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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–B (Bra-Brz)
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this :
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–B (Bra-Brz)",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
- B - ( Bra - Brz ) -
Introductory note:
The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.
Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.
A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in February 2023, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.
Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.
The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.
School teacher, schoolmaster
Born ? Ireland, c. 1782
Convicted Edinburgh, Scotland, 5 February 1812 (transportation 14 years)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, November 1812 (convict per Fortune)
Died Tara Vale (Lane Cove), NSW, 2 September 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Dancing master, former professor of dancing, tailor
Born c. 1815; son of James BRADLEY (d. 1857)
Married Elizabeth (Betsy) MACKAY, c. 1840
Active Dungog, NSW, c. 1848-60
Died Sydney, NSW, 18 February 1892, aged "77" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY", Caledonian Mercury [Edinburgh, Scotland] (6 February 1812), 3 (PAYWALL)
We noticed in our last the commencement of the trial of John Lindsay Crawford; some time of Dungannon in Ireland, and James Bradley, some time schoolmaster and clerk at Castle Dawson, county of of Londonderry, Ireland, accused of having forged, or falsified certain writings, for the purpose of supporting a claim made by the said John Lindsay Crawford, under a brieve from Chancery, directed to the Sherriff of Edinburgh, to be served lawful and nearest heir-male of John Crawford, first Viscount Garnock, his great great grand-father. The following is a sketch of the circumstances of this extraordinary case: - . . .
For a full account in great detail, see "Trial of John Lindsay Crawfurd and James Bradley, for falsifying Papers", The Scots Magazine [Edinburgh, Scotland] (February 1812), 115-23 (DIGITISED)
Convict transportation register, November 1812; UK National Archives, HO11 (PAYWALL)
James Bradbury / Edinburgh Court of Judiciary / 5 February 1812 / Fourteen Years
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 March 1823), 2 supplement
Mr. F. E. FORBES, as Executor to the Estate, and Guardian of the helpless Orphans of the late Mr. ISAAC WOOD, with a view to maintain the Orphans, and give satisfaction to the Parents and Guardians of such of the Children as are disposed to continue them at the Sydney Academy, has engaged Mr. JAMES BRADLEY; who has, for some years, conducted a large School at Parramatta with equal credit to himself, and satisfaction to those who have entrusted him with the Education of their Children. The Sydney Academy will henceforth be conducted under the principal management and control of Mr. James Bradley . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 December 1825), 1
MERCANTILE ACADEMY. JAMES BRADLEY is grateful to his Friends and the Public, for their liberal patronage, which,
he trusts, will keep pace with his unremitting assiduity to accelerate the improvement of his pupils in all the requisite branches of an English education . . .
Drawing, music, and dancing, if required, will be taught on moderate terms by competent masters . . . 12 O'Connel-street, December 27.
Register of convict applications to marry, granted, 1832; State Records Authority of NSW, 12212, 4/4508 (PAYWALL)
No. 421 / James Bradley / 50 / Fortune / 14 years / Free // Dorothy Fenn / 36 / E'l of Liverpool / 14 / Bond // Rev'd J. D. Lang, Sydney [granted 22 December 1832]
ASSOCIATIONS: John Dunmore Lang (Presbyterian cleric)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (12 January 1837), 3
CAUTION. I HEREBY caution the Public against employing or harbouring Patrick Enright, John McHone, or William Bradley, Tailors,
from this date, they being engaged by me for six months; and I offer a reward of ten shillings for the apprehension of the said William Bradley, he having absconded.
JOHN McFARLANE, Tailor, 8, Pitt-street, Sydney, 10th January, 1837.
PARRAMATTA MERCANTILE ACADEMY. MR. BRADLEY having declined to give Holidays this winter,
begs to announce that his Establishment its open for the immediate reception of Boarders . . .
EXTRA CHARGES. MUSIC, two lessons each week, on the Flute Violin, or Piano-forte, Two Guineas per quarter.
DANCING, One and a-Half Guinea per quarter. DRAWING, ditto ditto. 23rd June, 1837.
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (29 April 1842), 646
IN the insolvent Estate of James Bradley, of George-street, Parramatta, Schoolmaster. WHEREAS the Estate of James Bradley was, on the 4th'day of May, 1842, placed under Sequestration . . .
"A WEEK IN DUNGOG [FROM A CORRESPONDENT]", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (20 March 1852), 4
. . . It is strange, however, that the village should still be without a barber, a baker, or a druggist. There is, nevertheless, a dancing master, one of the best in the colony, a variety of titled soubriquets and female grooms who attend and serve the horses; Mr. Jacobs' musical instruments and Mr. Keogh's clarionets. Mr. Malcom's Circus Company lately performed three nights in a temporary pavilion, and on each night there were nearly three hundred spectators . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: "Jacobs" was probably Archichald Hamilton Jacob, recently appointed clerk of the bench at Dungog, though not otherwise remembered for his musical interests; Mr. Keogh (clarinettist)
Mr. Chief Constable Abbott appeared to answer the charge of Thomas Twiss Forster, Esq., J.P., for using gross, insulting,
and abusive language towards one of H. M. Justices of the Peace, in and for the colony of Now South Wales, on the 14th August last.
Mr. Forster, being duly sworn, stated that, on the 14th of August last, he was at Mr. Robson's public-house, in Dungog, in company with several other gentlemen,
and about 7 o'clock, p.m., he heard some ono talking very loud, and, upon enquiry, found it to be the chief constable,
demanding of the landlord why he held music and dancing in his house, contrary to law.
He (Mr. Forster) informed the chief constable that it was by his permission, whereupon the latter replied, that he,
Mr. Forster, was no more fit to sit on the Bench than Bradley the tailor, or a blackfellow, and spoke loud enough to be heard all over the town . . .
"DUNGOG. . . WATERLOO DAY", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (14 June 1856), 4
Our attention was attracted last week to a notification of a novel entertainment for Waterloo-day, which shews that our district is not averse to British customs. The bill of entertainment is that the performances are under the distinguished patronage of Mr. Beardmore; and goes on to say that Mr. Bradley will dance the new Yankee Hornpipe, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Ashworthy. Mr. Ashworthy to dance the Spanish Fandango, and his wife, who is to appear as "Meg Merrilies" is to sing "Go ponder well be not severe." The entertainment to conclude with a grand country dance, a la mode a la Francaise by the whole company. Such novelties are much admired - they are harmless, and give the country folk something to talk of during these long cold winter nights.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. and Mrs. Ashworthy (dancers, vocalist)
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 September 1857), 1
On the morning of the 2nd instant, at his residence, Tara Villa, Lane Cove, Mr. James Bradley, in the 76th year of his age.
"DUNGOG . . . ITINERANT MUSICIANS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (27 November 1858), 3
Last week a musician arrived in the village with a lively instrument, playing dance and other music.
In the afternoon, Mr. Bradley, the village tailor, and formerly a professor of dancing, appeared once more in public, and astonished a crowd of spectators with a variety of rapid dances.
Accustomed to footlights, Mr. Bradley placed candles near his feet, in order that his steps might be seen;
and we must acknowledge that the command Mr. Bradley has over his lower limbs must be seen to be appreciated.
The dancer's heels and ancles seem to strike fire as they obey and follow the more animated parts of the music.
- Dungog, 19th November, 1858.
Immediately above see also:
PUBLIC DISAPPOINTMENT. - Much regret has been expressed that Mr. Clarke's Ball, which was to have taken place in Mr. Kermode's splendid new mill, has been put off . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Miller Clark (dancing master)
"PORT MACQUARIE [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT]", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (3 June 1861), 5
On the evening of the 24th there was a tea-fight [sic] and ball at the National School-rooms. Upwards of 200 adults and juveniles sat down to tea. The tables groaned under the weight of good cheer presented to the company. The children appeared, one and all, to have been minus of the dinner that day, at least one one would infer so from the celerity with which the plates of cake disappeared, and each subsequent relay shared the same penalty. Some very pretty and elegantly dressed demoiselles graced the tea party, and afterwards the ball. The dancing was generally very excellent. The belles of Port Macquarie, who in point of beauty and other attractive qualities are unsurpassed in any other district, looked very charmingly (dan des ravissement incroyables!) Their dresses were tasteful and elegant. The polka, schottische, quadrille, and country dance went the usual course. A Mr. Bradley danced a hornpipe most effectively; a lady amateur sang the "Spinning Wheel" very admirably, and it was regretted that that was the only song attempted. The arrangements of the tea and ball were, I believe, under the management of Mr. J. Dick, Mr. Platt, and Mr. Backwood. They could not have been placed in better hands ; each of these gentlemen was most attentive to the numerous guests. The ball was not over until 3 a.m. . . .
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 February 1892), 1
BRADLEY. - February 18, at the residence of his son-in-law, John Mitchell, 73 Market-street, William Bradley, aged 77 years (late of the Nambucca River), son of the late James Bradley, Esq., late of Lane Cove, and formerly principal of the King School, Parramatta.
"Funerals", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 February 1892), 16
THE FRIENDS of the late WILLIAM BRADLEY (late of Nambucca River) are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral;
to move from 73 Market-street, city, THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, at a quarter to 2 o'clock, for Necropolis . . .
THE FRIENDS of JAMES, WILLIAM, ANGUS, JOHN, and DONALD BRADLEY are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their dearly beloved FATHER, William . . .
"Old Dungog. INTERESTING FACTS (By W. C. Bradley)", Dungog Chronicle, Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (8 April 1927), 5
I was born in Dungog township seventy eight years ago. My father was a tailor in that town for thirty years. I was only about twelve years of age when I left Dungog but I can still remember a lot about that place . . . A Mr. Clark used to come from Maitland once a month and teach dancing . . .
"IN THE OLD DAYS. By W. C. BRADLEY, Macksville. No. 4", Nambucca and Bellinger News (8 April 1927), 7
When my father left Dungog and came to Port Macquarie, I was only a boy about twelve years of age . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Charles Bradley (1848-1927, memoirist)
Bibliography and resources:
James Bradley, per Fortune, 1812, Convict records
Amateur musician, musical amateur, member and secretary, Cecilian Society, carpenter, builder, architect
Born UK, c. 1802/03
Married Anne DISTIN (1802-1837), Totnes, Devon, England, 24 June 1823
Arrived Sydney, NSW, mid 1824 (free per Aguilar, from England, 3 September, via Hobart Town, 4 February 1824)
Died Sydney, NSW, 18 February 1868, aged "65" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 February 1824), 2
On Wednesday, the 4th instant, the ships William Shand, Captain Kenn, and Aguilar, Captain Watson, arrived at Hobart Town, from England, with merchandize and passengers. The latter left England on the 3d of September; and the former on the 20th of October. The following is the list of passengers, per the Aguilar: . . . Mr. and Mrs. Bradridge . . .
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
Bradridge William / 27 / Came Free / Aguila / 1823 [sic] / Protestant / Superintendent [of] Govt. Carpenters / Castlereagh St. / Sydney
Anne / 27 / Came Free / Aguila / 1823 [sic] // William / 3 // Mary / 4 mnths [both born in colony]
"THE CECILIAN SOCIETY", Australasian Chronicle (16 February 1841), 3
In consequence of a requisition from the leading members of this institution,
a public meeting was held on Friday, in the society's temporary concert rooms,
when after the report had been read, the following resolutions were moved, seconded, and adopted by the meeting:
1. That the report of the committee now read be adopted and received by the meeting.
2. That as the expenses at present incurred in carrying on the operations of this society considerably exceed its income,
some other arrangement with regard to performing members is imperatively called for.
The committee therefore earnestly and respectfully urge all those persons possessed of musical talents,
and who are anxious for the promotion of so delightful a science,
to come forward and support this society with their abilities at a time when it so much requires their aid.
3. That as the operations of this society are much impeded by the irregular attendance of the members of the committee,
that it shall be a standing rule of this society that any member of the committee absenting himself for three nights consecutively shall be ineligible for re-election.
4. That the thanks of this meeting he presented to the Right Reverend Dr. Polding, through the Rev. Francis Murphy,
for his kindness in allowing the use of the Catholic school room to the society,
and for his uniform kindness in furthering the interests of the society upon every occasion which presented itself.
5. That the thanks of this meeting be given to the gentlemen and officers of the committee for their very efficient services during the last meeting,
and that the following gentlemen be requested to act for the ensuing year, namely,
Mr. W. E. Rogers, treasurer; Mr. Joseph Levien, secretary; committee - Messrs. Bradridge, Thomson, Le Britton,
Barnett, James Johnson, Leggatt, Greville, Challis, Tomlins, and R. Johnson.
6. That the thanks of this meeting be tendered to the chairman for his kind attention to the business of the meeting.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bede Polding (Catholic bishop, musical amateur); William Edward Rogers (member); Joseph Levien (member); James Johnson (member); Thomas Leggatt (member); Richard Johnson (member); Cecilian Society (association)
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (23 March 1841), 3
The Cecilian Society's next Concert will take place on FRIDAY EVENING, 26th instant.
In consequence of the Band of the 28th Regiment being engaged at the Australian Club-house on Friday Evening next,
the Society's Concert is unavoidably postponed until the Friday Evening following, the 6th of August next.
(Signed) WM. BRADRIDGE, Honorary Secretary. July 28th, 1841.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 28th Regiment (military)
"THE CICILIAN SOCIETY" [sic], The Sydney Herald (6 August 1841), 2
The lovers of music will have an opportunity of hearing the monthly concert of the Cicilian Society to-night, in the Old Court House Castlereagh-street, provided they secure tickets by applying to Mr. Braderidge, the Secretary, or through one of the members.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (6 August 1841), 3
THE Concert of this SOCIETY, takes place in the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street, THIS EVENING.
Tickets may be had of the Secretary through a Member.
WILLIAM BRADRIDGE, Honorary Secretary.
Druitt-street. August 5th, 1841.
[Advertisement], The Australian (4 November 1841), 3
NOTICE. - The Concert of the Cecilian Society is unavoidably postponed from Friday, November 5, to Friday, November 12.
R. BRADRIDGE [sic], Honorary Secretary.
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Colonial Observer (2 September 1843), 4
No. 897. William Bradridge of Druitt-street, Sydney, builder: debts, £1453 13s. 2d.; assets - landed property, £892 ; personal property, £194; outstanding debts, £143 10s.; balance deficiency, £224 3s. 10d.
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (27 October 1843), 1406
In the Insolvent Estate of William Bradridge, of Druitt-street, builder.
TO be sold by Auction, by MR. BLACKMAN, at the residence of the Insolvent, Druitt-street, Sydney,
on Friday, the 27th instant, at 12 o'clock precisely, by order of the Trustee,
Household furniture, musical instruments, 2 watches, glass, &c. Terms - cash.
"SCHOOL OF ARTS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (8 February 1851), 2
The annual meeting of the members of this body was held in Pitt-street, on Tuesday evening . . . In the absence of the Secretary, Mr. Cape read the annual report, which stated that . . . The classes of music, drawing, mutual instruction, and mathematics, were prospering . . . Mr. Kemp, in moving the adoption of the report, said he was sorry that the number of members had not increased, and also that the attendance on the present occasion was so limited. He also spoke of the advantage which this Institution would confer on the youth of the colony, more especially in the drawing and mathematical classes. Mr. A. Gravely seconded the motion for the adoption. Mr. Bradridge was of opinion that the music class, under proper regulations, would pay its own expenses . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Gravely (musical amateur)
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 February 1868), 1
On the 18th instant, Mr. WILLIAM BRADRIDGE, aged 65 years.

"Interior of St. James Church, Sydney, 1831 drawn by Wm. Bradridge, Sen. Archt"; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
William Bradridge, Biographical database of Australia (PAYWALL)
Jen Willets, "William Bradridge", Hunter Valley Settlers, Free settler or felon?
BRADY, John Vizey (John BRADY; John Vizey BRADY)
Musician, music copyist, bugler, bugle major, butcher, licenced victualler, publican, former soldier
Born ? India, 1817
Married Susan ROBINSON (d. 1895), India, by c. 1847
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1856 or earlier
Died Woolloomooloo, NSW, 3 March 1876, aged "58 years 4 months" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? "EMBEZZLEMENT", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (18 December 1851), 10
William Shepherd, was on Thursday last, committed for embezzling certain sums of money, the property of his employer Mr. Brady, butcher, of Woolloomooloo, paid him by his master's customers.
"NEW INSOLVENTS", Empire (3 October 1861), 8
John Brady, of Bay-street, Woolloomooloo, butcher, at present out of business.
Liabilities, £49 6s. Assets - value of personal property, £5. Deficit, £44 6s.
Mr. J. P. Mackenzie, official assignee.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 June 1862), 1
JOHN BRADY. Music Copyist, Bay-street, Woolloomooloo. Copyist to the Orpheonist Society.
ASSOCIATIONS: Orpheonist Society (association); until early that same month, Timothy Gallagher had advertised as music copyist to the society
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 September 1862), 1
JOHN BRADY, Music Copyist, Bay-street, Woolloomooloo, copyist to the Orpheonist Society.
All music copied with neatness, cheapness, and dispatch.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 December 1862), 1
JOHN BRADY, Music Copyist, Bay-street, Woolloomooloo.
MUSIC copied with neatness, cheapness, and dispatch.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 July 1864), 10
JOHN BRADY, MUSIC Copyist, Bay-street Woolloomooloo. Music copied with neatness, cheapness, and dispatch.
"FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 June 1868), 8
The Friends of Mr. JOHN BRADY (bugler to the Volunteer Rifles) are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late beloved Daughter, SUSAN;
the procession to move from his residence, No. 8, Bay-street, Woolloomooloo, THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON, at a quarter before 3 o'clock.
JOHN HILL and SON, Undertakers, William and Riley streets.
"FUNERALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 August 1874), 8
THE FRIENDS of Bugle-Major JOHN BRADY, of the Volunteer Force, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late beloved SON, Joshua;
to move from Brady's Family Hotel, Bourke and Bay streets, Woolloomooloo, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, for the Necropolis.
J. and G. SHYING and CO.
[Several advertisements], Evening News (4 March 1876), 1
FUNERAL. - The Friends of the late Bugle Major, JOHN VIZEY BRADY, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral . . .
[No.35.] Brigade Office, Sydney, 4th March, 1875 [sic].
In announcing the decease of the late Bugle-Major John Brady, of the Permanent Staff,
the Commandant is pleased to approve of his remains being interred with military honours,
and invites the attendance of Volunteers of all arms to his funeral, which will move from his late residence,
Brady's Family Hotel, corner of Bay and Bourke-streets, Woolloomooloo, at 1.30 p.m. TO-MORROW (Sunday).
The non-commissioned officers of the permanent staff will attend.
By Command, W. B. B. CHRISTIE, Major. Major of Brigade.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 March 1876), 1
BRADY. - March 3, at his residence, Brady's Family Hotel, Bay and Bourke streets, Woolloomooloo, John Vizey Brady, bugle-major to the Permanent and Volunteer Forces of New South Wales, after a lingering illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude, leaving an affectionate wife, 10 children and 7 grand-children to mourn their loss; aged 58 years and 4 months.
"Military Funerals", Evening News (6 March 1876), 2
Yesterday afternoon the remains of Mr. J. V. Brady, bugle-major of the volunteer force, were interred at Haslem's Creek cemetery with military honors. The military party consisted of about 300 men of the permanent and volunteer forces, and the volunteer brigade band. Several officers of the permanent staff were likewise present. The firing party consisted of a detachment from the 1st regt. rifles. The cortege left the deceased's late residence at Woolloomooloo, and proceeded to the railway station by way of George-street, and the only thing that went to interfere with the good conduct of the funeral was the disorganized movement of the men in the ranks. The interment was conducted in the usual military style. The remains of Mr. W. Cooper, bugler 3rd Co., 1st regt. rifles, were likewise interred with military honors at Haslem's Creek cemetery, yesterday afternoon . . .
Bibliography and resources:
John Vizey Brady, WikiTree
BRADY, Mary Ann (Mary Ann BRADY; Miss BRADY; Mrs. Robert Albert NEWMAN)
Musician, vocalist, pianist
Born Sydney, NSW, 29 October 1841; baptised St. Lawrence, Sydney, 30 November 1841; daughter of William BRADY (1808-1870) and Mary Ann CURRAN (1817-1883)
Married Robert Albert NEWMAN (c. 1837-1930), St. James's church, Sydney, NSW, 16 September 1863
Died Neutral Bay, NSW, 5 December 1909 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
BRADY, Matilda Jane (Matilda Jane BRADY; Miss M. BRADY; Mrs. Rowland Mansfield SHELLEY)
Musician, vocalist, pianist
Born Sydney, NSW, 18 January 1844; baptised St. Lawrence, Sydney, 28 May 1844; daughter of William BRADY (1808-1870) and Mary Ann CURRAN (1817-1883)
Married Rowland Mansfield SHELLEY (1847-1932), St. James's church, Sydney, NSW, 5 September 1871
Died Mosman, NSW, 4 August 1934, aged "89" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. Lawrence, Sydney, 1841; Australia, births and baptisms database (PAYWALL)
30 November 1841 / Born 29 October 1841 / Mary Ann / [daughter of] William [and] Mary Ann / Brady
ASSOCIATIONS: William Brady, a native of the colony, married his second wife, Mary Ann Curran, at St. Andrew's Scots church, Sydney, on 12 July 1841; see "MARRIED", The Australian (13 July 1841), 2
Baptisms, St. Lawrence, Sydney, 1844; Australia, births and baptisms database (PAYWALL)
28 May 1844 / Born 18 January [sic, April] 1844 / Matilda Jane / [daughter of] William [and] Mary Ann / Brady
"UNIVERSITY MUSICAL FESTIVAL", Empire (6 July 1859), 5
The third general rehearsal was held at the Castlereagh-street room, on Saturday afternoon, and was well attended . . . The oratorio of "the Creation" was very satisfactorily rehearsed on Saturday; the execution of this music shows a much greater degree of perfection than the more intricate score of the "Messiah." More care is requisite on the part of the wind instruments; we trust that the players (military) will have some tangible prospect of reward to stimulate their efforts. Miss Brady is announced to take part in the Festival; this is one of the young ladies whose voice and vocal powers told with such effect in the concerts of the Vocal Harmonic Society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney University Musical Festival (event); Band of the 12th Regiment (military); Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society (association); Old Court House (Castlereagh-street)
"SYDNEY UNIVERSITY FESTIVAL. FIRST DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 July 1859), 4
YESTERDAY afternoon commenced the long expected series of grand musical performances collectively termed a "Festival," and held in celebration of the opening of the Hall of the Sydney University . . . The following artists, engaged by the general committee of direction, were grouped in front of and beside the organ - Conductor, Mr. L. H. Lavenu, principal soprani, Mrs. Testar (of Melbourne), Madame Carandini, and Mrs. St. John Adcock; the lady amateurs, of the same class of vocalists, being Miss Brady (a native of this colony), Miss Nina Spagnoletti, Miss Adcock, and Miss Howson . . . So much has been heard, and written, and read, of late, respecting Handel's sublime and popular masterpiece - "The Messiah" - so ably rendered on this occasion (and to be repeated again next Friday), that it seems almost unnecessary here to enter upon any particular analysis of its beauties . . . The only part sung by Miss Brady - the young amateur vocalist, whose talent has recently attracted so much attention and unaffected interest - was the air "If God be with us." This we regretted in common, as it seemed, with many others who greeted her with very cordial applause. She sang well, very well, but we think was have heard her sing better when unimpressed by the presence of so vast and so imposing an assemblage. The concluding chorus was very finely rendered. The oratorio lasted for nearly four hours, and appeared to give general gratification.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Marianne and Marion Adcock (vocalists, mother and daughter); Nina Spagnoletti (vocalist); Emma Howson (vocalist)
"SYDNEY UNIVERSITY FESTIVAL. SECOND DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 July 1859), 5
THE second of a series of grand musical entertainments in celebration of the opening of the hall of the Sydney University, took place yesterday when Haydn's Oratorio of "The Creation" was performed . . . Mr. Waller, who did not sing - except in chorus until the third part, sustained with remarkable ability his part in the exquisite duetts expressing the simple piety and happy innocence of our first parents. In the first of these duetts, the soprano part was sung by Miss Brady in so enchanting a manner, as to stimulate in an unmistakeable manner, the desire of the audience for a repetition of the enjoyment she afforded - a desire which was not, however, to be gratified . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Waller (vocalist)
. . . Miss Brady was encored in the ballad, "Tears of my Dreams," for which she substituted the popular ballad "Ever of Thee." Both were sweetly and unaffectedly delivered . . .
MUSIC: Ever of thee (Foley Hall)
"TO THE EDITOR", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 July 1859), 7
Sir, - In reference to Miss Brady, the amateur, who appeared at the recent Musical Festival at our University,
and in whose praise a whole chorus of eulogy has been sung, you will perhaps permit me to contradict a rumour,
totally without foundation, that has gained ground, viz.,
that my daughter is and has been the protege of that excellent musician and worthy man, John Hubert Plunkett, Esq.
A father's feelings, as well as a father's social vanity, may be pardoned in such an account in claiming his own.
My child, since her birth, has never been from under my roof, nor from under my immediate supervision.
Her musical education has been also strictly of an equally private nature,
and whatever innate genius she may possess in histrionic art acquired,
will ever be combined to assist in the appeals of charity, or the development of taste.
W. BRADY. July 28.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hubert Plunkett (musical amateur)
THE extra concert, on Saturday afternoon was well attended . . . The first part consisted of SACRED MUSIC . . . The rest of the music found very worthy representatives in Miss Brady and Mr. Waller . . . We sincerely hope that Miss Brady will take the enthusiastic plaudits bestowed on her cum grano salis, partially on account of her nationality - that she may not be led to consider intense study and application as unnecessary, With these, she may become, a songstress of which Sydney and Australia may, one day have reason to be proud . . . The second part of .the Concert was devoted to SECULAR MUSIC . . . Mr. Waller was enthusiastically encored in Rossini's "Largo al Factotum," (Barbiere) . . . Miss Brady was likewise encored in Mendelssohn's ballad, "The Garland," and sang as a substitute "Who shall be fairest" . . .
MUSIC: The garland (Mendelssohn); Who shall be fairest (Frank Mori)
"SYDNEY UNIVERSITY FESTIVAL. EXTRA CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 August 1859), 5
A Miscellaneous concert was given by the University Festival Committee on Saturday afternoon, in the hall of the University . . . The first part of the concert, which consisted of sacred pieces, opened with the beautiful duett from "The Creation" - "By Thee with bliss" - scarcely the most appropriate for a commencement, as much of its effect in the oratorio rests upon the position it occupies in the grand drama. It is a duett which will always be heard, when well sung, with increasing delight, but to be adequately appreciated it ought to be preceded by the tenor recitative, "In rosy mantle appears," in which the angel introduces "the blessed pair, where hand in hand they go; their glowing looks express the thanks that swell their grateful hearts." It was a bold conception, to write and harmonise the first hymn sung by the newly created pair; yet how well does it represent our conception of their extasy of spontaneous joy and gratitude! Probably the circle of musical talent in Sydney could not produce two voices better adapted to the proper rendering of this duet than those who have performed it at these concerts; the deep, powerful bass of Mr. Waller realising the idea of manly dignity and power, and the sweet, rich soprano of Miss Brady, conveying that of feminine grace and purity. The duet was admirably sung - the expression given to the words "so great, so wonderful," representing the wrapt admiration of the one echoed, and, as it were, simultaneously shared in by the other . . . The air, "He shall feed His flock," was sung by Miss Brady with remarkable taste and feeling . . . Prolonged applause was bestowed upon Miss Brady's song "The Garland," and as an encore she gave "Who shall be dearest" [sic] . . .
THE Festival which was so worthily ushered in on Monday the 18th of July, by the University Commemoration, and the daily progress of which we duly chronicled, is of so important a character, - let us hope so beneficial in its results, that it demands a prominent place in our European Summary. The first Musical Festival in Australia, of so modest an origin, of so rapid growth, of so successful and almost unexpected a maturity, claims the attention of every one who has at heart the welfare of the human kind, and its moral elevation . . . Considerable sensation has been produced by the appearance of Miss Brady as a public vocalist of Australia. This plant of native growth possesses a rich mezzo-soprano voice of extraordinary quality, bell-like and pure in tone. With care this lady, who is still very young, may prove a great artist . . .
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (30 August 1859), 4
The Exchange Rooms were crowded with a fashionable audience last evening, on the occasion of the Society's second Concert for the present [season] . . . More than 800 persons must have been present. A very judicious arrangement has been effected, with regard to the entertainments - a junction with the Vocal Harmonic Society, - thus avoiding every appearance of opposition between the two musical unions of Sydney . . . Miss Brady next sang the song "Farewell, ye limpid streams," from Handel's "Jephtha," - this was undoubtedly the gem of the evening. The clear, pure tone of voice, the enunciation, caused a unanimous encore, the only one of the evening. The effect was refreshing; but whilst awarding this praise to the fair vocalist, we hope that she will not be led away by a too warmly expressed adulation, to neglect study, a great necessity at the present stage of Miss Brady's advancement . . . Mr. John Deane conducted, and Mr. Cordner presided at the pianoforte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Deane (conductor); William John Cordner (pianist, accompanist); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association); Exchange Hall (Sydney venue)
"VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (16 September 1859), 8
Pursuing the plan that has been hitherto adopted with so great success, the society gave their fourth sacred concert last evening, at the Castlereagh-street School-room, by the performance of the first half of Handel's "Judas Maccabaeus," a work which for choral effects may be reckoned as one of the composer's greatest productions . . . The duett, "Come, ever smiling liberty," was effectively executed by Miss Brady and Mrs. Cordner, the concluding notes slightly out of tune . . . The gems of the evening were "Arm, arm, ye brave," by a gentleman amateur, - sung with great expression and clearness of voice, - and Miss Brady's execution of "From Mighty Kings," which was loudly applauded even during the performance of the air. In this piece the exquisite clearness of Miss Brady's voice told with great effect. Mr. W. J. Cordner conducted, and Mr. Packer accompanied at the organ with his usual consummate ability . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ellen Cordner (vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (organist, accompanist)
"SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 October 1859), 5
The fifth sacred concert of the above society took place yesterday evening at the schoolroom in Castlereagh-street, when the greater portion of Handel's oratorio, "Judas Maccabeus," was performed . . . Four airs and recitatives were sung by Miss Brady in a manner well calculated to sustain the fair reputation she has acquired at these concerts. It would be difficult to say in which of the pieces she excelled, but her performance of the beautiful but difficult air, "So shall the lute and harp awake," seemed the most generally admired . . .
[News], Empire (29 October 1859), 4
The execution of the first portion of Handel's oratorio of "Judas Maccabaeus," at the fourth concert of the Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society, though exceedingly creditable, scarcely warranted the expectation or the superiority arrived at on the occasion of the fifth concert, held on Thursday evening, when, with the exception or one or two trifling omissions, the whole of this grand oratorio was performed . . . the first piece worthy of notice being the "Pious Orgies" of Miss Brady, in which her clear voice resounded with exquisite clearness and purity . . . Miss Brady and an amateur (we believe her sister) sang the next duet very sweetly. The debutante, though nervous, showed great musical capabilities, and possesses a very sweet voice . . . Equally well sung was the duet "O lovely [peace]," between Mrs. Cordner and Miss Brady . . .
[News], Empire (26 November 1859), 4
The most crowded audience we have witnessed in a Sydney concert room, attended the Exchange last evening, on the occasion of the benefit given to the vocalist, Mr. J. R. Black. It may well be said that all the rank and fashion of Sydney were present, including the highest authorities of the Government, and the various departments of official life. The entertainment was worthy of the high patronage. In addition to Mr. Black's remarkably pleasing and well executed vocal effusions, which have gradually become known and appreciated in Sydney, Miss Brady, Mrs. Cordner, and Mr. Waller contributed to render the concert one of the most attractive that has long been given here. The first part of the entertainment comprised Glover's duet, "The Wind and the Harp," very sweetly executed by the two lady vocalists; a song by Mr. Waller was well received, and considerable applause followed Miss Brady's execution of Zeiller's "Recollections," with violoncello obligato by Mr. E. Deane, though it was scarcely so well rendered as we have heard Miss Brady sing it - the upper notes of the voice being rather flat. The trio, "Tell me not," by Dr. Mainzer (the well known German originator of the Hullah system of vocalisation), was chastely and smoothly sung by the Misses Brady and Mrs. Cordner; it is a gem full of harmony.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Reddie Black (vocalist); Edward Smith Deane (cello)
"SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 December 1859), 8
The sixth sacred concert (the last of the season) in connection with the Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society, took place last night, at the schoolroom, Castlereagh-street, at which Handel's oratorio of The Messiah was produced, the recitatives and airs being rendered by Miss Brady, Mrs. Cordner, Mr. Waller, and several other amateurs . . . the room being crowded in every part. Miss Brady, Mrs. Cordner, and Mr. Waller, were in first-rate voice, and listened to with feelings of the liveliest satisfaction . . . Miss Brady's singing in "But thou didst not," and in the exquisitely beautiful and well-known air of "I know that my Redeemer liveth," was beyond all praise . . .
"MR. CORDNER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1859), 5
A miscellaneous vocal concert, under the direction of Mr. Cordner, came off last night, in the hall of the Exchange, and proved an appropriate conclusion to the many excellent musical entertainments which the public have enjoyed during the year now drawing to a close . . . The air "Holy, Holy," and the chorus "Blessing, Honour," from Spohr's "Last Judgment," were then given, the air being rendered by Miss Brady, with her accustomed ease and purity of expression. This young lady's subsequent execution of the exquisite but difficult air "With verdure clad," from the "Creation," was splendid, and was an admirable rendering of music which pictures the glories of the field as they first delighted the "ravished sense," in notes as charming as the odours and colours of the "flowers sweet and gay" . . . Glover's Duet - "The Star and the Flower" was exquisitely sung by Miss Brady and Mrs. Cordner . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 January 1860), 8
VOCAL MUSIC - Miss BRADY is desirous of receiving a limited number of young Ladies to instruct in the elements of Class Singing.
Terms, &c., may be known from Miss B., 4, Belgrave terrace, Darlinghurst.
"SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 March 1860), 5
The first concert of the season of this society was given last evening in the Infant Schoolroom, Castlereagh-street. The oratorio selected for the occasion was Mendelssohn's magnificent production "Elijah," the programme consisting of the whole of the first part of the oratorio, with the opening air and chorus of the second part. The chief weight of the music fell upon Mr. Waller . . . Miss Brady was loudly applauded in the air, "Hear, ye Israel;" but it seems to us that we have heard this lady much happier in her efforts than she was last night . . .
[News], Empire (23 March 1860), 5
. . . A quartet of angels sing, "Cast thy burden on the Lord," which was charmingly executed by Miss Brady, junior, Mrs. Cordner, and two well-known gentlemen amateurs. This was most undoubtedly the gem of the evening, and with a little more piano at the finale, and the sostenuto better kept up, would have been perfect . . .
"SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 July 1860), 4
The second and last representation of the Oratorio of "Elijah" took place yesterday evening, at the school room, Castlereagh street. The room was comfortably filled . . . The principal lady singers, Madame Flora Harris, Mrs. Cordner, Miss Brady, and Miss M. Brady were in excellent voice . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Flora Harris (vocalist)
"VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (7 July 1860), 4
. . . Miss Brady sang the solo, "Hear ye, Israel," with great purity and sweetness. She seems evidently to be regaining her voice, which had at some previous concerts fallen off. A little more spirit would be advantageous, and the removal of a peculiar sway of the body . . .
"VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (3 August 1860), 4
THE repetition of the third concert for this season - "Haydn's Creation" - for the second half of the subscribers, was not so fully attended as is usually the case at these oratorio concerts, owing, possibly, to the threatening state of the weather . . . . Two amateurs made their debut (we believe) as solo singers of the society at this third concert, and supported the bass parts of Raphael and Adam with very good taste and correctness of execution. Miss M. Brady, whom we may likewise place amongst the amateurs, is making progress; she has a pleasing voice, which, when cultivated, will do good service. Miss Brady has likewise recovered her voice, which was for some time under a passing cloud; and this pleasing songstress will soon acquire the power of an accomplished vocalist . . .
"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 September 1860), 4
A grand concert was given last night in the Hall of St. Mary s Seminary, under the patronage of his Grace the Archbishop, in aid of the choir fund of St. Mary's Cathedral. The night was very wet dark, and unpleasant, but despite these drawbacks, there was a large attendance, several priests from the country being amongst the number. The concert was divided into two parts, the first consisting of sacred, and the second part of secular music. The sacred part, opened with the chorale of Bertini, "Tantum Ergo," which was smoothly sung and well in time . . . "Ave Maria" was admirably sung by Miss E. Howson, after which a motett, "Confirma hoc Deus," a quaint piece of music in the old church style, was rendered in a very happy manner by Miss Brady, Mrs. Bridson, Mrs. Cordner and Messrs. Ellard and Howson. Then followed selections from [Rossini's] Stabat Mater, of which the gem was the duet, "Quis est homo," sung by Miss Brady and Mrs. Cordner. The voices of these ladies were in perfect accord and blended together most harmoniously. The piece narrowly escaped an encore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Howson (vocalist); Sarah Bridson (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); Frederick Ellard (vocalist); St. Mary's cathedral (Sydney)
"SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 September 1860), 5
Yesterday evening, the first part of Mendelssohn's oratorio, "St. Paul," was performed in the Castlereagh-street schoolroom, by the Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society. There was a numerous attendance of visitors . . . The exquisite soprano air, "Jerusalem! Jerusalem!" was the only solo sung by Miss Brady, and was given with her accustomed case and correctness, but was deficient in that plaintive sympathetic expression which is essential to its proper delivery . . .
"NEWTOWN CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 November 1860), 8
The sacred concert at St. Stephen's schoolroom, at Newtown, on Wednesday last, was a decided success, taken either as a performance or, as we hope, financially - the room being filled to overflowing by a highly respectable audience, and whom but for the close proximity to the church would have given much more enthusiastic demonstrations of their gratification. A large muster of leading members of our various musical societies in the city gave their gratuitous assistance, and were very effective in the choruses, under the skilful conduct of Mr. Packer. We have not space to go into details of the various pieces, the whole being excellent; but we should be committing an act of injustice if we did not particularise Miss Brady's exquisite rendering of "Eve's Lamentation," by King, and a lovely gem of Glover's by a young lady amateur - "Thy will be done; " to say they both pleased the ear would be superfluous - they went direct to the heart, and still linger on the memory of all those who had the gratification of being present . . .
MUSIC: Eve's lamentation (Matthew Peter King)
"VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 December 1860), 9
The sixth, and last subscription concert of this institution, for the present year, took place last night, at the schoolroom, Castlereagh-street. The concert was very numerously attended, by a very attentive and discerning audience. The selections were entirely from Handel's oratorio, "The Messiah." The musical arrangements were under the direction of Mr. Packer, as organist, and Mr. Cordner as conductor . . . We have last to notice the performance of one who must be called the star of the night (Miss Brady). The only complaint we have against her is that she had so much to do, and was so evidently suffering under severe indisposition, that it made us pity almost as much as we admired. Everything she sang, however, was delightful. The touching and solemn air, "How beautiful [are] the feet," seemed to create a deep sensation among the audience. The rendering of the air, "I know that my Redeemer liveth," was similarly received. The final air, "If God for us," was also finely and energetically sung. Miss Brady wants only a little cultivation in the poetry of music, as well as its mechanism, to make her the best and purest interpreter of sacred music this colony has ever produced. Her great natural gifts in everything, give promise that she will take this place ere long . . .
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", Sydney Mail (29 December 1860), 1
On Monday evening last, being Christmas Eve, the Vocal Harmonic Society gave a special performance of Handel's grand oratorio, "The Messiah." The solo vocalists were the Misses Brady, Madame Flora Harris, Mrs. Cordner, Mr. F. Ellard, and Mr. Waller, all of whom fully sustained the fair reputation they have acquired in their several styles of singing . . .
"MUSICAL", Empire (25 February 1861), 4
BREVITY having necessarily characterised our notice of the last Philharmonic concert,
we are desirous of adding a few remarks in accordance with the then expressed intention . . .
One of the most lovely vocal beauties was Packer's "O'er the far Mountain," a trio from the opera of "Sadak and Kalasrade;"
it was sung by Mrs. Bridson, Miss M. Brady, and a gentleman amateur, with feeling, but wanting a little more practice.
The grace of the melody, and the richness of the harmonies of this piece create in us the desire to hear mora of this opera . . .
MUSIC: O'er the far mountain (Charles Sandys Packer, from Sadak and Kalasrade)
"SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 May 1861), 5
We had the pleasure yesterday evening of attending the final rehearsal of the oratorio of Elijah, which is to be performed on Thursday evening, in the new Freemasons' Hall, in Clarence-street. All our musical readers are aware of the high musical ability displayed by the members of the Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society. It is small praise to say that there never was in this colony a body of amateur musicians that approached to them either in numbers or excellence of execution. Under their talented conductor Mr. Cordner they have performed many oratorios in this city in a manner which would do no discredit to any provincial choir in England . . . Mr. "=Waller is to take the part of the "Prophet" . . . Madame Flora Harris, Mrs. Bridson, and Miss M. Brady are also among the solo performers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Freemasons' Hall (Sydney venue)
"M. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 February 1862), 5
A complimentary concert to M. Boulanger was given yesterday evening, at the Masonic Hall, in York-street . . . No artist who has ever appeared before a Sydney audience has exhibited more consummate skill as a pianist . . . Variety was given to the concert by some songs from Mrs. Cordner and the Misses Brady, who sang with much taste and sweetness . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Boulanger (pianist)
"MR. T. H. BROOKS' CONCERT", Empire (12 March 1862), 4
Last evening Mr. Brooks, the celebrated harpist, gave a concert at the Masonic Hall, York-street, which was extremely well attended. The concert was under the patronage of Sir John Young and Lady Young, Lady Young and Lord and Lady Taylour honoured the concert with their attendance. The performances commenced by Miss Brady singing the exquisite German Song, by Karl Krebs, "Smile, and I'll sing to thee," with the utmost purity of tone and delicacy of intonation, although the slowness of the time in which it was sung deprived it of some portion of that freshness and crispness which would otherwise have been exhibited . . . Miss Brady sang in a very pleasing manner the delightful song "The bird and maiden," accompanied by Mr. Richardson, who played a charming obligato on the flute. Glover's duett "The wind and harp" was sung by the Misses Brady, and deservedly encored . . . Mr. Cordner presided with his usual ability at the pianoforte.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas H. Brooks (harp); John James Mallcott Richardson (flute)
[Advertisement], Empire (18 March 1862), 1
Programme of the Concert given by Signor CESARE CUTOLO, in aid of the funds of the above Institution,
at the Masonic Hall, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, March 18th,
assisted by Miss Brady, Miss M. Brady, a Gentleman Amateur (Mr. Waller), Mr. Sussmilch, and the Gentlemen Amateurs of the German Glee Club,
Mr. T. Brooks, Mr. Henry Marsh, the Band of H. M. 12th Regiment,
and a Lady Amateur (Mrs. H. Marsh) who has kindly consented to sing for this benevolent occasion (her first appearance).
PART I . . . 2. - Glee - "The Curfew" - Misses Brady and Mr. Waller - Attwood . . .
7. - Song - "Think of Me" - Miss Brady - Lechner (Cornet obligato - Sergeant Prince.) . . .
PART II . . . 3. - Duet - "The Wind and the Harp" - The Misses Brady, accompanied on the harp by Mr. Brooks - Glover . . .
Mr. Henry Marsh has consented to preside at the pianoforte.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (pianist); Henry Marsh (accompanist); Christian Bernhard Sussmilch (vocalist); Band of the 12th Regiment (military); Henry Prince (cornet, 12th band)
MUSIC: The curfew (Thomas Attwood); The wind and the harp (Stephen Glover)
"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 March 1862), 5
Yesterday evening Signor Cesare Cutolo's long deferred concert in aid of the funds of the Randwick Asylum for Destitute Children, took place at the Freemasons' Hall in York-street, - a large and fashionable audience being in attendance on the occasion . . . The duet of "the Wind and the Harp" by S. Glover, merits a particular notice. It was very sweetly sung by the Misses Brady to the magic notes of the harp - Mr. Brooks playing the accompaniment . . .
NOTE: This was the last occasion on which either sister was reported appearing in Sydney as a public concert singer
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 September 1863), 1
On the 16th instant, by special license, at St. James Church, Sydney, by the Rev. Canon Allwood, assisted by the Rev. Canon Walsh, Robert Albert, eldest son of R. W. Newman, Esq., of Waverley, to Mary Anne, daughter of William Brady, Esq., of this city.
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 September 1871), 1
On the 5th instant, at St. James' Church, by the Rev. Canon Allwood, B.A., ROWLAND MANSFIELD, third son of the late GEORGE SHELLY, Esq., Tumut Plains, to MATILDA JANE, youngest daughter of the late WILLIAM BRADY, Esq., formerly of Belvoir House, Strawberry Hill.
"TUMUT LOCAL NEWS", The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser [NSW] (16 October 1875), 2
Through all the varied vicissitudes which go to make up the past history of Tumut society, it has ever been its good fortune to number among its members, individuals possessing musical talents of a high order. If some happy genius could bring out a musical congress, or a monster "singing bee" in the colony, then would the present lady and gentleman amateurs of Tumut have an opportunity of reaping first-class honors. Amateur concerts are becoming so much the order of the day, that there must of necessity be a certain similarity in newspaper reports of them, and persons outside the little circle where these entertainments occur are apt to regard the gracious things said of the performers as the mere courteous utterances of the local reporter; but we protest that we only speak the truth when we say the Juvenile Concert held at the Temperance Hall, on Tuesday evening last, was all we predicted it would be, exceeding even our sanguine expectations. It was, to use a trite but true expression, an unqualified success. The large audience that assembled in the hall evidently thoroughly appreciated the musical treat that had been provided for them . . . Master Bertie Newman sang the song of "Please give me a penny, sir," the chorus being taken by all the children, with telling effect and with an easy grace that evinced very careful training . . . We regret that we can only give a brief record of approval to the lady and gentlemen amateurs who so kindly lent their aid to give eclat to the concert. Mrs. Newman sang the "Wood Nymph's Call" with all her characteristic spirit and vivacity, was warmly encored, and delighted the audience with "Won't you tell me why, Robin?" after which "Very suspicious" was capitally sung by Mr. and Mrs. Newman, and vociferously encored. Mrs. Newman played her own accompaniments . . .
"TUMUT NEWS [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT]", The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (14 November 1879), 2
On Monday last . . . The annual picnic given to the children of All Saints' Anglican Church Sunday School was held in the beautiful grounds surrounding the vicarage . . . In the evening a concert, also in aid of the church funds, took place in the Odd-fellows' new hall. This, I am happy to say, was a most pronounced success . . . The solo "Moonlight Serenade," by Mrs. Newman, was faultlessly rendered as usual; afterwards this lady sweetly sung that favorite solo, "Fondly I love thee," and again appeared with Mr. Newman in the duet of "Money Matters," the rendition of which was perfect. In answer to a hearty encore Mr. and Mrs. Newman treated the audience to a similar effusion, "Love and Pride," which likewise received marked approval . . .
"TUMUT NEWS [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] CHURCH OF ENGLAND CONCERT", The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (20 August 1880), 2
This concert, in aid of the funds of All Saints' Church Sunday-school and choir, took place on Monday evening last at the Oddfellow's Hall. Since the days of Herr Hugo Alpen's musical parties, in the old Rose Assembly Room, and Herr Sipp's pianoforte recitals in the same place, Tumut hath not lacked residents gifted with musical talents of a high order, nor a cultured public capable of appreciating their performances. In the event of a musical congress being held at the ensuing Melbourne Exhibition, the lady and gentlemen amateurs of Tumut would have a opportunity of reaping first-class honors. We have had so many good concerts here, that it would be invidious to compare Monday evening's performance with any previous event . . . Mr. R. A. Newman, in his usual happy style, sang "The women of England;" loud applause followed, and Mr. Newman rendered in like manner "Sunny days will come again" . . . I may here state that Mrs. Newman, with great taste, acted as accompanist to Mr. Newman . . . After a short interval, Locke's music for Macbeth was introduced. The first witch was represented by Mrs. Newman . . . "The happy policeman," most happily rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Newman, so worked up the audience that an encore, not to be overruled, followed, and the singers finished amid loud applause . . . Mr. R. A. Newman concluded this excellent concert with the favourite song of "Sunny New South Wales" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Hugo Alpen (musician); Rudolf Sipp (pianist)
"TUMUT NEWS [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT]", The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (11 November 1881), 2
The concert at night, in aid of the building fund of All Saints' Church, was in every sense of the word a success. Tuohy's large hall was filled to the doors with an attentive and an appreciative audience. The knowledge that Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Shelley are going to take part in a concert is sufficient at all times to ensure a full house. The programme was rich with musical gems, several of the vocalists were encored, and long and hearty applause frequently resounded through the hall . . .
"TUMUT NEWS [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] ALL SAINTS' CHURCH CONCERT", The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (15 November 1881), 2
The concert which took place in Tuohy's Hall on the Prince of Wales' birthday in aid of the building fund of All Saints' Church, was a success, and the room was well filled, on the occasion with an appreciative audience . . . The excellent trio, "Hark to the rolling drum," was sung splendidly by Mr. and Mrs. Shelley and Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Shelley's clear contralto voice being heard to great advantage . . . The duet, "Let us dance on the sands," by Mrs. Shelley and Mrs. Newman (the former lady presiding at the piano), was another gem and gave intense delight. The programme concluded with the patriotic song of "Sunny New South Wales," by Mr. Newman, who introduced several new and appropriate verses with very good effect. The audience, especially the New South Welshmen portion, applauded to the echo, and when the song had ended, the plaudits were prolonged until Mr. Newman reappeared, when he treated the assembly to an amusing ditty, "The lament of a love sick gardener," in which he bewails the perfidy of his "everlasting faithless Rose." To each song Mrs. Newman played the accompaniment . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1909), 6
NEWMAN. - December 5, 1909, at her residence, Neutral Bay, Mary Ann, beloved wife of Robert Albert Newman.
BRAGG, Philip George (Philip George BRAGG; Philip BRAGG; P. G. BRAGG; Mr. BRAGG)
Actor, comedian, vocalist, writing master, convict, steam boat engineer
Born London, England, c. 1821
Convicted Old Bailey, London, England, 6 April 1840 (3 months, aged "18")
Convicted Old Bailey, London, England, 19 October 1840 (7 years, aged "20")
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 5 July 1842 (convict per Eden, 7 March 1842)
Married Winifred LENAHAN, St. Joseph's church, Launceston, VDL (TAS), 20 April 1847 (approved 27 February 1847)
Died Sydney, NSW, 20 October 1870, about "48" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Trial of Philip George Bragg, 6 April 1840; Old Bailey online (DIGITISED)
1146. PHILIP GEORGE BRAGG was indicted for stealing, on the 31st of March, 1 jacket, value 12s., the goods of Nathan Phillips . . . GUILTY. Aged 18. - Confined Three Months.
Trial of Philip George Bragg, 19 October 1840; Old Bailey online (DIGITISED)
2601. PHILLIP BRAGG was indicted for stealing, on the 20th of October, 1 pair of trowsers, value 1l. 3s., the goods of John Sewell . . . GUILTY.* Aged 19. - Transported for Seven Years.
According to prisoner records, he was by trade a steam boat engineer
Convict records, Philip Bragg, 1840 [no. 5163]; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1374836$init=CON33-1-22p293 (DIGITISED - No. 5163 image incomplete]$init=CON14-1-12P132 (DIGITISED)
5163 / Bragg Philip / C. C. Court / 19 October 1840 / 5 ft 1 in / Age 20 / 7 years / Protestant / Read & write / single
"CONVICT DEPARTMENT. Comptroller-General's Office, March 2, 1846", Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (6 March 1846), 4
It is hereby notified to the under-mentioned individuals, that the Lieutenant-Governor has received a Despatch from the Right Honourable the Secretary of State, conveying Her Majesty's approval of Tickets-of-Leave being granted to them: . . . Philip Bragg, Eden 2 . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (28 October 1846), 834
OLYMPIC THEATRE . . First Night of the LADY OF LYONS . . .
On Thursday, 29th Oct. . . . FOR THE BENEFIT OF MRS. OLIFFE . . .
Second Office - Mr. BRAGG . . . PAULINE, MRS. OLIFFE . . . SONG, MRS. CLARKE . . .
G. H. Rogers, Stage Manager. J. H. S. Lee, Acting Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Oliffe (actor, vocalist); Anne Remens Clarke (actor, vocalist, proprietor); George Herbert Rogers (actor, manager); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor, manager)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (4 November 1846), 854
OLYMPIC THEATRE . . . Thursday, 5th November. MRS. CLARKE'S BENEFIT . . .
Finale - Each doubt and fear now ending - By the Characters . . .
To conclude with (for the first time this season) THE BEGGAR'S OPERA . . .
Nimming Ned - MR. BRAGG . . .
MUSIC: The marriage of Figaro (Mozart, arr. Henry Bishop); The beggar's opera (Gay, with tunes)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (27 November 1846), 1
MRS. CLARKE begs leave to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its Vicinity,
that she is about to commence a new Season with the following talented Company: . . .
MR. BRAGG, from the Sydney and Launceston Theatres . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
1847, marriages in the district of Launceston; NAME_INDEXES:835729; RGD37/1/6 no 1262 (DIGITISED)
No. 53 / 1262 / April 20th 1847 Launceston / Philip Bragg / 25 / T[icket of] Leave / . . . Clerk . . . Winifred Lenehen [sic] / 30 / T[icket of] Leave / . . . Spinster . . . / were married at St. Joseph's Church Launceston . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Winifred Lenahan (convict); see also approval, 27 February 1847:
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (3 September 1847), 1
On Saturday Evening, Sept. 4 . . . COMIC SONG - MR. BRAGG . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Mereton and wife (actor); Royal Albert Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Notice], Launceston Examiner (16 October 1847), 8
CONVICT DEPARTMENT . . . The periods for which thie undermentioned persons were transported expiring at the dates placed after their respective names, certificates of their freedom may be obtained then . . . Phillip Bragg, [19 October] . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (10 December 1847), 2
Under the Distinguished Patronage of The ARISTOCRACY of HOBART TOWN . . .
A DANCE - Miss E. Thomson. COMIC SONG - Mr. Bragg. PAS SEUL - Mrs. Young . . . DANCE , Mr. Myers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Ditchburn and wife (actors); Eliza Thomson (dancer); Jane Eliza Young (dancer); Abraham Myers (dancer)
1848, births in the distict of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:952376; RGD33/1/3/ no 503 (DIGITISED)
No. 503 / January 14tyh / Georginia [sic] / Female / [daughter of] Philip George Bragg / Winifred Bragg formerly Linihan / Writing Master . . .
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (30 September 1848), 3
CIRCUS ROYAL Of Tasmania. FIRST NIGHT OF OPENING . . . acts of horsemanship including THE VATTIGIER By Mr. Ashton . . . Clown to the Circle, Mr. Bragg . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Henry Golden Ashton (circus performer, manager)
[Advertisement], The Courier (2 December 1848), 2
The whole to conclude with Pocock's National Drama of ROB ROY MACGREGOR Or Auld Lang Syne.
Saunders Wylie (his first appearance) Mr. Bragg.
Diana Vernon (with songs) Mrs. Lambert . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Avis Radford (circus performer, proprietor); Mrs. Lambert = Harriet Oliffe above
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (27 December 1848), 2
The new pantomime of Puss in Boots, or Harlequin and the Fairy of the Feline Species, adapted from the popular juvenile tale, was produced at the Victoria Theatre last evening . . . he polite politic philosophic persevering Puss in prunella is sustained by Mr. Young; Harlequin, Mr. Buckingham; Clown, Mr. Bragg; and Pantaloon by Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Young, as Columbine.
ASSOCIATION: Edward Buckingham (actor); William Campbell (dancer)
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (17 November 1849), 2
the following interlude each evening: -
Mr. Osborne, as that eccentric Cosmopolotian, BILLY BARLOW, will sing an Extempore Ditty, on his tour through Launceston;
Comie Irish Song, Mr. Bragg . . .
ASSOCIATION: Robert James Osborne (actor, vocalist)
"Olympic Theatre", The Cornwall Chronicle (29 December 1849), 1120
This Theatre is rapidly progressing in public estimation; Mr. Osborne as Lessee, is indefatigable in his exertion in catering for the amusement of our play-going community. A good night's entertainment is announced for Monday, and on Wednesday, selections from Shakspeare's will be given. It will be something extraordinary to witness Mr. Bragg, the low comedian, as Richard III . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (9 February 1850), 95
Mr. Bragg begs respectfully to announce to the Gentry and Inhabitants of Launceston,
that having incurred considerable expense in preparing an Entertainment never before performed in this Colony,
he trusts that on this occasion his numerous Friends will make the House "almost too hot to hold him."
The Performance will commence with, for the first time in this Colony, an interesting Drama, in 2 acts, entitled, Jacko, the Monkey of Brazil! . . .
After which . . . MR. BRAGG, as "BILLY BARLOW," will extemporise on various subjects of local interest . . .
"LOCAL", The Cornwall Chronicle (2 March 1850), 140
We are informed that the play-going portion of the public will be electrified on Tuesday evening next, at Mr. Briggs', the "Dolphin Inn," on which occasion Bragg (late of the Olympic Theatre) will introduce himself in an entertainment, in the style of "Matthews at Home," in which Mr. Bragg will sustain 8 different characters, and sing several characteristic songs. We have no doubt that so great a favorite of the public will be amply remunerated for his exertions. - Communicated.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Matthews (London comedian and comic vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (13 April 1850), 238
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE. Monday, April 15th 1850 . . .
NEW NEGRO MELODIES, Mr. and Master Goldings.
SONG, "Manager Strutt," - MR. BRAGG . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel and Michael Golding (vocalists)
SONG: Manager Strutt was four feet high ("Sung by Mr. Matthews")
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (11 May 1850), 7
"Writing", The Cornwall Chronicle (29 May 1850), 339
Mr. Smith, the teacher of writing, has rather a powerful rival in Mr. P. G. Bragg, who advertises to impart in ten lessons a good style of writing. Mr. Bragg attends schools, and must be a very useful assistant at such establishments, more particularly as his system is very easy and unconstrained.
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (7 August 1850), 517
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 9th 1850. For the Benefit of the WIDOW of the late MR. EDWARD THOMPSON . . .
Song - Mr. Deering. To be succeeded by a Song - Mr. Holloway. Comic Song - Mr. Bragg . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Thompson (actor)
"WRITING", Launceston Examiner (28 December 1850), 7
Mr. Bragg offers during the vacation to perfect, in ten lessons, any young persons or adults who may be anxious to improve in this accomplishment. Testimonials are furnished in the advertisement.
See [Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (28 December 1850), 3
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (12 March 1851), 159
Royal Olympic Theatre . . . Wednesday, March 12th, 1851 . . . Song - Mr. Bragg . . . J. R. Kenney, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Richard Kenney (actor, manager)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 April 1851), 1
MR. BRAGG, Professor of Penmanship, Short Hand Writer, Accountant, &c.,
FROM LONDON, IMPARTS to persons of all ages an elegant and flowing style of Writing, IN TEN LESSONS.
The fact that upwards of 3000 ladies in the adjacent colonies have been taught by Mr. Bragg's system fully establishes its efficacy.
The most flattering testimonials can be produced, and references given.
Terms (for the course of lessons) 10s 6d.
Teaching- Rooms, 137 Little Lonsdale street West, one door from King-street.
[manicule] Private families and schools attended in town or country.
Yesterday afternoon, the City Coroner held an inquiry at the Sydney Arms, in Castlereagh-street, near Market-street, touching the circumstances connected with the death of an elderly man, named Philip George Bragg. On the day before deceased's death, it would appear that he purchased a two-ounce phial full of liquid ammonia from the shop of Messrs. A. J. Watt and Co., opposite the Central Police Office, and it is supposed that he must have drunk a considerable portion of the contents nearly one-half . . . Georgina Bragg deposed that she resided at No. 3, Young's-buildings, Castlereagh-street, where she resided with her mother; she was a single woman; the deceased was her father, but had not resided with her mother and self for years; she and her mother gained their living by dealing; her father was forty-eight years of age, and a native of London (England); he was a writing master, and had been in the colony about 25 or 26 years; he had left a wife and four children; she last saw her father alive on Saturday week; she saw him occursionally . . . [adjourned]
"CORONER'S INQUESTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 October 1870), 6
. . . The jury found that the deceased died from the effects of an overdose of liquid ammonia, taken by himself, but without any intention of destroying life.
Vocalist, actor
Arrived Hobart, VDL (TAS), 28 October 1833 (per Lady East, from Liverpool)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 12 February 1834 (per Eagle, from Hobart Town, 3 February)
? Active Sydney, NSW, 1838 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Arrivals, by the Lady East, 28 October 1833, from Liverpool; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:407331; CUS30/1/1 P312
. . . John Braham . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (14 January 1834), 2
Notice. G. F. LAURENT, formerly of the Lyceum Theatre, London,
respectfully informs the gentry of Hobart Town and the public in general, that he intends giving a
Grand Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, on Monday, the 20th instant -
and has the pleasure to announce that he has engaged Mr. Braham, son of the celebrated Braham,
of Covent Garden and Drury-lane Theatres, previous to his departure to Sydney, for one night only.
Jan. 14, 1834.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Frederick Laurent (vocalist); John Braham (English vocalist; ? related, unlikely)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Herald (17 February 1834), 2
From Hobart Town, same day [12 February], whence she sailed on the 3rd instant, the schooner Eagle, 107 tons, Pratt, master. Lading Sundries. Passengers, Mr. John Braham . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (21 April 1834), 3
By Permission of His Excellency the Governor,
TO-MORROW EVENING, Tuesday, the 22d of April, 1834,
when will be performed a number or CHORUSES, GLEES, DUETS, SONGS, &c,
by Mesdames Taylor, Jones, Meredith, Downes,
and Messrs. Knowles, Meredith, Braham, Buckingham, Grove, and Taylor,
late of the Sydney Theatre, assisted by several amateurs.
[manicule] Mr. Cavendish will preside at the Piano Forte.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria and Michael Taylor (vocalists); Harriet Jones (vocalists); John and Amelia Meredith (vocalists); Mrs. Downes (vocalist); Conrad Knowles (vocalist); George Buckingham (vocalist); Daniel Parsons Grove (vocalist); William Joseph Cavendish (pianist); Theatre Royal (Sydney theatrical company, these actors, late of Sydney theatre, had temporarily parted company with the management of Barnett Levey, who had denied them theatrical benefits, thus this advertised benefit performance at a rival venue); Richard Bourke (governor); Pulteney Hotel (Sydney venue)
"THEATRICAL BENEFIT CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (21 April 1834), 2
On Friday evening last, the principal performers of the Sydney Theatre gave their first Concert at the Pulteney Hotel . . . Mr. Braham followed with "My Wild Guitar," which was performed in a pleasing and simple manner. Mr. B. has a fine tenor voice, but appears to want the aid of a tutor . . . "Shades of Evening" followed; after which, "Auld Lang Syne," between Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Jones, Braham, and Buckingham, (Mr. Knowles at the piano-forte) which was appreciated by the audience and encored. "God save the King," by the whole of the Company, wound up the Evening's Amusements.
MUSIC: The wild guitar (song, tune: Gramachree [The harp that once through Tara's halls])
[News], The Australian (2 May 1834), 3
Mr. Levey has added some vocalists to his present company. A Mr. Braham and a Miss Morton are among the number, both of whom will prove acquisitions.
? [Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (23 October 1834), 4
NOTICE. IF MICHAEL BRAHAM do not call and pay me for his Lodgings,
his Box, with Contents, will be sold to pay all Expenses, within fourteen days from this date.
SUSANNAH SEYMORE. Elizabeth-street, Race Course, October 21, 1834.
? "SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . DEPARTURES", The Sydney Herald (13 August 1835), 2
For Launceston, same day [10 August], the brig Martha, Captain Sanderson, with sundries. Passengers . . . and Mr. Michael Braham.
? Entrance book, Sydney Gaol, January 1836; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Mich'l Abrahams or Braham / [arrived by] Joyce [? Eagle] / 1834 / [born] 1808 / 5ft 4 3/4 in / Stout / . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (10 September 1838), 3
N. B. - A great variety of Pleasure Boats to be had on application to Mr. George Buckingham, "Odd Fellows Tavern" . . .
Glee Club every Monday Evening; Mr. Braham in the Chair . . .
? [Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (29 April 1842), 1
IF MICHAEL BRAHAM, a Cabinet-maker, who came to this Colony or New South Wales from Calcutta, about seven years since, will apply to this Office, he will hear of something greatly to his advantage. April 24, 1842.
BRAHAM, Augustus (Augustus Frederick BRAHAM; Augustus BRAHAM)
Musician, tenor vocalist (in the event never came to Australia)
Born Brompton, London, England, 1819; son of John BRAHAM and Francis Elizabeth BOLTON
Died Hastings, Sussex, England, 31 May 1889 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"THEATRICALS", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (21 April 1855), 2-3
By the last mail from Sydney we have a little theatrical news. The dramatic season at the Victoria [3] there opened on the 19th, under the most favourable auspices . . . Besides a very large stock company of old-established favourites, the choruses have been carefully completed and Mr. Winterbottom is amongst the soloists. Upon the termination of the engagement of Mr. G. V. Brooke . . . the appearance of our old favourites, Mr. and Mrs. Stark, is announced . . . These will be succeeded by an operatic company, the agent in London having received offers of negotiation with Madame Anna Thillon, Mr. Augustus Braham, Mr. Fraser, Tenors, Miss Romer, M. Borani, and Mr. and Mrs. D. W. King, and the celebrated Henry Russell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (14 November 1860), 8
Mr. AUGUSTUS BRAHAM, the celebrated tenor, and Madame FLORENCE LANCIA, the well-known soprano,
will leave England the first week in May for a tour throughout the Australian colonies.
Letters from theatrical managers for opera concerts and oratorios may be addressed, per return mail,
to Mr. Braham, 2, Courtland-villas, the Mall, Kensington Palace Gardens, London.
Florence Lancia (vocalist);
the notice was also placed in Adelaide, SA, Melbourne, VIC, and Hobart, TAS, papers;
see also "MUSICAL GOSSIP", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (19 October 1860), 4
Musician, vocalist, minstrel serenader
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 15 February 1863 (via Melbourne)
Died Sydney, NSW, 13 December 1894 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SHIPPING . . . ARRIVALS . . . FEBRUARY 15", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 February 1863), 4
City of Melbourne (s.), 800 tons, Captain Walker, from Melbourne 12th instant. Passengers . . . Leathwood, Pearson, C. Percival, J. Cowan, W. Robson, L. Braham . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Johnny Cowan (minstrel); Harry Leslie (minstrel); Frank Leathwood (minstrel); Charles Percival (minstrel); W. Robson (minstrel); Court Minstrels (troupe); the minstrels has been performing in Melbourne for several months previously, but this was the first instance of Braham being listed among the troupe
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1863), 1
Great Success of the Court Minstrels. Entire change of Programme.
THIS EVENING, February 26th. JOHNNY COWAN and HARRY LESLIE in new Eccentricities, new Songs, Chorusses, Burlesques, Extravaganza, &c., &c.
1. Grand introductory overture (instrumental) - Court Minstrels
2. Opening Chorus (Sounds of Pleasure) - Company
3. Beautiful Star - L. Braham
4. I'm looking at you, Polly - J. Cowan
6. She's black, but that's no matter - F. Leathwood
6. The Hen Convention - Harry Leslie
7. Smile again - A. Pearson
8. I've been roaming - C. Percival
9. Sweep's refrain - Company
10. Railway Galop-finale - Court Minstrels . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
"Funerals", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 December 1894), 8
THE FUNERAL of the late Mr. LOW BRAHAM (late of Hiscocks' Federal Minstrels) will leave Prince Alfred Hospital THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, to Waverley Cemetery.
"LATE GENERAL NEWS", The Maitland Daily Mercury [NSW] (8 January 1895), 2
There died recently in the Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, a well-known tenor vocalist in the person of Louis Braham. It is thirty years ago since Mr. Braham first came to the colonies with the Court Minstrels, and since then he had a varied career. In the palmy days of the diggings he followed mining pursuits, and since then travelled all over the world, having organised a troupe which visited India and South Africa, and been connected with a combination that travelled through the United States of America. In addition, Mr. Braham was one at one time attached to the celebrated Moore and Burgess' Minstrels at the St. James' Hall, London. The deceased vocalist was long and favourably known, especially so in connection with the Harvey-Dougherty-Leslie-Braham Minstrels (South Africa), the United States Minstrels, Hiscocks and Hayman's Mammoth Minstrels (in England), the San Francisco Minstrels (in America), and other companies.
Dancing-master, professor of dancing, dance hall proprietor
Born Brighton, Sussex, England, 1827; baptised Worthing, Sussex, 9 July 1827; son of Robert BRAID (1777-1851) and Dorothy (Sophia) POPHAM (1786-1872)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 10 September 1852 (per John Taylor, from London, 12 June)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, ? by mid 1855 or earlier (for England)
Married Mary GREENFIELD, St. Nicholas, Brighton, Sussex, England, 21 October 1856
Died Brighton, Sussex, England, 8 August 1890 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
BRAID, Charles (Charles BRAID; Mr. C. BRAID)
Musician, professor of music, teacher of pianoforte and singing, dance hall proprietor, composer
Born Sussex, England, 1830; baptised Worthing, 8 March 1830; son of Robert BRAID (1777-1851) and Dorothy Sophia POPHAM (c. 1786-1872)
Married (1) Hester BURCHELL (1817-1853), St. Peter le-Puer, Sussex, England, 8 March 1850
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 10 September 1852 (per John Taylor, from London, 12 June)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 4 December 1853 (per Great Britain, for Liverpool)
Active Brighton, Sussex, England, by November 1854
Married (2) Ann TOFTS (widow SEDGWICK) (c. 1821-1884), St. Andrew, Hove, Sussex, 28 April 1855
Died Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, 30 May 1906, aged "76/77" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)'s+Assembly+Rooms+1853-55 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Baptisms in the Parish of Broadwater in the County of Sussex in the Year 1830; register 1828-39, page 32; West Sussex Record Office, Par 29/1/2/2
No. 256 / [1830] March 8 / Charles Son of / Robert & Sophia / Braid / Worthing / Servant . . .
ASSOCIATION: Robert Braid, colour sergeant, 3rd Regiment, was pensioned aged 40 on 25 March 1817; he married his second wife, Dorothy Sophia Popham, at Brixham, Devon, on 7 December 1808

"HARVEST HYMN OF THANKSGIVING", Pictorial Times (16 October 1847), 9 (PAYWALL)
WRITTEN BY W. S. PASSMORE, COMPOSED BY CHARLES BRAID ["Hail to Thee great King of Kings . . ."]
ASSOCIATIONS: William S. Passmore (author); Chapel Royal (Brighton, Sussex, England)
MUSIC: Harvest hymn of thanksgiving (complete, ONSITE PDF)
"MARRIED", Hampshire Chronicle [England] (16 November 1850), 7 (PAYWALL)
On the 8th inst, at St. Peter's le-Puer, Charles Braid, Esq. of Brighton, to Hester, youngest daughter of the late Geo. M. Burchell, Esq., Scotsland, Surrey.
[Advertisement], Brighton Gazette [Sussex, England] (26 December 1850), 4 (PAYWALL)
MR. CHARLES BRAID, Teacher of the Piano-forte and Singing in an eaay and improved style. -
Pupils received at Mr. B.'s residence, 90, Upper North Street, where a Quadrille Band can engaged for Balls or Evening Parties;
as also at Mr. F. Wright's Music Mart, Royal Colonnade; Messrs. Cramer and Co., East Street; and Mr. Darling's, Western Road.
Mr. C. B. engages to supply all the latest Dance Music. TERMS MODERATE.
England census, 30 March 1851, The Palace, Brighton, Sussex; UK National Archives, HO107/1646/552/50 (PAYWALL)
90 Upper North St. / Charles Braid / Head / Mar. / 21 / Professor of Music / [born] Sussex Worthing
Hester [Braid] / Wife / Mar. / 26 / - / Surrey Bramley . . . [and 1 house servant]
England census, 30 March 1851, St. George, Hanover Square, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1477/13/18 (PAYWALL)
Old Barra[c]k G'd 2 Pearcy's Cottages / William Braid / Head / Unm. / 32 / Servant / [born] Sussex Brighton
John [Braid] / Brother / Unm. / 25 / [Servant] / [born Sussex Brighton]
"THE WATERFALL POLKA. BY MR. CHARLES BRAID", Brighton Gazette (25 September 1851), 3 (PAYWALL)
It would be difficult to produce anything very novel in Polka compositions, after the number that have been issued. Our young townsman has tried his hand at one; and although it does not possess in great degree, because it cannot, the merit of originality, it is sparkling, cheerful, and pleasing, and does him much credit.
[Advertisement], Brighton Gazette (27 November 1851), 4 (PAYWALL)
MR. CHARLES BRAID, Teacher of the Piano and Singing, 26, Russell Square,
begs respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Visitors of Brighton that he has just received
all the newest DANCE MUSIC of the season (comprising Jullien, Labitzky, D'Albert, &c., &c.,) for the Soiree Dansante.
Evening Parties attended. Bands or Musicians provided on moderate terms.
Mr. C. B., takes this opportunity of thanking his Patrons and Friends for past favours.
Now publishing, a Second Edition of the WATERFALL POLKA MAZOURKA. - Orders received at 36, Russell Square.
[Advertisement], Brighton Gazette (3 June 1852), 1 (PAYWALL)
NOTICE - All persons having CLAIMS on MR. CHARLES BRAID, of 26, Russell Square, Brighton, Professor of Music, are requested to send their respective accounts on or before Saturday next, June 5th, previous to his departure for the Continent. June 2, 1852.
"MUSIC", Brighton Gazette (3 June 1852), 3 (PAYWALL)
THE ACACIA POLKA. By CHARLES BRAID. Published by J. Williams . . .
The race of Polkas is a seemingly endless one. Their name is legion. Ingenuity is required to discover even an unused title for a new one.
The stars above have been ransacked till scarcely any remain unemployed, and the flowers below have been gathered,
for the sake of their names for this class of compositions; and yest, in all this variety, we find a great sameness.
A sparkling pretty melody, written with a certain rhythm and accent, is all that is required as a rule;
and it is difficult for the memory to separate one of these from the dozens heard in the ball room and at promenade concerts.
Brighton has been somewhat prolific in this class of productions;
and we have now to mention "The Acacia Polka" as one deserving a place amongst the simple and pleasing of the race.
It is the composition of Mr. C. Braid, a fellow townsman, who has produced a very popular work of the same school,
which has just reached a second edition.
Melbourne, VIC (from 10 September 1852 to c. 1855):
Names and descriptions of passengers per John Taylor, from London, 11 June 1852, for Melbourne; Public Records Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Braid Charles / 22 / Musician
Braid [Hester] / 22 [sic]
Burchell Ruth / 23 [sic]
Braid William / 32 / Clerk
Braid John / 24 / Clerk
Braid [male child] / 7
ASSOCIATIONS: William Braid (born 1 April 1819; baptised Brighton, Sussex, 24 April 1819; died Dunedin, NZ, 15 April 1904); Ruth Burchell, born c. 1817, Hester's sister, returned to England and married Frederick Apthorp Paley at St. Nicholas, Brighton, Sussex, on 31 July 1854
[2 advertisements], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (17 November 1852), 7
MR. Charles Braid begs to announce that he continues to give instruction in music and singing.
For terms, apply at his residence, Hanover-street, Collingwood, nearly opposite the Shepherd's Arms.
IF Edward Martin, who came out in the ship Mariner, will call on Miss Burchell,
at Mr. Charles Braid's, Hanover-street, Collingwood, he will receive letters from England.
"BIRTH", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 December 1852), 4
At Collingwood, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr. Charles Braid, late of Brighton, Sussex, England, of a daughter.
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. Peter's Melbourne in the County of Bourke in the Year 1853; register 1848-59, page 1805; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)
No. 1579 / Jan. 28 [1853] / [born] Dec. 7 1852 / Minnie [daughter of] / Charles & Hester / Braid / Collingwood / Professor of Music . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Minnie died in Melbourne in 1853
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 December 1852), 8
CALEB POWELL, from Brighton, Sussex, England, Charles Braid will be very glad to see you, at the brick cottage, nearly opposite to the Shepherd's Arms, Greaves-street, Collingwood.
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 February 1853), 8
MR. CHARLES BRAID begs to inform the inhabitants of Collingwood and its vicinity, that he continues to give lessons on the Pianoforte and Singing, at his residence, St. Burwell's Cottage, Smith-street, near the Shepherd's Arms. Schools and families attended. Pianos tunes. Terms . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 May 1853), 12
MELBOURNE ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Russell-street, corner of Little Collins-street.
Open every Evening from half-past Eight to half-past Eleven. Under Distinguished Patronage.
THE Proprietors of the above new and elegant rooms, beg most respectfully to announce to the inhabitants of Melbourne and its vicinity
that they purpose giving a grand Opening Ball, at the above rooms, in celebration of Her Majesty's Birthday,
on Tuesday evening, the 24th inst., to commence at half-past eight precisely.
In the erection and decoration of the above rooms, the proprietors have spared neither pains nor expense,
and they confidently assert that for convenience and elegance they are unequalled in Melbourne or its vicinity.
The Ball Room will be under the management of a competent M. C.,
who will at all times use his best exertions not only to keep them highly select,
but also to study the comfort and promote the amusement of those ladies and gentlemen who may favor the proprietors with their patronage.
The Refreshment Rooms will be supplied with every delicacy in the London and Paris styles, by Mr. Gregory, of Swanston-street, at moderate charges.
The Band engaged for the establishment comprises the first talent of Melbourne, and will be under the immediate direction of a well known public favorite.
Gentlemen are particularly requested to appear in appropriate costume.
Musical Director, Mr. C. Braid; Leader of the Band, Herr Prinz; Master of Ceremonies, Mr. J. Braid.
Full particulars of the opening night will be duly announced.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Prinz (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 May 1853), 12
BRAID'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS, MELBOURNE, Russell-street, Corner of Little Collins-street.
THESE SPLENDID ROOMS will be opened every Monday and Friday, as a Select Quadrille Assembly, to commence at half-past Eight,
and conclude at half-past Eleven, and on Wednesday nights.
A GRAND BALL Will be hold, which will commence at half-past Eight.
The following is the Programme for Monday Evening, May 30th, 1853.
Overture - Timour the Tartar - M. P. King.
Quadrille - Heidelberg - D'Albert.
Valse a deux temps - Fairest of the Fair - D'Albert.
Polka - Trumpet - Koenig.
Quadrille - German - Prinz.
Galope - Venetian - Strauss.
Schottische - Opera - Youens.
An interval of fifteen minutes.
Operatic Selections - Favorita - Donizetti.
Polka - Walhalla - Wade.
Quadrille - Echo - Murand.
Gallope - Grenadier Guards, by particular desire - Lardeill.
Valse - Nightingale - Lanuer.
Schottische - Parisien - Etting.
Quadrille - English - Jullien.
National Anthem.
The Public and Subscribers to the above rooms are respectfully informed, that the Band engaged by the proprietors comprises the first talent in Melbourne,
which renders the dancing assemblies a place of Terpsichorean enjoyment, combined with a select Concert . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 June 1853), 12
BRAID'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Russell-street, corner, of Little Collins-street.
GRAND Promenade Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT,
This Evening, Saturday, June 4th.
1. Overture, full Band - Pre aux Clercs - Auber.
2. Trio - Winds gently Whisper, Mrs. and Mr. Hancock, and Mr. C. Braid - Whittaker.
3. Solo, Obea [oboe] Fantasia - Barber of Seville, Herr Blume - Rossini.
4. Duet - I think a Sailor is faithful, Mrs. and Mr. Hancock - Balfe.
5. Mazurka - Waterfall, Full Band - C. Braid.
6. Song - Revenge, Mr. Hancock - J. L. Hatton.
7. Ballad - O, Peaceful Lake, Mrs. Hancock - Jackson.
8. Operatic Selections, (full Band) - Lucia di Lammermoor - Donizetti.
9. National Song - England, Mr. C. Braid - S. Glover.
10. Solo, Cornet - Lucia di Lammermoor, Mr. Chapman - Donizetti.
11. Irish Song - Kathleen O' More, Mrs. Hancock - Original.
12. Emmeline Valse, (full Band) - D'Albert.
13. Duet - I've wandered in dreams - Mrs. and Mr. Hancock - Wade.
14 Song - A Life on the Ocean Wave, Mr. Hancock - Russell.
15. Finale - National Anthem.
Doors open at half-past Seven, Concert to commence at Eight.
Admission, 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen and Edward Hancock (vocalists); Herr Blume (oboe); George Chapman (cornet)
[2 advertisements], The Argus (18 June 1853), 12
BRAID'S MELBOURNE ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Russell-street, corner of Little Collins-street.
THE proprietors of the above new and greatly admired rooms, beg to return their sincere thanks to their patrons and friends,
for the kind support since their opening night, and trust that they will still continue their patronage,
it being the determination of the proprietors to maintain the strictest decorum.
Their will be an Assembly every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evenings, to commence precisely at half-past eight,
and close at half-past eleven. A Grand Ball the first Wednesday in the month, weather permitting, to commence at nine o'clock . . .
DANCING. MR. JOHN BRAID, Teacher of Dancing,
respectfully informs his pupils and friends, that the class will meet on Saturday at two, and every subsequent Wednesday and Saturday.
Any parties wishing to become efficient in the graceful art of dancing, are invited to enter their names immediately.
Terms, £3 3s per quarter. Schools and Families on liberal terms.
An adult class every Tuesday evening at eight o'clock. Braid's Melbourne Assembly Rooms. Russel-street.
"BRAIDS ASSEMBLY ROOMS", The Argus (7 July 1853), 3
We owe an apology to the proprietors of these rooms; but we have been so overwhelmed lately by Circuses, Salles, Restaurants, Casinos, Larders, Cafes, Lectures, Bains Chauds, Music, &c. &c., that we are afraid the above establishment is not the only one that we have failed to notice. It consists of a room fifty feet in length, handsomely decorated, and well lighted. In it are assembled parties for dancing every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening. There are also music and dancing classes, and it is intended to have singing taught on the Hullah system. In addition to this, our advertising columns inform us that we are to be favored with morning and evening dramatic readings by a gentleman of whom report speaks highly, commencing with the Lady of Lyons and Hamlet. Last evening, the first of a series of monthly subscription balls was well and respectably attended, and dancing kept up with spirit till an early hour. The orchestra is powerful and good, as any person passing the neighborhood at night may hear. Any gentleman, feeling the necessity of a little harmless dissipation, should pay these rooms a visit and judge for himself.
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 July 1853), 10
BRAID'S Melbourne Assembly Rooms, Russell-street, corner of Little Collins-street.
Synopsis for the week:-
Monday (this) evening, Select Quadrille Assembly, at half-past eight.
Tuesday evening. Adult Dancing Class, at eight.
Wednesday morning, Juvenile Dancing Class, at two.
Do. evening, Select Quadrille Assembly, at half-past eight.
Thursday evening, Adult Dancing Class, at eight.
Friday evening, Select Quadrille Assembly, at half-past eight.
Saturday morning. Juvenile Dancing Class, at two.
Do. evening Mr. B. Jullien Coleman, (third reading,) will read Shakspeare's admired play, "The Merchant of Venice."
Singing Classes on the Hullah system now forming.
Private lessons in Dancing, Singing, and Piano-Forte.
CHARLES & JOHN BRAID, Proprietors,
Monday, July 18th, 1853.
ASSOCIATIONS: Barned Jullien Coleman (actor); John Hullah (English singing master)
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 August 1853), 8
BRAID'S Melbourne Assembly Rooms, Russell-street, corner of Little Collins-street.
The Proprietors beg to inform their friends and the public that their
second grand monthly Subscription Ball will take place this evening, August 3rd, at the above Rooms.
The following is the Programme, which contains some new and elegant dance music, composed expressly for these Rooms: -
1 Quadrille - Hungarian - Jullien
2 Polka - Bridesmaids - Jolly
3 Spanish Valse
4 Lancers
5 Schottische - Original
6 Valse - Wild Flowers - Jullien
7 Polka - Braid's Assembly - Radford
8 Quadillle - Canotier Parisienne - Bosisio
9 Schottische - Atherton
10 Galope - Flight of Haynau from Barclay and Perkins' draymen.
An interval of fifteen minutes.
11 Quadrille - Polka - Les dames de Varsovie
12 Valse a deux temps - Jullien
13 Polka - Abbotsford - Jones
14 Quadrille - Caledonian
15 Schottische - Hungarian - D'Albert
16 Valse - Lucrezia Borgia - Jullien
17 Quadrille - New - Radford
18 Polka - Argus - Ditto
19 Country Dance
20 Galope - Spirit of the Ball - D'Albert
21 National Anthem.
CHARLES & JOHN BRAID, Proprietors.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mark Radford (musician, composer)
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 August 1853), 8
THE "Argus Polka" every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, at Braid's Rooms, Russell-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 August 1853), 8
NEW Music, composed by Radford, expressly for Braids' Rooms. "The Argus Polka," "Braids Assembly Polka," "Herald of Hope Valses," "Express Galope," every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening.
"THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL", The Argus (8 October 1853), 4
IN the Legislative Council yesterday . . . . Dr. Greeves and Alderman Hodgson stood up at the end of the table and performed a sort of "set to your partner, turn round once, and take your places," in a style that would have gladdened the hearts of Professors Braid or Denning . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hodgson (member); Cornelius Peter Denning (dancing master)
"DEATHS", The Argus (1 November 1853), 4
On the 30th ult., at her residence, Great Collins-street, Hester, the beloved wife of Mr. Charles Braid, of Brighton, Sussex, England, in the 33rd year of her age.
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 July 1854), 8
BRAID'S Assembly Rooms, Open this Evening. Gentlemen introducing Ladies, 5s, Open at eight.
BRAID'S Grand Bal Masque on Monday next . . .
"COUNTY COURT OF BOURKE. Thursday, July 20th . . . BRAID v. MORTON", The Argus (22 July 1854), 4
An action to recover £50 rent of premises, known as Braid's Assembly Rooms, in Russell-street.
The premises had been hired upon a written agreement by the defendant, as a temporary chapel for twelve months, at £100 per annum.
A clause in the agreement gave plaintiff power, in case he should sell the premises or apply them to another purpose,
to make void the agreement upon giving a week's notice, and refunding any rent paid in advance.
The defendant occupied the premises up to the 23rd November, 1853, when he sent a note to the plaintiff,
requesting the delivery of the forms used in the chapel to bearer, and they were accordingly given up,
as it was supposed they were required for a merely temporary purpose;
two days afterwards a letter was received by plaintiff front defendant,
stating that the rooms for church worship would not be required any longer, as they had obtained larger premises;
upon this he saw the defendant, who contended, that having paid a quarter's rent in advance,
he was not bound to pay any more, and that he had a right to be released from his agreement.
Verdict for plaintiff, £50 and costs; the plaintiff taking an assignment of the premises, and cancelling the agreement.
For plaintiff, Mr. Cope; for defendant, Mr. McDermott.
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 July 1854), 8
DANCING Academy - Mr. John Braid continues to give private lessons during the week. Schools attended.
[Advertisement], The Banner [Melbourne, VIC] (22 September 1854), 3
Dancing, MR. JOHN BRAID, Professor of Dancing, Russell-street.
Schools and Families attended. Private Lessons given.
Russell-street, corner of Collins-street.
"WINDING UP THE BALL", The Argus (4 October 1855), 5
John Salter went to Braid's on Monday evening, to join in the mazy dance, and having imbibed too freely, was eased of his gold watch by one of his companions soon after he left the Assembly Rooms. He gave the information at the Detective Police Office yesterday, but acknowledged that he could not give a very clear account of the transaction.
"BRAID'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS", The Argus (8 January 1855), 5
Workmen have been engaged during the last few days in pulling down the large wooden building at the corner of Russell and little Collins-streets, known as Braid's Assembly Rooms. The management of the rooms passed out of the hands of Mr. Braid about three months ago; while he conducted the place it was a favourite resort, and was always respectably attended. We cannot say as much of it since it had been conducted by others, and during the last few weeks it has been kept open it has been visited by such a miscellaneous company that those who reside in the neighbourhood have no occasion to regret that the building has been demolished.
"THE NOTORIOUS BRAID'S ASSEMBLY ROOM", The Age (9 January 1855), 5
Especially the inhabitants in the immediate neighbourhood of this haunt of vice and depravity, and all those who are interested in the moral health and social order of the city, will be glad to learn that the rooms, known as Braid's, in Russell Street, are in progress of demolition. Although the name of Mr. Braid is unfortunately associated with the building, that gentleman is in no manner connected with the libidinous proceedings which have recently so much shocked and disgusted the decent portion of the population of this neighbourhood and passers by. The sooner some more of these places are removed the better for the morality of the city.
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 June 1855), 1
BRAID'S MELBOURNE A8SEMBLY ROOMS. - Messrs. W. and J. Braid (late of the above)
are requested to write or apply to Mr. E. H. Gregory, Royal Hotel, where they will hear of important news from England, to their advantage.
England (from 1854):
"THE STEAM-SHIP GREAT BRITAIN" Northern Daily Times [England] (15 February 1854), 3 (PAYWALL)
This noble vessel arrived in the Mersey yesterday, on her return for the second time from Australia. She left Melbourne on the 4th of December . . . [PASSANGERS] FORE SALOON, MELBOURNE TO LIVERPOOL . . . Charles Braid . . .
"Deaths", Sussex Advertiser [Brighton, England] (21 February 1854), 7 (PAYWALL)
BRAID. - September 30, at Melbourne, Australia, of colonial fever, Hester, the wife of Mr. Charles Braid, and daughter of the late George Matthew Burchell, Esq., of Scotsland, Bramley, Surrey.
[Advertisement], Brighton Gazette (2 November 1854), 4 (PAYWALL)
MUSIC. - MR. CHARLES BRAID, Teacher or the Piano Forte and Singing. - 26, RUSSELL SQUARE.
1855, marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Hove in the County of Sussex; register 1850-59, page 136; East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office
No. 271 / 28th April 1855 / Charles Braid / Of full Age / Widower / Professor of Music / Hove / [son of] Robert Braid (dec.) / Military Man
Ann Sedgwick / Of full age / Widow / - / Brighton / [daughter of George Tofts (dec.) / Gentleman . . .
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", Brighton Gazette (7 June 1855), 2 (PAYWALL)
. . . "The Conway Polka," by Mr. Charles Braid.
There is something exceedingly pretty and catching in this polka, especially the first movement in 2-4 time.
The variations on the song of "The fine old English Gentleman," are well managed, and bring out the air clear and distinct.
Altogether it is composition of considerable merit . . .
"I'm a tough true-hearted sailor" and "We'll climb the hill together," are ballads composed by Mr. Braid.
In the first we have every inch a sailor song, a bold and manly composition adapted for baritone,
and in the hands of such singers as Mr. Corri or Mr. Drayton, the song, no doubt, would be extremely effective.
The latter song is set to music from words of our townsman, Mr. W. H. Passmore, and both the poetry and the music are highly creditable.
Mr. Passmore has given a touching description of a happy union, in which the husband reminds his partner of those childhood days "When they climbed the hill together,"
and their growing affection from that period.
The composer of the music has entered into the feelings of the poet; and produced a chaste and impressive ballad in that beautiful key of A four flats.
Mr. Braid has shown much taste in the compositions which have been placed before us.
1856, marriage solemnized at St. Nicholas Church in the Parish of Brighton in the County of Sussex; register 1856-57, page 62; East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (PAYWALL)
No. 124 / Oct'r 21 / John Braid / 30 / bachelor / Gentleman / 22 Charlotte St. / [son of] Robert Braid / Gentleman
Mary Greenfield / 40 / Spinster / - / 22 Charlotte St. / [daughter of] George Greenfield / Inn Keeper . . .
[Advertisement], Islington Times [London, England] (3 November 1860), 1 (PAYWALL)
The Proprietors of this most elegant Music Hall, perceiving the entire absence of any place of Entertainment in the northern locality of London,
have, at an enormous outlay, erected the above Hall . . .
The Musical Department under the direction of a gentleman well known as one of our most popular composers . . .
England, probate calendar, 1890; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
BRAID John / Personal Estate £134 19s / . . . late of Royal-crescent Brighton in the County of Sussex Lodging-house Keeper a Widower who died 8 August 1890 at 167 Upper-Lews-road Brighton . . . granted to Charles Braid of Linden Park Tunbridge Wells . . . the Brother and one of the Next of Kin.
[News], Bognor Regis Observer [Sussex, England] (6 June 1906), 6 (PAYWALL)
The death of Mr. Charles Braid, the oldest of the Tunbridge Wells Magistrates, took place at Tunbridge Wells on Thursday [30 May], at the advanced aged of 77.
Musical works:
The waterfall (polka mazurka) inscribed to Mrs. Augustus Passmore by Chas. Braid (London: John Blockley, [n.d.]); "Sydney: Nicholson & Co." (DIGITISED)
BRAIM, John (John BRAIM)
Musician, pianist, organist
Born London, England, c. 1837; son of John BRAIM and Joanna Maria BRAIM [sic] (m. St. George, Hanover Square, London, 10 April 1836)
Married Bessie Barry POWER (widow KNIGHT) (d. 1916), VIC, 1860
Died Warrnambool, VIC, 15 September 1910, aged "73/74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"NOTES AND NEWS", South Bourke Standard (8 November 1867), 2
For the first time since their establishment the Hawthorn Penny Readings last Friday evening were not up to the expectations of the audience. This was owing to the absence of a number of gentlemen whose names were on the programme, and their places had to be supplied by the committee at a minute's warning, in the best way they could. Mr. Braim gave some splendid pianoforte music . . .
"SOUTH MELBOURNE CRICKET CLUB", Record [Emerald Hill, VIC] (6 May 1869), 5
The concert in aid of the funds for erecting a pavilion on their ground in Albert Park, took place on Tuesday evening, in the Mechanics' Institute. The audience was not so numerous as we anticipated, taking into consideration the programme presented, which was no doubt owing in great measure to the many counter attractions at the present time. The following ladies and gentlemen rendered their assistance on the occasion: - Miss Cole, Mrs. Trowell, Misses Fielden, Messrs. W. R. Furlong, W. Juniper, D. A. Madden and T. J. Trowell, Mr. Braim presiding at the piano. Praise on our part would be superfluous, and suffice it to say that everything passed off in an exceedingly creditable manner.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Romauld Furlong (vocalist); Daniel Madden (vocalist) William Juniper (vocalist)
[news], The Record and Emerald Hill and Sandridge Advertiser (14 November 1872), 3
We last week omitted through inadvertence any notice of the annual festival of the St. Luke's Church, which was held last Thursday week, in the local Mechanics' Institute. The meeting was well attended, and a most enjoyable evening was spent, several effective addresses were delivered, and the choir of the church executed some sacred music, under the leadership of Mr. Braim, the organist of the church, much to the gratification of those present.
"PERSONAL", The Argus (16 September 1910), 7
A prominent figure in Masonic circles, Mr. John Braim, died at a private hospital in Warrnambool yesterday afternoon, aged 74 years. The deceased gentleman, who has been ill for 12 months, resigned from the position of Grand secretary of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria in June last. He had acted in the capacity for 17 years. Mr. Brand was a nephew of the late Archdeacon Braim, M.A., of Portland, and married Miss Power, of Cork, a cousin of the late Sir Redmond Barry, who survives him . . . The late Mr. Blair was organist at Holy Trinity Church, Kew, when the late Dean Vance had that charge. The remains will be brought to Melbourne on Saturday afternoon, and interred in the Boroondara Cemetery.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Henry Braim (Anglican cleric); Redmond Barry (judge)
"ABOUT PEOPLE", The Age (11 June 1935), 11
Shipping companies were largely represented yesterday at the funeral of the late Mr. John Braim (of Messrs. John Sanderson and Co.), which left Holy Trinity Church, Kew, yesterday, afternoon . . . The late Mr. Braim had been associated with Holy Trinity Church for many years. His father was at one time organist at the church . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Enid Noel Matthews, Colonial organs and organbuilders (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1969), 134, 138, 139, 153
[134] organist St. Mark's Fitzroy, 1861 (? to 1865); [153] organist St. Luke's South Melbourne, from 1866 (? to 1879); [139] organist Holy Trinity Kew, 1879; [138] organist St. John's Heidelberg, 1897
BRAIN, Anthony (Anthony BRAIN)
Parish clerk, stone mason
Born Oxfordshire, England, 1780; baptised Middleton Stoney, 17 September 1780; son of Thomas BRAIN and Elizabeth RYMAN
Married Mary GOODE (d. 1858), St. Giles without Cripplegate, London, England, 12 September 1803
Arrived Launceston, VDL (TAS), 19-21 November 1835 (per Charles Kerr, from London)
Died Launceston, VDL (TAS), 12 January 1848, aged "68" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
BRAIN, Thomas (Thomas BRAIN; Mr. BRAIN junior, Mr. T. BRAIN)
Amateur musician, alto vocalist, choir leader, clerk, collector
Born London, England, 1819; baptised St. Leonard, Shoreditch, 20 February 1819; son of Anthony BRAIN and Mary GOODE
Arrived Launceston, VDL (TAS), 19-21 November 1835 (per Charles Kerr, from London)
Married Sarah HALL, St. John's, Launceston, VDL (TAS), 5 March 1842
Active Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1843
Died Hobart, 10 November 1903, "in his 85th year, a colonist of 67 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Middleton Stoney, Oxfordshire, 1780; register 1719-1812; Oxfordshire Family History Society, BOD168_C_1 (PAYWALL)
1780 / Sep'r 17 / Anthoney Son of Tho's & Eliz'th Brain
Marriages, St. Giles without Cripplegate, 1803; register 1798-1812; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/Gis/A/01/Ms 6421/3 (PAYWALL)
Anthony Brain of this Parish Bachelor and Mary Goode of this Parish Spinster were married in this Church by Banns this [12 September 1803] . . .
Baptisms solemnised in the Parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch in the County of Middlesex in the Year 1819; register 1818-40, page 66; London Metropolitan Archives, P91/Len/A/01/Ms 7496/22 (PAYWALL)
No. 525 / [1819 Feb.] 20 / Thomas / [son of] Anthony & Mary / Brain / Charlotte Street / Mason . . .
Report of free emigrants arrived at Launceston by the "Charles Kerr" landed on the 18th, 20th & 21st of November 1835; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:407349; GO33/1/20 p.973 (DIGITISED)
Brain Mary / 57 / With her husband // Brain Anthony / 53 / Stone Mason
Brain Elizabeth / 24 / Single / Housemaid // Brain Mary / 19 // Brain Thomas / 15 / Clerk . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (28 November 1835), 3
(Advertisement.) TO HARFORD ARNOLD. ESQ. COMMANDER OF THE Charles Kerr.
SIR, - We, the Undersigned Passengers by the Charles Kerr, from England to Van Diemen's Land, desire,
previous to our leaving the vessel, to present you with our sincere and heartfelt thanks,
for the gentlemanly conduct, and for the kind and considerate attention you have shown us during the time we have been on the voyage . . .
Mary Brain . . . Anthony Brain . . . Thomas Brain . . .
[Advertisement], Launceston Courier (2 August 1841), 4
THE public are respectfully invited to a rehearsal of Vocal and Instrumental Music by
The Sacred Harmonic Society,
On THURSDAY Evening, 5th August next, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Paterson-street, which has been kindly lent for the occasion.
To commence at Seven o'clock precisely.
N.B. - Books containing the words of the pieces may be obtained from any of the members. Price One Shilling.
THOMAS BRAIN, Secretary. July 28, 1841.
ASSOCIATIONS: Launceston Sacred Harmonic Society (association)
"MRS. NAIRNE'S ORATORIO", Launceston Examiner (14 June 1843), 3
We visited the performance last night with the determination to be be pleased.
The circumstances connected with this lady's effort must disarm criticism.
She had to contend with the usual difficulties in procuring an effective vocal and instrumental force,
and laboured under the disadvantage of occupying an unsuitable place.
Still, upon the whole, the oratorio passed off satisfactorily;
and Mrs. Nairne deserves the thanks of the townspeople, for the endeavour to produce an entertainment as pleasing and rational as it is unobjectionable.
The hour of commencement was perhaps too late but no time was lost between the pieces - no irritating delay took place.
It was gratifying to observe that amateurs came forward on the occasion.
Mr. Brain, jun., was a competent leader of the vocalists; and Mr. Megson, as conductor of the instrumental part, deserves credit.
It would be hardly fair to particularise the performances of the amateurs.
They did their best; and will improve by practice, if a series of oratorios shall be sustained by the public during the winter season.
We may, however, refer to Mr. Brain's "Behold a virgin," and Mr. Turner's "Why do the nations" - bot[h] executed with considerable taste and ability.
The performance of Mrs. Richards, as a professional singer, is more open to criticism: but -
"It is a meaner part of sense
To find a fault than taste an excellence."
She possesses a sweet voice, of considerable compass: it however lacks that mellow rich ness which greater command and more careful practice would produce:
she sings correctly, and perhaps our readers will understand us when we say,
that she hops rather than glides into each note: her execution of "He was cut off" was loudly applauded.
In a few words, we may state that the instrumental performance was unexceptionable, and the vocal highly creditable.
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Nairne (musician); Joseph Megson (violin, leader); Dorothea Richards (vocalist)
"CRIMINAL SITTINGS. Tuesday, 8th October", Launceston Examiner (12 October 1844), 2
William Nash and George Hewson were indicted for having burglariosaly broken into and entered the dwelling house of Mr. John Drysdale of Brisbane-street and stolen therefrom a gold chain,
a gold ring, a gold brooch, a gold finger ring, a teapot, and a quantity of wearing apparel. Prisoner[s] pleaded not guilty . . .
Hewson merely protested his innocence, and called a Mr. Brain, clerk of Trinity Church, who stated that Hewson was bell-ringer to the Church . . .
The jury after a few minutes' consultation, without retiring, found both prisoners guilty . . .
His Honor then passed the sentence of 15 years' transportation on each of the prisoners . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Hewson (bellringer)
1848, deaths in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1145578; RGD35/1/16 no 975 (DIGITISED)
[No.] 975 / 12 January / Anthony Brain / Male / 68 years / Stonemason / Natural Causes . . .
"SUDDEN DEATH", Launceston Examiner (15 January 1848), 6
Mr. A. Brain, stone-mason, died suddenly on Wednesday. Whilst proceeding towards his house on the Brisbane-road, he dropped down in the street, and soon expired. The immediate cause of death was water in the chest; deceased had been suffering for some time from enlargement of the heart. Mr. Brain was an old resident, and lately officiated as clerk at Trinity church.
"ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE", The Cornwall Chronicle (4 August 1849), 767
Sir, - Observing in the Chronicle of Wednesday, a notice of a seraphine for sale,
I think it would be a good opportunity for the Wardens of Trinity Church to improve the choir,
which is very indifferent for want of an instrument, and is capable of great amendment.
The leader of the singing is an excellent judge of music, and extremely suited for his office, but the least that is said about the members of the choir, the better.
Indeed, church music cannot be effectively performed without an organ or seraphine, in so large a building as Trinity,
and I am sure Mr. Brain is to be pitied, very often, in his endeavours to harmonize the discordant portions of his corps de musique.
The seraphine that Mr. Reibey introduced (at his own expence) was an agreeable aid to the celebration of Divine Service, and
so was acknowledged by the congregation generally, but being private property,
the Church had the mortification to lose it on that reverend gentleman's retirement, without another being provided in its place . . .
I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, ALTO. August 2nd.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Reibey (Anglican cleric)
"WESLEYAN SUNDAY SCHOOLS", Launceston Examiner (15 September 1852), 8
The seventeenth anniversary of these schools was celebrated on Monday last . . . The singing of the children, conducted by Mr. T. Brain, was very good, and their attention and orderly behaviour during the services were particularly remarked by the congregation . . .
"DEATHS", Launceston Examiner (19 August 1858), 2
On the morning of Wednesday, the 18th instant, aged 82 years, Mary, relict of the late Anthony Brain, stonemason and builder. The funeral will leave her late residence Brisbane-street (near Wellington-street), to-morrow (Friday) afternoon at 3 o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (24 December 1859), 5
SINGING CLASS. A CLASS for Vocal Music, Mr. T. Brain as conductor, will start with the New Year. All persons desirous of joining the same are requested to meet at the Trinity School Room, on Friday evening, 6th Jan., 1860, at half-past 7 o'clock. A. J. Green, Secretary pro. tem. Dec. 24.
"SINGING CLASS", Launceston Examiner (5 January 1860), 3
There will be a meeting at half-past seven o'clock to-morrow evening in Trinity School Room, of persons desirous of joining a class for vocal music, of which Mr. T. Brain will be conductor. An announcement to this effect appears in our advertising columns signed by Mr. A. J. Green, as Secretary pro. tem. This is an opportunity which will doubtless be embraced by many members of the late "Million Class;" and we hope that this less ambitious attempt at realising the important object in view may be more successful.
"LAUNCESTON CHORAL SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (31 January 1860), 3
The first meeting of members took place last evening in Trinity School-room: the President, Charles Thomson, Esq., Manager of the Bank of Van Diemen's Land, was in the chair, and opened the business by an address, stating the object of the society, which numbers at present upwards of sixty members. The conductor, Mr. T. Brain, then gave the members their first lesson, Mr. Robert Sharpe presiding at the piano-forte.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Sharpe (pianist); Launceston Choral Society (association); "Million class", John Adams (leader)
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (28 November 1863), 4
An inquest was held at the "Cross Keys," York-street, on Wednesday last,
before Wm. Gunn, Esq.; coroner, on view of the body of Geo. Brain, who died suddenly on Monday evening.
The following jury was sworn: - Messrs. Henry Davey Parr, (foreman), John Day, John Cooper, George Kent, William Chester, Joseph Batty, and Thos. Brown.
The jury went to the residence of Mr. Brain, to view the body of deceased, and on their return the following evidence was taken: -
John Brain sworn - I am the father of the deceased boy; he was about fifteen years of age;
he had his tea about a quarter to seven o'clock on Monday evening; he ate heartily of bread and butter and tea;
after tea he heard his little brother some lessons, and then asked permission to go out to hear a lad play some music;
I saw him afterwards running about with Charles Collins; I saw him jump either across a drain or into the drain;
I called to him to come in to his lessons as we were going to light the candles;
when the candles were lighted I called to him again, and got no answer;
the boy Collins came and told me that George had fallen down, and he thought he was in a fit;
I ran to him and found him lying on his face at the corner of Margaret and York-streets;
I carried him home and opened his clothes, bathed his face with cold water, and gave him all the air I could;
he seemed quite unconscious, and I sent for Dr. Grant, who arrived about twenty minutes after I brought the deceased in doors;
the boy has generally been healthy; he was at work bringing firewood from the bush;
he had been at work for a week at Mr. Button's bark mill; he was sometimes troubled with a headache.
Charles Collins deposed, - On Monday evening I met George Brain at the corner of York-street,
we were listening to Morris playing music; we then ran about . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Brain (1813-1894; brother); George Brain (1848-1863, nephew)
"OUR MONTHLY SUMMARY", Launceston Examiner (18 May 1867), 5
The second of the series of Penny Readings was given in the Mechanics' Institute on Thursday night . . . The entertainment was opened by Mr. Hanchett giving a pretty and lively medley on the pianoforte . . . That pretty glee "Flora decks the Flowery Mead" was rendered by Messrs. Brain, Chick, and Frost in a very pleasing manner, and they were loudly applauded . . . Mr. Sharp next gave an organ solo . . . Mr. T. Brain sang "the Englishman." It is surprising that a gentleman understanding music so well as Mr. Brain does should have chosen such a song, as it is totally unadapted to his voice. The music does not come within its compass - at least, at the key at which it was pitched. The song should be sung by a deep, loud bass, in a spirited manner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Justinian Hanchett (piano); John Chick (vocalist); John Frost (vocalist); Thomas Sharp (organ)
[News], Launceston Examiner (10 August 1867), 4
The sixpenny reading given in the Hall of the Mechanics' on Thursday night was quite a success . . . The entertainment was opened by Messrs. Brain and Hanchett, who played a duet, Mr. Brain performing on the flute and Mr. Hanchett on the piano . . . Messrs. Brain, Eldred, and Harvey gave a glee, "When Arthur first at Court began" . . . Mr. E. Hopkins was loudly applauded for his performance on the "rock harmonicon," in which he was accompanied by Mr. T. Sharp on the piano . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Smithen Harvey (vocalist); E. Hopkins (musician)
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE MUSICAL UNION", Launceston Examiner (23 January 1868), 5
The annual meeting of the above Society took place on Tuesday evening is the large class-room of the Institute.
Mr. T. Sharp, President and Conductor, occupied the chair, and opened the proceedings by reading the advertisement convening the meeting.
He then called upon the Secretary, Mr. T. Brain, to read the report for the past year:
REPORT. The Mechanics' Institute Musical Union was originated at a meeting held on the 10th March, 1867.
At an adjourned meeting held on the 20th March the following officers and Committee were elected: -
Conductor and President, Mr. T. Sharp; Treasurer, Mr. E. Hopkins; Secretary, Mr. T. Brain;
Messrs. Frost, G. Oatley, J. S. Harvey, G. Mooreton, and W. Sharp were elected as members of Committees, with the officers ex officio.
The number of members at the commencement was 44, which number has been maintained to the present time.
