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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–W (Wo-Wy)
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–W (Wo-Wy)",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
- W - ( Wo - Wy ) -
Introductory note:
The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.
Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.
A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in August 2022, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.
Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.
The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.
WOLFE, Joseph Melville (Joseph Melville WOLFE; Joseph Murphy WOLFE; J. M. WOLFE; Joseph Melville WOOLF)
Actor, theatrical manager
Born c. 1823 / 1830
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 18 July 1855 (per White Star, from Liverpool, 20 April, aged "32")
Married (1 ? common law) Anna Maria WATSON, TAS, by late 1856
Married (2) Mary O'NEILL, VIC, 1862
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 17 April 1862 (per Omeo, for Otago, NZ)
Died Dunedin, NZ, 27 February 1865, aged "34/35" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Joseph Melville Wolfe arrived in Melbourne on the White Star on 18 July 1855, described (as was fairly usual for assisted immigrants) as a laborer, from Scotland, aged 32.
For several years previously, as J. M. Wolfe he had been publicly active as an equestrian performer, actor, and stage manager in the provincial English and Irish theatres, and was first billed at Melbourne's Queen's Theatre in December 1855, as late of Astley's Amphitheatre, London.
A Mrs. J. M. Wolfe, described as late of the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, was performing in Dublin early in 1855, but disappears entirely from record thereafter.
There is no record of Joseph's marriage to the actor Annie Watson, daughter of the Hobart and Launceston theatrical manager Feltham Bold Watson, who in June 1857 gave birth to their child, Melville Wolfe (d. NZ, 1882).
DISAMBIGUATION: Joseph Woolf (publican, brewer, also previously active in Bendigo, who died by suicide Dunedin, NZ, 1864)
[Advertisement], Clonmel Chronicle [Ireland] (17 January 1852), 2 (PAYWALL)
EMIDY'S CIRCUS ROYAL . . . Jan. 19, 20, and 21 . . .
First time of Byron's Gorgeous Spectacle of MAZEPPA,
In which Mr. J. M. WOLFE, the celebrated Equestrian, from the Royal Amphitheatre, Liverpool, will appear . . .
"COLCHESTER - Theatre Royal", The Era [London, England] (13 February 1853), 10 (PAYWALL)
The dramatic season having terminated, we hear that this house will re-open about Monday, the 28th instant, as an Amphitheatre, for the production of equestrian spectacle and ring performances, under the management of Mr. J. M. Wolfe, whose qualifications as an actor and stage manager during the recent season have gained him the good wishes of the playgoing lieges of this ancient borough. We give the above report as it has reached us, without pledging ourselves for its accuracy.
? [Advertisement], Freeman's Journal [Dublin, Ireland ] (28 March 1855), 1 (PAYWALL)
FOR THE BENEFIT OF MRS. J. M. WOLFE. THIS EVENING (Wednesday), 28th March, 1855 . . .
Australia (1855-62):
Names and descriptions of passengers per White Star from Liverpool, 20 April 1855, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Jos. M. Wolfe / 32 / [Agricultural laborer] / [Scotch] . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 December 1855), 8
QUEEN'S THEATRE. To-Night, Saturday. First appearance of Mr. JAMES MORTON WOLFE, From Astley's, London, as MARTELLI, in THE MINERALI, Or the Gold-Seeker's Dying Gift . . . To conclude with the IRISH LION - Mrs. Brougham . . .
[Theatres this night], The Age (15 December 1855), 4
QUEEN'S THEATRE. MINERALI. - Martelli, Mr. J. M Wolfe . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Brougham (actor); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"THE THEATRE", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (25 February 1856), 2
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (28 March 1856), 2
Lessee, Mr. F. B. Watson. Stage Manager, Mr. J. M. Wolfe.
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (14 May 1856), 2
1857, births in the district of Longford; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1001946; RGD33/1/35 no 1387$init=RGD33-1-35P045 (DIGITISED)
No. 524 / 1387 / June 14th / [name note recorded] / Male / [son of] Joseph Melville Woolfe / Anna Maria Woolfe formerly Watson / Theatrical / [informant] F. B. Watson
Names and descriptions of passengers per steamship Omeo from Melbourne, 17 April 1862, for Port Chalmers, Otago; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. Wolfe . . .
[Advertisement], Otago Daily Times [Dunedin, NZ] (15 May 1862), 3
THURSDAY, 16th MAY. FLOWERS OF THE FOREST. Cynthia - Miss H. Gordon. Ishmael - Mr. J. M. Wolfe.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Gordon (actor, Mrs. John Proctor Hydes)
"DIED", Otago Daily Times (28 February 1865), 4
On the 27th February, at his residence, Stafford street, Joseph Melville Wolfe, Esq., in the 35th year of his age.
[News], Otago Daily Times (28 February 1865), 4
We regret to announce the death of Mr. J. M. Wolfe, which occurred last evening. The fact will be learned with genuine regret by a large number of persons here and in the Australian Colonies; but it will not surprise any who have been aware of the very serious illness from which Mr. Wolfe had been suffering for months. That illness was principally, we believe, caused by consumption, but it was aggravated by some form of neuralgic affliction, and the case had been for some time a perplexing one to the deceased's medical attendants. Mr. Wolfe's early professional career was marked, we believe, by many vicissitudes and by strange and startling experiences, in different parts of the world. He arrived in Australia about ten years ago, and he visited New South Wales and South Australia. Three years ago, he came to Dunedin, and he was associated with Mr. Holt in the management of the Royal and subsequently of the Princess Theatre. He was sole lessee of the latter, for six or eight months, having taken it on the departure of Mr. Holt for England. His management since that time has not been pecuniarily successful, despite the most persevering endeavors on his part up to the moment when the disease from which he suffered had become so far developed as to render further work an impossibility. He was a great favorite amongst the members of the theatrical profession; and beyond that circle, he secured for himself very many friends. The deceased was in his 35th year only. He has left a widow and children to mourn his early death. The Theatre was closed last evening as was also the Corinthian Hall.
"THE LATE PRINCESS'S THEATRE", Evening Star (13 August 1875), 2
"THEATRICAL REMINISCENCES . . . (BY TOUCHSTONE)", Launceston Examiner (27 May 1882), 1 supplement
. . . After the "Poole" season the [Lyceum] theatre was closed for re-decoration, and re-opened on Monday, July 28 [1856] under the lesseeship of Mr. F. B. Watson, then also lessee of the Victoria. Theatre, Hobart. The principal piece was the drama of the "Dream of Fate" which was followed by the farce "A Day in Paris." Miss Julia Matthews was a leading member of the company, and appeared in many of her favourite characters while she remained so. On August 4th, 1856, Mr. Dominick Murray, a well known comedian, made his bow to a Launceston audience in the comedy of "Dominique the Deserter," in which he was supported by Miss Julia Matthews. On August 6th he appeared in the "Irish Lion," in conjunction with Miss. J. Fiddes. The next star performer at this theatre was Professor Henrie, a celebrated Pantomimist, during whose season such pieces as the opera of "Rosina," the drama "Robert Macceire," the ballet "Sweets of Pomona," and the farce of "Hunting a Turtle," were performed. On Monday, August 25, a benefit was tendered to Miss Annie Watson, when the drama of "Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Slave Life," and a ballet entitled "La Statue Blanche," were produced. The stage manager of the company, Mr. J. M. Wolfe, took a benefit on Monday, September lst, the programme being composed of "Mazeppa," with Miss Julia Matthews in the title role . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (actor, manager); Julia Mathews (dancer, vocalist, actor); Josephine Fiddes (actor, vocalist); Lyceum Theatre (Launceston venue)
WOLFF, Johann Wilhelm (Johann Wilhelm WOLFF; John William WOLFF; J. W. WOLFF)
Organ builder
Born Lehe, Hannover (Germany), 29 April 1818; baptised Lehe, 22 May 1818; son of Johann Wilhelm WOLFF and Greta GOTTSCHAN
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 1849 (immigrant per Pauline)
Married [1] Henriette Wilhelmine MEINHOFER (c. 1818-1870), Adelaide, SA, 17 February 1850
Married [2] Emma Pauline Adelaide NOHSE (c. 1849-1946), Adelaide, SA, 18 November 1872
Died Malvern, SA, 11 July 1894, aged "76" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Summary (after Maidment)
Wolff was a native of Lehe (Bremerhaven). He arrived in South Australia in 1849 with funds to invest in property. He was building organs locally from 1862 until 1880, producing as many as 22 Adelaide instruments, including St. Francis's Cathedral; St. Paul's, Pulteney Street; St. Luke's, Whitmore Square; Unitarian Church, Adelaide; Tynte Street Baptist Church, North Adelaide; Wesleyan Church, Norwood; and St. George's, Gawler. His organs were distinctive from those built by English builders, with unusual casework, pipework, action construction, layout and distinctive tonal design, an interesting amalgam of English and German stylistic characteristics.
"COLONIAL MANUFACTURES", South Australian Register (16 April 1863), 2
We have frequently had occasions to refer to instances of the manufacture of articles in the colony requiring more than ordinary skill and care both in design and construction. We believe that there are in the colony many more skilful and intelligent workmen connected with various branches of manufactures than is generally supposed. On Tuesday we had an opportunity of inspecting a chamber organ manufactured by Mr. J. W. Wolff, of Wakefield-street, for Mr. E. Corlett, of the same street. The instrument contains four and a half octaves, and has two stops running quite through. It has been made to fit a recess in Mr. Corlett's parlour, with a sliding keyboard and folding-doors, so that when closed it presents a surface flush with the projecting wall. The tone of the instrument, particularly when used with the flute-stop, is remarkably soft and sweet, forming a great contrast with the ordinary sounds of the harmonium. The whole of the pipes of both sets are of wood, the largest being an open four feet double C. The bellows are worked with treddles by the feet the same as in the harmonium. The touch is easy and even throughout the key-board. As a piece of cabinetwork, also, the instrument is an ornamental piece of furniture which is very creditable to the manufacturer.
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (29 August 1868), 1
ST. LUKE'S CHURCH. - The new and splendid ORGAN,
built by J. W. Wolff (the gold medalist) will be OPENED with full choir on SUNDAY MORNING NEXT.
E. Warhurst, organist; J. W. Bull, J. K. Hawthorn, Wardens.
"NEW ORGAN", South Australian Register (3 September 1868), 2
A new organ has been recently purchased for the use of the choir of St. Luke's Church. It has been erected in the gallery, and was first used on Sunday last, with a full choir. Mr. E Warhurst presided as organist. The instrument has been manufactured by Mr. J. W Wolff, of Wakefield-street. On Wednesday morning we had an opportunity of inspecting it. In addition to the couplers, it contains the following stops: - Claribella bassoon, open diapason, principal, flute 15th, and hautboy. It has also an octave of pedal notes, with the semitones descending to double C, produced from an eight-feet stopped pipe. The tone is remarkably sweet, and when the full power of the instrument is employed the volume of sound is quite sufficient to fill the sacred edifice. Mr. Wolff has availed himself of some of the latest improvements. The touch of the keys is elastic, light, and even throughout the manual, and the pipes respond with remarkable sensitiveness to the performer's manipulation. The case is of polished cedar, and, considered as a piece of cabinet-work, it is as creditable as is the organ proper regarded as to its elaborate mechanism.
"ST. LUKE'S ORGAN. TO THE EDITOR", The South Australian Advertiser (4 September 1868), 4
Sir - I should feel obliged by your correcting a statement appearing in your issue of to-day,
relative to the organ built by me being the same instrument as took the medal at the Duke of Edinburgh's Show, in November last.
That organ was sold, and it still in possession of a gentleman in this city.
The one purchased by St Luke's Church has only been recently completed, and is a much larger and more powerful instrument.
I am, Sir, &c.,
Adelaide, 3rd Sept, 1868.
"ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL ORGAN", South Australian Register (10 May 1869), 3
The new organ at St. Francis Xavier's Cathedral was opened on Sunday . . . The instrument, which was built by Mr. Wolff, of Wakefield-street, is 10 feet high and 7 feet wide, and has a Spanish mahogany case. It contains the following manual stops: - Open and stopt diapason, dulciana, principal flute, fifteenth with two independent pedal stops . . .
"DEATHS", Evening Journal (3 January 1870), 2
WOLFF. - On the 2nd January, Henrietta Wilhelmiena Wolff, wife of J. W. Wolff, organbuilder, Wakefield-street.
"CHURCH ORGAN", South Australian Register (21 March 1870), 5
A new church organ has just been completed by Mr. J. W. Wolff, organ builder, of Wakefield-street. It has the following stops: - Open diapason, stopped diapason, dulciana, principal, flute, fifteenth, and coupler connecting the pedals with the manual. The pedal notes extend over a complete octave, and descend to what is known as the 16-feet tune, or treble C below the bass clef. The tone is remarkably sweet, and the instrument appears in every respect to be of superior construction. The front is of cedar, having Gothic openings ornamented with gilt pipes, and as a piece of cabinetwork it will challenge inspection, being an excellent specimen of native industry. Mr. Wolff is a thorough protectionist, as he is prepared to protect himself against the world. He relies upon his ability to construct organs of any required dimensions equal to anything of the kind that can be imported, and does not want the interference of the Legislature.
"ALL SAINTS' CHURCH", Evening Journal (22 April 1870), 2
On Sunday the Rev. W., W. Ewbank preached in the morning at All Saints' Church, Hindmarsh, and the Rev. H. M. Pollitt at night. Collections were made towards defraying the cost of the new organ built by Mr. J. W. Wolff, of Adelaide, and which has been previously described . . .
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (12 July 1894), 4
WOLFF. - On the 11th July, at his late residence, Fisher-street, Malvern, Johann Wilhelm Wolff, the beloved husband of Emma Wolff, aged 76 years. Arrived in the ship Pauline in the year 1849.
Bibliography and resources:
John Maidment, "Orgelbauer und Orgeln aus Deutschland in Australien", Acta organologica 29 (2006), 33-82
John Maidment, "St. Aloysius' Catholic Church, Balaclava Road, Caulfield, [organ] 1880 Johann Wolff for Wesleyan Church, Port Adelaide", OHTA (December 2010 & February 2011)
Johann Wilhelm Wolff, Find a grave
Indigenous leader, ngurungaeta, ? songman
Born Upper Yarra, NSW (VIC), c. 1824; son of BILLIBELLARY
Died VIC, 1874, aged "about 53" (TROVE tagged) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Barak (cousin)
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (27 November 1856), 4
We have been favored by Mr. William Gould, of Russell-street, with a copy of a very beautifully executed chromo-lithographic portrait of "Simon," an Australian aborigine of the Yarra Yarra tribe, which opposed the landing of Batman, in 1835. The portrait is taken from a clever photograph by Perry, and is most tastefully and successfully printed in colors by means of several stones. The old warrior is represented with his blanket, spear, and waddy, and is a most favorable specimen of a race now fast disappearing, and seldom to be seen except under the most degrading circumstances. Mr. Gould is excusably proud of his success in this branch of art, and forcibly contrasts his own position - artist, printer, engraver, and diesinker, in one person, with the London houses, who, in the practice of the art, enjoy every facility favorable to success. We trust that Mr. Gould will meet with the encouragement so justly due to one who so closely treads on the heels of excellence. Letter writers to the home country should avail themselves of the opportunity thus afforded them of transmitting a memorial at once historical interesting, and highly indicative of our rapid advancement in artistic pursuits.
ASSOCIATIONS: George William Perry (photographer); William Gould (lithographer)
"MARRIAGES AMONG THE BLACKS. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Age (9 March 1865), 7
Sir, - It may interest some of your readers to know that the establishment of the blacks at Coranderrk, Upper Yarra,
continues to prosper . . . attending school under Mr. Serpell, the teacher . . .
They are able, also, to pick up with considerable ease, and to sing psalm and hymn tunes . . .
Immediately after the ceremony, the children sung with their usual life a number of hymns;
such as "A day's march nearer home," "Mothers of Salem," "Happy day," "Around the throne of God," "From Greenland's icy mountains" . . .
After the repast, Mr. Green gave them all a suitable address, and then called upon Simon and King, the two chiefs, to speak . . .
Yours, &c.,
Napier street, Fitzroy, 3rd March, 1865.
ASSOCIATIONS: Beaning "Old King" ("chief of the Goulburn tribe"); Coranderrk (Indigenous reserve); Robert Hamilton (Presbyterian clergyman); Thomas Edward Serpell ("teacher of Aborigines"); see also "PERSONAL REMINISCENCES", The Australasian (4 March 1865), 9
. . . That "we have acted badly and ungenerously to the blacks, as the real owners of a country to which England and Englishmen owe so much,"
cannot be doubted for a moment; but that "civilisation does not agree with them, either physically or morally," is erroneous . . .
Having the opportunity of acquiring instruction, the blacks avail themselves of the privilege, attending school with regularity.
Morning and night they assemble in the schoolroom for prayer; and on the Sabbath they attend the religious services regularly held,
unitedly singing the praises of their Creator, and bowing the knee in prayer . . .
I remain, your obedient servant, THOMAS EDWARD SERPELL. Teacher of Aborigines. Aboriginal Station, Coranderrk, Feb. 25.
"THE ABORIGINAL SETTLEMENT AT CORANDERRK - FROM A PHOTOGRAPH BY CHARLES WALTER", The Australian News for Home Readers (25 August 1865), 9 [illustration]
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Walter (photographer)
"SIMON", The Australian News for Home Readers (25 August 1865), 13
Simon, called Wonga Wonga in his native tongue, is chief of the Yarra tribe. His age, so far as can be conjectured, may be about 35 or 37; having been a boy at the time of the first settlement of the whites in Port Phillip. He remembers Batman well at the time of his arrival in 1835, and his father was one of Batman's friends. He is about 5 ft 10 in in height, well built, and is rather dignified in appearance and gait. He has been thrice married, but has never had any children. It was very much owing to Simon's influence with the blacks that Mr. Green succeeded in getting them to adopt a settled mode of life . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Green (superintendent, Coranderrk)
"NATIVE MARRIAGE AT CORANDERRK [FROM A CORRESPONDENT]", The Australian News for Home Readers (23 February 1866), 14
A very interesting event took place on Friday, 26th ultimo., at Coranderrk, the aboriginal station. Two of the blacks were married by the Rev. Mr. Hamilton, from Melbourne. Their names were Johnnie Ferguson and Caroline . . . The children, too, sang several hymns, led by Miss Rea, the teacher . . . The names of the speakers were, Simon Wonga, Sammy Hobson, William Barak and Harry . . .
The speech of Simon, who is now well-known to the public, may be given as afterwards interpreted by himself: -
"This the way always - meeting together - this what I want you for - to come down here - Ye were all nagging about before. This the way Mr. Green want all the people gather here from the bad place - bring you up here to this good place - this place a home - God give the blacks this place. We have Mr. Hamilton here alongside Mr. Green - always come when we want him - good friends to blackfellow. These town ministers reach to us make every fellow know more about God and Jesus Christ - make blackfellow - know all about it."
The other speeches were of a similar kind. After the speaking was over Mr. Green asked them to sing a few native songs. They did so with great spirit. Some of the tunes were very pretty and put one in mind of some of the Hebrew melodies and choral chants, which many beard in the Jewish worship in Germany. This music is very simple; the words sung seem very few, only a few lines constantly repeated and sung with great rapidity, and at last (I suppose when they are tired) with abruptness. The music has a regular time, to which they seem inclined to beat either with hand or foot. The prettiest of the tunes consist of a choral fugue in two parts, which has very beautiful variations from the monotonous chant of many of them.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Green (government superintendent)
SIR, - As many of your readers are doubtless interested in any scheme that is likely to improve the condition of the aborigines of this country, I beg to communicate some information respecting a settlement of the blacks on the Upper Yarra . . . A most interesting meeting of the blacks - a sort of impromptu soiree - was held on the evening of Wednesday, 13th July, in honor of the teacher's birthday . . .
All sang: "There is a happy land," &c. . . .
All sang : "Here we suffer grief and pain," &c. . . .
All sang: "The Eden above" . . .
Mr. Green again spoke . . . and then called on Mr. King, as his name is, the chief of the Goulburn tribe, to speak to the blacks. He is an elderly man, scarcely the average height, but firmly built. He spoke, of course, in his native tongue. He expressed himself with great vigor and fluency, and was prompted, in some degree, by Simon, chief of the Yarra blacks. The chiefs are practised speakers and take the lead in all debates. This speech occupied about five minutes in the delivery, and was afterwards interpreted by one of the young blacks, who understands English well. Old King's word: -
"Young men and women. This is a good place for you. I want you all to sit down here and to live in peace with one another. That is good. Look after your farm; that is good. It is not good to walk about like what we used to do. Listen to the good word; that is good. There not many old men now. I am old; but, if you live quiet here, I will live here with you. But if you are not quiet, I will go back to my own country. That is my word."
Simon, or Wonga, chief of the Yarra tribe, was next called up. He responded very promptly. It was he who addressed Sir Henry Barkly, in the Exhibition Building, on the day of the Levee, when the address and presents from the blacks were sent home to the Prince and Princess of Wales. A cast of his head went home to the Exhibition. He is a fine, tall figure about 6 ft, and well built. He conducts himself with great propriety and even dignity. He has good sense, and superior natural talent. What is of far greater importance, he is believed to be a decided Christian . . . He has a wife, Maria, but no family. He spoke on this occasion about eight minutes with great fluency, but with quickness and grace. Simon's word: -
"This is the first meeting like this I have ever seen. I am very glad this night. When I was camping about in every place I never got any meeting like this. Mr. Green spoke to me a long time ago. He told me not to walk about any more. I kept his word. Mr. Green told me plenty of goods words from the Bible and they made me very glad. Mr. Hamilton spoke to me at Woori-Yalock, and made me to know more. I now know plenty of good words from the Bible. I am very glad. Mr. Green and all the Yarra blacks and me went through the mountain. We had no bread for four or five days. We did all this to let you (Goulburn blacks) know about the good word. Now you have all come to the Yarra I am glad. You now know plenty. Do not go away any more else you will lose it again. This is better than drinking. We are all glad this night. This is good."
There was now a short interval, and after all assembled again, old King was asked to sing a native song. He did so, at once, and was assisted by an old grey haired man, Macray, one of the Goulburn blacks. The air was a monotonous kind of chant, embracing not more than three notes of the musical scale, and of a plaintive character. The words were a sort of lullaby expressive of a parent's good wishes for his child, and praying for the absence of all evil from him. After they were done, Old King's wife, Mary, voluntarily took up the strain and sang it again. A spirit of high delight now pervaded the meeting . . .
"WEDDING CEREMONY AT THE ABORIGINAL STATION, CORANDERRK", Illustrated Australian News for Home Readers (25 April 1868), 4
A correspondent, writing from the Black Station, Coranderrk, Upper Yarra, furnishes an interesting account of a native wedding which took place there last week: - The officiating clergymen on the occasion were the Rev. Robert Hamilton, Napier-street church, Fitzroy; Rev. A. M. Ramsay, St. Enoch's, Collins-street; and the Rev. S. L. Chase, of St. Paul's. On arriving on the 3rd inst. we found everything in course of preparation for the ceremony . . . It appears that this is the fourth time that the ceremony of marriage has been performed at Coranderrk . . . this last and fourth time, five couples . . . After the marriage, in the evening, some speeches were made by the blacks, and several native songs were sung. Simon, the chief of the Yarra tribe, spoke impressively in the native tongue, and as no translation was attempted, it is probable that some reference was made to those who had deserted them, and who were still absent. Another spoke in English, and in short emphatic sentences told how much he was pleased with what had taken place, and how much he regretted that those who had been married before in the same place had gone away. The evening was spent pleasantly and harmoniously with other speeches and songs, and concluded as usual with prayer and a hymn, all the blacks shaking hands with all the whites present . . .
Other sources:

Simon, an Australian Aborigine of the Yarra Yarra tribe which opposed the landing of Batman, 1835 ([Melbourne]: Gould, lithographer; Perry, photographer, [1856]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: George William Perry (photographer); William Gould (lithographer)

Simon Wonga, age 37, chief of the Yarra Yarra Tribe; Charles Walter, photographer, 1866; State Library of Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Walter (photographer)
Bibliography and resources:
Simon Wonga, Wikipedia
Wonga Wurundjeri (abt. 1821 - 1874), WikiTree
WOOD, Charles (Charles WOOD)
Musical amateur, collector of sheet music
Active Balmain, NSW, 1862 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
In or around 1862, Charles Wood, of Looke's Paddock, Balmain had a large album of sheet music bound, containing 74 separate titles, mostly British imports and dating from the 1850s. The album is now at the National Library of Australia (full content short titles in catalogue record):
Recent local content by Australian and NZ composers includes these single titles:
That young man from the country arranged by Marmaduke Henry Wilson; published by Jacob Richard Clarke (Sydney, 1861)
The Australian volunteer's song words and music by Florentina Sachs, published by James Coldham Fussell (Sydney, 1861)
The Waitemata polka by Charles de Thierry; also published Fussell (Sydney, 1862)
Of special interest are several numbers of the series "The Australian musical bouquet" (1862):
The Australian musical bouquet (Sydney: George Peck, August 1860 issue) containing Should auld acquaintance be forgot polka arranged by Peck, and Sempre libera [Verdi, La traviata] arranged by Peck
The Australian musical bouquet (Sydney: James C. Fussell, January 1861 issue) containing The volunteer's polka mazurka by Edwin Harry Cobley; and Lost Marguarite, words by Henry Halloran, music by Glentworth Addison; see another digitised copy of the same issue
The Australian musical bouquet (Sydney: James C. Fussell, June 1861 issue) containing The ladies favorite polka / composed by Edwin H. Cobley
The Australian musical bouquet (Sydney: James C. Fussell, October 1861 issue) containing Take this glass of sparkling wine [Wallace, Lurline] arranged by Anthony Reiff, jun., and The favorite schottische by Edwin Harry Cobley
The Australian musical bouquet (Sydney: James C. Fussell, ? 1861 unidentified issue) containing The Australian bouquet polka by Edwin H. Cobley and Australian march by Thomas Stubbs
The collection also includes a large number of American "plantation", minstrel and serenader songs
WOOD, Eulalie (Eulalie LAMBELET; Mrs. James WOOD)
Musician, harpist, pianist, teacher of harp and piano, school teacher, governess, artist, printer, poet
Born Switzerland, c. 1799
Active England, by c. 1816
Married James WOOD (c. 1802-1854), Broadwater, Sussex, England, 14 September 1828
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 13 June 1829 (per Vibelia, from London, 4 January)
Died Hobart, TAS, 3 September 1858, aged "59" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (5 January 1828), 3
Mr. JAMES WOOD proceeding to England by the ship Lang will be happy to execute any commissions in that country, as he purposes returning in the course of twelve months. Liverpool-street, Jan. 3, 1828.
"MARRIAGES", London Evening Standard (20 September 1828), 4 (PAYWALL)
Sept. 14, at Broadwater, near Worthing, James Wood, Esq. to Miss Eulalie Lambelet.
[Ship news], The Hobart Town Courier (20 June 1829), 2
Arrived on Saturday the Vibilia, R. Stephenson from Gravesend, 6th Dec. and the Cape of Good Hope, 22d April. Passengers - Mr. & Mrs. James Wood . . .
CARGO OF THE BARK VIBILIA . . . 13 barrels blacking, 6 hhds. Teneriffe, 2 do. sherry,
12 cases port wine, 24 do. sherry, 24 hbds beer, 23 do. confectionery and pickles, 3 cases stationery, 1 case snuff, 1 cask seeds,
1 case containing a harp and music - James Wood.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (20 June 1829), 3
MRS. WOOD has on Sale the undermentioned Goods, just imported: . . .
A lithographic press with every necessary article for the practice of lithography.
A copper-plate printing press with an assortment of plates and other articles necessary for the engraver . . .
Mrs. Wood has also remaining one cottage cabinet piano forte of 6 octaves, an extra set of strings and a few new pieces of piano forte music. June 19, 1829.
See also "Lithography", Colonial Times (6 November 1829), 3
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (30 April 1830), 1
Lithographic Printing.
THE above Art, practised-in all its Branches, at Mrs. WOOD'S, opposite the Waterloo Mills in Liverpool-street.
Ink and Chalk Drawings, Maps; Plans, illustrations,
Music and Music Paper, Fac-similes, Circular Address and Compliment Cards,
Bill Heads and Cards for Tradesmen, Labels, Bills of Lading, Law and Military Forms,
Views in Hobart Town and the Interior, Signals, Ornamental Book Covers, &c. &c. &c.,
executed in the best manner with the utmost dispatch.
Mrs. WOOD, in soliciting the attention of the Public to the Lithographic Printing,
feels persuaded that it will be found to possess all the ordinary merits of Copper Engraving,
with the decided and very important advantages of being executed in one third of the time,
of giving a far greater number of impressions, and at considerably less expense.
April 27, 1830.
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (23 December 1841), 3
MRS. JAMES WOOD begs to announce to parents resident in Launceston that she has opened a School for the instruction of Young Ladies (daily pupils)
in the usual branches of Education, at her present residence in Patterson Street, two doors from the Court House.
Mrs. Wood begs In intimate that she has had considerable experience in tuition for upwards of twelve years in families of rank in England.
Testimonials from whom can be afforded.
Private lessons in French and on the Harp.
References are kindly permitted to be made to the Rev. W. H. Browne, L.L.D., Dep. Asst. Com. Gen. Priaulx,
and to William Gardner Sams, Esq.
The present vacation will terminate, and the young ladies resume their studies on Monday the third of January next.
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (9 April 1842), 2
PRIVATE Tuition in French, the Harp, Piano, Drawing, &c., &c. -
Mrs. JAMES WOOD would be happy to devote a few hours of each day, after her scholastic duties are terminated,
to the instruction of young ladies in the above elegant accomplishments, either at Mrs. W.'s, or at the pupil's place of residence.
Mrs. Wood completed the education of the daughter of Sir John Honeywood, Bart., M.P., of Evinton, in Kent;
and also the six daughters of Christopher Tower, Esq., M.P., of Weald Hall, in Essex; testimonials from whom can he afforded.
References are kindly permitted, as heretofore, to the Rev. W. H. Browne, L.L.D., D. A. C. G. Priaulx, and to Wm. Gardner Sams, Esq.
Patterson-street, two doors from the Court House.
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (9 July 1845), 1
EDUCATION. - MRS. JAMES WOOD respectfully intimates that her Pupils will re-assemble on Tuesday, the 1st of July next.
French, Drawing, Music, and Dancing taught, with or without masters.
Terms may be known on application. St. John-square, south side, June 13, 1845.
[Advertisement], Wood's Royal Southern Kalendar, Tasmanian Register and General Australasian & East Indian Official Directory (Launceston: Henry Dowling, junior; Hobart: J. W. H. Walch, 1849), 23
MRS. JAMES WOOD WILL be happy to give instruction in the above accomplishments,
and also to receive a few Young Ladies, to be educated in the usual branches of a Useful and Polite Education.
George-street, Launceston, Jan. 1, 1849.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Dowling and James Walch (publishers)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (11 November 1854), 3
MRS. WOOD BEGS to announce that in consequence of the departure of Sir William and Lady Denison,
in whose family Mrs. W. has, for the last four years, attended as Governess, she will,
after the Christmas vacation, receive at her residence a limited number of young Ladies to be instructed in every branch of an accomplished as well as an useful education.
Mrs. Wood's experience in teaching renders her fully competent for the very responsible duty she offers to undertake,
as she resided for many years in England as Governess in the family of Sir John Honeywood, Bart., of Evington, Kent, whose daughter she solely educated,
and also in that of Christopher Tower, Esq., M.P., Weald Hall, Essex, from whom she has high testimonials.
References are also permitted to Lady Denison.
Mrs. Wood is a native of Switzerland.
Terms to be had at Mrs. Wood's residence, No. 57 Davey Street, No[v]. 12 [sic], 1854.
ASSOCIATIONS: William and Caroline Denison (governor and wife, former employers)
1858, deaths in the district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1222123; RGD35/1/5 no 1094 (DIGITISED)
No. 1094 / September 3'd / Eulalie Wood (died Davey Street) / 59 years / Widow / Cancer / [informant] James Henry Wood son Davey Street . . .
"DIED", The Hobart Town Advertiser (4 September 1858), 2
On Friday, the 3rd instant, at her residence, No 93, Davey-street, EULALIE, relict of the late Mr. James Wood of Hobart Town, aged 59.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (25 September 1858), 3
The floating clouds now burst with rains
O'er verdant fields and verdant plains;
The skies have lost their azure hue,
Behind the screens their lustrous blue.
The floods have pass'd their bounds, - Oh! Lord!
Assuage them by thy powerful word,
And send thy radiant bow in sight,
And cheer us with its glorious light.
The restless floods, with furious force.
Snatch'd of their prey, and sped their course.
Oh ! God support my fainting breath,
While I walk o'er this world of death.
All flesh is grass - a transient shade -
And all like Eden's flowers, must fade;
And Nature's crowding beauteous scene,
Must wither with her gibs of green.
But happier regions we may gain
Beyond the floods and storms of rain;
A sweet, a lovely tranquil clime,
Where light and glory ever shine.
Hobart Town, 14th August, 1858.
Bibliography and resources:
"Music & Drama", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (9 March 1927), 3
. . . That music was firmly entrenched in the hearts of the people at a still earlier time than fifty years ago is evident, from a reading of the "Van Diemen's Land Royal Kalendar, Colonial Register and Almanack" for 1848 . . . it is reassuring to read that Mrs. James Wood, Upper George-street, east end of Frederick-street (Launceston) gives instruction to "Young Ladies in the French Language (in which the pure accent will be particularly attended to)," and that she combines, this praiseworthy aim with "Instruction on the Harp, Piano and Drawing." Assuming that the accomplished lady had all the harp-pupils that she doubtless deserved, one wonders what has become of the harps . . .
Eulalie Wood, Design & art Australia online (DAAO)
James Wood, Design & art Australia online (DAAO)
WOOD, Isaac (Isaac WOOD)
School-master, convict
Born ? Ireland, c. 1780/82
Tried Wexford, Ireland, 10 March 1812 (7 years, aged "30")
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 16 February 1813 (convict per Archduke Charles)
Married Felicia SIMS, St. Philip's, Sydney, NSW, 15 September 1815 (aged "40")
Died Sydney, NSW, 14 February 1823, aged "43" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WOOD, Felicia (Felicia SIMS; Mrs. Isaac WOOD)
Dancing instructor
Born London, England, c. 1795; daughter of William SIMS and Jane Hobbins WADE (1761-1838)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 10 October 1811 (per Friends, with mother)
Married Isaac WOOD, St. Philip's, Sydney, NSW, 15 September 1815 (aged "25")
Died Sydney, NSW, 30 March 1821, aged "26" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], Sun [London, England] (21 March 1812), 2 (PAYWALL)
At the Wexford Assizes on the 10th instant, the whole of the day was occupied in the trial of Isaac Wood, for robbing the bank of John Redmond, in May, 1810 - Guilty. He then received sentence of transportation for seven years.
Convicts by the Archduke Charles, 1813; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Isaac Woods / 30 / Co. Wexford / 1812 / . . .
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Philip Sydney in the year 1815; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
15 September 1815 / Isaac Wood / 40 / Widower / Felicia Sims / 25 / Spinster . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 August 1818), 1
DANCING. - AT the Desire of some respectable Personages, Mr. WOOD, of the Sydney Academy,
has been induced to engage a Person perfectly qualified to instruct Pupils in that graceful Accomplishment,
which is considered so necessary to the Acquirement of a becoming Demeanour.
Persons who have been heretofore deprived of the Opportunity, have it now in their power of being improved,
as suitable Hours are appointed for their Reception, when they may receive private Lessons. -
Terms of Tuition and other Particulars will be made known on Application as above.
Mrs. WOOD will receive young Ladies, to whose Instruction she will personally attend.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 December 1818), 2
SYDNEY ACADEMY. - Mr. ISAAC WOOD begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that the Christmas Recess will commence on Thursday the 17th Instant, and terminate on Monday the 4th of January, 1819, when the young Gentlemen belonging to this Academy will resume their Studies . . . likewise, that graceful Accomplishment of Dancing, which is considered so necessary to the acquirement of a becoming demeanour . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 April 1819), 2
SYDNEY ACADEMY, No. 93, Phillip-street.
Wanted, a DRAWING and a DANCING MASTER. Persons properly qualified, and who can give satisfactory Testimonials as to Character and Abilities,
will meet with liberal Encouragement by applying as above. Likewise wanted a good LAUNDRESS.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 January 1821), 4
SYDNEY ACADEMY, Macquarie-street. -
From the Suggestions of some respectable Personages MR. WOOD has been induced to engage a Person,
perfectly qualified, to instruct Pupils in the graceful Accomplishment of DANCING,
which is considered so necessary to the acquirement of a becoming demeanour -
Terms, per Week, 2s. 6d. each; and the Days of Attendance are appointed for Tuesdays and
Thursdays, at five o'Clock in the Afternoon. - No Pupil will be received for a less Term that three Months -
The Person engaged, is M. GIRARD, a native of Paris.
MRS. WOOD will also receive young Ladies on the same Terms, to whose Instruction she will personally attend.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Girard (dancing master)
"DIED", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 March 1821), 3
Last night, after a severe but short illness, Mrs. WOOD, wife of Mr. ISAAC WOOD, of the Macquarie-street Academy, much respected, and sincerely lamented.
"PROSPECTUS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 December 1821), 4
Of the Advantages enjoyed by the Pupils at the Sydney Academy, Macquarie-street, conducted by Isaac Wood . . .
Dancing and Fencing, 2 guineas each per quarter.
Music, according to the Instrument . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 February 1823), 4
On Friday afternoon last, at his residence in Macquarie-street, Sydney Mr. ISAAC WOOD, the founder of that praise-worthy Seminary - The Sydney Academy. Mr. W. had been in a declining state of health for many months past; he seemed to have allowed the death of an affectionate wife, which occurred about 22 months before, continually to harrass his mind; this, superadded to that intense application the rising youth were ever in the habit of receiving, for years, from a kind and paternal master, combined with the affliction of a gradually decaying leg, hastened the termination of his valuable life. Since the last vacation only, he first became confined to his bed. About three weeks since, every symptom of recovery was manifested, and the Academy was re-opened; but alas! on Thursday afternoon last, he was conveyed to his bed, much debilitated with the little exertion involuntarily called forth while in the school-room, and the next afternoon, his bed-room became the chamber of death! His affectionate and faithful services the Colony much required, but Providence saw fit to remove him from a scene of sore probation, to reward His servant with the fadeless boon. Mr. Wood leaves four orphans, two sons and two daughters, the eldest of whom is but a mere child. The Academy, it seems, the Executors are desirous of still ably carrying on; we therefore cordially hope, that every support will be given the institution for the sake of the pretty orphans.
Bibliography and resources:
Felicia Sims, Australian royalty
Isaac Wood, Australian royalty
WOOD, James (James WOOD; WOODS)
Town crier, bellringer, bellman
Born Antrim, Ireland, c. 1763
Tried Edinburgh, Scotland, 1 February 1813 (life)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 February 1814 (convict per General Hewitt, aged "51")
Died Parramatta, NSW, 1838 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
NSW census, 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
[Wood] James / Ticket of Leave / [arrived] G'l Hewitt / 1814 / Life / Protestant / Town Crier / Parramatta
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor (2 July 1838), 2
James Wood, a resident of Parramatta, about 75 years of age, and known for many years as the town crier, left his home on Saturday last, and was missing until Wednesday, when he was discovered on the road to Liverpool in an exhausted state, and partially eaten by the native dogs. He was conveyed to the Liverpool Hospital, no hopes being entertained of his recovery. It was reported on Thursday that he was dead.
Bibliography and resources:
James Wood, b. c. 1763; arr. 1814, Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
Indigenous man, ? Yuin nation, guide, singer, dancer, songman, "a great man at corroberries"
Active Illawarra / Ulladulla area, NSW, c. 1842-57 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Writing in his Rambles and observations of the time he spent in the Ulladulla region in the 1840, ,Joseph Phipps Townsend names "Jimmy Woodbury" as one of his most admired native guides; Woodbury was "a great man at corrobbories . . . and I know that he has walked fifty miles, in one day, in order to join in a dance at night" (88-89). He was possibly also Townsend's source for the song he published in musical transcription (on page 91).
Later, Percy Hale Sheaffe also copied the words of one song (undated) and the words and music of another (1857) from the singing in Jimmy Woodbury.
Joseph Phipps Townsend, Rambles and observations in New South Wales with sketches of men and manners, notices of the Aborigines, glimpses of scenery, and some hints to emigrants (London: Chapman and Hall, 1849), 88-89, also 105 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
[88] . . . That symmetrical, manly fellow, with broad shoulders and a deep chest, is "Jimmy Woodbury," and a great personage in his own tribe; for, though the aborigines recognise no chiefs, such a man as Jimmy acquires much influence among them. He is a good bruiser, and once thrashed three white men who combined to molest him . . .
[89] This man was often employed, as a stockman, in taking cattle and horses up the coast, and was a great favourite wherever he went . . . He was a great man at corrobbories, and was as well satisfied, when daubed from head to foot with white clay, having his hair powdered with the downy feathers of the white cockatoo, and a reed stuck through the cartilage of his nose, as when representing a Sunday buck; and I know that he has walked fifty miles, in one day, in order to join in a dance at night . . .
[Review], The athenaeum (28 April 1849), 433-34
[Review], The colonial magazine and East India review (June 1849), (463-70), 466 (DIGITISED)
. . . We have an unfeigned respect for a personage like Mr. Jimmy Woodbury. His portrait we give from our author at full length: "That symmetrical manly fellow . . . " . . .
"AUSTRALIAN BLACKS", Sidney's emigrant's journal (28 June 1849), 311 (DIGITISED)
Extract from Townsend, 88-89
"REVIEW (From the Colonial Magazine for June)", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 October 1849), 3-4
Song sources:
Joseph Phipps Townsend, Rambles and observations in New South Wales with sketches of men and manners, notices of the Aborigines, glimpses of scenery, and some hints to emigrants (London: Chapman and Hall, 1849), 90-91; also 98-101 (on corrobories) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
[90] . . . About Ulladulla were many smart, active, young black men, who occasionally made themselves useful, especially in reaping, and in felling timber; and in the former employment they were very expert. In order to make them work, it was essential to keep them in good humour; and the occasional discharge of a broadside of jokes produced great vigour and activity in their operations. Their reward generally consisted of beef and flour, with the occasional gift of a shirt; but, their greatest treat, and most favourite dish, was boiled rice, with abundance of sugar sprinkled over it. Round a huge dish of this they would sit luxuriating, and carefully licking their spoons after each mouthful. At night, they made a gunyah, and lined it with straw, over which they spread their blankets, if they had any. A fire was lighted in front, and the dogs curled up at their backs. There they would long sit singing; but I cannot say much for their musical taste. To borrow from Mr. Ford, "When they joined in doleful chorus,/How those happy blacks did bore us."

Malayah, malayah, ingobrayah, malayah
Malayah, malayah, ingobrayah, malayah, mala.
The key is frequently changed; and the measure is sometimes slow, sometimes very quick.
Synthesised sound file, Australharmony 2016

For checklist entry on the song see 12 Malayah

P. H. S. [Percy Hale Sheaffe], Tshemer burrâbun, and "Other songs", two manuscripts, [1] undated; [2] 1906; both in Sheaffe's handwriting; pasted into scrapbook and photograph album compiled by Edmund Milne (1861-1917); National Museum of Australia, Canberra, 1985.0059.0426
Sung by Jemmy Woodbury in 1857; and written down then, by P.H.S.
Tshemer burrâbun âny toonâunâ pârn wale.
This â is pronounced, ah. and all marked ˆ.
this is like the music notes, the same length, at the end of above, the singer made a sound like a cough and repeated,
using the higher c for g and g for e, finishing with g. c.

Other songs
(Note J. W's knowledge of English, was limited, I could not translate, all I could gather was "all about Whale Ship": the other songs were:
Jarrajambeâny nunâ
Watamboka boonam tokâ gentleman tokâ
Wâthâ com_â âtha gnâ.
Excuse pencil, an injury to my right shoulder 3 yrs since renders the use often difficult.
Yours very truly
P. H. Sheaffe
Yatteyâtah, near Milton. 22 Aug. 06
Percy Hale Sheaffe, letter to Robert Waddell (District Registrar, Milton, NSW), 30 October 1899; in correspondence attached to Waddell's completed return of a questionnaire sent out by W. Wentworth-Bucknell, on behalf of the Anthropological Society of Australasia, "Collection of native names of places with their meanings"; Royal Anthropological Society of Australasia - Records, 1885-1914, with additional material, 1921-1926, ca. 1991, and papers of Alan Carroll, 1886-1892, State Library of New South Wales, MLMSS 7603/Box 4/Folder 3, 209a [a9821010] (COLLECTION RECORD) (IMAGE SET) (IMAGE 10)

. . . When I began to work in this [?], some [?] 42 years since, the place was known by the natives as Yatteyâtah. The first a, like the a in Parramatta . . .
also two native songs, the instrumental accompaniment being two sticks, struck one against the other, the [?] I took by my flute.
Tshemer burra buna ny toonaoo na : repeat ad lib.
g g g g g g g e e e e :
parn wate.
d c .
the notes in C.; after many repetitions, a Da Capo on the higher C and changing
to the a. I believe this was "all about whale ship"
No 2 . . . .
. . . I did not take (or learn) the notes of the second song, I am afraid it was "all about two gallows [?]" . . .

