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Maria Hinckesman

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Maria Hinckesman", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025

HINCKESMAN, Maria Theresa

(from c. 1840, and in Australia usually HINCKESMANN; also HINCKSMAN; HINCKSMANH; HINKESMAN; HINKSMAN)

Pianist, Professor of the Sostenente, Harp, Pianoforte, Singing, and thorough Bass, composer

Born London, England, 12 March 1803; baptised St. Bride's, Fleet Street, 11 April 1803 (daughter of Richard and Mary Hinckesman)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 July 1842 (assisted per Earl of Durham)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 15 March 1849 (per Johnstone, for London)
Died Islington Workhouse, London, England, 21 February 1853; buried St. Mary, Islington, 25 February 1853, aged 49 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Daughter of Fleet Street booksellers and stationers Richard and Mary Hinckesman, Maria came to the notice of The harmonicon with the publication of her vocal setting Hosanna! to the prince of light in 1823, and further songs in 1823, 1824, and 1826.

She advertised in The harmonicon in 1826 as a teacher of the sostenente (a novel piano sounded by a bow-like mechanism) and pianoforte, and of thorough bass according to the system of Augustus Frederick Chistopher Kollmann (1756-1829), with whom, and with visiting Polish pianist and composer Maria Szymanowska (1789-1831), she claimed to have studied. She was sued for insolvency in 1837, and later reportedly came "into great distress".

Lack of professional opportunity and success in London perhaps prompted her decision to migrate to Australia, describing herself as a "general servant" in order to gain free passage as a bounty emigrant. However, upon landing she advertised as a music teacher and payment of her passage was accordingly refused. In Sydney, as recently in London, she gave her surname as Hinckesmann, and this spelling is usually given in the Sydney press (her own advertisements included).

She gave her first Sydney concert in October 1842, with the assistance of the Bushelles, Gautrots, Wallaces, Deanes, and "a juvenile Pianist from London, (only eight years of age), pupil of Miss Hinckesmann". The concert included the only certain record of a composition of hers performed in Sydney, a song in honour of the birth of the Prince of Wales, "dedicated by special permission to the Queen, who was pleased to receive a copy sent to her by Miss H."

Her young pupil, henceforth regularly referred to as the "Juvenile pianiste", was Sophia Maria Forsythe, who had also arrived on the Earl of Durham, with her widowed mother Margaret.

Hinckesman later presented another pupil to the public, Miss Tuohy; she was probably Mary Tuohy, later, unhappily, to marry George William Worgan.

Her one locally published song, A dream of the mayor's fancy ball, appeared in William Baker's journal Heads of the people (10 July 1847), four days before the 1847 ball itself.

As a vocalist, she was billed to sing in James Johnson's performance of Messiah "with Mozart's accompaniments" in December 1845, though if so in a minor role, perhaps only in the chorus.

She sailed again for London in March 1849.

In London in July 1851 she performed William Vincent Wallace's piano fantasy La Cracovienne there, but the following year an appeal was raised to help her after an accident left her unable to pursue her profession.

She died at Islington Workhouse, at 4.30pm, on 21 February 1853.

England (1803 to 1841)

10 April 1803, baptism, Maria Hinckesman, St. Bride's, London

Maria Hinckesman, baptised St. Bride's Fleet Street, 11 April 1803

Baptism register, St. Bride's, Fleet Street, London

Baptized April 10 [1803] Maria, d. of Richard & Mary Hinckesman, No. 146 Fleet street, born March 12th


[Review], The harmonicon 2/17 (May 1824), 97 

8. Hymn, "Hosanna! to the Prince of Light," composed for four voices, by Maria Hinckesman. (Whitaker and Co., St. Paul's Church Yard.) . . . The Hymn, - for so we have called this piece, the fair author not having bestowed a title upon it, - is in 4/2 time, and is the composition of a lady.

[Review], The harmonicon 2/23 (November 1824), 209

. . . 4. The Snow-drop, a RONDO, with VARIATIONS for the SOSTENENTE, HARP, or PIANO-FORTE, by MARIA HINCKESMAN. (Cocks and Co., 20, Princes-street, Hanover-square.) . . . No. 4 is very short, and this is its best recommendation. We earnestly counsel the fair Authoress to compose less till she has studied more. And, if we may be allowed to offer her a little further advice, we would recommend more attention to the Italian and French words which she introduces: the jumble of these, and the errors so frequently found in them, are, however, by no means confined to the present case.


[Review], The quarterly musical magazine and review 8 (1826), 505 

. . . . The Snowdrop, a Rondo for the Sostenente Harp or Piano Forte, by Maria Hinckesmann. R. Cocks and Co . . . Mr. Chipp's lesson [My Heart is Sair, with Introduction and Variations for the Harp] is an easy and effective piece, and may be highly recommended to those who are not great proficients on their instrument. Miss Hinckesmann's is of the same kind and very pretty.


5 April 1827, Hinckesman's concert, Almack's Rooms, London

[Advertisement], The London age (1 April 1827), 1 (DIGITISED)

Miss HINCKESMAN's, At Almack's Rooms, Thursday, April 5th. We were, unfortunately, not able to be present at this concert.

"VOCAL", The harmonicon 5 (1827), 70-71

10. "There is a mystic thread of life," written by Lord Byron. 11. "Oh! had my fate," written by the same. 12. "Oh! there my young footsteps," written by the same. 13. The blue-ey'd lassie," written by Burns. Composed by MARIA HINCKESMAN. (Published by the Author, 188, Regent Street.) . . . The last four songs in the above list, from No. 10 to 13, embarrass us much: they are by a lady, and we are unwilling to even whisper an unpleasant truth to a composer of her sex. Still, as critics, we must divest ourselves.

4 April 1827, annual concert, Willis's Rooms, London

"WILLIS'S ROOMS", The morning post (7 April 1827), 3

Miss HINKESMAN's Annual Concert took place on Thursday night, at these Rooms, and afforded a rich treat to a numerous and elegant assembly of the friends of that amiable and accomplished Lady.


[Advertisement], The new times (28 January 1828), 1

WILLIS'S ROOMS, KING-STREET, ST. JAMES'S. - Miss HINCKESMAN has the honour to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, and her Friends generally, that her Annual Grand Concert will take place at the above elegant Rooms, on Thursday, May 1, 1828, at which she will be assisted by the first vocal and instrumental talent in the country. Leader Mr. Mori. Further particulars and tickets may be had of Miss Hinckesman, No. 33. Gerrard-street, Soho (removed from 188, Regent-street), where she respectfully informs her Friends and Pupils, she continues to give Instructions on the pianoforte, sostenente, singing, &c.

[Advertisement], The athenaeum (18 March 1828), 255 (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Nicholas Mori (1796-1839), violinist, music publisher, stepfather of Lewis Henry Lavenu

"NEW MUSIC", New-York mirror and ladies' literary gazette 5/30 (2 February 1828), 

"O Bonny was yon Rosy Brier." - Sung by Miss George, at the New-York Theatre, Bowery. The words by Burns, the music by M. Hinckesman. Engraved, printed, and sold by E. Riley, 29 Chatham-street . . .

1 May 1828, concert, Willis's Rooms, London

"MUSICAL", The morning post (2 May 1828), 3

Miss HINCKESMAN, a young Lady who has attained considerable celebrity as a Pianiste, had a Benefit Concert at Willis's Rooms last evening, which was most numerously and fashionably attended, and the Entertainment provided for them was of a superior description, both Vocal and Instrumental. Among the former, Madame SCHUTZ, Madame STOCKHAUSEN, Madame NEVILLE, Miss BETTS, and Miss A. TREE. DE BEGNIS, SCHUTZ, and PIOZZI assisted; and among the latter, MORI (who led); LOVENDAL (Flute), FLORKE (Oboe), O. DAVIS (Harp), DUVERNAT (Guitar), and Miss HINCKESMAN (Piano.) Two Solos by this young Lady on the Grand and Sostenute Pianofortes, were much and deservedly applauded; and the whole Concert went off with eclat, and to the entire satisfaction of the numerous Visitors.

"NOUVELLES ÉTRANGÈRES. LONDRES", Revue musicale 3 (1828), 547

Le 1er mai, concert de miss Hinckesman, ou rien ne fut passable.

[Advertisement], The morning post (22 May 1828), 1

NEW MUSIC. - "The Rose and the Thistle," written and arranged as a Duet, at the express desire of the Scotch Nobility, for Miss Paton and Madame Vestris, from the tune to which Prince Charles, and Lady Eleanor Wemyss danced at the last Ball given in Holyrood Palace, in the year 1745, and sung with enthusiatic applause by Miss A. Tree and Miss Betts, at Miss Hinckesman's Concert, on the 1st of May, 1828, and most respectfully dedicated (by permission), to the Dowager Countess of Morton; also Mrs. Ramsay, of Edinburgh; Mrs. Kerr, of Chatto and Surlands; Sir Peter Murray Threepland, Bart.; Sir Walter Scott; Bart.; and Sir Thos. Strange, by Maria Hinckesman. Published and sold by the Author; 33, Gerrard-street, Soho-square; Messrs. A. Lee and Co., Regent's Quadrant; Mori and Lavenu, 28, New Bond-street; Willis and Co., Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, and Westmorland-street, Dublin, and all Music and Booksellers in the United Kingdom. Miss Hinckesman respectfully informs the public, that no copies of this Duet are genuine, but those which contain, in addition to the Duet, the old Celtic March, played by the Highlanders on the Landing of his Gracious Majesty George IV, in Scotland, in 1822, and signed by her.

[Review], The harmonicon (1828), 184 

12. Duet, between Prince Charles and Lady E. Wemyss, the words by Miss Paton, the music arranged by J. Hewitt. (Schwieso.)