There have been three concerts given during the past nine months, the proceeds of which, after deducting expenses, amounted to £12 15s 7d,
which has been paid over to the Mechanics' Institute in accordance with the rules under which the Society was formed.
In addition to which it may be observed that the members of the Society furnished the principal part of the music (both vocal and instrumental)
at the penny and other readings given during the winter season;
and there can be no doubt that the cheapness of those entertainments had the effect of limiting the attendance at the concerts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Sharp (member)
Last evening a party of about one hundred persons, composed of the members and friends of the above Society met in the large class-room of the Mechanics' Institute . . .
Mr. T. Sharp Conductor, rose, and said most of them were aware that the Union was established about twelve months since . . .
Unfortunately every effort had failed, and it was evident the musical talent of Launceston was not to be united . . .
When it was seen that the affairs of the Union must be wound up, the members had thought it would be best to expend the small amount of funds in hand, in a closing entertainment of this kind.
Several ladies and gentlemen would assist during the evening, by singing, in promoting the enjoyment of those present . . .
The following selection of songs, &c., was then performed to the great satisfaction of the company,
who loudly applauded the various pieces: -
"Had I a heart for falsehood framed" - Mr. T Brain.
"No one to love" - Mr. Roper.
"You'll remember me" - Mr. Chick.
"'Tis sweet to think of those we love" - Miss Doolan.
"The village blacksmith" - Mr. T. Sharp . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alban Joseph Roper (vocalist)
"WATERHOUSE GOLD FIELDS (From our own Correspondent)", The Cornwall Chronicle (12 August 1870), 2
A farewell concert was given by the Lyndhurst Amateur Musical Society to their president and director (Mr. Thomas Brain), on the 2nd August . . .
"DEATHS", The Mercury (12 November 1903), 1
BRAIN. - On November 10, at 135 Goulburn-street, Hobart, Thomas Brain, late of Tunbridge, in his 85th year. A colonist of 67 years. The funeral will leave his late residence on Friday, at 2 o'clock, for the Queenborough Cemetery.
Amateur musician, contra bass / double bass player, pianist, conductor, surgeon
Born Chelsea, London, England, 13 February 1828; baptised St. Luke, Chelsea, 19 March 1828; son of George Mott BRAITHWAITE and Louisa STRUTT
Married (1) Elizabeth Ann ROBERTS (1825-1916), St. Mary Abhott's, Kensington, London, England, 5 December 1850
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by 1864
Married (2) Rebecca KIRBY (d. 1915), Bathurst, NSW, 1865
Died Port Sorell, TAS, 26 April 1869, aged "41" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Luke Chelsea in the county of Middlesex in the year 1828; regsiter 1813-29, page 153; London Metropolitan Archives, P74/Luk/169 (PAYWALL)
No. 1217 / 1828 March 19 / [born] 13 Feb'y 1828 / Edmund son of / George Mott & Louisa / Braithwaite / Manor Street / Mariner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Mott Braithwaite (1800-1875) and Louisa Strutt (1796-1852) had married at St. Luke's, Chelsea, on 25 April 1857
"MARRIAGES", London Evening Standard (7 December 1850), 4 (PAYWALL)
On the 5th inst., at St. Mary Abbott's, Kensington, Elizabeth Ann, the third daughter of John Roberts, Esq., of Sussex-place, Kensington, and of the War Office, to Edmund Braithwaite, Esq., of Hemel Hempstead, Herts., eldest son of Captain Braithwaite, of Old Manor-street, Chelsea.
[Advertisement], Brighton Gazette [Sussex, England] (22 January 1863), 4 (PAYWALL)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Dr. BROWN, M.D., of Cliftonville,
has this day DISCONTINUED the SERVICES of EDMUND BRAITHWAITE, and that all professional communications are henceforth to be made solely to Dr. Brown, Adelaide Lodge, Cliftonville. Dated this 10th day of January, 1863.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (27 June 1864), 1
in aid of the funds of the Freemasons' Orphan Society will take place
at the Masonic Hall, on THURSDAY EVENING, June 30th . . .
3. Instrumental Solo - Contra Basso - Variations on "The Last Rose of Summer," Br. BRAITHWAITE (Gentleman Amateur) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Douglas Callen (musician);
William John Cordner (musician);
William Stanley (musician);
Christian Bernhard Sussmilch (musician);
Masonic Hall (Sydney venue);
see also "MASONIC CONCERT", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (2 July 1864), 4
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 August 1864), 1
Dr. BRAITHWAITE of 280, Crown-street, South Head Road, has been elected as MEDICAL OFFICER to the abovenamed Society on and after the 9th day of August.
By order of the President. J. MORROW, Secretary.
"ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1864), 5
YESTERDAY evening the annual meeting of the Sydney Philharmonic Society took place in the St. James' Schoolroom, in Castlereagh-street. In the absence of the president of the society, the vice-president, Mr. Aldis, was placed in the chair . . . Dr. BRAITHWAITE seconded the motion, hoping that energetic efforts would be made by the committee . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Aldis (chair); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
"ORANGE (From a Correspondent)", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (24 June 1865), 397
His Grace the Archbishop arrived here on Wednesday, the 14th inst. . . . On Sunday the Church was crowded at each of the services . . . The vespers were then sang (for the first time in Orange) Dr. Braithwaite presiding at the harmonium. This gentleman is most assiduous in his labour to form a choir for the Catholic Church of this town.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bede Polding (archbishop)
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 September 1866), 5
The Medical Board of Victoria publish in last night's Gazette the following additional list of legally-qualified medical practitioners registered under the provisions of the Medical Practitioners Statute, 1865, on September 7: - Edmund Braithwaite, 37 Hanover-street, Fitzroy, Lic. Soc. Apoth., London, 1850, Lic. Fac. Phys. Surg, Glasg., 1853 . . .
"THE HOSPITAL BAZAAR", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (13 December 1866), 2
The bazaar yesterday proved the great point of attraction . . . A pleasing vocal performance by Messrs. Megson, Davis, Hodgson, Thorburn, and Hickling, accompanied by Dr. Braithwaite on the piano, took place during the evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Canova Megson (amateur); Arthur Thomas Hodgson (amateur); Henry Charles Thorburn (amateur)
"ITEMS OF NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail (22 July 1867), 2
A meeting of gentleman took place on Saturday evening to organise the rehearsals for a sacred concert to be given in aid of the Floods Relief Fund. A committee was formed, consisting of Dr. Braithwaite, Messrs. Megson, Hasler, Stead, Green, and Hodgson (hon. sec.). It was decided that the first rehearsal take place on Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock, at the Mechanics' Institute. The affair promises to be very successful, as pledges to assist have been received from upwards or thirty ladies and gentlemen. The committee hope that those intending to assist will attend punctually at the first rehearsal, and where possible bring copies or the "Creation" and "Messiah" with them.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Darby Hasler (amateur); Castlemaine Mechanics' Institute (venue)
"THE CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail (14 August 1867), 2
The concert of last evening, given in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute in aid of the Floods Relief Fund, drew together one of the largest audiences which have yet assembled in Castlemaine. Not only was the large room densely crowded but even the approaches also, so that from a pecuniary point of view an unusual success has been attained. The programme consisted entirely of sacred music selected from the "Creation," "Elijah," "Judas Maccabeus," and "Messiah" . . . At the close of the performance, Dr. Braithwaite, who had proved an energetic conductor, thanked the audience for their patronage, and announced that as the committee of the Mechanics' Institute had kindly given the use of the hall, another entertainment would in the course of two or three weeks be given in aid of the building fund . . .
"SACRED CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail (11 September 1867), 3
The sacred concert in aid of the building fund of the Mechanics' Institute was given last night. The hall was well filled, but not crowded as was expected, a circumstance which may be set down to the inclemency of the weather and the muddiness of the roads . . . The band consisted of Mr. Howson, leader; Mr. Towle, senr., second violin; Dr. Braithwaite, double bass; Mr. T. L. Brown, violoncello; Messrs. Blair and Megson, flutes; Mr. Wenborn, harmonium; Mr. Towle, junr., conductor. The programme was opened with an overture from the "Messiah," by the band, and it was at once apparent from the correctness of the time and the finished execution of the performers that their parts would be done ample justice to. The other selections that followed were from Handel's magnificent composition, "Judas Maccabeus" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Howson (leader, violin); Thomas and Henry Towle (violin and conductor); Thomas Lawrence Brown (cello); Blair (flute); Walter Arthur Jones Wenborn (harmonium)
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (10 October 1867), 6
Edmund Braithwaite, of Castlemaine, surgeon. Causes of insolvency: From his having entered into an agreement with his creditors to pay them the whole of the salary received by him, as medical officer to the Castlemaine Friendly Society's Medical Association, falling off of employment and bad debts. Liabilities, £402 3s 3d; assets, £155 11s; deficiency, £246 12s 3d. Mr. Moore, official assignee.
"ITEMS OF NEWS". Mount Alexander Mail (31 October 1867), 2
The series of weekly concerts and readings, inaugurated at the Mechanics' Institute several months ago, come to an end to-night. Considerable care has been bestowed on the rehearsal of a brilliant overture from Zampa, which is to be executed by nine instrumentalists, noted for their mastery over their respective agents of harmony. There will also be an instrumental trio by Mr. Howson, Dr. Braithwaite, and Miss Howson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ida Howson (pianist)
"CONCERTS AND READINGS", Mount Alexander Mail (1 November 1867), 2
The last of the series of concerts and reading at the Mechanics' Institute was given last night to an inconveniently crowded house . . . The overture to "Zampa" was the most brilliantly executed piece of music that has been introduced at the series. This could not fail to be otherwise from the talent of those who had undertaken it, as will be seen from the following disposition of the parts - 1st violin, Mr. Howson; 2nd violin, Mr. J. Hunter; viola, Mr. Huenerbein; violincello, Mr. Brown; contra basso, Dr. Braithwaite; flute, Mr. Megson; cornet, Mr. Goode; pianoforte, Miss Howson . . . A magnificent instrumencal trio on airs from "Der Freischutz," played, by Mr. Howson, Dr. Braithwaite, and Miss Howson, elicited the warmest admiration from all lovers of the beautiful in the art . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Hunter (violin); August Christian Huenerbein (viola); George William Goode (cornet)
[News], The Tasmanian Times [Hobart Town, TAS] (21 January 1869), 2
Mr. Edmund Braithwaite has been added to the list of legally qualified medical practitioners of Tasmania. Qualifications: - Diploma of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow 1853, and license of the Society of Apothecaries, London 1850.
"CONCERT", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (13 February 1869), 4
Last evening a complimentary benefit was given to Messrs. Linly Norman and W. H. Bent, at the Mechanics' Institute, the two gentlemen named being assisted by Mr. A. F. Spiller and a number of gentlemen amateurs. The grand feature of the entertainment was the performance of Haydn's Grand Symphonies, Nos. 3 and 5, by a good orchestra, composed of the following gentlemen - Messers. Linly Norman, J. H. Melvyn, Biggs, J. Davies, W. Abbott, Roberts, sen., Roberts, jun., Joscelyne, and Dr. Braithwaite. The rest of the programme was well selected, including comic sketches and songs, ballads, &c., and a bassoon solo by Mr. Biggs. The audience was not a numorous one.
ASSOCIATIONS: Linly Norman (pianist); William Horace Bent (violin); Adolphus Frederick Spiller (musician); James Haddock Melvyn (violinist, viola player); Jesse Biggs (bassoon); John Morris Davies (flute); Henry and George Roberts (violins); W. Abbott (violin); Samuel Joscelyne (cello)
1869, deaths in the district of Port Sorell; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1155765; RGD35/1/38 no 429 (DIGITISED)
No. 696 / 429 / April 26th 1869 / Edmund Braithwaite / Male / 41 years / Surgeon / 1st mental excitement ending in phenitis [? paraphenitis]
"DEATH OF DR. BRAITHWAITE", Launceston Examiner (29 April 1869), 2
We regret to hear of the death of Dr. Braithwaite, of Torquay, at his residence on Monday last. He had been ailing for about a fortnight previously, but towards the close was delirious, And it is generally believed that brain fever was the cause of death. Mr. Braithwaite was about 40 years of age, and had only commenced practice in this colony during the past few months, having arrived from Victoria. He leaves a widow and three young children.
BRAITHWAITE, Frederick Nelson (Frederick Nelson BRAITHWAITE; F. N. BRAITHWAITE)
Born Richmond, VDL (TAS), 15 January 1834; baptised Richmond, 16 February 1834; son of Nelson BRAITHWAITE and Sarah HALLS (m. Sorell, 11 April 1833)
Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 12 August 1845 (per Psyche, for London)
Arrived Hobart Town, TAS, by July 1856
Died Richmond, TAS, 18 June 1904, "aged 71" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Richmond & Sorell in the year 1834; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1083582; RGD32/1/2/ no 5917 (DIGITISED)
No. 198 / 5917 / 16th February 1834 / Born 15th January 1834 / Frederic [sic] Nelson / [son of] Nelson & Sarah / Braithwaite / Richmond / Overseer to Major De Gilhern . . .
"Shipping Intelligence . . . DEPARTURES", The Observer (12 August 1845), 2
August 12. - Barque Psyche, 300 tons, Irving, master, for London. Passengers . . . Nelson Braithwaite, F. N. Braithwaite, Mary Ann Braithwaite, Richard Braithwaite . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Market Harborough, Leicestershire; UK National Archives, HO107/2079/342/2 (PAYWALL)
High Street / John Oldacres / Head / Mar. / 56 / Agent Conducting Worsted Spinning Factory / . . .
Mary Anne Oldacres / Wife / Mar. / 52 / [born] Norfolk Terrington
Frederick Braithwaite / Nephew / Unm. / 17 / Employed in the Factory / [born] Richmond V. D.
Mary Ann [Braithwaite] / Niece / Unm. / 16 / - / [born Richmond V. D.] . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 July 1856), 1
IF this Should meet the eye of RICHARD J. BRAITHWAITE, who left Hobart Town, 1852,
he would much oblige by writing to his brother Frederick Nelson Braithwaite just from England.
Direct to Mrs. Mason, at Mr. Williams, 41 Elizabeth-street, Hobart Town.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury [TAS] (7 August 1858), 1
North West Bay Cricket Club. A PUBLIC MEETING was held on the 26th July,
according to advertisement, at the Morning Star Inn, N. W. Bay, for the purpose of forming a Cricket Club for the District.
The meeting was well attended and a very great interest manifested,
a handsome sum was raised by donations and subscriptions, and about 30 members were enrolled;
their next meeting will take place on the 23rd August, 1858.
The Club will be called the "Kingborough Cricket Club," their place of meeting the Morning Star Inn.
F. N. BRAITHWAITE, Secretary.
"POLICE COURT, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST . . . ASSAULT", The Mercury (22 September 1868), 2
Simmons v. Carver. Isaac Simmons complained of Elizabeth Carver for assaulting him on the 10th instant . . .
Frederick Nelson Braithwaite, musician, proved that as Simmons was going in to the house,
defendant threw away some stale beer, and some of it went over him . . .
He said he would try and get her shifted from the corner, and that if I stuck to him I should never be short of a home that he and I would get into a job there to play together.
The house adjoins the Prince of Wales Theatre.
By Simmons: I can't say if it would make any difference to our getting an engagement at the theatre by getting Mrs. Carver out of the house.
We have been together in the parlor drinking many a time; the parlor is behind the bar . . .
"POLICE COURT. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST . . . ASSAULT", The Tasmanian Times (22 September 1868), 2
Simmonds v. Carver. In this case Isaac Simmonds, a hawker living in Argyle-street,
charged Elizabeth Carver with an unprovoked assault upon him on the 10th inst. . . .
Fredrick Nelson Braithwaite, a musician living in Warwick-street, deposed . . .
By Mr. Moriarty . . . Complainant has spoken to me about the evidence in this case, he said something about shifting the old woman out of the corner,
and that I should never be hard up for a home if I only stuck to him, and we might get a job to play together at the dancing house,
(the Prince of Wales theatre,) next to her hotel, if we only got defendant out . . .
"DEATHS", The North Western Advocate [Tasmania] (23 June 1904), 2
BRAITHWAITE. - On June 18, at Hobart, Frederick Nelson Braithwaite, born at Glyn Ayre, Richmond, Tasmania, aged 71 years.
BRAMMALL, Charles Joseph (Charles Joseph BRAMMALL; C. J. BRAMMALL)
Musical amateur, amateur vocalist, member Hobart Town Glee Club, Anglican cleric
Born Elham, Kent, England, 1830; baptised St. Mary, Elham, 29 May 1830; son of Daniel BRAMMALL (1790-1865) and Jane FORSTER (1796-1860)
Arrived Hobart Town, TAS, by 1855
Married EMILY GARRETT (1839-1902), Hobart Town, TAS, 2 July 1859 (aged "29")
Died Hagley, TAS, 24 April 1906, aged "76" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Elham in the County of Kent in the Year 1830; register 1813-65, page 86; Canterbury Cathedral Archives, U3/32/1/5 (PAYWALL)
No. 684 / 29 May [1830] / Charles Joseph / [son of] Daniel & Jane / Brammall / Elham / Clergyman / [officiant] D. Brammall Curate
"HOBART TOWN", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (26 April 1856), 4
LIST of Persons entitled to be placed on the Electoral Roll for the return of Members of the House of Assembly for the Electoral District of Hobart Town: -
. . . Brammall, Charles Joseph, Macquarie-street, salary, Hutchins School, appointed 1855 . . .
"TESTIMONIAL", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (2 July 1859), 3
On Thursday last [30 June], the Members of the Glee Club assembled at the Hutchins School for the purpose of presenting C. J. Brammall, Esq., Honorary Secretary to the Society, with a handsome service of plate as an acknowledgement of his valuable services. J. Hone, Esq., one of the earliest Members, presided, and spoke in gratifying terms of the high estimation in which Mr. Brammall is held by all whom he is associated.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Hone (member); Hobart Town Glee Club (association)
1859, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:858629; RGD37/1/18 no 172 (DIGITISED)
No. 85 / 172 / 2'd July 1859 / St. John Baptist's Church Hobart Town / Charles Joseph Brammall / 29 / Gentleman / Bachelor
Emily Garrett / 20 / Spinster . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (18 January 1860), 1
The Benevolent Society. THE MEMBERS of the GLEE CLUB,
assisted by many amateurs, and Professionals, will perform
In aid of the funds of the above Society.
Every effort will be made to render the work as effectual as possible.
Already upwards of 80 Ladies and Gentlemen have volunteered their services.
Committee of management, Messrs. Brammell, Garrett, Kennerley, G. Salier, Tapfield, and Whitton, of whom,
and of Messrs. Walch and Sons, C. O. Atkins, W. Westcott, and G. Rolwegan, Tickets 5s. each, may be had on and after Friday next.
The Performance of the Oratorio will commence at half-past seven, and for the convenience of parties residing at a distance it is hereby notified that carriages may be ordered for ten o'clock.
C. J. BRAMMALL, Hon. Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Salier (member); Samuel Tapfield (member, conductor)
[Advertisement], The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (18 January 1861), 3
NOW READY. SUNG amidst enthusiastic applause by C. J. BRAMMALL, ESQ., at the GLEE CLUB CONCERT.
Composed and Dictated [dedicated] to the Officers and Volunteers of Tasmania,
Price 2s. 6d.; freely post to any part of the Colony, 3s.
J. WALCH & SONS, Hobart Town and Launceston.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Adams (composer); James Walch (publisher); Hobart Town Glee Club (association)
MUSIC: Riflemen form (Adams)
"THE HURCHINS SCHOOL FETE", The Mercury (15 December 1861), 2
The Annual Fete, observed by the past and present scholars of the Hutchins School, came off on Wednesday last . . .
THE DINNER. The annual dinner took place in the evening at Webb's, and was attended by about thirty of the old scholars . . .
The band of the Artillery Corps was in attendance, and played several selections of music in the course of the evening, which added greatly to the spirit of the entertainment . . .
The cloth having been, removed . . . By general request Mr. Brammall then sang "Riflemen Form," which was greatly applauded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Hobart Volunteer Artillery Band (group)
[Advertisement], The Mercury (17 March 1862), 4
Glee Club. SUBSCRIBERS to this Society, and the public, are informed that a reading of
Sophocles Tragedy of "ANTIGONE," accompanied with Mendelsohn's celebrated Music,
will take place at DEL SARTE'S ROOMS, on THURSDAY, the 27th March,
in aid of the Funds for purchasing New Music and Instruments.
The Dialogue and Music will be sustained by the gentlemen members of the Club,
aided by several friends who have kindly offered their assistance.
A selection of Songs, Glees, &c., will follow.
Cards for admission, three shillings (3s) each, can be procured from Messrs. Walch & Sons, Atkins, Westcott, Fletcher, and Rolwegan.
C. J. BRAMMALL, Secretary.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Del Sarte's Rooms (Hobart venue)
"CHURCH MUSIC", The Mercury (25 June 1862), 3
Last evening a meeting of persons interested in Church Music, was held in the Harrington-street School Room, for the purpose of forming a choir in connection with the Church Union, already established. There were present The Rev. Mr. Cox, Mr. Hubert Church, Mr. T. West brook the Rev. Dr. Parsons, Mr. C. Butler, Mr. Brammall, Mr. Mcintyre, Mr. Newell, Mr. W. Lovett, &c., and several ladies. The Rev Mr. Cox, was voted to the chair when he opened the meeting with prayer. The Chairman explained the objects of the meeting, by which people might strengthen each other by the performance of Church Music. He hoped before the meeting separated that a choir would be organized to carry out the objects contemplated. He was glad to see so many ladies present, and also so many of his male friends. The Chairman read a note from Mr. Salier, offering his services, and, also stated that Mr. Tapfield had expressed his desire to aid the Church Union in the manner required, as far as abilities and exertions could do so. (Cheers.) Mr. T. Westbrook moved and Mr. C. Butler seconded the following resolution - That a choir be now formed in connection with the Hobart Town Church Union; to be called the Church Union Choir, and to consist of all persons who signify to any member of the Committee their desire to be associated therewith. The resolution was carried unanimously. On the motion, of Mr. Brammall the following Committee was appointed, to carry out the objects of the meeting, with power to add to their numbers. - Messrs. G. C. Novell, W. Lovett, J. J. Salier, Rev M. Cox, and the Mover. The resolution was carried. The Chairman announced that thirty three members had already joined the Choir, and that a meeting would take place next Tuesday evening at the same hour and place, to prepare for the Church Union Meeting to take place this day fortnight. If every member now enrolled would obtain another member they would organize a strong and an effective choir. The meeting closed with the Doxology, and a benediction by the Rev. Chairman.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Jabez Salier (musician)
. . . the following address to the Rev. Mr. Brammall:
Dear Sir, We, the Parishioners and Members of St. John's, Goulbourn-street, having heard that you have been appointed to the Cure of St. George's,
Sorell, cannot allow your departure to take place without bearing testimony to the opinion we have formed of you . . .
We have at all times had occasion to admire your simplicity of manner, sterling piety,
and steady attention to everything that could tend to the benefit or advancement of both Church and people,
and our warmest thanks are due to you for the unwearied interest and zeal you have always shown for the cause of Church Music,
and for the heartiness with which the praises of God have been sung by the congregation.
During the time you have officiated as Curate at St. John's you have well merited our confidence and esteem . . .
"COUNTRY NEWS. WESTBURY", Daily Telegraph [Launceston, TAS] (25 February 1895), 2
On Wednesday evening last a sacred concert was given in St. Andrew's Church by the choir, assisted by visitors from Deloraine and Hagley. A good programme of sacred solos and anthems was excellently rendered, Miss Phillips ably presiding at the organ. The Rev. C. J. Brammall, of Hagley gave an address on "Music." He referred to music as one of the principal parts in the church service. He strongly advocated the choirs being trained, and all the congregation taking part in the singing. He did not think it was worship for only the choir to take part in the service.
"DEATH OF THE REV. C. J. BRAMMALL", Examiner [Launceston, TAS] (25 April 1906), 6
The death occurred at Hagley yesterday morning of the Rev. Charles Joseph Brammall, who was one of the oldest Church of England ministers of the state. Deceased was in his 77th year, and his demise was altogether unexpected. He was highly respected throughout the whole of the state, particularly in the districts of Sorell and Hagley. His ministry extends over a period of nearly 40 years. He was admitted to the diaconate in 1867, and was fully ordained two years later. Between 1867 and 1868, he filled the position of curate at St. John's, Hobart. He was then appointed to the incumbency of Sorell, where he remained till 1894, and was then offered the rectorship of St. Mary's, Hagley. This he accepted, and continued to fill the position up till the time of his death. Those who had the privilege of his acquaintance speak very highly of his devotion to the work entrusted to him, and his assistance in cases of distress was always willingly given. Often in the absence of expert medical aid the deceased attended to cases with beneficial results, and his name is revered in many a bush home in the large districts of which he had charge.
"MUSIC & MUSICIANS . . . FIRST PERFORMANCE OF THE MESSIAH", The Mercury (29 August 1928), 8
In 1862 [sic, 1860] Mr. S. Taplfield's Glee Club invited musicians from all parts of the colony to help in the production of "The Messiah," for the benefit of the Benevolent Society, which had just been started. The enterprise was warmly taken up on all sides, the performers being convoyed to and fro free of charge by Mr. Page, coach owner. The ballroom at Government House, which stood on the ground now known as Franklin Square, was specially fitted up, Sir Henry and Lady Young showing great interest. Mr. S. Tapfleld conducted, Herr Julius Budee was at the piano, and Mr. W. Russell led the orchestra . . . Mr. F. H. Henslowe sang "Comfort Ye"; Mr. C. J. Brammall, "Thus saith the Lord"; Mr. J. Salier, "The people that walked in darkness"; Miss Rosina Carandini (Mrs. Palmer), "Rejoice greatly" . . . Mr. C. J. Brammall, "Why do the nations"; Monsieur Camille Del Sarte, "Thou shalt break them" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Buddee (piano); William Wilkins Russell (violin, leader); Francis Hartwell Henslowe (vocalist); Rosina Carandini (vocalist); Camille Del Sarte (vocalist)
"CHURCH COLUMN. FOUR GENERATIONS", The Mercury (24 December 1828), 3
. . . Mr. C. J. Brammall came to Tasmania under an arrangement with the Hutchins School, as mathematical master. He was the son of the Rev. Daniel Brammall, of Chislett, Kent, the first of the four generations in holy orders. Daniel was the son of Daniel Holy Brammall, of Sheaf House, Sheffield, England, the name "Holy" being a derivation from Auley and Hawley . . .
Comic Irish vocalist
? Active Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 1844
Active Sydney, NSW, 1847-48 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? [Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (11 May 1844), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre. First of a grand new Melo-dramatic Romance,
First night also of one of the most popular Farces ever performed in London.
MR. BURGIN BEGS most respectfully to inform the Gentry of Melbourne, the Patrons of the Drama, and the Public generally, that his
AFTER THE DRAMA, Hornpipe, by an Amateur, his first appearance.
Song, "Biddy Maguire," by Mr. Burgin.
Song, "Shakpeare'e Seven Ages," Mr. Knowles.
Comic Song, "Uncle Ben's Gun," Mr. Brannagan, from the Theatre Royal, Dublin and Belfast . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Burgin (vocalist, actor); Conrad Knowles (vocalist, actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (15 June 1844), 3
Second Appearance of Mr. Brannagan . . . Comic Duet, "Married and Single," Mr. Brannagan and Mr. Miller . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Miller (actor, vocalist)
"ST. PATRICK'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY", Sydney Chronicle (6 January 1847), 2
On Monday evening last, one of the largest and most cheerful meetings of the above society was held in their splendid hall on Church Hill . . . The Rev. President and the Rev. Dr. Backhouse addressed the meeting, in a happy and animated style, on the blessings of temperance, and the miseries both of mind and body that naturally result from the use of all intoxicating drinks. The meeting was also enlivened by some excellent songs, but those by Mr. Brannigan kept the whole audience in roars of laughter. The excellent band of the society, as usual, played several animating and patriotic tunes, among which the Railway Gallop excited universal approbation. The crowded meeting broke up at a seasonable hour, highly delighted with each other, and the entertainments of the evening. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John McEncroe (cleric, president); Henry Backhaus (cleric); St. Patrick's church (Sydney)
"ST. PATRICK'S DAY", Sydney Chronicle (20 March 1847), 2
. . . In the evening a grand musical entertainment was given in St. Patrick's Hall by the band of the society, assisted by one or two professional performers. The Rev. Dean McEncroe presided, and there were upwards of eight hundred persons assembled in the Hall . . . Mrs. Guerin sung in a beautiful manner "The Land of the West" and one or two other favourite songs, and the audience were much delighted with the comic songs of Mr. Flanigan, and the [REDACTED] song of Mr. Ducrow . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); John Henry Ducros (vocalist); St. Patrick's Band (temperance band)
[Advertisement], Sydney Chronicle (2 October 1847), 1
A Musical Festival will take place on Monday evening next, October 4th, in St. Patrick's Hall,
when, by the kind permission of Colonel Despard, the band of the 99th regiment will be in attendance, and play some of their most popular airs;
and the new band of St. Patrick's Society will make their first appearance.
Mr. Brallaghan will sing the following songs:
Paddy Malone, Paddy Mooney, Cries of Sydney, Umbrella Courtship,
and will be assisted by several Amateurs, who have kindly offered their services.
The Rev. President will take the chair, when the Public in general and the promoters of Temperance are particularly requested to attend,
and witness the Moral Reformation through the agency and advocacy of Total Abstinence principles.
Chair to be taken at half-past seven. Admission to the Platform, 2 shillings; Hall, 1 shilling. Children under twelve, sixpence.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 99th Regiment (military)
MUSIC: Possibly the earliest record of the song later known as Paddy Malone in Australia, later popularised and published by John Turner (vocalist); Umbrella courtship (song)
"TEETOTAL FESTIVAL", Sydney Chronicle (5 October 1847), 3
A musical festival was held at St. Patrick's Hall yesterday evening, which, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, was crowded to excess. The chair was occupied by the Rev. Dean McEncroe, the President of St. Patrick's Total Abstinence Society, and the evening passed lightly away with speeches; songs, and music. Of the songs, "umbrella courtship" and the "cries of Sydney" were decidedly the favourites, and drew forth rounds of applause.
[Advertisement], Sydney Chronicle (6 January 1848), 3
A MUSICAL FESTIVAL will take place on MONDAY EVENING, January 1Oth, in St. Patrick's Hall.
The splendid New Band of St. Patrick's Society will make their second appearance.
Comic Song - "Polly Flowers" - Mr. Branagan
Comic Duet, Mr. Branagan and Mrs. Lewis
Song - "Tell me my heart," Mrs. Lewis
Original Comic Song - "The Sydney Cries" - Mr. Branagan
Comic Song - "He'd such a tremendous big nose," Mr. Branagan
Comic Duet, Mr. Branagan and Mrs. Lewis
Song - "The wild rose of Erin." Mrs. Lewis
Comic Song - "Black Turf," Mr. Branagan
Two Irish pipers are expected to attend. - Several Amateurs have kindly offered their services . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Lewis (vocalist)
MUSIC: Polly Flowers (song) to tune Cinderella (air); Black turf (song) to the tune Buy a broom (air. arr. by Alexander Lee);
"TEETOTAL FESTIVAL", Sydney Chronicle (11 January 1848), 2
A musical festival was held at St. Patrick's Hall yesterday evening. The chair was occupied by the Rev. Dean McEncroe, the President of St. Patrick's Total Abstinence Society. The evening passed cheerily away with songs and music performed by St. Patrick's band. Of the songs, "The tremendous big nose" and "The Cries of Sydney," by Mr. Branagan, drew forth great applause, and were decidedly the favorites.
[Advertisement], Sydney Chronicle (16 March 1848), 1
MUSICAL FESTIVAL will take place on FRIDAY EVENING, March 17th, in St. Patrick's Hall.
Mr. Branagan, Mrs. Lewis, and several Amateurs, will sing some of their best and most favourite songs . . .
N. B.- Programmes of the evening's entertainment will be delivered at the Hall.
"ST. PATRICK'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY", Sydney Chronicle (18 March 1848), 3
Yesterday being the anniversary of St. Patrick, the Total Abstinence Society gave a Musical Festival in St. Patrick's Hall, which was crowded to excess in every part. The Rev. Dean McEncroe, the president of the society, was in the chair, and opened the meeting with a few appropriate remarks. On the platform was his Grace the Archbishop, the Very Rev. the Vicar-General, and several other clergymen, G. Allen, Esq., M.C., and a large number of ladies and gentlemen. The band of the Society was in attendance, and played some very appropriate airs. The evening was enlivened by the singing of Mr. Branagan and Mrs. Lewis, and several very excellent songs were sung by some amateurs. Soon after ten o'clock, the company dispersed, every one appearing to be highly delighted with the entertainments of the evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bede Polding (archbishop)
[Advertisement], Sydney Chronicle (22 April 1848), 3
ON EASTER MONDAY EVENING, a GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL will be given in St. Patrick's Hall, for the Benefit of the Band of St. Patrick's Total Abstinence Society . . .
The following vocalists are engaged: - Mr. Branagan, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Cochlin, and several amateurs, who will sing a variety of comic and sentimental songs.
Several favourite airs will be played by the Band, and a Solo by one of the Trombones . . .
"ST. PATRICK'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY", Sydney Chronicle (25 April 1848), 2
Yesterday evening, a Musical Festival was held in St. Patrick's Hall, for the benefit of the Band belonging to St. Patrick's Total Abstinence Society. The hall was well filled with a very respectable assemblage. The Rev. Dean McEncroe occupied the Chair, and on the platform was a large number of ladies and gentlemen, among whom we observed the Attorney-General and Mrs. Plunkett, the Rev. Mr. McCormick, &c., &c. The band, though consisting entirely of very young practitioners, performed in a very efficient manner, and was much applauded. A solo on the trombone was very well played by Mr. H. Mason. The singing, upon the whole, was much better than we have before heard at some of these festivities; the company was much enlivened by the comicalities of Mr. Branagan, whose "Cries of Sydney," elicited roars of laughter. "Molly Bawn" was sung in a very pleasing manner, as were also several other of the songs. The evening was spent in a most pleasant manner, and every one departed apparently highly gratified.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hubert Plunkett (attorney general, musical amateur); H. Mason (trombone)
[Advertisement], Sydney Chronicle (12 August 1848), 11
have made give an entertaining Musical Party, at the Hall, on
HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP, the BISHOP OF MELBOURNE, and the Catholic Clergy, have kindly promised to attend.
The HON. THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL and several other influential Friends of Temperance are expected on the occasion.
The new Band of St. Patrick's Society will play some of their most favourite tunes.
Mr. Brallaghan, Mr. Fanning, and Mr. Jerome will sing the following songs:
Mr. Brallaghan - Black Turf, Irish Historian, Paddy Malone, Kilkenny Boys, and The Cries of Sydney.
Mr. Fanning - Paddy's Blunders, Comforts of Man, "Father Mathew's Doings," The Butchering Line, and The Wery Identical Flute.
Mr. Jerome - Billy Barlow, Cockney's Trip to Australia, Single Young Man Lodger, the Black Statute, the Beautiful Boy.
There will be an Irish Piper and Fiddler in attendance, as well as several Amateurs, who have kindly offered their services.
The Irish Piper will play - Carolan's Receipt for Drinking Whisky, Exile of Erin, Cooleen, Hare in the Corn, and Nora Creina . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Murphy (bishop); Edward Faning (vocalist, fiddler)
MUSIC: Irish historian (song); The boys of Kilkenney (song); The wery identical flute (song)
Musical concordances:
Barney Brallaghan, a comic Irish song, written by T. Hudson, music by J. Blewitt (New York: Firth & Hall, [n.d.]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Jonathan Blewitt (English composer); Thomas Hudson (comic vocalist, songwriter); see also Barney Brallaghan's courtship (song); and Barney Brallaghan ("sung by Mr. Todd")

Barney Brallaghan's collection of Irish songs, containing all the queer, quizzical, quaint, comic, and sentimental songs, as sung by Powers, Collins, Hudson, and Barney Williams [cover: Barney Brallaghan's songster] (New York: Murphy, [c. 1840])
The Dublin comic songster, containing a choice collection of Irish, English, and Scottish comic songs (Dublin: James Duffy, 1841) (DIGITISED)
Musician, teacher of music and languages
Active Melbourne, VIC, c. 1863-68 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Sands & McDougall's Melbourne and suburban directory for 1863 (Melbourne: Sands & McDougall, 1863), 207 (PAYWALL)
Brandenburger, Miss, teacher of languages, 60 King William-street, F[itzroy]
Rate book, City of Fitzroy, 1863; Public Record Office Victoria, VPRS 4301 (PAYWALL)
Brandenburger / Rosa / - / [landlord] Sloan John / King William Street / Stone house 7 rooms . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 January 1865), 6
MISS BRANDENBURGER RESUMES her musical DUTIES January 17. Ladies' School, King William street, Fitzroy.
Butler & Brooke's national directory of Victoria for 1866-67 (Melbourne: Butler & Brooke, 1866), 18 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Brandenburger, Miss, teacher of music, 12 McKenzie st
Sands & McDougall's Melbourne and suburban directory for 1868 (Melbourne: Sands & McDougall, 1868), 618 (PAYWALL)
Brandenburger, Miss (music), 11 King William-street F[itzroy]
BRANDON, James Lucas (James Lucas BRANDON)
Musician, clarinet player, clarionet player, farmer
Active Mudgee, NSW, 1853-54
Died Mudgee, NSW, October 1876 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Returns of the colony ("Blue Books"), 1846; State Records Authority of NSW, series 1286 (PAYWALL)
. . . [county] Wellington / [town] Mudgee / . . . James Lucas Brandon . . .
"BATHURST QUARTER SESSIONS . . . HIGHWAY ROBBERY", Bathurst Free Press [NSW] (25 January 1851), 6
John Lockwood and George Measer alias Long George the Brickmaker, were indicted for stealing, by force,
a watch from the person of James Lucas Brandon, at Mudgee, on the 8th of November last.
The prisoners pleaded not guilty, and were defended by Mr. Macintosh.
It appeared by the evidence of the prosecutor that he was a resident of Mudgee,
and had known the prisoner Lockwood about seven years and the other by sight only about twelve months.
They both lived in Cox's paddock, at Mudgee. On the evening in question, he had drunk himself very nearly sober at Mr. Viles's public house . . .
The jury retired . . . After a confinement of about five hours, they were starved into unanimity,
and returned into Court with a verdict of "not guilty" for both the prisoners.
"CIRCUIT COURT . . . TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH . . . WILFUL MURDER", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (4 March 1854), 2
Maurice Dalton was indicted for the wilful murder of William Oxley on the 29th April last, at Mudgee.
He pleaded not guilty and was defended by Mr. Holroyd. Attorney - Mr. Serjeant.
James Lucas Brandon deposed that about 1 o'clock of the morning of the 29th April, he was proceeding homeward, playing a clarinet,
when the prisoner walked up to him and after asking him what he wanted playing that b----y thing, knocked him down . . .
"BATHURST CIRCUIT COURT . . . TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1854. MURDER", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (4 March 1854), 3
. . . James Lucas Brandon: I live at Mudgee; I lived there in April last; I saw the prisoner on 28th April; he insulted me, and knocked me down; I was going home, playing the clarionet, when the prisoner came across and asked me what business I had playing that bloody thing, and knocked me down; I went to constable Oxley, and told him, and he told me to go home; when I got home I heard stones thrown against my hut; I was frightened to stop, and I went out for constable Oxley, and then I saw the prisoner . . .
"MUDGEE. October 31. INQUESTS", Australian Town and Country Journal (11 November 1876), 10
Under this heading comes the most startling news of the past week. A man named James Lucas Brandon died rather suddenly on the 21st instant at Apple Tree Flat, and an inquest was held accordingly, before the District Coroner, Mr. W. J. Henningham, and a jury of four. The evidence of Edward Gallagher was taken, and was to the effect that he had last seen deceased alive on Saturday evening, when he evidently appeared to be in a dying state. Witness had not seen deceased intoxicated since the 6th of October (polling day). On hearing that he was dead he at once came to Mudgee, and reported the matter. Dr. Newton deposed that he had made a post mortem examination of the body of deceased, and gave it as his medico-juridical opinion that he had died from disease of the heart and liver. The jury returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
"MUDGEE (From our own Correspondent) . . . INQUESTS", Freeman's Journal (4 November 1876), 10
Two inquests have been held during the past week, one at Apple-tree Flat and the other at the Mudgee gaol. The subject of the first; was the body of a man named James Lucas Brandon, who died at the aforementioned place rather suddenly. The verdict of the jury, which was in accordance with the medical testimony, was to the effect that the deceased died from natural causes . . . - October 30th.
Musician, professor of music and dancing, organist, piano tuner
Active Maitland, NSW, 1853
Musician, comedian, pianist
Active Beechworth and Bendigo, VIC, 1857
Musician, vocalist, banjo player, minstrel, serenader, member of Howard's Serenaders, delineator, comedian
Active Sydney, NSW, by January 1853
Active Sydney, NSW, until August 1856 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (12 January 1853), 1
HOWARD'S SERENADERS. Established in New South Wales in 1850.
MESSRS. HOWARD have the honour to announce that they will again appear before the Sydney public
THIS EVENING, Wednesday, January 12, In the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, with a powerful company . . .
the second part of the evening's entertainment, will be devoted to a display of some wonderful feats of Magic and Legerdemain, by Signor Blitz,
pupil of Anderson, a gentleman recently arrived in Sydney . . .
PART I. Overture - Company
Commence ye Darkies - G. B. Howard
Juliana Johnson - C. V. Howard
Whar de Gum Waves - C. A. Upson
Ole Tar Ribber - J. Brenni
Come Back Stephen - W. Howson
Phoebe Morel - G. B. Howard
My Canoe am on de Ohio - C. A. Upson
Gal wid de Blue Dress on - J. Brenni
[REDACTED]s from do Souf - C. V. Howard . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Birkbeck Mason alias Howard (serenader); Charles Voeckler Mason alias Howard (serenader); Charles A. Upson (serenader); Walter Howson (serenader); Howard's Serenaders (troupe); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)

MUSIC: The gal with de blue dress on (words); and De gal wid de blue dress on (tune)
"HOWARD'S SERENADERS", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (15 February 1855), 2
This popular company still continue to attract crowded and fashionable audiences at the Royal Hotel. Their concert last night was very well attended, and their [REDACTED] melodies received a large meed of applause. The comic song of "Gal wid a blue dress on," by Mr. J. Brenni, was deservedly encored, as were several other of their songs . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (25 February 1853), 1
ROYAL HOTEL. Immense Attraction!
First Night of a new Burlesque Operetta, written by Mr. G. B. Howard,
entitled, DE [REDACTED] RIVALS!!! . . .
THIS EVENING, Friday, February 25, the Performances will commence with a new Farcical, Emblematical, Metaphorical, Musical,
Poetical, Vocal, Burlesque Operetta, entitled DE [REDACTED] RIVALS !
Mr. Augustus Peter Brown (a gemman in lub) - Charles V. Howard
Julius Caesar Crow (a rival) - J. W. Brenni
Caius Agrippa Snow (anoder candidate) - G. B. Howard
Mark Antony Coal (a heavy father)... C. A. Upson
Miss Rosetta Coal (a fair but fickle lady) - W. Howson.
ACT 1, SCENE 1 - Wake dearest Rosetta, solo, Julius; Dear Julius, dy voice, solo, Rosetta;
What means all this bawling, solo, Coal; Song, When I came, Julius;
Aria, a Darkie Youth, Coal; Solo, Caius, oh! come to me;
Duet, Rosa and Caius, Dear Rosa, my lub; Chorus, Den haste my lub.
SCENE 2 - Song, Brown, Oh! Rosa dear; Duet, Julius and Brown, De angry [REDACTED];
Trio, Julius, Brown, and Coal, Miss Rosetta's gone and bolted; Ballad, Coal, From your grief, my boys;
Trio, Julius, Brown, and Coal, By Coaley's house.
SCENE 3 - Aria, Caius, she hab fled; Song, Rosetta, Dat [REDACTED] a courtin;
Song, Caius, Hark! dearest Rosa; Glee, Brown, Julius, and Coal, De gal has gone;
Quintette, Now no longer; Grand Chorus and Finale, For no use at all in fighting . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (2 March 1853), 1
Third Night of the new Burlesque Operetta, which is received with shouts of laughter.
THIS EVENING, Wednesday, March 2, the Performances will commence with the following choice selection of ETHIOPIAN MELODIES:
Overture - Caliph of Bagdad - Company
Stop dat knocking - G. B. Howard
Lynchburg Town - C. V. Howard
[REDACTED] ob de Understanding - C. A. Upson
Blue-tail Fly (Banjo Bolo) - W. Howson
Olo Tar Ribber - J. Brenni
Uncle Ned - G. B. Howard
Solo - Banjo - (Christ Church Bells) - J. W. Brenni
Lucy Long - W. Howson
Grey goose and gander - C. V. Howard
To conclude with the celebrated RAILWAY GALLOP.
A lapse of fifteen minutes.
The evening's entertainments will terminate with a new Farcical, Emblematical, Metaphorical,
Musical, Poetical, Vocal, Burlesque Operetta, entitled DE [REDACTED] RIVALS! . . .
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (5 March 1853), 3
HOWARD'S SERENADERS. FIVE in number, viz. -
Chas. V. Howard, George B. Howard, J. W. Brenni, F. Harrington, and Luke West.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, at the Royal Hotel, with a change of programme each evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Harrington (serenader); Luke West (serenader)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 March 1853), 2
ROYAL HOTEL. HOWARD'S ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS. Continued and increasing success.
Change in the programme, embracing some of the gems of negro melody . . .
TO-MORROW, Wednesday evening, March 23, 1853, in the large Saloon of the Royal Hotel.
Overture - Company
What am de Spot - C. V. Howard
Camptown Races - G. B. Howard
Broadway Swell - L. West
Round de corner Sally - F. Harrington
Down by de Banks - J. W. Brenni
Juliana Phoebiana Constantina Brown - G. B. Howard
Goin ober de Mountain - L. West
Ole Pee Dee - G. B. Howard
Picayune Butler (by request) - C. V. Howard
A lapse of fifteen minutes.
Part II.
Solo - Banjo - J. W. Brenni
Trio - Flute, Banjo, & Bones - Harrington, Brenni, and West
Solo - Flutina - G. B. Howard . . .
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (13 April 1853), 3
GRAND ETHIOPIAN CONCERT, at the Saloon of the "Rose Inn," Singleton,
on Thursday, the 14th instant, and on Friday, the 15th instant,
assisted by SIGNOR BLITZ, the celebrated Wizard of the South . . .
HOWARD'S SERENADERS and WIZARD! Positively the last Appearance in Maitland! . . .
By particular desire, on Saturday Evening, April 16th, in the Saloon of the "Northumberland."
Overture - Company.
Let's be Gay - G. B. Howard.
Fanny Frail - T. W. Brenni [sic].
Ole Aunt Sally - Fred Harrington.
Hab a Little Dance (by request) - C. V. Howard.
Ole Folks at Home - G. B. Howard.
Dandy Jim - Luke West.
Ole Tar Ribber - T. W. Brenni.
[REDACTED] from the Souf - C. V. Howard.
To conclude with the Railway Gallop.
Doors open at Half-past Seven, to commence at Eight o'clock.
Front Seats, 3s.; Back Seats, 2s.
[Advertisement], Empire (3 May 1853), 1
THIS EVENING, TUESDAY, 3rd MAY. Second Night of BOMBASTES at half-price.
Wit, Mirth, Fun, Frolic, and Magic.
Second appearance at this Theatre of the WIZARD OF THE SOUTH;
also, Messrs. BRUTON AND BRENNI . . .
The Evening's entertainments will commence, as usual, with MR. BROWN AT HOME.
To be followed (for the second time in this Theatre) by the grand laughable Operatic Burlesque of TOM THUMB . . .
Comic Song, Mr. Bruton . . . Song, Mr. Walter Howson . . . Song, Master Sloman Evans . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Crow. Pianist, Mr. S. Evans.
ASSOCIATIONS: John W. Bruton (comic vocalist); Thomas Crowe (musician); Olympic Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 August 1854), 1
SCHOOL OF ARTS. - TO-MORROW, Wednesday evening, 16th August -
On this occasion Mr. Brenni will appear, and sing several of the most popular Ethiopian melodies. -
Tickets, 2s.; reserved seats, 3s.
Overture, "Caliph of Bagdad," for piano, performed by Mrs. Shaw . . .
"Girl with the Blue Dress on," sung by Mr. Brenni, with banjo accompaniment . . .
"Juba this and Juba that," sung by Mr. Brenni . . .
"Dandy Broadway Swell," sung by Mr. Brenni . . .
Banjo solo, "Old Virginia Bells," performed by Mr. Brenni . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Paxton (vocalist); Mrs. Shaw (pianist, accompanist); Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue)
"SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1854), 5
A grand musical entertainment was given on the evening of yesterday, at the School of Arts, by Mr. Paxton, on the Songs of Scotland. The programme contained many popular Scottish songs, which were sung with much effect. The vocal efforts of Mr. Brenni, in his Ethiopean melodies and inimitable performance on the banjo, were crowned with immense success. He was repeatedly encored during the evening. The performance of Mrs. Shaw on the pianoforte, is also deserving of praise. The expectations of the very numerous and highly respectable assembly were undoubtedly fully realized, if not surpassed.
[Advertisement], Empire (22 August 1854), 1
Second appearance of Mr. BRENNI, who will sing some of the most popular ETHIOPIAN MELODIES!! . . .
"Girl with the Blue Dress on" - sung by Mr. BRENNI, with Banjo accompaniment . . .
"Off to Baltimore" - sung by Mr. BRENNI . . .
"Juba this and Juba that "- sung by Mr. BRENNI . . .
Banjo Solo - "Old Virginia Bells" - performed by Mr. BRENNI . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1854), 1
TO-MORROW EVENING, 30th August, at 8 o'clock,
MR. PAXTON'S Farewell Entertainment on the SONGS OF SCOTLAND.
Last appearance of Mr. BRENNI, who will sing several popular ETHIOPIAN MELODIES . . .
"I Come from the Ohio States," sung by Mr. Brenni, with Banjo accompaniment . . .
"Oh! the Bulgine," by Mr. Brenni . . .
Stop that knocking, Mr. Brenni . . .
Sydney Girls, Mr. Brenni . . .
Fanny Frail, by Mr. Brenni . . .
Cynthia Sue, by Mr. Brenni . . .
"Juba," chaunt, by Mr. Brenni . . .
Banjo Solo, performed by Mr. Brenni . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (8 November 1854), 1
PROMENADE CONCERTS (a la Jullien) EVERY EVENING. Admission, one shilling.
The best Band in the colony, from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, London,
Conductor, Herr Kruse, who will perform the most popular music, consisting of overtures, polkas waltzes, gallops, &c., &c.
Principal vocalists, Miss Flora Harris, Miss Baring, Mr. Hancock, and Mr. J. Fairchild. Pianist, Mr. Emanuel;
and for this evening (Wednesday,) Mr. Brennie, the prince of Ethiopian serenaders, of whose drollery and song, no description can adequately be conveyed.
Song - Mr. Hancock, A National Song.
"Hurrah for the Red and the Blue" - Cook.
Song - Miss Baring, "Lirline" - G. H. Rodwell.
Song - Mr. J. Fairchild, "When other Lips" - Balfe.
Duet - Miss Baring and Mr. Hancock, " What are the wild waves saying."
Ethiopian Song - Mr. Brennie, with Banjo accompaniment, "De Gal wid de blue dress on."
Part II.
Song - Mr. J. Fairchild, "Tom Dowling" - Dibdin.
Song - Miss Baring, "Merry Fairies" - Panoftha [Panofka]
Song - Mr. Hancock, "The Golden Calf" - Glover.
Ethiopian Song - Mr. Brennie, "Old Tar Riber."
To conclude with Solo on the Banjo, "Old Virginny Bells."
Doors open at half-past 7, commence at 8.
Admission to promenade, one shilling; Reserved Seats, 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Herman Kruse (musician); Flora Harris (vocalist); Miss Baring (vocalist); Edward Hancock (vocalist); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Abraham Emanuel (pianist)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times [SA] (11 April 1855), 4
MR. DE BRENNI, For the last two years the leading Low Comedian in Sydney, will make his first appearance in Adelaide . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Troy Knight (vocalist, actor, serenader); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Adelaide Times (13 April 1855), 3
Mr. Troy Knight, in accordance with the wishes of his patrons and friends, gave his first of a series of amusements last night, to a moderately filled house. The piece chosen for the entertainment was the "May Queen," the principal parts being taken by Mrs. Lambert, Mrs. Hughes, Mr. Knight, Mr. De Brenni, and Mr. Buckingham. The characters were creditably sustained and the whole went off to the evident satisfaction of the audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Lambert (actor, vocalist); Edward Buckingham (dancer, actor)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (18 April 1855), 1
THIS EVENING (WEDNESDAY), April 18, Under the patronage of the Stewards . . . Chapman's Band will attend.
The performances will commence with the Operatic Personation of OTHELLO TRAVESTIE;
Duke of Venice, Mr. Warr; Brabantio (a hasty old codger), Mr. Buckingham;
Othello (Moor of Venice, formerly an independent old [REDACTED] from the Republic of Hayti), Mr. De Brenni;
Iago (Othello's, officer, ones a native of the mountain country of Tipperary, Province of Munster, Ireland), Troy Knight;
Roderigo (a very silly youth, and very partial to Mrs. Desdemona), Mr. Rainsforth . . .
Desdemona (a very good-natured lady, wife of Othello, and not a bit too well-treated by him), Mrs. Lambert . . .
The performance will conclude with the laughable Farce of the WIDOWS' VICTIM.
Mr. Twitter (a married gentleman, extremely irritable, extremely imaginative, and extremely jealous), Mr. De Brenni . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Chapman (musician, band leader)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (24 November 1855), 3
the SABLE BROTHERS, the only true representatives of Negro Life and Character,
at Mr. Hammond's, SATURDAY; at Singleton, MONDAY and TUESDAY;
at Muswell Brook, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. See small bills.
ASSOCIATIONS: Felix Garmone (serenader); Sable Brethren (troupe)
"HALL THE WIZARD, AND THE SERENADERS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 November 1855), 2
On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Mr. Hall, at Mr. Hammond's, Fitzroy Hotel, West Maitland, went through a number of tricks to the satisfaction and amusement of numerous audiences. The second part of the performances consisted of songs and duetts by Messrs. Brenni and Felix Garmone, the Ethiopian serenaders. Miss Lucy Long and the Railway Galop were loudly applauded. We understand their last performance will be given at Mr. Hammond's this evening.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 February 1856), 1
Immense Attraction. - Engagement of the renowned
SABLE BRETHREN, Messrs. D. Brenni, F. Harrington, and Felix Germone.
MONDAY EVENING. February 4, 1856.
Proframme I. Winchester Quick Step, Band; Glee - "The Wild Racoon track," Company;
Burlesque - "Away she went," D. Brenni; Refrain - "Oh, Boys, carry me along," F. Germone;
Ballad - "Nancy Till," F. Harrington; Song - "The Blue-dress'd Gal," D. Brenni;
Song, "I seed her at de Winder," F. Germone; Medley and chorus - "I wish I was in ole Virginny," F. Harrington.
Medley dance, by Miss Melville.
Programme II. Banjo solo - "Bells with new variations," D. Brenni; Chorus "Jump into my Canoe," Company;
Song - "Camptown Races," D. Brenni; Ballad - "Mary May," F. Germone;
Extravaganza "Get up in de Morning," F. Harrington.
To wind up with the original burlesque of THE HAUNTED HOUSE; or, Half an Hour with the Invisible Spirits.
Dress circle, 3s; side boxes, 2s.; pit, 1s. To commence at 8 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Malcom (proprietor); Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (11 February 1856), 1
- The Greatest Bill of the season and Grand Fashionable night. -
Entirely new and attractive programme by the SABLE BRETHREN, who are re-engaged for four nights more,
MONDAY, February 11th. Astounding Feats of Horsemanship, and Strength.
To conclude with a new Burlesque (as arranged by F. Harrington), entitled
Sambo Augustus Julius Ceasar Tipp, D. Brenni;
Daddy, a henpeck'd specimen, M. Stanwood;
Mammy, a vicious old lady, F. Harrington;
Rosa Angelina Seraphine Squeakini, an elegant young lady, F. Germone.
Doors open at half-past 7, to commence at 8. The cheapest amusement in the city.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Stanwood (serenader)
[Advertisement], Empire (14 February 1856), 1
THIS (Thursday) EVENING the performance will commence with Feats of Equestrianism by Mr. Melville;
to be followed by the performances of the SABLE BRETHREN, who will introduce some of their favourite songs and choruses.
The whole to conclude with the Laughable extravaganza of JACK ROBINSON AND HIS MONKEY.
Characters by F. Harrington, F. Germone, and D. Brenni. J. MALCOM, Manager.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (15 March 1856), 3
Acting Manager - Mr. J. B. Russell.
Stage Manager - Mr. G. W. Daniels.
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. G. Chittenden . . .
PROFESSOR HALL, THE WIZARD OF THE EAST . . . will again be assisted by the SABLE BRETHREN . . .
Programme . . . Part II. The Sable Brethren, In an entirely new and attractive Programme.
Characteristic Banjo Solo, with oddities, profundities, and comicalities, D. Brenni.
An Interval.
By desire the funny Burlesque, entitled the HAUNTED HOUSE;
[?]bo, (a runaway darkie) - D. Brenni.
Theophilus Lillywhite, a planter - Felix Germone.
[?]te - F. Harrington.
Ghosts, Hobgoblins, &c., by the Company . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Washington Daniels (actor, manager); Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue); see also [Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (22 March 1856) 2
[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, QLD] (19 April 1856), 3
WILL arrive in Brisbane by next steamer, and give a series of entertainments in the science of
NECROMANCY, on which occasion the renowned SABLE BRETHREN,
Messrs. D. Brenni, F. Harrington, and Felix Germone, will appear.
N.B. Further particulars will be duly announced. April 16, 1856.
NOTE: There is no record, however, that the troupe ever actually arrived in Brisbane
[Advertisement], The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser [NSW] (24 May 1856), 3
Musical and Dramatic Entertainment.
PROFESSOR HALL, Wizard of the East, and the Sable Brothers (Messrs. De Brenni and Felix Germone), will give
On which occasion an Entire Change of Programme will take place and a New Piece be performed, entitled
Theophilus Lilywhite - De Brenni.
The Mysterious Visitor - Felix Germone.
Doors open at Half-past Six; performance to commence at Seven.
FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Armidale Hospital . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 August 1856), 1
OUR LYCEUM THEATRE, under the management of Messrs. Craven and Stephens. -
UNCLE TOM'S CABIN TO-NIGHT. Miss A. M. QUINN, Mr. J. H. VINSON, and the whole of the powerful company with numerous auxiliaries.
On MONDAY, August 25th, the performances will commence with (first time) an entirely new dramatic story
(founded on Mrs. H. B. Stowe's popular work), and written expressly for Miss A. M. Quinn,
with new plot, scenes, situations, and characters by Frank Fowler, Esq., Member of the Literary Institute of the British Empire, &c, of
The overture and entire music composed and arranged by M. Winterbottom;
the new and appropriate scenery painted by Mr. Guy;
the panorama of New Orleans by Mr. Thomas;
the [REDACTED] dances and serenades by the Ethiopian Minstrels engaged expressly to give effect to the delineation of slave life!
Leaf I - Kentucky. George Harris (a Creole slave), Mr. H. T. Craven; Drover John (a Kentuckian), Mr. Lambert;
Uncle Tom, Mr. J. H. Vinson; Sam (a persistent [REDACTED]), Mr. W. H. Stephens;
Squibby, Mr. Reading; Sambo, Mr. German; Bingy, Mr. Brenny. Selby's house and plantation.
In the course of the piece - Chorus - "I'll throw myself away," Messrs. Brenny, Reading, German, &c.
Apartment in Mrs. Selby's house. Interior of Uncle Tom's cabin.
Another part of Selby's plantation. Barroom of a Kentucky tavern. Rocky pass and wood. The escape.
Leaf II - The Mississippi river. Penetrate Party-side, Mr. W. H. Stephens; Eva, Miss A. M. Quinn.
Saloon dock of Mississippi steamer. Deck of steamer, and grand panoramic view of Mississippi river. (Thomas.)
Chorus - "Mississippi am a berry fine boat," with banjo and tamborine accompaniment, Messrs. Brenny, Reading, and Felix German.
Deck of steamer, and panoramic view of New Orleans. (Thomas.)
Chorus - "Boatman's Chaunt," Messrs. Brenny, Reading, and German.
Leaf III - New Orleans. Topsy, Mrs. H. T. Craven.
Drawing-room in St. Clair's mansion - Aunt Vermont's bedchamber - Garden at St. Claire - St. Claire's death chamber.
Leaf IV - New Orleans and its vicinity. Simon Legree (a slave owner),
Mr. Drummond (from Theatre Royal, Melbourne, his first appearance).
Sale room of a slave warehouse - Chorus, "Old Folks at Home."
Scene 2. Apartment at St. Clair's - Court-yard and exterior of Simon Degree's house, with whippingpost -
Apartment at St. Clair's - Fall of the Iast leaf - Chamber and death-bed of Eva! . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Eliza Craven (actor, manager, vocalist); William Henry Stephens (actor, manager); Anna Maria Quinn (actor); James Hetters Vinson (actor); Frank Fowler (playwright); John Winterbottom (conductor, composer, arranger); Edmund Thomas (scenic artist); James Waln Guy (scenic artist); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE DRAMA, MUSIC, AND FINE ARTS. OUR LYCEUM", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (30 August 1856), 2
A new dramatic story entitled "Eva," founded on Uncle Tom's Cabin - from the brilliant pen of Mr. Frank Fowler - was produced at this house on Monday, and has continued every evening during the week with the most complete success . . . The overture and music by Mr. Winterbottom, the stage scenery by Mr. Guy, the panorama of New Orleans by Mr. Thomas, the wardrobe by Miss Franks, the [REDACTED] dances and serenades by the "Ethiopian Minstrels," Messrs. Brenny, Reading, German, &c., do the Management great credit, and added not a little to the effective production of a piece, which maybe pronounced as one of the most successful that has been brought out in these colonies . . . Frank Fowler will have an author's benefit on Tuesday evening next . . .
BREWER, Francis Campbell (Francis Campbell BREWER; Frank Campbell BREWER; F. C. BREWER)
Musical amateur, music and drama reviewer, journalist
Born Willenhall, Staffordshire, England, 21 October 1826; baptised St. Giles, Willenhall, 16 November 1826; son of Edmund BREWER (1799-1891) and Ann WHITEHOUSE (1806-1857)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, "October 1834" (his father arrived 15 September 1834 as a convict per Roslyn Castle, from England, 22 May 1834)
Married Mary Anne CUMMINS (c. 1830-1892), NSW, 1850
Died Sydney, NSW, 23 November 1911, aged "85" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the Willenhall Chapelry in the county of Stafford in the Year 1826; register page 249; Staffordshire baptisms
No. 1988 / 16 of November [1826] / Francis Campbell Son of / Edmund & Ann / Brewer / Little London / School Master . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: His parents had married at Bushberry, Staffordshire, on 1 December 1825; his father was convicted of embezzlement and forgery (forging a bill of exchange) at the Worcester Assizes, 6 March 1834, and transported as a convict on the Roslyn Castle, which arrived in Sydney on 15 September 1834
[Advertisement], Empire (8 August 1859), 1
F. Brewer, Esq. . . . With power to add to their number . . .
J. R. CLARKE. Honorary Treasurer.
H. N. MONTAGU, Honorary Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (deceased), late conductor of the Sydney University Musical Festival (event); Jacob Richard Clarke (treasurer); Henry Neville Montagu (secretary)
"EUROPEAN DRAMATIC and MUSICAL ARTISTS in AUSTRALIA. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 1891), 6
SIR - The professional visits of the leading music and dramatic artists of Europe to these colonies show that Australia has reached a position of attractiveness for them equal to any other country outside Europe . . .
In music, too, the Australians may be said to have heard the works of the best composers and some of the best of their exponents,
both vocal and instrumental. I have myself heard over 60 operas in Sydney, including those of Mozart, Weber, Meyerbeer, Rossini, Bellini, Auber, Gounod, Flotow, Donizetti, and Verdi.
As vocalists of the highest order I may mention Sara Flower, who between 40 and 50 years ago was one of the three great contraltos of Europe,
the others being Alboni and Miss Dolby, and of whose departure from London many years ago for Australia Sir Archibald Michie, then in England,
expressed surprise in a letter he wrote to the Herald holding the position she then did in the world of music.
Catherine Hayes, Anna Bishop, Ilma di Murska, Carlotta Patti, Madame Patey, and Madame Melba,
who have sang in Sydney, while the incomparable Santley has only just left our shores . . .
Moreover, both in music and drama, Australians have a standard by which to judge not inferior to that of any other country in the world . . .
I am, &c., F. C. BREWER. July 9.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Anna Bishop (vocalaist); Ilma De Murska (vocalist)
"EDWARD SMITH HALL. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 August 1891), 7
Sir,- In the speech made by Sir Henry Parkes at the luncheon he gave on Monday, at Hampton Villa,
to the "survivors" of the advent of responsible government in Australia,
I was indeed gratified that he mentioned as one of the noblest patriots of this country, the name of Edward Smith Hall.
In 1835, I think it was on December 12, I commenced my career on the press under Mr. Hall,
who was then and had been for some years the proprietor and editor of the Sydney Monitor . . .
I am, &c., F. C. BREWER.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Smith Hall (newspaper editor); Henry Parkes (politician)
"PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 August 1892), 6
From the New South Wales Commissioners to the World Columbian Exposition we have received a copy of a substantial pamphlet, entitled "The Drama and Music in New South Wales," by F. C. Brewer (Charles Potter, Government Printer). Mr. Brewer is known to be an authority on the history of both the dramatic and musical interests in this colony. As he explains in the preface to this book, he brought to the task of its preparation a experience of 56 years on the metropolitan press, which, or course, has given him an intimate practical knowledge on the subject of which he treats. This special knowledge he has drawn upon freely in this record which, however, is evidently all too brief for the stores of recollections Mr. Brewer would otherwise have been able to place at the service of his readers. As it is his record is ample enough as a record, and exceedingly interesting as well. Many old familiar names reappear here, and many recollections, some pleasing and not a few sad, will be revived in the minds of old playgoers by a perusal of these pages. Mr. Brewer begins his story with the opening of Mr. Barnett Levy's first Theatre Royal in Sydney in 1832, and concludes it by the mention of the fire at the theatre of the same name in June last. Turning the pages rapidly, one finds references to sell names as Coppin, Kemble, the Carandinis, G. H. Rogers ("large-hearted, genial, and full of wit of the right ring"), G. V. Brooke, and very many others, old and new, among the latter being that of Madame Sara Bernhardt. The musical record is not less interesting. It begins with the Taylor concerts in Bent-street in 1835, and names the Deanes, Nathan, Sara Flower, Miska Hauser, Anna Bishop, W. Saurin Lyster, Squires, and Lucy Escott, Catherine Hayes, and other well known to local musical fame. A rather full record of the appearances of each, with some comment, accompanies each name. As we have intimated, this interesting publication has been issued for transmission to the United States, in connection with the Chicago Exhibition.
ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Levey (manager); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue); George Coppin (actor, manager); George Herbert Rogers (actor, vocalist); Maria Taylor (vocalist); John Philip Deane and family (musicians); Isaac Nathan (musician, composer); Miska Hauser (violinist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe); Lucy Escott (vocalist); Henry Squires (vocalist); see also "THE COLONIAL STAGE", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (6 August 1892), 23
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1911), 8
BREWER. - November 23, 1911, at the residence of his son-in-law, J. B. Despointes, Loreto, Rosalind-street, North Sydney, Francis Campbell Brewer, journalist, aged 85 years. No flowers, by request.
"A PIONEER JOURNALIST. DEATH OF MR. F. C. BREWER. A MEMORY OF EARLY SYDNEY", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1911), 8
One of the oldest journalists of Australia Mr. Francis Campbell Brewer, died yesterday morning, at the age of 85 years at Loreto, Rosalind-street, North Sydney, the residence of his son-in-law Mr. J. B. Despointes. He was born in Stourbridge, Staffordshire, England, and received his early education at Redhill School, of which his father was headmaster, and afterwards at a private school in Reading, Berkshire. Mr. Brewer arrived in Australia with his parents in October, 1834, and two years later, entered the Sydney "Monitor" office, under articles to Mr. Edward Smith Hall to learn what was then styled the "professional art of printing." At that time there were no newspapers published outside the town of Sydney, the papers then in existence being the "Gazette" (the first journal started in Australia), the "Monitor," the "Sydney Herald, the "Times," the "Commercial Journal," "The Australian" (the organ of Mr. Wentworth), and the "Colonist" (the organ of Dr. Lang). The first paper to start as a daily was the "Sydney Herald."
In 1839 Mr. Hall disposed of the "Monitor" and the articles of service being cancelled, young Brewer entered the office of the "Sydney Herald," the proprietors then being Messrs. Stephens and Stokes. In 1841 the "Herald" was purchased by the late Mr. John Fairfax and Mr. Charles Kemp, and under these gentlemen Mr. Brewer completed his legal term of his articled service (eight years).
In consequence of suffering from severe pain in the head, Mr. Brewer was advised to seek a change of climate, and in July of 1848 proceeded to Melbourne, in the district of Port Phillip, which was then a part of New South Wales. He there joined the "Patriot" the first paper published in Melbourne, started by John, or, as he was more familiarly known, "Johnny" Fawkner. It was during Mr. Brewer's residence in Melbourne that the interest of Mr. Curr, then town clerk of Melbourne, in the "Argus" was sold by auction, and purchased by Mr. Edward Wilson.
Mr. Brewer returned to Sydney in the early part of 1849, and again joined the "Sydney Morning Herald." After filling some minor positions, he was appointed principal overseer of the printing department, having as his colleague the late Mr. Samuel Bennett. While holding this position he began to take part in the literary work of the paper, constantly assisting the sub-editor. During the season of the Lyster Opera Company, and the second visit of Madame Anna Bishop to Sydney, he contributed musical notices, and he was also entrusted with the task of reviewing the performances of the late Mr. Charles Kean, Walter Montgomery, and other prominent musical artists.
In 1865 Mr. Brewer was appointed night editor of the "Herald," the chief editor being at that time the Rev. John West - a position he held until 1877. In November of that year he went to England to fulfil certain duties in the London office of the "Sydney Morning Herald," and remained until August, 1879. Before leaving Sydney for London Mr. Brewer was presented with an address from the printing department of the paper, and a testimonial from the literary staff, and on the day of his departure a steamer was chartered to accompany the P. and O. vessel by which Mr. Brewer was passenger to the Heads, having on board about 150 of his companions in the employ of the various departments of John Fairfax and Sons. On his return to active duties in the office he was for a time sub-editor of the "Herald," and then was appointed to the editorial chair of the "Echo," an evening paper, published from the "Herald" Office, a position he held for about seven years. His connection with the "Herald" and with the press ceased in 1891.
In 1892, at the desire of the New South Wales Commission for the Chicago Exhibition, Mr. Brewer compiled a history of the progress of the drama and music in New South Wales, and at the suggestion of the late [?] A. Renwick made it more of a work of reference than an essay. A year later failing eyesight, which eventually resulted in total blindness, precluded active work on the press, and since that time Mr. Brewer remained in retirement with his family.
On the inauguration of the second volunteer movement in Sydney, Mr. Brewer received a commission as first lieutenant in No. 6 company in the Sydney Battalion, Sir James Fairfax at the same time receiving a commission as captain in No. 3 company in the same force. Shortly afterwards the New South Wales Rifle Association was formed, of which Mr. J. Grafton Ross was honorary secretary. On the retirement of Mr. Ross a few years after, Mr. H. C. Dangar and Mr. Brewer were elected honorary secretaries, and the latter held the position for about 11 years. It was during this period that the rifle contest took place between Victoria and New South Wales for a challenge shield valued at £300. The shield was subscribed for equally by both colonies - the conditions being that it must be won three times in succession to become the property of the successful colony. After a contest lasting six years, it was won by New South Wales, and is now in the Sydney Museum.
Mr. Brewer, who had been ill for over four months, leaves five sons and three daughters. His sons are Messrs. Edmund, Frank (postal service), Harry (Treasury), George, and Walter Brewer, and his daughters are Mrs. J. B. Despointes, Mrs. T. H. Barlow, and Mrs. Arthur Barlow. His wife pre-deceased him by 19 years.
"VETERAN JOURNALIST DEAD. November 23", The Telegraph [Brisbane, QLD] (24 November 1911), 6
Mr. F. C Brewer, a well known journalist, who formerly was connected with the Sydney "Morning Herald" for many years, died to-day, at the age of 85 years. Mr. Brewer was a pioneer of the Press in New South Wales. Born at Stourbridge, England, on 21st October 1826, he was educated in his native town and afterwards at a private school in Reading. He arrived in Australia with his parents in October, 1834 (says John's "Notable Australians"), and in 1836 he entered the Sydney "Monitor" office, under articles to Mr. E. S. Hall . . .
F. C. Brewer, The drama and music in New South Wales ("Published by authority of the New South Wales Commissioners for the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893") (Sydney: Charles Potter, Govt. Printer, 1892) (DIGITISED)
PREFACE. In the following pages I have given a brief history of the progress of the Drama and Music in the mother Colony of Australia,
from the period when both arts had established institutions only in Sydney.
I bring to my task the experience of fifty-six years on the metropolitan Press of this country,
and therefore a great part of this pamphlet is written from what came under my personal knowledge.
In a work so limited it is impossible to do more than briefly chronicle the numerous events connected with these important elements in the progress of New South Wales;
but as a record I presume to think it will be not only interesting, but of use to a very large section of the population of this and other Colonies of Australia.
A more comprehensive record would occupy much time and fill volumes.
As this pamphlet is intended for transmission to the United States in connection with the Great Exhibition at Chicago,
numerous readers in America will be gratified to learn how large a part the actors and musicians of that country took in the development of the kindred arts in Australia,
of which a record is now offered by the New South Wales Commissioners for their perusal.
Corunna, Waverley, June 30, 1892.
BRICE, James Smith (James Smith BRICE; James BRICE; J. S. BRICE; J. BRICE; Mr. BRICE; Jim BRICE)
Musician, vocalist, banjo player, comedian, minstrel serenader, delineator, theatrical manager and agent, painter and decorator
Born USA, c. 1827; son of Thomas BRICE and Elizabeth FORDHAM [QLD BDM 1895/C/2123]
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 14 August 1853 (per Theoxena, from New York)
Married [2] Ellen BRADY (d. 1903), Tumut, NSW, June 1858
Naturalised Charters Towers, QLD, 6 September 1878 (aged "50")
Died Charters Towers, QLD, 11 September 1895, aged "68" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
List of passengers who have arrived at the Port of Melbourne, on the [14] August 1853 from New York on board the Theoxena; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Fred'k Dixon / 1 [married male] / American
James Brice / 1 [married male // Mrs. Brice / [both] American . . .
John J. Swinerton / 1 [unmarried] Male / British
Charles Scott / 1 [unmarried] Male / British . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Dixon (minstrel); John Jesse Swinnerton (minstrel); Charles Scott (minstrel)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 September 1853), 8
QUEEN'S THEATRE, Saturday Evening, 17th September, 1853.
Barlow's Sable Minstrels!
Mr. Barlow begs respectfully to announce that he intends giving a Concert at the above Theatre on Saturday evening next when he will introduce to the inhabitants of Melbourne a Troupe of Sable Minstrels,
whose equal has not been heard before in the colony.
Signor Sivorini, Violin Primo, has been engaged as Leader, and will in the course of the evening perform some of his brilliant Solos.
Mr. Barlow will play some of his beautiful Solos on the Rock Harmonicon, and will sing his inimitable Song of the Blur Tail Fly, and will also in the course of the evening Dance Lucy Long, in Character.
Mr. Brice will appear in his Laughing Solos so celebrated in the United States.
Mr. Dixon will Sing the new and very popular Song of Poor Uncle Tom, founded on incidents in Mrs. Stowe's work of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
PROGRAMME: Part I. As Dandy Negroes of the North.
Overture - Fra Diavolo - Band
Opening Chorus - Hand Down the Banjo - Written expressly for this Band by Mr. Barlow, and now produced for the first time in Melbourne - Company.
Song - I See her at De Window - Barlow.
Song - Sweet Lilla Brown (New) - Swinerton.
Song - I'll Throw myself Away (New) - Brice.
Song - Jenny Lane - Dixon.
Song - Gal wid de Josey on - Scott.
Popular Local Song - Unlock the Lands - Barlow.
Song - Poor Uncle Tom (New) - Dixon.
The First Part to conclude with the Comic Chorus of Bow, Wow, Wow - Company.
Intermission of Ten Minutes.
Part II.
Solo on the Rock Harmonicon - Barlow.
Song - The Blue Tail Fly - Barlow.
Laughing Solo with French Concertina Accompaniment - Brice.
Part III. As Plantation Negroes.
Chorus - Happy are we, Darkies so gay - Company.
Song - Fire down Below - Swinerton.
Song - Young Flora (New) - Barlow.
Song - Ring, Ring de Banjo - Brice.
Song - Old Folks at Home - Dixon.
Song - Nancy Till - Scott.
Song - Oh! Lemuel - Brice.
Laughing Chorus - Stop dat Knocking - Company.
Violin Solo - Sig. Sivorini.
The whole to conclude with the cele[brated] Dance of Lucy Long.
Lucy Long - Barlow. Pink - Brice.
Doors open at half-past Six o'clock. Concert to commence at half-past Seven.
Prices of Admission - Boxes, 8s.; Pit, 5s.; Gallery, 3s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Barlow (troupe leader); Sivorini = Jacques Paltzer (violin); Barlow's Sable Minstrels (troupe); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 September 1853), 8
BARLOW'S Sable Minstrels - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday next, September 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th.
M. Barlow, begs respectfully to announce that he, accompanied by his unrivalled Troupe of Sable Minstrels,
who were received at the Queen's Theatre, on Saturday evening last, with tremendous applause,
intends giving a series of Concert Entertainments at Mr. Crowther's Rooms, the Terpsichorean Hall, top of Collins-street, between Russell and Stephen streets,
where Messrs. Barlow, Sivorini and Brice will perform some of their brilliant Solos . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Crowther (dancing master); Terpsichorean Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 September 1853), 8
CROWTHER'S Rooms, Terpsichorean Hall, Every night this week. Barlow's Sable Minstrels:
Messrs. Barlow, Brice, Sivorini, Scott, Dixon, and Swinerton.
Slgnor Sivirini, violin primo, has been engaged as leader, and will in the course of the evening perform some of his brilliant solos.
Mr. Barlow will play some of his beautiful solos on the Rock Harmonicon, and will sing his inimitable song of the Blue-tailed Fly,
and will also in the course of the evening dance Lucy Long, in character.
Mr. Brice will appear in his Laughing Solos, so celebrated in the United States.
Mr. Dixon will sing the New and Popular song of Poor Uncle Tom, founded on incidents in Mrs. Stowe's work of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Overture - National - Full Band
Opening Chorus - Hand Down the Banjo (written expressly for this Band, by Mr. Barlow) - Company
Song - Dolly Day - Brice
Song - Susy Dear (new) - Scott
Trio - Coal Black Rose (New Version) - Barlow, Bones and Tambo
Song - Dandy Broadway Swell - Swinerton
Song - Where am my Pompey gone - Dixon
Popular Local Song - Unlock the Lands - Barlow
Song - Poor Uncle Tom (New) - By desire - Dixon
Song - Dunna go way, my Linda, love (New) - Brice
Song - Nancy Till (New) - Scott
The First Part to conclude with the Laughing chorus of Stop dat Knocking - Company
Intermission of ten minutes.
Rock Harmonicon - Barlow
Bone Solo - Barlow
Duetto (Banjo and Violin) - Old Folks
at Home, with Variations - Barlow and Sivorini
Laughing Solo (with French Concertina accompaniment) - Brice
Violin Solo - Sivorini
Ballad - Dixon
The whole to conclude with the celebrated Dance of Lucy Long.
Lucy Long - Barlow. Pink - Brice
Doors open at a quarter past seven; Concert to commence at a quarter before eight o'clock.
Price of Admission: Reserved Seats, 4s.; Promenade, 2s.
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 September 1853), 8
BARLOW'S Sable Minstrels - Mr. Barlow begs respectfully to announce that he,
accompanied by his Sable Minstrels, will give a Select Morning Entertainment at Mr. Crowther's rooms, the Terpsichorean Hall, on Saturday next, 1st October.
Barlow's Sable Minstrels. Messrs. Barlow, Brice, Sivorini, Scott, Dixon, and Swinerton.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - Full Band
Opening Chorus - Hand down the Banjo (written expressly for the Band by Mr. Barlow) - Company
Song - Young Flora (new) - Barlow
Song - Lilly Dear (new) - Dixon
Song - Nancy Till (new) - Scott
Popular Local Song - Unlock the Lands - Barlow
Song - Sweet Lilla Brown (new) - Swinerton
Song - Ring, ring de Banjo - Brice
Song - Poor Uncle Tom (by desire) - Dixon
Song - I'll throw myself away (new) - Brice
The First Part to conclude with the Laughing Chorus of Stop dat Knocking - Company
Rock Harmonicon - Barlow
Blue Tail Fly - Barlow
Duetto - Banjo and Violin - Old Folks at Home (with variations) - Barlow & Sivorini
Laughing Solo - Brice
Violin Solo - Sivorini
Ballad - I would I were a boy again - Dixon
The whole to conclude with the celebrated dance of Lucy Long. Lucy Long - Barlow. Pink - Brice . . .
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (12 May 1855), 1
Salle de Valentino, Beechworth Hotel.
BARLOW'S BENEFIT On Saturday Next, May 12, on which occasion a host of talent will appear, comprising the following gentlemen,
being their first appearance together as The American Minstrels, introducing a variety of Songs, Glees, Chorusses, Catches, &c.
New Puns, Dances, Witticisms, Plantation Jigs & Local Songs.
In the course of the evening . . . Mr. J. BRICE, the celebrated negro delineator, as the "Laughing Jackass" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joe Small (vocalist); George Frederick Zeplin (musician); George Griffith (musician); Julius Henry Eller [sic] (vocalist); Frank Morris Soutten (performer)
? "MISCELLANEOUS OFFENDERS", The Argus (30 May 1855), 6
. . . James Brice, a singularly round and short negro, was charged with assaulting a woman in Little Bourke-street. The woman did not appear to prosecute, but as the darkey was charged with being drunk as well as pugilistic, he was fined 20s . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 November 1855), 8
Great Attraction . . . WM. BROWN, Proprietor. E. RAYMOND, Manager.
Clown to the Arena, Mr. J. BRICE.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Brown (circus performer and proprietor); Edward Raymond (performer, manager)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (25 April 1857), 1
CONCERT, CONCERT.- Great attraction -
MELBOURNE HOTEL, King-street, MONDAY EVENING, April 27th, for the Benefit of Mrs. JAMES PLATT, pianist.
In addition to the usual talent many eminent and well-known old favourites, both vocalists and instrumentais, have offered their services.
HENRY LESLIE, the celebrated bone player and delineator of Ethiopian character,
assisted by Mr. BRICE, banjo player, who has also kindly volunteered . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. James Platt (pianist); Harry Leslie (vocalist, delineator)
"THE REV. P. FITZGERALD'S CASE (From the Adelong Mining Journal)", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (22 December 1858), 3
. . . Our Tumut correspondent gives the following sketch of the case: -
A case of considerable interest, as well from its bearing on the well-being of society in general as from the position and high estimation in which the party concerned is held,
has latterly occupied the attention of the Bench of Magistrates here.
It appears that some time in the month of June last the Rev. P. Fitzgerald celebrated the marriage ceremony between J. S. Brice and Ellen Brady,
the latter not having attained her legal majority, and had failed to obtain the consent required by the Marriage Act, having reference to the marriage of minors . . .
The case was heard first on the 26th ultimo, when the only witness then present was Brice, the husband positively swore that the usual questions as to the age, &c.,
were duly put to each prior to the commencement of the ceremony; Mr. Robertson praying for a remand for further evidence.
On Friday, the 3rd instant the case was reheard, when Brice coolly contradicted his previous assertions,
and solemnly swore that no questions of any kind whatsoever were demanded of the parties prior to the ceremony, and further,
that the declaration previously referred to was also neither read nor signed until after the ceremony was concluded.
I shall refrain from commenting on this person's conflicting statements - so injurous to the case - attributing absence of mind or memory to his evidence in the first instance,
though he then appeared far more cool than on the second examination, and even replied jocularly to some of the pertinent questions put to him.
The whole of the witnesses swore in like manner, and the Bench found it their painful duty to send the case before a jury . . .
"PROFESSOR EAGLE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (21 July 1863), 3
.This gentleman, assisted by Mr. J. S. Brice, as "Sprightly," gave his first performance in the Olympic Theatre on Saturday evening last. The attendance was good - the pit being nearly full . . . "Sprightly" is a fund or amusement in himself. He is full of wit, sings capitally, and seems firmly convinced that "stringy bark and green hide are the mainstay of Australia."
ASSOCIATIONS: James Eagle (magician); Olympic Theatre (Maitland venue)
"MAGIC ENTERTAINMENT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (5 November 1864), 5
On Friday and Saturday evening last Mr. Brice and the Professor Eagle conjointly gave an entertainment in the long room of the old Paterson Hotel, for the benefit of the Oddfellows' Hall, now being erected. The Professor entertained the audience with a number of his noteable tricks in the magic art, which were well performed and elicited great applause, whilst Mr. Brice performed on the banjo and sang a great number of negro melodies.
[Advertisement], The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser [NSW] (4 February 1865), 3
School of Arts, Armidale.
PROFESSOR EAGLE, Prince of Conjurors, Legerdemain, and Magic;
and J. S. BRICE, Prince Banjo Players and Negro Oratory,
will give an ENTERTAINMENT at the above place
THIS (Saturday) EVENING, and Monday, Feb. 13th.
See Bills of the day.
[Advertisement], The Darling Downs Gazette and General Advertiser [Toowoomba, QLD] (27 February 1866), 1
Great Attraction and NO HUMBUG.
MR. J. S. BRICE will give one of his Celebrated Entertainments at
THE SCHOOL OF ARTS, on Tuesday Evening, February 27th, 1866,
The First Fart consisting of a choice Selection of New Local Songs, Plantatation Melodies, and Lectures . . .
"PORT SALISBURY. August 25", The Queenslander [Brisbane, QLD] (8 September 1877), 7
. . . Mat Riley and W. Robson's "Variety Troupe," assisted by G. Panter (premier piccolo player in the North), Mr. Brice (banjo), and a good violinist (whose name and fame I don't know) have been enlivening by a series of successful entertainments at Purdie's Hotel . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: ? W. Robson (entertainer)
Register of aliens to whom oaths of allegiance were administered, 1876-82; Queensland Archives (DIGITISED)
No. 4406 / Brice James Smith / Charters Towers / 6 Sep 1878 / [place of birth] Fm. United States / [age] 50 [sic] / Painter / [enrolled] 20 Sep 1878
[News], The Northern Miner [Charters Towers, QLD] (25 May 1886), 3
A concert was held in the School of Arts last night. The hall was packed full . . . Jim Brice caused no end of fun with his negro eccentricities and got an encore . . .
See also, "EARLY MUSIC. ON CHARTERS TOWERS", The Northern Miner (6 July 1945), 6
[News], The Northern Miner (17 September 1887), 3
Attention is called to Mr Brice's concert, on the 23rd, and continual feast of amusement from the beginning to the end of the programme. Mr. Brice has frequently been called on during the last 14 years to give his services at charitable entertainments on Charters Towers for over 60 different concerts, and through the proposal of some of his kind friends he has been induced to take a benefit on this occasion, when he hopes that everybody will come.
[Advertisement], The Northern Miner (23 September 1887), 4
In recognition of his gratuitous services given to all Charitable Entertainments in Charter Towers for over 14 years . . .
[News], The Northern Miner (24 September 1887), 3
THE Complimentary benefit tendered to Mr. J. S. Brice by a number of amateurs in the School of Arts last night, was a decided success. The programme seemed to give satisfaction to the audience, and the applause bestowed on each performer should have satisfied any amateur . . . Old Jim Brice gave some of his negro sketches, which were very much appreciated. The veteran Barlow, who lent assistance on this occasion to his old friend Brice, gave a song entitled "The Salvation Army," and had to respond to an encore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Barlow (as 1853 above)
"SMALL DEBTS COURT. YESTERDAY", The Northern Miner (21 December 1888), 2
George Major v. James Brice, claim for damages, £5, for trespass by illegally using certain hoarding, which plaintiff alleged he was the lessee of . . .
For the defence, Mr. Jarvis called James Smith Brice, a theatrical agent, resident on Charters Towers for 16 years,
who deposed that he never posted any bills on defendant's hoarding; never posted bills on my own account on other people's hoarding;
was paying £3 a year for hoardings . . . Verdict for the plaintiff for the amount paid into Court with costs.
"DEATH", The North Queensland Register [Townsville, QLD] (18 September 1895), 4
BRICE - At the Hospital on the morning of the 11th Sept, after a long and severe illness, James Smith Brice, aged 68 years. Deeply regretted.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (10 August 1920), 6
BRICE - August 9 1920 at the Mater Misericordiae Hospital North Sydney, Ellen, relict of the late J. S. Brice,
late of Charters Towers Queensland and dearly beloved mother of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brice of Victoria avenue, Chatswood aged 79 years. R.I.P.
Interment at Rookwood to-day North Queensland papers please copy.
"PERSONAL", Townsville Daily Bulletin [QLD] (10 January 1935), 4
The Grim Reaper has once again been in our midst and on New Year's Day a very old, and highly respected identity of Western Queensland, in the person of Mr. Henry Walter Brice passed on (writes our Mt. Isa correspondent). The late Mr. Brice was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Smith Brice, old time leading figures in the theatrical profession, who were well known at Charters Towers in the old days, and where a second son, the late Mr. James Brice was on the composing staff of the "Northern Miner." and later in business at that town as a printer . . .
"THE OLD DAYS. OLD TIME CHARTERS TOWERS. THE LATE 70's. IV", The Northern Miner (15 March 1940), 6
"Kaz Yeul" an old contributor to the "Northern Miner," continues his interesting story of charters Towers in the Old Days: -
Famous Characters.
"There were many interesting characters in these days.
Ben Green and George Baker, bell-ringers and town-criers, boot blacks, bill posters, etc., were an amusing pair.
George the Fiddler was quite an artist at his game, and usually did the music halls on a Saturday night. He could play his violin in any position.
Old Mr. Brice, of Millchester, was a very popular performer on the banjo, and the miners were always glad to hear him accompany his own songs,
such as 'He Liked the Sound of the Windlass, and the Cry Look-out Below,'
and '[REDACTED] will be [REDACTED] till de day ob Jubilee, for you neber neber can wash a [REDACTED] white' . . .
BRICKWOOD, Winifred Amelia (Winifred Amelia BRICKWOOD; Mrs. John CALLAGHAN)
Musician, professor of music, pianist, composer
Born Stoke Dameral, Devon, England, c. 1839; daughter of Arthur Peter BRICKWOOD (1812-1883) and Winifred Amelia DAVIES (1808-1887)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 2 March 1847 (with mother, per Euphrates, from London and Portsmouth, 25 October 1846)
Married John CALLAGHAN (1837-1915), York Street Wesleyan Church, Sydney, 2 January 1865
Died Mosman, NSW, 5 August 1922, aged "83" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Arthur Peter Brickwood, a professional seaman, married Winifred Amelia Davies at Stoke Dameral, Devon, in 1837. Their daughter, Winifred Amelia, was probably born sometime in 1838 or 1839.
Arthur Brickwood abandoned his family and contracted a bigamous marriage in Honolulu in October 1846. The same month, his deserted first wife, Winifred, and two children Richard (1837-1912) and Winifred, sailed for Australia.
Miss W. A Brickwood's The Randwick mazurka (Sydney: W. J. Johnson) was published in August 1863.
A second print, "The AUSTRALIAN MELODIES, by Miss Brickwood, Newtown," was advertised as published at W. H. Paling's, Wynyard-square, in December 1864. Unfortunately, no copy has been identified, but given its title and timing the print may well have been a setting of some of the recently published "Australian melodies" by poet J. Sheridan Moore (husband of the singer Flora Harris).
Moore's collection had been reviewed in The Sydney Morning Herald in August that year. W. J. Macdougall had previously set two of the poems, The wail from England in 1862 (lost), and The beauty that blooms in Australia ("No. 1 of Australian national Melodies") (Sydney: Wilkie & Elvy, 1863).
On 2 January 1865, Winifred Amelia Brickwood married John Callaghan. The couple were living at Holyrood House, Kingston, Newtown in 1873, and in Botany-street, Moore Park in 1887. She died at her residence, Warrawee, Mosman, in 1922.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 March 1847), 2
March 2. - Euphrates, ship, 720 tons, Captain Monro, from London, having left Portsmouth on the 25th October. Passengers - Mr. J. Jacobs and wife and child, Mr. A. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, sen., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, jun., and two children, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Brickwood and two children, three Misses Davis, Mr. Davis, Miss Lloyd, Miss Straffon.
Sands' Sydney directory for 1865 (Sydney: John Sands, 1865), 182 (DIGITISED)
Brickwood, Miss Winifred, professor of music, Egan-street, Newtown
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 January 1865), 1
On the 2nd instant, at the Wesleyan Church, York-street, Sydney, by the Rev. Benjamin Chapman, John, youngest son of Samuel Callaghan, Surry Hills, to Winifred Amelia, only daughter of Arthur Brickwood, R.N., and grand-daughter of the late P. Davies, R.N., and P. Brickwood, R.N., of Launceston and Newport, England.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 1922), 8
CALLAGHAN. - August 5, Winifred Amelia, relict of the late John Callaghan, aged 63 years, at her residence, Warrawee, Killarney street, Mosman.
Musical works:
The Randwick mazurka (1863)
The Randwick mazurka, pour le piano, dedié à Madame Dutruc, par W. A. Brickwood (Sydney: For the composer by W. J. Johnson & Co., [1863]); "J. Degotardi" (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 August 1863), 6
THE RANDWICK MAZURKA, by Miss Brickwood, Newtown; 2s. 6d. JOHNSON and CO., and all music sellers.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Jonathan Johnson (publisher); John Degotardi (engraver, printer); Louise Eulalie Dutruc (musical amateur, teacher of languages)
The Australian melodies (1864)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 December 1864), 1
JUST PUBLISHED, the AUSTRALIAN MELODIES, by Miss Brickwood, Newtown.
Copies can be had only at W. H. PALING'S, Wynyard-square.
Bass vocalist
Active Sydney, NSW, 1842 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 May 1842), 3
THE SPACIOUS HALL, SYDNEY COLLEGE, Having been kindly granted for this occasion to MR. NATHAN,
BASSOS. - Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Bridge, Mr. Callaghan, and Mr. Waller . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (conductor, composer); William Griffiths (vocalist); James Waller (vocalist)
BRIDGES, Charles Isaac (Charles Isaac BRIDGES; Charles BRIDGES)
Amateur vocalist, choir singer, grocer
Born Hobart, VDL (TAS), 30 June 1839; baptised St. David, Hobart, 28 July 1839; son of John William BRIDGES and Elizabeth Forrester TURNBULL
Married Sarah HASKINGS (c. 1844-1867), All Saints' church, Bendigo, VIC, 16 October 1864
Died Bendigo, VIC, 21 March 1872, aged "32" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. David in the county of Buckingham in the year 1839; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1086920; RGD32/1/3/ no 93 (DIGITISED)
No. 93 / 28th July 1839 / [born] 30th June 1839 / Charles Isaac [son of] John William and Elizabeth Forrester / Bridges / Hobart Town / Baker . . .
"THE SERVICES AT ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, SANDHURST", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (21 July 1859), 3
The Mercury of Monday [18 July] has the following: - The late unfortunate dispute about Mr. Barker's account,
gave rise to some very disgraceful proceedings in this church yesterday, both at morning and evening service.
It appears that being requested by the two trustees and a portion of the committee to resume their services,
the choristers yesterday morning [17 July] proceeded to take their usual places round the Harmonium.
One gentleman, Mr. Charles Bridges, took his seat, when Mr. Bannerman, one of the trustees, came up and ordered him to leave the choir, but he positively refused to do so.
Thereupon Mr. Bannerman left him, and in conjunction with Mr. Maer, another of the trustees, lately elected, took up positions at the foot of the stairs leading to the choir,
and each of them placing a foot on the stair, effectually barred the entrance of any more of the old choristers.
Mrs. Barker, Miss Collier, Miss Lee, and Messrs. Watson, Newton, Clapham, Hopkins, and Fly, had in turn to submit to this gross insult.
Mr. Birch, one of the church committee, stationing himself at the top of the steps.
Mr. Watson attempted to pass up, when Mr. Bannerman called two police constables and gave him into custody.
The constables laid their bands on his collar, when he remarked, rather than create a scene, he would withdraw from the church altogether, and put on his hat and left the building.
They then admitted certain other parties into the choir, and the services of the church were allowed to go on without interruption.
In the evening, and before the commencement of evening service, the old choristers had resumed their places in the choir,
when the Rev. J. Stone sent a message to Mr. Barwick, the organist, informing him there would be no singing during the evening service,
and therefore there was no need for his attendance.
A message was also sent from the same gentleman to Mr. Devine, one of the trustees, giving him the same information.
On Mr. Barwick's arrival, and the contents of Mr. Stone's letter being made known, he was requested by Messrs. Devine and Wollaston, trustees,
and some of the Church Committee, to take his seat and go through the church services as usual.
Accordingly the choral portion of the service was gone through as usual, but, at the conclusion of evening prayer,
the Rev. Mr Stone omitted the singing, and at once proceeded from the reading desk to the pulpit and commenced his sermon.
About twenty of the congregation here rose and left the church.
At the conclusion of the service, when the offertory was taken, we observed a great number of the congregation abstain from giving.
No hymn was sung, and the congregation had again to put up with a mutilated service.
[We understand a requisition is being rapidly signed, calling on the trustees and committee to call a public meeting of the congregation during the ensuing week.]
Caroline Barker (vocalist);
Mr. Hopkins (vocalist);
Newton Clapham (vocalist);
John Fly (vocalist);
Thomas Barwick (organist);
Music in Anglican churches (general);
see also [Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (25 July 1859), 1
"MARRIAGES", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (18 October 1864), 2
On the 10th instant, at All Saints' Church, Sandhurst, by the Rev. W. R. Croxton, Charles J. Bridges, to Sarah, only daughter of the late John Haskings, Esq., Leamington, Warwickshire.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (28 March 1865), 3
DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. TAKE NOTICE that the Partnership heretofore exiting between
Henry A. Tremeschin and Charles J. Bridges, of Cambridge House, View Place, Sandhurst, as Grocers, has been this day Dissolved by Mutual Consent . . .
Dated this 27th day of March, 1865 . . .
"DEATH", Bendigo Advertiser (16 February 1867), 2
On the 15th inst, at the residence of Mr. J. H. Abbott, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr. Charles J. Bridges, aged twenty-three years.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (22 March 1872), 3
A.O.F., COURT QUEEN OF THE FOREST, No. 3,513. THE Officers and Brothers of the above Court and Order are requested to attend the Funeral of our late Brother CHARLES J. BRIDGES.
Procession to move from his late residence, Wills street, at two p.m. on Saturday, the 23rd instant.
JOHN WALLER, Secretary.
"BENDIGO CHURCH CHOIRS (To the Editor of the . . .)", Bendigo Advertiser (30 November 1908), 7
Sir, - The reminiscences of All Saints' choir by "Musicus" sets a string of joyous memories vibrating.
There are a few names I think should not go unmentioned when referring to the old choir of All Saints'.
"Tom" Barwick, the organist in my time, takes first place in my memory.
Then Miss Lee, Miss Haynes, Miss Robson, Miss Steane, Mrs. Beetham, and the dear, lovable Mrs. Barker, so long the head lady teacher of All Saints' day school;
Messrs. Peel, Myall, "Charlie" Bridges, and Mr. Deague (whose grandson, by the way, has just finished building the new bank in View Point),
and Mr. I. Dyason, who is still with us (and long may he be numbered with Bendigonians) . . .
Yours, etc., JOHN W. FAUL. 28th November, 1908.
ASSOCIATIONS: John William Faul (correspondent); Theophilus Miell (amateur vocalist); Henry Deague (amateur vocalist); Isaac Edward Dyason (amateur vocalist)
"BENDIGO CHURCH CHOIRS (To the Editor of the . . .)", Bendigo Advertiser (2 December 1908), 3
Sir, After reading Mr. Faul's letter re All Saints' Choir in Monday's issue, I beg to state that I can go back further.
Several of the persons I shall name later on sat under the Rev. Mr. Gregory, when he held the church services in the tent, and also under the Rev. James Brennan,
the short time he preached in a tent during the time the new schoolroom was building.
The latter-named gentleman, whilst holding service one Sunday, inquired if there were any young people in the congregation who had belonged to church choirs,
and if so, would they like to form a choir and sing in the new building when finished.
In the event of their doing so he would be glad to meet them on the following Wednesday evening.
My two brothers, Charles and William, my self and a Mr. Hopkins, who, like ourselves, was gold-digging at the time, and who from boyhood sang in the choirs of our parish churches,
and knew all the old chant and psalm tunes by heart, made up our minds to meet the rev. gentleman, and with several others attended and formed the choir.
That was, I think, the first one constituted on Bendigo.
We practised for several weeks until the schoolhouse was finished.
The first members were Mrs. Barker . . .
The other members were the two Misses Howson, whose father built Peckham Villa, in Forest-street, which stood where Mr. Magnus Cohn's house now stands;
Mr. Pellett, a young brewer, whose place was in what is now Howard Place;
Mr. Sam Trant; Charlie Bridges, a young lad with a sweet voice; Mr. Hopkins, and my two brothers, Charles and William, and myself,
and I was almost forgetting Mr. Joseph Barwick, a saddler and barber in Pall Mall, and who sang alto and brother of Mr. Tom Barwick,
spoken of by Mr. Faul, but who did not come out till several years after . . .
Yours, etc., JOHN FLY. Bendigo, 1st December.
BRIDSON, Michael Vicary (Michael Vicary Michael BRIDSON; M. V. Bridson)
Organ builder and pianoforte maker, cabinet maker
Born Wexford, Ireland, c. 1802
Married Lucy VICARY (d. 1877), St. George, Dublin, 15 November 1824
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 9 March 1854 (per Marian Moore, from Liverpool, 26 December 1853, aged "51")
Died Yaamba, near Rockhampton, QLD, 29 July 1869 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
BRIDSON, Thomas Vicary (Thomas Michael BRIDSON; Thomas Vicary BRIDSON; T. V. Bridson)
Musician, pianist, organist, organ builder, choir leader, conductor, pupil of Adolphe Logier
Born Dublin, Ireland, c. 1826; son of Michael Vicary BRIDSON (c. 1802-1869) and Lucy Amy VICARY (d. 1877)
Married Sarah Anne BELL, St. George, Dublin, Ireland, 3 December 1851
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 28 December 1853 (per Admiral Van Heemskerk, from London, 19 August)
Died Rockhampton, QLD, 14 August 1869, aged "43" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
BRIDSON, Sarah Anne (Sarah Anne BELL; [1] Mrs. Thomas Michael BRIDSON; Mrs. BRIDSON; [2] Mrs. John KINLOCH)
Musician, vocalist, pianist, professor of the pianoforte and singing, pupil of Adolphe Logier
Born Ireland, c. 1829; daughter of Henry BELL and Isabella ANDREWS
Married Thomas Michael BRIDSON, St. George, Dublin, Ireland, 3 December 1851
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 28 December 1853 (per Admiral Van Heemskerk, from London, 19 August)
Died Swan City, WA, 20 July 1915, aged "86" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
BRIDSON, Mary Philippina (Mrs. Henry BRIDSON) = Mary Philippina RYAN
Musician, vocalist
Thomas Bridson was born in Dublin, Ireland, about the year 1826, his parents, Michael Vicary Bridson (of Wexford) and Lucy Vicary [sic] having married at St. George's, Dublin, on 15 November 1824. His younger brother Henry Bridson (c. QLD, 1911) was baptised at St. George's on 10 September 1827, when the family were living at 6 North William Street, and Michael's trade was given as cabinet maker. In an 1838 Dublin directory, the family was listed as living at 40 Harwicke Street, and Michael's trade pianoforte maker.
Giving his full name as Thomas Michael Bridson, he married Sarah Anne Bell at St. George's, Dublin, on 3 December 1851, when Michael (who was a witness) gave his trade as organ builder.
In Dublin, probably in the mid to late 1840s, both Thomas and Sarah were pupils of Adolphe Logier - Robert Adolphus Logier (1818-1864), youngest son of the late John Bernard Logier (d. 1846), at the family's Logierian Academy, in Dublin, where Thomas was also an instructor. Sarah was also a pupil of the Dublin musician John Smith.
The family left Dublin in 1852, Thomas and Sarah sailing from London in August for Sydney, and Michael and his wife and two youngest children from Liverpool in December for Melbourne, Henry perhaps having arrived earlier.
In May 1869, Thomas arrived alone in Rockhampton, QLD, where his parents were already based, on what was intended to be a visit of only some months. He was already reportedly in declining health, and, his father Michael having predeceased him just two weeks earlier at nearby Yaamba, Thomas died at Denis's Hotel, Rockhampton, on 14 August 1869.
In 1863, Sarah's pupil, Mary Philippina Ryan, had married Thomas's younger brother Henry Bridson in Sydney, and they also later relocated to Rockhampton.
In Sydney in 1870, the widowed Sarah married a family friend, John Kinloch, M.A, mathematician, son of the late Sydney organ-builder John Kinloch.
Marriages, St. George [CoI], Dublin, the year 1824; register page 55; Irish Church Records (DIGITISED)
No. 185 / Michael Vicary Bridson, Esq. of the Town of Wexford, & Lucy Vicary, Spinster of this Parish
Married in this Church by Consistorial this [15 November 1824] . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. George in the County of Dublin in the year 1827; register page 9; Irish Church Records (DIGITISED)
No. 69 / 10th September [1827] / Born 13th August 1827 / Henry / [son of] Michael Vicary & Lucy / Bridson / 6 North William St. / Cabinet Maker . . .
Dublin almanac and general register of Ireland for . . . 1837 (Dublin: Pettigrew and Oulton, 1837), 389 (DIGITISED)
Bridson Michael Vicary, pianoforte maker, 40 Hardwicke-street.

[Advertisement], General Advertiser for Dublin, and all Ireland (3 April 1841), 1 (PAYWALL)
SERAPHINES - M. V. BRIDSON begs to acquaint the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry, that he has manufactured a superior description of Instrument,
on a new and improved principle, which for richness of tone and style of workmanship, cannot be surpassed.
On inspection they will be found to answer for a large or small place of Worship, having the power of being raised or lowered to any pitch.
M. V. B. is quite confident any person wanting such cannot be disappointed, as the price is very moderate.
To be seen at 15, Hardwicke-street.
"EXHIBITION OF IRISH MANUFACTURES", Dublin Morning Register (9 June 1841), 3 (PAYWALL)
. . . Mr. Bridson, of Hardwick-street, exhibits a pianoforte and seraphine, both of which instruments appear highly finished and of excellent tone . . .
Slater's national commercial directory of Ireland (Manchester: I. Slater, 1846), (DIGITISED)
[DUBLIN] ORGAN BUILDERS. Bridson Michael Vicary (and pianoforte), 15 Hardwick st
The Dublin almanac, and general register of Ireland, for . . . 1847 (Dublin: Pettigrew and Oulton, 1847), 459 (DIGITISED)
Bridson Michael Vicary and Son, organ builders, and pianoforte manufacturers, Sallypark, Philipsburgh avenue
[Advertisement], General Advertiser for Dublin, and all Ireland (11 November 1848), 2 (PAYWALL)
LOGIERIAN ACADEMY, conducted by Mrs. LOGIER, assisted by her DAUGHTER and her Son, Mr. ADOLPHE LOGIER . . .
"DEATHS", Freeman's Journal [Dublin, Ireland] (13 January 1851), 4 (PAYWALL)
January 6, in his 19th year, Mr. Benjamin Vicary Bridson, son of Mr. Michael Vicary Bridson, 90, Lower Dorset-street, after a long and protracted illness, which he bore with Christian resignation.
1851, marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of St. George in the City of Dublin; register page 69; Irish Church Records (DIGITISED)
No. 138 / 3'd Decem'r 1851 / Thomas Michael Bridson / Full / Bachelor / Gentleman / Gt. Lower Dorset St. / [Son of] Michael Vicary Bridson / Organ Builder
Sarah Anne Bell / Full / Spinster / - / Sally Park Drumcondra / [daughter of] Henry Bell / Clerk in Registry Office / [Henry Bell and Michael Bridson witnesses]
Australia (from 28 December 1853):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Empire (29 December 1853), 2
December 28 - Admiral Van Heemskerk, Dutch ship, 1002 tons, Captain P. Kley, from London, August 19th. Passengers, Intermediate . . . Mr. and Mrs. Bridson . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Marian Moore, from Liverpool, 26 December 1853, for Melbourne, arrived 9 March 1854; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. Bridson / 51 / Gent. / [all] English [sic]
Eliza [Bridson] / 17 / Spinster // Mrs. [Bridson] / 51 // Jordan [Bridson] / 15
ASSOCIATIONS: Jordan Roche Bridson (born 18 November 1836, baptised St. George Dublin,
19 March 1837; died QLD,
12 July 1889
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 March 1854), 2
Monsieur and Madame Herwyn's Second Soiree Musicale.