Captain Sheafe [Percy Sheaffe], "Two native songs", Science of man and journal of the Royal Anthropological Society of Australasia 2/12 (January 1900), 227 (DIGITISED)
Printed from the MS above, with some errors

See also in checklist of Indigenous music Tshemer burra (djinaburra)
Bibliography and resources:
"Timothy, Chief of Merricumbene", Aboriginal Breastplates, NSW, National Museum of Australia
Letter from R. Fitzgerald, Nelligen, 1910, to Edward Milne; National Museum of Australia, Edward Milne Collection, 85/310, fols. 160 and 166:
After a lot of hunting I have found the peice [sic] of Blackfellows Plat [sic] which I am sending to you under seperate [sic] cover. When you receive it you will see it is not the piece of Plate I thought it should be as this one has been presented to a Blackfellow by name Timothy but cannot say by who, the other plate was presented to a Blackfellow by the name of Jimmy by Capt. Oldrey R.N. and it had the words "Bale Me Jarrad", on it, I dont think I cut it up But I cannot find it, you will think it silly of me to cut this one up as I have but at the time I was Building a Wager Boat and wanted some peices [sic] of Brass to finish it with so that is my excuse for doing so.
The motto on Jimmy's plate in New South Wales Pidgin means bale "not", me "I", jarrad "fear", or "I fear not." "The Jimmy mentioned by Fitzgerald was probably Jimmy Woodbury, an Aboriginal man who belonged to Timothy's 'tribe'".
WOODIN, Frederick (Alfred Hugh HAVELL; alias Frederick WOODIN; F. WOODIN; Frederick Hugh Havell WOODIN)
Musician, vocalist, pianist, harmonium player, musicseller, teacher of music, composer
Born Reading, Berkshire, England, 14 May 1826; baptised, Reading, St. Giles, 5 July 1826; son of Edmund HAVELL (c. 1785-1864) and Mary Ann BINFIELD (c. 1794-1829)
Married (1) Mary Ann GILBERT (1832-1856), Clifton, England, 1850
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 21 July 1857 (per Eagle Speed, from Liverpool, England, in 64 days, aged "31")
Married (2) Jane WOODROOF (c. 1835-1929), Castlemaine, VIC, 9 November 1858
Departed (1) Melbourne, VIC, by 1864 (for NZ)
Departed (2) Sydney, NSW, 7 January 1870 (per Adeline Carlton, for San Francisco)
Arrived (3) Australia, by 1879
Died St. Kilda Road, VIC, 29 November 1879, aged "54" (headstone, Melbourne General Cemetery) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Alfred Hugh Havell was born in Reading in 1826, a son of Edmund Havell (c. 1785-1864), and Mary Ann Binfield (c. 1794-1829). His father and grandfather, Luke Havell, were both drawing masters, who also ran a print shop, and several other relatives were noted visual artists.
He served in the merchant navy as an apprentice, going first to sea in 1840, and received his ticket at Bristol in 1845. By 1849, however, he had established himself in Bristol as a musical professional, advertising first as a vocalist, and later as a piano tuner, music and instrument seller, and as a teacher of piano, organ, and singing. His elder brother, Augustus John Havell (c. 1817-1892), was also a music retailer and piano tuner in Maidenhead.
Alfred last advertised his professional services in Bristol in April 1857, apparently still contemplating continuing music teaching there. However, his wife had died the previous year (and their only son 2 years before that), it seems he may have made a sudden decision to emigrate, taking a passage from Liverpool in the Eagle Speed for Victoria in May.
After arriving in Melbourne on 21 July, Havell was in Kyneton a month later, where he first formed a performing partnership with a piano player, the pair billing themselves respectively as Frederick Woodin, "composer, vocalist, and humorist", and Henri Wallerstein, the "eminent pianist". Having borrowed the surnames of two musicians then active in Britain - Anton Wallerstein (1813-1892), the popular dance composer, and William Samuel Woodin (1825-1888), a vocal delineator and entertainer - they also included in their first advertisement spurious reviews of supposed former performances in Dublin's Rotunda and London's Hanover Square Rooms. If, as seems likely, Wallerstein (or, as also often given, "Wallenstein") was also an alias, the pianist's identity remains as yet a mystery.
Like Havell's father, the real Woodin's father, Samuel Woodin (1789-1877) was an artist and picture dealer, and it is possible that the families were personally known to each other.
Meanwhile, that Frederick Woodin was Havell was confirmed by the official record of his second marriage, to Jane Woodroof, in Kyneton in 1858, which gives his name as Frederick Hugh Havell Woodin.
Having been for several years the town's most active musician, Woodin finally left Kyneton at the end of 1862. He next appeared briefly in Melbourne in mid 1863 as licensee of the Grace Darling Hotel in Collingwood. The Woodin/Havells were probably both in NZ by 1864, when their daughter Edith Clara Havell (d. 1952; Mrs. Smith), was born, at Dunedin, on 8 March.
They were in Australia again by late 1869, if not earlier, and sailed from Sydney, for California, in January 1870. In a letter sent home, an old central Victorian resident, James Greig, mentioned spending and evening with "Mr. Woodin, whom you knew in Castlemaine as a musical man" en route at the Sandwich Islands in 1870.
In his death certificate, in Melbourne, in 1879, Havell was described as a "music teacher". His wife Jane's sister, Hannah Woodroff (Mrs. Michael McNamara), at her death in 1884, was buried in the same grave in Melbourne General Cemetery.
Register ticket, merchant navy, Alfred Hugh Havell, 15 February 1845; UK National Archives, BT113/60 (PAYWALL)
No. 119,354 / Alfred Hugh Havell / Born at Reading in the County of Berks, 14 day of May 1826 /
Apprentice . . . First went to sea as Apprentice in the year 1840 / . . . When unemployed, resides at Bristol,
Issued at Bristol 15 day of Feb'y 1845
[Advertisement], Bristol Times and Mirror (3 November 1849), 4 (PAYWALL)
Fashionable Morning and Evening CONCERTS, ON THURSDAY, November 8th, 1849.
LOUISE FOOTE HAY, designated from the extraordinary sweetness and brilliancy of her voice,
THE LIVERPOOL LIND, will have the honor, of appearing for the first time in Clifton, on which occasion she will be favored with the assistance of
MR. WILLIAM F. TAYLOR, Who will preside at the Piano-Forte, and also will perform Two brilliant Concertos;
THE INFANT ALICE, (Only five years of age), will sing with her Sister, "The Gondola Duet;"
MR. ALFRED H. HAVELL Will have the honor of singing, for the first time in these Rooms, his Popular Songs;
and MR. HAY Will give his celebrated Sketches of Character, Reminiscences of the late Mr. Charles Mathews, &c., &c. . . .
"BIRTHS" Bristol Times and Mirror (21 August 1852), 5 (PAYWALL)
Aug. 17, the wife of Mr. A. H. Havell, piano-forte tuner, of a son.
[Advertisement], Bristol Mercury (26 November 1853), 1 (PAYWALL)
a Grand Square, by Collard & Collard; and a Semi-Grand by Tomkison,
both with metallic plates, patent repetition touch, and additional keys. Price - the Square, £18; the Grand, £20 -
To be seen at Mr. HAVELL's, Professor of Music, No. 6, Picton-street, Bristol. -
N.B. The Grand was formerly the property of the late Duke of Beaufort.
[News], Bristol Mercury (24 December 1853), 8 (PAYWALL)
An interesting and talented performance was given by Mr. A. H. Havell, at the New Temperance-hall, Bedminster, on Monday night last. Though some of the songs were of a highly humorous character, they were strictly moral. The entertainment, we learn, is to be repeated.
[Advertisement], Bristol Mercury (14 January 1854), 4 (PAYWALL)
Mr. A. H. HAVELL has great pleasure in announcing that he intends giving his
Second MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT at the above Rooms on WEDNESDAY Evening Next, Jan. 18th, to commence at Eight o'clock.
Admission 1s., 6d, and 3d. For particulars about the Old Scotch Woman, &c., see small bills.
"DIED", Bristol Mercury (3 June 1854), 8 (PAYWALL)
May 31, at No. 6, Picton-street, aged 1 year and 9 months, Alfred George, the only beloved child of A. H. Havell.
[Advertisement], Bristol Mercury (28 March 1857), 3 (PAYWALL)
begs most respectfully to return his sincere thanks to his numerous friends for their kind patronage during the past eight years,
and takes this opportunity to inform them that he had completed his arrangements for the execution of every description of
REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS connected with the PIANO-FORTE on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms,
assuring them that no effort shall be wanting on his part to insure perfect satisfaction and to merit a continuance of their kind favours.
[Advertisement], Bristol Mercury (11 April 1857), 1 (PAYWALL)
NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Mr. HAVELL, Professor of the Organ, Piano-forte, and Singing,
has the honour to announce that, for the greater convenience of carrying on his Profession, and to meet the wishes of many of his Pupils, he has
REMOVED from PICTON-STREET to 10, ORCHARD-STREET, COLLEGE-GREEN; to which address all communications respecting Teaching and other professional engagements are requested to be directed.
Mr. Havell will RESUME his teaching on the 20th inst. A splendid Walnut Collard and Collard PIANO-FORTE for SALE.
10, Orchard-street, College-green, April 11, 1857.
Melbourne and Kyneton, VIC (from mid 1857):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Eagle Speed, from Liverpool, 27 April 1857, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Alfred Havell / [single] 31 / Gent. . . .
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer (21 August 1857), 3
Mr. Frederick Woodin,
The celebrated Composer, Vocalist, and Humorist, assisted by
The eminent Pianist, will shortly give his highly successful Entertainment, entitled
Comprising Musical and Characteristic Sketches and Illustrations, Scenes, Comical and Sentimental, Life and Character,
Past and Present, Songs, &c., &c., allowed to be the most beautiful Entertainment ever offered in Australia.
For particulars see Bills. ADMISSION - 3s.
Doors open at half-past 7, to commence at 8 o'clock precisely, terminate at 10.
Mr. Woodin will be happy to tune or repair any pianofortes in the neighborhood, if notice to that effect be left at the Kyneton Hotel.
Messrs. Woodin and Wallerstein's Entertainment at the Rotunda. - The entertainment rendered last evening by the above talented gentlemen was a decided hit. The programme comprised comic sketches, songs, piano and harmonium duets, &c.; all of which was highly relished by the audience, which was large and select. The encores were numerous, and the whole affair passed off to the entire satisfaction of all present. - Dublin Journal.
Hanover-square Rooms.- A most varied and attractive programme was given by the above artistes last evening, when Mr. Woodin gave several characteristics of life and character, which created much merriment and laughter throughout; his changes were expertly managed. We may venture to particularise sketches of an English party, which was highly amusing; in the course of which a very beautiful composition by Messrs. Woodin and Wallerstein for pianoforte and harmonium, was magnificently performed, and enthusiastically encored. Many novelties were introduced during the entertainments, which gave unqualified satisfaction to a crowded audience. - London Times.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henri Wallerstein (pianist)
"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", The Kyneton Observer (25 August 1857), 2
The celebrated musicians Messrs. Woodin and Wallerstein, give one of their musical treats in the Royal Oak Hotel, to-morrow evening. The programme comprises every variety of music. We recollect hearing Mr. Woodin in London, some years ago, and even at this hour we dwell upon the pleasure we derived from his exquisite singing and his inimitable representations of life and character.
ASSOCIATIONS: Probably William Samuel Woodin (English comic vocalist)
"CONCERT", The Kyneton Observer (4 September 1857), 2
Messrs. Woodin and Wallenstein gave another of their grand musical performances on Tuesday evening in the saloon of the Royal Hotel, to a numerous and highly respectable assembly. We have seldom passed a more pleasant evening. Mr. Woodin is one of those vocalists who is qualified to sound any key, at one time dissolving his audience to tears, and at another keeping them in constant roars of laughter. The real secret of this power lies in a thorough knowledge of the original sentiment which dictated the song. "Mother, be proud of your boy in blue," by Eliza Cook, was sung with great taste and feeling, appealing to the hearts of all who heard it: and "The Little Fat Man" was a chef d'oeuvre of humour which we have seldom heard excelled. Mr. Wallenstein, in his solo on the piano-forte, surpassed any musician we ever heard in this colony. His wonderful powers of execution, combined with the most exquisite finish and taste, created quite a furor. The piece he performed was a Caprice of his own composition, from "Massaniello." He was loudly and deservedly encored.
MUSIC: The song of the sailor boy [Mother, be proud of your boy in blue] (music by G. H. Rodwell); The little fat man (comic song)
"Messrs. Woodin and Wallerstein", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (7 October 1857), 3
These accomplished artists had at last an opportunity of performing before a good audience, in the Theatre Royal, on Monday evening, and so favorable was the impression produced, that we think they may reckon upon a succession of well filled houses during their brief stay in Castlemaine. The duets performed by Messrs. Woodin and Wallerstein on the Harmonium and Piano, were well selected and well executed. The combination is somewhat novel, but had a very pleasing effect. The solos on the piano, executed by Mr. Wallerstein, showed that that gentleman has a complete command over his instrument, and one could not but wish he had had a better instrument, and a better hall in which to display his powers. Madame Butler's songs were very well received, and several of them were honored with an encore; but Mr. Woodin's comic songs were the most prominent feature of the entertainment, so far as the laughter and applause of the audience are indications of enjoyment. The inane "ha! ha!" of the stupid Baronet excited roars of laughter and prompted a large number of the younger portion of the audience to greet the artist on his reappearance with imitated "ha! ha's!" more or less like. Phoeby Pop appeared to us to be the most successful personation, and the two songs sung by the lady were irresistible. The look, voice, and manner of the disconsolate maiden were faithfully given, and the words and air were exact, and not exaggerated, imitations of the ballads popular with ladies of Phoeby's class.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Butler (Mrs. Davis, vocalist)
"Theatre Royal", Mount Alexander Mail (14 October 1857), 3
Messrs. Woodin and Wallerstein announce a grand concert for this evening in which they will make their farewell appearance before a Castlemaine audience. They will be assisted by Mr. Martin, and by Mr. Rainer, who has very kindly placed his services at their disposal for this evening. We understand that a large number of ladies and gentlemen have intimated their intention of being present this evening, and that a brilliant assemblage and an excellent entertainment may be expected.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Cragin Rainer (vocalist); George Martin (vocalist)
"Miners' Hall", Mount Alexander Mail (27 November 1857), 4
On Tuesday evening last, Mrs. Brougham afforded a rich treat to the people of the Wombat, by giving gratuitously, for the benefit of the Institution, one of her much admired "Shaksperian Readings" . . . Be between the acts, Mr. Woodin, a musician of very considerable talent, and who is under an engagement to Mrs. Brougham, performed several judiciously selected pieces in a very admirable manner, and at the conclusion sang a very humorous song with great taste, which elicited universal approbation . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Brougham (actor)
"DAYLESFORD (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT . . . Amusements", Mount Alexander Mail (5 March 1858), 4
Mr. Wm. King is again in his old quarters, the Wombat Hotel, and has engaged Mr. Woodin to whose melodious strains may be seen, every Saturday eve, a numerous and highly respectable assemblage of lads and lasses, tripping gaily on the light fantastic toe. On Monday evening Mr. Woodin makes his first appeal to his friends of Daylesford. This gentleman's attractions ought to be sufficient to guarantee him a bumper, but we cannot refrain from reminding our readers of the many little acts of kindness he has shown to our various institutions, by lending himself and his charming little instrument for their benefit and amusement. His services at the church have been a valuable addition to the musical parts of its worship, and we trust to see him well supported on this occasion.
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail (26 May 1858), 2
We heartily congratulate the members of the Castlemaine Philharmonic Society on the unequivocal success of their first subscription concert. Great expectations had obviously been entertained, for the National School, which, when the partition is removed, is really an elegant concert room, was filled at the time fixed for the commencement, of the concert, and before its close was uncomfortably crowded. The close attention and cordial applause accorded to the vocalists shewed that the expectation formed had not been disappointed, and that future appearances of the society will be heartily welcomed. That they should be is no more than the excellence of the performances demand. Ladies and gentlemen took part, Mr. Moss acting as conductor. It had been announced that Mr. Woodin would preside at the piano; but it was explained that that artist had refused to fulfil his promise, except under conditions with which the society could not comply. In these circumstances Mrs. Fox was called on, and we are sure no one regretted Mr. Woodin's contumacy . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Moss (conductor); Matilda Fox (pianist); Castlemaine Philharmonic Society (organisation)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (14 June 1858), 3
THE Lovers of Harmony are requested to meet at the Royal Hotel,
on Friday, evening, June 18th, when they may depend on spending a comfortable evening.
Chair to be taken at half-past seven. Pianist - Mr. Woodin.
"Mr. WOODIN", Mount Alexander Mail (7 July 1858), 3
This gentleman, to whose musical abilities we have, on some occasions, borne testimony, has been elected organist to Episcopal Church. Mr. Woodin, we understand, intends practising his profession in Castlemaine.
"LECTURE ON MUSIC", Mount Alexander Mail (2 August 1858), 3
Mr. F. Woodin, the celebrated vocalist and instrumentalist, will deliver a lecture on Music, at the Mechanics' Hall, this evening. The lecture will be illustrated bv airs, songs, etc., in the different departments of the art.
"MR. THATCHER AND MISS URIE", Mount Alexander Mail (1 September 1858), 3
These favorite vocalists gave their second Concert at the Mechanics' Institution yesterday evening. It was well attended, and both the artistes received frequent encores. They were assisted by Mr. Woodin. They will repeat the Concert this evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (comic vocalist, flautist); Louisa Urie (vocalist)

1858, marriages solemnized in the district of the Loddon; BDM VIC
Castlemaine November 9 1858 / Frederick Hugh Havell Woodin / Widower 1856 / [born] Berkshire / Professor of Music / 34 [?] / [resident] Castlemaine / [son of] Edmund Woodin / Artist [and] Mary Binfield
Jane Woodroof / Spinster / [born] London] / - / 19 [?] / [resident] Castlemaine / [daughter of] Joseph Woodroof / Turner [and] Mary Ann Hall . . . in the presence of John R. Vincent, Priscilla Vincent [?] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John and Priscilla Vincent (musician, vocalist)
"BARLOW'S PERFORMANCE", The Kyneton Observer (20 January 1859), 3
Last night, Mr. Barlow gave his farewell performance to a well filled house, at Mr. Emden's "Junction" Assembly room. He was well received, and warmly encored, - his master-piece, the Blue-tail'd Fly, being introduced to perfection, in his own inimitable style. He was assisted on the occasion by Mr. Woodin.
"MR. WOODIN'S LECTURE", The Kyneton Observer (17 February 1859), 2
Last night this gentleman delivered a lecture on the music of all nations, in the Athenaeum. The attendance was very good, amounting to some sixty or seventy, the great majority of whom was composed of the fair sex. The lecturer certainly did good justice to the subject, and favored the audience with specimens of song in illustration of his discourse. We should add that he kindly volunteered at the eleventh hour to substitute his lecture, in place of Dr. Davy's, which has been postponed till the 23rd instant.
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer (31 May 1859), 3
THE Celebrated WISEMAN FAMILY, acknowledged to be the most talented company in the world,
will appear at Emden's Junction hotel, on WEDNESDAY, NEXT 1ST JUNE.
Musical Director - MR. WOODIN. Prices - 3s and 2s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily and Fanny Wiseman and family (dancers, vocalists, actors)
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer (9 July 1859), 3
MR. HEALY begs to announce that he has succeeded in making arrangements with
MRS. STEWART ELLIS, of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society;
and MR. FREDERICK SAMS, Comic Singer and Comedian,
who will make their First Appearance at the above Theatre,
assisted by MR. WOODIN, Pianist and Vocalist, on
WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 13th Inst.
Part I.
Pianoforte Solo - Mr. Woodin
Song - Russell's "Slave Chase." - Mr. Woodin
Extravaganza - Mr. F. Sams
"Bid me discourse" - Mrs. Ellis
Duett - selection of airs pianoforte & orchestrina - Mrs. Ellis & Mr. Woodin
"Boy in blue," sung and composed by - Mr. Woodin
Comic song - "Life of a showman." - Mr. F. Sams
"I know a bank." - Mrs. Ellis & Mr. Woodin
Interval of Ten Minute.
Part II.
Skyrocket La. Polka Brilliante, composed by Mr. Woodin
Simon the Cellarer - Mr. Woodin
Burlesque - "Teetotal Society" - Mr. F. Sams
Do not mingle (Somnambula) - Mrs. Ellis
Sleigh song - Mr. Woodin
Comic duett - "Little farm" - Mrs. Ellis & Mr. Sams
Pianoforte solo - reverie composed by - Mr. Woodin
Ye melancholie hystorie of "My love is dead" - Mr. F. Sams
Hundred pipers - Mrs. Ellis
for the special accommodation of Ladies, the side door, having no communication with the Hotel, will be the entrance for reserved seats.
Admission: Reserved seats, 3s; back seats, 2s; gallery, 1s. Doors open at half-past seven.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Ellis (vocalist); Frederic Sams (vocalist)
"MR. WOODIN", The Kyneton Observer (1 October 1859), 2
This gentleman will take a benefit at the Athenaeum on Monday evening next, and from the programme furnished of the entertainment, our townsfolk may expect a good evening's amusement, whilst at the same time they contribute to discharge a debt that is due to a gentleman whose services have been ever freely bestowed in aid of every charitable and liberal object which claimed the support of a Kyneton public. We should add that we understand that the Committee of the Athenaeum, without solicitation, offered the use of their Hall and assistance to render this benefit to Mr. Woodin as successful and as creditable as the occasion ought to warrant.
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer (20 September 1860), 1
IN consequence of the depressed state of the funds of the Institute . . .
A GRAND ENTERTAINMENT . . . The performers have kindly volunteered their services gratuitously on the occasion.
Malsmsbury Glee Singers, Mr. TYSON Conductor. Local Juvenile Singers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Leech (violin); John Tyson (conductor, amateur vocalist); Malmsbury Glee Club (amateur group)
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer (22 January 1861), 3
MESSRS. WOODIN AND LEECH, AT the request of several gentlemen, have entered into arrangements with the Philharmonic Society of Castlemaine,
for a repitition of the Oratorio so successfully executed by the Society at Castlemaine in December last.
The great expense attending this undertaking renders it absolutely necessary for the Projectors,
in order to secure themselves from loss, to be guaranteed the sale of a certain number of tickets.
Being also desirous of producing so grand a work in as complete a manner as possible, Messrs. W. and L. will endeavor,
should they meet with adequate support, to engage the highest talent available in the colony to sustain the solo parts.
The Band and Chorus will number Sixty Performers.
A plan of the room will be made and seats numbered.
N.B. - Ladies and gentlemen able and desirous of singing in the Choruses can do so by sending their names and addresses to Mr. Woodin, Piper street, and attending two rehearsals.
"POLICE COURT. Saturday, 19th January . . . STEALING A FIDDLE, &C.", The Kyneton Observer (22 January 1861), 2
Alexander Munro pleaded guilty to stealing a violin and a tent cover, the property of J. Mitchell. The property was valued at £1 18s. The prisoner said he was drunk at the time, and on becoming conscious of what he had done, he was going to restore the property when he was arrested. The prosecutor Mitchell was examined in proof of the charge. A witness named Waghorn gave a tedious and circumstantial account of having nobblerised with the prisoner and seen something in his hand, but he knew nothing of the robbery. Mr. Woodin proved that the prisoner bad purchased a fiddle from him and paid a deposit of 13s 6d upon it. He afterwards got back a portion of the money deposited, viz. 10s 6d, in order to break off the bargain, and said he had got another fiddle. The arresting constable said prisoner was drunk and had the violin under his arm at the time he was taken. No evidence was given for the defence, and the Bench sentenced the prisoner to two months' incarceration in Melbourne gaol with hard labor.
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer (21 February 1861), 4
A good selection of Vocal and Instrumental Music on hand.
Pianos for sale or hire. A large stock of Violins, Concertinas, Flutinas.
All kinds of Musical Instruments bought, sold, or exchanged.
Tuning and repairing in all its branches.
F. WOODIN, Piper street, Kyneton.
N.B. Orders forwarded per post, duly attended to.
ASSOCIATIONS: Probably resale of an imported edition, or a new local edition of George Frederick Root [Wurzel]'s song Rosalie the prairie flower [sic]
[News], The Kyneton Observer (8 May 1862), 2
The inhabitants of this district will have a rare opportunity presented to them, during the next three or four days, of enjoying a musical treat, both rich and rare in the serious [sic, series] of concerts to be given by Mr. Woodin, who has made arrangements with those eminent artistes, Messrs. Poussard and Douay, whose performances on the Violin, and Violoncello, have perhaps never been surpassed in the colony. They will be assisted by Mr. R. W. Kohler, whose great talents as an instrumentalist, are well known. The first concert takes place at Taradale, and those in Kyneton, will come off on Monday and Tuesday next, in the Mechanics' Institute.
ASSOCIATIONS: Horace Poussard (violin); Rene Douay (cello); Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician)
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer (15 July 1862), 3
LARGE Assortment of NEW MUSIC, just arrived by this Mail.
OVERTURE, as played at the EXHIBITION, 1862. At F. WOODIN'S, Piper-street.
N.B. - 400 Soiled Pieces, from 3d. Pianos Tuned, 7s 6d.
"THE BACHELORS' BALL", Mount Alexander Mail (8 August 1862), 5
If the gallant bachelors of Castlemaine feel it to be a sufficient reward for their politeness that their guests enjoyed themselves at the Ball on Tuesday evening, they may rest perfectly content. The company numbered over 100, and . . . comprised visitors from several towns in the North Western Province, and from Melbourne . . . The band was composed of six performers, led by M. Fleury, who had been specially retained for the occasion, and included a harpist, whose brilliant style of execution was frequently noticed. Mr. Woodin presided at the piano . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violinist, band leader)
"THE CONCERT AT THE MECHANICS. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Kyneton Observer (11 November 1862), 2
SIR, - I consider that the remarks made by "Anti-Snob" in his letter of the 8th,
respecting the concert held at the Mechanics' on the 5th, are uncalled for, unjust, ungallant, and consequently ungentlemanly.
He has proved himself thoroughly incompetent to criticise any musical entertainment by his remarks on the performance of Callcott's glee, "The Red Cross Knight,"
he says the parts are written for treble voices, and that the piano accompaniment with the solo parts was quite out of place.
"Anti-Snob" must surely be mistaken, or my copies are wrong;
however, I should be sorry to submit to his judgment in the matter.
What good result we may expect from his letter I am at a loss to know;
I know that it was the intention of the ladies and gentlemen who got up the late Concert to have formed themselves into a Choral Society,
and to have invited others to join them (surely a step in the right direction);
a series of Concerts would have taken place for the benefit of local institutes.
But I fear "Anti-Snob's" letter will be the means of preventing any further steps being taken in the matter.
I am, Sir,
Yours respectfully.
[A certain place is believed to be paved with good intentions. - Printers' Devil.]
"CORRESPONDENCE. THE LATE CONCERT. To the Editor of . . .", The Kyneton Observer (18 November 1862), 2
SIR, - I had not intended to notice Mr. Woodin's letter in your last issue,
but a trifle from Taradale having caught my eye in this morning's Guardian, I think I may as well notice the two at one and the same time.
That Mr. Woodin has some cause for irritation I admit, if what he says is true that the projected Choral Society is impracticable,
in consequence of my letter, but I think it is as practicable as ever.
I remember a story, of Douglas Jerrold's, in which a coalheaver goes to a barber to get shaved, the barber declines to operate,
he must draw a line somewhere, and shaves nothing below a baker.
The social line in Kyneton seems to be drawn at a banker, let Mr. Woodin take the hint.
His Choral Society must come from among the tradesmen and working classes, or else from the exclusives.
In the one case, he will have all bass, and in the other all treble.
How delightful it would be if the two could be amalgamated, but from late experience I think it impossible, and Mr. Woodin knows it as well as I do.
Mr. Woodin asks what good can come of my letter - I will tell him.
Perhaps but little good can come of it; still it may prove that tradesmen are not to be snubbed with impunity.
I do not expect that it will ever exact an apology from the class he defends, for their uncourteous behavior.
If Mr. Woodin's proposed Benefit Concert does not come off in consequence of any remarks of mine,
I am sorry for it, and I think a testimonial should be got up in his favor, in which case "Anti-Snob" will head the list.
Now, if Mr. W. calls me ungentlemanly after that, I shall consider it a casus belli . . .
"Colonial Items", Kyneton Guardian and Woodend and Malmsbury Chronicle (11 March 1863), 3
WE see Mr. Frederick Woodin's name as an applicant for a license to the Grace Darling Hotel, Collingwood.
By 1864 (departed for NZ):
7 January 1870 (depart Sydney, NSW, for California):
"CLEARANCES. January 7", Australian Town and Country Journal [Sydney, NSW] (15 January 1870), 29
Adeline Carlton, barque, 594 tons, Carlton, for San Francisco. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Havell . . .
"THE SANDWICH ISLANDS", Mount Alexander Mail (23 November 1870), 2
The following letter from an old resident, has been handed to us for publication: . . .
I also spent an evening with Mr. Woodin, whom you knew in Castlemaine, a musical man . . .
I am, dear sir, yours truly, JAMES GREIG.
"WAIF FROM THE SEA", New Zealand Herald (6 March 1871),
The following, picked up in a bottle at Mercury Bay, has been handed to us for publication: -
"Ship Adelia Carleton, Boston, Captain Carleton, bound to San Francisco from Sydney, five days out,
34 deg. 48 min. S., 164 deg., 14 min. E.; all well. Mr. Montgomery flying a kite;
goose and fowl for dinner; wife recovered her sickness; thing looking awfully jolly;
did not practice the piano this morning; think of it presently.
Send this to the nearest newspaper. - ALFRED HUGH HAVELL."
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California [San Francisco, USA] (12 March 1871), 2
Subject - "The Influence of Music on the Human Mind." Illustrated with Songs and Quotations . . .
"MUSICAL LECTURE", Daily Alta California (15 March 1871), 2
Alfred H. Havell, Esq., gave a novel and entertaining lecture at the Yong Men's Christian Association Hall, last evening. It was novel, because, interpersed with sound observations on the influence of music on the human mind, were vocal illustrations of the theme under discussion. This interspersion of song and sentiment, argument and melody, was certainly very agreeable, as well as novel. The lecturer spoke briefly upon the history, origin, universality and influence of music, showing how the different passions and sympathies of our nature are moved by its power. And, naturally enough, the different songs which illustrated the points brought out, were introduced as the lecture proceeded. Mr. Havell has a sympathetic baritone voice, of moderate compass: his selections embraced, of course, a great variety of songs, "from grave to gay, from lively to severe," and all were sung with acceptance - many with uncommon feeling and artistic skill. The entertainment, as a whole, was certainly very enjoyable, and these who missed it missed really a good thing.
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California (24 July 1871), 4
HANDEL HOUSE, NEW MONTGOMERY STREET, Near Gates' Drug Store, Howard st.
JUST RECEIVED, AN Assortment of the newest VOCAL AND PIANOFORTE MUSIC direct from London.
Also, ENGLISH UPRIGHT PIANOS, especiality the multum in parvo, smallest Piano in the world, with power equal of a large Grand. Buyers, call.
[manicule] Tuning and Repairing done.
A. H. HAVELL, Manager.
[Advertisement], Morning Union [Grass Valley, CA] (28 August 1872), 2
Begs respectfully to Inform the Inhabitants of GRASS VALLEY, NEVADA CITY, And surrounding districts,
The largest stock outside of San Francisco, all selected by the Professor with the greatest care.
Educational works for Schools! PIANOS, ORGANS, and all kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired.
Professor Havell will shortly be in a position to take engagements to give instructions on the Piano, Organ, and in Vocal Culture.
He will visit Grass Valley on Mondays and Thursdays. All orders to he left at the Exchange Hotel.
A. H. H. is also open to treat for an organist's situation, or Conductor of a Choral Society. N. B. - First class references.
Country Orders Punctually Attended to in all cases.
[Advertisement], Los Angeles Herald (1 April 1875), 3
MADAME Arabella Goddard Begs leave to announce that she will give two GRAND CONCERTS IN LOS ANGELES,
When she will be assisted by Signora Franzini, Signor Marra, Prof. A. H. HAVELL, accompanyist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Arabella Goddard (pianist)
[Advertisement], Los Angeles Daily Star (18 December 1875), 3
Teacher of the Piano, Organ, Singing, Vocal Culture and harmony, Composition, etc.
Apply Piano Warerooms, 160 Main street.
Musical editions:
May blossoms valse rondo (1857)
May blossoms, valse rondo, for the piano-forte by Alfred Hugh Havell (Bristol: Henry Keeler, [1857]) (copy at British Library)
The peeping daisy pretty polka rondo (1857)
The peeping daisy (pretty polka rondo) for the piano forte by Alfred Hugh Havell (Bristol: Henry Keeler, Beethoven House [1857]) (copy at British Library)
The pretty blue bell rondo alla polka (1857)
The pretty blue bell (rondo alla polka) for the piano forte by Alfred Hugh Havell (Bristol: Henry Keeler, [1857]) (copy at British Library)
Also listed as published by Henry Keeler:
The pretty blue bell polka (n.d.)
The pretty blue bell quadrilles (n.d.)
Bibliography and resources:
Alfred Hugh Havell, Find a grave
Musicseller, music publisher
Born London, England, 28 January 1833
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, c. 1855
Married Elizabeth STONE (c. 1849-1902), VIC, 1864
Arrived Adelaide, SA, c. 1864
Died Adelaide, SA, 1921 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (12 December 1865), 1
The largest selection in the colony by all the celebrated manufacturers.
WOODMAN'S MUSICAL REPOSITORY, 11, Hindley-street, near the Exchange Hotel.
AT WOODMAN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE . . . can be obtained every description of Musical Instrument at lowest prices.
Bands supplied on liberal terms. The latest published music received by every mail.
Musical instruments repaired.
"GENERAL NEWS", Adelaide Express (21 December 1865), 2
The annual examination of the pupils attending the school of Mr. and Mrs. Davison, Hindmarsh and Bowden, took place in the District Hall, Hindmarsh . . . The proceedings were varied by the children singing anthems, songs, and rounds during the intervals, Mr. Davison presiding at the harmonium, which had been kindly lent by Mr. Woodman, of Adelaide, for the occasion, and to whom a vote of thanks was given . . .
[2 advertisements], The South Australian Advertiser (18 September 1866), 1
The Largest and Cheapest Stock in the colony to select from.
WOODMAN'S, 11, Hindley-street. Note - Music at half the printed prices.
Insolvency Notices.
I THE Undersigned, JOSEPH WOODMAN, of Hindley-street, in the City of Adelaide,
Music Seller, do hereby declare that I am unable to meet my engagements with my Creditors.
Dated . . . this seventeenth day of September . . .
JOSEPH WOODMAN . . . JOHN CHERRY, Official Assignee.
"COMMERCIAL", The Adelaide Express (19 September 1866), 3
A meeting of the creditors of J. Woodman, music seller, Hindley-street, was held at Mr. Ingleby's office, on Tuesday, September 17. The liabilities amounted to £1,967 19s. 5d.; assets (after making allowance for depreciation of stock and bad debts), £1,400; deficiency, £567 19s. 5d. The meeting was adjourned for a week to enable Mr. Woodman to make a guaranteed offer.
"THE 'SONG OF AUSTRALIA'", South Australian Register (3 March 1868), 2
Mr. J. Woodman, of Rundle street, has just published a piece of music under this title. It is not, however, the "Song of Australia" which in 1859 gained the Gawler prize, but an entirely new production. The words are by "Ellie," a lady whose poetry is much admired. The music is by Carl Taeuber, a gentleman whose carte has been transferred to the title page. Messrs. Penman & Galbraith are the lithographers, and the work has been dedicated by the composer to His Worship the Mayor of Adelaide . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: "Ellie" (Mrs. Debney, poet, lyricist); Carl Taeuber (composer); Penman and Galbraith (lithographers, printers)
"GENERAL NEWS", The Express and Telegraph (11 August 1869), 2
Mr. J. Woodman has recently imported several very fine musical boxes, which he has now opened. The larger boxes are fitted with bells and drum apparatus, the latter of which can be detached, and the tunes played are among the most popular airs. The boxes also are very handsome - the lids being inlaid with very pretty designs.
"POLICE COURT - PORT ADELAIDE. Monday, September 20", The South Australian Advertiser (21 September 1869), 5
J. Woodman, musical instrument warehouseman, appeared to the adjourned information of the Collector of Customs, charged with landing certain goods, viz., three cases, containing harmoniums, contrary to section 52 of the Customs Act, 1864, whereby the said goods were liable to forfeiture . . . After counsel had addressed the Bench, the Magistrate ordered that the goods should be forfeited; but suspended the order for a week, to enable the defendant to petition the Government for a remission of the sentence.
"ABOUT MEN AND WOMEN", The Express and Telegraph (20 September 1902), 4
Mr. Joseph Woodman, the well-known music warehouseman and piano importer, was born in London on January 28, 1833. He came to South Australia in 1864, but had previously spent eight or nine years in Victoria. He married a daughter of Mr. Joseph Stone, chief accountant at the Penal Department, Melbourne. Mr. Woodman possesses hosts of friends, and is always cheerful and good-humored. He originally, conducted his music business in Hindley-street.
"CONCERNING PEOPLE", The Register (6 August 1921), 10
The death is announced of Mr. Joseph Woodman, at one time a well-known piano importer and music warehouseman of Adelaide. He was born in London, educated at the City of London School, and went to Melbourne in 1855. In 1864, at about the time of his marriage to Miss Elizabeth Stone, Mr. Woodman moved to South Australia. Mrs. Woodman, who pre-deceased her husband by 18 years, had no children. Mr. Woodman's father, who was a cutler and Freeman of the City of London, was the last person buried in St. Paul's Churchyard. Probably none of Mr. Woodman's contemporaries in Lodge 555, S.C., survive him, but he was not forgotten by brother-Masons during his last years at the Home for Incurables, Fullarton.
Musical publications:
The song of Australia, words by Ellie, composed & dedicated to his worship the Mayor of Adelaide by Carl Taeuber (Adelaide: J. Woodman, [1868]) (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
Joseph Goodman, Find a grave
WOODRIFF, Daniel James (Daniel James WOODRIFF; D. J. WOODRIFF, senior)
Amateur musician, flautist, naval captain
Born London, England, 1787; baptised St. Alfege, Greenwich, 10 September 1787; son of Daniel WOODRIFF (1756-1842) and Asia SUMAREL (c. 1764-1826)
Arrived Port Phillip Bay, NSW (VIC), 1803 (per Calcutta)
Died Old Charlton, Kent, England, 20 January 1860 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
See also (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Daniel Woodriff (1756-1842) first came to Australia as Naval Agent on the convict transport Kitty in 1792, and a second time in 1803-04 as captain of H.M.S. Calcutta for David Collins' abortive expedition to found a new settlement in Port Phillip (the Sorrento landing). His three sons, Daniel James (junior), John and Robert all served on the Calcutta in 1803-04 under him. A grandson, Daniel James's son, also Daniel James (d. 1865), came to Australia and settled at Penrith.
One collection of Woodriff family papers, including a diary kept by Daniel junior, a keen flautist, are in the State Library of New South Wales.
A second collection of Papers of the Woodriff family, is at the National Library of Australia, along with the Woodriff family bound album of music, consisting of 16 published titles, mainly dating from the first decade of the 19th century, the earliest provenanced colonial personal music collection known to survive.
Baptisms in the parish of St. Alfege, Greenwich, in September 1787; register 1784-182; London Metropolitan Archives, P78/ALF/004 (PAYWALL)
10 / Daniel James son of Daniel Woodfiff a mariner & Asia
"DANIEL JAMES WOODRIFF, ESQ.", in John Marshall, Royal naval biography; or, Memoirs of the services of all the flag-officers . . . whose names appeared on the Admiralty list of sea officers at the commencement of the present year 4/2 (1835), 104-06
Eldest son of Captain Daniel Woodriff, R. N., C. B., of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich . . . Mr. DANIEL JAMES WOODRIFF first went to sea in the Endymion . . . in 1790 [sic] . . . In 1792, Mr. D. J. Woodriff accompanied his father in circumnavigating the globe . . . On the 1st. Aug. 1801, the subject of this memoir embarked as midshipman on board the Princess Charlotte frigate . . . On the 1st Feb. 1803, Mr. Woodriff rejoined his father, then commanding the Calcutta, armed en flûte, and preparing to convey 450 convicts of both sexes, to Port Philip, in Bass's Straits, for the purpose of forming a settlement on the southern extremity of New Holland . . . During her stay at Port Philip, Mr. Woodriff went on many excursions for the purpose of exploring the country, and often suffered much from the want of water when bewildered in the woods. On one occasion, having landed at a considerable distance from the ship, in company with some other gentlemen, his boat was swept away from the beach and carried by the tide to a distance of about twenty-five miles along the coast, leaving the exploring party and boat's crew with nothing to eat or drink. Fortunately they had the means of kindling a fire, by which, after dark, they sat, [106] sung, told stories, and, one after the other, sank to sleep, but not without experiencing previously the usual craving of hunger and thirst. At day-light next morning, they ascended trees on the highest ground, but could not see anything of the boat, nor any movement from the ship; indeed they had no reason to expect any relief from her, as they had been supplied with provisions and water for several days consumption. They now, as on the preceding day, eat a few shell fish, which, although a momentary alleviation of hunger, increased their thirst; and drank some brackish water, which at the moment seemed a relief, but the temporary gratification was the certain precursor of increased want of drink, accompanied by an inward burning. At length, however, after passing many hours in this unenviable manner, they succeeded in attracting the notice of the colonial boat, which had left the settlement for the purpose of fishing, and had not any previous knowledge of their situation; the scanty supply of bread and other refreshments which her limited means afforded them was most acceptable - it was indeed a luxury. Their own boat they succeeded in rescuing just as she was about to enter a heavy surf . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 April 1860), 1
On the 20th January, at 6, Lansdowne Road, Old Charlton, Kent, of bronchitis, Captain Daniel James Woodriff, R.N., one of the surviving officers on board H. M.'s ship Bellerophon, in the action of Trafalgar, aged 72 years, eldest son of the late Captain Daniel Woodriff, R.N., C.B., and father of D. J. Woodriff, Esq., Parramatta.
"DEATHS", Empire (27 November 1865), 1
WOODRIFF - On the 24th November, at Newlands, Daniel James Woodriff, only son of Captain Daniel James Woodriff, R.N., aged 42.
Music album (containing 16 printed items, mostly c. 1805-15; bound size 170 x 250 mm):
See also
Contents (not in bound order):
The compleat tutor for the German flute, containing the easiest & most modern methods for learning to play, to which is added a favourite collection of songs, tunes, minuetts, marches, duetts, etc., etcc., also the method of double tongueing & a concise scale & description of the new invented German flute with additional keys (London: Monzani & Co. [180-?]); 32 pages
[Flute duets] ([no publication details); 30 pages
A set of new slow marches waltz's & quick steps, for fifes & bugle horns composed by Sam. Potter (London : C. Wheatstone, [180-?]); 20 pages
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Potter (drum major)
A complete preceptor or the whole of art of playing the improved octave flageolet, being an instrument most easily acquired & from the scale being very semilar [sic] to the German flute & likewise an octave to that instrument, has brought to its present universal estimation, including improved & correct scales for the English & French flageolet, with a selection of the most popular airs, rondos, waltzes, bird tunes, etc., concluding with a series of preludes & solo passages, carefully adapted for the above instrum[ents] (London: Wheatstone, [c. 1810-15]); 30 pages
Scale or gamut for Bainbridge's patent flagelet with is latest improvements ([no publication details]); 20 pages
New instructions for the French-horn, containing the most modern and best methods for learners to blow, to which are added, all the hunting notes, and a collection of tunes, marches, minutes &c. purposely adapted for that instrument by an eminent performer (London: G. Goulding & Co., [180-?]); 30 pages
A selection of elegant & fashionable country dances, reels, waltzes &c., for the ensuing season 1808, including much admired Neapolitan & Maltese pandean airs, arranged for the pianoforte or harp, alto flute or patent flageolet, with an accompt. for the piano forte or harp by Augs. Voigt (London: C. Wheatstone, [1808]); 20 pages
Wheatstone's selection of elegant & fashionable country dances, reels, waltzes &c., for the ensuing season, including much admired Neapolitan & Maltese pandean airs, arranged for the pianoforte or harp, alto flute or patent flageolet, with an accompt. for the piano forte or harp by Augs. Voigt (London: Wheatstone, [c. 1809-18]); 20 pages
A selection of marches, quick steps & waltzes, arranged in parts for the pandaean reeds by H. Eberhardt (London: C. Wheatstone, [180-?]) ["The selection may be played as solos, duetts or trios for flutes or violins"], 8 pages
O'Farrell's collection of national Irish music for the union pipes, comprising a variety of the most favourite slow & sprightly airs, including a selection of celebrated Scottish airs, also adapted for the German flute, violin & clarinett (London: Wheatstone, [n.d.]); 32 pages
A new preceptor for the violin explained agreeable to the modern & most approved system comprehending the different positions of shift, scales on the gamut & selected from the best treatises to which is added a series of select popular airs ([no publication details, ? Wheatstone]); 28 pages
Compleat instructions for the German flute, containing the easiest most concise and best method of learning that instrument, compiled from Florio, Tacet, Monzani and other principle performers, with a collection of progressive airs, duets, marches, quick steps, etc.; to which is added a complete drawing & scale of the patent German flute (London: H. Andrews, [n.d.])
[Unidentified preceptor; titlepage missing; incipit, "Of time", page 7] ([no publication details]); 30 pages
[Unidentified, for pianoforte preceptor; titlepage missing; incipit, page 5] ([no publication details]); 33 pages
Bibliography and resources:
Douglas Campbell Tilghman, "Woodriff, Daniel (1756-1842)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
Freda Gray, "Music of the early settlements of the 1800s", Papers and Proceedings Tasmanian Historical Research Association 43/2 (June 1996), (59-62), 59 (PAYWALL)
[59] . . . The flute belonging to the son of Captain Daniel Woodriff of H.M.S. Calcutta, one of the two ships used to transport the first settlers to Port Phillip, is still with the family in Penrith, N.S.W., while Daniel James Woodriff's music is in the safe keeping of the Mitchell Library [sic, NLA] . . . Though only 15 years old, Daniel James Woodriff was one who wrote of the voyage in 1803. Lieutenant Nicholas Pateshall also kept a record of the voyage of the Calcutta. His interest in music was obvious, for not only did he promise his 'favourite Aunt Parry' to keep up his flute practice, but also commented on the music he enjoyed during his stopover in Rio de Janeiro. The letters of G. P. Harris, Deputy Surveyor with Collins' party, suggest that he too must have had a flute with him, for in a letter home dated 14 February 1804, he asked his brother for 'supplies', among which he included 'any new songs for the flute'. There seems little doubt that the flute was one of the easiest instruments to carry around the world . . .
Heather Clarke, "Captain Woodriff & The Wheatstone Manuals", Australian Colonial Dance (20 September 2012)
"Daniel Woodriff", Wikipedia
"Daniel Woodriff", WikiTree
WOODS, Joseph Howell (Joseph Howell WOODS; J. H. WOODS)
Musician, pianist, violinist, teacher of the violin and pianoforte, piano tuner
Born, by c. 1822-24
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by October 1842
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by c. 1844
Married (2) Sarah Ann TAYLOR, St. Andrew's Scots church, NSW, 2 September 1853
? Died Parramatta, NSW, January 1906 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? List of bounty immigrants per the Samuel Boddington, from Cork, 21 September 1841, arrived at Port Phillip, 13 January 1842; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Woods Joseph / 20 / Laborer / Prot. / [read and write] / Wales . . .
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (6 October 1842), 3
MR. J. WOODS, piano-forte tuner, &c., New Town, begs leave to acquaint the inhabitants and vicinity of Melbourne, that all letters addressed for him to the care of Mr. Dick jun., tobacconist, Great Collins-street, will be punctually attended to.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 June 1848), 1
J. WOODS, Teacher of the Violin and Pianoforte,
respectfully begs to inform his friends and the public generally,
that he has lately removed from his former residence, No. 66, Pitt-street, to Chippendale,
opposite the Wesleyan Chapel there, but that any orders for him may be left with Dr. Curbey,
at his Laboratory, Brickfield-hill, Sydney, to which immediate attention may be relied upon.
Terms: - For the violin £2 2s. per quarter - Two lessons per week.
Ditto pianoforte £1 10s. ditto.
N.B. Pupils attended at their own places of residence, in any quarter of the City or suburbs of Sydney.
*.* - Pianofortes tuned and repaired, J. W. having been upwards of four years in Sydney, can produce testimonials for ability, and particular attention to business, if required.
Two rosewood, and one square, pianofortes, by Broadwood, for sale.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 June 1850), 1
A CARD. JOSEPH H. WOODS, Pianoforte Tuner and Repairer-Violins repaired.
N.B. - Pianofortes for sale or exchange.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 January 1852), 1
A CARD. - Mr. J. WOODS, Piano-forte Tuner and Repairer.
N.B. - Terms as usual. Address Mr. KIRBY, Chemist, Brickfield-hill.
"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 September 1853), 3
On the 2nd instant, at St. Andrew's Scots Church, Sydney, by the Rev. Robert Stewart, of Paddington, Mr. Joseph Howell Woods, widower, to Miss Sarah Ann Taylor, spinster, both of Sydney.
"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 November 1855), 8
On the 16th instant, at 220, Kent-street, the wife of Joseph H. Woods, pianoforte-tuner, of a son.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1857), 1
DO YOU WANT your Piano Tuned? Apply to Mr. WOODS, piano tuner, &c, Market and York street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 March 1858), 7
REMOVAL. - Mr. WOODS, Pianoforte Tuner, is removed to Park-street.
Pianofortes tuned and repaired.
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (5 February 1859), 3
APARTMENTS TO LET at Mr. WOODS. Piano-forte Tuner, 224, Castlereagh street, near Market street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1865), 8
WANTED the Public to know Mr. WOODS, Pianoforte Tuner, REMOVED to Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo Bay. Terms for tuning, 8s 6d in town; suburbs, 10s 6d; moderate charges for repairs.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Peter's in the County of Cumberland in the year 1868; Sydney Anglican Diocesan Archives (PAYWALL)
Nos. 77-80 / [all baptised] January 26 1868 . . . [all offspring of] Joseph [and] Sarah Ann / Woods / Piano Forte Tunes / Bourke St.
Joseph Robert / [born] Nov. 16th 1855 // William Thomas / [born] Feb'y 29 1860 // Charles Alfred / [born] June 7th 1862 // Emma Amelia / [born] Oct. 27 1867
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 July 1870), 1
MR. WOODS, Piano Tuner and Repairer, 74, Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo Bay. Established 26 years.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 December 1871), 1
MR. WOODS, Piano Tuner, REMOVED to Rushcutter Bay. Orders received at 473, George-street.
"MARRIAGES", Evening News (7 July 1883), 4
WOODS - CODRINGTON - June 20, by special license, at St. Peter's church, William-street, by the Rev. Doctor Tress, Joseph Robert Woods, eldest son of Joseph Howell Woods, of Rushcutter's Bay, piano tuner, to Jane Codrington, youngest daughter of Richard Codrington, Sydney, late of England.
"FIRE AT RUSHCUTTER'S BAY", Evening News (14 November 1903), 6
Yesterday afternoon a 3-roomed weatherboard cottage at South-street, Rushcutter's Bay, occupied, by Mr. Joseph H. Woods, was burned out. Mr. Woods had been enjoying a midday sleep, and awoke to find the room in flames. He rushed out and gave the alarm, and in a brief space of time several fire engines were in attendance, under Senior District Officer Watson, but the fire spread so rapidly that the efforts of the brigades were only useful in preventing the flames from spreading to adjoining properties, which had a narrow escape. Mr. Woods, who attempted to recover some personal belongings while the fire was in progress, also had a narrow escape from injury.
"A LOST MAN", Evening News (13 August 1904), 4
Senior-constable Bennett, of No. 2 Station, would like to hear information concerning a pianoforte-tuner, named Joseph Howell Woods, who has been missing for three months. Woods is 80 years of age, and is well known through out the city. Some two years ago he was burnt out of his dwelling at Rushcutter's Bay.
Bibliography and resources:
Joseph Woods, Find a grave
WOODS, Samuel (Samuel YOUNG; alias Samuel WOODS)
Amateur musician, harmonium player, music copyist, convict
Born Bath, Somerset, England, 1823; ? baptised St. James, Bath, 22 June 1823; son of John YOUNG and Jane WELLS (m. St. James, Bath, 1815)
Tried (1) Bath Quarter Sessions, 9 January 1845 (15 years)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1845 (convict per Theresa, from London, 1 April)
Married Margaret CORRIGAN, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 6 March 1849
Tried (2) Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1849 (life, sent to Norfolk Island)
Died (executed) Melbourne, VIC, 3 August 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Convict records, Samuel Young, per Therese, 1845; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1449509; CON33/1/67$init=CON33-1-67P227 (DIGITISED)
"DARING OUTRAGE AT COLLINGWOOD", The Australian News for Home Readers (25 June 1864), 11
On 15th inst., at the city police court, the two men in custody charged with being members of the gang that perpetrated the audacious attempt at robbery on the branch English, Scottish and Australian Bank, at Collingwood, on the previous day, were placed in the dock, and remanded for seven days. Woods is a small, pale, thin man; and, except that he has the convict type in his expression and bearing, there is nothing remarkable about him. The other man, Levy Walker, has undergone sentences, and is familiar with prison discipline . . .
"EXECUTION OF HARRISON, WOODS, AND CARVER", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (4 August 1864), 2
. . . Samuel Woods, as he chose to call himself, but that was not his real name, was born at Bath, in 1823, and was a shoemaker by trade. His history is a peculiar one, and shows that the unfortunate man had been familiar with crime in all its phases from a very early age. According to his own statement, which is very doubtful, he was the son of a Church of England clergyman, at Bath. That at the age of nine years he was imprisoned for some trivial offence, but in the gaol he met with a young man who recalled to his mind the pleasures which were to be found at races, and other places of public amusement. This same young man met him in the streets from time to time, and Woods was at length allured into joining a band of thieves, and for some time he was employed as the "tiger" in creeping through window sashes after the panes had been removed, and opening the door for the burglars to enter the houses. At the age of fourteen there was scarcely a crime, except murder, with which he was not familiar. In 1839 [sic] he was convicted of burglary, and sent out to Tasmania, under a sentence of fifteen years. About this time his father died of a broken heart, caused by the sins of his son. During the last three years of Woods' career in Tasmania, he resided with a publican named Dorning, at Research Bay, and during the absence of the proprietor had entire charge of the place. One of the little children there was almost brought up by him, and when Woods went to execution, yesterday, he held in his hand a look of hair, cut from the head of this little child, now thirty months old. He has a brother, who was also sent out to the same colony, and the other day, in writing to him, he said that he would "Die like a Roman." Woods came to Victoria in January last, and he owns to having committed the robbery at Bergin's store, and in mentioning this he remarked, "It shows I did not wish to do a dishonourable thing, as I did not take the money from the boy, but only the money of those who could afford it." He was very fond of singing, and previous to his condemnation copied a lot of music. He also used to play the harmonium in the gaol. His music book he gave to the senior warder. Woods was said to be generous in some of his actions. He has written an autobiography, which he has disposed of to some enterprising publisher; the proceeds are to be given to a poor blind man and his daughter, who had been kind to him in other days . . .
"THE CONVICT WOODS", The Argus (10 August 1864), 5
We have received from the Chief Secretary's Office the following letter, having reference to the publication of an autobiography of Samuel Woods, obtained by The Argus for a special purpose of public import, and detained by the authorities, on the plea that we have "no right to demand" it . . .
Bibliography and resources:
D. G. O'Connell, History of the robbery and wounding at the George Street branch of the English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank, Fitzroy, on the 14th day of June 1864, for which Samuel Woods and William Carver were executed, and Jeremiah Phillips and James Anderson each received fifteen years on the roads, the first three in irons ([Melbourne]: D. G. O'Donnell, 1864)
Musician, violinist, leader of the theatrical band, Queen's Theatre (Melbourne)
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1850-51 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 March 1850), 2
MR. REED HAS the honor to announce the above Concert, assisted by
Overture - Fra Diavolo - Auber . . .
Gallop - Post Horn - Koenig . . .
Drum Polka - Jullien
PART II. Overture - Semiramide - Rossini . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); Thomas and Emma Reed (conductor and vocalist); Charles Young (vocalist); Troy Knight (vocalist); Joseph Megson (violin); John Charles Thompson (cello); Ebenezer Lord (double bass); William Pietzker (pianist); Joseph Hore and family (saxhorns); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 May 1850), 2
Mechanics' School of Arts Music Class.
THE Members of the class beg to announce that they will give a public concert in the
Room of Mechanics' Institute on Thursday evening, 30th instant, under the direction of Mr. Reed.
VOCAL PERFORMERS - Mr. Young, Mr. Troy Knight, Mr. Walter, Mr. S. Kawerau [sic], Mr. T. Kawerau.
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS - Mr. Reed, Mr. Woodward, Mr. Pietzker, Mr. Gooch, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Lord, Mr. Greenwood, Mr. Smith, and the members of the music class . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick and Theodore Kawerau (vocalists); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue); Thursday Concerts (series)
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (21 August 1850), 3
Leader of the Orchestra - MR. WOODWARD . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 October 1851), 4
PRINCIPAL PERFORMERS already engaged:-
Mrs. Testar, Soprano.
Mr. J. Wallace, Alto.
Mr. H. F. Hemy, Tenore and Pianist.
Mr. Wheeler, Basso and Cornetto.
Mr. Cooze, Buffo and Flautist.
Mr. Woodward, Violin.
Mr. Wilson, Violoncello.
&c., &c.
Full particulars in future advertisement.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Henry Frederick Hemy (vocalist, pianist, conductor); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (cornet, vocalist); William Joseph Cooze (vocalist, flute); Mr. Wilson (cellist); Melbourne Glee Glub (group, concert series)
WOOLCOTT, Charles Henry (Charles Henry WOOLCOTT; C. H. WOOLCOTT)
Musical amateur, vocalist, secretary (Australian Harmonic Club), Town Clerk of Sydney (1857-87), amateur artist
Born Exeter, England, 6 December 1821; baptised St Olave, Exeter, 25 December 1821; son of William WOOLCOTT (1784-1862) and Mary PROUT (1787-1860)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 29 October 1832 (per Nancy, with parents)
Married Helen INDER (1831-1910), Sydney, NSW, 1862
Died Berry's Bay, NSW, 23 August 1905, aged "83/84" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Prout Woolcott (brother, musicseller, publisher); John Skinner Prout (first cousin); Cornelius Prout (maternal uncle)