13. Duet, "The Rose and the Thistle," and the Old Celtic March, arranged by Maria HINCKESMAN. (Mori and Lavenu.) . . .

Nos. 12 and 13 are both the same tune, which is said to be that to which Prince Charles, the Pretender's son, danced, with Lady Eleanor Wemyss, at the last ball at which he was present in Holyrood palace, in 1745. The air is a very remarkable one, and deserves a good base and skilful accompaniment. Mr. Hewitt has nearly, but not perfectly, succeeded in his arrangement . . . Of the other version of this we are compelled to declare, and we seriously regret the necessity of appearing so ungallant, that a publication so full of the most intolerable errors, a work betraying so utter a disregard of the simplest laws of harmony, - nay, of those rules which a good ear alone would have taught, never came under our view. We would fain have considered the faults as blunders of the engraver, but they are too obviously arising from another cause, to admit of the excuse which we were willing to make. It would be a waste of paper to give a single example of them; and we must add, as an apology for our bluntness, that there is an air of unusual pretension in this, which shows that the author, who has before challenged criticism, ought now to hear the plain, undisguised truth, unpleasant as it will, doubtless, sound.

[Advertisement], The harmonicon (May 1828), n.p.

"The Blue-eyed Lassie," sung with great applause by Miss George, at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket,
and at the Professional Concerts - 2 0
"O bonnie was yon rosy brier," sung with distinguished applause at the Professional Concerts, by Mr. Melrose, of the Theatre Royal Haymarket - 2 0
A Second Edition of the following songs written by the late Lord Byron:
"There is a mystic thread of life," sung by Mr. Melrose - 1 6
"Oh! had my fate been joined with thine," by ditto - 1 6
"Ah! there my young footsteps," by Miss Love, of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden; also by Mr. Melrose - 1 6
*** The above, as well as all the Author's other Compositions, may be had at No. 188, Regent Street, (where she continues to give Instructions on the Piano-Forte, the Sostenente, Thorough Bass, &c., on Mr. Kollmann's approved System), and of all Music-Sellers.


9 June 1831 (postponed from 21 May), concert, Assembly Rooms, Hackney, London, England

Maria Hinckesman's annual concert 1831

[Advertisement], The morning post (18 May 1831), 1

ASSEMBLY ROOMS, HACKNEY. - Miss HINCKESMAN has the honour most respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry and her Friends, that her ANNUAL CONCERT will take place at the above Rooms, on SATURDAY EVENING next, May 2l. Vocal Performed, Madame Stockhausen, Miss Hughes, Miss Waters, Mr. E. Taylor, Mr. Bennett, and Signor De Begnis. In the course of the evening Miss Hinckesman will perform Hummel's Rondo Brilliant in A, on the Grand Piano (with accompaniments), and a Solo on the Sostenente Piano; Mr. Mori a Concerto op the Violin; Mrs. Chatterton a Solo on the Harp; and Mr. Card, Drouet's admired Variations to the Huntsman's Chorus on His Flute - Leader, Mr. Mori; Conductor, Mr. Durnon. - To commence at Eight o'clock precisely. Tickets, 10s. 6d. each, to be had of Miss Hinckesman, 3, Stamford-grove West, Upper Clapton; of Messrs. Mori and Lavenu, New Bond-street; Clementi, Cheapside; George, Fleet-street and Islington; and at the Bar of the Mermaid Tavern, Hackney.

MUSIC: Rondo brilliant in A, op. 56 (Johann Nepomuk Hummel)

[Advertisement], The morning post (4 June 1831), 1

ASSEMBLY ROOMS, HACKNEY. Miss HINCKESMAN respectfully informs her Friends and the Public that in consequence of Mr. Paganini's Concert being fixed for the 21st of May, she was obliged to POSTPONE hers until THURSDAY next, June 9, when it will positively take place. Vocal Performers: Madame Stockhausen, Misses Hughes and Waters, Mr. E. Taylor, Mr. Bennett, Signors Torri and De Begnis. Solo Performers: Messrs. Mori, Card, Chatterton, and Miss Hinckesman. - Single Tickets, 10s. 6d. each, or Family Tickets for three, One Guinea, to be had of Messrs. Mori and Co., New Bond-street; Miss Hinckesman, 3, Stamford-grove West; and at the bar of the Mermaid.


"NOTICE", The London gazette (28 October 1834), 1914 (DIGITISED)

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately carried on by Maria Hinckesman and Julia Maria Astier, (now Julia Maria Davies), both of Bath-House, Peckham, in the County of Surrey, Schoolmistresses, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 29th day of September last - Witness their hands this 13th day of October 1834. Julia Maria Davies. Maria Hinckesman. Edwin Collins Davies.

"TUESDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE, OCT. 28, 1834 . . . PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED", Bell's New Weekly Messenger (2 November 1834), 7

M. HINCKESMAN and J. M. ASTIER (now J. M. Davies) Bath-house, Peckham, Surrey, schoolmistress.


"THE COURT FOR THE RELIEF OF INSOLVENT DEBTORS", The London gazette (January 1837), 185 

Maria Hinckesman (sued as Maria Hincksman), formerly of Bath-place, Peckham-lane, then of Swiss Cottage, Crownhill, Norwood, both in Surrey, Composer and Teacher of Music and Schoolmistress, and late of Swiss Cottage aforesaid, carrying on business in partnership with Mary Ann Wolfe, under the firm of Hinckesman and Wolfe, as Schoolmistresses.

"INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT. FEB. 22", The morning post (23 February 1837), 8

IN THE MATTER OF MARIA HINKESMAN. This insolvent, whose case was before the Court a few days since, and which on the present occasion occupied nearly ten hours, was opposed by Mr. Woodroffe, on the part of several creditors, and supported by Mr. Cooke.

The insolvent had been in partnership with a young lady named Wolfe, as proprietor of a boarding-school at Norwood, and the question, which occasioned a lengthened inquiry, was the disposal of considerable property, sufficient, it was alleged, to have paid all the creditors in full. It appears that the insolvent, a professor of music, had chaises, ponies, &c, which she sold after her arrest, and the money had been paid away, under the direction of a respectable attorney. She had a large quantity of furniture, &c., which had been sold, under a distress for rent and taxes, at a tremendous sacrifice. The creditors had been offered terms by Miss Wolfe, but they alleged that, had a proper course been pursued by those who advised the insolvent, they would have been paid in full. A remand was pressed on their behalf.

The Learned Chief Commissioner expressed himself in a very feeling manner on the case, and would have been glad had his public duty permitted him to discharge the insolvent. The remand would not be on the ground of ascertained fraud, but under the discretionary clause, expressing a hope that the gentleman who had advised her in the disposal of her property would intercede with the creditors. He adjudged her, from the date of the petition, to a remand to the full modicum of the 47th section - viz., six months.

The case lasted till near six o'clock.

"WEEKLY LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS", The musical world 4/51 (3 March 1837), 176

. . . Hinckesman. Rondo Divertimento. JOHANNING

ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Johanning (1795-1859), music publisher, previously in partnership with John Jeremiah Ewer as Ewer and Johanning (1824-29), see: 


May 1838, Tuesdays and Fridays, performances, Royal Gallery of Practical Science, London

[Advertisement], The morning post (3 May 1838), 1

MISS HINCKESMAN will perform on MOTT'S SOSTENENTE PIANOFORTE, on FRIDAY next, May 4, and TUESDAY, May 8, at Three o'Clock, a SELECTION of MUSIC, arranged for that instrument, at the Royal Gallery of Practical Science, Adelaide-street, West Strand.

[Advertisement], Morning Post (15 May 1838), 1

SPLENDIND EXHIBITION, Royal Gallery of Practical Science, Adelaide-street, West Strand - In addition to the Steam Gud, Oxy-hydrogen Microscope, Magnets, Electricity, &c.; Electro and Hydraulic Telegraphs, Dr. Arnott's and Messrs. Harper and Joyce's Stoves, Messrs. Hearn and Davie's Patent Improved Boiler, Mr. Coles's Improvement on Railway Carriages &c. a MUSICAL PERFORMANCE on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS at Three o'clock, by Miss HINCKESMAN, on Mott's Sostenente Pianoforte. Opens at Ten a.m. Admittance, 1s.


28 January 1839, concert, Yarmouth, Norfolk, England

[Advertisement], The Norfolk chronicle (26 January 1839), 1

[Advertisement], The Norfolk chronicle (26 January 1839), 1

Professor of Music, from London,
Who has had the honour of performing before his Majesty, William the IV, His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, & several other branches the Royal Family, and the Foreign Ambassadors,
MOST respectfully informs the Nobility and Gentry of YARMOUTH and its Vicinity,
that she intends giving
On Monday, the 28th Jan. 1839,
To which she humbly solicits their kind Patronage.
The Music will consist of Selections from the most popular Compositions of Haydn, Mozart, Hummel, Chalieu, Bishop, Reeve, &c.
MISS HINCKESMANN will perform several favourite Overtures and other popular Pieces, on the Piano and Sostenente; which Instrument, in addition to being a very fine-toned Grand Piano, is capable, by the use of a Balance Pedal, of producing the most wonderful and perfect imitations of every Instrument used in an Orchestra.
Single Tickets, FOUR SHILLINGS each, and Family Tickets, to admit Six Persons, ONE GUINEA, to be had of Mr. Skill, Quay, and at the Town Hall.

19 April 1839, concert, Willis's Rooms, London

[News] The globe (20 April 1839), 4

At Willis's Rooms, yesterday, Miss Hinckesmann had her annual concert, which was fairly attended. It was announced to commence at half past one, but was in every respect dilatory - a great disadvantage to any entertainment of the kind. Miss Hinckesmann is a performer on the pianoforte, and deserves credit as a very good player. On this occasion she gave a melange on Mott's grand sostenente pianoforte. There was a very considerable contribution of vocal and instrumental aid to this concert. Mori played a solo on the violin of very considerable merit, and Mr. Balsir Chatterton did the like on the harp. Mr. Balfe sang to his own accompaniment "Home in the Heart," and with excellent effect. Miss Wyndham, Miss Birch, Miss Woodyatt, Mrs. W. Seguin, Mr. Brizzi, and Phillips, all contributed their exertions to the success of this concert.

