en S. Ganz met hunne bekende bekwaamheid en talent voorgedragen, algemeene en verdiende goedkeuring weg en getuigde zoowel van den gelukkigen aanleg en den ijver van den jeugdigen componist, als voor de voortreffelijkheid van het onderwijs, dat voor omtrent twee jaren onder de leiding van den heer J. F. Dupont aangevangen, sedert diens vertrek door den heer Verhulst is voortgezet . . .

Aan de verdienstelijkste leerlingen van alle klassen werden bij deze gelegenheid prijzen uitgereikt of loffelijke melding toegekend, en de feestviering werd met eene gepaste toespraak aan het publiek, de onderwijzers en de leerlingen, door den bestuurder - voorzitter der afdeeling besloten; waarin hij onderanderen herinnerde aan het groot verlies dat Rotterdam, en deze afdeeling der Maatschappij in het bijzonder, voor hare orgelschool, door het vertrek van den verdienstelijken van Eyken had geleden, vooral daar zijn onderwijs in korten tijd reeds zulke uitstekende resultaten had opgeleverd. Het eervol beroep van dezen talentvollen kunstenaar naar Elberfeld drukte het zegel op de keuze van het bestuur, welke hem tot den te dezer stede door hem vervulden werkkring had geroepen. Een tweede en aanstaand verlies had spreker aan te kondigen, daar de heer W. H. Paling het voornemen heeft binnen kort eene buitenlandsche kunstreis te ondernemen. In de toespraak aan de onderwijzers vloeiden in hartelijke bewoordingen een vaarwel en heil wensch aan dien verdienstelijken kunstenaar.

De indruk, dien het schoone geheel van het examen weder achtetliet, doet ons en voorzeker ieder die het met kunst en beschaving wèl meent, opregtelijk wenschen, dat aan de zoo nuttige instelling voor onderwijs, door deze afdeeling der loffelijke Maatschappij daargesteld, als een sieraad onzer stad een voortdurende en toenemende bloei moge blijven ten deele vallen.

[Advertisement], Dagblad van Zuidholland en 's Gravenhage (1 November 1854), 4 

MAGASIN DE PIANOS. R. J. PALING . . . plus d'extension aux affaires de son père a Rotterdam, il vient d'établir à la Haye, Spuistraat, S, 375, un Magasin de Pianos . . .

Rotterdam in MDCCCLIV: een gedenkboek en eene kunstkronijk (Te 's Gravenhage: K. Fuhri, 1855), 18, 58 


ORKEST. Viool. ROTTTERDAM . . . W. H. Paling . . . 

1847 / Sonate voor piano / [Premie] 50.- / premie van f 25 en loffelijke vermelding / W. H. Paling te Rotterdam

After 1855/56

[Advertisement], Rotterdamsche courant (5 September 1866), 4 


"Kunstnieuws. Orgelbespeling . . . " Rotterdamsche courant (19 September 1866), 5 

Orgelbespeling, ten voordeele van het Gesticht voor Blinden . . . Twee weldadigheids-concerten op een en denzeliden dag! Voorzeker een zeldzaam geval, hetwelk bijzondere vermelding verdient. We zouden haast zeggen, 't is te veel op eens, ware het niet, dat hier sprake is van concurrentie in den edelsten zin des woords. Evenwel had de commissie voor het Blinden-Instituut eene zware taak tegenover de cholera-concerten, en was het daaraan toe te schrijven, dat de orgelbespeling van den heer A. G. Paling J. Hen. in de Bemonstrantsche kerk, hoewel aldaar een aanzienlijk auditorium bijeengekomen was, toch nog sterker bezocht had kunnen zijn. De orgel-voordragt slaagde goed en het is te wenschen, dat de beer Paling zich nog meermalen voor het publiek doe hooren . . .

"Burgerlijke stand. TE ROTTERDAM . . . OVERLEDEN", De Maasbode (27 February 1879), 3 

25 Febr. . . . J. H. Paling, man ven A. Paling, 62 j.

"OVERLEDEN", Haagsche courant (17 October 1922), 3 

A. A. PALING. 87 j., Nijmegen, 12 October.

Anonymous, group portrait of a family, Paling family collection; copyright, collection of Richard d'Apice, Sydney

Aagje and Jan Paling, senior, at home with one of their daughters, in their house in Haringvliet, Rotterdam, perhaps painted by Johannes Jacobus Paling (1844-1892); previously owned by Gerald Paling (1923-2003), great grandson of Richard John Paling (1829-1914).
Now in the private collection of Richard d'Apice, Sydney, ©, reproduced here with his kind permission, 2019

Australia (from 1855)


Melbourne and regional VIC (22 February to September 1855)

List of passengers arrived at Melbourne, 22 February 1855, from Amsterdam on board the Clio; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Mr. G. Kohler // J. Prost // Peyling // Mandertak

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE" and "IMPORTS", The Argus (23 February 1855), 4 

February 22. Clio, ship, 447 tons, J. O. Wynemalen, from Amsterdam 10th November. Passengers - cabin Messrs. Kahler, Prost, Paling, and Tack. G. Becke and Co, agents.

February 22. - Clio, from Amsterdam . . . 7 pianos, H. W. Paling . . .

"MUSICAL", The Argus (17 March 1855), 5 

Amongst the passengers by the James Baines, a M. Paling has arrived, who is a violinist of very considerable talent. This gentleman has played' at the various concerts in Germany, and other parts of the Continent, and the papers apeak very highly of his power of execution. It is the intention of M. Paling to give some concerts here, as soon as he has had time to make the necessary arrangements.

30 March 1855, William Paling's first concert, St. Kilda

"MUSICAL EVENTS", The Age (26 March 1855), 5 

To such of our readers as take an interest in the progress which the soul elevating science of music is making in the Colony, it will be a source of much pleasurable anticipation to know that a treat of no ordinary kind is in store for them. Professor Paling, from the Academy of Music of Holland, has recently arrived in the Colony with the intention of giving a series of concerts, which for completeness, both as to their aesthetic finish and general attractiveness, are likely to transcend anything of the kind that may have preceded them. Mons. Paling is a gentleman well known to the musical world, both as a violinist and a pianist. He brings with him a grand piano, constructed by Erard, and possessing all the most recent improvements which have been effected in the construction of these delightful instruments, and he will be supported in his endeavours to gratify the Melbourne public by all the most eminent talent in Melbourne. His Excellency, Sir Charles Hotham, and his lady, have promised their support and patronage, and the first occasion on which Mons. Paling will appear will be at the Junction Hotel, St. Kilda, in a grand vocal and instrumental concert, on Friday next, March 30th.

[Advertisement], The Age (28 March 1855), 2 

MR. W. PALING, Professor of Music, and First Solo on the Violin and Piano, at the Academy of Holland, &c., will perform on both Instruments, when he will be kindly assisted by Mrs. Testar, and Mr. Bial.
The great Success that attended Mr. Paling's performance everywhere on the Continent of Europe, will he trusts ensure him the approbation of the Public in this Colony.
Tickets, 6s. each, to be had at Mr. Wilkie's Music Saloon, and at the Grand Junction Hotel.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
The Piano Solo's will be performed on a Grand Piano of the celebrated Erard.

"GRAND CONCERT", The Argus (30 March 1855), 5

This evening, Mr. Paling, a musical professor recently arrived, will give a concert at the Grand Junction Hotel, St. Kilda. He will be assisted by Mrs. Testar and others of our musical celebrities. The performances will include pieces, both vocal and instrumental, from the first masters. We understand, Mr. Paling is unsurpassed in this colony in his execution on the piano and violin, and that a treat of a high order to lovers of harmony will be provided.

[Advertisement], The Argus (30 March 1855), 8 

NOTE: Paling's first concert took place at suburban St. Kilda on the same night as the performance of the first act of Bellini's Norma, for the first time in the colony, at the Theatre Royal.

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (soprano vocalist); Charles Bial (pianist); Joseph Wilkie (music seller)

4 May 1855, concert at Ballarat

"BALLARAT (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT). 5th May", The Argus (16 May 1855), 6

Madame Carandini and M. Emile Coulon, assisted by Mr. Paling on the violin and pianoforte, gave by far the greatest musical treat ever experienced by a Ballaarat audience, on Saturday evening last, at the Golden Fleece, on the township. The programme was well selected, and ably executed throughout, the gem of the evening being the beautiful Italian duet, "Vieni la mia vendetta," which was rapturously encored, as indeed was nearly every song in its turn . . . Not the least pleasing feature of the evening, considering past events, was the fact that when the first note of the finale, "God save the Queen," was sounded, the audience rose in a body, and remained standing till its conclusion. Who dare talk of disloyalty at Ballaarat after this? On Monday evening these talented artistes will make their second appearance.

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (soprano vocalist); Emile Coulon (baritone vocalist)

NOTE: "considering past events", a reference to the Eureka stockade rebellion on 3 December 1854 and its aftermath.

Late May and early June, Maryborough, Castlemaine, and Bendigo

"MARYBOROUGH (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) 29th May, 1855 . . . MADAME CARANDINI", The Argus (1 June 1855), 6 

This talented lady, accompanied by Messrs. E. Coulon and W. Paling, after having given a most successful series of concerts in this township and at the Alma, has left for Castlemaine, from which place it is, I understand the intention of herself and party to proceed to Sandhurst, afterwards returning to Castlemaine, where they will remain during the races. Now that the diggers have shown their appreciation of true talent by their enthusiastic reception of these artistes, I trust they will shortly again favor with a visit the neglected residents in this "Ultima Thule" of Victoria.

"CASTLEMAINE (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) 29th May, 1855", The Argus (31 May 1855), 6 

We have been highly delighted by a visit from those famous artistes, Madame Carandini, Mons. Coulon, and Mons. W. Paling, who gave us a concert of vocal and instrumental music last evening, at the Hall of Castlemaine, which they engaged for the purpose. Above a dozen choice pieces, English, French, and Italian, were selected for the entertainment. Without pretending to be a critic in such matters, I cannot but say that the audience were delighted, and well might be. Madame Carandini gave "Coming thro' the Rye" with great taste and effect. In "Don Pasquale," she and M. Coulon were highly successful. "Home, sweet Home" recalled the warmest feelings of youth to my heart. The "Marseillaise" met vehement applause, and an encore was answered by "God save the Queen," sung by Madame Carandini, M. Coulon accompanying her in French, which was of course received by the audience upstanding and uncovered. This is quite a new era in gold fields entertainments, and perhaps many objections may he taken to the adaptability of our buildings for such purposes; but, though the Hall of Castlemaine be of canvass as yet, except the front, it is large and lofty, and I hardly think we lost much of the good effect of voices of such power and compass as those of our visitors. They proceed to Bendigo; and promise us another visit in the race week, when I trust our inhabitants will swell the audience up to a thousand.

26 June, 5 and 7 July 1855, Miska Hauser's concerts, Geelong

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (26 June 1855), 3 

Messrs. C. Young And J. P. Hydes, sole lessees.
THIS EVENING, June 26th, 1855,
MISKA HAUSER, the Hungarian Violinist, has the honour to announce that he will give a GRAND CONCERT, On which occasion he will be assisted by Miss OCTAVIA HAMILTON,

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (2 July 1855), 2 

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (7 July 1855), 3 

ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist); Octavia Hamilton (soprano vocalist); Charles Young (vocalist, actor, manager); John Proctor Hydes (actor, manager)

9 August 1855, Hauser's first concert at Ballarat

"BALLAARAT. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. 16th July", The Argus (19 July 1855), (6), 7

. . . On Monday evening last, [Miska Hauser] gave his first appearance before a Ballaarat audience . . . Our old friend, Mr. Paling, accompanies the celebrated violinist [Miska Hauser] on the piano, and is, doubtless, drinking inspiration from the fountain-head, and taking many a silent lesson in that art in which he is already no mean proficient.

14 and 27 August 1855, Hauser's concerts at Castlemaine and Bendigo

"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail (17 August 1855), 3 

This celebrated violinist gave a concert on Tuesday at the Albert Hotel, and every seat in the large room of that establishment was filled. From the fame which had preceded Miska Hauser, the expectation of the audience ran high, and they certainly were not disappointed in their anticipations of a grand musical treat, for the performance was most extraordinary and the effect almost miraculous. The concert commenced by an overture on the pianoforte, which was very creditably played by Mr. Paling. Some disappointment was caused by the announcement that Miss Octavia Hamilton was unable to sing from indisposition . . .

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (24 August 1855), 3 

"CASTLEMAINE (FROM OUR OWN LOCAL CORRESPONDENT). 28th August 1855 . . . MISKA HAUSTER", The Argus (31 August 1855), 6

This extraordinary artist has favored us with a farewell concert, on his return from Bendigo, together with Miss Hamilton and Mr. Paling, delighting his audience with his matchless powers.