MONSIEUR and MADAME HERWYN have the honour to announce that they will give their Second Soiree Musicale,
at their Residence, 8, Church-hill, TO-MORROW Evening, 7th instant.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 2. One moonlit Eve - Mrs. Bridson . . .
PART II . . . 2. Song - Ah! gia s'offu al mio pensiro [sic] - Mrs. Bridson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Celestine Herwyn (musicians)
MUSIC: One moonlit eve (Meyerbeer, adapted to words by W. H. Bellamy); Ah gia soffre al mio pensiero (Ricci)
"M. AND MADAME HERWYN'S SOIREE MUSICALE", Empire (8 March 1854), 2
We had much pleasure in attending the second of these delightful reunions last night, although our gratification was somewhat modified on the performers' account, by observing a scanty attendance. We were in hopes that in this golden age, as in the Augustan era, the refinement of the popular taste would increase in some proportionate ratio with the means of its gratification. But perhaps it was unreasonable to expect that taste in art, which requires an education, and some degree of familiarity with its exercise, should all at once descend with the golden shower with which this artistic desert has been blessed. Amid the engrossing occupations which fall to the lot of all in a new country, it is too rarely the case that intellectual pursuits receive attention, the indulgence in aesthetic pleasures rather mark a period of luxurious leisure, which it is possible that Sydney will be many years before it sees . . . Mrs. Bridson, a new candidate for public favour, made a pleasing impression in two airs which she sang. Her voice is a mezzo soprano, of considerable power, and she has that excellent faculty of being always in time. Her voice would be well suited to a larger room, and would there make a considerable impression, as she is evidently a musician in heart as well as by profession . . .
"THE LEICHHARDT CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 March 1854), 5
This long-talked of entertainment, projected for the benefit of the mother of Dr. Leichhardt, took place last evening at the Victoria Theatre. The public freely responded to the generous intention of the gentlemen who planned the concert. A brilliant and crowded house rewarded and justified their exertions . . . Both M. Herwyn and his wife enjoyed a perfect triumph. We also, feel bound to notice the success of Mrs. Bridson, a debutant whose powerful voice was heard with much better effect than in a small room. Her duet with M. Ellard, from Lucrezia Borgia, was given with considerable feeling . . . The concert was under the immediate direction of Mr. S. H. Marsh . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ludwig Leichhardt (late explorer); Stephen Hale Marsh (conductor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
. . . Mrs. Bridson, who only made her second appearance last night before a Sydney audience, sung "I follow Thee" in a very spirited and effective style; the higher notes, which are very numerous in the piece, were given out with peculiar richness and power, and the company enthusiastically applauded and encored the performance. At a subsequent part of the evening, this lady sang with Mr. Ellard a duet from Lucrezia Borgia, but hardly infused into the execution that amount of passion which the scene suggests . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Ellard (vocalist)
MUSIC: I'll follow thee (Henry Farmer)
"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", Empire (27 June 1854), 2
The members and friends of this Society were entertained last evening to a Concert of Sacred Music, at the Hall of St. Mary's Seminary. The principal pieces were selected from Handel's "Messiah," consisting of airs, recitatives, and choruses . . . The soprano solos were sung with great taste and effect by Miss Harris and Mrs. Bridson, especially in Mr. Nathan's sacred anthem "The Names of Christ." Mr. Nathan acted as conductor with his usual enthusiastic abandon. The audience, which comprised the Governor-General and several members of the Legislative Council, was very numerous; and we understand that in consequence of the disappointment of many who were unable to obtain admission, the concert will be repeated in the course of a few days . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Flora Harris (vocalist); Isaac Nathan (conductor, composer); Charles Fitzroy (governor); St. Mary's Choral Society (association)
MUSIC: The names of Christ (Nathan)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 August 1854), 1
PROGRAMME OF THE ORATORIO to take place in St. BENEDICT'S CHURCH, on the 30th instant.
PART I . . . "Quoniam tu solus sanctus " - Sopr. Solo - Mrs. Bridson - HAYDN . . .
PART II . . . "On mighty pens" - Mr[s]. Bridson . . .
"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (7 October 1854), 2
The third concert of this society was given in St. Mary's Hall on Monday evening, and gave unqualified satisfaction to a numerous and fashionable assemblage. The programme was a brilliant one, and amongst its principal items were Rossini's celebrated prayer, "Dal tuo stellato soglio," and the elegant quartetto, "Mi manca la voce," from Mose in Egitto," which were sung with exquisite taste and feeling, and gave general delight. The leading tenor parts of Osiride were executed by a French gentleman, who possesses a splendid tenor voice, with the Barrytone quality, and whose singing called forth just demonstrations of approval. The part of Elcia was well executed by Mrs. Bridstone, whose voice is a soprano of considerable compass and flexibility. She was rapturously encored in Nathan's finale of his Opera in "Merry freaks in troublous times," "Though storms and perils" . . .
MUSIC: Tho' storms and perils (Nathan, finale, to Merry freaks in troublous times)
"CONCERTS IN AID OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (16 June 1855), 2
Two amateur concerts have this week been given in Maitland in aid of this fund, the one on Wednesday evening, in the Rose Inn, West Maitland, and the other last evening, at the Court House, East Maitland. On Wednesday evening the large room of the Rose Inn was crowded to excess. All who took part in the performances exerted themselves to the utmost in their efforts to please the audience. The piano and violin duet of Messrs. Kellermann and Ellis was executed with a skill which brought down a rapturous encore . . . Mrs. Bridson's songs were received with deserved applause; and the performances of the Maitland Glee Club, although of but recent formation, were fully enjoyed . . . Mr. Sullivan's solos on the cornet-a-piston were most tastefully executed . . . The piano forte accompaniments and conducting of Mr. Kellermann were in his usual first-rate style. Altogether, the concert was of a very superior description . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Kellermann (piano); Mr. Ellis (violin); Henry Philip Sullivan (cornet)
"SECOND AMATEUR CONCERT ON BEHALF OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (20 June 1855), 2
. . . Mrs. Bridson gave an Italian and French song and the song "Oh give me but my Arab steed" was sung with great taste and feeling . . . The gem of the evening however was we believe admitted to be the comic duet, between Mrs. Bridson and Mr. Kellermann, of A B C, in which an English lady undertakes to teach a foreigner the English language . . .
MUSIC: Oh give me but my Arab steed (Hodson); A. B. C. (Parry)
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 January 1856), 4
. . . By a somewhat impolite arrangement, Mr. Frank Howson and Mr. Winterbottom gave their concert at the Royal Hotel on one of Madame Anna Bishop's nights. The attendance, consequently, was not so good as it would otherwise have been; but, the audience, if not very numerous, was, at all events, select, and, therefore, the more discriminating in its applause. This was plentifully bestowed, as the following list of encores will show: "'Tis I, 'tis I," and "There's a path by the river," very prettily warbled by Mrs. Craven; "O Erin, my Country," by Mrs. Bridson, who is neither known nor appreciated sufficiently as a vocalist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (vocalist); John Winterbottom (musician); Anna Bishop (vocalist); Eliza Craven (vocalist)
"PARRAMATTA", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 April 1856), 9
A PUBLIC MEETING of the subscribers towards the re-building of St. John's Church, took place in the Parochial Schoolroom, on Wednesday evening last, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Building Committee . . . In addition to these works, the organ presented to the church, by the late Rev. H. H. Bobart, had been repaired by Mr. Bridson, and the expense defrayed by a special collection, made by the exertions of Mrs. Rowling . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Hodgkinson Bobart (clergymen); St. John's church (Parramatta)
"MUSIC AND THEATRICALS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (16 August 1856), 5
Great preparations are making at the Prince of Wales Theatre for the production of a series of Oratorios and Sacred Concerts on a scale not hitherto attempted in Sydney. Mr. Taylor has purchased for these grand and attractive entertainments, a first class Organ, the manufacture of the celebrated house of Gray and Davison, New Road, London . . . The organ is being erected under the direction of Mr. Bridson, assisted by Mr. Kinloch. The mechanical department is under the direction of Mr. F. B. Cooper, the mechanist of the two Theatres, and who is displaying his well-known skill in the work. As the Organ, when used, must be placed under the proscenium, Mr. Cooper has constructed a tramway by means of which, the instrument whose weight is about three tons, can be removed to and fro with the-greatest ease . . . We may add, that the fine Organ of St. Patrick's Church, Church-hill, was manufactured by Messrs. Gray and Davison, and that the Organ of St. James' Church was built by Mr. Gray, before Mr. Davison joined the firm.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Kinloch (organ builder); Gray and Davison (London organ builders); Thomas Taylor (lessee, manager); Frederick Brown Cooper (machinist); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"NEW ORGAN", Freeman's Journal (30 August 1856), 2
We have been to hear the splendid organ just erected in the English Opera House by Mr. T. V. Bridson.
It is undoubtedly one of the finest instruments of the kind in these colonies.
The tone is of the roundest and richest quality; and under the delicate touch of Mr. Packer, its effect is truly thrilling.
The instrument moreover, is of the most beautiful and finished manufacture.
The diapasons possess a remarkably fine tone.
The clarionet-flute is most delicious, combining the qualities of both the instruments, from which the stop derives its name.
The instrument is 16 feet in height, 10 feet in breadth, 8 feet in depth, and contains in all nineteen (19) stops, which are distributed as follows: -
Pedal Organ. - Grand open Diapason, 16 feet.
Great Organ. - Open Diapason, stopped Diapason, Basa, Clarionet Flute Treble, Principal, Dulciana, Twelfth, Fifteenth, Sesquialtra 3 ranks, Trumpet.
Swell Organ. - Double Diapason, open Diapason, stopped Diapason, Principal, Fifteenth, Cornopean, and three Copulas or connecting stops.
The Bellows have two distinct feeders, which work alternately, thus producing a constant supply of air.
The compass of the Great Organ and Swell ranges from CC to F in alto.
The Pedal Organ, two octaves and one-eight, from CCC to D.
We cannot conclude without congratulating the public on this addition to its sources of rational enjoyment,
and at the same time reminding it of its debt of gratitude to the spirited proprietor Mr. Taylor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 November 1856), 1
ORGAN FOR SALE. - Fine-toned finger Organ, suitable for a place of worship or private dwelling, containing stop diapason, dulciana, principal, and fifteenth; compass five octaves, from G to G. Apply to Mr. BRIDSON, 3, Queen's-place.
"THE JUBILEE AT ST. BENEDICT'S", Freeman's Journal (9 May 1857), 2
. . . The first High Mass was celebrated on Tuesday by the Rev. J. F. Sheridan . . . Mozart's No. 12 was sung by the Cathedral choir, conducted by the talented and Rev. Mr. Curtis. We very much admired the middle movement of the Gloria. We never hear that majestic Quoniam Tu solus Sanctus, but we fancy that we have a faint glimpse of the All Holy. The Benedictus is one of the most charming morceaux that ever was written. The Soprani were Miss Stewart, Mrs. Bridson, and Mr. Peter Curtis; the Alta, Madame Lamont; the Tenor, Mr. Howson; and the Bass, Mr. Banks . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Benedict Curtis (cleric, conductor); Peter Curtis (vocalist); Maria Augusta Lamont (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist); Thomas Banks (vocalist); St. Benedict's church (Sydney)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 October 1857), 8
NOTICE. - Mr. THOMAS VICARY BRIDSON begs to state that he is not the Thomas Bridson whose name has lately been in the Insolvency Gazette.
He gives this public notice in consequence of having experienced some inconvenience, and even injury in his business relations.
DISAMBIGUATION: Thomas Bridson (Sydney publican)
[Advertisement], Empire (2 November 1857), 1
Tickets, with programme, to be had of Mr. Crouch, George-street, 2s. each; gallery, 1s.
Selections from the Union Harmonist. Doors open at half-past seven.
Conductor - Mr. Massey. Organist - Mr. Bridson.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Massey (conductor)
MUSIC: The union harmonist, a selection of sacred music consisting of original and standard pieces, anthems, &c., suitable for use in Sunday schools, congregations, and musical societies arranged by Thomas Clark of Canterbury (London: The Sunday School Union, 1841)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 March 1858), 7
SINGING and SIGHT SINGING taught on the most approved principle; also, the Pianoforte, on the Logierian system, by Mrs. BRIDSON, 96, Palmer-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 April 1858), 1
ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. - The Members of the Choir of the above Church are requested attend,
THIS DAY, at four o'clock, for a full rehearsal of Haydn's No. 2 Mass.
THOMAS VICARY BRIDSON, organist and choir master.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Patrick's church (Sydney)
MUSIC: Mass in C no. 2 (Haydn, Novello edition numbering = Tempore belli/Paukenmesse, Hob.XXII:9)
"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 June 1858), 1
On the 14th June, at her residence, 96, Palmer-street, Mrs. T. V. Bridson, of a son, stillborn.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 January 1859), 2
MRS. BRIDSON, Professor of the PIANOFORTE and SINGING, 90, Palmer-street.
Lessons in Sight Singing, and Theory on the system either of A. Logier [sic] or of Dr. Smith, under both of whom Mrs. Bridson studied.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Smith (1795-1861; Dublin musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 February 1859), 1
Mrs. BRIDSON visits MISS GLOSTER'S ladies' school, Garnerville House, on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS,
and will be happy to visit private pupils in that neighbourhood on those days.
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 March 1859), 5
The sixth and last concert of the season of this society was given yesterday evening in the hall of the Exchange . . . The vocal duo, "In Yonder Bower," which concluded the programme, was very sweetly sung by Madame Sara Flower and Mrs. Bridson, and enthusiastically applauded. Altogether, the concert went off admirably, terminating soon after ten o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 March 1859), 1
ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. - The members of the choir of the above Church, together with the undermentioned artists,
Madam Sara Flower, Mrs. Bridson, Frank Howson, John Howson, and Mr. Sussmilch, who have been expressly engaged for the rendering of the music of the Mass,
on THURSDAY, the 17th, are requested to attend a full REHEARSAL on THIS DAY, Wednesday, at four o'clock.
THOMAS VICARY BRIDSON, Organist and Choir Master.
ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. - HIGH MASS will be celebrated, at 11 o'clock, on THURSDAY next, the Feast of the Patron Saint of Ireland . . .
The Music selected - Haydn, No. 3 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (vocalist); Christian Bernhard Sussmilch (vocalist)
MUSIC: Mass in D no. 3 (Haydn, Novello edition numbering = Imperial/Nelson mass, Hob.XXII:11)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 April 1859), 1
ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. - Madame Sara Flower, and Messrs. F. and J. Howson, as also Mrs. Bridson and Mr. Sussmilch,
and the other members of the choir, are requested to attend the REHERSAL of Haydn's Sixth Mass, for Easter Sunday, at 4 o'clock THIS DAY.
THOMAS VICARY BRIDSON, organist and choir-master.
MUSIC: Mass in B flat no. 6 (Haydn, Novello edition numbering = Harmoniemesse, Hob. XXII/14)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 September 1859), 1
THE PEOPLES' CONCERT. - The first of a Series will be given in the
on MONDAY EVENING, 26th instant, under the management of Mr. T. V. BRIDSON.
The following artists have already been engaged, viz.,
Madame Flora Harris, Mr. John Howson, Herr Sussmilch, Mr. Banks, (Musical Director of St. Mary's Cathedral),
and Mr. Richardson have, in the most handsome manner, signified their intention of rendering their services on this occasion.
Glee - The Wreath - Mazzinghi - Madame Flora Harris, Messrs. J. Howson and Banks.
Song - The Standard Watch - Lindpainter - Mr. Sussmilch.
Canzonet - Truth in absence - Harper - Madame Flora Harris.
Song - Mr. Banks.
Solo, flute - Il Trovatore - Pratten - Gentleman Amateur.
Ballad - Of what is the old man - Knight - Mr. J. Howson.
Glee - Come o'er the brook - Bishop - Madame Flora Harris, Messrs. J. Howson, Sussmilch, and Banks.
An Interval of Ten minutes.
Trio - The Magic wove Scarf - Barnett. - Madame Flora Harris, Messrs. J. Howson and Banks.
Spanish Serenade - Listen, Love - Kucken. - Mr. Sussmilch.
Song - Willie, we have missed you - Foster. - Madame Flora Harris.
Solo Pianoforte - Benedict. - Madame Jaffa.
Song - There is a Flower - Wallace. - Mr. J. Howson.
Quartette - Lo, the Early Beam - Balfe. - Madame Flora Harris, Messrs. J. Howson, Sussmilch, and Banks.
Song - Mr. Banks.
Glee - The Curfew - Attwood. - Madame Flora Harris, Messrs. J. Howson and Banks.
Mr. Charles S. Packer will preside at the Grand Pianoforte . . .
Admission - Front seats, 1s.; back seats, 6d. Programmes to be had at the doors, one penny each.
ASSOCIATIONS: John James Mallcott Richardson (flute); People's Concerts (Sydney series); Temperance Hall (Sydney venue)
"PEOPLE'S CONCERTS AT THE TEMPERANCE HALL", Empire (27 September 1859), 4
A problem is solved. Cheap concerts for the people are a great fact! The public of Sydney are indebted to Mr. T. V. Bridson, and the managers of the Temperance Hall for a very excellent entertainment, at a mere nominal charge for admission. Owing to the difficulties experienced in obtaining professional assistance by the enterprising originators of these popular concerts, who are actuated only by a most philanthropic motive, the means placed at their command were limited; nevertheless, the undertaking was at once seen to be so excellent in spirit that the Hall was crowded in every part, including the reading-room. Never did a concert in Sydney go off with greater eclat; the enthusiasm and applause were vociferous, almost double encores being required; and the audience, consisting in great part of the fair sex, listened even to classical music, with a degree of attention that would have shown critical judgment even in the most refined musical public . . .
"THE PEOPLE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 September 1859), 5
With a view to the moral and social improvement of the people, the first of a series of cheap concerts was given yesterday evening in the Temperance Hall, in connection with the New South Wales Alliance. This is evidently a step in the right direction, and it must have been highly gratifying to the committee to meet, at their first concert, so large a body of the class the amelioration of whose condition they have in view. Cheap concerts in England have proved successful, not only as aids in the cause of temperance, but also as incentives to the attainment of proficiency in the musical art, and, in many instances, they have been sufficiently remunerative to pay liberally for the service of first-class artists. But even there, very valuable assistance is rendered by amateurs, and very often there, as here, professionals are found generous enough to co-operate without regard to the usual fees of their profession. It by no means follows because these concerts are cheap that therefore the music is characterised by that other quality which distinguishes things cheap only in name. The concert of last night was a sufficient proof ta the contrary. With the exception of the substitution of a romance with variations, instead of the selections from Il Trovatore set down as the flute solo to be performed by Mr. Richardson, there was no deviation from the programme . . .
"SOCIAL", Empire (12 November 1859), 4
. . . At the Exchange, on the evening of the 7th, the third of the People's Concerts, under the enterprising management of Mr. T. V. Bridson, was well attended, though in consequence of the number of political and social meetings in various parts of the city, and the public having become used to the central situation of the Temperance Hall, the room was not so well filled as on the occasion of the previous concerts. Nevertheless, these entertainments will ultimately be successful. A rational evening's amusement for one shilling is evidently to be preferred to the trash occasionally dished up for the amusement of the public; and Mr. Bridson deserves the warmest encouragement for his perseverance and energy.
ASSOCIATIONS: Exchange Hall (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 November 1859), 1
UNDER the distinguished patronage of his Excellency the Governor-General, Sir W. T. DENISON, K.C.B.
CONCERT FOR THE PEOPLE. Mr. T. V. BRIDSON has the honour to announce to the public his intention of giving one of those highly popular Concerts, to take place
THIS EVENING, November 7th, in the Great Hall of the Exchange.
The following artists have been engaged - Mrs. Bridson, Madam Flora Harris,
Miss Ryan (pupil of Mrs. Bridson's, her first appearance), Mr. Packer, Mr. Banks, Mr. Sussmilch, Mr. Leveson, and others of equal ability . . .
Mr. C. S. Packer, musical conductor.
Mr. Richardson, the celebrated flutist, has kindly contributed his services on this occasion.
Admission one chilling, reserved seats (numbered), two shillings . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Denison (governor, patron); Mary Philippina Ryan (vocalist); John Leveson (vocalist)
"CONCERTS FOR THE PEOPLE", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 November 1859), 5
Yesterday evening the first of a series of "People's Concerts," under the management of Mr. T. V. Bridson, was given in the great hall of the Sydney Exchange. It will be remembered that a similar series, for the same object, was commenced a few weeks since in the Temperance Hall; but, in consequence (it is stated of the want of harmony unhappily existing at present between the Alliance Committee and the trustees of the Hall) the concerts were discontinued. Such being the result with regard to the concerts, Mr. Bridson, with a most praiseworthy motive - his object being to furnish a counter-attraction to the ale-house and other resorts of a questionable character - has determined on, and made arrangements for giving a series of twelve concerts in the Exchange. The two distinguishing characteristics of these concerts are to be, excellence in the performances, and cheapness. If an equal degree of efficiency in the performances to that which attached to the inaugural concert last night is maintained throughout the series, and at the same prices of admission, those two characteristics - quality and cheapness - will be fully realised. The undertaking will involve a considerable outlay, but the enterprising projector relies on the patronage of the public for indemnification. The programme for last night consisted of a judicious selection of popular pieces, comprising a great variety of good music . . . The efforts of both vocalists and instrumentalists were received with frequent tokens of approval by the audience which was large, highly respectable, and discriminating.
[News], Empire (17 January 1860), 4
The People's Concerts, under the management of Mr. T. V. Bridson, were resumed at the Temperance Hall last evening, and promise to become a great fact. Well selected programmes, good artistes, and one shilling admission are all the points necessary to establish a musical entertainment for the people, which as encouragement for the progress of music, deserve the very warmest support. We were glad to see a very numerous audience at the re-commencement of the concerts last night, on which occasion the following artists rendered valuable assistance: - Mrs. Bridson, Madame Flora Harris, Miss Ryan, Messrs. John Howson, Banks, and Charles Packer (conductor.) As usual the encores were very numerous, showing a great degree of popularity for music and executants, each of whom thus came in for a due share of double duty. Mr. John Howson well merited the encore he received in Proch's "Alpine Horn." We are glad to find this vocalist selecting the beautiful gems of German song. They cannot fail to be admired when known. Glover's duet "O'er the Hill," by Mrs. Bridson and her pupil Miss Ryan was also very sweetly, and consequently re-demanded, as was also Mrs. Bridson's "Forest Fairy." Madame Flora Harris sang Lavenu's "I cannot Sing To-night, and "Effie Sunshine," for the encore of which she substituted Mrs. Norton's "Juanitas." The songs of Mr. Banks were, of course, re-demanded, and others substituted. The concerts are certainly most likely to infuse amongst the people a taste for music.
"LECTURE ON ANCIENT IRISH MUSIC", Empire (12 March 1860), 5
A LECTURE on ancient Irish music, with vocal and instrumental illustrations, was delivered by J. H. Plunkett, Esq., at St. Patrick's Hall, last night, assisted by Mrs. Bridson, Mrs. Cordner, Miss Ryan, Mr. Cordner, and some of the gentlemen of St. Patrick's choir. Mr. T. Bridson presided at the piano . . . In the vocal part of the entertainment Mrs. Bridson sang the "Harp that once through Tara's Halls" with her accustomed ability . . . "The last Rose of summer," probably the most popular of all Moore's melodies, was then sung by Mrs. Bridson. "Go where glory waits thee," by Mrs. Bridson and Miss Ryan. "The young may moon," as a quartet, by Mrs. Bridson and Miss Ryan, Mr. Cordner, and a gentleman. "I saw from the beach," by Mrs. Bridson and a tenor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hubert Plunkett (lecturer); William and Ellen Cordner (vocalists)
"MADAME SARA FLOWER'S FIRST CONCERT", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (2 May 1860), 2
On Monday Evening last this lady gave her first Concert in the large room at Mrs. Leeds' Victoria Hotel; and offered to a Bathurst audience certainly the greatest musical treat ever experienced over the Mountains. Madame Flower was accompanied in several duets by Mrs. Bridson, a lady of considerable talent, not only as a pianiste; but as a songstress. The two ladies took the piano alternately, the accompaniments on which, were executed by each in the most chaste and accurate style . . . Mrs. Bridson is a lady evidently worthy of her position as an assistant to Madame Flower. Her powers of modulation, the great compass of her voice, and the accuracy of her execution whether in song, duet, or at the instrument, render her an extremely valuable companion in the concerts now being given . . .
"THE GRAND CONCERT", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (16 May 1860), 2
The principal topic of conversation amongst many of our townsfolk for some little time past, was the Grand Sacred Concert, announced to take place in the Court House last Monday evening . . . About half-past eight o'clock, the singers having taken their places, Mr. Phillips, who presided at the Harmonium, played Mozart's 12th Mass, after which Mr. Black, sang in a very superior style, the beautiful Recitative - "In splendour bright," from the "Creation," which was immediately followed by the Grand Chorus of "The Heavens are telling," which was sung by Madame Flower, Mrs. Bridson, Mr. Black and the ladies and gentlemen selected from the Choir of All Saints' Church, in a manner that reflected the highest amount of credit upon the performers . . . Mrs. Bridson then delighted the audience with Haydn's Recitative and Aria "And God said" and "With verdure clad" which were vociferously encored and was on the second occasion rendered, if possible, more beautifully than on the first . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Reddie Black (vocalist)
"SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 July 1860), 4
The third concert of the season took place last night, at the Schoolroom, Castlereagh-street, when Haydn's oratorio, the Creation, was produced. The audience on this occasion was the smallest we have ever seen present at the society's concerts, and did not exceed two hundred. The rainy weather, however, sufficiently accounted for the thin attendance, but the weather was not so bleak as to deter Sir William and Lady Denison and family from being present. The performance was a great success from beginning to end, and the principal singers acquitted themselves admirably . . . Mrs. Bridson interpreted that beautiful air, " With verdure clad," to the entire satisfaction of the audience, who applauded her loudly. She sang it so as to fill the ear with delightful sounds and to satisfy the heart and in the trio in the second part, commencing "Most beautiful, appear, with verdure young adorned," Mrs. Bridson sustained her part with great credit . . . Mr. Packer played the organ with the hand of a master, and drew forth the soul of his instrument. Mr. Cordner's ability as a conductor and trainer is sufficiently proved by the advance the society has made under his able direction. Last night's performance is the finest we have yet heard from the society.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society (association)
"MUSICAL", Empire (25 February 1861), 4
BREVITY having necessarily characterised our notice of the last Philharmonic concert, we are desirous of adding a few remarks in accordance with the then expressed intention . . . One of the most lovely vocal beauties was Packer's "O'er the far Mountain," a trio from the opera of "Sadak and Kalasrade;" it was sung by Mrs. Bridson, Miss M. Brady, and a gentleman amateur, with feeling, but wanting a little more practice. The grace of the melody, and the richness of the harmonies of this piece create in us the desire to hear more of this opera . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Matilda Brady (vocalist); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
MUSIC: O'er the far mountain (Charles Sandys Packer, from Sadak and Kalasrade)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (25 April 1861), 1
begs to inform the residents of Maitland that, having been engaged to tune the Organ recently purchased by the Rev. Mr. Thackeray,
for Maitland, intends proceeding on the 29th of this month for that purpose,
and during his stay solicits their patronage to tune and regulate organs and pianofortes on the following terms.
Organs, £1 per stop; above five 10s. each.
Pianofortes, 12s. 6d.; full grands, £1 1s, each.
References kindly permitted to W. Kellerman, Esq., Professor of Music, Maitland.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Robert Thackeray (musical amateur, Anglican cleric)
"THE CONCERT TO-MORROW EVENING", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (17 September 1861), 3
In a late issue we noticed some of the additions and improvements made to St. Paul's Church. Amongst the more prominent of these was the new organ, which, with its sweetness of tone and sufficiently powerful body of sound, aids materially in the celebration of divine service within the church. There still remains a debt upon the Instrument, notwithstanding the exertions of the Rev. R. Thackeray towards defraying its cost; and to-morrow evening a grand concert will be given at the School of Arts, with the view of raising a sum to meet the deficiency . . . Mr. Kellermann will preside at the pianoforte, and Mr. Bridson at the aeolophon; and the concert will consist of both sacred and secular music . . .
"ORPHEONIST SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 November 1861), 4
A special general meeting of the associates of the society was held on Thursday evening, at Mr. Cane's School-room, for the purpose of electing a music director . . . and the original motion for the appointment of Mr. Callen was carried by a large majority. The secretary reported that the managers had engaged Mr. Sussmilch as elementary teacher and choral leader. The announcement was received with loud applause. The following new associates were duly elected Messrs. Finlay, Park, Humphrey, and Brewer, and Mr. T. V. Bridson as honorary associate, by acclamation.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (musical director); Orpheonist Society (association)
"ORPHEONIST CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 September 1862), 4
The first quarterly subscription concert of the season of the Orpheonist Society was given, yesterday evening, at the School of Arts. The new hall of that institution was brought into use for the first time; and while its spaciousness and appropriate decoration elicited general admiration, it was pronounced to be well adapted for sound - giving a beautiful echo without any reverberation. There were between five and six hundred persons present . . . The second part of the concert consisted of the principal vocal portions of Auber's opera "Masaniello," the characters being represented by Mrs. Bridson, Mr. F. Ellard, and gentlemen amateurs . . . Mr. D. G. Callen officiated as conductor, and Mr. T. V. Bridson played the accompaniments; Mr. Sussmilch was very efficient as choral leader. The performances gave great satisfaction, and terminated at a convenient hour.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue)
"ORPHEONIST SOCIETY", Freeman's Journal (15 November 1862), 3
An extra concert of the Orpheonist Society was given on Wednesday evening in the hall of the School of Arts and attracted a very large audience. The programme was a very excellent one . . . but its great feature was a selection from Handel's Israel in Egypt, introducing the chief portions of that sublime composition. The very difficult and trying choruses with which the work abounds and which are among the finest of any of Handel's compositions, were exceedingly well given by the choral members of the Society, and although the loss of an orchestra is sensibly felt in works of this description, Mr. Bridson made up for the deficiency as far as could be done by the excellence of his performance on the organ, a new instrument built by Mr. Kinloch of this city and very kindly lent by him to the Orpheonist Society by whom it was used for the first time on Wednesday night . . . The second part consisted of a miscellaneous selection in which Mrs. Bridson sang with great effect the difficult waltz which Madame Bosio and Madame Gassier made so celebrated in London some years ago . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 April 1863), 1
On THURSDAY EVENING, April 9th, at the Masonic Hall. First time of performance of the new oratorio
I. N. R. I. THE CROWN OF THORNS; Or, Despair, Penitence, and Pardon, The words and music by CHARLES S. PACKER.
PROGRAMME . . . Duett. - "For as the truth." - Mrs. Bridson and Mr. Banks . . .
Conductor - Mr. W. J. CORDNER. Organ - CHARLES S. PACKER . . .
MUSIC: For as the truth (Packer, from The crown of thorns)
"PRESENTATION TO MRS. T. V. BRIDSON", Sydney Mail (23 May 1863), 2
The committee and many of the members of St. Andrew's Scots Church have presented Mrs. Bridson (whose vocal talents are well known to the musical world of Sydney) with a very elegant gold watch and chain, of superior workmanship, as a mark of especial acknowledgment for her voluntary assistance in connection with the choir of that congregation, of which this lady is a member . . .
"ORGAN PERFORMANCE AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (20 August 1863), 3
On Monday evening the new organ, belonging to the Rev. Mr. Thackeray, and recently erected in the School of Arts, was, for the first time in West Maitland, played upon publicly. Notwithstanding the disagreeable state of the weather and streets, the hall was well filled with a respectable and intelligent audience, who seemed fully to appreciate the skilful manipulation of the performers - Messrs. T. V. Bridson, M. H. Wilson, and J. Broderick. The entertainment was most agreeable, and was evidently well enjoyed.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marmaduke Henry Wilson (musician); James Patrick Broderick (musician)
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 April 1864), 6
An amateur concert, under the direction of Mr. T. V. Bridson, took place in the schoolroom adjoining Trinity Church, on Monday evening, the 5th instant, in aid of the funds for the alteration of the organ in that church.
ASSOCIATIONS: Trinity (Garrison) church (Sydney)
"CUSTOMS IMPORT ENTRIES. - JUNE 16", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 June 1864), 4
. . . 1 organ, T. V. Bridson . . .
"TRINITY MUSICAL AND SOCIAL INSTITUTE", Empire (30 September 1864), 4
Another of those societies, formed for the purpose of keeping together the members of a congregation, and affording rational and intellectual entertainments, gives its first performance this evening, at the Trinity school room . . . The musical portion of the programme embraces solos, quartettes, and choruses by Wallace, Mendelssohn, Sir H. Bishop, Elizabeth Stirling, Mazzhin[g]i, and Muller . . . under the able direction of Mr. Bridson, organist of the church.
"CHRISTMAS DAY AT ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH", Freeman's Journal (31 December 1864), 5
. . . The mass was entoned by the good missionary priest, Father Garavelle . . . The choir, conducted by Mr. Bridson, the organist at St. Patrick's, sang the whole of Mozart's glorious 12th mass. Although it is not usual to speak of such performances in critical terms, in this case where it would be impossible to utter anything but words of praise, we must depart from the usual custom. Nothing could have been more chaste and beautiful from first to last than the way in which the mass was sung; from the perfect accompanyment of the organist to the finished voices of the leading members of the choir, nothing could have been finer. The splendid voice of Mr. John Bushell (who is an honorary member of the choir) took up the bass solo in the "Kyrie," followed by the equally fine voice of the leading tenor, and these two seemed as if made for each other so equally were they balanced. The "Tutti" part then followed with the full burst of chorus, and was grand in the extreme, the fine voice of Mrs. Bridson, and the other lady amateur, who leads the sopranos, ringing through the church with power and taste. The pianos and fortes being justly regarded throughout, and which has always been the charm of St. Patrick's choir. Next followed the "Gloria," which was beautifully rendered throughout, except only a small hitch for a few bars made in a third lead by the tenors in the "Cum Sancto Spiritu," that most difficult movement. However to make amends, in the "Credo" the tenor sang the lovely "Et incarnatus est" exquisitely and without fault, and the whole Credo went as smoothly and as evenly as the "Kyrie." The "Sanctus" and "Benedictus" followed, and the solo commencing the "Agnus Dei" was beautifully sang by the principal amateur lady contralto. At the offertory, the old Catholic hymn, "Adeste Fideles," as arranged by Novello was sung by the choir in a manner which we consider perfection. All this reflects the greatest credit on Mr. Bridson, who has only within a month taken the conductorship of this choir, but his heart and soul seems to be with the music of our Holy Church, and the labor which others would complain of is a delight to him, so it ever has been, and will be with talented men of refined tastes such as he is . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Butler Bushelle (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 April 1865), 7
pupils of Logier, the former of whom taught in his Academy, now conduct classes on his System, at their residence, 15, Lower Fort-street.
Attention is particularly drawn to the special advantages which beginners derive from the proper use of the chiroplast,
and the books adapted to it, which ensures the correct position of the hands.
Classes meet from 9 to 10 a.m., and 4 to 6 p.m.
Yesterday afternoon, in the Prince of Wales Theatre, and in the presence of between five and six thousand people, the Rev. W. Taylor (of California) delivered a funeral oration on the death of the late President Lincoln . . . The organ, presided over by Mr. Bridson, gave the key, and all joined in singing the following hymn: - "My Country, 'tis of thee . . ."
"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO MR. AND MRS. BRIDSON", Sydney Mail (18 November 1865), 4
Some friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Bridson have lately exerted themselves in their behalf by getting up for their benefit a complimentary concert, which came off on Thursday at the Masonic Hall. The event proved that these deserving artists have troops of musical friends who are ready to exert their talents in their cause, and also more well wishers who are ready to show their sympathy, and also enjoy an evening's amusement at the same time. The orchestra and the solo performers embraced a large number of the musical amateurs of the city; and the audience was very large and indulgent . . . There were, however, some professional performers that must have satisfied the most fastidious, amongst which we may mention as chief the exquisite violin playing of Mr. Heine, the admirable pianoforte performance of Mrs. Heine and Madame Jaffa, and the singing of Mrs. Cordner . . . Amongst the other features of the concert must not omit to notice a solo on the violoncello by Mr. E. Deane, a performance of very great merit. Mr. Cordner and Mr. Bridson officiated as accompanyists; the choruses were conducted by Mr. Sussmilch.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Ada Heine (violin, piano); Rebecca Jaffa (piano); Edward Smith Deane (cello)
"ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL", Freeman's Journal (25 November 1865), 743
A few weeks ago when a collection was made for the purchase of a harmonium, we suggested at the time that in place of this an organ should be procured. We are now glad to report that this opinion was shared in by most of the Catholics who attend St. Mary's, and by their liberal contributions they showed that they preferred an organ. Fortunately such an instrument was for sale and without loss of time the authorities at St. Mary's purchased it. Mr. W. J. Cordner, the organist, and Mr. Bridson, a practical organ manufacturer, speak very highly of it, and think it will answer all the requirements of the temporary cathedral. It was used for the first time last Sunday.
"ST. PATRICK'S CHORAL SOCIETY", Sydney Mail (17 February 1866), 2
On Monday, the first concert of St. Patrick's Choral Society took place in St. Patrick's Hall, under St. Patrick's Church, on Church hill. There was a large appreciative audience, and every thing went off well . . . Mr. T. V. Bridson - who it is understood, instructs the young men in the choir - acted as accompanyst last night, with his usual good taste and skill . . . In spite of the many undesirable qualities of the room much or the programme was excellent - especially the singing of Mrs. Bridson, of her relative, and of several other lady members.
"ST. PATRICK'S DAY", Freeman's Journal (24 March 1866), 177
Last Saturday, the 17th March the festival of St. Patrick was duly celebrated in Sydney and throughout the colony . . . The religious services were conducted in that church specially devoted to cherish the memory of St. Patrick, on Church Hill . . . The church was crowded by persons from all parts of Sydney, anxious to join in the religious ceremonies of the day, before commencing the other festivities. High mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Lallan . . . The music was unusually grand, the choir performing the whole of Haydn's mass, No. 16. As an offertory piece, the celebrated duett, "Beata nobis Gaudia" was beautifully sung by the principal tenor and bass. At the conclusion of mass, and as the procession retired to the sacristy, Zingarelli's "Laudate Dominum" was well sung by the choir, assisted by the St. Patrick's choral society, numbering upwards of forty voices. Mr. T. V. Bridson, organist and choir master, presided at the organ . . .
MUSIC: Mass in B flat, no. 16 (Haydn, Novello edition numbering = Theresienmesse, Hob.XXII:12)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 October 1867), 1
MR. AND MRS. BRIDSON'S Music Classes on the Logerian System, 16, Lower Fort-street.
Theory - Wednesdays, at 9.30. Singing - Saturdays, at 10.30 a.m.
Mrs. BRIDSON has leisure for two pupils on Tuesdays and Fridays.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 June 1868), 7
PIANOFORTE AND SINGING. - Mr. and Mrs. BRIDSON, Pupils of Logier, teach on his system,
which by the use of the CHIROPLAST, and the books adapted to it, enables beginners to learn the piano rapidly and easily.
Terms at ELVY and CO.'S, George-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Hammond Elvy (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 April 1869), 4
PIANOFORTE and SINGING.- Mrs. BRIDSON, Pupil of Logier, teaches on his system,
which by the use of the chiroplast, and the books adapted to it, enables beginners to learn the piano rapidly and easily.
Terms - at her residence, 7, George-street North; or at ELVY and CO.'S., George-street.
[Advertisement], Northern Argus [Rockhampton, QLD] (24 April 1869), 3
MR. T. V. BRIDSON, Professor of Music,
Organist of St. Patrick's Church and Holy Trinity, Sydney;
Organist to LYSTER'S Royal Italian and English Opera Troupe;
Accompanyist to the ORPHEONIST Society, and Conductor of various MUSICAL SOCIETIES and CONCERTS,
Begs to announce to the residents of Rockhampton and vicinity his arrival from Sydney
FOR A SHORT PERIOD ONLY for the purpose of giving Lessons and FINISHING Lessons on the ORGAN, HARMONIUM and PIANOFORTE.
All applications will be strictly attended to by addressing TUITION, NORTHERN ARGUS, Office, until 1st of May next.
Organs, Harmoniums, and Pianofortes thoroughly Tuned.
[News], Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (4 May 1869), 2
ONE of the objections felt by persons in the country districts, and even in Rockhampton, to buying first-class harmoniums or pianos, is the difficulty of getting them tuned by persons who really understand their work. Our philharmonic societies, glee clubs, and other musical socicties, have hung fire from the want of some presiding and directing power - a man competent not only to play himself, but to teach others to play and sing effectively. We believe, from what we have seen and heard of Mr. Bridson's playing, that if he can be induced to prolong his stay in Rockhampton, he will infuse new life into our musical bodies. Mr. Bridson is an accomplished musician, and has held leading positions in connection with the cathedrals, operatic troupes and the musical societies of Sydney, where he is well known. He purposes staying three or four months in Rockhampton, and is prepared to give lessons on the organ, harmonium, and pianoforte, and to tune these instrument thoroughly.
"SACRED MUSIC", Northern Argus (15 May 1869), 2
We understand that Madame Carandini and her daughters have kindly consented to sing at the Catholic Chapel to-morrow evening. Mozart's No. 12 Mass, and Haydn's No. 3, are we hear selected, and that Mr. T. V. Bridson will preside at the harmonium.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini and daughters (vocalists)
[Advertisement], Northern Argus (17 May 1869), 3
Who upon this occasion will be assisted by MR. T. V. BRIDSON,
and Several Lady and Gentlemen Amateurs, who have kindly offered their services.
The first part will comprise selections from "The Messiah," "Creation," Elijah," and Mozart's 12th Mass.
Kyrie Eleison - "Mozart's 12th Mass" - Madame Carandini, the Misses Rosina and Fannie, Mr. Sherwin, Mr. Bridson and Amateurs . . .
Gloria in Excelsis - "Mozart's 12th Mass" - Madame Carandini, the Misses Carandini, Mr. Sherwin, Mr. Bridson and Amateurs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Sherwin (vocalist)
"DEATH", Northern Argus (31 July 1869), 3
BRIDSON. - On the 29th instant, at Yaamba, Michael Vicary Bridson, Esq., aged 67 years.
"SUDDEN DEATH", Northern Argus (16 August 1869), 2
We regret to state that Mr. Bridson, who arrived in Rockhampton some time since, and who has been engaged in giving finishing lessons on the Pianoforte, expired on Saturday morning last.
"DEATH OF MR. BRIDSON", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 August 1869), 4
The Rockhampton Bulletin of the 17th instant reports the death of Mr. Bridson, organist of the Roman Catholic Church, which took place on the 14th instant, at Denis's Family Hotel, Derby-street. The deceased had been about four months in Rockhampton, and his health, from the time of his arrival, appeared gradually to decline.
[Advertisement], Northern Argus (1 September 1869), 3
Notice. - All Persons indebted to the late Mr. T. V. BRIDSON, will please Pay what they Owe to the undersigned Without Delay.
FRANK N. BEDDICK, Agent Curator Intestate Estates.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 September 1869), 9
BRIDSON - August 14th, at Rockhampton, Thomas Vicarez Bridson, late of Sydney, and eldest son of Michael F. and Lucy Bridson, of Yaamba, Queensland.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 January 1870), 2
SINGING and PIANOFORTE. Mrs. BRIDSON, pupil of Logier, teaches on his system,
which by the use of the Chiroplast and the books adapted to it enables beginners to learn the piano rapidly and easily.
Terms at ELVY and CO.'S, George-street; or at her residence, 24, Wynyard-square.
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1870), 1
On the 29th instant, at University Hall, Hyde Park, by the Rev. R. Lewers, of St. Andrew's, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, JOHN KINLOCH, Esq, M.A., to SARAH ANN, relict of the late T. V. BRIDSON, Esq., and only daughter of Henry Bell, Esq., Sally Park, near Dublin. No cards.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1872), 3
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 July 1877), 1
BRIDSON. - July 9, at Canoona, Queensland, Lucy Amy, the wife of the late Michael Vicary Bridson, Esq., daughter of the late Thomas Vicary, Esq., Dublin, sister of the late Captain Vicary, of H.M. 11th Regiment, Tasmania, and mother of the late Thomas Vicary Bridson, of this city.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 June 1878), 12
Music (vocal and instrumental), Mrs. KINLOCH (pupil of Logier (fils), and Dr. Smith, Trin. Col., Dublin.) . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 July 1883), 2
PIANOFORTE. Mrs. KINLOCH (formerly Mrs. Bridson),
pupil of Mons. Adolphe Logier, on whose principle she teaches, and from whom she holds a high certificate,
intends forming classes for children at her residence, close to REDMYRE Station, and at Mr. Ezold's, 403, George-street.
Mrs. Kinloch is at home 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays.
"Death of Mr. Kinloch, M.A.", Evening News (10 April 1897), 5
Mr. J. Kinloch, M.A., died in the Prince Alfred Hospital yesterday . . . Latterly he suffered from ill health and disappointment at the non-success of his career. He leaves a widow.
"DEATH", Morning Bulletin [Rockhampton, QLD] (17 August 1911), 1
BRIDSON. - On the 18th June, 175 Talford-street, Mr. Henry Bridson, father of the late Mr. E. P. Bridson, of Longreach, and second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vicary Bridson, of Yaamba, leaving a widow to mourn his loss. - R.I.P.
"DEATHS", The West Australian [Perth, WA] (21 July 1915), 1
KINLOCH. - On July 20, 1915, at her son's residence, Greenmount, Western Australia, Sara Anna Kinloch, relict of the late John Kinloch, M.A., Sydney University, and mother of H. St. John Bridson, of Lands and Survey Department Perth.
Bibliography and resources:
Graeme D. Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, 1988), 81-83
BRIGGS, Daniel (Daniel O'HARA; Daniel Briggs O'HARA; performed as Dan BRIGGS)
Musician, actor, vocalist, entertainer
Born Dublin, Ireland, 1834; baptised St. Nicholas Without, 20 March 1834; son of Charles Joseph O'HARA and Marian BRINGLOE
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by September 1862 (from New Zealand)
Married (1) Margaret JONES, Melbourne, VIC, 9 March 1865
Married (2) Eliza (Elise) ROYAL (widow ROWE), Rockhampton, QLD, 27 May 1873
Died Mount Morgan, QLD, 22 May 1900, aged "67"'Hara+1834-1900 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)'Hara (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. Nicholas Without, Dublin, March 1834; National Library of Ireland, Catholic parish registers (DIGITISED)
1834 / Martii 20 / Daniel O'Hara / Caroli et Mariae Annae Bringloe / SS Jacobo Shields et Matildae Woods
[Advertisement], Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (26 July 1862), 1
THE BRUNSWICK HALL. Front Seats 2s. 6d. - Back Seats 1s. 6d.
Mr. T. JONES Will make his first appearance as LUCY LONG,
in conjunction with the Cosmopolitan Band,
for the BENEFIT of JAMES JOHNSON . . .
PROGRAMME. - Part First. Overture - "La Blanche" Company.
Opening Chorus - "Down the River" - Solo parts by D. Briggs.
"Cheer up, Sam" - H. Reeves. "Ellen Bayne" - J. Johnson. "Gals from the South" - G. Ellis.
"The melancholy Fate of the old Jaw Bone" - Briggs and Company . . .
"THE COSMOPOLITAN OPERA TROUPE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (15 September 1862), 4
The first of a short series of entertainments was given by this very talented company on Saturday evening at the Temperance Hall. The company includes Messrs. G. Ellis, C. Beaver, P. J. Luntley, D. Briggs, J. Johnson, and C. Battle, all of whom are pretty well known to musical "[REDACTED] fame." The programme for the evening was of a most varied character, and included overtures, chorales, comic and sentimental negro songs and instrumental solos and glees. The burlesques and imitations from negro life were greatly applauded, as were the witty dialogues, which were rather briliant of their kind. Although the entertainment was of a superior character, there was not such a numerous audience as it deserved. To those in search of a night's amusement and hearty laughter, the company is well worth seeing.
"CITY POLICE COURT. Thursday, 5th November, 1863 . . . ASSAULTS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (6 November 1863), 6
. . . Charles F. Percival was charged with assaulting Daniel B. O'Hara, who did not wish to press the charge, prisoner being a mate of his, both of them having engagements at Canterbury Hall, near which place the assault was committed. Prisoner had two stones tied in his pocket-handkerchief in his pocket when arrested. Discharged . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles F. Percival (vocalist); Canterbury Music Hall (Melbourne venue)
Marriages in the district of Melbourne, 1865; Victoria, Registry of births, deaths, and marriages
No. 6 / [9 March 1865] Independent Parsonage Collins St Melbourne / Daniel Briggs / bachelor / [born] Dublin, Ireland / Musician / 31 / 131 Fitzroy Street, Melbourne /
Princess Street, Melbourne / [son of] Charles Joseph O'Hara, Surgeon [and] Marion O'Hara Maiden surname Bringloe
Margaret Jones / Spinster / [born] Clifton Street, Finsbury Square, London, England / Servant / 21 / 84 Collins Street East Melbourne / [same] /
[daughter of] Thomas Jones, Dyer / Mary Jones, maiden surname Davis . . .
Marriages solemnized in the district of Rockhampton in the colony of Queensland, 1873; Queensland, Registry of births, deaths, and marriages
No. 50 / 606 / 27th May 1873 / Rockhampton / Daniel Bringloe O'Hara / Widower / [born] Dublin, Ireland / Musician / 39 / Rockhampton / [son of] Charles Joseph O'Hara, surgeon and Marian Bringloe
Elise Rowe / Widow / [born / Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England / Musician / 29 / Rockhampton / [daughter of] Creed Royal, Musician, and Mary Sayers . . .
Married in the House of the Primitive Methodist Minister . . . Robert Hartley

Deaths in the district of Woodward in the colony of Queensland, 1900; Queensland, Registry of births, deaths, and marriages
No. 76 / 22nd May 1900 / Mount Morgan Hospital / Daniel Briggs O'Hara / Male 67 Years / . . . son of Charles Joseph O'Hara, Surgeon, [and] Marian Bundlar [Bringloe] / . . . Born Dublin Ireland / 45 Years in Queensland / Married (1) Margaret Jones, Melbourne Victoria, at age 32, (2) Elsie Royal, Rockhampton, Queensland, at age 39
[News], The Capricornian [Rockhampton, QLD] (26 May 1900), 15
Information has heen received from Mount Morgan of the death of Mr. D. B. O'Hara, for many years the secretary and librarian of the Mount Morgan School of Arts. Mr. O'Hara arrived in New Zealand about forty years ago, and during the Maori War was in the employment of the Government. He subsequently became a professional singer and actor, using his Christian name of "Dan' Briggs." Under that name he was known throughout the eastern colonies. He first came to Rockhampton about 1864, and at the opening of Gympie in 1867 was a valued member of the company taken there by the late Mr. J. L. Byers, which included among others Mr. Tom Hudson and a well-known Clermont resident recently deceased. Mr. O'Hare remained at Gympie, and in 1869 went to Townsville, returning to Rockhampton the following year. He organised several companies which travelled Queensland, and over a quarter of a century ago he went to Sydney, where he obtained much celebrity as "King Thakamban," the king of Fiji. He returned to Rockhampton and entered into business as a hotelkeeper, and with on occasional short absence has resided in the district ever since. As "Dan Briggs" he was known to most old theatre-goers. He was a versatile actor, and always a good one. In 1871 he married the widow of Mr. Tom Fawcett Rowe, an actor of some eminence, the lady before her first marriage being a Miss Creed Royal, daughter of a noted Victorian musician. Mr. O'Hara was always highly respected both in the profession and out of it for his integrity. He won an enviable reputation among newspaper proprietors as "The man who always paid the printer." Mr. O'Hara was about seventy years of age, and leaves a deeply attached stepson, Mr. T. W. H. F. Rowe, to mourn his death.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Lucas Byers (actor); Thomas Wright Fawcett Rowe (actor); Creed Royal (musician)
BRIGGS, William (William BRIGGS)
Amateur musician, music copyist, composer, legal clerk, notary, solicitor
Born London, England, 15 July 1828; baptised St. James, Piccadilly, 28 December 1828; son of Thomas BRIGGS and Elizabeth HICHOLSON
Married (1) Charlotte Sarah NICHOLSON ["widow" d'ARGEAVEL] (1819-1879), Stoke Damerel church, Devon, England, 4 July 1853
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 3 November 1853 (per Windsor, from London, 28 July)
Married (2) Elizabeth ROURKE, West Maitland, NSW, 11 November 1879
Died Elizabeth Bay, NSW, 13/14 May 1910. aged "81" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
At Stoke Damerel church, Devon, on 4 July 1853, William Briggs, aged 25, married his maternal cousin, Charlotte Sarah Nicholson, vicomtesse d'Argeaval, aged 32. Charlotte claimed to be a widow, but was actually long separated from her French husband, Alexander d'Argeaval (1797-1877), who was still-living, and the therefore bigamous marriage, witnessed by Charlotte's mother and William's aunt, Anne Elizabeth Nicholson (d. NSW, 1860), was almost immediately followed by the departure of the trio for Australia, together with 3 of Charlotte's children, the youngest of whom, Amy Henrietta (1852-1919), was also William's daughter.
By late 1854 or early 1855 the family was settled at Maitland, where until 1858 William was clerk of the peace and petty sessions, and later active as a solicitor and public notary.
He was a founding member of the Maitland Philharmonic Institute, and much later, in Sydney from 1889, secretary of the Sydney Philharmonic Society.
He was evidently based temporarily at Narrabri, away from his family and perhaps with time on his hands, when in the Maitland Mercury in April 1863, he twice advertised for sale manuscript copies of "bush music", probably of his own composition.
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Saint James, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex, in the Year 1828; register 1828-1833, page 28; City of Westminster Archives Centre, STJ/PR/1/12
No. 911 / 28 [December] / William / [son of] Thomas & Elizabeth / Briggs / Piccadilly / Dressing Case Maker . . .
1853, marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Stoke Damerel in the County of Devon; register page 234; Plymouth & West Devon Record Office (PAYWALL)
No. 469 / 4 July 1853 / William Briggs / 25 / Bachelor / Gentleman / [residence] Saint James Westminster / [son of] Thomas Briggs / Dressing Case Manufacturer
Charlotte Sarah Vicomtesse d'Argeaval / 32 / Widow / - / Stoke Damerel / [daughter of] Robert Dring [Nicholson] / Captain Army
[witness] Anne Elizabeth Nicholson . . .
Report of a ship arrived in Port Jackson, 3 November 1853, Windsor, from London, 28 July; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Mrs. Nicholson, 2 boys, 1 Girl and servant woman
Mr. & Mrs. Briggs . . .
"MAITLAND PHILHARMONIC INSTITUTE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (23 April 1857), 2
A meeting of this society was held in the hall of the School of Arts, on Monday evening, to take into consideration the future management of the society, and also for the purpose of enrolling members. Dr. McCartney, the president of the institution, took the chair, and briefly explained the objects of the society. At the suggestion or Mr. Sinclair, it was moved by Mr. Briggs, and seconded by Mr. Goldman, "That Messrs. Kellermann and Sinclair be authorised to negotiate for a suitable piano." This resolution was passed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael McCartney (president); William Kellermann (member); Frederick Sinclair (member); Maitland Philharmonic Institute (association)
"THE MUSICAL LECTURE OR THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (29 September 1857), 3
Last evening (Monday) the first public performance of the Maitland Philharmonic Society was given, at the School of Arts, Mr. F. Sinclair delivering a lecture on "Music," and other members of the Society illustrating it by vocal and instrumental performances. The lecture was a kind of narrative of the progress of the art, in various ages and countries, and afforded good opportunities for illustration. We have not time for a full report, but may mention that of the several songs sung, many were very much admired, the most marked favorites apparently being "I love the merry sunshine," which was encored, and the "Canadian boat song." A solo on the guitar was also much admired. The ladies who took part in the performance were Mrs. Kellermann, the two Misses Cunningham, and Miss Riley; and the gentlemen were Mr. Kellermann, who presided at the piano, Mr. Dean, Dr. Wilkinson, and Mr. Briggs, who took part in the vocal pieces, and Mr. Hitchins, who played the solo on the guitar . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Wilkinson (vocalist); Fortescue Hitchins (guitar)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (9 April 1863), 4
BUSH MUSIC. MANUSCRIPT COPIES of the under-mentioned AIRS, composed by a person many years residing in the Bush,
can be had on application to Mr. WILLIAM BRIGGS, Narrabri, at One Shilling each.
POLKAS. The Australian Volunteers - The Dashing Young Rifleman - The Gunnedah - The Gulligal - The Rollickers.
SCHOTTISCHES. The Cricketers - The Narrabri - The Golden Fleece - The Magic Hoop, or Crinoline - The Hibernian.
Written communications, forwarding the amount for any of the above in postage stamps, will meet prompt attention.
"DEATH", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (4 February 1879), 1
BRIGGS. - 1st February, at her residence, Elgin-street, West Maitland, Charlotte Sarah, wife of William Briggs.
"MARRIAGE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (15 November 1879), 4
BRIGGS - ROURKE - On the 11th November, at Glenmire, West Maitland, by the Rev. R. D. Hills, William Briggs, of West Maitland, solicitor, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Henry Rourke, Esq.
"ALLEGED THEFT from Mr. SANTLEY", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 November 1889), 4
At the Water Police Court yesterday . . .
Edward Price, 42, theatrical agent, on remand, was charged by warrant that he did, on or about the month of October,
fraudulently appropriate to his, own use certain property belonging to Mr. Charles Santley, to wit,
money amounting to the sum of £328 8s. 6d., the proceeds of one or more musical performances given at Sydney . . .
William Briggs, honorary secretary of the Philharmonic Society, said he knew the accused well;
recollected the performance of "Elijah," given by the society on the 2nd October; the society collected all the proceeds of the performance,
£625 1s. 9d., the half of which witness paid to Price by cheque (produced);
the society know nothing of the arrangements between Price and Santley;
the accused gave witness a receipt for the half of the gross proceeds of the performance;
the proceeds of the second concert were over £500; the society would be entitled to £100 out of the amount;
the society would also be entitled to £100 at the conclusion of the third concert . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Santley (touring English vocalist); Sydney Philharmonic Society (Sydney association founded 1885)
"Death of Mr. William Briggs", The Maitland Daily Mercury (17 May 1910), 4
The death occurred at his residence, near Sydney, a few days ago, of Mr. William Briggs, solicitor, who thirty years ago was a prominent resident of Maitland. The late Mr. Briggs, about the year 1856 lived in a cottage erected on the land, part of which is now occupied by the fine business premised of Mr. George Galton in High-street. At that time the cottage was surrounded by a very fine garden and orchard, and Mr. Henry Stocker, of Lorn, reminds us that he was for a period of five years engaged with Mr. Briggs as a gardener. A better employer, or a man of a more generous nature, Mr. Stocker says, he never met in his experience, and like many other friends and acquaintances of the deceased gentleman he regrets his demise very much. In the early days of Maitland, the late Mr. Briggs took a prominent part in the establishment of the first volunteer infantry corps, and in everything pertaining to the welfare of the town and district. He was also prominent in the formation of the Great Northern Permanent Building and Investment Society and in church matters. He was twice married, and leaves a family of three sons by his first wife. His second marriage was to a sister of Mr. John Rourke, of Bolwarra House, who survived him. Mr. Stocker says that he first came to Maitland in the early part of 1856 from his native town in Ely, in Cambridgeshire, England [sic], and he engaged with the late Mr. Briggs in 1857 . . .
"MUSICAL GOSSIP", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (21 May 1910), 11
On the 13th instant, Mr. William Briggs, who occupied the position of secretary of the Philharmonic Society previous to the late Mr. James Cramp taking that office, died at his late residence, Elizabeth Bay. Mr. Briggs took an active Interest in the work of the choir of St. Peter's Anglican Church, Woolloomooloo.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 May 1910), 8
BRIGGS. - May 14, at 1 Elizabeth Bay-road, William Briggs, solicitor, aged 81 years.
Musician, teacher of music and singing
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 11 May 1850 (per Amity Hall, from London, 12 December 1849, via Adelaide, 9 April 1850)
Active Geelong, VIC, June-July 1850 (shareable link to this entry)
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVED", The Melbourne Daily News (13 May 1850), 2
May 11. - "Amity Hall," barque, 420 tons, A. Johnson, commander, from London, via Adelaide, 7th instant. Passengers - cabin . . . Mr. and Mrs. Bright, Miss Bright, and Miss H. Bright . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (10 June 1850), 3
MRS. BRIGHT begs most respectfully to inform the heads of families in Geelong and its vicinity,
that she is just arrived from LONDON,
where her long experience in the most approved and popular methods of tuition has fully qualified her to conduct the education of young ladies,
and to merit the approbation of parents desirous of a superior and accomplished education for their daughters.
Her course of instruction, based on religious principles, will comprise every branch of knowledge adapted to the female mind.
Instruction in the piano forte, singing, after Hullah's method, and the French language.
Mrs. Bright receives a limited number only of daily pupils, to whom the above course of education will he imparted at one charge,
at her temporary abode, a brick cottage, in Marrabool-street, the left hand side, near the English Church,
where further particulars may be obtained.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hullah (English singing master)
BRILL, Conrad (Conrad BRILL)
Born Salzgitter, Hanover (Germany), c. 1829
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 8/9 May 1855 (per August, from Hamburg, 15 January)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 7 June 1855 (per August, from Adelaide, 2 June, aged "26") (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
BRILL, Wilhelm (Wilhelm BRILL)
Born Salzgitter, Hanover (Germany), c. 1832
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 8/9 May 1855 (per August, from Hamburg, 15 January)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 7 June 1855 (per August, from Adelaide, 2 June, aged "23") (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Alphabetical list of passengers from Hamburg, 7 December 1854 (January 1855); Staatsarchiv Hamburg (PAYWALL)
Brill, Conrad // [Brill], Wilhelm / [both] Musiker / Salzgitter, Hannover / August / Port Adelaide
Arrivals, Port Adelaide, 8 May 1855, per August, from Hamburg, 15 January; SA passengers history
. . . Wilhlem Brill / Conrade Brill . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (10 May 1855), 2
Wednesday, May 9 - The barque August, 365 tons, T. Meyer, master, from Hamburg January 16. Mocatta, Port, Amsberg, Town agents. Passengers . . . Conradine, Heinrich, Gebhard, and Rike Weichman . . . Conrade and Wilhelm Brill . . . Heinrich, Johanna, Christine, and August Dietrich . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Heinrich Weichmann and family (musicians); Heinrich Dietrich (musician)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (18 May 1855), 1
The celebrated BAND, newly arrived by the Ship August, from Hamburg, respectfully announce to the public generally that they will give a
GRAND CONCERT on Friday, the 18th of May, at the above Hotel.
"Sehnsucht nach Australien," March - H. Weichmann.
"Chir de Rosenberg," Donizetti - Herren Martin and W. Brill.
Grand Polonnaise, "Remembrance" - H. Weichmann.
"Potpourri," from the Opera "Der Freischutz."
"The Wave," Walce - H. Weichmann.
Cavatina, from the Opera "Lucrecia Borgia," Donizetti.
"Willkommen un Grunen," Walce - Labitzky.
Doors open at 7 o'clock p.m. Admission tickets, 2s. 6d. each.
Only a few Concerts will take place during their stay here.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 May 1855), 1
The German Brass Band in attendance. The whole under the direction of Mr. J. Watts . . .
TIVOLI HOTEL. - On Thursday, 24th May, Her Majesty's Birthday,
GRAND CONCERT the newly-arrived German Brass Band, under the direction of Mr. Dietrich.
To commence at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
THE WEICHMANN FAMILY will give a MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT- at the Hamburg Coffee-House this (Wednesday) evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Watts (musician)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (29 May 1855), 1
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (30 May 1855), 1
They proceed in the August to Melbourne to morrow. Concert commences at 7, and closes at 10 p.m.
Names and descriptions of passengers per August from Hamburg, and Adelaide, 29 May 1855, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
C. Brill / 26 // W. [Brill] / 23 // Marie [Brill] / 20 //
H. Diederich / 29 // J. [Diederich] / 31 // C. Diederich / 22 // A. [Diederich] / 18 . . . (DIGITISED)
C. Weichmann / 27 // H. [Weichmann] / 34 [? 24] // G. [Weichmann] / 19 // R. [Weichmann] / 21 [? listed under men]
Musician, violinist, violin player, fiddler, circus performer, convict, emancipist
Born London, England, 22 November 1823; baptised St. Leonard, Shoreditch, 4 January 1824; son of William BRINKWORTH (1791-1838) and Elizabeth SMITH (d. 1835)
Convicted Old Bailey, London, England, 23 August 1841 (transportation, 15 years)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 21 May 1842 (convict per Isabella, from England, 8 January, aged "19")
Married Elizabeth CURREY, St. David's cathedral, Hobart Town, TAS, 13 October 1851
Died Hobart Town, TAS, 6 September 1865, aged "42/43" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms in the parish of St. Leonard Shoredtich in the county in Middlesex in the year 1824; register 1823-24, page 119; London Metropolitan Archives, P91/Len/A/01/Ms 7496/27 (PAYWALL)
No. 948 / [1824 January] 4 / James [son of] / William & Elizabeth / Brinkworth / Little Leonard Street / Letter Founderer / [born] 22 Nov'r 1823
ASSOCIATIONS: William Brinkworth and Elizabeth Smith had married at St. Botolph Aldersgate on 29 September 1812
Convict record, James Brinkworth, per Isabella, 1842; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1375482 (DIGITISED)
Brinkworth James / Tried C. C. Court 23rd Aug't 1841 / 15 years
Emb'd 8th Jan'y 1842 Arrived 21 May 1842 /
Transported for Burglary & Former Conv'n . . . /
Trade - Musician, violin &c. / Height 5 ft 4 in / Age 19 / . . . Native place - Shoredtich . . .
11 Dec. '49 T.L. / 13 Apr'l '50 Hobart / Misconduct in being at the Victoria Theatre without authority / One month impr't & hard l. . . .
"TICKETS-OF-LEAVE GRANTED", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania [VDL (TAS)] (12 December 1849), 3
. . . James Brinkworth, Isabella 2 . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (8 March 1850), 4
For the Benefit of Messrs. Gard, Solomon, and Blinkworth.
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1850.
Messrs. Gard Solomon and Blinkworth, in taking their FIRST BENEFIT at the above well-known place of Amusement,
solicit a share of that patronage from the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
which it has ever been their earnest endeavour to merit;
and beg to assure them that no labour or expense shall be wanting on their part to secure such a Night's amusement as shall never have been surpassed,
if ever equalled, in this colony.
The Evening's Entertainments will commence with a Double Act of Horsemanship, by Mr. Atkins (his first appearance), entitled THE PIRATE.
Clown to the Circle. Master H. Baldwin, (for this night only.)
Riding Master - Mr. Watkins.
Favorite Dance - Mr Ashton.
A Double Act of Equestrianism, by Mr. Edmunds and Miss Wilson.
Favorite Song - Mr. Riley.
After which, Mr. Ashton will introduce an Act of Equestrianism, entitled The Flying Horseman.
Comic Song - Mr. Hume.
After which, an Act of Equestrianism, by Mr. Edmunds, entitled The Jumper of Antwerp.
Mr. Solomon will go through some feats on the CORDE VOLANTE.
A Double Act of Horsemanship, by Messrs. Ashton and Edmunds, entitled THE RIVAL HORSEMAN.
Favorite Song - Mr. Johnson.
The whole to conclude with Black Sal and Dusty Bob.
Black Sal, Mr. Solomon; Dusty Bob, Mr. Ashton;
Billy Waters (the London Fiddler), Mr. Blinkworth; Waiter, Mr. Rainsforth.
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Blinkworth.
Prices of Admission - Lower Boxes, 3s.; Upper Boxes, 2s.; Pit, 1s.
Doors open at Seven o'clock, and the performance will commence at half-past precisely.
MR. J. ASHTON, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ashton (proprietor); John Riley (vocalist, performer); Ashton's Circus (troupe)
DISAMBIGUATION: John Edward Blinkworth (1794-1854), farmer, was the only male Blinkworth active in Tasmania in 1850, his brother and all his sons having died by then
1851, marriages in the district of Hobart Town in the Cathedral Church of St. David; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:838613; RGD37/1/10 no 150 (DIGITISED)
No. 97 / 150 / St. David's Church Hobart Town 13th Oct'r 1851 / James Brinkworth / 28 years / T. L. Mariner [sic] / . . . Bachelor
Elizabeth Curry / 21 years / Pass holder / . . . Spinster / . . .
"CONDITIONAL PARDONS GRANTED", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (4 June 1853), 8
. . . James Brinkworth, Isabella 2 . . .
1854, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:958462; RGD33/1/5/ no 1057 (DIGITISED)
No. 1057 / June 8th [1854] / [no name entered] / Male [son of] / James Brinkworth [and] Elizabeth Brinkworth formerly Currey / Musician / . . . Macquarie Street . . .
1858, births in the district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:963073; RGD33/1/7 no 1555 (DIGITISED)
No. 1555 / May 8th [1858] / [no name entered] / Male [son of] / James Brinkworth [and] Elizabeth Brinkworth formerly Curry [sic] / Musician / . . .
1865, deaths in the district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1146677; RGD35/1/7 no 5891 (DIGITISED)
No. 5891 / 6th September [1865] / James Blinkworth [sic] Died General Hospital (Born Middlesex) / Male / 43 years / Musician / Phthisis pulmonaris . . .
BRISBANE, Thomas (Thomas Makdougall BRISBANE; Thomas BRISBANE)
Governor of NSW, musical patron
Born Largs, Ayreshire, Scotland, 23 July 1773; son of Thomas BRISBANE and Eleonora BRUCE (m. 1771)
Married Anna Maria Hay MAKDOUGALL, Makerston, Roxburgh, Scotland, 15 November 1819
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 November 1821 (per Royal George, from England, 18 May)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 1 December 1825 (per Mary Hope, for England)
Died Largs, Ayreshire, Scotland, 27 January 1860 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Amateur musician, vocalist, pianist, musical patron
Born Makerston, Roxburgh, Scotland, 12 April 1786; baptised 3 May 1786; daughter of Henry HAY MAKDOUGALL and Isabella DOUGLAS
Married Thomas Makdougall BRISBANE, Makerston, Roxburgh, Scotland, 15 November 1819
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 November 1821 (per Royal George, from England, 18 May)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 1 December 1825 (per Mary Hope, for England)
Died Makerston, Roxburghshire, Scotland, 2 September 1862 (shareable link to this entry)
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 November 1821), 1
UNDER the Shipping Intelligence will be perceived the annunciation of the arrival from England, on Wednesday last, of the merchant ship Royal George, Captain POWDITCH, on board of which vessel has arrived, His Excellency Major General Sir THOMAS BRISBANE, K. C. B. &c. &c. &c. with Lady BRISBANE and infant Daughter and Miss McDOUGALL, Sister to Her Ladyship, together with HIS EXCELLENCY'S Staff . . . On Thursday morning, at ten o'clock HIS EXCELLENCY left the Royal George, under the usual salute due to his distinguished rank, and landed at the private stairs on Bennelong's Point; where he was received by His Honor the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR and other Officers of the Colony; from whence he walked to Government-house accompanied by Lady BRISBANE, Family and Staff; where Mrs. MACQUARIE, in the absence of of His Excellency Governor MACQUARIE, warmly welcomed HIM, and Her Ladyship. - The full Band of His Majesty's 48th Regiment paraded the lawn in front of Government-house, playing those soothing and martial airs that tended to give a zest to that curiosity as well as sensibility naturally excited in the minds of ALL, upon so important and interesting an occasion. At the desire (we believe) of HIS EXCELLENCY, the gates were thrown open, for the admission of the Australian Public, whose numbers quickly o'erspread the walks around the domain, in order to catch a glimpse of our future GOVERNOR . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Makdougall (Anna Maria's sister); Lachlan and Elizabeth Macquarie (outgoing governor and wife); Band of the 48th Regiment (military)
Letter from Elizabeth Macarthur, Parramatta, 4 September 1822 (ed. Sibella Macarthur Onslow (ed.), Some early records of the Macarthurs of Camden (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1914), 373-374 (DIGITISED)
We continue to like our present Governor Sir Thomas Brisbane. Lady Brisbane and her sister Miss Macdougall are gentle and amiable - perfectly unaffected in their manners and habits, yet possessing all the acquirements of wellborn and well educated persons . . . The ladies are fond of and live in great retirement. They mix little in society and give none of those large entertainments, which Mrs. Macquarie used to do. They have a Dinner Party once a week. Their table is handsomely set out, and served in a manner superior to anything we have yet seen in the Colony. Lady Brisbane has a good Piano, on which she occasionally plays, and accompanies the instrument with her voice. Miss Macdougall plays the Harp, and Mr. Rumker the Piano in turn . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Macarthur (correspondent); Christian Rumker (amateur musician)
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 November 1825), 2
His Honor Lieutenant Governor STEWART paid HIS EXCELLENCY and FAMILY a Visit on board the Mary Hope, in the forenoon of Friday.
His EXCELLENCY and Lady BRISBANE entertained the Honorable the Chief Justice, Mrs. Forbes, and Family on board, at Dinner, on Friday last.
The Band of the 3d Regt. (Buffs), as well as the Naval Officer's, were playing all the afternoon on each side of the ship . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 3rd Regiment (military); "Captain Piper's Band", John Piper (naval officer)
Bibliography and resources:
Reminiscences of General Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane (Edinburgh: Printed by T. Constable, 1860; for private circulation) (DIGITISED)
J. D. Heydon, "Brisbane, Thomas Makdougall (1773-1860)", Australian dictionary of biography 1 (1966)
Musician, dance band leader
Active Sydney, NSW, 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 July 1853), 1
DANCING, - A Quadrille Party will take place every Monday and Wednesday evening at the large saloon,
next door to the Saracen's Head Hotel, King-street West. Admission, 1s.
A band of musicians will be in attendance. Leader of the orchestra, Monsieur BRISCOE.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 July 1853), 3
DANCING every night this week, at the Large Saloon, next door to the Saracen's Head Hotel, King-street West.
Admission 1s. A band of 20 performers will be in attendance.
Leader, Monsieur Briscoey. Conductor, Signor Gelvini.
Musician, violinist, fiddler
Active Sydney, NSW, 1846 (shareable link to this entry)
"Police Incidents . . . A FIDDLE CASE", The Citizen [Sydney, NSW] (29 August 1846), 3
Hugh Briston, a red-headed "broth-of-a-boy" from the emerald Isle, who scrapes out a melodious subsistence by torturing catgut into feline cadences, for the entertainment of the sons and daughters of harmony on the Rocks, appeared to prosecute Mr. Matthew Brown, a countryman of his own, who keeps a public house in Harrington-street, for assaulting him, smashing the bow of his violin across his nose, knocking him down with his own fiddle, and almost kicking his eye out. It appeared that Briston played "first fiddle" in a small band that had been engaged for the night to entertain a select party, and long after the dancing had concluded, and the other members of the orchestra had put by their instruments, First Fiddle (as Briston is termed in musical slang), continued, with indefatigable industry and perseverance, to saw away in dolorous prolongations of unearthly - though by no means heavenly - sounds, to the great annoyance and interruption of the company; and although repeatedly requested to desist, he appeared so "wrapt-inspired" with his own melody, that he paid no attention to the hint. Whereupon Mr. Brown found it absolutely necessary to take the instrument away from him, and put him out of the house. Previously to which, however, he declared that he had been insulted by Mr. Brown, who only offered him 5s. for his musical performances, whereas another musician of inferior ability, was paid 10s. Subsequently Mr. B. gave him 7s. 6d., kicked him out, and forbid him ever to enter his house again. The bench, considering the evidence discordant with the harmony of First Fiddle's solo, to which he intended it as an accompaniment, dismissed the case without making any order whatever about the fiddle.
ASSOCIATIONS: Matthew Brown (publican, licensed victualler, Rose and Crown, Harrington-street, d. May 1849)
BRISTOW, William (William BRISTOW)
Musician, bugler, 51st Regiment, soldier
Born Woking, Surrey, England, 1824
Enlisted Chatham, Kent, England, 17 March 1838 (aged "14")
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1838 (from UK, 29 March 1838)
Appointed bugler, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1 November 1842
Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 8 August 1846 (for India)
Discharged Chatham, Kent, England, 24 November 1863 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 51st Regiment (military)
"Shipping Intelligence. PORT OF HOBART TOWN", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (17 May 1845), 2
May 15. - Arrived the government barque Lady Franklin, Willett, master, from Launceston via Port Arthur, with three officers, and 140 rank and file of the 51st Regiment, who have been relieved there by a detachment of the 51st, when landed, were marched up to the Barracks to the tune of "Nix my Dolly, pals take away," by the bugle band.
"FINAL EMBARKATION OF THE 51ST", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (12 August 1846), 3
At an early hour on Saturday great numbers of our citizens of all ranks and conditions repaired to the garrison to witness the departure of the two first detachments of the 51st regiment for India . . . As the men issued from their quarters in heavy marching order, equipped for the voyage, hasty, earnest - and in the common order of events - final adieus and farewells were exchanged. The bugle sounded, and the troops formed in line before eight o'clock . . . The band played a lively air, as stragglers who had been out in the city, arrived and took their places in the ranks . . . The bugle again sounded, the troops were formed in double line, and after some other manouvres, the order to "march!" was given. The troops set up a loud shout . . . the band struck up the air of "Auld lang syne," and the march from the Barrack square commenced. Thus the troops and populace proceeded down Davey-street into Macquarie-street. Here the band ceased, and the buglers struck up the appropriate air of "The lass I left behind me." Again heartfelt cheers were given by the military and responded to by the populace. These manifestations of reciprocal good feeling between the soldiery and the civilians were occasionally repeated until the arrival of the troops at the Commissariat jetty. The China was moored close alongside, and the embarkation commenced immediately. The Agincourt lay off at a short distance, and her complement of men were conveyed alongside in the river craft (engaged for the purpose,) under the directions of Captain Moriarty. In an hour the embarkation was completed, without the slightest accident or confusion. The buglers went off with the last boat, repeating the air, "the girl I left behind me;" Colonel Elliott, and the Officers for the Agincourt, followed in Captain Moriarty's barge, the band playing "God save the Queen;" the spectators on shore cheering. On arrival on board, the band and buglers played once more "Should auld acquaintance be forgot," and thus terminated the embarkation.
"THE 51ST IN INDIA", The Courier (10 November 1847), 2
We have seen a letter dated Bangalore, 28th May, addressed by William Bristow, a bugler in the regiment, to his father, resident in Hobart Town. It appears from this letter that the left wing, stationed at Ponnamalee, has suffered severely from cholera . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: His father was probably John Bristow, a retired soldier, who died in Hobart, on 17 February 1849, aged 45
Discharge, William Briscoe, 51st Regiment, Chatham 10 November 1863; UK National Archives, WO97/1547/50 (PAYWALL)
[51st Regiment] . . . Chatham, 10th November 1863
. . . Discharge of No. 1176 Serjeant William Bristow . . .
[service] amounts to 21 years 11 days . . . 17 10/12 years abroad, viz. -
Van Diemen's Land - 8 6/12 years // East Indies 9 4/12 years . . .
Private / 17 March 1838 / Under age
Embarked for Van Diemens Land / 29 March 1838 / Under age
Private / 17 March 1842 / [of 18 years of age]
Appointed Bugler / 1 Nov. 1842 to 17 Sept'r 1848 . . .
Further service . . . to 24 Nov'r 1863 . . .
Trade a labourer / born Woking, Guildford, Surrey / attested Chatham, Kent, 17 March 1838 at the age of 14 years . . .
Discharged at age of 39 8/12 years . . .
Musician, cornet player, bugler
Born England, c. 1831
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 23 December 1857 (crew musician per Invincible, from Liverpool, 5 October)
Died Bendigo, VIC, 1 May 1878, aged "47" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"DEATH FROM DROPSY", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (2 May 1878), 2
Peter Broadbent [sic], aged 47, admitted to the hospital on the 3rd April, died yesterday from dropsy. The deceased was an old Bendigonian, and well-known as a leading member of Hallas's Band, in which he played the cornet, and was considered only second to his leader.
ASSOCIATIONS: Nathan Hallas (musician)
"HALLAS' BAND", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (2 May 1878), 2
The members of Hallas' City Band are requested to follow the remains of Mr. Broadbent, their late comrade, from the Bendigo Hospital to-morrow afternoon. Benjamin Broadbent was a school mate of Nat Hallas, and arrived in this colony in 1857. He was the first Volunteer bugler in Sandhurst, and was a good cornet player, which instrument he played in Hallas' band. The deceased was 47 years of age, and expired yesterday at the hospital of dropsy.
"NAT HALLAS'S BAND.", Bendigonian [VIC] (12 April 1917), 21
Particulars regarding Nat Hallas's Band have been kindly furnished by Mr. W. Royle, whose father came out from England to Australia with Nat Hallas in the sailing vessel Invincible in the year 1851 [sic]. Six mates members of a brass band, came out by the vessel, they being given a free passage in return for playing daily to relieve the tedium of the long trip. The others were Jim Swift, A. Middleton, Hume and Broadbent. The food on the voyage out was so bad that Hallas used to get up in the rigging and play cornet selections for biscuits to augment their bill of fare. On arrival in Melbourne they played in the streets and attracted crowds of people, who used to throw them coins in such abundance that, Mr. Royle states, they actually would not pick up anything less than half-a-crown. They were engaged to play with Lewis's circus, and travelled all over the principal gold diggings in Victoria for a couple of years. They settled in Bendigo about the years 1853 to 1854 with the exception of Royle, who pitched his tent at Castlemaine. The latter, however, used to pay frequent visits to Bendigo, and the six kept up their playing, and became the nucleus of Nat Hallas's Band, which became so famous in the musical history of Australia. Hallas went to Melbourne to play in the great Jubilee Exhibition of 1887, and four years later changed his residence permanently to the metropolis. Only one of the sextet - Jim Swift - is now alive, he being still a resident of Bendigo.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Royle (musician); James Swift (musician); Halton Middleton (musician)
Musician, professor of music, music master, teacher of music
Born England, c. 1797; son of George Frederick BROADHEAD and ? HITCHCOCK
Married Eliza McCLELLAND (c. 1806-1868), by c. 1830
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 February 1855 (per Goldfinder, from Liverpool, 9 November 1854)
Died Fitzroy, VIC, November 1866, aged "70" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Goldfinder from Liverpool, 9 November 1854, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Thomas Broadhead / 58 / English // Eliza / 40
George / 24 // Jane / 21 // Henrietta / 18 // Henry / 13 // Eliza / 12 // Mira / 10 // Ellen / 8
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 August 1855), 1
BROADHEAD, THOMAS, Mr., Teacher of Music, - send your address to G., Box 931, Melbourne.
Inquest, Thomas Broadhead, November 1866; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Ellen Broadhead . . . saith . . . the deceased was my father, his name was Thomas Broadhead, his age was seventy years, he was a music master, he has left a wife and several children -
[News], The Argus (17 November 1866), 4-5
Dr. Youl held on inquest yesterday, on the body of Thomas Broadhead, seventy years of age, who died early in the morning of the same day. Henry Broadhead, son of the deceased, stated that on Thursday night his father went to bed complaining of a difficulty of breathing, and he became much worse about three o'clock in the morning, when a doctor was sent for, but before he arrived the [5] man was dead. Dr. Crooke, who made the post-mortem examination, said the deceased's case was quite incurable, a verdict of death from "disease of the lungs" was returned.
"Funeral notices", The Argus (17 November 1866), 8
THE Friends of the late THOMAS BROADHEAD,
professor of music, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the Melbourne General Cemetery.
The funeral to move from his late residence, Greeves-street, Fitzroy, THIS DAY, November 17, at 3 o'clock p.m.
BROADHURST, Eliza (Eliza HOWES; Mrs. Charles Edward BROADHURST)
Musician, pianist, music teacher
Born Clonmel, Ireland, 31 October 1839; daughter of Florance HOWES and Eliza GRAHAM
Married Charles Edward BROADHURST (1826-1905), Woodford (Anglican) church, VIC, 22 June 1860
Died Bournemouth, England, 2 August 1899 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Herald [Fremantle, WA] (25 September 1875), 2
TERMS ON APPLICATION. Fremantle 24th Sept., 1875.
Other sources:
Lieder ohne Worte . . . Mendelssohn ["music book owned by Eliza Broadhurst"]; Western Australian Museum library
Bibliography and resources:
H. Drake-Brockman, "Broadhurst, Charles Edward (1826-1905)", Australian dictionary of biography 3 (1969)
. . . In Perth she became active in musical circles and herself taught music at the Bishop's College (Hale School). In 1876 she opened a school of her own . . .
"Eliza Broadhurst", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO)
Jonathan Gifford, "Xantho and the Broadhurst family", ABC Radio Perth, (11 February 2010)
"The Broadhurst family", Western Australian Museum
Musician, musical professor, pianist
Born Bath, England, 15 February 1807; baptised Trim Street chapel (Presbyterian), Bath, 5 April 1807; daughter of Thomas BROADHURST (c. 1767-1851) and Frances WHITAKER (1774-1864)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 13 September 1842 (per Duke of Manchester, from the Downs, 9 May, and Lands End, 16 May)
Married John Rose HOLDEN (1810-1860), Christ Church, Sydney, NSW, 7 May 1853
Departed Sydney, NSW, c. 1856 (for England)
Died Boscombe, near Bournemouth, England, 19 September 1887 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Musician, musical professor, pianist
Born Bath, Somerset, 3 February 1808; baptised Trim Street chapel, Bath, 22 March 1808; daughter of Thomas BROADHURST (c. 1767-1851) and Frances WHITAKER (1774-1864)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 13 September 1842 (per Duke of Manchester, from the Downs, 9 May, and Lands End, 16 May)
Died Florence, Italy, 24 November 1875 (shareable link to this entry)
Susan Broadhurst was a daughter of Unitarian minister and musical amateur, Thomas Broadhurst, of Trim Street chapel, Bath, and his wife Frances Whitaker, who had married at Walcot St. Swithin's, on 26 July 1804. Earlier, with Henry Harington, Thomas Broadhurst was a co-founder of the Bath Harmonic Society.
Her elder sister Mary Ann having married, it was as Miss Broadhurst, that Susan, with her younger sister as Miss E. Broadhurst - Emily (1808-1875) - performed together in public as duo pianists in London and Bath in 1836-37, thereafter regularly giving an annual London concert until 1841.
Their younger brother, the lawyer Edward Broadhurst, having settled in NSW around 1837, in 1842 the sisters joined him in Sydney, and probably maintained a household together until Edward and Susan both married in a joint ceremony at Christ Church St. Lawrence, Sydney, on 7 May 1853.
There is no record of either of the Broadhurst sisters performing in public in Australia, and although they are likely to have played in private gatherings, no documentary record has yet been found of them doing so.
Susan married the widower, politician, horse-racing enthusiast, and secretary of Homebush Races, John Rose Holden. In 1856, Stephen Hale Marsh dedicated his composition The Homebush galop to Mrs. John Rose Holden. As noted by Bell's Life, Mrs. Holden was the "late Miss Broadhurst, the celebrated pianist" for whom Marsh had composed it.
Baptisms, Trim Street chapel, Bath, 1807 and 1808; UK National Archives, non-parochial registers, RG4/85 (PAYWALL)
Susan, daughter of Thomas & Frances Broadhurst born Feb. 15th 1807 & baptized April 5th 1807 by me T. Broadhurst . . . (PAYWALL)
Emily, daughter of Thomas and Frances Broadhurst. born February the third, [1808], and baptized March [22] of the same year, by me Thomas Broadhurst . . .
"MRS. A. SHAW'S CONCERT", The Musical World [London, England] (27 May 1836), 174-75 (DIGITISED)
At her benefit Concert on Tuesday morning [24 May], at Willis's rooms . . . She was supported by Mad. de Beriot; Miss Masson . . . Miss Bruce, Mr. Parry jun. and Signor Ivanhoff . . . Misses Broadhurst, two young ladies from Bath, were highly applauded for their performance of a duett on the piano forte. It was their first appearance in public. The Concert was numerously and fashionably attended.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Shaw (vocalist); Maria Mailbran De Beriot (vocalist); John Parry (vocalist); Frank Mori (musician)
"BATH. - THE MISS BROADHURSTS' CONCERT . . . ", The Musical World (10 February 1837), 125 (DIGITISED)
. . . took place on Friday evening last [27 January], and, notwithstanding the universal prevalence of the epidemic, was very fashionably attended. The instrumental stars of the evening were the Miss Broadhursts, and their reception, on first appearing, was, indeed, encouraging and flattering - but when they had played a magnificent duet of Czerny's on two Piano-fortes, the applause was actually tempestuous. We were not surprised at this - for prepared as we were, by the opinion of the first musical judges, unprejudiced and unbiassed even by the feelings of friendship, for consummately good playing, we confess we were after all struck with astonishment at the brilliancy and finish of their execution. Nor was the display confined to mere brilliancy or articulate rapidity, which may be called the mechanical excellencies only; but it was accompanied throughout by the most precise exactness in time, by the soul of music-fine expression, and by those delicate graces of style which indicate natural as well as cultivated taste. What added the finishing charm to the performance was this - that, abounding as it did in scientific difficulties, purposely constructed to exhibit the proficiency of the artists, all these were accomplished without any apparent laborious effort - with lady-like ease and perfect composure. The band, to whom piano-forte playing of a superior order can be no novelty, listened with attention as rapt as that of the audience.
The vocal artists were Miss Clara Novello, Mrs. A. Shaw, Mrs. E. Loder, Mr. Millar, and Mr. Edwards. Miss Novello has made since we last heard her, extraordinary improvement both in her voice and style. The former is greatly increased in power, and the latter in energy. In long sostenuto passages, one is astonished how and when she contrives to take her breath. Her goodnatured, merry countenance, did not lead us to anticipate such success as she attained in the pathetic "Tribute to Malibran." Mrs. Alfred Shaw was justly encored in Haydn's beautiful Canzonet, "She never told her love," in which correct expression, the most distinct verbal and musical utterance, combined, with considerable power of voice, to constitute a chef d'oeuvre of song. Mr. Millar, in Pacini's "Chi sa dir," acquitted himself with great taste, as did Mrs. E. Loder, in "Dove sono." As a concerted piece, we liked Spohr's "Night's lingering shades," the best in the selection. Mr. Loder led, and Mr. F. Loder presided at the piano-forte. - Bath Herald.
ASSOCIATIONS: Clara Novello (vocalist); Elizabeth Loder (vocalist), wife of Edward Loder (musician, composer)
"MRS. SHAW AND THE MISS BROADHURSTS", The Musical World (28 April 1837), 105
These ladies in conjunction gave a morning concert on Tuesday [20 April], in the Great Room of the King's Theatre. The first lady was encored, from all parts of the room in the "Paga fui," from Winter's "Proserpina;" and was much applauded, although in our opinion with by no means equal desert, in the duet with Mme. Grisi, "Ebben a te ferisci." Harper, according to custom, made an unfair division of the honors in his own favour, in accompanying Mme. Grisi in "Let the bright seraphim;" [106] and Mrs. Wood sang, with excessive brilliancy, and general effect, the finale to "The Maid of Artois." The other singers were, Miss Birch, Messrs. Ivanoff and Phillips. Mori, Lindley, and Dragonetti played - as every one who has heard them knows how - a trio of Corelli; Master Regondi played a fantasia on the "Concertina," a new instrument, the description of which will appear in our next number. And lastly, Miss E. Broadhurst played in a very able manner a concerto of Weber's; and the two sisters performed, on two pianofortes, a duet by Schuncke, with so much brilliancy of execution, and propriety of expression, as to call forth such tokens of delight as must have proved very gratifying to themselves and those friends most immediately sympathising in their efforts. The room was densely crowded, to overflowing. Mr. Mori was the leader, and Sir George Smart the conductor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Giulia Grisi (vocalist) Mary Ann Wood (vocalist); Frank Mori (musician); Robert Lindley (musician); Domenico Dragonetti (musician); George Smart (musician)
"MR. R. CART"S FLUTE SOIREE", Morning Post [London] (16 May 1838), 5 (PAYWALL)
The second musical soiree of Mr. Richard Cart was given last night at the Hanover-square Rooms. The fluteists were HEINEMEYER, CART, CLINTON, Mr. SAYNOR, and Mr. HILL. The first gave one of TOLOU's fantasias with that refinement of style, delicacy of tone, and power of execution which have established him as a performer of the first class. Mr. CART played cleverly in WEBER's trio for flute, violoncello, and pianoforte, HAUSMANN and Miss EMILY BROADHURST taking the parts on the two last-mentioned instruments in a very creditable style . . . Perhaps the display next to HEINEMEYER'S which produced the greatest impression was the very brilliant and spirited performance by the Misses BROADHURST of the "Grandes Variations Militaires," by PIXIS. Mrs. Shaw, Miss Ralnfortit, and Becrez sustained the vocal department, and it was therefore in good hands.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Cart (flute)
MUSIC: Grandes variations militaires (Pixis)
"MUSIC. HANOVER SQUARE ROOMS", Bell's New Weekly Messenger (16 June 1839), 6 (PAYWALL)
BLAGROVE and the Misses BROADHURST's concert [8 June] was, as it justly deserved to be, very numerously and fashionably attended . . . Mr. B. is our best English violinist; his playing always chaste and impassioned . . . an aria and terzetto from Mozart's newly discovered opera of Zaide were given; the aria is a very beautiful composition, and was well sung by Madame STOCKHAUSEN; the terzetto, however, did not seem to attract much attention. The Misses BROADHURST played BERTINI's brilliant duet for the piano forte, from airs in the Domino Noir, with much taste and finish, and Madame DORUS was encored in her aria from the Cheval Bronze. BLAGROVE played new rondo, composed himself . . . TAMBURINI, IVANOFF, Madame ALBERTAZZI, BETTA, and DAVID, also appeared; the concert throughout affording much gratification; the audience remaining until the conclusion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Blagrove (musician); Margarethe Stockhausen (vocalist); Emma Albertazzi (vocalist), sister of the Howson brothers
MUSIC: Fantaisie sur Domino noir d'Auber (by Henri Bertini, op. 120)
"Miss Masson and the Misses Broadhurst's Concert", Atlas [London] (6 June 1840), 11 (PAYWALL)
THIS concert took place on Tuesday morning. Miss MASSON is one of the best of English singers, and in the execution of strictly classical music - that, for example, of GLUCK, MOZART, or BEETHOVEN - she would find, we believe, but few rivals in Europe. In the course of the concert she sang MORLACCHI'S aria, "Notte tremenda," and, though somewhat disconcerted at first by the awkwardness of the band in accompaniment, she speedily regained confidence, and completed the song faultlessly. Her pure and beautiful style, also, told admirably in PAER'S quartett, "O notte soave," in which she was assisted by Mademoiselle BURSTEIN, Mr. BENNETT, and Signor TAMBURINI. The Misses BROADHURST contributed a very clever performance of a duet for two pianofortes by PIXIS, and Miss EMILY BROADHURST played a rondo by HUMMEL with most praiseworthy vigour and elegance. The programme also included songs by Madame DORUS GRAS and Miss C. NOVELLO, and one of M. LISZT's extraordinary displays on the pianoforte. The leaders were Messrs. LODER and T. COOKE, and Sir G. SMART conducted.
ASSOCIATIONS: Franz Liszt (pianist)
[Advertisement], Morning Herald [London] (3 June 1841), 1 (PAYWALL)
Vocalists - Mesdames Grisi, Persiani, Viardot Garcia, Ostergaard (pupil of Sig. Rubini), and F. Lablache;
Pianoforte, the Misses Broadhurst; Harp, Mdlle. Belzt (het first appearance in England); Violin, M. Vieuxtemps;
Tenor, Mr. Loder; Flute, Mr. Sedlatzek; Oboe, M. Delabarre; Horn, Mr. Jarrett; Violoncello, Mr. Hausmann; Double Bass, Sig. Dragonetti; Conductor, Signor Costa.
Boxes, Stalls, and Pit Tickets to be had at Cramer and Co.'s, 201, Regent-street; Charles Ollivier's, 41, New Bond-street; of all the other principal music-sellers;
of the Misses Broadhurst, 40, South Audley-street; and Mdlle. Ostergaard, 80, Berners-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sophie Ostergaard (vocalist); Fanny Tacchinardi Persiani (vocalist); Pauline Viardot Garcia (vocalist); Frederick Lablache (vocalist); Henri Vieuxtemps (violin); Michael Costa (conductor)
The concert of Mademoiselle Ostergaard and the Misses Broadhurst took place yesterday, in the concert room of Her Majesty's Theatre, when an admirable programme succeeded in drawing together a very crowded audience. Most of the pieces have again and again been performed by the same artists - in regard to these it is unnecessary to enter in any detail though, we may remark that they were all executed with the well known talents of the respective performers. The two fantasias for the violin, by Vieuxtemps, were given with remarkable execution and a delightful clearness. Hummel's grand septuor afforded Miss [Emily] Broadhurst the opportunity of exhibiting the finished style and the fine taste of her playing; great credit being also due to those who accompanied her. The only piece of which a repetition was demanded by the audience was the aria from Nina Pazza, sung by Madame Viardot Garcia. It was sung throughout with remarkable expression, which, with its graceful execution, well deserved the great applause it excited. We were gratified in the second part, with the appearance of a young debutante, Mademoiselle Beltz - who played a fantasia of Bochsa's on the harp, with much skill. Her performance was deficient in contrast, but is of a quiet and dreaming kind, which is eminently pleasing. Mademoiselle Ostergaard also exhibited much taste and finish of style in Donizetti's Romanza Sogno talor. Altogether, the concert went off apparently very much to the satisfaction of the audience.
England census, 6 June 1841, St. George, Hanover Square, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/733/15/27/26 (PAYWALL)
South Audley Street / Susan Broadhurst / 30 / Musical Professor / [not born in county]
Emily [Broadhurst] / 30 [sic] / [Musical Professor] / [not born in county]
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVAL", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 September 1842), 1 supplement
From London, this morning, having left the Downs the 9th May and the Landsend the 16th May, the barque Duke of Manchester, Captain Murray, with merchandise. Passengers . . . two Misses Broadhurst . . . and 21 in the steerage.
"FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (26 February 1853), 2
We are credibly informed that the talented and much respected Member for the Cumberland Boroughs is about to lead to the Hymeneal altar Miss Broadhurst, the fair and accomplished sister of Edward Broadhurst, Esq., barrister-at-law, and Member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Broadhurst (brother); John Rose Holden (future husband)
"MARRIED", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (14 May 1853), 3
At Christ Church, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. F. Wilkinson, Edward Broadhurst, Esq., M.L.C., to Harriet Lucy, second daughter of Stephen Greenhill, Esq.
At Christ Church, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. F. Wilkinson, John Rose Holden, Esq., to Susan, second daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Broadhurst.
"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 June 1856), 4
Mr. S. H. Marsh has just published two new musical compositions for the pianoforte. They are from his own pen. Both are nicely printed. The first is a ballad, in B flat, entitled "Allan M'Gaa." It was sung by Madame Bishop during her residence in this city, to most of our musical readers, therefore, it will be familiar. The second is, "The Homebush Galop", dedicated to Mrs. John Rose Holden - also in B flat. It is a lively piece in two-four time but the manipulation requisite to express the ideas of the composer need not discourage the amateur.
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (composer)
"MUSICAL CRITIQUE", Bell's Life in Sydney (14 June 1856), 2
Our worthy contemporary, the Herald, has this week favored its readers with a sublime attempt in the above line . . . "The second is 'The Homebush Galop,' dedicated to Mrs. John Rose Holden," (late Miss Broadhurst, a celebrated, pianist) for whom it was composed . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 February 1858), 7
PARRAMATTA. Preliminary Notice of Sale by Auction at Oatlands, the residence of T. H. Hood, Esq., M.P.
MR. J. F. STAFF would call particular attention to . . . two magnificent pianofortes;
one of these beautiful instruments especially is well known in the higher circles as having been made specially to order by Broadwood,
and imported for Miss Broadhurst. - The above may be seen and purchased privately on application to the auctioneer,
and if not so disposed of will be sold by auction, with the whole of the household effects, on or about the 25th instant.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Foreman Staff (auctioneer)
England, probate calendar, 1876; England & Wales, national probate calendar (PAYWALL)
BROADHURST Emily / Effects under £1,500 / 11 January. The Will of Emily Broadhurst late of 8 Gloucester-road Queen's Gate in the County of Middlesex Spinster who died 24 November 1875 at 4 Via Venezia Florence in Italy . . .
England, probate calendar, 1887; England & Wales, national probate calendar (PAYWALL)
HOLDEN Susan / Personal Estate . . . £327 14s 8d.
24 October. The Will of Susan Holden formerly of Fern Bank Lyncombe Hill in the City of Bath
but late of the Crescent Boscombe near Bournemouth in the County of Southampton Widow died 19 September 1887
at the Crescent was proved . . . by Selina Paley (wife of Frederick Apthorp Paley, LL.D.) of Apthorp Boscombe the Sister the Sole Executrix.
Related musical works:
The Homebush galop (S. H. Marsh, 1856)
The Homebush galop, for the piano forte, composed and dedicated to Mrs. John Rose Holden, by S. H. Marsh, op. 67 ["Op. 69"] (Sydney: [Author], [1856]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (composer)
Bibliography and resources:
Jerom Murch, Biographical sketches of Bath celebrities, ancient and modern: with some fragments of local history (London: Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1893), 149-51
[149] . . . In the time of Dr. [Henry] Harington, and notably by his efforts scientific music was much cultivated in Bath . . . A catch club had been popular, but was beginning to decay. Harington, with the assistance of two friends the Rev. John Bowen and the Rev. Thomas Broadhurst, both of [150] whom I knew well, formed out of its remnants the Bath Harmonic Society . . . Further knowledge of the life and works of this excellent man may be obtained from various memoirs, notably from one in [151] the third volume of the Bath and Bristol Magazine, published in 1834. The author signs himself Philo-Musicus, the real name being probably the Rev. Thomas Broadhurst, an intimate friend and most genial fellow-worker in the Harmonic Society and other kindred objects . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Harington (musical amateur)
Vivienne Parsons, "Holden, John Rose (1810-1860)", Australian dictionary of biography 1 (1966)
J. M. Bennett, "Broadhurst, Edward (1810-1883)", Australian dictionary of biography 3 (1969)
John Rose Holden and Susan Broadhurst, Attfield family tree
Musician, vocalist, pianist, organist, composer, soldier
Born London, England, 4 November 1838; baptised St. Pancras, 8 December 1838; son of William BROADHURST (c. 1789-1869) and Fanny GORE (1796-1854)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1862
Died Melbourne, VIC, 31 January 1914, aged "74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Pancras in the county of Middlesex in the year [1838]; London Metropolitan Archives, P90/PAN1/021 (PAYWALL)
No. 2035 / [1838 Dec'r] 8th / William Gore [son of] / William & Frances / Broadhurst / Regent Place West / Professor of Music . . . [born] 4 Nov'r
ASSOCIATIONS: William senior was the vocalist and actor, William Broadhurst
England census, 30 March 1851, Holy Trinity, Brompton, Kensington; UK National Archives, HO107/1469/324/36\ (PAYWALL)
1 Onslow Square / Thomas Helmore / Head / Mar. / 36 / Priest in Ordinary & Master of the Children of H.M. Chapel Royal / [born] Worcester Kidderminster
[and his wife, Kate, and three small children] . . .
George L. Jenkins / Pupils Chapel Royal Choristers / 13 . . .
Wm. G. Broadhurst / " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " / 12 / [born] [Middlesex] St. Pancras
Henry W. Malsch / 11 // Henry Marshall / 12 // George C. Coningsby / 9 //
Christopher V. Brigman / 9 // Charles S. Stephens / 9 // Ernest A. Grounds / 9 //
John D. Carmichael / 8
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Helmore (master); Choir of the Chapel Royal (St. James, London)
England census, 1861, Royal Artillery Barracks, Woolwich, Kent; UK National Archives, RG9/405/145/19 (PAYWALL)
. . . William Broadhurst / Soldier / Unmarried / 26 [sic] / Corporal Royal Horse Artillery / [born] Middlesex St. Pancras . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Carribbean, from London, for Melbourne, 11 May 1862; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Poole Chas. / 40 // Mrs. / 35 . . .
Canham William / 36 / Sergeant Artil'y . . .
Henderson Thomas / 30 / Gunner // Broadhurst William / 28 [sic]/ [Gunner] . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (13 May 1862), 1
SHIP CARIBBEAN. May, 1862. [TO CAPTAIN] Dear Sir, - The near approach of the Australian coast reminds us . . .
[signed] Charles Poole . . . Amelia Poole . . . William Canham . . . Mrs. M. J. Canham . . .
William Broadhurst, R.A. , Thos. Henderson, R.A. . . .
[Reply addressed to] . . . W. G. Broadhurst, R.A. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles and Amelia Poole (actors)
"THE ARTILLERY ENCAMPMENT", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (13 January 1863), 6
On Saturday afternoon there was a special instruction parade of the members of the Victoria Volunteer Royal Artillery Regiment at their Sandridge encampment . . . We may state here that accompanying those guns from England were segeant Canham (now sergeant-major of the Volunteer Artillery), and bombadiers Henderson and Broadhurst, R A., who have been instructing the volunteers in the Armstrong gun exercises . . .
"ENTERTAINMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (3 August 1867), 7
An excellent entertainment, both of a literary and musical character was given last evening by the members of the Trinity Musical and Literary Institute, in the Trinity Schoolroom, Lower Fort street. A very numerous audience was present. The first item on the programme - a selection from the opera of Martha was played on the pianoforte by Mr. W. G. Broadhurst, in a manner that would have done credit to a professional . . . In the second part. Mr Broadhurst again favoured the audience, by playing the "Wedding March, and as on the first occasion of his playing this gentleman, was warmly and deservedly applauded. Several very good songs were sung during the evening, by members of the Institute, Mr. Broadhurst accompanying the vocalists on the pianoforte . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 February 1914), 1
BROADHURST. - On the 31st January, at St. Vincent's Hospital, William Gore Broadhurst (organist, SS. Peter and Paul, South Melbourne), delay beloved husband of Julia Broadhurst, and loving and beloved father of Mrs. S. Guthridge, Mrs C. Croft. Ethel, Frederick, Doris, Lily, and Albert Broadhurst, aged 74 years. (No flowers, by request.) Requiescat in pace.
"ABOUT PEOPLE", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (2 February 1914), 9
The death occurred on Saturday morning at St. Vincent's Hospital of Mr. W. G. Broadhurst, organist of SS. Peter and Paul's Church, South Melbourne, in which capacity he had officiated for the past 26 years. Deceased, who was 74 years of age, began his musical career as a choir boy at Westminster Abbey, and in April last composed a special mass for use at the opening of additions to South Melbourne church. Deceased, who resided at St. Vincent-place, South Melbourne, is to be interred at Melbourne General Cemetery this afternoon.
[News], Record [Emerald Hill, VIC] (7 February 1914), 2
Mr. W. G. Broadhurst, of 68 St. Vincent Place, South Melbourne, died at St. Vincent's Hospital at an early hour on Saturday morning. For the past 26 years the late Mr. Broadhurst held the position of organist at SS. Peter and Paul'sChurch, South Melbourne, and composed a special Mass for the opening of the additions to the church by Archbishop Carr in April of last year. Prior to coming to Australia he was a choir boy at Westminster Abbey. Mr. Broadhurst, who was 74 years of age, leaves a widow, and grown up family of two sons and five daughters . . .
BROCK, Mrs. (Mrs. BROCK)
Dancer, actor
Active Sydney, NSW, 1842 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (5 February, 1842), 3
SIGNOR DALLE CASE . . . has formed engagements, for the ensuing season, with
AND WITH MONS. CHARRIERE and MRS. BROCK, FOR THE Ballet Department and Principal Dancers . . .
AN EFFICIENT ORCHESTRA is now forming, which will be led by Mr. Deane, Jun. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Luigi Dalle Case (performer, manager); Conrad and Harriet Knowles (actors); Henry and Elizabeth O'Flaherty (actors); Ann Ximenes (actor); Mary Ann Larra (actor); Mons. Charriere (dancer); John Deane (musician); Olympic Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Australian (8 February 1842), 3
Tuesday, February 8th. Entire Change of Performance . . . . THIS EVENING . . .
The Brazilian Young Ladies will appear in some new Exercises and Postures.
Song, "Who deeply drinks of Wine," by Mr. Jacobs.
The popular Ballad of "Rory O'More," by Mrs. Ximenes.
A Grand Pas Seul, by Mrs. Brock . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna and Emilia Dalle Case (Brazilian dancers); John Lewis Jacobs (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (10 February 1842), 3
A Dance by Mrs. Brock. An Irish Song by Mr. Falchon . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Falchon (actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (14 February 1842), 2
At the conclusion of the Drama, MADAME GAUTROT will have the honour of appearing before them and sing a Grand scena from the Barber of Saville.
Monsieur Gautrot will preside in the Orchestra.
A Popular Dance, by Mrs. Brock.
Song, "The Old House at Home," MRS. XIMENES.