24 April 1839, concert, London

"EVENING CONCERT", Bell's weekly messenger (22 June 1839), 7

Miss Hinckesmanns has announced that her grand musical concert will take place on Monday evening, June 24, and some of the best and most popular artists, both vocal and instrumental, are engaged. Among them we perceive the name of that delightful singer Signor Mario, together with Mesdames Dorus Gras, Albertazzi, and Miss Birch, Signori Lablache, Giubilei, and Mr. Seguin, as well as a host of other most talented vocal and instrumental performers. It is given under the patronage of the Duke of Cambridge, and promises to be one of the best and most select concerts of the season. We are exceedingly sorry that pecuniary difficulties should afflict one so distinguished in her art as Miss Hinckesmanns.

24 June 1839 (Midsummer's day), Hinckesman's concert, Willis's Rooms

"MUSICAL REMINISCENCES OF THE MONTH", The new monthly belle assemblée (August 1839), 107-08 (DIGITISED)

Thalberg, the most wonderful pianist of the age, gave a Morning Concert at the Hanover Square Rooms, on Midsummer Day . . . On the same evening Miss Hinkesmann gave a concert at Willis's Rooms. Madame Dulcken, Doehler, and Mocheles, performed the triple concerto "Hommage a Beethoven," with great taste and science. It was the grand feature of the concert and was received with boundless applause. - Of the other portion of the performances we cannot speak very highly. We object to omissions, and think that the public have a right to expect an adherence to what is set down in the programme.


8 September 1840, concert, London

"MISS HINCKESMANN'S CONCERT", The musical world (10 September 1840), 171 

This lady's concert took place on Tuesday evening at the theatre of the Polytechnic Institution in Regent-street. Notwithstanding the lateness of the season and the empty state of the town, the concert was extremely well attended. Miss Hinckesman performed a Rondo Brillante by Hummel, and a Fantasia by Chaulieu upon one of Kollman's improved grand pianofortes in a manner that secured the deserved approbation of the auditory. The vocalists consisted of Miss Bruce, Miss Flower, Miss S. Flower, Miss Byfield, and Mrs. J. Fiddes; Messrs. Hobbs, Turner, A. Giubelei, Vinning and Ransford. Mr. Blagrove performed with his usual skill on the violin; Mr. G. Blagrove, Mr. J. Balsir Chatterton, and Mr. Carte, also contributed their professional talents.


3 March 1841, soiree musicale no. 1, Marylebone

[News], The era (7 March 1841), 5

Miss Hinckesmann commenced the first of her series of Soirees Musicales on Wednesday evening, at the Marylebone Literary and Scientific Institution. We were glad to find them so well patronised. The excellence of the programme, and the high talent brought into requisition, must insure a crowded auditory for the future evenings. The moderate sum for subscription is such as to induce all lovers of good vocal and instrumental music to become participators of an enjoyment from which the usually high price demanded for admission precludes many. Miss Hinckesmann is a pianist of very great talent; her execution is brilliant; and her adagios acquired a tenderness and passion, not easily attained on this instrument. She has had the good taste to eschew the "tight-rope school," and content herself and her hearers with the legitimate styles of Hummel and Cramer.

12 May 1841, soiree musicale no. 4, Marylebone, London

"MISS HINCKESMANN'S CONCERT", The new monthly belle assemblée (June 1841), 371 

This lady's fourth Soirée Musicale was given on the 12th ult., at the Marylebone Institution. Miss Binfield Williams played a fantasia piano-forte very admirably, and was loudly applauded. The Misses Flower sung the duet "Sister mine," and the glee "Blow gentle gales," with Mr. Vinning very sweetly, and Mrs. Aveling Smith was in good voice; we never heard her sing better. But the gem of the evening was the Infant Sappho, whose musical ear and delicate execution of very difficult passages excited enthusiastic applause. We were quite enraptured with her when she gave various national melodies; her style is perfect, and the easy gracefulness of her attitudes and action, the quickness of her eye, and the marked emphasis she gave to the bolder passages, seemed to fix the whole audience instantaneously to silent attention. Signor Sola gave a comic song, and Mr. Saynor a fantasia flute, with good effect. We must not omit to mention Master Blagrove's performance on the concertina, which was exceedingly graceful. Mr. Vinning sang "O the merry days," and "Farewell, my gentle Mary," very pleasingly, and Miss Hinckesmann gave two performances on the pianoforte, of which we cannot say much in praise; she wants execution.

5 July 1841, concert, London

"MISS HINCKESMANN'S CONCERT", The new monthly belle assemblée (August 1841), 122 

This lady gave a concert at the Music Hall on the evening of the 5th July. Miss Geary performed Dohler's grand fantasia, pianoforte, in very good style, and really has great power of execution. The Quartetto, Che mi Frena, was sung by Mrs. Aveling Smith, Mr. Handel Gear, and the Signori Sola, and met with great approbation. Miss Dolby's Ombra Adoratu, and "My Jamie, thou wert cold to me," were very sweetly given. We always regret her want of animation; nothing can thaw her natural iciness of manner. "Still so gently o'er me stealing," was given by Mr. Handel Gear in his very best style, and he was loudly called for to repeat it, but owing to the lateness of the hour he did not respond to the call. That charming young debutante, Miss Fanny Russell, sung "Rejoice greatly" from the "Messiah," in a style that would have been highly creditable to professors of twice her standing in life. Her voice is fine, full and clear, and capable of very great execution, which her present timidity prevents her from exhibiting. In the aria, Come per me sereno, she evinced great improvement even since the short period of time that has elapsed since her first appearance. She is, we think, the principal native vocalist that this season has brought forward. Mademoiselle D'Espourrin's harp fantasia was excellent, as was also the trio for harp, horn, and flute, by that lady and Messrs. Jarrett and Saynor. Mrs. Aveling Smith was in good voice, and gave "Fatal Goffredo," and the ballad of the "Greek Girl," with great spirit and effect. We must not forget among all these full blown roses of song, our favourite little bud, the Infant Sappho, who elicited more applause man any other performer of the evening. She made two appearances, and sung a melody that she had heard for the first time, a short time before she came upon the stage, with perfect correctness; as she did also an aria from "Norma," and several national melodies. She is indeed a wonderful little creature. Papataciao, by the Signori Sola, A. Sola, and Arizotti, wanted spirit. Miss Luigi sang a ballad very correctly; she also played a solo on the guitar, with good effect. Miss Hinckesmann played a fantasia on the pianoforte, by Moschelles, and was exceedingly well received. Mr. Vining met with much applause in the ballad "Oh! the merry days," and a very crowded audience were perfectly satisfied with the entertainment provided for them by the fair beneficiaire. Miss Bruce Wyatt was to have assisted, but from some unknown cause, she left the Music Hall without singing even one of the songs that were allotted to her in the programme.

Immigration inquiry (1842-43)

The HRA's printed transcription of the handwritten original letters (Historical records of Australia, series 1 volume 22, 1924) often gives her name as Hinckerman; corrected below (DIGITISED)


Francis L. S. Merewether (Immigration Office, Sydney) to E. Deas Thomson, 29 July 1842; HRA 1-22, 297

With reference to the Report of the Immigration Board on statement the Immigrants per "Earl of Durham," in which was recommended the payment of Bounty on Maria Hinckesman, an unmarried female who arrived in that Ship.

I do myself the honor to submit for His Excellency's perusal an advertisement which appeared in the "Sydney Herald" of the 27th Instant enclosed, from which it appears that Maria Hinckesman or Miss Hinckesman is an accomplished Musician, and that she intends shortly to give an Evening Concert; Miss Hinckesman has also advertised for musical pupils.

As the recommendation that Bounty should be paid on account of this Lady was made on the supposition that she was, as she represented herself to be, a general servant, I do not think it necessary to bring the case before the Board for reconsideration, but will at once beg to request that the recommendation may not be acted upon.

In enclose the certificate produced in favour of Miss Hinckesman.

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Merewether

E. Deas Thomson (Sydney, 20 August 1842), to T. Gore [re immigrants per Earl of Durham], HRA 1-22 (1924), 762

. . . I am directed further to remark to you that, amongst the unmarried immigrants on whom bounty is claimed, there is one person, Maria Hinckesman, so clearly ineligible for Bounty, that it is difficult to look upon her case except as an unjustifiable attempt to obtain Bounties contrary to the intention and spirit of the Regulations. This Person, who was passed before the Board as a "Servant of All-Work" is confessedly a "Music Mistress," and has already advertised to give Concerts in Sydney."

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Deas Thomson (colonial secretary)

George Gipps (Sydney, 22 September 1842) to Lord Stanley; HRA 1-22, 296-97

With reference to my Despatch No. 174 of yesterday's date, wherein I reported the circumstances under which I had declined paying Bounties on any of the Emigrants, said to have been sent to this Colony by Mr. Forsyth in the "Earl of Durham," I have now to request your Lordship's attention to the case of an unmarried female by that ship, named "Maria Hinckesman," on whom Bounty was peremptorily refused.

Maria Hinckesman came out as a domestic servant; and the fact of her being such is regularly certified in the Paper (an original one) which I transmit herewith, No. 1, by two persons described as respectable householders, namely, Edward James Hewitt and Henry Hays, residing at Nos. 188 and 168, Regent Street. Very shortly however after the arrival of Maria Hinckesman in the Colony, an advertisement was published by her, to which m y attention was very properly drawn by the Immigration Agent. I enclose a Copy of the Immigration Agent's letter, accompanied by the " Sydney Herald " Newspaper of the 27th July last, containing the advertisement, by which Your Lordship will perceive, that Maria Hinckesman styles herself "Professor of Music, and Sostenente Pianiste to his late Majesty."

I have also further to report that I have myself seen Miss Hinckesman, who has stated to me that she never was a domestic servant; but that, before she was reduced by unexpected misfortunes, the nature of which she did not explain, she considers that she held a high place among the professional performers and teachers of Music in London, and that she kept her own carriage; and she further stated to me that, when she applied for a free passage to New South Wales, she was accompanied by a gentleman, who explained to Messrs. Carter and Bonus all the circumstances under which she desired to emigrate. [297] If this statement be true, and from the air, manner, and appearance of Miss Hinckesman, I see no reason to doubt that it is so, it must be evident to Your Lordship that an imposition or, more properly speaking, a gross fraud has been attempted on this Government; and I would respectfully suggest that the case "' m am" should be enquired into by the Commissioners of Colonial Lands and Emigration.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Gipps (governor of NSW)


MEMORANDUM. R. B. Cooper (Colonial Land and Emigration Office, London, 8 April and 22 May 1843); HRA 1-22, 780-81

IN obedience to the orders of the Commissioners, I this day called on Mr. Henry Hays, Seal and Copper Plate Engraver, No. 168 Regent Street, and showed him the Certificate of Maria Hinkesman (No. 7285 s) which purported to bear his signature as attesting her character, etc.