NOTE: For a later recollection of Paling's Bendigo performance, see:

"BENDIGO (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Sandhurst, October 12th, 1855 . . . THE WIZARD JACOBS", The Age (16 October 1855), 6

. . . I must notice, also, the very superior manner in which Mr. Rosenstein plays on the piano. He is the ablest and most accomplished pianist that we have had on Bendigo for a long time, and plays with far greater effect than Mr. Poling [sic] did, who accompanied Miska Hauser . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Rosenstein (pianist)

"MISKA HAUSER", The Argus (31 August 1855), 5

This eminent violinist has returned to Melbourne accompanied by Miss O. Hamilton and Mr. Paling. He has made a tour of the gold fields, on every one of which the little troupe has been most enthusiastically received. Miss Hamilton's singing and Mr. Paling's piano accompaniments, have been only less acceptable than the exquisite performances of M. Hauser on the violin. Our diggings' contemporaries exhaust the ordinary language of eulogium, and become quite poetical in their descriptions of the wondrous power exercised by M. Hauser's violin on the senses and the feelings of his audiences. We hope that arrangements will be made for M. Hauser's reappearance, under the most favorable circumstances, before his many admirers in Melbourne.

Sydney, NSW (by 22 September 1855)

"GRAND CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 September 1855), 4 

Mr. Paling, a gentleman of great merit on the violin and pianoforte, has arrived in Sydney, and purposes giving a grand concert of vocal and instrumental music, at the hall of the Royal Hotel, in a few days. Mr. Paling's testimonials of character and professional skill are of the highest order.

[Advertisement], Empire (22 September 1855), 1 

MR. WILLIAM H. PALING, First Solo on the Violin, of the Royal Academy of Holland, has the honour to announce to the public of Sydney and its vicinities, that his First Grand Vocal Instrumental Concert, assisted by Mr. Boulanger, will take place on FRIDAY next, the 28th instant, at the Concert Hall of the Royal Hotel. The great success that attended Mr. Paling's performances everywhere on the continent will, he trusts, ensure him the approbation of the public in this colony. A Programme will publish further particulars in a few days.

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Boulanger (pianist, composer)

28 September 1855, Paling's first Sydney concert

[Advertisement], Empire (28 September 1855), 1

THIS (Friday) EVENING, September 28th, 1855.
MR. PALING, First Solo Violin of the Academy of Holland, has the honour to announce to the inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinities, that his debut will take place on the above date, and that he has endeavoured to make the Programme as attractive as possible, by procuring the assistance of the best talents of Sydney, and four Gentlemen Amateurs.
1. Oleo for four voices - By four Gentlemen Amateurs
2. Truth in absence (Harper) - Mrs. St. John Adcock
3. Glee for four Voices - By four Gentlemen Amateurs
4. Aileen Mavourneen (Roche) - Misa Flora Harris
5. Marche Funèbre, for the Piano (Thalberg) - Mr. E. BOULANGER
6. Grand Fantasie - Caprice, for the Violin (Vieuxtemps) - W. H. PALING
- Introduction Recitativo, allegretto staccato; theme originale; variation con grazia, variation con duo allegretto staccato et finale brillante.
1. Oleo for four Voices - By four Amateur Gentlemen
2. Children of Earth, Farewell (Lacy) - Mrs. St. John Adcock
3. Brilliant Concerto, for the Violin (De Beriot) - W. H. PALING
4. I love the merry Sunshine (Glover) - Miss Flora Harris
5. Fantasia of Norma (E. Boulanger) - Mr. E. BOULANGER
6. Song of the Governess (Hobs) - Miss Flora Harris
7. The last Rose of Summer, for the Violin (W. H. Paling) - W. H. PALING
Thema, with modulations and sounds harmoniques; variation for two violins, without piano accompaniment; finale brillante, con Arpeggio et Pizzicato.
W. H. Paling will also introduce several Irish and Scotch Airs, purposely arranged by him for this Concert.
The Glees will be sung by four gentlemen who have kindly consented to assist Mr. Paling on this occasion.
The solos will be executed on a Grand Piano, which has been kindly lent by the Philharmonic Society.
Piano accompaniments by Mr. WILLIAM STANLEY.
Tickets-Reserved Seats, 7s. 6d.; Back Seats, 5s. - to be had at Messrs. H. MARSH AND CO.'S, WOOLCOTT AND CLARKE'S, JOHNSON AND CO.'S, and at the Royal Hotel.
To commence at 8 clock. Unfavourable weather will not prevent the Concert taking place.

"GRAND EVENING CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 September 1855), 5

Whilst our musical circles will sustain a great loss in the departure of Monsieur and Madame Herwyn for Paris, they will cordially welcome the arrival of Mr. W. H. Paling, first violinist of the Royal Academy of Music of Holland. This gentleman brings with him the prestige of the highest European reputation; and having had the pleasure of hearing him at a private rehearsal, we, without the least approach to eulogy, may unhesitatingly pronounce him to be a musician of the first order of excellence. Educated in the best schools of Germany, he has obviously taken for his models the great maestro Spohr, and other of the accomplished musicians of that country. He will be assisted by M. Boulanger; Mrs. St. John Adcock, Miss Flora Harris, and by several amateurs of known ability - Mr. Stanley presiding at the pianoforte. The selections evince to best taste. M. Paling's violin performances are as follow - Vieuxtemps' grand fantasie caprice, including aa introductory recitative, allegretto staccato; theme originale; variation con duo allegretto; et finale brillante. This is a very fine composition, demanding all the resources of the player. His second piece is the Last Rose of Summer; the theme being given with modulations and harmonies; variations for two violins without pianoforte accompaniment; and finale brillante, con arpeggio et pizzicato. In addition to these, Mr. Paling will perform a concerto of De Beriot's, and introduce Irish and Scotch airs, arranged by himself expressly for this concert. Monsieur Boulanger's selections for the pianoforte are Thalberg's famous marche funebre, and the beautiful finale to Lucia di Lammermoor. Mrs. St. John Adcock and Miss Flora Harris have favorite songs confided to them; and glees for four voices will be sung by amateurs. It will thus be seen that a concert of great attraction is promised for this evening.

"MR. PALING'S CONCERT", Empire (29 September 1855), 6 

Yesterday evening, Mr. W. H. Paling, a recent arrival from Europe, and formerly a member of the Academy of Holland, gave his first concert of vocal and instrumental music in the New Concert Hall, Royal Hotel. We regret to say that there was not that full attendance which, considering the excellence of the performance, we could have wished should have greeted the debut of a gentleman of such high professional reputation; but, doubtless, the succession of musical and operatic entertainments which have, of late, been provided for the public, had some influence in producing that result. The programme was tolerably well selected; the glees sung by four gentlemen amateurs, from the Liedertafel, were given in a very creditable and pleasing style. Mrs. St. John Adcock, Miss Flora Harris, and Mr. E. Boulanger acquitted themselves in their various pieces, with their usual skill, and received the approbation of the audience. Of Mr. Paling's performance on the violin it is sufficient to observe that it bears favourable comparison with that of one or two brilliant performers who have recently visited the colony; the Last Rose of Summer, with variations, was admirably executed by him, and in this, as in his other pieces, he was loudly applauded by the audience. We understand that a second concert will shortly be given, when we trust that there will be a fuller attendance to reward the exertions of Mr. Paling to entertain the public.

"SYDNEY", The Argus (4 October 1855), 5

ASSOCIATIONS: Marianne Adcock (soprano vocalist); Flora Harris (soprano vocalist); William Stanley (piano accompanist); Henry and Madame Herwyn (violin and piano duo recently departed Sydney)

MUSIC: Fantasia on The last Rose of Summer for the Violin (W. H. Paling); NO COPY IDENTIFIED; Fantaisie-caprice (Vieuxtemps)

1 October 1855, Philharmonic Society concert

"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (29 September 1855), 6 

The fourth concert of the season, in connection with the Sydney Philharmonic Society, will take place at the Royal Hotel on Monday evening next. The programme includes several choice concerted pieces and solos, amongst which is a solo on the violin by Monsieur W. H. Paling, and the "Marche Funebre," by Monsieur E. Boulanger, the pianist. The complete success which has attended the previous concerts of the society justify the anticipation of a full attendance of the musical public on the present occasion.

[Advertisement], Empire (1 October 1855), 1 

Patron -His Excellency the GOVERNOR-GENERAL.
Patroness - Lady DENISON.
THE FOURTH CONCERT of the Season will take place at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotol, THIS (Monday) EVENING, October 1, 1858, at half-past 7 precisely.
1. Overture - "La Dame Blanche" - Boieldieu
2. Oleo - "Sleep gentle Lady" - H. Bishop
3. Song - "Moorish Serenade" - Kucken
4. Solo - Violin "Concerto No. 1." (W. H. Paling) - De Beriot
5. Song - Robert toi que j'aime" - Meyerbeer
6. Concerto Piano with Orchestral accompaniments; No. 1 - C. M. Weber
1. Symphony - "Finale No. 1." - Beethoven
2. Oleo - "Como, Fairies, trip it" - J. Parry
3. Solo, Sax Horn - "Suona la Tromba" - Bellini
4. Duet - "Two Forest Nymphs" - Glover
8. Solo, Piano - "Marche Funebre" (E. Boulanger) - Thalberg
0. Overture - "Le Cheval de Bronze" - Auber
Conductor Mr. C. W. F. STIER.
Gentlemen to be in full evening dress . . .
E. PARIS, Honorary Secretary . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Philharmonic Society; Charles Stier (conductor); Eugene Paris (secretary)

MUSIC: Violin concerto no. 1 (De Bériot)

Sydney railway waltz by W. H. Paling 1855 cover

2 and 4 October 1855, first performance and publication of The Sydney railway waltz

Sydney railway waltz, dedicated to Wm. Randle, composed by W. H. Paling; opened September 26, 1855 (Sydney: Woolcott Clarke, [1855])

At head of first page of music: "The Sydney Railway Waltz. W. H. Paling" (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 September 1855), 3 

IN COURSE OF PUBLICATION - Sydney Railway Waltz; composed by W. H. Paling, the celebrated violinist now in Sydney, and dedicated to William Randle, Esq..

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1855), 8

NEW MUSIC, just published. - "Sydney Railway Waltz," price 3s, appropriately Illustrated; expressly composed by W. H. Paling (the celebrated violinist, now in Sydney), and dedicated to W. Randle, Esq. WOOLCOTT and CLARKE. This Waltz was played, for the first time, at the Railway Ball, on Tuesday evening, and much admired.

Sydney railway waltz by W. H. Paling 1855

"SYDNEY RAILWAY BALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1855), 2

On Tuesday evening, a public ball, commemorative of the opening of the Sydney Railway, was given at the Prince of Wales Theatre . . . The band of H.M. XIth, and that of the Prince of Wales were in attendance, and every arrangement connected with the musical department was complete . . . About midnight, the orchestra played the Sydney Railway Valse, a new composition prepared expressly for the occasion by Mons. W. H. Paling and which was received with great acclamations . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Clarke (of Woolcott and Clarke, music publisher); Band of the 11th Regiment

NOTE: William Randle was the proprietor of Sydney's first railway, which opened in September 1855; see "SUMMARY FOR EUROPE . . . THE RAILWAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 November 1855), 5 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 October 1855), 8 

MR. W. H. PALING, first solo violin at the Royal Academy of Holland, having brought with him to this colony two Pianos, of which one is an exquisite splendid full tone of the celebrated Erard, and the other a rarely met with piano, a transpositeur by another renowned French master, begs to offer FOR SALE the above Instruments to parties who really want a good piano. The two pianos can be viewed by applying to Mr. PALING, 72, Macquarie-street North.

6 October 1855, Paling's Wollongong concert

"WOLLONGONG . . . MR. W. H. PALING'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 October 1855), 3 

On Saturday last, the 6th instant, this gentleman paid a visit to Wollongong, and afforded the select few who graced his concert with their presence a musical treat of no ordinary character. Mr. Paling's performance on the violin develops the full power of that marvellous instrument, and is distinguished alike by the greatest facility of execution and correctness of taste. Whilst listening to his "strains of linked sweetness long drawn out," the conviction flashes across the mind that we have before us a musician of the highest order, one who really feels his subject, and whose whole soul is for the time absorbed in its development. It is no small praise to say, moreover, that he performed on this occasion with as much spirit to "a beggarly amount of empty benches" as though a crowded audience had been present. The opinion we have passed on Mr. P.'s performance on the violin applies equally to that on the piano: both exhibiting the finished musician who possesses the rare qualification of excellence on either instrument.