Grand Scena from the CALIPH OF BAGDAD, By Madame Gautrot . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Madame Gautrot (violinist, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (23 February 1842), 2
Song, Larry O'Brien - Mr. Falchon.
A Swiss Pas Seul by Mrs. Brock . . .
Sailor's Hornpipe, Mr. Chambers . . .
C. KNOWLES, Stage Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Chambers (dancer)
[Advertisement], The Australian (26 February 1842), 3
MR. CHAMBERS will appear in his admired Dance "The Highland Fling" . . .
Milanese Hornpipe - by Mrs. Brock . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (1 March 1842), 1
AUSTRALIAN OLYMPIC THEATRE. Monsieur and Madame Gautrot,
. . . having taken the Theatre for Thursday, March 3, 1842 . . . for their BENEFIT . . .
Pas de Deux, by Mr. J. Chambers and Mrs. Brock . . .
"THE OLYMPIC", The Sydney Herald (5 March 1842), 2
. . . we have, at the top of the list, the manager, Mr. Knowles, out of all sight, in any department of the drama, the first actor in Sydney. We have then Spencer, and Falchon, and O'Flaherty, and Lane, all of respectable talents; and on the other side we have Mrs. O'Flaherty, Mrs. Knowles, Mrs. Ximenes, Mrs. Larra, and Mrs. Brock, a constellation of female performers such as we seldom meet with, and need never expect to find surpassed in this colony. How could we have omitted Mr. Chambers of Highland fling notoriety, one of the most graceful dancers we have ever seen? . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Spencer (actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (18 March 1842), 2
Popular Farce, called THE DEAD ALIVE, OR, MAKE YOUR WILLS. After which, Horsemanship in the Circle.
To be followed by the Cachouca, by Mrs. Brock and Mr. J. Chambers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cachouca (dance)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (23 March 1842), 2
The performance will commence with the highly popular and extraordinary performances of SIGNOR DALLE CASE . . .
The Cachouca, by Mrs. Brock and Mr. J. Chambers.
"Jem Brown," by the real American [REDACTED].
To be followed by the Farce OF AGE TO-MORROW. Song by Mr. Falchon.
To conclude with THE TWO DROVERS . . .
C. KNOWLES, Stage Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jim Brown alias of George King (vocalist, dancer)
"List of unclaimed letters for the month of September, 1842", Australasian Chronicle (6 October 1842), 4
. . . Mrs. Brock, Victoria Theatre . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
Musician, fiddler, violinist, violin player, convict
Active Sydney, NSW, 1838 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (24 March 1838), 1
Royal Victoria Theatre, PITT-STREET.
THE- Public is most respectfully informed that this Theatre being ready for the reception of the Public,
the Season will commence on MONDAY EVENING NEXT [26 March] . . .
Orchestra Leader, Mr. Deane. Principal Flute, Mr. Wallace.
4 Violins, 2 Tenors, Violoncello, 1 Double Bass, 2 Clarionets, 2 Flutes, 2 French Horns, 1 Trumpet, 1 Bassoon, 1 Serpent, 1 Drum . . .
J. WYATT, Proprietor.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (leader, violin); Spencer Wellington Wallace (flute); Joseph Wyatt (proprietor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor (26 March 1838), 2
A convict who had absconded from the service of Mr. Hill, in the county of Murray, and had been absent about six months, was apprehended on Friday whilst fiddling with great glee in a public house in Clarence street. His real name is James Broddick, but he had used another, by which he had procured an engagement for the orchestra of the new Theatre. He was sentenced to receive fifty lashes for being out of his district, and remanded to the interior to be dealt with for the second offence, namely, absconding.
BRODERICK, James Patrick (James Patrick BRODERICK, junior; J. P. BRODERICK)
Musician, pianist, organist, harmonium player, choirmaster, music teacher, organ builder
Born Roscrea, County Tipperary, Ireland, 1840; baptised Roscrea church, 5 May 1840; son of John BRODERICK (d. 1882) and Mary Anne KEARNEY (d. 1886)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 4 December 1841 (per Comet, from Cork, with parents, aged "1")
Married Isabella Tutting JACKSON (1864-1948), Maitland, NSW, 1896
Died Sydney, NSW, 30 October 1907 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, parish of Roscrea, diocese of Killaloe, 1840; Irish Catholic parish records; National Library of Ireland (DIGITISED)
May 5th . . . James [son of] John Broderick & Mary Anne Carny . . .
Immigrants per Comet, from Cork, arrived Sydney, NSW, 4 December 1841; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
John Broderick / Farm serv't / 28 // Mary Ann Broderick / 25 / Domestic serv't // James Broderick / Child / 1
"ORGAN PERFORMANCE At THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (20 August 1863), 3
On Monday evening the new organ, belonging to the Rev. Mr. Thackeray, and recently erected in the School of Arts, was, for the first time in West Maitland, played upon publicly. Notwithstanding the disagreeable state of the weather and streets, the hall was well filled with a respectable and intelligent audience, who seemed fully to appreciate the skilful manipulation of the performers - Messrs. T. V. Bridson, M. H. Wilson, and J. Broderick. The entertainment was most agreeable, and was evidently well enjoyed.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Robert Thackeray (musical amateur, Anglican cleric); Thomas Vicary Bridson (musician); Marmaduke Henry Wilson (musician)
"SACRED AND SECULAR CONCERT", The Maitland Mercury (21 March 1865), 3
On Friday evening a grand concert of sacred and secular music was given in the hall of the School of Arts, in aid of the funds of St. John's R. C. Church, by the conductor, organist, and members of the choir. The place was very well filled on the occasion - there being probably three hundred and fifty persons present. The upper part of the hall was decorated with canvasses bearing appropriate quotations from Scripture, and handsome folds of drapery decorated the front of the stage. The sacred part of the concert was most successful-the music, which was all of a very high and aspiring order, was well rendered. The remark applies especially to the "Gloria," from Mozart's 12th Mass, as a chorus, and the "Kyrie" (quartetto), from the same mass. A new "Magnificat," composed by Dr. Chas. Horn, conductor of the choir, and produced on this occasion for the first time, was deservedly much admired, and was a great success. As a musical production it is highly creditable to the composer, and when known in musical circles, it is likely to be ranked with a class of compositions that must be very gratifying to him. "Ecce Deus," a bass solo, was sang with good effect, and was loudly applauded. The "Gloria," from Mozart's 2nd Mass, and the duetto "O dulcis passio," by the same composer, were well executed. The choruses of the secular part of the concert were selected with good taste and judgment, and were given in a manner that reflected much credit on the conductor and choir. They comprised Stirling's glee, "Dream the dream that's sweetest;" two compositions by Keller, for female voices only, "Oh! gentle music," and "Morning in thy splendour glowing;" "The night is advancing," from Rossini's "Il Turco in Italia;" and the Terzetto from "Moses in Egypt." A march and variations, as a duetto for pianoforte and violin, was effectively rendered. Among the solos were the air "Still so gently," from Somnambula, "Farewell," "We have been friends together," and the grand basso solo from Norma, "Sun of Freedom." These were all sang in a manner that won much applause from the audience. Mr. James Broderick presided at the harmonium and piano, and by his able manipulation of those instruments materially added to the success of the concert. Dr. Horn was most efficient as conductor, and before the concert terminated the Rev. Mr. Phelan announced that after Easter the choir, under the direction of their conductor, would give a concert in aid of the Maitland Hospital.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Horn (composer, conductor)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (11 August 1866), 5
Address, Opposite the Exchange Hotel, West Maitland. JAMES P. BRODERICK. August 9th, 1866.
TESTIMONIALS. I have much pleasure in recommending to my pupils, and the public in general,
Mr. James Broderick for tuning and repairing pianos and harmoniums, as his skill and care are certainly equal,
if not superior, to anyone known to me in the colony.
- DR. CHS. H. HORN. Maitland, August, 1866.
High-street, West Maitland, July 24th, 1866.
This is to certify that I have had many opportunities of testing the ability of Mr. James Broderick as a tuner,
and have no hesitation in pronouncing him perfectly qualified for that business in all its branches, and,
from his late experience in regulating and repairing piano-fortes,
have no doubt he will give entire satisfaction to all who may think proper to honour him with their patronage.
"ST. BRIDGET'S CHURCH, BRANXTON", The Maitland Mercury (29 November 1866), 2
Yesterday morning the formal opening and solemn dedication of St. Bridget's Church, at Branxton, by his Lordship Bishop Murray, took place, with the observance of the same ceremonies that marked the opening and dedication of St. Patrick's Church, on the previous day. The same clergy, the choir of St John's Cathedral (West Maitland), and a large congregation, including several visitors from Maitland, were present. High Mass was celebrated . . . During the ceremonies St. John's Choir again sang Mozart's 12th Mass, most efficiently. They were accompanied by Mr. James Broderick, organist of St. John's, on a good harmonium, the use of which was kindly given gratuitously for both days by Mr. Perkins, of Maitland . . .
"ST. MARY'S NEW CHURCH", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (22 June 1867), 2
This edifice, we observe, is fast approaching completion . . . The organ from the old church has been removed, and rebuilt in the organ loft of the new church by Mr. James Broderick, who has made several improvements in its construction, and has altogether performed the task entrusted to him with considerable care and skill . . .
"THE NEW ORGAN AT ST. PAUL'S", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (18 July 1867), 3
We have recently had an opportunity of inspecting and listening to the magnificent new organ lately erected in St. Paul's Church, West Maitland.
This splendid instrument, which was manufactured by Willis, of London, contains all the latest improvements in organ building,
and combines in a remarkable degree, great power and volume of sound, with exquisite sweetness and melodious tone.
The case is of neat polished oak, about ten feet in width, by eleven feet in depth, and the total height of the instrument is nearly 20 feet.
There are two complete manuals, from CC to G, fifty-six notes, and two and a half octaves of pedals, from CCC to F, thirty notes.
The arrangement of the pedals is new, the keys being placed like radii of a circle, thereby bringing them more easily under the control of the performer's feet.
There are altogether eighteen stops, ten on the great organ, viz. -
double diapason, 16 feet; open diapason, 8 feet; dulciana, 8 feet; stopped diapason, 8 feet; claribal flute, 8 feet; flute harmonique, 4 feet; principal, 4 feet;
twelfth, 3 feet; fifteenth, 2 feet; and clarionette.
There are five stops on the swell: - Open diapason, 8 feet; viola, 2 feet; gemshorn, 4 feet; flagolet, 2 feet; and cornopean, 8 feet.
Besides these there are the following couplers: swell to great organ; swell to pedals; and great organ to pedals;
there are also three composition pedals on an entirely new principle, by which the various stops may be combined.
Of the solo stops, the cornet and claronette are exceedingly good, the latter especially is the best imitation of the instrument after which it is named, we have ever heard.
The intricate work of putting together the almost innumerable pieces of which this noble instrument is composed has been most ably performed by Mr. James Broderick,
who says that every separate part of the organ is finished with as much care as the pieces of a cottage piano.
This opinion of the excellence of the organ is confirmed by a certificate from Mr. George Cooper, organist to her Majesty, and perhaps the most skilful organist of the present day.
We observe that special services are to be held at St. Paul's on Friday (to-morrow), when a full Cathedral service will be performed,
and an opportunity afforded of hearing the full capabilities of this fine instrument.
We may observe that the floor of the platform upon which the organ rests is neatly two feet above the greatest height of the recent flood,
and that a further rise of a foot would have to take place before any serious damage to the works would be done.
The collections on Friday are to be devoted towards the expenses incurred in putting up this platform,
and the erection of the organ generally; but the whole cost of its purchase, shipment, &c., is borne by the Rev. J. R Thackeray alone.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Willis (English organ builder)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (9 November 1867), 1
PIANO A BARGAIN. A MAGNIFICENT Brilliant-toned Patent Repeater, by Collard and Collard,
will be sold much below the English price, in order to close a consignment.
Pianos and Harmoniums, by the best makers, on sale.
J. P. BRODERICK, 4, Royal Arcade.
"SINGLETON . . . ORGAN AT ALL SAINTS' CHURCH", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (3 November 1868), 4
The recent enlargement of this church has had the effect of making the want of an organ more palpably felt; the ladies of the congregation have therefore taken the matter in hand; they have formed a committee amongst themselves to collect subscriptions, and in a few weeks they have succeeded in collecting about £130. A number of young ladies and gentlemen volunteered their services in the same cause, and on Tuesday evening, assisted by several Maitland friends, they gave an amateur concert in aid of the organ fund, which realised the gross amount of £33. Under these circumstances the ladies have purchased an organ of Mr. Paling of Sydney, for £225, which is pronounced by Mr. Hill, the organist of Sydney, to be a very fine instrument; it has arrived in Singleton, and is being now erected by Mr. James Broderick, of West Maitland. The organ is to be inaugurated on Thursday, Nov. 5, by the Rev. J. R. Thackeray, of St. Paul's, West Maitland; a spacial service will be held upon the occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Paling (musicseller); John Hill (organist)
"THE EVENING SERVICE BOOK", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (17 August 1869), 2
This little work, a manual of sacred music, intended for the use of choirs in connection with the Roman Catholic Church, is compiled and arranged by Mr. James P. Broderick, of West Maitland. It consists of the Psalms and hymns (in Latin) as used at the Vesper services, the Psalms being pointed for chaunting in a manner at once novel and effective, the caesura being indicated by an apostrophe, and the accented syllables are printed in capital letters. At the head of each psalm or hymn is a blank staff, in which the chorister can fill in his own part, sufficient space being allowed for the whole of the chant or hymn required. In a typographical point of view the work has been well got up, and reflects credit on the printer, Mr. Edwin Tipper, of the Ensign printing office.
"DIOCESE OF MAITLAND", Freeman's Journal (1 March 1873), 9
The grand concert in aid of St. Johns Cathedral, advertised for Monday, the 10th instant, was postponed until the 17th instant, owing to the untimely and much-regretted death of Miss Annie Broderick, formerly a member of St. John's choir, and sister to its able organist and conductor, Mr. J. P. Broderick. Miss Broderick enjoyed a high reputation in musical circles - she was gifted with a rich, sweet voice, and was, while she remained in the choir, its "brightest star." Possessed of rare musical abilities, and endowed with all the refinement of female intellect, and all the energy of enthusiasm, Miss Broderick was certain to attain distinction in her favourite, her especial study - music. Who, that has heard her in the soul-entrancing compositions of Mozart, Mendelssohn, Haydn, &c., can forget the pathos and soul in which she would enshrine, as it were, the words which were the inspiration of these gifted masters. Neither can we forget her delightful rendering of those grand old melodies, which the genius of Moore has clad in words as bewitching as the luscious music of the airs themselves. "I saw from the Beach" was her last song before a Maitland audience. The voice, which then so thrilled her hearers, is now hushed, and the fingers, which glided so nimbly over the keyboard, are still, for evermore. The first part of the concluding words of her favourite song, "She's far from the Land," can now but be too appropriately applied to herself: - "They've made her a grave where the sun beams rest, When they promise a glorious morrow! . . ."
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine ("Annie") Broderick, baptised St. John's, West Maitland, 15 August 1855
"Death of Mr. J. P. Broderick", The Maitland Daily Mercury (31 October 1907), 2
Brief mention was made in our Sydney telegrams last evening of the sudden death of Mr. James Broderick, but it was not clear at the time whether it was an old and highly-esteemed resident of Maitland of that name or not. Particulars in the metropolitan papers, however, and telegrams received in town last evening unfortunately leave no doubt upon the point. The "Evening News", of yesterday states: - James Patrick Broderick, a resident of Mosman, and his family went to Central Railway Station, about 8, o'clock this morning, with the intention of catching a train to Katoomba. When near No. 3 platform, Broderick was suddenly seized with illness, and collapsed. The Civil Ambulance were communicated with and conveyed him to the Sydney Hospital where Dr. Stokes pronounced life extinct. The body was taken to the morgue."
The deceased gentleman, who had spent most of his lifetime in West Maitland, only removed to Mosman with his family a few years ago, and general regret and sympathy with his bereaved family will be expressed by his many friends in the district at his very sudden death. For many years the late Mr. Broderick was organist and choirmaster at St. John's Cathedral; and after resigning from that position he gave his attention to the tuning of organs and pianos, while he conducted an agency for the sale of musical instruments at his late residence in Elgin Street. Although leaving Maitland, it was solely for the benefit of his health as he had considerable interest in properties in the town, and occasionally made professional visits to the district. For some little time past his health had not been good, but his sudden death, was quite unexpected. He was a native of the Maitland district [sic] and was about 65 years of age [sic]. He leaves a widow and three young children.
"MUSICAL CHAT. St. JOHN'S CATHEDRAL CHOIR", Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (18 January 1913), 13
. . . In the late sixties Mr. J. P. Broderick took charge as organist and director, and for about 25 years the good work was carried on by him . . .
Musical editions:
The evening service book, or, manual of sacred music, for the use of choirs, containing the order of vespers, in Latin, for all Sundays and festivals of the year, selected and arranged by James P. Broderick, conductor and organist of St. John's cathedral, W. Maitland (Maitland: E. Tipper, 1880) (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
St. Mary's Anglican Church, Maitland, Organ Historical Trust of Australia
St. Paul's Anglican Church, Maitland, Organ Historical Trust of Australia
St. Peter's Anglican Church, East Maitland, Organ Historical Trust of Australia
Richard Ward, "Early pipe organs of Maitland (before the Willis organs)", Organ Historical Trust of Australia
Geoffrey Cox (historical and technical documentation), "St John's Anglican Church Carthage Street, Tamworth", Organ Historical Trust of Australia
Theatrical and operatic properties maker, machinist, decorator
Born Clerkenwell, London, England, 1 July 1807; baptised St. Andrew, Holborn, 9 December 1810; son of James George BROGDEN (d. 1858) and Jennett FRASER (d. 1844)
Married Catherine ? (widow WINN) (d. 1883), St. Bride Fleet-street, City of London, England, 7 December 1834
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1853 (per Koh I Noor, from London, 19 October 1852, aged "45")
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 23 May 1860 (per Yorkshire, for London, aged "39" [sic])
Died London, England, 17 March 1871 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Christenings in December 1810, St. Andrew, Holborn; register 1805-12; London Metropolitan Archives, P82/And/A/001/Ms06667/015 (PAYWALL)
James George son of James George & Jennett Brogden, Richbell Court, born July 1st 1807 / [baptised 1810 December] 9
ASSOCIATIONS: In the same ceremony, his brother George Frederic, born 13 February 1809; in the 1861 and 1871 censuses, George's occupation was listed as a "puzzle maker"
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Saint Bride in the City of London in the year 1834; register 1834-37, page 48; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/BRI/A/01/MS 6542/10 (PAYWALL)
No. 143 / James Brogden of this parish bachelor and Catherine Winn of this parish widow were married in this church by banns this [7 December 1834] . . .
in the presence of Janet Brodgen [sic] . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Islington, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1500/535/29 (PAYWALL)
8 Upper Wellington Place / James George Brogden / Head / 43 / Theatrical Property Maker / [born] Midd'x Clerkenwell
Catherine [Brogden] / Wife / 50 / - / [born] [Midd'x] Holborn
ASSOCIATIONS: In the census, his widowed father, James George Brogden, senior, was lodging in Holborn, aged 65, a "doll maker", with the family of a colleague, Giacinto Mengencorie, aged 30, a "Figurine maker"
Names and descriptions of passengers per Koh I Noor from London, 19 October 1852, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Brogden James / 45 . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 June 1853), 8
GRAND OPENING NIGHT OF THE SALLE DE VALENTINO, (Late Noble's Circus ) Top of Bourke-street, east.
MR. JAMES ELLIS, lessee of Cremorne Gardens, Richmond and formerly lessee of Cremorne Gardens, &c., London
has the honor to announce to his numerous friends and to the enlightened public of Melbourne generally,
that he has purchased the above property, and that having made extensive arrangements for the delight and comfort of his patrons, he will open the above as the
Salle de Valentino
Beautifully Decorated and Embellished, regardless of expense and with taste and elegance worthy of the distinguished artis is employed . . .
The Decorations and Scenic auxiliaries of Mons. A. Vavannes and Mr. Brogden.
General Manager, Mr. James Ellis.
[manicule] It is respectfully intimated that the whole of the promenade circle has been boarded over, the interior will now present the appearance of a vast and elegant Salon de Musique.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ellis (proprietor); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL - 'MARTHA'", The Argus (25 June 1856), 5
The management of the Theatre Royal essayed an experiment last evening which proved eminently successful. Flotow's opera of "Martha," a work unknown to the mass of the colonists, having never been performed in Great Britain, or at least in an English dress, was produced for the first time, and met with such a reception as justifies us in pronouncing it a "hit" in the most unqualified sense of the expression . . . The fair scene will, for general effectiveness, bear comparison with many a similar representation on the London boards. Merry Andrews, still dancers, plemen, merry-go-rounds, and the drolleries of immortal Punch are all engaged in the services depicting the gaieties of the statute fair; and when we say that Pitt has done his best, and Brogden - the Brogden of the Adelphi - has done his very best, the initiated among our readers will be able to form a faint estimate of the pictorial achievements in the representation of "Martha." The opera will be repeated on Thursday.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Pitt (scenic artist); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"DER FREISCHUTZ", The Age (4 July 1856), 3
Weber's magnificent opera of Der Freischutz was produced for the first time at the Theatre Royal on Thursday evening. Expectation was on tiptoe, and making allowances for the imperfections of a first appearance, was not doomed to be disappointed. In fact, consider ing the complicated business of the opera, and the shortness of time allowed for rehearsal, it surprised us that the whole went off with so few hitches and shortcomings . . . The manner in which tho work has been put on the stage is beyond all praise. No expense seems to have been spared in order worthily to got up the scenic accessories, and realise the mysterious horrors which play so important a part in the work. Most of the scenery is new, and of such excellence that it might cut a respectable figure on a London stage, though it is scarcely a compliment to a man of Mr. Pitt's ability and repute to say that of it. Nor can we assign less credit to Mr. Brogden for his properties, transformations, and diablerie, which wore thoroughly up to the mark. The band was full and effective, and excellently under control - thanks to Mr. Lavenu . . . Madame Bishop was in excellent voice . . . Mr. Howson as "Caspar" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Anna Bishop (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist)
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Age (28 October 1856), 5
. . . The musical public have for some time been kept on the qui vive by the promise of the manager of the Theatre Royal to gratify their tastes by a second operatic season at that popular place of amusement. He has fulfilled his inteniton, and most worthily opened with Auber's grand operatic spectacle, "Masaniello." In the way of stage effect, the piece has been put on the boards with every advantage which could be conferred by scenery, costumes, and properties; even pyrotechny has been pressed into the service to enhance the interest of the spectacle. The paintings, which have occupied Mr. William Pitt and assistants several months, are really of superb character, and far surpass anything of the kind we have previously seen on the stage of the Royal. We would refer particularly to the view of Naples, aud that representing the eruption of Vesuvius. When we say the properties are under the management of Mr. Brogden, and the fires under that of Mr. Prescott, the public will not need any further recommendation. With regard to the vocal department, which perhaps wo should first have touched upon, we are glad to find that Mr. Coppin has succeeded in securing the services of the English Operatic company, consisting of Miss Julia Harland, and Messrs. Sherwin and Farquharson; with Mr. Linly Norman as musical director . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager); William Prescott (pyrotechnist); Julia Harland (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Linly Norman (musical director); English Opera Company (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 September 1858), 1
JAMES BROGDEN, late proporty master of Theatre Royal, begs respectfully to inform his friends that he will NOT LEAVE Melbourne for England, as reported.
ASSOCIATIONS: Brogden had probably recently received news from London of the death of his father early that year
[News], The Argus (2 May 1860), 4
. . . A complimentary benefit is to be given tonight at the Theatre Royal, to Mr. James Brogden, for many years respectably known in his profession as a machinist and property master, and to whom the Theatre Royal is much indebted for efficient service. Mr. Brogden has been 40 years connected with the theatrical profession. Mr. Brooke will appear on the occasion in the "Irish Attorney" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor)
[Advertisement], The Age (2 May 1860), 1
Benefit of Mr. JAMES BROGDEN, Property Master, late of Drury Lane Theatre,
(who is mentioned as Mr. GORGET, in "Dickens's Household Words," vol. IV., p. 289,)
on Wednesday, 2nd May, when Mr. G. V. BROOKE has kindly consented to appear as "The Irish Attorney."
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC. THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (5 May 1860), 2
. . . On Wednesday the performances were for the benefit of Mr. James Brogden, for many years property man at the Royal, who is about to return to England. This veteran has been connected with traps, and flats, and flies, for well-nigh half a century; we believe he is the Mr. Gorget described by Mr. G. A. Sala, in his article on getting up a pantomime, which appeared in Household Words in 1851. We were glad to see that the public appreciated the unostentatious services of Mr. Brogden, and that the house was well attended . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Augustus Sala (author); Getting up a pantomime (piece)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC. THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (12 May 1860), 2
. . . Mr. Brogden, who will sail for England in the Biackwall liner Yorkshire, has had a purse containing £55 presented to him, by the members of the company . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Yorkshire, from Melbourne, 23 May 1860, for London; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. James Brogden / 39 / Scotch . . .
[Advertisement], The era [London, England] (21 June 1863), 1 (PAYWALL)
THERE is no Foundation for the Report that JAMES BROGDEN has resigned his Situation of Property Master with Mr. HENDERS0N, of the PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE, LIVERPOOL. - JAMES BROGDEN.
England, national probate calendar, 1876; Principal Probate Registry, London (PAYWALL)
BROGDEN James George . . . Administration (with the Will) of . . . late of 8 Whittington-place Upper Holloway in the County of Middlesex who died 17 March 1871 at 8 Whittington-place was granted . . . to Catherine Brogden . . . widow the Relict the sole Legatee.
Bibliography and resources:
[George Augustus Sala] "GETTING UP A PANTOMIME", Household words (as reprinted Leipzig, 1852), (199-213),202, 203, 209, 210, 211 (DIGITISED0
The introductions and alterations in the burlesque of Miss Eily O'Connor, as represented at the Royal Strand Theatre, on ... 6th of August, 1862 (London: Thomas Hailes Lacy, 1862) (DIGITISED)
BROMBY, Edward Hippius (Edward Hippius BROMBY; E. H. BROMBY)
Amateur musician, pianist
Born Clifton, Gloucestershire, England, 6 January 1847; baptised St. Andrew, Clifton, 29 April 1847; son of John Edward BROMBY and Eliza Sophia LILLY
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, February 1858 (per Countess of Elgin, from London, 1 October 1857)
Married Jane Margaret NODIN, VIC, 1876
Died Malvern, VIC, 6 July 1838, aged "91" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Countess of Elgin, from London, 1 October 1857, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Bromby / John Edward / 48 / Clergyman . . . // Edward / 10 . . .
The distribution of prizes at the Church of England Grammar School, St. Kilda Road, came off yesterday shortly before noon . . . The award of prizes was made in the great hall, in the presence of a large number of ladies and gentlemen. The platform and its vicinity was occupied by his Excellency the Governor, the Lord Bishop of Melbourne, the Very Rev. the Dean of Melbourne; the Principal of the school, Dr. Bromby, the Vice-Principal, Rev. Mr. Baxter, and the Rev. S. L. Chase, who officiated as chaplain. The Council of the School were also in attendance. The pupils, about 100 in number, seemed fully alive to the interest of the occasion . . .
The next business on the programme was the recitations and music . . . The singing class sung, "When the Rosy Morn" very prettily . . . Master Topp's sonata from Beethoven, with funeral march, was an accomplished piece of fingering, which must have required long and severe training . . . The valse brilliante on the piano, by Masters A'Beckett and Bromby, was a little gem in its way, and was all but encored . . . The proceedings were brought to a close with Russell's favorite piece of music "Rouse, brothers, rouse," which was rendered by the singing class in a spirited manner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Edward Brpmby (principal, Edward's father); Arthur Manning Topp (amateur pianist); Edward A'Beckett (1844-1932, amateur pianist)
Yesterday being the Christmas "speech-day" at the St. Kilda Grammar School . . .
The following programme of speeches and musical performances was then gone through in a most creditable manner by the pupils,
whose names are specified in the list . . .
Wedding march (duett) Bromby, mi., Topp, Ma. - Mendelssohn . . .
Since first I saw your face - Singing Class - Ford . . .
Les Hirondelles (duett) - A'Beckett, Bromby, ma. - Streich . . .
Invitation a la Valse - Topp, ma. - Weber . . .
Oft in the stilly night (duett) - Bromby, mi., A'Beckett - Brinley Richards . . .
Come if you dare - Singing Class - Purcell . . .
"Mr. E. H. BROMBY", The Age (8 July 1938), 4
Mr. Edward Hippius Bromby, a son of Rev. J. E. Bromby, D.D., the first head master of the Melbourne Grammar School, and one of the first day pupils of the school in 1858, died at his home, Bates-street, East Malvern, on Wednesday. He was in his 92nd year . . .
See also "OBITUARY. Mr. E. H. Bromby", The Argus (8 July 1938), 2
BROMLEY, William James (William John BROMLEY [sic]; William James BROMLEY)
Musician, clarionet / clarinet player, clarinettist, bandsman, Band of the 99th Regiment
Born c. 1822
Arrived Moreton Bay, NSW (QLD), by October 1843
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by July 1844
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 July 1848 (per Sir Edward Paget, from Sydney)
Active (with band) Melbourne, VIC, September-October 1853
Died Hobart Town, TAS, 30 July 1855, aged "33" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 October to 31 December 1843; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/9807
1946 / Bromley W'm James / Moreton Bay
Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1844; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/9807 (DIGITISED)
1946 / Bromley William John [sic] / Moreton Bay
Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1844; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/9807 (DIGITISED)
1946 / Bromley W'm J. / Cockatoo Is.
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1
Mr. MARSH begs to announce that his Concert, will take place on
Principal Clarinets - Messrs. W. Martin, A. Cleary.
Clarinets - Messrs. Lillingston, Bromley, Hepperon, and Simpson . . .
"MISCELLANEA", The Courier (8 November 1851), 2
. . . The final concert of a series was given at the Military Barracks by Messrs T. Martin, A. Hill, W. Bromley, and W. Poole, of the band of the 99th Regiment, on Thursday evening, before a numerous company. In front of the stage we noticed Capt. Pratt and other officers of the garrison, Mr. and Mrs. Balfe, and many ladies. The musical performance, as must be the else with military bandsmen, was very good, especially the opening piece, the overture to Guy Mannering. Some good conundrums were put out, one of which ran as follows: - When did Hone Heki become an orphan? When Colonel Despard deprived him of his pah!
ASSOCIATIONS: Hone Heke (NZ warrior chief); Henry Despard (commander, 99th Regiment)
Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1855; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/9822 (DIGITISED)
1946 / Bromley W'm James / Died in Regimental Hospital 30 July 1855
"DIED", The Hobarton Mercury (1 August 1855), 2
On the 30th July 1855, aged 33 years, at the Regimental Hospital, Private WILLIAM JAMES BROMLEY, late of the band, 99th regiment.
He was a musician of an high order, and is much lamented by his comrades. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock this day.
"SOLDIER'S FUNERAL", Colonial Times (2 August 1855), 3
The remains of William James Bromley, the bandsman, were yesterday interred at St. David's burying ground. The band of the regiment, of which deceased had been an esteemed member, attended, and as the funeral procession moved on, played the Dead March in Saul, a large concourse of persons followed, and the military fired over the grave in the usual manner. Four bandsmen acted as pall bearers. The burial service was performed by the Ven. Archdeacon Davies, chaplain to the Regiment.
Memorial plaque, Memorial Wall, Anglesea Barracks, Davey Street, Hobart; Monuments Australia
Sacred to the memory of John S. ROACHE Late of the band 99th Regt.
Who died on the 29th Septr 1848 Aged 23 years.
The stone was erected by his Brother Musicians as a tribute of respect.
Also Wm. JA. BROMLEY Musician in the same Corps who departed this life 30th July 1855 Aged 33 years.
Affection weeps Heaven rejoices.
Bibliography and resources:
Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "Private William James Bromley", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived at NLA Pandora)
BROOKE, Gustavus Vaughan (Gustavus Vaughan BROOKE; G. V. BROOKE)
Actor, theatrical manager
Born Dublin, Ireland, 25 April 1818; son of Gustavus BROOKE and Frances BATHURST
Married (1) Marianne Elizabeth Woolcott BRAY, Birmingham, England, 17 October 1851
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 22 February 1855 (per Pacific, from London, via Plymouth, 25 November 1854)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 30 May 1861 (per Great Britain, for England)
Married (2) Avonia JONES, 1863
Died at sea, 11 January 1866 (en route to Australia, per London, from Plymouth, 5 January) (TROVE tagged) (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
Passenger list, Pacific, from London, arrived Melbourne, 22 February 1855; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Mr. G. V. Brooke // Mrs. G. V. Brooke . . . [Mr.] Wilton . . . Miss Cathcart . . . Mr. Young . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Cathcart (actor); John Hall Wilton (agent, manager); Richard Younge (actor, manager)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (23 February 1855), 4
February 22 - Pacific, S. S., 985 tons. W. C. Thompson, Commander, from Plymouth 25th November,
via Cape of Good Hope and King George's Sound.
Passengers - saloon: for Melbourne - Miss Cathcart . . . Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Brooke and two servants . . . Messrs. . . . Wilton . . . Young . . .
"MUMMER MEMOIRS. IRISH COMEDIES OF THE PAST . . . (No. 194. - By Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (31 January 1912), 3
. . . While Brooke was still the idol of the playgoing public, there arrived Mr. James Hudson, who came nearest to Brooke in his delineation of the Irish gentleman. He arrived in 1859, and I saw his first appearance at the Theatre Royal, Melbourne . . . He had an advantage over Brooke in Irish characters; Brooke could not sing, while Hudson could swing sweetly in Irish melodies . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed", memoirist); James Hudson (comedian, vocalist)
Bibliography and resources:
William J. Lawrence, The life of Gustavus Vaughan Brooke, tragedian (Belfast: W. & G. Baird, 1892) (DIGITISED)
BROOKE, Warren Auber (Warren Auber BROOKE; Rev'd W. A. BROOKE; W. A. BROOK [sic])
Amateur musician, organist, pianist, cleric, Anglican priest
Born Hampstead, London, England, c. 1825; son of James Sheffield BROOKS (d. 1844) and Jane WILLIS
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 3 December 1853 (per Anglesey, from London)
Arrived Launceston, TAS, 5 December 1853 (per Yarra Yarra, from Melbourne)
Married Harriet DRY (widow LANDALE) (d. 1886), Trinity church, Launceston, TAS, 14 February 1857
Died Clifton, Gloucestershire, England, 7 November 1906, aged "81" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Warren Auber Brooke was a son of James Sheffield Brooks [sic], solicitor, and his wife Jane Willis, who had married at Bristol on 1 March 1814. His elder brother Thomas Warwick Brooks (b. 7 September 1822) was and baptised at St. Andrew, Holborn, on 22 November 1822. No record has been found of Warren's baptism, or birth, reportedly at Hampstead, probably in 1825.
At Trinity church, Launceston, on 14 February 1857, he married Harriet Dry, daughter of Richard Dry, and widow of Thomas Landale. At Trinity Church, on 31 October 1857, Harriet's daughter, Maria Rebecca Landale married the Launceston musician, John Adams.
England census, 30 March 1851, Stoke Hammond, Buckinghamshire; HO107/1756/273/10 (PAYWALL)
Warren Auber Brooke / Head / Unm. / 25 / Curate of Stoke Hammond / [born] Middlesex Hampstead
Passengers, per Anglesey, from London, 1853, for Melbourne, 3 December 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Filleul, Rev'd Philip / 30 // [Filleul] Mrs. / 24 // Brooke, Rev'd W. A. / 29 . . .
"Shipping Intelligence . . . PORT OF LAUNCESTON. ARRIVALS", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (8 December 1853), 2
December 5 - Steamer Yarra Yarra, 337 tons, G. Gilmore, master, from Melbourne. J. G. Gilmore and Co., agents. Passengers . . . Rev. P. Filleul, Rev. W. Brooke or Burke, and 100 steerage.
"CHRIST'S COLLEGE. ANNUAL COMMEMORATION", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (21 December 1853), 2
THURSDAY the 15th, the yearly assemblage of the friends of the above Institution was held at the College Buildings, Bishopsbourne. The day was fine, and notwithstanding the many avocations and employments of the heads of families and establishments at this season of the year, the attendance was more numerous than has been witnessed since its opening. At eleven o'clock service was commenced in the chapel, and those who are admirers of sacred music had a great treat in the performance on the organ by Mr. Brooke, the new sub-warden, whose accompaniments to the chanting of the service were of a very superior description, adding very much to the impressiveness of that solemn and beautiful ritual. After prayers the Ex-warden introduced his successor, the Rev. P. V. Filleul, and the Sub-warden, the Rev. W. Brooke, who were severally inducted to their office by the Bishop as Visitor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Russell Nixon (bishop); Christ's College (Anglican institution)
"LAUNCESTON (From our special Correspondent) Oct. 29th, 1856", The Tasmanian Daily News (31 October 1856), 3
Last evening the Philharmonic Society gave a concert at the Cornwall Assembly Rooms. The room was crowded before the hour announced for its commencement, with an assemblage which many of the residents of Launceston must have looked upon with no little pride . . . It must be remembered that this society, or rather singing class, has only been formed for about a year, and how much must have been done before Mr. Adams and his pupils could regale their friends with the pleasant concert of last evening . . . ng some of those musical epics, which have crowned our greatest composers with unfading laurels. Miss Henry, the organist of St. John's, accompanied on the piano, and the Rev. - Brooke presided at the harmonium; besides, the German Wind Band assisted in some of the pieces. All the performers ably supported the conducting of the maestro. There must have been some sixty voices in all, which well expressed and sustained the ideas of the several authors whose works were sung . . . His Excellency, Lady Young, and suite, arrived about a quarter to 8 o'clock, and proceeded to the seats provided for them, the band playing the National Anthem. The first part consisted of Farrant's Anthem, which was most effectively rendered; a German chorale by Mendelssohn, used in the oratorio of Saul; a Jubilate Deo, by the same author; and another German chorale, to which is attached the melancholy interest that it was sung at the funeral of the gifted and lamented author; a Morning Hymn, from the same hand, followed by the most attractive piece of the evening. This was a Tasmanian anthem, the words written by the Rev. R K. Ewing, and the music by Mr. Adams. The music was much admired by all, and the pupils evidently exerted themselves to do honour to their master. It was received with great applause. An encore was called for, and Mr. Adams received the most graceful homage that can be paid to art - the compliments of beauty, in the form of a shower of bouquets from the [text missing]. The second part consisted of a madrigal by John Benet; another by Geronimo Converso, "When all alone my pretty love;" which received a well merited encore; Mendelssohn's lark song, a serenade by the same, which was very effectively given; a glee by Callcott, which was also encored; a madrigal by John Worley; a glee by Stevens, from Oberon in Fairy Land, perhaps one of the most artistic pieces that was sung; and the concluding National anthem. The thanks of all are due to Mr. Adams and his pupils for supplying us with a refreshing and superior concert.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Adams (conductor); Caroline Henry (pianist); Robert Kirkwood Ewing (president, Presbyterian cleric); Launceston Philharmonic Society (association); Cornwall Assembly Rooms (Launceston venue)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (7 February 1857), 2
The Fourth Quarterly Concert of the Launceston Philharmonic Society came off last evening at the Cornwall Assembly Rooms. There was a large attendance, and late comers had much difficulty in securing seats. The pieces selected were of a pleasing character, and were given with a spirit and taste which reflect much credit upon the Conductor and the Society generally. Considering the short time the society has been in existence, it is evident that considerable labor on the part of Mr. Adams and diligent practice by the members most have been necessary to produce so pleasing a result. There were voices distinguishable last evening which promise well to repay the trouble of cultivation. Between the second and third parts his Worship the Mayor, by special request, conveyed to the President, and through him to the members of the Society generally, the thanks of the visitors for the intellectual treat they had experienced. The Rev. R. K. Ewing acknowledged the compliment, and said that though too Society had made considerable progress, they were not yet in a position to practice the kind of music to which they aspired - such as Handel's Oratorios. The Society required considerable augmentation before pieces of that character could be effectively given, and he appealed to the visitors for assistance in carrying out the objects of the Society which had been established more for the good of the community than for the individual gratification of its members. The Rev. Mr. Brooke ably presided at the piano on this occasion.
1857, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:856225; RGD37/1/16 no 554 (DIGITISED)
No. 386 / 554 / February 14th 1857 / Trinity Church Launceston / Warren Auber Brooke / Of age / Gentleman / . . . Harriet Landale / of Age / Lady . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Landale, daughter of Richard Dry and widow of Thomas Landale
"CHESS BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (10 July 1858), 5
We have stolen a march upon our neighbors in the Australian Colonies by being the first to play a game of chess by telegrams. The competitors were Messrs. Thomas Giblin and Thomas Hewitt Junr. of this city, and the Revs. W. A. Brooke and Mr. Fereday of George Town. The match commenced at a quarter to seven o'clock on Thursday evening and terminated at half past ten by the latter gentlemen resigning. Mr. Packer of the Telegraph Office here was the operator, and transmitted the moves as they were communicated.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Fereday (player), husband of Susan Fereday (amateur musician); Frederick Augustus Packer (musician, telegraph clerk)
"MUSIC FOR THE MILLION", Launceston Examiner (2 April 1859), 2
Last night was the time fixed for the enrollment of members of the Singing classes, and, contrary to the opinion of very many persons, the spectacle presented by the Assembly Room was encouraging. Although a monthly congregational engagement detained many persons willing to join the classes, and a meeting, which was largely attended by the artizans, was convened at the Temperance Hall at the same hour, there were more than two hundred persons present. It is true the majority were of the fairer sex; and Mr. Adams acknowledged his obligations to them; but candour compelled him to say that he needed a larger proportion of male voices. A canvass was made amongst those present for members, and Mr. Adams announced that 130 to 140 names had been taken down . . . We observed his Worship the Mayor present last night, and Mr. Brooke gave his assistance at the piano forte. Mr. Adams said he had been promised the aid of several friends, who were prepared on class nights to relieve the lessons by musical performances.
"THE MUSIC CLASSES", Launceston Examiner (4 June 1859), 2
The reunion last evening in connection with music for the million was attended by the members and honorary members of the classes, which filled the hall. Mr. Adams conducted, and Mr. Brooke gave his assistance at the piano; we also noticed several members of the Philharmonic Society. The classes performed some exercises on time and tune, which showed the satisfactory progress they had made. They next snug the pieces prepared by Mr. Adams, and already noticed by us as No. 1 of that gentleman's compositions for the class. In this Mr. Adams was indebted to the assistance of Mr. A. Webster, who took the solo part. Then followed by members of the Philharmonic Society the glee "Where the bee sucks." The classes were then laid under no slight obligation to a lady, who favored them with "Home Sweet Home" and the two other songs contained in the programme. A composition for the piano succeeded. The old madrigal of "Since first I saw your face" was executed by members of the Philharmonic Society, Mr. Adams telling the audience that it belonged to a class of compositions unequalled since the period when they originated (the days of Queen Bess); and a very pretty piano-forte duet, from Donizetti, was executed by Mr. Adams and a young lady, a pupil of his. Finally, at ten o'clock, the classes sang a characteristic anthem, prepared for their use by Mr. Adams, and the evening terminated.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Webster (amateur vocalist); Launceston Philharmonic Society (association)
"SONGS FOR THE MILLION", Launceston Examiner (2 July 1859), 2
We have to acknowledge receipt of Nos. 2 and 3 of Songs for the Million, by Mr. Adams;
the words of No. 2 by Mr. Bennell, and of No. 3 by Mr. Brooke.
Song No. 2 illustrates the interval of a second . . .
Song No. 3 illustrates the "third."
How varied are our pleasures,
Who learn the rules of song,
And all the sounding measures
To Music that belong;
As rocks mid stormy ocean
Our well trained numbers stand,
Yet docile to each motion
Of our Conductor's hand,
Gay madrigals invite us
The dainty sweets to share;
Catch, Round, and Glee delight us,
And Canon's learning rare.
E'en Fugues in mazes darkling
Undauntedly we trace
Our voices crisp and sparkling,
Reveal each hidden grace.
Sometimes her strains harmonious
One fair soprano lends,
And our huge voice symphonious,
With her in chorus blends
No clamours rude offend her,
And drown her gentler tone;
With loyal mind we render
The praise to her alone.
The songs are lithographed by Mr. J. J. Gwynne, of the Land Mart (late Allen's).
We may mention that the conductor of the classes is in want of verses to set to music; and will gladly receive contributions of that sort adapted to the purpose.
There are two hundred and fifty or sixty names down upon the class-lists,
but the attendance on practice nights is irregular and disproportionate to the nominal strength of the classes, which are nevertheless progressing;
though those constant fluctuations in the number of voices seriously affect the general efficiency and must lead to disappointment.
The success of the scheme depends upon numbers and combination.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Bennell (lyricist, member); Joseph James Gwynne (lithographer); for a more complete transcription of the song text, with varied chorus after each verse, see "SONGS FOR THE MILLION", The Cornwall Chronicle (2 July 1859), 5
. . . [chorus to verse 1] And we sing in time, and we sing in tune -
And nothing can withstand the power of time and tune . . .
"THE ORATORIO", The Advertiser [Hobart, TAS] (2 September 1862), 2
The performance of the Messiah at the Theatre Royal last night may he fairly characterised as an eminent success. The house was well filled; probably between 700 and 600 persons occupied the Dress Circle and Pit . . . at which presided Mr. Brookes (Pianist), and Mr. Tapfield (Leader). Upwards of one hundred performers combined to give effect to Handel's magnificent music . . . Mr. Tapfield's proficiency as a leader of choral music needs no laudation at our hands. Mr. Brookes' presiding at the pianoforte contributed largely to the general success of the "Oratorio" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Tapfield; the performance was for the benefit of the widow and family of the late Frederick Alexander Packer; see "THE ORATORIO OF THE MESSIAH", The Mercury (2 September 1862), 3
"CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (27 June 1863), 5
On Tuesday evening Mr. Robert Sharpe and several amateurs gave a miscellaneous concert at the Mechanics' Institute. The attendance was very good, considering the state of the streets, and the attractions presented by the rival performances of the Christy Minstrels. There were some fourteen singers, and Mr. A. J. Marriott acted as conductor . . . After an interval of ten minutes, an overture from Auber's "Massaniello," beautifully rendered by Mr. Sharpe, opened the second part, and was encored, the performer responding with a selection from "Semiramide." This was followed by a part song "Italy," and then came what was decidedly the gem of the evening, "Invitation a la Valse," a pianoforte duet by Mr. Sharpe and the Rev. W. A. Brooke. This was a beautiful piece of instrumentation, and was rapturously applauded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Sharpe (musician); Arthur John Marriott (amateur)
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (8 March 1865), 4
We are glad to find that some attention is likely to be paid to that long neglected but splendid instrument, the large organ in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute. Mr. Biggs has been employed for some time, putting it in order for use tomorrow evening at the Church Union Meeting, at which His Lordship the Bishop of Tasmania, and a large number of the Clergy will be present. The Rev. W. A. Brooke has kindly consented to preside at the organ on this occasion, and we trust he will take charge of it altogether. It is anything but creditable to those who have had nominal charge of this noble instrument for several years past, that it is still in the rough as it was landed on the wharf, without paint or decoration of any kind; the wood-work nearly in its natural state, and the zinc pipes in their pristine leaden color. If the wood-work was painted and grained as oak, and the pipes gilt, the organ would be the finest decoration which could be procured for the large Hall. It would then be ornamental as well as useful.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jesse Biggs (organ builder)
"CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (6 July 1865), 5
The Launceston Working Men's Club was inaugurated by an amateur concert given in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute on Tuesday evening, and the entertainment must he chronicled as a brilliant success, both in a musical and a financial point of view. The various selections of music, both vocal and instrumental, were rendered in a style that astonished and delighted all present, and the large by hall was crowded to the very doors. The concert commenced with Rossini's well-known overture in Tancredi, which was loudly applauded. Then followed Schiller's beautiful "Lay of the Bell" - a piece rarely presented to a Launceston audience, and therefore perhaps all the better appreciated, for novelty has great charms for most persons. The singing generally was really excellent, and certainly some of the lady vocalists acquitted themselves in a manner that would do credit to professionals - indeed we preferred them to many professional singers who have paid us a visit. The second part of the programme commenced with the overture to "L'Italiani in Algieri," succeeded by a glee "The Carnival", rendered with very good effect. The songs comprised "The pretty blue forget me-not," "The Skylark," &c., all of which were deservedly encored. Mr. Biggs favored the audience with a bassoon solo which was also encored. A very pretty duet - violin and pianoforte on selections from the opera of "Lucia di Lammermoor" was performed by Mr. George Collins and the Rev. W. A. Brooke, and was warmly applauded. Mr. Collins plays the violin with much taste and feeling, and his execution is decidedly artistic. Throughout the concert the Rev. W A. Brooke presided at the pianoforte, and at the conclusion he played a beautiful solo on the grand organ. Mr. George Pullen officiated as conductor, and Mr. George Collins as leader, and gave general satisfaction.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Collins (violin); George Pullen (conductor)
"George Town", The Cornwall Chronicle (20 January 1869), 3
A Concert in Aid of the Funds for reshingling the church was given on Thursday evening, the 14th instant,
at which there was a very large attendance of visitors and residents, and the sum £7 was collected and handed over to the Churchwardens.
The selection of music - vocal and instrumental, gave very great delight and satisfaction to an audience well capable of appreciating it.
The performers were all amateurs, and were accompanied bv the Rev. W. A. Brooke, in his usual masterly style.
Part 1.
Duet - Pianoforte, "Operatic Melody," Mrs. Giles and Rev W. A. Brooke.
Trio - "Hail, Smiling Morn." - Mrs. Fereday, Mrs. Giles, and Mr. Henry.
Duet-"List, Dearest, List." - Mrs. Fereday, and Mrs. Hodgson.
Solo - "Where the stout 'nor-wester blows" - Mr. Henry.
Duet - "Homeward, Homeward." - The Misses Foster.
Solo - "You and I" - Mrs. Giles.
Duett - "What are the Wild Waves Saying?" - Mrs. Fereday and Mr. Henry.
Duet - Pianoforte - "Goldfinch Quadrilles," Mrs. Hodgson and Miss Foster.
Part 2nd.
Duet - Pianoforte - Mendelssohn - "Wedding March." - Mrs. Giles and Rev. W. A. Brooke.
Quartette - "Here in cool grot." - Mrs. Fereday, Mrs. Hodgson, and Mr. Henry.
Solo - "The Canteeners," - Mrs. Hodgson
Duet - "Deh! Conte." - Mrs. Fereday and Mrs. Giles.
Solo - "The Englishman." - Mr. Henry.
Solo - Pianoforte - "Overture to Maritana." - Rev. W. A. Brooke.
Solo - "The Skipper and his Dog."- Mrs. Fereday.
Trio - "Bragila." - Mrs. Fereday, Mrs. Giles, and Mr. Henry.
National Anthem.
"LECTURE ON CLASSICAL MUSIC", Launceston Examiner (16 September 1869), 2
On Tuesday evening, the Rev W. A. Brooke delivered a lecture on "Classical Music," in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute. There was a good attendance, including nearly all the musical public of Launceston. Mr. Brooke's remarks were illustrated by a number of instrumental and vocal selections performed by the lecturer and Mrs. Cathcart and by Miss Turnley. The Rev. M. B. Brownrigg occupied the chair. The lecture was introduced by the performance by Mr. Brooke and Mrs. Cathcart of the overture "Preciosa," as a pianoforte duet. The rev. lecturer then, in a few introductory remarks, said he should endeavor in the course of the evening to initiate the audience into some of the beauties of classical compositions, taking as his illustrations the works of the great masters. He then explained the order in which the composers of the pieces referred to invariably wrote their symphonies, viz, by modulating into various movements, generally four in number, in each piece; but before going into a description of each movement, Miss Turnley, who had kindly consented to enliven the lecture with a few vocal pieces, would sing a love song, acknowledged to be one of the best extant, entitled "Adelaida," Miss Turnley sung the song very sweetly, and was loudly applauded.
The lecturer then said amongst the first symphony writers were Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven - the last named being decidedly the greatest musical genius. The first movement in any symphony was generally the longest, and most full of life. This was illustrated by the performance, by Mr. Brooke and Mrs. Cathcart, of Beethoven's "Fourth Symphony," which was loudly applauded. The slow movement, in which, the lecturer said, Beethoven was so charming, was next referred to, and illustrated by the performance with great taste (by the lecturer and Mrs. Cathcart) of the "First Symphony" of the composer named. Miss Turnley then sang "She never told her love," which was rapturously encored.
Mr. Brooke next spoke of the movement - minuet and trio - preceding the finale, and his remarks were illustrated by the performance of one of Mozart's symphonies by himself and Mrs. Cathcart. Miss Turnley sang "Where the bee sucks." The rev. lecturer then said the lecture would conclude with the performance of Mozart's "First Symphony," on the pianoforte; but before that he desired to thank the audience for their attention to his remarks; and he hoped that those who had hitherto thought but little about classical music, might henceforth appreciate it more (applause). The "First Sympathy" was then performed, and loudly applauded.
The Rev. J Gardner proposed a vote of thanks to the Rev. W. A. Brooke and the ladies who had assisted him no sweetly. Mr. Brooke had gone into his subject very heartily, and with the greatest enthusiasm, which was much more agreeable to both lecturer and audience (applause). Mr. T. Sharp, professor of music, had much pleasure in seconding the motion, and in doing so said it was a long time since he had enjoyed such a treat as he had that evening. The thanks of the musical profession were due to Mr. Brooke for bringing the subject of classical music before the public; and he trusted the remarks made by the lecturer would not be without their fruit (applause). The vote was passed by acclamation . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Sharp (musician)
"THE LOUNGER", Launceston Examiner (18 September 1869), 4
. . . From a popular reading to a lecture on classical music is a great leap. Comparisons are not always sweet. I was glad, therefore, to see so large an attendance on Tuesday evening. The lecture itself, as a literary production, was not much to speak of. However, so long as the Rev. W. A. Brooke and Mrs. Cathcart played Beethoven's duets, and Miss Turnley sang to Mr. Brooke's accompaniment, the audience were content and thankful. The finished and expressive playing on the grand piano was a treat rarely to be had now-a-days from amateurs, and those present thoroughly entered into the spirit of the music. Personally I owe my thanks for the repetition of the song "She never told her love." As I said once before, if our young ladies only know the pleasure they are capable of affording their public appearances would not be so infrequent. I hope a similar rehearsal may soon be afforded us . . .
"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY (W. S.)", Launceston Examiner (19 November 1892), 7
Your correspondent H.B. in his interesting reminiscences last Saturday desired to know something more of the above society. As its secretary from start to finish I am only too glad to supply what information I possess from memory. The old society after practising in the Baptist Chapel, York-street, was dissolved. I believe in 1854 a meeting was convened at the residence of the late Mr. R. Kenworthy, Cameron-street, and there the new society was formed. It was decided to practice in the Wycliffe Chapel, York-street, and there the meetings were regularly held. The first invitation rehearsal was held in Tamar-street church, the late Rev. C. Price becoming an honorary member and an ardent supporter until its close. All the officers were honorary, and the concerts were given in aid of local charitable objects. These were held in the Cornwall Assembly Rooms. At the time of the Indian mutiny the society united with the Philharmonic and produced the "Creation" in aid of the fund for the wounded, which was a great success, the tickets being 10s 6d and 7s 6d, and the proceeds upwards of £600. The leading parts were Miss Lucy Chambers, soprano; Mrs. Hamilton, contralto; Mr. Henslow, Hobart, tenor; Mr. Farquharson, bass; Mr. J. Adams, conductor; Rev. W. A. Brook, pianist. This society teen numbered 100 members, but, like everything in this city, interest and attendance declined, and eventually the society was dissolved, the property sold, and the books, etc,, placed in care of the Mechanics' Institute, where, I suppose, they might be perused on application to the librarian, Mr. Johnetone, who was one of the old members.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stokes (memoirist); Robert Kenworthy (amateur); Lucy Chambers (vocalist); Francis Hartwell Henslowe (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Alexander Johnston (member)
"TASMANIAN APPEAL CASE", Examiner [Launceston, TAS] (24 July 1903), 7
On June 18 judgment was given by the Lords of the Privy Council on the appeal of Edyvean and others v. Archer and others (in re Harriett Brooke, deceased), from the Supreme Court of the state of Tasmania . . . the judgment as follows: - The question in this case depends upon the true meaning and effect of one clause - a clause in the shape of a gift over - occurring in a testamentary appointment contained in a codicil to the Will of the late Harriett Brooke, wife of The Rev. Warren Auber Brooke. Mrs. Brooke died on May 31, 1886. There was no issue of her marriage with Mr. Brooke. By a former marriage with Mr. Landale she had seven children, who survived her. There were three sons, Clarence, Richard, and William Dry, and all attained 21 and died without having been married. There were besides four daughters, each of whom was married in Mrs. Brooke's lifetime and had issue. One of the four, Maria Rebecca Adams, now a widow, had two children, Jessie Harriett, the wife of William Henry Edyvean, and John Garibaldi Marriott Adams. The appellants are Mrs. Edyvean, her brother, Mr. J. G. M. Adams, the trustees of Mrs. Edyvean's marriage settlement, of whom Mr. J. G. M. Adams is one, and an incumbrancer on his share . . .
"SCHOOL SPEECH DAYS. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL", Examiner (22 December 1906), 11
. . . It is but fitting that we should mention one more subject before we close. Most of you, I daresay, saw two days ago, in the papers, the record of the death of the Rev. W. A. Brooke, once head master here. He was a fine type of manhood, a good scholar, and an accomplished musician. One also whose friendship was valued by those who knew him. He had a long and honourable record till lately as the head of the Port Melbourne parish, and is still well remembered here. He always remained deeply interested in his old school, and called there a few years ago to take a last look at it on his way to England, to take care of dependent relatives, amongst whom he has now passed away . . .
Bibliography and resources:
A. W. Holland (ed.), The Oxford & Cambridge yearbook, part 2 - Cambridge (London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1904), 84 (DIGITISED)
Brooke, Warren Auber, Trinity. B.A., 1848. D., 1849; P., 1850. Formerly Incumbent of Holy Trinity, Port Melbourne, Australia. Broadstairs, Kent.
J. A. Venn (comp.), Alumni Cantabrigienses, a biographical list of all known students, graduates, and holders of office at the University of Cambridge, from the earliest times to 1900, part 2 . . . volume 1 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1940), 397 (DIGITISED)
Warren Auber Brooks. Adm. pens. (age 18) at TRINITY, Apr. 26, 1844. S. of James Sheffield. B. at Hampstead, London. School, Cheam, Surrey (Mr. Browne). Matric. Michs. 1844; B.A. 1848. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) 1849; priest (Oxford) 1850. Assistant Master at Marlborough College, 1850; subsequently at Radley College. Sub-Warden of Christ's College, Hobart, Tasmania, 1853-5. Head Master of the Grammar School, Launceston, Tasmania, 1864-71. Lecturer at Holy Trinity, Launceston, 1866. V. of Georgetown, 1871-5. C. of All Saints', St Kilda, 1877-9. Chaplain of Melbourne cemetery, 1879-80. V. of Holy Trinity, Port Melbourne, 1880-97. M.A. (Melbourne) 1884. Took the name of Brooke. Resided latterly at Broadstairs. Died Nov. 7, 1906, aged 81, at Clifton, Bristol. Brother of Thomas W. (1841). (G. B. Routledge.)
Vocalist, comic vocalist, actor
Active Hobart, TAS, 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser [TAS] (5 September 1853), 3
Oxburgh's celebrated Melo-drama, entitled, THE BRIGAND CHIEF.
The Interlude will consist of a MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT,
selected with care and taste, in which will be introduced the following choice Songs: -
"The Spirit of Love" - Mr. Brooks
Comic Song - "Chapter of Accidents," - Mr. Marston.
"Life on the Ocean Wave" - Mr. Rowe
"The Cot where I was born" - Mr. Brooks
and a Dance - By Mr. Marston
The whole to conclude with the Laughable Farce of NOTHING SUPERFLUOUS . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Albert Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (8 December 1853), 3
Mr. and Mrs. UPSON beg to inform the Patrons of the Drama that they have taken the above Theatre for a lengthened period,
and intend to produce such theatrical novelties as cannot fail to secure the patronage of the public . . .
MONDAY EVENING NEXT, the 12th inst. Fitzball's celebrated Drama, entitled
In which Mr. LAW, from the London Theatres,
and Mr. BROOKS, from the principal American Theatres, will make their first appearance.
INTERLUDE: - Negro Melody - Mr. Upson.
Favourite Song - Mr. Brooks . . .
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Hewlin . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Upson and wife (actors, vocalists); George Hewlins (leader, musician)
BROOKS, Henry (Henry BROOKS; ? Henry BRUCK)
Musician, member of "the German Band"
Born c. 1830
? Married (Henry BRUCK) Margaret LYNCH, Sydney, NSW, 1857
Died Woolloomooloo, NSW, 15 June 1866, aged "36" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (30 June 1866), 1
On the 15th instant, Charles-street, Woolloomooloo, Mr. HENRY BROOKS, aged 36 years, late member of the German band. Left a widow and three children to deplore their loss.
"CONCERT", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (5 July 1866), 4
A most successful concert was given at the School of Arts last night, in aid of the widow and orphans of the late Mr. H. Brooks. The large hall was crowded in every part, and the result, therefore, ought to be satisfactory. The concert was divided into three parts, the first and third parts being devoted to vocal and instrumental music, and the second to "magic and mystery," including many clever tricks, which afforded much amusement. The most noticeable features in the first part were the glee - "Walhalla Lied," by the German Concordia, and a solo by Mr. Jackson. Miss James also sang with much taste the song "Kathleen Aroon," and was deservedly encored. In the third part, Monsieur and Madame Haimberger, Madamoiselle Naegueli, and Mr. Jackson rendered efficient services and contributed not a little to the success of the entertainment. Owing to the length of the programme, and the numerous encores, the concert did not terminate till a late hour.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Forbes Jackson (vocalist); Mary Naegueli (harpist); Julius and Margeritta Haimberger (violin, vocalist)
BROOKS, Henry Alfred (Henry Alfred BROOKS; H. A. BROOKS)
Ballad and song collector, commentator, publisher
Born c. 1826
Died Albury, NSW, 24 May 1867, aged "41/42" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"DIED", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express [NSW] (25 May 1867), 2
On the 24th May, at his residence, David Street, Albury, Mr. HENRY A. BROOKS, aged 41 years.
See also "OBITUARY", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (25 May 1867), 2
"THE LATE MR. BROOKS", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (1 June 1867), 2
IN our last issue we had to record the very sudden demise of Mr. H. A. BROOKS, late editor of this journal, and in doing so were compelled to confine ourselves in the few remarks to almost the mere fact of chronicling the same. Since his death and burial, many have been the enquiries as to the desirability of giving a biographical notice of Mr. BROOKS' antecedents; but to do this it is necessary to have material to work with, and, most unfortunately at present, that is but very scant. We therefore regret that we are not in a position, from the want of information, to do justice to the memory of one who was for so many years connected with the press. However, we may mention that whilst holding a position on the literary staff of the London "Daily Telegraph," he was also a contributor to the London "Punch" and several magazines. On his arrival in Melbourne he was engaged on the Prahran and St. Kilda "Advertiser," on leaving which he came to Beechworth to fill the position of editor of the Beechworth "Tribune." He was shortly after transferred to Albury, where he conducted the Border "Post." He was not a long resident before he became connected with this journal, and had the pleasure of soon raising it to a position of some literary standing and commercial importance. As we stated in our last issue, from the time of his debut in Albury up to the hour of his death, he labored for the good of the town and district, and had the satisfaction of seeing, in many instances, the beneficial results of his labors. Mr. BROOKS, at the same time that he was editor, filled the office of Town-Clerk, extending over a period of some four years. In concluding this brief notice, we would simply remark that his absence from amongst us has left a blank, though his name remains as familiar as an "Household Word" . . .
"DEATH OF MR. GEORGE ADAMS", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (22 November 1918), 28
It is our painful duty to record the death, on Wednesday last, of Mr. George Adams, senior member of the proprietary of the "Banner" . . . . . . here he in 1862 purchased the "Albury Banner," which had been established just two years previously by the late Mr. S. F. Blackmore. After a few years he admitted to partnership Mr. A. H. Brooks (a brother of the well-known novelist, Shirley Brooks), who assumed the literary conduct of the paper until his death in 1867 . . .
"A MEDLEY OF 'POETRY'", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express [NSW] (3 February 1866), 4
We cannot tell how it has arisen, but the fact is certain, that for some time past a great idea has sprung up in the district as to the possession of poetical genius. Week after week we have received heavy enclosures, with urgent requests that we would insert them in our columns; and, because we have not done so, very angry have been the complaints that we have done the several authors great injustice. We confess that several of the compositions we have been unable to read, and in others we have found rhyme without reason or reason, without rhyme - sometimes both. There may, however, be a mine of hidden genius we are unable to appreciate, and as we have not time to alter the grammar and spelling of some of the local poets, or might injure their style, we now make amends by inserting a selection of them verbatim et literatim as they have come to hand.
The first is from a thick foolscap parcel, the efforts of a bush Schoolmaster, who in sending them, tells us that they "were wrote without premeditation," and that he can supply any quantity more in the same style. Further that he was a member of the press when in Ireland, and that there may be "a fiew words rong in the spelling which he had not time to rectify." The Schoolmaster certainly appears to have been a little abroad, but let us hear what he sings of -
O bushman row me oer the tide
Across the Murrys water
I just came from victoria side
To see the squaters daughter.
The squatters home is near at hand
I'll gain it if I hury
I'm all the way from Yankeeland
So row me oer the Murry.
Come take me in your light canoe
Across the Murry water
Fifty pound I'll give to you
When I see the squatter daughter.
If you came from the Yanke shore
Too see the squaters daughter
Then gallantly I'll row you oer
Across the Murry water
Think not thos banks are bright green
But brood upon the danger
If you are on the border seen
By Morgan the bushranger.
The robers ball I do not dread
Although a Yankee stranger
On Sally's ample love I'm fed
To brave the greatest danger
No other thought or care have I
If once across this water
Than oer your gloomy hills to fly
And see the squaters daughter
Come take me in your light canoe
Across the Murry water
Fifty pounds I'll give to you
When I see the squater's daughter.
The next comes from Bowna, and at any rate shows that the population there is of the kind which Dick Swiveller would denominate "decidedly jolly" and like him perpetually requesting each other "to pass the rosy." We only insert the first stanza as a specimen, as the remainder is merely personally descriptive of the inhabitants at the Twelve Mile Creek and their propensities and habits: -
AIR - "The King of the Cannibal Islands."
Come all you lads of Bowna Creek
And listen to me while I speak
Of things that happened quite a treat
When we were down at Bowna.
How some were singing some were blowing
And some there feats of strength were showing
While some the grog were quickly stowing
Beneath there belts at Bowna.
Hey for frolic fun and glee
We are the boys to drink you see
For don't they all get on the spree
When we come down to Bowna.
Bushrangers and bushranging have found their admirers among our poets, and to them it did not appear to matter one jot whether the subjects of their verses were what the world calls thieves and murderers. The "poet's eye in a fine frenzy rolling" looks on them in another light, and elevates them into heroes and victims and martyrs. Hear what one poet says of -
TUNE - "Primrose of Ireland."
Frank Gardiner is caught at last
And was in Sydney jail
For wounding Sergeant Middleton
And robbing Mudgee mail
For plundering of the Escort
The Carcoar mail also
T'was for gold he made so bold
And not so long ago . . . [5 more verses]
ASSOCIATIONS: Full text transcribed at Frank Gardiner (bushranger)
Our schoolmaster referred to above, appears to have been infected with a similar mania of of admiration, and writes thus of the "noble hall," meaning Ben Hall the deeply dyed rascal whose reign was far too long for the credit of the colony and the safety of the lives of its population.
Shall we rejoice the death of hall or sad deplore his fate
We know he was a noble soul we know but know to late
One fault he had that he was true and this the only cause
He was made a rober by the state and hunted by its laws
He loved a country though perverse twas his native clime
For treachery lay on every side his honour called a crime
The name of Wales he rendered dear his wife above the all
But for r fancy paramour she sold the life of hall
She sold him to a Government what did his life pursue
The confiscated o'er his land when nothing else would do
She swore he was a bushranger to drive him from his shore
For eagerly she sounht to win her fancy paramour
Woe to the night that noble hall lay on the wattle green
He sought the spot in safely where he before had been
He little thought the blood hounds lay beside his grassy bed
And long before the bread of day the noble hall was dead
They sought the ambush where he lay and over him did creep
And in the treacherous hour of night they shot him in his sleep
With Thirty balls they pierced his brest and Two more through his prains [sic]
Then of the bore the trophy of the noble halls remains
His sister weeping sought the spot where noble hall was laid
And kneeling oer is shattered form in sympathy she said
Curse on the hand that laid the low thy country wife and all
For by their cruel treachery they murdered you Ben hall
The Native youth may mourn his loss and weep above his grave
He was the laurel of their soil in love or danger brave
But since he fell a foe to state then mourn him one and all
For many a soul shall die in Wales before another hall.
Poetry and politics are always bound to go together; and, accordingly, Apollo has touched the strings of the lyre of another local muse in the form of
G ive me a lift, for weak my legs are,
E ven though stout, each one's a "shicer."
O h! woe's me! for I feel my pegs are
R un down, and stiff as "Silas Wegg's" are:
G one to pot like the "Advertiser."
E ven the fat of the squatters' giving
M akes but a poor impression at most
O n my poor shanks; 'tis terribly grieving
T rusting to you, and you deceiving,
T ill I'm forced to give up the "Ghost."
Here this week must close the selections from our accumulated stock.
Next week, in order to do justice to all, we will give a few others, so that it may not be said of our respected contributors that -
"Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air."
ASSOCIATIONS: George Henry Mott (journalist)
"A MEDLEY OF 'POETRY'. No. 2", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (10 February 1866), 4
Amusement, sorrow, merriment, and pity were the feelings raised by the extracts we gave last week from our portfolio of the contributions of our local poets. Amusement at the absurdity of the pretentions of the authors; sorrow that time and perhaps incipient talents should be so sadly misapplied; merriment at the miserable failures of the ambitious charlatans of genius as displayed in their comtemptible attempts at trying to be thought clever; pity that people in the nineteenth century should be supposed to be capable of appreciating such rubbish. And astonishment was another element. Persons living in towns hardly supposed that the deeds of bushrangers and murderers could be deified by those to whom the education of the next generation was intrusted. So, however, it is, and we confess that it is no little disgrace to New South Wales that it is so. Many thought and told us that we had been too hard upon the contributors. Once again, we say that we scarcely did them justice. Nothing did we extenuate "nor aught set down in malice." We printed their lines as they came to us, and we now purpose to give a second collection of extracts. To the glory, if any, of the compositions the authors are welcome, for the punishment, if any, also, they may thank our columns, as the pillory. Not, for a moment, would we crush aspiring talent and ambition, if properly applied, but with protest, with argument, and with ridicule will we ever endeavor to put down the attempt to englory crimes which have disgraced us as a people, and made us a by-word. When we meet with a man writing of "the trophy of the noble Hall's remains;" calling him "the laurel of the soil," and stating that "he was made a robber by the state and hunted by its laws," we scarcely know that we are doing justice to the individual who penned the lines unless we gave up the name of the writer as an abettor of thieves and murderers. We have heard of these lines being read in public-houses and at bush fires, and we trust that where the bane has been disseminated the antidote will follow. Before we leave our "Schoolmaster," we intend to give another sample or two of his style; it being always understood under protest. Our "Schoolmaster" is not, it will be seen, at all particular in his spelling, and the maid he writes about below is as easily described as lovley, luvley, or lovely. Such minor distinctions in his poetry are beneath notice. Thus he sings: -
AIR - "The Enniskillen Dragoon."
There lived a lass on Bendigo a millenor by trade
She won the heart of many a swain she was a lovely maid
She left her love in Albury for she resolved to go
And seek for hidden treasure on the claims of Bendigo.
She changed appearl and dressed like a man
Concealing every strategem to counterfit the plan
Cutting of her golden locks that round her neck did flow
O who would think of sally on the claims of Bendigo.
Being changed in appearl appearance and name
She wrought like any miner on the Bendigo claim
With her craddle pick and shovel a working she did go
Like any other digger on the claims of Bendigo.
One evening as sally stood by her cabin door
Her lover came inquest of work complaining he was poor
He told his tale of poverty while sally's tears did flow
She took her love to work her claim uppon the Bendigo.
He lived with his darling and called her his mate
He spoke of his Sally and mourned for her mate
He drank and slept along with her but still he did not know
That she was pretty sally on the claims of Bendigo.
One night in his slumber he dreamt of his pride
That it was pretty Sally that slumbered by his side
And waking from his midnight love he found that it was so
That he slept with pretty sally on the claims of Bendigo.
Young Sally and her lover get married in haste
She invited all the diggers to come to the feast
A health the drank most cordially that peace and wealth might flow
Uppon Sally and her lover on the plains of Bendigo.
MUSIC: The Inniskillen dragoon (tune)
We confess that we were surprised to hear of "the lovley maid," whoever she may be, having left Albury and her lover "to seek for treasure in the claims of Bendigo." We cannot help thinking she would have done better to have stayed where she was. It was most improper in her to have "changed her appearl" - we presume apparel - and to have "dressed like a man;" but how she managed, or how the author can explain how she concealed every stratagem to counterfeit the plan, we cannot imagine. We should have thought she would have used every stratagem, not concealed, but bush schoolmasters are supposed to know better. And so "pretty sally," after cutting off her golden locks, and leaving them in memoriam, we will not say for a consideration with our local hairdresser, in the lane which has no turning, went with "her craddle, pick, and shovel, like any other digger on the claims of Bendigo." We think if "pretty sally" had stuck more to the cradle, and the Schoolmaster to the right orthography of it, both would have been the better. But we must leave "The lass of Bendigo," and unfortunately give another specimen of our Schoolmaster's idiosyncrasy for bushrangers and rascals. Last week he discoursed about "the noble hall;" hear what he has to say of Gilbert, another villain, and, another hero in his sight:-
Farewell to those whom I love dear
Uppon my native shore
For her I love I drop a tear
I'll never see her more.
I little thought my life betrayed
In this dark dreary dell
O could I see my lovley maid
To bade my last farewell
This day appeared in festive joy
The night in dismal gloom
My life is grief without aloy
I part it in my bloom
Who have I at my parting breath
My ruined state to tell
Shall traitors close my eyes in death
O mary fare thee well
Where is the friends of pleasure past
All vanished like the snow
This fatal hour the die is cast
And I prepare to go
I love my mary to despair
That death alone can quell
May heaven be her only care
Then Mary fare thee well
Adieu adieu vain world of strife
I hear the demon call
Now I resign my lawless life
I go I go to Hall.
Then weep my mary for thy loss
And view my lonley cell
Go seek the little spot of moss
Where I bade thee farewell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gilbert (bushranger, d. 1865)
BROOKS, Thomas (Thomas BROOKS; T. BROOKS; Mr. BROOKS, sen.; performed in Australia as T. H. BROOKS)
Musician, professor of music (in England), harpist, lace-maker, importer, customs officer (in Australia)
Born Shoreditch, London, England, 2 May 1799; baptised St. Leonard, Shoreditch, 29 May 1799; son of Thomas BROOKS and Ann GODDARD
Married (1) Catherine WATSON (c. 1806-1845), Christ Church Greyfriars, Newgate, London, 26 Dec 1824
Arrived Auckland, NZ, 17 March 1859 (per Excelsior, from London, December 1858)
Arrived Hobart Town, TAS, 23 January 1860 (per Tyne, from Auckland, NZ, 3 January)
Married (2) Rachel Martha CROAKER (DODD) (1810-1883), St. Philip's church, Sydney, NSW, 16 May 1861
Died North Willoughby, NSW, 27 May 1883, aged "85/86" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
NOTE: In official documents, Brooks used only one forename, Thomas, and in musical billings in England just the single initial T; however, for his 2 years as a public musician in Australia, 1860-62, and then alone, he consistently billed himself as T. H. Brooks (the initials used in England by his eldest son); but although his son was "Thomas Henry", it should probably not necessarily be assumed that Thomas senior's "H" was also intended to stand for Henry
Thomas Brooks was born in Shoreditch on 2 May 1799, and baptised at St. Leonard's church, on 29 May, a son of Thomas Brooks, sen., and his wife Ann Goddard, who had married at St. Alphege, London Wall, on 6 February 1798.
There is no record of his earliest musical training, whether at home from his parents (there is no record of his father's occupation), or from a teacher or teachers.
The fullest (though perhaps somewhat garbled) account of his early years is that given by either Samuel Bennett or William Hanson, of the Empire, or one of their journalists, in Sydney in July and September 1860, from information presumably sourced more or less directly from Brooks. According to this, Brooks, aged no more than 15 or 16, had performed in London during a ceremony at the Guildhall to celebrate the peace treaty of 1815-16. It was also claimed - admittedly somewhat improbably - that Brooks played before Napoleon, on St. Helena, and thus sometime before the latter's death in 1821; but also, more plausibly, that he played for the duke of Wellington, at Stratfield Saye (therefore, after 1817); and before George IV, at Carlton House, in 1820, the first year of his reign.
Only once, in the Age in Melbourne on 17 April 1860, was it directly reported that Brooks had been "a pupil" of Nicholas Charles Bochsa; if so, this was probably no earlier than Bochsa's first arrival in London in 1817. Less directly, in Sydney the Empire described him as "a disciple", not only of Bochsa, but, somewhat implausibly of Elias Parish Alvars (who was almost a decade Brooks's junior), Ellis Roberts (two decades Brooks's junior), and of the Belgian Félix Godefroid (likewise 2 decades Brooks's junior, who moreover did not first visit London until 1841). Likewise, he never claimed to be (as Hallo 2014 below stated) either a pupil of Balsir Chatterton (who was five years his junior) or of the Royal Academy of Music, where, again, he was already too old to be among the first intake.
Rather, Brooks was, in all likelihood, a fully-fledged musical professional in his own right by the early 1820s.
When his eldest son (Thomas Henry) was baptised in January 1826, he was living in Old-street and practising as a professor of music, teaching not only harp but piano, and evidently with a reasonably fashionable clientele. The following year, he composed and published a Polacca and polonaise for harp and flute, giving 17 Hunter-street, on Brunswick-square, as his address. He was still teaching music as well as trading as a music seller from the same address five years later when, on 30 November 1830, he was gazetted as bankrupt. The immediate cause of his financial failure was apparently the damages of £200 awarded against him, earlier that month, in a sensational suit for "criminal conversation" (sexual intercourse) alleged to have occurred between him and one of his married pupils, a Mrs. Marquis.
At the time of the baptism of Brooks' and his first wife's next child, at St. Sepulchre, Holborn, on 30 March 1832 (George Edmund, d. 1835), he and his family were living in Bath Street, and he now gave his profession as a lace manufacturer, as he continued to do until the mid 1840s or later. The family moved to Islington by 1834 and were still there in 1844.
Though there are no contemporary records of Brooks's musical activities during most of the 1830s and 1840s, the Empire again later reported that he had been, "we believe, one of the twelve harpists who formerly played at Jullien's promenade concerts at Covent Garden". If indeed Brooks had appeared for Louis Jullien, this would have been in the 1840s; however, it is more likely that Brooks was one of the twelve and/or thirteen harps mustered on several occasions by either Henry Bishop or Bochsa in the early 1820s.
By the early 1850s, Brooks was evidently seeking new business opportunities in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. In 1851 he was granted the license of the Star and Garter Hotel at Sandown on the Isle of Wight. However, the bulk of his business was probably supplying the island generally with wholesale wines and spirits from London (at his eldest daughter, Emily's marriage in 1852 she accordingly gave his occupation as "porter"). As such, he traded in partnership with his eldest son, Thomas Henry, from premises in Henrietta-street, Covent Garden in London and Sandown, until again being declared bankrupt in 1855, when the stock in trade of the Star and Garter was also advertised to be sold up. Apparently, however, Brook managed to retain the hotel, and did not give up the license until shortly before his final departure from the island in 1858.
Confusingly, there was another amateur harpist and publican, James Brooks, of the Blackgang Hotel, also active on the Isle of Wight around this time, possibly his brother or other relation. At the opening of his hotel in March 1849, James reportedly contributed much to the pleasure of the evening "by playing several tunes on the harp, he being a most excellent player on that instrument." "Mr. Brook, of Black Gang, on the harp" was again identified as playing for a concert at Newport in February 1851, and it may also have been James who performed for a public dinner at Shanklin in December 1848, and again for the Lamb Philharmonic Society in January 1849.
By the beginning of 1856, however, "Mr. Brooks, of Sandown", unequivocally Thomas, was also again appearing regularly in public as a performer on the harp. Also billed with him as vocalists were his daughters Catherine (1834-1875) and Eliza (1835-1925) and Mr. Brooks, jun. (Thomas Henry), and as a pianist "Mr. J. Brooks", perhaps James above, or another unidentified relative (no known son had that first initial). Together with his family, Brooks gave two final benefit concerts in February and April 1858, before apparently leaving the island for good around the same time.
In December 1858, Brooks and his eldest and youngest sons, Thomas Henry, and Charles Phillips (b. 1844), sailed from London for New Zealand. Another son Francis James (Frank) (b. 1840; d. QLD, 1881), a merchant seaman, had already preceded them to the colonies, first arriving in Sydney, NSW, in June 1857, as an apprentice crew-member on the ship Speedy. This perhaps accounts for the slightly incorrect accounting on Brooks's 1883 NSW death certificate that he had been in the colony for 26 years, whereas the real figure was 23 (for NSW), and 24 years since his arrival in for New Zealand.
As it transpired, when as late as 1904 his daughter Eliza advertised for information on the whereabouts of her long lost father and brothers, this was probably the last their English family ever heard of any of them.
New Zealand and Australia (from 1859):
Brooks and his two sons duly arrived in Auckland, NZ, on 17 March 1859, as immigrants on the Excelsior. A week later, Brooks appeared as solo harpist in a concert for the Auckland Choral Society, with another recent arrival, the young pianist Albert Alexander. He and Thomas Henry, as vocalist, also later appeared in several Auckland concerts with the violinist Carl Schmitt, before, on 3 January 1860, having formed a touring partnership, Brooks (without his sons) and Schmitt sailed on to Hobart Town, Tasmania.
After giving several concerts in Hobart and Launceston with Schmitt, Brooks sailed on alone to Melbourne, and performed there in April, May, and June, reportedly intending next to rejoin his sons in New Zealand. Instead, however, he got no further than Sydney, where he arrived in June or early July.
Having married a second time in Sydney in May 1861, he gave his final public benefit concert in March 1862, and thereafter retired from the concert stage, and took up a post with the Customs department.
Repertoire and compositions:
Brooks's published concert programs in England, New Zealand and Australia indicate several works as his own compositions, none of which, however, are known to survive.
The polonaise by him was plausibly that he published in 1827. However, perhaps not all the works he claimed were entirely his own. For instance, his often performed variations on Believe me, if all those endearing young charms might have been based on, and developed from, a published set, such as, for instance, that by John Weippert.
Among other works, he frequently programmed one or more duos ("Duo da camera", "Grand Duo") by William Henry Steil, as well as two sets of variations, on My lodging is on the cold ground, and O Nanny wilt thou gang with me, probably also those by Steil, who was active in London in the second decade of the century, and could plausibly have been one of Brooks's teachers.
He also performed works by Ferdinando Paer, including the Overture to Agnese.
The military march "from a distance" often also included in his programs was almost certainly Bochsa's Favourite march in imitation of a military band at a distance.
Two other interesting works that he programmed in Auckland were arrangements by Bochsa of "Come innocente Giovane", from Donizetti's Anna Bolena, and of themes from L'ultimo giorno di pompei by Giovanni Pacini.
He also frequently accompanied vocalists, especially in harp-themed songs, as, in Hobart in January 1860, when Rosina Carandini and Brooks performed Stephen Glover's The blind girl to her harp.
At his own very last public concert, in Sydney in March 1862, he also programmed a sonata ("opera 47") by Jean-Baptiste Cardon.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, in the year 1799; register 1797-1801; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
Baptised 29 [May 1799] / Thomas S. of Thomas & Ann Brooks of Clostreet road. Born 2nd inst.
Marriages solemnized in the united parishes of Christ Church and St. Leonard, Foster Lane, in the City of London, in the year 1824; register, 1824-42, [unpaginated]; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 635 / Thomas Brooks of the parish of St. Leonard Foster bachelor & Catherine Watson of the same parish
were married in the church by Banns this [26 December 1824] . . . in the presence of Thos. Brooks Sen'r . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Sepulchre in the county of Middlesex and City of London in the year 1826; register, 1818-31, page 62; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 494 / Jan'y 13th / Thomas Henry Son of / Thomas and Catherine / Brooks / Old Street / Professor of Music . . .
"Review of Music . . . HARP", The harmonicon [London] (June 1827), 139 (DIGITISED)
. . . 5. Polacca and Polonaise for ditto [the harp], with FLUTE Accompaniment and an Introduction, by T. Brooks. (Brooks, 17, Hunter Street.) . . .
No. 5 is more remarkable for its title than for any thing else.
We would fain know the difference between a polacca and a polonaise; having always supposed that both signify a Polish dance,
only that the one word is mongrel Italian, the other legitimate French.
We, however, cannot for the life of us find out more than one air in this piece: the variation of the subject at page 6 may be meant as the second,
but if so, it proves, without any further evidence, that polacca and polonaise mean one and the same thing.
Mr. Brooks calls this a favourite air: it may be so; but it is so common, so like a thousand other things of the same class,
that we cannot find any distinctive marks about it.
"COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. - THURSDAY. MARQUIS v. BROOKS", Morning Post (12 November 1830), 4 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Sergeant Wilde stated that this was an action brought by the Plaintiff, Captain Marquis, a respectable gentleman, the Commander of the Lady Campbell Indiaman, against the Defendant, a Mr. Thomas Brooks, a gentleman of considerable professional talent as an instructor of music, resident in Hunter-street, Brunswick-square. The Chief Justice, after hearing the evidence, summed up, and the Jury, after five minutes' consultation, returned a verdict - Damages, 200 L.
"CRIM. CON", Bell's Weekly Messenger (15 November 1830), 6 (PAYWALL)
An action was brought in the Common Pleas on Thursday, by Captain Marquis, the East India Company's service, against Mr. Brooks, professor music. The damages were laid at 5,000l. It appeared that the plaintiff left England in 1826, and during his absence abroad the defendant was introduced into the family as teacher of the harp and piano-forte to the wife the plaintiff and his children, during which time the criminal intercourse question was committed. The principal witnesses for the plaintiff were two females, who had been employed as nurses to Mrs. Marquis, who deposed that the defendant frequently breakfasted with the lady, and sometimes stopped to dinner and tea. There was a sofa in the drawing-room (said one of these witnesses) and I frequently saw Mrs. M. and the defendant on it together. I have seen Mrs. Marquis lying along the sofa, and the defendant sitting at her feet, and on one occasion when I entered the room unawares in the afternoon, about three o'clock, I perceived the defendant and my mistress together on the sofa. I gave warning after this, but stopped another month to enable my mistress to suit herself. They said nothing to me on my entering the room, but appeared much alarmed. The defendant rose hearing the door open. He seemed very much confused, but said nothing. It was proved that the plaintiff and his wife lived upon affectionate terms, and that during his absence from England she received about 450l. a year. Mr. Serjeant Spankie, behalf the defendant, commented upon the evidence, and observed, that it was evident the plaintiff did not view his wife in a very criminal light; for it appeared, that after he had been informed of his wife's conduct, he again took her under his protection, lived with her in the same house, and there was reason to believe, cohabited with her. The Lord Chief Justice summed the case, and the jury, after consulting together a few minutes, returned verdict for the plaintiff - Damages 200l.
"From the LONDON GAZETTE, Tuesday, November 30 . . . BANKRUPTS", Trades' Free Press (4 December 1830), 4 (PAYWALL)
. . . Thomas Brooks, jun., Hunter-street, Brunswick-square, music seller . . .
"BANKRUPTS", The new monthly [London] (1 January 1831), 47 (DIGITISED)
November 30 . . . T. BROOKS, jun. Hunter-street, Brunswick-square, music seller . . .
[Notice], The London gazette (18 January 1831), 114 (DIGITISED)
WHEREAS the acting Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against Thomas Brooks the younger, of Hunter-Street, Brunswick-Square, in the County of Middlesex, Music and Musical-Instrument-Seller, have certified to the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that the said Thomas Brooks the younger hath in all things conformed himself according to the directions of an Act of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, Islington, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/664/1 (PAYWALL)
Frederick Place / Thomas Brook / 42 / Tambour [maker] // Thomas / 15 / [illegible] /
Henry / 2 // Frances / Inf. / Catharine / 35 // Catharine / 6 // Eliza / 4 / [all born in county]
England census, 30 March 1851, Cripplegate, London; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1525 (PAYWALL)
15 Bridgewater Sq. / Thomas H'y Brooks / Son / U[nmarried] / 25 / Lace Man'r / [born] Midd'x St. Sep'lcr
Katherine / Dau. / 16 / - / [born] [Middlesex] Islington
Eliza / 14 // Henry / 12 // Francis J / 10 // Chas. P / 7 / [all born Middlesex Islington]
"NEWPORT PETTY SESSIONS. Saturday", Isle of Wight Observer (17 September 1853), 2 (PAYWALL)
The applications for new licenses, which was adjourned from the annual licensing day, were granted to Mr. Thomas Brooks, for the Star and Garter Hotel, Sandown . . .
"MEETINGS - At Basinghall-St. Cont. f. Col. 239 Gazette - Mar. 27, 1855", Perry's Bankrupt Gazette (31 March 1855), 6 (PAYWALL)
1855 - Brooks Thomas, of Henrietta-st, Covent-garden, and Sandown, Isle of Wight, wine and spirit merchant, late in co-partnership with Thomas Henry Brooks, of Benet's-hill . . .
"MEETINGS - At Basinghall-St. Cont. f. Col. 917 Gazette - Dec. 4, 1855", Perry's Bankrupt Gazette (8 December 1855), 6 (PAYWALL)
1855 - Brooks Thomas, of Henrietta-st. Covent-garden, co. Middlesex, and Sandown, Isle of Wight, co. Southampton, wine & spirit merchant, lately in copartnership with Thomas Henry Brooks, of Benet's-hill, London, lace manufacturer . . .
"RYDE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Hampshire Advertiser (12 January 1856), 7 (PAYWALL)
The second family concert of this society came off on Friday (yesterday), at the Town Hall. The instrumental portion of the programme was sustained by Mr. Holloway (pianoforte), Mr. Austin (cornet), and Mr. Brooks, of Sandown (harp). About three hundred were present.
"RYDE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Hampshire Advertiser (5 April 1856), 8 (PAYWALL)
Messrs. Austin and Holloway's benefit concert took place at the Town Hall on Monday evening last, before a crowded audience, numbering upwards of three hundred persons . . . A harp solo, "Fantasia on Popular Airs," by Mr. Brooks, the harpist, was rapturously applauded and encored; as was also his second solo in the 2nd part, - in fact, that gentleman's exquisite performance was the greatest attraction, and seemed to rivet the whole attention of the audience . . .
"DIVISIONAL PETTY SESSIONS . . . STEALING SILVER PLATE", Isle of Wight Mercury (3 January 1857), 2 (PAYWALL)
Emma White, a married woman, the wife of Henry White, was brought up in custody, on charge of stealing a silver cream ewer, the property of Mr. Thomas Brooks, at Sandown. The first witness called was Mr. Thomas Henry Brooks, son of the prosecutor, who deposed to being resident with his father, who kept the Star and Garter Inn, at Sandown. On Monday, the 22nd inst., he saw the cream ewer, (produced) standing on a glass shelf in the window of Mr. Barnard, jeweller and silversmith . . . The ewer he recognized as his father's property, and accordingly gave information to the police . . . Mr. Thomas Brooks, the prosecutor, being called, stated that in the early put of last summer the prisoner was frequently in his employ as charwoman . . .
"CONCERT", Hampshire Telegraph (6 June 1857), 4 (PAYWALL)
We are informed from creditable sources that Mr. Brooks, of Sandown, the celebrated harpist, intends giving a concert at the Victoria Rooms in a short time. From his connexion with the Ryde Philharmonic Society, and from his popularity in Ryde as a performer, we have no doubt that he will be supported by an overflowing audience.
"MR. BROOKS, THE HARPIST", Hampshire Telegraph (20 June 1857), 4 (PAYWALL)
The concert announced to take place at the Victoria Rooms for the benefit of this talented harpist has been for the present postponed. We hope, however, he will not cancel his intention altogether; for, from the valuable service he has rendered the Ryde Philharmonic Society at their various concerts, he is entitled to, and would doubtless receive, a large share of their support.
"GRAND BANQUET TO R. W. KENNARD, ESQ.", Isle of Wight Mercury (13 February 1858), 4 (PAYWALL)
A Grand Banquet to the ex-conservative member of this borough was given at the Queen's Rooms, on Wednesday evening . . . In the musical department we noticed Mr. H. Austin, the talented performer on the cornet-a-piston, Mr. Brooks, the accomplished harpist, of Bembridge, and Mr. Mew, the efficient pianist, of this borough . . .
"NEWPORT. COUNTY PETTY SESSIONS. February 6 . . . TRANSFER OF LICENSE", Isle of Wight Mercury (13 February 1858), 4 (PAYWALL)
The Star and Garter Hotel, Sandown, from Mr. Brooks to Mr. Frank Wheeler.
[Advertisement], Isle of Wight Mercury (20 February 1858), 5 (PAYWALL)
Victoria Rooms, Ryde.
MR. BROOKS BEGS respectfully to inform the Gentry and Inhabitants of Ryde and its vicinity,
that (several of the Members of the Ryde Philharmonic Society, with their Conductor, Mr. Holloway, having kindly offered their services,)
he intends giving a CONCERT AT THE ABOVE ROOMS, On MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 1858, To commence at Eight o'Clock.
PART I. INSTRUMENTAL. - Pianoforte: Grand Wedding March, composed in honor of the Princess Royal: Mr. A. S. HOLLOWAY - Holloway . . .
SONG. - "I heard thy fate without a tear:" Mr. BROOKS, Jun. - Mrs. Merest . . .
SONG. - "The Gipsey Girl:" MISS E. BROOKS - S. Glover.
SOLO. - Harp: "My heart and lute," (with variations) Mr. Brooks - T. Brooks . . .
FANTASIE BRILLANTE. - Pianoforte: Lucrezia Borgia Mr. J. BROOKS - Oesten.
DUETT. - "Hark! 'tis the Moorish Evening Drum: Miss Brooks and Mr. Brooks, Jun. - J. Blockley.
DUETT. - Harp and Pianoforte: Duo da Camera; Messrs. T. and J. BROOKS - Steill.
PART II. SELECTIONS FROM MARITANA. - Harp, Pianoforte, Cornet, & Flute: Messrs. T. & J. BROOKS, JONES, and JONES, JUN., Jun. - Arranged J. G. Jones.
SONG. - With Harp accompaniment: "The Blind Girl to her Harp:" MISS BROOKS - S. Glover . . .
DUETT. - "What are the Wild Waves saying." Miss BROOKS & Miss E. BROOKS - S. Glover.
SOLO. - Harp: Mr. BROOKS - T. Brooks.
SONG. - "Maid of Athens:" (by desire) Mr. BROOKS, JUN. - Byron.
SONG. - "The Songs of other years:" MISS E. BROOKS - S. Glover . . .
SOLO. - Pianoforte: "A Grand Turkish March:" Mr. J. BROOKS.
SONG. - "Widow Machree" - Mr. BROOKS, JUN. - Lover . . .
"MR. BROOKS' BENEFIT CONCERT", Hampshire Telegraph (27 February 1858), 6 (PAYWALL)
This gentleman, who has rendered such important services to the Philharmonic Society by his gratuitous assistance at their musical entertainments, gave a concert at the Victoria Rooms on Monday evening, and, considering the numerous concerts that have lately taken place and others on the tapis, it was fairly attended; though, for the sake of Mr. Brooks - who spared neither trouble or expense in getting up a superior entertainment - we should like to have seen him better supported. The programme contained some choice selections of instrumental pieces, in which Mr. Brooks (harpist), Mr. J. Brooks (pianist), Mr. J. G. Jones (flutist), and Mr. Jones, jun. (the talented cornet player), all appeared, and their performances were warmly applauded. Mr. Brooks met with a deafening encore in his exquisite harp solo, "My Heart and Lute," as did Mr. Jones, jun., in his cornet solo; and Mr. J. Brooks gave a pleasing evidence of his talent in a Fantasia Brilliante, from "Lucrezia Borgia," on the piano forte . . . and the Misses Brooks and Mr. Brooks, jun., were very successful in their various songs and duetts . . . The programme was rather too long, and did not terminate till after eleven; but as it was judiciously varied the audience did not evince impatience . . .
"MR. BROOKS' CONCERT", Isle of Wight Mercury (27 February 1858), 4 (PAYWALL)
This capital concert came off at the Victoria Rooms, on Monday evening, in the presence of large and highly respectable audience. The chief instrumentalist was of course Mr. Brooks himself . . . The Misses Brooks also sung one or two compositions very prettily, although an extreme nervousness was now and then exhibited which was somewhat painful to witness. When these young ladies have however had little more experience this feeling will speedily wear off . . . But the finest treat of the evening was undoubtedly the performance on the harp, pianoforte, cornet, and flute by Messrs. T. and J. Brooks, Jones, and Jones, jun. . . . "selections from Maritana, arranged by J. G. Jones," and it was given with precision of tone and a harmonious blending of the different instruments that had a most pleasing effect. Each gentleman is alike deserving of praise, and each was rapturously applauded throughout. Mr. Brooks also played on the harp, a beautiful little composition entitled "My heart and lute," and in our opinion this and the preceding piece were decidedly the gems the evening. A harp and pianoforte duett entitled "Duo du Camera," was also pleasingly rendered by Messrs. T. and J. Brooks. The entertainment, which was superior description, concluded with the National Anthem.
[Advertisement], Hampshire Independent (3 April 1858), 5 (PAYWALL)
UNDER the Patronage of the Worshipful the Mayor, the Officers of the Garrison, and several families of distinction.
VOCALISTS, Miss Brooks, Miss E. Brooks, Mr. T. H. Brooks, Mr. Machin, and Gentlemen from the Ryde Philharmonic Society.
INSTRUMENTALISTS, Cornet-a-Piston, MR. H. AUSTIN, Who has kindly volunteered his services.
Reserved Seats, 3s.; Second Seats, 2s.; Gallery, 1s . . .
"NEWPORT", Hampshire Telegraph (3 April 1858), 7 (PAYWALL)
A Concert is to take place at the Queen's Rooms, on Wednesday evening . . . for the benefit of Mr. Brooks, late of the Star Hotel, Sandown, the celebrated performer on the harp . . . As the ready aid of the beneficence [sic, beneficiare] was at all times given to the sacred cause of charity, or to promote the welfare of a brother musician, it is to be hoped, that on this occasion, Mr. Brooks will receive his reward in a bumper . . .
"NEWPORT. MR. BROOKS' CONCERT", Isle of Wight Observer (10 April 1858), 3 (PAYWALL)
A concert took place at the Queen's Rooms on Wednesday evening under the patronage of the Mayor, the officers of the Garrison, and several families of the town and neighbourhood, for the benefit of Mr. Brooks, the talented harpist, who has on many occasions shown every disposition to assist by his presence any society where his services were desired. The weather was exceedingly unfavourable, as the rain descended torrents and the wind blew in fitful gusts, notwithstanding which the attendance was numerous and respectable. The artistes comprised the Brooks' family; in addition to whom, Mr. H. Austin, the highly talented cornet-a-pistons player, and Mr. Machin, of Ryde, and the Newport Glee Society, volunteered their services. The programme was very varied, and, as too often is the case, was much too long; especially as the absurd custom of encoring is now carried to so great a length . . . Mr. Brooks gave two solos on the harp, which were warmly received. The Misses Brooks at first appeared nervous, but they rallied, and in the duett, "What are the wild waves saying" they were encored. Mr. Brooks, jun., sang three songs in capital style, but the last, "Widow Machree," was much the best. The performances upon the whole gave much satisfaction, and we hope that Mr. Brooks has netted an amount equal to his most sanguine expectations.
"VENTNOR. LITERARY INSTITUTE", Isle of Wight Observer (24 April 1858), 3 (PAYWALL)
A concert was advertised to take place at these rooms on Tuesday evening last . . . the vocalists were to have been Miss Brooks, Miss E. Brooks, Mr. Brooks, jun. . . . the instrumentalists, Mr. Brooks (harp) and Mr. J. Brooks (pianoforte) . . . We must . . . do Messrs. Brooks the justice of acknowledging that their duett "Duo da Camera" (harp and pianoforte) was a gem fit for any audience, and it received a hearty encore . . .
New Zealand (17 March 1859 to 3 January 1860):
"Shipping Intelligence. PORT OF AUCKLAND. ENTERED INWARDS", Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (18 March 1859), 2
March 17 - Excelsior, ship, 790 tons, H. Faithfull, from London.
Passengers . . . Second Cabin and Steerage: . . . Thomas, Thomas J., and Charles Brooks . . .
[Advertisement], New Zealander [Auckland, NZ] (23 March 1859), 3
Conductor - Mr. Joseph Brown. Pianist - Mr. Fleetwood.
THE FIRST PUBLIC REHEARSAL for the season will take place on THURSDAY evening, March 24th, in the Odd Fellows' Hall.
The Programme. Solo - Harp - Mr. Brooks. HANDEL'S "ACIS and GALATEA."
Solo - Pianoforte - Mr. Alexander . . .
J. E. Bates, Hon. Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Brown (conductor); Albert Alexander (pianist)
"THE FIRST PUBLIC REHEARSAL of the Fourth Season of the Auckland Choral Society . . .", New Zealander (26 March 1859), 3
. . . was given on Thursday evening . . . Great additional interest was given to the rehearsal by the harp solo of Mr. Brooks and the pianoforte solo of Mr. Albert Alexander - two new-comers who have at once begun to contribute to the musical entertainment of their older fellow-colonists. Mr. Brooks chose for his theme, the lovely melody "My lodging is on the cold ground," which be played with the touch of a genuine melodist: the variations were also well executed; and having the advantage of an excellent instrument, Mr. Brooks merited the applause which he received . . .
"CHORAL SOCIETY", Daily Southern Cross (29 March 1859), 3
. . . The concert was opened by Mr. Brooks, a harpist of no inconsiderable power, lately arrived in the Province. He received a hearty encore. Mr. Brooks was followed by Mr. Albert Alexander, also a new arrival, on the piano-forte . . .
"PROFESSOR CARL SCHMITT", New Zealander (2 April 1859), 3
On Thursday evening, at the close of the weekly practice of the Auckland Choral Society, Professor Schmitt - who has promised to aid in the Society's public performances - afforded the members who were present a rich musical treat by his masterly rendering of two of De Beriot's finest violin solos . . . In our next we hope to be able to draw attention to the announcement and the programme of the concert, at which, we hear, among others, Mr. Brooks', the harpist, his son, and Mr. Strauch will assist.
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Schmitt (violinist); Gustavus Strauch (vocalist)
"CLASSICAL CONCERT", New Zealander (13 April 1859), 3
We have to drew the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the concert to be given on Friday evening by Professor Schmitt, Mr. Brown (Conductor of the Choral Society), and the Messrs. Brooks, assisted by Mr. Strauch. Of Mr. Brooks' harp-playing, Mr. Brown's accompanying and ballad singing, or Mr. Strauch's fine bass voice and accurate rendering, we need say nothing. Mr. Brooks, junr., we have not yet heard, but have learnt that the is a pleasing and correct vocalist.
[Advertisement], Daily Southern Cross (15 April 1859), 2
PROGRAMME: PART I. OVERTURE TANCREDI - (Rossini) Messrs. Brooks and Brown . . .
Song, I heard thy Fate without a Tear (M. Meress) - Mr. Brooks, Jun.
Fantasia, Harp, My Lodging is on the Cold Ground, with variations (Brooks) Mr. Brooks . . .
Duo Concertante, Harp and Pianofore (Duo da Lamira) (Heil) [sic] Messrs. Brown & Brooks.
PART II. Overture to Agnisi - (Pair [Paer]) - Piano & Harp, Messrs. Brooks & Brown.
Song, Hark! Ye Soldiers (Balfe) Mr. Brooks, Jun. . . .
Fantasia, (Harp) Mr. Brooks, Sen. . . .
"THE CLASSICAL CONCERT . . .", New Zealander (20 April 1859), 3
. . . conjointly announced by Professor Schmitt and Messrs. Brown and Brooks, senior and junior, took place last Friday evening, when, notwithstanding the heavy showers which fell during the greater part of the day, there was a fair attendance of the lovers of good music. The overtures arranged for harp and pianoforte were given with great spirit by Messrs. Brooks and Brown, and Mr. Brooks' harp solos displayed his abilities as a harpist in a most favourable light: his touchy is light, his tone full, and his execution expressive and finished. He was loudly applauded . . . Mr. Brooks, junior sang his two songs with much vigour, though suffering from the prevailing influenza. He also sang "Widow Machree" with humour. This has been objected to by some strict classicists as not strictly in keeping with a "classical concert," and perhaps it was not, but it made the audience laugh; and if we are not mistaken, the great Beethoven was so smitten with the gloriously rollicking humour of our celebrated national air "Old King Cole," that he has introduced it, in more shapes than one, into some of his most classical compositions. Are we, in fact, to suppose, that no true classic musician or scholar ever enjoys a bit of fun? . . .
[Advertisement], Daily Southern Cross (26 April 1859), 2
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture to "Agnese," for Harp and Piano; Paer - Messrs. Brown and Brooks . . .
Fantasia, Harp, - Mr. Brooks, sen.
Song, - "I'm leaving thee, Annie," - Mr. Brooks, jun.
Duo Concertante, for harp and Pianoforte, - Non piu andrai; Mozart, - Messrs. Brown & Brooks.
PART II. Duo Concertante, - Harmonious Blacksmith; Handel, - Messrs. Brown and Brooks . . .
Song, - Maid of Athens; Byron, - Mr. Brooks, jun.
Solo, Harp, - My Heart and Lute; Brooks, - Mr. Brooks, snr. . . .
"THE SECOND CLASSICAL CONCERT . . .", New Zealander (30 April 1859), 3
. . . was given on Wednesday evening, and, notwithstanding a seasonably heavy shower of rain which fell just as folks were "going to go," the attendance was numerous . . . Mr. Brooks, sen., will make the harp quite a popular instrument among us, especially as an accompaniment to a simple ballad - of which we had proof in his accompaniment to the pathetic ballad, "I'm leaving thee, Annie," which his son sang very well but with rather too much dramatic emphasis. The "distant-music" solo was the favourite with the audience of Mr. Brooks' harp solos - and justly so, for the crescendo, forte, and diminuendo were most artistically given. Our Southern friends may reckon upon a great treat, if Mr. Brooks carries out his intention of paying a visit to each of the other Provinces . . . Mr. Brooks, jun., sang "Maid of Athens" so well that it was redemanded - old friends are ever welcome even in this age of novelties . . .
MUSIC: My life, I love you [Maid of Athens, 'ere we part] (music by Isaac Nathan, words by Byron)
[Advertisement], Daily Southern Cross (12 July 1859), 2
"A Nicht wi' Burns and Ramsay."
Under the special Patronage of HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR, And MRS. GORE BROWNE, And of His Honor John Williamson, Superintendent.
selected from the Songs of ROBERT BURNS and ALLAN RAMSAY,
PROGRAMME. Part I. Duo Concertante, for Harp and Pianoforte - "Caller Herring"; Mrs. Anderson and Mr. T. Brooks . . .
Fantasia, Harp, - introducing the airs, "Ye Banks and Braes," "Scots Wha Hae," "Auld Lang Syne," and "Green Grows the Rashes" . . .
Solo on Scottish Airs, on the Miniature Double Bass; Master J. Alexander Beale.
PART II . . . Solo, Harp, - introducing the airs, "Oh Nanny," "Tulloch Gorum," and "March."
Glee, - "Willie brew'd a peck o' Malt."
Duo, Harp and Pianoforte, - Messrs. Brooks and Fleetwood . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas and Harriet Gore Brown (governor and wife)
[Advertisement], Daily Southern Cross (2 September 1859), 3
MR. BROOKS' CONCERT, in the Odd Fellows' Hall, on MONDAY EVENING, September 5th.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Quartett - "Come Innocente Giovane," from Op. Anna Bolena (Bochsa) Harp, Pianoforte, Flute, and Violoncello - Mrs. Anderson, Messrs. Brooks, Robottom and Currie . . .
Solo, Harp, on Irish Melody with Variations - Mr. T. Brooks. (Brooks.) . . .
PART II. Quartett - "L'Ultimo Giorno di Pompei" (Bochsa) Harp, Pianoforte, Flute and Violoncello, Mrs. Anderson, Messrs. Brooks, Currie, and Robottom . . .
Fantasia, Harp, Irish airs, introducing "Legacy," "Garry Owen," "The Harp that once thro' Tara's Hall," "Nora Creina," "St. Patrick's Day" . . .
Instrumental - "St. Patrick's Day," "God Save the Queen" . . .