Mr. Hays stated as follows: - He would not say the signature was his; he did not know such a person as Maria Hinckesman or any such name; he could not say the signature was not his, but afterwards he remembered having signed a document, and stated that Maria Hinckesman was, to the best of his recollection, a servant to Edward James Hewitt, by whom the certificate was brought to him for his signature, that he signed it upon Mr. Hewitt's representation and at his request; further that he was much surprised to hear that she was giving concerts at Sydney and that he would state in writing all that he had now said, if required.

[781] I also called on Mr. Edward James Hewitt, Confectioner, 188 Regent Street; Mr. Hewitt stated that he knew Maria Hinkesman; she was a Professor of Music; she once had Apartments in his house; she taught his sister music; she used to give concerts in London; never heard that she was Pianist to His late Majesty; she met with reverses in circumstances and afterwards went to live in a Gentleman's family in Regent's Park; thinks the name of the family was Dodsworth, and that Mr. Dodsworth was a Clergyman: She was a sort of Governess, and he considered therefore a Domestic Servant; He understood she was going to take a similar situation in New South Wales; he did not take the certificate to Mr. Hays and believes that Mr. Hays had signed it before it was brought to him; Will have no objection to state what he knows in writing if required.

22nd May 1843. I called again this morning in pursuance of the directions of the Board on Mr. Hays, who now states that Maria Hinkesman never lived in his family but that she did live in the capacity, he thinks, of a Cook or Houskeeper to Mr. Shankarim, states to be an eminent Professor of Music, who lodged at Hayes's Sisters, No. 183 Regent Street; His Sister is Dead; He does not know where Mr. Shankarim now lives. He repeated that Mr. Hewitt's signature was attached to Hinkesman's Certificate when he signed it; and he stated that Hinkesman might perhaps have gone into Mr. Shankarim's service, merely to qualify herself for a free passage.

Hayes's statement on both occasions were made in so equivocating a manner that I could attach no credit to his testimony.

Letter, Rev'd W. Dodsworth (Gloucester Gate, 10 April 1843) to S. Walcott; HRA 1-22, 781

I knew very little of Maria Hinkesman. She was introduced some years ago to a connect of mine by Mr. Mott, the Inventor of a Musical Instrument, as a person competent to give lessons in Music, and was so employed for a short [time]. But she never lived in my family. She afterwards came into great distress, and I afforded some little relief, but, finding her guilty of some misrepresentation, I refused to do anything more for her.

This is all I know of her from the sort of person she was, I should doubt very much whether she ever filled the capacity of Domestic Servant.

Letter, Messrs. Carter and Bonus (11 Leadenhall Street, 18 May 1843) to S. Walcott; HRA 1-22, 781

. . . We presume it is the intention of His Excellency to charge us with having claimed Bounty for Maria Hinkesman as a Domestic Servant with a knowledge that she was above the class of persons entitled to a free passage, and we have therefore thought it right to meet that charge with a direct negative in the most positive terms we could use; at the same time we must request attention to the fact that the charge in question rests entirely on the unsupported statement of the young woman herself, who by that statement was self-convicted of being a party to fraud, as she had signed the application to us for a passage in which she was described as a domestic servant . . .

DECLARATION BY R. CARTER. I, ROBERT CARTER, of Sussex Place, Regent's Park in the County of Middlesex . . . that application was made to me, in January, 1842, by James Kidd for a passage to Sydney by the ship "Earl of Durham" for himself, his Wife and five children, also for Margaret Forsyth and Ellen Kidd his sisters, and for Maria Hinkesman, Maria Bayley and Patience Bayley. And I further declare that I believed the said James Kidd, from his appearance and the Certificates he produced, to be a respectable Mechanic, and that he informed me that Maria Hinckesman had been and then was employed as a Domestic Servant, and she produced me a certificate to that effect, signed by Edward James Hewitt, a Confectioner, and Henry Hayes, a Seal Engraver residing in Regent Street, Westminster. And I further declare that I saw the said Maria Hinkesman on one occasion only, and that she was then accompanied by the said James Kidd and Margaret Forsyth and by no other person whatever to the best of my knowledge and belief. And I do further solemnly and sincerely declare that I was not at that time or at any other time informed by either of the said parties, or by any gentleman, or by any other person whatever, that the said Maria Hinckesman was or had been a musician, or a Professor or Teacher of Music, or that she then was or ever had been in any situation of life superior to or other than that of a Domestic servant . . .

Land and Emigration Commissioners (London, 30 May 1843), HRA 1-22, 779-80

. . . We have now the honor to state that, in pursuance of the wish expressed in Sir George Gipps' despatch No. 175 of the 22nd September, 1842, we have inquired into the circumstances under which Maria Hinksman, a Professor of Music, obtained a Passage . . .

[780] It is quite obvious that Maria Hinkesman was a Musician, and never was a servant, and that, in getting a passage in that capacity, she would have passed a deception on the Government, had she not been detected in time and the Bounty withheld. But the question, to which we think that the Governor wished us more particularly to direct our attention, is how far she had also attempted an imposition on the Bounty Agents, or whether they were cognizant before hand of the real circumstances of the case. She stated to the Governor that, in applying for a passage, "she was accompanied by a gentleman," who explained "all the circumstances under which she was desirous to Emigrate."

. . . We beg to say that, on referring to the list of Emigrants by the "Earl of Durham," we observe that a man named James Kidd was duly passed by the Board as a House Carpenter. We conclude that under these circumstances, seeing that Miss Hinkesman is by her own account self convicted of a deception.

Lord Stanley (London, 14 June 1843) to George Gipps; HRA 1-22, 779

. . . on the subject of the Immigrants introduced into New South Wales by Mr. Forsyth, I now transmit to you for your information the copy of a report from the Commissioners of Colonial Land and Emigration containing the result of their enquiry into the circumstances, under which "Maria Hinkesman" now describing herself as a Professor of Music, obtained a passage amongst the Emigrants by the "Earl of Durham" under the description of a servant . . .

Sydney (1842-49)

To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1842: 

11 July 1832, arrival in Sydney, assisted emigrant per Earl of Durham

"THE MUSICAL WORLD", The New South Wales examiner (13 July 1842), 3 

We are informed that by the Earl of Durham, the musical world has received a valuable addition by the arrival of Miss Hinckesmann, together with Mrs. and Miss Forsythe. Miss Hinckesmann, it is said, was pianist to her Majesty Queen Victoria, and will in the course of a few weeks give a concert in Sydney - the full particulars of which will be shortly announced.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sophia Maria Forsythe (juvenile pianist)

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (1 August 1842), 3

MISS HINCKESMANN, SOSTENENTE PIANIST to their Majesties, Composer and Professor of the Sostenente, Harp, Pianoforte, Singing, and thorough Bass, begs respectfully to inform the Nobility and Gentry of Sydney, that having recovered from her late indisposition, she will be happy to receive pupils, at her residence, Castlereagh street North. July 20.

[Advertisement], The New South Wales examiner (12 August 1842), 2 

(Sostenente Pianist to to their Majesties and to his late Majesty William the IV,)
PROFESSOR of the Sostenente Harp
Piano-Forte, singing and Thorough-Bass begs most respectfully to inform the nobility and gentry of Sydney, that her academy is now opened upon Mr. A. F. C. Kollmann's approved system, which combines tasteful and elegant execution with the theory. For cards of terms apply a Miss Hinckesmann's residence, Castlereagh-street north.
August 10, 1842.

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (23 August 1842), 3

MISS HINCKESMANN, begs to inform the nobility and gentry of Sydney, that her first Soirée Musicale will lake place at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday, September 7, upon a grand scale. The performances will be selected from the most admired compositions of both foreign and English composers. A juvenile Pianist (only eight years of age, pupil of Miss Hinckesmann) will make her debut upon this occasion. Tickets 7s. 6d. each, may be had of Mr. Ellard, and Mr. Rolfe, Music-sellers, and of Miss Hinckesmann, opposite the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street, of whom only a limited number of reserved seats may be secured, by an early application.

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (musicseller); Thomas Rolfe (musicseller)

"CONCERT", The Sydney morning herald (7 September 1842), 2 

Miss Hinckesmann, a lady recently arrived in the colony gives a concert this evening at the Royal Hotel. As Miss H. is a stranger among us, we hope she may find her appeal to the public for support liberally answered.

[Advertisement], The New South Wales examiner (7 September 1842), 4 

Postponement of MISS HINCKESMAN'S CONCERT MISS HINCKESMANN begs respectfully to announce that her Concert, which was to have taken place on the 7th instant, is postponed to the 12th October, in consequence of Monsieur Charriere's Benefit and Mr. Deane's Concert engaging the musical talent upon which Miss Hinckesmann had relied. Sydney, 3rd September, 1842.

ASSOCIATIONS: Monsieur Charriere (dancing master); John Philip Deane (violinist)

"MUSIC", The Sydney morning herald (21 September 1842), 2 

Miss Hinckesmann's concert will come off on Wednesday, October 12th, at the Royal Hotel.

"CONCERT", The Sydney gazette and New South Wales advertiser (8 October 1842), 2

We beg to remind the public, that Miss Hinckesmann's concert will take place on Wednesday next, when the following lines, written and set to music by that lady, will be sung by Mr. Griffiths. The piece of music was composed on the birth of H. R. Highness the Prince of Wales, and dedicated with permission to H. R. Highness Prince Albert:

Hail! welcome lovely infant! smile,
In thy Royal Mother's face;
A future King of Britain's Isle,
Bless'd Scion of a princely race . . .

