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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–F (Fla-Fz)
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–F (Fla-Fz)",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
- F - (Fla-Fz)
Introductory note:
The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.
Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.
Major upgrades of the contents of this page were completed in 2020 and 2024, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.
Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.
The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.
Musician, master of the Band of the 58th Regiment
FLATAU, Berta Maud (Berta Maud FLATAU)
Amateur musician, composer
Born Trunkey, NSW, 28 June 1871; daughter of John Marian FLATAU (d. 1926) and Maude Margaret Turner MacTAGGART (d. 1894)
Died Forest Lodge, Sydney, NSW, 17 November 1882, aged "11" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Berta Maud Flatau (from the cover of the waltz, below) (DIGITISED)
"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald [Sydney, NSW] (3 July 1871), 1
On the 26th June, at her residence, Trunkey, Mrs. J. W. FLATAU, of a daughter.
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1882), 1
FLATAU - November 13, at the residence of his parents, Bonatra, Forest Lodge, Reginald John Malcolm, son of John Marian and M. M. T. Flatau, aged 10 months.
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 November 1882), 1
FLATAU. - November 17, at the residence of her parents, Bonatra, Forest Lodge, Berta Maude, dearly beloved daughter of John Marian and M. M. T. Flatau, aged 11 years.
Musical work:
The Berta waltz (1882)
The Berta waltz by Berta Maud Flatau, aged 10 years, dedicated to my dear mother (Sydney: Elvy & Co., [1882]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Hammond Elvy (musicseller, publisher)
"Music and Drama", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (6 May 1882), 713
"The Berta Waltz" is the title of a composition, by Berta Maud Flatau, aged 10 years, which has been published by Messrs. Elvy and Co. It is simple and unpretentious, and but for the extreme youthfullness of the composer would not call for comment. Judged as the work of a little child, it is remarkably creditable, with quite enough originality to create an interest in the writer and to cause a hope that she may have every opportunity of cultivating her musical gifts and be spared the evil of fulsome praise and flattery. In good hands there is apparently the making of a musician, perhaps an Australian scholar for the coming Royal College of Music.
[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 May 1882), 5
FROM Messrs. Elvy and Co., 327, George-street, we have received the "Berta" waltz, a composition by Miss Berta Maud Flatau, a child 10 years of age, who evidently possesses the musical faculty in an unusual degree. The waltz is a short one, but as the work of so young a composer it is full of interest.
"Music and Drama . . . NEW MUSIC", Australian Town and Country Journal (27 May 1882), 12
. . . The "Berta Waltz," composed by Berta Maud Flatau, aged 10 years. Elvy and Co., George-street, Sydney. This is a very pretty waltz, and does infinite credit to the young genius who composed it. A photograph of the charming little composer adorns the title page. The music is full of that dreaminess which ought ever to distinguish a waltz. The melody is nicely and fully harmonised. The waltz is very handsomely printed by Brown and Shaw, of Sydney.
FLETCHER, Charles (Charles FLETCHER)
Musician, itinerant musician, band musician
Born London, England, c. 1815
Convicted Leicester Quarter Sessions, England, 3 January 1842 (7 years' transportation, aged "27")
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 14 January 1843 (convict per Earl Grey, from Plymouth 5 October 1842, aged "28")
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, late 1850 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

"LEICESTERSHIRE. Epiphany Sessions . . . TUESSDAY, Jan. 4", Leicestershire Mercury [Leicester, England] (8 January 1842), 2 (PAYWALL)
CHARLES FLETCHER, 27, charged with attempting to steal from the person of Prudence Adkins, on the 26th of October last, at Castle Donington. Prudence Adkins deposed that on the 26th of October, being Castle Donington statures, she was watching the policeman searching two girls, when she felt the prisoner's hand in her pocket. She then gave him in custody to the police. Mary spencer deposed to seeing the prisoner attempting to pick Prudence Adkin's pocket. Policeman Newbold who apprehended him said that prisoner stated if he had his hand in her pocket he had taken nothing. Prisoner, in defence, said he knew nothing about it - Guilty. Another charge against the prisoner for picking the pocket of Sarah Northridge, of Castle Donington, on the same evening, was gone into, and on which he was found guilty - seven years' transportation.
Convict record, Charles Fletcher, per Earl Grey; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1392550; CON33/1/35$init=CON33-1-35p83
8440 / Fletcher, Charles / Tried Leicester Q'r S, 3 Jan'y 1842 / 7 years
Emb'd 26 Sept'r 1842 / Arr'd 14 Jan'y 1843 / Protestant / Can read / Trade Musician on Board a Man of War /
Transported for Assault with intent to steal . . . / height 5/2 / Age 28 / [Native place ] London, Longacre /
. . . 23 May 1848 T. L.
[Government notice], Launceston Examiner [VDL (TAS)] (24 March 1849), 8
The period for which the undermentioned persons were transported having expired, certificates to that effect have been granted them accordingly: . . .
Charles Fletcher, Earl Grey . . .
"THE VAGRANT ACT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 December 1850), 2
Mr. Moor presided at the Police Court on Monday, and two or three cases under the Vagrant Act were brought before him.
The first case was that of George Burdon, who was charged by Mr. Chief Constable Bloomfield with being a vagrant,
having been fourteen days in Melbourne without having any other visible means of subsistence than that of going about from one public house to another playing "music" and asking alms.
The defendant arrived from Van Diemen's Land in company with four others of the same stamp,
who figured at the Collingwood election as "a band of musicians." When called upon to state how he obtained a living,
Burdon said he brought about eight pounds with him from Van Diemen's Land, and that he had still three pounds left,
that he was not aware that it was contrary to the law to play in public-houses;
that he had been a fish hawker in Van Diemen's Land for ten years, and could produce many persons of respectability in Melbourne,
who had known him in Launceston and Hobart Town; that he intended to follow the business of fish-hawker in Melbourne,
and that he expected his brother, wife and family from Van Diemen's Land, with boats, masts, &c.
Mr. Moor said he observed the man was described in the watch-house list as an "expiree,"
and he should like to know how the watch-house keeper had arrived at that conclusion.
The watch-house keeper was consequently sent for, and said that, although he had not asked the man any question upon the subject,
he had no doubt whatever that he was an expiree, nor indeed could any man with the slightest experience of such characters be mistaken.
Mr. Moor considered the watch-house keeper ought not to have put the man down as an expiree upon merely his own conclusions,
and that however little doubt there might be on the subject, he ought at least to have asked the question,
or ascertained the facts before having prejudiced the accused party by merely assuming that he was an expiree.
The man admitted readily that he was an expiree; that he hoped he should be allowed another chance;
that he intended to go to work and get an honest living.
Mr. Moor then pointed out to him the third section of the Vagrant Act,
which requires that persons having been prisoners in Van Diemen's Land should register their names within a week at most after their arrival here.
The man said he would register himself at once,
but the fact is that not a single register has been made since the Act was passed, and there is no book kept for the purpose,
so lightly have the provisions of the Act been thought of.
Mr. Moor said people talked a great deal about convictism from Van Diemen's Land, but if the Act were enforced he thought it would in great measure put a stop to it.
Mr. John Stephen said the Act had been disallowed.
Mr. Moor replied that no official intimation of that assertion had been received, and until the Act had been officially disallowed it remained the law of the land.
- The bench allowed the man "another chance."
Another man named Charles Fletcher, one of the same sort as Burdon, was also charged with being a vagrant He admitted that music was his "profession."
and that he had been brought up in it from infancy.
He was cautioned in the same way as his friend had been, and discharged upon a distinct promise that he would eschew music for the rest of his life.
There are several others of the same gang still at large who will be apprehended if they remain in town.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Burdon (itinerant musician)
"ENCOURAGEMENT OF MUSICAL TALENT", The Melbourne Daily News (12 December 1850), 2
George Burdon, an itinerant musician, who, with three others of the same genus, recently arrived from Van Diemen's Land,
was on Monday brought before the police court under the vagrant act.
The Chief Constable for the city stated, that on the day upon which the election for Fitzroy Ward was held the defendant with his companions came up to him and solicited some acknowledgement for their display of musical talent.
The Chief Constable told him that be was acting improperly, and that if he persisted in going about with his band, and soliciting contributions, he would certainly bring him up under the vagrant act.
Burdon, however, expressed his intention of setting the authorities at defiance.
Several witnesses were brought forward to shew the part which Burdon had taken in the musical entertainment, and that he had solicited contributions.
In answer to questions from Mr. Moor, Burdon stated that he had been here only a few days, that he had brought eight pounds in cash with him, three of which he had left,
and that he was not aware he was acting illegally in going about with musical instruments;
he added that he had come here with the intention of following the avocation of a fisherman, in which pursuit he had been engaged for nearly twenty years "on the other side." He was discharged with a caution -
Charles Fletcher, another of the band, said that he had been brought up to music all his life and had just come over from V. D. Land in the hope of getting some situation in his line.
He was recommended to give up music and take to some other means of obtaining a livelihood, and haying promised to take the hint he was discharged.
Musical amateur, amateur musician, lecturer on music, contralto / alto vocalist
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1857-62 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Yesterday evening the Exhibition Building presented a most brilliant appearance. Separation Day having been made the occasion for a great gathering of the advocates of temperance, with a view of inaugurating the Temperance League, and raising a fund of one thousand pounds in order to carry out its object . . . During the evening, the proceedings were relieved by some excellent glee singing by Messrs. Goodliffe, Williams, Fletcher, Angus, Ewart, Tolhurst, senior, Charles Cook, and Mrs. Goodliffe, who gave their services on the occasion. There were several encores. Mr. G. Tolhurst presided at the piano, and played judicious accompaniments to several airs sang by Mrs. Goodliffe, and Messrs. Williams and Angus. The proceedings, which were of a very pleasing nature, did not terminate till nearly eleven o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne and Thomas Goodliffe (vocalists); William Henry Williams (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Charles Cook (vocalist); William and George Tolhurst (father and son, vocalist and pianist); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 August 1859), 8
- Mr. FLETCHER will deliver a LECTURE THIS EVENING on Music, with vocal illustrations.
J. GILL TANNER, Sec. pro. tem.
[News], The Argus (27 August 1859), 4
Mr. Fletcher delivered a lecture on Music to the Kew Literary and Scientific Institute, on Thursday evening last. Mrs. Goodliffe, Mr. Angus, and other gentlemen kindly lent their assistance by giving some very pleasing vocal illustrations. There was a large attendance of members and friends.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (26 December 1860), 5
The performance of the "Messiah" by the Philharmonic Society on Christmas Eve has become recognized as the proper accompaniment to the ushering in of the great Christmas Festival. It is difficult to conceive anything more appropriate, more solemn, and at the same time more enjoyable, in the purest and most refined sense of the term, than to listen to Handel's "Messiah," when rendered in a manner worthy of the great work entrusted to the performers. That condition the members of the Philharmonic most satisfactorily fulfilled on Monday evening. The Society has given other works of great composers with success, and on previous occasions this one also, but never, we venture to say, has it approached its latest effort. The Exhibition Building was crowded to excess by an appreciative audience, and the applause which greeted the eloquent outbursts of grand melody came from those who really understood the requirements and the excellence of the performance. The chorus, which numbered about 200, was strong and thoroughly well disciplined, and contained voices which would, under less imposing circumstances, have done full justice to many of the solos. The instrumental portion was under the leadership of Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Lewis presided at the piano. Mr. Russell ably conducted the whole . . . Mr. Fletcher's rendering of "He was despised and rejected of men," was perhaps the most successful efforts of the evening. This gentleman's contralto, although not of great power, is rich and clear, while the flow of melody is easy and apparently without effort . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Johnson (leader, musician); Louis Lucas Lewis (piano); John Russell (conductor); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 April 1861), 8
In aid of the funds or The Melbourne Orphan Asylum,
In the BOTANICAL GARDENS, THIS DAY, APRIL 13, At 8 p.m. precisely (weather permitting).
Under the Immediate patronage of His Excellency the GOVERNOR and Lady BARKLY, who have signified their intention to be present.
All the performers have kindly given their services.
Principal Vocalists: - MISS A. BAILEY, Miss S. Mortley,
Master J. Cook, Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Williams, Mr. Donaldson, Mr. Angus, Mr. Amery.
Conductor and Pianist, Herr ELSASSER..
The magnificent VOLUNTEER BAND, Under the leadership of Mr. Johnson, Will perform at intervals..
Tickets, One Shilling each, may be obtained from the principal musicsellers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Anne Maria Barkly (governor and wife); Amelia Bailey (vocalist); Sarah Mortley (vocalist); John James Cook (vocalist); Charles Alexander Donaldson (vocalist); Edwin Amery (vocalist); Charles Elsasser (conductor); Victorian Volunteer Band (association); Botanic Gardens (Melbourne venue)
"TOWN TALK", The Herald (15 April 1861), 5
The promenade concert in the Botanical Gardens on Saturday afternoon was a very pleasing entertainment,
but, considering, its object, it was hardly, so well patronised as it deserved to be . . .
Subjoined is the programme, the performance of which gave much satisfaction: - . . .
part song "Soldier's love," Mr. Fletcher and chorus, Kuchen [Kücken] . . .
MUSIC: Soldier's love (Kücken)
[News], The Argus (25 May 1861), 5
A musical entertainment in connexion with the Kew Literary and Scientific Institute was given last Thursday evening, at the Kew Athenaeum. Mr. Litolf's performance of the overture to "Fra Diavolo" cannot be too highly commended. The vocalists - Miss Bailey, and Messrs. Fletcher, Williams, Donaldson, and Angus - sang with much ability. The songs "I'm a merry zingara," and "Come where my love lies dreaming," by Miss Bailey, called forth prolonged applause; and the solos on the flute by Mr. Pritchard added very materially to the success of the entertainment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Litolff (piano); Osgood Pritchard (flute)
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 May 1862), 8
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 May 1862), 8
DISCUSSION THIS EVENING on the Privileges of Colonial Legislatures.
After which, a Meeting will be held for the purpose of Forming a Musical Association in connexion with the institute.
Tentative identification:
Born Argyleshire, Scotland, 4 January 1830; baptised Dunoon and Kilmun, 4 February 1830; son of John FLETCHER and Agnes JOHNSTON
Married Martha Edith SMYTH, VIC, 1861
Died Hawthorn, VIC, 2 June 1885, aged "55" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
"Births", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 February 1876), 1
FLETCHER. - On the 29th ult, at Roseneath, Kew, Mrs. James Fletcher of a daughter.
"Deaths", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 June 1885), 1
FLETCHER. - On the 2nd inst., fell asleep at Mindel, Creswick-street, Hawthorn, James Fletcher, late of Bernice, Argyleshire, Scotland, and late manager for Beath, Schiess, and Co., Melbourne, aged 55.
"MISS IRENE FLETCHER. TO THE EDITOR", The Argus (20 May 1897), 6
ASSOCIATIONS: Irene Fletcher (1876-1951, daughter, pianist), studied in Germany with Clara Schumann (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Musical amateur, vocalist, ? pianist, deputy assistant commissary general
Born England, c. 1796
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 18 January 1824 (per Asia, from England, 28 August 1823)
Married Hannah HONE (c. 1806-1879), St. David's church, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 28 December 1826
Died Hobart, TAS, 10 September 1872, aged "76" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SHIP NEWS", Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser [VDL (TAS)] (23 January 1824), 2
On Sunday afternoon arrived the ship Asia, Captain Lindsay, with 149 male convicts, two having died on the passage. - Surgeon Superintendent, Dr. Evans, R.N. - The Guard consists of a detachment of the 40th Regiment, under the command of Captain Bishop, of the same Regiment. - Passengers, Deputy Assistant Commissary General Fletcher, and Lieutenant O'Shea, of the 13th Light Infantry, on his way to join his Regiment at Calcutta. - The Asia left England on the 28th of August.
NOTE: Fletcher first sailed on to Sydney but then returned to Hobart by the Woodlark in March
"Government & General Orders", Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (19 March 1824), 1
Government House, Hobart Town, March 18th, 1824.
THE Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury having placed Deputy Assistant Commissary General Fletcher on the Establishment of this Colony,
he is to be charged from the 25th Current with the Issues of the King's Magazine, in Hobart Town . . .
Letter, George Boyes, Hobart Town, 9 November 1826, to Mary Boyes; Chapman 1985, (265-67), 267
. . . 10th. Novr. I dined with Fletcher at Newtown yesterday, the acting Attorney-General was of the party, a little, ridiculous fellow who was I suspect some unfortunate city attorney, as in the course of the evening his Lady spoke of somebody that lived in Leadenhall Street. The eldest daughter is the object of my friend Fletcher's tender attentions and as they have heard & talk a good deal of me, they were assiduous to be seen to advantage by the Sydney gentleman acquainted with the best Society of New South Wales. They sang solos, Duetts and Glees, for Mr. Hone / rather a notorious name by the bye / fancied he had a good Bass voice and a perfect knowledge of music. I ought to have told you that only Mr. H. dined with us and that about 9 we adjourned to his house close by where the Ladies in high 69 awaited us. The house they live in is perhaps the best in the colony, indeed is very superior to Govt. House . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Boyes (work colleague, amateur musician); Joseph Hone (attorney-general, about to become his father-in-law); see also several later references to Fletcher in Boyes's diaries
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town in the county of Buckingham in the year 1826; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:817889; RGD36/1/1 no 934 (DIGITISED)
No. 66 / William Fletcher of this parish bachelor and Hannah Hone of this parish spinster
were married in this church by license this [28 December 1826] . . .
"MARRIAGES", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (29 December 1826), 3
Yesterday, at St. David's Church, by Special License, by the Rev. W. BEDFORD, WILLIAM FLETCHER, Esq. Deputy Assistant Commissary General, to Miss HANNAH, second daughter of JOSEPH HONE, Esq., Attorney-General of this Colony.
Bill of lading, shipment per Lloyd, from Thomas Tomkison, London, undated [April 1835]; Papers of Sophia Letitia Davis, MS 15531, State Library of Victoria
[1r] Addressed - Mrs. Davis care of R. Willis Esq'r Hobart Town Van Diemans Land
No. 1 & 2. 2 Cases cont'g 2 Cottage Pianofortes
3. 1 Case [containing] I cabinet [Pianoforte]
5/6. 2 Cases [containing] 2 Square [Pianofortes]
8. 1 Case [containing] 1 Organ & 3 Guitars
Addressed: W. Fletcher, Esq'r, D. A. C. General care of R. Willis Esq'r
No. 4. 1 Case cont'g 1 Cabinet Pianoforte
Addressed: Mr. Hone care of R. Willis Esq'r
No. 7. 1 Case cont'g 1 a Guitar & Music.
Shipped in good order and well conditioned by Thomas Tomkison in an upon the good Ship called the Lloyds whereof is Master this present Voyage Edward Garret and now riding at Anchor in the London Dock and bound for Hobart Town & Sydney . . .
[1v] 8 Cases 327. 9 hwt @ 45/- per ton = £ 18. 8. 9
Tonnage = [0]. 18. 6
[Total] 19. 7. 3
[Added on arrival] Please deliver to Mrs. Davis the goods addressed to her.
Richard Willis
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Tomkison (London pianoforte maker); Sophia Letitia Davis (musicseller, importer); Joseph Hone (musical amateur, Fletcher's father-in-law)
1872, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1150349; RGD35/1/8 no 1089 (DIGITISED)
No. 1089 / 10th September 1872 / William Fletcher (Died New Town) (Born England) / Male / 76 years / Retired Deputy Commissary General / Hemiplegia . . .
"DEATH", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (12 September 1872), 1
FLETCHER. - On the 10th September, at his residence "Stowelville," New Town, William Fletcher, Esq., Deputy-Commissary-General, aged 76, deeply regretted by all who knew him. The funeral will leave his late residence on Friday, 13th inst., at half-past 2 o'clock. 5591
"THE LATE MR. WM. FLETCHER", The Mercury (14 September 1872), 2
The grave has just closed over another good old colonist - Mr. William Fletcher, who died at his residence, "Stowelville," New Town, on Wednesday last, aged 76 years. We have received a few particulars of the early life of this old colonist, and it appears that in September, 1812, or nearly 60 years ago, he went to Lisbon, having obtained the appointment of clerk in the Commissariat Department of the Duke of Wellington's army. A department in connection with the accounts and expenditure of the army having been established, Mr. Fletcher was ordered to join it, and he then went to headquarters at the siege of Burgos in Spain. After the attempt to capture this place had proved a failure Mr. Fletcher accompanied the department to which he belonged in the disastrous retreat during which he suffered many hardships. In 1813 Mr. Fletcher accompanied the army in the victorious march into France, when the French were driven over the Pyrenees. He was stationed at Vittoria soon after the great battle there and was detached from the department to which he belonged in order that he might attend the wounded. For those services he received the Peninsula War Medal. He was soon afterwards ordered to Lisbon in charge of from 70 to 80 mule loads of public papers belonging to his department, and he had to make a troublesome journey from the frontier of France to the extreme end of the peninsula. The war was virtually over in 1815 and in 1816 Mr. Fletcher got his first promotion, and was for some time engaged in connection with the Commissariat Department in the West Indies. In 1824 he arrived in Hobart Town, where he remained connected with the Commissariat Department and had the most responsible duties to perform. Here he received his second promotion, and was made Deputy-Commissary-General, with the relative rank of a Lieutenant-Colonel in the army. In 1842 he was placed on the Commission of the Peace, and remained a magistrate until his death, a period of 30 years. He received a large grant of land as a military officer, but he never settled on it, having built himself a beautiful residence at New Town, in which he died. He married the daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Hone, barrister and Chairman of Quarter Sessions, and he leaves a widow and a large number of children and grand-children to lament his death. Mr. Fletcher's death is universally spoken of with deep regret by all who knew him. His remains were interred yesterday at New Town, Archdeacon Davies and the Rev. Canon Hudspeth officiating.
Musician, violinist, orchestra and band leader, concert and venue manager, venue proprietor, publican
Born Beauvois, Pas-de-Calais, France, c. 1816
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 5 April 1853 (per Henry Trowbridge, from Mauritius, 13 February)
Died Calcutta, India, 31 October 1875 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Musician, harpist, harp player (see single notice July 1861 below)
Born ? France, c. 1819 (aged "50" on arrival in Melbourne from Otago, NZ, in 1869)
? Died Madagascar, 26 July 1877
Fleury was perhaps related to (? a son of) Achille Fleury (fl. 1792-1837), violinist, still active in opera orchestras in Rouen in the 1830s.
In June 1853, at James Ellis's new Salle de Valentino, Fleury advertised a series of promenade concerts "a la Musard". "The Modern Paganini", as he was once billed by George Lewis at Astley Amphitheatre's in 1855, stayed on in Melbourne leading theatre and concert bands throughout the 1850s. An advertisement from August 1855 lists the members of his band at the Salle de Valentino.
Fleury relocated to Ballarat in and 1856, where, in addition to continuing his musical activities, he was contentiously granted a publican's license in 1859.
He toured to New Zealand with George Loder in 1862, and stayed on permanently in Dunedin.
During his years in New Zealand he returned to Australia to lead George Loder's Lyster opera orchestra in Sydney in 1865.
Having been performing with George Benjamin Allen's Royal English Opera Company in New Zealand early in 1875, he joined them for a season in Adelaide, en route to India. Fleury died of dysentery while with Allen's company in Calcutta.
Report of the Henry Trowbridge, arrived at Melbourne, 6 April 1853, from Port Louis; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Steerage . . . Fleury Jacques / 34 . . .
THANKS (2022): To Duncan Taggart (NZ) for kindly bringing this listing to my attention
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (5 April 1853), 12
Thursday Weekly Concerts, under the direction of MR. MEGSON.
ON THURSDAY NEXT, 7th APRIL, 1853 . . .
Solo Instrumental Performers: . . . Violin - Mons. Fleury, from the Mauritius, the best solo violin known in the colonies . . .
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . Air, (violin) "Le Romantique" Mons. Fleury - first time in Melbourne - Ghys . . .
Leader of the Band - Mr. Megson.
Pianist - Mr. Buddee . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Buddee (accompanist); Joseph Megson (leader, violin); Thursday Concerts (series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: La romantique (Ghys)
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 April 1853), 12
On Thursday next, April 21 . . . For this evening only, Mons. Fleury, the celebrated Violinist,
will play Paganini's celebrated Solo, "the Carnival de Venise," on the Violin . . .
MUSIC: Le carnaval de Venise (Paganini)
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 April 1853), 3
on Tuesday Evening April 26th, in the Mechanics' Institution.
Principal Performers: Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Hancock, Mr. Buddee, Mr. Fleury, Sig. Maffei, Mons. Barre.
Programme: PART I . . . Duet, (Violin and Piano) - Masaniello - Messrs. Fleury and Buddee - Auber . . .
Solo, (Violin) - Mons. Fleury - Hauman . . .
PART II . . . Duet, (Violin and Piano) - Guillaume Tell - Messrs. Fleury . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Joseph Maffei (musician); Anthony Barre (vocalist)
MUSIC: Perhaps the Variations, op. 8 (Hauman)
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 June 1853), 5
GRAND CONCERT. Monday, June 13th, 1853. At the MECHANICS' INSTITUTE . . .
The celebrated ALI-BEN SOU-ALLE, will perform on the new and wonderful Turkophone in his grand national costume.
Assisted by the following eminent artistes -
Vocalists: Mrs. Testar; Mons. Barre.
1st Violin. M. Fleury De Recuson; Cornet-a-Piston, Sig. Maffei; Pianoforte, Mr. Buddee; And, The Full Band of the Fortieth Regiment.
Conductors M. Fleury, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Buddee.
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . Duet - Piano and Violin - Mons. Fleury and Mr. Buddee - Fleury . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (musician); Band of the 40th Regiment (military)
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (14 June 1853), 7
As a proof of the strong appreciation of the people of Melbourne of any novelty in the musical way, the concert-room of the Mechanics' was crowded last evening to excess; in spite of the threatening weather, and the almost impassable condition of the streets. M. Sou Alle made his debut in full Turkish costume . . . M. Fleury played a piece very beautifully on the violin, and led the orchestra with much spirit, although probably with a little too much rattle and drive . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 June 1853), 3
The celebrated Ali-Ben-Sou-Alle . . . will make his second appearance . . . on Thursday, 16th June . . .
Assisted by the following eminent artistes:
Vocalists: Mrs. Testar; Mons. Barre.
Premier Violin: M. Fleury de Recusson
Cornet-a Piston: Sig. Maffei.
Pianoforte: Mr. Buddee.
And, The Full Band of the 40th Regiment,
Conductor: M. Fleury.
PART I . . . Aria - Let the Bright Seraphim - (Trumpette and Quatuor Obligato) - Mrs. Testar - Handel . . .
PART II. Australia Waltz, executed by Messrs. Buddee, Maffei, Fleury, Ali Ben-Sou-Alle - composed by - Ali-Ben-Sou-Alle . . .
Grand Fantasie - Sur la Fiancee - Piano and Violin - Per Messrs. Buddee and Fleury - Lafond [sic] . . .
MUSIC: Grand fantaisie sur La fiancée [Auber] (by ? Lafont)
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 June 1853), 12
GRAND CONCERT. Monday, June 20th, 1853, At the Mechanics' Institution.
First appearance of MRS. GRAHAM, The celebrated Soprano.
Vocalists - Mrs. Testar, Mons. Barre.
First Violins - M. Fleury and Herr Strebinger.
Cornet a-Piston - Sig. Maffei.
Pianoforte - Mr. Buddee.
And the Full Band of the 40th Regiment.
Conductors - M. Fleury, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Buddee.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Symphony - From Sym. No. 2. Introduction and 1st movement, Full Band - Beethoven . . .
Duo - from Masaniello, Violin and Piano (by desire), Mons Fleury and Mr. Buddee - Beriot.
Polka - Chatelaine, Full Band - J. C. Vanmaanen.
PART II. Overture - Zampa, Full Band - Herold . . .
Air, with variations - Violin Solo, Mons. Fleury - Fleury . . .
Quadrille - Napoleon, Full Band - Musard . . .
Valse - Douro, Full Band - Labitzky . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Graham (vocalist); Frederick Strebinger (violin); Henry Johnson (master, 40th band)
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 June 1853), 12
NOTICE. HERR STREBINGER begs to inform the public, that a false use his been made of his name by M. Fleury and Co.,
in the programme of a Concert advertised to take place at the Mechanics' Institute, on Monday Evening, the 20th Inst.
He being under no engagement with those parties.
Herr S. takes this opportunity of announcing to the public this deception,
and also to state, that he takes no part in any concert, other than his Farewell Benefit of the 28th Inst.
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 June 1853), 5
SALLE DE VALENTINO, (Late Noble's Circus,) Top of Bourke-street, east.
MR. JAMES ELLIS, lessee of Cremorne Gardens, Richmond, and formerly lessee of Cremorne Gardens, &c., London . . .
The season, necessarily brief, will commence with A Series of First-rate
PROMENADE CONCERTS, a la Muzard [Musard],
Conductor - Mons. Fleury.
Assisted by a numerous troupe of Eminent Vocalists,
Who will in their turn be supported by the Most Numerous and Talented Band Of Instrumental Performers ever heard in the Colony . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ellis (proprietor); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 June 1853), 4
OPEN EVERY EVENING. - The Salle de Valentino, late Noble's Circus, top of Bourke-street, east.
Grand Promenade Concerts, Conductor, Mons. Fleury. Admission, 1s.
SIGNOR D'ANGRI, in his Magnificent Greek Costume, will appear to-night at the Salle de Valentino.
Greek National Airs and other novelties for the first time in the Colony.
MR. BARLOW is engaged at the Salle de Valentino, and will appear on Monday next and sing some favorite [REDACTED] Melodies.
Admission. 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Natale d'Angri (vocalist); Robert Barlow (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 July 1853), 8
OPEN Every Evening - Admission One Shilling - Salle de Valentino . . .
Grand Promenade Concerts. Conductor, Mons. Fleury.
Principal vocalists: Miss Graham, Miss Bourne, and Miss Louisa Urie, and Mr. Barlow, the celebrated [REDACTED] melodist.
Instrumental solos every evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgina Bourn (vocalist); Louisa Urie (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 August 1853), 8
EXTRAORDINARY Attraction! Music for the Million!!
Ellis's Promenade Concerts at the Salle de Valentino.
The Italian Chorus every evening in selections from the grand Opera of Norma, under the direction of Signor Maffei.
The best band in the colony, Conductor, Mons. Fleury, will also produce the original and popular effects of the
Great Exhibition Quadrille, as it has never before been performed in the colony.
The Music of All Nations . . .
MUSIC: The Great Exhibition quadrille (Jullien)
"MAFFEI AND FLEURY", The Argus (27 August 1853), 5
We see that Signor Maffei and Mons. Fleury are to take a benefit to-night at the Salle Valentino. Two such favorites do not need anything from us to insure them a crowded house. So many have been frequently indebted to them for the pleasant wiling away of an otherwise dull evening . . . The programme is good, and Mr. Barlow "has kindly consented" to throw a little fun into the entertainment.
"SALLE DE VALENTINO", The Argus (12 September 1853), 5
This favorite place of public amusement was crowded to excess on Saturday evening. Mr. Warden, the Scottish Humorist, drew forth rounds of applause by his facetiousness. The greatest praise is due to the conductor, Mons. Fleury, for the admirable manner in which he manages these evening Concerts, and it is gratifying for us to observe that his catering is so well and justly appreciated by the public.
"FINE ARTS EXHIBITION", The Argus (17 September 1853), 5
There have been few places of public resort opened in Melbourne for some time past which present the attractions offered by this Exhibition; and we very much regret to announce that it closes this day. The band of Messrs. Fleury and Maffei will perform [as usual] in the great room, from two o'clock to five o'clock, p.m. . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 November 1853), 8
MONSIEUR FLEURY, of the Salle de Valentino -
The frequenters of the Salle de Valentino desirous of rendering to Monsieur Fleury
(the talented leader and popular artist who directs the delightful concerts which they enjoy every evening) a testimonial of their appreciation of the services he has rendered to the art,
and to the enjoyment of the middle classes, have determined on opening a subscription for the purpose of presenting to him a suitable memento of his residence in this colony.
The subscription list is lying at the White Hart Inn, opposite the Salle De Valentino.
The subscription will be closed on Friday night, and the ceremony of presenting the testimonial to Monsieur Fleury will take place on Saturday evening, during the concert.
By order of the Committee, CHARLES DON, Vice President.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Jardine Don (committee)
[Advertisement], The Banner (29 November 1853), 15
IMMENSE SUCCESS. The Wonder of Melbourne!
The Magnificent Music Hall in which the Grand Fancy Dress Ball was given on Thursday last,
on the site of Tattersal's Repository, Lonsdale-Street, opposite the Hospital.
GRAND MONSTER CONCERTS will be given on MONDAY, and every Evening during the week.
Principal Vocalists: Madame CARANDINI, of the Victoria Theatre, Sydney.
Miss Martin, Miss Graham, and Miss Urie.
MR. FRANK HOWSON, and Mr. Lavenu, of Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket, London.
A MONSTER BAND. Conductor - Mr. Johnson. Leader - Mr. Fleury.
Director of the Vocal department and Pianiste, Mr. Lavenu . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Charlotte Martin (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (pianist); Tattersall's (Melbourne venue)
"SALLE DE VALENTINO", The Argus (22 November 1853), 5
It is some time since we have noticed the musical performances at this establishment; but the increased enthusiasm of the visitors bids fair to rank Melbourne among the musical cities of the world. It is only a few days since M. Fleury received a very handsome present from his admirers in the shape of a silver cigar-case and a handsome diamond ring, presented to him in a suitable address by Dr. Eades, which was feelingly acknowledged. If a thorough knowledge of his art is any recommendation to the pubic, we consider the manager of the band, Signor Maffei, equally deserving of consideration.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Eades (musical amateur)
{Advertisement], The Argus (7 December 1853), 10
Madame Carandini . . . Mr. Frank Howson . . . Mr. Lavenu . . .
A Band of nearly One Hundred Performers. Conductor - Mr. Johnson. Leader - Mons. Fleury . . .

The Salle de Valentino, before the appearance of Madame Carandini; S. T. Gill, Melbourne 1854; State Library of Victoria (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Thomas Gill (artist)

The Salle de Valentino, after the appearance of Madame Carandini; S. T. Gill, Melbourne 1854; State Library of Victoria (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 January 1854), 8
Mr. JAS. ELLIS begs respectfully to announce that, for a short time, and until the Gondola Steamers and other conveyances are laid on for the conveyance of visitors,
the amusements at Cremorne will be discontinued . . .
in the interval, he has determined to give a short season of superior Promenade Concerts,
every Evening the Salle de Valentino, for which he has secured the services of the Best Band in the Colony -
the names of the Artistes forming the Orchestra will speak for themselves -
Conductor and Leader, Monsieur Fleury; Clarionet, Mr. Johnson; Flute, Mr. Cooze; Tenor, Mr. Reed;
Cornet a-Piston, Signor Maffei; Contra Bass, Mr. Hardman; supported by other performers of celebrity.
Madame Carandini, the prima donna of the southern hemisphere, and Mr. Lavenu, the eminent buffo singer from London,
will appear every evening and sing their most popular selections.
An entire change of programme every evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Joseph Cooze (flute); Thomas Reed (viola); Daniel Hardman (double bass); Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue)
"MISS HAMILTON'S CONCERT", The Argus (29 April 1854), 5
The Concert last evening at the Mechanics' Institution was well attended, and by a good-humored audience, who took very quietly a signal contre temps, viz., the absence of M. Fleury, who was to have played a violin solo, and a part in a duo with Miss Hamilton, but did not appear, so the lady's pianoforte performance was lost as well . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist)
"THE SALLE DE VALENTINO", The Argus (4 July 1854), 5
On Saturday night I went to the Salle de Valentino, to hear Mons. Fleury, who then took his farewell benefit. That is what it was called, but I hope to hear him often, as arrangements are in contemplation for securing his high professional abilities, and giving them more scope. The night was wet and the streets bottomless; but some hundred or two ventured to the Salle, and were rewarded by a very agreeable entertainment. I was vastly amused. The idea of an orchestra in full dress, wearing huge mud boots, tickled my fancy much. It seemed so thoroughly colonial. At the same time I saw it was indispensably necessary, unless the whole company had arranged to float to the concert room on the double bass . . . we had no programme, a great omission, for which, if repeated, I shall impose the penalty of total silence. A concert without a programme loses half its interest. The opening overture was effectively executed, allowance being made for the canvass roof of the building, and we had afterwards some popular polkas and quadrilles admirably arranged for Mons. Fleury's orchestra, and in which he performed the very difficult task of leader and conductor in a manner somewhat like and worthy of the illustrious Jullien's own self. We had selections, too, from Scottish airs, arranged by Mr. Reed, and these were succeeded by Irish quadrilles, both of which nationalities were of course quickly recognised and much applauded . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 August 1854), 8
The Original Shilling Promenade Concerts will be resumed on Saturday,
and continue every Evening during the week for a short series, previous to the removal of the Circus, the ground being required for another purpose.
Best Band in Victoria. Conductor, Mr. Johnson; Leader, Mons. Fleury . . .
JAMES ELLIS, Proprietor.
"SALLE DE VALENTINO", The Argus (21 August 1854), 5
This place of entertainment has attracted during the past week a larger than average number of pleasure seekers. The entertainment consists of a vocal and instrumental concert, under the direction of M. Fleury, and, as the price of admission has been reduced to 1s., it would be difficult to point out where a more advantageous return for the money could be procured. On Saturday evening the orchestra received several valuable additions, a Chinese fete being the order of the day. Whether the celestials celebrate their festival by the performance of operatic overtures and polka music is not now very material. The audience on Saturday evening were not at all disposed to be critical in that respect. There was, however, a great display of paper lanterns, and the performance by the band of Jullien's Chinese Quadrille made this entertainment quite as characteristic as anybody desired . . . The overture to Guillaume Tell was spiritedly played, we must, however, protest against the excision of the beautiful andante which immediately precedes the principal theme. Several polkas, quadrilles, waltzes, &c., were well given, and some received great applause. Mr. Johnson, bandmaster of the 40th Regiment, conducted the orchestra.
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 September 1854), 8
Sole Lessee, Mr. George Lewis . . .
1. - Grand Overture, arranged and performed by Mons. Fleury, and the Full Orchestra
1 - Grand Overture, arranged and performed by Mons. Fleury and the Full Orchestra.
2 - Song, Mrs. Onn
3 - Song - The White Squall, Mr. Griffith, from the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney (first appearance).
4 - Song - Peace Inviting, Mrs. Testar - Bishop
5 - Concerto Italian, Mons. Fleury and the Full Orchestra
6 - Song - Indescribable, Mr. Barlow
7 - Song - Grecian Daughter, Miss Hamilton
8 - Concerto Medley, Irish Airs upon the Pianoforte, with Irish Ballad, Mrs. Onn.
9 - Song, local - Forty Shillings, and Take Him Away! - Mr. Barlow
10 - Song - The Blind Girl to her Harp, Mrs. Testar - Glover.
11 - Scottish Airs, Orchestra
12 - Song - Free as the Air, Miss O. Hamilton
Mr. Lewis and Lilliputian Tom, The greatest Gymnasts In the world, will, by desire, introduce two acts of their Drawing-room Entertainment,
as performed before Her Majesty Queen Victoria, their Majesties the Emperor of Russia and Austria, &c.
The whole to conclude with Barlow's Negro Entertainment . . .
Grand Finale, by the Full Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Benjamin William Lewis (proprietor); Constantia Onn (vocalist, pianist); William Griffiths (vocalist); Astley's Amphitheatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 October 1854), 8
The advancing spirit of improvement having determined upon the demolition of the popular place of amusement . . .
Grand Complimentary Night to Mr. Ellis . . . Monday, 10th October,
A Grand Bal Masque, Conductor or the Orchestra, Mr. Johnson.
Leader, Mons. Achille Fleury, A Grand Monster Band . . .
"ASTLEY'S AMPHITHEATRE", The Age (9 November 1854), 5
Absorbing as is the excitement which prevails with regard to the only singer which the "Green Isle" has ever produced, fertile as it has been in poetry and other branches of the Arts, still it is not all-absorbing, as the attendance which is nightly kept up at this favourite and well ordered place of amusement, abundantly testifies. The ordinary performances are now added to by a suite of equestrians and gymnastic performers, and in a few days the world renowned Tom Barry of the original Astley's celebrity, will make an appearance on these boards. Mrs. Hancock, Misses Hamilton and Warde, are daily becoming greater favourites, and the band, under the conductor Mons. Fleury is worthy of Jullien himself.
ASSOCIATIONS: Tom Barry (clown); Kate Warde (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 January 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO, Bourke-street, east.
The First Grand Masquerade of the Season . . .
The Band (comprising the best artistes in the colony from Her Majesty's Theatre and M. Jullien's Concerts) will be led by Mr. Fleury . . .
"SUPREME COURT. FIRST NISI PRIUS SITTINGS. Wednesday, 14th March, 1855 . . . FLEURY V. BLACK", The Argus (15 March 1855), 5
Mr. McDermott, for plaintiff; Mr. Dawson, for defendant:
The plaintiff is Mons. Fleury, the celebrated violinist, and the defendant is the proprietor of the Theatre Royal, Bourke-street;
and this was an action brought on a contract for work and labor performed in the shape of music supplied to the defendant.
Mr. McDermott opened the case, saying that the defendant, on opening his concert room,
entered into a contract with his talented client to supply him with fifteen musicians at the rate of £70 per week.
But on going one night, his client unexpectedly found the orchestra filled with a military band,
whose services, no doubt, the defendant procured cheaper.
The plaintiff was called and proved the agreement at £70 per week;
and described his consternation at finding, after he had played two days,
the strong position the military had taken up on the platform.
This position of the 12th was impregnable, and the discomfited Fleury withdrew his forces,
and, being unable to effect an amicable treaty with the plaintiff, brought his action.
The defence was that Mons. Fleury could only recover for the three nights his company played, and that the contract had been rescinded.
The money for three nights had been paid into Court.
Mr. Dawson said the defence was not a shabby lie. The facts were, that a military band had been engaged in the first instance;
there was some doubt if they could be retained. Mons. Fleury entered into the contract.
Defendant found he still could have the band of the 12th, and a modification of the contract was mutually agreed to between plaintiff and defendant,
that Fleury should play with his company three nights a-week, and the band the other three;
the defendent was not to be turned over by the strict letter of the law, but the contract must be scanned according to common sense and fairness.
The learned gentleman called -
Mr. E. Gregory, who swore that the defendant agreed, in his presence, to extend the six nights over the fortnight,
playing every alternate night, and that the band should play the other six nights.
After some hesitation he agreed to it.
Mons. Fleury: Ne-vare.
Witness continued: He afterwards came and said he should not play, as he could not, he found, get his company to consent.
Cross-examined: This conversation occurred in French and English, between Mr. Black, Mons. Fleury, and himself.
A paper was signed to this effect, and Mr. Black had the writing.
His Honor: Where is this paper?
It was found not to be forthcoming.
Mr. McDermott said he never saw a case so utterly broken down. The whole was an attempt to take in poor Fleury.
The paper signed was suppressed, although given to Black; and what could be said in a case where documents were purposely suppressed.
However, he saw by the jurors' faces they had made up their minds, and he should not trouble them with any further observations.
Verdict for the plaintiff for the full amount claimed, with liberty for the defendant to reduce such verdict to £3, on the ground the work had not been performed.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Melton Black (proprietor); Edmund Howard Gregory (co-proprietor); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue); Band of the 12th Regiment (military)
"LEGAL NEWS. Wednesday, March 14, 1855. FLEURY V. BLACK AND ANOTHER", The Age (15 March 1855), 7
Mr. McDermott for the plaintiff; Mr. Dawson, for the defendant.
This was an action brought by M. Fleury against Mr. Black and. Mr. Gregory,
for a breach of the contract under which the defendants had engaged for the plaintiff to supply a band of musicians to perform at the Theatre Royal, in Bourke-street.
The contract had stipulated that M. Fleury was to supply an efficient band of fifteen performers for £70 a week;
but after the defendant's band had performed for three nights, Mr. Black had summarily ended the engagement, and the present action was brought to recover for the contract having been so broken.
The payment for these nights had been paid into court.
Mr. McDermott, in stating the case to the jury, said that after Mr. Black had engaged M. Fleury and his band,
it appeared he had discovered he could enter into a more profitable engagement with the regimental band of the 40th,
and had, without the usual notice, as the engagement was from week to week, informed M. Fleury, after he had been performing three nights,
that he should not further require the services of his band.
M. Fleury having deposed to these facts, Mr. Gregory gave evidence to prove that the original contract had been afterwards modified by an express understanding and arrangement with M. Fleury,
that his band should perform only for the three nights, and that the band of the 40th were to perform on the other nights.
Verdict for the plaintiff, damages £38.
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 May 1855), 8
ASTLEY'S. Sole Lessee, George Lewis.
Grand Complimentary Benefit to George Lewis, Lessee,
To Defray the Damages of the Extraordinary Verdict of Berg v. Lewis.
On Thursday, May 24th, 1855.
On which occasion the following talented artistes have volunteered their valuable services: -
Miss Octavia Hamilton, the celebrated Prima Donna.
Miss Louisa Swannell, the Australian Nightingale.
Mrs. Onn, the enchanting Cantatrice.
Mons. Achille Fleury, the Modern Paganini.
Mr. Johnson, the Master of the 40th Band.
Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Swannell (vocalist)
"SALLE DE VALENTINO", The Argus (9 July 1855), 5
Fleury's quadrille band continues to attract large numbers to this establishment, which is now under the management of Mr. Coleman, whose regime has already caused a marked improvement in the respectability of the company to be manifest. M. Barre is nightly encored in "Mourir pour la Patrie," and others of the French national hymns; and a Mr. Campbell sings some comic songs of his own composition, abounding with cleverly hit off allusions to passing local events, with considerable eclat.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Coleman (manager, polyphonist); Mr. Campbell (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 August 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO. Promenade Concert and Ball.
Open Every Evening. Admission One Shilling, M. Fleury, in returning thanks to the citizens of Melbourne for their very kind patronage,
begs to say that no expense or exertion shall be spared on his part in making the Salle de Valentino the first place of its kind in this city.
M. Fleury promises also to make it his especial object to produce every novelty in Music,
both vocal and instrumental and will not be satisfied with merely telling the public that he has an efficient band but will give their names, which, it is hoped,
will be a sufficient guarantee of ability:
Instrumentalists: Violinists, Messrs. Reed and Fillon.
Ophecleide - M. Hartigan (the first soloist in the colony.)
Cornopean - M. De la Balestriere.
Saxe horn, Mr. Baker.
Clarionette - Mr. Kinsella.
Double-bass - Herr Hendorff.
Trombone - Mr. McNamara.
Drum - Mr. Jenkins.
And Herr Polin, the celebrated solo performer on the flute.
M. FLEURY, Leader and Conductor.
Singers: Mrs. Byrne [sic, Bourn], whose style of singing has been so much admired; And an Irish Comic singer.
Gazza Ladra, - overture - Rossini.
Duette, "Lucrezia di Borgia," Baker and Hartigan.
La Sultana des fleurs (arranged for full band by M. Fleury).
Faust Valse (Diabolique) - Chas. D'Albert.
Malta Quadrille - J. Kalozdy.
La Vie de Boheme - Chretien.
Napoleon Quadrille - Musard.
Gadogan Polka, composed by Kalozdy, Conductor of the Hungarian Band.
Solos by Mr. Hartigan and Polin every night next week.
ASSOCIATIONS: Auguste Filhon (violin); Joseph Hartigan (ophicleide, 40th band); Alfred Labalestrier (cornopean); William Baker (Sax horn, 40th band); James Kinsella (clarinet); Hermann Harndorff (double bass); Daniel McNamara (trombone, 40th band); Mr. Jenkins (drum); Lawrence Frederick Palin (flute)
"THE SALLE DE VALENTINO", The Age (6 September 1855), 5
This place of amusement appears to be crowded every evening, and the strains of Mons. Fleury's band are as attractive as ever. Everybody appears to be disposed to take a look in at the Salle as a finish to the evening . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 January 1856), 8
FLEURY'S BALL - Astley's Amphitheatre.
Concert and Ball Every Evening in the Magnificent Dancing Saloon.
Engagement of the Celebrated Vocalists MRS. VINCENT, MR. VINCENT, and MR. YOULES.
Concert at Eight, Ball at Half-past Nine.
Sole Lessee, M. FLEURY. Admission, 1s.; Boxes, 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Rimmer Vincent and wife (pianist and vocalist); Joseph Youle (vocalist)
"ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE", The Argus (26 February 1856), 5
Yesterday evening being the first of the dramatic season, a numerous but not overflowing audience attended. Shortly before eight o'clock the curtain rose and the national anthem was sung by the company, Madame Carandini and Mesdames Evans [sic, Fiddes] and Moore taking up the solos. A cleverly written opening address was then spoken by Mrs. Poole . . . The drama of Isabella which we must take another opportunity of witnessing followed with other entertainments. The band here is small but good. The overture to the Pre aux Clercs was spiritedly rendered under the conduct of M. Lavenu, who assumes the baton at this establishment. The leader is M. Fleury.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Fiddes (vocalist); Rachel Lazar Moore (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 April 1856), 8
Begs to intimate to his numerous patrons in Melbourne that he has returned to his old quarters, the
SALLE DE VALENTINO, Which was in 1863, under his management . . .
JAMES ELLIS will commence his Winter Season on Monday, and continue Open Every Evening, with a Popular Ballet Divertissement
By those talented Artistes THE CHAMBERS FAMILY And Auxiliaries.
Grand Ball at Nine o'clock.
Musical Director and Conductor, MONS. FLEURY, Who will preside over an efficient Orchestra,
selected from the numerous Talented instrumentalists now in this city.
Mons. Fleury has just received the full score of all the new and favorite music lately produced and now in high fashion in London, Paris and Vienna.
For programme of the music of every evening in the week see bills . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Chambers family (dancers)
Ballarat, VIC (from May 1856):
"BALLARAT . . . CONCERTS", The Age (28 May 1856), 3
Two concerts were given on Saturday, the one in honor of her Majesty's birthday, the other on behalf of the Mechanics' Institute; the former at the Victoria Theatre, and the latter at the Star Concert Hall. I regret to say that the attendance was very meagre at both; and I believe the proceeds will scarcely clear expenses. The concert at the Victoria upon the whole came off well. The music both instrumental and vocal was in several instances excellent. The "German Chorus Society" performed their part well and were loudly applauded. The best vocalist was Herr Hoeg, who sung "Why do I weep for thee" in a superior manner, and was honored with an encore. Madame Constantia Onn, was well received, and was also honored with an encore. Great praise is due to the leaders of the orchestra, Mons. Fleury and Herr Richty, for the able manner in which they performed their parts, and it is to be regretted that their efforts failed to draw a better filled house.
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Richty (violin); Ballarat Liedertafel (association); Victoria Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"ANNIVERSARY OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (5 July 1856), 2
Yesterday, shortly after two o'clock, upwards of one hundred gentlemen sat down to a most sumptuous entertainment provided at the Victoria Theatre, to celebrate the anniversary of American Independence . . . M. Fleury's band was in attendance, and enlivened the proceedings by playing various appropriate airs . . .
"COUNTY COURT OF BUNINYONG AND BALLARAT. Friday, 20th March", The Star (21 March 1857), 3
Vincent v. Fleury de Recuillon. - Mr. Cope appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Wigley for the defendant.
This was a plaint to recover £29 10s. for the performance of the plaintiff, his wife,
and a Mr. Youle, for singing and playing the piano for M. Fleury in Melbourne.
The defendant was the well-known M. Fleury, formerly the leader of the band at the Victoria Theatre.
It appeared that the plaintiff, his wife, and Mr. Youle had been engaged under a written agreement, and had received £14.
The plaintiff denied that he had agreed to take £14 in full satisfaction of all demands.
Mr. Wigley having addressed the assessors, called -
The defendant, who stated that after he engaged the plaintiff and his wife the attendance at his concerts in Melbourne, which had hitherto been good, fell off.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and Mr. Youle always sung the same songs, and the public got sick of them.
His Honor - Then it would have been cheaper to buy a musical box, and have laid it on the table.
Examination continued - The plaintiff had charged £2 10s. for an extra performance.
This was on a night when all the musicians played free of charge for the benefit of defendant, as the concerts turned out badly;
the other musicians took half their wages.
Cross-examined by Mr. Cope. - Although the public did not like the singing of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and Mr. Youle, they performed for his benefit, but he lost by that.
They were encored but by defendant and his band, not by the public.
A witness named Quinn, who had been one of Mr. Fleury's band, was called, and said he had performed at Mr. Fleury's concerts for five months before the plaintiff,
his wife and Mr. Youle came, and they were well attended.
After these parties came, the attendance fell off.
The extra night charged £2 10s. for, was for the benefit of Mr. Fleury.
The musicians agreed to take half salary. The Vincents and Youle sang only two songs.
Cross-examined by Mr. Cope. - One of these songs was the "Rat Catcher's Daughter," the other a comic duet between Mr. Youle and Mrs. Vincent.
Auguste Feuillen gave similar testimony to the preceding witness.
The Assessors found a verdict for the plaintiff for £13, being the balance, allowing for £14 already received.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Rimmer Vincent and wife (pianist and vocalist); Joseph Youle (vocalist); Mr. Quinn (musician); Auguste Filhon (musician)
"POLICE COURT. Monday, 29th June . . . MUSICIANS' DISCORDS", The Star (30 June 1857), 2
Paltzer v. Fleury, for abusive language.
Complainant, the well known violinist, accused the defendant, another equally well known professor of the violin,
with having shook his hand at complainant, near the police court, and used abusive epithets against complainant,
calling him a low damned fellow, and a son of a mob.
Defendant Spoke through an interpreter, and declared that he had not used any had language at all.
He had not called defendant a "gamin" or a "son of a mob," either in French or English.
Complainant. - I assure your worship he did call me a gamin, which is a great insult.
Defendant. - I did never use such word. The Bench fined defendant 5s. and 4s. 6d costs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacques Paltzer (violinist)
A meeting will be held this evening . . . for the purpose of inaugurating a society of the above description . . . We are informed that two great desiderata have been procured, viz: - a first class conductor and leader, the former in the person of Mr. A. T. Turner, singing master to the Denominational schools, and M. A. Fleury bas offered to fill the latter post . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Austin Theodore Turner (musician); Ballarat Philharmonic Society (association)
"MONTEZUMA THEATRE", The Star (15 October 1858), 3
Great as has always been the merit of the promenade concerts, the programme for this evening, we perceive, surpasses those of previous occasions. Messrs. Fleury and Miell announce this evening's performance to be under the patronage of the Ladies, the Bench, the Press, and the Bar of Ballarat. The richness of the programme will be evident to our readers when we inform them that the overtures to "Italiana in Algeria," "Zampa," "Haidee," and "La Dame Blanche," will be performed. Instrumental solos and duets will be performed by Messrs. King (clarionet), Ellis (trombone), and Labalestrier and Miell (cornets). The burden of the vocal department will be borne by Madame Vitelli and W. F. Sayer. With this exquisite weather and such a programme, the theatre ought to be well patronised.
ASSOCIATIONS: Augustus Miell (musician); Thomas King (musician); Thomas Ellis (musician); Annie Vitelli (vocalist); William Francis Sayer (vocalist); Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)
Index to certificates of naturalisation, Achille Fleury, 18 October 1858; Victoria; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
Achille Fleury / Artist and Musician / Ballarat / Age (on date of naturalization) 42 /
Native Place - Beauvois, France / Date of Certificate - 18. 19. 58 / No. of Certificate - 234 . . .
"THE CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE", The Star (8 December 1858), 3
Another well filled house greeted the second appearance of the new company here. The first piece was "Delicate Ground," in which the parts of Pauline and Citizen Sangfroid, were performed by Miss Rosa Dunn and Mr. H. N. Warner . . . After the overture to La Gazza Ladra, excellently performed by M. Fleury's orchestra, Miss Provost appeared as Andy Blake, in the "Irish Diamond" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosa Dunn (actor); Henry Neil Warner (actor); Mary Provost (actor); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 August 1859), 8
Two Doors above Theatre Royal. OPEN THIS EVENING. FLEURY'S BAND. Admission, 2s. 6d.
. . . Mons. FLEURY'S GRAND BAND . . .
"News and Notes", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (16 November 1859), 2
On Friday last Mr. Lewis transmitted to his Excellency the Governor a letter detailing the circumstances under which Mr. Daly, the police magistrate, granted a publican's license to Mr. Achille Fleury, of the Criterion Hotel, and on Tuesday he received a letter from the Private Secretary of his Excellency, which stated "That the communication had been placed in the hands of the Attorney General in order that Mr. Daly may be called upon for an explanation."
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (28 June 1861), 2
The performance this evening at the Theatre Royal will be for the benefit of Mons. Fleury, a gentleman long and favorably known in the musical world of Ballarat. From the entertainments provided, we make no doubt but that Mons. Fleury will be heartily supported.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (12 July 1861), 2
The performance this evening at the Theatre Royal will be for the benefit of Mr. Symons . . . To be followed by a musical melange, in which Mons. and Madam Fleury will perform a duett on the harp and violin . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: David Symons (proprietor)
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (15 July 1861), 3
The Theatre Royal was well filled on Friday night, when "Rigoletto" was produced for the benefit of Mr. Symons. The play was got up with great attention in every respect . . . The orchestra was reinforced for the occasion, and the overtures and solos performed during the evening were marked by the discriminating applause of the audience. After the first piece was over, there was a performance on the harp by Madame Fleury accompanied by Mr. Fleury . . .
"MARRIAGE", The Star (3 October 1861), 2
On the 29th instant, at the German Church, by the Rev. P. Niquet, Bruno Riemann, from Bremen, Germany, to Miss Virginia Fleury de Recusson, from France.
ASSOCIATIONS: Registered as Marie Camille Virginia Fleury De Recussen [sic] (? Fleury's sister)
"THE NEW CHARLIE NAPIER [Letters to the editor]", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (3 December 1861), 4
SIR, - As a resident on Ballarat for the last six years,
during which period I have given my professional services times innumerable for thc benefit of every kind of charity,
may I request your inserting these few lines by way of explanation on what grounds I refused to give up my night's salary on Tuesday last in aid of the funds for raising a new Charlie Napier.
Some few weeks since I was called upon by two members of the committee and solicited for a subscription to the funds,
which I complied with readily in the shape of one pound, together with a promise on my part to contribute as much again on the completion of the new theatre.
When Mr. Symons asked me for a donation by way of my night's salary I refused,
but purchased two dress circle tickets from the committee.
I therefore think it remarkably ungrateful on the part of these gentlemen to publicly advertise my name as having refused to give my services,
notwithstanding the fact of my having contributed one pound ten shillings, subscription and tickets.
Your insertion of these few lines will much oblige,
Yours truly,
Leader of the Orchestra, Theatre Royal, Ballarat.
2nd December.
"THE WERRIBEE ENCAMPMENT [FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT] Melbourne, 18th April", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (21 April 1862), 2
. . . At 8 p. m., a large number were drawn together by the music of the Ballarat brass band, under their able leader, Mons. Fleury. For an hour or more this fine corps of performers executed operatic pieces, &c., in really admirable style, and, though it may give offence to say so, your correspondent is bound to confess his opinion that the Ballarat band is the best he has heard in the colony. They play with a brilliancy and attention to light and shade that would enable them to pass muster as military musicians almost anywhere . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ballarat Volunteer Rangers Band (association)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (2 June 1862), 1 supplement
Though we can have had no wish that the Opera Company which has now occupied our stage far a week should quit it and leave a bad impression behind, we could have wished, both for its own sake and ours, that the engagement had opened as it has concluded. Saturday night the valedictory performance was of such a degree of excellence as to make us regret that a present renewal of the engagement is impossible . . . The weather was against success, no doubt, and so was it even on Friday - a fashionable night - the benefit of Miss Rosalie Durand, and the first performance of "Cinderella" on Ballarat. But the mischief had been done, and even one of Rossini's most brilliant comic operas failed to draw, until Saturday night arrived - the once a week, on which everybody must go to the theatre . . . The conductorship on Saturday evening devolved on Mr. T. King with M. Fleury as leader of the band. The accompaniments were rendered in a very satisfactory manner, and afforded efficient support to the limited circle of solo artistes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
"THE BACHELORS' BALL", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (8 August 1862), 5
If the gallant bachelors of Castlemaine feel it to be a sufficient reward for their politeness that their guests enjoyed themselves at the Ball on Tuesday evening [5 August], they may rest perfectly content. The company numbered over 100 . . . The band was composed of six performers, led by M. Fleury, who had been specially retained for the occasion, and included a harpist, whose brilliant style of execution was frequently noticed. Mr. Woodin presided at the piano . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Woodin (piano)
Dunedin, NZ (from September 1862):
[Advertisement], Otago Daily Times [Dunedin, NZ] (29 September 1862), 3
Donizetti's Grand Dramatic Opera, in Two Acts,
Tonio - Mr. Walter Sherwin. Maria - Madame Carandini . . .
in order to place the Operas upon the stage in as effective a manner as possible,
their orchestra is augmented by the engagement of Mons. Fleury, and Mr. J. Newton . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Sherwin (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Otago Daily Times (22 October 1862), 3
On which occasion the following talented artistes will appear:
Madame Carandini . . . Mr. W. Sherwin, Mr. J. Small, Mr. R. W. Kohler . . . Mr. J. Kohler,
Mons. Fleury . . . Mr. George Loder, Conductor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joe Small (vocalist); Richard and John Kohler (musicians); George Loder (conductor)
The departure of the detachment of the 70th Regiment, for Taranaki, was made the occasion of a great demonstration at Dunedin. The Fire Brigade, the Volunteers, and a powerful band, led by M. Fleury of the Princess Theatre, accompanied the detachment to the pier, and on their way thither they received parting cheers from thousands assembled in the streets to witness their departure.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED. MARCH 24", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 March 1865), 4
Albion, O.S.S. Co.'s R.M.S.S., 600 tons, Edward Kidney, from Wellington 12th inst., via Canterbury 13th, Dunedin 18th, and Bluff Harbour 19th inst. Passengers - saloon . . . Monsieur Fleury . . .
"THE OPERA", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (25 April 1865), 4
The return of the company under the direction of Mr. W. S. Lyster, will afford no small gratification to the public of Sydney . . . The band was, perhaps, never before, so complete, and, under the able directorship of Mr. George Loder, must render its music in a style never yet surpassed. Mons. Fleury is leader, assisted by Mr. C. Eigenschenck, J. Hall . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Eigenschenck (violin); John Thomson Hall (violin)
"THE OPERA", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 May 1865), 7
On Thursday evening last, Balfe's opera of "The Bohemian Girl" was produced . . . The next solo was by M. Fleury on the violin, performed as an introduction to the third act, being arrangement of Arline's opening song, "I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls;" the rich glassy tone of M. Fleury, his delicate and expressive manipulation, formed the theme of admiration. As a matter of course, he was also called to repeat the solo. The performance of the orchestra is itself worth the price of admission . . .
"MEETING OF CREDITORS", The Press [Canterbury, NZ] (31 January 1872), 3
Re Achille Fleury - First meeting at one o'clock - Mr. Cowlishaw, solicitor.
[Advertisement], Otago Daily Times [Dunedin, NZ] (2 June 1874), 3
IN BANKRPTCY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by an Order of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Otago and Southland District, on this date, Achille Fleury, late of Dunedin but now of Christchurch, Musician, was adjudged a Bankrupt . . .
[Advertisement], Southland Times (26 February 1875), 3
Conductor - Mr. G. B. Allen, Mus. Bac. Oxon.
Leader Mons. Achille Fleury . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Benjamin Allen (conductor, manager)
"ENGLISH OPERA", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (6 April 1875), 2
Many of our readers will be glad to know that we are to have a season of English opera at the Theatre Royal, to commence next Monday . . . The company is under the efficient directorship of Mr. G. B. Allen, Mus. Bac. Oxon . . . The print donna assoluta is Miss Alice May . . . Her career in New Zealand has been a complete success . . . The leaders of the orchestra are Mr. J. Hall and Mons. A. Fleury . . . the company being engaged only for 36 nights.
[Notice], Friend of India and Statesman [Calcutta, INDIA] (18 December 1875), 4 (PAYWALL)
THE undermentioned Estates having come under charge of this office,
all persons having claims upon, being indebted to, or holding property belonging to the said Estates,
are requested to place themselves in immediate communication with the undersigned . . .
Achille FLEURY, a Violinist of the Orchestra of the Corinthian Theatre Calcutta, died at Calcutta on the 31st October 1875 . . .
"Death of Mons. Achille Fleury", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (20 December 1875), 2
The mail from India brings news of the death of Mons. Achille Fleury, composer and violinist, the leader of the orchestra of Madame Alice May's Opera Company, and one of the oldest, as he was one of the best, conductors of an orchestra in the colonies. Mons. Fleury will be best remembered in Melbourne in connection with a grand series of promenade Concerts given at the Salle de Valentino, Spring-street (after the style of Jullien, with whom he was a fellow-worker at the Parisian Conservatoire), some twenty years since. He succeeded in making a very considerable fortune from his profession, but lost it afterwards in mining speculations. Mons. Fleury was one of the earliest to leave the colony during the first New Zealand rush, and after trying the goldfields he settled at Dunedin, where he played during the visit of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, at his H.R.H.'s request, a solo of his own composition, the merits of which were rewarded by the Prince with a present of a handsome diamond ring. He also ordered it to be printed, and took a thousand copies. M. Fleury was of an advanced age, and had for years been a martyr to rheumatic gout. The change of climate from the acute colds of New Zealand to the equally acute heat of India doubtless accelerated his death. He will be universally regretted in the profession.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (royal visitor)
"DEATH OF M. FLEURY", Southland Times [Invercargill, NZ] (27 December 1875), 2
The Evening Star says: No one was better known, or more generally liked in Dunedin musical circles than Achille Fleury; and it is with feelings of deep regret, which we feel sure will be largely shared in, that we received the intelligence of his death, which occurred at Calcutta on the 31st of October last. A member of Mr. Allen's Opera Company, writing to a lady friend in Dunedin, who kindly placed the letter at our disposal, says. - "Poor old Fleury is dead. He played a few nights before he died. He had a very severe attack of gout for over two months, and had just got over it, and commenced playing again when he had an attack of dysentry, which killed him." From the same source we learn that though there were two other opera companies performing in Calcutta at the same time, Mr. Allen's troupe did better than the other two put together; and that on the whole they have been very well received in India.
"VIOLINS AND VIOLINISTS (BY OUR MUSIC REPORTER)", The Ballarat Star [VIC] (11 June 1888), 3
. . . It comes next to say something of violin players; not of birds of passage like Miska Hauser, Wilhelmj, Remenyi, Rhodes and Poussard, but of performers who are or have been identified with our own City of Ballarat. Those whose memories carry them back 30 years, to the days of uncomfortable tents, and dirty stringy-bark huts, will of course remember two popular places of resort, the "Charlie" and the "Victoria," each supporting a capable orchestra, led respectively by two French musicians, Mons. Fleury and Mons. Palzer [sic]. Mons. Fleury, with his long fair hair floating over his shoulders in massy curls, his coat sleeve lined with pink silk well turned back, is described as presenting an airy and fantastic appearance. He handled his violin with a light and jaunty air, and his playing was of that brilliant rippling kind, which charms the ordinary listener without allowing the artist to be lost sight of. Of Palzer it is said that he disdained the whimsical style of Fleury, aiming at a solidity that accorded well with his personal appearance. Dark, with close cropped hair, and scrupulously neat and prim in dress, his violin-playing was neat and crisp, without a trace of slovenliness, but wanting in the dash and go which characterised the performances of Fleury. Both appear to have been really good violinists, and when playing side by side, as sometimes occurred at the Philharmonic concerts, their styles united with excellent effect, each seeming to supply what the other lacked; Fleury impatient when a solid passage had to be negotiated which did not admit of display - Palzer in his element; for his breadth of tone and rigid accuracy found here their appropriate sphere. How a passage would occur in which the fairy whispers of Fleury's fancy revelled, and as his lingers flew along the instrument he would shake back his wavy ringlets, his visage beaming with enjoyment; while Palzer, rarely smiling, peered through his spectacles, and bending to his work, did it conscientiously, but apparently with less interest than possessed him in the more difficult passages. Those were the days of Lola Montez, the famous danseuse, to whom Palzer dedicated a pretty schottische, named after that erratic but fascinating creature. In a few years, however, a change came over Ballarat. People began to settle in homes, and to incline less to the "Charlie" and "Victoria," with the play first and the dancing afterwards; music in its higher branches became neglected; the talented violinists, Fleury and Palzer, had to go, and with them went the orchestras, which for years in the rough times had given delight to all who had a taste for the good things they remembered to have heard in the European centres . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist); Edouard Remenyi (violinist); August Wilhelmj (violinist); Horace Poussard (violinist); Jacques Paltzer (violinist)
Bibliography and resources:
Adrienne Simpson, Alice May: Gilbert and Sullivan's first prima donna (New York & London: Routledge, 2003), 49, 61 (PREVIEW)
Anne Doggett, "And for harmony most ardently we long": musical life in Ballarat 1851-1871 (Ph.D thesis, University of Ballarat, 2006), passim (DIGITISED)
Clare Gleeson, "Begg's: the musical and electrical centre", Audio Culture: the noisy library of New Zealand music, posted 12 January 2016
. . . The second original musical edition published by Begg's, Dunedin polka (1869) was dedicated to a visiting royal [prince Alfred]. The composer, Monsieur Achille Fleury de Reaisson [sic], was a Frenchman who led the orchestra at Dunedin's Princess Theatre . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (royal visitor)
Other resources:
Jacob Larwood, Theatrical anecdotes . . . (London: Chatto and Windus, 1882), 162-63 (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: ? An ancestor of AF
Joann Élart, Catalogue des fonds musicaux conservés en Haute-Normandie: Tome I (Rouen: Universite de Rouen, 2004), 90. 154, 239, 250 (PREVIEW)
ASSOCIATIONS: Perhaps this Achille Fleury, violinist, was AF's father
[no forename given] PREVOT DE LA CROIX (b. c. 1821; d. 26 July 1877 - Nossi Bé, MDG, Madagascar, aged about 56 years old; previously married to N. FLEURY DE RECUSSON
FLINDERS, Matthew (Matthew FLINDERS)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, flute player, flautist, songwriter, navigator
Born Donington, Lincolnshire, England, 16 March 1774
Active Australia, 1795-1800, 1801-03
Died London, England, 19 July 1814, aged "40" (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
Flinders's father recorded spending 8 shillings buying his son a German flute in November 1788, when the boy was 14 (Dooley).
Flinders's journals and letters, especially during his detainment at Mauritius, mention music and his playing the flute among his solitary and social pastimes, especially playing his part in duos and quartets by Ignaz Pleyel.
Matthew Flinders, private journal (17 December 1803 to 8 July 1814); State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED) (TRANSCRIPT) (IMAGE ABOVE)
[page 36] [Mauritius, 1804 April] Wednesday 16, Thursday 17 . . . My time is now employed as follows. Before breakfast my time is devoted to the latin language, to bring up what I formerly learned. After breakfast I am employed making out a fair copy of the Investigators log fro in lieu of my own which was spoiled at the shipwreck. When tired of writing, I apply to music, and when my fingers are tired with the flute, I write again until dinner. After dinner we amuse ourselves with billiards until tea, and afterwards walk in the garden till dusk. From thence till supper I make one at Pleyels quartettes; afterwards walk half an hour and then sleep soundly till daylight when I get up and bathe . . .
[42] 1804 July . . . Friday 10 Messrs. Pitots, merchants in the town dined today with Mr. Robertson and our mess. They were very agreeable and seemed interested to do him and me service. They have lent us books and music and behaved more liberally than is the customary to any strangers, but especially to prisoners and Englishmen.
[45] [1804] Saturday September 1. Mr. Pitot and a friend of his visited us today, and made up a party for Pleyels quartets, in which amusement we spent the evening agreeably.
[49] [1804] October Thursday 4th. Mr. Pitot spent a musical day with us since my last memoranda . . .
[70] [1805] . . . Journal of Sunday Aug 18th . . . Find myself better this morning than usual, and less head ach. Took up my flute and played the 1st. and 5th. Duo of Playels opera 9. Note, the first commences in a grand stile, and is sweetly plaintive in some parts of it. The Andante of the 5th. is marked for minuet time, whereas the time is 2/4. Must have all Pleyels musick when I return to England, that is set for the flute, and Mozarts, and Haydens, and some of Hoffmiesters and Deviennes, but the whole will be too expensive, musick is so very dear in England; and indeed so is almost everything else . . .
[72] [1805] Tuesday Aug 20. In the afternoon, my friend Pitot came to see me, to concert measures for the transport of my self and baggage into the country; and soon after, Mr. Harenga brought me the permission from Mr. Monistrol to leave the meison Despeaux when I pleased, and to remain in the town until Friday . . . After tea Mr. P. engaged me to make one in a musical party . . . I dined with Mr. P.s family and in the evening was taken to a musical party, where some pieces were performed by superior players.
[86] [October 1805] . . . Monday 11. Mr. Murat and me went to dine with Mr. Chazal and the ladies by invitation, and I put my flute in my pocket in order to accompany Madame Chazal who is an excellent performer upon the piano harpsichord, and she has an excellent English instrument which had been taken in a prize, and for which she paid 1000 piastre . . .
[87] . . . November 1805 . . . Wednesday 27. This morning I went by appointment to spend the day with Mr. Chazal. After breakfast we walked out to look at several views towards the districts of Tamarinds & Black River and the Morne Brabant. The afternoon was occupied with music, in accompanying Mad. Chazals harpischord with the flute. This lady is indeed an excellent performer, and is besides one of the most agreeable women I have ever met with . . .
[89] [November 1805] . . . Friday 20. Saturday 21. Spent as usual; the weather again become fine. In the evening I walked to Mr. Chazals to meet my friend Pitot by appointment. In the evening we played some trios with the harpsichord, bass, and flute. I slept at Mr. Chazals . . .
[91] [1806 January] . . . Friday 3. I took my flute and went to dine with Mr. Chazal, in company with Mr. Labauve music occupied the afternoon and evening,
[114] 1807 Jan. . . . Wednesday 21. Fine weather in the morning and evening, but heavy rain at noon, as yesterday. Went after dinner to pay a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Chazal, accompanied by Mr. Labauve. After examining his paintings and drawings in chalk, I passed the evening in accompanying Madame in Stilbelts Sonatas whilst Mr. Labauve made a party at tric-trac with Monsieur: we found them both with head-achs and eaten up with vapours, but left them in better health and in good spirits.
[167] [1808 June] . . . Sunday 10. All our company went to the Bay of Tamarinds to fish and spend the day which we did gaily, having good success with the seine. Mr. Boucherville, commandant of the quarter, Mr. Cap-martin, and M.M. Duguilio joined us at dinner, so that we made all together about 25 persons. In the evening the ladies waltzed to my flute and afterwards we played at chess and cards. M.M. Pitot and Bayard left us after supper . . .
[187] 1809 February Saturday 11. Dull weather . . . In the afternoon went to Mr. Chazal with my flute, to accompany Madame in some sonatas of Pleyel and Rosetti. Passed the evening and slept there.
[190] 1809 March . . . Wednesday 29. Small rain at times. Copying music for Mad. D. to take to Bourbon for Mad. Desbasns.
[288] [1811 October] [London, England] . . . Saturday 5. Variable weather: wind Swtly. and strong. Arranging the contents of my trunk from India. After luncheon, called at Mr. Bonners, Standerts, and left my old Flute at Potters to be put to rights . . .
[288] 1811 Oct. [London, England] . . . Saturday 19. Rainy: wind light at N.W. Writing my introduction in the morning. Wrote letters to Mr. Roux and to Dr. Burney. Went out afterwards and bought music
ASSOCIATIONS: Successor of Richard Potter senior (1728-1806) (musical instrument seller); Dr. Charles Burney junior (school master)
A voyage to Terra Australis . . . prosecuted in the Years 1801, 1802, and 1803, in His Majesty's Ship the Investigator, and subsequently . . . with an Account of the shipwreck of the Porpoise, arrival of the Cumberland at Mauritius, and imprisonment of the commander during six years and a half in that island . . . vol. 2 (London: W. Bulmer, 1814), 393 (DIGITISED)
[April 1804] . . . both Mr. Aken and myself contrived to pass some months neither uselessly nor disagreeably . . . and between the employments of copying my bearing book and defaced journals, making some astronomical observations, reading, and the amusements of music, walking in the inclosure, and an old billiard table left in the house, the days passed along rather lightly than otherwise . . .
Original lyrics:
My evening song [Why Henry didst thou leave me, thus leave me here to mourn?]; MS song, music "by Haydn" [unidentified], words by Flinders, left incomplete at end, sent from Mauritius to his wife Ann, November 1805
Bibliography and resources:
H. M. Cooper, "Flinders, Matthew (1774-1814)", Australian dictionary of biography 1 (1966)
Gillian Dooley, "My evening song", Alas! for the pelicans: Flinders, Baudin and beyond: essays and poems (Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 2002) 123-25; archived at Flinders University academic commons (DIGITISED)
Gillian Dooley, "'When tired of writing, I apply to music': music in Matthew Flinders' life", Journal of the Britannia Naval Research Association 5/1 (2011); archived at Flinders University academic commons (DIGITISED)
Flute, by Richard Potter senior (1728-c. 1806), Victoria a& Albert Museum
"Potter's German flute", McGee flutes
Musician, violinist, violin player, fiddler, musicseller
Born Alnwick, Northumberland, England, 29 May 1816; baptised Scotch church, Alnwick, 25 August 1816; son of John FLINTOFF and Margaret ?
Married Maria CHURCHILL, All Souls, Langham Place, London, England, 27 April 1844
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 5 February 1857 (per Europa, from London, 23 October 1856)
Active NSW, until 1885 or later
? Active SA, until 1893 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Scotch church, Pottergate-street, Alnwick, Northumberland, 1816; UK National Archives, RG4/3212 (PAYWALL)
No. 397 / Andrew Smith Son of John Flintoff Dancing master and Margaret his wife in Green Batt Alnwick, Parish of Alnwick and county of Northumberland was bon 29 May and baptized 25 August 1816
1844, marriage solemnized at All Souls Church in the parish of St. Marylebone in the county of Middlesex; register 1843-45, page 63; London Metropolitan Archives, P89/ALS/059 (PAYWALL)
No. 126 / 27 April 1844 / Andrew Smith Flintoff / 25 / Bachelor / Foreign Warehouseman / All Souls District / [son of] John Flintoff / Gent. (deceased)
Maria Churchill / 21 / Spinster / - / Christ Church district (St. Marylebone) / [daughter of] George Churchill / Wine merchant (deceased) . . .
Trial, Charles Wiggins McGuire, 5 July 1847, theft; Old Bailey online
604. CHARLES WIGGINS McGUIRE was indicted for stealing 3 sovereigns and 1 half-sovereign,
the monies of Andrew Smith Flintoff, his master; to which he pleaded
GUILTY. Aged 15. - Confined Four Months.
"POLICE INTELLIGENCE . . . HAMMERSMITH. COMMITTAL OF TWO DARING ROBERIES", Shipping and Mercantile Gazette [London, England] (25 January 1848), 4 (PAYWALL)
David Cook and William Stone, two men well known to the police, and who have been both before convicted, were finally examined on Monday on the charge of having been concerned in several daring burglaries which have been, during the past three or four months, committed in Hammersmith. - The first case gone into was against the prisoner David Cook alone. - From the depositions taken, it appeared that on the night of the 28th of Oct. last, the premises of Mr. Andrew Flintoff, bookseller, &c., King-street, Hammersmith, was burglariously broken open by cutting out a panel of a cellar flap, up an avenue at the side of the house, and removing a wooden bar. The thieves has also forced open the cellar door, and cut out a hole in the wine cellar dooer large enough to admit a man's body. All the property taken was a fur great coat, from the passage, and a dozen of sherry, half a dozen of port, five or six bottles of champagne, several bottles of Irish and Scotch whiskey, and three bottles of gin. - The prisoner was fully committed to Newgate . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Paul, Hammersmith, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1470/146/3 (PAYWALL)
King Street / Andrew S. Flintoff / Head / Mar./ 31 / Music Seller / [born] North'd Alnwick
Maria / Wife / 26 / [born] Midd'x London //
Churchill / Son / 6 // Elizabeth / Dar./ 4 // [both born Midd'x Hammerssmith]
William [Flintoff] / Brother / 30 / Ward in Chancery / [born] Hoo Suffolk . . .
"BUCKS EASTER SESSION . . . WEDNESDAY [9 April]", Bucks Herald [Aylesbury, England] (12 April 1851), 3 (PAYWALL)
Charles Shaw, labourer, was charged with having on the 12th day of March last, the parish of Burnham, feloniously stolen one cape, value three pounds, and two pairs of leather gloves, value one shilling and sixpence, the property of the said Andrew Smith Flintoff. Mr. Power defended the prisoner. In this case the circumstances took place the Slough Steeple Chases, but the evidence totally failed connecting the prisoner with the theft. Verdict - Not Guilty.
Register of admissions, Workhouse, St. Marylebone, 1852; London Metropolitan Archives, P89/Mry1/639 (PAYWALL)
29 April 1852 / [no.] 7 / Flintoff Andrew Smith / 73 G't Titchfield Street / [age] 33 / Insane . . .
"MISCELLANEOUS NEWS", The examiner [London, England] (12 June 1852), 380 (DIGITISED)
A commission of lunacy sat on Saturday at Colney Hatch, to inquire into the state of mind of Mr. Andrew Smith Flintoff, a gentleman of fortune, lately residing at Hammersmith, but now an inmate of Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum. The jury found that Mr. Flintoff had been insane since the 7th of April last.
"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (6 February 1857), 4
February 5. - Europa, Bremen ship, 1000 tons, Captain Arianns, from London 23rd October. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. A. Emanuel and family (6) . . . Flintoff . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Emanuel (musician) and family;
see also, [Letter], "CAPTAIN ARIAANS, Ship Europa", Empire (12 February 1857), 6
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 June 1857), 1
NOTICE. If Mr. FLINTOFF does not call and pay for his board and lodging within fourteen days from this date,
the property left in my care will be sold to defray expenses.
J. H. FROST, 63, William-street. June 2.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 September 1858), 1
MR. FLINTOFF is requested to call at the Music Shop, 59, Liverpool-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Bishop Theobald (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 February 1859), 1
THIS EVENING, at MASON'S, Albion Inn, corner of Park and Elizabeth streets.
Violinist, Mr. Flintoff, with piano accompaniment. Admission, free. Liquor at bar prices.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 October 1859), 1
CONCERT HALL, BULL and MOUTH, TO-NIGHT. The only efficient company in Sydney.
Engagement of the celebrated Comic and Characteristic Vocalist, FRANK SHORT,
who will appear every evening in conjunction with Messrs. Ben Baker, Campbell,
Hayward, Hammersly, Barton, and Flintoff. Refreshments, bar prices.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Short (vocalist); Ben Baker (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 February 1861), 1
TOOGOOD SALOON. - Engagement of the Sacramento Minstrels. Lots of fun every evening. Admission free.
TOOGOOD'S SALOON, - Engagement of Miss Lacey as Pianist, and Herr Flintoff as Violinist. Admission free.
TOOGOOD'S SALOON. - Charley Williams as Lucy Long, in character, every evening. Admission free . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charley Williams (minstrel); Sacramento Minstrels (troupe); Toogood's Saloon (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (8 March 1862), 3
Concert, Concert, Concert.
OPEN Every evening admission Free, at Mr. Small's First Nugget Inn, commencing this evening
SATURDAY March 8th, when Messrs. Webb, Flintoff and Walley,
will open their budget of Sentimental and Comic Songs, Choruses &c.
with Violin, Banjo and Flute accompaniments.
Amateurs are respectfully invited to attend.
Refreshments at Bar prices.
Commence at 8 o'clock.
"Bathurst Police Court . . . MONDAY, MARCH 24TH", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (26 March 1862), 2
Smith Flintoff charged with drunkenness was remanded until Tuesday.
"YETMAN, McINTYRE RIVER (From an occasional correspondent)", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 January 1867), 4
. . . Improvements in the way of buildings are still going on, Mr. Rainbow (late of Goondiwindi) having erected and opened a second public house. A grand ball and supper was given on the opening night, which passed off to the satisfaction of all present. Herr Flintoff, the violinist, was engaged for the event, and during the evening performed some excellent solos from the best masters . . .
"Apprehensions", New South Wales Police gazette (31 January 1877), 38
Andrew Smith Flintoff, charged with stabbing Richard Taafe, at Moree, on the 20th instant, has been arrested by Senior-constable Brennan and Constable Gwynne, Moree Police. Remanded.
"NARRABRI QUARTER SESSIONS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (20 March 1877), 4
This court was held before Mr. District Court Judge Meymott on the 15th and 16th March . . . Andrew Smith Flintoff, charged with maliciously stabbing at Moree, was acquitted . . .
"WALGETT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (12 July 1879), 14
Mons. Ponte, of Tamworth, has paid a professional visit here. On the 30th instant a musical melange, conducted by this talented gentleman, was given in the Victoria Hall. The splendid execution of Herr Flintoff and Monsieur Ponte in the violin solos and duets has never been equalled in Walgett; and the after performance of these brilliant artists in operatic music, in which Hen Flintoff acted as violinist and Monsieur Ponte as pianist, was superb.
"Local and General News", Warwick Examiner and Times [QLD] (19 January 1881), 2
Andrew Flintoff was charged at the Police Court on Saturday last, with drunkenness. He pleaded not guilty, and the evidence of Constable Kelly to substantiate the charge, after which the delinquent was fined 10s, or in default, 24 hours' imprisonment.
Description book, Grafton Gaol, 1885; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
No. 2678 / Andrew Flintoff / [arrived per] European / 1857 / [born] England / C. of E. / Musician / [age] 68 / 5 ft 2 in / Slight . . .
? "LAW AND CRIMINAL COURTS. POLICE COURTS. Adelaide: Friday, December 29", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (30 December 1893), 7
Annie Taylor, Adelaide Gason, Andrew Flintoff, James Dargan, John Davey, and Charles Lindholm were each fined 10s. for drunkenness. Flintoff had to pay an additional £1 for improper behaviour . . .
FLOOD, William Haydn (William Haydon FLOOD [sic]; W. H. FLOOD; W. Haydn FLOOD)
Musician, professor of music, teacher of the pianoforte, composer
Born England, 1829; baptised Honiton, Devon, 14 October 1829, son of Joseph FLOOD and Mary HOARE
Married (1) Mary Ann TURNER, St. Paul, Bedminster, Bristol, England, 12 May 1856
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by December 1862
Departed Melbourne, VIC, October 1863 (per Edina for New Zealand)
Married (2) Anne Catherine Juliette GROUBE, NZ, 5 September 1865
Died Wellington, NZ, 17 July 1908, aged "78 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: He was a younger brother of Edwin Flood (1824-1848), organist at St Paul's Church, Honiton, Devon, who died aged only 24 on 29 April 1848, having nevertheless already seen through the press the early volumes of a huge sacred anthology, Psalmodia Britannica: a collection of psalms, anthems, chants, &c., in 12 books for the voice and piano-forte or organ, the later parts of which appeared posthumously.
"LITERATURE . . . FOR REVIEW", Exeter and Plymouth Gazette [Devon, England] (20 January 1849), 6 (PAYWALL)
The Combe Polka. London: D'Almaine.
This is not only a pleading composition, the time in which is well marked for dancing, but it has a local interest.
The composer is Mr. W. Haydn Flood, the talented organist Honiton Church;
and the work is dedicated by permission to Mrs. Kenyon, whose father resides on the Combe Estate,
near Honiton, from which the name of the piece is derived. It will no doubt become popular.
"THE SAPPHO'S THIRD CONCERT", Exeter Flying Post [Devon, England] (3 May 1849), 6 (PAYWALL)
The third concert of this favourite and gifted songstress took place an Monday evening, in the theatre of the Athenaeum . . . the performances of herself, her father, and that prodigy, her little brother, Mozart Vinning, gave great delight . . . In the songs . . . that commencing "Right merrily boundeth the ocean wave," called forth a warm encore; as also that the audience were interested in hearing from Mr. Vinning, that this is by Mr. Haydn Flood, of Honiton, brother of the lamented Mr. Edwin Flood, who was so rapidly winning his way to high musical popularity and public favour, when his course was arrested by death. Mr. Vinning likewise mentioned, and evidently with friendly feeling and pride, that Mr. Haydn Flood already gives proof of possessing much of the musical talent of his late brother, and announced that the song is shortly to be published by Cocks and Co. . . .
"NEW MUSIC", Exeter and Plymouth Gazette [Devon, England] (30 November 1850), 6 (PAYWALL)
The Standard of Venice. London: Tolkien.
A beautiful new song, the words by Stuart Farquharson, Esq., and the music by Mr. W. Haydn Flood, of Honiton,
whose reputation is an ample guarantee for its high character.
It cannot fail to be generally admired, it has been by all who have heard it.
"MARRIAGES", Bristol Mercury [England] (17 May 1856), 8 (PAYWALL)
May 12, at St. Paul's church, Bedminster, by the Rev. F. R. Marillier, Mr. William Haydn Flood, organist of St. Mary Redcliff, 5th son of Mr. Joseph Flood, Honiton, to Mary Ann, 2nd daughter of Mr. William Turner, of this city.
"ST. GEORGE'S, GLOUCESTER", The musical times and singing class circular [London, England] (1 April 1860), 252 (DIGITISED)
On the 6th of March, the members of the Choir gave a miscellaneous concert in the large School-room, which was filled to overflowing. Mr. W. Haydn Flood conducted, and performed some pleasing pieces on the pianoforte. The programme consisted of glees, songs, and duets, which were well received, especially those sung by Mrs. Smith, Miss Sanderson, and Mr. Williams.
Melbourne, VIC (1862-63):
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (6 December 1862), 3
MR. W. HAYDN FLOOD, PROFESSOR of MUSIC, No. 2 Prince's-terrace, Prince's-street, Fitzroy.
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 February 1863), 7
JUST PUBLISHED, LE BOUQUET DE VICTORIA QUADRILLES, most respectfully dedicated to the Ladies of Victoria,
by W. HAYDN FLOOD, professor of music, teacher of the pianoforte, singing, &c.
Price, 3s. Entered Stationers' Hall. To be had at the author's, 103 Albert-street East Melbourne and all musicsellers.
[News], The Argus (4 March 1863), 5
We have received a very agreeable set of quadrilles, called Le Bouquet de Victoria, "composed for and most respectfully dedicated to the ladies of Victoria," by W. Haydn Flood, and published by the author, 108 Albert street, East Melbourne. They cannot fail to become favourites in the drawing-room.
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 March 1863), 7
MR. W. HAYDN FLOOD, TEACHER PIANOFORTE, &c., 108 Albert-street, Author of Le Bouquet de Victoria Quadrilles.
New Zealand (by late 1863):
"OTAGO (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Dunedin, Monday, Nov. 9", Lyttelton Times [NZ] (12 November 1863), 5
. . . A Philharmonic Society has been established in Dunedin under the most favorable auspices. Mr. W. Haydn Flood, a very talented musician, has been appointed musical director . . .
"BIRTH", Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (20 July 1866), 4
On July 14. the wife of Mr. W. Haydn Flood, of a daughter.
"PERSONAL", Wanganui Chronicle [NZ] (21 July 1908), 4
Mr. William Haydn Flood, who died in the Ohiro Home on Saturday, says the "Times" at the age of 78 years, was an old Maori war veteran, having served in the Wanganui Cavalry. The deceased, who was an able musician, practised as a music teacher in Napier many years ago. He was a First Life Guardsman and witnessed the funeral of the Duke of Wellington. In 1867 he was appointed conductor of the Wanganui Choral Society, and was also for a time organist of Christ Church, Wanganui.
Musical publications (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
Original compositions and arrangements (below), in Keller's collection of anthems, church services, chants, psalms, hymns, &c., in six books, arranged for the voice & piano forte or organ by Albert Keller (London: Leoni Lee & Coxhead, [1851])
Bath Abbey (7. 8.) (hymn tune) (DIGITISED)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis (chants) (DIGITISED)
Twyford (hymn tune, "Whitaker, arr'd W. Haydn Flood") (DIGITISED)
Welcome Christmas ever dear ("Christmas hymn, Dr. Nares, arr'd by W. Haydn Flood") (DIGITISED)
Lamentation (hymn tune, "Haydn, adapted by W. Haydn Flood") (DIGITISED)
My son shall be of merry and judgment ("anthem, composed by Kent, adapted by W. Haydn Flood") (DIGITISED)
O let me have (anthem, "composed by Kent, adapted by W. Haydn Flood") (DIGITISED)
Rose cottage (C. M.) (hymn tune) (DIGITISED)
Double chant in G (DIGITISED)
Melbourne, VIC:
Le Bouquet de Victoria quadrilles (1863)
NO COPY IDENTIFIED (for documentation, see February and March 1863 above)
New Zealand:
The Clifton waltz (1871)
The Clifton waltz for the piano forte, composed for and dedicated to his pupil Miss Baker by W. Haydn Flood (Wellington: W. Flood, [1871])
The Canterbury Volunteer galop (1875)
The Canterbury Volunteer galop for the piano forte, composed for & dedicated to the officers & members of the Canterbury volunteers, by W. Haydn Flood (Christchurch: W. Flood, [1875])
The Akaroa waltz (1886)
The Akaroa waltz, for the pianoforte, composed and dedicated by permission to Mrs. Carwood (Green Point, Akaroa) by W. Haydn Flood (Lyttelton: Lyttelton Times Co. Ltd. Lith., [1886]) (DIGITISED)
"AKAROA WALTZ", Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser [NZ] (28 April 1886), 2
We have received a copy of the "Akaroa Waltz" from the author, Mr. Flood. It has been dedicated to Mrs. Carwood, and is a most melodious composition. It has been very nicely lithographed at the "Times" office on good paper.
