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George Sippe
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"George Sippe",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
SIPPE, George (George SIPPE)
Musician, master of the band of the 57th Regiment, Professor of Music, clarinettist, pianist, violoncellist, director (Sydney Amateur Concerts), leader of the theatrical band, licensed victualer
Born Galway, Ireland, c. 1793/95; son of John Andrew SIPPE and Susannah KNIE
Married (1) Mary Ann BANTON (1795-1837), St. George Colgate, Norwich, England, 25 December 1814
Enlisted (57th Regiment) Kinsale, Ireland, 22 November 1823
Arrived (with 57th Regiment) Sydney, NSW, 21 March 1826 (per Sesostris, from Portsmouth, 30 November 1825)
Discharged from regiment, Sydney, NSW, 4 February 1831
Married (2) Frances SMITH, Sydney, NSW, 10 October 1837
Died Sydney, NSW, 10 April 1842, aged "41" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
See also on Band of the 57th Regiment
See also on Sippe's participation in the Sydney Amateur Concerts (1826-27)
Other Sippe family musicians (never came to Australia):
SIPPE, John Andrew (Johann Andreas SIPPE; John Andrew SIPPE; Andrew SIPPE)
Musician, soldier, band master
Born Hannover, Germany, c. 1763
Enlisted (British army), April 1781
Married Susannah KNIE (c. 1771-1829, daughter of Balthazar KNIE), High Kirk, Edinburgh, Scotland, 18 July 1787
Discharged Tralee, Ireland, 25 May 1829, aged "66"
Died Tralee, Ireland, 26 August 1832 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Discharge, Andrew Sippe, 25 May 1829; UK National Archives, WO 1108/179/1 (PAYWALL)
. . . His Majesty's Kerry Militia . . .
THESE are to Certify, that . . . Serjeant Andrew Sippe has served faithfully in the above-named Regiment,
for the space of [46 years and 28 days] and in other Regiments according to the annexed Return . . .
He is discharged in consequence of a Reduction in the Militia Staff and being rendered unfit for further service . . .
SERVICE / Kerry Militia / 14 years 258 days [plus] 4 years 150 days / [total] 19 years 43 days
R. Foot Guards / 3 years 180 days
56th Foot / 5 years 270 days
55th Foot / 2 years
5th Dragoon Guards / 1 year 180 days
Sth. Cork Militia / 10 years 330 days
Clare Militia / 3 years 120 days
Total - 46 years 28 days
DESCRIPTION: Serjeant Andrew Sippe / [trade] Musician /
5 [ft] 6 [in] / [age] 66 / [born] Hannover Germany . . .
Given . . . at Tralee this [25 May 1829]
SIPPE, John Andrew (junior) (John Andrew SIPPE)
Musician, professor of music, organist
Born c. 1799; son of John Andrew SIPPE, brother of George
Died Dublin, Ireland, 16 March 1877
SIPPE, Charles Augustus (Charles Augustus SIPPE)
Musician, band master (2nd Bombay Light Cavalry)
Born Kinsale, Cork, Ireland, c. 1805; son of John Andrew SIPPE, brother of George
Married Elizabeth JOHN, Mhow, India, 8 November 1839
Died London, Ontario, Canada, 1877
Documentation (Scotland, England, Ireland)

[Advertisement], Caledonian Mercury [Edinburgh, Scotland] (17 March 1787), 1 (PAYWALL)
ST. CECILIA'S HALL. On WEDNESDAY, March 21, 1787, will be performed
ACT I . . . Song - Signior Corri . . .
Fisher's Favourite Concerto on the Oboe, Mr. SIPPE . . . Song - Signora Corri . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Domenico Corri and his wife Sophia Bachelli; John George Chistopher Schetky (c.1740-1824); father of George Schetky; see also Robert Chambers, Traditions of Edinburgh . . . vol. 2 (Edinburgh: W. & C. Tait, 1825), 255-58 (DIGITISED)
Register of marriages of the city of Edinburgh, 1787
1787, July 18. John Andrew Sippe, musician in the 56th regiment, High Kirk p., and Susannah, same p., d. of Balthasar Knie, weather-glass maker.

St. George Colgate, Norwich, west gallery, with organ (installed 1802); on the organ, see: (UK National Pipe Organ Register)

Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. George Colgate, in the city of Norwich, in the year 1814; register 1813-37, page 14; Norfolk Record Office (PAYWALL)
No. 40 / George Sippee of this parish bachelor, and Mary Ann Banton of this parish spinster, were married in this church by banns this 25th day of December in the year 1814 . . .
"MARRIED", The Suffolk Chronicle [Norwich, England] (31 December 1814), 4
Sunday last, at St. George's Colgate, Norwich, Mr. G. Sippe, Master of the East Norfolk Band, to Miss M. A. Banton, of the same place.
Mary Ann (BANTON), born Norwich, England, 29 April 1795; died Sydney, NSW, 14 February 1837
ASSOCIATION: St. George, Colgate (Norwich church)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Great Yarmouth in the county of Norfolk in the year 1816; register 1813-16, page 278; Norfolk Record Office (PAYWALL)
No. 2224 / 16 June / George, s. of / George & Mary / Sippe / Yarmouth / Musician . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Sippe, junior, died Dungog, NSW, 18 January 1889
"TRALEE, JAN. 27.", Dublin Evening Post [Ireland] (30 January 1817), 2 (PAYWALL)
This was the day appointed for a meeting of the inhabitants . . . to consider the best means of affording relief to the poor . . . the Rev. Mr. Day was handed two letters, one from Mr. Lacy, offering the gratuitous aid of his Company and the Theatre, for a night's performances, for the benefit of the Poor; the other from Mr. Sippe, master of the Kerry Band, expressive of their wish to attend gratuitously to play during the night of Performance, if Mr. Lacy's offer was accepted. Mr. Lacy and Mr. Sippe are both strangers in this town.
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Sippe (George's father)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Great Yarmouth in the county of Norfolk in the year 1817, page 47
No. 371, 18 April, William Thomas, s. of George and Mary Ann Sippe, Yarmouth, Musician . . .
[Advertisement], Norfolk Chronicle (6 September 1817), 2 (PAYWALL)
. . . under the Direction of Messrs. BECKWITH and PETTET,
On TUESDAY and THURSDAY Evenings, the 14th and 16th of October, will be performed
On WEDNESDAY Morning, the 15th, at ST. PETER's CHURCH, the Sacred Oratorio
THE MESSIAH, Composed by G. F. HANDEL.
On THURSDAY Morning, the 16th, and FRIDAY Evening, the 17th,
GRAND SELECTIONS From the most favourite Compositions of
The remainder of the Band will be numerous and complete . . .
As above:
[Advertisement], Bury and Norwich Post (10 September 1817), 3
[Advertisement], Bury and Norwich Post (27 September 1817), 2
[Advertisement], Bury and Norwich Post (8 October 1817), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: John Charles Beckwith (1788-1819), organist of Norwich Cathedral, in succession to his father, John Christmas Beckwith (d. 1809); Alfred Pettett (d. 1837)
Born, England, c. 1819
Susan Jane Frances Sippe
As Susan Hooke (Mrs. John Hooke), died Dungog, NSW, 1882
[Advertisement], Norfolk Chronicle (11 March 1820), 2 (PAYWALL)
the Third Concert will take place at the Assembly Rooms, on
WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 15th, 1820 . . .
GLEE - THYRSIS - Dr. Callcott.
SONG, Mr. FISHER - "And has she then fail'd - Bishop.
CONCERTO - Geminiani.
DUET - Mrs. CARD and Mr. C. FISHER - "Together let us" - Dr. Boyce.
SONG - Mr. FRENCH - "The Tempest" - Horsley.
OVERTURE - "Le Jeune Henrie" - Mehul. (Never Performed in Norwich.)
Cherubini's Celebrated OVERTURE to ANACREON
GLEE - "Queen of the Valley" - Dr. Callcott.
SONG - Mrs. CARD - "Come hope, thou Queen" - Dr. Arne.
Divertimento Clarionett Obligato - Mr. Sippe.
SONG - Mr. FISHER - "The Soldier's Dream" - Attwood.
GLEE & CHORUS - (Finale) - "When through life" From Irish Melodies - E. Woodward . . .
[Advertisement], Suffolk Chronicle (5 August 1820), 2 (PAYWALL)
YARMOUTH grand Musical Festival, 1820,
WILL commence on Tuesday Evening, August the 15th, with a Grand Miscellaneous Concert, at the Town Hall. -
On Wednesday Morning, the 16th, there will be a Grand Selection of Sacred Music, at St. Nicholas' Church;
the First and Second Parts taken from the Sacred Oratorio of the Messiah, G. F. Handel;
the Third Part, Miscellaneous, selected from the Oratorios of Judas Maccabaeus,
Joshua, Saul, Deborah, and Solomon (Handel)
with some celebrated Compositions of Calcott and Guglielmi. -
In the Evening, the Second Grand Miscellaneous Concert will take place, at the Town Hall. -
And, on Thursday Evening, the Festival will conclude with a Grand Selection of Sacred Music, at the Church;
consisting of the entire First Part, of the Creation; a Selection from Mozart's Requiem,
Beethoven's Mount of Olives, and Handel's Judas Maccabaeus for the Second;
and for the Third Part, the Grand Scene from Israel in Egypt (Handel) with some highly esteemed Compositions of Graun and Pergolesi . . .
Violoncello, Mr. LINDLEY; Double Bass, Mr. GILKES; Flute, Mr. CARD; Clarionet, Mr. SIPPE;
And Trumpet, Mr. VINCENT; Harp and Grand Piano Forte, Miss EAGER. Mr. BUCK will preside at the Organ . . .
[Advertisement], Bury and Norwich Post (9 August 1820), 3
"YARMOUTH, Aug. 17. MUSICAL FESTIVAL", Norfolk Chronicle (19 August 1820), 3 (PAYWALL)
. . . The Instrumental Band, although it had not the advantage of being aided by many London professors, was fully equal to its arduous duties, and was very ably conducted by Mr. Eager. The gentleman's Obligato accompaniment in Guglielmi's beautiful song "Ah compir," received loud applause. Mr. Sippe also, in "Gratias agimus tibi," deserves great praise. We have now to speak of Mr. Lindley's exquisite Concertos on the Violoncello . . . The arrangement of the different selections was most judicious; due attention was given to the difference of tastes in musical hearers, and an agreeable intermixture of grave and gay was perceivable throughout. One fault they had, they were too long. This is impolite in a single performance; in a series of Concerts it is still more so . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Eager (b. 1782)
MUSIC: Gratias agimus tibi (Guglielmi)
[Advertisement], Norfolk Chronicle (7 April 1821), 2 (PAYWALL)
MR. CARD RESPECTFULLY informs the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general, that his
On FRIDAY, April 15th, 1821 . . .
Leader of the Band - Mr. FISH. Principal Second Violin, Mr. PERRY.
Flute, Mr. CARD. Clarinet, Mr. SIPPE.
Violoncello, Mr. TRORY. Double BASS. Mr. WOODWARD.
GRAND SINFONIA - MS - No. 12 - Perry.
GLEE, Four Voices - "When wearied Wretches." Bishop.
SONG - Mr. WILLIAMS - "Gentle Lyre" Horsley.
DUET - Miss GASKILL and Mrs. CARD - "Sull' aria" Mozart.
AIR with Variations - Violoncello Obligato - Mr. TRORY - Muntsberger.
CAVATINA - Mrs. CARD - "Di piacer mi balza il cor." Rossini.
The celebrated Sestett, from the Pirates - "Hear Oh Hear." Storace.
GLEE, Five Voices - "Blest pair of Syrens." Stafford Smith.
SONG, Mr. FRENCH - "Fast into the Waves." Bishop.
CONCERTO FLUTE, MS. - Mr. CARD, In which will be introduced the favorite Scotch Air of "Ye Banks and Braes of bonny Down" - Card.
DUET, Mrs. CARD and Mr. WILLIAMS - "This fond Sorrow." Storace.
SONG, Miss GASKILL - "Lo here the gentle lark." - Bishop.
GRAND FINALE to the first Act, of Don Giovanni . . .

[Advertisement], Norfolk Chronicle (11 August 1821), 3 (PAYWALL)
MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT OF Vocal & Instrumental Music . . .
LEADER OF THE BAND, Mr. T. P. WATKINS, From His Majesty's Concerts of Antient Music and Covent Garden Theatre;
Assisted by Persons of known reputation . . .
Mr. SIPPE will also play A CONCERTO ON THE CLARINETT . . .
Burials in the parish of Great Yarmouth in the county of Norfolk in the year 1822, page 118
No. 944, Matilda Sippe, Yarmouth, February 10, Inf. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Matilda, d. of George and Mary Ann Sippe, had been baptised on 5 February
[Advertisement], Norfolk Chronicle (31 August 1822), 2 (PAYWALL)
NORWICH Grand Musical Festival
A SELECTION OF SACRED MUSIC From the Works of the most eminent Masters
And on Thursday Morning, Handel's celebrated Serenata, "ACIS & GALATEA"
. . . Leader of the Band, Mr. Henry Smart.
Principal Second Violins, Mr. WAGSTAFFE & Mr. C. FISHER.
Violas, Messrs. F. WARE & WATKINS. Violoncello, Mr. PIELE. Double Bass, Mr. NUNN.
Flute, Mr. CARD. Clarionet, Mr. SIPPE. Bassoon. Mr. DENMAN.
ORGAN - Mr. BUCK, Grand Piano-Forte - Mr. E. PETTET . . .
[Advertisement], Norfolk Chronicle (7 September 1822), 2
As above

[Advertisement], Norfolk Chronicle (12 October 1822), 3 (PAYWALL)
NORWICH Grand Musical Festival
ON THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. 17, a Grand Miscellaneous Concert, AT THE THEATRE . . .

"YARMOUTH, Oct. 24", Norfolk Chronicle (26 October 1822), 3 (PAYWALL)
. . . Mrs. Salmon was rapturously encored in "Cease your Funning," - "Bid me discourse," - "My Lodging," & "Gratias agimus tibi," the accompaniment to the latter song for the clarionet were sweetly played by Mr. Sippe . . .
"YARMOUTH, Oct. 28", Bury and Norwich Post (30 October 1822), 3
As above
On Eliza Salmon (1787-1849), singing Guglielmi's Gratias agimus in London, 8 March 1820; see:
Concerts of Antient Music, under the patronage of his majesty, performed at the New Rooms, Hanover Square, 1820 (London: Printed for G. Wilding, [1820]),
[Advertisement], Norfolk Chronicle (26 July 1823), 3 (PAYWALL)
Clarinetto, Mr. SIPPE. FLUTE - Mr. WM. FISHER.
The whole Concert Band, consisting of twenty-four persons, is selected from the vicinage of Norwich, of corresponding taste and talent . . .
The Military Band will perform in the Front of the Orchestra.
Wednesday Morning CONCERT will consist of the following: -
OVERTURE - "Tancredi" - Rossini.
SONG - Mr. PYNE - "And has he then fail'd in his truth" - Bishop.
SONG - Miss HOLDOWAY - "Highland Laddie."
CONCERTO - M. P. King.
SONG - Mr. PYNE - "Sigh not for love."
DUET - Mr. PYNE and Miss HOLDOWAY - "I love thee" - Bishop.
OVERTURE - "Cendrillon" - Rossini.
SONG - Miss HOLDOWAY - "Bid me discourse" - Bishop.
OVERTURE - "Clemenza di Tito" - Mozart.
SONG - Mr. PYNE, "Nelson" - Braham.
SONG - Miss HOLDOWAY - "We're a'noddin" - Hawes.
FINALE . . .

Description list, 57th Regiment of Foot, 1823; UK National Archives, WO 25/424 (PAYWALL)
George Sippe / 5 [ft] 2 [in] / [age at enlistment] 28 / [complexion] Fresh / [eyes] Grey / [hair] Brown / [viage] Round /
[born] Galway / [parish] Galway / Musician / [enlisted] Kinsale / 22 Nov'r 1823 / [for] Seven Years / [enlisted by] Head Quarters . . . / to Serjeant 4 May 1824 /
Attested by authority of the Comm'r of the Forces for the purpose of being employed as the Master of the Band, Without Bounty
Documentation (Australia)
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1826:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Band of the 57th Regiment for 1826:
21 March 1826, arrived Sydney, NSW, with Band of the 57th Regiment
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 March 1826), 2
Yesterday morning arrived from England, with 147 male prisoners on board, having lost three on the voyage, the ship Sesostris, Captain Drake. She sailed from Portsmouth the 30th of November, and comes direct. The Surgeon Superintendent, Dr. Dalhunty, R. N. The guard comprises a detachment of the 57th Regt, under orders of Major Campbell and Ensign Benton. The Band of the 57th joins its Corps by this opportunity . . .
June 1826 to January 1827, Sydney Amateur Concerts
For full documentation of Sippe's participation in this concert series, see:

20 August 1826, funeral sermon and anthem, Vital spark of heavenly flame, for the late bishop Reginald Heber, at St. James's Church
[News], The Australian (23 August 1826), 3
At noon service in St. James's Church on Sunday, the Archdeacon preached a sermon on the occasion of the death of Dr. Heber, the late Bishop of Calcutta. The venerable gentleman chose his text from the 55th verse, xv. chap. St. Pauls' I. to the Corinthians. - "Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh grave, where is thy victory?" The Governor, several naval, military, and civil officers attended; and, by his Excellency's order, detachments from the 3rd and 57th regiments, with side arms. The bands of both regiments paraded to and from church. Several of the performers assisted in the choir - they performed an appropriate anthem, "Vital spark of heavenly flame," with some effect.
The prisoners who usually, attend divine service at St. James's Church, were conducted to St. Philip's, on account of the auditory who were present at the former.
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Monitor (25 August 1826), 2
A funeral sermon was preached at St. James's church by the Archdeacon of the colony, on the death of the Bishop of Calcutta. The troops in garrison, commanded by his Honour the Lieutenant Governor in person, occupied the gallery usually apportioned to the prisoners, who on this occasion were absent. The body of the church presented an assemblage of the chief persons of rank in Sydney and its vicinity. His Excellency the Governor and suite, arrived at the church in his travelling carriage from Parramatta, at a quarter before eleven. The service commencing with some passages from the burial service, was read by the Rev. Mr. Hill; and an impressive discourse from 1 Cor. 15 chap. 55 verse, "O death where is thy sting?" was delivered by the Venerable the Archdeacon, in which he eulogised the deceased Prelate, and expaciated forcibly on the uncertainty of life. Pope's appropriate anthem of "The dying Christian to his soul," was sung at the close of the sermon. The altar and pulpit were hung with black.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Hill (officiating clergyman); Thomas Hobbes Scott (archdeacon of NSW); Reginald Heber (d. India, 3 April 1826)
MUSIC: Vital spark of heavenly flame ("The dying Christian to his soul"; "The dying Christian"; "Pope's ode"), music by Edward Harwood (c.1707-1787); words by Alexander Pope (1712).
[As above] A selection of psalm and hymn tunes . . . the whole forming a publication of above two hundred hymn tunes, besides other pieces by John Rippon. A. M. ([London]: Sold by Mr. Rippon, [1790]), no. 182 (DIGITISED)
See also the original edition:
A set of hymns and psalm tunes in three and four parts adapted to the use of churches and chapels, composed by Ed. Harwood (London: For the author . . . by Joh. Johnson, ), 36-40 (DIGITISED)
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1827:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Band of the 57th Regiment for 1827:
17 March 1827, public dinner
"ANNIVERSARY OF SAINT PATRICK", The Australian (20 March 1827), 3
. . . The Champagne having gone its rounds, and done its duty with universal satisfaction,
on the cloth being removed, Mr. Wentworth, in becoming form, with a bumper, "are you all charged gentlemen,"
and four times four proposed THE KING. "The King" - tune, God save the King;
the Duke of York and the rest of the Royal Family (Duke of York's march);
the Army and the Navy (Rule Britannia).
Mr. W. again rose, and displaying a full glass of Irish whiskey, requested all present to charge their glasses with the precious liquor, in a similar manner . . . to the memory of that great patron of Ireland, Saint Patrick. Loud, unanimous and enthusiastic cheering followed this, toast - the 57th's band, which remained in waiting, struck up the saint's' favourite air - Patrick's day in the morning. Encore, encore, was again and again repeated, with bursts of cordial applause, which would scarce have failed to gratify the Saint, could he but have been present, and continued until it was intimated that the Rev. Mr. Power requested a hearing. The Rev. Gentleman regretted much and sincerely, that he was not one among the favored few, who could thunder with the eloquence of a Cicero, convince with the strong energetic arguments of a Demosthenes, or copy the smooth and copious language of a Livy; but he was one who possessed the warm, frank, and kindly feelings of an Irishman; who prized those virtues and the individual in whom they centred, such a one was he whose health the Rev. Gentleman was about to propose being drank - it was that of the prince of sorry - he to whom should the laurel and the lyre be given - with all the trophies of triumphal song - "Thomas Moore - the bard of the Isles." We need not repeat how enthusiastically this toast was received and drank. An Irish melody, performed in fine style by the 57th's band, under the direction of Mr. Sippe, added powerfully to the effect . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: D'Arcy Wentworth (chairman of the public dinner); Daniel Power (Roman catholic chaplain)
9 November 1827, Australian Turf Club dinner
"TURF CLUB DINNER", The Monitor (12 November 1827), 6
AT an early hour on Friday evening, Mr. Cummins's Hotel became the arena
for discussing a most important subject in the eyes of every Englishman, viz. a good dinner.
A numerous assemblage of naval, military, civil, and law officers, with many private gentlemen, bore a spirited part in the said discussion.
W. C. Wentworth Esq. was unanimously requested to accept the chair; and a more competent chairman could not have been selected.
Among the guests were Colonel Shadford [sic], who, with the politeness for which he has already distinguished himself,
brought the fine band of his regiment to promote the hilarity of the evening.
The cloth being removed, and some bottles of Champagne having gone the way of all the earth,
the following toasts were given with three times three throughout:
The King - Air - "God save the King."