"CONCERT", The Sydney morning herald (12 October 1842), 2

We need hardly remind our readers that Miss Hinckesmann gives her first concert, at the Royal Hotel, this evening. Among the novelties of the evening will be a piano forte solo, by Miss Hinckesmann, and a song on the birth of the Prince of Wales written and composed by Miss H., and dedicated by special permission to the Queen, who was pleased to receive a copy sent to her by Miss H.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Griffiths (bass vocalist)

12 October 1842, Hinckesman's first Sydney concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (8 October 1842), 3

At the Royal Hotel, Sydney.
MISS HINCKESMANN begs to announce to the gentry of Sydney, and its vicinity, that her first SOIREE MUSICALE will take place on
WEDNESDAY, October 12th, to commence at eight o'clock precisely, on which
occasion she will be assisted by the following eminent talent:
Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. S. W. Wallace, and Madame Gautrot; Mr. Allan, Mr. Griffiths, and Mr. Bushelle; Messrs. Deane, J. Deane, and E. Deane.
In the course of the evening, Miss Hinckesmann will play a Grand Fantasia on Swiss Airs, by Chaulieu, and Moschelle's Anticipations of Scotland, accompanied by the splendid BAND of the 80th Regiment,
who will perform occasionally during the evening by the kind permission of Colonel Baker and the Officers of the Regiment.
Mr. S. W. Wallace has kindly consented to play a Solo on the Flute; and a JUVENILE PIANIST, from London (only eight years of age), pupil of Miss Hinckesmann, will make her debut.
Tickets, 7s. 6d. each, may be had of Mr. Ellard, George-street; Mr. Rolfe, Hunter street; and of Miss Hinckesmann, Castlereagh street, of whom only a limited number of reserved seats may be secured by early application.

[W. A. Duncan], "MISS HINKESMANN'S CONCERT", Australasian chronicle (13 October 1842), 2

This concert took place last evening, and was on the whole of a rather brilliant character. Madame Gautrot, who failed in "Rule Britannia," surpassed all her former efforts in "Una voce poco fa," which was rapturously encored. Mrs. Bushelle was delightful in Horn's "Thro' the woods," and in some portion of the scena from Balfe. Mrs. Wallace in "She wore a wreath of roses," reconciled us for once, by her very correct and tasteful singing, to a very indifferent composition. Mr. Bushelle, in the undying "Madamina," was even better than on the former occasion. In the other vocal pieces there was nothing worthy of remark. "Hail lovely in infant," is a laboured melody, and received justice from Mr. Griffiths in the singing, but the poetry is so detestable in all but its loyalty, that the piece to us was as insufferable as if it had sounded of high treason. We do not remember a single chord of the accompaniment. God help royalty when it must smile upon such trash. Mr. Wallace's flute solo was happy in everything but its extreme length. We come now to the star of the evening, Miss Hinckesmann herself, and we feel some difficulty in giving an opinion of her performance, because we are convinced she did herself injustice. Trumpeted forth as "Pianist (in ordinary or extraordinary) to the Queen", we went to listen to her with expectations that nothing short of a ne plus ultra performer could have fulfilled, and Miss Hinckesmann is any thing but a Pythoness of this description. Accordingly we and every body else were disappointed. Not but that there is much, very much, to commend in her style of execution. In fact, her style, particularly in legato passages, may be characterised as decidedly good, and we have no doubt shat she will prove a very eligible instructress, as indeed the debut of her young pupil proved. This very young lady played some variations on Rossini's "Non più mesta" exceedingly well, and on being encored, substituted with good taste a waltz of no very thin or juvenile construction. There was a fair attendance, though a much larger audience might have been expected if sufficient publicity had been given to the intended performance.

"CONCERT", The Sydney morning herald (14 October 1842), 2

We are prevented from giving a critical notice of Miss Hinckesman's concert on Wednesday evening, but we understand that her style of playing is decidedly good; and the very superior manner in which one of her pupils, about eight years of age, performed some variations on Rossini's Non piu mesta, proves that, as an instructress on the piano, Miss Hinckesman is an acquisition. There was a very good attendance.

[News], The Australian (14 October 1842), 2 

Miss Hinksmann's. concert took place on Wednesday evening, at the Royal Hotel. Miss Hincksmann performed two pieces on the pianoforte, and acquitted herself to the satisfaction of the audience. Her young pupil does her credit; the pieces selected for the child's debut were simple, but well performed. Mrs. Bushelle sang Horn's "Through the wood, with good taste. Mrs. Wallace sang, "She wore a wreath of roses," with much sweetness. But the grand attraction of the evening was Madame Gautrot; she performed that splendid composition of Rossini, "Una voce poco fa," with exquisite taste; her ornaments were perfectly beautiful and original, and all the chromatic and diatonic divisions which she so elegantly introduced, were executed with clearness, richness, and with, great distinctness of intonation. Her husband, Monsieur Gautrot, accompanied all the obligate parts on the violin, with considerable delicacy and purity of tone; she was enthusiastically and deservedly encored. She acquitted herself on the repetition, if possible, with greater eclat than on the first effort. Mr. Wallace played a solo on the flute, which was well executed; his flute, however, appeared to have a cold, as we thought it coughed a good deal. We regret, on Miss Hincksmann's account, that the room was not better filled.

"Miss Hinckesmann's Concert", The Sydney gazette (15 October 1842), 2

We were much pleased to see a good attendance at Miss Hinckesman's concert on Wednesday evening. The fair Bénéficiare, though labouring under great nervous excitement, displayed talents as a pianiste, that decidedly qualify her as a teacher. Her juvenile pupil contributed at least as much as her own performance to justify her claim to the latter title, Mrs. Bushelle reigned, as usual, the queen paramount of song, and displayed her amazing versatility of latent in "Through the Woods," which she gave with the most fairy like delicacy, forming a striking contrast to the solemn beauty of her style in Balfe's Grand Scena. The duet which she sang with Mr. Bushelle, "Quanto Amore," was spirited and melodious in the extreme, and excited in the audience an enthusiasm almost equal to that animating these incomparable singers. Mr. Bushelle had a deafening encore in that delightful song from "Amilie," "What is the spell?" Every word appeared to come from his heart; his intonation was pure, and the bright eyes of his fair auditors were suffused with "liquid diamonds," at his warm eulogium of "woman's love." His "Madamina" was splendid, and his Irish serenade irresistibly comic; it sent the audience away in high glee. Mrs. Wallace sang with correct expression, and great sweetness, "She wore a Wreath of Roses." Madame Gautrot shewed her usual flexibility and execution in the airs she selected, which, by the bye, were not those mentioned in the Programme. We feel great pleasure in doing justice to Mr. S. W. Wallace, whose flute concerto has never been surpassed by any instrumental performance in the Colony. We are sure that every disinterested party will agree with us in this opinion, and would spurn the vile ribaldry of which this delightful performance has been made the object, by an anonymous critic, in yesterday's Australian. Mr. Wallace and the other objects of these scurrilous attacks, may console themselves with the reflection, that Talent and Genius will always find their level, whilst Quackery and Imposture are soon unmasked, and deservedly scouted, as the writer of the articles referred to can feelingly testify.

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Wallace Bushelle (vocalist); Spencer Wellington Wallace (violinist, flautist); Madame Gautrot (vocalist); Edward Allen (vocalist); John Bushelle (vocalist); John Philip Deane (violinist); John Deane (violinist); Edward Deane (violoncellist); juvenile pianist = Sophia Maria Forsythe; Band of the 80th Regiment

MUSIC: Grand fantasia on Swiss airs by Charles Chaulieu (1788-1849); Anticipations of Scotland by Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870)

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (28 November 1842), 3

MlSS HINCKESMANN begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity, that she intends giving a Grand EVENING CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, at the ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, on WEDNESDAY, January 4, 1843, for the benefit of the "JUVENILE PIANIST," (only eight years of age), who gained such unbounded and enthusiastic applause at Miss Hinckesmann's Concert. In the course of the evening the JUVENILE PIANIST will also appear as a VOCALIST, under Madame Gautrot and Miss Hinckesmann; and a DANSEUSE, under Mons. Charriere; and by the kind permission of Col. Baker, the splendid Band of the 80th Regiment will attend. Full particulars will be speedily announced.

ASSOCIATIONS: Monsieur Charriere

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (10 December 1842), 3 

MISS HINCKESMANN begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity, that her DANCING ACADEMY will open on Tuesday next, at her residence, Castlereagh-street, under the superintendence of Monsieur Charriere, and will be continued every Tuesday and Friday, at seven o'clock, during the vacation. For terms apply to Miss Hinckesmann, or to Mons. Charriere. N.B. On Mondays and Thursdays, for Music and Singing, under the superintendence of Miss Hinckesmann and Madame Gautrot.

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (19 December 1842), 3 

"CONCERT", The Australian (28 December 1842), 2 

We perceive from an advertisement that a grand evening concert will be given in the Royal Hotel, on the evening of Wednesday, the 11th of January, for the benefit of the juvenile pianist, whose performances at Miss Hinckesmann's musical entertainment excited so much applause. This young lady is only eight years of age, and her musical powers, both instrumental and vocal, are described as truly astonishing. The fine band of the 80th Regiment will attend to add to the attractions of the evening; and the well known vocal powers of Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. S. W. Wallace, and Madame Gautrot, will also be devoted to the same purpose.


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1843: 

11 January 1843, Sophia Forsythe's concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (9 January 1843), 2 

Mrs. Gibbs' first appearance at a Concert in Sydney,
A GRAND EVENING CONCERT will take place at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday, January 11, 1843, for the benefit of the Juvenile Pianist Miss Forsythe, eight years of age, (who will upon this occasion appear as a Vocalist, under the tuition of Miss Hinckesmann and Madame Gautrot). The following eminent performers have kindly promised their valuable assistance: - Mrs, Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, Mrs Gibbs (who will sing a duet with the Juvenile Pianist, Miss Forsythe), the debutante pupil of Mrs. Bushelle, who was so favourably received at Mrs. Bushelle's last concert, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Robinson, and several gentleman amateurs.
Instrumental performers: - Miss Hinkesmann, Miss Forsythe, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Gibbs, and Mr. Watson, (who will preside at the Piano).
Tickets, 7s. 6d. each to be had of Mr. Ellard, Mr. Aldis, and Mr. Tegg, George-street; Mr. Rolfe, Pitt-street, and Mr. Sparks, Royal Hotel.
By the kind permission of Colonel Baker, the Band of the 80th Regiment, will perform during the evening.