Musician, vocalist, tenor vocalist, minstrel serenader
Active Sydney, NSW, by January 1858
Active Melbourne and regional VIC, February to June 1858
Active Sydney, NSW, from June 1858 to March 1861 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"LYCEUM THEATRE. THE SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (2 January 1858), 5
The amusements provided by this troupe of serenaders have consisted of a succession of novelties, musical, terpsichorean, and pantomimic. The dancing of Messrs. Demerest and Burbank is nightly encored, and the vocal parts of the entertainments are well supported by Messrs. Boley, Foans, Florence, Burbank, and Leslie . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Washington Demerest (minstrel); Otto Burbank (minstrel); Dorrel Fair Boley (minstrel); James Milton Foans (minstrel); ? Harry Leslie (minstrel); San Francisco Minstrels (troupe); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
"ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 February 1858), 4
February 3. - London, A.S.N. s.s., 500 tons, W. Cottier, from Sydney 31st ult.
Passengers - cabin . . . Cittenden [sic], Florence . . . Burbank, Carson, Boley . . . and 33 in the steerage. W. P. White and Co., agents.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Chittenden junior (minstrel); Dave Carson (minstrel)
"THE SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS", The Tasmanian Daily News [Hobart Town, TAS] (10 March 1858), 2
These very amusing performers gave their second entertainment last evening, at the Theatre Royal . . . And here it is only right to mention that Messrs. Boley and Florence sang that beautiful song "What are the wild waves saying" very well indeed. Every body present seemed highly delighted . . .
MUSIC: What are the wild waves saying (Glover)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (19 April 1858), 3
MONDAY EVENING. The proprietor has great pleasure in announcing to the public of Ballarat,
that he has succeeded in engaging at a great expense the celebrated Burbank and Demerest San Francisco Minstrels,
For five nights only, commencing this evening and ending on Friday . . .
This Evening . . . their first appearance, Grand overture by the company of Minstrels.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Willie, we have missed you - J. Florence . . .
PART II . . . Favorite Ballad - J. Florence . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (proprietor); John Proctor Hydes (actor, manager); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue);
MUSIC: Willie we have missed you (Foster)
[Advertisement], The Star (21 April 1858), 3
Third appearance of the Burbank and Demerest San Francisco Minstrels . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Stop that Knocking - J. Florence . . .
PART II . . . Vocal Duet - Boley & Florence . . .
[Advertisement], The Star (23 April 1858), 3
Last night of Burbank and Demerest's San Francisco Minstrels . . .
. . . All delighted with Florence's Ballads . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Ballad - Rosa May - J. Florence . . .
PART II . . . Ballad - J. W. Florence . . .
"THE SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (28 May 1858), 3
Last night this clever company of six minstrels made their first appearance at the Shamrock Concert Hall . . . Their style of singing solos, duets and glees, is most perfect. Their combined voices in the latter kind of singing, chord together most harmoniously. There is an entire absence of what might be termed vocal vaunting, which is so often exhibited by negro minstrels, who often imagine that as long as they are all singing together and in something like the same time, even if they are all singing in the same note, that is sufficient to produce a glee. The present company includes a most magnificent bass voice (Mr. Boley), and a very excellent tenor (Mr. Florence). Indeed, the vocal performances of the entire company well merited the encore which was loudly called for at the conclusion of each song, whether comic or sentimental . . .
Shamrock Concert Hall (Bendigo venue);
see also "THE SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS", Bendigo Advertiser (29 May 1858), 3
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (7 June 1858), 3
T. P. BROWER, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Palmer Brower (agent); Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)
Names and descriptions of passengers per London, from Sydney, for Melbourne, 30 June 1858; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . G. Chittenden / 30 // J. Florence / 40 // W. Leslie / 30 // . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (17 July 1858), 1
CONCERT. - The musical attraction at the BULL and MOUTH, surpasses anything hitherto attempted in Sydney;
among others engaged are Madame Ivimy, Messrs. Ryall, Thompson, Florence, and Matz.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Ivemay (vocalist, pianist); John James Ryall junior (vocalist, pianist); Henry Osborn Thompson (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 August 1859), 8
TOOGOOD'S SALOON. - "A hit, a hit, a palpable hit."
The actual "queen of comedy and song" Madame JACKSON, late of the Eagle Saloon -
to be seen nightly, in her characteristic songs and scenas, at Toogood's Concert Hall,
in connection with the old established favourites, Mr. and Mrs. EASTWICK,
and the new distinguished tenor, Mr. FLORENCE.
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Jackson (vocalist); Henry and Wilhelmina Eastwick (vocalists, pianist); Toogood's Saloon (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 August 1859), 16
TOOGOOD'S SALOON. - Immense success of the Company. -
Come and hear Eastwick in his burlesques of "Rycharde ye Thyrde," "Shylock," and his celebrated song of "Punch;"
likewise Mrs. Eastwick, Madam Jackson, and J. Florence, the tenor singer.
N.B. - Upwards of One Thousand persons have visited Toogood's during the week. Admission Free.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 September 1859), 12
TOOGOOD'S SALOON . . . Pleasing ballads by Mr. FLORENCE . . . Come early. Manager, H. EASTWICK.
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August 1860), 9
. . . the two principal events in the theatrical world have been the successful production of a Grand Historical Play, and the unequivocal success of the San Francisco minstrels, who are still playing nightly to overflowing houses at the Prince of Wales Theatre . . . These consist of Mr. Dave Carson, Mr. Demaretz [sic], Mr. Burbank, Mr. Boley, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Brower, Mr. Chittenden, Mr. Florence, and Mr. Walsh - all of whom vie with each other in contributing their respective shares to the stock of inexhaustible amusement which they freely afford to their numerous patrons. It appears to be more than probable that they will continue to draw good houses for some weeks to come.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Ottis Pierce (serenader); Charles Walsh (serenader); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 March 1861), 1
TOLANO'S SALOON, Pitt-street . . .
Mr. S. FLORENCE, the popular Tenor, late of the San Francisco Minstrels, nightly.
FLOWER, Ellen Mary (Ellen Mary FLOWER; Miss E. M. FLOWER; Mrs. Duncan CARTER)
Musician, pianist, teacher of the pianoforte and singing
Born London, England, 23 February 1838; baptised St. Giles, Cripplegate, 29th April 1838; daughter of John FLOWER (c. 1803-1862) and Martha Pearce CANNEE (c. 1809-1884)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 9 October 1858 (per Copenhagen, from London, 28 June and 2 July)
Married Duncan CARTER (d. 1896), VIC, 1870
Died Elsternwick, VIC, 1922, aged "86" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Eliza Rebecca Flower (amateur musician, sister-in-law)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Giles, without Cripplegate, in the City of London, in the year [1838]; register, 1833-51, page 268; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/Gis/A/01/Ms 6423/4 (PAYWALL)
No. 112 / 29 April [1838] bn. 23 February / Ellen Mary / [daughter of] John and Martha Pearce / Flower / Fore Street / Grocer /
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Andrew, Hertford, Hertfordshire; UK National Archives, HO107/1711/357/11 (PAYWALL)
St. Andrew Street / Rebecca J. Wadsworth / Head / [Unmarried / 29 / School Proprietress . . .
[among 5 scholars] . . . Emily Flower / 15 // Ellen [Flower] / 13 // Alice [Flower] 8 . . . [all born London Middlesex] . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Copenhagen, for Port Phillip, London, 23 June 1858; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
[from] London / John Flower / 55 / Grocer // Martha Pearce Flower / 49 // Jessie Elizabeth Flower / 24 //
Emily Sophia Flower / 21 // Ellen Mary Flower / 19 // Alice Frances Flower / 16 // Augusta Harriet / 14 // Mary Jane / 11 / Effila Pye / 8 . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 December 1860), 7
LESSONS on PIANOFORTE. Miss E. M. FLOWER, (late of Woodford House, Brighton,) 23 Gore-street, Victoria-parade. Schools attended.
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 January 1862), 7
MISS E. M. FLOWER continues to give LESSONS on the PIANOFORTE, 23 Gore-street, Victoria parade.
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 January 1863), 3
LESSONS on the PIANOFORTE and SINGING, by Miss E. M, Flower, 23 Gore-street. Schools attended.
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 January 1869), 7
PIANOFORTE and SINGING. - Miss E. M. Flower (pupil of Sterndale Bennett, Esq.) gives LESSONS in PIANOFORTE and SINGING. Schools attended. Emswill-house, Wellington-parade.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Sterndale Bennett (English musician, pianist, composer)
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 January 1870), 2 supplement
LESSONS PIANOFORTE and SINGING. Miss E. M. Flower (pupil of Sterndale Bennett), Emswell house, Wellington-parade.
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (10 January 1877), 5
Duncan Carter, of East Melbourne, draughtsman. Causes of insolvency - Losses in mining, and paying exorbitant rates of interest for money borrowed. Liabilities, £718 0s. 6d.; assets, £81; deficiency, £637 0s. 6d. Mr. Jacomb, assignee.
ASSOCIATIONS: Duncan Carter was also witness to the dissolution in 1859 of the partnership between Franz Kohler (musician) and Adam Plock (musician)
FLOWER, Sara (Madame Sara FLOWER; Mrs. Sam HOWARD) - see main page Sara FLOWER
FLOWER, Sarah Eliza Rebecca (Sarah Eliza Rebecca ELLIOT; Mrs. Charles John FLOWER; Mrs. C. J. FLOWER; Mrs. FLOWER)
Amateur musician, pianist, organist, harmonium player, music teacher
Born London, England, 4 April 1829; baptised St. Giles Cripplegate, 3 May 1829; daughter of William Richard ELLIOTT and Sarah JACKSON
Married Charles John FLOWER (1830-1893), St. Mary's church, St. Marylebone, London, England, 25 January 1854
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 20 August 1857 (per Suffolk, from Gravesend, 21 May)
Died Beechworth, VIC, 12 April 1896, aged "67" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Ellen Mary Flower (musician, sister-in-law)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Giles, without Cripplegate, in the city of London, in the year 1829; register 1825-33, page 290; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/Gis/A/01/Ms 6423/3 (PAYWALL)
No. 2426 / [1829 May] 3 / B. 4 April / Sarah Eliza Rebecca [daughter of] / Wm. & Sarah / Elliott / Beech St. / Hat Presser . . .
1854, marriage solemnized at St. Mary's church in the parish of St. Marylebone in the county of Middlesex; register 1852-56, page 214; London Metropolitan Archives, P89/MRY2/067 (PAYWALL)
No. 428 / January 25 [1854] Charles John Flower / 23 / Bachelor / Grocer / Of the parish of St. Giles Without / [son of] John Flower / Grocer
Sarah Eliza Rebecca Elliott / 24 / Spinster / - / 34 Upper Seymour Street / [daughter of] William Richard Elliott / Gentleman . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Suffolk, from Gravesend, 21 May 1857, for Melbourne, 20 August 1857; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Flower / Charles / 27 // Flower / Sarah / 28 / Wife // Flower / Martha / 2 . . .
"THREE MILE PUBLIC SCHOOL", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (11 May 1865), 2
On Tuesday evening a public meeting was held in the School Room at the Upper Three Mile. Previous to the meeting a very creditable tea was provided by several ladies, resident in the immediate neighbourhood, to which ample justice was done; about one hundred ladies and gentlemen having assembled to partake of the same. After the tea, the tables were removed and the room was re-arranged for the public meeting, when about one hundred and thirty assembled, amongst whom were several from a considerable distance, including Beechworth, Bowman's Forest, &c. The Choir of the Beechworth Congregational Church contributed very much to the pleasure of the evening. A very strong feeling of regard was evidenced by those present towards Mrs. Flower, for her kindness in attending to play the harmonium on this occasion, by which the singing of the various hymns, and the general routine of the meeting was so greatly assisted. It may be mentioned here that Mrs. Flower renders the same service gratuitously to the Congregational Church in Beechworth . . . The Choir here gave, in good musical taste, well supported by the harmonium the anthem - "Now to Him, who can uphold us." The company audibly made known their satisfaction at the manner in which this piece of sacred music was rendered . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Congregational churches (general)
MUSIC: Now to him who can uphold us (R. A. Smith)
"CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, BEECHWORTH", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (8 June 1865), 2
The annual tea meeting in connection with the above Church was held on Tuesday evening. About 180 persons sat down to tea, several of whom had come from a considerable distance from Beechworth. After tea, the tables were removed, and the PUBLIC MEETING was opened by singing, after which the Rev. Mr. Stoker, of Rutherglen, offered prayer. The Rev. Mark W. Bradney, the Minister of the Church, occupied the chair, and the choir, during the evening, performed several anthems in the most creditable manner, and received the applause of those assembled, Mrs. Flower presiding at the harmonium. The School room was crowded in every part, several being compelled to leave from want of room. The choir having sung the anthem - "Now to Him who can uphold us," . . .
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (26 September 1865), 3
NEW SCHOOLROOM, On Tuesday Evening, October 3rd.
The Ministers of the different denominations have kindly promised to attend.
A Choir from Beechworth will sing several anthems during the evening.
Mrs. Flower will preside at the Harmonium.
"PRESBYTERIAN SOIREE, WANGRATTA [sic, Wangaratta]", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (30 December 1865), 2
The second annual soiree in connection with St. Paul's Church came off on Tuesday evening last, and notwithstanding the counter attraction of Burton's Circus, was attended by over 100 persons. Tea was served at 7 p.m. in an enclosure at the back of the Church. The Rev. J. Robertson presided. Fifteen members of the choir of the Beechworth Independent Church, under the leadership of Mr. James Cunningham, had very kindly come down to assist, and Mrs. Flower, of Beechworth, presided at the harmonium. Proceedings were opened by the congregation singing the 100th Psalm . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Cunningham (choir leader); Burton's Circus (troupe)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (1 October 1870), 3
ADVERTISEMENT. To the Editor of The Ovens and Murray Advertiser.
SIR, - In justice to myself, will you please to insert the following.
Last evening I received from Mr. Harris the subjoined note.
Mrs. Stillard, - Madam, - It has been frequently mentioned to me during the week that you have been canvassing the parents of my pupils,
who are taught the piano at my school, for pupils.
I herewith send you a copy of the advertisement which I intend inserting in the Spectator and Ovens and Murray in their next issues.
Yours, &c.,
Beechworth Schools, Sept. 29th, 1870.
Beechworth Schools, No. 61.
As Mrs. Stillard has been canvassing the parents of those pupils, attending the above schools, who are taught the piano.
This is to give notice to the above, parties that the piano lessons will still be continued in the above schools under a thoroughly competent master. Terms, 15s per quarter.
EDW. HARRIS, Head Teacher.
September 29th, 1870.
In reply, I beg to say, that I, in company with Mrs. Flower, called on two, and only two,
ladies, with whom she has long been acquainted, merely to say that should they not be satisfied with the music teachers appointed by Mr. Harris,
Mrs. Flower would be happy to undertake the musical education of their children.
I remain, yours &c.,
Finch-street, September 30th, 1870.
"DEATH", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (18 April 1896), 8
Flower. - On the 12th inst., at the residence of her daughter (Mrs. A. H. Stewart), Beechworth, Sarah Eliza Rebecca Flower, widow of the late Charles John Flower, of Beechworth, aged 67 years.
"DEATH OF MRS. C. J. FLOWER", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (18 April 1896), 8
By the death of Mrs. Sarah Eliza Rebecca Flower, relict of the late Mr. C. J. Flower, Beechworth has lost a resident who for a period of 30 years, has most worthily filled her allotted place in the community. Mrs. Flower sustained a paralytic stroke at her residence, Church-street, about half-past nine, on Saturday night. As may be assumed, the event gave rise to much anxiety amongst her friends, and all that could be done was done; but, although Mrs. Flower had the advantage of being attended to by three medical men, there was no recovery, death taking place about half-past nine o'clock on last Sunday evening. Mrs. Flower came to the colony with her husband in 1857, and some nine years afterwards they removed from Collingwood to Beechworth, where Mr. Flower was subsequently appointed to the secretaryship of the Ovens District Hospital - a position which he retained till his death, somewhat over two years ago. Mrs. Flower took an active part in all the benevolent movements of the town. An accomplished musician, she acted for a number of years as honorary organist at the Independent Church, and was always most ready to assist in concerts designed to benefit the charitable and other public institutions of the town; whilst in private life there are many who will be prepared to bear willing testimony to her kindness of heart and willingness to assist every case of genuine distress. The funeral of the deceased lady will take place this afternoon, the arrangements having been placed in the hands of Messrs. A. and J. Kyle. The service at the grave will be conducted by the Rev. A. Rivett.
Musician, engraver, shoemaker, artist, scene painter, decorator, (un)licensed victualler, convict, emancipist
Born Spitalfields, London, England, 1802
Convicted Brighton, Sussex, England, 26 March 1827 (transportation for life, aged "25")
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1828 (convict per Marmion, from England, 7 November 1827)
Married Louisa DICKENSON (1824-1906), St. David's church, Hobart, VDL (TAS), 11 October 1841 (aged "33")
Died Beaufort, VIC, 4 April 1888, aged "87" (BDM VIC) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"BENCH OF MAGISTRATES . . . MONDAY, JAN. 8, 1827 . . . CAPTURE, ESCAPE, AND RE-CAPTURE, OF TWO HOUSEBREAKERS", Brighton Gazette [Sussex, England] (11 January 1827), 3 (PAYWALL)
An unusual degree of interest was excited this day, it being known that two men were to be examined who,
there is every reason believe, have been guilty of breaking open several houses and shops.
The examination was very long, there being no less than six several charges of felony against them . . .
The prisoner Flowers was also examined on the charge of feloniously stealing two portfolios, a desk, music, &c. belonging to Mrs. Orderson . . .
James Piery, house painter, stated that he became acquainted with prisoner at the Artichoke public-house.
The prisoner, a few days afterwards went with him to his lodgings, where seeing some of the witness's paintings,
he said he would lend him some of his own drawings, and accordingly brought one of the portfolios now produced, and left it with him.
But as soon a he heard the prisoner was in custody, he took it to the Police-officers.
The prisoners offered nothing in their defence, and they were fully committed for trial.
Flowers is a dark man, a shoemaker, and is 25 years of age . . .
"CROWN COURT", Brighton Gazette (29 March 1827), 3 (PAYWALL)
Thomas Flowers, 25, shoemaker, charged with stealing at Brighthehmston, two watches, value £5,
the property of Geo. Stoner; charged also with burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Luke Butcher, of Brighthelmston,
and stealing therefrom 16 watches and other articles, value £2O;
also charged with burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Wm. Neale, at Brighthelmston,
and stealing therefrom three time pieces and other articles, value £5;
likewise charged with burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of F. Amati, Esq. at Brighthelmston,
and stealing therefrom divers articles of plate; also charged with stealing at Brighthelmston, two writing desks, and other articles,
the property of Isaac Williamson Orderson. - Guilty - Transportation for life. -
There were as many as five bills preferred to the Grand Jury against Flowers, one of which was ignored.
Thomas Reynolds, 23, shoemaker, charged with having been concerned in the said burglary and robbery, at the dwellinghouse of Luke Butcher,
at Brighthelmston. - Guilty. - Transportation for life. -
Flowers and Reynolds are the two persons who were concerned in so many robberies at Brighton,
and broke out the Black-hole, after they had been committed for trial, but were re-taken,
of which a full account appeared the time in the Brighton Gazette.
Convict record, Thomas Flowers, per Marmion, 1828; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1392720 (DIGITISED)
Thomas Flowers / Engraver, Musician, French Horn, Flute, & Violin /
5ft 5 in / Age 26 / Complexion Ruddy . . . / Hair Brown / . . . (DIGITISED)
327 / Flowers Tho's / Marmion 1828 / Sussex 26 Mar 1827 = Life / . . . (DIGITISED)
327 / Flowers Tho's / Marmion 1828 Life / . . . [continuation of conduct record above]
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier [VDL (TAS)] (14 April 1832), 2
ABSCONDED . . . 327. Thomas Flowers, 5 ft. 6, brown hair, grey eyes, age 30,
an engraver and Musician tried at Sussex in March 1827, sentence life per Marmion,
native of Spitalfields, scar left side neck under ear, absconded from prisoner's barracks, Launceston, April 1832. - Reward L2.
"DOMESTIC", Launceston Advertiser [VDL (TAS)] (9 May 1832), 149
When the ship PRINCESS AUGUSTA was searched previous to being cleared at the Custom House, three crown prisoners were found "stowed away" very comfortably among the bales of wool. Two of the men held tickets of leave; and the third (Thomas Flowers, a noted delinquent,) had been on board 5 weeks. This man had upon him a valuable flute, the property of Mr. Nairne, and a ring belonging to the boatswain of the vessel. For stealing the flute he has been committed for trial . . .
"Law Intelligence. SUPREME COURT . . . TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23", The Tasmanian [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (26 October 1832), 6
Thomas Flowers, a prisoner of the crown, was placed at the bar, charged with stealing a flute, value £10, the property of Mr. Charles Rossnairne,
of Launceston, out of the dwelling house of J. Bradley, of said place, on the 7th of April last.
It appeared that Bradley is a constable at the penitentiary in Launceston, and that he borrowed the flute from Mr. Rossnairne in March last.
Prisoner was a painter and glazier at the barracks, and in the habit of calling at witness's house, and playing occasionally on this flute;
that on the 7th of April last he missed the flute; that prisoner having absconded, and being at his house in the course of that day, induced him to suppose he had taken it;
Mr. Thomson, chief constable of Launceston, proved to having captured the prisoner, in company with three more, on board the Princess Augusta,
previous to her sailing from Launceston to England, stowed away among some wool, four of the bales of which they had cut to effect concealment;
that having taken their bundles to the gaol the following morning,
the prisoner recognised his; that on opening it, the flute now produced (and which Mr. Rossnairne proved to be his property) appeared,
and prisoner claimed it as his own. - Guilty, of stealing a flute value £6.
SUPREME COUT. SATURDAY [27 October], The Tasmanian (2 November 1832), 6
On the opening of the Court this day, the following prisoners received sentence: - . . . Thomas Flowers, stealing in a dwelling-house; to be "transported for life."
"GAZETTE", Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (20 July 1841), 2
Tickets-of-Leave have been granted to the following Convicts, viz. . . . Thomas Flowers, Marmion . . .
1841, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:828096; RGD37/1/2 no 1095 (DIGITISED)
No. 1095 / 11th October [1841] / Thomas Flowers / 33 / Painter / . . . Bachelor //
Lousia Dickenson / 17 / Spinster . . . Married in the Parish Church . . .
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner [VDL (TAS)] (9 July 1842), 3
NOTICE. To the patrons of the Victoria Theatre.
WE, the undersigned members of Mr. Cameron's company of comedians, conjointly with the members of the orchestra of his theatre,
having read an article in the Advertiser newspaper of Thursday last, stating that "the Victoria Theatre was on the eve of dissolution," &c.,
hereby beg to express our abhorence at such a calumnious statement;
and further beg to observe, that had there been the slightest truth in the assertion, we would each of us have lowered our salaries;
and, if that had not been sufficient, would have performed every night for nothing - so much truth do we attach to the said malicious article.
John Hambleton - W. Hoyle - J. Searle - John Jones -
J. Elmar - J. Morris - J. L. Jacobs - Thomas Williams -
G. L. Gooch - T. Whitbread - James Kenny - Daniel Hollingsworth -
J. Thomas - Thomas Flowers - A. Wilson - Thomas Whitehouse -
John Hitchens (carpenter) - Thomas Thompson.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samson Cameron (actor, manager); John Hambleton (actor); J. Searle (actor); John Adam Elmer (actor); John Lewis Jacobs (actor); George Lonsdale Gooch (actor); James Kenney (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Launceston venue)
POLICE REPORT . . . Thursday, August 31", Launceston Examiner (6 September 1843), 4
Thomas Flowers, free [sic], and James Kenny, ticket-of-leave, were brought up on a charge of felony. It appears that upwards of twelve months since a quantity of jewellery and watchmaking implements left at one of the banks to be forwarded to Hobart Town, was abstracted from the box without exciting suspicion, until the arrival of the latter at its place of destination. Suspicion had latterly attached to the two prisoners, some of the property being found in the possession of Flowers: he now stated that he had bought it of Kenny, whose receipt he produced; he had no suspicion at the time of its having been surreptitiously obtained. He was in consequence discharged, but Kenny, who denied all knowledge of the transaction, was remanded for further examination.
"SCOTTISH CHIEF", Launceston Advertiser [VDL (TAS)] (28 September 1843), 3
Our correspondent is mistaken; Mr. Opie did not paint the sign lately placed over the door of the Scottish Chief public house, Wellington-street, nor do we consider it a likeness of the person alluded to in his communication. The costume may be correct, but we confess, we are not sufficiently acquainted with the Scotch Plaid to give our opinion on that subject; however, it is not our intention or wish to deteriorate any merit due to Mr. Flowers, who, we understand was the designer and painter.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Andrew Opie (scene painter)
"CONVICT DEPARTMENT", The Courier [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (9 August 1844), 4
Comptroller-General's Office, 31st July, 1844.
It is hereby notified to the under-mentioned individuals, that it is the Lieutenant-Governor's intention to recommend Her Majesty the Queen to grant them Conditional Pardons.
. . . Thomas Flowers, Marmion . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (23 May 1846), 394
In honour of the QUEEN'S BIRTH DAY, the Theatre will be brilliantly illuminated,
and a splendid transparency painted for the occasion by Mr. T. FLOWERS, will be erected on the exterior of the Theatre.
On MONDAY and FRIDAY evenings, the 25th and 29th MAY, the performances will commence with an entirely new Pantomime, entitled
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Newson (actor, manager); Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue)
"QUARTER SESSIONS, LAUNCESTON. Monday, April 6 . . . MUSIC AND DANCING LICENSES", Launceston Advertiser [VDL (TAS)] (9 April 1846), 2
There were applications from Mr. Johnstone of the St. John's Tavern, Mr. Thomas Turner, Mr. P. Monaghan, Mr. George Meredith, St. John-street, Mr. Thomas Flowers, Cameron-street, Mr. William Peck, Evandale, all of whom were refused; the magistrates appearing determined (and very properly so, after the recent experiments in Launceston) to reject every such application.
Music on licensed premises (general);
see also "QUARTER SESSIONS", Launceston Examiner (8 April 1846), 6
"OLYMPIC THEATRE", The Cornwall Chronicle (27 May 1846), 400
The most crowded house of the season was on Monday night, when curiosity was aroused to the highest pitch, to witness the production of the much talked of new Pantomime, in honor of the Queen's Birthday . . . In the getting up of the Pantomime (called "Harlequin and the Fairy of the Coral Cave"), a great deal of expense had been incurred, with a view to render it acceptable to the audience. The scenery (by Mr. Flowers), is effective; particularly the painting of those well-known establishments - Benjamin's Emporium, Duchene's, in Charles-street, &c. The opening scene of the Coral Cave, or the Magic Lake, was well managed . . . Monsieur Risley will make a good Harlequin; Clown and Pantaloon did their best to create merriment, and their clever tricks kept the house in a continual roar. A couple of spatters set too in good style on the stage, but one of them overdid the thing by pitching his antagonist into the orchestra. We have not beard whether Messrs. Howson and Co's. cat-gut was damaged; but the fallen fisty-cuffer sustained no injury . . . But the "juveniles" will never forget Mr. Osborne's "Billy Barlow" on a live donkey, a novel, if not a classical performance, which was rapturously encored . . . The favorable reception of the Pantomime, induced Mr. Osborne to announce its repetition for this Evening and Friday.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Risley (acrobat, dancer); Francis Howson (musician); Robert James Osborne (actor, manager); Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue)
"POLICE. THURSDAY [2 July]", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (8 July 1846), 519
. . . Mr. Thomas Flowers of "Terpsichorean celebrity" was fined twenty-fire pounds and costs for sly grog selling - he has since very prudently "Amputated his Timber."
"ROYAL ALBERT THEATRE", Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (23 May 1848), 3
We visited this neat little place of amusement, and were astonished at the attractions of the house, as well as the performance. The first piece last night was Douglas Jerrold's Painter of Ghent, in which Mr. Osborne, as Roderick, played the part admirably. Mr. Towns, as Father Francis, was also very perfect . . . The musical department has been considerably augmented, and the orchestra played several fashionable pieces, amongst which was the Railroad Overture, which was received with great applause. We may add, the scenery has be re-painted by Mr. Flowers, in a very neat manner. The house was well attended, and the audience very respectable . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Towns (actor); Albert Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (22 September 1848), 1
ALBERT THEATRE. THE public are respectfully informed, that the above Theatre will
RE-OPEN on Monday next, the 25th instant, when will be presented a Grand Romantic Drama, entitled
After which, the celebrated [REDACTED] Melodies -
"Massa Coon" - Mr. Holloway. "Ginger Blue" - Mr. Meadows . . .
The above Performances will be repeated on Tuesday Evening, the 26th instant.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Smith.
Machinist, Mr. Rheuben.
Scene Painter, Mr. Flowers.
Select Boxes, 2s. 6d. Boxes, 1s. 6d. Pit, 6d.
Vivat Regina. September 22, 1848.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Holloway (actor, vocalist); George Meadows (actor, vocalist); Mr. Smith (musician); Albert Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania [VDL (TAS)] (7 October 1848), 2
Immense Success! CIRCUS ROYAL OF TASMANIA. Corner of Elizabeth & Bathurst streets.
The public is respectfully informed that on Monday, October 9th,
The performances will commence with an act of horsemanship by THE YOUNG AUSTRALIAN, (His first appearance).
After which, Rob Roy McGreggor, BY MR. ASHTON . . .
Song, Solomon Lobb, By Mr. Riley, from the London Concerts, his first appearance . . .
Ring Master - Mr. CHAPPELL.
Clown to the Circus - Mr. BRAGG, from the Victoria Theatre;
Second Clown, Mr. Riley;
Scene Painter and Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Flowers.
Machinist, Mr. Henry . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ashton (circus performer); John Riley (vocalist, clown); Philip George Bragg (clown); Oliver's Circus (troupe)
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (18 November 1848), 2
Circus Royal of Tasmania (Unprecedented attraction for this Night only,)
On Tuesday November 21st, FOR THE BENEFIT OF MESSRS. ASHTON and CHAPPELL . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Flowers . . .
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (16 February 1850), 2
ROYAL ALBERT THEATRE. Monday Evening, February 18,
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. SMITH. Scene Painter. Mr. FLOWERS . . .
[News], The Ballarat Courier [VIC] (15 February 1886), 2
An excellent entertainment was given in the Beaufort Societies' Hall last Friday night by a number of local lady and gentlemen amateurs styling themselves "The All Gold Company." The drama of "The Soldier's Last Duty" was performed in manner highly creditable to the performers . . . The proceedings closed with the comedy of "Box and Cox" . . . The new scenery was painted by Mr. Thomas Flowers, an octogenarian, and was in itself a great attraction. The performance was in aid of the fife and drum band, whose progress is watched over by Mr. Denman Mason, secretary, who deserves great praise for the successful evening's amusement.
[News], The Ballarat Star [VIC] (16 June 1886), 2
At the Beaufort Police Court yesterday, before Messrs. J. Prentice and J. Wotherspoon, J's.P., Robert Henry Ballantyne, a lad just turned 12 years of age, was charged with the larceny of a purse containing 10s in silver, a silver key of a flute, a silver ring, and a silver ferrule, the property of Thomas Flowers, his grandfather. The accused admitted having stolen the purse out of his grandfather's trousers pocket on the morning of the 6th instant, while his grandfather was in bed. When his grandmother charged him with the theft of the purse he returned it, minus the money, which he said he had spent. The prisoner (writes our local correspondent) is an incorrigible youth, and every effort to reclaim him appears to have been futile. The bench sentenced him to three days' imprisonment in the Ballarat Gaol, and at the expiration of that term to be detained in the Ballarat Reformatory for four years.
"OBITUARY", The Ballarat Star (23 June 1906), 1
Mrs. Louisa Flowers, relict of Mr. Thomas Flowers, and old and respected resident of Beaufort, and a colonist of 66 years' standing, died on Thursday, from senile decay and heart failure, at the ripe age of 84 years. Deceased, who was married in Launceston, Tasmania, leaves a growing family to mourn their loss . . . The remains of deceased were interred in the Beaufort Cemetery yesterday afternoon, a large number attending the funeral . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Thomas Flowers, Find a grave
FLOYD, Ricardo (Ricardo J. FLOYD; Ricardo FLOYD; R. FLOYD; R. J. FLOYD)
Musician, pianoforte maker, tuner, and repairer, teacher of music
Active Deniliquin, NSW, by June 1859
Died Sydney, NSW, (? September) 1866 (BDM NSW) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FLOYD, Mrs. (Mrs. Ricardo FLOYD; Mrs. FLOYD)
Musician, teacher of music
Active Deniliquin, NSW, 1861 (shareable link to this entry)
? "PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED", Globe [London, England] (16 November 1853), 1 (PAYWALL)
. . . Samuel Hodges and Richard Floyd, Egremont-place, New-road, pianoforte manufacturers . . .
"PIANO-FORTES", Western Times [Devon, England] (27 January 1855), 5 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Floyd, piano-forte tuner, is now visiting Torquay and other towns South of Devon. The testimonials his skill and ability in his profession are numerous and respectable, among them being one from the Countess of Mount Edgecumbe.
[Advertisement] Southern Times and Dorset County Herald [England] (30 January 1858), 16 (PAYWALL)
PIANO-FORTE RESTORATION. MR. FLOYD respectfully acquaints the Public he is now
VISITING the COUNTY of DORSET, for the purpose of RESTORING the Tone, Touch, and Actions of PIANO-FORTES, at a small outlay . . .
He submits to inspection a few of the numerous Testimonials presented him by Families of distinction and others,
for whom he has restored dilapidated and worn instruments . . .
From Lord Auckland, Bishop of Bath and Wells.
The Palace.
Mr. Floyd has renovated a Piano-forte at the Palace, and has greatly improved the tone and touch of the instrument.
- AUCKLAND, Bath and Wells, August 10th, 1857 . . .
Mr. R. J. Floyd, Piano Maker.
From Mrs. Bond, Belfield Terrace, Weymouth, December 21st, 1857.
Mrs. Bond has pleasure in stating that Mr. Floyd has restored her Pianoforte to its original tone and action . . .
[Advertisement], Swansea and Glamorgan Herald [Wales] (12 May 1858), 1 (PAYWALL)
BY MR. FLOYD'S Highly successful system of Restoring Piano-Fortes.
Mr. FLOYD, Manufacturer, Practical Repairer, Regulator, and Restorer of Piano-fortes, from London,
is now Visiting SWANSEA and NEATH, and their vicinities, accompanied by able assistants from the first Manufactories . . .
Mr. Floyd has several Piano-fortes of his manufacture with him as samples, in Walnut cases, nearly 7 octaves in compass,
with metalic plate, and all the latest improvements, for sale at moderate prices . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: The London address given was one of two elsewhere advertised as belonging to W. S. Avill, pianoforte manufacturer
[Advertisement], Monmouthshire Beacon [Wales] (8 January 1859), 5 (PAYWALL)
MR. FLOYD, PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURER, FROM LONDON, WILL visit Monmouth and neighbourhood at early period
for the purpose of restoring worn Pianos and placing new actions to Pianofortes . . .
Regional NSW (by June 1859):
[Advertisement], The Pastoral Times and Deniliquin Telegraph [Deniliquin, NSW] (16 June 1859), 1
Pianofortes. MR. FLOYD, Pianoforte Manufacturer, from London,
respectfully announces his arrival in the colony, and intends locating in this district, for the purpose of Tuning and Restoring Pianofortes.
Mr. Floyd will give Lessons on the Pianoforte, also in Singing and Harmony.
Ladies taught the art of Tuning. Adults taught by an easy System.
For further particulars apply to Mr. Floyd, Red Bank Hotel near Deniliquin.
Testimonials forwarded on application.
Pianofortes taken in exchange, for which a liberal allowance will be given.
June 8, 1859.
"DENILIQUIN TABLE TALK", The Pastoral Times and Deniliquin Telegraph (1 June 1860), 2
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd have, as we are informed, abandoned the idea of keeping school, as they find it to their advantage to confine their attention to teaching music, which is more within their legitimate sphere. Mr. Floyd as a pianoforte tuner is not to be excelled in these parts.
Regarding the school, see, [Advertisement], The Pastoral Times and Deniliquin Telegraph (9 March 1860), 3
"THE POLICE MAGISTRATE", The Pastoral Times and Deniliquin Telegraph (11 January 1861), 2
. . . Mr. R. Floyd, a teacher of music residing in the town, who was about to leave Deniliquin,
was summoned by three tradespeople for debt, and a verdict, with immediate execution, was given in each case;
after which Mr. Floyd handed to the Police Magistrate a written statement, which he asked Mr. Kelly to read, explanatory of the reasons why he (Floyd) could not pay his debts;
to this Mr. Kelly assented, without having first read it - at all events, he did not peruse it on the bench.
The paper had Floyd's signature, and was a statement of the following reasons why he could not pay his debts: -
That he had been asked to establish a boarding school at Deniliquin by the proprietor of this journal,
who had represented that he could get Floyd and his wife six pupils - that the Floyds failed;
that he then took to teaching music and tuning pianofortes; that Mr. D. G. Jones had let them a dwellinghouse, the "Old Bank," at £100 a year rent;
that they continued in the house until the 16th August, having paid no rent for six months;
that the landlord then reduced the rent to £60 per annum, and went to board with Floyd in the latter end of August, and continued to do so until the close of the year;
that Floyd, finding himself unable to pay his debts, and that his character had been assailed by some one in Deniliquin, had determined to go to Sydney to vindicate it;
that, he had offered the few goods which he owned in the dwellinghouse for sale to his landlord,
who had agreed to purchase them for £40, but who ultimately refused to take them;
and as the landlord wished to place his board against the rent, he (Floyd) could not pay his debts.
This is a mere outline of the paper, the allegations of which were stated by Mr. Jones in Court to be untrue;
and he further added that he had not asked Mr. Floyd and his wife to come to Deniliquin, but that they sought his assistance and obtained it,
but having failed in their speculation, they now wished to throw their liabilities on him.
The paper signed by Floyd, and read by the Police Magistrate, was libellous or verging on it,
and after it was read by the Police Magistrate, Mr. Jones told him in court that he was guilty of publishing a libel from the Bench,
and that that was as actionable as though it had been published in the Pastoral Times;
whereupon an altercation ensued between the parties, the Police Magistrate and Mr. Jones . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (5 February 1861), 1
£1 REWARD. - The above reward will be paid to any person giving information of the whereabouts of one
RICARDO FLOYD, who, with hie wife, absconded from Deniliquin, on SUNDAY, 13th January, leaving several creditors unpaid.
Three executions for debt being then in force against the estate of the said RICARDO FLOYD,
the absconder, was driven away by a Government official from Deniliquin on Sunday Evening.
Address JOHN TAYLOR, Royal Hotel, Deniliquin. January 28th.
[Advertisement], The Pastoral Times and Deniliquin Telegraph (26 July 1861), 3
STATEMENT - Read by Mr. M. A. McKenna, Registrar of the Court of Requests,
at the Police Court, on the 15th instant, on the occasion of the Police Magistrate Holding an Inquiry into the Truth of Certain Charges brought against him by Mr. W. Gane . . .
. . . When I arrived here last May twelvemonths I took up my abode at the house of a Mr. Floyd, who was then engaged in teaching music, and about to open a school if possible.
In December last, Mr. Floyd was made aware of certain slanderous reports reflecting upon the character of his wife,
having been circulated through the neighborhood by an individual here, and he made up his mind to proceed to Sydney to enter an action against the slanderer.
He made no secret of his intention in this respect . . .
"EPITOME OF NEWS", The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser [NSW] (7 September 1861), 2
An extraordinary cause was tried in Sydney, on Tuesday week, before Mr. Justice Wise and a jury of four. It appears, from the report in the "Herald," that Mr. and Mrs. Floyd, who are teachers of music, lived for a short time at the Royal Hotel, Deniliquin - a house kept by defendant, a person named Taylor. Floyd having contracted some debts, was sued upon them, after he had left the inn, and whilst residing with his wife at a place called Old Bank. It was sworn that Taylor had said that his hotel bill had been discharged by Mrs. Floyd's want of chastity, and that she had been guilty of similar conduct with other men. Floyd spoke to Taylor about these statements, when the latter denied he had made them, and promised to advertise to that effect, but did not do so. Floyd, being again assured that Taylor had slandered his wife, left for Sydney, to institute proceedings against him. Taylor then had an advertisement published in the "S. M. Herald," offering £1 reward to:
"any person giving information of the whereabouts of one Ricardo Floyd, who, with his wife, absconded from Deniliquin on Sunday, 13th January, leaving several creditors unpaid, and three executions for debt being then in force against the estate of the said Ricardo Floyd. The absconder was driven away by a Government official on Sunday evening."
Floyd at once published his address, and prevented the other advertisement from re-appearing. In addition to Floyd being examined, his wife swore that she had been guilty of no improper conduct either with Taylor, McKenna, or Beattie. The two latter were equally positive in denying the alleged intercourse. Mrs. Floyd and her husband also denied that she had been addicted to drunkenness -
For the defence, Taylor swore to an adulterous intercourse in which he and Mrs. Floyd were concerned, and likewise that he had seen Beattie taking improper liberties with Mrs. F. He also deposed that he had given the female plaintiff money on this account. The only evidence in support of these statements was that of a horse-breaker in Taylor's employ, who swore that he had witnessed intercourse between his employer and Mrs. F., and that Taylor had given him £2 to hold his tongue about it. But it was elicited that this man had been a shipmate of Taylor's when both were being sent to this colony. Defendant denied the authorship of the published libel, to which his name was appended, but it was proved that he had shown the paper containing the advertisement to parties in his public room.
As the damages were laid at £500, the Jury, after a retirement of 10 minutes, asked if they could award the full amount for the slander and an extra amount for the libel? His Honor replied that the damages must be assessed separately, and not exceed collectively the amount named in the declaration. If they chose they could give a farthing for the libel, and the remainder of the £500 for the slander. The Jury returned with a verdict of £499 19s. 11 3/4 d. for the slander, and a farthing for the libel. His Honor made some very severe remarks on the abominable conduct of the defendant, and ordered execution to issue in two days.
See trial report, "SUPREME COURT. TUESDAY [27 August]", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (28 August 1861), 5
And, "LATEST NEWS. BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. SYDNEY. THURSDAY NIGHT. FLOYD AND WIFE v. TAYLOR. - SLANDER", The Pastoral Times and Deniliquin Telegraph (30 August 1861), 2
"APPOINTMENTS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (17 October 1861), 5
. . . Electric Telegraph Department - . . . Mr. Ricardo Floyd, to be station master and line inspector at Glen Innes . . .
"COUNTRY NEWS. GLEN INNES (From our Correspondent)", The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser [NSW] (19 December 1863), 4
. . . The Rev. Mr. Johnson held divine service in the school-house on Sunday afternoon. Having been detained, there was no morning service, but in the afternoon there was a large congregation, though there had only been time for a few minutes' notice. I was glad to see the harmonium, and the congregation had to thank Mr. Floyd for being kind enough to officiate on the occasion, as no doubt the singers found the advantage of the performance of so able a musician . . .
"NEW INSOLVENTS", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (15 September 1864), 5
Ricardo Floyd, of Glen Innes, telegraph station master. Liabilities, £234 8s. 9d. Assets, £101 12s. Deficiency. £132 16s 9d. Official assignee, Mr. Sempill.
"MR. RICARDO FLOYD", The Pastoral Times [South Deniliquin, NSW] (20 October 1866), 2
Mr. Floyd, who formerly lived at Deniliquin, died about a month ago, at Sydney. After leaving Deniliquin he secured an appointment as telegraph station-master at Glen Innes, a small township in New England, but having imprudently taken an active part in the elections there, and having called a meeting of the electors at the Court-house, he was dismissed by the Government, and died at Sydney.
[Advertisement], Wellington Journal [Shrewsbury, England] (4 March 1876), 4 (PAYWALL)
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. T. W. JONES, On Wednesday next, March 8th,1876, on the above premises,
in the occupation of Mrs. Turner, who is changing her residence,
Portion of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE . . .
fine-toned cottage pianoforte (by Ricardo Floyd) . . .
FLY, John (John FLY; J. FLY; Mr. FLY)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, vocalist, choir singer, builder
Born Herne, Kent, England, 1834; baptised Herne, 2 December 1834; son of John Moys FLY (1803-1857) and Mary HEWITT (1806-1871)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 22 October 1853 (with parents, per Recruit, from England, 12 July)
Married Ann KEY (c. 1829-1916), All Saints' church, Bendigo, VIC, 21 May 1857
Died Bendigo, VIC, 6 April 1926 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FLY, Charles (Charles FLY; C. FLY; Mr. FLY)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, vocalist, choir singer, builder
Born Herne, Kent, England, 1836; baptised Herne, 24 April 1836; son of John Moys FLY (1803-1857) and Mary HEWITT (1806-1871)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 22 October 1853 (with parents, per Recruit, from England, 12 July)
Died Bendigo, VIC, 30 June 1925, aged "89/90" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FLY, William (William FLY; W. FLY; Mr. FLY)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, vocalist, choir singer, builder
Born Bermondsey, Surrey, England, 27 July 1837; baptised St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, 20 August 1837; son of John Moys FLY (1803-1857) and Mary HEWITT (1806-1871)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 22 October 1853 (with parents, per Recruit, from England, 12 July)
Married Rosa CATLIN (1839-1883), VIC, 1858
Died Armadale, VIC, 19 May 1922, aged "84" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Herne, Kent, 1834; England, Select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
2 December 1834 / John son of / John Moys and Mary / Fly
Baptisms, Herne, Kent, 1836; England, Select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
24 April 1836 / Charles son of / John Moys and Mary / Fly
Baptisms, St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Southwark; register 1836-61; London Metropolitan Archives, P71/Mmg/050 (PAYWALL)
[Born] July 27 [1837] / [baptised] 20 [August 1837] / William [son of] / John Moyes [and] Mary / Fly / Great George Street / Builder
Names and descriptions of passengers per Recruit, from London, 12 July 1853, for Melbourne, October 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Fly John / 35 [sic] / Farmer // Mary / 31 / Wife
John / 19 / Farmer // Charles / 17 / [Farmer] // William / 16 / [Farmer] // Elizabeth / 13 . . .
"LOLA MONTES (To the Editor of the . . .)", Bendigo Advertiser (15 May 1886), 2 supplement
Sir, - Would it be asking too much for you to give in the pages of your paper a short statement of the career of the celebrated Lola Montes.
It is to settle a dispute, I having stated that she was on Bendigo some 25 years ago, and was laughed at as a romancer.
My disputant avers she lived some 150 or 200 years ago. - Yours, etc.,
JOHN FLY. 12th May . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lola Montez (dancer, actor; visited Bendigo in 1856)
"MARRIAGE", Bendigo Advertiser (21 May 1907), 4
FLY - KEY (Golden Wedding). - On the 21st of May, 1857, at All Saints' Church (Sandhurst), Bendigo, by the Rev. James Brennan, John Fly, of London, to Ann Key, of Cumberland, England. At home to all old friends and acquaintances.
"PERSONAL", Bendigo Advertiser (22 May 1907), 8
Yesterday many congratulations were received by Mr. and Mrs. John Fly, of Barnard-street, on the occasion of the celebration of their golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Fly were married at All Saints' Church, Bendigo, on 21st May, 1857. Last evening a family reunion was held, when several relatives and friends presented Mrs. Fly with tokens of their esteem. Amongst the assemblage were 12 grand-children. Ever since their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Fly have lived, in Barnard-street. Their first home - a two-roomed tenement - stood on the spot now occupied by their dining room. "Ah, there have been many changes since then," said Mr. Fly yesterday afternoon. "We were first surrounded by bush, trees, and diggers' tents. Out there was crowded, with forest," and he pointed from the door of his grocery establishment towards Barnard-street as an electric tram passed along. Mr. Fly is 73 years of age, and a native of London. Mrs. Fly is 76 years old, and a native of Cumberland. Both are blessed with excellent health.
"BENDIGO CHURCH CHOIRS. (To the Editor of . . .)", Bendigo Advertiser (2 December 1908), 3
Sir, After reading Mr. Faul's letter re All Saints' Choir in Monday's issue, I beg to state that I can go back further.
Several of the persons I shall name later on sat under the Rev. Mr. Gregory, when he held the church services in the tent,
and also under the Rev. James Brennan, the short time he preached in a tent during the time the new schoolroom was building.
The latter-named gentleman, whilst holding service one Sunday, inquired if there were any young people in the congregation who had belonged to church choirs,
and if so, would they like to form a choir and sing in the new building when finished.
In the event of their doing so he would be glad to meet them on the following Wednesday evening.
My two brothers, Charles and William, myself and a Mr. Hopkins, who, like ourselves, was gold-digging at the time,
and who from boyhood sang in the choirs of our parish churches, and knew all the old chant and psalm tunes by heart,
made up our minds to meet the rev. gentleman, and with several others attended and formed the choir.
That was, I think, the first one constituted on Bendigo.
We practised for several weeks until the schoolhouse was finished.
The first members were Mrs. Barker (mother to Mr. Fred. Barker, the sharebroker), who had come to Bendigo as mistress for the new school, with Miss Rosa Catlin as her assistant.
Mrs. Barker, the lady spoken of so kindly by Mr. Faul, was all that he described, and her memory is ever green to my mind.
The other members were the two Misses Howson, whose father built Peckham Villa, in Forest-street, which stood where Mr. Magnus Cohn's house now stands;
Mr. Pellett, a young brewer, whose place was in what is now Howard Place; Mr. Sam Trant;
Charlie Bridges, a young lad with a sweet voice;
Mr. Hopkins, and my two brothers, Charles and William, and myself, and I was almost forgetting Mr. Joseph Barwick, a saddler and barber in Pall Mall,
and who sang alto and brother of Mr. Tom Barwick, spoken of by Mr. Faul, but who did not come out till several years after.
When leaving Melbourne for Bendigo some two or three years before, we left behind with our parents our Sunday clothes,
so we had only our digger outfits, and consequently were somewhat put about.
Although we had sent for the clothes, they had not arrived, so we set to on Saturday afternoon to wash our moleskin pants and blue shirts,
which were yellow with the clay, and to make the shirts look the better we tried to smooth the fronts with a bottle filled with hot water, but could make nothing of it.
So on the following morning, being the auspicious day, so duly dressed, my costume being as follows: -
Moleskin pants, Scotch blue twill shirt, green plaid Garibaldi jumper, open front, white cowboy felt hat (no feather).
The other chaps were similarly attired.
We entered the church somewhat shame-faced, and took our seats in the corner that had been partitioned off, being about breast high.
The girls told us after the service we looked very nice indeed.
The service went off very well, and when the rev. gentleman found out that Mr. Hopkins was a musician, he said he would send for a harmonium to Melbourne, which he did shortly after.
Subsequently Mr. Gilbert, a draper, and Miss Haines, whose father was a lock and whitesmith, joined us.
It was not long before the church was finished, and we took up our work there.
It might be interesting to know that several found their wives through being members.
Mr. Pellett married Miss Howson, Mr. Gilbert Miss Haines, Mr. W. Fly married Miss Rosa Catlin (assistant to Mrs. Barker in the school),
and I married Miss Ann Key, living with Mrs. Brennan, and who, by the blessing of God, is still with us.
Yours, etc., JOHN FLY. Bendigo, 1st December
ASSOCIATIONS: John William Faul (correspondent); Caroline Weeks Barker (member); Thomas Barwick (musician); Mr. Hopkins (member); Charles Isaac Bridges (member); Music in Anglican churches (general); the Misses Howson were daughters of Benjamin Howson, not related to the Howson family of musicians; the earlier letter referred to, "BENDIGO CHURCH CHOIRS (To the Editor of . . .)", Bendigo Advertiser (30 November 1908), 7
"PIONEERS AND ALL. THE FLY BROTHERS", The Bendigo Independent (25 July 1913), 7 (with photo portraits)
Amongst the most interesting of our old identities are John and Charles Fly, for so many years past located in Barnard Street.
The elder one, John, was born at Herne Bay, Kent, in 1834, so that he is now in his 79th year.
Other children were also born there, but when they were quite young the family shifted to London.
Herne Bay had been expected to come forward as a popular summer visiting resort, and Mr. Fly, senior, had acquired some property there in anticipation.
But the beach was too flat and shallow for the purposes of a marine resort, and expectations were disappointed.
At the age of 13, John started to learn the joinery trade, the other brothers in turn starting work as soon as they about reached the same age.
But the father was not in the best of health, and the golden stories from Australia were turning the minds of young and old in the old country.
So in 1853 the family embarked for Melbourne. It consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Fly, their three sons, John, Charles and William, one daughter,
and an aunt (a younger sister of Mrs. Fly) . . .
Mr. Fly, senior, died in 1858. But several years before this he had been working with his sons in Bendigo.
The two eldest of the sons first saw Bendigo in 1853. They were digging for about 18 months, but with no great luck . . .
Thinking of their trade of carpentry, and then deciding that as there were fewer ups and downs in contracting than in sinking and climbing diggers' holes, they started as builders.
One of their first jobs was the first Masonic Hall erected in Bendigo. It was in Myers street . . .
After their father's death in 1858, the brothers undertook the interior work of All Saints' Church, at the corner of Forest and McKenzie streets, then just built.
They made the pulpit, the altar rails, the communion rails, etc. . . .
Mr. John Fly was married at All Saints' in 1857 by the Rev. James Brennan, and the wife of his youth is still with him, happy amongst their numerous relatives in Bendigo,
and every now and then gladdened by visits from others who are living further away . . .
In their earliest days in Bendigo the three brothers took steps to form a choir for All Saints' Church.
They had been used to choir work at home.
There were many difficulties in the way, including the fact that in those very early days of the goldfield Sunday clothes were at a very high premium.
They had nothing but their diggers clothes and the story of their efforts to appear as "respectable" as possible, when assisting in the worship on Sundays, has its humorous side.
On one occasion they tried, but without much effect, to iron their colored working shirts and the cuffs with a bottle filled with hot water.
The Flys were originally a Quaker family, and resided on the Thames at Greenwich.
But their father returned to the Church of England, and in that faith they grew up . . .
"BENDIGO'S FIRST CHURCH CHOIR (To the Editor of the 'Advertiser')", Bendigo Advertiser (17 February 1915), 3
Sir. - In your issue of yesterday, in the personal column, your reporter makes me to say that I was a member of the first church choir formed in Bendigo, viz., All Saints', in 1859.
What I did say was that I was a member of the first, church choir formed in Bendigo upwards of 59 years ago, viz. All Saints.
When I thus spoke I was thinking I was speaking in 1914 instead of 1915.
It was in the latter part of 1854 the choir was formed, when the church was a tent, thus making it upwards of 60 years ago.
The schoolhouse was built shortly after, the services being held in it, and continued up until the present church was completed in 1855.
We were closely followed by the Roman Catholics and the Methodists.
I might mention that my two brothers, Charles and William, all living, were also members, the latter living now in Malvern.
He was choirmaster of St. John's, Ballarat, many years ago when Canon Watson was minister.
I believe there is one more of the first members still living, viz., one of the Misses Howson, who were also members. -
YOURS, etc.
Bendigo, 16/2/15.
"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 May 1922), 1
FLY. - On the 19 May, at Sutherland road, Armadale, William Fly, aged 84 years.
"DEATHS", The Argus (19 June 1925), 1
FLY. - On the 13th June at the residence of his brother, John Fly, 224 Barnard street, Bendigo, Charles . . . in his 90th year.
"DEATHS", The Argus (10 April 1926), 13
FLY. - On the 6th April, at his residence, 224 Barnard street, Bendigo, John, beloved father of John Moys (deceased), Annie (Mrs. E. Blackham, South Yarra), Mary (Mrs. H. Newman, Bendigo) Elizabeth (Mrs. J. D. Kahland, Bendigo), Charles James (East Prahran), James Bevan (Moonee Ponds), in his 92nd year. A colonist of 73 years.
Bibliography and resources:
All Saints' Pro-Cathedral, Bendigo, Diocese of Bendigo, diamond jubilee, 1852-1912, a souvenir ([Bendigo: Anglican diocese of Bendigo, 1912]) (DIGITISED)
FOANS, James Milton (James Milton FOANS; J. M. FOANS; Mr. FOANS)
Musician, minstrel, serenader, vocalist, black-face performer, delineator, impersonator, burlesque dancer and falsetto vocalist, publican
Born ? USA, ? c. 1816 / c. 1824 / c. 1829
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 September 1852 (per Speed, from San Francisco, 28 July)
Married Margaret HENSHAW (STOK) (c. 1828-1870), Sydney, NSW, 27 July 1853
Active Toowoomba, QLD, until July 1876 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Foans was probably born in the USA, though given that there is no record of his British naturalisation in Australia, the possibility that he was British-born should not perhaps be entirely discounted. From various Australian records of his age, he was born either c. 1816 (masonic membership, 1853, age 37), c. 1824 (shipping list, 1854, age 30), or c. 1829 (shipping list, 1855, age 26). There is no record of his death.
James Milton Foans arrived in Sydney from California in September 1852 as a member of John Cragin Rainer's minstrel company, which toured the colonies for the next 3 years as Rainer's Serenaders.
While in Sydney with the serenaders in July 1853, Foans married Margaret Henshaw, a widow from Tasmania (at her first marriage to Thomas Henshaw in Hobart in 1849, her surname was recorded as Stok [sic]).
The "original" Rainer troupe finally disbanded after touring regional NSW and giving their last performances at the Prince of Wales Theatre in Sydney in early September 1855. That same month, Foans took over the publican's license for the Shakespere Tavern, on the site of the old Clown Hotel, as rebuilt by William Knight in 1847, conveniently opposite the Royal Victoria Theatre, in Pitt-street.
From this base he also continued to perform and travel occasionally in several high profile minstrel-serenader combinations, notably in Sydney with the Backus Minstrels in November 1855; the so-called Ethiopian Serenaders in June 1856; the San Francisco Minstrels in December 1857; and in Sydney and Brisbane in July and August 1857 with the re-formed New Orleans Serenaders.
In November 1858 he was declared insolvent, and from that point onwards he lived, toured, and worked mainly in country areas in NSW, VIC, SA, and QLD. For instance, in April 1860 he was running a dance hall at the Kiandra diggings in the Snowy Mountains.
His wife, Margaret, died while they were living at Young, in South West NSW, in 1870.
Foans was in Queensland by mid 1872, and was documented for the very last time on 29 July 1876, about to give a concert at Toowoomba.
[Advertisement], Sacramento Transcript [CA, USA] (8 February 1851), 2
THE SABLE HARMONISTS respectfully announce to the public of Sacramento that they will give another Concert
on Saturday Evening, February 8, 1851, At Lee's Exchange. The company consists of the most talented performers that have visited this country,
On which occasion they will produce all the latest Songs, Glees, Choruses and Dances of the day.
Prices of Admission First Tier, $1; Boxes, $1.50.
The room will be well lighted. jan24
"THE CONCERT OF THE SABLE BROTHERS", San Joaquin Republican [CA, USA] (14 January 1852), 2
The Concert of the Sable Brothers, last evening, was well attended. They gave us some of the sweetest music we ever heard. Mr. Morey, we think, is the best violinist we ever heard. Mr. Morgan, as a banjo player, is unsurpassable. Mr. J. M. Foans, as a Negro delineator and vocalist, we are sure has not an equal in this country, and all who have heard him are in raptures . . .
"Shipping Intelligence", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (25 September 1852), 14
September 10. - Speed, barque, 365 tons, Cannell, from San Francisco the 28th July, in ballast. Passengers . . . Messrs. J. C. Rainer, J. P. Brower, M. W. White, N. Bryant, G. M. Jones [sic], F. Moran . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Cragin Rainer (minstrel); Thomas Palmer Brower (minstrel); M. W. (Bill) White (minstrel); Neil Bryant (minstrel); Frank Moran (minstrel); Rainer's Serenaders (troupe)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (22 September 1852), 1
Messrs. Rainer, White, Bower, Bryant, Foans, and Moran.
TO-MORROW EVENING, Thursday, Sept. 23, At the Saloon of the Royal Hotel.
THIS Company, (the first to harmonize Negro Melodies, and originators of the present popular style of Ethiopian Entertainments,
and whose success during the past ten years in the United States is without precedent in the annals of public amusements,
and who, on their visit to England, had the distinguished honour of appearing before her Majesty Queen Victoria,
Prince Albert, and the Court,) respectfully announce to the musical public of Sydney,
that they will commence a series of their inimitable entertainments as above . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 December 1852), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION, First Grand Concert of Rainer's Original Ethiopian Serenaders,
composed of Messrs. Rainer, White, Brown, Bryant, Foans, Moran. Monday Evening, Dec. 6th . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
"MARRIED" [27 July 1853], The Argus (17 January 1854), 4
On the 27th July, 1853, at Sydney, by the Rev. Francis Inchfield, by special license, J. M. Foans, of Rainer's Serenaders, to Margaret, widow of the late Thomas Henshaw, of Hobart Town.
Membership register, Australian Lodge of Harmony, Sydney, NSW, 17 August 1853; United Grand Lodge of England Freemason Membership Registers (PAYWALL)
Aug 17 / Aug 24 / Sept. 2 / Foans / James Milton / 37 / Sydney / Musician / . . .
"SYDNEY", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (30 January 1854), 2
We perceive that Lucy Long (Mr. J. M. Foans), of Rainer's Serenaders, has married a Mrs. Henshaw, a widow from Hobart Town.
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Lucy Long's Benefit", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (17 August 1854), 3
To-Morrow evening the amalgamated claims of the fascinating and world-renowned Lucy Long, the pretty Dinah Rose, Lubly Rosa Teil, and their inseparable companion, Mr. J. M. Foans, the prince of tambos come before the music-loving, mirth-enjoying, and therefore sensible, portion of the community, in the shape of a benefit night for this most united little family of drollery and charms . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
"VICTORIA THEATRE", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (24 February 1855), 2
In our notice of the last very successful performance in this favourite place of amusement, we omitted to state that it was announced that Monday evening next was fixed for the benefit of Mr. J. M. Foans, that most amusing "actor of all work," the veritable "Caleb Quotem" of the company. Foans is, in truth, deservedly a great favourite; his singing forms no inconsiderable portion of the general attractions of the company, and whether as the propounder of puzzling conundrums, as the fluent but unintelligible [REDACTED] conversationalist, the burlesque lecturer on mesmerism, or when he simulates - not the fair, but - the softer sex, and trips it "on the light fantastic toe," he is inimitable. Although not the leader, he takes a leading part in every performance, and may, of course, be expected to come out pretty particularly strong for his own benefit. The published programme presents a most tempting treat to all who love good music, cultivated singing, and graceful dancing. One feature in it is deserving of special commendation; we mean the introduction of the favourite plaintive air, "Mary Blane," a melody that has now become identified with our popular national music. With these professional claims, and with such an attractive programme, we think Foans is as certain to have a good house as he certainly deserves it.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
"LICENSING SESSION . . . TRANSFERS GRANTED", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (5 September 1855), 5
. . . Shakespere Tavern, Pitt-street, from H. Faris to J. M. Foanes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Henry Faris (d. 1859)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 November 1855), 4
THE entertainments will commence with the performances of the BACKUS MINSTRELS.
To conclude with the musical Burletta, entitled THE VIRGINIA CUPIDS.
Sam Johnson, T. P. Brower; Boss, J. M. Foans; Cuff, C. Backus; Pete Williams, Jerry Bryant;
Dusty Bob, A. Morgan; Jim Brown, Barker; Julio, Burbank.
J. G. GRIFFITHS, manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Backus (minstrel); Jerry Bryant (minstrel); Otto N. Burbank (minstrel); Thomas P. Brower (minstrel); John Gordon Griffiths (actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
Permission for music has been granted to James Foanes, Shakespeare Tavern, Pitt-street . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Music on licensed premises (general)
Certificate of publican's license, 23 April 1856; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
At the Annual Licensing Meeting . . . at Sydney . . . on the 23rd day of April [1856] . . . to James Milton Foanes [sic] . . . for the House known by the Sign Shakspeare Tavern . . . in Pitt-street . . . sureties Thomas Martin of Church Hill, Sydney, and Joseph Faris of Woolloomooloo, Sydney . . .
"ANNUAL LICENSING MEETING, 1856 . . . GRANTED", Empire (15 May 1856), 5
. . . James Milton Foans, Shakspeare Tavern, Pitt-street . . .
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (7 June 1856), 3
The Ethiopian Serenaders; Messrs. D. F. Boley and W. A. Porter (late of the Backus Minstrels), Messrs. J. M. Foans, T. P. Brower, and Niel Bryant (late of Rainers Serenaders), and Mr. J. E. Kitts, (late of the New York Serenaders) have taken this Theatre for four evenings, the present being the last of the arrangement. This is to be regretted; for in the present dearth of musical talent in Sydney, an evening with this extremely talented corps vocale and musicale, is a very agreeable affair. On Wednesday, they were, on their reappearance, welcomed with much cordiality by a crowded audience; and the exceedingly well-rendering of the selections of songs, duets, choruses, burlesques, dances, &c. gave the highest satisfaction . . . This talented Company will take their Farewell Benefit this evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Dorrel Fair Boley (minstrel); James Edward Kitts (minstrel); Thomas Palmer Brower (minstrel); Neil Bryant (minstrel); William Alonzo Porter (minstrel); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 June 1857), 1
SHAKESPERE TAVERN, Pitt-street, opposite the Victoria Theatre. -
Novelty Extraordinary!! - Mr. J. M. FOANS, late ef RAINERS SERENADERS,
has great pleasure in announcing to his friends, and the public in general, that he has secured, at a great expense,
FOR TWELVE NIGHTS ONLY, the services of that deservedly popular comedian, humourist, comic delineator, &c.,
Mr. R. J. OSBORNE, who has lately arrived in the colony, and will appear every evening in the capacious saloon of the Shakespere Tavern.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert James Osborne (actor)
"THE NEW ORLEANS SERENADERS", The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, NSW (QLD)] (8 August 1857), 2
On Wednesday evening the Serenades gave the first of a series of performances in the Mechanics' Institute . . . The company play the banjo, tambourine, bones, and fiddle, and the perfect harmony of the voices could only have been attained by long practice together. It would be almost invidious to make comparisons where all gave so much satisfaction, but the ballad "Lilly Bell" of Brower was decidedly the gem of the first part of the performance. The comic songs were admirably sung by Foans and Carson, and the Tyrolean imitations of Bowley were received with applause. The second part of the performance received the greatest share of favor. The beautiful duet "Robin Ruff" was effectively rendered by Brewer and Bowley, and received an encore; the ballad "We met by Chance" was also sung with much taste. Dave Carson's "Blue Tail Fly" and the Lecture on "Women's Rights" were much applauded. The instrumental performances were equally well received, a banjo solo, and a banjo trio, (introducing Foans' Madagascar Fiddle, which must be heard to be fully appreciated), were encored. The performances terminated with the song and dance of "Lucy Long." The charming Lucy was creditably portrayed by Foans; and he received a large share of the applause of the evening. The performances were continued on Thursday and Friday evening, and will be repeated this evening, being the last night but one of their entertainments.
ASSOCIATIONS: Dave Carson (minstrel); Dorrel Fair Boley (minstrel); Thomas Palmer Brower (minstrel); New Orleans Serenaders (troupe)
"SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS, ROYAL HOTEL", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (1 December 1857), 5
This troupe of serenaders commenced their novel entertainment on Wednesday evening, to a tolerably numerous audience. Their performances were successful, and drew forth loud applause. In the first division of the programme, (consisting of three parts), the song "We are coming, Mary," by D. F. Boley, and a sentimental composition, entitled "Lilly Bell," formed a pleasing contrast to the ludicrous melodies so characteristically given by Messrs. O. N. Burbank, J. M. Foans, and Carson. This latter gentleman received the first encore of the evening, in a new [REDACTED] song called "Wasn't that a pull back." The novelty of the entertainment was in the second part of the programme, which introduced Mr. G. W. Demerest, whose imitation of Fanny Elsler forms an important feature in the terpsichorean divertisement. Although a burlesque, it is replete with interest. Mr. Burbank, late of the Bacchus [Backus] Minstrels, gave his well-known Rattlesnake Jig, and with Mr. Demerest danced the Drum Polka. In the comic song of "The Blue Tail Fly," Mr. Dave Carson is worthy of notice for his clever imitation of the teasing insect, with its bold humming sound. The melange terminated with a scene depicting a plantation festival. The minstrels have taken the Lyceum, in York street.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Washington Demerest (minstrel); San Francisco Minstrels (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1858), 1
AMERICAN AMPHITHEATRE, Prince of Wales Theatre. -
Complimentary BENEFIT to JAMES M. FOANS,
under the special patronage of Captain O. S. Lovell, of the Royal Artillery, who has kindly conceded, for this night only, the services of his celebrated band.
The present appeal to the Sydney public originates from the numerous kindly feelings manifested towards Mr. Foans by a large circle of friends and admirers,
amongst whom he is proud to state Messrs. Rowe and Marshall stand prominently forward;
they having, upon hearing the circumstances attending Mr. Foam's loss of license, proffered, in the most handsome manner,
the use of their noted troupe and stud for a FREE BENEFIT on his behalf.
Mr. Foans engages that his "bill of fare" shall satisfy the greatest of theatrical gourmands, the most hypercritical of judges,
and the laughter-loving, mirth-seeking community at large; and when, in corroboration of the above,
it be told that the Incomparable and world-famed Hernandez, the classic Raphael, the astounding De Vere on the corde volant,
the Gymnasts in their feats of strength, the Shakespearian Clowns in their "motley garbs,"
with their "quips, and cranks, and merrie gibes," - and the best vocal and Instrumental performers in Sydney, including the Artillery Band, -
will be in the programme for that evening's entertainment, together with Mrs. Oates, the pleasing soprano,
who will sing with Mr. Foans the favourite duett of "What are the Wild Waves saying!" and
Mr. F. himself, in his much admired ballad, "We met by chance," as well as in the characteristic dance and chorus of "Lucy Long."
The beneficiaire feels assured that a numerous and discriminating auditory will not be wanting on this occasion to show their estimation of him as one of the original Rainer's Serenaders,
a general caterer for their amusements, and also aa a respectable member of the corps dramatique.
N.B. - Further particulars in future advertisements.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide Oates (vocalist); Band of the Royal Artillery (military)
MUSIC: What are the wild waves saying (Glover)
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Empire (3 June 1858), 3
The performances at this establishment still continue to attract considerable attention. On Monday [31 May], Mr. J. M. Foans took his benefit, when, if the numerous attendance thereby occasional be a test of the esteem in which Mr. Foans is held by the Sydney public, the actor had his best reward. Besides the usual equestrian and other entertainments, in which Hernandez and the other artistes whom we have before spoken highly of, Mrs. Oates made her first appearance, and sung very effectively a pleasing air, and a duet with Mr. Foans, who has an excellent tenor voice. The Artillery Band added to the amusements of the evening, but their overtures were too lengthy for such an occasion, and quite tired the audience out of temper, although much ability was displayed. On Saturday, the performances are under the immediate patronage of his Excellency the Governor-General.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Denison (governor)
"INSOLVENCY COURT. MONDAY . . . SURRENDERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1858), 4
James Milton Foans, of Woolloomooloo-street, Sydney, gentleman. Liabilities, £175 2s. 3d. Assets - value of personal property, £10. Deficit, £165 2s. 3d. - Mr. Perry, official assignee.
"CONCERT - THE SABLE BROTHERS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (1 February 1859), 3
By an advertisement in another column it will be seen that our old friends, Messrs. R. F. Baker and J. M. Foans, the former of the New York and the latter of Rainer's serenaders, intend giving a concert in the School of Arts, West Maitland, to-morrow, Wednesday evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin F. Baker (minstrel)
"ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (17 December 1859), 2
Mr. Foans, who has twice before visited Goulburn, and whose abilities are well-known, has once more arrived in town. He is accompanied by Mr. Porter, formerly of the Backus minstrels, and Mr. Radcliff, a violinist of whose performances we have heard a high character. They performed for the first time last night at Mr. Cohen's.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Alonzo Porter (minstrel); Mr. Radcliff (violin)
"KIANDRA . . . (From our own Correspondent)", Goulburn Herald (4 April 1860), 2
. . . New rushes were taking place every day; the last one is thirty miles this side from Russell's, at Ucumbene, to which place about two hundred have gone, but I cannot yet state with what success . . . the population, as a whole, are very orderly, and where there is one rowdy there are twenty ready to keep order. There are about 600 tents and 4000 people there now. Jones's circus and Foans' serenading company were performing to well-filled houses, boxing tents were crowded every night, and two or three prize fights were taking place every week . . .
"THE SNOWY RIVER [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT] . . . Kiandra, 9th April, 1860", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (2 May 1860), 2
. . . There can be no doubt the shanty system has been allowed to assume gigantic proportions, but the gradual establishment of licensed houses, and the risk of seizures will soon render the continuance unprofitable, and as the diggers are likely to be supplied with varied amusements, they will no longer be resorted to. Mr. Foans, of Ethiopian celebrity, has opened the Criterion Music Saloon, floored to the length of 50 feet for dancing, which amusement will be varied by the very popular performance of the serenaders. As Mr. F. meets with a fair amount of encouragement, no doubt his efforts will be redoubled in the spring, and that his enterprise will meet with due reward. A circus is also now here, but leaves today, the spread of canvass being rather roughly treated in the late tempestuous weather. A few stray fiddlers and German singers complete the recreations, with the exception of prize fighting, which, however, appears to be much on the decline. There is little risk or danger now in traversing the township or diggings even after nightfall . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 January 1862), 1
CHARLES WALSH'S SERENADERS, including the celebrated Mr. J. M. FOANS and his extraordinary pupil, HARRY RICE, will shortly appear.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Walsh (minstrel); Harry Rice (pupil, unidentified)
"BAND OF HOPE", The Burrangong Argus [NSW] (18 June 1870), 2
On Thursday evening last, the long looked for magic lantern was exhibited in the Congregational Chapel before a large audience. This lantern shows a disc of 10 feet in diameter, and has two chromatrope slides; also, sixteen others of the best description, some of which are comical, and amused both young and old. The entertainment was accompanied with music and singing by Mr. Foans. In his usual style he sung "Father, Come Home," "Mother, I've Come Home to Die," &c. . . .
"DIED", The Burrangong Argus (9 July 1870), 2
ON 7th inst., at her residence, Main-street, Young, after a protracted illness, MARGARET, the beloved wife of Mr. J. M. FOANS; aged 42 years. Sydney and Melbourne papers please copy.
"NEWS OF THE WEEK", The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser [NSW] (16 July 1870), 2
We perceive that the wife of Mr. J. M. Foans, the celebrated Ethiopian delineator, has expired at Young, after a protracted illness.
"ENTERTAINMENT", The Manaro Mercury, and Cooma and Bombala Advertiser [NSW] (24 December 1870), 2
On Monday and Thursday evenings last Mr. J. M. Foans gave an entertainment to a Cooma audience, a complimentary benefit being tendered him on Thursday evening. His performances are very good, and were well appreciated by the audience. We regret to add the attendance was not large.
"CHARLEVILLE [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT]", Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser [QLD] (13 June 1872), 3
About ten days ago Charleville was favoured by a great musical treat. Mr. Foans, the unrivalled [REDACTED] delineator, accompanied by Mr. McGuinness, pianist and violinist, and Mr. Williams, comedian, gave a series of entertainments, at Bradley's hotel, to very good audiences, considering the small extent of population and the absence of strangers during the stay of the company. Mr. Foans's delineations were in the highest degree excellent; his performance on "the bones" perfection. His imitation of the awful bagpipes - an instrument of unparalleled atrocity and barbarism - must be heard to be appreciated. Mr. Foan's singing was superior to anything I have heard since leaving the town of Ipswich, and it was also most gentlemanly. Mr. McGuinness possesses great fluency of execution on the piano, and on the violin he is splendid. He was especially requested to play an imitation of the cuckoo, which always commanded an encore, as did his "Home, sweet Home" with variations. Mr. Williams, also, as a comic singer and comedian created roars of laughter. I wish the company all success in Roma.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Williams (vocalist)
[News], The Darling Downs Gazette and General Advertiser [Toowoomba, QLD] (29 July 1876), 3
A complimentary benefit will be given to Mr. J. M. Foans at the Royal Assembly Rooms on Monday evening next. Mr. Dent Bosco, the renowned ventriloquist, has kindly consented to assist in the entertainment, and Messrs. R. Burton and H. Thurston have volunteered their services . . .
Musical concordances:
The popular song Miss Lucy Long, adapted to the pianoforte by T. Carr (Philadelphia: Osborne, [1842]) (DIGITISED)
Lucy Long, the celebrated [REDACTED] song, as sung by Mr. Sweeny, arranged with new symphonies and an accompaniment for the piano forte (London: T. E. Purday, [c. 1842-44]) [illustrated sheet music cover only] (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: See also Miss Lucy Long (Wikipedia)
Bibliography and resources:
Lois M. Foster, Annals of the San Francisco stage, 1850-1880, volume 1 (San Francisco: Federal Theatre Projects, 1936), 82 (DIGITISED)
On January 15 [1851] the "Sable Harmonists" made their first appearance at the Jenny Lind. McCabe lists members of this company as follows: R. Moore, H. Mestayer, C. Fisher, H. Donelly, T. King, J. M. Foans, E. Van Ranselaer. The troupe played here until the 19th, returning in February for a run which began in the Parker House saloon and ended in the theatre upstairs, February 22 to 28. This troupe, with some changes, appeared two years later under the same name at the Adelphi and did its part to further the momentum of minstrelsy in the west.
FOLEY, Bartholomew (Bartholomew FOLEY)
Amateur vocalist, hymn singer, psalm singer, executed convict
Born England, c. 1786
Convicted Old Bailey, London, 4 December 1799 (age "13", sentenced, death; commuted, life transportation)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 12 June 1801 (convict per Earl Cornwallis, from England, 18 November 1800)
Died (executed) Sydney, NSW, 14 July 1814 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Trial of Bartholomew Foley, 4 December 1799, Old Bailey online
12. BARTHOLOMEW FOLEY was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 31st of October, two guineas, the property of Isaac Pretty , in his dwelling-house . . . The prisoner did not say any thing in his defence. GUILTY Death. (Aged 13.) The prisoner was recommended to mercy by the Jury, on account of his youth. Tried by the first Middlesex Jury, before Mr. Justice GROSE.
![Hereford Journal [England] (11 December 1799), 2](imageslocal/foley-bartholomew-1799.jpg)
"LONDON GAZETTE . . . DEC. 7, 1799", Hereford Journal [England] (11 December 1799), 2 (PAYWALL)
Yesterday the Old Baily Sessions commenced, when 20 prisoners were tried, two of whom were capitally convicted, viz. Thomas Scott, for assaulting and robbing Major-Gen. William John Arabin, on the 31st of December, 1798; and Bartholomew Foley, for robbing the dwelling house of Isaac Pritty, of two guineas: eleven were convicted of felonies; seven were acquitted.
[News], Kentish Gazette [England] (4 February 1800), 4 (PAYWALL)
The Recorder of London, attended on Friday [31 January] the Council, with his report on the prisoners capitally convicted in December Sessions, viz. Bartholomew Foley, Tho. Scott, John Worrall, and John Russel, who received his Majesty's clemency, all of them being reprieved during the royal pleasure.
"EXECUTIONS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (16 July 1814), 2
On Thursday Bartholomew Foley, condemned for sheep stealing at Port Dalrymple, was also executed. He came a prisoner to this Colony about 13 years ago, a boy not exceeding 12 or 13 years of age; but depravity had grounded in his youthful principles, and he very soon exhibited occasions for pitying the miseries to which a propensity to error had doomed him in his youth. He was for the entire space of four or five years employed in the gaol gang; for as he approached to manhood he seemed only desirous of confirming himself in obdurate and determined vice. His crimes were very numerous, and his punishments frequent, till at length he unhappily became no further useful in society, than by a melancholy example to warn others against prosecuting a line of conduct so terrible as his had been. From the moment of his condemnation, however, he became the repentant sinner - the prodigal restored to hope. His temporal destiny he acknowledged to be just, and hoped forgiveness of his crimes in Heaven, as his penitence was sincere and full. At the place of execution he appeared with that firmness which the hope of mercy can alone bestow upon a suffering criminal. He sung two hymns, loudly, distinctly, and with such animated fervour as to give peculiar melody to his accents; and when about to be launched into eternity addressed the spectators in a speech, in which he reviewed his past life, declaring that from the age of infancy his crimes had involved him in pain and suffering; for that Providence had constantly persecuted him for his offences, and left him no shelter from the penalties of his iniquities. To the Rev. Mr. Cowper, who attended him with the kindest attention from the time of his condemnation, he behaved with the most reverential respect, and declared that to his pious attention he was indebted for the peace of mind which he then felt. About nine o'clock he was launched into eternity leaving the world in the firm hope of an eternal life and mercy in the world to come.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Cowper (chaplain)
Bibliography and resources:
Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825; State Records Authority of NSW
FOLEY, Bartholomew. Per "Earl Cornwallis", 1801
1800 Oct 13 - On list of convicts on board the "Earl Cornwallis" (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.27)
1810 Feb 3 - Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3164; 4/1846 p.85)
1812 Jul 18 - Escaped from "Lady Nelson" bound for Port Dalrymple (Reel 6003; 4/3492 pp.145-6)
1812 Jul 26 - Recaptured and re-embarked on "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6003; 4/3492 p.148)
1813 Apr 30 - Escaped from Port Dalrymple (Reel 6003; 4/3492 p.217)
1814 May 14 - Had absconded from lawful employment in Van Diemen's Land.
Proclamation requiring surrender of before 1 Dec or he would be deemed an outlaw & dealt with accordingly (Reel 6038; SZ1044 pp.214-7)
FOLEY, William Henry (William Henry FOLEY; W. H. FOLEY)
Circus and equestrian performer, proprietor, comic vocalist
Born Washington, DC, USA, c. 1826
Married (1) Catherine HUGGINS (Mrs. CAPARN), Sacramento, CA, USA, 17 June 1851
Arrived Brisbane, NSW (QLD), 16 February 1854 (per Pau, from Honolulu, via Rotumah)
Married (? common law) Martha O'NEIL, ? Maitland, NSW, by c. 1859
Died Brisbane, QLD, 21 July 1885, aged "60" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FOLEY, Catherine (Catherine HUGGINS; [1] Mrs. Daniel CAPARN; [2] Mrs. William Henry FOLEY; Mrs. FOLEY; [3] Mrs. Lowten LOWTEN)
Actor, vocalist, dancer, milliner, dressmaker
Born Louth, Lincolnshire, England, c. 1822; daughter of Benjamin HUGGINS
Married (1) Daniel CAPARN (1812-1851), St. Pancras's church, London, England, 17 September 1845
Married (2) William Henry FOLEY, Sacramento, CA, USA, 17 June 1851
Married (3) Lowten LOWTEN (d. NZ, 1891), Liverpool, England, 11 May 1882 (aged "56")
Died Napier, Hawkes Bay, NZ, 4 March 1887, aged "65" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FOLEY, Martha (Martha O'NEIL; Martha FOLEY; "Mrs. FOLEY")
Circus and equestrian performer
Born c. 1840; daughter of William O'NEIL and Mary ?
Married (? common law) William Henry FOLEY, ? Maitland, NSW, by c. 1859
Died Sydney, NSW, 7 April 1871, aged "31"'Neil+Foley+c1840-1871 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
1845, marriage solemnized at St. Pancras Church in the parish of St. Pancras in the county of Middlesex; register 1845-47, page 162; London Metropolitan Archives, P90/PAN1/087 (PAYWALL)
323 / [1845] Sep'r 17 / Daniel Caparn / full age / Bachelor / Broker / St. Pancras / [son of] John Caparn / Dead
Catherine Huggins / Full age / Spinster / - / St. Pancras / [daughter of] Benjamin Huggins / Gent. . . .
Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) (mid 1840s):
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (5 August 1848), 1
has REMOVED to No. 6, Liverpool-street, opposite C. T. Smith's, Esq., near the Domain Gate.
The fashions of London and Paris received monthly. Wanted an Improver and an Apprentice. August 2.
[Advertisement], The Courier (22 November 1848), 3
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I will not be liable for any debts my wife Catherine Caparn may contract after this notice.
DANIEL CAPARN. Hobart Town, November 20, 1846.
"Shipping Intelligence. HOBART TOWN", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (28 June 1849), 3
26 - Sailed the brigantine John Bull, Robinson, for New Zealand and San Francisco. Passengers . . . Mrs. Caparn . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Caparn (1812-1851) sailed from Launceston for San Francisco on the David Malcolm on 12 September 1849, and was at Trinidad in April 1850; see "DEPARTURES", Launceston Examiner (12 September 1849), 6
"DEATH", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (19 July 1851), 2
On the 6th of February, at the French Hotel, Honolulu, DANIEL CAPARN, aged about 40 years; the deceased was an Englishman. The wife of Mr. Caparn resides at San Francisco.
"DIED", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (19 July 1851), 452
On the 6th Feb., at Honolulu, Mr. Daniel Caparn. Mr. W. Jones, Watchmaker, has taken the orphan child of deceased.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Pearce Huggins, son of Catherine Huggins (no father registered), was baptised at St. Botolph's, Boston, Lincolnshire, England, on 15 June 1843; under his new guardian, he adopted the name Edward William Jones
California, USA (by 1850-51):
"Olympic Theatre - Farewell Benefit", Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (18 March 1850), 2
We would call the most particular attention of all who take the slightest interest in theatrical or equestrian entertainments, to the announcement of Mr. Rowe's farewell benefit. This event takes place this evening at the Olympic Amphitheatre, the building which Mr. Rowe himself established. Arriving at an unlucky season, when the rain king was in the ascendant, Mr. R. has had many difficulties to contend against. In the condition in which the city then was, people were delighted at the idea of there being any place of amusement opened and held out every encouragement to him. The houses were nightly filled and success seemed to be certain. The continuous rainy weather, however, effected an alteration, the houses fell off, but still the profits were sufficient to warrant him in renewing his exertions to please. A theatre was loudly called for, the people and the press favored the idea that a theatre was needed and would meet with the very best support. Mr. Rowe and his partner Mr. Long, determined, with the true American spirit, to be the first in the field and seize upon the very first available talent to meet the desires of the public. They closed their circus, built a stage, employed artisans of all kinds, engaged all the theatrical talent which was to be had and opened the theatre. Their first house was crammed and fortune seemed to smile. Sickness, disunion and many contretemps operated against them and their audiences fell off to such a degree that they were compelled to abandon the enterprise, after having spent a very large amount of money in the attempt. They have now determined to leave the city, and this week terminates their career in San Francisco. This evening Mr. Rowe makes his last appeal to his friends and the public, and offers his name for a farewell benefit. He offers all the equestrian attractions to be had. He appears himself in several of his most pleasing acts, and his graceful wife will also lend her aid . . . By way of a climax we would remark that Foley, the former clown of the Olympic has volunteered his services for this night and will appear as of old. As he was a great favorite while connected with the company we presume all the old habitues will be "a-round" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Andrew Rowe (circus proprietor)
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California (30 April 1850), 3
The subscriber having purchased the above well known establishment, and procured the best stud of California horses to be found in the country,
which he flatters himself he has in perfect training, together with a new company, of male and female equestrians, all under his immediate direction,
takes this opportunity of announcing to his friends, and the public in general,
that this establishment will be re-opened, for the first time, on Saturday, 4th May,
when he hopes to meet his old friends and patrons, whose former approbation he feels proud of and shall always endeavor to merit.
W. H. FOLEY, Manager and Proprietor.
[manicule] Musicians wanted - apply at the circus.
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California (6 November 1850), 3
W. H. FOLEY begs leave to inform the public that this Amphitheatre will be closed for fifteen days,
in order to roof the building, when he will re-open with a Dramatic Company.
Actors may find an opportunity for a winter's engagement by applying as above.
"MARRIED", Sacramento Daily Union [CA, USA] (21 June 1851), 2
On Tuesday afternoon, June 17th. by Rev. J. A. Benton, Mr. W. H. FOLEY to Mrs. CATHARINE CAPARN, all of this city.
See also, "MARRIED", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (10 September 1851), 572
[Advertisement], Sacramento Daily Union (26 June 1851), 3
has the honor of announcing to the citizens of Sacramento City, that he has engaged and refitted the above saloon,
for the purpose of exhibiting Mr. C. H. Thorne's great American Panorama of New York City,
which was brought to this country at an enormous expense by C. R. Thorne, Esq.,
which will be exhibited in this city for four nights only, commencing on MONDAY EVENING, June 23d.
as a previous engagement at San Francisco compels him to leave at that time.
Together with the above splendid Paintings, there will also be presented Songs, &c.
For particulars see bills of the day.
"THORNE'S PANORAMA OF NEW YORK CITY", Sacramento Daily Union (26 June 1851), 2
Quite a large and respectable audience attended the exhibition of this grand painting at Lee's Exchange, last evening. In addition to the Panorama, there was an exceedingly interesting entertainment got up in the way of singing and dancing. Mrs. Foley seemed to come in for a share of applause, and nearly all their efforts were encored. The company leave to-day, we understand, for Benicia. We hope they may be prospered with success, for Mr. and Mrs. Foley have passed through some very severe reverses in this country.
[Advertisement], San Joaquin Republican [CA, USA] (21 July 1852), 3
New and Splendid Philadelphia Circus will exhibit at Stockton for three days, commencing on Tuesday, July 20th, 1852 . . .
T he company consists of FORTY MEN AND HORSES and the performers, perfect masters of the equestrian profession,
consist of the following gentlemen, whose artistic talent is unsurpassed -
To give a good effect to the entertainment, a part of the PHILADELPHIA BRASS BAND have been engaged,
and will play a great variety of the latest Airs, Overtures, &c. . . .
N. B. In connection with the above, the Sable Harmonists, consisting of the most talented Artists, will perform.
W. H. FOLEY, Manager.
"From the Sandwich Islands", Sacramento Daily Union (24 February 1853), 3
On the evening of Jan. 17th, a very neat banner was presented to the 1st Hawaiian Guard, by Mrs. Foley, of the Theater in Honolulu.
"Further News from the Sandwich Islands", Sacramento Daily Union (30 November 1853), 2
. . . Theatricals appear to be well patronised at Honolulu. Joe Downey, the comedian had a tine benefit on the night of the 24th ult., and was presented with a splendid gold watch. Mrs. Foley had a benefit on the 2d, and also received the present of a gold watch. Mrs. Fiddes, an English vocalist, gave a successful concert on the 2d inst. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Tracy Downey (comedian); Harriet Fiddes (vocalist)
"SANDWICH ISLANDS", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (8 February 1854), 3
We have received, by recent arrivals, a complete file of the Polynesian, extending to 22nd of November [1853] . . .
Foley's Varieties, also, has been constructed on King-street during the summer, and is a conspicuous object in that part of the town.
It is now open for theatrical representations, and performances take place at present, three times a week . . .
Australia and New Zealand (from February 1854):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, NSW (QLD)] (11 February 1854), 2
Feb. 16. Pau, schooner, 69 tons, Ottiwell, from Honolulu, via Rotumah. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foley, Mr. C. Robinson and five children, Mrs. J. F. Downey, and three in the steerage.
"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (16 February 1854), 4
FEBRUARY 15. - Souvenir, schooner, 69 tons, Captain Whitham, from Moreton Bay 8th instant. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foley, Mrs. C. Robinson and 5 children, and Mr. Downey. Morris and Co., agents.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 March 1854), 1
MALCOM'S ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE, York-street. - Immense attraction and crowded houses. -
Fourth appearance of Mr. W. H. FOLEY, and his celebrated mare Lucy.
Mr. Foley will on this occasion exhibit his feats of strength, and in the course of performance will lift 300 lbs. by the hair of his head - a feat never attempted in the colonies.
Grand Scenes of Equitation in the Arena, Concluding with the laughable burlesque of JACK THE GIANT KILLER.
Clown, Mr. Axtelle. JOHN MALCOM, Proprietor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Axtelle (clown); John Malcom (proprietor); Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 March 1854), 1
St. Patrick's Night! St. Patrick's Night! Friday evening, March 17th, 1854, for the benefit of Miss Maria Louisa Fawcett.
Re-engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Foley, and the popular Yankee comedian, Joe Downey.
The evening's entertainment will commence with Miss M. L. Fawcett's evolutions on the tight rope;
after which, Mr. W. H. Foley's celebrated trick mare Lucy, whose wonderful performance has been the theme of universal admiration . . .
Comic duet, Mr. and Mrs. Foley . . .
The whole to conclude with (for the first time at this theatre) the laughable farce of The New Footman . . .
Bobby, the new footman, Joe Downey; Miss Sourkroop, Miss M. L. Fawcett; Polly Picnic, Mrs. W. Foley.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Louisa Fawcett (circus performer, actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 May 1854), 1
Manager, Mr. W. H. Foley; Director, Mr. J. S. Noble; Clowns, Messrs. Downey and Axtelle.
On TUESDAY EVENING, 2nd May, 1854, the evening's entertainments will commence with a Grand Star and Waltz Entree,
by eight mounted cavaliers, concluding with a Hornpipe by the Mare Lucy . . .
