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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–E (Ea-Ell)
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–E (Ea-Ell)",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia): ; accessed 26 March 2025
- E - (Ea - Ell) -
Introductory note:
The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.
Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.
Major upgrades of the contents of this page were completed in December 2019 and April 2024, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.
Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.
The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.
EADES, Richard (Richard EADES; Dr. EADES)
Amateur musician, vocalist, pianist, surgeon, public lecturer, mayor of Melbourne
Born Dublin, Ireland, 16 August 1809; baptised St. Audoen, Dublin, 22 August 1809; son of William George EADES and Mary Ann CRANWELL (CRANWILL)
Married [1] Sarah Christina BEERE (d. 1852), St. Peter, Dublin, Ireland, 9 November 1843
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 23 October 1848 (surgeon superintendent per Roman Emperor, from Plymouth)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 15 February 1852 (per Reliance, from Adelaide, 5 February)
Married [2] Charlotte BEERE (Mrs. McKEE); St. Peter, Melbourne, 10 March 1857
Died Prahran, VIC, 12 October 1867, aged "58" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, the year 1809, St. Audoen (CoI), Dublin; 2 registers; Irish genealogy (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
No. 4 / Richard Son of Wm. George & Mary Eades was born August 16th and Christened August 22nd 1809 . . .
Marriages, St. Peter (CoI), Dublin, 1843; Irish genealogy
9 November 1843 / Richard Eades / 50 York Street / M.D. / [son of] Wm. G. Eades
Sarah Christina Beere / 2 Aungier Street / Spinster / [daughter of] R. Beere . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", Adelaide Times [SA] (30 October 1848), 2
October 23 - The ship ROMAN EMPEROR, 792 tons, W. Champion, from Plymouth. Passengers . . . R. Eades, M.D., Mrs. Eades and infant . . . 8 married couples, 8 children, and 219 Irish Orphan female emigrants. No deaths occurred during the voyage.
See also Eades's letter, "TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", South Australian (31 October 1848), 3
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", South Australian [Adelaide, SA] (10 August 1849), 3
The Quarterly Conversazione was held yesterday evening at the Exchange. His Excellency and Lady Young, the Lord Bishop, his Honor the Judge, and a most numerous company were present. Dr. Eades delivered a popular and interesting lecture on the Structure of the Human Ear, and the evening was as usual enlivened by vocal and instrumental music.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Augusta Young (governor and wife); Mechanics' Institute (Adelaide association); Exchange Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", Adelaide Times (13 August 1849), 3
. . . Dr. Eades delivered a highly edifying and entertaining lecture on the construction of the ear, and gave the subject, although apparently one of little interest to the non-professionals, a most happy and agreeable turn, by the omission of all technical jargon, which brought it within the easy reach of the most limited capacity . . . The silvery intonation and easy delivery of Dr. Eades added materially to the attractions of the lecture, and at its conclusion, the only regret that seemed to prevail was, that it ended so soon. The remainder of the evening was occupied with excellent music by Mrs. Murray, and Messrs. Dutton, Kent, Wallace, Ellard and Bennett . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgiana Murray (musician);
Francis Stacker Dutton (amateur);
Benjamin Archer Kent (amateur);
Spencer Wellington Wallace (musician);
Frederick Ellard (musician);
George Bennett (musician);
for another report, see also [News], Adelaide Observer (11 August 1849), 3
"LIBRARY AND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (4 February 1852), 3
The quarterly conversazione of this admirably conducted institution took place last evening at the Exchange, and as usual consisted of an instructive lecture and a choice musical entertainment. Dr. Eades, whose frequent discourses have so much obliged the committee and benefited the community, consented at a short notice to deliver, previously to leaving the colony, a lecture on "Respiration" . . . Dr. Eades professes, in an eminent degree, that "conversational facility," which Byron so much admired, and which is, after all, the best medium of instruction, as it undoubtedly is best adapted to assist the reflective faculty and secure attention. In the musical entertainment that followed, Mr. F. S. Dutton, who has invariably exerted himself to serve the Institute, of which he is a Vice-President, joined Mrs. Murray, Master White, and the professionals, in eking out a very satisfactory evening's instruction and amusement.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Baxter White (musician)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (16 February 1852), 2
February 15. - Reliance, ship, 805 tons, H. B. Fell, Commander, from Adelaide February 7th. Passengers (cabin) . . . Dr. and Mrs. Eades and family . . .
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTION", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (20 July 1853), 5
The first social meeting of the members and friends of the above Institution was held last evening, and we are quite sure that no one who went prepared to make proper allowance for the numerous disadvantages incident to a first attempt, was disappointed in the result. The attendance was not so crowded as might have been expected, but the one hundred and fifty persons present were quite as many as could assemble with convenience and comfort . . . The chair was taken at half past seven o'clock by Dr. Eades, whose good nature and genuine bonhommie contributed much to the gaiety of the evening . . . the Chairman said that he hoped all present had come to enjoy themselves, and that every one was prepared to do his beat for the general amusement. Therefore, considering example better than precept, he would, though he neither sang nor played, at least make an attempt. He accordingly sat down at the pianoforte and enlivened the company with a pretty song, which was received with considerable applause . . . The evening passed off pleasantly enough, varied by occasional short addresses . . . varied by music, scientific experiments, conversation, promenade, and a recitation. The charm of these meetings is their sociality. A concert or a lecture must be very good in order to prevent a seme of weariness from sitting a couple of hours in the same position, a recognition of one's friends is limited to a laconic smile or nod of the head; but at these conversaziones one can be here, there, and every-where, in a minute, exchanging greetings with people whom one sees no where else, and keeping up an excitement and a conviviality highly gratifying and beneficial. We trust these meetings, for the future, now that the ice is broken, will be at least monthly; and that care will always be taken, without engaging professional musicians, to secure a liberal supply of vocal and instrumental music, with a comic song or two. It is but due to Mr. Gibbons to say that we are indebted to him mainly for the entertainment of last evening. There is a Concert Committee, a Lecture Committee, &c.; why should there not be a Conversazione Committee?
ASSOCIATIONS: Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne association and venue)
1857, marriages solemnized in the district of St. Peter's Melbourne; register 1856-57; St. Peter's Eastern Hill
1806 / 806 / [10 March 1857] at St. Peter's Church / Richard Eades / Widower 12th Sep'br 1852 / 4 living children by first marriage 2 dead /
[born] Dublin / Physician / 47 / Melbourne / [son of] William George Eades, Merchant [and] Mary Ann Cranwill
Charlotte McKee / Widow June 7th 1855 / [no children by previous marriage] / [born] Dublin / 30 / Melbourne / [daughter of] Richard Beere, Merchant [and] Ellen Byrne . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (14 October 1867), 4
EADES. - On the 12th inst., at his residence, High-street, Prahran, Richard Eades, M.A., M.B., aged fifty-eight years.
See also obituaries, "DEATH OF DR. EADES", The Herald (14 October 1867), 3
And "DEATH OF DR. EADES", The Argus (14 October 1867), 5
"OUR MEDICAL SCHOOL. ITS RISE AND HISTORY. EARLY DOCTORS . . . BY J. S. R.", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (10 December 1895), 3
. . . The list of the original teaching staff, as completed in 1865 was as follows: . . . Richard Eades, M.A., M.B., in Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Medical Botany . . . Dr. Eades, our first teacher of Materia Medica, was a most genial, kind-hearted man. As a lecturer he had already won a reputation in the old country. His manner was conversational, and his huge fund of information made even his lectures on that driest of dry subjects, Materia Medica, quite enjoyable. He was a very witty man, an excellent after-dinner speaker, and could roll out a racy Irish song in a rich baritone. That he was socially very popular goes without saying . . .
Bibliography and resources:
K. F. Russell, "Eades, Richard (1809-1867)", Australian dictionary of biography 4 (1972)
. . . His fine baritone voice, his extensive repertoire of Irish songs and his wit made him very popular at special dinners . . .
EAGAN, John (John EAGAN)
Drummer, private, 12th Regiment
Born Athlone, Ireland, 1839
Enlisted (12th Regiment), 10 February 1852 (aged "13")
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 6 November 1854
Died Paddington, Sydney, NSW, 8 September 1860, aged "21" (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 12th Regiment (military; as a drummer, Eagan was not a member of the band, but was associated with it nevertheless)
Summary (after Chapman):
John Eagan was born in Athlone Ireland in 1839, and enlisted as a boy in the 12th Regiment on 10 February 1852, aged "13". He was a drummer with the 1st Battalion when it arrived in Melbourne. He disembarked on 6 November 1854, and after a forced march of two days from Melbourne, he became the first military casualty in the Eureka rebellion at Ballarat, where he was shot in the leg by a miner on his detachment entering the gold fields on the evening of 28 November 1854. Promoted to Private shortly afterwards he was re-appointed drummer in July 1859. He died from a heart-related condition at Victoria Barracks, Paddington, NSW, and was interred in the Roman Catholic burial grounds.
Paylist, 1st Battalion 12th Regiment, 1 October to 18 November 1854; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2971 (DIGITISED)
DRUMMERS AND FIFERS . . . 3159 / 1579 / Egan John / . . . Disembarked 6 November
Paylist, 1st Battalion 12th Regiment, 19 October to 31 December 1854; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2971 (DIGITISED)
DRUMMERS AND FIFERS . . . 3159 / 1579 / Egan John / . . . [second muster, November] Ballarat
Paylist, 1st Battalion 12th Regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1860; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2980 (DIGITISED)
DRUMMERS AND FIFERS . . . 3059 [sic] / Eagan John / . . . Died on the 8th Sept'r
Bibliography and resources:
B. and M. Chapman, "Drummer boy John Egan (Regiment No. 3059) Eureka's first military casualty", Australia's red coat regiments (archived at NLA Pandora)
EAGLE, James (James Murdoch EAGLE; James EAGLE; Professor EAGLE)
Magician, wizard, manager
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 17 April 1856 (per Royal Charter, from Liverpool, 17 January, aged "31")
Died Wagga Wagga, NSW, 17 September 1869, aged "37" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Royal Charter, from Liverpool, 17 January 1856, for Melbourne, 17 April 1856; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . James Eagle / 31 / Gent. . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (18 April 1856), 8
PROFESSOR EAGLE, The celebrated Wizard of the North, South, East, and West,
having just arrived in Melbourne, per Royal Charter,
has the honor to announce to the inhabitants of Melbourne and its vicinity a series of
MAGNIFICENT ENTERTAINMENTS in the Art Magique, on a scale of unrivalled splendor,
never before attempted in the colonies, and embracing various novelties of the most interesting description.
Particulars in future announcements.
"PROFESSOR EAGLE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (21 July 1863), 3
.This gentleman, assisted by Mr. J. S. Brice, as "Sprightly," gave his first performance in the Olympic Theatre on Saturday evening last. The attendance was good - the pit being nearly full . . . "Sprightly" is a fund or amusement in himself. He is full of wit, sings capitally, and seems firmly convinced that "stringy bark and green hide are the mainstay of Australia."
ASSOCIATIONS: James Smith Brice (vocalist, comedian); Olympic Theatre (Maitland venue)
"PROFESSOR EAGLE AT THE THEATRE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (30 July 1863), 2
On Saturday evening, this very clever performer gave his last entertainment in West Maitland, to a very poor house indeed, considering the nature of the performance, the fineness of the night, and the abilities of the performer . . . Not the least interesting portion of the evening's programme, was the capital comic singing and excellent jesting of the Professor's assistant, "Goblin Sprightly" . . .
[Advertisement], The Mining Record and Grenfell General Advertiser [NSW] (26 October 1867), 3
To-night, Saturday, October 26th,
WILL appear in his Renowned and Wonderful Mystical Entertainment, introducing his
Inexhauatable Bottle - the Magic Coffee Pot - Mysterious £5 Note -
Great Watch Trick - Wonderful Hat - The Devil's Punch Bowl, &c., &c.
Stalls, 2s. - Gallery, 1s.
J. P. PHILLIPS, Agent.
"TUMUT [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT]", The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser [NSW] (26 September 1868), 3
Professor Eagle visited Tumut and performed at Simpson's assembly-room on Tuesday night. There was but a small attendance owing to the weather, which was a pity as some of the Professor's tricks were really very clever. Mr. Baker's comic songs were repeatedly encored . . .
"LOCAL AND GENERAL", The Yass Courier [NSW] (21 September 1869), 2
. . . James Murdoch Eagle, better known as Professor Eagle, the wizard, was seized with a fit at the Exchange Hotel, Newtown, near Wagga Wagga, on Sunday se'nnight, and died the following Friday . . .
"AN INTERESTING RELIC", The Corowa Chronicle [NSW] (18 April 1925), 4
A few days ago a most interesting link with the past days of early Wahgunyah and Corowa, came into our hands.
Found in the bottom of an old trunk by Mr. Frank Tyrell, discolored and considerably mouse eaten,
a copy of the "Wahgunyah Watchman" Rutherglen and Wahgunyah Goldfields, dated Wednesday, November 20, 1861 . . .
Some of the excerpts which we have culled will prove highly interesting to many residents of Corowa and Wahgunyah, and to others, as a link with the past . . .
Amongst the advertisers were . . . Professor James Eagle, who appeared with his company by command before His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly at Toorak,
also advertised that he would give a drawing-room entertainment of legerdemain, assisted by Mr. Gus. Hatton,
comic writer and singer, and Benjamin Phillips, tenor, at the Albion hotel, Rutherglen, on November 20-21.
ASSOCIATION: Gus Hatton (comic vocalist)
EAGLES, Edward (Edward EAGLES; Edward EAGLE)
Drummer, private, New South Wales Corps
Born c. 1783 (aged "14" at time of mutiny in 1797)
Enlisted New South Wales Regiment, London, England, 7 October 1796
Arrived Sydney, NSW, July 1807 (per Duke of Portland) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the New South Wales Corps (military; as a drummer, Eagles was not a member of the band, but was associated with it nevertheless)
"MUTINY ON BOARD THE LADY SHORE", Bell's Weekly Messenger [London, England] (30 December 1804), 6 (PAYWALL)
In the four Spanish frigates which were lately taken, four Englishmen were found.
The frigates were bound from South America to Cadiz.
The account they gave of themselves was, that they had been prisoners of war in Buenos Ayres, in consequence of being on board the Lady Shore transport,
bound for Botany Bay, in which a mutiny took place, and the Captain and Officers murdered, the mutineers carried the ship into Montevideo;
and that they had been released by the order of the Government of Spain,
and were to landed at Cadiz, and conveyed to England at the expence of that Government.
This account was transmitted the Secretary of State's Office, with their names, viz. John Brown, Edward Eagle, Francis Ward, and Launcelot Knowles.
An information being sent that they were arrived in the River, Sir R. Ford sent for them last Monday.
They have since undergone several examinations, and the account they have given is follows:
Edward Eagle said, was drummer in the New South Wales Corps; that he was on board the Lady Shore when the mutiny took place,
that had no share in it; he was then only fourteen years of age; and that since that time he had chiefly been in prison in Buenos Ayres, in South America . . .
The mutineers were eleven Frenchmen and seven Irishmen, soldiers in the [New] South Wales Corps . . .
They sailed in the month of August 1797, from Falmouth for Botany Bay . . .
three remain in custody; one of them, that was a drummer, is to go for a soldier.
Description book, New South Wales Corps; Australian Joint Copying Project, UK National Archives, WO25/1302 (DIGITISED)
[Private] Eagles Edw. / [enlisted] 7 Oct'r 1796 / London / [arrived] Duke of Portland / July 1807 / [age] 28 years 7 months / [born] Mortlake / Surrey [England] . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Pamela Statham (ed.), A colonial regiment: new sources relating to the New South Wales Corps 1789-1810 ([Canberra]: P. Statham, 1992), 276
Eagles, Edward; arrived private [sic] 29 July 1807 per Duke of Portland; transferred to 73rd 24 April 1810
Jenn Willetts, "Convict ship Lady Shore, 1797", Free settler or felon
EAGLETON, Benjamin (Benjamin EAGLETON; Ben EAGLETON; "Billy Nutts")
Amateur musician, pianist, vocalist, songwriter, memoirist, shopkeeper, newsagent, schoolmaster, journalist, newspaper editor
Born Southwark, London, England, 12 March 1833; son of John EAGLETON and Harriott SELBY
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, December 1852 (per Eliza, from Plymouth, 21 August, aged "20")
Married Agnes Galbraith RICKARD (1845-1915), Trinity church, Yackandandah, VIC, 9 December 1866
Died Beechworth, VIC, 13 September 1915, aged "82 years and 6 months" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony and others) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Beechworth district (VIC) (general)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Saviour, Southwark, in the county of Surrey, in the year 1833; register 1832-73, page 35; London Metropolitan Archives, P92/Sav/3015 (PAYWALL)
No. 278 / [1833 April] 14 / Born 12 March 1833 / Benjamin Son of / John & Harriott / Eagleton / High St. / Tailor . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Southwark St. Saviour; UK National Archives, HO107/1558/4/1 (PAYWALL)
42 High Street / Harriett Eagleton / Head / Widow / 55 / Tailor Employ 5 males 2 females 1 boy / [born] Kent Sutton Flore
John / Son / Unm. / 25 / Tailor // Frederick / Son / Unm. / 21 / Ironmonger // Benjamin / Son / Unm. / 18 / Clerk Fancy Hardware // William / Son / 15 // [All born] Surrey Southwark
Nominal list of passengers per Eliza, from Plymouth, 21 August 1852, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Eagleton Ben / 20 / Clerk . . .
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (22 June 1865), 4
To be held at the ASSEMBLY ROOMS, ON Tuesday, July 4th, 1863.
Tickets, to admit Lady and Gentleman, One Guinea, to be obtained of the Committee: . . .
Dancing to commence at 8 o'clock. Any surplus funds will be presented to the Ovens District Hospital.
B. EAGLETON, Hon. Sec.
[Song], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (6 October 1866), 4
As sung by Mr. B. Eagleton, at the Amateur Concert in aid of the Ovens District Hospital, Monday, Sept. 24th.
I come before you once again
To tell you all the news, sirs,
And if I can't enlighten you
Perhaps I may amuse, sirs.
The times of late have been quite dull,
We're waiting for a rise, sir,
Although the columns are quite full
In "The Ovens Advertiser."
[Chorus:] Here's the news of all the world,
News that will surprise yer,
Only sixpence, come and buy,
"The Ovens Advertiser" . . . [and 15 more verses, of which the last is:]
I think I've really had enough
Of singing and of talking,
So I mean to give the business up
And put an end to walking.
No longer will I, wet or fine
Around the Creek meander -
I'll drop the hag and hump my swag
And good bye to Yackandandah.
"YACKANDANDAH (From our own Correspondent) October 20th. ANNIVERSARY BANQUET OF COURT GREENWOOD, A.O.F.", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (25 October 1866), 4
A Banquet, to celebrate the first anniversary of the local Court of Foresters, was held on Thursday evening, the 19th inst., at the Assembly Rooms.
The attendance was limited, but the paucity of numbers was amply compensated for by the sociability of those present . . .
After the cloth was removed, glasses were charged, and the proceedings commenced by P.C.R. Steele proposing the health of "Her Majesty the Queen" . . .
Song by Bro. Darton, "The Pilot" . . .
Song by Mr. Eagleton "Ben Backstay."
Song by Bro. Clarke "Widow Machree" . . .
Song by Mr. Eagleton "We won't go home till morning" . . .
MUSIC: Ben Backstay (song); We won't go home till morning (Blondel)
"MARRIAGES", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (22 December 1866), 5
EAGLETON - RICKARD - On the 9th of December, at Trinity Church, Yackandandah, by the Rev. J. H. May, Benjamin Eagleton of London, to Agnes Rickard of Edinburgh. No cards.
Teacher record, Benjamin Eagleton, 1867-93; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Eagleton Benjamin / born 12 March 1833 / 1 July '67 . . . Superannuated 30 June 1893 . . . Total Service 26 years . . .
"BRUARONG (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Sept. 1st", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (4 September 1869), 2
It is very pleasant to indulge in a rational evening's amusement, but when it is also a success in a pecuniary point of view, it is still more gratifying. Our entertainment which came off on the 24th ultimo combined both advantages, and therefore every one was pleased. From the first announcement much interest was excited; tickets sold freely, and a moonlight night and fine weather invited an audience which filled the School-room almost to inconvenience, from a hundred to a hundred and twenty persons of all ages being present . . . Mr. Eagleton read the opening address and assisted at the piano during the evening. The evening was enlivened by several amateur singers . . . The entertainment was protracted until eleven o'clock, though the audience did not appear to consider it any too long; after which advantage was taken of Mr. Eagleton's instrumental part, to indulge in a social dance, which was kept up until past two in the morning. So ended as pleasant an evening as we have witnessed in Bruarong for many a month, and the results are as satisfactory, the proceeds amounting to between £5 and £6 . . .
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (4 November 1871), 3
BRUARONG COMMON SCHOOL. Supplementary Classes,
FOR instruction in DRAWING, SINGING, STENOGRAPHY and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, are now in operation.
Evening Classes, For Private Tuition in Arithmetic, Writing, &c., are also in course of formation.
For Terms and Particulars, apply to the Head Teacher, B. Eagleton.
Vacancies for a few Boarders.
"PROMOTION", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (23 December 1875), 2
We are happy to hear that Mr. B. Eagleton, late of the Sutton State School, has received the appointment of head teacher to the newly erected State School at North Wooragee, better known as Upper Indigo. As Mr. Eagleton is well known, not only for his literary attainments, but also for artistic and musical abilities, we may congratulate the residents of that locality as having secured the services of a gentleman so well qualified for the onerous and trustworthy position he has been selected to fulfil.
"OLD IDENTITIES OF BEECHWORTH. BEN. EAGLETON ("BILLY NUTTS") Being the Reminiscences of a Colonist of 57 Years . . . [CONTINUED]", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (17 April 1909), 10
But before proceeding with these rambling reminiscences I may as well complete the particulars of my birth and parentage. My father was senior partner in the firm of Eagleton and Glover, tailors and haberdashers (whatever that may mean); his Christian name was John, and he was married to Harriet Selby . . . My three brothers went to a boarding school near Dover, on the coast of Kent, I being kept at home on account of my delicate health. It was there that I developed some ability in drawing and music, which stood me in good stead in after life . . .
"OLD IDENTITIES OF BEECHWORTH . . . [CONTINUED]", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (14 August 1909), 1
It was about this time - early, in January, 1853 - that the news came to Melbourne of the finding of the great Canadian nugget, weighing about 1 cwt., at Canadian Gully, Ballarat. This was the largest mass of gold yet found in Victoria, and the excitement, which was great enough before, now rose to fever heat. Every day I could see expeditions passing along the street, bound for Ballarat, in the hope of unearthing equally large masses of gold. The prevalent excitement was embodied in a song at one of the music halls, an adaptation of a popular song in London, with the refrain "That licks me," and one verse was as follows: -
"Where they found that great big nugget,
That licks me;
Why wasn't it my fate to hug it,
That licks me.
I shall be off to Ballarat now
And at digging have a slap now,
But if I get the half of that now,
That'll lick me" . . .
"MR. BENJAMIN EAGLETON", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (15 September 1915), 3
The ranks of the old pioneers of this district suffered another depletion on Monday last through the death of Mr. Benjamin Eagleton, a resident of Beechworth and its immediate neighbourhood for 56 years. His death was not unexpected as for the past two years his health had been fading, and he suffered from fainting fits. It was in one of these that he fell and smashed his right thumb. The death of his wife a few weeks ago affected him considerably, and although the members of his family did all that was possible to comfort him, he passed peacefully away about noon on Monday at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Sidney Turner, in Short-street, at the ripe old age of 82 years and six months.
The late Mr. Eagleton was born in the ancient Borough of Southwark, a southern suburb of the City of London on 12th March 1833. His father was the senior partner in the firm of Eagleton and Glover, tailors and haberdashers. He was educated at a private school in Southwark, where he developed some ability in drawing and music, which stood him in good stead in after years. As a lad he was an omnivorous reader, and being possessed of a retentive memory he was enabled to turn the information thus gathered to good account. Mr. Eagleton commenced life as a junior clerk in a merchant's office in Mark Lane, where he remained for two years. In August 1852, attracted by the reports of the marvellous gold discoveries in Australia, he set sail for the new Eldorado in the sailing ship Eliza. After a voyage of four months he landed in Melbourne in December of the same year and shortly after obtained employment in an ironmongers store at high wages. The "gold fever" was on him, however, and in January, 1853, he set out in company with his brother for the Ballarat diggings where he had his first experience of gold mining. He worked on this field for about 12 months, and then returned to the city. In 1855 the Maryborough gold field attracted him, and he was present there during the "Tipperary Riots." Creswick, Beaufort and Ararat fields were visited in turn, and in 1859 Mr. Eagleton came on to the Ovens, and during that year was on the Indigo gold field. In 1860 he went to Yackandandah, where he and his brother engaged in hawking drapery, etc., and subsequently carried newspapers from Beechworth to Yackandandah, a very profitable undertaking in those days. At about this time he became connected in a semi-official capacity with the "Ovens and Murray Advertiser," the connection lasting continuously until a few years ago. In December, 1866, Mr. Eagleton was married at Yackandandah to Miss Agnes Rickard, and they started storekeeping at Bruarong - or Sutton as it was then known. He then entered the service of the Education Department, and in 1867 opened a school at Bruarong. He conducted this for 10 years, and was then transferred to Upper Indigo, where he remained for seven years. His next change was to Jamieson, in the Mansfield district, then to Tea Garden Creek, and after 18 months at that school he was placed in charge of the Black Springs - or Melbourne-road - School. Having reached the age of 60, he retired from the service after 27 years continuous employment, and then took up journalistic work, and as a contributor to this journal under the pen name of "Billy Nutts" he was well-known throughout the whole of the North-Eastern district. Subsequently he became editor of the "Ovens and Murray Advertiser."
The late Mr. Eagleton could recount many amusing incidents of the early days, and about five years ago he published his reminiscences in our columns. He was also a very capable piano player, and his services were in great request at dances, socials, etc. A thoughtful, studious man, Mr. Eagleton kept himself well versed in current topics. He was a typical Bohemian, of most genial kindly temperament, with a good fund of humour, which made him always acceptable as a companion to his numerous friends. Always optimistic, he battled through his full share of life's worries without impairment of his nice disposition, and when his fortunes were at a low ebb a timely legacy of considerable amount put an end to his financial anxieties. He was at all times anxious to do a good turn to those deserving it, and always had a kindly thought for those in distressed circumstances. He was made an hon. life governor of the Ovens Benevolent Asylum for his thoughtfulness of the inmates of that institution. He leaves a grown-up family of three sons, Frederick, Charles and Albert, and two daughters, Mrs. W. Dugan and Mrs. S. Turner, to mourn their loss. His last mortal remains are to be laid to rest in the Beechworth Cemetery this (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o'clock.
EAMES, Miss (Miss EAMES)
Musician, teacher of the pianoforte
Active Geelong, VIC, 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (23 September 1854), 5
PIANOFORTE.- Miss EAMES will be happy to give private lessons at her own residence or elsewhere. [illegible], Villamanta-street.
EARL, Fanny (Fanny EARL; Miss F. EARLE [sic])
Active Ballarat, VIC, September and October 1858 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: Tilly Earl (unrelated dancer and actor, who first performed in Ballarat in November 1858)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (30 September 1858), 3
PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS: - MISS FANNY EARL, of the Liverpool Concerts, just arrived from Melbourne.
MRS. TURNER, of the Philharmonic Concerts.
MR. HORSFORD, the Comic Vocalist, MR. W. F. SAYERS, & MR. T. KING.
Selections from Favorite Operas by the Band,
Interspersed with Gems of lighter Music.
M. FLEURY, Conductor.
Admission: - Pit and boxes, 1s, reserved seats, 2s 6d.
Doors open at half-past seven, concert to commence at eight o'clock precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violinist, conductor); Charlotte Turner (vocalist); William Francis Sayer (vocalist) Thomas King (musician); Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Star (2 October 1858), 3
Mons. Fleury's Monstre Promenade Concerts.
PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS: Mesdames Vitelli, Turner, and Earle, Messrs. Sayers and King.
First Night of the Great Exhibition Quadrille.
PROGRAMME. Part 1st. Overture - "Fra Diavolo" - Auber
"Les Souvenirs D'Amerique" - D'Albert
Ballad - Miss F. EARLE . . .
Part 2nd. "Grand Exhibition Quadrille" - Jullien (Drums by Signor Pietro Canna.)
Ballad - Miss F. EARLE . . .
Pianist - Herr L. F. PALIN.
Conductor - M. FLEURY . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Vitelli (vocalist); Alfred Labalestrier (musician); Pietro Canna (drums); Lawrence Frederick Palin (pianist)
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . . . MONTEZUMA THEATRE", The Star (4 October 1858), 3
This place was quite filled on Saturday night last, as, indeed, it deserved to be, for the promenade concerts given there are of rare excellence in the district. Madame Vitelli was received with an applause which was not decreased by the flying reports respecting her arrival which have been current throughout the week. Her appearance and style of singing made a great impression on her audience. Mrs. Turner and Miss Earle sang some very charming ballads, and the orchestra, led by M. Fleury, played excellently well. The overture to "Fra Diavolo" and the "Exhibition Quadrille" were performed with an effect, we are satisfied, has never before been produced on Ballarat.
"MONTEZUMA PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Star (6 October 1858), 2
It is a matter of regret that so much exertion to provide really good music for the Ballarat public should meet with so small a success. Last evening it was impossible for any one in any degree competent to judge, to withhold the meed of high approbation which the performances deserved. The orchestra play with rare excellence of instrumentation, and M. Fleury's leadership, Messrs. King and Palin's solos on the clarionet and piccolo, and M. Labalestrier's solos on the cornet, were greeted with loud and deserved applause. Madame Vitelli has vastly improved since her last visit to Ballarat, and her rendering of the charming ballads committed to her care repeatedly called for the applause so well merited. Miss Earle sang with great taste and expression. We trust these concerts, as they become better known, will receive the support they so well deserve.
Dancing master, farmer, innkeeper, racing horse owner
Born Patterdale, Westmorland, England, c. 1790 (c. 1793)
Married Ann MOUNSEY (Mrs. HOLMES; Mrs. WILSON) (1787-1875), Barton, near Penrith, Cumbria, England, 30 April 1822 (separated from 1840)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 June 1823 (per Thalia, from England)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 1840 (for England)
Died Colby, Westmorland, England, 24 October 1876, aged "86" (buried Patterdale) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Dorothea Earl Richards (daughter, vocalist, actor); Henry Augustus Richards (son-in-law, musician, violinist)
On 30 April 1822, near Penrith, in Westmoreland (Cumbria), John Earl, dancing master, married the twice widowed, Mrs. Ann Wilson (born MOUNSEY; previously Mrs. Holmes). Three months later, on 10 August, he wrote from Patterdale, Ullswater, to London seeking consideration for a land grant in New South Wales, stating that he was raised on a farm, had a perfect understanding of the management of sheep, and capital of £500, and enclosed three references. His application was evidently successful, and he and his wife's five children arrived in Sydney on the Thalia in June 1823. On 5 July 1823 he was allocated 1500 acres, on Patrick's Plains, near what is now Singleton, and arrived there in the spring. Earl named his property "Glenridding" (after the Cumbrian lake village).
The 1828 Census listed John Earl, 38 years, innkeeper at Patrick Plains; Ann Earl, 40; and their daughter Dorothy Earl, aged 5 years; also four of Ann's other children, surname Holmes, Mary Ann, 18, Agnes, 13, Elizabeth, 12 years, and James, 14.
In June 1830, he was in Sydney, attempting to let his farm, and advertising a return to his former profession as a dancing master. There is no record of his success or otherwise in Sydney, and he appears to have been back at Patrick's Plains for most of the 1830s.
Having seen his only daughter, Dorothea Earl, married to Henry Augustus Richards in May 1840, Earl sold up his property, and returned to England, leaving money for his wife, Ann, to follow him later. She, however, seems to have decided to remain in Australia with her children. She died near Maitland, on 14 July 1875, aged 86.
John Earl returned to his native Westmorland, settling at Colby, where he fathered at least eight more children by his housekeeper, Mary Pattinson. He died at Colby in 1876, but was buried at Patterdale.
With thanks for information used above, originally posted online from the Family History Society of Singleton newsletter
[News], Westmorland Advertiser and Kendal Chronicle [England] (11 March 1815), 3 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Earl held his ball at the Cross Keys Inn, Burton-in-Kendal, on Friday, the 3d inst., which was attended by most of the respectable families in the neighbourhood, who were pleased to express themselves in the highest terms, their approbation of the uniform regularity with which his pupils went through a variety of new and fashionable dances; at the same time great praise is due to Mr. E. for his attention to the morals of those pupils under his tuition.
[Advertisement], Westmorland Advertiser and Kendal Chronicle (29 July 1815), 2 (PAYWALL)
Where he had been instructed by VESTRIS and SONS, in the Opera House,
LE CLERCQ, of Sadler's Wells, and WILSON, Dancing-Master,
Most respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Kendal, and vicinity,
that he purposes to open School at the Crown Inn, on Monday, the 7th August,
where every department of Dancing, adapted ether to the English Ball Room or the Stage,
will be taught in the most fashionable style . . .
[Advertisement], Westmorland Advertiser and Kendal Chronicle (6 July 1816), 2 (PAYWALL)
MR. EARL, HAVING been instructed by the first Teachers in London and Edinburgh,
and having acquired a general knowledge of Dancing,
presents his most respectful compliments to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Kendal and its Vicinity,
and begs to announce his intention of opening a School at the Crown Inn, on Monday, July 8th, 1816,
where every department of Dancing, adapted either to the English Ball-room or Stage, will be taught in the most fashionable style;
it is proper to mention that the Waltzing taught by Mr. E. is in the French style,
with all the grace and elegance which can possibly belong to that pleasing department of the science.
TERMS - Short Quarter [illegible] - Entrance and Ball [illegible]
Those Ladies and Gentlemen who please to do him the honour of intrusting their children under his tuition,
may rest assured of his unremitting attention towards their immediate improvement,
and that no exertion of his shall be wanting to merit a continuance of their favours.
Young Ladies and Gentlemen who have not been taught Dancing, or who have not acquired the present improved and fashionable style,
may be instructed in a manner calculated to qualify them with the greatest facility to join with graceful ease and confidence the most polite assemblies.
Those Ladies and Gentlemen desirous of learning may be attended privately either at their own homes,
or in the School room, where Country Dancing and Waltzing may be taught them.
[Advertisement], Westmorland Advertiser and Kendal Chronicle (27 June 1818), 3
DANCING. MR. EARL begs leave most respectfully to announce to his Friends and the Public of Kendal and its Vicinity,
that he purposes re-opening his School, at the Crown Inn, on Monday, July 6th, 1818,
where a variety of the most modern Dances will be introduced, as now used in the first circles,
Quadrilles and Waltzing; French, Spanish and Italian Dances, &c.
Mr. EARL returns his sincere thanks for the favours already conferred upon him;
and flatters himself, from his long experience in every department of that polite science, to merit a continuance of their support.
Ladies and Gentlemen, on application, may be privately instructed in all the necessary steps used in those fashionable dances, with their figures.
[News], Westmorland Advertiser and Kendal Chronicle (15 May 1819), 3 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Earl's Ball took place at Bootle, on Friday the 7th inst., he had 68 pupils, and they went through a number of the most fashionable dances, in a style highly gratifying to his numerous friends who attended.
[News], Westmorland Advertiser and Kendal Chronicle (28 November 1818), 3 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Earl's Ball took place in the new Assembly Room, Burton, on Friday the 11th inst. His pupils being all of the first families of that neighbourhood, the exhibition attracted a most brilliant and respectable attendance, and their elegant performance was received with those marks of applause which reflects the credit on that respectable teacher.
[News], Westmorland Advertiser and Kendal Chronicle (25 September 1819), 3 (and advertisement on the same page) (PAYWALL)
Mr. Earl's Ball took place at Broughton on Friday evening, the 17th inst. before a respectable company. His pupils went through many of the most fashionable dances in a manner that threw great credit upon that professional gentleman. The public will see by the Advertisement that he purposes opening his school in Kendal on Wednesday next.
[News], Westmorland Advertiser and Kendal Chronicle (1 July 1820), 5 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Earl's Ball took place at Ravenglass, on Friday se'nnight, and was attended by a large and respectable company. The children went through a variety of new and fashionable dances, which reflect the greatest credit on the teacher; we are informed, that not the least doubt remains of his meeting with that encouragement he deserves, the next time he visits that place.
"MARRIAGES", Cumberland Pacquet and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser [England] (6 May 1822), 3 (PAYWALL)
At Barton, near Penrith, Monday last [29 April], Mr. Earl, dancing master, to Mrs. Ann Wilson, of Patterdale.
Sydney, NSW (from 18 June 1823):
"SHIP NEWS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 June 1823), 2
Yesterday arrived the ship Thalia, Capt. Munro, from Hobart Town; after a boisterous and tedious passage of 18 days. She brings up the remnant of her cargo, as well as a quantity of wheat, we understand. Cabin Passengers: David Ramsay, Esq. Supercargo; Mr. James Sharp; Mr. Anthony Latreille; Mr. William Parker; Mr. John Earl, wife, and 5 children . . .
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
Earl, John / 38 / Came Free / Thalia / 1823 / Pro. / Innkeeper / Patrick's Plains . . .
Ann / 40 // Dorothy / 5 / Born in the Colony
ASSOCIATIONS: Dorothea Earl Richards (daughter, was actually born at sea, and baptised in the colony)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 June 1830), 3
DANCING. MR. EARLE, from Hunter's River,
most respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney and its Vicinity,
that he intends opening a School on Monday the 14th of July, at Mr. SANDWELL'S Long Room,
where a variety of the most fashionable DANCING will be introduced, comprising Quadrilles, Waltzes, Scotch, English, and Irish Dances.
Mr. E. previous to his arrival in this Colony, was a Teacher in the Profession in the first circles of the north of England,
for upwards of 8 years, and has been instructed by the first Teachers in London and Edinburgh.
Those Parents and Guardians who may confer on him the honour of intrusting their children to his care,
may rest assured that no exertion on his part will be wanting to merit a continuance of their favours.
TERMS. Two guineas per quarter, One guinea in advance. Attendance, Tuesdays and Fridays, from 6 till 8 o'clock in the evening.
Private Families attended upon as any best suit their convenience.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 June 1830), 2
In to day's publication will be found an Advertisement from a professional of the name of Earle, who intends opening a respectable academy, in Sydney, for the purpose of giving instructions in the polite and fashionable accomplishment of dancing. From what we can learn, Mr. E. is no novice in his profession, and will no doubt assist to "Advance Australia."
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 June 1830), 3
DANCING. MR. EARL [sic], from Hunter's River . . . [rest as above]
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (26 June 1830), 1
A FARM TO BE LET OR SOLD. A FARM, being one of the finest on Hunter's River, to Let, comprising 1500 Acres, at Patrick's Plains, nearly the whole of which is fenced in with a ring fence . . . There are now 30 Acres of Wheat in the ground, which the Proprietor, Mr. John Earl, will have no objection to Let at a fair valuation with the Farm. For further particulars, apply to Mr. Boddenham, Estate and Land Agent.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 June 1830), 1
NOTICE. - It is the intention of the Proprietor, John Earl, Esq , as soon as the surveys are completed, of offering to the public all that splendid Estate of Glenridding, adjoining the rapidly rising town of Singleton, Patrick's Plains. This property will be divided into small allotments to suit purchasers, of which particulars and due notice will be given in a future advertisement.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (8 July 1840), 3
"PATRICK'S PLAINS." J. H. ATKINSON, has received instructions from the Proprietor,
John Earle [sic], Esq., of Glenridding, preparatory to leaving the Colony for England, to sell by Public Auction,
on his Estate, three miles from the Town of Singleton, his Celebrated Racing Stud and Hacks, the whole of his choice Milch Cows, with their progeny;
Bulls, Working Bullocks, Thrashing Machine, Farming Implements, &c. &c.,
on TUESDAY, the 21st day of July, being the day following the sale of live stock at Singleton . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (21 September 1840), 8
FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS, To be lent upon Mortgage, for the space of two years and eight months, at the rate of 12 1/2 per cent. Apply to Mr. John Earl, 105 Pitt-street, or Mr. George Allen Solicitor, Elizabeth-street. September, 18th 1840.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 October 1844), 1
Richard Fawcett, plaintiff; and John Earl, defendant.
WHEREAS an action has been commenced in this Court, at the suit of the above-named Richard Fawcett,
against the above named John Earl, to recover the sum of one hundred andi twenty-six pounds, ten shillings, and five-pence,
for money paid by the above-named plaintiff for the use of the defendant, and at his request . . .
"SUPREME COURT (CIVIL SIDE) . . . Fawcett v. Earle", The Australian (5 November 1844), 3
This was an action brought by the plaintiff on a writ of foreign attachment, to recover from the defendant who had gone to England, but who had property in the colony, the sum of £126 advanced by plaintiff to the wife of the defendant. It appeared that Mr. Earle on leaving the colony had left funds for the payment of £100 a year to his wife, Anne Earle, during her stay, and of the sum of £125 to defray the expense of her passage to England whenever she might wish to leave the colony . . .
See also, [Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (28 July 1846), 928
And, [Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (23 May 1848), 660
England census, 30 March 1851, Colby, Westmorland; UK National Archives, HO107/2439/167/2 (PAYWALL)
John Earl / Head / Mar. / 58 / - / [born] Westmorland Patterdale
John Earl Pattinson / Natural Son / 6 // Ann Earl Pattinson / Natural Daur. / 4 //
Margaret Earl Pattinson / Natural Daur. / 1 // Mary Earl Pattinson / Natural Daur. / 3 mths // [all born Colby]
Mary Pattinson / Servant / Unmarried / 33 / Housekeeper / [born] Westmorland Patterdale . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Earl junior (natural son, baptised 20 November 1845), died Beechworth, VIC, 1875;
see "CORONER'S INQUEST", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (27 March 1875), 3
[Advertisement], Carlisle Journal [England] (21 September 1855), 1 (PAYWALL)
TO be SOLD, by AUCTION, at the House of Mr. John Earl, the Kangaroo Inn, COLBY,
on Monday, the 8th day of October next, at Six o'Clock in the Evening,
all that newly-erected and well-accustomed INN or PUBLIC HOUSE, called the
KANGAROO INN, situate COLBY, near Appleby, Westmorland . . .
EARL, Tilly (Martha Matilda EARL; Matilda EARL; Miss Tilly EARL; often Miss EARLE; Mrs. John EDOUIN; Mrs. Charles NEWTON; Mrs. C. H. NEWTON)
Dancer, theatrical dancer, actor, vocalist
Born England, 31 May 1842; baptised, St. Lawrence cum St. John, Southampton, 24 August 1845; daughter of Daniel EARL (d. 1878) and Sarah GIBBS
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 2 October 1853 (per Oithona, with parents, age "11")
Married [1] John William BRYER (John EDOUIN) (1840-1875), St. Mark's church, Fitzroy, VIC, 25 July 1864
Married [2] Charles NEWTON (d. 1889), ?
Died Windsor, VIC, 11 February 1888, aged "46" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Pupil of Therese Strebinger (dancer)

Tilly Earl (Melbourne, c. mid 1860s; Davies & Co. photographers) (DIGITISED) (another image - DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Davies (photographer)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Lawrence cum St. John, in the town of Southampton in the year 1845; register 1838-58, page 4; Hampshire Archives and Local Studies, Winchester, 21M65/F8/241/3 (PAYWALL)
No. 32 / [1845] August 24 / Born May 31st 1842 / Martha Matilda Daughter of / Daniel & Sarah / Earl / Vyse Lane / Servant . . .
Passengers per Oithona, Melbourne, 2 October 1853; Public Records Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Earl Daniel / Seaman / [born] Hants. / [age] 36
[Earl] Sarah / Matron / [Hants.] / 37 // Matilda / - / [Hants.] / 11
"THEATRE ROYAL. THE TEMPEST", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (7 July 1857), 7
. . . The production [on 6 July] of so magnificent a work on the stage would seem to be surrounded by difficulties almost insurmountable; yet we say with perfect sincerity that the company at the Theatre Royal have, or, rather will have, upon a second representation, achieved a most remarkable success. The pressure on our space hardly enables us to do justice to what we were impressed, with hardly a single exception, was a really meritorious undertaking . . . The tempest at the opening is equal to anything of the kind we remember in London, and the cave of Prospero is another triumph of scenic art, but fully as large a share of credit is due to Mr. Brooke as Prospero, and to Mr. Heir, as Caliban . . . The scene before the cave of Prospero introduced some dancing by Madame Strebinger Mrs. McGowan, and Miss Earl, which materially heightened the pleasure of the action . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Robert Heir (actor); Therese Strebinger (dancer); Fanny McGowan (dancer); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC. THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (11 July 1857), 2
After a very much longer rehearsal, and a more lavish expenditure of money than colonial managers are wont to think prudent or necessary, the "Tempest" was produced on Monday evening. The opening scene representing a storm at sea, with a vessel going ashore, was a triumph of scene painting and stage mechanism; and a ballet was introduced by Madame Strebinger, Mrs. McGowan, and Miss Earl, into the nymph scene, in the fourth act, with great success . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (28 December 1857), 5
We are enabled to praise Mr. Akhurst's last pantomime as an improvement upon its predecessor, as we also had occasion to refer to that in similar terms of commendation.
In Harlequin Whittington and his Cat, the incidents of the story have been adhered to,
with reasonable fidelity, and there is no lack of these anachronisms which contribute so much to the general grotesqueness of the piece . . .
What lover of operatic music would object to the clever travesties of the scene from "Lucrezia Borgia" (in which Mr. McGowan made up so well, and acquitted himself so admirably),
or to the burlesque upon "Sardanapalus," which revived our recollections of the wild and fanciful music which heralded the approach of the processions? . . .
There was a small fairy in radiant vestments cleverly impersonated by Miss Earl, and two full-grown fairies (represented by Madame Strebinger and Mrs. McGowan)
who bounded about the stage so lightly that we almost expected to see them imitate the example of the policeman who subsequently carried into action the sentiment of a well-known song, and
"Took a flight / Towards heaven that night, / And left dull earth behind him" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Mower Akhurst (playwright); Robert McGowan (actor)
"SHAMROCK CONCERT HALL", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (22 June 1858), 3
We see by advertisement in this morning's issue, that Mr. Heffernan, determined upon giving the public a treat of no common diameter, has made arrangements with the celebrated danseuse, Madame Strebinger, and her pupil, Miss Earle, who will appear at the Shamrock to-morrow evening. These ladies, the former of whom is well known in the Australian Colonies as an artiste, who is second to no lady dancer who has ever appeared in the colonies, have for some time past been playing at the Theatre Royal in Melbourne, where, it is almost needless to say, they have been received with great applause. In addition to these ladies, we are glad to notice the name of M. Strebinger, the violinist, whose performances on this instrument are considered by many to be equal in brilliancy and execution to those of Miska Hauser himself. We trust that Mr. Heffernan's endeavors to cater for the public amusement may induce the good folks of Sandhurst to patronise the Shamrock as they used to do in the palmy days of Old Bendigo.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Heffernan (proprietor); Frederick Strebinger (violinist); Miska Hauser (violinist); Shamrock Concert Hall (Bendigo venue)
"SHAMROCK CONCERT HALL", Bendigo Advertiser (24 June 1858), 3
The performances at the Shamrock Concert Hall last evening were of a description rather different to those which the spirited proprietor of that place has hitherto provided for the amusement of his patrons, the public, and we should say, if we may judge from the crowds who attended the Shamrock last night, upwards of a thousand persons cramming the place, that his new speculation will prove a highly successful one. Never, on any occasion do we remember to have seen the Hall so crowded; many persons were in the early part of the evening compelled to leave, through not being able to obtain even standing room; and up till the hour of closing, the press of persons trying to obtain even a sight of the "stars," was immense. It is almost needless to say, when such artistes as Madame Strebinger, Miss Earle, and M. Strebinger are concerned, that the performances wero highly successful throughout, the dancing by the ladies being of a character which has never before been witnessed in Sandhurst. Although, we must say, we could have wished that the stage had been a little larger, in order to have enabled them to display more fully those powers with which they are so highly gifted. M. Strebinger is evidently a violinist of no common order, and his performance last evening was a most valuable addition to the evening's entertainment. While rendering to the new arrivals all due praise, we must not forget our old friends Miss Urie and Thatcher, who, notwithstanding the increased attraction, were received last evening as heartily as ever . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Urie (vocalist); Charles Thatcher (vocalist, flute player, songwriter)
"SHAMROCK CONCERT HALL", Bendigo Advertiser (26 June 1858), 3
The really elegant and fascinating performances of Madame Strebinger and Miss Earle last evening still maintained their attractive influence on the public, and a room well filled by delighted spectators was the result . . . A new song of Thatcher's, on the "Dancing Mania," was received with most uproarious applause . . .
"SHAMROCK CONCERT HALL", Bendigo Advertiser (9 July 1858), 3
. . . Madame Strebinger and Miss Earle were repeatedly encored. En passant we may remark that the latter does great credit to the care and assiduity of her instructress, as even during the short time she has been before a Bendigo audience a marked improvement is manifest in her whole style of dancing. There can be but little doubt in a very short time this young lady will occupy a high position on the theatrical boards . . .
"CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (17 November 1858), 3
Last evening's performance was certainly the most brilliant one with which the ballet company have yet favored us, and that is saying a very great deal. After the drama of "Jacques Sincere," Madame Strebinger and her pupil Miss Earle, danced La Tarantella with admirable grave and dexterity. They were followed by Fraulein Fannie, who performed La Lithuanienne most charmingly, and the brothers Leopold, who were encored in their danse a la Chinoise. The crowning feature of the evening was, however, the ballet of "La Giselle," in which Mdlle. Therese was the queen regnant of the occasion, though her honors were hotly disputed by M. Schmidt, who appeared in a much more favorable light than we have yet seen him . . . We must not forget to commend M. Richty's band for their rendering of the overture to "William Tell," and the beautiful music of the ballet.
ASSOCIATIONS: Leopold family (Leopold brothers and Fannie Leopold, dancers); Therese and Monsieur Schmidt (dancers); Carl Richty (musician); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 December 1859), 5
"Harlequin Prince Humpy Dumpy; or The Magic Eagle and the Golden Branch," is the title of the entertainment served up at the Theatre Royal, in the garb of a grand comic Christmas pantomime . . . Pastorolla (a fairy of the new school) - what is that, by the way? - Miss Earl, is the kind spirit . . . Considerable praise, however, must be awarded . . . to Miss Earl, who is light and tripping as Pastorella . . . The songs and dances are mostly good and appropriate, one of the former, in four parts, and a "breakdown" dance among the latter, taking immensely, chiefly through the spirit and vivacity of Miss Fanny Young, who bids fair to shine as one of our best burlesque artistes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Young (dancer, actor)
"PRINCESS THEATRE", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (6 February 1860), 6
The burlesque of "Pluto and Proserpine," which secured a lengthened run at the Haymarket, in London, some time since,
is being performed at the Princess Theatre, and with considerable improvement on the original piece.
Wanting none of the original bits, it now includes some local additions which are intensely local,
and the addition of which have constituted it almost a new play . . .
Scene 6th . . . discloses a corn field, with a neat little cottage in the background, and the reapers merry-making.
This gives occasion for the performance of some national dances, so well executed that we cannot refrain from mentioning the principal performers, -
Irish Jig - Miss Earl; Marsellaise - Miss Targett and Miss Holroyd; Tullachgorum - Miss Fagan and Miss Corcoran;
Sailors' Hornpipe - Miss Green and Miss Earl . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Corcoran (dancer, ? or younger sister Kate); Eliza Fagan (dancer); Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Age (27 December 1860), 5
The Theatre Royal presented a right good English appearance last night, as a theatre ought to do on the first night of a Christmas pantomime. The dress circle was well filled, and the several other portions of the house were crowded well nigh to suffocation . . . The plum-pudding of the evening was of Mr. W. M. Akhurst's making, and rejoiced in the name of "Little Jack Horner (the original hero of the Corner), or Harlequin Ignorance and the magic mince pie" . . . In the first scene we are introduced to the waste lands of the fairy dominion, wherein, we meet with Progressa (Miss Earle); and Retrogressa (Miss Fanny Young), who indulge in some neat exchanges of word play, and then give place to a fairy pas de trois between Mesdames Therese and Strebinger, and M. Schmidt . . .
"AQUATICS. BOATS AND BOATBUILDERS OF THE UPPER YARRA", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (5 October 1861), 2
. . . on last Saturday [28 September] . . . we took advantage of the fineness of the weather to pay our annual visit to the sheds of the various boatbuilders, and the head quarters of the clubs. Commencing at Princes Bridge . . . we saw, on the south bank . . . the boat shed of the crack club of the Yarra . . . the Elswick . . . Opposite to this boat house is the well known steam-boat pier of Jemmy Edwards, who has the best collection of pleasure and practice boats ever possessed by one man in this colony. In addition to his outrigger wager boats, he has a four, christened the Bianchi, and the following model boats all recently built: - The Lucy Escott, the Julia Matthews, the Rosa Dunn, the Colleen Bawn, and the Leisure Hour. Two new boats have been during the past week added to his stock, built to order, one by Clem. Blunt and the other by Harry Lester, apropos of which we may mention that the ceremony of christening one of them will take place this afternoon; it will be called the Tilly Earl . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Giovanna Bianchi (vocalist); Lucy Escott (vocalist); Julia Mathews (actor); Rosa Dunn (actor)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (3 June 1862), 4
Any doubts or fears under which Mr. Dind might have laboured when entering on the lesseeship of this establishment, and expending a large amount of money on the improvements of the theatre, have all been dispelled by the great and indulgent kindness which the public have shown him, and we must say deservedly so. With such a company . . . Of the ladies, Miss Julia Matthews stands first . . . She is possessed of a versatility of talent and perception of character, extraordinary in one so young. And we might say an immensity of Miss Earl. In her singing, dancing, and acting, this young lady would be an acquisition of no small value to any stage . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Dind (manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (2 August 1864), 4
BRYER - EARL. - On the 25th ult., at St. Mark's Church, Fitzroy, by the Rev. R. B. Barlow, John William Bryer to Matilda Earl, only daughter of Daniel Earl, of Carlton.
England census, 1871, Camden Town, St. Pancras; UK National Archives, RG10/232 (PAYWALL)
70 Gt. College St / John Bryer / Head / 30 / Tobacconist / [born] Sussex Brighton
Matilda [Bryer] / Wife / 27 / Actress / Hants. Southampton
"COMMUNICATED", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (18 February 1888), 35
Miss Tilly Earle died, at Windsor, Victoria, on the 11th inst. A good many years ago this lady was a deservedly popular actress in Melbourne. She began her stage career as a danseuse, having been a pupil of Madame Storbinger [sic, Strebinger], who, 30 years ago, was the premiere danseuse at the Theatre Royal. Afterwards, Miss Earle adopted the soubrette line in her profession, and achieved therein many successes. She was the original Polly Eccles in "Caste" when the piece was first played at the Haymarket, about 22 years ago. She was first married to Mr. John Edouin, brother of Mrs. G. B. W. Lewis, and afterwards to Mr. C. H. Newton. For some years she has been a stranger to the Melbourne stage, but in her young time she could hold her own against most comers.
"DEATH OF MISS TILLY EARL (MRS. CHARLES NEWTON)", The Lorgnette [Melbourne, VIC] (24 February 1888), 2
The above lady died on Saturday last, the 11th instant, at her residence, Union-street, Windsor, at the age of forty-two.
She was for many years a favorite burlesque actress at the Melbourne theatres.
Was the representative of the role of the Princess Badroubadour, in the first production of the late H. J. Byron's burlesque of "Aladdin," at the Princess Theatre,
Melbourne, August 12th, 1861, in which appeared the late Miss Julia Matthews, John Dunn, James Milne, and Messrs. George Fawcett and Richard Stewart.
Miss Earl was also the original Polly Eccles, in the first presentation of the comedy, by the late Mr. Robertson,
of "Caste," at the Duke of Edinburgh Theatre, Melbourne, on the 11th of April, 1868.
She was supported by Mrs. Walter Hill as Esther Eccles, Mrs. Gill as the Marquise, Mr. Bellair, Mr. Appleton, Mr. James Milne and Mr. W. B. Gill.
The late Miss Earl was first married to the late Mr. John Edouin (brother to Mrs. G. B. W. Lewis), and while in India with Mr. Lewis' company, he died from brain fever.
Mrs. J. Edouin, after some lapse of time, married in Sydney to her present husband, Mr. Charles Newton.
For some years the above erstwhile sprightly lady has been suffering from a complication of complaints, affection of the eyes, which for a long time caused almost total blindness,
then rheumatic gout, culminating in dysentery and exhaustion, which caused her death.
- W. H. W.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Waters (obituarist)
"BRISBANE", The Lorgnette (19 January 1889), 5
Charley Newton, comedian, who married the late Tilly Earl, died in the Brisbane Hospital on Saturday, January 5th, and was buried on Sunday - the only mourners being Harry Power and "Liddy."
Musical editions:
The perfect cure (popular song, Christmas pantomime 1861-62)
The perfect cure, popular comic song as sung by Miss Earl in the Christmas pantomime (Sydney: J. H. Anderson, [1862]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: James Henri Anderson (musicseller, publisher); see on "The perfect cure" as first popularised in England by James Hurst Stead (Wikipedia)
"THE CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (28 December 1861), 5
. . . The managers of the Royal Victoria Theatre have made every effort to provide a pantomimic spectacle not below the exigencies of the occasion, and it must be frankly admitted that their exertions have been crowned with unequivocal success. In point of scenery, mechanical arrangements, a judicious cast of character, and genuine fun, the pantomime of Aladdin, or the Wonderful Scamp, is undoubtedly equal to anything of the kind ever yet produced in the colony, its agremens being still further enhanced by the first appearance of a young and fascinating actress - Miss Earl - whose personal attractions and talents have put everybody on the qui vive. No great foresight is required to predict that this young lady will prove a great favourite with the Sydney public, nor is it difficult to prophesy that the piece m which she makes her bow, as "The Lad of the Lamp," will, of necessity, have a long run . . . The Chinese ballet, which follows this merry version of the old fairy tale, was invented and arranged by M. Schmidt. The corps de ballet are fully equal to the parts respectively assigned to them, and are not at present to be surpassed in these colonies. The music of the entire entertainment is composed and arranged by Mr. Charles Eigenschenck, the burlesque being produced under the general direction of Mr. Rayner.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Eigenschenck (musician); Joseph Rayner (actor, manager)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1862), 8
JUST PUBLISHED, "The PERFECT CURE," song, as sung by Miss Earl, in the Pantomime, with enthusiastic applause.
J. H. ANDERSON, 360, George-street, nearly opposite Wynyard-street.
SYDNEY MUSIC HALL, 360, George-street. - The latest excitement - "The Perfect Cure," song, price 2s.
EARLE, Master (Master EARLE)
Dancer, vocalist, actor
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1835-41 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town in the county of Buckingham in the year 1830; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1081039; RGD32/1/1/ no 3394 (DIGITISED)
No. 701 / 3394 / 11th August [1830] / [born] 1st July 1830 / George Henry [son of] / James and Margaret / Earle / Hobart Town / Wine Porter . . .
"The Theatre", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (7 January 1835), 3
On Monday evening the Melo-Drama of the Gambler's Fate was repeated to a much better house, and in much better style . . . Several additional dresses were introduced, which rendered the acting more effective. One prodigy we must not again omit to notice, which was the acting of Master Earle, A CHILD ONLY FOUR YEARS OF AGE! which on both evenings elicited thunders of applause. As the little fellow, who is a very interesting child, tripped over the stage with unerring precision to the beautiful symphony of Haydn from the Surprise, the admiration of the audience burst forth in peals of well deserved applause. To see a child so young possess so true an idea of musical time and stage effect, is a something nearly approaching to a colonial prodigy. This child is not new to the public, having sung the song of "Nice Young Maidens" at Mr. Mackay's Theatre, at Roxboro' House, (by which by the way, we regret to say, this justly favourite and enterprising actor sustained a severe loss while endeavouring to cater for the public amusement in the absence of Mr. Cameron), where he was well received. It was an omission on our part not to notice this little fellow before; but we feel convinced that his precocious talent will not be the less duly appreciated by the public . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samson Cameron (actor, manager, Argyle); Angus Mackay (actor, manager, Roxboro); Theatre Argyle Rooms (Hobart venue); Theatre Roxboro' House (Hobart venue)
MUSIC: Nice young maidens (Bishop)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, VCL (TAS)] (29 June 1841), 3
THE Public are respectfully informed, that on
WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 30th instant, will be produced
the celebrated Scottish melodrama, in two acts, entitled GILDEROY, OR THE BONNIE BOY.
. . . Dick - Master Earle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
Musician, theatre orchestra player
Active Sydney, NSW, 1854 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (25 August 1854), 1
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Andrew Torning, Sole Lessee and Manager.
THE LESSEE feels great pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public, that the above popular place of amusement,
with extensive improvements, will open for dramatic and operatic performances (on a scale superior to any yet attempted in the colonies) on
MONDAY, August 2d., with the following company: -
Mr. Frank Howson, Operatic Manager.
Mr. Lavenu, Musical Director.
Mr. John Gibbs, Leader of the Orchestra . . .
ORCHESTRA. Messrs. Lavenu, John Gibbs, C. Riffel, G. Strong, J. Guerin,
Davis, R. Vaughan, M. Vaughan, Wright, Wheeler, Turner, Seymour, McLaughlin, Bing, Theobald, Earle, and Master Hudson.
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Torning (manager); Frank Howson (operatic manager); Lewis Henry Lavenu (musical director); John Gibbs (leader, violin); Carlo Ryfell (musician); George Strong (violin); James Guerin (violin); Mr. Davis (musician); Robert and Michael Vaughan (flute and musician); Mr. Wright (musician); Stephen Wheeler (cornet); John Turner (musician); Richard Seymour (trombone); Mr. McLaughlin (musician); Mr. Bing (musician); Robert Bishop Theobald (musician); George Hudson junior (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (26 August 1854), 3
. . . ORCHESTRA. Messrs. . . . Erle . . .
EARLE, Anthony (Anthony EARLE)
Born c. 1841
Died Melbourne, VIC, 29 April 1866, aged "about 25" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Inquest, Anthony Earle, 2 May 1866; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
DEPOSITION OF WITNESS . . . Arthur Pierce . . .
I know the deceased, his name was Anthony Earle, his age about twenty five years,
he was a musician, he was single, he has no relative in the colony.
The deceased was a great drunkard . . .
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 May 1866), 4
Dr. Youl held an inquest yesterday upon the body of Anthony Earle, aged twenty-five years, a musician, who was taken into the hospital on last Sunday night, and died soon afterwards. Deceased was observed on Sunday night, when walking down Bourke-street, to fall backwards, and strike his head heavily on the pavement. He lay in a state of semi-insensibility till the police arrived, when he was taken to the watchhouse, and being then seized with a fit, he was removed to the hospital, where he died on the same day. On post-mortem examination, it was found that his skull had sustained a fracture, apparently from the blow on the footpath, and the jury returned a verdict in accordance.
EARLE, Augustus (Augustus EARLE; Mr. EARLE)
Musical amateur, member of the Sydney Amateur Concerts, artist, painter
Born London, England, 1 June 1793; baptised St. Marylebone, 27 June 1793; son of James EARL [sic] and Caroline PILKINGTON (Mrs. SMYTH)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 18 January 1825 (per Admiral Cockburn, from Tristan da Cunha)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 14 May 1825 (per Cyprus, from Hobart Town)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 12 October 1828 (per Rainbow, for India)
Died London, England, 10 December 1838 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms in the year 1793, St. Marylebone; register 1782-93; London Metropolitan Archives, P89/MRY1/009 (PAYWALL)
June / 27 / Augustus Earl [son of] James & Caroline / B. 1 June
"THE AMATEUR CONCERT", The Monitor [Sydney, NSW] (21 July 1826), 5
ON Wednesday Evening [19 July] about four hundred persons of both sexes assembled at the public School Room in Castlereagh-street,
to listen to the musical selections of our Amateur performers of our new monthly Concert.
Among the company we noticed the Lieutenant Governor, the Sheriff, the Clerk of the Council, the Clerk of the Peace,
Dr. Townson, a number of Magistrates, Advocates, Military Officers, Civil Officers, principal Merchants, &c. &c. &c.
All this denotes in unequivocal language the growing importance of this admirable public recreation . . .
The "Bill of the Play," exhibited the following . . .
Directors for the Evening.
Mr. Earle. Mr. J. Paul, jun.
Mr. Jos. Underwood. Mr. Hayes . . .
The decorations were greatly improved by the filling up of the three windows at the head of the room, with drawings by Mr. Earle,
representing the statues, in niches, of Apollo, Minerva, and Melpomene-the figures were commanding, and well executed.
Between the statues were respectively placed, the Arms of the United Kingdom, and of these Colonies.
We much approve of these Heraldic ornaments, but we would recommend them to be placed to the right and left over the first windows -
they did not appear to us so good a relief to the statues as the plain wall would have been . . .
As there are now about 150 subscribers, we recommend that after paying the necessary expences of the
institution, the surplus be retained in hand to be increased by the amount of a Benefit for Messrs. Edwards,
Sippe, and Earle, who have united their exertions and talents to please the public, gratis . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Paul junior (member); Joseph Underwood (member); Mr. Hayes (member); John Edwards (member); George Sippe (member); Sydney Amateur Concerts (series); "School room" = Old Court House (Sydney venue)
"THE CONCERT", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (22 July 1826), 3
The company assembled at the Concert-room, on Wednesday evening, was numerous and highly respectable - there could not, at the lowest computation, have been, fewer than two-hundred and fifty persons present - about one third of these, the ladies composed. Care had been taken since the preceding - concert to improve and preserve - as much of the sound as the deficiencies of the room, at least, in respect of its adaptation to the purposes of a concert-room would admit. To effect this desirable end, the eminent talents of Mr. Earle, were very happily employed. At the last concert it was found, that the niches of the three windows' behind the orchestra, as well as those at each side of the room absorbed a large portion of sound. It was therefore highly desirable and essential to remedy this defect. Mr. Earle hit upon a happy expedient, and by the aid of his talents and experience as an artist, fully succeeded. Those mischievious vacancies were condemned to be blocked up in a temporary manner. Those behind the orchestra, by the stately forms of the mythological patron and patronesses of poetry, music, and the liberal arts - those at one side, a sufficiency of blue gurrah, flushed even with the wall, and extending from the top to the bottom of each windowed nich [niche], it was thought, would assist retaining the "echo of sweet sounds" within proper limits.
From a quarter past seven, to some minutes before eight, the company continued successively, pouring in. A director stationed, at the head of the stairs, received each party's ticket of admission. another ushered them into the concert-room, a third led the ladies to the entrance of a dressing or retiring room - from whence, as they re-issued, a fourth, introduced each one to, her seat. The Lieutenant Governor honored the company with his presence - the courteous manners and generous feelings of this gentleman, reflect credit on his taste and liberality. The efficient assistance rendered to the concert thro' his agency, by several of the military musicians has contributed in no slight degree towards their progressing success.
Several Military and a number of Civil Officers, amongst whom were the. Sheriff, and Clerk of the' Council, were also present.
The lights were disposed in much the same manner as on the former evening -
three branches of Grecian lamps, pending from brass chains, in a right line along the centre of the ceiling, besides lesser lights, dispersed in other directions.
The majestic form of Melpomene, as the muse of lyrical poetry, met the eye on first entering at the side door of the Concert-room.
Her stately and perfectly designed figure, appeared to start from the canvas - she stood uprear'd on a pedestal;
a wreath of laurel hung from between the fingers of her right hand - the other sustained a trumpet.
This painting occupied the left windowed niche - it reached from about two feet below the ceiling to the floor of the orchestra.
Melpomene is usually represented as the tragic muse; - as the patroness of lyric poetry.
Horace has addressed to her one of his most admired odes- it appears in the third ode of the fourth book.
The Royal Arms, with lion rampant, and the much doubted unicorn, divided Melpomene from Mr. President Apollo, whose classically designed person occupied the centre.
In delineating the Royal Arms, the skilful Artist had dipped his pencil in the most vivid colours -
the star and garter with the surmounting crown, and circling motto, appeared emblazoned with heraldic accuracy.
- Apollo resting his lyre on the staff of AEsculapius, round which a healing serpent wound itself, stood next in classic dignity, on his pedestal of Parian marble.
- A wreath of his own laurel encircled the head of this grand professor and inventor of medicine, music, poetry, and eloquence.
The so much admired fascial angle in the contour and turn of the Belvedere Apollo's head, Mr. Earle imparted to his figure most happily.
The real or assumed arms of Australia, appeared next; as if upborne by wisdom and the liberal arts - Apollo on the left side, Minerva on the right -
A Kangaroo and Emu appeared to sustain the rising sun of Australia, which darting its rays eliptically up ward,
whilst yet half sunk beneath the blue expanse of ocean, gave. a promise of future brilliancy.
Hope, reclining on her anchor, with a benignant smile, seemed, to rise on the sunbeams.
She threw a halo of glowing rays around her enlivening figure, and recalled to the mind those beautiful lines in Campbell's pleasures of Hope;
"Eternal Hope! when yonder spheres sublime!
Periled their first notes, to sound the march of time,
Thy joyous youth began - but not to fade -
'When all the sister planets have decayed;
. When rapt in fire the realms of ether glow,
And Heaven's last thunder shakes the world below.
Thou, undismayed, shalt o'er the ruins smile,
And light, thy torch at nature's funeral pile!"
Beneath the rising sun was the following appropriate motto, "E parvis magna" (from small beginnings, great results proceed.) The blue-eyed virgin Minerva ranked next as the goddess of wisdom - her towering head sustained a helmet - one hand was armed with the spear - a shield, with the grisly head of the dying Medusa, protected the other. Those paintings, if the lights had been properly concentrated towards them would have had a just effect when viewed from any particular part of the room as it was, distance in place of improving, rather detracted from their appearance. Experience will, however, serve to correct this defect, and obtain for the Artist that share of admiration, to which his talents so justly entitle him . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 November 1826), 1
The GENTLEMEN, composing the COMMITTEE of the SYDNEY AMATEUR CONCERT, beg to inform the Public, that a
CONCERT will be held on Monday, the 4th Day of December next, at the Court-house, in Castlereagh-street.
Several Magistrates, and other Gentlemen of the Colony, having expressed their Wish to the Committee, that such should take Place,
and having promised their Support on the Occasion, it is hoped, that the Public will give every Encouragement to promote and Attempt to relieve the above laudable Institution.
Tickets, 10s each. may be had, on Application to Messrs. JAMES FOSTER (at Mr. Norton's Office, Elizabeth-street),
A full Account of the Performance will be inserted in next Week's papers.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Foster (member); Frederick George Foxall (member); George Paul (member); Peter Hitt Rapsey (member); Barnett Levey (member)
[Advertisement], The Monitor (17 November 1826), 5
. . . In Aid of the Funds of the Benevolent Society.
THE Gentlemen composing the Committee of the Sydney Amateur Concert, beg to inform the Public that a
Concert will be held on Monday, the 4th of December next, at the Court House, Castlereagh Street . . .
Tickets, 10s. each, may be had on application to Messrs. James Foster, (at Mr. Norton's Office, Elizabeth Street),
Earle, Edwards, Foxall, George Paul, John Paul, Jun., Rapsey, Roberts, B. Levey, and Sippe, George Street.
EARLE, Horace (Horace EARLE)
Songwriter (? or song recorder), author, merchant
Born London, England, 12 September 1831; baptised St. Thomas the Apostle, City of London, 5 October 1831; son of Charles EARLE and Sophia ?
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, c. 1851
Married Mary Anne CARPENTER, St. Mary Newington, Surrey, 18 August 1860
Died Brisbane, QLD, 2 June 1919, aged "87/88" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle in the City of London in the year 1831; register 1813-73, page 25; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/Tms1/A/01/Ms 9011 (PAYWALL)
No. 194 / [1831] Oct. 5 / [born] Sept. 12 / Horace Son of / Charles & Sophia / Earle / No. 10 Great St. Thomas Apostles / Wine Cooper . . .
1860, marriage solemnized in the parish church in the parish of St. Mary Newington in the county of Surrey; register 1857-62, page 89; London Metropolitan Archives, P92/MRY/228 (PAYWALL)
No. 177 / 18 Aug't 1860 / Horace Earle / Full [age] / Bachelor / Bottle Merchant / St. Paul's Road / [son of] Charles Earle / Gent.
Mary Anne Carpenter / Full [age] / Spinster / - / Paddington / [daughter of] Richard Carpenter / Coach Builder . . .
England census, 1861, St. Mary Newington, Lambeth, Surrey; UK National Archives, RG9/338/43/4 (PAYWALL)
78 St. Paul's Road / Horace Earle / Head / Mar. / 29 / Mercantile / [born] London
Mary A. [Earle] / Wife / Mar. / 24 / [born] Middlesex Paddington / [with Mary's brother and sister, Elizabeth and William Carpenter, 22 and 16]
"PERSONAL", The Brisbane Courier [QLD] (3 June 1919), 9
A large circle of friends will learn with deep regret that Mr. Horace Earle died at his residence, Bowen-terrace, New Farm, yesterday, afternoon. The late Mr. Earle, who had been in failing health for some time, would have completed his 89th year in September next. He was born in London in 1831, and was educated at Highbury College. Thence he went to Singapore as a master. Later he was attracted to the Victorian gold-fields, and was in Ballarat at the time of the Eureka stockade. From Victoria he went to India, and was employed by the East India Company for some years. Although in India at the time of the Indian Mutiny in 1S57 he was not in the affected parts. Mr. Earle was of a roving nature, and after visiting England for a brief period he came to Australia in the 60's. He decided to settle in Brisbane, and was employed as accountant by Ward Bros. After they sold out to Alfred Shaw and Sons he became accountant to the latter firm. The deceased was of a literary bent, and was ultimately connected with journalism in Brisbane. He contributed the first and other serial stories published in "The Week," and for many years controlled the "Queensland Mercantile Gazette." "Ups and Downs of Australian Life" and several books of travel and other publications also came from his pen. The late Mr. Earle was one of the founders of the Johnsonian Club, and after severing his connection with the "Gazette" practically the whole of his time was spent in the work of the club, by whose members he was familiarly known as "Daddy." The deceased was twice married, and leaves a widow, a son, and a daughter. The son, Mr. Arthur Earle, is connected with the Moreton Bay Oyster Co. The late Mr. Earle was predeceased by his elder son Reginald, who left one daughter, at present in London. The funeral will leave the deceased's late residence to-morrow, at 10 a.m., for the Toowong cemetery.
Ups and downs; or, incidents of Australian life by Horace Earle (London: A. W. Bennett, [1861]), 286-87
In towns, to the desks people's noses are tied,
Or counters may claim their attention,
Or shopboards or lapstones, or aught else beside
That springs from the naughty's invention.
CHORUS. - Then hey! for the forest, the green wood around,
And kangaroo, 'possum and cattle,
And gum-tree and she oak and fine hilly ground,
Iron bark and the yellow-flowered wattle . . . [4 more verses] . . .
"Is that your own, Coucher?" asked Jem.
"Yeas." modestly assented Croucher . . .
"Give us that little song of yours, Tom," asked [Ben] Coucher . . .
How oft the hand, in friendship clasped
With pressure firm and tight,
Will close, and rise, as menacing,
When you are out of sight . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: As reported by Earle, who claimed to encountered him in Geelong or Ballarat, the singer and songwriter of the first song was a bushman named Ben Coucher, and the second song was sung by his brother Tom Croucher; however, Earle himself was perhaps the originator of both
Bibliography and resources:
Horace Earle, AustLit
Musician, vocalist, pianist, baker
Born London, England, 24 March 1814; baptised St. Andrew, Holborn, 16 August 1818; son of William EARTHROWL and Mary ASHKETTLE
Married Charlotte ALLEY (1815-1877), St. George, Bloomsbury, London, England, 24 November 1839
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by July 1848
Died Liverpool Asylum, NSW, 8 March 1879, aged "69" [sic, 64] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
1839, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. George Bloomsbury in the county of Middlesex; register 1837-44, page 129; London Metropolitan Archives, P82/GEO1/026 (PAYWALL)
No. 257 / [1839] Nov'br 24th / Richard Earthrowl / Full age / Bachelor / Baker / 62 Berners Street Oxford Street / [son of] William Earthrowl / Carpenter
Charlotte Aley / Full Age / Spinster / - / 31 East Street, Queen's Square / [daughter of] Thomas Aley / Stonemason . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charlotte Frances Alley (baptised St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, 8 October 1815; died London, 1877 3rd quarter); it is unlikely that she ever came to Australia; in the 1861 census she was living in St. Pancras in the house of their only surviving daughter (Sarah) Charlotte (see below) and son-in-law William Lee
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of All Hallows Bread St. in the City of London in the year 1842; register 1813-92, page 62; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/Alh2/A/A/01/Ms 5035 (PAYWALL)
No. [1842] 9 / [1842] Feb. 6 / Born Jan 12 / Sarah Charlotte [daughter of] Richard & Charlotte Frances / Earthrowl / Stangate St. / Baker . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser [NSW] (6 July 1848), 3
MR. AND MRS. CROFT, begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Sydney, that they intend holding a Public Exhibition, on
NEGRO SINGING, COMIC AND SENTIMENTAL SINGING, with a variety of other amusements of the Stage.
MRS. CROFT, A NATIVE OF THE COLONY, Will make her first appearance on the Tight Rope.
Clowns to the Rope, Messrs. Kingsbury and Hughes.
The Celebrated American [REDACTED], Jim Brown, will sing "JIM BROWN."
A Song by Mr. Eastwick - "The Ivy Green."
Song by Mr. Eastwick, - "The Lazy Club."
Song, "The Anchor's Weighed," - Mr. Earthrowl.
MR. CROFT will make his first appearance these Seven Years on the Tight Rope, and will dance a new and much admired Set of Quadrilles on the Tight Rope.
Clown to the Rope - Mr. Kingsbury.
Song by Jim Brown, - "Long Tail Blue."
Comic Song by Mr. Eastwick - "Ladies' Fashions."
ASSOCIATIONS: George and Amelia Croft (performers); Jim Brown (alias George King, vocalist); Henry Eastwick (vocalist); Jim Brown (vocalist); City Theatre (Sydney venue)
? [Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (10 July 1855), 1
A BALL. - On MONDAY next, at the LIGHT HOUSE HOTEL, at 9 o'clock, a.m. [sic, p.m.] Dancing conducted by Mr. Steward. Admission by ticket only, to be had of Mr. JOHNSON
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 February 1862), 1
INFORMATION is required of one RICHARD EARTHROWL alias HOWARD, who arrived in this colony from England about 13 years ago,
and it is believed followed the calling of singer and pianoforte player.
Address Police Department, 140, Elizabeth-street, Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 July 1869), 1
RICHARD EARTHROWL. - Information respecting this person (sometime known as Steward), who is entitled to a sum of money under the will of a deceased aunt, is requested.