Charles Henry Woolcott
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. Olave in the County of Devon and City of Exeter in the year 1821; register, page 20; South West Heritage Trust (PAYWALL)
No. 156 / Born 6th Dec'r & Baptized 25th of Dec'r 1821 / Charles Henry the Son of / William and Mary / Woolcott / Fore Street Exeter / Shoemaker . . .
"INSTALLATION OF HIS EXCELLENCY SIR CHARLES FITZROY", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 August 1846), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 July 1845), 1
THE MEMBERS of the AUSTRALIAN HARMONIC CLUB are informed, that on and after Friday, the 1st of August,
their usual meetings will take place at the Rechabite Hall, Pitt-street.
CHARLES. H. WOOLCOTT, Hon. Secretary. July 29.
ASSOCIATIONS: Australian Harmonic Club (organisation)
"SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 December 1858), 5
MEETING was held, at the Castlereagh-street Schoolroom, on Tuesday evening, formally to inaugurate the above society. At a previous meeting, which was held about a month since, a committee was appointed to draw up rules and to recommend officers under whose superintendence the society should be conducted. On Tuesday night the proceedings of the provisional committee were ratified, and the Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society was fairly launched into existence. The chair was taken by Mr. Charles Nathan, F.R.C.S., at a few minutes past 8 o'clock. when, after a few remarks as to the labours of the sub-committee in revising the rules, which had been compared with those of the Sacred Harmonic Society of London and the Philharmonic Society of Sydney, he called on Mr. Dyer to read the rules for the approval of the meeting . . . Mr. SLOPER seconded the appointment of Mr. Nathan as President, and the motion was carried with applause. Mr. Hurford was elected treasurer, Mr. Dyer secretary of the society, and the following gentlemen as committee-men for the year 1859: Rev. W. Cuthbertson, Messrs. D. Dickson, J. Dyer, M. Fitzpatrick, Rev. H. J. Hose, Messrs. H. R. Hurford, J. Johnson, R. Johnson, W. J. Johnson, J. V. Lavers, W. Macdonnell, W. McDonnell, J. Martin, F. L. S. Merewether, C. Nathan, F. E. Sloper, Rev. G. H. Stanley, Messrs. F. M. Stokes, J. Waller, Rev. W. H. Walsh, Messrs. W. Wilkins, C. H. Woolcott . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nathan (president); Joseph Dyer (secretary); Henry and Lewis Hurford (members); Johnson brothers (members); William Macdonnell (member); Frederick Evans Sloper (member); Frederick Michael Stokes (member); James Waller (member); William Wilkins (member); Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society (amateur organisation)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 March 1859), 1
PATRON - His Excellency Sir William Denison, K.C.B.
PATRONESS - Lady Denison
PRESIDENT - Charles Nathan, Esq.
HON. TREAS. - Mr. L. W. Hurford, Castlereagh-street.
HON. SEC. - Mr. Joseph Dyer, 25, Macleay-street.
COMMITTEE. Rev. W. Cuthbertson; Mr. J. Martin
Mr. D Dickson; Hon. F. L. S. Merewether
M. Fitzpatrick; Mr. F. E. Sloper
Rev. H. J. Hose; Rev. G. H. Stanley
Mr. H. R. Hurford; Mr. F. M. Stokes
J. Johson; J. Waller
R. Johnson; Rev. W. H. Walsh
W. J. Johnson Mr. W. Wilkins
J. V. Lavers; C. H. Woolcott.
W. Macdonnell
The FIRST CONCERT of this society will take place
THIS EVENING, Thursday, March 10th, at the Castlereagh-street Schoolroom,
when the first portion of Handel's Oratorio of the "Messiah," concluding with the "Hallelujah Chorus," will be performed.
A small stringed Band will accompany the performance.
The Oratorio will commence at 8 o'clock, and is expected to conclude before 10 o'clock.
Those who have already enrolled their names as members and subscribers, will please pay the amount of their subscriptions to the Treasurer,
when their tickets will be forwarded by post.
Member's, and subscriber's names are received by any of the members of the committee.
The annual subscription for members is two guineas, and for subscribers one guinea.
The former are entitled to all the privileges of the society and to admissions for two ladies to each of the six concerts,
and the latter to their own admission to the six concerts only.
Recitative - Comfort ye
Air - Every valley
Chorus - And the glory
Recitative - Thus saith the Lord
Air - But who may abide
Chorus - And he shall purify
Recitative - Behold, a virgin
Air and chorus - O thou that tellest
Recitative - For behold darkness
Air - The, people that walked
Chorus - For unto us a child
Pastoral symphony
Recitative - There were shepherds
Recitative - And lo the angel
Recitativo - And suddenly
Chorus - Glory to God
Air - Rejoice greatly
Recitative - Tnen shall the eyes
Air - He shall feed his flock
Air - Come unto Him
Chorus - His yoke is easy
Chorus - Behold the Lamb
Air - He was despised
Chorus - Surely he hath borne
Chorus - All we like sheep
Grand chorus - Hallelujah.
"SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 January 1860), 5
The first annual meeting of this society was held last night in the Infant Schoolroom, Castlereagh-Street, Dr. Charles Nathan in the chair. On account of the rainy weather the attendance was small. The CHAIRMAN having read the advertisement convening the meeting, called on the Secretary, Mr. Joseph Dyer, who read the following REPORT . . . Mr. JOSEPH DYER moved the second resolution: that the following gentlemen be the officers of the Society for the ensuing year. - Officers: Charles Nathan, Esq., F.R.C.S., president; Mr. L. W. Hurford, 191, Castlereagh-street, treasurer; Mr. Joseph Dyer, 25,Macleay- street, secretary. Committee: Rev. W. Cuthbertson, Mr. D. Dickson, Rev. H. J. Hose, Mr. H. R. Hurford, Mr. J. Johnson, Mr. R. Johnson, Mr. W. J. Johnson, Mr. J. V. Lavers, Mr. J. Black, Mr. W. A. Duncan, Mr. W. C. Curtis, Mr. W. Macdonnell, Hon. F. L. S. Merewether, Mr. F. E Sloper, Rev. G. H. Stanley, Mr. J. Waller, Rev. W. H. Walsh, Mr. W. Wilkins, Mr. C. H. Woolcott, Mr. Hellyer . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 August 1905), 6
WOOLCOTT. - August 23, at his residence, Ivy Cliffe, Berry's Bay, Charles Henry Woolcott, in his 84th year. No flowers.
"PERSONAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 August 1905), 6
The death is announced of Mr. Charles Henry Woolcott, formerly town clerk of Sydney. The deceased gentleman was for many years closely identified with the municipal life of this city. He took much interest in matters relating to the early history of Sydney, and some years ago the City Council accepted from him a gift of pictures which give a good idea of Sydney as it appeared in the early days. The late Mr. Woolcott passed away at his residence, Ivy Cliff, Berry's Bay, yesterday, in his 84th year.
"PERSONAL", The Daily Telegraph (25 August 1905), 5
The late Mr. Charles Henry Woolcott, whose death was reported in yesterday's issue, was born at Exeter (Eng.) in 1821. Coming to Sydney with his parents in 1823 [sic 1832], he received his education at Dr. Lang's school on Church-hill. In 1843 he obtained an appointment as clerk in the City Treasurer's office, and worked his way upward, becoming assistant town clerk in 1853. In 1855 was appointed to the office of Town Clerk, which had been vacant since Mr. John Rae's retirement. For 32 years the deceased filled that position, and, after seeing many municipal changes, he retired in 1887. To the last he retained a keen interest in municipal matters, his other hobby being the collection of pictures. Mr. Woolcott's death severs one of the last links with the municipal past. Ten years ago there dined with Mr. Woolcott, at his residence, Mr. Thomas Broughton, Mayor of Sydney, 1846; Mr. George Thornton, Mayor of Sydney, 1851-1857; and Mr. John Rae, Town Clerk, 1843-1853. They then comprised all that was left of the civic life of the forties. Mr. Woolcott was the last survivor of the gathering.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Rae (former town clerk, poet, lyricist); George Thornton (former mayor, composer)
Musical publications:

The regatta waltzes composed expressly by Chas. D'Albert [for the] Anniversary Regatta, Sydney Cove (Sydney: Woolcott & Clarke, [1855]); cover: "C. H. W. DEL'T" / "J. BRANDARD, LITH." (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Woolcott and Clarke (publishers, i.e. William Prout Woolcott); Charles D'Albert (English-based composer); John Brandard (English lithographer); the music and print having been commissioned from d'Albert by Woolcott and Clarke, both the lithographed cover and engraved music were produced and printed in England, and shipped out to NSW for publication and sale
From his personal music collection:
The daughter of Israel, narrative ballad, sung by the musical sisters, the Misses Wybrow, music and poetry by Charles Sloman (Sydney: F. Ellard, [c. 1840s]), cover inscribed: "Charles H. Woolcott" (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (musicseller, music engraver, music publisher)
Bibliography and resources:
Charles Henry Woolcott, Design & art Australia online (DAAO)
WOOLCOTT, William Prout (William Prout WOOLCOTT; W. P. WOOLCOTT)
Musicseller, music publisher, general publisher, bookseller, stationer, art dealer, real estate and land agent, venue proprietor
Born Exeter, Devon, England, 1825; baptised St. Stephen, Exeter, 6 October 1825; son of William WOOLCOTT (1784-1862) and Mary PROUT (1787-1860)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 29 October 1832 (per Nancy, with parents)
Trading as Woolcott and Clarke, Sydney, NSW, 14 April 1851 to 19 August 1856
Married Lucy KEPPEL, VIC, 1864
Died Sydney, NSW, 30 September 1887, aged "61" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS (family): Charles Henry Woolcott (brother); John Skinner Prout (first cousin); Cornelius Prout (maternal uncle)
ASSOCIATIONS (business): Jacob Richard Clarke (business partner, 1851-56); Woolcott and Clarke (firm, 1851-56); Henry Marsh (musician, musicseller, partner, 1856-57); Cremorne Gardens (Sydney venue)
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. Stephen in the City of Exeter in the year 1825; register, page 18; South West Heritage Trust (PAYWALL)
No. 137 / 1825 Oct'r 6th / William Prout son of / William & Mary / Woolcott / High Street / Shoe-maker . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 April 1851), 1
MESSRS. W. T. WOOLCOTT [sic] and J. R. CLARKE, perceiving the necessity of an establishment in Sydney for the registry of Houses and Estates intended to be let or sold,
beg to announce that they purpose opening offices at 555, George-street, next Bank of Australasia.
Establishments of this nature, so usual in England, afford a desirable medium for both Landlord and Tenant,
as thereby much trouble and expense is avoided, and all necessary publicity ensured.
Parties leaving the colony, and absentee proprietors entrusting their agencies to us may rely on strict attention to their interests.
Rents collected. April 14.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 July 1851), 1
JUST PUBLISHED, price ONE SHILLING, the libretto of this admired Opera, as performed at the VICTORIA THEATRE.
WOOLCOTT AND CLARKE, Music Warehouse, 565, George-street, Next Bank of Australasia.
In course of Publication, A Series of Six Views of the GOLD FIELD,
drawn from nature and on stone, by Mr. G. F. ANGAS.
Subscribers' names received by the publishers, where proofs may now be seen.
On sale - Maps of the Gold District
A variety of Mr. Angas's original water-colour drawings made for his works on New Zealand, South Australia, &c.
ASSOCIATIONS: George French Angas (artist)
TITLE: The enchantress (Balfe, libretto published by Woolcott and Clarke)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 December 1854), 1
"CREMORNE GARDENS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (12 April 1856), 3
On Monday last the second grand gala took place at this favorite place of amusement, and was, if possible, superior to its predecessor.
The weather was extremely propitious - and this, joined with the attractive programme, drew together a large concourse of visitors; upwards of 2000 persons being present at one time.
To go through the variety of amusements would be rather too extensive for our columns;
we are therefore compelled to adopt the poster arrangement, namely, "For particulars, see small bills," printed in red, and very well they are brought out.
About six o'clock p.m. the dancing commenced to the spirited music of the Hungarian Band, most ably conducted by Mr. H. Marsh.
Orpheus, or the piper who played before Moses, or some such wonderful musician - we are informed,
Made the trees and bushes jig,
Till they nearly hopped the twig -
but the Cremorne musicians surpassed them, as they kept several hundreds of the votaries of Terpsichore so pleasantly engaged,
that they did not shew any inclination to leave the festive scene till a very late hour.
The siege of Sebastopol, and the storming of the Malakoff were superb, and the pyrotechnic display of Mr. Scott was superior to all previous exhibitions of the kind in this colony.
It seemed as if the English Cremorne Gardens had been suddenly transplanted to our Sydney ones.
The greatest praise is due to the enterprising proprietors, Messrs. Woolcott and Clarke, not only for establishing the place,
but for their continuous endeavours to cater for the public taste. The steamboat arrangements are also entitled to great praise.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (musician, musicseller); David Scott (pyrotechnist); Cremorne Gardens (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 August 1856), 6
NOTICE is hereby given that William Prout Woolcott and Jacob Richard Clarke, of George-street, Sydney in the colony of New South Wales, stationers and book-sellers, and of the Cremorne Gardens at the North Shore, did, on the nineteenth day of August Instant, duly make and execute an assignment of all their real and personal estate, credits and effects whatsoever to John Godfrey Cohen, of George-street, in Sydney, aforesaid, auctioneer, one of the firm of Messrs. Cohen and Harbottle, of the same place, auctioneers, and John Sands, of George-street, in Sydney aforesaid, bookseller and stationer, one of the firm of Messrs. Sands and Kenny, of the same place, booksellers and stationers; in trust for the benefit or all their creditors . . .
"DISSOLUTION", New South Wales Government Gazette (16 September 1856), 2454
THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned,
William Prout Woolcott and Jacob Richard Clarke, of George-street,
Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, booksellers and stationers, and of the North Shore,
near Sydney aforesaid, as proprietors and conductors of the Cremorne Gardens, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent.
- Dated Sydney, 19th August, 1856.
Witness - JAMES HUSBAND, Solicitor, 19, Pitt-street.
"COURT OF REQUESTS. £30 JURISDICTION", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1857), 2
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (20 March 1857), 565
NOTICE is hereby given, that William Prout Woolcott, of the Cremorne Gardens, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, gentleman, and Henry Marsh, of the same place, licensed victualler, trading together at the place aforesaid, under the firm of "Woolcott and Marsh," did, on the eighteenth day of March instant, duly make and execute an Assignment of all their Estate, credits, and effects whatsoever and wheresoever, unto John Miller, of Sydney aforesaid, wine merchant, one of the firm of "John Miller and Company," and William Goodman Henfrey, of Sydney aforesaid, cordial manufacturer, in trust for the benefit of all their Creditors . . . Dated this eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven . . .
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 October 1887), 13
WE regret to have to announce the death of Mr. W. P. Woolcott, sen., house and land agent, which occurred suddenly yesterday afternoon. Mr. Woolcott at the time of his death, was on his way from his office, Fitz-Evan-chambers, Castlereagh-street, to join his brother (the late town clerk), when he dropped dead, it is supposed from an attack of apoplexy.
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1887), 1
WOOLCOTT. - September 30, at Fitz-Evan-chambers, of apoplexy, William Prout Woolcott, aged 61 years.
Bibliography and resources:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 245-50 (DIGITISED)
Actor, dancer, entertainer, publican
Born Stoke, Kent, England, c. 1813
Married Susan BROWN, St. Paul's, Bristol, England, 10 April 1841
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1852 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Actor, dancer
Born Westminster, London, England, 4 December 1819; daughter of ? BROWN
Married James WATSON (alias WOOLDRIDGE), St. Paul's, Bristol, England, 10 April 1841
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by end of 1853
Died Hawthorn, VIC, 11 February 1887 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
WOOLDRIDGE, Harriet (Harriet Mary WOOLDRIDGE; Mrs. David CARD)
Actor, dancer, vocalist
Born Newport, Monmouthshire, Wales, c. 1842
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by end of 1853
Married David CARD, All Saints, Bendigo, 24 September 1860
Died Olinda, VIC, 20 July 1924, aged "82" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
1841, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of Saint Paul in the county of Bristol; bishop's transcripts, 1841-46, page 162; Bristol Archives, Ep/V/4/40/28 (PAYWALL)
No. 323 / [1841] April [10th] / James Watson / Full [age] / Bachelor / Comedian / Milk Street St. Paul's / [son of] William Watson / Ship's Carpenter
Susan Brown / Full [age] / Spinster / - / Milk Street [St. Paul's] / [daughter of] William Brown / Mariner . . .
England census, 30 March 1851; Hastings, Sussex; UK National Archives, HO107/1635/419/49 (PAYWALL)
8 Prospect Place end of Arden Terrace / David Welch / Head / . . . Innkeeper . . .
Arthur Wooldridge / Visitor / Mar. / 38 / Theatrical / [born] Kent Stoke
Susan Wooldridge / Wife / Mar. / 32 / Theatrical / [born] Middlesex Westminster
Harriet [Wooldridge] / Daur. / - / 9 / - / [born] Monmouth Newport
Rosena [Wooldridge] / Daur. / - / 4 / - / [born] Hants Southampton
Ellen [Wooldridge] / Daur. / - / 1 / - / [born] Sussex Brighton
"THE 'DIGGINGS'", Brighton Gazette [Brighton, England] (4 August 1853), 7 (PAYWALL)
The following are extracts from an encouraging letter, the most encouraging we have seen, received recently by Mrs. Wooldridge from her husband, who emigrated to Australia about twelve months ago.
Melbourne, Victoria, 12th March, 1853.
Dear Wife, I have no doubt but that you have been impatiently waiting to hear from me again;
and I should have written some time since, but for circumstances of a very unpleasant nature,
which will be explained as I proceed with my letter.
My last acquainted you with my safe arrival in the colony,
also the difficulties we encountered in procuring lodgings and a place to leave our superfluous luggage while we proceeded to the diggings;
but ultimately we left our things with Mr. Barlow, who married to Mrs. Atkins's sister.
He is attached to a Circus company here, as [REDACTED] singer.
Having remained a few days in Melbourne, to prepare for the journey, we started for Forest Creek.
I will not pain you with recital of what I endured in the six days' journey beneath a broiling sun and such a road.
It was through a densely-wooded forest, and two-thirds of the distance (a hundred miles) was actually muddy swamp,
knee deep and frequently up to the waist in water, and a weight on my back between sixty and seventy pounds;
and walking in heavy nailed boots added not little to my discomfiture.
We arrived Forest Creek on the fifth day. I there received my impression of the gold fields, and the nature of the work.
The ground was torn up for miles in every direction; holes, or more properly speaking,
wells from ten to thirty feet deep had been sunk as close to each other as possible,
and the ground underneath tunneled from one hole to another in a manner that to a new comer the danger appeared frightful.
This unexpected state of things was quite damper to me.
My bodily strength had already been over-taxed by the fatigues of the journey,
and then to receive such a disheartening prospect when I expected the realization of all my hopes,
was almost too much for me - and you know I am not one to quail at trifles.
Several of the Brighton party were so dismayed that they cut off back to Melbourne, and some from thence to England without doing a stroke.
We remained at Forest Creek, looking about the whole day; and the more we saw the less we liked the prospect.
At last some sailors advised us to go on to Bendigo, 25 miles farther up the country, being better suited to new hands,
and we accordingly shouldered our packs once more and started for Bendigo, our ardour for gold digging considerably diminished.
We made Bendigo the next day, and found that the sailors had not deceived us. We pitched our tents; and the next morning made our first attempt. I omitted to tell you that we had added two more to our party, making four. After a week's work the whole of us had not found much gold as would fetch a sovereign; and the next week was worse; and provisions selling at enormous prices, the 41b. loaf 5s., and every article of food in proportion, with the exception of beef and mutton, which was 6d. per lb. Bad luck produced grumbling amongst us; and the consequence was, that Atkins and I separated from the other two. The next fortnight produced no change in our luck, and the cause of our ill success I attributed to want of knowledge and experience, and a proper and complete fit out of tools, which Atkins was too miserly to shell out for us. Our living, too, was of the commonest kind. Our eatables consisted of two articles, mutton and damaged biscuit; and the tea we drank was the worst apology for that beverage that ever I tasted. Our bed was the ground. I had nothing but the oilskin coat and the small blanket under me, and the double blanket for covering. It was hard to deprive you of it, seeing how short you were of such things; but neither you nor I knew of what service would be to me. In fact, I owe my existence to the use of it; for at the time I arrived in colony the days were excessively hot, and the nights bitter piercing cold. For two months I never had my clothes off, but I felt no inconvenience from it; for I used to return from work, which was very hard, so tired, that supper, although hungry, was no inducement to keep me awake. My hands suffered very much for the first fortnight with blisters; they are now seasoned. But to my tale.
The first month the diggings passed away as unpleasantly as it is possible to conceive. There were occasional growlings between Atkins and me; he was continually bewailing his unlucky destiny, and at times in a manner not very pleasing to me, and so we were never very great cater cousins. We had been five weeks the diggings, when chance led us to a spot where there was a number of men at work, who had found a considerable quantity of gold. Atkins and I turned to, and sank two holes, and I had good luck meet with some of the precious metal. Atkins found none in his, and wanted to come and work in my hole, but I objected, there not being room enough for two to work. (Here the writer speaks of the dispute which he had with Atkins, and their consequent separation.) Having converted gold into cash, I bought fresh tools; and since I have been working by myself I have done tolerably well. After paying expenses in five months, I have cleared about £100. It is not unusual occurrence to get £300 or £400 worth out of one bole. My worst week's work turns out about £4. I am in first-rale health; the climate is good; and all misgivings, which I had on first entering Forest Creek, have vanished. Atkins, after leaving me, joined two other men, with whom he worked a fortnight, and then went down to Melbourne, where he remained five weeks, and then came back to Bendigo with mate. [The writer again complains of Atkins conduct towards him.]
Now, Susan, I'll tell you my plans for the future: I have sent you £60, and this, with what you can make of your goods, will more than suffice to bring you and your children out here, which I wish you to do as speedily as possible. This is the place; and if you and I use only half the perseverance that we have done in England, to keep our heads above water, a most happy result will be the consequence. The road to a snug little independence is open; and seven years' industry, with moderate economy, will place us, for the remainder our days, beyond the iron grasp of poverty. You must understand that there are not public houses allowed in or near the diggings - within five miles; but refreshment tents for sale of lemonade &c., for which is charged 6d. per half-pint glass. There is a great deal of it drank here; and the profits on the sale of are very great; and I propose patting you into business in the above line, and I have no doubt our joint efforts will be productive great benefit to us."
After giving instructions to his wife, the writer proceeds - "
Come to a clime where a joyous welcome awaits you, where hunger is never felt by the industrious,
where there ere no poor-houses, no poor-rates, and, what is still better, no poor people,
and where money is so plentiful that copper coin is rarely, if ever, used in trade.
Hundreds are leaving the colony every vessel coming to England, having made their thousands;
and I hope we shall be able to return in few years with something snug for our old days.
With my heart's best wishes for your safety and that of my dear children on your voyage here,
"I remain, Your affectionate husband,
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Barlow (vocalist, instrumentalist)
[News], Brighton Gazette [Brighton, England] (26 October 1854), 8 (PAYWALL)
We observe by the Bendigo Times, which has recently reached England, and bears date, July 1st, 1854, that Mr., Mrs., and Miss Wooldridge, who emigrated from this town to Australia some two years ago, are now performing at the "Theatre Royal, Bendigo." the paper speaks flatteringly of the performances of the Wooldridges. In the same journal we observe that an entertainment took place at the Criterion Hotel, at which young Mr. Thatcher (the poet-laureate of the diggings), ton of Mr. Thatcher, King's Road, Brighton, was present. One of his poetical effusions was sung, and met with ma[r]ked applause.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (vocalist, flautist)
"MARYBOROUGH (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Tuesday, 25th November, 1856 . . . MARYBOROUGH HOSPITAL", The Argus (28 November 1856), 6
A concert was held at the Concert Hall, McIvor Hotel, about a week since, in aid of the funds of this institution, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, and Mr. Youle, giving their valuable services gratuitously . . . At Dunolly a concert was given at the Golden Age for the same laudable purpose, Madame Arnati White, Madame Vitelli, and Messrs. White, Leeman, and Gibson, giving their services gratuitously. The receipts amounted to £62. At Chinaman's Flat, Mr. Wooldridge's company gave a highly pleasing entertainment for the same purpose as above. The receipts amounted to £13. Patients are admitted free to this hospital.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Rimmer Vincent and wife (musician, vocalist); Joseph Youle (vocalist); Thomas and Emilia Arnati White (pianist and vocalist); Annie Vitelli (vocalist); Frederick Leeman (vocalist); J. W. Gibson (vocalist)
"DUNOLLY POLICE COURT. Tuesday, 20th October", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (23 October 1857), 2
Susan Wooldridge v. Jane Farmer. - Mr. Prendergast for plaintiff.
Mrs. Wooldridge stated: I engaged defendant as my servant; it was a written agreement, specifying that I was to give her 10s. a week;
the engagement was to be for six months, with the understanding that the agreement could be cancelled by a month's notice on either side;
she has not given me any notice; she left me on Friday last without my permission.
Mrs. Milne, aunt of the defendant, was about to enter into particulars connected with the nature of the agreement,
and that the same was made without her cognisance.
The magistrate did not deem the evidence admissable, inasmuch as the girl was sufficiently old to make the agreement herself.
Ordered to return to her service.
Mrs. Wooldridge v. Mrs. Milne. - A case arising out of the last Mrs. Wooldridge summoned Mrs. Milne for detaining her servant from her service.
The plaintiff declined to prosecute, although the defendant was very anxious that the case should go on.
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (16 January 1858), 3
MONTEZUMA THEATRE, Sole Lessee and Manager - Mr. J. H. Vinson. ENGAGEMENT OF THAT TALENTED AND POPULAR ARTISTE: MISS MARY PROVOST . . . Supported by the following well known and acknowledged talent: Mrs. J. P. Hydes . . . Miss St Clair, Mrs. Wooldridge, Mr. J. P. Hydes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Hetters Vinson (manager); Mary Provost (actor, vocalist); John and Augusta Hydes (actors, vocalists); Emma St. Clair (actor, vocalist); Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (13 February 1858), 7
NOTICE is hereby given that by an Indenture of Assignment bearing date the fourth day of February, one thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight, and made between Arthur Wooldridge, of Dunolly, in the Colony of Victoria, Publican, of the first part; Joshua Powell Grey and Arthur Farquhar, therein respectively described in the second part; and the several other persons being the creditors of the said Arthur Wooldridge whose names and seals are thereunto set and affixed . . .
[Advertisement], The Star (29 July 1858), 3
MRS, WOOLDRIDGE, From the Theatre Royal, Brighton, is engaged
in conjunction with her daughter, Miss Harriet Wooldridge, and will shortly appear . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (proprietor); Charles Walsh (actor, vocalist, manager); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Star (26 August 1858), 3
THE EDOUIN FAMILY . . . Song - Miss Wooldridge.
Ballad - Miss Eliza Royal. Descriptive Song - Mr. Charles Walsh . . .
Charles Walsh - Stage Manager. Ballet Master - Mr. Edouin . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edouin family (performers); Lizzy Royal (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Star (28 August 1858), 3
Duet - The "Two Cousins," Miss Harriet Wooldridge and Miss Lizzy Royal.
Burlesque Aria - Hamlet, Miss Kate Royal . . .
MUSIC: The two cousins (Charles Glover)
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . . . VICTORIA", The Star (30 August 1858), 3
. . . An interlude in which Miss Wooldridge and Miss Kate Royal sang one or two pieces in very nice style, led on to the afterpiece . . .
[Advertisement], The Star (2 September 1858), 3
Song, the Colonial Widow (composed by Mr. Coxon,) Miss Wooldridge.
The College Hornpipe, Mr. John Edouin.
Duet - Norma, The Misses Royal . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Coxon (comic songwriter, vocalist)
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . . . VICTORIA", The Star (7 September 1858), 3
. . . Some charming duets from the Misses Royal, and very tolerable singing from Miss Harriet Wooldridge, form a pleasant interlude . . .
"EASTERN POLICE COURT. Wednesday, 13th October . . . CAUSE LIST", The Star (14 October 1858), 2
Arthur Wooldridge v John Gibbs, £8, work done; Mr. Harris for the defendant; postponed. Six other summonses, brought by Messrs. Francis Belfield, James B. Brown, C. Warde, Joseph Dias, John Musgrave, and J. H. Ray, against the same defendant, were postponed.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Belfield (actor, vocalist); Con Warde (actor)
"EASTERN POLICE COURT. Friday, 15th October . . . CAUSE LIST", The Star (18 October 1858), 2
Arthur Wooldridge v John Gibb; summons for £8, for services of wife and daughter on the Charlie Napier stage. Mr. Trench appeared for the defence. The case had been previously remanded for the serving of a bill of particulars, but as the word "salary" had been used, Mr. Trench contended that the case was put out of Court, as salary as such could only be recovered in the Masters and servants Act. He said Mr. Gibbs, whose expenses were enormous, and who was compelled to change his performances for the sake of the additional attraction, should be judged rather differently than others; and as he would have occasion in a few days to re-engage the complainant, he would offer to meet him half way. The Bench thought something might be done in the way of arbitration, and remanded the case till Tuesday next, to allow time for such a course to be taken. Six or seven other cases were similarly adjourned.
"EASTERN POLICE COURT. Tuesday, 19th October . . . CAUSE LIST", The Star (21 October 1858), 3
Arthur Wooldridge v John Gibbs, £8; Francis Belfield v same, £4 ; James R. Bunn v same, £3; C. Ward v same, £5; Joseph Dias v same, £3; John Musgrove v same, £5; H. T. Ray v same, £8 for work and labor; settled out of Court . . .
"SMYTHE'S CREEK (From our own Correspondent) 21st October, 1858 . . . THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Star (25 October 1858), 2
Mr. Cooper seems determined to have a theatre on Smythe's; he has made an addition to his new built room, the same to be the stage. A fresh company is to appear on Saturday next, consisting of Messrs. Wooldridge, Belfield, Benn, and Mrs. and Miss Wooldridge.
"CHARLIE NAPIER", The Star (12 November 1858), 3
. . . The evening's entertainment commenced with the piece of "Delicate Ground," the principal characters being enacted by Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Wooldridge. Neither of the characters were, however, suited to their representatives. Between the pieces, Miss Wooldridge sang two songs with much sweetness.
"GOLDEN AGE THEATRE", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (23 September 1859), 3
Miss Wooldridge gave her second drawing room entertainment on Wednesday evening. The audience, although highly respectable, was not so numerous as we would have expected, considering the attraction offered by this talented company. Miss Wooldridge appeared to considerable advantage in the various characters she sustained, and her singing was rapturously received, calling for a treble encore. The pieces selected were "The Laughing Hyena," "The Young Widow," and "Lola Montes." The last piece, while affording an opportunity for displaying the powers of Miss Wooldridge, was destitute of any plot, and ended rather abruptly; we should not recommend it as adapted for popular representation. At the conclusion of the performance Miss Wooldridge was called before the curtain and loudly applauded.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lola Montez (dancer)
"MARYBOROUGH GARRICK CLUB", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (14 November 1859), 2
. . . We omitted to mention that before the farce, Miss Wooldridge sang with her usual ability, "Ever of Thee," which, being loudly encored, was responded to with another song, which was also loudly applauded by the audience . . .
MUSIC: Ever of thee (Foley Hall)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . GEELONG", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (31 December 1859), 2
Wednesday's Advertiser states that "Camaralzaman and Badoura" has now fairly passed the customary ordeal, and will doubtless be the piece of the Geelong Christmas season. Its representation last night showed even a greater improvement upon that of the previous evening than we were prepared to see. The house was crowded in pit and stalls, and the ever-to-be-remembered London tone of Boxing-night impatience showed itself in the approved manner. Mr. Greville, who is the Puck of the piece, - a very "fish-like monster," as Trinculo would call him, appeared to excel himself, whether in extraordinary grimacing, posturing, genuine efforts of humorous acting, or capital singing. Miss Wooldridge is the Titania in love with a "human mortal," and very prettily did she perform her Peri's duties. Her song of "Where the Bee Sucks" was rapturously encored. This young lady only needs training and finish, to excel in all the various branches of her profession . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Rodger Greville (actor, vocalist); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
"THE THEATRE", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (2 July 1860), 3
On Saturday evening the theatre was re-opened, according to announcement, by Mr. and Mrs. Greville and company. We were glad to see the pit ond boxes well filled, and a fair sprinkling in the stalls - in fact more than usually occupy that part of the house on a Saturday night. The first piece was from Village to Court, a very pretty little comic drama, which was well put on the stage, and well played. The piece of the evening, however, was the extravaganza of Camaralzaman and Badoura, and this, too, went off most successfully . . . Miss Wooldridge, though quite young, is a clever, accomplished, and rising actress; in addition to her dramatic powers she possesses an excellent voice, dances admirably, and was deservedly encored on more than one occasion, as well as being called on to dance the Highland Fling a second time. She made an excellent representative of the fairy Maimouni, and with Mr. and Mrs. Greville was called before the curtain at the termination of the piece . . .
"ABBOTT'S LYCEUM", Bendigo Advertiser (11 September 1860), 2
"Nine points of the Law," is one of those elegant trifles, by Mr. Tom Taylor, that is almost certain to command success, and last evening its representation was rewarded with the unanimous applause of an excellent house assembled on the occasion of Miss Wooldridge's benefit. The burden of the piece rested on Miss Fiddes and Mr. Holloway, and the excellent manner in which they pourtrayed the characters entrusted to their care, was well deserving the genuine applause they received. Messrs. Wooldridge, Furrain, and Murray, though their parts were subordinate, are, nevertheless, entitled to great commendation for their exertions. Altogether the piece was an unmistakable success. The "Waterman" followed, in which the beneficiare appeared as Wilhelmina. Her appearance was greeted with a perfect storm of applause, and the varions songs allotted to her were executed with her usual good taste. Mrs. Wooldridge made an excellent Mrs. Bundle. "Batchelors' Buttons" concluded the entertainment, in which Miss Wooldridge sustained several characters with great ability. The whole of the performances were eminently successful, and Miss Woolridge has reason to be gratified at the flattering reception recorded to her on this occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Josephine Fiddes (actor); Edmund Holloway (actor); Henry Furrian (actor); Dominick Murray (actor); Joseph Henry Abbott (proprietor); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"MARRIED", Bendigo Advertiser (25 September 1860), 2
On the 24th inst., at All Saints' Church, Sandhurst, D. Card, Esq., of Castlemaine, to Harriet, eldest daugh ter of Mr. A. Wooldridge, Little Bull-street.
"CONGRATULATION", The Herald (24 November 1873), 2
. . . In the cordial reception given to Miss Wooldridge on Saturday, there was included an expression of respect and esteem for Mrs. Wooldridge, whose career, and the careers of her daughters, have been an honor to the theatrical profession in Australia. In listening to Miss Alice Wooldridge last Saturday night, the memories of many old Bendigonians and other provincials must have reverted to her elder sister, Miss Harriet Wooldridge, unexcelled among burlesque actresses for her refinement, and unequalled for her spirit. Like the Misses Rosa and Marion Dunn, she was withdrawn from the jealous public in the zenith of her popularity by other claims, and like them she now adorns private life only, as the respected head of a family. We do not know whether or not it is right to express a hope that Miss Alice Wooldridge may long be spared to us - the public.
"RECOLLECTIONS OF THE STAGE. BY AUSTRALIAN", The Daily Telegraph (12 July 1884), 8
. . . When the manager thought that a change in the character of the entertainment would be beneficial, he effected an engagement with Mr. J. R. Greville, who, with Mrs. Greville and Miss Harriet Wooldridge, was at that time playing burlesque. In this line Greville was the best card in the colony. He certainly was intensely funny . . . I have never found anyone who didn't like Mrs. Greville, but I don't think that she ever cared for the stage. Miss Harriet Wooldridge was a sprightly little burlesque artiste, but she has long since quitted the stage. She concluded that in the game of life she has found a surer card - she married a Mr. Card - that's a joke. I don't mean the marriage, that's no joke. In the times of which I write burlesque was comparatively new, at least on the mines, and this company was highly successful. Greville in "Camaralzaman," "Conrad and Medora," the "Bride of Abydos," &c., was sufficient to insure a big house. No extensive advertising was necessary . . .
"SUSAN WOOLDRIDGE", The Australasian (19 February 1887), 27
Mrs. Wooldridge died on Friday, the 11th inst., at St James's park, Hawthorn, at the age of 67, the age of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Mrs. Wooldridge was the eldest of 13 children, all of whom are dead except Mrs. Leigh, now of the Adelphi Theatre, London. Mrs. Wooldridge, who was a native of London, began her stage life at the old Adelphi, in the days when Yates, father of Edmund Yates, editor of the World, was manager, and she was only six years old at the time of her first appearance. Her early tendencies were in the direction of Terpsichore rather than Thalia, and she was put under the tuition of one of the most competent professors of the art, which, at that time, was made the subject of systematic study. It was soon found, however, that she could do much more than dance, and, like all young aspirants for the honours of the stage at that epoch, she engaged herself to various provincial managers, and, for eight years, was the leading lady in the circuit companies which then supplied non-metropolitan theatre-goers with theatrical amusements.
In 1842 she married, and, like many other actresses, made an unfortunate choice. In short, she got a very bad husband, who, both in England and Australia, for many years, behaved to her with great cruelty, compelling her to support him while he lived an idle life. They came to Australia in 1853, and for some time Mrs. Wooldridge's professional experience was confined to the gold fields, where at Sandhurst, Ballarat, Maryborough, &c., she was a great favourite and made much money, combining the business of hotel-keeping with that of acting, making many friends in both capacities. In 1859 she came to Melbourne under engagement to Mr. Coppin, and since then she has been connected with various managements, and has visited from time to time the other colonies, always confining herself to the "old woman " specialty, and always being a deserved favourite for the thoroughness with which she dealt with every character she played. As an instance of the completeness with which she subordinated her natural qualities and manner to the requirements of the character, the part she lately played in "Human Nature" may be mentioned. It was that of an old harridan, who, for a consideration, takes charge of children whose guardians wish to be relieved of them. To a spectator, not knowing the extremely kind hearted nature of the actress, and her habitually gentle manner, the impression was conveyed that such realistic acting most necessarily be the natural manner of the impersonator. But to those who knew her in private life, it was a matter of astonishment that she could so completely transform herself from the most benevolent of women into a very demon of cruelty. This, of course, only demonstrates the ability of the actress.
Mrs. Wooldridge had a numerous family, but only two of them are living, namely, Miss Alice Wooldridge, the well known lyric actress, and Mrs. D. Card, wife of the equally well-known jeweller, of Bourke-street east. Mrs. Wooldridge was buried in the Melbourne General Cemetery on Saturday, the 12th inst., and it excited some surprise that the funeral of a lady who had been so long and honourably known to the stage, and who was always greatly respected by her professional brethren, should have been so scantily attended. Not half a dozen of them stood at her grave. One could not but be reminded of Rip Van Winkle's words, "Are we then so soon forgotten?"
"DEATHS", The Argus (26 July 1924), 17
CARD. - On the 20th July, at Olinda, Harriet Mary, widow of the late David Card, of Melbourne, aged 82 years.
Bibliography and resources:
Barbara Jefferis, Three of a kind (Carlton South: Sisters Publishing, 1982)
A joint biography of Susan, her daughter Harriet, and grand-daughter Mary Card (1861-1940)
Susan Watson Wooldridge, Find a grave
Sacred to the memory of Helen Watson WOOLDRIDGE, the beloved daughter of James and Susan Watson WOOLDRIDGE who died 13 Oct 1867, age 17 yrs.
Hark! the whispering angels say Sister Spirit come away. Not lost, but gone before.
Also Susan Watson WOOLDRIDGE born in London 4 Dec 1819, died at Hawthorn, Victoria 11 Feb 1887
A faithful wife a loving and beloved mother
A true woman and a mistress of the art she practised for 61 years
Many days shall see her and yet no day without a deed to crown it. (Shakespeare)
For ever with the Lord.
Musician, trombone player, bandsman, Band of the 12th Regiment, cricketer
Born Carisbrook, Newport, Isle of Wight, c. 1830
Enlisted (12th Regiment), 29 April 1844 (aged "14")
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 18 October 1854 (per Camperdown, from Cork, 8 July)
Arrived Hobart, TAS, January 1856
Arrived Sydney, NSW, April 1858
Departed Sydney, NSW, 22 September 1863 (per Curacoa, for New Zealand)
Discharged Aldershot, England, 16 June 1869 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Paylist, 12th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1855 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2249 / Wooldridge William / Band . . .
"CRICKET", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 December 1855), 5
A cricket match was played on Saturday between eleven of the 12th Regiment and the same number of the Emerald Hill Club,
on the ground of the latter, near the Sandridge road Turnpike.
The result was in favor of the civilians, who won by eight wickets,
their victory being partially attributable to the disadvantage their opponents labored under from the ground being too slippery for running or fielding with ease without spikedshoes.
The bowling of Mr. Hogan, and the batting of Messrs. Astley, Whitmore, and Wooldridge, on the part of the Regiment, were very good . . .
We believe the return match will be played on the same ground next Saturday. The scores were as follows:
J. Astley, run out - 1
H. Clarke, bd. Biers - 5
H. Prince, not out - 0
T. Donohoe, ct. Cotterell b. Ellis - 2
J. Hogan, bd. Ellis - 3
W. Wooldridge, bd. Ellis - 8
H. Hogan, ct. Nicholas, bd. Ellis - 0
J. Whitmore, ct. Gregory, bd. Biers - 2
J. Simpson, ct. Simpson, bd. Biers - 2
J. Judd, ct. Stevens, bd. Ellis - 6
J. McDaniel, bd. Biers - 0
Bye - 1
Total - 30 . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (4 July 1859), 6
On TUESDAY, July 19th, and THREE FOLLOWING DAYS, a series of
GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES Will be held to celebrate the opening of the HALL of the Sydney University in which the performances will take place . . .
The ORCHESTRA will, be more numerous and efficient than any that has over before been heard in these Colonies.
By the kind permission of the Colonel and Officers of the 12th Foot part of the band of that Regiment will assist in the orchestra.
The following Instrumental Performers have already been engaged: . . .
1st CLARINETTE - Mr. A. Fowle, 12th Regiment.
2nd DITTO - Mr. E. Kim, 12th Regiment . . .
1st BASSOON - Mr. E. Fahey, 12th Regiment.
2nd BASSOON - Mr. G. Wright, 12th Regiment . . .
1st FRENCH HORN - Mr. M. McCarthy, 12th Regiment.
2nd Ditto ditto - Mr. H. Sullivan, 12th Regiment.
TENOR TROMBONE- Mr. William Northcote, 12th Regt.
BASS TROMBONE - Mr. William Woolbridge [sic], 12th Regt. . . .
CORNETS-A-PISTON . . . Band-Sergeant Prince . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Sydney University Musical Festival (event)
Discharge, 1st Battalion 12th Regiment, William Wooldridge, 16 June 1869; UK National Archives, WO97/1427/755593 (PAYWALL)
Aldershot 16th June 1869 . . . Discharge of No. 2249 Private William Wooldridge . . .
having served in the Mauritius 2 1/12 years // in the Australian Colonies 9 2/12 years // in New Zealand 3 11/12 years
. . . his conduct has been exemplary . . . Four good conduct badges . . . Medal of long service and good conduct . . .
His name appears eleven times in the regimental defaulters book / Never tried . . .
Private 29 April 1844 underage
Attained 18 years Private 29 April 1848 . . .
No, 2249 / William Wooldridge / by trade a Shoemaker / was born in the Parish of Carisbrook /
near the town of Newport / in the county of Hants / and attested for the 12th Regt. at Newport . . .
on the 19th April 1844 / at the age of 14 years . . . / age [June 1869] 39 2/12 years
WOOLFORD, Richard (Richard WOOLFORD)
Vocalist, precentor, leader of the psalmody, stone-cutter, monumental mason
Born Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, England, 1814; baptised Wooton Bassett, 1 May 1814; son of William WOOLFORD and Ann EATWELL
Married Eliza TUCK, Wootton Bassett, 6 May 1833
Active Scots' Church, Sydney, NSW, c. 1846-58
Died Sydney, NSW, 2 December 1867, aged "53/54" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Presbyterian churches (subject)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 December 1858), 1
Mr. RICHARD WOOLFORD, who has conducted the Psalmody of the Scots' Church for ten or twelve years past,
having found it necessary, to the great regret of the Committee of Management,
to resign the office of Precentor, in consequence of impaired health,
any person or persons able and willing to discharge the duties of that office,
on such terms as may be deemed mutually satisfactory, are requested to apply to
Mr. THOMAS DONAGHY, 87, Clarence-street; Mr. ROBERT WATSON, Cumberland-street;
or Mr. WOOLFORD, Clarence-street (Church-hill) who will give the necessary information. Sydney, 24th December.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 December 1867), 1
On the 2nd instant, at his residence, Monumental Works, 81, Church-hill, Mr. RICHARD WOOLFORD, in the 54th year of his age. Much respected by a large circle of friends.
Musical amateur, member Melbourne Philharmonic Society
Born Camberwell, Surrey, England, 13 October 1818; baptised Hanover Chapel, Peckham, 11 May 1826; son of George WOOLLEY (c. 1777-1849) and Mary Honoria BOYLE (1781-1859)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 24 January 1834 (per Florentia, from London, 22 August 1833)
Married Jane Christian KIRBY, St. James's, Sydney, NSW, 1 February 1840
Died St. Kilda, VIC, 13 May 1890 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Births and baptisms, Hanover Chapel (Independent), Peckham, London; register 1801-36, page 104; UK National Archives, RG4/4281 (PAYWALL
No. 411 / Alfred son of George Woolley & of Mary Honoria his wife, was born [13 October 1818] in the parish of St. Giles Camberwell in the county of Surrey / and baptized [11 May 1826] . . .
Report of the ship Florentia from London, 22 August 1833 and Cape of Good Hope, 21 November, arrived in Port Jackson, 24 January 1834; State Archives Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Thomas Woolley, Esq. // Master Alfred Woolley / [English] / [Merchants] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Woolley (1809-1858, older brother)
Marriages, St. James, Sydney, 1840; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
1 February 1840 / Alfred Woolley / Bachelor / Parish of St. Philip /
Jane Christian Kirby / Spinster / Parish of Alexandria / [witnesses] Harriet Ann Woolley, Eliza Woolley,
Michael Woolley, Thomas Woolley
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Woolley (1807-1887, d. VIC, elder brother) and his wife Harriet Ann Reed (d. VIC, 1853); Thomas above and his wife Eliza Williamson
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (26 February 1862), 5
The adjourned annual meeting of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society was held yesterday evening, at the Mechanics' Institute, Collins street, Mr. Sumner presiding.
The only business to be transacted was the election of office-bearers for the ensuing year, which was at once proceeded with,
and resulted as follows: - President, Sir Redmond Barry; Vice-Presidents, T. J. Sumner, Esq., and John Russell, Esq.;
Conductor, Charles Edward Horsley: Organist, T. G. Gould; Treasurer, Mr. J. J. Blundell; Librarian, S. Moxon;
Committee: - Messrs. Elsasser, Blundell, G. B. Hailes, W. C. Fisher, T. G. Gould, G. O. Rutter, the Rev. Wm. Jarrett, Messrs. Moxon, and Alfred Woolley.
Honorary Secretary, W. G. Dredge.
A unanimous vote of thanks was passed to Herr Elsasser for his services, as conductor, during the past year;
and a similar compliment having been made to the Chairman, the meeting terminated.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodotus John Sumner (chair); Redmond Barry (president); John Russell (vice-president); Charles Edward Horsley (conductor); Thomas Green Goold (organist); James John Blundell (treasurer); Septimus Moxon (librarian); Charles Elsasser (member); George Button Hailes (member); Wilhelm Carl Fischer (member); George Oswald Rutter (member); William Jarrett (member); William Gilpin Dredge (member); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association)
"THE LATE MR. ALFRED WOOLLEY", The Argus (15 May 1890), 4
By the death of Mr. Alfred Woolley, which occurred at St. Kilda on Tuesday, the colony has lost another of its earliest settlers. Indeed, there can be very few people still amongst us whose recollections of early Melbourne go so far back as did those of the genial, warm-hearted pioneer who has just passed away. Mr. Woolley was by birth a Londoner, having first seen the light in the suburb of Peckham, in 1818. He received a sound English education, but was only in his sixteenth year when he resolved to emigrate to Australia in order to join his brother Thomas, who had already settled in Sydney. Accordingly he took passage in the ship Florentia, and arrived in Sydney on January 23, 1834, more than 18 months before the little schooner Enterprise was stopped in its progress up the Upper Yarra by the Falls, and Fawkner and his party, landing on the quiet rural banks of the stream, founded the future city of Melbourne. The prospects of the new settlement attracted a good deal of attention in Sydney, and in July, 1839, Mr. Woolley entered into a partnership for trading purposes with the late Mr. D. S. Campbell, and chartering the Emma, a brig of 180 tons, sailed round to Melbourne . . .
Musical amateur, academic, cleric, clergyman, member of Sydney Philharmonic Society (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
WOOLLEY, Emmeline Mary (Emmeline Mary Dogherty WOOLLEY; Miss E. M. WOOLLEY)
Musician, pianist, organist, music teacher, choir leader, composer
Born England, 1843; baptised Hereford cathedral, 16 June 1843; daughter of John WOOLLEY and Mary Margaret TURNER
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 9 July 1852 (per Mary Ann)
Died Darlinghurst, NSW, 18 March 1908 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Ethel Pedley (companion, collaborator)
[Advertisement], Empire (27 August 1859), 8
President, Rev. J. WOOLLEY, D.C.L. Vice-President, Rev. JOSEPH BEAZLEY.
AT a MEETING held in connection with Chizlett's Upper Singing School, at the Mechanics' School of Arts, WEDNESDAY, August 2nd, 1859,
It was resolved, "That we now form ourselves into a Society bearing the above name." The objects of which shall be -
First. The study and practice of vocal music by its members.
Second. The raising a fund for the purchase of music and such materials as may be necessary to carry out the objects for which the Association is formed.
Third. The giving of a certain number of Concerts during the year,
of such a character and at such a price as will at once render them both attractive and accessible to all classes of the people . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Chizlett (singing instructor, founder); People's Vocal Music Association (organisation)
"THE LATE MR. LAVENU", Empire (3 August 1859), 4
THE last, sad rites were performed yesterday on the lamented artist . . . The funeral procession left Macquarie-street at half-past 2 o'clock precisely . . . Many of the committee of the University Festival, of the Philharmonic, and Vocal Harmonic Societies were present. Preceded by the band of Royal Artillery playing the "Dead March in Saul," the procession passed down Hunter-street, through Castlereagh to King street, Pitt-street, Market-street, then through George-street to Christ Church . . . Tho coffin having been placed in the chancel, the first portion of the burial service was impressively read by the Rev. Canon Walsh, to which the appropriate Psalms were beautifully chanted by the choir. The body was then replaced in the hearse, and the procession moved slowly forwards to the Cemetery at Camperdown, the band, as before, playing the "Dead March." At the entrance to the Cemetery the corpse was met by the Rev. the Prinoipal of the University, Dr. Woolley, who conducted the service to its conclusion, the members of the Vocal Harmonic Society, under the guidance of Mr. Coroner, executing the quartet and chorus from Handel's "Messiah" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (musician)
"SYDNEY [sic, People's] VOCAL MUSIC ASSOCIATION" , The Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope Journal [Sydney, NSW] (5 November 1859), 485
THIS society, formed out of the upper classes under Mr. Chizett's instruction, held its opening soiree at the School of Arts, on the 19th ultimo; inaugural addresses were given by Dr. Woolley, and others. A miscellaneous selection of pieces were rendered with excellent taste and skill during the evening, by the members of the society. A second concert was given on Wednesday evening last, November 2nd. On each occasion Mr. Packer presided at the organ, and Mr. Chizlett conducted.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (organist)
"A short poem . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 May 1873), 9
"MUSICAL AT HOME", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 June 1895), 8
"The Captive Soul", Australian Town and Country Journal (17 October 1906), 41
News comes from Adelaide of the successful performance of "The Captive Soul," a tuneful cantata by Miss E. M. Woolley, of Sydney, set to words by the late Miss Ethel Pedley. It may be remembered that this clever work was performed in Sydney some years ago, but the recent production was the first to take place in any other State. The performance was by the Conservatorium ladies' part singing and orchestral classes, under the direction of Miss Guli Hack. The principal roles were capably rendered by the Misses Gladys Edwards, Hilda Klintberg, Hilda Cox, Martha Bruggemann, J. Cowper, F. Summerton, K. Joyce, K. Checkett, and Mr. H. Prime. Miss Woolley, who was present on the occasion, received quite an ovation at the conclusion of the performance, and was presented with quantities of lovely flowers.
"DEATH OF MISS WOOLLEY", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 March 1908), 6
Both in musical and in social circles, the death of Miss Emmeline M. D. Woolley, which occurred at 5.30 a.m. yesterday, after several months' illness, at her residence in Upper William-street (now Woolcott-street), Darlinghurst, will be deeply regretted. A long and charitable life, marked by innumerable acts of unostentatious benevolence, more especially extended to the young and helpless of her own sex, is thus closed, and with it an artistic career, the influence of which stimulated nearly every local movement in the higher interests of music that has been set on foot during the past 30 years. Miss Woolley was the oldest daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Woolley, who was the first principal of Sydney University [who] arrived in Sydney with his wife and young family, in July, 1852. He successfully met the duties of his high position for 13 years, and was drowned in the Bay of Biscay in January, 1866, by the foundering of the London, in which he was returning to Sydney after a holiday visit to the old country. Between those dates the Woolley family lived in quarters provided at the University, where Miss Woolley's girlhood was passed with her sisters, one of whom (recently deceased) married Mr. E. Du Faur (president National Art Gallery), another, also deceased, became Mrs. Courtney, and a third, who still survives (Mrs. Bacchus), settled in New Zealand. There is also one brother still living, Captain Severin Woolley, formerly of the Indian Army.
Miss Woolley developed a talent for music at an early age, and accordingly completed her musical education as a pianist in Germany. Besides this, she spent two years in Florence, and eventually returned to Sydney accomplished in both languages, and with a sound knowledge of, and vivid interest in, the art and literature of Italy. During her earlier professional career in this city, Miss Woolley was recognised as a pianist with a style at once scholarly and sparkling, whilst as an organist she officiated brilliantly at St. John's Church, Darlinghurst, working with success to replace the old-fashioned instrument of that period with one equipped with the latest improvements. In many other ways, this lady was prominently and unselfishly concerned in the cause of music. In the late seventies she endeavoured to secure a subsidy for open-air concerts with cheap refreshments for the people in the Garden Palace grounds; she joined her partner and friend, the late Miss Pedley, in a journey to England in 1895, as the outcome of which the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music extended their Associated Board Examinations to this country; and she ardently supported Signor Hazon in founding the Sydney Amateur Orchestral Society, on the committee of which she remained to the end. Her last attendance at a public concert was, indeed, at the recent farewell to the Italian conductor in September. Miss Woolley was interested in kindred musical bodies, and besides organising concerts (with Miss Pedley) in aid of the Women's College, the Thirlmere Consumptives' Home, the Women's Industries' Exhibition (1888), and other institutions, she actively assisted Lady Mary Lygon in the elaborate "Sydney Musical Competitions" which took place at the Town Hall in 1900.
As a composer, Miss Woolley exhibited the gift of graceful melodic expression in several separate works, published in London, such as "The Serenade" and "The Wind and the Beam", but her principal composition was "The Captive Soul", a poetic fairy romance, written by Miss Pedley. Both ladies were concerned in founding the St. Cecelia Choir in 1884, and it was this fine body of female voices which produced the new cantata (under Miss Pedley's baton) in 1895. This stamped the composer as a musician capable of considerable melodic inspiration, and the choral dirge, "Hush the Spindle, Hush the Loom", made a deep impression upon all who heard it. The manuscript was at once purchased by the famous publishing house of Novello, Ewer, and Co., whose expert pronounced it "an exceedingly clever work", and it has since been performed in many of the great musical centres of England. Two years ago "The Captive Soul" was rendered in Adelaide at the University by the students of the Elder Conservatorium. The death in 1898 of Miss Pedley, in concert with whom she had produced for the first time here Greig's "C Minor Sonata", and the one in F, Bargiel's trio, and other works, proved a severe blow to Miss Woolley, but she conducted the St. Cecilians until failing health increased the difficulty of keeping the once fine semi-chorus before the public.
Musical works:
The wind and the beam (words: Bulwer Lytton) (London: London Music Publishing Co., [1870s?])
The king's highway (words: "Australie") ([?]: [?], [1873])
The captive soul, cantata for soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto and tenor soli and chorus of female voices, the words written by Ethel C. Pedley, the music composed by E. M. Woolley (London: Novello and Company, 1896)
See also (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Bibliography and resources:
Martha Rutledge, "Woolley, Emmeline Mary Dogherty (1843-1908)", Australian dictionary of biography 12 (1990)
K. J. Cable, "Woolley, John (1816-1866)", Australian dictionary of biography 6 (1976)
WOOLRABE, Frederick (Hermann Frederick George WOOLRABE; Frederick WOOLRABE; Mr. WOOLRABE)
Amateur musician, violinist, violin player, public servant
Born Gibraltar, 14 March 1818; son of John WOOLRABE (1783-1846) and Beatrice Johanna ADAMS (1800-1836)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 22 January 1828 (per Cape Packet, from London, 21 August 1827)
Married Euphemia Jane DAVIDSON (1831-1899), St. James, Paddington, London, England, 5 January 1859
Died Melbourne, VIC, 22 September 1873, aged "54" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATION: George Boyes (vioinist, musical amateur)
"MARINE REGISTER", Colonial Advocate, and Tasmanian Monthly Review and Register [Hobart Town, TAS] (1 March 1828), 49
January 22, the ship Cape Packet, 210 tons, Francis Dixon, commander, from London 21st August, with goods. - Passengers, Deputy Assistant Commissary General woolrabe, lady, and 2 children . . .
"COMMISSARIAT PROMOTIONS", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (14 June 1850), 3
. . . [In addition to this, we may state that Mr. Frederick Woolrabe, raised to the rank of D.A.C.G., is most eminently deserving his promotion. This gentleman came to the colony in early youth with his father, at that time of the same rank in the service as that now of his son (we believe it was about 22 years ago); he has consequently received his education in Van Diemen's Land, and become one of our colonial youth, and, we are happy to say, one of those who have done great credit to themselves and the colony. Mr. W. is of that class who have so availed themselves of opportunity to inform their minds and enlarge their information, as to suffer nothing when brought into comparison with gentlemen, whose studies have been matured and completed, in the European schools and other seminaries of learning. - ED. Colonial Times.
"MARRIAGE", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (28 March 1859), 2
On the 5th January, at St. James's, Paddington, by the Rev. Walter B. Bucke, assisted by the Rev. Henry Sadler, H. F. G. WOOLRABE, ESQ., to EUPHEMIA JANE, second daughter of the late Walter Davidson, Esq , of Riccarton, Tasmania.
"DEATHS", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (7 October 1873), 4
WOOLRABE. - On 22nd September, at 28, Victoria-Parade, Melbourne, Herman Frederick George Woolrabe, son of the late Deputy Commisary-General Woolrabe, aged 54 years.
Bibliography and resources:
Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, Armorial families, a directory of gentlemen of coat-armour (London: Hurst & Blackett, Ltd., 1929), 2139 (DIGITISED)
WOOLRABE of Davidstoun . . . Only surv. son of Hermann Frederick George Woolrabe, Esq., Dep. Adj. Gen. Imp. Service, of Riccarton, by Campbell Town, Tasmania, b. 1818; d. 1873; m. 1859, Euphemia Jane, d. of Walter Davidson, of Riccarton, Meadowbanks, and Camelford, Tasmania . . .
[Woolrabe family], Westbury General (Anglican) Cemetery, Australian cemetery index (PAYWALL)
WORGAN, George Boucher (1757-1838) see mainpage George Boucher WORGAN
WORGAN, George William (1800-1862) see mainpage George William WORGAN (son of the above)
WORGAN, George (1803-1888, of England and NZ, never visited Australia) see mainpage George WORGAN (cousin of the above)
WORRELL FAMILY (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WORRELL, William (William WORRELL; Bill WORRELL; William G. WORRELL)
Circus performer, clown, manager
Born Cincinnatti, Ohio, USA, 1823; son of Judge WORRELL
Married Sophia JUDAH, Baltimore Co., Maryland, USA, 4 September 1848
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 November 1858 (per Black Sea, from San Francisco, 4 October)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 8 April 1862 (per Regulator, for San Francisco, via Newcastle, NSW, 7 May)
Died Newark, New Jersey, USA, 7 August 1897 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WORRELL, Sophia (Sophia JUDAH; Mrs. HAMILTON; Mrs. William WORRELL)
Born ? Louisiana, USA, c. 1825
Married William WORRELL, Baltimore Co., Maryland, USA, 4 September 1848
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 November 1858 (per Black Sea, from San Francisco, 4 October)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 8 April 1862 (per Regulator, for San Francisco, via Newcastle, NSW, 7 May)
Died USA, after 1880 (shareable link to this entry)
WORRELL, Sophia (Sophia WORRELL; Miss Sophie WORRELL; Mrs. George S. KNIGHT)
Theatrical dancer, burlesque and circus performer
Born ? Ohio, USA, c. 1846/47; daughter of William WORRELL and Sophia JUDAH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 November 1858 (per Black Sea, from San Francisco, 4 October)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 8 April 1862 (per Regulator, for San Francisco, via Newcastle, NSW, 7 May)
Married George S. KNIGHT, USA, after 1880
Died Richmond, Virginia, USA, 10 October 1917, aged "about 70" (shareable link to this entry)
WORRELL, Irene (Irene WORRELL; Mrs. William J. HOLTEN)
Theatrical dancer, burlesque and circus performer
Born ? Ohio, USA, 7 September 1848; baptised St. Stephen, Philadelphia, 13 March 1856; daughter of William WORRELL and Sophia JUDAH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 November 1858 (per Black Sea, from San Francisco, 4 October)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 8 April 1862 (per Regulator, for San Francisco, via Newcastle, NSW, 7 May)
Married William J. HOLTEN, Hamilton, Ohio, 25 April 1884
Died Oak Park, Cook, Illinois, USA, 16 November 1921 (shareable link to this entry)
WORRELL, Jennie (Jenny WORRELL; Miss Jennie WORRELL; Mrs. BARR; Mrs. MURRY)
Theatrical dancer, burlesque and circus performer
Born Cincinatti, Ohio, 1850; daughter of William WORRELL and Sophia JUDAH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 November 1858 (per Black Sea, from San Francisco, 4 October)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 8 April 1862 (per Regulator, for San Francisco, via Newcastle, NSW, 7 May)
Died New York, USA, 19 August 1899 (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)