Part II, will commence with a Medley Dance, Miss Howard. Duet, "I never told you when," Mr. and Mrs. Foley . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Sullivan Noble (circus proprietor)
"MALCOM'S AMPHITHEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (27 May 1854), 4
The performance of Mr. and Mrs. Foley, and the clever performers under their able management, continue to uphold the well-earned popularity which the Circus has obtained . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobarton Mercury [TAS] (6 September 1854), 2
The Theatre will Open for the Season, on MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. 18, With entire New Scenery, Decorations, and Appointments . . .
The following Ladies and Gentlemen of well-known ability, have also been added to the many favourites of the old stock company:
MRS. FOLEY From the American Theatre, San Francisco . . .
Together with those old favourites MADAME CARANDINI AND MR. SEFTON PARRY,
Whose valuable services as Stage Manager and Actor he has permanently retained.
ASSOCIATIONS: Feltham Bold Watson (manager); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue); but there is no record of Catherine having actually performed in the season
"MISCELLANEOUS SHIPPING", The Hobart Town Advertiser [TAS] (7 November 1855), 2
. . . The steamer Zingari, Captain Millton, arrived in the Manukau, from the southward, on Sunday evening . . . The Zingari has brought a portion of a menagerie for exhibition; and an equestrian company, now performing at Nelson under the management of Mr. Foley, may, we are told, be speedily expected here. - New Zealander, Oct. 19.
"NEW ZEALAND (From the S. M. Herald Correspondent)", The Tasmanian Daily News [Hobart Town, TAS] (25 April 1856), 2
. . . The Otahuhu Race Meeting took place yesterday . . . A hack horse fell at the hurdle race, and broke its back. Its rider, who was Master Bird, of Foley's Circus, escaped unhurt . . . And the theatre, lately erected by Mr. Foley, after one or two eclipses, is again in full play. The building is large but badly arranged, although neat, airy, and presenting a very pretty appearance. The stage, and its appurtenances, is excellent, and with a little judgment and with small expenditure the house might be made commodious, convenient, and in every respect adequate to the dramatic requirements of Auckland. Mr. Foley, unfortunately, is not au fait in theatrical matters; and though in Mrs. Foley and Miss Glyndon he possesses actresses capable of imparting a lively interest to the general run of impersonations, he has neither the temper, the discrimination, or the judgment, to regulate a concern, which, in judicious hands would in all likelihood yield a profitable return.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Glyndon (actor);
see also a later report, "NEW ZEALAND", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (6 September 1856), 2
"MAITLAND . . . MR. FOLEY'S CIRCUS", Northern Times [Newcastle, NSW] (24 April 1858), 2
From Maitland proper during the week loud music has resounded, and at late hours there have been heard loud shouts of applause, which proceeded from a huge pavillion erected at the rear of the "Golden Fleece." On entering this pavillion on Thursday, we found an immense circus, some seventy feet in diameter, and some hundreds of people sitting around it, watching with interest the proceedings of the equestrians, dancers, contortionists, athletes, rope performers, and others who were exhibiting their agility, their grace, their strength, their nerve, and their general bodily accomplishments. Conspicuous amongst Mr. Foley's troupe stalked Mr. R. H. Osborne, the Clown of the circus . . . There are three ladies belonging to the circus - Madame Tournaire, who rides fearlessly and dances with graceful ease; Miss L. Gray, who executes a hornpipe most trippingly; and Mrs. Osborne, whose Highland fling charmed the Scotchmen present into ecstacies. Of the horses we need not speak; they are well trained, and the performances of Mr. Foley's mare "Lucy" are known over all the colonies. Attached to the circus is a numerous band under the guidance of M. Jullien, and they discourse most excellent music. During the week at Maitland the circus has been well attended, and on Tuesday evening next it will open in the paddock close to our office, when the inhabitants of the West can judge for themselves how worthy Mr. Foley and his companions are of public patronage.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert James Osborne (comedian, clown); Mr. Julien (musician, leader)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (8 July 1858), 3
First appearance of Mr. APPEL'S Celebrated BRASS BAND . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Appel (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (1 October 1859), 1
VICTORIA THEATRE. - Sole Lessee and Manager, Mr. SAMUEL COLVILLE . . .
will be thrown open ti the public for the season, commencing THIS EVENING, October 1 . . .
And will have the honor of appearing, supported by an efficient Corps Dramatique,
embraced in part by Mr. E. Holloway, Mr. R. Stewart, Mrs. Foley, her first appearance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Colville (manager); Clarance and Marie Holt (actors); Edmund Holloway (actor); Richard Stewart (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (3 October 1859), 5
. . . To-night, Mr. H. N. Warner, of whom report speaks highly, appears in "Hamlet;" supported by a Mrs. Foley as Ophelia . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Neil Warner (actor)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1859), 5
. . . Yesterday evening, the celebrated Australian tragedian, Mr. Henry Neil Warner made a most successful appearance, in the last character of Hamlet and Mrs. Foley, a pleasing light comedy actress, made her debut in the Rough Diamond.
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (10 September 1861), 6
William Henry Foley, of Raglan, equestrian performer. Debts, £117; assets, £10; deficiency, £107. Causes: From falling off in business from bad weather, and from pressure of creditors, one of whom has obtained a judgment against insolvent.
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. THRUSDAY [17 November]", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 November 1870), 8
Joel Foley, 9, was charged under the Industrial Schools Act, with having been found sleeping in the open air. The information on which the warrant issued was, this morning, made by his mother before Captain Scott. Constable Sprowle executed the warrant in the Police Office Building. Martha Foley deposed that the boy Joel is her son, that he is not yet nine years of age, and that she has no control over him, his father is a "professional", and is at Wagga Wagga; the boy runs from home, and remains out at night; on Sunday morning and again last night he was brought home by a constable, she can pay 2s. 6d. a week for his support. To be sent on board the Vernon.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joel Henry Foley, born Beaufort, VIC, 1861
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 April 1871), 1
On the 7th instant, at her residence, No. 2, Agnes-terrace, MARTHA FOLEY, equestrienne, aged 31.
"FUNERALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 April 1871), 8
THE FRIENDS of Mr. EDWARD O'NEIL are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased SISTER, Martha Foley; to move from her late residence, No. 2, Agnes-terrace, Victoria-street, Haymarket, on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 9th instant, at a quarter-past 2 o'clock. THOMAS, Undertaker, 111, York-street.
1882, marriages solemnized at the Register Office in the parish of Liverpool in the county of Lancaster [England]; certified copy seen
No. 190 / [11 May 1882 / Lowten Lowten / 49 years / Bachelor / Ale and Porter Merchant / Glen Vale Fairfield / [son of] Thomas Lowten Lowten (deceased) / Gentleman
Lucy Catherine Foley / 56 years / Widow [sic] / - / Louth Lincoln / [daughter of] Benjamin Huggins (deceased) / Gentleman . . .
"ENTERTAINMENT", Waipawa Mail [NZ] (11 March 1884), 2
To-night Mr. and Mrs. Lowten Lowten, assisted by Mr. Murdoch, give an entertainment in the Oddfellows' Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Lowten Lowten appear in the comediettas "A Morning Call" and "A Pair of Pigeons," and in a scene from "The Hunchback." Recently these performers appeared at Napier, a local paper criticising them as follows: - "In all they did Mr. and Mrs. Lowten Lowten showed themselves clever comedians . . . Mrs. Lowten is a capable comedienne, with a light voice, good stage presence, and in each character her costumes were splendid specimens of elegant taste" . . .
"Brisbane Hospital", The Telegraph [Brisbane, QLD] (7 August 1885), 4
. . . W. H. Foley, aged 60 years, admitted 5th July, died 21st July, from apoplexy . . .
"DEATH", Daily Telegraph [Napier, NZ] (4 March 1887), 2
LOWTEN. - On the 4th March, at her residence, Carlyle-street, Lucy Catherine (Kate) - the beloved wife of Lowten Lowten, aged 65 years. Liverpool (England) papers please copy . . .
"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . (No. 144) (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman [NSW] (7 December 1910), 3
The veteran, Mr. Tom King, writes: - ". . .
"Mr. W. H. Foley in the Californian Circus was ringmaster.
This Foley was the father of Kate and Johnny Foley, vaudeville performers.
Mr. W. H. Foley died in Brisbane many years back . . ."
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed"); Thomas Lemon King (circus proprietor)
"OBITUARY. Mr. John D. Foley. WELL-KNOWN CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINER", Advocate [Burnie, TAS] (22 February 1934), 2
HOBART, Wednesday. - The death occurred suddenly at Hobart last evening of Mr. John D. Foley, well-known throughout Tasmania as an entertainer of young folks, whom he gladdened with the evergreen Punch-and-Judy show, songs at the piano, and humorous turns. He was an acrobat at the age of five, and was in the show business from circus to Shakespeare, all his life. He was one of the oldest Australian actors. His father, Mr. H. W. Foley, was the owner of Foley's Californian Circus, but at the age of seven the boy was put on the stage, appearing at the old Lyceum Theatre, Sydney, and he and his sister, as two child stars, travelled the whole of Australia and New Zealand with a supporting company, playing farce, comedy and drama . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John William Driscoll Foley, the eldest surviving son of William and Martha Foley, was born at Raglan, near Beaufort, VIC, in 1860
Bibliography and resources:
William Henry Foley; Klee family history
Notes that the earliest reference to Foley's career, was as a rider in La Forest's Equestrian Circus which visited Philadelphia in 1842 (Stuart Thayer, Annals of the American circus, vol. 2)
FOLLAND, Frank (Frank FOLLAND; stage name of Augustus Noel FOLLIN)
Actor, comedian, agent, manager
Born USA, 18 July 1827
Married Caroline A. REEDER, Cincinnati, 7 September 1847
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 16 August 1855 (per Fanny Major, from San Francisco, 6 June)
Departed Newcastle, NSW, 20 May 1856 (per Jane E. Falkenburg, for San Francisco
Died at sea (drowned), near Honolulu, 18 July 1856, aged "29" (on his birthday) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (17 August 1855), 4
August 16 - Fanny Major, American barque, 226 tons, Captain Hays, from San Francisco June 6, and Navigators Islands June 17. Passengers - Madame Lola Montez, Mrs. Fiddes, Misses Fiddes (2) . . . Messrs. Folland, James Simmonds, F. Jones, Napthali, Daniels, Hardinsank [sic] . . . and 8 in the steerage. Wilkinson, Brothers, and Co., agents.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lola Montez (dancer, actor);
Harriet Fiddes (vocalist, actor);
Josephine Fiddes (actor);
James Simmonds (manager);
George Washington Daniels (actor);
Benjamin Napthali Jones (actor);
Charles Eigenschenck (musical director);
and, concerning the company, see also Folland's letter,
"CORRESPONDENCE (To the Editor of the Age)", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (17 September 1855), 6
"SHIPPING", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (23 September 1856), 4
The Star King, Captain Turner, which arrived yesterday from San Francisco after a passage of only 40 days [reports that] . . . The Jane Ann Faulkenburg, hence, arrived on 25th July. It will be recollected that Madam Lola Montes left in this ship, and it appears that a few days before she arrived at San Francisco, her agent, Mr. Folland, jumped deliberately overboard, and was drowned. The cause had not transpired . . .
"NEWCASTLE [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT] MAY 19TH, 1856", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 May 1856), 3
Madame Lola Montes arrived here yesterday morning, in the Illalong steamer, from Sydney, and immediately proceeded on board the Jane E. Falkenburg, about to sail to-morrow morning for San Francisco. A thick fog had delayed the arrival of the steamer until about nine o'clock, about which time the sun also made his appearance. Lola came on shore in the afternoon, and under a strong escort of gentlemen Yankee skippers, and fellow passengers, ascended the hill near the landmark, which commands a prospect of many broad miles across the Pacific.
"MELANCHOLY CATASTROPHE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (27 September 1856), 3
It will be in the recollection of our readers that a very excellent comedian, in the person of Mr. F. Folland, performed with Madame Lota Montez during her visits to this city. We regret much having now to record this gentleman's untimely death. Mr. Folland sailed from this colony with Madame Lola in the Jane Faulkenburg for San Francisco, and about the middle of July the vessel en route put into Honolulu for water. It appears that while at that port these visitors were invited to dinner on board a man of war lying there at that period, and it was after returning to his vessel that Folland slipped off the poop into the water, and was drowned. The vessel beating out of harbour at the time, and the night being dark, it was impossible to save him.
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA IN AMERICA (Extracted from the Boston Satusrday Evening Gazette of Sept. 6) . . . LOLA MONTEZ", The Era [London, England] (28 September 1856), 12 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Folland, an actor, who accompanied Lola Montes to Australia, was drowned on his birthday, the 18th of July last, one day's sail from Honolulu, on the return passage. The Golden Era says: "The admirers of the 'divine' Lola Montes will be pained to hear that the death of Folland, her agent, has nearly unsettled her reason. Ever since the sad event she has mourned and refused to be comforted. She says he was the first and only man she ever loved - which is quite complimentary to her two husbands - and will henceforth cast aside the foolish vanities of life and gather jewels, which rust not, and gold, which never perisheth. With this view she has disposed of the major part of her jewellery, and made extensive purchases of spiritual works. One of the best evidences that her anguish is real is that she no longer uses narcotics and stimulants. She has lost her taste for cigaritos and cobblers. - May she recover, and live to break a thousand hearts."
"MADAM LOLO MONTEZ", Sacramento Daily Union [CA, USA] (3 September 1856), 1
This strange, erratic woman, however much we may condemn her faults, has some noble traits, and if her tongue is sometimes too free with words out of place, yet all must admit that Lola's heart is big with noble instincts, and that her hand is not slow to its promptings. As an evidence of this, we learn, that she intends to dispose of her entire magnificent collection of diamonds, valued at from $15,000 to $20,000 by competent judges, for the benefit of the two orphan children, left by the sudden death of their father, Mr. Folland, who slipped from the side of the vessel into the sea, on the voyage from Australia to this port; Mr. F. was the agent of Lola, and was at the time of the unfortunate accident, accompanying her back from Australia. The sale will be made at auction, by Messrs. Duncan & Co., so as to afford all who may wish to do so, an opportunity to aid the helpless and the friendless.
[News], Nevada Journal [USA] (28 November 1856), 2
Lola Montez left on the steamer of the 20th for New York. The object if her visit East is to provide for the care and education of the orphan children of Mr. Folland, her former agent, drowned on the passage from Austraia to California.
Bibliography and resources:
Augustus Noel Follin (Frank Folland), Find a grave
Musician, professor of the flute, flute player, flautist
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1856 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (13 February 1856), 1
M. FOOTE, Professor of the Flute, on Nicholson's principle, will give instructions on very moderate terms.
Reference to be made from nine to eleven and three to five (this week), to the Queen's Arcade Office.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nicholson (English flute player)
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 March 1856), 10
TILKES CITY HOTEL. Bourke street.
A GRAND SELECTION Of Vocal and Instrumental Music, (Solo and Concerted)
Will be given Every Evening in the New Splendid Music Saloon of the above Hotel by an efficient company.
The following artistes will have the honor of appearing -
VOCALISTS: Mr. J. W. Morgan, the eminent basso; Madame D. Butler, the celebrated soprano; Mr. Frank Martin, tenor.
INSTRUMENTALISTS - Violin, Mr. Clifford; Flute, Mr. Foote; Harp, Mr. J. Young; Concertina, Mr. George Clifford; Pianoforte, Mr. E. J. Piper.
Commence at Eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: J. W. Morgan (vocalist); Emily Butler (vocalist); Frank Martin (vocalist); Jacob Young (harp); George Clifford (concertina); Edward John Piper (pianist); Tilke's City Hotel (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 April 1856), 8
TILKES CITY HOTEL . . . Flute - Mr. Foote . . .
"THE LATE POISONING CASE", The Age (1 May 1856), 2
We are informed upon good authority that Mr. Tilke, the proprietor of the Hotel and Dining Rooms which have been rendered so unhappily notorious during the last few days, intends shortly to give a grand vocal and instrumental Concert, for the benefit of the sufferers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Tilke; see, "POISONOUS PEA-SOUP. EIGHT PERSONS POISONED", The Argus (26 April 1856), 5
[Advertisement], The Age (7 May 1856), 1
GRAND CONCERT, Under the Patronage of the Right Worshipful the Mayor.
A GRAND CONCERT will be held This evening, at Eight o'clock, at the City Hotel, on behalf of the necessitous sufferers by the late melancholy occurrence at that establishment.
The Committee are glad to announce that they have been promised the services of Mr. H. Johnson, and several members of the Band of the Fortieth Regiment.
PROGRAMME. Part 1st . . . Duett - Pianoforte and Flute - Messrs. Piper and Foote - Donizetti . . .
Part 2nd . . . Solo - Flute - Mr. Foote . . .
"CONCERT AT THE CITY HOTEL", The Age (8 May 1856), 3
On Wednesday evening a concert which had been originated for the benefit of necessitous sufferers by the late unfortunate occurrence at this establishment, was held in the concert-hall of the hotel. The audience, which was numerous, and included a considerable number of ladies, certainly had the gratification of listening to one of the most pleasing concerts of miscellaneous music which have lately taken place in the city. The concert was got up by a committee of gentlemen, who took upon them the responsibility of providing a good entertainment, and of examining into the merits of such claims for assistance as might be preferred. The entertainment itself was the free offering of the artistes connected with the music-hall, and of several gentlemen, professional and amateur, who generously proffered their services . . . Mr. Foote's tasteful flute-playing, and Mr. Piper's pianoforte accompaniments, were also the theme of general admiration. An excellent band played at intervals throughout the evening . . .
FORD, Mr. (Mr. FORD)
Musician, pianist, manager
Active Sydney, NSW, 1856 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (27 September 1856), 1
CROWN and KETTLE, York-street. - A Select CONCERT Every Evening, supported by Messrs. Smith, Braddon, and Campbell. Pianist, Mr. Ford, Admission free.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 October 1856), 8
CONCERT! CROWN and KETTLE, corner of Barrack and York streets. Admission free.
If you wish to spend a pleasant evening, drop in as above, and hear some of the best Comic and Sentimental Singers in Sydney.
Manager and pianist, Mr. Ford; assisted by Messrs. Smith, Braddon, Campbell, C. Johnson, Conran, &c., &c.
Mr. Campbell (vocalist);
Crown and Kettle (Sydney venue);
Music on licensed premises (general); see also,
"OLD SYDNEY . . . 'Free and Easy' at the 'Crown and Kettle' . . . (BY 'OLD CHUM')", Truth [Perth, WA] (1 January 1910), 12
. . . Amongst the buyers in the neighborhood of York-street was Mr. J. K. Heydon, who built and extensive store on the corner of Barrack-street, opposite where stood the Crown and Kettle (in which, an old friend informs me, was a large concert-room, where "free and easy's" were carried on) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Old Chun"); Free and easy (general)
FORD, A. F. (Mr. A. F. FORD; Mr. A. FORD; Mr. FORD)
Comic vocalist, agent
Active Sydney, NSW, 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (2 September 1853), 5
ROYAL HOTEL. MR. SINCLAIR has the honor to announce that he intends giving a
Vocal and Instrumental Concert, at the above Hotel,
on THURSDAY, September 8th, when he will be assisted by the following artistes:
Mrs. St. John Adcock, Miss Flora Harris, Mr. Roby, Mr. Ford, and Herr Hoffman.
A. F. FORD, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Sinclair (vocalist);
Flora Harris (vocalist);
Mr. Roby (vocalist);
Marianne Adcock (vocalist);
the concert was postponed to 12 September, and Adcock and Hoffman (otherwise unidentified) did not appear in the final advertisement
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 September 1853), 1
ROYAL HOTEL. GRAND CONCERT. THIS EVENING, Monday, September 12th, 1853.
Miss Flora Harris, Mr. Sinclair (from the London and Provincial Theatres, his first appearance in this colony,)
Mr. John Howson, Mr. Roby, Mr. A. Ford, and Mr. Ferdinand Rosenstein, the celebrated Pianist.
MR. SINCLAIR begs to inform the public that his concert, which was postponed on Thursday Evening,
in consequence of an accident in the family of Mrs. St. John Adcock, will positively take place THIS EVENING,
when he hopes to meet with the same support so generously afforded him on that occasion.
Programme: - PART I:
Overture - Mr. Ferdinand Rosenstein
Ballad - The Voice that bids us Welcome
Home - Wrighton, - Mr. John Howson.
Ballad - In Happy Moments - Wallace - Mr. Roby
Ballad - There is a Flower that Bloometh - Wallace - Mr. Sinclair.
Ballad - Phoebe Morel - Miss Flora Harris.
Grand Scena - All is Lost Now - Bellini - Mr. John Howson.
Duet - Gently Sighs the Breeze - Miss Flora Harris and Mr. John Howson.
Overture - Mr. Ferdinand Rosenstein.
Ballad - I Must Depart from Thee - Glover - Mr. Sinclair, first time in this colony.
Pestal - Mr. Roby.
Ballad - When we Recall the Happy Scenes - Balfe - Mr. John Howson.
Ballad - When I left my Norman Valleys - Meyerbeer - Miss Flora Harris.
Comic Song - Mr. Ford.
Recitative and Air - Death of Nelson - Braham - Mr. Sinclair.
Duet - What are the Wild Waves Saying - Miss Flora Harris and Mr. John Howson.
Tickets for front seats only, to be had at the Royal Hotel, and all principal music sellers.
Admission - Front seats, 4s.; back seats, 3s. Commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Rosenstein (pianist); John Howson (vocalist)
FORD, Caroline (Caroline FORD; Miss FORD)
Amateur vocalist, chorus singer
Born Bristol, England, 1830; baptised SS. Philip and Jacob, Bristol, 17 January 1830; daughter of Thomas FORD (d. VIC, 1883) and Elizabeth CARRIER (d. VIC, 1878)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 17 July 1855 (per White Star, from Liverpool, 20 April)
Died Ivanhoe, VIC, 22 September 1900, aged "80/81" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FORD, Thomas (Thomas FORD; Mr. T. FORD; MR. FORD)
Musician, professor of music, tenor (alto) vocalist, pianist, organist, choral conductor, government singing master, singing class instructor
Born Bristol, England, 9 September 1831; baptised SS. Philip and Jacob, Bristol, 20 November 1831; son of Thomas FORD (d. VIC, 1883) and Elizabeth CARRIER (d. VIC, 1878)
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1860
Died Ivanhoe, VIC, 19 June 1921, aged "89" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FORD, Alfred (Alfred FORD; Mr. A. FORD)
Amateur musician, tenor vocalist, notary public
Born Bristol, England, 1840; son of Thomas FORD (d. VIC, 1883) and Elizabeth CARRIER (d. VIC, 1878)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 17 July 1855 (per White Star, from Liverpool, 20 April)
Married Margaret Longmore Adam LAWRENCE (d. 1926), Melbourne, VIC, 7 January 1880
Died Ivanhoe, VIC, 31 August 1921, aged "80/81" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Sts. Philip & Jacob in the county Bristol in the year 1830; bishop's transcripts, p. 110; Bristol Archives, Ep/V/4/42 (PAYWALL)
No. 873 / 1830 17th of Jan'y / Caroline Daughter of / Thomas [and] Elisabeth [sic] / Ford / St. Philip / Porter . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Her parents Thomas Ford (d. VIC, 1883) and Elizabeth Carrier (d. VIC, 1878) had married at Temple church, Bristol, on 1 February 1829
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Sts. Philip & Jacob in the county Bristol in the year 1831; bishop's transcripts, p. 100; Bristol Archives, Ep/V/4/42 (PAYWALL)
No. 878 / 20th of Nov'r [1831] / Thomas son of / Thomas [and] Elizabeth / Ford / St. Philip's / Porter . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, St. Philip and St. Jacob, Bristol; UK National Archives, HO107/378/9/20/10/15 (PAYWALL)
Mary Le-port place / Thomas Ford / 35 / Woolen Draper
Elizabeth / 36 // Caroline / 11 // Thomas / 9 // Lydia / 4 // Alfred / 8 months [all born in county]
ASSOCIATIONS: Lydia (mar. Thomas Morant, 1858; died VIC, 1916)
Names and descriptions of passengers per White Star, from Liverpool, 20 April 1855, for Melbourne, 17 July 1855; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Tho's Ford / 48 / Lab. // Elizabeth / 48 / Wife //
Caroline / 25 / Daur. // Lydia / 17 / Alfred / 13
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (9 May 1860), 8
Will be performed on THURSDAY NEXT At the George-street Chapel, Fitzroy.
Principal Vocalists: MISS OCTAVIA HAMILTON, Mr. Beaumont, Mr. S. Angus, Mr. Juniper.
Conductor - Mr. G. Pringle. Principal Violin - Mr. A. J. Leslie.
Reserved Seats, 3s.; Unreserved, 2s.; Gallery 1s.
MUSICAL UNION, Fitzroy. - GRAND CHORAL REHEARSAL THIS EVENING, in National Hall, King-William-street, Brunswick-street.
MUSICAL UNION. - FULL CHORAL REHEARSAL THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock, in the National Hall, King-William-street, Brunswick-street, Fitzroy.
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist);
Armes Beaumont (vocalist);
Silvanus Angus (vocalist);
William Juniper (vocalist);
George Robert Grant Pringle (conductor);
Alexander J. Leslie (violin);
Musical Union (association);
for a review of the concert, see "THE MUSICAL UNION", The Age (11 May 1860), 5
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 May 1860), 8
ORPHEUS UNION - REHEARSAL THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock Thos. Ford, Hon Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: Orpheus Union (association)
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 September 1860), 8
In connection with the LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY,
ASSOCIATIONS: Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
"THE MILITARY CONCERT ON SATURDAY NEXT. To the Editor of . . .", The Herald (18 January 1861), 5
. . . on Saturday next . . . a Military Concert is to be given in aid of the funds of the Benevolent Asylum,
from three to six o'clock, in the Botanic Gardens . . .
THOS. FORD. Richmond, 16th January, 1861.
ASSOCIATIONS: Botanic Gardens (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 February 1861), 8
[News], The Argus (13 June 1861), 5
The Orpheus Union, who have hitherto been content with taking part in occasional concerts in which they have, however, been most warmly appreciated, gave, last evening, the first of a series of musical entertainments, in the Mechanics' Institute. The hall was well filled, as the prices were fully equal to those charged for first-class concerts, the society may congratulate themselves on the interest displayed by public in their initiatory effort. The programme consisted almost entirely of part songs, from Mendelssohn, a couple of instrumental trios, a quartet and chorus from Beethoven, and hunting chorus from Weber's "Euryanthe" . . . Misses Griffiths, Mortley, and Beaumont, were quite successful in Henry Smart's pretty trio, "Rest thee on this mossy pillow" and Mrs. Fox, Master Cooke, and Messrs. A. Ford and Angus won equally so in Pohlenz's part song "The swallows" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Griffiths (vocalist, later Mrs. Perraton); Sarah Mortley (vocalist); John James Cook (vocalist); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 July 1861), 8
MUSICAL UNION - REHEARSAL THIS EVENING. Band at 7, Mozart's Symphony in D. Chorus at 8, Mendelsohn's St. Paul. THOMAS FORD, Hon. Sec.
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 October 1861), 8
MUSICAL UNION.- The MESSIAH will be REHEARSED on Thursday, at 8 precisely, for concert to be given at the Theatre Royal,
in connection with Lyster's Grand Opera Company.
Band at 7. Mozart's Symphony in D. THOMAS FORD. Hon. Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lyster Opera Company (troupe); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
[News], The Argus (12 September 1862), 4
A grand concert is to take place this (Friday) evening, in St. Peter's school-room, Eastern-hill, at eight o'clock, when a selection of sacred music will be performed by the choir of the church; and, considering that the same is entirely new in Victoria, a great treat may be expected. The principal performers viill be Miss Octavia Hamilton, Miss Mortly, Miss Young, Mr. A. E. Beaumont, Mr. T. Ford, Mr. A. Ford, Master John Cook, Mr. S. Moxon, Mr. T. H. Davis, assisted by Mr. G. R. Pringle, the organist.
ASSOCIATIONS: Septimus Moxon (vocalist); Thomas Holme Davis (vocalist, see also October 1864 below); St. Peter's church (Melbourne)
[News], The Argus (18 September 1862), 5
The members of the Orpheus Union gave the first concert of their second season at the Mechanics' Institution, Melbourne, last night, and it passed off with great eclat. The society was established for the purpose of cultivating a taste for part-singing, and the programme comprised a selection of part songs and madrigals by Mendelssohn, Hiller, Kücken, Hartel, and other composers. Though the strength of the performers was not numerically large, there being only about twenty, the voices were evenly balanced, and were quite sufficient for the dimensions of the room . . . Some of the selections were encored, including "The Wreath," a madrigal by Jules Benedict, and "Tears of Anguish," a canzonetta by Reichardt, which was one of the gems of the evening. The solo part in the canzonetta was taken by Mr. S. Angus, and in some of the other pieces solos were sustained by Miss Mortley, Mr. E. A. Beaumont, Mr. Ford, Mr. Amery, Mr. Adams, Mr. Davis, and Master Cook . . . We must not omit to mention that Mr. S. Kaye, to whom a large portion of the credit for the successful manner in which the vocalists acquitted themselves belongs, officiated as the conductor of the concert, and performed his onerous duties very satisfactorily.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Amery (vocalist); Samuel Kaye (conductor)
"THE ORPHEUS UNION. SECOND CONCERT", The Herald (6 November 1862), 5
The members of the Orpheus Union gave their second concert of the season, last night, at the Town Hall, Prahran. The audience was numerous and fashionable . . . Beethoven's vesper hymn was meritoriously rendered by Miss Mortley, the Messrs. Ford and Mr. Angus, assisted by the choir, who sang with praiseworthy evenness . . . Kucken's famous part song, "The Young Musicians," was excellently rendered, Mr. Ford, whose voice has much improved since we last heard him, especially distinguishing himself in the tenor solo . . . A part song, "How can the birds help singing," and "A Soldier's Love," in which Mr. Ford was assisted by the chorus with a correctness, evidently the result of careful rehearsals and careful study . . . It is due to the conductor, Mr. S. Kaye, and the members of the Musical Union to add in conclusion, that there is a marked improvement observable in their performance last night compared with previous concerts given by that body . . . The proceeds of the concert will be devoted to the purchase of a harmonium for All Saints Church, Prahran.
ASSOCIATIONS: Prahran Town Hall (venue)
"TOWN TALK", The Herald (23 December 1862), 5
Last evening a conversazione and concert was given in the Trades' Hall, Sandridge, in aid of the funds of Trinity Church. There was a large and respectable attendance, T. Swallow, Esq., presiding. The musical portion of the entertainment comprised a selection of sacred and secular pieces, sustained by Miss Octavia Hamilton, Miss Liddle, Master A. Ford [sic] and Mr. Brown, Mr. P. C. Plaisted presiding at the pianoforte. In the sacred selections, the pieces most favourably received were the air from the "Elijah," "Rest in the Lord," by Mr. A. Ford, and the trio, "Lift thine eyes," from the same oratorio, by Miss Hamilton, Miss Liddle, and Mr. Ford. During the evening readings from "David Copperfield" were given by Mr. James Smith . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Charles Plaisted (piano); Maggie Liddle (vocalist); James Smith (reader)
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (7 April 1863), 4
The Easter Soiree and Ball of the Musical Union, was held last night at Hockin's Assembly Rooms . . . The first part of the evening was occupied with musical selections, and a number of part songs and solos were very nicely sung. The ladies who distinguished themselves in the latter class, were Miss O. Hamilton, Miss Mortley, Miss Ford, and Miss James, Mr. G. R. G. Pringle wielded the baton, and some of the concerted pieces proved very effective . . . During the evening the company had an opportunity of examining a variety of specimens of the fine arts, most of which were lent by Mr. T. Ford for the purpose . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie James (vocalist); Hockin's Rooms (Melbourne venue)
"ELIJAH", The Age (4 April 1863), 5
The performance of the oratorio of "Elijah," at the Theatre Royal last evening, attracted an overflowing house. Long before the doors were opened the entrance to the theatre was crowded, and, when admittance was given, the vacant seats were few and far between . . . After the announcements that have appeared it is hardly necessary to say that the performance was by the Musical Union, in conjunction with Mr. Farquharson, the band and chorus numbering between 150 and 200 performers. Mr. Farquharson, as might be expected, sang the music of Elijah, Miss Octavia Hamilton was soprano, Mr. A. Ford tenor, and Miss Mortley and Miss Beaumont took the other prominent parts. The first part of the performance noticeable was the air, by Mr. Ford, "If with all your hearts you truly seek me," which was very well rendered. This gentleman has a good and well trained voice for an amateur, although rather deficient in strength . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Mary Sophia Beaumont (vocalist, later Mrs. Schaw, as see below)
[News], The Argus (14 December 1863), 5
An open-air concert was given on Saturday afternoon, in the Botanic Gardens, in aid of the Melbourne Orphan Asylum. The following artist kindly volunteered their services: - Vocalists - Madame Carandini, Miss Octavia Hamilton, Miss Mortley, Miss M. Liddle, Mr. Walter Sherwin, Mr. Alfred Ford, and Mr. Amery; solo oboe, Herr Schott; pianist and musical director, Mr. C. E. Horsley. The new military brass band recently organised by Mr. Siede was also engaged, and made its first public appearance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); James Arthur Schott (oboe); Charles Edward Horsley (piano, director); Julius Siede (master); Head-Quarters Band (volunteer forces)
"IMPORTANT TO MUSICIANS", Leader (29 October 1864), 4
A case of considerable importance to musical associations was decided by his Honor Judge Pohlman, in the county court, on Thursday. Mr. C. H. Compton, the well-known musician, and lately conductor of the Melbourne Orpheus Union, sued Mr. T. H. Davis, the secretary of that association, for the sum of £150, damages for wrongful dismissal from its service . . . Mr. Thomas Ford stated that he was the hon. secretary of the Orpheus Union at the date of the appointment of the plaintiff as conductor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Compton (musician)
Teacher record, Thomas Ford, singing master, from 1 November 1864; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITSED)
Ford, Thomas / Born 9 Sep. 1831 / Singing Master 23 Feb. '65
[1 November 1864] Singing Master II Class License
[2 April 1874] Certified Teacher of Singing . . .
Order in Council for the promotion of Thomas Ford to the position of Senior Teacher of Singing . . . from 1st July 1888 . . .
[Advertisement], Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser [VIC] (5 July 1865), 3
GREAT ATTRACTION. Positively for One Night only.
On Wednesday, the 6th July, MR. SCHOTT and Company will give
On which occasion the following celebrated Artistes will appear -
Miss Octavia Hamilton,
MR. J. H. SUTCLIFFE, The celebrated Baritone,
MR. ALFRED FORD, Principal Tenor to the Orpheus Society,
MR. THOMAS FORD, Principal Alto to the Orpheus Society,
INSTRUMENTALISTS: Mr. J. SCHOTT, Oboe and Pianoforte.
MR. ERNEST KING, Principal Violin, and Pupil of Herr Strebinger . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John H. Sutcliffe (vocalist); Ernest King (violinist); Frederick Strebinger (violinist, teacher); Golden Age Concert Hall (Maryborough venue)
[News], Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (5 July 1865), 2
A select but not very numerous audience assembled at the Golden Age Hall, on Wednesday evening, on the occasion of a vocal and instrumental concert by a very talented company, consisting of Miss Octavia Hamilton, and Messrs. Ford, King, Sutcliffe, and Schott. The concert opened with selections from Verdi's "Il Trovatore," admirably rendered by Mr. Schott and Mr. Ernest King, pianoforte and violin. Messrs. A. Ford and Sutcliffe sang a very pleasing duet, after which Miss Hamilton delighted the audience with Hatton's charming ballad, "Good-bye, Sweetheart, good-bye" . . . The "Frog Cantata" by the company, both musical and amusing, and was loudly applauded. The second part of the entertainment was of the same pleasing character; it included the song "Good Night Beloved," by Mr. A Ford, a sweet tenor, the "Gipsies Laughing Trio," and another extraordinary oboe performance by Mr. Schott. The concert was decidedly the best we have heard in Maryborough for a long time, and was worthy of a better attendance.
"THE EASTER HOLIDAYS. GOOD FRIDAY . . . THE ORPHEUS UNION CONCERT", The Australian News for Home Readers (25 April 1866), 10
The second annual sacred concert of the Orpheus Union was given at the Theatre Royal in the evening. As might have been expected, the house was well filled in every part. The principal vocalists were Miss Watson, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Perryman, Miss Liddle, Mr. A. Ford and Mr. Angus. Every justice was done to Mozart's grand mass, No. 12, which of itself formed the first part of the programme. A miscellaneous selection from the oratorios and sacred compositions of Handel, Haydn, Mendelssohn, and C. E. Horsley followed . . . The trio "How Amiable are thy Tabernacles" was very well sung by Miss Liddle, Miss Watson, and Mr. A. Ford . . . Mr. C. E. Horsley acted as conductor; and Mr. David Lee presided at the organ.
ASSOCIATIONS: Bertha Watson (vocalist); Sarah Hannah Fox (vocalist); David Lee (organ)
[News], The Argus (15 August 1866), 5
A very successful concert, in aid of the fund for painting St. Mary's Schools, was given last night at Hotham, by the church choir, who were assisted by Mrs. Perraton and several other amateurs . . . Messrs. A. Ford, Beaumont, Lawrence, and Downes all rendered good service. Mr. T. Ford acted as pianist, and the duties of conductor were ably discharged by Mr. H. Hayward, the organist of St. Mary's.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Woodland Hayward (organist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 March 1867), 8
MR. THOMAS FORD, professor of music and teacher of singing,
having recovered from his late Illness, will RESUME TEACHING on and after Monday, 26th inst.
Professional communications to care of Mr. W. H. Glen, music seller, Collins-street, Melbourne.
"GENERAL NEWS", The Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (1 June 1867), 3
Mr. Thomas Ford has been unanimously elected conductor of the Orpheus Union in the place of Mr. C. E. Horsley.
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 July 1867), 8
MR. PRINGLE'S SINGING CLASSES, Mechanics' Institution.
Mr. THOMAS FORD, conductor of the Orpheus Union and professor of singing at Wesley College,
having arranged with Mr. Pringle for continuing the above classes,
respectfully invites the attendance of the members and other ladies and gentlemen desirous of joining,
at the Mechanics' Institution, on Wednesday evening, at half past 7 o'clock, when Mr. Pringle will introduce Mr. Ford to the members.
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 October 1867), 8
MR. THOMAS FORD'S SINGING CLASSES, Mechanics' Institution,
Wednesday Evenings-Elementary, half-past 7; Advanced Class, half-past 8 o'clock.
A Concert, consisting of glees, songs, part songs, and madrigals, will be given by the members on Wednesday evening, October 9 . . .
"THE ORPHEUS UNION CONCERT", The Argus (15 October 1867), 7
After a long and unexplained silence, the Orpheus Union gave last night the third concert of the season, leaving on the minds of the audience at its conclusion a sentiment of thankfulness that this excellent little society still remains intact. Were there a dissolution, it would be greatly missed, for it has a sphere of large usefulness to occupy, not only in nourishing a love of part-singing, which is apt to be too much neglected in favour of more pretentious displays, but in supplying a want only partially met by the "philharmonic" associations of the metropolis. We may then sincerely congratulate the Union upon its re-appearance, and hope that, under the able conductorship of Mr. T. Ford, its future career will increase its credit.
"RECEPTION OF THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH", The Argus (21 November 1867), 5
. . . The children of the Emerald-hill schools, numbering upwards of two thousand, assembled on the magnificent platform prepared for them on Friday afternoon last, and rehearsed the National Anthem, under the conductorship of Mr. Thomas Ford. The children sang with much spirit and great precision of time. Mr. Ford has announced two other grand rehearsals for this afternoon and tomorrow, in order that every success may attend the demonstration . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (royal visitor)
"CARLTON HOUSE SCHOOL, ST. KILDA", The Age (20 December 1867), 5
The examination of the pupils attending this school came off on Wednesday evening, and was a marked success . . . Songs, under the conductorship of Mr. Thomas Ford, the singing-master, diversified the proceedings . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 January 1868), 8
MR. THOMAS FORD'S SINGING CLASSES, Mechanics' Institution, Melbourne. -
Members are respectfully requested to attend on Wednesday evening next, January 15, 1868.
Elementary class, half-past 7; advanced class, half-past 8 o'clock precisely.
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Argus (25 November 1868), 5
Last night the Philharmonic Society gave their fourth subscription concert of the season in St. George's-hall . . . The subject of the concert was Handel's "Samson," a work which has not been performed, as far as we remember, by this society, since the year 1855; and then it was not given in its integrity . . . The band was small, and deficient in strings as usual; otherwise it was effective, under the leadership of Mr. E. King. Mr. Lee appeared to combine in himself the two offices of conductor and organist; for he not only accompanied such of the recitatives as were not intended for the orchestra, but he frequently employed the harmonium (conveniently placed before his rostrum) to some extent as a ripieno instrument in several of the airs and choruses. We say, to some extent, because he played with his left hand only, his right being occupied with the baton . . . Mr. Alfred Ford sustained the part of Samson exceedingly creditably. He wants power, however, and sometimes he is disposed to indulge in what may be called a "fusion" of notes; the very opposite of that articulation which is so necessary for the production of a good effect. His great song, "Total eclipse," was sung correctly, but entirely without feeling. His voice is too small for such an air as "Why does the God of Israel sleep?" The vocal exercise part, as one may call it, of this song was too much for him; but this may attributed to its having been taken too fast . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward King (leader, violin); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); St. George's Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Herald (17 July 1869), 3
On TUESDAY EVENING, 20th JULY . . . A PUBLIC MEETING Will be held in the Church . . .
A SELECTION OF SACRED MUSIC Will be performed by the following ladies and gentlemen: -
Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Trowell, Mrs. Schaw, Master King, Mr. Beaumont, Mr. Vines, Mr. Downes,
Miss Watson, Miss Cole, Miss Bassett, Mr. A. Ford, Mr. Madden, Mr. Trowell, Mr. King,
Miss Ford, Miss Budden, Miss King, Mr. Exon, Mr. Juniper, Mr. Raymemt, and Mr. Danks, assisted by the church choir.
Mr. G. R. G. Pringle will preside at the organ.
Conductor, Mr. Thomas Ford . . .
[News], The Argus (21 July 1869), 5
A tea-meeting was held last evening on the occasion of the opening of the new organ, which has been built by Mr. Fincham, of Richmond, for the Emerald-hill Wesleyan congregation . . . After tea, a concert of sacred music was given in the church. The building, which has sittings for nearly a thousand persons, was well filled, and the admission fees, together with the collection made during the evening, must have afforded a handsome sum towards reducing the debt existing on the organ . . . Among the singers present were Mesdames Fox and Schaw, and Messrs. Exon, Madden, and A. Ford . . . The chorus, which was composed of the church choir, supplemented by a few extra voices, did the work allotted to it with praiseworthy vigour and unison, and showed that a great deal of preparatory training and rehearsal had been undertaken by its conductor, Mr. Thos. Ford.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Fincham (organ builder)
"THE WESLEYAN CHURCH, EMERALD HILL", Record [Emerald Hill, VIC] (22 July 1869), 3
. . . At the close of the concert, a vote of thanks was accorded to . . . Mr. Pringle, Mr. Thos. Ford (the future organist of the church) and the various ladies and gentlemen who so kindly gave their valuable assistance on that occasion.
"HORSLEY AND KENDALL BENEFIT CONCERT", The Argus (29 August 1870), 7
It is likely that the evening of Saturday, the 27th August,
will be long remembered as the occasion on which the largest number of paying people ever assembled together in this city for the purpose of listening to a musical entertainment . . .
On Mr. Horsley presenting himself at the conductor's desk he was greeted with great cheering.
Previously to the commencement of the concert an interesting ceremony took place,
in the presentation of a very elegant baton of silver, ornamented with gold leaves,
on which were inscribed the names of the principal works of the composer, "Euterpe" being the last.
As the presentation and reply were carried on in dumb-show-in consequence of the overpowering murmur of the audience
we reproduce them here for the benefit of such readers as are interested. The address was read by Mr. Thomas Ford, a member of the committee . . .
The cantata "Euterpe," as a composition, was noticed by us at length on its first production,
a few weeks since, so that we need on this occasion do little more than comment on the manner of its performance . . .
The leading voices engaged in the production of the cantata were those of Madame Simonsen,
Miss Lucy Chambers, Mr. Beaumont, Mr. A. Ford, and Mr. E. Amery.
The No. 2 quartette and chorus, "When in her sacred fanes," was a failure, Mr. A. Ford omitting to put in an appearance in consequence,
we were told, of being unable to extricate himself in time from the crowd by which he was surrounded, it was, however, performed in a manner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Kendall (librettist); Lucy Chambers (vocalist); Melbourne Town Hall (venue)
"THE TOWN HALL CONCERT", The Age (29 August 1870), 3
. . . Mr. T. Ford, in the first place, came forward, and amid a good deal of uproar and some counter demonstrations from one particular part of the hall,
read the address, which was as follows: -
Melbourne, 27th August, 1870. - To Charles Edward Horsley, Esq., &c, &c. -
Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned members of the committee appointed there for,
have much pleasure in requesting your acceptance of the accompanying baton, subscribed for jointly by the ladies of the Melbourne Exhibition Chorus, in 1867,
and by the choral members of the Horsley and Kendall grand complimentary concert . . .
We are, dear sir, most faithfully yours,
Ellen King, Caroline Ford, Mary Hoskins, S. Jenny Fischer,
Alfred Ford, Thomas Ewart, E. V. Llewelyn, Jos. Brownhill, V. W. Wenborn, H. A. Henderson,
Thomas Ford (treasurer, &c.), Edward Wild (chairman), David Gaunson (hon. secretary) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jenny Fischer (member); Thomas Ewart (member)
"PUBLIC SCHOOLS UNITED SPEECH DAY", The Herald (19 December 1870), 3
The new town-hall, at two o'clock this afternoon, presented a scene of the most animated description . . . the occasion of the brilliant gathering being the speech-day of the three following scholastic institutions, - the Scotch and Wesley Colleges and the Grammar School . . . The proceedings were commenced by the pupils singing a hymn to the tune "Nun Danket Alle Gott," and accompanied by the organ . . . Mr. H. King presided at the organ, and Mr. Ford, singing-master of the Scotch College, acted as conductor of the musical portion of the proceedings . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry John King senior (organ)
[News], The Argus (13 September 1872), 5
The opening of the new organ at the Wesleyan Church, Emerald-hill, took place on Wednesday night, before a numerous assemblage . . . There was a chorus of about 35 voices, mostly of a good stamp. Their contributions, together with various duets, trios, and quartetts by the leading voices, made up the rest of a very respectable concert of sacred music. Mr. Thomas Ford was the conductor.
"SINGING IN STATE SCHOOLS", The Age (12 April 1878), 3
. . . There appears to be a general agreement that the tonic numeral system should be the system adopted in State schools,
and the remarks made by Messrs. Bonwick, Allan, and Ford on this point are so forcible that we reproduce their report on that head,
together with observations made by them regarding work done and mode of payment: -
There can be no doubt but that in our schools only one system of teaching vocal music should be tolerated.
The importance of this was some years ago acknowledged, when it was ordered that the tonic numeral system only should be used.
But of late a diversity of practice has gradually crept in, and the desired uniformity lost.
And with respect to systems, there are in reality only two, that of Mr. Hullah being virtually abandoned by himself.
These are the tonic sol-fa and the tonic numeral systems;
and of these two we are decidedly of opinion that a far greater result can be produced in a given time with the numeral than with the sol-fa system.
And the reason for this is self-evident.
The sol-fa are mere arbitrary syllables, having no necessary or natural connection with what they are intended to represent . . .
Now, with the numeral system some of these difficulties are altogether avoided, and others reduced to a minimum . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Bonwick (singing master); John Harward Allen (singing master); Tonic sol fa system (general)
[News], The Argus (8 May 1878), 5
The members of the South Melbourne Glee and Madrigal Society, under their conductor, Mr. Thomas Ford, gave their third concert and social evening last night in the Masonic-hall, Ferrars-street, Emerald-hill . . .
"Marriages", The Argus (17 January 1880), 1
FORD - LAWRENCE. - On the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Adam Cairns, D.D., Alfred Ford, youngest son of Thomas Ford, Esq., of Albert-park, to Maggie Longmore Adam only daughter of James Lawrence, Esq., of Melbourne.
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 February 1880), 8
Open Daily from 11 a.m. to 5.30, and from 7.30 to 10 p.m.
GRAND PART SONG CONCERTS, By the State School Scholars of the Emerald-hill, Sandridge, and South Yarra districts. 350 Voices.
Conductor, Mr. Thomas Ford.
1. Part Song, "Winter School Song" - Hullah.
2. Part Song, "The Mill Wheel" - German.
3. Part Song, "Come to the Hills Away" - A. Hume.
4. Part Song, "The Lurly" - German.
5. Part Song, "Float Away" - German.
6. Part Song, "Farewell" - German.
7. Part Song, "The Village Chorister" - J. Moschelles.
Interval of Five Minutes
8. Chorus, "Victorian National Anthem" - J. Summers.
9. Part Song, "The Plough Boy" - Hullah.
10. Round, "The Clock" - Anon.
11. Part Song, "Christmas" - Murley.
12. Part Song, "Good Night" - Anon.
God Save the Queen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Summers (composer)
"MELBOURNE NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (28 June 1892), 3
The following officers and teachers in the Education Department nave been notified that they must retire on June 30th, in consequence of having passed the statutory age [of 60 years] . . . Thos. Ford, singing master; Henri W. Rixton, singing master . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henri W. Ruxton [sic] (singing master)
"DEATHS", The Age (24 September 1900), 1
FORD. - On the 22nd September, at Darebin-road, Ivanhoe, Caroline, the beloved sister of Thomas and Alfred Ford, aged 71 years.
"SIDELIGHTS ON THE SIXTIES. By A. W. GREIG", The Argus (5 December 1916), 5
. . . Among those classes for whom these forms of amusement had no attraction we find at this time a widespread interest in the cultivation of vocal and instrumental music. The Philharmonic Society was already an institution of some years' standing; while in the late fifties various suburban singing classes and glee clubs had come into being. In 1860 a "Musical Union" which strove to foster the formation of a good amateur orchestra, and an "Orpheus Union", in which part-singing was to have its highest development, began their closely-associated career, Mr. Thomas Ford, who is still enjoying a green old age amongst us, being honorary secretary of both bodies. It is noteworthy that at the first public concert given by the Musical Union, on May 10, 1860, when the "Creation" was produced in a church in George street, Fitzroy, the tenor soloist was a young clerk of 17 or 18, named Edward Armes Beaumont, who shortly afterwards was to enter upon a career as an operatic singer, which terminated recently enough to make it a sort of connecting link between present and past generations of music-lovers . . . The Orpheus Union practised for about twelve months in private before venturing to invite public criticism. On February 27, 1861, they took part in a concert given in the Mechanics' Institute (now the Athenaeum), in Collins-street, before an audience consisting of the Governor (Sir Henry Barkly), Lady Barkly, and "nearly all the professional celebrities and well-known amateurs and musical connoisseurs in the city". Mr. Ford's recollections of this occasion are interesting. The first item, rendered by the part-song society, was Mendelssohn's "Song of the Night", and when its members, taking their cue from a softly-hummed keynote, rose to their feet and burst forth into harmony without any instrumental accompaniment, the audience sat spell-bound, under a new sensation. The close of the number was received in breathless silence, and as the singers resumed their seats a whisper went round among them that their initial effort had been a failure. But the rapturous applause which greeted them when they stood up to essay their second number soon re- moved the misapprehension; and the news-paper report of the concert admits that "the Orpheans established their right to high consideration" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Wooley Greig (memoirist)
"Reunion of old Pupils", The Argus (19 November 1917), 8
More than 150 former pupils of the Church of England Grammar School, North Melbourne, of which the late Percy Walker was principal, met in a reunion at the Francatelli Cafe on Saturday night. The "girls" were specially invited. Representatives of Essendon and the John Marshall associations were present, as were Captain J. Haughton, a former teacher, and the old singing master, Mr. Thomas Ford. The director of Education regretted his inability as an old boy to be present . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (20 June 1921), 1
FORD. - On the 19th June, at his residence, 130 Ford street, Ivanhoe, Thomas Ford, J.P., beloved brother of Alfred Ford, of Ivanhoe, aged 89 years. (No flowers.)
"DEATHS", The Herald (31 August 1921), 12
FORD. - On the 31st inst., at his residence, "Inverlochey," Noel and Norman streets, Ivanhoe, Alfred Ford, Notary Public, of 456 Little Collins street, Melbourne, the beloved husband of Margaret L. A. Ford, in his 81st year.
[News], The Argus (19 September 1921), 12
Under the conductorship of Mr. A. J Pallett, the fourth concert of the Heidelberg and District Musical Society will be held on Tuesday in the Ivanhoe Hall. The programme will include the cantata "Lay of the Bell" (Schiller, Romberg), and will commence with the part song "The Long Day Closes" (Sullivan) which will be sung as a tribute to the late Mr. Alfred Ford, who was president of the society.
Bibliography and resources:
"Thomas Ford", Residents of Upper Beaconsfield, Upper Beaconsfield One-Place-Study, Person Page 158
John Houghton Hinds . . . applied for a license to occupy his selection of 320 acres (amended to 319 acres 3r 38p) in the Parish of Gembrook on 7 May 1874 . . . On 2 June 1880 he transferred the leased property to Thomas Ford of St Vincent's Place, Albert Park, Professor of Music - Music Master. The transfer fee was 5/-. Ford applied to pay the difference between the total rent paid and the value of the property @ £1 per acre. Ford obtained freehold title to the land on 17 November 1881 when he paid the balance of the money for the land [Property Titles.; Public Records Office Victoria, C/T 1315-927 - Thomas Ford of Albert Park Music Master]
FORD, William (William FORD; W. FORD)
Bookseller, stationer, publisher, bookbinder, musicseller, music retailer, music publisher
Born London, England, 22 January 1816; baptised St. James, Clerkenwell, 21 February 1816, son of Robert FORD (d. 1830) and Margaret BROWN (1785-1853)
Active NSW, by August 1844 or earlier
Trading as W. Ford, Sydney, NSW, from August 1844 (to October 1847)
Married (1) Isabella Le MASURIER (d. at sea, 1854), Guernsey, September 1848
Trading and W. and F. Ford, Sydney, NSW, from October 1847 (to October 1853)
Married (2) Annie COX (1833-1919), Pimlico, London, England, 15 May 1855
Trading as Blundell and Ford, Melbourne, VIC, from January 1864 (to 1869)
Died St. Kilda, VIC, 31 July 1880, aged "64" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FORD, Frederick (Frederick FORD; F. FORD)
Bookseller, publisher, music publisher
Born London, England, 3 July 1817; baptised St. Mary, Islington, 30 July 1817, son of Robert FORD (d. 1830) and Margaret BROWN (1785-1853)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 June 1847 (per Oliver Cromwell, from London and the Downs, 23 February)
Trading and W. and F. Ford, Sydney, NSW, from October 1847 (to October 1853)
Married Clarissa Clara JONES (1831-1911), Congregational church, Sydney, 3 April 1851
Died QLD, 21 January 1879, aged "61" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
And see also (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
William Ford was probably only recently arrived in Sydney when in August 1844 he took over the business of Thomas Clarke, bookseller and stationer, at 554 George-street. Evidently keen to diversify early into publishing, he issued his first pamphlet, General education vindicated, a report of a select committee of the Legislative council, the following month.
His first musical publication, in January 1846, was The currency lasses by Isaac Nathan, the music typeset by Nathan himself, the printer unidentified. This was closely followed in May 1846 by Nathan's ode on Leichhardt's return (again typeset by Nathan), printed by Thomas Strode, who had recently returned to Sydney from Melbourne. In October 1846 he published the first (and only) instalment of Nathan's series of Lectures on music, printed by Statham and Forster.
He also imported and sold and range of new and popular music from London, as in his advertisement of January 1847.
In October 1847, William advertised that he had "admitted my brother, Mr. Frederick Ford, recently arrived from England, a partner."
That same month William advertised the Overture to Nathan's opera Don John of Austria, that last musical title to appear under his sole imprint. It was followed, probably late in 1847 and early 1848 by four vocal numbers from the same opera under the brothers' dual imprint, Canst thou bid the hand, I dare not say how much I love, I'll go to sleep, and The visions of youth
All five of these extracts were offprints from the print run of the earlier part of Nathan's magazine anthology, The southern Euphrosyne, first advertised in the same October 1847 advertisement as the Overture for forthcoming publication on 1 January 1848. The release of the anthology was apparently delayed, and in fact the Fords never went on the publish the title, though is it clear that the printing of most, if not all, of the early part was completed while they were still involved in the project. Nathan had probably parted ways with them by mid 1848, and the Euphrosyne was eventually completed, with Thomas Forster printing (according to Nathan) only the last four sheets, in Autumn 1849. It was not first advertised for sale until August 1850, by which time Kern and Mader were managing Nathan's publications locally.
The Fords' last advertised musical publication, in August 1850, was the first part of a projected series, The people's tune book, a collection of hymn and metrical psalm tunes, no copy of which has survived.
Meanwhile, in September 1848, Frederick had also become a business partner of the merchant, David Jones, and in April 1851 married Jones's daughter, Clarissa.
William probably largely managed the business thereafter, and in October 1853 announced its sale to James Waugh (d. 1867) and Joseph Cox (d. 1870). Shortly afterwards he sailed for England, from where, for the next three years he acted as buying agent for Waugh and Cox. While in London, in May 1855, he married Cox's niece, Annie Cox. They returned to Australia, and settled in Melbourne, where, from 1862 until 1869, William was in partnership with James John Blundell as Blundell and Ford.
Frederick died at Boonara, Burnett, QLD, in 1879, and William at St. Kilda, VIC, in 1880.
See list of music publications of W. Ford and W. and F. Ford:
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. James Clerkenwell in the county of Middlesex in the year 1816; register 1813-16, page 235; London Metropolitan Archives, P76/Js1/012 (PAYWALL)
No. 1876/ [baptised] 21 [February 1816] / William / [Son of] Robert & Margaret / Ford / Spencer Street / Packer / [born] 1816 Jan'y 22'd . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of [St. Mary] Islington in the county of Middlesex in the year 1817; register 1813-20, page 187; London Metropolitan Archives, P83/Mry1/1171 (PAYWALL)
No. 1494 / [born] July 3, 1817 / [baptised] July 30 [1817] / Frederick Son of Robert and Margaret / Ford / Nelson Terrace / Packer . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 August 1844), 4
ALL persons indebted to the above estate are requested forthwith to pay the amount of their respective debts to Mr. William Ford,
on the premises as above, or to Mr. Robert Vance, who have respectively been appointed by the trustees to receive and give discharges for the same . . . August 7.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1844), 3
ANNOUNCEMENT. THE undersigned having purchased the stock-in-trade and good-will of the business of Mr. Thomas Clarke,
(formerly Evans), Bookseller and Stationer, George-street,
respectfully begs to apprize his friends and the public of Australia that he has just opened several cases shipped by the first houses in London,
consisting of Books and Stationery of the best description . . .
WILLIAM FORD. 554, George-street, Opposite the Bank of Australasia.
"BOOKBINDING", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 July 1845), 2
His Excellency the Governor has directed it to be notified, for the information of departments, that Mr. William Ford is the contractor for such bookbinding as may be required by Government during the present year.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 February 1847), 1
W. FORD has just received from his correspondent in London a very choice collection of the newest and most fashionable music,
selected with great care, and comprising LODER'S NEW and favourite opera THE NIGHT DANCERS,
Pianoforte music, arranged by DOEHLER, THALBERG, WALLACE, BEETHOVEN, CZERNY, GLOVER, &c., &c.
Quadrilles and Waltzes, German Songs, Italian Songs
Instruction Books for the Pianoforte, Flute, Violin, and Cornopean
Pianoforte Duets, New and Popular Songs
Music for the Flute, Violin, and Cornopean
ALSO, The Book of Beauty for the Queen's Boudoir - a splendid Illustrated Musical Annual,
for 1847, containing one hundred and twenty pages of new poetry and music.
W. Ford begs leave to acquaint the ladies of Sydney, that he will receive regular supplies of all the NEWEST and most FASHIONABLE music.
For sale, one of Pask's French Cornopeans, with crooks, &c., complete, in case.
And a splendid toned Violin, by Cremona.
W. FORD, 554, George-street.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 June 1847), 4
JUNE 18 - Oliver Cromwell, ship, 478 tons, Captain Alexander, from London, having left the Downs on the 23rd February. Passengers - Mr. H. Hayes, Mr. F. Ford, Mr. G. Ross, Mr. J. Ross, Mr. J. Nicol, Mr. W. Johnson, Mr. J. Davis, and Mr. J. Paul.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 October 1847), 3
NOTICE. - I have this day admitted my brother, Mr. Frederick Ford, recently arrived from England, a partner.
My business will henceforth be carried on under the style or firm of W. and F. Ford.
WILLIAM FORD, Stationer and Bookseller, 554, George-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 October 1847), 3
THE SOUTHERN EUPHROSYNE, AND LADY'S MAGAZINE, will be ready for circulation the 1st of January, 1848,
to contain interesting oriental moral tales, chiefly from the Hebrew, Persian, Chaldee,
and Arabic, with notes, anecdotes, illustrations, original poetry, music for voice and pianoforte, &c.
As a limited number only of this annual will be printed for this colony,
those who desire to possess copies are solicited to make early application to the publishers,
Messrs. W. and F. Ford, where names will be received until the 20th of December; the subscription list must then close.
From, royal quarto. Subscribers; £1; and to non-subscribers, £1 5s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (author, editor, composer); the anthology, The southern Euphrosyne did not appear on 1 January 1848 as advertised, and when it was completed the Fords were no longer Nathan's Sydney publishers; however, they did publish, in 1847-48, as offprints from the print run to date, the five musical excerpts from Nathan's opera Don John of Austria as listed below, and accordingly their name also remains attached to these items in the anthology as finally issued
"EXPORTS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (18 March 1848), 71
March 16. - Bermondsey, barque, 507 tons, Captain Banes, for London . . . 1 case music, 1 case books, 2 cases China goods, W. and F. Ford . . .
"MARRIED", Globe [London, England] (9 September 1848), 4 (PAYWALL)
In Guernsey, Mr. William Ford, Sydney, N. S. Wales, to Isabella, daughter of Mr. W. Le Masurier.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 September 1848), 1 supplement
BOOKBINDING. MESSRS. W. AND F. FORD having increased their facilities for Bookbinding,
by a late importation of various new devices, and a large stock of very superior leathers,
combined with employing the best workmen in the colony, are now prepared to execute any orders for Binding on the most advantageous terms.
Music and printed books bound in any style or pattern . . .
W. AND F. FORD, Account Book Manufacturers and Binders, 554, George-street.
"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 April 1851), 3
On the 3rd April, at the Congregational Church, Pitt-street, Mr. Frederick Ford, bookseller, George street, to Clarissa, second daughter of David Jones, Esq., of Hyde Park.
ASSOCIATIONS: David Jones (merchant)
[Advertisements], Empire (7 October 1853), 1
JAMES W. WAUGH, in returning thanks to his friends and the public for past favours,
begs to intimate that he has, in conjunction with Mr. Joseph Cox, with whom he has entered partnership,
purchased the good-will and Stock-in-Trade of the Messrs. Ford,
and that the business will in future be carried on under the name of
WAUGH AND COX, Booksellers, Stationers, &c., 554, George-street.
WILLIAM FORD begs to return thanks to his numerous friends and the public for the liberal support and encouragement he has received during the last ten years he has been engaged in the Bookselling and Stationery business.
In retiring therefrom, he has the pleasure to recommend as his successors Messrs. James W. Waugh and Joseph Cox,
and he trusts that the same patronage that has been bestowed upon him will also be continued to them.
554, George-street, October 1st, 1853.
ASSOCIATIONS: James William Waugh (bookseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 May 1854), 1
WAUGH AND COX, Wholesale and Retail Stationers, Booksellers, &c., beg respectfully to apprise their friends and the public that they have lately received a large addition to their already extensive stock, and are in daily expectation of a further supply from their agent, Mr. William Ford, whose thorough knowledge of the goods required for this market will place them on the most advantageous footing . . .
"MARRIAGES", Bell's Weekly Messenger [London, England] (19 May 1855), 7 (PAYWALL)
FORD - COX. - May 15, at Camberwell, by the father of the bride, William Ford, Esq., of Berkhampstead, to Annie, second daughter of the Rev. John Cox, of Somerset terrace, St. George's road, Pimlico.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 May 1856), 1
WAUGH and COX, Wholesale and Retail Stationers, Booksellers, &c. . . . are in daily expectation of a further supply from their agent, Mr. William Ford, whose thorough knowledge of the goods required for this market place them on the most advantageous footing . . .
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (30 January 1862), 1
NOTICE. - I have this day admitted as PARTNER in my Business Mr. WILLIAM FORD, formerly of Sydney.
The business will in future be carried on under the name and style of BLUNDELL and FORD.
JAMES J. BLUNDELL. 44 Collins street west, 29th January, 1862.
ASSOCIATIONS: James John Blundell (printer)
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 February 1879), 1
FORD. - January 24, at Boonara, Queensland, Frederick Ford, aged 61.
"Deaths", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 August 1880), 1
FORD. - On the 31st ult., at his residence, Punt-road, South Yarra, of apoplexy, Mr. William Ford, late of Blundell and Ford, stationers, Melbourne, aged 64 years.
Musical publications (works by Isaac Nathan) (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (composer, music typesetter)
The currency lasses (1846)
The currency lasses; a song; inscribed with the utmost devotion and respect to the fair sex of Australia; words by *********** esq.; music composed by I. Nathan, esq. (Sydney: Published by W. Ford, 1846) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 January 1846), 1
CURRENCY LASSES. ON MONDAY, the 26th instant, (being the 58th Anniversary of the Colony) will be published, price 2s., an Original Song, entitled
THE CURRENCY LASSES, Inscribed, with great devotion and respect, to THE FAIR SEX OF AUSTRALIA.
W. FORD, Bookseller and Stationer, 554, George-street.
Leichhardt's return (May 1846)
Thy greeting home again; a paean on Leichhardt's return from Port Essington; poet: A. K. Silvester, esq.; composer, I. Nathan, esq. (Sydney: Published by Wm. Ford, [1846]; "T. Strode, printer, Sydney" (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Ludwig Leichhardt (subject); Edward Kennedy Silvester [sic] (words); Thomas Strode (printer)
[Advertisement], The Australian (26 May 1846), 1
ARRANGEMENTS having been entered into for the immediate publication of the Music set by Mr. Nathan to those beautiful Stanzas by E. K. S.,
on Dr. Leichhardt's return from Port Essington, Mr. Ford has the honour to make known to the public that the song is preparing for the press,
and may shortly be obtained.
554, George-street.
Lectures on music (October 1846)
The first, second, and third of a series of lectures on the theory and practice of music, delivered at the Sydney College, New South Wales . . . . by I. Nathan, music historian and theorist . . . (Sydney: Published by W. Ford, 1846); "Sydney: Statham and Forster, printers" (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Statham and Forster (printers)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 October 1846), 1
Part I - Price, 5s., IN ROYAL QUARTO.
THE First, Second, and Third of a Series of Lectures on the
Giving an historical account of the origin, rise, and progress of the Science,
from the earliest period up to the present time, with Progressive Exercises for improvement on the Pianoforte,
Harmony, Modulation, and for the cultivation of the Human Voice,
from the first rudiments to the most refined and elaborate details of a perfect mastery of the art:
forming a work of instruction for the pupil, and a work of reference for the master.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Fitzroy (dedicatee)
Overture to Don John of Austria (October 1847)
Overture to Don John of Austria, Nathan (Sydney: Published by W. Ford, [1848]) (DIGITISED)
Repaginated offprint from early print run of The southern Euphrosyne, pages 15-21 (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 October 1847), 3
Messrs. W. and F. Ford . . .
The visions of youth (? 1848)
The visions of youth, in which is introduced as an obligato accompaniment, the celebrated air from Sweethearts and wives, Why are you wandering here, I pray, sung by Mr. F. Howson, at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, in the opera of Don John of Austria (the first opera ever written and produced in the colony of New South Wales), composed by I. Nathan; written by J. L. M., esq. (Sydney: Published by W. and F. Ford, [1848]) (DIGITISED)
Repaginated offprint from early print run of The southern Euphrosyne, pages 65-71 (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (vocalist); Jacob Levi Montefiore (lyrics); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
I dare not say how much I love (? 1848)
I dare not say how much I love, sung by Mr. J. Howson, at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, in the opera of Don John of Austria (the first opera ever written and produced in the colony of New South Wales), composed by I. Nathan; written by J. L. M. esq. (Sydney: Published by W. and F. Ford, [1848]) (DIGITISED)
Repaginated offprint from early print run of The southern Euphrosyne, pages 73-79 (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (vocalist)
Canst thou bid the hand (? 1848)
Canst thou bid the hand its cunning forget, sung by Mrs. Guerin at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, in the opera of Don John of Austria (the first opera ever written and produced in the colony of New South Wales), composed by I. Nathan; written by J. L. M., esq. (Sydney: Published by W. and F. Ford, [1848]) (DIGITISED)
Repaginated offprint from early print run of The southern Euphrosyne, pages 81-87 (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodosia Guerin (vocalist)
I'll go to sleep (1848)
I'll go to sleep, sung by Mr. W. Griffiths, at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, in the opera of Don John of Austria (the first opera ever written and produced in the colony of New South Wales; composed by I. Nathan; written by J. L. M., esq. (Sydney: Published by W. and F. Ford, [1848]) (DIGITISED)
Repaginated offprint from early print run of The southern Euphrosyne, pages 89-93 (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Griffiths (vocalist)
Other musical publications (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
The siege of Rochelle (libretto, 1848)
The siege of Rochelle, an original opera in two acts by E. Fitzball, music by M. W. Balfe, to which is added a description of the costume, cast of the characters, the whole of the stage business, situations, entrances, exits, properties and decorations, as performed at the London theatres, and at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney (Sydney: Published by W. and F. Ford, 1848)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 August 1848), 3
ON MONDAY, the 7th instant, will be published the Libretto to the above celebrated Opera,
as performing at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney.
W. AND F. FORD, Booksellers and Stationers, 554, George-street.
The people's tune book (first number, 1850)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 August 1850), 1
suited to all the varieties of METRICAL PSALMODY, and adapted as well for Social and Domestic Devotion as for Public Worship.
ARRANGED FOR FOUR VOICES, with an Accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte.
Booksellers and Publishers,
554, George-street.
"CHURCH MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1850), 5
We have received the first number of "The People's Tune Book," which contains sixteen of the tunes most commonly used in churches for the metrical psalms, and the price being only a shilling it ought to find an extensive body of purchasers among those who are anxious to enable themselves to join with propriety in that delightful portion of public worship - the singing of psalms and hymns.
Bibliography and resources:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 169
FORD, William Henry (William Henry FORD; W. H. FORD)
Theatrical manager, actor, comedian, dancer, vocalist, costumier, theatrical and musical historian and memoirist, "Father of the Australian stage"
Born Bermondsey, Surrey, England, 5 November 1830; son of Henry FORD (b. c. 1816) and Charlotte JENNINGS (b. c. 1816)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 September 1848 (per Agricola, from London and the Downs, 25 May)
Married (1) Catherine GOLDEN (Mrs. SNELLING) (d. 1883), NSW, 1857
Married (2) Margaret McMAHON, VIC, 1896 (registered)
Married (3 ? common law) Eliza ABBOT
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 26 June 1916, aged "86/87" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FORD, Tom (Thomas Henry SNELLING; Thomas Henry Snelling FORD; Tom SNELLING-FORD; Tom FORD)
Born NSW, 1846; son of Henry SNELLING and Catherine GOLDEN; stepson of William Henry FORD
Married Phoebe SIMMONS (c. 1846-1892), VIC, 1883 (first child with her 1878)
Died Balmain, NSW, 1914 (shareable link to this entry)
Ford's father Henry was a compositor on the London Morning Chronicle, and his mother Charlotte Jennings and grandmother were performers at Astley's Amphitheatre during the 1830s, where, by 1841, his grandmother also managed the refreshment saloon. As a child Ford himself performed at Astley's from as early as 1836 under the management of Andrew Ducrow.
His daughter, Maggie Ford (Margaret; Mrs. Allan Hamilton) was active professionally as an actor, dancer, and vocalist from around 1872. The singer Florrie Forde [sic] (born 16 August 1875, daughter of Francis Lott Flannagan and Phoebe Cahill; died London, 18 April 1940) was Tom Forde's stepdaughter.
England census, 6 June 1841, St. Mary Lambeth, Surrey; (PAYWALL)
Bridge Road / Henry Ford / 25 / Compositor / [not born in county]
Charlotte / 25 // W'm / 10 // Charlotte / 6 // Geo / 1 [all born in county]
ASSOCIATIONS: Two days after the census, according to Ford's reminiscences below, his father Henry,
a night compositor at the Morning Chronicle,
witnessed the fire walking home from work; the report in the Morning Chronicle also mentions the loss sustained by his grandmother, Mrs. Jennings, the saloon keeper;
This place of public entertainment was yesterday morning totally destroyed by fire . . .
[FROM A CORRESPONDENT] . . . By this dreadful calamity, not less than 300 persons will be deprived of employment,
and among the many hard cases that may be mentioned none is more deserving than that of Mrs. Jennings, the saloon keeper,
who, but one day before, had expended no less a sum than £40 in her department of the establishment . . .
[FROM ANOTHER CORRESPONDENT] . . . Many members of the band, who were in the habit of leaving their instruments in the orchestra and music-room, have been serious losers.
A double bass belonging to Mr. Hubert was worth £20, and the kettle-drums, the property of Mr. Elsden, £15 . . .
Australia (from 11 September 1848):
[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, NSW (QLD)] (19 July 1856), 3
MOST respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and the public of Brisbane and Ipswich that,
if the weather permits, he will be enabled to open on MONDAY, August 5, with a series of very entertaining performances.
Having a large stage, with good scenery and dresses, great expense has been incurred, temporary as it may appear,
but if M. D. F. finds sufficient inducement, he will have a good building by Christmas and a larger company.
The performance will commence with a drama, as played at the Royal Adelphi Theatre, London, entitled -
THE DUCHESS DE LA BALLIER, Supported by the company.
After which, a favourite DANCE by the Ballet Company.
After which, to conclude with a very laughable farce called - NOT TO BE DONE.
Doors open at half-past six, performance to commence at seven.
Front seats 3s., back 2s.
M. D. FINUCANE, Proprietor.
W. H. FORD, Stage Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Finucane (proprietor); Brisbane Theatre (venue, company)
[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (16 August 1856), 3
BRISBANE THEATRE, SECOND WEEK of the Melo-Drama, BLANCHE, Or the Brigand's Bride.
In which Mr. Ford and Mrs. Fitzwilliams will sing some delightful songs.
After which, a Scarf Dance, by Mr. W. H. Ford, Master Walter Hicks, Miss A. M. and Miss M. Finucane.
To be followed with the beautiful Farce of the Lady of the Cabinet.
After which, Mrs. Fitzwilliams will sing "Mary of Argyle."
To conclude with the very laughable farce of - The Wild Irishman.
Doors open at seven, performance to commence at half-past seven.
[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (30 August 1856), 3
BRISBANE THEATRE. Thursday evening, Sept. 4,
THE performance will commence with the beautiful drama
DON CAESAR DE BAZAN; OR Mauritana the Gypsey.
Splendid dresses from Sydney, and new scenery.
After which a Scarf Dance, by Mr. W. H. Ford, Master Walter Hicks, Miss A. M. and Miss M. Finucane.
After which Mrs. Fitzwilliams will sing "Minnie."
To be followed with the beautiful song, "I had a dream, a happy dream" by Mr. W. H. Ford.
After which the amusing Farce of The Day after the Fair.
In which Mr. Ford will sing "To the West, Sarah Pell," and "The Young Widow."
To be followed with the beautiful song "Little Nell," by Mrs. Fitzwilliams;
and Mr. Ford will sing "My Love and Cottage near Rochelle."
To conclude with the very laughable farce of The Wild Irishman.
Tickets to be had at Mr. John Jones, St. Patrick's Tavern.
Doors open at seven, performance to commence at half-past seven.
Boxes 3s., Pit 2s. Be in Time. - Be in Time.
MUSIC: When I beheld the anchor weighed (refrain: . . ."my love and cottage near Rochelle") (Balfe, romance from The siege of Rochelle)
[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (18 October 1856), 3
TO THE PUBLIC OF BRISBANE. MR. W. H. FORD, Stage Manager of the Brisbane Theatre,
returns his sincere and humble thanks to his friends and the public of Brisbane, for their very liberal patronage on his Benefit last Thursday evening.
The house was crowded, under the patronage of W. A. Duncan, Esq., J. P.
Mr. Ford also returns his manifold thanks to the Amateur who personated Macbeth for the occasion,
and the continued applause that was given at the gentleman's entry, is sufficient proof that he was esteemed and respected by all.
- W. H. FORD.
M. D. FINUCANE most respectfully begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Ipswich that he intends arriving with his Company in Ipswich next week.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Augustine Duncan (musical amateur)
? [Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (26 January 1858), 1
OUR LYCEUM. - Open for the Season. - Lessees, J. L. BYERS, and F. EDE. -
[REDACTED], by Dave Carson, - and BLACK EYED SUSAN.
J. L. Byers, F. Ede, Wright, Norton, Bruton, Fisher, Weston, Ford, and Hart,
Misses Hodson [sic, Hudson], McGowan, and Griffiths, Mrs. Crosby, and Twight.
Leader of the Band, Mr. Gibbs. Prices as usual.
Monthly tickets, to admit two persons, £1 1s. Stage Director, Mr. F. Ede.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Lucas Byers (actor, manager); Frederick Ede (actor, manager); Dave Carson (vocalist); John William Bruton (actor); Julia Hudson (actor); Miss McGowan (actor); Emelia Crosby (actor); Isabella Twight (actor); John Gibbs (leader, violin); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (17 March 1858), 1
will open for the winter season on EASTER MONDAY EVENING. -
Wanted for the above establishment, Two Ladies as General Performers;
also, a Violinist, and a Bass Violinist.
Apply by letter to W. H. FORD, manager, Post Office, Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 April 1858), 1
Come and see our little Theatre on Easter MONDAY EVENING.
The performances will commence with the splendid Drama of LUCREZIA BORGIA!!!
Gennaro, Mr. W. H. Ford; Lucrezia Borgia, Miss McGowan.
The whole to conclude with a laughable Farce. Front seats, 2s.; Back, 1s.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 February 1860), 1
ROYAL ALBERT THEATRE, corner of King and Sussex streets.
- Lessee and manager, Mr. W. H. Ford. -
Mr. FORD most respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and the public of Sydney that he intends opening-the above place for public amusement on SATURDAY EVENING next.
Having spared neither pains nor expense in decorating it for dramatic performances, he sincerely trusts that he will meet with public patronage. For particulars see bills.
The great Australian actress Miss BLANCHE GREY, with a talented company, is engaged.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Albert Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 March 1860), 1
ROYAL ALBERT THEATRE, - TO-NIGHT the greatest talent in Sydney. Open every evening.
Pianist, Mrs. Gibbs; violinist, Mr. John Gibbs. Admission-stalls, 1s.; parquette, 6d.; back seats, 3d.
Manager, Mr. W. H. FORD.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza and John Gibbs (pianist and vocalist, violinist)
"SCHOOL OF ARTS", Northern Argus [Rockhampton, QLD] (27 January 1872), 2
Mr. Ford was welcomed on Wednesday night at the School of Arts with an excellent house, and the hearty applause he received proved that the audience were well pleased with the entertainment he provided for them . . . The Burlesque of Norma was greeted from beginning to end with hearty applause; Mr. Ford made a capital Norma, and was ridiculously tragic, and was made love to in the most approved style by Pollio (Miss Maggie Ford) who possessed more than sufficient attractions to tempt the priestess to forgot her sacred position, and to worship at the shrine of love, a fault which many priestesses before her time and after, committed without being found out . . . The songs and duets were given with due effect and the curtain dropped amidst the heartiest applause.
[News], Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser [Kent, England] (2 July 1909), 2 (PAYWALL)
An old gentleman of eighty named W. H. Ford, now living in retirement a suburb of Melbourne, can put in a good claim to being father of the English stage. He was born in Bermondsey, his mother being an actress at Astley's Amphitheatre, where he himself began to play juvenile parts in his sixth year. Later on he was a member of the companies at the Surrey and Victoria Theatres. Half century ago he emigrated to Australia, where he built the first theatre in Brisbane. He played with Sir William Don, Charles Mathews, Barry Sullivan, Charles Kean, and other famous actors who toured Australia.
"DEATHS", The Daily Telegraph [Sydney, NSW] (13 July 1914), 8
SNELLING - FORD. - July 12th. 1914, at the residence, of his son, Mr. B. Ford, 102 Phillip Street, Balmain, Thomas Henry Snelling-Ford, aged 68 years. R.I.P.
"AT POVERTY POINT", The bulletin (6 August 1914), 9
Tom Ford, recently dead in Sydney, was for a long term an identity in Melbourne. His step-father, W. H. Ford, ran a theatrical costumier's business, and Tom was his right-hand man. Ford, sen., was dresser to G. V. Brooke, who was very partial to young Ford. The latter was a good vocalist and banjoist. A few years ago he returned to his native land, and there snuffed out. He had a sister, Maggie, well known on the stage, now resident in Sydney, and better known as Mrs. Allan Hamilton. W. H. Ford may be safely called the father of the stage, as some 80 years ago he was appearing in an act with his parents, who were members of Ducrow's famous equestrian company in London. He also strutted his hour or so upon the stage, running shows in N.S.W. and Queensland as far back as 60 years ago. He claims to have given Shiel Barry (Andy Donohue) his first start, and was costumier to Wm. Saurin Lyster through most of his operatic campaign. Although hurrying on to his 90th year W. H. F. still enjoys fair health.

Death certificate, William Henry Ford, 26 June 1916; BDM VIC
No. 2269 [No. 5883] / 26 June 1916 / 170 Brunswick Street . . . Fitzroy / William Henry Ford / Male 86 years
Chronic Gout / Morbus Cordis / Asthma / [son of] Henry Ford and Charlotte . . . maiden name unknown / . . .
[Born] Bermondsey England / Lived 67 years in Victoria [sic, arrived 1849] /
1st marriage Sydney New South Wales [at age] 25 years [to] Catherine Snelling /
2nd marriage Melbourne Victoria [at age] not known [to] Margarite McMahon /
3rd marriage Melbourne Victoria [at age] not known [to] Eliza Abbott
[Offspring] By 1st marriage - Charlotte Jane [aged] 56 years / Kate dead / Sarah dead
By 2nd marriage - George / Amy / Cyril [ages] not known
By 3rd marriage Elsie 35 years / Nellie 33 / Maud 31 / John Colville 29
"DEATHS", The Argus (27 June 1916), 1
FORD. - On the 26th June, at 170 Brunswick street, Fitzroy, William Henry Ford, the beloved father of George, Jack, and Cyril Ford, Mrs. G. P. Carey, Mrs. G. Lister, Mrs. Allen Hamilton, Mrs. Phillips, and Mrs. MacDonald, in his 87th year. Requiescat in pace.
"FUNERALS", The Argus (28 June 1916), 1
FORD. - The Friends of Mr. W. H. FORD (late theatrical costumier) are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, Coburg Cemetery.
The funeral will leave 170 Brunswick street, Fitzroy, THIS DAY (Wednesday, 28th inst.), at 2 o'clock.
JOHN DALEY, Undertaker, Latrobe and Spring streets, Melbourne.
"THEATRICAL PERSONALITIES", Winner (28 June 1916), 10
Mr. W. H. Ford, known by the older generation of theatregoers as a prominent burlesque actor of the "sixties," died on Monday at 170 Brunswick street, Fitzroy, aged 87. Mr. Ford came to Victoria from England in 1848, and for many years was a contemporary of the late G. V. Brookes, the late Geo. Coppin, and more recently with Mr. Bland Holt, playing leading parts with many companies in the States. He retired from the stage in 1896, and acquired a business in Bourke street, but retired a few years ago. He leaves five daughters and four sons, one of whom is on active service.
"AT POVERTY POINT. T. O. I.", The bulletin (6 July 1916), 9
W. H. Ford, the reputed "Father of the Stage," died last week at Fitzroy (Vic.), in his 86th year. He had been an invalid for many years. Born in London, of theatrical parents, in 1830, he was on the stage at Astley's at seven years of age. In the late 'forties he came to Sydney and applied for employment at the Victoria, then open only three days a week. The caretaker advised him to look for some other job, as the stage meant starvation in Sydney. So he went on a station in what is now Queensland; and at Christmas he converted the woolshed into the Theatre Royal, Tarampa, for the amusement of the Cameron family and visitors. Several entertainments were given, and two cattle-buyers from Brisbane advised him to start shows in that township. On this suggestion he built the first theatre in Brisbane, and later another in Ipswich. Thus he drifted back to Poverty Point. When Johnson built the old Scandinavian Hall, Castlereagh-street (the Sydney Tivoli is now on the site), W. H. Ford became the manager. Prior to that he had been associated with G. V. Brooke, and later with Barry Sullivan, as costumier. He tried Maoriland with Clarence Holt in the early 'sixties, but the climate crippled him. He had numerous children well known in the profession, among them George, Jack and Cyril Ford, Mrs. G. P. Carey, Mrs. G. Lister and Mrs. Allan Hamilton.
Reminiscences (earlier career, to c. 1861):
Ford's formal and informal recollections of stage singers and other musicians are an important source for the history of theatre and music in Australia the middle decades of the colonial century. All of the original series of Ford's "Reminiscences" proper, which ran in Joseph Michael Forde's Mummer memoirs from April 1908 to September 1909, are tagged as follows:'s+reminiscences (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed")
However, in addition, Ford regularly contributed many further occasional observations to Forde's columns,
which often amplify and complement the content of the original series, beginning with this short summary of his career,
"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . An Old Time Mummer's Letter . . . THIRD SERIES. - No. 1 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (4 March 1908), 3
. . . I am glad to say that another of the old-time mummers has written.
His letter reads like ancient history, and will be interesting to old and new playgoers.
Dating from Malvern-road, South Yarra, 17.2.08, Mr. W. H. Ford says: -
"Dear 'Hayseed.' - For a long time I have been interested in your very able account or history of our early actors and actresses.
I am one of them, and date back to the beginning of 1851, at the old Victoria Theatre, in Pitt-street, Sydney.
I remember the company playing there at the time . . . I remember Miss Griffiths (afterwards Mrs. Yeamans),
and, later on her brother Willie. I made him a costume for the circus in 1859 in Sydney . . .
I arrived In Sydney from London in 1848, and went to the Clarence River.
I returned to Sydney in 1851. I remained at the old Victoria but a short while, then went to Moreton Bay (now Queensland).
I went on a station owned by Cameron Brothers.
I remained with them until 1856.
Then, with the money I had saved, I got a partner, who also had some money, and we built a small theatre in Brisbane,
and called it The Brisbane Theatre.
It was on the 6th day of August, 1856, the opening night.
I was the very first to give a dramatic performance in Brisbane and Ipswich.
I returned to Sydney, married, and was from time to time engaged at the Sydney theatres as actor and costumier . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed")
[1] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . Mr. W. H. Ford's Reminiscences - A Life on the Boards. THIRD SERIES. No. 14 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (8 April 1908), 3
Mr. W. H. Ford's reminiscences commence as far back as 1836. He was born in Bermondsey (where the tanneries are), near London, on Guy Fawkes' Day, November 5, 1830, and, as in duty-bound, has kept close to fireworks and limelight ever since. Before his birth his mother was in the front row of the ballet, at Astley's Theatre - she had been taught dancing by Mr. Frampton, or Framson, a great teacher. The mother and grandmother of Mr. Ford were with the celebrated Ducrow at Astley's years before he (Mr. F.) was born, so that their family names have been before the public for one hundred years. Mr. Ford says: . . .
". . . I was always on the stage, whether I was wanted or not.
Mr. Ducrow engaged children for nearly all his pieces. I was known by everybody engaged upon the premises as 'Little Billy' . . .
"In the Christmas of 1840 I was on at the Victoria Theatre (London). They had played a drama called 'The Yew
Tree Ruins,' or The Smuggler, the Wreck, and the Miser.' They reproduced it after the pantomime, and I was in my glory . . .
On Saturday, June 5, was presented, 'The Wars of Oliver Cromwell,' or 'The Burning of Woodstock.' On Monday night, the second time only of its playing, something happened, and at 5 o'clock next morning (Tuesday, June 8, 1841), the most charming theatre in England was a heap of ruins . . . My father was a compositor at the 'Morning Chronicle' office, in the Strand. He worked all night, and slept all day. He came home over Waterloo Bridge up the York-road; the theatre in Westminster-road was facing him. He saw the flames in the distance, and as he approached saw that it was Astley's on fire . . .
. . . I was in my 18th year when I got a chance to come to Sydney in the good ship Agricola. So I bade London adieu and all belonging to me. I never saw any of them again. We were four months on the voyage. We left in May 1848. I was ill the whole of the time. We arrived at Sydney Heads at 8 o'clock in the morning, a lovely day. The harbor looked at its best, and I was very glad to get ashore. I put up at the old Emu Inn, on the conner of George and Bathurst streets, kept by William Aitkenhead, and lost no time in presenting myself at the old Victoria theatre in Pitt-street. How I fared I will tell you next week. (To be continued.)
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Ducrow (proprietor); Astley's Amphitheatre (London venue)
[2] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 15 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (15 April 1908), 3
[3] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 16 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (22 April 1908), 3
[4] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 17 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (29 April 1908), 3
. . . We resume Mr. W. H. Ford's "Reminiscences" (commenced in "Sportsman," 8. 4. '08): -
"Soon after my arrival in Sydney, January, 1851 [from Grafton, where, since arrival, he had been working as a shepherd], I found the Tornings, Andrew and Madame, were playing at the Victoria Theatre."
(They were industrious people were the Tornings. While engaged in theatrical business Andrew Torning carried on the business of a painter, plumber, and glazier,
and Madame Torning was a teacher, of dancing, both trade and profession being carried on in Macquarie Place.
Mr. Torning's landlady being, I believe. Mrs. Mary Reibey of much historic fame, and the house that in which the Bank of New South Wales commenced business in 1817,
if not the actual house, it was adjoining.)
"I knew the Tornings in London, so felt quite at home in going to see them. They were glad to see me.
The Victoria Theatre was then only opened three nights each week. I wished for employment on the stage, but there was no show of any importance.
However, Mr. Torning got me on, just to make one of a crowd. I should to-day be called an extra-super.
Of course, the pay was very small, but for three nights weekly, I could not expect more . . ."
"Mrs. Torning used to dance and play the comic lady parts. She was very good in her line. Mr. Torning used to paint scenery, and play heavy villains, also he was a very good stage clown. The opera "The Siege of Rochelle" was well produced. Frank Howson, the baritone, sang very ably the beautiful song "My Love and Cottage near Rochelle." I did not rest, until I got possession of that song, as it suited my voice grand. Many a night I sang it in the Brisbane Theatre years afterwards . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew and Eliza Torning (theatrical performers, managers); Mary Reibey (landlady); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[5] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 18 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (6 May 1908), 3
[6] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 19 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (13 May 1908), 3
[7] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 20 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (20 May 1908), 3
[8] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 21 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (27 May 1908), 3
[9] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 22 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (3 June 1908), 3
[10] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 23 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (10 June 1908), 3
[11] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 24 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (17 June 1908), 2
[12] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 26 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (1 July 1908), 2
. . . Last week, unfortunately, Mr. W. H. Ford's reminiscences were by accident omitted. This week the omission is supplied, and the old gentleman's narrative of the stirring and interesting theatrical events of the past half century, in which he had a prominent part, will be continued regularly until their conclusion. Resuming: - "Just prior to the Christmas of 1856 . . ."
[13] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 27 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (8 July 1908), 2
[14] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 28 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (15 July 1908), 2
[15] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 29 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (29 July 1908), 2
[16] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 30 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (5 August 1908), 8
[17] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 31 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (12 August 1908), 8
[18] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 31 [sic] (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (19 August 1908), 8
[19] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . THIRD SERIES. No. 32 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (26 August 1908), 8
[20] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 33 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (2 September 1908), 8
[21] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 35 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (16 September 1908), 7
. . . After the sisters Nelson we had a season of drama, at which time we were getting ready for the opera of "Il Trovatore," the first time I believe that it was played in English here, and it was a big success. I made all the chorus dresses, and those of the guards and gypsies. I also sang in the chorus. Having a very good voice, I came in handy, as chorus people were not over plentiful in those days. The following was the cast: Count di Luna, John Gregg; Manrico, Walter Sherwin; Ferrando, Mr. Frank Howson; Ruiz, Mr. G. Johnson; Leonora, Madame Carandini; Inez, Miss Wilkinson; Azucena, Madame Sara Flower, the beautiful contralto; soldiers, guards, gypsies, warriors, nuns, etc. Conductor, Mr. Lavenu.
The opera brought splendid houses . . . The opera was taken off to fulfil an arrangement with Miss Emma Stanley, who appeared on July 4, 1859, in her entertainment entitled "Monopolylogue." She gave the whole evening's entertainment herself, with the assistance of the orchestra . . . . I was in front of the house every night, for the entertainment quite enchanted me. I remember watching with intense interest every change of dress, and every character she assumed. It conveyed a suggestion to my mind. Could I not venture with such an example before me to fix up a similar entertainment? Of course, not taking any of her characters, but new ones. I had a large store of comic yarns, songs, and dances. The difficulty was to make the dresses so as to change in an instant. I turned my attention to the matter and how I succeeded time will show. At Forbes I gave this class of entertainment on my return from the Weddin Diggings (Grenfell), where I played in conjunction with the Chambers Family, for the benefit of the Forbes Hospital.