"MR. BROOKES' CONCERT", Daily Southern Cross (4 November 1859), 3
We beg to call attention to Mr. Brookes announcement of a concert to be given next week. His selection of music we may further add, is good, and Mr. Brookes is well supported, both in the instrumental and vocal departments . . . and Mr. Brooks, jun., will also sing some favourite pieces . . . We anticipate that Mr. Brooks will have a crowded audience. We need not allude to his own performances on the harp, being aware that they are well known, and have been always highly appreciated in Auckland.
"MR. BROOKS' FAREWELL CONCERT", Daily Southern Cross (3 January 1860), 3
We feel assured that the numerous attendance at this Concert on Saturday evening, must have afforded Mr. Brooks very flattering proofs of the estimate formed by the public generally of his abilities as a musician. The Duett for Harp and pianoforte arranged upon Rossini's celebrated overture to "Tancredi;" very ably executed by Mr. Brooks and Mrs. Anderson, was welcomed with acclamation . . . Mr. Brooks in one of his favourite solos - "My Heart and Lute, with variations" . . . was deservedly encored thrice . . . An apology was made for Herr Schmitt, and his place very agreeably supplied by Mr. Brooks in a Fantasia on the Harp. We are happy to learn that Mr. Brooks intends returning here after a professional tour in Australia, and we feel convinced that the exquisite taste and feeling which he displays on the harp, will secure for him many admirers among our Continental neighbours.
[Shipping], New Zealander [Auckland, NZ] (4 January 1860), 3
December 31 - Tyne, schooner, 91 tons. J. Riddle, from Hobart Town. Passengers [for Hobart] - Messrs. W. C. Schmitt, H. Brooks . . .
Tasmania (23 January to March 1860):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF HOBART TOWN. ARRIVED", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury [TAS] (24 January 1860), 2
January 23 - Tyne, schooner, 91 tons, Riddle, from Auckland (N.Z.) 3rd instant, with sundries. Passengers - Messrs. Smidt, Brooks, Jackson, Grey, and Lipscombe . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (25 January 1860), 1
THE HARP, MR. T. H. BROOKS, The Celebrated Harpist;
AND HERR CARL SCHMITT, The Bavarian Violinist,
Have the honor to announce their arrival in Hobart Town,
and will shortly perform AT THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE.
"GRAND CONCERT", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (31 January 1860), 2
In calling public attention to the Concert announced by Mr. Brooks and Herr W. Carl Schmitt to take place this evening at the Temperance Alliance Rooms, we omitted to mention that the talented assistance of Miss Rosina Carandini and Mr. Buddee had been engaged on the occasion. Of the ability of these artistes we need say nothing, as it is well known to the public, but we perceive by the programme that Mr. Buddee will appear with both our visitors in some admirable duetts, respectively arranged for the harp and pianoforte, and for the violin and that instrument. Thus the opening overture to Rossini's Tancredi, and the closing overture to Paer's Agness (harp and pianoforte), both fine productions in very different styles, and the Duo Concertante from Auber's Masaniello (violin and pianoforte) will bring forth the powers of both performers in a manner that cannot fail to delight the audience. Miss Rosina Carandini has had allotted to her amongst other songs "The Blind Girl to her harp," with harp accompaniment by Mr. Brooks; in short the whole of the music selected both vocal and instrumental, is of a very choice character, and the Concert promises to be something above the usual run of such entertainments.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosina Carandini (vocalist); Julius Buddee (pianist)
MUSIC: The blind girl to her harp (Stephen Glover)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (8 February 1860), 3
Lessons on the Harp. MR. T. BROOKS,
during his stay in Hobart Town, purposes to receive pupils for instruction on the HARP.
Pupils taught at their own residences if preferred.
103 Collins-street. N. B.- A Single-action Harp for sale, price £25.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (11 February 1860), 3
Duo Concertante for the violin and piano (De Beriot.) - Herr W. Carl Schmitt and Mr. Buddee.
Solo - Harp, (Brooks), Mr. T. H. Brooks.
Song - Ever of Thee, (by desire,) Miss Rosina Carandini.
Solo - Violin, Souvenirs de Bellini (Artot) Herr W. Carl Schmitt.
Song - The Violet, (Mendelssohn), Miss Kent.
Duo for the Harp and Piano, Messrs. T. H. Brooks and Buddee.
Elegy for the Violin, (Ernst), Herr W. Carl Schmitt.
Song - Come when the Moon is Breaking, (Lindley), Miss Kent.
Solo - Harp, Mr. T. H. Brooks.
Cavatina - Opera La Traviata (Verdi) Miss Rosina Carandini.
Concerto for the Violin, op 53, (W. C. Schmitt) Herr W. Carl Schmitt.
Duo - Harp and Piano, Messrs. T. H. Brooks and Buddee.
Tickets Three Shillings, to be had at Messrs. Walch and Sons, Wellington Bridge,
Mr. Atkins, Murray-street, and at the doors in the evening.
Doors open at half-past 7 to commence at 8 o'clock.
"THE MONTH . . . PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (14 February 1860), 3
In addition to the Oratorio already alluded to our citizens have been treated to two concerts given at the Temperance Alliance Rooms by Mr. T. H. Brookes, "the celebrated harpist," and Herr W. Carl Schmitt, "the great Bavarian Violinist," assisted by Misses Ellen Kent and Rosina Carandini, as vocalists, and Mr. Buddee, as pianist. The music selected for performance was admirably calculated to exhibit the great musical abilities of the artistes, whose style of playing, especially that of Mr. Brooks, elicited deserved applause.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ellen Kent (vocalist)
"THE CONCERT AT THE CORNWALL ROOMS", Launceston Examiner (15 March 1860), 2
It has not been often of late that the musical public of Launceston has had the pleasure of listening to music of a high character, rendered by artists capable of giving full expression to the beautiful imaginings of some of the great masters of the art, yet such a pleasure was realized by those (and they were a goodly number) who attended the Cornwall Rooms on Thursday evening at a concert given by Mr. T. H. Brooks (harpist), and Herr Carl Schmitt (violinist), assisted by our fellow townsman, Mr. Robert Sharpe, who presided at the pianoforte.
Rossini's overture to Tancredi, arranged for the harp and pianoforte, commenced the concert, and was followed by De Beriot's 7th air varie for the violin, which was well executed by Herr Schmitt, and encored: answering to the call he gave the Carnival de Venise with variations. Next succeeded a solo on the harp, played with great taste by Mr. Brooks. A burst of applause and loud cries of "encore" greeted the artist at the conclusion of his beautiful solo, and again he had to seat himself at his instrument. This time he played the spirit stirring Scotch air "The Campbells are coming" with variations. Mr. R. Sharpe then gave a solo on the harmonium, the composition of A. Lefebure Wely. It is a composition evincing great musical knowledge, but of too scientific a character for a general audience. The overture to Agnes, arranged as a duo concertante for harp and pianoforte, closed the first part of the entertainment.
Selections from Auber's opera of Massaniello, arranged as a duo concertante for the violin and pianoforte opened the second part, and at its conclusion Mr. Brooks, after a brilliant prelude, played the beautiful Irish melody "My lodging is on the cold ground" with variations. The overture to Zampa, on the harmonium, was the next in the order of succession; and then followed Artot's "Souvenirs de Bellini," executed by Herr Carl Schmitt on the violin. This beautiful piece of instrumentation was deservedly encored; and the artist gave "Home, sweet home" with variations. The finale was a duo concertante by Paer, arranged for the harp and pianoforte, and was executed with great fidelity and taste.
We suppose that in accordance with the usual custom, we must now say a few words on the merits or demerits of the performers. This is not always a gracious task, for we confess we are not of those who either indulge in a system of lavish and often of unmerited praise, or, on the other hand, visit those who have displeased us with a sweeping and often undeserved censure. If a man in our opinion possesses merit, we are willing to do justice to that merit; but if, on the other hand, he is a charlatan, although it may not be always expedient to do so, yet we cannot help exposing him. It is this principle which gives value to criticism, for without it criticism is worse than valueless. One other observation we would make: no one but a musician should attempt to write a musical criticism. By a musician we do not mean a more player, but one who, by study and observation, has so refined and cultivated his musical talents, as to be able to enter into and appreciate the works of the great masters of harmony, and who also, in addition to this, has at some time or other had frequent opportunities of listening to the first performers of the day. The truth of this must be so obvious to all, that any further observations on this subject are needless.
Mr. Brooks, although not possessing the rapid and brilliant execution of Bochsa or Chatterton, is a harpist possessing great musical taste and skill, and his harmonics are the most perfect we have ever heard. He plays with great feeling, at times drawing forth tones of melting sweetness - at others, as with a firm hand, he sweeps the strings, eliciting chords so beautiful, yet withal so stirring, that one might almost fancy oneself in a baronial hall, listening to a bard of old. Of this one thing we are certain - there but few in Launceston who have had the pleasure of listening to a harpist possessing the ability of Mr. Brooks.
Herr Carl Schmitt is, we understand, a member of the Conservatoire de Paris, and was for some time violinist to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin. He is a sound performer on the violin, and produces a tone of great depth and purity. His execution is brilliant, and at the same time it possesses a smoothness which renders it very pleasing, and there is a total absence of that tricky playing which, however taking it may be to the uninitiated, is sure at once to be detected by the musician. Herr Schmitt has evidently studied deeply, and enters with enthusiasm into the practice of his beautiful art. We should be wanting in justice, did we not notice very favorably the accompaniments of Mr. Robert Sharpe on the pianoforte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Sharpe (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (16 March 1860), 4
Academy of Music, 181 Macquarie Street.
MR. BUDDEE, in conjunction with Messrs. SCHMITT & RUSSELL,
have the honor to announce that on the 1st of April next, an Academy of Music will be commenced,
in which the Pianoforte, Violin, Harmonium, and Flute, will be Taught.
Also classes formed for Singing and the Theory of Music.
Terms, which will be very moderate, may be known by application to Mr. Buddee, at his residence, 181 Macquarie-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins Russell (violinist)
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (17 March 1860), 4
The Concert at the Cornwall Assembly Rooms on Wednesday evening last, if not numerously, was most fashionably attended, many of the families of our leading fellow citizens being present, including that of his Worship the Mayor, who was also himself there. The Concert, which was wholly of instrumental music, that of the harp, piano, and violin, commenced with Rossini's overture to Tancredi. After which Herr Schmitt delighted his audience with a thrilling melody of De Beriot which was encored, when Herr Schmitt gave with great taste and feeling a selection from the Carnival de Venise. Mr. Brook then gave a solo on the harp which produced sounds of applause and an encore. Mr. R. Sharp then played with good execution a solo on the Harmonium, the composition of Lefebure Wely, which was followed by a duo concertante on the harp and piano, Mr. Sharpe playing the piano part.
The second part consisted of a violin and piano duo by Messrs. Schmitt and Sharp. The overture to Zampa on the harmonium by Mr. Sharpe; the Souvenirs de Bellini beautifully executed by Herr Schmilt on the violin, and a duo concertante by harp and piano . . . Herr Carl Schmitt is a very distinguished musician, being a member conservatoire de Paris, and violinist to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin. Mr. Brooks has also moved in the highest musical circles at home, and on the continent, having been at one time Harpist to his late Majesty King George the Fourth, who was himself a brilliant musician and who bestowed on him marks of favour. Mr. Robert Sharpe gave the greatest satisfaction to the audience . . .
"THE CONCERT AT THE CORNWALL ROOMS", Launceston Examiner (20 March 1860), 2
Mr. T. H. Brooks and Herr Carl Schmitt, assisted by Mr. Robert Sharpe, gave another concert at the Cornwall Assembly Rooms, last evening, to a fashionable audience. Paer's overture to "Agnes," arranged as a duo-concertante for the harp and pianoforte, commenced the performance. A solo on the harp, "My lodging is on the cold ground," with variations, followed . . . The result was all encore, and Mr. Brooks, after a brilliant prelude, gave the air "Oh, Nanny, wilt thou gang wi' me," introducing Bochsa's Military March, with the band at a distance. De Beriot's sixth air with variations was the next in succession, and afforded Herr Carl Schmitt an opportunity of displaying his fine instrumentation. He too obtained an encore, and gave "Home, sweet home" with variations, one of these being played in harmonics on the fourth string. Bochsa's "Noturno," arranged as a duo for the harp and violin, followed, and with beautiful expression did the artists render this fine composition of the great maestro . . .
The second part opened with a duo dor the violin and pianoforte, selected from the works of La Barre and De Beriott. Mr. Brooks then gave on the harp Moore's melody "My heart and lute" with variations; this was loudly encored and answering the call he gave a medley of Irish airs, commencing with "The Legacy." And now came an exquisite composition, namely, Casorti's "Concert pour le Violon." It is classical music conceived in the highest style of art, and Herr Schmitt's rendering gave full expression to the composer's fine ideas, and it was a matter of no surprise that the artist was encored. He then gave the hacknied "Carnival de Venise," Mozart's "Non Piu Andrai," arranged as a duett for the harp and pianoforte concluded the concert. The accompaniments of Mr. Robert Sharpe on the pianoforte were as on the former occasion, played with very considerable taste and skill. It is with pleasure we announce that Mr. Brooks and Herr Schmitt will give another concert on Thursday evening.
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (28 March 1860), 4
We omitted to mention in our last that Herr Schmitt and Mr. Brook's last concert took place on the evening of the Regatta Day, and that a select company was highly entertained by it . . .
Melbourne, VIC (April to June 1860):
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (10 April 1860), 5
Mr. Brooks, a harpist, whose performances at Hobart Town are very highly spoken of by the local press intends, we believe, giving a concert at St. Kilda, some day during the present week. Mr. Brooks has done well to take up his residence in this delightful suburb, and we trust he will meet with adequate support from those among whom he has cast his lot.
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 April 1860), 4
The usual weekly meeting of the St. Kilda Municipal Council was held, yesterday evening, in the Town Hall; Mr. Benjamin Cowderoy presiding. The correspondence read was not of much general interest, two of the letters being applications from a Mr. Thomas Brooks, and the secretary to the Mechanics' Institute, for the use of the hall for a concert on Monday, and a lecture on Tuesday, both requests being acceded to, the former on payment of £2 for expenses.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (17 April 1860), 4
Last evening Mr. T. H. Brooks, a pupil of Bochsa, gave a musical entertainment at St. Kilda, which was numerously and fashionably attended. Of Mr. Brook's efforts it is impossible to speak too highly. He was assisted by Miss Octavia Hamilton and Mr. G. R. G. Pringle.
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); George Robert Grant Pringle (pianist); Nicholas Charles Bochsa (teacher)
[News], The Argus (23 May 1860), 5
Mr. T. H. Brooks' concert at Hockin's Hotel last night, was much more thinly attended, owing to the inclemency of the weather, than it otherwise would have been. His Excellency was present, and the attendance generally was as numerous as could have been expected. The programme was well selected in most respects, and embraced a couple of septetts, one that of Mozart in C, and the other from Romberg, of which, however, portions only were performed by a party of gentlemen amateurs. Mrs. Hancock and Miss Bailey were the lady vocalists, and gave several airs, much to the satisfaction of the audience. Miss Bailey is a young lady, who, it will be remembered, lately made a promising debut at the Philharmonic Society's concert. She sang very well last evening, but it was unnecessary and injudicious on the part of a section of the audience to compel her to accept two encores. Mr. Brooks performed some variations on Moore's Melodies, a duet for harp and piano (presided over by Herr Elsasser), and, with Mrs. Hancock, Glover's favourite composition, "The blind girl to her harp." He was highly successful in every attempt. Herr Elsasser performed a rondo on the pianoforte, which, pleasing enough in itself, would have been heard to more advantage had he possessed a better instrument. Mr. W. H. Williams sang one or two tenor airs, not without taste, but he has not the power and quality of voice which is required for a concert room. In one duet Mr. T. H. Davis took part. Mr. Moxon, who possesses a bass voice of fair quality, sang "The Wanderer." The concert, though prolonged till too late an hour, appeared to give general satisfaction.
"MR. T. H. BROOKS'S CONCERT", The Age (23 May 1860), 5
. . . Mr. Brooks's harp playing was characterised by the utmost brilliance and delicacy, and he made a most favorable impression on the audience. He was encored in every instance. Herr Elsasser, who presided at the pianoforte throughout, performed with Mr. Brooks in the "Non piu Andrai," and deservedly shared the applause which followed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Barkly (governor); Amelia Bailey (vocalist); Charles Elsasser (pianist); William Henry Williams (vocalist); Septimus Moxon (vocalist); Thomas Holme Davis (vocalist); Hockin's Rooms (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Age (30 May 1860), 1
MR. T. H. BROOKS, HARPIST, begs to announce, that in compliance with the request of several gentlemen, he will give a FAREWELL CONCERT At Hockin's Rooms, on MONDAY, 4th JUNE . . .
[News], The Argus (5 June 1860), 4
Whether or no the adage, that a prophet hath no honour in his own country, be true, this is certain - that Mr. S. H. Brooks [sic], harpist, may return to Wales [sic] with his blushing honours thick upon him, and with almost safely defy competition. His farewell concert last night, although not numerously, was appreciatively attended, and not a note fell from his willing and masterly fingers which did not stir his hearers into enthusiasm. Mr. Brooks evidently has a perfect command over that ordinarily most unsatisfactory instrument, the harp. He draws from it a long flowing melody, anon loud, impressive, and soul-stirring, and again melting, almost imperceptibly, into distance - softened, yet exquisitely distinct - in fact, an orchestra's music rendered, and beautifully rendered, as a solo. Without criticizing the evening's programme, we wish hearty success to Mr. Brooks, and may he be as well supported in the "old countree" as he was last night by his coadjutors at Hockin's.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (5 June 1860), 4-5
Mr. T. H. Brooks, who is about to join his family in New Zealand, yesterday evening gave a farewell concert at Hockin's Hotel. Considering the excellence of the entertainment, the audience may well be designated scanty. The chief features of the concert were Mr. [5] Brooks's admirable harp playing, which in every instance received enthusiastic applause and encore; and passages from the Third and Ninth symphonies of Haydn written for Salomon's concerts. These were very nicely interpreted by an instrumental quartett, accompanied on the pianoforte by Herr Elsasser. The Duo da camera by this gentleman and the harpist was deserving of much praise, as also the vocalisation of Miss Mortley, the only lady singer of the evening. Mr. W. H. Williams, Mr. T. H. Davis, and others, contributed towards an agreeable entertainment, which we were sorry to see was not more extensively patronised.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Mortley (vocalist)
Sydney, NSW (from July 1860):
[News], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (17 July 1860), 4
. . . This evening Mr. Brooks, a harpist of some celebrity, and, we believe, one of the twelve harpists who formerly played at Jullien's promenade concerts at Covent Garden, will give his first concert in Sydney at the Exchange. He is said to be a worthy disciple of Bochsa, Godefroid, Parish Alvars, and the Cymrian Ellis Roberts, the finest modern executants on that ancient instrument. Mr. Brooks will be assisted by Miss Octavia Hamilton, who makes her debut as a concert singer, the Misses Howson, Mr. Pierce (the concertina and rock harmonicon player), and others, and the veteran musician. Charles Packer will have the direction of the concert . . .
ASSOCIATIONS (Europe): Louis Jullien (conductor); Elias Parish Alvars (English harpist); Ellis Roberts (Welsh harpist, d. 1873); Félix Godefroid
[Advertisement], Empire (17 July 1860), 1
Under the immediate patronage, of his Excellency the Governor-General, Sir W. DENISON, K.C.B.,
Trio - "The Magic Wove Scarf" - (Mountain Sylph) - Barnett - The Misses EMMA and CLELIA HOWSON, and Mr. F. HOWSON.
Canzonet - "Truth in absence" - Harper - Miss OCTAVIA HAMILTON.
Grand variations, Harp - "Irish Melody" - Brooks - Mr. T. H. BROOKS.
Ballad - "Our Hearts are not our Own" (Satanella) - Balfe - Miss CLELIA HOWSON.
Ballad - "Ever of Thee" - Foley Hall - Miss OCTAVIA HAMILTON.
Solo, Concertina - Mr. PIERCE - Airs from Norma.
Duet - "O'er the Hill and o'er the Dale" - Glover - The Misses EMMA and CLELIA HOWSON.
An intermission of 10 minutes.
Song - "The Blind Girl to her Harp" - Glover - Miss OCTAVIA HAMILTON, Harp obligato, Mr. BROOKS.
Buffo song - "Largo al factotum" - (Il Barbiere) - Rossini - Signor E. GROSSI.
Grand Polonaise and March, Harp - Brooks - Mr. T. H. BROOKS.
Cavatina - "Come into the Garden Maud" - Balfe - Miss EMMA HOWSON.
Song - "The Blind Man" - Kucken - Mr. F. HOWSON.
Grand Duo, Harp and Pianoforte - Steil - Messrs. BROOKS and MARMADUKE WILSON.
Mr. PACKER will preside at the Pianoforte.
To commence at 8 o'clock punctually.
Tickets, 5s. each, to be had at the Music and Book-sellers.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Dennison (governor); Emma and Clelia Howson (vocalists); Frank Howson (vocalist); John Ottis Pierce (musician); Enrico Grossi (vocalist); Marmaduke Henry Wilson (pianist); Charles Sandys Packer (pianist, accompanist); Exchange Hall (Sydney venue)
"MR. BROOKS' CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 July 1860), 5
Yesterday evening, the concert of Mr. T. H. Brooks the celebrated harpist came off in the Hall of the Sydney Exchange, but was, we regret to say, only very thinly attended, the first item in the programme - one of great variety and judiciously chosen - was the trio of the "Magic Wove Scarf" (from the Mountain Sylph), sung by Mr. Frank Howson and his two talented daughters, Miss Emma and Miss Clelia Howson. Harpur's Canzonet "I'll think of thee," was then given with great effect by Miss Octavia Hamilton, who was in very good voice, and was very heartily applauded by the audience. Grand variations on the well-known Irish melody, "Believe me if all those endearing young charms" composed by Mr. T. H. Brooks, were then executed upon the harp by that gentleman in a manner which at once rendered it perfectly apparent to all present that he was a complete master of his instrument. His modulation is truly exquisite and his artistic execution of the numerous successive variations of the air were brilliant in extreme, and called forth a loud burst of well-deserved approbation. The applause was so long sustained that Mr. Brooks was compelled to resume his seat at the harp, when he delighted his hearers by the performance of variations on a fine air in which he took occasion to display, in a very remarkable manner, his great powers of modulations. The martial strain referred to first rose and fell swelled again into loud, heart-stirring and triumphant sounds, and then once more continued to become (almost imperceptibly) softer and softer, until at length the music died gradually away into absolute silence. After this exhibition of masterly skill, one of Balfe's ballads was very pleasingly rendered by Miss C. Howson, and then Miss Hamilton song Foley Hall's ballad, "Ever of thee," in such a manner that she was enthusiastically encored. The compliment was cheerfully acknowledged, but, instead of repeating the ballad, the lady gave, with great tenderness and artistic grace, the song "Why do I weep for thee," decidedly one of the richest gems produced in the course of the evening. Very high commendation is also due to Mr. J. O. Pierce's solo on the concertina - selections from Bellini the air "Hear me, Norma," for example, being a wonderful exhibition of taste and skill. Being loudly called upon Mr. Pierce again came forward and executed, with an almost magical ease and brilliancy, numerous variations upon one of Moore's Melodies. A Duet by Glover - "O'er the Hill and o'er the Dale," terminated the first part.
The song of the Blind Girl to her Harp, by Miss Octavia Hamilton, to an Harp obligato accompaniment by Mr. Brooks, was eminently successful, and the buffo song from Rossini's "II Barbiere," was sung with such spirit and expression by Signor E. Grossi, that he was under the rather fatiguing necessity of repeating it. A grand polonaise and march - the composition, we believe, of Mr. Brooks - was then played on the harp by that gentleman, who afterwards still further gratified everybody by his variations on a popular English air. A cavatina followed, sung by Miss Emma Howson, that lady's father afterwards obtaining loud applause for the manner in which he gave a fine, wild, melancholy song, the Blind Man, by Kucken. A grand duo, harp and pianoforte, by Messrs. Brooks and Wilson, terminated the concert, which, on every account, deserved to have been much more numerously attended. It is not, however, by any means improbable that the paucity of the numbers present may be accounted for by the fact of M. Coulon's Grand Concert coming off to-morrow evening, when the members of the late opera company are to appear, and when the musical public of Sydney will again have an opportunity of hearing the performance of an eminent artiste on the harp.
"CONCERT AT THE EXCHANGE HALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 July 1860), 5
Mons. Coulon's benefit concert last evening narrowly escaped being the complete success which the character of the entertainment would have justified. The hall was nearly filled, the reserved seats being entirely appropriated, and this in the face of unpropitious weather . . . In the course of the entertainment Mr. T. H. Brooks played on the harp a solo and (with Mr. M. Wilson on the piano) Steil's grand duo, in each case exhibiting precision and facility in fingering, combined with much taste in expression, so as to earn warm applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (vocalist)
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", Empire (23 July 1860), 4
. . . We have had three concerts since the termination of the opera season, and all in the present week. The first was given by Mr. Brooks, an eminent harpist, not unknown in England. As far as the entertainment was concerned, it was very successful, but the attendance was thin. Mr. Brooks is evidently deserving of all that has been said in his favour, and there was but one opinion as to his great talent . . .
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 August 1860), 8
The apprehensions which have for some time past been entertained, lest this old-established and popular Society would fall through for want of adequate support, and no longer afford these agreeable opportunities of social intercourse, were happily dissipated by the success that attended the first concert of the season, which came off last night at the Sydney Exchange - no previous concert of the Society ever having been attended by a larger, more respectable, or more interested audience . . . The concert commenced with God Save the Queen . . . followed by the overture to the opera of Lara, by Mr. Callen . . . A solo on the harp was then given by Mr. T. H. Brooks, who selected some of Moore's Irish Melodies, as airs upon which he brought out some striking variations, producing very novel effects; an encore was demanded and complied with . . . A grand duo (harp and pianoforte) from Mozart, by Mr. Brooks and Mr. Packer, was followed by a comic duet from "Don Pasquale, given by Miss Hamilton and M. Coulon, with great vivacity and appropriate action. His Excellency Sir W. Denison and several members of his family were present at the concert.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (conductor, composer); Sydney Philharmonic Society (organisation)
"Mr. T. H. BROOKS' CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (18 August 1860), 3
We have great pleasure in calling attention to the concert to be given on Monday evening next, at the Exchange Hall. We know of no gentleman in the profession more deserving of support than Mr. Brooks, who has on so many occasions voluntarily given his very valuable assistance at musical entertainments in our city. His world-renowned celebrity as a harpist ensures the gratification of all who may honor him with their company on Monday evening . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (20 August 1860), 1
EXCHANGE HALL. Under the immediate patronage of the Committee of the Philharmonic Society.
Grand Quartette from Mose in Egitto - Rossini - MISSES HOWSON, MESSRS. FRANK HOWSON, GROSSI, and SCHLUTER.
Grand Scena - "Each nerve with fury." - Donnizetti - MR. F. HOWSON.
The celebrated shadow song from "Dinorah." - Meyerbeer - MISS EMMA HOWSON.
Fantasia, Harp, on favourite airs. - Brooks - MR. T. H. BROOKS.
German Song - HERR SCHLUTER.
Song - "Our Village Home." - E. Spagnoletti - MISS NINA SPAGNOLETTI.
Grand Duo - "Sur la tromba" - Puritani - Bellini - SIGNOR GROSSI and HERR SCHLUTER.
An interval of ten minutes.
Grand duet, Harp and Pianoforte - MR. T. H. BROOKS and MR. MARMADUKE H. WILSON.
Irish Melody - "The Fairy Boy." - Lover - MISS CLELIA HOWSON.
Aria Buffo - Miei Rampoli - Rossini - SIGNOR GROSSI.
Grand Polonaise and March - Harp - MR. T. H. BROOKS.
Romanza - "Flower Angels" - Donizetti - MISS NINA SPAGNOLETTI.
Buffo duet - "Well, if I must speak," (Siege of Rochelle) - Balfe - MISS EMMA HOWSON and MR. FRANK HOWSON.
Grand Finale - "Rule Britannia" - Solos - MISSES HOWSON, MESSRS. FRANK HOWSON, GROSSI, SCHLUTER - Harp and Pianoforte accompaniment.
Tickets, 5s, each, to be had of all Music and Booksellers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Nina Spagnoletti (vocalist); Adolph Schluter (vocalist)
"THE HARP CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August 1860), 4
Mr. T. H. Brooks gave his second concert at the Exchange Hall, last evening. It was advertised to be under the patronage of the committee of the Philharmonic, but we fear the committee must have been a little inactive on this occasion, for, to a certain treat of instrumentalism, was added a programme of vocal music which might have attracted any lover of the song. We are sorry to say, though musically the concert was a complete success, that we fear Mr. Brooks will not reap much benefit from it, and it is much to be regretted that the performance of so very accomplished an artist should be so little appreciated. Time and space forbid us to do more than glance at the programme. The grand quartette from Rossini's "Moses in Egypt," was successfully rendered by the Misses Howson, Messrs. F. Howson, Grossi, and Schluter. Passing over Mr. F. Howson's song, "Each nerve with fury," by Donizetti, which he sung with more than usual energy, we come to the "Shadow song," from Meyerbeer's Dinorah. This exquisite gem was done full justice to by Miss Emma Howson, who must grow quickly, as her talents ripen, into public favour. Her soprano notes are perfectly beautiful; her contralto ones will still bear a little cultivation. As this is the only fault we can find in the whole of her performances, we may perhaps be forgiven for the criticism. The "Fairy Boy," a ballad, by Miss Clelia Howson, drew an enthusiastic encore, which called forth another ballad, taxing still more the powers of this young lady, and rendered more sweet by the winning and graceful simplicity which she exhibits. The performances or Herr Schluter and Signor Grossi deserve commendation. Now to come to the grand feature of the evening - the harp and the harpist. We remember to have heard the celebrated Bochsa, and we have heard no performer who could be compared to him, but Mr. Brooks, on this beautiful instrument. Bochsa had more fire, more genius perhaps than Brooks, but not more melody or sweetness and delicacy of touch. The whole of Mr. Brooks' brilliant performances, mostly on familiar themes, were rapturously applauded, and the encores demanded were good-humouredly complied with.
"MUSICAL", Empire (22 August 1860), 5
NOTWITHSTANDING the departure of the principal artists of the Italian troupe, the cause of music has not declined since our last summary, either with regard to the average number of musical entertainments, or to the general superiority of the music introduced to the public. The continued presence in Sydney of Miss Hamilton, M. Coulon, Signor Grossi, and Herr Schluter, as well as of the harpist, Mr. Brooks, has no doubt tended to afford a variety to the selections in the arrangement of the programmes . . . At the concert given on Monday night, by Mr. Brook, that gentleman was assisted by the Howson family (Mr. F. and the two pleasing young vocalists, his daughters), Miss Spagnoletti and brother, Messrs. Grossi, Schluter, M. Wilson, and C. Packer. The programme contained the usual number of operatic songs and ballads, with the two pieces de resistance - the quintette from Mose "Dal tuo," and "Rule Britannia!" Decided novelties. As alto relievos may be mentioned, Miss Emma Howson's song from Meyerbeer's "Dinorah," and "The Fairy Boy," by Miss. C. Howson, Herr Schluter's German song, the duet by Messrs. Wilson and Brooks, and the polonaise on the harp by Mr. Brooks. The encores were numerous, but want of space compels us to defer particulars . . .
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", Sydney Mail (25 August 1860), 8
MR. BROOKS'S concert at the Exchange, on Monday evening last, was a reproach to the musical public of this city. It need hardly be stated here that Mr. Brooks is a harpist and musician of more than ordinary abilities, who has appeared on various occasions, and his fine playing has always elicited the admiration of auditors, but his second concert was even worse attended than the first. Some fatality appears also to follow the patronage of the Philharmonic Society, for the committee seem to think their names sufficient to secure a respectable attendance without, on their part, contributing to the number. Not more than one hundred persons were drawn together. The programme opened with Rossini's celebrated quartette, "Dal tuo," from Mose in Egitto, which was not surpassed by any vocal effort of the evening. This fine specimen from the scriptural opera was given by the Misses Howson, and Messrs. F. Howson, Grossi, and Schluter. The "Shadow song," from Meyerbeer's new opera of Dinorah, sang by Miss Emma Howson, is a beautiful morceau, easily recognisable as from the pen of the author of Le Prophete. The performance by Mr. Brooks of favourite airs on that instrument which produces the most delicious of all musical sounds - the harp - was exquisitely soft and beautiful, while the polonaise and march in the second part brought out the grandeur and fire, which the harp is capable of imparting to that kind of music. It is indeed to be regretted that this noble instrument is not more generally taught in this colony, as an accompaniment to the voice it is superior to every other kind of instrumentation. An aria buffo from Cenerentola by Signor Grossi, was very well sung, and also the romanza, "Flower Angels," by Miss Nina Spagnoletti, who possesses a very sweet voice, and, for one so young, evinces judgments and care in not attempting passages beyond her powers - a modesty which will have the effect of increasing the force and ensuring the stability of the voice. The concert terminated with "Rule Britannia," by the entire corps musicale, accompanied by the harp and pianoforte.
[Advertisement], Empire (25 August 1860), 1
THE HARP. MR. T. H. BROOKS is prepared to give instructions on the Harp. Address, 16, Jamison-street.
"MUSICAL NOTES OF THE WEEK", Empire (28 August 1860), 5
MR. T. H. BROOKS, the harpist, gave his second concert on Monday evening, at the Exchange. Despite the general excellence of the entertainment offered, and the patronage of the Philharmonic Society, at whose last concert Mr. Brooks performed, the room was very meagrely visited . . . Mr. Brooks's harp variations on "My Heart and Lute," were in excellent taste; he was encored, and gave a French march, the band dying away and the tones dissolving in the distance, till the finest pianissimo melted in the distant air. As Bochsa, one of the matadors on this instrument, was not heard here, we may safely say that Mr. Brooks is the best performer heard in Australia, and without instituting any comparison with Parish Alvars, Ellis Roberts, Godefroed [sic], Rosalie Sphor [sic], or others, whose names are famous, it will not be denied that he would be considered a very admirable executant anywhere . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Spohr (1829-1918, later countess Sauerma, niece of Louis Spohr)
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire (29 August 1860), 5
SIR. - I should be glad to have an opportunity of hearing Mr. Brooks on the harp, but could not well afford 5s.
If his charges at the last concert had been 5s. and 2s. 6d., it would have paid much better than it did.
This has been the fault of many concerts lately, the price being too high for the times.
Yours truly, K.
Sydney, 28th August, 1860.
[News], Empire (24 September 1860), 4
Mr. T. H. BROOKS, WE are happy in being enabled to say, is now making preparations to afford our citizens another musical treat. Although Mr. Brooks has long maintained a distinguished career on both sides of the Atlantic, still, coming amongst us a perfect stranger, it, of course, will take time for him to be known here, and appreciated as he ought; but this much we are sure of, that all who hear the delightful strains he is enabled to produce upon the harp, will have ample reason to be highly gratified with the performance. We may here mention that Mr. Brooks' earlier career was remarkable. After the war in 1815, he played before the allied Sovereigns, at Guildhall; before Napoleon, at St. Helena; also, formerly, before the Duke of Wellington, at Strathfieldsaye; and before George the Fourth, at Carlton House, in the year 1820.
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 May 1861), 1
On the 16th instant, at St. Phillip's Church, by special license, by the Rev. the Dean Cowper, Mr. Thomas Brooks, late of the Isle of Wight, to Rachel Martha, widow of the late J. A. Dodd, of Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 August 1861), 1
MASONIC HALL . . . THIS EVENING, at Miss Julia Simmons' Concert.
PROGRAMME: PART I. Overture - "Zampa," (Herold) - Band 12th Regiment
Cavatine - Se m'abbondoni (Mercadante) - Madam Sara Flower
Solo, harp - Irish airs, varied, (T. H. Brooks) - Mr. T. H. Brooks . . .
PART II . . . Solo, harp - "Polonaise" (T. H. Brooks) - Mr. T. H. Brooks . . .
Conductor - Mr. Douglas Callen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Simmons (vocalist); Sara Flower (vocalist); Band of the 12th Regiment (military band)
"MISS SIMMONS' CONCERT AT THE MASONIC HALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 August 1861), 5
Yesterday evening, Miss Julia Simmons' concert came off at the Masonic Hall, under the patronage of the Officers of her Majesty's XI Regiment, with much eclat. There was a numerous and highly respectable audience in attendance . . . Mr. F Ellard, Mr. T. H Brooks, and Master A. Anderson assisted on the occasion, the conductor being Mr. G. D. Callen . . . A solo on the harp, Irish airs varied, was beautifully played by Mr. T. H. Brooks, and honoured by an imperative encore . . . Mr. Brooks once more played a solo on the harp - the Polonaise . . .
[Installation of Provincial grand master of NSW] . . . In the evening the event was celebrated by a grand dinner in the new hall . . .
[after the toasts] . . .
Air, on the harp, by Brother Brooks, "O, believe me, if all those endearing young charms" . . .
Set of Irish quadrilles on the harp, by Brother Brooks . . .
Air on the harp by Brother Brooks . . .
"DR. McGREGOR'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 November 1861), 4
This evening, at the request of a number of influential residents, Dr. J. McGregor gives, at the Exchange Hall, an entertainment consisting of literary reminiscences, intermingled with a great variety of vocal illustrations of Irish melodies, to the accompaniment of Mr. T. Brooks on the harp, and Mr. W. J. Cordner on the pianoforte. The performance is to commence at eight o'clock. All the arrangements of the hall are, we believe, to be under the direction of Mr. C. V. Howard, whose experience in these matters is such as will doubtless tend to ensure the comfort of the audience.
ASSOCIATIONS: John McGregor (vocalist); William John Cordner (pianist); Charles V. Mason alias Howard (manager)
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (1 March 1862), 6
MASONIC HALL, TUESDAY, the 11th Instant.
Under the Patronage of His Excellency Sir John and Lady Young, who have kindly consented to be present at the Concert,
accompanied by Lord John and Lady Taylour, Colonel and Mrs. Kempt, &c., &c.
BR. BROOKS will on this occasion be assisted by the Brethren of the Masonic Body.
Mr. BROOKS will play some of the most favorite of Moore's Melodies, which were so rapturously applauded at Dr. McGregor's Lecture on Irish Music.
Tickets can be obtained at the Freemasons' Hall; Mr. Brooks', 120, Philip-street;
Mr. Alderman Caraher, Gloucester street; Mr. D. Kearney, Mr. Moffat, and Mr. Andrew Allan, Pitt-street;
Mr. Robinson, Mr. Reddy, and Mr. Hourigan, William-street; Mr. Hurley, Mr. Aldis, and Mr. Poehlman, George-street; Mr. A. Cubitt, Bridge-street;
and of Mr. Simpson, Agent for Mr. Brooks, 120, Elizabeth-street, near Wentworth Place.
ASSOCIATIONS: John and Annabella Young (governor and wife); Freemasons' Hall (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 March 1862), 1
CONCERT. - Mr. T. H. BROOKS', the celebrated harpist,
Grand CONCERT, at the Freemasons' Hall, on TUESDAY, the 11th instant . . .
The following ladies and gentlemen will appear: -
Miss Brady, Miss E. Brady, Mrs. Cordner; Mr. Brooks, Mr. Cordner, and a gentleman amateur.
Mr. Richardson, the celebrated flutist, has in the handsomest manner volunteered his services, and will play several choice pieces.
German Song - Smile and I'll sing to thee - Carl Krebs - Miss M. Brady.
Solo, harp - Irish melody - T. Brooks - Mr. T. Brooks.
Ballad - Gentle Troubadour - W. F. Wallace - Miss Nina Spagnoletti.
Irish Melody - The harp that once (with harp accompaniment) - Mrs. Cordner.
German Song - The bird and maiden - Spohr - with flute obligato - Mr. Richardson.
Duet - The wind and harp - Glover - with harp accompaniment - The Misses Brady.
Part II.
Solo, Flute - Rodes' celebrated air - Mr. Richardson.
Ballad - I'm leaving thee in sorrow - G, Barker - with harp accompaniment - Gentleman amateur.
Solo, Harp - Sonate, Opera 47 - Cardon Fils - Mr. T. Brooks.
Ballad - When sorrow sleepeth - Ed. Land - Mrs. Cordner.
Cavatina - The blind girl to her harp - Glover - with harp accompaniment - Miss Nina Spagnoletti.
Harp and Piano - Duo da Camera - Steill - Messrs. T. Brooks and W. J. Cordner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary and Matilda Brady (vocalists); Ellen Cordner (vocalist); John James Malcott Richardson (flautist)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 March 1862), 4
We take the opportunity of calling attention to a concert which is to be given by Mr. T. H. Brooks to-morrow evening at the Freemasons' Hall. Mr. Brooks is already favourably known to the public of Sydney by his performances on the harp at the Philharmonic concerts, and on other occasions; and the approval which his playing has uniformly elicited will be a sufficient recommendation to an extensive patronage on this occasion. Several professional vocalists and amateurs of acknowledged ability have promised their assistance, and there can be but little doubt that the services of these, together with Mr. Brooks' skilful performances, will render the concert one of a very superior character.
"MR. T. H. BROOKS' CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 March 1862), 5
The harp has for many years gone out of vogue, its place being taken by the piano-forte, the cause of which has, no doubt, been that efficiency in playing upon the latter instrument can be acquired far more easily than that in playing on the former. The circumstance of the harp being now seldom heard has the effect of rendering such performances as those of last evening a grateful variation upon the staple of concerts, the music possessing, in addition to its other charms, those of novelty and freshness. The harp playing of Mr. Brooks displayed his thorough mastery over a most difficult instrument, and his power of producing all the varying effects required by the music. The wondrous variety of thrilling and of delicate tones which the skilful harpist produced at pleasure excited the regret that this elegant accomplishment, which was once so popular, should be now so entirely neglected, and also that Mr. Brooks' services should not be more frequently enlisted at the public concerts in Sydney. Mr. Brooks, besides accompanying several of the vocalists, gave two solo performances on the harp, both of which were rapturously encored. The first was the popular Irish melody Believe me if all those endearing young charms with variations, a very brilliant piece of playing. The encore exhibited the power of the harpist even more signally. It represented the march of a military band; the stirring effects produced by their gradual approach and retreat while playing, being most dexterously described by the crescendo and diminuendo movements. The other portions of the concert consisted chiefly of ballads, which were sung by Mrs. Cordner, the Misses Brady, Miss Nina Spagnoletti, and a gentleman amateur; the singing of each of whom was much admired, several of the pieces being encored. Mr. Richardson volunteered an admirable solo performance on the flute; and the concert closed with a beautiful duet-harp and piano - "Dua da Camera," the latter instrument being played by Mr. Cordner. The concert being in every respect a successful and thoroughly popular one, we have little doubt that a repetition of it will, before long, be demanded.
"MR. T. H. BROOKS' CONCERT", Empire (12 March 1862), 4
Last evening Mr. Brooks, the celebrated harpist, gave a concert at the Masonic Hall, York-street, which was extremely well attended. The concert was under the patronage of Sir John Young and Lady Young, Lady Young and Lord and Lady Taylour honoured the concert with their attendance. The performances commenced by Miss Brady singing the exquisite German Song, by Karl Krebs, "Smile, and I'll sing to thee," with the utmost purity of tone and delicacy of intonation, although the slowness of the time in which it was sung deprived it of some portion of that freshness and crispness which would otherwise have been exhibited. Mr. Brooks' solo on the harp (a brilliant fantasia on the well-known Irish air "Believe me if all those endearing young charms,") was played with a brilliance of execution and perfection of finish, which caused it to be enthusiastically encored. The celebrated "French March" was however substituted. Miss Nina Spagnoletti sung very effectively the pretty ballad "Gentle Troubadour," and Mrs. Cordner accompanied by Mr. Brooke on the harp, the pathetic ballad "The harp that once through Tarra's halls." Miss Brady sang in a very pleasing manner the delightful song "The bird and maiden," accompanied by Mr. Richardson, who played a charming obligato on the flute. Glover's duett "The wind and harp" was sung by the Misses Brady, and deservedly encored. Mr. Richardson played in a style worthy his great namesake, an exquisite flute solo, which was well and deservedly applauded. The favourite ballad "I'm leaving thee in sorrow Annie" was sung by a gentleman amateur, in a manner far superior to that with which we are favoured by amateurs generally, his voice (a clear tenor) was good, and his notes distinct and correct, and not marred by any attempts at ad libitum flourishes; the song was deservedly encored. Mr. Brooks next played a harp solo; the chief merit of which lay in the difficulty of its execution. Mrs. Cordner sang "When sorrow sleepeth" in good taste, and Miss Nina Spagnoletti to beautiful Cavatina, "The Blind Girl to her Harp," Mr. Brooks playing an excellent accompaniment. The performance came to a close with a duett on the harp and pianoforte by Messrs. Brooks and Cordner, which was much applauded. Mr. Cordner presided with his usual ability at the pianoforte.
"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 March 1862), 5
Yesterday evening Signor Cesare Cutolo's long deferred concert in aid of the funds of the Randwick Asylum for Destitute Children, took place at the Freemasons' Hall in York-street, - a large and fashionable audience being in attendance on the occasion . . . Mr. Brooks also, from time to time, performed on the harp, exhibiting all the mastery which he has over that beautiful instrument. He was rewarded with numerous encores, and loud and repeated manifestations of applause . . . The duet of "the Wind and the Harp" by S. Glover, merits a particular notice. It was very sweetly sung by the Misses Brady to the magic notes of the harp - Mr. Brooks playing the accompaniment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (pianist)
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 March 1862), 7
The three chief musical events since the last summary have been the concerts successively given by M. Boulanger, Mr. T. H. Brooks, and Signor Cutolo . . . The concert of Mr. Brooks, the well-known and highly accomplished harpist (which came off on the 11th instant) was another intellectual treat, and was honoured with a numerous attendance. The character of this entertainment fully merited all the patronage which was bestowed upon it, and the uniform admiration then expressed at both the instrumental and vocal performances. Although the harp has now, to some extent, gone out of vogue, it is impossible not to confess the full capabilities of that instrument when made to speak by the scientific hands of a master. That wondrous variety of thrilling and delicate tones evoked by Mr. Brooks, at this and at all other times, from his favourite instrument, has excited a general regret that so elegant an accomplishment, once deservedly popular, should now be capriciously neglected. On the 18th Signor Cutolo gave his concert at the Masonic Hall, in aid of the funds of the Randwick Asylum for Destitute Children . . . The concert was also rendered additionally pleasing by the professional assistance of Mr. Brooks, whose performances on the harp were repeatedly encored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Boulanger (pianist)
[Private advertisement], New South Wales Government Gazette (18 August 1871), 1829
was duly elected an Alderman in the above Municipality, in the room of Richard Harnett, disqualified.
H. H. BLIGH, Returning Officer. August 15th, 1871.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Henry Brooks (son)
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1883), 1
BROOKES. - May 27, at his residence, Carisbrook, Burns Bay, Thomas Brookes, aged 86 years. He formerly resided in the Isle of Wight, England, and for many years was in H.M. Customs, Sydney. Regretted and respected by all who knew him for his integrity, and for his amiable and generous nature. Home and American papers please copy.
"Missing Friends", New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (29 June 1904), 269
Thomas Brooks, Thomas H. Brooks, Frank J. Brooks, and Charles Phillip Brooks, who left London, England, for Australia, many years ago, and are said to have settled at Sydney or Melbourne. Inquiry at instance of Mrs. E. C. Ridout, of Spring Valley, Rockland, Co. New York, U.S.A.
ASSOCIATIONS: Brook's daughter, Eliza Charlotte Brooks (1836-1926), Mrs. Augustus C. Ridout
Bibliography and resources:
Rosemary Margaret Hallo, Erard, Bochsa and their impact on harp music-making in Australia (1830-1866): an early history from documents (Ph.D thesis, University of Adelaide, 2014), 12, 135, 142, 160, 163-67 (DIGITISED)
[135] . . . Brooks, like Bochsa, was an exponent of the Erard harp, and had purchased two harps (serial numbers 2822 and 3730) in London, prior to his Australian arrival. Either one or both these harps may have accompanied him on the journey and thus would have been the instrument he used for instructional purposes . . . In London, Brooks had studied with Chatterton . . .
[163] . . . Brooks performed on his own Erard double action harp, one of a number he had purchased in London. His first Erard (serial number 2822), was the instrument he used to complete his studies at the Royal Academy of Music in London (vol. 2, 141). His next harp purchase in 1849 was the new model Erard Gothic harp (serial number 5948), which he had subsequently sold the following year to a Mrs. Mortimer in Brighton, England (vol. 3, 174). Brooks may have preferred playing the smaller Grecian double action harp, as his next purchase, prior to departing London, was another Grecian harp (serial number 3730) as noted on the Harp Stock Books (vol. 2, 245). The smaller size of the Grecian would have made it more suited to his increasing travels as a performer, in that it would have been easier to manoeuvre transport between venues, hotels, and the various modes of travel that were encountered when touring.
BUT NOTE: Correctly, Brooks did not advertise that he was a pupil of Chatterton (Hallo 135, 142), who was anyway 5 years younger than him; there is likewise no evidence that he studied at the Royal Academy of Music (Hallo, 163), he again anyway being too old for its initial intake, and his name appears in no known accounts; moreover, all three Erard harps Hallo associated with Brooks were in fact for other buyers of the same surname: no. 2822 (13 December 1819), for Arthur Brooke Esq., of Crown Street, Bury St. Edmunds, on 25 April 1820 (see in Erard London ledger 2); no. 3730 (July 1825), for John Edward Brooks, of Headingley (see in Erard London ledger 2); and no. 5948 (August 1849), for Mrs. Col. Brookes, of Pelham Villa, Leamington, sold 28 October 1850 (see in Erard London ledger 3; see also facsimile images of the original accounts at Hallo, 205)
Actor, manager
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by April 1854 (from England)
Deaprted Melbourne, VIC, by April 1858 (for England)
Died New York, NY, USA, 30 June 1865 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Emma Brougham, as Constance, in The love chase, Lyceum Theatre, Sydney, NSW, January 1855; by Walter G. Mason (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter George Mason (artist)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 April 1854), 3
QUEEN'S THEATRE. - Monday Evening, 3rd April, 1854. Novelty Unprecedented.
The First Night in any of the Colonies of the truly celebrated Popular English Actress,
Mrs. Brougham, whose artistic performances have been received throughout the whole of England and America with shouts of applause and wonder . . .
The entertainments will commence with Dion Bourcicault's sparkling and successful Comedy, in Five Acts, entitled London Assurance -
Lady Gay Spanker - Mrs. Brougham. as played by her in all the principal theatres in England and America . . .
Sole Lessees - Messrs. C. Young and J. P. Hydes.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Young (actor, manager); John Proctor Hydes (actor, manager); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"LYCEUM THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (10 January 1855), 5
The period for which the former lessee held this popular place of public amusement having now expired, Messrs. Quinn and Vinson, late of the Californian theatres, have taken a lease of it for a short period, when it will re-open tomorrow evening, under their management. An engagement has been effected with Mrs. Brougham, an actress of great celebrity on the London boards; and also with Miss Mary Ann Quinn.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Henry Quinn and daughter (Anna Maria [sic]) (manager, actor); James Hetters Vinson (actor, manager); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE THEATRES", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (9 June 1856), 3
Mr. Henry Coleman, the energetic and spirited builder and proprietor of more than one theatre on the gold-fields, this evening re-opens the original theatre of Melbourne under the name of the Lyceum. If any man deserves success by the means he takes to acquire it, that man is Mr. Coleman. He has entirely renovated and re-decorated the house, brilliantly lighted it with gas, and engaged a dramatic corps of tried excellence. It includes Mrs. Brougham, as stage directress, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young, Miss Chambers, Madame Strebinger, and the Messrs. Chambers. The orchestra, which seems to us to be well selected, is placed under the able leadership of Mr. Megson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Coleman (actor, proprietor); Jane Young (actor); Therese Strebinger (dancer); Joseph Chambers and son and daughter (dancers); Joseph Megson (musician, violin, leader); Lyceum Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"COUNTY COURT OF BOURKE. Thursday, 17th July . . . ROBERTSON AND WIFE V. COPPIN", The Argus (18 July 1856), 5
This was an action brought by the well-known actress, Mrs. Brougham, by herself and husband, against Mr. George Coppin, the popular comedian, and lessee of the Theatre Royal and Olympic Theatre, to recover damages for breach of contract. The plaint averred that in consideration that the said Emma Robertson would engage to perform for the defendant at his theatre for the season, then about to commence the defendant promised to retain the said Emma Robertson during the said season, and pay her at the rate, to wit, of eight pounds per week, and to give her a benefit within four months after the commencement of the said season; and the plaintiffs aver that the said Emma Robertson did then commence to perform for the defendant at his theatre, and was always ready and willing to continue to perform for the defendant at his theatre for the said season, within the true intent and meaning of the said agreement, of which the defendant always had notice; yet the defendant, not regarding his said promise, did not nor would retain the said Emma Robertson during the said season nor give her a benefit within four months after the commencement of the same season, but, on the contrary thereof, before the expiration of four months from the commencement of the said season wrongfully discharged the said Emma Robertson from her said engagement, whereby she lost the advantages of her said engagement, and of her said benefit, as aforesaid and the plaintiffs claim £200 as damages . . .
For the plaintiffs Mr. Dawson . . . He (Mr. Dawson) apprehended that this contract, was of the class referring to hiring and service, and that if the servant did what might be reasonably expected the master had no right to construe the contract in any other way, but was bound to assign such duties as the capacity for which the servant was hired was supposed to include. Consequently, Mrs. Brougham had reason to expect a part involving duties suited to her capacity. If a manager brought out an actor who was a light comedian, and, finding himself embarrassed for a tragedian to play leading characters, shuffled the cards and put the light comedian to perform such parts as were totally unsuited to him, he had a right to complain. The same would be the case if a lending actress whose figure or appearance only fitted her for heavy characters being required to perform such a part as Ophelia. Again, would it not be absurd to call for a leading character, in such a place, for instance, as the "Beggar's Opera," a lady who, although otherwise an admirable actress, had no voice, and to do this because the vocalist who ought to have performed the part was unwell? . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager); Charles James Dawson (barrister, musical amateur); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"SANDHURST", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (14 March 1857), 2
The Criterion Theatre re-opens to-night under the management of Mrs. Brougham. The season will be inaugurated by a complimentary benefit to the manageress, given by the members of the Sandhurst Dramatic Club, who appear on the occasion in "London Assurance," and the farce of the "Omnibus." Madame Anna Bishop is announced to make her first appearance here on Monday evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Criterion Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"TARRANGOWER (From our own correspondent)", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (19 March 1858), 4
. . . While in the subject of Eaglehawk it may be as well to mention that Mr. Mason, the energetic proprietor of the hotel of that name, has made great improvements in his theatre, and contemplates still greater. A neat proscenium has been painted by Mr. Stocqueler, representing the figures of Melpomene and Thalis. The stage is to be made twelve feet deeper, and private boxes are to be erected. An excellent company is engaged, consisting of Mrs. Brougham, Mrs. Moore, and Messrs. Coleman, Joyce, Inglis, and Moore. These artistes made their first appearance on Saturday evening, and the result was a decided success . . .
"AUSTRALIAN PERFORMERS IN ENGLAND", Bendigo Advertiser (19 October 1858), 3
On looking over our English files, we find reference made to the performances of several Australian theatrical celebrities, and the allusions are generally of an eulogistic character. Mrs. C. Young sustained her popularity, and, with her husband, is engaged at the Sadler's Wells for the season. Mrs. Brougham has made a successful re-appearance in London, at the Lyceum, in the character of Emilia in "Othello" . . .
NOTE: Brougham opened in Othello in London on 24 July 1858
Bibliography and resources:
James Grant Wilson and John Fiske (eds), "Brougham, John", Appletons' cyclopaedia of American biography . . . volume 1 (New York: D. Appleton, 1888), 392 (DIGITISED)
. . . in 1842 he came to New York, under engagement to Stephen Price, and on 4 Oct. . . . he made his first appearance on the American stage . . . He was accompanied by his first wife, Emma Williams, a beauty of the Juno type, whom he had met and married in London. This lady subsequently was separated from him, became Mrs. Robertson, and died in New York, 30 June, 1865 . . .
G. C. Boase, "Brougham, John", Dictionary of national biography 6 (1886), 458-59,_1885-1900/Brougham,_John
. . . He married first, in 1838, Miss Emma Williams, an actress who had played at the St. James's Theatre, London, in 1836, and afterwards at Covent Garden, where she was the original representative of the Empress in 'Love.' In 1845 she left America for England, and remained away for seven years. On her return she appeared at the Broadway Theatre on 16 Feb. 1852, and played a short engagement; again, in 1859, she went to America, being then known as Mrs. Brougham Robertson. She died in New York on 30 June 1865. John Brougham married secondly, in 1844, Annette Hawley, daughter of Captain Nelson, R.N., and widow of Mr. Hodges . . . Her death took place at New York on 3 May 1870, the twenty-sixth anniversary of her wedding-day.
BROUGHTON, William Grant (William Grant BROUGHTON; W. G. BROUGHTON; "Bishop of Australia")
Anglican cleric, archdeacon, bishop
Born London, England, 22 May 1788
Married Sarah FRANCIS, Canterbury cathedral, Kent, England, 13 July 1818
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 13 September 1829
Died London, England, 20 February 1853 (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
BROWER, Thomas Palmer (Thomas Palmer BROWER; Thomas P. BROWER; T. P. BROWER; T. BROWER)
Musician, vocalist, violinist, violin player, minstrel, serenader, originally of Rainer's Serenaders (1852-55)
Born USA (variously reported New York, NY, or Philadelphia, PA), c. 1828
Married Mary MORRELL, St. Paul's church, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 5 December 1849
Arrived Sydney, 19 September 1852 (per Speed, from San Francisco, 28 July)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 3 August 1861 (per Prince Consort, for Calcutta)
Died Philadelphia, USA, 15 March 1867, aged "38/39" ("37") (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Record of marriages, St. Paul's church (Episcopal), Philadelphia, 1849; Historical Society of Pennsylvania (PAYWALL)
[1849] Dec. 5 / Thomas P. Brower to Mary Louisa Monell [? Morrell] both of Philadelphia
USA census, 21 August 1850; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; US National Archives, 29/M432/1850/822/288 (PAYWALL)
Catharine Morrell / 49 // Emma [Morrell] / 19 //
Thomas Brower / 22 / Musician / [born] New York
Mary [Brower] / 21 / [born] Penn'a // Kate [Brower] / 2 months / [born] Penn'a
Abram [Brower ? Morrell] / 17 / Gas fitter / [born] Penn'a
"THE SERENADERS", Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (2 March 1852), 2
The Ethiopian Serenaders, under the management of Messrs. Rainer and Donaldson, opened last evening, at the Jenny Lind Theatre, and quite a large and respectable audience were in attendance. Messrs. F. Solomon, M. W. White, T. Brower, W. B. Donaldson and E. B. Donaldson compose the company. Their performances last evening were excellent and elicited much applause from the audience. The singing is decidedly good, and well worth listening to. Tonight they present a new bill, with a variety of songs, dances, choruses, and glees.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Cragin Rainer (serenader, manager); M. W. White (serenader)
"AMERICAN THEATRE", Daily Alta California (6 June 1852), 2
The performances at the American Theatre last evening commenced with the thrilling drama of "La Tour de Nesle" . . . The justly celebrated band of Rainer & Donaldson's Serenaders then made their appearance, singing some of their choicest melodies, glees and chorusses, and amusing the audience with their laughable dialogues. Christy's celebrated melody of "The Old Folks at Home," as sung by Mr. Brower, was well sung and drew shouts of applause from the audience. These Serenaders enjoy a high reputation for their performances, and their effort last evening fully justified it . . .
"RAINER'S SERENADERS", Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (25 July 1852)
The American Theatre was well filled last evening, upon the occasion of the benefit of Messrs. Brower and Foans. This evening this excellent and popular band of Minstrels make their last appearance in California prior to the departure for the Australian colonies. Mr. J. C. Rainer, the leader of this famed troupe of serenaders, takes a benefit, and for which an unusually interesting programme is announced. A new feature in these exhibitions will be the distribution of fifteen rich prizes to the audience - all having a chance who purchase a ticket. The prizes will be distributed at the close of the performances. Such attraction cannot fail but draw a large audience.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Milton Foans (serenader)
Australia (19 September 1852 to 3 August 1861):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (20 September 1852), 2
September 19 - Speed, barque, 365 tons, Capt. Cannell from San Francisco the 28th July, In ballast. - Passengers . . . Messrs. J. C. Rainer, J. P. Brower [sic], M. W. White, N. Bryant, G. M. Jones [sic, Foans], F. Moran, G. Labert [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Neil Bryant (serenader); Frank Moran (serenader); "Labert" ? = Elbert Totten (manager); Rainer's Serenaders (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 September 1852), 1
ROYAL HOTEL. FIRST GRAND CONCERT of Rainer's original Ethiopian Serenaders.
Messrs. Rainer, White, Brown [Brower], Bryant, Foams [Foans], and Moran, on THURSDAY EVENING, September 23, at the Saloon of the Royal Hotel.
This company, the first to harmonise Negro Melodies, and originators of the present popular style of Ethiopian Entertainments,
and their success during the past ten years in the United States is without precedent in the annals of public amusement,
and who in their visit to England had the distinguished honour of appearing before her Majesty, Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and the Court,
respectfully announce to the musical public of Sydney that they will commence a series of their inimitable entertainments as above.
For programme see small bills. Cards of admission - front seats, 3s.; back seats, 2s.; to be had at the music sellers, and Royal Hotel.
Doors open at half past 7; concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
E. TOTTEN, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"THE LAST APPEARANCE OF THE SERENADERS", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (21 April 1853), 3
EVERYTHING, it is said, hath an end, and that which we call a pudding hath two. As it is with the substantial luxuries of life, even so is if with the intellectual; we should therefore, in wisdom, while we can, enjoy the "goods the gods provide," and be thankful, at the end, that they ever had a beginning. The last of the benefit-nights appropriated to those - we cannot say unrivalled, but we may say unsurpassed artists, whose performances have afforded such delight to crowds of our fellow-citizens, is fixed for to-morrow evening. That useful darky, Anderson (Mr. T. Brower, the violinist to the Serenaders), then invites the public to partake in his behalf, as well as for their own gratification, of a feast, which, judging from the "bill of fare" provided, has not been excelled on any previous occasion. In addition to the choice [REDACTED] melodies, many of which in their beautiful simplicity appeal at once to the heart, the band of the 99th Regiment will, by the kindness of Colonel Despard, be permitted to attend, and music adapted to the most cultivated ear will thus in turn diversify the witticisms, puns, jokes, and burlesques which form the staple of the entertainment. The programme, among many others, comprises the favourite airs of "Old Folks at Home," "Malinda Mae," and the "Sweep's Refrain" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 99th Regiment (military band)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (1 September 1853), 2
THIS EVENING, Thursday, September 1st, 1853. Benefit of MR. FRANK MORAN, alias Brudder Bones; and positively the Last Night.
Programme: Part 1 - Introductory Overture, Bryant and Company; Opening Chorus, The Floating Scow (first time), Company;
Dinah Blake (first time), Moran; Nelly was a lady (first time), Rainer; Oh! Lucy, wake (first time), White;
Jenny Lane, (first time), Foans; Silver Shining Moon, Brower; I'm off for Melbourne (first time), Moran;
The Lost Child (by request), White; Where is the spot, "Trio," White, Rainer, and Moran.
Part II - Solo, flutina, Bryant; Ballad (new), White; Solo, banjo, Moran; Duet, Herr Rahm and J. M. Foans;
Characteristic Trio, Brower, Moran, and White; Solo, "Postillion," Herr Rahm.
After which, a new Farce, never acted here, entitled SKETCHES IN INDIA . . . [by the Victoria company]
The Evening's Entertainments to conclude with the celebrated Negro Opera of NEGRO ASSURANCE.
Cuff, a boot black, Moran; Samuel Johnson, Esq., a master boot black, White;
Peter Williams, John Silsbee, Tom Lincoln, journeymen boot blacks, Brower, Rainer, Bryant;
Miss Dinah Rose, a very coquettish young lady, very pretty, very bustling, and fond of having two strings to her bow, J. M. Foans.
During the course of the Opera a Favourite Dance, Miss Dinah Rose; an Original Dance, in character, Moran.
The whole to conclude with the Virginia Reel, by all the characters.
Musical Director, Mr. J. C. Rainer.
Cards of Admission - Boxes, 4s.; Upper Boxes, 3s.; Pit, 2s.; Gallery, 1s. Boxes and tickets can be secured from 10 to 2 o'clock daily.
E. TOTTEN, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Brower's Benefit", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (19 August 1854), 3
THE Entertainments on Monday evening are for the benefit of Mr. T. P. Brewer, the Violinist, whose claims for support are not less than any other members of the company to which he belongs, inasmuch as, although he may not shine "a bright particular star" his talent gives a completeness and a finish to the performances, which without him they would lack. We have also noticed that Mr. Brower possesses great powers of humour, which he displays most amusingly in those Burlesque Operettas in which the Company specially excel. A bill of fare has been issued for the occasion sufficient to satisfy the greatest lover of novelty, and in addition to the temptation thus held forth Mr. Brower liberally offers a Silver Snuff Box, valued at £12, to the author of the best original Conundrum; judgment to be delivered by a committee of gentlemen to be appointed by the audience. The Conundrums will be read after the celebrated PYNORAMA, and the prize awarded. The entertainments will conclude with the Burlesque of A Masquerade Ball, or A Night Down Town . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
"RAINER'S ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (21 April 1855), 2
It seems Goulburn is destined to become the scene of one continued round of amusement, and that no sooner does one species of attraction disappear, than another, and, if possible, a greater one arrives in its place. This week Rainer's Ethiopian Serenaders, of American and Australian fame, arrived among us, and made their debut on Thursday evening last, at Woodward's Commercial Hotel, before a crowded and delighted audience. Of all the serenaders we have hitherto heard, and they are many, Mr. Rainer's company take the precedence. There is an elegance and purity about their performances which we have often found wanting in other delineators of [REDACTED] life, and their thorough knowledge of the class they profess to imitate, gives them a decided advantage over most of their competitors at present in the field, and a feeling of self sufficient accuracy which prevents their either running into exaggeration or failing to carry out the imitation. The bye-play was first-rate, and exhibited to a nicety the droll conceits, and antic grimaces, which cannot and do not fail to bring on roars of laughter. Mr. Rainer's voice is a very deep bass, and was heard to very great advantage in "Uncle Tom's Farewell" and the " Virginia Rose-bud," both songs calculated to bring out his deep and rather melancholy voice. "The Old Folks at Home" was very beautifully rendered by Mr. Brower, and to be sung well, this song requires much feeling and pathos, which this artiste certainly possesses in a high degree . . . But it is useless attempting to describe the effect of these performances. Those who have seen them will long remember the amusement they have received, and to those who have not we can only say they have lost a treat, the chance of which they may never have again.
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (22 September 1855), 1
MR. J. M. FOANS, (late of "RAINER'S SERENADERS"), has succeeded Mr. Faris in this well-known Establishment,
and solicits a share of patronage from his friends and the public . . .
MR. BROWER, (also late of Rainer's Serenader), will assist in the general management . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 November 1855), 1
VICTORIA THEATRE. - Sole lessee, A. Torning.
on which occasion Messrs. T. P. Brower and J. M. Foans, late of Rainer's Serenaders have kindly volunteered their services.
The whole entertainment to be given by the Minstrels. Songs, dances, burlesques, and duets.
On THIS EVENING, November 26 . . . To conclude with the Musical Burletta, with all the original music,
as played by them one hundred successive nights in New York, entitled
THE VIRGINIA CUPID - with this immense powerful cast -
Sam Johnson, a darkey fop, disgusted with the boot-black business, and much in love with Rosa, T. P. Brower, late of Rainer's Serenaders . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Torning (lessee); Backus Minstrels (troupe)
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (7 June 1856), 3
The Ethiopian Serenaders; Messrs. D. F. Boley and W. A. Porter (late of the Backus Minstrels), Messrs. J. M. Foans, T. P. Brower, and Niel Bryant (late of Rainers Serenaders) and Mr. J. E. Kitts, (late of the New York Serenaders) have taken this Theatre for four evenings the present being the last of the arrangement. This is to be regretted; for in the present dearth of musical talent in Sydney, an evening with this extremely talented corps, vocale and musicale, is a very agreeable affair. On Wednesday, they were, on their reappearance, welcomed with much cordiality by a crowded audience; and the exceedingly well-rendering of the selections of songs, duets, choruses, burlesques, dances, &c. gave the highest satisfaction.
ASSOCIATIONS: Dorrel Fair Boley (serenader); William Alonzo Porter (serenader); James Edward Kitts (serenader); New York Serenaders (troupe); Ethiopian Serenaders (troupe); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE SERENADERS", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (3 January 1857), 2
A night spent in listening to the performances of the company of serenaders now performing at the Prince of Wales Theatre, on a professional tour, has very favorably impressed us with their musical capabilities. Mr. Boley's deep, rich bass, which he wields with considerable ease and flexibility, first strikes the ear of the listener as the swells and cadences of the chorus enrapture the soul with their melody. Mr. Brower is a capital baritone, and sings well. His "Poor Dog Tray," on Thursday evening, was a gem . . . Other songs were equally well executed. Several [REDACTED] extravaganzas were gone through in the course of the evening, which afforded capital amusement, and were no doubt descriptive of peculiarities in [REDACTED] life . . . The performances were enthusiastically received, the only drawback, we regret to observe, to a capital night's enjoyment, being a very thin house. We trust that Bathurst will manifest its appreciation of musical excellence by a more liberal patronage than has yet been accorded to the present company.
ASSOCIATIONS: Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue)
"THE CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (23 April 1858), 3
The Burank and Demerest Minstrels performed for the last time but one last evening . . . Decidely the best part of the performance is the dancing, and better dancers than Messrs. Burbank, Demerest and Carson, it would be difficult to find. The minstrels are accompanied by Mr. Brower, late of Rainer's serenaders, who acts as agent to the company.
ASSOCIATIONS: Otto N. Burbank (minstrel); George Washington Demerest (minstrel); Dave Carson (minstrel); San Francisco Minstrels (troupe); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"AMERICAN CELEBRATION DAY ON SANDHURST", Bendigo Advertiser (5 July 1859), 2
At an early hour on Monday, being the eventful 4th of July, the day was ushered in by some rather smart fue de joie,
which rather discomposed the more nervous portion of our community . . .
About seven o'clock a number of gentlemen sat down to celebrate the anniversary at the Criterion Hotel.
Upwards of thirty gentlemen took their seats . . .
The cloth having been cleared, according to general usage, "The Declaration of Independence" was read on this occasion by Mr. Brower . . .
Air, - "Hail, Columbia! Happy Land."
Song, - Messrs. Brower, Boley, and Conna, The Star Spangled Banner" . . .
The remainder of the evening was spent in a happy and harmonious manner, Messrs. Boley, Brower, Conna, and Carson amusing the company with some solos, duets, and trios,
till it was considered time to separate, and all parties left fully contented with having celebrated this national anniversary with becoming patriotism.
ASSOCIATIONS: F. W. Conna (vocalist)
"THE HAYMARKET THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (16 April 1859), 3
Crowded as the theatre has generally been during the engagement of Miss Mortyn and Mr. Brooke, it has never contained a more numerous or respectable audience than it did last night . . . On the fall of the curtain Miss Mortyn and Mr. Brooke were called before the curtain, and on the lady's retiring, Mr. Brooke came forward, and said: - Ladies and Gentlemen, On the eve of my departure from Bendigo I think a few words by way of farewell necessary . . . I beg to acknowledge the zealous and energetic efforts of Messrs. Vinson and Brower, and I do trust the public will accord them a support commensurate with their deserts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); James Hetters Vinson (actor, manager); Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue)
NEW INSOLVENTS", The Age (13 August 1859), 6
Henry Howard, James Venson [sic], and Thomas Palmer [sic], publicans, Sandhurst. Causes of insolvency: Losses in carrying on the Haymarket Hotel and the Theatre, Sandhurst, and pressure of creditors. Liabilities, £2237 3s 3d; assets, £1524 16s; deficiency, £712 7s 3d. Mr. Courtney, official assignee.
[Advertisement], The Age (15 August 1859), 3
Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates. IN the Insolvent Estate of Henry Howard, James Vinson, and Thomas Palmer Brower, of Sandhurst, in the Colony of Victoria, publicans, trading under the name, style or firm of Howard and Co. - Whereas the estate of Henry Howard, James Vinson and Thomas Palmer Brower, of Sandhurst, in the colony of Victoria, publicans, was on the 12th day of August, a.d, 1859, placed under sequestration . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Howard (business partner)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (19 August 1859), 1
ASSOCIATIONS: Kate Warde (actor); Shamrock Theatre (Bendigo venue); Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"PROFESSOR ANDERSON IN AUSTRALIA. TO THE EDITOR OF . . ." The Era [London, England] (23 October 1859), 9 (PAYWALL)
Melbourne, August 17, 1859.
Sir, - By the last mail but one I sent you a letter from Bendigo, descriptive of things theatrical here at the antipodes.
As I have rambled over some ground since then, and am back again in Melbourne, I will now trouble you with another epistle,
in which I will endeavour to chronicle a few of the events that have recently occurred, and describe some of the places in which I have lately been.
Bendigo, where I performed two months since, has four places of amusement, the Haymarket Theatre, the Shamrock, Abbott's Lyceum, and the Victoria.
The Haymarket was built by Mr. Coleman, a gentleman who once had an entertainment in England which he entitled "Masks and Faces."
It is a wooden structure, and holds about 1,000 people.
Like most of the theatres out here it is attached to an hotel, and both theatre and hotel were, at the time of my playing there,
in the occupancy of Messrs. Howard, Vinson and T. P. Brower.
The last named of these gentlemen is the brother of Mr. Brower, who was once one of my company at home, and has himself, for some time past, been the manager of the San Francisco Minstrels . . .
Yours, most truly, JOHN HENRY ANDERSON, Wizard of the North.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Coleman (manager, builder); John Henry Anderson (wizard, correspondent)
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (19 October 1860), 2
We spent two or three agreeable hours last evening with the San Francisco Minstrels at the Royal. The house was well filled, having doubtless an encouraging effect upon the Minstrels, who were in capital voice and spirits. In the first part, the ballad of "Good news from home," was admirably rendered by Mr. Charles Walsh, and received the honor of an encore. Poor Dog Tray, by Mr. T. P. Brower, was well sung and well received. In the second part, Mr. G. W. Demerest in the Spanish Dance, La Manola, acquitted himself in the most satisfactory manner, and was encored . . . Dave Carson's Blue tail fly elicited roars of laughter; it is most artistical. The chef d'oeuvre the evening was Signora Don, who was introduced to the audience by Mr. J. O. Pierce . . .
[Advertisement], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (26 June 1861), 8
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Thursday Evening, 27th June,
BENEFIT of Mr. T. P. BROWER, Of the San Francisco Minstrels,
On which occasion the following Artistes will appear: -
In conjunction with the GREAT EQUESTRIAN TROUPE.
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (3 August 1861), 2
Frauleln Fannie and the brothers Leopold, togother with Dave Carson and Tom Brower, depart to-day in the Prince Consort, for Calcutta.
ASSOCIATIONS: Leopold family (dancers)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Prince Consort, from Melbourne, 3 August 1861, for Calcutta; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Thomas Leopold / 36 // Henry [Leopold] / 38 // George [Leopold] / 26 // Fanny [Leopold] 20 //
Dave Carson / 24 // Thomas Brown [sic] / 33 // . . .
After Australia:
[Advertisement], Bombay Gazette [India] (5 May 1865), 2 (PAYWALL)
PART 1ST. Instrumental Introduction - S. F. Minstrels.
Chorus - 1st Time (Music from Trovatore) - Ditto.
"Come O'er the Stream Jessie" (1st time) - H. C. Campbell.
"Away She Went" (Local) 1st Time - Dave Carson.
I'm off the Rail (1st Time) - T. P. Brower . . .
An Orchestra of 40 (keys) imported expressly for this occasion, under the direction of L. F. Palin . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lawrence Frederick Palin (musician)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . PASSENGERS DEPARTED FROM BOMBAY", Homeward mail from India, China and the East (23 May 1866), 18 (PAYWALL)
[April] 29 - P. &. O. Co.'s str. Carnatic . . . For Suez - . . . T. P. Brower, J. O. Pierce, L. F. Palin . . .
Death certificate, Thomas P. Brower; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, death certificates index (PAYWALL)
Thomas P. Brower / 39 / [born] Philadelphia / [died] Philadelphia / 18 March 1867 / Actor / [address] 1122 Master, 20 Ward / married
. . . Carson and Brower organized a company for India, which left Australia in August, 61. They arrived in due time at Calcutta . . . The company remained in India over five years, all the time as the San Francisco Minstrels, and there is not the slightest doubt that owing to the facility with which Carson attained Hindostaneee, the language of the country, and the manner in which he mimicked and caricatured a certain class of the native people, the great success with which the company met with was obtained. In May, '66, the boys dissolved partnership, owing to the desire to sea their native land once more. Brower died on the 15th of March, eight months after arriving home. Carson attended to him up to the last, and was one of the chief mourners at the funeral - Brower having been away sixteen years, Pierce about seventeen, and Carson nearly fourteen . . .
[News], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (19 August 1867), 5
WHAT OLD COLONIST is there who does not remember jovial Dave Carson? The N. Y. Clipper has some interesting facts relating to him and others once well known in Australia. It appear that Burbank (the best negro minstrel this colony has ever seen) is not dead. It will be remembered that Carson, Brower and J. O. Pierce organised a company for India, which left Australia in August, '61. They arrived in due time at Calcutta, where they astonished the Hindoos and Mohamedans not a little with their representations of the sports and pastimes of the Ethiopian race in the United States of America. After performing a season at Calcutta, with satisfaction to themselves and the public, they left the "City of Palaces" for a tour through Hindostan. The company remained in India over five years, all the time as the "San Francisco Minstrels" and there is not the slightest doubt that, owing to the facility with which Carson attained Hindostanee, the language of the country, and the manner in which he mimicked and caricatured a certain class of the native people, the great success with which the company met with was obtained. In May, 1866, the boys dissolved partnership owing to the desire to see their native land once more. Brower died on the 15th of March, eight months after arriving home. Carson attended to him up to the last, and was one of the chief mourners at the funeral; Brower having been away sixteen years, Pierce about seventeen, and Carson nearly fourteen . . .
"Negro Minstrelsy . . . DIED", New York Clipper, (23 March 1867), 7
In Philadelphia, on Friday, 15th inst., Thomas P. Brower, in the 39th year of his age. It was but a year or so ago that Mr. Brower returned to his native city, after an absence of many years in nearly every quarter of the globe, and where, we believe, he performed with various minstrel troupes. He was a brother of the well known Frank Brower, from whose residence, No. 1, 122 Master street Philadelphia, the funeral was to have taken place on the 18th inst.
The subject of our sketch was born in March 1837. He has visited, professionally, almost every part of the globe. Left New York in '53, when only sixteen years of age, for Melbourne, Australia, where he arrived after a voyage of one hundred and five days. After visiting the principal gold mines, and performing with success at each, in 1856 he joined the party consisting of Tom Brower (Frank's brother, since dead), Otto Burbank (now with George Christy), W. A. Porter, G. W. Demerest, D. F. Boley, J. O. Pierce, and a number of others. The company was styled the San Francisco Minstrels, under which appellation they performed throughout New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Van Dieman's Land and New Zealand . . . .
. . . Carson and Brower organized a company for India, which left Australia in August, 61. They arrived in due time at Calcutta . . . The company remained in India over five years, all the time as the San Francisco Minstrels, and there is not the slightest doubt that owing to the facility with which Carson attained Hindostaneee, the language of the country, and the manner in which he mimicked and caricatured a certain class of the native people, the great success with which the company met with was obtained. In May, '66, the boys dissolved partnership, owing to the desire to sea their native land once more. Brower died on the 15th of March, eight months after arriving home. Carson attended to him up to the last, and was one of the chief mourners at the funeral - Brower having been away sixteen years, Pierce about seventeen, and Carson nearly fourteen . . .
Related prints:
Old folks at home, as sung by T. Brower, of Rainer's Minstrels, as arranged by J. C. Rainer (Sydney: For the author by H. Marsh, [? 1853]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (publisher, musicseller)
Bibliography and resources:
E. Le Roy Rice, Monarchs of minstrelsy, from "Daddy" Rice to date (New York: Kenny Publishing Company, [1910]), 15, 71 (DIGITISED)
THOMAS P. BROWER, a brother of Frank Brower, one of the organizers of the first minstrel show, and himself a performer of ability, died in Philadelphia, March 15, 1867; age 37 years. (DIGITISED)
FRANK BROWER, the junior member of the first minstrel company, made his first appearance at Dick Myers' Museum in Philadelphia, doing a song and dance, about 1838; subsequently he joined John Robinson's Circus, and later Raymond & Waring's Circus. After the separation of the original minstrel company in London in 1844, Mr. Brower traveled with Cook's Circus in England; and in the Spring of 1844, with Pelham, Sweeney and Emmett, they gave their old performance, opening in Dublin, Ireland, April 22, 1844, and playing engagements in Cork, Belfast, Glasgow and Edinburgh, after which he returned to America and played with some of the principal minstrel and circus organizations. In 1851 he revisited England, appearing as clown with Welch's Circus. February 28, 1856, he opened at Sanford's Minstrels in Philadelphia. His last engagement in minstrelsy was with Tunnison's Minstrels in Philadelphia, November 2, 1867; and his last appearance on the stage was in the same city, November 22, 1867, at the Walnut Street Theatre, in "The Lottery of Love." Mr. Brower's "Happy Uncle Tom" was as perfect a piece of acting, it has been said, that has ever been seen on any stage. He was original to a degree, and never stooped to vulgarity in any form. Frank Brower was born in Baltimore, Md., November 20, 1823; he died in Philadelphia, June 4, 1874.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Brower (elder brother), see also "Brower, Frank", The JUBA project
Thomas P. Brower, Find a grave
Musician, violinist, violin player
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1830 (shareable link to this entry)
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian [Hobart Town, TAS] (27 August 1830), 6
On Saturday last, Mr. Deane gave his concert as advertised in the newspapers. At eight o'clock the, large room in front of the building, which had been fitted up with great neatness for the occasion, was completely filled with the respectable inhabitants, Ladies and gentlemen, of the town and neighbourhood . . . The concert commenced with a grand symphony my Stamity [Stamitz]. Mr. Deane presided very ably at the violin, Messrs. Brown and Williams (master of the Band of the 63rd) seconds., Mr. Bock and Master Deane (a young gentleman only ten years old) tenors, Mr. Hoffer, a violoncello, and two horns by excellent performers of the 63rd Band. This beautiful symphony was performed with the greatest effect, and received with the warmest applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (violin); William Williams (master, 63rd band); Thomas Bock (viola); John Deane (viola); John Offor (cello); Band of the 63rd Regiment (military band)
BROWN, Mr. (Mr. BROWN) see under Mr. BROWNE
Musician, active Melbourne, NSW (VIC), early 1840s
Musician, orchestra leader
Active Sydney, NSW, 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (12 September 1853), 1
Proprietor, Mr. Malcom. Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Brown. Jester to the Arena, Mr. Palmer.
THIS EVENING, Monday, September 12th, 1853.
First night of the Drama of interest in three acts, entitled
DON CAESAR DE BAZAN, by G. a'Beckett and Mark Lemon. Don Caesar de Bazan, Mr. J. L. Byers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Malcom (proprietor); James Lucas Byers (actor) Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . . . MALCOLM'S AMPHITHEATRE", Illustrated Sydney News (22 October 1853), 2
. . . We do not mean to censure; but if our suggestion is worth having, Mr. Brown would add a great desideratum to the amphitheatre by giving us more musical variety. We believe the proprietor intends to introduce more talent and novelty in the course of next week. He appears determined to give the Circus "a local habitation and a name" . . .
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. MALCOLM'S AMPHITHEATRE", Illustrated Sydney News (19 November 1853), 6
The Circus appears to lose none of its attraction, and if we can judge from the highly respectable attendance which nightly graces the dress-circle . . . We would again suggest to Mr. Brown the necessity of an improvement in the music, and a greater variety. The music, on Tuesday night, during Cardoza's performance, was wretched. If Mr. Brown wishes to maintain his character as a musician, there must be a decided change in the orchestra.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joachim Cardoza (equestrian performer)
[Advertisement], Illustrated Sydney News (3 December 1853), 6
Open every evening with Dramatic and Equestrian Entertainments.
Change of programme nightly. Daring feats in the Arena, comprising Scenic Acts ef Horsemanship,
Jester to the Arena, Mr. Palmer.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Brown.
JOHN MALCOM, Proprietor.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 February 1854), 1
MALCOM'S ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AMPHITHEATRE, York-street. - Proprietor, Mr. Malcom. Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Brown . . .
BROWN, Albany (Albany BROWN; stage name, character name, alias)
Puppeteer, marionette performer, troupe manager, proprietor
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by April 1853 (from England)
Departed Sydney, NSW, by ? c. September 1853 (for England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Marionette Theatre (troupe, launched London, England, January 1852);
"THE ROYAL MARIONETTE THEATRE", Cambridge Chronicle and Journal [England] (3 January 1852), 3 (PAYWALL)
. . . A troupe of Italian artistes have arrived to work the dolls . . .
"ROYAL MARIONETTE THEATRE", Morning Advertiser [London, England] (10 January 1852), 6 (PAYWALL)
The proprietor of new, and certainly an original dramatic establishment, called the Royal Marionette Theatre,
entertained a number of his friends last evening, by a private view of the theatre itself, and the entertainments prepared for the public, on its opening on Monday next.
Nothing could be fitted up with more taste and elegance than the interior of the building.
It was formerly known the Adelaide Gallery, and for years enjoyed a considerable amount of popularity among sightseers and lovers of novelty.
It is now, however, much changed, and for dramatic performances like those intended to be represented there no expense has been spared to make it as complete as possible.
The galleries have been allowed to remain as they formerly stood, and immediately in front of the stage, as in other places of the kind, is the pit, lower stalls,
and on a considerable elevation behind, what are called the balcony stalls, which are fitted up with every regard to convenience and comfort.
Two rows of private boxes still further back, and immediately facing the stage, fitted up in a superior style, complete the accommodations for those who shall patronise this really charming little place,
while no expense has been spared in lighting up and decorating it in the most superior and effective manner.
The name which the theatre has received, that of "The Marionette Theatre," indicates the character of the entertainments, and their novelty in this country;
but the perfection to which the illusory art is brought in the performance of the various portions of them is really astonishing, and does great credit to the ingenious actors behind the scenes.
An initiatory address, written with considerable smartness and point, was delivered by one of those "speaking figures" designated in the bills as Mr. Albany Brown, the manager,
and Mr. Hugo Vamp, "an original author of foreign translations" - from which we cannot help quoting an extract or two that are really good.
After the announcement that:
"A manager, no matter what his size is.
Claims few words before the curtain rises;"
It goes on: -
To-night, a new experiment is tried.
On which we humbly ask that you'll decide
A Lilliputian army marches down,
To take that kind old Gulliver, the Town
And, if we can but bind him in alliance,
We'll set all bigger rivals at defiance.
But what can figures do? Do! I ask our Necker,
The smiling Chancellor of the Exchequer.
He vows (and, like ourselves, he's Wood, you know)
There's nothing figures can't be made to show.
Some may object that actors, made of wood,
Can’t copy feelings owned by flesh and blood.
We hope that this objection won’t be yours,
Seeing how many sticks the town endures.
Shall we cite precedents from former days?
Ben Jonson wrote for puppets - see his plays.
Prince Hamlet wishes, in his liveliest sally,
Ophelia's self could see the puppets dally."
Then commenced what is termed "a new and original" scene of apropos, entitled The Manager's Room, in which the wonders of this novel species of entertainment are exhibited.
It is, perhaps, not an easy task to describe them accurately.
The figures on the stage, and which move and act before the audience, are no doubt mechanical;
but by the admirable combination of the seen and the unseen - the wonderful adjustment of the voice of the speaker to the movements of the puppet -
each word is suited to the action, and by an ingenious exercise of ventriloquism the figures the stage are, to all appearances, the only persons taking active part in the drama.
Thus, then, these Marionettes, or diminutive substitutes for humanity, are made with the necessary adjuncts of mechanical skill and contrivance -
by appropriate distances and scenery, aided by the accompaniment of voice and music, to represent all kinds of dramatic, operatic, and ballet entertainment,
with a precision and skill, that do credit to the talent and ingenuity of all concerned.
If it were not that the introduction and removal of the figures on and off the stage, are evidently the work of an unseen hand, the illusion would be complete.
After The Manager's Room came the celebrated burlesque musical burletta of Bombastes Furioso,
and the entertainments concluded with a new and original grand ballet of action, entitled Pauline, or the pupil of nature.
The scenery designed and painted by M. Palette and Mr. Pigment, is uncommonly beautiful and effective, and the costumes,
which certainly required some tact, are of the richest and most gorgeous description.
"THE 'MARIONETTES'", Morning Post (10 January 1852), 5 (PAYWALL)
. . . As is usual on opening nights, the manager - one Mr. Albany Brown, a neat little gentleman, dressed in the first style of a Bunn or a Jullien - addressed the audience, bespeaking the good will of the public for his company. The address, which is very smartly written, was delivered with good emphasis by the gentleman behind, above, or below the scenes, wherever he might be, whilst the gentleman before the scenes well suited the action to the word, and was repeatedly applauded . . .
"The Royal Marionette Theatre . . .", The Era (11 January 1852), 15" (PAYWALL)
. . . gave a rehearsal of its tiny troupe on Friday evening, at the Adelaide Gallery, upon which occasion there was an initiatory address, "written and delivered by Albany Brown, Esq.," and an exceedingly clever fellow he must be, for the language was passing smart and appropriate. This contrivance has shown merely what are its capabilities, and must improve with every performance. Of themselves they are but puppets, it is true - mere toys and playthings, but they may become the medium for the satire of the day, a flow of wit and caustic humour - and a scourge as well as an exhibitor of the follies of the age. When the figures are in perfect command, and clever dialogue is composed for them, they may go to lengths of which we little dream, and become fashionable as well as amusing attractions. Here the actor is superseded by dolls, and you are carried back to the days whe the text was everything . . .
[Advertisement], Morning Herald [London, England] (22 December 1852), 4 (PAYWALL)
THE MARIONETTES at the ST. JAMES'S THEATRE. - Success of the Opera Company. -
Last Two Nights before the Holidays. - THIS EVENING (Wednesdays, Dec. 22.) -
A New Address, by Mr. Albany Brown, introducing a piece de circonstance, entitled AN APPEAL TO THE AUDIENCE.
After which the Burlesque Operetta BOMBASTES FURIOSO. To be followed by a Vocal and Instrumental Ethiopian Entertainment by the EBONY MARIONETTES.
To conclude with the Third Act of LA SONNAMBULA. - Every Evening at Eight. - A Morning performance This Day (Wednesday,) at Three.
Bombastes Furioso, the Ebony Marionettes, and the Third Act of the Sonnambula. - Doors open half an hour before each performance.
NOTE: This is the last advertised appearance of the marionette company in Britain until 1854; during 1853, however, the London venue of the same name, the Royal Marionette Theatre, continued to advertise other performances, as did the Royal Marionette Theatre Quadrille Band
Sydney and regional NSW (April to July 1853):
No record of the arrival or departure of the company has been found; it is possible that they came out and returned to England as contracted entertainers on steamships
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (1 April 1853), 1
MR. ALBANY BROWNE and his Company having arrived in this colony, intend giving the first of their performances on MONDAY, the 4th April.
The Circus has been nearly rebuilt for their reception, and the interior decorations are of the most costly and elegant description.
The Company will have the honour of making their debut in the Burlesque of BOMBASTES FURIOSO, the piece performed by Marionettes before her Most Gracious Majesty, on the evening of the 2nd June.
The Programme will shortly be published.
"We have seen Bombastes many times represented, but never wish to see it again, except by Marionettes, for they are burlesques in themselves." - CHARLES DICKENS.
N.B. - Wanted, one or two persons acquainted with stage business, salary no object to competent persons; also, a good Comic Singer.
Apply at the Theatre, between the hours of 10 and 2 this morning.
ASSOCIATIONS: Olympic Circus (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (11 April 1853), 1
THE public are respectfully informed, that the above Theatre will open THIS EVENING Monday, 11th April.
It is necessary to state that the Theatre has undergone the most complete repair and no expense has been spared regarding the interior decorations,
while every attention has been paid to the comfort of the audience.
The Evening's Entertainments will commence with the MANAGER'S ROOM, from which Mr. ALBANY BROWN will have the honour of delivering his opening speech.
To be followed by the Burlesque of BOMBASTES FURIOSO, with new introductions and songs.
An interval of ten minutes.
Song, "The Shells of the Ocean," Mr. Grant.
Favourite Song - Madame Gautrot.
Negro Melody - Mr. Howson.
Song - Mr. Upson.
The evening's entertainments will conclude with several grand PANORAMIC SCENES,
embracing a View in the East Indies; the Arctic Regions, and Search for Sir John Franklin;
Constantinople, from the Golden Horn; a Village Scene on the English Coast.
The whole enlivened with upwards of 150 panoramic figures.
Doors open at Half-past Seven; Performances to commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
The performance is so arranged as to conclude as near 11 o'clock as possible.
Admission : Boxes, 3s.; Reserved Seats, 2s.; Pit, 1s.
In preparation, and will shortly be produced, THE BOTTLE IMP.
Also a new Farce, written expressly for the Marionettes, by Horace Mayhew, entitled WHO'S WIFE IS SHE?
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Gautrot (vocalist); Walter Howson (vocalist); Charles Upson (vocalist); Horace Mayhew (English humorous writer)
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (16 April 1853), 11
MR. ALBANY BROWN and COMPANY's immense success during the week in
BOMBASTES FURIOSO induces the manager to announce to the Public that by particular desire this favourite Burlesque will be repeated for two or three more evenings,
when it must positively be withdrawn for FURTHER NOVELTY!!
Recollect the GOLDEN AGE produced the MARIONETTES.
The most amusing Company in the Southern Hemisphere, who, during this (their first week's performance) have not only delighted but astonished the audience.
The Burlesque will be preceded by
After the Burlesque a variety of entertainments.
Song, - Mr. Grant,
Song, - Mr. Upson,
Dance, - Mr. Cook,
The [REDACTED] Style of Melody will be represented by Mr. Howson.
The evening's entertainments will conclude with the
GRAND PANORAMIC VIEWS, acknowledged to be by far superior to anything similar ever produced in New South Wales, which will be exhibited every evening until further notice.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Crow.
Admission, Boxes 3s.; Reserved Seats 2s.; Pitt 1s.
Doors open at 7, performance to commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
The whole arrangement is under the management of an experienced Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Crowe (musician)
[Advertisement], Empire (7 May 1853), 1
Change in the Programme. WIT, MIRTH, FUN, AND MACIC! Roars of Laughter at the Wizard!!
THIS EVENING, Saturday, the Laughable Operatic Burlesque of TOM THUMB; preceded by Mr. Albany Brown's Address.
Comic Song, Mr. Bruton.
To be followed by the most extraordinary feats in Legerdemain, by the Wizard of the South. This evening several new tricks will be introduced.
Song, Mr. Pennet.
To be succeeded (for the last time) by BOMBASTES FURIOSO.
Dance, Mr. Cook. Song, Mr. Bruton.
The whole concluding with the new Panorama of the Alps, illustrated by Moving Figures.
Doors open at seven, to commence at half-past. Boxes, 3s.; reserved seats, 2s.; Pit, 1s. Half price at 9 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: John William Bruton (comic vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (28 May 1853), 3
ROYAL MARIONETTE THEATRE!! Wit, Mirth, Fun, and Frolic!
The inhabitants of Maitland and its vicinity are most respectfully informed that the
CELEBRATED MARIONETTE COMPANY, from the Adelaide Gallery, who for the last two years have elicited the highest encomiums from the press,
and who have had the distinguished honor of performing three several times before her most gracious Majesty Queen Victoria,
will have the honor of making their Third and Fourth Appearance in Maitland,
THIS EVENING (SATURDAY), AND MONDAY, THE 30th OF MAY, at the Old Theatre, in the rear of the "Fitzroy Hotel."
It is perhaps necessary to state the building has been repaired and decorated, and every attention paid to ensure the comfort of the visitors.
The performance will commence with an Address to the Audience, by Mr. Albany Brown, the Manager.
After which will follow the Laughable Burlesque (performed thirty successive nights in Sydney) of BOMBASTES FURIOSO.
Comic Song. Mr. Bruton.
To be followed by the Laughable Operetta Burlesque of TOM THUMB.
Comic Song. Mr. Bruton.
The whole to conclude with THE PANORAMA OF CONSTANTINOPLE, which elicited such bursts of applause on its first representation.
On Monday the New Parorama, entitled A SCENE ON THE CORNISH COAST, Illustrated with upwards of One Hundred Mechanical Figures, will be exhibited in place of Constantinople.
Conductor of the Orchestra - Mr. Elsore.
Doors open at Seven; Curtain rises at Half past Seven precisely.
Admission - Reserved Seats, 2s.; Back, 1s.
P. HOOK, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Elsore (? Elson) (musician); Queen's Theatre (Maitland venue)
[2 advertisements], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (1 June 1853), 3
Last Night but Two of Bombastes Furioso. THIS Evening (Wednesday), and Tomorrow,
Comic Singing by Mr. BRUTON.
Concluding with, for the first time, the PANORAMA OF TARTARY.
Admission-Reserved seats, 2s.; back, 1s.
P. HOOK, Agent.
THE public are respectfully informed that Mr. Albany Brown and his Marionette Company will have the honor of performing for the
BENEFIT of the MAITLAND HOSPITAL, on FRIDAY, 3rd of June, when a variety of Novel Entertainments will be produced.
Mr. Foster has kindly signified his intention of placing one of his CABS, Free of Charge, for persons residing at East Maitland desirous of visiting the Theatre on Friday night.
H. MURIEL, Proprietor.
ASSOCIATIONS: ? Henry Peter Hook (agent, publican); Henry Muriel (theatre proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (8 June 1853), 3
SINGLETON. ROYAL MARIONETTE THEATRE, AT MR. ALCORN'S. First Night of the Marionettes in Singleton.
MR. ALBANY BROWN and his well known Company will have the honour of PERFORMING in Singleton on
THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS. Doors open at Seven o'clock, to commence at Half-past Seven precisely. ADMISSION - 2s.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (22 June 1853), 3
ROYAL MARIONETTE THEATRE. At Mr. Mayo's, Hunter River Hotel. For One Night only! . . . This EVENING, WEDNESDAY, June 22nd . . .
Morpeth, ONE NIGHT ONLY, MR. ALBANY BROWN and his Company . . . on THURSDAY (TO-MORROW), June 23rd, at Mr. Murphy's, Crown and Anchor . . .
Newcastle . . . on SATURDAY, June 25th, and MONDAY, 27th instant . . .
P. HOOK, Agent.
[Advertisement], Empire (23 August 1853), 3
TAKE NOTICE - That if the property left in my charge be not redeemed within Fourteen Days from this date, it will be sold by public auction.
H. P. HOOK, Painters' Arms, Castlereagh-street, Sydney. August 23rd, 1853.
After Australia:
[Advertisement], Belfast Commercial Chronicle [Ireland] (15 April 1854), 2
THEATRE ROYAL . . . The Royal and Original Troupe of MARIONETTES
Will have the honour of making their first appearance in Ireland, ON EASTER MONDAY, April 17, 1854.
THE Proprietor of the Royal Marionettes begs to announce a short series of his distinguished Drawing-room Entertainments in Belfast,
for which porpose an elegant Miniature Theatre has been erected on Stage of the Theatre Royal,
for the Representations by the Marionette Company, which includes, in addition upwards of 100 Figures,
the ORIGINAL EBONY MARIONETTES As they appeared on two occasions before the Royal Family, by command of her Majesty,
considered to the most extraordinary specimens of mechanical art exhibited in England during the last century -
their extraordinary performances and proximity to life creating the unbounded wonder and admiration of all . . .
Mr. ALBANY BROWN will deliver an Introductory Address, written for the occasion, introducing his auditors to the Manager's Room . . .
"ROYAL CREMORNE GARDENS", Morning Chronicle [London, England] (4 June 1857), 3
. . . Another novel feature introduced this week is the Marionette Theatre . . . The performances of the Marionettes are very amusing, and the ingenuity displayed in their manipulation is wonderful. The scenery is beautifully painted and on a reduced scale, to suit the Lilliputian dimensions of the performers. There was dancing, singing, and comedy - all very well rendered, especially the duet of "What are the wild waves saying?" by Mme. Chocolato and Mdlle. Laurietti, who, we believe, would be better knowen, if seen, as Mrs. Bartleman and Miss Mayne. The manager, Mr. Albany Brown (in whose voice the veteran Glindon could be easily recognised), delivered a capital opening address, containing some smart allusions . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Glindon (comic actor, vocalist, writer)
"ROYAL CREMORNE GARDENS", Morning Chronicle [London, England] (27 September 1858), 3
This highly popular property closes its gates on the 4th proximo, so that one week and one day more still remain for the lovers of open air amusements to enjoy their favourite resort. Each at evening includes a concert, an early and a late ballet, a marionette performance, and, of course, the ball, which the fineness of the nights enables the visitors to enjoy in in the usual al fresco mode. The new arrangement of the Marionette manager's room appears to be much appreciated, Mr. Albany Brown's polite address securing for him now, as on all former occasions, very considerable applause.
Bibliography and resources:
George Speaight, The history of the English puppet theatre (New York: John De Graff, [c. 1955]), 240-44 (DIGITISED)
[242]. . . After their season at the Adelaide Gallery the Royal Marionettes undertook a provincial tour, playing for three months at Manchester and two at Liverpool; they were back in London at the St James's Theatre for Christmas, made a limited reappearance at the Adelaide Gallery, and were eventually established at Cremorne Gardens in 1857 in a magnificent Marionette Theatre, with an imposing Italianate facade, capable of seating a thousand people, which had been specially built for them. Here, with Mr. Albany Brown, their manager, and Hugo Vamp, their author, they played nightly at nine o'clock for several years, charging from 6d. to 2s., [243] in a further selection of pantomimical extravaganzas . . . We should like to know more of the men behind the Royal Marionette Theatre . . .
"Royal Marionette Theatre", The JUBA project
BROWN, Anthony (Anthony BROWN; ? "Antonio BRUNO")
Musical instrument maker, violin and guitar maker and repairer, musician, composer
? Born London, England, 17 February 1802; baptised St. Katherine by the Tower, 14 March 1802; son of Anthony BROWN and Mary [? PUGH]
Married Julia PENNINGTON (1810-1875), St. Anne, Soho, London, 1 August 1831
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 December 1856 (per La Hogue, from London, 2 September)
Departed Sydney, NSW, by 1861 or much earlier
Died ? London, England, 1862 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
BROWN, Charles Pugh (Charles Pugh BROWN)
Born Holborn, London, England, 1838 (4th quarter); son of Anthony BROWN and Julia PENNINGTON
Died Enfield, NSW, 11 February 1880 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Anthony Brown and his wife and three of his four sons arrived in Sydney on the La Hogue in December 1856. Though his wife and all four sons remained in NSW, he himself returned to London by 1861 or earlier, and is perhaps the Anthony Brown who died in the Clerkenwell Union Workhouse on 24 February 1862.
Despite the close coincidence of their respective arrivals, there is no known family connection between Anthony and the musician and violin maker Walter James Brown (see below).
According to his two Australian advertisements, he was a violin and guitar maker, who formerly worked with the London maker Joseph Panormo (c. 1867-1837). He was probably the "Antonio Bruno" whose name reportedly appears on the label of an extant guitar:
Joseph Panormo & Antonio Bruno, Makers to the Celebrated Mr. Sor, No. 52 King Street, Soho, London.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Pennington Brown (wife; b. London, 14 June 1810; d. Sydney, NSW, 4 July 1875; Anthony Brown (son, b. London, 1841 [2nd quarter]); William Pennington Brown (son, b. 1844 [1st quarter]; bapt. 20 October 1854; d. Gladesville, NSW, 27 October 1883); Alfred Brown (son, b. London, 31 January 1852; d. Surry Hills, NSW, 12 December 1883)
? Baptisms, St. Katherine by the Tower, City of London, 1802; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
[1802 March] 14 / Anthony Brown son of Anthony & Mary [born] Feb'y 17 1802
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Anne, Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1831; register 1826-32, page 496; City of Westminster Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 1488 / Anthony Brown of this Parish and Julia Pennington of this Parish were married in this Church by Banns this [1 August 1831] . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Philip, Clerkenwell, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1834; register 1834-84, page 198; London Metropolitan Archives, P76/PHI/001 (PAYWALL)
No. 1578 / 20 October 1854 / William Pennington / [son of] Anthony & Julia / Brown / 40 Upper Rosoman Street / Musical Instrument Maker . . .
England census, 1841, St. James, Clerkenwell, Finsbury; UK National Archives, HO107/659/7/34/7 (PAYWALL)
40 Upper Rosoman Street / Anthony Brown / 35 / Musical Instrument maker // Julia / 30 // Julia Pugh / 8 // Emma Pugh / 5 // Charles Pugh / 3 //
[at same family of] Alexander Cheffins / 27 / Professor of Music . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Philip, Clerkenwell, Finsbury, Middlesex; HO107/1517/187/21 (PAYWALL)
40 Upper Rosoman St / Anthony Brown / Head / Mar. / 50 / Musical Instrument Maker / [born] London
Julia Brown / Wife / Mar. / 40 / - / [born London]
Julia Brown / Daur. / 17 / - / [born] Dean St. Soho
Charles Brown / Son / 13 / - / [born] Holborn
ASSOCIATIONS: Daughter Julia Pugh Brown (born 2 June 1833; baptised St. Anne, Soho, 13 July 1834
A list of the . . . passengers, arrived in the Ship La Hogue from London to Sydney, NSW, 11 December 1856; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Anthony Brown // Julia Brown // Anthony [sic] Brown // William Pennington Brown // Alfred Brown . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (13 December 1856), 3
December 11 - La Hogue, ship, 1331 tons, Captain H. Neatby, from London the 2nd September. Passengers - . . . Mr. and Mrs. Brown 3 children . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 January 1857), 4
A. BROWN, Violin Maker and Repairer, from Joseph Panormo's, London, - at D. Buist's, Bridge-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: David Buist (musicseller); Joseph Panormo (c. 1867-1837, London violin maker); son of Vincenzo Panormo; see also Joseph's niece, Sophia Panormo (musician, arrived Australia 1850s)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1857), 2
LA HOGUE POLKA, composed by A. BROWN, dedicated to Captain Neatby and Officers of the ship, to be published on SATURDAY next. Price 2s 6d.
W. J. JOHNSON and CO, 57, Pitt-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Jonathan Johnson (musicseller, publisher)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1857), 10
VIOLIN.- Mr. A. BROWN, from London, Violin and Guitar Maker, Dungate House, Castlereagh-street.
England census, 1861, St. Luke, Finsbury; UK National Archives, RG9/202/113/33 (PAYWALL)
15 West Place / Anthony Brown / Mar. / 59 / Musical Instrument Maker / [born] London [sole resident of flat]
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1869), 1
On the 16th instant, at St James' Church, by special license, by the Rev. Canon Allwood, CHARLES PUGH BROWN, eldest son of the late Professor A. Brown, of High Holborn, London, to DORA CAROLINE LONGMORE, youngest daughter of George Longmore, of Liverpool, sister to Mrs. John Bentley, 211, Campbell-street, Surry Hills, Sydney.
"FUNERALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 July 1875), 10
THE FRIENDS of Messrs. CHARLES, ANTHONY, WILLIAM, and ALFRED BROWN are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved MOTHER, Mrs. Julia Brown; to move from her late residence, 223, McBeath's-terrace, Palmer-st., Woolloomooloo, THIS AFTERNOON, at half-past 2, to Balmain Cemetery.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 February 1880), 1
BROWN. - February 11, at his residence, Enfield, Charles Pugh Brown, musician, eldest son of the late Anthony Brown, professor of music, London, aged 41 years. Home papers please copy.
Bibliography and resources:
William Sandys and Simon Andrew Forster, The history of the violin and other instruments played on with the bow . . . (London: William Reeves, 1864), 378 (DIGITISED)
BROWN, ANTHONY, it is said, learned violin-making of Joseph Panormo, others state of John Morrison, and became celebrated for his guitars. In 1855, he was living in Rosomond Street, Clerkenwell; but since that period he has been to "the diggings," and has returned with a little of the mineral riches of that land. He is not related to the other family of similar name.
The British violin: the catalogue of the 1998 exhibition "400 Years of violin & bow making in the British Isles" (London: British Violin Making Association, 2000), 55
. . . [Joseph Panormo] later worked in partnership with one Antonio Bruno, subsequently known as plain Anthony Brown. Bruno was established at 28 High Holborn in 1840, and from 1841 to 56 at 40 Upper Rosomon Street off Wilmington Square in Clerkenwell, where, like his former partner, he advertised as a violin, violoncello and guitar maker. A joint label of Panormo and Bruno also gives an address of 52 King Street Soho . . .