[Henry Parkes], "MUSIC AS A BRANCH OF EDUCATION", Empire (13 October 1855), 4 

WE think most persons will be of opinion, that it is the duty of educators to cultivate to the utmost every human faculty, and the duty of every human being to look well to the development of his own mental powers and tastes. Music is the audible expression of that harmony which belongs to the inner soul of man; and there is no individual so absolutely destitute of the inner sense of harmony that the outer expression may be altogether unfit for him. There is music, more or less, in every human soul, and it ought, therefore, to be brought out into utterance. The Creator has constituted the inner sense, the organic faculty, and the outer apparatus of nature, for the purpose of contributing to human education - to the elevation and refinement of our moral being; and his will, therefore, is fully apparent. We think that everybody's musical faculty, and tastes should be cultivated, both as a part of the fundamental education of the human mind, and as an instrument in the completion of education. And for these ends, the pieces selected should always be the best in quality and kind, and the purest in sentiment; by which we do not mean that they should always be complex, magnificent, or astounding - for these kinds should be reserved, for their appropriate occasions - but that they should always be in accordance with truth and nature, and distinguished by simplicity of character, if not of composition, in order that they may fitly express nature's own emotions, without jarring where nature does not jar, joyous with nature, sad with nature, full of charities, amiabilities, and pure and chaste sympathies.

That much of the music in vogue is wanting in conformity with this rule few, perhaps, will deny. And the consequence is, that music ceases in great measure to be a fit instrument of education. It must be left to judges to apply this remark. There is, or ought to be, a morality in music - and we are not speaking of that which is purely sacred and devotional, but why should we not ? - which should have a very beneficial effect on the public mind, and which should rather restrain from vice, or destroy the love of it, than tempt to it. On this point it would be impossible to say too much, or to say if too strongly. Our fear is, that the science is often prostituted to very vicious purposes, and that it is rarely thought of as having a good tendency. It is almost dangerous to encourage young men to become musical amateurs, for the associations are often not good, however much science may be acquirable among them. We should like to see the day when this hazard will be no more; when the finest taste, and the highest science may be cultivated, and music exert its greatest charms, without moral danger to its successful students.

During the last two years our music-loving society has frequently been convulsed with raptures, and raised to high ecstacies, by the arrival and performances of artistes of various and acknowledged skill. This may be very good for the time, but it wears out, and leaves a collapse which permits no revival but to some new excitement either of a similar or a novel kind. As to the real quality of the performances, as to either taste or moral purpose in them, it may be needless for us to speak; we only speak of the state of the mind of society as resulting from them. If we are not very much mistaken, there is something decidedly wanting here. They have been too evanescent, and too turbulent and exciting for the moment they have lasted, allowing them to have been ever so good, to produce a just musical taste, or a correct moral effect abroad in society.

We believe that the violinist, Mr. W. H. PALING, who very recently came to Sydney, and is still here, is desirous of doing some thing here that shall not partake of the defects of which we speak. He has, in fact, explained to us what his views are, and as far as we understand them, they meet our cordial approval. This gentleman is already partly known to the public by one concert, and he makes known his intention to have a second next Monday night. Of course, into the quality of those concerts it is not our present business to enter. But what we wish to state is, that if he be successful, he will give a series of concerts in accordance with the views we have above expressed, and with the design not merely of proving his own powers, but of contributing to the maintenance as well as the more extensive formation of an habitually correct musical taste in this colony; and that he will endeavour to open a musical academy, such as exist in Holland, Germany, and elsewhere, where a genuine taste can always be cultivated. This latter object appears to us of very high importance; and, in connection with an extensive practice - in private teaching, it might be productive of great good. Now, it is the wish of this gentleman to be something more than a blazing and erratic comet amongst us, that has induced us to mention his name in connection with the more general subject. It would certainly be worth while for all who feel an interest in the progress of this science and its effects, to see what can be done to aid him.

It is right that we should mention, that Mr. PALING is a native of Rotterdam, that he has shewn us a number of certificates and testimonials from Dutch and German musical societies, of his professional standing in those countries, and others from persons of high position in society there, as to his moral character, and the friendly estimation in which he is held. His object in leaving home was to make a tour through Australia and the East Indies; and he has many letters of introduction for that purpose; but he is, at present, disposed to make a more lengthened sojourn here, if the plans he proposes should realize success.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Parkes (editor, author)

15 October 1855, Paling's second Sydney concert

"M. W. H. PALING'S SECOND CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 October 1855), 5 

This evening, M. Paling gives his second concert in the grand hall of the Royal Hotel. The programme includes a caprice of Vieuxtemps for the violin, by M. Paling; a concerto of De Beriot; and the ballad air of "The Last Rose of Summer;" together with other English, Irish, and Scotch airs. M. Paling will also play upon the pianoforte Hummell's variations upon the music of Auber's Masaniello. He will be assisted by Madame Sara Flower, Miss Flora Harris, and Mr. Banks. Mr. William Stanley, will conduct the concert. Amongst the pieces assigned to Madame Sara Flower, we note one very seldom heard here, but one of Rossini's great gems, Rossini's opening aria in "Il Barbiere de Seviglia," "Una voce poco fa." The remainder of the music assigned to the vocalists has been selected with the same reference to the best composers.

[Advertisement], Empire (15 October 1855), 1 

W. H. PALING, first solo violin of the Royal Academy of Holland, has the honour to announce that his Second Grand CONCERT will take place noxt MONDAY, the 15th instant, in the New Concert Hall, Royal Hotel, assisted by Madame Sara Flower, Miss Flora Harris, Mr. Banks, and Mr. William Stanley.
Mr. Paling, returning his thanks for the kind reception he experienced on his first Concert, begs to hope for the continuance of the favour then bestowed upon him.
Mr. Paling will again be assisted by the leading artistes of Sydney, and perform a solo on a grand oblique Piano of Erard.
1. Overture, "Egmont " - Beethoven - W. H. Paling, and a Gentleman Amateur.
2. "The Maiden of Normandy "- C. Horn - Mr. Banks.
3. "Adelaide" - Beethoven - Miss Flora Harris.
4. Grand Fantaisie Caprice, for the Violin - Vieuxtemps - W. H. Paling.
- Introduction Recitative, Allegretto staccato: Theme Originale; Variation con grazia, Variation con duo, Allegretto staccato, et Finale Brillante.
5. Aria of the Barber of Sevilla, "Una voce poco fa" - Rossini - Madame Sara Flower.
0. Grand Fantaisie, for the Piano, on several airs of Auber's renowned Opera of Masaniello - Thalberg - W. H. Paling.
1. Trio, "Gipsies' tent" - Cooke - Madame Sara Flower, Miss Flora Harris, and Mr. Banks.
2. Brilliant Concerto, for the Violin - De Bériot - W. H. Paling.
3. Duet, "The Star and the Flower" - Glover - Madame Sara Flower and Miss Flora Harris.
4. Buffo Song, - Mr. Banks.
5. Irish Ballad, "Ellen Patrick" - Glover - Madame Sara Flower.
0. "Lilian, or, I turn to thee "- Moorat - Miss Flora Harris.
7. "The Last Rose of Summer," for the Violin, W. H. Paling - W. H. Paling.
Thema, with modulations and sounds harmoniques, Variation for two Violins, without Piano Accompaniment; Finale Brillante, con Arpeggio et Pizzicato.
W. H. PALING will also introduce several Irish and Scotch Airs.
TICKETS - Reserved Front Seats, 7s. 6d.; Front Seats. 5s. - to be had at Messrs. Woolcott and Clarke's, Messrs. Sands and Kenny's, and at the Royal Hotel.
Unfavourable weather will not prevent the Concert taking place.

"CONCERT", Empire (16 October 1855), 4 

Mr. Paley's [sic] second grand concert took place last night, but, owing to the inclemency of the weather, there was an unusually small attendance. Madame Sara Flower, who was to have formed one of the company, was, from indisposition, unable to attend, but her place was acceptably supplied by Miss St. John Adcock [sic]. The other artistes, besides Mr. Paling himself, were Miss Flora Harris, Mr. Banks, and Mr. W. Stanley, the latter of whom ably presided at the piano. The programme was one which embraced a number of favourite compositions, duets, trios, and solos, all of which were rendered with a high degree of ability. In particular may be mentioned a grand fantasia caprice (Vieuxtemps), grand fantasie on airs Auber's Masaniello (Thalberg), and a brilliant concerto (De Beriot) on the violin by Mr. Paling; also, "The Maiden of Normandy," by Mr. Banks; "Adelaide," by Miss Flora Harris; and a duet, "The Star and the Flower," by Miss Adcock and Miss Flora Harris. It is to be hoped that Mr. Paling will not be discouraged by the small attendance of last evening from again - and that on an early day - affording the inhabitants of Sydney an opportunity of enjoying such a musical treat as they were last night, no doubt, reluctantly compelled to forego.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (contralto vocalist); Thomas Banks (buffo vocalist)

MUSIC: Fantaisie sur La muette (Masaniello) (Thalberg)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 October 1855), 10

MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. - W. H. PALING, first solo violin and pianist of the Royal Academy of Holland, has the honour to inform his friends and the public of Sydney and its vicinities, that, having decided to establish himself in the metropolis of New South Wales, he will be happy to give instruction on the Violin and Piano.
Mr. Paling flatters himself that having had for seven years the direction of a Continental academy, he may venture to request the patronage of the public in this colony.
He possesses besides a number or testimonials, and is allowed references to several high families in this town. Further particulars may be learnt or applications be made, if personally, between the hours of two and four, to W. H. PALING, at his residence, 66, Macquarie-street North.

1 and 15 November 1855, first advertisement and commencement of classes, the New South Wales Academy of Music

[Advertisement], Empire (1 November 1855), 7 

"ACADEMY OF MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 November 1855), 8 

Mr. W. H. Paling, the eminent professor of the piano and first solo violin, has arranged to commence, with Mr. H. Marsh, an academy of music. This institution is to embrace instruction both in singing and playing, in accordance with the plans so successfully adopted on the continent of Europe. It appears, so far as we can judge of the principles set forth in the prospectus, to be a mode of acquiring a theoretical and practical knowledge of music, which cannot be obtained in a more private mode of teaching. We have no doubt considerable encouragement will be given by the lovers of music to the undertaking.

[Advertisement], Empire (7 November 1855), 1 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 November 1855), 1 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1855), 8 

No. 5. Bligh-street.
Piano class A from 11 to 12.
Ladies class, for instruction on the pianoforte and singing, from 3 to 4.
Violin class A, from 7 to 8 a.m. Violin class B, from 7 to 8 p.m., on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Parties desirous of availing themselves or the next class (B) are respectfully requested to make early application at the Academy.
To meet the convenience of pupils attending day schools, a piano class will meet on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at 3 o'clock.
N.B. - Mr. Paling proposes to form a quartett and glee-class for gentlemen amateurs, to meet once a week in the evening, to which Mr. P. invites the co-operation of his musical friends.
Application made to Mr. LUNN, No, 5, Bligh-street; or at Mr. PALING'S private residence, Macquarie-street. No 66.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (pianist, composer, music seller and publisher)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 December 1855), 1 

N. S. W. ACADEMY of MUSIC, No. 5, Bligh-street - Pupils being desirous of joining the Piano Class C, which will commence after Christmas, are requested to make early applications at the said institution, or at Mr. PALING'S private residence, 66, Macquarie-street.

15 December 1855, first and only notice of new song Thoughts of home

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 December 1855), 8

NEW SONG, in course of publication:
THOUGHTS OF HOME, words by Henry Halloran, music composed and dedicated to the Baron Haines, by W. H PALING.
WOOLCOTT and CLARKE, Music Hall.

NOTE: No copy of the song is known to survive, nor of the lyrics seperately

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Halloran (poet); Alphonse Hainess, "the baron Hainess" ("Haines"), arrived in Sydney with his wife in 1852; described as a Hungarian refugee, he was convicted of fraud in 1859, but pardoned after serving just one year of a three-year sentence. In November 1854, Hainess gave a musical soiree for his visiting compatriot, Miska Hauser; see "THE CELEBRATED HUNGARIAN VIOLINIST, MISKA HAUSER", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 November 1854), 4 

"ERUDITIO MUSICA", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1855), 8 

Mr. W. H. Paling has made arrangements with Mr. Barkhausen, Macquarie-place, to have every Thursday, a musical meeting of gentlemen amateurs, who will perform, under the direction and assistance of Mr. P., instrumental and vocal music, consisting of quartets, trios, duets, and solos. Mr. P., who has now permanently settled in the metropolis of New South Wales, where a so rapidly increasing taste for music he displayed itself, calls upon the amateurs of Sydney to assist him in his undertaking. He intends to give the renowned quartets of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven; as also the beautiful glees of Handel and other well-known composers.