Miss Stanley had a splendid season. After her departure the opera of "Il Trovatore" in English was reproduced with the same cast and did well, during which time the opera of "Ernani" was in full rehearsal. During Miss Stanley's season I had been hard at work making costumes for that opera. M. Lavenu was taken ill; he managed to come to rehearsal to the last, and I, not knowing how ill be was, worried him to come and see the new costumes, as he always took great interest in the dressing of the operas. Poor gentleman, he came upstairs to my work room, with difficulty; he being in great pain. He praised the work very much; the chorus in the first act are brigands; they change to noblemen in the second act. Two days after his inspection of the costumes Lavenu was dead! The opera of "Ernani" was announced, but had to be postponed for a few days. Of course, the whole company followed him to the grave. Teddy McLean, my step-son, and myself, occupied the same cab. He was buried in the Newtown Cemetery, where also lies N. C. Bochsa, the celebrated harpist, who came to Australia with Madame Anna Bishop. You will see that in that cemetery lie two clever musicians, and now I am told that the cemetery is to be closed, and the bodies or remains are to be removed for interment elsewhere. "Ernani" was produced, but everybody was sad, as M. Lavenu was a favorite with everyone; a nicer gentleman it was impossible to meet with. Although the opera was well put upon the stage, and the artistes all that could be desired, somehow the interest failed; the season came to a premature close, and drama and farce took the place of opera.
ASSOCIATIONS: Nelson family (troupe); John Gregg (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Sara Flower (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Emma Stanley (actor, vocalist); Chambers family (dancers); Teddy McLean (ballet dancer); Nicholas Charles Bochsa (musician); Anna Bishop (vocalist)
[22] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 36 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (23 September 1908), 3
[23] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 37 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (30 September 1908), 3
[24] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 38 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (7 October 1908), 3
[25] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 39 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (14 October 1908), 2
See also, "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . AN ASIDE BY MR. W. H. FORD . . . No. 40 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (21 October 1908), 6
[26] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 41 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (28 October 1908), 2
[27] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 42 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (11 November 1908), 2
[28] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 43 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (16 December 1908), 2
. . . I am not quite 80 years old, I am now in my 79th year . . . I came to Sydney in 1848, just 60 years ago. I did not play in Charles Kean's Company, as I was with Barry Sullivan the whole time the Keens were in Australia. They may intend McKean Buchanan; I was with him. I was not with Charles Mathews; I was travelling when he was here. Likely enough they mean Julia Mathews. I was for some years in the same company with her. That I did appear at 6 years of age is quite true, not that I did anything wonderful, but I admit I was a "hard case" when I was that age, and being my grandmother's "boy". I pretty well hard "the run of the ship." My grandmother was connected with Astley's years before I was born; she was a great favorite with every one in the theatre, and "Little Billy," meaning my self, was petted by the ladies of the company. I was a favorite with the stable hands; I loved to be among the horses. I was on the stage in nearly every piece, as Mr. Ducrow used to admire scenes that had youngsters in them. It is also correct that I was at both the Surrey and Victoria Theatres. I was nothing great, but I was useful. I did much better as a nipper at 6. I used to hear my grandmother speak of the Kings. The fourth George was a great patron of Astley's. On the tops of the bills were always the words, "Under the patronage of King George IV.", with the Royal arms. King George IV presented the theatre with a magnificent chandelier, as I mentioned previously. I may be the oldest living actor of the English stage, as it is 72 years since I commenced (in 1836). When Mr. George Coppin was alive, he was the "father" of the English stage; I know that I come next. However, it does not matter. I am very poor, and the honor of being "father" of the English stage will not bring grist to the mill. Mr. Coppin, Mr. R. Stewart, senr., dear Nellie, and Mr. Bland Holt, were all good to me. I would have been all right but for the financial crisis of 20 years ago, when I lost all my savings, some thousands, as did many other retired members of the profession. I have one "friend," however, that always sticks to me - the gout. I have him in both feet and both hands; it is a terrible affliction . . .
[28] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 46 [sic, 44] (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (23 December 1908), 2
[29] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 45 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (30 December 1908), 2
[30] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 53 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (27 January 1908), 2
The reminiscences were continued on most weeks through 1909, concluding:
[Conclusion] "MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . MR. W. H. FORD CONCLUDES HIS REMINISCENCES. No. 83 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (15 September 1909), 3
". . . And now I bid the kind public a fond adieu. But allow me the pleasure of taking you back to where I began,
at Astley's Amphitheatre, Westminster-road, London, in the year 1836, and in the reign of King William . . .
This glorious and magnificent theatre was burned down at daylight on June 8, 1841 . . .
My family were ruined. Not a thing or creature was insured, the building alone excepted,
in which, of course, the Ford family had no pecuniary interest.
"I remember the old faces well: Miss Woolford, the second Madame Ducrow,
Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Pope, Mddle. Lee, Miss Tissie Avery, Miss Henrietta Frampston,
Mr. Ducrow, Mr. West, Le Petit Ducrow, the Great Barry (clown), Felix Carlo, Mr. Stickney, Mr. and Mrs. Hillier,
Mr. Hicken, Mr. Gomersal, Mr. Cartledge, Mr. Widdicombe (ring-master), and many others.
At the Surrey Theatre - I was there when Madame Vestris produced 'Beauty and the Beast' -
I remember seasons of Shakespeare, with Macready and Miss Helen Faucit, whose husband, Sir Theodore Martin, has just died at 92 years of age.
Also Miss Romer and Mr. Harrison, for operas, 'La Sonambula,' 'Bohemian Girl,' etc.; the celebrated Mrs. Honey,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Honor, Mrs. Henry Vining, Miss Martin (the original Nancy Sykes), Mr. Billy Smith, Mr.
James, Mr. N. T. Hicks, Mr. Sheppard, Mr. Henry Creswick, and many more.
"Also, when at the old Victoria Theatre in the New Cut, the celebrated Mrs. Vincent, Mrs. George Lee, Miss E. Terry
(a relation, I fancy, of the present famous lady of the same name), Mr. Dale, Mr. E. E. Saville, Miss Montague, Mr. Searle, Mr. Osbaldiston, etc.
I saw the original of 'The Green Bushes' at the Adelphi Theatre,
Madame Celeste, Mr. and Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Fitzwilliam, Mr. Paul Bedford, Mr. Wright, Mr. O. Smith, Miss Woolgar, and many others.
I well remember Mr. Rice (the original Jim Crow), Mr. Sweeney (the original banjoist), also Mr. and Mrs. Keeley,
at the Lyceum Theatre, in Wellington-street, Strand; and so I might go on.
My first appearance at Astley's was in 1836, in the reign of William IV.
My first arrival in Sydney, was in 1848; my first engagement in Sydney 1851. I spent the intervening three years on the Clarence River.
My first appearance in Melbourne was in 1850 [sic, ? 1856], when I was under engagement to Messrs. George Coppin and G. V. Brooke, at the Theatre Royal.
I played Sir Richard Vernon to Mr. McKean Buchanan's Rob Roy. Miss Mortimer (Mrs. Harwood) was Diana Vernon.
All these names are very dear to me.
I now close with sincere wishes for the welfare and success of every member of the theatrical profession of the present day.
And if any of the old ones are living, I address them in the words of the good old song: -
'Farewell, scattered friends of my youth,
'Tis memory dims these old eyes,
May your thoughts, like your spire, point to truth,
And we'll talk of the past in the skies.
MUSIC: Lines from Where are my schoolmates gone (words: B. F. Woolf; music: Frederick Buckley)
Bibliography and resources:
Tony Martin-Jones, "Florrie Forde: her early life, in Australia" (2013-16)
FORDE, Joseph Michael (Joseph FORD; Joseph Michael FORDE; J. M. FORDE; "Hayseed", "Old Chum")
Amateur actor, journalist, theatrical and musical historian and memoirist
Born Dublin, Ireland, 9 May 1840; son of John FORDE (1815-1882) and Mary LEONARD (c. 1815-1878)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 12 September 1857 (per General Windham, from Liverpool, 16 June, with father)
Married (1) Ellen CREEDEN (c. 1841-1918), VIC, 1862
Married (2) Anne Besley RIGNEY, Sydney, NSW, 1918
Died Hazelwood, NSW, 3 May 1929, aged "88" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Ford (informant, above)
"BIRTHS", Statesman and Dublin Christian Record [Ireland] (11 October 1844), 2 (PAYWALL)
October 10, at Phibsborough-road, Mrs. John Forde, of a son.
Baptisms, October 1844, St. Michan's (RC), Dublin; register, page 75; National Library of Ireland (DIGITISED)
[October 1844] 14 / John of John Ford [and] Mary Leonard / [sponsor] Anne Leonard
ASSOCIATIONS: John Leonard Forde (younger brother)
"Police Intelligence. COLLEGE STREET OFFICE - FRIDAY, JULY 20. EXTENSIVE ROBBERY AT MESSRS. WATERHOUSE'S", Dublin Daily Express [Ireland] (21 July 1855), 4 (PAYWALL)
John Forde, letter-carrier in the General Post Office, and Joseph Forde, his son, were placed at the bar,
in custody of Ryan and Allen, of the Detective Force, on charge of being concerned in the robbery of quantity of jewellery, to the value of over £8O,
from the establishment of Messrs. Waterhouse and Co., 26, Dame-street.
Mr. Samuel Swinburne Waterhouse deposed that from time to time, in the course of the last six or seven months,
he had missed from the establishment four gold watches, two diamond rings,
one sardonyx ring, three gold lockets, three gold chains, six gold brooches, four silver brooches,
and one turquoise and diamond pin: all the articles being the property of himself and his partner, Mr. George Waterhouse.
He identified in the police office the sardonyx ring, which he had bought about the 18th of January last;
there was no entry in his books to show that he had since sold it, and he had no doubt that it was stolen.
The prisoner, Joseph Forde, had been in his employment for about two years previous to the 19th instant, when he was arrested.
Police-constable Daniel Ryan brought the ring into the shop yesterday evening, and having handed the ring to witness,
he produced it to Joseph Forde, and asked him if he had ever seen it before,
at the same time telling him to careful as to what said, as he knew what Ryan and Allen, the police constables, were.
The prisoner replied that had never seen it before.
He then told him to examine the ring, and ascertain if he could find witness's figures on it.
Forde accordingly did so, and said that he did find figures upon it, but knew nothing about it.
Witness told him that it had been traced to his father, who had sold it, and asked him if he had given it to his father,
but replied that he had not, that his father might have sold it, but that he never gave it him.
He was then given into custody.
His father, John Forde, had been in witness's employment for a number of years, but was discharged last year.
He believed that Joseph Forde stole the articles, and that John Forde received them, and was an accessary to the felony.
Patrick Keon, 61, Bolton-street, a clerk in the General Post Office, was then examined -
He stated that knew the prisoner, John Forde, who is a letter-carrier, and has been likewise,
he believed, a book-keeper in Messrs. Waterhouse's.
During the last twelve months witness had been in the habit of buying jewellery from John Forde,
and in January last bought, for £2, the ring produced and identified.
Having had some conversation previously with Forde, he (witness) asked him had brought the rings;
Forde said, "Go out into the yard and the boy will show you some rings."
By "the boy," he meant his son, the other prisoner, who was in the habit of coming to the Post Office in the evening with his father.
Witness accordingly went into the yard, and saw Joseph Forde, who showed him about a dozen rings,
and out of them selected the one produced.
In February he sent the ring with Patrick Farrell to have it pawned at Fennell's pawn office in Talbot-street.
Farrell having proved the pawning of the ring the prisoners were remanded for further examination.
John Forde and Mary Forde, his wife, e\and their son, Joseph (an intelligent looking boy of about fifteen years of age),
were placed the bar, and indicted for feloniously stealing gold watches, diamond rings, sardonyx ring, gold chains, pins, brooches, and various other articles of jewellery,
the property of Mr. Samuel S. Waterhouse, jeweller, of Dame-street.
A second count charged the prisoners with receiving and having in their possession the property, knowing it to stolen;
and third count charged John Forde, the father, with inciting his son to steal the several articles of jewellery mentioned in the indictment.
Mr. Curran, with Mr. Carleton, appeared for the prosecution. Mr. J. Sidney, with Mr. Charles Fitzgerald, jun., defended the prisoners.
Mr. Curran stated the case for the prosecution, and called following witnesses.
Mr. Samuel S. Waterhouse examined - I carry on the jewellery business at 25, Dame-street;
I know all the prisoners at the bar; John Forde (the father) was in my employment for nine years; he ceased to be so about twelve months ago;
the son, Joseph Forde, was two years in my employment, in the capacity of apprentice, but I considered him most useful as a salesman;
he had access to the different articles of jewellery in my establishment; I took stock on the last day of December, or the 1st day of January last.
(Stock book handed to witness.) In this book I have the entries of the articles in the establishment.
(One ring handed to witness.) I see the entry this ring; it is sardonyx ring;
my course of business is to enter each article in the book, numbered, with a short description attached;
when an article is sold we enter the fact of the sale on the credit side of the book,
so that at any time we can by comparison discover whether or not we have been robbed;
that sardonyx ring was never sold in my establishment, and I can identify it being my property.
[The witness here identified the various articles of stolen property, and stated positively that none of them had been sold in his establishment.]
On the 1st of January I had all this property in stock; in July last I compared the stock in the book with what was in the establishment,
and I found that a considerable quantity of jewellery was missing;
that was on a Saturday; on the following Monday I discovered that one of the missing rings had been restored to the case, but in a soiled condition;
I had four persons in my employment; I spoke to them all; I suspected the boy as little as any one of them the time;
I called in the aid of a policeman, and introduced him to each of the four individuals;
the boy was searched by his own consent; four days afterwards, in the presence of Sergeants Ryan and Allen,
I called the boy up again: "Here," I said, "is a sardonyx ring. - now mind, careful of what you say, - did you ever see that ring before?"
He said "I never did, to my knowledge." "Look at the inside of it," I said, "at the figures. - are they not mine?" -
"I know them to be your figures," he said, "but I know no more about the matter."
"This ring," I said, "has been traced to your father, who has sold it, - mind what you say."
"I know nothing about it," was his reply.
I then gave him into custody.
Mr. Sidney cross-examined the prosecutor as to the identity of the several articles,
but the witness was positive that they were his property, and that they had been stolen from him.
Mr. William Moore, book-keeper in the Messrs. Waterhouse's establishment,
stated that there was no entry in the books that any of the articles identified as having been stolen from the prosecutor's establishment had been sold in the ordinary course of business.
Mr. Robert Nelson, salesman to the Messrs. Waterhouse, deposed that had not sold any the articles produced;
he was not certain as to one the brooches, but there was no entry as to its sale;
he was positive that the remaining brooch had never been sold by him.
Mr. Edward Hayden, clerk in the pawn office of Mr. Fennell, Talbot-street,
stated that the sardonyx ring in question had been pawned in the office of his employer, on the 13 February, 1855, in the name of "Farrell,
38, North Cumberland-street;" in the month of January last, the female prisoner pledged at the office a gold Geneva watch,
for £4 10s.; the watch was numbered 3.032, and 21 183; she gave the name of "Duffy, Ballybough-bridge."
Mr. Waterhouse was then called and re-examined -
He stated that he had had in his stock a watch corresponding to that described by the last witness as having been pawned by the female prisoner.
Patrick Farrell examined - I pledged this onyx ring [produced] in Talbot-street by direction of Mr. Patrick Keon, of the Post Office;
such things are often done, my lord, by the young gentlemen (a laugh).
Mr. Patrick Keon examined - I am a clerk in the Post Office; I gave this onyx ring to Farrell to pledge for me;
John Forde was a letter-carrier in the Post Office;
he was in the habit of disposing of jewellery to the parties in the Post Office;
he said he had a commission for doing so; I asked him bring some rings and I would purchase one from him;
some time after Forde came to me and told me to go out into the yard to his son, who would show me some rings;
I went out and saw the son; he showed me about a dozen rings; I selected one;
I did not tell son how much I would give for it; I subsequently paid the father £2 for it.
Cross-examined by Mr. Sidney - I knew these things were from the Messrs. Waterhouse's; I had bought a diamond pin at their establishment before;
I saw the boy there; I thought when he brought me the rings that he got the from his father;
for the last eight or ten years the senior prisoner had been selling jewellery to the gentlemen in the Post Office.
Senior Prisoner - I was selling for Mosely, of London.
Witness - I never knew he was selling for Mosely.
Mr. Valentine, a clerk in Mr. Phair's pawn office, Fleet-street, deposed to the pawning, on the 3rd March last, by the female prisoner,
in the name of "Thompson, Rathmines," of a cameo brooch, for £1 2s. 6d.
He also deposed to the pawning of several other articles of jewellery identified as the property of the Messrs. Waterhouse,
in the names of "M Mahon" and "Duffy," but was unable to state who pawned them.
Mr. Robert Phair and other parties also proved the pawning of many of the articles, but they could not state who the parties were that had pledged them.
Daniel Ryan, 1 G, deposed to arresting the prisoners.
Mr. Sydney addressed the jury for the prisoners in a very able speech.
Chief Justice Monahan then charged the jury.
After a few moments' deliberation, the jury handed in the verdict of "Guilty against the younger prisoner for stealing.
They also convicted the father for inciting the son to commit the felony, and the mother for receiving the property, knowing it to have been stolen.
The foreman of the jury said that they had never come to a verdict with more regret than in this case, considering the position of the prisoners.
They wished to recommend them to mercy.
Mr. Waterhouse said he joined most sincerely in the request.
He felt exceedingly for the boy, than whom there was no better youth as regarded attention to business;
and he held himself guilty of failing in duty in not pursuing a different course after the father had ceased to be in his employment.
Mr. Fitzpatrick, of Dame-street, who was very much affected, also joined with Mr. Waterhouse,
and bore testimony to the good opinion entertained of the boy.
The Lord Chief Justice inquired if there was anybody to take charge of the boy when he should leave prison.
He asked that question with a view to what might occur when the court came to pass sentence.
Mr. Sydney said that the boy's uncle was in court a few minutes previously, but had since left it.
Mr. Curran, for the prosecution, addressed the court in favour of the recommendation to mercy.
Mr. Sidney appealed to their lordships on behalf of the female prisoner, on the ground of her youthful family.
Chief Justice Monahan - We will respite sentence until the next Commission, when we will make an arrangement with the other judges,
and come down and pass sentence ourselves. Meantime, as the prisoners are now convicted,
the court orders that the boy shall be separated from his father and his mother.
Mr. Waterhouse said he felt it only just to Mr. Keon, of the Post Office, to mention that he found the diamond pin duly entered as being sold to him.
He did not think there was the slightest imputation upon him.
A Juror - The jury are of the same opinion.
Chief Justice Monahan - Oh! of course there is not.
The prisoners were then removed, and the Commission as adjourned to the 25th of October.
"COMMISSION OF OYER AND TERMINER [27 October] . . . THE ROBBERY AT MR. WATERHOUSE'S", Dublin Daily Express [Ireland] (29 October 1855), 4 (PAYWALL)
Chief Justice Monahan asked Mr. Waterhouse if he had any communication to make respecting the prisoners Ford, who had been convicted at the last Commission. A memorial on their behalf very numerously signed, had been presented to the judges. The case was very serious one, and could not lightly dealt with. His lordship inquired if Mr. Waterhouse had any way of recovering any portion of his property. Mr. Waterhouse stated that he had waited on the prisoner Ford in the prison, and there received such information from him as led to the recovery of a large portion of the property. He had found a valuable gold watch buried in his garden, and also thirty pawnbrokers' tickets. The prisoner also informed him about property which he had not missed, and therefore hoped the court would deal mercifully with the prisoner. Chief Justice Monahan then proceeded sentence the three prisoners, John Ford, Joseph Ford, and Mary Ford, and, after adverting to the facts of the case, said that, if the court had discharged its duty strictly when the prisoners were convicted, they would sentence them to penal servitude or transportation. The court, at the instance of Mr. Waterhouse, would not pass sentence, in order to give the prisoners an opportunity of giving such information as would enable him to receive portions of the property. That information had been given, and Mr. Waterhouse had appealed to the court to pass a more lenient sentence than otherwise would, and they had yielded the to application. The offence was of serious character, and must be visited by sever punishment. Each of them must and kept to hard labour for twelve months from the date of their committal.
ASSOCIATIONS: The "memorial on their behalf very numerously signed" perhaps included the signature of Charles Gavan Duffy;
as Joseph later recalled, John Forde was a contributor to Duffy's Dublin journal, Nation;
and around this time, Duffy himself was to leave Dublin to settle in Australia;
see "OLD SYDNEY (BY 'OLD CHUM'), Truth (30 November 1902), 8
. . . [Mitchel] joined the staff of the 'Nation,' under Charles Gavan Duffy.
My father was on the staff of the 'Nation' at the time . . .
Quarrelling with Duffy he left the 'Nation' and established a paper, the 'United Irishman,' every line printed in which breathed animosity to England.
For his especial behoof the Treason Felony Act was passed, Mitchell being the first offender tried under it, and [in 1848] being convicted was sentenced to 14 years' transportation . . .
The Crown lawyers were determined upon a conviction, the jury had been carefully packed;
in fact there was no secret about the packing.
Samuel Swinburne Waterhouse, an Englishman, in trade in Dublin, and holding the appointment of jeweller, etc.,
to the Lord Lieutenant, was foreman of the jury . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Swinburne Waterhouse (1820-1905, employer); Charles Gavan Duffy (politician); John Mitchel (Irish political prisoner)
Australia (from 1857):
Names and descriptions of passengers per General Windham from Liverpool, 16 June 1857, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . John Ford / 40 / Farmer / Irish // Joseph [Ford] / 17 / [Farmer] / Irish . . .
"NEWS OF THE WEEK", The Melbourne Leader [VIC] (12 October 1861), 3
The memorial to the late Miss Ellen Mortyn, for which an amateur dramatic performance was recently given at the Royal Princess Theatre,
has been erected in the New Cemetery. The memorial consists of a tomb covering the entire grave,
and is composed of Italian marble, on a Yorkshire landing, and bluestone base, about eight feet by four,
and three and a half or four feet high, and bears the following inscription: -
"Here lieth the mortal remains of the once gifted Ellen Mortyn.
This simple tribute to her worth as an actress was subscribed for by the inhabitants of Victoria at a public benefit in the Royal Princess Theatre,
Melbourne, 30th August, 1861, under the auspices of the Amateur Benevolent Comedian Club. - J. M. Forde, Honorary Secretary."
ASSOCIATIONS: Ellen Mortyn (actor); Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (11 July 1871), 2
The following donations have been received since September last: . . .
From Mr. J. M. Forde: Four numbers of the Hobart Town Gazette for 1825 . . .
"DEATHS", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (29 June 1878), 27
FORDE. - On the 21st inst., at 110 Perry-street, Hoddle-street north, Mrs. Mary Forde, daughter of the late Bernard Leonard, Esq., of 79 St. Stephen's Green south, Dublin, and dearly beloved mother of Mr. J. M. Forde, Sydney, and Mr. J. L. T. Forde, Melbourne, aged 65 years. R.I.P.
"DEATHS", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (27 July 1882), 2
FORD - On the 24th inst., at Fitzroy, Mr. John Forde, journalist, aged 67 years. R.I.P.
"EARLY MELBOURNE. BY OLD CHUM No. 203", Truth [Perth, WA] (20 September 1913), 2
The shop of Mr. Edward Arnold was at 56 Elizabeth-street, one door from the nor-east corner of Collins-street. The house was built about the year 1845, and was demolished in December, 1910. I made a special trip to Melbourne to have a look at the old premises, hearing they were about to be demolished, but arrived in time to see the last old brick carted off the ground . . . I entered the employment of Mr. Arnold towards the end of 1858. He was an artist by profession, a good draftsman, but as "professional" men went at a discount in the first fifties he became a bookseller and stationer . . . In the early years of his trade, Arnold did well and built himself a country house, "Cloverdale," Toorak. Thus, when the gold fever had died out, he sold to Mr. John William Bogg, of J. H. Clough and Co., wool brokers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Arnold (employer, for c. 3 years 1859-61)
"A NORTON LETTER. JOHN NORTON WRITES ON LIFE To Historian, "Old-Chum" Forde", Truth (20 May 1917), 12
Our esteemed contributor, Mr. J. M. Forde, who is better known to our readers as "Old Chum," was 77 years' of age last Wednesday. He writes as follows to us: - My 77th birthday will happen on Wednesday, May 9. On Sunday, May 13, I will expect to see, as you promised, our late Chief's letter to me on my 74th birthday. It will be but simple justice to Mr. Norton's memory, as there are many incidents in that letter which explain many things in Mr. Norton's career . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Norton (newspaper proprietor)
"EARLY MELBOURNE. John Pascoe Fawkner - "The Founder of Melbourne" - His Life, Death, and Funeral . . . (By "Old Chum") No. 434", Truth (23 March 1918), 7
It is with much regret that, I sit down to write the last chapter of my "Early Melbourne" reminiscences. During a residence of nearly sixty-one years in Australia, I feel I ought to know something about it, socially and politically, and I have endeavored, to the best of my ability, to use this knowledge in these columns . . .
"PERSONAL", Daily Telegraph [Launceston, TAS] (6 March 1923), 5
Mr. John Leonard Forde, who died at his residence, Eblana, Hill-street, Hawthorn, on February 26, was born in Dublin in 1844, and arrived in Melbourne in the early sixties. He was associated with journalism in Melbourne and Tasmania for many years . . .
"Old Sydney . . . TOLD BY OLD CHUM. No. 964", Truth (9 May 1926), 20
. . . To-day, May 9, ushers In "Old Chum's" 87th year, for over 36 of which he has contributed to "Truth" under various pen-names, names used to fit the articles. This was originated by the late Mr. John Norton, the founder, practically, of the paper . . .
For police cases and court work generally "Bucket" was used. On articles of country travel, the result of "Old Chum's" business trips to various centres, "An Ex-Commercial' was used. On legal articles, "Mark Meddle" was used, being a character, "a pettifogging village attorney," in the comedy of "London Assurance." "Aminadab Sleek," a sanctimonious character in "The Serious Family" was adopted in various questionable church matters; "The Oldest Inhabitant" and "T.O.I." were used in old Australian items.
"Hayseed" was used in the "Sportsman" generally, racing items, sporting biographies and theatres. "The Man About Town" for city items. "Bush Lawyer," "Mickey Tree," "J.M.F.", and "T." were all used, and have now been laid aside, and "Old Chum" has taken their place.
I hope to be forgiven for this "blowing my own trumpet." What the late Mr. John Norton thought of my work will be found In his letter to me written in Melbourne on my 74th birthday. The letter will be found in "Truth" (Sydney) June 2, 1917, and it was copied into all the issues of "Truth" in Australia and New Zealand in the same month.
"OBITUARY . . . MR. J. M. FORDE", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1929), 21
The death occurred at Hazelbrook, blue Mountains, last night of Mr. John Michael Forde [sic], whose writings under the nom de plume of "Old Boomerang" were widely known throughout the State. He would have celebrated his 89th birthday next week. Mr. Forde had a valuable collection of old Sydney records, etchings, and documents of great historical interest, and he wrote continuously during the last 10 years about old residents and places in and around Sydney. He is survived by Mrs. Forde and a family. The funeral will take place at Lawson Cemetery this afternoon.
See also "OLD CHUM. THE LATE MR. J. M. FORDE (BY J. E. C.)", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 May 1929), 16
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 May 1929), 10
FORDE. - May 3, 1929, at Hazelbrook, Joseph Michiel Forde [sic], aged 88 years.
Theatrical and musical memoirs:
Mummer memoirs (from 1904, as Annals of the turf and other pastimes, from 1905 Mummer memoirs, to 1914): (TROVE tagged by Australharmony and others)
Other sources:
Papers of Joseph Michael Ford, 1901-1929; National Library of Australia, MS 3487
Papers of Joseph Michael Ford, 1836-1925; State Library of New South Wales
The Wyndham journal [sic]; a scrapbook with printed copy of a journal produced weekly on board the General Windham on a voyage to Australia in 1857; hand annotations and letters inserted trace some passengers after arrival in the colony; National Library of Australia, MS 3420
For another copy, see:
On which, see "EARLY MELBOURNE. When 'Old Chum' was a 'New Chum' (BY 'OLD CHUM') No. 187", Truth [Perth, WA] (24 May 1913), 2
. . . Amongst her passengers were some who subsequently achieved some fame, if not full fortune, in Australia . . . Amongst them were . . . Mr. Andrew Orr, who became noted as a journalist on Ballarat; Mr. John Forde, a journalist, of Dublin, whose second son, John Leonard Forde, has just produced an interesting volume, "The Story of the Bar of Victoria," published by Whitcombe and Tombs, the result of nearly half a century's acquaintance as a journalist with the Victorian Law Courts . . . Mr. Joseph Wilding, of some editorial talent; and, pardon me for mentioning it, myself. A happier little company it would be difficult to find . . .
Andrew Orr (poet, journalist);
and see also "EARLY MELBOURNE, 'Old Chum' as a 'New Chum' (BY 'OLD CHUM') No. 189", Truth [Perth, WA] (7 June 1913), 2
The first number of the Wyndham Journal" appeared on Monday, July 13, 1857.
We had been just about four weeks at sea. The editor, in his introduction, said: -
"We had entertained hopes of being long ere this in the weekly receipt of a journal throughout the vessel,
which, whether comic or otherwise, might, at least, serve to help some of us through an idle hour or two;
but, alas! the hope was blighted in the first shoot.
One periodical has been born, breathed on, and buried in oblivion!"
A newspaper named "Illustrated Punch" made one appearance, and then dropped out.
The second venture, less ambitions, perhaps, was more successful, and ran into nine numbers, the last being published on September 12,
the day on which we sailed up Port Phillip and anchored in Hobson's Bay.
The paper did not make its appearance with studied regularity, the winds and waves having, at times, interfered with its appearance.
It was written on foolscap, after the manner of John Pascoe Fawkner's manuscript journal, "The Melbourne Advertiser,"
the difference being that Fawkner got paid for his advertisements and Wilding did not.
The size of the weekly issue was regulated by the amount of "copy."
The series was sent to Edinburgh by Mr. Wilding to be printed.
They were sold at 2s. 6d. per copy, and eagerly purchased by such passengers as were in Melbourne, when the issue arrived.
I was selected to read the journal on the day of issue to the passengers, as it would have been unwise to allow the paper to pass through so many hands.
The first number, in addition to the "log" of the ship and the establishment of a mutual improvement society,
contained a poem by Andrew Orr, which I think, is not included in his book of verse: -
Our gallant ship, the outward bound.
Leans off from Bantry Bay;
The last sweet sight of Irish ground
Is seen through tear and spray . . .
The mutual improvement society was a success. The initial lecture was delivered by Dr. Slater - "Phrenotypics, or Artificial Memory" . . .
Other lectures of the series were: - . . . "A History of the Post Office and Postal Arrangements" by Mr. Forde . . .
In addition to the mutual improvement society, there were two musical societies on board,
so that each day had some attraction which helped pass the gloomy evenings, gloomy only for want of proper lighting,
a little oversight in the arrangements of the agents or owners, who did not put a sufficient supply of lamp oil on board.
We had instrumental as well as vocal music, one Mr. Wagner being a composer and violinist of some merit . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Wagner (musician); and see also, "EARLY MELBOURNE. 'Old Chum' as a 'New Chum' (BY 'OLD CHUM') No. 191", Truth (21 June 1913), 12
Also, "EARLY MELBOURNE . . . Voyage of the General Wyndham - Shipmates of 'Old Chum' ((By 'Old Chum') No. 367", Truth [Melbourne, VIC] (18 November 1916), 3
. . . Another shipmate was . . . John Forde, who had been on the staff of several Dublin newspapers, amongst them the "Warder" and the "Nation", widely different in politics, who was also a passenger. Mr. Forde died in 1883; he has two sons in journalism in Australia . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Allan Rost, "Joseph Michael Forde 'Old Chum' (1840-1929)", Descent 34/1 (March 2004), 7-15 (PAYWALL)
FORDER, Henry (Henry Thomas FORDER; Henry FORDER; Harry FORDER)
Musician, organist, blind musician
Born Ballarat, VIC, 1857; son of James FORDER and Bridget REIDY
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1869
Married Kate (Catherine) NOONAN (1860-1946), VIC, 1882
Died Prahran, VIC, 1 March 1925, aged "67" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (1 February 1869), 5
An interesting event took place on Saturday last, in the second annual meeting of those concerned in the Victorian Asylum and School for the Blind, held in the building, situated on the St. Kilda-road . . . The "business" of the meeting followed. The usual report - a very satisfactory one - was received, and resolutions were passed appointing the various honorary officers, and the committee of the institution, and thanking the paid officers, such as . . . Mr. S. Greenwood (the teacher of music), for having so admirably discharged their duties. During the proceedings the children performed several pieces of music with precision and effect. They sang and played on the piano and organ, and a boy named Henry Forder, only ten years of age, and so small that those in the room could scarcely see him perched on the organ stool, performed a voluntary on that instrument, the theme of which was Handel's Hailstone Chorus. He had only been a pupil for four or five months, and his instrumentation was surprising. The musical education of the children reflected great credit upon Mr. Greenwood's teaching, as did their general appearance upon the general management . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Greenwood (teacher)
The annual concert in connexion with this institution was held in the Town-hall last night . . . About 4,000 persons were present, and the collection made during the evening amounted to only £116. There are now 95 inmates of the institution, of whom a small majority are males. Nearly all of them were present last night in the organ gallery . . . H. Forder, the well-known blind musician, who is an inmate of the asylum, played on the organ . . .
[News], The Argus (31 March 1882), 5
The managers of the asylum and School for the Blind commenced their concerts which have now become customary, last night in the refectory of the asylum . . . It has been mentioned to us that Henry Forder, a former pupil of the institution has lately been appointed organist at the Presbyterian Church, St. Kilda . . .
"A WORLD WITHOUT LIGHT", The McIvor Times (26 April 1883), 3
At the corner of St. Kilda road and Greville street, Prahran, is a little colony of one hundred persons who live in the perpetual night of total blindness . . . The Victorian Asylum for the blind contains, as stated, 100 inmates, in the proportion of about six males to four females. The ages range from five to about sixty, and 90 per cent. are Australian born . . . One of the inmates, Mr. Forder, is the well-known organist of the St. Kilda Presbyterian Church, and another, Mr. Edward Pascoe, who has been totally blind since birth, is the organist at St. James's Cathedral, Melbourne. A former inmate is now earning his living as a professor of music at Ballarat, whilst another - Miss Constance Heine - is prospering in America. This young lady was blind from birth, her father, the well-known violinist, being also blind . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Constance and Joseph Heine (daughter and father, violinist)
"BLIND MUSICIANS", Grey River Argus [NZ] (23 August 1898), 3
This talented Company will open for a season, commencing on Friday evening, at Bonnie's Hall. The Press all over the colony are loud in the praise of their musical ability, apart from the deserving nature of the company . . . Henry Forder, who was born blind, is the most talented blind instrumentalist in the colonies. He is a splendid performer on the organ, piano, violin and clarionette, and in addition has a thorough knowledge of all brass instruments, having been Band Master to the Blind Institution, Melbourne. For three years he was Organist to the Prahran Independent Church, and for thirteen years occupied a similar position to the St. Kilda Presbyterian Church. Piano tuning is also another of his numerous accomplishments. His imitations of the banjo and bagpipes are encored nightly . . .
"A SENSATIONAL BOLT", The Argus (12 December 1900), 8
A sensational bolt took place in High street, Armadale, yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock, which resulted in injuries to Mr. Henry Forder, a blind piano-forte tuner, living at 110 Newry street, North Carlton, and also to his wife, Kate.
"MELBOURNE GOSSIP (From our own Correspondent)", Examiner [Launceston, TAS] (18 January 1907), 8
For a blind man to pose as a wife-beater seems a curious state of affairs, but nevertheless a man named Henry Forder, who has lost his sight, was charged with such an assault. It appears that they have been living apart for some time, and that on Friday last the accused was heard making a disturbance outside his wife's front door, and was seen to be flourishing a heavy walking-stick. When the front door was opened he rushed in, and commenced to strike his wife with the stick and his fist. Some gentlemen went to her rescue, and husband desisted. She afterwards gave him into custody. On being asked whether she had given him any provocation her reply that they had 11 children caused some hilarity. The accused was slightly drunk at the time of his arrest, and he stated that lne intended to give his wife and daughter a good thrashing because they had been saying something disrespectful about him and his friends. He bore a good character, and on account of this and of his physical disabilities, the bench imposed a small penalty of 20s, in default three days' imprisonment.
See also, "HARMONY AND DISCORD", The Argus (22 January 1907), 8
"DEATHS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (3 March 1925), 1
FORDER. - On the 1st March, at the Alfred Hospital, Harry, beloved husband of Katherine Forder . . . aged 67 years . . .
FORREST, Charles (Charles FORREST; Mr. C. FORREST)
Actor, comedian, theatrical manager
Born ? c. 1829
Active Hobart Town, TAS, ? by 1850; by 1852
Married Mary Ann MERCHANT (1837-1863), Launceston, TAS, 9 March 1853 (aged ? "24")
Active Melbourne, VIC, until mid 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? [Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (22 March 1850), 3
The ladies and gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity are respectfully informed that the above popular place of amusement will
RE-OPEN on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, the 25th instant, with an entirely New Company.
The Theatre has undergone a thorough repair, and every effort has been made to render the House worthy of the patronage of the public.
The best Dramatic and Equestrian talent available in the colony has been engaged for the ensuing season . . .
Stage Manager, Mr. Holloway; Acting Manager, Mr. Forrest . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Irwin. March 22, 1850.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Holloway (actor, manager); Mr. Irwin (leader, musician); Royal Amphitheatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (1 May 1852), 1
Monday Evening, May 3rd. FAREWELL BENEFIT OF Mr. C. FORREST.
First appearance of MISS ROMER, From the Royal Liver Theatre, Liverpool.
Mr. C. FORREST, begs to intimate to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town, and its vicinity, that his Benefit is fixed for the above mentioned evening;
on which occasion (at a considerable expence) he has arranged a Night's Entertainments that will not fail to give satisfaction,
when he trusts to meet with a share of that patronage, which throughout his theatrical career, has ever been his study to deserve.
The evening's entertainments will commence with a new Melo Drama, in 3 Acts, entitled
Count Rhinealt, a judge who condemns his own child to death - Mr. C. FORREST.
Louisa, his daughter - Miss ROMER.
Other characters by the company.
To be followed by Song - Mr. Osborne. Song - Miss Romer.
To conclude with a laughable Farce entitled, The Tinker, Soldier, and the Sailor! Supported by the entire company . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert James Osborne (actor, vocalist); Miss Romer (otherwise unidentified); Royal Albert Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (13 November 1852), 2
Royal ALBERT Theatre, Liverpool Street.
On Monday Evening Next, Nov. 15 . . .
Van Diemen's Land IN THE DAYS OF BRADY.
N. B. - After next Wednesday this Theatre will be under the able and talented direction of Messrs. RUSSELL and ANDERSON, with Mr. C. FORREST as Manager . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins Russell (manager); Matthew Brady (convict, bushranger); this is the sole notice of this play based on Brady's career
"THE DRAMA", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (20 November 1852), 3
"Master Humphrey's Clock," a Melo Drama of considerable interest, dramatized from Dickens' Celebrated Novel, will be performed on Monday evening next, at the Royal Victoria Theatre: Mr. C. Forrest is cast for the character of Hargrave Hartly, being his first appearance. More than usual labour has been employed in the production of this piece, and a good house is anticipated . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
"Olympic Theatre", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (19 February 1853), 140
By advertisement it will be seen this little place of amusement opens on Monday evening, for a short season, with almost a new company. No doubt, if well managed, the season will prove a profitable one. During the race week four evenings' performances will take place, with entirely new pieces, farces, and other entertainments; in which Mr. Charles Forrester [sic], from Hobart Town, will appear in some of his favorite characters, and no doubt prove an attraction.
"Olympic Theatre", The Cornwall Chronicle (5 March 1853), 182
The performance at this little place of amusement has been very creditable during the week. For Monday evening there is a splendid bill-of-fare for the benefit of Mr. C. Forrest, who will appear as "William Tell," and from his well known ability, will, no doubt, draw a bumper house. Mrs. Moore will sustain the part of "Emma," and do justice to it. Mr. Kenney as "Michael" will acquit himself in his usual happy style - in fact, the piece will, without doubt, go off well, as all parts have been well studied. Singing and dancing compose the interlude, and a very good Farce finishes the evening's amusement. See advertisement.
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (5 March 1853), 176
William Tell (the Patriot) - Mr. C. Forrest.
Albert Tell (his son) - Miss Merchant . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Merchant (dancer, actor)
1853, marriages in the district of Launceston; 9 March 1853; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:849645; RGD37/1/12 no 1144 (DIGITISED)
No. 284 / 1144 / March 9th 1853 at the residence of Mrs. Charles Fields, Charles Street, Launceston /
Charles Forrest / 24 / Gentleman / . . . bachelor /
Mary Ann Merchant / 17 / - / . . . spinster / . . .
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (31 January 1854), 2
If unremitting energy and perseverance in the cause of public gratification are deserving of encouragement the exertions of Mr. Watson must ultimately entitle him to that success, which recent and partial failures may have temporarily diminished . . . The debut of Mr. Forrest, which takes place to-morrow evening in the character of William Tell, will, we hope, be attended by such a welcome as the opinions we have heard concerning him may justify us in anticipating.
ASSOCIATIONS: Feltham Bold Watson (manager)
[News], The Courier (7 April 1854), 2
Mr. Osborne has engaged Mr. Forrest, formerly of the Royal Victoria Theatre, at a liberal salary, and Mr. F. is about to depart for Sydney, to join the company at Malcom's Circus in that metropolis. As it would not be possible to obtain the theatre on that occasion, a retiring benefit will be given him at the Albert Theatre to-morrow evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)
"SHIPPING REPORT . . . CLEARED OUT", The Hobart Town Advertiser (12 April 1854), 2
April 11 - Brig Emma, 139 tons, T. T. Brown, for Sydney, with sundries; passengers . . . Mr. C. Forrest . . .
[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (29 April 1854), 2
SOLE LESSEE - Mr. R. J. Osborne. THE following is a list of Mr. Osborne's Troupe: -
Mr. Forrest, the eminent Tragedian, late of the Melbourne and Geelong Theatres . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Olympic Circus (Sydney venue)
"SORELL PLOUGHING MATCH (From our own Correspondent)", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (15 September 1854), 2-3
THE Tenth Annual Ploughing Match came off on Thursday last, the 7th September . . . A band of music was in attendance, which played some very appropriate pieces . . . [3] . . . Plenty of amusement, apart from the labours of the day was afforded by Osborne's Troupe and the Dog Jonathan. Mr. C. Forrest, late of the Victoria Theatre gave a kind of theatrical monopologue, murdering the Queen's English to the delight of the audience, who were not sufficiently rustic to omit marking their appreciation of a representative of William Tell roaring out to the Swiss troop to "put the happel on is 'ed" . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (2 February 1855), 2
The oldest actor in the colony takes his Benefit on FRIDAY Evening, 2nd February,
when he trusts to meet with a share of public patronage and support.
The pieces selected for this occasion are THE CARPENTER OF ROUEN, with other entertainments.
To conclude with THE KING'S GARDENER.
Marceau (the carpenter), Mr. C. Forrest. Madelon (his daughter), Madame Carandini.
In the King's Gardener, Madame Carandini will sing some of her most popular songs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist, actor)
"CITY POLICE COURT. Wednesday, 14th November, 1855 . . . A THEATRICAL LUNATIC", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (15 November 1855), 5
Charles Forrest, remanded from last week for attempting to cut his throat in going through some professional act, was discharged upon promising not to tipple again. He seemed desirous of taking the total abstinence pledge. Dr. Milton was sent for, and it was administered to him at once.
"BURGLARY", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 April 1856), 5
At the District Court yesterday, Charles Forrest, a person, well-known amongst play-goers as a comedian, was brought up for examination on a charge of having been implicated in the Ivanhoe robbery, committed a short time back. The detectives not being fully prepared with their evidence, and prisoner's counsel also asking for a remand, the examination was postponed for a week, by which time both parties promised to be ready.
Charles Forrest, Alexander Kennedy, John Keith, and Andrew Anderson, alias Conner,
pleaded "Not Guilty" to an information which charged them with having feloniously assaulted John Boden,
on the night of June 22nd last, and stolen from him a watch, a cap, and certain moneys, his property . . .
The prisoner Forrest then addressed the jury.
His remarks in substance were that he was an actor at the Princess's Theatre, and had always earned an honest living . . .
The prisoners were then remanded.
ASSOCIATIONS: Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
Charles Forrest, Alexander Kennedy, John Keefe, and Andrew Anderson, alias Connor,
were once more placed upon their trial, charged with having committed a murderous assault upon one John Bowden in Little Bourke street on the morning of the 22nd June last.
Prisoners pleaded Not Guilty . . .
His Honor, in passing sentence, said: Charles Forrest and John Keefe, you have, after a long and arduous trial,
been convicted by a jury of your countrymen of a most heinous offence, for which your lives have been forfeited to the laws of your country.
If there was evidence before me to show by whose hand the blow had been struck, I would have sentenced him to death,
and I would have seen that the sentence should have been carried out.
But as I do not desire to pass a sentence which I cannot afterwards see that it is carried out,
I will only order sentence of death to be recorded against you.
You have been convicted of a most violent assault upon a man whose life you life you have placed in danger,
and whose health you have perhaps permanently injured.
Let sentence of death be recorded against both the prisoners, and the Executive will say to what punishment the sentence will be commuted.
See also, "CRIMINAL SESSIONS", The Argus (22 July 1859), 6
General and music printer, publisher, newspaper proprietor
Active Sydney, NSW, by c. 1835
Active as "Statham and Forster" (proprietors of The Australian), Sydney, January 1844 to March 1847
Active as "T. Forster", Sydney (at Pitt-street north address), NSW, July 1847 to ? October 1849, or May 1851 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
As of early 2022, I have been unable to positively identify Thomas Forster, printer and publisher of The Australian. George Burnett Barton, in Literature in New South Wales (1866), mentions William Forster (1818-1882) as a journalist, but makes no mention at all of Thomas. The printer was probably not the journalist William's father, Thomas Forster, a retired army surgeon, who died on his country property at Ryde on 6 February 1856, in his seventies. Nor was he the NSW convict, Thomas Forster, per Mangles, 1820, who was already active in Melbourne and Geelong in the 1840s as a commission agent, and who died at Ballarat in 1880.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor [NSW] (9 August 1837), 1
To Constables, Publicans, AND OTHERS.
AS MY ASSIGNED SERVANTS are in the habit of prowling about the streets after the prescribed hour,
from my Office, and frequenting Public Houses, Constables are desired to take the same in charge,
and lodge them in custody, unless they have a written pass bearing the signature of my Overseer Mr. Thomas Forster.
N.B. - Publicans are also cautioned against giving any kind of Liquor or Spirits to the same without a written order.
E. H. STATHAM. Monitor Office, August 2, 1837.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwyn Henry Statham (printer, publisher)
"Court of Quarter Sessions. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19", Australasian Chronicle (21 August 1841), 2
James Spring and John Spring were indicted for having, on the 3rd of July last, stolen £36 in bank notes, £5 in shillings,
and £2 10s. in half crowns, the property of Mr. W. J. Row, of the government printing office.
Mr. Cheeke and Mr. G. R. Nichols appeared for the prosecution; Mr. Foster appeared for John Spring, and Mr. Purefoy for James Spring . . .
Mr. Foster then called the following witnesses, who all gave the prisoner John Spring an excellent character,
as an honest, upright, and trustworthy individual: - Mr. G. Moss, proprietor of the Australian;
Mr. T. Forster, overseer of the Australian printing office; and Mr. G. G. O'Brien, proprietor of the Monitor.
Each of these witnesses had known the prisoner John Spring for seven or eight years, and all gave him the most unexceptionable character.
A written character was also put in and read from Mr. F. M. Stokes, late proprietor of the Sydney Herald . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Michael Stokes (newspaper proprietor)
"AUSTRALIAN PRESS", The Australian (22 July 1842), 2
. . . Amongst the many novelties which have lately presented themselves to our attention . . . none perhaps is more worthy of honourable mention, than a Printing Press, lately manufactured by Mr. Crighton, for the "Australian" Office. This Press is of that description known as the Imperial Press, and is certainly a very creditable specimen of Australian workmanship, it being fully equal in its operation to any English Press. It was originally intended to introduce some rather important improvements in the mechanism, suggested by Mr. T. Forster of the "Australian," but although the principle of these improvements was approved of by the manufacturer, he did not in his first attempt, like to venture upon any material innovation of the old plan. He is, however, about to commence the manufacture of a second Press, in which he intends adopting Mr. Forster's suggestions, which appear to us to be valuable. We will hope that the same advancement in our social and political condition, which has led to this purveyance for the mechanical department of literature, will in due season be evinced in a similar measure, by those works of mind which have hitherto been so charily bestowed upon us . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (15 July 1847), 2
NOTICE OF REMOVAL. THE Proprietor of THE AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL begs to intimate . . .
that the business office will, on and after Monday next [19 July 1847], be carried on in the premises adjoining Dr. Bland's, in Pitt-street . . .
THOMAS FORSTER, Proprietor. Sydney, July 14, 1847.
[Advertisement], The Australian (22 July 1847), 2
NOTICE. THE Business of THE AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL and General Printing Office,
heretofore conducted at No. 575, Lower George-street, will henceforth be carried on at No. 334, Pitt-street, adjoining the residence of Dr. Bland . . .
THOMAS FORSTER, July 22, 1847.
[Advertisement], The Australian (22 October 1847), 2
LETTER-PRESS and COPPER PLATE PRINTING, of every description performed with neatness and despatch, at reduced prices;
and in a style not to be excelled in any Office in Sydney.
"POLICE OFFICE SKETCHES", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (8 September 1849), 2
. . . The complainant had incurred a debt of £2 10s. with one Thomas Forster, proprietor of the late Australian newspaper. Application for payment was made by the defendant Nixon, who represented himself as Forster's agent in the transaction . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 October 1849), 1
PRINTING OFFICE. FOR SALE by Private Contract, complete, or in lots to suit purchasers, the
Whole of the PRESSES, TYPES, and Printing Materials of the late Australian Newspaper and Job Office.
For particulars apply to Mr. S. LYONS, Auctioneer, George-street; or at the Office, 334, Pitt-street, adjoining Dr. Bland's.
N.B. - There is sufficient type, &c., to bring out a paper the Herald's size,
and every necessary article ready to hand to proceed with at a moment's notice. October 19.
"ABSTRACT OF SALES BY AUCTION THIS DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 May 1851), 3
MR. S. LYONS. . . . at the office, adjoining Dr. Bland's, 334, Pitt-street North, at 12 o'clock, Printing Type and Material.
Musical publications:
Lectures on the theory and practice of music (1846)
The first, second, and third of a series of lectures on the theory and practice of music, delivered at the Sydney College, New South Wales, giving an historical account of the origin, rise, and progress of the science, from the earliest period up to the present time, with progressive exercises for improvement on the piano-forte, harmony, and modulation; and for the cultivation of the human voice, from the first rudiments to the most refined and elaborate details of a perfect mastery of the art: forming a work of instruction for the pupil, and a work of reference for the master, by I. Nathan, musical historian and theorist to his late reverend majesty, George IV., professor of singing and composer to her late royal highness, the princess Charlotte of Wales, author of the "Hebrew Melodies," the "Musurgia Vocalis," &c. (Sydney: W. Ford; London: Cramer, Addison & Beale, 1846); on verso of titlepage: "Sydney: STATHAM AND FORSTER, PRINTERS, 575, GEORGE-STREET." (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (composer, musician); William Ford (bookseller, publisher); Statham and Forster (firm)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 October 1846), 1
Part I - Price, 5s., in Royal Quarto.
THE First, Second, and Third of a Series of Lectures on the
Giving an historical account of the origin, rise, and, progress of the Science,
from the earliest period up to the present time, with 'Progressive Exercises for improvement on the Pianoforte,
Harmony, Modulation, and for the cultivation of the Human Voice,
from the first rudiments to the most refined and elaborate details of a perfect mastery of the art:
forming a work of instruction for the pupil, and a work of reference for the master.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Fitzroy (dedicatee)
Merry freaks in troublous times (? 1849)
Merry freaks in troublous times, an historical operatic drama in two acts by Charles Nagel, esquire, the music composed by I. Nathan (Sydney: By the composer, [n.d.]); on verso of titlepage: "T. FORSTER, PRINTER, PITT-STREET NORTH, SYDNEY." (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nagel (libretto)
The southern Euphrosyne (? 1849)
The southern Euphrosyne and Australian miscellany, containing oriental moral tales, original anecdote, poetry and music, an historical sketch with examples of the native aboriginal melodies put into modern rhythm and harmonized as solos, quartettes &c., together with several other original local pieces, arranged to a piano-forte accompaniment by the editor and sole proprietor I. Nathan (Sydney: [W. and F. Ford for] I. Nathan; London: Whittaker & Co., [n.d.; c. early 1849]); [foot of page 168]: "SYDNEY: - FORSTER, PRINTER, 334, PITT-STREET, NORTH." (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
But see at foot of "ERRATA" page:
NOTE: The Editor desires it to be understood, in reference to the above Errata, that the Printer whose name is attached to this work, is not ammenable for these inaccuracies, inasmuch as only four sheets were printed by him.
ASSOCIATIONS: William and Frederick Ford (booksellers, publishers); the earlier parts of the anthology were probably printed late in 1847 and early 1848 while Nathan had a publishing arrangement with the Fords
Other resources:
Letters, Thomas Forster, 17 and 29 December 1847, 21 March 1848, 29 August 1849, 12 April 1850, to James Macarthur; James Macarthur papers relating to J. C. Pott and The Australian, 1842-1850; State Library of New South Wales
ASSOCIATIONS: James Macarthur (correspondent)
Bibliography and resources:
"The Newspaper Press Of New South Wales. No. 4. THE EARLIER PAPERS" [The Australian], Table Talk [Melbourne, VIC] (27 October 1893), 11
. . . the last number issued [of The Australian] would appear to have been on the last day of that year [1847]. By this time, the title of the paper had been altered to the Australian Journal. An the beginning of 1847, the office was at 575 Lower George-street, and the publishers were Messrs. Edwyn Henry Statham and Thomas Forster. Towards the end of January, however, the name of Mr. Statham disappeared from the imprint. Mr. E. S. Hall, who had been editor and proprietor of the Monitor, is now the editor of the Australian Journal. It is now described as "the oldest paper in the Australian Colonies, established 1824" . . . In 1847, the price was sixpence. When the last number appeared, the office of the paper was at 334 Pitt-street north . . .
Reprinted from The newspaper press in New South Wales (Sydney: Charles Potter [for the Chicago Exhibition], 1893)
NOTE: As announced in the day's editorial, the last issue was correctly 28 September 1848, and the colophon (page 4 bottom of last column):
Printed and Published at . . . No. 334, Pitt-street North . . . by THOMAS FORSTER . . .
Robin Berwick Walker, The newspaper press in New South Wales, 1803-1920 (Sydney: Sydney University Pres, 1976), 34-35, 45
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 169 (DIGITISED)
Rod Kirkpatrick, "Select chronology of significant Australian press events . . . 1850-50", Australian Newspaper History Group (NLA)
1844 / 1 Jan / Sydney / Editor [sic ?] Thomas Forster and printer Edwyn Henry Statham buy the Australian; they make it a daily from 1 March; it remains a daily for 11 months and then becomes a tri-weekly and later a bi-weekly.
"The Australian (newspaper, 1824-48)", Wikipedia
FORSYTHE, Sophia (Sophia Maria FORSYTHE; Miss FORSYTHE; FORSYTH [sic]; "the juvenile pianiste"; Mrs. Charles BATLEY)
Musician, juvenile pianist, vocalist, dancer
Born c. 1835; daughter of Margaret KIDD (Mrs. FORSYTHE)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 July 1842 (assisted immigrant per Earl of Durham, from London, via Melbourne, June 18)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 16 July 1845 (per Meg Merrilies, for England)
Married Charles BATLEY, Paris, France, 24 July 1852 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Sophia Forsythe arrived in Sydney in July 1842 with her mother Margaret, widow of a Major Forsythe, apparently as assisted immigrants per the Earl of Durham, the same ship on which Maria Hinckesman came.
Sophia first appeared in public, billed as "a JUVENILE PIANST, from London (only eight years of age), pupil of Miss Hinckesmann" at her teacher's 12 October 1842 concert at the Royal Hotel. According to W. A. Duncan, she "played some variations on Rossini's Non più mesta exceedingly well . . . and a waltz of no very thin or juvenile construction" (the variations most likely some, if perhaps not all, of Henri Herz's famous op. 60 set).
Another concert was organised for Sophia's own benefit by leading local professionals (including the Band of the 80th Regiment) in January 1843, no doubt in response to her mother's financial plight (Margaret was declared insolvent later that month).
Having meanwhile taken vocal lesson with Madame Gautrot, she was advertised, as well as playing a piano solo, to sing a duet with Eliza Gibbs. Hinckesman, however, did not appear at the benefit (plausibly, as Sophia's teacher, she was one of Margaret's creditors).
The press documented nothing further of Sophia until January 1845 when a fancy ball was advertised, again for her benefit, at the Royal Victoria Theatre. A second benefit ball was held for Sophia in July, "previous to her departure for England", during which she introduced another new talent, dancing the "much admired Cachouca".
Sophia was not the first to dance the "much admired Cachouca" (perhaps to the castanet song Cachoucha by Charles Blondel) in the colonies. Rachel Lazar had done so in 1839 in Sydney and 1841 in Adelaide, and Mrs. Brock and Joseph Chambers had done so again in Sydney in March 1842. A import parcel of music sold by Jabez Heydon in June 1843 included print editions of "Quadrilles, waltzes, mezourkas, cachouchas, galops, contre dances, &c."
? Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Margaret Westminster in the county of Middlesex in the year 1839; register 1838-40, page 144; Westminster Abbey, St. Margaret's registers, MA/01/02/015 (PAYWALL)
No. 1149 / [1839] April 17 / Sophia Maria [daughter of] / William [and] Margaret / Forsythe / 5 Cavendish Square / Gentleman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: If this was our Forysthe she must have been baptised very belatedly
"THE MUSICAL WORLD", The New South Wales Examiner [Sydney, NSW] (13 July 1842), 3
We are informed that by the Earl of Durham, the musical world has received a valuable addition by the arrival of Miss Hinckesmann, together with Mrs. and Miss Forsythe. Miss Hinckesmann, it is said, was pianist to her Majesty Queen Victoria, and will in the course of a few weeks give a concert in Sydney - the full particulars of which will be shortly announced.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Hinckesman (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 October 1842), 3
MISS HINCKESMANN begs to announce to the Gentry of Sydney and its vicinity, that her first
SOIREE MUSICALE will take place on WEDNESDAY, October 12th, to commence at Eight O'Clock precisely,
on which occasion the will he assisted by the following eminent talent . . .
and a juvenile Pianist from London, (only eight years of age), pupil of Miss Hinckesmann, will make her debut . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"MISS HINKESMANN'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (13 October 1842), 2
This concert took place last evening, and was on the whole of a rather brilliant character . . . Trumpeted forth as "Pianist (in ordinary or extraordinary) to the Queen," we went to listen to her with expectations that nothing short of a ne plus ultra performer could have fulfilled, and Miss Hinckesmann is anything but a Pythoness of this description. Accordingly we and every body else were disappointed. Not but that there is much, very much, to commend in her style of execution. In fact, her style, particularly in legato passages, may be characterised as decidedly good, and we have no doubt that she will prove a very eligible instructress, as indeed the debut of her young pupil proved. This very young lady played some variations on Rossini's "Non più mesta" exceedingly well, and on being encored, substituted with good taste a waltz of no very thin or juvenile construction. There was a fair attendance, though a much larger audience might have been expected if sufficient publicity had been given to the intended performance.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Augustine Duncan (reviewer, editor)
"Miss Hinckesmann's Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 October 1842), 2
We were much pleased to see a good attendance at Miss Hinckesman's concert on Wednesday evening. The fair Beneficiare, though labouring under great nervous excitement, displayed talents as a pianiste, that decidedly qualify her as a teacher. Her juvenile pupil contributed at least as much as her own performance to justify her claim to the latter title . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 January 1843), 3
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs' first appearance at at Concert in Sydney.
A GRAND EVENING CONCERT will be given at the Royal Hotel, on
Wednesday, January 11th, to commence at eight o'clock,
for the benefit of Miss Forsythe, the Juvenile Pianist,
who will appear as a Vocalist upon this occasion.
In addition, the following eminent professors have kindly promised their valuable assistance:-
Vocal Performers - Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot,
Mrs. Gibbs (who will sing a duet with Miss Forsythe, pupil of Miss Hinkesmann, and Madame Gautrot),
the Debutante (pupil of Mrs. Bushelle) who was to favourably received at Mrs. Bushelle's last concert; Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Robinson, and several gentlemen amateurs.
Instrumental Performers - Miss Hinkesmann, Miss Forsythe,
Mons. Gautrot, Mr. Walton (who will preside at the piano), and Mr. Gibbs,
who will make his first appearance in this colony at a concert, and has kindly consented to play a solo.
Tickets, 7s. 6d. each, to be had of Mr. Ellard, and Mr. Aldis, George street; Mr. Rolfe, Pitt-street; Mr. Sparkes, at the Royal Hotel; and at Mr. Tegg's, bookseller.
N.B. - The splendid Band of the 80th Regiment will perform during the evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: John and Eliza Gibbs (violinist and vocalist); Eliza Bushelle (vocalist); Joseph and Madame Gautrot (violinist and vocalist); William Griffiths (vocalist); Humphrey Walton (piano); Francis Ellard (ticketseller); William Henry Aldis (ticketseller); Thomas Rolfe (ticketseller); John Sparke (ticketseller, landlord, Royal Hotel); Band of the 80th Regiment (military)
"CONCERT", The Australian (11 January 1843), 2
We have been requested to call the particular attention of the lovers of music, to the Concert to take place this evening, at the Royal Hotel, for the benefit of the Juvenile Pianist (Miss Forsythe). This young lady, (who we beg to remark is only eight years of age, and of whose talents as a performer on the Piano-forte, report speaks in no measured terms,) will receive the assistance of the principal vocal and instrumental professors of music in Sydney. We look forward, also, to considerable pleasure in the exercise of the talents of Mr. and Mrs. Gibbes, which we are given to understand, are far above mediocrity. It is believed that the entertainment will be well and most respectably attended.
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 January 1843), 3
Yesterday evening, the concert, for the benefit of the "Juvenile Pianist," came off at the Royal Hotel. So far as numbers went the concert was well attended. The young lady for whose benefit the concert took place, Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Gibbs, and Madame Gautrot, were the only ladies who came before the audience. The young lady was very kindly received, and Mrs. Bushelle's "Wanted - a Governess" was encored, as it well deserved. Mr. Gibbs' solo on the violin was well-executed, and M. Gautrot's solo on a single string surpassed the expectations of most. The programme as originally issued was not followed, and this led to some surprise, especially as Miss Hinckemann, "Pianist to the Queen," did not appear at all. When there is another concert, it would be as well that the serving men about the hotel should behave with something like decency and respect to the audience, as well as to the performers; and moreover, that no portion of the room should be turned into a larder.
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (27 January 1843), 149
In the Insolvent Estate of Margaret Forsythe, of Castlereagh-street, Sydney, widow . . .
"INSOLVENT COURT . . . SCHEDULES REGISTERED JAN. 24", The Australian (27 January 1843), 3
Margaret Forsyth of Castlereagh-street, Sydney widow: amount of debts, £120 1s.; assets. £89 15s.; deficiency, £31 6s.
"SCENE AT THE ROYAL HOTEL ON THE CONCERT NIGHT OF THE JUVENILE PIANIST", The Satirist and Sporting Chronicle (4 February 1843), 2
Enter Mrs. Sparks, Mrs. Forsyth, and Miss Hinckesman.
The Concert Room door is locked.
Mrs. F. - And won't you open the door.
Mrs. S. - No marm, not 'till the money for the room is paid.
Mrs. F. - And what is to become of all these Noble personages, Sir Maurice O'Connell and the young Hocafers? Must they stand there? Must they be treated thus?
The immovable Mrs. S. - - O - - - h yes.
Enter Landlord.
Miss H. - You are Mr. Sparkes, of the Royal Hotel, I believe.
Landlord. - Yes, I am Mr. Sparkes, of the Royal Hotel, and I have been Mr. Sparkes, of the Royal Hotel,
a long time now, but I can't afford to lose my money in the room as I did on a former occasion.
Curtain drops.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maurice O'Connell (patron); Thomas Revell Johnson (editor, Satirist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 January 1845), 3
MISS FORSYTH respectfully announces her intention of giving a BALL in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel,
TOMORROW EVENING, the 29th instant, when she trusts she will be favoured with the patronage of those kind friends who encouraged her on a former occasion,
and hopes her endeavours to please will meet with their approbation.
Miss Forsythe has engaged a professional lady, who will, in the course of the evening, dance two celebrated PAS SEULS;
and Miss F., will, for the first time in this colony, have the honour of dancing the much-admired and far-famed
CACHOUCHA, and will also perform on the Pianoforte several pleasing airs for the amusement of her friends.
The Orchestra will be conducted by Mr. Gibbs.
Tickets, 3s. 6d., to be had at Mr. Ellard's Music Saloon, George-street; Mr. Moffit's, Bookseller, Pitt-street;
and of Miss Forsythe, from eleven to one, at the Royal Hotel.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Moffitt (ticketseller)
"FANCY BALL", The Australian (29 January 1845), 3
A Fancy Ball is to take place at the Royal Hotel this evening, for the benefit of Miss Forsythe, whose precocious musical accomplishments have obtained for her a name and celebrity in New South Wales. We hope that the young lady will be well supported, and from the preparations that have been made, we doubt not that a numerous assemblage of the young ladies will take place. Mr. Alderman Wilshire and other respectable citizens have, we are informed, signified their intention of patronising Miss Forsythe.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Robert Wilshire (patron)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 July 1845), 1
A GRAND FAREWELL BALL for the benefit of MISS FORSYTHE, previous to her departure for England,
at Mr. Clark's Assembly Rooms, King-street on WEDNESDAY, July 9, 1845.
In the course of the evening Miss Forsythe will play some favourite airs on the pianoforte; and will also dance the much admired Cachouca.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Clark (dancing master)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. DEPARTURE", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 July 1845), 2
July 16 - Meg Merrilies, barque, Captain Thompson, for London. Passengers . . . Mrs. Disney . . . Miss Forsythe . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: In Sydney in 1845 (BDM 3914/1845) Sophia's widowed mother Margaret (Kidd) married Henry Napier Disney (alias of Arthur Battersby), commission agent and former convict (bigamy, Old Bailey, 29 January 1838; to NSW, per Portsea, 1838; died Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London, 9 January 1861)
"MARRIED", Empire (7 January 1853), 2
MARRIED, At the British Embassy, Paris, on the 24th July, 1852, Sophia Maria, only daughter of the late Major Forsythe, to Charles Batley, Esq., Maida Hill, London. Miss Forsythe gained much celebrity in Sydney, some few years back, as the Juvenile Pianiste.
Vocalist, comic vocalist, comic singer
Active Ballarat, VIC, c. 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"STAR CONCERT HALL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (27 July 1857), 3
On Saturday evening the above rooms, which, by the way, appeared to be conducted with the utmost order and propriety, were crowded with a numerous and respectable audience. The vocal talent recently enlisted by the spirited proprietor for public entertainment, is far above the standard which usually prevails at similar places of amusement. Miss Stewart appeared to be a great favorite, especially in her Scotch airs, which she gave in very good style and taste. Mr. Donald McDonald, a favorably known exponent of the musical genius of his ain countrie, was encored times without number; and Mr. Fortescue, a gentleman of considerable powers of humor and histrionic talent, gave his entertainments in a very happy manner.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Stewart (vocalist); Donald McDonald (dancer); Star Concert Hall (Ballarat venue)
"STAR CONCERT HALL", The Star (18 August 1857), 3
The engagement of Miss Stewart is a considerable addition to the attractions of these rooms. That lady appeared for the first time last night, and sang several of her best songs in her best manner. James McDonald's vocal, and Donald McDonald's Terpsichorean powers continue to be as highly appreciated as ever, while Mr. Fortescue, as a comic singer and reciter, is well able to command more encores than he appears disposed to act upon. Taken on the whole, the Star is quite deserving of the best favors of all who are inclined for an evening's relaxation.
ASSOCIATIONS: James McDonald (vocalist)
FORTUNE, Mary Helena (Mary Helena WILSON; Mrs. Joseph FORTUNE; "M. H. F."; Mrs. Percy Rollo BRETT)
Author, poet, songwriter
Born Belfast, Ireland, c. 1833
Married Joseph FORTUNE, Melbourne, Quebec, Canada, 25 March 1851
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 3 October 1855 (per Briseis, from Glasgow, 24 June, aged "25")
Married Percy Rollo BRETT, VIC, 1858 (registered 1877)
Died Melbourne, VIC, 1911 (TROVE tagged) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
Marriages, Church of England, Melbourne, Quebec, 1851; Institut Drouin / Drouin Collection, Montreal (PAYWALL)
Joseph Fortune of the township of Shipton, bachelor, and Mary Wilson of the township of Melbourne, spinster, were married this [25 March 1851] . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Briseis, from Greenock, 25 June 1855, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mrs. Fortune / 25 / Scotch . . .
"SONG OF THE GOLDIGGERS. By M. H. F.", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (14 December 1855), 6
Hurrah for the free new land!
And hurrah for the diggers bold!
And hurrah for the strong unfettered right
To search in the hills for gold!
Turn up the sods, my strong free mates,
And dig with a fearless hand;
For there's not a castled lordling here,
ln all this glorious land . . .
[4 more verses] . . . Kangaroo, Dec. 10th, 1855.
FOSTER, Edward James (Edward James FOSTER; E. J. FOSTER; Mr. FOSTER)
Musical amateur, publican
Born London, England, 28 January 1916; baptised St. Margaret, Westminster, 19 February 1816; son of Edward Bunbury FOSTER (d. VIC, 1857) and Helen Jane TABER (d. 1824)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 April 1829 (per Thompson, with father)
Married Caroline HORSLEY, St. James's church, Sydney, NSW, 9 March 1843
Died Albury, NSW, 1871 (NSW BDM 2540/1871) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FOSTER, Caroline (Caroline CROSS; Caroline HORSLEY; Mrs. Edward James FOSTER)
Amateur musician, vocalist
Born NSW, 10 October 1821; baptised St. Luke, Liverpool, 20 January 1823; daughter of John HORSLEY (d. 1834) and Jane CROSS
Married Edward James FOSTER, St. James's church, Sydney, NSW, 9 March 1843
Died Sydney, NSW, 13 December 1883 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FOSTER, Edward John Horsley (Edward John Horsley FOSTER; E. J. H. FOSTER)
Musician, pianist, vocalist, pianoforte tuner
Born Parramatta, NSW, 17 December 1843; baptised St. John, Parramatta, 15 January 1844; son of Edward James FOSTER and Caroline HORSLEY
Married Matilda FLOOD (d. 1928), VIC, 1873
Died Kogarah, NSW, 29 July 1923 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FOSTER, Charles Bunbury (Charles Bunbury FOSTER; Master C. FOSTER; Charles FOSTER; C. B. FOSTER)
Musician, pianist, vocalist, composer
Born Williamstown, VIC, 1853; son of Edward James FOSTER and Caroline HORSLEY
Married Mary COOKE (c. 1860-1897), South Yarra, VIC, 20 March 1880 (divorced 1885)
Died Brisbane, QLD, 20 August 1894, aged "40/41" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Margaret Westminster in the county of Middlesex in the year 1816; register 1816-22, page 40; London Metropolitan Archives, Dl/T/092/010 (PAYWALL)
No. 313 / 1816 19 Feb'y / Born 28 Jan'ry 1816 / Edward James Son of / Edward Bunbury & Helen Jane / Foster / Charles Street / Watchmaker . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Bunbury Foster and Ellen Taber had married at St. James, Piccadilly, on 6 June 1813; Ellen died at Lambeth in July 1824
Baptisms, St. Luke, Liverpool, 1823; Anglican Diocese of Sydney Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 157 / Caroline, Daughter of John Horsley & Jane Cross, Dist'ct of Liverpool, born Oct'r 10 1821 Baptized Jan'y 20th 1823 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Her birth was registered in 1821 as Caroline Cross, mentioning only her mother Jane, who was John Horsley's housekeeper
Marriages, St. James, Sydney, 1843; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
9 March 1843 / Edward James Foster of this parish bachelor / Caroline Horsley of the parish of Parramatta spinster
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. John Parramatta in the county of Cumberland in the year 1843; register 1839-83, page 51; St. John's Anglican Church Parramatta, REG/BAP/4 (PAYWALL)
[1844] January 15 / [born] Dec'r 17 1843 / Edward John Horsley [son of] / Edward James & Caroline / Foster / Parramatta / Clerk . . .
"COMMERCIAL HOTEL", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express [NSW] (19 September 1861), 2
After an interim of three months this hotel has been re-opened, under the management of Mr. E. J. Foster. Being a townsman well known and respected amongst us, we have no doubt the house will be so conducted as to secure for it the reputation of being one of the most respectable and orderly in the town.
[Advertisement], The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (16 November 1861), 3
Albury Philharmonic Society.
OPENING CONCERT, at the Large Room, Commercial Hotel,
On THURSDAY EVENING, November 21st inst.
"From Oberon in Fairyland" (Madrigal.)
"Those Distant Chimes" (Trio.)
"We yet may meet again" (Solo.)
"Il balen del suo sorrisso" (Pianoforte and Cornet.)
Boating Song (Glee.)
"Stars of the Summer Night" (Serenade.)
"O lovely Peace" (Duet.)
"The Minstrel Boy" (Chorus.)
(An intermission of Ten Minutes.)
"In the Gipsy's Life" (Gipsy Chorus.)
"Beautiful Star" (Trio.)
"Dearest, then I'll love thee more" (Solo.)
"All among the Barley" (Glee.)
"Through the World wilt thou fly" (Trio.)
"Hail, Smiling Morn" (Glee.)
Haymakers' Song (Glee.)
National Anthem (Solo and Chorus.)
Concert to Commence at EIGHT o'Clock precisely.
Season Tickets, admitting Lady and Gentleman, £1 1s.
Visitors' Tickets, 3s each, to be had of the Conductor, or any member of the Committee.
A Programme of the verses may be obtained at the Concert, price 1s. each.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Newall Maxwell Edmondson (conductor); Charles Kraegen (member); Joseph Knight Barnett (member); Albury Philharmonic Society (association)
"THE PHILHARMONIC MEETING", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express [NSW] (7 December 1861), 2
A meeting of members and subscribers was held, pursuant to notice on Thursday evening last, at Foster's Commercial Hotel, at eight o'clock. Dr. Barnett was moved into the chair, and commenced the business by stating the object the Committee had in calling the meeting - namely, the advisability of securing the services of a professional conductor. A lengthened conversation took place concerning the inducement that should be held out to prevail upon a professional to come to Albury. It seemed to be the general opinion of those present, that there is a good opening for a steady and energetic professor of music in Albury, but it could hardly be expected that one would come up without a bona fide guarantee for a certain number of pupils. The meeting did not think the society in a position to guarantee an ample amount of itself, so it was suggested that guarantees from other sources might be available. After some discussion, in which the Chairman, Messrs. Jones, Edmondson, Elliott, Foster, Moore, and others took part, Mr. J. W. Jones moved - "That a sub-committee, consisting of Dr. Barnett, Mr. Edmondson, and Mr. Foster be appointed to ascertain for what sum a professional gentleman would conduct the practices and concerts of the Society, and what would be his terms for lessons in instrumental and vocal music.
[Advertisement], The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (4 February 1865), 3
To the Congregation or St. Matthew's Church, Albury.
LADIES and GENTLEMEN, - As I have been subjected to repeated enquiries touching the cause of Mrs. Foster's sudden withdrawal from the Choir of St. Matthew's Church,
I deem it a duty thus publicly to inform you on the subject by publishing the correspondence which has passed,
in order that you may judge of the manner in which that lady has been treated, and at once to set the matter in its true light.
Comment from me I think is needless, further than to remark that it seems strange that the singular organic defect mentioned by Mr. Edmondson should not have been discovered sooner.
I am sorry it is not in my power to lay before you the Rev. Mr. Brownrigg's reply to my note,
as he positively refused me any other than a verbal answer, in which all sanction to Mr. Edmundson's communication was denied.
In conclusion, I must express regret that it should have fallen to my lot to lay Church matters publicly before you,
but I am advised by my friends to adopt this course, in consequence of reports being in circulation directly opposed to truth.
I beg to remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, Yours very respectfully,
E. J. FOSTER. Albury, 3rd February, 1865.
[COPY,] Albury, January 16th, 1865.
MY DEAR MADAM, - An unpleasant duty has devolved on me - namely, that of requesting you to resign your seat in the Choir of St. Matthew's Church.
In doing so, I beg to thank you on my own and on behalf of the members of the Choir for your unwearied diligence and regular attendance,
but, owing to an unfortunate organic defect, your otherwise valuable services are rendered undesirable.
I need scarcely mention that defect is the want of time, which was rendered painfully apparent last evening.
Your son Edward does not seem to have inherited this imperfection, as he keeps excellently in time with the others,
and I hope that he will not consider it necessary to discontinue his regular attendance in the Choir.
I am, my dear Madam, Yours very truly,
W. M. EDMONDSON, Mrs. E. J. Foster, Albury. Choir Master.
[COPY.] Albury, January 19th, 1865.
DEAR SIR, - Your note of the 16th instant I have received, and am pleased to be relieved from all further annoyance from the members of St. Matthew's Choir.
I should like, however, as the oldest member of it, to know how it is my organic defect has not been painfully apparent years since.
In resigning, I have only to wish that the Choir of St. Matthew's may reach perfection,
and, when they do, I with my friends will come and hear them.
I am, dear Sir, yours truly,
W. M. N. Edmondson, Albury . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marcus Blake Brownrigg (cleric); Music in Anglican churches (general)
"MR. ALPEN'S CONCERT", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (30 December 1865), 2
On Wednesday night Mr. Alpen gave one of his periodical concerts at the Mechanics' Institute, which drew a large audience. On this occasion he introduced some of his pupils, and he was also fortunate enough to obtain the assistance of Mrs. Foster, Mr. E. Foster, Mr. C. Murphy and son, and was promised the help of another gentleman, who however failed to put in an appearance, rather to the confusion of the concerted music in which he had promised to take certain parts . . . Master Charles Foster played two or three piano-forte duets with Mr. Alpen and did great credit to his master, and Mrs. Foster sang very nicely, exhibiting no trace of any organic defect in her voice. Her rich and full notes came in very beautifully in the concerted pieces, particularly in the ever pleasing "Come where my love lies dreaming," which was sung by the Foster family and was one of the good things of the night. Mrs. Foster sang "I'd be a Gipsy" well, but in answer to an unanimous encore made an unsuitable selection in the baritone song of "In happy moments" from Wallace's Maritana, it being the first time we ever heard it attempted by a lady. Mr. E. Foster sang also very nicely, and has all the material, with more confidence, for a good tenor . . . The juveniles, including the song and daughter of Mr. Arkins, of the Catholic School, Susan Helm, little Charley Foster and James Murphy came out in "Down in a green and shady bed," one of Hullah's exercise songs in sixths, and "I thank the goodness," another exercise in fourths, both of which they dragged fearfully and were never once in harmony; but with Mr. Alpen's instruction in time and tone, they will no doubt greatly improve . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Hugo Alpen (musician); John Hullah (English singing master)
"MR. ALPEN'S CONCERT", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (24 November 1866), 2
The Annual benefit concert of Mr. Alpen took place at the Exchange Theatre last Monday evening, when there was a fair, if not large attendance. Mr. Alpen was assisted by several amateurs, and had the services of Mr. and Mrs. Foster and two sons . . . Little Charley Foster played a piece very nicety on the piano on the very modern air of "My Pretty Jane," and a young lady most enthusiastically rewarded him by throwing a bouquet at his feet when he had concluded. Whether or not she was Master Foster's "Pretty Jane" we will not tell; perhaps she wished to be. Mr. Edward Foster sang very sweetly the refrain song "Just before the Battle, Mother," and deservedly gained great applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Exchange Theatre (Albury venue)
"CONCERT", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (29 February 1868), 2
Master Charles Foster's benefit concert on Monday evening at the Exchange Theatre was in every way a success. We confess that we were very disappointed at not seeing more lady singers, and it took us some time to recover our ill temper, but the ladies who did sing did their utmost to please, and were successful. The efforts of the Albury Amateur Minstrels to make the audience laugh were also successful, and "Electro-Biology in anew light" was most mirth provoking. Master Foster played some brilliant pieces on the piano, and was loudly applauded; but to our thinking the gem of the evening was the brilliant performances of Mr. Gladow on the violin. The skill of this gentleman is wonderful, and he would not be out of place even as first violinist in the orchestra of an opera house. Mr. Blair also gave two capital songs, each of which met an encore. As for Master Foster we predict that he will one day shine in his profession.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Gladow (violin)
[Advertisement], The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (20 August 1870), 3
Hospital Concert.
CHARLES B. FOSTER has the honour to announce that his
ANNUAL HOSPITAL CONCERT will take place at the
Kindly assisted by Mr. H. ALPEN, And all the available musical talent in the town.
(Under the Patronage of the Hospital Committee.)
MARCH - (Dedicated to the Albury Amateurs - composed by Mr. H. Alpen - Full Orchestra.
Choeur Bohemien - Viadot - Amateurs.
Song (Tenor) - Gentleman Amateur.
Duet - "Twine the Lily with the Rose" - Lady and Gentleman Amateurs.
Song - "Warblings at Eve" - (Glover) - Lady Amateur.
Song (Buffo) - Amateur.
Trio - "This magic wove scarf" - (Barnett) - Mr. Alpen, Lady and Gentleman Amateur.
Scena, from "Der Freischutz" - Mrs. Clarke.
Tenor Solo and Chorus - "Peace to the mem'ry of the brave," from "Lurline" - (Wallace) - Company.
Overture, "Tancredi" - Piano and Harmonium - Messrs. Alpen and Foster.
Solo & Chorus - "The May Queen" - (Dr. Sterndale Bennett)
Scene - "The Blind Girl to her Harp" - (Glover) - Lady Amateur.
Song - "The Slave" - (Glover) - Gentleman Amateur.
Duet - "Flow gently, Deva" - Mr. Alpen & Amateur.
Solo Piano - "La Cascade" - C. B. Foster.
Song (Buffo) - Mr. Alpen.
Song - "The Sailor's Grave" - Lady Amateur.
Trio - "Charity" - (Bennett) - Lady and Gentleman Amateurs.
Solo Piano - "Murray Valley Waltzes," composed by C. B. Foster.
Glee - "On the March" - (Becker).
Song - "Friends of other days" - Lady Amateur.
Duet - "When rolling waves" - Lucia di Lammermoor.
Song - Gentleman Amateur.
Duet - "Flower Gatherer."
Song (Buffo) - Gentleman Amateur.
Conductor - Mr. H. ALPEN.
Door open at Half-Past Seven, to commence at Eight precisely.
Front Seats 3s.; Back Seats, 2s.
ASSOCIATIONS: ? Anne Remens Clarke (vocalist)
"CONCERT", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (15 April 1871), 2
Mr. C. Foster will give his benefit concert at the Exchange Rooms, on Tuesday evening next, prior to his departure for Melbourne. As Mr. Foster and his relatives have been long and favorably know as willing assistants at entertainments of a public or charitable character, the public will doubtless show their appreciation of young Foster's gratuitous services by filling a bumper house on this occasion of his farewell benefit. But irrespectively of this inducement, we hear that the entertainment to be provided has been carefully prepared, and that it will be more than usually good. The programme, which will be found among the advertisements, is a capital one to suit all tastes.
"MR. C. FOSTER'S BENEFIT CONCERT . . .", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (22 April 1871), 2
. . . on Tuesday evening was, on the whole, excellently prepared and performed. A good feature in the management was the promptitude with which the programme was played through, without the tedious intervals which generally occur at similar concerts. Considering the number of entertainments which have lately supplied the public with amusement, the audience Was a numerous one, and they were certainly lavish in their applause. Among the most successful performances, we may particularise the "Chough and the Crow," including three solos and chorus. The beautiful song, "Little Footsteps," was sung with much good taste by Mr. G. Mackay, who only gave place in popularity to the young lady debutante who obtained an enthusiastic encore for her singing of "The Blind Girl to her Harp." "By the sad sea waves," sung by another lady, also created a complimentary sensation, and so did the duet "Home to our Mountains," by Mrs. Foster and another lady. The grand harmonium and piano duet, "Semiramide," was another noticeably good performance, Mr. C. Foster being at the piano and Mr. Edmondson at the harmonium. Thalberg's difficult variations on Traviata were also skilfully played by Mr. Foster. The Gipsy Chorus," by the whole company, also deserved all the applause it secured. Before leaving Albury to complete his musical education in Melbourne, Mr. C. Foster will still further recommend himself to the good opinion of the townspeople by taking part in the concert to be given next Thursday in aid of the Hospital and Benevolent Asylum.
[Advertisement], The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (2 September 1871), 5
(From Messrs. Lee & Kaye) 15 COLLINS STREET, MELBOURNE,
WILL remain in Albury for a short time only, and will then be prepared to attend to country orders.
Instructions left at the Banner Office, Albury, will meet with prompt attention.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lee and Kaye (Melbourne musicsellers)
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 April 1880), 1
FOSTER - COOKE. - March 29, at the residence of the bride's parents, South Yarra, by Mr. G. B. Moysey, Charles Bunbury, son of the late Edward James Foster, and grandson of the late Captain John Horsley, Royal Horse Guards (Blues), to Mary, only daughter of William Cooke, Britannia Ironworks, Melbourne. Sydney and Adelaide papers please copy. No cards.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 December 1883), 1
FOSTER - November 28, 1883, at the Sydney Infirmary, Mrs. Caroline Foster, mother of E. J. H. and C. B. Foster, Professor of Music, and sister of Mrs. Kenyon and Mrs. Crook.
"LATEST SPECIAL TELEGRAMS [From Greville's Telegram Company] SYDNEY. Wednesday, received 3.10 afternoon", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (13 November 1884), 5
In the Divorce Court yesterday, Mrs. Foster obtained a decree nisi, returnable in six months, against her husband, C. B. Foster, the well-known music teacher, on the ground of adultery. Respondent did not appear.
"LAW REPORT. SUPREME COURT. MONDAY, MAY 18 . . . FORSTER v. FOSTER", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 May 1885), 5
On the motion of Mr. Gibson, the decree nisi of the 11th November last for the dissolution of marriage of Mary Foster (petitioner) with Charles B. Foster was made absolute, with costs against respondent.
"BRISBANE HOSPITAL", The Brisbane Courier [QLD] (29 August 1894), 6
. . . Charles Banbury Foster, aged 40, admitted 22nd March, died 20th August . . .
[News], The Port Augusta Dispatch, Newcastle and Flinders Chronicle [SA] (8 March 1895), 3
The engagement is announced of Mr. D. M. Charleston, M.L.C., of South Australia, to Madame M. Foster, the well-known Sydney vocalist, widow of the late Mr. C. B. Foster, pianist, of Melbourne, and daughter of the late Mr. William Cook, of the Britannia Ironworks, Melbourne.
[Funeral notice], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 July 1924), 7
FOSTER. - The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. MATILDA FOSTER and FAMILY are kindly invited to attend the funeral of her late dearly beloved HUSBAND and their FATHER, Edward John, which will take place at the C. of E. Cemetery, Woronora, upon arrival of the Funeral Train which leaves Central Station at 2.5 p.m. . . .
Musical amateur, member Sydney Amateur Concerts, legal clerk, convict, emancipist
Born c. 1789; ? son of Henry FOSTER
Convicted Old Bailey, London, England, 2 November 1810 (death; commuted to transporatation for life, aged "21")
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 January 1812 (convict per Guildford, from London, 3 September 1811)
Married Anne WALTERS (d. 1834), St. Philip's, Sydney, NSW, 15 January 1814
Departed Sydney, NSW, 23 February 1835 (per Roslyn Castle, for London) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"POLICE . . . MANSION-HOUSE", Sun [London, England] (11 October 1810), 3 (PAYWALL)
A young man, named James Foster, was yesterday privately examined before the Lord Mayor, on a charge of forgery, with intent to defraud Messrs. Sykes, Smith, and Co., Bankers, of One Hundred Pounds. The prisoner had lodged for two days at the White Horse Inn, Fetter land, and on Tuesday evening, sent the porter of the Inn with a check, drawn on Sykes and co, for 100l. to get the cash. On the check being presented, however, it was at once discovered to be a forgery . . . The proofs of his guilt were yesterday palpable; but the Lord Mayor deemed it proper to give him another opportunity of explaining himself; he was therefore ordered to be brough up for a second examination on Thursday next. The prisoner is a young man of respectable appearance, and, we understand, is the song of a clergyman in Wales. In the month of June last, he was examined before Sir MATTHEW BLOXAM, at Guildhall, on a charge of forgery, at which time his guilt was but too evident. Owing, however, to the intercession of friends, and the humanity of his prosecutors, he was then discharged with a suitable lecture. Notwithstanding the imminency of his danger on that occasion, and the lenity with which he was then treated, he has again involved himself in a situation, from which little hopes can be entertained of a second escape. He was very much affected, and endeavoured to conceal his features from observation with his pocket handkerchief.
[News], General Evening Post [London] (16 October 1810), 2 (PAYWALL)
James Foster, some days ago committed by the Lord-Mayor on a charge of forgery, has, it is said, ever since refused all kind of sustenance, and neither ate nor drank any thing.
"POLICE. MANSION HOUSE", Pilot [London] (16 October 1810), 4 (PAYWALL)
Yesterday James Foster, who underwent an examination on Wednesday last, charged with forgery, was this day fully committed . . . The young man did not advance any thing in his defence; he appeared very much cast down, and scarcely raised his head during the examination.
James Forster [sic], 31 October 1810 [sic]; Old Bailey online
793. JAMES FORSTER was indicted for feloniously forging, on the 9th of October, an order for the payment of 103 l. 12 s.
with intention to defraud Westgurth Snaith, William Sikes, John Watson, and Henry Sikes.
SECOND COUNT, for feloniously uttering and publishing as true, a like orders, with the like intention.
And TWO OTHER COUNTS for like offence, only varying the manner of charging them . . .
The prisoner left his defence to his counsel.
GUILTY - DEATH , aged 21. Of uttering it, knowing it to be forged.
[The prisoner was recommended to His Majesty's mercy by the jury, on account of his family.]
"OLD BAILEY. FRIDAY, NOV. 2 . . . FORGERY", Morning Post [London] (3 November 1810), 3 (PAYWALL)
James Foster was indicted for uttering a forged draft . . . The Jury. found him Guilty. The Prisoner was quite a young man, only 21 years of age.
[News], The News [London] (4 November 1810), 5 (PAYWALL)
At the Old Bailey on Friday, James Foster, a young man only 21 years of age, was sentenced to death for uttering a forged draft . . .
[News], National Register [London] (31 March 1811), 14 (PAYWALL)
Thursday, the Recorder made a Report to the Prince Regent of the following capital convicts in Newgate: - Gustavus Lowe, James Foster, and Joseph Blair, for forgery; Lawrence Jotta and Josel Franco Cordosa, for cutting and maiming; when the three last were ordered for execution on Wednesday next.
Tickets of leave, 1812; State Records Authority of NSW, NRS 12208 (PAYWALL)
No. 9 / 513 / James Foster, Ship Guildford . . . 1812 /
[date of ticket] January 28 1812 / [residence . . . remarks] Sydney, Tried at Old Bailey
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (5 June 1813), 1
JUDGE ADVOCATE'S OFFICE, SYDNEY, 5th JUNE, 1813 . . . James Foster, Principal Clerk.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ellis Bent (judge advocate)
An abstract of all licences for marriage, 1813-27; State Records Authority of NSW, NRS 1037; (PAYWALL)
No. 14 / 168 / [licence] January 13th 1814 / James Foster, of Sydney, Gent'n /
and Anne Walters of the same place, Spinster / Sydney / [married] 15th January 1814 / [by] Rev'd W. Cowper . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Walter (not guilty, Old Bailey, 5 December 1810; guilty, Old Bailey, 5 December 1810, aged "25"); arrived Sydney, NSW, 1811; see also Historical records of Australia, vol. 7, 353 and 447-48 (DIGITISED)
"MARRIED", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (22 January 1814), 2
On Saturday last, by special License, at Sydney, Mr. James Foster, Principal Clerk to the Judge Advocate, to Miss Walters.
"THE SYDNEY AMATEUR CONCERT", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (21 June 1826), 3
The second Concert will be performed this evening at the Court-House, Castlereagh-street . . . Leader, Mr. Edwards.
Directors for the Evening, Mr. Pitman, Mr. Parker, Mr. Foster, Mr. Robertson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Edwards (musician); Timothy Goodwin Pitman (steward); Sydney Amateur Concerts (association, series); Old Court House (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (8 November 1826), 1
The GENTLEMEN, composing the COMMITTEE of the SYDNEY AMATEUR CONCERT, beg to inform the Public, that a
CONCERT will be held on Monday, the 4th Day of December next, at the Court-house, in Castlereagh-street.