Alan Coggins (with introduction by Michael Lea), Violin and bow makers of Australia (Blackheath: For the author, 2009), 41-42 (DIGITISED short entry summaries archived at Pandora)
[Collection notes on an 1816 Louis Panormo guitar], Austin-Marie Collection
Anthony Brown, musical instrument maker, London street views (posted 28 May 2017)
Musician, pianist
Born ? Alsace
Active Braidwood, NSW, by 1863
Died Araluen, NSW, 25 April 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"COUNTRY DISTRICTS", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (19 September 1863), 2
On Monday evening, an unusually pleasing entertainment, by the Braidwood Dramatis Personae, took place in the Theatre Royal, Commercial Hotel, in favour of the funds for the completion of St. Bede's Church. The pieces were well sustained throughout . . . The musical arrangements were entrusted to Messrs. Brown and Martin. The violin solos by Mr. Martin, accompanied on the piano by Mr. Brown, were exquisitely performed, and afforded a rich treat to the lovers of sweet melody . . . - Braidwood Observer, Sept. 16.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Martin (violin)
"FATAL ACCIDENT AT ARALUEN", The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle {NSW] (30 April 1864), 4
Intelligence has reached town to the effect that Mr. F. Brown, pianist, who has for some years been a resident of the district, and spent a considerable portion of that time at Little River, died on Monday from the effects of a fall from a horse on Sunday last. Deceased will best be remembered in his public capacity as having travelled with Messrs. Oakey and Foans in their rounds of entertainments at Gininderra, Queanbeyan, Cooma, Gundaroo, Goulburn, and other places in the southern districts, and if we remember rightly, he was a native of Alsace. He has latterly been residing at Mr. W. H. Johnston's, Araluen, and was to have formed one of the corps musicale at the Odd-fellows' dinner and ball at the Doncaster to-morrow evening. The particulars of the accident are as follows: -
It appears that the deceased was about to proceed to Braidwood on horseback to procure the services of an accoucher for a female expected to be confined, and had just mounted for that purpose when the animal gave a buck and threw Mr. Brown, who was rather a heavy man, violently upon the ground on his right shoulder, his head coming into contact with the ground. He was for some time insensible, but was taken into the house and recovered, and on being asked by Mr. Johnston if he was seriously hurt, answered, "O no! I shall be right directly." Mr. Martin, the violinist, mounted the same horse and performed the errand, never doubting but he should find his friend all right when he returned. The injuries received, however, proved of a fatal nature. The deceased lived until Monday morning when all was over. Mr. Commissioner Griffin, accompanied by Mr. Clemenger, proceeded to Araluen yesterday to prosecute a magisterial enquiry. - Braidwood Dispatch.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Milton Foans (serenader); Charles Oakey (comic vocalist)
BROWN, Frances Helen (Mrs. BROWN) = Frances Helen HADSLEY
Musician, music teacher, teacher
Active Windsor, NSW, 1842-43
Musician, violinist, violin player, vocalist, composer
Active Bathurst, NSW, 1850-57 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press (7 September 1850), 5
THE Musicians and Singers of the above Establishment beg to inform the gentry of Bathurst and its vicinity,
that by the kind permission of Mr. Minehan, they intend giving a
MONTHLY CONCERT, the first of which will take place on
MONDAY NEXT, SEPTEMBER 9, 1850, when they hope their endeavours to please, will give satisfaction to their patrons.
The Evening's Entertainments will comprise the following Programme: -
1. Overture - By the Band.
2. Comic Song - Sir Andrew Agnew - Mr. T. Turner.
4. Song - When Time hath bereft thee - Mr. E. Smith.
6. Song - The blighted flower - Mr. E. Shapter.
7. Quick Step - Love Not.
8. Song - The spell is broken - Mr. J. Brown.
9. Polka - Composed by J. Brown.
10. Comic Song - Paddy Malone - Mr. T. Turner.
An interval of ten minutes will elapse.
11. Life Guards Quadrilles.
12. Song - Nine Cheers for the Girls we love - Mr. E. Smith.
13. Waltz - Composed by Mr. W. Marsden.
14. Comic Song - Ben Battle - Mr. E. Shapter.
15. Violin Solo - (accompanied) Savourneen Dheelish - Mr. J. Brown.
16. Comic Song - The Charity Boy - Mr. T. Turner.
18. Recitative and Air - The Death of Nelson - Mr. E. Smith.
19. Finale to the 1st Part.
Will comprise a [REDACTED] Entertainment, after the style of The Ethiopian Serenaders!!!
1. Refrain and Chorus - Night by de Galley Fire (by Bones) - Mr. Turner.
2. Song - De Boatmen Dance (Banjo) - Mr. Shapter.
3. Song - Ole Bull and Ole Dan Tucker - Mr. Brown.
4. Song - Going obe de Mountain (Tambo) - Mr. E. Smith.
5. Song - Ole Grey Goose - Mr. Shapter.
6. Song - Ginger Blue - Mr. Turner.
7. Song - Knocking at de Door - Mr. Brown.
8. Song - Rosa Lee - Mr. E. Smith.
9. Song - Oh, Susannah! - Mr. Shapter.
10. Lament - Carry me back - Mr. Turner.
11. Song - Dandy Jem from Caroline - Mr. Brown.
12. Song - My Skiff am on de Shore - Mr. E. Smith.
God Save the Queen - By the Company.
Tickets, 1s. 6d. each; reserved seats, 2s 6d.
To be obtained of Mr. Minehan, at the Crooked Billet.
Doors open at 7 o'clock; to commence at half past Seven precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Turner [sic] (vocalist); Edward Shapter (vocalist); William Marsden (composer)
"BATHURST SERENADERS", Bathurst Free Press (12 October 1850), 4
A miscellaneous concert, composed of sentimental and [REDACTED] songs, took place at Mr. Minehan's music room, on Monday, night week. Several of the sentimental songs were very creditably gone through, and the solos on the violin, by Mr. Brown, were exquisitely performed . . .
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (23 February 1856), 3
The management take pleasure in announcing that they have secured the services of Mr. JAMES BROWN, The well-known Violinist,
who will perform in conjunction with the Chittenden Family . . .
Stage Manager - G. W. Daniels. Leader of the Orchestra - George Chittenden . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Chittenden and family (musicians); George Washington Daniels (actor, manager); Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue)
"VILLAGE OF PEEL [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] . . . THE PEEL HOTEL BALL", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (1 August 1857), 2
A few evenings ago mine host of the Peel Hotel gave a supper and ball to the youth, beauty, and fashion of our little township. The supper was got up in extent, style, and reflected the greatest credit on the worthy host. After the supper was partaken of the festivities were prolonged till near day-light, Mr. Browne of Bathurst and his little band during the night contributing their fair share of entertainment to the company present.
"AMATEUR CONCERT. IN AID OF THE BATHURST HOSPITAL", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (7 November 1857), 2
It has rarely fallen to our lot to chronicle among our local "events" a circumstance which has suffered us so much unqualified gratification as the Concert which took place on Wednesday evening at the Victoria Theatre . . . The list of performers included Master Catton, Mr. Shadforth, Mr. C Turner, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Beach, Mr. Tiffin, and other amateurs. Miss Julia Clifford and Mr. Bruton also volunteered their valuable services together with Mr. Davis and Mr. Brown as instrumentalists. The programme contained a variety of morceaux generally of a popular nature, and necessarily, from the very short period allowed for preparation could but embrace few pieces of a classical or concerted character . . . Mr. Bruton's laughable comic songs, and Mr. Davis' very clever performances on the Violin, met with a very enthusiastic reception, and this latter gentleman's assistance in conjunction with that of Mr. Brown, did much to increase the efficiency of the concerted pieces, and accompaniments . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Catton (vocalist); Charles Byass Turner (vocalist); John and Julia Bruton (actors, vocalist); Isaac Henry Davis (violin); Royal Victoria Theatre (Bathurst venue)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (11 November 1857), 3
UNDER the auspices of the President, Officers, and Committee of the Bathurst School of Arts and Mechanics' Institute.
A GRAND AMATEUR CONCERT, In aid of the Fund now being raised to meet the Government Grant for a building,
for the purposes of the School of Arts, will be given at the above Theatre, on
Solo - Mr. Beach, and Chorus - "The Red, White, and Blue" - HARROWAY
Cavatina - "Oh! whisper what thou feelest" (Crown Jewels) Master Catton - AUBER
Song - The Wanderer, Dr. Wilkinson - SCHUBERT
Ballad - "The heart bow'd down (Bohemian Girl) Mr. Charles Turner - BALFE
Solo - Flute, Mr. Colquhoun, Pianoforte accompaniment - KUHLAU
Irish Ballad - Cushla Machree, Master Catton - LAVENU
Aria - "Tu che a Dio" ( Lucia di Lammermoor ) Mr. Tucker - DONIZETTI
Duett - "The Convent Bells," Muster Catton and Mr. Shadforth - GLOVER
Solo - Mr. Beech and Chorus - Lily Dale - ETHIOPIAN MELODY
An interval of ten minutes.
Glee - "To all ye Ladies" - CALLCOTT
Air - "Childhood's truant days" (Joseph) Master Catton - MEHUL
Scotch Ballad - Annie Laurie - Mr. H. Lenean
Aria - "Vi ravviso" (Sonnambula) Mr. Tucker - BELLINI
Solo - Flute, Mr. Colquhoun, Pianoforte accompaniment - BERBISCIER
Aria - (by desire) "Ah! perche non posso!" (Sonnambula) Master Catton, Violin accompaniment - BELLINI
Ballad - "In happy moments" (Maritana) Mr. Charles Turner - WALLACE
Morceau de Concert - "Le Carnival de Venise" Violin Solo - Mr. Brown, Pianoforte accompaniment - SIVORI
Song - (Guitar accompaniment) - "Oh! breathe not a word of our love," Dr. Wilkinson - RIPPINGILL
Grand Finale - Solo, Duett, and Chorus - God save the Queen.
Doors open at half-past 7. Performance to commence at 8.
Admission : Boxes and Parquette. 5s.; Pit, 2s. 6d.
Tickets may be had of Mr. Jones, Bookseller; Mrs. Leeds, Mrs. Sadler, Mr. Caulfield, Mr. McKell, Mr. Fitch, (Rogers' Hotel,) and of Mr. Crawley, at the Theatre.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Wilkinson (vocalist); George Colquhoun (flute)
"AMATEUR CONCERT", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (28 November 1857), 2
We regret to say that the amateur concert in behalf of the Bathurst School of Arts, in everything but its object, proved a failure, and to state anything less would manifest a disregard of that truth and propriety which ought ever to characterise the strictures of a public journal. It is a mistaken and unkind delicacy which would prevent the critic, any more than the surgeon from probing and if need be, cauterising the wound, which without the application of such remedies would rankle and fester - perhaps finally become incurable, whilst the adoption of a healthy and vigorous treatment, would, probably effect a radical cure. The concert failed, as it appeared to us, for the want of some recognised leadership, and is another added to the ten thousand instances furnished by human experience of the truthfulness of the domestic adage that "too many cooks spoil the broth." Another cause was witnessed in an injudicious attempt to harmonize in a short space of time, too great a variety of crude materials, which very naturally resulted in discord and confusion. For instance six or seven amateurs bowed to the audience in "Glorious Apollo," and made an inglorious mess of it, there being at one time no less than three different sets of time. The leading voice also soared with incorrect taste, in this and in several other glees, far above the rest and completely killed the melody, the beauty of which consists in the sinking the individual voices in one harmonious whole. All thirst for personal display must yield to that law of music, otherwise there is an end to harmony. These observations we put forth in a frank and friendly spirit, in the hope that whether in public or private, they may have their effect. We are happy however to modify our censure by that need of praise which is due at our hands to some of the performances. Mr. James Browne upon the violin, aided by a French gentleman as second, performed several pieces in good taste, and Mr. Colquhoun's flute trilled forth its dulcet notes in several solos to the great delight of the audience, and was deservedly encored. Several of the songs were respectably sung and well received, but from some peculiarity in the formation of the theatre much of the sound appeared to be absorbed and its tones flattened. Mr. Tucker deserves honorable mention amongst the vocalists. In concluding our remarks we feel, called upon to speak in complimentary terms of the neat and tasty decorations by which the stage was ornamented, in the management of which very heavy levies had evidently been made upon the neighbouring gardens. The thanks of the community, and more especially of the members of the School of Arts, are due to the good intentions of the gentlemen who have volunteered their services in its behalf, and rendered substantial aid to its building fund.
BROWN, Jim (Jim BROWN; "Jem BROWN"; alias of George KING)
Musician, vocalist, American melodist, singer, dancer, acrobat, equestrian, drum player, drummer, "the real American [REDACTED]"
Born New York, USA, c. 1811
Arrived Sydney, NSW, "1839", probably correctly 9 August 1841 (? crew, per Cadet, from Liverpool, 10 March)
Active Goulburn, NSW, by 1843; Sydney, 1844-51 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (16 November 1841), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Combined Attraction of Incredible Athletic and Gymnastic Power! -
Tomorrow Evening, Wednesday, November 17th, 1841.
SIG. DALLE CASE, gratefully appreciating the patronage hitherto experienced,
respectfully solicits public attention to his programme, which contains novelties of the most surprising description,
blended with a repetition of the most striking feats heretofore exhibited . . .
Act 3: 1. A great variety of Academical Postures, by Mr. King, from "Astley's" London . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Luigi Dalle Case (equestrian performer, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (26 January 1842), 3
WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 26, 1842. The Fifty-Fourth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Colony.
SIGNOR DALLE CASE, in announcing the Opening of his Theatre, begs to apprise the Australian Public that he has spared,
and will continue to spare no expense or exertion to render it worthy of their patronage and support;
and he assures them that his future exertions will be indefatigable in contributing to their amusement, by bringing forward,
from time to time, the most NOVEL and CHASTE ENTERTAINMENTS that can possibly be produced,
and which have hitherto been unknown in this Colony.
For this purpose, he has already entered into engagements with many Performers of great Talent, who have not formerly appeared here,
and he expects by every vessel, the arrival of several others . . .
PART II. Equestrian Performances. MR. KING, late of Astley's Amphitheatre,
will have the honour of making his first appearance before an Australian audience in a laughable act of
HORSEMANSHIP, ENTITLED, THE PEASANT'S FROLIC. The Young Brazilians will also exhibit their First Equestrian Performances on this occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: "The young Brazilians" - Signorina Anna and Signorina Emilia (performers); Olympic Theatre (Sydney venue)
"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 February 1842), 2
. . . We have said that the Olympic has been made an arena for mountebank adventurers, and we abide by what we have written. Is not Mr. King, who having served a few months' apprenticeship in the stables of Ducrow, and, during that time, having had the advantage of seeing others, every night perform their feats of horsemanship, must now needs play the part of his former master - is he not, we ask, a mountebank adventurer? Had we used the word "impostor," it would have been the more proper term . . . Is not Phillips, whose attempts at dancing have before drawn down on his head, the hoots and hisses of an audience, and who was scouted from the Victoria; is he not a mountebank adventurer? . . . Is not Jacobs with his one, and only one song, a mountebank adventurer? Were not these unfortunate devils sufficient to answer our charge, without Signor Dalle Case, the "foreigner and gentleman" placing himself at the head of those enjoying the enviable title of "mountebank adventurers?" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: S. Phillips (vocalist, dancer); John Lewis Jacobs (vocalist, actor)
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (22 February 1842), 3
In consequence of the immense Applause bestowed upon the Performances last Evening, they will be repeated.
THIS EVENING (Tuesday), 22nd of February, 1842, the performances will commence with the laughable Comedy called
In the course of the piece the popular Irish Songs, "The birth of St. Patrick," and, "If you travel the wide world all over," by Mr. Falchon.
Immediately after which, Mr. King will appear in the circus, in his much admired act of horsemanship called "The Sailor's Return" . . .
Astonishing Feats on the Perpendicular Cord, by the Man Tortoise, Larosiere, and Mr. King . . .
C. KNOWLES, Stage Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Falchon (vocalist, actor); Conrad Knowles (actor, manager)
"Theatrical Chit-Chat", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (3 March 1842), 2
. . . Holland, the Clown of the Circus to Signor Dalle Case's establishment, had the misfortune to break his arm on Tuesday last. This will, for a time, put a stop to the performance of Mr. King, and give him an opportunity of practising, a thing that he very much requires . . .
"THE OLYMPIC", The Sydney Herald (5 March 1842), 2
. . . The Company which the Signor has engaged is very powerful . . . We have then the Man Tortoise and Mr. King, both of whom are really wonderful in their acrobatic exercises, and the latter of whom is rapidly improving in his feats of horsemanship in the circus . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald [NSW] (18 March 1842), 2
The performance will commence with the highly Popular Farce, called THE DEAD ALIVE, or, TAKE YOUR WILLS.
After which, Horsemanship in the Circle.
To be followed by the Cachouca, by Mrs. Brock and Mr. J. Chambers.
The real American [REDACTED] will sing a popular song.
Succeeded by the favorite Farce, increasing in attraction nightly, called OF AGE TO-MORROW, with all the orignal Songs and Music.
Song by Mr. Falchon. Comic Pas de Trois, by Messrs. King, Larosiere, and Holland.
To be concluded with, by particular desire, the Farce of MY FELLOW CLERK . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Brock (dancer); Joseph Chambers (dancer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (23 March 1842), 2
OLYMPIC THEATRE . . . THIS EVENING, MARCH 23, 1842 . . . "Jem Brown," by the real American [REDACTED] . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (30 March 1842), 2
OLYMPIC THEATRE . . . THIS EVENING, 30th MARCH, 1842, Will be repeated Otway's Tragedy of VENICE PRESERVED . . .
After which for the first time the entirely new comic scene of Coal Black Rose, or Cliffy and Sambo, by the American [REDACTED].
Popular Song, by Mr. Falchon. And the popular song, called "Jem Brown," by the real American [REDACTED] . . .
[Advertisement], The New South Wales Examiner (2 April 1842), 2
OLYMPIC THEATRE . . . Homebush Races . . . SATURDAY EVENING, 2nd APRIL, 1842 . . .
To conclude with PAUL PRY'S VISIT TO HOMEBUSH! Or, Clown Clear the Course. Paul Pry - Mr. King . . .
"The Old Racoon Sittin on a Rail! - By the American [REDACTED] . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (23 April 1842), 2
OLYMPIC THEATRE . . . SATURDAY APRIL 23, 1842, with novel Gymnastic and other feats, by the Signor Dalle Case and Company . . .
Act 3rd. Messrs. King and Larosiere will go through their unequalled Feats of Strength and Posturing . . .
Act 4th. Mr. King will appear for the first time on the Slack Rope, on which he has made great proficiency, and will perform some novel and difficult feats thereon. Clown, Mr. Holland.
Act 5th. [REDACTED] Jealousy, or Ispy Cuffee by the white of him Eye, which will be represented by the real American [REDACTED] and Negress,
who will perform the Chippaw-wee Dance and sing original [REDACTED] Songs . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (30 January 1843), 3
THE inhabitants of Goulburn and its vicinity are most respectfully informed that this Theatre is now open for the reception of the public.
Mr. Douglas has the honour to announce, that besides the dramatic entertainments, he has secured the valuable services of
MR. HOLLAND, the celebrated Fantocinist, (formerly of the Olympic Theatre, and Pavilion of Arts, Sydney),
likewise, MR. JIM BROWN, the Rael American [REDACTED], Mr. Pickering, Mr. Butler, and Mr. Kebble . . .
W. H. DOUGLAS, Manager.
Price of admission: front seats, 3s.; back seats, 2s. To commence at eight o'clock.
Scene Painter - Mr. Holland. Mechanist - Mr. Evans. VIVAT REGINA.
Nights of performances, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1844), 3
COPPIN'S LARGE SALOON, OPEN every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday evening, from eight till eleven o'clock.
Admission Free. - No extra charge for Liquors.
Conductor - Mr. FALCHEON, who will sing many new and popular songs.
Pianist - Mr. FILLMORE.
JIM BROWN will screech his unrivalled {REDACTED] MELODIES; with Mr. JONES'S drolleries.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (proprietor); Henry William Fillmore (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 May 1844), 3
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 May 1844), 3
QUESTION!!! HOW many [REDCATED]-singers are there in the colony?
QUESTION - Which is the best?
ANSWER - Don't know; they are both at
COPPIN'S Large Saloon; go there and judge for yourself.
ASSOCIATIONS: S. Phillips (vocalist, as above dancer, 1842)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 May 1844), 3
Mr. FALCHON will sing Three New Songs. Pianist, Mr. Fillmore. Conductor, Mr. Phillips . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 June 1844), 1
Messrs. YANKEE PHILLIPS, JIM BROWN, and CATO CUFFEE JUNO, will screech forth the following Negro Melodies: -
SONGS. - Clar de Kitchen - Zip Coon - Jim Brown - [REDACTED] Pompey - Long-tailed Blue - Jim along Josey - Roley Boley - Yankee Doodle.
DUETS. - Jumbo Chaff - [REDACTED] Juber - Chingaringcomechaw.
GLEE. - Coal Black Rose.
With a great variety of other dingey extravagances, accompanied by their extraordinary Louisiana jumps, and old Kentucky grape-vine twists,
making a display of heel and toe genius surprising to de white folk and sartin death to all Long Island [REDACTED].
Pianist, Mr. Fillmore; Flute, Mr. Westrop, who will perform several solos during the evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Zachariah Westrop (flute)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 June 1844), 1 supplement
"Black [REDACTED] and Brown,
"Brown [REDACTED] and White,
"If you'll come unto the Clown,
"You'll see all three to-night."
THIS present Evening, SATURDAY, June 22, 1844:
The White [REDACTED], YANKEE PHILLIPS, will sing "Clar de Kitchen," - "Racoon on a Rail," - "[REDACTED] Pompey," and other songs.
The Highly-tinged [REDACTED] JIM BROWN, will sing "Jim along Josey," - "Jim Crow" - "Jim Brown" - "Sitch a Gettin up Siairs," and twelve other [REDACTED] Songs.
The regular Day and Martin Black [REDACTED] RUMBOROBO, will give an additional weight to his toe and heel break down grape vine twist . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 July 1844), 3
COPPIN'S LARGE SALOON . . . THIS EVENING, Saturday, July 6 . . .
The THREE RIVAL [REDACTED] Will screech their American melodies, accompanied by "DE [REDACTED] JUBER DANCE."
Those gentlemen who have not witnessed this inimitable extravaganza are particularly advised not to lose the present opportunity.
The "Juber Dance" is as characteristic of the "Long Island [REDACTED]" of America as the corroboree is of the native blacks of this colony,
and the excellence of Jim Brown's chaunt and beat to Rombo Sombo's Never-to-be-forgotten-heavy-toe-and-heel break-down grape-vine-twist cannot be surpassed (if equalled) by any other darkies, "no how, I guess" . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1844), 3
New great Operatic Effort by "dat immense [REDACTED]," MR. JIM BROWN,
who will screech in such astonishing style as to charm all Sydney from one end to de oder:
and arter dat, he will dance a Pas Single, after de manner of Taglioni, aided by a newly imported COLORED LADY,
who challenges Lubly Rosa, Dinah Crow, or any other female in de world, for a rale out an out Dance with her husband, ROMBO SOBO, in de true darkee style;
for these are the only THREE [REDACTED] SINGERS in the colony that have a natural Day and Martin polish . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 September 1844), 3
MESSRS. Caldwell, the Scotch vocalist, Abrahams, JIM BROWN; Newsom; ROMBO SOBO; Fillmore, and Gentlemen Amateurs,
will sing the following selection of SONGS, DUETS, GLEES, &c. PROGRAMME:
PART I. "The White Squall," "The Wild Irishman," "Oh, Roley Boley," "The Bloom is on the Rye," "Paddy O'Rafferty," "The Jolly Young Waterman," "Alice Gray,"
"Clar de Kitchen," "The Rose of Allandale," "Biddy, the Basket Woman," "The Charming Woman."
PART II. "Of a' the airts the win' can blow," Duet, 'Gimbo Chaff," "As I view those scenes so charming," "Mamsell Margaret de Bunhcum so,"
"The Angel's Whisper," Song of Songs, introducing the titles of ONE HUNDRED SONGS,
"Flat Foot," "Song and Dance from Long Island," "Mrs. Jim Crow," "Black Blood Hound," "John Anderson my Joe," NEW VERSION OF "BILLY BARLOW."
PART III. "[REDACTED] Statues," "Woodman spare that Tree," "The Country Fair," "Dumbarton's Bonnie Bell," "The New Policeman,"
Duet, "See how Merrily," "Jim Brown," "Bay of Biscay," "Charming Molly Brallaghan," "There is an Isle," [REDACTED] Glee, "Coal Black Rose,"
"American Budget," "Tarnation Strange," "More Jonathans," "Lass o' Gowrie," "Little Pigs," "Jim along Josey," Chorus, "Robin Hood."
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Caldwell (vocalist); Frederick Newson (vocalist); Master Abrahams (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 September 1844), 3
ONE NIGHT MORE. THE New Zealand Chiefs leave the colony this Evening at 10 o'clock, per Maitland Steamer.
Previous to their departure they will amuse the frequenters of Coppin's Saloon with their
WAR DANCE AND SONG, and to show their sagacity and natural talent will give imitations of Jim Brown, Rombo Sobo, Mr. Fillimore, several Actors at the Theatre, &c., &c., &c. . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 September 1844), 2
Mr. COPPIN having disposed of his business to Mr. G. Skinner, most respectfully announces his FAREWELL NIGHT.
Upon which occasion be solicits the patronage of his friends and the public generally.
Jim Brown, Rombo Sobo, Mr. Caldwell, the Scotch vocalist; Mr. Fillmore, and several amateurs, will contribute to the amusement of the evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Skinner (proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 October 1844), 1
LAST NIGHT ONLY, previous to Mr. Coppin's departure to Hobart Town. THIS EVENING, MONDAY, 7th INST. . . .
Mr. O'BRAIDY, the Irish Vocalist, Mr. CALDWELL, the Scotch vocalist,
JIM BROWN, ROMBOSOBO, Mr. FILLMORE, and FOUR GENTLEMEN AMATEURS of celebrity, will introduce the following selection of
AMERICAN - Tarnation strange, or more Jonathans - Jim Crow - Jim Brown - Miss Lucy Long - [REDACTED] Statues, from the antique - Clar de Kitchen - Lubly Rosa . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 October 1844), 3
BLACK BOY TAVERN, Corner of King and George streets, directly opposite Mr. Woolley's.
MR. P. McKEW returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the very liberal support he has met with since he opened the above establishment,
and trusts that continuing the sale of the same good liquors for which the establishment has become notorious,
combined with civility, and attention to business, will ensure him a continuance of the same.
Messrs. MARSHALL and HARDIMAN, in catering for the public amusement, deem it not necessary to make use of any contemptible puff,
but respectfully invite their friends to pay them a visit at the Saloon, and they will then be capable of forming an opinion as regards the entertainments of the evening.
SONGS: The Outlaw - Buccaneer - Pirate's Bride - and - The merry month of May: Mr. MARSHALL.
Come my jolly lads - Black-eyed Susan - Angels' whisper - Kate Kearney: Mr. FISHER.
Seven Ages - Razor-grinder - Miseries of a washing-day - and - The Dramatic Barber: Mr. HARDIMAN.
The celebrated [REDACTED] Singer, JAMES BROWN, will sing (in character) Black Pink - Roley Boley - Lucy Long - Gumbow Chaffe - Opossum on a rail, &c.
In the course of each evening, A GENTLEMAN AMATEUR will sing The Life, Adventures, and Origin of Jim Brown - assisted by several Gentlemen Amateurs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Hardeman (vocalist); Samuel Marshall (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 November 1844), 3
Open on MONDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY Evenings.
G. SKINNER, encouraged by the success he has met with in the production of entertainments in the above Saloon,
begs to invite the lovers of COMIC ANO SENTIMENTAL SONGS, to his new selection for this week;
and to announce his having engaged the services of the celebrated and highly popular
[REDACTED] SCHEECHER - JEM BROWN, who with his ebony auxiliary ROMBO SOMBO,
will endeavour to give a colour to the amusements of each evening, and exhibit THE CLASSICAL DOUBLE STATUES FROM THE ANTIQUE! . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 November 1844), 3
SKINNER'S SALOON. AN ORIGINAL COPY OF VERSES. To a favourite old tune - Derry Down . . .
Funny Fillmore, whose phiz causes roars of delight,
Can squeak like the pigs, or unfold Billy Vite;
And Jem Brown with his yarn of the ancient Racoon,
And his Classical Statues, in Skinner's Saloon!
Derry down, &c. . . .
"THEATRICALS", Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (7 December 1844), 3
The celebrated "Jim Brown," the Yankee [REDACTED] singer, is endeavouring to get up a species of theatrical entertainment in Parramatta.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 February 1845), 3
AT the request of several of the patrons of the above place of entertainment,
the proprietor has engaged the services of the celebrated comic singer
JIM BROWN, Who, in addition to the professionals and amateurs that nightly render assistance,
will use every effort to afford satisfaction, in producing a rieh fund of vocal
AMUSEMENT On every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evening.
TO NIGHT, Sentimental and Comic Songs, Recitations, &c.;
the Extemporaneous Budget will as usual contain some "good jokes" upon the occurrences of the past week.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (proprietor, actor, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 February 1845), 3
THE LOVERS of "Broad Grins" may be amused TO-NIGHT by the characteristic squalling of the Black Child JIM BROWN.
SENTIMENTAL SONGS by Mr. Fisher and amateurs.
COMIC SONGS and extemporaneous JOKES upon various subjects by Mr. Simmons.
[manicule] An entire change of entertainments for To-morrow Night. Pianist - Mr. Walton.
Commence at Eight o'clock every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Fisher (vocalist); Humphrey Walton (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 April 1845), 1
MR. SIMMONS feels happy in announcing to his friends that his engagement at the Theatre has terminated, and he will always in future be found
AT HOME, at the Saloon of the Tavistock Hotel, on every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY EVENING,
assisted by Messrs. Walton, Fisher, Jim Brown, Lyall, and several other professionals and amateurs . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 December 1845), 1
In addition to the established favourites of the last season, several new engagements have been made, and the present Company,
it is presumed, will be found the most efficient ever yet presented to the Australian Public.
Mr. Lazar (his first appearance these three seasons) . . . .
The Evening's Entertainments will commence with (for the first time) a Grand Comic Pantomime, with entirely new Scenery,
Machinery, Dresses, Tricks, and Transformations, &c., entitled JACK AND THE BEANSTALK; OR, HARLEQUIN OGRE . . .
A favourite song, by Mrs. Stirling. Cupid Pas Seul, by Master Chambers.
The celebrated Jim Brown, who has kindly volunteered his services, will sing his popular [REDACTED] song . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Gibbs . . . Stage Manager, Mr. J. Lazar. Acting Manager, Mr. T. Simes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, manager); Thomas Simes (actor, manager); Theodosia Stirling (vocalist, actor); Joseph Chambers junior (dancer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 December 1845), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THIS EVENING, DECEMBER 27 . . . The celebrated Jim Brown, who has kindly volunteered his services, will sing his popular [REDACTED] song . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 December 1845), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THIS EVENING, DECEMBER 29 . . . After which, the celebrated Jim Brown will (for the first time in this colony), assisted by the talented Four Feet High, go through the AMERICAN GRECIAN STATUES, which will comprise THE FIGHTING GLADIATORS . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1845), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THIS EVENING, DECEMBER 30 . . . After which the celebrated Jim Brown (being positively his last appearance), assisted by the celebrated Four Feet High, will go through the AMERICAN GRECIAN STATUES, which will comprise the FIGHTING GLADIATORS &c. . . .
"THE THEATRE", Morning Chronicle (31 December 1845), 2
The Victoria was, after a short recess, re-opened on Friday evening last, with what appears to be a very efficient company, although, as yet, we have had nothing deserving notice, beyond the usual Christmas pantomime, which is, this year, but a very mediocre production; greatly deficient in all that renders such a piece of entertainment worth sitting to see. The management, however, as if (in their estimation) to make up for the want of excitable materials in the pantomime, have endeavoured to secure the patronage of the public, by extending it themselves to a gentleman whose previous exhibitions have been confined to a small room in a tavern; and whose chief remuneration consisted of a few pence collected in a hat from those who had heard his delightful melody, and witnessed his graceful contortions of countenance and figure. Not to leave in doubt such of our readers as have not enjoyed the treat, so liberally provided for them by the said management, we proceed to inform them, that this "celebrated" performer is one Mr. Jim Brown, whose appearance and performances on any stage, where it is expected that the wives and children of respectable men will form a part of the audience, evince how utterly at fault the manager must be, as to what is decent and respectable. We were given by the bills to understand that his last appearance took place yesterday evening; we trust this is a bona fide announcement particularly after the exhibition of Monday and Tuesday, made by this celebrated singer and posture master, assisted by the talented FOUR FEET HIGHT, in which the Death of Abel is made the subject of a ribald song, and indecent joke. If such things as these are the fruit of a new proprietorship and a new management, we cannot wish either proprietors or managers success; and could we even bring our minds to do so, 'twould be of no avail, the play going portion of Sydney are too enlightened to be misled by any sophistry, which would seek to hide or to palliate so direct an insult, as is conveyed by such unbecoming - such disgusting representations as those of the refined Jim Brown. - We trust our next report of "things theatrical" will be such as to reflect more credit on the management; our task will then, certainly, be more pleasant.
ASSOCIATIONS: In addition to the new management of Lazar, Joseph Wyatt's partner as proprietor, Frederick Gibson, was also reportedly influencing the programming
"THE THEATRE", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (10 January 1846), 2
. . . At the commencement of the present year, the theatre passed into the management of new hands,
Mr. Lazar, who was certainly not the most happy in one respect, in filling up his corps dramatique.
It should be the object of every manager, having the interests of his theatre at heart, to select only such actors as have some share of talent to recommend them -
men competent in some degree to give a fair portraiture of the characters they may be called on to represent.
I was sorry to observe, that Mr. Lazar, in one of his selections, seemed not to have been influenced by those considerations at all,
when he allowed such a character as Mr. Jim Brown, to appear on his boards.
What opinion could, he have of his fellow-citizens' if he imagined they could tolerate such a fellow for a moment?
If none but the frequenters of low brothels attended the theatre, he might be justified in pandering to their vitiated and depraved tastes by introducing a buffoon to them,
who, with much ado, picks up a few pence by performing mountebank tricks at a pothouse.
I am glad, however, that Mr. Lazar took warning from a few well-timed hints administered him by a contemporary,
and discharged this Mr. Jim Brown whom he attempted to foist upon the public as a celebrated character.
If Mr. Lazar wishes the theatre to prosper under his management, it must be by providing the public with agreeable and talented entertainments,
supported by performers of some mark and likelihood, and not by such garbage as that to which I have alluded.
See also a reply to "CAUSTIC", "To the Editor of . . . VERITAS VINCIT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (28 February 1846), 2-3
SIR, - In glancing over your paper of Saturday the 10th Ultimo, I observed a paragraph headed "THE THEATRE," and signed "CAUSTIC" . . . The next Bull that Mr. Caustic's ignorance, presumption, and want of common sense, and still worse (as may be inferred from the tone of his article) his bad feeling to an inoffensive individual, lead him to commit, renders him incomparably more despisable than the first . . . because the representations were not agreeable to his refined notions of the dinner table, and drawing room etiquette, as to require the Manager of the Sydney Theatre to discharge Jem Brown for truly representing the African or adopted West Indian Slave . . . - VERITE SANS PUER.
"POLICE REPORTS . . . WEDNESDAY [14 April]", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (17 April 1847), 3
"Black Jem Brown" the Yankee Screecher, - This eccentric vocalist, whose proficiency in screaming Yankee ditties, from "Jem Crow" to "Lucy Long" in places of public resort, has obtained for him so enviable a celebrity, made his appearance in another character before the bench this day. Mrs. Martha Robinson, a lady with a strong northern accent, charged him with behaving in a most ungallant manner towards her during the absence of her husband, for no other earthly reason that she in her simplicity of heart could divine, only that he took it into his heart that she was a native of Scotland, which is a portion of the United Kingdom, against which he entertains, from some unexplained motive, an insuperable aversion. It appeared that Jem, observing Mrs. Robinson in her own yard, called out "Scotchie" to her, and threatened to send his wife to beat her. Mrs. B. replied that his wife would not so far commit herself at his bidding, when he vaulted over the fence and "made at her." She retreated behind a huge mastiff, which was chained up for protection, and thus kept Jem at bay. He then seized a cudgel from a heap of firewood, and breaking it to a convenient length, belaboured the dog until he left it insensible at his feet, and then and there threatened to murder its mistress. Jem stated in his defence, that he and his wife had frequently disagreements in which nobody had any right to interfere; and that Mrs. Robinson had made herself very officious in taking Mrs. Brown's part, and calling him a black fellow, and other insulting names, but denied having threatened to strike her, and pleaded the first law of nature, self-defence, for his maltreatment of her canine protector. Mr. Driscoll, from Mr. Brenan's office, and another party bore testimony to the general good conduct of Brown, in consequence of which he was fined in the mitigated penalty of 40s. and 4s. 6d. costs.
"Police", Sydney Journal and Daily Advertiser (4 August 1847), 3
Yesterday, William Thomas and Richard Whittaker, two well-known juvenile thieves were placed at the bar on the charge of robbing one Thomas Pollett of his hat and about three shillings in silver; and John Norman, with George King, were accused of the same offence . . . Respecting Norman, it transpired that the prosecutor had mistaken him for one of the thieves, and his companion King, who proved to be the well known [REDACTED] "Jim Brown," attempted to rescue him, when his assertion of Norman's respectability was disregarded. The apprehending constable found the hat of the complainant on the head of Thomas, who, with Whittaker, was committed to Goal for four months under the Vagrant Act. Norman and King were set at liberty.
"Police Sketches", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (24 June 1848), 2
. . . Ellen Alberfield, a well-known visitant of the Police Office, appeared before the Bench to complain of George King, a gentleman familiar to our readers, under the cognomen of "Jem Brown," and Ann, his wife, for assaulting her person. Mr. King alias Brown, protested his innocence, and declared that the fair Ellen came to his house on the occasion alluded to, and assailed his door with brick bats, which Jem produced, and exhibited to their Worships. Ellen declared it was all false, and that Brown beat her black and blue; "Jem," however, protested his innocence, and vowed that he wished he might never "Jump Jim Crow" again, if he wasn't as innocent as a babby. The Bench dismissed the case, believing "Jem's" version of the story.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (6 July 1848), 3
MR. AND MRS. CROFT, begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Sydney, that they intend holding a Public Exhibition, on
NEGRO SINGING, COMIC AND SENTIMENTAL SINGING, with a variety of other amusements of the Stage.
MRS. CROFT, A NATIVE OF THE COLONY, Will make her first appearance on the Tight Rope.
Clowns to the Rope, Messrs. Kingsbury and Hughes.
The Celebrated American [REDACTED, Jim Brown, will sing "JIM BROWN."
A Song by Mr. Eastwick - "The Ivy Green."
Song by Mr. Eastwick, - "The Lazy Club."
Song, "The Anchor's Weighed," - Mr. Earthrowl.
MR. CROFT wiii make his first appearance these Seven Years on the Tight Rope, and will dance a new and much admired Set of Quadrilles on the Tight Rope.
Clown to the Rope - Mr. Kingsbury.
Song by Jim Brown, - "Long Tail Blue."
Comic Song by Mr. Eastwick - "Ladies' Fashions."
ASSOCIATIONS: George Croft and wife (acrobats); Henry Eastwick (vocalist); Richard Earthrowl (vocalist); City Theatre (Sydney venue)
"ASSAULT IN THE CITY THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 July 1848), 3
On Friday evening, as one of the persons employed in the City Theatre, was engaged in chalking the rope preparatory to Croft's performances thereon, a man named King (better known, we understand, as "Jim Brown"), without any cause or provocation whatever, went up and struck him a severe blow with his fist on the mouth, and another on the body. Sergeant Sowness witnessed the assault, and took King into custody, who, on Saturday, was sentenced to pay a fine of forty shillings, or be imprisoned for two calendar months in Sydney Gaol.
"POLICE OFFICE SKETCHES . . . BRACE-IN THE DRUM", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (25 November 1848), 2
Two highly intellectual and praiseworthy individuals who have made some little noise in the world in their time, to wit, Stephen Turner, the big drum beater to the Wandering Street Minstrel's Society, and George King, alias Jem Brown, alias the [REDACTED] King, whose cymballic and banjo-vocal accompaniments are the delight of the numerous frequenters of Mrs. Stone's amusing Concert-room in Pitt-street, took opposite sides on Friday respecting a question of hiring or stealing a big drum the property of Stevy. James was in the habit of hiring the boomer at the rate of one shilling per night, and, having again required the assistance of its powerful tones, he called at Mr. Turner's musical repository in Goulburn-street, upon the old borrowing suit. Mrs. T. objected to the loan upon that principle, because her Turner had expressed an objection to the drum going off his beat any more. 'Pooh! pooh!' cried Jem to the arguments of Mrs. Turner, - 'if so be, drums in de hoose, me walk away wid him, and no beefstake.' Suiting the action to the word, Jem threw a shilling on the table, rushed up stairs, and made himself master of the instrument, in less than no time at all, utterly heedless of the remonstrances of Mrs. T., or what Stevy would say when he reached home. Sure enough she was right, for when her husband did return, and was made aware of the invasion of his musical warehouse, he played such a tune on the drum of his wife's ears as she hadn't heard afore since the first day they was married. Not content with this, Mr. Turner, with all the fury of an enraged musician, hunted Jem out in the very act of professionalizing, and stopped his concert by changing his bars of music for those of a cell door. The facts were clearly established, but as it was proved, that Jem had not the slightest felonious intent, and that Mrs. Turner had carefully preserved the shilling left on the table for domestic purposes, Jem was discharged without the slightest impeachment on his character, which, if as white as snow, is certainly a vast number of shades lighter than his countenance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Turner (musician)
"Sydney News (From our own Correspondent), Sydney, Monday evening [24 September] . . . STEALING IN A DWELLING", The Maitland Mercury (26 September 1849), 3
. . . George King, alias "Jim Brown," the singer, a man of color, was this day remanded on a charge of stealing from Mr. Humphrey's house, publican, of George-street North, sundry property to the value of £2, belonging to a lodger named Gillman Smith.
"NEW YEAR'S DAY RIOTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 January 1850), 2
A coloured man, well known in the city under the name of Jim Brown, following ostensibly the profession of musician at various low public-houses in the city, was yesterday committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions, for acting as a leader in the riotous mobs which disturbed the peace of the city on New Year's night - Herald, Jan. 30.
"KNOCKING AT THE DOOR", Bell's Life In Sydney (2 February 1850), 1s
Jim Brown, the "King" of Pitt-street drummers, was placed under the suspicion of leading a monster band on New Year's morning, whose performances of "knocking at the doors" in Lower George-street, was objected to by several residents, on account of its crashing accompaniments. On the morning alluded to, the [REDACTED] minstrel, it seemed, at the head of 200 or 300 men and boys, proceeded to the hostelrie of Mr. Smith, "the observer" of the locality, of whom, having been first compelled to tear himself away from the arms of Morpheus and Mrs. S., a bottle of rum was demanded. Under the terror of a piece of fencing stuff, which was being very jimnasty-cally gyrated around his cobra, Smith was sufficiently done brown as to stand a "bottle" (half water) of Bob Cooper, to save his getting a "nobbler" for himself. Brown took the gift as black mail, and directed, as Smith was a brick, "there were to be no stones there." They then proceeded on their round of morning calls, and Mr. Harden and others were visited, and requested to open and deliver. A declination of standing "cold without" secured a shower of stones which warmed all within the respective dwellings; and all these proceedings were performed to the tune of "Lucy Long," with a very lengthy chorus, as was deposed to by a night watchman, named Joseph Fogg, whose capacities seemed as cloudy as his name; and who expressed his gladness that the serenaders left his walk without making him "the beat." Jim's own favorite air, it is well to know is, "No. 1's the figure." Sydney was left by Brown without beat of drum, but there was an unfortunate "pipe" at Bathurst, from whence he was forwarded down to T. W. Wilshire, and Mr. Wilshire forwarded him to Wooloomooloo. Hey changarang, doo doo.
"TURTLE, TORTISE, OR TURPIN", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 May 1851), 2
George King alias Jim Brown, was yesterday brought before Mr. Dowling, charged with stealing an animal variously called by the witnesses, a "turtle," a "tortoise," and a "tiepin." Mr. Thomas Debney deposed that the animal produced was his property, or was answerable for it to the owners of the vessel; he called it a "turpin;" never heard it called by any other name; it and five others were purchased as supplies for the vessel, at Galapagos Island, at the rate of one dollar each; the five had been used in the vessel as provisions, and it was his intention to take this one home if the weather did not kill it; he saw it on Saturday evening, on board the Rachael, and the next morning it was gone; it was good for food, far superior to green turtle. Mr. James Entwisle, of the Freemason's Hall, deposed that on Monday last prisoner brought to his house the animal now before the Court, and said he was desired by Mrs. Entwisle to do so; he said it was a turtle, and asked 12s. for it; witness said it was not a turtle, but a tortoise, and would not purchase. Captain Cudworth was at Entwisle's when prisoner was about to take away the " turpin" before the Court, and offered to purchase it for 10s.; prisoner accepted the offer and left the animal. In consequence of inquiries made by Inspector Burrows, who had been informed by Captain Debney, of the robbery, he traced the animal to Entwisle's Hotel, and there ascertained from whom it had been purchased. King or Brown was in consequence taken into custody. For the defence, Mr. Nichols submitted that the animal spoken of, whether turpin, turtle, or tortoise, was of the reptile class, and could not therefore be the subject of larceny at common law and there was no statute law applicable to the case; such animals might be stolen as libitum, without bringing the offenders within the meaning of any law in existence and in support of his view cited the case of Dr. Stephenson, prosecuted for larceny by Sir Thomas Mitchell - also a case where a person was convicted of stealing an emu, but which was subsequently quashed, on the ground that the emu was ferae naturae. Mr. Dowling drew Mr. Nichols's attention to the fact that the six had been purchased for food, and he looked upon the animal as a portion of the ship's stores. Without taking upon himself to determine the point raised by Mr. Nichols, he intended to commit the prisoner to take his trial. Mr. Nichols suggested to Mr. Dowling the propriety of remanding the case for a day, which would afford an opportunity for looking into the validity of his (Mr. Nichols's) argument before his Worship came to a decision. Mr. Dowling acquiesced, and the prisoner was remanded.
Darlinghurst Gaol, entrance and description books, 1851; State Records Authority of NSW, 2523/4/6304 (PAYWALL)
George King alias Jim Brown / [arrived] Cadet / 1839 / [born] 1811 / 5ft 7 in / [complexion] Olive / [Hair] Black / [Eyes] Black . . . (PAYWALL)
George King alias Jim Brown / [arrived] Cadet / 1839 / [Arrived] Free / [Native Place] New York / [Religion] Catholic / [Trade] Sailor . . .
"SYDNEY QUARTER SESSIONS. MONDAY", Empire (15 August 1854), 4
George King, better known as Jem Brown, was indicted for stealing two orders, one for £3 9s. 4d., and the other for £11 2s. 11d., from the person of one J. W. Hudson, at Port Macquarie. A second count charged the prisoner with receiving, knowing the same to be stolen. Verdict, Guilty. Sentenced to be worked on the roads or other public works of the colony for five years. The prisoner was defended by Mr. Roberts.
Minstrel, serenader, dancer
Born Buffalo, NY, USA, 2 January 1830
Active Australia, 1863
Died Glasgow, Scotland, 25 October 1883 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Smith, Brown, and Collins Original Christy's Minstrels (troupe)
"DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION", New York Clipper [NY, USA] (15 December 1883), 8
JOE BROWN died in the Glasgow Infirmary ( Scotland ) from the rupture of a blood-vessel Oct. 25. He was an Ethiopian comedian and jig-dancer, and was born in Buffalo, N.Y., Jan. 2, 1830. He first went on the minstrel stage in Albany in 1844, playing the bones and dancing a jig, and during the same year he won a match-dance, contesting with Earl H. Pierce. He made his first appearance in this city in the Fall of 1852 at a place of amusement opposite the old Bowery Theatre. He sailed for England July 11, 1857, with Earl H. Pierce's Minstrels, and opened with them in the St James Theatre, London, Aug. 3. The troupe was called Christy's Minstrels. Joe Brown continued with them until the season of 1860-1. After the death of Earl Pierce, June 5, 1859, a change took place in the management, and subsequently the troupe divided into two companies. In July, 1862, Anthony Nish organised another Original Christy's, and sailed for the English colonies. Mr. Brown went with this troupe, which opened in Cape Town, S.A., Aug. 20, 1862. They visited Port Elizabeth and Graham's Town, whence they returned to Port Elizabeth and sailed again for Cape Town. On the voyage they were wrecked off Strong Point Oct. 13. They reached shore and landed. They passed two days and two nights on the sands, having lost everything save the clothes they wore. Mr. Brown lost among other effects a very handsome champion belt, made of silver, which he had won in a contest with Dick Sliter in Chicago in 1856. They hired carts, and reached Cape Town Oct. 17, reopened 21, and after playing for a few nights sailed for Melbourne, Australia, where they played four weeks. They visited Sydney, Hobart Town, Dunedin and the principal towns in New Zealand. Mr. Brown left there in the Summer of 1863, and returned to England, where he organized a tronpe known as Joe Brown's Christy's. They sailed from Southampton Sept. 27, 1863, for India, and visited Gibraltar, Malta, Alexandria, Cairo, Suez and Aden, reaching Bombay Oct. 29, when they gave their first performance there. After remaining a month they went to Madras, Calcutta, Rangoon and Ava. Joe Brown seceded March 15, 1866, returned to London and opened with the Christy's in St. James Hall, June 11. He paid New York City a flying visit in 1868, but after a week's sojourn returned to England, where he had since remained, playing with various minstrel troupes, and of late years chiefly in music-halls.
Marine drummer
Active Sullivan Bay, Port Phillip, NSW (VIC), 1803
Active Derwent, VDL (TAS), 1804-05 (shareable link to this entry)
Historical records of Australia, series 3, despatches and papers relating to the settlement of the States, volume 1, Port Phillip, Victoria, 1803-1804, Tasmania, 1803-June, 1812 [edited by Frederick Watson] (Sydney: Library Committee of the Commonwealth Parliament, 1921) = HRA 3/1, 107, 343, 870 (index, also "Brinn") (DIGITISED)
[107] PERSONS VICTUALLED AT FULL ALLOWANCE / 17 Oct., 1803 / His Honor David Collins, Esqr. / Lieut. Governor . . . John Brown / Drummer // Wm. Hughes / [Drummer] . . .
[343] RETURN of a Detachment of Royal Marines, serving at Hobart-town, Van Dieman's Land, 18th Decr. 1805 . . . Drummer: Wm. Hughes, John Brown . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: David Collins (commander, lieutenant governor); William Hughes (drummer)
BROWN, John (John BROWN)
Musician, barber, flute player
Active Beechworth, VIC, by 1861 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"BEECHWORTH POLICE COURT. Thursday, Dec. 5th, 1861", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (7 December 1861), 3
A musical barber. - John Brown of Ford street, summoned Montague Murray for the sum of £1, for services rendered as a musician at the Star Theatre on Saturday last. Complainant said the music put before him was wrongly written, and he could not play it. Had not been invited to "dry up," or "lie down." Had not played an Irish jig to the audience, and set them all dancing. Had not been told by the defendant that he (complainant) had injured defendant's reputation very much.
The defendant entered the witness box, and said complainant had represented himself as one of the best musicians in the district. When the Highland Fling ought to have been played, Mr. Brown was not to be found, but on a search he was found shaving a customer in his shop in Ford street. When he did come into the orchestra, having finished the "shave," he was not able to play the music set before him. Mr. Goth corroborated the evidence of the defendant as to the absence of Mr. Brown, and as to the requests addressed to him by the audience. Mr. Brown had not been able to get beyond the first part of one of the pieces of music. Case dismissed. Defendant asked for costs, but the Bench refused to grant any.
ASSOCIATIONS: Montague Murray (actor, manager); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)
"SONG. THE BEECHWORTH BRIGADE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (2 May 1863), 2
[Dedicated to the first Volunteer in the Ovens District. First in peace and first in war. Colonel Thomas Middlemiss.]
Air - 'The bowld Soger Boy.'
Oh, there's nothing to compare
Anywhere, I declare,
In their milingtary air,
With the Beechworth Brigade.
Wherever they may march,
Looking arch, through their starch
The world you may sarch
For a bowlder Brigade . . .
McKenzie in a frenzy,
We'll cry John Brown, we'll write them down,
Thou charioteer and barber,
The Beechworth Brigade . . .
MUSIC CONCORDANCE: The bowld sojer boy (Samuel Lover)
"BEECHWORTH POLICE COURT. December 21", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (23 December 1865), 3
Abusive Language. - Brown v Richter.
This was a summons for abusive language.
John Brown deposed that Richter had called him a "b------ Polish Jew" and other abusive names.
Mr. Richter said it was under great provocation. James Spearing said he heard the parties quarrelling about a flute which Mr. Richter was mending for Brown.
Mr. Richter called Mr. Brown a "b------ Polish Jew."
They were both tugging at a flute about which there appeared to be some difference of opinion.
His Worship said he did not see any harm in a Pole being called a Pole no more than Englishman being called an Englishman.
Mr. Brown's talents for music did not seemingly tend to harmony; but Mr. Richter should not call names. Fined 5s, and costs 5s.
BROWN, John (John BROWN; ? pseudonym)
Songwriter, poet
Active Bendigo, VIC, 1862 (shareable link to this entry)
"SQUATTER'S SONG", Bendigo Advertiser (26 July 1862), 3
We are monarch of all we survey,
Though the diggers object and protest,
From the Murray right down to the Bay
We are lords of the barren and best.
No change has our right undergone;
No infraction our hold has sustained.
We have fashioned the Land Bill our own,
And the hopes of the diggers restrained . . . [6 more verses] . . .
Chorus of the whole -
Don't mind what they say, it's all puffy,
Their meetings and committees too.
O'Shanassy, Ireland, and Duffy,
In character stick to us true.
I am, &c., &c.,
JOHN BROWN. Third White Hill, 25th July, 1862.
ASSOCIATIONS: John O'Shanassy (politician); Gavan Duffy (politician)
BROWN, Mr. T. F. (T. F. BROWN)
Precentor (Presbyterian), conductor of psalmody
Active Mortlake, VIC, 1859 (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Presbyterian churches (subject)
Bibliography and resources:
J. E. Murdoch, Fifty Years of Presbyterianism in Mortlake, 1847-1897 (Mortlake: Printed at the Dispatch Office, 1917)
PRECENTORS. 1859, Mr. T. F. Brown; 1866, Mr. H. C. Johnstone, at a salary of £10 a year; 1869, Mr. J. G. Flanders; 1875, Mr. Maynard, at £4. 4s. a quarter (for two quarters) . . .
BROWN, Thomas (Thomas BROWN)
Musicseller, bookseller, stationer
Active Geelong, VIC, 1853-54 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (3 November 1853), 6
NEW MUSIC! NEW MUSIC! JUST Received, a splendid assortment of NEW MUSIC and INSTRUCTION BOOKS,
for all Instruments, consisting of Henry Russell's Compositions, Negro Melodies, Waltzes, Quadrilles, Polkas, Schottisches, Pianoforte Arrangements, Marches, Glees, Duets, &c.
Neatly done up in a strong Wrapper.
NEW SONGS, by H. RUSSELL, comprising the whole of the Songs in his Entertainment, "The Emigrant's Progress," and "Negro Life."
"Cheer Boys, Cheer!"
"Far, far upon the sea!"
"To the West! To the West!"
"The Parting Tear; or, Farewell, a Last Farewell!"
"Land! Land! Land!"
"The Slave Sale; or, Come, who bids?"
"The African Village"
"The Slave Chase - Set every Stitch of Canvas, Boys!"
"Long parted have we been; or, They're coming with the Flowers."
Being a collection of the most admired National Operatic Melodies, Rondes, Marches, Polkas, Galops, Valses, &c. &c.,
by the best Masters, easily arranged and carefully fingered for small hands.
CZERNY'S PIANOFORTE INSTRUCTION BOOK, embracing the modern Improvements of the best masters in a simplified style;
also progressive Exercises, Preludes, and Melodies, by the most esteemed Composers, easily arranged and carefully fingered, forming a comprehensive system of modern Pianoforte playing.
THE PEOPLE'S HAND-BOOK FOR THE PIANOFORTE, containing a lucid explanation of Music and the Art of Fingering,
including a series of original and pleasing Melodies, Preludes, Scales and Exercises; also remarks on Touch, Style, and Expression, and a Dictionary of Musical Terms.
with a great variety of Progressive Exercises and Popular melodies, by the best Masters, with a Dictionary of 400 Musical Terms.
CZERNY'S ONE HUNDRED AND ONE ELEMENTARY EXERCISES FOR THE PIANOFORTE, A new Edition, full music folio, with Notes, many Additions, and Improvements.
CZERNY'S CELEBRATED SCHOOL OF VELOCITY (Etude de la Velocite), a Sequel to the above 101 Exercises.
BERBIGUIER'S FLUTE PRECEPTOR, with a great variety of Scales, Exercises, &c., progressively arranged.
GARCIA'S SINGING TUTOR, a complete practical Treatise on the Art of Singing,
containing Solfeggios, Elementary and Progressive Lessons, studies, and Vocal Exercises, in the modern style, with Pianoforte-Accompaniments,
from the work of MANUEL GARCIA, the renowned preceptor of Jenny Lind, Grisi, Viardot Garcia, &c.
REGONDI'S CONCERTINA TUTOR, containing Plain and Practical Instructions for learning this favourite Instrument,
with all the Modern Improvements, Scales, Fingered Exercises, Melodies, &c.
THE MUSICAL GEM, easily and carefully arranged for the Violin, Flute, Cornopean, Sax Tuba, Sax Horn, Clarionet, Flageolet, Concertina, Harmonica, Kent Bugle, &c.
DUETS FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS, the most popular and melodious Airs, arranged as Duets for the Cornopean, Violin, Flute, Clarionet, Flageolet, Concertina, Sax Horn, Sax Tuba, Kent Bugle &c.
THE SACRED ALBUM, consisting of about 100 Sacred Airs for the Flute, &c.
ACCORDION SELF-INSTRUCTOR with Exercises and a variety of Melodies, &c., fingered for the French and German Accordions.
The ACCORDION MELODIST, containing about 100 of the most popular and favourite Airs, appropriately fingered.
Catalogues of all the above music can be had gratis on application, or sent free by post, on receipt of a two-penny postage stamp.
Bookseller and Stationer,
Moorabool-street, Geelong.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (20 March 1854), 3
NEW MUSIC! NEW MUSIC! JUST Received, a splendid assortment of NEW MUSIC and INSTRUCTION BOOKS,
for all Instruments, consisting of Henry Russell's Compositions, Negro Melodies, Waltzes, Quadrilles, Polkas, Schottisches, Pianoforte Arrangements, Marches, Glees, Duets, &c.
Neatly done up in a strong Wrapper . . .
Bookseller and Stationer.
BROWN, Thomas Lawrence (Thomas Lawrence BROWN; T. L. BROWN; Mr. BROWN)
Amateur musician, musical amateur, violoncello player, cellist, organist, mining surveyor
Born England, 22 August 1825; baptised Zion chapel, Selwood, 27 July 1828; son of Henry BROWN (c. 1794-1880) and Hester VIGOR (1792-1864)
Arrived VIC, by c. 1852
Married Sarah LOCKWOOD (1837-1912), Forest Creek, VIC, 1855
Died Chewton, VIC, 5 October 1890, aged "65" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Zion Chapel (independent), Selwood, Frome, Somerset, 1828; register 1809-36, page 43; UK National Archives, RG4/3260 (PAYWALL)
Thomas Lawrence son of Henry and Hester Brown was born the [22 August 1825] and christened [27 July 1828] . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Frome, Somerset; UK National Archives, HO107/1932/381/3 (PAYWALL)
Pilly Vale / Henry Brown / Head / Mar. / 56 / Woolstapler / [born] Somerset Frome
Hester / Wife / 58 / [born Somerset Frome]
Annie E. / Daur. / Unm. / 27 / Decorative Embroiderer / [born Somerset Frome]
Thomas L. Brown / Son / Unm. / Woolstapler / [born Somerset Frome]
Sarah Brown / Daur. / Unm. / 20 / Berlin & Crochet Worker / [born Somerset Frome]
Hester Vigor / Step Mother / Widow / 87 / Retired Dress Maker / [born] Wilts. Warminster
"ITEMS OF NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (16 April 1868), 2
We recently intimated that Rutter's Mass in D would be sung at the Church of St. Mary, Hargreave-street, at the Easter festival . . . The musical composition to which reference has been made is by a colonial author, and as such possesses much that is meritorious . . . Mrs. Hodgson undertook no light task in introducing the music here for the first time, but the confidence she naturally inspires was sufficient to bring her nearly all the local available talent. The solos were each well rendered, and the instrumental aids invaluable. In the "Kyrie" the solo was taken by Miss Ambler. The music is difficult, but it was got through in a very effective and distinct manner. Even a professional artiste would have found it no easy work, and the lady amateur gave it with compensating care. In the "Gloria" Mrs. Hodgson took the short alto solo, and Mr. Hasler the bass. The part was given in full harmony with the spirited character of the music and the joyfulness of the occasion, whioh finds utterance in such a hymn of praise. In the "Suscepi," Mrs. Gardiner, Miss Ambler, and Mr. Hasler took the solos. That by Mrs. Gardiner was especially creditably sung. Her voice told well. In this class of music she is an acqnisition which should be often availed of. In the "Credo" she went successfully through the long solo, "Et Incarnatus." It is a tenor part, but there was no alternative but to impose Mrs. Gardiner with the burden of it. In the "Agnus Dei" the full strength of the choir was harmoniously shown. In addition to those named, Mrs. Larkin, Miss Smith, Mr. Danks (who kindly came up from Melbourne to assist), Mr. Hodgson, and Mr. Bannister gave their aid. The instrumentalists were Messrs. Howson (leader), J. Hunter (second violin), Mr. T. L. Brown (violoncello), Mr. Huenerbein (viola), with Mrs. Hodgson (organist). Most of the performers were members of the old Philharmonic Society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Oswald Rutter (composer); Matilda and Arthur Hodgson (organist, director, vocalists); Sara Gardner (vocalist); Thomas Bannister (vocalist); Henry Howson (violin); James Hunter (violin); August Christian Huenerbein (viola); Castlemaine Philharmonic Society (organisation); Music in Catholic Churches (general)
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S SECOND CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail (19 August 1868), 2
Last evening the Castlemaine Choral Society gave their second concert in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute.
There was a good attendance of the public, considering the numerous attractions of the last week or two.
The well-known excellence of Haydn's First Mass in B flat, which was selected for the occasion as the first part of the entertainment could not,
however, do other than go far to secure a pleasing success to the Society's efforts . . .
We were glad last evening to welcome back Mrs. Gardiner in her first appearance in connection with the Society.
It brings her into a role which is well suited for her.
Mr[s]. Hodgson presided at the harmonium, and her execution was so good that really we cannot see the necessity of importing talent when equality is to be got at home.
The orchestra last evening was led last evening by Mr. Howson in his usual brilliant manner, and he was well assisted by Mr. J. Hunter (second violin),
Mr. T. L. Brown (violoncello), Mr. Goode (double-bass), Mr. Megson (flute), Mr. J. Murphy (cornet).
The vocal parts were sustained by - trebles, Mrs. Gardiner, Misses Froomes, Nall, Williams, Bourne, and Crowley, and several others whose names we could not obtain;
altos, Miss Ambler, Miss Binns, and the Masters Huenerbein and Lindsay;
- tenors, Messrs. Bannister, Hodgson, Healey, Green, and Lewis;
bass, Messrs. Hasler, Cock, Ewing, Stead, Carter, Tonkis, and Newton. Mr. Huenerbein conducted . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Darby Hasler (vocalist); Castlemaine Choral Society (organisation)
"DEATH OF MR. T. L. BROWN", Mount Alexander Mail (6 October 1890), 2
It is with regret we have to notice the death of Mr. T. L. Brown, Mining Surveyor, at his residence in Wattle Gully, Chewton, yesterday morning. He has been in such a frail state of health for several months past, and has latterly been confined to his house under a complication of ailments, foreboding dissolution, that there was but the faintest hope of his recovery, although attentively treated by Dr. Woolley. He was one of the early settlers who came with the flood of immigrants in 1852, in search of gold, and pitched his camp at Forest Creek. After a trial of digging he opened a store in Wattle Gully, in the same place where he afterwards built his house, and was one of the first to erect a crushing machine in that locality . . . In all the political movements, in the early days, he was one of the most active spirits . . . Mr. Brown took a prominent part in Freemasonry . . . He was a warm adherent of St John's Church, Chewton, and had officiated as organist. His funeral, which takes place on Wednesday, will be attended by the Masons, representatives of the public bodies, and others who had known the deceased. A widow, and large family, mostly grown-up, are left to mourn their loss.
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Tarrangower Times and Maldon, Newstead, Baringhup, Laancoorie and Muckleford Advertiser [VIC] (8 October 1890), 2
Mr. T. L. Brown, the Government Mining Surveyor for the Castlemaine District, died at his residence, Chewton, on Sunday morning. Deceased came to Forest Creek in 1852, and after digging for a time entered the Government service, in which he remained 32 years (to the time of his death). He has also been clerk of courts at Chewton, auditor to the Chewton Borough Council for 27 years, and also organist at St. John's Church for nearly 30 years. Mr. Brown always took a prominent part in free-masonry. No man loved masonry more than he, and no man in the district was further advanced in the history and high and sublime mysteries of it.
"DEATHS", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (11 October 1890), 46
BROWN. - On the 5th inst., at his residence, Fryers-road, Chewton, Thomas Lawrence Brown, mining surveyor and registrar, aged 65 years.
BROWN, Walter James (Walter BROWN; Walter James BROWN; W. J. BROWN)
Musician, double bass player, violin maker and repairer, musical instrument maker and repairer
Born London, England, c. 1822; son of James BROWN and Nellie ?
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 6 February 1857 (per Walter Hood, from London)
Married Ellen Mary MALONE (d. 1895), ? VIC, c. 1861
Died Melbourne, VIC, 16 June 1899, aged "77", "a colonist over 40 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: Anthony Brown (violin and guitar maker, unrelated)
A list of . . . passengers, arrived in the ship Walter Hood of Aberdeen, from London to Sydney, NSW, 6 February 1857; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Mr. Walter Brown / 1st Cabin . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 June 1858), 1
VIOLINS. W. J. BROWN, Jun., violin maker and musical instrument repairer, No. 149, Pitt-street North, late of Bishopsgate, London.
Concertinas, flutinas, musical boxes, and every description of instruments repaired. Note - 149, Pitt-street North.
[4 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August 1858), 10
W. J. BROWN, Musical Instrument Manufacturer and Repairer, 149. Pitt-street North.
VIOLINS, VIOLINS, from 15s. to £50, at W. J. BROWN'S, 149. Pitt-st North. Flutinas repaired.
MUSIC. MUSIC - Quadrilles, Songs, &c, at half-price, at W. J. BROWN'S, 149, Pitt-street North.
CORNOPEAN CLASS in formation, at W. J. BROWN'S, 149, Pitt-street North. Terms, 30s. per quarter, in advance.
"INSOLVENCY COURT. TUESDAY . . . SURRENDER", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 June 1859), 7
Walter James Brown, of Park-street, Sydney, musical instrument maker. Liabilities, £53 5s 3d.; assets - value of personal property, £7. Deficit £46 5s. Mr. Perry, official assignee.
[Advertisement], Empire (4 July 1859), 6
On TUESDAY, July 19th, and THREE FOLLOWING DAYS, a series of
GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES Will be held to celebrate the opening of the
HALL of the Sydney University in which the performances will take place . . .
CONTBABASSI. Mr. Chapman, from Melbourne; Mr. J. Brown; Mr. A. H. Chate; And a gentleman amateur, member of the Philharmonic Society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Samuel Chapman (musician); Alfred Henry Chate (musician); Sydney University Musical Festival (event); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 October 1859), 10
DOUBLE BASS. - For SALE, a Fine Toned One, at BROWN'S, Maker and Repairer, opposite the Prince of Wales Theatre, Castlereagh-street.
Old violins restored to their original state, however much broken and decayed.
Violin bows re-haired; flutinas, concertinas, and all kinds of musical instruments thoroughly repaired.
Old flutinas bought.
[Advertisement], Empire (17 April 1865), 1
Conductor and Composer - Mr. G. LODER. Leader - M. FLEURY . . .
Violoncello: Mr. Hart; Double Bass: Mr. Brown . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Loder (conductor); Achille Fleury (leader, violin); Sidney Herbert Hart (cello); Lyster Opera Company (troupe); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Illustrated Sydney News (16 April 1866), 16
Conductor and Composer - MR. GEORGE LODER. Leader - Mr. J. Hall . . .
Violoncello: Mr. Hart; Double Bass: Mr. Brown . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Thomson Hall (leader, violin)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 January 1876), 12
W. J. BROWN, From Brown and Son, London,
VIOLIN MAKER and REPAIRER, 56 Little Collins-street east, Melbourne.
N.B. - All kinds of musical instruments repaired.
For antecedents of Brown and Son, London, see Sandy's and Forster's, "History of Violin."
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (26 February 1876), 8
VIOLIN. VIOLIN. VIOLIN. W. J. BROWN, from Brown and Son, London,
Violin Maker and Repairer, 66 Little Collins-street east, Melbourne.
N.B. - All kinds of musical instruments monte repaired.
References: Messrs. Wilkie, Webster, and Allan, Messrs. Nicholson and Ascherberg.
"VICTORIA. XI. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS", The Argus (23 December 1880), 58s
. . . J. Brown, of 57 Lygon street, exhibits a case of his "Carltonia" violins. It is doubtful if this early naming of violins is the surest way to make a fame for them. It is the verdict of posterity which stamps upon any particular kind an unquestionable value. Mr. Brown's exhibits consist of three violins, with the date of manufacture attached to each. They are of good form, but being under lock and key the "varnishing" and other points in connexion with the make are not open to minute description. The next case is very interesting, and in some sense illustrates what we have just said about the verdict of posterity. It is the exhibit of W. J. Brown, dealer and repairer, 50 Little Collins-street east, and it contains violins as follows namely, Gaspard di Salo, A.D. 1597; Paolo Maggini, A.D. 1600; another by the same maker, A.D. 1624; Nicholas Amati, A.D. 1671; Ruggierius, A.D. 1680; Joseph Guarnerius, A.D. 1699; and Guadagnini, A.D. 1724; and there is also in the same case a little "Kit".
ASSOCIATIONS: ? John Brown (violin maker, unrelated)
. . . J. Brown, of 57 Lygon street, exhibits a case of his "Carltonia" violins. It is doubtful if this early naming of violins is the surest way to make a fame for them. It is the verdict of posterity which stamps upon any particular kind an unquestionable value. Mr. Brown's exhibits consist of three violins, with the date of manufacture attached to each. They are of good form, but being under lock and key the "varnishing" and other points in connexion with the make are not open to minute description. The next case is very interesting, and in some sense illustrates what we have just said about the verdict of posterity. It is the exhibit of W. J. Brown, "dealer and repairer," 50 Little Collins-street east, and it contains violins as follows namely, Gaspard di Salo, A.D. 1597; Paolo Maggini, A.D. 1600; another by the same maker, A.D. 1624; Nicholas Amati, A.D. 1671; Ruggierius, A.D. 1680; Joseph Guarnerius, A.D. 1699; and Guadagnini, A.D. 1724; and there is also in the same case a little "Kit" . . .
W. H. Dow, Melbourne, violins and tenors, silver; W. J. Brown, Melbourne, skilful workmanship in repairing violin, silver.
[Advertisement], Jewish Herald [VIC] (1 July 1881), 5
Awarded first Order of Merit.
W. J. BROWN, (From Brown and Son, London), VIOLIN MAKER & REPAIRER, 56 Little Collins-street East, Melbourne.
Violin bows haired and repaired. Country favours promptly executed.
All kinds of Musical Instruments Repaired.
[Advertisement], The Age (13 August 1884), 8
[Letter] . . . (Signed) CARL KUNDE, SIDNEY HART, DAVID COPE, P. MONTAGUE, W. J. BROWN. (Members of the String Quintet).
Melbourne, 4th August, 1884 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Montague (musician)

"W. J. Brown, Violin Maker & Repairer, 227 (late 56) Little Collins-st East"; business card, c. 1889, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, NSW (DIGITISED)
NOTE: The workman shown, too young to be Walter, is perhaps Walter's son Alfred Ernest Brown
[Advertisement], The Age (6 July 1889), 12
VIOLIN - W. J. Brown, first prize medalist for skilful Repairing, 227 Little Collins-street east.
VIOLIN, where shall I take it to be repaired! To Brown, 227 Little Collins-street east.
VIOLIN - W. J. Brown, maker and repairer, established, London 1770, Melbourne 1872. 227 Little Collins-street.
[Advertisement], The Age (10 September 1892), 16
QUADRILLE MUSIC. Balls, Evening Parties, Garden Parties, &c.,
Supplied with first class MUSIC. Large or smull Quadrille Bands.
The Best Artists only engaged.
All the Latest and most fashionable Music by every Mail.
Address: WALTER ALBO BROWN, Teacher of Violin, Piano, and Double Bass, "Largo," Alma-road, St. Kilda, or 201 Swanston-street, Melbourne.
"Plain and Fancy Dress Ball. A GLORIOUS SUCCESS", The Kyneton Observer [VIC] (16 September 1897), 3
The proposal launched about Jubilee time to erect a fever ward at the Kyneton hospital has been enthusiastically taken up . . . [in] the shape of a plain and fancy dress ball which was held on Tuesday evening in the Mechanics' . . . A well-selected programme of 21 dances was negotiated, and needless to state the pleasures of the "mazy whirl" proved seductive, considering that the music was supplied by talented musicians under the leadership of Mr. Albo Brown. The performers were Messrs. Albo Brown (violin), Oyston (piano), Price (cornet) and W. J. Brown (bass) . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (17 June 1899), 5
BROWN. - On the 16th June, Walter James Brown (after a short illness), Alma-road, St. Kilda, aged 77. A colonist over 40 years. English papers please copy.
Probate and administration, Walter J. Brown, musician, 1899; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . that the said deceased left [Alfred Ernest] and [? illegible], Leonard, Herbert, and Mabel Brown his children . . . (DIGITISED)
. . . granted to Alfred Ernest Brown of 117 Alma Road St. Kilda aforesaid Violin Maker . . . a son of the aforesaid deceased . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Ernest (b. ? 1860s); Leonard (son, b. Melbourne, VIC, 1870); Thomas Herbert (son, b. South Yarra, VIC, 1873); Mabel (daughter, b. Melbourne, 1878)
"IN MEMORIAM", The Age (17 June 1907), 1
BROWN. - In sacred and loving remembrance of my dear mother, Ellen Mary Brown, who departed this life on the 23rd May, 1895; also my dear father, Walter James Brown, who departed this life on the 17th June, 1899, at Alma-road, St. Kilda . . . (Inserted by their loving and only daughter, M. Brown, and second eldest son, Alfred Ernest Brown, and affectionate daughter-in-law, E. R. Brown.)
Bibliography and resources:
William Sandys and Simon Andrew Forster, The history of the violin and other instruments played on with the bow . . . (London: William Reeves, 1864), 354-55 (DIGITISED)
. . . Associated with the name of Kennedy, as fiddle-makers, are James Brown, the elder and younger, both of whom, in early life, were silk-weavers, particularly the father, and lived in the locality of Shoreditch. About 1804 an intimacy arose with the Kennedy family, whereby James Brown the elder acquired some knowledge of fiddle-making; and, being made more perfect in the use of the tools by Thomas Kennedy, he at length became a repairer and maker of instruments for future support. About 1830 he slipped down the stairs of his dwelling-house, in Wheeler Street, Spitalfields, and broke one of the ankles; the fracture being most severe, the relatives were advised to take him to the hospital. Within a week of the accident, mortification set in, and he died at the age of seventy-five years, in September 1830 or 1834; the son does not remember the date accurately, but he thinks the former year; and he says they (father and son) resided in Wheeler Street for forty-six years, but not always in the same house. James Brown, the younger, was born November 1786, and learned to make fiddles of his father; but, to assist in other branches of the trade, he was mostly employed in making the various bows for the instruments. Since the death of his father, the greater attention has been given to the manufacture of violins, violoncellos, and double basses. This person died in 1860 at his residence in White Lion Street, Norton Folgate, in his seventy-fourth year. The father and son were good average workmen, but no marked style of finish. A son of this last person learned to make instruments of his father; but, when about twenty years of age, he quitted the business to play the contra-basso at theatres; and it is believed he now has some professional engagement in Australia, as success did not attend his exertions at "the Diggins" . . .
H. R. Haweis, Old violins (Edinburgh: John Grant, 1905), 243 (DIGITISED)
BROWN, James, b. 1755, d. Sept. 1830. Silk weaver in Shoreditch, London; pupil of Thomas Kennedy; chiefly a repairer of instruments.
BROWN, James, jun., son of the above; both father and son fair workmen; b. Nov. 1786; d. 1860, at White Lion Street, Norton Folgate;
apprenticed to his father, but was principally employed to make bows.
BROWN, son and pupil of James Brown, jun. When about twenty years old, ceased to make instruments.
Alan Coggins (with introduction by Michael Lea), Violin and bow makers of Australia (Blackheath: For the author, 2009), 44-45 (DIGITISED short entry summaries archived at Pandora)
BROWN, William [1] (William BROWN)
Itinerant musician, pedlar
Born c. 1812
Died Binalong (near Yass), NSW, 8 July 1858, aged "46" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SUDDEN DEATH AT BINALONG", The Yass Courier [NSW] (10 July 1858), 2
On Thursday last an inquest was held before the District Coroner, at Mr. Garry's hotel, Binalong, on the body of a man named William Brown, an itinerating pedlar and musician. Several witnesses were examined, from whose evidence it appeared that the deceased had attended a wedding about sixteen miles from Binalong, at which he drank very little spirits, and complained to several persons of feeling unwell. The deceased had reached Binalong only about two hours before his death. Dr. Allan Morgan deposed that he had held a post mortem examination, and found extensive disease of the heart, which in his opinion caused death. A verdict was given accordingly.
BROWN, William [2] (John BROWN; alias William Charles BROWN; W. BROWN; "Tinker BROWN")
Circus performer and proprietor, convict, emancipist
Born c. 1815
Convicted Cheshire Quarter Sessions, Chester, 1-2 April 1836 (14 years transportation, ? commuted to 7)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 February 1837 (convict per John, from England, 27 September 1836)
Married Susannah SEYMOUR, Paterson, NSW, 1841 (permission granted 7 May 1841)
Died Beechworth, VIC, 28 November 1855, aged "40" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"CHESHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS", Chester Chronicle [Cheshire, England] (8 January 1836), 4, continued on 3 (PAYWALL)
[3] . . . Ralph Latham (21), Thomas Bayguley (21), and John Brown (22), stealing a shirt and a pocket hand-kerchief, the property of Wm. Eaton, of Westen. - Acquitted.
"CHESHIRE ASSIZES [1-2 April]", Chester Chronicle (8 April 1836), 4, continued on 3 (PAYWALL)
[3] . . . John Brown, 22, pleaded guilty to stealing two rabbits, the property of Josiah Moston, of Monks Coppenball. He had been previously convicted. Guilty; fourteen years.
General muster, NSW convicts, 1837; UK National Archives, 10/32 (PAYWALL)
Brown John / 22 / John (4) / 1837 / Chester (PAYWALL)
Brown John / [23] / John (4) / [1837
Register of convicts' applications to marry, 1841; State Records Authority of NSW, 12212; 4/4513, 229 (PAYWALL)
John Brown / 26 / John (4) / Sentence - 7 [sic] / Condition - Bond / Date of Permission - 1841 7 May / Rev'd S. J. Smith, Paterson
Susannah Seymour / - / Free Emigrant
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. WEDSESDAY [6 June]", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (7 June 1855), 4
Edward Raymond, described as a Circus rider, was apprehended by inspector Browne at the Circus, in York-street, on a warrant, charging him with obtaining from Mr. William Brown, of Wagga Wagga, in April last, the sum of £5 under false pretences. Defendant acknowledged that he had received a cheque of £5 to take him up to Wagga Wagga, but said that it was insufficient for that purpose; and that he had communicated to Mr. Brown, and to his Agents in Sydney. He was remanded to Wagga Wagga, bail being allowed for his appearance there in fourteen days.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Raymond (performer)
[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (4 August 1855), 1
Brown's Royal Amphitheatre And Roman Coliseum, WAGGA WAGGA RACE WEEK . . .
WM. BROWN, Proprietor. E. RAYMOND, Manager . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (22 August 1855), 1
Ladies and gentlemen in the Equestrian and Dramatic Profession will hear of an instant engagement by applying to William Brown, Esq., Wagga-Wagga, stating terms.
EDWARD RAYMOND, manager. N.B. - An active young man, with good address, to act as Agent, required. Apply immediately.
"THE TURF. WAGGA WAGGA ANNUAL RACES (From our own Correspondent)", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (6 October 1855), 2
During the races Mr. Brown's circus was in operation, and was a source of great amusement and gratification nightly. He has succeeded in bringing out a most respectable performance, and deserves what we wish him - every success.
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (20 October 1855), 3
(ADJOINING MR. NUTROL'S, ROSE INN). Unparalleled Treat.
Brown's Troupe of Artistes, Dramatic and Equestrian . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Riley . . .
W. BROWN, Manager. C. V. HOWARD, Agent . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: ? John Riley (musician, circus performer); Charles V. Mason (alias Howard) (entertainer, agent)
"ALBURY", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (17 November 1855), 2
On Thursday the 1st instant, a procession was formed by a committee got together for the occasion of celebrating the entire abolition of customs' duties on the Murray River, and by the time they started from Mr. Brown's amphitheatre, (the place fixed on) there could not have been less than 200 horsemen, besides ten or twelve gigs and carriages, and as they were headed by Mr. Brown's brass band of eight musicians, followed by the whole of his large equestrian company, the horses being richly caparisoned, the whole caused an excitement we never remember to have seen displayed in this our usually remarkably quiet town. The procession moved by punt to Wodonga, where a dray was loaded with goods and brought back in triumph without payment of duty and was greeted on the Sydney side with tremendous cheering; after which the whole cavalcade proceeded to the Hume Inn, where refreshments on the most liberal scale had been provided for one and all, at the conclusion of which Mr. Brown was called for, who after receiving the thanks of the committee for the generous manner in which he had contributed to the day's amusement, was greeted by the populace with three cheers. In the evening, according to previous arrangement, the performances at the circus were under the patronage of the acting committee, who had generously given £20 to allow the children of the town to witness the entertainment, and by the time the performances commenced the amphitheatre was so crowded that there could not have been less than 1000 persons present. On the following morning the whole of the talented company left town for the diggings; and we can only hope they may receive the same liberal encouragement they met with from the good folks of Albury.
"BEECHWORTH - THE ELECTION", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (1 December 1855), 2
Thursday, November the 15th, being the day appointed for the election, the digging community assembled in thousands, each on the tiptoe of expectation. Hurrahs for Cameron on one side, were responded to on the other by cheers for Lyons, throughout the day, until night came with her sable wings, and the choleric voters adjourned to cool their ire in Brown's circus, where a grand performance took place under the patronage of the successful candidate, Daniel Cameron, Esq., and his Committee. Saturday, November 17, being the day appointed for the declatation of the returned member for the Ovens District, Mr. Brown came forward with three beautiful circus horses, two of which were shod with pure gold, and drove Mr. Cameron in triumph through Beechworth and the surrounding diggings, accompanied by the circus band, composed of eight instruments, and the talented troupe of artistes. Mr. Cameron's friends followed on horseback, forming on the whole a cavalcade we may never have the felicity of witnessing again. After parading through the town, Mr. Brown drove Mr. Cameron to the Woolshed diggings where he was enthusiastically welcomed on arriving at the Constitution Hotel, where a magnificent repast was prepared. The cavalcade then returned to Beechworth, where dinner was given to Mr. Cameron, upwards of two hundred sitting down. After the usual toasts being drank, Mr. Brown was called for, and his health drank in a bumper, with musical honors. After the ceremony, Mr. Brown was enthusiastically cheered and thanked by Mr. Cameron and the committee, for the splendid and enterprising manner in which he had assisted through the exciting business of the day. The company has we believe, left, but we only hope that Mr. Brown may be patronised everywhere as well as he has been here. - Correspondent.
"SUDDEN DEATH", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (8 December 1855), 2
Many of our readers will be surprised to learn that Mr. William Brown, the proprietor of tho circus which has lately visited Albury and the neighborhood of Beechworth, expired suddenly on Wednesday evening at Reilly's Hotel. The deceased was suffering from disease of the lungs, but did not outwardly appear to be laboring under any dangerous complaint, although his medical attendant had expressed an opinion that his disorder would terminate fatally. Mr. Brown leaves a widow and one child which are fortunately well provided for. - Ovens and Murray Advertiser, Dec. 1.
"DEATHS", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (15 December 1855), 2
On Wednesday, 28th November, at Beechworth, Mr. WILLIAM BROWN, of the Royal Circus, aged 40. His body was removed to Wagga Wagga for interment.
"THE LATE MR. BROWN", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (15 December 1855), 2
The public will, doubtless, feel a sentiment of regret on being informed that Mr. William Brown, proprietor of the circus which has lately travelled through Albury, Beechworth, and other parts, and who was shortly expected to exhibit the perform ances of his talented company in Goulburn, expired on the 20th ultimo, at Riley's Hotel, Beechworth. Mr. Brown's death was occasioned by disease of the lungs. He has left a widow and one child to lament their loss.
Bibliography and resources:
John Brown, convict per John, 1837; Convict records
Some of the additional user information added to this page is misleading, as can be verified above; Brown was not 40 on arrival but 22/23, his place of conviction was Chester, not York; his original sentence was 14 years but was later registered as 7
BROWN, William Maxwell (William Maxwell BROWN; W. BROWN; W. M. BROWN; Mr. Maxwell BROWN)
Actor, comedian, vocalist, magician, playwright, theatrical manager, stationer, printer and publisher, bookbinder, publican, publisher of Coxon's comic songster
Born Liverpool, Lancashire, England, 7 January 1832; baptised St. Peter's, Liverpool, 13 December 1837 [sic]; son of John BROWN and Mary WILLIAMS (d. Ballarat, VIC, 1872)
Married Margaret McGURKIN, St. Joseph's chapel (RC), Liverpool, Lancashire, England, 22 February 1851 (certified entry seen)
Arrived VIC, by 1855
Died Liverpool Asylum, NSW, 7 June 1886, aged "55" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish church of St. Peter, Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, in the year 1837; register ;
No. 1545 / [1837 December] 13th / William Maxwell [son of] / John & Mary / Brown / Gildart's gardens / Labourer . . . / Born 7th January 1832
England census, 30 March 1851, Islington, Liverpool, Lancashire; UK National Archives; HO107/2185/395/22 (PAYWALL)
84 Richwond Row / Mary Jane Brown / Head / Widow / Furniture Broker / [all born Lancashire Liverpool]
Joseph [Brown] / Son / Unm. / 26 / Jobber /
William [Brown] / [Son] / Married / 19 / Book Binder
Margaret [Brown] / Dau'r [in law] / Married / 20 / At home
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (22 September 1855), 1
AN AMATEUR PERFORMANCE. BY the Members of the Ballarat Literary and Dramatic Society, in aid of the funds of the
MINERS' HOSPITAL, will shortly be given, in the above spacious room, which will be fitted up with new scenery and appointments for the occasion.
Full particulars will be duly announced. Stage Director - W. M. Brown.
[Advertisement], The Star (4 October 1855), 1
Amateur Performance. By the members of the Literary and Dramatic Society of Ballarat, in aid of the Funds of the Hospital.
On Tuesday Evening next, October 9th 1855 . . .
The stage management has been placed under the directions of W. M. Brown, whose experience, is sufficient guarantee for its able fulfilment . . .
LONDON ASSURANCE . . . To be followed by a VOCAL AND INSTRUEMENTAL CONCERT Supported by the principal professional celebrity of Ballarat and members of the society . . .
"DRAMATIC LITERATURE ON BALLAARAT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (18 August 1856), 5
The Ballaarat correspondent of the GeelongAdvertiser mentions that a new play, from the pen of Mr. W. M. Brown, entitled the "Will and the Way," was produced for the first time on Monday night to a crowded house, and repeated on Wednesday night, not only to a house equally crowded, but to the most respectable audience that ever assembled within the walls of the Montezuma Theatre. The play itself is a melodrama of a high order, and has been placed upon the stage in a manner that reflects the highest credit upon Mr. Brown and the members of the Literary and Dramatic Society of Ballaarat who took the various characters.
"FINE ARTS", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (29 December 1856), 2
A beautifully got up work entitled, "Victoria Illustrated," has lately been published by Messrs. Sands and Kenny, of Melbourne, and Messrs T. and W. Brown, of Geelong and Ballarat. The work includes forty-six well executed engravings on steel, of views on the principal gold-fields and towns of the colony. There are very fine sketches of Ballarat from the Black Hill and Buninyong, of Lydiard-street, from near the Post-office, and of Spring Hill and the township of Creswick. Geelong supplies some beautiful bits of suburban and bay scenery, while Portland, Warrnambool, Belfast, Sandhurst, and, of course, Melbourne, with its numerous suburbs, are all happily and faithfully hit off. The plates were engraved in London, but no copies were sold there, and the plates are now in the possession, of the proprietors in this colony. We know of few more suitable presents to send to friends at home than "Victoria Illustrated."
ASSOCIATIONS: His elder brother and business partner Thomas Brown (baptised St. Peter's, Liverpool, 28 August 1827);
their partneship was dissolved on 30 June 1858, see
[Advertisement], The Star (12 July 1858), 3
"THE THEATRES", The Star (8 June 1857), 3
The Charlie Napier, as usual, was crammed to excess, to witness the first representation of Mr. W. M. Brown's dramatised version of "Minnie Gray." As we were unable to obtain a position from which we could either see or hear, we cannot be expected to say anything about either the piece or the performance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . BALLAARAT", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (22 August 1857), 2
. . . On Tuesday evening the Literary and Dramatic Society appeared in Buckstone's comedy of "Married Life," and the "Legion of Honour," in both of which they were entirely successful. In the first piece Mr. W. M. Brown appeared to great advantage; he played the part of Mr. Coddle admirably, and was well supported . . .
Yesterday afternoon, about three o'clock, Mr G. V. Brooke laid the foundation stone of the new theatre on the township . . .
Having arrived on the ground where the foundation stone was, Mr. W. M. Brown proceeded to address the assembly somewhat to the following effect: -
"Ladies and gentlemen, - As one of a small board of directors connected with the erection of the Theatre Royal, Ballarat,
I have much pleasure in requesting that most eminent, popular, and highly gifted gentleman, Mr. Brooke, to lay the foundation stone . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)
"THE THEATRES. THEATRE ROYAL", The Star (27 December 1858), 3
This magnificent structure will open for the first time this evening . . . we conclude by stating that the building has cost fully £10,000, and its erection is mainly owing to the energy of the directors, Messrs W. M. Brown (Chairman,) Backhouse, T. Wymond, Duncan, Rowlands, and R. Underwood, Mr. E. C. Moore, Secretary. The first piece performed will be Douglas Jerrold's play of "Time Works Wonders," after which Mr. Hoskins, the stage manager, will deliver an address, and the whole will conclude with "Deeds of Dreadful Note" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hoskins (actor, manager); for a transcript of Hoskins's address, see "THE THEATRES, &c. OPENING OF THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Star (28 December 1858), 2-3
[3] . . . few of you are aware of the difficulties that have beset the directors, even from the outset of their labors, and I feel I should not be doing them justice did I not call your attention to the fact, that to the untiring energy of the architect, and the professional acumen of my old fellow laborer, Mr. W. M. Brown, in the vineyard of the muses, with the hearty co-operation of a few others of the Board, you are indebted for this magnificent theatre, which I trust may long stand an ornament to your town, and a lasting monument to their indomitable energy . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Star (16 May 1859), 3
One of those really fine Shakespearean performances which have been becoming rather frequent at the Theatre Royal of late, took place at this theatre on Saturday evening last. "Macbeth" was the play . . . Locke's music was rendered very effectively. The part of Hecate was sustained by MrW. M. Brown, and the singing was well managed, Miss Harland as usual distinguishing herself . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Harland (actor, vocalist, Mrs. William Hoskins)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Star (27 August 1859), 2
On Friday a complimentary benefit was given to Miss Julia Harland at this theatre by Mr. W. M. Brown. The pieces of the evening being a musical burlesque of the play "Medea," "The Trish Lion," and a piece de circonstance called, "The Contested Election." The burlesque was admirably performed; Miss Julia Harland as Jason, and Miss Melville as Orpheus, delighted the audience with their singing, and were encored in one of the duets . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Melville (actor, vocalist)
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Star (18 June 1861), 1 supplement
. . . William Maxwell Brown, Ballarat innkeeper. Debts £409 15s 8d, assets £94 17s 6d, balance deficiency £314 17s 9d. Causes of insolvency - depression in trade, &c. . . .
"A THEATRICAL SQUABBLE", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (22 August 1867), 5
Mr. James Auderson seems to have more sins to answer for than that of exciting a war of words amongst newspaper critics. In the County Court, yesterday, Mr. William Maxwell Brown, of Indian basket-trick renown, sued Mr. William Hoskins, the manager of the Haymarket Theatre, to recover from him the sum of £250, for the non-fulfilment of an agreement alleged to have been entered into between the parties. The facts were these: - Some two months ago Mr. Brown, who is a very old professional, having at one time been the stage-manager of the Surrey Theatre, London, being then the manager of the Theatre Royal, Ballarat, thought that a good speculation offered at the Haymarket, with Mr. Anderson for his opening star . . .
Haymarket Theatre (Melbourne venue); on Brown's "Indian basket trick", see
"MR. MAXWELL BROWN'S LEVEE FANTASTIQUE", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (16 October 1866), 5
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 September 1867), 5
(Schedule filed in Ballarat.) William Maxwell Brown, of Ballarat, actor and hotelkeeper. Causes of insolvency - Losses sustained in theatrical speculations, pressure of judgment creditor, sickness, and falling of in the hotel business. Liabilities, £1,348 0s. 5d.; assets, £825 16s. 5d.; deficiency, £522 4s.
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (15 September 1876), 2
Mr. William Maxwell Brown gives an afternoon matinee musicale on Saturday afternoon. During parts of the entertainment, Mr. Brown will give a resume of some of the most stirring scenes in his life as an actor for thirty-six years. The entertainment ought to be well worth patronising.
"LOCAL COURT - ADELAIDE. Friday, January 19 . . . THE THEATRICAL CASE", The Express and Telegraph [Adelaide, SA] (20 January 1883), 3
. . . William Maxwell Brown, of Adelaide, comedian, said - I have belonged to the theatrical profession for 43 years.
Have played everything connected with the stage from leading man to prompter.
His Honor - And not crushed yet? Witness - No, not crushed yet, your Honor. (Laughter.) . . .
Have managed many theatres, the last in 1860. Mr. Stock - What are you doing now?
Witness - I am simply waiting for judgment in this case. I have nothing else to do. (Laughter.)
Mr. Stock - You say you discarded management in 1860. Witness - No, management discarded me. (Laughter.) . . .
Admission and discharge register, Liverpool Asylum for the Infirm and Destitute, 1882-87; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Brown Wm. Maxwell / 55 / English / C. of E. / admitted 31 - 5 - '86 / [Manager] / discharged 7 - 6 - 86 / 55 / Died
"Funerals", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 June 1886), 16
THE FRIENDS of J. C., W. B., and E. P. BROWN are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved FATHER, William Maxwell Brown; to move from his late residence, No. 2, St. Peter's-street, Woolloomooloo, TOMORROW (Thursday) MORNING, at a quarter-past 8 a.m., to the Necropolis . . .
"A REMINISCENCE OF THE LATE MR. W. HOSKINS", The Lorgnette [Melbourne, VIC] (22 September 1888), 2
. . . When William Maxwell Brown and myself were lessees of the Ballarnt Theatre in "good old times" . . .
Published songster:
Coxon's comic songster, full of pungent parodies, quaint quizzicalities, odd oddities, local hits, colonial sayings and doings, &c., &c. (Ballarat: W. M. Brown, 1859) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (19 July 1859), 3
JUST PUBLISHED - Coxon's Comic Songster. One shilling. W. M. BROWN, Lydiard street, and all booksellers.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Coxon (singer, songwriter)
BROWN, William Stone (William Stone BROWN; Mr. W. BROWN; W. S. BROWN)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, vocalist, merchant seaman, clerk, solicitor
Born Sherborne, Dorset, England, 1834; baptised Sherborne Abbey, 14 February 1834; son of Richard BROWN and Betsey Andrews STONE (1807-1888)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, c. 1851; Bendigo, VIC, c. 1853
Married [1] Mary Anne O'MEARA (c. 1836-1864), St. Peter's church, Melbourne, 19 April 1858
Married [2] Helen BEDDY (c. 1853-1942), St. Stephen's, Richmond, VIC, 3 January 1878
Died Melbourne, VIC, 18 March 1912, aged "79" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
BROWN, Thomas Andrews (Thomas Andrews BROWN; Mr. T. BROWN; T. A. BROWN)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, vocalist, soldier
Born Bristol, England, 29 August 1837; baptised St. Mary Redcliff, Bristol, 23 September 1837; son of Richard BROWN and Betsey Andrews STONE (1807-1888)
Arrived Bendigo, VIC, by c. 1866
Married Mary Anna TATE, Bendigo, VIC, 1878
Died Bendigo, VIC, 23 August 1914 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Sherborne in the county of Dorset in the year 1834; register 1813-91, page 50; Dorset History Centre, PE/SH: RE 2/1 - 2/4 (PAYWALL)
No. 395 / 1834 Feb'y 19th / William Stone Son of / Richard & Betsey / Brown / Sherborne / Accomptant . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Mary Redcliff in the city of Bristol in the year 1837; register page 282; Bristol Archives, Ep/V/4/34 (PAYWALL)
No. 2251 / [1837] Sept'r 23d / Thomas Andrews son of / Richard & Betsey / Brown / Hillgrove Street Bedminster / Accountant . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Bedminster, Somerset; UK National Archives, HO107/1945/101/37 (PAYWALL)
[Dean St.] No. 3 / Richard Brown / Head / Marr. / Commercial Clerk / [born] Dorchester Sherborne
Betsey Andrews [Brown] / Wife / 45 / - / [born Dorchester Sherborne]
William Stone [Brown] / Son / Unm. / 17 / Merchant Seaman / [born Dorchester Sherborne]
Elizabeth Ann [Brown] / Daur. / 16 // Thomas Andrews / Son / 14 / [both born St. Mary Redcliffe Bristol]
John James / 10 // Edward Aubrey / 8 / [both born St. Mary Redcliffe Bristol]
Jane Andrews / 5 // Ellen / 3 / [both born] Bedminster Somerset
Mary Stone / Moth. in law / Widow . . .
1858, marriages solemnized in the district of St. Peter's Melbourne; register 1857-59; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)
No. 965 [1965] / This [19 April 1858] at St. Peter's Church / William Brown / Bachelor / [born] Sherborne Dorsetshire / Clerk / 22 / Collingwood / [son of] Richard Brown, clerk [and] Betsy Stone
Mary Anne o'Meara / Spinster / [born] Dublin / - / 22 / Collingwood / [daughter of] James John O'Meara, steward [and] Rose Anne Mary Kennedy . . .
Unfortunately for the complete success which would otherwise doubtless have crowned this service, it commenced to rain heavily at an early hour yesterday morning, and continued to pour down until eleven o'clock, which damped the ardor of intending attendants, many of whom would othorwise have come from great distances. Under these circumstances there were very few present, but in spite of the unfavorable state of the weather, the St. Kilian's choir arrived through the drenching rain . . . Mercadante's Mass in B flat was performed, with the exception of the "Gloria in excelsis," which was omitted owing to the Lenten season. This mass was written by the composer for first and second tenor and bass voices, the first tenor parts being taken by Mr. William Brown and Mr. Frank Macoboy, the second tenor by Messrs. Edwin Ripper, James Stewart, and Tamlyn, and the bass by Messrs. Michael Macoboy, Stephens, James Ripper, and Thomas Brown. Miss Howoth presided at the organ (a fine instrument by Smith, kindly lent by Mr. Carolin for the occasion), Mr. Nat. Hallas conducting. As we understand this mass will be performed again, in full, at Marong on the 15th April, we refrain from giving a description of the work now, but on the occasion of its next performance we shall give our readers a full description of the various movements in this beautiful composition, which we believe has never yet been performed in the colony. The vocalists rendered full justice to it. A well toned organ, which was played with great taste, added considerably to the grand effect of this splendid mass . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Nathan Hallas (conductor); Music in Catholic churches (general)
"MARRIAGE", Bendigo Advertiser (5 January 1878), 2
On the 3rd January, at St. Stephens' Church, Richmond, by the Rev. Mr. Perks, William Brown, solicitor, Sandhurst, to Helen, eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph Beddy, late of Ballyneskar Lodge, Ireland.
"THE DEPARTURE OF MR. WILLIAM BROWN", Bendigo Advertiser (6 May 1886), 3
This, the morning preceding the farewell banquet which is to be accorded to Mr. William Brown on his departure from Sandhurst may be most appropriately selected as the occasion for a brief reference to his career on Bendigo.
Mr. Brown's long residence in the district, and the prominent place he has occupied in public notice,
have prompted his numerous friends to give him a parting assurance of their esteem for him, and to acknowledge his usefulness as a citizen.
A short sketch of his career on Bendigo will serve to freshen the memories of old Bendigonians who do him honor and prove instructive to other friends whose acquaintance with him is of more recent data.
Mr. Brown arrived on Bendigo in August 1853 and was engaged in digging pursuits at various parts of the goldfields down to September 1857.
During that time he was a very active member of the old Miners' Protection Association . . .
in July 1858 Mr Brown went to Melbourne, and became articled to Mr. Grant. He remained in Melbourne from that time until August 1862 . . .
He has continued, however, to devote much of his time to musical affairs, in which he always evinced a warm interest.
For many years he was connected with the choir of St. Kilian's Church, and latterly has been associated with the Choir of St. Paul's Church of England.
The splendid organ at this church, which is now church property, was obtained through Mr. Brown's exertions in a great measure,
and the energetic way in which he set to work to pay off the debt attached for a considerable time to that instrument has earned for him the warm thanks of the parishioners.
Mr. Brown has taken a foremost place in connection with the efforts which have been made from time to time to establish a Philharmonic Society in Sandhurst,
and is at the present time president of what has proved the most successful of the various efforts made - the Sandhurst Liedertafel.
That society will mark their appreciation of the services which he has from time to time rendered it,
and the practical shape of his sympathy with it, in a suitable manner at the banquet this evening.
The banquet will take place at the Shamrock Hotel at 8 o'clock,
when it is expected that there will be a numerous and influential gathering to "Speed the parting guest."
See also "PRESENTATION TO MR. WILLIAM BROWN", Bendigo Advertiser (18 June 1886), 3
"DEATH OF MR. WILLIAM BROWN", Bendigo Advertiser (19 March 1912), 7
The sad and unexpected news was received in Bendigo yesterday that Mr. William Stone Brown, who for many years was a partner of the well-known firm of solicitors of Brown and Ellison, of this city, had died suddenly in Melbourne yesterday morning at the age of 79. Mr. Brown was born in Bristol, England, and came to Australia in 1851, as second mate on board a sailing ship. The gold fever was at its height shortly after his arrival, and the young sailor left the seafaring life and joined the rush to Bendigo, when he followed gold mining at Golden Gully and other parts of this district with such old identities as Messrs. McIntyre, Reardon, and others. Becoming dissatisfied with the precarious results obtained, he gave up prospecting and devoted his attention to studying law by becoming articled to Mr. James McPherson Grant, who was one of the first members of Parliament for this district, and afterwards a Minister in several Governments in Victoria. Having eventually passed his examinations, Mr. Brown became a solicitor, and went into partnership with Mr. G. J. Pitman, at the Beehive Chambers. When his partner decided to retire and went to Melbourne, Mr. Brown carried on business on his own account at the Beehive, and remained there till he was burnt out in the memorable fire in August, 1871. He then opened his successful enterprise in Albion Chambers, View-street, and some time afterwards took his chief clerk, Mr. John Ellison, into partnership, and inaugurated the most flourishing firm of solicitors of that period in Bendigo. The firm carried on its profession for many years until both partners decided to leave this city for Melbourne. Mr. Brown left in May, 1886, and was tendered a banquet by a very representative gathering of citizens, several of whom spoke in most flattering terms of Mr. Brown's ability in his profession and his public services, especially in connection with the churches of the district and the various musical societies . . . As a lawyer the late Mr. Brown was an emphatic success. He enjoyed a very extensive practice in Bendigo, and as an advocate in the local courts his services were in constant demand. Privately he was highly esteemed as a good citizen, ever willing to support deserving charities. He was always closely associated with church work, and was largely responsible for the purchase of the fine organ at St. Paul's Church, Bendigo. Music was his favorite hobby, and he was prominently identified with every musical society established in Bendigo, the last being the Liedertafel. He possessed an excellent tenor voice, and for many years took part in the choral singing of St. Paul's Church. The late Mr. Brown was twice married, and ten children survive to mourn their loss.
"DEATH OF MR. THOS. A. BROWN", The Bendigo Independent (24 August 1914), 8
Mr. Thomas Andrews Brown, of Hargreaves Street West, died at the Bendigo Hospital yesterday morning. The deceased, who was 77 years of age, being born on August 29, 1837, at Bristol, England. He would have, had he survived, celebrated his seventy-eighth birthday next Saturday. At the age of 18 he enlisted at Bristol, with the British army, to serve in the Crimea War. After seeing active service at the Crimea, the deceased went with his regiment to the Indian mutiny, and later returned to Turkey. At the time of his death he still retained the three medals which he received on the three respective fields. He arrived in Victoria in 1866, and came direct to Bendigo, where he took up the profession of law clerk, being engaged by his brother, the late Mr. William Brown. He later served in the same capacity Messrs. Brown and Ellison, Messrs. Kennedy and Woodward, and latest Messrs. Crabbe, Cohen and Kirby, from whose employment he retired about seven years ago. He was enjoying the best of health until August 4, when, in a very simple manner, he broke his thigh, which necessitated his removal to the Bendigo Hospital. He was, up to that time, feeling so well, that he had completed arrangements with a local solicitor to again assist in the drafting of legal documents. After admission he contracted pneumonia, and although well up in years, his death was hardly expected, and was to a large extent due to shock. The deceased was well known and respected in this city. He married Miss Mary Anna Tate, a Bendigonian, in 1878, whom he survived . . .
Bibliography and resources:
George Mackay, The history of Bendigo (Melbourne: Ferguson & Mitchell, 1891), (174) 175 (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. William Brown, the well-known solicitor, now practising in [175] Melbourne, took an active part, along with his brother, Mr. T. Brown, in the inauguration of the Liedertafel. Mr. W. Brown always took a warm interest in matters musical, and for many years was one of the most prominent singers in the district. Contemporary with him in the sixties were Mrs. Betham and Mrs. Ellis, and in the seventies, Mrs. A. E. B. Casey. Messrs. M. and F. Macoboy are among the leading members of the Liedertafel, and the former is its president . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Stewart Ellis (vocalist); Louisa Maria Casey (vocalist)
Musician, bassoon player
Active Melbourne, NSW (VIC), by c. 1840; 1842 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (8 June 1842), 2
will be performed, for the first time in the Province, with new Scenery, Music, Machinery, dresses, Decorations, &c.,
the popular melodrama, THERESE; OR, THE ORPHAN OF GENEVA.
For beauty of scenery, variety of incident, and moreover, for powerful developement of plot,
Mr. Buckingham feels confident this admired play will stand first of any scenic representation yet exhibited on the Melbourne Stage.
The scenery is entirely new, and painted expressly for the piece by Mr. Southall;
the music by Mr. Brown; the Dresses by Mr. Brock; the Machinery by Mr. Sewart; the Properties by Mr. Warman;
and the whole under the entire direction of Mr. Buckingham . . .
Judge Hawthorn - Mr. Brown . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Davies (actor); George Buckingham (actor, manager); Pavilion Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"THE CHRONICLES OF EARLY MELBOURNE . . . NEW SERIES. BY GARRYOWEN [ = Edmund Finn]. CHAPTER XVIII . . . OLD TOWN BANDS", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (23 June 1883), 3
The first Town Band in Melbourne was formed in 1839, and consisted of about a dozen players, the names and instruments of some of them being Milstead, bass trombone; Oliver, tenor trombone; Browne, bassoon . . .