"THE CONCERT", The Sydney morning herald (12 January 1843), 3 

Yesterday evening, the concert, for the benefit of the "Juvenile Pianist," came off at the Royal Hotel. So far as numbers went the concert was well attended. The young lady for whose benefit the concert took place, Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Gibbs, and Madame Gautrot, were the only ladies who came before the audience. The young lady was very kindly received, and Mrs.Bushelle's "Wanted - a Governess" was encored, as it well deserved. Mr. Gibbs' solo on the violin was well-executed, and M. Gautrot's solo on a single string surpassed the expectations of most. The programme as originally issued was not followed, and this led to some surprise, especially as Miss Hinckemann, "Pianist to the Queen," did not appear at all. When there is another concert, it would be as well that the serving men about the hotel should behave with something like decency and respect to the audience, as well as to the performers; and moreover, that no portion of the room should be turned into a larder.

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Gibbs (vocalist); Joseph Gautrot (violinist); John Gibbs (violinist, leader); Mr. Watson ?; Mr. Robinson ?

"SCENE AT THE ROYAL HOTEL ON THE CONCERT NIGHT OF THE JUVENILE PIANIST", The satirist and sporting chronicle (4 February 1843), 2 

Enter Mrs. Sparks, Mrs. Forsyth, and Miss Hinckesman.

The Concert Room door is locked.

Mrs. F. - And won't you open the door.

Mrs. S. - No marm, not 'till the money for the room is paid.

Mrs. F. - And what is to become of all these Noble personages, Sir Maurice O'Connell and the young Hocafers? Must they stand there? Must they be treated thus?

The immovable Mrs. S. - O - - - h yes.

Enter Landlord.

Miss H. - You are Mr. Sparkes, of the Royal Hotel, I believe.

Landlord. - Yes, I am Mr. Sparkes, of the Royal Hotel, and I have been Mr. Sparkes, of the Royal Hotel, a long time now, but I can't afford to lose my money in the room as I did on a former occasion.

Curtain drops.

"To the Editor", Australasian chronicle (14 March 1843), 2

SIR - Allow me, through the medium of your paper, to contradict a statement which appeared in the Australian of Friday last, relative to Mrs. Clancy's singing at Madame Gautrot's concert. When Monsieur Gautrot applied to me on behalf of Mrs. Clancy's assistance, I told him no; that Mrs. Clancy had long since given up singing at concerts, as it interfered too much with her domestic concerns; but upon the repeated entreaties of Monsieur Gautrot, I told him he might put her name in the programme. A fortnight previous to the concert taking place, I waited on Madame Gautrot, and told her decidedly (in the presence of Miss Hinckesman, who acted as interpreter upon the occasion,) that I would not allow Mrs. Clancy to sing. The reason assigned in the Australian for her not singing is a gross and malicious falsehood. - I am, sir, your obedient servant,
March 13.

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Clancy (vocalist)

16 October 1843, teetotal festival, for the benefit of St. Patrick's Band

[Advertisement], Morning chronicle (14 October 1843), 3 

GRAND TEETOTAL FESTIVAL, ON MONDAY EVENING, October the 16th, 1843, a GRAND AND AMUSING FESTIVAL will be held at the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street, For the Benefit of St. Patrick's Band . . .
Upon which occasion, the Band will use every exertion to render the evening's entertainment worthy the public patronage. In the course of the evening several Popular Airs, got up expressly for this occasion, will be performed by the Instrumental Department; together with a great variety of GLEES, DUETTS, SOLOS, &c., &c. VOCAL PERFORMERS. Mrs. Bushelle, Miss Hinckesman, Mrs. Clancy, and Mrs. Curtis; Mr. Griffiths, Messrs. Allen, Worgan, Beattie, Callaghan, Commins, Coughlan, and Tibby . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Curtis (vocalist); George William Worgan (vocalist)


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1844: 

No records yet identified for 1844


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1845: 

30 May 1845, Hinckesman's concert

[Advertisement], Morning chronicle (3 May 1845), 3 

"CONCERT", The Australian (29 May 1845), 3 

The success of Messrs. Howson's musical entertainment must give Miss Hinckesmann encouraging anticipations for her Concert to-morrow evening. We have before had the pleasure of hearing this lady, and regret that her public musical performances should be so much like angels' visits. We trust to find a goodly audience at the City Theatre to-morrow - to support a lady who, in her present circumstances, has strong claims upon the sympathy and assistance of the public.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Australian (29 May 1845), 1

ROYAL CITY THEATRE. (Under Distinguished Patronage.)
MISS HINCKESMANN respectfully informs her friends and the public, that she intends giving a CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, at the above Theatre, on FRIDAY EVENING, May 30th, 1845. To commence at 8 o'clock precisely. The following talented Professional, as well as several Amateur performers, have most kindly promised their valuable assistance: -
Mesdames Gibbs, Jervis, Ximenes, and Miss Tuohy (pupil of Miss Hinckesmann) her first appearance; Messrs. Waller, Worgan, Calaghan and Griffiths.
The Theatrical Band will be assisted by the Members of St. Patrick's Band, who have most kindly consented to give their valuable services upon this occasion.
Leader, Mr. Gibbs; Conductor, Mr. Johnson, (Organist of St. James's).
Tickets to the Boxes. 5s.; Pit, 3s. 6d.; to be had of Mr. Ellard, and Mr. Aldis, George street; Mr. Duncan, King-street; and Mr. Tuohy, 97, Phillip-street.

[Advertisement], Morning chronicle (28 May 1845), 3 

(Under distinguished Patronage.)
MISS HINCKESMANN RESPECTFULLY informs her Friends and the Public, that she intends giving a
Of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the above Theatre,
ON FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1845.
The following talented Performers have most kindly promised their valuable assistance:
AND MISS TUOHY, (Pupil of Miss Hinckesmann, her first appearance);
Leader, MR. GIBBS - Conductor, MR. JOHNSON, (Organist of St. James's.)
First Part,
1 - Glee, "The Chough and Crow," Mrs. Ximenes. Mrs. Gibbs, Mr. Waller, and Chorus - H. Bishop.
2 - The Bandit's Song, Mr. Turner - Russell.
3 - Duet, "What Fairy-like Music," Mrs. Jervis and Mrs Gibbs - De Pinna.
4 - Glee, "The Wreath," Miss Tuohy, Mrs. Jervis, and Mr. Waller - J. Mazzinghi
5 - Solo. (Pianoforte) Miss Hinckesmann, (by desire) - Steibelt.
6 - Song," - -" Mrs. Ximenes
7 - Grand Scena, "When I think of the wrongs he hath done me," (the celebrated Agitato), Mr. Waller - Parr.
8 - Scotch Ballad, "John Anderson, my Jo," (by particular desire), Mrs. Gibbs
9 - Glee, "The Curfew," Mrs. Ximenes, Mrs Gibbs, and Mr. Griffiths
Second Part.
1 - Glee and Chorus, "Life's a Bumper," Messrs. ---
2 - Song, "The Queen of the Fairy Band," Mrs. Jervis
3 - Song, "The Oak and the Ivy," Mr. Turner - E. Ransford.
4 - Solo (Violin), Mr. Gibbs - De Beriot.
5 - Ballad, "The Light of other Days," Miss Tuohy - Balfe
6 - Glee, "The Witches," Messrs. Worgan, Griffiths, and Turner - M. P. King.
7 - Song, "I'll be no submissive Wife," Mrs Gibbs
8 - Song. "The Land," Mr Waller - Neukomm.
9 - Ballad, "--," Mrs. Ximenes
Finale, Myriam's Song, "Sound the loud Timbrel," by all the Vocalists.
** The Theatrical Band will comprehend Messrs. O'Flaherty, Deane, E. Deane, W. Deane, Turner, Friedlander, Westrip, Adams, Wright, Vaughan; and will be assisted by the Members of St. Patrick's Band,
who have kindly consented to give their valuable services upon this occasion.
** Tickets for Boxes. 5s. - Pit, 3s 6d. - To be had of Mr. Ellard and Mr. Aldis, George Street; Mr. Duncan, King Street; Mr. Wyatt, Royal Victoria Hotel, Pitt Street; Mr. C. Wright, George the Fourth, Pitt Street; and Mr. Tuohy, Grocer, 97, Phillip Street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ann Winstanley Ximenes (vocalist); Mrs. Jervis (vocalist); Miss Tuohy (vocalist); James Waller (vocalist); John Turner (vocalist); James Johnson (conductor, pianist, organist); Henry O'Flaherty (violinist); Edward Deane (cellist); William Deane (musician); William Friedlander (musician); Robert Adam (musician); Mr. Wright (musician); Michael Vaughan (musician)

3 June 1845, tea party and concert, for the benefit of St. Patrick's Band

[Advertisement], Morning chronicle (31 May 1845), 3

to be held at the St. Patrick's Hall,
Church Hill, on TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 3,
(Rev. J. McENCROE will preside). On which occasion MISS HINCKESMANN has kindly offered her valuable assistance, and will preside at the Pianoforte. Several Ladies and Gentlemen, both Professional and Amateurs, will attend, when a variety of Vocal and Instrumental Music will be performed. His Worship the Mayor has signified his intention of being present.
1 - Duette de Norma - Band
2 - "The Pirate's Crew" - Professional Gentleman
3 - "The White Squall," - A Member of the Band
4 - "Tell me my Heart" - Pupil of Miss Hinckesmann
5 - "The Old Irish Gentleman" - Professional Gentleman
6 - "Comic Song." - Ditto
7 - "I'll be no submissive Wife" - Professional Lady
8 - "Some love to Roam." - Amateur.
1 - "Steibelt's Concerto," (Pianoforte) - Miss Hinckesmann.
2 - "Oh! Steer my Bark to Erin's Isle" - Amateur
3 - "The Oak and the Ivy," - Professional Gentleman
4 - "Betsy was a Sailor's Bride," - Professional Lady
5 - "The Angel's Whisper" - Amateur
6 - Comic Song - Ditto.
7 - "Molly Bawn," - Professional Gentleman
8 - "Do not mingle one Human Feeling" - Professional Lady
Admission 1s. 6d - Children, 1s. - Doors open at seven. - Tea served at half-past seven precisely.