Several Magistrates, and other Gentlemen of the Colony, having expressed their Wish to the Committee, that such should take Place,
and having promised their Support on the Occasion, it is hoped, that the Public will give every Encouragement to promote and Attempt to relieve the above laudable Institution.
Tickets, 10s each. may be had, on Application to Messrs. JAMES FOSTER (at Mr. Norton's Office, Elizabeth-street),
A full Account of the Performance will be inserted in next Week's papers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ralph and Elizabeth Darling (governor and wife); Augustus Earle (member); Frederick George Foxall (member); George Paul (member); Peter Hitt Rapsey (member); Barnett Levey (member); George Sippe (member); James Norton (solicitor); Sydney Amateur Concerts (association, series)
[Advertisement], The Australian (2 December 1826), 1
THE GENTLEMEN COMPOSING THE Committee of the Sydney Amateur Concert beg to inform the Public,
that a Concert will be held on Monday the 4th day of December next, at the Court-house, in Castlereagh-street . . .
Tickets, 10s. each, may be had on application to Messrs. Jas. Foster (at Mr. Norton's office, Elizabeth-street),
Earle, Edwards, Foxall, George Paul, John Paul, jun., Rapsey, Robertson, B. Levey, and Sippe, George-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (10 April 1830), 1
ALL CLAIMS against the late Mr. THOMAS BRUNTON, are requested to be presented to Mr. JAMES FOSTER at Mr. Norton's office, Elizabeth-street, for immediate adjustment. And all those indebted to him, are requested to come forward and settle their respective accounts without delay. March 17th, 1830.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Brunton (dancing master, deceased)
"Death", The Sydney Herald (31 July 1834), 3
On Monday last, Anne Maria, wife of James Foster, Esquire, Elswick, Parramatta-road, aged 48 years.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elswick (property purchased from Foster by James Norton, above);
see also "PARRAMATTA - Past and Present", Illustrated Sydney News (25 July 1889), 12
. . . Four and a-half miles out from Sydney is reached "Elswick," formerly the seat of Mr. James Foster . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (13 October 1834), 3
NOTICE. MR. JAMES FOSTER intending to leave the Colony in the month of December next, requests that all Claims upon him may be presented at the Office of Mr. Norton, in Elizabeth-street, Sydney. October 11, 1834.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . DEPARTURES", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 February 1835), 2
For same destination [London] yesterday, the ship Rosslyn Castle, Captain Richards, with Colonial produce. Passengers . . . James Foster, Esq. . . .
1844, marriage solemnized at Bebington in the parish of Bebington in the county of Chester; register 8, page 47; Cheshire Archives and Local Studies (PAYWALL)
No. 93 / [1844] May Second / James Foster / Full age / Widower / Gentleman / Bebington / [son of] Henry Foster / Clergyman
Margaret Webster / full / Spinster / - / Bebington / [daughter of] John Webster / Merchant . . . [witnesses include] Hugh Foster, Alice Foster
"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (30 September 1844), 2
On Thursday, 2nd May, at Bebington Church, Cheshire, near Liverpool, James Foster, Esq., eldest son of the Reverend Henry Foster, and formerly of this City, to Margaret, second daughter of the late John Webster, Esq., of Liverpool.
"LIBEL", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 February 1851), 2
. . . Mr. James Norton, solicitor of the Supreme Court: . . . knew Mr. James Foster, formerly of Sydney; he was now dead . . .
"THE NORTONS . . . (By 'Old Chum')", Sydney Sportsman (21 June 1905), 2
. . . The fine house at Elswick, Leichhardt, which stood within some 40 acres, was built by one James Foster, connected with the law, and purchased by Mr. Norton in 1833 [sic] . . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Old Chum")
FOSTER, Joseph (Joseph FOSTER; Drum major FOSTER)
Musician, cornet player, music instructor, soldier, drum-major, 40th Regiment (second tour)
Born Birr, Kings County, Ireland, 1822; son of John FOSTER and Elizabeth ?
Enlisted (40th Regiment), 3 November 1836 (aged "14 years and 5 months")
Married Margaret GOSNELL (widow CLARKE), St. Peter's, Cork city, Cork, Ireland, 5 July 1852
Arrived [1] (with regiment) Melbourne, VIC, 5 November 1852 (per Vulcan, from Cork)
Departed (with regiment) Melbourne, VIC, 18 July 1860 (per City of Hobart, for New Zealand)
Arrived [2] Melbourne, VIC, c. 1864 (from NZ)
Died Hotham, VIC, 1 October 1872, aged "43/44", "46" [sic, 50] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (second tour)

Joseph Foster, c. mid 1860s (courtesy of descendent, Andrew McMullan, 2024)

1852, marriage solemnized at St. Peter's church in the Parish of St. Ann Shandon in the City of Cork; Ireland, Select marriages
No. 144 / July 5 1852 / Joseph Foster / Full age / Bachelor / Drum Major 40 Reg't of Foot / Cork Barracks / [son of] John Foster / Pensioner, 40th Reg't of Foot
and Margaret Clarke / Full Age / Widow / - / Barrackton / [daughter of] James Gosnell / Pensioner, 40th Reg't of Foot
[2 advertisements], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 March 1853), 12
CIRCUS, Top of Bourke-street, east.
WINTERBOTTOM'S BENEFIT, Monday Evening Next; March 14th.
M. WINTERBOTTOM begs to announce to his Friends and Patrons that it is his intention on this occasion, to give a
MONSTER CONCERT, For which he has engaged the whole of the Musical celebrities in the Colony,
and, through the kind permission of Col. Valiant, he has succeeded in making an arrangement for the entire
Band of the 40th Regiment, Conducted by Mr. Johnson.
PROGRAMME, Which will be strictly adhered to.
PART I . . . First time, GREAT EXHIBITION QUADRILLE, By Jullien,
Founded on the all absorbing question of that day, the Exhibition of 1851.
In the production of this Quadrille,
M. Winterbottom has endeavored to bring together every possible element which could conduce to the interpretation or the characteristic music of the different nations therein introduced,
and has made the following arrangements: The Grand Morceaux will be aided by
The ENTIRE BAND of the 40th Regiment, under the direction of Mr. Johnson, by the kind permission of Colonel Valiant;
The Drummers of the 40th Regiment, under the direction of the Drum Major, by the kind permission of Colonel Valiant; and
INTRODUCTION. - Music of Northern nations.
No. 1. - The French "Pas Accelere," performed by the Drummers, including "La Chamade," "Le Chant d'Honour," and "Le Blanc."
The Grand "Pas Redouble," by the Military Band, and the "Roulement Serre."
Concluding with the grand "Chant Militaire."
No. 2. - The "Spanish Sapatieodo," with variations - clarionet, Mr. Johnson; flute and castanettes, M. Vailet.
No. 3. - The "Piedmontese Monferina," concluding with the "Neapolitan Tarantella." Castanettes, M. Vailet.
No. 4. - "Partant pour La Syrie," French air, taken from an old eastern melody, with variations for opheclide, Mr. Hartigan; cornet, Mr. Maffei.
No. 5. - March of all nations to London!
The morning of the Inauguration of the Grand Exhibition is supposed to have arrived.
The Great City which, for the first time, shelters such masses from all parts of the known world, is as yet tranquil,
when at daybreak the Festival is ushered in by the sounding of the chimes of London, echoed far and near from each surrounding belfry.
Soon the City is in movement, and the multitudes hasten towards the same goal,
all eager to behold the most stupendous realisation of human industry recorded in the history of the globe.
A tremendous shout bursts forth, and the welcomed Nations, one and all, join in the glorious cry -
God save the Queen!
PART II . . . Polka, Drum, with the entire force of the two bands, the drummers under the direction of the Drum-Major of the 40th Regiment - Jullien.
To commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
Doors open at Seven o'clock punctually.
PROMENADE CONCERTS, Circus, top of Bourke-street east.
In consequence of the Popular Excitement and Immense Success attending this series of Musical Soirees, they will be continued for ONE MONTH LONGER!
ON MONDAY-EVENING Will be presented a Magnificent Entertainment, which will display all the first Musical Talent in the Colony.
For particulars, see separate advertisement, and small bills of the day
TUESDAY, And during the week, there will be a change of programme each evening . . .
THE GREAT EXHIBITION QUADRILLE, Embodying the Music of All Nations, composed and arranged by
MONS. JULLIEN, Which gained such extraordinary applause in London, will be performed Every Evening.
CONDUCTOR - MR. WINTERBOTTOM. Admission - One Shilling. Dress Circle - Half-a-crown.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (musician, conductor); Henry Johnson (master, 40th band); Mons. Vailet (musician); Joseph Hartigan (musician, 40th band); Joseph Maffei (musician); Noble's Circus (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: Great Exhibition quadrille (Louis Jullien); see also Jullien's London advertisement (November 1850)
Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1853; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5364 (DIGITISED)
Drum Major as Serjeant / 1003 / Foster Joseph
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 August 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO. CONCERT AND BALL Every Evening. Admission - One Shilling.
M. FLEURY, in coming before the public with another weekly programme,
begs to return his best thanks for the kind and extensive patronage bestowed on him . . .
Programme for the ensuing week:
1. Overture (Lac des Fees) - Auber.
2. l'Enfant Prodigue.
3. Rose d'amour - d'Albert.
4. Grand Polacca, Full Band
5. Solo (opheclide) M. Hartigan, the celebrated soloist.
6. Duetts, Hartigan and Baker (saxe-horn and opheclide).
7. La fin du Concert, Full Band . . .
Instrumentalists - . . . Hartigan, oplicleide.
Foster, trumpet.- Biggs, bassoon.
McNamara, trombone, - Baker, saxe-horn . . .
M. Fleury, leader and proprietor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violin, leader, proprietor); Jesse Biggs (bassoon); Daniel McNamara (trombone, 40th band); William Baker (sax-horn, 40th band); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Age (11 February 1856), 1
European Hotel, Fitzroy street, Collingwood. Open every evening. Admission, One Shilling.
The public are respectfully informed that this magnificent Hall, elegantly decorated and brilliantly lighted,
will be opened for the season this evening, by Mr. JAMES ELLIS, of Cremorne Gardens, London; Adelaide Gallery; and Cremorne Gardens, Richmond.
The splendid Band, under the direction of Mr. Andrew Moore, will comprise the names of Mr. CREED ROYAL,
Mr. Kinsella, Mr. Foster, Mr. Ryder, and others of the elite of the profession,
and will once more call to mind the soul-stirring strains of Lanner, Labitzky, Strauss, D'Albert, Jullien, Bosisto [sic, Bosisio], and others of equal celebrity . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ellis (proprietor); Andrew Moore (violinist, leader); Creed Royal (flautist); James Kinsella (clarinet player); George Hopwood Ryder (string player); European Hotel (Collingwood venue)
"POLICE", The Argus (14 May 1857), 6
Margaret Barnett was charged by Drum Major Foster with drunkenness and abominable cruelty to a child . . .
Yesterday afternoon we strolled into the bazaar which has just been opened in the Temperance Hall, Russell street, for the purpose of aiding the fund for the liquidation of the debt upon the new building . . . In the gallery we were shown a remarkable example of the industry and taste of the Ceylonese, in the shape of an elaborately ornamented work-box, the lid of each compartment of which was formed of carved ivory, inlaid with silver. This tasteful piece of cabinet work, we understand, has been forwarded for exhibition by the Drum-major of the 40th Regiment, and is well worthy of inspection . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Temperance Hall (Melbourne venue)
Discharge, No. 1003, Drum Major Joseph Foster, 22 February 1864; UK National Archives, WO97/1514/161 (PAYWALL)
Her Majesty's 40th Reg't of Foot . . . Queen's Redoubt 22 Feb'y 1864 . . .
Discharge of No. 1003, Drum Major Joseph Foster by trade a [blank] was Born in the Parish of Birr in the County of Kings
and was attested for the 40th Regiment of Foot at Dublin in the County of Dublin on the 3 November 1836 at the age of 14 years 5 months . . .
Service up to this day [full age] amounts to 23 years 249 days . . . served abroad 18 3/12 years
in India 6 8/12 years; in Australia 8 years; in New Zealand 3 7/12 years . . .
Discharge is proposed in consequence of his own request, Free with pension having completed 21 years service . . .
Detailed Statement of the Services of No. 1003 . . .
Private 3 November 1836 / Underage
Appointed Drummer 1 May 1839 / Underage
Drummer / 3 June 1840 / of age [18 years]
Resigned / Private / 15 June 1841
Confined 17 July 1846 / Tried and convicted by the Regimental Court Martial and sentenced Imprisonment
Imprisoned / 20 July 1845
Released / Private / 3 August 1846
Authorized to to receive 1d. per diem Good Conduct Pay / 27 October 1850
Forfeited ditto / 9 February 1851
Promoted Drum major / 8 June 1852
Drum Major / 1 July 1857 / [to] 22 Feb'y 1864 . . . Total /23 years 249 days
Further Service from the 23rd Feb'y to the 7th June 1864 when finally discharged / 106 days . . .
Final Description . . . [Feb. 1864] . . . Age 41 8/12 years [sic] . . . 5 ft 11 1/2 in / Hair brown / Eyes blue / Complexion fresh . . .
Intended place of residence Melbourne Victoria
[News], Advocate [Melbourne, VIC] (5 October 1872), 9
THE remains of the late Drum-major Joseph Foster, who died on Tuesday, were interred on Thursday in the Melbourne General Cemetery with military honours. Deceased had been connected with the volunteer force since 1864. He was drum major of the 40th regiment for a long period, went through the Afghanistan campaign during 1839 and 1840, with General Nott; he also carried a medal and star for Candahar, Gusnee, and Cabul, as well as a star for Bunghapoor in 1843, and received lately a medal for the New Zealand campaign. Owing to his long illness he has left his family in anything but prosperous circumstances.
"DEATHS", The Argus (10 October 1872), 4
FOSTER. - On the 1st inst at his residence, Cobden Street Hotham after a long and painful illness, Mr. Joseph Foster, formerly drum-major H.M. 40th Regiment, and late of the Victorian Volunteer Carlton Rifles, aged 46 years. Home papers please copy.
"DEATHS", Illustrated Australian News (25 November 1885), 206
FOSTER. - On the 14th November, at her late residence, 14 Capel-street, Hotham, Margaret, relict of the late Drum-major Joseph Foster, of the 40th Regiment, aged 54 years.
. . . In 1851 my father built a brick house in a newly formed street on the western slope of the Flagstaff Hill, called after Judge Jeffcott, the second resident judge of Port Phillip. It was about the first dwelling erected in that part. Only a short distance from this, at the west end of Latrobe street, the soldiers of the 40th Regiment pitched their tents, pending the completion of the corrugated iron barracks, then in course of election. These buildings extended from Latrobe street a considerable distance along Spencer street, and formed a square, the centre of the area being used as a drilling ground. The regiment Lieut.-Colonel Valiant in command, arrived by H.M. steamship Vulcan on October 19, 1852, and on the 22nd the soldiers came up the river from the bay in the small steamer Diamond and marched from the wharf to their camp, headed by their beautiful band, led by Drum-Major Foster, a splendid-looking man, over 6ft. in height. The officers were agreeably surprised at the comfortable appearance of their quarters, alluded to in my first article, as they had come prepared to live in tents which they brought with them. The soldiers, led by their band, generally attended the 3 o'clock service on Sundays at St. James's, occupying the south gallery, where the organ stood . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Cussen Ormond Howard (1839-1934); St. James's church (Melbourne)
"FLAGSTAFF HILL. By EDWARD C. O. HOWARD", The Argus (24 March 1923), 9
. . . The arrival of the 40th Regiment, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Valiant by the Vulcan troopship on October 19, 1852, may be associated with the Flagstaff Hill as the men's camp, where I witnessed the tents being pitched was only a short distance from the western slope of it, the officers' quarters being in a large dwelling owned by Mr. Edmund Westby, which stood in Latrobe street, close by. It was demolished many years ago. The soldiers came up the river from the bay in the steamers Diamond and Maitland, upon the former of which I often travelled in the early days, and when nearing the wharf the band played the air from "Maritana," "In Happy Moments." After landing on November 5, the delay being caused by a supposed case of smallpox on board, the soldiers, headed by their band, led by Drum-major Foster, a splendidly built man, over six feet in height, with a commanding figure, marched to their canvas habitation at the west end of Latrobe street, pending the completion of the corrugated iron barracks in Spencer street. I was standing in the street that day when the soldiers passed. During the afternoon the Lieutenant-Governor and Captain Conran visited the camp . . .
. . . In 1851 I lived near the west end of Latrobe street close to the spot where the soldiers of the 40th Regiment were under canvas pending the completion of the iron barracks close by. The band of the regiment, under the conductorship of Mr. Johnston, whom I remember well, was exceptionally good. It played frequently at the officers' quarters in the evenings, and the music was much appreciated by neighbours. Drum-Major Foster was a fine looking man, more than 6ft. in height, and at the head of the regiment he was a commanding figure. He was a wonderfully good cornet player, and he gave lessons on that instrument. One could hear the bugles and kettle-drums in the early mornings on the slope of the hill leading down to the swamp . . .
Other sources:
Joseph Foster, account book and pensioner certificate; Royal Historical Society of Victoria
Bibliography and resources:
Joseph John Foster, Find a grave
Musician, violoncello player, cellist Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart)
Active Hobart, TAS, 1853 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania [TAS] (18 May 1853), 3
THE LESSEES have the pleasure to announce that . . . it will open for the season, on the above evening . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. THOMPSON.
1st. Violin - Mr. MYERS.
2nd do - Mr. DIME.
Clarionet - Mr. GASCOYNE.
Violincello - Mr. FOTHERINGHAM.
Ophocleide [sic] - Mr. WOOD.
Horn - Mr. J. THOMSON.
Cornet-a-Piston - Mr. THOMSON.
Tympani - Mr. AITCHIE [sic] . . .
In the course of the evening the Orchestra will perform the
Overtures to "La Dame Blanche," "Caliph of Bagdad," and the "New Hauss Quadrilles" . . .
Acting Manager - Mr. F. B. Watson . . . LESSEES: Messrs. Davies and Watson.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Charles Thompson (leader, violoncellist); Edward Myers (violin); Feltham Bold Watson (actor, lessee, manager); John Davies (actor, lessee); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (21 May 1853), 5
. . . Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. THOMPSON.
1st, Violin - Mr. MYERS. 2nd do - Mr. DWYER.
Clarionet - Mr. GASCOYNE.
Violincello - Mr. FOTHERINGHAM.
Ophocleide - Mr. WOOD.
Horn - Mr. J. THOMSON.
Cornet-a Piston - Mr. THOMSON.
Tympani - Mr. RITCHIE . . .
Amateur musician, member Sydney Philharmonic Society, medical practitioner
Born London, England, 11 September 1818; baptised St. Patrick's, Soho, 20 September 1818; son of François FOUCART (d. 1863) and Lambertine LEVELLY (d. 1877)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 6 January 1855 (surgeon per Ebba Brahe, from Plymouth, 14 October)
Married Harriet Patience BRYANT (d. 1875), Sydney, NSW, 7 February 1867
Departed Sydney, NSW, 16 April 1887 (per Salazie, for Europe)
Died Ripon, Yorkshire, England, 25 March 1899, aged "79/80" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
Baptisms, St. Patrick's, Soho Square, 1818; register 1818-1827, page 30; Westminster Archdiocesan Archives
Foucart / Die 20 Septembris 1818 Baptizatus fuit Ludovicus Florentinus filius Francisci Foucart & Lambertine Cory / Natas fuit dies 11 Septembris 1818 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: François Foucart and Lambertine Levelly had married at St. John the Evangelist (C of E), Westminster, on 26 July 1818 [sic], less than 2 months before his Louis's birth, and so his supposedly slightly later birth might have been a fiction to cover the abnormality; Louis gave his age as 31 in the 30 March 1851 census, when he was living in private hotel in Pall Mall
"THE LATE CORONER'S INQUIRY - HOW IT STRIKES A STRANGER. To the Editor of . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (1 December 1854), 3
. . . On the occasion of the death of that prince of statesmen, Sir ROBERT PEEL . . . the first person who came to his assistance, and who never left Sir Robert till he breathed his last, was a Dr. Foucart, the son of one François Foucart, professor of fencing in a city of some note in the west of Scotland, and who, in early life, had been one of the "Old Imperial Guard" of Napoleon. This same gentleman, although a duly qualified medical practitioner in Scotland, was not entitled, by the rules of the profession in London, to practice the "art and mystery of healing" . . .
Robert Peel (British politician);
see also "DEATH OF SIR ROBERT PEEL [Condensed from the London Times of July 4th]", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania [TAS] (5 October 1850), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 February 1855), 7
DR. FOUCART, Surgeon Superintendent of the Government emigrant ship Ebba Brahe (500 souls), medical attendant upon the late Sir Robert Peel, and physician to the governor and tutors of the Royal children, may be consulted professionally during his stay in Sydney, at 44, Kent-street North, corner of Gas-lane. Sydney, 24th February, 1855.
"THE SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (27 July 1861), 4
THE seventh annual meeting of this society was held at Mr. Aldis's, 376, George-street, last evening . . . The following resolutions wore carried unanimously . . . That the following gentlemen form the committee for the ensuing year, viz. - Messrs. Aldis, Black, Dyer, Ebsworth, Harbottle, Foucart, Mountcastle, Waller, Whittle, and MacDonnell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Aldis (member); Joseph Dyer (member); Octavius Ebsworth (member); William Harbottle (member); Benjamin Such Mountcastle (member); John Gough Waller (member); William Macdonnell (amateur); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY:, Empire (25 July 1862), 8
THE annual meeting of the above Society took place last evening at St. James's School, Castlereagh-street. In consequence of the inability to attend of the Hon. J. H. Plunkett, president of the society, the chair was taken by F. L. S. Merewether, Esq., M.L.C. . . . Dr. FOUCART proposed that orchestral and vocal members, who gave regular attendance, should be admitted as members, on the payment of a subscription of one guinea instead of two guineas, as at present. Mr. COLLIER seconded the motion, which was carried . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hubert Plunkett (amateur, president); Francis Merewether (amateur, member)
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 August 1862), 1
On the 26th June, at Glasgow, François Foucart, ex-officer of the old Imperial Guards, Knight of the Legion of Honor, veteran of the Russian Campaign of 1812, the original of Dumas' "Maitre d' Armes," and hero of James Sheridan Knowles' "Monsieur de l'Epice," for nearly half a century a highly respected citizen of Glasgow, father of Dr. Foucart, of Sydney.
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 February 1867), 1
On the 7th instant, at Nepean Towers, by the Rev. Mr. Martin, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, L. FOUCART, Esq., M.D., eldest son of the late Francois Foucart, Kt. of the Legion of Honour, to HARRIETTE PATIENCE, daughter of A. BRYANT, Esq., of Victoria.
"THE MUSICAL CONTROVERSY. To the Editor", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 March 1887), 8
. . . Twenty-five years ago - and for many years afterwards - we had a Philharmonic Society,
whose committee and performing members numbered amongst their ranks many of our foremost men in the worlds of art, literature, and commerce.
Need I mention other names than the Hon. J. Hubert Plunkett (Attorney-General),
Leopold Rawack, W. MacDonnell, Dr. Foucart, J. J. M. Richardson (the vigorous septuagenarian flautist), Mr. W. Deane, the solicitor,
and a dozen or two others, who with commendable regularity, scarcely to be found now-a-days,
appeared on the platform at rehearsal and performance, and obeyed the directions of their conductor, as disciples follow the instruction of their Master.
The conductor was Mr. John Deane, a thorough, zealous, and skilled musician,
one who, like his compeers of that day, was content to practise (with veneration) the works of the great masters to the exclusion of his own pieces.
Have there been in the various capitals in the world families like that of the Deanes - and the celebrated Gebrüder Müller, of Brunswick -
whose famous quartet party was kept together in the family for generations?
There are many still living, and residing here,
who remember the delightful renderings of the great classical quartets given us at the Philharmonic concerts by the brothers John, William, Edward, and Henry Deane . . .
I am, &c., NUR EIN GEIGER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Neville Montagu ("Nur ein Geiger"); Leopold Rawack (amateur); John James Mallcott Richardson (amateur); William Deane (amateur); John Deane (violin, conductor); Edward Smith Deane (cellist); Henry Deane (amateur)
"Shipping", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (23 April 1887), 880
April 16. - Salazie (s.), Captain L. Boulard, for Marseilles via Melbourne and Adelaide. Passengers - For Marseilles: Dr. Foucart, Miss Foucart . . .
"OBITUARY", British medical journal [London, England] (6 May 1899), 1131
DR. LOUIS FOUCART, who was for many years a resident in Sydney, New South Wales, died suddenly, in his 80th year, at Ripon, on March 25th. He was educated at the University of Glasgow, and graduated M.D. and M.S. in 1848. He became L.R.C.S.Edin. in 1849, and was elected F.R.C.S.Edin. in 1875. He was Resident Physician for many years to the Glasgow Fever Hospital, and Surgeon to the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. He subsequently went to Sydney, where he was appointed Government Medical Officer of Health, and Quarantine Officer of Port Jackson. One incident in his long life is worthy of special mention. He was on a visit to London in June, 1850, and happened to be passing near Hyde Park Corner on the 29th day of that month at the very time when Sir Robert Peel fell from his horse. He was the first to raise the injured statesman from the ground. He accompanied him home, and was in constant attendance upon Sir Robert Peel until his death on July 2nd.
FOWELL, Newton (Newton Digby FOWELL; Newton FOWELL; Mr. FOWELL)
Amateur musician, guitarist, contact reporter, sailor, midshipman
Born South Brent, Devon, England, 30 July 1868
Arrived Botany Bay, NSW, 20 January 1788 (midshipman per Sirius, from Portsmouth, 13 May 1787)
Died at sea, 25 August 1790 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Fowell was a junior officer on the Sirius on its voyage to Australia in 1787-88. Before leaving England, he added at the end of a letter to his parents dated 4 March 1787:
There is Music for Rosina set for the Guitar. Thank you to send it if the ship comes to Porstm[ou]th.
Presumably an edition of songs from William Shield's comic opera Rosina, if it did indeed arrive with him in Australia, it is the earliest identification of an actual copy of a piece of art European music to have been landed. If he also brought a guitar, it may have been, along with George Worgan's piano, one of the first European instruments imported. So, too, the fife Fowell mentioned in another letter (12 July 1788), reporting on events on his third day in the colony:
January 21 [1788]. The Governor accompanied by Capt. Hunter & some other officers went in Boats to examine Port Jackson . . . The next day [22nd] one of the Party took a fife on Shore played several tunes to the Natives who were highly delighted with it especially at seeing some of the Seamen dance.
See in chronicle:
Letter, Newton Fowell to his father, John Fowell, 4 March 1787; State Library of New South Wales, ML MSS 4895/1/7 (DIGITISED) (TRANSCRIPT)
Hon'd Father, I rec'd your Letter Yesterday . . .
I am Hon'd Father, Your dutiful Son
Newton Fowell
There is the Music for Rosina set for the Guitar I thank you to send it if the Ship comes to Plymo'
Letter, Newton Fowell to his father, John Fowell, 12 July 1788; State Library of New South Wales, ML MSS 4895/1/18, page 5 (DIGITISED) (TRANSCRIPT)
Honoured Father, I shall first begin by saying I am very well . . . [Page 5] January 21. The Govenor accompanied by Capt Hunter & some other officers went in Boats to examine Port Jackson which lies 9 Miles to the Northward of B. Bay . . . The next day one of the Party took a fife on Shore, played several tunes to the Natives who were highly delighted with it espetially at seeing some of the Seamen dance . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Heather Clarke, "Sailor's hornpipe", posted 10 February 2011, Australian colonial dance
"Newton Digby Fowell", Design & art Australia online (DAAO)
FOWLE, A. (Andrew FOWLE; FOWL) = Andrew FAWL
Musician, clarionet / clarinet player Band of the 12th Regiment
FOWLER, Frank (Francis Edmund Town FOWLER; Frank FOWLER)
Journalist, playwright, author, occasional writer on music
Born Pimlico, London, England, 12 August 1833; son of Charles FOWLER and Jane ?
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 4 December 1855 (assisted immigrant per Kate, "22 / short hand reporter")
Married Rachel CLARKE, Sydney, NSW, 9 February 1856
Departed Melbourne, VIC, April 1858 (per Royal Charter, for Liverpool)
Died Kensington, London, England, 22 August 1863 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
FOWLER, Rachel (Rachel CLARKE; Mrs. Frank FOWLER; Madame REILOFF) = Mrs. G. F. JACKSON
Musician, soprano vocalist, pianist, teacher of piano and singing
FOWLER, Frank Harry (Frank Harry FOWLER; Frank FOWLER junior)
Musician, teacher, composer
Born Sydney, NSW, 11 March 1857; son of Frank FOWLER and Rachel CLARKE
Departed Melbourne, VIC, April 1858 (per Royal Charter, for Liverpool, with parents)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by May 1867 (with mother)
Married Fannie Adele ELLARD, NSW, 1885
Died Sydney, NSW, 10 December 1893, aged "36" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FOWLER, Fannie Adele (Mrs. Frank Harry FOWLER) = Fannie Adele ELLARD = Miss Ethel ADELE
Musician, pianist, actor
Fowler wrote a characteristic preface for the deluxe musical collection, the Australian album 1857, published by Jacob Richard Clarke, who also, from July 1857, published Fowler's new literary journal, The month.
Fowler's Eva ("ostensibly based on Uncle Tom's Cabin") played at the Lyceum Theatre in Sydney in August 1856, with music by John Winterbottom.
Fowler also commented on Sydney and Melbourne music in his Southern lights and Shadows (esp. page 34 below), published after he returned to London. However, an editorial in the Sydney Empire in July 1860, on the subject of mendacious testimonies of returned Australian colonists, cited as bywords:
. . . the ridiculous falsehoods of FRANK FOWLER, or the inventions attributed to MISKA HAUSER.
Fowler's most interesting and substantial musical remain, however, is the bullocky song, transcribed in Southern lights, below.
In Sydney on 9 February 1856, Fowler married Rachel Clarke. Their eldest son was Frank Harry Fowler, musician and composer. After Fowler's death, Rachel performed in London under the stage name of Madame Reiloff, before she and her children returned to Australia. She remarried in Sydney, and was active as a singer and music teacher as Mrs. G. F. Jackson.
Frank Harry was a pupil of Charles Packer.
He and his mother, who had been a pupil of Bennett Gilbert in London, advertised jointly in Sydney as teachers of singing and piano in 1875.
In 1885, Frank junior married the pianist, and later actor, Fannie Adele Ellard (who appeared in public as Miss Ethel Adele), only daughter of the pianist and composer Frederick Ellard.
List of immigrants per ship [Kate] . . .; December 1855; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Fowler Frank / 22 / Short hand reporter / Pimlico Midd'x / Charles & Jane Mother at Pimlico Father dead / . . .
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (25 December 1855), 1
"THE WAR AND WHAT I KNOW OF IT." FRANK FOWLER, ESQ., Fellow of the Literary Institute of the British Empire,
Member of the Parliamentary Corps of the House of Commons, and Reporter in the Sebastopol Committee, purposes to deliver his
FIRST ORATION; in the Large Hall of the SCHOOL OF ARTS, on FRIDAY EVENING next . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 August 1856), 1
OUR LYCEUM THEATRE, under the management of Messrs. Craven and Stephens. -
and the whole of the powerful company with numerous auxiliaries.
On MONDAY, August 25th, the performances will commence with (first time)
an entirely new dramatic story (founded on Mrs. H. B. Stowe's popular work),
and written expressly for Miss A. M. Quinn, with new plot, scenes, situations, and characters by Frank Fowler, Esq.,
Member of the Literary Institute of the British Empire, &c, of
The overture and entire music composed and arranged by M. Winterbottom;
the new and appropriate scenery painted by Mr. Guy; the panorama of New Orleans by Mr. Thomas;
the [REDACTED] dances and serenades by the Ethiopian Minstrels engaged expressly to give effect to the delineation of slave life!
Leaf I - Kentucky.
George Harris (a Creole slave), Mr. H. T. Craven; Drover John (a Kentuckian), Mr. Lambert;
Uncle Tom, Mr. J. H. Vinson; Sam (a persistent [REDACTED]), Mr. W. H. Stephens;
Squibby, Mr. Reading; Sambo, Mr. German; Bingy, Mr. Brenny. Selby's house and plantation.
In the course of the piece - Chorus - "I'll throw myself away," Messrs. Brenny, Reading, German, &c.
Apartment in Mrs. Selby's house. Interior of Uncle Tom's cabin.
Another part of Selby's plantation. Barroom of a Kentucky tavern. Rocky pass and wood. The escape.
Leaf II - The Mississippi river.
Penetrate Partyside, Mr. W. H. Stephens; Eva, Miss A. M. Quinn.
Saloon dock of Mississippi steamer. Deck of steamer, and grand panoramic view of Mississippi river. (Thomas.)
Chorus - "Mississippi am a berry fine boat," with banjo and tamborine accompaniment, Messrs. Brenny, Reading, and Felix German.
Deck of steamer, and panoramic view of New Orleans. (Thomas.) Chorus - "Boatman's Chaunt," Messrs. Brenny, Reading, and German.
Leaf III - New Orleans.
Topsy, Mrs. H. T. Craven. Drawing-room in St. Clair's mansion - Aunt Vermont's bedchamber - Garden at St. Claire - St. Claire's death chamber.
Leaf IV - New Orleans and its vicinity.
Simon Legree (a slave owner), Mr. Drummond (from Theatre Royal, Melbourne, his first appearance).
Sale room of a slave warehouse - Chorus, "Old Folks at Home."
Scene 2. Apartment at St. Clair's - Court-yard and exterior of Simon Degree's house, with whippingpost -
Apartment at St. Clair's - Fall of the last leaf - Chamber and death-bed of Eva! . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Eliza Craven (actors, manager); James Hetters Vinson (actor, manager); Anna Maria Quinn (actor); John Winterbottom (conductor, composer); Edmund Thomas (scenic artist); James Waln Guy (scenic artist); Joseph Charles Lambert (actor); William Henry Stephens (actor); James W. Reading (minstrel); J. W. Brenni (minstrel); Felix Garmone (minstrel); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
"OUR LYCEUM. EVA", Empire (26 August 1856), 4
The play of Eva, ostensibly founded on Uncle Tom's Cabin, but with new scenes, language, and situations, from the pen of Mr. Frank Fowler, was produced at the Lyceum for the first time last evening with unqualified success. The manner in which the piece was placed on the stage reflects great credit on the management, the details being well arranged with a view to scenic effect. The incidental songs and dances were entrusted to a band of Ethiopians - for once legitimately introduced upon the stage. Excepting an occasional "hitch," almost inseparable from the first appearance of a new play, - the performance of last night may be pronounced perfect.
A panorama of the Mississippi, painted by Mr. Turner [sic], appropriately illustrated the steamboat scene, and was much admired by those of the audience whose attention was not engrossed by what was passing in the foreground. The parts of the drama which have been added to the original tale were those which elicited the greatest applause from the audience; indeed, the principal male character of the piece, is a Yankee gentleman of the broadest possible humour, quite a distinct personage, from any mentioned in Mrs. Stowe's novel. The plot, too, is in a great measure original, Eva being carried through the four acts, and made the centre figure, round which all the other characters revolve. The language put into the mouth of the "little evangelist" is generally appropriate and beautiful, and as expressive of the exquisite ideal as the necessary limits of the play permitted. Her death scene, in the particulars of which there was considerable variation from the book, was extremely impressive. In the character of Uncle Tom, the outline of the story was vigorously filled up. The scenic arrangements of the piece were also designed hy Mr. Fowler, and many of them - especially the burning down of the whipping-post in front of Legree's house were curried out with great dramatic effect.
All the leading characters of the piece were ably rendered; the Eva of Miss Quinn calls for high commendation. It is, the first character indeed in which we have seen the infant artiste thoroughly appropriate to the juvenility of her years and genius. We learn that the piece was written with the expectation that she would be the heroine, and the selection has turned out a happy one, as the ideal is of so rare and delicate a nature as to be well portrayed only by one as young and unsophisticated. A child can best express the feelings and movements of a child; and in the present case the stage illusion is perhaps heightened by the impression that, in the impersonation of this exquisite character, the actress has little to learn - or rather to unlearn - in realising the pure-mindedness and diffusive affection which distinguish the Eva immortalized by Mrs. Stowe. The Uncle Tom of Mr. Vinson, the Partiside of Mr. Stephens, the St. Clair of Mr. Russell, and last-though not least the Drover John of Mr. Lambert, also call for honourable mention.
The overture and incidental music, conducted by Mr. Winterbottom, were appropriate and pleasing. At the conclusion of the piece (which will be repeated this evening) the author was loudly called for, and Mr. Fowler bowed his acknowledgments from the front of the stage.
"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 March 1857), 1
On the 11th instant, at her residence, 161, Liverpool-street East, Mrs. Frank Fowler, of a son.
"REVIEW", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 July 1857), 8
The Month: A Literary and Critical Journal. Edited by FRANK FOWLER.
Published by J. R. Clarke, 205, George-street, Sydney; W. Kent and Co., Paternoster Row, London.
Such is the title page which, on the 1st of July, greets us on our literary table, with the glad tidings that another attempt has been made to establish monthly periodical literature in Sydney . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher)
"CLEARANCES. APRIL 3", Empire (5 April 1858), 5
LONDON, steamer, 609 tons Cottier, for Melbourne . . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler . . .
[Editorial], Empire (17 July 1860), 4
THESE was once a time when the testimony of "a returned colonist from Australia" would have been viewed with great suspicion in the House of Commons, and denounced with indignant ridicule by the Times newspaper. There is just as much reason as ever for receiving their statements with caution; but Mr. MATTHEW HENRY MARSH has now come to be acknowledged as an authority, and his sayings are cheered in the House and quoted in the great journal just as if they proceeded from the fountain of truth itself. The fact is, however, that not all the ridiculous falsehoods of FRANK FOWLER, or the inventions attributed to MISKA HAUSER, can compete with the mendacious statements of Mr. MARSH. He is the very GULLIVER of Australian politics . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Matthew Henry Marsh (commentator); Miska Hauser (musician)
"DEATH OF MR. FRANK FOWLER", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 October 1863), 8
The literary world will hear with regret that Mr. Frank Fowler, the chief promoter and secretary of the Library Company, expired on Saturday last, at his residence, Oakley Cottage, Hammersmith. The deceased had only just passed over his thirtieth birthday when arrested in what promised to be an exceedingly brilliant and useful career. He was born on the 12th of August, 1833. When about eighteen years old, he delivered a series of public lectures in London on the American poets, which attracted attention in literary circles. He subsequently enlisted in the more arduous ranks of journalism. He obtained an engagement, while yet little more than a stripling, as a parliamentary reporter on the corps of an old-established metropolitan journal; he also contributed largely original articles on political and other subjects to newspapers and magazines. Having had his attention drawn to the Australian colonies he proceeded to New South Wales, and was not long in making a reputation in its capital He started a monthly magazine in Sydney - the first of the kind, we believe, in an Australian colony. The influence thus acquired by him may be imagined when it Is stated that he was invited to stand as a candidate for the representation of one of the electoral divisions of Sydney at the general election in 1857. He accepted that invitation, and at the poll obtained nearly 1800 plumpers, the largest number of votes, we are told, ever up to that moment recorded in favour of a single candidate. He did not, however, find the social or political state of the colony quite to his taste, and strong inducements to return to England were offered him, under which he quitted Australia for his native land in that ill-fated vessel the Royal Charter. Mr. Frank Fowler wrote "Southern Lights and shadows," which speedily ran through a large edition.
"SCOTTISH CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 May 1875), 5
A concert, composed solely of Scotch music, was given last night in the Masonic Hall, in aid of the widow and children of the late corporal Spence, No. 1 Company D. B. Highlanders . . . Mr. Frank Fowler presided at the pianoforte . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1875), 1
MRS. G. F. JACKSON (pupil of Bennett Gilbert, London) in conjunction with her Son, Mr. FRANK FOWLER (pupil of Charles Packer), gives Lessons in Singing and Piano.
ASSOCIATIONS: Bennett Gilbert (English musician); Charles Sandys Packer (musician)
"Marriages", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1885), 1
FOWLER - ELLARD. - October 26, at the Pro-Cathedral, Newcastle, by the Rev. C. Withey, Frank Harry, eldest son of the late Frank Fowler, to Fannie Adele, only daughter of the late Fred Ellard.
ASSOCIATIONS: Fannie Adele Ellard (musician); Frederick Ellard (musician)
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 December 1893), 1
FOWLER. - December 9 at Prince Alfred Hospital, Frank Harry, the dearly-beloved eldest son of the late Frank Fowler, aged 36 years. Home papers please copy.
[News], The Brisbane Courier (20 December 1893), 5
Mr. W. A. Caflisch, in a letter warmly appreciative of the late Mr. Frank Fowler, a well known Brisbane musician, who died very suddenly in Sydney a few days ago, makes an appeal which is likely to meet with hearty response. Mr. Fowler, he tells us, has left a widow and four children, the youngest only a few weeks old, almost if not quite unprovided for. The appeal is to Mr. Fowler's old friends, to his pupils, and to all musicians, both professional and amateur, that they will do something to help in their deep affliction the family of one who never allowed the suffering to appeal to him in vain.
"BRISBANE LIEDERTAFEL", The Brisbane Courier (23 May 1894), 6
"MARRIAGES", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (17 January 1914), 13
FOWLER - ANDRADE. - On the 6th January, at Armadale, by the Rev. Charles Strong, Frank Harold Gordon Fowler, second son of Mrs. Fannie Fowler, of Wimmera Place, St. Kilda, and the late Frank Fowler, R.A.M.. to Florance Vera Andrade, youngest daughter of William Andrade, of Melbourne.
"FUNERALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 August 1928), 9
FOWLER. - The Friends of Mrs. FANNIE ADELE - FOWLER are kindly notified that her remains were privately interred in the Church of England Cemetery, Northern Suburbs, on SATURDAY, the 11th instant . . .
See also obituary, "Miss Ethel Adele", The Brisbane Courier (20 August 1928), 12
Relevant published works:
Preface to Australian album 1857 (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, 1857)
PLEASANT enough were the days of the Albums - when our sons had not grown too solemn for gilt-edged volumes, and our daughters preferred a little music at home to Professor Leydenjars' lectures and the Theory of Matter.
It was at this cheerful period of literature (Miss Martineau had not then written on Population) that "Annuals" flourished under the glass cases on old John Murray's counter, and were readily transplanted from thence to the drawing rooms of May Fair. There was, in fact, at this time, quite an Album mania; and this it was, if I recollect rightly, that our good friend Pendennis picked up his first five-pound note in the "Row."
But, alack and alas, these days have passed! and Christmas books of the good old times - bound in silk as red as holly berries, with pages brimful of love, as the pearls of the mistletoe - are no longer sought for. The fact is we have grown so wise in our generation that lovers give their mistresses nothing but vile sonnets, and fathers delude themselves into the belief that the most appropriate present to a family is a sixteen-shilling air pump!
The publisher of this book knows that Albums in the old sense will not pay. (A shrewd class these publishers!) At the same time, however, he sees in this community a healthy and growing taste for MUSIC, and, in taking advantage of thi, he does a wise thing for himself and a good thing for the public. The idea of a purely musical album - that is, a book filled with the original productions of our own artistes - is, I think, peculiarly happy, and one which the Australian public will readily appreciate. The value of such a work must be apparent to every one. For instance: Miska Hauser - may the shadow of his Cremona never grow less! - enraptured us all with that glorious bit of musical tessellation called the Bird on the Tree; and yet had not the publisher of this book obtained the composition from the Miska it must have been entirely lost and forgotten. The "blithe spirit" which had tripped it so gaily up and down the strings of that violin and sent its chirpings into the hearts of all of us would have hopped off with the maestro had we not trapped it in this Album as the Wizard of the South used to shut the swan in his portfolio. And so with other pieces in this volume. They are all new - all colonial. Here - in this city - they were played, printed, and published. True, some of the composers are foreigners; but still this book is as much an Australian production as a cluster of grapes from the German vineyards at Kissing Point. We can send the work home as a specimen of what we can do out here at Botany Bay - as an index of our education, refinement, art-feeling.
And it is fitting we should attest our social progress by some unusual publication of this character. Nothing else will do it so completely and so well. It vindicates our connexion with old-world genius and skill; and proves that we are not destitute of some of the haughty lineaments of European civilization.
- FRANK FOWLER, Liverpool Street, December 20th, 1856.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher); Miska Hauser (musician)
Southern lights and shadows: being brief notes of three years' experience of social, literary, and political life in Australia by Frank Fowler (London: Sampson Low, Son, and Co., 1859) (DIGITISED)
Especially: (DIGITISED)
[34] . . . The "Prince of Wales" was generally devoted to opera, and here I have heard Bellini, Meyerbeer, and even Verdi and Beethoven as carefully rendered as at any theatre in London, the two Italian opera houses only excepted. Madame Anna Bishop was generally first-lady, Miss Sarah Flower contralto; Messrs. Laglaise and Coulon - not quite unknown names - tenor and bass; and Messrs. Lavenu and Loder, men of some English reputation, leaders of the orchestra. At the "Prince of Wales" I heard a Miska Hauser fiddle. He plays Beethoven like Ernst, Paganini like Sivori . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Sara Flower (vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); George Loder (conductor); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue) (DIGITISED)
[108] . . .This bullock-driving cannot be a very pleasant life, although there is a certain smack of romance in camping out at night with a mob of oxen bellowing around, and the companion-drivers on watch attending to the fires - where the damper is cooking and the iron kettle boiling for to-morrow's breakfast - or only leaving their warm occupation for the warmer one of driving in "strays," with song and shout loud enough to make the deserters scamper. These bullock-songs are uncouth snatches generally improvised by the drivers themselves, but not destitute of a wild, runic poetry, as the following verses from one of them will show: -
Olle! heigh-ho!
Blow your horns, blow,
Blow the Southern Cross down if you will;
But on you must go
Where the fresh gullies flow,
And the thirsty crane wets his red bill.
Olle! heigh-ho!
Drink, boys, as we go,
Pass the brandy - let each take his fill:
On, "Strawberry," on,
Run, "Blossom," come run,
There is light enough left for us still.
Olle! heigh-ho!
"Blossom," gee-woh,
There is water spread out for us here,
Fill horns while you may,
There is no one to pay,
But Mine Host up above, for such cheer!
[Of course "any schoolboy" knows the Southern Cross is the great Constellation of Transpacifica.]
[109] Now, there may be some who object to that last line; but to me, when I heard it roared out by an olive-complexioned semi-ruffian tearing along after a mob of cattle with a brandy flask and revolver at his side, and the moon rising above a mass of "mackerel" clouds, and throwing long level lines of light upon a more advanced portion of the herd standing, some with their heads turning back, upon the summit of a wooded hill, in the distance, - I thought that same last line, rudely clothed as the idea involved in it may be, really orthodox and devotional. Strange that the boisterous fellow who, in these Australian solitudes, first thundered out the song after his loitering cattle, should have thought of Mine Host at all! . . .
Bibliography and resources:
S. B. Clark, "Fowler, Francis Edmund (Frank) (1833-1863)", Australian dictionary of biography 4 (1972)
Musician, serpent player, bandsman, Band of the 99th Regiment, bandmaster (Hobart Artillery Band), ophicleide player, double bass player
Born Tottenham, Middlesex, 1822; son of John FOWLER (c. 1801-1879) and Anne BANASTER (c. 1798-1882)
Enlisted (99th Regiment), Tottenham, London, England, 17 August 1842
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 April 1843 (with regiment, per North Briton, from Dublin, 20 December 1843, via Hobart Town, 4 April 1843)
Married Sarah TUBBY (Mrs. William CASE) (1817-1895), Scots church, Sydney, NSW, 30 October 1847
Arrived with regiment, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 July 1848 (per Sir Edward Paget, from Sydney)
Purchased discharge from 99th Regiment, Hobart Town, TAS, 16 November 1850
Died Hobart, TAS, 14 August 1910 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 99th Regiment (military)
FOWLER, George William (George William FOWLER; G. W. FOWLER; W. FOWLER; FOWLER, jun.)
Musician, cornet player
Born Hobart, TAS, 5 January 1864; son of George FOWLER and Sarah TUBBY
Married Annie Benigna SUMNER (c. 1868-1952), St. Mary's cathedral, Hobart, 4 September 1884
Died Sydney, NSW, 5 August 1943, aged 79 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
According to regimental records, George Fowler was born in London (Tottenham, Middlesex), and was a tailor by trade. He enlisted in the 99th Regiment on 17 August 1842, and on 20 December sailed from Dublin with the regiment on the North Briton, arriving in Sydney, NSW, on 21 April 1843. Paylists of the 99th do not usually indicate bandsmen, but that fact that Fowler did not arrive with the headquarters on the Earl Grey probably indicates that he was not yet a member of the band.
Fowler purchased his discharge for £15 in Hobart on 9 November 1850. He became a public servant, working briefly on Maria Island in 1851, and joining the Lands Department as a an office keeper and messenger in 1852. He was band serjeant of the Hobart Volunteer Artillery Band in 1861, and performed regularly in concert and theatrical orchestras. He was closely associated with such other local musicians as Giacinto Gagliardi and Alfred Jackson Dentith, with the latter as managers of Dentith and Fowler's Band.
His younger son, George William performed as a professional soloist in Tasmania for several years, before leaving for Sydney in August 1888.
With thanks to family historian Rod Hill for sharing results of his research (February 2021)
England census, 6 June 1841, Tottenham, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/654/23/8/15 (DIGITISED)
High Road / John Fowler / 40 / Parish Beadle / [born in county]
Ann Fowler / 40 // Septimus Fowler / 20 / J[ourneyman] Tailor // George Fowler / 18 / [Journeyman Tailor]
Emma Fowler / 14 // Ellen Fowler / 12 / [all born in county]
Paylist of the detachment, 99th Regiment of Foot, from 1 October to 31 December 1842; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/9805
PRIVATES . . . 1868 / Fowler George . . . N.S.W.
Sydney, NSW (1843-48)
Paylist of the 99th Regiment of Foot, 1 July to 39 September 1843; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/9806 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 1868 / Fowler George . . .
"THE BAND OF THE 99TH", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (4 September 1844), 3
We would recommend such of our readers who have not yet heard this Band no longer to defer that enjoyment, for we can sincerely assure them that this Band of the 99th is one of the most complete military Bands that has ever gratified the inhabitants of our city. The general observer may not be aware that this Band possesses several advantages over ordinary bands. For instance, the 99th have no less than eight beautifully toned C and Bb Clarionets, and one in Eb, which play together in perfect harmony. Their flutes are equally good, nor are they open to the rebuke ajustez vos flutes, for they keep together in excellent tone, forming as it were one unbroken chain of linked sweetness. Their trumpets again produce a clear martial intonation, free from those disagreeable shrill "cork cutting" sounds which set one's teeth on edge. Indeed, there is scarcely a performer in their masterly Band who is not competent to play a solo in a respectable style on his peculiar instrument. Their bass instruments are of the first description, for in addition to the Bassoons, the Serpent, and last though not least the Ophecleide, which from the full rich grave yet mellifluous tones it is capable of sending forth in the hands of a skilful performer, (and we have the authority of a professor of acknowledged judgment in all matters connected with music for saying it could not be in better hands than the present performer in the 99th) is a powerful auxiliary in any orchestra - they have also the Bombardone. As this latter instrument was hitherto unknown in this colony we need not apologise to our readers for introducing a brief account of it. The Bombardone appears to be an instrument of modern invention, of a deep intonation partaking of the bass qualities, both of the Bassoon and of the Ophecleide. Its compass extends three octaves from F two octaves below the bass clef to F above the baas staff. Some amateurs are of opinion that the Bombardone owes its origin from the ancient Bourdon, a kind of drone bass, a deep unchangeable sound, which formerly accompanied a melody or series of notes moving above it. In days gone by, the word Bourdon signified the drone of a bagpipe. We find also the term sometimes applied to the double diapason, or lowest stop, in French and German organs; but whatever may be the conjectures of amateurs on this point, it appears to us that the Bombardone is nothing more nor less than a magnificent improvement on the Bombardo, which was a wind instrument, much resembling the bassoon, formerly used as a bass to the hautboy. The Bombardone, therefore, although it cannot be considered the skeleton of the Bombardo, it may, from its extended compass and superior strength of tone, be justly termed the giant of the ancient race of Bombardoes.
[Advertisement], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (29 November 1845), 1
Mr. MARSH begs to announce that his Concert, will take place on
with Chorus and Orchestra, which will be full and complete, consisting of the following instruments in two New Overtures: -
1st Violins - Messrs. Gibbs, Wallace, John Deane . . .
Flutes - Messrs. Wallace, A. Hill.
Oboes - Messrs. R. Martin, W. Cleary . . .
Serpents - Messrs. Fowler, Whittaker . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (musician); John Gibbs (violin); Spencer Wellington Wallace (violin); John Deane (violin); the orchestral strings, headed by the three foregoing, consisted mainly of civilian musicians, while the woodwinds and brass, with the exception of Wallace (above) who also played flute, were from the 99th band, including Arthur Silvester Hill (flute, 99th band); Robert Martin (oboe, master, 99th band); William Cleary (oboe, band corporal, 99th band); Timothy Whittaker (serpent); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
Hobart, VDL (TAS) (from 1848):
Paylist, 99th Regiment, 1 October to 31 December 1850; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/9814 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 1868 / Fowler George . . . Discharged 16 Nov'b'r 1850 on Payment of £15 0 0
[Advertisement], The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (15 May 1861), 3
Hobart Town Volunteer Artillery Band.
ALL Applications for the Artillery Band, to be made in future to the Band Serjeant,
Mr. George FOWLER, at the Survey Office.
1864, births in the district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:968084; RGD33/1/8 no 6566 (DIGITISED)
6566 / 5th January [1864] / George William [son of] / George Fowler / Sarah Fowler (formerly Tubby) / Messenger Survey Office / . . . Davey Street . . .
"BIRTHS", Launceston Examiner (9 January 1864), 4
At Hobart Town, on 5th inst., the wife of Geo. Fowler, of a son.
"OPENING OF THE NEW TOWN HALL . . . THE MUSICAL FESTIVAL", The Mercury (25 October 1866), 3
. . . Haydn's grand oratorio the "Creation" was selected and performed for the first time on Thursday,
September 27th, with a band and chorus of nearly 200 performers.
As all honor is due to these ladies and gentlemen for their services on the occasion, we record their names as follows:
. . . Orchestra - Violini, Messrs. W. Russell, A. J. Dentith, Mulhall, H. Pratt, Fryer, Evans, Doran, and Behrand;
Viola, Mr. G. Briant; Violoncelli, Messrs. J. Vautin and R. Johnson; Contra Bassi, Messrs. J. Briant and J. McGuinness;
Flauti, Signor Gagliardi and Mr. F. Abbott; Clarionetti, Messrs. J. Duffy, Lumb, and Gapin;
Cornet-a-Piston, Mr. Thomas; Tromboni, Messrs. J. Thomas and Paterson;
Ophicleide, Mr. G. Fowler; Fagotti, Messrs. J. Biggs and J. E. Pinker; Tympani, Mr. G. Thomas . . .
conductor, Mr. Frederick Packer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins Russell (violin); Alfred Jackson Dentith (violin); James Vautin (cello); James Robertson Fryer (violin); Giacinto Gagliardi (flute); Jesse Biggs (bassoon); Frederick Augustus Packer (conductor)
[Advertisement], The Mercury (21 September 1869), 1
SIGNOR GAGLIARDI . . . he has just completed the engagement of the following Orchestra - . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. W. Russell; Second Violins, Mr. L. Thomas and a Gentleman Amateur;
Viola, Mr. Brown; Violoncello, Mr. H. Roberts; Flutes, Signor Gagliardi and his pupil, Amateur, Mr. G. Smith;
Clarionet, Mr. W. Simpson; Cornet, Mr. G. Thomas; Oboe, Signor Gagliardi;
Contrabasso, Mr. Fowler, Ophicleide, Mr. Pattison, Batterie; Mr. Gabbott.
"THE MUSIC AT THE BALL. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Tasmanian Tribune (13 September 1872), 3
SIR, - In your excellent report of the Manchester Unity Ball you state that some of the music was forwarded by Signor Gagliardi expressly for the occasion.
This is a mistake. - The whole of the music belongs to me, and was lent by me to the band. By inserting this you will oblige, yours, etc..
"THE COLONISTS' BALL", The Tasmanian (31 May 1873), 5
. . . The band, under the leadership of Mr. George Fowler, was seated on the platform before the organ . . .
"LOCAL", The Tasmanian Tribune (1 December 1875), 2
The first of the series of Promenade Concerts under the direction and management of Messrs. Dentith, Fowler, and Russell was held at the Town Hall last evening and we are pleased to say proved a complete success, both, as regards the attendance, and the reception of the performers. These comprised the names of Messrs. Dentith and Russell as first violins; Mulcahy, second violin; J. Briant, tenor; Patterson and Fowler, double basses; cornet, Harwood; flute, Fowler, jun.; and clarionet, Simpson; piano, Walton; drum, Gabbett, and the programme of selections from the works of the most popular masters . . .
[Advertisement], The Mercury (28 December 1877), 3
I have received an Official Letter from the Colonial Secretary
to RETURN immediately the UNIFORM, INSTRUMENTS, and MUSIC belonging to the Government,
and I request that they be returned without delay.
GEORGE FOWLER, Office-keeper, Lands and Works Office, Hobart Town, December 27, 1877.
"MARRIAGES", The Mercury (20 September 1884), 2
FOWLER - SUMNER. - On September 4, at St. Mary's Cathedral, by special license, by the Rev. T. O'Callaghan, George William, youngest son of Mr. George Fowler, to Annie Benigna, fourth daughter of Mr. John Sumner, both of Hobart.
"THE ORCHESTRAL UNION CONCERT", The Mercury (27 March 1886), 2
There were, we find, four ex-members of the old Glee Club present at, and taking part in, the performance of The Lay of the Bell, on Thursday evening, who also look part in it 25 years ago, when it was last given in Hobart under Mr. Tapfield's baton. The name omitted in our notice was that of Mr. George Fowler, who then, as now, played the double bass in the Orchestra. Mr. H. L. Roberts, too, played the flute on the former occasion, and not the 'cello.
ASSOCIATIONS; Samuel Tapfield (musician)
"TELEGRAMS", Daily Telegraph (18 September 1888), 2
The Sydney Evening News says that at the opening of the University Palace Rink, Mr. G. W. Fowler, the well-known Tasmanian cornet player, gave some first-class selections. Mr. Fowler is the son of the caretaker of the Lands and Works Office.
"The 99th Regiment", The Mercury (12 October 1905), 5
Mr. George F. Marsden, whose father was one of the notable 99th, writes that Mr. R. Shea, late signalman, was not quite the last member of the 99th Regiment in the Commonwealth. Mr. George Fowler, late head office-keeper of the Government, who is still living in Hobart, was also a member of that Regiment.
"DEATHS", The Mercury (15 August 1910), 1
FOWLER. - On August 14, 1910, at his residence, Werona, 381 Argyle-street, North Hobart,
George Fowler, in the 89th year of his age. For 38 years office-keeper Lands Department.
Funeral will arrive at the Mortuary Chapel, Queenborough Cemetery, on Tuesday Afternoon, the 16th inst., at 3 15.
"MEN AND WOMEN", Daily Post (15 August 1910), 5
One of the few survivors of the famous 99th Regiment, in the person of Mr. George Fowler, died yesterday. Mr. Fowler was born in Middlesex 89 years ago, and came out to Tasmania with the 99th Regiment in the early days of the island. He took part in many of the thrilling episodes which occurred when the island was known as Van Diemen's Land, and fought through the Maori war [sic]. After having retired from active military work, the deceased took the position of Office keeper of the Lands Department, and he held the position for 38 years, when ill-health compelled him to resign.
"Old Man Badly Hurt In Fall", The Sun (31 July 1943), 3
George William Fowler, 79, of Richmond-road, Rose Bay, was seriously injured when he fell from a tram in New South Head-road, near Kent-road, Rose Bay, last night. After falling, he was struck by a tram coming from the opposite direction. He was later admitted to St. Vincent's Hospital, with fractured wrists and a probable fracture of the skull, while his left ear had been torn off.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 1943), 16
FOWLER - August 5, 1943, at St. Vincent's Hospital, George William (late of North Sydney) beloved husband of Annie and father of Annie (Mrs. Read), Myrtle, and George, aged 79 years.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 May 1952), 12
FOWLER Annie - May 10 1952 at hospital, Annie Fowler of Flat No 5. 238 Campbell Parade Bondi Beach (late of 57a Curlewis street Bondi) relict of the late George William Fowler and dearly loved mother of Annie Jack (deceased) Myrtle and George. Requiescat in pace.
Bibliography and resources:
Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "George Fowler, 99th Regiment", Australia's redcoat settlers (archived at NLA Pandora)
FOWLER, John Alfred (John Alfred FOWLER; J. A. FOWLER; Mr. FOWLER)
Amateur vocalist, amateur actor, hairdresser
Active Bendigo, VIC, by 1859
Married Elizabeth Jane THOMAS (1846-1925), VIC, 1865
Died ? after 1899 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"THE SANDHURST ATHENAEUM", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (21 September 1859), 2
The inaugural promenade concert of this institution took place yesterday evening, in the Town Hall (the use of which had kindly been accorded by the Council), and was certainly a most decided success, it being most largely and respectably attended . . . The singing of Mr. Newton Clapham in that fine old ballad "The Death of Nelson," exhibited a powerful and well regulated voice, and was honored with an encore. Messrs. Deague, Fowler, Hopkins, and Fly, also severally appeared to advantage in glees and choruses, and Mr. Bridges in a comic song occasioned a great deal of laughter . . . Mr. Hid played a solo, and took part in some overture music with Messrs. Linden at the piano and "our own" Warden with the violoncello, with good effect . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Newton Clapham (vocalist); Henry Deague (vocalist); John Fly (vocalist); Charles Isaac Bridges (comic vocalist); Mr. Hid (violin); Otto Linden (piano); James Warden (cello)
"POLLARD'S SCHOOL REUNION", Bendigo Advertiser (3 February 1860), 2
The sixth Choral Reunion Concert of Mr. Pollard's pupils look place last evening at the Presbyterian Schoolhouse. The attendance was very large, not less than three hundred persons being present. The entertainment, which was given in aid of the Royal Charter Relief Fund, was, taken as a whole, very successful, although in some instances a want of practice was evidently discernable. The principal feature in the programme was the Macbeth Music, which, though brought out under somewhat disadvantageous circumstances, (Mr. Watson who was to have taken Hecate's part being compelled through a domestic bereavement to absent himself, and Mr. Fowler having at very short notice volunteered his services,) was tolerably rendered . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Henry Pollard (musician); John Watson (amateur vocalist)
MUSIC: Locke's music in Macbeth (correctly by Richard Leveridge)
"THE PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (7 March 1860), 3
The second subscription concert of the Bendigo Philharmonic Society was held last evening, at the Presbyterian Schoolhouse. Neither the attendance nor the entertainment came up to that of the last concert . . . In bringing out Schiller's Lay of the Bell, set to Romberg's music, they evidently overrated their own powers . . . Mr. Fowler, who had the heaviest portion of the evening's work on his shoulders, sang the music allotted to the Master well, but his voice was somewhat wanting in tone and depth . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Bendigo Philharmonic Society (association)
The crowded state of the Haymarket Theatre last evening is sufficient evidence that when a first class musical entertainment is brought within the reach of the Bendigo public they know how to appreciate it, and it serves to show that the course hitherto adopted by the society in charging an exorbitantly high price for admission has been the real reason of the non-success of their efforts . . . It is a work of some labor for a body of vocalists, consisting of amateurs, with but one exception, that of Mrs. Ellis, to produce even respectably as heavy an oratorio as is "The Creation" and that the concert of last evening was more than respectable, none will deny . . . The bassos, Messrs. Von Ende, Fowler, and Nelson were not quite up to the mark, although for amateurs they acquitted themselves tolerably. The choruses were got through, in nearly every instance with spirit, that of "The marvellous work" being, perhaps, as well relished by the audience as any . . . Mr. Pollard conducted, and it is mainly to his exertions, together with those of Messrs. Fowler and Von Ende, that the unparalleled success of the present concert may be attributed. The Philharmonic Society may now be said to have gained a footing amongst us, and its future success or non-success must depend alone on the practising members. We think, however, that on the occasion of the next concert, a little secular music might be introduced into the programme with advantage.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Ellis (vocalist); Charles William Von Ende (vocalist); Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (3 December 1863), 2
The performances yesterday evening were for the benefit of Mr. J. G. Seymour, a meritorious and hard working member of the Lyceum Company. The character selected by him as the medium of displaying his abilities and ensuring the approbation of the public, was that of Miles na Coppaleen in the "Colleen Bawn" . . . Mr. W. F. Fearn sang two ballads, "Sweetheart, Good Bye" and "Constance," eliciting plaudits from the audience, and Mr. Fowler boldly faced the spectators a second time, and successfully, with an Irish comic, song, "Kill or Cure," after a faux pas between himself and the musicians, at the first attempt . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John George Seymour (Spiller, actor); Francis Fearn (vocalist, scenic artist); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)
MUSIC: Kill or cure (Irish comic song)
"LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (2 February 1865), 3
Madame Leon Naej's benefit last evening attracted a numerous and fashionable audience, and we have much pleasure in being able to say that both pieces selected went off with an eclat and smoothness rather unusual in amateur performances. The music incidental to "The Daughter of the Regiment" was sung with exceeding taste and feeling. The orchestra deserve creditable mention for their correct accompaniment of the difficult passages of the opera, at, we understand, a rather short notice. Mr. Fowler, who undertook the character of Sulpice, deserves especial mention for the care he had evidently taken to make himself master of the character, and the duett between Madame Naej and himself, at the termination of the first act, received the compliment of an enthusiastic encore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Leon Naej (vocalist)
The Amateur performance which was given last night at the Lyceum Theatre for the joint benefit of the Hospital and Asylum, verified the old axiom that "practice makes perfect" . . . Last night the drama was followed by the time-honored burlesque of "Bombastes Furioso," with the cast as follows: Artaxomines (King of Utopia), Mr. J. A. Fowler . . . Distaffina (Betrothed to Bombastes and courted by the King), Mr. J. Booty . . . Mr. Fowler's and Mr. Booty's burlesque acting, singing, and dancing were admirable. Mr. Fowler appeared as completely at home on the stage as the oldest stager in the regular profession, and gave the song of "Umbrella Courtship" with so much humor that he was loudly encored, while a song by Mr. Booty, terminating in a comic pas de deux by himself and Mr. Fowler, was so excellent that they had to he repeated. Mr. Booty "made up" capitally for the part . . . We must pay a well-deserved compliment to Mr. Varley, who has been at great pains in rehearsing the amateurs, and in directing the getting up of the pieces. The house was inconveniently filled in every part.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Varley (actor, manager)
PIECE: Bombastes furioso (Rhodes)
"NEW INSOLVENT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (18 September 1884), 5
John Alfred Fowler, of Sandhurst, hairdresser. Causes of insolvency - Losses in business as lessee of the City Baths, Sandhurst, owing to bad seasons, and by reason of unsuccessful tender for renewal of lease thereof and pressure of creditors. Liabilities, £250 14s 8d.; assets, £50; deficiency, £200 14s. 8d. Mr. J. Hasker, assignee.
FOWLER, Robert (Robert FOWLER)
"Professor of dancing", music and dancing venue proprietor, barber and hairdresser, convict, emancipist
Born Middlesex, England, c. 1803
Convicted Middlesex, England, 5 June 1823 (transportation, life)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1823 (convict per Sir Godfrey Webster, from London, 1 September, aged "20")
Married (1) Elizabeth MASON (d. 1849), St. David's, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 24 May 1842
Married (2) Elizabeth EMMETT, St. David's, Hobart Town, TAS, 8 November 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Convict record, Robert Fowler, per Sir Godfrey Webster, 1823; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1393269 (DIGITISED)
No. 231 / Fowler Robert / 5 ft 2 in / 20 / Hair dresser / [tried] Middlesex / 5 June 1823 / Life /
[transported by ship] Sir. G. Webster / December 1823 / [Native place] Middlesex
[Notice], The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette [VDL (TAS)] (1 May 1840), 2
GOVERNMENT NOTICE, No. 85, Colonial Secretary's Office, April 30.
Memoranda of Conditional Pardon have been issued for the following Convicts until Her Majesty's pleasure be known: - . . .
Robert Fowler, Sir Godfrey Webster . . .
1842, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:828981; RGD37/1/2 no 1544 (DIGITISED)
1544 / St. David's Hobart Town / 24th May 1842 / Robert Fowler / 30 years [sic] / Hairdresser / . . . Bachelor
Elizabeth Mason/ 22 years / Spinster . . . [witnesses] John Mason, Wm. Holdship . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (5 May 1843), 1
NOTICE. - ROBERT FOWLER, who for many years carried on business in Liverpool-street, Hobart Town, as a HAIR DRESSER, gratefully acknowledges the liberal support he has hitherto received from his friends and the public generally, and begs to inform them that he has REMOVED to those eligible premises, nearly opposite Mr. Biggins's public house, in Murray-street, where he solicits a continuance of their favours. April 28.
"DISORDERLY HOUSES", Colonial Times (31 July 1846), 3
We are pleased to find that some attention has been bestowed upon the prevention of a nuisance -
to call it by the mildest term - which prevails to some extent in this city:
we mean the existence of disorderly houses, unlicensed, and therefore illegal.
On Wednesday, a case was brought forward at the Police-office, by the Senior District Constable, Mr. Symonds,
against Robert Fowler, on an information charging him with keeping, on the 18th of July,
a certain room for the purposes of public entertainment, to wit, dancing, &c., the same not being licensed according to law:
for this offence the defendant had rendered himself liable to a penalty of £50 and costs.
Mr. Symonds conducted the case for the prosecution, and Mr. Wynne appeared on behalf of Mr. Fowler . . .
The first witness called was Mr. Donaldson, the landlord of the house adjoining,
who stated that both before and since the 18th dancing and rioting had been carried on at Fowler's house every night;
in fact, ever since the house had been opened by Mrs. Fowler, about a month ago.
Fowler was the occupier of the house; he slept there, and was backwards and forwards during the day.
Witness on several occasions had seen Fowler standing at the door,
and had heard him invite the passers by to walk in and have a jig, the fiddle playing up stairs at the time.
The fiddle was playing frequently till two o'clock in the morning,
and people were dancing there till that hour, both male and female.
The house, in fact, was conducted in the most disorderly manner, disturbing the peace of the respectable neighbours.
Mr. Donaldson observed that he was compelled to close his door at ten o'clock,
and it was hard upon him that the defendant could carry on his business till one or two o'clock in the morning.
If this was permitted, either he or Mr. Fowler would be obliged to leave.
The defendant saucily expressed an opinion that he should live to see Mr. Donaldson out.
Mr. Mason immediately checked the defendant's interference; he had a counsel to defend him, and it was highly indecorous for him to interrupt the witness.
Mr. Wynne coincided with his Worship, and rebuked the defendant, who thereafter kept his peace.
Other evidence was adduced to show the highly riotous and disreputable manner in which the house was conducted;
and the Bench (Messrs. Mason and Carter) imposed the highest penalty of £50 and costs,
with an intimation, as we understood, that it should be forthwith paid, or in default the defendant to go to gaol.
ASSOCIATIONS: Music on unlicensed premises (general)
"POLICE", The Courier (1 August 1846), 2
Robert Fowler was brought before the Bench on Wednesday, on an information preferred by Senior District Constable Symons, charging him with keeping a disorderly house. Mr. Wynne appeared for the defendant, and the case occupied a great part of the morning. It appeared in evidence that the wife of the defendant has recently advertised the opening of a Board and Lodging House, "in the London style," in Macquarie-street, the defendant carrying on his business of a barber, in Liverpool-street, but eating and sleeping at the new establishment. Over the stairs leading to the first floor, the defendant had caused to be painted, in conspicuous characters - "Dancing School!" - The large upper front room was cleared of every vestige in the shape of furniture, except two or three stools, upon one of which sat an aged man of the name of Barnard Hill, with a cracked fiddle, from which he produced, for the dancers, not notes "in liquid sweetness long drawn out," but the description of rude sounds which it is his wont to draw forth for the boisterous revellers alt wakes and weddings. It appeared that the persons who resorted to the school to take lessons of this antediluvian "professor" of the divine arts of music and graceful motion, were men and women of bad character; so much so, indeed, that several respectable residents of the neighbourhood have been afraid to leave their premises after night-fall, under an impression that their property would be insecure. Dancing, quarrelling, and fighting were kept up all night, to the scandal of public morals and the peace of the neighbourhood. Fowler's defence was, that he was not responsible, as the establishment belonged to his wife, and not to himself. It was proved, however, that he stood at the door of the "Dancing School" every night, and exacted an admission fee . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Barnard Hill (fiddler, violinist)
"Unlicensed Houses", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (6 August 1846), 3
Two of these pests having been put down on informations heard before the Police Magistrate during the week. In the one, Robert Fowler was defendant, who had permitted fiddling and dancing at his house of accommodation in Macquarie-street, at all hours of the night. The witnesses deposed to the riotous conduct of the "pupils," all of whom, (an occasional "dupe" excepted) were male and female adults of irregular habits and character . . . The defendant, Fowler, in default of payment, has been committed to prison . . .
Petition of R. Fowler for a remission of a fine imposed for conducting an unlicensed dance hall, 1846; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1786343; CSO20/1/34 file number 850
1853, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:846657; RGD37/1/12 no 215 (DIGITISED)
No. 229 / 215 / Cathedral Church of St. David Hobart Town / 8th Nov. 1853 / Robert Fowler / 35 [sic] / Hair dresser
Elizabeth Emmett / 21 / Spinster . . .
FOX, John (John FOX)
Bell-hanger, whitesmith
Active Sydney, NSW, by c. 1825-26 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? [News], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (31 March 1825), 3
It is said that there is only one Bell Hanger in the Colony. This, if true, is a very remarkable fact, and proves that the gentry of this profession are either very good or very bad subjects - that they do not bring themselves within the law's way, or else that they get into the hands of the finisher of the law, and instead of being hangers get hanged.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 March 1826), 3
JOHN FOX, White-smith and Bell-hanger, George-street, Sydney, begs leave to return his sincere Thanks to his Friends and the Public, for the kind support he has hitherto experienced;
and has to inform them, that having enlarged his work-shops, he is now enabled to perform every description of Work in his line,
with correctness and despatch, having some of the first Mechanics in the Colony in his Employ.
J. F. begs leave also to state, that such description of Work as cannot, through want of ability, he performed elsewhere,
by application at his Work shops as above-mentioned, the parties may have their Orders executed by himself, to the satisfaction of the Owners and on the shortest Notice.
N. B. - Steel Mills executed to Order.
JOHN FOX, White-smith and Bell-hanger, George-street, Sydney, requests that all Claims against him may be immediately presented for Liquidation,
and that all those who may he indebted to him, will settle the same with as little delay as possible.
FOX, Matilda (Matilda Victoria BANNISTER; Miss M. BANNISTER; Miss BANNISTER; [1] Mrs. William Henry FOX; [2] Mrs. Arthur Thomas HODGSON)
Musician, contralto vocalist, pianist
Born Bedford, Bedfordshire, England, 4 January 1832; baptised Mill-street chapel, Bedford, 19 January 1832; daughter of Thomas BANNISTER (1806-1871) and Sarah HUMPHREYS
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 16 November 1852 (per Delgany, from London, 24 July)
Married (1) William Henry FOX (d. 1862), VIC, 1853
Married (2) Arthur Thomas HODGSON, Castlemaine, VIC, 12 April 1863
Died Castlemaine, VIC, 1 April 1875 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Bannister (sister, later Mrs. Gardner; later Mrs. Cooper, soprano vocalist)
DISAMBIGUATION: Sarah Hannah Fox (Mrs. Fox, contralto vocalist, below)
Births, Howard Chapel (Independent), Mill-street, Bedford, 1832; UK National Archives, RG4/271 (PAYWALL)
Matilda Victoria Bannister daughter of Thomas Bannister and Sarah his Wife,
of the Parish of St. Paul, Bedford in the County of Bedford
was born on the 4th Day of January 1832 and baptized January 19th 1832 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Bannister (father)
England census, 6 June 1841, St. Paul, Bedford; UK National Archives, HO107/10/8/3/14/23 (PAYWALL)
Tho's Bannister / 35 / Baker / [not born in county] // Sarah [Bannister] / 32 / [born in county]
Matilda [Bannister] / 9 // Sarah [Bannister] / 7 [both born in county]
Tho's / 5 // Louisa / 3 // Jane / 6 Mo [all born in county]
Names and descriptions of passengers per Delgany, from London, 24 July 1852, for Melbourne, 16 November 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Banister Thomas / 41 [sic] / Labourer // Sarah / 31
Matilda / 13 [sic] // Sarah / 12 [sic] // Thomas / 9 // Louisa / 8 // Jane / 5 // Jno. Gleeson / 4 months
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Bannister (sister, later Mrs. Gardner; later Mrs. Cooper)
"THE CONCERT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 December 1852), 5
The following is the programme of the Concert for this evening: -
PART I. Overture - Coriolanus.
Duet - Non Piu Mesta, Miss Matilda and Miss Sarah Bannister, Lady Amateurs . . .
Concertina Solo - Grand Scena from Norma, Mr. Richardson.
Duet - Come be gay, Mrs. Testar and Mrs. Fiddes . . .
Song - Happy the maid whose heart is free, Miss Sarah Bannister . . .
PART II. Overture - Italiani in Algieri . . .
Ballad - Bonnie Dundee, Miss M. Bannister . . .
Finale - Solo, Duet, Chorus, National Anthem.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Harriet Fiddes (vocalist); Henry Richardson (concertina); Thursday concerts (series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
As Mrs. Fox (Castlemaine, VIC, 1853-63):
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (26 May 1858), 2
We heartily congratulate the members of the Castlemaine Philharmonic Society on the unequivocal success of their first subscription concert . . . Ladies and gentlemen took part, Mr. Moss acting as conductor. It had been announced that Mr. Woodin would preside at the piano; but it was explained that that artist had refused to fulfil his promise, except under conditions with which the society could not comply. In these circumstances Mrs. Fox was called on, and we are sure no one regretted Mr. Woodin's contumacy . . . Mr. Bannister sang the recitative, "Comfort ye my people," with great accuracy and true expression, but his voice has hardly volume sufficient for the size of the hall, and those in its remotest parts could not but regret they did not hear it more fully . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Moss (conductor); Frederick Woodin (pianist); Castlemaine Philharmonic Society (association)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (7 January 1859), 5
ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th, The Opera Company will give
A GRAND SACRED CONCERT Consisting of selections from the Sublime ORATORIOS OF
To give greater effect to the Magnificent Choruses of Handel and Haydn:
MEMBERS OF THE Castlemaine Philharmonic Society, With other Ladies and Gentlemen, have kindly offered their services . . .
Musical Director - Mr. Linly Norman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Vincent (vocalist); Sara Gardner (her sister, amateur vocalist); Henry Charles Thorburn (amateur vocalist); John Darby Hasler (amateur vocalist); Benjamin Butterworth (amateur vocalist); Arthur Thomas Hodgson (amateur vocalist, her future husband); William Smithers Danks (amateur vocalist); Linly Norman (musical director); English Opera Company (troupe); Julia Harland (principal vocalist); Walter Sherwin (principal vocalist); Theatre Royal (Castlemaine venue)
"CASTLEMAINE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Mount Alexander Mail (25 February 1859), 4
. . . The concert of the Society on Wednesday Evening [23 February] was really admirable, and when we bear in mind that they had not the assistance of professionals - astonishing . . . The trio, "Breath soft ye winds," was sweetly rendered, and the duet, "The depths of the ocean," by Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Fox, received the honor of the first encore . . . The great feature of the evening was Locke's music from Macbeth, which was most creditably rendered, reflecting the greatest honor upon the conductor, Mr. F. Moss . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Mount Alexander Mail (3 August 1859), 3
On Monday evening [1 August], this society gave a grand concert at the theatre, which was attended by a most respectable and attentive audience. The concert was conducted by Mr. Moss; Mrs. Fox presided at the piano; and Mr. Vincent played the harmonium. The first part of the programme consisted of Mozart's "Twelfth Mass" . . . The second portion of the concert, it being the Centenary of Handel, consisted of selections from the "Messiah," "Judas Maccabaeus," and "Theodora" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Rimmer Vincent (musician)
"CONCERT AT THE THEATRE", Mount Alexander Mail (10 October 1859), 2
On Friday evening [7 October], the Castlemaine Philharmonic Society gave a concert at the theatre for the benefit of the funds of the hospital . . . The song of "Twas on a Bank" was rendered by Mrs. Fox with great taste, and a very fair amount of musical skill . . . The duet of the "Merry Maidens" was very well performed by Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Fox, and drew down an encore . . . The duet of "O Lovely Sleep" by Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Fox deserves to be mentioned, likewise the quartette "Thou preparest a table," composed by Mr. F. Moss, the conductor of the concert, which was led by Mr. Howson . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Mount Alexander Mail (16 March 1860), 2
The Soiree of the Mechanics' Institute came off oh Monday evening [12 March], and was well attended . . . The members of the Philharmonic Society, under the experienced generalship of Mr. Moss, during the evening ably performed a variety of glees, duetts, Mrs. Fox presiding at the pianoforte . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Mount Alexander Mail (1 October 1860), 2-3
On Thursday evening [27 September] the Philharmonic Society of Castlemaine, assisted by several members of the Sandhurst Society, gave another concert at the Theatre. The selections comprised the whole of Haydn's Third Mass, two choruses from Mendelssohn's "As the Hart pants," and the greater portion of Mozart's well-known Twelfth Mass . . . [3] . . . Mrs. Fox, we need hardly say, acquitted herself admirably in the contralto solos, and we regretted that they did not afford more scope for the display of a sweet and well cultivated voice . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Bendigo Philharmonic Society (Sandhurst association)
"THE PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail (6 May 1861), 3
Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather, the Concert on Thursday night [2 May] was so well attended that the Theatre was comfortably filled . . . Mesdames Fox and Gardiner followed with the lively duet, "Let Music and Song," and well merited the applause they received . . . The solo "O Had I Jubal's lyre," was very neatly sung by Mrs. Gardiner, and the duet, "Come ever Smiling Liberty," by the same lady, and Mrs. Fox, was repeated at the desire of the audience. The rather weak but pleasing contralto of Mrs. Fox was advantageously heard in the solo, "Return O God of Hosts." Kent's fine quartette, "Thine, O Lord," for soprano, alto, tenor, and bass, was warmly welcomed, and the unaccompanied trio from Elijah, by Mesdames Fatherly, Gardiner, and Fox, was so much appreciated that but for the lateness of the hour it would undoubted have gained an unanimous da capo . . .
"SHOCKING DEATH", Mount Alexander Mail (29 August 1862), 4
At Talbot, on Tuesday night last, Mr. Henry Fox, son-in-law of Mr. Bannister, of the Bedford Hotel, in this town, was going home from a friend's house, when he accidentally fell into a mining shaft, 70 feet deep. He lay there all night. In the morning his groans attracted the notice of some persons, who lowered a rope to him. He fixed it, and they drew him up. On his arrival at the top, they were horrified to find that he had placed the rope under one arm-pit, and round his neck on the opposite side, and that he was nearly dead from strangulation. From fright or some other cause, they allowed the rope to slip, and the unfortunate man again fell to the bottom of the shaft. A person descended, and Mr. Fox was eventually landed, but he was so injured that he died in a few hours. The melancholy event has, of course, caused the greatest distress to his bereaved family.
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail (31 October 1862), 2
The members of this Society gave a Concert last night at the theatre . . . There were only two compositions mentioned in the programme - one, Romberg's music to Schiller's "Lay of the Bell" and an original Mass in C, by Mr. Moss, the Conductor, and produced in its entirety before the public, for the first time . . . Mesdames Fox and Gardiner sung with their accustomed taste and skill, and Messrs. Balm, Cooper (of Maldon), Hasler, and other gentlemen, acquitted themselves well . . . In the Incarnatus and the Agnus Dei, particularly in the last, Mrs. Fox's alto part was rendered with much sweetness . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Balme (amateur vocalist)
"CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail (2 December 1862), 3
The Concert, given by the members of the Philharmonic Society, for the benefit of their talented conductor, Mr. F. Moss, took place last night, at the Theatre . . . The second part consisted of Mr. Moss's Mass in C, which we have previously noticed as an exceedingly creditable composition. Mr. Balme, Mr. B. Butterworth, and Mrs. Fox were entrusted with solo parts in the secular music, but it is simple justice to Mrs. Fox to say that her song, "Sweet spirit, hear my prayer," was the gem. The fair vocalist interpreted the music sweetly and naturally, and she received a well-merited encore . . .
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail (27 March 1863), 2
The Concert of the Philharmonic Society, last night, though far from the least attractive they have given, was worse attended than any of the preceding ones. This misfortune was due to the rival attractions of the Presbyterian Bazaar, and the Fire-Brigade dinner . . . Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Fox dung Mendelssohn's beautiful duett for soprano and alto so well, that it was awarded an unanimous call for repetition. The fair Vocalists, on the conclusion of their effort, were even more enthusiastically cheered than at first . . . Mrs. Fox gave Glover's "Leaving the O1d Home," but it did not elicit many expressions of gratification . . .
"MARRIED", Mount Alexander Mail (13 April 1863), 2
At Castlemaine, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. James Smith, Mr. Arthur T. Hodgson, bookseller, to Matilla Victoria, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Bannister, late of Bedford.
As Mrs. Hodgson (Castlemaine, 1863-75) see documentation at Matilda Hodgson
"ITEMS OF NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail (2 April 1875), 2
We deeply regret having to announce that Mrs. Hodgson, after what may be termed a long illness, breathed her last peacefully and without pain on the afternoon of yesterday. The last time she was seen out of doors was a fortnight ago when attending the bazaar, the fatigue connected with which was too severe for the then delicate state of her health. A month previously she was attacked with dysentry, from which she did not get cured, and this disease so reduced her strength, enfeebled for several years by rheumatism, that she succumbed under it. In the early days of Castlemaine she became a member of the old Philharmonic Society, and rising into public favour she was ever afterwards much sought after to give her services at concerts on behalf of charities or public institutions. Many a time when she could ill sustain the fatigue of travelling, she undertook journeys of miles that she might bear a part in a concert if a charitable object was to be served. On account of this amiable trait in her character, along with numerous good and kind qualities, she will be sorrowed over by many public and a large circle of private friends. By the congregation of St. Mary's Church she will be specially regretted, she having officiated at the organ for the last 12 years, and having taken great pains in training the choir that it might render the music of the masses with correctness.
"DEATHS", Mount Alexander Mail (19 April 1875), 2
HODGSON. - On the 1st April, at the Bedford Hotel, the residence of her mother, Mrs. Matilda V. Hodgson, aged 43 years, wife of Mr. A. T. Hodgson.
FOX, Sarah Hannah (Sarah Hannah BEAUMONT; Mrs. John Henry FOX; Mrs. J. H. FOX; Mrs. FOX)
Musician, contralto, mezzo-soprano, soprano vocalist
Born Norfolk, England, 1838; baptised 16 December 1838, Ingham; daughter of
Edward BEAUMONT (1807-1880) and
Hannah LACK (1813-1889)
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 18 August 1848 (with parents, immigrants per Cheapside, from London and Plymouth, 21 May)
Married John Henry FOX (1830-1903), Melbourne, VIC, 1856
Died North Melbourne, VIC, 17 June 1913, aged "74", "a colonist of 64 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
One of two active singer sisters of tenor Armes Beaumont, Sarah (Mrs. John Henry Fox, from 1856) was one of Melbourne's leading contralto vocalists for over 20 years, first as an oratorio soloist for the Melbourne Philharmonic Society in the late 1850s and 1860s, and later, following her brother's move to the dramatic stage, appearing in operatic roles in the early 1870s.
Usually billed simply as "Mrs. Fox" from her first public appearance in Melbourne in 1858, and during her two years in Adelaide (1861-83), from the later 1860s onwards she was usually identified as Mrs. J. H. Fox. Typically given contralto parts in concert and oratorio when younger, she later also sang soprano parts in opera. She first notably ventured into the upper range when she performed Handel's Let the bright seraphim in Adelaide as early as 1863.
DISAMBIGUATION: Matilda Fox (contralto vocalist and pianist, of Castlemaine, VIC, 1858-63)
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Ingham in the County of Norfolk in the year 1838; register 1813-78, page 43; Norfolk Record Office, PD 310/2 (PAYWALL)
No. 343 / Dec'r 16th / Sarah Hannah / D'r of / Edward & Hannah / Beaumont / Ingham / Farrier . . .
England census, 6/7 June 1841, Ingham, Norfolk; UK National Archives, HO107/775/21/5/6/6 (PAYWALL)
Edward Beaumont / 30 / Farrier // Hannah / 25 // Ann Elizabeth / 4 // Sarah / 2 // Edward / 5 months / [all born in county]
Nominal list of emigrants per the ship Cheapside, from Plymouth, 21 May 1848, for Port Phillip, 18 August 1848; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Beaumont Edward / Farrier / 40 // Hannah / Wife //
Anne / 12 // Hannah / 10 // Edward / 8 // Daniel / 6 // Sophia / 4 // Christina / Inf.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Beaumont (father);
Hannah Lack (mother);
Edward Armes Beaumont (brother, vocalist);
Daniel Abraham Beaumont (brother, vocalist);
Mary Sophia Beaumont (sister, vocalist)
Melbourne, NSW (VIC) (from 1848):
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (23 December 1857), 8
MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Sixth Subscription Concert . . .
EXHIBITION BUILDING. Christmas Eve, 24th December 1857, MESSIAH.
Principal Vocalists: . . . Mrs. Fox . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Exhibition Building (venue)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 December 1857), 4
The performance of Handel's "Messiah," on Thursday night, may be pronounced at least as satisfactory in its general effect and results as any previous effort of the Philharmonic Society. The Exhibition Building was filled, both on the ground-floor and in the galleries, and the audience were evidently well pleased with the work and its execution. The principal solo performers were Miss Octavia Hamilton, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fox, and Messrs. Ewart and Farquharson . . . Mrs. Fox sang the air "Thou didst not leave his soul in Hell," in a style which elicited marked approbation . . . The band and chorus were in good order, though some few portions of the music allotted to the latter were taken too slowly. We must again protest against the unpleasant practice which Mr. Russell occasionally falls into of too audibly marking the time with his baton . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); John Russell (conductor)
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Age (7 January 1858), 5
The Philharmonic Society gained new laurels on Tuesday evening by their admirable interpretation of Mendelssohn's grand oratorio "Elijah" . . . The only passage assigned to Mrs. Fox was the sweet air "O rest in the Lord," but this she sang in a manner so highly satisfactory that we could not help regret ting that the arrangements of the programme did not admit of our hearing her in another solo. She, however, took part in the beautiful unaccompanied trio "Lift their eyes," in which all the voices were most beautiful attuned . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOIREE", The Age (30 December 1859), 5
The soiree in connection with the Melbourne Philharmonic Society was held in the Exhibition Building last evening . . .
We content ourselves with subjoining the programme without further remark: -
"The Chough and Crow," chorus; "The Sailor's Grave," Mr. E. Beaumont; "When the Silver Moon," Miss Bailey; "Mrs. Watkins's Party," Mr. Farquharson,
and on being encored, "The Tight Little Island;" "A Dream of joy," Mrs. Batten; "The Syren and Friar," Miss Mortley and Mr. C. Blanchard;
"Truth in absence," Mrs. Fox . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Armes Beaumont (vocalist, her brother); Amelia Bailey (vocalist); Mrs. Batten (vocalist); Sarah Mortley (vocalist); Charles Blanchard (vocalist)
MUSIC: Truth in absence (Harper)
[News], The Argus (13 June 1861), 5
The Orpheus Union, who have hitherto been content with taking part in occasional concerts in which they have, however, been most warmly appreciated, gave, last evening, the first of a series of musical entertainments, in the Mechanics' Institute . . . The solo parts were excellently taken by Miss Griffiths . . . and by Messrs. Ford, Beaumont, and Angus . . . Misses Griffiths, Mortley, and Beaumont, were quite successful in Henry Smart's pretty trio, "Rest thee on this mossy pillow," and Mrs. Fox, Master Cooke, and Messrs. A. Ford and Angus won equally so in Pohlenz's part song "The swallows" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Griffiths (vocalist); Alfred Ford (vocalist); John James Cook (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist); Orpheus Union (association); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
Adelaide, SA (1861-63):
"THE CHOIR AT WHITE'S ROOMS", South Australian Weekly Chronicle [Adelaide, SA] (24 August 1861), 2
The length of our report of the meeting at White's Room, to celebrate the laying of the corner-stone of the Rev. Mr. Cox's Chapel, prevented us from paying a well-merited compliment to the Choir, who so kindly and efficiently enlivened the proceedings of the evening by their very excellent performances. It comprised about 60 per formers, members of most of the choirs in connection with the various chapels in North and South Adelaide. Mr. J. Rowe performed his part well as conductor, and Mr. R. Daws presided with hie usual ability at the harmonium . . . Amongst the performers we noticed several old favorites, whose names we need not mention; but we think, without appearing invidious, we may venture to allude to a lady who we believe is new to the musical word of Adelaide - Mrs. Fox - who sung the solo part in Mozart's anthem, "But thou didst not leave his soul in hell;" her voice is at the same time sweet, mellow, and powerful, and without any apparent effort, its rich tones filled the large hall and delighted the audience; she sings also with artistic precision. It has been said by some who were present that, as an amateur performance, that on Wednesday evening has never been surpassed in Adelaide . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Rowe (conductor); Robert Daws (harmonium); White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"TOPICS OF THE WEEK", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (14 February 1863), 5
The Adelaide Philharmonic Society gave a concert of secular music at the Assembly Rooms on Wednesday evening . . . Mendelssohn's duet, "Zuleika and Hassan," was well rendered by Mrs. Fox and Mr. Beaumont . . . After "The Queen's Letter," which was sung by Mrs. Fox, with her accustomed sweetness, Mr. S. Wilkinson gave "Man the life boat" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: W. H. Wilkinson [sic] (vocalist); Adelaide Philharmonic Society (association)
MUSIC: Suleika und Hatem (Mendelssohn, op. 8 no. 12, actually by his sister Fanny); The queen's letter (Hobbs)
"TOPICS OF THE WEEK", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (30 May 1863), 4
The oratorio "Samson" was repeated by the Philharmonic Society, at the Assembly Rooms, on Tuesday evening . . . Mrs. Fox sang "Let the bright Seraphim," and though her voice was weak in some of the passages, it was quite as strong as could be expected after singing, as she did, through all the chorusses. The high and difficult trumpet accompaniment was performed by Mr. Chapman on the cornopean. It is the first time it has been publicly attempted in the colony, and Mr. Chapman's performance was very successful . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Chapman (cornopean)
MUSIC: Let the bright seraphim (Handel, from Samson)
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (5 August 1863), 2
We understand that Mrs. J. H. Fox, who has been for some time favourably known in the musical circles here as a pleasing and talented artiste, proposes giving a farewell concert in the Pirie-street lecture room, prior to her departure for Victoria. Several amateurs and musical friends have kindly volunteered their services to assist in making the entertainment as pleasing as possible. The public have received many favours from Mrs. Fox, who has more than once given the benefit of her musical abilities in aid of charitable and benevolent objects, and we feel sure the country generally will reciprocate what she has done for them, by aiding in this, her last performance in Adelaide.