The Lord High Admiral - "Rule Britannia."
The Army - "George the Fourth's grand March" . . .
. . . Mr. W. concluded by proposing "The health of Sir Thomas Brisbane!"
It was drunk with the most unbounded enthusiasm, the shouts of applause lasting for several minutes.
Air "Auld lang syne," which was played exquisitely, as if the band had been animated by the eloquent delivery of Mr. W's sentiments.
The Governor and the Colony - Tune - "Over the Hills and far away."
The Ladies of the Colony - "Queen Caroline's Waltz."
The Turf with all its consequences - "Gallop."
The Jockey Club of England with all the fun and frolic attendant on it - "Sydney Lasses."
Success to the Sydney Races "Black Joke."
Col. Shadford and the 57th Regiment: - "Rond de Leon," or "57th quick step."
After an excellent song, Dr. Douglass proposed "The health of the Chairman,
as a principal promoter of the objects of this Society by his excellent breed of Horses" . . .
Air - "Australian Troop" by Mr. Sippy, band master of the 57th . . .
A few excellent songs were sung, and the party broke up at an early hour, having spent the evening in the utmost harmony and conviviality.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Charles Wentworth (chairman of the dinner); Thomas Shadforth (colonel, 57th Regiment);
November 1827, sectarian dispute between Edward Smith Hall and Robert Howe over the band of the 57th and the church parade
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Monitor (15 November 1827), 8
We have been given to understand that the fine choir of the Roman Catholic Chapel has for the last few Sundays ceased their labours in aid of Catholic devotion for want of accommodation. The Government have promised to fit up the old Court-house for the purposes of Catholic worship, but the work goes on slowly. Col. Shadforth of the 57th, kindly and discreetly gave permission to such members of the 57th Band as were Catholics, to attend with their instruments during the whole time of the service, but some Officers of the Corps having complained of the want of these musicians to "play the Regiment home," they are now compelled to arise from the midst of their devotions to comply with of this (we consider) very dispensable duty. The tunes which our Protestant bands play both on coming to Church and returning from it, exhibit as much bad taste as they do of all reverence for the worship of God. Of the multitude of sweet, pathetic, and solemn airs by the first Composers, why play tunes of merriment more resembling country dances? In our opinion, if the Troops marched to Church as we once saw the Scotch Greys and other Troops in a Garrison-town in England without any trumpeting and tweedle-dum at all, it would have a much better effect, whether public decency be considered, or good taste.
[Editorial], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 November 1827), 2
The Monitor would fain dictate to Colonel Shadforth, of the 57th, as to the dismemberment of his very fine Band, purely because, we suppose, he, Mr. Roman Catholic Hall, might be favored with more congenial music when offering up his lately conceived orisons to that Deity, whom he, in days that are gone, addressed in a purely Calvinistic strain. The poor man "once saw the Scotch Greys in a garrison town in England marched to Church without any trumpeting and tweedle-dum at all." The truth of the matter is, Colonel Shadforth allowed his excellent Band to be dismembered, for the accommodation of the Roman Chapel, until that of the 39th arrived, when the latter was marched to Church in its full number; whilst the 57th had the mortification of being eclipsed by the 39th Band, as well in numbers, as in point of execution, owing to the diminution occasioned by that portion which was distributed at the Roman Chapel. Now, we cannot see why that Chapel should be any more favored than the Scots or Wesleyan Places of Public Worship, and we happen to know they are as much in want of instrumental music as the Monitorial convert to Romanism. If the Bands of the Regiments are to be divided, per force, or by right, in the name of justice, let them be scattered into as many parts as there are places of worship, and then we shall all be satisfied. What say ye to this, good Padre? In the mean time we can only say that the Band-master, Mr. SIPPE, never allows any tune to be played, either to or fro, on the way to Church, that may not be considered perfectly innoxious to the "good taste" of Mr. Hall, and altogether inoffensive to any other Monitorial Franciscan.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 39th Regiment
[Editorial], The Monitor (26 November 1827), 8
"BROTHER HOWE," in commenting upon our observations relative to the fine Band of the 57th, has mistaken their gist. We did not intend to dictate to Col. Shadforth, whose liberality in every thing that regards the regiment under his command and the inhabitants of the Colony, is such, as to render any suggestions from us needless; particularly in a case where liberty of conscience is concerned. We only expressed our regret, that it should be deemed of such consequence to play home the Military from Church, as to compel a portion of them to quit their devotions for the purpose. "Brother Howe's" attempt to rank Mr. Sippe on his side, by hinting that our views toward him were ill natured, when decrying the universal practice of playing jigs and lively airs going to and coming from divine worship, is futile, since they applied generally, the practice being general. Decorum would certainly not he violated by a silent procession to and from the House of God upon the Sabbath; - as the sudden transition from sacred to profane music, is likely to divert the serious thoughts which the former never fails to excite, in the hearts even of the most obdurate. We agree with Mr. Howe, that the dissenting protestant soldiers as well as the Roman Catholic, should be allowed to attend that place where the doctrines of his religion are explained.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Smith Hall (editor, The Monitor); Robert Howe (editor, The Sydney Gazette)
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1828:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Band of the 57th Regiment for 1828:
March 1828, Dettmer pianos by the Albion
[Advertisement], The Australian (7 March 1828), 2
NOTICE. LANDED FROM THE SHIP ALBION. Six Cases, (supposed to be Piano Fortes) marked C. S. [sic] shipped at London, by William Dettmer, and deliverable to order, and one trunk, directed John Smith. Any person who can produce a sufficient claim for the same, may apply to A. B. SPARK, George-street.
[Advertisement], The Australian (14 March 1828), 2
FOUR FINE TONED PIANOFORTES. FOR SALE AT MR. GEORGE SIPPE'S, No. 21, Castlereagh-street. Four fine toned PIANOFORTES, five and a half and six octaves, by Deltmer [sic] and Son, London.

George Sippe, 24 March 1828; NSW Registrar General, Deeds Registration Branch Registers of Memorials 1822-1829; State Records Authority of NSW
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 May 1828), 3
NOW on SALE, at Mr George SIPPE's, No. 21, Castlereagh St, Two five-toned PIANOFORTES, by Dettmer, late foreman to Broadwood and Co. As they are to close a Consignment, they will be sold very cheap.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Dettmer (piano maker)
"THE RACES. SECOND DAY", The Australian (8 October 1828), 3
The course on Friday [3 October] was in better condition than on the Thursday preceding, and it was more thronged with visitors from Sydney; the streets of which, about noon, were almost altogether deserted of passengers. . .
. . . The next [race] was for the Maiden Plate - value fifty pounds - heats - once round;
which was run for, and won in the order following; viz.
Mr. Iceley's b.g. Lawyer - - 1 1
Mr. Lawson's b.f. Princess - - 2 2
Mr. Sippe's c.f. Meg Merrilies - - 3 3 . . .
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1829:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Band of the 57th Regiment for 1829:
"MR. BRUNTON'S BALL", The Sydney Monitor (2 February 1829), 1
MR. BRUNTON'S SUBSCRIPTION BALL, for the exhibition of the talents of his pupils, was numerously attended on Thursday evening. The Chairman of the Quarter Sessions and his lady, kindly undertook to act us umpires in the awarding of the medals of merit. Miss Lowe, Miss Sippe, (two young ladies of only seven years of age), Miss Biggs, and Master Sippe, were the pupils selected for the bestowment of this mark of flattering approbation. When the proper business (if we may so call it) of the evening was over, the company joined in the quadrilles and country dances, and all parties retired highly gratified with the innocent and rational pleasures of the evening. The pupils danced an Allemande, Quadrilles, Waltzes, and country dances, as well as pas seuls. The music was excellent, (a portion of the band of the 39th regt., most kindly lent by Colonel Lindsay) and the room was lit up in brilliant style . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Brunton (dancing master, d.1830); George Sippe junior, and Susan Sippe
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 June 1829), 2
We are sorry to announce an unfortunate accident which befel Mr. and Mrs. Sippe with their child, on Saturday evening last. It appears they were returning, in a chaise, from Parramatta, and the vehicle was upset by coming in contact with a heap of stones in King street, which the darkness of the night prevented Mr. Sippe from guarding against. A great want of precaution is manifested by most of our builders in allowing a number of stones to remain in the street, without placing something to give notice of the same. In London it is customary to place a lantern before any rubbish or stones that may be dangerous, and we would advise our Sydney builders to adopt the same precaution.
"MUSICAL CONCERT" and "MUSIC", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 June 1829), 2
MUSICAL CONCERT. That enterprising Colonist, Mr. BARNETT LEVEY, has just obtained from the Government a License to open, at his magnificent hotel, a concert of vocal and instrumental music. He intends to commence business forthwith. The spacious hall intended for his theatre will be elegantly fitted up for the purpose, with orchestra, boxes, and every convenience required. Colonel ALLAN has obligingly given permission for the band of the 57th to assist Mr. LEVEY'S first operations; and it is the determination of the proprietor to conduct his concern on the most respectable footing . . .
MUSIC. This elegant accomplishment is greatly on the increase with our Australian fair, being now considered, as it ought to be, an indispensable branch of a good education. The number of piano-fortes imported and sold within the last two or three years, is a gratifying proof of the growing estimation in which it is held. It having long been a very general complaint that music books are so seldom to be purchased, we are pleased to observe that Mr. SIPPEY, the skilful teacher of sweet sounds, is now offering a quantity for sale.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 July 1829), 2
Mr. SIPPE, the teacher of music, had the misfortune the other day to fall from his horse, and was considerably bruised in the face.
20 August 1829, concert, Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney
"MR. LEVEY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (22 August 1829), 3
MR. LEVEY'S Theatre was well filled on Thursday night. The sound of the Theatre is better than that of the School room in Castlereagh-street, where the former Concerts were held. The Theatre was very neatly decorated and sufficiently lighted with wax candles. The Grand Overture in Lodoiska was not so well executed as could be wished; but the deficiency of stringed instruments being irremediable in this Colony, it is in vain to regret the loss of them. The first song, by Miss Cooney, "O, No! We never mention him!" displayed the clear and powerful voice of this young lady, and was loudly called for a second time, but the rules of the Concert forbade her complying with the wish of the audience so early in the evening. "O, Lady Fair!" a Glee, next followed, and was very well executed. The counter tenor voice of Mr. Layton pleased those well who listened to his notes. This Glee was also loudly encored. The Flute quartette was very sweet - Master Josephson took part in this, and evinced much improvement. The Overture of "The Lord of the Manor," was executed better than Lodoiska. Miss Cooney than sang "Ye Banks and Braes, &c." and gave universal satisfaction. We heard a thorough judge of vocal talent say, that this young lady only required lessons from the first masters, to become a first-rate singer, fit for the London stage. The "Canadian Boat Song," then followed, and pleased every body as usual, being correctly sung. Master Josephson accompanied Mr. Sippe on the piano in performing a Fantasia, with considerable taste and skill. Mr. Levey sang a comic song in lieu of "The Boatswain's Shrill Whistle," and he concluded the night's entertainment, by singing "The King! - God Bless Him!!"
The audience were in excellent spirits, and seemed delighted with Mr. Levey's exertions to please them. Mr. Sippe conducted the Band with his usual talent, and made the most of it. It has been suggested; that no refreshments should be allowed to pass out of the Saloon, save oranges. Jellies, & porter were profusely taken by the company in the boxes. Segars also were attempted to be smoked too near the boxes. Mr. Levey will find it necessary to appoint a sort of master of ceremonies in this respect. A respectable box keeper, however, would put these things to rights.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Layton (vocalist); Miss Cooney (vocalist); Joshua Frey Josephson (flute)
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (26 August 1829), 2
Thursday evening's musical divertisement drew together a tolerably crowded house.
The front central door of the Royal Hotel gaped on its hinges at seven, displaying the entrance to Mr. Levey's saloon,
which was lighted up, in some respects, brilliantly.
On a table, which ran the length of the saloon, were spread various confections,
interspersed with solids and liquids, and
"All that mote delight a dainty palate."
One end displayed a portrait of that once venerable father of the Colony - good old Macquarie.
This saloon is lofty, wide, spacious, and by no means ill-proportioned.
Few rooms, so far as rooms go, could be better adapted for "la belle assemblèe."
Here might be led down the merry dance.
But whilst a gloomy spirit of mistrust does stalk abroad, scattering far and wide the seeds of corruption,
and helping to loosen every bond that knits human kind, people can never hope to live prosperously,
much less feel that confidence, and enjoy that degree of innocent hilarity so essential to the enjoyment of social intercourse.
It is vain to talk of public assemblies, or public diversions, though never so harmless, recreative, and rational,
whilst a vile system of espionage takes the place of that mutual confidence, candour,
and universal principle which are the heart-strings of rational society.
What shall we say for the despicable policy which has brought things to such a wretched pass? But let us drop a curtain upon the pitiable scene. Of the saloon already mentioned, the farther end opens upon the entrance to the pit of the theatre, which gradually became occupied with respectably dressed persons. The lower tier of front and side boxes appeared to be more filled than the pit, and the upper boxes had their share. On the whole, as the evening advanced, there was what might be called a full house. Considering the limited dimensions of this little abode of Thespis for a Concert Room, it answered every reasonable expectation; and were our saintship to be shocked with theatricals, it would answer all needful purposes at present, quite as well as most of the provincials in Britain. The proscenium displayed a green curtain, surmounted by various devices, and flanked on the side doors with painted figures, which the artist intended should represent Thalia and Melpomene. A box set apart for the Judges, represented Justice blinded, another for the Chief, some device else, - but on a third box, which stood there designed for the reception of a subordinate functionary, family, suite, and so forth - there was not painted, as some folks have had the audacity to avow, a churn. The house was pretty well lighted. It did not want many minutes to eight o'clock, when up rose the curtain, displaying the whole host of vocal and instrumental talent. A grand overture to Lodoiska opened the billet. Next followed the song, "Oh no, we never mention him." Glee - "Oh Lady Fair, where art thou going." A Quartetto of flutes and horns, and another overture, which closed the First Part. After a tolerable interval, during which jellies, custards, & oranges, and with solids and liquids of a more substantial sort were discussed, with the merits of the performance, again appeared to the drop scene, a flight of steps leading to a lofty temple in the distance, gave place to the second part, beginning with an Overture to the Lady of the manor [sic], Song, "Ye banks and braes of Bonny Doon." Glee, "Faintly as tells the evening chime," song, comical, "The Beautiful Boy," and the whole wound up with a finale "The King, God bless him," one of the finest chorus songs extant. Mr. Sippe, band master of the 57th, led, and conducted in his usual good style. The female vocalist, who thrilled her notes with most natural sweetness, was Miss Cooney. Her voice, which does not want depth and compass, might be made a great deal of by proper management and instruction. Young Mr. Josephson's admirable execution on the concert and the octave flute, was in a great measure drowned amid the drawing of corks, tingling of glasses, nut cracking and chattering in pit and boxes. The saloon is the fit place for these passtimes. Porter swilling in a theatre may rank with smoking of cigars in a drawing or ball room. "Pray you avoid it." We hope this well intended hint will be taken in good part. Among others Mr. Levey himself added much to the hilarity of the evening by his droll personification of the "beautiful boy," - not less than the finale. A little after ten the company parted - a majority like the faithful shears - to meet again. A good many, we have no doubt, staid away, expecting the first night there would be an over-flowing house, but who will with pleasure visit the next concert this time two or three weeks. But for the sake of comfort, and for good company's sake, let all confections and liquids from brown stout to l'eau de vie be discussed in the saloon and not the theatre.
We are glad to hear a sufficient posse of the constabulary kept good order without doors, as the voice and instruments kept harmonious chime within.
But when will the Saints confess there may be morality in dramatic exhibitions?
16 September 1829, concert, Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (18 September 1829), 2
Last Wednesday evening's Concert went off, as we anticipated, in a highly creditable manner.
The house was very respectably filled, and the whole performance was conducted with a degree of spirit and decorum, which has proved highly creditable.
In the lower tier of boxes there appeared the Chief Justice, and Mr. Justice Dowling with his family;
the Attorney General, Messrs. Sydney and Francis Stephen, with their ladies;
Mr. Keith and lady; Mr. and the Misses Garling; Messrs. Moore; Colonel Dumaresq;
a few civil and a few military officers, &c. &c. &c.
There was a tolerably well fitted pit, and the upper tier of boxes also contained a goodly number.
On the whole, however, there was rather a paucity of females, which took somewhat from the fascination the scene might otherwise have had,
though it tended not at all to dim the monopoly of charms which the house in various parts displayed.
On a former occasion we ventured to dissert upon the proscenium, and a few of the subordinate decorations -
we shall not therefore tread over the same ground again,
observing by the way that the special box described in our last as being deficient of a churn,
continued for some time fall of emptiness, the "illustrious" functionary for whose use it has been set apart,
being probably too. deeply engaged about the threatened ensuing races, to sanctify the
box by his presence; but to proceed -
"It was (not) as the watchmen say, a cloudy night,
Past six - perhaps still nearer seven."
But it was one of those mild translucent evenings which unhappily occur for three quarters of the year here to spoil our summer harvests. The house gradually filled, as we have stated, and many rather anxiously waited the rising of the curtain. At length about eight, the performance commenced with one of Mozart's Overtures from the wind and stringed instruments. This was followed by a glee "The Bells of Saint Michael's Tower," which was well supported by Messrs. Aldis and Clarke, who took the counter tenor part, whilst Mr. Edwards chimed in with his naturally full, rich, and sonorous base. Mr. Josephson, Junior, ran over a brilliant little divertisement on the flute. Mr. J.'s taste arid execution reflect much credit upon himself, and his style and management of the instrument upon his instructor, who was Mr. Sippi, Master of the 57th Band. "Sigh, not for Love," by a female, whose name we have not ascertained, - a Duet by two violins, one taken by Mr. Spyer, the other by Mr. Edwards, - A second Glee and an Overture of Bishop's, concluded the First Part. The interval was filled up by Mr. Levy, who sung with inimitable drollery "Birch the Pastry Cook." The second Part was also diversified by another comic song, "The Mail Coach," and about Eleven the finale, a Glee, "Lightly tread this hallowed ground," between three voices, Messrs. Clark, Edwards, and Aldis, concluded the evening's entertainment.
"Wednesday's Concert", The Sydney Monitor (19 September 1829), 3
This Concert was conducted by Mr. Edwards, and he had the good fortune to meet a house, which if not crowded, was pleasantly full, and consisting of persons at the first rank in the Colony . . . Mozart's Overture of La Clemenza commenced the evening's entertainment, and was well played. The charm of this Overture consists in a number of beautiful solos being introduced in it, which being well executed, had a delightful effect. There was a great accession this evening of stringed instruments, without which concert music is of little worth . . . The first Act finished with the Overture of "Guy Mannering." The overture was also greatly applauded. The Band master had to play a Scotch air in the Overture which he performed inimitably on the Clarionet. Each instrument performs a solo in this Overture. which has a most pleasing effect, and all these solos were really well executed . . . The second part commenced with Mozart's Overture of "La Villanella Rapita." - This is a spirited lively piece and went off capitally . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Edwards (violin); Lawrence Spyer (violin); Mr. Clarke (vocalist); William Henry Aldis (vocalist)
"TO THE EDITOR", The Sydney Monitor (19 September 1829), 3
SIR, The Australian, in noticing Master Josephson's playing on Wednesday evening, ascribes it to the instructions of Mr. Sippe.
Mr. S. was undoubtedly the teacher of Mr. J. until Mr. Edwards's late return from the Country,
and without wishing to detract from Mr. S's merits as a teacher, it comes to my knowledge,
that the new style of playing adopted by Master J. at the last Concert,
whether an improvement or not, was entirely owing to the rehearsals and special instructions
which Mr. Edwards conducted previously to the Concert, yours &c.
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1830:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Band of the 57th Regiment for 1830:
"[FROM A CORRESPONDENT] Riddle me, riddle me right", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 March 1830), 2
ANSWER TO A QUERY IN A CONTEMPORARY OF YESTERDAY - "Why does the wife of the master of a certain band resemble a river in America?" Because she's Mrs. SIPPE, (Mississipi.)
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1831:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Band of the 57th Regiment for 1831:
"Mr. SIPPE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 February 1831), 2
This grand musical entertainment is to be given this evening. Some of the finest compositions have been selected, and from the highly respectable patronage under which the Concert has been got up, and the well-known talents of Mr. Sippe and Mr. Edwards, we doubt not it will be attended by a large and fashionable audience.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 February 1831), 1
Under the Patronage of Colonel Allan & the Officers of the 57th Regiment.
MR. SIPPE begs to inform his Friends and the Public, that he intends giving
A Concert at the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street, on the Evening of THURSDAY the 24th Instant.
To he had of Mr. SIPPE, Castlereagh-street; Mr. WILLIAMSON, Auctioneer, George-street;
and Mr. HALL, Flour-factor, near the Lumber Yard, George-street.
Bills of particulars to be obtained with the Tickets.
ASSOCIATIONS: This concert in part a regimental benefit for Sippe, as retiring bandmaster, prior to the regiment departing for India, Colonel James Allan had replaced Thomas Shadforth, who was also staying on in NSW, as commander; Joseph Williamson (auctioneer)
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 February 1831), 2
Upwards of 200 respectable persons attended Mr. Sippe's concert, on the evening of Thursday last. The music, vocal and instrumental, was very creditably performed, and the singers were honoured with several encores. A trio, for two violins, and a violincello, was much admired, particularly on account of the masterly playing of Mr. Edwards, whose science and taste, on the violin, were never more successfully displayed. Mr. Clarke, an old and very deserving favourite at the Sydney Amateur Concerts, sung "It is the Hour" a Serenade, the music by Reeve, with much sweetness and feeling, and was rapturously encored.