William Worrell, c. 1855 (Art Institute Chicago) (DIGITISED)

Jennie, Sophie, and Irene Worrell (University of Nevada, Reno, Library, UNRS-P1348)
US census, 1850, Hamiton, Cincinnati, Ohio; United States Federal Census (PAYWALL)
W. H. Bennice / 40 / Theatrical Dancer / [born] N.Y.
Sophia [Bennice] / 40 / [Theatrical Dancer] / [born] N.Y.
Sophia Worrell / 25 / - / [born] N.Y.
Sophie [Worrell] / 5 / - / [born] Ohio
Irene [Worrell] / 3 / - / [born] [Ohio]
Eugenie Judah / 18 / Actress / [born] N.Y.
Eugene [Judah] / 4 / - / [born] N.Y.
Oceana [Judah] / 17 / Dancer / [born] N.Y.
Baptisms at St. Stephen's, Episcopal church, Philadelphia, 1856; Historical Society of Pennsylvania (PAYWALL)
Irene / [parents] William & Sophia Worrell / Born Sep'r 7th 1848 [sic] / Bap'd March 13th [1856]
[Advertisement], Sacramento Daily Union [California, USA] (24 September 1857), 2
. . . SACRAMENTO, Sept. 23d, 1857.
Brother Firemen: It is with pleasure I offer the services of my children,
(Sophie, Irene and Jennie,) known as the "WORRELL FAMILY," for the Benefit of your Company,
it being their first appearance on the California stage.
Being myself a member of the Fire Department, I should feel happy if I could contribute in any way to adding to the amusement of the night.
Yours respectfully, WILLIAM WORRELL . . .
[Advertisement], Sacramento Daily Union (21 August 1858), 3
the management takes pleasure in announcing to the public the engagement of WILLIAM WORRELL, The favorite and most comical of all CLOWNS . . .
[News], Daily National Democrat [Marysville, California] (21 August 1858), 3
Mr. Worrell, the Circus Clown, together with his wife and three sprightly children, have sailed for Australia. They are engaged in Rowe & Marshall's Circus.
Australia (27 November 1858 to 7 May 1862):
"SHIPPING", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 November 1858), 4
November 27. - Black Sea, ship, 701 tons, Captain Cate, from San Francisco 4th October. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Worrell and 3 daughters . . .
"SHIPPING", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (4 December 1858), 4
December 3 - Telegraph, s.s.s., 500 tons, J. J. Warner, from Sydney 1st inst. Passengers - cabin . . . Mr. and Mrs. Worrell and three children . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Age (28 December 1858), 5
The Boxing-night performances at this place of amusement attracted one of the largest audiences which we have seen assembled within its walls. The evening's entertainment commenced with the well known play of "Charles the Second," but the great attraction was the pantomime of "Harlequin Robin Hood, or the Bold Huntsman of Sherwood, and the Fairy Localotta" - decidedly Mr. W. M. Akhurst's most successful effort in this species of dramatic composition . . . The "Toxopholite Ballet" arranged by Mons. Schmidt, affords an opportunity for the introduction of the terpsichorean efforts of the three Misses Worrell who have lately arrived from the United States. These little ladies dance very cleverly, and the scene in which they appear forms one of the many interesting features of the pantomime . . . The pantomime company includes the Leopold Family, Fraulein Fannie, Mons. Schmidt, Mdlle. Therese, and Madame Stebinger [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Mower Akhurst (dramatist, producer); Mons. and Therese Schmidt (dancers); Leopold family (dancers); Therese and Frederick Strebinger (dancer and leader of the orchestra); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (5 January 1859), 3
Mr. William Worrell, The Great American Clown & Jester, will appear at each entertainment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Andrew Rowe (circus proprietor)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (19 February 1859), 4
There are to be great additional attractions at Cremorne this evening . . . The entertainments are to be varied by the dancing of the Worrell family and the singing of Mr. C. R. Thatcher . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (comic vocalist); Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue)
"THE SHAMROCK THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (11 July 1859), 3
This entertainment on Saturday evening attracted, as usual, a full house in its very fullest sense. The Worrels, those indefatigable little dancers, are as successful as ever in drawing down the plaudits of an admiring audience. Miss Sophie, indeed, in the several ballets d'action maintaining roles which would tax the energy and skill of a much older performer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Shamrock Theatre (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 August 1859), 8
HIPPODROME, Lonsdale-street. MONDAY, AUGUST 8.
COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT to J. A. ROWE, From the Company . . .
WM. WORRELL, late Clown and jester, begs to inform the public that he had succeeded to the MANAGEMENT of the above establishment . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (5 September 1859), 4
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . PROVINCIAL. BACK CREEK", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (15 October 1859), 2
Amusements were plentiful in Back Creek on Saturday evening. Worrell's circus attracted an immense crowd, and appeared to give the greatest satisfaction. The performance was excellent as regarded the equestrian department, and Mr. Worrell himself was very amusing as clown, but the music was by no means so good as might be expected from the strength of the orchestra. The troupe appeared again on Monday night.
"SHAMROCK THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (9 November 1859), 2
The frequenters of the Shamrock Theatre have to regret the departure of Madame Strebinger and the Worrel Family, who left Sandhurst last night for Ararat, to fulfil an engagement at the Shamrock at that place.
[News], The Argus (25 May 1860), 5
The Prince of Wales Theatre was opened last night, and literally crammed to suffocation . . . Special mention must be made of Mr. Worrell, who, in his capacity of clown, is the life and soul of the ring. He keeps everyone on the qui vive, and passes from grave to gay, from lively to severe, in a manner peculiarly his own. He is very droll, very dry, very sententious, and appears equally at home at a sermon or a joke, and of him it may be said, in the approved fashion, that "he must be seen and heard to be appreciated." The last part of the performances opened with a ballet by the Worrell children, who used to be so popular at the Theatre Royal about a year and a half ago. They are much improved, and the little Jeanne is more successful and piquante than ever. Humour sparkles in her countenance, and in her "Madrilla" dance she evidently enjoys the amusement she is creating. Nor are her sisters less deserving of praise. They appeared several times in the course of the evening . . . "The dog dance," by two of the Worrell sisters, concluded the entertainments . . .
"CLEARED OUT. SATURDAY, MARCH 16", Adelaide Observer (23 March 1861), 4
ALDINGA steamer, 509 tons, H. McMeikan, master, for Melbourne. Passengers . . . Mrs. Worrell, Misses Sophie, Irene, and Jenny Worrell . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Aldinga, from Adelaide, 16 March 1861, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Mrs. Worrell / 35 // Miss Sophie Worrell / 12 // Miss Irene Worrell / 11 // Miss Jenny Worrell / 7
"TOWN TALK", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (8 April 1862), 5
The ship Regulator, which is to sail for San Francisco to-day has, amongst its passengers Mr. Wm. Worrell and his family, the former the popular clown of the North American Circus, and the latter, the clever little dancers, known as the sisters Worrell. Of all the infant phenomena who have visited the Australian colonies, we have never had the like of the little Worrells, whose great superiority as dancers over other juvenile performers was most strikingly illustrated, in the pantomime at the Theatre Royal a year or two back. We wish the family a prosperous voyage to California, and success when they get there.
"SHIPPING . . . DEPARTURES", The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News [NSW] (17 May 1862), 2
May 7. - Regulator, American ship, 1022, Holbrook for San Francisco, with 1330 tons coal, and 152 bushels wheat. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Worrell, Misses Worrell (3) . . .
After Australia (from May 1862):
"PASSENGERS", Daily Alta California (15 July 1862), 4
NEWCASTLE - Per Regulator . . . Mr. W. Worrell, Mrs. W. Worrell, 3 Misses Worrell . . .
US census, 1880, Brooklyn, Kings, New York; United States Federal Census (PAYWALL)
Worrell William / 52 / Husband / Circus Agent / [born] Ohio
[Worrell] Sophia / 43 / Wife / Keeping House / [born] L. A. [? Louisiana]
[Worrell] Sophia / 27 / Daughter / At Home / [born L. A.]
Eddy Irene / 25 / [Daughter] / [At home] / [born L. A.]
Murry Jennie / 23 / [Daughter] / At Home / [born] V. A. [? Virginia]
Born Poplar, London, England, 26 October 1814; baptised St. Dunstan, Stepney, 20 November 1814; daughter of Stephen WRATHALL (1793-1872) and Mary Ann WALKER (1791-1852)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 2 April 1831 (per Rifleson, from London, 20 October 1830)
Married Hugh CURREY, St. David's, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1 August 1832 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
A daughter of a recently arrived Hobart butcher, Stephen Wrathall (died 1872, unreliably reported to be aged "93"), Ann Wrathall appeared in two of John Philip Deane's concerts in July 1832. On 1 August she married Hugh Currey, and, apart from a couple of brief press references to her earlier performances, thereafter disappears from musical record.
I have so far found no record of her death.
Baptisms in the parish of St. Dunstan, Stepney, in November 1814; register 1813-37; London Metropolitan Archives, P93/DUN/168 (PAYWALL)
[November] 20 / Ann d. of Stephen & Mary Wrathall / Poplar / Butcher / b. 26 Oct'r
Passngers arrived at the Port of Hobart Town per Rifleman from London 20th October; Tasmanian names index; (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. Wrathall, Mrs. Wrathall, Miss Wrathall, Stephen Wrathall, Charles Wrathall, Susan Wrathall, John Wrathall, Henry Wrathall, Mary A. Wrathall, Luckman Wrathall, R't Wrathall . . .
[Another list] (DIGITISED)
"SHIP NEWS", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (8 April 1831), 2
APRIL 2. - Arrived, the brig Rifleman, Capt. A. Blaisdale, from London 20th October, and Cowes, Isle of Wight, 18th November, with a general cargo. PASSENGERS . . . Mr. Wrathall, Mrs. Wrathall, Miss Wrathall, Stephen Wrathall, Charles Wrathall [sic], Susan Wrathall, John Wrathall, Henry Wrathall, Luckman Wrathall, Robert Wrathall . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [Sydney, NSW, sic] (21 May 1831), 4
To Captain Adam Bleasdale, brig Rifleman.
River Derwent, Van Diemen's Land, April 13, 1831.
SIR, - The gentlemanly conduct and experience which you have displayed, in attending to the comfort and convenience of your passengers,
likewise the navigation of the brig Rifleman, on her voyage from England,
and the friendship they have indiscriminately experienced from you, demand that they should make a public acknowledgment of this gratitude.
From the kindness you have shown them, they feel persuaded that you will receive with satisfaction this expression of their thanks,
and the assurance that they will always feel much pleased in hearing of your future welfare and happiness.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (4 June 1831), 3
S. WRATHALL begs to announce that he has commenced business as a Butcher in Liverpool street,
adjoining the Old Waterloo Mills, where be will always have on hand a choice supply of Mutton, Beef, Pork, Fat, &c.
which will be supplied to families on reasonable terms.
Liverpool-st. 2nd. June, 1831
[News], Colonial Times (11 January 1832), 2
On Monday the lovers of music enjoyed the greatest treat that ever was given in this Colony - it was Mr. J. P. Deane's sixth concert. The capacious Court-house was crowded to excess - no less than 250 persons were present; among others we noticed His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Mrs. Arthur, and family; the Officers of His Majesty's ship Sulphur, and a very large portion of the Officers of the 63d Regiment. As far as regards the fair sex we never witnessed in Van Diemen's Land such an assemblage of ton, beauty and fashion. The music on this occasion was extremely well selected, and gave the utmost satisfaction to all persons present. The concert opened with the Military overture in La Gazza Ladra, and the band displayed its efficiency in a truly surprising manner. Blewitt's difficult and delightful glee of "Welcome Merry May" followed, and was sung in grand style. Miss Wrathall's "I'll gaze on thee no more," was loudly applauded; it was, we believe, the first song she ever sang in public, and from the specimen she gave us of the capabilities and melodious power of her voice we anticipate many future treats; as might naturally be expected there was a degree of timidity on her first presenting herself in front of the orchestra, and a little tremour in her voice, but as she advanced in the song she became more empassioned, and at its termination sat down amidst loud applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician); George and Eliza Arthur (governor and wife)
MUSIC: I'll gaze on thee no more (written by G. C. junr. esq., composed by Thomas Miles; London: Monro and Miles, 1823; see review in The harmonicon)
[News], Colonial Times (24 July 1832), 2
Owing to the unfavorable weather all day yesterday, many persons were deterred from attending Mr. Deane's Seventh Concert in the evening. However malgré le temps, two hundred and forty of the most respectable of the inhabitants assembled to enjoy this rare musical treat. The evening's entertainment commenced with Mozart's celebrated military overture, which was performed in most excellent style by the band of the 63d regiment . . . Miss Wrathall's "Oh, say not", wanted only a little more art to render it a most brilliant performance; her song was deservedly encored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 63rd Regiment (military band); "Mozart's military overture" = overture to The abduction from the Seraglio
MUSIC: Probably Oh say not that a woman's heart is bought (music by John Whitaker)
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (27 July 1832), 3
Mr. Deane's Concert took place on Monday evening in the Court-house, agreeably to the announcement. It was exceedingly well attended by a large concourse of the most respectable part of the inhabitants, who were highly delighted with the performances, especially the instrumental part. Miss Deane in particular performed a very difficult sonata on the piano in excellent style, and the sweetness of Miss Wrathall's voice delighted every one . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Deane (pianist)
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (27 July 1832), 6
. . . It affords us very great pleasure to notice Miss Wrathall's marked improvement lately. Her Song, "Oh, say not" was deservedly encored; as was also her duett with Mr. Bock, "The last links are broken." The sweetness and compass of this young lady's voice, lead us to expect, that as she becomes more accustomed to its management, and to a knowledge of music, she will rival some of our first rate English Vocalists . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Bock (vocalist)
MUSIC: The last links are broken (F. Steers, arr. from Mozart)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town in the county of Buckingham in the year 1832; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:819740; RGD36/1/2 no 1859 (DIGITISED)
No. 550 / Hugh Currey of this Parish Bachelor and Ann Wrathall of this Parish Spinster were married in this Church by License this [1 August 1832] . . .
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (10 August 1832), 5
On Tuesday the lovers of music were regaled by Mrs. Davis's Concert. The performance commenced soon after eight o'clock, long before which time scarcely a seat in the spacious Court-house was left vacant. Mrs. Davis and Mr. Russell were evidently the favorites, and their performances well merited the reception they each received. As the Colony has never yet possessed a lady singer of the standing of Mrs. Davis, we may be expected to offer a few general remarks respecting her performances . . . and without fear of contradiction we may assert, that neither in New South Wales, or Van Diemen's Land, has there ever been any female singer to compete with her. Miss Wrathall's voice is far superior to that is Mrs. Davis, but then, experience and professional skill, (acquirements so difficult to be obtained,) are wanting; and it is not improbable, that had Miss Wrathall studied music with as much care and attention as Mrs. Davis has done, she might have been fully a match for our present leading female singer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sophia Letitia Davis (vocalist, pianist); William Wilkins Russell (musician)
"Soiree XII", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 September 1832), 3
. . . Your mention of the "sister colony," suggests a comparison between Hobart Town and Sydney. They seem to have much more public spirit there than here. Their society, if one may judge from the topics discussed in their journals, is much superior to ours. It may be, indeed, that we have the advantage in solidity, if they have it in show. How, by the bye, did Mr. Sippe's concert, on Wednesday evening, contrast with the accounts given of Mrs. Davis's at Hobart Town? . . . Judging from these accounts, the Hobart Town concert must have been "vastly better". No disparagement this, however, to Mr. Sippe. If he had not Mrs. Davis or Miss Wrathall in his company, it is because these vocalists are not in Sydney . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Sippe (Sydney musician)
"DEATH", The Mercury (25 October 17872), 1
WRATHALL. - On the 24th October, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. H. Currey, New Town, Stephen Wrathall, aged 93 years.
WRAY, William Beresford (William WRAY; William Berisford WRAY; William Beresford WRAY; MR. W. B. WRAY)
Musician, organist, pianist, vocalist, music teacher, composer
Born Alfreton, Derbyshire, England, 1827; baptised Alfreton, 9 June 1827; son of William WRAY (1794-1863) and Sarah BERRISFORD (1792-1875)
Married Elizabeth BAINBRIDGE (1824-1874), St. Peter and St. Paul, Sheffield, Yorkshire, 2 November 1846
Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, 2 November 1857 (per Morning Light, from Liverpool, 8 August)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, April 1858 (per Victoria, for England)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, 14 August 1860 (per Great Tasmania, from Liverpool, 6 May)
Died Brighton, VIC, 7 April 1861, aged "36" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Elizabeth (1846-1867); Mary Agnes (b. 5 September 1847-1918, Mrs. William KNOWLES), Walter William (b. 5 August 1848), Amy Edith (b. 1852),
Sarah Ann Martha (b. 1854; Mrs. John Smith),
Cecelia Blanche (b. 1856), Florence Marion (b. 1859)
Juvenile musicians, vocalists
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, 14 August 1860 (per Great Tasmania, from Liverpool, 6 May)
Departed for England, November 1862 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
William Beresford Wray arrived in Melbourne for the first time from Liverpool on the ship Morning Light on 2 November 1857, and a week later the local musicseller Joseph Wilkie advertised publication of his The Morning Light polka ("Composed on the Voyage to Melbourne").
He advertised as a teacher of music in December billing himself as "late Organist of the Blind Asylum, Liverpool, late Conductor of the Torquay Choral Society; Organist of the Sacred Harmonic Society, Liverpool, 700 performers,)", and as otherwise open to engagement. Wray sailed again for England in April 1858, but returned to Melbourne in September 1860, on board the Champion of the Seas, likewise recording that voyage with his The Champion of the Seas polka ("Composed expressly for & respectfully dedicated to the owners of that magnificent vessel").
On his return, Wray brought his large family of young performers with him, the Wray Family, or "The Little Nightingales" (for their names, details, and concert repertoire, see Melbourne advertisement September 1860; also Bendigo review December 1860). One other musical work by him, published in England, is The Charm schottisch ("companion to the Gem Polka; dedicated to the gentlemen of Birkenhead") (Liverpool [UK]: W. P. Draper, [?1857]).
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Alfreton in the county of Derby in the year 1827; register 1813-1891, page 217; Derbyshire Record Office (PAYWALL)
No. 1731 / 9th June / William son of / William [and] Sarah / Wray / Alfreton / Tailor . . .
1846, marriage solemnized by banns in the parish of Sheffiled in the county of York; Sheffield Archives & Local Studies (PAYWALL)
No. 26 / Nov. 2 / William Beresford Ray / 21 / Bachelor / Tailor / Doncaster St. / [son of] William Wray / Tailor
Elizabeth Bainbridge / 22 / Spinster / - / - / [daughter of] Levi Bainbridge / Farmer . . .
Baptisms solemnized at St. John's church, in the parish of Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster in the year 1848; register 1830-52, page 233; Liverpool City Council (PAYWALL)
No. 1864 / Jan'y 16th [1848] / Mary Agnes Dr. of / William Beresford & Elizabeth / Wray / Prince Edwin St. / Professor of Music . . .
[Advertisement], Liverpool Mercury (11 October 1850), 1 (PAYWALL)
VOCALISTS: Miss RYALLS, Miss Lizzie RYALLS, Mr. C. PERCY (of the York Philharmonic), and Mr. RYALLS.
Grand Piano-Forte - Mons. WEHLI. Accompanyist - Mr. W. B. WRAY . . .
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Liverpool Albion (13 January 1851), 3 (PAYWALL)
Mr. W. B. Wray, late organist at the Roman Catholic Chapel, Birkenhead, has been appointed organist to the School for the Blind.
ASSOCIATIONS: School for the Blind (Liverpool institution)
England census, 30 March 1851, Birkenhead, Cheshire; UK National Archives, HO107/2175/261/24 (PAYWALL)
No. 2 Austen Street / W. B. Wray / Head / Mar. / 24 / Teacher of Music / [born] Derby Alfreton
Elizabeth [Wray] / Wife / Mar. / 26 / - / [born] Notts. Hoveringham
Elizabeth / 5 // Mary / 3 // Walter / 2 // [all born] Lancash. Everton
E. Baimbridge / Mother in Law / 61 // William / Broth. in Law / 21 . . .
"BOLTON", The musical world (3 May 1851), 285 (DIGITISED)
On Monday evening last, the Soho Iron Works band gave a miscellaneous concert in the Temperance Hall, under the patronage of Sir Joshua Walmsley, M.P. and Stephen Blair, Esq. M.P. This was the first given publicly by this band, who are all young men employed at the works, and have a first rate selection of instruments, both brass and reed. They are led by Mr. J. King, a young man of good musical taste which may in some degree account for the progress they have made. The first part was opened by the brass band with Auber's overture to Masaniello, which was well executed and warmly applauded. Bellini's quartet, "Lisa," sung by the Misses Ryalls, Miss Burgoyne, and Mr. Ryalls (Mr. Wray presiding at the piano forte) was not very effective . . . Mr. W. B. Wray gave a song characteristic of Negro life. He too met with an encore, upon which he amused the company with "Uncle Ned" . . . Manchester Examiner.
"BIRTHS", Liverpool Mail (24 April 1852), 7 (PAYWALL)
On the 21st instant, at 28, Hope-place, the wife of Mr. W. B. Wray, organist of the Blind Asylum Church, of a daughter.
"THE ASYLUM FOR THE BLIND", Liverpool Mail (29 May 1852), 3 (PAYWALL)
As many thousands of pleasure-seekers are likely to visit Liverpool next week, we invite them to inspect that admirable institution, the Asylum for the Blind, now removed to Hardman-street, near the Philharmonic hall. Few charitable institutions are more deserving of public support, while the inmates, bereft of one of the greatest of earthly blessings, spend a comparatively comfortable existence in making mats, boots, shoes, rugs, twine, baskets, and other articles, which not only display great skill and taste in their execution, but are sold to visitors for the benefit of the institution. Visitors may purchase, at moderate prices, all these articles, made by the sightless inmates, who are also famous for their skill in musical science. The vocal services of their church have long been famous for delicacy and precision; and lately, under the able tuition of Mr. W. B. Wray, the choir have obtained unexampled proficiency, some of his pupils displaying the possession of fine, well-cultivated voices, regulated by tasteful skill. They give vocal performances, at which visitors may attend, on Tuesdays and Fridays; and we can promise those who would wish to be present at them a musical treat of a peculiarly novel and pleasing character.
"CONCERT", Derby Mercury (9 June 1852), 2 (PAYWALL)
On Whit-Monday, Mr. W. B. Wray, organist and choir master, of the Blind Asylum, Liverpool, gave an entertainment at the Assembly-room of the George Inn, Alfreton; accompanied by Miss Jessie Hammond. The 71 audience was small, owing to many parties being engaged that day at their various clubs. The pieces selected did great credit to the performers, and at the particular request of some who could not attend, a second entertainment was given on Tuesday evening, which was numerously attended, and passed off with great eclat. Mr. Wray, is a native of Alfreton, and we have no doubt, in a short time, to see him rise to considerable eminence in his profession.
[Advertisement], Liverpool Mercury (8 March 1853), 1 (PAYWALL)
CONDUCTOR - Mr. W. B. WRAY . . .
"A NEW ORGAN AND TEA-MEETING AT PARK-PLACE CHAPEL, LIVERPOOL", The Methodist new connexion magazine and evangelical repository (May 1853), (287)-288 (DIGITISED)
. . . On the 13th of March, the organ was opened . . . Mr. John Halmshaw presided at the organ morning and evening, and Mr. W. B. Wray in the afternoon . . .
"NEW MUSIC", Liverpool Standard and General Commercial Advertiser (15 November 1853), 6 (PAYWALL)
Wray's Musical Casket. Liverpool: Beswick.
The congregation of the Church for the Blind must be familiar with the great musical talent of Mr. Wray, the organist;
but he has a more extended reputation through his compositions, of which not the least valuable is the work before us.
It contains three songs, entitled "Attachment," "Constancy," and "Friendship;" the words by John Murphy, Esq.; a charming Polka, and a Schottisch.
The work is dedicated by permission to the Countess of Sefton, whose patronage of the composer has been earned solely by his own genius.
The Musical Casket will form an appropriate and at the same time a very acceptable present to piano-forte players at the approaching festive season,
when the Elizabeth Polka and the Mary Agnes Schottisch will give animation to many a brilliant party.
"THE NEW ORGAN AT ST. CHRYSOSTOM'S", Northern Daily Times (21 December 1854), 2 (PAYWALL)
A rich treat was afforded to a select number of musical connoisseurs on Saturday last, on the occasion of testing the new organ at St. Chrysostom's church, Everton. The instrument is the manufacture of Mr. William Rushworth, the well-known organ builder, of Pudsey-street . . . The capabilities of the instrument were splendidly developed by Mr. W. B. Wray, the talented organist of the Asylum for the Blind, and Mr. Adden Brooke, the governor of the same institution, who made it "discourse most eloquent music," to the great gratification of all present . . . Among other pieces played were prelude and fugue (the composition of Mr. Wray); a selections of choruses from Handel and Haydn; fugue in E minor (S. S. Wesley); solo (Adolphe Hesse); an extemporaneous performance, which elicited the warmest commendation, not only of the quality of the instrument, but the skill in which it was made manifest by Mr. Wray. The whole concluded with "Rule Britannia," and the national anthem (Binck's arrangement,) - the subdued parts of which, in the latter, almost imposed upon the hearer the belief that the instrument had been joined in by female voices. The audience expressed its approbation of the organ, and the gentlemen who had been engaged playing stated that for beauty of appearance, quality of tone, ease of manipulation, and completeness in every respect, it had rarely been their pleasure to finger before . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Rushworth (organ builder)
"THE JUDGES AT THE CHURCH FOR THE BLIND", Liverpool Mercury (27 March 1855), 8 (PAYWALL)
On Sunday morning last, the two judges, Mr. Baron Parke and Mr. Justice Creswell, attended divine service at the Church for the Blind, Hardman-street. Their lordships were accompanied by the high sheriff, the mayor, and several members of the town council . . . The assize sermon was preached by the sheriff's chaplain, the Rev. Edward Hull, M.A. . . . The choir sang a new and very pleasing anthem, entitled "I was glad when they said unto me," the composition of Mr. W. B. Wray, the organist of the church. The anthem is varied in its character, and the music such as to develope of many of those charming vocal effects for which this choir have obtained such a well deserved pre-eminence. The church was crowded, and many persons were unable to obtain sitting accommodation . . .
[News], Liverpool Albion (21 May 1855), 3 (PAYWALL)
Mr. W. B. Wray, organist of the Liverpool Church for the Blind, having received an appointment as organist at Torquay, has announced a farewell concert for Friday next.
"TORQUAY CHORAL SOCIETY", Exeter Flying Post [Devon, England] (12 July 1855), 8 (PAYWALL)
The general annual meeting of the above society took place at the Union Hotel on Wednesday evening last . . . Mr. W. B. Wray, the organist of Upton Church, was appointed conductor, at a salary of £40 a year . . .
"TORQUAY . . . CHORAL SOCIETY", Western Times (26 January 1856), 7 (PAYWALL)
The next concert is announced for Thursday next. The programme promises a sterling treat to the lovers of classical music, embracing productions of the genius of Mendelssohn, Macfarren, (our famous English contrapuntist) Rossini, J. L. Hatton, &c. We are also offered new composition from the pen of Mr. W. B. Wray, the indefatigable conductor, entitled the "Cottager's Song of Content," composed expressly for, and dedicated to the subscribers.
"TORQUAY . . . CHORAL SOCIETY", Western Times (14 February 1857), 7 (PAYWALL)
The concert, on Thursday evening, was highly successful - musically as well as in respect to the amount of public support. The band executed the brilliant overtures to "Masaniello," and "Zampa," with telling effect; and their performance of that charming presto movement from Haydn's Symphony (No. 1.) was one of the greatest treats of the evening . . . To the ability and assiduity the conductor, Mr. W. B. Wray, was the success of the concert chiefly attributable, and we are glad to observe that an opportunity will, on the 23rd inst., be afforded the public to testify their appreciation of his professional as well personal merits, as on that evening grand concert is to be given for his benefit.
Melbourne, VIC (2 November 1857 to 16 April 1858):
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 November 1857), 6
MR. WRAY'S MORNING LIGHT POLKA will be issued to the subscribers on Friday next. Mr. Wilkie, publisher.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller, publisher)
"ORGAN PERFORMANCE", The Age (23 November 1857), 5
On Wednesday last Mr. W. B. Wray late organist of the Blind Asylum, Liverpool, gave a selection of music by the great composers on the new and beautiful instrument just finished by Mr. Biggs, at his manufactory, in Little Lonsdale street, west. Several of our leading musical connoisseurs were present by invitation and expressed themselves highly delighted with the power and tone of the organ, as well as with the masterly performance of the organist. The instrument reflects the highest credit on the builder, and we must congratulate the good people of Brighton on becoming its possessors. Mr. Wray, we believe, was induced to come to this colony for the benefit of his health, and we sincerely hope he may be induced to remain. An organist and teacher of his reputation would be an immense acquisition to this metropolis, particularly as our churches are now becoming fitted with organs of magnitude and first rate quality.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jesse Biggs (organ builder)
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 December 1857), 8
MR. WRAY (late Organist of the Blind Asylum, Liverpool,) will give FINISHING LESSONS.
References - MISS Burdett Coutts, Dr. McNeale, Miss Sullivan (niece of Viscount Palmerston),
Dr. Scoresby, and Major-General Macarthur, No. 6 Swiss-terrace, Fitzroy-street, Collingwood.
MR. WRAY (late Conductor of the Torquay Choral Society) gives FINISHING LESSONS on PIANOFORTE.
MR. WRAY (Organist of the Sacred Harmonic Society, Liverpool, - 700 performers,) is open to an ENGAGEMENT.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Macarthur (musical amateur)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (3 December 1857), 4
The inauguration of the Emerald Hill Mechanics' Institute is fixed for to-morrow evening at seven o'clock, on which occasion His Excellency the Governor, and Capt. Clarke, E.E., M.P., have signified their intention to be present . . . Songs and ballads are to be given by Madame Vitelli, Mrs. Andrews, and Mr. Ure; and besides other attractions, Mr. Wray, late organist to the Blind Asylum, at Liverpool, will perform on the harmonium, and accompany the vocalists.
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Vitelli (vocalist); Mrs. Frank Andrews (vocalist)
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Age (7 January 1858), 5
The Philharmonic Society gained new laurels on Tuesday evening by their admirable interpretation of Mendelssohn's grand oratorio "Elijah," a work which tests the powers of an amateur chorus more severely, perhaps, than any other similar production. Since 1853 however the great majority of the present members have steadily remained under the skilful baton of Mr. Russell, the conductor of the society, and the results of careful training on his part and an enthusiastic desire on theirs to master every difficulty, has concert after concert made itself manifest . . . The concert on this occasion was given for the purpose of recruiting the funds of the body, but we regret to say the audience was by no means numerous, though probably no auditory assembled within the walls of the Exhibition Building ever displayed such rapt attention to the performance . . . Nor must we neglect to speak well of the band, who under the skilful leadership of Mr. King did much towards giving the work the richness and effect which the composer designed. The same credit must be assigned to Mr. Wray, the organist, who accompanied in a very judicious manner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell (conductor); Edward King (leader); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (organisation); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
"TORQUAY", Western Times [Exeter, Devon, England] (23 January 1858), 6 (PAYWALL)
The gratifying intelligence of the safe arrival at Melbourne of Mr. W. B. Wray, the late much respected organist of Upton Church, has been received. Mr. Wray writes that he is very much improved in health.
"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (31 March 1858), 5
The Melbourne Philharmonic Society gave their first subscription concert for the year last night, in the Exhibition Building. The audience was large, nearly twelve hundred persons being present, among whom were Major-General Macarthur, his Honor Judge Barry, President of the Society, and several members of Parliament. The concert, which consisted of Mozart's Twelfth Mass, and Beethoven's "Christus" - or as it is now generally styled in England, the "Engedi, or David in the Wilderness," was in every respect worthy of the character of the society . . . Mr. Gould [sic] conducted, and Mr. Ray [sic] presided at the organ. The latter gentleman is, we are sorry to learn, about to leave for England. His accidental presence last night was a valuable acquisition.
ASSOCIATIONS: Redmond Barry (president); Thomas Greeg Goold (conductor)
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 March 1858), 8
Handel's Grand Oratorio THE MESSIAH Will be performed by the Members of the
Prahran and St. Kilda Choral Society (assisted as undermentioned) at the Church of England School-Room, Chapel-street, Prahran,
On the EVENING of THURSDAY, 4th INST., In Aid of the INDIAN RELIEF FUND . . .
Conductor - Mr. Russell.
Organist - Mr. W. B. Wray (late organist at the Blind Asylum, Liverpool)
Leader - Mr. Leslie.
All of whom have given their gratuitous services . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell (conductor); Alexander John Leslie (violin, leader); Henry Wilkinson (secretary); Prahran and St. Kilda Choral Society (amateur organisation)
"TORQUAY", Western Times [Exeter, Devon, England] (27 March 1858), 7 (PAYWALL)
Mr. H. Elliott has received letter from Mr. W. B. Wray (late organist of Upton Church) in which he states that the marked improvement which has taken place in his health since his arrival at Melbourne, has induced him to prolong his stay in that colony. When he wrote, he had received an appointment as organist to a church, and had attained an excellent professional practice.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (14 April 1858), 4
For five months we have had sojourning amongst us one of the most accomplished musicians and executants of the day, - we refer to Mr. Wray, late organist of the Blind Asylum in Liverpool. In common with many others we had anticipated the pleasure of hearing from him an organ performance in the Exhibition Building, as we learnt that the Philharmonic Society had solicited the use of the building on his behalf. It seems, however, that the Government have declined to honor the request, on the ground that in granting the building it would be for a purely private purpose. Without attempting to impugn the general propriety of refusing the use of the Exhibition Building on such grounds, we may be permitted to state that, in the case in point, Mr. Wray has no alternative, as the only organ of magnitude in the city is that placed in the Exhibition Building, consequently the only room in which such a performance could take place. Under these circumstances we trust that the Government will relax in favor of Mr. Wray, and enable the lovers of true music to enjoy a treat which they are not likely to have offered them for many a long day.
. . . The Philharmonic Society, daily growing in importance and efficient strength, gave the first of their six annual performances for 1858, in the last week of March, in the Exhibition Building, our Victorian imitation of the Crystal Palace . . . Mr. Wray, of the Liverpool Blind Asylum, presided at the organ; en passant, Mr. Wray returns to England by the mail that conveys this edition of the Age, and his departure will be a matter of some regret among the musical fraternity.
. . . For Marseilles: . . . W. B. Wray . . .
England (1858-60):
[Advertisement], The Illustrated London News (10 July 1858), 40 (DIGITISED)
MR. W. B. WRAY, Professor of Harmony and Composition,
for five years Organist and Choir Master at the Blind Asylum, Liverpool,
will be happy to meet with another ENGAGEMENT as ORGANIST &c.
Just published. Wray's "Cambria Galop," 3s.
Friends requiring copies, please address Alfreton, Derbyshire.
[Advertisement], Western Times [Exeter] (15 January 1859), 4 (PAYWALL)
MR. W. B. WRAY, has the pleasure to announce a Grand Evening CONCERT,
In the above room, on MONDAY, the 17th of January inst.,
being his second appearance in public since his return from Australia.
ARTISTES. Miss J. PEPRELL, Soprano. Mr. J. ENGLAND, Baritone. Mr. H. ELLIOTT, Basso.
Mr. J. O. BROWNE, Professor of Music, (Organist of St. Paul's, Newton.)
Miss LIZZIE WRAY - aged 12 years.
Miss MARY AGNES WRAY - " 11 "
Master WALTER Wm. WRAY (Violin) - " 10 "
Miss AMY EDITH WRAY - " 5 "
Miss SARAH ANNE WRAY - " 4 " (The Youngest Vocalists in the World.)
Mr. W. B. WRAY, Conductor . . .
"NEWTON ABBOT . . . CONCERT", Western Times (22 January 1859), 6 (PAYWALL)
A very interesting concert was given in the Assembly Room, by Mr. W. B. Wray, organist, &c., of Torquay, assisted by several highly promising local artistes and the juvenile members of his family. The weather being exceedingly unfavourable, the attendance was not so numerous as could have been wished, but the same time must have been very gratifying to this very able professional gentleman. The juveniles, supported by two other male voices, formed a very unique choir, and performed several choruses with much effect and gratification to the audience. The indisposition of Mr. Wray prevented much exertion on his part, and at the solicitation of several influential parties present, Mr. Browne, the organist of St. Paul's Church, afforded his much valued assistance, accompanying on the harmonium . . .
[Advertisement], Hampshire Advertiser (19 November 1859), 5 (PAYWALL)
For SIX EVENINGS only, commencing MONDAY, November 21st.
The following eminent Artistes, patronised by their Imperial Highnesses the Princess Marie and the Princess Eugenie of Leuchtenberg,
will give a GRAND CONCERT in two parts: - MR. G. ENGLAND, Baritone Vocalist.
MISS L. WRAY, aged 12 years.
MISS M. A. WRAY, aged 11 years.
MASTER W. WRAY, aged 10 years (Violin).
MISS A. E. WRAY, aged 6 years.
MISS S. A. WRAY, aged 4 years.
And the Infant Prodigy, CECILIA WRAY, 2 years of age.
Conductor and Pianist, MR. W. B. WRAY . . .
"CONCERT BY THE WRAY FAMILY", Derbyshire Courier (10 March 1860), 2 (PAYWALL)
We wish call the attention of our musical friends the announcement in another column of this week's paper of a concert to be given on Wednesday evening next, by the Sisters Wray, a juvenile family of musicians and vocalists, who have deservedly won golden opinions wherever they have been heard. Besides their merit, they have another and a strong claim to public support. They come from the neighbouring town of Alfreton, and having been musically educated amid the hills and dales of Derbyshire, we hope they will receive bumper house. The youngest vocalist Miss Cecilia Blanche Wray, is only two and a half years old. There are six children, all very young, and Mr. W. B. Wray, the father of this precocious family, an exquisite accompanyist, is the conductor.
"MANSFIELD. THE LITTLE NIGHTINGALES", Nottingham Journal (16 April 1860), 3 (PAYWALL)
On Friday evening last the fire sisters Wray gave a concert at the Town-hall, Mansfield, previous to their departure for Australia. This interesting family consists of five sisters and one brother, whose ages vary from three to thirteen years, all of whom took part in the concert. Mr. W. B. Wray, the father to this musical family, presided at the pianoforte, and conducted the concert with his usual good taste. "Give that wreath to me," was beautifully sung Miss Cecilia Blanche Wray, the youngest vocalist in the world, having only arrived at the tender age of three years. The little lady was rapturously encored at the conclusion of her song. Verdi's "Moonlight and Melody," was sung in an efficient manner by Miss Wray, which brought thunders of applause from those present, when Miss Wray again repeated her song. "Come, Brothers, Tune the Lay," was one of the best hits of the evening, their little voices harmonizing deliciously in the chorus, the large and fashionable audience testifying their delight by reiterated rounds of applause. The concert, we are sorry to add, was not so well attended as on the last occasion, although the audience was large and highly respectable.
Melbourne, VIC (14 August 1860 to 1862):
Names and descriptions of passengers of Great Tasmania from Liverpool, 6 May 1860, for Melbourne, 14 August 1860; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Mr. W. B. Wray / 33 / Pianist
Mrs. [Wray] / 35 / Wife
Elizabeth / 13 // Mary / 12 // Walter / 11 // Amy / 8 // Sarah / 7 // Blanche / 3 // Florence / 1
"SHIPPING. HOBSON'S BAY. ARRIVED", The Age (16 August 1860), 4
AUGUST 14. - Great Tasmania, Black Ball ship, 2163 tons, Matthew Flynn, from Liverpool, 6th May . . .
By the ship Great Tasmania have returned to this colony Mr. and Mrs. Wray and family (the Nightingale family). It may be recollected that Mr. Wray was, prior to his leaving here, organist at the Brighton Church, and received great commendations from the public for his performances at the Philharmonic Institution. During his stay in England, he gave several entertainments, and we should say, from the following extract from one of the English papers, was very highly thought of:
Mr. Wray's musical family have honored us with two concerts, the first, which was under the charge of Mr. Ellison,
was given on Friday last, and drew a large assemblage of the elite of the town.
This interesting family consists of five sisters and one brother, whose ages vary from 2 1/2 to 13 years, all of whom take part in the concert.
Mr. W. B. Wray, the father of this musical progeny, presided at the piano-forte,
and conducted the concert with that uniform good taste which characterised his performances whilst acting as organist to the Blind Asylum in Liverpool.
The concert commenced with Jemuthlick's celebrated Wanderlied, "Juvallera," and was rendered very efficiently, the chorus being particularly well sustained;
this was followed by a musical duet, Mr. and Miss Wray presiding at the piano-forte, and Master Wray accompanying them on the violin.
Verdi's celebrated romanza, "Moonlight and melody," was beautifully sung by Miss Wray.
Moschelles' "Come brothers, tune the lay," was one of the best hits of the evening, the voices of the "little nightingales" harmonising deliciously in the chorus;
the large and fashionable audience testifying their delight by reiterated rounds of applause.