Melbourne, VIC (from 28 August 1863):
"SHIPPING. HOBSON'S BAY. ARRIVED", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (29 August 1863), 4
AUGUST 28 . . . Coorong, s., 221 tons, Wm. McLean, from Adelaide 2Oth inst. Passengers - cabin . . .Mrs. Fox and family (2) . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (11 November 1863), 5
The tea meeting which took place in St. George's Hall, yesterday evening, in connection with the missions of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria to the Aborigines and Chinese, was a more successful demonstration than the most sanguine of its promoters could possibly have anticipated. The hall and galleries were crowded to excess, the assemblage comprising many of our most influential citizens. The meeting to some extent partook of the character of a musical festival, there being a choir of between fifty and sixty singers under the leadership of Mr. W. H. Williams, while Mr. T. King [sic, H. J. King] presided at the harmonium, and Mr. Angus officiated as principal bass. The choir, who have been practising for several weeks past, probably formed the principal attraction, and if so the company were not disappointed, for the performances demand to be spoken of in the highest terms of praise. There wero only two solos. The one the anthem, "How beauteous are the feet" by Miss B. Watson; and the other a selection from the "Messiah," "I know that my Redeemer liveth," by Mrs. Fox. Both ladies displayed a degree of musical accomplishment rarely met with amongst non-professionals . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Williams (conductor, vocalist); Henry John King (harmonium); Bertha Watson (vocalist); St. George's Hall (Melbourne venue)
"PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (6 September 1865), 5
The third subscription concert of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, for the present year, was given last evening, at the Exhibition Building. The performance consisted of Haydn's oratorio, the "Creation" . . . Mrs. Fox sang the beautiful soprano solo, "With verdure clad." This lady possesses a pure tone, and is improving in style, but we regret to observe a tendency now and then to sing sharp in the upper notes . . . The trio, "Most beautiful appears," by Mrs. Fox, Mr. Ewart, and Mr. S. Angus, evidently pleased the audience . . .
"GALATEA SECUNDA", The Argus (4 October 1867), 5
In the multitude of counsel as to the ways in which the expected Prince Duke is to be welcomed, it could not but be suggested that he should be greeted with musical honours . . . and it follows naturally that we have now brought before the public an odaic cantata, entitled "Galatea Secunda," written by Mr. Horne, and composed by Mr. J. Summers, Mus. Bac. Oxon, as a sort of address of welcome to our Royal visitor . . . "Galatea Secunda" is in five parts, and we may say at the outset that the interest is greatly weakened by a characteristic inequality of merit in the words . . . It is refreshing to turn to the next part, and find far more worthy words -
"The votive song, the festal dance,
Shall greet each step of thine, advance
'Midst city throngs; in fern tree glade,
No Cyclop lurking in the shade.
Where late the savage sought his game
In lonely forest, thou shalt find
Labour, with sturdy frame and mind;
And every river at thy name
Shall tremble with a lasting fame,
As did thy Spring when first it gush'd
From AEtna's foot, with love-dreams flush'd."
This is charmingly set as an accompanied trio, for soprano, tenor, and bass; and it was admirably sung by Mrs. Fox and Messrs. Amery and Donaldson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (royal visitor); Richard Hengist Horne (librettist); Joseph Summers (composer); Edwin Amery (vocalist); Charles Alexander Donaldson (vocalist)
The second grand concert given on Saturday evening by the Right Worshipful Samuel Amess, mayor of Melbourne, as the concluding festivity in honour of the inauguration of the new Town-hall, was a final illustration of the great interest taken in the event of the week . . . Mr. D. Lee, the conductor, having taken his place amidst general applause, the overture to "Euryanthe" began, and was concluded in satisfactory style . . . Then followed Rossini's "Stabat Mater" . . . The "Inflammatus et accensus," the "Cujus animam" and "Pro peccatis" were the best of the solo performances, Mrs. Fox, in the first named, displaying powers for which we have not hitherto given her credit. The subsidiary choral part in this number was also extremely good, and the effect on the words "In die judicii" was all that could be desired . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Amess (mayor); David Lee (conductor); Melbourne Town Hall (venue)
"ORPHEE AUX ENFERS", The Argus (30 March 1872), 6
. . . We do not pretend to enlighten our readers upon the story of Orpheus as understood from their school books, but according to our usual custom we give a sketch of the plot of the piece as it is to be played by Mr. Lyster's company at the Princess's Theatre to-night, which is in some respects quite an original fable . . . The scene opens upon a landscape - Thracian, of course - with the dwelling-places of Orpheus (Mr. Lascelles) and Aristosos (Mr. Beaumont) on either side . . . Diana (Mrs. Fox) enters grieving sorely that Actaeon had not been in his usual hiding-place that day, because she had always been aware of his presence, although she never "let on" to anybody about it . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Lascelles (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe); Princess' Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"DEATHS", The Argus (21 June 1913), 13
FOX. - On the I7th June, at Silloth Terrace, 157 Flemington road, North Melbourne, Sarah Hannah, relict of the late John Henry Fox, and beloved mother of Mrs. M. Samuel and F. P. Fox, aged 74 years. A colonist of 64 years. (Interred privately on June 19.)
Mr. Edward Armes Beaumont, the finest tenor singer Australia has produced, and whose name 25 years ago was a household word throughout the Commonwealth, died at his residence, Flemington road, North Melbourne, at an early hour yesterday morning. For some weeks past his health had been failing, and his advanced age, 72 years, made his death not quite unexpected. His sister, Mrs. J. H. Fox (also a well-known singer), with whom he had been living, and to whom he was greatly attached, died a few weeks ago, and her demise undoubtedly hastened his end . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Alison Gyger, Civilising the colonies: pioneering opera in Australia (Sydney: Pellinor, 1999), 148, 174, 176, 240, 245 ("Mrs. Fox")
FOXALL, Frederick George (Frederick George FOXALL; F. G. FOXALL; Mr. FOXALL)
Musical amateur, member Sydney Amateur Concerts, merchant
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 26 February 1826 (per Elizabeth, from Canton)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 23 February 1835 (per Rosslyn Castle, for London) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
POSSIBLE IDENTIFICATION: Frederick George Foxall (baptised St. George, Southwark, 29 April 1801, son of Phoenix and Elizabeth Foxall; by 1841 a police officer, by 1851 inspector of police, retired 1855-56; buried Bexley, Kent, 6 February 1884, aged "82")
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (1 March 1826), 2
On Sunday last arrived the ship Elizabeth, Captain Ross, from Canton, with a cargo of sundries, consigned to Messrs. Aspinall, Browne, and Aspinall. Passenger, Mr. Foxall.
[Advertisement], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (30 September 1826), 2
AMATEUR CONCERT. MR. SIPPE BEGS TO ACQUAINT HIS Friends and the Public, that his Benefit is fixed for Wednesday, October 11.
The orchestra will consist of 25 instrumental performers. A full account of the performance will be inserted in next Wednesday's Paper.
Tickets may be had at Mr. G. Paul's, Mr. Rapsay's, Mr. Robertson's, Mr. Foxall's, Mr. Hayes's, and Mr. Foster's, at 5s. each. Children, half price.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Sippe (musician); George Paul (member); Peter Hitt Rapsey (member); James Foster (member); Sydney Amateur Concerts (association, series)
Sydney Amateur Concerts (association, series)[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 November 1826), 1
The GENTLEMEN, composing the COMMITTEE of the SYDNEY AMATEUR CONCERT, beg to inform the Public, that a
CONCERT will be held on Monday, the 4th Day of December next, at the Court-house, in Castlereagh-street.
Several Magistrates, and other Gentlemen of the Colony, having expressed their Wish to the Committee, that such should take Place,
and having promised their Support on the Occasion, it is hoped, that the Public will give every Encouragement to promote and Attempt to relieve the above laudable Institution.
Tickets, 10s each. may be had, on Application to Messrs. JAMES FOSTER (at Mr. Norton's Office, Elizabeth-street),
A full Account of the Performance will be inserted in next Week's papers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ralph and Elizabeth Darling (governor and wife); Augustus Earle (member); John Edwards (member); Barnett Levey (member)
[Advertisement], The Monitor (6 January 1827), 1
SUBSCRIPT1ON CONCERT. MR. CLARKE has the honor of announcing to the lovers of Harmony,
that the Concert will take place on Tuesday evening next at MR. LORD's Rooms, Macquarie Place.
Tickets, 5s. each, at Mr. LORD's; also at Mr. Paul's, Mr. B. Levey, Mr. Foxall, and Mr. Edward's, George Street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Clarke (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Australian (24 October 1828), 4
LITHOGRAPHIC PRESS. AN EXCELLENT PRESS of the above description for Sale,
with every requisite for carrying on the Printing in all the different branches of the Art,
accompanied with clear and explicit instructions, by A. Senefelder, Inventor of the Art of Lithography and Chemical Printing.
Apply to F. G. Foxall, 94, George-street.
FOR SALE BY F. G. FOXALL, OPEN GREEN TEA, whole chests, £5 10 0 . . .
Souchong Tea, whole chests 75s. to 5 10 0
BOTTLED PORTER in three dozen casks 21s. per dozen . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 December 1828), 3
NOTICE: MESSRS. GEO. and JOHN PAUL, Commission Brokers and Auctioneers,
respectfully acquaint their Friends and the Public, that having this Day admitted Mr. F. G. Foxall as Partner in the above business,
the same will be hereafter carried on under the Firm of Messrs. PAUL and FOXALL, Commission Brokers and Auctioneers.
Sydney, Dec. 8th. 1828.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (23 February 1835), 2
For same destination [London], this morning, the ship Rosslyn Castle, Captain Richards, with Australian produce. Passengers . . . Mr. Foxall . . .
"UNCLAIMED SHIP LETTERS, March 1", Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser [London, England] (2 March 1836), 3 (PAYWALL)
. . . Mr. Frederick George Foxall, late from Sydney . . .
Musician, German musician, vocalist, clown
Born ? Germany, c. 1835
Active Launceston, TAS, by 1851
Died Dapto, NSW, 9 July 1856, aged "21" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (1 February 1851), 70
MR. J. ASHTON BEGS most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Launceston and its vicinity, that he has, at great expence, erected the above place of amusement;
and he assures them that nothing shall remain wanting on his part to add to the comfort of those who may honor him with their patronage.
He has secured the services of the best Equestrian Company ever witnessed in this colony.
Likewise a very superior stud of Horses. The Company will consist of -
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton, Master Lepittite Polaski, Mr. J. Hunter, Mr. H. Mills. Mr. A. Palmer,
Mr. H. Felix, Mr. J. Risley, Mr. Rosetta, and Mr. J. Hudson.
A grand Orchestra will be in attendance.
Vivat Regina.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ashton (proprietor); John Risley (performer); Royal Amphitheatre (Launceston venue)
"The Amphitheatre", The Cornwall Chronicle (8 March 1851), 148
The performances at this place of amusement last evening were decidedly the best of the season - and the applause bestowed by the audience manifested that the exertions of the talented artists were justly appreciated. As equestrians, Messrs. Ashton, Hunter, and Mills stand unrivalled; the youthful Petite Polaski is a prodigy; and the "broad grins" visible on many country faces, while Mr. Felix was exhibiting in the ring, proved him worthy of the appellation of a clown . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (15 March 1851), 165
. . . On Monday evening, March 17, being for the BENEFIT of MR. J. ASHTON . . .
Comic Song, Mr. Felix . . .
Bibliography and resources:
W. G. McDonald, Nineteenth-century Dapto (Wollongong: Illawarra historical Society, 1976), 46
[45] . . . The First Register of St. Luke's, recording . . . burials to 1874 is still in existence . . .
[46] . . . the burial of "Henry Frahlig called Felix . . . a German Musician in Ashton's Equestrian Circus," who died, aged only 21, on 9 July 1856. (DIGITISED)
Mark St. Leon, "Horseman or no horseman: circus in Van Diemen's Land, 1847 to 1851", Tasmanian Historical Research Association: Papers and Proceedings 55/2 (July 2008), 86-107 (PAYWALL)
[101] . . . An early advertisement (Cornwall Chronicle, 1 February 1851) listed the following members of Ashton's company: . . . H. Felix . . . [102] . . . H. Felix may have been the German musician Harry Frahlig who died at Dapto (NSW) in July 1856, while travelling the Illawarra with Ashton's Circus . . .
FRAMEZELLE, Felix Louis (Felix Louis FRAMEZELLE; Mons. Felix FRAMEZELLE)
Musician, pianist
Married Marie Melanie FERIO, VIC, 1859 (BDM VIC 1816/1859)
Active Melbourne, VIC, December 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 December 1859), 8
On THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th inst., During which period
A SERIES OF PEOPLE'S CONCERTS, a la JULLIEN, Will be held each evening in The VESTIBULE.
Artistes engaged
Mr. MARMADUKE WILSON, (The Inimitable comic vocalist.)
SOLOS on the PIANO By the eminent French artiste Mons. FELIX FRAMEZELLE.
Composed for the occasion, by JULIUS SIEDE
Musical arrangements by Mr. JOHN GREGG.
Conductor - HERR SIEDE.
Doors open at half past 7 o'clock, performance to commence at 8.
Admission - Promenade, 1s.; Reserved seats, 2s. 6d.
SPIERS and POND, Proprietors.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Jane Corri Younge (vocalist); Marie Chalker (vocalist); Thomas Wilson [sic] (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist, musical director); Julius Siede (composer, conductor); Christopher Pond (proprietor); Felix William Spiers (proprietor); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
Amateur vocalist, comic singer
Active Castlemaine, VIC, 1854 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (5 August 1854), 8
W. ABERDEEN begs to inform the Inhabitants of Castlemaine and Neighborhood,
that he has made arrangements to open his splendid Concert Room, every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings;
and assures them that he will make every effort to promote good order, and secure the best musical talent available.
MR. FRANCIS, the celebrated Comic singer will appear, assisted by many other amateurs.
Concert at 7 o'clock. Admission: front seats, 3s.; promenade, 2s.
E. L. Trevioe, Conductor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Almost certainly a mis-print for E. L. Trevor
Amateur vocalist, synagogue singer, merchant, publican, Jewish community leader, convict, emancipist
Born London, England, c. 1796/99; son of Moses FRANCIS and Sarah ?
Convicted Somerset Assizes, Taunton, England, 27 March 1819 (life transportation)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 December 1819 (convict per Recovery, from England, 31 July)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1826 (in the Sydney Amateur Concerts)
Married Elizabeth SOLOMON, NSW, 1836
Active Hobart Town and Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1840s
Died Sydney, NSW, 18 May 1873, aged "77/78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SWINDLER", Sun [London, England] (19 September 1818), 3 (PAYWALL)
Thursday afternoon [17 September], Benjamin Francis, a Jew, from London, called at the shop of Mr. Cripps, jeweller, Stall-street, and selected a gold watch, for which he offered 30 guineas; the shopman was not prepared to make the deduction, in the absence of Mr. C. (the watch being marked 35l.); however, Francis requested that it might be put by for him, and he would call the next day, and bring the money: He did so; and told Mr. Cripps that he was commissioned to look out a gold watch with appendages, and provided Mr. C. would take 30 gs. for the watch he would pay him; this being agreed to, he looked out a chain and seals, amounting to 18l., which together came to 49l. 10. His commission, he said, only amounted to 48l., if Mr. Cripps would take that sum, he would go to his friend, and get a check for the amount, leaving strict orders for the bill to be made out in the name of Mr. James Johnson, and the articles to be carefully made a parcel of. About half-past six he returned with the check, drawn on Sir B. Hobhouse and Co. Mr. Cripps suspecting it, immediately gave it to his young man to go to the private entrance of the Bank, and inquire if it was good. Francis observed that the check was very good, and Mr. Cripps might rely on its being punctually paid; but followed the lad to the door, and snatched the check out of his hand; Mr. Cripps then sent for an officer; and F. was conveyed to the Guildhall, and the check taken from him, which he had torn in pieces; but after much difficulty it was made perfect. He was on Saturday committed by the Mayor for trial. He had in his possession a large cane with a sword in it, several flints, &c. and triplicates of several watches. - (Bath Herald, Sept. 18.)
"SOMERSET LENT ASSIZES", Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser (8 April 1819), 2, 3 (PAYWALL)
The following are the Sentences of the Prisoners who were tried at the Somerset Lent Assizes, 1819: -
. . . Benjamin Francis, 22, for forging a draft, with intent to defraud Richard Cripps. - Death Reprieved . . .
[3] . . . Benjamin Francis, aged 22, was capitally indicted for forging draft on Messrs. Hobhouse and Co. with intent to defraud R. Cripps. Prosecutor is a jeweller at Bath . . . The jury found the prisoner guilty. DEATH. The prosecutor recommended him mercy.
[Prisoners from] Taunton Assizes, March 27th 1819, Ilchester Gaol, register 1808-22, folio 236; Somerset Archives (PAYWALL)
3436 / Benjamin Francis / [Age] 22 [sic] / . . .
Convict indentures, 1818-19; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Francis Benjamin / Somerset Assizes 27th March 1819 / Life / London / Clerk / 23 / 5'6' / dark [hair] / dark [eyes] . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (29 April 1820), 4
BENJAMIN FRANCIS most respectfully begs leave to acquaint the Inhabitants of Parramatta,
that he has opened a small retail Shop, situate in George-street, next House to Mr. Larra's;
where he has now for sale green and black tea, sugar, oil, tobacco, snuff, pipes, handsome India prints, calicoes,
black silk handkerchiefs, some beautiful veils, lace shawls, &c., cotton balls, thread, pins, a small assortment of the best perfumery and cutlery,
snuff & tobacco boxes, looking glasses, frying pans, pepper and ginger at 3s. per lb &c. &c.
B. F. humbly solicits the Inhabitants attention and custom, by assuring them, that he will always exert his utmost endeavours to meet their approbation;
and pledges himself that the articles herein specified are of the best quality, and at the most reduced prices.
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 December 1825), 4
B. FRANCIS most respectfully begs leave to acquaint the Inhabitants of Parramatta and its vicinity, that he has opened the house formerly occupied by Mr. Wright, at the corner of Church-street, Parramatta, as a shop; where the undermentioned goods may be had at the lowest Sydney Market prices: Tea, sugar, tobacco, snuffs, calicoes, prints, longcloths, shirting . . .
"MR. SIPPE'S BENEFIT CONCERT", The Monitor (13 October 1826), 5
. . . Braham's delightful song, "Is there a heart that never loved", introduced a candidate for vocal fame, viz. Mr. B. Francis; this gentleman possesses a voice at once melodious and powerful, and needing only cultivation and a greater degree of confidence. Reiterated cries of encore were at length silenced by a repetition of this universal favourite . . . Mr. Sippe displayed much skill in his performance of an "Air with variations on the piano-forte," which with Braham's truly national song and recitative, "The Death of Nelson," sung by Mr. B. Levey, and a comic song by Mr. G. Paul, closed the first act . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Sippe (pianist); Barnett Levey (vocalist); George Paul (vocalist); Sydney Amateur Concerts (association, series)
MUSIC: Is there a heart that never loved (Braham)
[Advertisement], The Australian (3 January 1827), 2
At the Residence of Mr. B. Francis, George-street, opposite the Market-place, on Wednesday the 10th instant, at 11 o'clock,
THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK IN TRADE; comprising English prints, longcloths, calicoes, ginghams, ladies dresses, nankeens,
jeans, kerseymere, pocket handkerchiefs, thread, tapes and bobbin, marking ink, quills, crockery, decanters, butler coolers,
sail cullers, China preserves . . .
"Sydney Quarter Sessions. TUESDAY, JANUARY 16", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 January 1827), 3
William Money was placed at the bar, charged with stealing a gilt watch and a black silk handkerchief, the property of Benjamin Francis, of Sydney, on the 17th of December last. Benjamin Francis being sworn, deposed, that the prisoner was a servant in his employ . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (20 August 1842), 3
To Gentlemen, Private Families and Others.
BY MR. B. FRANCIS. At his rooms, on THURSDAY, the 25th of August, at one o'clock precisely,
the property of a gentleman leaving the colony,
A SMALL select library, of about 260 volumes, amongst which will be found . . .
The latest edition of the London Encyclopedia, elegantly bound, in 22 vols . . .
An excellent piano, by Broadwood
An elegant eight-keyed silver flute, by D'Almaine . . .
"THE NEW SYNAGOGUE", Launceston Advertiser [VDL (TAS)] (4 October 1844), 2
On Friday last, the foundation stone of the Jews' Synagogue in this town, was laid by B. Francis, Esq. The procession formed upon the occasion was the most interesting and imposing exhibition ever made in the town of Launceston. The Worshipful Master of the Masonic Lodge having consented to attend with the brethren of the order in costume, the procession was formed at their lodge room . . . preceded by the fine band of the 96th regiment, which attended by permission of Colonel Cumberland . . . The Prayer, composed for the occasion, invoking the divine blessing on the building about to be erected to his glory, was then read by B. Francis Esq. . . .
Band of the 96th Regiment (military);
Synagogue music (general);
see also Form of prayer read at the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the new synagogue in St. John's-street,
Launceston, on Tuesday, the 18th day of Tishi, 5605, corresponding to the 1st day of October, 1844,
as reprinted complete in "LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE JEWISH SYNAGOGUE", Colonial Times (8 October 1844), 3
"CONSECRATION OF THE NEW SYNAGOGUE, ST. JOHN STREET", The Cornwall Chronicle (28 March 1846), 241
The very imposing ceremony of Consecrating the New Synagogue in St. John-street, took place on Thursday afternoon, commencing at three o'clock . . .
Mr. Anderson presided at the piano, and was assisted by a choir of vocalists.
The music used on the occasion, was composed by Mr. Anderson.
Previous to the commencement of the service, an introductory Symphony from Mozart, was taste fully executed by Mr. Bishop, and two members of the military band . . .
The Consecration Anthem by the late Rev. D. H. Hirschel (father of the late Chief Rabbi) was performed, Mr. Francis taking the solo parts,
choruses by the whole of the choir . . .
Solo. - Our Lord, our God, with ardent love.
Still to his people bound,
Bade them uprear a glorious house;
There let his praise resound:
That all the world may own with one accord,
How nobly Israel glorifies the Lord.
Chorus. - Goodly and blest is Jacob's dwelling,
His tents all other tents excelling . . .
Then followed another anthem - solo, and chorus, as before, after which, the Sacred Scrolls were taken out of the Ark,
the Reader repeating a psalm, which was responded to by the congregation.
The Sacred Scrolls being handed to Mr. Francis, that gentleman, sang the following Prayer, for the Queen and Royal Family . . .
The musical department was ably managed, under Mr. Anderson's superintendence.
The fine-toned piano, at which he presided, was well calculated to exhibit Mr. Anderson's abilities to advantage.
Of the solos, and the choruses generally, whether as regards composition, or execution,
nothing was wanting to justify the most sanguine expectations of the audience, and to afford them the very highest gratification . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Henri Anderson (musician)
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (19 May 1873), 1
On Sunday, the 18th instant, at his residence, Milton House, Myles-buildings, Cumberland-street, Mr. BENJAMIN FRANCIS, in his 78th year, an old and much esteemed colonist, deeply lamented by his sorrowing widow, and regretted by a numerous circle of relatives and friends.
Gravestone transcription:
Benjamin Francis, who was gathered to his Fathers trusting in God's Mercy on Sunday, 18 May 1873 - 1 Yar 21 5633. After enjoying a life of 78 years, passed in domestic devotion & worldly integrity, leaving a name honoured in the community, a memory of peerless worth to his dearly loved widow & foster family & a remembrance everlasting to a large circle of faithful friends
Bibliography and resources:
John Levi, These are the names: Jewish lives in Australia, 1788-1850, second edition (Melbourne: Miegunyah Press, 2013) (PREVIEW)
Benjamin Francis, Recovery, 1819; Convict records
Vocalist, comedian, actor, circus performer
Active Launceston and Hobart, VDL (TAS), 1848-49 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (18 March 1848), 4
when will be produced, a series of Horsemanship . . .
After which, SONG - MR. FRANCIS . . . SONG - MR. FRANCIS . . .
Leader of the Band - Mr. HOWSON
Manager - Mr. RADFORD . . . Clown to the Circus - Mr. Axtell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Howson (leader, violin); Robert Avis Radford (proprietor); Charles Axtelle (clown); Radford's Circus (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (26 July 1848), 1
J. Francis and A. Cohen beg to inform their friends and the public that their Benefit is fixed for this evening,
and the entertainments selected for this occasion are of a nature to give general satisfaction,
and they hope and trust to meet with that patronage it has ever been their study to merit.
Mr. ISAACS will make his first and only appearance on the stage.
The Performance will commence with an interesting Drama in two acts, entitled, The BRAVO OF NAPLES.
Sogismer de Valancourt - Mr. Francis. Grand Duke - Mr. Cohen.
The Bravo of Naples - Mr. Quin. Rovac - Master Radford.
Theodore Condo - Mr. Campbell. Stephano - Mr. Jones.
Bernardo - Mr. Riley. Colte - Mr. Grout.
Gondamar, Captain of the Guard - Mr. Radford.
Olevia Coredo - Mrs. Campbell.
Countess Moreno - Mrs. Radford.
To be followed by on interesting Act of Horsemanship, entitled The WILD INDIAN By Mr. Mills.
To be succeeded by a Jockey Hornpipe - Mr. Cohen.
Mr. FRANCIS will then sing the Favorite COMIC SONG of "Come up! gee wo! my Donkey!" mounted on a REAL DONKEY!
After which The Four Wonderful Acrobats Will go through a variety of surprising Feats on the Slings.
Celebrated Medley Song - Mr. Francis Consisting of upwards of 100 verses.
After which, a celebrated Scene, introducing THE DRUNKEN COMBAT By Messrs. Cohen and Campbell.
NEW COMIC SONG - "The Pilot Coat," Mr. Francis.
To be succeeded by an act of EQUESTRIANISM THE JOLLY SAILOR, By Master Baldwin.
In course or the Evening, Mr. ISAACS will give a FAVORITE RECITATION.
To conclude with an interesting Drama, in 2 acts, entitled, ISAAC, THE JEW OF YORK.
The Black Knight - Mr. Francis. The Ruffian - Mr. Cohen.
Isaac, the Jew of York - Mr. ISAACS.
Albert, Theodore's Son - Master Radford.
Montford - Mr. Jones. Gilbert FitzHarding - Mr. Grout -
Rebecca, the Jew's Daughter - Mrs. Campbell.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Howson. Acting Manager, Mr. Axtell.
Riding Master, Mr. Quin. Stage Manager, Mr. Campbell.
Sole Proprietor - Mr. Radford.
It is particularly requested there be no smoking in the Circus.
Doors to be opened at 7 o'clock; Performance to commence at half past 7.
Prices of admission, Boxes, 3 shillings; Pit 2 shillings; Gallery 1 shilling.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Radford, "Horse and Jockey," York-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Cohen (dancer)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser [VDL (TAS)] (8 September 1848), 1
Comic Song - Mr. Francis . . .
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. H. Howson . . .
Sole Proprietor - Mr. Radford . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Howson (leader, violin); Royal Amphitheatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (7 October 1848), 3
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (24 November 1849), 1030
ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE . . . Monday Evening, November 26, 1849 . . .
Comic Song, "Come up gee woe my Donkey," Mr. Francis . . .
Tickets to be had at the Launceston Hotel; the Chronicle Office, and of Mr. Radford, York-street . . .
G. E. HOLLOWAY, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Holloway (actor, manager)
FRANCIS, Sophie (Sophie Frances BUCHART; Mrs. George BROWN; known as Madame FRANCIS)
Musician, pianist, teacher of music and French, pupil of Sigismond Thalberg
Born c. 1816; daughter of ? John BUCHART and Sophie ?
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 15 October 1854 (per Calcutta, from Southampton, 4 August)
Died Fitzroy, Melbourne, VIC, 29 November 1873, aged "57" (BDM VIC 9317/1873; Sophie Frances BROWN) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: According to the BDM VIC death record, based on information not available at her inquest, her spouse at death was George Edwin McLeod Brown (c. 1840-1928)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (21 October 1854), 8
MADAME FRANCIS, Pianist pupil of Thalberg, and of the Conservatoire Opera of Paris,
arrived by the Calcutta, begs to inform the nobility and gentry of Melbourne,
that she will give instructions on the pianoforte, after a new method, which has been so successful in England.
Address, Crown Hotel, Lonsdale-street west.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sigismond Thalberg (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer [VIC] (6 December 1860), 3
CONCERT By Special Desire, at the DUKE OF KENT HOTEL
MONDAY, 10TH DECEMBER, Assisted by MR. BARLOW, the celebrated Comic and Negro Singer.
Pianiste - Madame FRANCIS
Violinist - Mr. LEECH
Cornet-a-Piston - Mr. ROGERSON
"Overture - "Fra Diavolo"
Glee - "Awake AEolian Lyre"
Song - Mr. Lyons
Glee - "Hark! 'tis the Bells"
Lily of the Valley Waltz - D'Albert - Band
Comic Song - Mr. Barlow.
Glee - "The Sun's Gay Beams"
Song - Mr. Gowling
Solo Violin - De Beriot - Mr. Leech
Glee - "Dame Durden"
Interval of Ten Minutes
Overture - "Tancredi" - Rossini
Glee - "Here in Cool Grot" - Earl of Mornington
Song - Mr. Hughes
Glee - "To all you Ladies now on Land" - Callcott
Mr. Barlow's Negro Entertainment
Laughing Galope - Farmer - Band
Song - Mr. Weir
Duett - "Hark! the Goddess Diana" - Mr. Weir & Mr. Hughes
Solo - Pianoforte - Madame Francis
Finale - "God Save the Queen" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Barlow (vocalist); Frederick Leech (violin); Henry Rogerson (cornet); Malmsbury Glee Club (association)
"THE GLEE CLUB", The Kyneton Observer (15 December 1860), 3
On Monday evening last this club, by desire, gave another of their entertainments in the hall of the Duke of Kent Hotel, on which occasion, in spite of the inclemency of the weather, the darkness of the night, and the dampness of the ground, the room was well filled by even greater numbers than on the last occasion. The inimitable Barlow assisted by giving his valuable services, upon whose appearance a burst of applause was the signal. He opened with his "Jaunting Car," which was sung by him in that rich, rare, and funny mood peculiar to himself. The same may be said of all his performance, and what is so astonishing, he appears as fresh to his audiences now as he did upon his first appearance in the colony, eight years ago. The Members of the Glee Club sang with their usual ability, and deservedly received great applause. Madam Francis presided at the piano-forte, and from her execution upon that instrument it is evident she possesses musical skill and ability of no ordinary kind. At this lady's period of life, it is somewhat painful to see her reduced to the necessity of playing at a common Saturday night free-and-easy at an hotel.
ASSOCIATIONS: Free and easy (general)
[News], Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser [VIC] (9 June 1862), 2
The Maryborough Garrick Club have had their first rehearsal . . . Mr. Mealy, has kindly undertaken to put the stage into proper order . . . Madame Francis has offered her services gratuitously as pianist, as has Mons. Boullimer whose services as violinist will be most acceptable.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anthony Boullemier (violin)
[Advertisement], Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (8 August 1862), 5
PIANOFORTE TAUGHT by Madam Francis at her residence at moderate charges.
Balls and parties attended. For particulars apply to Madam Francis, Mariner's Reef; opposite crushing machine.
[News], Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (31 December 1862), 2
There was not so good a house to witness the Maryborough Garrick Club performance at Carisbrook on Monday evening as we (for the sake of the Hospital fund) should like to have seen; never-the-less there was a very respectable attendance . . . The musical part of the performance was ably managed by Madame Francis, Mons. Boullemier, and Mr. Walker, who was good enough to sing one of his pleasing ballads. Mr. Cook, of the Nag's Head Hotel, was as attentive, and the Committee as obliging and liberal as usual.
[News], The Ballarat Courier [VIC] (20 January 1873), 2
The dancing saloons of Ballarat East, which appeared to have been effectually put down by the amendment of the Wines, Beer, and Spirits Statute are springing up afresh under very much the same fostering influences as the old ones. Several of them exist in various parts of the town, but the police have their eye on them, and it is not likely they will long be allowed to go unchecked. Indeed, one of them has already been selected as a target. Madame Francis was on Saturday night visited by Inspector Ryall and Sergeant Larner. When the officers went there they found some fifty larrikins and a few women of the town assembled, and making violent efforts, with the aid of a couple of very bad musicians, to keep up dancing with spirit. Madame Francis at a small bar was selling some doubtful-looking liquor, believed by those who drank it to be brandy. Sergeant Lamer, however, believing it to be poison, secured a bottle of it, and intends to have it analysed. Meanwhile Madame Francis will be proceeded against for selling liquor without a license, and it is just possible that enough brandy will be found in the liquid to secure a conviction.
"MRS. FRANCIS' ASSEMBLY-ROOM", The Ballarat Courier (21 January 1873), 4
"TOWN COURT. Monday, 27th January . . . CAUSE LIST", The Ballarat Star (28 January 1873), 4
Police v. Sophia Francis, selling drink without a license on the 18th instant.
Ellen Rice said that on the 18th instant she was in the defendant's dancing-room with several other females;
she had some drink in a room away from the dancing-room.
She had lemonade and a dash of brandy, and her two companions had drink also.
She placed half-a-crown on the table, and received a shilling change.
A man named Nugent served them with the drink and took the money.
Senior-constable Cox said that he visited Madame Francis' dancing-room, and saw a young man selling drink over the counter.
He tasted some very good brandy there, and in another bottle it was quite different stuff - a mixture.
Mr. Lewis appeared for the defence, and called Joseph Nugent, who said that he served Ellen Rice with lemonade and ginger wine.
The girl was under the influence of drink at the time. Ellen Knight said she was drinking with Ellen Rice;
the latter called for lemonade and brandy, but got lemonade and ginger wine.
The bench was of opinion that the case was not proved, and dismissed the information.
"POLICE. TOWN COURT. Thursday, 10th July", The Ballarat Star (11 July 1873), 4
Madame Sophia Francis was charged with being the occupier of a house frequented by idle and disorderly persons.
Mr. Purcell appeared for the defence.
Sergeant Larner said the house was frequented by idle and disorderly persons and prostitutes.
On Saturday night he saw such persons in the house; there were also young girls in the place.
He had cautioned the defendant. Constable Thompson said the house was in the Main road, a little below Eureka-street.
He saw several prostitutes in the house on Saturday night. He noticed "Long Bridget" and "Ginger Nell."
Constables Sheridan and Cobb also deposed to seeing improper characters dancing in the room.
Mr. Purcell submitted that it was the duty of the prosecution to show that the persons who were said to frequent the house were without visible lawful of support.
The persons named by the police might have had £2O in their pockets.
It had not been proved that there were reputed thieves on the premises.
He pointed out that people who paid for their admission into a place of amusement could not be refused admittance.
John Kelly said he was doorkeeper at the establishment of Madame Francis, and his orders were not to admit any drunken or disorderly persons.
The house was closed about 11.30 p.m., and never later than 11.15 p.m.
Gilbert Reid, bootmaker, said he had lived for four years next to Madame Francis', he did not know of any disorderly conduct in the dancing establishment.
Mr. Purcell pleaded hard for his client to be discharged with a caution.
Mr. Gaunt said that every day complaints were made to him by mothers of daughters who had been taken away by low acquaintances to the dance house in Main road.
The bench was determined to put a stop to the place, and sentenced the defendant to one month's imprisonment, cautioning her against re-opening her establishment.
"TOWN POLICE COURT. THURSDAY, 10TH JULY", The Ballarat Courier (11 July 1873), 4
NEGLECTED CHILDREN. Mary Bromley and Mary Coyle, two girls of about fifteen years of age, who had been found in Madame Francis' dance-room in the Main road, were charged as above. Mr. Gaunt felt disposed to send them to the Reformatory, but as the sister of Coyle and the mother of Bromley offered to find them a home and take care of them, they were discharged.
CAUSE LIST. Police v. Sophia Francis, prosecution for being the occupier of a house frequented by persons having no visible lawful means of support . . .
Inquest, Madame Sophie Francis, Fitzroy, 1 December 1873; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
An Inquisition . . . [1 December 1873] . . . to inquire . . . when, where, and how . . .
Madame Sophie Francis came by her death . . . in Fitzroy on the [29 November 1873] . . .
"INQUESTS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (5 December 1873), 6
. . . Dr. Youl held an inquest at Fitzroy on the body of Sophie Francis, aged 57, a teacher of music and French. She was always called "Madame Francis," and said she had no relatives. For the last three weeks she lodged at the house of Mary Ann Kieley, wife of a cab proprietor, in Gertrude-street, Fitzroy. On Saturday she was apparently well, but in the afternoon complained of pains in the stomach. She went to bed, and a mustard poultice was applied. She was seen several times, given some tea, and said she was better at about 7 o'clock; but at about 9 o'clock she was found to be dead. Dr. Livingstone, who had made a postmortem examination, deposed that the cause of death was rupture of an abscess in the peritoneum. Verdict accordingly.
[News], The Ballarat Courier (9 December 1873), 2
Madame Francis is dead, and the dance-room for conducting which she was sent to gaol for a month, is now in the hands of Wm. Ah Hong, who was yesterday brought before the Town Police Court on the same charge as his predecessor. Mr. Taylor, however, held that it had not been shown that the prostitutes and larrikins who assembled in the house frequented it for improper purposes, and consequently that the case had not been brought within the provisions of the act. The accused was accordingly discharged.
Bibliography and resources:
Sophia Francis, Find a grave
Musical amateur, organ-blower, seraphine owner, gentleman, amateur sailor, rower
Born Somerset, England, 2 April 1809; baptised Carlton Musgrove, son of Roger FRANKLAND and Catherine COLVILLE
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 18 August 1831 (per Drummore, from Mauritius)
Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 13 November 1835 (per Sir Charles McCarthy, for the Cape of Good Hope)
Died Cheltenham, England, 1843; buried Leckhampton, 28 December 1843, aged "35" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Musical amateur, seraphine owner, surveyor-general
Born Somerset, England, 31 January 1800; baptised, Walcot St. Swithin, 27 March 1800, son of Roger FRANKLAND and Catherine COLVILLE
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), July 1827
Died Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 30 December 1838 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Register of baptisms, Walcot St. Swithin, 1773-1800; Somerset Archives (PAYWALL)
1800 / March / 27 / George, the son of the Rev'd Roger Frankland and the Hon'ble Catharine his Wife, was baptized. Born Jan'y 31, 1800
Register of baptisms, Yarlington church, 1750-1813; Somerset Archives (PAYWALL)
Arthur, son of the Rev'd Roger Frankland and the hon'ble Catherine his wife, was born the second day of April 1809, and having been previously baptised in the parish of Charlton Musgrove) was here received into the Church on the twenty fifth day of June 1812
[News], The Hobart Town Courier [VDL (TAS)] (20 August 1831), 2
Arrived on Thursday the 18th, the bark Drummore, Captain Petrie, from Port Louis, Mauritius, 3d. July, with a cargo of sugar, tobacco, and other goods. Passengers - Arthur Frankland, esq., J. T. Sloane, esq., Mr. Green, Mr. Carey.
"(To the Editor)", The Hobart Town Courier (3 September 1831), 2
August 27, 1831. - Sir, I have read in your last number a statement copied from the Hampshire Telegraph relative to an alleged mutiny in the 99th regiment,
supposed to have taken place at Mauritius. As I have very recently left that colony where I have been residing for the last 5 years,
I could not have failed to become acquainted with so serious an affair as the described mutiny had it really taken place,
being myself a member of the 99th mess, and at the period alluded to, an aide-de-camp to Sir Charles Colville . . .
your humble servant, ARTHUR FRANKLAND.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (21 September 1832), 3
PET MONKEY LOST. A Small Female Monkey having escaped from the premises of G. Frankland, Esq., in Macquarie-street,
any person returning the same to Mr. Arthur Frankland, will be rewarded.
DESCRIPTION. Face - Black; Insides of the hands - Black; Tail - Rather long.
Has lost a considerable portion of hair on one side, from a scald. Answers to the name of Adelaide.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 November 1833), 2
. . . We are much pleased to observe the rivalship in aquatics existing between this and the sister colony. Mr. Arthur Frankland, a gentleman from Hobart Town in order to take the shine out of our corn-stalks sent purposely for his boat, and bade defiance to the colony . . . The Dispatch the first boat in the Derwent, was manned by a select crew, and steered by the veteran Cadman . . .
"(From a Correspondent)", The Hobart Town Courier (31 October 1834), 3
Mr. Gordonovitch's concert on Tuesday last, at the Court house, afforded a considerable treat to the lovers of music . . . Mr. A. Frankland kindly assisted Mr. Leffler in his performance on the Seraphine, a new instrument, combining in a small compass the sostenuto effect of the organ with the distinctness and sweetness of the piano forte; Mr. A. Frankland, on this occasion, by means of a pedal, inflated the instrument with air - he was much applauded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Gordonovitch (vocalist); Edmund Leffler (seraphine player); Court House (Hobart venue)
"MR. GORDONOVITCH'S CONCERT", Trumpeter General (31 October 1834), 2
. . . The audience, through the kindness of Mr. Arthur Frankland, was gratified by hearing a new instrument called the seraphine, which appears to be an improvement, and a very great one on the chamber organ. Mr. Frankland's conduct, in connection with this concert throughout, was highly honorable and creditable to his feelings, and has made a most favorable impression on the public mind . . .
"TRADE AND SHIPPING", The Hobart Town Courier (20 November 1835), 2
Sailed on the 13th, the Sir Charles McCarthy, John Walker, R.N., for King George's Sound, and Cape of Good Hope. Passengers, Major Douglas, Master Douglas, A. Frankland, esq. . . .
"Death", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (1 January 1839), 7
We sincerely regret to announce the death, on Sunday evening, of George Frankland, Esq., Surveyor General of this Colony, nephew of Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart., also of Lord Colville, his mother being sister of that nobleman and of General Sir Charles Colville, G. C. B. late Governor of the Mauritius. The premature death of this lamented gentleman is attributed to the breaking of a tumour in the head, originating in an old injury, aggravated by the present distressing disease.
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (14 April 1840), 3
Seraphine. FOR Sale, a remarkably fine-toned Seraphine,
late the property of Mr. Frankland, deceased; or it will be exchanged for a Piano Forte.
Apply to Mr. Reichenberg, opposite the Barrack Gate. April 13, 1840.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Reichenberg (musician)
Burials in the parish of Leckhampton in the county of Gloucester in the year 1843; Gloucestershire Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 532 / Arthur Frankland / Cheltenham / Dec. 28th / 35 . . .
Lieutenant-governor of VDL (TAS), musical patron
Born Spilsby, Lincolnshire, England, 16 April 1786; son of Willingham FRANKLIN and Hannah WEEKES
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 5 January 1837 (per Fairlie, from England)
Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 3 November 1843 (per Flying Fish, for Melbourne, then Europe)
Died (at sea, near King William Island, Canada) 11 June 1847 (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
Lieutenant-governor's wife, musical patron
Born London, England, 4 December 1791; daughter of John GRIFFIN and Mary GUILLEMARD
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 5 January 1837 (per Fairlie, from England)
Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 3 November 1843 (per Flying Fish, for Melbourne, then Europe)
Died London, England, 18 July 1875 (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
"SIR JOHN FRANKLIN", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (6 January 1837), 424
Yesterday about noon, the signal was made for a ship from the southward, and it was soon ascertained by the signal men that the Governor was on board . . . the Governor has landed, and been received in the most gratifying manner by the people. Thousands followed him from the Steam Boat Wharf to Government House where every person was admitted who could find room. No janissary work today, no exclusive system. We amongst numbers of all ranks of the free inhabitants, saw the oaths administered by Mr. Gregory, in the absence of the Chief Justice; Colonel Snodgrass having first read the commission. After the ceremony was over, Colonel Snodgrass announced that the Governor would hold a levee in half an hour, and the crowd dispersed, very well pleased with the appearance of their new Governor. Sir John is of short stature, and rather corpulent; his appearance speaks of the hardships he has suffered, yet he is very active for a man of his apparent years, which we should take to be near sixty. His appearance on the whole confirms the hopes we had formed of him from his character. If he do as well as his locum tenens, he will carry away when he goes the blessings of a happy and grateful people, as we are very certain Colonel Snodgrass has the real esteem of all the people, and would have made the Colony happy if it had been his lot to govern us. Most sincerely do we say - God bless him - and we know that all the people will say - Amen.
ASSOCIATIONS: Kenneth Snodgrass (soldier, acting governor)
"MUSIC", The Hobart Town Advertiser [VDL (TAS)] (28 January 1842), 2
It has been frequently regretted by those who take a delight in cultivating this pleasing and rational science, that so few public concerts are produced. In no community of equal extent can be found a greater quantity of musical people, and yet, since the departure of Mr. Deane and his family, concerts have been almost wholly neglected. It cannot, therefore, fail to be a gratifying announcement, that Mr. Anderson, the newly arrived professor, intends giving such entertainments occasionally, if conducted upon a proper footing, they are sure to be supported, as, with the exception of the Theatre, which has unfortunately fallen so much into disrepute the public are literally destitute of anything like recreation. We hear that Mr. Anderson is a composer, as well as performer, and that a set of quadrilles from his pen, and dedicated to Lady Franklin, are now in the press for publication.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician); James Henri Anderson (composer, pianist); the reported set of quadrilles did not appear
[Editorial], The Hobart Town Advertiser (3 November 1843), 2
OUR readers will remember that to-day Sir John Franklin leaves our shores, carrying with him the good will of most, the esteem of all. Numbers of his friends have determined to accompany him to the place of embarkation, as well as those who have now an opportunity of demonstrating their loyalty and respect for the last time. At four o'clock it is proposed that the public assemble at the Exchange for this purpose.
Musician, violinist (?), band leader
Active Beechworth, VIC, 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (3 January 1857), 3
GRAND ENTERTAINMENT, Britannia hotel, Upper Woolshed,
MR. and MRS. PENDLETON the well known Comic Duet Singers will appear on the occasion:
Mr. Pendleton in his grand performances on the Bones, Castanets,
and three Tambourines; together with Mr. J. Lockyer, the renowned comic vocalist, who will appear in some of his side-splitting characters.
Mrs. Pendleton in some of her inimitable comic songs.
Mr. Pendleton will sing a variety of Irish comic songs in character.
Several feats of Legerdemain, by a gentleman of talent.
TESTO, the Fire King, Will bend a two inch bar of hot iron, with his bare feet, for the first time in this district.
ADMISSION FREE. Concert to commence at half-past Seven.
A full stringed Band in attendance. Leader of Band - Mons. Myer Fransie.
ASSOCIATIONS: John and Emma Pendleton (vocalists)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (9 January 1857), 3
GRAND CONCERT & BALL, Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
THE Proprietors have great pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of the Woolshed
that they have succeeded in making an arrangement with Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton,
the original comic duet singers, and delineators of domestic life.
Mr. Pendleton, the unrivalled performer on the three Tambourines, and Bones Soloist.
Mrs. Pendleton, the pleasing comic Vocalist.
Mr. Pendleton will sing a variety of Irish Comic Songs, assisted by several gentlemen of talent.
1st Violin, Mons. Myer Fransie.
2nd ditto - Herr Vandeberg.
Concert Flute - Herr Varherr.
Clarionet - Herr Schlu.
Cornet-a-piston - Mr. Fitzhenry.
Harp - Mr. Wicks.
Basso - Herr Martin.
Leader of the Band, Herr Weishmann, from the Olympic Theatre, Melbourne.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Van den Berg (violin);
Herman Vorherr (flute);
Heinrick Weichmann (leader);
Henry Schlue (clarinet);
see also "EARLY DIGGING DAYS. BEETHWORTH IN THE FIFTIES", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (13 July 1907), 8
FRASER, Robina (Robina FRASER; Miss FRASER; Mrs. William DEGRAVES)
Amateur musician, composer
Born Edinburgh, Scotland, 30 April 1836; baptised St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh; daughter of James FRASER (1788-1865) and Christina GRAY (d. 1863)
Arrived Hobart, VDL (TAS), by c. 1842
Married William DEGRAVES (c. 1821-1883), Chalmers church, Hobart, TAS, 17 April 1855
Died Sydney, NSW, 7 August 1897, aged "62" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. Cuthbert, Edinburgh; Scotland, Select births and baptisms (PAYWALL)
Born 30 April 1836 / Robina Gray daughter of /James Fraser and Christina Gray
1855, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:851526; RGD37/1/14 no 515 (DIGITISED)
No. 57 / 515 / 17th April [1855] at Chalmers' Free Church Hobart /
William Degraves / 32 / Merchant / . . . single / Robina Gray Fraser / 19 / Spinster . . . single . . . [witness] James Fraser . . .
"WEDDING", Colonial Times (19 April 1855), 3
On Tuesday the marriage ceremony between Miss Fraser (the accomplished daughter of Major Fraser, late of H.M. 78th Highlanders, and now Sergeant-at-Arms to the Legislative Council of this colony) and William Degraves, Esq., of Melbourne, attracted a large number of spectators at Chalmer's Free Church. The ceremony was somewhat novel, it being customary for members of the Church of Scotland to be married at their private residences. A great assemblage of friends of the parties proceeded to the church in carriages, and among them a number of young ladies, dressed in white, and bearing garlands, &c. in the Scottish manner. After the ceremony (which was conducted by the Rev. W. Nicolson) the happy pair and numerous friends retired to partake of a dejeuner prepared for the occasion on an extensive scale.
"Deaths", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (10 August 1897), 1
DEGRAVES. - On August 7, 1897, at Sydney, N.S.W., Robina, widow of the late William Degraves, Esq., of Hobart, Tasmania, aged 62.
Musical works (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
Galop (advertised November 1854)
NO COPY IDENTIFIED; but the advertisement probably referred to the schottische below
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (13 November 1854), 3
THE DELACOURT BOUQUET. By the Author of A Year in Tasmania. Dedicated to Lady Denison, and the Ladies of Tasmania . . .
To be followed in a few days by the TASMANIAN LYRE.
CONTENTS . . . Galop, by Miss Fraser.
Published by Huxtable and Deakin, and sold by Huxtable, Welch, and Fletcher, Hobart Town;
and Watson, Launceston. Price 5s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Butler Stoney (editor); Caroline Denison (dedicatee); Huxtable and Deakin (publishers); The Tasmanian lyre (sheet music collection)
The Louisa schottische (published March 1855)
The Louisa schottische composed by Miss Fraser, in The Tasmanian lyre, sequel to The Delacourt bouquet, dedicated to Lady Denison and the ladies of Tasmania ([Hobart]: Huxtable & Deakin, [1855]) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (7 March 1855), 3
MUSIC. Just published, and on Sale at HUXTABLE and DEAKIN'S
THE TASMANIAN LYRE; a Sequel to the Delacourt Bouquet, containing: . . .
The Louisa Schottische, by Miss Fraser . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Robina Gray Degraves, Find a grave
FRASER, Alexander Emslie (Alexander Emslie FRASER; A. Emslie FRASER)
Musician, pianoforte maker, tuner and regulator, musical instrument retailer
Born ? Elgin, Scotland, c. 1822
Arrived Adelaide, SA, by 1858
Died Adelaide, SA, 20 December 1876, aged "54" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (3 September 1858), 1
at Marshall's Music Saloon, 38, Currie-street; and Mr. Hillier's, 10, Hindley-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Marshall (musicseller); Erard (Paris and London pianoforte and harp makers), on the founder see Sebastian Erard (1752-1831)
TO JOHN BRODIE SPENCE, Esquire, Official Assignee of the Estate and Effects of Insolvent Debtors. -
TAKE NOTICE that by an Indenture, bearing date the twentieth day of july, 1863, made between
ALEXANDER EMSLIE FRASER, of Adelaide, in the Province of South, Australia, Pianofortemaker, of the first part,
CHARLES PETER GLOVER, of Adelaide, in the said Province, Licensed Victualler, and GEORG HEINRICH CARL HELLBERG, of Adelaide, aforesaid, Tailor,
being two of the Creditors of the said Alexander Emslie Fraser, and thereinafter designated "the said Trustees," of the second part;
and the several other persons whose names were thereto subscribed and seals affixed,
Creditors of the said Alexander Emslie Fraser, of the third part:
for the considerations therein mentioned the said Alexandor Emslie Fraser did
Bargain, Sell, Release, ASSIGN, Transfer, and Set Over unto the said Trustees all his ESTATE and EFFECTS,
upon the trusts, and for the ends, interests, and purposes therein expressed.
And take further Notice that the said Indenture lies at the office of Messieurs Andrews & Bonnin,
of 61, King William-street, Adelaide, aforesaid, for inspection and execution.
Dated this twentieth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three . . .
[News], Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser and Miners' News (20 October 1874), 2
WE are requested to call special attention to an announcement in another column which will be of interest to our musical friends. Mr. A. Emslie Fraser is, we are informed, a musician of repute. Doubtless his professional services will be in request.
[Advertisement], Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser and Miners' News (20 October 1874), 2
Is at present on a visit to the Peninsula, and is prepared to receive orders for Pianos, Harmoniums, &c.
Payments on the monthly system.
A. EMSLIE FRASER - Practical Piano Tuner, is prepared to TUNE and REPAIR Pianos, Harmoniums, &c., and will remain in
Orders left at the office of the local papers will be punctually attended to.
[Advertisement], The Express and Telegraph (17 November 1876), 1
At the solicitation of numerous families, Mr. A. EMSLEE FRASER is prepared to give
LESSONS in PIANOFORTE TUNING at the above address, or their own residences if required.
Testimonials to his efficiency include those from the distinguished Artistes -
Madame Anna Bishop
Charles Lascelles
Alfred Anderson, R.A.M.
Carl Martin, Musical Director of the Marionettes.
"Adelaide, June 24, 1875.
"This is to certify that Mr. A. Emslie Fraser has tuned the pianoforte used by me for my concerts to my entire satisfaction."
"Alfred Anderson, R.A.M., Late Pianist to H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh."
The above and numerous local testimonials can be seen on application.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Charles Lascelles (accompanist); Alfred Anderson (pianist)
"DEATHS", Evening Journal (22 December 1876), 2
FRASER. - On the 20th December, at his residence, Rundle - street, Alexander Emslie Fraser, aged 54. Elgin papers please copy.
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (22 December 1876), 4
FRASER. - On the 20th December, at his residence, Rundle - street, Alexander Emslie Fraser, aged 54. He leaves a widow in Victoria, but no family. Victorian papers please copy.
FRASER, Lachlan (Lauchlan / Lachlan FRASER; Mr. L. FRASER; Mr. FRASER)
Precentor (Presbyterian), singing class instructor, baker
Born Scotland, 8 May 1821; baptised Speymouth, Moray, 20 May 1821; son of Lachlan FRASER and Marjorie GRANT
Married Eliza SCARLETT (d. 1899), Glasgow, Scotland, 1 October 1841
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by 30 December 1854 (per Prince of the Seas, wrecked at Point Nepean, 27 December, from Greenock, 31 August)
Died Sandhurst (Bendigo), VIC, 6 December 1889, aged "68" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FRASER, Lachlan (junior) (Lachlan FRASER; Master FRASER)
Amateur vocalist
Born Glasgow, Scotland, 25 December 1841; son of Lachlan FRASER (above) and Eliza SCARLETT
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 July 1854 (per Cairngorm, from Greenock, 14 April, with mother and sister)
Married Emily Maria EASTWOOD, VIC, 1865
Died East Brighton, VIC, 21 April 1934 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Speymouth, Moray, Scotland, 1821; Scotland, Select births and baptisms (PAYWALL)
20 May 1821 / born 8 May 1821 / Lauchlan son of / Lauchlan Fraser and Marjory Grant
Marriages, Glasgow, Scotland, 1841; Scotland, Select marriages (PAYWALL)
1 October 1841 / Lachlen Fraser / Elisabeth Scarlett
Names and descriptions of passengers per Cairngorm, from Greenock, 12 April 1854, for Melbourne, 25 July 1854; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mrs. Fraser / 32 / Housekeeper // Lachlan / 12 // Margery / 8 . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Prince of the Seas, from Glasgow and Greenock, 31 August 1854, for Melbourne, December 1854; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Lachlan Fraser / 32 / Baker . . .
"PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (15 August 1856), 3
A meeting of the congregation of the Presbyterian Church took place last night, in the building at present used for the purposes of public worship. The Rev. Mr. Nish occupied the chair, and after opening the meeting with praise and prayer, congratulated the congregation on its present prosperous condition, and stated the chief object of the meeting (which he was delighted to see so large) was to present their late Precentor, Mr. Fraser, with a mark of the esteem and respect the congregation bore him, and a slight memento of their grateful appreciation of his valuable services during the last eighteen months, while leading the psalmody of the congregation . . . They afterwards proceeded to elect a Precentor in the place of Mr. Fraser; and the establishment of two singing classes was agreed on - one perfectly elementary, the other more advanced . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Nish (cleric); Music in Presbyterian churches (general)
"MR. POLLARD'S CHORAL REUNION", Bendigo Advertiser (28 August 1860), 3
The Town Hall was crowded to excess last evening by a most respectable audience, on the occasion of the eighth concert of Mr. Pollard's pupils . . . Master Lachlan Fraser delighted the Scotch portion of the audience by singing two or three comic Scotch songs in good style . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Henry Pollard (musician)
"DEATH", Bendigo Advertiser (11 December 1889), 2
FRASER. - On Sunday, 6th December, at his residence, Lyttleton Terrace, Sandhurst, Lachlan Fraser, aged 68 years.
"THE LATE MR. LACHLAN FRASER", Bendigo Advertiser (11 December 1889), 2
The funeral of the late Mr. Lachlan Fraser took place yesterday afternoon, and the high esteem in which he was held was fully shown by the very large number of persons who attended to pay their last tribute of respect to his memory . . .
"MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY", Table Talk [Melbourne, VIC] (20 December 1889), 2
. . . On Wednesday, December 25: . . . To Mr. Lachlan Fraser, J.P., born 1841 . . .
"About People", Numurkah Leader (23 December 1933), 2
Mr. Lachlan Fraser . . . will celebrate his 92nd birthday on Christmas Day . . .
"OBITUARY", The Argus (23 April 1934), 6
Mr. Lachlan Fraser who died on Saturday in his 93rd year was for 58 years in the service of the Bank of Victoria. Born at Glasgow (Scotland) Mr. Fraser came to Australia when 12 years of age . . .
"OBITUARY. MR. LACHLAN FRASER", Rutherglen Sun and Chiltern Valley Advertiser [VIC] (27 April 1934), 3
Mr. Lachlan Fraser who died on Saturday in his 93rd year was for 58 years in the service of the Bank of Victoria. Born at Glasgow (Scotland) Mr. Fraser came to Australia when 12 years of age . . . His last visit to the town was on the occasion of the Back to Rutherglen. He was the possessor of a good voice and took part in the concert on that occasion. On glancing through the report of the concert it says: - "The last on the programme, but by no means the least, was Mr. L. Fraser, sen., 81 years of age, who contributed two solos; in the first part his selection was that beautiful number 'Eternal Rest,' and the fine rendering called forth an encore. In the second part his selection was "Steady and True" and the compliment of a second encore was paid to the old gentleman."
"ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, BENDIGO", Bendigo Advertiser (15 August 1914), 4
. . . Mr. Lachlan Fraser, son of one of the earliest members of the church, remembers the marriage of Mr. Nish with Miss Young [in September 1855] . . .
FRASER, Simon (junior) (Simon FRASER)
Musician, precentor (Presbyterian), singing instructor
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by 1847; and until 1861 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (27 November 1847), 5
Vocal Music. THE undersigned intends, on the second Monday of January next, to open a
VOCAL MUSIC SCHOOL for the reception of pupils (juvenile and adult), where the advantage of all the scales will be correctly explained and taught,
and especially adverting to the table of transposition,
without a knowledge thereof many who are not readily brought to see the necessity of thus transposing the semitones in the manner described,
because they cannot perceive more difficulty in singing a tune in E with four sharps, than in C without any.
The table of transposition will be taught with the solfeggio, which is according to the established rules of modulation and harmony;
this will at once strengthen the pupil's mind, and show forth the science in its true light.
The solfeggio, on which the science so much depends, will be taught and read in every key in the different series;
after the learner has made himself perfect master of the scales and tables will attend to the first lessons for practice, &c.
Terms for teaching, £3 3s. per quarter. Simon Fraser, Junr., Precentor, St John's Church, Macquarie-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Presbyterian churches (general)
A petition was read from Simon Fraser appealing against a decision of the Session of St. John's, dismissing him from his post as Precentor. Parties having been heard, after discussion and deliberation the following deliverance was come to: That the Kirk Session do not appear to have gone beyond their duty in animadverting on Mr. Fraser's conduct in interfering with the Sunday school, and should, therefore, be protected in the exercise of their jurisdiction; that, nevertheless, Mr. Fraser seems to have acted from a mistaken view of his position rather than through any intention to do what was wrong; that the Presbytery, therefore, recommend to the Session to repone him in his office after he expresses his regret for his conduct when summoned to appear before them, and giving his assurance that he will be obedient and respectful to the minister and Session in all time coming.
"THIRTY POUND COURT . . . FRASER v. ROSS, AND OTHERS", The Mercury (8 February 1861), 2
Simon Fraser, sued John Ross, Henry Davison, and Robert McCracken for £25 half a year's salary as Precentor at St. John's Presbyterian Church from 30th June to 31st December, 1860.
Plea - not indebted, and that plaintiff was discharged for misconduct and was not entitled to receive salary from that time.
Mr. Adams appeared for the plaintiff. And Mr. Crisp for the defendants.
The plaintiff deposed that he was appointed Precentor of St. John's in 1852, by James Carmichael, the then Manager, and he had since continued such Precentor. He received a letter from Mr. Hull, 3rd January 1860. He had received his salary to July 1st last, from Mr. Hull, the Manager. He now claimed £25 but he did not perform the duties the whole of the half year having been prevented by the session.
Cross-examined. - I did duty part of one Sunday. I received this letter on the 15th June, 1860 from the minister, the Rev. Mr. MacClean, purporting to be a dismissal. I remember a Mr. Lowe of Battery Point, establishing a singing class at the School Room, he interfered with my duty, and I objected. I told him he ought to be ashamed of himself that he was going to usurp my office, to do the duty for less salary one half, that the £25 saved might go into the pocket of the minister alone. I said that in the public room. My conduct was not very violent. Mr. Lowe complained of my conduct and the matter was brought before the session. It is the ordinary tribunal to try spiritual matters, but not money matters. I was summoned to the session and appeared, but declined to be tried by two of the Elders, as interested parties.
Re-examined. - There were four Elders. Two of them were supporting Mr. Lowe. I objected to Mr. Lowe holding the class, because it was my duty to teach the children. I had been instructed by letter (24th April, I860) to teach the children, on Sunday afternoons. Mr. Lowe's class met on a week-day, Wednesday evening, when there is religious service in the schoolroom, and it was my duty as Precentor to lead the singing at the service.
By Mr. Crisp. - Mr. Lowe began the teaching a few minutes before the service.
By the Commissioner. - Mr. Lowe is a schoolmaster at Battery Point. I can't account for how Mr. Lowe came there to teach the children. I believe he is a seat-holder.
Mr. H. M. Hull, deposed that he was a Manager of the Church, duly elected, for 1860. The defendants are the present Wardens or Trustees of the Church.
Mr. Adams. - Do you know whether Mr. Lowe had any right to hold a singing class in the school room?
He had no authority from the managers to use the school-room for any purpose. He was distinctly informed by myself by instruction from the managers. I was the Minister's manager, and had two votes under the Church Act. Mr. Lowe was not a paid servant of the Church at all. It was plaintiff's duty to teach the children and conduct the singing.
Cross-examined. - Mr. Lowe's attendance was an interference, and decided to be so by the managers.
By His Honor. - Mr. Lowe had only recently arrived from Launceston, and had taken a sitting in the Church, but he had not paid for his sitting, and had no right there.
Mr. Crisp submitted that the plaintiff must be nonsuited on several grounds. The action was brought under the 1 Vict. No. 26, the Church Act, but there was no evidence that St. John's came under the operation of that Act. Also that, if within the meaning of the Act, it was not shown that the present defendants were liable. It was not possible for one set of trustees to bind their successors; and it was a mere personal liability on the part of those who appointed Mr. Fraser. Again, the rule of law was that the trustees (Churchwardens) could only make contracts that were beneficial to the Church. But assuming that these objections could be over ruled, by the 8th section of the Church Act, the Minister's clerk was expressly excepted from the cognizance of the wardens. His learned friend had misconceived his remedy even supposing that the objections were overruled. It could not be work and labor done where there had been no service rendered.
Mr. Adams. - We dispute that he even was dismissed.
The Commissioner said he had better reserve these points and let the case go on.
Mr. Crisp then addressed the jury for the defence. He said he complained of the insulting conduct of the plaintiff, who, under the 8th section of the Act, was the Minister's officer: and he had been discharged by the Minister. The question of misconduct was a question for the jury; and if they thought the plaintiff had been guilty of the misconduct alleged, they would say that he was not entitled to a farthing. For the sake of the congregation, as well as the plaintiff, he hoped and had no doubt that the jury would do equal and impartial justice.
Mr. James Carmichael, one of the Elders of St. John's, proved that Mr. Lowe's class did not interfere with the duties of the Precentor. The Precentor was the Minister's Clerk. On one occasion when Mr. Lowe was holding his singing class, by request of the children, half an hour before Wednesday evening service, plaintiff came in in an outrageous manner accompanied by Mr. Reed, and asked Lowe what right he had there, usurping his place? Lowe said he was not usurping his place nor interfering with his duty, but was only teaching the children. He came there by Mr. McClean's order and at the request of the children. Plaintiff told him to drop the singing; that he had agreed to take £25 and was going to put the other £25 into the minister's pocket. Witness told plaintiff he had no right to interfere at all. A complaint was made to the Session, comprising the minister and four elders, and plaintiff was summoned, and appeared; he objected to their proceedings; and spoke very loud; and said it was an illegitimate court and he should go to St. Andrew's, where he should get justice done. The Session proceeded and resolved to dismiss him for his rude conduct. He was dismissed.
Cross-examined -The four elders were James Reed, Thomas Stewart, James Keene, and James Carmichael. He said he would not be tried at that court at all, he should not get justice, he should go to St. Andrew's to be tried by their Session. He did not object to me personally, that I heard. Mr. Lowe was a teacher in the Sunday school and the children he was teaching to sing were Sunday school scholars. It is optional with the Precentor whether he teaches the children or not. In the Scotch Church, it is not usual for the minister's clerk to attend baptisms, funerals, and marriages, all his duty is to sing to the congregation. I ordered Mr. Fraser out of the room at the Session; when he said he would not be tried there, I said he had better walk out.
Mr. Crisp. - But that was not ordering him out?
Certainly not (a laugh.)
Mr. Crisp.- You only gave him a piece of advice! (a laugh.)
Mr. James Keene, another Elder, corroborated the evidence of the last witness. He was Superintendent of the Sabbath School, in conjunction with young Mr. McClean, son of the Minister. The children wished Mr. Lowe to teach them singing for half-an-hour in the week, and Wednesday evening at half-past six was fixed upon. Notice was given in the school and in the church, and plaintiff made no objection. The singing went on for about two months, when the managers refused to give them the gas, (laugh). The manager had no right to interfere with the Sabbath School. On the evening before referred to, Fraser came and charged him with having offered to do the duty at £25, and put the other £25 into the Minister's pocket. He ordered Lowe to stop singing, which he did. He was very violent in his manner. Witness also deposed that the Minister's Clerk and the Precentor were one and the same person.
Mr. Adams - What are the duties of the Minister's clerk?
To lead the singing.
Is it the duty of the Precentor to attend the burials?
No, nor of any one else. I was one of the Elders present at the session when Mr. Fraser appeared. He objected to be tried because they were an illegitimate set (a laugh).
You say the notice of Mr. Lowe's class was given from the pulpit, and that Mr. Fraser did not object. If Mr. Fraser had objected in church would you not, as an Elder, have turned him out?
I can't answer that.
The Commissioner - I think sufficient to the day would be the evil in that case.
A letter from the Rev. R. McClean, the Minister of the church, notifying the dismissal of plaintiff from the office of Precentor was then put in.
Mr. Hull recalled by Mr. Adams, deposed that there was no such office in the Church of Scotland of Tasmania as Minister's clerk. He was not aware that there was such an office in that Church anywhere, and had looked into the law on the subject. Burn's Ecclesiastical Law says "Precentor" means a leader of the choir.
By Mr. Crisp - I have been a member of the Church of Scotland for three years, and for seven years at school went to the Church of Scotland, so that I have had ten years' experience of the usages of that Church.
Mr. Adams addressed the jury in reply, contending that the dismissal of the plaintiff from the office of Precentor was not justified. That there was no misconduct on the part of the plaintiff, and assuming there had been, that the managers were the persons to deal with this officer.
His Honor charged the jury that the better way would be to find for the plaintiff, subject to the points which had been taken.
Mr. Crisp would prefer that the case should go to the jury on the merits.
His Honor then said they would take the facts into consideration, and he left it to them to say if the misconduct was such as to justify the dismissal, and if the Session had the power to act in the matter.
The jury found a verdict for the defendants.
"COURT OF REQUESTS . . . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1861 . . . FRASER v. ROSS & OTHERS", The Mercury (18 February 1861), 6
Mr. Adams, pursuant to notice, moved that the verdict for the defendants herein might be set aside and a new trial granted . . . The Commissioner complied with the motion so far as to set aside the nonsuit, and made the case a remanet to the next court, but on payment of costs of the day.
"COURT OF REQUESTS. Thursday, March 7th", The Mercury (8 March 1861), 2
Simon Fraser sued John Ross, Henry Davidson, and Robert McCracken wardens of St. John's Presbyterian Church, for £25, two quarter's salary as Precentor, to the 31st December 1860 . . . Plaintiff deposed that he performed the duties of Precentor at St. John's to the 30th June 1860, after which he was prevented by Mr. Keene and Mr. Carmichael, two of the Elders, from performing his duties . . . [Mr. Crisp] contended that plaintiff, who was minister's clerk, was properly dismissed for misconduct. He then detailed the circumstances of the refusal of Mr. Fraser to allow Mr. Lowe to teach the children singing . . .
The duties of the Precentor were here explained by the witness [Rev. John Storie, officiating minister], to be present on all occasions of public worship at the direction of the minister, to sing the Psalms, to lead the congregation in the vocal part of worship, to publish banns of marriage, in requests for public prayer, he makes the intimation from the clerk's desk, and occasionally he is employed to act as Session clerk . . .
Mr. James Reid, an Elder of St. John's Church, deposed that on the Wednesday evening in question plaintiff and witness went to the school room, where Lowe had some of his own school children from Sandy Bay and half-a-dozen little children of the Sunday-school, and Fraser objected to their singing ranting Methodist tunes (a laugh), and said he would go out till the service began. Mr. Keene, who was there, said they should come and sing if "all the devils in hell opposed it" (a laugh) . . .
By the Jury - The Precentor is a leader of the psalmody: we have at St. Andrew's, what I consider the same thing, the organist. If that person were to offend Mr. Storie, he could have no voice in dismissing him; that is a matter for the managers who are appointed by the congregation . . .
After an hour's deliberation the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff, damages, £8 6s. 8d. Jury - Messrs. E. Allen, R. Ballantyne, G. Cherry, and S. Clifford.
The Clerk laid upon the table a letter from Simon Fraser, complaining that the certificate from the Kirk Session of St. John's, which the Presbytery at their last meeting had found should have been granted, was still refused by that Session. Upon the matter being explained, the Rev. R. McClean, Moderator of the Session, did, in presence of the Presbytery, give the required certificate.
FRASER, Simon (Simon Alexander FRASER; Simon FRASER)
Musician, bagpiper, bagpipes, violin, flute, concertina, and accordion player, stockman
Born Port Arthur, VDL (TAS), 13 February 1845; son of Hugh Alexander (Archibald) FRASER (1795-1893) and Mary ANDERSON (1825-1889)
Married Florence (Flora) MACMILLAN, Mount Battery station, Mansfield, VIC, 5 November 1872
Died Mansfield, VIC, 17 April 1934 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Pupil of Peter Bruce, c. 1884-85
FRASER, Hugh (Hugh Archibald FRASER; Hugh FRASER)
Musician, bagpipes player, bagpiper, pipe major
Born Mansfield, VIC, 1879
Died Cheltenham, VIC, 19 February 1970 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FRASER, John (John Thomas FRASER; John FRASER)
Musician, bagpipes player, bagpiper
Born Mansfield, VIC, c. 1881
Died East Melbourne, VIC, 8 September 1913, aged "32" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Hugh Fraser (left) and Simon Fraser (right), Warrnambool, 1908 (photo: Scott Barry, Warrnambool)
"CHAMPION PIPERS", Leader (18 January 1908), 24 (also includes a photo of John Fraser)
Summary (after Gillison):
The Frasers were all musical and Simon played the violin, flute, concertina, accordion and bagpipes. His mother, who claimed descent from the MacCrimmons, traditionally hereditary pipers to the clan MacLeod, taught him the piobaireachd (pibroch) vocables, known as canntaireachd, "secretly" passed down by word of mouth and by lilting from mother to eldest son. He was also taught a "secret language" of pipers in which, by inserting extra notes, a warning or other message could be given.
About 1816 Simon's father had written down the canntaireachd direct from Iain Dubh MacCrimmon and these he handed on to his son. When an appeal came from folklorists in Scotland, seeking lost piobaireachd vocables, Simon Fraser sent tunes in letters and manuscripts, many of which are now in the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh.
He learned the craft of making stock-whips from Nangus Jack, an Aboriginal stockman whose whips were treasured by pioneer stockmen.
On 25 November 1872 at Mount Battery station, Mansfield, he married Florence (Flora) MacMillan, a skilled Scottish dancer. With five of their eight children Fraser formed a band, touring Victoria and once playing on request at Government House, Melbourne. Two daughters played clarinet and piccolo; three sons, piano, second violin and harp; Simon played first violin.
His son Hugh was a champion piper of Australia and, taught by his father, also made excellent stock-whips; both men declared that plaiting kept their fingers supple for fingering the pipes.
1845, births in the district of Port Arthur; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:992337; RGD33/1/28/ no 456$init=RGD33-1-28-p599
[No.] 32 / 456 / [born] February 13th 1845 / [no forename given] / Male / [son of] Hugh Alexander Fraser / Mary Fraser, formerly Anderson / [rank of profession of father] Overseer Port Arthur . . .
Letter, from Simon Fraser, Benalla, Victoria, 13 February [? 1892], to Catherine Anderson; uploaded by descendent to
Benalla, Victoria, Australia, February 13th ["1893"; ? 1891/2]
My dear Aunt,
I have just received a letter written by you in March 28th 1889 to one of your cousins [Catherine Macdonald]
& she sent it to me shortly after you wrote but I never got it till now.
In this letter you are enquiring if she knows where your sister Mary Anderson & Donald Anderson was.
Mary Anderson (Mrs. Hugh Fraser) was my dear mother & she died just 20 days before you wrote the letter - March 8th 1889.
Angus Anderson another relation who lives at Murchison Victoria saw me the other day at the Melbourne Highland Sports
& he was telling about you writing & when I would get the letter.
I have just received it & I now write to you hoping with God's blessing to find you in good health.
It was a great blow to me when my mother died & also to my wife who was deeply attached to her.
My mother worked very hard all her life & reared 12 children 9 boys & 3 girls all of whom are living.
My father is still alive & well & he is a great aged nearly 100 years old.
In the year 1853 my mother was told that her father & mother & all the family died of fever.
Consequently she never inquired about them since.
I have heard her speak of Catherine her sister which I suppose to be you.
I have never heard about your brother Donald but if you get this letter try & let me know where he is
& I will find him if he is in Australia.
I trust in God that this will find you all right as nothing could give me more pleasure
than to hear for any of my dear mother's relations.
I am living in Benalla with my wife & family. I have 8 children
& I principally earn my living by whip making. I also play the violin
& I get a good deal of playing to do. I also play the Highland Bagpipes
& one of my boys Hughie 12 years of age is a great Pibroch player on the Bagpipes.
He got a special prize at 10 years of age for Pibroch playing in Melbourne,
& last month he won six prizes altogether.
I have taken several prizes myself also we compete every year at the different sports in Melbourne & Victoria.
Should you get this letter all safe kindly send us your portrait & I will send you mother's & some of our own.
I will now conclude [? sending] our own kindest love [? hoping that] God will spare us to meet some day.
I remain your affectionate nephew
Simon A. Fraser
Simon A. Fraser
Violinist & Piper
"EARLY HISTORY OF EUROA. No. 4. By C. L. DEBOOS", Euroa Advertiser [VIC] (30 October 1908), 5
. . . The principal sources of enjoyment were dances, frequently held at one another's houses, the music being violin and tambourine, concertina and sometimes the Jew's Harp, the violinists being old Purss, Bill Curtis, Tom Ducrow and Simon Fraser (concertina player from Mansfield), who afterwards became a good violinist, and in later years the champion bagpipe player of Victoria . . .
[Advertisement], Advocate (4 April 1908), 2
SIMON FRASER & SON, Warrnambool.
Teacher of National Dancing, Bagpipes and Violin.
Best Stockwhip makers in Australia.
"THE HIGHLAND PIPE AND ITS MUSIC (by Simon Fraser, Warrnambool)", The Colac Herald (23 September 1910), 6
About the year 1650, Patrick Mhor Maccsimmon [sic, MacCrimmon] went to Italy and studied music there for a short time to see if any improvement could be made in teaching the pipes according to the Italian system. It is well known that the Italians play, or used to play, a kind of bagpipe, so I suppose that was the reason Maccsimmon went over to Italy. It was about the time also that the dot (.) as a tune mark was discarded, and more complicated time marks adopted to puzzle anyone but experts in Sheata ireachd [sic, Canntaireachd]. Patrick Mhor composed some very excellent pibrochs, and I have no doubt that he gained knowledge by going to Italy. In regard to Macleod's book of pipe language, I will explain some of the plans adopted to keep the secrets of this peculiar and mysterious system. I will explain how the first pibroch in the book has baffled so many to try and translate it correctly. Mr. Thomason, in his book called "Ceo Mhor, or Great Music,", says he cannot make anything of it, and gives it unedited. This is what is called the "Comely Tune" and was, I believe, a sacred piece, as I have heard a Gaelic hymn sung to it when a boy. This tune was also called the sacred tune, and some times the Ludag or little finger tune, from the fact that no piper was considered perfect unless he could perform the Hiririn or little finger beat, without drawing the finger across the chanter, as is usually done in this beat. There is another beat in this tune - Hor-oro Vi-o - that I have not seen in any other pibroch. It is also a difficult beat to perform. In MacLeod's book this is the first tune, and there are the lines missing, and by trying to translate it without these lines, is the point on which they have failed. It was a favorite tune with the Maccsimmons for teaching on account of the peculiarity of the beats that I have mentioned. The Macgregor's salute was another tune used in teaching the pupils the Hiririn beat in drawing the little finger across the chanter. My late teacher, Peter Bruce, could play both those tunes splendidly, and it was a treat to hear him perform these beats in the different ways. It was he who showed me how to play the missing lines of the comely tune, which explains how other tunes in the book have been altered, so that it takes an expert in pipe playing to translate Macleod's book. There is a good deal of difference in the two versions. The three missing lines being added, the tune written accordingly to the true scale of the Maccsimmons. This is an example of one of the plans adopted, and further on in the book we find tunes with too many beats added, and half of the lines missing. The tunes were mostly written in triple time as the Macsimmons took this idea from the Trinity being perfect. The Greeks are said to have done the same in their music, and the Macsimmons may have taken the idea from them. But whether they did or not, their best tune were composed on this principle, especially the sacred pieces. Glengarry's Lament was composed on the time principle by Archibald Munro in 1828, and it was wailed forth by six pipers on that occasion, and so perfectly played that my father, who was present, told me that you would think there was only one piper playing. This shows that after the Maccsimmons, there were others who adopted the triple time. I think that all the tunes in Macleod's book should be written in triple time, as I believe this was the idea of the composers. I don't suppose for a moment that the Macsimmon's system will be ever adopted again by many pipers, as the ordinary notation has become the rule. However, a knowledge of both notations is necessary to become a good Pibroch player. The pipe language is the true guide for taking out the beats properly, and by learning to sing the vocables is also the best guide for memory. I will now explain the system of teaching by the Macsimmon's verbally, which was as follows: - Each pupil went into the room by himself, as they never taught pupils in presence of one another. The teacher would sing the vocable and then play it on the chanter. Then the pupil would try it himself and had to be perfect at it before he would get another lesson. The pupils were not taught the scales as we do now, consequently it took years to play properly, but when they left the college they were considered perfect. The teacher would not persevere with them if they had not the strong musical talent necessary to become a good player. This system of playing enabled the Maccsimmons to keep the pupils a long time on their hands, so that it took sometimes 12 years to become a finished player. They were generally well paid for teaching, as it was chief's pipers as a rule, they had to instruct. They also taught each different beats and tunes so that they would not learn too soon, and by this system of teaching verbally it enabled them to keep their secrets very close, and by noting down their tunes in the same manner as the Macleod's book, they were very successful in their plans. They became celebrated all over Scotland for their teaching and playing, so much so that no piper was considered perfect unless taught or finished by them. They were the greatest players and composers of pibrochs that ever lived, and like the immortal Beethoven, their compositions cannot be improved upon by alterations. The pibroch is the class music of the pipe, although reels, strathspeys, and marches specially composed for the instrument ground well upon it. Still it is a mistake to try reels and strathspeys upon the instrument that was intended for the violin. I can make and play both instruments, and when I hear music performed on the pipe that was intended for the violin, I cannot help feeling sorry that this is so often done. The continual alterations of pipe music in the different book is also a great mistake as the original copies are good enough if well played. Let those who want to alter the tunes compose some of their own and leave other composers' works alone. It is also a great drawback to judges at competitions when pipers play different settings on the same tunes.
"THE HIGHLAND PIPE AND ITS MUSIC. (by Simon Fraser)", The Colac Herald (16 December 1910), 4
During the last twelve months a great deal of discussion has been going on in Scotland as to the origin of the Maccrimmons' and their music, but no one seems to know where those celebrated pipers came from. As far as I have read no one appears to know that in 1826, Neil Macleod wrote a book containing 50 pibrochs, and a complete history of the Maccrimmons'. He had it printed, but as it contained opinions offensive to some people of that time, his friends would not let him publish it. Many years ago I saw two copies of this work, and according to Macleod, one, Petrus Cremmon, or Crimmon, went over from Cremona (Italy) to Ireland, some time in 14th century, and settled down there. Their fame as pipers soon began to spread, and one of the Macleods of Dunregan Castle (Skye), went over to Ireland to hear them play, and being greatly pleased with their playing of the pipe, he persuaded dun colored John, and his Donald, to go back to Skye with him, and start a college for pipe music. Macleod says also in this book that Petrus Cremmon settled in a part of Ireland where the Mac was used, such as MacShane, MacCarthy, and numerous other Macs.', so Petrus adopted this too, and that was the origin of the name, Maccrimmon. The oldest known pibroch as a lament is a lament for King Brian, composed by Petrus Cremmon, and the idea of the lament was taken by him from Jeremiah 48th chap., 36th verse. It was also Petrus who is supposed to have written the language which is called Sheantaireachet [sic, Canntaireachd] or Maccrimmon music, which was afterwards perfected, by Donald, and his son, Patrick Mhor Maccrimmon, in the Island of Skye. The singing of this music, as well as playing it, was quite common in the Highlands of Scotland till the battle of Culloden, when a powerful check was given to the Highlanders and their arms. Music and garb had to be laid aside, and according to history is as follows: - Shortly after Culloden in 1747, the State sought to kill the Highland garb, and passed most repressive measures against it. The oath of administration at Fort William and other places was as follows: "I do swear, as I shall answer to God at the great day of judgment, that I shall not, nor shall have, in my possession any gun, pistol, or any arm whatsoever, and I never use tartan, plaid, or any part of the Highland garb; and if I do so may I be cursed in all my undertakings, family and property, may I never see my wife and children, father, mother, or relations. May I be killed in battle as a coward, and be without Christian burial in a strange land, far from the graves of my forefathers and kindred. May all this come across me if I break my oath." As the above oath had to be taken by pipers as well, it is no wonder that the pipes and music were neglected. However, when George the Third came to the throne, this oath was abolished, and the kilt and pipes were allowed to be used but, during the interval a great deal of the old music was lost, and the few who retained their music were very particular about parting with it. However, John Duth (the last of the Maccrimmons), was more liberal than many others and he not only taught Meil Macleod gesto, but he also gave him all the history of the Maccrimmnons, and the most of their music as well. Had Macleod been allowed by his friends to publish his first book, there would have been no necessity for all the discussion that has taken place of late years in Scotland. As it is, all we have of the original music of the Maccrimmons is a small book published by Maclecod in the year 1828 which only contains 20 tunes. This book is difficult to translate, being written in the oldest system of notation, which it very puzzling to all excepting the expert in these lines. However, as Dr, Bannatyne (who is the only expert of pipe language in Scotland) has started a pipers' society, he may possibly have this all but lost art, revived, which would be a benefit to learners on their national instrument. The advantage of this system over the ordinary notation is that you sing the tunes in what is called beats or vocables, and any one acquainted with ordinary notation can write the music down without any aid but the memory. There are very few pipers who could write down a pibroch from memory only, and this was always the great advantage of the Maccrimmon system, and anyone learning to sing the tune in vocables can learn much easier to play properly. La, tra-vi-a-ta are all vocables in pipe language, and this is the name of an Italian opera, which is one of the links of evidence that the Maccrimmons came originally from Italy. If enthusiasts of pibrochs in Scotland would only pull together, and assist Dr. Bannantyne it is possible that we might yet have a standard book of pibrochs to play from, which would be of great assistance to judges at competitions, and would do away with a lot of the dissatisfaction among competitors at the various sports where piping competitions are held.
"Personal", The Urana Independent and Clear Hills Standard [NSW] (12 September 1913), 2
The death occurred in Melbourne on Monday night of Mr. John Fraser, the well-known piper and dancing master, of Albury. He had suffered from diabetes for the past twelve months, and recently went to Melbourne to be treated by a specialist. The deceased, who was only 31 years of age, was a native of Mansfield. He was a member of a family who earned fame in the domain of Scottish music and dancing. His father is regarded as the greatest authority on pipe music in Australia, and his brother, Mr. Hugh Fraser, of Albert Park, is acclaimed as the champion piper of the Commonwealth. The late Mr. Fraser, too, won many championship medals for playing and dancing.
"DEATHS", The Age (18 April 1934), 1
FRASER. - On the 17th April, at Mansfield Hospital, Simon Alexander Fraser, dearly beloved husband of the late Florence Fraser, aged 90 years. Mother and father reunited. At rest. - Inserted by his loving family.
"MANSFIELD", The Argus (18 April 1934), 10
At a meeting of the Mansfield Jockey Club it was decided to abandon the race meeting this season - Mr. Simon Fraser a past champion piper of Australia who at one time held the world's championship for whip plaiting and who presented a whip to the present King when he visited Australia as Duke of York died in the Mansfield hospital aged 81 years. He was the father of Pipe Major Hugh Fraser.
Other sources:
Typescript copies of letters from Simon Fraser to The Oban Times about piobaireachd; Australian Joint Copying Project, from National Library of Scotland, papers on piobaireachd compiled by A. K. Cameron, MSS 9613-24 (DIGITISED)
Letters from Simon Fraser of Warrnambool and Geelong and Archibald MacDonald of Geelong to the editor of the Oban Times concerning pipe music in Australia and the Gesto and MacCrimmon notation. Filmed selectively: fols. 36-37, 41-42, 110-11, 135, 140, 142, 145, 152, 158-60
"Who was Simon Fraser? The Simon Fraser letters", 1-8
Includes transcriptions of Simon Fraser's letter to The Oban Times, 1908-14; and see also:
Simon Fraser collection, National Library of Scotland; descriptions below edited from A checklist of bagpipe music manuscripts held in the National Library of Scotland (Historical Committee of the Piobaireachd Society, 1986)
MS 9613 - Simon Fraser's annotated copy of A. MacKay, A collection of ancient Piobaireachd (Aberdeen, Inverness, and Elgin, 1838; actually the reprint of 1899); Canntaireachd has been added below by Simon Fraser. Cuttings relating to Fraser have been pasted in at the front. v + 171 + 14 pp. This and the following items (MSS 9613-9624) relating to Simon Fraser, of Warrnambool, Australia, were collected by A. K. Cameron of Montana, USA . . . First tune called "My King has landed in Muidart" has handwritten note stating "Bruce MacArthur played this tune one note higher" in black ink. Each tune has handwriting below the notes of the tune. Some in Italian, most in Gaelic . . . "The young Laird of Dungallon's Salute" has a note above "Salute of birth of McLeod?" in pencil. +14 pages are the historical and Traditional notes on the Piobaireachds.
MS 9614 - Annotated copy (A. K. Cameron) of J. F. Campbell, Canntaireachd: articulate music (Glasgow, 1880).
MS 9615 - Annotated copy of N. MacLeod, A Collection of Piobaireachd or Pipe Tunes as verbally taught by the MacCrummen Pipers (Edinburgh, 1880). MS corrections by Fraser . . . Some annotations by A. K. Cameron. 20 tunes altogether, such as "Royal Oak that saved King Charles", "Isabel Nich Kay", "Lament for King James", "Kilchrist". Tune #5 has handwritten, "Dungallons Salute: as modern name" in red ink. Above tune #15 handwritten in red ink is "McKinnon's Pibroch". Tune #17 handwritten in red ink "Lament for Colin Roy MacKenzie" (Ceol Mor Pg. 316) Tune #18 handwritten in red ink and black, "Lament for Giordano Bruno by unknown Bruno" below this in black "Lament for Bruno".
MS 9616 - Simon Fraser. Cover page "The Australian Manuscript Book" on both books. No. 1 & 2. Translated into staff of the Canntaireachd collection of MacLeod of Gesto (MS 9615). Example of tunes are "The Head of the Little Bridge", "Lament for King James", "Royal Oak", 31 ff.
MS 9617 - Simon Fraser, copies of piobaireachd in staff notations (with some Canntaireachd) by Simon Fraser/ Examples of tunes are "The Children's Lament", "James MacDonald's Lament", "Culloden", "George the third's Lament", "Chisholm's Salute", "The Bells of Perth".
MS 9618 - Miscellaneous scraps of piobaireachd in various hands (including those of Simon Fraser, A.K. Cameron, and Dr. J. D. Ross Watt), ca. 1920-30, ff. 1-65; Some tunes are written on back of letters, etc. Various articles about piping and dancing. Letters from John L. MacArthur, 1930, ff. 66-68; Letters to A. K. Cameron in connection with the recovery of his papers from the heirs of Simon Fraser, 1935-38, ff. 69-79, 79ff.
MS 9619 - Copies of extracts of letters from Simon Fraser to A. K. Cameron and Dr. J. D. Ross Watt, information about Canntaireachd and giving descriptions of certain sections of tunes. Fraser speaks about the makings of bagpipes saying that one wood is better than the other. 395 ff.
Acc. 7927 - Copy [photocopy] of Simon Fraser's Piobaireachd Book, 1930. All in hand writing, none professional. Various tunes.
Acc. 11613 - Photocopy of a notebook of piobaireachd of Simon Fraser (early 20th cent.).