Address ALLEN, BOWDEN, and ALLEN, 124, Elizabeth-street, Sydney.
Admissions, Liverpool Asylum for the Infirm and Destitute; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
No. 774 / Rich'd Earthwrol / 63 / [born] England / C. of E. / [Admitted] 8. Oct. 1872 / [discharged] 8 April '75 / 65 / Request / [arrived in the colony by] Statement [sic] / 1841 [sic] / Baker
Discharges and deaths, Liverpool Asylum for the Infirm and Destitute, week ending 8 March 1879; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
March 8 / Richard Earthrowle / 69 / Died
EASDOWN, Louisa Maria (Louisa Maria EASDOWN; Maria EASDOWN; Miss EASDOWN; Mrs. Albert Edward Berkeley CASEY)
Musician, soprano vocalist, pianist, pupil of James Arthur Schott, music teacher
Born Higham, Kent, England, 9 March 1845; baptised St. Mary, Higham, 6 April 1845; daughter of William EASDOWN (1811-1874) and Ann BARNES (c. 1817-1870)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 October 1860 (per Merlin, from Liverpool, 1 August)
Married Albert Edward Berkeley CASEY (c. 1844-1931), Sandhurst, VIC, 21 April 1870
Died Toorak, VIC, 21 October 1912, aged "67" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
EASDOWN, Percy Laura (Percy Laura EASDOWN; Miss Percy EASDOWN)
Musician, contralto / mezzo soprano vocalist, pupil of James Arthur Schott
Born Higham, Kent, England, 3 January 1847; baptised St. Mary, Higham, 31 January 1847; daughter of William EASDOWN (1811-1874) and Ann BARNES (c. 1817-1870)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 30 August 1861 (per Atalanta, from Southampton, 9 June)
Died Melbourne, VIC, 20 February 1878, aged "30" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. Mary, Higham, Kent, 1845; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
6 April 1845 / born 9 March 1845 / Louisa Maria daughter of / William and Ann / Easdown
Baptisms, St. Mary, Higham, Kent, 1847; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
31 January 1847 / born 3 January 1847 / Percy Laura daughter of / William Easdown and Anne Barnes
England census, 30 March 1851, Higham, Kent; UK National Archives, HO107/1609/298/23 (PAYWALL)
Lower Higham / William Easdown / Head / Mar. 39 / Market Gardener of 24 Acres employing 4 men, 1 woman, 1 boy / [born] Kent Higham
Ann / Wife / 33 / [born] Essex Orsett // . . . Louisa Maria / 6 // Percy Laura / 4 . . .
Disposal list of immigrants per Merlin, sailed from Liverpool, 1 August 1860, arrived at Melbourne, 25 October 1860; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Easdown Louisa / Nurse / [native of] London / 15
[Easdown] Elizabeth / Housemaid / [native of] London / 19 / [both] With Mrs. John Cox, Little Nelson St., Williamstown
Immigrants per Atalanta, from Southampton, 9 June 1861, arrived Melbourne, 30 August 1861; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Easdown / Ann / 43 // [Easdown] Percy Laura / 14 // Kate / 12 // Robert / 10 // Charles / 8 // Harriet / 6
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (1 February 1867), 4
The Collingwood Literary and Choral Society enabled the inmates of the Yarra Bend Asylum to spend a most agreeable evening on Wednesday last, when the recreation-hall was filled with a large audience. The programme consisted of songs, duets, readings, &c.; and there can be no doubt that varied amusements of this kind have a most beneficial effect upon the mental and moral health of the insane. Miss Easdown presided at the piano, and her song "Jessie's Dream; Miss Hayward's recitation, "Build no Castles in the Air;" and the duet, "Music and her Sister Song," by Miss Barstow and Mrs. McNaught, deserve special mention. Miss P. Easdown's "Excelsior" was beautifully rendered, and "Paddle your own Canoe," by Miss Barstow, was greeted with well-merited applause. This is not the first occasion on which this promising society has visited the asylum for the purpose of assisting in putting into practice the views of the medical superintendent with regard to the treatment of lunatics.
"MEMORANDA", The Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian [VIC] (6 July 1867), 2
The St. Kilda Town-hall presented an interesting sight on Thursday evening on the occasion of the opening of the St. Kilda Readings. The hall was crowded, and numbers had to go away disappointed yet determined to come earlier next Thursday. Although there was seatage for 300 persons, close upon 400 were present . . . Madame Victorine Pett was the pianist . . . Our favorites - Miss Louisa and Miss Percy Easdowns - sang "Take me back to Switzerland," "Love's request," "Building castles in the air," "Mercy for me," and a duet "The cousins" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Victorine Pett (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Ballarat Star [VIC] (6 December 1867), 3
Principal Soprano, Miss Easdown, pupil of J. Schott, Esq., R.A.M. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (royal visitor); James Arthur Schott (musician); Ballarat Harmonic Society (association)
"CONCERT AT ST. GEORGE'S HALL", The Argus (26 May 1868), 5
Herr Schott's grand vocal and instrumental popular concert at St. George's-hall, last night, was largely attended by an excellent audience. The programme was very choice, and its leading novelty was the name of Mrs. Charles R. Thatcher as a vocalist . . . Miss Easdown and Miss Percy Easdown, two pupils of Herr Schott, were the other lady singers, and the latter will assuredly become a great favourite. Good contraltos are rare, and Miss Percy bids fair to establish her reputation in that character. The elder sister has a pretty soprano voice, and will always be a welcome addition to our too meagre list of lady vocalists . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Thatcher (vocalist); St. George's Hall (Melbourne venue)
"OPERATIC CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (5 January 1869), 2
The ladies and gentlemen who performed last night in the Rifles' Orderly-room could hardly have chosen a worse time for a success in a monetary point of view than they have.
What with the many outside sports provided, and the theatre, not to mention the attractive goings on in the Reserve,
the patronage that was left for even so attractive an entertainment as theirs, could be but small.
This did not however dishearten the performers who sang the various songs and pieces set down in the programme in a manner which was enthusiastically appreciated by the audience.
In fact, speaking in all sincerity, we doubt if a richer musical treat has been provided for the public of Sandhurst for a long time.
The performers were almost faultless in regard to their execution, and the singing of the Misses Easdown and Mr. Moule was something to give pleasure to even the most fastidious.
Miss Percy Easdown has a magnificent voice, very flexible, with good compass, and she manages it very well, indeed, both in the piano and forte passages;
she can also give a sort of ventriloquial intonation the effect of which is very charming.
Her singing of "Only of thee" was a gem of musical execution which would have brought forth the most enthusiastic plaudits and vociferous demands for an encore were there a larger audience.
"Alas! those chimes" was also beautifully sung by this lady, and elicited expressions of admiration from all those present.
The upper notes of this lady's compass are very dulcet.
Miss Easdown is evidently enough a good musician, and she has a great command of her voice in operatic pieces.
She sang the "Flower song" from Faust very well, and her rendering of "Softly sighs," a scena from Der Freischutz, was an excellent effort, and a triumph over all the difficulties of the composition.
The Misses Easdown were very successful in a duett from Maritana - "Sainted mother"; their voices blending exquisitely . . .
"MADAME BISHOP'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Argus (13 April 1869), 5
Madame Bishop's "farewell concert" took place last night, and was attended by . . . as large an audience as ever assembled in St. George's-hall, the floor and gallery of which were crowded to excess . . . Miss Easdown sang, with Madame Bishop, the duet, "Deh con te," from "Norma," far more than creditably. It was an excellent performance, but the voice was hardly powerful enough to produce an equal balance of tone between herself and Madame Bishop . . . Mr. Lascelles . . . played his accompaniments as well as ever . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Charles Lascelles (vocalist, pianist)
"CONCERTS AT THE TOWN HALL", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (22 November 1869), 2
The first of the short series of concerts announced to be given at the Town Hall by the company under the management of Mr. J. Rainer will take place this evening . . . His company comprises Miss Percy Easdown, a special favourite as a vocalist on the "other side" . . . and Mr. Charles Lascelles, who will be remembered as having accompanied Madame Anna Bishop on her last visit to Tasmania . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Cragin Rainer (vocalist, manager)
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (25 April 1870), 4
CASEY - EASDOWN. - On the 21st April, at the Presbyterian Manse, Sandhurst, by the Rev. J. Nish, Albert E. B. Casey, of Sandhurst, to Louisa Maria Easdown, of Collingwood.
ASSOCIATIONS: Casey was active in Bendigo from the 1860s as an amateur vocalist and amateur actor
1871, births in the district of Collingwood; BDM VIC
Charles Percy Easdown Lascelles [son of] / Charles Lascelles and Sarah Barnes
ASSOCIATIONS: At least one family historian raised the possibility that the otherwise unknown Sarah Barnes was in fact Percy Easdown
"THE SIMONSEN CONCERTS", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (27 June 1871), 6
There was a moderately large attendance at White's Assembly Room on Monday evening when the Simonsen English Opera Company gave the first of a series of 12 concerts. The programme consisted of three parts, the first and last parts consisted of a miscellaneous selection of vocal and instrumental music. The second part comprised the celebrated Miserere scene from "Il Trovatore." The company consists of Mr. M. Simonsen, violinist; Madame Simonsen, late prima donna of Lyster's Opera Company; Miss Percy Easdown and Mr. E. Farley, vocalists; . . . and Mr. Henry King . . . Miss Percy Easdown is referred to in the programmes as "the young contralto;" yet her voice would be classed by many persons amongst the sopranos. It does not appear to be of very extensive range; but its tones are full, clear, and resonant. Her style is entirely free from affectation, yet not wanting in ease and expression. Under the tuition of such an accomplished artist as Madame Simonsen this young lady may rapidly rise in her profession . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Martin and Fanny Simonsen (violinist and vocalist); Edward Farley (vocalist); Henry John King (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 April 1872), 8
THIS EVENING. And every evening until further notice, Offenbach's comic opera ORPHEE AUX ENFERS.
Jupiter, Mr. RICHARD STEWART. Pluto, Mr. ARMES BEAUMONT. Public Opinion, Miss GEORGIA HODSON. Orpheus, Mr. CHARLES LASCELLES . . .
Cupid, Miss MAGGIE STEWART . . . Venus, Miss PERCY EASDOWN. Mercury, Miss NELLIE STEWART . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard, Nellie, and Maggie Stewart (vocalists); Armes Beaumont (vocalist); Georgia Hodson (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe); Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (29 July 1874), 2
A concert, in aid of the funds of St. Andrew's Church, was held last evening in St. James's Hall, when there was a crowded attendance . . . Mrs. Casey's song of "Home, sweet home," was one of the gems of the evening, and in response to an encore she sang "Coming through the rye." Mr. Scott and Miss Easdown were successful in the duet, "Home to our mountains" . . . The ballad, "The heather hills," by Mr. J. Stewart; and the quartette, "Di tanti regi," by Mrs. Casey and Messrs. Casey, Ripper, and Macoboy was well given . . . Mrs. Casey played the accompaniments in a most satisfactory manner.
BDM VIC, 1059/1878
Percy Laura Easdown / born Kent / aged 30 / daughter of William Easdown and Ann Barnes
"MRS. CASEY'S PUPILS' CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (18 October 1888), 2
A grand musical festival was given in the Masonic Hall last evening by the pupils of Mrs. A. E. B. Casey . . .
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (16 May 1893), 5
Louisa Maria Casey, of Rowan-street, Bendigo, teacher of music.
Causes of insolvency - Continued ill-health and consequent expenses, and sudden pressure of creditors.
Liabilities, £187 18s. 8d.; assets, £47 7s. 6d.; deficiency, £140 11s. 2d. Mr. J. Hasker, assignee.
"DEATHS", The Argus (23 October 1912), 11
CASEY. - On the 21st October, at 218 Williams-road, Toorak, Louisa Maria, wife of A. E. B. Casey, late deputy sheriff, Melbourne, and dearly loved mother of Laura Green, Oakleigh, and Ada Casey, Hawksburn, aged 67 years. (Private interment.) At rest.
Bibliography and resources:
George Mackay, The history of Bendigo (Melbourne: Ferguson & Mitchell, 1891), (174) 175 (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. William Brown, the well-known solicitor, now practising in [175] Melbourne, took an active part, along with his brother, Mr. T. Brown, in the inauguration of the Liedertafel. Mr. W. Brown always took a warm interest in matters musical, and for many years was one of the most prominent singers in the district. Contemporary with him in the sixties were Mrs. Betham and Mrs. Ellis, and in the seventies, Mrs. A. E. B. Casey. Messrs. M. and F. Macoboy are among the leading members of the Liedertafel, and the former is its president . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stone Brown (amateur musician); Eliza Stewart Ellis (vocalist)
Percy Easdown, Find a grave
Musician, music master
Active Geelong and Melbourne, NSW (VIC), c. 1844-49 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [NSW (VIC] (23 December 1844), 3
MONDAY EVENING, Dec. 23, 1844.
Mr. BOYD has the honour to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Geelong and its environs, and the public generally,
that the performances will commence, on the above evening, with,
FOR THE FIRST TIME AT THIS THEATRE, the Interesting Domestic Melodrama, entitled,
The SOMNAMBULIST; OR, The White Phantom of the Village . . .
The Orchestra will be conducted by Mr. Richards, assisted by Messrs. Wilkins, Easman, &c., &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Spencer Boyd (actor, manager); Henry Augustus Richards (musician); Albert Theatre (Geelong venue);
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (30 July 1849), 3
Tradesmen's Ball. MR. BLAKE has pleasure to inform his friends and the Public generally,
that he intends giving a BALL on MONDAY EVENING next, at the St. Patrick's Hall.
Refreshments will be provided, and a full Band in attendance. Dancing to commence at eight o'clock.
Tickets to admit a lady and gentleman, 5s. each to be obtained from
MR. EASEMAN, music master, Bourke-street, and of MR. BLAKE, Western Port Hotel, Queen-street.
EAST, Mr. (? EAST; Mr. EAST)
Amateur musician, ophicleide player, teetotal band
? Born Islip, Oxfordshire, England; son of Joseph EAST (d. Islip, February 1850)
Active Sydney and Monaro, southern NSW , 1849 (shareable link to this entry)
?, James (James ?)
Amateur musician, clarinet / clarionet player, teetotal band
Active Sydney and Monaro, southern NSW, by 1849
"EMIGRATION", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (5 July 1850), 4
The following letter, addressed to Joseph East, Islip, Oxfordshire, has been received from an emigrant to Australia: -
"My dear Father, and Sister, and Brother, I write these few lines to you, hoping to find you all well, as it leaves us at present, thank God for it.
We got in harbour the 10th of June, when we lay there a week; but Sydney was so full of people, that Government sends them up the country,
and we chose to go to Goulburn, where George and the two boys were hired for three rations and £40 a year, to go up to Cooling Down, Menara [Monaro],
at Mr. Ryerie's, one hundred and forty miles further up the country.
We went by the drays and horses, and we had to encamp under the dray every night.
It was very cold lodging, my dear father. We saw many high mountains, and we almost had to climb up them . . .
This is a good country for living; we have plenty of tea and sugar, meat and flour, and our firewood free.
Our boys wish their uncle Joe was with us. Our station is two miles from the farm . . .
I am still a teetotaller (for thirteen years); we have built a hall eighty feet long,
which cost us £600, have weekly meetings, and a band of music which cost £200, of which I am trustee, as also a trustee in the building.
We are also starting a Rechabite Hall. I play the ophicleide, James the clarionet."
The letter as originally published, [News], Oxford Journal [England] (29 December 1849), 3 (PAYWALL)
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph East senior (d, Islip, February 1850); Joseph East junior (1807-1877); several members of the Oxfordshire families, the Easts of Islip, and the Bowermans of Kidlington, arrived in NSW in 1849 and settled at Cooma, including Joseph East's daughter Frances (1811-1861), and son-in-law Philip Bowerman (1815-1891)
Musician, vocalist, violinist, banjo and bones player, actor, comedian, barber, hairdresser
Born London, England, c. 1825; son of James EASTWICK
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 2 August 1846 (per Carysfort, from Spithead 13 March, Portland 18 March, and Cape of Good Hope, 17 June)
Active Melbourne, VIC, by August 1851
Married Wilhelmina BASMANN, Scots Church, Sydney, NSW, 19 July 1858
Died Corowa, NSW, 19 June 1881, aged "56/57" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
EASTWICK, Wilhelmina (Wilmena BASMANN [sic]; Wilhelmina BASMANN; Miss BASMANN; also BASSMANN; Mrs. Henry EASTWICK)
Musician, teacher of music, vocalist, pianist, pupil of Julia Panormo
Born London, England, 18 March 1834; baptised, St. James, Piccadilly, 13 April 1834, daughter of Frederick BASMANN (d. 1850) and Elizabeth GABALL (m. St. James Piccadilly, 27 May 1833)
Active Sydney, NSW, 8 December 1853 (per Cheapside, from London, 7 July)
Married Henry EASTWICK, Scots Church, Sydney, NSW, 19 July 1858
Died Orange, NSW, 1/2 January 1917, aged "83" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Eldest children of the above:
EASTWICK, Charlotte (b. Sydney, NSW, 1859; d. Corowa, NSW, 14 April 1946; Miss EASTWICK; m. William Hands MASSEY, VIC, 1880)
EASTWICK, Alice (b. NSW, 1861; d. Sale, VIC, 1909; m. Alexander PAUL, NSW, 1884)
EASTWICK, Henry (b. NSW; d. Gunnedah, NSW, 1938)
EASTWICK, Caroline (b. NSW, 1865; d. Beechworth, VIC, 6 March 1877)
Juvenile vocalists
Baptisms solemnized at St. James, Westminster (Piccadilly) in the county of Middlesex in the year 1834; register 1833-39; City of Westminster Archives, STJ/PR/1/13
No. 213 / [1834 April] 13 / Wilmena [sic] [daughter of] / Frederick & Elizabeth / Basmann / Brewer St. / Tailor . . .
England census, 6 June 1840, Middlesex, St. James, Golden Square; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 735 /7 (PAYWALL)
F. Bassmann / 35 / Tailor / [born Middlesex]
Elizabeth [Bassmann] / 25 / [born Middlesex]
Wilhelmina [Bassmann] / 6 / [born Middlesex]
Frederick [Bassmann] / 2 / [born Middlesex]
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser [NSW] (6 July 1848), 3
MR. AND MRS. CROFT, begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Sydney, that they intend holding a Public Exhibition, on
NEGRO SINGING, COMIC AND SENTIMENTAL SINGING, with a variety of other amusements of the Stage.
MRS. CROFT, A NATIVE OF THE COLONY, Will make her first appearance on the Tight Rope.
Clowns to the Rope, Messrs. Kingsbury and Hughes.
The Celebrated American [REDACTED], Jim Brown, will sing "JIM BROWN."
A Song by Mr. Eastwick - "The Ivy Green."
Song by Mr. Eastwick, - "The Lazy Club."
Song, "The Anchor's Weighed," - Mr. Earthrowl.
MR. CROFT wiii make his first appearance these Seven Years on the Tight Rope, and will dance a new and much admired Set of Quadrilles on the Tight Rope.
Clown to the Rope - Mr. Kingsbury.
Song by Jim Brown, - "Long Tail Blue."
Comic Song by Mr. Eastwick - "Ladies' Fashions."
ASSOCIATIONS: George and Amelia Croft (performers); Jim Brown (alias George King, vocalist); Jim Brown (vocalist); Richard Earthrowl (vocalist); City Theatre (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: The ivy green (Henry Russell, words by Charles Dickens); The lazy club (Perry); The anchor's weighed (Braham)
"NON-APPEARANCE OF PROSECUTOR", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 August 1851), 3
Henry Eastwick was brought before the sitting magistrates yesterday, to answer a charge of assault preferred against him by Mr. Monti. The prosecutor's name was called several times but as no appearance was entered, the defendant was discharged.
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 August 1851), 3
Overture - Company.
Opening Chorus - Company.
Who Dat Knocking at de Door - H. Eastwick.
Fire Fly - J. Allen.
Old Joe - Choely.
Stolen Child - T. Knight.
Rosa Mae - H. Eastwick.
Stop Dat Knocking - Choely.
Zuleika's Appeal - J. Allen.
Boatman Dance - T. Knight.
Duet, Banjo and Flutina - T. Knight and J. Allen.
Zip Coon - H. Eastwick.
My Canoe is on the Ohio - T. Knight.
Uncle Ned - Choely.
Galley Fire - H. Eastwick.
Nelly was a Lady - J. Allen.
Solo on the Flutina - Troy Knight.
Rosa Lee - Choely.
Queen of my Soul - J. Allen.
Stingy Man - Troy Knight.
Tickets for the body of the room, 2s. each; Reserved seats, 3s.;
to be obtained of Mr. Troy Knight and Company, between the hours of three and five,
at the Royal Hotel, and the principal Music-sellers in Melbourne.
ASSOCIATIONS: Troy Knight (vocalist, musician, minstrel serenader)
MUSIC: Zip coon (comic song); Who dat knocking at de door (song)
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 August 1851), 3
THE Serenaders, from Hobart Town, under the immediate patronage of Sir Wm. T. Denison,
beg to invite all the Inhabitants of Melbourne to their
CONCERT On each of the above nights when they will introduce to them the New Songs and Melodies which have been received with such
THUNDERS OF APPLAUSE On the preceding Evenings.
The Company consists of the following gentlemen: -
Mr. Troy Knight, Bones and Banjo; Mr. A. Masden; Choeley, Tamborine;
Mr. H. Eastwick, Bones and Banjo; Mr. T. Allan, Flutina . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Denison (governor of Tasmania)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (9 December 1853), 4
December 8 - Cheapside, ship, 620 tons, Captain Thomas, from London 7th July - Passengers . . . Miss Bassman, Master Bassman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Basmann (1843-1914, brother); a sister, Amelia Basmann (1846-1910) also came to NSW
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (8 June 1854), 1
The Syren's Invitation, Miss Bassman, Pupil of Madame Panormo, her first appearance here . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Panormo (London music teacher); John and Eliza Gibbs (violinist, leader of the theatrical band; and actor, vocalist, pianist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"NEW CANTATRICE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (10 June 1854), 3
On Thursday evening, at the Victoria Theatre, on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs' well attended benefit, a Miss Bassman made her debut before the Sydney play going portion of the public. She sung a pretty ballad called the "Syrens' Invitation," and was deservedly applauded, and unanimously encored. In addition to an agreeable and pleasing voice, Miss Bassman possesses a pretty face and elegant figure. She was accompanied by Mrs. Gibbs on the piano forte . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 June 1855), 1
beg to inform their friends and the public, that they intend giving a Musical Soiree,
on WEDNESDAY next, July 4th, 1855, when they will be assisted by several ladies and gentlemen of talent.
Programme will appear on day of concert. Tickets, 2s. 6d. each,
may be had of Miss BATMANN, at 53, Burton-street, South Head Road, and of Mrs. FAIRBURN, 84, Crown-street, Woolloomooloo.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Fairburn (vocalist); Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1855), 1
CONCERT - TO-NIGHT - at the School of Arts.
The public are respectfully informed that Miss BASSMANN and Mrs. FAIRBURN'S CONCERT takes place
THIS EVENING, when they will be assisted by the following talented artistes:
the celebrated tenor, Mr. Fairchild; Mr. Stewart; and Miss A. Hart, her first appearance as vocalist.
Ballad - Lurline (by desire) - Miss Bassmann
Song - "What will they say in England" - Mr. Stewart
Ballad - My own, my lovely bride - Mrs. Fairburn
Duet - The Gipsy Countess - Miss Bassmann and Mr. Stewart
Ballad - Madoline - Mr. Fairchild
Song - The Old House at Home - Miss A. Hart
Solo Piano - "La Parisienne" (by Hertz [Herz]) - Miss Bassmann.
Song - Cheer! Boys, Cheer! - Mr. Stewart
Duet - What are the wild waves saying - Miss Bassmann, Mr. Fairchild
Song - I'm thinking now of thee, Jamie - Mrs. Fairburn
Aria - Tyrolienne (first time in Sydney) - Miss Bassmann
Recit. and air - "Death of Nelson" - Mr. Fairchild
Scottish Song - Mrs. Fairburn
Aria -"Oh! for an eagle's pinions" (Lucia di Lammermoor) - Miss Bassmann
Ballad - Miss A. Hart
Duet - A. B. C. - Miss Bassmann and Mr. Stewart.
Doors open at a quarter to 8 o'clock, to commence at 8. Admission, 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ada Hart (vocalist); Richard Stewart (vocalist); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist)
MUSIC: La parisienne (Herz); The gipsy countess (Stephen Glover); What are the wild waves saying (Stephen Glover); A B C duett (John Parry); Perchè non ho del vento [Oh! for an eagle's pinions] (Donizetti, from Lucia di Lammermoor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 July 1855), 1
SCHOOL OF ARTS. - Miss BASMANN and Mrs. FAIRBURN beg most respectfully to inform their friends and the public that their
second CONCERT will take place at the above institution, on WEDNESDAY evening next, 18th July.
They will be assisted by the celebrated tenor, Mr. J. Fairchild; Mr. Stewart;
and the renowned comic singer, Mr. Frederick Sams; and Miss A. Hart, her second appearance as vocalist.
Duet, Piano - Overture (Barnett)
Cavatina - I'm a merry Zingara - Miss Basmann
Song - The Flag of the Free - Mr. Stewart
Scotch Song - The Highland Laddie - Mrs. Fairburn
Irish Ballad - Savourneen Deelish - Mr. Fairchild
Ballad - Will you love me then as now - Miss A. Hart
Solo, Piano - Bunce's [Bruce's] Address (Panorma) [Panormo] - Miss Basmann
Song - Not married yet - Miss A. Hart
Comic Song (in character) - The wretched little man - Mr. F. Sams
Tyrolienne - I meet her on yon mountain way - Miss Basmann
Song - The Bloodhound - Mr. Fairchild
Comic Duet - Mr. and Mrs. Smith - Miss Basmann, Mr. Stewart
Piano Solo - Vive tu (Dohler) - Miss Basmann
Ballad (by desire) - I'm thinking now of thee, Jamie - Mrs. Fairburn
Descriptive Song - The Soldier's Wife - Mr. Stewart
Aria (by particular desire) Oh! for an Eagle's pinions - Lucia di Lammermoor - Miss Basmann
Comic Song (in character) - The Irishman - Mr. F. Sams
Irish Song - Kate Kearney - Miss A. Hart
Aria - The Soldier tired - Miss Basmann
Irish Ballad - Molly Bawn - Mr. Fairchild
Comic Duet (by particular desire) A.B.C. - Miss Basmann, Mr. Stewart.
Doors open at half-past 7, to commence at 8 precisely. Admission, 2s. 6d. each.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederic Sams (vocalist)
MUSIC: I'm a merry Zingara (Balfe); Variations on the national Scots air Bruce's address to his army or Scots wha hae wi Wallace bled (Francis and Ferdinand Panormo); The soldier tired (Arne)
"SHOALHAVEN [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT] OUR FIRST PUBLIC CONCERT", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (11 August 1855), 5
. . . Fairchild's Concerts, and well selected programme, were elaborately put forth in placards and handbills, and hence Mr. Fairchild with his talented and well conducted company, favoured us with their appearance on the 1st instant, and I am happy to say that their expectations on this first occasion, were fully and liberally responded to, the room being crowded with the elite and fashion of the district . . . The Concert commenced with: Air with variations, "Caller Herring," (Knapton) performed on the piano-forte by Miss Bassman, and executed throughout with true artistic skill, taste, and judgment. Mademoiselle Lorette next delighted the audience, with "Bonny Prince Charlie" in a powerful, clear, rich voice . . . Mr. J. Fairchild's "Gone is that Calmness," was a great treat . . . Mr. Frederick Sams absolutely convulsed with laughter, both old and young, with his comic songs . . . and the Duet with Miss Bassman - "One Day, while working at my Plough" were true to the life: they could not be excelled. Miss Bassman's "Thro' Meadows Green;" and the Duet with Mademoiselle Lorette were pleasingly executed. The encores of almost every song, especially the comic, were frequent . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mademoiselle Lorette (vocalist)
MUSIC: Variations on Caller Herrin (Knapton)
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS IN BATHURST", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (15 September 1855), 2
Bathurst during the last month has been nearly inundated with theatricals and musicians, German wanderers with their musical boxes, Italian whistlers, and professional vocalists. Of this latter class Fairchild's Company, combining both theatrical and musical, have arrived with professedly the best pianist, the best comic singer, the best comedian, and the best tenor singer in the colonies. This was startling, but having read of Barnum's modesty in these matters, we looked upon these pretensions as a trifle or so exaggerative. On Wednesday evening the company gave their first entertainment, but owing to the unfavourable state of the weather, it was thinly attended. Their second entertainment took place on Thursday; it was thinly but respectably attended, and gave general satisfaction. Mdlle. Lorette is an excellent actress, and sings beautifully, reminding one of Mrs. Honey, of bye-gone theatrical times. She received a hearty encore both in "He's going away, Mother," and the "Dashing White Serjeant." Although suffering from severe cold, it was very evident from Mr. Fairchild's performances that he can sing when in good health. Miss Basmann is an excellent pianist, sings well, and will make a good actress. Mr. Sam performed the part of the poor artist very respectably. We trust the company will find their professional tour a lucrative one.
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (20 October 1855), 3
(ADJOINING MR. NUTROL'S, ROSE INN). Unparalleled Treat.
Brown's Troupe of Artistes, Dramatic and Equestrian . . .
Miss Graham, Vocalist and Light Comedian.
Miss Bassman, principal Melo-Dramatic Actress . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Riley . . .
W. BROWN, Manager. C. V. HOWARD, Agent . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Brown (proprietor); ? John Riley (musician, performer); Amelia Graham (vocalist); Charles V. Mason (alias Howard) (entertainer, agent)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (18 September 1856), 1
THIS EVENING, Thursday, 18th September, 1856, a GRAND CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC,
on which occasion Miss Flora Harris, Mrs. Guerin, Mrs. Gibbs, Miss Bassman,
John Howson, Stewart, Banks, Fisher, Walcot, and Griffiths, will appear.
Mr. PACKER will preside at the Organ.
ASSOCIATIONS: Flora Harris (vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist); Richard Stewart (vocalist); Thomas Banks (vocalist); James Churchill Fisher (vocalist); Robson Walcot (vocalist); William Griffiths (vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (organ); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (19 March 1857), 1
EVANS'S GRAND CONCERT SALOON at Myers's (late Toogood's), corner of King and Pitt-streets.
The Proprietors, having completed the extensive alterations and decorations,
beg to announce that the above Saloon will open THIS EVENING, and every succeeding night.
The following eminent vocalists are already engaged for the performance of Selections from all the popular Operas,
Madrigals, Choruses, Glees, Duets, &c., viz.,
- Madle. Bassmann, Madame Sala, Mr. H. Lamoureux, Mr. Turner, Mr. Ryall;
also the celebrated G. F. Howard, Comic and Characteristic Singer, from the Criterion and Canterbury Hall, London.
A change of novelties every evening. Musical Director, Mr. Davis;
Pianists, Madle. Bassmann and Mr. Ryall.
Doors open at Seven o'clock every evening. Admission Free.
ASSOCIATIONS: H. Lamoureux alias Henry Osborn Thompson (vocalist); John Turner (vocalist); John James Ryall (vocalist and pianist); Isaac Henry Davis (violin, musical director); Toogood's Saloon (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 March 1857), 1
GRAND CONCERT for the MILLION. - The New Australian Evans' Saloon (late Toogood's)
open EVERY EVENING, with a powerful combination of talent.
The programme THIS EVENING will consist of Scenas, Cavatinas, Trios, Glees, Madrigals, &c., &c., from all the popular operas,
executed by Madle. Bassmann, Madle. Laurent, Mr. Templeton, Mr. Lameroux, Mr. Cobham, Mr. Abbot, Mr. Turner, and several amateurs,
who have volunteered their kind services in the course of the evening.
Mr. J. Davis will perform several solos on the violin.
Accompanist and Musical Conductor, Mr. Cobham. Doors open at 7; admission, free.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mademoiselle Laurent (vocalist); Mr. Cobham (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 April 1857), 1
THIS EVENING. EVANS' SALOON - Miss Bassmann, soprano, and Mr. Webster, comic singer, will delight the auditory. Admission free.
[Advertisement], Empire (11 January 1858), 1
PARRAMATTA. - Two choice Musical Entertainments will take plane at the Red Cow Hotel,
TOMORROW EVENING (Tuesday) and on WEDNESDAY, supported by Miss BASSMANN, Messrs. WEBSTER, TEMPLETON, and CAMPBELL. Admission, 2s. and 3s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Campbell (vocalist); Charles Templeton (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Empire (15 January 1858), 1
will repeat their Vocal and Musical Entertainment at the Red Cow Hotel,
on SATURDAY, MONDAY, and TUESDAY EVENINGS next. Admission, 2s. and 3s.
[Advertisement], Empire (17 March 1858), 1
PARRAMATTA - St. Patrick's Day in the Evening (WEDNESDAY).
PADDY DOYLE, Mr. A. CAMPBELL, and Miss BASSMANN will give their Vocal Entertainment at the Red Cow Hotel.
Admission, 2s.; Reserved Seats, 3s. "Erin go Bragh."
ASSOCIATIONS: Paddy Doyle (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 March 1858), 1
PARRAMATTA. - PADDY DOYLE, Mr. A. CAMPBELL, and Miss BASSMANN will repeat their Vocal Entertainment, at the Red Cow Hotel, THIS EVENING (Tuesday), and TO-MORROW (Wednesday). Front seats, 2s.; back seats, 1s.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 April 1858), 1
CONCERT, Bull and Mouth Hotel. - Observe the names of the company engaged -
Madam Glogoski, Miss Bassmann, Paddy Doyle, Mr. Campbell, and Herr Glogoski, thus defying competition. Admission free.
ASSOCIATIONS: Simon and Ann Jane Glogoski (vocalists, musicians)
[Advertisement], Empire (15 April 1858), 1
CONCERT.- Bull and Mouth Hotel Concert Saloon will re-open THIS EVENING.
Extensive alterations and improvements; new stage; magnificent new grand pianoforte, by Broadwood.
Observe the names of the talented company: - Madame Glogoski, Miss Basmann, Paddy Doyle, Mr. Campbell, and Herr Glogoski. Admission free.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 May 1858), 1
CONCERT. - Bull and Mouth Hotel, THIS and every EVENING; -
supported by the renowned Paddy Doyle, M. A. Campbell, and Miss Bassmann.
This is the best entertainment of the kind to be found In Sydney. Admission free.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 May 1858), 1
CONCERT. - Bull and Mouth Hotel. - If you want to enjoy a hearty laugh and drive away the blues, come and hear Mr. Eastwick, the humourous Comic Singer, who has lately arrived from Melbourne, and will appear nightly.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1858), 1
CONCERT, Bull and Mouth, corner of Pitt and Market streets. Don't forget, THIS EVENING (Saturday).
CONCERT, Bull and Mouth. - Come and hear EASTWICK give his extracts from Punch's Cookery-book, in character.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1858), 1
CONCERT. - Bull and Mouth Hotel. Continued success of EASTWICK, the new comic singer.
CONCERT. - Bull and Mouth Hotel. Screams of laughter at EASTWICK. New songs, new characters.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 June 1858), 1
CONCERT.- Bull and Mouth Hotel, supported by Miss Basmann, Messrs. Eastwick, Henderson, and Campbell.
"MARRIAGES", Empire (20 July 1858), 4
On Monday, the 19th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Lang, Mr. Henry Eastwick, Vocalist, of Crown-street, Surry Hills, to Wilhelmina Bassmann, Teacher of Music, a native of London.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Dunmore Lang (Presbyterian cleric)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1859), 9
BULL and MOUTH, corner of Pitt and Market streets.
- H. EASTWICK invites the lovers of harmony to spend a pleasant hour with himself and Mrs. E., at the above hotel.
New and favourite Comic Songs every evening. N.B.. - Amateurs respectfully invited to attend.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 March 1859), 1
TOOGOOD'S SALOON. - If you would enjoy a hearty laugh, and so dispel the "blues,"
come THIS EVENING, and see the screaming sketch of the "[REDACTED] Dentist,"
by Messrs. NEWMAN and EASTWICK, as performed by them with unbounded applause, 93 consecutive nights, at the Washington Theatre, Ballaarat.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Newman (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 September 1859), 12
TOOGOOD'S SALOON. - Unrivalled success of Mr. J. MOORE in his Irish songs; screams of laughter nightly at his Irish Love-letter. &c.
TO-NIGHT H. EASTWICK will appear as the "Stage-struck Barber," and Mr. MOORE as his "Irish Patient."
Pleasing ballads by Mr. FLORENCE.
The only room in Sydney to hear real wit and humour. Come early. Manager, H. EASTWICK.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Florence (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 January 1860), 1
MR. FRANK SHORT, the inimitable Irish dialogue, and descriptive Comic Songster.
Mr. EASTWICK in his popular and amusing Songs and Sketches.
Instrumental and Vocal Entertainment by Mrs. EASTWICK and Mr. FANING . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Short (vocalist); Edward Faning (violinist, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1860), 1
CITY CONCERT HALL. - Last three nights of the Company, John Howson, Eastwick, and the old favourites.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (vocalist, pianist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 September 1860), 1
SHAKESPERE CONCERT HALL, opposite Victoria Theatre, beautifully decorated with stage proscenium, &c., will OPEN THIS EVENING, for gentlemen only.
The artistes already engaged are Mrs. Eastwick, soprano; M. Clara Lamoureux, mezzo soprano; Mr. John Howson, tenor; Mr. J. Leveson, baritone; Alfred Weiss, basso;
and Harry Eastwick, the great comic singer.
Every thing that can conduce to the comfort of visitors has been done to render this worthy of patronage as the most unique affair in Sydney, without exception.
ASSOCIATIONS: Clara Thompson Lamoureux ("Mrs. Thompson", vocalist); John Leveson (vocalist); Alfred Weiss (vocalist)
"THE SHAKESPEARE CONCERT HALL", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (22 September 1860), 4
We were agreeably surprised on Wednesday evening, when casually entering Spencer's Hotel, on being introduced into the very elegant Saloon he has recently fitted up as a Concert Hall. Unprepared as we were for anything of the kind, we were still more gratified by the superiority of the entertainment. The piano is presided over by Mrs. Eastwick, a lady of whom we have previously had occasion to make favorable mention. Mr. Eastwick ranks as a first-rate comic singer; and the vocal corps consists of Mrs. Thompson, the well-known favorite, Mr. John Howson, Mr. Leveson, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Trueman, &c. the whole being under the management of Mr. Leveson.
ASSOCIATIONS: Barned Jullien Coleman (comedian)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 October 1860), 1
SHAKSPEARE CONCERT HALL.- Last night of the Wizard. New Songs, Duetts, Glees, &c, to-night.
SHAKSPEARE CONCERT HALL.- John Howson, Leveson, Weiss, Lamoureux, and Eastwicks, Bohemian Girl, Sonnambula, &c.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 November 1860), 1
TOOGOOD'S SALOON will re-open TO-NIGHT, and continue open every night in the week.
Engagement of the splendid pianist and vocalist, Mrs. Eastwick; likewise Mr. Eastwick, the celebrated buffo singer;
also Mr. Braddon, the tenor singer, and Mr. W. Smith, the comic dialogue singer -
forming a company not to be surpassed in Sydney. Admission free. Liquors at bar prices.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 December 1860), 1
The only CONCERT ROOM in Sydney where you can really enjoy an hour's amusement,
as the company consists of the only real talent in Sydney, viz.,
Mr. H. Eastwick, the great Shakesperian burlesque singer.
Mr. W. Smith, the celebrated comic dialogue singer.
Mr. Braddon, the renowned tenor.
Mrs. H. Eastwick, pianist.
Manager, H. Eastwick . . .
"INSOLVENCY. SATURDAY - SURRENDERS", Freeman's Journal (17 April 1861), 7
Henry Eastwick, of Woolloomooloo-street, Sydney, vocalist. Liabilities, £41 13s. Assets - value of personal property, £17 10s. Deficit, £24 3s. Mr. Morris, official assignee.
"INSOLVENT COURT", Empire (9 May 1861), 2
In the estate of Henry Eastwick, a single meeting. The insolvent attended and was allowed his furniture and wearing apparel, on condition that he pay the public fees. The meeting then terminated.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1861), 1
TOOGOOD'S GRAND CONCERT HALL. - The Sacramento Minstrels will appear THIS EVENING, in new characters.
TOOGOOD'S GRAND CONCERT HALL. - Bob Ridley and the [REDACTED] Barber, THIS EVENING. Admission Free.
TOOGOOD'S GRAND CONCERT HALL. - Mr. Gibbs, violinist, leader; Mrs. Eastwick, pianist;
Mr. Sutherland, cornet; Messrs. Williams, Smith, Bent, Merritt, and Master Boland, in their various characters.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (violin); Charles Williams (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1861), 1
TOLANO'S SALOON. - Mr. H. Eastwick, the only comic singer in Sydney, will appear EVERY EVENING, with a new selection.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 June 1861), 1
TOLANO'S SALOON. - Come and see Mr. EASTWICK as Macbeth, Othello, and Richard the Third.
TOLANO'S SALOON. - Mrs. EASTWICK, the great pianist each night in her pleasing ballads.
[Advertisement], The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News (22 March 1862), 1
PRINCESS THEATRE. MARKET WHARF. THE Proprietor of the above establishment begs to inform the Musical Public,
that he has re-opened the above favorite place of amusement as a Concert Hall, to hold a
FREE-AND-EASY EVERY EVENING, when he hopes to meet with their kind patronage,
having secured the services of Mr. H. EASTWICK, who is so well known, to conduct it with the strictest propriety,
and who will sing several of his favorite Comic Songs during the Evening.
Mrs. Eastwick will preside at the pianoforte and sing some of the most popular Ballads of the day.
Other Novelties in preparation. The Refreshments at Bar Prices and of first-class quality.
ASSOCIATIONS: Princess Theatre (Newcastle, NSW, venue)
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. - MONDAY", Empire (19 January 1864), 5
Henry Eastwick, who was on a former occasion remanded, charged with deserting his wife, was again brought before the bench, on the same charge. The advanced time would not allow of the case being proceeded with, and the case was therefore remanded till Tuesday (this day). The same prisoner was further charged with having committed an aggravated assault on a female, Wilhelmina Eastwick, and was remanded till Tuesday.
Description book, Darlinghurst Gaol, 1864; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
[No.] 133 / Henry Eastwick / Carisford [sic] / [18]46 / [born] London / Prot[estant] / Barber / [age] 38 / 5 ft 2 in / R[ead] & W[rite]
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 May 1864), 1
Temperance Harmonic Meeting, at H. EASTWICK'S, 132, Clarence-street, near King-street.
To commence at 8. Pianiste, Mrs. Eastwick.
"CONCERT", Empire (20 July 1865), 4
On Tuesday evening last a very pleasing and edifying musical entertainment took place in the Presbyterian Church, Harris-street, Pyrmont. Some portions of the music were strictly sacred, and others of the finest sentiment and of the highest moral tone . . . At the close, the thanks of the audience were most heartily tendered to Mrs. Eastwick, the excellent pianist, and Mr. Braddon, the able conductor . . .
"ORANGE (From a Correspondent)", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (6 July 1867), 15
A literary and musical entertainment, for the benefit of the Randwick Destitute Children Asylum, was held in the Masonic Hall, on Monday evening, the first of July . . . The principal pieces of the evening were a duet "What are the wild waves saying," by Mesdames Bendon and Cannon; a solo on champagne glasses by Mr. Skipper; a solo on the pianoforte by Mrs. Parker; a song, "The Brook," by Mr. O'Neill; the burlesque of "Cinderella," by Mr. Eastwick - which demanded an encore . . .
"WAGGA WAGGA BAND CONCERT", Wagga Wagga Advertiser and Riverine Reporter [NSW] (11 May 1870), 2
A very excellent concert was given on Monday night at the Court House in aid of the Flood Relief Fund by the Wagga Band, assisted by the Eastwick family and several amateurs. The Band performed several of their best pieces with great success, and certainly do great credit to their skilful band-master, Mr. Simpson, who must have taken no small pains to bring his band in so short a time up to such comparative perfection. The several members of the Eastwick family distinguished themselves highly, and promise to be a great acquisition to the concerts of Wagga . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Moses Henry Simpson (bandmaster)
[Advertisement], Wagga Wagga Advertiser and Riverine Reporter (18 June 1870), 3
The Members of the WAGGA WAGGA, BAND have kindly offered their valuable assistance.
Overture - Pianoforte - Mrs. EASTWICK
Glee - My Native Land - The Misses EASTWICK
Scotch Song - Jessie's Dream - Mrs. EASTWICK
Duet - O'er the Hill - Miss and Miss ALICE EASTWICK
Tyrolean - The Goat Bells - Miss CHARLOTTE EASTWICK
Comic Song - Johnny Sands - Master H. EASTWICK
Duet - Would I were a Bird - Misses CAROLINE and ALICE EASTWICK
Ballad - Her Bright Smile - Miss EASTWICK
Cavatina - The path by the River - Miss ALICE EASTWICK
Comic Song - Pretty Little Sarah - Master H. EASTWICK
Pianoforte Solo - Blue Bells of Scotland (with variations) - Mrs. EASTWICK
Burlesque Scena - Lady of Lyons - Mr. EASTWICK
Song - Tramp! tramp! - Miss CAROLINE EASTWICK
Comic Duet - Cupid in the Kitchen - Miss ALICE and Mr. HENRY EASTWICK
Trio -Come where my Love lies Dreaming - The Misses EASTWICK
Interval of Ten Minutes.
Intermission of Ten Minutes.
Solo -Pianoforte - Selections from Norma - Mrs. EASTWICK
Glee - La Carnivale (Rossini) - The Misses EASTWICK
Comic Chant - Punch's Cookery Book - Mr. EASTWICK
Duet - The Cousins - Miss CHARLOTTE and Miss ALICE EASTWICK
Song - The Queen's Letter - Miss EASTWICK
Comic Song - Julianna, Mopsianna, Scorchianna Brown - Master HENRY EASTWICK
Ballad- Sweet Spirit hear my prayer - Miss ALICE EASTWICK
Song and Chorus - The Moon behind the Hill - Miss CHARLOTTE EASTWICK
Song - I'd choose to be a Daisy - Miss CAROLINE EASTWICK
Comic Song - I should like to Marry - Miss ALICE EASTWICK
Glee - Dame Durden - Misses and Master EASTWICK
National Anthem - The Misses EASTWICK.
Front Seats, 3s.; Back Seats, 2s.;
Doors open at half-past Seven; to commence at Eight o'clock.
"MUSIC IN WAGGA WAGGA. To the Editor", Wagga Wagga Advertiser and Riverine Reporter (7 June 1871), 2
. . . Still further to diffuse knowledge of the "divine art" Mrs. Eastwick, it is said, purposes teaching a pianoforte class upon terms so easy as to be within the reach of all . . . The Eastwick Family, I hear, are about to give another juvenile musical entertainment. It has been some time in preparation, will be unusually good, and ought to be attended by every child in the town over six years of age.
[Advertisement], Wagga Wagga Advertiser and Riverine Reporter (17 June 1871), 3
Music. MRS. EASTWICK is now prepared to take PUPILS at her own residence.
terms: Piano (per Quarter) - £1 10 0. Singing - 1 1 0. Fees Payable in Advance.
MR. EASTWICK is about forming a class for the VIOLIN. As only a limited number can be taken, early application is necessary.
terms: Per Quarter - £1 10 0.
[Advertisement], Wagga Wagga Advertiser and Riverine Reporter (7 February 1872), 3
Caution. WHEREAS certain persons have, maliciously or otherwise, caused a false and damaging report to be circulated
to the effect that Mrs. H. EASTWICK, Professor and Teacher of Music, does not understand the theory thereof, and plays only "by ear":
Notice is hereby given that unless the slander be immediately discontinued, legal proceedings will be taken against the offenders.
(Signed) HENRY EASTWICK. Wagga Wagga, Feb. 6, 1872.
"ITEMS OF NEWS", Wagga Wagga Advertiser and Riverine Reporter (2 September 1874), 2
The musical entertainment given by the Eastwick family took place, as advertised, on Monday night, in the Mechanics' Institute. We are sorry to say the efforts of the performers were not substantially recognised, there being only some twenty persons present. The playing of Mrs. Eastwick, on the piano, displayed a command of the instrument, and the singing of the Misses Alice and Charlotte showed that with training their voices might be made to reach a very fair standard . . .
[Advertisement], The Corowa Free Press [NSW] (17 March 1876), 2
Attends RUTHERGLEN - Mondays and Thursdays, WAHGUNYAH & COROWA - other days in week.
Certificates of competency from best musicians in Australia may be seen on application.
Concerts, Balls, and Parties attended. - Communications left at Mr. Hamilton's, Rutherglen, or Free Press Office, Corowa, will meet with prompt attention.
"DEATHS", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (8 March 1877), 2
EASTWICK. - At the Ovens District Hospital, on the 6th March, 1877, Caroiine Eastwick, late of Wahgunyah, aged 11 years.
"DEATHS IN THE OVENS DISTRICT HOSPITAL", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (8 March 1877), 2
. . . The little girl, Caroline Eastwick, who was also admitted from Wahgunyah a few days since in a hopeless state from burns, lingered until Tuesday, when she died from the extensive injuries received.
See also, "ANOTHER CASE OF BURNING", The Corowa Free Press (23 February 1877), 3
"WAHGUNYAH SUNDAY SCHOOL", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (12 May 1877), 8
An entertainment, writes the Corowa Free Press, in connection with the above Sunday-school, and in aid of the fund for purchasing books for the children's library, was given on last Wednesday, in the Wahgunyah Hall . . . The school children, under the able leadership of Mrs. Eastwick, sang during the evening, "We'll make Wahgunyah ring," "Music Everywhere," "Catch the Sunshine," "Never forget the dear ones," and "The Mill Wheel," acquitting themselves, with one or two exceptions, so creditably that it was quite evident great care had been bestowed on their tuition. The Misses Willis, Daniell, A. D. Smith, Northcott, Jamieson, and Eastwick, and Masters Eastwick, Johnson, and Willis, all lent valuable aid in the musical portion of the programme . . .
Gaol entrance book, Albury, 1881; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
[1881] Febr. 11th / Henry Eastwick / 5 [Feb.] / Corowa / Unsound Mind / [Disposed of] . . . Certificate from Dr. Andrews / 18th Feb.
"DEATHS", The Corowa Free Press (24 June 1881), 2
During the past week death has removed two well-known individuals from amongst us. On last Sunday night, after a long and distressing illness, Mr. Henry Eastwick passed away. Deceased was an old colonist, having arrived with Governor Fitzroy in H.M.S. Carysfort, in the year 1846, being then twenty-two years of age. He was a native of London, and having, at an early age, betrayed special aptitude for theatricals, left the ship on her arrival in Australian waters and took to the stage as a comedian and comic vocalist. For some years he appeared at the City Theatre, Sydney, then became lessee of Evans' Music Hall in the same city, and subsequently leased the Princess Theatre in Newcastle. He was on Ballarat at the outbreak of the gold fever, and followed his profession successfully there and in Melbourne for many years. Of late years he gave up the stage and settled down to the business of hairdresser in Orange and Wagga Wagga, coming from the latter place to Corowa about five years and a half ago. As a comic vocalist he was a fair specimen of what pleased the public taste in the early days of the colony, but his style was considered, in these days, antiquated, though meritorious in other respects. He had reached his fifty-seventh year, and has left a widow and large family.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Fitzroy (governor)
FELONIES AND OFFENCES NOT OTHERWISE DESCRIBED/, Victorian Police Gazette (5 March 1884), 67
HENRY EASTWICK is charged, on warrant, with embezzling several sums of money from Henry Parker, baker, Yarrawonga, on the 17th December 1883. Description: - Native of New South Wales, 19 years of age, slight build, sallow complexion, 5 feet 4 inches high, slovenly appearance, fond of hotels, and plays well on the piano. O.1894. 3rd March 1884.
"MRS. EASTWICK'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Corowa Free Press (16 May 1884), 3
Last Wednesday evening, in accordance with her advertised intention, Mrs. Eastwick made her farewell bow to a Corowa audience. Throughout the period of her residence in this district, this lady's name has always taken a foremost place among the musical portion of the community, and the large and varied programme issued for the last of the long series of concerts with which her name has been connected, was one well worthy of her high reputation, and which was a fitting close to her musical career in the Border township . . . As is usual in Mrs. Eastwick's entertainments, many of her pupils took part in the performance, and the manner in which these young ladies acquitted themselves reflects the greatest credit on the aptitude of the student, and the skill and energy of the teacher . . .
"ORANGE. March 6 . . . A BENEFIT CONCERT", Australian Town and Country Journal (10 March 1888), 16
On Wednesday evening a complimentary concert was tendered to Mrs. Eastwick, in the Australian Hall, by our amateur vocalists, and was well attended. Mrs. Eastwick has been ever ready to grant her services as accompanist to our charitable concerts; and this was thought a graceful means of recognising her good offices.
"IN BANKRUPTCY", New South Wales Government Gazette (23 September 1890), 7402
. . . Re Wilhelmina Eastwick, widow, music-teacher.
NOTICE is hereby given that a Sequestration Order has this day been made against the abovenamed bankrupt,
on her own petition. - Dated at Sydney, this 19th day of September, a.d. 1890 . . .
[News], Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative [NSW] (20 February 1902), 10
An Orange exchange thus refers to the recent calamity which overtook Mrs. Eastwick, who is well-known in Mudgee, and mother of Mrs. Frank Vincent: - "The many friends of Mrs. Eastwick, who was so well known a few years ago on the concert platform as one of our best piano accompanists, will regret to hear of the sad calamity which has overtaken her. At present she is residing with her son-in-law, Mr. W. J. Burns, in McNamara-lane, and was apparently was in the best of health and spirits until a few days ago. The other night she was with Mr. and Mrs. Burns and their family and had accompanied them in a couple of songs on the piano and retired to bed. When she awoke in the morning she was totally blind, having lost her sight whilst asleep. The doctor was called in and reported that the optic cord had broken. For some years she suffered from loss of one eye, but now both have failed her in her declining years."
"Personal", Leader [Orange, NSW] (5 January 1917), 3
The death was briefly announced in our last issue of Mrs. Eastwick, a very old resident of Orange. She had reached the great age of 83 years. For some time she had been in failing health, and recently a fall fractured her thigh. The deceased lady was a remarkable woman. Sixteen years ago her eyesight failed, and she became totally blind. Despite this affliction she made life as happy as possible, playing the piano and knitting and crocheting for hours at a time. Her work was the acme of neatness. Years ago she was a leading spirit in musical circles in Orange. Being an expert pianiste, her services were widely sought after and freely given. Nurse Burns (March-st), Mrs. Vincent (Sydney), Mrs. G. Hartas (Sydney), and Mrs. Massey (Culcairn) are daughters.
"PERSONAL", The Forbes Advocate [NSW] (9 January 1917), 2
Mrs. Eastwick, a very old resident of Orange, died last week, aged 83 years. In her younger day she was the leading pianist of the district.
EBSWORTH, Octavius Bayliffe (Octavius Bayliffe EBSWORTH; O. B. EBSWORTH; Mr. EBSWORTH)
Musical amateur, member Sydney Philharmonic Society, merchant, manufacturer, wool broker
Born London, England, 16 May 1827; baptised St. James, Pentonville, 10 June 1827; son of Thomas EBSWORTH and Mary Susanna CROOK (m. 1811)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by late 1848
Married Frances Mary BARKER (1825-1914), Christ Church, Sydney, NSW, 6 July 1852
Died Sydney, NSW, 1870, aged "43/44" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. James, Pentonville, Islington, 1827; register 1813-43; London Metropolitan Archives, P76/Js2/005 (PAYWALL)
No. 46 / 1827 June 10 / Octavius Bayliffe [son of] Thomas & Mary Susanna / Ebsworth / Rodney Street / Wool Broker / Said to be born 16th May 1827
"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (7 July 1852), 3
On the 6th instant, at Christ Church, by special license, by the Rev. A. Stephen, B.A., O. B. Ebsworth, Esq., to Frances Mary, second daughter of James Barker, Esq.
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S ANNUAL MEETING", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (19 June 1860), 5
The annul meeting of the Sydney Philharmonic Society was held at Mr. Aldis's, tobacconist, George-street, yesterday evening. There were about 30 persons present . . . Mr. Plunkett was formally proposed and re-elected President; Mr. F. L. S. Merewether, M.L.C., Vice-President; and Mr. Aldis, Honorary Treasurer . . . The meeting then proceeded to ballot for the committee for the ensuing year . . . The ballot resulted in the election of Mr. Ebsworth, Mr. Black, Mr. McDonald, Dr. Whittle, Mr. Waller, Mr. Dyer, Mr. Spyer, Mr. Macdonell, Mr. Mountcastle, and Mr. Harbottle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Aldis (member); John Hubert Plunkett (amateur, president); Francis Merewether (amateur, member); John Gough Waller (member); Joseph Dyer (member); one of the Spyer brothers (member); William Macdonnell (amateur); Benjamin Such Mountcastle (member); William Harbottle (member); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
"METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COURT. THURSDAY [15 March] . . . BRIDSON v. EBSWORTH", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 March 1866), 7
Plaintiff sued to receive the sum of £10 from Mr. F. Ebsworth, the treasurer of the Philharmonic Society. The amount was alleged to be due for tuning the society)'s organ for the year comprised within the dates 10th July, 1864, and 10th July, 1865. Defendant produced in Court a receipt of payment for the the year 1863-4; and he stated that, on making the payment, he told plaintiff that he must consider the arrangement to have terminated, as subscriptions to the society were not coming in very freely; he had no knowledge of the original agreement between the committee and the plaintiff, but he did not deny its existence. Plaintiff averred that he had been sent for to tune the organ subsequently to the last payment by Mr. Ebsworth, but it was not shown that his services had been requested by Mr. Ebsworth or had been obtained with his knowledge. Verdict for the defendant. Mr. Burton appeared for the defendant, and Mr. Davis for the plaintiff.
ASSOCIATIONS: This was correctly Octavius, not his elder brother Frederick Ebsworth (1816-1884); Thomas Vicary Bridson (organ tuner)
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 June 1870), 1
On the 23rd instant, at Tytherton House, Burwood, Mr. OCTAVIUS BAYLIFFE EBSWORTH, in the 44th year of his age.
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (24 June 1870), 2
We regret to obsorve in our Sydney telegram that Mr. Octavius Bailiffe Ebsworth, the well-known wool broker and colonial tweed manufacturer of that city, died suddenly last night from an attack of diphtheria. Mr. Ebsworth was a most energetic and enterprising man of business. He had started and carried to great perfection the manufacture of tweed cloths. He had only recently much enlarged his manufactory and imported the most improved machinery from England. He was a large employer of labor, and was universally respected for his upright character and great energy and perseverance. The Sydney tweeds made by him have a wide reputation out of New, South Wales, and he was just about introducing several new descriptions of cloth by the aid of the new machinery he had put up. Mr. Ebsworth was about forty years of age, and leaves a large young family.
EBURN, Isaac (Isaac EBURN, I. or J. EBURN; Mr. EBURN)
Musician, vocalist
Born c. 1816
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 30 November 1839 (per Britannia, from Sydney, 14 November)
Married Mary Ann PROSSER (d. 1842), Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 1841
Died Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 19 April 1842, aged "26" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Ship news], The Colonist [Sydney, NSW] (13 November 1839), 2
Passengers by the Britannia, for Port Phillip, this day, cabin - Dr. Clark, Messrs. Whitehead, Sutherland, and W. Presscott. Steerage - J. Eburn, G. Simpson, E. Millidge and wife . . .
"CONCERT", Port Philip Gazette (10 June 1840), 3
A vocal concert was given on the evening of Monday last, in Mr. Barrett's large room, Little Collins-street. The performers on this occasion were Messrs. Mills and Eburn, assisted by an amateur. The songs in general were given with good effect, the attendance was numerous and respectable, and the whole affair went off with considerable eclat. We must not omit to notice the handsome manner in which the room was fitted up, displaying in its arrangements the utmost attention to the comfort and convenience of the audience.
"Vocal Concert", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (11 June 1840), 3
A concert was given on Monday evening last, by Messrs. Mills and Eburn, assisted by an amateur. The songs and duets were most ably performed, and the attendance was numerous. We are glad to observe these indications of the increase of musical votaries in Melbourne. We learn also that another concert is shortly to be given for the benefit of the widow and family of the late Mr. Watt, and we trust that Melbourne will lend all her musical talent to give eclat to the occasion.
Grant of administration, Isaac Eburn, died 19 April 1842; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
[Notice], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (18 April 1844), 4
Isaac Eburn / Melbourne / Supposed British residence of family: London / This Estate paid 12s. in the pound.
EDE, Frederick (Frederick EDE; F. EDE)
Theatrical manager, actor, comedian, prompter, mechanist
Born London, England, 5 December 1805; baptised St. Giles Cripplegate, 9 March 1806; son of William Henry EDE and Elizabeth HOLDAWAY
Married (1) Ellen DEAN (d. 1864), St. Dunstan, Stepney, London, England, 3 February 1828
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1858
Married (2) Elizabeth THORNBACK, St. Andrew's cathedral, Sydney, NSW, 22 May 1865
Died Sydney, NSW, 14 September 1869, aged "63" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: Frederick Charles Ede (c. 1824-1904; Mr. F. C. Ede; merchant, also active in Sydney, NSW, mid 1850s, unrelated)
Christenings in March 1806, St. Giles Cripplegate, City of London; register 1793-1807, page 415; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/Gis/A/003/Ms06420/003 (PAYWALL)
Frederick S. of Will'm Ede, Warehouseman, & Eliz'th / [born] Dec'r 5 [1805] / [baptised] 9 [March 1806]
Marriage solemnized in the parish of St. Dunstan, Stepney, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1828; register 1828-31, page 14; London Metropolitan Archives, P93/DUN/068 (PAYWALL)
No. 41 / Frederick Ede of this parish bachelor and Ellen Dean of this parish spinster were married in this church by banns this [3 February 1828] . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, St. Leonard Shoreditch, Hoxton Old Town; UK National Archives, HO107/708/3/12/53/14 (PAYWALL)
Gloucester Row / Frederick Ede / 35 / Writer & Copyist
Ellen / 35 // Elizabeth / 10 // Ellen / 10 / William / 5 // Mary / 5 // Emma / 3 [all born in county]
ASSOCIATIONS: On son Frederick's baptism record (City of London Lying-in-Hospital, 10 November 1830) Frederick is recorded as a "performer" at St. George in the East; on Ellen's baptism record (City of London Lying-in-Hospital, 29 January 1833) Frederick is recorded as "N. Police" at "Chapman" [sic]
[Advertisement], Morning Advertiser [London, England] (17 December 1844), 2 (PAYWALL)
ROYAL ALBERT SALOON . . . Great preparations for the Christmas Holidays,
an entirely new Comic Pantomime, written by Mr. F. Ede,
entitled "The Seven Champions of Christendom and the Storm Demon, or Harlequin the Fiery Flying Dragon, the Terror of the Land."
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Albert Saloon (London venue)
"WORSHIP-STREET. EXTRAORDINARY THEATRICAL FRACAS", Morning Post [London, England] (18 December 1845), 7-8 (PAYWALL)
Mr. James Elphinstone, principal performer at the Albert theatrical Saloon, appeared before the magistrate to answer the charge of assaulting Mr. Henry Cousins, the leader of the band. Evidence at considerable length was taken. On Friday night they were performing Masaniello, in which the defendant sustained the part of the hero, but in [8] an early scene, where Fenella is seized, a collision occurred between the stage and the orchestra. The complainant, who was leader, asserted that the defendant had not given the proper cue, upon which the defendant advanced to the orchestra, and, addressing the leader, said "You are wrong, Sir," and the leader, starting up, told him tnat he was a "liar." The defendant, then snatching the music-book off the stand, addressed the audience and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the leader has turned over two leaves, and the musicians are drunk." The leader then told him to point out the cue in the book, and the defendant immediately struck him a violent blow in the eye, exclaiming "That is the cue, Sir," to the great delight of the gods, who shouted, "Bravo Elphinstone, encore &c.;" but great confusion ensued, and the business of the stage proceeded amidst the continued hissing and applause of the partisans of the actor and the leader respectively . . . The prompter, Mr. Frederick Ede, said he was not at his post when the fracas occurred, for he was changing his dress, but he heard the noise on the stage, and he heard the defendant, as Masaniello, say, "It is Fenella - it is my sister," which would be the proper cue . . . Mr. Broughton said it certainly was a most unseemly and ill-timed exhibition, and calculated to bring disgrace upon their stage and its members. Under the circumstances, he convicted the defendant of the assault, and ordered him to pay 40s. penalty, or be imprisoned for one month. The defendant immediately paid the fine, and was discharged.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Elphinstone (c. 1815-1892, actor, manager); Henry Cousins (musician)
[Advertisement], Weekly Dispatch [London, England] (7 February 1847), 8 (PAYWALL)
ROYAL ALBERT SALOON . . . Stage Manager, Mr. F. Ede.
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Mary Whitechapel, Tower Hamlets; UK National Archives, HO107/1545/49/19 (PAYWALL)
2 Baker's Row / Frederick Ede / Head / Mar. / 45 / Ale House Beer Seller / [born] Midd'x London
Ellen / Wife / 46 // Eliz'th / Daur / 22 // Frederick / Son / 20 // Ellen / 18 // W'm / 16 // Mary A / 14 // Emma / 12 / [all born Midd'x London]
1852, marriage solemnized at the district parish church in the district parish of St. John the Baptist, Hoxton, in the county of Middlesex; register 1850-55, page 170; London Metropolitan Archives, P91/JNB/035 (PAYWALL)
No. 339 / 18 July 1852 / William Hodges / . . . [and] Ellen Ede / Minor / Spinster / Huntingdon Street / [daughter of] Frederick Ede / Actor . . .
[News], Reynolds's Newspaper [London, England] (28 November 1852), 9 (PAYWALL)
. . . Mr. F. Ede, who has lately undertaken the onerous duties of stage-mhanager at the Queen's Theatre, Tottenham-court-road, announces his first benefit in that capacity for Wednesday next . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Queen's Theatre (London venue)
[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (7 April 1855), 14
The DRAMATIC SEASON will commence on THURSDAY EVENING, April 12th, 1855 . . .
Engagements are made and pending with the following Eminent Artistes;
MR. G. V. BROOKE . . . who will appear on the 30th instant.
Also . . . Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ede, from the London Theatres . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
Sydney, NSW (by August 1856):
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (27 August 1856), 1
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Under the direction and management of Mr. A. Torning . . .
WEDNESDAY EVENING, August 27th, will be presented the Tragedy, in 5 Acts, by Nicholas Power, Esq., entitled JANE SHORE . . .
Dumont (his first appearance), Mr. F. Ede . . .
Leader of tha Orchestra, Mr. John Gibbs; Prompter, Mr. Frederick Ede; Mechanist, Mr. Cooper.
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Torning (actor, manager); John Gibbs (leader, violin)
[Advertisement], Empire (12 August 1857), 1
Last Night but One of the Opera Season, and of the Engagement of MADAME ANNA BISHOP.
Last Night of Weber's Romantic Opera of DER FREISCHUTZ . . .
The Dramatic Action, &c., under the superintendence of Mr. FRANK HOWSON.
The Musical department under the direction of Mr. G. LODER . . .
Ottocar, a Bohemian Prince - Mr. Fisher
Kuno, Ranger of the Forest, Father of Agnes - Mr. John Gregg
Rodolph, a young Huntsman, betrothed to Agnes - Mons. Laglaise
Caspar, a Huntsman who bas made a compact with the Evil Spirit - Mr. Farquharson
Killian, a villager - Mr. R. Stewart
Hermit - Mr. Kitts
Zamiel, the Dark Huntsman - Mr. F. Ede
Wilhelm, friend to Rodolph - Mr. Emery
Agnes - Madame ANNA BISHOP
Anna, Cousin to Agnes - Mrs. Guerin
Bertha, a Bridesmaid - Mrs. Hart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Simmonds (actor, manager); Anna Bishop (vocalist, manager); Frank Howson (vocalist, manager); George Loder (conductor); James Churchill Fisher (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Richard Stewart (vocalist); James Edward Kitts (vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); Augusta Hart (vocalist); Zamiel (or Samiel) is a speaking role
Von Weber's opera of Der Freischutz was produced last night for the second time, at the Victoria Theatre, and the house was nearly as well filled as on the preceding night. It was gratifying to see with what appreciative silence the general audience listened to the introductory music, and we think Madame Anna Bishop deserves the thanks of the lovers of music for having so cultivated, educated, and refined the popular mind . . . The Zamiel of Mr. Ede, Kuno of Mr. John Gregg, and Killian of R. Stewart, were all good portraitures. The band, under the direction of Mr. G. Loder, played the difficult music in a masterly manner . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (18 January 1858), 1
OUR LYCEUM. - THIS EVENING. For the benefit of Mr. F. Ede (late of the Victoria).
Messrs. Byers, Russell, Wright, Morton, Bruton, Fisher, F. Ede, and Dave Carson;
Mrs. Gibbs, Crosby, Branscombe, Twight;
Misses Julia Clifford, Hudson, and McGowan.
Prices as usual. Box office open from 11 till 3.
Stage Director, Mr. F. EDE.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Lucas Byers (actor); John Bruton (actor); Dave Carson (vocalist); Eliza Gibbs (vocalist, actor); Emelia Crosby (acor); Julia Clifford (actor); Julia Hudson (Mrs. Byers); Miss McGowan (actor); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THEATRICALS . . . OUR LYCEUM", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (30 January 1858), 2
The re-opening of this establishment, under the joint management of Messrs. Ede and Byers, has not been attended with the success anticipated, which is attributable to the absence of anything above mediocrity in the gentlemen of the company, with the exception of the managers themselves. The ladies, certainly claim a favourable notice - - Miss Hudson, Mrs. Crosby, and Mrs. Twight having successfully sustained the roles allotted to them respectively. "The Rent Day", "The Willow Copse," and "Black-Eyed Susan" have been the principal features in the week's performances; but such old familiar represent tations are not calculated to attract, and unless novelty and variety be produced in rapid succession, the public will have little inducement to give the preference to the York-street house over its elder competitor, the Victoria. Byers' Luke in "The Willow Copse", was an excellent representation; but as William, in "Black-Eyed Susan", he skipped about the boards as though his ducks were swarming with fleas, and he was treading on red-hot cinders. It made us feel extremely uncomfortable to witness his un-Jack-tarish eccentricities. Dave Carson has on each evening introduced some of his characteristic songs, &c., to the delight of the audiences; and Mr. Bruton has contributed his quota of humour to the entertainments.
[Advertisement], Empire (25 June 1859), 1
MR. F. EDE, late of the Victoria and Prince of Wales, and 25 years Actor and Stage Director of the London Theatres,
at the solicitation of a number of his young friends, purposes establishing, in Sydney, a Literary, Dramatic, and Private Theatrical Society;
any one, who may wish to become a member, and improve himself in Elocution, Oratory, &c., will please to attend a Preliminary Meeting,
to be held at the Exhibition Hotel (S. Davis's), Pitt-street, on MONDAY EVENING next, the 27th.
The chair will be taken at 8 o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 December 1859), 1
Grand Concert, Dancing, Electro-biology, Shaksperian Readings, &c., &c.,
for the benefit of Mr. F. EDE. All the talent in Sydney. Tickets, 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Polytechnic Institution (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (14 August 1861), 1
Conductor - A. REIFF, Junior.
THIS EVENING, August 14th, 1861.
Will be given, Carl Mara Von Weber's great masterpiece the immortal DER FREISCHUTZ . . .
Max - Mr. Henry Squires
Casper (his 2nd appearance) - Mr. Fred. Lyster
Kuno - Mr. J. E. Kitts
Killian - Mr. Frank Trevor
Zamiel - Mr. F. Ede
Bertha - Mrs. Ada King
Anna - Miss Georgia Hodson
Agatha - Madama Lucy Escott . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anthony Reiff (conductor); Henry Squires (vocalist); Fred Lyster (vocalist); Frank Trevor (vocalist); Ada King (vocalist); Georgia Hodson (vocalist); Lucy Escott (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 July 1862), 1
late of the Theatres Royal Covent Garden, St. James', Sadlers' Wells, &c., London,
having had upwards of five and twenty years' practice in the profession, at the request of several young friends, purposes forming an Amateur Dramatic Club.
Gentlemen desirous of joining the same will please to meet him, from 5 to 7,
THIS EVENING (Saturday), at Poehlman'a Cafe, Pitt-street, or send their card. "Advance Australia."
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 November 1864), 1
On the 31st of October, at her residence in Sussex-street, Ellen, aged 60, for thirty-six years the affectionate wife of Mr. F. Ede.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 March 1865), 2
JOSEPH NATHANIEL THORNBACK, for more than seven years, should I not hear from him within a month from this date, I intend marrying again.
(Signed) EL1ZABETH THORNBACK. Witness - JAMES THOMPSON. March 15th, 1865.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Miles (widow Jenkins) had married Joseph Thornback at St. Leonard Shoreditch, London, on 19 March 1849
1865, marriages solemnized at St. Andrew's cathedral, Sydney; register 1860-68; Anglican Diocese of Sydney Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 66 / 22nd May 1865 / St. Andrew's church / Frederick Ede / Widower / [born] London / Theatrical Mechanist / St. Andrew's parish / [son of] William Henry Ede / Storekeeper [and] Elizabeth Holdaway
Elizabeth Thornback / Widow / [born] Wiltshire / - / - / St. Andrew's parish / [daughter of] William Miles / Clothier [amd] Sarah Tanner
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 September 1869), 1
On the 14th instant, at his residence, No. 89, Druitt-street, after a long and painful illness, Mr. FREDERICK EDE, comedian, aged 63 years.
"LATEST INTELLIGENCE. Sydney, September 15", The Pastoral Times [South Deniliquin, NSW] (18 September 1869), 3
. . . Mr. Ede, the oldest member of the stage in these colonies, died last night.
"OLD SYDNEY . . . No. 178 (BY 'OLD CHUM')", Truth [Sydney, NSW] (12 March 1911), 12
I conclude the letter of my friend from afar: ". . .
"On the 14th [September, 1869], an old actor, after the Dowton and Farren School, died in his 63rd year.
This was Frederick Ede, who died at 89 Druitt-street, at the back of the old burial ground.
He was a man above the average height, and inclined to obesity.
In some parts peculiarly suited to him he was immense, notably Muggleton, the banker, in "Fraud and its Victims."
Poor old Ede was our dramatic instructor when the Amateur Dramatic Company, to which I belonged,
performed at the Royal Polytechnic, Pitt-street, near the corner of Bathurst-street" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Old Chum");
Musician, clarinet player, sergeant and master of the Band of the 80th Regiment, teacher of the pianoforte, flute, violin, clarinet, cornopean, captain and music instructor of Hawkesbury Volunteer Rifles band
Born Pangbourne, Berkshire, England, c. 1797 / c. 1799-1800; son of Samuel EDGERTON and Eveline ?
Enlisted (drummer), 8th Royal Veteran's Battalion, Portsmouth, 25 October 1810, aged "13"
Enlisted (drummer), 80th Regiment, 11 July 1814
Married Anne WHITE (d. 1880), Our Lady and St. David's church (RC), Naas, Kildare, 13 February 1835
Arrived (sergeant band master with regiment) Sydney, NSW, 10 July 1837 (per Mangles, from Portsmouth, 23 March)
Discharged (invalid) 80th Regiment, Windsor, 30 April 1841
Died Windsor, NSW, 16 August 1878, aged "78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 80th Regiment (military)
According to his military records, and based on his reported age in February 1840 of 42 years and 4 months, Samuel Edgerton was born in September or October 1797. This might, however, have been based merely on a literal reading of his given age at first enlistment, in October 1810, of 13; whereas his reported age at death of 78 in 1878 would place his birth in 1799 or 1800.
He was born at Pangbourne, Berkshire, a son of Samuel Edgerton, a shoemaker by trade, who had enlisted in the 11th Regiment of foot on 25 July 1794, and his wife Eveline. On 25 July 1808 Edgerton senior transferred to the Second (later Eighth) Royal Veteran's Battalion, and two years later, on 25 October 1810, Samuel junior, claiming to be aged 13 (though perhaps younger), and described simply as a "labourer", enlisted in the same battalion as a drummer.
On 11 July 1814, Samuel junior transferred to the 80th Regiment of Foot, first as a drummer. He then served as a private (from 25 February 1819), corporal (from 25 November 1824), and sergeant (from 25 June 1825). He spent 10 years and 3 months in the Mediterranean (1821-31). After a total of 24 years and 128 days service, he applied for an invalid discharge at Windsor on 29 February 1840, though, it having to be approved in London (on 14 October), it did not take final effect until 30 April 1841. According to the surgeon's report, he had been severely injured in a fall on his voyage home from the Mediterranean in 1831, and subject to frequent medical treatment thereafter. On 13 November 1839 he was hospitalised with chronic rheumatism, and deemed totally unfit for regular service.
He was band master of the 80th at the time of his marriage, to Ann White, in the church of Our Lady and St. David (RC), in Naas, county Kildare, on 13 February 1835. Two years later he sailed with the band for Sydney, arriving on the Mangles on 10 July 1837. After his final discharge in 1841, he evidently continued as (civilian) bandmaster of the regiment until it left NSW for India in August 1844. He continued to receive a military pension of 2 shillings a day until his death.
His majesty's Eighth Regiment of Royal Veterans whereof General John W. T. Watson is colonel; Samuel Edgerton [junior], 10 July 1814; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
THESE are to certify, that Samuel Edgerton in Captain Hadfield's company in the regiment aforesaid; born in the Parish of Pangbourn in,
or near the town of Pangbourne in the County of Berks was enlisted at the Age of Thirteen Years and hath served in the said Regiment for the space of three years
and [259] days but in consequence of [blank] is rendered unfit for further Service, and his hereby discharged . . .
He is about [17] years of age, is four feet ten inches in height . . . and by trade a Labourer
8th R.V.B / [from] 1810 25 Oct. [to] 1814 10 July . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Watson Tadwell Watson (commander)
His majesty's Second Royal Regiment of Veterans Battalion whereof General John W. T. Watson is colonel; Samuel Edgerton [senior], 21 February 1816; UK National Archives, WO97/1117/382 (PAYWALL)
THESE are to certify, that Samuel Edgerton private . . . born in the Parish of Redding in, or near the town of Redding, in the County of Berks,
was enlisted at the age of [27] years and 211 days . . .
He is about [49] years of age, is 5 feet 8 3/4 inches in height . . . by trade a Shoemaker
11th Foot / 25 July 1794 [to] 24 July 1808
2nd R'l V. B'n / 25 July 1808 [to] 20 Feb'y 1816
Register of marriages, Our Lady and St. David's church (RC), Kildare, Ireland, 1835; register 1813-77, (DIGITISED)
1835 . . . Feb 13 / Married Samuel Edgerton to Anne White (alias Alstein [?])
"MARRIED", Liverpool Mercury [England] (16 January 1835), 3 (PAYWALL)
Mr. J. Edgerton [sic], band-master of the 80th Regiment, to Mrs. White, of Naas, near Dublin.