[3 advertisements], Empire (17 December 1855), 1

MR. PALING begs to announce that he has a few vacancies for Private Pupils for Piano, Violin, or Singing.

The classes of the above Institution being installed, and having already proved the advantages of classical teaching, another piano class will be formed, which is to commence after Christmas, and to which pupils are requested to make early applications at the Academy.
- In the Ladies' Singing Class are still a few vacancies. Meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 3 o'clock.

GLEE CLASS, at the New South Wales Academy of Music, 5, Bligh-street on Thursday and Friday evenings, at 8 o'clock. Gentlemen desirous of joining the above class are respectfully requested to leave their names at the above Institution.

[2 advertisements], Empire (28 December 1855), 1 

A NEW PIANO CLASS is formed at the New South Wales Academy of Music, No. 5, Bligh-street; Pupils desirous of joining the above class are kindly requested to make applications at the above institution to Mr. PALING. 3167a

GENTLEMEN GLEE CLASS, Thursday, and Friday, from 8 to 9 in the evening, at No. 5, Bligh-street, the Academy of Music. 3168a

20 December 1855, conversazione, School of Arts

"MECHANICS' SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 December 1855), 2-3 

We noticed, in our issue of Friday, that a conversazione took place on Thursday evening last, in the new Hall of the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts and we now proceed to enter somewhat more into details. The numerous attendance was evidence sufficient of the progress of an institution which aims at objects truly noble, and which has, within the last twelve months, burst as it were into new life, and gathered around it many hundreds of additional subscribers. His Excellency the Governor General - the patron of the institution - was present, and took a very active part in the proceedings of the evening . . .

[3] . . . During the evening several glees were sung - most of them German. All were well received, but there was a strong partiality shown to the "Model British" glee - "by Celia's Arbour" - the singers being Messrs. Colley, Fisher, Walcott, and J. Bolton. The vocal efforts of Mrs. St. John Adcock were greeted with plaudits they deservedly won. Mons. Paling was enchored in his performance on the violin. A song of considerable merit, composed by him (Mons. Paling) for the occasion, and sung by Mr. Dyer, was heartily applauded. The lines were by Captain Hampton. The secretary of the institution also sung "The Leather Bottel," with much effect. The assembly separated at about half-past ten, feeling that an intellectual treat had been afforded them, and no doubt hoping that the entertainment would be repealed at no distant day. We must say that the general arrangements, both in the hall and the refreshment room, reflected great credit upon the secretary, Mr. Dyer.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Dyer (secretary, vocalist); Frederick Blagg Hampton (lyricist, d. 1859)

[Advertisement], Empire (31 December 1855), 5

FOR SALE, a splendid cottage rosewood transposing Piano, particularly adapted for the voice, as transposing by itself five notes higher or lower. - Applications made to Mr. PALING, Bligh-street, No. 5.


[News], Nieuwe Rotterdamsche courant: staats-, handels-, nieuws- en advertentieblad (1 January 1856), 1 

Met genoegen en belargstelling vernemer, wij uit de laatst ingekomene berigten uit Australië, dat onze welbekende stadgenoot de heer W. H. Paling, na met veel succes eenige concerten te Melbourne gegeven en reeds twee kunstreizen in de gouddistricten van Victoria gemaakt te hebben, zich thans te Sydney N. Z. W. bevindt, met voornemen om ook aldaar in het openbaar op te treden.

[Advertisement], Empire (3 January 1856), 1 

ERUDITIO MUSICA. - On account of the to-night's performance of Madame ANNA BISHOP, the first meeting is postponed till next week. W. H. PALING.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 January 1856), 1 

ERUDITIO MUSICA. - Mr. W. H. PALING begs to inform his friends that the first meeting will be held next week.

[Advertisement], Empire (17 January 1856), 1 

ERUDITIO MUSICA postponed on account of To-Night's Performance of Norma. W. H. PALING.

ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (soprano vocalist)

8 January 1856, Camperdown Cemetery, Newtown, Bochsa's funeral

"DEATH AND OBSEQUIES OF THE LATE M. BOCHSA", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 January 1856), 4

. . . Yesterday (Tuesday) morning was appointed for his funeral, and every preparation was made to render due homage in the obsequies to his long and justly-earned fame. Soon after nine o'clock a large assemblage of the leading members of the musical and histrionic profession, with many private individuals, assembled at the Royal Hotel, and preparations were immediately made for marshalling the procession, by Mr. Curtis, the undertaker. At ten o'clock the cortege moved, preceded by mutes and pall-bearers. The hearse was drawn by four horses, all surmounted with plumes; and an open car, containing the wind-instrumentalists of the united theatrical orchestras, immediately followed; the band playing sad dirges throughout the route to the cemetery at Newtown. Several mourning coaches came next in order, occupied by those in closest relation to the departed; and a long string of private vehicles closed the funeral line. When arrived at the burial-ground, a foot procession was formed, and paced slowly after the coffin to the solemn "Dead March in Saul." The sepultral rites were performed according to the English Episcopalian service, and a large crowd of uncovered followers and spectators testified to their respect of the deceased Bochsa and the impressiveness of the occasion.

At the close of the accustomed prayers, a singular and affecting ceremony took place in the chaunting over the grave a truly wailing "Requiem." The occasion of this is very interesting, and we give the touching tale as a real matter of fact. Nearly every one has heard the lovely melody of "Weber's last Waltz," and that it was the last production of the expiring composer. With the same ruling passion, strong in death, did Bochsa three days before his demise, also compose a mournful refrain, as if therein bidding "farewell" to his stay on earth. His mind was rather wandering at the time, but he gave the score to a female attendant, and told her to take great care of it. However, the scrap of music paper was forgotten till the afternoon before the funeral, when she gave it to Madame Bishop, and, struck with the solemnity and appropriateness of the air, she requested that words might be arranged to it, and sung over his last resting-place. Accordingly, the Latin "Requiem" from the Catholic Ritual was adapted by Mr. Frank Howson, and harmonised in four parts by Mr. Paling, was most effectively tendered. So affecting was the circumstance of the composition, and the subject of its melody, that tears came unbidden to the eyes of many, "albeit unused to the melting mood." This dying chaunt will shortly be published, the following stanzas having been written thereto at private request: -

Rest! Great Musician, rest!
Thine earthly term is o'er,
And may thy tuneful soul
To choirs seraphic soar!
Tho' hush'd thy mortal tones,
Their echoes yet remain -
For in thine own sad chords
We chaunt thy burial strain.

Rest ! mighty genius, rest!
We sing thee not "adieu" -
Thy melodies still live,
And name and fame renew.
Yet may our pray'rs to Heav'n
For thee be not in vain,
As in thine own sad chords
We chaunt thy burial strain.

"THE LATE CHEVALIER BOCHSA", Empire (9 January 1856), 5

The funeral of the late N. C. Bochsa, who departed this life on the evening of Sunday last, took place yesterday morning. The remains of this distinguished musician were followed to their last resting-place by a large number of professionals, the retinue also including all the members of the Sydney theatrical corps, and many citizens of influence and respectability. The procession started from the Royal Hotel shortly after ten o'clock; the remains of the deceased gentleman were conveyed to the Newtown Cemetery in a hearse drawn by four horses, followed immediately by two mourning coaches, and a vehicle containing the members of the Prince of Wales Orchestra, who performed various funeral marches from Beethoven, the Dead March from Saul, and a "requiem" arranged by M. Paling from the last composition of Bochsa. The procession closed with fourteen private carriages, occupied by various gentlemen, among whom we noticed, Messrs. Marsh, Johnson, Paling, Torning, the Howsons, Fisher, &c. Over the grave was sung the "requiem" which Bochsa composed for his own funeral on Thursday night last . . .

"Bochsa", Daily Alta California [USA] (12 July 1856), 1 

Died, "on the night of Sunday, January 6th, at the Royal Hotel, Sydney, after a long and painful illness, the Chevalier Bochsa." His remains were carried, on Tuesday morning, to Newtown Cemetery for internment, attended by a numerous concourse of musical, dramatic, and other friends; among whom were his Secretary, Mr. Schultz, his old pupils Stephen Marsh, Charles Packer and E. Spagnoletti, and the elite of the artistes residing in Sydney. The band of wind instruments heading the cortege were under the direction of Mons. Paling. After the burial service, "a very simple, sweet and solemn requiem, composed by the veteran musician" a few hours before his decease, was sung by his professional friends, and "thus the world closed upon the remains of one, who, but a few days back, was one of its greatest living musicians."

ASSOCIATIONS: Nicholas Bochsa (harpist); Charles Packer (pianist, composer); Ernesto Spagnoletti (tenor vocalist, composer); Stephen Marsh (harpist, pianist); Frank Howson (baritone vocalist); Andrew Torning (theatre manager)

[Advertisement], The Argus (9 January 1856), 7

MR. W. H. PALING begs to inform his friends that he has received, by last mail, from the celebrated piano and harp manufacturers, Messrs. Erard, of London and Paris, his appointment as Sole Agent for the Australian Colonies, and expects shortly consignments of Pianos and Harps, manufactured expressly by the said house for his agency.
All instruments imported will be accompanied by certificates of authenticity.

22 and 26 January 1856, two performances of La sonnambula (Bellini), 24 January operatic selections

"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 January 1856), 4 

Under the direction and management of Mr. A. Torning.
Of the eminent English Operatic Artiste.
Who will appear in Bellini's celebrated Opera,
Closely translated into English, from the original.
Amina - Madame ANNA BISHOP.
THIS, TUESDAY, EVENING, January 22, 1856, the entertainments will commence with Bellini's Grand Opera of
Count Rodolph - Mr. F. Howson.
Elvino - Mr. J. Howson.
Alessio - Mr. Stewart.
Notary - Mr. Turner.
Postillion - Mr. Wright.
Amina - Madame ANNA BISHOP.
Lisa - Mrs. Guerin.
Teresa, Mother to Amina - Mrs. Gibbs.
The Opera will be strengthened by
Librettos of the Opera can be had at the doors of the Theatre -
the only authorized edition.
Performance to begin at eight o'clock.
Carriages to be ordered at eleven.
Prices: - Dress Circle, 7s. 6d.; Upper Boxes, 5s.; Pit, 2s.; Gallery, 1s.
No half-price. No free list except the Press.
Conductor, Mr. Paling.
Operatic Manager, Mr. F. Howson.
Leader, Mr. Gibbs.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (tenor vocalist); Richard Stewart (bass vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (soprano vocalist); Eliza Gibbs (soprano vocalist); John Gibbs (violinist, leader)

[Advertisement], Empire (5 March 1856), 1 

Mr. W. H. PALING begs to announce that the management of the above Academy, which hitherto has been conducted by himself, in conjunction with Mr. Henry Marsh, will in future be entirely managed by himself, and fur his own account. Thanking for the patronage he has received, be recommends his institution to the attention of Parents.
Different Classes for Piano, Violin, Singing, and Glees have been formed, and to suit the convenience of parties Mr. P. will form new Classes if the number is not less than four.
Pupils desirous of entering one of the above classes, are requested to make application for terms, &c., at the above Academy, to Mr. PALING.

1 April 1856, Sydney Philharmonic Society

[Advertisement], Empire (1 April 1856), 1 

The last Concert of the Season will take place at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel,
THIS EVENING, April 1st, 1850, at half-past seven precisely.
1. Overture - Pirate. - Bellini
2. Quartet - " Die Kapelle" - Kreutzer; "Haiden-Röslein" - Werner.
3. Song, "We part for ever, we part to night" - Harris.
4 Duet, Piano Forte and Violin, Sonata in F - Beethoven.
5. Song, "Casta Diva" (Madame ANNA BISHOP) - Bellini.
6. Overture, " Crown Diamonds" - Auber.
1. Symphony, No. 3. Haydn.
2. Quartet "Serenade" - Kücken; "Der Schmied" - Kreutzer.
3. Solo, Violin, Fantaisie "Caprice," Mr. W. H. PALING - Vieuxtemps
4. Ballad, " Home sweet Home" (Madame ANNA BISHOP)
5. Solo, Saxe Horn, Recitative and Air, "Still so gently o'er me stealing" - Bellini.
6. Overture, "Norma" - Bellini.
Conductor, Mr. C. W. F. STIER . . .

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1856), 4 

On Tuesday evening, the sixth and last concert of the present season, of this Society, took place at the Concert Hall, at the Royal Hotel . . . The orchestra consisted of thirty performers, conducted by Mr. C. W. R. Stier; and the overtures to Bellini's "II Pirata," and "Norma," Haydn's famous Symphony No. 3; and Auber's overture to the "Crown Diamonds," were executed in a masterly manner - strangers did not believe that Mr. Stier's baton directed a band of amateurs. Madame Anna Bishop sang the opening scena from Bellini's chef d'oeuvre, Norma, Casta Diva, with the highest success . . . Mr. Paling was eminently successful in his rendering of Vieuxtemps' favourite concerto for the violin. The zeal with which this gentleman is entering into such arrangements as we are now making in Sydney for the advancement of musical science, is not unappreciated, as was evinced last evening by the earnest and cordial greeting which he received . . .