Bibliography and resources:
Barrie J. Maclachlan Orme, The Piobaireachd of Simon Fraser with Canntaireachd (Edinburgh: [privately printed], 1979); 2nd edition 1985; expanded 3rd edition = 2006 below
Joan Gillison, "Fraser, Simon Alexander (1845-1934)", Australian dictionary of biography 8 (1981)
Barrie J. Maclachlan Orme (ed.), Simon Fraser's canntaireachd collection (Melbourne; B. J. Orme, 2003)
Barrie J. Maclachlan Orme (ed.), Extracts of letters from and about Simon Fraser describing his piobaireachd and heritage . . . taken from letters deposited in the National Library of Scotland MSS 9613-9624 and others (Melbourne; B. J. Orme, 2003)
Barrie J. Maclachlan Orme (ed.), Ceòl Mòr: in the style of Simon and Hugh Fraser of Australia (Melbourne; B. J. Orme, 2006)
"This edition has been expanded to include 46 tunes as taught to me by Hugh A. Fraser, Simon's son, during seven years from 1961-1968"
Bridget Mackenzie, "Simon Fraser reconsidered", in Joshua Dickson (ed.), The highland bagpipe: music, history, tradition (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2009), 145-67 (PREVIEW)
[156] [Simon Fraser] himself did not play the pipes seriously until he was 40 [1884-5]. He said he was then the only pupil of Peter Bruce, son of the great piper Alexander Bruce, who had been taught by both Gesto and Donald Ruadh MacCrimmon. Peter left his pipes to Simon in his will, an indication of a close teacher-pupil bond.
"Fraser, Simon Alexander (1845-1934)", Obituaries Australia
FRAZER, Walter (Mr. Walter FRAZER)
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1854 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 April 1854), 8
Miss Octavia Hamilton has the honor to announce that her
First Benefit Concert in this colony will take place this evening,
Friday, April 28th, 1854.
For which occasion all the available talent in the colony had been secured, including the following distinguished artistes -
Mrs. Testar, Mrs. George Cox, Miss Octavia Hamilton, Mr. Walter Frazer . . ., Mons. Fleury, Signor Maffei, Herr Moritz.
Part I.
Glee - Blow Gentle Gales, Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Cox, and Mr. Frazer - Bishop . . .
Duet - What Fairy like Music?, Miss Hamilton and Mr. Frazer - De Pinna . . .
Song - What is the Spell?, Mr. Walter Frazer - Rooke . . .
Part II.
Trio - Sleep, Gentle Lady, Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Cox and Mr. Frazer - Bishop . . .
Song - Mr. Walter Frazer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Mrs. George Cox (vocalist); Mechanics' Insitution (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: What is the spell (Rooke, from Amilie)
Musician, cornet player, bandmaster
Born Hanover, Germany, c. 1829
? Active Launceston, TAS, by July 1856
? Active Hobart, TAS, by June 1858
Active Sydney, NSW, by July 1859
Died Lambing Flat, Burrangong, NSW, January 1861, aged "about 32" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
In July 1859, Fredericks played cornet (with Richard Wildblood Kohler and Henry Prince) in the orchestra for the Sydney University Musical Festival under Lewis Henry Lavenu. He and Prince were also listed in the band for the Orchestral Union concert in November, and that same month he was playing orchestra of the Prince of Wales Theatre.
In May 1860, Fredericks (listed as bandmaster, aged 31, native of Hanover) and five colleagues, including Conrad Appel, worked was the ship's band for the voyage of the Malta between Suez and Sydney.
He died at Lambing Flat in January 1861, perhaps having witnessed the beginnings of the troubles that would lead to the famous anti-Chinese riots in June. "A valuable lot of music and musical instruments . . . the effects . . . of the well-known musician, Mr. Christian Fredericks", was offered at auction in Sydney in September-October.
Names and descriptions of passengers per Black Swan from Melbourne, 22 July 1856, for Launceston; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Steerage . . .
Chas. Frederick / 30
A. Hartman / 22
W. Wilton / 18
Chas. Hanig [?] / 27
Wm. Ferric / 26
Sam'l Gale / 31
See also "GERMAN BAND", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (26 July 1856), 3
A band of German musicians arrived in Launceston from Melbourne in the Black Swan on Thursday.
? [Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (30 June 1858), 3
PART II . . . D'Albert's celebrated War Galop of Sebastapol, for full orchestra - Cornet Obligato - MESSRS. FREDRIC and DUPONT . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (musician)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (4 July 1859), 6
to celebrate the opening of the HALL of the Sydney University in which the performances will take place . . .
The ORCHESTRA . . . CORNETS-A-PISTON. Mr. Kohler, from Melbourne; Mr. C. Fredericks; Band-Sergeant Prince; And a gentlemen amateur . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Richard Wildblood Kohler (cornet); Henry Prince (cornet); Sydney University Musical Festival (event)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1859), 1
The Second MONSTER CONCERT, for the Benefit of the Dramatic and Musical Artists, late of the Victoria and Prince of Wales Theatres,
will take place THIS EVENING, Thursday, November 24th, at the SCHOOL OF ARTS . . .
Pianist - Mr. C. Packer. Leaders - Messrs. Usher and Eigenschenck . . .
Cornetti - Messrs. Prince and Fredericks . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (pianist); Alfred Usher (violin, leader); Charles Eigenschenck (violin, leader); Orchestral Union (association); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue); Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts (venue)
INWARD, LIST of the crew and passengers, arrived in the Ship S.S. Malta, of London, Henry Down, master . . . from the Port of Suez to Sydney . . . 10 May 1860; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Christian Fredericks / Bandmaster / 31 / [born] Hanover
Henry Spohr / Musician / 22 / Brunswick
Conrad Appel [Musician] / 35 / Hanover
Henry Rosenkranz / [Musician] / 30 / [Hanover]
Christopher Hause / [Musician] / 30 / [Hanover]
Henry Opperman / [Musician] / 30 / [Hanover] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Appel (musician)
? "LAMBING FLAT DIGGINGS", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (21 November 1860), 2
We have been kindly furnished by a gentleman just returned from those diggings with the following information. There are at present about two thousand persons at work who are all tolerably well satisfied with their earnings . . . A short time since there were about five hundred Chinamen on these diggings, and the Europeans came to the determination to drive them off by force of arms. Reports of this intention were industriously circulated, and written "notices to quit" were posted on the gum trees. The time arriving, the Europeans engaged the services of the German Band, and proceeded to the work of the expulsion of all Mongolian diggers from the Lambing Flat Diggings, and the whole five hundred were driven to a sufficiently convenient distance from the place, and then left. There are a great number of sly-grog sellers who are doing business, it is said, to an alarming extent. There are also several dancing saloons on rather a rough scale, and a considerable amount of drunkenness and disorder is observable in the neighbourhood . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lambing Flat riots (events, c. 1860-61)
"LAMBING FLAT ("From our Correspondent"), Empire (28 January 1861), 5
. . . This is emphatically a "poor man's diggings". Great finds are not spoken of, nor expected . . . Diarrhoea has been very prevalent, owing principally to the badness of the water . . . On Sunday, a deceased musician, who is said to have been well known, and distinguished in the orchestras of Sydney, Christian Fredericks, was buried. Several members of the order of Odd Fellows followed, wearing the regalia of their order. The band of which deceased had been the leader, played selections from oratorios during the passage to the grave, the lowering of the coffin, and the filling of the grave. The burial service was read by Dr. Temple, who, by his urbanity, gentlemanly deportment, and reputation for medical skill is winning golden opinions for himself.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 September 1861), 9
Preliminary Notice . . .
MR. ROBERT MURIEL will sell by public auction, at his old Rooms,
Wynyard-street, on "WEDNESDAY next, the 2nd October, at ll o'clock precisely . . .
in the estate of the late Christian Fredericks, musician - A valuable lot of music and musical instruments. Terms, cash.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 October 1861), 6
On WEDNESDAY, the 2nd October, at 11 o'clock.
To Leaders of Orchestras, Musicians, and others.
In the Estate of Mr. Christian Fredericks, Professor of Music.
A very valuable Collection of Music, &c., &c.
By order of the Official Assignee, E. A. Mackechnie, Esq.
Also, 300 volumes of Books.
MR. ROBERT MURIEL will sell by public auction, at his old Rooms, Wynyard-street, on
WEDNESDAY, the 2nd of October, at 11 o'clock precisely,
The effects, personal and otherwise. of the well-known musician, Mr. Christian Fredericks.
Terms, cash.
FREEMAN, George John (George John FREEMAN; George FREEMAN)
Amateur musician, bandsman, cornet player, photographer
Born London, England, 17 January 1843; son of George FREEMAN and Eliza ALDERSON
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 2 January 1861 (per Countess of Fife, from London, 1 October 1860)
Married Mary Sarah GOODHART, Adelaide, SA, 24 December 1876
Died Adelaide, SA, 5 April 1895 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"GAWLER TOWN RURAL FETE AND PIC-NIC", South Australian Weekly Chronicle [Adelaide, SA] (8 November 1862), 1s
[6 November] . . . His Excellency passed in procession through the town, the West Adelaide Band, the Gawler Town Band, and the Kapunda Band playing at intervals . . .
THE BAND CONTEST. Prizes were given for the best performances, and three Bands entered - the West Adelaide, the Kapunda, and the Gawler. The Bands performed on the balcony over the entrance hall of the mansion, large crowds of visitors being collected on the sward beneath, Mr. Linly Norman was appointed arbiter. The contest commenced at about 2 o'clock, and was the grand event of the day. We might mention that the persons composing the various members of the bands almost unanimously complained of being charged 1s, 6d. each for admission to the grounds. We do not mean to impute any blame to the Committee, as no doubt they instructed the gatekeepers to charge all persons an entrance fee, and their trustworthy servants carried out their orders faithfully. Three bands entered for the contest, and the follow ing are the names of the performers and instruments: -
-- Schmidt - Eb Clarionet.
W. Sumsion - Bb Clarionet.
H. Schrader - First Cornet.
John Medley - First Cornet.
George Freeman - Second Cornet.
F. Fletcher - Second Cornet.
R. Morris - First tenor Saxhorn.
W. Stratton - Second tenor do.
W. Vincent [sic] - Contra Bass.
G. Clift - Solo Bass.
T. Schrader - Solo Bass.
H. Clift - Drum . . .
The first band which made their appearance on the balcony was the West Adelaide. They played "The Adelaide March," composed by Herr Heydecke - their instructor - whose high qualities as a musician are established in the colony, and to whose excellent tuition the West Adelaide Band attribute much of their success. The Gawler Band next made their appearance, and performed an excellent piece of music, and at its conclusion were loudly applauded. The Kapunda Band next showed, and played the pretty and popular American air, "Nelly Gray." The same course was again gone through, each band playing a march. "The Song of Australia" was well performed by the whole of the bands. At the time the Kapunda Band were engaged in our national songs a very strong whirlwind passed over the mansion, which very soon choked the instruments with dust. Under these circumstances they stopped, but afterwards completed the song in a very creditable and praiseworthy manner. Mr. Linly Norman then gave his verdict on the merits of the respective hands as follows: - First prize, West Adelaide Band; second do., Kapunda Band; third do., Gawler Band.
ASSOCIATIONS: Linly Norman (adjudicator); William Sumsion (clarinet); Heinrich Schrader (cornet); Richard Morris (tenor saxhorn); William Stratton (tenor saxhorn); George Vincent (bass)
"THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY . . . THE REVIEW", South Australian Register (25 May 1864), 2
The charge which has not unfrequently been made of late that the military ardour of the volunteers is declining
could not have been more completely refuted than by the Review on Tuesday - the birthday of our gracious Queen. . . .
Subjoined we give a list of the men who attended, as far as we were able to obtain them: . . .
Regimental Band. - Bandmaster Heydecke, Sergeant F. Heydecke, Corporal Morris, Vincent,
Whyte, J. Schrader, H. Schrader, Stratton, Freeman, Fletcher, Waite, Schmidt, Sumsion, Weidenaber, H. Cleff, Herbert Allison, and Stratton, jun. Total 18.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodor Heydecke (band master); Frederick Heydecke (band sergeant); William Henry Stratton (junior) (bandsman)
"THE VOLUNTEER FORCE", South Australian Register (10 July 1866), 3
Four companies of volunteers - two of cavalry and two of infantry - have been formed under the new regulations . . .
For the information of our readers we subjoin the names of the members of the four companies . . .
No. 1. Infantry Company. - Captain - The Hon. John Baker, M.L.C. Lieutenant - Robert John Scott. Ensign - Richard Chaffey Baker.
Privates . . . George John Freeman . . . Theodore Heydecke . . . August Klauer . . . Thomas Green Pappin . . .
William Stratton, William Henry Stratton . . . William Sumsion . . . George Vincent, John Waite . . . Total, 73 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Green Pappin (volunteer); Frederick William August Klauer (volunteer)
Bibliography and resources:
"George John Freeman", Design & art Australia online (DAAO)
FREYBERGER, Anna Margaretha (Anna Margaretha FREYBERGER) = Mrs. Julius HERZ
FREYCINET, Louis-Claude Desaulses de (Louis de FREYCINET)
Indigenous culture and music reporter
Born Montélimar, Drôme, France, 7 August 1779
In Australia (1) 1801-03
(2) Port Jackson, Sydney, 19 November to 26 December 1819 (on L'Uranie)
Died Saulce-sur-Rhône, Drôme, France, 18 August 1842 (NLA persistent identifier)
Louis de Freycinet (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
See various citations in:
Musician, violinist, violin and viola (tenor) player, theatre orchestra player, teacher, convict, emancipist
Born Germany, 1796
Sentenced Central Criminal Court, London, England, 23 October 1837 (7 years transportation)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 July 1838 (convict per Bengal Merchant, from England, 24 March, aged "42", "Jew")
Married (? common law) Eliza PHILLIPS (d. SA, 1871), by 1849 (daughter Eliza born NSW 1849)
Died Sydney, NSW, 14 September 1869, aged "72" (BDM NSW 1044/1869) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"POLICE. GUILDHALL", London Evening Standard [London, England] (7 September 1837), 4 (PAYWALL)
Yesterday William Friedlander, who resides at Cambridge-heath, and occupies a counting-house in Lime-street, was brought up by Roe, the city officer, on a charge of obtaining a gold watch by a false pretence, the false pretence being that the acceptors of a bill of exchange drawn in favour of the prisoner were a respectable English firm, when in fact the prisoner himself constituted that firm. A solicitor having briefly stated the nature of the case, Mr. Bernard Lawley, a clock-manufacturer in the Borough, stated that he first saw the prisoner about eight weeks ago. A person named Thomas Field, who sold goods on commission, wished to have three spring clocks away on approbation, and referred him to the prisoner for character. The inquiry was satisfactory, and Field had goods upon bills, which were duly honoured. The prisoner called upon him about the end of July, and selected a lady's gold watch, value 16l., in payment of which he offered a bill of exchange, in the German language, for 24l. 15s., dated the 23d of May, purporting to be drawn by Ludwig M. Gotz, of Leipsic, in favour of William Friedlander, on Andrew Mackie and Co., of Finsbury-chambers and Nag's Head-court, Gracechurch-street. He questioned the prisoner about the bill, and he said that Gotz's was a first-rate house at Leipsic, as good as the Bank of England; that Mackie and Co.'s was a respectable English firm, general merchants, who had imported goods from Leipsic, and so become indebted to Gotz. The bill had been remitted to him (prisoner) to obtain Mackie's acceptance, which he had done. He spoke of the firm as quite distinct from himself. Complainant said, he would make a little inquiry, and the prisoner called again, when complainant told him he could not make out much about Mackie. Prisoner said, it was of little consequence, as the house at Leipsic was so good, and as prisoner himself would become responsible for the money when he endorsed it. Complainant took the bill, giving the prisoner a memorandum to pay him 8l. 15s. (being the balance) when the bill was honoured. He had other dealings with the prisoner. About five weeks ago the prisoner had three watches worth 11l. to see whether they would suit the American market. They were to be returned in fourteen days, but had not been sent back yet.
John Edwards, of Finsbury-chambers, said he saw the prisoner first about a year and a half ago. He applied to rent a counting-house, and presented a card engraved "Andrew Mackie and Co." He then, and also afterwards, understood the prisoner to be Mr. Mackie. He had addressed him as Mr. Mackie, and the prisoner had not explained that he was not the person. The prisoner paid a quarter's rent in advance, and occupied the counting-house several months.
Adolphus Newman, a copper-plate printer, No. 20, Pool-terrace, City-road, said the prisoner came to him, about four months ago, and said his friend, Mr. Gotz, of Leipsic, wanted a form of bill of exchange engraved, and witness executed the order. He gave the prisoner fifty impressions from the plate. The bill produced by the complainant was one of those impressions. He identified a second bill filled up for circulation as another of them.
Mrs. Rebecca. Smith, of No. 43, Lime-street, said, the prisoner came to her to take a counting-house. A shabby-looking man first looked at it, and the next day he brought the prisoner, who passed by the name of Jackson. They took the counting-house and put the name of Strong and Co. on it. She understood the shabby man to be Strong. She knew the prisoner by the name of Friedlander. They held the counting-house from Christmas.
Mr. Porter, of the Hackney-road, commission agent, said he knew the prisoner. The body of the bill produced was written by the prisoner; but he could not speak so positively about the acceptance. Between two and three months ago he saw some blank forms of the Leipsic bills lying on the prisoner's desk in the morning, and in the afternoon he saw one or two of them filled up. He saw also the copper-plate from which they had been printed. The prisoner asked him to fill one up in German, but he refused to do that.
Mr. Head, of the Star, in Nag's Head-court, Gracechurch- street, had let a counting-house to Messrs. Mackie and Co. Was referred to the prisoner, in Lime-street, as to Mackie's respectability. The prisoner had referred persons to Mackie's for his character, and inquiry had been made of him by the party as to who Mr. Mackie was. He had understood another person, and not the prisoner, to be Mackie. Roe, the officer who apprehended the prisoner at his counting-house, found about eighty blank forms of the Leipsic bill of L. M. Gotz. Also some blank forms of foreign bills of the firm of Andrew Mackie and Co., and some blank forms of the house of Alexander Pisani, of Hamburgh.
The solicitor said he had no further evidence to tender then, but he thought he had raised the presumption that the complainant had been defrauded, and that the bill was of no value.
Mr. Alderman Winchester asked the prisoner if he could give any explanation about the various circumstances that had been stated. The prisoner said he wished to have the advice of a solicitor before he replied to the charge, which he had no doubt he could rebut. Mr. Alderman Winchester said he would willingly afford him an opportunity of consulting his lawyer, and remanded the prisoner till the next day.
Trial of William Friedlander, theft, simple larceny, 23 October 1837; Old Bailey online
2441. WILLIAM FRIEDLANDER was indicted for stealing, on the 31st of July, 3 watches, value 9l., the goods of Bernard Lawley . . .
MR. JERNINGHAM conducted the Prosecution.
BERNARD LAWLEY. - I am a watch manufacturer, and live in High-street, Borough. On the 26th of last July I went to the prisoner's counting-house, No. 24,
Lime-street - he said he wanted some flat silver watches, to show to a friend of his in Liverpool, to see if they would suit the American market . . .
they were to be returned in fourteen days, to a day - I particularly stated that - three of them were worth 15l. -
finding they did not come back, about three weeks after, I went to the prisoner's counting house, and asked him if the watches had come back . . .
JOHN ELLIOT - I am a pawnbroker, and live in Kingsland-road. I saw a watch which was pawned by the prisoner, on the 1st of August, for 2l., 10s.
in the name of John Delaspie, No. 10, Kingsland-road - I am quite sure it was the prisoner - I know him well.
GEORGE ATTENBOROUGH - I am a pawnbroker, and live in Crown-street, Finsbury-square.
I have a silver watch which was pawned by the prisoner on the 1st of August, for 2l., in the name of John Delaspie, Charles-street . . .
MR. PAYNE to BERNARD LAWLEY. Q. Did you ever sell the prisoner a watch on credit?
A. I sold him one for which he gave me a forged bill - he was tried on that and acquitted, because I could not bring the present evidence.
GUILTY. Aged 40 [sic] Transported for Seven Years. Before Mr. Sergeant Arabin.
"TICKETS-OF-LEAVE GRANTED", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (24 August 1842), 3
Principal Superintendent of Convicts' Office, Sydney, 22nd August, 1842.
The undermentioned prisoners of the crown have obtained tickets of leave since the last day of publication, viz. . . .
PORT MACQUARIE . . . Friedlander William, Bengal Merchant . . .
[Unclaimed letters], Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (7 January 1843), 4
. . . William Freedlander . . .
Butts of certificates of freedom, October 1844; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
CERTIFICATE OF FREEDOM / 44/1554 / Date: 23 October 1844 / Prisoner's No. 38/956 /
Name: William Friedlander / Ship: Bengal Merchant 3 / Master: Bamphill / Year: 1838 / Native Place: Germany /
Trade or Calling: Music Teacher / Offence: Stealing Watches / Place of Trial: Central C. Court / Date of Trial: 23 October 1835 /
Sentence: Seven Years / Year of Birth: 1796 / height; 5 feet 3 3/4 inches / Complexion: Ruddy / Hair: Black mixed with grey / Eyes: Brown . . .
Roman Nose Lame of right leg / Ticket of Leave . . . dated 16 August 1842 . . .
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (12 April 1845), 2
THE public is most respectfully informed, that this Theatre will Re-open for the Winter Season on
MONDAY EVENING, April 14, 1845. The nights of performance are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday . . .
Orchestra - Mr. J. Gibbs, Leader; Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Deane,
Mr. Friedlander, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. W. Deane, Mr. Westroppe, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Wright . . .
T. SIMES, Manager . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (leader, violin); Spencer Wellington Wallace (violin, flute); John Philip Deane (violin); Edward Smith Deane (cello); William Deane (musician); Zachariah Westrop (musician); Henry Charles O'Flaherty (musician); Stephen Turner (musician); Michael Vaughan (musician); Robert Adam (musician); Mr. Wright (musician); Thomas Simes (actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Morning Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (28 May 1845), 3
intends giving a GRAND EVENING CONCERT Of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the above Theatre,
ON FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1845 . . . The Theatrical Band will comprehend Messrs. O'Flaherty, Deane, E. Deane. W. Deane, Turner,
Friedlander, Westrip, Adams, Wright, Vaughan; and will be assisted by the Members of St. Patrick's Band,
who have kindly consented to give their valuable services upon this occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Hinkcesman (musician); St. Patrick's Band (association); City Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1
GRAND CONCERT. MR. MARSH Legs to announce that his Concert will take place on
Orchestra, which will be full and complete, consisting of the following instruments in two New Overtures: -
1st Violins - Messrs. Gibbs, Wallace, John Deane.
2nd Violins - Messrs. O'Flaherty, Strong, Guerin.
Violas - Messrs. Deane, H. Deane, Friedlander.
Violoncello - Messrs. E. Deane, Walker.
Double Bass - Mr. W. Deane . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (musician); John Deane (violin); George Strong (violin); James Guerin (violin); Henry Deane (viola); Band of the 99th Regiment (military, supplying the wind and brass players)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1845), 1
HANDEL'S ORATORIO OF THE MESSIAH, With Mozart's additional accompaniments . . .
PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS - Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane,
Mr. E. Deane, Mr. W. Deane, Mr. F. Deane [sic], Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Gearing [sic],
Mr. Friedlander, Mr. Walter [sic], Mr. Wilson, Mr. Strong, Mr. Westropp, assisted by numerous amateurs,
ASSOCIATIONS: James Johnson (conductor); James Guerin [sic] (musician); Humphrey William Walton (musician); Mr. Wilson (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 June 1846), 3
A GRAND Concert, in aid of the Funds of the Sydney Infirmary and Dispensary . . .
WEDNESDAY EVENING NEXT, 24TH INST., At the City Theatre, Market-street . . .
assisted by the following members of the profession . . .
INSTRUMENTAL - Mr. John Deane, (leader to the Club), Messrs. J. P. E., and W. Deane,
Mr. Friedlander, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Guerin . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture "D'Otello," (Rossini) - Full Orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Australian Harmonic Club (associations)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 July 1846), 1
THIS DAY, the 29th instant, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel . . .
Principal Violins - Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Tenors - Messrs. Deane and Friedlander. Violoncello - Mr. E. Deane. Double Bass - Mr. W. Deane.
Second Violin - Mr. Gearing. With numerous other performers . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture. - "L'Irato." Mehul - Orchestra . . .
PART II. Overture. - "Fra Diavolo." Auber - Orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Madame Gautrot (violinist and vocalist); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"Music", The Spectator [Sydney, NSW] (1 August 1846), 333
The Farewell Concert of Mon. and Mdme. Gautrot took place on Wednesday last in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, and although it had been stated that, on the proceeds of the evening these amiable foreigners were anxiously relying as the means of defraying the expenses of their passage to their native land, a very poor attendance painfully disappointed their expectations . . . However, the friendly exertions of Mrs. Bushelle and her brother Mr. S. W. Wallace, compensated for the various drawbacks of the evening . . . The Messrs. Deane, Friedlander, Gearin [sic, ? Guerin or Gearing], and other instrumentalists lent their efficient aid, and the overtures to "L'Irato" and "Fra Diavolo" were performed with admirable effect.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Bushelle (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 September 1846), 1
This Evening (Wednesday) September 2nd, 1846,
AT THE ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, UPON which occasion Mr. Wallace will be assisted by his sister Mrs. Bushelle,
Madame Gautrot, Messrs. J. and F. Howson, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Deane, Messrs. J. E. and W. Deane,
Walton, Guerin, Friedlander, &c., &c., &c. . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - "Der Freyschutz" Weber - Orchestra and Military Band . . .
PART II. Overture - "Zampa" - Orchestra . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 December 1846), 1
1st Violin - Mr. Gibbs
2nd Violin - Mr. Guerin
Tenor - Mr. Friedlander
Violoncello - Mr. E. Deane
Double Bass - Mr. W. Deane
Leader - Mr. Wallace . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Ellard (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 February 1849), 3
The Orchestra will comprise the following professional gentlemen: -
Monsieur Gautrot, Messrs. Gibbs, Deane, sen., J. Deane, and Deane, jun., Guerin,
Friedlander, Strong, Ducro, Hudson, &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Ducros (musician); George Hudson (musician)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (24 March 1849), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, On Friday Evening, 30th March . . .
Mr. Deane will be assisted by . . . Messrs. Deane, Guerin,
Friedlander, Strong, Turner, Vaughan, Hudson, Ducros, Wright . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 April 1850), 1
GRAND CONCERT . . . MR. [Edward] DEANE . . .
at the Royal Victoria Theatre, on Wednesday Evening, the 3rd of April instant . . .
Mr. Deane will be assisted by . . . Mr. Gibbs, Messrs. Guerin,
Friedlander, Strong, Turner, Vaughan, Vaughan, jun., Hudson, Ducros, Wright . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Vaughan (jun.; flute)
[Advertisement], Empire (31 May 1856), 1
Benefit to the Victoria Volunteer Fire Company, No. 1.
Mr. and Mrs. JAMES STARK, and the undermentioned Ladies and Gentlemen of the company, have,
in the kindest manner, offered their gratuitous services on the above evening: -
. . . August Siegel, Andrew Siegel,
Fritz Cramer, W. Davies, Henry Cramer, Ferdinand Cramer,
F. Friedlander [sic], M. Vaughan, A. Grebet . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James and Sarah Stark (actors); Siegel brothers (musicians); Cramer brothers (musicians); Adolphe Grebet (musician)
[Advertisement], Empire (18 December 1856), 1
The opening of the above-mentioned Theatre having furnished employment to a number of Actors, Actresses, Artists, Musicians, Carpenters, and others,
and Mr. W. H. STEPHENS having been principally instrumental in effecting this great good,
it is proposed to give him a COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT, on THURSDAY Evening, December 18, 1856.
All persons employed in "Our Lyceum Theatre" disposed to tender their GRATUITOUS SERVICES on the occasion will please affix their Signatures to this paper immediately.
The following Signatures are appended: . . .
The Band: Messrs. Wheeler, Davis, Pearson, Friedlander, Wilkinson, Boans, H. Cramer, F. Cramer, Hall, Cramer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Stephens (actor, manager); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (musician); Isaac Henry Davis (musician); Joseph Pearson (musician); Theodore Scott Wilkinson (musician); Philip Barnett Boam (musician); John Thomson Hall (musician); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (2 July 1859), 3
to celebrate the opening of the HALL of the Sydney University in which the performances will take place . . .
Conductor - Mr. L. H. LAVENU.
The ORCHESTRA . . . FIRST VIOLINS- Mr. John Deane, Conductor of the Philharmonic Society; Mr. Eigenshenk,
leader of Orchestra at the Prince of Wales Theatre; Mr. Alfred Usher, leader of Orchestra at the Victoria Theatre . . .
VIOLE. Mr. Walter Rice; Mr. William Friedlander; Mr. Martin Josephson; With the gentlemen amateurs of the Philharmonic Society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Alfred Usher (violin); Charles Eigenschenck (leader); Martin Josephson (violin); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association); Sydney University Musical Festival (event)
Waugh's Australian almanac for the year 1860 (Sydney: Ames William Waugh, 1860), (186) 187
ST. MARY'S COLLEGE, LYNDHRUST (In connection with the Roman Catholic Church).
PROFESSORS AND MASTERS . . . Singing - Rev. J. H. A. Curtis; Pianoforte - Mr. Anderson;
Violin - Mr. Friedlander . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Anselm Curtis (singing); James Henri Anderson (piano)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1861), 1
MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT, Masonic Hall, THIS EVENING, 30th December, 1861.
That every effort may be given to "Acis and Galatea" and the whole of the music arranged for full orchestra by Mr. Nathan . . .
PROGRAMME . . . PART I . . . Overture - "Don John of Austria" - Nathan . . .
PART II . . . [Acis and Galatea] . . .
Violins - Mr. King, Mr. Ernest King, Mr. F. Howson, Mr. Strong, Mr. Friedlander.
Viola - Mr. Davis. Violoncello - Mr. W. Howson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (conductor); Edward King (violin); Ernest King (violin); Frank Alfred Howson (violin); Masonic Hall (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (29 January 1862), 1
Instrumentalists: - Messrs. STANLEY, F. A. and J. HOWSON, junrs., E. KING, FRIEDLANDER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William John Cordner (musician); William Stanley (pianist); John Howson junior (musician)
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (13 December 1862), 6
G. PECK'S GRAND CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, will take place at the Masonic Hall,
On WEDNESDAY EVENING, December 17 . . . Principal Instrumentalists . . .
Messrs. Callen, J. and E. Deane, G. Peck, W. Cordner, A. Moore, J. Bridson, Gallagher, Friedlander . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (violin); George Douglas Callen (musician) Andrew Moore (violin); ? Thomas Vicary Bridson (musician); Timothy Gallagher (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 April 1863), 1
CARD. - WILLIAM FRIEDLANDER, 110, Woolloomooloo-street, Teacher of the Violin; also the German and French languages.
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (28 January 1865), 59
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Chizlett (vocal music); William Clark (dancing)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 December 1868), 8
As a token of respect to this gentleman, a Committee, composed of the principal English, French, and German residents of this city,
have determined to devote the proceeds of a MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT for his special benefit.
It is not alone that Mr. Friedlander is now the oldest musician in Sydney, he has attained to a ripe old age, and is, doubtless,
on that account worthy of public support; but this appeal on his behalf is now made,
not only in recognition of his long and meritorious services, but because, also,
unfortunate events have deprived him of his former means of maintenance
The Committee, therefore, beg to solicit the patronage of the public generally on behalf of this well-known honourable and greatly respected citizen.
All available artists, vocal and instrumental, will generously give their assistance.
The Concert will take place on THURSDAY, January 7th, 1869, at the School of Arts, and an attractive programme will be duly announced.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 January 1869), 8
The committee are happy to announce that the Corps Musical of the above benefit consist of Miss Wiseman, Miss James, Miss Horley,
Messrs. C. E. Horsley, E. Dean, S. Hodge, Jackson, Fairfax, and all available musical talents of Sydney, Balmain, &c., &c.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (musician); Edward Smith Deane (musician); Sebastian Hodge (musician); George Forbes Jackson (vocalist); Andrew Fairfax (vocalist)
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 January 1869), 3
On the 7th instant a benefit concert was given to Mr. Friedlander, an aged violinist, who has for many years occupied the position of tutor in this city.
"ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION", New South Wales Government Gazette (21 September 1869), 2380
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales . . .
In the goods of Samuel Wilhelm Friedlander, late of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof,
application will be made to this Honorable Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction,
that administration of the goods, chattels, credits, and effects of the said deceased may be granted to Eliza Friedlander,
of Sydney aforesaid, the only child and next of kin of the said deceased. - Dated this twenty-first day of September, 1869.
W. H. PIGOTT, Proctor for the said Eliza Friedlander, 129, King-street, Sydney.
"FRIEDLANDER V. ATKINS", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 December 1869), 7
This was a claim for £4 10s., for rent of a house in Woolloomooloo-street. Plaintiff sued as the administratrix of her father, who died about a week after defendant became tenant of the house. Miss Friedlander stated that after her father's death she went to the house occupied by defendant, and asked for the first week's rent . . . the rent was 10s. per week; her father on his deathbed informed her that Atkins owed a week's rent . . .
"MUMMER MEMOIRS. SOME EARLY MUSIC MASTERS . . . No. 103 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (16 February 1910), 3
. . . In the forties the number of musical professors was naturally limited. There was Madame Dudemaine in Park-street, and there was Abraham Emmanuel in Prince-street; Francis Ellard taught and sold music in George-street, and Samuel William Friedlander was to be found at 4 Portobello-place, Goulburn-street; Mr. John Gibbs was In Elizabeth-street . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed"); Florentine Dudemaine (Madame Farrelly; dancing instructor); Francis Ellard (musicseller)
Bibliography and resources:
John Levi, These are the names: Jewish lives in Australia, 1788-1850 (Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing, 2013), 251-52
. . . Dark sallow complexion; dark hair with grey, brown eyes; lame right leg; lower front teeth irregular. Roman nose. Friedlander had a counting house in Lime Street and took three watches as samples from a watch manufacturer. He then pawned them and could not redeem them. On a previous occasion he had given the manufacturer a forged bill. He was sentenced on 25 October 1837 for the theft of the watches, but was acquitted of the second charge of passing forged notes.
William Friedlander, Convict records
Musician, vocalist, conductor, music and general lithographer
Born c. 1825
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1856
Died (drowned) Hokitika, NZ, 14 February 1873; recovered remains buried 3 June 1873 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (7 May 1856), 8
CITY HOTEL, Bourke-street.
Under the Patronage of the Right Worshipful the Mayor.
A GRAND CONCERT Will be held on Wednesday Evening, at Eight o'clock in the City Hotel, on behalf of the necessitous Sufferers by the late melancholy occurrence at that establishment.
Tickets, 5s. each; to be had of the Musicsellers and Hotelkeepers . . .
PROGRAMME. Part 1st . . . Glee and Chorus - The Chough and Crow - Madame Butler and Messrs. Friend and Morgan - Bishop.
Ballad - The Spirit of Good - Mr. Friend . . .
Part 2nd . . . Trio - The Wreath - Madame Butler, Messrs. Friend and Leveson - Mazzigni . . .
Glee - Red Cross Knight - Madame Butler, and Messrs. Friend and Morgan - Calcott . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Butler (vocalist); J. W. Morgan (vocalist); John Leveson (vocalist); Edward John Piper (pianist); Tilke's City Concert Hall (Melbourne venue); the "late melancholy occurrence" was a case of food poisoning
"PECK'S ART UNION", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (6 November 1857), 4
The drawing for prizes in Peck's Art-Union came off last evening, at the Mechanics' Institution. The drawing was preceded by a concert of vocal and instrumental music, in which Miss Chalker, Mr. Compton, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Friend, Mr. George Peck, and Mr. H. J. King engaged. The performance was, on the whole, very creditable, and the encores were numerous . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (musician); Marie Chalker (vocalist); George Spencer Compton (vocalist); James W. Cassidy (vocalist); Henry John King senior (pianist); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
"FIRE AT EMERALD HILL", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (21 December 1857), 5
A fire broke out about one o'clock yesterday afternoon in a house situated in Little Park-street, Emerald Hill, and resulted in the destruction of four homes in the respective occupations of Messrs. Friend, Wilkinson, Hamilton and Booth. The flames were first discovered issuing from the premises of Mr. Friend, a lithographic artist, who was from home at the time of the disaster, and as a strong southerly breeze was blowing at the time, the fire rapidly communicated itself to the neighboring tenements. In fact, nothing but the prompt attendance of the Fire Brigade and vigorous measures which they adopted, seconded by the active help of the neighbors, preserved the whole block from destruction. All the houses destroyed, with the exception of Mr. Friend's, were insured.
Admissions register, Lodge of Australasia, Melbourne; Museum of Freemasony (PAYWALL)
1859 Oct. 20 / Friend / Henry / 34 / Lithographer . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 July 1861), 8
THEATRE ROYAL. Sole Lessee and Director, W. S. Lyster.
First time of Carl Maria Von Weber's great masterpiece, DER FREISCHUTZ . . .
Conductor, A. Reiff, jun.
Prince Ottocar - Mr. Friend.
Max - Mr. Henry Squires.
Caspar - Mr. Fred. Lyster.
Cuno - Mr. Kitts.
Killian - Mr. Frank Trevor.
Zamiel (the demon huntsman) - Mr. H. Harwood.
Bertha - Mrs. Ada King.
Anna -Miss Georgia Hodson.
Agatha - Madame Lucy Escott . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anthony Reiff (conductor); Henry Squires (vocalist); Frederick Lyster (vocalist); James Edward Kitts (vocalist); Frank Trevor (vocalist); Ada King (vocalist); Georgia Hodson (vocalist). Lucy Escott (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"THE OPERA", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (17 August 1861), 5
"Lucrezia Borgia," ever a favourite opera, and under ordinary circumstances, certain to draw a good house, became doubly attractive last night in consequence of the announcement that their Excellencies the Governor and Lady Young would honour the performance with their presence . . . The part of Maffio Orsini was sustained by Miss Georgia Hodson, who narrowly escaped an encore in the famous brindisi, "Il segreto per esser felice," and Mr. Kitts, with Mr. Friend, as Gubetta, and Rustighello, also deserve favourable notice . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (7 October 1861), 8
MONDAY, OCTOBER 7. Donizetti's Grand Opera. LA FAVORITA.
King Alfonso - Mr. F. Lyster.
Fernando - Mr. Henry Squires.
Baldassare - Mr. J. E. Kitts.
Don Gaspar - Mr. Friend.
Inez - Mrs. Ada King.
Leonora - Madame Lucy Escott . . .
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (5 February 1862), 1
GRAND CONCERT, In aid of the Band Fund, to be held in the Hall of the
Several members of the Choral Society will assist, conducted by Mr. Henry Friend.
Pianist - Mr. A. Montague, of the Opera Company . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Montague (pianist); Emerald Hill Choral Society (association)
"TOWN TALK", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (6 February 1862), 5
The concert given in the Mechanics' Institute, at Emerald Hill, last evening, in aid of the band fund, under the patronage of Colonel Pitt, and honoured by the presence of the member for the district, was very well attended, - the reserved seats, which occupied by far the greater portion of the hall, being full. The programme was sufficiently varied; and although the list of vocalists did not include any stars of the first magnitude, the ladies and gentlemen who did sing executed the music allotted to them in the most satisfactory style. Several concerted pieces were included in the programme, and the portion of the entertainment appeared to afford most enjoyment to the audience. "My Heart from its terrors reposes," a very pretty quintette from "Robin Hood," was admirably sung, Miss A. Bailey exciting quite an enthusiasm by the ease with which she took the high notes. Miss Liddle, a very young lady who, though a resident on the "Hill," is favourably known to a much wider sphere, was encored in "Maggie by my side," and she well-deserved the compliment; but it was rather ungrateful of her to substitute for it, "Auld Lang Syne," and to sing all the five or six verses in unusually slow time. The encored ballas not so well known that it would not bear repetition; and it is, moreover pretty, as is most of the music from the pen of Foster, an American, who has written many thing not so generally known as they should be. He is the composer of the quartette that came next on the programme, "Come, where my Love lies dreaming," in which Miss Bailey again distinguished herself. The other principal vocalists were Messrs. Ewart, Donaldson, Richardson, and Hornidge, the conductor being Mr. Friend. The Choral Society also rendered its assistance. The concert was thoroughly successful as an entertainment, as we suppose it also was as regards its object.
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey (vocalist); Maggie Liddle (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Charles Alexander Donaldson (vocalist); Albert Richardson (vocalist); John Pryce Hornidge (vocalist)
"TOWN TALK", The Herald (6 August 1862), 4
We have received from Mr. G. Tolhurst, a copy of "The Spilt Pearls," a four-part song, for soprano, alto, tenor, and bass voices which has been lithographed by Mr. H. Friend and published by the author. The name of R. C. Trench, the well known writer and poet, as the author of the words is a guarantee that the verses selected by the composer of the music are above the usual average of modern ballad literature. It is one of the ballads from Oriental sources which the composer, wisely or otherwise-ly, has denuded of the concluding stanzas in order to bring the poem within the orthodox limits of an ordinary four-part song. The music, both in melody and harmony, progresses smoothly enough to produce a very favourable impression on the listener, and we hope that one of our musical associations will give the work a fair trial, so that if found worthy it may be produced for the judgment of the public.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Tolhurst (composer)
"THE OPERA", The Age (17 November 1862), 5
Meyerbeer's magnificent opera "Les Huguenots," was produced for the first time on the stage of the Theatre Royal, on Saturday evening . . . The cast was as follows: . . . Archer of the Guard, Mr. Friend . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 February 1864), 8
Part Song - "Departure" - Mendelssohn.
Song - "Bright as the Dawn." - Flotow. - Mr. Friend.
Song - "The Harp that Once." - Moore. - Mr. Power.
Quartette - "When Evening's Twilight." - Hutton.
Song - "Sweet Spirit." - Wallace. - Miss Warden.
Song and Chorus - "Come where my Love lies Dreaming." - Christy's. - Mr. C. A. Donaldson.
Ballad - "Auld Robin Gray," - Miss Liddle.
Chorus - "Aldiborontiphoscophornio." - Callcott.
Duet - "The Cousins." - Miss Warden and Miss Liddle.
Trio - Vadasi via di qua" - Martini.
Pianist, Mr. W. Wilkinson.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Pierce Power (vocalist); Geraldine Warden (vocalist); William Augustus Wilkinson (pianist); St. George's Hall (Melbourne venue)
[News], West Coast Times [Hokitika, NZ] (15 February 1873), 2
Information was brought into town late last night of the death by drowning of Mr. Henry Friend, a very well-known resident in Hokitika. The deceased went up, last evening, with two lads to get some pigeons from Mr. Glossop. When they reached the old Islay Hotel, he wanted to go into the river for a bathe, but he was persuaded to go on to his original destination. When he reached the cricket-ground he found that Glossop had removed, and then he undressed and went into the river. The lads did not see him sink, but a man that was passing by distinctly heard a gurgle as the poor fellow went down. Mr. Friend was well known in musical circles in Hokitika, and has been teaching a class at the Kanieri for some time. He also worked as a lithographer, and very recently brought out a richly embelished almanac for the present year. His untimely death will be regretted by a large number of friends who knew him in life.
[News], West Coast Times (19 February 1873), 2
The body of Mr. Henry Friend has not yet been recovered, notwithstanding that every exertion to that end has been made by the police and the Harbor Department.
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (19 March 1873), 2
A private letter lately received from the West Coast, New Zealand, notifies the untimely death of Mr. Henry Friend, who some years back held a prominent position in the musical circles of this colony. He was at all times an active member of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, and the founder of the Choral Society of Emerald Hill, then second only to the Melbourne Society. During the Escott Squires regime under Mr. W. S. Lyster, he became a member of the latter gentleman's corps-operatique, and was at all times an attentive and useful member of the company. The immediate cause of Mr. Friend's death was drowning while in the river at Hokitika. It is supposed that he was seized with sudden cramp, as he was known to be an excellent swimmer. While in New Zealand he followed his profession as a lithographer, and was so enthusiastic a musician as to teach several classes gratuitously. His loss is greatly deplored by large circles of affectionate friends.
ASSOCIATIONS: Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association)
[News], West Coast Times [NZ] (31 May 1873), 2
After the termination of the inquest held yesterday on the skull which was identified as that of the late Henry Friend, a human leg bone found last Sunday in about the same place as the skull was found, was taken to the coroner. It would be well if further search were made, as it is quite possible that other portions of the remains may be discovered.
[News], West Coast Times (4 June 1873), 2
The remains of the late Mr. Henry Friend were followed to the grave yesterday by a few of the friends of the deceased.
Bibliography and resources:
Henry Friend, Find a grave
FRITZSCHE, Gotthard Daniel (Gotthard Daniel FRITZSCHE; Pastor FRITZSCHE)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, church musician, Lutheran cleric, pastor
Born Liebenwerda, Saxony, Germany, 20 June 1797
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 1842 (per Skjold, from Hamburg)
Died Lobethal (Tweedvale), SA, 22 October 1863 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"WOODSIDE", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (4 November 1863), 3
The venerable pastor (G. D. Fritzsche) of the Old Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lobethal, departed this life on Monday last, after a few days' illness, attended with much bodily suffering. He has ministered amongst the people of Lobethal from nearly the commencement of the German settlement there (about 18 years ago). Being lately very infirm, the Church deemed it advisable to engage the services of a pastor from Victoria, who only arrived to enter upon his pastorate in this colony a few days before the decease of his predecessor.
Bibliography and resources:
"TOWNS, PEOPLE, AND THINGS WE OUGHT TO KNOW", Chronicle [Adelaide, SA] (12 October 1933), 46
D. Van Abbè, "Fritzsche, Gotthard Daniel (1797-1863)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
. . . [Fritzsche] was distinguished above all for his devotion to the cause of education. He encouraged the pioneer settlements to support schools and build churches. At Lobethal he started in 1842 the first Lutheran theological seminary in Australia. Himself an excellent musician, he encouraged music in his congregations . . .
Musician, itinerant musician, cornopean player
Born London, England, c. 1839
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, c. 1854
Married Hannah O'BRIEN, VIC, by c. 1855
Died Richmond, VIC, 5 August 1874, aged "35", "in this colony for the last twenty years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? [Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (6 May 1854), 2
THE Public of Sydney and its environs are respectfully acquainted that, on the above evening,
the Entertainments will commence with Southey's beautiful Play, entitled, WAT TYLER!
Wat Tyler - Mr. Forrest. Other Characters by the Company.
New Music, arranged expressly for this Play, by Mr. E. Frogget . . .
Pianist - Madamoiselle Elise Clauss . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert James Osborne (actor, manager); Charles Forrest (comedian); Elise Clauss (pianist); Olympic Circus (Sydney venue)
? "THE BUCKLAND RIOTS", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (21 July 1857), 2
---- Froggatt pleaded not guilty to a charge of assault upon A Sang, a Chinaman, who was in such a hurry to give his evidence, that he pulled out the match before the interpreter had time to administer the Chinese oath; another match was lighted and A Sang duly sworn, and stated that he was a miner, lived about a mile and a half below the Camp; on Saturday, about two o'clock, was stopped in front of Froggatt's; knows it was Froggatt's tent because he was living about there; he was stopped in front of the door by the accused, and beaten upon the head with a piece of wood, prisoner had the wood in his hand when he stopped him . . . Sentence . . . £10 fine, or one month in prison.
ASSOCIATIONS: Buckland riot (event)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Peter's Melbourne in the county of Bourke in the year 1861; register, 1859-1870; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)
[No.] 4959 / [baptised] January 18th / [born] 5th August 1860 / Sarah / [daughter of] John & Hannah / Froggitt / Collingwood / Musician . . .
4960 / January 18th / 10 July 1856 / Mary Ann / [daughter of] John & Hannah / Froggitt / Collingwood / Musician . . .
4961 / January 18th / 9 August 1858 / John James / [son of] John & Hannah / Froggitt / Collingwood / Musician . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: There is no record of Froggitt's marriage with his wife Hannah O'Brien; according to a family history Mary Ann was born at Buckland, VIC; and John James at Stanley, VIC; Sarah Hannah Froggitt (Mrs. Charles Henry Rhodes) died Carlton, VIC, 5 December 1887
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (9 February 1863), 3
MRS. EMMA ABBOTT will make her last appearance on Ballarat on
Monday, 9th of February, at LANE'S METROPOLITAN HALL, opposite New Adelphi Theatre, Main road . . . Admission - One Shilling.
MRS. ABBOTT'S BENEFIT TO-NIGHT. - The English Band. - Mr. J. Gigney, Harpist;
Mr. J. Froggett, Cornet; Mr. W. Quinn, Flageolet; Mr. W. Chapman, Leader and Violinist; have kindly tendered their services.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Wheeler Gigney (musician); ? William Chapman junior (violinist, of Adelaide)
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (6 August 1874), 2
Yesterday morning, between seven and eight o'clock, a man named John Fogart, an itinerant musician, was taken to the Richmond lockup in a dray, having been found lying in an insensible condition on a footpath in Rule-street. The watchhouse-keeper at once sent for Dr. Ryan, who attended immediately, but found Fogart in articulo mortis, and he died shortly afterwards. From inquiries made by the police it appears that the unfortunate man has been in the habit of playing at night in the bars of public houses, and that he was a hard drinker. On Tuesday night he and a mate named Cleary were playing in the Rose of Richmond Hotel, which place they left about midnight, both being then under the influence of liquor. They went to Cleary's lodging, where they arrived between two and three o'clock and Cleary went to bed, but the deceased went into an outhouse and lay down there. Shortly before seven o'clock Cleary's land-lady got up and went to the shed for some wood to light her fire, and found the deceased lying there. She told Cleary, who got up and called deceased, and they went away together. Subsequently they went to the house of a man named Chester, living in Rule-street, and deceased asked to he allowed to go to bed there; but as Chester did not know him he would not permit him to do so, and he then proceeded up the street alone, and was not again noticed until found as described. The deceased appears to have been about forty-five years of age. He was very lightly and wretchedly clad. It is said that he was unmarried, but that there are four children dependent on him. An inquest will be held.
"ACCIDENTS AND OFFENCES", The Australasian (8 August 1874), 21
A musician named Foggett was picked up at the point of death in Rule-street, Richmond, at 7 o'clock on Wednesday morning. He had not long been left by a companion with whom he had been drinking during the night. Foggett was removed to the Richmond lock-up by the police, but on the arrival of a medical man he was found to be dead. An inquest will be held.
Inquest, John Albert Froggitt, Richmond, 6 August 1874; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . John Bailey [deposed] . . . I have seen the deceased John Albert Froggitt at the hotels in Richmond. he was a musician, aged 35 years, living in Rae Street North Fitzroy . . .
"INQUEST", The Age (7 August 1874), 3
An inquest was held yesterday by Mr. Candler, at the court house, Richmond, on the body of John Froggitt, a cornopean player, who had died in the watchhouse on Wednesday morning. The evidence showed that deceased had been drinking very heavily for a long time past, that he was very drunk after midnight on Tuesday, and that ahont seven o'clock on Wednesday morning he fell down on the footpath in Rule-street, and struck the back of his head on the kerb stone. He became insensible, was taken in a dray to the lock-up, and died shortly afterwards. A post mortem examination was made by Dr. Ryan, who deposed that the brain and the internal parts of the deceased were all diseased through excessive drinking, and that death had resulted from the rupture of a blood vessel at the base of the brain, which corresponded with a contusion on the exterior of the skull. A verdict of accidental death was returned.
"GENERAL NEWS", Weekly Times (8 August 1874), 12
An inquest was held, Thursday, by Mr. Candler at the Richmond Court-house on the body of the man John Albert Froggatt, aged thirty-five years, a musician, who was found lying upon the footpath of Rule street on the 5th inst. in a dying condition, and subsequently died at the watchhouse. It was ascertained at the inquest that the deceased was a native of London, and had been out in this colony for the last twenty years. He was a married man, and has left several children. From a post-mortem examination made on the remains by Dr. Ryan, the cause of death was found to have been a rupture of a blood vessel in the head, accidentally caused by a fall. A verdict was returned in accordance with the medical testimony.
FROST, Caroline Coleman (Caroline Coleman ELLIOTT; Mrs. John Thorp FROST; Mrs. FROST)
Musician, teacher of music and dancing, school teacher
Born England, c. 1813
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 August 1846 (per Penyard Park, from London and the Downs, 19 April)
Married John Thorp FROST (d. 1859), Christ Church, Sydney, NSW, 14 August 1846
Active Sydney, NSW, 1850s
Died Surry Hills, NSW, 6 March 1873, aged "60" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Report of the Penyard Park, from London, arrived Sydney, 11 August 1846; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Caroline Colman Elliott / English / Visitor . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 August 1846), 2
AUGUST 11. - Penyard Park, barque, 377 tons, Captain Weller, from London, having left the Dawns the 19th April. Passengers - . . . Miss Elliott . . .
"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (15 August 1846), 3
On Friday, the 14th instant, at Christ Church, by the Rev. R. Allwood, Mr. John Thorp Frost, of this city, to Caroline Coleman, daughter of the late Adam Elliott, Esq., M.D., of Liverpool, Great Britain.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 July 1851), 1
CONDUCTED BY MR. FROST. THE ensuing Quarter at this Establishment will commence on Tuesday, 1st July. Bourke-street, June 27.
MRS. FROST begs to intimate to her friends that she receives a limited number of Young Ladies as daily pupils . . .
Mrs. F. continues to give private instruction in Music, &c.
Mrs. Frost's pupils will re-assemble on Monday, 7th July . . .
Mrs. FROST, Somerset Lodge, Bourke-street, Surry Hills
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1854), 5
EDUCATION, Surry Hills. -
Mrs. FROST receives a limited number of pupils . . .
Mrs. Frost continues to give private instruction in music, drawing, &c.
Botany-street, Surry Hills, opposite the Court House.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 July 1854), 1
EDUCATION, SURREY HILLS - Mrs. FROST receives a limited number of pupils,
to whom the result of much observation and practical experience enabled her to impart the various branches of a sound, useful,
and accomplished education in accordance with the system prevailing at the best schools in England.
Mrs. FROST continues to give private tuition in music, dancing, &c. 33, Botany street, South Head Road, opposite the Court House.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 July 1859), 10
LADIES' BOARDING and Day School, Surry Hills. Mrs. FROST receives a limited number of pupils. 345, Crown-street, Surry Hills.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 March 1873), 1
On the 6th instant, at her residence, No. 413, Crown-street, Surry Hills, Mrs. CAROLINE C. FROST, aged 60 years.
Amateur musician, vocalist, draper, rifle sportsman
Born Powderham, Devon, England, 1837; baptised Powderham, 4 January 1838; son of Thomas FROST and Sophia HUTCHINGS
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, c. 1858
Married Amelia Annie SAGE, Launceston, TAS, 14 January 1867
Departed Launceston, TAS, by 1881 (for England)
Died Launceston, TAS, 23 September 1912, aged "75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Father of Lillian Frost (1870-1953, organist)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Powderham in the county of Devon in the year 1838; register paged 23; South West Heritage Trust (PAYWALL)
No. 178 / 1838 January 4th / John [son of] / Thomas & Sophia / Frost / Powderham / Yeoman . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Powderham, Devon; UK National Archives, HO 107/1867 (PAYWALL)
53 / Midlands / Thomas Frost / Head / 42 / Farmer . . .
Sophia Frost / Wife / 45 / - . . .
John Frost / Son / 13 / Farmer's Son / [born Devon Powederham] . . .
1867, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:872451; RGD37/1/26 no 382 (DIGITISED)
No. 174 / 382 / 14th January 1867 Residence of Mr. John Frost Lyttleton Street Launceston Tasmania /
John Frost / 29 / Draper / . . . Bachelor / Amelia Annie Sage / 21 / - / . . . spinster . . .
According to the rites and ceremonies of Congregationalists . . .
"MARRIAGES", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (26 January 1867), 4
On the 14h January, at Lyttleton-street, by the Rev. W. Laws, John Frost, draper, to Miss Amelia Annie, only daughter of Mr. John Sage, Charles street, Launceston. [Sydney and Rockhampton papers please copy.]
. . . . In dissolving the Musical Union, the members had determined to present to Mr. Sharp a memento expressive of their appreciation of his services.
They had decided upon presenting to him a time-piece, and an address . . . [signed]:
Thos. Brain, hon. sec.; Frederick Lakin, Frederick Richards, Thomas J. Doolan, John Frost,
John Chick, A. M. Wadham, A. McArthur, Wm. Sharp, J. J. Hanchett, Anthony Hart, S. Smith,
Caroline Richards, Agnes Doolan, Alban Roper, Miss Wadham, Esther Green, Geo. Orpwood . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Sharp (conductor); Thomas Brain (member); Thomas Joseph Doolan (member); John Chick (member); William Sharp (member); John Justinian Hanchett (member); Anthony Hart (member); Alban Roper (member); George Orpwood (member)
"THE MUSICAL UNION. To the Editor of . . .", The Tasmanian [Launceston, TAS] (6 July 1878), 6
SIR, - I must thank your reporter, through you, for the long and able criticism on the performance of "Eli" by the "Union;"
I consider it exceedingly well written.
One or two remarks in it are rather opposed to my own ideas and those of other members; perhaps it will be no offence if I point them out.
Your reporter says the performance was not equal to our previous efforts in oratorio.
Now we think he is wrong; true we may have given such as the "Elijah" or "Creation" once or twice better, but on no other occasion.
He also remarks in reference to that extraordinary number of the work, commencing "For everything there is a reason," a thinness towards the end.
This he will find is the composer's idea, each part leaving off in rotation until finally ended by the sopranos.
But the paragraph which we decidedly object to is that wherein he says it was a mistake giving Miss Webster the solo "I will extol thee,"
as it would be better rendered by the lady who took the rest of Hannah's part.
Now I will give that young lady credit for better sense than to attempt it,
and I do not believe there is another lady in the colony who could do it any way near the satisfactory manner it was given on Thursday evening.
Haying the interest of the society at heart, I think it only justice to acknowledge our thanks for your reporter's care and trouble.
I am, Sir, Yours respectfully,
JOHN FROST, Librarian Musical Union.
MUSIC: Eli (oratorio) (Michael Costa)
"MUSICAL UNION - ELI", Launceston Examiner (9 July 1878), 2
Sir Michael Costa's oratorio was repeated last evening by the members of this society . . . The part previously taken by Mr. F. Ferguson last night was well sung by Mr. Frost. The recitative and air, "I will extol Thee, O Lord," was again admirably sung by Miss Ada Webster, and she was enthusiastically encored. Her voice is clear and of great compass, though a child's voice still, and needs to be guarded against over-straining. The solo is really a difficult one, and her trill on the F, rarely attempted by amateurs, was perfect and musical, which cannot often be said of professionals . . .
England census, 1881, Hornsey, Middlesex; UK National Archives, RG 11 / 1375 (PAYWALL)
90 [Upper Tollington Park] / John Frost / Head / Mar. / 43 / Master Draper / [born] Devon Powederham
Amelia A. [Frost] / Wife / Mar. / - / [born] Tasmania
Francis F. [Frost] / Son / 13 / - / [born] [Tasmania]
Lillian M. [Frost] / Son / 10 / - / [born] [Tasmania]
Charles [Frost] / Son / 8 / - / [born] [Tasmania]
"MR. GEORGE ORPWOOD", Launceston Examiner (25 April 1893), 8
We regret to announce the death of Mr. George Orpwood, who, as a citizen of some thirty-three years' standing, was well known to all who have sojourned in Launceston for any length of time. He came to the colony about the year 1860, and, after settling down to business, distinguished himself in local musical circles. He and Mr. John Frost, of this city, were friends in the early sixties, and were in partnership as drapers for sixteen years. They dissolved about three jears ago, since which time the deceased continued business in Charles-street . . .
"PERSONAL", The Mercury (24 September 1912), 5
The death occurred at Launceston yesterday of Mr. John Frost, the veteran rifle shot of Tasmania. The deceased, who was 75 years of age, was a native of England, and arrived in Victoria at an early age. He resided in that State for a number of years, beaming a prominent rifle shot. In 1861, while a member of the North Melbourne Rifle Club, he won the Victorian championship. Afterwards he came to Tasmania, and settled at Launceston. For many years he was a partner with the late Mr. Orpwood, draper. He was the oldest rifle shot in Australia, and took part in club matches as recently as six or eight months ago. The deceased leaves a widow and a family of three sons and two daughters. One of his daughters is Miss Lilian Frost, organist, who is now visiting England.
FRY, Charles Alfred (Charles Alfred FRY; C. A. FRY)
Concert room proprietor, theatrical and musical agent and manager, Salle de Valentino, Melbourne, 1855
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1855-59
? Married Kezia BROWN, VIC, 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (24 May 1854), 8
MELBOURNE CASINO. - All persons having claims against the above Establishment are requested to send in their accounts for immediate settlement.
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 January 1855), 7
SALLE DE VALENTINO. - Sole Lessee, Mr. C. A. Fry. -
This favorite place of public resort will shortly Re-Open under entirely new management, completely re-decorated and beautified.
An unique, classical, and novel exhibition will be produced,
in which a New Company will appear, under the especial superintendence of accomplished and popular artists.
Further particulars will be duly announced. - God save the Queen.
ASSOCIATIONS: Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 April 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO. - The Proprietor of the above popular place of entertainment,
ever anxious to provide for his patrons entertainment of the most varied description,
takes great pleasure in informing them that on
Saturday Evening next, April 28th, he intends presenting a series of
Novel and interesting Tableaux, Producing the pleasing and imposing effect of Marble Sculpture.
Represented by M. Turque (his first appearance in the colonies) . . .
The music descriptive of the various passions illustrated by Mons. Fleury.
The whole produced under the immediate direction of Mr. Charles Alfred Fry . . .
SALLE DE VALENTINO. - Promenade Concert and Ball this evening; admission 1s . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violinist, band leader)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (22 September 1855), 1
Mr. C. A. FRY, in returning his sincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of Ballarat who may have honoured him with their presence at the
Representations made by his Troupe of POSES PLASTIQUES . . .
Charlie Napier Assembly Rooms . . .
Madame Naej, The Eminent Soprano.
Mr. Small, The Favorite Comic Local Vocalist.
Mons. Pietro Canna, The first Performer in the world, who will perform on twenty Drums.
Mons. Paltzer, The Eminent Violinist, and accomplished Leader,
with a select Quadrille Band of Twelve Performers, who will introduce Julien's celebrated Peter the Great Quadrille . . .
MR. C. A. FRY, Acting Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Chambers (dancer); Madame Leon Naej (vocalist); Joe Small (vocalist); Pietro Canna (drummer); Jacques Paltzer (violinist, band leader)
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 April 1857), 8
TO the Theatrical and Musical Profession.
MR. C. A. FRY (late Principal Performer and Agent for the celebrated Madame Wharton)
begs to make known to the Profession that he has established a
THEATRICAL and MUSICAL AGENCY, located at Tilke's City Hotel, where a Register will be kept,
and Negotiations concluded on the most satisfactory terms. Address C. A. Fry, as above.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Tilke (hotelier, venue proprietor)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . THE CITY CONCERT HALL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (1 January 1859), 2
Notwithstanding the many attractions during the holidays at other places, this concert hall has been well attended. The new company, under the management of Mr. C. A. Fry, work harmoniously together.
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . CRAWFORD'S CITY CONCERT HALL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (19 March 1859), 2
This establishment has been well attended during the week. On Monday last Mr. C. A Fry, who has been the manager of this establishment for three different proprietors, Messrs. Tilke, M. Cowan, and Crawford, gave a grand concert on the occasion of his benefit. The hall was crowded in every part, and the audience was highly gratified with the performance, the most pleasing of which were the duets, by Mad. Leon Naej and Mr. Percival, of "When rolling Waves," from "Lucia di Lamermoor," and the "Singing Lesson." Mr. F. Leeman acquitted himself to the satisfaction of the audience in many of Russell's popular songs. The funny part of the performance was engrossed by Messrs. T. F. Morris [sic] and Dawson, who kept the house in a "roar." The public on this occasion showed their appreciation of Mr. Fry's catering.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles F. Percival (vocalist); Edgar Francis Morris (vocalist); Frederick Leeman
FRY, John Rawstorne (John Rawstorne FRY; John Rawston FRY; J. R. FRY)
Scenic artist, theatrical decorator, theatrical manager
Born Manchester, Lancashire, England, 1831; baptised Manchester parish church, 16 May 1831; son of Moses William FRY (1811-1869) and Mary Sophia RAWSTORNE
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by c. 1852
Married Caroline Elizabeth PENNEY (d. 1893), VIC, 1858
Died Adelaide, SA, 7 December 1891, aged "59" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish church of Manchester in the county of Lancaster in the year 1831; register 1831, page 235; Greater Manchester County Record Office. (PAYWALL)
No. 1878 / [1831 May] Sixteenth / John Rawstorne [son of] / Moses William and Mary Sophie / Fry / Salford / Artist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Moses William Fry and Mary Sophie Rawstorne had married at Manchester parish church on 15 December 1823
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (14 February 1855), 4
The opera of Lucia Di Lammermoor was produced last night before a full house - it was eminently successful, and was received with marked applause throughout.
Madame Sara Flower personated Edgar Ravenswood . . . Mrs. Guerin was Lucy Ashton . . .
Mr. Frank Howson acted the moody Henry Ashton exceedingly well . . .
Mr. Holloway, as Raymond, did not disappoint . . .
The opera was brought out in a very handsome manner, and reflects much credit upon the management.
The last scene, descriptive of Ravenwood House and the tomb of Edgar's ancestors,
was admirably painted, and much commendation is due to the artist Mr. Fry. As a whole the opera must rank as one of the successes of the season.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); Edmund Holloway (vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (7 September 1855), 5
On Wednesday evening another crowded house at this establishment witnessed the repetition of "The Daughter of the Regiment" . . . Madame Carandini and M. Coulon, two of the best artistes that the lyrical drama possesses in the colonies - for we must, we fear, look upon Miss Catherine Hayes as merely a bird of passage, - a wondrous singing bird though - have had the honor of inaugurating in this colony the opera . . . The audience, judging by the con fuoco applause with which the opera was received throughout, appeared to be also highly gratified, and the ovation which at the termination of it was accorded to the principal performers was at once general and genuine. An excellent set-scene in the first act by Mr. Fry and some capital mechanical effects by Mr. Renno, the very clever machinist attached to the establishment, were loudly applauded.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Bream Thom (conductor); John Edward Renno (machinist); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (27 December 1855), 8
THEARTE ROYAL, Bourke Street.
Second Night of the Grand and successful Pantomime. This Evening Thursday, Dec. 27 . . .
Harlequin - Segnor Carandini. Clown - Mr. J. E. Renno.
Pantaloon - Mr. J. Fry. Columbine - Madame Strebinger.
Harlequina, Madame Antoinette Berg.
TWENTY NEW SCENES. Elaborate mechanical transformations, tricks, machinery, costly decorative appliances never before attempted in this Colony.
Stage Manager - Mr. Charles Poole . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gerome Carandini (dancer);
Therese Strebinger (dancer);
Antoinette Berg (dancer);
see also the more detailed advertisement for opening night,
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 December 1855), 8
. . . The gorgeous and extensive scenery, by Messrs. Fry, Holmes, and Assistants. The grand pictorial last scene, Mr. Fry . . .
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . PRINCESS'S THEATRE - THE OPERA", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (2 May 1857), 2
The revival of the opera has been attended up to the present with unqualified success, and as the audiences appear to be increasing nightly . . . The fine lyrical drama "Lucrezia Borgia," was performed on Wednesday evening, and repeated on Thursday with increased success. The "Borgia" is the most powerful of Madame Bishop's assumptions . . . The opera, which is to be again performed this evening, has been splendidly mounted. The Grand Square of St. Mark, at Venice, from the pencil of Mr. Fry, is a perfect pictorial gem. All the dresses are new and appropriate.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (27 January 1859), 3
The great storm of rain of the morning, and intermittent showers of the afternoon, had a material effect in reducing the audience at this theatre last evening, a consummation only to be expected. In spite, however, of the paucity of the attendance, the performance of the "Bohemian Girl," exhibited no falling off; and the opera went a thought more smoothly than before. Apart from the principal singers, of whose qualities we have previously endeavored to give an appreciatory notice, to the management must be given the credit of producing opera in Ballarat, with far greater perfection in detail, than we are accustomed to witness. The chorus is a large one, well practised, and in thorough working order, and relieve the audience of any feeling of want of confidence which gives them the "fidgets" when they expect a favourite morceau. The scenery is new and fitting. The scene of the street in the second act of last night's opera is one of the best specimens of that description of art we have seen in the colony, and is good evidence of Mr. Fry's skill. We have not mentioned the orchestra before, but it was not for lack of appreciation of the high state of discipline to which Mr. Linly Norman has brought his capital band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hoskins (actor, manager); Linly Norman (conductor); Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (11 March 1863), 6
John Rawstorne Fry, late of Sandhurst, but now of Richmond, theatrical manager.
Causes of insolvency: Insolvency of partner, Barnett Moses Nathan, compulsory sale of house and furniture, pressure of creditors, and sickness in family.
Debts, L180 9s; assets, L28 15s; deficiency, L151 14s Od. Mr. Goodwin, official assignee.
ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Moses Nathan (business partner)
"MISCELLANEOUS", The Express and Telegraph [Adelaide, SA] (9 December 1891), 4
On Monday last [7 December] Mr. J. R. Fry, the well-known scenic artist, died at his residence, Collins-street, Adelaide. Mr. Fry, who arrived in Melbourne in 1852, was the oldest scenic artist in Australia, having been engaged by Mr. Geo. Coppin shortly after his arrival to paint a set of scenery for the old Queen's Theatre in Melbourne, since which time, until his death, he fulfilled engagements in the principal colonial theatres. He was identified with all the best productions of the early days, having been engaged with G. V. Brooke, Catherine Hayes, Lola Montes, Clarence Holt, Wm. Hoskins, Lady Don, Charles Kean, and other theatrical celebrities connected with the Australian stage. At one time Mr. Fry was the lessee of the Lyceum Theatre, Bendigo, but meeting with reverses he was compelled to retire from management and accepted an engagement with the late Barry Sullivan at the Theatre Royal, Melbourne. Mr. Fry was engaged to paint the scenery for the Adelaide Theatre Royal under Mr. Allison's management, since which time he remained in South Australia, fulfilling various engagements.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager); Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor, manager); Lola Montez (dancer, actor); Clarance Holt (actor, manager); Emily Don (actor, vocalist); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)
FRYER, James Robertson (James Robertson FRYER; J. R. FRYER; Mr. FRYER)
Amateur musician, bass vocalist, violinist, choral conductor
Born Limehouse, London, England, 1826; baptised St. Dunstan's, Stepney, 18 June 1826, son of John FRYER and Mary ?
Married Marianne Delve BRIANT (d. 1894), St. Saviour, Southwark, London, England, 20 October 1844
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 29 January 1850 (per Bolivar, from Gravesend and Plymouth, 12 October 1849)
Arrived Hobart, TAS, by end of 1850
Died Hobart, TAS, 5 February 1897, aged "71/72" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Robertson Tranthim Fryer (son, artist, amateur vocalist)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Dunstan, Stepney, in the county of Middlesex in the year [1826]; register, 1816-26, page 244; London Metropolitan Archives, P93/Dun/013 (PAYWALL)
No. 1590 / [1826 June] 18 / James Robertson / [son of] John & Mary / Fryer / Limehouse / Joiner . . .
1844, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. Saviour Southwark in the county of Surrey; register 1837-49, page 51; London Metropolitan Archives, P92/SAV/3054 (PAYWALL)
No. 101 / 20th October 1844 / James Robertson Fryer / of full age / Bachelor / Cooper / York Street / [son o] John Fryer / Carpenter
Marianne Delve Briant / full age / Spinster / - / York Street / [daughter of] James Briant / Tailor . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (31 October 1853), 3
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1853, A MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT Will be given under the conduct of MR. SALIER.
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . Trio and Chorus - "The Chough and Crow" - Mrs. Dawson, Mr. Fryer, and Mr. Salier - Bishop . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Jabez Salier (musician); Sarah Dawson (vocalist); Mechanics' Institute (Hobart venue)
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE . . . GRAND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", Colonial Times (5 November 1853), 2-3
The annual lecture season, which is always looked forward to with no ordinary degree of interest, came to a close last Thursday night . . .
The musical entertainment had been announced for some weeks, and was anticipated with considerable interest . . .
The principal performers were Mrs. Dawson, Miss M. and Miss A. Hall, the former alto, the latter treble;
Mr. Fryer, bass and second violinist, Master Tapfield, soprana; Masters W. and H. Henry, the former treble and the latter alto;
Mr. Vautin played the violincello. Mr. Russell was the leader, aided by Mr. Harris, who had kindly volunteered his services on the occasion,
Mr. Singer performed on the second violin. Mr. Salier conducted and had the management of the whole,
as well as performed on the viola . . . The other instruments were an ophecleide and cornopean.
The piano part was most ably executed by a lady . . .
The programme was varied and good.
The overtures "Caliph of Bagdad" and "Lodoiska," along with Auber's galop "Gustavus,"
were admirably and harmoniously executed by all the instruments, the galop being given in a spirited and lively manner.
The glees "The Fairies," "Come let us all a Maying go," "The May Fly," "Awake, AEolian Lyre,"
and "Strike the Harp in praise of Bragela," were all well given, as also the chorus, "May Day,"
by the Misses Hall, Masters Tapfield and the brothers Henry, aided by Mr. Salier and Mr. Fryer,
accompanied by the piano and Mr. Russell's violin . . .
Mr. Fryer, as base, took necessarily a somewhat prominent part [3] which he very creditably executed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins Russell (leader, violin); John Macdonald Singer (violin); James Vautin (cello)
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", The Hobart Town Advertiser (24 July 1854), 3
The entertainment given by the music class of the Mechanics' Institute, took place on Friday evening, and was attended by an overflowing audience, there was not even sufficient standing room. This performance was the first given by the class since its formation, and we are happy to state that every piece went off well . . . Of the instrumental pieces we cannot speak too highly, under the able and intelligent leadership of Mr. Russel, the band consisting of pianoforte, 2 first violins, 3 second violins, flute, violincello and ophecleide kept beautiful together affording the audience the delight of listening to the following melodious compositions of the immortal Haydn . . . Bishop's glee The Chough and Crow followed, the solos being taken by Miss A. Hall, Mr. Allen, and Mr. Fryer, all of whom executed their parts with great credit to themselves and pleasure to the audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Allen (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily (1 June 1860), 3
Hobart Town Philharmonic Society.
MEMBERS are requested to observe that the night of Meeting is changed to FRIDAY,
and are specially invited to be present at Seven o'clock punctually.
J. R. FRYER, Hon. Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: Hobart Town Philharmonic Society (association)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Hobart Town Advertiser (13 August 1860), 3
The first quarterly performance of the Philharmonic Society tock place on Friday last, at the practice room, Macquarie-street. The room was crowded with the members and their friends. It is hardly fair to criticise the first performances of a Society established so short a time, and consisting mostly of amateurs; but we are bound to say that the concert was a decided success, and gave the greatest satisfaction to all present. We must congratulate Herr Schmitt, and the other gentlemen who have been unceasing in their endeavors to promote the interests of the Society, to whem it owes its present advanced state. The orchestral pieces were given with a finish and precision that surprised and pleased the audience. The airs sang by Miss Hall (a pupil of Herr Schmitt), were loudly applauded, as were also those of Mr. Fryer, the Honorary Secretary, and to whose energy the Society is much indebted. Mr. Buddee's performance of Thalberg's Fantasia, was a magnificent one, and showed the skill of a master, as well as an enthusiast, in his profession. Herr Sehmitt's "Carnival de Venice," was a piece which could only he executed by a master of his art, and we were glad to have an opportunity or admiring it again. We shall watch the success of the Society with some interest, and hope that every one with a taste for music will join so promising an institution and encourage its progress.
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Schmitt (conductor, violinist); Julius Buddee (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (7 July 1860), 2
In aid of the Fund for the LARGE ORGAN . . . JULY 11TH, 1860 . . .
Mr. FRYER, of the Hobart Town Glee Club . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Hobart Town Glee Club (association)
"THE CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (31 July 1860), 3
The grand concert in aid of the Organ Fund of the Mechanics' Institute took place last evening in the People's Hall . . . The musical arrangements had been confided to Mr. Robert Sharpe, who acted as conductor . . . The introduction and chorus from Van Bree's "St. Cecilia's Day" . . . was succeeded by Callcott's song "Friend of the Brave," rendered with considerable musical taste by Mr. Fryer . . . Then came Calcott's telling song "The Last Man," which was effectively given by Mr. Fryer, and elicited a loud encore. Mr. Fryer then sung "The Slave Chase," which was much applauded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Sharpe (conductor); Mechanics' Institute (Launceston association and venue)
MUSIC: The last man (Callcott)
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (1 August 1860), 4
The grand vocal and instrumental concert in aid of the organ fund, so long and anxiously looked forward to was given in the Mechanic's Institute on Monday evening . . . The idea of giving a concert for this purpose originated with Mr. Robert Sharpe, the conductor . . . The Concert commenced with Rossini's overture "Italiana in Algeria," which was very well played (with the exception of a slight discordance in the wind instruments) by an orchestra of about sixteen performers. This was followed by the introduction and chorus from "Cecilia's Day" by Van Bree . . . Next followed "Friend of the Brave" by Calcott, which was sung by Mr. Fryer with very good taste, followed by Mozart's Quartette in G minor for pianoforte, Violin, Viola and Violoncello, to which was added the flute accompaniment . . .
MUSIC: Friend of the brave (Callcott)
"OBITUARY", The Mercury (6 February 1897), 2
We announce this morning with much regret the death of Mr. James Robertson Fryer, it colonist of nearly 50 years' standing. Mr. Fryer was well-known as the late principal in the firm of J. R. Fryer and Co., merchants, New Wharf, Hobart, and his death will be much regretted by his many friends and business acquaintances throughout the colonies. The deceased arrived in Adelaide by the ship Bolivar in 1850, and came to Hobart in the same year. The gold fever took him to Victoria in 1851, but he returned to Tasmania shortly afterwards, and has been engaged in business ever since. He was for many years manager of Mr. Isaac Wright's woolbroking business, which he succeeded on a Mr. Wright's death, and with which his name is still identified. His wife predeceased him two years ago, and since that time his health has gradually failed. He has been confined to his house since the beginning of the year, and passed away peacefully and painlessly at 6 p.m. yesterday. Mr. Fryer, who was a justice of the peace, although frequently pressed to do so, refrained from taking part in public life, but he has long been identified with the musical life of Hobart, and was for many years precentor of St. David's Cathedral. He leaves a son and daughter. The former, Mr. Tranthim Fryer, is now prosecuting his artistic studies in London.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. David's Cathedral (Hobart)
"DEATHS", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (20 February 1897), 2s
FRYER. - Entered into rest on February 5, 1897, James Robertson Fryer, in the 72nd year of his age.
FULHAM, Mr. (Mr. FULHAM) = ? Robert FULLAM
Non-appearing vocalist, ? shoemaker
? Born ? Ireland, c. 1793
? Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 27 June 1833 (free per Strathfieldsay, from Dublin, 5 March, with wife and 2 children)
? Died, NSW, 1849, aged "56" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
SUGGESTED IDENTIFICATION: Robert Fullam (Fulham), a shoemaker, from Dublin, and his wife Jane, and two children, arrived in Hobart Town by the Strathfieldsay on 27 June 1833; the couple appeared at least once before the Hobart bench for being drunk and disorderly; Robert having predeceased her (described as "late of Sydney"), Jane died in Melbourne in 1873, aged 78; in 1854, their daughter, Charlotte (c. 1843-1905), married the musician Leopold Collin
? Arrivals, 27 June 1833, per Strathfieldsay; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:423107 and -8; CUS30/1/1 P239
Robert Fullam / Jane Fullam / 2 children
? [News], The Hobart Town Chronicle [VDL (TAS)] (2 July 1833), 2
List of tradesmen by the Strathfieldsay: - . . .
Shoemakers - William Fulton, J. O'brien, Robert Fullam, Thomas Kendrick, William Tallon . . .
[News], The Tasmanian [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (26 July 1833), 5
We understand that the Concert on Monday next, is expected to be one of the very best ever offered in these Colonies. The bill of fare portends something good, and the entertainment will, no doubt, be satisfactory. The Lion of the day, is, of course, Mr. Peck, of whom we have heard much, although we have never yet witnessed his performance. Messrs. Reichenberg, Russell, Peck, and Fulham, of the Theatre Royal, Dublin, (as the bill states) will, no doubt, each shine in his proper sphere . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (musician); Joseph Reichenberg (musician); William Wilkins Russell (musician); Fulham's claim to be "of the Theatre Royal, Dublin" was probably intended to suggest some family connection with the veteran Dublin actor and vocalist Michael Fullam (1758-1826)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (26 July 1833), 3
Assisted by MESSRS. REICHENBERG, RUSSELL, PECK, AND FULHAM, (Late of the Theatre Royal Dublin),
WILL take place on Monday evening next, July the 29th, at the Court house, Hobart town.
Part First . . . Song, "He was famed for deeds of arms," - Mr. Fulham - Corri . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician); Sophia Letitia Davis (musician)
MUSIC: He was famed for deeds of arms (Domenico Corri)
"The Fourth Concert of Mr. Deane and Mrs. Davis . . .", Colonial Times (30 July 1833), 2
. . . The audience was disappointed that Mr. Fulham did not appear. Every body was enquiring after Mr. Fulham - who and what was he? so that when Mr. Deane stepped forward and said, that Mr. Fulham was indisposed, it put us in mind of the old story, so often told, of Mrs. Dickon's coach breaking down. Mrs. Davis kindly volunteered to sing Mr. Fulham's song, "He was famed for deeds of arms," and we think it was her best performance . . .
"The Concert at the Court House . . .", The Tasmanian (2 August 1833), 6
. . . Mr. Fulham, "of the Theatre Royal, Dublin," did not appear according to announcement: he was ill, we learnt, from a bad cold; and we regretted his absence, as we were led to expect great amusement from his abilities . . .
[News], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (29 October 1833), 2
The sign board of a humble Crispin residing in Melville-street, presents the following ludicrous inscription: - "R. FULHAM, fancy shoemaker to Her Excellency!" What next?
"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 December 1873), 1
FULLAM. - On the 13th ult., at her daughter's residence, Mrs. L. Colliee [sic, Collin], 2 Holyrood villas, Simpson-street East Melbourne, Jane Rosanna Fullam, wife of the late Robert Fullam, Dublin. Home papers please copy.
ASSOCIATIONS: Leopold Collin (musician)
"MARRIAGES", Bendigo Advertiser (23 January 1878), 3
On the 19th August, 1854 [sic], at the Presbyterian Church, Collins-street, Melbourne, by the late Rev. Irving Hetherington, also by the Rev. Dean Slattery, of Warrnambool, Herr Leopold Collin, Professor of Music, to Charlotte Theresa Fullam, daughter of the late Robert Fullam, Sydney.
FULHAM, Amelia (Mrs. William SILVERLOCK) = Miss GRAHAM
Musician, vocalist, teacher of pianoforte and singing
Musical instrument maker, convict
Born Dublin, 1808; ? baptised St. Andrew (RC), Dublin, 17 March 1808; son of William FULLARD and Catherine ? CAREY
Convicted Nottingham Assizes, England, 10 March 1832 (14 years transportation)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 3 August 1833 (per Waterloo, from England, 11 March)
Married Catherine BARRY, Sydney, NSW, 1836
Active Parramatta, NSW, by 1844 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Fullard, a 25-year-old musical instrument maker from Dublin, was convicted in the Nottingham Assizes on 10 March 1832 for stealing from his employer, and sentenced to 14 years. He arrived in Sydney as a convict on the Waterloo on 3 August 1833, and in 1837 was assigned to the musicseller Francis Ellard, also from Dublin.
Fullard was awarded a ticket-of-leave in 1838, but was brought before the police again in Parramatta in 1844 for reselling a cornopean that he had been engaged to repair by James Shanaghan, master of the Band of the 58th Regiment.
His ticket (issued at Maitland) was cancelled in March 1845, "for flagrant dishonesty". Nevertheless, he received his certificate of freedom, on time, in March 1846.
He was last documented at Maitland in 1847, as a piano tuner who sold a flute to, and allegedly stole a watch from, one Robert Oram.
? Baptisms, St. Andrew's, Dublin, 1808; National Library of Ireland, Catholic registers (DIGITISED)
[1808 March] 17 / Jacobum Fullard [son of] Guliemi & Catherinae / [sponsors] Joannae Neilly & Sara Tuke
Convict hulk record, 10 March 1822 to 5 March 1833; UK National Archives, HO8/35 (PAYWALL)
No. 2099 / James Henry Fullard / Stealing from his Maste5 5 Sovereigns 2 Musical Instruments &c. / Nottingham / 10 March 1832 / 14 [years] / N.S.Wales 5 March 1833 per Waterloo
[News], Nottingham Review and General Advertiser for the Midland Counties [England] (4 May 1832), 3 (PAYWALL)
. . . The prisoners capitally convicted at the last assizes for this town, have had the judgment of death against them commuted as follows:
Joseph Healey, for stealing a horse out of Lincolnshire, fourteen years' transportation . . .
James Henry Fullard, for stealing some money, musical instruments, and tools, the property of Mr. Garland, the same . . .
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette [Sydney, NSW] (27 November 1839), 1334
The undermentioned Prisoners of the Crown have obtained Tickets-of-Leave since the last day of publication: . . .
. . . SYDNEY: Fullerd James Henry, Waterloo . . .
"FRAUD", Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (21 December 1844), 2
James Fullard (ticket-of-leave holder), musical instrument maker, of Church-street, was charged with making away with two watches entrusted to his care to repair. John Challon, a Bandsman of the 58th, had given him a silver watch to repair, but, after waiting three weeks, he found that no watch was forthcoming. Going into Fullard's shop one day, he saw the works of his watch lying there, and he immediately took possession of them. He afterwards found the case, together with a silver chain and seals, in the shop of Messrs. Stephenson and Co., where Fullard had sold it. James Walton had also given prisoner a gold watch to repair, but had never seen it since; he had discovered, however, that it had - been sold to an auctioneer in Sydney, named Heydon. The above facts were detailed in evidence against the prisoner, on Thursday last, before the Police Bench, and he was remanded to Saturday next.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Challon (bandsman); James Walton (bellman); Band of the 58th Regiment (military)
"WATCHES WERE MADE TO GO!", The Star and Working Man's Guardian (28 December 1844), 2
It is a singular fact that Walton's (the bellman) watch, for making away with which, is one of the charges on which Fullard is Committed for trial, was some time since stolen from him, and a man sentenced, last Quarter Sessions, to three years in irons for the theft.
"PARRAMATTA. POLICE OFFICE. 26th DEC., 1844", The Australian (28 December 1844), 3
A case of embezzlement, which has occupied the Court off and on for the last fortnight was brought to a close by a committal. Although the evidence is long, the gist of the matter lies in a very small compass. A man named Fullerd (a ticket-of-leave holder for this district, and, who was by trade a musical instrument maker, but not disdaining to turn his hand to anything in watches,) had received from one person a gold watch to regulate; from one of the 58th's Band a cornopean to take a dirge out of; from a second man of the same corps a silver watch to put to rights; and from a fourth person, (a music master), a flute to put some stops on. The watches he made "to go" - the gold one to the room of a Sydney auctioneer, and the silver one to a similar receiving depot in Parramatta, where also the flute was "stopped;" the cornopean being still not forthcoming; whilst the three other articles were produced by their respective baillees, who candidly confessed that they had bought them from the prisoner with the understanding that he was to purchase them back at a certain time, with certain considerations, to the price given. These considerations appear to vary materially in the latitudes of Sydney and Parramatta; in the former the consideration for £1 10s. for a month is 3s., whilst in the latter it is 3s. 6d. for £1 for the same period. The prisoner said nothing in his defence.
"Police Intelligence. SATURDAY. Night Auctioneering alias Pawnbrokeing", Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (28 December 1844), 2
James H. Fullard, the investigation of whose abilities in the transmutation of watches into current coin was remanded from Thursday until to day,
in order to procure the attendance from Sydney of some witnesses, was further gone into.
Previous to any evidence being entered on Mr. Carrington besought the permission of the Bench to allow him to appear for the prisoner,
who, being a ticket-of-leave holder, could only avail himself of his (Mr. C's) services by their favour. The request was at once acceded.
Mr. F. Rich deposed: I am clerk to Mr. Heydon, the auctioneer of King-street, Sydney;
Fullard brought a gold watch, since sworn by Walton, the bell-man, as his property, on the 6th of the month, to me, and told me he wanted an advance upon it,
in order to procure articles for his trade; I advanced him £1 13s.; the receipt produced (procured by Walton from the prisoner's wife) is for £1 16s.,
the three shillings being for commission; the watch, by the receipt, was not to be sold until the 3rd of January;
It is now in Mr. Heydon's possession; on the day after the advance had been got Fullard came back,
and I heard him tell Mr. Heydon he did not wish the watch sold, and that he would take it back again;
but he wanted a further advance, and I perceive by the receipt, that Mr. Heydon gave him 3s. more.
Cross examined by Mr. Carrington: during which the Bench had more than once to put the curb and snaffle on the hard driving the learned counsel was bestowing on his witness,
and finally to intimate that there was an "outside" to the Court House, where he might presently find himself, if his impetuosity was not confined within Court-like bounds.
The substance of the cross-examination, was that neither Heydon or the witness were licensed pawnbrokers;
that the watch was left for sale, and that such sale was not to be made for four weeks;
that witness was subpoened to produce the watch, but as it had been left with Heydon,
it was impossible for him to do so, it not being in his (the witness') possession;
Heydon, who did not wish him to bring the watch, told him the value of the article was about three guineas.
About a quarter of an hour was spent in the endeavouring to prove that the 3s. was interest, but the witness stuck to the text that it was merely "commission."
James Shanaghan examined: I am Bandmaster to the 58th Regiment;
about the 10th of November I gave Fullard a cornopean to take dinge out of it;
I mentioned that I wanted to sell it, and that if anybody should desire to purchase it, to refer them to me;
a few days afterwards he came to me and got the case and mouth-piece belonging to the instrument, as he stated some person wanted to buy it.
A little time after this he told me he had not removed the dinge, as the person who had offered to purchase it was satisfied with it as it was;
I went to the prisoner's shop to see the purchaser, but neither he nor the prisoner were there, and I have not seen the latter since, until to-day;
the cornopean was then complete in his shop; on hearing that he had gone to Sydney, I went and enquired about the instrument,
and was told by his wife that it had been left at Mr. Smith's; but Mr. S. told me he knew nothing about it;
a boy, however, said it had been there a few days, but was taken away by Fullard when he went to Sydney;
last Thursday, Mr. Cohen, of George-street, Sydney, admitted to me that he had purchased an instrument answering in description the one in question, for 50s.,
but that he had subsequently sold it to a perfect stranger; the real value is about six guineas,
and which price I told him to mention to any one who might enquire about it;
it is the property of Ensign Maine, of the 58th, and I never authorised Fullard to sell it or to procure an advance on it.
Mr. Cohen not being in attendance, the case was again remanded until Tuesday.
"EMBEZZLEMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 January 1845), 2
The ticket-of-leave holder, Fullard, who has undergone several examinations, charged with making away with a number of musical instruments and two watches, entrusted to him to repair, was again brought up, and, as the Attorney-General had declined prosecuting in the case, his ticket-of-leave was ordered to be cancelled, and he was returned to Government, with a recommendation that the remainder of his sentence be served at Cockatoo Island.
"NEWS FROM THE INTERIOR. (From our various Correspondent.) PARRAMATTA . . . CHARGE OF FELONY", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 February 1845), 3
Mr. Edward Daniel Cohen, Jeweller, of George-street, Sydney, was on Monday morning brought before the Police Bench,
charged with having unlawfully in his possession a cornupeion, he knowing the same to have been unlawfully converted by one James Henry Fullard.
George Macarthur, Esq., deposed to having purchased the cornupeion produced, of Cohen, for six pounds ten shillings.
Mr. Gore was in witness's company, and called his attention to the maker's name,
which was the same as that of the maker of an instrument stolen from Lieutenant Mayne, of the 50th [recte 58th].
Witness asked Cohen if the instrument was the same, or could by any possibility be the same, when he said it was not, and seemed very anxious to remove a dinge in the instrument.
Mr. S. John Gore, corroborated the above evidence.
James Shanaghan, bandmaster, of the 58th Regt., had given the instrument produced to Fullard to repair, about the middle of October last;
he could not get it back from him, and at last, Fullard told him he had sold it for thirty shillings to Mr. Cohen.
Witness then went to Sydney, and took a constable of the police with him to Cohen's shop, on the 19th of December,
when prisoner acknowledged to having purchased the instrument for fifty shillings;
but said, he could not give it up as he had sold it to a person who was a stranger to him,
and that he could not be at the trouble of looking after persons who bought goods of him.
Witness told Fullard that the instrument was for sale; that the price was six guineas; and if any body wanted to purchase it, to refer them, to him;
but he never in the most distant manner authorised Fullard to sell the instrument.
Lieutenant Mayne, of the 58th Regiment, deposed to having given the instrument to the bandmaster to get it repaired.
James Henry Fullard deposed to having received the instrument from the Band Master to repair,
and to having sold it shortly afterwards to the prisoner for 50s.
Cohen asked no questions about it when he purchased it; he had known me for some years previously.