The other performances of the evening consisted principally of favourite overtures and glees. Considering the difficulty, of getting up a concert here, Mr. Sippe may congratulate himself on the success of his exertions on the present occasion. The room was very well fitted up and lighted; and at the back of the orchestre, the letters W. IV. formed of lamps, had a very pleasing effect. The concert was over a little after 11 o'clock.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 March 1831), 2
The first division of the 57th regiment, including head-quarters and the band, embarked on board the Resource, at an early hour on Tuesday morning [1 March]
For Madras, India
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 March 1831), 1
A Card.
MR. SIPPE begs to return his sincere thanks to the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Colony,
and the Public at large, for the patronage he has received from them, in his profession, as a Master of Music.
Mr. S. begs respectfully to state, that he has now permanently established himself in the Colony,
and solicits that support in his profession which he has hitherto received.
Instructions given on the Piano-forte, Violin, Clarionet, Flute, &c.
Piano-fortes tuned.
If Mr. SIPPE could have Pupils sufficient in the Town of Parramatta, he would, with pleasure attend there one day in each week.
21, Castlereagh-street, Sydney.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 March 1831), 2
By an advertisement in another place, we are informed that Mr. Sippe, the Music-master, intends to continue amongst us professionally. Not being aware of anything more essential in our little society, just now, than the dissemination of harmony, we cordially wish Mr. S. success; and hope he will be rewarded with that patronage his talents entitle him to.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 June 1831), 2
The Royal Hotel has been fitted up at a great expense, in a very splendid manner, for the purpose of holding Balls, Concerts, &c; and is expected to be opened to the public in a week or so. - Mr. SIPPE, the ex-band-master, is to be "mine host."
"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Herald (27 June 1831), 4
Mr. Sippe, the late band-master of the 57th regiment, has taken the Royal Hotel, in George-street; it is his intention to give occasional concerts, which the magnitude of the building will enable him to do with convenience; the well known urbanity of Mr. S. continued [sic] with his musical abilities, will no doubt, obtain for him the approbation of the public.

George Sippe, publican's license, 27 and 30 June 1831; State Records Authority of New South Wales
"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Herald (1 August 1831), 4
List of persons to whom certificates for holding publicans licenses in the district of Sydney were granted on the general annual licensing day, the 21st June, 1831: - GEORGE-STREET . . . George Sippe, Royal Hotel . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 September 1831), 4
GEORGE SIPPE most respectfully begs leave to acquaint his Friends and the Public in general, that on Monday next, the 19th Instant, the Royal Hotel will be opened for general reception, where by reasonable charges and civility he trusts he will be enabled to ensure part of the public patronage - Dinners prepared on the shortest notice. Wines as imported. George-street, 17th Sept. 1831.
[News], The Sydney Monitor (17 September 1831), 2
A colonalde of free stone has been erected in front of the building formerly known as the Royal Hotel, George-street, which has been rendered most complete for, and will be shortly opened as a family hotel by Mr. Sippe.
"DINNER AT THE ROYAL HOTEL", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (4 October 1831), 3
The great saloon of the Royal Hotel was opened, by the present proprietor, on the evening of Friday last; on which occasion upwards of seventy respectable persons - friends of Mr. SIPPE - sat down to an excellent dinner and some of the choicest wines ever imported into the colony. It is only justice to the host to say, that he used every exertion to please, and that he was rewarded with the most decided success. Our fellow-townsmen, Messrs. PLOMER and BODENHAM, discharged the duties of President and Vice, in a manner highly creditable to themselves, and satisfactory to the numerous guests. After the cloth was removed, the following toasts were given, and drunk with the usual honours: - "The King; the Queen; the Army and Navy; the Governor of the Colony; the Ladies of the Colony; the President; the Vice-President; the Stewards; Mr. Sippe, and prosperity to the Royal Hotel." - In the course of the evening several gentlemen present entertained the company with songs and glees, accompanied on the piano-forte by Mr. SIPPE. The saloon was brilliantly lighted up on the occasion: it is a noble room, and, we trust, will become the scene of many future entertainments like that we are now noticing; which for perfect harmony and good-fellowship, together with the absence of all political allusions, has never been excelled in any part of the world. Occasional festive meetings - desirable in any community - are particularly so in this. They serve to unite the people, and smooth down the asperities of party feeling - "a consummation most devoutly to be wished." - We understand that the usual anniversary dinner, on St. Andrew's day, will be held at the Royal.
ASSOCIATIONS: Peter William Plomer (landowner, developer, d.1864); Thomas Bodenham (auctioneer, d.1834)
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 December 1831), 3
Oh Thursday evening, Mr. Sippe gave a ball and supper to a large party of his friends at the Royal Hotel. The saloon was brilliantly lighted up on the occasion, and echoed to the merry sounds of music and the brisk tread of the dancers, 'til an advanced hour in the morning.
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1832:
"THE SUBSCRIPTION BALL. To the Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 January 1832), 3
SIR, I was one one of the company at Sippe's first Subscription Ball last evening, which I regret to say had not that attendance of ladies necessary for the hilarity of the amusement; those that were there feel great satisfaction in assuring you were respectable, which will, I trust, remove the prejudice invariably attached to those public assemblies, and be the means of establishing quarterly (which is the intention of Sippe) this kind of sociality that our unfortunately divided society requires.
The Stewards deserve severe censure on this occasion for their their lukewarmness and inactivity in not insuring a greater company of ladies, which was not impossible for them from the circle of their public friends.
The whole passed of[f] highly gratifying, and, I may add, to the delight of the assembly, and, I think, need only have your favourable report of it, to expect a more considerable number of our citizens on the next occasion.
Entreating your warm support to this laudable effort, and for the liberty in addressing you, I remain, respectfully. A. B.

George and Mary Ann Sippe, 6 and 7 April 1832; NSW, Registrar General, Deeds Registration Branch Registers of Memorials, 1821-1833; State Records Authority of NSW
? July/August 1832, death of George Sippe's father, Ireland
"DIED", Cork Constitution [Ireland] (1 September 1832), 3
In Tralee, of cholera, Mr. Andrew Sippe, for many years Master of the Band in the Kerry Regiment of Militia. Mr. Sippe was a native of Germany, and had attained considerable proficiency in the science of Music.
See also: [News], Limerick Chronicle (25 April 1832), 4
Mr. Sippe, the organist of Tralee Church, decreed several of the parishioners the last Quarter Sessions, for payment of his salary, which they had promised by subscription.
[John] Andrew Sippe, born Hannover, was discharged from the Kerry Militia in 1829, aged "66"
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 July 1832), 2
Mr. Sippe, we understand, is about shortly to give a grand concert of vocal and instrumental music in the saloon of the Royal Hotel. From Mr. Sippe's well-known musical talents, and his experience in managing entertainments of this description, the public may anticipate a treat on this occasion.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 August 1832), 3
Mr. Sippe will give a grand concert of vocal and instrumental music in the saloon of the Royal Hotel, on the evening of Wednesday next. The entire of the musical talent of Sydney will be put in requisition on this occasion, so that the public may expect a treat. The concert will be conducted by Mr. Sippe, and led by Mr. Edwards. We understand, also, that Mr. Levey purposes to be "At Home" to receive company, in the same place, in the course of the ensuing week, after the concert.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (29 August 1832), 4
MR. SIPPE respectfully begs leave to acquaint his Friends and the Public in general, that his
FIRST CONCERT will be held THIS EVENING, the 29th instant.
Tickets and bills of particulars to be had at the Bar of the Royal Hotel, at 5d. each.
Doors to be opened at Seven, and performance to commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
"The Editor's Miscellany. Soirée XII", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 September 1832), 3
. . . NATHAN. Your mention of the "sister colony," suggests a comparison between Hobart Town and Sydney. They seem to have much more public spirit there than here. Their society, if one may judge from the topics discussed in their journals, is much superior to ours. It may be, indeed, that we have the advantage in solidity, if they have it in show. How, by the bye, did Mr. Sippe's concert, on Wednesday evening, contrast with the accounts given of Mrs. Davis's at Hobart Town?
EDITOR. Judging from these accounts, the Hobart Town concert must have been "vastly better." No disparagement this, however, to Mr. Sippe. If he had not Mrs. Davis or Miss Wrathall in his company, it is because these vocalists are not in Sydney. There is a want, that is to say, of professional musicians here. We cannot praise highly the selection made on Wednesday night, nor was the vocal execution much to our taste. The military band, however, played their part well. The execution of the instrumental department was excellent. In particular, the overture to Guy Mannering was given with great spirit. To enter into particulars, however, would only be to display our ignorance of musical practice. It is not as a mere lover of musical sound that we would frequent meetings of this sort. We know that there are serious evils concomitant upon such assemblies; and that there are good reasons for the moralist's withholding his unqualified sanction to their establishment. Yet we own ourselves among the number of those who look with a favourable eye upon all such meetings as bring together the different orders of the community, with the view of in common indulging in the gratification of taste or feeling, the expression of sentiment, or the communication of knowledge. We look upon such assemblies as calculated to lead to a species of intercourse of the most beneficial kind. Unquestionably they are apt to be the resort of the idle, the frivolous, and the profligate; and they involve in them allurements to the dissipation of time and money, and cause for much distraction of thought; and it may be, that under the show of sentimentality, there is fostered much vanity and equivocal feeling. But these serious drawbacks to their beneficial tendency are to be counteracted only by the presence, and not by the absence, of the wise, the worthy, and the experienced members of society. The evils attendant on such assemblies as met at Mr. Sippe's, on Wednesday evening last, we would not for a moment palliate or excuse. We would wish them to be counteracted, repressed, and, as far as practicable, eradicated. But we would not on account of the concomitancy of evils which are curable, abandon unconditionally the prosecution of an attainable, and, we think, preponderating good. Wherever the different ranks of society meet together voluntarily, with equal rights, superiority of manners and moral character, when combined, commands universal deference. The deportment of the better educated thus spreads an insensible but sure influence throughout the ranks of the less accomplished; and, in addition to the peculiar gratifications of the exhibition, such an assembly may thus become a public school of manners and their attendant moralities. Where it is taken for granted that every individual shall conduct himself according to his best informed ideas of decorum, there must be generated an emulation on this head which has an obvious tendency to raise the tone of social intercourse; or, in other words, to improve society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sophia Letitia Davis (Hobart Town vocalist); Miss Wrathall (Hobart Town vocalist)
"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Monitor (1 September 1832), 2
Wednesday last was the day appointed for Sippe's first Concert for the season. The day was unpropitious, and towards the time for assembling, the rain descended in torrents. Nevertheless, about 150 persons attended, chiefly gentlemen, and the evening's amusement commenced with the Overture of "The Miller and his Men," by Bishop. The music was good, but our singers want science, though their voices are good. The audience however departed well pleased, will their entertainment. Mr. Edwards led the orchestra.
NOTE: On Isaac Pocock and Henry Bishop's opera The miller and his men (London, 1813), see:
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 September 1832), 2
Notwithstanding the dreary rain of Wednesday night - a night as depraved as ever man in bear-skin great-coat, oil skinned hat, and jack-boots grumbled at - nearly two hundred of the Sydney folk assembled to enjoy SIPPE'S first concert in the saloon of the Royal Hotel. On such a night it could not reasonably be expected that the fair visitors would muster strong, yet their number was by no means few; and among them some whose
"Beauty hung upon the cheek of night,
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear."
The humid atmosphere - although the saloon was brilliantly lighted up, and at a comfortable temperature - would have powerfully influenced our criticism, had not the presence of the ladies enabled us to form more just conclusions, to make more acute remarks, and, in short, brought into play that benevolence, without which a critic is little better than a wild beast, let loose to tear, ravage, and play the devil with people's good names and interests, as his caprice or humour may dictate. If, therefore, any performer of the evening should find any thing handsome said of him in the following critique, he will pay his gratitude to the account of the sex at large.
In addition to the leader, Mr. EDWARDS, a steady and spirited performer (though, on this occasion, evidently out of practice) we noticed in the orchestra Mr. SIPPE, and Mr. LEWIS the master of the band of the 17th regt, a very excellent performer on the clarionet. The other instrumental parts were sustained by the 17th band. The glees were accompanied on the piano-forte by Mr. SIPPE. Of the vocal performers, it would not be fair to speak otherwise than favourably - they were amateurs, and exerted themselves to please; but we are of opinion that a better selection might have been made; Lord Mornington's glee, "Here in cool grot," and Bishop's "Foresters," being the only vocal efforts of the evening which seemed particularly to please - the rest were dry, deficient in subject and in melody. The instrumental performances, especially a concerto on the clarionet by Mr. Lewis, and the overtures to the "Slave" and "Guy Mannering," were much and deservedly applauded - the latter was honoured with an unanimous encore, and the band repeated the after part, in which are introduced several popular Scotch airs.
As a matter of course the evening's entertainments wound up with "God save the King." We, in New South Wales, are not to be outdone in loyalty by our fellow-subjects at home, and there is nothing gladdens us more than the sight of a loyal population expressing their allegiance in every possible fashion. It is an act of grace and indemnity, and a pleasant assurance that we live under a paternal Government; and it almost amounts to a convincing proof that we enjoy all manner of blessings, rights, privileges, and equal laws. But really a manifestation of this description ought not to last for ever - nor is it fair to look for "God save the King" whether there are singers to sing it or not. This was the grand failure of Wednesday evening. The poor vocalists were literally offered up as a sacrifice on the altar of loyalty. In England this outrageous attachment to the monarch imposes increased duties on singers, forces bacchanals to drink more than ever, and sober people to get drunk, cracks the voices of the young folks before their time, makes old people grow hoarse with shouting, and literally obliges the very keepers of the peace to break it in the name of His Majesty. Now we protest we are very loyal, but by no means insensible to harmony, and the evil of which we complain is, the test to which our allegiance was put by "God save the King," about twenty minutes past eleven o'clock on Wednesday night, the 29th instant. We wish some mode could be devised for showing the people's loyalty, without making the King so common, or some of his faithful servants so ridiculous.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Lewis (clarinet, band master); Band of the 17th Regiment;
MUSIC: Glee Here in cool grot (Mornington), see: (DIGITISED)
Glee Foresters (Henry Bishop), see: (DIGITISED)
Overture to The slave (Henry Bishop), see: (DIGITISED)
Overture to Guy Mannering (Henry Bishop), see: (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 November 1832), 3
The Royal Hotel.
The residue of the Proprietor's Interest in the above first-rate Establishment,
extending over a period of nearly Four Years, together with all the Household
Furniture, Porcelain, Plate, and Plated Ware, Linen, Glass, Earthenware, Billiard Table,
Horses, Stock in Trade, &c. &c. the Proprietor proceeding to Europe,
BY MR. BODENHAM, Upon the Premises, on Wednesday, the 12th of December, at half-past 11, and following days . . .
First - The house contains eleven well-furnished bed-rooms, five sitting-rooms, bar-room, royal saloon, 65 feet by 30, with music gallery, an excellent billiard-room and table, together with extensive cellarage, tap, stabling, coach houses, stores; and, in fact, every convenience for such an undertaking.
Secondly. - The Proprietor will demonstrate to any persons desirous of purchasing his interest in the lease, that the establishment, although labouring under the disadvantage of its unfinished state in the commencement, has been very successful, and also profitable.
Thirdly. - The sole reason of its being disposed of is, that the Proprietor, Mr. GEORGE SIPPE, is proceeding to Europe, for the purpose of taking possession of some property which has been left to him in Ireland . . .
"ROYAL HOTEL", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 November 1832), 2
By an advertisement in another column we perceive that Mr. Sippe is about to dispose of his interest in the Royal Hotel, together with the whole of the household furniture, plate, linen, wines, &c. To an enterprising individual, possessed of a moderate capital, with a knowledge of the business of so extensive an establishment, and a disposition to attend to it, we can safely say, that an opportunity is now presented of realizing an independence in a very few years. As a family hotel, the house leaves all other similar establishments in Sydney at an immeasurable distance - its accommodations and fitting up are of the very first order; and when we add, that it is likely the box entrance to the intended theatre will be through the splendid saloon, we need hardly say more in favour of its many and great advantages. Mr. Sippe we understand, has had a property left him in his native country (Ireland); which, with the desire to see his father, his only surviving parent, induces him to relinquish an establishment wherein within the last twelve months, he has cleared nearly £600, not withstanding a variety of difficulties which he had to encounter. Mr. S. purposes to embark for Ireland early in the ensuing year; but expects to return to the colony in a short time.
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (20 December 1832), 3
Mr. Berner of George-street, succeeds Mr. Sippe at the Royal Hotel.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Monitor (22 December 1832), 2
It is said, that a Mr. Berner has taken the Royal Hotel, vice Mr. Sippe. Mr. Levey has hired, the Saloon for a Theatre, and is fitting it up with much taste. His new scenes are excellent.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Berner (d.1867)

Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney; I. H. Berner, George Street, Sydney; drawn & engraved by W. Wilson; Australian almanack and Sydney directory, 1834; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
Playbill, Theatre Royal Sydney, 26 December 1832; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)
"THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY", The Sydney Herald (31 December 1832), 3
On Wednesday evening the Comic Muse made her debut in this Colony with a good grace. The public had been long anxiously awaiting her appearance, and hailed her with unfeigned pleasure. It had been found impossible to prepare the large Theatre by the Christmas holidays, and, consequently, a tasty stage was fitted up in the saloon of the Royal Hotel, and a tier of boxes erected, with the necessary seats, in the pit. The whole arrangements had been carried into effect with a view to accommodate the public, who commenced coming until the house was crowded, to witness the nautical melo-drama, in three acts, of BLACK-EYED SUSAN, or, ALL IN THE DOWNS . . . The piece was announced for repetition by Mr. Levey amid the cheers of the house. The evening's entertainment concluded with the well known Comic Farce of "MONSIEUR TONSON," which kept the house in a roar of laughter from beginning to end . . . During the evening the band of the 17th Regiment, kindly lent by Colonel Despard, performed several beautiful pieces by Rossini and Mozart in a masterly manner . . .
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1833:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Theatre Royal Sydney for 1833:
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 January 1833), 3
MR. SIPPE most respectfully takes leave, to return thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of Sydney who have hitherto patronised him;
and begs to announce, that having availed himself of the proffered kindness of a friend who is about to return to Ireland to arrange his affairs there,
he has relinquished his intention of leaving the colony at present, and intends to follow his profession as
a PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, and will continue to give instructions on the Pianoforte, Violin, Violencello [sic], Clarionet, Flute, &c.,
other [sic] abroad or at his own residence, as may be most convenient or agreeable to those Ladies or Gentlemen who may honour him by becoming his Pupils.
For terms, apply at No. 48, Phillip-street. January, 1st, 1833.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 January 1833), 2
We perceive by an advertisement in another column, that Mr. Sippe has resumed the practice of his profession, as a teacher of Music. This gentleman's abilities are so well know, that it is needless for us to do more than congratulate the lovers of harmony on his determination to remain in the colony for the present.
[News], The Sydney Herald (3 January 1833), 3
The following public-house Licenses were duly transferred at the Police Office on Tuesday, before F. N. Rossi, C. Windeyer, and A. J. Ross, Esqrs. . . . George Sippe of the "Royal Hotel," to John H. Berner . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 January 1833), 3
Mr. Levey's exertions to please, we are happy to find are still crowned with success. The Tale of Mystery and Fortune's Frolic, were played on Monday evening to a very respectable audience . . . Mr. Lewis and Mr. Sippe, with their assistants, contribute too, in no small degree, to the public recreation by their fine music.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (24 January 1833), 1
ON Saturday, the 26th instant, will be performed for the first time at this Theatre, that excellent farce, in two acts,
After the first piece will be introduced a much admired SONG.
The whole to conclude with
CHARLES THE SECOND; OR, The Merry Monarch.
Particulars will be expressed in the bills of the day.
Doors open at seven, to commence at half-past.
Leader of the Band - MR. LEWIS.
Principal Violincello - MR. SIPPE.
Vivat Rex!
[Home news; deaths], The Sydney Herald (7 February 1833), 2
In Tralee, of cholera, Mr. Andrew Sippe, for many years Master of the Band in the Kerry Regiment of Militia. Mr. Sippe was a native of Germany, and had attained a considerable proficiency in the science of music.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 February 1833), 2
We lately observed, in a contemporary, a notice of the death, at Tralee, in Ireland, of Mr. Andrew Sippe, professor of music, and for many years master of the band of the Kerry Militia. We have been since informed that the deceased was father to our respectable fellow-colonist, Mr. Sippe, of Sydney. The Dublin p!aygoers - and we among the rest - well remember the elder Mr. Sippe as principal oboe player in the orchestra of the Theatre Royal. His performance on that instrument had arrived at a pitch of excellence never excelled, if equalled, by any other player; and we have no doubt that there are many in the colony who will bear us out in stating that the applause which he used to receive when playing solos on the oboe was enthusiastic in the extreme. Indeed it was rarely that an overture was written by a local composer, without the introduction of a solo for the oboe, in order to afford an opportunity for a display of Mr. Sippe's talents. We were not personally known to him in Ireland, but we are enabled to state that we believe he was much respected.
ASSOCIATIONS: The author of this, and most theatrical content in the Gazette around this time, almost certainly Edward O'Shaughnessy
"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Monitor (16 March 1833), 2
On Saturday night last, Mr. Levy introduced "John Bull or the Englishman's fireside" to a crowded house . . . Mr. Lewis continues to preside at the orchestra, & his music as usual, was greatly inferior to that in the Barrack-yard.
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 March 1833), 2
The Comedy of the Miser, with the afterpiece of Bombastes Furioso, were performed on Saturday evening to a crowded audience . . . After the first piece, we were entertained with songs by Mrs. WESTON and Mrs. LOVE. Of the vocal performances the least said the better; but we cannot let the orchestra off so easily - the accompaniments were execrable . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frances Weston (actor-vocalist); Harriet Love (actor-vocalist, late Mrs. Jones of the Sydney Amateur Concerts)
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 March 1833), 3
A respectable member of the orchestra at the Theatre, informed us yesterday, in reference to the censure which we felt it our duty to pronounce upon the accompaniments to the vocal performances on Saturday evening last, that the failure was partly owing to an unavoidable deficiency in the orchestral department, and partly to the inexperience of the singers. We make this explanation public in justice to all parties . . .