Paylist of the 80th Regiment of Foot, 1 April to 30 June 1836; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/8478 (DIGITISED)
48 / Edgerton Samuel / . . . / Bandmaster
Paylist of the 80th Regiment of Foot, from 1 January 1837; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/8478
48 / Edgerton Samuel / Embarked 7 March 1837 / Bandmaster
Sydney and district, NSW (from 10 July 1837):
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor [NSW] (2 October 1839), 3
MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT Have the honor to announce to the Inhabitants of Windsor and its Vicinity,
that their CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, WILL take place at the
COURT-HOUSE, WINDSOR, on SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, October 5, at Half-past Seven o'Clock precisely.
They will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. BUSHELLE; Mr. EDGERTON; Mr. W. STANLEY, Pianist;
and (by the kind permission of COLONEL BAKER,) the Band of the 80th Regiment.
PROGRAMME. PART I. OVERTURE - Military Band . . .
8 - SONG, 'Non piu Andri' accompanied by the full Band, Mozart - Mr. Bushelle.
PART II . . . 4 - CONCERTO, Pianoforte - Mr. Stanley . . .
8 - 'RULE BRITANNIA,' accompanied by the Full Band - Madame Gautrot.
TICKETS - SEVEN AND SIXPENCE EACH, To be had of Mr. EDGERTON, Band Master 80th Regt. and at the principal Hotels, Windsor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Narborough Filmer Baker (1790-1852, commander, lieutenant-colonel, 80th Regiment); Joseph and Madame Gautrot (violinist and vocalist); John and Eliza Bushelle (vocalists); William Stanley (pianist, bandsman, 80th Regiment); Windsor Court House (venue)
Discharge application, Samuel Edgerton, 80th Regiment of Foot, Sydney, NSW, 29 February 1840, approved London, 14 October 1840; UK National Archives, WO97/900/8 (PAYWALL) (PAYWALL)
No. 48 / Samuel Edgerton / Serjeant /
Born in the Parish of Pangbourn in or near the town of Pangbourn in the county of Berks
by trade a Labourer attested for the 8th Regiment of Roy. Vet's at Portsmouth in the County of Hants on the 26th Oct'r 1810, at the age of Thirteen Years . . .
[total service to 29 February 1840] [24] years [128] days
8th V. Batt. / Drummer / 25th Oct'r 1810 . . .
80th Foot / Transferred / [Drummer] / 11th July 1814 . . .
Private / 25th Feb'y 1819 // Corporal / 25 Nov'r 1824 // Serjeant / 25th June 1825 . . . [to] 29th Feb'y 1840 . . .
Served - In the Mediterranean tem years three months / in New South Wales two years seven months . . .
2nd - Disability of Cause of Discharge -
According to the Surgeon's Report received it appears that this is a case of disease & disability contracted in the Service,
and not attributable to any misconduct or [?] the Regimental Board concurs with the opinion of the surgeon.
3rd Character - The Regimental Board is of the opinion, that his character is excellent . . .
Attached Medical Report in the Case of Serjeant Samuel Edgerton, No. 48, 80th Regiment aged 42 years and four months, a labourer . . .
Nature of disability Rheumatic pains and constitution greatly impaired which first originated three years ago and on his passage home from the Mediterranean in the year 1831 had a severe fall on board ship which confined him to his bed for several weeks,
and he occasionally feels the effects of this injury, since he has been frequently under medical treatment,
and on the 13th November 1839 was admitted into Regimental Hospital with chronic Rheumatism and his constitution impaired,
was treated in the usual way without deriving any benefit,
and was discharged as a convalescent for the purpose of being Invalided,
his complaint[s] have arisen in the service and not attributable to vice or misconduct
in my opinion they appear to be of a permanent nature which renders him totally unfit for military duty -
His conduct while in the hospital was very good.
Rob't Turnbull, Surgeon 80th Reg't, dated at Windsor, New South Wales 21st February 1840 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Turnbull (d. 1842; surgeon, 80th Regiment)
Examination of the cases of invalid soldiers on Wednesday the 14th October 1840; UK National Archives, WO23/149/28 (PAYWALL)
80th [Regt.] / Sam'l Edgerton Serjeant / [Age] 42 / [enlisted] 8th R. V. batta. under age / [Sergeant] 15 4/12 [years] / [Corporal] 7 /12 / [private] 5 9/12 / [Drummer] / [total service] 25 1/2 / Rheumatic pain and constitution impaired /[born] Pangbourn Berks. / Laborer Excellent / [height] 5 8 1/2 . . .
Luigi Cherubini (trans. J. A. Hamilton), A course of counterpoint and fugue . . . second edition . . . vol. 1 (London: R. Cocks, 1841), xi (DIGITISED)
[in list of subscribers] . . . Egerton, Mr. Samuel, Bandmaster, 80th Regiment . . .
Paylist of the 80th Regiment of Foot, from 1 April 1841; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/8483 (DIGITISE)
48 / Edgerton Samuel / [1 April to] 30 April / Band / Discharged 30 April 1841
See also, Nominal and descriptive roll of the 80th Regiment, 1804-1881; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the Staffordshire Regiment Museum (DIGITISED)
Samuel Edgerton / [enlisted] 25 Oct. 1810 / 11 July 1814 / [age] 13 / 5 ft 1 in / Laborer / [born] Branford / Suffolk [sic] / Disch'd 8 June [illegible and missing]
"THE BAND OF THE 80TH REGIMENT", The Sydney Herald (23 June 1842), 3
The admirers of martial music will, we have no doubt, be much pleased with the arrangement made by Colonel Baker, of the 80th Regiment, for the excellent band belonging to that corps playing in the Domain every Monday and Friday afternoon; the men are ordered to be on the ground these days at half-past three. Mr. Audjatant [sic] is the band-master.
"ST. PATRICK'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY", Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (30 August 1842), 2
The usual meeting of the above society was held in the School-room, Castlereagh-street, last night, the room being quite crowded; the Rev. P. Farrelly, president, in the chair . . . The Rev. Mr. Farrelly said, at the conclusion of the meeting, it was the intention of that Society to have a band of music of their own, to consist of eighteen or twenty persons; the instruments would he found for them, which would cost twenty pounds. He called upon those who wished to belong to it to come forward; they would be instructed by the band master of the 80th Regiment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Patrick Serenus Farrelly (OSB, priest), later brother-in-law of Florence Dudemaine; St. Patrick's Band (teetotal band); School Room (Castlereagh-street venue)
"MASONIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 December 1842), 2
Yesterday being the festival of St. John, the brethren of Lodge 260 assembled at high twelve, in the Royal Hotel. In the evening, a number of the brethren dined in open lodge, Brother Williams in the chair. Their toasts were responded to by the band of the 80th regiment, under Band-master Edgerton, the band having been kindly allowed to attend, by Colonel Baker, for the occasion. Lodges Nos. 266 and 548 assembled at Brother Entwisle's, at noon, and dined there in the evening, Brother Leworthy being in the chair, and a private band in attendance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"MILITARY DIVERSIONS", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (20 June 1844), 3
. . . The privates of the 80th regiment kept up yesterday the diversions of the previous day, by chairing the other officers of the regiment round the barrack square proceeded by the band, to the tune of the "British Grenadiers," except the Colonel, who escaped from them. Mr. Edgerton, the bandmaster, was afterwards honored with a similar mark of respect, and after him, others of the non-commissioned officers, whose conduct had gained for them the good wishes of the men . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 January 1847), 1
S. EDGERTON, late Master of the Band of Her Majesty's 80th Regiment,
begs to inform the public that he has made arrangements for remaining in Sydney,
for the purpose of following his profession as teacher of the pianoforte, flute, violin, clarionet, &c., &c.
Parties having the charge of schools will find his terms liberal.
Particulars may be known by applying at his residence, Kent-street, near King-street, or at Mr. Ellard's, George-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 April 1847), 1
[AS ABOVE EXCEPT] . . . at his residence, Hutchinson's Buildings, Pitt-street South . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1850), 3 supplement
MR. S. EDGERTON, Professor of Music, being now perfectly restored to health,
will be happy to devote a few leisure hours to the giving of lessons on the Clarionet, Flute, Cornopean, &c.
Young ladies or gentlemen desirous of receiving instructions on the Piano may have the use of one at his residence.
Mr. E. has just received from London two bass Opheclides, two Clavicordes in B flat and C, and several other instruments of very superior tone and quality,
which he is willing to dispose of at moderate prices.
N. B. - Music for Brass and Military Bands can be supplied ready arranged.
Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo Bay.
"WINDSOR [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT] . . . VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1860), 2
The adjourned public meeting of our volunteers was held on Tuesday evening . . . There is a great desire on the part of a number of members to raise a band for the company, and we are given to understand that Mr. Edgerton, late bandmaster to the Regiment, has been pleased to offer his services gratuitously should such a movement be carried out. It is expected that, at least, the company will number sixty members by the end of the week.
"N.S.W. VOLUNTEER RIFLES", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 December 1860), 7
The following appointments have been gazetted . . . Mr. Samuel Edgerton, to be captain of the Hawkesbury Company . . .
THE complimentary dinner tendered to Captain Edgerton by the members of his company and the townspeople took place on Tuesday evening,
in the long room at the Barracks. The anniversary of the company was the appropriate time agreed to by the committee appointed for the purpose;
but as arrangements could not well be made for that evening, it had to be deferred till the following evening.
There were about sixty present, including several of our leading townsmen.
Lieutenant Scarvell presided, having on his right the guest of the evening, the vice-chair being ably filled by private G. M. Pitt, J.P. of Richmond . . .
The CHAIRMAN then proposed the first toast of the evening - "The Queen" . . . Band - "God Save the Queen" . . .
"The Prince of Wales and the Royal Family" . . . Band - A March . . .
"His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief" . . . Band - "He's a jolly good fellow" . . .
"The Army, Navy, and Volunteers" . . . Band - British Grenadiers . . .
The CHAIRMAN had now arrived at the toast of the evening, one that would ensure a hearty reception - "The health of Captain Edgerton." (Loud and long continued cheering;) After such a marked expression of pleasure it was scarcely necessary for him to make any further observations, but he was desirous of expressing his happiness at seeing Captain Edgerton so deservedly honoured. Although a young man, he (the chairman) had seen and heard enough of their guest to accord his hearty approval to the honour now done him. (Hear, hear.) It was but recently we had the honour of Captain Edgerton's acquaintance, but years since he had heard him spoken of as a man of honour, strict integrity, a good citizen, and respected by all. (Cheers.) He might defy any man to place his hand on his heart and say in truthfulness, that he knew Captain Edgerton to commit an unjust act, or stand aloof when the interests of the district required his presence and support. (Loud cheers.) The interest he took and the labour he performed in the Volunteer movement was patent to all, not only to his own company, but the colony at large. (Hear, hear.) He would say conscientiously that were it not for his services there would be no company in Windsor. And why? Because there was at the head of the movement a man of energy, of indomitable will, not to be carried away by every breath of wind, who never relaxed his labours, who thought no labour too great in promoting the interests and importance of the Volunteer movement. (Cheers.) We have met to do honour to Captain Edgerton. Let us hope he may be long spared to as to deserve the esteem and good-will of his fellow townsmen. Let us hope he may long command the Hawkesbury Volunteers. (Cheers.) He could say more, but it was a difficult matter to record a man's good acts and sound his praises before his face. He would therefore spare Captain Edgerton's feelings, concluding by wishing they might often meet at such social meetings, with their worthy captain in their midst.
The toast was received with hearty applause. Band - "He's a jolly good fellow."
Captain EDGERTON, on rising, was warmly cheered. He felt more than he could express. This hearty reception of him quite unnerved him; but in the fullness of a grateful heart, he could say he thanked them. When he saw around him so many Volunteers and fellow citizens, he felt proud and flattered when they accorded him such a kind enthusiastic reception. He felt such happiness that could not find expression - the happiness that every honest mind will feel when receiving the marked expressions of good will and esteem from his fellow-men: (Loud cheers.) They could not expect a flowery speech from an old soldier. (Laughter.) More particularly as the world was a school, and he was his own teacher. But if he could not evince his obligations in words, he could in labour. (Hear, hear.) He had accepted the post of captain, to make them good soldiers, to fit them properly to do their duty. He had spared no exertion to this end; he was proud of them as his men, and, although an old man, he could still do them some service. (Cheers.) While ever they remained with him, his services were at their disposal, while Providence left him strength and health to do so. It was now about twenty-five years since he first came to the district, and he then invested his all in the purchase of a little property. He had made here a home, and he would always remain among them, determined to spare no exertions in meriting a continuance of their goodwill, to labour as he had hitherto done in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the inhabitants and the prosperity of the district. (Loud cheers.)
The VICE-CHAIRMAN then rose to propose the next toast - "Lady Young and the ladies of the colony" . . . Band - "Here's a health to all good lasses" . . .
"Our Visitors" . . . Band - "Auld Lang Syne" . . .
"The Agricultural, Commercial, and Pastoral interests." Band - "Cheer Boys Cheer" . . .
"The Press." Band - "Polka" . . .
Mr. J. A. DICK proposed the health of the members of the band. The toast was received with cheers. Mr. MORTLEY, sergeant of the band responded. If the band deserved any praise, it should be given to their worthy captain for his unceasing labours, in endeavouring to perfect them in a knowledge of music. Several other toasts followed, and shortly after midnight, the visitors retired each one evidently having spent a very pleasant evening.
The Australian almanac . . . 1867 (Sydney: John L. Sherriff, 1867), 230 (DIGITISED)
WINDSOR . . . Hawkesbury Volunteer Rifles - Captain - Samuel Edgerton . . .
"WINDSOR (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT)", Empire (7 October 1869), 4
On Monday last the members of the Hawkesbury Volunteer Rifles competed for prizes given by Messrs. Moses, Ridge, Robinson, and Walker (M.L.A.) for the best shooting . . . The Volunteers, together with a number of visitors, in all about 150 persons, sat down to a capital luncheon . . . After the Company had partaken of the good things, the following toasts were drunk, viz.: - "The Queen," proposed by Captain Edgerton, and drunk with enthusiasm, the band playing the "New South Wales March." Mr. H. Moses then proposed "The health of Captain Edgerton," the band playing "Work, boys, work" . . .
"Death of Captain Edgerton", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (16 August 1878), 2
Captain Edgerton, a well-known resident of Windsor, died last evening.
"WINDSOR", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August 1878), 6
On Sunday afternoon last the remains of Captain Edgerton were interred in the Church of England burial ground. The deceased, who was universally respected, was honoured with a military funeral, and the cortege, considering that nearly every one attending was on foot, was the largest we remember having seen. The procession moved from the Captain's late residence at half-past 4 o'clock, the two companies of the Windsor and Richmond Volunteers marching in front of the hearse with reversed arms. On entering North-street the band started a solemn march, arranged for the occasion by S. Jeffcott, band instructor, and the latter part of the way played the Dead March in Saul. The street along the line of march was thronged with spectators. Arriving at the churchyard the coffin, on which were laid the sword and helmet of Captain Edgerton and the colours of the Windsor Company, was borne into the church, followed by the procession, which marched between two lines of Volunteers. The church was almost filled on the occasion. The Rev. F. W. Stretton impressively read the first portion of the burial service, after which the coffin was removed to the grave, where the Volunteers were drawn up at either side, two deep. The Rev. H. A. Langley completed the service, when the order was given by Captain Linsley to fire three volleys, which was accordingly done, and thus the last honours were paid to the venerated deceased.
"ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION", New South Wales Government Gazette (23 August 1878), 3360
In the will of Samuel Edgerton, late of Windsor, in the Colony of New South Wales, Esquire, deceased . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 December 1880), 1
EDGERTON. - December 6, at Windsor, Ann, relict of the late Captain Edgerton, aged 82.
"CAPTAIN EDGERTON'S GRAVE [TO THE EDITOR]", Windsor and Richmond Gazette (28 April 1906), 8
SIR, - My attention has been drawn to a paragraph in your issue of Saturday last, with reference to the grave of Captain Edgerton.
There are, doubtless, many in Windsor who still remember the gallant captain as an enthusiastic promoter, if not the originator, of the Hawkesbury volunteer movement in our district.
To him also we were mainly indebted for the establishment of the first band of music in connection with the volunteers.
For my own part I regarded him as one of the most upright and honourable members of our community.
His remains were interred in St. Matthew's Church of England cemetery on Sunday, the 18th of August, 1878.
For nearly, five years the grave remained without the slightest memorial in connection with it, and as the old gentleman, I believe, had no relations in the colony,
and his last resting place might probably soon be beyond recognition, I gave instructions to our townsman, Mr. George Robertson,
in March, 1883, to erect a suitable grave-stone and curbing.
This he did at a cost of £16/14/6, and an inspection of the work after twenty three not twenty eight years - will show how substantially the work was done.
This is the monument which you refer to as having been recently painted.
I may add that the sexton has informed me that Mrs. Dick, of Windsor, had a short time ago caused screened gravel to be placed on the grave, which, of course, improved its appearance.
One would think that after all the gallant and worthy old captain did for the Hawkesbury district, his last resting place would be an object of greater interest to the community.
At all events there are some in Windsor whose recollections of him are ever green. - I am, Sir, yours faithfully,
JOHN TEBBUTT. The Peninsula, April 25, 1906.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Tebbutt and The Peninsula (Windsor)
"EARLY SETTLERS", Windsor and Richmond Gazette (25 November 1932), 9
. . . Lieut. Samuel North, of the Royal Veteran Company, was at one time Police Magistrate at Windsor. He resided here with his family at the old Government House. In those days there was always a detachment of some regiment stationed at Windsor, oft-times the headquarters of a regiment. Samuel Edgerton, bandmaster of the 80th Regiment, stationed in the Colony in 1836-1844 [recte 1837], returned to settle on old Peninsular Farm Cottage, overlooking Peninsula Estate. He afterwards became Captain of the Windsor Volunteers . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Reminiscences (personal, social and political) of a fifty years' residence at Windsor, on the Hawkesbury: a lecture . . . by William Walker (Sydney: Turner and Henderson, 1890), 8-9
[8]. . . But we had at the same time a pleasant establishment in town, namely one of Her Majesty's regiments of the line - the gallant 80th, or Staffordshire. They were a splendid set of men, finely officered, from the colonel downwards, and they had a magnificent band. The bandmaster was the late Samuel Edgerton, a gentleman who eventually left the regiment, and spent the remainder of his life in Windsor, becoming Captain of the Windsor Volunteers, and dying at an advanced age universally respected . . . The band was the finest military one that ever came to the colony. The bandmaster led with the clarionet, and a very stately fellow played the cornet to perfection. My young patriotic blood used to warm up when I heard them play in grand style when marching through George-street that [9] favourite air "The Blue Bells of Scotland." There were a good many blacks down the Hawkesbury then, and I remember the officers on one occasion getting up a corroboree in Thompson's Square . . . I never saw a corroboree before, and have never seen one since. I will not attempt to describe it - such a thing could not be conceived in the present day. The 80th left Windsor after a year or two, and were succeeded by another regiment, but I never could fancy it, after the former. They departed from Windsor one moonlight night, having to walk all the way to Parramatta. They marched out of town over the South Creek Bridge towards McGrath's Hill playing that exhilarating and lively tune, "The Girl I Left Behind Me," - the echoes of which still haunt me. There were many wet eyes that night amongst "the girls," and I can only say for myself, young as I was, that I felt the departure of these fine fellows from amongst us very much. When the regiment left the colony, Mr. Edgerton, the bandmaster, took up his abode in the old Peninsula Farm Cottage, overlooking the Peninsula Estate, where the reviews of the troops had occasionally taken place before the General, Sir Maurice O'Connell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Walker (author)
Grace Hendy-Poole, "Windsor and Richmond [read before the Society, 24th April, 1906]", Journal and proceedings Australian Historical Society 2/1 (1906 [issued March 1909), 17
. . . There were no organs or American organs in those days, and the music in the Church of England was led by a portion of the military band, when available, but as a rule, in most churches, by a clarionet player and bass viol. Samuel Edgerton, bandmaster of the 80th Regiment - stationed in the colony 1836-1844 [recte 1837] - retired and settled on old Peninsula Farm Cottage, overlooking Peninsula Estate. He afterwards became captain of the Windsor Volunteers . . .
James Steele, Early days of Windsor, N. S. Wales (Sydney: Tyrell's Ltd, 1916), passim (DIGITISED TRANSCRIPT)
[St. Matthews's Anglican church] . . . During the incumbency of the Rev. Mr. Stiles, a pipe organ was placed in the gallery at the back of the church, which was built for this purpose in 1840. The organ was built by Messrs. Johnson and Kimlock [sic, Kinloch], of Princes Street, Sydney, and was the first organ built in Australia. Five hundred pounds were subscribed for these improvements, the organ costing three hundred and twenty pounds. It was opened by Mr. Wm. Johnson, the organist of St. James's Church, Sydney, on the 8th November, 1840. Prior to this, the military band, conducted by Captain Edgerton, used to occupy the three back centre pews, and lead the singing. The marks, and also portion of the old music stands, may still be seen.
In the sixties some friction arose between Mr. Stiles and a considerable number of the parishioners over the introduction into the praise service of the church of "Chope's Hymnal", on 2nd October, 1864, in place of the Metrical Psalms of Tate and Brady, formerly in use. A meeting of the parishioners was held in the School of Arts on 31st May, 1865, at which it was agreed to petition Bishop Barker to have the book withdrawn. This petition was signed by forty-one male parishioners. After much correspondence and heart-burning, the book was withdrawn on 24th December, 1865. Amongst those who took a leading part in this discussion were Messrs. Jas. Ascough, J.A. Dawson, S. Edgerton, J.B. Lavarack, Henry Moses, and John Tebbutt, junior.
St. Matthew's Parochial Association was formed in 1856, Mr. John Tebbutt being the honorary secretary and treasurer for many years. During the first ten years of its existence the sum of nine hundred and thirty-five pounds, five shillings and ninepence was raised and remitted to Sydney for assisting various forms of church activities. The local committee of this Parochial Association, which was in connection with the Sydney Church Society, were Messrs. Richard Dunstan, Samuel Edgerton, John A. Dawson, Jas. Ascough, and John Tebbutt. Owing to some friction with the Rector and the Rev. C. F. Garnsey, the Association's receipts greatly declined during the later sixties . . .
. . . Mr. Samuel Edgerton, who died, at the age of seventy-eight [sic], on August 16th, 1878. He arrived with H.M. 80th Foot in 1836 [1837], as bandmaster. He did not return with his regiment in 1844, but took up his residence in Windsor, in the Peninsula, taking an active part in the Hawkesbury Volunteers, of which he was the first captain, in 1860. Capt. Edgerton also assisted in the various efforts to establish a town band, but such efforts in Windsor, as elsewhere, were generally short-lived (see also Chapter XVII) . . .
. . . In the year 1854 the Government passed legislation which led to the formation of a number of local corps, but the movement did not catch on till 1860, when a large number of men enlisted in the various towns of New South Wales as volunteers. Windsor was early in the field, the Hawkesbury corps being formed on 5th October, 1860, the first officers being Captain S. Edgerton and Lieutenant Sydney Scarvell . . . Samuel Edgerton, Captain, 1860-72. Retired 1872 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Matthew's church (Anglican), Windsor
MUSIC: The congregational hymnal (edited by Richard Robert Chope)
EDLIN, Henry (Henry John EDLIN; Henry EDLIN; H. EDLIN)
Venue proprietor, Pantheon Assembly Rooms, concert promoter
Born London, England, 1826; baptised St. George, Hanover Square, 12 August 1826; son of Edward Colsill EDLIN (d. 1844) and Sophia SAWYER (d. 1838)
Married Mary Jane CHARLETON, St. George, Hanover Square, London, England, 1 June 1848
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 2 August 1853 (per Thames, from London, 24 March and Madeira, 16 April)
Died Ballarat, VIC, 5 September 1883, aged "60" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)'s+promenades+musicales+1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1826; register 1826-27, page 72; London Metropolitan Archives, Dl/T/089/021 (PAYWALL)
No. 575 / [1826 August] 12th / Henry John [son of] / Edward Colsill & Sophia / Edlin / Bond Street / Turner . . .
1848, marriages solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, in the County of Middlesex; register 1848, page 125; City of Westminster Archives, STG/PR/7/35
No. 249 / [1848] June 1 / Henry John Edlin / Full age / Bachelor / Merchant / [resident] Liverpool / [son of] Edward Colsill Edlin / Gent'n
Mary Jane Charleton / Minor / Spinster / - / Maddox Street / [daughter of] Robert Pigott Charleton / Gent'n . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Tranmere, Cheshire; UK National Archives, HO107/2175/733/37 (PAYWALL)
Mersy Lane Maria Terrace / Henry J. Edlin / Head / Mar. / 24 / Merchant / [born] London
Mary J. Edlin / Wife / Mar. / 20 / - // Mary L. Edlin / Daur. / 7 months . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (3 August 1853), 2
Tuesday, August 2 . . . Same day - The ship Thames, 455 tons, Barclay, master, from London 24th March, and from Madeira 16th April. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Edlin and 2 children . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry's elder brother Charles Edlin (1824-1895) had arrived in SA the preceding year
"THE PANTHEON", South Australian Register (4 February 1854), 2
We had the pleasure, yesterday, of taking a stroll round Mr. Henry Edlin's very elegant saloon called the Pantheon, in King William street, nearly opposite the principal entrance to Government House; and we may truly say that our brief hour was agreeably spent. The arrangements are very tasteful, and the stalls are occupied by fair artistes, who display their "useful and ornamental work" Bazaar fashion . . . We thought from the novelty of the institution and the expense to which it must have subjected its proprietor, that the prices would certainly be high; but, to our surprise, we found them particularly moderate; so the Pantheon is not only a pleasant but an economical lounge. There is a brilliant musical performance in the evening by an accomplished pianiste.
ASSOCIATIONS: Pantheon Assembly Rooms (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (29 March 1854), 1
PUBLIC AMUSEMENT. H. EDLIN, has the honour to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Adelaide,
that (in the absence of all public entertainment) he has determined on giving a
PROMENADE MUSICALE, at the Pantheon, King William-street,
on TUESDAY, 4th of April, and he respectfully solicits their patronage.
If this first attempt is duly supported, a series of them will be given through the winter,
and Mr. Edlin will use his best endeavours to engage good musicians, and to render the place in every respect attractive.
A limited number of tickets issued, and they may be obtained.
Part 1st.
1. Polka, "Les Clochettes" - Labitzky.
2. Equestrian Quadrilles - Holt.
3. Waltz, "La Tenderesse" - Harry Hardy.
4. Song, "Every Land my Home" - N. J. Sporle, Miss Pettman.
5. Polka, "The Louise" - W. H. Montgomery.
6. Cornet Obligato, "As I view these scenes," &c. - La Somnambula, Bellini.
7. Song, "Kathleen Mavourneen" - T. N. Crouch, Miss Pettman.
8, Galop, "Fortuna" - Strauss.
Part 2nd.
1. March, founded on the popular Scotch melody "Annie Laurie" - W. H. Montgomery.
3. Quadrille, "Prince of Wales" - J. R. Ling.
5. "Empress," Spanish Polka.
4. "You'll meet me, won't you?" - Miss Pettman.
5. Solo, Pianoforte, "Away with melancholy," with variations - Montigani [sic].
6. Waltz, "Bossissio."
7. Sturm Marsch Galop.
8. "God Save the Queen'."
Commencing at 7. o'clock. Admission, 2s. 6d., by tickets only.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist); Alfred Mantegani (pianist, composer)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (29 March 1854), 1
MR. HENRY EDLIN respectfully begs to invite the attention of the ladies of South Australia to the elegant building he has erected, regardless of expense, in King William-street.
He believes they will not only find it a pleasant place of resort for rest and refreshment, but be able to execute their shopping under one roof without fatigue,
and at lower prices than any shop in Adelaide . . .
From 4 till 8 p.m. a professional artist presides at the piano.
A few good Pianofortes for sale.
"PROMENADE MUSICALE", South Australian Register (1 April 1854), 2
We have no more judicious or elegant caterer for the public than Mr. Edlin. His spirited undertaking in establishing the Pantheon has already been highly appreciated; but will be far more so as the winter rains set in, and make a sheltered emporium invaluable. He has always made his "Burlington Arcade" of Adelaide an agreeable lounge, and we see he now contemplates giving a series of promenade concerts, which will vary the dull monotony of our winter months. The first of these pleasing entertainments will take place on Tuesday evening, and, if we may judge from the advertised programme, is likely to prove attractive, in a high degree.
"PROMENADE CONCERT", South Australian Register (5 April 1854), 3
We are glad to state that last night's entertainment at the Pantheon was largely patronized. The capacious building was crowded; and we cordially congratulate Mr. Edlin on such marked success at the very commencement of his spirited undertaking . . . We understand that Mr. Edlin is determined to continue the concerts, and thereby afford a most acceptable series of recreations during the otherwise dull evenings of the winter season.
"PROMENADE MUSICALE", Adelaide Times (5 April 1854), 4
To a bumper "house," Mr. Eldin, to whom great credit is due for his praiseworthy efforts to introduce a novel species of entertainment for the denizens of Adelaide, held, last evening, the first of a series of Promenades Musicales he contemplates at his newly established and elegant Pantheon. It was not strictly speaking, a "promenade," for so attractive was the character of the evening's programme, that there was barely room to stir, or for friends to come in contact when once separated. The band, consisting of 3 violins, a piano, violincello, cornet-a-piston, and trombone, played a variety of pieces and fearfully-exciting polkas, to the manifest delight of the audience. The instrumental portion of the entertainment was diversified by interludes of vocal music, in which new adjuncts to the musical corps of Adelaide "assisted" most creditably. The whole affair was admirably conducted, and will doubtless be a popular resort if the subsequent soires be as judiciously conducted as the premier pas. Mr. Chapman led the band; Mr. Cobbin was first violin, and Mr. McCullagh's cornet-a-piston harmonised sweetly throughout.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Chapman (musician); William Richard Cobbin (musician); Robert McCullagh (musician)
"THE PANTHEON PROMENADE MUSICALE", Adelaide Observer (22 April 1854), 5
We see that Mr. Edlin purposes giving another of these popular and amusing entertainments on Tuesday next. We have already mentioned how much, in common with the entire company, we were pleased on the former occasion; and, from what we have seen of Mr. Edlin's spirited management, we feel very confident there will be no falling off in the second.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (25 April 1854), 4
H. EDLIN has the honour to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Adelaide, that he will give
a Select PROMENADE MUSICALE, at the Pantheon, King William-street, on TUESDAY NEXT, April 25th,
and he respectfully solicits their patronage.
1. Overture to the Caliph of Bagdad - Boildieu.
2. Cavatina, "Through the Wood," Miss Pettman - C. E. Horn.
3. Duet, Cornet-a-piston, "Deh con te," "Norma" - Messrs. McCullagh and Chapman - Bellini.
4. Waltz, "La Tenderesse," par. - Harry Hardy.
5. Galop, "Furioso" - Labitzky.
1. A selection of Airs from the Overture "Life in Dublin."
2. Song, "Scenes that are brightest," Miss Pettman - W. V. Wallace.
3. Equestrian Quadrille - C. Holt.
4. Solo, Pianoforte, "Pantheon Waltz," by A. Montegani.
5. Galop, "Tarantel" - Lanner.
1. Andante, Minuette, and Trio, from Haydn's Symphony No. 2.
2. "Song of the Zephyr," Miss Pettman - J. Rexford.
3. Emerald Polka - Walterstein.
4. Song, "Trab Trab," Miss Pettman - Kucke.
5. Sturm Marsch Galop.
6. Finale, "God Save the Queen."
Admission by Tickets only, 5s. each; 120 only will be issued.
MUSIC: Overture, Life in Dublin (by George Stanbsury)
"PANTHEON", Adelaide Times (26 April 1854), 3
The second of Mr. Edlin's Promenades Musicales came off last night. The attendance, probably on account of the uncertain state of the weather, was not so large as on the previous occasion. The entertainment, nevertheless, consisting of numerous pieces of instrumental music, interspersed with songs sung by Miss Pettman, passed off in a very successful manner, and appeared to give great satisfaction to a highly respectable audience. We trust that Mr. Edlin will continue to meet with all the encouragement he deserves for his enterprising attempt to amuse his fellow-citizens.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (6 May 1854), 2
CONCERT. MR. HENRY EDLIN respectfully begs to announce to the Gentry of Adelaide and vicinity, that a
MUSICAL PROMENADE will be given at the PANTHEON, on Tuesday, May 9th,
under the immediate patronage of LADY YOUNG, on which occasion he will endeavour to secure all the available Musical Talent in Adelaide.
Limited number of tickets issued - may be obtained at the Pantheon. 5s. each.
"PROMENADE MUSICALE", South Australian Register (10 May 1854), 3
The attendance at the musical entertainment provided last evening by Mr. Edlin, at the Pantheon, was exceedingly good. His Excellency and Lady Young were present, and we also noticed W. H. Maturin, Esq., Private Secretary, the Hon. the Registrar-General, E. Stephens, Esq, M.L.C., His Honor Judge Cooper, H. R. Wigley, Esq., J. H. Fisher, Esq., M.L.C., Dr. Kent, Dr. Bayer, and several other numbers of the learned professions. A large number of the fair sex also graced the room with their presence. The orchestra was led by Mr. Chapman, as first violinist, and included Mr. MacCullagh, and several other gentlemen of known musical talent. Mr. Montegani [sic] presided at the pianoforte. The programme consisted of no fewer than sixteen musical compositions, and with but one trifling exception was strictly observed. Miss Pettman was in excellent key, and was encored in "The Maid of Switzerland," for which she substituted "You do love, don't you?" and in "La Cour de l'Amour," for which she sang "Trab, Trab," with great spirit. This lady, in addition to great compass of voice, possesses the rare excellence of distinct enunciation, and is rising in the estimation of the public as a professional singer. The instrumentalists acquitted themselves on the whole with great credit but we think a few perceptible defects might have been avoided by two or three rehearsals previous to the concert. The whole, however, passed off extremely well, and we trust it will not be long before a similar entertainment is provided by the spirited proprietor, and that it will be as well supported.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Augusta Young (governor and wife); Benjamin Archer Kent (musical amateur)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (20 May 1854), 4
TO be LET, the Building known as the PANTHEON, in King William-street.
Thls would make a most desirable Warehouse for a Wholesale Draper or a Cabinetmaker.
For terms and particulars apply to H. EDLIN.
"INSOLVENCY NOTICES. ADJOURNED FINAL HEARINGS", Adelaide Observer (27 October 1855), 4
Henry John Edlin, of Kooringa, storekeeper, on Friday, November 16, at 2.
"WANGARATTA POLICE COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (28 July 1883), 4
On Thursday, before Mr. Akehurst, P.M., the following cases were heard: - William Willis v Henry Edlin: Claim £4 19s, for work and labor done, and materials provided. Order for amount, with 2s 6d costs; in default, distress . . .
See also "WANGARATTA COUNTY COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (16 August 1883), 1
"AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE", The Ballarat Courier [VIC] (8 September 1883), 2
Yesterday morning the remains of a commercial traveller, named Henry Edlin, were conveyed to the Ballarat Cemetery,
the funeral cortege consisting of about a dozen fellow-commercials, who paid the last tribute of respect to deceased.
The story of deceased's illness and death is a very sad one, and may be told in few words, the correspondence below showing on one side the charity of a good Samaritan,
and on the other a less pleasing development.
We do not intend to make any comment on the affair, but will leave onr readers to draw their own conclusions from the following circumstances: -
On Thursday, the 30th August last, Mr. Henry Edlin, a commercial traveller in the employ of Messrs. R. Bowman and Co., tea dealers, Melbourne,
became suddenly ill, at Lester's hotel, where he received the kindest treatment, and was attended by the medical men, at the request of Mr. Lester himself.
Sunday last, Mr. Edlin was so much worse in health that Mr. Lester sent a letter to the firm of Bowman and Co.,
couched in the following terms, and the succeeding telegrams will complete the story: . . .
But see also "THE LATE MR. H. EDLIN AND MESSERS. R. BOWMAN AND CO. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (10 September 1883), 8
EDMONDS, Harriet (Harriet WISE; Mrs. Alexander EDMONDS; Harriet EDMONDS; Mrs. EDMONDS)
Musician, vocalist, convict, emancipist
Born London, England, 1798
Convicted, Middlesex Gaol, London, 11 September 1822 (7 years, transportation, aged "24")
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 5 October 1823 (convict per Mary, from London, 3 June)
Married Alexander EDMONDS, Windsor, NSW, 1824 (permission dated 2 November 1824)
Certificate of freedom, NSW, 10 December 1832
Died Sydney, NSW, 24/25 August 1844 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Old Bailey Digital Panopticon) (shareable link to this entry)
"HATTON GARDEN", Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser [London, England] (8 February 1821), 4 (PAYWALL)
Yesterday Harriet Wise, an interesting looking young woman, aged 20, was charged with stealing three blankets, a sheet, counterpane, &c. &c. the property Mr. Kent, of Smith-street, Clerkenwell, jeweller, with whom she had lived about three months as servant. The prisoner had stolen several articles in the situation she was in before she came to his service, for which she was examined at this Office, under the Pawnbroker's Act, for unlawfully pawning, when she was convicted in a penalty of triple the value, or to stand committed. On that occasion, the present prosecutor, from a knowledge her family, paid the penalty, amounting to 3l., and in order to redeem her character, took her into his own service, where she rewarded him by stealing the above named articles, which were found pledged by her at a pawnbroker's in St. John-street; besides taking up, the amount 2l. in money, in his name, from some of his customers. She was committed.
Trial of Harriet Wise, 14 February 1821; Old Bailey online
444. HARRIET WISE was indicted for stealing, on the 3d of February, three blankets, value 9s.;
one coffee-mill, value 4s.; one counterpane, value 7s.; one sheet, value 18d.; one frock, value 9d.;
one pair trowsers, value 9d.; one waistcoat, value 18d.; two handkerchiefs, value 18d. and a pair of boots, value 4s.
the goods of Henry Kent . . .
GUILTY. Aged 22. Judgment Respited.
"BOW-STREET", Morning Advertiser [London, England] (30 August 1822), 3 (PAYWALL)
An incorrigible Thief. A girl, apparently about 19 years of age, named Harriet Wise, was brought on several charges of robbery, and it is not often that a case of such determined dishonesty, in one so young, has come under the cognizance of the Magistrates. The prisoner was some time ago obliged, in consequence of similar practices to those now charged against her, to quit her mother's house, and after being some days wandering about she was taken in by a Mrs. Dawson, a laundress, to assist her occasionally in her work. She had been with her but a few days, when Mrs. Dawson missed two silver spoons and several articles of linen and apparel. She suspected the prisoner, and she taxed her with the theft. She immediately confessed it, fell upon her knees, and begged for mercy. Mrs. Dawson not only forgave her, but, "fearing worse might come to her" if she turned her into the street, consented to let her remain in the house. This was in the morning, and in the afternoon of the same day the prisoner stole two sheets, two shawls, and some other things, and took them to a pawnbroker's. This theft was discovered the next day by Mrs. Dawson, who, upon her earnest solicitations, again promised not to prosecute her, if she would procure money to redeem the articles. This she promised to do, and went out (as she said) for that purpose, but did not return. She was apprehended in a day or two by Edwards, a constable. Mrs. D. meanwhile learned that the prisoner had borrowed several sums of money from her customers in her name, and had also pawned several bundles of linen, for which Mrs. Dawson had sent her to the London Hotel, in Albemarle-street, and other places, and which she had pretended were not ready when she called. Mrs. Dawson then went to the prisoner's mother, who said her daughter had been at the same practices since she was 14 years of age, and that she was completely irreclaimable. The prisoner maintained a sort of sullen indifference while under examination, and said nothing in her defence. She was fully committed.
"BOW-STREET . . . DUPLICITY AND CREDULITY", English Chronicle and Whitehall Evening Post (31 August 1822), 2 (PAYWALL)
Harriet Wise, a delicately formed and rather interesting young woman, was charged with a series of robberies upon Mrs. Dawson, laundress. Mrs. Dawson about three months ago took Harriet into her house in consequence of her stating herself to be utterly destitute; but she had not been long with her before a pair of silver spoons were missing. they were almost immediately traced to the prisoner, but she spoke in such moving terms of the debts she owed, and the miseries she had undergone, that Mrs. Dawson freely forgave her, and even suffered her to remain in her house. On Saturday last Harriet went on some little errands for her kind protectress - she was to call at the London Hotel, Albemarle-street, and at the Saracen's Head Snowhill, for some small linen to wash. She did call at both these houses as she was directed - at the London Hotel she borrowed a sovereign from one servant, and ten shillings from another, in the name of Mrs. Dawson, and then taking away the linen she pawned the whole of it. Having thus turned the London Hotel to account, she proceeded to the Saracen's Head, from whence she received several more bundles of linen, the greater part of which she pawned, and then coolly returned to Mrs. Dawson with the remainder. Whilst she was away another pair of spoons were missed, and a more urgent inquiry was set on foot, and the result was, that all her misdeeds were discovered. But still she found means to cajole the confiding Mrs. Dawson; she gave her the pawnbroker's duplicates of all the property she had pledged, made up into a neat little packet, at the same time telling her she was going out to raise money for the purpose of redeeming the whole of them; and she moreover strictly enjoined Mrs. Dawson not to open the packet till she had been gone two hours. Mrs. Dawson promised to obey this injunction, and she kept her promise faithfully - nay, she even waited three hours instead of two, but the interesting Harriet never returned. This being the case, Mrs. Dawson lost all further confidence in her, and applied to the police, who speedily apprehended the fair fugitive. Mrs. Dawson also stated that she had applied to Harriet's mother, before she sought redress from the laws, in the hope that she would have replaced her property, but the old lady would have nothing to do with it. Harriet was a graceless slut, she said, and had been a[t] the same game ever since she was fourteen years old. Poor Harriet had nothing to say in her defence before the Magistrate, and she was remanded for further examination.
Trial of Harriet Wise, 11 September 1822; Old Bailey online
1720. HARRIET WISE was indicted for stealing, on the 3d of August, two shirts, value 4 s., and two cravats, value 2 s. the goods of John Wynn. NOT GUILTY
1721. 1271. HARRIET WISE was again indicted for stealing, on the 23d of August, two shawls, value 4s.;
one quilt, value 2s.; one table cloth, value 1s.; and one tea spoon, value 3s. , the goods of Thomas Dawson . . .
GUILTY. Aged 24. Transported for Seven Years.
Sydney and area, NSW (from 5 October 1823):
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
. . . [Edmonds] Alexander / 32 / Free by Servitude / [arrived] General Fawcett / 1818 / Shoemaker / Clarence St., Sydney
. . . [Edmonds] or Wise / Harriet / 30 / [convict] / [arrived] Mary / 1823 . . .
Colonial Secretary LC, cash vouchers 1829, State Records Authority of NSW, 4/296; transcr. Rushworth 1988, 363 (corrected)
[St. James's Church], Chaplain Hill, £250 [per annum];
Clerk, 20; Collector of Pew Rents, 5; Sexton, 20; Beadles (2), 15 each; Pew openers (2), 10 each;
Teacher of the Choir and Organist, Mr. Pearson, £26; ditto, for tuning the organ, 8;
Singers, Harriet Edmonds, 10; Ann Lancaster, 5; E. Hoare, J. Parton, G. Shepherd,
Wm. Aldis, R. Cooper, S. Pawsey, 5 each; Organ blower, Geo. Mills, 4 6s 8d; Watchman, 13; Grave Digger, 13.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Hill (cleric); James Pearson (organist); Ann Lancaster (singer); Edward Hoare (singer); William Henry Aldis (singer); Samuel Pawsey (singer); George Mills (organ blower); St. James's church (Sydney)
[Advertisement], The Australian (16 September 1829), 1
PART I. Grand Overture - Mozart . . .
Song (by a Lady) "Sigh not for Love" . . .
PART II . . . Song (Lady) "Just like Love" - Davey . . .
Leader, Mr. EDWARDS.
Immediately after the Conclusion of the First Part, Mr. Levy will sing "Birch the Pastry Cook" . . .
Doors open at Seven. To commence at halfpast Seven precisely.
*** Pit 5s. - Boxes 7s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Edwards (conductor, leader); Barnett Levey (vocalist, proprietor); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: Sigh not for love (by Matthew Peter King); Just like love is yonder rose (by John Davy)
"Wednesday's Concert", The Sydney Monitor [NSW] (19 September 1829), 3
This Concert was conducted by Mr. Edwards, and he had the good fortune to meet a house, which if not crowded, was pleasantly full, and consisting of persons at the first rank in the Colony. Among the company . . . a great number of Magistrates and Civil and Military Officers were discerned. Mozart's Overture of La Clemenza commenced the evening's entertainment, and was well played . . . The glee of "The Bells of St. Michael's Tower" went off remarkably well, and gave much satisfaction - it was sung by Messrs. Clarke, Aldis and Edwards (bass). The flute divertimento evinced the diligence and improvement of Master Josephson, and was applauded. "Sigh not for Love," by Mrs. Edmonds was (considering it was this lady's first appearance in public) very well received . . . We congratulate, the public on the complete success of this second and last Concert for the season.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Clarke (vocalist); Joshua Frey Josephson (flute)
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 September 1829), 2
. . . But - we beg pardon - we had almost forgotten the lady, a circumstance, it will be said, which speaks little for our gallantry; still, we must hear her once more before we can pronounce an opinion on the prima dona of the evening . . .
[News], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (23 September 1829), 3
Archdeacon Broughton, we hear, has expressed his intention to promote public harmony in more ways than one, and among others by patronising with his presence, Mr. Levey's next concert. We give the Venerable Gentleman every praise for his friendly intentions, and hope the old mammon which has kept people by the ears for many a long day past will not prove too strong for his benevolent agency. What shall be said when it is known that two persons, a man and female, who gained a livelihood by singing in the choir at St. James's Church, have been discharged from their situation within this week past by the officiating Minister, for assisting as performers at the late concert? This is a delightful method of promoting unity. This is fulfilling the philanthropic desires of the new Archdeacon with a vengeance. Such fanaticism is so despicable, we feel more need not be said to inform the Public.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Grant Broughton (Anglican cleric)
[News], The Australian (25 September 1829), 3
The two choristers dismissed a few days since by the officiating Chaplain at St. James's Church, from their places, for the crime of singing at the late Public Concert, which the Venerable Archdeacon Broughton, it was expected, would have favoured with his presence, have not forfeited their means of obtaining a livelihood, as inferred by a paragraph in our last publication, we are glad to hear; the compensation allowed these singers amounting annually to but a trifle. Still the singularity of their abrupt dismissal remains unaltered. We hear the puritanical Pastor being too good and evangelical to live among the worldly going folk here, who can discover no sort of moral harm in a little innocent recreation betimes, will be treated with a rustication shortly.
"CHIT-CHAT", The Sydney Monitor (28 September 1829), 3
. . . The Reverend Mr. Hill has dismissed two of the choir singers at St. James' Church, for contaminating their voice and persons, by being present at Mr. Levey's last Concert, at which the Judges were present. The public are in ardent expectation, that this Reverend Gentleman will be invited to give way to some University-bred Clergyman, whose model of preaching will be equally plain and a little more connected . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (21 October 1829), 3
Monday [19 October] evening's vocal and instrumental divertisements went off remarkably well, all things considered. The evening set in wet and stormy which was one drawback, and the house consequently did not muster as full benches as there would have been otherwise. However, on the whole the attendance was tolerably good, and the voices and instruments, as we have premised, were passing the moderato style . . . "In gaudy courts with aching hearts" was next sung, by Mrs. Edmonds and Mr. Aldis, with good effect; and at the conclusion there rung through the house the cry encore, encore; in place of a solo on the clarionet, though not "omitted by particular desire," the wind instruments and violins struck up an overture. Mrs. Edmonds sung "Ye banks and braes of Bonny Doon," with an encore . . . "Poor Mary Ann," a simple little ballad, known to most tyros on the German flute, and which, on this occasion, was sung as a quartette, followed next, Mrs. Edmonds sustaining the treble . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 October 1829), 2
Mr. Levey's exertions to render the entertainments at the Royal Assembly Rooms worthy of public patronage, we are glad to find, are crowned with that success they merit. The Concert on Monday last want off well; the audience were respectable, and considering the state of the weather, rather numerous. Of the performers, vocal and instrumental, we have already made favourable mention . . . The "lady" singer improves . . .
Certificate of freedom, no. 32/1084; State Records Authority of NSW, NRS 12210 (PAYWALL)
Date - 10 December 1832 / Name - Harriet Wise / Ship - Mary / . . . Year - 1823 /
Native Place - London / Trade or Calling - Needle worker / . . . Year of birth - 1798 /
Height - 4 feet 8 1/2 inches . . . Wife of Alex'r Edmonds . . .
"CERTIFICATES OF FREEDOM", New South Wales Government Gazette (19 December 1832), 468
. . . Mary (3), Harriet Wise . . .
"INQUEST", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 August 1844), 2
Yesterday an inquisition took place before Mr. J. B. Brenan, and a jury, on the body of Harriet Edmonds, when the following evidence was given:
George Burnett deposed: On Saturday night last I was returning home from the Market when I met the deceased; she asked me to lake her home; she was then drunk; I took her home and put her to bed; she could not drink her tea; the husband of the deceased locked the door and put the key under it, saying, "I will not stop with a drunken woman." He also said, "she will find the key to come out to-morrow - I have done so before." The husband then left the house, and returned about seven o'clock on Sunday morning. He got my key, which opened the bed-room door; he then went into the room and came down immediately after, saying the deceased was dead; I went up with some others and found her lying on her face on the pillow, quite dead; she frequently got drunk, and her husband used, when she was so, to leave her to sleep alone. The husband is a very quiet man, but the deceased was very much addicted to drinking ardent spirits.
Alexander Edmonds, husband of the deceased, deposed: I returned home shortly before twelve o'clock at night, on Saturday last, and found the deceased lying in bed very drunk; she was drunk the night before; I said I would not stop with her; I locked the bed-room door, put the key under it, and left the house; she was very much addicted to drinking ardent spirits. I returned to the house on Sunday morning, between seven and eight o'clock, when I found the door locked; I then got a key from George Burnett and opened the door, when I found the deceased lying on her face in the bed; I then called the landlady, who came up to the room with me; she then turned over the deceased and said, she is dead; this was about half-past seven on Sunday morning; I reported her death to my master (her brother), and afterwards to the Coroner's constable.
Mr. Frederick Harpur, surgeon, deposed: I have carefully examined the body of the deceased, and am of opinion that death was the result of apoplexy, which may have been produced by drinking ardent spirits. The Jury found a verdict of died from apoplexy, induced by intoxication.
Bibliography and resources:
"Harriet Wise, per Mary, Convict records
EDMONDSON, William Newall Maxwell (William Newall Maxwell EDMONDSON; W. N. M. EDMONDSON; W. N. EDMONDSON; Mr. EDMONDSON)
Amateur musician, pianist, organist, harmonium player, choir leader, postmaster, merchant, alderman and mayor of Albury
Born Manchester, England, 15 March 1834; baptised Scotch church, St. Peter's square, Manchester, 7 May 1835; son of Richard EDMONSTON [sic] and Margaret Newal McGOWEN
Married Emma POTTER (1838-1926), Manchester cathedral, England, 22 May 1858
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1859
Died Albury, NSW, 11 January 1913 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Scotch church, St. Peter's Square, Manchester, 1835; UK National Archives, RG4/3184 (PAYWALL)
no. 140 / [born] 1834 March 15 / Wm. Newel Maxwell [son of] Richard Edmonston / Upper Temple St. / Engraver [and] Margaret Newal McGowen / [baptised] 1835 May 7
1858, marriage solemnized at the cath[edral] & parish church in the parish of Manchester in the county of Lancaster; register 1858, page 106; Manchester Cathedral (PAYWALL)
No. 211 / May 22nd 1858 / William Newall Maxwell Edmondson / 24 / Bachelor / Gentleman / Oxford Road / [son of] Richard Edmondson / Engraver
Emma Potter / 20 / Spinster / - / Monton Street Moss Side / [daughter of] Francis Potter / Agent . . .
"SYDNEY BILL OF ENTRY", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (17 October 1859), 3
IMPORTS . . . GLASSWARE . . . 1 case, W. N. M. Edmondson . . .
"THE HOSPITAL CONCERT", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (6 March 1861), 2
According to invitation a number of gentlemen assembled on Monday evening last, at Jones's Criterion Hotel,
for the purpose of electing a committee to carry out the arrangements for the approaching grand concert in aid of the funds for the opening of this institution.
Mr. Bennett took the chair, and explained the object of the meeting.
Upon the motion of Mr. L. Solomon a committee of thirteen gentlemen was formed, consisting of Messrs. Edmondson, Boyer, Barnett, Bennett,
Swete, Elliott, Murray, Murphy, Kraegen, Jones, Foster, Banfield, and the mover.
Mr. Mott's name was also added to the list.
The meeting was then dissolved, and the Committee began its labours by appointing the following gentlemen to superintend the musical arrangements - namely,
Messrs. Edmondson, Boyer, and Barnett, Glee and Chorus Masters;
Messrs. Jones and Bennett, Ballad Masters;
Mr. Boyer, Musical Director.
The subject as to where the concert should take place was then discussed,
and a resolution was come to that Captain Brownrigg should be solicited for the loan of the Court House for the occasion,
and, if this should be refused, then that it should take place in the Men's Ward of the Hospital.
The gentlemen appointed to wait upon Captain Brownrigg were, Messrs. Boyer, Edmondson, Barnett, and Swete.
Five gentlemen were also deputed to wait upon the lady musical celebrities of Albury, to solicit their assistance and co-operation;
and Mr. Kraegen and the Musical Director were also requested to wait upon the German Vocal Club for the same purpose.
Other preliminary matters having been arranged, the meeting was adjourned till Wednesday (this) evening, at eight o'clock.
This is a good beginning, and we hope the affair will be carried to a happy and profitable consummation.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bennett (musician); James Boyer (amateur); Lewis Jones (amateur); Joseph Knight Barnett (amateur); Charles Kraegen (amateur); Edward James Foster (amateur, publican)
[Advertisement], The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (30 March 1861), 3
CONCERT COMMITTEE: Mr. Swete, Mr. Bennett, Mr. L. Jones,
Mr. Edmondson, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Darvall, Mr. L. Solomon,
Mr. Murray, Mr. Boyer, Mr. Foster, Mr. Mott,
Mr. Elliott, Mr. Kragen, Mr. Banfield, Dr. Barnett.
On WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 1861, In aid of the funds of the above Institution.
The Public are respectfully invited to attend, and by so doing contribute to the support of so laudable an object.
The evening's entertainment will consist of -
Quadrille - Full Band
Chorus - The Chough and Crow - Company
Ballad - Robert, Toi que J'Aime!
Duet - What are the Wild Waves Saying
Glee - Hark the Lark - Company
Recitative and Air - Death of Nelson
Solo - Piano
Glee and Chorus - German Vocal Club
Ballad - There is a Flower that Bloometh
Duet - Cornets a Piston
Anthem - Hallelujah Chorus - Company
Overture - Full Band
Glee - Here in Cool Grot - Company
Duet - I've Wandered in Dreams
Comic Song
Duet - Violin and Piano - Airs from Lucia di Lammermoor
Glee and Chorus - German Vocal Club
Duet - I Know a Bank
Comic Song
Polka - Band
Comic Song
FINALE Anthem - God Save the Queen - Company
Concert to commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
Gentlemen Ushers will be in attendance.
Tickets, Five Shillings each, to be obtained from the members of the Committee.
L. SOLOMON, Hon. Sec.
[Advertisement], The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (16 November 1861), 3
Albury Philharmonic Society.
OPENING CONCERT, at the Large Room, Commercial Hotel, On THURSDAY EVENING, November 21st inst.
"From Oberon in Fairyland" (Madrigal.)
"Those Distant Chimes" (Trio.)
"We yet may meet again" (Solo.)
"Il balen del suo sorrisso" (Pianoforte and Cornet.)
Boating Song (Glee.)
"Stars of the Summer Night" (Serenade.)
"O lovely Peace" (Duet.)
"The Minstrel Boy" (Chorus.)
(An intermission of Ten Minutes.)
"In the Gipsy's Life" (Gipsy Chorus.)
"Beautiful Star" (Trio.)
"Dearest, then I'll love thee more" (Solo.)
"All among the Barley" (Glee.)
"Through the World wilt thou fly" (Trio.)
"Hail, Smiling Morn" (Glee.)
Haymakers' Song (Glee.)
National Anthem (Solo and Chorus.)
Concert to Commence at EIGHT o'Clock precisely.
Season Tickets, admitting Lady and Gentleman, £1 1s.
Visitors' Tickets, 3s each, to be had of the Conductor, or any member of the Committee.
A Programme of the verses may be obtained at the Concert, price 1s. each.
ASSOCIATIONS: Albury Philharmonic Society (association)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (30 November 1861), 2
Owing to the non-appreciation by our townsfolk of the performances of this Society at its first concert, we understand that its conductor, Mr. Edmondson, has resigned, and now only holds office until arrangements are made for filling the same. It is proposed to have a paid conductor. The members of the Society, however, appreciating the valuable services of Mr. Edmondson, will no doubt urge on him the necessity there is that he should continue in the office he has so well filled. There is no doubt that no one but Mr. Edmondson is fitted for the office, and no stipendiary officer would perform the duties as efficiently as they have hitherto been performed. Looking at similar societies, we think that the Albury one has been comparatively a success, and no doubt, ere the next concert, the public will be prepared to afford greater encouragement.
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (4 December 1861), 2
By an advertisement in another column, our readers will perceive that a special meeting of the members and subscribers is called for to-morrow evening. On enquiry concerning the business of the meeting, we ascertained its reference to the resignation of Mr. W. Edmondson, the office of conductor. The committee so we understand, propose to secure the services of a professional gentleman, should there be a sufficient opening in Albury to induce one of a respectable character and moderate talent, to come and reside amongst us. This namely, the "opening question" is to be considered. The committee are sanguine as to the result that such an appointment would effect, both in the utility of the society as a means of affording innocent recreation bringing out the musical talent of its members, and last though (as the concert has proved) not by any means least, in the cultivation of a musical "turn" in our community. We hope their expectations may be realized, and to assist them, will ask for a full attendance to-morrow evening. Be punctual!!
"THE PHILHARMONIC MEETING", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (7 December 1861), 2
A meeting of members and subscribers was held, pursuant to notice on Thursday evening last, at Foster's Commercial Hotel, at eight o'clock. Dr. Barnett was moved into the chair, and commenced the business by stating the object the Committee had in calling the meeting - namely, the advisability of securing the services of a professional conductor. A lengthened conversation took place concerning the inducement that should be held out to prevail upon a professional to come to Albury. It seemed to be the general opinion of those present, that there is a good opening for a steady and energetic professor of music in Albury, but it could hardly be expected that one would come up without a bona fide guarantee for a certain number of pupils. The meeting did not think the society in a position to guarantee an ample amount of itself, so it was suggested that guarantees from other sources might be available. After some discussion, in which the Chairman, Messrs. Jones, Edmondson, Elliott, Foster, Moore, and others took part, Mr. J. W. Jones moved - "That a sub-committee, consisting of Dr. Barnett, Mr. Edmondson, and Mr. Foster be appointed to ascertain for what sum a professional gentleman would conduct the practices and concerts of the Society, and what would be his terms for lessons in instrumental and vocal music.
[Advertisement], The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (4 February 1865), 3
To the Congregation or St. Matthew's Church, Albury.
LADIES and GENTLEMEN, - As I have been subjected to repeated enquiries touching the cause of Mrs. Foster's sudden withdrawal from the Choir of St. Matthew's Church,
I deem it a duty thus publicly to inform you on the subject by publishing the correspondence which has passed,
in order that you may judge of the manner in which that lady has been treated, and at once to set the matter in its true light.
Comment from me I think is needless, further than to remark that it seems strange that the singular organic defect mentioned by Mr. Edmondson should not have been discovered sooner.
I am sorry it is not in my power to lay before you the Rev. Mr. Brownrigg's reply to my note,
as he positively refused me any other than a verbal answer, in which all sanction to Mr. Edmundson's communication was denied.
In conclusion, I must express regret that it should have fallen to my lot to lay Church matters publicly before you,
but I am advised by my friends to adopt this course, in consequence of reports being in circulation directly opposed to truth.
I beg to remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, Yours very respectfully,
E. J. FOSTER. Albury, 3rd February, 1865.
[COPY,] Albury, January 16th, 1865.
MY DEAR MADAM, - An unpleasant duty has devolved on me - namely, that of requesting you to resign your seat in the Choir of St. Matthew's Church.
In doing so, I beg to thank you on my own and on behalf of the members of the Choir for your unwearied diligence and regular attendance,
but, owing to an unfortunate organic defect, your otherwise valuable services are rendered undesirable.
I need scarcely mention that defect is the want of time, which was rendered painfully apparent last evening.
Your son Edward does not seem to have inherited this imperfection, as he keeps excellently in time with the others,
and I hope that he will not consider it necessary to discontinue his regular attendance in the Choir.
I am, my dear Madam, Yours very truly,
W. M. EDMONDSON, Mrs. E. J. Foster, Albury. Choir Master.
[COPY.] Albury, January 19th, 1865.
DEAR SIR, - Your note of the 16th instant I have received, and am pleased to be relieved from all further annoyance from the members of St. Matthew's Choir.
I should like, however, as the oldest member of it, to know how it is my organic defect has not been painfully apparent years since.
In resigning, I have only to wish that the Choir of St. Matthew's may reach perfection,
and, when they do, I with my friends will come and hear them.
I am, dear Sir, yours truly,
W. M. N. Edmondson, Albury . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Foster (amateur vocalist); Music in Anglican churches (general)
"CHURCH OF ENGLAND, ALBURY", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (26 May 1866), 2
The annual meeting of the congregation of St. Matthew's, which had been postponed from Easter Tuesday, was holden in the church on Tuesday evening last, Whit Tuesday . . . THE REVEREND CHAIRMAN . . . then thanked those who had taken the trouble to keep the church open during his absence; to Mr. Edmondson, who had given his regular attendance as organist, and to the choir . . .
"POPULAR READINGS", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (12 October 1867), 2
The second of the "ladies' series" of popular readings at the Exchange Theatre on Tuesday evening attracted a crowded house. The readings and recitations were agreeably varied by the charms of music and song. Mr. Edmondson initiated the evening's amusement by playing on the harmonium "Cujus Animan," from "Mozart's Stabat Mater" [sic, Rossini's] . . .
"CRICKET CLUB THEATRICALS", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (19 September 1868), 2
The amateur performance lust Thursday was a great success in every respect, and a very crowded audience greeted the amateurs with hearty and sometimes uproarious applause. The fact is, the thing was well managed, and was carried through in a brisk and lively manner, without break-downs or delays, such as too often occur at amateur entertainments . . . The orchestra was composed of Mr. Edmondson at the harmonium and Mr. Alpen at the pianoforte, and the two names are sufficient warrant that this part of the affair was of a superior character . . . The performance opened with a duet, on the piano and harmonium, being selections from "L'Africaine" - the Priests' March, the Indian March, and other portions of that opera . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Hugo Alpen (musician)
[News], The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (12 June 1869), 3
THE AMATEUR PERFORMANCE in aid of the funds of the Border Cricket Club came off on Wednesday and Thursday last at the Exchange Theatre . . . After the burlesque there was a concert of vocal and instrumental music. The overture to Semiramide and the March from the Prophet were splendidly performed on the harmonium and pianoforte by Messrs. Edmondson and Alpen, and songs and duets . . . The farce was followed by a selection of music, the principal features in which wass the overture to Fra Diavolo and a duet from Oberon, both compositions being a rare musical treat as performed by Mr. Edmondson on the harmonium, and by Mr. Alpen on the pianoforte . . .
"ALBURY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (13 September 1873), 5
A meeting of the members of the Albury Philharmonic Society was held at Day's Commercial Buildings, on Monday evening last. Mr. Heath, who occupied the chair, briefly stated the steps that had already been taken towards the formation of the Society, and the meeting then proceeded to the election of officers, with the following results - President, Mr. Skinner; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. Geo. Day and J. W. Jones; Treasurer and Secretary, Mr. Affleck; Conductor, Mr. Alpen; Organist, Mr. Edmondson, and Librarian Mr. Heath . . .
"ALBURY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (21 February 1874), 13
We learn with much pleasure that the members of the local Philharmonic Society are at length about to give the public a specimen of their abilities, at a concert to be held on or about next Tuesday fort night. It is now some months since the society was established, and a considerable amount of curiosity has been raised as to the progress made, and the power of Albury amateurs to do justice to classical music. On this point, it would, of course, be premature to express a decided opinion. Ladies and gentlemen, too, who do very fairly while practising among themselves, sometimes break down when called on to render the same music before a large audience, but, if we may judge by the practice of the last few nights of meeting, the Philharmonic Society will come out of the ordeal of a first performance, with colors flying. The great attraction of the evening will be the Messiah, the rendering of which, from the number of voices taking part in it, and the large amount of drilling the members have gone through, will, we believe, give very general satisfaction . . . The programme will include some secular music, and several favorite glees and solos are now being practised for the occasion. The interest taken in the affair by the members of the Society - as evinced by their regular attendance on every night of meeting - together with the fact that Mr. Edmondson is organist, and Mr. Alpen conductor, augur well for the success of the concert from a musical point of view, provided, as we have said, that the members only do as well in public as they have done in private. It only remains, therefore, for the public of Albury to give them the encouragement of a crowded house, and a hearty reception to ensure the success of a very praiseworthy attempt to establish a taste for high class music in the town.
"SECOND CONCERT OF THE ALBURY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (27 June 1874), 15
The second concert of the Albury Philharmonic Society took place on Tuesday evening last at the Court-house . . . The overture of the "Creation" was played in a masterly manner by Mr. Edmondson, Mr. Alpen, at the piano, helping to give full effect to the weird beauty of the composition . . . "Achieved is the glorious work," ended the "Creation." Mr. Alpen, as conductor, and Mr. Edmondson, as organist, were all that could be desired, and the performance generally was highly creditable to a provincial town . . . At the conclusion of the "Creation," after a brief interval, the second part of the programme commenced. This consisted of selections of secular music . . .
"ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (31 July 1875), 13
In view of the approaching completion of that portion of the new church of St. Matthew now in course of erection, attention has been drawn to the necessity of providing an organ suited to the requirements of the enlarged building. An organ in keeping with the proportions of the new church will of course be rather an expensive affair, but we are informed that in accordance, with the very liberal terms proposed by Mr. W. N. M. Edmondson, the congregation have an opportunity of securing a first class instrument on most favorable conditions. Mr. Edmondson proposes to purchase an organ surpassed in size and quality only by that in the Melbourne Town Hall, and by another in a metropolitan church. The cost of the instalment would be £750, of which sum he guarantees to collect £200. He also undertakes to give the congregation credit for the balance of £500 without interest for five years. It is to be hoped that Mr. Edmondson's very liberal proposal will be accepted.
"SACRED CONCERT AT ST. MATTHEW'S", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (4 November 1876), 13
The concert of sacred music held at St. Matthew's Church on Saturday night last gathered together the largest audience ever assembled at a musical entertainment in Albury, no less than from six to seven hundred persons being present. At 8 o'clock His Excellency the Governor, Lady Robinson and party, accompanied by Captain Brownrigg and Mr. Geo. Day and Mrs. Day, entered the church, where the vice-regal party were greeted by the strains of the National Anthem. The concert then commenced with an organ solo by Mr. Edmondson, which afforded an opportunity for displaying his own skill as well as the beauty of the instrument. We may here say that the accompaniments to the various pieces were played admirably throughout the evening; never overpowering, but always sustaining the singer . . .
"PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. DEATH OF MR. W. N. M. EDMONDSON", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (17 January 1913), 30
In the death of Mr. William Newall Maxwell Edmondson last Saturday, there passed away an old resident of Albury, who in former days had taken an active part in local public affairs. Nearly fifty years ago he held the position of manager of the business of T. H. Mate and Co., which even at that time had assumed large dimensions. He was early appointed to the commission of the peace, and soon after the incorporation of the town he was elected an alderman of the Municipal Council, an office which he filled for many years. He was Mayor of Albury in the 'seventies, and again filled the chair some years ago. On leaving his position with Messrs. Mate and Co., Mr. Edmondson opened in conjunction with Mr. Parker, a large store in Townsend-street, in the premises once forming the Exchange Hotel. Of late years he has not been in a state of health warranting much active exertion, and beyond acting for some years as a member of the Albury Land Board, and the Licensing Bench, he practically retired into private life. In his younger, days he became a convert to Henry George's doctrine of land nationalisation, and he devoted much time and energy to the promulgation of this cult. He, was also a very competent musician, and founder of at least one of the musical associations at different times established in Albury. For a long time past he had been a sufferer from asthma, and his death at Forest Lodge on the date mentioned was not altogether unexpected. Mr. Edmondson, who was a native, we believe of Lancashire, was 78 years of age. He leaves a widow and grown up family. The funeral took place on Sunday, in the Albury cemetery.
EDOUIN FAMILY OF ENTERTAINERS (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"EDOUIN", from Bryer senior's "Edwin"
"EDOUIN, senior" see main entry John Edwin BRYER
Musician, dancing master
Born Cranborne, Dorset, England, 7 June 1810; baptised Cranborne, 17 June 1810; son of John BRYER and Hannah Maria ?
Married [1] Sarah Elizabeth MAY (Mrs. LIND) (1809-1873), St. Nicholas, Brighton, Sussex, England, 22 April 1829
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 June 1857 (per Algiers, from Liverpool, 27 March)
Married [2] Isabelle Jane WING, Melbourne, VIC, 1888
Died Collingwood, VIC, 23 November 1888, aged "78/79" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
EDOUIN, Sarah (Sarah Elizabeth MAY; Mrs. John Edwin BRYER; Mrs. EDOUIN senior)
Troupe matron, ? actor, ? dancer
Born Brighton, Sussex, England, 1809; baptised St. Nicholas, Brighton, 3 March 1809; daughter of James MAY and Ann KEENE
Married (1) William LIND (d. 1829), St. Nicholas, Brighton, 22 April 1829
Married (2) John Edwin BRYER (d. VIC, 1888), St. Nicholas, Brighton, 16 May 1832
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 June 1857 (per Algiers, from Liverpool, 27 March)
Died Calcutta, India, 29 June 1873 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
EDOUIN, Charles (Edwin Charles BRYER; Charles Edwin BRYER; stage name Charles EDOUIN; Mr. Edwin BRYER)
Manager, musician, musical director, actor, dancer
Born Brighton, England, 1833; baptised Brighthelmstone, 16 June 1833; son of John Edwin BRYER and Sarah Elizabeth MAY
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 June 1857 (per Algiers, from Liverpool, 27 March)
Married (Elizabeth Louisa) Lizzie NAYLOR, St. Mark's, Fitzroy, VIC, 22 April 1863
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 16 August 1868 (per Bombay, for India)
Died between Lucknow and Agra, India, 9 May 1869, aged "37" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
EDOUIN, John (John William BRYER; John EDOUIN)
Actor, dancer, vocalist, entertainer
Born Brighton, England, 1840; baptised St. Nicholas, Brighton, 15 Novemebr 1840; son of John Edwin BRYER and Sarah Elizabeth MAY
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 June 1857 (per Algiers, from Liverpool, 27 March)
Married (Matilda) Tilly EARL, St. Mark's Church, Fitzroy, VIC, 25 July 1864
Died Bombay, India, 17 September 1875, aged "35" (shareable link to this entry)
EDOUIN, Eliza (Eliza Sarah BRYER; Eliza EDOUIN)
Actor, dancer
Born Brighton, England, 1842; baptised Brighton, 24 July 1842; daughter of son of John Edwin BRYER and Sarah Elizabeth MAY
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 June 1857 (per Algiers, from Liverpool, 27 March)
Died Forest Creek, VIC, 2 October 1857 (shareable link to this entry)
EDOUIN, Rose (Rose BRYER; Rose EDOUIN; Mrs. George Benjamin William LEWIS)
Actor, dancer
Born Brighton, England, 29 January 1844 (registered 1st quarter); daughter of John Edwin BRYER and Sarah Elizabeth MAY
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 June 1857 (per Algiers, from Liverpool, 27 March)
Married George Benjamin William LEWIS (1818-1906), Shanghai, China, 19 November 1864
Died Harrogate, England, 24 August 1925, aged "81/82" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
EDOUIN, Willie (William BRYER; Rose EDOUIN)
Actor, dancer
Born Brighton, England, 1846 (1st quarter); son of John Edwin BRYER and Sarah Elizabeth MAY
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 June 1857 (per Algiers, from Liverpool, 27 March)
Married Alice Atherton HOGAN, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 27 December 1873
Died London, England, 14 April 1908 (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
EDOUIN, Julia (Julia Lucy BRYER; Julia EDOUIN; Mrs. William Forbes GRAHAME)
Born Brighton, England, 10 December 1849; baptised Calcutta, India, 18 January 1870 [sic]; daughter of John Edwin BRYER and Sarah Elizabeth MAY
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 June 1857 (per Algiers, from Liverpool, 27 March)
Married William Forbes GRAHAME, Calcutta, India, 9 June 1873
Died Philadelphia, USA, 3 March 1891 (shareable link to this entry)
England census, 6 June 1841, Brighthelmstone, Sussex; UK National Archives, HO107/1123/2/9/9 (PAYWALL)
John E. Bryer / 30 / Teacher of Dancing / [not born in county]
Sarah E. [Bryer] / 30 / - / [born in county]
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Brighthelmstone, in the county of Sussex, in the year 1833; register 1831-33, page 242; East Sussex Record Office, PAR 255/1/2/8 (PAYWALL)
No. 1929 / 1833 June 16 / Edwin Charles Son of / John Edwin & Sarah Elizabeth / Bryer / Nathall Cottage / Ivory Turner . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Brighthelmstone, in the county of Sussex, in the year 1840; register 1839-42, page 113; East Sussex Record Office, PAR 255/1/2/12 (PAYWALL)
No. 902 / [1840] Nov'r 15th / John William Son of / John Edwin & Sarah Elizabeth / Bryer / Devonshire Place / Dancing Master . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Brighthelmstone, in the county of Sussex, in the year 1840; register 1839-42, page 291; East Sussex Record Office, PAR 255/1/2/12 (PAYWALL)
No. 2321 / 1842 July 24 / Eliza Sarah Dau'r of / John Edwin & Sarah Elizabeth / Bryer / Devonshire Place / Dancing Master . . .
"ROYAL LIVING MARIONETTES", The Era [London, England] (17 October 1852), 11 (PAYWALL)
. . . The performances during the week have consisted of the petite comedy of Eirnestine and Georgette, the farce of The Lover's Mistake, and an original extravaganza, called Oberon; or, The Charmed Horn. An extraordinary humour is exhibited in these performances by a little girl apparently about eight years old, Miss Rose Edouin, who, with her sister, Miss Eliza Edouin, and a little boy, Willie, aged five, are perhaps the most able of the corps . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Charing Cross, St. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1481/338/10 (PAYWALL)
409 Strand / Sarah Bryer / Head / Mar. / 42 / Teacher of Dancing / [born] Brighton Sussex
Edwin [Bryer] / Son / Un. / 18 / [Teacher of] Music and Dancing / [born Brighton Sussex]
Eliza [Bryer] / Daur. / 8 / - / [born Brighton Sussex]
Rose [Bryer] / Daur. / 7 / - / [born Brighton Sussex]
William [Bryer] / Son / 5 / - / [born Brighton Sussex]
Caroline Panormo / Visitor / Widow / 52 / Teacher of Singing / [born] Whitechapel
ASSOCIATIONS: Sophia Panormo (relation of Caroline)
Australia (from 25 June 1857):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Algiers from Liverpool, 27 March 1857, for Melbourne, 25 June 1857; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
John E. Jones / 49 / Mechanic
Sarah Edouin / 48 / Wife . . .
Edw'd C. [Edouin] / 23 / Son . . .
John / 16 // Eliza / 13 // Rose / 11 / Wm. / 9 // Julia / 7
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (10 July 1857), 1
THEATRE ROYAL. Last Two Nights of THE TEMPEST . . . Prospero - MR. G. V. BROOKE . . .
And an Engagement has been entered into with the Celebrated
From the principal London Theatres, who will have the honor of making their first appearance in Australia in a new and original comedietta, entitled FROLICS IN FRANCE,
Supported entirely by the EDOUIN JUVENILE COMPANY.
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL. THE EDOUIN FAMILY", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (14 July 1857), 4
The little family of histrionic precocities, or precocious histrionists, introduced to the Melbourne public last evening, in the lively interlude of "Frolics in France," made a decidedly favorable impression upon the numerous audience assembled to witness their debut. The new favorites are four in number: - Miss Julia Edouin, a small creature, about a span long, with an amusingly antiquated face and manner, pefect self-possession, and plenty of savoir faire; Miss Rose Edouin, who is as versatile as Mrs. Charles Young, and looks like that lady, viewed through the wrong end of an opera-glass; Miss Eliza Edouin, who may be likened to a reduced copy of Charles Matthews; and Master Willie Edouin, a fellow of infinite verve and vivacity, animated by the true vis comica, and a far better actor than many of his elders of repute. His mercurial movements, imperturbable impudence, mock heroic declamations of passages from Shakspeare, and his expressive pantomime when silent, provoke constant and hearty laughter. The general style of the acting of this clever family conciliates and deserves favor. It is easy, natural, and elegant; and the pieces in which they play, judging from the interlude performed last night, belong to what may be called drawing-room entertainments. Two of the sisters add to their histrionic accomplishments the possession of considerable skill as dancers, and gave a characteristically composed and arranged "Dutch Pas Grotesque" in such a manner as to obtain a general encore; nor must we omit to mention that the whole of the family were called before the curtain at the close of the vaudeville. In brief, the Edouins combine the capacity and the desire to please; and their entertainments will agreeably diversify the performances at the Theatre Royal, improving and varying the programme, like piquant entre-mete in a tavern bill-of-fare.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jane Eliza Young (Melbourne dancer); Charles Mathews (English actor)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (14 July 1857), 5
. . . But the novelty of the evening was confessedly the first appearance of the Edouin Family, a juvenile vaudeville and ballet company, who bring with them very flattering testimonials from the principal London journals. The piece in which they made their debut to a Melbourne audience is entitled "Folios in France" and written expressly for the family by Fox Cooper. The little party had not been on the stage five minutes before they seemed to have gained the good-will of the house. They all acted with great vivacity and cleverness and seemed equally well up in their parts. Miss Rose Edouin treated the company to some very pretty dancing in the characters she assumed, and with her sister took part in a stately old minuet. Master Willie, however, was evidently the favorite, and elicited roars of laughter by his exceedingly clever acting in the part of Tiger Tim. After the close of the piece the family were called before the curtain for another round of applause . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (22 August 1857), 2
A new drama from the pen of Mr. W. M. Akhurst, entitled "The Fall of Sebastopol, or the Campaigners," has been played throughout the week, to good houses . . . A pas de deux by Madame Strebinger and Mr. Edouin, introduced in the trench scene, is danced as only Madame Strebinger can dance it; and as from the sublime to the ridiculous is only one step, we are treated a few moments afterwards to a sailor's hornpipe, by a gentleman who appears to have been rather used to a board in the street, than to any more dignified style . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Mower Akhurst (dramatist); Therese Strebinger (dancer)
"VICTORIA", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (20 October 1857), 4
Miss Eliza Edouin, of the "Edouin Family," died at Forest Creek unexpectedly, of fever and inflammation of the lungs.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times [SA] (3 March 1858), 1
THE EDOUIN FAMILY, A Vaudeville and Ballet Company.