The gem of the evening, however, was decidedly "Give that wreath to me," composed posed by Sir George Stephenson [sic, John],
and admirably sung by that "phenomenon, in bibs and tuckers," Miss Cecilia Blanche Wray, the youngest vocalist in the world,
having arrived at the tender age of two years and a half.
It is really wonderful to hear how this little prodigy warbled forth its song, the articulation eminently clear and distinct and the notes perfection.
The little lady was rapturously encored at the conclusion of her song, when she repeated the last verse amidst thunders of applause.
The concert, was, ill fact, a grand success in every way, so much so, that Mr. Wray was strongly recommended to repeat the concert,
which he did on Tuesday evening.
[News], The Argus (6 September 1860), 5
A crowded room and a delighted auditory what more could be desired by vocalists presenting themselves for the first time to the Melbourne public? No doubt the Wray Family owed some portion of the warmth and heartiness of the applause which greeted them last evening at the Mechanics' Institute to the private friendship of many of those who were present on the occasion; but strangers must have acknowledged that the merit of the entertainment justified the cordial commendations with which it was received, and that the young ladies are not undeserving of the epithet bestowed upon them in the programme. Gifted with sweet and tunable voices, of average power, and (in one instance) of more than average compass, they have been thoroughly well disciplined in the management of those voices, have been carefully instructed in the art they cultivate, and sing with taste, feeling, and correctness. We have seldom heard anything better in its kind than the execution of the "Wanderlied (Juvallera)," the piano passages of which, as well as the nice gradations of colour which marked the transition from those of a forte character, were excellently given; while in the choruses and part songs, there was a harmony and precision which are often wanting in the delivery of vocalists of greater powers and higher pretensions. In the pianoforte duet, executed by Miss Wray and her father, the delicate, crisp touch of the latter was displayed to great advantage, and the fantasia was vehemently encored. The encores, indeed, were very numerous throughout the entertainment, and were well deserved. One of the "Little Nightingales," of the ripe age of three, with a small voice, and an innocent self-possession that was very amusing, bore off no inconsiderable share of the honours of the evening, and the whole family may be congratulated on having succeeded in establishing themselves in the public favour on their first essay.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisements], The Argus (12 September 1860), 8
THE NIGHTINGALES. Extract from Nottingham Journal.
"Those delicious warblers are admired by all who love good sound sterling music, which is at once purifying and ennobling.
People rise up nobler and better after hearing it, more disposed to do right, more anxious to be just.
It is the most innocent and gratifying entertainment that ever appeared in Nottingham, and we cordially recommend every family to hear this exquisite petite model choir."
TICKETS for the NIGHTINGALES' CONCERT TO-NIGHT, at the music shops.
4s, single; family, 10s. 6d., to admit four. Doors open at a quarter to 8; commence at a quarter past 8. Carriages at 10.
SEPTEMBER 12. - MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. TO-NIGHT, the SISTERS WRAY, or the Nightingales, under the patronage of the Right Worshipful The Mayor.
SISTER SARA ANNE MARIA WRAY will SING in six classical concerted pieces. Remember. TO-NIGHT.
MASTER WALTER. W. SERGE WRAY will SING, "Stars of the Summer Night." Dedicated to Captain Flynn.
RR. W. B. WRAY will PERFORM in two brilliant DUETS for pianoforte and violin.
SISTER LISETTE WRAY will SING Verdi's serenade "Moonlight and Melody," and the aria, "Roses Bloom."
SISTER MARIE AGNESS WRAY will SING, "On the Distant Prairie," and "Footsteps of Angels."
SISTER AMY EDITH WRAY will SING "Sunshine and Cloud" TO-NIGHT. Remember.
SISTER CECILIA BLANCHE WRAY, aged three years, will SING "Glve that Wreath," Must be heard to be believed.
BRIGHTON, Devonshire Hotel. - The SISTERS WRAY will give their DRAWINGROOM CONCERT on Monday next.
MR. W. B. WRAY and his NIGHTINGALES will shortly appear at Brighton, St. Kilda, and Williamstown.
"SUMMARY FOR EUROPE . . . SOCIAL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (24 November 1860), 2
Ballarat amusements, in doors and out of doors, are plentiful and various . . . The Charlie Napier Theatre has been the rendezvous of . . . more recently of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heir, both well known as players of great ability, and who removed thither from the Montezuma theatre. The latter house has only been open at intervals lately, and the public had there, as also afterwards at the Royal, an opportunity of listening to the well-trained voices of the Wray family, otherwise known as the "Little Nightingales." Some of these "Nightingales" were mere infants of three years and upwards, who sang very sweetly, but impressed some of their auditors with the thought that such little children would be better in bed than before the footlights at eleven o'clock at night . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert and Fanny Heir (actors); Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"THE WRAY FAMILY", Bendigo Advertiser (8 December 1860), 2
A very pleasing and elegant entertainment was given at the Mechanics' Institute last evening, for the first time in Sandhurst, by the Wray Family. Owing no doubt to the shortness of the notice which had been given of the concert and the high price of the admission - there was by no means the attendance commensurate with the merits of the entertainment. The whole of the family, consisting of five girls - the eldest of whom is about fourteen - and one boy, are, for their years, most accomplished musicians. Miss Wray, a very prepossessing young lady, sings very pleasingly, and is possessed of a voice of some compass; the second sister, Mary Agnes is also very clever, and the feeling manner in which she sang "Good News from Home," and "She was Sister to the Angels," is sufficient to prove she does not lack taste. Master Wray plays the violin very well, and sings some comic songs with considerable humour. Not the least diverting portion of the entertainment was the number of concerted pieces introduced throughout. The performers were accompanied by Mr. W. B. Wray, a gentleman who for many years was organist of the Blind Asylum at Liverpool; he is evidently a proficient at the piano, and, though evidently suffering severely from ill health, rendered most material assistance to the performances of the youthful and talented family. The three junior members, taking their very tender years into consideration, are equally as clever as their elder brother and sister. Altogether, we can advise all who may feel inclined to spend a pleasant evening to visit the Mechanics' Institute, and they will be much gratified by the entertainment.
[Advertisement], The Age (7 January 1861), 1
THEATRE ROYAL. Lessee: G. V. Brooke. Director: G. Coppin.
Immense success - nightly crowds of elite - Enthusiastic approbation of LITTLE JACK HORNER.
To render the week's festival worthy the continuation of such liberal patronage, the Management has engaged
THE FIVE SISTERS WRAY, Also, Master Wray, and Mr. W. B. Wray,
Who will appear in a GRAND MUSICAL SOIREE . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor, manager); George Coppin (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC. THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (12 January 1861), 2
The pantomime has been repeated every night during the week, and its attractions have been supplemented by the farce of the "Head of the Family," and the performances of the Wray children . . . The Wray family have sung several pieces of music every night, but their voices are scarcely powerful enough for the Royal . . .
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (14 January 1860), 6
The change in the weather, although generally hailed with satisfaction, did not tend on Saturday to encourage a large attendance at either the morning or evening performance at Cremorne Gardens, albeit that each had its special attraction. In the morning the Wray family appeared in a musical melange, and were supported by an efficient band. The few who summoned up resolution enough to face the cold wind that blew through the gardens, were apparently much pleased with the warbling of the juveniles, and the paucity of attendance seemed to fail of its usual effect on the spirits of the performers . . .
"LOCKING PASSENGERS IN CARRIAGES. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Argus (28 February 1861), 5
Sir, - I beg of you to use your influence, in trying to abolish the system of locking passengers in the carriages on our Victorian railways.
I, along with Mrs. Wray and the six "Nightingales," could have easily escaped after the great crash had taken place at Spencer-street on Tuesday;
but as all the birds couldn't fly out of the windows at once, we were compelled to sit for several minutes enveloped in steam and dust.
Our especial thanks are due to the Hon. G. Verdon for unlocking the doors, and allowing us egress at such a very critical moment.
I remain, Sir, yours sincerely,
61 King William-street, Fitzroy.
For a report of the incident, see [News], The Argus (27 February 1861), 5
[News], The Argus (12 March 1861), 5
Simple and unpretending as the materials at Mr. Wray's disposal ordinarily are, he generally contrives to give an agreeable entertainment, and the benefit concert to the "Littles Nightingales" at the Mechanics' Institute last night was no exception to the remark. The hall was well attended by a fashionable audience, and everyone remained to the last, and went away apparently gratified, which, considering this hot and trying weather, is saying a good deal. "The Little Nightingales" went through their programme in their usual pleasing manner, and obtained several encores, the more favourite items being "The Merry Little Gray Fat Man," by Master Walter and chorus, and the song and chorus "Scidamadinck." Miss Lisette Wray sang "The Captive Greek Girl" very nicely, and Master Walter Wray obtained, perhaps, the encore of the evening by his really clever performance of a solo on the violin, on which instrument he bids fair to be one day a proficient. The whole family have evidently excellent "ears for music," a gift which Mr. Wray has cultivated with assiduous attention. Hence they never offend, and generally please. "The Orpheus Union" made their second appearance, to much advantage, at least in the second part of the concert, and were twice encored. Their performances are so decidedly novel that we should be glad to see them extend their efforts, and give a concert of their own, of glees, part-songs, madrigals, &c, with the usual elements, vocal and instrumental, necessary for variety, incorporated with it. Miss Mortley, one of their number, sang "The Queen's letter," and was well accompanied on the pianoforte by Miss Rawley, a very young lady, and recently, we believe, a pupil of Mr. Wray's. Miss Rawley also accompanied Mr. Beaumont, and took part in a duett (pianoforte and harmonium) with Mr. Wray. She has a good touch, and kept excellent time, about the best qualifications for so young a player which, perhaps, she could possess. Mr. Wray gave a solo during the evening on Evans's patent new model harmonium. We should like to have heard the power and character of the instrument better brought out than it was by the selection made, for Mr. Wray's capacities as a performer are too well known to need comment from us.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Mortley (vocalist); Armes Beaumont (vocalist); Orpheus Union (organisation)
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 March 1861), 8
A CARD. Mr. W. B. WRAY. Professor of Music, Brighton - PIANOFORTE, Harmonium, Organ, and Singing TAUGHT.
"DEATHS", The Argus (8 April 1861), 4
WRAY. - Mr. W. B. Wray, organist, aged 36 years, deeply and deservedly lamented by his family and numerous friends; at Brighton, on the 7th inst.
[News], The Argus (8 April 1861), 4
We regret to have to announce the death, at 6 o'clock yesterday morning, of Mr. W. B. Wray, a gentleman well known to the musical world as an accomplished organist, and to the public generally as the father of "The Little Nightingales". Mr. Wray was formerly organist at the Blind Asylum in Liverpool, but was compelled to resign his appointment by the state of his health, to ameliorate which he resided for some years at Torquay on the coast of Devonshire. The peculiar nature of his complaint, consumption, subsequently induced him to visit this colony nearly three years ago. Many will remember with pleasure his performances upon the organ during his short stay, and while he had the post of organist of Brighton Church. He returned to England for the sake of advancing the professional interests of his young family but was again compelled to emigrate, and once more chose Victoria as his home. On his arrival here he gave seven concerts, which met with a liberal share of public patronage, and was, to the gratification of his friends, reinstated in his old situation. He was to have commenced his duties on the very day on which his career was terminated by the hand of death. On Thursday last the deceased gentleman was suddenly seized with a coughing fit while in the railway, and broke a blood-vessel. The accident terminated in his death. He has left a widow and seven children to deplore his loss.
[News], The Argus (11 April 1861), 5
The funeral of the late Mr. Wray took place yesterday afternoon, at Brighton Church. The deceased was held in much respect, and the funeral services, which were performed the Rev. - Taylor, minister of the church, and the Rev. C. T. Perks, of Richmond, were attended by a numerous congregation. The church choir was assisted by Mrs. Hancock, Mr. Ewart, and other professional friends of the deceased, and performed in the church Dr. Boyce's burial service; the 39th and 90th psalms, to Purcell's Burial Chant; and, after the lesson, Dr. Sainsbury's anthem, "Lord, let me know my end." While the body was being removed from the Church, the "Dead March" in Saul was performed on the organ. At the grave, previous to the benediction, Mr. G. Rutter's beautiful quartet, "And there shall be no more death," was sung by the choir in a very effective manner. The decease of so talented a member of the musical profession as Mr. Wray will be deeply lamented by a large circle of friends.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); George Oswald Rutter (composer)
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 April 1861), 8
For the BENEFIT of the WIDOW and SEVEN FATHERLESS CHILDREN of the late Mr. W. B. WRAY.
The members of the above society intend to give a performance of Haydn's Oratorio, The CREATION,
At the Exhibition Building, upon an early day, of which due notice will be given.
W. G. DREDGE, Hon. Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Gilpin Dredge (secretary)
"THE LATE MR. W. B. WRAY", Victorian Review: A Journal of the Volunteer Forces & Civil Service . . . (20 April 1861), 248 (DIGITISED)
The Philharmonic Society have, in the most generous manner, volunteered their services in aid of the widow and family of the late Mr. W. B. Wray, organist of Brighton. The deceased gentleman, it will be remembered, was proceeding in the train to his residence at Brighton, - the next day to be reinstated to his office as organist, - when he was seized with a fit of coughing, broke a blood-vessel, and died shortly afterwards. Mr. Wray, who was an organist of the most refined order, and had presided for many years at the fine instrument possessed by the Blind Asylum, at Liverpool, was born at Alfreston, in Derbyshire. The ravages of consumption induced him, however, to abandon his office for professional duties at Torquay, the climate of which place he trusted might ameliorate his sufferings. He subsequently visited Victoria with the same object in view, and his services were speedily secured for the organ at Brighton. On his return from England, whither business had called him, he brought with him his wife and family, - the latter having in the mother country achieved some unusual repute, under the title of the "Little Nightingales." The sudden but scarcely unexpected death of this respected gentleman, has thus thrown his widow and children on the world, entirely without the means of subsistence, for, as is well known, the chief success of the "Nightingales" was owing to their parents' careful training and supervision. The offer of the Philharmonic Society is appropriate and graceful, nor must we omit to state that professionals as well as amateurs have volunteered gratuitous services. We trust the public will honor the donors and themselves by a large attendance. The concert will consist of a representation of Haydn's brilliant oratorio "The Creation," and be held on Tuesday evening next, at the Exhibition Building.
[News], The Victorian Review: : A Journal of the Volunteer Forces & Civil Service . . . (27 April 1861), 258 (DIGITISED)
THE CONCERT given on Tuesday last by the Philharmonic Society, in favor of the family of the late Mr. W. B. Wray, was numerously attended, and passed off with great eclat. The band and chorus received accessions from all the neighboring districts by persons anxious to testify their appreciation of the many merits of the deceased. Mrs. Testar, one of the oldest members of the society, made her appearance once more in the foremost rank. Mr. Farquharson gave his valuable services, and Messrs. Russell and Pringle both took places in the band. Herr Elsasser conducted, and Mr. T. G. Goold presided at the organ.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Charles Elsasser (conductor)
See also "MELBOURNE (Victoria)", The musical times [London, England] (1 July 1861), 70 (DIGITISED)
"DEATH OF MR. WRAY", Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald (29 June 1861), 3 (PAYWALL)
We regret to announce the death of Mr. W. B. Wray, father of the family known as the little nightingales, and late organist and choir master at the Blind Asylum, in Liverpool, removed to Australia for the benefit of his health in May, 1860, in which climate his health greatly improved. He was giving a music lesson at Melbourne, when he was seized with a fit of coughing which ruptured a blood vessel; he lingered ten days, and died at his own home at Brighton, on Sunday, the 7th of April, 1861 - the very day on which his engagement as organist would have commenced at Brighton church. He has left a widow and seven children. A Melbourne paper says: - "The funeral of the late Mr. Wray took place yesterday . . ."
[News], The Argus (18 October 1861), 5
The Wray Family, or "Little Nightingales," made their reappearance at the Assembly-rooms, Brighton, on Wednesday evening last, before a crowded audience, and were assisted by the gratuitous services of a number of lady and gentlemen amateurs. The programme consisted of a good selection of songs and part songs; - several from the Orpheus collection, by Mendelssohn, Benedict, Kücken, and others, which were rendered in good style by the amateurs, the Tyrolese Volkslied, by Kücken, receiving a most hearty encore. These young people have certainly improved since their last appearance, and have never been heard to greater advantage. Several of their songs and choruses were enthusiastically encored. he pianoforte duet, performed by Miss Wray and Miss M. A. Wray, as also the pianoforte and violin duet by Miss Wray and Master Wray, deserve much praise, and were rewarded by genuine encores. Miss Mortley sang "Merry is the greenwood" with much credit and effect; and Mr. Beaumont's rendering of Balfe's "Riflemen form" called forth a rapturous encore. Mr. Coleman Jacobs presided at the pianoforte, and accompanied the "Little Nightingales" in a manner deserving much praise. We notice that the next performance will be in Williamstown, on Monday evening next, and that the same programme will be adopted.
ASSOCIATIONS: Coleman Jacobs (pianist)
[News], The Argus (15 November 1861), 4
The Nightingales' concert at the National Hall Collingwood, on Wednesday evening, was well attended, the room being filled in all parts. The children sang with unusual spirit, many of the songs and choruses being encored. Of the first, we would make particular mention of "Jamie o' the banks o' Dee," by Miss Wray, composed for that young lady by the late Mr. Wray; and "The Lucky Star," a new song, sang, for the first time in Melbourne, by Miss Mary Wray. The violin solo, by Master Wray, was excellent. The Wrays were assisted by some ladies and gentlemen amateurs, belonging to the Orpheus Society, who delighted the audience with their skilful sung part songs, as well as by some admirably performed solos by Miss Mortley and Mr. Beaumont. Mr. McGrath presided at the pianoforte in a very efficient manner.
ASSOCIATIONS: James McGrath (pianist)
[News], The Argus (13 September 1862), 4
It is not likely that many of our readers have forgotten the Wray family of "Nightingales," whose performances as juvenile musicians and singers of part-songs have so often delighted the public. Since the death of Mr. Wray, the father of the talented children, they have rarely come before the public, but now they have commenced a series of farewell concerts, at the termination of which they are to leave us for England . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 November 1862), 2
THIS DAY. Brighton.
sale of some Furniture, by Order of Mrs. Wray, Widow of the late W. B. Wray, Organist to the Brighton Church.
G. WALSTAB has received Instructions to SELL at AUCTION (in consequence of the departure of Mrs. Wray and the Little Nightingales for England),
at the cottage, in Beach-street, on Monday, 24th November, commencing at three o'clock. Furniture and effects
Extant musical works:
The morning light polka, composed on the voyage to Melbourne and dedicated to Captain Gillies, the officers and passengers of that splendid Black Ball Clipper, by W. B. Wray (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1857]); cover: "Gould litho." (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Gould (lithographer)
The champion of the seas polka, composed expressly for & respectfully dedicated to the owners of that magnificent vessel, by W. B. Wray ([no publication details] (Copy at the State Library of Victoria)
The charm schottisch, companion to the Gem polka, dedicated to the gentlemen of Birkenhead, by W. B. Wray (Liverpool: W. P. Dreaper, [n.d.]) (Copy at the State Library of Victoria)
Bibliography and resources:
"BYGONE DAYS. BY A. W. GREIG . . . Music on a Tombstone", The Argus (30 November 1940), 6
I am indebted to Mr. A. T. Latham (Brighton) for directing my attention to a tombstone in the old graveyard adjoining St. Andrew's Church of England, Brighton, which is unique in having several bars of music engraved upon it. It marks the resting place of W. B. Wray, an organist, who came to Australia in search of health, bringing with him a family of young children, whom he organised as a concert company under the name or the "Little Nightingales." They had some success at suburban musical entertainments and in the provinces in 1860, but in April, 1861, the father died suddenly from the breaking of a blood vessel. The mother appears to have made an attempt to carry on, for in October, 1861, the Wray family made their reappearance at the Assembly Rooms, Brighton, but I have not been able to trace their subsequent history.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Woolley Greig (historian)
WREDE, Robert William (Robert William WREDE; R. W. WREDE; R. WREDE)
Musician, music and musical instrument importer, seraphine and piano player, cornopean player, piano tuner, general importer and speculator, gold broker
Born London, England, 29 March 1817; baptised (Lutheran) St. Mary's Savoy chapel, 27 April 1817; son of Hermann WREDE (c. 1776-1841) and Agnes MILLER (c. 1780-1820)
Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, 23 February 1838 (per Upton Castle, from London, 12 October, and Plymouth, 16 October 1837)
Departed (1) Sydney, NSW, 20 September 1839 (per Anna Watson, for Batavia)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 4 March 1842 (per Eagle, from London)
Married Mary Ann HODGSON (1822-1883), St. James's church, Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 7 October 1843
Died Melbourne, VIC, 19 October 1857, aged "40" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Robert William Wrede was born in London on 29 March 1817, and baptised (as a Lutheran) at St. Mary's Savoy chapel, in the Strand, on 27 April, the youngest surviving child and second son of Herman Wrede (c. 1776-1841), musical instrument maker, and his first wife Agnes Miller (c. 1780-1820), who had married at St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, in the City of London, on 16 November 1806.
Arriving in Sydney in February 1838, Robert brought with him, among other speculative imports (including wines and building materials), a stock of music and instruments in February 1838. His fellow cabin passengers on the voyage out on the Upton Castle included George and Elizabeth Gipps, the incoming Governor and his wife, and a young merchant, Henry Walton, who was joining his brother Charles, already in the colony, where they traded together as commission agents, and also, during 1838, advertised pianos and seraphines for sale. Unrelated to the merchants, a musician, Humphrey Walton, was also a steerage passenger on the ship, and was plausibly the "Lad out of the Steerage who played exceedingly well" that Wrede recruited to perform for the cabin passengers on 19 October 1837.
In a letter to his father (Sydney, 24 March 1838, ed. Halfpenny 1967), Robert reported on his dealings with the Sydney musicseller Francis Ellard.
At least two Herman Wrede instruments imported by Robert, and sold by Ellard, still survive in Australian collections, a single key flute at the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences, Sydney, and a clarinet at Wesley Museum, Hobart.
Wrede returned to Melbourne to settle, in 1842, and on 7 October 1843, at St. James's church, married Mary Ann Hodgson, daughter of the merchant and later politician, John Hodgson.
Baptisms German Lutheran Church, Savoy, Strand, London, in 1817; UK National Archives, RG4/4627 (PAYWALL)
1817 / On the 29th of March was born in Mr. Herman Wrede of his wife Agnes a son, who was baptized on the 27th of April in our Church and received the name Robert William . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (10 February 1837), 3
Household Furniture, Glass, &c.
On the premises, occupied by Mrs. Jeffryes, No. 3, Liverpool street, near the Paddock, on
Wednesday the 15th inst. at 12 o'clock precisely,
ALL the valuable household furniture and effects, comprising an elegant chimney glass . . .
a very superior cabinet piano (by Wrede) . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (6 June 1837), 2
Merchandize and Furniture BY W. T. MACMICHAEL, at his Rooms, Elizabeth-street, on Wednesday the 14th instant,
at 12 o'clock precisely, without any : reserve
. . . An excellent upright piano, by Wrede . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (22 September 1837), 3
Elegant Household Furniture. MR. T. Y. LOWES, WILL SELL BY AUCTION,
At his Mart, (removed for the convenience of sale),on Friday 29th inst. at 12 o'clock,
the property of a gentleman who has retired to his estate in the interior . . .
An elegant upright piano, by Wrede, music stool . . .
Portsmouth to Sydney (14 October 1837 to 23 February 1838):
Journal, Robert William Wrede, extracts, per Upton Castle, Portsmouth, 14 October 1837, to Sydney, 23 February 1838; National Library of Australia, MS 9929; also ed. in Nicholls 2012, 1-45, passim (DIGITISED)
Saturday 14th October 1837 [Portsmouth] . . . landed at Portsmouth at 12 o'clock. Proceeded to the Kings Arms and had an excellent dinner off a couple of Fowls and a piece of Pork, after which we visited Mr. Marshall [shipping agent] who received us very kindly and tendered his services, informing us that he should expect us on board the Upton Castle to dine, at 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon, after which we were set to sail.
Sunday 15th [October 1837 - Portsmouth] . . . Attended Divine Service at the New Church, where I was much amused with the Band being used, instead of the Organ; the singing was completely confined to the Orchestra . . . On returning to the Kings Arms, I learned that Mr. Lang had been there for me, he called again at about 1/2 past 5 and I took the christian names and ages of his family; on reproaching him for not sending the Organ; he requested me to accompany him on the following morning to see it (DIGITISED)
Went a second time at 6 o'clock to the New Church, where Lang played the Double Bass.
Monday 16th October 1837. Lang having called, I accompanied him at 8 o'clock to a garret to see the Organ, which was certainly not worth house room; the dimensions were about 2 feet by 3; of the height I could not judge; it was the most miserable attempt at manufacturing I ever witnessed, the Pipes, if I may be allowed to give that name to some 5 to 6 water spouts which were shown me, were partly made of Wainscoat and partly of Deal, the Keys were only half finished, and indeed the whole concern would have been a disgrace to any Tailor, I therefore told Lang that I thought it would be much the best plan not to send it to London, but be sure not to omit sending what other Musical Instruments he might have, which he promised to do . . .
. . . proceed to the Upton Castle, which we joined at about 1/2 past 2 o'clock; I immediately introduced myself to Mr. Walton, who brought a letter from Herman [Wrede's elder brother] with one enclosed for Calcutta; after having waited in vain for the Governor, we sat down to Dinner, which Marshall took care to inform us, was unexceptionable; we had Champagne, Port, & Sherry, and that of the best. While we were at Dinner, the Governor & his Lady & little boy entered the Ship; the Governor is a determined looking man of about 55 years old - tall & thin; - Lady Gipps is rather pretty (DIGITISED)
of about 36 years, the Son, a beautiful child, is 5 or 6 years old. We set sail immediately after dinner, about 6 o'clock . . .
Wednesday 18th . . . Borrowed Mr. Walton's gun, and had 3 shots a Sea Gulls - brought one down - excellent fun! Had my Piano Forte & Seraphine removed outside into the large Cabin - made acquaintance with several Fellow Passengers - very few at Table today . . . (DIGITISED)
Thursday 19th October 1837 . . . In the Evening I did my best on the Piano Forte and Seraphine, and deeply regretted that it was no better as I had the whole of the Cabin Passengers & Officers, as an audience; afterwards procured a Lad out of the Steerage who played exceedingly well . . . (DIGITISED)
[Monday 23 October] . . . In the evening while I was having a hand at whist with the 1st Officer, the Governor's nephew, and Mr. Myer, in my own Cabin; we heard the music strike up to a dance - this was not to be withstood - the cards were thrown down and we ran; I did not attempt it myself, but derived satisfaction from watching the others foot it for 3 hours to a fiddle and fife; it was a very interesting sight to see such a strange medley; Cabin Intermediate & Steerage Passengers together with Sailors, Officers & Servants, all enjoying it with all their hearts; the Captain was the promoter of the fun; there is also some talk of getting up a play . . . (DIGITISED)
Sunday 29th Oct'r 1837 [at Madeira] Went this mornin early, to visit the Cathedral, which contained many fine pictures & images; there were about 8 priests officiating . . . The Organ is very ably handled. At 11 our party visited the English Protestant Church; this is a very neat little edifice, being round, and perfectly white in the interior, it contains a small Organ which was played most rascally . . . After lunch we (DIGITISED)
mounted some excellent horses, and visited a Church, high up in the Mountains, where I obtained permission to try the Organ which was a very good one, although much out of tune, made by England & Co. of London; it contained a twelfth, Sesquialtera, Cornet & Trumpet. On account of our having 2 Catholic Priests [Goold and Brady] in company, we were afterwards regaled with some excellent wine . . . (DIGITISED)
Wednesday Nov'r 1st 1837 [at sea] . . . In the evening, had some Singing, and Piano-Forte playing. Did not forget that I was this day an apprentice of 6 years standing . . . (DIGITISED)
Monday Nov'r 6th 1837 . . . Had a Dance this evening, but in consequence of the ill behaviour of the Girls, when in Madeira, not one of the Cuddy [cabin] Passengers would dance with them, so that it was but a miserable turn out. (DIGITISED)
Wednesday 8th Nov'r 1837 . . . Had a Dance this Evening; the best turn out we have had yet, as only 2 female Steerage Passengers were admitted; the party being composed of Cabin and Intermediate.
Thursday 9th Nov'r . . . Went up to the mast head this morning, and practised the Cornopean, which I should soon conquer, if I had a better pair of Bellows; I intend however to persevere
Friday 10th . . . Learned the use of the Quadrant and to find the Latitude. Took a pupil in Music, a Mr. Robinson, one that I shall be proud to call my friend. In the evening we had some fine Dancing, even Quadrilles were attempted.
Saturday 11th . . . Agreed to teach the Chief Mate Mr. Field, Music, and in return to learn Navigation of him. (DIGITISED)
Tuesday 14. Employed myself this morning tuning the Piano Forte but I do not expect it to stand, as it was, suffered to go so long without tuning. (DIGITISED)
[Thursday 16 November, crossing the equator, "the line"] . . . in the evening . . . the sailors gave Rule Britannia in style . . .
Friday 17 Nov'r 1837. This has been a very merry day . . . The fun commenced at 1/2 past 9, by playing the Fife, when . . . Neptune came, in style, seated in the Car, with his wife and daughter, and drawn about by a dozen of his attendants . . . (DIGITISED)
. . . [The whole affair terminated at about] 1/2 past 11, when Neptune left . . . but not before he had requested permission to come again in the evening and have a dance with Mrs. Neptune, which he received, and struck up a dance at about 1/2 past 6. Thus ends this such talked of Day, the ceremony. (DIGITISED)
Wednesday 22nd Nov'r 1837 . . . In the evening our Cabin Passengers favoured us with a dance; even Lady Gipps did not think it beneath her dignity of join us in a Quadrille. (DIGITISED)
[Monday 22 January 1838, at sea] [Unable to write my log yesterday on account of a terrible Storm . . .] . . . Chests were breaking loose in all directions; one unfortunately broke one of the legs of my Seraphine . . . (DIGITISED)
Thursday 22nd Feb'y 1838 [approaching Sydney] . . . Every body is busy packing up; I am ready of land at one hour's notice; I have removed my Piano and Seraphine into my cabin . . .
Friday 23rd [outside Sydney Heads] . . . At 12 A.M. a Steamer was in sight . . . the boat was at Sir George's service. We therefor hastened to dress and dine . . . After dinner, the Cabin passengers and Sir Geo.'s family were rowed to the Steamer . . . We did just anchor within the heads of the Cove before dark. (DIGITISED)
On landing I accompanied my Walton to find his brother who was lodging at a neat little cottage called Raile Cottage in George St. where I am at present quartered, at £2 per week.
Australia (from 23 February 1838):
"Ship News", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 February 1838), 2
We have been favoured with the following list of passengers, daily expected by the Upton Castle, sailed from Plymouth on the 16th October, 1837; Mr. Gilbert who accompanies His Excellency as Aid-de-Camp, although omitted in the following list, is said in the English Journals to have embarked on the Upton Castle: - Sir George Gipps, Lady Gipps, son, and four servants; Mr. J. Elliott, Mr. Henry Parker, Private Secretary, and Mr. Bather, part of Governor's suite; Rev. Thomas Steele and Lady, colonial chaplain; Captain T. W. Bordes, and Mr. R. W. Wrede, Royal Engineers [sic] . . . Mr. Walton, merchants . . . Rev. Messrs. Brady and Goold, catholic priests . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George and Gipps (governor and wife); James Alipius Goold (clergyman); John Brady (clergyman)
List of passengers on board the Upton Castle, Thomas Williams, Commander, arrived Sydney, February 1838; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Cabin - Sir Geo. Gipps, Lady Gipps . . . John Walton, Mr. Wrede . . .
Steerage . . . Mrs. Walton, Seamstress / 53
Sophia Walton / Governess / 18
Mr. Humphrey [Walton] / Teacher [of] Music / 19 . . .
George Boulton / [Tailor] / 21 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert William Wrede (musical instrument importer); Humphrey Walton (musician); George Boulton (tailor, musical amateur)
Journal, Robert William Wrede, extracts, Sydney, 24 February to 7 May 1838; National Library of Australia, MS 9929; also ed. in Nicholls 2012, 47, 48, 49, 53, 62-63 (DIGITISED)
Saturday, 24th February 1838: Took a long walk before breakfast, after which I called on Mr. Ellard and had but a cool reception with an invitation to dinner; but as I was not without the means of procuring it elsewhere, I declined it. No music shop in London is worthy of being compared to Mr. Ellard's in point of elegance . . .
Monday 26th . . . Called on Mr. Ellard and Mr. Sparke; afterwards waited on Mr. Campbell who received me very kindly, and told me that he had 2 instruments still on hand and another sold, but not paid for; also that the damaged Rosewood one fetched £80. (DIGITISED)
Wednesday 28th . . . Met Mr. Ellard when he was more chatty, and more jealous than ever, as it is his opinion that I intend setting up in Sydney to his loss; he told me he had heard I had been appointed Surveyor to the Customs, and would not believe me when I assured him to the contrary . . . (DIGITISED)
. . . Tuesday 20th March . . . Very busy all day - sold all my small instruments to Ellard at invoice price - and Music at 1/2 price to be paid in 2 bills as 6 and 12 months. Rather too long credit for such a young beginner.
Friday 23rd . . . Sent Ellard his goods, and let a name in one of the square Piano Fortes . . . (DIGITISED)
Monday 7th May . . . Went to Mr. Ellard's and saw Mr. Kohler's letter to him. Ellard complained of not may having ordered them; I soon set his mind at ease on this point, and was told I should be paid in cash at the end of the next month . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (musicseller)
Letter [extracts], Robert William Wrede, Sydney, 24 March 1838, to his father, Mr. H. Wrede, 35 Lr. Whitecross St., Cripplegate, London; ed. Halfpenny 1967
Sydney, March 24, 1838.
My Dear Father, Although I only wrote you a few days since and [you] will only receive that letter with this -
still I am sure you will not object to paying for another letter if it contains any additional news.
As I believe I wrote you before I have sold the lot of Hats for £30.6.0 and Umbrellas for £16.
Three months' bill I believe - although the party wants it at 4 months.
Never send Hats made to this colour again unless you can get them a little cheaper . . .
The Umbrellas were much too good. Shop goods bought of Rutter or Black (these names are well-known here) fetch as good a price.
I have disposed of all my small Musical Instruments and Music to Ellard at invoice price with the exception of Music paper for which I charged him 50/- per Ream, but I will give you particulars. I first sent him the goods he ordered in his last letter, amounting to £87. 1 .6 according to list of prices sent through Dettmer: of this he will pay me the balance of the £50 in ready money. I next sent him the residue of Instruments in his first order amounting to £101 - 13 - 0 also according to Dettmer's prices, this to be paid before I leave the Colony; lastly I have sold him the whole of my Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes and Seraphines excepted amounting to £391 - 15 - 3 invoice price, and Music amounting to £110 - 12 - 7 at 1/2 price, to be paid in 2 bills of 6 and 12 months. I hope you will not think I have been too hasty in the matter. I can assure you I have done my best-the fact is that Ellard is the only man in the Colony who is able to take such a large invoice, he having the whole of the Music business in his own hands - as for dividing it, the most saleable articles would have been withdrawn and the rest left on my hands . . . I think I may consider the best square Piano Forte as sold for £75 but nothing is sure till you have the money in your hands . . .
March 28. As the vessel to England will not sail this morning I am able to add more to this short letter as I intended it to be. Excuse me if in the first place I digress from business and mention that tomorrow will be my 21st birthday, when I shall be of age, and come to my fortune as the English papers would say, if some rich heir: I intended 6 months ago to keep it in style among my friends in England: but since during that time I have experienced a wonderful change and have travelled upwards of 16 thousand miles and am now in their antipodes - I shall keep it - but in a different way - I shall keep it to myself and allow it to blow over as any ordinary day . . . No article pays here as well at present (Musical Instruments perhaps excepted) as Cape wine - it costs 6 or 7 pounds and sells for 14 or 15 and is entirely in the hands of one house here. Mr. Walton offers to put down £300 and join me in sending for wine to double that amount as he knows that I have a relation there who could supply me - I would willingly do it if I thought Frederick could raise a like sum on your account . . .
Every day in the Colony discloses to me fresh means of making money, of which I hope hereafter to benefit. Oh! that I had £5,000 placed now at my disposal, I would pledge myself to double it in 2 years, and that in the easiest manner possible . . . This is now Saturday the 31 March, on Monday next I shall go into the interior for 10 days or so, and hope on my return . . . I shall next week accompany Mr. Walton to his station in the interior; as I have now all my Piano Fortes in tolerable trim, my absence for io days will not interfere with business . . . I shall write you immediately on my return . . . I shall be able to tell of sales of Piano Fortes, as several of them are at present under consideration, they do not go off as quickly as I expected.
Give my kind love to Mother, Herman, Robert Miller, Uncle, Aunt, Mr. & Mrs. Kohler, Bitter, Page and Barron . . .
I remain my dear Father, your ever dutiful & affect'e Son,
R. W. Wrede.
"HOBART TOWN GENERAL TRADE LIST . . . EXPORTS", The Hobart Town Courier [TAS] (28 September 1838), 4
Sept. 24. - Hetty, (schooner) 107 tons, T. Stephenson, master, for Port Phillip, T. Lucas, agent . . . sundry packages of saws, spades, nails, canvas, boots, cement, &c., R. W. Wrede . . .
[Advertisement], Southern Australian [Adelaide, SA] (16 January 1839), 2
For Sale.
CABINET PIANOS, by Wrede, 6 1/2 octaves
Cottage ditto, by Clementi, 6 octaves
Guitars, flutes, clarionets, and accordions . . .
JOHN WALKER, 75, Hindley-street.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Port Phillip Gazette [Melbourne, VIC] (1 June 1839), 2
On Wednesday last, from Launceston, the barque Britomart, Smith, with sheep and horses. Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Von Stiglitz, Mr. C. A. Von Stiglitz . . . Mr. Wredy [sic], Mr. Kinnear, and 11 in the steerage.
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVALS . . . YESTERDAY", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (23 August 1839), 3
WILLIAM BRYAN, (ship) 312 tons, Roman, master, from Port Phillip the 16th day of August. CARGO - General Merchandise. PASSENGERS - Messrs. Wrede, Lewis, and Chapham.
"Shipping Intelligence. DEPARTURES", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 September 1839), 2
For same place [Batavia], same day [yesterday], - the barque Ann Watson, Captain Stewart, in ballast. Passenger - Mr. Wrede.
"IMPORTS", The Melbourne Argus (12 November 1847), 2
November 10. - Thomas Hughes, from London . . . 2 cases musical instruments, R. W. Wrede . . .
"PORT PHILLIP SHIPPING. ARRIVED", The Sydney Daily Advertiser (14 October 1848), 2
Arrived. - October 2. (At Geelong) Berkshire, ship, 500 tons, John Whyte, commander, from Plymouth 10th June . . . Cargo: . . . 1 case musical instruments, R. W. Wrede . . .
"IMPORTS", The Melbourne Daily News (20 November 1848), 2
November 18. - Vixen, barque. - from London . . . 2 cases pianos, R. W. Wrede . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 April 1855), 3
PIANOS - A variety just imported. Apply to Mr. Wrede, at Mr. Hodgson's office, Bank-place.
"DIED", The Argus (21 December 1857), 4
On the 19th inst., at Studley Grange, after a lingering illness, R. W. Wrede, Esq., aged 40 years.
[Advertisement], The Age (9 March 1859), 7
THIS DAY. Studley Park. At the Residence of the late R. W. Wrede Esq., Household Furniture.
Cottage Cabinet Piano, by Collard and Collard. Splendid Alabaster Ornaments. Valuable Oil Paintings. Carriage, Horses and Harness.
To Parties Furnishing, Dealers, and Others.
SYMONS and PERRY have received instructions from the executrix of the late R. W. Wrede, Esq.,
in consequence of her departure to England, to sell by auction, at her residence, Studley Park, on Wednesday, 9th inst., at twelve o'clock,
The whole of the household furniture and effects, consisting of -
Splendid cottage cabinet piano, by Collard and Collard 6 7-8 octaves, with makers certificates . . .
Very beautiful and chaste alabaster ornaments
5 choice and valuable paintings, after Raphael, Carracci, Cuilicino, and Correggio . . .
The alabaster ornaments and pictures are well worthy the attention of connoisseurs. Terms of Sale.
Instruments in Australian collections:

Single key flute, by Hermann Wrede, London, by 1837; Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, NSW
See also:

Clarinet, by Herman Wrede, London, by 1837; Wesley Museum, Hobart
Played by Mr. Charles Giles (Kent, England) at the opening of the Wesleyan Chapel, Melville Street, Hobart Town, October 1840; presented by the Rev. C. C. Dugan; "Sold in Australia by F. Ellard, Sydney"
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Giles (musician)
Other sources:
Journal, Robert William Wrede, 1837-41; National Library of Australia, MS 9929 (also ed. in Nicholls 2012, below) (DIGITISED)
Detailed journal describing Wrede's travels, his business and financial activities, and his social life. It begins with his voyage from Plymouth to Sydney and refers to travels to Berrima, Goulburn and Boorowa, an overland journey to Port Phillip, visits to Launceston, Hobart, New Norfolk, and Adelaide, and lengthy stays at Melbourne. There are accounts of meetings with Aborigines, dances, kangaroo hunting, horse racing, cricket matches, various flirtations, and his engagement in Melbourne to Marianne Hodgson. There are many references to sales and auctions of musical instruments, financial disputes and land purchases. The journal ends with the return journey to England, on various ships. It took 16 months and included stays at Surabaya, Singapore, Penang, Calcutta, Madras, Trincomalee, Port Louis (Mauritius), Cape Town and St Helena. Also a letter from P. Monaghan to Wrede, 18 Jan. 1853.
Papers of Robert Wrede and John Hodgson (1840-57); State Library of Victoria
Papers, 1840-1857. John Hodgson's papers include a New South Wales goldfield's diary, 10-27 June 1851;
visiting cards c. 1840-1860; and an album of manuscript music (MSS 9207, 1814/5) including two goldfield's compositions.
Robert Wrede's papers include a Melbourne business letter book, 1842-1848; British passport;
house plan c. 1860; diary of English trip 10 February - 13 October 1853;
sketches of the Intercolonial boat races n.d.; and family photographs.
Other papers include gold accounts and farm accounts, ledgers and printed material. Also a suede coin purse.
Bibliography and resources:
Eric Halfpenny, "Music trading in the Antipodes in the early nineteenth century", The Galpin Society Journal 20 (March 1967), 100-02 (PAYWALL)
Peter Nicholls (ed.), A wonderful change: the story of Robert Wrede including his journal 1837-41 ([Australia]: Author,, 2012) (PREVIEW)
Rosemary Richards, "'Heart, my heart, why so sad?': two migrants to Melbourne and their manuscript music collections", in Rosemary Richards and Julja Szuster (eds), Memories of musical lives: music and dance in personal musical collections from Australia and New Zealand (Melbourne: Lyrebird Press/Editions de l'oiseau-lyre, Australia, 2022), 28-52
Robert William Wrede, Find a grave
WRIGHT Brothers (2 brothers; J. WRIGHT; ? WRIGHT)
Musicians, violinists, cellist
Active VIC, SA, WA, 1857-60 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
The two Wright brothers, string instrumentalists, are documented as having given entertainments with comic singers in rural Victoria and South Australia between 1858 and 1860.
Most interesting, however, is their brief tour to Western Australia early in 1860, where, as one of the few rare visiting musical acts, they reportedly drew large and admiring audiences in Perth and Fremantle.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (15 March 1858), 3
Concert. MESSRS. WRIGHT BROTHERS, Violinists, late of the Strand Theatre, London,
and Messrs. Walters and Daniels, of Sydney, have arrived in Beechworth, and will give their
VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL ENTERTAINMENTS, at Mooney's Concert Hall, Ford Street, on Monday, March 15th, and other evenings during the week.
Descriptive Scena, Songs, Ballads, Solos, (Violin,) Comic Songs, local and characteristic.
To commence at Eight o'clock. Admission, Front Seats, 2s.; Back Seats, 1s. Select Ball after Concert.
ASSOCIATIONS: W. Walters (vocalist); H. H. Daniels (vocalist)
"ROBE TOWN REGATTA (From a Correspondent)", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (28 March 1859), 3
This event came off on the 17th March . . . The Regatta over about forty or fifty persons partook of an excellent dinner provided by the new host of the Robe Hotel, Mr. P. McQueen. During the evening there was a performance in the Hall of the Robe Hotel, conducted by Messrs. Wright brothers, violinists, assisted by Mr. Dixon, comic singer; three young men of very modest demeanor, possessed of great abilities, and well worthy of encouragement. This performance was succeeded by a ball (the music by the Messrs. Wright), and was kept up until daylight.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Dixon (comic vocalist)
"NAIRNE [From our Correspondent]", The South Australian Advertiser (8 April 1859), 3
. . . On the 5th of April a few lovers of sweet sounds were agreeably entertained by the Messrs. Wright Brothers, whose performances gave the liveliest satisfaction. The violin playing awakened great interest - the Cuckoo solo in particular - many persons scarcely comprehending how such sounds could be produced. The evening's entertainment was agreeably diversified, by a few feats of legerdemain, and by various scenes from the magic lantern. Mr. Dixon's comic songs were highly entertaining. In fact the evening was altogether a most pleasant and agreeable one, and it is only to be regretted that a more numerous audience was not present to share in the gratification.
MUSIC: The cuckoo solo (traditional)
"KOORINGA [From our own Correspondent] Kooringa, May 4", South Australian Register (6 May 1859), 3
Messrs. Wright Brothers & Dixon have given a series of entertainments here, consisting of musical pieces and singing, conjuring tricks, gymnastic feats, phantasmagorical and dissolving views, chromatropes, &c. The violin solos of Mr. J. Wright are really good, and his playing on one string recalls the remembrance of more celebrated performers. The same gentleman in his bending and balancing is also very excellent. Mr. Dixon's songs are very amusing, and delivered with great oddity of manner. The magic-lantern views were very pretty, and the chromatropes, or Chinese lights, were beautiful. On Tuesday evening a ball took place at the hotel at which they played, and delighted the votaries of Terpsichore with the excellent music they discoursed, especially the laughing polka, each good time being kept that few could miss dancing to it.
"CASTERTON . . . WRIGHT BROTHERS AND DIXON", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser [VIC] (2 December 1859), 3
These accomplished violinists performed here on the evenings of the 25th and 26th instant, in Mr. Chaffey's Assembly Room, before a large company who were highly gratified with their masterly playing. Mr. Dixon's comic songs appeared to afford to the audience great amusement, which they notified by loud applause. Their phantasmagoria or dissolving views were exceedingly good - the amusements of the evening concluded with a dance.
? "ROBE TOWN [From our own Correspondent] Robe, Guichen Bay, January 7", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (10 January 1860), 3
The Christmas holidays have passed off very quietly . . . The greatest amusement of the season is expected next week at the races, when, in addition to them, Wright Brothers, the comedians, are expected; also, a brass band to perform at the balls, five or six of which are to take place . . .
"Local and Domestic Intelligence", The Inquirer and Commercial News [Perth, WA] (14 March 1860), 2
The Messrs. Wright, lately arrived from the neighbouring Colonies, gave a Musical Entertainment on Monday evening at Mr. Fordred's rooms, which were thronged with visitors on the occasion. The amusements consisted of performances on the violin, which are described as excellent, the exhibition of the phantasmagoria, and sundry feats of legerdemain. The amusements will be resumed this evening.
"General Intelligence", The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (16 March 1860), 2
During the week Messrs. Wright, Brothers, have given two of their entertaining evening performances. The musical portion, consisting of Violin and Violincello solos and duetts, evinced these gentlemen's complete mastery over their instruments, and was greatly admired by crowded audiences,. The performances in Natural Magic created no little amusement and astonishment.
"Local and Domestic Intelligence", The Inquirer and Commercial News (21 March 1860), 2
The Messrs. Wright have continued their entertainments to good audiences. They have recently employed Mr. Cole's large room, as affording increased accommodation.
[Advertisement], The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (6 April 1860), 1
String Band - Wright, Brothers (from Strand Theatre London) . . .
[Advertisement], The Inquirer and Commercial News [Perth, WA] (11 April 1860), 2
Messrs. Wright, Brothers,
Assisted by Mr. McKINLAY, Comic Vocalist,
INTEND giving their farewell performances at Mr. Cole's large Room
TO-NIGHT and during the Races.
N.B. - Balls and private parties attended.
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (4 June 1860), 3
Messrs. WRIGHT BROTHERS, Violin Soloists, Mr. FRED. SAMS, Comic Vocalist and Flautist,
Mr. H. DANIELS, late of the Princess Theatre Melbourne,
Intend giving a Varied and Amusing Entertainment,
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederic Sams (comic vocalist, flautist)
[Advertisement], The Tarrangower Times and Maldon District Advertiser (12 June 1860), 3
The celebrated French Opera Dancers, MADEMOISELLE THER[E]SE, AND MONS. SCHMIDT,
The greatest Artistes in the colonies, in conjunction with the favorite Concert Company,
MESSES. WRIGHT BROTHERS, Solo Violinists, late of the Strand Theatre; London, and
MESSRS. H. H. DANIELS AND FRED SAMS, Comic Singers, &c., from the Melbourne Theatres and Concerts.
Doors open at half-past 7, to commence at 8 o'clock.
Admission, 2s.; Front Seats, 3s.
"CLUNES (From our own Correspondent) 28th June", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (29 June 1860), 2
We have had a very agreeable treat here the last two evenings by the appearance of Messrs. Wright Brothers, violinists, Messrs. Daniels, Fred. Sams, and others, comic and sentimental vocalists. The entertainment was of a varied character, comprising most exquisite instrumentation by Messrs. Wright, comical effusions by Daniels and Sams, choice national melodies by a gentleman I wot not of, natural magic cleverly illustrated by deceptive adroitness, and dissolving views with beautifully managed chroma rope effects. Mr. J. Wright's solos on the violin could hardly be surpassed by the renowned Miska Hauser, and the vis comica shown by Sams in his character songs, was rich and rare. Altogether the entertainment was of unusual excellence, but indifferently patronised.
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist, toured Australia 1854-58)
WRIGHT, Mr. (Mr. WRIGHT), probably John WRIGHT
Musician, instrumentalist (theatrical orchestra)
Married Catherine CRADDOCK, St. John's, Parramatta, NSW, 13 February 1842
Active Sydney, NSW, 1841-51 (shareable link to this entry)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. John Parramatta in the county of Cumberland in the year 1842; register 1839-56, page 51; St. John's Anglican Church Parramatta (PAYWALL)
No. 210 / John Wright of this Parish bachelor and Catherine Craddock of this Parish Spinster were marrided in the Church by Banns this [13 February 1842] . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. James, Sydney,in the years 1841, -43, -45, and -48; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
Baptised 4 April 1841 / born 13 February 1841 / Sarah Ann & Jane / [twin daughters of] John & Catherine / Wright / Liberty Plains / Labourer
Baptised 2 July 1843 / born 16 May 1843 / John Thomas / [son of] John & Catherine / Wright / Bathurst St. / Labourer
Baptised 10 August 1845 / born 12 July 1845 / Catherine Ann / [daughter of] John & Catherine / Wright / Castlereagh St. / Musician
Baptised 1 October 1848 / born 5 August 1848 / Thomas William / [son of] John & Catherine / Wright / Hunter St. / Musician
"UNCLAIMED LETTERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 January 1843), 2
. . . John Wright, musician . . .
"ROYAL CITY THEATRE, MARKET-STREET", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 May 1843), 2
The Public is most respectfully informed, that every arrangement connected with this establishment being completed,
the Proprietors have the honour to announce their OPENING NIGHT for SATURDAY, the 2Oth May . . .
The Orchestral Selection for the evening which will be performed previous to the several Pieces, and between the Acts, include Haydn's Symphony, No. 2; Mozart's Overture to L'Irato; Rossini's Overture to Il Barbiere di Seviglia, and Brilliant Arrangements of Strauss Valses.
The Band comprises the following instrumental Performers -
Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Walton, Mr. Wallace, senior; Mr. Portbury,
Mr. Walker, Mr. Adams, Mr. Wright, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Andrews.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, manager); James Belmore (manager); Spencer Wellington Wallace (violin); Thomas Leggatt (oboe); Humphrey Walton (musician); Spencer Wallace (senior) (musician); Benjamin Portbury (musician); Mr. Walker (musician); Robert Adam (musician); Joseph Gautrot (violin); George Strong (violin); Mr. Andrews (musician); City Theatre (Sydney venue)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 April 1845), 2
MONDAY EVENING, April 14, 1845 . . .
The Orchestra - Mr. J. Gibbs, Leader; Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. Friedlander, Mr. E.
Deane, Mr. W. Deane, Mr. Westroppe, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Wright . . .
T. SIMES, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (leader, violin); John Philip Deane (violin); Edward Smith Deane (cello); William Deane (double bass); William Friedlander (musician); Zachariah Westrop (musician); Henry Charles O'Flaherty (musician); Stephen Turner (musician); Michael Vaughan (musician); Thomas Simes (actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Morning Chronicle (28 May 1845), 3
MISS HINCKESMANN . . . intends giving a GRAND EVENING CONCERT . . .ON FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1845 . . .
Leader, MR. GIBBS - Conductor, MR. JOHNSON (Organist of St. James's) . . .
The Theatrical Band will comprehend Messrs. O'Flaherty, Deane, E. Deane,
W. Deane, Turner, Friedlander, Westrop, Adams, Wright, Vaughan;
and will be assisted by the Members of St. Patrick's Band, who have kindly consented to give their valuable services upon this occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Hinckesman (pianist); James Johnson (accompanist, conductor); St. Patrick's Band (group)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (24 March 1849), 3
On Friday Evening, 30th March. Mr. Deane will be assisted by . . .
Messrs. Deane, Guerin, Friedlander, Strong, Turner, Vaughan,
Hudson, Ducros, Wright, and . . . the splendid BAND OF THE 11th REGIMENT . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Guerin (musician); George Strong (musician); George Hudson (musician); John Henry Ducros (musician); Band of the 11th Regiment (military band)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 April 1850), 1
GRAND CONCERT . . . at the Royal Victoria Theatre,
on Wednesday Evening, the 3rd of April instant . . .
Mr. Deane will be assisted by . . . Mr. Stanley, Mr. Gibbs, Messrs. Guerin,
Friedlander, Strong, Turner, Vaughan, Vaughan, jun., Hudson, Ducros, Wright, several Amateurs of talent,
and . . . the splendid Band of the 11th Regiment.
Leader, Mr. Gibbs, Conductor, Mr. Deane. Mr. Stanley will preside at the Pianoforte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stanley (pianist); Robert Vaughan [junior] (musician)
Musician, vocalist, cornet player, songwriter
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1853 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 May 1853), 12
Studley Arms, Wellington-street, Collingwood.
GRAND CONCERT On Saturday May 7th instant.
Glee - See our Oars.
Mr. Hill - The Slave - Pell.
Mr. Laberne (comic) - The Deluded Emigrant - Thatcher.
Mr. Levison - Man the Life Boat - Henry Russell.
Mr. Wright (comic) - Black Jack, the Digger - Wright.
Mr. Cumming - Let me like a Soldier fall - Wallace.
Mr. Trevor - The Flying Dutchman - John Parry.
Mr. Hill - Little Nell - Linley.
Mr. Laberne (comic) - The Lively Flea - Ross.
Mr. Levison - Some love to roam - Henry Russell.
Mr. Wright (comic) - Kind Relations.
Mr. Cumming - Shells of Ocean - Calcott [sic]
Pianist and Musical Director, Mr. Trevor.
Violin - Mr. Hill.
Cornet - Mr. Wright.
F. Jackson, Manager.
Concert to commence at half past 7 o'clock. Admission 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Leveson (vocalist); George Laberne (vocalist); Charles Thatcher (songwriter); Joseph Robinson Trevor (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (18 May 1853), 12
STUDLEY ARMS, Wellington-street, Collingwood.
GRAND CONCERT, This Evening, Wednesday, 18th May, 1853.
PROGRAMME. First Part.
Chorus - Gipsies' Tent -
Mr. Hill - The Old Arm Chair -
Mr. Dawson - (Comic) All There! - Dawson.
Mr. Rigby - Man the Life Boat - H. Russell.
Mr. Wright - ( Comic) Horrible Taste -
Mr. Trevor - The [REDACTED] - Trevor.
Second Part.
Mr. Hill - Ben Bolt - Rainer.
Mr. Dawson - (Comic) The good time come at last - Dawson.
Mr. Rigby - The Wolf.
Mr. Wright - Black Jack the Digger - Wright.
Chorus - Cigars and Cognac.
Pianist and Musical Director, Mr. Trevor.
Cornet - Mr. Wright.
Violin - Mr. Hill.
Manager, F. Jackson.
Concert to commence at half-past Seven o'clock. Admission, One Shilling.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Dawson (comic vocalist)
WRIGHT, Claudius (Claudius WRIGHT)
Musician, trumpeter, military bandsman
Born "Cairo" / "Bombay", c. 1815; son of Claudius WRIGHT
Enlisted 1st Regiment of Life Guards, London, England, 20 January 1830, aged "15"
Married Jane Ann SMITH, St. George, Hanover Square, London, 18 May 1846
Discharged Regents Park Barracks, London, England, 17 June 1854, aged "39"
Arrived Sydney, NSW, November 1855 (assisted immigrant per Ramillies)
Died Sydney, NSW, 20 July 1868, aged "53" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

State band of the 1st Life Guards, from "The funeral procession of Arthur, duke of Wellington" [London, 16 November 1852]; Samuel Henry Gordon Alken and George Augustus Sala; Ackermann & Co., 1 March 1853; National Portrait Gallery, London (DIGITISED)
1846, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. George Hanover Square in the county of Middlesex; register 1846, page 107; City of Westminster Archives (PAYWALL)
214 / May 18 / Claudius Wright / full age / Bachelor / Soldier / Knightsbridge / [son of] Claudius Wright / Soldier
Jane Ann Smith / full age / Spinster / - / Davies Street / [daughter of] William Smith / Publican . . .
Discharge, 1st Regiment of Life Guards, no. 400 Claudius Wright, London, 17 June 1854; UK NAtional Archives, WO97/0011/137 (PAYWALL)
. . . 1st Regiment of Life Guards . . . Regents P'k B'ks 17th June 1854
. . . Discharge of No. 400 Claudius Wright Trumpeter . . . by Trade a Musician was Born at Kairo in East India,
and was ATTESTED for the First Regiment of Life Guards at London in the County of Middlesex
on the 20th January 1830 at the Age of 15 Years . . .
the SERVICE up to this day . . . amounts to 21 years 151 days . . .
CHARACTER and CONDUCT . . . Extremely Good . . .
Detailed statement of service . . . Trooper / 18 January 1830 / Under Age
Trooper / 18 January 1833 / 2 years 14 days
Promoted Trumpeter / 1 February 1835 / 19 years 137 days . . .
MEDICAL REPORT . . . is unfit for the duties of the Reg't in consequence of a large abdominal tumor
and a very broken up state of the general health.
His present condition would seem owing to long service in connection, perhaps, with the nature of his duties.
His symptoms have not been produced by design or aggravated by vice . . .
Age 29 5/12 Years [calculated from enlistment] . . .
List of assisted immigrants, per Ramillies, arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 November 1855; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Wright Claudius / 40 / Groom / [born] Bombay
[Wright] Jane / 34 / Wife / - . . .
"CORONER"S INQUEST", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 July 1868), 4
. . . An inquiry respecting the death of a man, named Claudius Wright, was also held before the City Coroner yesterday. Deceased was a tidewaiter and about 50 years of age. For some time past he appears to have suffered ill health, but procured no medical advice. He resided with Mr. Thomas, of Gloucester street. On Sunday night he retired to rest in his usual health, but on the following morning was found dead in bed. The medical evidence went to show that death had resulted from natural causes, probably disease of the heart, and a verdict to that effect was returned by the jury.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1868), 1
On the morning of the 20th, at his residence, Gloucester-street, Church-hill, suddenly of disease of the heart, Mr. CLAUDIUS WRIGHT, tidewaiter H. M. Customs, late of the Band First Life Guards, aged 53 years, much respected by all who knew him.
WRIGHT, George Henry (George Henry WRIGHT; Mr. G. WRIGHT)
Musician, bassoonist (theatrical orchestra), bandsman, Band of the 12th Regiment
Arrived (with 12th Regiment) Melbourne, VIC, 18 October 1854 (per Camperdown, from Cork, 8 July)
Discharged (12th Regiment), Sydney, NSW, 31 January 1860
Active Sydney, NSW, until 1863 or later (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 12th Regiment (military band)
Paylist, 12th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1854 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2587 / Wright George H. / Band
Paylist, 12th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1855 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2587 / Wright George H. / Sandhurst / Band
[Advertisement], Empire (4 July 1859), 6
On TUESDAY, July 19th, and THREE FOLLOWING DAYS, a series of
GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES Will be held to celebrate the opening of the HALL of the Sydney University in which the performances will take place . . .
The ORCHESTRA will, be more numerous and efficient than any that has over before been heard in these Colonies.
By the kind permission of the Colonel and Officers of the 12th Foot part of the band of that Regiment will assist in the orchestra . .
1st BASSOON - Mr. E. Fahey, 12th Regiment.
2nd BASSOON - Mr. G. Wright; 12th Regiment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); John Winterbottom (bassoon); Edward Fahey (bassoon); Sydney University Musical Festival (event)
Paylist, 12th Regiment, 1 January to 30 March 1860 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2887 [sic, 2587] / Wright Geo. Henry / . . . Discharged 31 January
"THE VOLUNTEER BAND", Empire (28 December 1860), 5
A meeting of persons favourable to joining the Volunteer Rifles Band was held at the offices Hyde Park, yesterday evening. The band master of the 12th Regiment, Mr. Douglas Callan, was in attendance to test the qualifications of the different candidates.
The names of the following amateurs were taken down: Mr. Dennis, cornet; Mr. Arthur Stacey, cornet; Mr. Benjamin Waters, violin; Mr. P. M. Moore, flute; Mr. J. Beaumont, flute; Mr. J. Hasker, cornet; Mr. Davison, piccolo or flute; Mr. D. Shaw, cornet; Mr. G. Eginton, baritone sax horn; Mr. E. Conroy, flute; Mr. E. Turner, concertina; Mr. P. Williams, violin; Mr. Horan, cornet; Mr. G. McKinnon, flagelet; Mr. Henry Webb, triangle; Mr. Ham, cornet; Mr. Ham, sax-tuba; Mr. H. Jones, French horn; Mr. Brodie, drum; Mr. Edmonstore, French flute; Mr. McKenzie, hautboy; Mr. Nicholas Nelson, flute; and Mr. Devlin, basso.
The following names have been taken down as paid members: - Mr. Leahy, bass trombone; Mr. G. Wright, bassoon; Mr. Thomas Quinn, side drum; Mr. James Wilson, clarionet; Mr. T. Gill, bombardon; Mr. M. McMahon, clarionet; Mr. Morgan, trombone; Mr. Metcalfe, clarionet; Mr. Lombe, French horn; two Messrs. Taylor, cornets; Mr. Crew, sax horn; Mr. Pearson, piccolo; Mr. J. Palmer, flute.
The paid members, who are to be 16 in number, must have a knowledge of music; the amateurs either have a knowledge of music or will receive instruction. The collection of names as above would appear a preliminary stop, as Mr. Callan will have to report to the band committee before anything definite can be done.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (master of the band)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1861), 1
Lessee, Mr. R. Tolano. Stage manager, Mr. G. H. Rogers. Treasurer, Mr. C. Jones.
A full and efficient orchestra of first-class artistes.
Leader and Director - Mr. G. Peck
Principal 2nd violin - Mr. Charles Bowen
Flute - Mr. Palmer
Clarionet - Mr. McCoy
Double bass - Mr. Seal
Bassoon - Mr. Wright
Cornet - Mr. McHarnith
Drums and triangle - Mr. Johnson
Bassoon, Mr. Wright . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (violin, leader); August Seal (double bass); George Herbert Rogers (actor, manger); Charles Edward Jones (manager); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 March 1863), 1
YOUNGE'S ATHENAEUM. THIS EVENING, positively the LAST NIGHT of this charming place of amusement.
BENEFIT of Messrs. PECK and RYALL. Operetta called NO!! Miscellaneous CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music.
Instrumentalists - Violino prima, Mr. G. Peck; clarionette obligate, Mr. Hodge; cornet, Mr. W. Thompson;
bassoon, Mr. G. Wright; contra basso, Mr. Redett; harmonium, Mr. Charles Packer;
repieno violins, by gentlemen amateurs, who have kindly volunteered their services on this occasion. Mr. Ryall will preside at the piano.
ASSOCIATIONS: John James Ryall (pianist); Sebastian Hodge (clarinet); James Cooper Riddett (contra basso); Charles Sandys Packer (harmonium)
WRIGHT, Gilbert (Gilbert WRIGHT; G. WRIGHT)
Amateur musician, flautist, solicitor, founder member of Sydney Philharmonic Society
Born Worcester, England, 18 April 1809; baptised Wesleyan chapel, Stourport, 28 April 1809; son of Thomas WRIGHT (d. 1834) and Jane KELSON (d. 1856)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 22 April 1836 (per Abel Gower, from London, 5 December 1835)
Married Caroline VAUGHAN (d. 1898), St. Phillip's and St. Mary's, Sydney, NSW, 2 May 1840
Died Brisbane, QLD, 12 June 1866, aged 57 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Gilbert Wright, with his golden flute; portrait by James Anderson, Sydney, 1859; State Library of New South Wales (and detail below) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: James Anderson (painter)