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY IN SYDNEY. To the Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 April 1833), 3
SIR, As Sciences and Arts are so closely connected, I feel much pleasure in acquainting the public, through your respected journal, that a society of the above description has been formed in our town. A locale has been hired, and the preparations have advanced so far, that in a month or six weeks friends may be admitted to witness the proceedings of the society. We must apologise, when, in the hurry of other occupations, we might pass over names, more or less connected with the society; but when we find that Messrs. EDWARDS, SIPPE, CAVENDISH, F. WILSON, &c. are connected with the institution of the Philharmonic Society, we congratulate the lovers of musical science upon this opportunity to improve the minds of our fellow citizens. Dr. J. L.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lhotsky (musical amateur); William Joseph Cavendish (cellist, pianist); Mr. Wilson (violinist); a so-called Philharmonic Society (Sydney 1830s), of amateurs and professionals, underwent various manifestations, and in which Sippe probably remained active; the designation appears to have been used freely for civilian musicians, and was even applied (8 October 1833 below) to the theatre orchestra, which probably anyway included most of its leading members
29 May 1833, George Sippe (benefit), Theatre Royal
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (29 May 1833), 1
THIS EVENING, MAY 29th, 1833, being for the Benefit of
Will be Performed, Colman's celebrated Comedy of
JOHN BULL; OR, An Englishman's Fireside . . .
The Characters of Mrs. Brulgruddery and Dennis Brulgruddery, by Mrs. Lara, and Mr. Arthur Hill,
who have kindly consented to sustain them for that Night only.
And by the kind permission of Colonel Despard, the fine full Band of His Majesty's 17th Regiment,
will perform during the Evening several celebrated Overtuers [sic].
Assisted by many of Mr. Sippe's Friends.
The whole to conclude with Theodore Hook's highly amusing and laughable Farce, never before performed at this Theatre,
and got up expressly for this occasion, called,
Doors open at half-past six o'clock, to commence at Seven precisely.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Sippe, 48, Philip-street; at Mr. Moffitt's, King-street;
Mr. Ellard's. Music Warehouse, Hunter-street; and at the Bar of the Royal Hotel.
BOXES 5s. PIT 3s.
Vivant Rex et Regina!
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (musicseller)
"DRAMA", The Australian (31 May 1833), 3
On Monday night COLMAN'S Comedy of John Bull and THEODORE HOOK'S Farce called Darkness Visible were presented to the public for the benefit of Mr. SIPPE, the leader of the Orchestra . . .
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (1 June 1833), 2
On Wednesday last, for the benefit of Mr. Sippe, leader of the Orchestra, Colman's Comedy of JOHN BULL, was performed before a house crowded to suffocation . . . Between the pieces, the full hand of the 17th regiment, supported by amateur performers, and led by Mr. Edwards, performed a celebrated Overture of Mozart's. The After-piece was Hook's Farce of Darkness Visible, which was rather tedious. Mackie danced a Hornpipe very well. The audience appeared, on the whole, much pleased, and there is little doubt, from the overflowing House, that Mr. Sippe was equally pleased.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 July 1833), 1
MR. SIPPE begs to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has now
leisure to instruct a few Pupils on the Pianoforte, Flute, Violin, &c. -
Any commands, addressed to him, at No. 48, Phillip-street, will be immediately attended to.
N. B. - Pianofortes tuned.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (19 August 1833), 3
MR. and MRS. DAVIES beg to inform their Friends and the Public,
that in consequence of the great increase of Pupils in their Establishment,
they have been induced to take that extensive Dwelling House, with Garden, &c.
lately the residence of Mr. John Dickson . . .
Mr. and Mrs. D. have spared no expense in rendering the business of their respective Schools efficient,
having engaged the services of the following respectable and competent Teachers, viz.:
In the English and French Department Mrs. DAVIES will be assisted by Mr. ABRAHAM.
Drawing will be taught by Mr. EVANS.
Music by Mr. SIPPE, and Miss BATES, with the constant superintendence of Mr. DAVIES . . .
Established 1830. 1, Liverpool-street, 19 August 1838.
ASSOCIATIONS: John J. Davies (schoolmaster, arrived 1830)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (19 August 1833), 1
IN the Country, about twelve miles from Sydney, TWO CARPENTERS, and a PAIR of SAWYERS;
constant work and liberal wages will be given. Apply to Mr. Sippe, Phillip street, Sydney.
August 16, 1833.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Monitor (4 September 1833), 3
Mr. Edwards, professor of Music, has been engaged at a high salary by Mr. Levy, to lead the orchestra in the new theatre. The orchestra will be composed of Civilians. Mr. Levy has also seen the necessity of purifying his company; and although the expenses at first will be heavy, it will certainly prove more lucrative in the end. The public will no longer tolerate past grossness of divers kinds, nor past idleness and stultification in the players.
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (23 September 1833), 2
We have been requested to give the following information respecting the proposed arrangements of Mr. Levy's Theatre; - Stage and Acting Managers, Messrs. Knowles and Cavendish; Leader of the Orchestre [sic], Mr. Edwards; Violincello, Mr. Sippe . . .
[News], The Sydney Monitor (25 September 1833), 3
We are happy to learn that Mr. Levy has at length concluded an engagement with Mr. Edwards, as leader of the Orchestra of the new Theatre. This engagement, with other new ones, of an equally eligible kind, promise to render the new Theatre deserving the support of the respectable classes of our society. The new Theatre is larger than the Adelphi Theatre in London, superior in size and appearance to most of the country Theatres in the United Kingdom, and altogether, we entertain the pleasing hope, that henceforth, the Sydney Theatre will become truly respectable, as regards the public, and profitable as regards the zealous, laborious, and persevering Lessee . . .
"THEATRICALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 October 1833), 2
The performances on Saturday evening were any thing but satisfactory to the highly respectable audience. There was an evident want of organization, a negligence in the management of the scenery, and jerking stiffness in many of the actors, particularly repulsive to those who had formed rather sanguine expectations of a more favourable issue. - The muster of heads at the opening was great, but the talent was limited. - The chorus and songs were drowned by the orchestra. The music was not sufficiently full, and was occasionally out of tune. The Band of the garrison would have made the walls virberate [sic], while, in remote parts of the house, the phil-harmonic society's instruments were weak. There must be a stronger Band to give effect to the performances of the evening. Now for the acting . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (9 October 1833), 3
ON THURSDAY EVENING, October 10, 1833 will be performed, for the first time, the celebrated Nautical Drama, in Three Acts, called,
The MUTINY at the NORE . . .
After which, will he presented (also for the first time,) the Extravaganza in One Act, called
Stage Manager, Mr CAVENDISH; Acting Ditto. Mr. KNOWLES;
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. EDWARDS; Principal Violincello, Mr. SIPPE . . .
The Nights of Performance during the Season are Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
VIVANT REX ET REGINA! October 8, 1833.
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Knowles (actor, manager, amateur pianist and vocalist)
"THEATRICAL", The Australian (11 October 1833), 2
On Saturday evening last, that much talked of even - the re-opening of the Sydney Theatre, took place before a very large and a very, respectable audience, all of whom seemed to look forward to the evening's entertaininent with considerable pleasure and anxiety. About half past seven the curtain drew up, and discovered the whole company of actors assembled round the stage, with Mr. Levey in the centre, standing like a patriarch in the midst of a numerous progeny. - The orchestra, with Mr. Edwards for their leader, then struck off with God save the King, and after the usual prelude, the whole of the actors proceeded to sing the Anthem, which, however, was executed in such a way to prevent us being very loud in its praise. However, the audience being composed of good British subjects, they received it with great enthusiasm, and seemed half inclined to encore it. The drop scene here fell, leaving Mr. Knowles alone on the stage, who, with a clear, full voice, and appropriate action, delivered the following address; - . . .
As soon as Mr. Knowles had retired, the band played the overture to the Miller and his men, with such spirit, and effect, as could not fail to please all who are not downright connoisseurs. The band, however, is deficient in point of numbers, to give effect to melo-dramatic pieces generally, for in the remote parts of the house it could be but indistinctly heard. The first part of the performance was the Miller and his Men . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (17 October 1833), 3
On Monday evening last, the Nautical Drama of "The Mutiny at the Nore," was again performed to a rather thin house . . . The after-piece was "High Life below Stairs," and was got through with eclat. The Orchestra sensibly improves, and reflects much credit on its Leader.
"THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (7 November 1833), 2
The performances on Monday evening, consisting of Charles the Second, A Race for a Dinner, and Fortune's Frolic, were very creditably sustained by the actors, and seemed to be much relished by a pretty numerous audience . . . The orchestra is well attended to by Mr. Edwards; and be is well supported also, by Mr. Sippe, Mr. Cavendish, and the other musicians. We know not what better judges may think; but in our opinion, the music is far superior to that produced by the military band which has hitherto played in the theatre. We have only again to express a wish that Mr. Levey may meet with that support which his exertions to please deserve. He has given the public a pretty theatre - superior to many we have been in at home - his scenery is excellent - his performers the best he could procure - his personal exertions to give general satisfaction are unremitting, and, so far, he has done his part. The lovers of dramatic entertainments ought to encourage his establishment . . .
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (15 November 1833), 2
Last evening Sheridan's comedy of "The Rivals" was performed for the first time, to a respectable, though not numerous audience, with "What Next" . . . Between the pieces, the overture of "The Exile" was performed in the orchestra in a masterly manner . . .
MUSIC: Overture to The exile (Joseph Mazzinghi), see: (DIGITISED)
"Miscellaneous News", The Australian (29 November 1833), 2
Last night Inkle and Yarico was performed to a very respectable paying house . . . The only novelty in the piece, was the introduction of several songs, all of which, except "Shades of Evening," by Groves, were failures. There is no vocal musical talent in the corps dramatique, and the orchestra has lately fallen off.
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Parsons Grove (actor, vocalist)
"THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 November 1833), 2
We were glad to see a pretty full audience on Thursday evening last . . . The numerical strength of the orchestra, we noticed, bas been reduced. We regret the necessity for this; but the public cannot justly complain that Levey will not support an extensive establishment, if the public, will not support him.
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 December 1833), 3
On Monday evening the performances were the Spectre Bridegroom, the Village Lawyer, and Monsieur Tonson, with dancing on the tight rope, &c. . . . The orchestra, we are sorry to say, is on the decline; some of the performers played not only without the slightest regard to time, but completely out of tune, We must do the leader of the band, nevertheless, the justice to say, that the fault does not appear to be individually his; we should rather attribute it to a want of sufficient practice. We do not know whether he members of the orchestra do occasionally meet, and play over their pieces before the performance commences; but we do say, that it is highly necessary they should do so, at least to perfect themselves in their parts, of which some of them seem to know but very little . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (30 December 1833), 3
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY.
THE Proprietor is happy to inform his Friends and the Public generally,
that in consequence of the liberal support with which his endeavours have latterly been received,
he is enabled to re-instate the Orchestra upon the same extensive scale as he did at the commencement of the Season;
and hopes that, that approbation will be awarded, which earnest endeavours to please, may merit and which,
it will ever be the Proprietor's, and their aim to deserve . . .
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1834:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Theatre Royal Sydney for 1834:
"To the Editors", The Australian (24 March 1834), 3
. . . I may instance the benefits of Messrs. Sippe, Meredith, Buckingham, Mackey, Peat, and Mesdames Peisley and Jones, not forgetting my own benefit - and I am confident that Mr. Levey never had audiences more respectable, than were those which patronised the various performers on those occasions . . . I am, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, C. KNOWLES. Castlereagh-street, March 22, 1834.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (21 April 1834), 3
In your Sydney Monitor of this day, the 19th April, I find an ATTACK on myself, under the head THEATRE.
Whether the production be your's, or the falsehood of a galled Correspondent, I cannot say -
but it is from you I have to expect, and the Public also will expect,
some explanation as to the truth of BENEFITS.
The whole of the Performers were told, before they engaged with me, that no Benefits would be allowed;
and they one and all agreed to the same.
For the truth of this, I refer you to those Gentlemen who will tell the truth -
Messrs. Cavendish, Sippe, Edwards, and Wilson;
all of whom were, by their talents, justly entitled to Benefits (if I had promised any.)
I must say, that it is a mean way of attacking me in the manner I have been,
and speaks but very little of the veracity of those who have put forth that they expected Benefits,
when they knew to the contrary.
I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant,
April 19, 1834.
"FROM A CORRESPONDENT", The Sydney Monitor (23 April 1834), 3
You will perceive in this morning's Herald, a letter addressed to you from Mr. B. Levey, relative to the late theatrical fallings out. You will observe, also, that therein an imputation cast upon the veracity of those performers who have seceded from the Theatre. I have again to assure you, Sir, that the actors and actresses were led to expect Benefits, though holding no vouchers for the same, and therefore Mr. Levey assertions I unhesitatingly pronounce substantively false. Mr. Levey alludes to Messrs. Cavendish, Sippe, Edwards, and Wilson, being entitled to benefits. None of these gentlemen could be so entitled, except it might be Mr. Cavendish, he having held the office of Stage Manager for a few months. Who ever heard of the members of an Orchestra having Benefits?
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (10 June 1834), 2
. . . The public complain, and with great reason, of the stale, spiritless manner in which the Orchestra get through their business. It is surprising, that with such members as compose this very important branch of the Dramatic establishment, so little is effected - and that little perpetually the same. The pieces in themselves are unobjectionable, they are for the most part from the best composers, but they require to be relieved occasionally. Even the occupants of the gallery rebel against the sameness of the music, and certainly it must have been played often enough when such humble connoisseurs as these discover it. If the musicians themselves are so careless of their reputation, the Proprietors of the Theatre ought, to care a little for them.
"Theatricals", The Australian (24 June 1834), 3
. . . By way of interlude, there was a clog hornpipe by Mr. Fitzgerald, a comic song by Mr. Simmons, & a bravura by Mrs. Taylor, - which was not the happiest effort that lady has made. This doubtless arose from exhaustion, as she played through the whole of the first piece, and the audience were inconsiderate enough as to call upon her to repeat it - but as she did not appear, the motion was withdrawn. It is but right to say, that a singer here lies under every disadvantage from the disgraceful manner in which they are accompanied by the Orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Dennis Fitzgerald (dancer); Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist, manager); Maria Taylor (actor, vocalist)
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (3 July 1834), 2
Several musical gentlemen, it is said, intend getting up a Concert for the Benefit of Mr. Edwards, the late Leader of the Orchestra at the Royal Theatre-Hotel.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 August 1834), 2
We think it unnecessary, but we are requested to state that Mr. Sippe, the Professor of Music, does not keep a public-house on the Parramatta road. Mr. Sippe wishes to keep his name to himself. The publican's' name is Sappie or Sappy; and our reporter is therefore convicted of a mistake, for having, in a late number, "written down" Sippe.
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (21 August 1834), 3
Mrs. Bird gave her first Concert on Tuesday evening last, at the Pulteney Hotel, and was patronised by about 100 persons of respectability . . . Mesdames Paul and Bird, and Messrs. Clark, Paul, Williamson, Simmons, &c. were the vocalists; Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Josephson, &c. &c. the musicians; accompanied with the assistance of some of the military band; leader, Mr. Lewis . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isabella Tempest Bird (vocalist); Tempest Margaret Paul (vocalist); George Paul (amateur vocalist)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 August 1834), 2
Mrs. Bird's concert at the Pulteney Hotel, on Tuesday evening, was very respectably attended, and afforded universal satisfaction to the audience . . . A Quintette for two violins, tenor, flute, and violincello, by Messrs. Wilson, Sippe, Josephson, Lewis, and another performer whose name we have not heard, was received with much applause; as was also a solo on the clarionet, with a pianoforte accompaniment, by Mr. Lewis . . .
MUSIC: Probably the flute quintet by Romberg also programmed later
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (23 August 1834), 3
IN reference to a paragraph in last Tuesday's Gazette, stating, a Mr. SIPPE does not keep a Public House on the Parramatta-road,
and wishes to keep his name to himself, I beg to state, I am in no way connected with any person who formerly played a
Clarionet in-the Band of the 57th Regiment, and who is himself an ex publican, and that my name is not SIPPE, but
SAPPE, Of the Bagnige Wells Public House. August 21st, 1834.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 October 1834), 2
Messrs. Wilson and Sippe, leader and conductor of the Orchestra, take their benefit on Monday week. From the talents of these gentlemen, the manner in which they have deported themselves during the season, and the very creditable way they have performed their duty, considering the really paltry assistance they receive from the establishment, we think them justly entitled to public favour. The sterling comedy of the Poor Gentleman, with he laughable farce of the Irish Tutor have been selected. These of themselves will prove a considerable attraction.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (20 October 1834), 3
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY.
ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, 23rd October, 1834,
ON which occasion will be produced, the favorite and interesting Russian drama . . .
in which will be introduced some new and appropriate Music by Mr. Sippe . . .
After which will be presented, for the first and only time on this stage, and got up expressly
for this occasion, an entire new Comic PANTOMIME CALLED
THE DEMON! OR, The Magic Rose.
The Music by Messrs. Sippe and Wilson; the New Scenery by Mr. Winstanley and Son;
the Machinery, Tricks, and Changes, by Mr. B. A. Phillips . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: B. A. Phillips (machinist, professional carpenter, cabinet maker, ? d.1860s)
27 October 1834, Sippe and Wilson (benefit), Theatre Royal
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (23 October 1834), 1
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY.
THE Patrons of the Theatre, and the Public in general are respectfully informed that the Benefit of Messrs.
SIPPE AND WILSON is fixed for MONDAY, October 27th,
when will be performed for the first time in this Colony, Colman's
celebrated Comedy of the POOR GENTLEMAN . . .
In the course of the Evening the following Entertainments:-
Two New Overtures, never before performed, assisted (by the kind permission of Colonel DESPARD)
by a portion of the Military Band.
The Songs of THE MAID OF JUDAH AND "O give me back my Arab Steed" BY MRS. TAYLOR . . .
NOTE: Band of the 17th Regiment
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (30 October 1834), 1 supplement
We have to apologize to Messrs. Sippe and Wilson, for a very awkward, though unintentional error in our last number, in announcing the bill of fare of last evening for that of Monday evening. We are happy to hear however that those gentlemen rather gained than lost by the blunder, having had a tolerably full house.
November 1834, first notice of publication of A song of the women of the Menero Tribe (Aboriginal, arranged Lhotsky, Pearson, Josephson, and Sippe)

"Arranged in a more easy manner (Mr. Sippe)"; Sippe contributed to the joint publication this simplified piano arrangement of the song; State Library of New South Wales
A song of the women of the Menero Tribe arranged with the assistance of several musical gentlemen for the voice and pianoforte, most humbly inscribed as the first specimen of Australian music, to her most gracious majesty Adelaide, queen of Great Britain & Hanover, by Dr. J. Lhotsky, colonist N. S. Wales (Sydney: Sold by John Innes, [1834]) (DIGITISED)
For documentation on this edition, see: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (27 November 1834), 3
AUSTRALIAN Philosophical Repository,
THE Undersigned is happy in being at length enabled by the kind assistance of the discriminating
and thinking part of the Community, to submit the result of his labours to the inspection of the friends of science . . .
Published at this Establishment.
1. A Journey from Sydney to the Australian Alps, undertaken, &c. . . .
2. A Song of the Menero tribe near the Australian Alps, arranged with the kind assistance of several Musical Gentlemen for the Voice and Piano Forte, and most humbly inscribed to Her Most Gracious Majesty, Adelaide, Queen, &c.
The collaborating at this song of such able musicians as Pearson, Josephson and Sippe demonstrates clearly that it is neither (as some of my enemies say) a Portuguese air, nor any thing else than a wild air, carrying however a great depth of feeling. Several families having expressed their wishes to buy this Air for their children, its present price at Sydney is one shilling and sixpence.
Castlereagh-street, near Hunter-street, Nov. 25th 1834.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 December 1834), 1
PART I . . . 6 Quintette - Two Violins, Flute, Tenor and Violincello - Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Josephson, Hay and Lewis . . . [Romberg] . . .
"THE SYDNEY THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (29 December 1834), 1 supplement
. . . The Theatre opened, we understand, on Friday night last, without scarcely a brush having been put to one of the old worn-out scenes - no addition to the tattered theatrical wardrobe - the boxes, stage, and, in fact, the whole of the theatre in the same filthy condition as when the place closed - the Orchestra, too, exhibited a similar batch of musicians as the celebrated band of "Bombastes," and the greatest disorder prevailed behind the scenes. Mr. Simmons, in his closing address, informed the Public, that Mr. Levey had gone to Hobart Town "to cull from the theatrical garden there, the choicest flowers." Where are those flowers? . . . What have become, too, of the best musicians - Messrs. Cavendish, Lewis, Sippi, Wilson, Edwards, and others - and what has driven them from the Theatre? . . .
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1835:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Theatre Royal Sydney for 1835:
"THEATRE", The Australian (9 January 1835), 3
On Wednesday evening, the drama of Clari was presented to a tolerably numerous and highly respectable audience. The part of Clari was ably sustained by Miss Winstanly, who, by the bye, bids fair to be an actress of no little celebrity. Mr. Knowles performed Albert, the father of Clari with his usual ability; Mr. K. we thought painted (if not the character, certainly himself) rather too deeply. The other characters were tolerably got through. The Review, or the Wags of Windsor followed; Mr. Simmons' Looney McTwolter, Mr. Winter's Lump, and Mr. Meredith's Caleb Quotem were well performed. Messrs. Wilson and Sippe took their usual place in the orchestra.
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (10 January 1835), 2
On Wednesday evening the drama of Clari the maid of Milan was performed . . . Messrs. Wilson and Sippe have been engaged, and the audience were favoured with a few of the old standards. If the proprietors cannot procure musicians, they can purchase a few music books? The house was rather thinly attended.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Winstanley (actor, vocalist)
From reviews of previous performances of Clari, in November 1834, it appears that the play was produced without Bishop's songs, though the Eliza Winstanley sang Isle of beauty fare thee well (Thomas Haynes Bayley), and her younger sister Ann Winstanley sang Kate Kearney (Alexander Lee)
?, 11, 12 February 1835, the new ballet called The Indian maid, Theatre Royal
[Advertisement], The Australian (10 February 1835), 3
February 11 [sic], will be Performed the Tragic Play of PIZARRO . . .