These unrivalled Juvenile Artistes from England, Melbourne, Geelong and Ballarat, will appear at the Theatre,
to give the inhabitants of the neighbourhood an opportunity of witnessing the astonishing performances of these Lilliputian Pantomimists.
See opinions of the English and colonial press.
The performances will commence at 8 o'clock, with a new and original Vaudeville, written expressly for the Edouin Family by F. F. Cooper, Esq., and played only by them, entitled
FROLICS IN FRANCE; Or, a Night at Navarre! Period 1760.
Sir Willoughby Dalton (of Dalton Hail Denbighshire, Baronet, betrothed to Lady Clarinila) - Mr. Ricards.
Tiger Tim (inheriting his master's vices with his left off vestments) - Master Willie Edouin.
Tiney Tippet (a modicum of a maid, made to measure and meaning mischief) - Miss Julia Edouin.
Lady Clarinila Careful (an unalloyed specimen of womanly love) - Miss Rose Edouin.
Lord Lavender Lollington (a scented and senseless scion of the state) - Miss Rose Edouin.
Madmoiselle Taglione Vestris Twirlington (of the Grand Opera) - Miss Rose Edouin. In which she will introduced a Pas Seul.
Jack Cheap, alias Cheap John (a Free Trader) - Miss Rose Edouin.
Mrs. Totterly (a Virgin verging on seventy, a mixture of vanity, volubility, and verjuice) - Miss Rose Edouin.
Hercules Achilles (seeking the bubble reputation at the cannon's mouth') - Miss Rose Edouin.
Comic Dance, "I and my Double" - Mr. John Edouin.
To be followed by the Screaming Farced of J. B. Buckstone's, entitled the
Oliver Guiot - M. Ricards.
Henri Desgrais - Mr. John Edouin.
Nicholas Dovetail, the Carpenter, Master Willie Edouin.
Therese, the Fisherman's Daughter, Miss Julia Edouin.
Madame Mannett, the Village Laundress - Miss Rose Edouin.
The Evening's Entertainments to conclude with Mr. Edouin's Comic Scotch Ballet entitled
THE DANCING SCOTCHMAN; or, Whisky works Wonders.
Donald - Mr. Charles Edouin.
James (in love with Mattie) - Mr. John Edouin.
Sandy McGregor Campbell - Master Willie Edouin.
Mattie (Donald's Daughter) - Miss Rose Edouin.
Janet - Miss Julia Edouin.
Pas de Deux - By Miss Rose and Mr. John Edouin.
Grotesque Neverstop By Master Willie Edouin.
Scotch Pas - By Miss Julia Edouin.
Highland Fling - By Miss Rose and Mr. John Edouin.
Scotch Reel - By all the Characters.
The entertainment to commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
Admission - Boxes, 5s; Pit, 2s 6d; Gallery, 1s.
Private Boxes to be had upon application to Mr. Ricards, agent, at Hart's Family Hotel, from 3 till 5 o'clock daily.
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Ricards (actor, agent); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
"THE EDOUIN FAMILY", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (14 December 1858), 3
The performances of last night gave the greatest satisfaction to a select though not very numerous audience, and the dancing of the family elicited the most satisfactory tokens of approbation. Misa Rose and Mr. John danced a Spanish Fandango and a Bolero in inimitable style; Miss Julia, the Cachuca with the grace of a Strebinger; and Master Willie a comic pas with an agility and ability almost equal to Mungall. The Governor patronises the performance this evening, and will be present upon the occasion. The pieces are "Frolics in France," a sparkling Vaudeville, written by Mr. F. F. Cooper, the comic ballet of Hob in the Well, and Selby's farce of Catching an Heiress. The arrangements for providing for the comfort of the audience are under the supervision of Mr. Totten, so well known in this colony as having accompanied Rainer's Serenaders in the character of agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elbert Totten (manager); Rainer's Serenaders (troupe); Theatre Royal (Royal Victoria, Hobart venue)
"MARRIAGES", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (25 April 1863), 2
BRYER - NAYLOR. - On the 22nd April, at St. Mark's, Fitzroy, by the Rev. Robert B. Barlow, Mr. Edwin Charles Bryer, of Melbourne, Victoria, to Elizabeth Louisa Naylor, eldest daughter of Mr. William Naylor.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (26 July 1864), 5
Some time since we stated that Mr. Lewis was in Melbourne, making arrangements with a dramatic company to proceed to China and the ports along the seaboard of the Indian coast. He has now definitely engaged the whole of the company, and, from the list of names appended, it will be seen that both the Melbourne and up-country stage will suffer considerably by the departure at one time of so many favorite members of the profession. The following is the list: - Miss Rose Edouin, Miss Tilly Earl, Miss Nye, Miss Naylor, Miss Julia Edouin, and Mrs. Gill; Messrs. J. B. Creswick, W. Andrews, W. B. Gill, W. Edouin, and J. Edouin. Mr. Charles Edouin is to accompany the party as stage manager. They leave on Monday next [2 August] in the Catherine, which vessel has been chartered for the purpose, and they will most probably give their first performance at Shanghai.
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (2 August 1864), 4
BRYER - EARL. - On the 25th ult., at St. Mark's Church, Fitzroy, by the Rev. R. B. Barlow, John William Bryer to Matilda Earl, only daughter of Daniel Earl, of Carlton.
1864, marriage solemnized at Shanghai, China; register 1852-88, page 29; UK National Archives, RG33/12 (PAYWALL)
No. 55 / November 19th / George Benjamin William Lewis / full / Widower / Gentleman / Shanghai / [son of] William Lewis / Gentleman
Rose Bryer / full / Spinster / - / Shanghai / [daughter of] John Edouin Bryer / Gentleman /
Married in the church of the Holy Trinity . . . Church of England . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. HOBSON'S BAY. . . . ARRIVED, JULY 25", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 July 1865), 4
Douglas, barque, 330 tons, G. F. Hummel, from Batavia 25th June. Passengers - cabin: - Mr. and Mrs. G. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edouin, Mr. and Mrs. John Edouin, Mrs. Edouin, Miss Julia Edouin, Messrs. W. Edouin . . .
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (17 August 1868), 5
Amongst the passengers for India by the P. and 0. Co.'s steamer Bombay, which sailed yesterday, were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edouin (Miss Lizzie Naylor), Mr. and Mrs. John Edouin (Miss Tilly Earl), Mr. W. B. Gill, Mr. P. Appleton, and Mr. Joe Tannett, who proceed to Calcutta to join Lewis's theatrical company.
"DEATHS", The Argus (8 July 1869), 4
BRYER (Edouin). - On the 9th of May, suddenly, while travelling between Lucknow and Agra, India, Charles Edwin Bryer, professionally known as Charles Edouin, formerly of the Imperial Hotel, Bourke-street, and brother of the Edouin Family, aged thirty-seven years.
"THEATRICALS IN INDIA. Death of Mr. Charles Edouin", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (10 July 1869), 18
By the mail steamer Geelong I have received the following communication from an old and esteemed Melbourne favourite, Mr. W. B. Gill.
The announcement of the death of Mr. Charles Edouin will, I am sure, be received by my fellow-townsmen with great regret.
Under date Agra, May 11th, 1869, Mr. Gill writes -
"Here we are, 950 miles from Calcutta in the midst of a heat strong enough to reduce a man to the traditional spot of grease.
We started from Calcutta March 28th, and since then have played at Jamulpore, Dinapore, Benares, Allahabad, Cawnpore, Lucknow, and Agra, and then on to Meerut and Moosoorie in the Himalayas,
coming back again to Umballah (where the great Durbar was held in which Lord Mayo, the Governor-General, made terms with Sheer Ali, the Ameer of Cabul), then Kasonlie,
Duckshi, and Simla, traversing altogether a distance, of 1,700 miles, which, on our return to the capital will reach the tolerably 'high' distance of 3,400 miles.
The pieces selected for our route were 'Caste,' 'The Little Devil,' 'Woodcock's Little Game;' burlesques, 'La Sonnambula' and 'Black Eyed Susan;'
scenes from 'School for Scandal,' 'Aurora Floyd,' 'Young Widow,' 'Little Rebel,' and the 'Governor's Wife.'
We play a week in each place, and give twelve pieces during it - not bad work, eh?
The company consists of Appleton, Gill, J. Edouin, W. Stoneham, Birch, Miss Julia Edouin, Tilly Earl, Waddy Deering, and Mrs. Edouin Bryer (Lizzie Naylor).
Mrs. G. B. Lewis, for reasons, preceded us to Simla.
One of our members we lost while travelling between Cawnpore and Agra - poor Charles Edouin!
He died in a railway carriage at seven p.m. on the night of 9th May last.
He had no illness to speak of, though for a few days he had been complaining of the heat.
Apoplexy was the cause of his death.
Poor old fellow! he went off as quietly as a baby might sink to rest, he could not have suffered the least pain.
Our carriage was shunted off at a station called Etawate, and next morning he was buried.
He was very much liked by every body, and his sudden demise has cast a gloom over us all.
We are hardly able yet to realise the fact of his death . . .
Baptisms, Calcutta, Bengal, India, 1870; India, select births and baptisms (PAYWALL)
18 January 1870 / born 10 December 1849 / Julia Lucy daughter of / John Edwin and Sarah Elizabeth / Bryer . . .
Marriages, Calcutta, Bengal, India, 1873; India, select marriages (PAYWALL)
9 June 1873 / William Forbes Grahame / Julia Lucy Bryer daughter of / John Edwin Bryer
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (25 September 1873), 2
Late advices from Calcutta intimate the marriage of that pretty, little actress Miss Julia Edouin, which event took place in the early part of July last. A sad event, however, happened while the happy pair were on their honeymoon tour: the young lady's mother, Mrs. Edouin Bryer, died suddenly a few days after the wedding - an event which has naturally cast a gloom over a large circle of friends.
"Deaths", The Argus (20 October 1875), 1
BRYER. - On the 17th inst. at Bombay, John William Bryer, professionally known as John Edouin, aged 35.
W. H. W. "PANTOMIMISTS & DANCERS I HAVE SEEN & KNOWN", The Lorgnette (24 December 1887), 2
. . . The Edouin Family, consisting of Miss Rose (Mrs. G. B. W. Lewis), Miss Eliza, and Miss Julia, Mr. Charles Edouin, Mr. John Edouin and Master Willie Edouin, made a most successful first appearance in Australia at the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, on the 14th of July, 1857, (now some thirty years ago), in a ballet interlude entitled, "Frolics in France."
Miss Eliza Edouin died from consumption at Forest Greek, (Victoria,) on the 3rd of October, 1857, while the family was on a professional tour.
Mr. John Edouin, who had some time previously been married to Miss Tilly Earl, died of the same disease in India, on the 17th of Dec. 1875.
Mr. Charles Edouin, whose widow is Mrs. Edouin-Bryer, died also in India, from the excessive heat while on a long railway journey . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Waters (journalist)
"Deaths", The Argus (24 November 1888), 1
BRYER. - On the 23rd inst., at Norton Cottage, Nicholson-street, Collingwood, in the 79th year of his age, John Edwin Jones Bryer, the beloved husband of Isabella Jane Bryer. His end was peaceful.
"DRAMATIC NOTES", The Lorgnette (4 April 1891), 6
News has been received of the death of Julia Edouin (Mrs. W. F. Grahame) on the 3rd March, at Philadelphia, U.S.A., of consumption, after a long and patient illness. Julia Edouin was one of the Edouin Family of burlesque artistes, comedians, and dancers, and made her first appearance in Melbourne at the Theatre Royal, July 14th, 1857, in the ballet of "Frolics in France." The family consisted of Misses Rose (Mrs. G. B. W. Lewis), Eliza, and Julia, and Messrs. John and Willie (the latter now a leading comedian and manager in London).
"THE STRUTTER'S PAGE", The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People (27 July 1907), 3
The late Mrs. Edouin Bryer was originally known as Lizzie Naylor. She married Charles Edouin, who died in an Indian railway carriage, and whose brothers, Willie and John, and sisters, Julia and Rose and [sic] Mrs. G. B. Lewis, long survived him. Mrs. Bryer, a fine impersonator of old women, was about 65 years of age. She leaves a daughter, Miss Lily Bryer, to mourn her loss.
"MRS. G. B. W. LEWIS. Death in England. Remarkable Stage Career. LONDON, Aug. 25", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 August 1925), 19
The death is announced of Alice Rose Edouin (Mrs. G. B. W. Lewis), the noted actress, who had lived for many years in Australia.
Rose Edouin was acting in Australia, where she became Mrs. G. B. W. Lewis, as early as the days of the gold diggings.
She returned to London to act in middle age, and again in her latest years, and she was recognised latterly as one of the "grand old women" of the English stage.
Mrs. Lewis, as she was best remembered in Australia, was born more than 81 years ago.
She had continued to appear in London from time to time until fairly recently,
and her knowledge of Shakespeare and classic comedy was found useful in character parts on various occasions.
It is not very long since Mrs. Lewis sent good wishes and memories to her Australian friends.
Born at Brighton, England, on January 29, 1844, Rose Edouin made her first appearance at the Marylebone Theatre 10 [sic, 7] years later as the Child in the old stock drama,
"The Stranger," with the celebrated tragedian G. V. Brooke in the leading part.
Many of her early appearances were made with her brother, Willie Edouin, who became a noted London comedian and manager.
Rose toured in childhood as a member of the Edouin troupe, and at the age of 8 years she took part with her brother Willie at the Marionette Theatre in "Ernestine and Georgette."
At the Strand Theatre in the same year she was in a "Gulliver" pantomime, and at the same theatre in 1854, at 10 years of age, she was the Clown in "Taffy Was a Welshman."
With Samuel Phelps, the reviver of Shakespeare at Sadler's Wells, she had one of her chief, early successes as Puck in "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Soon afterwards
she was playing the Cat in a "Puss in Boots' pantomime of the same manager.
The Edouins were in Australia from about 1856 [sic, 1857], and Rose and Willie, still children, became great favorites.
Rose remained in this country for 36 years, and became one of the best known, and most highly esteemed of actresses.
Famous actors visiting Australia found much help in her knowledge, experience, and ability.
In more than one season she came to the rescue when other leading ladies proved disappointing.
Among celebrated visitors with whom she acted were G. V. Brooke, Barry Sullivan, Joseph Jefferson (of "Rip Van Winkle"), and William Creswick . . .
See also, "ABOUT PEOPLE", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (26 August 1925), 12
Bibliography and resources:
"Edoiun, Willie", Dictionary of national biography, 1912 supplement, vol. 1,_1912_supplement/Edouin,_Willie (DIGITISED)
EDWARDS, Miss [1] (Miss EDWARDS)
Active Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 1843 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? DISAMBIGUATION: Miss EDWARDS (vocalist, active 1850s, below)
"COLONIAL INTELLIGENCE . . . THE ORATORIO [Melbourne]", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser [VIC] (28 January 1843), 3
The grand Oratorio under the patronage of his Honor the Superintendent, for which preparations had been making for several weeks past, was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, Collins-street, last Monday evening. The pieces selected for performance were from Handel, Mozart, and Haydn; and, considering that the performers were amateurs, except Mr. Clarke under whose very able management the whole was conducted, exceedingly well executed. Mr. Clarke's performance on the organ, whose rich and deep tones he so well succeeded in drawing forth, was the admiration of all, as well as the pieces sung by Dr. Sandford and Mr. Pullar. The choruses sung by Messrs. Heape and Vaughan, together with the performance of Miss Gale and Miss Edwards, gave general satisfaction. On the whole, this, the first Oratorio got up in the province, went off in a manner highly creditable to all concerned, and for the taste of selection, and mode of execution, could not be exceeded in either Sydney or Hobart Town. The amount realised we hear amounted to £120, which, when the existing commercial depression is taken into account, shows the disposition of the public to encourage such entertainments. - Herald.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles La Trobe (superintendent); William Clarke (musician); Mr. Pullar (amateur); Charles John Sandford (amateur); Charles Vaughan (amateur); Music in Wesleyan churches (general); Oratorio (general)
EDWARDS, Miss [2] (Miss EDWARDS)
Musician, mezzo-soprano / alto vocalist
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1853-55 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? DISAMBIGUATION: Sara Jane (Jenny) Edwards (reportedly arrived VIC, 1856); in 1857 she became the second wife of William Gilpin Dredge, secretary of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society; Dredge's first wife (married 1847) was also a Miss Edwards, Eleanor, a daughter of Leonard Edwards (d. 1848), who was a colleague of Dredge's father at the Lodden Protectorate station; it is possible that the vocalist, Miss Edwards, was related to either, or neither
"OUR CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (10 December 1853), 5
. . . Mr. Ellis gives a benefit at Cremorne to day to the Hospital funds; and on Monday Mrs. Testar gives her second concert in Melbourne, devoting the whole of the proceeds to the Benevolent Asylum. The charitable little lady is to be assisted by Mrs. Hancock, A. White, Miss Martin, Miss Edwards, Mr. Gregg, Mr. Winterbottom, and a powerful chorus consisting of the ladies and gentlemen of the Philharmonic Society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ellis (proprietor); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Emilia Arnati White (vocalist); Charlotte Martin (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); John Winterbottom (musician); Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association)
"GRAND CONCERT AT THE MECHANICS'", The Argus (10 February 1854), 5
Seldom indeed have we witnessed so crowded a concert as that which took place last night at the Mechanics'. Not only was the hall itself densely thronged, but there were numerous persons waiting upon the landing outside endevoring to catch the sweet sounds. At an early hour His Excellency, attended by his staff, arrived, and soon afterwards some of the most prominent members of our colony began to assemble. The concert was a most successful one. Miss Edwards sang in a most lady-like manner, and with great taste. Mrs. Testar executed her part as usual, with that admirable skill which always distinguishes her. Herr Strebinger was received enthusiastically; and the gentlemen amateurs made us very much regret that they were not professionals, for they certainly would be a great acquisition to our musical world.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles La Trobe (governor); Frederick Strebinger (violin); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Banner (14 March 1854), 2
THE COMMITTEE of the MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC, SOCIETY have the honour to announce that their
Second CONCERT will be held in the Hall of the MECHANICS' INSTITUTION, Collins Street, on
TUESDAY EVENING Next, the 14th day of March inst.
1. Madrigal - All ye who Music love - Donnizetti, 1560 [sic, Donato]
2. Madrigal - Hearken to thy Faithful Swain - Morales
3. Duet - Mrs. Testar and Miss Edwards - Clari . . .
"PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", The Argus (15 March 1854), 5
The second concert of the Philharmonic Society, held last evening, at the Mechanics' Institution, was very fairly attended. The choir was numerous, and was assisted by Mrs. Testar, Miss Martin ce devant, and Miss Edwards. Mr. Russell conducted the proceedings, and Mr. Gould presided at the piano . . . The professional ladies assisted by some of the gentlemen, one of whom contributed a capital bass, varied the entertainment with some favorite songs and glees. The whole affair went off well, and the next concert will doubtless be looked forward to with pleasure.
ASSOCIATIONS: "ce devant" = Miss Charlotte Martin had recently married; John Russell (conductor); Thomas Green Goold (accompanist)
"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Banner (17 March 1854), 15
The second concert under the management of this society took place on Tuesday evening at the Mechanics' Institution, when we were glad to see a tolerably good attendance both of performers and visitors . . . their performance was very creditable to themselves, and in a greater degree to their conductor and instructor Mr. Russell. Of the programme, which was rather a lengthy one, the first two madrigals, and the third, a duet from Mrs. Testar and Miss Edwards, were not of the kind which would strike a promiscuous audience, but still were creditably executed . . .
"MR. WINTERBOTTOM'S CONCERT", The Argus (4 July 1854), 5
The dirty state of the streets prevented full justice being done to Mr. Winterbottom's concert last evening; but a fair attendance resulted notwithstanding. Mrs. Testar, Misses Hamilton and Edwards, and Messrs. Hackett, Barre, and Winterbottom were the vocalists. Miss Smith and Messrs. Strebinger and Winterbottom contributed the instrumental portion. The performance went off evenly and well, many of the pieces being encored; and the audience apparently satisfied with their bill of fare.
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Edward Hackett (vocalist); Anthony Barre (vocalist); Emilie Smith (pianist)
"THE CREATION", The Argus (5 July 1854), 5
The spirited efforts of the Philharmonic Society were rewarded last evening by a crowded audience, in spite of broken weather and dirty streets; and the beautiful oratorio of the Creation was given in a style which did credit to the society and to the colony in which it is doing so much to introduce a taste for good music. Both the orchestra and the choruses were very strong; and under the effective leadership of Mr. Russell a degree of precision was observable which speaks volumes for the attention which has been bestowed in the rehearsal of a production, much of which is of a very difficult description. Mrs. Testar sang the solo parts which came to her share very well, as she always sings religious music; and Miss Edwards acquitted herself in a style of which we never before thought her capable . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 July 1854), 8
HERR STREBINGER'S Concert, Prince Albert Hotel, Prahran, assisted by Mrs. Testar, Miss Edwards, Madame Strebinger, Monsieur Krome, and Mr. Ferdinand Rosenstein.
ASSOCIATIONS: Therese Strebinger (dancer); John Herman Krom (musician); Ferdinand Rosenstein (musician)
"MISS O. HAMILTON'S CONCERT", The Banner (5 September 1854), 9
This concert came off last night, and was well attended . . . Miss Hamilton sang very nicely; and Miss Edwards, though evidently timid, gave the song of "Constance," with much feeling and simplicity.
MUSIC: Constance (Linley)
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 September 1854), 8
ASTLEY'S AMPHITHEATRE, Spring street, Melbourne, Will open on Monday, September 11th, 1854.
Mr. GEORGE LEWIS, sole Lessee, begs to inform the public of Melbourne and its vicinity that he intends giving a series of Grand Concerts,
previous to the arrival of his celebrated troupe of Equestrians, now on their way to these colonies.
The Concert on Monday evening will consist of eighty performers, vocal and instrumental,
including the names of the following artistes -
Mrs. Testar, Miss Edwards, Miss O. Hamilton, Mrs. Orm, [sic, Onn] (her first appearance in these colonies,)
the inimitable Barlow, and his celebrated Juba, who has just arrived from London, and Mr. Burke (his first appearance) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Benjamin William Lewis (proprietor); Constantia Onn (vocalist, pianist); Robert Barlow (vocalist, dancer); Peter Constantine Burke (musician); Astley's Amphitheatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 October 1854), 8
UNDER the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, and Lady Hotham.
A Concert of Sacred Music will be given in the Church of England School, Prahran,
on Monday, the 9th of October, 1854, in aid of the Building Fund . . .
PROGRAMME: PART I . . . Air - "But thou didst not leave" (Messiah), Miss Edwards - Handel . . .
PART II . . . Trio - "Lift thine eyes" (Elijah) Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Goodllffe, and Miss Edwards - Mendelssohn . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles and Jane Hotham (governor and wife); Anne Goodliffe (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 October 1854), 8
A Vocal and Instrumental Concert will take place this evening,
Monday, Oct. 23rd, 1854, in the Exhibition Building, William-street . . .
Conductor - Mr. H. Smith.
PROGRAMME. Part I . . . Ballad - Sweet Home, Miss Edwards - Wrighton . . .
Duet - The Cauld Blast, Mrs. Testar, and Miss Edwards - Mendelssohn . . .
Part II . . . Duett - Love in thine Eyes, Miss Edwards and Mr. Hackett - Jackson . . .
Trio - Turn on Old Time, Miss Edwards, Mr. Ewart, and Mr. Hackett - Wallace . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Smith (conductor); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Victorian Exhibiton (1854-55 event); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: Sweet home (Wrighton)
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (28 October 1854), 5
A selection, comprising nearly the whole of Handel's sublime oratorio Judas Maccabeus was performed by the above society, at the Exhibition Building, to the most numerous and brilliant audience we have ever beheld in Melbourne . . . Miss Edwards also acquitted herself admirably in some of the duets with Mrs. Hancock, and particularly the one "O lovely peace." Her improvement in style and intonation was such as scarcely to admit of our recognising in her the Miss Edwards we have heard at former concerts . . . Great credit is due to Mr. Russell, who so ably conducted the whole . . . The instrumental part was excellent in the extreme, and reflects the highest credit upon the conductor, Mr. Joseph Griffiths, to whose exertions is mainly to be attributed the present efficient state of the band.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Griffiths (violinist, leader)
"EXHIBITION CONCERTS", The Age (6 November 1854), 5
Handel's oratorio, the Messiah, was performed by the Philharmonic Society, on Friday evening [3 November], in the Exhibition Building to a numerous, and highly respectable audience . . . Considering the very short time the society have had for getting up this greatest of all Handel's works, we think it was performed in an almost marvellous manner, and does the society great credit. We were pleasingly disappointed to find the deficiencies so few and so trivial . . . the chorus "And He shall purify," was well sustained, more particularly so by the sopranos; in fact, each part was well sustained throughout the evening, if we except the altos, who appeared in small numbers, compared to the other parts. Miss Edwards sung that beautiful song "O Thou that tellest," also "He was despised," two songs totally unfitted for her voice (which was very much impaired on this occasion); we sympathised with her incapability of doing them anything like justice . . .
"EXHIBITION CONCERTS", The Age (13 November 1854), 4
The Philharmonic Society gave a much improved repetition of Handel's Oratorio "Judas Maccabeus," on Friday evening [10 November], to a larger audience, who, if we are to judge from their applause, were highly delighted. The principal vocalists were Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Hancock, Miss Edwards, Miss [sic, Messrs.] Hackett, and Ewart . . . The concert altogether is the best we have heard, and adds still more to the laurels already won by the Philharmonic society . . .
"EXHIBITION CONCERTS", The Age (9 December 1854), 5
The seventh, and we presume the last of this series of concerts, was given by the Philharmonic Society, on Thursday evening [7 December]. The building was not quite so crowded as at some former performances. The music on this occasion was, in a great measure, repetitious from some of the former concerts, with some very injudiciously chosen part songs, and a few of Mons. Coulon's most popular songs . . . "Lift Thine Eyes" from the oratorio of Elijah, was very badly sang, by Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Goodliffe, and Miss Edwards; it is in itself a most lovely and chaste composition, but was most cruelly treated on this occasion, nevertheless, the audience called for a repetition, and it was given with some improvement. It was certainly bad taste to introduce pieces so decidedly sacred in their character as "O, Lovely Peace" and the one above-mentioned, into concerts of this class . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 December 1854), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. This Evening, 8th December.
Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert. First appearance of the celebrated artistes Monsieur and Madame Herwyn . . .
Programme. Part II . . . 5. Trio, "Turn on Old Time," By Wallace; sung by Miss Edwards, Messrs. Lyall and Hackett . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Celestine Herwyn (violinist and pianist); Charles Lyall (vocalist)
MUSIC: Turn on, old Time (by William Vincent Wallace, from Maritana)
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Age (11 December 1854), 6
Friday evening Mons. and Madame Herwyn made their debut before a Melbourne audience, which we regret to say was a very small one doubtless attributable to the great attraction offered elsewhere . . . Mons. and Mdme. Herwyn were well supported by Mrs. Lester [sic, Testar], Miss Edwards, Messrs. Lyall and Hacket, who are too well known to need any remark from us . . .
"ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. PHILHARMONIC CONCERTS. To the Editor of . . .", The Age (12 December 1854), 6
SIR, - For some time I have carefully read over the Musical Criticisms in the daily journals,
and it became obvious to me that they were generally deficient in detail, and savoured too much of the parasitical.
Some few being lauded to the echo, while others, although possessed of undeniable abilities are passed unnoticed . . .
I will now enter into the subject of last night's [7 December] Concert at the Exhibition. On the whole it passed off well,
although the attendance was not so good as on the two previous occasions . . .
Upon the merits or demerits of Miss Edwards it would be difficult to pronounce, as the size of the building precludes the possibility of so small a voice being heard.
That lady's part in the trio should have been given to Mrs. Dalton, who possesses a contralto voice of no ordinary volume or tone,
and with more experience will become a great acquisition . . .
If you think this worthy of insertion, I will on a future occasion offer another contribution.
VERITAS. December 8.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. D'Alton (vocalist)
Amongst the entertainments provided for "Boxing-day," the concert at the Exhibition building, when Hayden's oratorio of the Creation was performed by the members of the Philharmonic Society, assisted by some of our first vocal and instrumental artistes, occupied a prominent position . . . [5] . . . At the outset Mr. Russel, the spirited conductor, craved the indulgence of the audience for Mrs. Hancock, who was suffering from ill-health, but who had come to do her best on the occasion . . . We were glad, however, to find that this well-known vocalist was but little inferior in the parts she took to her usual efforts, although there was less power and fulness in her voice; and she was well received throughout. We wish we could say so much for Miss Edwards, who was, on more than one occasion, sadly incorrect in her intonation . . .
On Tuesday evening the Philharmonic Society, performed Haydn's oratorio of the "Creation," for the benefit of the above institution, the Exhibition building was crowded to excess . . . We must not forgot Mrs. Goodliffe in one of the trios; she always sings with musician-like truth and precision, and must be a valuable member, of the society.
"CONCERT. To the Editor of . . .", The Age (1 January 1855), 5
SIR. - Permit me to correct an error in your notice of the Concert in the Exhibition Building on Tuesday evening.
It was Miss Edwards, not Mrs. Goodliffe, who sang in the Trios. Your correction will oblige, Yours,
A SUBSCRIBER. 29th December, 1854
[Advertisement], The Age (14 February 1855), 1
IN Aid of the Sufferers by the late Fire at Sandridge . . .
will be given on THURSDAY EVENING NEXT, FEB. 15 . . .
Conductor on the Piano - Herr Elsasser.
PROGRAMME . . . Part II . . .
5. Glee, "Spring's delights," Mrs. Testar and Miss Edwards, Herr Prinz and Mr. Power - Mulher [Muller] . . .
7. Comic Duet, "The singing lesson," Miss Edwards and Mr. Young . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Elsasser (pianist, accompanist); George Prinz (vocalist); William Pierce Power (vocalist)
MUSIC: Spring's delights (Wenzel Muller)
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. . . .", The Argus (15 February 1855), 5
The committee appointed to devise means of affording relief to the sufferers by the late calamitous fire at Sandridge, have announced a grand concert of vocal and instrumental music, to take place at the Exhibition Building this evening . . . The combined bands of the 12th and 40th regiments will perform a selection of operatic and ballet music, and M. Herwyn and his talented lady are announced to assist in the instrumental portion of the entertainment. Mrs. Testar, the most accomplished vocalist in the colony, will make her first appearance since her return from Van Diemen's Land, while Mrs. D'Alton and Miss Edwards, both of whom have acquired considerable popularity, are also to contribute to the enjoyment of the audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 12th Regiment (military); Band of the 40th Regiment (military)
Bibliography and resources:
W. A. Carne, A century of harmony: the official centenary history of the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society (Melbourne: Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society, 1954), transcript resissue pages 7, 8 (DOWNLOAD PDF TRANSCRIPT FROM PANDORA)
EDWARDS, Mr. (Mr. EDWARDS; or Mr. EDWARD; once Mr. T. EDWARDS: ? Thomas EDWARDS)
Musician, harp player, harpist, band leader / proprietor
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1853; Geelong, VIC, 1855-56; Bendigo, VIC, 1861 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (6 July 1853), 4
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. - Thursday Weekly Concerts,
under the direction of Herr Strebinger, Thursday, July the 7th, 1853 . . .
Solo Performers: Mr. Edwards, Harpist; Herr Strebinger, Violinist; Mr. Chapman, Cornet-a-Piston . . .
Pianoforte, Mr. Buddee. Assisted by the band of the 40th Regiment.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - Gustavus III, or the Masked Ball - Full Band - Auber.
Solo - Harp, Mr. Edwards . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Strebinger (violin, director); George Chapman (cornet); Julius Buddee (pianist); Band of the 40th Regiment (military); Thursday Concerts (series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
"CONCERT", The Argus (8 July 1853), 5
The "Thursdays" were re-inaugurated last night, in a manner which promises a return of their former popularity. The hall was respectably crowded, and there were several encores in the course of the evening . . . A solo on the harp by Mr. Edwards was deservedly well received . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 July 1853), 8
MECHANICS INSTITUTION - Weekly Concert. This Evening, Thursday 28th July . . .
Instrumental - Harp, Mr. Edwards (his first appearance) [sic],
Violin, M. Paltzer, Cornet a Piston, Signor Maffei and Mr. Stewart, Pianoforte, Mr. Sullivan (his first appearance) . . .
Director and Conductor - Mons Paltzer.
Overture - Harmonious Blacksmith, Full Band - Handel.
Solo Harp - French Air, Mr. Edwards, (his first appearance) - Edwards . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Maffei (musician); Edward Stewart (musician, 40th band); Charles John Sullivan (pianist); Jacques Paltzer (violinist, director)
"THURSDAY CONCERT", The Argus (29 July 1853), 5
Again this concert was not nearly so well attended as it deserved; a capital programme last night drew together scarcely two hundred people, and this in spite of three first appearances, and one of them a lady . . . The harpist, Mr. Edwards, we have had the pleasure of hearing at a former concert . . . and the whole concert was good, but it would throw a damp upon any entertainment to see a mass of cold naked benches, instead of beaming and happy faces.
"GRAND BALL", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (21 June 1855), 2
This evening, Mr. Wilton and Mr. T. Edwards, who have for some time past given a "Soiree Dansante" every Monday evening, at the Geelong Assembly Rooms, will give a grand Ball on the occasion of their leaving Geelong. The ball is to be under the patronage of Messrs. Young and Hydes. These dancing rooms have been conducted in an exceedingly respectable manner.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Wilton (musician); Charles Young (actor); John Proctor Hydes (actor)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (11 August 1855), 3
A SELECT QUADRILLE PARTY will be held on TUESDAY next, the 14th, and on every following Tuesday, to commence at 9 o'clock and terminate at twelve.
Wilton and Edwards' band. Tickets, 3s. each, with the privilege of introducing a lady.
M.C., Mr. L. NANDOZA [Mendoza].
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (12 January 1856), 2
A SELECT Quadrille Assembly, on Monday, January 14th, 1856, and every following Monday, will be held at the above magnificent room.
Gentlemen's tickets 3s; Ladies privileged.
Wilton and Edwards Band. To commence at half-past eight o'clock.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (3 March 1856), 3
WILTON & EDWARDS Quadrille Assembly. To-night. Gentlemen's Tickets 3s; Ladies free.
N.B. Military or stringed Bands provided for town or country on the shortest notice.
Address WILTON & EDWARDS, Quadrille Office, Aloe Villa, opposite the Theatre, Malop-street.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (17 March 1856), 3
THEATRE ROYAL. Manager, Mr. Simmonds. Benefit of MUGNALL, the celebrated Scotch comedian.
Monday Evening, March 17th, The performances will commence with the beautiful Scotch drama, entitled GUY MANNERING, Dandie Dinmont - Mr. Mungall.
GRAND SOLO ON THE HARP, By Mr. Edward, of Geelong . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Simmonds (actor, manager); John Mungall (actor); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
"THEATRE", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (18 March 1856), 2
. . . Between this play and the after piece of the Wild Boy of Bohemia, Mr. Edwards was to perform a solo on the harp . . .
"GEELONG VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (23 April 1856), 2
The anniversary dinner of this body came off on Monday evening, at the Swan Hotel, Fyans' Ford.
Nothing could exceed the satisfaction expressed by the members at the arrangements made for their reception by Mr. Bohn, the worthy host of this pleasantly situated hostelrie.
The attendance of Wilton and Edwards' band rendered the provision for general enjoyment complete,
and it is but justice to the performers to state that they materially contributed to the success of as pleasant an evening as we have for some time spent . . .
The Chairman proposed the Queen, which was drunk in a most enthusiastic manner.
Air - The National Anthem.
The Chairman next gave - Our Fatherland, wherever it may be, which was received with all honors.
Air - "An Englishman" . . .
The Chairman next gave - The Land of our adoption, wherever it may be.
Air - "No place like Home" . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (4 June 1856), 3
FREEMASONS' HOTEL, Malop-street, opposite the Theatre Royal.
Wilton and Edwards' Quadrille Assembly tonight, in the above magnificent room. Gentlemen's tickets, 3s; ladies free.
"THEATRICALS AT GEELONG", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (15 October 1856), 5
On Monday evening, says the Geelong Advertiser, the Theatre having been closed for twelve days, was re-opened to afford Mr. Simmonds, the manager, a benefit. The boxes were crowded, and stalls and pit were moderately filled . . . The "Lottery Ticket," with Mr. Simmonds as Wormwood, drew forth continual bursts of laughter. The "Seven Ages of Man," represented by Mr. Rogers, and the harp performance by Mr. Edwards, were both encored. Altogether the benefit must be looked on as most successful.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Herbert Rogers (actor, vocalist)
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (31 May 1859), 2
The theatrical performances yesterday evening consisted of the "Idiot Witness," and the highly farcical little afterpiece of "Poor Pillicoddie," in which Mr. and Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Dale appeared. To-night Mr. Wilton and Mr. Edwards will take their benefit, and they deserve a good house . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Dominick and Josephine Murray (actors); Elinor Dale (actor)
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (1 June 1859), 2
Messrs. Wilton and Edwards' benefit last night was, so far as the house was concerned, successful. The boxes were comparatively well attended, and the pit and stalls were almost crowded. The prices went off successfully, and the orchestral music arranged for the occasion by Mr. Wilton was well received.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (16 June 1860), 3
BY PARTICULAR DESIRE. - A SELECT QUADRILLE PARTY Will take place at the above magnificent room,
on Monday, June 18th, to commence at half-past Eight precisely.
WILTON AND EDWARDS' BAND. Double Tickets, 5s. Single, 3s.
To be had at Wilton and Edwards' Quadrille Office, Malop-street, (opposite the Theatre), and at Southey's, Geelong Hotel, Yarra-street.
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (15 September 1860), 2
We witnessed last evening, by invitation the second amateur performance of the Ashby Dramatic Club . . . Messrs. Wilton and Edwards were there, and contributed materially to the success of the evening.
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (13 October 1860), 2
The AI Odd Fellows Anniversary Ball at the Fire Brigade rooms on Thursday even-[3]-ing was in every respect a most successful affair . . . Dancing was kept up with great spirit till the first blush of Aurora proclaimed smiling morn. The dance music played by Wilton and Edwards' full band was very appropriately selected.
? [Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (31 January 1861), 3
IF Edwards, the harp player at the Wheatsheaf, Golden Square,
is by any means dissatisfied with the result of his match with J. Walker on Tuesday night last,
he can be accommodated with a match the same distance for any sum from £5 to £40.
Man and money at the Builders' Arms, Mitchell-street.
The exhibition of produce under the auspices of the above society was held yesterday . . . Wilton and Edwards' efficient band was on the ground during the day, and played a choice selection of music till 5 p.m., when the exhibition closed.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (28 October 1861), 4
ROYAL ASHBY LODGE . . . Eighth Anniversary of the above Lodge,
will be celebrated by a ball and supper, to take place on Tuesday, 29th instant, at the Fire Brigade Rooms, Malop-street . . .
Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock. Wilton and Edwards' band.
Musician, professor of the violin, violinist
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: Two musicians, probably unrelated, are presented together here, in part because of difficulty positively identifying either
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (10 September 1853), 12
ROWE'S CIRCUS. - Winterbottom's Benefit Saturday next, September 10th.
Jullien's Exhibition Quadrille. Jullien's Drum Polka! Laughing Jackass Galop! . . .
Solo Instrumentalists: M. Tucker, M. Edwards, Radford, Louthusl, Webb, Burgess, Chate, Boullemer, Tranter, S. Chapman,
Wigney, Holt, Hore, Simpson, Wheeler, Oakey, Marks, Thatcher, &c.
Cornet-a-Pistons, M. Chapman.
Leader. M. Tucker. Conductor, M. Winterbottom . . .
Programme: Part I. Overture - Fra Diavolo - Auber
Quadrille - Bloomer - Jullien . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor); Edward (John) Tucker (violinist); Mark Radford (violinist); Joseph Bird Burgess (musician); Alfred Chate (musician); Anthony Boullemier (musician); William Joseph Tranter (musician); Samuel Chapman (musician); William Wigney (musician); Joseph Hore and sons (musicians); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (musician); Alfred Oakey (musician); Charles Thatcher (flautist); George Chapman (cornet); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
"LETTER FROM A BRIGHTON EMIGRANT", Brighton Gazette [Sussex, England] (6 October 1853), 7 (PAYWALL)
I beg to forward, per Mr. Alfred Martin, few incidents respecting Brighton friends and the colony,
according to promise made to several people at Brighton before leaving.
John Tucker has gone to Sydney, to play at the concerts.
Alfred Chate ditto ditto
Henry Edwards (King's Road) ditto
Stephen Cotterill ditto to assist ditto . . .
Many have done right in coming, myself among the number; others curse the day they left.
Remember - "Fools rush in Where angels fear to tread."
Your obedient servant, CHARLES R. THATCHER.
[Advertisement], The Banner [Melbourne, VIC] (14 July 1854), 1
VIOLIN Taught, and Parties attended, by Mr. G. EDWARDS, Professor of the Violin.
Terms moderate. Address Mr. Mitchell, Jeweller, 151 Russell street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 October 1854), 8
TO-NIGHT! Melbourne Casino to-night.
The great night of the season.
For the Benefit of the Band.
On this occasion the following eminent Artists, among many other professional friends, have kindly volunteered their services:
First violins - W. and S. Radford.
Second violins - Chate, Edwards, and Griffiths . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Griffiths (violinist); William Radford (violinist); Sidney Radford (violinist)
"Local and Domestic", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC](14 April 1855), 4
. . . The next that comes under notice is a ball that was given at the Freemasons' Arms on Thursday evening last . . . This ball was for the benefit of the musicians, Messrs. Radford and Edwards, whose exquisite performances on their respective instruments added considerably to the pleasures of the evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Radford (as above)
Actor, theatrical manager, entomologist, aeronaut
Born Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, England, 1827 (? 27 August; ? 3 September); baptised Ross, 14 September 1827; son of Thomas EDWARDS and Hannah ?
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 22 June 1853 (per Ganges, from London, 17 March, aged "25")
Departed Melbourne, VIC, February 1865 (via Sydney, for Auckland, New Zealand)
Died New York, NY, USA, 9 June 1891 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Ross on Wye, Herefordshire, 1827; England, Select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
14 September 1827 / Henry son of / Thomas and Hannah / Edwards
England census, 30 March 1851, Golden Square, St. James, Westminster; UK National Archives, HO107/1485/393/33 (PAYWALL)
192 Regent St. / Wm. Staines Farley / Head / Mr. / 38 / Silk Mercer . . .
Henry Edwards / Un. / 24 / Assistant / [born] Ross Herefordshire . . .
Nemes and descriptions of passengers per Ganges, from London, 17 March 1853, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Cabin Passengers . . . Edwards Henry / 25 . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (23 June 1853), 2
June 22. - Ganges, ship, 770 tons, Robert Deas, from London, via Dartmouth, 23rd March. Passengers . . . Messrs. . . . Edwards . . .
[Advertisement], The Age (28 May 1855), 8
QUEEN'S THEATRE. D. W. WALLER, Sole Lessee . . .
will open for the season on MONDAY, MAY 28, 1855, with an entire new company, comprising . . .
Mr. Edwards, late of the Queen's . . .
A full and efficient Orchestra, under the well-known and universally appreciated leadership of Mr. THOM . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel and Emma Waller (actors, managers); Bream Thom (musician); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRICAL", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (26 March 1857), 6
Previous to Mr. G. V. Brooke's appearance at the Theatre Royal, he has proceeded to Tasmania, in company with Mr. Henry Edwards, to fulfil a short engagement there.
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor, manager)
"NEW INSOLVENTS (Schedules files in Ballarat)", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (3 March 1863), 2
Henry Edwards, theatrical manager. Liabilities, £626 12s 2d; assets, £171; deficiency, £455 12s 2d;
causes of insolvency, losses sustained in managing the Adelphi Theatre, the furniture of which cost about £150, and had been seized and sold for rent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adelphi Theatre, previously Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (2 May 1864), 5
As a dramatic fact we may mention that Mr. Henry Edwards, so well known in connection with the Haymarket Theatre, with a selection from the stock company of that house and some additions, is about to take the direction of the Theatre Royal at Ballaarat during the opera season at the Haymarket.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (4 January 1865), 1
LYCEUM THEATRE. Lessee, Frank Varley. LAST WEEK of the DRAMATIC SEASON . . .
THIS EVENING (WEDNESDAY), Most positively for the last time, LEAH THE FORSAKEN, Which had a run of 200 consecutive nights at the Adelphi Theatre, London.
Leah - Mrs. Robert Heir. Nathan - Mr. Robert Heir.
Rudolph - Mr. Henry Edwards . . .
Musical Director, Mr. Howson.
Stage Manager, Mr. Henry Edwards.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert and Fanny Heir (actors); Frank Varley (manager); Henry Howson (musician); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (16 January 1865), 2
The theatre will he re-opened this evening, under the management of Mr. Henry Edwards, supported by an excellent company . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (6 February 1865), 2
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. Sale of Very Fine Collection Of
Water Colour Paintings, LINE ENGRAVINGS, And Library of First-class Books.
By Order of Henry Edwards, Esq., prior to his Departure from the Colony.
ALFRED BLISS has received Instructions from Henry Edwards, Esq. (the consequence of his departure from the colony) to
SELL by AUCTION, at his mart, 31 Collins-street west, on Thursday, February 6, at twelve o'clock,
A valuable collection of water colour drawings, by Prout, Palgrave, Terry, and other well-known artists.
A set of Hogarth's engraving (proofs), and many old and curious Line Engravings.
Together with A library of about 300 vols., comprising The original editions of plays by Ben Jonson, Middleton, and others.
Autograph Journal of Hopkins (Garrick's Prompter), and many first-class standard works, on history, biography, travels, poetry, works of fiction, and the fine arts.
Now on view. Sale at the mart, 34 Collins-street west, on Thursday, February 6, at twelve o'clock.
See also a more detailed list of sale items, [3 advertisements], The Argus (8 February 1865), 2
[Advertisement], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (9 February 1865), 8
ROYAL HAYMARKET THEATRE. Sole Lessee - Mr. Hoskins.
Stage Director - Mr. Henry Edwards.
The Great Artistes JOSEPH HEINE, The Youthful and World-Renowned BLIND VIOLINIST, And MADAME HEINE, Pianist . . .
THIS EVENING, Will be produced a Comedy, entitled THE DOWAGER. Lord Alfred Lyndsay - Mr. H. Edwards . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hoskins (actor, manager); Joseph and Ada Heine (violinist and pianist); Haymarket Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (22 February 1865), 1
MR. HARRY EDWARDS, The Great Australian Actor, is engaged, and WILL APPEAR ON SATURDAY . . .
"New Zealand Theatricals", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (4 November 1865), 2
. . . Auckland is in the hands of Messrs. Daniels and Henry Edwards, your old Melbourne favourite, and the company comprises Miss Fanny Young, Miss Juno, Miss Julia Corcoran, Miss M. Corcoran, Messrs. Edwards, Daniels, Clifford, West, Haygarth, R. H. Cox, and others . . . Of Hokitika, as I have previously told you, I can say but little theatrically. The place is not as yet established as a town, as the field is extensive, and rushes are constantly looked for towards the south, while the Grey is going ahead. A theatre is, however, I hear, to be erected in Hokitika for Mr. Henry Edwards, who is about to introduce the Christy's to a West Coast audience . . . - Nelson, 11th October, 1865.
"MR. HENRY EDWARDS", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (12 May 1866), 2
Dear Sir, - By the Liverpool, which sails to-morrow from this place, I depart for San Francisco, via Callao,
and shall thence probably make for New York.
I do not imagine that I shall ever see Melbourne again, but I should much like to be kept in the kind remembrance of not a few old friends.
I will write occasionally some notes of our travels, and give you all the information I can respecting theatres and theatrical matters in the parts of the world I may visit.
Miss Fanny Young, the Misses Julia and Mary Corcoran and Mr. Daniels accompany me to Callao.
Yours, Henry Edwards. - Auckland, 29th April, 1866.
"THEATRICAL . . . Miscellaneous . . . MR. HENRY EDWARDS IN CALIFORNIA", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (16 February 1867), 2
My Dear Sir, - I wrote to you some time since from Auckland (N.Z.), telling you of my intention to start speedily for California,
which I did by way of Callao, staying in Peru for three months, and giving upwards of 30 performances there - that is, in Callao and Lima.
On my way to this place, I was detained ten days in Panama, and gave two representations there.
I reached San Francisco on the 14th of October, but found the theatre in possession of a star.
I went, therefore, into the interior for six weeks, with Lady Don, and did not return to San Francisco until the 20th November.
I made my first appearance eight nights since as Mercutio, and enclose you one or two opinions, of the local papers.
I think I may now look upon myself as well established here, and shall probably remain for at least twelve months in the city.
Will you kindly let my Melbourne friends know how I am doing by publishing one or two of the enclosed,
Yours faithfully, H. EDWARDS . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Don (actor, vocalist)
"HENRY EDWARDS", The Lorgnette [Melbourne, VIC] (28 September 1889), 5
This gentleman, so well known and greatly respected in Australia, both by playgoers and by a large circle of private friends, has just arrived from America, where he has been for a number of years past . . . Mr. Edwards is a native of Bristol, England, where he was born on the 3rd September, 1824 [sic]. He made his first theatrical appearance in Australia about 1855, with G. V. Brooke and Robert and Mrs. Heir, playing first in Melbourne and afterwards in Sydney . . . As well as being a consummate actor, Mr. Edwards is, or at all events was, an enthusiastic fisherman, and a most accomplished entomologist. While resident in these colonies in years gone by, he made a most magnificent collection of Australian butterflies, moths, &c., which was the admiration of all those interested in that interesting branch of science, and which, we believe he could not be induced to part with in this country, although more than one liberal offer was made him.
"Mr. Harry Edwards. Author, Actor and Scientist", Table Talk (4 October 1889), 5
AFTER twenty-five years' absence an old favorite has returned to claim again that popularity so freely bestowed upon him in the past.
His advent amongst us is a direct bridge between our modern Melbourne plays and players and the famous actors who visited these colonics in the fifties,
and around whose memory radiates a halo of cherished reminiscences.
Mr. Harry Edwards is almost an Australian, although born in Ross, in Herefordshire, he arrived in Victoria when very young,
and spent several years in what was then known as "the bush," which means that he has had a large and varied experience of the manners and customs of Victoria in its young days.
Becoming rather noted as an amateur actor at several of the little festivities given to break the monotony of country life,
it occurred to Mr. Edwards - then quite a stripling - that he might utilise his talents in a more profitable manner.
Messrs. Young and Hydes were the managers of the Queen's Theatre, Melbourne, at that time, and from them Mr. Edwards received his first engagement in 1855,
playing the part of Titus, in Virginia [Virginius], when the late Mr. G. V. Brooke sustained the leading character.
In 1856 he appeared at the now historical "Iron Pot" (the Olympic) at the corner of Lonsdale and Stephens-streets,
and during several seasons here he supported Mr. Brooke in a round of characters, eventually appearing at the Theatre Royal, Sydney in 1861.
With the late Mr. George Fawcett Rowe, whose death in London was recently announced, Mr. Edwards managed the old Theatre Royal and the old Princess Theatre, Melbourne,
for G. V. Brooke, and later, paid a visit to Tasmania with that eminent tragedian, playing second parts to him.
Mr. Edwards appeared at the Haymarket with the Keans, and in 1863-4 attained his highest popularity.
He was familiar with all the Melbourne favourites of the time, whose brilliant performances are held up by old playgoers as a standard whereby comparisons may now be made.
In 1865 Mr. Edwards visited New Zealand, and from that colony set sail for South America with a small company,
visiting Lima, Callao and other cities, the entire dramatic season in Peru lasting for thirty three nights.
The little company then worked up to Panama and gave three entertainments at the Isthmus with unprecedented success.
On arriving at San Francisco Mr. Edwards accepted an engagement at Maguire's Opera House, which he eventually managed in conjunction with the late Mr. F. M. Bates . . .
As an author, Mr. Edwards is better known as a scientific writer than in any other direction, as he was continually before the public in that capacity.
He is a member of sixteen learned societies, is a botanist and an entomologist and prides himself on having the largest private collection of insects in the world -
numbering over three hundred thousand specimens. His theatrical library, too, is wonderfully extensive . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Brooke performed Virginius at the Queen's Theatre (Melbourne) in March 1855;
"HARRY EDWARDS DEAD. An Actor for Many Years who Traveled Extensively. NEW YORK, June 9", The Plain Speaker [Hazleton, PA, USA] (10 June 1891), 1 (PAYWALL)
Harry Edwards, the actor, died during the morning at his home in this city. Mr. Edwards was born in Bristol, England in 1830. He was originally intended for the bar, but from association with the famous English comedian, J. L. Toole, he acquired a strong liking for the stage. In 1853 he decided to adopt the stage permanently. He was at different times manager of the Theater Royal, Melbourne, and Princess Theater, London. He travelled extensively with theatrical troops in South America. In 1867 he played in San Francisco as a member of a stock company . . . He subsequently returned to Australia, where he was interested in the first production of "Little Lord Fauntleroy" in that company.
John Lawrence Toole (comedian);
see also, "HARRY EDWARDS", San Francisco Call [CA, USA] (10 June 1891), 8
"THE LATE HENRY EDWARDS", The Argus (25 July 1891), 5
News has been received by the San Francisco mail of the death in New York, after a few months' illness, of Henry Edwards, equally well known in the United States and in Australia as an excellent actor and a distinguished entomologist - science and the drama having claimed an equal place in his affections . . . A native of England, where he was born at Ross, Monmouthshire, in 1824 [sic], Henry Edwards came out to Australia early in the fifties. Gifted with a handsome face, a fine presence, a dignified carriage, a strong resonant voice, a good study and more than ordinary intelligence, he adopted the stage as his profession, making his first appearance, we believe at the Queen's Theatre, in this city, in the year 1855, under the management of Mr. Coppin . . . He was almost as well known in Sydney; where he also made two voyages in a balloon which had been imported by Mr. George Coppin, together with two experienced argonauts, in the month of December, 1858 . . .
Mr. Harry Edwards, an early friend of Mr. J. L. Toole, from whom he acquired a taste for the stage, died to-day at his home in New York. He was well known in Australia, and supported Mrs. Brown Potter on her first starring tour. This season he had been a member of Mr. Daly's company. He was born at Bristol in 1830.
Bibliography and resources:
The romance of the Sydney stage, by Alfred J. Crips and Humphrey Hall; MS, National Library of Australia; published as The romance of the Sydney stage by "Osric" (Sydney: Currency Press in association with National Library of Australia, 1996), 233 and passim (MS) (EDITION)
1857 . . . A prominent member of the company supporting Brooke at the Lyceum was Henry Edwards, who had quitted the drudgery of a solicitor's office for the more congenial atmosphere of the theatre . . .
Henry (Harry) Edwards, Find a grave
Henry Edwards, National Portrait Gallery, Canberra
EDWARDS, John (John EDWARDS; Mr. EDWARDS) see main page John EDWARDS
Musician, professor of music, violinist, pianist, bass vocalist
Active Sydney, NSW, 1825-1844, 1860
EDWARDS, John Ashcroft (John Ashcroft EDWARDS; J. A. EDWARDS; J. Ashcroft EDWARDS; Mr. EDWARDS)
Musician, professor of music, organist, vocalist
Born Liverpool, England, 1843 (2nd quarter); son of Joseph ASHCROFT (d. 1875) and Mary ASHCROFT (d. 1882)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 27 December 1852 (per Constance, from Liverpool, 30 September)
Married Louisa JOHNSON (1844-1933), St. Mary's, Preston, VIC, 21 March 1866
Died Drouin, VIC, 31 January 1903 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
England census, 30 March 1851, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, Lancashire; UK National Archives, HO107/2183/483/9 (PAYWALL)
65 Falkner St. / Joseph Edwards / Head / Mar. / 46 / Tailor & Draper / [born] Lancaster Liverpool
Mary / 45 // Sarah / 18 // Mary / 16 // John / 8 // Elizabeth / 3 [all born Liverpool Lancashire]
Names and descriptions of passengers per Constance, from Liverpool, 30 September 1852, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Joseph Edwards / 47 / Draper // Mary / 46 //
Sarah / 19 // Mary / 17 // Louisa / 13 // John / 8 // Eliz'b / 3
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (6 September 1864), 8
Solo Vocalists Miss Octavia Hamilton and Miss Mortley,
Solo (Pianoforte) Mr. Alfred Anderson (his first appearance In Victoria).
Solo (Violin) Professor Hughes.
At the Pianoforte - Mr. Edwards.
Conductorship, C. H. COMPTON . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Sarah Mortley (vocalist); Alfred Anderson (pianist); Henry Hughes (violinist); Charles Henry Compton (conductor); Thomas Holme Davis (secretary); Orpheus Union (association); St. George's Hall (Melbourne venue)
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (24 March 1866), 4
EDWARDS - JOHNSON. - On the 21st inst., at St. Mary's Church, Preston, by the Rev. Robert Hall, M.A., John Ashcroft, son of Joseph Edwards, Esq., to Louisa, youngest daughter of Henry Johnson, Esq. No cards.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Johnson (musician, father-in-law)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (8 November 1866), 5
[Yesterday] . . . The Philharmonic Society, in the evening, gave selections from "Judas Maccabaeus," the principal parts being sung by Mrs. J. C. Ellis and Mr. C. Blanchard. Mr. David Lee acted as conductor, and Mr. John Edwards, of Emerald-hill, officiated at the organ.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Kramer Ellis (vocalist); Charles Blanchard (vocalist); David Lee (conductor); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association)
"CONCERT AT PRAHRAN", The Age (22 February 1868), 5
An entertainment was given by amateurs, at the Town Hall, Prahran, last evening, in aid of the organ fund, All Saints' Church, East St. Kilda. The principal vocalists were Mrs. Young, Mrs. Batten and Mr. G. F. Labertouche, Professor Hughes, Mr. Henry Johnson (late bandmaster of H.M. 40th regiment) and Mr. David Lee also rendered assistance. The programme submitted comprised a well-chosen selection of operatic music and part songs, and the affair proved most successful, the attendance being good, and the applause of the heartiest. Mr. J. A. Edwards acted as conductor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Batten (vocalist); Prahran Town Hall (venue)
[News], The Argus (12 April 1869), 4
The Art Treasures Exhibition at the hall of the Public Library was more largely attended on Saturday last than on any previous occasion. Nearly 800 persons were there in the earlier part of the day, when Mr. Hughes, professor of music, and several of his pupils performed vocal and instrumental music with much success. In the evening about 1,500 persons were present, when Mr. J. A. Edwards, the accomplished organist at All Saints' Church, St. Kilda, presided at the Exhibition organ, whose wretched condition and elevated position effectually prevented the proper effect being given to the instrumentation. This organ is not the magnificent one erected by Mr. Fincham for the Intercolonial Exhibition, but the old organ of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society and its most important stops are unworkable.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Fincham (organ builder); Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition (1866-67)
"Brief Mention", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (25 January 1879), 5
Mr. J. Ashcroft Edwards, professor of music, has arrived from Wellington, New Zealand. He was formerly choirmaster and organist at All Saints' Church, Melbourne.
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette [Sydney, NSW] (9 February 1883), 759
[Notice of Compulsory Sequestration] . . . IN INSOLVENCY . . .
praying that the estate of John Ashcroft Edwards, of Woollahra, near Sydney aforesaid, professor of music, may be sequestrated for the benefit of his creditors according to law . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (31 January 1903), 9
EDWARDS. - On the 30th January, 1903, at the residence of his niece, Mrs. Robt. D. Speed, Drouin, John Ashcroft, aged 58 years. Sydney papers please copy.
EDWARDS, Solomon Nicholas (Nicholas Solomon EDWARDS; usually Solomon Nicholas EDWARDS; Mr. S. N. EDWARDS; Mr. S. EDWARDS)
Amateur vocalist, fitter and turner, engineer
Born Ipswich, Suffolk, England, 21 October 1820; baptised St. Matthew, Ipswich, 27 July 1823; son of Nicholas EDWARDS (d. 1840) and Elizabeth KALEY (d. 1874)
Married (1) Sarah Ann GOODWIN (c. 1818-1879), Ipswich, Suffolk, England, 25 March 1842
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 14 May 1850 (per Arabian, from Plymouth, 7 January)
Married (2) Annie BERRY, NSW, 1880
Died Surry Hills, NSW, 8 November 1897, aged "77" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Birth Certificates, 1820-1824; Non-conformist and non-parochial registers, Dr. William's Library Registry: UK National Archives, RG4/4664-1 (PAYWALL)
No. 1227 / Nicholas Solomon Edwards, Parish of St. Matthew, Ipswich, County of Suffolk / [son of] Nicholas Edwards, Elizabeth daughter of John Kaley / . . . [born] 21 October 1820
Baptisms, St. Matthew, Ipswich, Suffolk, 1823; England, Select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
27 July 1823 / born 21 October 1820 / Nicholas Solomon son of / Nicholas Edwards and Elizabeth Kaley
"MARRIAGES", Bury and Suffolk Herald [England] (30 March 1842), 2 (PAYWALL)
On the 25th inst., Mr. S. N. Edwards, of Crown Street, to Sarah Ann, youngest daughter of the late Mr. John Goodwin, grocer, St. Stephen's, Ipswich.
"In the Court of Bankruptcy, London", The London gazette (5 October 1857), 3532 (DIGITISED)
WHEREAS a Petition of Solomon Nicholas Edwards, late of No. 3, Soho-street, Reading, in the county of Berks, Journeyman Fitter, and previously of Crown-street, Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk, Locksmith and Bell Hanger, and whose wife for part of the time carried on the business of a Milliner and Dress Maker, an insolvent debtor, having been filed in the Court of Bankruptcy . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", Adelaide Observer [SA] (18 May 1850), 2
Tuesday, May 14 - The barque Arabian, 392 tons, Macleod, master, from Plymouth, 7th January, and Cape de Verdes 7th February. Passengers . . . Solomon Nicholas Edwards wife and two children . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (25 April 1851), 2
ENGINEER'S SOCIETY. A GENERAL MEETING of the Members of the above Society will be held on
Saturday next, April 26, at Mr. James's, "Norfolk Arms," Rundle-street.
As business of importance will be discussed, it is earnestly requested that all connected with the Society will be in attendance punctually at 8 o'clock.
S. N. EDWARDS, Secretary.
"EAST TORRENS INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (9 January 1857), 3
The second concert in connection with the East Torrens Institute was held in the large room, at Kensington, on Wednesday evening, under the direction of Mr. Chapman. The night was hot, and the room, though tolerably occupied, was not full. So far, however, as attendance is concerned, the deficiency inside was abundantly made up by the crowds that gathered outside, and occupied the opened windows. The first part of the concert opened rather dull, Mr. Edwards's singing being set at a disadvantage by reason of the inadequacy of the piano sent out from town for the accompaniment. Some of the subsequent songs were accompanied by the violins, and the improvement was very decided. Several encores were demanded and given during the evening, amongst which we may specially note the overture by Schmidt, "The King's Command." Miss Pettman's "Every land my home" was most enthusiastically encored, and her song "Good night and pleasant dreams" was also redemanded. The concert on the whole gave great satisfaction to the audience, the majority of whom by the frequency of their calls for repetition, seemed inclined to prolong their stay till midnight.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Chapman (musician); Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist); East Torrens Institute (association)
"MISKA HAUSER'S FAREWELL CONCERT", South Australian Register (30 January 1857), 2
There was a very large and highly respectable audience on Thursday evening [29 January], at the farewell concert given by Miska Hauser at White's Assembly Rooms. The entertainment was under the patronage of Lady MacDonnell, who, with His Excellency and suite, was present. The intense enthusiasm which the highly accomplished violinist, who is about to leave us excites in his auditors was never more conspicuously displayed . . . Mr. Edwards, a gentleman not wholly unknown to the lovers of music in Adelaide, sang the "Guardsman's Adieu," and was also honoured with an encore. This gentleman possesses a fine voice, both as it regards its natural and falsetto notes, and he would if carefully trained become an excellent vocalist. He has evidently a correct ear, and a full knowledge of music, but is deficient in that energetic expression which evinces a knowledge of the composer's conceptions and the power to give them utterance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist); Richard and Blanche Macdonnell (governor and wife); White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (3 February 1857), 2
The first reunion of the members of this popular Institution was held en Monday evening, in White's Room, King William-street. His Excellency the Governor in Chief presided . . . The room, which was apparently well filled when His Excellency commenced speaking, was absolutely crowded before the end of his speech, and continued so until the end. It was supposed that the meeting was the largest that ever assembled in this capacious building. Miss Chalker, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Daniels, and a young gentleman, his pupil, then sang "Annie Laurie," arranged as a glee. This new form in which an old favourite was presented, together with the good style in which it was given, was much admired. Mr. Coleman Jacobs accompanied this and the other vocal pieces on the piano, and his brilliant instrumentation elicited repeated applause . . . His EXCELLENCY expressed regret that Miss Pettman, whose name appeared in the programme, was unable, through indisposition, to sing, and called on Mr. Edwards, who gave, sweetly and effectively, the song "Evangeline," which was followed by "Mary the Rose of Tralee," most sweetly given by Miss Chalker . . . Then succeeded the great musical treat of the evening - Mlska Hauser, the marvellous violinist, who, accompanied by his friend, Mr. Buddee, on the piano, gave with his usual electrifying effect that charming pot pourri the Irish Bouquet, in which "Coleen dhas Croothin amoe," "Gramachree," and "St. Patrick's Day" are by him blended in most fascinating harmony . . . Miss Chalker was as successful as usual in her other songs, and Mr. Daniels was much applauded in "The Light of other Days" and "When time hath bereft thee." Mr. Edwards was most favourably received, and, in fact, has established himself as a great favourite . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Chalker (vocalist); Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist); Coleman Jacobs (pianist); Julius Buddee (pianist, accompanist); South Australian Institute (association)
"MISKA HAUSER'S FAREWELL CONCERT", South Australian Register (6 February 1857), 3
A large and respectable audience attended yesterday evening at White's Assembly Room, on the occasion of Miska Hauser's farewell concert. Probably there were not less than 500 persons present . . . Mr. Edwards, who we understand is also leaving Adelaide for a distant part of the colony, was scarcely so effective as on some former occasions. He was evidently indisposed; yet, though not marked with any striking excellencies, his vocal performance was without fault, which is not always the case with gentlemen amateurs . . .
"WILLUNGA", South Australian Register (12 May 1857), 2
A correspondent, writing on the 10th instant, says - "The second concert held in Willunga in aid of the Mechanics' Institute came off on Saturday last with even greater eclat than the first. Miss Pettman's pleasing songs were many of them enthusiastically encored, as were those of Messrs. Daniel and Edwards. Those of the former were such as to elicit uncontrollable laughter; but the most novel feature of the evening was the addition to the amateurs (Messrs. Lush and Tripe) of Mrs. Millner's exquisite performance on the pianoforte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Esther Millner (pianist)
"EAST TORRENS INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (2 September 1857), 3
A vocal and instrumental concert was given at this Institute on Monday evening last, when, notwithstanding the heavy rains, which had made some of the roads almost impassable, there was an exceedingly large attendance of subscribers and other friends of the Institute, the building being crowded. After an hour's delay, which occurred through ths omnibus which brought the musicians from Adelaide having been bogged on the road, the concert was opened by an overture played by Chapman's band. This was followed by a song sung by Mr. Edwards - "In that old arm-chair my father sat" - which was given with much effect. The next - and which might be said to be the gem of the evening - was a song by Miss Tozer, "There's music in the waters," which was encored. Numerous other pieces, overtures, duets, and songs succeeded; all of which were received with applause, and several of them repeated. The concert was not over till between 11 and 12 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Tozer (vocalist)
MUSIC: In this old arm-chair (Balfe)
"GAWLER INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (18 November 1857), 2
The inaugural address and concert of this Institute was given on Monday last in the newly erected building belonging to the Society, in Murray-street, Gawler . . . At the termination of the address the audience were treated with a vocal and instrumental concert, in which Miss Petman and the two Misses Tozer, assisted by Mr. Edwards, won the complete suffrage of their hearers, and the Brunswick Band reaped a harvest of applause. The attendance was more numerous than was expected, or the room would hold. Upwards of 250 persons were crowded together, and many others could not get admittance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Brunswick Band (group); Gawler Institute (association)
"CONCERT AT SALISBURY", South Australian Register (13 April 1858), 2
A correspondent has sent us the following: - On the evening of Easter Tuesday a grand vocal and instrumental concert was given in connection with the Salisbury Literary Institute. Mr. Scott's large room was well filled on the occasion, which excited great interest throughout the township and neighbourhood generally, since it is seldom that so large an amount of professional ability is collected in a rural district. Miss Pettman favoured the company with several songs in a style which induced the audience to recall her more than once. She is one of those stagers who are sure to please, from her evident desire to give pleasure, as well as from the pains she takes - a rare thing with vocalists - to make the words of her songs distinctly intelligible. Miss Rowe executed some brilliant fantasias on the piano in a manner very creditable to so young a lady, and in particular some Irish airs, with variations, seemed to please the popular taste. Mr. Edwards, of Gawler Town, sand some stirring national songs in a way which elicited general applause, and Mr. Pounsett (an amateur) gave great pleasure by the feeling and good taste with which he sang a piece from Norma and one from Balfe's popular songs. The intervals of the singing were relieved by the performances of a brass band, under the leadership of Herr Schrader, three members of which sang "Mynheer Van Dunk," and "When shall we three meet again," in very creditable style . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Jane Rowe (pianist); Henry Pounsett (vocalist); Heinrich Schrader (musician)
"CONCERT AT GAWLER TOWN", Adelaide Observer (5 June 1858), 4
A correspondent has sent the following: - "Mr. S. N. Edward gave a grand miscellaneous concert of vocal and instrumental music, on Monday last, in Mr. Jas. Martin's corn store, assisted by the following professionals:- Vocalists: Miss Lingellbach, Miss Petman, and Mr. Sanderson. Pianist, Miss Rowe. Mr. Edwards's song, "The Sea King" was encored, as were also two songs by Miss Lingellbach, sung in German . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sophie Lingelbach (vocalist); Francis Sanderson (vocalist)
MUSIC: The sea-king (Neukomm)
"MADAME CARANDINI AT GAWLER TOWN", Adelaide Observer (26 June 1858), 1 supplement
A correspondent says: - "Madame Carandini gave a grand lyrical entertainment on Tuesday evening in the Gawler Institute. There was a goodly sprinkling of both sexes in attendance. Her only assistants were Signer Grossi, Mr. Lavenu, and Mr. Edwards, of this town, the latter having kindly volunteered his services . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Enrico Grossi (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (vocalist, pianist)
"ANNIVERSARY OF THE GAWLER INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (18 October 1858), 3
The concert in connection with the celebration of the above event was held on Friday evening in a large unoccupied store belonging to Mr. Martin, conveniently situated in the centre of the town, the building being fitted up for the decision in a very tasteful and commodious manner. The audience, which numbered upwards of 400, assembled at half-past 7, and the performance commenced at 8 o'clock with an overture upon the piano by Mr. Phillips, of Adelaide . . . The beautiful glee, "Through lanes and hedgerows," was then sung by the Misses Tozer, Mr. J. W. Daniel, Mr. Edwards, and an amateur performer, in very good style . . . This was followed by "The standard-bearer," which was sung in very fine style by Mr. Edwards . . .
MUSIC: The standard bearer [Die Fahnenwacht] (Lindpaintner)
"SALISBURY LITERARY INSTITUTION [From a Correspondent]", South Australian Register (29 October 1858), 3
The first annual meeting of the members of this Institution was held in the Salisbury Assembly Room on Tuesday last, at 7 o'clock in the evening. The Committed were not able to emulate their brethren of Gawler Town in a display of works of art or objects of curiosity, the resources of Salisbury being unfortunately unequal to such an undertaking; but they had made arrangements for a concert conducted by Mr. Daniel, assisted by the Misses Tozer and Mr. Edwards, whose performance was a source of great gratification to numbers who seldom have the opportunity of hearing music of a high class . . . The glee, "Through lanes and hedgerows," and the duet, "The wind and the harp," were very effectively given; and Mr. Edwards sang "The Standard-bearer" with that bold, manly emphasis which that song requires . . . "Home, sweet home," by the Harmonic Society, accompanied by Mr. Daniel on the piano. Glee, "What ho, through the forest." Miss C. Tozer and Mr. Daniel then favoured the company with the duet "The shower of pearls," one of the best musical gems of the evening, and had pearls themselves been lolling from the lady's lips she would not have been watched more intently. Being called upon to repeat it they substituted the lively "Soldier's Return." Mr. Edwards then gave "The Sea King" in his very best style, and was loudly applauded. As with this exception the music was the same as that which was so lately performed at the anniversary of the Gawler Institute, further mention of it is unnecessary, except that it was such as afforded universal gratification . . .
"GAWLER [From our Correspondent] September 15, 1859", The South Australian Advertiser (16 September 1859), 3
On Tuesday evening [13 September], as per advertisement, the musical entertainment by amateurs in aid of the Admella Shipwreck Reward Fund came off under favorable circumstances. The doors opened at half-past 7, and before 8 o'clock the room was very well filled. The performance seemed to please everyone. At the commencement Dr. Nott offered on behalf of the performers a few words as an apology, and desired the company to overlook any mistakes that might be made, this being their first appearance before them. The music by the band went off very well. Mr. Edwards's two songs were loudly encored, as was also the chorus "Now, Pray We for our Country." I am unable to give the amount realized, but will, if possible, give it in my next.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Nott (musical amateur)
"KAPUNDA [From our own Correspondent] . . . January 12", Adelaide Observer (14 January 1860), 2 supplement
On Monday evening [9 January] the annual soiree of the Institute was held at Grace's Assembly Rooms. A large number sat down to tea . . . A Mr. Edwards, from Gawler sang some songs, the Wesleyan Band performed some pieces meritoriously, and the Rev. J. B. Austin amused the juveniles with the comic slides of a magic lantern . . .
"COMPLIMENTARY DINNER TO MESSRS. McELLISTER AND GLYDE", The South Australian Advertiser (13 April 1860), 3
On Wednesday, a complimentary dinner was given at Mr. Scott's, the Governor Macdonnell Hotel, Salisbury,
to Messrs. McEllister and Glyde, the newly elected representatives for the District of Yatala in the ensuing Parliament . . .
Mr. WAUCHOP rose for the purpose of proposing a toast . . . The toast was drunk most enthusiastically.
Song by Mr. Edwards, "Let others sing of ruby wine," &c. . . .
Song, Mr. Edwards - "Britannia the Pride of the Ocean" . . .
Song - Mr. Edwards, "Song of Australia."
MUSIC: Let others sing of ruby wine (John Barnett, from Blanche of Jersey); The red, white, and blue [Britannia the pride of the ocean] (Williams); The song of Australia (by Carl Linger)
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (27 August 1863), 2
Mrs. Wishart's benefit concert was given on Wednesday evening at the Assembly Rooms, and was one of the best which has taken place in Adelaide for a long time. The weather turned out fine; there was a very large attendance, and it would have been larger had not the mail's departure prevented many coming. The room moreover looked very handsome, having lately been painted and decorated under the direction of its owner (Mr. George White). The programme commenced with the overture to the "Dame Blanche," executed very creditably by Mr. Chapman's well-known quadrille band; next followed the glee "May day," which was well received . . . Mr. R. B. White and Mr. Linly Norman next played Benedict and De Beriot's duet for piano and violin on airs from "Sonnambula" . . . After the duet Mr. Edwards sang "The Fire King" very well, and being encored, gave the song "We might be happy still" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Susannah Wishart (vocalist); George and Richard White (father and son; proprietor and violinist); Linly Norman (pianist)
MUSIC: The song of the fire king (words by Mark Lemon)
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (11 September 1863), 2
The Linger Memorial Concert took place in the Assembly Rooms on Thursday evening. The room was very well filled, and the concert went off as well as could have been wished. Many of the pieces performed during the evening would have pleased Linger himself. Mr. Linly Norman presided at the piano forte, and Mr. Compton at the harmonium. Mr. Chapman led the band, and Herr Kunze conducted the Liedertafel. The programme commenced with a Concert Overture by Linger, a very elaborate composition . . . The next piece was a Motett, also by Linger, which, though it was scientific enough to satisfy the most devoted lover of counterpoint, was far too heavy, and Mr. Edward's song which followed was felt to be a relief . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Compton (musician); Carl Julius Kunze (conductor)
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE", The South Australian Advertiser (29 September 1863), 3
The customary quarterly soiree of the South Australian Institute was held in the Adelaide Assembly Room, King William-street, on the evening of Monday, September 28. The night being fine and moon-light there was a very large attendance, the spacious hall being quite crowded, and many being obliged to stand . . . After a ten minutes' interval a selection from the opera of "Lucrezia Borgia" was excellently played by the band; a duet, "The Gipsy Countess," was sung with excellent effect by Mrs. Wishart and Mr. Edwards, and warmly encored; and a waltz from "Il Trovatore" by the band, played with marked precision . . . The closing part of the entertainment comprised a song by Mr. Edwards, "The Slave's dream," very spiritedly rendered; the old familiar duet" What are the wild waves saying," by Mrs. Wishart and Mr. H. F. Price; and an overture of Mozart's, very well executed by the Band . . . The musical arrangements were ably conducted by Mr. Chapman, Mr. Linly Norman most efficiently acting as accompanist.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Francis Price (vocalist)
"LANCASHIRE BELLRINGERS", Adelaide Observer (5 March 1864), 5
This surprising "human-octave," as the Bellringers have been aptly termed, gave another very successful entertainment at White's Rooms on Friday evening [26 February] . . . During the evening Miss Chalker sang some ballads very sweetly, and was twice encored . . . Mr. Linly Norman performed a brilliant pianoforte solo, and Mr. S. Edwards gave several songs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lancashire Bellringers (troupe)
"SALISBURY [Correspondent] July 21", The Adelaide Express (22 July 1864), 3
The soiree on Wednesday night was very successful, and great praise is due to the Committee for their arrangements, the Assembly Rooms being crowded. The lottery of a number of pictures was an evident attraction. After a solo on the harmonium by Mr. Cornish, Mr. Edwards (from Adelaide) sang "Life is a River" in a very effective manner . . . The duet, "All's Well," by Messrs. Cornish and Edwards, received loud applause . . . The first part was then concluded with Mr. Edwards's song, "The Three Ages of Love." The second part commenced with a scene from Shakspeare . . . Mr. Edwards, in the song of "The White Squall," received great applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ebenezer Cornish (musician)
MUSIC: The white squall (Barker)
"SALISBURY [Correspondent] May 6", The South Australian Advertiser (8 May 1865), 3
Last evening the annual soiree of the Salisbury Institute was celebrated. The large Assembly Rooms were crowded. Mr. W. N. Wauchope in the chair. The entertainment commenced with an introduction on the harmonium by Mr. Pounsett, when Mr. S. Edwards sang, in fine style, "The Englishman" . . . The song "We Meet Again," by Mr. Stephens, and duet by Miss Wisdom and Mr. Edwards closed the first part of the entertainment . . . The third part consisted of songs by Messrs. Edwards, Stephens, Simpson, and Miss Wisdom, and a recitation by Mr. Davey . . .