On Anderson and the Wright family portraits, see Joseph Sheridan Moore, "To the Editor of . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 January 1861), 7
And see also, James Anderson, WikiTree:
Report of a barque arrived in Port Jackson this [22 April 1836] Abel Gower . . .; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Mr. Gilbert Wright / Attorney . . .
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVALS", The Colonist (28 April 1836), 7
APRIL 22 - Abel Gower (barque) Henderson, from London, 5th December, merchandize; Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Richards, Messrs. W. Richards, H. Perrier, W. H. Bean, G. Wright, and five steerage passengers.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 May 1836), 3
GILBERT WRIGHT, an ATTORNEY of the Court of King's Bench, at Westminster, in England,
and a Solicitor of the High Court of Chancery there, now living at Mrs. Pennon's Prince-street, Sydney,
do hereby give Notice, that it is my intention to apply to the Hon. Supreme Court of New South Wales, for admission,
as an Attorney, Solicitor, and Proctor, on the fifteenth day of September next.
GILBERT WRIGHT. 9th May, 1836.
"MARRIAGE", The Sydney Herald (4 May 1840), 2
By special license, on the 2nd May inst., at St. Mary's Cathedral, by the Rev. Joseph Platt, and at St. Phillip's Church, by the Rev. William Cowper, Mr. Gilbert Wright to Miss Caroline Vaughan.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 May 1851), 1
- A Medal, of the value of Ten Guineas, will be given by the Executive Board of the Australasian League for the best Australasian Anthem,
capable of being set to Music.
The following are the characteristics of the composition deemed desirable by the Board:
Simplicity and conciseness. It should not contain less than four nor extend to more than six stanzas, or twenty-four lines.
Each stanza should be confined to and express one sentiment, and no sentiment should run into, nor sentence be connected with the following stanza.
It should contain no direct reference to crime or criminals.
The Board do not bind themselves to adopt the best production, should it not possess sufficient merit.
Competitors will be pleased to forward their productions (postage paid) in an enclosure, on or before Monday,
the 1st day of September next, under cover, to the Secretary of the Executive Board, at the Office of the Australasian League,
Sydney, anonymously, but each competitor will also enclose in a sealed letter his real name and residence.
The sealed letters of unsuccessful competitors will not be opened, but returned to any address which may be given.
GILBERT WRIGHT, Honorary Secretary to the Executive Board.
"THE PRIZE ANTHEM. To the Editor of . . .", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 August 1851), 4
SIR, - The Anti-Transportation League, by its Secretary, Mr. Gilbert Wright, has put forth an advertisement in the local Papers, offering a gold medal of the value of ten guineas for the best anthem on the subject of Anti-Transportation, with a reference to the Secretary in Melbourne as to the shape and size of the required anthem . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 March 1854), 1
This Society has been established by a number of musical gentlemen,
for the cultivation and performance of the most approved Vocal and Instrumental Music.
The proceeds, after paying the necessary expenses, to go towards a fund for the encouragement of musical talent in this colony.
The Society to be supported by annual subscriptions, and by voluntary contributions;
and to consist of members, subscribers, and associates.
Members to take an active part in the Society, and subscribers to be admitted to the concerts;
the former to pay an annual subscription of £2; the latter of £1 1s.
Associates are elected by the committee, and admitted gratuitously.
Parties desirous of joining the Society will please send their names, and the amount of their subscriptions,
either to the Treasurer, Mr. B. Mountcastle, George-street; the gentlemen of the Committee -
Messrs. Gilbert Wright, King street; Frederick Kellerman, Church Hill; Francis Clarke, Town Hall;
Charles Younger, Pitt-street; William MacDonnell, George-street;
or to MONS. EUGENE PARIS, Honorary Secretary, 231, Elizabeth-street North.
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Such Mountcastle (member); Frederick Kellerman (member); Francis Clarke (member); Charles Younger (member); William Macdonnell (member); Eugene Paris (secretary); Sydney Philharmonic Society (organisation)
"A NOVELTY IN MUSICAL ART", Empire (20 August 1856), 4
An article of considerable interest, as well in artistic point of view as for its rarity and intrinsic value, has just been produced by Messrs. Rudall, Rose, and Carte, the musical instrument makers and publishers, in New Bond street and at Charing-cross, and is now on exhibition by them previous to being forwarded to its destination. It consists of a flute made entirely of the purest gold, with just so much alloy as was absolutely indispensable in the adaptation of the metal to such a purpose, and has been manufactured by them expressly for Mr. Gilbert Wright, a solicitor, and on amateur fluteplayer, resident in Sydney, who sent over to this country the requisite quantity of Australian gold with that view. The instrument, in its finished state, contains 141 ounces of gold, besides the slight quantity of alloy, which makes the metal of the quality of 18 1/2 carats, and its value is from 130 to 130 guineas. In its construction all the improvements of M. Boehm, have been introduced which gained for him the council medal at the Exhibition of 1851, as well as the additional improvements as regards facility of fingering made by Mr. Carte, and for which his firm obtained the prize medal on the same occasion. It were not too much to say that these radical changes in the construction of the flute have given to that instrument a capacity for the production of sweet sounds heretofore wholly unknown, while it retains all its well known peculiarities, and these highly intensified, and is divested of the difficulties of blowing and manipulation inherent in the old instrument. - Times, May 7.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rudall, Rose, and Carte (George Rudall; John Mitchell Rose; Richard Carte, musical instrument makers)
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 May 1857), 6
THE annual meeting of the above Society was held on Thursday evening (April 10,) at the Society's practice rooms, in Jamison-street. The hon. J. H. Plunkett, President of the Society, took the chair . . . Donations of music had been received from Mr. Gilbert Wright and Mr. Hemming . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hubert Plunkett (lawyer, musical amateur)
"DEATH", The Brisbane Courier (13 June 1866), 2
WRIGHT. - On the 12th June, at his son's residence, Gloucester-street, Gilbert Wright, late of New South Wales, solicitor, aged 57.
Bibliograhy and resources:
Robert Bigio, Rudall, Rose and Carte: The development of the flute in London, 1821-1939 (Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London, 2005), 163-64 (DIGITISED)
WRIGHT, Sarah Hays (Sarah Hays HUTCHINSON; Mrs. Thomas WRIGHT; Sarah H. WRIGHT)
Amateur musician
Born Liverpool, Lancashire, England, 13 March 1831; baptised St. Andrew's, Toxteth Park, 12 April 1831, daughter of William Henry HUTCHINSON (d. 1840) and Sarah Hayes (1804-1877)
Arrived Hobart, TAS, 21 August 1855 (per Tasmania, from Melbourne, where they had arrived by the Startled Fawn, from Liverpool)
Married Thomas WRIGHT (1822-1896), St. George's church, Sorell, TAS, 20 June 1859
Died Ulverstone, TAS, 4 July 1902 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Descriptive list of immigrants by the "Startled Fawn" . . . to Melbourne, and thence to Hobart per "Tasmania"; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:438457; CB7/12/1/6 P209 210$init=CB7-12-1-6P160 (DIGITIED)
Hutchinson Sarah / 50 / Lancashire / Housekeeper / [on whose application sent out] Rev'd J. Griffiths . . .
Hutchinson Sarah / 24 / [Lancashire] / Dress maker . . .
Hutchinson Janet / 21 / [Lancashire] / Needle woman . . .
1859, marriages in the district of Sorell; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:860456; RGD37/1/18 no 630$init=RGD37-1-18p329
370 / 630 / June 20th 1859 St. George's Church Sorell / Thomas Wright / 34 / Schoolmaster
Sarah Hays Hutchinson / 28 / Spinster / . . . [witness] Janet Hutchinson
"DEATH", Daily Telegraph (8 July 1902), 1
WRIGHT.- On the 4th July, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Lewis, Preston, Sarah, relict of the late Thomas Wright, aged 70 years. (Southern papers please copy.)
Bound album of sheet music:
Bound album of songs and piano music, c. 1840-60s, inscribed on front flyleaf: "Sarah H. Wright"; "Bound by J. Walch & Sons Hobart Town" [c. 1870]; Sydney Living Museums; Stewart Symonds sheet music collection
Front flyleaf: "Sarah H. Wright, Tasmania"; binder's label on the marbled front paste down: "Bound by J. Walch & Sons Hobart Town". Pencil inscriptions: Weippert's medley country dances has the top of the inscription cut away in the binding process, all that is visible is "Poplar Grove", possibly where Sarah lived in Liverpool; The oriental polka, "From Fanny Mozley 1854"; A second set of three waltzes has date "1849".
Includes copies of 2 Tasmanian musical publications, The young recruit march by Frederick Buck (Hobart: J. Walch and Sons, [c. 1860s); another copy here) and Como quadrilles by Charles D'Albert (published by John Dettmer Jackson, Patterson Street, Launceston).
Also included in the album is Souvenir de Cork by Armand Roeckel (later active in Australia)
ASSOCIATIONS: James Walch and sons (musicsellers and publishers)
FULL CONTENTS (from catalogue record): The Adoration. Popular sacred melodies by the most celebrated composers: No. 7 O Lord! Have mercy upon me / Pergolesi, arr. By William Hutchins Callcott -- No. 8 Bless the Lord, O my soul / Mozart -- No. 9 I will sing of Thy mercy / Cherubini -- No. 10 Glory to God in the highest / Haydn -- No. 11 Bow down thine ear, O Lord/ Mendelssohn -- No. 12 Happy are the people / Handel -- Grand Parade March / Stephen Glover -- The Young Recruit. March Introducing Kucken's Favourite Air for the Piano Forte / Frederick Buck -- Como Quadrilles / Charles D'Albert -- The Riflemen's March composed and inscribed to the patriotic volunteers of Great Britain / Stephen Glover -- General Havelock's Triumphal March / Jullien -- Ma Nacelle: Introduction / Chaulieu -- Marriott's Trovatore Quadrille, on Airs from Verdi's Celebrated Opera / Charles Marriott -- Op. 90: Introduzione / Chaulieu -- Fantasia for the Piano Forte, in which are introduced the favorite subjects, "By the sad sea waves" and "The Venetian March" from Benedict's Opera, The Bride of Venice, Arranged and dedicated to Miss Henrietta F. Lascelles / William Hutchins Callcott -- Au Marechal de MacMahon, Duc De Magenta. Bataille De Magenta. Quadrille historique, et militaire, compose pour le piano / Alphonse Leduc -- Favorite Airs in 3 Books Selected from Donizetti's Opera Buffa Don Pasquale, Arranged for the Piano Forte, With an Accompaniment for the Flute / William Hutchins Callcott -- The Bedford Gallop composed for the piano forte / Charles Jungnickel -- Souvenir De Cork / par Armand Roeckel -- Medley Country Dances: Hands across - Down the middle - Up again - Pousette, Sir Roger De Coverly, Le Boulanger, and The Cotillion / John Weippert -- The Oriental Polka / Mrs. Hart -- La Figlia Del Reggimento -- Le Bon Garcon Quadrilles for the piano forte / John Strauss -- Trois Morceaux Brilliants de Salon pour le piano . . . no.3, op. 29 / Theodore Dohler -- The Monthly Rose A Collection of Airs with Variations; Rondos, Waltzes, Polonoises. Melodies of different Nations &c. Original & Selected from the Works of the Most Eminent Composers for the Piano Forte: Grand Polonoise as Danced at The Courts of Petersburg and Warsaw -- Royal Scotch Quadrilles / Jullien -- A Second Set of three Waltzes composed and dedicated to Madame De Simonis (of Brabancon) by her friend / Mrs. Holmes.
WRIGHT, Mrs. Walter (Mrs. Walter WRIGHT; ? Ellen PACKMAN)
Amateur musician, pianist, composer
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1861 (shareable link to this entry)
Mrs. Walter Wright may well be Ellen Packman, who, in 1853 married the recently widowed Walter Wright, baker and publican, of the Melbourne sea side suburb of Sandridge. The couple having only recently emigrated to New Zealand, Ellen died at Dunedin on 1 September 1863, closely followed by Walter on 30 September.
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 July 1861), 8
NEW POLKA. - Just published, the SEA-SIDE brilliant POLKA, for the pianoforte. Joseph Wilkie. Collins-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller and publisher)
Musical works:
The sea side, brilliant polka for the piano forte, composed and dedicated to her friends by Mrs. Walter Wright (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1861]) (DIGITISED)
WRIGLEY, George (George WRIGLEY)
Musician, singing master, organist
Born Oldham, Lancashire, England, 1838; baptised St. Peter, Oldham, 23 September 1838; son of George WRIGLEY and Violet LEES
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, c. 1861/62
Married Eliza BORTHISTLE (d. 1899), VIC, 1862
Died North Brighton, VIC, 2 May 1900, aged "62" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 May 1866), 8
Will be delivered by Mr. GEORGE WRIGLEY,
In the Wesleyan Church, Brighton, THIS EVENING,
In aid of the Funds of Common School, No, 80.
Selections of music illustrative of the subject will be sung.
Chair to be taken at 7.30, by the Rev. C. Lane. Admission, 2s. each.
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (4 September 1876), 2
The trustees and members of the Musical Association of Victoria held their weekly meeting for election and proposing new members and associates on Saturday evening, in the German Association's rooms, Nissen's Cafe. Mr. C. G. Elsasser presided . . . Mr. Siede proposed Mr. W. A. C. A'Beckett and Mr. Mathias; Mr. Lundborg proposed Mr. G. L. Allan, of Allan and Co., Collins-street; and Mr. Perraton proposed Mr. George Wrigley, certificated singing master and organist, head master of the Middle Brighton State school, as associates. The meeting adjourned until Saturday next.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Siede (musician); John William Lundborg (musician); George Leavis Allan (musician, musicseller); William Perraton (musician)
"DEATHS", The Argus (3 May 1900), 1
WRIGLEY. - On the 2nd May, at his late residence, "Kirack," Male-street, North Brighton, George, the beloved husband of Lizzie Wrigley.
WURM, Henry (Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Heinrich WURM; Henry WURM)
Amateur vocalist, Deutsche Liedertafel (Adelaide, 1854-55)
Born Dortmund, Prussia (Germany), c. 1830; son of Friedrich Ludwig WURM (b. c. 1802, d. SA, 1871) and Elisabeth SCHEWER/SCHWEER
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 1849; 6 January 1854 (per Irene, from Gravesend, 24th September 1853)
Married Eveline Augusta JAMIESON, Port Adelaide, SA, 26 June 1858
Departed for NZ, c. 1860 (shareable link to this entry)
WURM, Louis Fredrick (Friedrich Ludwig WURM; Louis Frederick WURM; Frederick WURM; L. F. WURM)
Musician, organist, amateur vocalist, choral conductor
Born Dortmund, Prussia, 19 July 1833; baptised Nicolaikirche, Dortmund, 2 August 1833; son of Friedrich Ludwig WURM (b. c. 1802, d. SA, 1871) and Elisabeth SCHEWER/SCHWEER
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 1849; 6 January 1854 (per Irene, from Gravesend, 24th September 1853)
Married Julia CRUSH (1838-1912), Adelaide, SA, 28 May 1859
Died Stansbury, SA, 1 December 1910 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
WURM, Mr. (Mr. WURM) one of the above, also mispelt as Herr WURNA
Musician, violinist, teacher of the violin
? Arrived Adelaide, SA, 1849; 6 January 1854 (per Irene, from Gravesend, 24th September 1853)
Active Adelaide, SA, 1855; ? Melbourne, VIC, 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Louis Frederick Wurm, c. 1860; State Library of South Australia (DIGITISED)
Freidrich Wurm senior, and his sons Frederick (Louis Frederick), Henry (Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Heinrich), along with Louisa Wurm (a sister, otherwise undocumented?), arrived in Adelaide on 6 January 1854 on the Irene from London. In February 1854, Frederick junior enlisted in the mounted police force. In Adelaide August 1858, one or other Wurm, reported having gone "more than seven years ago" [sic] to the Victorian diggings. At Port Adelaide, on 26 June 1858, Henry married Eveline Augusta Jamieson, and in 1860 they emigrated to Otago, New Zealand. In Adelaide, on 28 May 1859, Frederick junior married Julia Crush.
It is not certain which of the family was Wurm the violinist, who appeared in Adelaide in 1855 (also misreported as "Wurna"), and who advertised in Melbourne in April 1859, giving his address care of the post office (suggesting he may not have actually been in Melbourne at the time). However, in the absence from the musical record of any other mention of Henry (except as a Liedertafel vocalist) or Frederick senior, it is probably safer to assume that it was (Louis) Frederick.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (7 January 1854), 1
TO C. ROBINSON ESQ., Commander of the Ship "Irene."
WE THE UNDERSIGNED passengers by the Irene from London to Adelaide, present this address to Capt. C. Robinson,
as a testimony to his ability as a commander, and to express our esteem for his uniform kindness and attention, at all times especially in cases of illness.
. . . Louisa Wurm . . . Fried Wurm, H. Wurm, Fried Wurm, jun. . . . January 2nd, 1854.
Mounted Division. - To be Constables: . . . February 25 - Frederick Wurm . . .
"VICTORIA THEATRE", Adelaide Times (10 April 1855), 3
A somewhat large and highly-respectable audience assembled yesterday evening, in anticipation of the musical entertainment which had been advertised to take place in the shape of a concert, under the direction, and including the performance, of Mrs. Mitchell, whose previous concerts had given much satisfaction to the public . . . De Beriot's "Air Varie" on the violin by Herr Wurna was exquisitely played, and deservedly encored. It was, however, from its great length, a performance not the best suited, perhaps, for a general audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Madelina Mitchell (vocalist)
"MRS. MITCHELL'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (10 April 1855), 3
. . . Mr. Verneekel proved himself an accomplished pianist, and Herr Wurna, the gentleman whose performance on the violin was so much admired at the last concert of the Choral Society, again played De Beriot's air "Varié," with increased success. "Rule Britannia," by Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Wallace, and the Amateur, concluded most appropriately this delightful entertainment, and the loyal feeling of the company was manifested by their standing during the performance of the national melody.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Vernickel (pianist); for a review of the "THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (31 March 1855), 3
. . . This was succeeded by a solo on the violin, performed by one of the gentlemen amateurs of the orchestra. As we listened to the brilliant tones produced at the commencement of the solo, and marked the rapidity of execution with which it closed, we thought we had heard in South Australia nothing equal to the performance since the visit of the accomplished violinist Ravac to this colony . . .
"MADAME CARANDINI", Adelaide Times (17 July 1855), 3
This talented vocalist, assisted by Mons. Coulon and Miss Chalker, will give a performance, under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor-in-Chief, this evening, at the Victoria Theatre. Herr Wurm, the violinist, is also engaged to assist in the entertainment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); Marie Chalker (vocalist)
"THE TUESDAY EVENING CONCERT", Adelaide Times (19 July 1855), 3
The performances given on Tuesday evening by Madame Carandini and M. Coulon, assisted by our local musical celebrities, was exceedingly well attended, and the whole performance more satisfactory than any of the concerts which have proceeded it . . . There was a full orchestra, of which Mr. Chapman was leader . . . While speaking of the orchestra, we may mention that throughout the evening the instrumentalists acquitted themselves creditably, the accompaniments being spiritedly given, with a proper attention to the light and shade, which give so much expression to music of the character presented. In referring to the solo played on the violin by Mr. Wurm, composed by De Beriot, we must - while speaking of Mr. Wurm's performance in the highest manner - express our great dissatisfaction at the conduct of a few persons, whose want of appreciation and natural distaste for refined and civilizing pursuits, led them to hiss a performance which should have been applauded in a far higher degree even than it was. We only remind them of Shakspeare's exclamation - "He who hath no music in his soul," &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Chapman (violinist, leader)
"CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Observer (31 January 1857), 3
The annual meeting of the Choral Society was held yesterday evening at Neales's Exchange.
Dr. Wyatt, the President, was in the chair. The following report of the Committee was read and adopted: . . .
"The Committee of the Adelaide Choral Society have much pleasure in presenting their report of the transactions of this Society for the past year,
and feel pride in stating that the members have been entertained by the performance of a far greater number of entirely new pieces than have ever been introduced by this Society within the same period of time;
no less than twenty concerted pieces and choruses, with full orchestral accompaniments, having been performed during the last year,
which have never before been heard in South Australia. Your Committee beg to record the high esteem in which they hold the indefatigable exertions of Herr Linger, their conductor,
to whom, in connection with Mr. Chapman, the leader, they feel indebted for that degree of efficiency which has been attained by the orchestra of this Society . . ."
. . . The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: - President, Dr. Wyatt; Vice-President, Mr. John Brown; Secretary, Mr. W. G. Harris;
Librarians, Messrs. Clisby and Edwards; Auditors, Messrs. Whitington and D. Harwood;
Committee, Dr. Davies, Dr. Sholl, Messrs. Addison, Lower, Mitchell, Betteridge, Rodemann, Vouader, Heyde [sic Von der Heyde], and Wurms [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wyatt (president); Carl Linger (conductor); Redford Clisby (member); Thomas Plummer Addison (chair); Henry Betteridge (member), Maximillian Louis Rodemann (member); Gustav von der Heyde (member); Adelaide Choral Society (organisation)
"MARRIED", South Australian Register (28 June 1858), 2
On the 26th June, by special licence, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. M. H. Hodge, Mr. F. W. C. H. Wurm, of Adelaide, formerly of Prussia, to Eveline Augusta, seventh daughter of Captain Jamieson, Port Adelaide.
"LOCAL COURT - AUBURN . . . THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 . . . CIVIL JURISDICTION . . . WURM v. FITZGERALD", The South Australian Advertiser (30 August 1858), 3
Action in detinue for 30l., being the value of a quantity of household furniture, utensils, ornaments, farming implements, and a quantity of receipts and other documents of great value to the plaintiff. It appeared that more than seven years ago plaintiff went to the Victoria diggings, and left a quantity of things with the defendant to keep for him, but the greater portion of the articles and papers now claimed, were subsequently left in the defendant's charge . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 April 1859), 8
MUSIC - Mr. WURM, TEACHER of the VIOLIN, RECEIVES PUPILS, or attends the same at their respective homes, at a moderate charge.
Testimony: "I have much pleasure in testifying Mr. Wurm's proficiency on the violin and thorough competency of imparting instructions on the same. (Signed) F. STREBINGER."
Application to be sent Mr. Wurm, Post-office, Melbourne.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Strebinger (violinist)
"MARRIED", South Australian Register (31 May 1859), 2
On the 28th May, by the Rev. F. W. Cox, Mr. Louis Frederick Wurm, of Adelaide, late of Dortmund, Prussia, to Julia, only daughter of the late Joseph Crush, Esq., of Essex, England.
Names and descriptions of passengers per Omeo, from Adelaide, 2 February 1860, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. Wurm / 26 // Mrs. Wurm / 20 . . .
"ST. AUGUSTINE'S, UNLEY", Adelaide Observer (15 November 1873), 8
On November 9 the anniversary services of St. Augustine's Sunday-school were conducted . . . The Revs. H. Read. M.A., and W. H. Mudie, with the teachers, amused the children during the afternoon. In the evening songs and recitations were given by the pupils . . . Mr. Mudie congratulated the audience upon the school's success, and expressed his own and Mr. Read's indebtedness to . . . Mr. Wurm for training the children to sing, in which he has been most successful . . .
"DIED", The South Australian Advertiser (8 March 1871), 2
WURM. - On the 7th March, at his residence, Flinders-street, Friedrich Ludwig Wurm, aged 69 years.
"Death of an Old Colonist", The Areas' Express [Booyoolee, SA] (16 December 1910), 3
The death of Mr. Louis Frederick Wurm, which occurred at Stansbury on December 1st, removes from our midst another worthy old colonist. Mr. Wurm, who was born at Dortmund, in Prussia, in 1832, came to South Australia in 1849. The following year he joined the Mounted Police, being for some years stationed at Angaston. In 1856 he joined his brother Henry in business in Grenfell street, Adelaide, but on the latter leaving for New Zealand - in 1860 - he began on his own account as a grain and produce merchant in Twin Street. He resided at Unley Park, where he indulged in gardening, being an early exhibitor of dried fruits, olive oil and silk, gaining many handsome medals and diplomas from exhibitions in London, Paris, Philadelphia, and other places. He was also awarded the £250 bonus for the first 100 lbs. of silk produced in South Australia in one year. He took a great interest in musical matters, having been a member of the Adelaide Liedertafel conductor of the Unley Glee Club, and for nine years occupied the position of organist at St. Augustine's Church. In 1873 he entered into partnership with Mr. C. N. Collins in a general store business at Stansbury, with branches at Curramulka and Minlaton. He retired in 1881, and took up farming and gardening. He subsequently abandoned the former pursuit, and devoted himself to his garden in the Hundred of Ramsay, where he planted about 80 acres of olives and manufactured large quantities of high class olive oil. The garden is situated in a very picturesque position on the side of the cliffs, about a mile from Stansbury. The deceased leaves a widow, four sons and three daughters - Messrs. F. H. Wurm (Pt. Pirie), G. A. Wurm (Stansbury), W. C. Wurm (formerly of Pt. Pirie, and now of the Pt. Adelaide Customs Department), A. E. Wurm (storekeeper, of Eastern Well), Mesdames R. C. Yeo (Unley), H. M. Mudie (Hawthorn), and Miss Wurm, of Stansbury. There are also twenty grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Nurse Wurm, who formerly filled the position of District Nurse at Port Pirie, is a daughter of Mr. Wurm's eldest son, who died a few years ago.
"THE ADELAIDE LIEDERTAFEL", The Register (22 September 1908), 6
From "One of the Originators": - "The interesting account of the growth and progress of the Adelaide Liedertafel, as given in The Register of September 17, is worthy of a little further elucidation. The original founders were all members of the Deutscher Club, which used to meet at the Hotel Europe, at the corner of Gawler place and Grenfell street. A party of younger members who, under the leadership of Herr Carl Linger, carried out the musical programme of the club, having had a slight dissension with some of the older and less hilarious members, broke away from the Deutscher Club altogether, and assembled at the Hamburg Hotel, where they were heartily welcomed by "Father" Kopke. A set of rules having been drawn up and passed, Mr. Fritz Armbruster was elected President, and Mr. Schluter hon. secretary and librarian. The leadership was again undertaken by Herr Linger, and the members were:
First tenors, Messrs. Julius Eitzen, Nitsche, Reinhardt, and Schluter; second tenors, Messrs. Louis Maraun, Nettlebeck, and F. Wurm; first basses, Messrs. Oscar Ziegler, Braun, Schlemich, and Bielefeld; second basses, Messrs. F. Armbruster, Schierenbeck, and Eimer.
Thus in September, 1858, the Adelaide Liedertafel was founded; and from then on, under the conductorship of the beloved leader and under fresh and unrestrained conditions, was formed a new brotherhood. The words of the old "Waffenschmidt" express the personal reminiscences of the writer "Das war eine Kostlicke Zeit." Herr Spitzka, who joined about three years later, afterwards succeeded Herr Linger at leader, and occupied that position until his death through an accident.
It is hardly correct, however, to say that this was the first "Adelaide Liedertafel," as a society under that name used to meet in 1854 and 1855 at Messrs. Wiener & Fischer's Coffee Rooms, in Rundle street. Mr. Fischer was a very sweet tenor, and among other members one recalls the names of Messrs. von der Heide, Schomburg, Henry Wurm, Lellman, and Butefisch; also Mr. Schulze, whose death was announced in The Register recently. Herr Carl Linger was also leader of this society, and the writer recalls many happy evenings spent in their midst. This select little company, which comprised many prominent singers and talented musicians, broke up when Messrs. Wiener and Fischer left Adelaide for Tanunda.
ASSOCIATIONS (pre 1858 members): Carl Linger (conductor, leader); George Fischer (member); Robert Wiener (member); Gustav von der Heyde (member)
ASSOCIATIONS (1858 founding members): Adolph Schluter (secretary, librarian, tenor vocalist); Hermann Nettlebeck (tenor vocalist); Oskar Ziegler (bass vocalist); Frederick Armbruster (president, bass vocalist); Johann Wilhelm Schierenbeck (bass vocalist)
Bibliography and resources:
Louis Friedrich (Frederick) Wurm, WikiTree
Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Heinrich (Henry) Wurm, WikiTree
WURNA, Herr = Mr. WURM
Musician, violinist
Active Adelaide, SA, April 1855
WYATT, Joseph (Joseph WYATT; Mr. WYATT)
Theatre builder, theatre proprietor, entrepreneur, merchant, publican, shopkeeper, convict
Born London, England, 24 March 1789; baptised St. Luke, Finsbury, 19 April 1789; son of Thomas WYATT (1765-1843) and Frances COLE (c. 1765-1845)
Married Rachael DOBSON (c. 1794-1874), St. Mary, Whitechapel, London, 23 October 1813
Tried Old Bailey, London, 20 April 1814 (transportation, life)
Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, 27 January 1815 (convict per Marquis of Wellington,
Departed (1) Sydney, NSW, April 1823 (per Venerable, for London)
Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, 1828 (free per Alexander Henry)
Departed (2) Sydney, NSW, 21 March 1841 (per Royal George, for London)
Arrived (3) Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1843 (per Posthumous, from London, via Melbourne, 25 December 1842)
Died Newtown, NSW, 20 July 1860, aged "72", "47 years in the colony" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (one of six lessees, also including William Knight, 1835; sole lessee, 1836-37, 1838); Royal Victoria Theatre (founder, proprietor, 1838-54); Prince of Wales Theatre (founder, proprietor, 1855); William Wyatt (merchant, younger brother); Frederick Gibson (brother-in-law, business partner)
Christenings in April 1789; St. Luke, Finsbury; register 1776-1812; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
Joseph S. of Thomas Wyatt Silk weaver & Frances / [born] March 24 / [baptised April] 19
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Mary Whitechapel in the county of Middlesex in the year 1813; register 1806-28, page 58; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 173 / Joseph Wyatt Bachelor of this Parish and Rachel Dobson Spinster of this Parish were married in this Church by Banns this [23 October 1813] . . .
Trial of Joseph Wiatt [sic] and Alexander Frazer, 20 April 1814; Old Bailey online (DIGITISED)
313. JOSEPH WIATT and ALEXANDER FRAZER were indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 11th of April, a pocket-book,
value 1 s. the property of Robert Holland, from his person . . .
Wiatt said nothing in his defence . . .
WIATT, GUILTY, aged 26. Transported for Life.
FRASER, NOT GUILTY. London jury, before Mr. Recorder.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 March 1823), 3
Mr. and Mrs. WYATT, proceeding to Europe, per Ship Venerable, request Claims to be presented.
"Shipping Intelligence", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 May 1828), 2
On Saturday last arrived, the brig Alexander Henry, Captain Muggridge. She left London, the 21st of November; Cork, the 14th of December; and St. Jago, the 2nd of February, bringing a general cargo of merchandize. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt, and child . . .
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (11 April 1835), 3
Several persons of capital have become joint lessees of the Theatre which opens to night under the management of Mr. Joseph Simmons, with the favorite piece of Luke the Labourer. The old favorites Mesdames Taylor and Jones, and Messrs. Knowles and Buckingham, will make their re-appearance. At the end of a fortnight the company will be under fresh engagements, and a considerable sum will then we understand be spent in repairing and ornamenting the house.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, manager); Maria Taylor (actor, vocalist); Harriet Jones (actor, vocalist); Conrad Knowles (actor); George Buckingham (actor); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)
"THE DRAMA", Tegg's monthly magazine (July 1836), 296-97
WE informed our readers in our last number, that an alteration in the management of the Sydney Theatre was about to take place; in consequence, however, of some subsequent changes, the arrangement has not been such as we anticipated, the sole lesseeship of the Theatre having since been vested in the hands of Mr. Joseph Wyatt, one of the original lessees, and the management entrusted to Mr. Knowles . . .
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 December 1836), 2
On Thursday evening was performed the comedy of "The Honey Moon" . . . We should recommend Mr. Wyatt to dispense with the orchestra, and ship a barrel organ, it would have answered as well on this occasion . . .
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 April 1837), 2
There are but three nights of the present season of the Sydney Theatre under the lesseeship of Mr. Wyatt, which will be disposed of in the following manner: - This evening Messrs. Sippe and Wilson will take a joint benefit; the one being the composer and arranger, the other the leader of the orchestra. The great novelty of the evening will be the performance of Mr. Wallace, who will perform upon the violin the grand variations on NEL COR PIU, composed by Paganini. Saturday night is set aside for the joint benefit of Master Jones and Mr. Fitzgerald, who will no doubt receive good support. Monday night will be a Ticket-night, on the same plan as in England, for the benefit of the Money Takers, &., whose civility upon all occasions should entitle Messrs. Barnett, Davis, &. to a full house.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Sippe (musician); Mr. Wilson (musician); William Vincent Wallace (violinist); Stephen Jones (actor); Dennis Fitzgerald (actor, dancer)
"The New Theatre", The Sydney Monitor (28 March 1838), 3
Mr. Wyatt's new Theatre opened on Monday evening [26 March], according to advertisement, with the play of Othello. All we have conversed with on the subject of the new Theatre and its decorations, are loud in their praises of its elegance, accommodation, and completeness . . . The house is spacious and lofty. From the pit, you would suppose you were in a large provincial theatre in England. The plan and accommodations do the architect great credit. The same praise is due to the designer and executer of the decorations. The machinery is excellent, and was managed with dexterity. No mistakes were made; all worked well. The scenery is striking and handsome. The stage is more spacious, proportionally, than the theatre. The performers are quite at their ease, as regards room for display. The house is well lit up. A magnificent cut-glass drop chandelier is suspended from the ceiling, on which are placed twenty-six argand lamps, of the most brilliant description and effect. The stage foot-lights have metallic reflectors between them and the pit, close behind them, which at once increase the light on the stage, and protect the pit and the dress circles from the glare of the lamps. In lieu of common lamps in the orchestra, which were so offensive in the old theatre to the ladies in the stage boxes, argand lamps are used. The orchestra is spacious. Eighteen performers, on different instruments, were quite at their ease. The music was excellent, Mr. Deane leading the band. The ornamental painting of the Theatre is greatly admired for its chaste elegance. Indeed, had Wyatt himself been brought up among theatrical affairs, he could not have displayed a better judgment than he has done in his adoption (for that credit belongs exclusively to him) of the plans and proposals of others; of men who have shewn they were qualified to fulfil what they undertook. Sixteen hundred persons were present. The house was not quite filled. To be filled, it would hold 1,800; to be crowded, 2,000 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (6 March 1841), 2
Considering the contracted means at the disposal of the manager, the representations, generally, are extremely creditable. And certainly, if a stranger were to judge of our Colonial prosperity by the attendance at the Theatre, he would come to conclusions very different from those which the rumoured scarcity of money and depression in trade would induce . . . The present worthy proprietor, Mr. Wyatt, is about proceeding to England, where that gentleman proposes to engage an efficient number for all the several branches of the department. For the professional part of Mr. Wyatt's embassy, we confidently rely on his judgment and liberality; and in his private relations, we wish him every possible happiness and prosperity.
List of passengers per Royal George, which sailed on Sunday [21 March] for London . . . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wyatt . . .
"THEATRICAL NEWS", The New South Wales Examiner (26 August 1842), 3
By the Ceylon, which arrived on Saturday last, Mr. Knight received a communication from Mr. Wyatt, enclosing the engagements of the new performers who have been selected in England for the Victoria Company, and who sailed for this Colony by the Trial in April last. They consist of three ladies and two gentlemen. Among them is a Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, who have been engaged, the one as leader of the orchestra, and the other as a vocalist and operatic actress.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Knight (acting proprietor); John and Eliza Gibbs (violinist; actor, vocalist)
"PORT PHILLIP SHIPPING", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 December 1842), 2
December 10. Posthumous, barque, 390 tons, Milner, master, from London. Passengers for Sydney . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt, niece and servant . . . intermediate . . . Mr. and Mrs. Deering and child, Mr. and Mrs. Moreton [sic] and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths and six children; and six in the steerage . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gordon Griffiths (actor); Thomas Mereton and wife (actors); Henry and Eliza Deering (actors)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 January 1843), 2
From Port Phillip, the same day [yesterday], having left the 25th ultimo, the barque Posthumous, 390 tons, Captain Milner, with part of her original cargo. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt, and servant . . . Intermediate - Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths, and two children; Mr. and Mrs. Merton, and four children; Mr. and Mrs. Deering, and child . . .
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (4 January 1843), 2
Mr. Wyatt arrived yesterday in the Posthumous, from England, via Port Phillip, and has brought with him a large accession of theatrical talent, which will form a now source of attraction to the frequenters of the Victoria. They consist of, Mr. Griffith, (Manager,) Mrs. Griffith, Mr. Deering, and Mr. and Mrs. Mereton. Mr. and Mrs. M. appeared at the Theatre at Melbourne, during their stay in that Province, and we are glad to see the press generally speak favourably, of their merits.
"THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 January 1843), 3
Mr. Griffiths, the last of the newly arrived actors, made his first appearance on Monday evening, in the character of Hamlet, and we are sorry to say entirely failed in it in characters of less importance he may be found useful; but the tragedy he will never succeed. Mr. Wyatt certainly made a most unfortunate selection of performers. Of the twelve brought out by him from England there is not one equal in ability to the leading members, male or female, of the old company.
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (18 December 1846), 1593
VICTORIA THEATRE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Copartnership heretofore carried on by the undersigned under the firm of "Wyatt and Gibson,"
in the business of conducting the Victoria Theatre, in Pitt-street, Sydney, was this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Dated the 14th day of December, 1846.
Witness - (Signed) Charles Thomas, Solicitor, Sydney.
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire (29 August 1854), 4
. . . On the occasion of reporting the first performance under the new management, it may be proper to notice the alterations and improvements which the theatre has recently undergone. It will be remembered, that Mr. Wyatt's lease of the building having expired, the property was purchased by Mr. J. F. Josephson, of whom Mr. Torning has taken a lease. As Mr. Wyatt required for the new theatre, now partly erected in Castlereagh-street, all the stage scenery, curtains, and other histrionic appliances, these have been taken away, and the present lessee has therefore been obliged to provide afresh these necessary adjuncts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joshua Frey Josephson (owner); Andrew Torning (manager, lessee)
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 March 1855), 5
This evening, the Prince of Wales Theatre, which is now completed, will be opened for the first time . . . The orchestral arrangements are placed under the direction of Mr. John Gibbes. The stage management has been confided to Mr. J Gordon Griffiths. The inclement state of the weather during the last few evenings prevented the preliminary lighting-up of the establishment, which had been proposed by Mr. Wyatt . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (14 July 1855), 2
On, Wednesday evening Mr. Wyatt invited a large party to this theatre, for the purpose of exhibiting the effect produced by the lighting up of the beautiful chandeliers which have, just arrived from England from the manufactory of Mr. W. Turner, Poland-street. The effect was most brilliant; the whole theatre being in a blaze of light; and yet so admirably constructed are these chandeliers that they can he made to produce every difference of light and shade winch may be necessary to aid in giving value to scenic effects. They are wonderful adjuncts to this elegant theatre, and speak well for, the enterprize of Mr. Wyatt, who has been regardless of expense in regard to them. They were illuminated a second time, last night, on the occasion of the Bachelor's Ball, when the pit was boarded over, which, with the stage formed a magnificent ball-room and promenade. We are happy to announce that this theatre will re-open on Thursday next with a company consisting of our old favorites, and some striking additions. The piece selected is the celebrated Musical Drama of Faust and Marguerite, with entirely new scenery and musical selections from Spohr's great opera of Faust. The entire stage management of the theatre has been placed in the hands of Mr. F. Howson, whose tact, talent, and perseverance in that particular department (operatic or otherwise) is a guarantee to the public that every stage arrangement will be perfectly complete.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (actor, vocalist, manager)
"THE PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. To the Editor of . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 April 1856), 5
SIR, - In your notice of Madame Anna Bishop's concert for this evening (Thursday), you observe that this lady,
unable to come to terms for her appearance in opera at either of our theatres (one of which, we perceive by advertisement, is converted into a cheap casino),
has announced her farewell performances at the Royal Hotel."
As the proprietor of the Prince of Wales Theatre, erected by myself at a very considerable cost,
and with a view to the representation of legitimate dramatic and operatic entertainments,
I am desirous to disabuse the public mind as to myself being a party consenting to the "cheap casing," to which you have alluded.
As the use to which my theatre is now converted is a matter that I have referred to my legal advisers,
I do not desire to encroach further upon your space than to express my deep regret at the cause which called for your remarks in this morning's issue of your journal.
I am, Sir, yours, &c.,
Elizabeth-street, April 10, 1856.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist)
[2 adjacent advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 May 1858), 1
CAUTION. - I hereby caution all parties from purchasing the Theatrical Paraphernalia and properties relating to the Prince of Wales Theatre,
the same being my property, having been transferred to me by Joseph Wyatt in consideration of the sum of £1500 by a registered deed of Mortgage,
dated 23rd day of September, 1857, and my having taken possession of the said properties by virtue of the said deed.
Witness - W. READETT, solicitor, Sydney.
IN THE INSOLVENT ESTATE of JOSEPH WYATT, by order of the Official Assignee, F. W. Perry, Esq.
TENDERS - F. BRADLY has received instructions from the Official Assignee, F. W. Perry, Esq., to offer for SALE, by tender, the
Extensive and valuable paraphernalia
Elaborately painted scenery and curtain
Magnificent chandelier, a la Dresden
Superb glass chandeliers, and all other gas fittings
Substantial and costly machinery
First-class musical instruments
Music, books, and properties, &c., &c.,
belonging to and connected with the Prince of Wales Theatre, Castlereagh-street.
To expatiate upon the above would be useless,
it being well-known that the proprietor spared no expense to render the effect and working of this theatre the most brilliant and perfect out of Europe.
N.B. - Particulars can be obtained on application to the undersigned ; and tenders will be received up to the 15th day of June, at the office of
F. BRADLY, house and estate agent, auctioneer, &c., opposite Supreme Court, King street, Sydney.
"PROFESSOR ANDERSON IN SYDNEY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE ERA", The Era [London, England] (17 April 1859), 6 (PAYWALL)
Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney, New South Wales, Feb. 4th, 1859.
Dear Sir, - Of Melbourne theatres and Melbourne theatricals I told you in a letter some months ago.
I now propose giving you some account of the profession, its standing, and its prospects in the capital of New South Wales.
But as theatrical news is rather copious just now throughout the colonies, I shall not restrict myself to Sydney for matter to write about, but give you the chit-chat of the Australian Stage as I hear it every day.
I came here from Hobart-town, after a most successful season there, and after playing in one of the prettiest theatres I have seen to nightly overflowing houses. On arriving in Sydney I found that I had to contend with many difficulties, the nature of which I will presently explain. First, however, let me tell you how the Stage stands at present in New South Wales.
Sydney has three theatres, the first as well as the largest and most fashionable is the Prince of Wales, in Castlereagh-street; the second is the Victoria in Pitt-street; and the third the Lyceum in York-street. The relative position of each will be pretty well understood, if in the first instance you picture George-street, the chief thoroughfare in the city, as being a large and perfectly straight thoroughfare of about three miles in length, extending from the quays at its lower end to Newtown, at its upper termination. On your right hand as you go up George-street you have York-street running parallel, and in the rear of the houses to your left is Pitt-street, and beyond that again Castlereagh-street, both parallel also to the main artery of the metropolis. York-street, however, is on the un-fashionable, and Pitt and Castlereagh-streets, with their respective theatres, on the fashionable side of the city. The Prince of Wales theatre is at present leased by Mr. Charles Poole, the Victoria and Lyceum by Mr. James Simmonds. Sydney has no concert hall nor any other large building adapted for the purpose of public amusement. It had an Assembly Room once annexed to the Royal Hotel, but lately it has heen transformed into a drapery store; concerts have given way to calicoes; music has moved out to let muslin in; and the only terpsichorean efforts of the tenants is to "dance attendance" upon their customers.
Externally, the Prince of Wales Theatre is a large and imposing structure with a side wall to it longer than that of "the Lane" in Little Russell-street, at home. Architectural pretensions do not characterize it to any great extent, though it has a very neat portico to the box entrance, and is about to be graced with one of a larger size over the new pathway to the pit in King-street. It is at present owned by Mr. Alderman Neald, and was built originally by Mr. Whyatt [Wyatt], now the landlord of the tavern adjacent. This gentleman has shared the fate common to inventors and projectors. To him Sydney is indebted for its finest theatre, and to that theatre Mr. Whyatt attributes his losses of many thousand pounds. For him it was ordained to sow - for others to reap; nor does my friend ever forget to bemoan his fate whenever the building of the house is alluded to. He pours you out his losses with every nobbler, and makes every clean glass he hands you a lachrymatory for his unavailing tears. The disciples of Democritus who frequent the theatre, consequently shun this Heraclitus, and pay their devotions to Bacchus in others of the adjacent shrines. Nor need the Libyan deity be angry at the lack of either shrines or worshippers. Fancy the thermometer at 109 degs. this evening in the theatre, and at 138 degs. to-day in the sun; and no wonder that when the "first piece" is over there is a rush to "Cunningham's" for brandy and iced water, shandy-gaff, and nobblers of Old Tom; while, should Cunningham's be too full, there are "Fischer's," and "Fox's," and half-a-dozen more dispensatories of a similar kind all within a stone's throw. Sydney is essentially a bibulous city, and has an advantage over Melbourne in this respect. Its "nobblers" are threepence only while in the sister metropolis they are sixpence . . .
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (12 June 1860), 2
June 8 - Joseph Wyatt of Castlereagh street, Sydney, licensed victualler. Liabilities £1807 18s 9d. Assets - value of real property (mortgaged for £1000) £1200; of personal property, £572 10s; total: £1772 10s. Deficit, £35 8s 9d. Mr. Morris, official assignee.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 July 1860), 1
On Friday morning, 20th instant, at his residence, Castlereagh-street, Mr. Joseph Wyatt, senior, aged 72.
"DEATH OF MR. JOSEPH WYATT", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 July 1860), 4
Mr. Joseph Wyatt, for many years connected with theatricals in Sydney, as lessee and proprietor, expired at his residence yesterday morning. Mr. Wyatt was the lessee of the old theatre at the rear of the Royal Hotel in 1836 or 1837; he afterwards built the Victoria, in Pitt-street, the ground being a leasehold. On the expiry of the lease he erected the Prince of Wales Theatre, in Castlereagh-street, at a time when both labour and materials were extremely high. By this undertaking he became involved, and the theatre was recently sold for £10,000, the cost of erection being above £30,000. Mr. Wyatt was generally respected by those professionals with whom he was brought into contact, and by the public, for whom he catered so long.
"THE LATE MR. JOSEPH WYATT. TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire (25 July 1860), 5
SIR, - Anticipating that you will afford me space in your paper, I would wish to make a few remarks upon the late Mr. Joseph Wyatt, whose rather sudden demise took place on Thursday morning last, and in doing so it will be principally in connexion with the prominent position the deceased occupied in connexion with the drama in this colony, and not with his commercial enterprise, that those remarks shall he made, although upon the latter subject, much indeed might be said.
It must be observed how many of our oldest residents have recently been removed from amongst us by the hand of death, of these the late Mr. Wyatt may well be numbered, having been a colonist of nearly fifty years standing. He was always remarkable for his industry and indefatigable exertions in accomplishing or carrying out any object he had in view; possessed of an energetic spirit, and of great enterprise. - He erected numerous buildings in Sydney, which, at the time, adorned the situations where they stood. I may mention a few of them, from memory, viz.: - The entire range, extending from the site of the old Commercial Bank in George-street to the house formerly occupied by Mr. Mace, in King-street, forming six houses together with three spacious stores situated in the rear; the three Houses in George-street, adjoining the English, Scottish and Chartered Bank, where formerly the Dove Inn stood; those large houses also in George-street, adjoining the site of the old Bank of New South Wales; a portion of the premises forming the rooms of the Australian Auction Company; several houses in Pitt-street, opposite Brougham-place; as also the whole range of houses forming Brougham-place, with the four houses terminating the end of that locality in Pitt-street, and the four houses at the end, in Castlereagh-street; also, recently three or four houses facing the Prince of Wales Theatre.
But Mr. Wyatt's greatest undertakings were the Victoria Theatre, in Pitt-street, and the Prince of Wales Theatre, in Castlereagh-street, the former of which, with the houses fronting it, cost him in the erection, nearly twenty-five thousand pounds, and the latter, with the adjacent buildings, fully thirty thousand, and this brings me at once to my subject.
The late Mr. Wyatt may well have been considered the originator of the legitimate drama in these colonies. After having leased during the years 1837, 1838, and 1839, the old Theatre in George-street, where the Royal Hotel now stands, in the subsequent year he built the Royal Victoria Theatre [recte 1838], and in thus providing a suitable home for the expositor of Shakspere, he, in my opinion deserved the fullest thanks of our Sydney public. The company with which he opened this establishment embraced several names which will long be remembered by our play-going community. Who that has ever seen can ever forget Simmons, true to nature in every character he assumed, every inch an actor; Meredith, who had Shakspere at his fingers ends, and Knowles who was both a scholar, and a gentleman? Added to these were Cameron, Mackay, Lazar, Simes, Fenton, Grove, Falchon, the charming Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Bushell, the sweetest of soprano singers; Mr. Bushell, the celebrated buffo; Mrs. Chester, Mrs. O'Flaherty, Mrs. Thomson and her daughter, now Mrs. Young (at present performing with great success in London), and Mrs. Ximenes; the talented Wallace being the leader of the orchestra; besides these names, which were great in the histrionic art, Mr. Wyatt added to his company afterwards by a reinforcement from Hobart Town, and numerous other actors and actresses who subsequently arrived from England and elsewhere, foremost amongst whom was Nesbitt, who though not a man of polished education, enacted Shakspere with the happiest conception of the great author whom he interpreted; who might well have shone as "a bright particular star" even on the stage of "old Drury" where so many triumphs have been achieved, and who had he taken care of himself, might now be Brooke's rival. On the stage, Nesbitt sometimes appeared very like Macready, but it was only when surrounded by scenery, in the glare of the footlights, and dressed in Shaksperian attire that the resemblance was perceptible, but in a room and in his ordinary apparel all likeness to certainly the greatest living tragedian vanished - was lost; a highly intellectual man was all that you observed, although, he trod the carpet, much as he did the stage, and talked in a deep tragedy tone. Nesbitt, however, poor fellow, flung away his opportunities and expatriated himself - but I am digressing.
Mr. Wyatt long continued in a successful career when, in 1842, he went to England and engaged Mr. Griffiths to be the manager of the Victoria, as also the following artists:- Mr. and Mrs. Torning, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbes, the former to be the leader of the orchestra, Mr. James and Madame Louisa, Mr. and Mrs. Deering, with Mr. and Mrs. Moreton [sic]. Thus, it may be observed, that Mr. Wyatt used his very best exertions in catering for the public taste, exertions, too, which incurred an enormous outlay, and which never came back to him. First, he experienced the unhappiness of seeing the Victoria Theatre pass away from his hands, and then his second theatre, the Prince of Wales, sacrificed by sale at a price one-third of its original cost. These disappointments preyed heavily upon his mind, and as is generally the case with most who are bowed down by misfortune, it may be said of Mr. Wyatt, that latterly has endured, rather than enjoyed life. Eventually his liabilities, with all their distressing accompaniements, harassed his mind, and wore away his frame.
Mr. Wyatt in his life time, being of a remarkably independent spirit, would not bend,
to receive the simplest favour from any one; but now that he is gone, I think that all in connection with the drama,
whether as artists or visitants on its performances, should at once come forward in consideration that Mr. Wyatt spent at least two fortunes in furtherance of their interests,
and erect some suitable tablet to mark his memory, in appreciation of the services he for so many years rendered towards the promotion of the legitimate drama amongst us.
This suggestion I now merely throw out with a hope that it will receive due consideration in the proper quarter.
With many apologies for thus trespassing upon so much space in your valuable publication.
I am, Sir, your most obedient servant,
N. N. 23rd July, 1860.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Meredith (actor); Samson and Cordelia Cameron (actors), Angus Mackay (actor); John Lazar (actor); Thomas Simes (actor); Charles Fenton (actor); Daniel Parsons Grove (actor); Arthur Falchon (actor); Eliza and John Bushelle (vocalists); Marian Maria Chester (actor, vocalist); Eliza O'Flaherty (actor); Martha Thomson (actor); Jane Young (actor); Ann Ximenes (actor); Spencer Wellington Wallace (musician); Francis Nesbitt (actor); Mr. and Mrs. James (actor; dancer)
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", Sydney Mail (28 July 1860), 5
The death of Mr. Joseph Wyatt, for so many years connected with the theatres in this colony, occurred on the 20th instant. Mr. Wyatt was the lessee of the old theatre at the rear of the Royal Hotel - which was burnt down in 1838. He built the Victoria Theatre in Pitt-street, and may be said to have been very successful in that undertaking. The ground on which the Victoria is erected was held on a building lease, and on its expiry a misunderstanding arose between Mr. Wyatt and those to whom the property fell in, and he at once embarked in the ruinous speculation of building the Prince of Wales Theatre in Castlereagh-street, at a time when labour and materials were at the highest figure. It was soon apparent that two theatres would not pay in Sydney, and the severity of the competition, coupled with the enormous expense of erecting this structure, so crippled his resources, that he was at length compelled to take the benefit of the Insolvent Act. Mr. Wyatt was seventy-two years of age, and in his dealings with the public and the professionals during the twenty-five years he was connected with the theatres, managed to secure the respect of both. He was buried on Saturday afternoon.
Bibliography and resources:
H. L. Oppenheim, "Wyatt, Joseph (1788-1860)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
Joseph Wyatt, Convict records
Joseph Wyatt, Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
ASSOCIATIONS: Wyatt's wife Rachel arrived as a free emigrant per Northampton on 17 June 1815, and on 28 June petitioned governor Lachlan Macquarie for Joseph's ticket of leave. Having received an absolute pardon in September 1822, he and his wife were able to return to England in April 1823.
Joseph Wyatt, Find a grave
WYATT, William (William WYATT; Dr. WYATT)
Amateur musician, flautist, vocalist, surgeon, Indigenous culture reporter, president Adelaide Choral Society (c. 1849-57)
Born Plymouth, Devon, England, March 1805; baptised Charles the martyr, Plymouth, 10 May 1805; son of Richard WYATT and Grace ?
Married Julia DARBY (d. 1898), St. Andrew, Plymouth, Devon, 18 April 1832
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 10 February 1837 (surgeon per John Renwick, from Gravesend, 28 October 1836)
ied Kurralta, SA, 10 June 1886, aged "81" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
WYATT, William (William WYATT; Mr. W. WYATT)
Amateur artist, lithographer
Born Adelaide, SA, 19 March 1838; baptised 15 November 1838; son of William WYATT and Julia DARBY
Died Burnside, SA, 28 December 1872, aged "34" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA peristent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