AFTER WHICH (for the second time,) A NEW BALLET,
Messrs. Meredith, Oxberry, Buckingham, Mackay, Simmons and Palmer,
Dancers, Indians, Sailors, Slaves, &c. &c.
To conclude with the Laughable Farce of a
Leader, Mr. Wilson, Conductor, Mr. Sippe, who are re-engaged.
Vivant Rex et Regina.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (7 April 1835), 3
To the Editor of the Sydney Gazette.
SIR, IT has never been my wish to enter into a newspaper controversy;
but finding myself attacked in a most ungentlemanly manner by Mr. Levey, in the Gazette of this day,
I feel compelled to refute the slander he has circulated respecting me.
In order to vindicate myself, and for the satisfaction of my friends I shall make a concise statement of the facts,
so far as they concern myself with the abovenamed GENTLEMAN.
On Thursday morning last Mr. Stubbs called on me on the part of Mr. Levey, whose wish it was that I should return to the Theatre (and not at my solicitation, as stated by him) and appointed a meeting at the house of Mr. Sippe, as Mr. Levey objected to call upon me . . .
I remain, Sir, your obedient Servant,
Pitt-Street, 4th April, 1835.
NOTE: Maria Taylor
21 April 1835, concert, Thomas Stubbs (benefit), Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (23 April 1835), 2
Mr. Stubbs' Concert, at the Royal Hotel, on Tuesday evening last, went off with the most perfect eclat, to a crowded and respectable audience . . . We were glad to witness such a strong muster of instrumental performers, Messrs. Wilson, Cavendish, Sippe, Stubbs, Lewis, Coleman, Josephson, and the band of the 17th Regiment. The Overtures were executed in masterly style, and we believe gave universal satisfaction . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Stubbs (flute, keyed-bugle player); George Coleman (master of the Band of the 4th Regiment)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (27 April 1835), 2
. . . We had almost forgot to bring the gents in the orchestra to task for the disgraceful manner in which they played their parts; really there is a reform wanted in this department of the Theatre. It would also add something to the appearance of the house, if these musicians would "brush themselves up" a little before they appear in public, or let the managers provide them with uniform dresses. It would look much better that they appeared like "Richardson's Beef-eaters" than as they do now. We are pleased to hear that the Theatre is to be improved in every department . . .
1 May 1835, opening of the winter season, Theatre Royal, without Sippe and Wilson in the orchestra
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (29 April 1835), 3
This establishment will reopen on Saturday evening, with the tragedy of Jane Shore . . . We have not heard who will lead in the orchestra during the season, but Messrs. Sippe and Wilson are not at present under any agreement.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 April 1835), 2
The theatre will re-open for the season on Saturday evening . . . From the orchestra, too, Sippe, Wilson, and Stubbs have retired - because, it is said, they could not obtain an increase of salary. Of this, however, we know nothing; but it certainly is not very encouraging to open the theatre with a diminution in the strength and talent of the performers and musicians.
"To the Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 May 1835), 3
To the Editor of the Sydney Gazette. Sir, We the undersigned, beg leave to contradict a paragraph in your paper of Thursday last, stating that we seceded from the Theatre in consequence of wanting an increase of salary.
We beg to state in contradiction, that the following was the case, viz: - the late Proprietors allowed us the privilege of entering the house, when not required in the orchestra, and on the evening of Monday the 20th ult., we were refused admittance, by order of the present Proprietors.
This was the only reason for our seceding from the Theatre.
I. H. P. WILSON. [sic]
Castlereagh Street, May 1, 1835.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (2 May 1835), 3
Theatre Royal, Sydney.
THE LESSEES respectfully inform the Patrons of the Drama, and Public in general, that the
TREATRE will open
On Monday Evening, May 4th,
WITH A CELEBRATED TRAGEDY, and other Entertainments . . .
The Lessees are highly gratified in informing the Public, that they have succeeded in engaging all the
first-rate musical talent in Sydney, to form their Orchestra, which consists of the following Gentlemen, viz.:--
Leader of the Band - Mr. Clarke.
Violins - Messrs Spyers, Johnson, Dyer, and Scott.
Principal Flute - Mr. Stubbs.
Violincello and Grand Pianoforte - Mr. Cavendish.
Clarionets - Messrs. Turner and Sharp.
Bassoons - Messrs. Hoare and Ball.
Bugle - Mr. Pappin.
Drum - Mr. Vaughan.
. . . The Musical Department will be considerably improved under the direction of Mr. Cavendish. Prices as formerly. Second Pride precisely at 9 o'clock.
The Public are most particularly requested to notice, that under the new arrangement, the Door will open at half-past Six, and the Performance will commence with an Overture, the composition of some well-known Author, by the full Band at Seven o' Clock precisely, and the curtain will rise at the conclusion of the same; and invariably at the fall of the drop scene, will be played some Concerto by an eminent composer . . .
. . . under the sole direction of Mr. JOSEPH SIMMONS.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Clarke (violinist); Mr. Johnson (violin, probably Richard Johnson junior); Benjamin Bissell Dyer (violinist); Mr. Scott (violinist); Stephen Turner (clarinet); Mr. Sharp (clarinet); Mr. Hoare (bassoon); Mr. Ball (bassoon); Stephen Pappin (bugle); Michael Vaughan (drum)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (7 May 1835), 3
The Sydney Theatre opened on Monday evening last, to a respectable and crowded audience, and notwithstanding the short period the house had been closed, some excellent improvements and alterations had been made, both before and behind the curtain . . . We were glad to see so much talent and respectability in the orchestra, from which the public may expect some good music occasionally: this part of the performances has hitherto been most shamefully neglected. The new band was not powerful enough on Monday evening, appearing to want a few more wind instruments . . .
"THEATRE", The Australian (8 May 1835), 2
. . . The orchestra, however, is wretched.
[News], The Sydney Herald (14 May 1835), 2
The Theatre was respectably attended on Monday last . . . We were glad to see so much improvement in the orchestra.
"ACCIDENTS, OFFENCES, &c", The Sydney Herald (4 June 1835), 2
On Saturday evening last, as Mr. Sippe, the music-master, was walking down Barrack-lane, he was surprised to find himself suddenly levelled to the ground, by a tremendous blow on the back of the head. He immediately called out for assistance, when the ruffians decamped, in consequence of several persons coming in sight at the time. Barrack-lane it appears is becoming the resort of villains - several robberies having been recently committed in that part of the town; it is therefore to be hoped, that the Police will be on the alert for the robbers.
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 June 1835), 2
. . . By the by, a word or two to the gentlemen of the orchestra - those gentlemen whose high-sounded talent we have heard that the lessees took such pains, and were at such additional expense to procure. These gentlemen, whether they had received their cue or not, seemed intent on damning the dance, and we must own that their success was commensurate with their diligence - they effectually spoiled it, in addition to their having made two or three awkward attempts before their last failure, instead of those grand overtures, &c, which we were led to believe the new musical department of the Theatre would invariably introduce between the pieces and acts, a few country dances and common airs only were introduced. Of course we except Mr. Stubbs's solo on the key bugle, which was performed with a masterly hand, especially that beautiful strain from Paul and Virginia, "See from Ocean rising" . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 June 1835), 3
MR. SIPPE, Professor of Music,
begs to intimate to his Friends and the Public,
that the relinquishment of his Engagement at the Theatre having afforded him more leisure to appropriate to his Profession,
he will he happy to give instruction on the Pianoforte Flue [Flute] or Clarionette,
to those respectable Pupils who may be desirous of availing themselves of his services,
either at his own Residence or elsewhere, as may be required. - Terms moderate.
Castlereagh-street, June 10th, 1834.
This advertisement ran regularly until 21 July; added from 20 June:
Pianofortes tunes in Town or Country, on the shortest notice.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 June 1835), 2
We observe by an advertisement in another column of this day's paper, that Mr. Sippe, now well known to the Sydney public as a respectable and talented teacher of music, intends to devote the whole of his time to the duties of his profession. It has also been stated to as, that Mr. S. will readily undertake, at a very moderate rate, to instruct a requisite number of respectable young men, who may be disposed to associate themselves for that purpose, so as to form a town band, to supersede the necessity of applying for the services of the military on the various public occasions when a band is required. An arrangement of this sort may be rendered highly beneficial to all parties, and particularly to those who might be disposed to avail themselves of Mr. Sippe's offer of instruction - the number of persons required rendering the individual expense to each a mere trifle. Our present impression is, that Mr. S. will be inundated with applications.
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 July 1835), 3
A new dramatic piece entitled "The Tower of Nesle," or "the Chamber of Death," has been produced at the Theatre during the past week . . . The orchestra we are happy in being enabled to pronounce, is somewhat on the improve - Mr. Sippe has been added to the number of its members and it has certainly gained in talent as well as strength by the addition. On Tuesday evening, the "Somnambulist" was the after-piece, and though we have both seen and admired Mrs. Taylor before in this character, we must candidly confess that we never witnessed any thing more effective, than her performance of it on that late occasion . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (23 July 1835), 2
. . . The orchestra appears to want a little more strength, and from a letter we have received on the subject, the only instruments required to form a full band, are horns, tenor bassoons, and hautboys, which are not to be found in Sydney. It is to be hoped, through the publication of this fact, that a few players on these instruments, at Hobart Town, will be induced to pay Sydney a visit, where liberal salaries and constant practice can be obtained.
"To they Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 August 1835), 3
SIR, In your paper of this day's date, you very correctly observed that the band of the theatre is incomplete. It is impossible to have a full band in this colony, but I have to notice many greater faults than those that you, and your contemporary point out. I am fully aware that the present band of the theatre costs more than a full band of first rate talent at any of the minor London theatres, who have treble the work, for they have to attend day rehearsals; which none do here, and I know from the best authority that each of the three gentlemen. viz. Messrs. Clarke, Spyer and Cavendish, get almost double the salary of any performer of that establishment; yet what musical treat do they afford us, or what talent do they evince. In former times, when any one had to sing, Mr. Sippe would arrange parts for four of five instruments, and well we remember with what tact Mr. Wilson led and accompanied; but now when Mrs. Taylor sings what do we have ? a piano forte accompaniment solely; and no doubt those three gentlemen rank themselves as men of great musical talent and flatter themselves, they do justice to the public and their employers.
The greatest improvement that ought or should took place, is, that all the songs should be accompanied by the band, and the director (Mr. Cavendish) should prepare the parts; and we do assure him, we do not like to see him sit like a boarding school young lady with a pianoforte copy before him and Messrs. Clarke, Spyers and the other little fry, sit gaping and gazing at the singers, as if they were of the audience. It is really disgraceful to see individuals who receive from the Treasury (so report says) £250 per annum each, do so little for it; and really if their services are worth that enormous and extravagant sum what must the services be worth of Mr. Simmons, Mrs. Taylor or Mr. Knowles, who are always before the public and perform more arduous duties in one night, than those three gentlemen in a month. I have long noticed this abuse, but out of pity to these gentlemen's feelings, I refrained from exposing it; but now the abuse is so glaring, that it cannot be passed over any longer.
I wish you, Mr. Editor, to bear in mind that all the music which has been played lately,
in the stock pieces, is from the pen of Mr. Sippe.
Such, Sir, is the true state of the band of the theatre, and as the lessees are paying so truly liberally for the music,
perhaps, these three gentlemen will take this gentle hint to improve their department.
Your insertion will oblige all lovers of theatricals and music,
and none more so than one that visits the dress boxes generally at
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 August 1835), 2
A case of considerable importance in the theatrical world, was disposed of by the learned Commissioner of the Court of Requests, on Saturday last. Mr. Cavendish, who has the entire musical direction of the. orchestra at the theatre, sought to recover the sum of £5 from Mr. Simmons, the manager and joint lessee, being the amount of one week's salary of which he had been mulcted for non-attendance to his duties during one nights' performance . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 October 1835), 2
On Thursday evening last, agreeably to previous announcement, Mrs. Chester, formerly of the Theatres Royal Drury Lane and Covent Garden, made her first appearance on the Sydney boards in the character of Clari, in the operatic piece called the Maid of Milan . . . Bye the bye, before we quit this theatrical topic, a word or two with those sluggish gentlemen, the members of the orchestra. We have before told them of their merits, and of their exertions, but they appear to have quite forgotten our lecture. They are, we know, most liberally - liberally to a fault, paid for their services; and it is but reasonable to expect a suitable return from them. This is, however, any thing but the case, and the fault appears rather to be gaining ground, than diminishing. We were taught to expect very great things from the highly talented gentlemen who were to compose the orchestra upon its present formation, but we rather surmise that both the proprietors and the public have been most miserably disappointed in this particular. We need only advert to the worse than wretched accompaniament to Mrs. Chester on Thursday evening, and our strictures on the inefficiency of the present instrumental company, will then be acknowledged to be well founded. Mrs. Chester was, in point of fact, the leader of the band; and in being so, it was pretty generally acknowledged that she displayed more musical judgment than the united phalanx of the orchestral body . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marian Maria Chester (vocalist); Clari, the maid of Milan, evidently performed, for the first time at the theatre, with a significant proportion of Bishop's songs; see: (DIGITISED)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 November 1835), 2
. . . In re-modelling the Theatre at the commencement of the last season, they [the managers] were liberal to a fault - half, at least, of the orchestral expenditure might have been saved - for it is quite manifest to those who attend the Theatre, that the late orchestra, although so much was said of the talent of it's members, was by no means so efficient as the former one . . . Many alterations might be effected for the better in the internal management of the Theatre . . . But the orchestra, the miserable orchestra, has been the chief grievance during the past season, and that must be remedied for the future. With respect to the performers, there is a sufficient effective number of them to achieve much. But it is indispensible that they study - be diligent - be temperate - and be united . . .
16 November 1835, concert, Maria Taylor (benefit), Theatre Royal
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (16 November 1835), 1
Theatre Royal, Sydney.
By permission of His Excellency the GOVERNOR
RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the public in general, that her Entertainment,
announced to take place in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, will now be performed in the Theatre,
which she has engaged from Mr. Simmons,
he having become the Sole Lessee, and on which occasion he has offered his valuable services gratuitously.
will he performed an entire new descriptive Entertainment, with Songs, in two parts,
with new Scenery, Dresses, and Decorations, got up expressly for the occasion by Mrs. Taylor, called
Theatrical Reminiscences.
For the programme, see bills of the day.
Song - The Romalka, (Moore's Melodies) accompanied by herself on the Piano-forte, and Mr. Stubbs on the Flute.
Scotch Air - "Within a mile o' Edinbro' town."
French Air - "Dunois the brave."
German Air--" Lieber Augustein."
Fashionable Air.
Moorish Air.
The following characters will be sustained by Mrs. Taylor, and in which she will sing the following songs.
Jeanny Dean, Madame Meannette, Mrs. Haller, Louisa Lovetrick, Marguerite, Becky Butterfly, Agnes, Ernestine, and Don Giovanni.
A New Medley Song - Buckstone.
"I have a silent sorrow here" - Sheridan.
"Dashing White Sergeant" - Whittaker.
"My heart's true blue" - A. Lee.
"When the hollow drums" - Colman.
Between the first and second parts
Mr. Simmons, on this occasion, will give a new Entertainment called
In which he will sing
"Morning at Bow-street," and "London at Six o' Clock in the Morning."
The Musical Department, under the direction of
Messrs. Stubbs, Clarke, Cavendish, Wilson, and Sippe, who have kindly offered their services gratuitously.
The performance will commence at Seven o'Clock, and terminate at Eleven.
Tickets and Boxes to be had at the Theatre.
Prices to all parts oft the house as usual.
21 November 1835, opening night of the summer season, Theatre Royal
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 November 1835), 2
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY.
First Night of the Company's performing this Season.
THIS EVENING.(Saturday, Nov. 21st, 1835) . . .
The Acting and Stage Management under the entire direction of JOSEPH SIMMONS . . .
The Public are respectfully informed that the Doors will open at Half-past Six,
and the Overture commence at Seven o'clock precisely.
NIGHTS OF PERFORMANCE ARE Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, IN EACH WEEK.
"Theatre", The Australian (11 December 1835), 2
Tuesday last, was performed "The Scape Grace" - "A Race for a Dinner" - with "Married and Buried" . . . If the present Managers wish to take advice as kindly as it is offered, they will make some improvement in the department of the Orchestra. On the night in question the audience were left a good half-hour by the clock, staring at a bit of green baize - had the "Gods" mustered a little stronger, in the regions aloft, we should have the usual whistling, shouting, and cries of music, to enlighten and keep us from falling asleep - as it was, there was nothing of the sort. If the Managers, as we take it, like old Astley, pay the musicians for "playing and not for resting," then we say - "the Bond - the Bond." [sic]
26, 29, 30 December 1835, first night of Timour the Tartar, Theatre Royal
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (30 December 1835), 3
On Saturday evening the far-famed drama of Timour the Tartar, was produced as a Christmas piece to a crowded house. On the whole, this piece has been got up in a manner far superior to the general run of pieces in this colony. The dresses were mostly new and appropriate, especially the females', with the exception of Mrs. Taylor's, which, although splendid, was not in character. The incidental music too, was better than usual, and appeared to have been rehearsed oftener than common . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 December 1835), 2
The Christmas holiday folks have been hitherto entertained by the representation of Timour the Tartar. This piece most certainly does infinite credit to the Manager, who cast it - to Mr. Simes, who selected and completed the decorations - to the several performers who sustained the piece, and in fact to the tout ensemble. There are two persons however whom it would be the very height of unfairness not to publicly distinguish; all the rest having been heretofore noticed; we allude to Mr. Lee, who has recently joined the Sydney Company, from Hobart Town, and whose combats with Timour and Sanballat were quite sufficient to establish him as no contemptible auxiliary to Sydney theatricals. The other person, of whom we would speak, and who appears to have hitherto escaped the public notice, is Mr. Sippe, who has the entire arrangement of the orchestral department. The musical accompaniment to this piece was admirably performed, and added considerably to its otherwise good effect. We also cannot refrain from noticing Miss Ann Winstanley (of some twelve years of age, or so) as Agib. This young aspirant for theatrical fame, performed her part in a manner that really astonished us in one of her tender age . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Simes (actor, d.1846); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor, vocalist)
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1836:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Theatre Royal Sydney for 1836:
"THEATRICALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 January 1836), 2
Thursday night's performances were highly creditable to all parties concerned, redounding not less to Mr. Simmons's credit as "a well graced actor," than to his tact as the stage manager . . . Were we disposed to be critical, however, we should say the attention of the audience was allowed to pall too long between the acts, unsustained by the orchestra, which should fill up the interval with a proper succession of pleasing pieces and popular airs . . .
26 February 1836, concert, William Vincent Wallace (benefit)
[Advertisement], The Australian (26 February 1836), 1
. . . On this occasion, MR. WALLACE will be assisted by MRS. CHESTER, MRS. TAYLOR, MR. JOSEPHSON, MR. WILSON, and MR. SIPPE . . . the Band of the 28th Regiment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (violinist, pianist, composer)
"SYDNEY THEATRICALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 March 1836), 2
. . . The performances on Tuesday evening, were "Catherine and Petruchio" and "Don Giovanni" or the libertine reclaimed . . . The orchestra which has of late been improving, suffered a strange eclipse by the absence of several members upon a pleasure trip; Mr. big drummer, triangle, trumpeter and one or two more returned about half past nine o'clock, when the very "gods" themselves chastised them, and justly - We hope the manager - the suggestion is unnecessary, quite - but we would in the most friendly mood possible admonish those sons of Momus in future to strive to be merry and wise . . .
16 March 1836, concert, Maria Taylor and Marian Maria Chester (benefit)
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (16 March 1836), 1
. . . Principal Instrumental Performers, MR. JOSEPHSON, MR. WILSON, MR. SIPPE . . . the Band of the 4th (or King's Own) will attend . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 4th Regiment
16 May 1836, George Sippe (benefit), Theatre Royal
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (16 May 1836), 3
Theatre Royal, Sydney
The Theatre will open for One Night only, for the Benefit of Mr. SIPPE,
Composer and Director of the Orchestra,
On which occasion will be produced (for the first time these three seasons)
Coleman's celebrated and admired Comedy, in five Acts, called
The whole to conclude with the highly laughable Afterpiece, in two Acts, called
In which he will introduce the celebrated
Mock Italian Bravura, & a Mock Minuet, By Mr. Simmons and Mrs. Jones . . .
18 May 1836, concert, John Philip Deane (benefit)
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (18 May 1836), 1
. . . principal performers - Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Allen, Mr. Stubbs, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Wilson, Masters John & Edward Deane, Miss Deane, several Gentlemen Amateurs, Mr. Aldis, and Mrs. Chester . . . the Band of the 4th or King's Own will attend . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Allen (vocalist); John Philip Deane (violinist); Rosalie Deane (pianist); John Deane junior (violinist); Edward Deane (violinist, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 May 1836), 3
THE UNDERSIGNED having viewed the management of the Theatre with much regret,
and being the Founder of the Drama in this part of the world, is induced to resume the management.
Ever feeling grateful to a liberal public he hopes to continue their favors,
and pledges himself to produce nothing but the Legitimate Drama.
Sterling Comedies and Broad Farce will be the plan on which he intends to proceed with occasional extra novelties.
The Orchestra, which has been so much neglected, will undergo a very considerable alteration;
viz. New Music, Punctuality, and not keeping the visitor of the Theatre without some entertainment . . .
Parties frequenting the gallery making use of obscene expressions, will be not only sent to the watch house,
but excluded the house from that time. 'Tis a pity to see persons who, by education and general deportment,
should know better, smoking in the Upper Boxes; I hope this hint will have the desired effect.