"GENERAL NEWS", The Adelaide Express (10 August 1865), 2
The favorite vocalist, Mrs. Wishart, held a benefit concert at the Temperance Hall, North Adelaide, on Wednesday, August 9. There was a very good, though not a crowded attendance. The proceedings commenced at 8 o'clock with an overture on the piano by Mr. H. Plumstead, which was very well played. The Choral Union, under the direction of Mr. H. Pounsett, followed with the part song, "Dawn of day" . . . A duet "La ci darem," from Don Juan, was capitally given by Mrs. Wishart and Mr. Edwards. The last gentleman then sang "The Sailor's dream of home," in fine style, an for which he was vociferously applauded . . . "Stonewall Jackson," was next so well sung by Mr. Edwards that it was enthusiastically redemanded . . . An amusing duet, "The Singing Lesson," - by Mrs. Wishart and Mr. Edwards, followed, in which Mr. Edwards took the part of the stupid pupil, and Mrs. Wishart that of the teacher. The piece was loudly applauded, and imperatively redemanded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Plumstead (pianist)
"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT", Evening Journal (27 January 1870), 3
A complimentary concert to Mr. S. Edwards was given in White's Room on Wednesday evening, January 26. There was a good attendance in all parts of the home. Mr. Edwards has been favourably known in Adelaide and many country townships for some years past for his musical proclivities. Frequently when vocal effort was called into requisition for charitable purposes he has rendered efficient services. Being about to leave for Victoria, after a 20 years' residence in this colony, it was but fitting that a farewell demonstration for his benefit should be arranged under the auspices of local amateur and professional talent. The appeal was responded to very generally by the musical friends of Mr. Edwards, and in consequence a varied and highly attractive programme was prepared . . . Mr. Edwards's vocal powers were displayed to the greatest advantage in Glover's composition, "The Boatman of the Downs" . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (22 December 1874), 1
EDWARDS. - December 21, at the residence of her son, 34, Oxford-street, Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, formerly of Ipswich, Suffolk, England, the beloved and affectionate mother of Mr. S. N. Edwards and Mr. E. Edwards, Bourke-street, Surry Hills, after a long and painful affliction, aged 76 years. Her end was peace.
"DEATHS", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (7 May 1879), 2
EDWARDS. - May 4, at her residence, 3, Leinster-terrace, Botany-street, Surry Hills, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr. Solomon Edwards, aged 61 years.
"G.P.O. DRAMTIC AND MUSICAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 June 1895), 7
The Government Printing Office Dramatic and Musical Society gave an entertainment at the Royal Standard Theatre last night as a complimentary benefit to Mr. S. N. Edwards, a respected member of their association who is now retiring from the department. The theatre was densely crowded, and the varied programme consisting of domestic drama and farce, divided by a song and dance interlude was received with general enthusiasm . . .
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 November 1897), 1
EDWARDS. - November 8, 1897, at his residence, 39 Nickson-street, Surry Hills, Nicholas Solomon Edwards, late Government Printing Office, beloved husband of Annie Edwards, after a long and painful illness, aged 77 years.
Other sources:
Nicholas Solomon Edwards, diary of a voyage to Port Adelaide, South Australia, aboard the Arabian, 22 December 1849 to 14 May 1850; State Library of NSW, MLMSS 4906
Bibliography and resources:
Solomon Nicholas Edwards, Find a grave
EDWARDS, William Povall (William Povall EDWARDS; W. P. EDWARDS; Mr. EDWARDS)
Musician, bass vocalist, publican, hotel keeper, post master, ? farmer
? Born Lapley (Staffordshire), England, 1807; baptised Lapley, 16 November 1807; son of John EDWARDS and Christiana ?
Active Adelaide, SA, 1840-41
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), November 1842
Active Fingal, VDL (TAS), 1843-45
Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 7 February 1846 (passenger per Gilbert Henderson, for London)
? Married Susanna HALL, Morville, Shropshire, 15 July 1857
? Died Garmston, Leighton, Salop (Shropshire), England, 28 March 1861, aged "53" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Edwards is perhaps identifiable as the William Povall Edwards, son of John and Christiana Edwards, baptised at Lapley, Stafford, England, on 16 November 1807.
Edwards was briefly active in South Australia, as a hotelier and semi-professional vocalist, in 1840-41, promoting several concerts with George Bennett, as well as singing songs and glees at public dinners, notably for local figures associated with the South Australia Company, including Edward John Eyre and David McLaren.
He is perhaps the Edwards who arrived in Hobart Town from Adelaide, on the Marys, on 14 May 1842. He was certainly in Hobart Town in November 1842, when he appeared in the St. Cecilia's day oratorio at St. Joseph's church. He was appointed postmaster at Fingal, in the north east of the island, in July 1843, and held the post until the beginning of 1846. He last appeared in public, as soloist for the Hobart Town Choral Society in February 1846, immediately before sailing for London.
Edwards's repertoire of solo songs included Handel's Arm, arm ye brave (from Judas Maccabaeus); Neukomm's Ye mariners of England and The land; Callcott's The last man and Friend of the brave; and Lover's Molly Carew (Lover).
? Baptisms, All Saints, Lapley, 1807; Staffordshire Baptisms, D3082/1/3 (PAYWALL)
[1807] 16 Nov. 16 / William Povall son of John and Christiana Edwards, Toetsy Bank
Adelaide, SA (1840-42):
[Advertisement], Adelaide Chronicle and South Australian Advertiser (18 February 1840), 2
CONCERT - at Mr. SOLOMON'S Rooms, in Currie-street.
Programme of Messrs. PLATTS and BENNETT's Concert, Wednesday Evening, 19th instant: -
Part First.
OVERTURE - "Samson" - Handel.
GLEE - A LADY; Messrs. EWENS, BENNETT and EDWARDS, "Here in cool grot." - Mornington.
SONG - Mr. EDWARDS, "Mariners of England - Neukomm.
SOLO - Violin, Mr. BENNETT - Mori.
DUETTO - A LADY and Mr. PLATTS, - "E fia Fer" - Mercadante.
GLEE - A LADY, Messrs. EWENS and PLATTS, "The Wreath." - Mazzinghi.
OVERTURE - "Henry the Fourth." - Martini.
Part Second.
OVERTURE - "Men of Prometheus." - Beethoven.
ROUND - A LADY, Messrs. EWENS, PLATTS and EDWARDS, "Yes, 'tis the Indian drum" - Bishop.
SONG - Mr. EWENS, "Maiden, I will ne'er." - Rodwell.
DUETT CONCERTANTE - Violin and Piano, Messrs. PLATTS and BENNETT, "Air from Zelmira" - Herz & Lafont.
CATCH - Messrs. EWENS, PLATTS, BENNETT, and EDWARDS, "Would you know." - Webbe.
FINALE - "God save the Queen."
Tickets, 7s. each, to be hail at the newspaper offices, and of Messrs. Platts and Bennett, Crippen-street, near the church.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emanuel Solomon (proprietor); "A LADY" = Caroline Elliot (vocalist); Charles Platts (musician); George Bennett (musician); William Ewens (vocalist)
"FIRST PROFESSIONAL CONCERT", South Australian Register (22 February 1840), 4
The first professional concert given in Adelaide on Thursday night was so successful, and so numerously attended by the most respectable inhabitants, that we confidently look forward to an early repetition of the attempt. Making due allowance for the embarrassment of first appearances, we can conscientiously say that the whole affair was worthy of most, and superior to many, similar entertainments which are "got up" in the provincial towns of England, boasting of a population double that of Adelaide . . . Mr. Edwards gave Neukomm's "Mariners of England" with much vigour, and he afterwards introduced another very beautiful song, well suited to his superb voice, in which he was rapturously encored. Lord Mornington's celebrated glee "Here in cool grot," and Webbe's catch "Would you know" gave very general pleasure, although we thought they might have been done greater justice to had the singers possessed the advantage of a little more practice and a better knowledge of each other's powers. Upon the whole, however, the concert was a good one, and such as we would willingly, and as we earnestly hope to see, in Adelaide for the future at no distant intervals.
[Advertisement], Southern Australian (11 September 1840), 1
Edwards' Hotel & Boarding House, Stephens Place.
W. P. EDWARDS feels grateful to the inhabitants of Adelaide for the very liberal support he has received in taking the above concern,
at the same time he hopes by strict attention to receive a continuance of their favours.
Gentlemen newly arrived in the colony will find every attention paid to their comfort, combined with moderate charges.
An Ordinary at four every day. Wine of the best quality. Also well aired Beds.
"DINNER TO DAVID McLAREN, ESQ.", South Australian Register (2 January 1841), 3
MR. McLAREN, for four years Colonial Manager of the affairs of the South Australian Company, being about to return to England,
a numerous body of the colonists addressed a requisition to him, that he would accept of a public dinner as a testimonial of their good-will ere he left the colony . . .
and it was fixed that the dinner should take place on Thursday, the 31st December . . .
The dinner, furnished by Mr. Edwards, of Stephens-place . . .
At one end of the room an orchestra was fitted up. Mr. George Bennett was conductor of the music, and Mr. Edwards, Mr. Ewens,
and two or three others, lent their able assistance. The music, songs, glees, &c., were executed in such a manner that several of them were rapturously encored.
About one hundred and twenty gentlemen sat down to dinner . . .
After removal of the cloth, "Non nobis Domine" was sung in fine style by Messrs. George Bennett, Edwards, and Ewens . . .
The Chairman proposed the health of the Queen . . . "God Save the Queen" was then sung in very splendid style by the above-named gentlemen, and an additional verse was contributed by one of the stewards . . .
The Chairman then gave the Queen Dowager and all the Royal Family.
Glee - "With a jolly full bottle" . . .
Glee - "By Celia's arbour" . . . Glee - "Mynheer Van Dunk."
Mr. McLaren then proposed - Continued prosperity to South Australia . . .
Song - "The Land," - by Mr. Edwards . . .
Mr. Newland begged to propose a toast . . . Mrs. Gawler and the Ladies of South Australia . . .
Mr. Hall begged, in the name of Mrs. Gawler, to return thanks . . . Song - "The Holly's the tree" - Mr. Edwards . . .
Mr. William Smillie proposed success to the South Australian Company,
Glee - "Willie brew'd a peck o'maut," - Messrs. Edwards, Ewen, and Bennett . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: David McLaren (guest of honour); South Australian Company (association)
MUSIC: The land (Neukomm)
See also "CONCERT", Southern Australian (5 January 1841), 3
We have just been informed that the Stewards of the entertainment given last week to Mr. McLaren, having a balance of cash in hand, have, very gallantly, determined to allow the ladies to enjoy the pleasure of hearing the musical talent that was assembled upon that occasion, by devoting the amount to a free evening Concert, to be held in the Company's Rooms, Rundle Street, to-morrow (Wednesday) evening, at seven o'clock precisely . . .
And "THE CONCERT", Southern Australian (12 January 1841), 1 supplement
On Thursday evening last, a concert was held in the Company's buildings, Rundle-street, the expenses of which were defrayed out of the surplus which remained in the hands of the stewards of the McLaren dinner. It was attended by the elite of Adelaide, and every thing we understand went off well.
"OPENING DINNER", Adelaide Chronicle and South Australian Literary Record (20 January 1841), 3
On Monday evening, Mr. Francis Mitchell gave his opening dinner at John o'Groat's house . . . After the removal of the cloth the usual toasts were gone through, and "Success to John o'Groat's House" coupled with the health of the landlord, Mr. Mitchell, was most enthusiastically received. Other toasts followed; several songs were sung in fine style by Mr. Edwards, Mr. Mitchell, and others; and altogether, the evening's enjoyment was such as to give the utmost satisfaction to every one present. The company broke up at an early hour.
[Advertisement], Southern Australian (9 February 1841), 1 supplement
BEG respectfully to inform the Gentry and Public of Adelaide and its vicinity, that their
CONCERT will take place in the large room in the South Australian Company's Building, Rundle-street, on
WEDNESDAY, February 10, 1841. The principal Performers will be -
No pains will be spared to render the Orchestra as complete as possible.
Tickets, six shillings each, may be obtained at EDWARDS' Hotel, Stephens Place;
WATERLOO HOUSE, Hindley-street ; and DINHAM & HARVEY'S, Rundle-street.
the Doors will be opened at half past Seven o'clock; and the Performance will commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
The Programme will be given at the room. Stephens Place, Feb. 3, 1841.
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline and Henry Elliot (musicians); Philip Lee (musician)
"ST. PATRICK'S DAY", South Australian Register (20 March 1841), 3
The anniversary of the "Saint of the Green Isle" was celebrated with all due honor by a numerous and respectable party on Wednesday last - George S. Kingston, Esq., in the chair - Dr. O'Hea, croupier. The dinner and wines were provided by Fordham, and we need not say they were both excellent. The meeting was enlivened by numerous speeches and toasts. Mr. Edwards, whose vocal powers are so well known, sung beautifully several of Moore's favorite melodies; and an original duett between an English and a Scotch visitor afforded considerable amusement.
"ADDRESS TO GOVERNOR GAWLER, PRESENTED MARCH 23, 1841", Southern Australian (23 March 1841), 1 supplement
[Signed] . . . William Povall Edwards . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Gawler (governor)
"QUEEN'S THEATRE. BENEFIT OF MR. LAZAR", South Australian Register (8 May 1841), 3
The season of this theatre is now drawing towards a close, and the various artists connected with the establishment seek to repay their exertions by the usual means of benefits. Mr. Lazar, the respected manager, takes the first on Monday next . . . Mr. Edwards and a gentleman amateur, we observe, are to render their powerful vocal assistance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, manager); Queen's Theatre (Adelaide venue)
"QUEEN’S THEATRE", Adelaide Chronicle and South Australian Literary Record (12 May 1841), 3
As we anticipated, Lazar's benefit, on Monday night drew a crowded house . . . Between the pieces Mr. Edwards sung "The Land," with more than usual effect. A song from Edwards is something worth hearing at any time; but on Monday evening the treat was even richer than usual. Another gentleman sung the "Horn of Chase" tolerably; but was evidently not at home on the boards . . .
[Notice], The South Australian Government Gazette (13 May 1841), 3 (DIGITISED)
[Signed] . . . William Povall Edwards, Stephens place, hotel keeper . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian (13 August 1841), 1
Under the immediate Patronage of His Excellency the Governor.
MESSRS. EDWARDS AND BENNET Beg to announce their intention of giving a
CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC, In the large Room of the South Australian Company's buildings, Rundle-street.
ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1841.
Principal Performers: Mrs. ELLIOT, and a Lady Amateur.
Messrs. EDWARDS, EWENS, LEE, POOLE, ELLIOT, and BENNETT, assisted by Gentlemen Amateurs.
RECITATIVE & AIR - Mr. Edwards - Arm, Arm, ye Brave - HANDEL.
QUARTETT - Mrs. Elliot, Messrs. Edwards, Ewens, and Poole - Thou art gone to the Grave - GREATOREX.
AIR - Mr. Ewens - I know that my Redeemer liveth - HANDEL.
RECITATIVE & AIR - Mrs. Elliot - Comfort ye - HANDEL.
CHORUS - And the Glory - HANDEL.
RECITATIVE & AIR - Lady Amateur - With Verdure Clad - HAYDN.
ANTHEM - Lady Amateur and Mr. Ewens - Hear my Prayer - KENT.
SONG - Mr. Edwards - The Last Man - CALLCOTT.
TRIO - Messrs. Edwards, Ewens, & Bennett - Disdainful of Danger - HANDEL.
GRAND CHORUS - The Heavens are telling - HAYDN.
Tickets, 7s 6d. each, or Family Tickets to admit three, 21s. each. To be had at Edwards' Hotel, Stephens' Place.
The Concert will commence precisely at Eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Poole (musician)
MUSIC: Arm, arm ye brave (Handel, from Judas Maccabaeus); The last man (Callcott)
"MESSRS. EDWARDS AND BENNETT'S CONCERT", Southern Australian (17 August 1841), 3
THE Concert of Sacred Music on Friday last passed off much to the satisfaction of all the parties who, attended. Without noticing particularly the execution of the several performers, we cannot pass over that of Mr. Edwards in "The last Man," which certainly did that gentleman the highest credit, and which was received with great applause. Owing to the unfavorable state of the weather, the number in attendance was limited, not exceeding seventy or eighty individuals, the greater part of whom, however, were ladies, and in full dress. Under these circumstances, the concert could hardly have been sufficiently remunerative, considering the unavoidable expenses and exertions in getting it up. Messrs. Edwards and Bennett, we understand, intend to give a concert of Miscellaneous Music in about a fortnight, at the same place, on which occasion they hope to be favored with better weather and a larger attendance.
"THE CONCERT", South Australian Register (21 August 1841), 3
The attendance at Messrs. Edwards and Bennett's Concert on Friday night,
notwithstanding the rain and wind, was such as to presage decided success to their future efforts.
The performance would have done no discredit to any provincial town in England.
To individualise a few would be to do injustice to the many;
we therefore content ourselves with a just, warm, and unqualified commendation of the performers generally.
We trust that the lovers of music in Adelaide will support these concerts (for this was the first of a series), as they undoubtedly deserve - Independent.
[We regret extremely that the state of the weather and distance from the Concert Room prevented our attendance on the occasion.
It is much to be desired that the taste for music which has been so creditably exhibited in Adelaide should be fostered by every useful means;
and we trust Messrs. Edwards and Bennett will meet with sufficient encouragement to enable them to carry through the series of concerts they propose.
In the present state of the streets of Adelaide, moonlight evenings, we think, are indispensable to a full attendance.] - Editors.
"THE PUBLIC DINNER TO EDWARD JOHN EYRE, ESQ.", Southern Australian (27 August 1841), 2
LAST evening, a public dinner was given to Edward John Eyre, Esq., the enterprising explorer into the interior of Australia,
by the colonists of South Australia, in the South Australian Company's Buildings, Rundle-street, in commemoration of his return from his late important and disinterested expedition . . .
The dinner was in Mr. Edwards' first-rate style, and the wines of the very best quality.
Music was provided, and Messrs. Edwards, Bennett, Ewens, and Hayward, did their very best to entertain the company after the various toasts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward John Eyre (guest of honour);
Thomas Harward [sic] (vocalist);
see also "DINNER TO MR. EYRE", Adelaide Independent and Cabinet of Amusement (2 September 1841), 1-2
[Advertisement], Adelaide Chronicle and South Australian Literary Record (29 September 1841), 2
MESSRS. EDWARDS AND BENNETT beg to announce their intention of giving a Concert of Miscellaneous Music
on Thursday next, the 30th instant, in the Large Room of the South Australian Company's New Buildings, Rundle-street.
DUET - Messrs. Edwards & Ewens - I PURITANI — Sound the trumpet boldly - BELLINI.
DUET - Violin & Violoncello - Messrs. Bennett and Poole - REINGALE.
SONG - Lady Amateur - When crowned with Summer Roses - HOBBS.
GRAND VARIATIONS - Flute - On Malbrook - Gent. Amateur - BUCHER.
SONG - Mr. Edwards - Friend of the brave - CALLCOTT.
GLEE - A Lady, Messrs. Edwards, Ewens and Poole - If this delicious grateful Flower - HAWES.
PART II. GRAND TRIO - Piano, Violin, and Violoncello - A Lady, Messrs. Bennett and Poole - HUMMELL.
SONG - Mr. Ewens - The Land of the West - LOVER.
GRAND DIVERTIMENTO - Violoncello - Mr. Poole - MAYESDER.
POLACCA - I Puritani - A Lady - Son Virgin - BELLINI.
SONG - Mr. Edwards - Ye Mariners of England - NEWSOMM [Neukomm].
DUET - A Lady and Mr. Ewens - The Butterfly - SALE.
FINALE - God save the Queen.
The Concert will commence precisely at 6 o'clock.
Tickets 6s each - to be had at Edward's Hotel, Stephens-place.
ASSOCIATIONS: Friend of the brave (Callcott)
"ST. ANDREW'S DAY", Adelaide Chronicle and South Australian Literary Record (1 December 1841), 2
YESTERDAY, being St. Andrew's Day, was celebrated by the Scottish portion of the community by a public dinner.
The dinner took place in the new Music Saloon, adjoining the Sportsman's Inn, in Gouger-street . . .
The following gentlemen sat down to dinner: - Birrell, Andrew . . . Edwards, Wm. . . . Ewens, Wm. . . . Hamilton, Rt. . . Wotherspoone, J. . . .
Mr. Murray again rose and said he had a toast to propose, namely - "The Agricultural and Pastoral Interests of South Australia" . . .
Song - "The Land," by Mr. Edwards . . .
Some good songs were sung during the evening by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Birrel, and Mr. Wotherspoon.
Messrs. Edwards and Bennet also sung a few glees with great effect.
Hobart and Fingal, VDL (TAS) (1842-46):
? "SHIP NEWS", Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (17 May 1842), 2
MAY 14. - Arrived the schooner Marys, 61 tons, Clinch master, from Port Adelaide 4th inst., with sundries. Passengers - Mr. Edwards . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (22 November 1842), 2
THE Public is most respectfully informed that a Grand Selection of
SACRED MUSIC, from the works of Handel, Haydn, Pergolesi, &c., &c. . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture to St. Paul - Mendleshonn.
Solo and Chorus - "Sound the loud timbrel" Solo, Mrs. Clarke . . .
Scena - "The last man" - Mr. Edwards . . .
Pianists - Mrs. CURTIS and Mr. RUSSELL.
Leader, Mr. LEFFLER. Director, Mr. J. HOWSON . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Clarke (vocalist, theatrical manager); Emma Curtis (pianist); William Wilkins Russell (pianist); Edmund Leffler (leader); John Howson (conductor); St. Joseph's church (Hobart)
"LOCAL", The Courier (25 November 1842), 2
On the preceding evening (Tuesday,) about three hundred persons assembled at the Catholic Chapel, in Macquarie-street, for the purpose of hearing the Oratorio, which had been gratuitously undertaken by the professional talent of the town in aid of the funds for that building . . . Besides the vocal powers of Mrs. Clarke's company, appeared a Mr. Edwards, in the fine musical production entitled "The last Man." This gentleman, though possessing a good bass voice, is evidently deficient in the theory of the art. Replete with recitatives and bold transitions as is the piece selected for his debut, Mr. Edwards allotted to himself a task beyond his means of accomplishment, and (determined that he should have the music as well as the world to himself,) by bidding adieu to the accompaniment, exposed the foible which characterises his attempts of pieces so elaborate, viz., a want of cultivation, destroying the merits of a naturally good voice . . .
"THE ORATORIO", Colonial Times (29 November 1842), 3
On Tuesday evening last above two hundred persons assembled in St. Joseph's Church, Macquarie-street, for the purpose of hearing the Oratorio. We were sorry to perceive so many vacant seats, and could not help mentally inquiring how it was that several most respectable and wealthy of the Catholic body were absent on such an occasion; the majority of the audience were Protestants, and the receipts amounted to between £70 and £80. The pieces selected shewed great taste and judgment, and were upon the whole very fairly performed. When the services of performers are gratuitously given, we ought not to be too hypercritical, we were, therefore, sorry to read in a contemporary of Friday a critique upon Mr. Edwards, who sung the beautiful piece of "the last man" in a style that gave the utmost gratification to all present; the critique betrays evident jealousy and envy, the former as we understand the critic considers "the last man" a sort of forte of his own, and the latter, as he much lacks that of which Mr. Edwards is so liberally possessed, viz., A GOOD VOICE.
"THE GAZETTE. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. No. 166", The Courier [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (14 July 1843), 2
Colonial-Secretary's Office, 7th July, 1843.
The Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to approve of Mr. W. P. Edwards being appointed Postmaster at Fingal,
in the room of Mr. George Cuppaidge, resigned . . .
"CONCERT", Colonial Times (6 February 1846), 3
A miscellaneous concert, "in aid of the funds of the Choral Society," was given last evening in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, but, owing to the shortness of the notice, the hall was not so crowded as we should have liked to have seen it; nevertheless, there was a very genteel audience, the fair sex sweetly predominating. In the orchestra were the "old familiar faces," both vocal and instrumental . . . Amongst the vocalists, we recognised Messrs. McGregor, Allen, and Madame Gautrot; and Mr. Edwards, well known to many of us, highly gratified the audience by his singing generally, and especially by his execution of the fine bass song, "Friend of the Brave." . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John McGregor (vocalist); Edward Allen (vocalist); Madame Gautrot (vocalist); Hobart Town Choral Society (association); Mechanics' Institute (Hobart venue)
"CHORAL SOCIETY", The Observer [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (10 February 1846), 3
A Concert, in aid of the funds of this society, took place on Thursday evening, in the Lecture-hall of the Mechanics' Institute. About sixty persons were present, and it is not surprising that there were so few, as only two days' notice was given of the Concert. The performance was good, opening with the Overture to De la Caravanne, which was played with spirit and in good time. The burthen of the entertainment was thrown on Mr. Edwards, who has sailed for England in the Gilbert Henderson, whose masterly performance of "Friend of the Brave" and "The Land" gained him deserved applause . . .
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Courier (11 February 1846), 2
This was a Concert worthy of the name. We have no hesitation in asserting that it has had no equal in Hobart Town, and, in the absence of Mr. Edwards, is not very soon likely to be equalled again . . . In the songs, Mr. Edwards well earned the palm which there were none to contest. With considerable compass and fullness of voice, there was a pervading mellowness of tone and a degree of pliancy and management which even in lands richer in the resources of musical talent, we have not often heard surpassed. His "Molly Carew," admirably given in the appropriate serio-comic style, and "The Land," were rapturously encored. It is much to be regretted that the society cannot longer avail itself of his valuable assistance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Molly Carew (Lover)
"SHIPPING NEWS", The Courier (11 February 1846), 2
7 - Sailed the bark Gilbert Henderson., 517 tons, Tweedie, for London, with oil and bone-passengers . . . Mr. Edwards . . .
England (from 1846):
? Shrewsbury Chronicle [England] (24 July 1857), 4 (PAYWALL)
15th inst., at the parish church of Morville, in this county, the Rev. G. L. Wasey, assisted the Rev. Woodward, William Povall Edwards, Esq., of Garmston, Wellington, to Susanna, only daughter of the late Julian Gartner Hall, Esq., M.D., of Bridgnorth.
A complimentary dinner, in celebration of the above auspicious event, tank place the Grove Inn, yesterday . . .
The chair was taken by Mr. Daniel Everall, and the vice chair by Mr. Richard J. Bassett, and Mr. W. Povall Edwards, Garmston . . .
The Chairman gave the usual loyal toasts . . . Song by Mr. Edwards - "Our country Queen" . . .
Song by Mr. Edwards - "The land" . . .
? Burials in the parish of Leighton in the county of Salop in the year 1861; register 1813-1900, page 68; Shropshire Burials, P159/A/4/1 (PAYWALL)
No. 541 / William Poval Edwards / Garmston / [buried] April 1st / 53 years . . .
? "DEATHS", Shropshire News (4 April 1861), 3 (PAYWALL)
28th March, at Garmston, in the 53rd year of his age, Mr. William Povall Edwards; most deeply regretted.
? England, national probate calendar, 1863 (PAYWALL)
EDWARDS William Povall / Effected under £1,500. / 20 January [1863]
The Will of William Povall Edwards late of Garmston in the Parish of Leighton in the County of Salop Farmer deceased
who died 28 March 1861 at Garmston aforesaid was proved at Shrewsbury by the oath of
Susanna Edwards of Garmston aforesaid Widow the Relict the sole Executirx.
EGERTON, Grace (Grace EGERTON) = Mrs. George CASE
EGLINGTON, Charles (Charles EGLINGTON; Charles EGLINTON [sic])
Vocalist, tenor vocalist
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (10 July 1857), 3
MR. COLEMAN JACOBS' Vocal Entertainment, on which occasion Mr. Charles Eglington, the eminent tenor, will make his first appearance.
BATH'S HOTEL - CHARLES EGLINGTON, Pupil of SIMS REEVES, will have the honor of making his first appearance this evening, at Coleman Jacobs' Concert. Tickets at Bath's Hotel.
BATH'S HOTEL. - The eminent Tenor Singer, CHARLES EGLINGTON; just arrived from Europe, will sing several Choice Songs, this evening (his first Appearance in this country), at Coleman Jacobs' Concert.
ASSOCIATIONS: Coleman Jacobs (pianist); Sims Reeves (British vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Star (18 July 1857), 3
John o'Groat Concert Room. CONCERT.
MR. FARLEY HAS much pleasure in announcing that he has secured, at considerable expense, the services of
MISS STEWART, The favorite Soprano, and
MR. CHARLES EGLINTON, The admired Tenor, (pupil of Sims Reeves),
who will have the honor of making their first appearance on
this evening (Saturday, 18th July), in a CONCERT, and will sing, for the first time in this Colony, several Duets, Songs, and Scenas.
Several Amateurs have kindly given their services for this occasion, to assist in the production of Glees, Madrigals, &c.
The proprietor having expended a large sum in fitting out the above place of amusement with elegance and comfort,
respectfully hopes to meet with the patronage and support of the music-loving inhabitants of Ballarat.
Admission 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Stewart (vocalist)
"THE CONCERTS AT THE JOHN O'GROAT HOTEL", The Star (18 July 1857), 3
Shilling concerts, for a long time so popular and so largely patronised by the people in London and some of the large provincial towns in England, are to have a trial, it appears, on Ballarat. Mr. Farley, with an enterprise and good taste, deserving of commendation, has abandoned the "free and easy," and substituted a shilling concert in the long-room of his hotel. Miss Stewart, a highly accomplished artiste, whose occasional efforts during the past week have served to gain her many admirers, is to be the leading soprano, and Mr. Charles Eglinton (a pupil of Sims Reeves) the principal tenor. The music will consist of some of the choicest morceaux of the British and Italian masters, and to give effect to a series of glees, madrigass [sic, madrigals], and catches, several talented amateurs have volunteered their services. The first concert will be held this evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Shilling concerts (general)
? Names and descriptions of passengers per Lady Bird from Melbourne, 15 May 1860, for Adelaide; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Chas. Eglington / 37 . . .
Musician, violinist, conductor, composer
Born Versailles, France, 5 August 1816, son of Philippe Antoine EIGENSCHENCK (1767-1844) and Marie Valburg BALTHASAR (d. 1866)
Married (1) Elphege BERNARD (d. 4 December 1847), Orléans, France, 17 June 1839
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 16 August 1855 (per Fanny Major, from San Francisco, 6 June)
Married (2) Emelia DOUGLASS (Mrs. CROSBY), Scots Church, Sydney, NSW, 8 December 1859
Active New Zealand, by August 1867 until September 1869 (for Melbourne)
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 19 March 1880, aged "63" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Charles Henry Marie Eigenschenck was a son of the musician Philippe Antoine Eigenschenck (b. 5 February 1767, Saint-Germain en Laye, Paris; d. Versailles, 11 December 1844) and Marie Walburg de Balthasar (d. 1866).
His father had served as a violinist in the Chapel Royal at Versailles from as young as the age of 13, c. 1780 (see here in 1785), and was later music master to the pages in the king's household (see here in 1822).
Eigenschenck, père, was listed as an "ancien professeur de musique" in the directory of the Collége Royal de Versailles for 1845, though in fact he had died the previous December. Charles's elder brother, Joseph (1806-1886) succeeded to his father's posts (see here also in 1850).
Charles Eigenschenck married Elphege Bernard at Orléans, in 1839. She died there in 1847.
In 1846-47, he was enrolled as a member of the Association des artistes musiciens, and continued on the organisation's registers until 1850.
He evidently left France in mid 1850, and arrived in New York in the autumn, as orchestral leader with the Franck dance troupe from Paris. The company, of which Celestine Franck (previously of the Paris Opéra) and her sister Victorine were principal artists and Leon Espinosa an associate, appeared first at the Astor Place Opera House on 23 September. They then toured to Boston, Philadelphia, New Orleans, and, by April 1851, St. Louis. The company gave a short return season in New York in December 1851, before returning to France, though Espinosa stayed on in America, as so too did Eigenschenck.
He was in California by mid 1853, appearing in Sacramento, having been engaged as leader of the orchestra for Lola Montez's season.
Eigenschenck arrived in Sydney, from San Francisco, in August 1855, as musical director to Montez's touring company, which also included the eminent London theatrical vocalist Harriet Cawse Fiddes and her daughters, and the comedian and manager James Simmonds.
After Montez's short season at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, he continued as her musical director in Melbourne and Adelaide, before probably parting company with her in Ballarat in autumn 1857. By July he was back in Sydney in his own right, as leader of John Winterbottom's orchestra at the newly opened Lyceum Theatre. By December 1856, he and Winterbottom had transferred to the Royal Victoria Theatre for the summer season. During the winter season in 1857, with Alfred Usher as co-leader, they divided their time between popular drama at the Lyceum, and Anna Bishop's opera company at the Royal Victoria, under the musical direction of George Loder.
In May 1858, in concert with Miska Hauser and the brothers John and Edward Deane he played Haydn's Emperor quartet. In 1859, first under Lewis Lavenu, and later under Charles Packer, he was orchestra leader at the Prince of Wales Theatre, and conducted Ernani there in August.
He married his second wife, the actor Emelia Crosby, widow of Montez's former manager, James Crosby, at Scots Church, Sydney, on 8 December 1859. She continued to appear professionally as Mrs. Crosby.
He was leading the orchestra at the Victoria Theatre and Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney, and for the Lyster Opera Company, at various times from 1862 and until 1866.
Thereafter, he spent two years, from mid 1867, as leader of the theatre orchestra at the prosperous port town of Hokitika, on the west coast of New Zealand.
Despite advertising, toward the end of his first year there, the sale of his extensive library and house, preparatory to leaving for Europe, probably as a result of having received new of his mother's death (in 1866), he and his wife stayed on in Hokitika until the spring of 1869, ultimately leaving not for Europe, but for Melbourne.
He returned at least once more to New Zealand, in late 1872, early 1873, as orchestra leader with the Lyster-Cagli opera troupe.
In February 1880, his "very old violin, dark brown, varnish worn off back and belly, ebony chin rest on left-hand side of belly with sphinx head. Value £100" was stolen at the theatre, probably an 18th-century French instrument. He died at home, a month later, in Fitzroy, aged 63.
Actes de naissances, Versailles, Charles Henry Marie Eigenschenck, 1816; Archives communales de Versailles (DIGITISED)
N. 475 / Eigenschenck Charles Henry Marie / [born] [5 August 1816] . . .
fils de sieru Philippe Antoine Eigenschenck, ancien musicien du Roi . . rue d'Anjou No. 80
et dame Marie Valdburg Josephine Louise Jeanne Batiste Elizabeth Bonne Balthazar . . .
Acte de décès, Philippe Antoine Eigenschenck, 1844; Archives communales de Versailles (DIGITISED)
[Died 11 December 1844, Versailles] [born c. 1767, St. Germain en Laye, Seine-et-Oise]
Acte de décès, Elphige Bernard, 1847; Archives communales de Versailles (DIGITISED)
931 / Bernard, Alphege Adelaïde Victorine Adrienne / [died] [14 December 1847] à Versailles, rue de l'orangerie, no. 33,
[spouse] de S'r Charles Henri Marie Eigenschenck, professeur de musique, [age] de quarante deux ans [sic, 32] . . .
Annuaire de l'Association des artistes musiciens . . . 1850 (Paris: L'Association, 1850), 105 (DIGITISED)
1746 - EIGNESCHNECK (Charles-Henri-Marie) // 1747 - EIGENSCHENCK ELPHÈGE (Adélaide)
California, USA (c. 1853-55):
[Advertisement], Sacramento Daily Union [California, USA] (4 July 1853), 2
MLLE. LOLA MONTEZ, Begs leave to announce to the public of Sacramento that she will give a limited number of Concerts at the Sacramento Theatre,
commencing on Tuesday Evening, July 5th.
She has secured the services of the celebrated violinist, MISKA HAUSER,
and also MONSIEUR CHARLES CHERAL, whose wonderful performance on the Piano Russe, (a new instrument,) has excited the greatest admiration.
MONS. CHARLES EIGENSCHENCK, A violinist, who has recently arrived in this country will also assist on the occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lola Montez (dancer, actor); Miska Hauser (violinist)
"LOLA AT MARYSVILLE", San Joaquin Republican [CA, USA] (23 July 1853), 2
The second concert of Lola Montez on Monday evening at Marysville, says the Express, was well attended. Everything passed off very pleasantly. After the performance, "The Countess" was vociferously called for, and on appearing, in a very neat speech returned her thanks for her flattering reception, informed the audience that she had expected that Mr. Miska Hauser would also have appeared, as she had engaged him to accompany her in her tour through the mines, but that Mr. Miska Hauser, who had never done anything for himself but what he had done through Lola Montez, was so flattered by his reception that he had left, and that Mons. Charles Eigenschenck from the Musical Conservatoire of Paris had appeared in his place; and that at some future day when she would write an account of her travels in the English and French papers, she would not forget Marysville and her generous gentlemen. They go from here to Grass Valley and Nevada.
"CONCERT HALL", Sacramento Daily Union (6 August 1853), 2
One of the most decidedly pleasant resorts in the city, to the lover of excellent music, is the Concert Hall of Mr. F. A. Miller & Co., on Second street, between K and L. Among the distinguished performers whom it was our pleasure to listen to there an evening or two ago, were Monsieurs Chenal, Eigenschenck, Miller, and others, who performed alternately on the flute, violin, piano, guitar, clarionet, and bugle . . .
[News], Marysville Daily Herald [CA, USA] (24 October 1853), 2
The Roussets left for Marysville yesterday. Our up-river friends will be treated to some of the choicest dancing imaginable . . . The lovers of good music will enjoy a rich feast, as the troupe are accompanied by Mons. Eigenschenck, (as leader of the orchestra,) one of the most celebrated and accomplished musicians of the day. - State Journal.
Australia (from 16 August 1855):
"SHIPPING", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (17 August 1855), 4
August 16 - Fanny Major, American barque, 226 tons, Captain Hays, from San Francisco June 6, and Navigators Islands June 17. Passengers - Madame Lola Montez, Mrs. Fiddes, Misses Fiddes (2) . . . Messrs. Folland, James Simmonds, F. Jones, Napthali [sic], Daniels, Hardinsank [sic] . . . and 8 in the steerage. Wilkinson, Brothers, and Co., agents.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Fiddes (vocalist) and daughters; Frank Folland (actor); James Simmonds (actor, manager); Benjamin Napthali Jones (actor); George Washington Daniels (actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1855), 4
CAPTAIN W. L. HAYS. ESTEEMED Sir,- We, the undersigned, passengers on board the barque Fanny Major,
desire to express to you our appreciation of your uniform kindness to us during our voyage from San Francisco to Sydney . . .
(Signed) Marie De Lindsfeld Heald "Lola Montez"; Patrick Dolan and lady, Catherine Dolan; Harriett Fiddes;
Josephine M. Fiddes; Harriett F. Fiddes; B. Napthali; W. H. Drevar; G. W. Daniels; Esther M. Spangenberg; James Simmonds;
F. Jones; Fred. Folland; Charles Eigenschenck.
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (23 August 1855), 4
the performances will commence with a New and Original Drama in five Eras, entitled LOLA MONTEZ IN BAVARIA.
Baron Newsbaumer, Mr. C. Jones [sic, B. Jones]; Baron Von Poppenheim, Mr. Folland;
Lola Montez; Countess of Lansfield, Mdlle. Lola Montez; Princess Vichillini, Miss Josephine Fiddes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue); Andrew Torning (lessee, manager); the above was the first Sydney performance by Montez and company, including Eigenschenck, although not named, but see below
List of passengers who have left the port of Sydney on 8 September 1855 on board the Waratah for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. and Mrs. Crosby / 35 / 30 / Lady & Gentleman . . .
Madame Lola Montes / 36 / Lady . . .
Mr. Folland / 30 / Gentleman
Mr. Agunshem [sic] / 32 / Gentleman . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Times [SA] (24 November 1855), 2
Friday, November 23 - The screw - steamer Havilah, 377 tons, Lowrie, from Melbourne the 21st November . . . Passengers - Madame Lola Montes and servant, Mr. and Mrs. Crosby . . . Messrs. . . . Eigenschank, Folland . . . Jackson . . . in the cabin . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James and Emilia Crosby (manager and actor); Harry Jackson (actor)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times [SA] (26 November 1855), 1
VICTORIA THEATRE. Sole Lessee and Manager - Mr. J. H. QUINN. Stage Director Mr. J. H. VINSON.
Engagement, for a few nights only of the world-renowned artiste LOLA MONTES . . .
assisted by the principal members of her Talented Troupe -
Mr. F. FOLLAND "The popular Light Comedian;"
Mr. HARRY JACKSON, "The talented Low Comedian;"
Mrs. CROSBY, from the Victoria Theatre, Sydney.
Musical Director to Mad. Montes, M. Charles Eganschank [sic].
This evening, Monday, Nov. 26, 1855 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Henry Quinn (manager); James Hetters Vinson (actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . CLEARED OUT", Adelaide Times (15 December 1855), 2
Friday, December 14 - The steamer Havilah, 337 tons, Lowrie, for Melbourne. Passengers - Madame Lola Montes . . . Mr. and Mrs. Crosby, Mr. Folland, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Eigenshank . . . in the cabin
"ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List [NSW] (7 January 1856), 2
December 31. - City of Sydney (s.), 700 tons, Captain Moodie, from Melbourne 28th Instant. Passengers - Madam Lola Montez, Mrs. Crosby . . . Messrs. . . . Follard [sic], Eisquenback [sic], Jackson . . .
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (12 January 1856), 4
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THIS EVENING, Saturday, January 12, 1856, the performances will commence with the comedy of
THE FOLLIES OF A NIGHT. Characters by Messrs. Folland, Maynard, Lambert, Jackson, Madame Lola Montes, and Mrs. Crosby . . .
TO be followed by the celebrated Spanish Dance, entitled THE SPIDER DANCE! . . .
List of passengers who have arrived at the port of Melbourne, on 25 February 1856, from Sydney on board the Acacia; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Mr. A. Folland / 25 / Gentleman / English . . .
Mr. C. Agershank / 32 / Gentleman / German . . .
"LOLA MONTES AT BALLAARAT (From the Herald)", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (6 March 1856), 3
We abridge the following from the Ballaarat Times of Monday: - Most of our readers are aware that Madame Lola Montes is at present, or was until Saturday evening, under an engagement to Mr. Crosby, who was in fact her Barnum, and from what we are able to understand about half houses, quarter houses, benefits, &c., it was expected that both Madame Lola and Mr. Crosby would reap a rich harvest on this gold-field; but owing to some shortsightedness of Mr. Crosby, he has not only destroyed his own prospects, but involved his fair impersonie in a disgraceful and discreditable imbroglio, with which she ought not to have had any connection. It is necessary before we give any account of the disturbance to state that Madame Montes had a share in the proceeds of the Theatre; and on one evening the house was so full, that she expected to receive at least £80 more than Mr. Crosby thought proper to award her. Madame Montes, perhaps correctly, believing herself defrauded of her just due, made use of some expression derogatory to Mr. Crosby, and on Saturday evening, she, with her characteristic boldness, repeated them in the presence of Mr. Crosby and his wife; whereupon Mrs. Crosby immediately commenced striking Madame with a heavy whip, which she broke in the struggle, then seizing Madame by the hair, and beating her most unmercifully about the head and neck - so much so that it rendered Madame totally unable to appear on the stage according to public announcements. Any one knowing the calibre of Mrs. Crosby will easily understand how unequal the contest must have been, especially as the sole spectator was Mr. Crosby, her own husband, who, it is easily to be understood, would not call foul play so long as his wife was what is called "getting the best of it." Indeed, so severely was Lola handled that Dr. Mount was sent for to dress her wounds . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: This was understandably, the last connection of the Crosbys with Montez, and it is likely that Eigenschenck also discontinued his engagement with Montez around this time
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 July 1856), 1
OUR LYCEUM THEATRE, Under the Management of Messrs. STEPHENS and CRAVEN,
WILL OPEN MONDAY NEXT, JULY 14TH, 1856, On which occasion will appear the eminent Tragedian
Mr. G. V. BROOKE, assisted by MR. ROBERT HEIR, MRS. ROBERT HEIR (Late Miss Fanny Cathcart) . . .
THE BAND, under the able management of Mr. WINTERBOTTOM, will be found the most efficient in the colonies,
and will include the following gentlemen. - M. Chas. Eigenschenck, leader,
Messrs. W. Tranter, Beans [sic], Wilkinson, Strong, Seymour, Volpi, Sharpe, Richardson, &c., &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Stephens (actor, manager);
Henry Thornton Craven (actor, manager);
Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor);
Robert and Fanny Heir (actors);
John Winterbottom (conductor);
William Joseph Tranter (musician);
Philip Barnett Boam (musician);
Theodore Scott Wilkinson (musician);
George Strong (violin);
Richard Seymour (musician);
Francesco Volpi (musician);
Frederick Sharp (musician);
James William Richardson (musician);
Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue);
see also "OUR LYCEUM", Empire (12 July 1856), 4
[Advertisement], Empire (22 July 1856), 1
OUR LYCEUM THEATRE . . . Second week of the engagement of the eminent Tragedian G. V. BROOKE . . .
TUESDAY, July 22, THE HUNCHBACK . . . In the course of the evening:
Overture - Belisar, with violin solo by Mr. CHARLES EIGENSCHENCK.
Grand Operatic Selection - Robert Le Diable, in which M. WINTERBOTTOM will perform on the Bassoon, the celebrated Cavatina - "ROBERT TOI QUE J'AIME" . . .
"OUR LYCEUM THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 July 1856), 5
This neat bijou theatre is nightly crowded, and on many evenings the house is found too small to accommodate its patrons. The chief performances of the week have been "Othello," "The Hunchback," "A New way to pay Old Debts," and "Taming the Shrew," - in all of which Mr. G. V. Brooke and Mrs. R. Heir have been the principal attractions . . . The orchestra of the establishment is a source of attraction. Mr. Winterbottom is the conductor, and Mr. Charles Eigenshenck is an efficient and clever leader . . .
"OUR LYCEUM", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (13 September 1856), 2
. . . Who is not familiar with "Oliver Twist"? A dramatized version of which excellent work was successfully produced at this Theatre on Monday night [8 September] . . . In concluding our notice this week, we feel we should be doing injustice, did we omit mention of the performances of Winterbottom, aided by Mr. C. Eigenschenck, a source of great attraction to "Our Lyceum".
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 December 1856), 7
There has been no lack of well selected entertainment at this establishment, while Cinderella has been the chief attraction . . . an open field for . . . the performances of the The Sisters Gougenheim . . . The orchestral department of this establishment is now under the direction of Mr. Winterbottom aided by M. Eigenschenck, and to them is owing much of that eclat which has attended the production of Cinderella. Mr. Winterbottom shortly leaves for California, a circumstance which will be generally regretted.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide and Joey Gougenheim (actors, dancers); Winterbottom did not, in the event, leave for California, but remained in Sydney
We perceive that Bellini's celebrated Opera of Norma is to be reproduced at the Victoria Theatre this evening, for the benefit of Madame Clarisse Cailly, who will sustain the character of Norma, and will be supported by Mrs. Guerin, Mr. Frank Howson, and Mr. John Howson, together with Mr. Winterbottom, as musical director, and M. Eigenschenck, as leader of the orchestra. With such a concentration of talent and old favourites, the opera can scarcely fail to be successful, more particularly as it is announced to be "an operatic treat for one night only."
ASSOCIATIONS: Clarisse Cailly (vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Empire (13 April 1857), 1
MONDAY, April 13th, a new Drama, from the Novel of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, entitled DRED, a Tale of the Dismal Swamp.
Dred, the fugitive of the Great Dismal Swamp, Mr. ROBERT HEIR . . .
Acting Manager, Mr. J. CROSBY; Stage Manager, Mr. ROBERT HEIR;
Musical Conductor, M. WINTERBOTTOM; Leader, M. EIGENSCHENCK . . .
[2 advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 July 1857), 1
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. - Lessees and Managers, Messrs. Howard and James Simmonds. - First night this season, of LA SONNAMBULA. - Seventh Night of the Opera Season . . .
OUR LYCEUM THEATRE - Lessees and Managers, Messrs. JAMES SIMMONDS and HOWARD . . .
An extensive corps de ballet and choral for the production of burlesques.
Conductors and leaders of orchestra, Messrs. Winterbottom, Usher, and Eigenschenck . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Simmonds (actor, manager); Sam Howard (actor, manager); Alfred Usher (musician); the Lyceum and Victoria were around this time essentially under one management, and were sharing musical resources
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THE OPERA", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 July 1857), 4
At this popular establishment the opera continues the chief attraction . . . The operatic novelty of the week is that of "La Sonnambula." Its complete success was fully anticipated . . . Every department is now well filled. Of the merits of Madame Anna Bishop and the principal vocalists it is almost superfluous to make mention. The choral department has been chosen from all the available musical talent of the colonies, and the orchestra, numbering among its members Messrs. Winterbottom, Usher, Eigenschenck, Kohler, Wheeler, Tranter, &c., is under the direction of Mr. G. Loder . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (musician); George Loder (conductor)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (3 October 1857), 3
. . . THE RETURN BALL will take place on Wednesday next, the 7th instant, at the Prince of Wales Theatre . . .
By the kind permission of Colonel Stratton, the Band of her Majesty's 77th Regiment will attend,
and Mr. Eigenschenck's celebrated Quadrille Band will also perform during the evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 77th Regiment (military); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"CITIZENS RETURN FANCY DRESS BALL", Empire (8 October 1857), 5
. . . The Band of the 77th regiment and Mr. Eigenschenck's were in attendance, and never have we heard a better selection of dance music, more effectively played than by those two bands last night . . .
"CITIZENS' RETURN BALL TO THE MAYOR AND MAYORESS", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 October 1857), 5
. . . The music was also a favourable feature in last evening's entertainment. In front of the lower boxes the sub-committee had caused to be erected an orchestra, part of which, occupied by the leaders in Mr. Eigenschenck's band, projected from the circle of the lower boxes, and was ornamented with banners and floral devices. In addition to the above band, there was the band of the 77th, located in the upper boxes immediately above the German band, and the two alternately played the well selected airs which accompanied the dancing . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1857), 1
MISKA HAUSER has the honour to announce that he will give a Grand Instrumental Concert
THIS EVENING, December 17th, at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel.
PROGRAMME. - PART I. Quintetto - Mayseder for two violins, two altos, and violoncello -
Allegro, Adagio, Scherzo, Finale -
MISKA HAUSER, Messrs. Klein, J. Deane, E. Deane, and C. Eigenschenk . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist); John Klein (violinist); John Deane (viola); Edward Smith Deane (cello); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: String quintet no. 2, op. 51 (Mayseder)
"MISKA HAUSER", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (19 December 1857), 3
This talented violinist gave his first concert since his return at the Royal Hotel, on Thursday last, to a large and delighted audience. The brothers Deane, M. Boulanger, M. Eighenschenck, M. Klein, and Signor Cavallini assisted on the occasion. The choice selections which formed the bill of fare for the evening's entertainment were rendered with a sweetness and accuracy which called forth unbounded applause.
ASSOCIATIONS: Pompeo Cavallini (musician, master, 77th band, as see above)
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 February 1858), 1
HARLEQUIN EMIGRATION. - New company. - New Season . . . New Music, composed by Mr. Charles Eigenschenck.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (11 February 1858), 3
QUEEN'S THEATRE, Mr. J. L. Byers' New Dramatic Company.
FIRST NIGHT - Saturday Evening, Feb. 13, 1858.
MESSRS. J. L. BYERS, Andrews, Morton, Bruton, and C. Eicenshank -
Miss J. Hudson, and Mrs. J. Twight.
Drama, Comedy, and Farce. New dances by Mrs. Twight and Miss Hudson.
For particulars, see bills of the day. J. L. BYERS.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Lucas Byers (actor, manager); John Bruton (actor); Isabella Twight (actor, dancer, sister of Emelia Crosby); Julia Hudson (dancer, later Mrs. Byers); Queen's Theatre (Maitland venue)
We abridge, from the Maitland Mercury, the particulars of a public banquet held on the eve of St. Patrick's Day, at Mr. Fulford's, the Rose Inn,
West Maitland, and which appears to have been a very successful demonstration . . .
Mr. Faning, assisted by Mr. Eigenschenck, played the airs which followed the toasts, and also other appropriate and enlivening interludes.
The usual loyal toasts having been duly honoured, the CHAIRMAN proposed "The Memory of St. Patrick," which was drunk in silence. Air - "St. Patrick's Day" . . .
He then gave "Home and Absent Friends." Air - "The Old Folks at Home" . . .
The next toast given was "The Land we Live in," which was received with loud cheers. Air - "Weel may the keel row" . . .
The CHAIRMAN then gave "The Bench and the Bar." Air - "L. A. W." . . .
"The Commercial, Agricultural, Pastoral, and Mining interests" followed. Air - "Speed the Plough" . . .
Songs were sung, and the greatest good humour, good feeling, and good fellowship existed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Faning (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 May 1858), 1
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. - MISKA HAUSER has the honour to announce that his last Concert previous to his departure,
per the European, will take place on MONDAY EVENING, May 3rd, 1858 . . .
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . 3. Quartette - God Save the Emperor - for two violins, tenor, and violincello - Haydn,
M. Hauser, Messrs. C. Eigenschenck, John Deane, and Edward Deane.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 May 1858), 1
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. - MISKA HAUSER has the honour to announce that his
last Concert previous to his departure, per the European, will take place on MONDAY EVENING, May 3rd, 1858 . . .
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . 3. Quartette - God Save the Emperor - for two violins, tenor, and violincello - Haydn,
M. Hauser, Messrs. C. Eigenschenck, John Deane, and Edward Deane . . .
"MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC SUMMARY. MISKA HAUSER'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The month: a literary and critical journal (June 1858), 305
Herr Hauser gave his Farewell Concert, at the Prince of Wales Theatre, on the 3rd of May, to a crowded and complimentary audience . . . Now we come to the beneficiare himself. He played his fantasie from "Norma" beautifully perfect, and enhanced it exceedingly by his elegant arrangement of the accompaniment for sestette, played quite in keeping with him, by the Messrs. Deane and Eigenschenck . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 May 1858), 1
AMERICAN AMPHITHEATRE - Prince of Wales Theatre. ROWE and MARSHALL, Managers - . . .
Clowns to the arena - Messrs. De Vere and Addams . . .
Leader of the orchestra, Mr. Charles Eigenschenck . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Andrew Rowe (circus performer, proprietor); Charles V. Mason (alias Howard, manager)
"MASONIC BALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 June 1858), 5
The Annual Masonic Ball took place at the Prince of Wales Theatre last evening . . . The musical department was effective; eight members of the band of the 12th Regiment backed up the skilful operatic band of fourteen, which was presided over by M. Eigenschenck as leader, and Mr. Winterbottom as conductor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 12th Regiment (military)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 July 1858), 1
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. - Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert -
MADAME AMALIA RAWACK begs to announce that her last CONCERT will take place on
TUESDAY, July the 6th, at the PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE . . .
Programme: Part I. 1. Overture - Zampa (Verdi) [sic] - The gentlemen of the Philharmonic Society, and the Band of H.M. 12th Regiment . . .
Part II. 1. Overture - Domino Noir (Auber) - The Gentlemen of the Philharmonic Society, and the band of H.M. 12th Regiment . . .
6. March from the Opera, Le Prophete (Meyerbeer) - the gentlemen of the Philharmonic Society, and the Band of H.M. 12th Regiment . . .
Conductor: Mr. John Deane. Leader: Mr. C. Eigenschenk. Accompanist: Mr. Cordner .. .
ASSOCIATIONS: Amalia Rawack (pianist); William John Cordner (accompanist); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
"DISTRICT OF SYDNEY", New South Wales reports of crime . . . (25 November 1858), 1 (PAYWALL)
Stolen between 2.30 and 5.30 p.m. on the 23rd instant, from the vest pocket of Charles Eigenschenck,
whilst playing cricket in the Cleveland Paddocks, a gold Geneva watch with gold Albert seals, a French hook attached,
"Morley," maker . . . at the same time, the contents of his pocket-book, viz.:
a miniature of the late Mr. Crosby, a Philadelphia gold dollar, a copper cross, a silver dog, a silver horse,
a small cocoanut carved with two figures, and a watch key with the imitation of a whip lash around it.
The vest was lying with the above articles rolled up in it, with other portions of clothing,
the owners of which were engaged in cricketing.
Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 December 1858), 4
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE, Sydney, December 7, 1858. - To CHARLES POOLE, Esq. -
Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned, being fully sensible of the benefit you have rendered to the profession to which we belong,
by raising to a high standard the character of the theatre of which you are now the Manager,
beg to tender you our services on the occasion of the complimentary benefit to be given to you at the above Theatre on Tuesday next,
the 14th instant; and, with every good wish for your future success,
We are, dear Sir, your faithful servants,
. . . Orchestra. John Winterbottom, conductor, R. Vaughan, Charles Frederichs, F. S. Wilkinson [sic],
W. Dalton, S. Davis [sic], L. Hall [sic], W. J. S. Tranter, Charles Eigenschenk . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (manager); Robert Vaughan (musician); Christian Fredericks (musician); Theodore Scott Wilkinson (musician); W. Dalton (musician); Isaac Henry Davis (musician); John Thomson Hall (musician); William Joseph Tranter (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 March 1859), 1
THIS DAY, 17th March, 1859, for the BENEFIT of the ASYLUM FOR DESTITUTE CHILDREN, Randwick . . .
CONDUCTOR - Mr. Nathan . . . Leaders of the Orchestra - Messrs. Paling, Eigenschenck, and Winterbottom . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (conductor); William Henry Paling (leader, violinist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 May 1859), 1
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. - Lessee and manager, Mr. Charles Poole . . .
Stage manager, Mr. Henry Edwards; musical director, Mr. Winterbottom;
leader, Mr. Eigenschenk; prompter, Mr. Downey; treasurer, Mr. C. Jones (who has the direction of the audience part of the theatre).
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Edwards (actor, manager); Joseph Tracy Downey (prompter); Charles Edward Jones (treasurer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 July 1859), 1
a series of GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES will be held, to celebrate the opening of the HALL of the Sydney University . . .
Conductor - Mr. L. H. LAVENU . . . The ORCHESTRA will be more numerous and efficient than any that has ever before been heard in these Colonies.
The following Instrumental Performers have already been engaged:
FIRST VIOLINS - Mr. John Deane, Conductor of the Philharmonic Society
Mr. Eigenshenk, leader of Orchestra at the Prince of Wales Theatre
Mr. Alfred Usher, leader of Orchestra at the Victoria Theatre . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Sydney University Musical Festival (event)
The second of these very admirable entertainments was given last night. Selections from various operas and other popular music of the day were performed to the great delight fof the audience. The compact and well-practised orchestra went through the overtures to Boieldieu's "La Dame Blanche," and Auber's "Masaniello," under Mr. Lavenu's conduct with admirable precision; and various valses, polkas, quadrilles &c., under the efficient lead of Mr. Eigenschenck, with all the brilliant effects produced by Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Kohler, &c. . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1859), 1
A Committee, composed of the following gentlemen, was formed . . .
C. Eigenschenck, Esq., leader, Prince of Wales Theatre . . .
"THE OPERA. LUCREZIA BORGIA", Empire (23 August 1859), 5
. . . only a limited audience was present at the Prince of Wales Theatre, last evening to witness the first representation of "Lucrezia Borgia" . . . There seems to be a fatality attending the conduct of the opera, scarcely has the lamented Lavenu departed to another sphere, than Mr. Packer is taken suddenly ill, and though we are fully convinced of Mr. Eigenschenck's talents as a musician and leader, yet it has never proved feasible, and, to speak plainly, it is an utter impossibility, that the same hand can lead and conduct an operatic performance. The effect of the attempt to do so was very plainly visible last night, though the defect will be remedied to-night, by, we believe, the engagement of another conductor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (conductor)
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Empire (5 September 1859), 5
The lyric drama has been progressing favourably during the week. On Monday, "Ernani" was again given, and on Tuesday, the regular opera night, the established favourite "Il Trovatore," to a full house. The operatic drama of "Rob Roy" was played on Wednesday . . . On Thursday evening, Bellini's "Sonnambula" was performed, the audience being numerous and enthusiastic. The addition of Mr. Hertz, as first violin, increased the steadiness and efficiency of the orchestra, Mr. Eigenschenck being enabled to devote his entire attention to conducting the opera. The management has acted wisely, during the sort of interregnum occasioned by the decease of one conductor and the illness of his successor, in only producing such operas as, from being well known, required no great exercise of orchestral power . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Herz (musician)
[Advertisement], Empire (10 September 1859), 1
on the afternoon above mentioned, at half-past 2 o'clock.
The entertainment will comprise selections from IL TROVATORE, ERNANI, FREISCHUTZ, &c. &c.
Including the celebrated MISERERE of Verdi, with full Chorus, Supported by
Conductor - Mr. C. S. PACKER
Full Orchestra and Chorus . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist)
"VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT AT BALMAIN", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 November 1859), 13
Last night a grand concert of vocal and instrumental music was held in aid of the funds of the School of Arts, Balmain, in the school-house, Adolplhus-street . . . Mr. Richardson's admirable flute solo from Verdi's opera Il Trovatore (with a skilful accompaniment by Mr. Eigenschenck) came next . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John James Mallcott Richardson (flute)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 November 1859), 1
for the benefit of the Dramatic and Musical Artistes, late of the Victoria and Prince of Wales Theatres,
will take place on WEDNESDAY, 23rd instant, at the SCHOOL OF ARTS, when the following combination of talent will appear.
Pianist - Mr. C. Packer
Leaders - Messrs. Usher and Eigenschenck
Second Violins - Messrs. Josephson and Hall
Tenori - Messrs. Rice and Davis
Violoncello - Mr. F. Howson, jun.
Contra Bassi- Messrs. Chate and Brown
Flauto - Messrs. Vaughan and Gallagher
Clarinetti - Messrs. Johnson and Taylor
Cornetti - Messrs. Prince and Fredericks
Saxe Tuba - Mr. Bligh
Tympani and Side Drum - Messrs. Thorpe and Dalton
Solo Cornet, Flageolet, and Concertina - Mr. R. W. Kohler . . .
PART I. Overture - "Guillaume Tell" - Rossini - By Double Orchestra . . .
PART 2. Overture - "La Bayadere "- First time in Sydney (Auber) . . .
Finale - "Galope Champagne" - With original effects by Mr. R. W. Kohler . . .
R. STEWART, Treasurer. FRANK VARLEY, Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: ? Martin Josephson (violin); Walter John Rice (viola); Frank Howson junior (cello); Alfred Henry Chate (double bass); Walter James Brown (double bass); Henry Prince (cornet); Richard Stewart (actor, organiser); Frank Varley (organiser); Australian Dramatic and Musical Association (union)
"MARRIAGES", Empire (13 December 1859), 6
EIGENSCHENCK - CROSBY - On Thursday last, the 8th inst., by special license, at St. Andrew's Scots Church, Sydney, by the Rev. John Dougall, Charles Eigenschenck to Emelia Crosby.
"ITALIAN OPERA", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 May 1860), 4
Arrangements have at length been effected by Mr. Samuel Colville, the enterprising manager of the Prince of Wales Theatre, which are shortly to result in the production here, on a scale of unequalled attraction, of the grand Opera; to be continued for one month only, four nights per week, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays . . . With this in view engagements have been already concluded with the long expected artists, the Signora and Signor Bianchi, who arrived in this city from Victoria on Friday evening last. . . . The six operas which will be produced are, Il Trovatore, Lucrezia Borgia, Ernani, Nabucodonosor, Norma, and Traviata; and the season is to commence on the 29th instant - next Tuesday week. The following engagements have already been entered into: Signor Cesare Cutolo, conductor; and a full and efficient orchestra, in which will be comprised the well-known piano instrumental performer, Monsieur Eigenschenk, and Monsieur Paltzer - the last-named gentleman having been expressly brought up to Sydney from Melbourne for this occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Colville (Manager); Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists); Cesare Cutolo (pianist); Jacques Paltzer (violinist); Italian Opera Company (troupe)
"ITALIAN OPERA", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1860), 5
ALTHOUGH expectation had been raised to a considerable degree by the announcements which preceded the performance last night at the Prince of Wales Theatre, the highest anticipations, if we may judge from the enthusiastic reception of Trovatore by a house crowded in every part, were realised to the fullest extent . . . The orchestra, in all respects, was sufficiently powerful, but at the same time well balanced, and the manner in which the instrumentation was performed evidenced assiduity at rehearsal; it was very ably conducted by M. Paltzer, and led by M. Eigenschank [sic] . . .
"COPY OF PROTEST", Empire (12 June 1860), 8
Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney, Tuesday Morning, May 22nd, 1860.
WE, the undersigned, professors of music, vocal and instrumental, and also the chorus engaged in the forthcoming Opera, season,
deem it a bounden duty, taking into consideration an article appearing in this morning's Empire,
to protest against the ability of Sig. CUTOLO, as a conductor of grand opera, at the same time believing him to be, without doubt, an excellent pianist;
but from inexperience, unable to wield the baton as conductor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Enrico Grossi (vocalist); Edward Fahey (musician)
"THEATRICALS. ITALIAN OPERA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (14 July 1860), 3
With to-night's performance the entertainment of the operatic troupe trill terminate. The season opened with Il Trovatore; Traviata, Lucrezia Borgia, Nino, Ernani, Norma, Macbeth and Attila following in rapid succession. The whole of the Operas were magnificently mounted, and all deserved, though all did not win, success. Il Trovatore and Norma drew the largest houses . . . The choruses were, generally speaking, well sung; and the orchestra, under the direction of M. Paltza [sic], and the leadership of Mr. Charles Eigenschank, were very effective.
"MR. BURFORD'S BENEFIT AT THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 August 1860), 5
To-morrow evening, Thursday, the 23rd, Mr. C H. Burford, an actor of sterling merit, who for the last four years past has been deservedly a favourite with the playgoing public of Sydney, will take a dramatic benefit at the Royal Victoria Theatre . . . In the course of the evening, Signor Grossi, the celebrated basso, will (in character) sing the Italian patriot's air, "Viva Garibaldi." The afterpiece is to be a domestic drama, entitled, The Murder of the Heath. Mr. Eigenschenk's admirable band are to be in attendance, and will form the orchestra.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Burford (actor)
"FIRST APPEARANCE. MR. YOUNGE AS GARIBALDI", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 October 1860), 5
Mr. Richard Younge, a tragedian who came out to Australia with Mr. G. V. Brooke about five or six years ago, and whose performances at Melbourne have been repeatedly spoken of in the highest terms by the newspaper press of that city, will, it is announced, this evening make his appearance at the Royal Victoria Theatre, in the character of the great Italian patriot, Giuseppe Garibaldi. The piece in which Mr. Younge now, after the lapse of a considerable period, again presents himself before a Sydney audience, is a new historical drama, in three acts (perhaps it would be more correct to say two epochs), entitled "Garibaldi, or the Hero of Palermo," understood to have been written by Mr. James Smith, author of "Lights and Shadows of Artist Life" . . . The scenery (which is entirely new) is by Mr. Habbie [sic], the machinery by Mr. Wallace, the properties and barricades by Mr. Winning, and the national music, selected and arranged by Mr. Charles Eigenschenck, the whole being produced under the immediate direction of Mr. Younge.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Younge (actor, director); James Smith (journalist, author); Alexander Habbe (scenic artist)
"MR. WINTERBOTTOM", Empire (14 August 1861), 5
A very gratifying testimonial was presented to Mr. Winterbottom, the eminent bassoonist and conductor, previous to his departure from Sydney, yesterday, for Melbourne, en route for England, by several of the artistes who have been members of the corps d'orchestre, under Mr. Winterbottom, since he arrived in these colonies. The testimonial consisted of a handsome frame, containing photographic portraits, very beautifully executed by Mr. Glaister, of Pitt-street, of Mr. Winterbottom himself (in the centre), surrounded by those of the following artistes: Mr. Eigenschenck (leader), Mr. J. Hall (second violin), Mr. Rice (viola), Mr. Vaughan (flute), Mr. Chate (basso), Mr. Prince (cornet), Mr. Seamore (trombone), and Mr. Sharp (drums); all of whom, we understand, have, with slight intermission, been connected with Mr. Winterbottom during the last nine years in his professional career in Australia. The manner in which they have thus testified their regard and sympathy for their late talented conductor, is at once appropriate and suggestive, and we doubt not, will be long cherished by the accomplished artiste to whom it has been offered, and whose departure from these colonies will create a vacuum in the musical world which it will be extremely difficult to supply.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Glaister (photographer); Richard Seymour (trombone); Frederick Sharp (drums)
"THE CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 December 1861), 5
. . . The managers of the Royal Victoria Theatre have made every effort to provide a pantomimic spectacle not below the exigencies of the occasion . . . the pantomime of Aladdin, or the Wonderful Scamp, is undoubtedly equal to anything of the kind ever yet produced in the colony . . . The music of the entire entertainment is composed and arranged by Mr. Charles Eigenschenck, the burlesque being produced under the general direction of Mr. Rayner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Rayner (actor, producer); Christmas pantomime (general)
THEATRICALS, &c. ROYAL VICTORIA - DRAMA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (28 December 1861), 3
. . . As was announced in last Saturday's paper, Miss Earl made her first debut in Sydney on Thursday night as Aladdin in the Pantomime, and was enthusiastically received and applauded throughout the performance of the character, which was ably rendered. Rogers, as "Widow Twankey," was admirable, and the dancing of Madame Therese, Mons. Schmidt, and Mr. Chambers was highly appreciated by the audience. By the way we noticed the absence of that general favourite, Mrs. Crosby, from the cast of the "chief event;" this is a matter of regret, as the lady referred to is a recognised attraction. In conclusion let us say that the orchestra, under Mr. Eigenshenk was all that could be desired. We predict for "Aladdin" a long and prosperous career.
ASSOCIATIONS: Tilly Earl (actor, dancer); George Herbert Rogers (actor); Therese and Mons. Schmidt (dancers); Joseph Chambers junior (dancer)
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 March 1862), 7
A change in the management of this theatre will take place in April next. Mr. William Dind is to become the lessee . . . the Lyster opera troupe are also to appear during the season, these engagements render the company at all times a very strong one. Mr. Eigenschenck will retain his position as leader of the orchestra . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 December 1862), 1
New scenery by Mr. W. J. Wilson. Machinery by A. Wallace. Music by C. Eigenschenck . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (11 September 1863), 1
FRIDAY EVENING, September 11 . . . During the evening, the Orchestra,
under the direction of Mr. Eigenschenck, will perform, the following selections: -
Overture - Masanielo - Auber
Quadrille - Semiramide - Jullien
Selection - "Lucrezia Borgia" - Donizetti
Waltz - "Eily Mavourneen" - C. Coote
Quadrille - "Attila" - Chas. D'Albert . . .
ASSSOCIATIONS: William Saurin Lyster (manager)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1864), 1
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Lessee and manager, Mr. James Simmonds . . .
Leader of the orchestra - Mr. Eigenschenck . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 January 1865), 1
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Lessee and Manager, Mr. James Simmonds.
New Overture and incidental Music, arranged by Mons. Charles Eigenschenck . . .
"THE OPERA", Empire (25 April 1865), 4
The return of the company under the direction of Mr. W. S. Lyster, will afford no small gratification to the public of Sydney . . . The band was, perhaps, never before, so complete, and, under the able directorship of Mr. George Loder, must render its music in a style never yet surpassed. Mons. Fleury is leader, assisted by Mr. C. Eigenschenck, J. Hall, Hoare, Landbory [Lundbourg] and Hodge (clarionets), Creed Royal (flute), Rice and Hart (viola and violincello), McCoy (bassoon) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (leader, violin); Mr. Hoare (violin); John William Lundborg (clarinet); Sebastian Hodge (clarinet); Creed Royal (flute); Sidney Herbert Hart (cello); Thomas McCoy (bassoon); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
"THE PRINCE OF WALES OPERA HOUSE", Sydney Mail (7 April 1866), 2
. . . Thanks to Mr. Lyster's enterprise, [the opera] is brought within the range of all classes . . . The orchestra comprised nearly all the leading musicians in the colonies, including Creed Royal, Hodge, Lundborg, and Eigenshenck, the whole being under the direction of Mr. George Loder, who also acted as conductor last season . . .
{Advertisement], Illustrated Sydney News (16 April 1866), 16
Conductor and Composer - MR. GEORGE LODER. Leader, Mr. J. Hall . . .
1st Violins: M. Eigenshenck, Mr. Isaacs, Mr. Hoare . . .
Hokitika, NZ (by 1867 to 1869):
[Advertisement], West Coast Times [Hokitika, NZ] (15 August 1867), 3
PRINCE OF WALES OPERA HOUSE. Proprietor and Manager - Mr. J . Bartlett.
To-night, THURSDAY, Aug. 15th, Great attraction for the
First Benefit in Hokitika of Mr. CHARLES EIGENSCHENCK, Musical Director and Leader of the Orchestra . . .
A Grand Musical Melange . . .
[Advertisement], West Coast Times (5 November 1867), 3
Auctioneers. THIS DAY, At 12 o'clock. BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!!
RICHARD REEVES AND CO. will sell by public auction, THIS DAY, at 12 o'clock,
300 volumes valuable Books, consisting of Novels, Standard, Historical and other works;
the library of Mr. Charles Eigenschenck, who is leaving for England. Terms cash. No reserve.
[Advertisement], West Coast Times (16 December 1867), 3
JAMES CRAIG has received instructions from Mr. Charles Eigenschenck,
to sell by Auction, on the premises, North Revell street, next the Sun Dial Hotel, on Thursday, Dec. 19, at 3 o'clock,
- That substantially built and well finished Family Residence (at present in his occupation),
consisting of five rooms, with kitchen detached, lined and papered throughout;
together, with Freehold Section 33ft by 165ft deep, fenced in. Terms liberal, at sale.
[Advertisement], West Coast Times (9 September 1868), 3
DUKE OF EDINBURGH THEATRE. Sole Proprietor - Mr. J. J. Bartlett.
FAREWELL COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO MR. J. J. BARTLETT, (Prior to his departure for Dunedin,)
A complete orchestra, under the able baton of Mr. Charles Eigenschenk,
Chef d'Orchestre (from the Conservatoire Paris) - Messrs. Cullimore, Cooze, Buckingham, Dobson, &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick William Cullimore (musician); William Joseph Cooze (musician)
[Advertisement], West Coast Times (25 December 1868), 3
Musical Director, Mr. E. Salamon; Leader, Mr. C. Eigenschenck . . .
To-morrow Evening, Saturday, Boxing Night . . . Concluding with the Grand Christmas Pantomime,
Music composed and arranged by Messrs. Salamon and Eigenschenck . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Moses Nathan (manager); Edward Salamon (musician)
[News], West Coast Times (23 April 1869), 2
Another attempt will be made to introduce the legitimate drama in Hokitika . . . We understand the company will open at the Duke of Edinburgh Theatre about the 9th or 10th of May . . . We must not forget to mention that Mr. C. Eigenschenck, so favorably known to the Hokitikians, has been engaged to lead the orchestra.
[Advertisement], West Coast Times (26 May 1869), 2
The third anniversary of the Hokitika Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows was celebrated last night by a ball, held at Hanson's Assembly Rooms . . . The music was very good, a full band being provided, under the leadership of Mr. Eigenschenk, and dancing was continued until about four o'clock in the morning . . .
"PORT OF HOKITIKA . . . PASSENGERS OUTWARDS", West Coast Times (17 September 1869), 2
Per Sarah and Mary, for Melbourne - Mrs. Eigenschenck . . .
Australia, VIC, (from late 1869):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED. JULY 2.", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 July 1870), 4
City of Adelaide, A.S.N. Co.'s S.S., 615 tons, D. Walker, from Sydney 20th ult. Passengers - saloon: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lyster . . . Levey, Eigenschenk, Royal, Kohler, Verso, McCoy . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Levy (violinist); Joseph Verso (musician)
"ITALIAN OPERA", Star [Christchurch, NZ] (12 December 1872), 2
Messrs. Lyster and Cagli's Italian Opera Company commenced a season - to extend over three weeks - last evening at the Canterbury Music Hall, to a fashionable and appreciative audience. A marked improvement has taken place since the company's last visit to Christchurch . . . The orchestra is conducted by Signor Alberto Zelman, with M. Eigenschenk as leader . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alberto Zelman (conductor)
[News], Mercury and Weekly Courier [Collingwood and Fitzroy, VIC] (28 February 1880), 2
Stolen from Charles Eigenschenck, 5 Johnston-street, Fitzroy, out of the orchestra of the Opera House, Bourke-street east, Melbourne, on 16th or 17th inst., a black case, much damaged, containing two violin bows, and a very old violin, dark brown, varnish worn off back and belly, ebony chin rest on left-hand side of belly with sphinx head. Value £100.
"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (20 March 1880), 1
EIGENSCHENCK. - On the 19th inst., at his residence, 5 Johnston-street, Fitzroy, Charles Eigenschenck, musician, aged 65 years. Deeply regretted.
Bibliography and resources:
Thomas Allston Brown, A history of the New York stage from the first performance in 1732 to 1901 . . . volume 1 (New York: Dodd, Mead, and Company, 1903), 419 (DIGITISED)
[THE ASTOR PLACE OPERA HOUSE] . . . Sept. 24, 1850, the Parisian Ballet Troupe, under the direction of Robert Kemp, and a vaudeville company appeared. The debut in America was made of Mme. Celestine Frank, premier danseuse; Mlle. Victoria Frank, Mlle. Espinosa, pantomimist, and Mons. Gredule. Emily Waldegrave was also in the organization. Mr. Kreutzer and [later, ? from 1853] Mons. Eigenschenk were leaders . . .
"EIGENSCHENCK Charles-Henri-Marie", Association des artistes musiciens, IREMUS (institut de recherche en musicologie)
EIGENSCHENCK, Charles-Henri-Marie; Annuaire: [18]46-50; Résidence: 46-47: Orléans; No. Sociétaire: 1/746
"Charles Henry Marie Eigenschenck", Geneanet
Musician, vocalist, Tyrolese minstrel
Born Tyrol, Austria, c. 1824
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 28 April 1853 (per James L. Bogert, from London, 27 January, via the Cape, aged "29")
Active Melbourne and Geelong, VIC, May and June 1853
Active Castlemaine, Geelong, and Melbourne, VIC, May to July 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Certificate of arrival, Port of London, 20 December 1852; UK National Archives, HO2/236/4372-78 (PAYWALL)
Date of Arrival: 20th Dec'r 1852 /
Johann Einhauser / Alois Hollaus / Johann Dremel /
Balthasar Larch / Felix Rahm / Andreas Gredler / Anton Margreiter /
Profession: Saddlers / Natives of: Tyrol / From Rotterdam per Concordia . . .