William Wyatt, senior, ? in volunteer force uniform (State Library of South Australia) (DIGITISED)
Baptisms in May 1805, Charles the martyr, Plymouth; Plymouth & West Devon Record Office (PAYWALL)
10 / William son of Richard & Grace Wyatt Born March 1805
"MARRIAGES", Exeter Flying Post [Exeter, Devon] (26 April 1832), 2 (PAYWALL)
On Wednesday last, at St. Andrews' Church, Plymouth, Mr. William Wyatt, surgeon, of Plymouth, to Miss Julia Darby, daughter of the late John Darby, Esq., of London.
"BIRTH", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register [Adelaide, SA] (7 April 1838), 3
March 19. - The Lady of W. Wyatt, Esq., J.P., of a Son.
"AMATEUR CONCERT", South Australian Register (25 June 1842), 2
The Amateur Concert, for the benefit of the Adelaide Infant School (not the Trinity Church Sunday School as erroneously stated in our last), took place on Tuesday evening. The room was crowded by a highly respectable assembly, and the whole concert "went off" most creditably for a first attempt. The overtures to Zampa and Fra Diavolo, in particular, were played with much spirit. Some disappointment, as well as considerable disadvantage to the vocal harmony, accrued from the desertion of the ladies who had promised their valuable assistance on the occasion. Notwithstanding their defection, however, the fine glees "Hark the Lark," "Bragela," and "Here in-coot grot," were sung with great sweetness. Dr. Kent and Dr. Knott were both most successful in their solos, and applauded to the "very echo." Among the amateurs, to whom the orchestral effect was principally owing, we may mention Mr. F. S. Dutton, who presided at the piano forte, Mr. Newland, Mr. McGill (96th Regt.), Mr. Wyatt, Dr. Kent, and Mr. Barnard. Messrs. Bennett, Poole, and Ewens also contributed their valuable assistance on the occasion; Mr. Charles Campbell good-naturedly complied with a request made to him in the room, and sung an Irish song in a style which reminded us of poor Jack Johnstone. The whole concert, in short, spoke highly of the musical talent of Adelaide, and is calculated, we hope, to lead to many similar agreeable entertainments. The proceeds to the benefit of the Infants' Schools amounted, we believe, to about twenty-five pounds.
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Archer Kent (amateur vocalist); John Knott (amateur vocalist); Francis Stacker Dutton (amateur pianist); John Napier Magill (amateur musician); George Bennett (musician); Mr. Poole (musician); William Ewens (amateur vocalist)
[Advertisement], South Australian (7 November 1843), 3
THE AMATEUR CONCERT, FOR the liquidation of the debt incurred on Trinity Church School,
will take place in Messrs. Lambert and Son's new Auction Room, THIS EVENING, at seven o'clock, P.M.
Overture - "Masaniello" - Auber
Glee - "The Red Cross Knight" - Calcott
Song = "The Flag that Brav'd" - Nelson
Duet - "Borne in yon Blaze" - Dr. Clarke
Duet (flutes) - "Di tanti Palpiti" - Rossini
Glee - The Curfew" - Bishop
Duet - "Flow gently, Deva" - Bishop
Overture - "Tancredi" - Rossini
Overture - "La Cenerentola" - Rossini
Glee - "Hunting Glee" - Wade
Song - "Zephyr among the Flowers" - Bennett
Duet - "Now at Moonlight's fairy hour" - Thompson
Concerto - "Pianoforte" - Herz
Glee - "The Chough and Crow" - Bishop
Overture - "L'Italiana" - Rossini
Finale - "God save the Queen".
Tickets, 5s each, may be obtained at the Bank of South Australia, and the Club, from J. G. Nash, Esq., A. D. Gell, Esq.,
Messrs. Lambert and Son, and at this office.
A family ticket, to admit three, 10s. Oct. 29th, 1843.
"AMATEUR CONCERT", South Australian Register (11 November 1843), 3
On Tuesday a vocal and instrumental concert, of which we had a short notice in our last, was given by several amateurs in Messrs. Lambert's new auction-rooms. The doors were opened at half-past seven, and nearly the whole of the seats were occupied by eight o'clock, at which time his Excellency the Governor and Mrs. Grey arrived. They were received with every demonstration of respect, and the concert almost immediately commenced with Auber's Overture to Masaniello. Mr. Bennett took the pianoforte, Dr. Kent, Dr. Wyatt, and Lieut. Magill had their flutes, and Mr. Poole his bass-viol. The music of this piece is too well known to require comment, and, if we may judge from the applause of the audience, the performers did it full justice.
Dr. Calcott's beautiful glee, "The Red Cross Knight," followed, by Drs. Kent and Wyatt, and Messrs. Ewens and Howard [sic, Harward], accompanied on the pianoforte by Mr. Bennett. In our very humble opinion, the effect was rather injured by its being sung too fast: it had the appearance of being hurried over, and many of the best points were lost. Still, this is a matter of taste, and probably ours may be peculiar.
Dr. Knott next sang "The flaunting Flag of Liberty" with his usual good taste and gentlemanly manner.
A Lady, who has sometimes before delighted us in public, and often in private, then sang, as a duet, with Dr. Kent, "Borne on yon blaze of orient sky" - a very pretty piece - in which she also played the pianoforte accompaniment.
A duet on flutes by Drs. Wyatt and Kent followed, ("Di tanti palpiti") and, another glee and a duet, the first part closed with the Overture to Tancredi, in which Mr. Bennett's violin was added to the instruments before used, the lady playing the pianoforte.
Not to be tedious, we will only say that, in the second part, several very pretty pieces, mostly of a light kind, were introduced. In one Dr. Kent threw in a dash of variety by accompanying himself on the guitar.
A concerto on the pianoforte by the lady was received with much applause.
The beautiful glee, "The Chough and Crow," was given in excellent style, followed by a duet on the pianoforte, and the concert concluded with the National Anthem by the lady before alluded to, and Drs. Wyatt and Kent.
An entertainment of this kind is rather a novelty here, and we were much gratified to see that it could be so well done, and that it was so well supported. The most distinguished persons in the Colony were present, and the room presented a very pretty appearance from the taste and elegance of the ladies' dresses, not to mention their own beauty, which is proverbial. An air of cheerfulness seemed to pervade every one . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George and Eliza Grey (governor and wife); the "lady" probably Georgiana Murray (pianist, vocalist); Thomas Harward (amateur vocalist)
"MR. BENNETT'S CONCERT", Southern Australian (5 January 1844), 3
On Wednesday evening we had the pleasure of attending a concert given by the above gentleman. To our agreeable surprise, we found that Drs. Kent and Wyatt had given their valuable aid, and they, of course, contributed in no small degree to the harmony of the evening. Several excellent overtures and glees were performed in a manner which gave great satisfaction, and it was remarked that there was a decided improvement as the performances proceeded. "The Breath of the Briar," by Mrs. Murray, Messrs. Ewens, Harward, and Poole, was beautifully executed; and, in the second part, "Mary of Argyle," a very sweet song was sweetly sung by Mrs. Murray, and deservedly encored. The Glee, "The Merriest Time of all the Year," also elicited universal applause. The little catch, "Ah! how, Sophia," was successfully performed by Messrs. Ewens, Harward, and Bennett. It is celebrated for its puns, having been expressly composed for cockney singers . . . Altogether, this, we should say was one of the best concerts we have had in Adelaide. His Excellency the Governor and Mrs. Grey were present. The attendance was pretty good, consisting of about 100 ladies and gentlemen, and will, we trust, encourage Mr. Bennett again to favor the public with a similar gratification at no distant period.
"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (13 January 1849), 2
AT the Annual Meeting of the Subscribers, held at the "Freemasons' Tavern," on Tuesday evening, the 9th January, 1849 (Dr. Wyatt in the chair),
the following reports and accounts were submitted, and ordered to be published: -
The Committee in giving their Report of the proceedings for the last twelve months,
congratulate the members on the general results which have attended their efforts, inasmuch as the Concerts given by the Society have afforded general satisfaction to the subscribers,
and the public who have favoured them with their attendance at the performances, while the advancement which the orchestra members have made,
they trust, is as satisfactory to themselves as it is gratifying to the Committee to observe.
The proceeds from the Concerts have not equalled the expectations of the Committee, which, however, is attributable to the inclement weather on the evenings on which they took place.
The success which attended their first Concert in February last,
induced the Committee to authorise the purchase of a pianoforte which was offered to them on terms they thought they could have met without inconvenience;
but in consequence of the deficiency in their receipts, they were reluctantly compelled to dispose of it again,
and although the sale was effected without incurring any loss, they regret not being able to secure an instrument so desirable for the Society to possess.
They have, however, been enabled to purchase a Double Bass and three Trombones, which are acquisitions of importance,
as well as a score copy of the Messiah, and the Oratories of Sampson, Jeptha, Judas, Maccabeas, Israel in Egypt, Joshua, Joseph, Solomon, and Acis and Galatea.
The payments for music books, paper and copying, have also been considerable, but unavoidable, until the Society can obtain the necessary music from England or elsewhere.
The Committee are anxious to express their obligation for the great assistance which some members have afforded in copying free of cost,
without which this item of expenditure would have been considerably augmented . . .
JOHN W. F. DALTON, Hon. Secretary. Adelaide, January 10, 1849.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide Choral Society (organisation)
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (30 January 1855), 3
The annual meeting of the Adelaide Choral Society was held last evening at Green's Exchange, Mr. T. P. Addison in the chair. The report of the Committee for the past year detailed the progress of the Society during that period. It was a very satisfactory document, showing as it did the very extraordinary progress the Society has made since its resuscitation at the commencement of the year 1854 . . . The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: - President, Dr. Wyatt; Vice-President, C. Mann, Esq.; Treasurer, Mr. Smyth; Librarian, Mr. Mitchell; Secretary, Mr. Snaith; Auditors, Messrs. Whiting ton and Thomas; Committee, Messrs. Addison, Rodemann, Rainsford, Spiller, Dr. Cotter, Dr. Sholl, Messrs. Thompson, Lower, and C. Mitchell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Plummer Addison (chair); John Snaith (secretary); Maximillian Louis Rodemann (member); Emanuel Spiller (member)
"CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Observer (31 January 1857), 3
The annual meeting of the Choral Society was held yesterday evening at Neales's Exchange.
Dr. Wyatt, the President, was in the chair. The following report of the Committee was read and adopted: . . .
"The Committee of the Adelaide Choral Society have much pleasure in presenting their report of the transactions of this Society for the past year,
and feel pride in stating that the members have been entertained by the performance of a far greater number of entirely new pieces than have ever been introduced by this Society within the same period of time;
no less than twenty concerted pieces and choruses, with full orchestral accompaniments, having been performed during the last year,
which have never before been heard in South Australia. Your Committee beg to record the high esteem in which they hold the indefatigable exertions of Herr Linger, their conductor,
to whom, in connection with Mr. Chapman, the leader, they feel indebted for that degree of efficiency which has been attained by the orchestra of this Society . . ."
. . . The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: - President, Dr. Wyatt; Vice-President, Mr. John Brown; Secretary, Mr. W. G. Harris;
Librarians, Messrs. Clisby and Edwards; Auditors, Messrs. Whitington and D. Harwood;
Committee, Dr. Davies, Dr. Sholl, Messrs. Addison, Lower, Mitchell, Betteridge, Rodemann, Vouader, Heyde [sic Von der Heyde], and Wurms [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Linger (conductor); William Chapman (leader, violin); Redford Clisby (member); Henry Betteridge (member), Gustav von der Heyde (member); Louis Frederick Wurm or his brother Henry (member)
"THE ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONVERSAZIONE", Adelaide Times (19 January 1858), 3
The Adelaide Choral Society held their annual meeting last evening, in White's Rooms in the form of a conversazione, at which His Excellency the Governor, the patron of the Society, was present. The attendance was far from being numerous . . . Dr. Wyatt then delivered an address, misnamed in the programme a "lecture," in which he described the progress of the Society since its establishment, accompanied with some brief remarks as to the science of music generally. Though there was nothing very brilliant, nothing very attractive, in the address, it being principally a detail of facts, and although it was not very eloquently delivered, it was, nevertheless appropriate; and it possessed one great redeeming feature, viz., it was very short . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (19 January 1858), 3
On Monday evening, a conversazione in connection with the annual meeting of the Adelaide Choral Society was held in White's Assembly Room, at which His Excellency, the Patron of the Society, presided . . . The Very Rev. the DEAN moved the appointment of the officers for the ensuing year, which was seconded by Mr. J. PITMAN, and carried. They include the President, Dr. Wyatt; Vice-President, Hon. C. Davies; Treasurer, Mr. G. White; Secretary, Mr. Betteridge; with a Committee and Auditors. During the evening several concerted pieces were performed in a most masterly style by the orchestra. Miss Petman also added to the attractions of the evening by singing with much taste and feeling two charming ballads . . . The following address was delivered by the President : -
The intention of the present imperfect sketch is to set before you as briefly as possible the affairs of a Society from which, it is not assuming too much to say, the audiences attending its concerts have, for a long period, derived considerable gratification. It is in no case a pleasing task to attempt establishing the claims of an institution by a detail of its short-comings; and yet, in a young community, every public undertaking, from an inherent tendency to fluctuation and occasional failure, must, to some extent, come within that category. The Adelaide Choral Society has been no exception to this role. It is a true child of our soil - sometimes buffeted by the rude blasts which have now and then assailed our adopted home, and like it almost overwhelmed by the force or the tempest; at others rising with somewhat of the indomitable energy that has characterized the people of its birthplace. In the early days of the colony musical entertainment of a public character was rarely to be enjoyed. In the few attempts that were made the long deprivation that had been endured naturally led both performers and hearers to over-estimate the success obtained; but what from want of practice, the smallness and unsuitable nature of the buildings then existing, and the almost total absence of properly-arranged music, it would be now readily admitted by all concerned that the imaginary efficiency existed only in the excusable self-complacency of the musicians and the amiable partiality of their friends the audience. The benevolent purposes contemplated in these weak attempts were, however, deemed a sufficient excuse for all their defects.
Various circumstances conspire to prevent a great number of persons who have a high appreciation of the pleasure derivable from music, from acquiring the power of creating that pleasure for themselves, either by the exercise of their own voice or the playing on any instrument. The majority of these are also deprived of such recreation in their own houses, and almost all are shut out from the enjoyment of concerted music upon an adequate scale except as supplied by an educated and well-conducted public body. In course of time, therefore, an organized society was felt to be a great desideratum, and at length the Choral Society commenced its chequered career. There was abundance of musical talent in the colony, and an opportunity was thus supplied for combining its efforts and attaining such results as co-operation can alone ensure. What numerous difficulties the Society has met, opposed, and surmounted, and to what extent it has conduced to the amusement, instruction, and benefit of the community, are matters too well known to many now present to require more than cursory notice from me. In both these respects I am confident we shall agree, that it deserves no less credit, and far more extensive support, than it has hitherto received. Like most similar societies in the other hemisphere, the object of our own has been to place within the reach of its members the means of cultivating the science of music, and at the same time rendering the practice of it, as an art, subservient to the gratification of themselves and others. The impossibility of obtaining sufficiently commodious rooms in which to hold their concerts has, in past times, very much limited the number attending them, and in the same ratio curtailed the Society's financial resources. The various expenses of providing musical instruments and copy, hiring, furnishing, and lighting rooms, &c., have been nearly the same whether the subscribers were few or many, and this has frequently involved the Society in an accumulation of debt, threatening its ultimate ruin. At one time the migratory conditition of the population, and the unprecedented depression that affected all classes, scattered far and wide both audience and orchestra, whose disjecta membra might have been found laboriously engaged to the inharmonious sounds of pick and shovel in fossicking and prospecting with their fellow-men from all quarters of the globe for the all-attractive nuggets. A more settled state of things induced the return of many to the old spot, since which time variable success has attended the unceasing efforts of the present members to regain and strengthen their former creditable position.
Great have been the struggles of the Committee to maintain a state of solvency under everimpending debt; equally arduous the exertions of the orchestra, guided by their talented and able conductor and leader, to preserve their musical standing amidst the powerful competition of professional visitors of celebrity who at intervals enliven and delight us by their presence. During the last year an expenditure of about £180 has left a balance of less than £4, while the liabilities and uncollected subscriptions each amount to nearly £50, both of which are probably somewhat lessened by this time. The Committee have recently incurred a still further responsibility by engaging this room at a large rent. Let us indulge the hope that a due appreciation of their zeal may not be wanting to stimulate them to further perseverance and ensure still more complete success.
To a civilized audience, such as I am now addressing, any attempt to insist upon the claims of music may be deemed a work of supererogation. And yet it is so pleasing a task, if not an incumbent duty, for any one susceptible of its charms and grateful for the inexpressible delights afforded by it to expatiate upon so attractive a subject, that I trust I shall be pardoned for coupling with my advocacy of the Choral Society a few remarks on the exquisite science which that Society in a humble way desires to cultivate. In common with its sister fine arts, the direct influence of music is exercised through the medium of one of the senses. This, however, is only the first step; and if the only one, the process of realization would never be completed. There would only be the impression of sound, without even the distinction of its being musical or non-musical. One or more special faculties of the mind are wanting to the process, and these being supplied there is a consciousness of individual and relative duration and tone. It is worthy of note, therefore, that the faculty of music does not reside in the organ of hearing, but in the brain itself. The auditory apparatus may be as perfect in conformation and as complete in operation as possible, and yet the faculty of music, or at least any manifestation of it, be entirely absent.
By many persons music is too apt to be regarded as a sensual gratification. What has been just stated clearly proves this to be an error. It is, in fact, an intellectual pursuit of high order, embracing first the exercise of a wonderfully fine sense; then the active condition of a mental faculty or faculties almost entirely confined to man; and lastly, if the process be carried out to the fullest extent, the employment of memory, reason, and veneration. The laws which govern the gradation of musical sounds are as fixed and unalterable as the laws of gravitation, and we might as reasonably admit the possible annihilation of those influences which bind the universe together, as that the fixed relations of musical sounds could undergo any change. Even abstractedly considered the mere action of the faculty is of a most complex nature. The appreciation of a single sound or of a succession of sounds constituting melody, the instantaneous blending of various sounds or harmony, and the reducing of the whole to those arbitrary rules of duration or time by which man's inventive powers are perpetually producing such ravishing effects in musical composition - to all this astonishing complexity is superadded extreme rapidity, perception, recollection, anticipation, ratiocination - all exercised in an instant or time as immeasurably short as the progress of the lightning's flash. Thus, in the breast of any one desirous of applying his mind to the analysis of his sensations they can scarcely fail to arise a hearty feeling of gratefulness. That in this, as in all else of nature's providing, the want having been created, the most ample means of gratifying it has also been supplied.
These characteristics of music gave to it the nature of a universal language, limited in its influence to no class of human beings, and linking together the past, the present, and the future. In every state of mind its beneficial effects are available. It soothes the afflicted and sad, it enhances the joyousness of the happy and gay. The harp of the shepherd boy abated the mad fury of Israel's king. It frequently constitutes a bond of union, a sympathy of hearts between persons, whom otherwise the diversity of spoken language would effectually keep asunder. Men of all nations in the civilized world here meet on one common ground - separated by the confusion of tongues, united by the harmony of sweet sounds. There is scarcely a race of men so rude and uncivilized as to be entirely without some semblance of a taste for music. Even the aborigines of our adopted land, in their extreme state of degradation, practise a succession of three or four musical sounds, which, like the many dialects of their complicated language, encourage the belief that they are the remnant of better things that no longer exist among them even traditionally, so long a period has elapsed and so complete has been their moral and intellectual fall. There seems, indeed, to be an intimate connection between the condition of a race or nation and the character of its music.
The compositions of the three nations constituting the British people are as different as their ancient languages. The same may be said of the Italian, German, and French. It is the privilege of civilized man, possessing as he does the sense of the beautiful in music, to enlarge his enjoyment of it by a full appreciation of all these diversities of style. How completely can the English man identify himself with the spirit-stirring war-songs and the melancholy coronachs of the Scote's, with the exquisitely tender melodus of the Irish, and with the strains and compositions of the other nations named! And this invaluable advantage is perfectly reciprocated by all.
On the young the influences of music are most beneficial. Having had so many opportunities of witnessing its happy effects in some of the licensed schools of the province, I can only regret that by present circumstances it is confined to so few. I have frequently known that, after a long and tedious examination in the ordinary branches of education, the children have eagerly desired to prolong their musical exercises far beyond the appointed hour for closing school. Every opportunity, therefore, should be afforded to those youths who have left school to prosecute this study by the establishment of musical classes in all local institutes, as well as in that of Adelaide.
Taking it for granted that all present are of one mind as to the importance of music and the desirability of its cultivation, I cannot be otherwise than secure of my success in soliciting their aid and sympathy towards an institution that has long precariously struggled on under the disadvantage of insufficient pecuniary means. Actuated by no sordid considerations, its orchestral members have gratuitously devoted their acquirements and leisure to the object they have in view. For a considerable time, indeed, they even contributed their assistance to the funds of the Society; but this arrangement, injudicious from the first, has very properly been allowed to fall into disuse. In return for the results of their labour and time, they ask the increased assistance of those whom they admit to the participation of rational enjoyment. As an inducement to the fuller extension of this aid already freely granted, I believe it may be said, without fear of contradiction, that in proportion to their resources has been their practical improvement.
Fortunate, at the present, in the services of a German gentleman as its conductor, possessed of much of that professional talent so largely enjoyed by his countrymen; in the co-operation of its indefatigable leader, whose correct appreciation and execution of music must be acknowledged by all who hear him; and provided with a numerous orchestra already favourably known, it may be looked upon as certain that, with an improved financial condition, the operations of the Society will be, as hitherto, attended by commensurate advancement towards perfection; and that, in every sense, its harmony will be as complete as that of the people of thote nations so happily united under the name of South Australians. Respectfully soliciting, on behalf of the Society, a continuance of your Excellency's and Lady MacDonnell's patronage, at all times so readily bestowed on worthy objects; of the favour of the ladies, without which we should have little to hope; and of the substantial contributions of the gentlemen, I shall now conclude, in order to give the orchestra an opportunity of continuing their more attractive performances . . .
"SONG OF THE VOLUNTEERS", Adelaide Observer (7 January 1860), 5
We have been favoured with a proof of the above song, the words, as will be remembered being, by Mr. H. E. Smith, and the music by Signor Cutolo. The song was first sung at one of the Signor's concerts in Adelaide, and the bold and martial character of the strain was greatly admired and applauded. In its praise, as an addition to the songs produced within the colony of South Australia, we need say nothing more than has been said already; but of the style in which the song is got up it would be wrong to be silent, since there is so much to approve in the clearness of the type, the general correct ness of the lithography, and more particularly in the frontispiece which illustrates the theme. We are informed that the frontispiece was designed by Mr. W. Wyatt, son of Dr. Wyatt, and that it was also drawn by him on stone. It represents a spot upon the coast off which two men-of-war are engaged in landing an invading force. Behind two huge gum trunks and a broken limb that has fallen from one of them are ensconced five of our gallant volunteers, one in the act of loading, and the others aiming and firing at the advancing party. The position and attitude of the riflemen are well managed, as is also the distance of the invading ships and forces; while a grass-tree in the foreground of the drawing gives a distinct South Australian cast to the whole. We can readily imagine that the frontispiece might tempt many to purchase the song apart from the intrinsic excellence of the words and the music.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (composer); Henry Edward Smith (lyricist)
"COLONIAL MUSIC", The South Australian Advertiser (11 January 1860), 3
We were some days since favored with a copy of the Volunteers' Song - words by Mr. Smith, music by Signor Cutolo . . . It may now be had of the booksellers and others for a small sum. The engraving is well executed, and the frontispiece consists of a smart lithograph by Mr. Wyatt, jun., representing the gallant volunteers - not exactly winning "glorious blood-red biers," but furnishing the same to a number of invaders whom they are picking off most satisfactorily at long range.
"CORONERS' INQUESTS. SHOCKING MURDER AT BURNSIDE", The South Australian Advertiser (30 December 1872), 2
On Saturday evening, December 28, the township of Burnside was thrown into a state of great excitement by the report that a man named James Slape, a laborer, who has been several times employed by Dr. Wyatt, had murdered William Wyatt, jun., son of Dr. Wyatt, Chief Inspector of Schools. The report, alas, proved to be too true. The deed had been done by a mattock, which must have been wielded with terrific force, judging from the wound which was made on the right side of the head, and the position in which the body was found. The head of the deceased presented a shocking appearance. A gaping wound large enough to admit three fingers, and of jagged appearance, was observable on the head. Upon information being given at the Mounted Police Barracks, troopers were immediately dispatched and the murderer was arrested . . .
Dr. Wyatt, chairman of the Adelaide Hospital Board, died to-day, aged 82. He arrived in the colony in 1837. He leaves about £100,000 worth of property, which is principally bequeathed to the charities of the city. Mrs. Wyatt survives him.
"DEATHS", Evening Journal (14 June 1886), 2
WYATT. - On the 10th June, at Kurralta, William Wyatt, aged 81.
Song of the volunteers composed by Sig. Cutolo, words by H. E. Smith, esq. ([Adelaide: W. Wyatt for C. Cutolo and H. E. Smith, 1860]) (DIGITISED)
Some account of the manners and superstitions of the Adelaide and Encounter Bay Aboriginal tribes, with a vocabulary of their languages, names of persons and places, &c., principally extracted from his official reports by William Wyatt, esq., J.P. (formerly Protector of the Aborigines, South Australia), in Native tribes of South Australia (Adelaide: Wigg & Son, 1879) (DIGITISED)
Wyatt, senior, was Protector of Aborigines, SA, 1837-39; see for instance, this report of a meeting between the goveror and "a band of about 200 friendly natives", headed by "Onkaparinga Jack" and "Captain Jack", at Adelaide, in November 1838; "THE NATIVES", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (3 November 1838), 4
Fort 2008 (49-50) transcribes a letter from Wyatt that she dates to mid 1838, including: (PREVIEW)
Yesterday, one whom I thought a chief, by the kangaroo bone being struck through the septum of his nose, and who also had a very intelligent countenance, came with his two wives and another man . . . One of them has also played on Julia's piano and followed her, when she struck the notes, with his voice in tune, either when played promiscuously or in succession. They call it corrberry, so they evidently mean by that word the music which accompanies their dance, and not the dance itself . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Kadlitpinna (Indigenous leader); Mullawirraburka (Indigenous leader); Kaurna (Indigenous people of the Adelaide plains)
Bibliography and resources:
Alan Rendell, "Wyatt, William (1804-1886)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
K. T. Borrow, Dr. William Wyatt (1805-1886) of Kurralta, South Australia (Adelaide: The Pioneers' Association of South Australia, 1972)
Carol Fort, Keeping a trust: South Australia's Wyatt Benevolent Institution and its founder (Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 2008) (PREVIEW)
William Wyatt [senior], Design & art Australia online
William Wyatt [junior], Design & art Australia online
WYLDE, Charles (Charles WILD; Charles WYLDE; Mr. C. WYLDE; Mr. WYLDE)
Amateur musician, vocalist, member Adelaide Choral Society
Born Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire, England, 10 October 1824; son of John WILD [sic] and Ann CHINNER (1796-1843) (m. Middleton Cheney, 12 November 1823
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 24 November 1845 (per Templar, from London, 21 July)
Married (1) Hannah Evans PARKIN (1836-1886), Mt. Barker, SA, 24 May 1860
Married (2) Josephine Elizabet HITCHCOX (1857-1920), Glenelg, SA, 22 March 1887
Died Glenelg, SA, 13 June 1901, aged "76" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Register of births, Great Chapel (Baptist), Middleton Cheney; register 1785-1837; Uk National Archives, RG4/1274 (DIGITISED)
Charles Wild, son of John Wild & Ann his wife, of the parish of Middleton Cheney, in the County of Northampton was born October 10th - the tenth - 1824 . . .
"LOCAL NEWS", South Australian [Adelaide, SA] (11 Februar 1851), 2
A tea meeting was held yesterday evening at the Baptist Chapel, in Pulteney-street. The chair was afterwards taken by W. Peacock, Esq., and the company was addressed by the Rev. Daniel, minister of the chapel, the Rev. Mr Haimes, Messrs. Bonwick, Wickes, Randall, Reynolds, and several other gentlemen. The evening was enlivened by the performance of sacred quartettes, &c by Messrs. J. W. Daniel, Burford, Chinner, and Wylde.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Daniel (d. 1874, Baptist cleric), father of Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist); William Henville Burford (vocalist); George Williams Chinner (vocalist and Wylde's maternal cousin)
"THE BAPTISTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA", South Australian Register (16 April 1851), 2
The members and friends of the Baptist denomination in connexion with the chapel in Pulteney-street met on Monday evening last to celebrate the final completion of that edifice . . . Mr. Slatter then took the chair . . . then introduced to the meeting Messrs. Daniels, Burford, Chinner, and Wylde, who had kindly volunteered, their services as vocalists . . . A vote of thanks to the Chairman, the vocalists, and the ladies who had furnished the feast, was then passed, and the meeting broke up, every one expressing satisfaction at the pleasant manner they had passed the evening. We cannot let this pass without complimenting the gentlemen vocalists, not only upon the good feeling displayed in volunteering for the occasion, but for the care and skill with which they went through the various pieces executed by them - nine in number, and selected from the best masters, including Mozart, Sarte [sic, ? Sarti], Spohr, Novello, Handel, and Kreutzer.
ASSOCIATIONS: If not Sarti, then possibly Camille Del Sarte (composer, vocalist)
"DINNER TO F. S. DUTTON, AND G. M. WATERHOUSE, ESQRS.", Adelaide Observer [SA] (12 July 1851), 4
The Committee of F. S. Dutton, Esq., M.L.C., gave a dinner to the hon. gentleman on Wednesday evening, at the Hamburg Hotel,
as a fitting finale to the long and arduous contest so successfully terminated by the triumph of the candidate whom they supported as the exponent of their political principles.
G. M. Waterhouse, Esq., member for East Torrens, was also a guest, as well as a few other gentlemen, amongst whom we noticed Mr. Whittridge, of the Austral Examiner,
some members of the Press, and Messrs. Daniels, Chinner, and Wylde, of the Choral Society . . .
Dr. Eades occupied the presidential chair . . . He called on them to quaff to "The health of Francis Stacker Dutton, Esq., Member of the Legislative Council for East Adelaide."
The toast was drunk upstanding with tremendous applause, which burst out repeatedly as it appeared to be subsiding.
Quartetto arranged expressly for the occasion by J. W. Daniels:
"Fair is the statesman's honour'd crown,
And fair his laurell'd wreath;
The lustre of their bright renown
Fades not, bedimm'd by death."
By Messrs. Daniel, Chinner, Burford, and Wylde . . .
"Prosperity to South Australia." (Cheers.)
Glee - "Hail smiling Morn" . . .
"The Liberal Interest," which was drunk with applause.
Glee - "Foresters Sound the Cheerful Horn" . . .
Glee - "The Souls of the Brave" . . .
Glee - "Awake, Eolian Lyre" . . .
Glee - "Sleep, Gentle Lady" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Stacker Dutton (politician, musical amateur); Adelaide Choral Society (association)
"YATALA ELECTION DINNER", South Australian Register (19 August 1851), 3
The friends of W. Giles, Esq., the successful candidate for Yatala, celebrated his return for that district by a sumptuous dinner yesterday evening, at the Norfolk Hotel, Rundle-street. The Chair was filled by F. S. Dutton, Esq., M.L.C. . . . During the evening the proceedings were greatly enlivened by the superior glee-singing of Messrs. Daniels, Wylde, Chinner, and Burford; and in addition to the comic song by Mr. Fisher, there was another written expressly for the occasion, and sung by Mr. Dicker, which elicited loud applause.
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Fisher (vocalist); Frederick Dicker (vocalist)
"UNION CHAPEL, COROMANDEL VALLEY, UPPER STURT", Adelaide Observer (2 April 1853), 3
A social meeting of a very animating description was held here in the afternoon and evening of Good Friday, to celebrate the opening of the Chapel on the same day in 1851. The neat Chapel, which would have proved too small to accommodate many visitors in addition to its ordinary congregation, had its accommodations enlarged by a tent erected at the vestry end . . . On re-assembling after tea, the company was agreeably entertained by a piece of sacred music, performed by a choir from Adelaide, consisting of Messrs. Chinner, Daniells, jun., Burford, and Wylde. This was continued at short intervals throughout the evening . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (29 July 1854), 3
WITH a desire to aid in the successful accomplishment of the great object now before the public, the undersigned have taken steps to carry out a
SACRED CONCERT; and with a view to its being efficiently and solemnly conducted, hereby invite the cooperation of all who are practised in concerted singing.
They have obtained the cheerful acquiescence of the office-bearers of Freeman-street Chapel, who have, without hesitation, granted its use for the purpose.
A Committee will be formed, and immediate notice given of the time and place for practice.
July 27th, 1854.
ASSOCIATIONS: George White (musical amateur)
"SACRED CONCERT", Adelaide Times (7 September 1854), 3
The Sacred Vocal Concert in aid of the War Relief Fund took place last evening in the Freeman-street Chapel, and was, as we predicted, decidedly the most brilliant and successful musical entertainment that has ever taken place in South Australia. The building was crowded, not less we should imagine, than 700 persons being present, amongst whom were Sir Henry and Lady Young, and most of the leading residents in Adelaide and the neighbourhood. Before noticing the performance in detail, we feel no hesitation in stating that in the management of the choruses, and the great science and judgment displayed in their execution, the performance of last evening - excepting, of course in point of numbers - would bear by no means a discreditable comparison with those we have been accustomed to hear in Exeter Hall. Mr. Daniels acted as Leader, in a manner which reflected great credit upon him. It, perhaps, was to be regretted that a fuller instrumental accompaniment was not available; although the two pianofortes, under the tasteful and brilliant management of Mrs. Young and Mr. Francis Dutton, were made the most of. We can only briefly refer to some of be more prominent features of this highly interesting entertainment, and amongst them we would mention as deserving of special praise the alto of Mr. Burford, which was eminently successful throughout. Miss Chalker sang with her accustomed good taste, and was, we thought, in remarkably fine voice. The old favourite "With verdure clad,"and the duet from the "Creation," "Graceful Consort," sung by that young lady and Mr.Daniels, were warmly and deservedly encored. Mrs.Adamson delighted the audience by her beautiful rendering of Handel's "When warlike ensigns;" and Mr. Daniels gave "Arm, arm, ye brave" with very good taste, and was loudly encored. We will not conclude this necessarily hurrid notice without recording our unqualified approval of the unaccompanied quartette of Franz Abt, "Morn awakes in silence," sung by Messrs. Burford, Chinner, Wilds, and Daniels, in very excellent style. The unsparing efforts of Messrs. White and Burford, to carry out the arrangements of the Concert with credit and eclat, have been completely successful, and we cordially compliment those gentlemen and all other parties concerned in the arrangements, upon the gratifying result of their exertions.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Augusta Young (governor and wife); Rebecca Cash Young (pianist); Marie Chalker (vocalist); Emma Golding La Vence Adamson (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (11 September 1854), 1
THE Committee for carrying out the Sacred Concert in aid of the War Relief Fund,
beg publicly to express their thanks to Mr. J. W. Daniel for his disinterested and efficient services as conductor, and congratulate him most warmly on his complete success,
"ANNIVERSARY SERVICES", South Australian Register (6 December 1854), 3
On Sunday last, the 3rd December, services in commemoration of the fourth anniversary were held in the Baptist Chapel, Lefevre terrace, North Adelaide . . . On Tuesday evening a tea meeting, held in the chapel, was well attended . . . Tne chair was taken by G. F. Angas, Esq., M.L.C., by whom, and by several other gentlemen, the meeting was addressed. It is pleasing to add that the debt upon the chapel, which previous to those services was £350, has, by the liberality of those who attended, been reduced to less than one-half that sum. During the evening some excellent pieces of sacred music were sung by Messrs. Burford, Chinner, Daniel, and Wylde. The proceedings were closed shortly before 10 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: George French Angas (politician)
"MARRIED", The South Australian Advertiser (29 May 1860), 2
May 24, at the residence of the bride's father, Mount Barker, by the Rev. J. Gordon, Mr. Charles Wylde, of Adelaide, to Hannah Evans, only daughter of Mr. J. Parkin, and niece of W. Parkin, Esq., M.P., for this city.
"MARRIAGES", Evening Journal (28 March 1887), 2
WYLDE - HITCHCOX. - On the 22nd March, by the Rev. C. Manthorpe, Charles Wylde, to Josephine Elizabeth, eldest daughter of William Hitchcox, both of Glenelg.
"DEATHS", Evening Journal (14 June 1901), 2
WYLDE. - On the 13th June at High street, Glenelg, suddenly, Charles Wylde, aged 76 years.
"THE LATE MR. CHARLES WYLDE", The Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (15 June 1901), 8
The death of Mr. Charles Wylde, of High-street, Glenelg, removes another old and respected colonist. The deceased gentleman arrived in the colony with his cousin, the late Mr. George Chinner, about the year 1847 [sic], and was for many years a partner with the late Mr. G. F. Claridge as soft goods merchants in Rundle street. Mr. Wylde retired from active business some twenty years ago, his health having broken down, but he had reached the age of 76 at the time of his death. This occurred quite unexpectedly on Thursday evening. Mr. Wylde had been under medical treatment for a few days, but was supposed to be convalescent, and was in his garden a few hours before he expired. Mr. Wylde's principal work outside of his business was in conection with the first Congregational Church in Freeman-street, Adelaide, under the late Rev. Thomas Quinton Stow, and later as deacon of the Glenelg Congregational Church, under the Rev. Charles Manthorpe. In his early life he was a musical enthusiast, and was a promoter of the first Philharmonic Society of Adelaide. A widow (daughter of (Mr. William Hitchcox) and three children survive him.
"ANOTHER SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ARTIST. Mr. Harold Wylde's Career", The Register (24 March 1916),6
. . . He is a son of the late Mr. Charles Wylde, and was born at Glenelg in 1888. He went to England in 1903 with other members of the family, primarily to continue his musical education, which had been well begun under the tuition of Mr. W. B. Hills, the organist of St. Peter's Church, Glenelg . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harold Eustace Wylde (1888-1975, son, musician)
WYLDE, John (John WYLDE)
Amateur musician, judge
Born London, England, 11 May 1771; son of Thomas WYLDE (1758-1821) and Mary Anne KNIGHT
Married Elizabeth Jane MOORE, 1805
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 5 October 1816 (per Elizabeth)
Departed Sydney, NSW, February 1825
Died South Africa, 13 December 1859 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Bibliography and resources:
R. J. McKay, "Wylde, Sir John (1781-1859)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
. . . On 5 October 1816 he arrived in Sydney in the Elizabeth, accompanied by his wife, six children . . . Widely read and familiar with the classics as might be expected, he also had a love of music. He imported a piano into New South Wales and among his prize possessions was a choice century-old cello and a treasured flute. He sailed for England in February 1825, leaving behind three children with his wife who was about to give birth to her last infant, and having already requested "a higher official Station" in the colonial department . . .
Precentor, choir leader
Active Sydney, NSW, 1860 (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Presbyterian churches (general)
A PUBLIC tea meeting was held in this church last evening, for the purpose of reducing the building debt. The chair was occupied by the Rev. James Milne, pastor of the church. The attendance was numerous, and the arrangements highly satisfactory. There was a large choir of ladies and gentlemen, who, under the direction of Mr. Wylie, precentor of the church, performed several sacred pieces . . .
WYNNE, Robert (Robert WYNNE; Mr. WYNNE)
Amateur musician, vocalist, solicitor, barrister
Born ? England, c. 1809
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 6 July 1834 (per Clyde, from Liverpool)
Died Hobart Town, TAS, 7 August 1856, aged "47" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SHIP NEWS", Colonial Times (8 July 1834), 4
JULY 6. - Arrived the ship Clyde, from Liverpool, 401 tons, Captain Ireland, with a general cargo, and the following passengers: - Mr. Sathell, Mr. Wynne . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (22 August 1834), 3
NOTICE is hereby given that Robert Wynne, late of Liverpool in the county of Lancaster, England,
but now residing in the New town road, Hobart town, Van Diemen's Land, one of the Attorneys of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench,
and a Solicitor in the High Court of Chancery,
intends to apply on the last day of the third term in the present year to be admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of Van Diemen's Land aforesaid as a Barrister,
Attorney, Solicitor and Proctor.
Dated this 20th day [of] August, 1834.
"THE LAW", The Tasmanian (26 September 1834), 7
Mr. Wynne applied this morning for admission to the Supreme Court as Attorney, &c. He produced the necessary British documents, and an affidavit that he had affixed his notice in the usual manner, at the Court door; but he omitted to add, that it had remained there, and the Court considered the affidavit defective, and ordered him to apply again. The Chief Justice took that opportunity to state, that the Court had heard that Mr. Wynne had appeared as a public performer at Mr. Deane's theatre. Mr. Wynne replied, he had so appeared twice; first, for a charitable institution - secondly, for Mrs. Mackay's benefit; but that he did so, believing, that as he was not then admitted, it would be no objection - and he had determined upon not doing so after he was admitted. The Court desired him to state whatever he thought necessary thereon in his affidavit.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician, theatre proprietor); Frances Mackay (actor, vocalist); Theatre Argyle Rooms (Hobart venue)
"ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, RICHMOND (From a Correspondent)", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (5 January 1838), 5
In pursuance of the advertisement announcing the opening of this unique and classic edifice for divine worship on Sunday, a highly respectable and numerous assembly of gentry arrived at eleven o'clock, to witness this most solemn and imposing ceremony.
Nothing could equal the surprise of the audience at finding a most efficient choir contributing to the solemnity of the scene. The well played clarionet of that professor of music, Mr. Reichenberg, aided by the skill on the piano of a talented young gentleman, a son to Francis Smith, Esq. with the delicate taste displayed by a lady, who accompanied that instrument, in incomparable style, and also by the skill of Mr. Solicitor Wynne, from Hobart Town, contributed to excite feelings of religious fervor and enchantment amongst the entire audience. The Vicar General sang the high mass with great ability . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Reichenberg (clarinet); Mr. Villeneuve Smith junior (piano)
"DINNER TO MR. C. McLACHLAN", The Courier (11 February 1842), 3
The entertainment given in the Argyle Rooms on Friday last surpassed everything of the king ever attempted in this colony, not only in the gastronomic arrangements, but in the hilarity and comfort which pervaded throughout . . . The first toast given was "The Queen," which was enthusiastically received, as each and all, "upstanding," responded to the loyal call, Mr. Duly's band (which was in attendance, and conducted in the usual efficient manner,) striking up "God save the Queen" . . . Mr. Kemp . . . would therefore propose "Speed the Plough, and prosperity and welfare to those who live by its exertions" . . . The toast was drank with appropriate energy to the air of "Speed the Plough," performed by the band. As the hours were fleeting fast, calls were uttered on those gentlemen whose abilities were known for singing a good convivial song; and "Mr. Elliston, Mr. Wynne, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Marshall," were challenged at the same time, as the name of each suggested itself to the different gentlemen. After the usual preambles emanating from the diffidence of the gentlemen thus called on, Mr. Wynne selected Burn's "Willie brew'd a peck o' maut," which he sang with the spirited mirth peculiar to himself; and was followed by a comic song from Mr. Elliston, - "What are you at. What are you a'ter," which elicited much applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Gore Elliston (amateur vocalist); John Marshall (amateur vocalist)
MUSIC: Willie brewed a peck o' maut (tune by Allan Masterton, words by Robert Burns, see also at Tune archive
"HOBART TOWN REGATTA, AND MR. CLEBURNE'S ENTERTAINMENT (From our H. T. Correspondent)", Launceston Examiner (5 December 1849), 5
On Saturday last R. Cleburne, Esq., gave an entertainment of a most extraordinary description to the elite of Hobart Town in his soap manufactory, at the Old Wharf. The worthy host provided a most ample collation at twelve o'clock, composed of cold viands of the best description, and the best of wine, spirits and beer ad libitum. The collation was served on tables of soap, piled throughout the great extent of the upper store, where the boiling vats are at work, but the most extraordinary fact consisted in the assemblage of fifty-six gentlemen in a newly-erected soap boiling vat . . . A gentleman proposed "the press of the colony," and Mr. Lewis rising, said, gentlemen," the press:" Here some tittering took place, and Mr. Lewis said, "I mean the wool press, which, in my opinion, is the most valuable in this colony." Irrepressible mirth here broke out, and Mr. Wynne, barrister at law, in a most humourous speech said, that he understood the toast to be the "press of Van Diemen's Land," full, free, and unfettered - a press that would speak the public mind un-awed by powers from government house. (Loud applause.) "The press" was accordingly drank amidst loud cheers, and Mr. Lewis said in a very good humoured manner that he had been rather taken in, but would only inflict the fine of a song on Mr. Wynne, which was given in that gentleman's best style . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Philip Duly (master); Band of the 51st Regiment (military band)
1856, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1220782; RGD35/1/5 no 921 (DIGITISED)
921 / August 7th / Robert Wynne / Male / Forty Seven Years / Solicitor / Inflammation of the Lungs . . .
"DEATHS", The Courier (7 August 1856), 2
On Thursday morning, August 7th, ROBERT WYNNE, Esq., solicitor of this city, aged 47. Friends are invited to attend his funeral from his late residence, 91, Davey-street, on Saturday, the 9th instant, at 3 o'clock.
Amateur musician, violoncello player, cellist
Active Geelong, VIC, 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (25 June 1859), 4
GEELONG RECREATIVE SOCIETY. Patron - His Exellency Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B.
THIRD GRAND CONCERT For the People, at the MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, On Monday Evening, June 27, 1859,
Overture - Band
Song - "I cannot mend my Wheel" - Mrs. Goodliffe - Linley
Song - "Oh say not Woman's False as Fair" - Mr. Martyr
Glee - "Winds gently Whisper" - Messrs. Badnall, Moore, and Hinchcliffe.
Quadrille - "Geneva" Band - D'Albert
Song - "Ever of Thee" - Mr. Badnall - Linley
Song - "Little Nell" - Mrs. Goodliffe - Linley
Solo, Piano Forte - "Bells of the Monastery" - Mr. Plumstead
Interval of ten minutes.
Valse - "Queen of the Ball" - Band
Song - "The Star of Love" - Mrs. Goodliffe - Wallace
Solo, Violoncello - Mr. Wyvill
Glee - "The Mighty Conqueror" - Messrs. Hinchcliffe, Moore, and Badnall - Webbe
Grand Fantasia from the Opera of "Norma" - Herr Maas
Song - "Where'er a Cot is seen" - Mrs. Goodliffe - Kucken
Band - "God Save the Queen!"
Admission - One Shilling. Children, Sixpence . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Barkly (governor, patron); Anne Goodliffe (vocalist); Charles Henry Badnall (vocalist); Henry Byron Moore (vocalist); John Hinchcliff (vocalist); Henry Plumstead (pianist); Herr Maas (musician); Geelong Recreative Society (association)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (18 July 1859), 4
Overture - "Italiani In Algieri" - Band. - Rossini
Song - "Kathleen Mavourneen" - Mrs. Goodliffe.
Song - "Man the Life Boat." - Mr. Meakin. - Russell
Solo - (Pianoforte) "La Cascade" - Mr. Pringle
Song - "The Three Ages of Love" - Mr. Badnall - Loder
Comic Song - Mr. J. Buckland
Song - "Only in Jest" - Mrs. Goodliffe. - Mendelssohn
Quadrille - "Court of St. James"- Band
Valse - "Martha" - Band. - D'Albert.
Song - "Happy Birds" - Mrs. Goodliffe - Paravicini
Trio (Flute, Pianoforte, and Violincello) - Messrs. Stoneham, Plumstead and Wyvill
Song - "A Life on the Ocean Wave" - Mr. Boyce
Quadrille - (Ireland) - Band
Comic Song - Mr. J. Buckland
Glee - "Hail Smiling Morn" - Messrs. Walton, Badnall and Meakin
"God Save the Queen" . . .
W. STITT JENKINS, Hon. Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Meakin (vocalist); George Robert Grant Pringle (pianist); William Stoneham (flute); Thomas Henry Walton (vocalist); Jeff Buckland (vocalist); William Stitt Jenkins (secretary)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (29 August 1859), 4
Overture - "Masaniello" - Band - Auber
Song - "Beauty, Sweet Beauty" - Miss James - Goruther
Song - "The Young Recruit" - Mr. Ewart - Kucken
Quadrille - "Cherbourg," - Band - D'Albert
Song - "I'm a Merry Zingara" - Miss James - Balene
"Fair Flora decks" - Messrs. Ewart, Badnall, and Blanchard
Song - "The Pilot" - Mr. Blanchard - Nelson
Quadrille - "Little Bo-Peep" - Band - D'Albert
Polka - "The Hey House" - Band - D'Albert
Song - "Terrence's farewell" - Mr. Ewart - Le Patourel
Solo - (Violoncello) - Mr. Wyvill
Song - "The Harp that once through Tara's Halls" - Mr. B. J. Downing - Moore
Duett - "Flow gently, Deva" - Messrs. Ewart and Blanchard - Parry
Galop - "The Express" - Band - D'Albert
Song - "Ave Maria" - Miss James - Schubert
Laughing Trio - Miss James, Messrs. Ewart and Blanchard "God Save the Queen!" . . .
W. S. JENKINS, Hon. Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie James (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Charles Blanchard (vocalist); Bartholomew Joseph Downing (vocalist)
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