We may, however, mention, as regards the musical profession, that since the initiation of the Society in 1854 it has enlisted as honorary members - Miss Catherine Hayes, Madame Anna Bishop, Madame Sara Flower, Mrs. Guerin; Mrs, Adcock; and Miss Flora Harris, M. Miska Hauser, M. and Madame Herwyn, M. Strebinger, M. Boulanger, and M. Paling . . .

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. ROUGH MEMS. BY OUR MUSIC CRITIC. - 1st April, 1856", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (5 April 1856), 3 

. . . 4. - Duet - Piano Forte and Violin. Sonata in F. Beethoven. This was a most brilliant performance on both sides - by Messrs. Paling and Prost. It was universally applauded and deservedly so. There was, however, one slight fault, on the part of Mr. Prost, and a common error which most accompanyists fall into. He occasionally drowned the violin by playing too lustily.
6. - The "Cartadron" was delivered in Madame Bishop's best style and received a most unanimous and vociferous encore. Mons. Paling, who accompanied on the Piano Forte, fell into an error. He played to loud, drowning the singer's voice on one or two occasions. The encore was responded to by Madame singing in her exquisite style, "The last rose of Summer" . . .
Part Second . . .
3. - Solo, Violin - Fantasie Caprice. This was most exquisitely rendered by Mr. Paling, and in this instance he was most successfully accompanied by Mr. Prost. It is a most brilliant composition, and was most brilliantly played . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Cornelius Prost (pianist)

MUSIC: Probably selected movement(s) from Violin sonata in F (Spring) (Beethoven); Fantaisie caprice (Vieuxtemps)

16 April 1856, Richard Paling arrived in Melbourne, per Royal Charter, from Liverpoool, 17 January; and Plymouth 17 February 

Richard Paling / 30 [sic] / 1 [Adult, from "Other Parts" i.e. neither English, Scottish, nor Irish]

"EXPORTS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (9 June 1856), 114 

June 7. - Telegraph (s.), for Melbourne . . . 1 carpet bag, R. J. Paling . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (20 June 1856), 3

ERARD'S PIANOS. - Just received, ex La Prime, Fifty Pianos of the above celebrated maker, and will be on view at Mr. R. J. Paling's, 31 Russell-street south, who is appointed sole agent in Victoria. Pianofortes Tuned on the shortest notice.

25 June 1856, Miska Hauser's concert (return visit to Sydney)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 June 1856), 1 

MISKA HAUSER has the honour to announce that his first Grand Concert will take place on
WEDNESDAY next, June 25th, at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel.
5. - Piano Solo - Grand Fantasia on airs from the Opera of Mosé (by Thalberg) - Mr. Paling, jun. - (First appearance.) . . .
PART II . . .
10. Piano solo - Fantasia an airs, from the opera "Hugenottes," by Prudent, executed by Mr. Paling, jun. . . .

"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERT", Empire (26 June 1856), 5 

Miska Hauser gave his first concert, last evening, at the Royal Hotel, to a very numerous audience. The programme of the entertainment consisted of a few good operatic morceaux, one or two ballads, and some good violin and pianoforte solos. The instrumentalists were, in addition to the renowned Miska Hauser himself, Mr. Paling, junior, and Mr. Stanley. The vocal part of the concert was entrusted to Mr. John Howson and Miss Flora Harris . . . The other "features" of the concert were the pianoforte fantasias of Mr. Paling. He is a first-rate player, and must prove a great acquisition to the musical world of Sydney.

"CONCERT HALL, ROYAL HOTEL", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 June 1856), 5 

The concert given last evening, on the occasion of the re-appearance of Miska Hauser, was attended by an audience more select than numerous . . . The songs and duets of Miss Flora Harris and Mr. John Howson, together with the solos on the pianoforte by Mr. Paling, jun., contrasted agreeably with the abstruse and elaborate performances of Miska Hauser . . .

"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERT", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (28 June 1856), 2 

. . . It is a subject of regret to us to be compelled to record that the attendance was by no means commensurate with the claims which the accomplished artiste has upon the public . . . The programme was good, as independently of three solos to be executed by the violinist, there were several songs and duets by Miss Flora Harris and Mr. John Howson, and piano-forte solos by Mr. Stanley and Mr. Paling, junr. And, while mentioning the name of the latter, we are enabled to remark that his performance was tasteful and masterly . . .

"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERT", Freeman's Journal (28 June 1856), 3 

. . . Mr. Paling, junior, gave two pianoforte fantasias which won much applause. He is a first-rate player, and will, we doubt not, become a wonderful performer on the instrument of his choice . . .

8 July 1856, Sydney Philharmonic Society concert

"THE SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 July 1856), 2 

This excellent society gives its members and subscribers a musical treat this evening at the Royal Hotel, and the programme contains a number of very attractive pieces, amongst which are Beethoven's immortal "Pastorale," which, we believe, up to this time, has been "unsung" in its present form in Australia; Mendelssohn's celebrated Concerto for the piano, with full orchestral accompaniments; an Overture by Mozart, &c, &c. Miska Hauser has also consented to give one of his best violin solos; and Mr. Paling, junior, will not only preside at the pianoforte, but will also perform a concerto on that instrument. We understand the society has made considerable progress under Mr. Paling, the new conductor.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 July 1856), 1 

Patron - His Excellency the Governor-General.
Patroness - Lady Denison.
The first Concert of the Season will take place at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel, on TUESDAY EVENING, July 8.
1. Overture (Massaniello) - Auber
2. Glee, "Spring" - Weber
3. Concerto (Piano, with orchestral accompaniments, No. 1) - Mendelssohn
4. Song, "A Cheerful Voice" - Haydn
5. Symphony (Pastorale Allegro) - Beethoven.
1. Symphony (Pastorale Andante) - Beethoven
2. Glee, "Soldier's Dream" - Werner
3. Solo (Violin), "Lucrezia Borgia," M. Hauser - M. Hauser
4. Song, "Minie" - Werner
5. Solo (Piano) "Moise" - Thalberg
6. Overture (Le Nozze di Figaro) - Mozart.
Conductor - Mr. W. H. Paling . . .

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 July 1856), 5 

The Sydney Philharmonic Society gave their first concert for the season yesterday evening, at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel . . . A concerto - piano with orchestral accompaniments (No. 1), by Mendelssohn, followed, Mr. Paling, jun., presiding at the piano, with an effect which called forth genial applause . . . The performances concluded with an overture from "Le Nozze di Figaro," by Mozart. Mr. W. H. Paling wielded the musical baton with his usual skill, and to him much credit is due for the very successful manner in which the concert was brought to a termination . . .

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (12 July 1856), 3 

4 August 1856, Miska Hauser's concert

[Advertisement], Empire (4 August 1856), 1 

Patron, His Excellency the GOVERNOR-GENERAL; Patroness, LADY DENISON, who have signified their intention of being present.
MISKA HAUSER, has the honour to announce that his Last Concert will take place THIS (Monday) EVENING, 4th August, at the CONCERT HALL, ROYAL HOTEL.
Grand Sextuor, for two violins, two violas, violincello, and double bass, composed by Mayseder.
Synopsis of movements - 1. Allegro. - 2. Adagio. - 3. Scherzo. - 4. Finale.
Performed by MISKA HAUSER, Mr. Paling, Mr. John Deane, a Gentleman Amateur, Mr. Edward Deane, and Mr. George Loder . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Deane (violinist); Edward Deane (cellist); George Loder (double bass)


THE more a new colony adopts the institutions of the old country, both of art and of science, the more it will approach to greatness and to perfection. But every thing must come by degrees, and one by one the wants that are detected should be filled up. This country, that half a century ago could boast but of its dwelling houses, its Government offices, and its prisons, now has, by measured steps, attained a high position that might enable it to to take rank not only with large cities, but with the capitals of some European states. It has its theatres, its opera, its museum, its university, and halls of learning; its public libraries, its horticultural, its philosophical, its scientific societies; its races, its yacht clubs, and it has also its Philharmonic Society, which class is especially connected with the subject before us.

We observe a constantly increasing taste for music amongst the amateurs of Sydney. Their embracing every opportunity, which presents itself to frequent those places where good artists are performing, and the continual liberal support which those artists receive from them, shows sufficiently that good music is appreciated, and that they begin to feel the want of something higher in music, than what is daily offered to them.

We can refer to the last concert of Miska Hauser, where a better class of music has been brought before the audience than what we generally hear at public concerts. It was a real feast to all true lovers of good music, and brought back to them reminiscences of Europe and its great masters.

We find, for the greater part, our amateurs inclined to vocal more than to instrumental performances, and amongst the well-educated inhabitants of this city there are scarcely any who do not devote a part of their leisure time to singing. This appears to be their natural taste, - the height of their desire. We find, however, amongst our singing amateurs but a comparatively small number whose musical ambition goes far beyond what is termed light music; a small number only devote the required attention to understand the classical composers.

We encourage them to cultivate their taste for vocal performances, particularly those who, for want of much leisure, can only devote little time to practise, as singing to a certain perfection will not take up by far so much time as learning an instrument does. Musical performances at home, only for themselves, is, however, not the main point which amateurs should aim at. Music is not only written for social circles, to be, as it were, a "passe-temps," it has a greater destination - it is also for those who by nature are not so richly gifted with talent to perform; it should speak also to the hearts of those who only can hear and find a calm delight in following the beautiful sounds and words they hear. The amateurs should not limit their ambition to simply singing songs or glees for themselves, they can do more, and ought to be more liberal with their talent. They should come forward with it, and by combining their forces with other amateurs make it a point of their ambition to perform those great works of our celebrated classical composers. This would not only be a source of noble recreation for themselves, but it would also tend to produce an increasing love for good music amongst the greater portion of the community.

Experience has taught us how beneficial the production of those works has been upon the audience; it leaves behind an impression very different from what is generally the case when music of a lighter description is performed. The extent and greatness of such works does, however, not allow the audience to enter at once into the spirit of the composer; they require to be often listened to and studied. On that account, we would point out the great advantage which those derive from it who join a chorus, where, by continual practice, and by entering into every detail of the composition, the secrets of the higher class of music are revealed. There is something to learn; there is an open field for musical distinction; there taste and love for good music can be satisfied. The civilizing influence of good music is admitted by all; it fills the mind with the highest thoughts and inspiration; and the diffusion of it throughout society is one of those advantages that indicate progress and intellectual improvement in every country.

Starting from that point of view, we can only applaud the happy idea of the members of the Committee of the Philharmonic Society, who have grafted on to it a vocal choir for the performance of the great oratoriums of Haydn, Mozart, &c. This object can only be obtained by the willing and persevering support and personal assistance of the ladies and gentlemen amateurs of Sydney. Their combined talents would enable them to produce those celebrated works, that almost every great city can boast of. What else are those grand musical festivals in England and on the Continent of Europe, than a combination of talents of amateurs, assisted by a comparatively small number of professionals. We are glad to hear that already some of our leading ladies and gentlemen amateurs have joined the Society, and that a first rehearsal evening has been held on Haydn's grand Oratorium, "The Seasons," which is the piece first to be performed.

Now, ladies and gentlemen amateurs, is the time that by your musical talents you can contribute to each other's enjoyment, and to the enjoyment of all the lovers of your art. Under the able direction of the zealous conductor Mr. Paling, who is daily rising in general estimation, and whose only object is to promote and develop the taste for good music, you will, by continual practice, find it a source of real gratification in studying those masterly compositions, where music speaks a higher language than what we find in the greater part of our modern composers.

We wish the greatest success to the praiseworthy efforts of the members of the committee, and we have no doubt they will find that co-operation from the ladies and gentlemen amateurs of this city which will enable them to carry out triumphantly the task they have undertaken to perform.

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (30 August 1856), 8 

PIANOFORTES. - Richard J. Paling, Importer of superior Pianos and Tuner, 81, Collins-street east, Mechanics' Institution.