Sydney, May 21, 1836
6 June 1836, opening of the winter season, Theatre Royal
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (6 June 1836), 3
. . . the Theatre will RE-OPEN for the ensuing Season, This Evening . . . Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Wilson; Director and Composer of the Music, Mr. Sippe . . .
"SYDNEY THEATRICALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 June 1836), 3
. . . The music of the orchestra is now very passable . . .
"THEATRICALS", The Sydney Herald (16 June 1836), 3
We are glad to witness some improvements in the Sydney Theatre, for the accommodation of respectable visitors, and under the management of Mr. Knowles, the public look forward to a new era in Australian Theatricals . . . The house has been made comfortable, and newly decorated, the scenery and dresses are said to be principally new, and every available performer has been engaged. Mr. Sippe, we hope, will do his duty in the orchestra, and with a judicious selection of pieces, the theatre will amply pay the lessee, and gratify the public.
"Theatre", The Australian (17 June 1836), 2
. . . The orchestra also has produced a complete new arrangement of music, the good effect of which is too obvious to need pointing out.
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (25 June 1836), 2
. . . between the pieces the audience were kept waiting a full hour by our dial . . . The orchestra certainly filled up some portion of that interval rather agreeably, and we were glad to notice a decided improvement both in the selection of the music and its execution . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (28 June 1836), 2
. . . The Music was better on Saturday than usual, but we think that with the strength of musical talent now in the Colony the orchestra ought to be placed on a superior footing. The clarionets are often too loud, and the flute player, though clever with the octave and small flutes, has a very bad embochure on the Concert flute . . .
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (6 July 1836), 3
The drama of TIMOUR THE TARTAR was reproduced at the Theatre on Monday evening . . . This was the Anniversary of the Declaration of American Independence, and the national air Yadkee Doodle [sic] was played in the orchestra to the great delight of a number of American gentlemen who were present . . .
6 July 1836, concert, John Philip Deane (benefit)
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (6 July 1836), 2
. . . he will be supported by Mrs. Chester, Miss Deane, Messrs. Cavendish, Stubbs, Sippe, Wilson, Masters J. & E. Deane, and Amateurs . . . the Band of the 4th or King's Own . . .
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 July 1836), 3
At Mr. Wallace's late Concert, we understand the brilliancy of Mr. Josephson's execution on the pianoforte, was particularly admired, as well as his intonations of the flute. Mr. J. first studied under Mr. Sippe, musical professor. Mr. J. is an example of the precocity of talent of our native youth where care has been taken to nurture it, and occasion given to call it forth.
17 August 1836, concert, George Coleman, master of the Band of the 4th Regiment (benefit)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (17 August 1836), 1
. . . on which occasion he will be assisted by Mrs. Chester, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane and family, Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Stubbs and Mr. Josephson . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (19 August 1836), 2
. . . The Manager is probably often driven to expedients to relieve the tedium of the audience from the conclusion of one play to the commencement of another; but a magic lantern, or a few gymnastic feats, would, without more of the "ridiculous," be far more amusing to the "gods," who cannot exist in their "high estate" without being kept alive; or a good overture or two, by the band, might be played during those long moments, which they apparently devote to the science of gastronomy!
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (26 August 1836), 2
. . . Among other pieces the Overture to Figaro was played in excellent time and style by the Orchestra; and we are convinced that frequenters of the Theatre will always be more gratified with similar overtures than with such exhibitions as we felt it desirable on a late occasion to condemn.
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (11 October 1836), 3
. . . The Music Department demands some reformation, in playing the accompaniment to When will you meet me, Love, one or two of the instruments were out of tune. The Director does not offer the same variety, which with very little trouble he might afford, a few of their tunes have become so hacknied, that in mercy to the manes of their composers, not to mention the ears of the audience, some little respite ought to be allowed. If they want to give enlivening and at the same time easy tunes, why not select one or two of the Chorusses from Masaniello and Der Freschutz [Freischutz] and some of Beethoven's and Weber's Waltzes? They would be more within the compass of their ability, and please the audience more than some of their selections from Oberon and other difficult pieces, which require a good sized and clever orchestra to perform decently. The airs in these last a musical ear can detect, but it is impossible to recognize the style of the composer, as given by the orchestra.
"THEATRICALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 November 1836), 2
The drama of "Clari, the Maid of Milan," was performed at the theatre on Saturday night. The part of Clari was enacted by Mrs. Cameron in a manner the most artless and natural . . . With respect to the orchestra, these controllers of cat gut must be stirred up; on Saturday night they made a sad blunder in not knowing their cues when Mrs. Cameron was about singing Home Sweet Home, thereby causing a vacuum anything but agreeable. Overtures appear to be entirely scorned, and have given way to a parcel of trash; this must be remedied . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cordelia Cameron (actor, vocalist)
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 November 1836), 2
On Saturday night was produced, for the first time this season, Sheridan's celebrated play of "Pizarro" . . . The performances of the evening on the whole appeared to give more satisfaction than we feel disposed to allow, and even the orchestra aroused from their lethargy, and drew forth dulcet strains not quite so hackneyed - a pretty general complaint of that body.
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 December 1836), 2
On Thursday evening was performed the comedy of "The Honey Moon." It is a piece which has never been well patronised at the Sydney Theatre, neither the incidents with which it abounds nor the plot are sufficiently striking for the generality of a Sydney audience . . . We should recommend Mr. Wyatt to dispense with the orchestra, and ship a barrel organ, it would have answered as well on this occasion . . .
26, 27, 29, 31 December 1836, and 3 and 14 January 1837, Oberon; or, The charmed horn, Theatre Royal
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 December 1836), 3
THEATRE ROYAL SYDNEY . . . OBERON will be produced very shortly, with New Dresses and Decorations, of the most superb description, by Mr. Simes; the New and Splendid Scenery, by Mr. Shribbs; and the New and Appropriate Music composed and arranged by Mr. Sippe . . . C. KNOWLES, Manager.
SEE: Oberon; or, The charmed horn, a romantic fairy tale in two acts, the subject from the celebrated poem of Wieland; performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane; the music selected from eminent composers, arranged and adapted by Mr. T. Cooke (London: J. Tabby, 1826)
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Shribbs (d.1841)
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 December 1836), 2
On Monday night was produced for the first time, the Grand Romantic Fairy Tale, as it is called, of "Oberon" or the "Charmed Horn;" and a more heterogeneous mass of absurdities, as it was performed on that occasion, never before graced the Sydney boards. We were continually annoyed with enquiries, such as "what's it all about," "can you tell me what the plot is;" but we were as much in the clouds as the querists. If the exhibition of glazed calico, muslins, and tinsels was the object, it fully succeeded, and must have answered the intended purpose; perhaps the four pair of legs so adroitly introduced, cased in silk and buskins were considered novelties; we differ on that head. From the announcement we were led to expect something extraordinary, especially in the music, which was stated to having been composed and arranged for the occasion; it was a dead failure; a barrel organ, or hurdygurdy for us in preference. Even the gods growled out their dissatisfaction . . .
"Oberon" was again played on Tuesday night to a middling house. There was no alteration whatever in the performance, except, perhaps, that some of the performers were rather more perfect in their parts . . .
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 December 1836), 2
On Thursday night last was produced for the third lime the fairy spectacle of "Oberon." We thought that some time having elapsed since the piece first was performed, that any little defects or omissions to which we were lenient in our first comments, might have been remedied; the reverse, however, was the fact, the actors, if possible, were more defective, and the scenery was shifted with less promptitude; but these annoyances might have been overlooked it even au attempt had been made to get up the piece according to the author's intention. We thought that plenty of time had elapsed during which a tiger might have been manufactured, or, at all events, a head of that animal could have been got up, and being mounted upon a spear, would have answered all the purpose. Again, only one song is introduced out of several, and the choruses, are totally omitted; pieces like "Oberon," where every thing depends upon illusion and stage effect, should be strictly followed according to the intent of the author, who always finds it difficult to work his piece up too high. The omission of the singing is to he regretted, as several of the actresses can sing; but one especially, according to the performer's own account, is but little interior to Miss Paton, making the omission still more to be wondered at. We understand it to be the custom never to rehearse a piece after its first appearance, which accounts for bungling from the beginning to the end. It is said the piece was got up expressly to please certain persons, and not in accordance with the Manager's own good sense . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Paton (London theatrical vocalist)
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1837:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Theatre Royal Sydney for 1837:
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 January 1837), 2-3
. . . The evening's entertainment [31 December] concluded with "Oberon"; we could see no alteration in the performance of the piece; the scenery certainly was shifted with more alacrity, but in [most] respects it was a facsimile of the previous representations. It is a pity it was got up - it must have been expensive and never could have been expected [3] in this colony. The orchestra had brushed up their wits, and gave the audience something more lively and agreeable than usual. The house was tolerably filled, and the audience appeared gratified with the amusement; the best criterion, perhaps, after all, by which performances should be judged. If those for whom they are provided, are satisfied, who has a right to complain?
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (7 January 1837), 1
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 January 1837), 2
Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather for theatrical performances, there was a tolerable muster at the theatre to witness the historical drama of "Hofer, the Tell of the Tiral," on Saturday . . . We observe an addition to to the orchestra in the person of a son of Mr. Deane, who plays a tenor violin . . . The orchestra was not effected by the dullness of the evening, and endeavoured to enliven the house with some soul stirring music . . .
"THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (6 February 1837), 2
. . . The orchestra, under, as we are told, Mr. Sippe's direction, is improved in a very great degree . . .
6 February 1837, death of Mary Ann Sippe
"Death", The Sydney Herald (16 February 1837), 3
On Tuesday last, at her residence, Castlereagh-street, Mrs. Sippe, wife of Mr. George Sippe, late Bandmaster of H. M. 57th regiment, in her 36th year.
See also: "DEATHS", Limerick Chronicle (28 June 1837), 3
At Sydney, New South Wales, Mrs. Sippe, wife of Bandmaster Sippe, 57th Regiment.
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (25 March 1837), 2
. . . On Thursday night was produced the tragedy of "Richard the Third" . . . The orchestra appeared horribly out of tune, and did anything but draw forth dulcet tones . . .
"To the Editor", The Sydney Monitor (31 March 1837), 3
SIR - I respectfully beg that you will in your journal contradict - "That I have leased the Theatre to any one."
But that, from the great sums I have expended for its re opening, not only the scenery, dresses, and others;
and, though last, not least, a considerable number of musicians; amongst the names of the gentlemen, are -
Mr. Dean (leader), his Three Sons, Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Turner, Papping and Son (French horns) [sic], Johnson, White,
Westrop, White, Bowles, and others whose names I have not taken note of.
And I trust, when I take charge of the Theatre, to conduct it with respectability, and make it convenient to a liberal public.
I am, Sir, Your obedient servant,
Thursday, 20th March, 1836.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. White (musician/s); Zachariah Westrop (flute player); Mr. Bowles (musician)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (3 April 1837), 2
We are glad to learn that Mr. Dean is to lead the Orchestra in the Theatre. The selection of music has been indifferent and always the same; the performance was miserable; mere noise. When the house is full, the band may play a little louder; but when it is thin, the loud grinding of the orchestra has been tormenting to the ear, in lieu of being grateful. One would suppose, that when the same pieces are performed two or three times a week, there would be something like music. Quite the contrary; the oftener the band plays a piece; the less music is produced. The way in which performers touch their instruments is truly pot-house like. The band is equally inattentive to the acting. We have seen poor Buckingham come forward and give the signal in such a way, as to spoil, the drama, and yet the orchestra could not comprehend. We often thought, that the smoke of the penny tin lamps which light the orchestra, and which is insufferable in the dress boxes near the stage, rendered the leader of the orchestra half insensible. The smoke is certainly dreadful. Instead of glass curtains made of children's penny looking glasses, and trumpery of this kind, Mr. Levey had much better light the orchestra with lamps, which consume their own smoke. We hope Mr. Dean will refuse to enter the orchestra until the present vile Butchers' lamps are substituted by Argand lamps. If he does not, he will certainly be poisoned and he should consider his large family.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham (actor, vocalist)
6 April 1837, Sippe and Wilson (benefit), Theatre Royal
[News], The Australian (4 April 1837), 2
Messrs. Sippe and Wilson, the conductor and the leader of the Orchestral Band at the Theatre, take their Benefit on Thursday next. The pieces to be performed are entitled the Chelsea and Greenwich Pensioner, and the Dog of Montargis. Mr. W. Wallace the Australian Paganini will perform a grand concerto on the violin, and the Orchestra will be supplied with the talent of Mr. Deane and Sons and the Band of the 4th or King's Own Regiment.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (6 April 1837), 1
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 April 1837), 2
There are but three nights of the present season of the Sydney Theatre under the Lesseeship of Mr. Wyatt, which will be disposed of in the following manner: - This evening Messrs. Sippe and Wilson will take a joint benefit; the one being the composer and arranger, the other the leader of the orchestra. The great novelty of the evening will be the performance of Mr. Wallace, who will perform upon the violin the grand variations on NEL COR PIU, composed by Paganini.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wyatt (lessee)
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 April 1837), 2
On Thursday evening the Theatre was opened for the benefit of Messrs. Wilson and Sippe . . . The grand attraction of the evening was Mr. Wallace's grand variations on Nil Cor Pui [sic], which were of the most splendid description . . . The house was but thinly attended.
"THEATRE", The Australian (11 April 1837), 2
On Thursday evening Sippe and Wilson's benefit took place, and a very respectable audience filled the dress circle, the other parts of the house were well attended. During the evening some very fine overtures were played . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (17 April 1837), 7
Music, Paintings, Pianofortes, Seraphines, and Jewellery.
ISAAC SIMMONS & CO. INVITE the attention of Amateurs and Lovers of the Fine Arts,
to a very superior importation of Music, Paintings, Pianofortes, Seraphines, and Jewellery,
which will be ready for exhibition in a few days (due notice of which will be given),
in their spacious Show Room, above the Auction Mart,
and which have been manufactured and selected by the celebrated "Mott,"
to the order of one of the first import mercantile Houses in the Colony.
Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully informed that Mr. Sippe is engaged to be in attendance daily, from ten to twelve o'clock, for the purpose of superintending and tuning the Instruments, described and numbered (as per invoice) as follows, viz : . . .
NOTE: This advertisement ran until 25 May
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Simmons (merchant, auctioneer); Isaac Henry Robert Mott (London piano maker); on Mott, see:
"THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (1 May 1837), 2
The Theatre re-opened on Saturday evening under the management of Mr. Barnett Levy. Of the performance we shall not speak in the present number. There has not been any material alteration made in the body of the house or on the stage. The only improvement we perceived was in the Orchestra, which is under the direction of Mr. Deane, and is much more efficient than hitherto.
"THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (15 June 1837), 2
. . . There is one department which has been greatly improved - the Orchestra contains all the talent of last season, with the addition of Mr. Dean as leader, and his three sons. The music is now as good as the Public may reasonably expect . . .
10 October 1837, marriage of George Sippe and Frances Smith
Marriages registered at Sydney, 1837; 315/1837 V1837315 75
1837, October 10 . . . George Sippe, and Frances Smith
ASSOCIATIONS: Frances Smith, born Ireland, c.1814; as Frances Hall, died Dungog, NSW, 1887
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 December 1837), 2
Messrs. Sippe and Wilson, we are informed, are engaged to conduct the orchestra for the ensuing season at Mrs. Levy's "Theatre Royal." If this be true, it will be quite enough to damn the Theatre to all intents and purposes. After the able manner in which Mr. Deane and his talented family have conducted this department, the play-going public will never tolerate Messrs. Sippe and Wilson as their substitutes. A more injudicious arrangement could not have been devised.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Emma Levey (widow of Barnett Levey, who died on 2 October 1837)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (15 December 1837), 3
SIR - I beg leave to offer to the candid perusal of the Public at large,
the following document, which will prove how little foundation the veracious Editor of the Gazette
has for his scandalous attack upon the Proprietress of the Theatre, in his paper of 14th.
A copy of the Address was transmitted to the Governor, signed by the following Gentlemen,
who were to form the Deputation -
J. JOSEPHSON, for Mrs. LEVEY, Proprietress.
Messrs. DEAN & SIPPE - for the Orchestra.
Mr. LAZAR, MANAGER - for the Company.
Mr. J. SIMMONS, as former MANAGER . . .
"ADDRESS", The Sydney Times (16 December 1837), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Josephson (d. 1845; Sarah Levey's step-father, and father of Sippe's former pupil, Joshua Frey Josephson); John Lazar (actor, manager)
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1838:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Theatre Royal Sydney for 1838:
[News], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (6 January 1838), 2
A considerable addition has been made to the Orchestra of the Theatre in the person of Mr. Wellington Wallace, a professor upon the flute, and brother to Mr. William Wallace, the Paganini of Australia, of whom report speaks highly. Mrs. Levey has acted judiciously in so doing, since Mr. Deane and his talented family, have retired from the Orchestra, an addition of strength has been much required.
ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (flute)
"THEATRE", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (13 January 1838), 2
On Monday night was; performed, for the first time in this Colony, an Operatic Comedy, entitled The Pet of the Petticoats, from the pen of G. Buckstone, Esq. . . . The Orchestra is a lame affair, to say the best of it . . .
"THE THEATRE", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (17 January 1838), 2
. . . On Saturday night was performed the Burlesque Nautical Drama, for the last time this season, of Billy Taylor, or The Gay Young Fellow, which went off tolerably well . . . The Orchestra grinds out most miserable music, and by way of a treat and change have again struck up No. 9. Before the first act of the first piece had closed, the orchestral "Sarpant" was snoring and bobbing his head until his nose at every genuflexion entered the grand orifice of the instrument.
NOTE: "Sarpant" [serpent]
"THE THEATRE", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (24 January 1838), 3
On Saturday evening the musical burletta of the Married Bachelor, was performed as the play, and very injudiciously, for how can it be expected that persons will visit the theatre at full price, to see a farce without any merit, and a dance, while those who only pay hall price have the full benefit of a three act drama; such was the case on Saturday night, and the proprietress will find, that if this system is continued, the treasury must suffer. This course, to say the least of it, is unfair. The after piece was the drama of The Jewess, which went off remarkably well, and elicited the applause of a well filled house. Mr. Sippe being the manager and composer of music, it would be no detriment if something new was substituted for the old worn out humdrum noise which so incessantly salutes our ear.
"THE THEATRE", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (27 January 1838), 2
On Monday evening was performed, for the first time in this Colony, an admirable three act comedy from the pen of Mr. Buckstone, entitled Married Life . . . The Orchestra brushed up their ideas, and gave some strains of a more enlivening nature than of late, and they were not without their reward for so doing . . .
On Thursday evening was produced, for the third time in this Colony, Buckstone's Comedy of Victorine, or I'll sleep on't . . . Two trifles concluded the amusements of the evening, the Burletta of the Married Bachelor, and My Husband's Ghost, a Farce. The Orchestra had improved, and before the rising of the curtain performed the Overture to the Caliph of Bagdad with considerable execution, considering the smallness of their numbers . . .
MUSIC: Overture to The caliph of Baghdad (Boildieu / Boieldieu), for a later English edition in piano score: (SIGITISED)
"The Theatre", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 February 1838), 2
The Operatic Burlesque Burletta (as the bills call it), entitled Othello Travestie, has been reproduced at the Theatre lately with several alterations and improvements upon its former representation . . . Can no plan be fallen upon for the improvement of the Orchestra? Surely some more and better musicians might be found in Sydney, or some means adopted for the improvement of the present assemblage of discordant sounds. We have often admired the patience of Sydney audiences, and in nothing so much as their endurance of the present Orchestra. In no other country under the sun, where rotten peaches are as cheap as they are here, would they be tolerated for a single hour.
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 February 1838), 2
On Saturday evening a piece entitled Gustavus the Third; or, The Masked Ball, was produced at the Sydney Theatre . . . It is scarcely judicious in a Sydney manager to select pieces for representation on the Sydney boards, which depend in any material degree on scenic effect, for, in the confined limits of the Sydney Theatre, and with all the disadvantages with which a Colonial manager has to contend, it is entirely out of the question to expect, anything like an effective display, still, less is it advisable, with an orchestra so miserably inferior as the present one is, to any that we remember heretofore, to attempt any piece, which depends at all for effect, on the efficiency of the musical department. Gustavus, however, under all the disadvantages, with the aid of Mrs. Clarke's singing and Miss Lazar's dancing, went off considerably better than, from a perusal of the drama, we anticipated it would have done . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens Clarke (vocalist, actor); Rachel Lazar (actor, dancer, vocalist)
"THE THEATRE", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (7 March 1838), 2
On Saturday night was repeated the domestic Comedy of "Married Life" . . . The orchestra had been strengthened by an additional French horn and a violin - it was consequently more effective . . .
"The Theatre Royal. To the Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 March 1838), 3
SIR, The notice you have taken of the Sydney Theatre has induced us to hope that you will allow us to draw the public attention, through the medium of your columns, to the manner in which we have been treated, by Mrs. Levy, on the dissolution of our connexion with that establishment.
At the commencement of the present season we were engaged for a period not exceeding six months, to perform at the Sydney Theatre, under a penalty of twenty pounds each in case of any breach of agreement on our part. Mrs. Levy being bound to pay us the respective salaries agreed on, with benefits on nights selected at the commencement of the season; she also being bound in a similar penalty to each of us in case of any breach of agreement on her part. Under this agreement we have all of us acted up to the present time, and some of our number, thinking ourselves bound in honour, as well as legally, to fulfil our engagements to Mrs. Levy, have refused highly favourable offers made to induce us to join the company at the new theatre. On Saturday last, without even the ceremony of an hour's notice, we were turned adrift by Mrs. Levy to shift for ourselves as we best could, and the only satisfaction offered us, when some of our number spoke of enforcing the penalty Mrs. Levy had incurred by her breach of the agreement, was conveyed in the shape of an intimation from Mr. Josephson (stepfather to Mrs. Levy), that he would take a cottage in the Rules of the Debtors' Prison, to which Mrs. L. could remove and he would there maintain her. As we could not pretend to misunderstand a hint so palpable, we thought it useless to throw away more of our hard-earned money in a fruitless attempt to obtain justice, when it was but too evident that justice must be defeated.