"ST. PATRICK'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY", Morning chronicle (31 May 1845), 3 

It will be seen by an advertisement in another column of today's publication, that a tea party and concert will be held on Tuesday evening next, in St. Patrick's Hall, for the benefit of the band of the Society. Miss Hinckesmann and several other professional ladies and gentlemen will be present, and from the programme of the performances, and the known efficiency of the band, we anticipate a rich treat for the lovers of music.


MUSIC: "Steibelt's concerto" - Daniel Steibelt (1765-1823)

"MUSIC", The Australian (1 July 1845), 3

Miss Tuohy, pupil of Miss Hinckesmann, gives a Concert to-morrow evening at the Victoria Theatre, under distinguished patronage - that of Sir Maurice O'Connell and Sir Everard Home. All the available talent of Sydney is secured; so that we confidently expect an agreeable entertainment. Miss Tuohy herself has had the advantage of a highly talented instructress.

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (1 July 1845), 1 

[Advertisement], Morning Chronicle (2 July 1845), 1 

A GRAND EVENING CONCERT under the immediate Patronage of
Will take place at the above Theatre,
The Vocal Performers of the Victoria Theatre, including the' Messrs. Howson, are engaged for the occasion.
***Tickets - Dress Circle, 5s; Upper Circle, 2s 6d.; Pit, 1s.; Gallery, 6d.; to be had of Mr. Tuohy, 97, Phillip Street; Mr. Aldis, George Street; and Mr. Ellard, Music Seller, George Street.

"CONCERT", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (5 July 1845), 10 

An evening concert was given at the Victoria Theatre on Wednesday last, by Miss Hinckesman, for the benefit of one of her pupils, Miss Tuohy, on which occasion nearly all the available musical talent in Sydney was engaged, and the result was that the whole (with one or two slight exceptions) gave general satisfaction. The audience, although not so numerous as could have been wished, was respectable.

ASSOCIATIONS: Maurice O'Connell

23 December 1845, oratorio, Messiah

[Advertisement], The weekly register of politics, facts and general literature (20 December 1845), 299 

. . . arrangements for the performance of
Handel's oratorio of the
With Mozart's additional accompaniments, are now completed, and that the whole of the professional talent of the colony has been secured for the occasion, assisted by a large number of Vocal and Instrumental Amateurs, who have readily come forward to aid in bringing out this sublime composition on a scale of unrivalled grandeur and magnificence.
Conductor - Mr. Johnson.
Leader - Mr. S. W. Wallace. ' Organ - Mr. W. Johnson. Principal Vocal Performers. - Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Stirling, Mrs. Gibbs, Madame Carandini, Mrs. Wallace, Miss Hinckesman, Miss Touhey, Mr. Howson, Mr. J. Howson, Mr. Waller, Signor Carandini, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Salter, &c., &c., assisted by a large and efficient chorus. Principal Instrumental Performers. - Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. W. Deane, Mr. T. Deane, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Gearing, Mr. Friedlander, Mr. Walter, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Strong, Mr. Westropp, assisted by numerous Amateurs; and, by permission of Colonel Jackson, THE SPLENDID BAND OF THE 99th REGIMENT . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Johnson (organist); Theodosia Stirling (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Caroline Wallace (vocalist); Gerome Carandini (vocalist); Band of the 99th Regiment


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1846: 

28 October 1846, Hinckesman's concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (19 October 1846), 2 

MISS HINCKESMANN begs most respectfully to inform her Friends and Pupils, that she intends giving a GRAND EVENING CONCERT at the City Theatre, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 28th October, 1846, upon which occasion she has engaged Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, Messrs. J. and F. Howson, and several amateurs, having kindly promised to assist; Leader, Mr. Wallace. Full particulars will be announced in Tuesday's Herald.

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (27 October 1846), 1 

Performers: Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, Mr. J. Howson, Mr. F. Howson, Mr. Worgan, several Amateurs, who have kindly volunteered their services, and Mr. Wallace who will play De Beriot's first Concerto for the Violin.
By the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield, the splendid Band of H. M. 11th Regiment will perform several military pieces,
and much admired Railway Gallop.
Mr. Walton will preside at the pianoforte.
For Programme see bills.
Tickets, 5s. each - to be had of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon; Mr. Ford, Stationer; and Mr. Scott, Tobacconist, George-street.
Private Boxes, of Mr. Clancy, King street, and Mrs. Green, "Cricketers' Arms," Pitt and Market streets.

[Advertisement], The Australian (27 October 1846), 2 

At the City Theatre, Market-street.
VOCAL PERFORMERS: Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, Mr. J. Howson, Mr. F. Howson,
Mr. Worgan, and several Amateurs, who have kindly volunteered their services.
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Mr. S. W. Wallace (who will play a celebrated Solo on the Violin by De Beriot,) and Miss Hinckesmann.
The Splendid Band of H.M. 11th Regiment will perform several Military Pieces, and the much admired Railway Gallop.
LEADER - Mr. S. W. Wallace.
CONDUCTOR. - Mr. Walton.
Programme : -
Overture - Band
1. Duet - "The feeling heart," Messrs, F. and J. Howson - Balfe
2. "Nel cor piu," Variations arranged by Monsieur Gautrot, Madame Gautrot.
3. Ballad - "We may be happy yet," Mr. J. Howson - Balfe.
4. Air, Francais - "O vous par qui ma vie" Mrs. Bushelle - Auber.
5. Concertino, Violin, Mr. Wallace - De Beriot.
6. Ballad - "The Fairy Boy," Mr. Worgan - Lover
7. Descriptive Song - "The Maniac," Mr. F. Howson - Russell
8. Paean, composed on the return of Dr. Leichhardt, from his perilous journey to Port Essington, by I. Nathan, Esq., Poetry by E. K. Sylyester, Esq., Mrs. Bushelle
1. Aria, Italienne - "Vivi tu," Flute Obligato by Mr. Wallace, Mrs. Bushelle - Donnizetti.
2. Solo, Piano-forte, A young Lady Amateur - Herz.
3. Song - "When the Moon is o'er the Waters," Mr. J. Howson - Montgomery.
4. Scena, Francaise - "Jours de mon enfance," Violin Obligato Mr. Wallace, Madame Gautrot - Herold.
5. Irish Ballad - "Rich and rare were the Gems she wore," Mrs. Bushelle
6. "Povero Signora," Madame Gautrot.
7. Song - "The Newfoundland Dog," Mr. F. Howson - Russell
Finale - "Rule Britannia," Solos by Mrs. Bushelle and Madame Gautrot.
The Concert will commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
TICKETS, 5s. each - to be had of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon; Mr. Ford, Stationer; and Mr. Scott, Tobacconist, George-street. PRIVATE BOXES, of Mr. Clancy, King-street, and Mrs. Green, "Cricketers' Arms," Pitt and Market streets.

ASSOCIATIONS: Humphrey Walton (pianist); Isaac Nathan (composer); Band of the 11th Regiment


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1847: 

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (10 May 1847), 1 

No. 223, Castlereagh-street.
MISS HINCKESMANN begs respectfully to inform her friends and the public, that she intends opening an Academy upon the above approved system, (which she has tried in England with great success) for English, French, Writing, and Arithmetic.
Hours of attendance from half-past nine till one o'clock daily.
For Music, Singing, Dancing, Drawing, and Gymnastics, twice a week.
For terms and other particulars apply as above, between ten and twelve o'clock.
N. B. - Private lessons on moderate terms.
An Infant School will likewise be conducted, under the superintendence of a qualified married lady.

ASSOCIATIONS: "Perryian system"; James Perry (1756-1821)


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1848: 

No records yet identified for 1848


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1849: 

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (17 January 1849), 1

MISS HINCKESMANN respectfully informs her pupils and the public generally, that she intends (by the advice of her friends) giving a FAREWELL CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, at the City Theatre, on Wednesday Evening, 24th January, prior to her leaving this colony to proceed to England in the Waterloo. Miss H. will perform (for the first time these five years) a Solo on the pianoforte, and she sincerely trusts that the musical public of New South Wales will generously support her on this occasion: her sole object, in giving this Concert being to enable her to defray the expenses of her passage to her native country . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (2 February 1849), 1 

CONCERT. MISS HINCKESMANN regrets to inform her friends and patrons that, in consequence of the sudden indisposition of some of the performers, and the various heavy duties the Band of the 11th Regiment have had to perform for the last week, she is unavoidably compelled to postpone her Concert until Friday, the 9th instant.

"ELEVENTH BAND", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (3 February 1849), 2 

We are sorry to observe from an advertisement that Miss Hinckesmann has been compelled to postpone her concert on account of the various heavy duties which the Band of the 11th Regiment have had to undergo during the last week. We are not exactly aware what these heavy duties are which have knocked up the celebrated wind-instrumenters, but, we presume it is a succession of heavy blows.