Melbourne Town Band (association);
see also, The chronicles of early Melbourne, 1835 to 1851, by Garryowen (Melbourne: Fergusson and Mitchell, 1888), 489 (DIGITISED)
BROWNE, Francis Edward Douglas (Francis Edward Douglas BROWNE; F. E. D. BROWNE; BROWN)
Newspaper editor, journalist, convict, employer of music copyist (1834)
Born Greenwich, Kent, England, 29 April 1805; baptised St. Alfege, Greenwich, 26 May 1805; son of Edward BROWN and Eleanor Margaret LUCAS
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1825 (convict per Medway, from the Downs, 22 August 1825)
Died Bridgewater, VDL (TAS), 29 February 1844, aged "40" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. Alfege, Greenwich, May 1805; register 1784-1812, page 253; London Metropolitan Archives, P78/ALF/004 (PAYWALL)
[1805 May] 26 / Francis Edward Douglas son of Edward Brown Gent. & Eleanor Marg't / [born] Apr'l 29
"BOW STREET", Morning Herald [London, England] (9 March 1825), 1 (PAYWALL)
A person in the employ of Messrs. Oliphant, hatters and military accoutrement makers, in Cockspur-street, came before Mr. HALLS, on Monday night,
to complain that they had just bean "taken in by a gentleman!" This gentleman, it appeared, went to their shop, on Thursday last, and purchased a regulation foraging cap,
for which he paid - upon the principle of "throwink a sprat to catch a herring," it would seem;
for as soon as he had paid for it, he ordered a regulation sword, and two scabbards, and a sash, and a breast-plate, for which he did not pay;
but requested that they might be sent to him at Osborne's Hotel, in the Adelphi, directed to "Mr. Brown, of the Royal Artillery;"
and Messrs. Oliphant, supposing it to he all quite regular, sent them accordingly.
Their porter found Mr. Brown at Osborne's, and received from him a cheque for the amount, purporting to bit drawn by F. E. D. Brown upon Ladbroke's banking-house in the city.
This cheque was afterwards presented by Messrs. Oliphant for payment, but the answer was "no effects - drawer not known;"
and therefore they very naturally sent it back to Mr. Brown at Osborne's Hotel, with a rather peremptory demand for the money, or the return of the regulation articles.
When the messenger got to Osborne's Hotel, Mr. Brown had left it, and was gone they knew not whither, taking with him all his articles, regular or irregular;
but they told the messenger, for his consolation, that if Mr. Brown owed him any thing they "wished he might get it."
However, after much search, Mr. Brown was found sojourning at the New Hummums, in Covent-garden;
and then, the banker's answer having been communicated to him, he asked to see the cheque, which, being shown to him, he hastily tore and threw the fragments into the fire -
merely observing that he would call and settle with Messrs. Oliphant.
The Magistrate, upon hearing this story, sent an officer, named Ledbetter, to the Hummums, to request Mr. Brown's attendance at the office -
"Tell him" - said his Worship, "that I wish to have a few minutes conversation with him." - Ledbetter did as he was directed, and almost immediately returned with Mr. Brown in his custody.
Mr. Brown is a small, slender young man, of very Israelitish physiognomy, and very little of the gentleman in his manner,
but being arrayed in a well-befrogged blue surtout, and the spick-and-span gold-banded oil-skin foraging cap above-mentioned,
he had something of a military-officer-like air about him, and he advanced to the table baldly.
"My I be permitted to ask your name, Sir?" said the Magistrate. "Certainly, Mr. Halls," he replied; "my name is Francis - Edward - Douglas - Brown."
"Well, Mr. Brown," said his Worship, "there has been a complaint made against you on behalf of Messrs. Oliphant, in Cockspur-street,
and I sent for you that you may hear the particulars of that complaint."
Mr. Brown's confidence evidently began to evaporate at the mention of the name "Oliphant;"
he appeared, in short, to be in a sort of brown study; and the complainant had scarcely began to repeat his story when Mr. Brown interrupted him by saying to the Magistrate -
"Perhaps, Mr. Halls, it would be better that I should save you trouble by admitting all I have been guilty of, at once."
"I think," replied his Worship, "you had better say nothing."
"Thank you, Mr. Halls," rejoined Mr. Brown - who, by the by, did not seem to be aware that there was any such word as "Sir" in the English language;
"Thank you, Mr. Halls - you think I had better not say any thing; then I shall abstain, certainly;
else I thought it would be better for me to acknowledge every thing at once, than to attempt a defence founded on falsehood.
I believe, Mr. Halls, I once stood before you on a very different ground."
"And pray, Sir, what ground might that be?" said his Worship, regarding him attentively.
"It was on an occasion when I brought an unhappy man before you for forgery," replied Mr. Brown.
"He had forged my name to a receipt for 21. 10s., from Mr. Atkinson, a perfumer, on account of advertisements in the Oriental Herald,
the proprietor of which paper insisted upon my prosecuting; and you may remember, Mr. Halls, that you were very angry with me for compromising the felony, I think you called it."
"Very likely," said his Worship; "but what has that to do with the present affair? I wish you would let me hear the evidence, and then you may say what you like."
Mr. Brown was silent, and the witness proceeded with his story about the regulation swords, the cheque, &c., as we have already described it;
but, at almost every sentence, he was interrupted by Mr. Brown with a "Yes, yes, that's all very true; what that gentleman is saying I admit to be perfectly true; I'm sorry to say I cannot deny it."
When the evidence was taken down and the Magistrate told Mr. Brown he must detain him for further examination, Mr. Brown, placing his foraging cap on his heart,
made a profound bow to his Worship, and said, smilingly, "Won't you allow me -supposing I pledge my word of honour for my re-appearance, Mr. Halls?"
"We are not in the habit of taking such pledges here, Sir," said the Magistrate, "besides, your word of honour may as valueless as your false cheque."
"That's a bitter reproach, Mr. Halls!" said Mr. Brown, still smiling very graciously.
"May be so, but it is not uncalled for," rejoined his Worship; and the gaolers were removing Mr. Brown to durance,
when the Magistrate stopped Mr. Brown to ask him whether he really belonged to the Royal Artillery.
"Am I obliged to answer that question?" said Mr. Brown. "Certainly not," replied the Magistrate. "Then I shall decline," rejoined Mr. Brown,
and, thereupon he was removed to St. Martin's watch-house for the night.
Yesterday he was again brought up, when Mr. Oliphant, and others of his servants attended, and confirmed the charge abovementioned . . .
and he was then remanded for further examination on Friday next.
"MIDDLESEX SESSIONS. April 9. SWINDLING", New Times [London, England] (11 April 1825), 3 (PAYWALL)
Francis Edward Douglas Brown, a very fashionably dressed young man, was indicted for a fraud,
by having represented himself to be an Officer in the Royal Artillery, and for giving a forged check in payment.
John Jones, a shopman to Messrs. Oliphant, army accoutrement makers, of Cockspur-street, said -
On the 25th March, the prisoner (who had previously been in the shop, and who then represented himself as Lieutenant Brown, of the Royal Artillery) came into the shop,
and requested to be shewn some military accoutrements; some swords were taken out of the glass case, and the prisoner having selected one,
also made choice of an extra scabbard, a steel breast-plate, and a belt, and desired them to be sent to Osborne's Hotel, in the Adelphi, directed to Lieutenant Brown.
In the evening the witness carried the beforementioned articles to the hotel; and upon inquiring for Mr. Brown, he was shewn into a private parlour,
where the prisoner was seated with company, drinking wine.
The prisoner approved of all the articles except the belt, and desired a buckle to be added to it.
The articles were to be delivered for ready money, and the prisoner paid him the amount, 5l. 18s., by a check upon Ladbroke's bank, which was a forgery.
The prisoner was subsequently apprehended by Leadbitter, when he expressed his astonishment that there were no effects.
Other witnesses were called, who confirmed this statement.
The prisoner, when called upon for his defence, said, it was not his intention to defraud either Messrs. Oliphant or the banking-house of Messrs. Ladbroke,
but he thought that the delivery of the goods was a regular sale.
The CHAIRMAN said, that provided the check had been paid, there would have been a sale.
There were two-points on which he must satisfy the Jury; first, that he was a Lieutenant of Artillery;
and, secondly, that he had cash at Ladbroke's house.
The prisoner then threw himself upon the mercy of the Jury.
He was found guilty, and sentenced to be transported for seven years.
The prisoner inquired if he might not expect some mercy?
This was the first stain upon his character, and he was convinced that no police officer had ever before had him in custody.
The CHAIRMAN said that great mercy had been extended towards him. He had given the check in a wrong name,
and he could for that office be indicted for forgery.
There were other cases against the prisoner but the Chairman declined taking them.
Convict Record, Francis Edward Douglas Browne; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1376682$init=CON31-1-1P315
[No.] 866 / Browne Francis Edward Douglas / Medway Dec. 1825 / Midd'x Q'r Se's 9 April 1825 . . . Conditional Pardon No. 203 5th May 1831
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Gazette (13 February 1830), 10
NOTICE. no. 28, Colonial Secretary's Office, Feb. 10, 1830.
THE Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to grant the undermentioned indulgences.
Tickets of Leave . . . Francis Edward Douglas Browne, 866, Medway . . .
[Advertisement], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser [Hobart, TAS] (18 February 1834), 1
THE Undersigned respectfully informs the Public,
that having obtained the assistance of some first rate Penmen and Accountants,
he is now enabled to undertake getting up Conveyances, Deeds, Letters, Petitions, and Writings of every description, and the arrangement of Accounts,
at his Office, Argyle-street; near, the Man-of-War, on the most reasonable terms. -
The strictest secrecy observed, and security given when required.
[manicule] Building Plans and Designs drawn to order,
and Music copied with neatness and accuracy.
"MELANCHOLY SUICIDE", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (1 March 1844), 3
An inquest is now sitting, at Mr. Mezger's, on the body of Mr. Francis Edward Douglas Browne, well known as formerly connected with the newspaper press of the colony. The unfortunate man had destroyed himself it is supposed by taking laudanum and digitalis; two phials having recently contained each of those fatal narcotics being found on his person. He has left an unhappy female and six children, who depended on him for support, in a state of absolute destitution. We hope that the hand of charity will be opened for their relief; their's is truly a most desolate case.
See also Inquest; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1355930; SC195/1/13 Inquest 1056
And "CORONER'S INQUEST", Colonial Times (5 March 1844), 4
See also "TYPOGRAPHICAL REMINISCENCES. II", Launceston Examiner (22 January 1863), 2
Music printer and publisher, lithographer, general printer, musicseller, stationer
Born London, 10 March 1816; baptised St. Dunstan, Stepney, 8 February 1824; son of Thomas BROWNE and Jane RUTHERFORD
Arrived VDL (TAS), by 1835
Married Sarah SPICER, St. John's, Launceston, VDL (TAS), 10 March 1840
Died Hobart, TAS, 23 December 1870, aged "54/55" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Dunstan, Stepney, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1824; register 1816-26, page 160; London Metropolitan Archives, P93/DUN/012 (PAYWALL)
[1824 February] 8 / Born 10 March 1816 / Thomas / [son of] Thomas & Jane / Browne / Gent. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: In the same ceremony, his siblings were also baptised: David (b. 5 December 1813); Lindsay (b. 8 January 1818); James (b. 26 May 1821); and George (b. 16 May 1823)
1840, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:827310; RGD37/1/2 no 702 (DIGITISED)
[No.] 702 / 10 March 1840 / St. John's Church Launceston / Thomas Browne / 24 / Free / Stationer / Single Man /
Sarah Spicer / 19 / Free / Spinster / Single Woman . . . [witnesses] Henry Dowling Jun'r / Elizabeth Spicer . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (14 September 1844), 1
NEW MUSIC, on SALE at T. BROWNE'S NEW STATIONERY WAREHOUSE, Liverpool Street, three doors from Union Bank.
PIANOFORTE TUTORS. - Valentine's, A. Bennett's, McMurdie's, Cramer's, Jousse's, S. Glover's, Challoner's, Monro's, Humpell's, Blockley's, C. Platt's, Jones's.
VIOLIN TUTORS. - Jousse's, Loder's, Rode, Kreutzer, and Baillott's, Challoner's, Cooke's, Monro's, Williams's, Ward's, Himes's.
FLUTE TUTORS. - Monzain's, B. Lee's, Simpson's, Wragg's, Sharp's, Monro's.
Simpson's and Monro's Flageolet Tutors.
Challoner's Harp Tutor.
Carrulli's Guitar do. [sic, Carulli]
AND A carefully selected Stock of NEW MUSIC, by Strauss, Labitzky, Laners, Julien, Beethoven, Horncastle,
McCalla, Musard, Herz, Chatterton, Calcott, Mozart, &c.
"TASMANIAN PUBLICATIONS", The Courier (4 October 1845), 2
Mr. Browne, the stationer, who is a clever artist, has published a reprint of a juvenile picture Alphabet, originally issued from the London press, the illustrations to which are creditable for the kind of production in question. He has also published one or two pieces of approved music. We mention these efforts of local talent as worthy of encouragement.
"LITHOGRAPHY. HEBREW MELODIES", Colonial Times (23 April 1847), 3
Our indefatigable and enterprising townsman, Mr. Browne, has added another proof to his skill in the practical working of the fine arts, by the lithographic printing of a set of ancient Hebrew melodies, as sung at the opening of the Jews' Synagogue in this city, and as arranged by our veteran musician, Mr. Reichenberg. The melodies themselves are characteristic and beautiful, replete with solemn harmony, and constituting a valuable addition to our somewhat slender stock of sacred music. The printing is executed in Mr. Browne's usual excellent manner; indeed we may apply to him the compliment which Dr. Johnson, that mighty Bonassus of literature, applied to his eccentric but talented friend, Dr. Goldsmith: - "Nihil tetigit quod non ornavit" - in other words, "he touches nothing that he does not beautify."
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Reichenberg (musician, arranger); Synagogue music (general)
"NEW MUSIC", The Courier (28 April 1847), 2
In noticing the appearance of a collection of ancient Hebrew Melodies, harmonised and arranged for the pianoforte by Mr. J. Reichenberg, and dedicated to Mrs. Louis Nathan, of this city, we feel ourselves called upon to express our satisfaction that an able series of noble compositions have thus been rendered accessible in a most available form. Mr. Reichenberg has been fortunately successful in the arrangement of these lofty themes, and many of the passages will be gladly welcomed by those who can appreciate the truly majestic strains of sacred harmony. "The Harp of Judah's Solemn Sounds" are peculiarly calculated to awaken the dignity of man's nature in its sympathy with ideal beauty; and to elevate us to that pitch, the harmonist, with a simplicity of profession and correctly scientific application of musical embellishment, has contributed in no small degree. As an invaluable addition to the musical gems of Tasman's Land, the present collection will assume an enviable position, heightened by the recollection of the masterly performance of the several pieces at the consecration of the Synagogue in Argyle-street; while as a specimen of the advance of lithographic art, executed by the publisher, Mr. Browne, of Liverpool-street, it may be pronounced to exceed our expectations. There are, in the whole, eight pieces; amongst the number, the Hallelujah, which was sung, on the occasion referred to, with so much energy and spirit. We cordially hope that the sale of the work may exceed the anticipations of the joint artistical spectators.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriette Moss, wife of Louis Nathan (d. 1886), president of the Hobart congregation; see also Louis Nathan, Hobart Synagogue digital archives
"SYNAGOGUE MUSIC", Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania [Hobart, TAS] (24 July 1847), 3
In our perambulations, this week, around the scientific and literary curiosities of our improving City, we chanced to make a call upon Mr. Browne, Lithographic Printer, 54, Liverpool Street. On his table, we were most agreeably surprised, to find a Publication, by him, of a Piece of Music, extending to fifteen pages, price 6s., which would really, for artistical skill and lithographic elegance, do credit to any of our most superior Lithographic metropolitan artists. The music is entitled "Ancient Hebrew Melodies," sung at the recent Consecration of the Jewish Synagogue, and dedicated to a Lady, of our city, of very excellent taste and most justly appreciated amiability - Mrs. Louis Nathan. This production is arranged for the Piano Forte, by our leading Pianist - Mr. Reichenberg. On making inquiries as to the success of the publication, great was our astonishment to find, that only two families, of our Israelitish community, had patronized this publication, by purchase! Though Christians, we are free to confess, that the Israelitish body, for intelligence, energy, and intellect, are on a par with any race of men. We believe that in deeds of pure generosity and active benevolence, they exceed most even of our own Christian brethren. We truly rejoice at the equalization of their civil rights amongst the Christian nations of our globe. We abhor that persecuting wrath, which, as issuing from hell itself, under the name, but without the spirit, of Christianity, infernally robbed and slaughtered the Israelites, in their once enfeebled condition. We rejoice in their equal enjoyment of the common rights of citizenship and nationality. These rights shall always have our support. But with all this feeling, we must be permitted to say, that our lsraelitish friends, in this excepted case of Mr. Browne, have sadly departed from their usual liberality. This highly gifted, though too unobtrusive, artist, at their instance, published this Music - only two Jewish families purchase - a larger, though trifling, proportion of our Christian population do subscribe - the consequence is, the poor confiding artist is a victimized sufferer to the extent of many pounds! Surely this should not be. The dignified splendour of our city Synagogue, which reflects so much credit on the magnificent charities of our Jewish friends, should not be permitted to be, even in imagination, eclipsed by any cloud of neglectful disregard - even towards a Christian artist. We are well assured, that the Jews have invariably been marked for disinterested kindness towards their Gentile neighbours. We feel ourselves privileged to speak thus plainly - as it is our purpose, as Journalists, to enlist through our columns, the best sympathies of the Christian public, as to the extraordinary march of intellectual, moral, and political power, evidenced of late years, throughout Europe, and the world, by the Jewish race. Most gladly shall we announce, when in our power, that justice has, at length, been so far done to Mr. Browne, that his expences are at least cleared. And it is hardly necessary to add, that this paragraph is perfectly voluntary and wholly unsolicited - in fact suggested to our minds, as much through a feeling of deep respect for our Israelitish friends, as for the wrongs - the undeserved wrongs of one of our most honorable and talented Artists.
"MUSIC", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (21 June 1849), 3
We have been favoured with a piece of music lithographed by Mr. Brown of Macquarie-street. The notes and lining are well executed, and if the letters are not so distinct as they should be, they are at any rate a promise of something better, which may be effected by greater experience.
"NEW MUSIC", The Courier (23 June 1849), 3
Songs of Zion, No. 1. Psalm xix. "Thy glory, Lord, the Heavens declare." Dedicated to Mrs. Edward Prentis Henslowe; the words by James Montgomery;
the music by Francis Hartwell Henslowe; lithographed by Thomas Browne, 31, Macquarie-street.
We have been favoured with a copy of the above, and welcome it as an acquisition to our musical store, more especially as the composer has happily carried out the conception of the poet, and is a denizen of our isle.
The lithographic execution of Mr. Browne reflects credit upon him as an artist, the work being beautifully printed.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Hartwell Henslowe (composer)
"NEW MUSIC", The Hobart Town Advertiser (13 July 1849), 3
We have received another piece of music, "Where is thy Home?" composed by Mr. Henslowe, and dedicated to the Hon. Mrs. Spring Rice. The words are from "The Rectory of Valehead," by the Rev. R. W. Evans. The music is well arranged for the piano and four voices, and will form a very desirable addition to a collection of music. The lithographic printing, by Mr. Browne, is exceedingly well done, and reflects much credit on him.
"COLONIAL MUSIC", Launceston Examiner (14 July 1849), 6
We have to acknowledge the receipt of another piece of music composed by F. H. Henslowe, Esq., of Campbell Town, entitled "Where is thy home?" It is dedicated to the Hon. Mrs. Spring Rice, and the words are taken from the, Rectory of Valehead, by the Rev. Robert Wilson Evans, M.A. There is considerable taste displayed in the composition of the music. It has been lithographed by Mr. Thomas Browne, of Hobart Town, and though not entirely free from errors, reflects credit upon the artist. Some of the notes which should have stood alone are tied together, and others which required to be connected are without the customary sign. A little attention would obviate this: if we mistake not, music is one of the various sciences with which Mr. Browne is conversant.
"NEW MUSIC", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (8 August 1849), 2
We acknowledge the receipt of another piece of Music from the lythographic press of our townsman Mr. I. Browne [sic]- the 39th Psalm, "Lord let me know mine end." - The words are by James Montgomery, the music by Francis Hartwell Henslowe, Esq., and dedicated to Mrs. Eden. The Music is in the key of C, commencing with a sweet introduction, with several crescendo and minuendo [sic] passages, which add much to the piece. The price being moderate we hope the production of such music will be successful.
"THE CAMPBELL TOWN WALTZES", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (5 January 1850), 3
We have just room to acknowledge the receipt of a copy of a beautiful piece of music, entitled as above, and dedicated to the ladies of that district, by Mr. Henslowe. The euphony and composition, is in the author's usual style; and constitutes no mean specimen of his highly pleasing capabilities in the musical art. The lithographic department has been ably executed by Mr. Browne, who is happy, not only in such a patron as Mr. Henslowe, but likewise for the very creditable manner in which the pieces are published.
"NEW MUSIC", The Courier (5 January 1850), 2
Mr. Henslowe has just published "The Campbell Town Waltzes," a copy of which he has favoured us with. These waltzes are dedicated to the ladies of the district, and are lithographed by the same artist who performed the previous work for Mr. Henslowe, Mr. Thomas Browne of Macquarie-street. The music consists of the Greenhill, Rockford and Streanshall Waltzes, with the Rockford and Syndal Polkas. The title page is embellished by a view of Campbell Town.
"NEW MUSIC", Colonial Times (8 January 1850), 2
The Campbell Town Waltzes, dedicated to the ladies of that district, with a view of that rural spot excellently lithographed by Mr. Thomas Browne, have been published by Mr. Henslowe. The music, which is a highly creditable composition, consists of the Green Hill, Rockford, and Streanshall Waltzes, together with the Syndal and Rockford Polkas. We have been favored with a copy from the talented publisher, and unhesitatingly recommend the present work to the lovers of harmony.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (11 January 1850), 1
New Music. JUST PUBLISHED. Price 1s. 6d.
The Campbell Town Waltzes (with a view)
MAY he had of the Printer, Mr. Browne, 31, Macquarie-street; and Mr. Walsh, Bookseller, Elizabeth-street, Hobart Town.
Jan. 4.
"THE CAMPBELL TOWN WALTZES", The Hobart Town Advertiser (11 January 1850), 2
. . . The lithographical execution is in Mr. Browne's well-known style, and may, we think, fairly stand the test of comparison with similar works produced in Europe under all the advantages attending a plentiful supply of mechanical labour with constant practice. The sketch of Campbell Town, which appears on the title-page, is from the able pencil of one as much distinguished by his varied accomplishments, as by the transcendent talents which command our admiration and respect . . .
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (14 December 1850), 1
Notice. IN Consequence of Mr. BROWN'S absence from Hobart Town, the publication of
The Tasmanian Quadrilles, By J. S. IMBERG, have been unavoidably postponed.
Hobart, December 12th.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Samuel Imberg (composer)
"MUSIC", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (27 January 1851), 2
We have received "The Tasmanian Quadrilles, composed for the pianoforte, and by kind permission respectfully dedicated to Lady Denison, by J. S. Imberg, Professor of Music, Member of the Conservatoire at Paris, and Hon. Member of the Philharmonic Society at Berlin," now of Murray-street, Hobart Town. All we can further say at the present on the subject, is, that the Quadrilles are lithographed by Mr. Thomas Brown, of Macquarie-street, in the best possible manner, and that we shall notice their value as compositions, when we have had an opportunity of ascertaining their merit.
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Lucy Denison (dedicatee, governor's wife)
"TASMANIAN QUADRILLES", The Courier (1 February 1851), 3
Amongst the musical productions of the colony may now be classed the "Tasmanian Quadrilles," by Herr Imberg, dedicated, by permission, to Lady Denison. The lithograph is by Mr. T. Browne, of Macquarie-street - in style superior.
"DEATH", The Mercury (24 December 1870), 1
BROWNE. - On the 23rd December, after a long and painful illness, Thomas Browne, late City Surveyor, aged 54 years. The funeral will move from his late residence, Upper Liverpool-street, on Sunday, the 25th instant, at half-past 8 o'clock a.m., when friends are respectfully invited to attend. Home, Melbourne, and New Zealand papers please copy.
"DEATH OF MR. THOMAS BROWNE", The Mercury (24 December 1870), 2
It will be remembered that a few months ago Mr. Thomas Browne, who was for many years City Surveyor and Director of Water Works, Hobart Town, had to relinquish his appointments, owing to continued indisposition, and the Mayor and Aldermen voted him a handsome gratuity on his retirement. Since that time Mr. Browne has grown worse, and yesterday morning death put an end to his sufferings. Deceased (whose complaint was an affection of the liver) has left a widow and a large family, several of the children being of tender age.
Musical editions (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
One or two pieces of approved music (by October 1845)
UNIDENTIFIED; however, these may have been first attempts at what was ultimately the 1847 publication of Hebrew melodies (below), see [Advertisement], The Courier (30 July 1845), 1
Hebrew melodies. To be published shortly, if a sufficient number of subscribers will patronise them, NINE HEBREW MELODIES, As sung by the Jewish choir, with accompaniments, at the opening of the Synagogue, at Hobart Town, on the 4th July, 1845. The whole arranged, and harmonised for the pianoforte, by J. Reichenberg. Price 8s. Persons intending to become subscribers will please to give their names to Mr. J. Reichenberg, 25, Davey street; or to Mr. S. A. Tegg, Bookseller, Elizabeth street.
Ancient Hebrew melodies (arr. Joseph Reichenberg, first performed 1845; published April 1847)
Ancient Hebrew melodies sung at the consecration of the Synagogue, Argyle Street, Hobart-Town V.D.L. dedicated to Mrs. Louis Nathan, harmonized and arranged for the pianoforte by J. Reichenberg (Hobart-Town: Thomas Browne, lithographic printer, [1847])$init=AUTAS001131821845P269 (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Reichenberg (musician, arranger)
Songs of Zion (nos. 1-4, Francis Hartwell Henslowe; no. 1, June 1849; no. 2, September 1849; nos. 3 and 4, ? 1849-50)
Songs of Zion, no. 1, Psalm XIX, "Thy glory, Lord, the heavens declare", dedicated to mrs. Edward Prentis Henslowe, the words by James Montgomery, the music by Francis Hartwell Henslowe (Hobart Town: Printed by Tho's Browne, 31 Macquarie Street, [1849]) (DIGITISED)
Songs of Zion, no. 2, Psalm 39, "Lord, let me know mine end", dedicated to Mrs. Eden, the words by James Montgomery, the music by Francis Hartwell Henslowe (Hobart Town: Printed by Tho's Browne, 31 Macquarie Street, [1849]) (DIGITISED)
Songs of Zion, no. 3, Psalm 43, "Judge me Lord in righteousness", dedicated to Miss Mary Louisa Boyle, the words by James Montgomery, the music by Francis Hartwell Henslowe (Hobart Town: Printed by Tho's Browne, 31 Macquarie Street, [1849]) (DIGITISED)
Songs of Zion, no. 4, Psalm 130, "Out of the depths of woe", dedicated to Mrs. Francis Hartwell Henslowe, the words by James Montgomery, the music by Francis Hartwell Henslowe (Hobart Town: Printed by Tho's Browne, 31 Macquarie Street, [1849]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Hartwell Henslowe (composer); James Montgomery (Scottish hymn writer)
Where is thy home (Francis Hartwell Henslowe, July 1849)
Where is thy home? the words from "The rectory of Valehead" by the Rev'd Robert Wilson Evans, M.A., composed and dedicated to the Hon. Mrs. Spring Rice, by Francis Hartwell Henslowe, esq're (Hobart Town: Printed by T. Browne, 31 Macquarie St., [1849])$init=AUTAS001131821845P265 (DIGITISED)
The Campbell-Town waltzes (Francis Hartwell Henslowe, "Tasmania 1849", released January 1851)
The Campbell-Town waltzes, dedicated to the ladies of the district [by Francis Hartwell Henslowe] ("Tasmania 1849"; Hobart Town: Thomas Brown, lithographic printer, 1849) (DIGITISED)
The Tasmanian quadrilles (Julius Imberg, 1851)
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Samuel Imberg (composer)
See also entry in sheet music checklist:
Bibliography and resources:
"Thomas Browne" (1816-1870)", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO)
Musical instrument maker and repairer, piano maker, tuner, repairer, restorer, commission agent, wine and spirits merchant, publican
Born Cowley, Oxfordshire, England, 1823; baptised St. James, Cowley, 31 August 1823; son of Samuel BROWNLOW (1798-1882) and Ann SMITH (d. 1855)
Married Emma HOARE, England, by 1851
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 11 January 1853 (per Sea Nymph, from London, and Portsmouth, 22 September)
Died Clunes, VIC, 8 June 1869, aged "50" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Cowley in the county of Oxford in the year 1823; register 1813-43, page 32; Oxfordshire Family History Society, BOD75_B_2 (PAYWALL)
No. 249 / 1823 Aug. 31st / Samuel son of / Samuel & Ann / Brownlow / Cowley / Writer . . .
"IMPROVEMENT FOR PIANO FORTES", Cheltenham Chronicle (28 May 1846), 3 (PAYWALL)
The "new improved patent hammer cloth" applied by Messrs. Brownlow and Kerr, is working wonders for instruments whose tone has been impaired through long use. By reference to the advertisement in another column, the merits of the invention may be fully learned. We have seen numerous testimonials from influential residents this town, to whom it has given entire satisfaction.
[Advertisement], Hampshire Advertiser (12 August 1848), (PAYWALL)
THE MUSICAL RESIDENTS of SOUTHAMPTON and neighbourhood, are most respectfully informed, that the Advertiser,
Mr. BROWNLOW, from London, it now visiting this County, for the purpose of restoring the tone and touch of such piano fortes as may require attention.
By a peculiar method adopted in recovering the hammers of pianos with the "New Improved Hammer Cloth," very important improvement, may be effected,
provided such instruments be found neither too old to be capable of the improvements, or too new to require them.
The "New Improved Patent Hammer Cloth," has been recently adopted by all the eminent makers, and it is found to impart that richness, depth and brilliancy of tone which render instruments,
the hammers of which are covered with it, very superior in this respect to those that are not, and to those that were made prior to the period when it came into use.
From the elastic properties (admitting of no indention) of this manufacture, and its consequent less forcible action upon the wires,
the tendency of the instrument to go out of tune is also considerably diminished; and as, in all cases, pianos, the hammers of which are worn and indented,
become by this process considerably enhanced in value, and rendered in point of tone equal to when such instrument were new,
it must be obviously desirable that ALL who can appreciate a rich character of tone, and who have pianos the tone of which are defective,
should avail themselves or the present opportunity.
The advertiser has had considerable experience at the Establishment of Broadwood and Sons, of London,
and has been extensively patronised and recommended by Dr. Elvey, Organist or St. George's Chapel, Windsor;
Dr. Marshall, Professor of Music in the University or Oxford; and numerous other high musical authorities;
J. Norton, esq. and G. Fritche, esq. Derby; and W. Gardiner, esq. Leicester.
During the last four years upwards or 1400 pianos have undergone improvement by the method alluded to in Paris, London, Edinburgh, Cheltenham,
Birmingham, Oxford, Worcester, and their vicinities.
In Derby and Leicester alone during the past twelve month, upward of 200 instruments have been thus restored;
and the advertiser would be happy to furnish references and testimonials approving of the results,
to any ladies or gentlemen who might feel disposed to honour him with their commands.
The improvements are, by the aid of able assistants, usually completed in one day;
and there it no necessity for the removal or the instrument.
Mr. B. has established the following extremely moderate scale of charges, in order that his services may be rendered generally available: -
Square Piano, £2 2s. Cottage, Cabinet, or Grand, £2 10s.
An additional charge is made where the exterior of instrument, as well as the interior, is required to be renovated.
Reference is kindly permitted to the following eminent Professors: - Dr. Marshall, Professor or Music to the University of Oxford;
Dr. Elvey, Organist to her Majesty, St. George's Chapel, Windsor; Dr. Chard, Organist of the Cathedral and College, Winchester;
B. Long, esq. B.M. Winchester; as also to upward of thirty principal families resident in Southampton and Winchester,
who have already honoured Mr. B. with their commands.
Communication, addressed to Mr. Samuel Brownlow, at Mr. Reddith's, Bookseller, 25, Above Bar,
Mr. Thos. Vaughan's, Piano-Forte Tuner, &c., 8, Carlton-place, Southampton; or at Mr. Baigent's, Drawing Master, &c. High-street, Winchester.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Broadwood and Sons (London pianoforte maker); George Elvey (musician); William Marshall (musician); George William Chard (musician)
[Advertisement], Leicestershire Mercury (28 October 1848), 2 (PAYWALL)
MR. SAMUEL BROWNLOW, (Late of the Firm of Kerr and Brownlow),
HAVING been requested to RE-VISIT LEICESTER, to restore the tone, touch, and worn action of several Pianofortes,
will feel much pleasure in receiving the commands of any parties whose instruments may have been omitted during his former very brief stay in Leicester.
Mr. B. makes no charge for inspecting Instruments, as in some cases they are too old to warrant the cost of renovation, and others, too new to require it.
ON SALE, several Treble-action, Grand Cottage Pianofortes, Octaves, from with which a seven years' warranty will be given.
Applications are requested to be made within seven days from this date, to Mr. S. Brownlow, at Mr. J. Burton's, Bookseller, Haymarket.
See also [Advertisement], Stamford Mercury [Lincolnshire, England] (17 November 1848), 3 (PAYWALL)
[Advertisement], Leeds Intelligencer [Yorkshire, England] (9 June 1849), 4 (PAYWALL)
A CARD. - Mr. SAMUEL BROWNLOW, PIANO FORTE RESTORER, at Mr. Harrison's, 55, Briggate, Leeds. Early Application is respectfully solicited.
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Martin cum Gregory, York, Yorkshire; UK National Archives, HO107/2354/123/8 (PAYWALL)
27 Micklegate / Samuel Brownlow / Head / Mar. / 28 / Pianoforte Maker / [born] Oxon. Cowley
Emma Brownlow / Wife / Mar. / 26 / Teacher of Music / [born] Middlesex London
[News], Newcastle Guardian and Tyne Mercury (22 November 1851), 5 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Brownlow, a metropolitan piano-forte maker, is now on a visit to this town and neighbourhood, for repairing instruments and improving their tone and touch. We have seen testimonials from parties who have had his services, giving him the highest possible recommendations; and we know that elsewhere he has been highly successful in securing the approbation as well as the patronage of the public.
[News], Newcastle Guardian and Tyne Mercury (17 April 1852), 5 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Brownlow, whose excellencies as a pianoforte restorer we have before pressed upon public attention, is again, it will be seen, inviting notice in our advertising columns, - having procured a description of piano-forte which combines cheapness and quality calculated to meet popular requirements.
Melbourne, VIC (from 11 January 1853):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Sea Nymph, from London, 13 September 1852, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Brownlow Samuel / 29 // [Brownlow] Eliza [sic] / 26 . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 January 1853), 8
MR. BROWNLOW, Piano Forte Maker and Restorer, from London, has just arrived in this Colony, for the purpose of restoring the tone, touch, and worn action of Instruments.
Piano-Fortes, from a number of years wear, lose their sweetness of tone, and elasticity of touch, while the action in general becomes worn and dilapidated;
such instruments if judiciously operated upon, may be rendered in most cases equal to new.
He begs also to call the attention of the Musical Public who may possess instruments that have been injured by sea voyage, or change of climate,
Mr. Brownlow has for the last ten years devoted his attention exclusively to the decayed mechanism of Piano-Fortes, during which period he has restored in England upwards of 7000 instruments,
and most flattering testimonials have been presented to him by some of the principal musical authorities England ever produced.
The London and provincial papers speak in the most flattering terms of Mr. B.'s abilities in this above capacity,
copies of which he will be happy to furnish any lady or gentleman who may require his services.
Mr. B. makes no charge for inspecting instruments, as in some cases they are really too old to warrant the cost of renovation.
He has already commenced operations, and can give the best of references to residents in Melbourne.
Early applications are solicited by letter or otherwise addressed to Mr. Brownlow, at Mr. Mackelcan and Co.'s, 16, Swanston-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 May 1853), 1
STAMFORD. Lincolnshire - Mrs. Brownlow, (late Miss Hoare), will be glad to see or hear of any one from the above town, 16, Swanston-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 May 1853), 10
MACKELCAN and BROWNLOW, Commission and Spirit Merchants, 16, Swanston-street . . .
[Advertisement], The Banner (21 February 1854), 3
SAMUEL BROWNLOW, Wine and Spirit Merchant, respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has taken the premises 14, Swanston-street, formerly occupied by W. Hall, Esq., and latterly by Mr. R. B. Gow, where he intends carrying on his business . . .
. . . Samuel Brownlow, from Patrick Burke, Darebin Creek, Epping Hotel . . .
Samuel Brownlow, Northcote Arms. Mr. Read opposed the application on the ground that the house was a mere tent on the public road. As it appeared that he paid a large sum of money for the place which had fallen in shortly after the purchase was made, the license was granted.
Samuel Brownlow applied for the licence for the Northcote Arms, Northcote. Mr. Read opposed, and Mr. F. Stephen supported the application. It appeared that part of the house had fallen in; the landlord, however, had promised to put it in thorough repair. Licence granted. The applicant received a very favorable character from several Magistrates, for his attention to his customers.
Samuel Brownlow, the landlord of the Northcote Arms, Northcote, was brought before the Court on a charge of lunacy, superinduced by continued inebriety. The unfortunate man appeared to be in a deplorable state, and seemed to be suffering from delirium tremens. He was remanded to the Western Gaol for seven days, to undergo medical treatment.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (10 December 1862), 5
At an adjourned licensing meeting held yesterday at the City Court, an application was heard from Samuel Brownlow, for a license for the Pilgrim Hotel, Northcote. Sergeant Crisp gave evidence of having seized a large quantity of spirits in the house a short time since, which the applicant was supposed to have been selling without a license. The bench consequently refused the application.
"Funeral Notices", The Argus (17 March 1868), 8
THE Friends of Mr. SAMUEL BROWNLOW are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late wife to the Melbourne General Cemetery. The funeral is appointed to move from his residence, the school-house, Railway-place, Sandridge, THIS DAY, at half-past 2 o'clock precisely.
Inquest, Samuel Brownlow, Clunes, 1869; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
The Examination of Joseph Eames Tarrant of Clunes . . . I am a newspaper proprietor . . . his name was Samuel Brownlow and [lacuna] he was the brother of a person with whom I was acquainted in Oxford England . . . but if this story was true, he would be the son of Mr. Brownlow Law Clerk of the [lacuna] . . . deceased was following the business here of a piano forte tuner. Deceased looked as if he was about 50 years old . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (12 June 1869), 2
According to the evidence taken at the inquest on the body of Samuel Brownlow, pianoforte tuner, who on Tuesday last was found dead in his bed in a hotel at Clunes, the deceased was brother to the town-clerk of the city of Oxford, and nephew to Judge Brownlow, to whom an only son of deceased had been sent on the death of deceased's wife about fifteen months ago.
Bibliography and resources:
Samuel Brownlow, Find a grave
BRUCE, Donald (Donald BRUCE)
Musician, piper, bagpiper, bagpipes player
Active Sydney, NSW, 1835 (but perhaps semi-fictitious) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"POLICE INCIDENTS", The Sydney Herald (5 February 1835), 2
Donald Bruce, a dapper little fellow, from the land o' cakes, who occasionally amused His Majesty's subjects with a tune on the bagpipes, was brought forward on a charge of indulging rather freely in sundry potations of the real ferintosh, which Donald was determined should not be a secret in that part, - at least, of the King's dominions, called Kent-street, as he bawled out with stentorian lungs,
I've been drinking, I've been drinking
Real stingo, all day long,
And I'm coming, and I'm coming,
So now my boys let's have a song.
Donald was screwing up his pipes, and had just commenced an harmonious strain, addressing a maiden who had put her head out of the window to ascertain what was the matter, "saft, saft, is the twink o' thine ee lassee," when a watchman who had been disturbed from a nap by Donald's unseasonable melody, rudely seized him by the nape of the neck and gave him a shake, saying "this hour and a half I've been waiting for you, so lave off your blarney and hurry along, your music put up, and be aizy my honey, for to-morrow the Colonel "shall sing you a "song," and without farther ceremony dragged him into an unoccupied nook of No. 5, watch house.
Donald being asked if he was drunk, scratched his head for a few seconds, and casting an enquiring glance at the Bench, says he "my lads" but recollecting that he was not now in the tap-room of the "Cat and Fiddle," your Worships I mean, I want a little information on that important subject; how many half pints may a man venture to take before he may be honestly called drunk, for I had only four all the evening? then half shutting one eye and cocking his ear for the answer. We find you drunk on your own confession, said their Worships, and fine you 5s. to be appropriated to the use of the poor.
At this he looked quite funny,
Says he, my charming honey,
I've lots of songs to various tunes,
But I an't got no money.
Let Donald have a place in the stocks, says their Worships, and he was dragged along, bagpipes and all, singing as he left the office.
BRUCE, Peter (Peter BRUCE; "Captain" BRUCE)
Musician, piper, bagpiper, bagpipes player, highland dancer, farmer
Born Skye, Scotland, c. 1817; son of Alexander BRUCE (1771-1840)
Active Port Macquarie, NSW, by 1843
Married Helen (Ellen) SANDERSON (c. 1819-1895), Port Macquarie, NSW, 1844
Arrived Beechworth, VIC, c. 1853
Died near Benalla, VIC, 1 September 1889, aged "72" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Archibald Clunes Innes (employer); Simon Fraser (pupil); Scottish music in colonial Australia (general)
"COMPETITION OF PIPERS", The Scotsman [Edinburgh] (25 July 1838), 3 (PAYWALL)
on Saturday, the triennial competition of performers on the Great Highland Bagpipe was held in the Theatre-Royal,
before a most distinguished audience . . . The following prizes were then delivered . . .
PIPERS . . . Fourth. - A Highland Pistol, to Peter Bruce, from Glenelg, Inverness-shire . . .
Baptisms, Port Macquarie, NSW, 1846; Australia, births and baptisms database (PAYWALL)
23 April 1846 / Gustave Robert / son of Peter and Helen / Bruce
"To the Editor of . . .", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (10 June 1854), 2
SIR, - It is a gratifying proof of right good feeling that exists (which there is no mistake) both with residents of this township and the gentlemen of the camp,
who were last evening entertained to a dinner in Neuber's usual style.
It would be invidious to draw comparisons, and furthermore, to state, the dinner was good with the wines, and particularly the Champagne,
would be superfluous; however, we must confess, Neuber's arrangements, and the knowledge which he displayed, reflects the highest credit upon himself.
During the evening Mr. Bruce very kindly amused the company by his performance on the Bag-pipe . . .
I am Sir, Your obedient Servant,
BILLY BARLOW. Beechworth, June 2, 1853.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (26 May 1855), 6
MUSIC SALOON, El Dorado Hotel, High-street, Beechworth.
Grand Concert Of Vocal and Instrumental Music, under the patronage of R. O'H. BURKE, ESQ., J.P., And the Stewards of the Races.
On Monday, May 28th, 1855, For the benefit of Messrs. Peck and Saqui.
THE following professionals and amateurs have kindly offered their valuable services, and will during the evening,
sing and perform a choice collection of the most popular Overtures, Solos, Duets, Chorusses, Fantasias, &c., &c.:
Signor Rangoni, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ellar, Mr. Small, Mr. Geo. Smith,
Mr. Peter Bruce, Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Hurley, Herr Schmidt . . .
Mr. Peter Bruce will perform a grand Invocation of Scottish National Music, on the Scotch Pipes, in full Highland costume,
as played before the Duke of Buccleuch and the whole court of Queen Victoria, in Scotland . . .
Leader and Solo Violin, Mr. Peck. Flute, Mr. Johnson; Cornet a Piston, Herr Schmidt; Second Violin, Mr. Hurley;
Basso, Mr. Thompson; Trombone, Signor Rangoni . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert O'Hara Burke (patron, explorer); George Peck (musician, violin); Austin Saqui (musician, piano); Antonio Rangoni (trombone); Julius Henry Eller [sic] (vocalist); Joe Small (vocalist); Mr. Hurley (violin); ? Herr Schmidt (cornet, ? violin); Mr. Hewitt (musician)
"BURNS' CENTENARY", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (26 January 1859), 3
It is only once in a hundred years that we have such an opportunity as we have at present - namely in chronicling the centenary of Robert Burns, Scotland's Bard.
Nationality characterised the proceeding's thus, the first anniversary of Burns held in Beechworth.
The Festival took place on Tuesday evening in the Star Hotel, where upwards of 120 gentlemen sat down to partake of good English and Scotch fare . . .
The first toast on the removal of the cloth, was to "the Queen" . . .
The Chairman then proposed the health of "Prince Albert, and the members of the Royal Family."
"Glen Colin's March" was then played on the bag-pipes by Mr. Bruce.
The next toast was proposed . . . "To his Excellency Sir Henry Barkly." Mr. Ruxton performing the pianoforte "The Fine Old English Gentleman" . . .
Mr. Bruce then introduced, on the bag-pipes, "The Land o' cakes" . . .
Mr. Bruce then played on the bagpipes - "Tull ogh rum."
The Chairman said that he had a very pleasing duty to perform, and it was to present to Mr. Bruce a small testimonial which had been prepared by the Committee,
and which he had no doubt would be handed down by his children as a commemoration of the hundredth Birthday of Burns.
Mr. Bruce expressed his thanks for the honor they had conferred upon him in presenting him with the present piece of plate.
Mr. Bruce then played the tune - "Highland Laddie" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henri W. Ruxton (piano)
"SCOTTISH GAMES . . . SECOND DAY. Saturday, 8th October", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (15 October 1859), 4
The "Gathering" on the second day was much more numerously attended than on the first. Indeed, a very considerable number who had tickets for the grand stand were unable to obtain even standing room. At the time that His Excellency the Governor and suite had arrived there could not have been fewer than eight thousand persons in the gardens. The band of the 40th was on the ground earlier than on the preceding day, and performed some appropriate selections from Scottish melodies. The pipers, too, at intervals throughout the day, played numerous marches, reels, and strathspeys, which, to the northern ear, added to the harmony of the al fresco fete . . . The first prizes for pibrochs (£26 5s.), marches (£10 10s), and reels and strathspeys (£10 10s.), were awarded to Peter Mitchell; and the second prizes (£21, £5 5s., and £5 5s.) to Peter Bruce . . . The following is the list of the Judges: - Music on the Highland bagpipes - Messrs. McLachlan, Mitchell, and McMillan . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lachlan McLachlan (adjudicator, bagpipes player); Peter Mitchell (bagpiper); Band of the 40th Regiment (military)
"GATHERING OF COMUNN NA FEINNE", Geelong Advertiser (3 January 1860), 2
At half-past nine o'clock yesterday morning the piper played the "Gathering of the Clans,"
and by ten o'clock a tolerable muster of the members of Comunn na Feinne formed in a procession from the Mechanics' Institute and marched to the ground in South Geelong . . .
PIPE MUSIC (MARCHES). Peter Bruce, 1st prize; Peter Mitchell, 2nd prize.
PIBROCH. Mr. Charleson, 1st prize (set of silver mounted bagpipes, valued 30 guineas); Peter Bruce, 2nd prize.
STRATHSPEYS AND REELS (MUSIC). Peter Bruce, 1st prize; Mr. Mitchell, 2nd prize . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Farquhar Charleson (piper)
"THE SCOTTISH GAMES AT GEELONG", The Argus (4 January 1860), 5
The games at the Comunn na Feine, yesterday, lasted till sundown, and except one little "scrimmage," between two inebriates, the best order prevailed during the day.
The vast assemblage were also singularly temperate, as the booth holders no doubt know to their cost.
The sum of £387 10s. was taken at the entrance gates to the ground, besides the amount due for tickets previously sold.
The following is a corrected list of the prizes awarded: . . . MUSIC.
Strathspeys and Reels, - First prize, Peter Bruce; second prize, Peter R. Mitchell.
Marches. - First prize, Peter Bruce; second prize, Peter R. Mitchell.
Reel of Tulloch. - First prize, Donald McDonald; second prize, Alexander Mitchell.
Pibroch. - First Prize, - Charleson; second prize, Peter Bruce . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (30 November 1860), 4
The competitive performances on the Highland bagpipes, in connection with the Caledonian Gathering, took place at the office of the Secretary of the Caledonian Society,
last evening, under the adjudication of L. McLachlan, Esq.
There were only three competitors, and the prizes were awarded as follows:
Piebrochds - first prize, Peter Bruce; no other competitor.
Marches - first prize, John Bunie [sic, Barrie]; second prize, Ewen McDonald.
Reels and strathspeys - first prize, John Bunie; second prize, Peter Bruce.
The judge remarked on the great improvements made by Bunie, since the last gathering.
He reflected on McDonald for not handling his pipes properly; and respecting Bruce, added that he was an old hand whom he had known in Edinburgh,
and was the best player of piebrochds he had heard in the colony.
At the close of the competition the judge played a piebrochd, and he impressed all present with a sense of his very able performance on the bagpipe.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Barrie (bagpiper)
"THE CALEDONIAN GATHERING", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (1 December 1860), 5
A clear sky and not too warm a day were weather such as must have pleased the most enthusiastic of the many sons of Scotia who thronged the Zoological Gardens on the first day of their national fete. To judge from the numbers who filled that portion of the gardens set apart for the convenience of the gathering, all Melbourne nearly must have taken holiday, for there could not have been far short of 10,000 visitors during the day . . . The Scotchmen appreciated to the fullest extent, as was shown by their plaudits, the shrill notes of the bagpipes, the Highland reels and flings, and the throwing of the weighty stones and hammers; whilst the foot and hurdle races and the small-sword exercises gave equal satisfaction to those of other lands . . . During the intervals between the sports, the ears of Scotchmen were either gladdened by the sounds of the peobreochd, or, together with citizens of other countries, they listened with equal delight to the music of the Volunteer Band or that of the Collingwood Rifles, both of which were on the ground during the day, and played alternately choice selections of music . . . The games commenced about half-past 12 o'clock, the Reel of Tulloch being the first thing of all, after the band had played the Edinburgh Quadrilles . . . A Brick race, standing high leap a blind barrow race, and other amusements of a similar description, and a Highland Fling, took up another hour, and then came the small sword exercise one of the most interesting episodes during the whole day's proceedings. Mr. Winterbottom and Mr. Cowley were the two combatants with foils and for about 20 minutes they kept at it, each only scoring two hits against the other. Mr. Cowley at length gave in, being too much fatigued to continue the contest, and his opponent was, therefore, declared the winner. The sword dance followed, and out of three competitors, Mitchell was awarded the prize. A grand hurdle race and Highland fling finished the day's proceedings, if we except the national anthem, which was played just before 6 o'clock. All four dancers in the Highland fling were considered so good that instead of giving the three monetary prizes fixed, the amount was divided amongst the four. To-day we are to have more dances, gymnastic exercises, throwing weights, broadsword exercise, and other sports . . . Amongst the prizes to be given . . . The first prize of £10 10s. for the peobreochd music has been awarded to Peter Bruce, and the prizes for reels and marches to John Barrie . . .
"THE LATE CALEDONIAN GATHERING", The Argus (7 December 1860), 5
The following is a corrected list of the successful competitors at the late Caledonian gathering: . . .
MUSIC - PEOBRROCHDS. (First prize, £10 10s) 1st. Peter Bruce.
MARCHES. (First prize, £5 5s. second do., £3 3s.) 1st. John Barrie; 2nd. Edwin McDonald.
REELS AND STRATHSPEYS. (First prize, £5 5s.; second do., £3 3s.) 1st. John Barrie; 2nd. Peter Bruce.
REEL OF TULLOCH. (First prize, £5 5s.; second do., £3 3s.) 1st. Mr. W. A. Stewart; 2nd. Mr. Alex Mitchell . . .
"CASTLEMAINE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (3 January 1861), 3
The Castlemaine Advertiser says: - "We want both time and space to furnish any elaborate description of the first day's proceedings of the North-western Gathering. Suffice it to say that for once the laborer forgot his toil, the merchant his counting house, and the professional man his anxiety . . . The successful performer on the bagpipes was a Mr. Bruce, who travelled nearly one hundred miles to favor us with a strain of his native woodnotes wild. His rival was an unlucky wight whose instrument was tuneless from accident, and whose expenses were paid by his more fortunate compeer . . .
"THE NORTH-WEST GATHERING, Third Day, Wednesday, Jan. 2", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (4 January 1861), 5
. . . The Pibroch prize, 10 guineas, and Reel and Strathspeys (bagpipes), 5 guineas, were won by Peter Bruce.
HIGHLAND DANCING. Sword Dance (Gillie Callum), prize 5 guineas. Highland Fling and Reel prize, five guineas. Won by P. Anderson.
There was also a prize for a Highland Fling, by Mr. Bain, whose dancing on each of the days was generally admired . . .
"BENALLA (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) January 5th", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (7 January 1869), 3
One of the most extraordinary feats of snakedomism ever recorded took place a few days ago in the yard of Mr. Bruce, of highland pipes celebrity. One of his men came in to the yard about twelve o'clock from the harvest field. On entering the yard gate he perceived a tremendous snake of the black species about the centre the yard, making its way towards the place; the man took up an axe which was close at hand, and with a dexterous stroke cut the reptile in two . . .
"THE BEECHWORTH CARNIVAL", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (18 October 1873), 4
There was a meeting of the committee at their offices last evening, and there was a large attendance . . . The Highland Brigade reported themselves fit for service, and Mr. Bruce, the piper from Benalla, was engaged for £10 . . .
"THE BEECHWORTH CARNIVAL RICHARDSON'S SHOW", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (19 November 1873), 2
. . . On Wednesday evening we dropt in again, and saw Messrs James Cunningham, James Kyle, Robert Spiers and Master Duncan dance a capital Scotch reel, to the bagpipe accompaniment of Mr. Peter Bruce; this went well with the audience . . . Peter Bruce, the piper, played, as the Scotch folk said, brawley . . .
"A PIPER IN ALBURY", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (25 April 1874), 13
For the first time, probably, in the history of Albury, the border residents had on Wednesday evening last, an opportunity of seeing and hearing a real live piper. At the Presbyterian soiree, Mr. Bruce, of Benalla, appeared in full Highland costume, and performed on the bagpipes several pibrochs in such a style as brought thunders of applause from his audience. We do not pretend to connoisseurship in bagpipe music, but may say that Mr. Bruce appears to be a perfect master of his instrument.
"ALBURY [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] November 4th, 1875", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (9 November 1875), 4
Last evening a soiree in connection with the Presbyterian Church was held in the Exchange assembly rooms. The attendance was excellent, and ample justice done to the many good things produced. After the tables were cleared away, the Rev. Mr. Inglis, of Ballarat, delivered his popular lecture on the "Songs and Music of Scotland" . . . The lecture was interspersed with vocal and instrumental Scottish music, given by several ladies and gentlemen present, while no insignificant part of the amusement was caused by the performance of the Benalla piper, Mr. Bruce, on the bagpipes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John William Inglis (lecturer)
"THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY", Gippsland Times (Sale, VIC (20 November 1876), 3
At the committee meeting of the Caledonian Society, on Saturday, it was announced that Mr. Wattie, performer on the bagpipes, had arrived, and that Mr. Bruce and Mr. Broadhurst, equally clever on the instrument, were expected by the evening coach from Melbourne . . . On Tuesday, (to-morrow) the annual gathering of the Gippsland Caledonian Society will take place . . .
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (16 June 1877), 5
La Perichole was repeated at the Opera House last night in a very acceptable manner, and to a large audience. That very popular opera of Balfe's, the Bohemian Girl, will be produced to-night . . . Mr. Levy, who has been playing every night during the week, seems to be increasing in favor with the audience . . . On Monday a grand Scottish festival will be given, when, in addition to Mr. Levy's cornet performances, there will be bagpipe playing extraordinary and national dances. The chief bagpipe illustrations will be given by Mr. Bruce, who is said to be a celebrity on the instrument. A chorus of sixty voices will assist in the festival, which will be under the patronage of the grand lodge of the order of St. Andrew.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jules Levy (cornet)
"THE CALEDONIAN SPORTS", Hamilton Spectator [western VIC] (4 January 1879), 4
Those who anticipated that the Highland Sports held in the Friendly Societies' reserve on New Year's Day would be a failure . . . must have been agreeably disappointed . . . There was a good sprinkling of kilted Highlanders on the ground, prominent among whom were that stalwart piper, Mr. Bruce . . .
"THE EASTER FESTIVAL", The North Eastern Ensign [Benalla, VIC] (16 April 1884), 2
. . . The Demonstration which had been looked forward to with great interest not only in the town and shire of Benalla but throughout the whole district, took place on Monday . . . The presence of our hale old friend, Mr. Peter Bruce, in all the glory of a Highland philabeg, was a noticeable feature on the ground. The kilted knight treated his friends to some "fling" music on the bagpipes in a manner that showed his lungs were yet unimpaired and that his manipulating fingers had not lost their cunning. It was amusing to note how the strains of the pipers caused some of those present to "forget the old man" while they footed it in a right juvenal manner to the rollicking airs played by the genial old piper, - just for the sake of "auld lang syne" . . .
"CURRENT TOPICS", The North Eastern Ensign (20 June 1884), 2
The Shire-hall was crowded on Tuesday evening when Donald Dinnie, the celebrated Scotch athlete, gave an exhibition of his marvellous feats of strength, in which he was supported by Mons. Victor . . . Miss Ida McDonald, another member of the company, favoured the audience with a well-executed sword-dance and some lively jigs. The performance concluded with some excellent "footing" by Dinnie, to the tune of Mr. P. Bruce's pipes, which never in our recollection sounded better than on this occasion.
[News], The North Eastern Ensign (3 September 1889), 2
Mr. Peter Bruce, better known as "Captain" Bruce, a very old resident of Benalla district, died at his residence on Sunday last, the cause of death being a general break-up of the constitution. Deceased, who was about 70 years of age, was a native of the Highlands of Scotland, and settled down here at farming pursuits many years ago. Although an old man, he was fond of Caledonian sport, and was reckoned one of the best "pipers" in the colony. He was always noted for a genial nature, for his industry and energy in his capacity of farmer, and for a most neighborly and obliging disposition. His remains will be interred in the local cemetery to-day.
"DEATH OF AN OLD IDENTITY", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (7 September 1889), 12
We have to record the death of Mr. Peter Bruce, the Scotch piper, which event took place on Monday night, at Rosebank, Benalla. Mr. Bruce was a very old resident, and one of the best players on the bagpipes in the colony, having taken a formidable list of prizes all over the colonies. He was a native of Invernesshire, and when a young man was engaged by the late Major Innes to proceed to Glen Innes, N.S.W., as a piper. He arrived in 1838, and after living at Glen Innes for some time he married. When the gold fever broke out in New South Wales, he proceeded to the Turon and other diggings. He arrived on the Ovens goldfields in 1853, and for several years worked on Spring Creek; afterwards becoming a carrier on the roads, and purchasing some land in the neighborhood of Benalla. He was generally known by the cognomen of "the Captain," and was well liked for his genial ways. He had just turned 70, and has left a widow and grown-up family.
Probate and administration, Peter Bruce, 1889; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED - WILL)
See also "WILLS AND BEQUESTS", Melbourne Punch (10 October 1889), 16
[News], The North Eastern Ensign (17 February 1905), 2
Mr. Simon Fraser, the well-known piper, Benalla, figured at the Rushworth sports recently as a competitor and won this Pibroch prize, beating his own son (Hugh, champion of Australia) and Mr. Mollison, champion of Victoria. The pipes upon which Mr. Fraser played were 90 years of age and belonged to the late Mr. Peter Bruce. The victory alluded to adds another man of distination to Benalla.
ASSOCIATIONS: Simon Fraser (former pupil of Peter Bruce)
"THE HIGHLAND PIPE AND ITS MUSIC (by Simon Fraser, Warrnambool)", The Colac Herald (23 September 1910), 6
About the year 1650, Patrick Mhor Maccsimmon [sic, MacCrimmon] went to Italy and studied music there for a short time to see if any improvement could be made in teaching the pipes according to the Italian system. It is well known that the Italians play, or used to play, a kind of bagpipe, so I suppose that was the reason Maccsimmon went over to Italy. It was about the time also that the dot (.) as a tune mark was discarded, and more complicated time marks adopted to puzzle anyone but experts in Sheata ireachd [sic, Canntaireachd]. Patrick Mhor composed some very excellent pibrochs, and I have no doubt that he gained knowledge by going to Italy. In regard to Macleod's book of pipe language, I will explain some of the plans adopted to keep the secrets of this peculiar and mysterious system. I will explain how the first pibroch in the book has baffled so many to try and translate it correctly. Mr. Thomason, in his book called "Ceo Mhor, or Great Music,", says he cannot make anything of it, and gives it unedited. This is what is called the "Comely Tune" and was, I believe, a sacred piece, as I have heard a Gaelic hymn sung to it when a boy. This tune was also called the sacred tune, and some times the Ludag or little finger tune, from the fact that no piper was considered perfect unless he could perform the Hiririn or little finger beat, without drawing the finger across the chanter, as is usually done in this beat. There is another beat in this tune - Hor-oro Vi-o - that I have not seen in any other pibroch. It is also a difficult beat to perform. In MacLeod's book this is the first tune, and there are the lines missing, and by trying to translate it without these lines, is the point on which they have failed. It was a favorite tune with the Maccsimmons for teaching on account of the peculiarity of the beats that I have mentioned. The Macgregor's salute was another tune used in teaching the pupils the Hiririn beat in drawing the little finger across the chanter. My late teacher, Peter Bruce, could play both those tunes splendidly, and it was a treat to hear him perform these beats in the different ways. It was he who showed me how to play the missing lines of the comely tune, which explains how other tunes in the book have been altered, so that it takes an expert in pipe playing to translate Macleod's book. There is a good deal of difference in the two versions. The three missing lines being added, the tune written accordingly to the true scale of the Maccsimmons . . .
"A PIONEER FARMER", The Australasian (25 December 1926), 11
The death of Gustavus Robert Bruce, of Yarrawonga, on December 9, 1926, removes the last and the original free selector in the parish of Yarrawonga. He also was associated with the first settlement of New South Wales. His mother was born in Sydney, the daughter of an officer in the first regiment of Imperial soldiers in the colony, named Sanderson. His father, Peter Bruce, was born in the Isle of Skye, Scotland, and decided when 18 or 19 years of age to go to Australia, and sailed from Glasgow in 1826 [sic, ? 1836] for Sydney. He was then considered one of the best bagpipe players in Scotland, and received a great send-off from the Highlanders in Glasgow. Upon landing in Sydney he took service under Captain Innis, of the Imperial forces. His fame as a piper brought him in contact with all the distinguished Scotsmen of Sydney and he played at every gathering of note in that city. While in the service of Captain Innis, Peter Bruce married Christina Sanderson [sic], and settled down to farming at Parramatta, where Robert was born [sic]. When gold was discovered in Victoria Peter Bruce, with his wife and young family and worldly possessions packed on two drays, each drawn by six bullocks, started off on the long bush journey. Bob, his eldest son, was not quite 11 years of age, but he drove one of those teams all the way to the Ovens diggings at Beechworth. Many hardships were encountered on the long journey; there were no roads or bridges, and provisions were difficult to obtain. They struck Gundagai just as the great flood was going down. Bob Bruce informed the writer that cattle and horses were up in the tops of trees at incredible heights. When he reached Beechworth Bob commenced prospecting on his own, and had some luck. His parents lived there for some years, and then left for Benalla to begin farming . . .
Other sources:
Anabella A. C. D. Boswell [Anabella Innes], Early recollections and gleanings from an old journal; some recollections of my early days ([no publication details]), 56, 60, 61, 67, 128
[56] . . . When we went to Port Innes in 1843 . . . my cousins had a nice Highland maid who came to the Colony in the same ship with our maid, Christina Ross, and afterwards married the piper . . .
[60] . . . Monday, 19th of June [1843]. - When we went down this morning, Bruce was in the verandah playing a grand pibroch. Mr. macleay is delighted with the bagpipes . . .
Tuesday, 20th of June. - I was scarcely awake when Bruce began to play under Mr. Macleay's windows, and we had the full benefit of "Johnnie Cope" and some fine pibrochs. Afterwards he played in the verandah, the gentlemen quite enjoying it . . .
[61] . . . Wednesay, 21st June . . . Capt. Gordon proposed dancing "Shawntrews," but as he could only dance it to a tune which no one could play, the dance was given up, and Bruce danced "Gillie Callum," over the poker and tongs crossed on the floor, instead of over drawn swords. Manna sang, and we all kept time. We were quite delighted, and Bruce danced so well and so lightly.
Thursday, 22nd June . . . Bruce played some pibrochs early for Mr. Macleay's benefit. I had no idea the bagpipes could sound so beautiful, though I liked them at all times the sound is so different in the open air when the piper is walking up and down, and the drone, that I hated above all things, is swelling and sinking so grandly. I quite wonder now that when I first heard them I thought the sound so dreadful and uncouth . . .
[Saturday, 24th June] [66] . . . When we went down again we found about twenty natives assembled there and dancing vigorously, while Bruce played . . . Bruce marched about in his Highland dress, his bagpipes decorated with a pink scarf besides its tartan ribbons . . .
[67] . . . in the fields grew oats and lucerne for hay also maize and Indian corn, Bruce having the charge or oversight of all . . .
[128] . . . On Monday, 5th July, 1847, our nice Highland maid, Christina Ross, was married to Mr. Michael Eahye. Mr. Purvis performed the ceremony in the drawing-room, where Bruce and Helen were married just three years ago . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Annabella Innes Boswell (memoirist); Archibald Clunes Innes (employer); Alexander Macleay (public servant)
Godfrey Charles Mundy, Our Antipodes; or, Residence and rambles in the Australian colonies, with a glimpse of the gold fields . . . vol. 2 (London: Richard Bentley, 1852), 17, 23, 44-45 (DIGITISED)
[Port Macquarie, March 1847] . . . here were dinner parties and dancing every evening, the chief music being furnished by a Highland bagpiper in full costume. In short, at this secluded bush-residence there was every luxury that could be found in the distant capital, except the polka! and that one of our party imported and imparted, to the immeasurable delight of a numerous bevy of pretty girls, the daughters and friends of the house . . . (DIGITISED)
[23] . . . His [Major Innes's] overseer, the piper Bruce - of whom I have made honourable mention as incorporating within his own person and pipes the dancing orchestra of Lake Innes Cottage - resides at the inn, and makes what custom he can from the rare travellers on the road . . . (DIGITISED)
[44] . . . The travellers, however, reached at sunset the hospitable roof of Lake Innes Cottage, where we recruited ourselves until the 22d. Bruce's bagpipes were in good wind and condition; the same may be said of the eight or nine young ladies in the house, who took [45] care that the Sydney gentlemen should not forget how to dance for want of practice . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Godfrey Charles Mundy (memoirist)
Bibliography and resources:
John MacFadyen, "Piping in Skye", in The Skye: one hundred years 1865-1965 (Glasgow: J. MacGowan/McMillan, Graham and Pickering, [1965]), 24-27
. . . The only natives of Skye on record as having been taught by the MacCrimmons were (A) Alexander Bruce 1771-1840 and (B) his brother John Bruce 1775-1847. (A) Alexander was piper first to Capt. MacLeod of Gesto and afterwards to Mr. Bruce of Glenelg. Alexander Campbell, the Diarist, describes him in 1815 as a favourite pupil of Donald Ruadh MacCrimmon. He had three sons, John, Peter, and Malcolm; Malcolm was piper at Moy for a time while John and Peter went to Australia where they taught the Canntaireachd to the eccentric Simon Fraser. (B) John was in the service of Sir Walter Scott at Abbotsford and was described by him in 1815 as "my wood forester and occasionally my piper" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Donald Ruadh MacCrimmon (piper, teacher of Alexander and John); Niel MacLeod ("Gesto"; musical authority); Simon Fraser (pupil of Peter); on John Bruce see also "BRITISH GLEANINGS", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (27 May 1848), 4
We learn from a gentleman in Edinburgh, that among the latest victims of the fever, at present raging in that city, was John Bruce, or "John of Skye," for some years the Highland piper at Abbotsford. In his best days John was a fine athletic man, and when dressed in full costume, playing a pibroch, or marching up the dining-room at Abbotsford, to receive from the hands of his illustrious master his Celtic quaich, brimful of Glenlivat, he had a most imposing and picturesque appearance. Latterly, however, the poor fellow got wild and unsettled. He imagined himself to be a descendant of the great Robert Bruce, and hinted at his pretensions to the throne, which only his regard for "the young lady Queen" prevented him from asserting. He still wandered about, old and indigent, playing the pipes which he had received from Sir Walter. Though more than seventy years of age, and subjected to much hardship and privation, John of Skye walked erect and had a military air to the last. There was no relation to claim the poor piper's remains, and his body was sent to one of the dissecting rooms. A medical student purchased fcr a trifle the bagpipes which he was so proud to bear as a gift of the great Magician, and with which he had once charmed "high Dames and mighty Earls" in hall and greenwood. - Rossshire Advertiser.
Bridget Mackenzie, "Simon Fraser reconsidered", in Joshua Dickson (ed.), The highland bagpipe: music, history, tradition (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2009), 155, 156, 162
[155] . . . The pìobaireachd of Simon Fraser came to him from at least two MacCrimmon sources: from Iain Dubh via Gesto and Hugh Archibald, and from the teaching of Peter Bruce who had it from his father, Alexander, and Iain Dubh's brother, Donald Ruadh. There is no reason why this should not be accepted . . .
[156] . . . [Simon Fraser] himself did not play the pipes seriously until he was 40 [1884-85]. He said he was then the only pupil of Peter Bruce, son of the great piper Alexander Bruce, who had been taught by both Gesto and Donald Ruadh MacCrimmon. Peter left his pipes to Simon in his will, an indication of a close teacher-pupil bond . . .
Lake Innes ruins, Port Macquarie, Wikipedia [accessed 9 July 2015],_Port_Macquarie,_New_South_Wales
. . . Annabella often referred to Bruce the piper who entertained the residents of the house . . . [this] was Peter Bruce who came as a free settler from Scotland in about 1840 [sic]. He was part of a family whose members were renowned for their ability to play the bagpipes and are mentioned in the texts on the history of piping. His father was Alexander Bruce (1771-1840) of Glenelg, Scotland who had been taught by the famous MacCrimmon pipers and his uncle John Bruce (1775-1847) was the piper to Sir Walter Scott. It is also mentioned in the texts that two of Alexander's sons Peter and John, who also played the bagpipes very well, immigrated to Australia. Although Peter played the pipes to entertain the guests he was also employed as a servant. Annabella mentions that he assists the butler serve at the table when required. However his main occupation seems to be a farmer as she says that "in the fields grew oats and lucerne for hay also maize and Indian corn, Bruce having the charge or oversight of all." At the time that Annabella wrote her diary in 1844 Peter Bruce was about to marry, Helen, her cousins maid. She mentions that the wedding of Bruce and Helen was held in the drawing-room. The bride was Helen Sanderson, a Scottish girl, who immigrated to Australia in about 1838. She was on board the same ship that Annabella's maid Christina Ross had taken to come to Australia. The couple had several children while they lived at Lake Innes and in the early 1850s they moved to the goldfields at Bathurst and then to Beechworth. Eventually they came to Benalla in Victoria where Peter bought some land and became a farmer. He continued playing the bagpipes and his obituary mentions that he was known "as one of the best pipers in the colony."
BRUFORD, Eliza Harris (Elizabeth Harris FERGUSON; Mrs. Alexander BRUFORD; Mrs. BRUFORD)
Musician, music teacher, school teacher
Born Baltimore, USA, 9 November 1814; baptised St. Andrew's, Holborn, London, England, 14 March 1819; daughter of James Frederick FERGUSON (1768-1831) and Elizbeth Mary HARRIS (1792-1849)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 14 August 1834 (assisted immigrant per Strathfieldsay, from Gravesend, 1 May)
Married Alexander BRUFORD (c. 1800-1861), Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 8 January 1842
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 21 April 1846 (per Flying Fish, from Hobart Town, 7 April)
Died Port Fairy, VIC, 27 February 1876, aged "61" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn in the county of Middlesex in the year 1819; register 1818-20, page 70; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/And2/A/01/Ms 6667/19 (PAYWALL)
No. 632 / [1819 March] 14 / Elizabeth Harris / [daughter of] James Frederick [and] Elizabeth Mary / Ferguson / Born 9th Nov'r 1814 / East St. Red Lion Square / Private Teacher . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Her 3 siblings were baptised in the same ceremony; Margaret Caroline (b. 18 February 1813), John Samuel (b. 28 August 1816), and Joseph Thomas (b. 5 May 1818)
Assisted female immigrants, per Strathfieldsay, 1834; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:420861; CSO1/1/742/16027; GO33/1/17 P906$init=GO33-1-17P0906JPG (DIGITISED)
92 / Ferguson / Miss / 20 / Governess / [disposed to] Mr. Bartley Kerry Lodge / £30 / [character] Very Good
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (15 December 1840), 3
MRS. BETTS Establishment for Young Ladies.
Any reference can be made (during Mrs. Bett's absence from town) to Miss Ferguson,
at J. S. Butler's, Esq., Davey-street, Hobart Town. December 15.
1842, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:828642; RGD37/1/2 no 1374$init=RGD37-1-2p272
[No.] 1374 / 8th January / Alexander Bruford / 41 / Accountant . . .
Eliza Harris Ferguson / 22 [sic] / Married at Hobart Town according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of Scotland . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (5 May 1843), 1
MRS. BRUFORD begs to inform her friends and the public that, on Mondav, the 15th instant, she purposes
OPENING a SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, in which the usual course of education will be pursued.
Mrs. B. hopes, by diligent attention to her pupils, to merit that degree of approbation which, as a private instructress, she formerly enjoyed.
Terms may be known on application to Mrs. Bruford, 39, Macquarie-street. May 4.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (22 April 1846), 2
April 21 - Flying Fish schooner, J. Clinch master from Hobart Town 7th instant.
Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Bruford and three children, and Mary Balfour, servant . . .
[Advertisement], The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser [Melbourne, VIC] (3 July 1846), 3
MRS. BRUFORD, by this, informs the parents and guardians residing in and around Melbourne, that, after the vacation,
she purposes opening a School for a limited number of young ladies.
Mrs. Bruford intends teaching the English Grammar, Geography, History &c., the French and Italian languages, and the Music herself;
she can therefore promise, that in these branches of education, the utmost endeavours shall be used to promote the improvement of her pupils;
should Drawing and Dancing be required, she will endeavour to procure the best masters.
Mrs. Bruford has at present room for only 3 or 4 boarders, but hopes soon to obtain a larger house in a more suitable situation.
A card of terms will be sent on application either by letter or otherwise.
Reference given and required. Little Lonsdale street.
"THE RISING GENERATION", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (3 July 1846), 3
By our advertising columns, it will be seen that Mrs. Bruford has opened a seminary for young ladies, in which the usual branches of an English education, combined with French, Italian, and music, will be imparted by Mrs. Bruford, whose diversified attainments, and highly respectable and influential connexions will doubtless obtain for her no small share of the patronage of those desirous of bestowing on their offspring that "jewel beyond all price," a good education.
[Advertisement], The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (28 December 1846), 2
WANTED. A Young Woman, fully competent to take charge of three children. Reference required.
Apply to MRS. BRUFORD, Collins-street, Eastern Hill.
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (14 March 1856), 8
MRS. BRUFORD wishes to inform the inhabitants of Castlemaine that she purposes opening a School for Young Ladies,
in which they will be taught the usual branches of an English education, French, the rudiments of Latin, and Piano-forte music . . .
TERMS. English 3 guineas per quarter; French 2 " " "; Latin 2 " " "; Music 3 " " "; To be paid in advance.
Doveton Street, Castlemaine.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (6 July 1860), 4
LADIES' SCHOOL. MRS. BRUFORD being now free from all other engagements is desirous of increasing the number of her pupils,
to whose education she will devote her earnest attention.
Terms per Quarter: English, with the rudiments of Latin £3 3 0; French 2 2 0; Music 3 3 0; Dancing 1 11 6
References to the parents of pupils now attending the school.
The duties will be resumed on Monday, July 9. Hermitage Road, Newtown.
"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 March 1876), 1
BRUFORD. - On the 27th ult., at Belfast, Eliza Harris Bruford, aged 61 years, daughter of the late James Frederick Ferguson (previously Jean Joseph Jaquemain, of Jaquemains, bankers, Paris), and widow of the late Alexander Bruford, of Hobart Town and Melbourne, formerly of Frome, Somerset.
Bibliography and resources:
Benjamin Preiss, "Archaeological dig uncovers huge pre-Gold Rush trove in Melbourne CBD", The Age (24 May 2020)
BRUNTON, Alfred (Alfred BRUNTON)
Musician, vocalist, class singing instructor, schoolmaster, cleric
Born London, England, 11 January 1828; baptised Union chapel (Independent), Islington, 11 November 1828; son of William BRUNTON and Ann Elizabeth
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 13 January 1849 (bounty immigrant per Manchester, from London, 14 September, and Plymouth, 28 September)
Married Marianne SCARFE (d. 1888), St. Peter's, Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 26 December 1849
Died Dunedin, NZ, 17 May 1900, aged "72" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Union chapel (Independent), Islington; register, 1805-37, page 21 verso; UK National Archives, RG4/4189 (PAYWALL)
Alfred Brunton Son of William Brunton & Ann Eliz'th his wife was born January 11th 1828 in the parish of St. Mary Islington in the County of Middl'x and baptised Nov 11th 1828 . . .
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News [NSW (VIC)] (16 January 1849), 3
On board the ship " Manchester," Off Williamstown, 12th Jan., 1849. To W. FORSAYTH, Esq., Commander.
SIR, - We the undersigned, emigrants from England to Port Phillip, having now, in health and safety reached the end of our voyage in the ship "Manchester,"
under your command, cannot leave that ship without making this feeble attempt at showing that we have understood and appreciated the exertions made by you and the officers and men under your command,
to promote our comforts and happiness, and to maintain peace and order amongst us . . .
Your grateful and obedient servants, . . . Alfred Brunton . . .
"THE ST. GEORGE'S DAY DINNER", The Melbourne Daily News (25 April 1849), 2
On Monday last a dinner limited to Englishmen was held in the Protestant Hall,
at which about two hundred gentlemen sat down to enjoy the "feast of reason and the flow of soul."
The greatest credit is due to the stewards for their arrangements to secure the comfort of visitors;
the repast was sumptuous in the extreme; the wines excellent and the utmost harmony prevailed throughout the evening.
Alderman Greeves officiated as chairman and, Councillors Armitstead and Nicholson as croupiers.
Dinner being concluded an operation - which by the bye lasted two hours - The Chairman rose and said - Gentlemen,
in a company of Englishmen I need not name the first toast.
But we have at this moment, in the anticipation of the immediate separation of this province as the colony of Victoria, a peculiar right to drink that toast.
If the maiden Queen founded her Virginia, and the merry Monarch established the Carolinas, Port Phillip will hand down to the latest posterity the beloved name of Victoria.
Let us drink to her name as our beloved Sovereign, let us drink to iter name in testimony of our loyalty and love of our country.
Let us drink her name as the harbinger of the colonial independence of Port Phillip, (loud cheers.)
Drunk with three times three, after which the national anthem was sung as a quartette by Messrs. Plunkett, Bailey, Heales and Brunton, the company joining in chorus . . .
. . . I give you Prince Albert; the Prince of Wales, and the rest of the Royal Family of England. Drunk, with three times three.
Air, by the band.
Glee, "Hail smiling Morn", by Messrs. Pellett, Bailey, and Brunton . . .
The chairman then gave the Army and Navy . . .
"Rule Britannia," by the band.
Glee - "A boat to the Ferry," by Messrs. Heales, Bailey, and Brunton . . .
"CONGREGATIONAL PSALMODY", The Argus [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (21 November 1849), 2
It is proposed to form a class for instruction in singing, on the Hullah system, with a view to the improvement of congregational psalmody. The class will be conducted, under the superintendence of the clergy of St. Peter's parish, by Mr. Brunton, of the Church of England School, Collingwood, and will meet every Monday and Friday evening, at the Protestant Hall.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hullah (English singing master)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Peter's Melbourne in the county of Bourke in the year 1849; register 1848-53, page 27; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)
No. 105 / Alfred Brunton of this Parish bachelor and Marianne Scarfe of this Parish Spinster were married in this church by banns this [26 December 1849] . . .
Among the doings of our first Constitutional holiday, on Friday last, we have great pleasure in recording the laying of the foundation stone of a very handsome and commodious building, as schools attached to the new parish of Christ-Church, East Collingwood . . . About four o'clock nearly 500 children from St. Mark's schools arrived on the ground, with a goodly number of the inhabitants of the district . . . A hymn having been sung by the children, and prayer offered by the new incumbent, pro tem., the stone was laid by Francis Murphy, Esq., M.L.C. . . . Under the direction of their talented master, Mr. Brunton, the children then sang the National Anthem, and gave a round of hearty cheering for the Queen, after which they were regaled with cakes and lemonade . . .
"DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOLS SINGING. To the Editor of . . .", The Argus (26 December 1855), 7
Sir, - In reference to your report of the performance of the Denominational Schools at the Exhibition on Thursday, I hope you will correct an error.
Instead of Mr. G. L. Allan being the teacher of the whole of the schools,
there are three singing masters - G. L. Allan, B. Hadfield, and J. H. Allen, who each brought about an equal number of children.
There were also present the St. Mark's boys, taught by Mr. Brunton; and the St. Kilda Church Schools, taught by Mr. J. Hadfield.
Trusting you will correct the error into which you have fallen,
I am, Sir, yours, &c.,
J. H. ALLEN, Singing Master to Denominational Schools.
December 21st, 1855.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Leavis Allan (singing master); John Harward Allen (singing master); Benjamin and John Hadfield (masters); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue); and see the article in question, "DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOLS - MUSICAL PERFORMANCE", The Argus (21 December 1855), 5
A course of lectures on music, given gratuitously in this church by Mr. Brunton, of Collingwood, concluded on Thursday evening. After the conclusion of the lecture, the ladies of the congregation presented Mr. Brunton with a very handsome silver butter-cooler and butter-knife. The instruction given has been of the most practical character, elucidating the beauties of the plain chaunt, which is so well adapted for the services of the Church of England.
This Association held their first conversazione on Friday, the 4th inst., in the Victoria Grammar School, Collins street east . . .
The meeting then proceeded to elect its officers, when the following gentlemen were appointed . . .
as secretaries, Messrs. Alfred Brunton and G. L. Allan; as directors, Messrs. S. Huntley, J. H. Allen, J. Inglis, G. Withey, J. Ovens, and J. Hadfield . . .
During the evening several very beautiful anthems were sung by the teachers and some of their pupils . . .
"MUSIC TYPE", The Age (22 September 1856), 3
Mr. W. H. Williams, printer, of Bourke street east, has just issued a small collection of tunes for the use of the Congregational Psalmody Class, at present conducted by Mr. A. Brunton, at Dr. Cairns' Church, Eastern Hill. The production is exceedingly creditable to Mr. Williams, and, if we are not mistaken, will go far towards inducing persons deterred, by expense of the ordinary process of printing from plates or from the stone, to adopt the principle of copper types in making their musical efforts known to the world. Mr. Williams is the first to introduce this ingenious appliance into the colony, and he deserves support as a reward for his enterprise.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Williams (musical amateur, printer, music typesetter)
"JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PROGRESS", The illustrated journal of Australasia 1 (1856), 139 (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. Brunton, who has already manifested his skill as a teacher of singing, has opened a class for the practice of Psalmody. The meetings are held in Chalmers' Church. The tunes selected for use are printed in the form of a neat book by Mr. W. H. Williams, and are deserving of mention, as the use of music type is almost new here.
"SERVICE OF SONG", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (10 January 1857), 3
IN the December number of the Journal of Australasia there is an excellent paper on choral singing . . . We have been led to the present consideration on the subject by a movement now in progress, which we are glad to encourage and assist in every possible way. During the last few weeks, a class numbering nearly three hundred persons has met in Chalmers' Church for the practice of psalmody. It may be worth wile to remark here that the class has no connection with the church, which is merely lent for the purpose. The conductor of the classes is a Mr. Brunton, whose skill as a teacher has been before commended in this Journal, and in other publications. The present course consists of six lectures, and is preliminary to more extensive classes which the lecturer proposes to open in Melbourne and Collingwood. In order to make the knowledge acquired in these classes immediately available, it is desired to introduce a uniform system into all the churches of every denomination. To this end negotiations have been opened with the clergy and heads of churches, and the proposition has been cordially received wherever it has yet been made. If the public respond to the invitation, as we have no doubt it will, a committee of ministers and choir leaders will be formed to select suitable tunes, and arrange other details; and the tunes adopted will be printed especially in a convenient and cheap form. We have been surprised to learn that the printer of the collection now in use by the class has declared his ability to publish parts monthly or otherwise, each containing, from twenty to thirty tunes suitably arranged, at a shilling, if the circulation exceed a thousand. This should be easily attained . . .
"DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOL FESTIVAL", The Age (14 February 1857), 5
Yesterday, at two o'clock, the children under musical tuition in the Denominational Schools, to the number of nearly 1500, were assembled in the Exhibition Building, for the purpose of engaging in the usual annual festival. The children, who were all exceedingly well dressed, were selected from no less than thirty-two schools in Melbourne and its vicinities, namely: - Thirteen Church of England, six Roman Catholic, seven Wesleyan, three Free Church, two Independent, and the Scots' School. The number selected from these schools was 683 boys and 786 girls. The great bulk of the children have been under the tuition of Messrs. George L. Allan, Benjamin Hadfield, John H. Allen, and A. Brunton; those from St. Mark's boys' school, and the St. Kilda Church of England school, have been taught by their respective masters Messrs. Brunton and Hadfield. The children sang very creditably through a programme of about twenty pleasing little compositions by Crampton, Callcott, Hullah, Nelham, and others; besides adaptations of Mozart, Weber, Handel, and Arne. Their performance was of the most pleasing description, though we could not but regret that so few of the large number of children assembled took the trouble to sing. The thousand who did open their mouths, did it to good effect, as was abundantly manifest in the more stirring of the melodies, among which we may note "Rule Britannia," the "National Anthem," "Ye Mariners of England," and "Old England forever." The voices were ably conducted by Mr. George L. Allan . . .
A meeting of the parents of children attending St. Mark's Schools,
and of other persons interested in the dismissal of certain teachers of the School was held last night at the North Collingwood Independent Chapel, George-street . . .
The Local Board's reasons for giving notice to Mr. Brunton were published by him in The Argus of August 24 . . .
(Copy of Minute,) "Resolved unanimously, That this Board, having fully considered all matters at issue between itself and Mr. Alfred Brunton,
the master of St. Mark's Boys' Day-school, feels obliged, though reluctantly, to convey to him through its Hon. Secretary, Mr. Curtis,
its decision not to enter into any arrangement with him, as master of said school, when his term of office shall have ceased,
agreeably to the Board's notice, dated 2nd August inst., and also, that the Board do convey to Mr. Brunton, through its secretary, the reasons which have rendered such a step imperative on its part . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (11 April 1860), 5
A vocal concert in aid of the Building Fund of the new Independent Church at Kew, was given on Monday night, in the building now used for the church, by the children attending Mr. Brunton's school. A varied and attractive programme, including duets, trios, and glees, judiciously selected to display the musical talents of the juvenile vocalists, was performed on the occasion. The "Haymaker's Glee," "Swiftly from the Mountain's Brow," and "From Oberon in Fairyland," were especially pleasing, and elicited the frequent plaudits of the numerous and gratified audience. A vote of thanks to Mr. Brunton and the children for their gratuitous services, was moved by Rev. R. Connebee, and unanimously responded to.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (10 November 1866), 4
An interesting presentation took place in the George-street schools, Fitzroy, yesterday evening, when a number of the Rev. Alfred Brunton's former pupils met for the purpose of presenting him with a token of their esteem. Mr. Brunton, after occupying a prominent position as a teacher in Fitzroy and elsewhere round Melbourne, for fifteen years, entered the Christian ministry, and left the district in 1861. He is now about to proceed to New Zealand, and his old pupils of the St. Mark's and George-street schools were anxious that he should take away with him something to mark their grateful remembrance of his exertions on their behalf as a teacher and a friend. Tho testimonial consisted of an elegantly chased silver flower-stand, accompanied by an engrossed address, signed by the donors . . . The meeting was enlivened at intervals with some excellent singing by the Masters Kemp, of Carlton, and Messrs. Slade, Arnold and Tope.
"A BANKRUPT CLERGYMAN AND HIS CREDITORS", Bendigo Advertiser (16 November 1888), 3
A celebrated libel action was tried in Dunedin several months ago, in which a Mrs. D'Albeydhll was plaintiff, and Mr. Alfred Brunton, minister of the gospel, and a former resident of Inglewood and other places in Victoria, defendant. The result of a trial was a verdict for £200 and costs against Mr. Brunton. With a view to defeating their verdict, Mr. Brunton filed a declaration of insolvency; but when he presented himself for his discharge, Mr. Justice Williams declined to grant it while the verdict of the jury remained unsatisfied . . .
"NEW ZEALAND NEWS", The Queenslander (1 December 1888), 1012
The following summary of New Zealand news for the fortnight ending 15th November has been compiled by the Dunedin correspondent of the Melbourne Argus: - Some months ago a Mrs. D'Albedyhll obtained damages and costs in an action for libel against Mr. Alfred Brunton, formerly of Melbourne, who has been for many years minister of the Plymouth Brethren in Dunedin. Mr. Brunton having no means sought the protection of the Bankruptcy Court, but he was refused his discharge until Mrs. D'Albedyhll was pecuniarily placed in the same position as she occupied before she brought her action. A week ago Mrs. Brunton died, after being an invalid for many years. In looking over her effects her husband came across a portmanteau containing about £240, mostly in gold. He at once took the money to the official assignee and paid the costs in the libel action, ana he will now make application to have the bankruptcy annulled.
"DEATH OF AN EVANGELIST . . . DUNEDIN, May 17", Wanganui Chronicle [NZ] (18 May 1900), 2
Alfred Brunton, the well-known Evangelist, died to day.
Bibliography and resources:
Edward A. Petherick, "Early Collingwood: recollections of the 'fifties and 'sixties of last century", The Victorian Historical Magazine 1/1 (January 1911), 5-18
. . . In the middle of the 'fifties there were a few private schools and three or four good public schools in Collingwood [including] Mr. Brunton's at St. Mark's . . . Mr. Brunton's was considered the best, but being a dissenter he had soon to remove his "Eton" public school from St. Mark's to the United Free Methodist Chapel in George-street; and Mrs. Snow, wife of Alfred Snow, architect of Oxford-street Church, followed with her public school for girls to the school-room adjoining. Both schools had the same singing and drawing masters and received the most efficient teaching then in vogue in any Denomination. Mr. Brunton was a kind and considerate, though very strict master; a counsellor on whose judgment his elder pupils could rely with confidence; a master always associating with them as a friend and companion . . . A large number of surviving pupils now scattered over the Commonwealth and New Zealand, still revere the memory of their old Master, Alfred Brunton.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Augustus Petherick (pupil late 1850s)
BRUNTON, Thomas (Thomas BRUNTON)
Dancing master, professor of dancing, probably also a musician, violinist, fiddler
Born ? London, England, c. 1795
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 12 January 1828 (free passenger or crew per Elizabeth, from Cork, 27 August 1827, ? via England)
Married Mary ANSON (Mrs. UNDERWOOD) (1797-1832), St. James's church, Sydney, NSW, 7 November 1829
Died Sydney, NSW, 28 February 1830, aged "40" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: ? Perhaps a relative of the English theatrical entrepreneur John Brunton (1775-1849)
"COURT OF KING'S BENCH, APRIL 10 . . . BRUNTON v. RIDGWAY", Morning Advertiser [London, England] (11 April 1822), 2 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Scarlett, for the plaintiff, stated, that this was an action of Assault.
His client was a gentleman belonging to the establishment of the Surrey Theatre, where, amongst other duties which he was engaged to perform, was that of a dancer.
The defendant also belonged to the same Establishment, in which he held the situation of ballet-master and principal hero in pantomimic performances.
According to his instructions, the assault of which his client had to complain, was one a most unprovoked and violent description.
It appeared, that at the conclusion of the performance one evening in May last, the plaintiff and defendant, together with some other performers, had adjourned to Honeyman's Coffee-house, adjoining the Theatre.
Here, in the course of conversation, the merits of the parties in their profession became the subject.
The defendant was boasting of his own skill and talent in his profession, and depreciating that of the plaintiff;
whilst the plaintiff, who formed a much juster estimate, as would appear on the testimony of the witnesses he should call,
repelled the assertions of the defendant, as to pre-eminence, and rebuked his presumption, observing, that such was the opinion of good judges,
that he (the plaintiff) could be backed by his friends against the defendant, as a dancer, for 50l. and would deposit the money at any time.
No sooner had the plaintiff made this assertion in defence of himself and his professional character,
than the defendant flew into a violent passion, rose from his seat, struck the plaintiff, and knocked him down,
and while down, beat him violently with a slick which had in his hand;
at length the standers-by rescued the plaintiff from defendants fury, and saved him from further injury.
This interference was most necessary; for, although Mr. Brunton might the best dancer, his skill as a pugilist was by no means equal to that of the defendant,
who in his practice as Harlequin had acquired the art of using both hands and feet with such activity and effect,
as made him much more than a match for the plaintiff in the science of kicking and cuffing.
It was for this violent assault that his client now sought to recover a compensation in damages.
Mr. Scarlett called Mr. Paul Wreitch, commonly called Signor Paulo, who was present at the time in question;
heard a dispute arise between the plaintiff and defendant as to their respective merits in their profession;
heard the plaintiff say he could be backed for 50l. as a better dancer than the defendant.
The parties were sitting opposite sides of a table, and witness saw the plaintiff stretch out his finger towards defendant's face.
This was before defendant struck him.
His finger went near defendant's nose; on which defendant struck him, first with his fist, and then with a stick, which had in his hand.
The waiter of the coffee-house was in the coffeeroom at the time, and heard some aggravating language pass between the parties -
heard plaintiff tell defendant some of his boys danced pretty well, and ask what master he (the defendant} had retained to teach them?
The defendant, in reply, said he had little girl, four years old, who would dance better than the plaintiff.
This witness also saw the plaintiff point his finger towards defendant's face before defendant struck him.
No person appeared for the defendant.
The Chief Justice commented on the evidence which had been given,
which his Lordship said left it in doubt who committed the first assault, as the pointing of the finger alluded to constituted an assault in law.
He left it to the Jury to say whether, in this case, a shilling damages would not be quite sufficient to meet the justice of the case.
The Jury, without hesitation, found a verdict for the plaintiff - Damages One Shilling - Costs One Shilling.
[Advertisement], Morning Advertiser (11 June 1825), 1 (PAYWALL)
B. REVEST, Manufacturer and Teacher the German Flute, respectfully informs his Friends and the Public,
that in consequence a late lamentable FIRE, which happened at No. 218, HIGH HOLBORN, Sunday evening, February 27, 1825,
by which the whole of his Stock in Trade, Furniture, &c. was entirely destroyed,
and Himself, Wife, and Three Daughters, from the sudden and destructive effects of the raging element (barely escaping with their Lives),
compelled to leave the Premises without one article Wearing Apparel but what they wore.
Owing to the above unforeseen Calamity, B. R., not being insured, has been reduced from the sphere of respectability in which he then moved to almost absolute want;
and, with the assistance of several of his Friends, intends to take BENEFIT at the above Theatre,
and humbly hopes that his Case may not be considered unworthy that Indulgence and Patronage generally extended by a humane and enlightened Public under similar circumstances. -
On WEDNESDAY EVENING, June 15, will be presented Shakspeare's Tragedy of OTHELLO . . .
Previous to which (by the kind permission of D. Morris, Esq.) a favourite Ballet, called LOVE AND POISON,
will be performed by the Ladies and Gentlemen the King's Theatre, who have kindly offered their services on this occasion. -
Principal Characters: Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Gouriet, Mr. Brunton, and Mr. Walbourn, Miss Colson, and Miss O'Brian . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (16 April 1828), 2
TO THE PUBLIC, MR. BRUNTON, FROM THE KING'S Theatre, and late Ballet Master of the Surry Theatre, Professor and Teacher of Dancing,
most respectfully announces to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney and its vicinity,
that he intends giving Lessons in the above necessary and polite accomplishment.
Boarding and other respectable Schools punctually attended.
TERMS - Two Guineas per Quarter. One Guinea in advance.
Applications may be left for Mr. Brunton, at the Australian Office.
[News], The Monitor [Sydney, NSW] (19 April 1828), 7
OUR young Masters and Misses are invited, we see by Mr. Brunton's advertisement, to become pupils under him, to learn "the polite and fashionable recreation" of dancing. Mr. Brunton is known to some of our Sydney amateurs as having practised as a Ballet Master at the King's Theatre in London, and other places of the like fashionable resort.
[News], The Monitor (21 May 1828), 5
Mr. Brunton, lately from London, has been engaged by the Proprietors of the Sydney Amateur Theatre, as Ballad Master [sic, ballet master].
[News], The Australian (21 May 1828), 3
A person named Brunton, a late importation, who professes to impart instructions in the polite accomplishment of dancing, has, we are informed been engaged by the proprietors of the projected forthcoming Sydney Amateur Theatre, in the double capacity of stage-manager and ballet-master.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier [TAS] (28 June 1828), 4
Mr. Levy's new theatre at Sydney is nearly complete. The editor of the Monitor says, he has engaged Mr. Brunton as ballad master. We had anticipated that the performances would be of a lugubrious kind, ballads & other melancholy ditties.
ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Levey (theatre venture proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Australian (9 July 1828), 4
MOST gratefully acknowledges the distinguished Patronage he has received,
and takes the liberty of submitting the following DANCES for their approbation:--
Quadrilles, Minuets, Waltzes, Country Dances, Scotch and Irish Reels, Jigs,
Russian, Polish, Sweedish, and every other department of Fashionable Dancing. -
One Guinea in Advance. Terms - Two Guineas per Quarter.
"CHIT-CHAT", The Sydney Monitor (30 August 1828), 3
Mr. Brunton, late ballet-master to some of the London theatres, intends, we hear, giving an entertainment very shortly, after the manner of the celebrated Mr. Matthews, whose inimitable mode of acting his "Matthews at home," by personating many different characters, drew together crowded houses in London at one of the theatres a whole season.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Matthews (English actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (20 September 1828), 1
RESPECTFULLY thanks those Ladies and Gentlemen for the liberal and distinguished support, they have been pleased to honour him with;
and takes the liberty of assuring them, the same mode of tuition, and the same line of conduct,
which gained for Mr. B. the patronage of his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, and that of some of the principle nobility of England,
will be still pursued by him. Heads of families wishing to see Mr. B's mode of tuition, will be pleased to apply to him at his rooms, at Mrs. Fulloon's, O'Connel-street.
TERMS, - Two Guineas per quarter, One Guinea being paid in advance.
Private tuition as may be agreed upon.
ASSOCIATIONS: Augustus Frederick (Duke of Sussex, patron); Elizabeth Fulloon (later Mrs. Raine) (school teacher)
"TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Monitor (1 November 1828), 8
SIR, IN consequence of reading in one of the public papers,
observations tending to lower in the estimate of the public, the utility of, dancing,
I take the liberty thro' your valuable Journal, to lay before the public, the opinion of the Rev. William Barrow, L.D. and F.A.S. author of an essay on education: -
"ON the subject of learning to dance, if we except a few puritanical singularities, there cannot be much variety of opinion;
it enables the youth to partake a very innocent and pleasant amusement;
and essentially contributes to that gracefulness of deportment, which generally procures for its possessor a favourable reception,
because it is the ornament of science and virtue.
It cannot indeed be completely substitute for play;
because whatever the pupil enjoined to learn, will be considered by him a task.
But Dancing more than any thing else, preserves with the student the character of a diversion, because it exhilirates his spirits without fatiguing his mind;
does not rob more important pursuits of any large portion of time, and is itself an exercise favourable to health, to strength, and to growth;
an eligible relaxation from severe and Sedentary studies."
I am, Sir, Yours &c.,
J. BRUNTON [sic],
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
Brunton Thomas / 33 / Came Free / Elizabeth / 1828 / Protestant / Dancing Master / R's Harvey, Pitt St. / Sydney
[Editorial], The Sydney Monitor (29 November 1828), 4
. . . The sittings of our House of Assembly, will, like the Assizes and Races and Fairs in the County Towns of England, be the signal for recreation, both to old and young. Sydney, at such seasons, will be full of the beauty and fashion of the Country. "Next Sessions" will be a bye-word of delightful anticipation, equivalent to "next Christmas" or "next Wake" in England. The buying of the new piano will be deferred to that happy time. New songs will be calculated upon "next Sessions." Messrs. Paul, Mr. Ferris, Mr. Melville, and other ladies' men, will always have a new supply of dresses and perfumes, and necklaces, and kid gloves, "next Sessions." As for poor Mr. Brunton, he will be absolutely killed with fatigue in "bringing out" his innumerable pupils at the ball bespoke by Her Excellency Mrs. ------ "next Sessions." And as for Mr. Levey, his Theatre will be lit up most likely with Wood's patent blue gas, and Mr. Somebody from the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, will be announced in immense placards, printed at the Monitor Office, by Hill, to astonish the natives. "Edwards' and Sippes' Concerts every Thursday during the Sessions" will also be seen staring alongside this "Bill of the play Ma'am, and fine oranges?"
ASSOCIATIONS: John Edwards (musician); George Sippe (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (5 January 1829), 1
MR. BRUNTON, From the King's Theatre, London,
BEGS leave to announce to his numerous patrons, both in and out of Sydney,
that he intends giving a Subscription Ball, at Cummings's Hotel, the latter end of the present month,
for the encouragement of his pupils; to four of whom, selected by competent judges as possessing the greatest degree of proficiency in the graceful art above-mentioned, medals will be awarded.
Those ladies and gentlemen of the Colony, who may feel interested in this attempt to cultivate the graces among the youth of Australia,
will confer a particular obligation on the advertiser, by leaving their names at Cummings's Hotel, under cover to Mr. B.
(Subscription £1 stg.)
M. BRUNTON. Sydney, January 3rd, 1828.
NOTE: later advertisements gave the date as Thursday, 29 January
[News], The Sydney Monitor (12 January 1829), 5
We understand Mr. Brunton's Subscription Ball for his pupils, will be very select. The first personages in Sydney have entered their names as subscribers. The room is to be brilliantly illuminated. No pains or expense will be spared to make the evening delightful, and we expect it will prove an agreeable relief to the present sombre state of our society.
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Monitor (26 January 1829), 4
We are happy to hear Mr. Brunton's Subscription Ball for the exhibition of the acquirements of his pupils in the necessary and elegant accomplishment of dancing, is likely to be not only numerously attended, but also attended by some of the first personages in the Colony. At the rehearsals have been present the lady of the Chief Justice, the Miss Blaxlands, &c., &c.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 January 1829), 2
Mr. Brunton, the teacher of dancing, will have a public ball this evening, by permission, in the large room at Cummings Hotel, under the patronage of some of the most distinguished families in Sydney. A correspondent, who was present at some of the rehearsals that have taken place by Mr. Brunton's pupils, informs us that their performance reflects the highest credit on their teacher, and drew forth the marked commendation of a number of fashionable spectators, amongst whom were the lady of the Chief Justice, the Messrs. Blaxland, Geo. Forbes, Esq. &c., &c., &c.
[News], The Australian (30 January 1829), 3
Mr. Brunton's fete in Cummings's spacious ball room last night, went off with much eclat. Several of Mr. Brunton's pupils do him no little credit us a maitre de danse. Quadrilles and the merry contre danse, with an occasional waltz, were indulged in during the evening. The room was thickly occupied with well dressed and respectable grown-up persons, besides the pupils of both sexes.
"MR. BRUNTON'S BALL", The Sydney Monitor (2 February 1829), 1
MR. BRUNTON'S SUBSCRIPTION BALL, for the exhibition of the talents of his pupils, was numerously attended on Thursday evening. The Chairman of the Quarter Sessions and his lady, kindly undertook to act as umpires in the awarding of the medals of merit. Miss Lowe, Miss Sippe, (two young ladies of only seven years of age), Miss Biggs, and Master Sippe, were the pupils selected for the bestowment of this mark of flattering approbation. When the proper business (if we may so call it) of the evening was over, the company joined in the quadrilles and country dances, and all parties retired highly gratified with the innocent and rational pleasures of the evening. The pupils danced an Allemande, Quadrilles, Waltzes, and country dances, as well as pas seuls. The music was excellent, (a portion of the band of the 39th regt., most kindly lent by Colonel Lindsay) and the room was lit up in brilliant style, ornamented with considerable taste, the shrubs and flowers of this country affording great scope for this description of interior ornament. The spectators out of doors were much delighted with elegant devices in front. Mr. Wood, for the first time in New South Wales, displayed a rich collection of variegated lamps, which, with old English loyalty he exhibited in the royal emblems of G. R. a Crown above, a star in the centre, and figures of diamonds, &c. The wreaths and garland at the back of these brilliant figures, gave a truly fairy-like appearance to the whole. In short the whole concern, outside and inside, went off with eclat.
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss and Master Sippe (children of George Sippe, musician); Band of the 39th Regiment (military)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 March 1829), 1
From the King's Theatre. Mr. BRUNTON, Professor and Teacher of Dancing, respectfully informs his Patrons and Friends, that in Consequence of the increase of Pupils, he has engaged Mr. SPICER'S large Room, No. 91, George-street, for the Purpose of giving Lessons in the above polite and necessary Accomplishment . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 June 1829), 1
HAS the honor to announce to his friends and the public, that he will give a Ball,
by subscription, on the 18th proximo, in commemoration of that eventful day, the Battle of Waterloo.
Those ladies and gentlemen who may design to honor Mr. B. with their company,
are respectfully requested to send for Tickets of Mr. B. at Mr. SPICER'S, 91, George-street.
Tickets for Two, £1 Sterling.
It having been intimated to Mr. Brunton, that his labours would be acceptable at Parramatta,
he most respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of that Town,
that he will do himself the honor to wait upon them as soon as he can make the necessary arrangements with Mr. NASH.
"Waterloo Subscription Ball, by Mr. Brunton", The Sydney Monitor (20 June 1829), 8
This ball, which was held at Mr. Spicer's room in George Street, was conducted with great spirit, and went off, not only with eclat, but what is of more consequence, with comfort and harmony. About thirty couple[s] joined in the country dances. Mr. Brunton performed a hornpipe in the first style of London grace. Refreshments (including tea, coffee, sandwiches, &c.) were handed about. Two elegant transparencies adorned the front windows, namely, one on His Grace the Duke of Wellington, the other of Field-Marshal Blucher.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 June 1829), 2
Mr. BRUNTON's ball, on Thursday evening, in commemoration of the victory at Waterloo, was attended by about 100 persons . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 July 1829), 1
MR. BRUNTON, Professor and Teacher of Dancing, from the King's Theatre, London,
respectfully announces to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Parramatta and its Vicinity,
that he will attend on Monday the 13th Instant, on the Purpose of giving instructions in the above necessary Accomplishment: -
Mr. B's mode of Instruction has gained the Approbation of the first Class of Society in this Country,
as well as the Patronage of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex in England.
Attendance at Mr. NASH's Hotel, Parramatta, at Half-past 11 o'clock every Monday.
Sydney 3d July 1829.
[News], The Australian (30 October 1829), 2
Mr. Brunton, the dancing master, has no fewer than 63 pupils, under his tuition, in Sydney.
"MARRIAGE", The Australian (11 November 1829), 3
On Saturday [7 November], at St. James's Church, by license, Mr. Brunton, Dancing-master, and late Ballet Master at the Surry Theatre, to Mistress Mary Underwood, formerly of the Ship Inn, Parramatta Road. This happy couple immediately after the ceremony, proceeded in a landauette and four to their temporary country seat, Nash's Inn, with the good old sign of the Woolpack, at Parramatta, where was provided for the felicitous occasion, a sumptuous repast. The happy bridegroom appeared in his ball-room costume, and the blushing and delicate bride was equally elegantly attired.
See also "MARRIAGES", The Asiatic Journal [London, England] (August 1830), 226 (DIGITISED)
Lately, At Sydney, Mr. Brunton, professor of dancing, late of the King's Theatre, London, to Mrs. Underwood, late of the Parramatta Road.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (12 December 1829), 3
MR. BRUNTON, PROFESSOR OF DANCING . . . No. 20, Prince's Street, Sydney.
N.B. Attendance every Monday morning at NASH'S HOTEL, Parramatta, at half-past eleven o'clock.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 January 1830), 2
Mr. Brunton, professor of dancing, is about to establish an academy for instruction in the art of fencing.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (9 January 1830), 3
PUBLIC NOTICE. MR. BRUNTON, Professor of Dancing,
respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney, Parramatta, &c. &c.
that in consequence of a decision in the Court of Requests yesterday, Brunton vs. Josephson,
he is under the necessity of giving them notice, that every pupil that comes under his tuition,
must pay for the whole of the Quarter, whether they attend or not.
Any deficiency in lessons during the Quarter, caused by Mr. Bruton's neglect or ill health,
will be deducted by him from his bill.
"COURT OF REQUESTS. BRUNTON v. JOSEPHSON", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 January 1830), 2
At the last sitting of the Court of Requests in Sydney, Mr. Brunton, maître de danse,
sued Mr. Josephson for the amount of a quarter's bill for instructions in dancing, given to the son of that gentleman at a seminary in Parramatta.
It appeared in evidence, that Mr. Brunton had only attended the youth twice, but although he had only given two lessons, he contended, that according to custom,
Mr. Josephson was liable for the whole quarter, as his son might have the benefit of Mr. Brunton's attendance for the remainder of the quarter, if he thought proper to avail himself of it.