"To the Editor of the . . .", Empire (9 September 1856), 5 

SIR - As a lover of music, I, with, I am sure, many other subscribers to the Sydney Philharmonic Society, was much gratified to find some few months ago that the Committee of Management of the Society, had taken a step so likely to tend to its improvement, as that of securing the services of so thorough a musician, and eminent performer, as Mr. Paling, for their conductor, and I have been looking to your advertisements daily, in the hopes of seeing the next concert announced (the second of the season, and I believe fully due) more particularly, having heard that a chorus had been lately formed, very superior to anything yet heard in Sydney, and who were likely to take part in it. I cannot express the regret I felt on perusing the copy of Mr. Paling's resignation which appears in your columns to-day. The letter, though fully so, no doubt, to those to whom it is addressed, is not very explanatory to the public generally, so far as it is, however, I consider about as unsatisfactorily so as it very well could be, since it infers as the cause, the refusal of the members to place themselves under the control of their conductor, which, if the fact, makes the prospects of advancement of the Society decidedly "looming in the distance" for it cannot be expected that any man of standing in his profession will stake his reputation by holding the post of Musical Director and Conductor without being able to exercise that authority which the words imply. Hoping that some more satisfactory explanation than this will be offered to the subscribers,
I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
R. J. A.
Sydney, 4th September, 1856.

Sydney School of Arts 1856

Sydney School of Arts, Pitt Street, 1856; Samuel T. Gill; lithographed by Allan and Wigley, [1856] (DIGITISED)

[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 September 1856), 1 

SCHOOL OF ARTS. - Piano Classes, for Ladies, from 3 to 5, for Gentlemen from 5 to 7, on TUESDAY and SATURDAY. - A Violin Class, from 7 to 8, on the same evenings. Persons desirous of joining any of the above classes are requested to leave their names with the Secretary. Teacher, Mr. W. H. PALING.

NORTH SHORE.- Mr. JOHN H. PALING, Teacher of Music, visits the North Shore every MONDAY and THURSDAY. Parties desirous of availing themselves of this opportunity by addressing to the Post-office, North Shore, shall have attention.

[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 October 1856), 1 

SCHOOL OF ARTS. - Piano Classes, for Ladies, from 3 to 5, for Gentlemen from 5 to 7, on TUESDAY and SATURDAY. - A Violin Class, from 7 to 8, on the same evenings. Persons desirous of joining any of the above classes are requested to leave their names with the Secretary. Teacher, Mr. W. H. PALING.

A PRIVATE SINGING CLASS for Ladies on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, at Mr. PALING'S residence, No. 5, Bligh-street.

10 November 1856, Clarisse Cailly's concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 November 1856), 1 

CONCERT HALL, Royal Hotel.- On MONDAY EVENING, November 10 . . .
a COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT CONCERT to that accomplished artiste, Madame CLARISSE CAILLY.
PART I . . .
Fantasia Violin - On themes of the "Pirate" and "Lucia." - Artot - Mr. H. PALING. [sic] . . .
PART II . . .
Fantasia Piano - On the "Huguenots" - E. Prudent - Mr. G. H. PALING [sic].
Fantasia - Caprice for Violin - Vieuxtemps - Mr. H. PALING . . .

"MADAME CAILLY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 November 1856), 7 

. . . Mr. W. Paling executed two fantasias on the violin in a very superior style, and with a manner that showed him to be a master of the delicate instrument he handled, and the audience, by their applause, his success. Mr. G. H. Paling also performed a fantasia on the piano on themes from the Huguenots, displaying brilliancy of style and power, as well as delicacy of touch . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Clarisse Cailly (soprano vocalist)

MUSIC: Grande fantaisie sur Les Huguenots (Prudent)

"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 November 1856), 5 

We have to remind our musical readers that the Sydney Philharmonic Society gives one of its periodical concerts at the Royal Hotel this evening, and have to refer them also to the programme in our advertising columns. Since the Society's last concert we understand it numbers several additional amateurs, and that the talented family of the Deanes occupy, as they ought to do as Australians, a prominent position in the Society. The Sydney Choral Society, we understand, is also making arrangements for an "open night," and an excellent programme of sacred music will shortly be announced; the cause of the delay having originated in the thorough repair and removal of the organ, the erection of a more convenient platform for the practising members, and other necessary alterations. The Sydney Choral Society, we are happy to hear, numbers from 40 to 60 amateur vocalists. Mr. W. Paling is also the present conductor.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Choral Society

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . IMPORTS", The Argus (9 December 1856), 4 

December 8. - Royal Charter, from Liverpool . . . 5 cases musical instruments, R. J. Paling . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 December 1856), 7 

PIANOFORTES. - Superior Pianofortes at Mr. Richard Paling's, importer, tuner, and teacher, 101 Collins-street, Mechanics' Institution. 123 dec 25

22 December 1856, Sydney Choral Society, visitors' concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 December 1856), 1 

Patron, His Excellency the Governor-General.
Open or Visitors' Concert, on MONDAY, 22nd December, 1856,
at St. James' Infant School, Castlereagh-street.
Doors open at 7, and concert to commence at half-past 7.
Quartette - Kyrie Eleison - Mozart, No. 12
Chorus - Gloria in Excelsis - ditto ditto
Chorale - To God on high - Mendelssohn
Motett - Go not far from me - Zingarelli
Recitative and Air (Miss Flora Harris) - Ye people rend your hearts; If with all your hearts - Mendelssohn
Air and Chorus - Rejoice, O Judah (Judas Maccabaeus); Hallelujah, Amen - Handel
Sanctus - Holy, holy, holy - Tallis
Chorus - Hallelujah to the Father (Mount of Olives) - Beethoven.
Recitative and Air (Miss Flora Harris) - Comfort ye; Every valley - Messiah, Handel
Chorus - And the glory - Ditto
Recitative (Miss Flora Harris) - There were shepherds - Ditto
Chorus - Glory to God - Ditto
Recitative - For behold darkness - Ditto
Air - The people that walked - Ditto
Chorus - For unto us a child is born - Ditto.
Conductor, Mr. Paling.
Organist, Mr. Paling, Jun. . . .

"SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", Empire (23 December 1856), 5 

An "open," or visitors' concert of the Sydney Choral Society took place last evening in the St. James' Infant School, Castlereagh-street. The programme of the evening consisted of some very good selections from the sacred masters, and attracted rather a numerous auditory. The members of the society were assisted in the vocal department by Miss Flora Harris, and in the instrumental by the Messrs. Paling. The concert commenced with Mozart's "Kyrie Eleison" and "Gloria in Excelsis" (op. 12), both of which were rend with taste and discrimination. Felix Bartholdy's grand chorale, "To God on high," followed, and was, on the whole, creditably rendered. The other pieces worthy of note in the first part were the recitative and air, "Ye people rend your hearts," spiritedly given by Miss Flora Harris - and Tallis's well-known "Sanctus." The second part principally consisted of selections from the Messiah. The solos went off tolerably well, but the choruses indicated deficient practice. We hope that this will be remedied at the next open practice, and that competent solos will be found for each of the parts.

"SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", Freeman's Journal (27 December 1856), 3 

A visitors' concert of this Society took place on Monday evening in the St. James' School, Castlereagh-street. The programme of the evening was admirably selected. The members of the society were assisted in the vocal department by Miss Flora Harris, who in several solos elicited much well-merited applause, and in the instrumental by the Messrs. Paling. The solos went off well, but the choruses (except one by Kent) were unmistakably wretched.


12 May 1857, Sydney Choral Society, visitors' concert

[Advertisement], Empire (12 May 1857), 1 

Patron : His Excellency the Governor-General,
On TUESDAY, 12th May, 1857.
Doors to be open at half-past 7, Concert to begin at 8.
Recitative. - "In the beginning" - Haydn.
Chorus. - "And the Spirit"
Air. - "Now vanish before"
Chorus. - "A new created world"
Recitative. - "And God made"
Solo and Chorus. - "The marv'lous work"
Recitative and Air. - "Rolling in foaming"
Air. - (Miss F. Harris) - "With verdure clad"
Chorus. - "Awake the harp"
Recitative and Air. - "In splendour bright"
Chorus. - "The heavens are telling"
Chorus. - "Let all the Angels" - Handel.
Air. - "Thou art gone up"
Chorus. - "The Lord gave the word"
Air. - (Miss F. Harris) "I know that my Redeemer"
Chorus. - "Worthy is the Lamb"
Chorus. - "Hallelujah"
Conductor - Mr. W. H. Paling.
Organist - Mr. Paling, junior. . . .

"SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 May 1857), 5 

The first of this society's concerts for the season was given at the School-room, Castlereagh-street, last evening. There had been a very attractive programme of sacred music selected for the occasion, but, as might have been expected from the inclement weather that ushered in the concert season, the attendance was thin. There were about thirty vocal performers on the stage, who acquitted themselves to the entire satisfaction of the audience; as did also Miss F. Harris, whose assistance was most valuable. Mr. W. H. Paling presided at the piano, while Mr. Paling, junior, conducted as organist. We wish more genial weather for the concerts of this talented society in future.

"SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", Empire (13 May 1857), 4 

. . . The organ was played by Mr. Paling, Junior, and the performance was under the conductorship of Mr. Paling. With some additional training, the gentlemen vocalists will form a good chorus.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 January 1858), 8 

FIVE SHILLINGS REWARD. - LOST, between Pitt-street, Redfern, and Elizabeth-street, the HANDLE of a TUNING HAMMER. Apply at W. H. PALING'S, 83, Wynyard-square.

12 April 1858, Indian Felief Fund concert, Prince of Wales Theatre

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 April 1858), 1

INDIAN MUTINY RELIEF FUND. - Grand Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT . . .
W. H. PALING begs to inform the public that the concert in aid of the above fund will take place on
PROGRAMME. 1. Overture, "Der Freischutz " - Weber - Band . . .
Finale - "God save the Queen."
Piano accompanist, Mr. Cordner.
By the kind permission of Colonel Straton, C.B., and the officers of the gallant 77th, the assistance of the splendid band of the Regiment has been kindly granted . . .


Never since the erection of the Prince of Wales Theatre do we recollect to have seen so fashionable an audience assembled within its walls, as that which assembled last evening to second the effort of Mr. Paling to add to the fund now being raised for the relief of the sufferers by the Indian rebellion . . . The programme was an extremely inviting one. All are familiar with the excellenoe of the band, and we need, therefore, say nothing in its behalf here, but simply state that it played in its usual masterly style the overture to "Der Freischutz," selections from Il Trovatore, and Steir's Grand March . . . The solos by Mr. Paling on the violin, the first, "The Andante of De Beriot's - the second concerto; and the second, that choicest of violin solos, Vieuxtemp's "Fantasia Caprice" were executed with a delicacy and finish we have seldom heard excelled, and Mr. Paling in each instance barely escaped an encore. And last, though by no means least, we come to the lady amateurs - they are undoubtedly entitled to much praise for rendering their assistance on this occasion - assistance that was of the greatest importance. Twelve of these ladies performed on six pianos the very difficult overture to "Guillaume Tell." Mr. Paling led, and the ladies kept excellent time, and the effect of so many pianos being performed at one time was most brilliant. The overture being concluded, such a spontaneous burst of applause followed as is seldom heard, and the fair and accomplished assistants were compelled to repeat the overture from the commencement of the allegro movement. These ladies were no less successful in their performance of the overture to "Fra Diavolo." The "Duo" for the pianos, by Mr. Paling and a lady amateur, was warmly received; and Thalberg's variations and "God save the Queen," performed by a lady amateur, met with an encore. Mr. Cordner acted ably as piano accompanyist. The concert was, on the whole, a most decided success; and although Mr. Paling has been at immense trouble to get it up, he must at least feel gratified, if not proud, at the result to which he has brought his labours . . .




2 November 1861, William Henry Paling, certificate of naturalisation, NSW (PAYWALL)

. . . that William Henry Paling is a native of Rotterdam Holland; is thirty six years of age, and that having arrived by the ship "Clio" in the year 1855 he is now residing in Sydney and intending to settle permanently in the said colony . . .



Mr. W. H. Paling, so long and so favourably known in the musical world of Sydney as a talented artist and one of the most successful teachers of music in this city, being about to leave the colony for a time on a business and artistic tour to lndia, China, and Java, has determined to devote the last days previous to his departure (which, for the purpose indicated, he will postpone for another month,) to the task of assisting the Distress Fund by a concert on the grandest scale ever known in this country. Amongst the novelties to be introduced are a grand overture on the very elegant new organ recently imported by him and some brilliant pieces to be performed on sixteen pianos, by young ladies, pupils of Mr. Paling, with chorusses and various other musical delights. To carry out such an entertainment to a successful issue - pecuniarily and artistically - there is only one hall in Sydney adapted for the purpose; and we believe it is Mr. Paling's intention to apply to the senate of the university for the use of their hall on the occasion . . . M. Paling's intention is so praiseworthy that it cannot fail to meet with the most cordial support from all classes of society.

"NOTES OF THE WEEK", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 December 1862), 5

Mr. Paling, the professor of music, proposes to give a concert in aid of the Lancashire Relief Fund prior to his approaching departure from this colony.