Alois Holaus (minstrel);
Johann Dremel (minstrel);
Andreas Gredler (minstrel);
it is unclear whether Felix Rahm, Balthasar Larch, and Anton Margreiter also performed, as none were specifically billed doing so in Australia
Names and descriptions of passengers, per James L. Bogert, from London, 14 January 1853, for Hobson's Bay, 26 April 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Dremble [Dreml] Johan / 29 / Tyrolese . . .
Einhauser Johan / 29 / Tyrolese . . .
Gredler Andre / 30 / Tyrolese . . .
Holons [Holaus] Alois / 31 / Tyrolese . . .
Larch Walhauser [Balthasar] / 29 / Tyrolese . . .
Margnuten [Margreiter] Anton / 32 / Tyrolese . . .
Rahm Veit / 28 / Tyrolese
Rahm Felix / 23 / [Tyrolese]
ASSOCIATIONS: Veit Rahm (musician, ? elder brother of Felix)
"MUSICAL", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 May 1853), 9
We hear great things of a party of new musical performers which has arrived in the James L. Bogart [sic]. It consists of a number of Tyrolean chorus singers who have had the honor of appearing, with distinguished success, before Her Majesty at Windsor, and at many of the seats of the English nobility. The leader is named Herr Veit Rahm, and in addition to their vocal accomplishments, they perform on a peculiar national instrument, equal in antiquity (we perceive by their programme), with the bagpipe, but we trust resembling that most abominable of instruments in no other particular. We believe that arrangements are in progress for introducing their performances to a Melbourne public, but at present we can give no information as to the "when" or the "where".
"THE TYROLESE", The Argus (10 May 1853), 9
Many of our readers lost a novel and interesting treat last evening, in the first entertainment of the Tyrolese singers, of whom we recently made mention. The performances had not indeed been announced in the usual way; the inhabitants of the Tyrol not yet being impressed, we presume, with the advantages of that highest privilege of intellectual man, the power of appealing to his fellows through the agency of an advertisement. The attendance was consequently not so numerous as it would have been, or as the performers deserved. The party consists of five male singers, and they perform quintettes, duets, with chorus and other pieces, in a very pleasing and original style, approaching the German quartettes more than any other musical performances which have been offered to a Melbourne audience. The alto and basses are particularly good, and long practice together gives the whole party great precision and correctness in their chorusses. They appear in their national dress, which is handsome but peculiar, with wide-brimmed peaked hats, decked with feathers, ribbons, and artificial flowers; scarlet waistcoats, gaily decorated black knee breeches, white stockings, and highlows, with belts of astonishing width, decorated in a style reminding one precisely of the Government stamp on a pill box. The whole group imparted so thoroughly a Tyrolean air to the large room at the Mechanics', that one could almost fancy a bust of Shakspeare hardening into an iceberg, wild strawberries clustering round the dusty waratah, and a living chamois perched upon the piano usually sacred to the genius of Buddee. The performance was varied by a a couple of fantasias on the national instrument called the "zitter," which is a species of guitar, but lying flat upon the table in stead of being held guitar fashion. It is a pretty little tinkling instrument, and the effects produced were pleasing enough to elicit an encore in both instances. It is the zitter which was lately spoken of as equalling in antiquity that pride of a Scotsman's heart, the bagpipe. In all other respects we confess we prefer it to that most execrable of noise producers. His Excellency was present, and although the room was not filled, we trust that the encouragement received would be sufficient to induce a repetition of the performance on an early day, of which we will endeavor duly to advise our readers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles La Trobe (governor)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (12 May 1853), 2
THEATRE ROYAL. MR. COPPIN begs to inform his friends and the public generally,
that he has engaged, at an enormous expense, for THREE NIGHTS ONLY,
Viz: - Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 12th, 13th and 14th instant, those celebrated
Who had the honor of giving their celebrated entertainment, BY COMMAND, and in the presence of her most gracious Majesty,
Her Majesty's pleasure was expressed, through the Master of the Royal Household, at both their
VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, Which Letter, bearing the Seal of State, they now have in their possession . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (proprietor); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 May 1853), 12\
(Under the Patronage of His Excellency, the Lieutenant-Governor),
HERR RAHM and Company, Tyrolese National Mountain Singers, who have been performing with immense success at St. James' Theatres, London,
before Her Majesty the Queen, at Windsor Castle, and on several occasions before Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent,
will have the honor to give a grand vocal and National Concert, at the Protestant Hall, Melbourne.
The company, who are five in number, will sing in their National Costumes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)
"TYROLESE SINGERS", The Argus (18 May 1853), 9
These astonishing vocalists gave their second entertainment in Melbourne last evening. The weather was most unfavorable, and the attendance consequently not numerous. The national instrument, the zitter, on which two arias were skilfully executed by Herr Rahm, has a tone not unlike the concertina, though somewhat more sonorous, its lower notes reminding the hearer of the bassoon or oboe. The melody and accompaniment were sustained with accuracy by the performer, and he was loudly applauded at the close. The whole of the five voices were heard with good effect in the Tyrolese national song, a quintette, displaying in an admirable manner that peculiar style of melody for which the inhabitants of the Tyrol are so justly celebrated. The comic chorus, interspersed with orchestral imitations, after the fashion of the old English melody, King Cole, excited much laughter. There is a degree of perfection in the singing of the melodies, which has rarely been attained by any except companies long in the habit of performing with one another. The author of a popular treatise on the art has termed this quality "togetherness," which imparts a charm to their pieces, rarely heard except in the performances of families of musicians, such as the Hutchisons and the Distins. God save the Queen closed the performance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Hutchinson family (singers); Distin family (brass players)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 June 1853), 10
GRAND CONCERT. Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor.
HERR RAHM, and Company, Tyrolese National Mountain Singers . . . will give a Grand Vocal and National Concert,
at the Mechanics' Institution, Wednesday Evening June 8th,
Friday Evening, June 10th, at the Protestant Hall,
Saturday Evening, June 11th, at the Protestant Hall . . .
NOTE: After this concert, Veit Rahm appears to have left the part and gone alone to Sydney; but they are recorded performing with him again in mid 1854, as see immediately below:
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (27 May 1854), 3
GRAND CONCERT given by Herr Rahm's celebrated Tyrolese Singers,
Herr Rahm, Holaus, Gredler, Dreml, and Einhauser,
at "The Hall of Castlemaine," On Saturday the 27th of May, and Monday the 29th of May,
the above Minstrels will perform in full national costume,
as played before Her Majesty Queen Victoria, August 7th, 1852,
and will sing Quintetts, Quartetts, Trios, Duetts, Solos, and Comic and Sentimental songs.
- Herr Rahm will perform on the celebrated national Instrument the Zitter.
Doors open at Half-past Seven, to commence at Eight. Reserved seats 7s. 6d.; Back seats 5s.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (13 July 1854), 4
GRAND CONCERT. HERR RAHM'S celebrated Tyrolese Singers, HERR RAHM, HOLAUS, GREDLER, DREML, and EIYHAUSER [sic] . . .
at the Music Hall, Geelong Hotel, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, the 13th, 14th, and 15th of July . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 July 1854), 10
CRITERION HALL. Great Collins-street. This (Friday) Evening, July 28th, 1854.
Last Night but One of Herr Rahm's Company of Singers.
Only Six Nights more of Fakir of Ava . . . E. TOTTEN, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elbert Totten (manager); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE TYROLESE MINSTRELS", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (7 August 1854), 3
Herr Rahm and his talented companions are so far successful that they obtain most abundant and unmistakeable applause from large audiences that understand not a word of the songs sung.
The harmony of voices is so charming that a subject is unnecessary.
Rainer's Serenades have been praised, and deservedly, for the skill with which they sing together.
The Tyrolese Minstrels have the advantage of their national cultivation of a style of vocal music that admits of beautiful harmonic effects.
Their performance too is novel, and is of a very refined kind, calculated to attract and please those who love music for itself.
That it does so here is evidenced by the character of the audiences.
It is to be wished that people who go merely pour passer le temps would less interrupt by their talking and noisy demeanour the enjoyment of those who can enter fully into the loftier enjoyment of music.
Geese, it is true, have earned historic renown by saving the Capitol, but their performance is fatal to both melody, and harmony.
Herr Rahm's solos on the Zither are delightful. The tuneful chime of the "Evening Bells" would never tire the weary sense.
Both he and his associates deserve well of the public for their introduction of a new entertainment of a really superior character.
There can be little doubt that they will become highly popular,
and that their present short engagement will have to be prolonged to an indefinite period before the public will cry "Hold, enough!"
- Melbourne Herald, July 27.
Bibliography and references:
Martin Reiter, Die Zillertaler Nationalsänger im 19. Jahrhundert (St. Gertraudi: Artina-Verlag, 1989)
Kurt Gänzl, "THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW . . . and Tyrolean singers", Kurt of Gerolstein, posted 15 October 2018
EISEN, William (Georg Friedrich Wilhelm EISEN; William EISEN; Herr EISEN)
Musician, teacher of music, military bandmaster
Born Künzelsau, Württemberg (Germany), 5 January 1831; son of Christoph EISEN
Married Elizabeth PATCHIN, St. Nicholas, Brighton, Sussex, England, 6 August 1854
Arrived Melbourne (for Sydney), VIC, 13 January 1863 (per Madras, from Point de Galle, 21 December 1863)
Departed Sydney, NSW, after early 1866
Died New York, NY, USA, 17 November 1905, aged "74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Peter, Brighthelmstone, Sussex; UK National Archives, HO107/1645/10/12 (PAYWAL)
54 Edward Street / Christopher Eisen / Head / Married / 54 / Musician / [born] Germany
Rosina [Eisen] / Wife / Married / 61 / - / [born] Germany
William [Eisen] / Son / Unm. / 20 / - / [born] Germany
1854, marriage solemnized at St. Nicholas' Church in the parish of Brighton in the county of Sussex; register 1853-54, page 185; East Sussex Record Office, PAR 255/1/3/26 (PAYWALL)
No. 370 / [1854] August 6 / William Eisen / 23 / Bachelor / Musician / 32 Sloane St. / [son of] Christopher Eisen / Musician
Elizabeth Patchin / 22 / Spinster / - / 15 Rock St. Kemp Town / [daughter of] Henry Patchin / Painter . . .
List of passengers by the P. and O. ship Madras, leaving Point de Galle, 21 December 1862, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. & Mrs. Eisen & 2 chil. / [from] Calcutta / [for] Sydney . . .
"SHIPPING. HOBSON'S BAY. ARRIVED", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (14 January 1863), 4
Madras, P. and 0. R.M.S.S., 2800 tons, R. H. Stead, from Point de Galle. Passengers . . . For Sydney: Mr. and Mrs. Eisen and children (2) . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (8 June 1864), 1
A BENEFIT In aid of the funds of the HEBREW PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETY . . .
1. Lo! Here the Gentle Lark - Bishop - With flute obligato - W. Eisen - Mrs. C. JOEL . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Joel (vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: Lo! here the gentle lark (Bishop)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 June 1864), 2
MUSIC - Herr W. EISEN, formerly Bandmaster in South Cork Light Infantry Regiment of Militia, Dublin,
and late Bandmaster in H.M.'s 7th Royal Fusiliers, begs to announce that be is prepared to receive
PUPILS for the undermentioned instruments, viz.:
- Flute, Clarionet, Oboe, Comet, Saxhorn, or any other wind Instrument.
He likewise gives instructions in Theory of Harmony and Musical Composition.
For terms, apply at his residence.
299, Palmer-street, Woolloomooloo.
ASSOCIATIONS: 7th Royal Fusiliers (British regiment, active India c. 1857-63)
Sands' Sydney directory . . . 1865, 99 (DIGITISED)
[Palmer Street] 297 Eisen, William, professor of music
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 April 1865), 12
WANTED, PUPILS for the Flute, Oboe, Clarionet, Cornet, Saxhorn, &c.
Terms, moderate. W. Eisen, 299, Palmer-street. Daytime and evening.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 May 1865), 1
MR. W. EISEN gives Lessons on the Flute, Oboe, Clarionet, Cornet, &c. 299, Palmer-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1865), 1
An efficient Band has also been organised under the leadership of Herr Eisen.
? "CONCERT IN JERSEY", The Star [Guernsey] (4 August 1877), 2 (PAYWALL)
A concert organised by the Municipal Committee was given at the Theatre Royal last evening, and proved a great success. Except the gallery, every portion of the house was well filled, and the dress circle presented a very brilliant appearance, the French delegates and their hosts occupying the centre divisions . . . The vocal portion of the entertainment was pleasantly varied by orchestral performances by the excellent band of the 53rd Regiment under the able direction of Mr. Eisen. The programme was divided into two parts, and comprised some twenty pieces. The national air "Ma Normandie" in compliment to the delegates opened the concert, being very fairly executed by the band of the 53rd, who also played during the evening a selection from Verdi's opera "Il Ballo in Maschera," and the overture to Rossini's "Semiramide" . . .
England census, 1881, St. Mary, Islington, Middlesex; UK National Archives, RG11/275/74/25 (PAYWALL)
116 Thorpdale Rd. / William Eisen / Head / Married / 50 / Professor of Music / [born] Germany
Elizabeth [Eisen] / Wife / Married / 49 / - / [born] Sussex Brighton
Rosina [Eisen] / Daur. / Unm. / 20 / Governess / [born] India
William [Eisen] / Son / Umn. / 19 / Musician / [born] India
Mina [Eisen] / Daur. / Umn. / 16 / [born] Australia
Charles [Eisen] / Son / Unm. / 14 / [born] Canada
ASSOCIATIONS: Wilhelmina C Eisen, birth registered NSW 524/1865
"BREWOOD FLOWER SHOW", Wolverhampton Express and Star [England] (12 August 1885), 2 (PAYWALL)
The Brewood cottage garden and horticultural society, for the parishes of Brewood, Streams, Lapley, Church Eaton, and Wheaton Aston, held their second annual show, on Tuesday, in the beautiful park adjoining Somerford Hall . . . The band of the 3rd Volunteer Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment (under the able conductorship of Herr W. Eisen) performed an excellent programme of operatic and other music, after which they played for dancing, which was indulged in with much gusto till dusk . . .
New York state census, Manhattan, New York, 1905; New York State Archives (PAYWALL)
Greer John / Head // Greer Delia / Wife . . .
Eisen Wm. / Lodger / 75 / Germany / Musician . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eisen was the oldest of 5 Germans among the Greer's 7 lodgers
Index to death certificates, New York, 1905; New York City Department of Records & Information Services (PAYWALL)
Death date: 17 November 1905 / burial: 19 November 1905 / George Frederick William Eisen / Widower / 74 [born c. 1831] / birthplace: Kunselsau, Wurtemberg, Germany / in US, 15 years / death address: 42 Lorillard Place, New York City / occupation: Musician . . .
Bibliography and resources:
William Eisen, Find a grave
In memory of our beloved father, William Eisen, Born Jan. 5, 1831, Died Nov. 17, 1905
ELLAR, Julius Henry (Julius Henry ELLAR) = Julius Henry ELLER
Amateur vocalist
ELLARD, Andrew see main page Andrew ELLARD
ELLARD, William see main page William ELLARD (never arrived in Australia)
ELLARD, Susan see main page Susan ELLARD = Mrs. Thomas LEGGATT
ELLARD, Mary (Maria) = Maria LOGAN (Mrs. Charles D. LOGAN)
ELLARD, Francis see main page Francis ELLARD
ELLARD, Barbara see main page Barbara ELLARD
ELLARD, Joanna = Joanna ELLARD (Mrs. Francis ELLARD)
ELLARD, Frederick (Frederic) see main page Frederick ELLARD
ELLARD, William Barnes see main page William Barnes ELLARD
ELLARD, Fannie Adele = Mrs. Frank Harry FOWLER (Miss Ethel ADELE)
ELLARD, Annie Barbara see main page Annie ELLARD
ELLER, Julius Henry (Julius Henry ELLER; Henry Julius ELLER; Henry ELLER; often ELLAR)
Amateur vocalist, mining speculator, storekeeper, forger
Born Baden (Germany), c. 1828; son of Joseph Henry ELLER and Fanny STEEGMAN
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 28 August 1852 (per Australian, from Plymouth, 4 June)
Active Beechworth, VIC, by 1855
? Married Agnes Augusta ROBERTS, VIC, 1879
Died Malvern, VIC, 31 October 1885, aged "56" / "58" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (30 August 1852), 2
Sunday, August 29 - The Australian Royal Mail Steam Navigation Company's ship Australian, 735 tons, Wm. Hoseason, Esq., R.N, commander, from Plymouth 5th June, St. Vincent 19th June, St. Helena 3rd July, Cape of Good Hope, 22nd July, and King George's Sound 24th August. Passengers - First class . . . J. Eller . . .
"THE LEVEE", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (25 May 1853), 2
YESTERDAY the annual levee, in honour of her Majesty's Birthday, was held at Government House; and the very large attendance of gentlemen showed the spirit of loyalty and attachment to her Majesty which prevails in the colony. The following gentlemen had cards of private entree sent to them: . . . Mr. J. Eller . . .
"OBTAINING MONEY UNDER FALSE PRETENCES", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (20 January 1855), 2 s
Julius Henry Ellar, of Beechworth, was informed against for this offence, and was defended by Mr. Parry . . . After a few words from the defendant's counsel, the case was dismissed, for want of sufficient evidence . . . his Worship expressing surprise that, from defendant's known conduct in a former affair before the court any one should have been found capable of being so easily duped by him.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (20 January 1855), 2 supplement
MR. JOSEPH SMALL is appointed agent at the Nine-mile Creek for the Advertiser.
Any subscribers who have not received their copies (in consequence of the errors made by the late canvasser, Mr. Ellar,)
are requested to communicate with Mr. Small, at the Gold Diggers' Arms Hotel.
F. H. NIXON & Co., Proprietors.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joe Small (collector, vocalist)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (12 May 1855), 1
Salle de Valentino, Beechworth Hotel.
BARLOW'S BENEFIT On Saturday Next, May 12,
on which occasion a host of talent will appear, comprising the following gentlemen,
being their first appearance together as The American Minstrels,
introducing a variety of Songs, Glees, Chorusses, Catches, &c. . . .
Mr. ELLAR will sing several well-known Ballads . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Barlow (vocalist, musician); James Brice (vocalist); George Griffith (musician); George Frederick Zeplin (musician); Frank Morris Soutten (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (26 May 1855), 6
MUSIC SALOON, El Dorado Hotel, High-street, Beechworth.
Grand Concert Of Vocal and Instrumental Music, under the patronage of
R. O'H. BURKE, ESQ., J.P., And the Stewards of the Races.
On Monday, May 28th, 1855, For the benefit of Messrs. Peck and Saqui.
THE following professionals and amateurs have kindly offered their valuable services,
and will during the evening sing and perform a choice collection of the most popular Overtures, Solos, Duets, Chorusses, Fantasias, &c., &c.:
Signor Rangoni, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ellar, Mr. Small,
Mr. Geo. Smith, Mr. Peter Bruce, Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Hurley, Herr Schmidt,
In addition to Messrs. Peck and Saqui.
The best arrangements will he made for the comfort of ladies and families visiting this Concert, by a Committee of Management.
Mr. Ellar will sing Beethoven's magnificent solo, "Adelaide" acknowledged to be the most superb vocal composition in existence . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert O'Hara Burke (police officer); George Peck (musician); Austin Saqui (musician); Antonio Rangoni (musician); Peter Bruce (musician); J. P. Hurley (musician); Herr Schmidt (musician)
MUSIC: Adelaide (Beethoven)
Central register for male prisoners, 1856-57; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
No. 2842 / Eller, Julius / [added later] Tried May 1867 as Henry Ellar [sic]
Height 5 ft . . . Aged in 1856 - 28 / [born] 1828 / Native place - Baden / Laborer / . . .
[Arrived] Steamer "Australian" to Adelaide from London . . .
[Added later] Served in Castlemaine Gaol Six Months . . . Oct 1864 for uttering discahrged 11 February 1865
Collingwood 1856 April 12 . . .
Pentridge 1856 June 12 . . .
Admission register of the Southern Cross Lodge, Tarrangower, VIC; The Library and Museum of Freemasonry^cf^i^1837-00235?pid=1488646 (PAYWALL)
1860 / October 31 / Ellar, Henry Julius / 31 / Accountant
"CASTLEMAINE POLICE COURT. Saturday, Feb. 11 . . . EMBEZZLEMENT", Mount Alexander Mail (13 February 1865), 2
Henry Ellar was remanded to Maldon on a charge of embezzlement.
"GOULBURN POLICE COURT . . . THURSDAY - APRIL 4", The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle [NSW] (6 April 1867), 4
Henry Ellar, whose case is referred to above, was brought before the bench, having been apprehended on his discharge under the Offenders' Apprehension Act of 1850 by virtue of a warrant issued on the information of the police, in which he was charged with stealing certain moneys the property of Charles Troedel, of Swanston-street, Melbourne. Constable Mc Carty proved the arrest of the prisoner, and produced a telegram from the superintendent of police at Melbourne, in which it was stated that the warrant for prisoner's apprehension was in course of transmission to Goulburn; found three five-pound-notes and sixteen shillings in silver on prisoner; the notes were all of this colony's banks. Remanded to the 11th.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Troedel (printer);
for more on the case, see "MELBOURNE", Geelong Advertiser (4 May 1867), 3
Darlinghurst Gaol, 1867, description and entrance book; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Henry Ellar / [arrived by the ship] Sydney / [in year] [18]53 / [born] Guernsey / [age] 38 . . .
"MISCELLANEOUS NEWS", The North Eastern Ensign [VIC] (27 January 1874), 2
A newspaper proprietor at Albury has got into trouble. At the local police court on the 18th inst., Henry Julius Ellar, who was described on the charge-sheet as a newspaper proprietor, was charged with having, at Sydney, in the month of September, 1871, feloniously forged a promissory note for the sum of £80 . . .
Description book, Albury Gaol, 1873-74; State Records Authority of NSW, series 1964, item 2/2198; roll 2315
889 / Henry Julius Eller / [ship] Australian / 1852 / [born] Germany / Wesleyan / Journalist / [age] 45 / 5 ft 5 in / Stout / Ruddy . . .
"MELBOURNE GENERAL SESSIONS", The Argus (9 March 1875), 6
Julius Henry Ellar, who had pleaded guilty to three forgeries in connection with bills of exchange, was sentenced to five years for each offence, the sentences, however, to be concurrent.
"CONCERT AT BIRREGURRA", The Colac Herald [VIC] (18 December 1883), 3
A concert was given in the State school Room on Friday evening last, for the purpose of raising funds for Christmas prizes. The concert was managed by the present teacher, Mr. James Watson, and this gentleman must be congratulated on the great success he has achieved in this respect. The attendance was large, and sitting room was not to be found in the room. The singing throughout was really good; each number was heartily received, and many bouquets were showered on the stage during the evening. Accompaniments were played by Miss McCallum, Mrs. George Hancock, and Mr. Watson . . . Song, Mr. Eller, "The Marriner and his Barque," and he did the song full justice . . .
"DEATHS", The Colac Herald (3 November 1885), 2
ELLER. - At Mount Wise, Malvern, on the 31st October, 1885, Julius Henry Eller, aged 56 years.
The Funeral will leave the Wesleyan Chapel, Birregurra, for Irrewarra Cemetery, at 2 o'clock this day (Tuesday).
"DEATH OF MR. J. H. ELLER", The Colac Herald (3 November 1885), 3
It is with feelings of the deepest regret that we have to record the decease of Mr. J. H. Eller,
of the firm of Messrs. J. H. Eller and Co., merchants, Birregurra, which took place in Melbourne on Saturday evening last.
For some months past Mr. Eller had been suffering from Bright's disease of the kidneys,
but latterly he thought that he was recovering, so that his death was somewhat unexpected,
he only having arrived in Melbourne that morning from Birregurra.
He was staying at a friends house at Malvern, and up till the tea hour he was apparently in excellent health and the best of spirits,
when he suddenly took ill, and although medical assistance was called in, nothing could be done for him,
and he died at nine o'clock in the evening, having passed the last half hour of his life in extreme pain.
Mr. Paterson, of Colac, who was connected in business with Mr. Eller accompanied by Mrs. Eller and family,
went to Melbourne yesterday morning, and returned to Birregurra last evening, bringing back with them the body of the deceased gentleman,
which will be buried in the Irrewarra cemetery this (Tuesday) afternoon, the funeral leaving the Wesleyan Chapel at two o'clock.
Mr. Eller had been a resident of Birregurra for the past seven years, having purchased the business formerly conducted by Mr. Wheatland.
By tact and ability he extended the business, and made it what it is at the present time - extensive and highly prosperous.
The advancement of the interests of Birregurra and district was always the chief aim of the deceased gentleman,
and it was mainly owing to his energy and persistent efforts that the Public Hall Company was formed,
and the splendid and substantial building known as the Public Hall erected.
Mr. Eller was also a most active member of the Birregurra Railway League, and he spared neither time nor trouble in advocating opening up of the Otway Forest by means of a railway,
and he was fortunate enough to live to see his efforts crowned with success - the permanent survey of the line being now carried out.
The deceased gentleman was also to the front in assisting in any good and righteous cause.
He was broadminded and charitable, and in church matters he took an active and prominent part.
He was a member of the Wesleyan denomination, but all creeds had his best wishes and practical sympathy, and his purse was never closed to any deserving person or object.
By the public of Birregurra he will be greatly missed, for in him they has a worthy champion.
See also, "BIRREGURRA", The Colac Herald (6 November 1885), 3
Will and probate, Julius Henry Ellar, died 31 October 1885; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED - WILL) (DIGITISED)
ELLERY, Valentine Joseph (Valentine Joseph ELLERY; V. J. ELLERY)
Amateur musician, vocalist, choir leader, joiner, school teacher
Born Manchester, England, 1832; son of Richard ELLERY and Elizabeth HUDSON
Married Mary Ann NORRIS (d. 1889), Manchester, England, 1853 (3rd quarter)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 14 March 1854 (per Hydrabad, from Southampton, 6 December 1853)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by November 1854
Died North Botany, NSW, 28 March 1901, aged "69" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
England census, 30 March 1851, Manchester, Lancashire; UK National Archives, HO107/2229/331/17 (PAYWALL)
78 Hanover Street / Patrick Hogan / Head / Mar. / 25 / [brother-in-law] . . .
Elizabeth [Hogan] / Wife / Mar. 28 / [sister] . . .
Eliabeth Ellery / Mother [in law] / Widow / 59 . . .
Valentine [Ellery] / Brother [in law] / Unm. / 19 / Wood Turner / [born] Manchester . . .
Nominal list of emigrants on board the Hyderabad from Southampton for Adelaide, arrived 14 March 1854; State Records of SA (PAYWALL)
Ellery Valentine / Joiner / [from] Lancaster / 21 // Mary A. / 22
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (15 March 1854), 2
Tuesday, March 14 - The ship Hyderabad, 816 tons, Castle, master, from Southampton December 7 . . . Government emigrants . . . Ellery . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1861), 1
MOUNT CARMEL CHURCH, Waterloo Estate. A MEETING of Catholics will be held in the above church on MONDAY EVENING next, 18th of November, at half-past seven o'clock p.m. VALENTINE ELLERY, teacher, Waterloo.
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (20 August 1864), 7
TEA PARTY and MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT, on MONDAY Evening, AUGUST 22nd,in the Hall of St. Mary's Seminary.
Several gentlemen amateurs and a talented Band of Ethiopian Minstrels have kindly volunteered their services.
Overture - Company
Happy are we - Company
My old Kentucky Home - Julius
A Little more Cider - Mush
Nelly was a Lady - Agrippa
Massa in the Cold Ground - Johnson
South Carolina - Toney
Trio - Of all the brave Birds - Freeman - Messrs. Schimel Brothers & Ellery
Comic Song - Barney O'Hea - Lover - Mr. P. Egan
Duett— Flight of the Swallows - Kucken - Messrs. Schimel & Ellery
Song - A Father's Love - Wallace - Mr. Charles McConville
Song - Let me like a Soldier fall - Wallace - Mr. J. Blisart
Song - The Widow Malone - Mr. John Bushell.
PART III. Ethiopian.
Instrumental Overture - Company
Good Old Jeff - Agrippa
Hoop de dooden doo - Toney
Lucy Long - Snow
Hard Times - Musk
Dixie's Land and Plantation Dance - Company . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James and Francis Schimel (vocalists); John Butler Bushelle (vocalist)
"ST. BENEDICT'S YOUNG MEN'S SOICETY", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (4 November 1865), 695
On Monday evening last a grand tea party and musical soiree took place in St. Benedict's school-room, under the auspices of the Catholic Young Men's Society. The attendance was very numerous, the room being crowded . . . The performers were the members of St. Benedict's choir, and they very creditably went through the several pieces. These consisted of Moore's Irish Melodies, duets and choruses. The whole was under the charge of Mr. Ellery, who is the director of the choir, and who deserves great credit for the manner in which he has taught them to sing sacred music . . .
"FEAST OF ST. BENEDICT", Freeman's Journal (24 March 1866), 178
On Wednesday morning last the Church of St. Benedict was filled by a large congregation who had assembled to celebrate the patron saint of the parish. High mass was celebrated at 10 o'clock by the Rev. Father Garavel, at which several of the clergy were present . . . The singing was excellent, and was under the direction of the director of the choir, Mr. Ellery.
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (30 June 1866), 415
In consequence of the great success of the above Minstrels, on the 18th instant, for the poor Orphans, they have been induced to give another
CONCERT, on TUESDAY EVENING, July 10th, when there will be an entire change of programme.
The Concert will take place in the Hall of the St. Benedict's Y.M. Society, at a quarter before 8 o'clock, on the above date.
Tickets - front seats, 2s.; back ditto, 1s.; children, half-price.
V. J. ELLERY, Hon Sec.
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (3 July 1869), 15
A GRAND CONCERT of SACRED and SECULAR MUSIC will be given in aid of the above CHURCH,
on WEDNESDAY EVENING, July 7th, 1869, in the FORRESTER'S HALL, Waterloo.
The above Concert will embrace selections from Mozart's 12th Mass, and Sacred pieces from the most eminent composers.
Conductor - V. J. ELLERY.
Pianist - T. BANKS, Junr.
Tickets - Front seats 2s.; Back 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Philip Danks (pianist)
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (29 March 1901), 1
ELLERY. - March 28, 1901, at his residence, KÃng-street, North Botany, Valentine Joseph Ellery, aged 69 years. Requiescat in peace.
"Death of Mr. V. J. Ellery", The Catholic Press [Sydney, NSW] (13 April 1901), 7
One of the early pioneers of the church in this colony passed away to rest on Thursday the 28th inst. [sic, ult.], in the person of the late Valentine Joseph Ellery, of King-street, North Botany. He was born in Manchester, England, in the year 1832, and received his education under the Christian Brothers. At an early age he became principal chanter for the altar boys of St. Chads, from which position he rose to that of conductor of the Cathedral choir. When 21 years of age he married Mary Ann Norris, of the same city, a parishioner and member of the same choir, and as he possessed a fine tenor voice he became associated with Catherine Hayes (England's Nightingale), in company with whom he made his first appearance in public. Shortly afterwards he and his wife emigrated to Australia, and, after a stay of about six months in Adelaide, settled down in Waterloo, Sydney, N.S.W. Here he began his labours by establishing at St. Benedict's the first voluntary choir in Sydney, which he subsequently conducted for up wards of 13 years, during which time, through the assistance of the late Madame Sarah Flower, Madame Bushelle, and other notables of that time, the productions of the choir were of an exceptionally high order. He was also the chief mover in the formation of the first Young Men's Christian Association at St. Benedict's, for which he acted as hon. secretary. He conducted the musical portion of the ceremonies in connection with the consecration of that particular church. He was present at the laying of the foundation-stone of the Mount Carmel Church, and when it was built gave the first altar to it and provided the musical portion of the ceremonies therein; and, having secured an appointment as school teacher under Government, he taught for many years in this church. Then he left Waterloo to take charge of Fishery Creek national school, West Maitland, and while resident there conducted St. John's Cathedral choir, and established and conducted a young men's guild and choral society. After about six years he was transferred to Blandford Roman Catholic denominational school, and while there conducted for nearly eight years St. Joseph's choir at Murrurundi, with his eldest daughter as organist. At the end of the year 1882 when State aid was withdrawn from all denominational schools, this school closed, and he then with his wife and family moved to Sydney and again settled at Waterloo, and having severed his connection with the Instruction Department, under which he had taught for 23 1/2 years, he, in response to a deputation of the old inhabitants, again took charge of Mount Carmel boys' school until the arrival of the Patrician Brothers in Redfern (three years later) who took over this school. Having in the meantime built a house and school at King-street, North Botany, he then opened a private academy at his residence, in which he continued until his death, taking charge of Mt. Carmel choir for many years, and subsequently St. Bernard's of Botany, in each case with one of his daughters as organist . . . The chief characteristics of his life were his love and devotedness to his religion . . . The whole of his life may be said to have been spent in the interests of the church and his fellow men, and consequently he was well respected by all with whom he came in contact. He was buried at Rookwood, beside his late wife, who preceeded him just 12 years ago, and he leaves a family of 3 sons and 4 daughters to mourn their loss . . . A solemn Requiem Mass will be held in St. Bernard's Church, Botany, on Friday, April 26th, to celebrate the month's mind.
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); St. Benedict's church (Sydney); Music in Catholic churches (general)
"OLD SYDNEY DAYS. MR. M. J. CONLON'S RECOLLECTIONS", Freeman's Journal (8 August 1909), 40
. . . No report of the growth of St. Benedict's parish would be complete without the name of the late Mr. Valentine Ellery. He was an energetic worker in every movement for the advancement of the Church. In addition to being a clever musician, he was the possessor of an excellent tenor voice, and was leader of St. Benedict's choir for years. He was the organiser of St. Benedict's minstrel troupe. Father Corish held a very high opinion of Mr. Ellery's abilities, and used his influence with the Denominational Board to have Mr. Ellery appointed at the school-church of Mount Carmel. Here Mr. Ellery's talents were displayed to the best advantage. In later years Mr. Ellery's family, inheriting his musical abilities, became well known in all church work, and particularly so where ecclesiastical music was performed. The family were capable of representing the choir vocally and instrumentally. However, Mount Carmel had not sole control of the talents of Mr. Ellery, for he divided his time between St. Benedict's, Mount Carmel, and St. Bernard's. One special feature about Mr. Ellery was his unselfish devotion to the Church, inasmuch as he refused to accept any monetary recompense for all his labours. There was another family named Schimel resident in Waterloo, deserving of special mention. They formed a host in themselves as far as Church music was concerned. They were able to take entire control of the music, instrumental or otherwise, at Mass, and on many occasions they performed at great revivals in St. Benedict's, Mount Carmel, and St. Bernard's . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Joseph Conlon (musical amateur, memoirist); Michael Andrew Corrish (cleric)
"A 'FREEMAN' CORRESPONDENT'S RECOLLECTIONS (To the Editor . . .)", Freeman's Journal (19 August 1909), 24
Dear Sir, - I see by the daily press reports that the parishioners of Mount Carmel Church, Waterloo, have celebrated the jubilee of the laying of the foundation-stone of their church.
As one of a band of then young, men who worked so hard to provide the sinews of war (so to say) in raising the money to ensure the completion of the church,
by means of a series of concerts, extending over two years, I desire to state that as the late Father Corish had great difficulty in raising funds for the completion of same,
the late Mr. Valentine Ellery organised the young men of St. Benedict's Y.M.S. into a concert company, and they gave entertainments fortnightly or thereabouts,
and were always thanked by Father Corish from the sanctuary for their success, for each performance brought in on an average about £30,
which went towards the wages of the workmen engaged on the work of finishing the building.
Of all that company I am the only one left, and I was never left out of one performance, as I, besides doing the "[REDACTED]" business,
had to wash off the black, and appear in Irish costume to sing either patriotic, sentimental, or comic Irish songs, and greatly pleased the Irish element, of which the audiences were principally composed.
I was the great draw, and there are many still living who saw me in all my characters.
I always declined to become a professional, and remained an amateur to the last.
Perhaps a list of the principal names of the company who did such good service during the building of Mount Carmel Church may not be out of place.
They are all dead but the writer of this; still, their memory lives, and is cherished by many who knew them, and are still living.
The names of the deceased are Thomas Hyndes, a great negro delineator;
Valentine Ellery, leader and musical director; David Magner, violinist; the writer was tambo and Irish delineator.
The others were not very pronounced performers, if I except Tom Stevens, who came from St. Patrick's parish to assist us.
He was an uncle of Mr. Stevens, of Windmill-street, Miller's Point, and was a great comic dancer and banjo player.
After the church was roofed, Father Corish had to suspend work for the want of funds, as he had no glass for the windows, and no money to pay the workmen or buy material.
It was then that the young men of St. Benedict's Young Men's Society came to the rescue, and with their ability raised the money to finish the church.
There were many benefactors in the parish who stuck to Father Corish through the great struggle, for there were no rich people in Waterloo in those days, and very few Catholics.
Father Corish was a great organiser, and when things were going flat he would call a meeting in St. Benedict's Schoolroom, and would rouse enthusiasm.
He was always building, and has left many monuments behind him of his great zeal and energy for Catholicity.
- I am, etc., VERITAS.
"ELLIE" (alias of Ellen Elizabeth TURNER; Mrs. George Robert DEBNEY; Ellen Turner DEBNEY)
Musical amateur, songwriter, lyricist, ? composer
Born c. 1833; daughter of James TURNER
Married George Robert DEBNEY (1816-1897), Lyndoch Valley, SA, 8 June 1861
Died Semaphore Beach, SA, 25 February 1870, aged "36/37" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"MARRIED", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (10 June 1861), 2
DEBNEY - TURNER. - At Lyndoch Valley, on the 8th June, by the Rev. John Ayling, Mr. G. R. Debney, of Adelaide, to Miss Ellen Turner, of Lyndoch Valley.
"DIED", The South Australian Advertiser (26 February 1870), 2
DEBNEY. - On the 25th February, at Semaphore Beach, Ellen Elizabeth, the beloved wife of G. R. Debney, in the 37th year of her age.
"ELLIE", The South Australian Advertiser (26 February 1870), 2
Mrs. G.R. Debney, better known to our readers by her nom de plume of "Ellie," died on Friday. For several years past she has contributed to our columns sweet little poems on a variety of subjects, many of which have been eagerly read by the admirers of simple poesy. For some time after her arrival in South Australia, Ellen Turner was engaged in the work of tuition. Much of her leisure time was spent in writing verses, which, though not of the highest order of poetry, found a large circle of interested readers. From time to time the well-known signature "Ellie" attracted attention to some sweet and simple poem in the columns of the daily papers. Of course a writer who wrote so much, wrote some indifferent verses; but it would not be difficult to point to a few of her short pieces which both in sentiment and rhythm were touching and beautiful. South Australia has not yet produced a true poet of the highest order; but amongst writers of pretty verses, "Ellie" will long hold a conspicuous place. About seven or eight years ago Miss Turner was married to Mr. G. R. Debney, and though since then her muse has often slumbered, she has not been altogether idle. The anxieties of household duties and the cares of a young and rising family found her other occupation; but at times she felt the effects strong upon her, and again made her appearance before the public. In her later efforts she was not so happy as in her early ones. There was sometimes an appearance of carelessness and haste in her recent productions which was not so apparent in her earlier verses. About ten days ago Mrs. Debney was confined at the Semaphore. At first everything appeared to go on well; but a few days since unfavorable symptoms set in which occasioned anxiety to her friends. She was attended by Drs. Duncan and Gething, of the Port, but on Thursday Dr. Moore was called in, and the medical gentlemen agreed that the case was very serious. We understand that the cause of her death was puerperal fever, under which she sank on Friday, gently passing away to her rest at the early age 36. "Ellie" was a very loveable woman - firm in her friendships, sprightly in her manners, and having a good deal of the excitability of a highly nervous temperament. She was a great favorite with young people, whom she delighted to have around her, and she had no greater happiness than to make them happy. Poor "Ellie!" This notice of her early death will make many sad who often read her poetry with interest and delight.
"DEATH OF MRS. DEBNEY", Border Watch (2 March 1870) 2
We regret to observe that this lady died in the prime of life on Friday last. She is best known as the writer of many graceful and tender pieces of verse under the signature "Ellie." She also possessed considerable talent as a composer of music.
Settings of her lyrics:
Hail fair Australia (Cutolo, 1860)
Hail fair Australia, words by Ellie, music by Cutolo, dedicated to the public of South Australia (Adelaide: Penman & Galbraith, lith., [1860]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (composer); Penman and Galbraith (printers, lithographers); the music of this edition was probably engraved in Sydney, NSW, using the same punch set previously used for J. R. Clarke's Australian album 1857
"ORIGINAL MUSIC", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (22 October 1860), 2
"Hail, Fair Australia:" words by Ellie: Music by Cutolo. (Dedicated to the Public of South Australia.)
This "Song of Australia," both as to words and music, is a fair example of colonial ability,
whilst the "getting up" does credit to the lithographers.
As "Ellie" chooses to preserve her anonymity, we suppose we may not remove the veil that she has preferred to wear,
more than in now hinting that we now wish that every district of the colony were possessed of a muse equally pleasing with that of Ellie, of Lyndoch Valley.
The words of her song we wil presently give ; in the meantime we may remark of the music that it is characterised by simplicity, freedom, tenderness, and spirit.
It is a very good specimen of Signor Cutolo's powers as a composer of ballad music,
and will no doubt be welcomed in many a South Australian portfolio.
The following are the words of the song:
I. All hail, Australia, noble isle,
Our own adopted land,
May Heaven for ever kindly smile
O'er all thy sunny strand . . .
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (23 October 1860), 1
"HAIL FAIR AUSTRALIA ;" words by Ellie, music by Cutolo.
Sold by Messrs. Mullet, Wigg, Platts, and Rigby, Adelaide; and Mr. Barnett, Gawler.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Platts (bookseller, musicseller)
Song of the kooyanna (Auld, 1867)
Song of the kooyanna, a native bird of Australia, words by "Ellie", music by Mrs. W. P. A. (Adelaide: S. Marshall, [1867]); "Sims & Elliott, music printers" (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Auld (composer); Samuel Marshall (publisher); Sims and Elliott (music printers)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (19 October 1867), 1
NEW MUSIC - "SONG OF THE KOOYANNA, a Native Bird of Australia."
Words by ELLIE, Music by Mrs. W. P. A. Published by S. MARSHALL, and Sold by all Musicsellers. Price 2s. 6d.
"NEW MUSIC", South Australian Register (21 October 1867), 2
Sims & Elliott have just issued another piece of music, entitled "The Song of the Kooyanna."
Our readers may not know who or what is the Kooyanna, and we may therefore as well inform them at once that it is the Dacelo gigantea.
The words of the song are by "Ellie," a lady whose poetic effusions are well known and much admired,
and they are a favourable specimen of her productions.
The music is by Mrs. W. P. A., who is an accomplished pianist.
The melody is of a light and graceful character, quite within the range of a soprano voice, with a rippling accompaniment,
presenting no great difficulties to the executionist.
Every young lady having a taste for music should procure a copy:
The following explanatory note is given on the title-page: -
"The Australian bird called by the aborigines 'Kooyanna,' and popularly known as the 'laughing jackass,'
is a bird of the Kingfisher tribe. Captain Sturt says - 'It has a cry which resembles a chorus of wild spirits,
and is apt to startle the traveller who may be in jeopardy, as if laughing and mocking at his misfortune.'"
We may add that Gould, in his celebrated work on Australian birds, says that the laughing jackass never drinks.
The song of Australia (Taeuber, 1868)
The song of Australia, words by Ellie, composed & dedicated to his worship the Mayor of Adelaide by Carl Taeuber (Adelaide: J. Woodman, [1868]); "Penman & Galbraith, Litho." (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Taeuber (composer); Joseph Woodman (publisher)
"THE 'SONG OF AUSTRALIA'", South Australian Register (3 March 1868), 2
Mr. J. Woodman, of Rundle street, has just published a piece of music under this title. It is not, however, the "Song of Australia" which in 1859 gained the Gawler prize, but an entirely new production. The words are by "Ellie," a lady whose poetry is much admired. The music is by Carl Taeuber, a gentleman whose carte has been transferred to the title page. Messrs. Penman & Galbraith are the lithographers, and the work has been dedicated by the composer to His Worship the Mayor of Adelaide. In regard to the relative merits of the artists, as indicated by this production, we should be disposed to give the precedence to the lady, and to place the lithographers between her and the Teuton. The music has nothing very original about it, except, perhaps, the arrangement of the pianoforte accompaniment, which is given for both hands in the F clef, whilst it contains several errors, which it is difficult to account for or excuse. The poetry may be judged of by the first verse, as follows: -
"All hail! Australia, noble isle,
Our own adopted land.
May Heaven for ever kindly smile
O'er all thy sunny strand.
We ask not for a home more fair,
We would not brighter skies:
Thy joyous bracing mountain air
No Briton will despise.
Hail! fair Australia, hail! all hail!
Queen of the Southern Sea;
What tyrant foe shall dare assail
The bold, the wild, the free?"
"THE SONG OF AUSTRALIA. TO THE EDITOR", South Australian Register (7 March 1868), 3
Sir, - As my name is being rather freely used in reference to the "Song of Australia" just published,
and as I have a great dislike to anything like pilfering or plagiarism,
I deny having ever written a song entitled "The Song of Australia."
I wrote and published a song, (Signor Cutolo composing the music) entitled "Hail, Fair Australia."
By your Tuesday's Issue I was indeed surprised to see again a critique on my poem set to music and published afresh, without even my knowledge, much more consent.
Mr. Taeuber wrote requesting a copy of the words of my song.
They were sent him set to Cutolo's music.
This is all I have to say in the affair.
I am, Sir, &c., ELLEN E. DEBNEY. Semaphore, Thursday.
Other works:
Poems by Ellie (Adelaide: Andrews, Thomas, & Clark, 1873)
Bibliography and resources:
Elizabeth Warburton, "Ellie" [Ellen Debney; a paper presented to a meeting of the Society on 18 July 1979], Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia 7 (1980), 62-69 (PAYWALL)
ELLIOT, Caroline (Caroline ELLIOT [sic]; Mrs. Henry ELLIOT; Mrs. ELLIOT; ELLIOTT)
Musician, professor of music, vocalist, pianist, organist, teacher of music, music and instrument importer and seller
Born London, England, 2 March 1814; baptised St. Pancras, 11 April 1814; daughter of Thomas ELLIOT (c. 1759-1832) and ?
Married Henry ELLIOT, St. Dunstan in the East, London, England, 28 February 1839
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 23 June 1839 (per Seppings, from London, 12 March)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 28 August 1841 (per Marys, from Adelaide, 20 August)
Died Hobart, TAS, 8 September 1858, aged "44/45" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Musician, professor of music, flute player, tanner (currier), leather merchant
Born Hampton, Middlesex, England, 26 April 1814; son of John ELLIOT (c. 1777-1838) and Ann BEST (c. 1777-1835)
Married Caroline ELLIOT [sic], St. Dunstan in the East, London, England, 28 February 1839
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 23 June 1839 (per Seppings, from London, 12 March)
Arrived Hobart, TAS, 28 August 1841 (per Marys, from Adelaide, 20 August)
Died Hobart, TAS, 29 June 1864, aged "50" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Henry Elliot, son of the late John Elliot, currier, of Hampton, married his first cousin Caroline Elliot, illegitimate daughter of the late organ builder Thomas Elliot, of London, at St. Dunstan in the East, London, on 28 February 1839. Caroline's much older sister, Mary, had married the organ builder William Hill (1789-1870) in 1818, and, on her father's death in 1832, she and her husband took over the family business.
Henry and Caroline, the newly-wed couple, sailed for South Australia a fortnight after their wedding, on the same ship as Henry Rothwell Pounsett and his wife and children, and arrived in Adelaide in June 1839.
In February 1840, with George Bennett, Charles Platts, William Edwards, and William Ewens, Caroline, billed as "A LADY", was the only woman performer in what the review described as Adelaide's "first professional concert". Both Caroline and Henry also appeared at Bennett and Edwards's concerts on 10 February 1841, and, taking their farewell of South Australia, on 13 August 1841.
The couple arrived in Hobart on 28 August 1841, and in late September Caroline and Joseph Reichenberg announced a concert at the Royal Victoria Theatre on 5 October. Mrs. Elliot also advertised that month as a "professor of music . . . just arrived", having been:
educated expressly for the profession, from an early period, by the best masters in London, and having devoted her time constantly to teaching.
By August 1842, Caroline was organist of St. David's church, and lived in succession at nos. 8 and 7 Liverpool-street. In 1845, at the latter address, Caroline directed the treble class of the Hobart Town Choral Society, of which she and Henry were founding members. Henry was at the time to Society's librarian, and Richard Curtis the conductor.
A letter of Henry's dated January 1848, and published in 1849, recommending colonially-built pianos made by John Williams, described him as a "professor of music". However, in the 1850s his main business was as proprietor of a tannery and a leathergoods warehouse, and later as a farmer.
After 10 years service in the post, Caroline resigned as organist of St. David's cathedral early in 1852, following her "indisposition" while pregnant with her daughter Catherine. After the birth, Caroline advertised that she was not, as rumours had it, relinquishing her profession. However her infant daughter's death, aged 18 months, in 1853, and the birth of another daughter, Kate, in 1854 seem to have curtailed her professional activities.
Early in 1855, the Elliots appear to have received a visit from Charles Platts and his wife, of Adelaide. Perhaps to avoid the Tasmanian winter, Caroline and her infant daughter returned with the Platts to South Australia in April 1855, staying with them Anniescot. However, in November 1855, Kate died there, aged 16 months.
Caroline returned to Hobart in January 1856, but there is no further public record of her or Henry's musical activities.
Caroline died on 8 September 1858.
Henry died, of scarlatina, on 29 June 1864. His household effects, auctioned in August 1864, included a "harp, violoncello, music and other books".
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Pancras in the county of Middlesex in the year 1814; London Metropolitan Archives, P90/Pan1/011 (PAYWALL)
No. 979 / [1814 April] 11th / Caroline D'r of / Thomas & Anne / Elliott [sic] / New Road / Organ builder . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Elliot (father, organ builder)
Dr. Williams's Library Registry, Birth Certificates, 1817-1820; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
Henry Elliot, parish of Hampton, county of Middlesex, reg'd June 30th 1820 / [Parents] John Elliot, & Ann, daughter of William Best / . . . [born] 26th April 1814
"WESTMINSTER ABBEY ORGAN", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (13 August 1829), 4
. . . The keys of the old abbey organ, with the ivory worn away into a concave surface, by the fingers of Purcell, Dr. Blow, Dr. Croft, Dr. Cooke, and other admirable performers, are now (1828) in the possession of Mr. V. Novello's, this very curious relic having been presented to him by Mr. Elliott, the organ-builder, who found it necessary to remove several parts of the ancient instrument, when he repaired it a few years since . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Vincent Novello (London musician, composer, and music publisher)
Last will and testament of Thomas Elliott, organ builder, probate 8 February 1833; UK National Archives, PROB 11/1811 (PAYWALL)
I Thomas Elliott of No. 12 Tottenham Court Road in the Parish of Saint Pancras in the County of Middlesex Organ Builder . . .
to divide all my household furniture . . . equally amongst my four daughters, Elizabeth Elliot, the said Susanna Elliot, Joanna the wife of Charles John Augustus Symmons,
and my natural daughter called Caroline Elliot born the second day of March one thousand eight hundred and fourteen and baptized at the Parish Church of Saint Pancras
on the eleventh day of April following as the daughter of Thomas and Anne Elliot of the New Road Organ Builder . . .
residue and remainder of the produce of my estate and effects unto and amongst my said daughters Susanna . . . Joanna . . .
my said natural daughter Caroline Elliot and William Hill (the husband of my late daughter Mary) to be equally divided between them . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hill (organ builder)
1839, marriages solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. Dunstan in the East; register 1837-48, page 48; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/DUN2/A/01/MS 10354/7 (PAYWALL)
No. 95 / February 28 1839 / Henry Elliot / of full age / bachelor / Currier / 32 Bell Yard / [father's name] John Elliot / Currier
Caroline Elliot / of full age / Spinster / - / 32 Bell yard / Thomas Elliot / organ builder
Adelaide, SA (1839-41):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (6 July 1839), 3
June 23. - The barque Seppings, 350 tons, Captain Rawlings, from London, with 60 passengers.
[Advertisement], Southern Australian (10 July 1839), 2
Adelaide, 6th July, 1839.
DEAR SIR - We are anxious to take the earliest opportunity of conveying to you in the most public manner our warmest acknowledgments for your invariably kind and affectionate attentions,
during our passage from England to this colony, in the barque "Seppings," under your command . . .
[To] CAPT. CORRY RAWLINS, Commander of the barque "Seppings" from London.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Rothwell Pounsett (musician)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (15 February 1840), 1
CONCERT - at Mr. SOLOMON'S Rooms, in Currie-street.
Programme of Messrs. PLATTS and BENNETT's Concert, Wednesday Evening, 19th instant: -
Part First.
OVERTURE - "Samson" - Handel.
GLEE - A LADY; Messrs. EWENS, BENNETT and EDWARDS, "Here in cool grot." - Mornington.
SONG - Mr. EDWARDS, "Mariners of England - Neukomm.
SOLO - Violin, Mr. BENNETT - Mori.
DUETTO - A LADY and Mr. PLATTS, - "E fia Fer" - Mercadante.
GLEE - A LADY, Messrs. EWENS and PLATTS, "The Wreath." - Mazzinghi.
OVERTURE - "Henry the Fourth." - Martini.
Part Second.
OVERTURE - "Men of Prometheus." - Beethoven.
ROUND - A LADY, Messrs. EWENS, PLATTS and EDWARDS, "Yes, 'tis the Indian drum" - Bishop.
SONG - Mr. EWENS, "Maiden, I will ne'er." - Rodwell.
DUETT CONCERTANTE - Violin and Piano, Messrs. PLATTS and BENNETT, "Air from Zelmira" - Herz & Lafont.
CATCH - Messrs. EWENS, PLATTS, BENNETT, and EDWARDS, "Would you know." - Webbe.
FINALE - "God save the Queen."
Tickets, 7s. each, to be had at the newspaper offices, and of Messrs. Platts and Bennett, Crippen-street, near the church.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emanuel Solomon (proprietor); Charles Platts (musician); George Bennett (musician); William Ewens (vocalist); William Povall Edwards (vocalist)
"FIRST PROFESSIONAL CONCERT", South Australian Register (22 February 1840), 4
The first professional concert given in Adelaide on Thursday night was so successful, and so numerously attended by the most respectable inhabitants, that we confidently look forward to an early repetition of the attempt. Making due allowance for the embarrassment of first appearances, we can conscientiously say that the whole affair was worthy of most, and superior to many, similar entertainments which are "got up" in the provincial towns of England, boasting of a population double that of Adelaide. The concerted pieces were perhaps the most defective. Instrumental music admits of no mediocrity; but the songs were very respectably given. The most ambitious effort of the evening, Mercadante's duet "E, fia ver," was creditably sung by Mr. Platts and Mrs. Elliott.
MUSIC: E fia ver (Mercadante); Yes, 'tis the Indian drum (Bishop)
[Advertisement], Southern Australian (9 February 1841), 1 supplement
BEG respectfully to inform the Gentry and Public of Adelaide and its vicinity, that their
CONCERT will take place in the large room in the South Australian Company's Building, Rundle-street, on WEDNESDAY, February 10, 1841.
The principal Performers will be - Mme. ELLIOTT, AND A LADY AMATEUR, Mr. EDWARDS, Mr. EWENS, Mr. LEE, Mr. ELLIOTT, Mr. BENNETT, AND OTHERS.
No pains will be spared to render the Orchestra as complete as possible.
Tickets, six shillings each, may be obtained at EDWARDS' Hotel, Stephens Place;
WATERLOO HOUSE, Hindley-street ; and Druman & HARVEY'S, Rundle-street.
the Doors will be opened at half past Seven o'clock; and the Performance will commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
The Programme will be given at the room.
Stephens Place, Feb. 3, 1841.
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Lee (musician)
[Advertisement], South Australian (13 August 1841), 1
CONCERT. Under the immediate Patronage of His Excellency the Governor.
MESSRS. EDWARDS AND BENNET Beg to announce their intention of giving a
CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC, In the large Room of the South Australian Company's buildings, Rundle-street.
ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1841. Principal Performers: Mrs. ELLIOT, and a Lady Amateur.
Messrs. EDWARDS, EWENS, LEE, POOLE, ELLIOT, and BENNETT, assisted by Gentlemen Amateurs.
OVERTURE - Occasional - HANDEL.
RECITATIVE & AIR - Mr. Edwards - Arm, Arm, ye Brave - HANDEL.
QUARTETT - Mrs. Elliot, Messrs. Edwards, Ewens, and Poole - Thou art gone to the Grave - GREATOREX.
AIR - Mr. Ewens - I know that my Redeemer liveth - HANDEL.
RECITATIVE & AIR - Mrs. Elliot Comfort ye - HANDEL.
CHORUS - And the Glory - HANDEL.
PART 2nd.
RECITATIVE & AIR - Lady Amateur - With Verdure Clad - HAYDN.
ANTHEM - Lady Amateur and Mr. Ewens - Hear my Prayer - KENT.
SONG - Mr. Edwards - The Last Man - CALLCOTT.
TRIO - Messrs. Edwards, Ewens, & Bennett - Disdainful of Danger - HANDEL.
GRAND CHORUS - The Heavens are telling - HAYDN.
Tickets, 7s 6d. each, or Family Tickets to admit three, 21s. each. To be had at Edwards' Hotel, Stephens' Place.
The Concert will commence precisely at Eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Poole (musician)
Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) (1841-64):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF HOBART TOWN. Arrivals", The Courier [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (3 September 1841), 2
August 28 - the schooner Marys, Clinch, from Adelaide, 20th instant, with a general cargo - passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (17 September 1841), 3
Pianoforte, Italian, and English Singing.
MRS. ELLIOT, Professor of Music, having just arrived, respectfully informs the Inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that she purposes giving instruction in the above accomplishments.
Mns. ELLIOT being educated expressly for the profession, from an early period, by the best Masters in London,
and having devoted her time constantly to teaching, feels confident the greatest satisfaction will be given to those who may honor her with their patronage.
64, Macquarie-street, Sept. 17, 1841.
"CONCERT", Colonial Times [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (28 September 1841), 3
Mrs. Elliot, who has recently arrived in the colony, announces in our advertising columns her intention of giving a concert, in conjunction with Mr. Reichenburg. We have heard much of Mrs. Elliot's talent, and anticipate something really worthy the name of a concert under her superintendence. We trust she will realise our expectations by a judicious selection of the best class of music, for a neglect of this has, even more than indifferent execution, heretofore distinguished our attempts at this interesting class of entertainments.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Reichenberg (musician)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (5 October 1841), 1
respectfully announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that they will give a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the Theatre,
THIS EVENING, October 5th, 1841, assisted by all the available Professional talent and several Amateurs.
The Orchestra of string'd and wind instruments will comprise upwards of twenty performers - the whole under the superintendence of Mr. Reichenberg.
Overture to Zampa, by full Orchestra - HEROLD
Song - Della Tromba il suon guerriero, Mrs. Elliot - V. PUCITTA
Solo (Flute) - Durante and Belerma, Mr. G. Duly - KUHLAN [Kuhlau]
Glee-Three voices - CALLCOTT
Song - Go! forget me - Mrs. Elliot - KNIGHT
Concerto Clarionett (Orchestral accompaniment) Mr. Reichenberg - BOCHSA.
Overture - L'ltaliana in Algeri, by full Orchestra - ROSSINI
Song - Pien di contento in sono - Mrs. Elliot - ROSSINI
Glee - Three voices - BISHOP
Solo (Piano) - La Parisienne - Mrs. Elliot - H. HERZ
Trio (Piano, Violin, and Violoncello) Messrs. Russell, Leffler, and Curtis - ROSSINI
Duet concertante (Piano and Clarionet) Mrs. Elliot and Mr. Reichenberg - WEBER
Finale - God save the Queen.
*** At the particular request of Colonel Elliott and the Officers of the 51st Regiment the Band of
that distinguished corps will perform the two Overtures.
Tickets, 6s. each; to be had at Mr. Davis's, Stationery and Seed Warehouse, No. 23;
Mr. Tegg's, Bookseller, No. 39 1/2; Mr. Hedger's, Confectioner, Elizabeth-street;
Mr. Reichenberg, 25, Davey-street; and Mr. Elliot, 64, Macquarie street.
Doors will be opened at 7 o'clock, and Concert commence precisely at 8 o'clock, to enable the audience to retire in good time.
October 1, 1841.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Frederick Duly (flute); William Wilkins Russell (piano); Edmund Leffler (violin); Richard Gill Curtis (cello); Samuel Augustus Tegg (bookseller); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
"THE CONCERT", The Courier (8 October 1841), 3
On Tuesday evening Mrs. Elliot and Mr. Reichenberg's Concert took place before one of the most respectable audiences we have ever seen in the Theatre. The house was appropriately prepared for the occasion; the seats in the pit covered, so as to afford the audience an opportunity of occupying this portion, which is by far the best for hearing the music to advantage; but our aristocracy could not be tempted even with agreeable appearance of the seats to sacrifice their more elevated region, the boxes. The performance on the whole was very creditable, although we still have to complain of the selection. Amongst the host of splendid compositions which are so easily accessible, and while superlatively good equally likely to please a mixed auditory, why should we have again and again repeated the familiar pieces which were presented on Tuesday evening, par example the school-piece "La Parisienne," and Bishop's eternal "Up rouse ye then?" It is true they are beautiful compositions; but are there not others equally beautiful, and much less familiar? We consider Mrs. Elliot a great acquisition to our corps musicale; she has not a sufficiently powerful voice for concert singing, strictly speaking, but she has other qualities as unusual as welcome amongst our public singers-judgment and a lady-like taste in all she does. There is no straining at violent exercises of the voice, but correctness mixed with the proper spirit of the composition. She had by far too heavy a task on Tuesday, the chief part of the performance devolving upon herself . . .
"The Concert", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (8 October 1841), 3
The Grand Concert given by Mrs. Elliot and Mr. Reichenberg on Tuesday evening was more numerously attended than on any recent occasion. The families of most of the respectable inhabitants in the town and neighbourhood were present, and not a single place was vacant in either tier of boxes. Colonel and Mrs. Elliott with a large party occupied the centre box. It is to be regretted that some of the leaders of fashion had not the good taste to seat themselves in the pit, (the whole theatre was appropriated to box tickets) where they could have seen and heard so much more conveniently than by standing in the back rows of the boxes. As no leading families set the example the pit remained entirely unoccupied, while every other part of the house was inconveniently crowded. The performance was of the highest order, too high we apprehend for the taste of Van Diemen's Land, while old and well-known popular English pieces, rather than the Italian music of the highest order selected, would have been much more warmly received. For example, Bishop's well-known "glee" originally performed in the "Miller and his Men," induced more applause than any other of the evening. Mrs. Elliot is a superlative piano performer, and sings with great judgment. Her voice is clear and mellow, and she is constantly a great acquisition to the musical department of the island. The piano was Mr. Davis's, a very fine instrument . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Wentworth Davis (musicseller, musical amateur)
"THE CONCERT", Van Diemen's Land Chronicle (8 October 1841), 3
The Concert of Mrs. Elliott was very respectably attended, and the performances extremely good. The band of the 51st assisted, and proved a great attraction. Mr. Duly, the band-master, contributed his vocal and instrumental talents. Mr. Leffler played a solo on the violin, as well as assisted in the general programme of the performances. He plays with great judgment, taste, and execution. The star of the evening, Mrs. Elliott, was, we were sorry to hear, labouring under severe indisposition, and contrary to medical advice, insisted on the Concert not being postponed as was recommended. Her voice is sweet and clear, although from the causes to which We have adverted, of not sufficiently strong compass to fill the theatre. Her appearance is prepossessing, and manner lady-like, and we have no doubt of her proving a great acquisition to the musical world of Van Diemen's Land. It is evident that she is a very accomplished musician.
ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Philip Duly (master, 51st band); Band of the 51st Regiment (military)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (15 March 1842), 1
Pianoforte, Italian, and English Singing.
MRS. ELLIOT respectfully informs the inhabitants of Hobart Town, and its Vicinity, that she has removed from her late residence, No. 64, Macquarie-street,
to No. 8, Liverpool-street (near the Paddock Gate) where she continues to give instruction in the above accomplishments.
March 15, 1842.
"ST. DAVID'S CHURCH", The Hobart Town Advertiser (29 March 1842), 2
A rich treat was afforded to the lovers of sacred music on Sunday last at St. David's Church. It being Easter Sunday, several amateur ladies and gentleman lent their assistance to the ordinary choir. The Easter Hymn - the Anthem "Our Lord is risen from the dead," and the 66th and 23rd hymns, were beautifully executed. The first part was undertaken by Mrs. Davis, whose voice we immediately discovered. Mrs. Davis was, we understand, assisted, and most ably so, by Messrs. Harbottle, McGregor, Duly, and Marshall. The sermon delivered by the Rev. Mr. Bedford, was one of the best we ever heard from that gentleman whose talent in the pulpit is universally acknowledged. Much as was due to the support afforded by the vocal performers, we should be wanting in impartiality did we not attribute the principal effect, where it was principally due, we mean to the splendid performance of Mrs. Elliott on the organ, which gave a swell and majesty we have rarely heard equalled. Even with the assistance she generally receives, her performance is worthy the estimation she enjoys as a first-rate organist, but on this occasion it seemed as if she determined to give the fullest effect to the unequalled talent which supported her - she outdid herself. Rarely indeed has it been our lot to witness such a combination of vocal and instrumental perfection.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sophia Letitia Davis (vocalist); Thomas Harbottle (vocalist); John McGregor (vocalist); John Marshall (vocalist, flautist); St. David's church (Hobart)
[Advertisement], The Courier (12 August 1842), 1
MRS. ELLIOT, ORGANIST of St. David's Church,
respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that she continues to give instruction on the PIANOFORTE and SINGING,
at her residence, No. 8, Liverpool-street, near the Paddock Gate.
August 12.
[Advertisement], The Courier (21 September 1844), 1
Notice of Removal. MRS. ELLIOT, Professor of Music,
respectfully intimates to her Friends and the Public, that she has removed from her late residence,
No. 8, Liverpool-street, to No. 7, the house nearly opposite, formerly occupied by Mr. T. Boot.
No. 7, Liverpool-street, Sept. 17, 1844.
"HOBART TOWN CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (22 October 1844), 2
The second public performance of this highly useful society took place on Tuesday evening last, in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, which had been obligingly lent for the occasion. The platform was fitted up as an orchestra, and the number of the performers, vocal and instrumental, were about forty. With the exception of Madame Gautrot (who lent her powerful assistance) the whole of the vocalists were amateurs, as were also many of the instrumental performers; this branch received considerable aid from the exquisite playing of Mrs. Elliott on the piano, Mr. Duly, Monsieur Gautrot, and Mr. Russell on violins, and Mr. W. H. Howson at the double bass, together with several of the excellent band of the 51st regiment, which, by the kindness of Colonel Elliott, were placed at the disposal of the Committee. The first part was Romberg's delightful ode, "The Transient and the Eternal" . . . The choruses were given with great precision and effect, and, though the number of performers was so great, the sounds were but as one "loud voice." Mr. Curtis, the conductor (a perfect musical enthusiast,) is entitled to the warmest thanks of the society and the public for his untiring exertions in maturing so useful an institution . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Madame Gautrot (vocalist and violinist); William Edwin Howson (double bass); Hobart Town Choral Society (association); Mechanics' Institute (Hobart venue)
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (23 January 1845), 2
The very name of Handel is a spell of power . . . and, in his Messiah, he has embodied, as far as they can be embodied in musical notation and the rich melody of sound, the unparalleled sufferings of the Saviour and the splendour of his triumph over death and the powers of darkness . . . we commend the judgment and tact with which the Choral Society determined to introduce the greatest of all the productions of this great master to the notice of their fellow-citizens . . . Mrs. Elliott, whose piano accompaniments it would be superfluous to praise, sang, with great sweetness, the recitative, "There were shepherds;" and infused into "Thy rebuke has broken his heart," and the succeeding air, much of the plaintive tenderness and melting pathos of which they are so eminently susceptible . . .
[2 advertisements], Colonial Times (18 March 1845), 1
CHORAL SOCIETY. THE above Society intending immediately (should a sufficient number of pupils offer) to establish their
Schools for Singing, and Instrumental Music, on the principles laid down in their Annual and Supplementary Report,
those wishing to avail themselves of such tuition will be so good as to send their names to the Secretary, Mr. John C. Hall, at the Advertiser office, as early as possible
- stating, if Instrumental, what they wish to practice, and if Vocal, what part they would likewise wish to learn.
(The Treble Class, under the direction of Mrs. Elliott, will be held at her residence, No. 7, Liverpool street, at an early period.
A time of meeting will be advertised as soon as the necessary arrangements are completed. March 15, 1845.
A Lady of talent and respectability (viz Mrs. Elliott) has been engaged to teach the treble voices,
which will be composed of Ladies, Girls, and Boys, all of whom must be Members of the Society, or relatives of Members . . .
LIST OF OFFICE-BEARERS . . . Treasurer - Mr. John Marshall. Secretary - Mr. John C. Hall. Director - Mr. Richard Curtis.
Conductor - Mr. A. P. Duly. Leader - Mons. Gautrot. Librarian - Mr. Henry Elliott . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Caplin Hall (secretary)
1845, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1069359; RGD33/1/2/ no 1100 (DIGITISED)
1100 / 15th June / Caroline / female [daughter of] / Henry Elliott [and] / Caroline Elliott formerly Elliott / Clerk Comptroller's Dep't / . . . Liverpool Street . . .
"'THE CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (18 October 1845), 2
THE introduction of Judas Maccabaeus to the acquaintance of the musical amateurs of Hobart Town, furnishes another pleasing proof of the characteristic spirit and zeal of this excellent society. Their sixth public performance, on Tuesday evening, consisted entirely of selections from this fine Oratorio . . . Nor must we omit to notice the unobtrusive merits of Mrs. Elliott, evinced not only in her piano accompaniments, but in the style of unaffected and beautiful simplicity with which she took a part in some of the duets. "O lovely peace," sung by Mrs. Elliott and Master Allen, was one of the "gems" of the evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Allen junior (vocalist)
"THE ORATORIO", The Observer (27 January 1846), 3
Want of space prevents our giving a lengthy report of this entertainment. The hall was filled with a most respectable audience, who appeared to be highly delighted . . . Mrs. Elliott's "If God be for us," with flute obligato, by Mr. Marshall, was a fine piece of singing, and was deservedly applauded . . .
. . . We were not a little surprised, therefore, upon inquiry into the merits of the letter of "A Parishioner," to discover, that although the account rendered by the Churchwardens states £50 (the amount of twelve months' salary) has been paid to Mrs. Elliott, the organist, there is in fact £20 yet due to that lady for her services for the year 1845 . . .
"CONCERT", Colonial Times (6 February 1846), 3
A miscellaneous concert, "in aid of the funds of the Choral Society," was given last evening in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute . . . Mrs. Elliott presiding at the piano, and playing and singing in the most delightful manner possible . . .
"THE ORATORIO", The Courier (23 May 1846), 3
We are compelled to restrict our notice of the excellent performance of the Choral Society, on Tuesday evening, to little more than the expression of general Commendation . . . "O Lovely Peace," was very sweetly sung by Mrs. Elliott, and Master Allen . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (23 September 1846), 3
Notice of Removal. MRS. ELLIOT respectfully informs her Pupils and Friends, that she has
REMOVED from her late residence in Liverpool-street to the House formerly occupied by Mrs. Logan, in Macquarie-street, opposite Albert Terrace.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Logan (musician)
Letter, Henry Elliot, Hobart Town, 3 November 1846, to Sophia Letitia Davis; Papers of Sophia Letitia Davis, MS 15531, State Library of Victoria
[2v] Mrs. Davis. [1r] Hobart Town / Macquarie Street / 5 Nov'r 1846
My dear Mrs. Davis
Having a few moments to spare I thought I might as well devote them in giving a little news altho' it will be at the risk of some being old to you;
if it is take it as it comes and excuse it as the intention is good; you will perceive by the address above we have moved;
at last the long wished for house (late Mrs. Logan's); what would that good lady say if she knew it with all the circumstances,
viz. at £40 per annum! Instead of £70 and no £30 good will (as she called it) to put down;
we like the change much, so near the Church and so fine a room for Music - when will you come and have Duett in it?
[1v] Caroline is expecting hourly you know what. I fully expected it would have been a young Guy Fawkes; she has enjoyed excellent health this time.
I hope she will make as good a finish. Miss Elliot is growing a fine girl; you would I;m sure be delighted to see her little tricks; can trot about nicely; we have her home.
Old Dr. Bedford & Mrs. B went to Sydney about 2 months since on a visit to their daughter.
There was a report about Town he had died suddenly but proved to [be] untrue.
He does not like Sydney and will return the first opportunity.
Sir Eardly Wilmot is recalled and Mr. La Trobe from Port Phillip is the Administrator of the Government until a Governor is appointed from home;
a very severe cut for Sir Eardly; not paying sufficient attention to the morals and religious instruction of the prisoners is the cause given by the Secretary of [2r] State.
I now turn to a subject which gives me pain to dwell upon - the death of poor Mr. Macgregor (Tailor); he died rather suddenly of Brain fever - he had a very large funeral; 170 people followed;
we (the Choral Society) sang an Anthem (Vital Spark &c.) over his remains in the Church -
Mr. Macdonald (commonly known as the Sea lawyer) also died very suddenly;
and a young man who followed poor Macgregor in perfect health was carried to his resting place 4 days after;
these my dear friend are so many warnings to us who are left to prepare for that awful Change which will come and may come upon us in an instant and summon us before that Tribunal of justice and when every man will be dealt with according to their deeds done in the body whether good or evil.
I almost forgot to mention the death of Mrs. Fitzgerald; she died in childbed and has left 8 children (Fitzgerald of the Hospital I mean).
Mr. Gell has left Hobart Town for the College at Bishopbourne.
Dr. Hampton has arrived with the appointment of Comptroller General - Mr. Champ will return to Port Arthur;
what we have seen of Dr. Hampton we like the change.
Caroline sends her kind love to you and joins with me in kind remembrance to Mr. Davis and James and believe me your dear friend
H. Elliot
P.S. This is an offhanded affair so excuse all blemishes and make it out it you can.
ASSOCIATIONS: John McGregor (musical amateur, as above)
"FUNERAL OF THE LATE SIR J. EARDLEY EARDLEY-WILMOT", The Courier (13 February 1847), 3
The public funeral of the remains of Sir John Eardley Eardley-Wilmot, Baronet, on Wednesday [10 February], attracted numerous spectators . . . At half-past two o'clock the bell of St. David's Cathedral was tolled at half-minute time . . . The procession moved off at a little past three, in the following order: . . . Band of the 96th regiment, playing the "Jubilate" . . . The interior of the sacred edifice had a sombre appearance appropriate to the solemn occasion - the pulpit, the reading desks, the communion table and the rails, and other portions being covered with black cloth. The burial service was read by the Rev. Dr. Bedford, and the responses by the Venerable the Archdeacon. Mrs. Elliott, who presided at the organ, played "The Dead March in Saul," and an appropriate psalm was sung by the vocalists of the Choral Society . . . From the church the band played the Dead March in Saul . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Eardley Eardley-Wilmot (lieutenant governor); William Bedford (cleric); Fitzherbert Marriott (archdeacon); Band of the 96th Regiment (military)
"THE ORATORIO", Colonial Times (19 February 1847), 3
We regret that want of space, precludes our intended lengthened notice of the Oratorio on Tuesday night, and especially as great merit is due, individually and collectively to the performers, vocal and instrumental. The organ purchased of Bishop Nixon was opened publicly for the first time, Mrs. Elliott presiding, and so presiding in a very effective manner. This fine-toned instrument is a most valuable addition to the orchestra of the Choral Society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Russell Nixon (Anglican bishop)
"CHORAL SOCIETY'S ORATORIO", The Courier (20 February 1847), 2
THE Eleventh Oratorio of the Hobart Town Choral Society took place in the Mechanics' Institute. Melville-street, on Tuesday evening last. A brilliant overflowing audience attended upon the occasion, and may he regarded as an equivocal testimony of the enthusiastic taste for music prevailing in the city. The programme consisted of judicious selections from the compositions of Boyce, Haydn, Kent, Mozart, and Vincent Novello; but the principal and most numerous pieces were selected from the inimitable Messiah, of the immortal Handel. The organ of the society was placed under the effective control of Mrs. Elliott . . . The fugue on the organ, "Procedente ab utroque," was performed in a very efficient manner . . .
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (26 June 1847), 3
The Twelfth Oratorio of the Hobart Town Choral Society was given at the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute on Tuesday evening last [22 June] . . . We must not omit to mention that, "O, worse than death indeed," and "Angels ever bright and fair," received ample justice from the successful efforts of Mrs. Elliott . . .
"CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (2 October 1847), 2
It cannot be doubted that the establishment of the Hubart Town Choral Society is pre-eminently calculated to inspire fresh life and energy in our musical discernments. As an assurance of the fact, the selection of pieces for the thirteenth oratorio of this society, given in the hall of the Mechanics' institute on Tuesday evening last [28 September], affords the most unequivocal testimony, being chosen from the works of the "mighty masters," Handel, Haydn, Moturt, Beethoven, Novello, Marcello, Pergolesi, and Rhigini . . . The oratorio was conducted by Mr. Curtis; Mr. Russell was the leader, and Mrs. Elliott presided at the organ . . . The "Kyrie Eleison" of Rhigini [Righini], and Novello's "Domine Salvum" were appropriately chosen. The latter, as an organ solo, was played with considerable brilliancy and newness of style, as was the duet "Cum Sancto Spiritu" of Mozart, performed by Mrs. Elliott and Mr. Russell . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (23 November 1847), 3
Improved Seraphines. FOR SALE - One of the above Instruments:
may be seen at Mrs. Elliott's Music Rooms, Macquarie-street.
N.B. - Upon this Instrument may be performed any music, however rapid the passages.
November 23, 1847.
[Advertisement], The Courier (8 January 1848), 1
Music. MRS. ELLIOT respectfully announces to her friends and pupils that the present vacation will terminate on Monday, the 10th instant.
Macquarie-street, January 6.