We are, Sir,
Your very obedient servants,
H. P. WILSON [sic].
I. WINTERS [sic].
[We have already devoted too much of our space to-day to "Things Theatrical" to admit of our making the observations we intended on the above letter, we will reserve them for another opportunity. - ED.]
ASSOCIATIONS: Mark Munyard (actor, vocalist); Richard Winters (or Winter, actor)
[News], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (7 April 1838), 2
There is an article in the Sydney Gazette of Tuesday last, under the affected head of "Things Theatrical." Had the author of that article known the truth of the facts which he attempts to relate, he would, instead of maligning Mr. Josephson, have given him every credit for the praiseworthy manner in which he acted in the business which led to the close of the Theatre Royal, George street. The author (and it is any thing but difficult to divine who he is) has commenced his tissue of falsehoods by stating that Mr. Knight had, very liberally, offered £15 per week as rent, but that Mrs. Levey refused to accept it. This is not the fact. Mr. Knight said, as Mr. Nichols, his attorney, was out of town, the time had elapsed within which he wished to take it; but the fact was, Mr. Josephson, who acted as the agent for Mrs. Levey, insisted upon a clause being inserted - which is generally inserted in leases - that he should not he allowed to under-let. This did not suit Mr. Knight, as it subsequently appeared that he wished to lease the house with the view of re-leasing it to Mr. Wyatt. So much for that portion of the statement. Then - with regard to Mr. Josephson being accessary to the cruel treatment which is complained of by the actors - no sooner did that gentleman hear, from a quarter whose veracity he could not doubt, that some of the actors had been applying to Mr. Wyatt for an engagement, although under agreement to Mrs. Levey, than he went to Mr. Wyatt - stated what he had heard - and asked for a candid reply. Mr. Wyatt, with his characteristic honour and promptitude, stated such to be the fact, and produced a list of ten, out of thirteen of Mrs. Levey's company, who had so surreptitiously applied. The orchestra, with more candour, had not, with the exception of Messrs. Wilson and Sippe, entered into any agreement with Mrs. Levey, but candidly stated that it was their intention to engage with Mr. Wyatt directly his Theatre opened. This was manly, contrasted with the conduct of the actors. Mrs. Levey was at this time so ill that she was confined to bed, and unable to see or hold converse with any one; and Mr. Josephson, father-in-law [sic] to Mrs. L., being her natural protector, found matters to stand thus: - ten out of thirteen of the company had offered their services to Mr. Wyatt, and only two would be left in the orchestra; what alternative here presented itself? Out of his own pocket he paid the company to the end of the week, so that no complaint need be made upon that head - he paid all the rent due since the death of Mr. Barnett Levey, amounting, we believe, to £65 9s - and consented, by a guarantee, to be answerable to Messrs. Holt and Co. for the rent in future, giving a month's notice when he thought fit to vitiate such guarantee. Finding how matters stood, and that his daughter-in-law would be left destitute if he trusted to the hollow promises of the greater portion of the company, he made such arrangements as to provide a comfortable income to Mrs. Levey for some years. These have been the acts of Mr. Jacob Josephson, marked in every step of the affair by honour and good faith; while the conduct of those whom the "Judicious Critic" in the Gazette would have the public believe was most exemplary, and would gloss over if the public could not penetrate through the flimsy coating, was throughout the transaction heartless, and careless of the welfare of the widow and the fatherless. On the contrary, the conduct of Mr. Josephson has, through the whole proceeding, been marked with honour and liberality.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Knight (d. 1852)
"Royal Victoria Theatre", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (11 April 1838), 2
. . . It has been a matter of surprise to us, that Mr. Sippe has not been added to the strength of the orchestra, we consider that Mr. S. has a claim for an engagement, it should not be forgotten that he led the orchestra upon the rise of the curtain in the colony, and has been attached to it ever since.
[News], The Australian (13 April 1838), 2
Mr. George Sippe, who was for many years leader of the Band of the late Sydney Theatre, and formerly band master of H. M. 58th [sic] regiment, is about removing to Maitland to open a Musical seminary. As a teacher of the Piano, Violin, and Flute, Mr. S. is spoken of in the highest terms, both for his proficiency in the art and his attention as a teacher.
"The Theatre", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 April 1838), 2
. . . The orchestra [at the new theatre] is improving on every fresh occasion. The old worn-out tunes that were droned in our ears for years at the old Theatre, have almost entirely given way to a newer and better selection.
"COURT OF REQUESTS. THURSDAY, 3rd INSTANT", The Sydney Monitor (9 May 1838), 3
Mrs. Barnet Levey, and her late performers - Mr. W. Kerr was the defendant, in a case which involved the question of the broken agreement between Mrs. Levey and the company of the old Theatre . . .
Mr. Sippe v. Mrs. Levey - This was a case different from the last; it was to recover the sum of nine pounds, for three weeks' salary due to plaintiff. The agreement between the parties in this case was like the last, for six months, and commencing at the same period, and it engaged the services of the plaintiff for four nights in each week, during those six months, at a salary of three pounds a week. The agreement did not contain any penalty in case of its being broken. The plaintiff continued in the exercise of his duty in the orchestra, that of principal violincello, up to the 24th of March, when he was, with the rest, discharged. Mr. Sippe now sought, on the authority of the agreement, to recover for salary up to the time of taking out the summons. He said he considered his term of service with Mrs. Levey still unexpired, and for that reason had abstained from applying for an engagement at the new theatre. Mr. Josephson grounded his defence to the demand on the following circumstance; the agreement promised to pay Mr. Sippe three pounds a week for six months, unless the theatre "was closed by public order or calamity." In defence of the plea "calamity" Mr. J. urged, in the first place, the opening of the new theatre; secondly, the indisposition of Mrs. Levey, and thirdly, that there were not sufficient musicians left to form a band. The Commissioner jocosely remarked that none of these reasons could be viewed as "calamities," which he had always before understood to mean, public events, such as the death of some member of the Royal Family, or fire; but he himself was far from viewing the opening of the new theatre as a calamity, and the indisposition of Mrs. Levey, however much it was to be regretted, could not be allowed to have any weight in the case. In contradiction of the third objection, Mr. Lazar the late manager said, there were sufficient instruments left to keep the house open. The Commissioner informed the plaintiff, that if he took a verdict for the nine pounds, he would be debarred recovering the salary for the remainder of the term. Mr. Sippe suggested, that, as in the case of the Patriotic Association, he could sue for each month's salary as it became due. Mr. Therry said, he Would consider the point, and defer the judgment until a future day.
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor (11 May 1838), 2
A report is in circulation about the Town that an attempt will be made to re-open the old Theatre in George-street, by Messrs. Holt, Simmons, Meredith, and Buckingham. How this is to be done while Mr. Wyatt holds the place on the authority of lease, which is a weekly one, does not appear; Or how even if a company could be scraped together, musicians could be found to fill the orchestra. The obstacles to such an attempt are not small ones, for Mr. Wyatt may be said to have spiked the guns and destroyed the works.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Meredith (actor, manager)
[News], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (12 May 1838), 2
Yesterday the Commissioner of the Court of Requests adjudged the cases of the Performers against Mrs. Levey, and decided that those whose agreements specified the penalty was to be sued for in the Supreme Court, were to abide by such agreement. But as those of Messrs. Sippe and Wilson did not contain such clause, he gave a verdict for the amount sought.
"A Benefit", The Australian (15 May 1838), 2
Mr Sippe, late of the orchestra obtained a verdict at the Court of Requests against Mrs. B. Levy, late Proprietress of the Theatre Royal, for wages to the termination of his agreement, which has some time to run. The consequence of this verdict has been an intimation from Mrs. Levy to Mr. Sippe, that his attendance will be required at the Theatre during the usual hours on play nights to improve his bowing, and amuse the benches. Mr. Sippe took his first benefit last night; but his solo on the violin did not obtain the applause of the audience.
"WOULD IT BE BELIEVED", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (16 May 1838), 2
Mr. Sippe, belonging to the Orchestra of the old Theatre, having obtained a verdict against Mrs. Levey, the late proprietress, - she will be under the necessity of continuing his salary until the end of what would have been the Theatrical season - sent for him on Monday, and directed him to attend the old Theatre upon the same four nights a-week as it used to be opened and there play upon his bass viol as though the house was opened and the Orchestra full. Mr. Sippe, who chuckled at the idea, very readily assented, and at the hour of seven made his appearance, together with his instrument, at the stage door in Drury Lane and was admitted, Mrs. Levey acting as Mistress of the Ceremonies; a couple of candles were procured, and Mr. S took up his old seat, and having screwed up his instrument and his courage at the same time to the sticking point, Mrs. Levy placed down before him an overture which he rattled off in style, while Mrs. Levy marched to and fro the stage; the time was spaced out at the distance of twenty, thirty, and forty minutes, at the expiration of each of which spaces "of time" Mr. Sippe again struck up; this foolery went on till about eleven o'clock, when the curtain was supposed to fall, and Mr. S. departed. We would recommend Mr. Sippie not to be played with in this manner any more, the Commissioner of the Court of Requests, we feel assured, would never make Mr. S's. receiving his salary contingent upon such absurdity. Again, Mr. Sippie's agreement only binds him to play four nights in each week of dramatic performance. That was not the case on Monday night; and further, Mr. Wyatt rents the house for the next week or two, and parties who applied for admission were refused. Combining these circumstances together, it is tolerably clear that Mr. Sippie has no necessity whatever to play, merely to gratify the spleen of either Mrs. Levy, Mr. Wyatt, or Mr. Josephson.
"PLEASANT AMUSEMENT", The Sydney Herald (17 May 1838), 2
Mr. Sippe, the violincello player, summoned Mrs. Levy at the last Court of Requests for the sum of £9, being three weeks salary, which became due after the old Theatre closed. The Commissioner gave Mr. Sippe a judgment, so that Mr. S. by this means will be enabled to receive his salary for the full term of his agreement, the same as if the Theatre had remained open. On Monday Mrs. Levy served Sippe with a notice to attend the Theatre as usual; accordingly, Mr. S. went, and being supplied with a light and music-books, after a few preliminary flourishes, played the violincello parts of half a dozen overtures. About eleven o'clock it was announced that the play was over; and Mr. Sippe was allowed to take his leave. We understand that Mr. Sippe will be called upon to play his part four times a week, the same as if the regular performances were going on and in default of doing so his salary will be discontinued.
Further to the above, see also:
"AUSTRALIA", Hampshire Advertiser [England] (29 September 1838), 4
We have received our usual file of Australian papers;
the following is an abridgment of the principal topics of interest: - . . .
"PLEASANT AMUSEMENT. - Mr. Sippe, the violoncello player, summoned Mrs. Levey at the last
Court of Requests for the sum of 9l, being three weeks' salary, which became due after the old theatre closed . . ..
[News], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (19 May 1838), 2
On Tuesday evening Mr. Sippe with witnesses, and having his bass viol under his arm, appeared at the door of the old Theatre to grind away, as on the previous night, but no one being in attendance nor the doors opened he returned home. We recommend Mr. Sippe not to attend again - he has not the slightest occasion. He will soon have an opportunity of leading an Orchestra, despite envy, hatred, malice and all uncharitableness.
"THE CARNIVAL", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 May 1838), 2
A very numerous assemblage is expected at the fancy-dress ball, to be held this evening, under the direction of Messrs. Simmons and Meredith, at the Royal Hotel, in honour of Her Majesty's birth-day. Mr. Sippe, we understand, has been unwearied in his exertions to get together an efficient orchestra; and, fortunately, with great success. Preparations are being made to accommodate a very numerous company; and great care, we understand, has been taken to provide against the intrusion of improper characters.
"THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY . . . THE CARNIVAL", The Australian (25 May 1838), 2
Amongst the amusements got up expressly in consideration of the occasion, was a subscription fancy ball, in the saloon of the Royal Hotel . . . The band, which was strong and effective, was in the orchestra . . . About 11 o'clock, the room was pretty well filled with Richard's, Romeo's, and fascinating Juliet's. Turks and Greeks gallopaded with rustic milk maids, who were admitted to the company of empresses for "this night only." Several persons appeared in splendid highland costume, and, take it all in all, the ball went off with eclat. A strong police force was in attendance to prevent the intrusion of improper persons. Mr. Clarke, the dancing master, of Macquarie-street, acted as master of the ceremonies . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Clark (dancing master, d.1871)
"THEATRE ROYAL, GEORGE STREET", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (2 June 1838), 2
Some persons are vulgar enough to call this the Old Theatre, the above however is the proper designation of it, and it will soon obtain the true and correct designation of the "New Theatre." On Thursday evening the vocal amateur would have had a fine treat if he had thought fit to have attended; it is at present a kind of public ledger, "Open to all, influenced by none." Mr. Sippe took his seat, as usual, at seven o'clock, under the revivifying influence of two long sixes, and having screwed up the strings, rosined the bow, and given a preparatory flourish, away went the overture in the Caliph of Bagdad, after which the curtain was supposed to rise, and the following gentlemen sung the national anthem of God Save the Queen, amid thunders of applause, Messrs. Green, of "The Cricketers;" Cave; R. Broad, George-street; D. Rogers, W. Hill, Broughton, Worgan and J. Jennings. The bass of Mr. Broad was so admirable that it made the building quiver, and the cockroaches in the rafters were amazed and walked forth to know what was the matter. Wyatt, Joseph, was very vociferous in his approbation, thinking perhaps that some of them might come over to the Victoria. 'Wont do Joseph, George Cavenagh will be in want of a berth ere long, perhaps he'll do as the Idiot witness. After a vast deal of applause, and sundry other instrumental and vocal amusements, Mr. Sippe arose, bowed and withdrew.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Greeg (amateur vocalist, publican); Robert Broad (amateur vocalist, shopkeeper); John Parsons Worgan (amateur vocalist, brother of the musician George William Worgan, who arrived in Sydney a couple of months later)
[Court reports], The Australian (13 July 1838), 3
The contested case of Sippe against Mrs. Levy, of the Theatre, came on yesterday, before the Judges in a motion for a prohibition directed to the Commissioner of the Court of Requests to stay the proceeding in the Court of Requests. Mr. Windeyer appeared for Mr. Sippe, and Mr. a'Becket on the part of Mrs. Levy. The Court decided that although the contract was for six months, the payments being specially provided for as weekly payments, Mr. Sippe had cause of action at the end of each week, that is to say if he performed his part of the contract. This decision is the same as that given in the Patriotic Association cases, in which the contract was binding for three years, but as it was specially provided that the payments were to be made by instalments at certain periods, it was decided that cause of action arose at the termination of those periods, which brought the non-payment within the jurisdiction of the Court of Requests.
"LAW INTELLIGENCE. THURSDAY, JULY 12", The Sydney Herald (13 July 1838), 3
In Banco. Before the three judges. Ex parte S. E. Levey. - In this case a rule had been obtained, calling upon George Sippe to show cause why a writ of prohibition should not be issued directed to the Commissioner of the Court of Requests, restraining him from proceeding further in the case of Sippe v. Levey. Mr. Windeyer now appeared to shew cause. From the affidavit of Mr. Josephson, and of Mr. Sippe in reply, it appeared that about the 27th of December last, Mrs. Levey and Mr. Sippe entered into an agreement by which, in consideration of the weekly sum of £3, Mr. Sippe agreed to perform as principal violincello player four nights per week. In the month of March, Mrs. Levey let the Theatre to Mr. Wyatt, and it was closed, and Mr. Sippe's services were not required. On the 16th April, Mr. Sippe took out a summons in the Court of Request for £9, three weeks' salary, for which the Commissioner gave him a judgment. On the 22d May, Mr. Sippe took out a second summons, and on the 8th June obtained a second verdict for £9, which was the judgment complained of, as the applicant contended that the first judgment was conclusive, and no evidence was given that Mr. Sippe had performed the services which he had agreed to. After the Theatre was closed, Mr. Sippe tendered his services, and after the first judgment, received a note desiring him to attend at the Theatre and play his violincello four nights a week, which he did for several weeks, until Mr. Wyatt refused to allow him to enter the Theatre. Mr. Windeyer objected in the prohibition on the ground that the agreement was for the sum of £3, payable weekly, and that the sum of £3 must be looked upon as an instalment due, and would be recovered every week. The case of the subscribers to the Patriotic Association, the learned gentleman contended was exactly in point. He also urged that unless the want of jurisdiction was urged on the Commissioner in order that he might decide upon it, the Court would not entertain the objection. The learned gentleman quoted a great number of cases and argued at considerable length on these points.
Mr. a'Becket replied, contending that the first sum for which judgment was given was not for services performed, but damages for the breach of the agreement, and that, consequently, the judgment was binding and conclusive. As to the objection not having been urged before the Commissioner when the case was heard, that would have been a very good objection for the Commissioner to have made, if he had appealed to support his own judgment, but made no difference as regarded the parties.
The Chief Justice said he was of opinion the prohibition should not be issued. The point raised by Mr. Windeyer, that it did not appear that an objection to the jurisdiction of the Commissioner was not made in the Court below was fatal, for before the decision of the Judge of an inferior Court can be impeached, it must be made manifest that the attention of the Judge had been called to the particular point. The second action in the Court of Requests was not for damages, but for services actually performed, for Mr. Sippe attended the Theatre and played the violincello for several evenings, according to the requisition of Mrs. Levey. Then arose the question whether this was a divisable contract, and could Mr. Sippe sue for the money as it became due or must he wait until the whole of the time was completed. By the terms of the contract Mrs. Levey undertook to pay the sum of £3 weekly, and therefore at the end of every week a separate and distinct debt was due, for which Mr. Sippe could sue in the Court of Requests; but if he had waited until more than three weeks salary was due, he must have gone to the Supreme Court. The decision of the Court respecting the subscribers to the Patriotic Association's Bond, he held to be exactly in point.
Both the other Judges agreed with His Honor - Rule dismissed.
REFERENCES: See also Ex parte Levey [1838] NSWSupC 69; Decisions of the Superior Courts of New South Wales, 1788-1899; Macquarie University Law School
"THURSDAY, JULY 12 - IN BANCO", The Sydney Monitor (13 July 1838), 2-3
Births registered, 1838; BDM NSW
1838, July 27 . . . Robert Dixon Sippe
Died NSW, 1925
[News], The Australian (11 September 1838), 2
The last of the celebrated cases of the musicians against Mrs. Levy, late of the Theatre Royal, were decided on Thursday in the Court of Requests, when Mr. Sippe relinquished a claim for £3 10s, which was the last of the instalments due.
"SUPREME COURT (IN BANCO) SATURDAY", The Australian (9 October 1838), 2
Ex-parte Wyatt . . . Affidavits by Mr. Richard Crampton and Mr. Henry Green were put in, and stated that they had attended at the Theatre with Mr. Sippe, who was compelled to attend and play, after it was shut up, and that Mrs. Levy attended as the proprietress of the Theatre, and turned them out of the house, stating that it was her property . . .
Ex-parte Joseph Kenyon. - Mr a'Beckett moved for a rule to shew cause why an information should not be filed against Mr. Richard Roberts for a misdemeanor, in attempting to pervert the due course of justice. Mr a'Beckett made the motion on the affidavit of Mr. Joseph Kenyon, which set forth that he met Mr. Roberts in the street, and accompanied him to his house in Phillip-street, where Mr. Roberts asked deponent if he had not stated to Messrs. Green and Sippe that he knew that Mr. Smart had written the note which was the subject of action between Messrs. Simmons and Co. and Mr. Smart, to which deponent answered that he had not said so. Mr. Roberts then told deponent that Green and Sippe would swear he had, and he had better mind what he was about; and he then wrote out questions likely to be put to deponent if he was called as a witness in the case, and told deponent he must answer them as he wrote on the paper, or he would be indicted for perjury. Roberts took a pistol from a drawer in the room and intimidated deponent, using violent language and gestures. The affidavit, which was a very long one, set out the particulars of this singular transaction very minutely, and the Court granted a rule nisi, returnable on Saturday.
17 October 1838, concert, Eliza Wallace (benefit)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (17 October 1838), 4
MISS WALLACE BEGS to inform her Friends and the Public,
that her CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, will take place on the 17th instant,
in the Saloon of the "ROYAL HOTEL;" on which occasion she will be assisted by Mr. J. P. DEANE and FAMILY,
a celebrated Vocal Amateur, Mr. WORGAN, Mr. W. STANLEY - Mr. SIPPE - Miss A. WINSTANLEY - and Mr. WALLACE.
1. Overture - Otello - ROSSINI - Orchestra . . .
1. Overture - Le Cheval de Bronze - AUBER - Military Band . . .
Miss Wallace will be assisted by the Band of the 50th Regt . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Wallace (soprano vocalist); John Bushelle ("celebrated vocal amateur", bass); George William Worgan (vocalist, musician); William Stanley (pianist); Band of the 50th Regiment
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (25 October 1838), 2
. . . In the orchestral department several important changes have taken place. Peck is engaged as leader, and Wilson and Sippe added to the strength of the orchestra, while Dean and his talented boys are excluded. There is something in this arrangement that at present surpasses our comprehension, but time will doubtless unravel this inexplicable mystery. Till then we shall be silent on the subject.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (violinist
"A TENDER FATHER", The Colonist (24 November 1838), 3
A strange application was made to Colonel Wilson, on the Bench at the Police Office, yesterday. Mr. Green, of the Cricketers' Tavern, requested advice under the following circumstances. On the previous evening he had observed a boy, a son of a Mr. Sippe, a musician at the theatre, knocking at his father's door for admission. Knowing that Sippe was absent, he took the boy, into his house to await the return of his father. When Sippe came back, he refused to allow the boy to enter the house, or to have any thing to do with him. Mr. Green kept the boy for the night, and now wished to know what he should do in the matter. Colonel Wilson declined interfering, but recommended Mr. Green to apply to a solicitor for advice. The boy, we understand, is apprenticed to a trade, but being in a weak state of health, he is unable to work. Sippe, the father, formerly kept the Royal Hotel.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 November 1838), 2
Yesterday morning, about 12 o'clock Mr. H. Green, the landlord of the "Cricketers' Arms," Pitt-street, applied to Colonel Wilson on the Bench for his advice under the following circumstances. He stated that on Monday last a son of Mr. Sippe, the musician, returned from Windsor, and went to his father's house, situate opposite his, (Mr. Green's,) house, about 9 o'clock, and knocked for admission . . . The boy in question is said to be indented to Mr. C. Roberts, but being in a bad state of health is unable to work. Mr. Green, not being able to get any satisfactory answer to his application, left the office.