9 February 1849, farewell concert, Sydney, NSW

[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (7 February 1849), 3

MISS HINCKESMANN begs most respectfully to inform her friends and the public generally, that her FAREWELL CONCERT (Prior to her leaving this colony by the Waterloo for England,)
Will take place at the above Theatre, ON FRIDAY NEXT, FEBRUARY 9,
On which occasion the following Vocal and Instrumental Performers have most kindly promised their gratuitous assistance: MADAME GAUTROT, (Who will be accompanied by Mons. Gautrot)
Mr. Smith, Mr. J. Smith. Several Amateurs.
Who will sing (for the first time in this colony) some of the most popular Ethiopian Melodies (in character), and accompany himself on the "Banjo" an instrument unknown in this country.
An Amateur has also kindly promised to play a Solo on the Accordion.
A Professional gentleman - a selection of Scotch and Irish airs on the Union Pipes (by particular desire).
AND Miss Hinckesmann will perform (for the first time these five years) a Solo on the Pianoforte.
The Orchestra will comprise the following professional gentlemen: - Monsieur Gautrot, Messrs. Gibbs, Deane, sen., J. Deane, and Deane, jun., Guerin, Friedlander, Strong, Ducro, Hudson, &c.; and will be complete in every department, reinforced and assisted by the principal members of the splendid Band
of Her Majesty's 11th Regiment - by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield and the Officers.
Tickets to the boxes, 3s. each ; to the pit, 2s.; to be had of Miss Hinckemann, 90, Phillip-street; Mr. Doyle, York-street; and at the principal music and booksellers; and at Mr. Smith's, printer; and Mr. Robinson, next door to the Theatre, of whom private boxes can be procured - £1 1s., -or of Miss H.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Dettmer (vocalist); James Guerin (violinist); George Strong (violinist); George Hudson (brass player); John Henry Ducros

9 March 1849, departure, Sydney, NSW

"CLEARANCES", The Sydney morning herald (10 March 1849), 4

March 9. - Johnstone, ship, 438 tons, Captain Harrison, for London. Passengers - Mr. J. R. Holden, Dr. Coe, Mrs. Clarke and two children, Mr. Stoneham, Miss Hinckesman, Mr. J. Whitehead, Mr. and Mrs. Bassett and two children, Mr. J. Babbs, Mr. A. Tulloch, Mr. C. Buckland, and Mr. Pattison.

After 1849 (London)

29 April and 24 June 1850, concerts, Maria Hinckesman

"MUSICAL EVENTS", The illustrated London news (27 April 1850), 293 

. . . Miss Hinckesmann's concert will take place the same evening [Monday], in the City . . .

"CONCERTS", The illustrated London news (4 May 1850), 10

. . . Miss Hinckesman's concert took place on Monday evening, at the Sussex Hall, aided by Miss M. Hinckesman, pianiste; M. de Koutski, violinist; Richardson, flautist; J. Case, concertina, the Ciebras, guitarists; and F. Chatterton, harp. The vocalists were Misses Birch, Rainforth, Ransford, Owen, Eliza Birch, Mdlle. Magner, Madame F. Lablache; Messrs. Harrison, Bodda, Swift, Milne, A. Novello. Mr. N. Mori was the leader of the band, and Lavenu conductor.

ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor)

"CONCERTS", The illustrated London news (22 June 1850), 3

Miss Hinckesman will give her second and last City concert, on Monday evening.

"CONCERTS", The illustrated London news (29 June 1850), 3

Miss Hinckesmann’s second and last concert, at the Sussex Hall, in the City, took place on Monday, aided by Messrs. Silberberg, F. Chatterton, Regondi, Richardson, Jewel, Camus, and E. Bordet, as solo instrumentalists; and Mrs. A. Newton, Misses Poole, P. Horton, Mdlle. Bordet, Messrs. B. Frodsham, Hobbs, Milne, Trenklee, A. Novello, W. H. Seguin, and F. Bodda, as vocalists.

[Advertisement], The illustrated London news (23 November 1850), 15

NEW MUSIC. A. LEE'S NEW SONG, "LO! ON THE MOUNTAIN'S HEIGHT,” sung by the principal vocalists the day, is admitted a most spirited and charming melody, and equal to the best yet produced by the above talented author. Also, just published, IT WAS SUMMER ERE HE LEFT ME. Words by CHARLES JEFFEREYS; the Music Miss HINCKESMANN. I MUST BE GONE. Words and Music by the preceding. Sung by Miss Ransford and others. Price of each, 2s; and forwarded, postage free - London: published by B. Williams, 11, Paternoster-row.

17 June 1852, benefit for Maria Hinckesman

[Advertisement], The morning advertiser (12 June 1852), 1

HIGHBURY GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL, in the Large Assembly Room, Highbury Barn, on THURSDAY EVENING next, June 17, in AID of the FUND now forming to ASSIST Miss HINCKESMANN who has been incapacitated by accident from following her profession, and thereby deprived of her only means of support - Vocalists: Madlle. Eugenia Garcia, Miss Messent, Miss Rebecca Isaacs, Miss Lowe, Miss Poole, Mrs. Alexander Newton, the Misses Brougham, Miss Hayes, Miss Constable, Miss Rafter, and Miss Crichton; Mr. George Tedeer, Mr. Rafter, Mr. Frazer, Mr. W. H. Wesii (by permission of B. Webster, Esq.), and Mr. H. Drayton. Instrumentalists: Pianoforte, Mr. Charles Salaman; violoncello, Mr. Demunck; trumpet, Mr. Harper; harp, Mr. F. Chatterton; flute, Mr. Richardson; concertina, Mr. G. Case. Conductor, Mr. Charles Salaman. - Admission, 1s; reserved seats, 2s.; stalls, 3s. Tickets to be had at the bar of the Tavern; and of all Musicsellers and Librarians. To commence at Eight o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Salaman

25 February 1853, burial of Maria Hinckesman, Islington, London, England

Burial register, Parish of Islington, 1853

Hinckesman, Maria Theresa, [late of] Liverpool Road, buried 25 February, age 48

Musical works

Extant works

Lost works (no copies yet identified)

Hosanna! to the prince of light (? 1823-)

Hosanna! to the prince of light, written by Isaac Watts . . . for four voices, op. prima, Maria Hinckesman (London: Printed & publish'd by the Author, Union Row, Peckham. and sold by Messrs Whitaker & Co., [? 1823-]) 

Ye tell me shepherds I'm too gay (? 1823)

Ye tell me shepherds I'm too gay, a favorite song: composed and arranged with for the piano forte or pedal harp. Maria Hinckesman (London : Printed & published (for the author) by the Royal Harmonic institution, [? 1823]) 

Andante con variazioni (1824)

Andante con variazioni per il piano forte e flauto ad libitum, Maria Hinckesman (London, Published for the proprietor by J. B. Cramer, Addison & Beale, [1824]) 

The snow drop (1824)

The snow drop, a rondo with variations for the sostenente, harp or piano forte, Maria Hinckesman (London: Published for the Author, by R. Cocks & Compy., [1824]) 

The zostera (? 1824)

The zostera, More near to the orb of her ardent devotion: a favorite plaintive song: composed & arranged with an accomp. for the sostenente, piano forte or pedal harp (Peckham: Printed & published by the authoress, [? 1824]) 

A rose bud drenched in April's show'r (? 1824)

A rose bud drenched in April's show'r; a favorite song composed and arranged with an accompaniment for the piano forte or pedal harp ([London]: Printed & published by the author, [? 1824]) 

The blue eyed lassie ["I gaed a woeful gate"] (1825)

The blue eyed lassie the words by Robt. Burns, Maria Hinckesman (London, [1825]) 

Oh! had my fate been joined with thine (Byron, ? 1825)


Oh! there my young footsteps (Byron, ? 1825)


There is a mystic thread of life (1825)

There is a mystic thread of life, written by Lord Byron, Maria Hinckesman (London: R. S. Whitaker, [1825]) 

Wae is my heart! (1827)

Wae is my heart! a Scotch ballad [1827] 

O bonny was yon rosy brier (before 1828)

O bonnie was your rosy brier (Maria Hinckesman)

O bonny was yon rosy brier; sung by Miss George at the New York Theatre, Bowery; the words by Burns; the music by M. Hinckesman (New York: E. Riley, [1828])

Copy at the Lester S. Levy Sheet Music Collection, Johns Hopkins University (image above) (DIGITISED)

The old Celtic march (1828)

The old Celtic march performed by the Highlanders on the landing of George the fourth in Scotland, arranged for the piano forte by M. Hinckesman (London, [1828]) 

The rose and the thistle (1828)

The rose and the thistle, arranged as a duet . . . from the tune to which Prince Charles & Lady Eleanor Wemyss danced at the last ball given in Holyrood Palace in the year 1745, by M. Hinckesman (London, Published by the author, [1828]) 

"The original air of this duet was presented to Miss Hinckesman by Mrs. Ramsay of Edinburgh, taken from a manuscript in Holyrood Palace" -Page 1; on the verso of the last page of the song is printed: The old Celtic march : performed by the Highlanders, on the landing of His Gracious Majesty, George the Fourth, in Scotland, in the year 1822. Arranged for the piano-forte by Maria Hinckesman, and performed at her concert on the first of May 1828.

A dream of the Mayor's Fancy Ball (1847)

A dream of the Mayor's Fancy Ball by Maria Hinckesman (Baker 1847)

"A dream of the mayor's fancy ball, composed by M. T. Hinckesmann", in The heads of the people (10 July 1847) [Sydney: W. Baker], plate facing page 106

Copy at the National Library of Australia (image above) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

See entry in checklist:

It was summer 'ere he left me (1850)

I must be gone (1850)


[Advertisement], Illustrated London News (23 November 1850), 15

NEW MUSIC. A. LEE'S NEW SONG, "LO! ON THE MOUNTAIN'S HEIGHT,” sung by the principal vocalists the day, is admitted a most spirited and charming melody, and equal to the best yet produced by the above talented author. Also, just published, IT WAS SUMMER ERE HE LEFT ME. Words by CHARLES JEFFEREYS; the Music Miss HINCKESMANN. I MUST BE GONE. Words and Music by the preceding. Sung by Miss Ransford and others. Price of each, 2s; and forwarded, postage free - London: published by B. Williams, 11, Paternoster-row.


Michael Kassler, "The remarkable story of Maria Hinckesman", Musicology Australia 29 (2007), 43-67 (PAYWALL)

Hinckesman, Maria (National Library of Australia; short biography by Michael Kassler) (ONLINE)

Michael Kassler, A. F. C. Kollman's Quarterly musical register (1812): with an introduction (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008), 138-39, 158 (PREVIEW)

Michael Kassler, "Correspondence", Musicology Australia 30/1 (2008)

Graeme Skinner 2011, First national music, 47, 51, 52, 258-59, 464 (DIGITISED)

John Carmody, "Songs of Praise", The Sydney morning herald (16 June 2012) (ONLINE)

© Graeme Skinner 2014 - 2025