"MUSICAL SOIREE - TOMORROW EVENING", The Courier (29 March 1848), 2
The farewell concert of Mrs. Prout, under the patronage of His Excellency Sir W. and Lady Denison, takes place at the Mechanics' Institute to-morrow evening, commencing at eight o'clock. Mrs. Elliott, Mr. Imberg, and several amateurs will render their assistance; and the band of the 96th regiment, by permission of Colonel Cumberland, will be in attendance. The programme will consist of selections from Balfe, Bochsa, Herz, Haydn, and Rossini. Mrs. Prout will give, during the evening, the Bravura variations on the romance in the opera of "Joseph," and will also, with Mrs. Elliott, perform the celebrated pianoforte duett from "Guillaume Tell."
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Prout (pianist, harpist); William and Caroline Denison (lieutenant governor and wife); Julius Samuel Imberg (musician)
[Advertisement], The Courier (29 March 1848), 1
MUSICAL SOIREE. (To-morrow Evening ) . . .
PROGRAMME. Part 1 . . . 3. Song - "When other Lips," Mrs. Elliott - BALFE . . .
5. Song - Italian, Mrs. Elliott - ROSSINI.
6. Solo - Organ, Mrs. Elliott - HAYDN . . .
Part 2 . . . 2. Duett - Organ, with accompaniments, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Prout - Arranged by Calcott . . .
4. Ballad - With Harp accompaniment, Mrs. Elliott - NELSON . . .
6. Celebrated Pianoforte Duett from "Guillaume Tell," Mrs. Prout and Mrs. Elliott - HERZ . . .
MUSIC: When other lips [Then you'll remember me] (Balfe, from The Bohemian girl); Grandes variations sur une marche favorite de Guillaume Tell (Herz)
"MRS. PROUT'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (6 April 1848), 3
This Musical Soiree, on Thursday evening last, was by far the best, and the must respectably attended of any we have seen in this colony. Mrs. Prout's execution of the very difficult music chosen for the display of he talent, places her second to none in this colony. We were glad to see her so well supported by Mrs. Elliott and Mr. Imberg . . . Mrs. Elliott sung in soft and interesting melody, the pathetic songs allotted to her, but she was evidently more nervous than usual . . .
"HOBART TOWN CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (20 April 1848), 2
On Tuesday evening this Society gave its fourteenth Concert, it being on this occasion, an Oratorio . . . O LOVELY PEACE . . . (one of Handel's) was sung with great taste and good feeling by Mrs. Elliot and Miss Duly. We were much delighted by observing His Excellency call for Mr. Curtis and ask him for an encore. We had not heard it, having just arrived, and it was at Lady Denison's and Mrs. Stanley's request he did so. It was in our opinion an evidence of their good taste for good music, a taste most admirable in women, and we all know, or ought to know, the influence of women. A heart which is dead to heavenly sounds, rely upon it, is a heart not worth owning . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Agnes Duly (vocalist)
Letter, Caroline Elliot, Hobart, 27 January 1849, to Sophia Letitia Davis; Papers of Sophia Letitia Davis, MS 15531, State Library of Victoria
[1r] My dear Mrs. Davis
I am sorry I have not been able to attend to your commission sooner but in fact with illness and one hindrance or another I have been prevented from so doing.
Mrs. Gee has done your Bonnet, I hope to your satisfaction - Mrs. Pitt did not I suppose think proper to comply with your request relative to the cap shape,
when I called on [1v] her first she promised to do it. I have called several times since and every time she said it should be ready in a day or so;
last night I called again as I found the Miranda was to sail today, she was out and the girl said it was not done - had she said at first she would not do it I might have got some one else.
You will find the medicine &c. in the box; also a couple a songs; one is a pretty Italian one; the other from Wallace's [2r] new opera "Matilda" which I think you will like,
there is another I have sent for Jamesy to learn - a very lively one.
By the bye, when you write again tell me when the wedding is to take place.
Mr. Elliot and myself are both enjoying good health, also the dear little girls.
I suppose Mr. Elliot told you I lost my last which as a disappointment, being a Son.
I have been of late fully occupied in my profession. I have the Bishop's family to teach now.
I am sorry to say [2v] the choir of St. David's has achieved but little.
Poor Doctor Bedford is recovered his sickly health but his mind is greatly impaired; I should not think he would be permitted to conduct Divine Service again.
Mrs. Chester has left for Port Phillip, she found very little encouragement here; she had fallen off most sadly in her singing.
I have heard you speak of her as a good singer, but now it is painful to listen to her, scarcely an upper note in tune; and I understand she gave way terribly to drinking.
I must bid you now Adieu [cross written] as I am anxious to get the box on aboard immediately.
Let me hear from you the next trip, whether you received it safely and tell me when we are to see you again in Hobart Town.
I hope soon you will be delighted with my Music Room. Mr. Elliot joins me in sending kindest remembrance to yourself, Mr. Davis and Jamesy, and
Believe me to remain / Your sincere friend
C. Elliot / Jan 27th '49
ASSOCIATIONS: Marian Maria Chester (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (23 February 1850), 4
MANUFACTURED BY ALEXANDER AND SONS No. 10, Boulevard, Bonne Nouvelle, PARIS . . .
Mrs. H. ELLIOTT has great pleasure in informing her friends and the public,
that she has received two of these beautiful instruments direct to her order,
and that they can be seen at her residence in Macquarrie-street, any time after 4 o'clock, Macquarrie-street, Feb 15.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob and Edouard Alexandre (French musical instrument makers)
"MECHANIC'S INSTITUTE", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (3 August 1850), 3
On Tuesday evening last [30 July] W. Elliston, Esq., delivered his third lecture on "Select Dramatic Readings." The Hall of this Institution was literally crowded to excess . . . We must not forget mentioning how pleased we were with Mrs. Elliott's performance on the "Orgue-Melodium," lately received from England. This instrument imitates to perfection those generally used in the composition of large Orchestras. The delightful overture of FRA DIAVOLO was admirably executed. We hope that on Tuesday next Mrs. Elliott will again lend her brilliant talent to the eclat of the evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Gore Elliston (lecturer)
[Advertisement], The Courier (16 October 1850), 4
PIANOFORTES now on SALE at the Pianoforte Mart, 23, Elizabeth-street . . . J. WILLIAMS . . .
The following flattering TESTIMONIAL has also been received from Mr. ELLIOTT, Professor of Music, then of Liverpool-street, but now residing in Macquarie-street, Hobart Town:
Hobart Town, 7. Liverpool-street, 30th January, 1846.
Sir, - I have invariably found your pianofortes to be sound, substantially made instruments, and should prefer them to any imported,
on account of their standing so well in tune and pitch, the failure in which particulars is the great drawback in general to English made instruments sent out to this colony.
Yours truly, HENRY ELLIOTT . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Williams (pianoforte maker)
[Advertisement], The Courier (5 July 1851), 3
HARMONIUMS, ex Jane. TO BE DISPOSED OF, at Mrs. ELLIOT's MUSIC ROOM, Macquarie-street,
a few of the above beautiful Instruments, equally well adapted for a Church or Drawing-room.
Also a small but select invoice of new MUSIC, and INSTRUCTION BOOKS for SINGING and PIANOFORTE to order.
The above to be seen any day after four o'clock p.m.
Letter, Henry Elliot, Hobart Town, 15 December 1851, to James Wentworth Davis; Papers of Sophia Letitia Davis, MS 15531, State Library of Victoria
[1r] Hobart Town / 15th Dec'r 1851
My dear Sir, I write this I great haste asking for information relative to the Gold reported to have been found in Gipps' Land.
I hear it's quite as prolific as at Mount Alexander, Port Phillip, of which doubtless you have heard.
I have applied for 3 month's leave of absence, and got it, intending to make a spec. somewhere;
let me know your candid opinion of Port Albert, the probable supply of gold and water, whether it's on the surface or,
as at Ballarat requires digging deep for it, which is hard work [1v] and no mistake; what to bring in the shape of provisions, clothes &c.;
would it be advisable to bring a horse & cart; upon the strength [of] old friendship I impress the task of answering these queries.
I shall anxiously look for a letter from you.
Remember me to James. Mrs. E. is expecting daily to be confined. We are all quite well.
Yours very sincerely
Henry Elliot
[To] Mr. J. W. Davis
1852, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:955886; RGD33/1/4/ no 1118 (DIGITISED)
1118 / January 17th / Catherine [daughter of] / Henry Elliott, clerk, and Catherine Elliott . . .
"ST. DAVID'S CATHEDRAL", The Courier (10 April 1852), 3
Miss Bonney, the daughter of Mr. James Bonney, has been selected by the Churchwardens as organist at the Cathedral Church of St. David in this city. There were several candidates for the appointment, but Miss Bonney, who had been officiating for Mrs. Elliott on account of that lady's indisposition, was chosen on account of her superior musical acquirements. Miss Bonney, who is a native born Tasmanian, commenced her new career on Sunday last . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Ann Bonney (musician)
"New Organist", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (24 April 1852), 260
Mrs. Elliott who officiated for so long a period as the organist at St. David's Cathedral having resigned that office . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (31 July 1852), 1
Grand Horizontal Cottage and Piccolo Pianofortes
FOR Sale, and on view at Mrs. Elliot's Music Room, Macquarie-street.
The above beautiful instruments, having been imported direct to order,
are confidently recommended as possessing that great desideratum of standing up to Concert pitch,
combined with a rich and brilliant tone.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (10 September 1852), 4
MRS. ELLIOTT, having been informed by several friends that a rumour has been spread of her having retired from the Musical Profession,
she begs to contradict so unwarrantable a report, and to state to those kind friends who may feel disposed to favour her with a preference,
that she continues to give instruction as usual on the Organ and Pianoforte, and in English and Italian Singing.
Macquarie-street, Sept 6, 1852.
"DEATHS", The Tasmanian Colonist (21 July 1853), 2
On the 18th July, Catherine, the daughter of Mr. Henry Elliott, Collins-street, aged 18 months.
"BIRTHS", The Tasmanian Colonist (6 July 1854), 2
On the 2nd instant, at her residence, in Collins-st., Mrs. Henry Elliott, of a Daughter.
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", The Hobart Town Advertiser (24 July 1854), 3
The entertainment given by the music class of the Mechanics' Institute, took place on Friday evening, and was attended by an overflowing audience, there was not even sufficient standing room. This performance was the first given by the class since its formation, and we are happy to state that every piece went off well, there was not a break in the chain of pieces set down in the programme, just sufficient time being allowed between each piece to breathe. Of the instrumental pieces we cannot speak too highly, under the able and intelligent leadership of Mr. Russel, the band consisting of pianoforte, 2 first violins, 3 second violins, flute, violincello and ophecleide kept beautiful together, affording the audience the delight of listening to the following melodious compositions of the immortal Haydn. The evenings performance commenced with the Andante and Minuet of Haydn's Quintette, No. 24 . . . The vocalists in number 55, aided by Mr. Russel with the violin and flute by Mr. Elliot, now warmed to their parts and commenced with a madrigal "Hard by a Fountain" . . .
MUSIC: Hard by a fountain = Vorria morire (by Hubert Waelrant, adapted to English words)
"DEATHS", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (22 November 1855), 2
On the 2nd Instant, at Anniescot, Fullarton (South Australia), Kate, the infant daughter of Mr. H. Elliott, Hobart Town, Tasmania, aged 16 months.
1858, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1222173; RGD35/1/5 no 1144$init=RGD35-1-5p264jpg
1144 / September 8th / Caroline Elliot (died Antill Street) (born England) / female / 44 years / Tanner's Wife / Aneurism / . . .
"DEATH", The Courier (9 September 1858), 2
On the 8th September, CAROLINE, the beloved wife of Henry Elliott, of Anglesea-street Tannery, in the 48th year of her age.
1864, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1225536; RGD35/1/7 no 4512$init=RGD35-1-7p038
4512 / 29th June / Henry Elliot Died Anglesea Street (Born England) / 50 years / Tanner / Scarlatina . . .
"DEATHS", The Mercury (2 July 1864), 1
ELLIOT. - June 29th, at his residence, Anglesea-street Tannery, after a short illness, Henry Elliot, Esq., aged 50 years. The funeral will take place on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.
"DEATH OF MR. HENRY ELLIOT", The Mercury (2 July 1864), 2
We were somewhat in error in stating yesterday that Mr. Henry Elliot, tanner, had expired suddenly. We now learn that Mr. Elliot had been suffering from a severe attack of Scarlatina for some days, and on Tuesday last called in the assistance of Dr. Crowther. The disease had, however, then obtained severe hold of him, and he gradually sank under it, expiring about seven o'clock on Wednesday evening.
"THE LATE MR. H. ELLIOT", The Mercury (9 July 1864), 2
It is the intention, we understand, of the Rev. G. Clarke, to preach a sermon at the Congregational Church, Davey-street, having special reference to the death of the late Mr. Elliot, to-morrow evening.
[Advertisement], The Mercury (17 August 1864), 4
FRIDAY, August 19th, At half-past 11, Macquarie-street - on the premises belonging to the late Mr. Henry Elliott.
Surplus household furniture, harp, violoncello, music and other books; gas-fittings, utensils in trade, machinery, cart horse, carts, harness,
hay, cows, and many valuable and useful trading with domestic articles.
MR. WORLEY Will sell by auction, without reserve . . .
HARP, violoncello, guitar, bound and loose music, a small collection of varied literature, relics, curiosities, &c. . . .
"THE ORGAN AT ST. JOHN'S", The Advertiser [Hobart, TAS] (24 September 1864), 2
On Wednesday evening, being St. Mathew's Day, the organ recently purchased by the congregation of St. John's Church, Goulburn-street, was solemnly dedicated to the service of the Sanctuary . . . Mr. Tapfield presided at the organ. The organ was the property of the late Mr. Henry Elliot of this city, and was built by his uncle, Mr. Thomas Elliot, the founder of the well known firm of Elliot and Hill, now Hill and Son . . . It is an instrument perhaps of not so much power as is to be found in most church organs, but it possesses unusual sweetness of tone, all the pipes in the original organ having been voiced by Mr. Thomas Elliot himself, as the instrument was specially built for the use of his own daughters. It is a two manual organ . . . And an octave of Bourdon pedals manufactured by Mr. J. Biggs, who erected it in St. John's, with a coupler to combine the great organ with the swell. Musical connoisseurs who had the pleasure of hearing it in the hands of Mr. Tapfield, were highly delighted with it . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Tapfield (organist); Jesse Biggs (organ builder)
Bibliography and resources:
"Thomas Elliot, English organ builder", posted 28 May 2013
ELLIOTT, Alexander (Alexander ELLIOTT; Mr. A. ELLIOTT; Alexander ELLIOT)
Musician, dancer, professor of dancing, violinist, violin player, postmaster, publican, victualler, land owner
Born Limerick, Ireland, c. 1808, son of Edward ELLIOT (c. 1770-1838) and Mary SHAUGHNESSY (c. 1783-1858)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 20 June 1829 (assisted free, per Eliza, from Cork, Ireland, 2 March)
Married (1) Frances MURPHY (Mrs. CULLEN) (c. 1809-1845), Catholic chapel, Sydney, NSW, 3 June 1833
Married (2) Isabella BRADY (c. 1823-1877), Sydney, NSW, St. Mary's cathedral, Sydney, NSW, 17 January 1846
Died Sydney, NSW, 18 December 1879, aged "71/72" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Alexander Elliott, son of Edward Elliott (d. 1838, a convict per Brampton, 1823), was brought to the colony in a shipment of 11 free Irish boys joining their convict parents, who arrived toward the end of June 1829.
A month later, Elliott advertised that, "lately arrived in this Colony", he was offering to teach "the following Dances: a Selection of the most fashionable and popular Quadrilles, comprising 43 sets, Waltzes, Minuets, Country Dances" and to "play on the Violin for his Pupils if necessary".
In 1830, the Gazette reported that he had "inherited the greater number" of the late Thomas Brunton's pupils, and that he "continues to hold his academy at Sandwell's large room, Castlereagh street".
Letter, from James McTernan, surgeon superintendent of the Eliza, Sydney, 22 June 1829, to Alexander MacLeay; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
[Annotation]: 29/4911- 23 June 1829] Eliza Transport, Sydney, 22nd June 1829
Sir, agreeably with the commands of his Excellency I have the honor to transmit a list of the free Boys who came from Ireland under my superintendance . . .
[From County] Limerick / Alexander Elliott / [age] 20
"Shipping Intelligence", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (23 June 1829), 2
Arrived, on Saturday morning [20 June], from Cork, which place she left on the 2d of March, the ship Eliza, Captain Nicholas, with 173 male prisoners. Surgeon Superintendent, James McTernan, Esq. R. N. The guard comprises a detachment of the 40th Regiment, under the orders of Lieutenant Sweeney. Passengers, Mr. Edward Wall, and 11 free boys to join their parents.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (25 July 1829), 3
DANCING. MR. A. ELLIOTT, a Professor of DANCING, who lately arrived in this Colony,
begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney and its vicinity, that he intends to give
Instructions in this line of his profession, such as he trusts will acquire for him, an adequate share of patronage and support.
Mr. E. teaches the following Dances; a Selection of the most fashionable and popular Quadrilles, comprising 43 sets Waltzes, Minuets, Country Dances, &c.
Private Families and Academies attended on reasonable terms - Attendance in the interior if required.
Terms to be made known at No, 72, Kent-street, where any commands to him may be delivered, or at Mr. George Tate's, No. [?] George street.
N.B. Mr. E. will play on the Violin for his Pupils if necessary.
Sydney July the 26th, 1829.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 June 1830), 2
We understand that a Mr. Elliott, who has recently arrived in the Colony, has offered himself to the public as a professional dancing master, and teaches that polite accomplishment in the most modern style, which gives the young ladies and gentlemen of Australia every opportunity of making themselves perfect in that gay and fashionable amusement.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 August 1830), 2
Mr. Elliot, the professor of dancing, who has now under his tuition the greater number of the late Mr. Brunton's pupils, continues to hold his academy at Sandwell's large room, Castlereagh-street. We are ourselves not qualified to pronounce any opinion with respect to Mr. Elliot's abilities as a teacher; but, we are informed that "the honour of his company" is very earnestly desired by the good folks of Parramatta and Liverpool, whenever he can make it convenient to attend.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Brunton (dancing master, deceased)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 December 1830), 1
MR. ALEXANDER ELLIOTT begs to express to his Friends and the Public
his grateful acknowledgments for the liberal share of their patronage he has experienced as a
PROFESSOR of DANCING, and to assure them that it shall be his study to merit a continuance of their favour,
by his best endeavours to improve those Pupils with whose instruction he may be honoured. -
Mr. E. is desirous to intimate to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney and its vicinity,
that he has engaged extensive apartments, at Mr. W. B. Suttor's, Apothecary, No. 61, George-street,
where he will give instructions from 4 until 8 o'clock in the Evening, on Mondays and Thursdays, to commence on the 3d of January next.
Seminaries and private tuitions attended to, as usual, in this Town, or, according to engagement, in any of the Towns within 30 miles of it.
To be taught by him, in the best modern style, quadrilles, waltzes, minuettes, pantomines, pantras, cotillions, circles, hornpipes, country dances, &c. &c. &c.
Sydney, 7th Dec. 1830.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (22 August 1831), 1
respectfully begs leave to acquaint his Patrons and the Gentry of Sydney and its vicinity generally, that he has
removed his ACADEMY for DANCING to his Residence, the York Cottage, (next to Quarter Master LLOYD'S, 39th Regiment),
York-street, where his best exertions shall continue to be unremittingly employed,
in order to secure to him a continuance of that distinguished Patronage with which his Professional labours have hitherto been rewarded.
Attendance on the Evenings of Wednesdays and Saturdays, from Six to Half-past Eight O'Clock.
SEMINARIES and Private Families attended as usual.
Sydney, August 17, 1831.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (16 July 1832), 3
Immediately opposite to the School of Industry, Macquarie-street,
BEGS leave to return his sincere thanks to his numerous and most respectable Patrons,
for the very liberal support he has hitherto experienced in the line of his Profession,
and to assure them that no exertion of his shall be spared in order to merit a continuance of it.
Public attendance on the Evenings of Monday's and Thursdays, from 6 to 9 o'Clock.
Seminaries and Private Families attended as usual.
N. B. - Mr. E. will be happy to wait on such Ladies and Gentlemen as may be desirous of taking private Lessons at his Academy.
Sydney, July 14, 1832.
"MARRIED", The Sydney Monitor (8 June 1833), 3
By the Rev. J. J. THEREY, R.C.C., on the 3rd Instant, Mr. ALEXANDER ELLIOTT, of Macquarie-street, Sydney, to Mrs. FRANCES CULLEN, Widow, of the same place.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 October 1833), 2
List of Public Houses for Sydney, Transferred at the Police-office, on Tuesday, the 1st October, 1833 . . .
Henry Abrahams, from Jew's Harp, in George-street, to Fox and Hounds, Castlereagh-street - granted.
Alexander Elliott, to the Jew's Harp, in George-street - granted . . .
"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 July 1845), 3
At 182, Pitt-street, on the 25th instant, Frances, the wife of Mr. Alexander Elliott, aged 36 years, sincerely and deservedly regretted by her relatives and a large circle of friends.
"MARRIED", Morning Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (21 January 1846), 3
By special license, on the 17th instant, at the Cathedral, Sydney, by the Very. Rev. Dean McEncroe, Mr. Alexander Elliott, of Wollongong, to Isabelle, eldest daughter of Edward Brady, Esq., of Kealty, County Clare, Ireland.
"ILLAWARRA RACE CLUB BALL", Illawarra Mercury [Wollongong, NSW] (2 October 1860), 2
We are glad to perceive that the good old English fashion of winding up a race week with a ball is to be carried out this year in Wollongong, it being resolved that one should be held at Mr. Elliott's Wollongong Hotel, under the patronage of the Stewards and members of the Illawarra Turf Club. As Mr. Elliott is no novice in getting up such entertainments, we have an efficient guarantee that this affair will be conducted as it ought to be, and we must sincerely trust that it will be fully patronised by the lovers of the dance. An efficient band and every other accessory to the enjoyment and amusement of the evening will be provided.
"Illawarra - Past and Present (CONTINUED)", Illawarra Mercury (14 April 1871), 3
. . . The large brickhouse in the opposite corner was being built when I left by Mr. A. Elliott, who also erected the house, occupied as the 'Mercury' Office and book shop. I recollect Mr. Elliott as a popular dancing-master in Sydney in Sir R. Bourke's time, and many a merry part have I been at where Mr. E. was master of ceremonies . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Bourke (governor 1830s)
"Death", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (19 December 1879), 2
ELLIOTT. - December 18, at 97, Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo, Alexander Elliott, formerly of Wollongong, in the 72nd year of his age.
Bibliography and resources:
Alexander Elliott (c. 1809-1879), WikiTree
Edward Elliott (c. 1771-1838), WikiTree
Musical amateur, amateur musician, composer, music printer and publisher, general printer, newspaper editor and proprietor
Born England, 1833; son of Mary WHARTON (d. SA, 1902)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 17 December 1850 (per Andromache, from London, 4 September, and Plymouth, 11 September)
Married [1] Elizabeth A'COURT (d. 1853), Christ church, North Adelaide, 2 August 1851
Married [2] Rebecca Anna KEARNS, St. John's church, Adelaide, SA, 12 April 1854
Died Strathalbyn, SA, 21 May 1883, aged "49" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Sims and Elliott (firm, general and music printers, c. 1868-69)

Joseph Elliott, c. 1860 (photo: Townsend Duryea); State Library of South Australia (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Townsend Duryea (photographer)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (18 February 1851), 2
Dec. 17 - The barque Andromache, 468 tons, Passmore, master, from London, September 4th, and Plymouth, September 11th . . .
Passengers per Andromache . . . Joseph and James Elliott . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Elliott (1836-1883, brother); the passenger list give Joseph's occupation as "printer"
"MARRIED", South Australian Register (4 August 1851), 2
On Saturday, August 2nd, at Christchurch, North Adelaide, by the Rev. W. J. Woodcock, Joseph Elliott to Miss Elizabeth A'Court.
"DIED", South Australian Register (11 April 1853), 2
On Friday evening [8 April], at half-past 8 o'clock, at North Adelaide, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Joseph Elliott. "Think not of the morrow."
"MARRIED", South Australian Register (14 April 1854), 2
On the 12th instant, at St. John's Church, by the Rev. J. C. Bagshawe, Mr. Joseph Elliott, of North Adelaide, to Rebecca Anna, eldest daughter of Christopher Kearns, Esq., architect, of Anna Villa, County of Dublin.
"LOCAL COURTS . . . ADELAIDE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 . . . THOMAS AND OTHERS V. POOLE", Adelaide Observer (6 December 1856), 4
In this case the proprietors of the Register and Observer newspapers were the plaintiffs,
and Mr. Charles Poole, late lessee of the Victoria Theatre, was the defendant.
The latter, who was about to leave the colony by the White Swan, had been arrested upon a capias for the sum of £11,
being the plaintiffs' account against him for advertisements and play-bills.
He offered to pay £7 6s., but denied his liability for the balance, and the case came on for immediate hearing . . .
Joseph Fisher, accountant in the Register office, deposed that the sum of £3 14s.
was for printing and advertising for Mr. Miran's benefit at the Victoria Theatre.
Was about to sue Mr. Miran for the amount, but refrained from doing so on hearing that Mr. Poole had promised to pay it . . .
William H. Hillier stated that the defendant acknowledged the debt,
and requested that no proceedings should be taken against Mr. Miran. Delivered this message to Mr. Fisher.
Joseph Elliott, printer, corroborated the evidence of the last witness . . .
Robert Thomas (newspaper proprietor); Charles Poole (manager);
Charles Miran (actor);
Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue);
and see also "FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. ROBERT THOMAS", Adelaide Observer (7 July 1860), 6
"STRATHALBYN. May 18", The South Australian Advertiser (19 May 1883), 6
Mr. Joseph Elliott, of this town, brother of the late Mr. Jas. Elliott, of Kapunda, whose decease was so lately chronicled and proprietor of the Southern Argus, is so seriously ill that but slight hope is entertained of his recovery. Everything that medical skill can suggest has been done to avert serious consequences, but the worst is feared. Regret is felt throughout the district.
[Editorial] "THE LATE MR. JAMES ELLIOTT", Kapunda Herald [SA] (24 April 1883), 2
It is with very deep regret that we have to record the death of Mr. James Elliott, one of the proprietors and editor of this journal, which took place at midday on Sunday last [22 April] . . . Mr. James Elliott was born in London on the 23rd February, 1836. In December, 1850, he arrived in South Australia with his elder brother, Mr. Joseph Elliott, now of the Southern Argus, Strathalbyn. In 1851 he visited the Victorian diggings, and then returned to England, where he stayed for about four years, after which he again came to the colony, and was for some time employed in the Register Office, and afterwards at the Government Printing Office . . .
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (22 May 1883), 4
ELLIOTT. - On the 21st May, at Strathalbyn, after a painful illness, Joseph Elliott, J.P., aged 49 years.
"DEATH OF MR. JOSEPH ELLIOTT, J. P.", South Australian Register (23 May 1883), 2s
We regret to announce the death of Mr. Joseph Elliott, J.P., editor and proprietor of the Southern Argus, Strathalbyn,
and brother of the late Mr. James Elliott, J.P., of the Kapunda Herald, who died only a few days ago,
and the news of whose death reaching his brother when the latter was suffering from a prior illness,
brought on an attack of brain fever, to which he eventually succumbed.
Mr. Joseph Elliott was only forty-nine years of age at the time of his death.
He arrived in the colony in 1853 [sic], being then 18 years old.
He was first employed on the Register, and subsequently in the jobbing department connected with this office.
Leaving that position, he opened printing-offices on his own account in Gawler-place and Rundle-street.
He afterwards purchased the Southern Argus, which he greatly improved, and continued to conduct it at Strathalbyn till the day of his death.
During his residence there he interested himself greatly in all matters connected with the town, of which he was recently elected one of the Councillors.
In this capacity, as well as in other offices which he filled, Mr. Elliott worked energetically,
and his services will be much missed by those amongst whom he has lived respected so long.
He was an enthusiastic musician, and was in this connection best known, perhaps, as the composer of a popular little song entitled "Bygone Days."
He was a member of the Town Council of Strathalbyn. He had been for a long time in weak health.
He was twice married, and leaves six children, three of whom are grown up.
"THE LATE MR. JOSEPH ELLIOTT, J. P.", Southern Argus (24 May 1883), 2-3
. . . Mr. Elliott came to the colony in the Temora in 1852 [sic], his brother James accompanying him,
and settled in Adelaide, where he resided for many years, being employed for a very long period at the Register Office,
where he occupied a responsible position for a number of years. Later on Mr. Elliott joined Mr. W. C. Sims in establishing a business in the city,
which, however, did not prove very successful, and eventually be started on his own account, gradually working to the front . . .
Mr. Elliott was a most enthusiastic musician, and a composer of some note,
much of his music being extremely popular, including the songs "Bygone Days," "Unforgotten," "The Song of the Bell,"
"Visions of Youth," and others, and several pieces of dance and sacred music.
The success of the first named song rivalled that of almost any ever published,
upwards of three thousand copies having been sold in this colony alone.
Mr. Elliott, many years ago, imported a complete fount of music type, with which to publish the Musical Herald which he owned and edited.
This fount was then the only one in Australia, and at the present time the only one in this colony, as well as the largest and most complete in the continent.
The Herald did not prove a success, very few musical people being found amongst the early settlers,
and after a short existence it vanished from the journalistic world, to be succeeded in time by the Adelaide Miscellany, which he also launched and conducted.
This was far more successful, and for several years had a very popular run . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: In 1862-63, Elliott's font of music type was not "the only one in Australia"; there was at least one other set in Melbourne, imported in the 1850s by William Henry Williams, which was later also used for the music supplements in The illustrated Melbourne post, many of which were reprinted in Elliott's The illustrated Adelaide post
Musical works:
Bygone days (first edition, 1858; later editions include 1867, 1873, 1875)
Bygone days, colonial melody, ballad, music and words by J. E. (North Adelaide: Author, [1858]) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (6 December 1858), 1
Just Published, Price 2s. 6d., NEW COLONIAL MELODY - "BYGONE DAYS," Music and Words by J. E., North Adelaide. May be had of all Book and Music sellers.
For later editions, see:
"BYGONE DAYS", South Australian Register (16 July 1873), 5
The sixth edition of this pleasing melody, of which the words and music are by Mr. Joseph Elliott, has just been published by the author. It is clearly printed from musical type, and has an elegant title-page.
The Adelaide schottische (1861)
The Adelaide schottische, composed and respectfully dedicated to the ladies of South Australia by Joseph Elliott (Adelaide: printed by Penman & Galbraith, 1861)
ASSOCIATIONS: Penman and Galbraith (lithographers, printers)
[Advertisement], The South Australian Register (5 December 1861), 1
New Colonial Dance Music: Just Published, Price One Shilling and Sixpence, the
ADELAIDE SCHOTTISCHE, composed and respectfully dedicated to the Ladies of South Australia by
JOSEPH ELLIOTT, Author and Composer of the favorite Colonial Melody, "BYGONE DAYS," &c.
Sold by all book and music sellers in Adelaide; Young, Port; Barnet, Gawler; Richardson, Mount Barker;
Stobie & Thomson, Kapunda; and Gordon & Gotch, Melbourne. Price 1s. 6d.
"MUSIC", The South Australian Advertiser (6 December 1861), 3
Mr. Joseph Elliott, already favorably known to the colonial public as the author of the melody entitled "By-gone Days," has added to his former productions a pretty piece of dance music entitled "The Adelaide Schottische." It is a lively and pleasing composition, and is very creditably got up by Messrs. Penman & Galbraith, whose skill in this department needs no eulogy.
"COLONIAL MUSIC", South Australian Register (26 December 1861), 5
A collection of the musical pieces composed and published in the colony would form quite a volume. We remember to have seen the productions of Mrs. A. J. Murray, Signor Cutolo, Herr Linger, Miska Hauser, Mrs. H. F. Price, Messrs. Draeger, O. F. V. Reyher, E. K. Daniel, W. C. Oldham, H. Pounsett, and J. Elliott An addition to the list has recently been made by the publication of "The Adelaide Schottische," composed by Mr. Joseph Elliott, lithographed in Messrs. Penman & Galbraith's best style, respectfully dedicated to the ladies of South Australia, and sold at an unusually low price. The music is arranged for the pianoforte, and will be found to combine the elements of simplicity and originality, without at all sacrificing the fuoco - the animated and playful style belonging to dance music. There are two or three instances in which the strict rules of composition are overlooked, which it would be well to correct in a future edition. These are, however, but very slight defects, and do not perceptibly detract from the general effect.
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgiana Murray (composer); Cesare Cutolo (composer); Carl Linger (composer); Miska Hauser (composer); Mary Frances Price (composer); Carl Wilhelm Draeger (composer); Oscar Reyher (composer); Emma Caldwell Daniel (composer); William Carmichael Oldham (composer); Henry Pounsett (composer)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (28 January 1862), 1
"MUSICAL", South Australian Register (17 February 1862), 2
. . . We are glad to announce that arrangements are being made for the issue of a musical periodical in Adelaide, for which the necessary music types and material were ordered from England about three months ago . . . We observe that the admired "Adelaide Schottische" has reached a third edition . . .
Unforgotten, though afar! (1869; 1875; 1878)
Unforgotten, though afar! original song, with pianoforte accompaniment, words by "Clotilde", music by Joseph Elliott; musical supplement to The Adelaide miscellany 14 (12 August 1869) (DIGITISED)
"NEW MUSIC", South Australian Register (13 August 1869), 2
No. 28 of the Adelaide Miscellany contains a new song, the words of which are by Clotilde, and the music by Mr. Joseph Elliott. It is in D major, with a pianoforte accompaniment. The air is simple and pleasing, and within the range of an ordinary soprano voice.
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (13 August 1869), 2
The new number of the Adelaide Miscellany contains an original song, entitled "Unforgotten, Though Afar;" words by Clotilde; music by Joseph Elliot.
"MUSIC", South Australian Register (17 November 1875), 5
Mr. Joseph Elliott has just issued a new edition of his pretty song "Unforgotten though Afar." It has been very neatly printed from movable type, and forms a suitable and uniform companion to his "Bygone Days."
Unforgotten, though afar! song, music by Joseph Elliott, words by 'Clotilde', third edition (Strathalbyn: Southern Argus Office, 1878) (DIGITISED)
The song of the bell (1869)
The song of the bell! with pianoforte accompaniment, music and words (adapted from Longfellow's translation) by Joseph Elliott; musical supplement to The Adelaide Miscellany 15 (9 September 1869) (DIGITISED)
"NEW MUSIC", South Australian Register (13 September 1869), 2
The Adelaide Miscellany, No. 30, contains another piece of original music by Mr. Joseph Elliott, entitled the "Song of the Bell." It will probably become the song of the belle in drawing-room circles, for which it is more suitable than for the concert-room. Every lover of original music should purchase a copy.
Other musical publications:
Adelaide musical herald (Elliott and Pounsett, 1862-63)
Adelaide musical herald and journal of literature, &c. (Adelaide: Printed for the Proprietor by Sherring & Webb, 1862-63)
Specimen no. (Feb. 1862); specimen no. (Nov. 21, 1862) - v. 1, no. 13 (19 June 1863) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Pounsett (business partner, co-publisher, printer)
"MUSICAL", South Australian Register (17 February 1862), 2
. . . We are glad to announce that arrangements are being made for the issue of a musical periodical in Adelaide, for which the necessary music types and material were ordered from England about three months ago . . . We observe that the admired "Adelaide Schottische" has reached a third edition . . .
"THE MUSICAL HERALD", South Australian Register (18 February 1862), 2
The first number of the new musical periodical, to which we alluded yesterday, is announced for publication. We see that, besides a popular piece of music, it will contain instructive and amusing articles in letterpress.
[News], South Australian Weekly Chronicle (22 November 1862), 2 supplement
. . . We have now to acknowledge the receipt of a specimen copy of the Adelaide Musical Herald, being the first number of a fortnightly miscellany, devoted to music and light reading. The number before us is very creditably got up, and will well repay perusal. Its chief characteristic is its letter-press music type, imported expressly from England for the Herald, and very beautiful type it is. The first specimen consists, of Purcell's Song and Chorus from the Tempest, "Come unto these Yellow Sands."
"A NEW ADELAIDE JOURNAL", Adelaide Observer (29 November 1862), 1 supplement
We have received the first number of the Adelaide Musical Herald and Journal of Literature, an eight-page paper of the size of the Home and Garden. From the introductory address of the editor, it appears that the Musical Herald is to be a fortnightly publication, devoted principally to the cultivation of music. The first number contains a song and chorus called "Come unto these yellow sands," from Purcell's "Tempest," which is printed in a beautiful clear music type. The letter-press contains facetiae, family pastimes, poetry, epitome of news, brief tales, fashions for ladies, and elementary lessons in singing.

[Advertisement], Adelaide musical herald (2 January 1863), 1
MUSIC TYPE. - MUSIC PRINTED by the Proprietors of the Adelaide Musical Herald,
on the most reasonable terms, in the beautiful new Music Type imported to their order, a specimen of which is given in this number.
Estimates given, and Orders punctually and carefully attended to. A supply of good Paper just received.
"TOPICS OF THE WEEK", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (10 January 1863), 5
We have before us the first number of the Adelaide Musical Herald, published on the 2nd January. In noticing the specimen number we remarked the general design of this paper, which will now be published every alternate Friday. The music in the present number is called a Norse national song, "The hardy Norseman's house of yore," adapted by R. L. Pearsall, and is as clearly printed as any of the music in the Musical Times, though the type is rather larger. The paper contains also a tale, some communicated articles, the latest fashions, and a chess problem. Altogether it is very creditably got up.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (17 June 1863), 4
TOWNSEND, BOTTING, & KAY have received instructions to offer for sale by auction, This Day (Wednesday), June 17, at 12 o'clock -
The Whole of the PLANT, GOODWILL, &c., &c., of the "ADELAIDE MUSICAL HERALD," unless previously disposed of by private contract.
For further particulars, enquire at the Herald office.
The Adelaide miscellany (Sims and Elliott, 1868-69)
The Adelaide miscellany and journal of news, literature, music, & [also: Adelaide miscellany: a journal of news, literature, music, &] (Adelaide: W. C. Sims and J. Elliott, 1868-69)
Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 30, 1868) - v. 1, no. 31 (Sept. 23, 1869) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
ASSOCIATIONS: Sims and Elliott (firm, general and music printers); Walter Cousins Sims (business partner)
[News], South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (1 August 1868), 9
The Adelaide Miscellany, "a journal of news, literature, music, &c.," made its debut in Adelaide on Thursday, July 30. It contains short tales, poems by local and other authors, a brief digest of news particularly interesting to musical readers, a chess problem, and several anagrams and other puzzles for "family pastime," and an elementary lesson in singing. It is, in appearance, very much like the defunct Adelaide Musical Herald, and is very neatly printed by the publishers - Messrs. Sims and Elliott, of Gawler-place.
"GENERAL NEWS", The Express and Telegraph (28 August 1869), 2
We have to acknowledge the receipt of the Adelaide Miscellany. We regret to see that it is drawing near to its close, as it is suffering from that rather common complaint - "tightness on the chest."
Bibliography and resources:
Joseph Elliott, Our home in Australia: a description of cottage life in 1860 . . . introduction and architectural commentary by Stefan Pikusa; foreword by Brian Elliott (Sydney: Flannel Flower Press, 1984)
[Robert Illing Collection], "A gift within a gift", The University of Melbourne Library Journal 3/1 (June 1997)
ELLIS, Mr. (1) (Mr. ELLIS)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1834-35 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (16 December 1834), 1
PART I . . . 2. Glee, Three Voices - "Merrily Bounding o'er the Sea" - Godbe . . .
8. Duet - "As it fell upon a Day" - Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Ellis - Bishop
9. Glee, Four Voices - "Hail smiling Morn" - Do. . . .
PART II . . . 2. Glee, 4 voices - "Foresters Sound the Cheerful Horn" - Bishop . . .
6. Duet - "Sweet in the Woodlands" - Mr. Bonner and Mr. Ellis . . .
9. Glee, three voices - "Mynheer Van Duncho" [sic] - Bishop . . .
Finale - "God save the King" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Lewis (musician, master 17th band); Richard Bourke (governor); Maria Taylor (vocalist); Charles Bonnar (vocalist); Pulteney Hotel (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: How sweet in the woodlands (by Dr. Henry Harrington of Bath); As it fell upon a day (Bishop)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (17 December 1834), 3
The Concert was pretty well attended last night, but nothing could go off worse. The room was miserably lighted; and the orchestra looked like a gloomy recess, and, being situate under the gallery, the sound scarcely escaped into the room, and what was heard was flat and unmelodious, such as you would expect to hear from a good band in a cellar . . . "Sweet in the Woodlands," by Messrs. Bonner and Ellis, was good . . . The vocal chorus of "Hail Smiling Morn," was well executed.
"Mr. Lewis's Concert", The Sydney Monitor (20 December 1834), 2
. . . How Sweet in the Woodlands, was pretty well murdered by Messrs. Bonner and Ellis . . .
"MR. GORDONOVITCH'S CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 January 1835), 2
On Tuesday evening [20 January] one of the most brilliant and fashionable assemblages that New South Wales can produce, assembled at the Pulteney Hotel for the purpose of hearing (as it turned out to be) some of the finest specimens of vocal and instrumental music ever before heard in this colony. The arrangements made by Mr. Cavendish, under whose superintendence the concert was got up, reflect infinite credit, on that gentleman . . . We observed there His Excellency the Governor, and the officers of his staff and many families of the highest standing in the colony. The room was crowded to excess, there being upwards of 500 persons present . . . an Irish song, by Mr. Ellis, was received with rapturous applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Gordonovitch (vocalist); William Joseph Cavendish (pianist, conductor)
"CONCERT", The Alfred (23 January 1835), 2
. . . A ludicrous song was sung by a Mr. Ellis, which seemed to amuse the audience exceedingly; all we can say of it is, that the singer did not appear to want a modest assurance, a very necessary qualification . . .
"CONCERT", The Australian (23 January 1835), 2
On Tuesday evening Mr. Gordonovitch gave his first concert at the Pulteney Hotel in a style of magnificence unprecedented by any musical entertainment hitherto attempted in the Colony . . . The principal singers were Mrs. Taylor, a young lady, Master Horne, Mr. Aldis, Mr. Ellis, and Mr. Knowles. The choruses were by the choir of the Roman Catholic Chapel. In all there were twenty-seven singers, and the incomparable band of the 17th Regt. . . . A Mr. Ellis favored the company with a comic song, which if it was not exactly according to concert etiquette, served, at all events, to enliven the scene. The audience seemed to relish it vastly. But whether they were laughing with Mr. E. or at him., we hardly know . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Aldis (vocalist); Conrad Knowles (vocalist); St. Mary's Catholic chapel (choir); Band of the 17th Regiment (military)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (26 March 1835), 3
Mrs. Taylor gave her Concert on Tuesday evening last, at the Saloon of the Pulteney Hotel, to rather a thin house, scarcely sufficient we should think to cover the expenses. The performers were Mesdames Taylor, Boatwright, and Child, and Messrs. Simmons, Ellis, Gordonovitch, and Bonner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Boatright (vocalist); Mrs. Child (vocalist); Joseph Simmons (vocalist)
ELLIS, Mr. (2) (Mr. ELLIS)
Musician, violinist, violin player, ? vocalist
Active Maitland, NSW, 1854-56 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (2 September 1854), 2
Grand Evening Concert.
MR. F. E. LEES'S GRAND EVENING CONCERT, to he held at the Court House, East Maitland,
on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 6th of September, 1854 . . .
4. - Solo, "Violin" - Le Tremolo - L. E. Beethoven [sic] - Mr. ELLIS . . .
10. - Air Varie, on "Violin" - De Beriot - Mr. ELLIS.
PART II . . .
2. - Solo, Violin - "The last Rose of Summer" - Mr. ELLIS . . .
8. - "Old English Air," on Pianoforte, with brilliant variations, "O dear what can the matter be" - Mr. F. E. LEES - accompanied by Mr. ELLIS on the Violin . . .
Conductor - Mr. J. K. KINGSMILL . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: F. E. Lees (pianist); John Kingsmill (amateur); also performing on the program were Flora Harris (vocalist) and Henry Philip Sullivan (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (13 June 1855), 3
Concerts in Aid of the Patriotic Fund.
THE First, will take place This Evening (WEDNESDAY), June 13th, at the Rose Inn, West Maitland.
1ST PART . . . 7. Duett - piano and violin, De Beriot and Osborne), Messrs. Kellermann and Ellis.
2ND PART . . . 6. Solo - violin - De Beriot - Mr. Ellis . . .
N.B. - The SECOND CONCERT will be given at the Court-house, East Maitland, on Friday, the 15th instant . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Kellermann [NSW] (pianist)
"HUNTER NEWS (From Saturday's Maitland Mercury) . . . CONCERT IN AID OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 June 1855), 5
Two amateur concerts have this week been given in Maitland in aid of this fund, the one on Wednesday evening, in the Rose Inn, West Maitland, and the other last evening, at the Court House, East Maitland. On Wednesday evening the large room of the Rose Inn was crowded to excess . . . The piano and violin duet of Messrs. Kellerman and Ellis was executed with a skill which brought down a rapturous encore; and the violin solo of Mr. Ellis, in which he introduced "The Last Rose of Summer," was most tastefully performed, shewing the greatest delicacy in the fingering . . .
"SECOND AMATEUR CONCERT ON BEHALF OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (20 June 1855), 2
The second concert for this benevolent purpose took place at the Court-house, East Maitland, on Friday evening last, but there was not so large an attendance as at the Rose Inn. The performances were, however, in every respect much superior, arising principally we think from the capacity of the room . . . Messrs. Sullivan and Ellis were loudly applauded . . .
"CONCERT IN AID OF THE MAITLAND SCHOOL OF ARTS LIBRARY", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (26 January 1856), 2
On Tuesday evening an amateur concert, in aid of the library fund of the Maitland School of Arts, was held in the large room of the Sir William Denison Inn, West Maitland. The room was well filled, although not crowded. The performers were Messrs. Kellermann, Ellis, and Peers, and the first piece was the overture to Zampa, which was played in a very brilliant manner. Mr. Sinclair then gave a lecture on the violin, and pointed out in an able manner the difference of intonation and expression requisite in Scotch and Irish airs. Mr. Peers played some airs on the flutina, and was most deservedly encored. Mr. Kellermann sung the Standard Bearer, and the Marseillaise, with great gusto and judgment; and the selection of Irish melodies, the duett from William Tell, and a fantasia by Messrs. Kellermann and Ellis, were loudly applauded. The performances closed with the National Anthem, and Mr. Sinclair stated that they would shortly have another concert for the same object, as they had been promised further assistance, and would be able to furnish a greater variety of entertainments.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Sinclair (lecturer)
"M. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 June 1856), 2
On Saturday evening M. Boulanger, assisted by Messrs. Kellermann and Ellis, entertained at the Court House, East Maitland, an audience, which in point of numbers, was certainty unworthy of the occasion . . . Mr. Ellis played several solos on the violin, which were deservedly encored, and any comment on the well-known skill of that gentleman, as a violinist, would be almost superfluous on our part . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Boulanger (pianist)
ELLIS, Eliza Stewart (Eliza Stewart KIPLING; alias Miss Eliza STEWART; Mrs. Frederick Richard ELLIS; Mrs. Stewart ELLIS)
Musician, vocalist, pianist, choral class conductor, music teacher
Born London, England, 12 May 1828; baptised St. Luke's, Finsbury, 6 August 1828; daughter of John Stewart KIPLING (1804-1875) and Maria ELLIOTT (1807-1889)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 8 October 1854 (per Robert Passenger, from London and Isle of Wight, 24 June, aged "26")
Married Frederick Richard ELLIS, VIC, 1857
Died Carlton, VIC, 20 January 1898 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ELLIS, Frederick Richard (Frederick Richard ELLIS; Mr. F. R. ELLIS)
Amateur musician, vocalist and instrumentalist
Born Greenwich, England, 1822; baptised St. Albans, 1 October 1822; son of Samuel ELLIS and Mary Ann WALTON
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1852 (? December 1852, per Prince Albert, aged "25")
Married Eliza Stewart KIPLING, VIC, 1857
Died Eaglehawk, VIC, 5 December 1891 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
John Stewart Kipling (1804-1875) and his wife Maria Elliott (1807-1889) and one of their children arrived in Melbourne as immigrants on the Sussex in November 1853, followed by the eldest daughter, Eliza Stewart Kipling, and son Henry, on the Robert Passenger in October 1854 (several other Formerly a pupil (as she later advertised) of the London vocalist Charlotte Dolby, Eliza first appeared as a public solo singer in Melbourne using her middle name, as Miss Stewart, in the Melbourne Philharmonic Society's miscellaneous Exhibition concert on 24 November 1854, singing Stephen Glover's Merry is the greenwood. The following night she appeared at Astley's Amphitheatre, singing Bishop's arrangement of Abt's Agathe, When the swallows homeward fly, and with Mary Ellen Hancock in two duets.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Luke [Finsbury] in the county of Middlesex in the year 1828; register 1822-29, page 213; London Metropolitan Archives, P76/Luk/013 (PAYWALL)
No. 1701 / [1828 August] 6th / Eliza Stewart d'r of / John Stewart & Maria / Kipling / Fountain Place / Gent'n / . . . Born May 12th
ASSOCIATIONS: John Stewart Kipling and Maria Elliott, the aged 20 not yet 21, had married at St. Botolph Aldersgate, City of London, on 24 January 1828, when Maria was already over 5 months pregnant with Eliza
England census, 6 June 1841, St. Mary Islington, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO 107/664/11/27/40/5 (PAYWALL)
Pleasant Row / Mary Kipling / 35 / Artist / [born Middlesex]
Eliza Kipling / 13 / - / [born Middlesex]
? Nominal list of passengers per Prince Albert, from Plymouth, 2 August 1852, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Ellis Frederick / 25 . . .
? [Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 January 1853), 8
OPEN from seven till eleven on the evenings of Wednesday 5th, Friday 7th, and Saturday 8th, this week.
Principal Performers: Mr. John Gregg. M. de Courcy, from the Lyceum Theatre (his first appearance,)
Mr. Ellis, Comic. Mr. Johnson, from the London Concerts.
Pianist, M. Salamon. Music to commence at eight every evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Wilkie (musician); John Gregg (vocalist); David De Courcy (vocalist); Mr. Johnson (vocalist); Edward Salamon (pianist)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Sussex from Gravesend, 3 June 1853, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Kipling John / 49 / Solicitor //
Maria / 36 // Flora / 12 // Henry / 10 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry was originally to have sailed with his parents and sister Flora on the Sussex, but must have been withdrawn from the voyage, and ultimately was listed sailing later with his elder sister, Eliza, as see below
Names and descriptions of passengers per Robert Passenger from London, 19 June 1854, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Kipling Eliza S. / 26 // [Kipling] Henry / 10 . . .
As Miss Eliza Stewart (1854-57):
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (23 November 1854), 1
On Friday evening, November 24th, 1854, The Philharmonic Society, assisted by the
Leading Professional Talent of the Colony, will perform a
Grand Miscellaneous Vocal and Instrumental Concert.
PROGRAMME . . . With a selection of Songs, Madrigals, &c.
PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS: Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Dalton, Miss Stewart, Mr. Hackett, Mr. Ewart, Mr. Lyall . . .
Leader: Mr. J. Griffith. Conductor: Mr. J. Russell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Mrs. Dalton (vocalist); Edward Hackett (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Charles Lyall (vocalist); Joseph Griffiths (violinist, leader); John Russell (conductor); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Victorian Exhibition (1854-55 event); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (24 November 1854), 7
. . . THIS EVENING . . . PART II . . . Solo (Miss Stewart) - Merry is the Greenwood - Glover . . .
MUSIC: Merry is the greenwood (Stephen Glover)
"THE CONCERT AT THE EXHIBITION", The Age (25 November 1854), 5
The Concert at the Exhibition yesterday evening was decidedly successful, both as regards attendance and the execution . . . Two new candidates for public favour appeared in the persons of Mrs. Dalton and Miss Stewart, who were, on the whole, very well received. This being the first appearance of the ladies, we cannot, of course, speak definitively of their respective merits; but they certainly promised well . . .
[Advertisement], The Age (25 November 1854), 1
ASTLEY'S AMPHITHEATRE, Spring Street. Sole Lessee - Mr. George Lewis.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1853. Grand Musical Entertainment,
comprising all the available vocal and instrumental talent to be had in Melbourne.
First Appearance of MR. H. BENHAM, The Celebrated Basso, from the Queen's Concerts, London.
Programme - Part I . . . 4. Scena, "When the Swallows Homeward Fly," Miss Stewart (her second appearance) . . .
9. Duet, "We have Wandered in Dreams," Mrs. Hancock and Miss Stewart . . .
Part II . . . 18. - Duet, "Flow on thou Shining River," Mrs. Hancock and Miss Stewart . . .
George Lewis (proprietor);
Octavia Hamilton (vocalist);
Kate Warde (vocalist);
Daniel Golding (vocalist);
Henry Benham (vocalist);
Astley's Amphitheatre (Melbourne venue);
see also "Third appearance of Miss Stewart", with program as above, [Advertisement], The Age (2 December 1854), 1
MUSIC: When the swallows homeward fly [Agathe] (Franz Abt); Flow on thou shining river (Moore and Stevenson)
[Advertisement], The Age (9 December 1854), 1
ASTLEY'S AMPHITHEATRE . . . Saturday, December 9, 1854 . . .
Mr. C Thatcher, (The Diggers' Poet, from Bendigo,) Will make his First Appearance.
Programme: Part I . . . 3 Song, "Merry is the Greenwood," Miss Stewart . . .
7 Duet - Miss Hamilton & Miss Stewart . . .
Part II. 10 Song, "The Lonely Harp," - Miss Stewart . . .
16 Scena, 'When the Swallows Homeward Fly," - Miss Stewart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (vocalist, songwriter)
MUSIC: The lonely harp (Norton and Cowell)
"ASTLEY'S AMPHITHEATRE", The Age (12 December 1854), 5
We paid a passing visit to this popular place of amusement on Saturday evening and found a "beggarly account of empty boxes" in every division of the house. The truth is that last Saturday night was one of those unfortunate occasions in which failure was anticipated, and most decidedly accomplished. The whole performances were made up of songs, without any new features; the stars had all withdrawn for the night, and the public knew it, and staid away. We would suggest to Mr. Lewis the propriety of closing the theatre altogether rather than suffer the damage to the reputation of his house by providing only for a disappointment. The performances were of the average order, so far as they went. Of Miss Hamilton we will say nothing, the public have assigned her a niche, and we bow to their decision, reluctantly, however. The singing of Miss Stewart was very unaffected, and chaste. Miss Warde has improved much, by the care she has manifested since her debut . . .
[Advertisement], The Age (16 December 1854), 1
December 16th, 1854 . . . PROGRAMME . . . Song, "Ida", Miss Eliza Stewart - Lindley [sic, Linley];
Symphony - "Surprise" - Haydn . . .
Song - "Sweetly o'er my senses stealing", Miss E. Stewart - Zingarelli . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor)
MUSIC: Ida (Linley); Sweetly o'er my senses stealing (Zingarelli; arr. Bishop)
"WINTERBOTTOM'S CONCERTS", The Argus (18 December 1854), 5
Mr. Winterbottom has resumed his concerts a la Jullien at Astley's. The first of the series came off on Saturday, but the attendance was very thin. The star of the evening was Mons E. Coulon, who was most enthusiastically received. Miss E. Stewart sang very sweetly, but her voice is scarcely sufficiently strong for such a large room. She was, therefore, very indifferently received at first; but merit prevailed, and on her last appearance she was encored. Miss Hamilton was encored, or course . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (vocalist)
"M. WINTERBOTTOM'S CONCERT AT ASTLEY'S", The Age (19 December 1854), 5
. . . Miss E. Stewart lacks only confidence to make her a favourite; her appreciation [sic] is most correct, and her style charms by its simple unaffectedness and naturalness. The song, "Sweetly o'er my senses stealing," was a most pleasing and chaste performance, and she was loudly encored in it . . .
"CONCERT AT RICHMOND", The Age (23 December 1854), 5
A grand concert of sacred music was given last evening, in St. Stephen's School, Richmond, by Mrs. E. Hancock, Miss Stewart, Mr. Hackett, and Mr. Lyall. The attendance was good, and of a highly respectable character . . . Miss Stewart possesses a sweet voice which delighted the audience . . .
[Advertisement], The Age (23 December 1854), 1
Grand Opening of the Lower Saloons and Superb Entrance Hall,
To the NEW THEATRE ROYAL, Great Bourke-street east.
THE above premises will be opened to the public on Saturday December 23,
with a series of Grand operatic and Classic Concerts, when the lower Saloon and entrance Hall will be opened as a promenade Concert Room.
The following Artists have been engaged for the occasion.
Mrs. Hancock; Miss Octavia Hamilton;
Miss Minie Clifford, the extraordinary infant performer on the piano-forte.
Miss Stewart, Pupil of Miss Dolby . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue, main auditorium under construction); Minnie Clifford (pianist); Charlotte Dolby (English vocalist);
"NEW THEATRE ROYAL", The Age (26 December 1854), 5
On Saturday evening, a Grand Concert was held in the Lower Saloon of this building. The room itself is not quite completed, but is even now the most superb building of the kind in Melbourne. The entertainment was one of no common order in this Colony - the attendance excellent, the room well lighted with gas, and last though not least the excellent diversification of the entertainment, could not fail, we think, to call to the minds of all present the happy hours they had spent in the old country at some of the first-class Concerts, got up in the "good old English style" . . . Miss Hamilton and Miss Stewart sang several duets, they were nicely executed, and called down hearty applause . . .
"CONCERT AT THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Age (29 December 1854), 5
On Wednesday evening last we paid our second visit to the concert room of the New Theatre Royal, Bourke-street, and were grieved to find the attendance so limited, a result, however, easy to be accounted for, from the neglect of advertising, so that few persons were aware that a concert would take place. Whilst on the subject of mismanagement we would call Mr. Black's attention to the whistling, cat-calling, cooeing, and other eccentric ways of demanding an encore, which to ears polite are a nuisance unbearable, and if not suppressed, one that will go a long way to deter respectable persons from visiting the establishment. We would also suggest that footlights would add considerably to the mise en scene. Of the building we cannot speak in terms too eulogistic . . . Miss Stewart was in excellent voice, we never heard her to more advantage; but we fear she is too good a musician ever to become a finished singer. It is evident she reads music too quickly, and like most English vocalists clips her words; she should look to it, or it will grow upon her . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Melton Black (proprietor)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (6 January 1855), 5
Miss Stewart from Melbourne, and Mr. Sayers are engaged for this occasion.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 2. - Song, "The Lonely Harp," by Cowell, sung by Miss Stewart . . .
6. - Song, "Sweetly o'er my senses stealing," by Zingarelli, sung by Miss Stewart . . .
PART II . . . 3. - Song, "Vivi tu," by Donizetti, sung by Miss Stewart . . .
7. - Song, "Bonnie Dundee," sung by Miss Stewart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Celestine Herwyn (violinist and pianist); William Francis Sayer (vocalist); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
"BALLARAT (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT)", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 September 1855), 6
In amusements there has been considerable change. The Charlie Napier concerts have ceased, and Mrs. Hancock and company have returned to your city. The Star is now the only music hall open. The powerful company - Miss Swannell, &c. - has been increased by the addition of the accomplished mezzo soprano vocalist, Miss Stewart and the celebrated Barlow, and the hall is nightly crowded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Swannell (vocalist); Robert Barlow (vocalist, musician); Star Concert Hall (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (22 September 1855), 1
STAR HOTEL, CONCERT HALL, Is Open Every Evening.
THE largest and most talented Company on Ballarat has been engaged for this Hall,
and arrangements have been made to provide a succession of the leading Celebrities of the Southern Hemisphere.
The celebrated, and highly popular BARLOW . . .
MRS. OAKEY, MISS STEWART (The Celebrated Mezzo-Soprano), Mr. D. GOLDING, AND MR. C. F. PERCIVAL, (The admired Tenor).
Mr. OAKEY will preside at the Pianoforte. Admission, 1s; Reserved Seats, 2s 6d . . .
the celebrated THATCHER . . . will make his Appearance at the Star Concert Hall, On MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred and Eliza Oakey (pianist and vocalist); Charles F. Percival (vocalist); William McCrea (proprietor)
"STAR CONCERT HALL", The Star (4 October 1855), 2
This favorite place of entertainment, notwithstanding the fearful state of the roads, continues nightly to be filled with large and delighted audiences. The renowned Barlow and inimitable Thatcher vieing with each other for the public edification. Last night we were pleased fo find that the accomplished Miss Stewart had so far recovered from her recent severe indisposition as to appear again in public. While we were pleased once more to listen to this lady, we could not help thinking that she had been somewhat too venturesome in thus early risking a relapse. For, notwithstanding the loud and deserved applause she received, we could not fail to observe that it was only by the greatest exertion that success was obtained, and even then the higher notes fell far short of the requisite perfection, we have been wont to admire. Messrs. Golding and Perceival continue to increase in public estimation, and the pianist Mr. Owen is highly appreciated.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Arthur Ryder Owen (pianist)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (16 February 1856), 1
HERR VEIT RAHM, the celebrated Tyrolese singer and composer on the ZITHER,
will introduce for the first time in Sydney, the celebrated Tyrolese song "My Fatherland," composed by A. Linley;
and the "Merry -Swiss Girl," (as sung by Miss Dolby, at Jullien's concerts) with several others of his own composition.
First appearance of Miss STEWART, the celebrated Mezzo-Soprano,
who will sing Sir H. Bishop's favourite composition, "Should he upbraid;"
"I'm a merry Zingara" (Balfe), and "Oh Lucedi quiest anima," from Donizetti's splendid opera of "Linda di Chamouni."
B. LENNOX, in his drawingroom entertainment, will vary the performances, and introduce some new and popular delusions.
ROYAL POLYTECHNIC, Pitt-street, on MONDAY, 18th February. Admission, 2s. 6d.; .reserved seats, 4s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Veit Rahm (musician); Royal Polytechnic (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 February 1856), 1
THE DOMAIN. THIS EVENING, (MONDAY) the 25th instant (by the kind permission of his Excellency the Governor-General) . . .
the LAST GRAND ENTERTAINMENT in the DOMAIN that can possibly take place . . .
Among other attractions . . . HERR VIET RAHM, the renowned Tyrolean singer, will, in conjunction with
Miss ELIZA STEWART, the celebrated vocalist, have the honour of making their first and only appearance . . .
. . . the three bands . . . and a grand chorus of thirty performers . . .
(In course of the evening the following Vocal Music will be performed.)
Song - Herr Veit Rahm - The Postilion (by desire)
Duet - Herr Veit Rahm and Miss Eliza Stewart - The Nightingale.
Song - Miss E. Stewart - I'm a merry Zingari.
Song - Miss E. Stewart - I'm a winsome wee thing.
Song - Herr Rahm - My Fatherland.
Grand Chorus - Tramp - Sir Henry Bishop.
Grand Chorus - Let us be happy - Balfe . . .
"FETE IN THE DOMAIN", Empire (26 February 1856), 5
The grand entertainment, so long advertised, came off in the Domain, last evening, and drew together a large concourse of people. The attendance was as numerous, if not considerably more so, than on any previous occasion, there being about five thousand persons present. Everything was favourable: - the night was beautifully fine, which was a great inducement for the promenade - and the programme promised much; but, as usual, a fatal something unexpectedly interposed to prevent the fulfilment of its promises. There were three bands of music present the Military, the German, and the Hungarian - all of which performed their allotted parts to the entire satisfaction of the vast multitude assembled - judging from the plaudits that followed the conclusion of some of the favourite selections. The vocal performance there was but one - was a decided failure, open air agreeing with neither the ability nor the compass of Herr Veit Rahm, whatever that gentleman's abilities may be otherwise. An apology was made for Miss Eliza Stewart and the "grand chorus of thirty performers," the non-appearance of the former being excused on the plea of illness. There was considerable hubbub created by the announcement of this fact, and in the crush that ensued many persons crowded on one of the platforms erected for the accommodation of the musicians; the interference of the police, however, soon put matters right. The exhibition of fireworks was certainly gorgeous . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 11th Regiment (military)
"DOMAIN GALA", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1856), 5
Owing probably to the great variety presented in the programme of the entertainment, advertised to take place last evening in the Domain, the number of persons assembled to share in the enjoyments of the evening was far larger than at the former fetes. The band of the XI regiment, together with the German and Hungarian bands, was in attendance, and each having performed several excellent pieces of music in a very masterly manner, Herr Veit Rahm took his seat at a table on the platform upon which the German band was stationed, having played a short symphony on his zither, he commenced singing the beautiful air "Fatherland;" but, scarcely had he sung twenty bars, which were not heard by a hundred of those present, than those who could not hear commenced creating a disturbance, by shouting and pushing violently towards the place where H. Rahm was sitting. As it became impossible to restore order, H. R. retired, it being obviously hopeless for him to attempt to get a hearing. Under these circumstances, Miss E. Stewart adopted the judicious course of not attempting to sing, and also immediately retired. The pyrotechnical display, which was highly creditable to Mr. Scott, having taken place, shortly after 10 o'clock, God save the Queen was played by each of the bands separately, and in a very short time the Domain was cleared of the four or five thousand persons who had visited it.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1856), 1
HERR VEIT RAHM, the only one real Tyrolese Singer and Composer on the wonderful instrument the Zither, in the Australian colonies, and Miss STEWART, the celebrated vocalist and pianist, have the honour to give a Concert at Penrith, and one at Hartley, on the road to Bathurst. Particulars see bills.
[2 advertisements], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (8 March 1856), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre, DURHAM-STREET . . . MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, 1865 . . .
PROGRAMME. 1 - I'm a merry Zingara - Miss Stewart . . .
3 - Song, Annie Lawrie, accompaniment on the Guitar, by Herr Veit Rahm - Miss Stewart . . .
5 - Duet, composed by Herr Veit Rahm - Miss Stewart & Herr Veit Rahm
6 - Scotch Song, Bonny Dundee, Miss Stewart . . .
The evening's performance to commence with the ROUGH DIAMOND.
To conclude with . . . THE CRAMOND BRIG . . . JAMES MILNE, Manager . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Milne (actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Bathurst venue)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (29 March 1856), 3
Music and Singing. MISS ELIZA STEWART, pupil of Cruvelli and Miss Dobby [sic], would be happy to give lessons during her stay in Bathurst.
Apply by letter at the Free Press Office.
ASSOCIATIONS: Domenico Crivelli (Italian singer active in England)
[2 advertisements], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (3 May 1856), 3
On which occasion MISS A. M. QU1NN, MR. J. H. VINSON AND MISS ELIZA STEWART Have kindly volunteered their services.
THE public of Bathurst and its vicinity are respectfully informed that on
TUESDAY Evening next [6 May] a GRAND CONCERT will be given at the above Theatre,
for the benefit of MISS STEWART, who will be assisted by the following artistes -
MISS FANNY YOUNG, and Mr. MORGAN. Tickets may be had of Mr. PYKE, and at the THEATRE.
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Napthali Jones (actor, manager); J. B. Russell (actor, manager); George Washington Daniels (actor); Anna Maria Quinn (actor); James Hetters Vinson (actor); Fanny Young (vocalist); Wolf Lewis Pyke (theatre proprietor); Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (7 May 1856), 3
assisted by MISS ELIZA STEWART, MISS FANNY YOUNG, and all other available talent . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Frank Andrews (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (14 June 1856), 3
KELSO! KELSO! MISS STEWART purposes giving a Concert in the large room at Mr. Gray's, the Woolpack Inn, Kelso, on Tuesday evening next, the 17th instant, commencing at 8 o'clock.
"MR. WHEELER'S CONCERT", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (25 June 1856), 2
The monotony of a Bathurst existence was broken on Monday evening last by a public concert, at the Prince of Wales Theatre, when Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler made their first appearance before a Bathurst audience. The boxes were respectably filled, and "the Gods" mustered, in some force in the pit . . . Miss Stewart sang several songs in capital style, and was encored in all. "The Horn of Chase" was decidedly her best performance. The concert, as a whole, was a highly successful effort to please, and as Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler are likely to become permanent residents in Bathurst, we doubt not that they will be induced to give periodical concerts. We understand that their next concert takes place on Monday.
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen and Mary Wheeler (musicians)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (6 September 1856), 1
BEG to announce to the inhabitants of Bathurst and its vicinity, that the duties of their establishment for the ensuing Quarter,
will commence on the 29th of September, when in addition to the usual branches of an English Education, the following accomplishments will be taught: -
Pianoforte, Singing, Drawing, Flower-painting, French, Dancing.
Harp taught at this residence of pupils. Terms paid quarterly and in advance.
References can be made to his Grace the Archbishop of Sydney, and to the very Rev. Dean Grant, D.D.
Piper-street, Bathurst.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bede Polding (archbishop)
"MR. WHEELER'S CONCERT", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (20 September 1856), 2
On Thursday evening last [18 September] Mr. Wheeler's concert came off at the Prince of Wales Theatre, before a numerous and respectable audience, amongst whom we observed several of the gentlemen connected with the Supreme Court. The instrumental music, as usual, was of a very high order Mr. Wheeler's performances on the cornet-a-pistons, as well as Mrs. Wheeler's execution on the pianoforte, commanding well-merited applause. Miss Stewart sung in her best strain, and was loudly applauded in that beautiful Irish ballad, "Molly Asthore." But where everything was good, it would be useless to specify particular songs or airs. It is exceedingly gratifying, moreover, to be enabled to record that the patronage awarded to these accomplished musicians was more worthy of their deserts than hitherto.
MUSIC: Molly Asthore (Lavenu)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (22 November 1856), 3
beg to return their sincere thanks to the parents of the young ladies entrusted to their care for the last six months,
and are very sorry to inform them that on account of Mrs. Wheeler's ill health, the school will be discontinued at the end of the current quarter.
Piper Street.
"SCHOOL EXAMINATION", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (20 December 1856), 2
On Wednesday and Thursday last a number of gentlemen resident in the town were invited by the Rev. Dr. Grant to be present at the examination of the pupils of the Catholic Denominational School . . . The proceedings concluded by the girls singing several sacred pieces in a very creditable manner, Miss Stewart accompanying them on the harmonium . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobarton Mercury [TAS] (19 January 1857), 2
THE Lessee has the honor and the pleasure to announce, that having succeeded during his tour to the neighbouring colonies,
in securing the services of the most Talented Company of Theatrical Artistes ever assembled within the precincts of a Colonial Theatre,
The Corps Dramatique consists of the following Celebrities: . . .
MISS ROSA DUNN . . . MRS. WHEELER . . . MISS E. STUART [sic] . . .
Stage Manager - Mr. J. DUNN. Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. BOAM . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John and Rosa Dunn (actors; father and daughter); Philip Barnett Boam (musician); Theatre Royal (Hobart venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Hobart Town Mercury (4 February 1857), 2
The entire change of performances on Monday night [2 February], elicited still more favourably the invited talents and acquirements of our new Company, who certainly improve greatly upon further acquaintance . . . The singing of Miss Stewart, accompanied by Mrs. Wheeler on the piano, was rapturously applauded; and, on being encored, the fair catantrice substituted Cherry Ripe, and was only relieved from another encore (we cannot help the pleonasm) by the charitable feeling of the audience . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (11 February 1857), 2
THEATRE ROYAL. Fourth Night of those inimitable Artistes, the Sisters ADELAIDE and JOEY GOUGENHEIM.
THIS EVENING, February 11 . . . Song - "Bid me Discourse," (Bishop) Miss Stewart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide and Joey Gougenheim (actors)
MUSIC: Bid me discourse (Bishop)
"SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS", The Courier (9 March 1857), 2
The first of the intending series of cheap Concerts for the Working Classes of this city took place on Saturday, by permission of the lessee, at the Theatre Royal, and we were very much gratified to find the pit and gallery so well filled, as to lead us to hope for improved attendances when the merits of the entertainments become more generally known . . . The programme was well carried out, under the management of Mr. Callen. The fine band of the gallant Twelfth never played with more harmony and precision, and Mr. Buddee's pianism (and gratifying reflection which arose during the evening) was listened to with the most profound attention by the habitues of the gallery, who, although they occasionally gave vent to a little theatrical commonplace, displayed a sufficient amount of forbearance to lead us to conceive that the continuance of the concerts will be conducive of promoting colonial etiquette among the rising mechanics of the present day. It were only due to Miss Stewart to state that she contributed materially to the satisfaction of the audience. Possessed with a model lately well-cultivated but pleasing voice, Miss Stewart appears to have received a musical education, and we are glad to perceive that by the establishment of these concerts she will have a better chance than heretofore of displaying her abilities and achieving a reputation as a vocalist.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (conductor); Julius Buddee (pianist); Band of the 12th Regiment (military)
"GENERAL INTELLIGENCE", The Courier (16 March 1857), 2
THE CHEAP CONCERT at the Theatre Royal was not so well attended as we could have desired - the novelty of the gas illumination of the city no doubt being the cause. The splendid Band of the 12th Regiment played their selections in their usual excellent style. Miss Stewart was well received. She exerted herself in the most creditable manner. Mr. John Dunn commanded an encore for his admirable Italian Bravura. We noticed that Sir Alfred Stephen was again present.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Stephen (musical amateur)
"THE CONCERTS AT THE JOHN O'GROAT HOTEL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (18 July 1857), 3
Shilling concerts, for a long time so popular and so largely patronised by the people in London and some of the large provincial towns in England, are to have a trial, it appears, on Ballarat. Mr. Farley, with an enterprise and good taste, deserving of commendation, has abandoned the "free and easy," and substituted a shilling concert in the long-room of his hotel. Miss Stewart, a highly accomplished artiste, whose occasional efforts during the past week have served to gain her many admirers, is to be the leading soprano, and Mr. Charles Eglinton (a pupil of Sims Reeves) the principal tenor. The music will consist of some of the choicest morceaux qt the British and Italian masters, and to give effect to a series of glees, madrigals, and catches, several talented amateurs have volunteered their services. The first concert will be held this evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Eglinton (vocalist); Shilling concerts (general); Free and easy (general)
"STAR CONCERT HALL", The Star (27 July 1857), 3
On Saturday evening the above rooms, which, by the way, appeared to be conducted with the utmost order and propriety, were crowded with a numerous and respectable audience. The vocal talent recently enlisted by the spirited proprietor for public entertainment, is far above the standard which usually prevails at similar places of amusement. Miss Stewart appeared to be a great favorite, especially in her Scotch airs, which she gave in very good style and taste . . .
"COUNTY COURT. Saturday, 3rd October", The Star (5 October 1857), 2
Powell v. Collier. - A plaint for £20 on breach of contract. Mr. Cuthbert for the plaintiff.
This was an action brought by Thomas Powell, against Mr. Collier, of the Creswick Theatre.
The plaintiff deposed that defendant had employed him to procure a theatrical company to perform at his theatre,
that he had engaged the company, and taken them to Creswick, where he found the defendant had not made proper arrangements to receive them.
Plaintiff bad also had bills printed, and been at considerable expense, for which, and for hts services, he now sued.
Defendant admitted he had employed plaintiff, but in his instructions he had made a condition that a certain Miss Stewart should be engaged;
and prior to the arrival of the company, having found that the said Miss Stewart was engaged at the house opposite to him, he had written to plaintiff to revoke his first instructions;
the company however arrived late on Saturday evening; and on their first performance on Monday they did not take £3 at the door;
in fact, he had been considerable loser by the affair.
The assessors found a verdict for plaintiff £10.
"ARARAT (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT)", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (16 October 1857), 4
At the Duchess of Kent Hotel a large Hall or Theatre has been erected, in which performances are given every evening, and no expense spared in the engaging of artistic talent. A charge is made for admission. I visited this place twice, and was highly gratified with the performances . . . A Miss Stewart sung . . . and a comic singer, whose name I forget, sang ridiculous songs which he seemed to think comic. The house is capable of accommodating upwards of 300, but only about 80 were present . . .
. . . Miss Stewart, late of Mr. O'Reilly's company, is now singing at the Royal George Concert Room, and is being well received . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. O'Reilly (manager)
As Mrs. Stewart Ellis / Mrs. Ellis (from 1857):
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (14 March 1859), 1
Band and Double Chorus of One Hundred and Eighty Performers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Goodliffe (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist); Charles Blanchard (vocalist); the performance was also repeated on 21 March
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer [VIC] (9 July 1859), 3
MR. HEALY begs to announce that he has succeeded in making arrangements with
MRS. STEWART ELLIS, of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society;
and MR. FREDERICK SAMS, Comic Singer and Comedian, who will make their First Appearance at the above Theatre,
assisted by MR. WOODIN, Pianist and Vocalist, on
PROGRAMME. Part I . . . "Bid me discourse" - Mrs. Ellis
Duett - selection of airs pianoforte & orchestrina - Mrs. Ellis & Mr. Woodin . . .
"I know a bank." - Mrs. Ellis & Mr. Woodin . . .
Part II . . . Do not mingle (Somnambula) - Mrs. Ellis . . .
Comic duett - "Little farm" - Mrs. Ellis & Mr. Sams . . .
Hundred pipers - Mrs. Ellis.
For the special accommodation of Ladies, the side door, having no communication with the Hotel, will be the entrance for reserved seats.
Admission: Reserved seats, 3s; back seats, 2s; gallery, 1s. Doors open at half-past seven.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederic Sams (vocalist); Frederick Woodin (vocalist, pianist)
MUSIC: I know a bank (Horn); When a little farm we keep (Mazzinghi)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (10 November 1859), 1
Locke's Celebrated MACBETH MUSIC,
Supported by Madame Vitelli, Mrs. Oakey, Mrs. Ellis, Messrs. Leeman, Bennett, Deague, Clapham, Thatcher, and Warden . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (vocalist, songwriter); Annie Vitelli (vocalist); Frederick Leeman (vocalist); Henry Deague (vocalist); Newton Clapham (vocalist); James Warden (vocalist); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (11 November 1859), 1
MRS. STEWART ELLIS, Of the Philharmonic Concerts, Melbourne.
MR. INGLIS, The Inimitable Comic Vocalist.
MR. BENNETT, The Admired Tenor.
MR. LEEMAN, The Celebrated Basso, and Delineator of Russell's Songs . . .
Pianist - Mr. GOLDSTONE [sic].
Admission, One Shilling . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harry Goulstone (pianist)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (18 November 1859), 1
On SATURDAY and MONDAY, NOV. 19th and 21st
MRS. STEWART ELLIS, Of the Melbourne Philharmonic Concerts . . .
MR. ELLIS, The Admired Baritone.
Pianist and Conductor, the Renowned Double Instrumentalist, MR. HARRY GOULSTONE.
Admission, FREE.
"HAYMARKET THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (2 February 1860), 2
The performances yesterday evening at this place of amusement, for the benefit of Mr. J. Small, were tolerably well attended. The dramatic business was principally in the hands of certain amateur performers . . . Mrs. Oakey sang some ballads which were received with approbation. Mrs. Ellis (Miss Stewart) also lent her professional assistance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joe Small (vocalist); Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (20 February 1860), 3
FRIDAY, SATURDAY, & MONDAY, 17th, 18th, & 20th February.