[Advertisement], Bataviaasch handelsblad (11 April 1863), 1 

[News], Java-bode: nieuws, handels- en advertentieblad voor Nederlandsch-Indie (22 April 1863), 3 

[Advertisement], Java-bode: nieuws, handels- en advertentieblad voor Nederlandsch-Indie (25 April 1863), 2 

4 July 1863, marriage of Richard John Paling and Florence Mary Evans, All Saints, east St. Kilda

"MARRIAGES", The Argus (8 July 1863), 4 

PALING - EVANS. - On the 4th inst., at All Saints' Church, St. Kilda, by the Rev. J. H. Gregory, Richard John Paling, son of John H. Paling, Esq., of Rotterdam, to Florence Mary, sixth daughter of Thomas Evans, Esq., of St. Kilda.

24 July 1863, marriage of William Henry Paling and Mary Ann Fuller, Norwich, England

1863, marriage solemnized at the church of the Holy Trinity, in the parish of Higham in the city of Norwich; register, 1861-75, page 24; Norfolk archives (PAYWALL)

No. 47 / July 24 1863 / William Henry Paling / Bachelor / Gentleman / [residence at time of marriage] St. Giles Norfolk / [father] John Henry Paling / Merchant
Mary Ann Fuller / Widow / - / Higham / [father] Andrew Maney / Lieutenant Royal Navy
In the presence of Philip Case, Anne Case Lake, Fred'k A. Steward, Charlotte Anne Case

ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Case Leeder, daughter of John Palmer Leeder, late of Norfolk, had married John Lake, also late of Norfolk, in Sydney, NSW, on 27 April 1861. A witness to Paling's first marriage, and widowed in 1872, she became his second wife in 1878.


[3 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 December 1864), 1

JUST PUBLISHED, the AUSTRALIAN MELODIES, by Miss Brickwood, Newtown. Copies can be had only at W. H. PALING'S, Wynyard-square.

PIANOS and Harmoniums for SALE or hire, at W. H. PALING'S, 83, Wynyard-square.

NEW MUSIC, at one-third under published prices. W. H. PALING, 83, Wynyard-square.


"NEWTOWN MUSICAL SOCIETY", Sydney Mail (17 February 1866), 2 

The sixth concert in connection with the above society came off at the School of Arts, Newtown, on Tuesday evening, with great, success, notwithstanding the threatening stale of the weather. The hall was well filled by a fashionable audience. The programme was divided into two parts - the first a choice selection from Handel's Oratorio "Judas Maccabeaus," and the second, a miscellaneous collection, in both of which Madame Flora Harris appeared . . . A pianoforte solo by the conductor (Mr. W. H. Paling) was a masterly performance. A guitar solo by an amateur was also much admired . . . Mr. W. H. Paling acted as accompanyist. The concert terminated shortly before 11 o'clock with the National Anthem.

23 August 1866, Richard John Paling, index of certificate of naturalisation, VIC; Public Records Office VIC 

Richard John Paling / Importer of Musical Instruments / Melbourne, 35 Collins St [sic] / Age 35 / Native Place Rotterdam, Holland / Date of Certificate 23. 8. 66 / No. of Certificate 461 . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (20 November 1866), 2s

NEW MUSIC -Just published, "Joy," Galop brilliant, by Herr Elsasser. R. J. Paling, publisher, 85 Collins-street.

After 1866

Mr Paling's new establisment (7 July 1883)

"MR. PALING'S NEW ESTABLISHMENT IN GEORGE-STREET", Illustrated Sydney News (7 July 1883), 9 

"W. H. Paling", in Australian men of mark, vol. 1 (Sydney: Charles Maxwell, 1889), 409-13

William Henry Paling, Esquire, SYDNEY.

THE generous and beautiful deeds of men do not cast their shadows before, but come upon us as surprises, and, so coming, awake our appreciation in a lively manner, and impress upon us that nobility of character still exists, notwithstanding those cynics who say that the world is at present wholly corrupt. In our busy life, nowadays, we do not often find time to turn aside to help to brighten the dark lot of many of our fellow-creatures, and we go on striving and working while our neighbours sink beside us without a hand held out to save. This is as it must be while each has to win his way and keep his place upon the road where all are jostling and pushing to maintain each his place. So, when a man does an act of large liberality, and unselfishly gives from his store for the relief of distress, the act, unexpected, takes us by surprise, and calls for our unqualified approbation. More especially is such an act as this appreciated, and has its value increased, when it is done by one who has no ties of blood to bind him to the country on which he confers the favour, but which is only his country by adoption. The gift of the Carrington Centennial Hospital for Convalescents, conferred upon the people of New South Wales by Mr. Paling, a Dutchman, is one of that kind which is spoken of above. Such a gift, made as it was in an unostentatious manner, is one of princely magnificence, gracefully given. Such an action entitles Mr. Paling to be looked upon by future generations as one of the distinguished men of Australia - distinguished in the true sense, for having done good to his fellows - and as a man whose worth it would not be easy to excel.

William Henry Paling was born at Rotterdam, Holland, and is the son of a well-known pianoforte-maker and distinguished musician of that name. Early in life he adopted music as a profession, and studied the violin under the famous Tours, of whom he was a favourite pupil. He afterwards studied and taught music in the Conservatory of Music at Rotterdam, where he remained for three years, after which time he determined to go to Australia, and arrived in [411] Sydney in the year 1853. He at once entered into the music business, gave lessons with considerable success, and organised concerts. The ability with which he conducted his operations told its tale; his business rapidly increased, and grew so large that in 1883 he formed it into a limited liability company, which takes a position second to none in the music business in the Southern Hemisphere. During his residence in Australia he has become closely identified with the interests of the country, and is a portion of its life and progress. This has been recognised in many ways. He is on the Commission of the Peace, and before the appointment of stipendiaries to Sydney he attended regularly in his place on the bench as a magistrate, and gave good service in the administration of the law. He is at present an Alderman for the borough of Petersham, and was Mayor some years ago. In all that can be of service to his borough he is most active. He has taken the greatest interest in and has devoted much attention to sanitary improvements. Good health he esteems to be of the first importance in individual and in national greatness. Mr. Paling has had his share of the ups and downs that occur in the lives of those who have got to make their way in the world. He has experienced reverses in both mining and land speculations, but his strength of character has enabled him to overcome all obstacles. Energy and courage, with honesty and truth, characterise him in all his relations, and the rewards that wait on these are his. Wealth he possesses, and he holds a high place in the esteem of his fellow-citizens. In every movement of a charitable nature he is one of the first, and it is well known that it is only necessary to make him aware of a want and it is at once followed by relief.

But it is by his munificent gift of a property at Camden, supplemented with a cheque for £10,000, for the purpose of a home for convalescents, that he will be best known to the people of Australia. This property is a model farm of 507 acres, valued at over £20,000, and it has been given freely to the people of New South Wales for the above purpose. The public recognised the value of the gift, and on the 29th May 1888 a meeting was held at the Town Hall, Sydney, to consider the means to be taken to establish the intended Convalescent Home. This meeting was largely attended by the most prominent people in the country, the chair being occupied by the Mayor of Sydney. The speeches made on that occasion give the particulars of the gift, and evidence the estimation in which the donor was held. In the course of a speech made by the Governor of the colony, Lord Carrington said:-

"The business that has brought us together this evening needs no preface and no panegyric from me. The facts speak for themselves more eloquently than any speech could possibly do. Some few months ago Mr. Paling walked into my room at Government House, and told me that as this was the centennial year he wished to give [412] some mark of affection for the colony in which he lived; that he was prepared to found a hospital for convalescents and incurables, and he told me he was willing to give his estate, which was valued at £20,000, and also to give £10,000 more towards the establishment of this worthy object. The estate has been handed over, and the title deeds are in the possession of the trustees. Mr. Paling has given me a cheque for £10,000, which my bankers have paid in to the account of the Convalescent Hospital, and I think we may well say that we have made a good start. Mr. Paling also informed me that as I happened to be the Governor of the colony during the centennial year that he intended to name it after me. I told him that I agreed with him in his admirable idea, but that there was only one thing with which I disagreed, and that was that the institution which he proposed to establish should bear my name, and not his own. He told me he was determined on that point, and therefore I gracefully accepted the compliment, and had nothing more to say. There are several resolutions that will be placed before you this evening, and I have little more to say, except one thing, and that is, that this is the beginning of a new era in the colony. This is the first time that a citizen - and, mind you, one not born in England or in the colony - has presented the colony with so munificent a gift. I know that in a new country, such as the one in which we live, there are not a great many rich men. We have no family here such as the Rothschilds. In this country we cannot point to a cathedral practically rebuilt, as St. Patrick's in Dublin, by the Guinnesses. We cannot point to any library such as that in New York given by the Astors, nor to houses for the industrial classes, such as those in London built by a Peabody; but in this hospital we have a splendid beginning. I think I can confidently appeal to all to back up Mr. Paling and support so noble and good an example."

Mr. Salomons, Q.C., the representative of the Government in the Upper House, followed, and said:-

"He felt honoured in being called on to propose the first resolution, which was as follows: - 'That this meeting desires to record its high sense of the services rendered by W. H. Paling, Esq., to this his adopted country, and to humanity, by his munificent gift towards the foundation of a Hospital for Convalescents and Incurables.' It was hardly necessary for him to tell the meeting that the gift so generously given comprised a farm of about 500 acres, with a dairy, irrigation appliances, and two cottages and other means, all valued at £20,000. To this Mr. Paling had been good enough to add the munificent gift of £10,000 in money. As His Excellency had told them, this splendid gift came from one who was not a native-born subject of the Queen; but that gentleman was moved by a feeling of gratitude in admiration of our institutions, and, after a residence here of over thirty years, he was good enough to show his gratitude by placing at the disposal of the community this generous offer. The motion he had to propose invited them to record their high sense of the gift of Mr. Paling, and he thought they would best answer that invitation by raising, as far as their means would allow, what would make it a perfect success. He was given to understand that the sum of £15,000 was required to bring about this result. He wished that the generosity of Mr. Paling might be emulated by some of the people of New South Wales, who, after satisfying every fancy, had more means than they well knew how to dispose of. He had been acquainted with many acts of generosity on the part of Mr. Paling during the past thirty years, and now, happily, his great humanity and public spirit had expanded itself on a scale larger than he had ever anticipated. Mr. Paling had manifested his liberality by proposing to fill a gap in our charitable institutions that it was desirable to fill. He regretted to say that he felt remorse at the thought of how little of his time was given to those who were suffering from afflictions from which others were free. It was strange how little and how seldom we turned aside from the busy cares of our life to think of how we might relieve those who were unfortunate, and throw light on their dark career. Mr. Paling had set us a noble example, and had shown that humanity and generosity were not the peculiar heritage of the English race. He had laid the foundation of an institution from which would spring a stream of gratitude around him. It was no transcendental thought to assert that the purest pleasures were to be derived from a sense of the performance of a high duty, and in one view it might be held that this was selfish, because he ventured to prophesy that for Mr. Paling and his family when they saw this institution reared, a feeling of purer pleasure would spring up that could not be had by the mere investment of money. He had intended to subscribe £50, but if nine persons contributed £100 each he would make the tenth, and contribute £100 also. He had much pleasure in moving the motion."

And Sir Henry Parkes, the Premier of the colony, in an eloquent speech, in which he proposed a resolution to call for public subscriptions, said:-

"Amidst all the noise - all the struggling-all the applause of our little day and generation, there was living amongst us a man - aspirant to no position bearing his part in the work of colonisation, and exercising unobtrusively the power of greatness. They had seen to-night that gentleman's action recognised in so fitting a manner, he trusted it would become contagious. He could hardly suppose that the great example which had been set would be allowed to pass away without equally meritorious imitators. In securing a hospital which was to do a noble, benevolent, enduring work, the site must be carefully chosen. From all report nothing could be better than the site in this case. When the buildings were put up the most recent principles should be observed in the superstructure, so as to admit as pure atmosphere inside as there was outside. The organisation for the management must be as nearly perfect as possible. This noble gift of Mr. Paling would come to nothing unless these simple principles were completely [413] understood and firmly put into operation by the gentleman who had the management of the hospital. To give an instance of the importance of good management, he would take as an illustration lying-in hospitals for women. A great authority on hospitals - Baron Meydell - had given this singular and curious illustration. In hospitals for this purpose in Russia, accommodating 2000 women, thirty or forty of every 1000 perished; in hospitals which accommodated 1000 only twenty-five in every 1000 perished; in hospitals calculated to accommodate 400 only twenty in the 1000 perished; and in a cluster of small hospitals which accommodated only two or three women each, but provided altogether for some 1600, only nine lives were lost per 1000. This illustration was certainly very striking, as showing the wonderful effect of proper organisation, which secured tender treatment, all the comforts of a home and home surroundings, with the best medical and surgical aid obtainable . . . He had been called on to move the following resolution, and he did so with pleasure: 'That with a view to meeting the pressing necessity for a Convalescent Hospital, a public subscription be immediately opened, and a fund raised for its erection upon the Grasmere Estate, presented by Mr. Paling.' He strongly advised the gentlemen who had taken up the work of public subscription to make up their minds from the start to receive no money from the public Treasury. It would be a shame if the work was not completed by the unsullied efforts of the people."