This closed the evidence, and the prisoner was fully committed to take his trial; but allowed bail, himself in £100, and two sureties in £50 each.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Main (ensign, soldier); James Shanaghan (master, 58th band)
"PARRAMATTA. POLICE OFFICE, MONDAY, 10TH FEB., 1845 . . . LOST AND FOUND", The Australian (13 February 1845), 4
It may be in the recollection of some of our readers, that about six weeks since a man named Fullerd,
(a ticket-of-leave holder, by trade a musical instrument maker,) was committed for trial for embezzlement,
in disposing of several articles entrusted to his care for reparation, but which, owing to there being a point of law,
the Attorney General declined prosecuting, and Fullerd was dealt with summarily by the Bench, by the cancellation of his ticket-of-leave, and his being placed on Cockatoo Island.
Among the articles missing was a cornopean, the property of Ensign Mayne, of the 58th Regt.,
given to him to take a dinge out, which he admitted selling to Mr. Cohen, of the Hall of Arts, George-street, Sydney,
but which the latter, on being called on at that time to produce, stated his inability to do so, on account of having disposed of it.
Believing this statement to be correct, the particular charge was not gone into;
but the instrument in question having a few days since been sold to Mr. George Macarthur, of the Vineyard, and identified as the one lost by Mr. Mayne,
a warrant was immediately issued for Cohen, who was this day brought before the court,
charged (under the 7th & 8th Geo. II., cap. 29) with having unlawfully had in his possession a musical instrument called a cornopean,
he knowing the same to have been unlawfully taken and converted by me, James Henry Fullerd.
George F. Macarthur, Esq., deposed - On the 29th of last month I went to Cohen's shop, in company with Mr. St. John Gore,
for the purpose of exchanging a gold watch for a cornopean I had seen there, and for which Mr. Cohen asked £6 10s; on examining the instrument,
Mr. Gore observed that it was made by the same maker as the one stolen from Ensign Mayne, and advised me to be cautious in my purchase;
I therefore put the question direct to Cohen, if the one showed me was the same, when he remarked that it was not,
adding that he had seen a report in the newspapers of the case I alluded to, and that I was mistaken as to the instrument being stolen,
as Mr. Mayne had given it to be disposed of, but the cornopean I was examining was not the one;
Cohen, however, appeared anxious to remove a dinge there was in it;
on receiving the assurance I have mentioned, and being furnished with a bill, I purchased the instrument, giving 10s. in money, and a gold watch;
a few evenings afterwards, the instrument, which is now before the court, was claimed by the Bandmaster of the 58th Regt., as being Mr. Mayne's.
Cross-examined by Cohen. - After you sold me the instrument, I asked you if it was likely or probable that the cornopean was the one stolen by Fullerd, and you told me it was not the same.
St. John Gore, Esq., of Pemberton Range, examined. - I was in company with Mr. Macarthur on the day referred to;
it was through my remembering the circumstances of Mr. Mayne's losing a cornopean that the questions were asked of Cohen;
they were twice put, and the same answers returned - and in speaking of the police report, Cohen observed that Fullerd did'nt get half punishment enough,
fort he was a great rascal; the bill produced was made out and signed in my presence by Cohen.
James Shanaghan, bandmaster of the 58th Regiment, examined. - The cornopean produced was often in my charge;
I gave it about the 12th of last November to a man named Fullerd, at that time a resident in Parramatta, to take a dinge out of it;
some days afterwards I went to Fullerd's to get it back and found he had left;
he afterwards confessed to me that he had disposed of it, and by the direction of the Chief Constable here,
who gave me a letter to the Acting Chief Constable for Sydney, I went, in company with a Sydney constable, to Cohen's shop,
when he admitted having bought the cornopean, but stated that he had subsequently sold it to some person whom he did not know,
a perfect stranger, and added that he would not take the trouble to know persons who had purchased things from him;
the instrument belongs to Mr. Mayne, and Fullerd had no authority to dispose of it; I gave it him to repair,
which he did not do; its value is about six guineas.
Cross-examined by Cohen. - Fullerd might have had the cornopean in his possession about three weeks;
I saw it, and played on it about a week after I gave it to him, and I did not go again to his shop until about a fortnight afterwards, when I heard he had absconded;
Fullerd was told by me that the instrument was for sale, and that the price was six guineas, and that if any body wanted it,
to refer them to me, but he had no authority to dispose of it himself;
I cannot say how I should have acted if he had brought me six guineas for it, because he never did so.
Ensign Mayne, of the 58th regiment, identified the instrument as his property.
James Henry Fullerd, prisoner of the crown, at present stationed at Cockatoo Island, examined -
The cornopean produced is the one I got from the band-master to take a dinge out of; I sold it to Mr. Cohen, who gave me £2 10s. for it;
he asked me no questions respecting it, as he knew me while I was with Mr. Ellard, to whom I was assigned,
and remained with him for some time after I got my ticket;
the bandmaster told me the instrument was for sale, and that the price was six guineas, but if any one wanted to purchase, they were to be referred to him.
Cross-examined by Cohen - I might have told you that some person in the Military Barracks had bought the instrument from me,
but was unable to pay for it, and I wanted money.
A letter was handed in, which had been at the time of Fullerd's examination,
addressed to the Bench, stating his inability to comply with the subpoena for the production of the instrument as he had sold it;
Cohen admitted this document to have been written by his orders, and added in his defence, that he had purchased the cornopean in a fair and open manner, and for its full value.
With respect to his now having it in his possession, although he had sold it at the time he had been called upon to produce it, he had since re-purchased it.
Committed for trial, but allowed bail, which was immediately provided.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (musicseller)
"LAW INTELLIGENCE. WEDNESDAY. . . . MISDEMEANOR", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 April 1845), 2
Edward Daniel Cohen appeared on the floor of the Court to take his trial,
an information having been filed against him for that he, on the 29th January, 1845 -
"unlawfully did receive and have one cornopean of the value of £6 sterling,
and one horn of the value of £6 sterling, and one cornopean case of the value of £1 sterling, the property, goods, and chattels of one Robert Main,
then lately before unlawfully obtained, and converted by false pretences, from one James Flannaghan.
he, the said Edward Daniel Cohen, then and there well knowing the said property, goods, and chattels to have been so unlawfully obtained and converted;"
a second count described the, cornopean and case as -
"then lately before entrusted to one James Henry Fullurd, as agent for a special purpose, (to wit,)
for the purpose of being repaired, and then exposed to view and inspected by the public, without any authority, either special,
general, or discretionary, to sell or to pledge the same, and embezzled and converted by the said James Henry Fullard unlawfully,
did receive and have, he, the said Edward Daniel Cohen, then and there well knowing the property,
goods, and chattels last aforesaid, of the value aforesaid, to have been so embezzled and converted."
The defendant having pleaded not guilty, The SOLICITOR-GENERAL briefly stated the case, and then called James Flannaghan,
band-master of H.M. 58th Regiment, who deposed to the effect,
that he had received the cornopean in question from Mr. Main for the purpose of selling;
that there was a dint in it, and that he gave it to Fullard, who was a musical instrument maker,
and was frequently employed by him, to take the dint out, telling him at the same time that the instrument was for sale,
and if he heard of a purchaser to refer to him, and that the lowest price would be six guineas;
Fullard at first had the instrument only, but some days afterwards told witness that he had met with a customer,
and asked for the case, in order that he might show the whole.
Witness afterwards saw the instrument, case and all, at Fullard's shop; he asked Fullard why he had not taken the dint out,
and Fullard said that the young man (he believed he said that he was called Gates,) was satisfied with it as it was;
witness asked Fullard subsequently whether the young man had made up his mind about it.
One day, shortly afterwards, having occasion to go to Fullard's, he found his shop shut up, and his wife said that he had gone to Sydney.
The cornopean was now missed, and Fullard was apprehended; in consequence of information received,
he, Flannaghan, came to Sydney, and went to Mr. Cohen's shop; the constable enquired if Mr. Cohen had purchased a cornopean from Fullard;
Mr. Cohen said he had; the constable said, Mr. Cohen you will have to give it up;
Mr. Cohen first replied, "I wont," or "I shan't," and then said that he could not, for he had sold it;
the constable said he must say whom he had sold it to; and Mr. Cohen said that he could not,
as the young man to whom he had sold it was a perfect stranger to him;
witness said to Mr. Cohen "you know that if the instrument had been Fullard's he would not have sold it to you for 30s."
Cohen replied "he did not, I gave him 50s. for it." Subsequently witness heard that Mr. George Macarthur had purchased a cornopean,
and he went to see it, and found it was the instrument now produced, which, together with the case, were the property of Mr. Main.
Mr. WINDEYER appeared for the defence. The evidence of the witness was not varied by cross-examination.
Mr. G. F. Macarthur, residing at Parramatta, deposed, that on the 29th January he went into Cohen's shop,
and on the counter he saw two cornopeans, the one produced and another; he had gone into the shop for another purpose,
but having been looking for such an article he made up his mind to purchase it;
before doing so, however, in consequence of something said to him by Mr. Gore, who was with him,
he questioned Cohen with respect to the cornopean, and referred to the report which had appeared relating to that which had been stolen from Mr. Main,
and asked Cohen whether by any possibility this instrument could be the same one that was stolen;
Cohen said that it was impossible that it could; he give Cohen a watch, which Cohen valued £5 10s, and ten shillings in silver; the price Cohen asked was £6 10s.
When the witness Flannaghan came to him, he immediately went to the Police Magistrate and informed him of the circumstances.
Cohen gave him a bill and receipt. He told Cohen his name, in order that the bill might be made out -
but it was incorrectly spelt in the bill. Mr. Gore corroborated this evidence.
James Henry Fullard, prisoner of the Crown, under sentence at Cockatoo Island,
was next placed in the witness-box: he deposed that he had received the cornopean from Flannaghan,
and subsequently the case - (the instrument and case now produced), and had subsequently sold them to Mr. Cohen for 50s.;
witness had asked a higher price for it; he believed he did tell Mr. Cohen something about having sold the instrument for £4,
and not being able to get the money, and that was the reason why he wanted to sell it again;
he had known Mr. Cohen eight or nine years; when he first knew him, witness was himself assigned servant to Mr. Ellard,
musical instrument seller; Mr. Cohen knew that he was a musical instrument maker, and that he kept a shop in Parramatta.
The case for the Crown being closed.
Mr. WINDEYER submitted that no case had been made out to go to the Jury.
The SOLICITOR-GENERAL said, that he was aware that the first count was not borne out by the evidence, and he should not press it.
Mr. WINDEYER, objected at some length that no such agency had been made out as was contemplated by the statute.
The SOLICITOR-GENERAL having replied, His HONOR decided with Mr. Windeyer, and directed the Jury to return a verdict of acquittal.
The defendant was accordingly acquitted and discharged.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 April 1845), 1
[ADVERTISEMENT.] To the Editors of the Sydney Morning Herald.
GENTLEMEN, - My friends and the public will have learned from your columns of this day's date, that, on Wednesday last,
I appeared at the Supreme Court to take my trial for a misdemeanour . . .
Now I confidently appeal to my numerous friends, and to the public of New South Wales,
to whom I am under so many deep obligations, whether my conduct, during the many years I have been before them,
ought not of itself to have been carefully weighed against the very remote suspicion attached to my fair and open purchase of the cornopean which Mr. Main was so desirous to sell?
I have no further comments to offer. The case is fairly before the public, and I confidently throw myself upon the result of their severest scrutiny.
The evidence, as reported in your journal, is the criterion by which I would have my case judged,
and (with the exception of Mr. Flanaghan's making me indulge in a few imaginary expletives, as "I won't," and "I shan't," and "I couldn't",)
I have no hesitation in respectfully appealing to that evidence as a full and unqualified refutation of the stain attempted to be thrown upon my character.
I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant,
EDWARD DANIEL COHEN, George-street, Sydney, April 10.
Butts of certificates of freedom, March 1846; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
CERTIFCATE OF FREEDOM / No. 46/266 / Date: 10 March 1846 / Prisoner's No: 33/1538 / Name: James Henry Fullard /
Ship: Waterloo 3 / Master: Daw / Year: 1833 / Native Place: City of Dublin / Trade or Calling: Musical Instrument Maker /
Offence: Robbing employer / Place of Trial: Nottingham Assizes / Date of Trial: 10 March 1832 / Sentence: 14 years /
Year of Birth: 1808 / Height: 5 feet 7 1/4 inches / Complexion: Fair and pock pitted / Hair: Light brown / Eyes: Grey /
General Remarks: Blind of Right eye, lost two front teeth lower jaw, [? scar] ball of left thumb, another back of forefinger of left hand
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (21 November 1846), 1
respectfully acquaints the gentry of Maitland, and the surrounding districts, that for three months he will be happy to
REPAIR PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, ACCORDIONS, and every description of Musical Instrument, in the best possible manner, and on the most reasonable terms.
N.B. Highly respectable reference as to ability, if required.
All Orders left with Mr. Turner, Connor's Cottage, Race-course, immediately attended to.
"A HINT TO THE MAITLAND POLICE", Bell's Life in Sydney (16 January 1847), 2
It may be in the recollection of our readers that a watch was lately stolen from the public-house of Mr. Oram, known as the Settler's Arms, Castlereagh-street, on the night of the 20th ult. by a lodger, whose name and occupation were not specified in the paragraph alluded to. At the request of the owner of the watch, and for the information of the Maitland Police, we beg to subjoin a detailed report of the occurrence. On Monday the 28th December, a man of gentlemanly exterior and address, named Fullard, a piano-forte tuner by profession, and a resident of Maitland, put up at the "Settler's Arms." He paid for all he had the first night, and requested to be shown a bed-room. In this he was accomodated, and there he slept, the landlord nothing doubting his ability or inclination to pay for all he so magnificently ordered. He remained there on the following day and night, "issuing his sublime commands," much in the air of a German Prince, and being served accordingly. On the following day he offered Mr. Oram, who is an expert musician, a flute, an elegant one of ebony, mounted with silver, and keys of the same metal, for sale, deficient only in the loss of the penultimate joint: this he said he had left with a musical-instrument maker, to have the key adjusted. Mr. Oram consented to be the purchaser, provided he supplied the missing joint, without which the instrument was, of course, perfectly useless. Having gone out for that purpose, he never returned; and it is supposed that he has found his way back to Maitland, where we hope the conservatives of the peace will have a sharp look out for him. He has a "pearl" in his eye - one of great price no doubt, and cannot easily escape detection, if he is the real thief. - However, the watch, which hung upon the mantle piece, disappeared with the ---- Co-operator, Mr. Fullard, and the owner is particularly anxious to know the "time o'day" by his own time-keeper - verbum sat.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Oram (purchaser)
Bibliography and resources:
James Henry Fullerd . . . transported on the Waterloo, 11 March 1833; Convict Records
FULLOON, Mrs. and the Misses FULLOON - see under Elizabeth RAINE
Teachers of dancing, school teachers
Active Parramatta and Sydney, NSW, c. 1824-32
FUNK, William (Johann Friedrich Wilhelm FUNK; Wilhelm FUNK; William FUNK; F. W. FUNK; Herr FUNK; Mr. FUNK)
Musician, clarinet / clarionet and violin player, violinist, clarinettist, farmer
Born (Germany), 5 December 1824 (date on gravestone)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 15 January 1855 (per Undine, from Hamburg, 12 September 1854, "Wilh. Funk / 32")
Married Wilhelmina LEMKE (1835-1895), VIC, 1859
Died Jindera, NSW, 17 May 1887 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Passenger list, Undine, from Hamburg, arrived Melbourne, 15 January 1855; Public Record Office of Victoria (PAYWALL)
. . . Wilh. Funk [single male] 32 . . .
"STEALING A VIOLIN", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (13 February 1855), 5
At the City Police Court, yesterday, F. W. Funk, a German, was charged by another German with the above offence. The prisoner's solicitor stated that the prisoner, in company with some others of his countrymen, left Germany with a number of musical instruments, for the purpose of organising themselves as a band in Melbourne, and the prisoner on arrival finding that he could do better by pursuing his profession on his own account, quitted his companions, taking with him the instrument on which he performed. He had offered to pay double the sum of its cost. The case was remanded till to-morrow.
ASSOCIATIONS: German bands (general); Itinerant musicians (general)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 February 1855), 8
Conductor, Mr. George Chapman, who will perform Solos on the Cornopean and Flageolet nightly.
CRITERION HALL. - Herr Funk, first appearance at the Grand Promenade Concerts, Saturday next, 17th inst.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Chapman (conductor); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 February 1855), 8
CRITERION HALL.- Grand Promenade Concerts,
under the direction of Mr. George Chapman. Admission - One Shilling.
Overture - Italiana
Quadrille - Hibernian - (Jullien)
Song - The Wishing Gate - Miss Bourne
Solo - Clarionette - Herr Funk
Song - Bonnie Dundee - Miss Graham
Valse - D'Amour - Cornet Obligato by Mr. George Chapman
Song - My Pretty Jane - Mr. Geo. Clifford
Polka - Mont Blanc, with all the original echoes - (Jullien)
Part 2nd.
Quadrille - The Exhibition - (Jullien)
Song - The Miller's Son - Miss Bourne
Solo - Flageolet (by desire) - Mr. G. Chapman
Song - The Death of Nelson - Mr. Geo. Clifford - With full band accompaniment.
Polka - The Eclipse - (Herr Koenig)
Song - When I left my Native Vallies - Miss Graham
Duet - Miss Bourne, Mr. George Clifford
Galop - Spirit of the Ball
God save the Queen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgina Bourn (vocalist); Amelia Graham (vocalist); George Clifford (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 February 1855), 8
CRITERION HALL. - Immense Attraction -
To-night, and every evening during the week, Grand Promenade Concerts a la Jullien,
in the spacious and magnificent hall of the Criterion Hotel. An entire change of performance.
One shilling. Admission, one shilling.
Miss Graham, in her admired Scotch ballads; Miss Bourne, the well-known and favorite songstress;
Mr. Geo. Clifford, the unrivalled tenor of the colony;
Herr Funk, the unsurpassed performer on the clarionet, will execute one of his elaborate solos every evening during the week.
Together with Chapman's unrivalled band; comprising all the acknowledged available talent in the colony.
Miss Graham, Miss Bourne, Mr. Clifford, Mr. Chapman,
Herr Funk, Mr. Weston, Mr. Reed, Mr. Mather,
Mr. Weis, Mr. Thorn, Mr. Sims, Mr. Ellis, Herr Keillor, Mons. J. H. Krom . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Weston (violinist); Thomas Reed (musician); William Mather (violinist); James Thorne (violinist); John Herman Krom (pianist, concertina player)
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 February 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO! Fashionable Evening! By desire! Grand Concert and Ball!
Monsieur Fleury, with the assistance of his talented Band, including the celebrated Herr Funk,
will this evening have the honor of executing some of the choicest pieces from the old masters.
Concert to commence at 8: Dancing at 9. Doors open at half-past Seven. Admission, 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violinist, conductor); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 April 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO, To Night (Monday evening), and every evening during the week.
Grand Promenade Instrumental Concert and Ball.
Solo Clarionet, Herr Funk.
Solo Cornet-a-Piston, Mons. Sabalestrier [sic, Labalestrier]
Mons. Fleury, Leader and Conductor.
Admission, One Shilling.
C. A. FRY, Proprietor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Labalestrier (cornet player); Charles Alfred Fry (proprietor)
"EASTERN POLICE COURT. Monday, 16th April . . . OBSCENE LANGUAGE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (17 April 1860), 4
Frederick Funk was charged with using obscene language in a public place. He was fined 5s.
"EASTERN POLICE COURT. Monday, 14th July . . . CAUSE LIST", The Star (15 May 1860), 2
Funke v. Paltzer, £3 10s, a week's wages as a musician at the "Charlie." Defendant said plaintiff had been engaged through him for Signor Bianchi, and the Signor had paid every one what was due to them. The plaintiff commenced work on a Saturday, and on the following Tuesday he was stupidly drunk - (laughter) - and put out of theatre by main force. Order for amount and costs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacques Paltzer (violinist, leader); Eugenio Bianchi (vocalist); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"LAND SELECTIONS", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express [NSW] (9 August 1873), 2
The following selections were taken up at the Albury Land Office, on Thursday last: . . . William Funk, 100 acres, Jindera; John C. Schmidt, 40 acres, Jindera . . .
"LOST AND FOUND", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (25 July 1882), 4
Our Albury correspondent writes: - The residents of Jindera were thrown into a state of excitement on Thursday, when the news circulated that an orphan in the care of Mr. Funk, a little fellow of about seven years of age, was missing. It appeared that he had left his home early in the morning. About thirty neighbors turned out to search the ranges and country which surrounds Jindera, and it was only on Friday morning that Mr. Funk heard of the child's safety. It appears the little fellow must have crossed a very lofty bush-clad range, for he turned up at the Black Range crushing-machine near the public school, some ten miles away from his home, in the afternoon of the same day; and as he could not speak a word of English, he was spoken to in German, but not a word could be got out of him. French was tried, also without effect; and it was afterwards found that he was dumb. The police were then communicated with; but it was not till the next day that Mr. Funk heard of the orphan's whereabouts, and had him restored to his home.
"FATAL ACCIDENT AT JINDERA", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (20 May 1887), 20
We regret to learn that Mr. Funk, a well-known and highly respected farmer residing at Jindera, died on Wednesday last from the result of an accident. He was, it appears, about commencing to cut chaff with the usual horsepower attachment. Just as the machine was ready to begin, something occurred to start the horse, which went off suddenly at a rapid pace, and Mr. Funk, who was standing in the way, received a blow in the centre of the body of so severe a character as to cause death on the following day. The funeral took place yesterday at Jindera, and was numerously attended.
Bibliography and resources:
"J. F. Wilhelm Funk", Find a grave
Musician, organist, choirmaster, pianist, composer, arranger, pupil of H. J. Gauntlett and Anthony Le Jeune
Born London, England, 3 February 1832; baptised St. Leonard, Shoreditch, 18 March 1832; son of Philip Charles FURLEY (1798-1864) and Sophia HUBBARD (1798-1871)
Married Eleanor WEBB (c. 1838-1917), St. John, Hackney, London, England, 19 November 1855
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 13 April 1860 (per Dirigo from Liverpool)
Died Cronulla, Sydney, NSW, 27 October 1912, aged "80/81" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch in the county of Middlesex in the year 1832; register, 1831-32, page 155; London Metropolitan Archives, P91/Len/A/01/Ms 7496/38 (PAYWALL)
No. 1235 / [1832 March] 18 / James [son of] / Philip Charles & Sophia / Furley / Long Alley / Gold Beater / [born] 3 Feb'y 1832
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Furley married Sophia Hubbard (widow Furley) at St. James, Piccadilly, on 13 April 1831
England census, 30 March 1851, St. John Hoxton, Shoreditch; UK National Archives, HO107/1536/69/7 (PAYWALL)
48 Ashford Street / Philip Furley / Head / Married / 51 / Gold Beater / [born] Harrow
Sophia / Wife / 55 / - / [born] Shoreditch
James / Son / Unm. / 19 / Organist / [born Shoreditch]
1855, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of Hackney in the county of Middlesex; register 1854-63, page 133; London Metropolitan Archives, P79/JN1/073 (PAYWALL)
No. 265 / Nov'r 19th 1855 / James Furley / full age / Bachelor / Gold beater / Forest Row / [son of] Philip Charles Furley / Gold beater
Eleanor Webb / underage / Spinster / - / Forest Row / [daughter of] Charles George Webb / Wool stapler /
Married in the Parish Church . . . by Banns . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (16 April 1860), 2
IMMIGRANTS PER DIRIGO. - The undermentioned persons having arrived per ship DIRIGO,
in pursuance of deposits made under the immigration remittance regulations, will be prepared to join their friends . . .
the families and single men from on board the ship after inspection by the Immigration Board - at one o'clock, on TUESDAY, 17th April: -
NAME. COUNTY. . . . Furley (or Turley) James, Eleanor, James - MIDDLESEX . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 May 1860), 1
CHORISTERS. - Wanted Alto, Tenor, and Bass Voices, for the Choir of St James's Church.
Apply by letter to Mr. JAMES FURLEY, organist and choir master, care of Mr. Beaver, St. James's Church.
ASSOCIATION: St. James's church (Sydney)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 September 1860), 1
MR. JAMES FURLEY, Organist and Choir Master of St. James' Church,
begs to announce that he is prepared to give LESSONS upon the Pianoforte, Organ, and Composition.
For terms, apply Park Cottage, South Head Road.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 June 1861), 1
MR. JAMES FURLEY, Organist, and Director of the Choir of St. James' Church, begs to announce that he has a few
VACANCIES for pupils for the Pianoforte, Harmonium, and Thorough Bass, and attends the following localities -
Paddington, Surry Hills, Redfern, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays; Sydney, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
Hyde Park Cottage, South Head Road, near Lyons-terrace.
"ORDINATION At ST. ANDREW'S", Sydney Mail (15 June 1861), 1
On Tuesday, being St. Barnabas' Day, the Bishop of Sydney held an Ordination in St. Andrew's temporary cathedral. A very large congregation assembled on the occasion, the church being nearly full before the commencement of the service . . . The full cathedral service was not performed; several of the psalms and hymns in the office for Morning Prayer were, however, chaunted in an effective and highly creditable manner by the choir of St. James's, under the direction of Mr. Furley, the organist of that church . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Andrew's cathedral (Sydney)
"UNION CONCERT", The Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope Journal (24 August 1861), 371
A concert was given on Tuesday night at the St. James' Schoolroom, Castlereagh-street, by the various branches of Chizlett's Singing Class, together with the members of the People's Vocal Music Association. The choir, on the occasion, numbered over a hundred voices. Mr. Chizlett was the conductor, and Mr. Furley, organist of St. James', accompanied the selections on the pianoforte with considerable skill, materially aiding the effect. The first part of the concert consisted of choice pieces from some of the best composers of sacred music, and the second part of secular music, consisting of the most standard of our old English glee, madrigal, and part music. The room was crowded in all parts, and the different classes executed the music selected with great skill.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Chizlett (conductor); People's Vocal Music Association (association)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 August 1861), 1
"VISITATION OF THE BISHOP OF SYDNEY", Sydney Mail (22 February 1862), 4
The Bishop of Sydney held a visitation in St. Andrew's church on Wednesday morning. The clergy residing in the counties of Camden and Cumberland had been summoned, and attended in considerable numbers . . . Mr. J. Furley officiated as organist at the service, assisted by a portion of the choir of St. James' Church.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1863), 1
ST. JAMES'S CHURCH CHOIR. - A Class, in connection with the above Choir,
for the instruction and practice of Chope's Hymnal or Olden Church Music, Church Services, chanting, &c.,
meet at the Church on the evenings of TUESDAY, at 7; and FRIDAY, at half-past 8.
Any lady or gentleman desirous of becoming members of the choir are invited to attend on the above evenings.
JAMES FURLEY, organist and choir master.
MUSIC: The congregational hymn and tune book (Richard Chope)
"LECTURE ON HYMNOLOGY AND CHURCH MUSIC", Sydney Mail (25 March 1865), 4
On Thursday, the Rev. G. H. Moreton delivered a lecture on "Hymnology and Church Music" to a crowded audience assembled in St. James's Schoolroom . . . The lecturer here referred more at length to the merits of a new hymn-book which has lately been introduced in the congregation attending St. James' Church, and he spoke with commendation and thankfulness of the organist and the members of the choir for the interest they had taken in the matter. The speaker then delivered some observations on part singing, and, in compliance with his request, the choir sang, with good effect, a verse of a hymn, first in unison, and then in harmony. He next noticed some of the leading characteristics of the music of the ancient Latin Church; and the choir, accompanied by the organist, sang verses of several hymns remarkable for their deep toned piety, intense earnestness, simplicity, and grandeur. He next adverted to the religious poetry of Germany, in which there was a degree of sturdy masculine force which corresponded well with the character of the people. The Latin hymns might be compared to the breath of the gentle evening zephyr; the German to the voice of a mighty wind, which almost astonished and startled us. The choir sang a verse of "Luther's hymn," and some selections from the "Lyra Germanica."
The lecturer then spoke of the hymn writers of the English Church, and he dwelt at considerable length on the old version of the Psalms arranged in the reign of Queen Elizabeth by Sternhold and Hopkins, and the new version arranged by Brady and Tait in the time of William of Orange. The poetry of the latter was, as a whole, most miserable, and a great deal of the theology was bad. The Saviour's name was never once mentioned, and, however appropriate the paraphrases might be in a Jewish congregation, they were altogether unsuited to the devotions of a Christian Church. They were associated in his mind with high-backed pews and a sleepy congregations; while the Psalms of the old version suggested an idea of low benches where you saw devout and prayerful worshippers. The names of Ken, Toplady, Heber, Newton, and Cowper (the joint authors of the Olney Hymns), and of Keeble were mentioned as hymn-writers of acknowledged ability, and Toplady's "Rock of Ages" was rendered by the choir. He regarded Dr. Watts as the chief of Nonconformist hymn writers. There was much that was beautiful, much of real poetry in his productions; some of his hymns would last as long as time, but there were many not worth retaining. The choir sang "When I survey the wondrous Cross," as an example of one of his best paraphrases. With reference to the poetry of Charles and John Wesley, the lecturer had not time to say more than that the hymns of the Wesleys contained much of deep piety and earnestness, but at the same time much poetry which was objectionable. The remark might appear sweeping to some, but he expressed his opinion with all kindness. As a general rule, the poetry of Charles Wesley was exceedingly good, but he sometimes fell below himself; and, as a general rule, that of John was not good, although he sometimes rose above himself. The choir here sang the hymn beginning with the words, "A charge to keep I have," - the lecturer remarking that it appeared to him to be a fair model of the deep piety of the better class of Wesley's hymns. The compositions of Oliver, the Welsh blacksmith, were next referred to, and a verse of one of his hymns, "Lo! He comes with clouds descending," was sung by the choir.
The reverend gentleman concluded his address by some remarks about hymns in general. He thought hymns should be always addressed to one of the Persons of the Trinity; that such sentiments as were contained in the hymns "It is a point I long to know," and "Prayer is the soul's sincere desire," were more fitted for the private devotions of the closet than for public worship - that each line, if not each verse, should contain some distinct idea - ("Jesus! name of wondrous love," was an apt illustration of his remarks on this point) - and that hymns, whether of prayer, praise, or thanksgiving, should be the outbursting expression of the whole soul. The choir sang the 130th hymn in the book to which reference had been previously made, in illustration of the last remark. The chairman (the Rev. Canon Allwood) presented the thanks of the meeting to the lecturer; and he also expressed the obligations of the audience, and of himself, to Mr. Furley, the organist, and to the ladies and gentlemen of St. James's choir, for the very sweet and scientific manner in which they had illustrated the lecture.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Harman Moreton (cleric, lecturer)
"A MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT AT RANDWICK", Sydney Mail (9 September 1865), 4
Mr. Furley and the choir of St. James' Church, Sydney, gave a musical entertainment in St. Jude's schoolhouse, at Randwick, on Thursday, in the presence of a numerous and well-pleased audience. The concert was given in aid of the school fund, and was considered to be a great success. The programme was divided into two portions, the first part being devoted to sacred, and the second to secular music. The concert began with Kent's fine anthem, "Hear my prayer," which was well rendered - especially by Miss James and another lady amateur - although the full effect of the accompaniment could scarcely be given with the harmonium. In the solo of Glover, "Consider the lilies," a gentleman amateur acquitted himself very creditably, and was heartily applauded. The favourite anthem, "In Jewry is God known" was also well received. The anthem was followed by Mendelssohn's solo, "O rest in the Lord," and Scott's anthem, "Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem," - the latter piece being admirably executed by the choir. Perhaps the best thing of all, however, was Dyke's exquisite chorale "In the hour of Trial," which was sung with a precision and feeling that was universally appreciated. The first part concluded with Jackson's "Te Deum" in E fiat. In the second division of the programme, part songs, solos, and duets, from some of the most eminent musical composers succeeded each other with a gratifying variety, and a power of execution which gave obvious satisfaction to the audience. Owing to the length of the programme the concert was not brought to a termination until a rather late hour.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 December 1865), 12
MR. FURLEY and the Choir of St. James's Church
will (D.V.) give a Musical Entertainment in St. Jude's School-room, Randwick,
in aid of the Church Fund, on MONDAY EVENING next, December 11th, to commence at 8 o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 November 1865), 6
ST. JAMES'S CHOIR. - Required two Treble Voices, Ladies, and one Tenor Voice.
Apply to the Organist, on Friday evening, after Divine Service.
Mr. FURLEY attends the Choir every Tuesday evening, from 7.30 until 9, for the purpose of giving gratuitous instruction in Church Music.
The Choir will be open on that evening to any lady or gentleman who may wish to obtain a knowledge of the above.
"ST. JAMES'S MUTUAL IMPORVEMENT SOCIETY", Empire (19 January 1866), 4
A complimentary entertainment, literary and musical, was given on Wednesday evening last, in St. James's Schoolroom, as a token of respect to Mr. James Furley, organist of St. James's Church, by the above society, assisted by the choir of St. James's. The first part of the programme consisted of addresses by the Rev. Mr. Moreton and vice-president Mr. W. Hemming. After which, the anthem of Kent "Hear my Prayer," was well given by the choir, Miss James and a lady amateur sustaining the verse parts, and Mr. Furley ably officiating at the fine organ formally belonging to the Philharmonic Society. After which Mendelssohn's "O Rest in the Lord," was sweetly sung by a lady member of the choir. A prize essay was next read by Mr. Botts. Anthem - "In Jewry is God known," finely sung by the choir. This was followed by two recitations, "The Peri of the Pavilion," by Mr. Macaulay, and "My Lost Youth," by Mr. Lees. "O Salutaris Hostia" (by Weiss), was sung by Mr. Waller and deservedly applauded. The first part concluded with a solo entitled "To Late." The second part of the programme consisted of solos, dialogues, duets, recitations, and songs. - Communicated.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Waller (vocalist)
"ST. PETER'S CHURCH, WOOLLOOMOOLOO CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 April 1866), 4
A very numerously attended concert was given yesterday evening, by the choir of St. James's Church, assisted by several lady and gentleman amateurs, in St. James's Schoolroom, Castlereagh-street, the proceeds being devoted to the building fund of the new Anglican church of St. Peter in Woolloomooloo . . . much was evidently due to the able manner in which the accompanyment, rendered by Mr. Furley, the organist of St. James's, who took care to give the time and to support the singers . . .
"ST. ANDREW'S ORGAN", Empire (13 August 1867), 4
Another of these performances took place on Saturday afternoon, when Messrs. John Hill, James Furley, and Edwin Cobley exhibited their own abilities, and the powers of the organ, to a tolerably large number of persons. It is almost needless to say that Mr. Hill took the palm on this occasion, although the other gentlemen did their best to satisfy those present. The programme embraced a choice selection of music, and appeared to give those assembled no little satisfaction.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hill (organist); Edwin Harry Cobley (organist)
"ST. JOHN'S, BISHOPTHORPE", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 March 1868), 4
On Saturday evening, at half past 7 o'clock, the gentlemen of the choir of St. James's, Christ Church, St. Mark's, and St. Paul's - who are to take part in the ceremonies at the laying of the foundation stone of St. John's, Bishopthorpe, by his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, on Monday, the 16th instant - assembled at Christ Church Schoolroom for practice. Mr. S. T. Ward of Christ Church, acted as choirmaster, and Mr. James Furley, the organist at St. James, presided at the harmonium . . . The number of the four united choirs was twenty-one men and twenty-four boys, all, it is needless to say, practically acquainted with the principles of music, and good vocalists. It was a very pleasing, and animated scene to witness the earnestness and precision with which they executed several pieces of Anglican music, and especially the deservedly popular Te Deum, of Jackson, with which all churchmen are so familiar. In spite of an occasional variation of accent, or time (arising, doubtless, out of some difference in parochial use), a uniform and most effective rendering was given to the grand old hymn of St. Ambrose, a like success being more easily attained in the processional hymn, "Jerusalem, the Golden," allowed to be one of the most beautiful hymns in the English language. The choirs are to meet again for further practice at the same place and hour on Tuesday and Saturday next. Several gentlemen of the highest musical attainments belong to these choirs, the union of which cannot fail of being productive of a great musical success . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (royal visitor); Seth Frank Ward (choir leader)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 May 1870), 8
ST. JAMES'S CHOIR. - Wanted, a young Lady, as TREBLE SINGER.
Apply to Mr. Furley, in the Choir, on Wednesday Evening, at 7; or by letter, to Mr. Hemming, 133, Elizabeth-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 January 1872), 10
WANTED, BOYS, between 10 and 14 years of age, for St. James's Choir.
Apply Mr. Furley, Organist, St. James's Church; or W. Hemming, 133, Elizabeth-street, Monday and Thursday Evenings, at 8.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 July 1872), 12
HARMON1UM. - Mr. JAMES FURLEY, Organist of St. James' Church,
has VACANCIES for pupils; terms for one or two lessons per week, at COOKE'S, Stationer, George-street, near Bathurst-street.
Eight of Mr. FURLEY'S pupils have been appointed as organists of suburban Churches or Chapels.
[Advertisement], The Cumberland Mercury [Parramatta, NSW] (22 July 1876), 5
MUSIC. MR. JAMES FURLEY, Organist and Choirmaster of St. John's Church, Parramatta
Is desirous of giving lessons on the Organ, Harmonium, Piano, Singing, Theory, etc.
Having taught in the families of the Hon. T. Holt, the late Dr. West, of the Herald, Hugh Kennedy Esq., University,
and T. Garrett Esq., Minister of Lands, will be sufficient reference.
Eight (8) of Mr. Furley's pupils have held the posts of organists of churches and chapels, in Sydney and suburbs.
ADDRESS. - Care of Mrs. Hogan, St. John's, Parramatta.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 October 1912), 8
FURLEY. - October 27, at Summerlees, Nicholson-parade, Cronulla, James Furley, aged 81 years.
"DEATH OF MR. JAMES FURLEY. VETERAN ORGANIST", The Daily Telegraph (28 October 1912), 10
Mr. James Furley, died yesterday morning at "Summerlees," Nicholson-parade, Cronulla.
He was taken ill about two months ago, and was then compelled to relinquish his position as organist and choirmaster of St. Silas',
Waterloo, which he had held for 20 years.
Mr. Furley had the honor of taking part in "The Cathedral Organ performances" in St. Andrew's, on Saturday, August 10, 1865.
The word "recital" was not then used.
The performances commenced at 3 in the afternoon. There were three organists - Messrs. John Hill, Edwin Cobley, and James Furley.
The late Mr. Furley remembered the days of "the parson and the clerk."
He studied under the late Dr. Gauntlet [sic] and Anthony Le Jeune, organist of St. Mary's R.C. Cathedral, Moorefield, London.
He arrived in this city in I860, and a week after his arrival was appointed organist and choirmaster of St. James' Church Sydney, which position he held for 15 years.
At that time only the Psalms (metrical) at the end of the Prayer Book were used, there being no hymns sung save the morning and evening hymns.
(The first hymnal used in Sydney was known as Chope's Hymnal.)
The choir of St. James's at that period was considered to be very efficient, and rendered the oratorio of "The Messiah" at a concert,
also introduced many new services by Dr. Arnold, Dr. King, Bridgewater, Jackson, and others.
Mr. Furley acted as organist at the laying of the foundation-stone of St. John's, Glebe, and afterwards for a period became organist of that church.
During the visit of the Duke of Edinburgh in 1868 the old gentleman conducted the singing of the children of Mount Carmel R.C.,
St. Silas's Church of England, and Wesley Church.
Mr. Furley had also been organist of St. Johns, Parramatta; St. John's, Balmain; and St. Matthew's, Manly.
Mr. Furley, who was in his 82nd year, was a native of Finsbury, London, and the only son of the late Philip Furley, of Ashford-street, Hoxton.
He leaves a widow, one son, and five daughters.
The interment will lake place this afternoon in the Church of England portion of the Woronora Cemetery, Sutherland.
"MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC", The West Australian [Perth, WA] (9 November 1912), 9
The death is announced in Sydney of Mr. James Furley, the veteran organist of St. Silas's Church of England, Waterloo. The late Mr. Furley came to Sydney about 50 years ago, and when the Duke of Edinburgh visited that city in 1868 was appointed to conduct the singing by the children of the united churches. He was for some years organist of St. James's, Sydney.
Musical works (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
Star of the east (Christmas hymn, first local performance, December 1860)
NO COPY IDENTIFIED; ? unpublished MS
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1860), 1
The FOURTH SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT of the Season will be held in the Temperance Hall, THIS (MONDAY) EVENING.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Christmas Hymn - (First time in Sydney) "Star of the East" - J. Furley, Organist of St. James . . .
Accompanyist - Mr. CHARLES PACKER. Conductor - Mr. CHARLES CHIZLETT . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Chizlett (conductor); Charles Sandys Packer (accompanist); People's Vocal Music Association (association)
Nunc dimittis (1862)
The Nunc dimittis from an evening cathedral service composed expressly for and sung by the choir of St. James' church, Sydney, with an accompaniment for the organ or pianoforte, respectfully dedicated to the Revd. R. Allwood, B.A., incumbent of St. James and canon of the cathedral church of St. Andrew, by the composer James Furley, organist and choir master of St. James' church (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1862]); "J. Degotardi, printer" (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Allwood (cleric, dedicatee); Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher, musicseller); John Degotardi (printer, engraver)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 March 1862), 12
. . . In the Press . . . A "Nunc Dimittis," by Mr. James Furley, organist and choir master, St. James' Church, Sydney . . .
J. R. CLARKE, music publisher, 356, George-street.
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 April 1862), 4
A musical composition, composed expressly for the choir of St. James's Church, by Mr. James Furley, has been published by Mr. J. R. Clarke, of George-street. It is the "Nunc Dimittis" from an evening cathedral service, arranged for four voices, with an accompaniment for the organ or pianoforte.
The pilgrims of the night (arr. Furley, 1870)
The pilgrims of the night, sacred song, written by the Rev. F. Faber, D.D.
[page 4] The pilgrims of the night, for four voices with accompaniment of the organ or harmonium, arranged by James Furley, Organist of St. James Church
(Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1870]) (DIGITISED)
"NEW MUSIC", Empire (13 September 1870), 2
A new publication has been sent out by Mr. Clarke, of 23, Hunter-street- "The Pilgrims of the Night" - written by the Rev. F. Faber, D.D., and cleverly arranged in G for the piano by Mr. J. A. Wade. It has also been set for four voices, with accompaniment for organ or harmonium, by Mr. James Furley, the talented organist of St. James's Church, and is, thus, presented in a dual aspect before the musical world. The extraordinary merits of Dr. Faber's versification will also commend the publication, to the non-musical portion of the community.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick William Faber (English cleric, hymn writer); Joseph Augustine Wade (irish composer)
Bibliography and resources:
Graeme D. Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, 1988), 367-68
FURLONG, Mary (Mary Josephine GREEN; Mrs. Charles Cornelius PLUNKETT; PLUNKET; Mrs. William FURLONG)
Amateur musician, vocalist, pianist, sheet music collector
Born England, 29 January 1804; baptised Chaddesley Corbett Catholic chapel, Worcester, 2 February 1804; daughter of Thomas GREEN and Ann ?
Married (1) Charles Cornelius PLUNKETT [sic] (c. 1776-1838), St. Michael, Southampton, England, 23 October 1826
Married (2) William FURLONG (c. 1793-1861), Stepney, England, 1843 (1st quarter)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, ? c. 1853
Died Melbourne, VIC, 25 August 1879, aged "75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thomas Plunkett (son, William's half-brother)
FURLONG, William Romauld (William Romauld Joseph FURLONG; Mr. W. R. FURLONG; Mr. FURLONG)
Musician, bass vocalist, choral conductor, music teacher, composer
Born Peckham, Surrey, England, 1844 (1st quarter); son of William FURLONG (c. 1793-1861) and Mary Josephine GREEN (1804-1879)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, ? c. 1853
Married (1) Elizabeth KENNY (1849-1890), Melbourne, VIC, 11 September 1869
Married (2) Minaille DOUGLAS, Melbourne, VIC, 1890
Died Melbourne, VIC, 10 November 1931, aged "87" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Michael in the Town & in the town of Southampton in the year 1826; register 1813-36, page 65; Hampshire Archives and Local Studies, Bishops' transcripts, 21m65/F8/244/2 (PAYWALL)
No. 195 / Charles Plunkett Esq're of All Saints in this town widower and Mary Green of this parish Spinster
were married in this Church by Licence this [23 October 1826] . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Peckham, Dulwich, Camberwell, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO107/1580 (PAYWALL)
Broadway (County Court) / William Furlong / Head / 57 / Artist Paintings . . . / [born] Limerick Ireland
Mary / wife / 47 / - / Worcestershire . . .
William Romauld / Son / 7 / Scholar / Surrey Peckham
Jonathan / Son / 5 / - / [Surrey] Deptford
John Francis / Son / 3 / - / [Surrey] Camberwell
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 October 1868), 5
Mr. G. R. G. Pringle gave an organ recital of sacred music in St. Francis's Church last evening, in aid of a fund for the enlargement of the church organ. The attendance was large, and the programme, composed of choice selections from Handel, Haydn, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Bach, Batiste, Chipp, and Viviani, was unexceptionally good. The vocal portion of the entertainment was entrusted to Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Furlong [? recte Mr.], who acquitted themselves with great credit.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Robert Grant Pringle (organist); Sarah Fox (vocalist); St. Francis's church (Melbourne)
[News], Advocate (7 November 1868), 10
WE perceive that Mr. W. R. Furlong, of St. Francis' choir, has commenced a singing class in St. Patrick's Hall. The class meets every Thursday evening. The terms, we understand, are very moderate.
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 July 1869), 8
SINGING CLASS, conducted by Mr. W. R. Furlong, 82 King William-street, Fitzroy, To-night.
"CHURCH MUSIC IN VICTORIA. ST. FRANCIS' CATHEDRAL", Weekly Times [Melbourne, VIC] (20 November 1869), 14
On Sunday morning this place of worship was crowded to excess, a very large number of people being unable to obtain seats in the building. The occasion of this was in the first place that a special appeal was to be made to the congregation on behalf of the Benevolent Asylum . . . The choir mustered in great force, and gave Weber's Mass in G in the most creditable manner. The quartette in the "Benedictus," taken by Mrs. Fox (soprano), Mrs. Schaw (contralto), Mr. Coles (tenor), and Mr. Furlong (basso), was done with a rare amount of musical excellence . . . Mrs. Schaw's well-defined contralto deserves far more space for comment than we can now afford; while Mr. Coles' tenor and Mr. Furlong's bass were so correct in intonation, and so full of a proper conception of their parts, that nothing was left to be desired. Mr. Pringle played the Mass admirably, and continued to prove his widely known mastery of his art . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Sophia Schaw (vocalist)
[News], The Argus (21 December 1872), 5
Signor Biscaccianti, the acting manager of the forthcoming Intercolonial Musical Festival, has sent us an elaborate prospectus of the great doings in music projected by Mr. George Coppin, which are to take place at the Town-hall on the 26th of this month and continue for six nights . . . Amongst the vocalists the following leading artists have been engaged, namely . . . and chorus of 260 voices, selected by Mr. Perraton, the choir of St. Francis's Cathedral, 200 of Mr. Furlong's pupils, and another chorus of 60 conducted by that gentleman. The conductors will be Mr. Furlong, Signor Giorza, Mr. David Lee, Mr. C. Packer, Mr. F. A. Packer, Mr. Perraton, and Mr. Siede . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alessandro Biscaccianti (vocalist, manager); George Coppin (projector); William Perraton (conductor); Paolo Giorza (conductor, NSW); David Lee (conductor); Charles Sandys Packer (conductor, NSW); Frederick Augustus Packer (conductor, TAS); Julius Siede (conductor); Melbourne Town Hall (venue)
"DEATHS", The Ballarat Courier (30 August 1879), 2
FURLONG. - On the 25th August, at her son's residence, 205 Swanston street, Melbourne, Mary, relict of William Furlong, C.E., and beloved mother of Jonathan Furlong, of this city; aged seventy-five years; R.I.P.
"THE LATE MR. C. T. PLUNKET, J.P.", Advocate (7 June 1902), 12
It is with much regret that we have to announce the death of a very old and highly respected colonist - Mr. C. T. Plunket. J.P. The deceased gentleman came from the Old Land some fifty years ago . . . Charles Thomas Plunket, J.P., was a native of Waterford, Ireland, and came to Melbourne February 7th, 1853 . . . His father was Count Charles Plunket, an officer of the Royal Regiment of Malta, who served with distinction in the British and foreign service. His mother, who afterwards became Mrs. W. Furlong, was an accomplished musician, and from her he inherited his love for music, particularly that of a sacred character. On his arrival here he was appointed by the late Archbishop Goold organist of St. Francis' Church, where he played for many years till the late Miss Wilkinson took charge of the choir. Of late years he played for St. Francis vesper choir, in which he evinced intense interest . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thomas Plunket (organist, son of Mary Furlong, and half-brother of William Romauld Furlong)
Music collection of the Furlong family:
The State Library of Victoria holds a large collection of music, belonging originally to Mary Furlong and her son W. R. Furlong, and donated by the Furlong family. Consisting of more than 180 separate items, the collection includes English and continental sacred and secular printed sheet music dating from the 1810s to 1860s, and manuscript items of sacred music, some dating from their English years, and others associated with the choir of St. Francis's church, Melbourne, c. 1860s and 70s (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
The collection includes three items inscribed to Mary Furlong, in London probably c. mid 1840s, by the Irish harpist, vocalist and composer Patrick Frederick White (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Musical works (by W. R. Furlong): (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Bibliography and resources:
David Rankin, The history of music at St. Francis' church 1839-79 (Melbourne: Society of Jesus, 1979), 34
John H. Byrne, Echoes of home, music at St. Francis' 1845-1995 (Melbourne: St. Francis' Choir, 1995), 66, 69, 71
FURRIAN, Henry (Henry Harding FURRIAN; Henry FURRIAN)
Musician, vocalist, actor, chorister of the Chapel Royal, London, merchant navy apprentice
Born London, England, 1831; baptised St. John's church, Hampstead, Camden, 20 July 1831; son of George FURRIAN and Maria HATFIELD
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by 1857
Active Sydney, NSW, 1886 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
In 1841, Furrian was living, as a singing boy, with William Hawes (1785-1801), master of the choristers of the Chapel Royal and St. Paul's Cathedral, London.
In Australia he appeared in 1858 with Linly Norman's opera company, and later with, among others, Fanny and Emily Wiseman.
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. John Hampstead in the county of Middlesex in the year 1831; register 1813-40, page 81; London Metropolitan Archives, P81/Jn1/066 (PAYWALL)
No. 644 / [1831] July 20 / Henry Harding / [son of] George & Maria / Furrian / Hampstead labourer / Bricklayer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Furrian (C. 1794-1854) and Maria Hatfield (1792-1864) had married at St. George, Bloomsbury, on 29 November 1814; Henry was their youngest documented child
1841 England census; Middlesex, St. Martin in the Fields, Charring Cross, District 19, pages 6-7; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 739 / 6 (PAYWALL)
Adelaide Terrace / William Hawes / 55 / Musician . . .
Maria [Hawes] / 20 / Musician
John [Hawes] / 20 / Music seller . . .
George [Mulliner] / 12 / Singing Boy
[page 7] Marcellus Higgs / 14 / Singing Boy
William Lyon / 14 / [Singing Boy]
Theodore Genge / 13 / [Singing Boy]
George Woodhatch / 11 / [Singing Boy]
Edgar Ray / 12 / [Singing Boy]
William Rivett / 10 / [Singing Boy]
William Miller / 11 / [Singing Boy]
Henry Furrian / 10 / [Singing Boy]
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hawes (master of the choristers, Chapel Royal, and St. Paul's cathedral, London); see also William Hawes (Wikipedia); William Charles Lyon (chorister); Edgar Ray (chorister)
. . . The Hallelujah Chorus was then chanted by the full choir, and in a style which filled every listener with admiration and delight.
The royal procession then departed in the same order in which they had entered the choir.
We must not omit to mention that the Amens in the Service were given so softly and sweetly by the full choir as to produce the very finest effect.
The vocal department, which combined the strength of the Chapel Royal and St. James's, consisted of the following gentlemen: -
W. Knyvett, J. B. Sale, T. Vaughan, R. Clark, T. Welsh, E. Hawkins, J. Hobbs, O. Bradbury, T. Francis, J. Bennett, F. Horncastle, J. Roberts,
H. Wylde, E. Chapman, and W. Hawes;
with the following boys from the Chapel Royal: -
Masters W. C. Lyon, H. Deane, T. Genge, G. Mullineux, G. Woodhatch, E. Ray, W. Rivett, W. Miller, H. Furrian, T. Baker;
with the vicars of St. George - Messrs. Salmon, Turner, Palmer, Smith, Harris, Coveney, French, West;
and choristers, Messrs. R. Boden, J. Brion, J. Forster, H. Manners, H. Schroeder, H. Therham, A. Winterbottom, F. Menten, W. Stapleton, J. Hawkins.
The instrumental band, which was accommodated in the organ gallery, consisted of Violins.
- Leader, Mr. Cramer, Master of the Household band; Messrs. Anderson, T. Cooke, Loder, Blagrove, W. Cramer, Wagstaff, and Loder, Jun.
Violas. - Messrs. Moralt and Calkin. Violoncello. - Mr. Lucas.
Trumpets. - Messrs. Harper and Irwin. Trombone. - Messrs. Smithie. Dr. Elvey presided at the organ . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Elvey (organist) Christening of the prince of Wales (St. George's Chapel, Windsor,25 January 1842)
"ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL", Morning Herald [London, England] (26 May 1845), 6 (PAYWALL)
The annual dinner of this truly benevolent institution took Place on Thursday evening, at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate-street, when upwards of two hundred gentlemen sat down to an excellent repast . . . The vocal performances were particularly fine; they were by the Misses Pyne, Masters Woodhatch, Jones, Furrian, and Miller; Messrs. Hawkins, Bayley, Hawes, Bradbury, and Machin . . .
Apprentices indentured in the Merchant Navy, November 1847; UK National Archives, BT150/5 (PAYWALL)
No. 389 / 314 / Furrian N'y Harding / 16 / 13 November 1847 / Expires 13 November 1851 / Bound to Edmund Graham, Gateshead / To serve in the vessel Barefoot
Australia (? by late c. 1856):
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 December 1856), 2
No. 44. General Post Office, Melbourne. LIST OF UNCLAIMED SHIP LETTERS for the Week ending 8th December, 1856 . . . Furrian, Henry . . .
[2 advertisements], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 March 1857), 8
This Evening, at Eight, in aid of the Funds of the above Institution.
Artistes - Madame Annie Vitelli, and Messrs. Gregg, Norton, Mitchell, and Furrian.
Pianist; Mr. Mackie. Conductor, Mr. Vitelli. Admission 2s. 6d.
DUDLEY'S ASSEMBLY ROOM, North Williamstown. -
A Series of Three GRAND CONCERTS will be given as above, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday,
the 5th, 6th, and 7th inst, under the patronage of Captain Pascoe, R.N., P.M.
Artistes - Mesdames Annie Vitelli and Mrs. McDougal and Messrs. Gregg, Norton, Furrian.
Pianist, Mrs. Mackie [sic]; Conductor, Mr. Vitelli. Admission, front seats, 3s.; back, 2s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Crawford Pasco (patron); John and Annie Vitelli (musicians, vocalists); Rose McDougal (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); Mr. Norton (vocalist); Robert Mackie (pianist)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (15 February 1858), 3
STAR THEATRE . . . Proprietor, J. A. WALLACE.
under the direction of JAMES ELLIS, Late of Cremorne Gardens, LONDON and MELBOURNE, &c.
First Night of Donizetti's Grand Opera LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR . . .
Conductor - Mr. LINLY NORMAN, Member of the Philharmonic Society, London.
Leader - Mr. Ferdinand Osborne . . .
and to make the arrangements complete in all their details, MR. WILLIAM HOSKINS . . .
MONDAY & TUESDAY EVENINGS, February 15th and 16th.
The Performances will commence with Donizetti's Grand Opera LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR.
Col Henry Ashton - MR. FARQUHARSON.
Raymond - Mr. HANCOCK.
Arthur - Mrs. HANCOCK.
Norman - Mr. FURRIAN.
Edgar Ravenswood - Mr. W. SHERWIN.
Lacy Ashton - Miss. J. HARLAND.
Alice - Miss WILLIAMSON.
Huntsmen, Guests, &c., by the Company . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Alston Wallace (proprietor); James Ellis (manager); Linly Norman (conductor); Ferdinand Osborne (leader, violin); William Hoskins (actor, troupe manager); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Mary and Edward Hancock (vocalists); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Julia Harland (vocalist, Mrs. Hoskins); Rosa Williamson (vocalist); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (2 March 1858), 4
Mr. Wallace, of the Star at Beechworth, has engaged an operatic company,
and the theatre adjoining the hotel has been refitted for their performances.
The company comprises Miss Julia Harland, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Williamson, Miss Williamson, Mr. Farquharson,
Mr. Sherwin, Mr. Hancock, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Furrian, &c., &c.
Already the "Bohemian Girl," "Lucia di Lammermoor," "Norma," and other operas, have been performed with decided success;
and we understand that "Maritana" and other operas are in preparation.
"THE STAR THEATRE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (11 March 1858), 2
The entertainment provided last evening at the Star was an entire change upon previous performances. Dibdin's Opera, "The Waterman" formed the leading piece, and from the manner in which it was got through afforded general satisfaction. Miss Harland was in better voice than we have yet heard her, and in "Sound the Pibroch" was deservedly encored. In this song Miss Harland's powers are heard with more effective beauty than in anything she has attempted on the Beechworth stage, and although it is not any part of the piece itself, but introduced only as an extraneous ornament, it is in itself a sufficient excuse for any one to pay a visit to the Star. Mrs. Williamson as Mrs. Bundle was also most successful in eliciting well merited applause, and Mr. Furrian far surpassed expectation. With a little care this gentleman will take a high position in light comedy, which is evidently his forte. His song to Wilhelmina was cleverly rendered, and we were glad Mr. Furrian's efforts were rewarded with an encore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cherries and plums (song) in The waterman (Dibdin)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (24 May 1858), 3
TO-NIGHT, El Dorado Concert Hall.
THIS Hall will be re-opened on Monday, May 24th, 1858,
For a short series of POPULAR CONCERTS.
The following celebrated Artistes are engaged: -
Madame Vitelli, Mrs. Williamson,
Mr. D. O'Connor, Mr. Power,
Mr. Furrian, and Mr. A. King, Pianist.
Admission - One Shilling.
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Williamson (vocalist); William Pierce Power (vocalist); Alfred Edward King (pianist)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (14 September 1858), 1
TO-NIGHT, Will be presented the Musical farce of THE WATERMAN.
To be followed by a CONCERT; And conclude with THE TWO GREGORIES.
Admission by Refreshment Ticket: ONE SHILLING.
Pianist - Mr. Linden. Violinist - Herr Seyler.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Clifford and daughters (vocalists, actors); Otto Linden (pianist); Hermann Seyler (violinist); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"MUNICIPAL POLICE COURT. WAGES", Bendigo Advertiser (15 September 1858), 3
Henry Furrian summoned Charles Henry Rignold for L.3 2s. 6d., wages alleged to be due. The evidence for and against was of such a contradictory character, and on both sides was stamped with such a want of veracity, that the Bench summarily dismissed the case.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Rignold (actor, conjuror, manager)
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer [VIC] (11 January 1859), 3
EMDEN'S JUNCTION HOTEL. Licensed for Theatrical Performances by Act of Council.
Miss Julia Harland, Mrs. Hancock,
Mr. Walter Sherwin, Mr. Linley Norman,
Herr Kohler, Mr. Hancock, Mr. Furrian.
Wednesday, 12th January: LA SOMNAMBULA.
Thursday, 13th January: NORMA.
To conclude with, Each Evening - A GRAND MUSICAL MELANGE.
Front Seats, 5s; Back Seats, 3s. Tickets to be had at the Post-office, and at the Hotel.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician)
Playbill, Lamplough, VIC, Royal Garrick Theatre, 7 January 1860; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
This evening, Saturday, January 7 [1860] . . .
the performance will commence with the beautiful and thrilling drama of intense interest, entitled The poachers, or, Love and revenge! . . .
Burlesque song, Mr. Furrian.
To conclude with the Laughable Farce called HUNTING A TURTLE . . .
TIMOTHY DANDELION (a ferocious rustic) - MR. FURRIAN . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Richard Bunn (actor, manager); Con Warde (actor, manager); Lamplough (VIC)
"ABBOTT'S LYCEUM", Bendigo Advertiser (7 September 1860), 2
There was an excellent attendance at this theatre last evening, and the performances of the Wiseman Family were duly appreciated. The entertainments concluded with the afterpiece of "A Day after the Fair," in which Messrs. Holloway, Furrian, and Murray, contributed largely to the hilarity of the audience; the latter gentleman especially being eminently happy in his various assumptions.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Holloway (actor); Dominick Murray (actor)
"THE THEATRE", Mount Alexander Mail (7 January 1861), 3
On Saturday night Mr. G. V. Brooke and Miss Avonia Jones, together with Mr. and Mrs. Clarance Holt, and the rest of the company, appeared in "Love's Sacrifice" . . . Mr. Furrian, as Jean Ruse, deserves more than passing mention too; he made the most of the character, and gave evidence of comic ability of a high order . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Avonia Jones (actor); Clarance and Marie Holt (actors); Theatre Royal (Castlemaine venue)
"THE THEATRE", The Tarrangower Times and Maldon District Advertiser [VIC] (15 January 1861), 2
We never yet heard of an audience being more completely swindled than on Saturday night at the theatre. The amusement commenced with a nondescript conglomeration of absurdities entitled "The Sailor of France or the Pork butcher of Brest," of which not one of the actors appeared to know a line, and consequently involved the plot, supposing there is one, in hopeless obscurity . . . After the drama Mr. Furrian made an insane attempt at singing comically . . . "The Spitalfields Weaver" concluded the performances; and to Mr. Dale who can play the part of Simmonds, we offer the advice never again to appear in such company . . . Mr. Furrian has evidently mistaken his vocation; he should never attempt anything on the stage beyond the duties of a scene-shifter.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Baldwin Dale (actor, manager)
? [Advertisement], Star of Gwent [Monmouthshire, Wales, UK] (6 July 1872), 4 (PAYWALL)
GOOD HANDWRITING. SMART'S SYSTEM TAUGHT by Mr. H. FURRIAN, who will guarantee Beautiful Handwriting in Eight Lessons.
Proficiency in Bookkeeping, &c. Academy Open Daily. 63, HIGH-STREET.
? [Advertisement], South Wales Daily News [Glamorgan, Wales, UK] (9 September 1872), 1 (PAYWALL)
who will guarantee a Beautiful Handwriting in eight Lessons.
Proficiency in Bookkeeping, &c. Academy Open Daily. 12, St. John-street, Cardiff.
? [Advertisement], Globe [Sydney, NSW] (2 February 1886), 1
Proprietor and Manager, F. E. HISCOCKS . . .
HISCOCKS' FEDERAL MINSTRELS, in conjunction with a specially selected Dramatic Company,
in their first production of the MORAL and RELIGIOUS (specially written) DRAMA of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN . . .
and the rest of the powerful cast, by . . .
Messrs. . . . Furrian, Kenny, and Moynham . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Horace Bent (actor, vocalist, musician)
Amateur musician, flute player, flautist
Active Adelaide, SA, 1847 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? [Advertisement], Southern Australian [Adelaide, SA] (13 December 1842), 3
Publicans, Beware!!!
THE undersigned will be obliged by the following persons paying him their respective accounts: . . .
Charles Fuseli (his wedding dinner) - 10. 5. 0 . . .
J. RAE, Grapes, Grenfell-street.
? "LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Observer (2 August 1845), 5
On Wednesday evening last, about half-past nine o'clock, a fire broke out in Bank-street, at the cottage occupied by Mr. Charles Fuseli. The whole row of buildings might have been consumed, but for the very praiseworthy exertions of Messrs. Doran, Hutchison, Pybus, Broster, and others, aided by three or four meritorious Police Constables; but we are happy to say the only damage sustained, was to the roof of the building.
"MRS. MURRAY'S CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (27 February 1847), 2
The extreme heat of the weather prevented our being present at this lady's Concert on Tuesday evening. We have therefore availed ourselves of the subjoined communication, which has been handed to us by a gentleman who attended: - The lovers of harmony had a rich treat in Mrs. Murray's concert. More pains had evidently been bestowed in "getting up this concert" than any have previously had in South Australia, and in any commendations we might bestow, it would be a difficult matter to individualise any of the performers, save Mrs. Murray. Her musical talents are of a first-rate order, and we will venture to say, that even those who had previously heard Mrs. Murray were on this occasion quite taken by surprise. The selection, in the first place, was excellent . . . Our old friend, Mr. Bennett, was, as usual, successful in all his efforts; in fact we have never heard the whole corps musicale of Adelaide so completely effective. We are sorry to make any exceptions, but would advise Mr. Fuselie, on his next appearance in public to procure a new flute. The tone of his instrument is too harsh and sharp . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgiana Murray (pianist, vocalist); George Bennett (musician)
FUSSELL, James Coldham (James FUSSELL; James Coldham FUSSELL; James C. FUSSELL; J. C. FUSSELL)
Music and general publisher, newspaper proprietor and publisher, bookseller, printer, bookbinder
Born Owslebury, Hampshire, England, March 1810; baptised Owslebury, 22 April 1810; son of James FUSSELL (1757-1809) and Cecilia Jane VINET (1776-1853)
Married Sarah MOORE (widow WELLS) (d. 1874), St. Mary, Islington, London, England, 24 November 1835
Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, 20 September 1852 or 29 May 1853 (per Marco Polo, from Liverpool)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, December 1854 (per Gazelle, for Auckland, NZ)
Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, by 1858
Active as music publisher (as "J. C. Fussell"), from c. late 1860 to early 1863
Died Sydney, NSW, 19 January 1876, aged "65" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
FUSSELL, Annie Coldham (Ann Coldham FUSSELL; Annie Coldham FUSSELL; Miss A. C. FUSSELL; Mrs. William ARMSTRONG)
Musician, pianist, teacher of pianoforte
Born Surrey, England, 1842; baptised Farnham, 8 April 1842; daughter of James Coldham FUSSELL and Sarah MOORE
Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, 28 April 1855 (per Australie, from London)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, July 1855 (per Gazelle, for Auckland, NZ)
Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, November 1858 (per Gazelle, from Auckland)
Married William ARMSTRONG, Swan Vale (Wellingrove), NSW, 26 February 1868
Died Mosman, NSW, 10 April 1833 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], Hampshire Chronicle [Winchester, England] (28 August 1809), 4 (PAYWALL)
Tuesday [22 August] died, at Owslebury, near this city, Mr. James Fussell, son of the late Mr. P. Fussell, organist of this Cathedral. His death was quite sudden, having been seized immediately after he had supped, and died almost instantly.
ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Fussell (organist, married Anne Coldham, Winchester, 23 May 1751; succeeded James Kent as organist of Winchester Cathedral, in 1774; died Winchester, July 1802
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Owslebury in the county of Southampton in the year 1827 [sic]; register 1813-48, page 36; Hampshire Archives and Local Studies, 32M66/PR7 (PAYWALL)
No. 286 / February 27th [1827] / Mem: On this day was received into the congregation, James (son of (the late) James, and Cecilia) Fussell, aged 17 years, who, according to the declaration upon oath of Mary Crosswell, & the Certificate of the Rev'd Liscombe Clarke, both heretofore annexed, was privately baptized by the said Rev'd Liscombe Clarke, on the 22nd day of April, in the year 1810
ASSOCIATIONS: James Fussell and Cecilia Vinet had married at St. Mary Abbots, Kensington, London, on 30 September 1807
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Mary Islington in the county of Middlesex in the year 1835; register, 1843-37, page 186; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 556 / James Fussell of this Parish Bachelor / and Sarah Wells of the same Parish Widow / were married in this Church by Banns this [24 November 1835] . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Farnham in the county of Surrey in the year 1842; register 1827-46, page 372; Surrey History Centre, FA/4/2 (PAYWALL)
No. 2941 / [1842] April 8th / Ann Coldham / [daughter of] James & Sarah / Fussell / Burough / Victualler . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Invincible from Melbourne, 29 December 1854, for Auckland, NZ; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Cabin / Mr. Fussell / 42 [sic] / Yeoman / British . . .
List of the passengers arrived at the Port of Melbourne on 28 April 1855 from London on board the Australie; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Sarah Fussel // Cecilia // Ellen // Sarah // Annie // Cecil . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Fussell and her 5 children first arrived in Melbourne on the Australie on 28 April 1855, and departed for Auckland, New Zealand, on the Gazelle in July 1855
"THE AUCKLAND FARMER'S CLUB", New Zealander [Auckland, NZ] (11 July 1855), 3
The Monthly Meeting of the Club took place, as usual, at the Exchange Hotel, on Saturday last, when the following new members were elected, namely: - Messrs. Fussell . . .
"PORT OF AUCKLAND. ENTERED INWARDS", Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (24 July 1855), 2
July 21 - Gazelle, schooner, 175 tons, McKenzie, from Melbourne. Passengers . . . Mrs. Sarah Fussell, Misses Ellen, Sarah, Ann C., and Master James Fussell . . .
"MARRIED", Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (13 February 1857), 3
On Tuesday, at St. Matthews, by the Rev. Mr. Jones, Mr. Walter Knot Graham, merchant, late of Greenwich, to Ellen, second daughter of Mr. James Fussell, of the North Shore, and granddaughter of James Fussell, Esq., of All Souls College, Oxford.
"Port of Auckland . . . CLEARED - OUTWARDS", New Zealander (23 January 1858), 2
January 22 - Moa, brig, 237 tons Bowden, for Sydney. - Passengers . . . Mrs. Fussell, Miss Fussell, Mr. Fussell, Jr. . . .
"Port of Auckland . . . CLEARED - OUTWARDS", New Zealander (30 October 1858), 3
October 29 - Gazelle, schooner, 212 tons, Cunninghame, for Sydney. Passengers . . . Miss A. Fussell . . .
"INSOLVENCY COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (12 May 1859), 3
On the petition of Gordon Gwynne, of Parramatta, gentleman, a rule nisi was granted, returnable on Friday, the 20th instant, calling upon James Fussell, of Sydney, part proprietor of the newspaper called "The Sydney Evening Mail," to show cause why his estate should not be sequestrated for the benefit of his creditors. - Mr. Morris, official assignee.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 February 1861), 1
WANTED, two respectable MEN of good address, to canvass for subscribers to the "Australian Musical Bouquet" in the country: security required Apply to Mr. FUSSELL, at 5 o'clock p.m., Crescent House, near Prince-street.
[Advertisement], Australian musical bouquet (July 1861), back cover (DIGITISED)
MISS A. C. FUSSELL, Teacher of the Piano-forte. To Lessons a Week, Terms: Two Guineas per Quarter.
A YOUNG LADY wished a Re-engagement as Nursery Governess. Address A. C. Bouquet Office.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 May 1862), 1
LACHLAN GOLD-FIELDS. - A person of good character and address can clear his expenses in going to the above, by taking subscribers for the new Map of New South Wales and the Musical Bouquet . . . J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1863), 1
WANTED, a respectable YOUTH to collect accounts and sell music (after 4). J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent-street.
"MARRIAGES", Empire (12 March 1868), 1
On the 26th of February, at Swan Vale, New England, by the Rev. J. H. Johnson, Mr. William Armstrong, of Inverell, to Annie Coldham, youngest daughter of Mr. James Fussell, of Crescent House, Sydney.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 January 1876), 1
FUSSELL. - January 19, at his residence, suddenly, of disease of the heart, James Fussell, Esq., twenty-three years of this city, second son of James Fussell, Esq., Gentleman Commoner of All Souls and Magdalen College, Oxford, aged 65 years, leaving five children, seventeen grand-children, and two great-grandchildren.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 February 1876), 2
FUSSELL, late of No. 227, George-street, Sydney, Importer of Books, deceased, intestate.
NOTICE is hereby given that, at the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof,
application will be made to this Honorable Court, for Letters of Administration of the goods,
chattels, credits, and effects of the abovenamed JAMES FUSSELL, deceased,
to be granted to CECILIA JANE LANGLEY, of George-street, aforesaid, a daughter of the said deceased.
Dated this thirty-first day of January, 1876.
"OLD SYDNEY . . . (No. 256 - By 'Old Chum')", Truth [Sydney, NSW] (15 September 1912), 12
. . . James Fussell, an old book agent, died on the 19th [January 1876], aged 65 years. Mr. Fussell was of Crabbe Hall, Owlsbury, Hants, born in March, 1810, and sailed for Melbourne, in 1853, in the Marco Polo, Captain Forbes (the same who ran the Schomberg at the Barwon Heads a couple of years afterwards). His family followed in 1854 [sic, 1855]. Mr. Fussell came from a good Hampshire family, one of his ancestors being organist to the historic Winchester Cathedral . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Old Chum")
"OBITUARY", The Brisbane Courier [QLD] (1 February 1926), 4
A large number of friends and relatives will regret to learn that Captain Warwick Coldham-Fussell, A.I.F., died at St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, on January 25 . . . His paternal grandfather, James Coldham Fussell, came from Hampshire, England, by the clipper ship Marco Polo (Captain J. N. Forbes) in 1852, and after losing most of his capital on the Victorian gold fields, followed mercantile and pastoral pursuits in New South Wales and was also interested in sugar growing in Queensland.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 April 1933), 10
ARMSTRONG - April 10. at her daughter's residence, 61 Rosebery-street, Mosman, Annie Coldham, relict of William Armstrong, aged 91 years.
Musical publications (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
Fussell appears to have been actively involved in publishing and selling music only from late 1860 until early 1863; hie extant musical publications in the Australian bibliographic record can be found by clicking on this link: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Fussell published the series Australian musical bouquet, in 1861-62, earlier published by George Peck (musicseller), and Alonzo Grocott (printer)
Despite the plan claim in the prospectus, issues seldom appeared monthly; see here for the prospectus as printed in July 1861 and reprinted in July 1862: (DIGITISED - July 1861) (DIGITISED - July 1862)
The Australian musical bouquet . . . The above Periodical will be published and delivered every Month, containing four pages of popular, scarce, and first-class Music, beautifully printed on superfine paper, full Music size, (folio) from correctly engraved plates, executed in the best style of art. This Periodical is universally admitted to be the clearest, best and cheapest Musical publication ever produced in the Australian colonies. The Price is only 1s. 6d., per month to yearly Subscribers, paid in advance . . .
Australian musical bouquet [3 selections] (January 1861)
The Australian musical bouquet, a collection of choice popular songs, operatic airs, &c., for the voice and piano-forte, edited by Edwin H. Cobley (professor of music, Glebe Point Road), January [1861]) (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [1861]); "J. A. Engel, general printer" (DIGITISED)
CONTENTS: [1] The volunteer's polka mazurka! - composed and dedicated to the volunteer's [sic] of N.S.W. by E. H. Cobley;
[2] New song, - "Lost Marquirite" [sic, Lost Marguarite] - Words by H. Halloran, esq., the music by Glentworth Addison, esq.;
[3] Nativity Christmas Hymn
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Harry Cobley (editor); Glentworth Addison (composer); Henry Halloran (lyrics); John Alexander Engel (engraver, printer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 February 1861), 6
containing the Volunteers Polka Mazurka, Lost Marguirite [sic], and the Nativity Christmas Hymn.
Price 2s.; yearly subscribers, 1s. 6d. J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent House, near Prince street.
"THE AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL BOUQUET", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 February 1861), 5
The January number of the Australian Musical Bouquet - a collection of popular songs, operatic airs, &c., for the voice and the pianoforte, edited by Mr. Edwin H. Cobley, professor of music, Glebe Point Road - has been published by the proprietor, Mr. James C. Fussell, of Prince-street. The contents are: - A Volunteer Polka Mazurka, composed by the editor, Mr. Cobley; and a new Song, "Lost Marguerite," words by Mr. Henry Halloran, and music by Mr. Glentworth Addison. The third and last piece of music in this number (very neatly engraved by Mr. Engel) is a Christmas Hymn, as sung at Christ Church, in this city. The music and poetry of this elegant little serial are colonial; the whole thing is very prettily got up, and the price reasonable.
"MUSICAL", Empire (5 March 1861), 5
Some activity is apparent in the publication of new music, the engravers and printers being engaged in some artistic productions. In the meantime a new number of the "Musical Bouquet," has been issued, and it appears under new auspices. This is, we believe, the edition formerly issued by Mr. Peck; it is now published by Mr. Fussell, and edited by Mr. Cobley. These cheap musical publications are of great utility in the country, and will be the means of extending music to the cottages of every village. The present number contains "the Volunteers' Polka Mazurka," by the Editor, a song, "the Lost Marguerite," composed by Mr. G. Addison, and the "Nativity Christmas Hymn." It is well engraved on good music paper.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (musician, musicseller, publisher); see also 1863 reissue of the Christmas hymn, [Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 December 1863), 4
NATIVITY, Christmas hymn, 1s.; Flanagan's History of New South Wales, 25s.; there will be none to be had in a short time.
J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent-street.
[Advertisement], Goulburn Herald [NSW] (6 April 1861), 4
Australian Musical Bouquet. CAUTION.
HENRY HOLLIS, who is said to be representing his name to be HYLLER or HYLIER, and who has been employed to canvass for Fussell's Australian Musical Bouquet,
not having communicated with his principal, the public are hereby cautioned against paying him any money on account of the same.
He is supposed to be in the neighborhood of Goulburn, Yass, or the Lambing Flat.
[Australian musical bouquet] [3 selections] (April 1861)
CONTENTS: [1] My Johnny was a shoemaker arranged by Ch. S. Packer;
[2] Selection from Lucrezia Borgia;
[3] St. John's Bishopthorpe L.M. & Three double chants by Edwin H. Cobley
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (arranger); see here for later edition by of Packer's arrangement from the same engraved music plate
[Advertisement], Empire (19 April 1861), 8
JUST PUBLISHED. FUSSELL'S AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL BOUQUET, containing a selection from the opera of Lucretia Borgia,
My Johnny was a Shoemaker (as sung by Lady Don), and original chaunts by E. H. Cobley, Esq.
It can be had of all booksellers. Price, 2s. Yearly subscribers, 1s. 6d.
per copy, J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent House, near Prince-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Don (vocalist, actor)
"THE AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL BOUQUET", Empire (29 April 1861), 4
A Collection of choice Popular Songs, Operatic Airs, &c., for the Voice and Pianoforte
Edited by EDWIN H. COBLEY. Published by JAMES C. FUSSELL, &c., &c.
PART 5 of this monthly publication is now before us, and for various reasons, which we shall presently unfold, calls for somewhat more than cursory notice at our hands. Its contents are thus described on the title page: - "A collection (why not selection?) from the beautiful opera of Lucretia Borgia; My Johnnie was a Shoemaker, as sung by Lady Don; and Original Chants by Edwin H. Cobley, Organist of St. John's, Bishopthorpe."
With reference to the selection from the Lucrezia, which, by-the-bye, is really a misnomer, since it only includes one air, the chorus "Senti, la danza," we have nothing to say, save to remark that it is taken, without acknowledgment, from an arrangement of the opera by Osten or Diabelli. But let this pass. We have far heavier charges in store for the editor of this musical brochure. The second item in the list of contents, manifestly intended to be the bonne bouche of the publication, is the song which Lady Don has lately rendered so popular, "My Johnnie was a Shoemaker." It may be in the recollection of our readers that we noticed, a short time since, the publication of this song, by Messrs. Johnson and Co., of Pitt-street; and adverted, in deservedly laudatory terms, to its exquisite arrangement by that very talented musician, Mr. C. Packer. They will, therefore, participate in our astonishment when we inform them that this song has been pirated and inserted, note for note, without the slightest acknowledgment, in this publication. We are well aware that such malpractices are by no means uncommon at home; but there, in order to elude the provisions of the Copyright Act, some error is intentionally inserted in the pirated edition. Even this subterfuge has not been resorted to in the case before us, and we can hardly find language sufficiently strong in which to reprobate conduct which is obviously so disingenuous, and so injurious to the interests both of the composer and the publisher. It is true that publishers in this colony are not protected by any Copyright Act, but the practice to which we have drawn attention seems so utterly opposed to that honourable and liberal feeling which should characterise the guilds of literature and art, that we have not hesitated to express, perhaps somewhat severely, our opinion upon the subject. It is plainly one upon which immediate legislation is required; and in the interim, let us hope that the editor of the Musical Bouquet will not provoke, by a similar course of action, any reiteration of our complaints.
The Psalm Tune and Chants which figure on the last sheet of this publication almost defy criticism, since they betray such a poverty of harmonic resources, to say nothing of the cool violation of the commonest rules of counterpoint which is manifest throughout them. We need only instance in the Psalm Tune, the open octaves between the alto and bass between the first and second bars of the second part of the tune; and again, the octaves between the treble and bass, and the consecutive fifths between the tenor and bass part of the first part of the tune. We pass over the first of the three Double Chants, as not containing any very egregious errors in composition, except the general poverty of construction, especially perceptible between the second and third bars of the second part. The second Chant appears to be a rifacciamento of Robinson's well-known Chant. But we are at a loss to appreciate the composer's sang froid in furnishing us with two consecutive fifths between the treble and alto parts in the two last bars of the second section of the Chant, the consecutive fifths occurring between the tenor and bass in the two following bars, and the open octaves between the alto and bass in the second bar of the third part of the same Chant, as well as the chord of the sixth and fourth passing into the chord of the seventh, fifth, and third, which forms the rather unusual cadence at the end of the third section of the Chant. The two first sections of the last Chant do not call for any especial comment, either in the way of stricture or commendation, but in the third and fourth sections we are again presented with a somewhat alarming chaos of queer progressions, discords without preparation - very unecclesiastical, by-the-bye, in their character - and resolutions which, we think, would make the Regius Professor of Music at Oxford elevate his eyebrows and whistle for very wonderment.
Let us counsel Mr. Cobley, before he again "rushes into print," and offers to the public any of his musical lucubrations, either to "undergo a course" of counterpoint, judiciously administered, or to submit his compositions for revision to any duly qualified musician, who, will at least enable him to correct such glaring errors as those which figure in his last contribution to the Musical Bouquet, a periodical which claims for itself the title of being "the clearest, best, and cheapest musical publication ever produced in the Australian colonies."
Australian musical bouquet [3 selections] (July 1861)
[3 selections as contents below] (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [1861]) (DIGITISED)
CONTENTS: [1] Andante from Sonata, no. 2, opera 14, Beethoven;
[2] Parish Alvars' L'adieu arranged for the piano-forte by Edwin H. Cobley;
[3] We'll smile and be happy, from the opera of Traviata, Verdi
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 July 1861), 5
Three selections - one from Beethoven's op. 14, "We'll smile and be happy," from Traviata, and Parish Alvar's "L'Adieu," - arranged by Mr. Cobley, have been published in a compact form by Mr. Fussell, of Crescent House, Prince-street.
[Advertisement], Empire (26 July 1861), 8
MUSIC. - Just published, "Andante from Sonata," by Beethoven;
"Parish Alvers l'Adieu," arranged for the Pianoforte, by Edwin H. Cobley;
Song, "We'll smile and be happy," from the opera of Traviata, by Verdi, price 2s. 6d.
Will appear early in August, "The Night March of the Volunteers," poetry by Mark Lemon, music by Balfe;
"Satanella Valse," by Henry Laurent. Price, 2s. 6d.; subscribers to the "Musical Bouquet," only 1s. 6d.
In the press, and will be published for the author, Madame F. Sach, "The Volunteer's Song," price 2s. -
Also, on sale - Song, "Come shining forth, my dearest," arranged by Spagnoletti;
"The Singing Polka;" and "The Youthful Heart," ballad, by Rimbault, published by Alonzo Grocott, price 2s. 6d.
The whole of these can be had of all Booksellers, and
J. C. FUSSELL, Publisher, Crescent House, Crescent-street, near Prince-street, Sydney.
N.B. - PIANOFORTES for SALE; one at £50, one at £45, £38, and £15.
ASSOCIATIONS: Florentina Sachs (composer); Alonzo Grocott (printer, publisher)
Australian musical bouquet [2 selections] (August 1861)
[2 selections as contents below] (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [1861]) (DIGITISED)
CONTENTS: [1] The night march of the volunteer's [sic], poetry by Mark Lemon, music by Balfe;
[2] Satanella Valse, by Henri Laurent
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 August 1861), 5
Mr. Fussell has published two popular pieces of music in one issue, "The Volunteer's March," the music by Balfe, and the poetry by Mark Lemon; and the "Satanella Valse," by Henri Laurent.
"THE AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL BOUQUET", Empire (16 August 1861), 8
The last number of this popular monthly publication has been received. It contains Balfe's much admired song, "The Night March of the Volunteers," the words by Mark Lemon, which will, doubtless, find favour in the eyes of our doughty colonial warriors and their ladye-loves; and also Laurent's very pretty valse, founded on two of the airs from Balfe's Opera of "Satanella." This musical brochure is very creditable to the publisher, Mr. James C. Fussell and it may be anticipated, will meet with general acceptance amongst those who are in search of musical compositions which are facile of execution, and at the same time attractive in character.
The Australian volunteer's song (Madame Sachs, August 1861)
The Australian volunteer's song, words & music by Madame F. Sachs (Sydney: J. C. Fussell, [1861]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Florentina Sachs (composer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1861), 1
MUSIC - Just published, The Australian Volunteers' Song, by Madame F. Sachs; price 2s.
J. C. FUSSELL, publisher, Crescent House, Crescent-street, near Prince-etreet, Sydney.
"MUSIC", The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser [NSW] (7 September 1861), 2
We have received from Mr. J. C. Fussell, of Sydney, copies of the Night March of the Volunteers - the poetry by Mark Lemon, the music by Balfe; the Satanella Valse, by Henri Laurent; and the Australian Volunteer's Song - words and music by Madame F. Sachs. As these are popular productions, very neatly got up, we hope they will be patronised with that spirit which all elegant colonial publications are deserving of.
Australian musical bouquet [3 selections] (October 1861) (DIGITISED - [1] only)
CONTENTS: [1] Take this glass of sparkling wine, as sung by Madame Lucy Escott in the opera Lurline [Wallace, arr. Reiff];
[2] The favorite schottische by Edwin H. Cobley;
[3] Ah! d'una tal conquista, Les huguenots [Meyerbeer]
ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Escott (vocalist); Anthony Reiff (arranger)
[Advertisement], Empire (14 October 1861), 1
JUST PUBLISHED. - SONG, "Take a glass of Sparkling Wine," from Lurline. Price, 2s. 6d., and in FUSSELL'S Musical Bouquet.
Australian musical bouquet [2 selections] (November 1861)
CONTENTS: [1] Love's minstrel, Wallace;
[2] The minstrel boy, Ignace Gibsone; [? 3] Festa da ballo
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 November 1861), 9
NOTICE. - Mr. WILLIEM SYMONDS [sic] is authorised to canvass for Subscribers and receive Subscriptions for the MUSICAL BOUQUET, and take orders for any music published.
A second edition of the song, "Take this glass of sparkling wine," now ready.
"Love's own minstrel," "Gentle Troubadour," and "Tapping at the window," will shortly be published.
J. G. FUSSELL, Crescent-street, Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1861), 12
JUST PUBLISHED, Song, "Love's Minstrel," price 2s. 6d.; also in the BOUQUET. J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent-street.
Tapping at the window (Miss Davis, November 1861)
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Davis (or Davies, composer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 November 1861), 1
NEW MUSIC - Tapping at the Window, Peeping o'er the Blind, words by C. Swain, music by Miss Davis, Pyrmont.
Love's Minstrel, or Gentle Troubadour; and Take this Glass of Sparkling Wine, by Wallace, 2s. 6d. each.
A pianoforte piece, the Minstrel Boy, will be published immediately.
J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent-street, Sydney.
Australian musical bouquet [2 selections] (January 1862)
[2 selections, contents as below]
CONTENTS [1] Song, Love me & fear not! by Wallace from the opera of The amber witch;
[2] Ogni cura si doni al dilleto, solo by Verdi from the new opera Un ballo in maschera
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 January 1862), 10
NEW MUSIC - "Tapping at the Window," words by C. Swain, music by Miss Davis; "Take this Glass of Sparkling Wine," by Wallace,
and "Gentle Troubadour," from the Opera of Lurline; 2s. 6d. each.
And will be published in a few days, "Love me, and fear not," from the Opera of the Amber Witch;
solo, "Ogni Cura Si Doni Al Dilleto," from Verdi's new Opera in Maschera, price 2s. 6d.; and in the Bouquet.
J. C. FUSSELL, publisher, Crescent House, Crescent-street, near Prince-street, Sydney.
Australian musical bouquet [2 selections] (March 1862)
[2 selections, contents as below]
CONTENTS: [1] Ecoutez moi (Romance without words) by J. Funke;
[2] I'd choose to be a daisy, as sung by the Buckley Serenaders
ASSOCIATIONS: Buckley Minstrels (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 March 1862), 8
JUST PUBLISHED, having been unavoidably delayed, subscribers wishing the number before we can deliver,
can receive it by calling at the office. Contents: song, "I'd Choose to be a Daisy," and a pianoforte arrangement "Ecoutez-moi."
J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent-street.
Australian musical bouquet [2 selections] (May 1862)
[2 selections, contents as below]
CONTENTS: [1] The maiden's prayer, ballad sung by Miss Louisa Pyne, words by W. R. Mandale, music by Thomas Baker;
[2] Rosalia, the prairie flower for the piano-forte by M. Hobson
"NEW MUSIC", Empire (26 May 1862), 4
Two very pleasing compositions have just been sent to us for review. One is entitled the "Maiden's Prayer," a ballad, sung by Miss Louisa Pyne, and "Rosalie, the Prairie Flower," by M. Hobson. These compositions have both attained a celebrity, which will doubtless make their publication by Mr. Fussell, of Princes-street, remunerative to him. We may also notice that the lithography of some new music called the "Waitematta Polka," composed by Baron de Thierry, in allusion to a river of that name in New Zealand, has been most creditably executed by the same publisher, for Webb's eminent Music Hall, at Auckland.
Australian musical bouquet [2 selections] (July 1862)
[2 selections, contents as below] (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [1862]) (DIGITISED)
CONTENTS: [1] The Hebrew mother, words by Mrs. Hemans, music by her sister;
[2] The evening hymn, by Keble
The Waitemata polka (Thierry, July 1862)
The Waitemata polka, composed by Baron de Thierry, of Auckland, New Zealand (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [1862]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles de Thierry (composer)
[Advertisement], Empire (4 July 1862), 1
MUSIC - Just published, a Sacred Song, the Hebrew Mother, by Mrs. Hemans; and Keble's Evening Hymn, 2s. 6d.; and the Waitemata Polka, by Baron de Thierry, 3s. J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent-street.
Australian musical bouquet [3 selections] (December 1862)
[Double number for Christmas, contents as below] (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [1862]) (DIGITISED)
CONTENTS: [1] Four waltzes composed by Edwin H. Cobley, esq., organist of St. Philip's Church, Sydney;
[2] Song, She may smile on many, by Howard Glover;
[3] Song, The banks of Allan Water
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1862), 8
NEW MUSIC - Four Waltzes, by E. H. Cobley, Esq. (organist at St. Philip's Church), price 3s.
Subscribers' to the Musical Bouquet will receive it in the next number.
J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent-street, Church-hill.
"NEW MUSIC", Empire (17 December 1862), 5
. . . Mr. Fussell has just issued a double Christmas number of his "Australian Musical Bouquet," a very useful and fairly printed publication, containing original and reprinted vocal and instrumental music. But we think the price - five shillings - will be a bar to a very extensive sale, - particularly as the appearance and contents of the work scarcely bear favourable comparison with many musical works of the day. Cheapness should be the aim of proprietors of musical publications, or competition will be useless. The present number contains three pieces; the first is a set of four waltzes, by Mr. E. H. Cobley, of this city; they might have been by Mr. Jones, or Mr. Smith: that is to say, for their extreme simplicity and want of originality, any amateur, without knowing much of the principles of composition, or the grammar of music, might easily fall into such strains, whilst sitting down extemporising in the dusky-twilight. Excepting the change of key they are all so much alike (we all know the story of the likeness between Cuffy and Sambo, 'specially Sambo), that on hearing one, we are reminded of having heard something precisely similar, and find that it is the number preceding. The melody, however, is pleasing. The second piece in the bouquet is an exceedingly pretty song by the talented composer of opera and song, Mr. Howard Glover, entitled, "She may smile on many;" it is within the compass of all voices ranging between D and F, and will certainly be heard with pleasure. No. 3 is the ballad of "The Banks of Allan Water," but the quaint old melody has been slightly altered.
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire (19 December 1862), 3
SIR, - In your review of the last number of the Musical Bouquet, you think the price high at 5s.
It contains eight pages, which is 3s. for the waltzes, and 2s. for the song;
but the subscribers are only charged 3s, it being a double number, it would not be fair to the subscribers to charge the same for a single copy.
I have them published separately for the public.
Your publishing this explanation will oblige your humble servant.
J. C. FUSSELL. Crescent-street, December 17.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 February 1863), 8
MUSICAL BOUQUET - Those persons owing small amounts will oblige by paying the collector, otherwise summonses will be issued, as calling so often does not pay. J. C FUSSELL.
The Barnstaple Manor quadrille (Theobald, undated, c. 1861-63)
The Barnstaple Manor quadrille, composed and respectfully dedicated to Mrs. B. C. Rodd by Robt. B. Theobold [sic], esq. (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [n.d., c. 1861-63]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Bishop Theobald (composer); Theobald was for a time a tutor in the family of B. C. Rodd at their residence, "Barnstaple Manor", Five Dock
Bibliography and resources:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 171
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