On the part of Mr. Josephson; it was stated that no agreement had been entered into between him and Mr. Brunton for a quarter's attendance;
his son had only taken two lessons, and discontinued Mr. B.'s instructions, because he found he could only learn in the class of dancing into which Mr. Brunton had put him,
what he had already learned in Sydney.
The COMMISSIONER decided, that Mr. Brunton was not equitably entitled to recover the amount of a whole quarter's bill from Mr. Josephson,
unless he had given notice to Mr. Josephson, that if his son entered under his tuition at all, he would become liable for the whole quarter.
In this instance no such notice had been given, indeed, no agreement had been made at all between the parties.
There was therefore wanting that which was essential to all contracts, the assent of both the contracting parties.
In the absence of such assent, it would be most unfair to allow one of the parties to impose arbitrary term and to oblige the other to observe them, without his privity or consent . . .
On these grounds he would now disallow the claim of Mr. Brunton.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Josephson (former client), father of Joshua Frey Josephson (musician)
"SUDDEN DEATH OF MR. BRUNTON", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 March 1830), 2
At 11 o'clock on Sunday forenoon, another Inquisition was taken at the Globe Tavern, Castlereagh-street, on view of the body of Mr. T. Brunton, dancing master, &c., who came suddenly by his death. It appeared in evidence, that about 7 o'clock on the preceding evening (Saturday) Mr. B. was observed coming along Elizabeth-street, on horse-back, riding at a very quick rate. It was raining very heavily at the time, and he was seen to turn his horse's head sharp round the corner of Market-street, when, in an instant, the horse threw him. Mr. B.'s head, in the fall, came in contact with some flinty hard ground, and he was rendered senseless by the concussion. A servant belonging to the tap of the Globe Tavern, seeing the accident, ran to Mr. B.'s assistance. The body was then motionless, and to all appearance inanimate. Other assistance by this time came up, and somebody turned the body over, when Mr. B. was found to breathe. Messengers were then despatched to the several medical gentlemen far and near, requesting their immediate attendance, whilst the unfortunate sufferer, in the mean time, was carried in the arms of some persons into the Globe Tavern. In a very short time, Doctors Bland and Smith, of Pitt-street, were at the house, when it was deemed necessary to bleed their patient; but, alas! with the best and most assiduous attention, combined with the professional skill of the medical gentlemen, all was in vain. At 5 o'clock the next morning (having remained the whole of the time, from the occurrence of the accident till the moment of his dissolution, in a state of total insensibility, and without having uttered a single word) he breathed his last. The Jury having considered on the evidence, brought in a verdict - That the deceased had come to his death in consequence of a fall from a horse. Mr. Brunton was a man of cheerful, social habits, and just 40 years of age. He married, only three or four months ago, the young widow of the late Mr. William Underwood, whose death, in several particulars, resembled that of the unfortunate Mr. B. We cannot dismiss this report without iterating the compliments so deservedly paid to Mr. Rowley, the tavern-keeper, by the Inquest, for his humane and persevering attentions to the deceased person.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 April 1830), 1
A CARD. MRS. RAINE begs to apprise the inhabitants of Sydney, that having consulted her friends, she is determined, in consequence of the death of Mr. Brunton, to open a select DANCING SCHOOL . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Raine (late Mrs. Falloon) (teacher)
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (4 May 1830), 3
Since the death of Mr. Brunton, the dancing master, who managed to monopolize pretty nearly the entire attention of those who were desirous of becoming initiated into the "polite art," such of the pupils as had not become perfect in their steps, have been on the look out for a successor. It would now appear that a Mr. Conley, of Clarence-street, formerly of the Theatre Royal, Manchester, has taken the students under his direction. When Mr. Brunton died, it is said, he had as many as threescore pupils.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Conley (dancing master)
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 August 1830), 2
Mr. Elliot, the professor of dancing, who has now under his tuition the greater number of the late Mr. Brunton's pupils, continues to hold his academy at Sandwell's large room, Castlereagh street . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Elliott (dancing master)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (4 November 1830), 2
MR. MILLER, in returning his grateful acknowledgments for the liberal encouragement extended towards him, is desirous of informing his kind Patrons, that he has REMOVED his ACADEMY for DANCING from the late Mr. BRUNTON'S in Prince-street, to a more commodious set of apartments in Macquarie-street (opposite the School of Industry) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Josiah Miller (dancing master)
"DIED", The Sydney Herald (24 May 1832), 4
On Tuesday, at her residence in Macquarie-street, Mrs. Mary Brunton, the relict of the late Mr. Thomas Brunton, Professor of Dancing.,
BRUTON, John William (John William BARRETT; John William Barrett BRUTON; J. W. BRUTONE; John BRUTONE)
Actor, comedian, comic vocalist, theatrical manager
Born Kent England, 1824; baptised Shipborne, Kent, 28 December 1824; son of Aaron BARRETT and Charlotte THORNTON
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by January 1853
Married Marine [sic, ? Marian] Julia COURT, Sydney, NSW, 1857
Departed Melbourne, VIC, after March 1861 (for England)
Died New York, USA, 24 November 1876 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: James Bruton (1815-1867; English comic vocalist, songwriter, comedian); Mr. and Mrs. Barrett (London, actors, active 1850s)
BRUTON, Julia (Julia COURT; Miss Julia CLIFFORD; in England Miss Julia CLISSOLD; Julia BRUTON; Mrs. J. W. BRUTONE)
Actor, vocalist
Born c. 1842 (or earlier)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by 1856
Married John William BARRETT, Sydney, NSW, 1857
Departed Melbourne, VIC, after March 1861 (for England)
Died London, England, 21 June 1912, aged "70" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Shipbourne, Kent, 1824; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
26 December 1824 / John William / [son of] Aaron and Charlotte / Barrett
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (24 January 1853), 1
FIRST APPEARANCE of MR. BRUTON, in the character of TOM, in Intrigue; or the Bath Road.
Gorgeous Scenes of Equestrianism, and Olympian Games. For particulars see small bills.
JOHN MALCOM, Proprietor.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Malcom (proprietor); Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 April 1853), 3
FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. GREEN . . . Comic Song, Mr. Bruton . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (2 May 1853), 1
THIS EVENING, MONDAY, 2nd of MAY. The grandest night of the season! First Night of BOMBASTES at half-price . . .
First appearance at this Theatre of the WIZARD OF THE SOUTH; also, Messrs. BRUTON AND BRENNI . . .
Comic Song, Mr. Bruton . . . Song, Mr. Walter Howson . . . Song, Mr. Bruton . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Crow. Pianist, Mr. S. Evans . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: J. W. Brenni (performer); Walter Howson (vocalist); Thomas Crowe (musician); Albany Brown (? proprietor, puppeteer); Royal Marionette Theatre (troupe); Olympic Circus (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (28 May 1853), 3
The performance will commence with an Address to the Audience, by Mr. Albany Brown, the Manager.
After which will follow the Laughable Burlesque (performed thirty successive nights in Sydney) of BOMBASTES FURIOSO.
Comic Song. Mr. Bruton.
To be followed by the Laughable Operetta Burlesque of TOM THUMB.
Comic Song. Mr. Bruton . . .
Conductor of the Orchestra - Mr. Elsore.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Elsore (? Elson) (musician); Queen's Theatre (Maitland venue)
"THE MARIONETTE THEATRE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (4 June 1853), 2
The performances each evening at the Marionette Theatre, rear of the Fitzroy Hotel, continue to draw good audiences. Last evening the entertainments were for the benefit of the Maitland Hospital. Other burlesque pieces and panoramas are announced for this evening and Monday . . . On Tuesday evening Mr. Bruton takes his benefit.
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (16 July 1853), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre. FIRST NIGHT OF THE SEASON . . . On Monday Evening, July 18, 1853,
HAMLET PRINCE OF DENMARK . . . Hamlet, Mr. Stark . . . Rosencranz, Mr. Bruton . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Stark (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THEATRICALS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (12 November 1853), 3
On Monday evening, a new drama, entitled The Last of the Fairies, taken from the story of the Cavaliers and Roundheads, was produced. We cannot say much for the merits of the piece, it is a very complicated affair; but so far as the corps dramatique were concerned, it went off very well, especially Mr. Rogers, who, in the character of Ebenezer Ironjaws, the Puritan corporal, kept the audience in great glee. Mr. Warde, as Denzil Norman, was also quite up in his part. Mr. Bruton, who seems to have taken up the comic business since Howard's departure for Melbourne, enacted John Brownlow. He is a young man that would improve in his profession very rapidly, if he would only leave off making such shocking grimaces; it may do well enough in some characters, but he invariably does it in every character he is supposed to represent. Mrs. Guerin played Alice Brooke with her usual ability . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Herbert Rogers (actor); Con Warde (actor); Sam Howard (comedian); Theodosia Guerin (actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 January 1854), 2
The interlude will consist of Naval Hornpipe for this occasion only, Mr. Percy.
New comic song by Mr. Bruton, The Life of a Cadger.
Mr. Reading will appear and perform his inimitable [REDACTED] Break Down.
Seven Ages, by desire, Mr. Rogers. Pas Seul, Miss A. Hart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Percy (dancer, actor); James W. Reading (serenader); Ada Hart (dancer)
"PRINCE ALBERT THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (15 July 1854), 3
This place of amusement, lately the Olympic Arena, Castlereagh-street, has recently been opened by Mr. Bruton, with a company chiefly from the corps dramatique of the Victoria. The performances during the week have been very creditably sustained, being chiefly choice comedies and farce . . . A new actress, Mrs. St. Clair has already become a favourite, and we doubt not that this establishment will shortly receive a large share of public patronage.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. St. Clair (actor); Royal Albert Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (5 August 1854), 2
ROYAL ALBERT THEATRE . . . J. W. Bruton, Manager.
"THE QUEEN'S THEATRE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (4 September 1856), 2
On Tuesday evening Don Caesar de Bazan was performed, with great success, at the Queen's Theatre . . . Mr. Faning, as the Marquis de Rotondo, and Mrs. F. Andrews as his lady, were very successful in provoking the risible faculties of the audience; whilst the bye play of the other actors, who had less to say, contributed much to the general effect. Miss Clifford, who took the character of Lazarillo, sung "Charming May," with applause. Mrs. Andrews sang "Home, sweet Home," and when encored, the "Willow Glen," with purity and feeling . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Faning (actor, musician); Mrs. Frank Andrews (vocalist, actor)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (29 August 1857), 3
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Sole Lessees - Messrs. Jones and Bruton;
Stage Manager, Mr. B. Jones; Treasurer, Mr. H. Field; Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. I. Davis . . .
Local Comic Song - THE BATHURST RAILWAY - Mr. Bruton . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Napthali Jones (actor, manager); Isaac Davis (musician); Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (5 September 1857), 2
Song - Young Lady's No - Miss Julia Clifford.
Comic Song - The Bathurst Railway Station - Mr. Bruton . . .
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (10 October 1857), 3
IMMENSE BILL FOR THIS NIGHT!!! . . . Six Comic Songs by Mr. Bruton!!! . . .
Mr. Bruton will sing "The Polka," "The Queen's Presents," "Alteration," "The things you don't often see," "The Cadger," "Widow Malone."
Miss Julia Clifford will sing "Annie Laurie" and "By the Sad Sea Waves" . . .
MUSIC: The cadger (parody song); Widow Malone (song); Annie Laurie (song); By the sad sea waves (Benedict)
"AMATEUR CONCERT. IN AID OF THE BATHURST HOSPITAL", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (7 November 1857), 2
It has rarely fallen to our lot to chronicle among our local "events" a circumstance which has suffered us so much unqualified gratification as the Concert which took place on Wednesday evening at the Victoria Theatre . . . The Victoria Theatre was filled with a large and highly respectable audience, comprising most of the leading families of Bathurst and its neighbourhood, and we have no doubt that had a longer notice been given of the performance, a still larger number would have been present on the occasion. The list of performers included Master Catton, Mr. Shadforth, Mr. C. Turner, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Beach, Mr. Tiffin, and other amateurs. Miss Julia Clifford and Mr. Bruton also volunteered their valuable services together with Mr. Davis and Mr. Brown as instrumentalists . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Catton (vocalist); Charles Byass Turner (vocalist); James Brown (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Bathurst venue)
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 November 1857), 2
A crowded house welcomed the opening night of the season. The performances consisted of the play of Ingomar, and a two-act farce called The Lady and The Devil . . . The Ingomar of Mr. J. L. Byers is a bold, vigorous performance . . . Mr. Bruton, who was welcomed with hearty plaudits, was encored in a comic song, which he gave with considerable spirit and humour. A new actress of the name of Clifford made her debut on Saturday as Parthenia, and has played every evening during the week. She possesses many requisites for the stage, and in addition to a good voice and face, her performances, are pervaded with a freshness and earnestness. Since the Opening night Madame Sara Flower and Mr. S. Howard have joined the company.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Lucas Byers (actor); Sara Flower (vocalist); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (18 January 1858), 1
OUR LYCEUM. - THIS EVENING . . . Messrs. . . . Bruton . . . Misses Julia Clifford . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (11 February 1858), 3
QUEEN'S THEATRE, Mr. J. L. Byers' New Dramatic Company.
MESSRS. J. L. BYERS, Andrews, Morton, Bruton, and C. Eicenshank . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Eigenschenck (musician)
"DEPARTURES", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (1 March 1858), 38
February 24. - Ariel, schooner, 139 tons, Captain Eves, for Nelson. Passengers - Mrs. Eves, Mr. J. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Bruton.
"THEATRICALS", Colonist [Nelson, NZ] (16 March 1858), 2
The clipper schooner Ariel, Captain Eves, has arrived with a theatrical company from Sydney, who will shortly appear in Nelson. Report speaks highly of their ability, and our good townsfolk may anticipate a Thespian treat of no mean order. The company, among others, consists of Miss Julia Clifford, late leading actress of the Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney; Mr. Bruton, the celebrated comedian and comic singer, and long a great favorite in Sydney; and Mr. P. Davize, the well known delineator of "eccentric comedy."
"NEW ZEALAND. WELLINGTON", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (17 July 1858), 3
We are in receipt of the Wellington papers to the 23rd June. The Independent says, speaking of the Lyceum Theatre: - On Thursday last, this Theatre was opened by Mr. F. Lee, who has engaged the Sydney Dramatic Company for a season. The pieces selected for the occasion were the fine old English comedy of the "Heir at Law," and the musical farce of the "Waterman." Both pieces were put upon the Stage in first-rate style, and reflected great credit upon the management. Mr. Bruton's Dr. Pangloss was a rich treat; and, as a comedian, we consider him superior to any person that has yet visited Wellington. Mrs. Bruton, as Cicely Homespun, in the "Heir at Law," and afterwards as Tom Tug in the "Waterman," played and sang admirably . . .
[Advertisement], Wellington Independent [NZ] (11 September 1858), 2
MR. BRUTON, in announcing his Benefit to his Friends and Patrons, is sorry to be compelled to assure them, that during his stay in Wellington,
hitherto his services have been utterly unremunerated.
Under those circumstances, the following Gentlemen have in the kindest manner come forward and proffered their valuable assistance to endeavour to extricate him from his difficulties.
The public's kind patronage is therefore respectfully and earnestly solicited . . .
DUET - "Matrimonial Squabbles," - Mr. Bruton and Miss Julia Clifford . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Black Swan, from Melbourne, 30 April 1859, for Launceston; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mrs. Bruton / 20 // Mr. Bruton / 30 . . .
"Shipping Intelligence. ENTERED INWARDS", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (3 May 1859), 2
May 2. - Steamer Black Swan, 300 tons, A. T. Woods, from Melbourne . . . Passengers - Mr. G. V. Brooke, Miss Ellen Mortyn . . . Mr. and Mrs. Bruton, Mrs. Avins, Miss Earle.
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE ROYAL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (11 July 1859), 3
. . . The Farce of "Wilful Murder" which followed served to develop the comic powers of Mr. J. W. Bruton, a rising actor, who is more really funny than most others of his class, because he does not strive to go beyond the scope of his part . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hoskins (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (6 October 1859), 2
The often presented piece "Horrors of War," was re-produced last night at the Royal, before a house by no means well filled . . . A musical farce entitled, "Why don't she Marry?" gave Miss Harland and Mr. Bruton opportunity, which they well used, to display their several specialities with success . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Harland (Mrs. William Hoskins, actor, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Star (13 October 1859), 3
THEATRE ROYAL . . . Under the Direction of Mr. HOSKINS. THIS EVENING, THURSDAY . . .
To conclude with the Burlesque Extravaganza . . . MACBETH TRAVESTIE . . .
Macbeth - Mr. J. W. Bruton. Lady Macbeth - Miss Julia Clifford . . .
"LAMPLOUGH (From our own Correspondent) 2nd February", The Star (3 February 1860), 2
. . . The Theatre Royal was last evening crammed, and by a class of persons most respectably dressed. Mr. G. V. Brooke and Mr. Bruton highly delighted us, and when we left the Theatre, we thought our admission money most profitably spent . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . BALLAARAT", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (20 October 1860), 2
. . . business at the Royal has been very indifferent this week. On Monday, Mr. Bruton, a most popular actor, took his benefit, but unfortunately the house was but poorly attended . . .
"AMUSEMENTS . . . CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE", The Star (4 March 1861), 3
. . . The performance this evening will be for the benefit of Mr. Bruton, an old favorite on Ballarat, who, it is stated, "has made an unfortunate journey to Castlemaine under a three months' engagement, but after one week's experience of that locality, he found the manager unable to pay, returned to Ballarat placed in a pecuniary difficulty, and now solicits the patronage of the public, without whose fostering smiles industry must sicken and genius decay" . . . and Mr. Morris is announced to appear in an entirely new character and sing his celebrated set of quadrilles.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edgar Morris (vocalist); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (5 March 1861), 2
On Monday night Mr. Bruton, well known to the Ballarat public, took a benefit at the Charlie Napier, and was greeted with a bumper house. The performances were varied, and consisted of vocalisation, with orchestral accompaniment. Mr. H. Warner appeared as Citizen Sangfroid in "Delicate Ground," a character in which he appeared perfectly at home. Mr. Bruton, as Alphonse de Grandier, as usual was comically droll, and elicited abundance of laughter; and Mrs. Bruton sustained the part of Madame Sangfroid with commendable ability. The comic ditties of Mr. Morris afforded considerable amusement and the entertainments generally seemed to give infinite satisfaction.
[Advertisement], The Star (27 March 1861), 3
THEATRE ROYAL. Last appearance in the Colonies of Mr. J. W. Bruton . . . THIS EVENING, WEDNESDAY . . .
After Australia:
[Advertisement], The Era [London, England] (15 December 1861), 1 (PAYWALL)
Mr. J. W. BRUTONE Low Comedian and Character Actor (late of Royal Lyceum and Australian Theatres), disengaged. Good recommendations . . .
"NEW ROYALTY THEATRE", Morning Post [London, England] (24 January 1862), 5 (PAYWALL)
. . . Of the low comedians, by far the best is Mr. J. W. Brutone, late of the Lyceum, an artist whose humour is affluent and versatile, and who excels in burlesque . . .
"PROVINCIAL. BIRMINGHAM . . . NEW THEATRE", Illustrated Sporting News and Theatrical and Musical Review (15 March 1862), 3 (PAYWALL)
The "Angel of Midnight" has formed the principal attraction this week. The representation of the Angel being Miss Julia Clissold, who has won great fame in Australia . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: There was another theatrical performer named Julia Clifford active in England, hence probably the alteration of her stage surname to Clissold
[Advertisement], The Era (23 August 1863), 1 (PAYWALL)
NOTICE TO MANAGERS. MISS JULIA CLISSOLD is at liberty to negotiate for the Winter Season for first SINGING CHAMBER-MAIDS and Leading Burlesque.
Also Mr. J. W. BRUTONE, late of Royal Lyceum, London, Theatre Royal, Leeds, &c., for FIRST LOW COMEDY. Good Wardrobes.
Address, 69A, Great Queen-street, Lincoln's Inn Fileds, W. C. or any of the Agents.
"OBITUARY. J. W. BRUTONE, COMEDIAN", The New York Herald (25 November 1876), 10
Mr. J. W. Brutone, the popular comedian, died at his residence, No. 148 West Twenty-fifth street, on Friday morning, after a short illness. Brutone's family name was Barrett. He was the son of Aaron Barrett, architect, of Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England. He was not intended by education for the stage, but early developed a desire for histrionic fame. In 1852, his health being indifferent, he went to Sydney, Australia, where, shortly after his arrival, he made his debut. At the theatre he met Miss Court, also a debutante, and shortly thereafter their fame and fortunes were merged in marriage. In 1861 Mr. Brutone and his wife, having visited all the cities of Australia, went to England, where they remained in professional occupation until 1867, when they came to America. From this time forth until his death Mr. Brutone played at different theatres in New York, winning for himself golden opinions and establishing his claims to popular recognition. Mrs. Brutone, nee Court, was of the family famous as hereditary proprietors of the Shakespeare property in Stratford-upon-Avon, and had been on the stage but three months when she married the deceased.
ASSOCIATIONS: If not strictly an architect, his father Aaron Barrett described himself in the 1851 census as a builder and brickmaker employing 40 men; Thomas Court (owner of the Shakespeare house, 1806-1847)
"Musical and Dramatic Items", New York Dispatch (26 November 1876), 5
. . . J. W. Brutone, who died on Friday in this city was well-known in his profession. He was of the company at Niblo's Garden under the management of Jarrett & Palmer, and followed those managers to Booth's Theatre. His last appearances were at the Park Theatre. He left his family in indigent circumstances, but efforts toward their relief are being made by friends of the deceased actor, prominent among whom is John Vincent, Stage Manager of Booth's Theatre . . .
. . . Mr. J. W. Brutone, the dead comedian, is to be buried from the Church of the New Jerusalem, Thirty-fifth street, near Park avenue, at 2 o'clock to-day. The expenses of the funeral will be generously borne by his professional brethren. He leaves a family in indigent circumstances . . .
"DRIFTWOOD", The theatre magazine [London, England] (5 April 1890), 366 (DIGITISED)
. . . Agnes Booth said: "In Australia I danced in all the operas with Mme. Anna Bishop. There was an amateur company among the officers, and they were to play the "Lady of Lyons." Mrs. Brutone, who was then Miss Julia Clifford, was to play Pauline and I was to dance the Highland fling, in costume, between acts. For some reason, Miss Clifford failed to appear, and I was asked to go on and read the part. I objected, not knowing the part, but was prevailed on to consent. I really don't know how to tell this story. Well, I put on the clothes over my Highland costume, not having the kilt on, but wearing the stockings and all the rest. The curtain was an old-fashioned one, which rolled up. As it rolled up, I was caught in it and rolled up, too, and there I was suspended, with the audience having a fine view of my Scotch stockings. For a long time I had to hold the book before my face before I could conquer my blushes."
ASSOCIATIONS: Agnes Booth (dancer); Anna Bishop (vocalist)
Records of removal of headstones, Hendon Cemetery London; UK National Archives, RG37/80/2 (PAYWALL)
NOTE: Death registration and cemetery records give her age as 70
"THE MUSIC BOX, By JAMES M. GLOVER", The Stage [London, England] (6 December 1923), 17
. . . And here is Fanny Moody telling us not only of her singing masters, but of dear old Mrs. Brutone, the American actress, from whom she had her "declamation lessons." In the seventies and eighties we took her art seriously. When I produced Jack in the Box at the Union Square, New York, in 1885, I cast Mrs. Brutone for the show man's wife, Mrs. Merryweather. She shortly afterwards returned to this country and stopped with the Howsons, and gave lessons such as those of which Miss Manners is so justly proud . . .
BRUUN, Ludwig Edward (Ludwig Edward BRUUN; L. E. BRUUN; also BRUNN)
Amateur musician, violinist, vocalist, drawing master, artist, painter and decorator
Born Copenhagen, Denmark, c. 1817; son of Jorgen BRUUN and Wilhelmine MANDLEIN
Married Julia Sophia Christina KOCH (1817-1890), Rostock, Mecklenburg (Germany), 18 July 1843
Naturalised Ballarat, VIC, 15 December 1856 (aged "39")
Died Ballarat, VIC, 14 November 1881, aged "64" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
BRUUN, Andrew William (Andrew William BRUUN; A. W. BRUUN; also BRUNN)
Musician, professor of music, violinist, painter and decorator, publican
Born Copenhagen, Denmark, 1835; baptised Helligaands Kirke, Copenhagen, 17 May 1835; son of Jorgen BRUUN and Wilhelmine MANDLEIN
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 8 January 1858 (per Marbs, from Hamburg, 8 October, aged "22")
Married Juliane Christine WITT (c. 1847-1922), Maldon, VIC, 30 June 1861
Active Ballarat, VIC, by 1869 (but probably not earlier)
Naturalised Ballarat, 5 February 1903 (aged "68")
Died Ballarat, VIC, 22 December 1906 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: It is not entirely clear that Ludwig was the violinist active in Ballarat in the mid and later 1860s; although he was once positively named, another report named "W. Brunn"
Baptisms, Helligaands Kirke, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1835; Denmark, select baptisms database (PAYWALL)
17 maj 1835 / Andreas Wilhelm / [son of] Jorgen & Wilhelmine / Bruun
Marriages, St. Jacobi, Rostock, Mecklenburg [Germany], 1843; Germany, Lutheran marriages database (PAYWALL)
18. Jul 1843 / Ludwig Eduard Bruun / [son of] Jürgen Ludwig Bruun / [and] Juliana Sophia Christina Koch / [daughter of] Conrad Gotthelf Lebrecht Koch
List of passengers arrived at the Port of Melbourne, 8 January 1858, per Marbs from Hamburgh, 8 October 1857; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Mrs. Bruhn [sic] & 4 Children / F 40 / F 13 / F 10 / M 9 / M 6 . . .
A. W. Bruun / [unmarried] M 22 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: First arrival in Australia of Andrew, with Ludwig's wife and 4 children
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (7 September 1860), 1
L. E. BRUUN, 60 MAIN ROAD, HAS on hand a Large, Cheap, and Select Stock of Papeihangings in great variety. White Zinc and Lead, Oil, Varnishes . . .
"INSOLVENT COURT. Monday, 4th May", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (5 May 1863), 3
The meetings in the following estates were adjourned in consequence of the necessary affidavits not having heen filed: -
A. W. Bruun, of Clydesdale, publican, to the 18th May . . .
[Advertisement], The Star (31 May 1864), 3
BALLARAT VOCAL UNION. - The Soiree of the above Society will take place at the Mechanics' Institute on Friday, the 3rd June, at 8 o'clock p.m.
A limited number of tickets may be obtained of Mr. L. E. Brunn, the Secretary, and the members generally. For further particulars see programme.
An Address on Music will be read by the Musical Director, Mr. A. T. TURNER.
JNO. LAKE, Hon. Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: Austin Theodore Turner (conductor); John Lake (secretary); Ballarat Vocal Union (association)
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Ballarat Star (30 November 1866), 3
The second concert of the Ballarat Choral Society was given on the evening of Thursday, 29th November, in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, before a well-filled hall . . . The concert was conducted by Herr Carl Schmitt, to whose skill and enterprise as a musician the organisation of the society is mainly due. An orchestra numbering over one hundred performers assembled, and the instrumentalists bore a satisfactory proportion to the total body of choristers. Mrs. Richard Bunce presided at the piano, and Mr. E. King, of Melbourne, led as first violinist. The other instrumentalists were violin, Mr. W. Brunn . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Schmitt (conductor); Edward King (violin); probably correctly Richard bunce's sister-in-law, Mrs. James Bunce (pianist); Ballarat Choral Society (association, founded 1866)
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (9 March 1867), 2
The concert in aid of the District Hospital on Friday evening was not so largely attended as that for the Orphan Asylum on Wednesday evening . . . It is scarcely necessary, perhaps, that we should state that Herr Carl Schmitt, as at the previous concert, acted as conductor. Mr. Brunn led as first violin, and Miss Binder presided at the piano . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marion Binder (piano)
"Orphan Asylum committee", The Ballarat Star (26 March 1867), 1 supplement
A concert given at the Mechanics' Institute for the benefit of the Orphan Asylum was one of the best ever held in Ballarat . . . This was due to the generous aid given on this occasion by the many ladies and gentlemen of our local musical circles, and especially by that gifted vocalist Miss Julia Mathews, who may be said to belong to all musical circles by her great professional popularity and her genial kindliness and generosity. The burden of the concert lay upon the ladies and gentlemen of the Choral Society and their accomplished conductor, Herr Carl Schmitt, whose services on this occasion were gratuitously given for the benefit of the charity, as well us those of Miss Mathews, upon whom devolved the soprano solos of the evening. The orchestra numbered about one hundred performed, the band being led by Mr. L. E. Bruun as first violin . . . and Miss Binder acting as accompanyist on the piano . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Mathews (vocalist)
"HARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Ballarat Star (16 August 1867), 3
The complimentary benefit given by the Harmonic Society to its accomplished conductor, Mr. Austin T. Turner, on Thursday evening, in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, was very successful in every way . . . The band and chorus numbered hard upon a hundred and twenty performers, the beneficisire himself conducting as usual, Mr. T. King being the leader . . . Besides those already mentioned there were the following instrumentalists: - First violins, Messrs. King and Bruun . . . The overture was from "Maritana" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas King (violin, leader); Ballarat Harmonic Society (association)
"THE CONCERT IN THE ALFRED HALL", The Ballarat Star (13 December 1867), 3
The Ballarat Harmonic Society gave its first concert in the Alfred Hall on Thursday night, and achieved its greatest success on the occasion . . . Mr. A. T. Turner, was conductor, as usual, and Mr. T. King, leader . . . The band was composed as follows: first violins, Messrs. T. King, Thomas, and Cutler; second violins, Messrs. Bruun, Young, and Rushton . . .
"BALLARAT COLLEGIATE AND GRAMMAR SCHOOL", The Ballarat Star (19 December 1867), 3
The speech day celebration of the above establishment took place on Wednesday evening, in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute . . . the principal, Mr. John Victor, then read the report as follows: ". . . the exhibition this evening shows what can be effected by a gentleman devoted to his profession. Instruction in vocal music has been imparted to all all the pupils by Mr. Turner, and perfect success has crowned his skilful and painstaking teaching, as is manifest from the creditable manner in which his part of the evening programme has been gone through. The drawing class under Mr. Bruun has made highly creditable progress, and my acknowledgments are due him for his untiring efforts to advance his pupils in this useful art . . .
[Advertisement], The Ballarat Courier (8 December 1869), 4
"WESLEYAN SALE OF GIFTS", The Ballarat Star (8 June 1871), 4
On Wednesday was opened a fancy fair, or, as the promoters announced, a "grand sale of gifts," in the handsome lecture-hall of the new Wesleyan school house in Dana street. The sale is in aid of the funds of the Lydiard street circuit . . . During the evening the hall was crammed with visitors, and a brisk trade was done. Upon the dais at the north end was a company of musicians, led by Mr. T. King, Mrs. W. Little being pianiste. Some charming music was given - given in the literal sense, as all the performers are volunteers, to wit: - Messrs. T. King and A. W. Bruun, first violins . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Cazaly Little (piano)
"DEATHS", The Ballarat Courier (15 November 1881), 2
BRUUN - On the 14th November, at Elsinore House, Ballarat, Ludwig Edward Bruun, aged sixty-four years.
Probate and admininistration, Ludwig E. Brunn [sic]; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
"PERSONAL ITEMS", The Ballarat Star (28 December 1906), 1
The death of Herr A. W. Bruun which occurred on Saturday evening, will call to the minds of many a man who was counted one of the finest violinists in the State many years ago. The late Herr Bruun, who was 71 years of age, was a colonist of 50 years. He was of a kind and generous disposition, and many a young musician of the present day owes his technical knowledge to Herr Bruun's teaching. He carried on his business as a painter and decorator with success for many years, but music was his hobby, and he could always be relied upon to give his assistance in aid of charitable and other entertainments. In this he was assisted by an orchestra, of which he was the conductor, and which was the leading instrumental organisation in the city in those days. For some six months past he had been practically bed-ridden, and on Saturday evening he passed quietly away. He leaves a widow, but no family. The late Herr Bruun was not a public man, being of a rather retiring disposition. His remains were interred in the New Cemetery on Monday morning, the Rev. Dr. Pritchard officiating at the grave side.
Probate and admininistration, Andrew W. Brunn [sic]; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED - Will)
"WILLS AND ESTATES", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (28 January 1907), 4
Andrew William Bruun, late of Drummond-street, Ballarat, professor of music, who died on 22nd December last, left by will dated 17th July 1900, estate of the value of £3125 realty and £3278 personalty, to his widow and relatives, subject to the following bequests: - Ballarat District Hospital, £50; Ballarat Benevolent Asylum, £25; and Ballarat Orphan Asylum, £25.
"DEATHS", The Ballarat Star (2 May 1922), 4
BRUUN. - On the 30th April, 1922 (suddenly), at her residence, 218 Drummond Street south, Ballarat, Juliane Christine, relict of the late A. W. Bruun, loved sister of Mrs. Gluth, Hawthorn; aged 75 years. By request no flowers.
BRYAN, Jane Elizabeth (Jane Elizabeth BRYAN; Miss BRYAN; Mrs. Alfred MONK)
Musician, soprano vocalist, pupil of Cesare Cutolo
Born Sydney, NSW, 23 October 1839; baptised St. Philip's church, Sydney, NSW, 13 February 1840; daughter of James BRYAN (d. 1880) and Sylvia HARDING (d. 1882)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 17 August 1847 (per Phantom, from Sydney)
Married Alfred MONK (1833-1873), Adelaide, SA, 21 January 1864
Died Adelaide, SA, 15 November 1910, aged "68/69" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. Philip, Sydney, 1840; Australia, births and baptisms database (PAYWALL)
13 February 1840 / born 23 October 1839 / Jane Elizabeth / daughter of James and Sylvia / Bryan
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVED", South Australian [Adelaide, SA] (20 August 1847), 2
August 17. - The brig "Phantom," 200 tons, Fox, from Sydney. Passengers . . . James Bryan, wife, and two children.
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (10 June 1859), 1
SIGNOR CUTOLO'S CONCERT will take place on WEDNESDAY EVENING next, the 15th inst., under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor in-Chief and many Ladies and Gentlemen, when he will he assisted by Miss ROWE, Miss HORNE, Miss BRYEN, Mr. DANIELS, and Mr. CHRISTEN . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (pianist); Louisa Jane Rowe (vocalist); Annette Elisa Horn (harp); Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist); Hugo John Christen (vocalist)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (13 June 1859), 1
PART I . . . 2. Trio - "Desolate is the Dwelling" - Callcott . . .
PART II . . . 2. Song - "Bright Things can never Die" Miss Bryan - Rimbault . . .
5. Quartett - "First Spring Day," - Mendelssohn . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
MUSIC: Bright things can never die (music by Edward Francis Rimbault)
"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (16 June 1859), 3
On Wednesday evening last Signor Cutolo gave a grand concert at White's Rooms. Notwithstanding the threatening state of the weather, a numerous and highly respectable audience assembled . . . A more thoroughly excellent concert, taken as a whole, has seldom been given in Adelaide. The music was well varied, some of it decidedly popular, and the remainder of a highly classical taste . . . We have to express our obligations to Signor Cutolo for having introduced to our notice Miss Bryan, a young lady who promises to be a great accession to the musical resources of South Australia. Possessed of a voice of great richness and of considerable power, and singing with a distinct enunciation, considerable management of voice, and great expression, she won the good favour of her audience even in the trio in which she first presented herself; while in the song "Bright things can never die" she was listened to with rapt attention, and at its termination was rewarded with a perfect furor of applause. The prolonged indications of approval brought her forward again in a song of plaintive sweetness, which she rendered with great delicacy and effect. We shall be much surprised if, with due culture, there be not before her, should she desire it, a musical career of no medium character . . .
"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S CONCERT", The South Australian Advertiser (16 June 1859), 2
. . . The piece which followed was a trio - "Desolate is the dwelling of Norma"- by Miss Rowe, Mr. Daniel, and Miss Bryan; the latter an amateur vocalist, and this her first appearance in public. The performance of this piece was loudly encored. Miss Bryan displayed some excellent and accurate tones of voice, as well as a degree of animation which indicated proficiency in her part and taste in its delivery. A solo on the harp by Miss Horn, selected from Meyerbeer, followed. Miss Bryan then sung "Bright things can never die." Throughout both of these songs she developed tones of voice and an animation in her delivery which took the spectators quite by surprise. She was interrupted several times by the applause of the audience, and was enthusiastically called upon for an encore, when she substituted "I do not ask," which was rendered in an unexceptionable manner and with great feeling. We venture to state that for volume of tone and expression in delivery this young lady has not her equal in the colony . . . A quartette followed by Misses Rowe and Bryan, and Messrs. Daniel and Christen. The harmony was very well preserved, and the beautiful cadence at the close excellently rendered. The audience impatiently demanded an encore, and the piece was repeated. The only fault which it seemed to possess was, that it was much too short . . .
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (7 November 1859), 1
Tuesday, November 8, 1859, under the patronage of the South Australian Volunteers,
assisted by Mrs. Perryman, Miss Rowe, Miss Bryan (second appearance), Mr. Daniel, Mr. Christen, and will introduce, for the first time, Mr. Hermann Oelmann (tenor).
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 2. "The Song of Australia" (Carleton), Composed by Signor Cutolo - Miss Bryan.
3. Glee - "Gallant and Gaily" (Horsley) . . .
6. Quartett - "Awake, the Starry Midnight Hour" (Mendelssohn) . . .
PART II. 1. Quintett - "Spirits Advance" (Sir H. R. Bishop.)
2. "I Breathe Once More my Native Air" (R. F. Harvey) - Miss Bryan.
3. Duet - "Hearts and Homes" (J. Blockley) - Miss Rowe and Miss Bryan.
4. Glee - "Sleep, Gentle Lady" (Sir H. R. . Bishop) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Peryman (vocalist); Hermann Oelmann (vocalist)
MUSIC: I breathe once more my native air (music by R. F. Harvey); Hearts and homes (Blockley)
"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S CONCERT", The South Australian Advertiser (9 November 1859), 2
This entertainment took place in White's Rooms, on Tuesday evening, according to announcement, a very numerous and respectable company being present . . . Miss Rowe sang with her accustomed sweetness, and Mrs. Perryman was most favorably and deservedly welcomed . . . The star of the evening was, however, Miss Bryan, who has only once previously appeared before an Adelaide audience. She has a voice at once clear, powerful, and melodious; and her performances were enthusiastically encored . . . The "Song of Australia," by Mrs. Carleton, had been originally advertised, but for some reason or other was withdrawn from the programme; it was, however, demanded by the audience, and Miss Bryan sang it most sweetly, being rewarded (or punished) with an encore. The tune set to these words was much admired, but it is not altogether original, being familiar to us under the designation of "Shells of the Ocean" as far as our memory serves us . . .
MUSIC: Cutolo's setting of the 1859 Gawler Prize poem, "The song of Australia"; the music does not survive, though this reviewer heard similarities to Shells of the ocean (song by J. W. Cherry)
"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (9 November 1859), 3
. . . We may here mention that Signor Cutolo, having set the prize "Song of Australia" to music, it was included in the programme, with Miss Bryan's name to it as the vocalist who was to have sung it. But the Committee of the Gawler Institute having claimed the copyright to the song, the Signor, on their remonstrating with him, had struck it out from the programme, and, as we are informed, had also given a written guarantee that it should not be sung. The audience, however, many of whom had probably purchased their tickets on account of the prize poem being included in the programme, and who were also uninformed of the reason of its omission, raised a general demand for its performance. This of course placed the Signor in a dilemma, but the audience were importunate, and the song was sung, encored, and repeated. In all probability, however, this will only increase the desire of the public to hear the composition of Herr Linger, to whom the prize was awarded. The extent of this notice precludes our referring to several pieces we had marked for that purpose as deserving special commendation. Miss Bryan was received with very great applause. Her fine and powerful voice rang joyously through the hall on each occasion or her appearance before the audience . . . The entertainment was concluded with "The Song of the Volunteers," written by Mr. Smith, Inspector of Schools, and composed by Signor Cutolo. Miss Rowe presided at the piano: the air was sung alternately to the several verses by the Signor, Miss Bryan, Mr. Daniel, and Mrs. Peryman. In the chorus the whole strength of the company united, including several gentlemen who had kindly volunteered their services. The song is remarkable for its fire and spirit, and drew down a complete furor of applause. The last verse was repeated in full chorus. The concert was over before 11 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Linger (composer, winner of the Gawler music prize); and see his setting of the prize poem, The song of Australia (Linger)
MUSIC: Song of the volunteers (Cutolo)
"SOUTH AUSTRALIA (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Adelaide, November 26", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (30 November 1859), 3
. . . I am afraid, if you judge of our riflemen's ardour by their song, you will have a poor opinion of our volunteers. The song of the volunteers is some degrees worse than the song of Australia. Signor Cutolo, however, set it to good music; and Miss Bryan, our most promising Adelaide singer, assisted by other better known vocalists, gave it every justice. Signor Cutolo, though not the winner of the prize for the music of the patriotic song, has succeeded in giving his set the first chance for popular favour, having got Miss Bryan to sing it, married to his own air, at his concert lately, and as the words are not of much consequence on a first hearing, and as it was excellently well sung, there was great applause from the audience. Herr Linger's air has not yet been given to the public; he sent in three, forming no inconsiderable proportion of those competing pieces of music . . .
"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S FAREWELL CONCERT", South Australian Register (5 December 1859), 3
. . . He takes leave of his South Australian friends on Thursday next, when, he will give a grand concert in White's Room, which is likely, from what we hear, to be filled with the beauty and fashion of the province. Signor Cutolo will himself perform several of his favourite pieces, and the evening will be enlivened by the vocal contributions of Mr. Christen, Mrs. Perryman, and the Signor's talented young pupil, Miss Bryan . . .
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (8 December 1859), 1
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 4. Bird Duet, Mrs. Perryman and Miss Bryan - Braham
5. "Volunteers' Song," (four verses only, will be sung by all the Performers) - Cutolo . . .
PART II . . . 2. "The Welcome," Miss Bryan - F. N. Crouch . . .
4. "The Friar of Orders Gray." Mrs. Perryman, Miss Bryan, and Mr. Christen - Callcott . . .
MUSIC: The celebrated Bird duett (Braham); The welcome (Aileen Aroon) (F. N. Crouch)
"SIGNOR CUTOLO", The South Australian Advertiser (9 December 1859), 3
This eminent professor gave his grand farewell concert on Thursday evening, November 8th, in White's Room. The capacious room was crowded nearly up to the doors shortly after they were opened; and with few exceptions all the leading ladies and gentlemen of Adelaide attended, and their enthusiastic manifestations of approval of his performances must have afforded to the talented Signor unmistakeable evidence that his abilities were properly appreciated . . . "Love's Serenade," by the Signor . . . was followed by the "Bird Duett" by Mrs. Perryman and Miss Bryan, which was encored. Then came the "Volunteers' Song," not by the whole company as announced in the programme, but three verses of it were executed by Mrs. Perryman and Miss Bryan; the first verse sung by Miss Bryan, the second by Mrs. Perryman, and the third as a duett by both ladies. From the applause which followed it seemed the audience did not at all regret the alteration . . . The next air, better known as "Aileen Aroon," than "The Welcome" was sung by Miss Bryan with great taste and feeling, and was encored. This young lady has much improved since her debut, and we think she may now congratulate herself on having reached the decided point of success. The range of her voice is pure, clear, and resonant . . . "The Friar of Orders Grey" was fiven by Mrs. Perryman, Miss Bryan, and Mr. Christen. Christen's splendid organ voice told with wonderful effect . . .
"MR. R. B. WHITE'S CONCERT", Adelaide Observer (3 March 1860), 2 supplement
On Wednesday evening Mr. R. B. White gave a concert of miscellaneous music, under the patronage of His Excellency, in White's Assembly Room. The attendance was not very great. Our talented and accomplished young townsman was assisted by Miss Bryan, Miss Tozer (sister of Mrs. Peryman), Miss Polhill, Mr. Christen, and Mr. Schrader, each of whom fully sustained their previous reputation . . . In Braham's Bird Duet, the voices of Miss Bryan and Miss Tozer blended most harmoniously together . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Baxter White (violinist, pianist); Elizabeth Tozer (vocalist); Victoria Polhill (pianist); Heinrich Schrader (cornopean)
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE", The South Australian Advertiser (31 May 1860), 3
The quarterly soiree took place on the evening of Wednesday, May 30, in White's large room, which was densely crowded at the hour announced for the commencement of the performance . . . The entertainments of the evening commenced with a duet on the pianoforte, executed by Mr. White and a gentleman amateur, which was very successful. Miss Bryan then sung a ballad entitled "The Welcome," which was extremely well received, and an encore demanded, when another beautiful ballad was substituted. Both these songs, as delivered by Miss Bryan, displayed the powerful tones of her very fine voice, and were much applauded . . . After an interval the musical performances announced in the programme closed the entertainment, of which the ballad "Molly Asthore," by Miss Bryan, elicited a very warm encore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: South Australian Institute (association)
MUSIC: My Molly Asthore (Lavenu)
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (31 May 1860), 3
. . . Miss Bryan was next introduced, and proved herself in a beautiful song of Crouch's, "the Welcome," to be a most welcome addition to our lady vocalists. Sweet, clear, distinct in enunciation, possessed, and having a good control of her voice, she won the highest approbation bestowed during the whole evening, being encored in both the songs she sung, substituting in the first case "Bright things can never die," and in the second simply reproducing "Molly Asthore" . . .
"REVIEW", South Australian Register (3 July 1860), 3
. . . In addition . . . we have the pleasing task of reviewing two songs, the words by B. T. Finniss, Esq., and the music by Mrs. Murray - a lady whose musical capabilities have often been judged of and appreciated by the South Australian public . . . The [second] song, "Canst Thou not Read the Mute Appeal," so far as words are concerned, is the inferior of the two . . . If it be inferior in words, and that we have said is a matter of taste only, the air and accompaniment are very superior, reminding one of Lindley's style, and being free from any accidental trenching upon things old and familiar. We believe this latter song will be a great favourite with the public, when it is brought out, as we hear it is to be, by Miss Bryan, at no very remote date. Both songs are well got up, and no doubt will both obtain a considerable circulation. They certainly show that with greater care in the words and greater practice in composing, we may have something still more worthy of the talent which belongs to this colony, and which doubtless inheres in the lady and gentleman to whom South Australia is indebted for these additions to its own musical productions.
ASSOCIATIONS: Boyle Travers Finniss (lyrics); Georgiana Murray (composer); no copy of the music has been identified; Cutolo also later published a setting of these words in Sydney in 1864 (likewise lost)
"Mr. R. W. KOHLER'S CONCERT", The South Australian Advertiser (17 October 1860), 2
Mr. R. W. Kohler gave his first concert a la Julienne [Jullien], at White's Rooms, last evening. The audience was a most numerous one, and comprised His Excellency the Governor and Lady MacDonnell, the Hon. Sir J. H. Fisher, the Lord Bishop of Adelaide, many of the members of the Ministry and both Houses of Parliament, besides a large majority of the elite of the city . . . Miss Bryan then appeared and sang "Jock o' Hazeldean" with much sweetness. This lady has a most excellent soprano voice, which was exhibited to perfection in this effort, although she was evidently suffering under a slight nervousness at the commencement; that however wore off as she proceeded; and ere the close of the song she had fully gained her self-possession. She was loudly applauded, and vociferously encored, when she again appeared, and gave "The harp that once in Tara's halls." In this she was equally successful, and retired amidst most tumultuous plaudits . . . Miss Bryan sang "Mary of Argyle" very successfully; she also gave "Flow on thou Shining River," and in both instances was loudly applauded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician); Richard and Blanche Macdonnell (governor and wife, patrons)
MUSIC: Mary of Argyle (music by Sidney Nelson); Flow on thou shining river (Moore and Stevenson)
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE", The South Australian Advertiser (23 October 1860), 3
The usual Quarterly Soiree of the above Institute was held last evening at White's Rooms. The room was crowded on the occasion almost to suffocation, not a single space of standing room even being available, and numerous parties having to leave disappointed of access. His Excellency the Governor arrived at 8 o'clock precisely, and found considerable difficulty in reaching the presidential chair appointed for him. The programme, which was of a very inviting character, was then at once entered upon by Mr. Kohler performing the Cornet solo, "The Exile's Lament," and introducing some very beautiful echoes. Then followed the Irish melody (Moore) "Love's Young Dream," by Miss Bryan, which was warmly encored . . . Miss Bryan again came forward and sang "The Captive Greek Girl" with much effect . . . Miss Ryan again appeared and sung "Sunshine and cloud" . . . The performance concluded with the "National Anthem" by the company.
MUSIC: Love's young dream (Moore and Stevenson); Song of the captive Greek girl (J. W. Hobbs)
"MR. R. W. KOHLER'S CONCERT", The South Australian Advertiser (25 October 1860), 2
Mr. R. W. Kohler gave his farewell concert at White's Rooms last evening. There was not so numerous an attendance as on previous occasions, but this was possibly the effect of the Stuart demonstration . . . Miss Bryan then appeared and sang "When the Swallows Homeward Fly" with much sweetness, eliciting a warm encore . . .
MUSIC: When the swallows homeward fly (by Franz Abt)
"GAWLER [From our own Correspondent] October 31", The South Australian Advertiser (1 November 1860), 2
The interesting and fashionable event, the annual Masonic ball of the Gawler Lodge of Fidelity, took place on Tuesday evening, 30th inst., in the hall over the Institute, which was were fitted up for the occasion . . . At half-past 9 p.m. the enlivening strains of Schrader's band called the votaries of Terpsichore to the dance . . . When the programme was half gone through an interval intervened of half an hour for the musicians to refresh themselves. Now I should say the enjoyment of the proceedings were heightened by several songs, sweetly and powerfully sung by Miss Bryan, some of which were encored . . .
"MR. C. H. COMPTON'S CONCERT", The South Australian Advertiser (22 December 1860), 3
On Friday evening Mr. C. H. Compton gave his second concert, at White's Rooms. We are sorry to have to state that it was most miserably attended. The programme could scarcely have been more inviting, and was well carried out. The first part commenced with a solo on the pianoforte, "The Blue Bells of Scotland" (Wallace), which was played by Mr. Compton. Miss Bryan then appeared and gave, with her usual sweetness, "The Fairy Tempter" (Lover). A "Concerto" on the violin (De Beriot) was then played by Mr. White in the most skilful manner . . . A beautiful duet, "Brief are life's pleasures" (Se m'ami anchor "Trovatore"), was then sung by Miss Bryan and Mr. Compton. This concluded the first part of the entertainment . . . That charming duet, "What are the Wild Waves Saying" (Glover), was then sung most exquisitely by Miss Bryan and Mr. Compton . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Compton (pianist, vocalist)
MUSIC: The fairy tempter (Samuel Lover); What are the wild waves saying (Stephen Glover)
"WHITE'S ROOMS", South Australian Register (22 December 1860), 3
Mr. Compton assisted by Miss Bryan and Mr. R. B. White, gave a concert last night at White's Rooms. The attendance, however, was unfortunately small, though this did not prevent the entertainment going off with spirit, especially the second part of it, every piece of which the audiencs for some reason were determined to encore and re encore. However, there have been worse singers here than Mr. Compton, and perhaps at some future time he may succeed in drawing larger houses than he has had the luck to do on this occasion. Mr. White acquitted himself excellently on the violin, and Miss Bryan was loudly applauded in all her songs.
NOTE: This was Miss Bryan's last reported appearance as a public singer
"MARRIAGES", South Australian Register (26 January 1864), 2
MONK - BRYAN. - On the 21st January, at the Unitarian Christian Church, Wakefield-street, by the Rev. J. C. Woods, B.A., Jane Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. James Bryan, North-terrace, Adelaide, to Mr. Alfred Monk, of Pandappa.
"DEATHS", The Advertiser (16 November 1910), 10
MONK. - On the 15th November, at the residence of her son, Mr. Charles Alfred Monk, Regent-street, Millswood, Jane Elizabeth, widow of the late Alfred Monk, of Woodville, in her 69th year.
"TIVOLI REMINISCENCES", Observer (15 January 1916), 33
. . . The old South Australian Institute, whose library was then in Neales's Buildings, King William-street, held its quarterly soiree in White's Rooms, and the services of the best artists were always obtained. Miss Tozer, afterwards Mrs. Perryman, Miss Chalker, Miss Rowe, and Miss Bryan (afterwards Mrs. Monk) were among those who appeared . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Chalker (vocalist)
"TALES OUT OF SCHOOL By an Old Scholar. No. VI (and last)", Observer (12 December 1914), 48
. . . The removal of the Mechanics' Institute from Gresham Chambers, King William street, on January 29, 1861, to the building on North terrace now occupied by the Circulating library, marked a literary epoch in the history of South Australia . . . The caretaker, Mr. James Bryan, lived on the premises with his family. He had been a Chartist in the forties in the old country, and in his genial, fluent way he often recounted some of the exciting incidents in his career. He lived long enough to see many of the rights claimed by his party conceded to it. He introduced concrete building here, and now some of his dwellings are as hard as granite. He subsequently went to Strathalbyn, where be started a brewery, and did very well . . . One of his daughters was a pupil of Signor Cutilo and became a leading singer in Adelaide. She married Mr. Alfred Monk, who was at that time a sub-overseer at Pandappa Station, of which Mr. Peter Waite was manager. Her eldest son, Mr. Frank Monk, of The Register Office, is proud of the distinction of having been born in the Institute Buildings. Mr. Bryan's two sons, long since deceased, were chessplayers, and were regular attendants at the chessroom . . .
As early as 1851 the Unitarians of South Australia resolved upon the formation of a congregation in Adelaide. In 1855 their first minister, the Rev. John Crawford Woods, B.A., arrived from England . . . Less than two years after the first celebration of public worship, the church building was completed . . . The opening services were held on July 5, 1857 . . . Miss J. E. Bryan (afterwards Mrs. Alfred Monk), one of Adelaide's leading sopranos, was one of the first church members and choristers, and retained her membership until the time of her death . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Crawford Woods (Unitarian cleric)
Actor, manager
Born c. 1829
Active Bendigo district, VIC, by 1859
Died Melbourne, VIC, 29 January 1909, aged "80" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (23 April 1859), 1
First Appearance of MR. F. W. CONNA, (Late of the SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS,)
MR. GILBERT, The Celebrated Comic Vocalist, the only rival to THATCHER,
MR. DONNITHORNE, The favorite Basso,
And SIDNEY CHAMBERS, The Unrivalled Juvenile Dancer.
Pianist - Mr. Livingstone. Piccolo - Mr. Evans.
Musical Director - Mr. F. W. Conna.
Manager - Mr. John Bryan.
ASSOCIATIONS: F. W. Conna (vocalist, musical director); Michael Donnithorne (vocalist); Sydney Chambers (dancer); Alexander Livingstone (pianist)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (1 April 1865), 2
MISS HARRIET GORDON, (Pupil of Thalberg),
Doors open at Half-past Seven. The Entertainment will commence precisely at Eight. PIT - ONE SHILLING.
JOHN BRYAN, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Gordon (vocalist, pianist); Lancashire Bellringers (troupe)
"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (19 June 1907), 3
. . . A letter from a gentleman who has before favored me, is both interesting and gratifying: - ". . . In your last publication you mention John Bryan, and wonder what has become of him. He is still alive, but so wofully thin that he is scarcely recognisable. He is, or was, keeping a board ing-house in Fitzroy up till lately . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed")
"Entertainments", Weekly Times [Melbourne, VIC] (6 February 1909), 2
Mr. John Bryan, a prominent figure in the theatrical world 30 years ago, died in the Austin Hospital on January 29, at the age of SO years. He was manager of the Old Princess Theatre before the building was taken over by Messrs. Williamson, Garner and Musgrove. Physically, Mr. Bryan was a remarkable man. He turned the scale at about 28 stone, and was in fact by his great weight, precluded from attaining success on the stage. Whenever a special part could he got for him, however, he filled it with distinction.
Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue);
see also "AN OLD STAGE IDENTITY", Leader (6 February 1909), 2
BRYAN, Thomas (Thomas BRYAN; Sergeant BRYAN)
Musician, bandsman, Band of the 96th Regiment, bandmaster, composer
Born St. John's Well, Kilkenny, Ireland, 1820
Enlisted 96th Regiment, Glasgow, Scotland, 20 July 1836 (aged "16")
Arrived (1) (with 96th regiment) Sydney, NSW, 22 September 1841 (per Asia, via Hobart Town)
Arrived Launceston, VDL (TAS) (1), 23 January 1843 (per Pachet, from Sydney)
Married Deborah PHILLIPS (d. 1890), York Street chapel (Baptist), Launceston, VDL (TAS), 11 May 1846
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 27 August 1846 (per Raven, from Launceston)
Arrived Launceston (2), 23 July 1848 (per Elizabeth and Henry, from Hobart Town)
Departed Launceston, (VDL) TAS, 6 February 1849 (per General Hewit, for India)
Discharged (96th Regiment), Manchester, England, 11 October 1859
Arrived (2) Fremantle, WA, 27 May 1863 (as pensioner guard per Clyde)
Arrived Launceston, TAS, 1879
Died Launceston, TAS, 16 February 1896, aged "76" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
BRYAN, Thomas (junior) [sic] ([Thomas] John Joseph BRYAN; Thomas BRYAN)
Musician, bandmaster
Born Lahore, Bengal, India, 24 June 1852; baptised Lahore, 24 August 1852; son of Thomas BRYAN and Deborah PHILLIPS
Arrived Fremantle, WA, 27 May 1863 (with father)
Died Melbourne, VIC, 10 May 1901, aged "49" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Pay-list of the 96th Regiment, from 1 April to 30 June 1842 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
Privates . . . 1046 / Bryan Thomas / Band . . .
1846, births in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1107020; RGD33/1/23/ no 1230 (DIGITISED)
No. 1230 / 2 May [1846] / Rebecca / Female / [daughter of] Thomas Bryan / Deborah Phillips / Bandsman 96 Reg't / [informant] Caroline Barnett, Wellington Street Infirmary / [date registered] 8 May
ASSOCIATIONS: The child died on 22 May 1846, see:
1846, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:834089; RGD37/1/5 no 428 (DIGITISED)
No. 73 / 428 / 11th May 1846 / Thomas Bryant / 25 / Bandsman 96th Regt. /
Deborah Phillips / 19 / Spinster / Married in York Street Chapel Launceston . . . by H. Dowling minister . . .
Discharge, Thomas Bryan, 22 September 1859; UK National Archives, WO97/1667/56 (PAYWALL)
HER MAJESTY'S 96th REGT. OF Foot . . . Manchester 22d September 1859 . . .
Discharge of No. 1046 Thomas Bryan Serjeant . . . by Trade a Laborer was BORN in the Parish of St. John's Well . . .
Kilkenny and was ATTESTED for the 96th Regiment of Foot at Glasgow in the County of Lanark on the 21 July 1836 at the age of Sixteen Years . . .
. . . SERVICE up to this day . . . 21 years and 83 days [sic] . . . during which period, he served Abroad 14 years 1 month, viz: -
in Australia, 7 years 5 months / in East Indies 5 years 10 months / at Gibraltar 1O months . . .
DISCHARGE is proposed in consequence of his own request upon the completion prescribed . . .
CHARACTER AND CONDUCT . . . very good . . .
Private / 2 July 1836 / Under Age
Private / 2 July 1838 / [of age] 12 years 242 days
Corporal / 1 March 1851 / 1 year 361 days
Serjeant / 25 Feb'y 1853 / 4 years 35 days
Serjeant / 1 April 1857 / to 22 Sept'r 1859 / 2 years 175 days
Further service from 23 Sept'r to the 11 October when finally discharged - 19 days
"FREMANTLE (From our own Correspondent)", The Perth Gazette and West Australian Times [WA] (24 February 1865), 2-3
The volunteer band were to have turned out on Monday afternoon, but owing to the lamented death which I record elsewhere,
the performance was postponed until Wednesday, when the following Programme was gone through with much credit.
Better late than never, we are told; and this gratifying of what I may almost call a right of the Public was evidently fully appreciated by the many listeners.
Grand Slow March - Cattle.
Polka, Wait for the Waggon - Bellark.
Quadrille, Edinburgh - D'Albert.
Schottische - Gungle. [3]
Quick step, Cottage by the Sea - Bryan (Bandmaster F.R.V.)
Polka, Ladies' - D'Albert.
Galop - Tamplin.
God save the Queen.
"LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS", The Inquirer and Commercial News [Perth, WA] (4 October 1865), 3
A Fremantle correspondent says: - Sergeant Bryan, late Band Master of the Fremantle Volunteers, has been transferred on duty to Perth, and his vacancy filled by the appointment of Mr. Dean . . .
"AMATEUR THEATRICALS", The Inquirer & Commercial News (5 September 1866), 2
On Wednesday and Thursday evenings last the members of the Perth Amateur Dramatic Corps succeeded in accomplishing one of the most successful performances that have ever come off at the Mechanics' Hall . . . The Band, under the leadership of Bandmaster Bryan, played some excellent selections of music, and gave general satisfaction . . .
"PERTH BAND", The Inquirer & Commercial News (10 October 1866), 3
The lovers of music will be glad to hear that the City Band will probably commence their performances for the season in the Public Garden on Monday next. The bandmaster, Sergeant Bryan, has taken great pains in training the younger members of the Band, and a marked improvement in their performances has been the result; but as there is still a want of music and musical instruments, efficiency cannot be expected to be attained. Surely a subscription might be set on foot for the purchase of the music and instruments required.
[News], The Perth Gazette (8 January 1869), 2
THE M.R.V. Band will perform in the Public Garden this (Friday) evening at 8 p.m.:
1 March - La Fille du Regiment - Riviere
2 Quadrilles - L'Ours Noir - Nehr
3 Selection - Norma - Bellini
Waltz - Woodland Whispers - arranged by Bryan
Glee - Mynheen Van Wan Dunk [sic] - Sir H. Bishop
6 Galop - Prince Imperial - Coote
God save the Queen.
T. BRYAN, Band-master.
"DEPARTURE OF BANDMASTER BRYAN", The Inquirer and Commercial News (9 April 1879), 3
The Perth Volunteers must feel that they have lost a zealous member of their force in the departure of Bandmaster Sergeant Thos. Bryan, late of the 96th Foot, who came to this colony in 1863, but had previously been, rising through all the grades, Band Sergeant of his regiment, after that to the South Rifle Militia, and the 21st Lancashire Artillery Volunteers. As Sergeant-Major of the guard in charge of a consignment of convicts to this colony in the ship Clyde, he maintained discipline and received a gratuity and the thanks of the superior officers. He, on arrival here, was appointed Bandmaster of the Fremantle Volunteers. This post he held for two years, and since 1865 he was in charge of the Band of the Metropolitan Rifle Corps. On full parade he received three hearty cheers from his comrades and an acknowledgment of his services from Captain Hillman, in command. His son, Mr. Thos. Bryan, has been appointed Bandmaster to the Volunteers in his place, and promoted to sergeant. With his recognised musical talent we anticipate that he will be a worthy representative of his father in the same capacity. In military music a great deal depends on force and time. In selections from operas more expression is required, and the blending of these important features will no doubt be understood and acted on in the same spirit which marked the care the former leader of our Military Band took as in the case of the leader of the Band who has succeeded him.
"BANDMASTER BRYAN", The Inquirer and Commercial News [Perth, WA] (25 June 1879), 3
News came by yesterday's mail from Tasmania, that the old popular leader of the Metropolitan Bine Volunteer Band - Sergeant Bryan - had received the appointment of Master of St. Joseph's Band, Launceston; some of the members of which were, strange to say, his pupils when he formerly resided in that colony, many years ago.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Joseph's Band (Launceston)
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner [TAS] (9 August 1879), 3
INSTRUCTIONS on Military Band Instruments, by Mr. T. Bryan,
late Band Sergeant of Her Majesty's 96th Regiment, and 21st Lancashire Artillery Volunteers,
and for the last 10 years conductor of the Metropolitan Rifle Volunteer Band,
at Vice-regal entertainments in Western Australia, under the last four Governors,
begs to intimate that, having been appointed Conductor of St. Joseph's Band,
is now prepared to receive pupils for instruction on the above instruments.
Mr. T. Bryan has had 35 years' experience in the service, and holds the highest testimonials, including one from His Excellency Governor Weld, Esq.
Corner Howick and Balfour streets.
"MUSICAL", Launceston Examiner (9 August 1879), 2
Mr. T. Bryan, conductor of St. Joseph's band, announces in another column that he is now prepared to receive pupils for instruction on military band instruments.
"THE FLOWER SHOW", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (10 February 1880), 2
The St. Joseph's Band will perform at the Horticultural Show in the Public Park this evening, when they will play the following selections:-
Slow march, Brazillian, Brepsant; quadrille, Royal Danish, Riviere;
waltz, Dream on the Ocean, Gung1; polka, Promenade, Day;
march, Excelsior, Kuhner; schottische, Dewsbury, Bryan;
waltz, Marie, Farmer; Galop, Neck and Neck, Godfrey; God Save the Queen.
"MARRIAGES", Launceston Examiner (10 April 1883), 1
BRYAN - FORBES - On 3rd April, at the Church be the Apostles, Launceston, by the Very Rev. Dean Beechinor, Thomas William, third surviving son of Mr. T. Bryan, late Band Sergt. H. M. 96th Regt., to Ellen, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Andrew Forbes.
"PRESENTATION", Launceston Examiner (3 May 1883), 2
Last evening the members of St. Joseph's Band presented Mr. T. Bryan, their late band-master, with a baton, as a token of their appreciation of his services. The Band have secured the services of Mr. G. Harrison, lately hand-master of the St. Arnaud Band, Victoria, to fill the position vacated by Mr. Bryan.
See also "PROMENDADE CONCERT", Tasmanian News (11 July 1885), 2
"DEATHS", Daily Telegraph [Launceston, TAS] (17 February 1896), 2
BRYAN. - On the 16th inst., at Launceston, Thomas Bryan, late band sergeant of H.M. 96th Regiment, in his 76th year. R.I.P.
"OBITUARY", Launceston Examiner (17 February 1896), 4-5
Mr. Thomas Bryan, a well known messenger at the Government offices, died at the General Hospital yesterday, aged 76. About six weeks ago the deceased was seized with a fit and fell at the corner of George and Patterson streets, the result of the occurrence being a fractured skull. He was taken to the hospital, where he got a little better, but the injury to his head was too severe for one of his years to recover from, and he died as stated above. [5] Mr. Bryan was born at St. John's Wells, County Kilkenny, Ireland, and early in life showed a capacity for music. He entered the army as a bandsman at a very early age and served for 21 years, having had the honour of playing at her Majesty's coronation. He received his certificate for good conduct for a period of 21 years, and never had a single mark against him. He passed through various positions honourably in England and Ireland, and in 1840 came out to Sydney. In 1841 he came to Tasmania, where he married Miss Deborah Phillips, daughter of the late Mr. Moses Phillips, of Launceston. In 1848 he left Launceston for India, for the purpose of serving in the Indian Mutiny in the 96th Regiment (infantry). Returning to England after the close of the campaign in 1856 he again visited Ireland, where he remained until 1860 as bandmaster of the Louth Militia Band. In 1868 he returned to the colonies, and was bandmaster of the Fremantle (W. A.) Band until 1865; thence he went to Perth (W. A.) and remained till 1879. In that year he came to Launceston and accepted the position of bandmaster to St. Joseph's Band. Leaving that musical institution he took command of the Tradesman's Band now defunct. He was appointed caretaker of the Public Buildings in 1879, and filled that position with credit to himself until the time of his accident. The deceased leaves a family of six sons and four daughters. He was a clever musician, and throughout his career in Tasmania he justified the good credentials which he brought from the Imperial authorities. He was quiet and courteous in manner, and was greatly respected.
"THE LATE MR. T. BRYAN SENR. DEATH AT LAUNCESTON", The Daily News [Perth, WA] (2 May 1896), 2
From a recent issue of a Launceston (Tasmanian) paper we take the following obituary notice: -
- Obituary. - Mr. Thomas Bryan, well-known at the Government offices, died at the General Hospital yesterday, aged 76 . . .
Mr. Bryan was born at John's Well, County Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1819 [sic].
As a youth he joined the band of the regiment in which his father was serving, 96th (Col. Cairncross), at Manchester, 1836.
In this year the regiment was also stationed at Enniskillen Ireland, and took part in the Queen's Coronation ceremonies.
In 1841 the 96th was ordered to the colonies, and formed the guard of no less than eleven prison transports which subsequently anchored in Sydney Harbor.
During his stay in Sydney, the deceased became a personal friend of Vincent Wallace, the composer of "Maritana."
After spending a few years in Sydney, the head-quarters of the regiment which (included the band), it was transferred to Hobart, Tasmania,
during the Governorship of Sir John Franklin, the Arctic Explorer.
Again transferred to Launceston, he there married Deborah, daughter of the late Mr. Moses Phillips.
In 1848, the regiment (a company of which, it will be remembered by many old colonists,
was on detachment in this colony [WA] under Major Bush) was ordered to India.
After serving a few years in India, during which the deceased became acquainted with Nana Sahib, the originator, subsequently, of the great Indian Mutiny,
the regiment volunteered for the Crimean War, but on the arrival of the transport in the Channel, the intimation was received that peace between England and Russia had been proclaimed.
The regiment was sent on to Dublin, and here, in 1856, in the Royal Barracks, he was presented with the medal for long service and good conduct,
having at this time attained the rank of Band-Sergeant - this record showing that he never had a mark made against him.
In Dublin the 96th Band, under Signor Tampilini [Tamplini], took part in the celebrated concerts promoted by Mons. Jullien, at the Rotunda, to celebrate the Crimean peace.
In 1858 Mr. Bryan severed his and a long family connection with the 96th, and joined as Band-Sergeant the band of South Rifles, a militia regiment, which forms the 4th Battalion of the Royal Irish Rifles.
On the disembodying of the militia, he, together with the band (Bandmaster, Mr. Geo. Miller),
was engaged to form the band of a proposed Dublin volunteer corps, but Lord Palmerston vetoed the movement.
Later Mr. Bryan was appointed Band-Sergeant to the 21st Lancashire Artillery Volunteers, Preston, Colonel Birchall commanding the corps.
In Preston, Mr. Bryan was a member of the choral union, and as trombonist played at several concerts conducted by the late Sir Charles Halle.
In 1863, Mr. Bryan arrived in this colony in charge of the Fremantle Volunteer Band, and from 1865 to 1879 was in charge of the Metropolitan Rifle Band.
In this year he left for Melbourne, and after meeting with an aged mother and family, left again shortly for Launceston,
and accepted the position of bandmaster to St. Joseph's Band. Leaving that institution he took command of the Tradesman's Band, now defunct . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: The extra details as printed in Perth were perhaps added to the Launceston obituary by Thomas junior; however, Bryan can't have met William Vincent Wallace in Sydney, as he left Australia in 1838, but may well have known his brother Spencer Wellington Wallace, and/or father Spencer Wallace, both musicians; Giorgio Tamplini (bandmaster);
"DEATHS", The West Australian (5 June 1901), 4
BRYAN. - On May 10, at Flemington, Victoria, Lieutenant T. Bryan, bandmaster Headquarters Band, Western Australia, eldest son of the late T. Bryan, band-sergeant H.M. 96th (Manchester) Regiment, and for many years bandmaster of the M.R.V. Band, Perth, aged 49 years. May he rest in peace.
BRYANT, Master (Master BRYANT)
Musician, juvenile alto vocalist
Active Melbourne, VIC, by September 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (21 September 1864), 2
The Philharmonic Society's third concert which was given last night in the Exhibition Building, was a decided success. The programme was pleasingly varied . . . "The Easter Morning," by the Chevalier Neukomm, is a novelty with the Victorian public, and is so varied and melodious a composition, that it cannot fail to secure the position of a favourite. The opening chorale, followed by Miss Hamilton's soprano solo received deserved applause. Mr. Exon, as usual, acquitted himself most creditably. The trio, "Round these death mounds" - Miss Hamilton, Miss Watson, and Master Bryant - is noticeable from the fact that this was the first occasion in which Master Bryant, a very promising alto, appeared in a prominent part . . . Mr. Horsley was the conductor and Mr. Goold presided at the organ . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Edwin Exon (vocalist); Bertha Watson (vocalist); Charles Edward Horsley (conductor); Thomas Green Goold (organist); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
BRYANT, Jerry (Jeremiah O'BRIEN; alias Jerry BRYANT)
Musician, minstrel serenader, bones, castanet and banjo player, dancer
Born Chesterfield, NY, USA, 11 June 1828; son of Timothy O'BRIEN and Margaret DUGGAN
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 23 October 1855 (per Audubon, from San Francisco, California, via Honolulu)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 5 April 1856 (per What Cheer, for California)
Died New York, NY, USA, 8 April 1861 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)'s_Minstrels (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
BRYANT, Neil (Cornelius O'BRIEN; alias Neil BRYANT)
Musician, minstrel serenader, accordion and flutina player, banjo player
Born Keesville, NY, USA, c. 1831; son of Timothy O'BRIEN and Margaret DUGGAN
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 September 1852 (per Speed, from San Francisco, 28 July)
? Departed (2) Newcastle, NSW, 22 June 1856 (per Swiss Boy, for San Francisco)
Married Gertrude E. RANSOM, 11 July 1859
Died Brooklyn, NY, 6 March 1902, aged "71/72" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)'s_Minstrels (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], New York Daily Herald (12 August 1845), 3 (PAYWALL)
MR. McCARTY has, at great expense, engaged . . .
MR. D. GARDNER . . . BILLY WHITLOCK, the great Locomotive [REDACTED] and accomplished Banjo Player . . .
OLD DAN EMMET, the celebrated Violinist and old Virginny [REDACTED] . . .
CHARLES WHITE, the unrivalled Accordionist and celebrated Negro performer.
MASTER JERRY BRYANT on the Castinetts and wonderful Negro Dancer . . .
USA census, 16 October 1850, Ward 11, no. 3260, New York, NY; United States Federal Census (PAYWALL)
Timothy O'Brien / 60 / Laborer / [born] Ireland // Marg't / 55 / - [born] Ireland
Patr'k / 26 / [born] NY // Wm / 33 / [born NY] //
Jeremiah / 22 / [born NY] // Cornelius / 19 / Ship Wright / [born] NY //
Dan'l / 17 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Webster O'Brien ("Dan Bryant", brother, 1833-1875)
Australia (Neil, from September 1852):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 September 1852), 2
September 19 - Speed, barque, 365 tons, Capt, Cannell from San Francisco the 28th July, In ballast. -
Passengers . . . Messrs. J. C. Rainer. J. P. Brower [sic], M. W. White, N. Bryant, G. M. Jones [sic], F. Moran, G. Labert [sic, ? Totten] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Cragin Rainer (leader); Thomas Palmer Brower (member); M. W. White (member); James Milton Foans (member); Frank Moran (minstrel); Elbert Totten (agent); Rainer's Serenaders (troupe)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 September 1852), 2
ROYAL HOTEL. FIRST GRAND CONCERT of Rainer's original Ethiopian Serenaders.
Messrs. Rainer, White, Brown [Brower], Bryant, Foams [Foans], and Moran, on
THURSDAY EVENING, September 23, at the Saloon of the Royal Hotel.
This company, the first to harmonise Negro Melodies, and originators of the present popular style of Ethiopian Entertainments,
and their success during the past ten years in the United States is without precedent in the annals of public amusement,
and who in their visit to England had the distinguished honour of appearing before her Majesty, Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and the Court,
respectfully announce to the musical public of Sydney that they will commence a series of their inimitable entertainments as above.
For programme see small bills. Cards of admission-front seats, 3s.; back seats, 2s.; to be had at the music sellers, and Royal Hotel.
Doors open at half past 7; concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
E. TOTTEN, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"RAINER'S SERENADERS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (6 November 1852), 2
The influenza, which is no respecter of persons, incapacitated this company from performing on Wednesday evening, and the time appointed for their departure from this city is now rapidly approaching. On Monday evening the entertainments are announced for the benefit of Mr. Bryant, the Accordeon professor, whose masterly performances on that elegant instrument have on every occasion elicited the most unqualified admiration. Each gentleman of the company will successively solicit a parting token of approbation from their Sydney friends, and we trust the same will be as heartily accorded as it is justly merited.
"RAINER'S SERENADERS", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (9 March 1853), 3
These sable performers gave their first concert at the Royal Victoria Theatre last evening, before a crowded audience, the extent of which may be guessed from the fact that at an early hour the pit and boxes were thronged, and it was with the greatest difficulty a seat could be obtained in the orchestra. The private boxes were also all filled by a numerous and fashionable company. The programme consisted of some choice instrumental overtures and solos, some elegant ballads and recherche operatic choruses, which, by these choice professors of the black art, were scientifically manipulated and vocalized. The company consists of Messrs. Rainer, (banjoist and musical dnector); White, (banjoist); Brower, (violinist); Bryant, (flutinist); Foans, (tamborist); and Moran with the castagnettes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue, also referred to as the Theatre Royal, as see below)
"BROTHER BRYANT'S BENEFIT", The Courier (5 April 1853), 2
Those who have heard the exquisite leading accompaniments of Mr. Bryant, the flutinist of the serenaders, during his brief sojourn in this city, will certainly respond to his appeal for public patronage at his benefit at the Theatre Royal to-morrow evening. He has introduced a new feature; his sable companions will appear for the first part of the programme in white faces, and sing the opening glee of the Mountain Wave, which will be succeeded by Ben Bolt, a quartette entitled "Jane O'Mally," and followed by one of his inimitable feats on the flutina. The succeeding parts of "the play" comprise a new overture, "The Hero's Quickstep," and several choice songs. Other varieties are introduced by desire, including "Would I were a boy again," a composition which is held, in deservedly high favour amongst all the admirers of vocal music. We should have wished that the pretty duet with White on the banjo had been repeated, as it is a complete triumph of instrumentation art, but have no doubt that if the request were duly forwarded it would be repeated to general satisfaction. The entertainments, which we would recommend our country friends to witness now they have come to town to see the races, as an appropriate wind-up of the day's sports, will conclude with Bones's Plantation Dance, the novelty of which will be sure to please them. There is also a concert this evening.
Names and descriptions of passengers per Cleopatra, from Melbourne, 6 June 1853, for Sydney; Public Record Officer Victoria (DIGITISED)
Cabin // Mr. Rainer / 27 // Mr. Foans / 29 // Mr. Bryant / 33 // Mr. White / 39 / Mr. Moran / 41 // Mr. Brower / 47
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (1 September 1853), 2
THIS EVENING, Thursday, September 1st, 1853. Benefit of MR. FRANK MORAN, alias Brudder Bones; and positively the Last Night.
Programme: Part 1 - Introductory Overture, Bryant and Company; Opening Chorus, The Floating Scow (first time), Company;
Dinah Blake (first time), Moran; Nelly was a lady (first time), Rainer;
Oh ! Lucy, wake (first time), White; Jenny Lane, (first time), Foans;
Silver Shining Moon, Brower; I'm off for Melbourne (first time), Moran;
The Lost Child (by request), White; Where is the spot, "Trio," White, Rainer, and Moran.
Part II - Solo, flutina, Bryant; Ballad (new), White; Solo, banjo, Moran;
Duet, Herr Rahm and J. M. Foans; Characteristic Trio, Brower, Moran, and White;
Solo, "Postillion," Herr Rahm.
After which, a new Farce, never acted here, entitled SKETCHES IN INDIA. Sir Matthew Scraggs, Mr. Rogers . . .
The Evening's Entertainments to conclude with the celebrated Negro Opera of NEGRO ASSURANCE.
Cuff, a boot black, Moran; Samuel Johnson, Esq., a master boot black, White;
Peter Williams, John Silsbee, Tom Lincoln, journeymen boot blacks, Brower, Rainer, Bryant;
Miss Dinah Rose, a very coquettish young lady, very pretty, very bustling, and fond of having two strings to her bow, J. M. Foans.
During the course of the Opera a Favourite Dance, Miss Dinah Rose; an Original Dance, in character, Moran.
The whole to conclude with the Virginia Reel, by all the characters.
Musical Director, Mr. J. C. Rainer. Cards of Admission - Boxes, 4s.; Upper Boxes, 3s.; Pit, 2s.; Gallery, 1s.
Boxes and tickets can be secured from 10 to 2 o'clock daily.
E. TOTTEN, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Veit Rahm (musician); George Herbert Rogers (actor, with the Victoria company); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (8 October 1853), 8
ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS, Corner of Stephen and Lonsdale-streets . . .
Most positively the Last Night of Rainer's celebrated Ethiopian Serenaders.
This Evening, SATURDAY, 8th October. Messrs. Rainer, White, Brower, Bryant, Foans, and Moran . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser [TAS] (18 July 1854), 2
TUESDAY EVENING July 18, Entire new Programme presented . . .
Solo - Flutina, with variations - BRYANT . . .
J. P. NASH, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: J. P. Nash (musician, manager, agent)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (17 February 1855), 3
Duet - Flutina and Guitar - Bryant and Nash . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (24 March 1855), 8
By kind Permission of his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor.
Saturday Evening, March 24th, 1855.
For the BENEFIT of Mr. M. W. WHITE of Rainer's Serenaders.
(A Card.) In consequence of Mr. White's severe affliction, Rainer's Serenaders have taken the liberty to appeal to the Melbourne Public on his behalf;
Mr. G. Lewis has, in the kindest manner, given the Beneficiare the use of his Amphitheatre,
with the whole Company, who have kindly volunteered and they have determined to excel themselves on the occasion . . .
Bolo, flutina - Operatic Gems - Bryant.
Solo, banjo - Moran.
Solo, violin - Mons. Fleury.
Ballad - Napoleon's Grave - Nash.
Characteristic Banjo Trio, by Brower, Nash, and Moran.
First night of "Louisianna Belle," by Foans . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violinist); George Lewis (venue proprietor); Astley's Amphitheatre (Melbourne venue)
"RAINER'S ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (21 April 1855), 2
It seems Goulburn is destined to become the scene of one continued round of amusement, and that no sooner does one species of attraction disappear, than another, and, if possible, a greater one arrives in its place. This week Rainer's Ethiopian Serenaders, of American and Australian fame, arrived among us, and made their debut on Thursday evening last, at Woodward's Commercial Hotel, before a crowded and delighted audience. Of all the serenaders we have hitherto heard, and they are many, Mr. Rainer's company take the precedence. There is an elegance and purity about their performances which we have often found wanting in other delineators of [REDACTED] life, and their thorough knowledge of the class they profess to imitate, gives them a decided advantage over most of their competitors at present in the field, and a feeling of self sufficient accuracy which prevents their either running into exaggeration or failing to carry out the imitation. The bye-play was first-rate, and exhibited to a nicety the droll conceits, and antic grimaces, which cannot and do not fail to bring on roars of laughter . . . The flutina was excellently played by Mr. Bryant, and Mr. Foans sang the "Picayune Butler" very pleasingly . . .
[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (26 May 1855), 15
Second Night of the old English Opera of LOVE IN A VILLAGE.
Last Night but one of the Engagement of RAINER'S SERENADERS.
Solo - Flutina. Mr. BRYANT.
Solo - Banjo, with Oddities and Comicalities, Mr. Moran . . .
J. G. Griffiths, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gordon Griffiths (theatre manager, actor); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"A NIGHT WITH RAINER'S SERENADERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 May 1855), 4
Yesterday evening, these well-established favourites gave their last concert in the Royal Hotel, to an overflowing audience, and a rich treat, it was. The programme comprised a number of their favourite negro melodies with grave and gay . . . Mr. Bryant's solo on the flutina, with variations, was a masterly performance. What Miska Hauser is on the violin, this gentleman is on his own peculiar instrument . . .
"Music; Fine Arts; The Drama . . . RAINER'S ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (16 June 1855), 3
This talented company appeared at the New Concert Hall, at the Royal Hotel, on Monday. The attendance was uncommonly good, and continued so during the four evenings, of their performances; notwithstanding the other many attractions placed before the public. Mr. White's reappearance was hailed with unanimous applause; and notwithstanding his long and serious illness, he sang with his accustomed pathos and melody; his Ben Block [sic, Ben Bolt] was better than ever. The magnificent bass of Rainer told with admirable force, as did the excellent singing of Foans, Brower, Bryant, and Moran . . .
"RAINER'S SERENADERS", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (14 July 1855), 2
Since their sojourn to Carcoar and Orange Rainer's company of Serenaders have given three concerts to numerous and respectable audiences at the Royal Prince of Wales Theatre, and if any difference in their style of performance has been perceptible we may note a marked improvement. Mr. Rainer's voice in particular, which at his first appearance laboured under the disadvantage of a severe cold, breathed forth its notes fuller and more richly. Foans if possible sang more sweetly, and shall we say that Bones grinned more ghastly than usual. Mr. Bryant's performances upon the flutina are certainly rich musical treats and always, command a corresponding degree of approval . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue)
[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (1 September 1855), 15
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Castlereagh-street.
Last Night of the Engagement of Rainer's Serenaders! ON SATURDAY EVENING, September 1st . . .
Programme - Part First. Overture, Full Band Opening Chorus - Dinah's Wedding Day - Company . . .
Programme - Part Second.
Solo - Flutina, Bryant.
Solo - Banjo, Moran. Fancy Dance, (attired in the Bloomer Costume), Foans.
Characteristic Banjo Trio - Billy Biley, a great traveller, Moran; Bob Williams, his friend, Brower; George Gretson, Bryant . . .
San Francisco (Jerry, August 1855):
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California [San Francisco, USA] (1 August 1855), 3
BACKUS' MINSTRELS. Acting Manager - W. A. Porter.
Musical Director - C. D. Abbott.
Stage Manager - O. N. Burbank.
This (Wednesday) Evening, Aug. 1. 1853. BENEFIT FOR THE FAMILY OF THE LATE T. F. BRIGGS.
LAST APPEARANCE OF THE MINSTRELS prior to their departure for Australia.
The company consists of the following well known and talented Performers:
ASSOCIATIONS: Backus Minstrels (troupe); Charles Backus (leader); Sherwood Coan Campbell (member); William M. Barker (member); William Alonzo Porter (member); Albert Morgan (member); Charles D. Abbott (member); Dorrel Fair Boley (member); Otto N. Burbank (member)
Australia (from October 1855):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (24 October 1855), 4
October 33. - Audubon, American ship, 531 tons, Captain Arthur, from San Francisco, August 9, and Honolulu September 8. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Messrs. C. Backus, Charles Abbott, W. Barker, D. F. Boley, S. C. Campbell, Bryant, Porter, Morgan, Bryant, Burbank . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: The other Bryant often later appears in shipping lists with the initial W, perhaps their elder brother William (see 1850 census above), travelling as a non-performing member of the company, and leaving with them again in April 1856 for San Francisco
[Advertisement], Empire (31 October 1855), 1
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. - The BACKUS MINSTRELS will give one of their favourite programmes
THIS EVENING, on which occasion S. C. Campbell will introduce his "TYROLEAN IMITATIONS."
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. - Third Night of OLD BOB RIDLEY and his Merry Companions,
in which the celebrated JERRY BRYANT will personate the character of Old Bob Ridley.
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. - Go This Evening and see the Burlesque Chinaman of Backus.
The beautiful ballad singing of Campbell
The solo singing of Backus
The Lucy Long, and Jig, of Burbank
The Banjo Solos of Boley, the Melophone, and Violin Solos of Abbot,
and the comic duets of Morgan and Bryant.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 November 1855), 5
The entertainments will commence with the unrivalled personations of the BACKUS MINSTRELS.
To conclude with the musical burletta, entitled THE VIRGINIA CUPIDS,
in which Jerry Bryant will dance the "Cachouca," a la Fanny Ellsler . . .
A. TORNING, Sole Lessee.
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Elssler (Austrian dancer), famous in USA and Britain for her interpretations of the cachouca (dance); Andrew Torning (proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 December 1855), 8
COPPIN'S OLYMPIC. Free List suspended, except the Press.
First Appearance of the World-renowned BACKUS MINSTRELS:
Who are engaged For a limited number of Nights.
On Monday, December 3rd, The entertainments will commence with the Drama of THERESE.
To be followed by the BACKUS MINSTRELS!
PROGRAMME: Part First.
Introductory Overture - Backus Minstrels.
Opening Chorus - Company.
Spirit Bride - S. C. Campbell.
Hold your Horses; or, Bones on a Spree - Jerry Bryant.
Emma Gray - W. M. Barker.
Pop Goes the Weasel - Charles Backus.
We come from the Hills (Tyrolean Echo) - Campbell and Co.
My Old Tennisee Home - D. F. Boley.
Medley Chorus - Company.
Qnick Step - Full Band.
Part Second.
Favorite Ballad - S. C. Campbell.
Characteristic Dance, Lucy Long - O. N. Burbank.
Violin Solo - C. D. Abbott.
Burlesque Lecture on Woman's Rights - W. A. Porter.
Pas l'Instruction - Master and Pupil - Burbank & Bryant.
Chinese Personation - C. Backus.
Bunjo Solo - D. F. Boley.
Rattlesnale Jig - O. N. Burbank.
Hungarian Warblers (Burlesque) - Campbell, Boley, Bryant & Backus.
Comic Duet - Bryant & Morgan.
Banjo Trio - Morgan, Boley, and Backus.
Duet, Vocal - Campbell & Barker.
The whole to conclude with the laughable Burlesque, entitled
OLD BOB RIDLEY AND HIS FAMILY, Introducing the Mississippi Boat Chorus . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager); Coppin's Olympic (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 December 1855), 8
COPPIN'S OLYMPIC. Monday Evening, FOR THE BENEFIT of JERRY BRYANT, The Celebrated Bones.
Farewell Nights of the World-renowned BACKUS MINSTRELS.
First Appearance of NEAL BRYANT, Late of Rainer's Serenaders . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (5 January 1856), 3
BACKUS MINSTRELS, The largest and most Versatile Company in the World.
Consisting of the following talented and experienced Performers: -
S. C. Campbell, Charles Backus, Jerry Bryant, W. A. Porter,
D. F. Boley, W. M. Barker, O. N. Burbank, A. Morgan, and
Neil Bryant, (Late of Rainer's Serenaders.)
who have had the honor of appearing before the elite and fashion in the principal cities throughout the United States, South America,
Mexico, Sandwich Islands, the Colonies of New South Wales and Victoria,
respectfully announce to the citizens of Hobart Town and its vicinity that they will give a series of their unique and
FASHIONABLE ENTERTAINMENTS, Introducing at each representation a variety of
Medley Overture - Backus Minstrels.
Grand Opening Chorus - Company.
We're Coming Sister Mary - S. C. Campbell.
Wake up Mose, the Engine is coming - Jerry Bryant.
Silver Shining Moon - W. M. Barker.
Down in Old Virginia - C. Backus.
Down the River - Campbell and Co.
The Old Jaw Bones - D. F. Boley.
Masquerade Waltz - Campbell and Co.
[Intermission of Five Minutes]
Highland Fling - Burbank and Co.
Favorite Ballad - S. C. Campbell.
Ke mo ki mo (Duets a La Dutch) - Morgan and Jerry Bryant.
Fluntina Solo - Niel Bryant.
Burlesque, Chinese - Morgan & C. Backus.
Rattlesnake Jig - O. N. Burbank.
Comic Trio, the Rail Road Trio - Morgan, Boley and Backus.
Vocal Duet - Campbell & Barker.
Notice. Owing to the length and peculiar arrangement of the Programme of the Backus Minstrels,
any repetition of the several acts is entirely precluded . . .
Admission Private Boxes, 6s.; Boxes, 4s.; Pit, 2s. . . .
"BACKUS MINSTRELS", The Tasmanian Daily News (19 January 1856), 5
It has seldom fallen to our lot to spend a more pleasant evening than that we have just passed with the Backus Minstrels. The house, was well and respectably attended, and the presence of Miss Catherine Hayes added to the eclat of the evening. The box in which she sat was tastefully decorated with flowers, and throughout the performance Miss Hayes seemed delighted, and joined heartily in the encores . . . The Banjo duet between Jerry Bryant and Mr. Morgan, elicited great applause . . . The Flutina Solo, by Mr. Neil Bryant, was very pleasing. Mr. Bryant has unlimited command of the instrument, and displays the greatest taste in the execution of variations on well known and favorite tunes. On Monday evening next, Jerry Bryant, the Original Bones, takes his benefit . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); but see also "THEATRICAL CRITICISM. To the Editor . . . ", The Tasmanian Daily News (21 January 1856), 4
. . . the duet between Jerry (Oh!) Bryant and Mr. Morgan . . . I may just allude to Mr. Neil Bryant, who is said to have "unlimited command" of a flutina! Bah! The man plays prettily enough on a paltry instrument. If I had "unlimited command" of a flutina, I should burn it immediately . . .
"THE BACKUS MINSTRELS", The Tasmanian Daily News (22 January 1856), 4
We were glad to see that Jerry Bryant's benefit was honored with a bumper house. The programme was inviting, and the performance in every way up to the mark. In the stage box we noticed His Honor, Mr. Justice Therry, and Miss Hayes; the latter on being recognised by the audience was greeted with loud and prolonged applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Roger Therry (judge, musical patron)
"COPPIN'S OLYMPIC", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (24 March 1856), 6
On Saturday evening the Backus Minstrels gave a final performance prior to leaving the colony for Sydney, en route to California. Although the weather was very unfavorable the attendance was more numerous than might have been expected . . . The drolleries of Backus, Jerry Bryant, and Porter, the fine vocalisation of Campbell, Barker, and Boley, the instrumental proficiency of Abbott and Neal Bryant, and the clever terpsichorean vagaries of Burbank, succeeded for three hours in enchaining the interest of the audience . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Telegraph, from Melbourne, 24 March 1856, for Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Backus / 29 // Morgan / 30 // Porter / 19 //
Bryant / 21 // [Bryant] / 26 // [Bryant] / 23 [all listed as male] //
Campbell / 19 . . .
"BACKUS MINSTRELS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (31 March 1856), 4
These accomplished and popular vocalists gave the first of their farewell concerts on Friday evening last, in the large room of the Royal Hotel. Although the announcement of their performance was unusually short, they were warmly greeted by the prasence of a numerous and respectable auditory. Their entertainment is both interesting and amusing, and well worthy public patronage. The vocal talent of Messrs. Campbell, Barker, and Boley, and the instrumental performances of Messrs. Porter and Neil Bryant, on the violin and the flutina, are not the least prominent features of the musicale melange. Mr. Neil Bryant will be remembered as a late member of Rainer's talented company of serenaders, and his enthusiastic reception evidenced on the part of the audience a recognition of his well-known musical acquirements. The concert was freed from monotony by the introduction of short burlesques, elaborate dances and sketches of negro character. It closed with a scene entitled, "Bob Ridley's Festival," in which Mr. Jerry Bryant presents as grotesque and artistic appearance as it is possible to conceive. His "make up" is as fine a bit of external comedy as we remember seeing, and provocative of the risible faculties of the audience. The company perform again this evening On the 5th, they leave Sydney in the What Cheer, for California.
"CLEARANCES", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (5 April 1856), 4
April 4. - What Cheer, American barque, 334 tons, Captain Baker, for San Francisco. Passengers - Messrs. Jerry Bryant, Frank Moran, Charles Backus, Albert Morgan, S. A. Campbell, W. M. Baker, O. N. Burbank, J. R. Morgan, J. Bryant [sic] (Backus' Minstrels), Abbott . . .
"THE DRAMA . . . THE ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (26 April 1856), 2
This unrivalled company, consisting of Messrs. Kitts, Foans, Brower, Boley, Bryant, and Porter, have proceeded to Wollongong, for the purpose of charming with their delicious vocal and instrumental strains, the residents of Illawarra. They carry with them our warmest recommendations, and wishes for their success.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Edward Kitts (member); William Alonzo Porter (member); Dorrel Fair Boley (member); Ethiopian Serenaders (troupe)
[Advertisement], Empire (6 June 1856), 1
Messrs. F. E. Kitts, W. A. Porter, Niel Bryant, J. M. Foans, D. F. Boley, T. P. Brower,
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 June 1856), 10
This building, lately devoted to terpsichorean pursuits, and for some time nightly the resort of the Cyprian and the votary of dissipation, has thrown open its doors for the admission of that numerous portion of our population who appreciate "the concord of sweet sounds." Hence the performances of the Ethiopian Serenaders have done "the state some service," and we trust in thus providing an amusement less objectionable than that furnished by a cheap and demoralising casino, that they have met reward for their enterprise. The company of minstrels are the elite of Rainer's and the New York Serenaders. The corps also number among its members Messrs. W. A. Porter and D. F. Boley, late of "the Backus Minstrels." The entertainments consist of songs, duets, and choruses; and a great attraction is the exquisite performance of Mr. Neil Bryant on the flutina; during the week his solos from Norma, and his rendering of the plaintive airs of "Love Not" and "The Last Rose of Summer," drew forth the warmest tokens of approbation from select and numerous audiences.
? "NEWCASTLE . . . DEPARTURES", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (30 June 1856), 134
June 22. - Swiss Boy, brig, Captain Knipe, for San Francisco, with 300 tons coal.
Cabin passengers - Messrs. Bryant, Webber, and Darcy, and 8 in the steerage.
After Australia:
"AMERICAN THEATRICALS (From our own files)", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (21 September 1857), 3
. . . in New York . . . Jerry, Neil, and Dan Bryant, are keeping up Bob Ridley'a Festivals at the Mechanics' Hall, Broadway . . .
[Advertisement], Public Ledger [Philadelphia, PA, USA] (12 July 1858), 3 (PAYWALL)
WHEATLEY'S ARCH ST. THEATRE . . . THIS (Monday) EVENING, July 12, 1858 . . .
. . . those New York Star Comedian Brothers, JERRY BRYANT AND DAN BRYANT,
From Bryant's Minstrel's Hall, 472 Broadway, N.Y., who will appear nightly,
in conjunction with those inimitable Sons of Momus, EPH. HORN and FRANK BROWER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eph Horn (alias of Evan Evans Hern, d. 1877)
US census, 14 June 1860, New York, Ward 15; USA Federal Census (PAYWALL)
Neil Bryant / 29 / Musician / [born] New York
Dan [Bryant] / 26 / [Musician] / [born New York]
William [Bryant] / 33 / Printer / [born New York]
Jeremiah [Bryant] / 31 / Musician / [born New York]
Timothy [Bryant] / 70 / - / [born] Ireland . . .
Gertrude [Bryant] / 18 / -
Eph. Horn / 38 / Musician / [born] Penn . . .
[News], The Buffalo Daily Republic [NY, USA] (10 April 1861), 2 (PAYWALL)
Jerry Bryant, of the famous Brothers Bryant, the minstrels, died in New York on Monday [8 April], of congestion of the brain, induced by a fever.
[News], The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (9 July 1893), 18 (PAYWALL)
Few cities of the country of its size have furnished the theatrical profession with more able members than Washington, and many a well known actor who is credited to other places considers this town his home, and they make a point of returning here every summer to spend their vacation. At the National theater one evening this week I counted thirteen theatrical people in the audience. Among the number were Miss Annie Lewis, the soubrette of the Texas Steer company, and Neil Bryant, the famous minstrel of forty years ago, the brother of Jerry and Dan Bryant, who made New York laugh when they ran their show at their famous opera house, 472 Broadway, and afterward in the Tammany hall building where Tony Pastor now is. Neil is living quietly in Washington and is an employe of the United States coast survey. He is a constituent of Congressman Tim Campbell and hails from what used to be the old Eighth congressional district of New York. In talking with me over old times, when the Bowery, although not famous in song, was more of a street than it is to-day, Neil Bryant said: "My brothers and I were all born in the state of New York. Dan claiming Troy as his native place and Jerry and I Keysville. Jerry and I started in the minstrel business about the year 1843. We played all over the country until 1852, when we went to Australia, I going with one company and Jerry with another. Later on I joined his aggregation as leader of the orchestra. We were in Australia altogether four years, and although it was not then the good paying place it is now, we made a pile of money there. We opened in New York on the 23d of February, 1857, at Mechanics' hall, and stayed there for seven years and every body knows how successful we were. We had every actor of any account on the stage in our minstrel company, including Dave Wambold and Sher Campbell, the great baritone. Business was so good in New York that it almost ran itself. There has been some talk of late concerning the authorship of "Dixie." I can settle that dispute right here for you. Don Emmett wrote "Dixie" in 1859 and sang it for the first time in our place with tremendous success. Enmett is still well and living in Chicago at present. The thing, that made the greatest hit with us, however, was Dan's "Essence of Old Virginia," which was a song and jig dance. Dan also brought out "Shoo Fly" and kept it on for over a year, and the way the thing did pull up business was a caution. The crowds at night in front or our theater were so large that tickets were sold on the sidewalk for $2.50 and $3 each . . . My brother Jerry died in 1861 and Dan in 1875, both in the month of April. Dan left five children in New York, one of whom, a daughter, is now with Augustin Daly's company . . .
"MINSTREL NEIL BRYANT DEAD. Old Time Performer Passes Away in St. Mary's Hospital After a Long Illness", The Brooklyn Daily Eagle [New York, USA] (6 March 1902), 1 (PAYWALL)
Neil Bryant, last of the old time black face minstrels, died this morning. His death makes the third of three famous minstrels who have passed away within three weeks. Neil Bryant was 72 years old and was the oldest of the jolly entertainers who inaugurated black face minstrelsy. With his two brothers, Daniel and Jerry, he traveled all over the world. The trio became famous as the three Bryants. For ten years, from 1857 to 1867, they owned a theater on Broadway that was the center of fun in those olden days. The house was always crowded, even during the troublous times of war. In 1883 Mr. Bryant retired from the stage and took a government position, which he held up to nearly two years ago, when his health gave away. He suffered with a variety of ailments, which, with his advanced age, made his recovery impossible. He went to St. Mary's Hospital, in Brooklyn, in April, 1901, and has been there ever since. He could not lie down during the last few weeks of his life, but had to remain propped up in a chair day and night. His heart was so affected that to lie down endangered his life. This morning he grew suddenly worse and died at 9 o'clock. Since he learned of the death of "Billy" West and "Billy" Rice, he has been heartbroken. He talked frequently about those old time minstrels, who, with him, used to make laughter for the people of a generation ago. Cornelius O'Brien was Mr. Bryant's real name.
"DEATH OF AN ORIGINAL 'CHRISTY MINSTREL'", Manchester Evening News [England] (19 March 1902), 5 (PAYWALL)
The death of Neil Bryant St. Mary's Hospital, Brooklyn, at the advanced age of 72, recalls the eaely days of Christy Minstrelsy, now barely remembered even by old men. It is more than 50 years ago that Neil Bryant, with his brothers Daniel and Jerry, Rice, Emerson, and West, the stump orator (the present generation when children may remember West's quaint get up, his cabbage umbrella, and his catch word "or any other man") first appeared in these negro entertainments. West, the Bryants, and Rice occasionally visited England, but their best work was done in the United States. Some few years later, namely, the early sixties, Moore (who, the way, still survives), Crocker, an inimitable tambourine in his day, and Ritter, the step dancer, started a similar entertainment at St. James's Hall, London, and this ultimately became popular as the Moore and Burgess Minstrels. Bryant's real name was Cornelius O'Brien, and stated that as boys he and his brothers worked as builders' labourers in the erection of Tammany Hall. About 1850, however, they started their negro minstrel entertainment, and seven years later they built a theatre. Bryant retired from the stage in 1882, and afterwards was appointed to a Government post at Washington.
Bibliography and resources:
E. Le Roy Rice, Monarchs of minstrelsy, from "Daddy" Rice to date (New York: Kenny Publishing Company, [1910]), 58-59, 106
[58] . . . Jerry Bryant (O'Brien) was the oldest of the famous Bryant Brothers; he was an excellent comedian, and was especially good on the "bone end" of the minstrel first part. He made his initial appearance as a ballad singer in 1842. Billy Whitlock, the "father of minstrelsy," first brought him before the public. In 1844 he became a member of the Ethiopian Serenaders, subsequently appearing with the Operatic Brothers and Sisters. In June, 1847, he formed one of the original Campbell's Minstrels, organized in New York City. The following year he played in London, England, with Major Dumbleton's Ethiopian Serenaders. In 1849 he returned to America and made a tour of the country, and on April 8, 1850, he opened with Earl Pierce's Minstrels at No. 442 Broadway, New York City; subsequently he went to Boston, where he met with much success with Ordway's Aeolians. When George Christy seceded from the E. P. Christy Minstrels, in New York, October 1854, Jerry Bryant took his (Christy's) place, and remained with the company until it disbanded, on July 15, 1854; in September, the same year, he went with E. P. Christy's Minstrels to California, and continued until the final dissolution of that company took place, a short time after their arrival. In San Francisco he next managed the San Francisco Minstrels, in conjunction with Eph. Horn and Sher. Campbell. In 1855 they went to Australia, subsequently returning to the United States, and on Monday, February 23, 1857, in [59] conjunction with his brothers, Dan and Neil, and about ten others, the first performance of Bryant's Minstrels was given in New York City, at Mechanics' Hall, No. 472 Broadway. Mr. Bryant was married in the Spring of 1859: his widow subsequently became the wife of Thomas Donaldson, proprietor of the London Theatre, New York. Of Jerry Bryant it may be truthfully said that he was one of the most capable and popular performers that ever blacked up. His last appearance was with his own company, April 2, 1861. Jerry Bryant was born in Chesterfield, X. V., June 11, 1828; he died in New York City April 8, 1861.
[106] . . . Neil Bryant (Cornelius A. O'Brien), was the youngest and the last of the three famous brothers of his name that organized Bryant's Minstrels, in 1857. Oddly enough, less is known about the early career of Neil Bryant than either of his brothers. The earliest authentic record obtainable by the author is at the American Hall, Hartford, Conn., June 25, 1851, as a member of Ordway's Aeolians, a famous Boston organization: it is highly probable that Mr. Bryant was with this company prior to the above date in the Massachusetts metropolis. He continued with Bryant's Minstrels in New York until the death of his brother Dan, April 10, 1875; subsequently he organized Bryant's Minstrels, and gave intermittent performances on the road for a period of about seven years. In 1851, the programme gave Neil Bryant as giving an accordeon solo; in later years he was almost exclusively identified with his performance on the flutina. About 1882 he secured a government position in Washington, D. C, which he retained until two years prior to his death. July 11, 1859, Mr. Bryant married Miss Gertrude E. Ransom. Neil Bryant was born in Keesville, N. Y., 1835 [sic, c. 1831]; he died in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 6, 1902.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Le Roy Rice (minstrel historian)
Matthew W. Wittmann, Empire of culture: U.S. entertainers and the making of the Pacific circuit (Ph.D dissertation, University of Michigan, 2010), passim (DIGITISED)
"Jerry Bryant", Find a grave
BRYER, John Edwin (John Edwin BRYER; John Edwin Jones BRYER; Mr. Edouin BRYER, senior; father of the EDOUIN FAMILY)
Musician, dancing master
Born Cranborne, Dorset, England, 7 June 1810; baptised Cranborne, 17 June 1810; son of John BRYER and Hannah Maria ?
Married [1] Sarah Elizabeth MAY (Mrs. LIND) (1809-1873), St. Nicholas, Brighton, Sussex, England, 22 April 1829
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 June 1857 (per Algiers, from Liverpool, 27 March)
Married [2] Isabelle Jane WING, Melbourne, VIC, 1888
Died Collingwood, VIC, 23 November 1888, aged "78/79" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Cranborne, Dorset, January 1810; Dorset History Centre, Dorchester, PE/CRA:RE10 (PAYWALL)
John Edwin son of John & Hannah Maria Bryer Born June 7th / Baptized publicly June 17th
Marriages, St. Nicholas, Brighton, Sussex, 1832; England, select marriages (PAYWALL)
16 May 1832 / John Edwin Bryer / Sarah Elizabeth Lind
England census, 6 June 1841, Brighthelmstone, Sussex; UK National Archives, HO107/1123/2/9/9 (PAYWALL)
John E. Bryer / 30 / Teacher of Dancing / [not born in county]
Sarah E. [Bryer] / 30 / - / [born in county]
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Brighthelmstone, in the county of Sussex, in the year 1833; register 1831-33, page 242; East Sussex Record Office (PAYWALL)
No. 1929 / 1833 June 16 / Edwin Charles Son of / John Edwin & Sarah Elizabeth / Bryer / Nathall Cottage / Ivory Turner . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. Mary Lambeth in the County of Surrey in the Year 1843; register 1841-51, page 175; London Metropolitan Archives, P85/MRY1/363 (PAYWALL)
No. 1395 / Elizabeth Louisa daughter of / William and Eliza / Naylor / Bird St. / Painter . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Algiers from Liverpool, 27 March 1857, for Melbourne, June 1857; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
John E. Jones / 49 / Mechanic
Sarah Edouin / 48 / Wife . . .
Edw'd C. [Edouin] / 23 / Son . . .
John / 16 // Eliza / 13 // Rose / 11 / Wm. / 9 // Julia / 7
"DEATHS" and "FUNERAL NOTICES", The Argus (24 November 1888), 1
BRYER. - On the 23rd inst., at Norton Cottage, Nicholson-street, Collingwood, in the 79th year of his age, John Edwin Jones Bryer, the beloved husband of Isabella Jane Bryer. His end was peaceful.
THE Friends of the late Mr. JOHN EDWARD JONES BRYER [sic], musician, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to their last resting-place, the Boroondara Cemetery, Kew. The funeral will leave his late residence, No. 7 Nicholson-street, Abbotsford, THIS DAY (Saturday, 24th November), at 4 o'clock . . .
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