This was the reception of Mr. Paling's gift, worthy of its magnificence, and worthy of the country on which it was conferred.

Mr. Paling's deeds of charity will never be known in their extent: he is not an ostentatious distributor of alms. On the contrary, he is one of those who quietly do good, and do not let the right hand know what the left gives. He has travelled in India and on the Continent of Europe, and enlarged his mind by observation of men and things. He has been presented with an address by the city of Aix-la-Chapelle for his exertions in aid of the Dom Church; and has also raised a considerable amount of money for the Indian Mutiny Fund by a concert in Sydney. In his own borough of Petersham he is well known, and the clock in the Town Hall of that suburb is his gift. His life has been one full of benefit to his fellows and honourable to himself, and it is to be hoped that his actions will be imitated by many, and thus show to the world that amid the hurry and selfishness of money-getting there are still to be found the noble virtues of mercy and charity.

"DEATH OF MR. W. H. PALING", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1895), 4

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1895), 1

"DEATH OF MR. W. H. PALING", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1895), 4

As we announced in our issue of yesterday, Mr. W. H. Paling, the head of the well-know firm of Messrs. W. H. Paling and Co., Limited, musical instrument and music importers, died somewhat suddenly at his residence at Stanmore, on Tuesday night. The cause of death was heart disease, from which Mr. Paling had suffered for some years. Mr. Paling was 70 years of age. His wife died about a year since and five children are left to mourn their loss. Mr. W. H. Paling was born near Rotterdam, and was the son of the pianoforte maker and musician of that name. He early embraced music as a profession, and studied the violin under the famous Tours, of whom he was a favourite pupil. He then studied and taught in the Conservatory of Music at Rotterdam for three years, when he left for Australia where he arrived some time between 1853 and 1854. He gave concerts, and then entered into the music business, and as a teacher enjoyed considerable success. His business increasing year by year, he, in 1883, formed it into a limited company. Mr Paling was a Justice of the Peace for some years, and prior to the appointment of stipendiary magistrates did duty on the Bench in Sydney. He also acted as alderman and Mayor of the borough of Petersham. He was well known to be an earnest and diligent advocate of all sanitary improvements. Mr. Paling was a speculator both in land and mining, and experienced his share of the failures and successes consequent thereon. Mr Paling's chief characteristics were his indomitable energy, great keenness of perception and decision of character, combined with unswerving honesty and integrity . . . Mr. Paling's generosity and liberality to all public charitable undertakings were well known, and his loss will be widely mourned by all classes of the community . . .

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 March 1914), 22

PALING. - March 6, 1914, at his residence, Vuna, Ocean-street, Bondi, Richard John, dearly loved husband of Florence Paling, aged 84 years. Beloved by all who knew him.

Bibliography and resources

Gregoir 1864

Édouard Georges Jacques Gregoir, Biographie des artistes-musiciens néerlandais des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles et des artistes étrangers résidant ou ayant résidé en Néerlande à la même époque (Anvers: Montagne, 1864), viii, 141, 142 (DIGITISED)

PALING (J. H.), né à Woerden le 14 décembre 1796, s'est formé sous la direction de l'estimé organiste aveugle J. Uurling qui lui [142] donna des leçons de piano, d'orgue et d'harmonie. Agé de 20 ans, on le nomma organiste et carillonneur à la commune Wallonne de Schiedam, et il se fixa en 1818 à Rotterdam, où il a formé de bons élèves. En cette ville, il fonda un magasin de pianos et abandonna le professorat privé. En 1824 il accepta la place d'organistede lacommune remonstrante, poste qu'il occupe encore aujourd'hui. M. Paling a organisé en 1825 et d'autres années des concerts d'orgue en faveur des inondés. En 1844, quand on fonda l'école de musique de la Société musicale des Pays-Bas, il a été appelé à diriger la classe de piano, où il a constamment propagé le goût de la musique classique. Depuis nombre d'années, M. Paling a pu former d'excellents élèves. (DIGITISED)

PALING (G. H.) [sic, "Guillem"], fils du précédent, né le 1er septembre 1825 à Rotterdam, s'est appliqué fort jeune avec zèle aux études de la musique. Son père, MM. Bon, Verhulst, Dupont et Tours ont guidé les études de ce jeune artiste, qui s'est montré constamment zélé et studieux. Fort jeune, il a brillé dans les concerts à Rotterdam, La Haye, Utrecht et autres villes. En 1849 il a fait connaître son double talent de pianiste et violoniste dans un concert organisé au profit d'une famille malheureuse. Lorsqu'il fut question d'un second professeur de musique à l'école de musique à Rotterdam, c'est M. Paling qui obtint cette place. Setrouvantà Aix-la-Chapelle, il a organisé un concert au bénéfice de la fondation d'une église, et y obtint de légitimes succès. En 1854 il entreprit un voyage artistique en Australie et arriva en 1855 à Melbourne. Après une tournée dans l'intérieur du pays, où il avait fait connaître son talent, il se fixa à Sidney, y fonda un magasin de pianos, et se livra à l'enseignement du piano. En cette ville il donna un concert au profit des malheureuses victimes de la guerre des Indes-Britanniques, protégé par le gouvernement; ce concert fut pour lui un véritable triomphe. Après une absencede neuf ans, M. Paling retourna en 1863 dans sa patrie par Batavia et Java, où ildonna pendant son passage un concert dans un but philantropique. On a primé de cet artiste à la Société musicale des Pays-Bas une sonate pour piano.

BWN 1872

A. J. Wan de Aa, Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlanden . . . deel 15 (Haarlem: J. J. Brederode, 1872), (ONLINE)

PALING (J. H.) werd den 14den December 1796 te Woerden geboren, was een leerling van den blinden organist J. Uurling, die hem op piano en orgel onderwees. Twintig jaren oud werd hij organist en klokkenist bij de Waalsche gemeente te Schiedam. In 1818 vestigde hij zich te Rotterdam, waar hij goede leerlingen vormde, doch staakte weldra het geven van privaat onderwijs en stichtte een magazijn van piano's. In 1824 werd hij organist bij de Remonstranten te Gouda.

Zie Gregoir, Biogr. des artites Musiciens Neerl., p. 142.

Rotterdamsch nieuwsblad 1894

"Het vijftigjarig bestaan der Muziekschool van de Maatschappij tot bevordering der Toonkunst", Rotterdamsch nieuwsblad (17 September 1894), 1 (DIGITISED)

NNBW 1912

J. W. Enschedé, "PALING (Jan Hendrik)", and "PALING (Willem H.)", in Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek . . . deel 2 (Leiden: A. W. Sijthoffs, 1912), 1059-60 (ONLINE)

PALING (Jan Hendrik), geb. te Woerden 14 Dec. 1796, overl. te Rotterdam 23 Febr. 1879, werd in 1816 organist van de walsche Gemeente en carillonneur te Schiedam, vestigde zich in 1818 als muziekonderwijzer te Rotterdam, werd aldaar in 1824 organist van de remonstrantsche Gemeente, wat hij 55 jaar tot zijn overlijden bleef, en in 1844 leeraar aan de Muziekschool der Mij. tot bevordering der Toonkunst te Rotterdam. In 1826 opende hij een handel in piano's, die hij zeer waarschijnlijk uitbreidde tot eigen fabrikaat. Voor een inzending, die hij in 1861 deed op de nijverheidstentoonstelling te Haarlem (Cat. nr. 411), werd hem een tweede medaille toegekend (Verslag der jury 61). Van zijn werken kunnen documenteel of authentiek geciteerd worden -
Valse (Collection choisie de danses favorites Rotterd. nr. 20);
J. Schouten, Gedichten en gezangen met twee uitslaande muzijkplaten, gecomponeerd voor den [1060] zang met accompagnement voor de piano door J. H. Paling (Rott. 1819);
Aan de hoop. Woorden van I. Immerzeel Jr.; (Muzenalmanak 1822); Klagt van Agnes, Woorden van I. Immerzeel Jr. (Muzenalmanak 1824);
Van Speyk, Chanson patriotique. Paroles de Mr. Charles Durand (Rott. z.j.).
Als naamlooze vennootschap "Pianohandel (pianostemming) voorheen J.H. Paling" wordt zijn bedrijf nog steeds te Rotterdam voortgezet.

Zie: Gregoir, Biographie des artistes-musiciens néerlandais 141; Het Orgel 1895, 98; Letzer, Muzikaal Nederland 134. (ONLINE)

PALING (Willem H.), geb. te Rotterdam 1 Sept. 1825, overl. te Sidney 27 Aug. 1895, zoon van den voorg., eerelid van de Mij. tot bevordering der toonkunst (1849) was leerling van Bartholomeus Tours en vertrok in 1855 naar Sidney. Daar opende hij een piano-magazijn (later een naamlooze vennootschap), kwam in onderscheidene openbare ambten en stichtte daar in 1888 een hospitaal (Carrington Convalescent-Hospital).

Zie: Het Orgel 1895, 98 (met portret).

Letzer 1913

J. H. Letzer, Muzikall Nederlands 1850-1910: bib-bibliographisch woordenboek . . . (Utrecht: J. L. Beijers, 1913), 134-35

Paling (A. A.), broeder van W. H. Paling, geb. te Rotterdam 14 Sept. 1835, was van 1869-75 organist bij de Engelsch-Presbyteriaansche gemeente aldaar en kwam naden dood zijns vaders aan het hoofd derdoor dezen opgerichte pianofabriek.

Paling (Jan Hendrik), geb. te Woerden, 14 Dec. 1796, + 23 Febr. 1879, te Rotterdam, was leerling van de muziekschoolaldaar en werd na volbrachte studien organist en klokkenist te Schiedam, waar hij zichtevens als muziekonderwijzer vestigde. In 1824 werd hij organist bij de Remonstrantschegemeente te Rotterdam, welke betrekking hij 55 jaar lang vervulde. In 1844 werd hij benoemd tot leeraar voor piano aan de muziek-school en was als zoodanig gedurende 22 jaren werkzaam. Reeds in 1826 was doorhem een pianofabriek opgericht.

Paling (W. H.), zoon van den voor-gaande, geb. 1 Sept. 1825 te Rotterdam, leerling van B. Tours aldaar, was gedurende 3 jaar leeraar aan de muziekschool aldaar. Nadat hij in 1849 tot eerelid van de M. t. b. d. T. was benoemd, werd hij in het volgende jaar door dezelfde Maatschappij vereerd met een certificaat voor de compositie eener Sonate (a kl. t.), waarbij Mendelssohn, Spohr en Verhuist leden der Jury waren, en in 1854 opnieuw voor viool en pianospel.

In 1855 trok hij naar Sidney (Australie), [135] waar hij als concertgever en leeraar veel opgang maakte en een piano-magazijn oprichtte, dat zich verbazend uitbreidde en in bloei toenam. Hij was te Sidney geruimen tijd vrederechter, 15 jaar lang burgemeester van Petersham en algemeen zeer geacht enbemind.

Keane 1954

Eve Keane, Music for a hundred years: the story of the house of Paling (Sydney: Oswald Ziegler, 1954) 

Australian encyclopaedia 1958

"Paling, William Henry", in A. H. Chisholm (ed.), The Australian encyclopaedia . . . second edition (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1958)

McCredie 1974

Andrew D. McCredie, "Paling, William Henry (1825-1895)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974)

Duyker 1987

Edward Duyker, The Dutch in Australia (Melbourne: AE Press, 1987), 52–55

Neidorf 1999

Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 217-20 (DIGITISED)

GMO 2001

Herbert Antcliffe and Jan ten Bokum, "Paling", Grove music online (2001) (PAYWALL)

Largely as New Grove 1 (1980)

Duyker 2010

Edward Duyker, "PALING, William Henry", Dictionary of Sydney, 2010 (ONLINE)

Skinner 2011

Skinner, First national music, 312 (DIGITISED)

Willis 2016

Ian C. Willis, "A breath of fresh air", Camden history notes, 2016 (DOWNLOADABLE PDF)

"J. H. Paling", DBNL (digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren) 

"Paling", Pianofabrikanten in Nederland 

"W. H. Paling", IMSLP 

"Palings Building" [Brisbane, QLD], Wikipedia 

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