"MR. SIPPE'S SON", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 November 1838), 2
We have been requested to state that the son of Mr. Sippe, concerning whom an application was lately made to the magistrates at the Police Office, by Mr. Green, the benevolent landlord of the Cricketers Arms, is not apprenticed to Mr. C. Roberts, but had been employed by that gentleman for some time, and had been compelled to leave his service in consequence of ill health.
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1839:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Royal Victoria Theatre Sydney for 1839:
11 September 1839, concert, Eliza Wallace Bushelle (benefit)
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (11 September 1839), 1
Royal Victoria Theatre. PITT-STREET.
BEGS to inform her Friends and the Public that her
CONCERT OF Vocal and Instrumental Music,
will take place at the Theatre Royal, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th instant;
she will be assisted by Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, and Mr. Bushelle;
Mr. W. Stanley, Pianist; Mr. S. W. Wallace; Mr. Peck; Mr. Leggatt;
Mr. Wallace, Senior; Mr. Sippe; Mr. Curtis; and all the Theatrical Band,
and by the kind permission of Colonel Wodehouse, the Band of the 50th Regiment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Gautrot (violinist); Madame Gautrot (vocalist); Thomas Leggatt (oboe, clarinet); Spencer Wallace senior (musician); Richard Curtis (violoncello)
September 1839, annual report, Australian Floral and Horticultural Society
"ABSTRACT OF REPORT FOR YEAR ENDING", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (21 September 1839), 2-3
. . . The following are the officers of the Society for the ensuing year: - . . . [3] President - Mr. Joseph Kenyon . . . Committee of Management - Messrs. Sippe, McCalloch, Webb, J. Edrop, W. Brown . . .
20 September 1839, concert, Lucy Fernandez (benefit)
"Miss Fernandez' Concert", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (23 September 1839), 2
This lady's Concert was held in the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street, on Friday, and we were happy to see a full room . . . We have always been of opinion, and we once a said, that your first-rate players cannot play simple and pathetic airs either to time, or with proper feeling. This was exemplified at Mrs. Bushelle's concert; Mr. Wallace, whose skill on the flute we acknowledge to be first-rate, attempted the Scotch sir of "Within a mile of Edinburgh Town." We never heard it worse played. Any one of Mr. Sippe's pupils, who had taken a year's lessons, would have played it better. Mr. W. murdered the poor author. His long notes he played short, and his short ones long. It was not the author's air; it was Mr. Wallace's parody . . .
"MR. PECK'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (4 October 1839), 2
Mr. Peck had the good fortune to see "a good house" on Wednesday evening, which, considering the numerous demands lately made on the public for their time and money on behalf of musical recreation, was almost more than we expected . . . Look, for instance, at Mr. Wallace's Erin go Bragh. This gentleman has no feeling, but, in lieu, a most inordinate quantity of self-complacency . . . had the author of Erin go Bragh been present, and had had a sillalah in his hand, he would certainly have broken every bone in Mr. Wallace's skin. Any one of Mr. Sippe's pupil's, with a year's lessons, would have played this exquisite air better.
18 December 1839, concert, Eliza Wallace Bushelle (benefit)
[Advertisement], The Colonist (18 December 1839), 4
Royal Victoria Theatre. MRS. BUSHELLE
BEGS to inform her Friends and the Public that her CONCERT
Of Vocal and Instrumental Music,
On the same extensive scale as her last one, will take place at the Theatre Royal,
THIS EVENING, December 18.
She will be assisted by Madame Gautrot; Miss Deane; Mr. Bushelle and Amateurs;
Monsieur Gautrot; Mr. S. W. Wallace; Mr. Leggatt; Mr. Deane; Mr. Worgan; Masters J. and E.
Dean; Mr. Wallace, senior; Mr. Sippe; Mr. Curtis; Mr. Walton ; several Amateurs; all the
Theatrical Band; and by permission of Colonel Wodehouse, the Band of the 50th Regiment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Humphrey Walton (viola player)
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1840:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Royal Victoria Theatre Sydney for 1840:
3 March 1840, concert, Elizabeth Clancy (benefit)
[Advertisement], The Australian (3 March 1840), 1
Under the Patronage of Lady O' Connell. MRS. CLANCY HAS the honor to announce that her Concert will take place in the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street, on Tuesday Evening, March the 3rd, 1840, on which occasion she will be assisted by Madame and Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Deane and Family, Mr. Leggett, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Sippe, and the Cecilian Society, who have kindly offered their assistance. Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. S. W. Wallace; Pianoforte, Mr. Johnson; who have also kindly offered their assistance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Clancy (vocalist); James Johnson (pianist); Cecilian Society (though there is no documentary evidence of his association, Sippe almost certainly was a performing member of the society)
26 May 1840, concert, Eliza Wallace Bushelle (benefit)
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (26 May 1840), 1
CONCERT. Under the patronage of Lady Gipps, Lady O'Connell, Lady Dowling, Mrs. Deas Thompson, Mrs. Plunkett, Mrs. Hely, and several other ladies of distinction. MRS. BUSHELLE has the honour to announce, that her Concert will take place on TUESDAY, the 26th instant, at the Theatre Royal; she will be assisted by Miss Deane, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Deane and Sons, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Walton, Mr. Parbury, all the members of the Theatrical Orchestra, Mr. Wallace, Mr. W. Wallace, and Mr. Bushelle. Several amateurs have also kindly offered their assistance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Portbury ("Parbury"; cello, double bass player)
8 July 1840, concert, John Philip Deane (benefit)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (8 July 1840), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. GRAND CONCERT. UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF LADY GIPPS, LADY O'CONNER, MRS. DEAS THOMSON, MRS. GIBBS, AND OTHER LADIES OF DISTINCTION. MR. DEANE begs to inform his Friends and the Public, that under the above distinguished Patronage his Concert. of Vocal and Instrumental Music, will take place at the THEATRE ROYAL on WEDNESDAY, July 8th, 1840, He will he assisted by MRS. BUSHELLE, MADAME GAUTROT, MISS DEANE, MRS. CLANCY, MR. BUSHELLE, MONSIEUR GAUTROT, MR. WORGAN, MR. WALLACE, MR. E. DEANE, MR. SIPPE, MR. CURTIS, WR. WALTON, MR. PARBURY, MR. J. DEANE, of Parramatta. All the Members of the Theatrical Orchestra, and several Amateurs who have kindly proferred their assistance. Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Wallace. Conductor, Mr. Leggatt . . .
Birth NSW, c.1840
Charlotte Sophia Sippe
As Charlotte Hooke (Mrs. James Hooke), died Dungog, NSW, 1916
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1841:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Royal Victoria Theatre Sydney for 1841:
10 February 1841, concert, John and Eliza Bushelle (benefit)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (10 February 1841), 1
Under Distinguished Patronage. GRAND CONCERT, at the Royal Victoria Theatre, on WEDNESDAY, 10th February, 1841. MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE, at the solicitation of several families of distinction, have fixed their Concert for the above-named day, which is also that appointed for the Floral and Horticultural Exhibition. They will be assisted by the professionals of Sydney, several distinguished Amateurs, by a young Lady a Pupil of Mrs. Bushelle's, Messrs. Wallace, Leggatt, Deane and Son, Sippe, Flaherty, Partbury, Downes, Puppin, Westrop, and the rest of the Theatrical Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Charles O'Flaherty (violinist)
24 March 1841, concert, Maria Prout (benefit)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (24 March 1841), 3
GRAND CONCERT UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF LADY GIPPS, LADY MITCHELL, MRS. DEAS THOMPSON, MRS. BARNEY, And several other Ladies of Rank, who have all signified their intention of being present. MRS. J. S. PROUT, Pianist, begs to announce that her CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, THIS EVENING, the 24th instant. She will be assisted by Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, several Vocal Amateurs, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. T. Leggatt, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Walton, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Downes, and other Members of the Theatrical Orchestral [sic]. Colonel French has also kindly allowed the use of the excellent Band of the 28th Regiment. Leader, Mr. S. W. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Prout (pianist, harpist); Mr. Downes (musician); Band of the 28th Regiment
30 June 1841, oratorio, St. Mary's Cathedral
"The Oratorio", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (2 July 1841), 2
This Festival, to which the musical portion of the community of the colony had been looking forward for so long a time with the greatest interest, took place in St. Mary's Cathedral, on Wednesday the 30th ultimo . . . we give a list of those artists by whom it was executed . . . VOCAL PERFORMERS . . . INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS. Mrs. Prout, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Deane, Mr. John Deane, Mr. Edward Deane, Mr. William Deane, Mr. Wallace, sen., Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Walton; with the kind assistance of the gentlemen amateurs from the Cecilian Society, and (by permission of Colonel French) of the Band of the 28th regiment. Leader, Mr. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt. The whole under the entire management of Mr. Nathan, who presided at the organ . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan; Edward Meyer (musician); George Strong (violinist)
14 July 1841, concert, John Philip Deane (benefit)
[Advertisement], The Australian (13 July 1841), 1
. . . MR. DEANE begs to inform his Friends and the Public, that under the above distinguished Patronage, his CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, on a very extensive scale, will take place at the Theatre Royal, TO-MORROW, July the 14th, 1841. VOCAL PERFORMERS - Mrs. Bushelle, Miss Deane, and Mrs. Emanuel (being her first appearance), Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Allen, and several other Gentlemen Amateurs. INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS - Mrs. Prout, Miss Deane, Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Deane and Sons, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Walton, and other Gentlemen, who have kindly offered their assistance. Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Wallace. Conductor - Mr/ Leggatt. By the kind permission of Colonel French, the Band of the 28th Regiment will assist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Emanuel (vocalist); Abraham Emanuel (musician, pianist); William Griffiths (bass vocalist); Edward Allen (vocalist)
22 September 1841, concert, John and Eliza Bushelle (benefit)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (22 September 1841), 1
. . . FAREWELL CONCERT, Royal Victoria Theatre, WEDNESDAY, 22nd September, 1841, which day is also appointed for the Horticultural and Floral Exhibition. MR. AND MRS. BUSHELL will on this occasion make their last public appearance in Sydney, and respectfully solicit the same patronage and liberal support they have for so many years experienced from the gentry and inhabitants of New South Wales. Vocal Performers: - Mrs. Clancy, Mrs. Bushelle, Signorina Emilia, Mr. Bushelle and Amateurs. Instrumental Performers: - Mrs. Prout, Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Mr E. Deane, Mr. Wallace, sen., Mr. Sippe, Mr. Walton, Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Downes, Mr. Pappin, Mr Westrop, the rest of the Theatrical Orchestra, and, by kind permission of Colonel Baker, a select number from the far-famed BAND of the 80th REGIMENT, under the superintendence of Mr. Egerton. Leader, Mr. S. W. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 80th Regiment, master, Samuel Edgerton
To call up all the TROVE items tagged George Sippe for 1842:
To call up all the TROVE items tagged Royal Victoria Theatre Sydney for 1842:
21 February 1842, opening of season, Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 February 1842), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre. FIRST NIGHT OF THE SEASON. Stage Manager, MR. SIMMONS. Acting-Manager, MR. SIMES. IN ANNOUNCING the re-opening of the above Establishment for the ensuing Season, the Proprietor feels gratified in being able to state the various Alterations and Improvements that have been effected both before and behind the Curtain, during the short recess, will be found conducive to the comfort and convenience of his friends and the public . . . THE ORCHESTRAL DEPARTMENT WILL CONSIST OF MR. S. W. WALLACE, LEADER, Mr. Deane, Master Deane, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Wallace, Senr., Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Robertson, Master Strong, Mr. Boyle, &c, &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Robertson (musician); Mr. Boyle (musician)
23 February 1842, concert, Eliza Wallace Bushelle (benefit)
[Advertisement], The Australian (22 February 1842), 3
UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE. GRAND CONCERT, AT THE ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, TO-MORROW, 23rd February, 1842, which day is also that fixed for THE FLORAL AND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION. MRS. BUSHELLE, AT the desire of several families of distinction, who were unable to attend her last Concert, respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Sydney, who so favourably noticed, on former occasions, her exertions to merit their patronage, that she is induced to appear once more before them. Confidently anticipating their liberal support, she solicits their attendance on this occasion, when she will be assisted by Mrs. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Bushelle, and Amateurs, in the vocal department; and by Mrs. J. S. Prout, pianiste, Mr. S. W. Wallace, leader, Mr. Leggatt, conductor of the concert, Mr. Deane, Mr. Wallace, senior, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Edward Deane, Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Pappin, and the rest of the Theatrical Orchestra, as instrumental performers . . .
8 and 9 April 1842, Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (8 April 1842), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THIRD NIGHT OF GUY MANNERING. THIS EVENING, April 8, 1842, Will be performed the successful Operatic play, with all the original Songs, Glees, and Chorusses called GUY MANNERING or, THE GYPSY'S PROPHECY. In which Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, and Mrs. S. W. Wallace will sustain principal characters. A variety of entertainments. The whole to conclude with the admired Drama called THE BEAR HUNTERS or, THE FATAL RAVINE . . .
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (9 April 1842), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. FIRST NIGHT OF DOUGLAS AT HALF PRICE. THIS EVENING (Saturday), April 9, 1842, will be performed PEDLAR'S ACRE; OR, THE WIFE OF SEVEN HUSBANDS. Comic Negro Song, by Mr. Phillips. - A variety of Entertainments. To conclude with the Tragic Play called DOUGLAS. Glenalvon - MR. NESBITT; Douglas - MR. SIMMONS; Lady Randolph - MRS. THOMPSON.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Nesbitt (actor)
10 April 1842, death
"DEATH BY APOPLEXY", The Sydney Herald (11 April 1842), 2
At the close of the performance at the Victoria Theatre, on Saturday night, Mr. Sippe, one of the musicians connected with that place of amusement, was suddenly seized with apoplexy and was carried home insensible, where he expired yesterday morning. Mr. Sippe was well known as a member of the musical profession in this Colony, where he arrived as band-master of the 57th Regt., which he left on its leaving the Colony. He was the first leader of the Orchestra of the Old Theatre Royal, George-street, and since then has always been a member of the Theatrical band.
"SUDDEN DEATH", Australasian Chronicle (12 April 1842), 2
. . . On the same evening Mr. Sippe, one of the musicians of the Victoria Theatre, was seized, at the close of the performances, with a sudden illness, and was carried home in a state of insensibility. Medical aid was procured, and he was bled, but all efforts to recover him proved unavailing, and he expired early on Sunday morning.
"INQUESTS", The Sydney Herald (12 April 1842), 3
Yesterday morning an inquest was held at the Cricketers' Arms, Pitt-street, on the body of Mr. Sippe, late of the Victoria Theatre, whose decease we noticed yesterday, when a verdict that death had been caused by apoplexy was recorded . . .
15 June 1842, benefit for Frances Sippe
"BENEFIT - ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 June 1842), 3
We are happy to compliment the members of the above establishment on their liberality in coming forward gratuitously in support of the widow of an old member of that establishment - we allude to Mrs. Sippe, widow of the late Mr. G. Sippe, formerly leader of the orchestra, and for many years a member of that Theatre. We understand that her benefit is to be patronised by many of the elite of Sydney. The amusements are admirably chosen, being Tobin's admired play of the HONEYMOON, in which Mr. Nesbitt plays the principal character (the Duke Aranza). What we have said of that gentleman's acting in this character, we have sufficiently praised in a former number - it must be successful. The intermediate amusements of singing and dancing are well selected. The laughable farce of the UNFINISHED GENTLEMAN has long sustained its place on the British boards as an excellent piece, and if we may judge by the cast of the characters in the piece, taken from the "Bill of Fare" advertised in our columns, we have no doubt ample justice will be done it. The respectability of the lady is sufficient to ensure her a crowded and most respectable audience.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (15 June 1842), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, FOR THE BENEFIT OF MRS. SIPPE (Widow of the late Mr. G. Sippe,) formerly Leader of the Theatrical Orchestra, and for many years a Member of the Sydney Theatre. UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE. THIS EVENING, June 15, 1842. The public is respectfully informed that the acting proprietor having arranged with Mrs. Sippe for a Benefit at the above establishment, the Dramatic Company and the Members of the Orchestra have given their services gratuitously, on which occasion will be produced Tobin's admired Comedy, entitled THE HONEYMOON . . . Tickets also from . . . Mrs. Sippe, No. 2, Nash's Buildings, Castlereagh-street.
8 September 1842, sale of music and instruments
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1842), 3
Music and Instruments of the late Mr. Sippe, Formerly Master of the Band of H. M. 57th Regiment, and Leader of the Orchestre at the Theatre Royal, Sydney.
HOWARD AND WATSON have received instructions to sell by auction, at their Mart, Hunter-street, opposite the Olympic, on THURSDAY EVENING, 8th September, at half-past six o'clock,
The Library of Printed and Manuscript Music, together with, the valuable Violins, Tenors, Violoncellos, Flutes, Pianoforte, and other Instruments.
After 1842
[Insolvent estates], New South Wales Government Gazette (23 February 1844), 338
In the Insolvent Estate of Frances Sippe, of Nash's Buildings, Castlereagh-street, Sydney, lodging house keeper . . .
"BOMBAY", Morning Post [London] (8 March 1844), 7
[DIED] . . . At Bombay, on the morning of the 22d January, of Cholera, William John, the [ ? ] son of Mr. C. A. Sippe, bandmaster 2d Light Cavalry, aged 21 months.
Marriages registered at Sydney, NSW, 1845
Frances Sippe and Ralph Hall
Frances Hall died Dungog, NSW, 1887
MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, AND DEATHS. BOMBAY", London Evening Standard (6 May 1847), 3
At Raikote, on the 10th instant [March], the wife of Mr. C. A. Sippe, the master of the band, 2d Regiment Light Cavalry, of a son.
[News], Limerick Chronicle [Ireland] (1 January 1851), 2
Mr. Sippe, organist of Youghal church, was presented a purse of £30 by the clergy and congregation on Christmas day.
Bibliography and resources
Brewer 1892
Francis Campbell Brewer, The drama and music in New South Wales (Sydney: Charles Potter, Govt. Printer, 1892), 8, 9 (DIGITISED)
[8] . . . In making the announcement through the Press that the agreement had been sundered by Mrs. Taylor, the distressed proprietor of the theatre attached the following certificate to the account given of so much of the circumstances as he chose to make public:
We, the undersigned, who were witnesses to the agreement, hereby certify that the facts
contained in the above are wholly true. (Signed)
George Sippe,
Thomas Stubbs.
[9] . . . [of the Theatre Royal] . . . it may be well to state that Messrs. Edwards and Sippe led the orchestra successively, Messrs. Dudderbridge, Zitchett, and Winstanley were the scenic artists, and Mr. Aldred the costumier.
McGuanne 1901
J. P. McGuanne, "The humours and pastimes of early Sydney", The Australian Historical Society Journal and Proceedings 1 (1901), 41
. . . When the Royal Hotel was opened in i826, Edwards and Sippe, musicians, assisted by Barnett Levy, Mrs. Jones and sonic amateur singers, gave a concert - on the 27th September in its concert room, of which the recording critic wrote, "it was a great SUCCESS. We liked Miss C. and Miss F. very much. There was a very large and respectable audience." You will note how the principals are ignored. The old Gazette, like its modern namesake, had no sense of humour. Most colored people are sad in their publications. Hence we are not indebted to Howe for our knowledge of the people's pastimes. The first concert, under Vice-Regal patronage, was given by Edwards and Sippe on 4th September, 1826. Self-indulgent Sydney was neither monetarily nor numerically strong enough to support a constant entertainment. On the 23rd August, 1832, Mr. Sippe gave a grand concert at which the band of the 17th Regiment played the overtures to The Slave and Guy Mannering; its bandmaster, Mr. Lewis, delighted the audience of two hundred persons with his clarionette solo. Mr. Edwards led the orchestra and Mr. Sippe conducted. Colonel Despard, as a patron of entertainments, gladly allowed the instrumental assistance . . .
. . . The foremost musicians were Edwards, Sippe, Josephson, Stubbs, and William Wallace, (the two latter were flute players, though Stubbs could play several instruments), all the bandmasters, and the Deane family . . .
Forde 1907
. . . During the existence of the Royal the orchestra was led by Messrs. Edwards and Sippe, and Mr. Tom Stubbs, afterwards a well-known commercial identity of Melbourne, formed occasionally one of the orchestra . . .
Hall 1951 (also Hall 1989)
See bibliography, passim
Orchard 1952
W. Arundel Orchard, Music in Australia: more than 150 years of development (Melbourne: Georgian House, 1952), 3-4 (DIGITISED)
Richardson 1964
Peter Richardson, "Military music in the colony of New South Wales, 1788–1850", Musicology Australia 1/1 (1964), 5-9 (PAYWALL)
Covell 1967
Roger Covell, Australia's music: themes of a new society (Melbourne: Sun Books, 1967), 67-68, 354 (index, as "Sippe, Augustus")
Irvin 1971
Eric Irvin, "Australia's first public concerts", Studies in music 5 (1971), 77-86
Gyger 1999
Alison Gyger, Civilising the colonies (Sydney: Pellinor, 1999), 12, 26
Neidorf 1999
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 23, 24, 103 (DIGITISED)
Skinner 2011
Graeme Skinner, First national music, 29, 35, 39, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 52, 58, 70, 83, 90, 93-101, 111, 113, 115, 117, 139, 154, 155, 205, 307, 361, 376, 394, 426, 436, 437, 439, 442 (DIGITISED FREE DOWNLOAD)
© Graeme Skinner 2014 - 2025