Engagement of the Following Talented Artistes:
MRS. STEWART ELLIS, (The Admired Soprano.)
MR. JOHN GREGG, Late Principal Basso, from the Theatre Royal Melbourne.
MR. JOHN SMALL [sic] (The Unrivalled Irish Comedian and Characteristic Vocalist.)
Pit, 1s; Boxes, 2s; Stalls, 3s. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (vocalist); John Cragin Rainer (manager); Theatre Royal (Castlemaine venue)
"THE PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (7 March 1860), 3
The second subscription concert of the Bendigo Philharmonic Society was held last evening, at the Presbyterian Schoolhouse. Neither the attendance nor the entertainment came up to that of the last concert . . . In bringing out Schiller's Lay of the Bell, set to Romberg's music, they evidently overrated their own powers . . . Mrs. Ellis sang the whole of the treble solos, and, though in the first part her voice did not seem to tell as usual, she was deservedly encored in what may fairly be termed the prettiest solo of the evening, "Wearied now with toil of day" . . . Too much praise cannot be given to Mr. Pollard for the able manner in which he wielded the baton of conductor, and for the assiduous attention he has paid to the duties of his office during the past three months . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Henry Pollard (conductor); Bendigo Philharmonic Society (association)
"BENEVOLENT ASYLUM CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (17 March 1860), 2
In the Town Hall on Thursday night, the Philharmonic members, with their usual kindness, performed in aid of our new charity - the Benevolent Asylum. A repetition of what they had already given to the public - "The Lay of the Bell," by Romberg - although this piece is somewhat heavy from repetition, yet we certainly feel that the whole choir performed with perfect success, and the instrumental part, led by Mr. Strebinger, was most effective. The selection by Mr. Linden, the organist, and the conducting by Mr. Pollard, was as good as we could wish, and highly creditable to these gentlemen . . . Mrs. Ellis sang "Bid me discourse" with vivacity, and was rapturously encored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Strebinger (violinist); Otto Linden (organist)
"LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (28 June 1860), 2
The varied entertainments at this place fully merit as large an amount of patronage us any that have lately been presented to the public of Sandhurst. The operatic as well the ballet performers of the present company are equally talented and deserving of praise . . . Mrs. Ellis sang two or three airs with considerable taste, and Messrs. Leeman and Fairchild fully maintained their reputation. Miss Hartley has added to the favorable impression she made on her first night of appearing . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Miss Bartley (vocalist)
"A NICHT WI' BURNS", Bendigo Advertiser (13 November 1860), 2
Last evening, a numerous audience assembled in the Haymarket Theatre to witness what had been announced as "A Nicht wi' Burns," given for the benefit of Mr. James Warden, a well-known resident of this town. Why the miscellaneous selection of Scotch, English, and Irish ballads which were presented should together form what was announced as an evening with the great Scotch poet, we are at a loss to imagine; Mr. Warden was assisted mainly by Mrs. Ellis and his two daughters, young ladies of respectively about fifteen and thirteen years of age . . . Mrs. Ellis is too old a favourite with the Bendigo public to require praise from us. It is only necessary to say that last night she was as rapturously received as ever, the finished manner in which she sang "Should he Upbraid," "The Merry Greenwood," and a number of other well known ballads, calling forth the most marked demonstrations of satisfaction from the audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Agnes and Elsie (Geraldine) Warden (vocalists)
MUSIC: Should he upbraid (Bishop)
The crowded state of the Haymarket Theatre last evening is sufficient evidence that when a first class musical entertainment is brought within the reach of the Bendigo public they know how to appreciate it . . . It is a work of some labor for a body of vocalists, consisting of amateurs, with but one exception, that of Mrs. Ellis, to produce even respectably as heavy an oratorio as is "The Creation" and that the concert of last evening was more than respectable, none will deny. The principal soprano parts were sustained by Mrs. Ellis and Miss Lee, the former lady having by far the heaviest portion of the evening's business on her shoulders. Too much praise cannot be given her for the finished and easy style in which she rendered the solos throughout . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Lee (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (24 December 1860), 1
ON BOXING DAY, 26th DECEMBER, For the Benefit of MRS. STEWART ELLIS . . .
In which the following ladies and gentlemen have kindly volunteered their services:
Mr. Holloway, Mr. Murray, Mr. Newton Clapham, Mr. Sayers, Mr. Deague, Mr. Fowler,
Mr. Barnard, Mr. Von Ende, Mr. Fairchild, Mr. F. Leeman, Mrs. Stewart Ellis, Mrs. Mitchell,
And the several members of the BENDIGO PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY.
INSTRUMENTALISTS: Mr. O. Linden, pianist and Conductor.
Mr. A. Usher, Leader. Messrs. Hid, Brown, Burgess, Allen, Bower, Kohler . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Holloway (actor, vocalist); Josephine Fiddes Murray (actor, vocalist); William Francis Sayer (vocalist); Madelina Forbes Mitchell (vocalist); Charles William Von Ende (vocalist); Alfred Usher (violinist, leader); Mr. Hid (musician); Joseph Bird Burgess (musician); Frederick Alexander Bower (musician); John Wildblood Kohler (musician)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (26 December 1860), 1
Overture - Massaniello - Band
Opening Chorus - Chough and Crow - Company
Song - When I beheld the Anchor Weighed - Mr. Fairchild
Ballad - The Last Rose of Summer - Mrs. Mitchell
Waltz - Band
Glee - Mynheer Von Dunk - Messrs. Leeman, Deague, and Clapham
Cavatina - Robert, Toi Que J'aime - Mrs. Ellis
Descriptive Scena - The Ship on Fire - Mr. Leeman
Madrigal - Hard by a Fountain - Company
Comic song - Mr. Murray
Waltz - Band
Song - Riflemen Form - Mr. Clapham
Solo and Chorus - Rule Britannia - Company
Interval of Ten Minutes.
PART 2. Overture - Otello - Band
Glee- by Celias Arbour - Messrs. Von Ende, Deague, Clapham, and Barnard
Scotch Ballad - Here's a Health Bonny Scotland to Thee - Mrs. Ellis
Christmas Quadrille - Band
Trio - Magic Wove Scarf - Mrs. Ellis, Mr. Clapham, and Mr. Leeman
Song - Cheer, Boys, Cheer - Mr. Holloway
Patriotic Song - Hurrah for the Rifle - Mr. Leeman
Comic Song - Mr. Murray
Duet - Singing Lesson - Mrs. Ellis and Mr. Leeman
Cavatina - Mrs. Mitchell
Song - Death of Nelson - Clapham
God Save the Queen - By the Company
Musical Conductor - Mr. O. Linden
Leader - Mr. A. Usher
Doors open at half-past two o'clock, to commence at three o'clock precisely.
Dress Circle, 4s; Boxes, 3s; Stalls, 2s; Pit, 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Dominick Murray (vocalist)
"MRS. ELLIS' CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (27 December 1860), 2
The attendance at this lady's matinee yesterday, at the New Lyceum Theatre, was considerable. The general character of the singing may be pronounced above mediocrity, and in one or two instances excellent. The beneficiare herself sang above her usual style, and evoked a large amount of approbation. Some of the glees were well received, and Mr. Murray's comic song realized an encore. Mr. N. Clapham's "Riflemen Form" resulted in a demand for a repetition; and Mr. Holloway, in his "Cheer, boys, cheer," commanded attention to the extent of a second encore. The singing lesson of Mrs. Ellis and Mr. Leeman rose above the ordinary level, and was deservedly applauded. Mrs. Mitchell sang one or two songs with taste, and the whole wound up with "God Save the Queen," which was sung by the whole body of vocalists with energy, and concluded the programme. At intervals the band took up the affair, and did good service in varying the entertainment. The concert, on the whole, may be said to be a success professionally, as we have little doubt it was pecuniarily so to the lady for whom it was given.
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . BENDIGO", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (30 March 1861), 2
. . . At the Lyceum, on Saturday, Mr. Thatcher, Madame Vitelli, and Mrs. Stuart Ellis, made their reappearance at the promenade concerts, when the singing of both the ladies was honoured with an encore . . .
"LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (12 January 1863), 2
The theatre was opened on Saturday evening last [10 January] by Herr Carl Schmitt, a violinist of reputation in the "Faderland," and one who in the few concerts he has given in the colony has been more than successful . . . During the evening Madame Naej and Mrs. Ellis sang several songs; the latter named lady vocalist receiving a well merited encore in the song of "Cherry Ripe." The concert is to be repeated this evening, when we hope to see a crowded house.
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Schmitt (violinist); Madame Leon Naej (vocalist)
"MRS. ELLIS'S CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (3 November 1865), 2
The concert at the Temperance Hall last evening by Mrs. Ellis's class, assisted by several lady and gentlemen amateurs, proved very successful. The attendance was numerous. The first part of the concert consisted selections from Hayden's "Creation," in which Mrs. Ellis acquitted herself excellently well. The opening chorus, "The Marvellous Work," was sung steadily and with good effect, better indeed than any of the succeeding choruses . . . Mrs. Fatherly presided at the organ, and proved a most valuable acquisition. Mr. Gollmick conducted with his usual ability. The second part of the entertainment consisted of songs and duets. In these the pupils of Mrs. Ellis took part, and with credit to themselves and their teacher . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charlotte Crofton Fatherly (musician); William Gollmick (pianist)
"THE PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (18 November 1865), 2
The concert last night given by the Philharmonic Society in the Lyceum Theatre was eminently successful . . . Of the vocalists Mrs. Ellis carried off the palm in the cavatina "Lo! hear the gentle lark" . . .
MUSIC: Lo here the gentle lark (Bishop)
"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO MRS. ELLIS", Bendigo Advertiser (5 October 1867), 2
In the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute an amateur concert took place last night as a complimentary benefit to Mrs. Ellis, who has so willingly exerted herself on all occasions, both vocally and instrumentally, to assist the series of Popular Readings, and notwithstanding the unfavorable weather a very goodly company assembled. Had the evening been fine there can be no doubt that the hall would have been filled, and considering the state of the weather throughout yesterday, the tolerably large number of persons who attended last evening was a very great compliment to Mrs. Ellis. The first part of the concert consisted of choice selections from Haydn's great oratorio "The Creation," the first being a solo and chorus, "The marvellous work," which was very well executed, Mrs. Ellis taking the solo words . . .
"CONCERT AT KANGAROO FLAT", Bendigo Advertiser (6 November 1867), 2
A grand concert took place last evening in the Oddfellows' Hall, Kangaroo Flat, in aid of the building fund of the Volunteer Rifles Orderly-room, and was largely attended. The programme submitted was an excellent one, and the audience testified their appreciation of it by encoring nearly all the performers . . . Mrs. Ellis sang "Lo, hear the gentle lark," and "Bid me discourse," and fairly merited the applause which was bestowed upon her . . . A song, "The grenadier," was then given by Mr. Ellis . . . Herr Gollmick presided at the piano during the evening.
The first complimentary concert which was given to Mrs. Ellis some time since proved so unremunerative in a pecuniary sense that we were glad to see last night, on the second occasion of the kind, the hall of the institute so well filled. The many and valuable services which Mrs. Ellis has rendered to the institute, in assisting the endeavors of the committee to carry out the Popular Readings, could hardly have received a more fitting recognition, and, while the large attendance must have afforded gratification to the beneficiaire, we feel certain that those present who conferred the benefit were equally benefited by the excellent and varied programme provided for their entertainment. The selections of music were made with taste, and carried out with considerable ability by the ladies and gentlemen - amateurs - who had so kindly volunteered their services on the occasion . . . In the second part of the programme Mrs. Ellis received an encore in the cavatina from the opera of "Ernani," which she sang with great skill. The duet by Mesdames Betham and Ellis, "The flight of the swallow," was warmly encored, and was followed by the equally pretty duet of "Flow on, thou shining river," which was rapturously encored . . . The piano accompaniments were played by Mr. Gollmick, Mrs. Ellis, and Mr. Towle. The entertainment was one of the most successful which has been given in the Mechanics' Institute for some time.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Francis Towle (pianist)
"POPULAR CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (24 September 1873), 2
. . . The next popular concert, we understand, will include selections from "Lucrezia Borgia," "Ernani," and "Rigoletto," and Mrs. Ellis and Mr. Kennedy will be amongst the vocalists.
"SERIOUS BUGGY ACCIDENT AT EAGLEHAWK", Bendigo Advertiser (11 March 1879), 2
Last evening news was received in the city of a very serious buggy accident which happened in Eaglehawk, by which Mr. and Mrs. F. Ellis were severely injured . . . Great sympathy was expressed for Mr. and Mrs. Ellis who are very old and highly respected residents of the borough, and well known throughout the whole district, the latter having been a prominent musical amateur for very many years past.
"LAKE NEANGAR, EAGLEHAWK", Bendigo Advertiser (17 June 1887), 3
A correspondent writes: . . . It is not generally known that we have an excellent artist amongst us in Mrs. F. R. Ellis, an old and respected resident of Sandhurst and Eaglehawk. She has just completed a very excellent sketch of the lake and ground . . .
"DEATH OF MR. FREDERICK R. ELLIS", The Bendigo Independent (5 December 1891), 4
Mr. Frederick R. Ellis, the veteran clerk of courts, who about seven months ago retired from duty after 28 years' service, died at 8 o’clock to-day at his residence, Specimen Hill. The cause of death was breaking up of the system, and his illness was a long and painful one. He entered the service of the Mining Department in 1863, and was well and favorably known amongst all classes. In the earlier days it will be remembered that with his talented wife and others, they were active in getting up penny readings, recitations and concerts on behalf of the Sandhurst Mechanics Institute, then a small wooden building. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis were accomplished vocalists and instrumentalists, and 20 years ago, no concert was complete without them. Mr. Ellis after a few years' service in Sandhurst, was promoted to the Eaglehawk, Huntly and Raywood district, and had charge of the courts there up to about the middle of this year. He was born at Greenwich, near London, of a good family, and in 1852 left for Australia, to try his luck on the diggings. Like pretty nearly everyone in those days he worked as a digger, first at McIvor and then at Bendigo, till he was appointed warden's clerk in 1863. The deceased during his 28 years' service was a good officer, and was exceedingly well liked for his genial disposition and gentlemanly demeanor. For many years he was vestryman of St. Peter's Church of England, Eaglehawk; and frequently acted as lay reader in different churches of that denomination. He was also a member of the Golden and Corinthian Lodge of Freemasons. His well known figure will be greatly missed both in Eaglehawk and Sandhurst. He leaves a widow and two daughters. The funeral will take place on Sunday at three o’clock, and the Masonic brethren are invited by advertisement to be in attendance.
"EAGLEHAWK (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Tuesday, 22nd December . . . MUSIC TUITION", Bendigo Advertiser (23 December 1891), 4
Mrs. F. R. Ellis, who will be remembered as an accomplished singer and musician in earlier days, announces that she will take pupils for finishing lemons at the commencement of the New Year. From her well known ability Mrs. Ellis should have a large class.
"A RECOGNITION", Bendigo Advertiser (26 September 1893), 2
It is on the tapis to present to Mrs. F. R. Ellis a complimentary testimonial, as a recognition of her valuable services given to most of the charitable and other entertainments in Bendigo and the surrounding districts for the past 20 years. The lady both as a musician and vocalist possesses talents of a high order, and has held a prominent position in our musical circles, where her performances have secured for her well deserved popularity and appreciation. As a very strong and influential committee of admirers and friends have enthusiastically taken the matter up, a pronounced success may confidently be anticipated. All persons desirous of furthering the object in view are requested to leave their names at this office.
"THE ELLIS BENEFIT", Bendigo Advertiser (15 November 1893), 2
We would remind our readers of the concert to Mrs. F.R. Ellis, at the Royal Princess Theatre this evening. The programme is of a very high class, and should attract a bumper house. The beneficiare is well known in Bendigo, and it would be only fitting that the public should recognise the many and valuable services so ungrudgingly given on all charitable occasions in past years by a lady who had few equals in the musical world of "Quartzopolis" at one time. The full programme appears in our amusement columns.
"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 January 1898), 1
ELLIS. - On the 20th January, at her residence, Rathdown-street, Eliza Stewart Ellis, relict of the late F. R. Ellis, C.P.S., Eaglehawk.
"OBITUARY", Bendigo Advertiser (26 January 1898), 2
The death is announced of Mrs. Eliza Stewart Ellis, relict of the late Mr. F. R. Ellis, for many years clerk of Petty Sessions at Eaglehawk. The sad event took place at her late residence, Rathdown-street, Carlton, on Thursday last. The deceased was well-known in this district, and at one time was a prominent member of St. Kilian's choir.
Bibliography and resources:
George Mackay, The history of Bendigo (Melbourne: Ferguson & Mitchell, 1891), (174) 175 (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. William Brown, the well-known solicitor, now practising in [175] Melbourne, took an active part, along with his brother, Mr. T. Brown, in the inauguration of the Liedertafel. Mr. W. Brown always took a warm interest in matters musical, and for many years was one of the most prominent singers in the district. Contemporary with him in the sixties were Mrs. Betham and Mrs. Ellis, and in the seventies, Mrs. A. E. B. Casey. Messrs. M. and F. Macoboy are among the leading members of the Liedertafel, and the former is its president . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stone Brown (amateur musician); Louisa Maria Casey (vocalist)
ELLIS, George (George Richard ELLIS; Richard George ELLIS; George ELLIS; Mr. G. ELLIS)
Vocalist, characteristic vocalist, comic vocalist, comedian, delineator
Born England, c. 1836
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, c. 1856
Married Kate Helena VAUGHAN, VIC, 1856 ("Richard George ELLIS")
Died Croydon, Surrey, England, 23 November 1868, aged "32" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ELLIS, Kate (Kate Helena VAUGHAN; Mrs. George ELLIS; Mrs. William FISHER)
Married [1] Richard George ELLIS, VIC, 1856
Married [2] William FISHER, Christ church, Greenwich, Kent, England, 9 May 1869 (shareable link to this entry)
? Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Mary Islington in the county of Middlesex in the year 1837; register 1836-41; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 471 / [Baptised] Mar. 26 / Born 13 Feb 1837 / George Richard Son of / George & Jane / Ellis / Lower Queen Street / Brewer . . .
? England census, 30 March 1851, Mile End Old Town, Tower Hamlets; UK National Archives, HO107/1553/224/1 (PAYWALL)
20 Grove Road / George Ellis / Head / Mar. / 41 / Brewer's Servant & Beerseller / [born] Midd'x Islington
Jane / Wife / 37 / - / [born] Wales
George / Son / 14 / - [born] Midd'x Islington . . . [and 6 younger siblings]
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (7 November 1856), 8
GEORGE ELLIS, the unrivalled Comic Singer, in Character Every Evening, at the Sportsman's Arms, Russell-street.
COME and See George Ellis in the characters of "Billy Barlow" and "Charity Girl." Sportsman's Arms.
MUSIC: Billy Barlow (song)
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 November 1857), 8
WHERE are you Going To-Night? Why, to see George Ellis dressed up in character, free . . .
SPORTSMAN'S ARMS, Russell-street. - Lots of fun. George Ellis sings "Billy Barlow" in character To-Night.
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (24 January 1857), 6
NATIONAL-HOTEL MUSIC HALL, Bourke street east, Near the Parliament Houses. The following artists are engaged:
MADAME LEON NAEJ, The celebrated artiste from the Grand Opera, Paris, who will this evening sing La Bayadere and the Marseillaise, in costume,
Mrs. W. H. STONE, Late of the London Concerts, her first appearance in the colonies, who with Mr. Ellis will introduce Comic Duets, Sketches, &c.
Mrs. G. ELLIS, The pleasing vocalist.
Mr. G. ELLIS, The popular comic vocalist.
Mr. KITTS, The admired basso, late of the Theatre Royal.
Mr. CHAMBERS, Characteristic Dancer.
Pianist and Conductor - Mr. E. J. Piper.
Proprietor - W. Hutchinson. Admission Free.
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Leon Naej (vocalist); Mrs. Stone (vocalist); James Edward Kitts (bass vocalist); Joseph Chambers (? senior or junior) (dancer); Edward John Piper (pianist); William Hutchinson (proprietor); National Hotel Music Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (14 February 1857), 1
Near the Parliament Houses. The following Performers are engaged; -
Madame LEON NAEJ, From the Grand Opera Paris.
Mrs. J. W. STONE, Of the London Concerts,
Mr. G. ELLIS, The popular Comic Vocalist.
Mr. WHITE, Late of Rainer's Serenaders.
Pianist and Conductor - Mr. E. J. PIPER.
Proprietor - W. HUTCHINSON. Admission Free.
ASSOCIATIONS: M. W. White (serenader); Rainer's Serenaders (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Age (6 May 1858), 1
McCOWEN'S, Late Tilke's, CONCERT HALL, Bourke-street east . . .
The usual CONCERTS Will be held every Evening.
The ladies and gentlemen at present engaged are -
Madame Leon Naej, Mrs. Alfred Oakey, Miss Louisa Sutherland, Mr. C. F. Percival,
Mr. G. Ellis, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Luntly, Mr. Reeves, and Mr. Miller.
Pianist - Mr. Alfred Oakey. Manager - Mr. J. Miller.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred and Eliza Oakey (pianist and vocalist); Joe Miller (comic vocalist, manager); Louisa Sutherland (vocalist); Charles F. Percival (vocalist); Charles Reeves (minstrel serenader); Philip Luntley (minstrel serenader); Tilke's City Concert Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Age (1 June 1858), 1
McCOWEN'S (Late Tilke's) CONCERT HALL . . . MR. G. ELLIS and JOE MILLER . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 March 1859), 1
STORK CONCERT HALL.- TO NIGHT, Miss Bartley, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. George Ellis, Mr. McGregor, the Scotch vocalist and dancer, in full highland costume.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lewis Jacobs (vocalist); Miss Bartley (vocalist); Stork Concert Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (2 November 1859), 3
Star Theatre. Preliminary Announcement.
ARRIVAL OF MISS CASTINE, THE celebrated Soprano, from the principal London and Melbourne Concerts. (First appearance.)
MR. GEORGE ELLIS, The inimitable comic character, Irish and Dialogue Vocalist. (First appearance.)
AND THE RENOWNED AMERICAN PICCO, The celebrated delineator of Negro Life and Character -
and Soloist on the Violin, African Lute, Musical Gridiron, and the Common Whistle. (First appearance.) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Castine (vocalist);
J. A. Picco (instrumentalist);
and see also [Advertisement], The Argus (25 October 1859), 1
A COMIC SINGER and LADY VOCALIST WANTED, for the country. Apply J. A. Picco, l95 1/2 King-street.
"STAR THEATRE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (7 November 1859), 2
A crowded house on Saturday evening testified by its applause the feeling they entertained of the merits of those who catered for their amusement. First, according to etiquette comes Miss Castine, a most charming vocalist . . . Mr. George Ellis, the comic singer, improves vastly upon acquaintance . . . As for Mr. Picco, the only name we can give that gentleman, we can safely say that he is, without exception, one of the most clever and versatile musicians we have ever met with. Nothing comes amiss to him, from a violin to a penny whistle and as a delineator of negro songs he may take high rank. Altogether, a very pleasant evening may be spent in witnessing the performances of this company.
"STAR THEATRE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (9 November 1859), 2
The performances at this house last evening were if anything superior to those hitherto given by this talented company. Miss Castine was positively charming, the feeling evinced by her and her admirable voice drew down great applause. Mr. Picco by his drolleries and splendid music and Mr. George Ellis by his comicalities and whimsicalities succeeded a merveille in pleasing the audience.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (9 November 1859), 3
Star Theatre . . . MISS CASTINE . . . MR. GEORGE ELLIS . . .
MR. J. A. PICCO, In his Inimitable Performances . . . Pianist - MR. RUXTON.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henri Ruxton (pianist)
[Advertisement], Wellington Independent [Wellington, NZ] (25 March 1862), 2 and 3
MY JOHNNY WAS A SHOEMAKER, in character, by GEORGE ELLIS, To-night.
BRUDDER BONES, and the original BLUE TAILED FLY, by GEORGE ELLIS, to-night.
. . . MR. GEORGE ELLIS, Prince of Comic Characteristic Vocalists . . .
"COSMOPOLITAN OPERA TROUPE", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (15 September 1862), 5
The Cosmopolitan Opera Troupe, consisting of Mr. George Ellis, Mr. Charles Reeves, Mr. P. J. Luntley, Mr. C. Battle, and James Johnson, gave their first entertainment at the Temperance Hall, on Saturday evening, and were well received. Their performances gave much pleasure to the audience who appeared fully to appreciate the talent displayed by this little Company. They are to give another entertainment this evening.
"PATCHWORK", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (19 March 1863), 2
Under this designation Mr. George Ellis gave an entertainment at the Olympic Theatre on Monday night. His company consists of two lady vocalists and himself with two instrumentalists whose united efforts met with well deserved plaudits from a numerous and respectable audience. It would be quite impossible, in a limited space to give any notice of any particular song duet or glee. We merely remark that the little company most successfully kept the audience in good humour from eight o'clock until a quarter past eleven with some really first rate comic and sentimental singing and acting. They also much surprised and delighted many who had not anticipated the treat in store for them. This company is en route for New Zealand and will start on Tuesday. It is Mr. Ellis' intention to give another patchwork entertainment on Monday evening next previous to leaving.
ASSOCIATIONS: Olympic Theatre (Maitland venue)
"PATCHWORK ENTERTAINMENT", The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News (21 March 1863), 3
Mr. G. Ellis, assisted by two lady vocalists, and two instrumentalists, gave an entertainment at the Court House, on Thursday and Friday evenings, which were well attended. His performance he designates by the title of "Patchwork," and judging by its varied and heterogeneous character, it is not ill-appropriately named. The performance comprised many choice songs, rendered very sweetly by the lady vocalists; also, humourous specimens of English and Irish character. Not the least amusing part of the evening's entertainment, was the drollery of Mr. Ellis himself, who possesses the forte of extracting a laugh from the veriest misanthrope. His buffo and comic singing is unsurpassable, and was so far appreciated as to call forth uproarious applause, and a demand for his reappearance. We understand the company are about to visit New Zealand.
[News], New Zealander [Auckland, NZ] (11 April 1863), 5
MR. GEORGE ELLIS, who is well known in Auckland as the "Brudder Bones" of the Ethiopian serenades who were playing here in June and July last, has arrived by the Ann and Jane from Melbourne, and intends, we are informed, to open an entertainment here similar to that mentioned in the following paragraph, which we extract from the Maitland Mercury . . . [as 19 March 1863 above]
[Advertisement], New Zealander (14 April 1863), 1
Assisted by the following talented Artistes -
and the renowned GEORGE ELLIS. For full particulars see future advertisement.
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 March 1865), 1
MR. and Mrs. GEORGE ELLIS, English, Irish, and Characteristic Vocalists and Duettists, (just arrived from New Zealand) open to ENGAGEMENT. Address G. Ellis, Post-office, Melbourne.
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 June 1865), 1
MR. and MRS. GEORGE ELLIS, comic characteristic vocalists and duetists, DISENGAGED July 2. Address Theatre Royal, Daylesford.
[News], Evening Post [NZ] (14 August 1865), 2
The Dunedin Herald remarks that the style and character of the entertainment provided for the masses at the Corinthian Hall is proving attractive, and each evening the room is well filled with a quiet and respectable audience. The company consists of Mr. and Mrs. George Ellis, the duettists, Mr. Gowan, who sings nightly some favorite songs, Mr. W. H. Cooke, a very clever dancer, and Mr. Wallace, a contortionist and acrobat. There is a good band under the direction of an able violinist, Mr. J. Wright . . .
[Advertisement], West Coast Times [Hokitika, NZ] (14 July 1866), 1
GARRICK'S HEAD HOTEL, Opposite the Bank of New South Wales, Revell street. GEORGE ELLIS, Proprietor . . .
[News], West Coast Times (3 December 1866), 2
A grand plain and fancy dress ball will take place at the Theatre Royal, Shakspeare Hotel, this evening, and as Mr. George Ellis, the proprietor, is using extra exertion to make this the most attractive ball of a similar description this season, we anticipate he will be liberally patronised. A double band has been engaged for the occasion.
England (by November 1867 to November 1868):
[Advertisement], The Era [London, England] (10 November 1867), 8 (PAYWALL)
Mr. GEORGE ELLIS, the Great Australian Comedian, will make his First Appearance in England here THIS EVENING.
"ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE" The Era (10 November 1867), 10 (PAYWALL)
MR. EDITOR. - Sir, - In reference to an advertisement which appeared in your list number,
allow me to inform Proprietors and Managers of Music Halls that I am in no way connected with the person styling himself the Australian characteristic vocalist.
I think this explanation due from me, so as to prevent mistakes and confusion.
It being MY legitimate name I still intend to retain it.
By inserting the above you will greatly oblige yours respectfully,
GEORGE ELLIS, English Comic Vocalist. Thomas's Music Hall, Northampton, November 6, 1867.
"ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE" The Era (24 November 1867), 10 (PAYWALL)
MR. EDITOR. - Sir, - In reference to a paragraph which appeared in The Era on the 9th ultimo,
written by a person styling himself George Ellis, respecting me, I beg to inform you that my legitimate name is George Ellis,
and also that I have been receiving nightly the greatest applause in most of the Australian colonies as well as the New Zealand provinces for the last fourteen years,
which I have most invaluable testimonials to prove as to my abilities,
and I consider this explanation particularly necessary on my behalf, to prevent confusion and mistakes,
as I wish it to be distinctly understood that I am in no way connected with any other individual calling himself George Ellis,
the English comic vocalist. Trusting you Will pardon me for thus intruding on your valuable space,
I remain, yours very respectfully,
GEORGE ELLIS, also the Australian Comic Characteristic Vocalist, 19, Lambeth-road, S., and an Englishman.
"Canterbury Music Hall", The Era [London] (29 December 1867), 7 (PAYWALL)
. . . Mr. George Ellis, from Australia, and Mr. Pat Sellers (the Irish comic), both of whom made their first appearance, were remarkably well received, and exhibited talent of a superior order. Mr. Ellis as a British policeman, was comic in the extreme . . .
"LONDON MUSIC HALLS . . . WESTON'S", The Era (16 August 1868), 6 (PAYWALL)
. . . Mr. George Ellis the Australian comique, is in Mr. Sweasey's current list. This gentleman has a strong musical voice, and an expressive countenance, and his gesticulations are abundant and energetic, and above the average in originality and comicality. He sang, when we were there to hear, a lively song about "Susannair," and then about one who "Couldn't help it," a third called "The five o'clock 'bus," and a fourth the refrain of which began with "My girl is eighteen." His talented and earnest efforts to amuse told well . . .
[Advertisement], Croydon Chronicle and East Surrey Advertiser [Surrey, England] (10 October 1868), 8 (PAYWALL)
GEORGE ELLIS (of Weston's Music Hall, Holborn, The Alhambra, &c.)
BEGS to announce that he has succeeded Mr. Champness in the above very commodious Hotel . . .
Register of burials, St. John, Croydon, Surrey, 1868; register, 1861-71; Surry History Centre (PAYWALL)
[1868 November] 27 / George Ellis / 32 years
[Advertisement], Croydon Chronicle and East Surrey Advertiser (2 January 1869), 1 (PAYWALL)
. . . MR. E. SHALLESS Has received instructions
from the Administratrix of the late George Ellis, deceased,
to Sell by Auction . . . THE valuable LEASE and GOODWILL, with early possession;
of the modern, extensive, and commanding Business Premises, known as "The King's Arms Hotel," Katherine-street . . .
National probate calendar, 1868 (fourth quarter); UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
ELLIS Richard George / Effects under £800 / 8 December /
Letters of Administration of the estate and effects of Richard George Ellis
late of the "King's Arms" Central Croydon in the County of Surrey Hotel Keeper deceased
who died 23 November 1868 at the Infirmary Croydon aforesaid were granted . . .
to Kate Helena Ellis of the "King's Arms" aforesaid Widow the Relict of the said Deceased . . .
[News], Westport Times [NZ] (13 March 1869), 2
Mr. George Ellis, comedian and comic singer, who was landlord of the Shakespeare Hotel, in Hokitika, some time, and subsequently went home to England, has committed suicide in Croydon. One evening he went early to bed, and divided his arm across to the bone, cutting through flesh and arteries. Before he had bled to death, however, the act was discovered, and he was at once taken to the hospital, where it was found that he had so injured himself that amputation was necessary. This was attempted, but he died under the operation.
1869, marriage solemnized at Christ Church in the parish of Greenwich in the county of Kent; register 1868-1891, page 13; London Metropolitan Archives, P78/CTC/014 (PAYWALL)
No. 26 / [1869] May 8th / William Fisher / Full age / Bachelor / Gentleman / Greenwich Market / [son of] Thomas Fisher / Messenger in Audit Office Somerset House
Kate Helena Ellis / Full age / Widow / - / 6 Haddington Terrace Greenwich / [daughter of] Arthur Patrick Vaughan / Surgeon . . .
"DEATH AMONG THE PLAYERS", The Tasmanian Tribune [TAS] (25 May 1875), 3
The Otago Guardian, of the 1st inst., speaking of death among the players, says: . . .
a gentleman in Dunedin connected with the stage . . .
kindly offered to supply us with a list of those who, so far as he knew,
had within the last 10 years appeared in the colonies, and who had now departed for that bourne
"where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest" . . .
George Ellis, comic vocalist, once landlord of the Shakespeare Hotel, Hokitika . . .
ELLIS, James (James ELLIS; Mr. J. ELLIS; Mr. ELLIS)
Musical and theatrical manager and entrepreneur, concert manager, venue proprietor, licensed victualler, caterer
Born London, England, c. 1812; ? 26 October 1812; baptised St. Giles Cripplegate, 27 September 1820 [sic]; son of William ELLIS and Ann ?
Married Mary Ann MASON (c. 1813-1886), St. Andrew's, Holborn, London, England, 20 February 1837
Arrived [1] Melbourne, VIC, 20 October 1852 (per Coldstream, from London, June)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 1860 (per Dover Castle, for London)
Arrived [2] Melbourne, VIC, 1866 (per True Briton, from Plymouth, 7 May 1866)
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 9 January 1874, aged "61/62" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
London, England (to June 1852):
? Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Giles, without Cripplegate, in the City of London, in the year [1820]; register 1817-25, page 269; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/Gis/A/01/Ms 6423/2 (PAYWALL)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, in the City of London . . . in the year 1837; register 1832-37, page 581; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/AND2/A/01/MS 6672/7 (PAYWALL)
No. 1741 / James Ellis of this parish and Mary Ann Mason of this parish were married in this church by banns this [20 February 1837] . . .
Baptisms, Christ Church, Southwark, Surrey, December 1839; register 1820-57; London Metropolitan Archives, P92/Ctc/022 (PAYWALL)
James Francis S. of James Ellis, waiter & Mary Ann, b. Nov. 27 '39, Charles L[ane].
Yesterday a special sessions of the justices acting in and for the Kensington Division of the County of Middlesex, was held in the large room of the Holland Arms Tavern, High-road, Kensington, for the purpose of the renewal of licenses to Public Houses, after some preliminary business had been transacted. Mr. Clarkson, the barrister, applied on behalf of the rector and parochial officers of St. Luke, Chelsea, for the purpose of opposing the renewal of the license to the Stadium, better known as Cremorne Gardens, situated within that parish. A petition against the renewal was then read, complaining chiefly of the desecration of the sabbath, which the collection of large numbers of not very orderly visitors, of both sexes, to the gardens. Mr. Lane (solicitor to Mr. Ellis, the applicant), said he had a counter petition in favour of the renewal the license, signed by 850 persons . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cremorne Gardens (London venue)
[Advertisement], The theatrical programme and entr'acte [London, England] (July 1849), [unpaginated] (DIGITISED)
The Doors will be opened at Three o'Clock.
The Brass Band on the Lawn will perform an admired Selection of Popular Overtures, Quadrilles, Waltzes, Polkas, &c. - Conductor, Mr. Chattaway.
MONDAY, July 9th, and Two following DAYS, GRAND AQUATIC TOURNAMENT, on the Thames, in from of the River Esplanade . . .
Every Evening During the Week . . . A Grand VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT IN THE THEATRE . . .
Admission One Shilling - Children Half-price.
"VAUXHALL GARDENS", Morning Advertiser [London, England] (12 September 1850), 3 (PAYWALL)
. . . We find by our advertising columns, that a most attractive bill of fare has been issued for the benefit of Mr. Ellis, formerly of Cremorne Gardens, whose claims upon the public we have no doubt will meet a deserving response. The programme is certainly one of the most varied and excellent that the sight-seeking public has for many a day had placed before them . . .
"COURT OF RELIEF FOR INSOLVENT DEBTORS", The London gazette (5 September 1851), 2288 (DIGITISED)
On Monday the 22nd September 1851, at Ten o'Clock precisely, before Mr. Commissioner Phillips. James Ellis, formerly of Cremorne House, Cremorne Gardens, King's-road West, Chelsea, Licensed Victualler and Tavern Keeper, afterwards of No. 17, Oxford-terrace, King's-road, Chelsea, out of business, afterwards of No. 15, Westbourne-street, Pimlico, and of the Refreshment Rooms, Chinese Collection, Albert-gate, Knightsbridge, Confectioner, all in Middlesex, and late of the Flora Gardens, Nos. 1 and 2, Brunswick-place, Wyndham-road, Camberwell, Surrey, Retailer of Beer and Confectioner.
The celebrated Mr. Ellis, the well-known caterer for public amusement at Cremorne Gardens, the Flora Gardens, and other popular places of amusement, has just sailed from Plymouth in the Coldstream, for Port Philip. Mr. Ellis takes with him scenery, properties, and the necessary adjuncts for a portable theatre, to be erected at the diggings, a complete band of musicians, and a Thespian company. Mr. Ellis was the originator of casinos in the metropolis, and proposes to introduce them into Geelong and Melbourne, and thus combine pleasure with gold-seeking.
Melbourne, VIC (from 20 October 1852):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Coldstream from London, June 1852, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Ellis James / 40 // [Ellis James] Son / 12 // [Goldseekers] // . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: If Ellis's party also included musicians and actors, as reported above, they remain unidentified among those listed on following page
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (13 December 1852), 5
THE Judges of live stock are particularly requested to be kind enough to attend at the Cattle Market,
Melbourne, when the stock will be exhibited, on Wednesday next, the 15th inst. . . .
A professor of music will preside at the pianoforte, and refreshments will be supplied by Mr. Ellis, the late proprietor of the Cremorne Gardens, near London.
W. LE SOUEF, Secretary.
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 January 1853), 3
GRAND BALL. Protestant Hall, January 6th.
MR. JAMES ELLIS, late lessee of Cremorne Gardens, Adelaide Gallery, &c., London, has the honor to announce his intention,
in conjunction with Mr. J. Winterbottom, of Jullien's band, to give a series of
Grande Soirées Musicales et Dansantes, the first of which will take place on Thursday, January 6th.
The orchestra will comprise several of the most eminent performers recently arrived.
Conductor - Mr. J. Winterbottom.
The repertoire will consist of the choicest compositions of Larner, Strauss, Labitzsky, Musard, Tolbecque, Bosissio, Jullien, &c.
Dancing to commence at Nine o'clock.
Tickets - Half-a-guinea, to be had of Mr. Jacobs, bazaar, Collins-street and at the Hall.
The holder of each ticket will have the privilege of introducing a lady.
Refreshments the most recherché, at moderate charges.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (musician); Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Letter from Melbourne, 10 February 1853] "THE AUSTRALIAN GOLD DIGGINGS", Leeds Times [England] (11 June 1853), 3 (PAYWALL)
The Melbourne correspondent of the Liverpool Albion writes voluntarily . . . we cannot but read his communications with pleasure. He gives us an expansive and originally written summary about matters and prospects the antipodes. Dating his letter, Melbourne, Feb. 10, he says: - "Immigrants continue to pour in and all who are fit and efficient become absorbed. The majority at once start off for the mines . . .
Talking of places of resort reminds me of the recreations afforded by Melbourne. I must needs confess they are but scanty. The principal is the performance of the band of the 40th Regiment, now quartered here, at five o'clock on the evenings of every Monday and Friday, (weather permitting,) Batman's-hill. The attendance is generally very respectable and numerous; and the music such as our unrivalled military only can furnish . . . There are weekly concerts at the Mechanics' Institution, where a company of Ethiopian serenaders have lately exhibited before delighted and crowded audiences, the lowest rate of admission being four shillings each. There are also other occasional concerts during the week. But foremost among this class of entertainment must be included Rowe's Circus, by Ellis, of Cremorne notoriety, who came out here with the intention of going to the diggings, but finding that by no means despicable diggings were to be had in Melbourne, he at once commenced with the prospecting implements used in his line - trombones, saxhorns, and kettle-drums, - and succeeded in discovering that very satisfactory gold mines were deposited in the Melbourne citizens' pockets. The charge, however, is too low, only one shilling, and that prevents the company being as select as one could wish. We shall soon, however, have no occasion to complain of paucity of amusements, for Mr. Ellis, in conjunction with several (so it is said) colonial capitalists, has leased, built upon, and embellished thirty acres of land at Richmond, on the banks of the Yarra, which he intends opening, next summer, as the 'Cremorne Gardens.' Thousands of pounds have been expended upon it, and it is stated by those who have seen it to be worthy even of London. As an order to view it has been sent to me I shall take a saunter through it, and give you and account in my next . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (military); Thursday Concerts (series) at the Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue); correctly it was in the building previously occupied by Noble's Circus (Melbourne venue), and see also below 17 March 1853
The following applications for New Licenses were granted: . . . James Ellis, Cremorne Gardens, Richmond . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue)
The first of these entertainments came off yesterday, at the Botanical Gardens, in aid of the funds of the Melbourne Hospital. From 1000 to 1200 persons visited the grounds during the afternoon, among whom were His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, and several members of the Government and Legislative Council, the officers of the 40th Regiment, &c. The booth situated at the summit of the Gardens was gaily festooned for the occasion; one side of it was arranged with seats for ladies and others, while the other was turned into a refectory, superintended by Mr. Ellis, late of English celebrity . . . The Gardens opened shortly before two o'clock, from which hour until four, the band of the 40th played some of their best selections. At the latter hour the Concert commenced . . . One thing, however, we must denounce, - we mean the sale of intoxicating drinks on the ground, the effect of which was painfully apparent on many before the conclusion of the fete. Another source of annoyance was a complete cloud of tobacco-smoke, which at times was most offensive to the visitors . . . Although about £140 was received yesterday, it is a paltry trifle compared with the abounding wealth around. We hope to record in our next, that the attendance of yesterday was but a tithe of that of this afternoon.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles La Trobe (lieutenant governor); Band of the 40th Regiment (military); Botanic Gardens (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 March 1853), 12
GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT. Circus, top of Bourke-street, east.
MR. JAMES ELLIS, late lessee of Cremorne Gardens, Adelaide Gallery, &c., of London,
and promoter of these popular Concerts in Melbourne, in conjunction with Mr. Winterbottom,
has the honor to introduce to his numerous friends and patrons,
that his BENEFIT is fixed as above, on which occasion will be given a
GRAND MONSTER CONCERT, Supported by nearly One Hundred Performers.
The whole will be arranged that the tout ensemble shall present the best Concert ever given in the colony.
The Vocal and Instruments corps will on this occasion be strengthened, so as to include all the first talent in Melbourne.
By the kind permission of Colonel Valiant, the splendid Band of the 40th Regiment, conducted by Mr. Johnson, will lend their valuable assistance.
GRAND SELECTIONS from POPULAR OPERAS, by the best composers, will form part of the Programme.
The GREAT EXHIBITION QUADRILLES introducing the Music of All Nations, will be given with all the extraordinary effects which elicited so much wonder and applause on its first representation.
The following artists will have the honor to appear on this occasion -
Principal Vocalists: -
Mrs. Harriet Fiddes,
Mrs. Hancock,
Miss Lewis,
Mr. Gregg,
Mr. C. Walsh,
Mr. Hancock.
Principal Instrumentalists: -
Mr. Hartigan, ophecleide,
Mr. Johnson, clarionet,
Mr. Thatcher, flute,
Mr. Tucker, violin,
Herr Elze, contra-basso,
Signor Mattei, cornet-a-piston,
Mr. Winterbottom, bassoon.
In consequence of the disappointment experienced on Monday last, by hundreds who were unable to obtain admission, an early application for tickets is necessary, as a limited number only will be issued.
Doors open at Seven o'clock precisely. Dress circle - Five Shillings, Promenade - Half a Crown.
In compliance with the request of numerous ladies and families, patrons of these Concerts, Smoking will not be permitted.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Fiddes (vocalist); Mary and Edward Hancock (vocalists); Annie Lewis (Mrs. Salamon, vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); Charles Walsh (vocalist); Joseph Hartigan (ophecleide, 40th band); Henry Johnson (clarinet, master 40th band); Charles Thatcher (flute); Edward Tucker (violin); Herr Elze (contrabass); Joseph Maffei (cornet)
"MONSTER CONCERT", The Argus (21 March 1853), 9
Another concert upon the magnificent scale of that presented by Mr. Winterbottom on Monday last, is to be presented this evening, for the benefit of Mr. Ellis, the proprietor of the Circus, where the promenade concerts have hitherto been held. Those who heard the splendid music which was performed last Monday will probably be glad to hear it again, and those who were so unfortunate as not to obtain admission will now have another chance of listening to the finest instrumental performance ever attempted, we should think, in the Australian colonies. While complaining of the nuisance of tobacco smoking still being tolerated on Monday, we forgot to compliment the conductor upon one piece of forbearance of a very creditable character, in the closing of the doors and refusing admittance to very large numbers when the house was tolerably well-filled, thereby preventing oppressive crowding which is too usual upon benefit nights.
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 June 1853), 8
GRAND OPENING NIGHT OF THE SALLE DE VALENTINO, (Late Noble's Circus ) Top of Bourke-street, east.
MR. JAMES ELLIS, lessee of Cremorne Gardens, Richmond and formerly lessee of Cremorne Gardens, &c., London
has the honor to announce to his numerous friends and to the enlightened public of Melbourne generally,
that he has purchased the above property, and that having made extensive arrangements for the delight and comfort of his patrons, he will open the above as the
Salle de Valentino
Beautifully Decorated and Embellished, regardless of expense and with taste and elegance worthy of the distinguished artis is employed.
The season, necessarily brief, will commence with
A Series of First Rate PROMENADE CONCERTS, a la Muzard [Musard]
Conductor, Mons. Fleury Assisted by a numerous troupe of
EMINENT VOCALISTS, Who will in their turn be supported by the
MOST NUMEROUS AND TALENTED BAND Of Instrumental Performers ever heard in the Colony.
This preliminary announcement is only suggestive of the
RICH MUSICAL FEAST Which is now in preparation for the enjoyment of a liberal and discerning public.
CLASSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS Auxiliary to the above are also in progress, and will shortly be announced.
ON THE GRAND OPENING NIGHT The number of tickets will be limited, so as to ensure the comfort of visitors.
Musical Conductor and Director, Sou Ben Alle.
The Decorations and Scenic auxiliaries of Mons. A. Vavannes and Mr. Brogden.
General Manager, Mr. James Ellis.
[manicule] It is respectfully intimated that the whole of the promenade circle has been boarded over, the interior will now present the appearance of a vast and elegant Salon de Musique.
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violinist, leader); Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (musician); James Brogden (scenic artist); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Argus (27 June 1853), 7
The first of a new series of concerts, under the management of Mr. Ellis, of Cremorne Gardens, took place in Noble's Circus on Saturday evening. The band was under the direction of M. Fleury, and played quadrilles and overtures in excellent style and spirit Miss Graham was encored in "My Norman Valleys," from Roberto, which she sang in a very pleasing manner. This young lady possesses a clear, flexible voice, and although laboring under sore disadvantage, there being no correct accompaniments to her songs, she evidently made a good impression on the audience. In addition to the improvements and decorations which have lately been made in the building, it is intended to enlarge the platform for the orchestra.
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Graham (vocalist)
"ELLIS'S MONSTER CONCERT", The Argus (29 November 1853), 5
A very numerous assembly collected at Tattersall's on Saturday evening on the occasion of Mr. Ellis's first concert, in the great ball-room. Doubtless, the room itself was a great portion of the attraction, and the decorations were much admired; but the concert was on a grander scale than any yet given here, and gave entire satisfaction to the audience. It must be observed, that for singing so large a building is ill adapted, as the sound so widely diffused, becomes lost to all except those near the orchestra, especially when the singer's voice is not powerful. But for energetic orchestral pieces, which indeed form usually the chief attraction to the visitors to promenade concerts, the place is a capital one. The Exhibition Quadrilles have never been so well produced on this side of the line; the rich volume given to the Marseillaise, Partant pour la Syria, and Mourir pour la Patrie, carried the hearer back to the epochs of French history, which gave birth to these soul stirring airs. The clarionet duet by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Berrey, and the cornet solo by Signor Maffei, were capital. There can be no doubt of the success of this undertaking, and it will be merited. Madame Carandini and Mr. Frank Howson are announced to appear to-night. One thing we must urge on the manager is the necessity of preventing smoking in the hall, as, if smoking be allowed there, it will be a barrier to the attendance of ladies and families.
ASSOCIATIONS: "Mr. Berrey" is probably a reference to Charles Berg, one of two Swedish musicians who has recently arrived together; but it was correctly the other, John William Lundborg, who played clarinet; Tattersall's (Melbourne venue)
[Melbourne news], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (3 December 1853), 2
The entertainment to the ex-Mayor, T. J. Smith, Esq., which took place on the evening of the 24th [November], seems to have been a most brilliant affair . . . The taste and judgment of Mr. Ellis and his chief auxiliaries, M. Robillard and Mr. Brogden, were called into play; the vast space was soon covered in with ball-room comforts . . . and the bands engaged were those of the 40th Regiment, led by Mr. Johnson, their bandmaster, of the 99th, led by their bandmaster, Mr. Martin, and Mr. Ellis's band, which comprises most of the best musicians in the colony; conducted by Monsieur Fleury and Signor Maffei . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Thomas Smith (ex-mayor); Robert Martin (master, 99th band); Band of the 99th Regiment (military, visiting fro Hobart)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 December 1853), 10
CREMORNE GARDENS. Sole Proprietor and Manager, Mr. JAMES ELLIS, Formerly of Cremorne Gardens, London.
Mr. Ellis has the honor to announce respectfully to the inhabitants of Melbourne and its vicinity, that the Cremorne Entertainment season will commence
On Monday, 12th December. (The Saturday previously being devoted to the benefit of the Melbourne Hospital) . . .
Gardens open at three o'clock.
The Bands will perform during the afternoon.
A renowned troupe of Acrobats will exhibit their wondrous feats.
Vocal and Instrumental concert at half-past six.
Dancing on the great platform at eight o'clock.
Fireworks at ten.
Admission - Half a Crown . . .
[Advertisements], The Argus (30 January 1854), 8
NO more moping away the evenings. The Salle de Valentino will be open every evening with the best entertainment ever offered in Melbourne, for one shilling.
WHERE'S the Salle de Valentino, and Madame Carandini? At the late Circus, top of Bourke-street east. James Ellis, Proprietor. Admission, one shilling.
TO-NIGHT Madame Carandini and Mr. Lavenu, with the best band in the colony, at the Salle de Valentino. Admission one shilling; dress circle half-a-crown.
REVIVAL of the Promenade Concerts at the Salle du Valentino, top of Bourke-street east; commence at half-past seven. Admission, one shilling.
MUSIC for the Million, every evening at the Salle de Valentino; the most agreeable and economic lounge in the colony. Open every evening. Admission one shilling, James Ellis, proprietor.
begs respectfully to announce that, for a short time, and until the Gondola Steamers and other conveyances are laid on for the conveyance of visitors, the amusements at Cremorne will be discontinued.
In the mean time, the Gardens will be open to the public for Promenade and Refreshment. The Admission will be by Refreshment Ticket.
J. E. begs to acquaint the patrons and friends that, in the interval, he has determined to give a short season of superior Promenade Concerts,
every Evening the Salle de Valentino, for which he has secured the services of the Best Band in the Colony - the names of the Artistes forming the Orchestra will speak for themselves.
Conductor and Leader, Monsieur Fleury; Clarionet, Mr. Johnson; Flute, Mr. Cooze; Tenor, Mr. Reed; Cornet a-Piston, Signor Maffei; Contra Bass, Mr. Hardman; supported by other performers of celebrity.
Madame Carandini, the prima donna of the southern hemisphere, and Mr. Lavenu, the eminent buffo singer from London, will appear every evening and sing their most popular selections.
An entire change of programme every evening. The interior of the Salle de Valentino has been re-arranged, and seats for six hundred persons have been provided around the Promenade-Circle.
In order to sustain the popular character of J. Ellis's Public Amusements, notwithstanding the great expense incurred, the admission will be as before: -
Dress Boxes, Half a Crown; Promenades Circle, One Shilling.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (vocalist, pianist); William Joseph Cooze (flute); Thomas Reed (viola); Daniel Hardman (double bass)
"VICTORIA", Illustrated Sydney News [NSW] (4 February 1854), 4
The application of Mr. James Ellis, the proprietor of the Cremorne Gardens, to obtain permission to keep open the Gardens on Sunday afternoon, and to supply refreshments, has been dismissed by a bench of Magistrates.
"CREMORNE GARDENS", The Argus (25 September 1854), 5
Mr. Ellis announces the reopening of these favorite gardens for the summer season, on Monday, the 2nd of October next. Extensive improvements have been effected in the grounds since last season, for the purpose of affording increased accommodation to visitors. An orchestra and platform for dancing have been erected, and we read also of illuminated grottoes, fountains, bazaars, sagacious elephant, marble groupings, ballet company of French artistes, and numbers of other attractions. In fact, Mr. Ellis is transplanting the Cremorne of London, and it begins to grow luxuriantly.
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 October 1854), 8
LAST NIGHT of the Salle de Valentino.
The advancing spirit of improvement having determined on the demolition of this
Popular Place of Amusement, where many delighted thousands have enjoyed the intellectual pleasures of music,
it has been determined by the talented professors who have so long and so successfully courted public approval at this temple of the Muses, to offer a
Grand Complimentary Night to Mr. Ellis, the Manager, by whose enterprise and energy the rational amusements of an economical and popular concert have been supplied to the Melbourne public at London prices.
The friends and patrons of Mr. Ellis are therefore respectfully invited to lend their aid on this occasion,
and to co-operate in rendering this complimentary benefit worthy of the enterprise of the Manager for the Million.
in order to afford an opportunity for the greater number being present on the occasion,
it has been resolved to present on the evening of Monday, October 16, A GRAND BAL MASQUE.
Conductor or the Orchestra - Mr. Johnson. Leader - Mons. Achille Fleury.
A Grand Monster Band, comprising the Principal Musical Talent in the colony, have volunteered their services on the occasion.
Admission - Five Shillings. Doors open at half-past eight. Dancing will commence at nine o'clock.
"CREMORNE GARDENS", The Age (5 January 1855), 5
These beautiful, well situated and tastefully arranged gardens are now rapidly arriving towards that condition of comparative perfection which whatever be the amount of skill or money employed, requires time to accomplish . . . Mr. Ellis's elephant seems to be a very popular animal, seeing the numbers who patronised his apartments, and who contributed to his physical requirements. A superb band of music is in attendance, and contributes much by its varied and well-executed airs, to the enjoyment of the multitudes who daily throng this popular place of promenade and pleasure. Some idea of the number who are accustomed to attend these Gardens, and the amount of popular favor with which they are looked on, may be gathered in the fact that on New Year's Day no less a number than 2,200 were present during the day.
"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Argus (10 August 1855), 5
Mr. James Ellis, the late enterprising lessee of Cremorne Gardens, has taken Astley's Amphitheatre for the purpose of giving a series of promenade concerts, to take place on Saturday evenings. No caterer for the public amusement deserves to a greater extent the patronage of the Melbourne public than Mr. Ellis, who was the first to introduce in these colonies a cheap and at the same time good musical entertainment. He has wisely, we think, entered into an arrangement with Mr. Callen, whose excellent management of the concerts at the Hall of the Theatre Royal, was so thoroughly appreciated by the crowds who were wont to repair there nightly. We are informed that a capital band bas been engaged, and that arrangements are in progress to secure the services of several of our principal vocal artistes. We sincerely wish success to the speculation, as we would to any which appeared to us likely to afford the public rational recreation of a high order. The first concert will be given next Saturday evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (conductor) had presented a series of concerts in the foyer of the new Theatre Royal while the main auditorium was being completed (it having now opened); Astley's Amphitheatre (Melbourne venue)
"INSOLVENT COURT. Monday, 3rd September, 1855 . . . IN RE JAMES ELLIS", The Age (4 September 1855), 5
A certificate meeting. The application was supported by Mr. Selwyn; no creditors attended. The Commissioner said he had looked into the insolvent's books, from which it appeared that the insolvency was attributable to the stoppage of the Sunday business at the Cremorne Gardens. It did not appear that the insolvent had done anything which would induce him to suspend the certificate. He remarked upon the unfortunate circumstances of the case where the claims of the creditors amounted to upwards of £3000, while there was no prospect of a dividend being realised. The certificate was granted, and the meeting closed.
"MR. JAMES ELLIS", The Argus (31 January 1856), 5
The friends and patrons of Mr. Ellis (formerly the lessee of the world-famed Cremorne Gardens, London, the founder and designer of Cremorne Gardens), have resolved to patronise his opening dinner this evening at his new establishment, the European Hotel, FitzRoy-street, Collingwood. The preparations for the festival are upon a very extensive scale, and covers will be laid for two hundred. Several professional singers of great talent have promised to assist the undertaking by a few snatches of harmony at intervals during the evening; and a portion of the band of the 40th Regiment will also be in attendance. As a friendly demonstration in behalf of one who has certainly done much to advance and to popularise cheap and rational entertainment in the colony, we trust the entertainment will be well attended.
ASSOCIATIONS: European Hotel (Collingwood)
"PROVIDENTIAL ESCAPE", The Age (19 March 1856), 3
Yesterday morning about 4 o'clock Mr. Ellis, of the European Hotel, Collingwood, was suddenly alarmed by a loud cracking noise, which was found to proceed from the building adjoining the hotel, known as the "Music Hall," the iron roof of which shortly afterwards fell in from one end to the other, owing to the insufficiency of the ties and girders. It is fortunate that the accident occurred when it did, as the Hall had been engaged by Mr. Benjamin for his Concert Monstre the same evening, which no doubt would have been crowded, and serious injuries would have resulted to the visitors. This accident has entailed considerable loss on Mr. Benjamin, whose patrons were much disappointed last evening by the occurrence.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Benjamin (alias Benham) (vocalist)
"THE SALLE DE VALENTINO", The Age (15 May 1856), 2
At the City Court on Wednesday, Mr. James Ellis appeared to answer the information of Mr. Sub-Inspector Nicolas for
"causing stage dancing to be acted in a building called the Salle de Valentino without a license."
Mr. Stephen said that this charge had been postponed for a week, in order to enable Mr. Ellis to obtain a license.
He had written to the Governor but had not received any reply, and had closed the Salle ever since.
Police Constable C. 22. attended the entertainment on the 2nd of May, paid one shilling admission to the door-keeper, and witnessed a stage performance entitled "Mad as a March Hare."
He saw Master and Miss Chambers dancing. The entertainment was a species of pantomime - there was no dialogue, only acting and dancing.
In this he was guided by the bill and by his own judgment.
There was a Chinese dance in character, and the performance was upon a stage.
(Cross-examined by Mr. Nicholson.) The dancing was on a raised platform, and I never noticed any impropriety.
Mr. Stephen directed attention to the second section of the Act, and contended that Mr. Ellis had not been shown to be the proprietor.
After some further consideration the Bench dismissed the case, and Mr. Nicolas withdrew the charge against Mr. Chambers, who was only acting in the entertainment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph junior and Mina Chambers (dancers)
Beechworth, VIC (by September 1856 to September 1858):
"BEECHWORTH (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) 4th September, 1856", The Argus (10 September 1856), 6
A grand holiday, in commemoration of peace between the allied powers and Russia, took place here on Monday 1st September. The day opened with every indication of heavy fall of rain, but as the holiday was intended for a good purpose, which was the laying of the foundation stone of the Hospital . . . After the ceremony was concluded some 260 or more proceeded to a large booth, which had been built expressly for the occasion, where an excellent dinner had been prepared by Mr. Quik [Quirk], of the Freemasons' Arms and Mr. Ellis, late of the Cremorne gardens, Melbourne, and was in every respect worthy of the reputation of these celebrated caterers . . .
See also, "PUBLIC DINNER TO MESSRS. GOW . . .", The Age (18 November 1856), 5
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (1 January 1857), 1
STAR GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT AND BALL, Every Evening, admission One Shilling.
MR. JAMES ELLIS originator of the first casino in England, viz., the Adelaide Gallery, Strand, and Cremorne Gardens, London; the Salle de Valentino and Cremorne Gardens, Melbourne; -
begs to inform the public, that having secured the services of the celebrated Mdalle. Schluter, who has created such a sensation at the Theatre Royal, Melbourne,
together with Messrs. Burchall, King, and Hammond, and a host of other available talent,
he intends giving a series of Promenade Concerts, on a scale unequalled in Beechworth.
Musical director - Herr Collin.
Leader - Mr. Ferdinand Osborne.
Maitre de ceremonies - Mr. King.
Concert commence at 8, Dancing at 10 o'clock.
Admission One Shilling.
Refreshments, recherche, at a moderate tariff.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alwine Schluter (vocalist); Mr. Hammond (vocalist); Leopold Frederick Collin (musician); Ferdinand Osborne (musician); Star Hotel (Beechworth venue)
"AMUSEMENTS", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (3 January 1857), 2
Mr. Ellis's entertainments at the Star Theatre seem to take well. On Thursday evening there was a crowded audience, and Mr. Hammond acquitted himself to the evident satisfaction of all. It is a style of entertainment which suits the taste of the million; and the price of admission, 1s., affords every one an opportunity of enjoying a lounge, combined with vocal and instrumental amusement.
"MR. ELLIS' BENEFIT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (12 February 1857), 2
The success of Mr. Ellis's concerts for the million, is a great fact, and deserves to be recorded. After a brief season of prosperity, Mr. Ellis has been requested to announce a complimentary benefit to himself; which is to take place this evening at the Star theatre. The bill of fare displays an unusual combination of talent, and variety of performances. Miss Hamilton, and Messrs. Coulon and Pierce have lent their services, and are to sing several of their favorite pieces. A couple of songs of a local character are to be sung by a Mr. Hurst, who, we perceive, makes a first appearance in Beechworth on the occasion. Mademoiselle Schluter, Miss Lorette, Mr. Benner, Mr. F. Osborne, and Mr. Hammond, are all included in the programme, which is certainly a good one, and will aid not a little in drawing a bumper for the persevering manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); John Ottis Pierce (vocalist); Mr. Hurst (vocalist); Miss Lorette (vocalist); Samuel Benner (vocalist)
"STAR THEATRE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (8 February 1858), 2
Under the superintendence of Mr. James Ellis, a gentleman whose name is ever associated with our most successful places of amusement, both at home and in the Colonies, this little theatre has undergone a change within the last few weeks by which its past identity has almost disappeared. The whole area of the former building will now be arranged for seats, and an extension of some twenty feet affords room for a complete and commodious stage. Over the entrance a gallery has also been erected, from which a very good view of the whole may be obtained. The decorations are, as yet, scarcely completed; but the stage in all its details has been rendered as perfect at possible, so that pieces of the most complicated character may now be performed in Beechworth. This evening the season commences with Bellini's fine Opera of La Somnambula, in which Miss Julia Harland and Messrs. Sherwin and Farquharson sustain the principal parts - Much praise is due to Mr. Wallace, and also to Mr. Ellis, for the spirited manner in which they have thus attempted to introduce operatic performances to the Beechworth public. To night the fact will be realized, and we trust that the various attractions that have been provided will draw such an attendance as to convince the proprietor that his efforts are appreciated, and to encourage him to a repeated introduction of further novelties under the impulse of his presentable director.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Harland (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Linly Norman (pianist); English Opera Company (troupe); John Alston Wallace (proprietor)
"THE OPERA", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (9 February 1858), 2
With the opening of the Star Theatre last evening, a new era may be dated in the history of public amusements in the Ovens district, and it is a gratifying sign that an entertainment such as is now provided at the Star has been thus far so fully appreciated, as the crowded house last night amply testified. Every seat appeared to be occupied and the audience seemed to entertain every gratification at the genuine source of recreation which now exists to destroy the monotony of this otherwise not over lively township. The house has been arranged with very much taste under the direction of Mr. Ellis and when the decorations are complete, we may lay claim to as pretty a theatre of the kind as can be produced by any other town in the colony. The scenery also is well painted and the stage arrangements seem to be well perfected . . . The opera (Bellini's Sonnambula) was admirable got up considering the deficiency of materials for perfecting details, and the characters were well sustained . . .
"STAR THEATRE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (1 July 1858), 2
The Promenade Concerts at this place of amusement continue to attract a considerable audience every night, although not nearly so large as their excellence deserves. It is not often that the people of Beechworth have an opportunity of listening to music such as is offered for their amusement at the Star at the present. We should be sorry to have to say that Beechworth could not recognise and appreciate real talent. It will be a pity if Mr. Ellis has to return to the style of entertainment which preceded the present concerts.
Melbourne, VIC (September 1858 to January 1860):
"SUPREME COURT . . . NEW COURT. FRIDAY, MAY 27 . . . ELLIS V. COPPIN", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 May 1859), 5
This was an action brought to recover damages for and legal distress levied by the defendant, the Hon. George Coppin, upon certain goods in premises that he had let to Mr. James Ellis, at Cremorne Gardens. The particulars of the case were these: - In the month of September last Mr. Ellis came down from Beechworth, where he had been residing, at Mr. Coppin's suggestion, and proposed undertaking the management of the restaurant department at Cremorne Gardens, which Mr. Coppin acceded to. He accordingly took possession on the 15th November, the day on which the season commenced, but at the end of one month's loss of £40 had been sustained . . . the jury . . . after a couple of minutes' consultation . . . returned a verdict for the defendant.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (proprietor, defendant)
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (11 June 1859), 6
James Ellis, late of Cremorne Gardens. Causes of insolvency - An unfortunate speculation entered into by him at Cremorne Gardens at Christmas last, also from the oppression of his landlord, the Hon. George Coppin, M.L.C., who, having obtained a verdict against the insolvent, had thrown him into gaol under Fellows's Act. Liabilities, 597l. 7s. 2 1/2 d.; assets, 601.; deficiency, 537l. 7s. 2 1/2 d. Official Assignee, Mr. Courtney.
[13 June 1859] "PROFESSOR ANDERSON IN AUSTRALIA, on Things Theatrical at the Antipodes. TO THE EDITOR OF THE ERA", The Era [London, England] (21 August 1859), 10 (PAYWALL)
Melbourne, June 13, 1859.
Sir, - Things have changed in Melbourne as they have in Sydney . . .
Poor James Ellis, formerly of Cremorne, London, is now imprisoned at the suit of Mr. Coppin for not being able to pay him the sum of £500, to which amount he became indebted through speculating in a booth at Mr. Coppin's Richmond Fair . . .
I am, dear sir, yours, very truly,
JOHN HENRY ANDERSON, Wizard of the North.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Anderson (magician)
Beechworth, VIC (February to June 1860):
"MR. G. V. BROOKE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (10 February 1860), 2
A portion of the new company who are engaged to assist Mr. Brooke at the Star Theatre, arrived yesterday by coach, and we believe we are rightly informed in stating that that eminent Tragedian started from Melbourne for Beechworth by yesterday morning's coach. The preparations for his reception are uncreasing [sic], and the Theatre has under the able directions of Mr. James Ellis put on an entirely new appearance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor)
"CHINESE THEATRICALS", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (26 March 1860), 2
By announcement in another column we perceive that Mr. James Ellis has succeeded in making arrangements with the celebrated Chinese Company, in order to give the public a opportunity of enjoying the peculiarities of Celestial music and opera. They perform for the first time to-morrow (Tuesday).
ASSOCIATIONS: Chinese music in colonial Australia (general); see also [Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (26 March 1860), 3
"CHING A RING, A RING CHING", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (28 March 1860), 2
Some few years ago in London there was no man within the bounds of the great brick and mortar city, who as a caterer for the amusement of the public held rank so high as Mr. James Ellis of Cremorne. The originality and versatility of that gentleman's mind was continually producing fresh novelties, which cocknies from all parts of the modem Babylon rushed to see, but we much question whether any one but this far famed and talented entrepreneur would ever have dreamt of introducing a Chinese Operatic Company on the boards of the Star Theatre. Like an able General, Mr. Ellis strikes while the iron is hot, nothing escapes his observation, and therefore to him are we indebted for the opportunity of seeing Chinese "Stars" in a European Firmament. To describe the performances last night is beyond our power but if we may judge by the applause awarded it by the Mongolians present, it must have been first-rate. The acting, though rather grotesque, was certainly better than we have seen by some European companies that have visited us and the orchestral accompaniment was one of the most curious medleys of the musical art that we ever heard. Taken altogether it was an entertainment well worth seeing, as developing a feature of Chinese life hitherto but little known amongst us. This evening they again perform, when we recommend all to avail themselves of the opportunity of seeing them.
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (17 May 1860), 5
This evening a complimentary benefit takes place at the Princess's Theatre to Mr. James Ellis, well known as the original projector of Cremorne Gardens, of London and Melbourne. Mr. Ellis is about returning to England, as he announces, "in search of fresh novelties for the amusement of the Victorian public;" and those who recollect that he has generally succeeded rather in paving the way for the profit of others than in advancing his own, will perhaps not be the last to support him on the present occasion. Some seven or eight years ago, when the Theatre Royal and the Princess's were not, many professional persons achieved popularity under the auspices of Mr. Ellis. Miss Octavia Hamilton, Madame Carandini, and the late Mr. Lavenu may be mentioned among the number.
ASSOCIATIONS: Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (16 June 1860), 2
WILL open on SATURDAY, June 16th, with entirely new scenery and appointments, by Mr. J. W. Wilson, of the Theatre Royal, Melbourne.
An Old Friend and Favorite bids Farewell to Victoria for a time!!
Many friends and admirers of the skill and enterprise of
JAMES ELLIS, (The original projector and manager of the Cremorne Gardens, London; the Cremorne Gardens, Melbourne;
the original Casino, Adelaide Gallery, Strand; and the Salle de Valentino, Melbourne -
finding that their old friend is now almost immediately about to revisit England, in search of fresh Novelties for the amusement of the Victorian public, have determined to give him a
When the Beneficiare is enabled to offer the following Powerful Attraction, by the assistance of the following Artistes, who have kindly volunteered their services: -
MISS JULIANA KING (The Renowned Cantatrice)
MR. HURST (The Characteristic Buffo Vocalist)
MR. MARTIN (The Celebrated Tenor)
MR. CLEVELAND (The Celebrated Clog and Hornpipe Dancer.)
Pianist - MR. KING.
Prices of Admission on this occasion: Front Seats. 4s. Back Seats, 2s 6d.
Doors open at half-past Seven, to commence at eight precisely.
Tickets and places may be secured at the Box Office, open from Ten till Four.
ASSOCIATIONS: William John Wilson (scenic artist); Marie Chalker (vocalist); Juliana King (vocalist); Joe Small (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); George Martin (vocalist); Alfred Edward King (pianist)
"BON VOYAGE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (16 June 1860), 2
Mr. Ellis - the renowned of the great place of enjoyment for the denizens of the modern Babylon - to wit Cremorne gardens - takes his benefit this evening at the Star. Of late many have taken benefits at this house, but among them none more deserving of a substantial mark of public esteem as the one who now bids farewell for a time to his numerous friends in Australia. Mr. Ellis it will be in the recollection of most of the colonists was the first gentleman to introduce into Victoria superior musical entertainments at a cost within the means of all. Well do we remember the gratification left by the inhabitants of Melbourne at the rich treat afforded them by the opening of the Salle de Valentino, where the highest conceptions of the first masters were produced in a manner to charm all visitors. To Mr. Ellis' enterprise were we indebted for it; to the same enterprise do the Melbourne folks owe the possession of Cremorne Gardens, and beyond that Mr. Ellis has been the means of improving through out the colony the position of music and the drama. He leaves us by the Dover Castle, and we sincerely wish him a safe and prosperous voyage and a speedy return as we cannot long spare men of his stamp. We also hope that his friends will give him a bumper this evening.
Names and description of passengers per Dover Castle, from Melbourne, 23 June 1860, for London; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
James Ellis / 47 / [Miner] / [English]
London, England (1 October 1860 to 7 May 1866):
[News], The era [London, England] (7 October 1860), 10 (PAYWALL)
MR. JOHN DREW, the Irish comedian, arrived in England from Australia last Monday [1 October], in the ship Dover Castle, after a voyage of 100 days. Mr. James Ellis, who was eight years ago lessee of Cremorne, was also a passenger in the same vessel.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Drew (comedian)
"The Alhambra Music Hall", The Era (9 December 1860), 5 (PAYWALL)
The opening of this new and magnificent establishment is now definitively arranged to tale place on Monday next . . . the entire direction of the refreshment department will be under the control of the experienced public caterer, Mr. James Ellis, formerly proprietor of Cremorne Gardens, and who has lately, in Australia, for several years, had the merit of originating and superintending undertakings of similar purpose and magnitude. The musical department will be directed by Mr. James Tully, whose celebrity, as a composer of popular music and a thorough student of his art in its popular aspect, will be an assurance of his being well chosen for the post he occupies . . .
"CRITERION", The era (8 February 1863), 14 (PAYWALL)
Under the above title, that well-known caterer for the public amusement, Mr. James Ellis (late Lessee of Cremorne Gardens), has opened the large Music Hall in Leicester-square, long known as the "El Dorado," and arrangements are in progress for making it one of the most entertaining and agreeable resorts in the Metropolis. Already he has secured a large amount of talent, and as he hopes shortly to be placed on an equal footing with the proprietors of similar establishments in the locality, we wish him success in his new enterprise, and we are certain that no man can better cater for the public taste . . .
"Mr. James Ellis's Farewell Benefit", The era (15 April 1866), 12 (PAYWALL)
At the Strand Music Hall, on Tuesday evening, the 24th inst., the above gentleman will take a farewell benefit, previous to leaving England and finally settling in Australia. We need hardly remind our readers of Mr. Ellis's claims upon their regard and sympathy, as it will be remembered how much, in times gene by, he contributed to the amusement and delight of the public in London, by organising and carrying on, in the best possible spirit, various entertainments of a superior class. Mr. James Ellis was the original proprietor of the far-famed Cremorne Gardens, and a tribute of admiration is due to him on this head alone, as having founded and developed, by every means in his power, a place of resort in its way second to none in Europe. He also did much to promote both instruction and amusement by founding the Adelaide Gallery in the Strand. Mr. Ellis's enterprise and creditable activity has been shown not only in England, but in the greet colony of Australia, where he established the Melbourne Salle de Valentino, and a second Cremorne Gardens. During the whole term of his residence in this country Mr. Ellis has won the respect and esteem of all with whom he has been connected, and he will leave his native land with the good wishes of all who delight in honouring real worth and merit. The celebration of the 24th will doubtless be taken advantage of by very many of his personal friends, who will then have the opportunity of bidding him farewell, and wishing him all the prosperity he thoroughly deserves.
Melbourne, VIC (from 1866):
Names and description of passengers per True Briton, from Plymouth, 7 May 1866, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Ellis James / 50 [sic] / [Gentleman]
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 September 1866), 5
Mr. James Ellis, the former proprietor of the Cremorne Gardens in England and in Victoria, has obtained the contract for supplying the refreshment department of the Intercolonial Exhibition.
ASSOCIATIONS: Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition (1866-67)
[News], The Argus (24 June 1867), 5
Mr. James Ellis, the original proprietor of Cremorne-gardens, London, and Cremorne-gardens, Melbourne, has become the lessee of the Princess's Theatre, and will shortly open it with miscellaneous entertainments, conducted en bonne regle. So long as this is the case, the public will doubtless welcome the return of this favourite entrepreneur to a foremost place in amusement circles.
"ENTERTAINMENTS", The Australasian (29 May 1869), 18
. . . There seems to be a thickening of minor amusements . . . That irrepressible old gentleman, Mr. James Ellis, of primeval celebrity, is understood to be transforming a dancing room into a music-hall . . . - JAQUES.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Edward Neild ("Jaques")
"MELBOURNE (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT) Monday, May 31", Geelong Advertiser (1 June 1869), 3
Those who remember Cremorne Gardens in all their glory, and, farther back, the Salle de Valentino, will be pleased to learn that the manager of both these places of amusement, namely, Mr. James Ellis, has transferred the Cassino de Venise in Bourke-street, into the London Music Hall. Mr. Ellis has a wonderful adaptability for managing places of public amusement, and preserving a tone of respectability about them. His new enterprise bids fair to prosper. The "London" opens to-night for the first time.
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 June 1869), 8
Leader of the Band, Mr. BARNETT LEVY (Late director of the Theatre Royal Orchestra).
ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Levy (violin, leader)
"THEATRICAL GOSSIP. BY THE LOUNGER", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (3 July 1869), 3
The music halls have, during the past week, been well patronised. Ellis's London Music Hall, under the management of Mr. James Ellis, puts forth such a varied programme each evening, and supported us it is by the largest company over brought together in a Melbourne concert hall, one cannot wonder at the patronage bestowed upon it. Mr. Barry O'Neil has introduced a very clever sketch, "Dancing Mad" which takes well, while Johnny Cowan's local songs are vociferously encored every evening. The concerted music at this establishment I consider a greater feature than the comic element. The glees and concerted pieces sustained by Mesdames Camille Rosalie and Bessie Royal, Messrs. Amery, Braham, Benham, Leeman and others brought to my mind recollections of Evans' Concert-room, in Covent Garden, London. Another matter I notice, that the refreshments are served in first-class London style, and at a reasonable figure.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Cowan (vocalist); Bessie Royal (vocalist); Edwin Amery (vocalist); Louis Braham (vocalist); Henry Benham (vocalist); Frederick Leeman (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 July 1869), 8
ELLIS'S LONDON MUSIC-HALL, Adjoining Tattersall's Hotel, Bourke street . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 July 1870), 8
ELLIS'S SALLE DE VALENTINO, Corner of Bourke and Russell Streets.
GRAND SOIREES DANSANTES. JAMES ELLIS, long known here and in England as proprietor of Cremorne gardens, London, &c.,
as well as founder of Cremorne gardens here, invites friends and patrons to a well-regulated
SALLE DE VALENTINO, where an accomplished orchestra of first-class talent will discourse the newest,
the most spirit-stirring, and most brilliant music of the day at his
GRAND SOIREES DANSANTES, From 9 o'clock in the evening until 12 p.m., Commencing MONDAY NEXT.
"THE EXHIBITION BUILDING", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (9 December 1870), 7
An effort is about to be made to render this a place of public amusement, a la the Crystal Palace at Sydenham. The promoters having secured as manager Mr. James Ellis, the originator of Cremorne Gardens, London, and its autotype at Melbourne, have engaged a number of gymnasts, vocalists, &c. . . . The first performance is to take place this afternoon, and the second on Monday evening.
"Deaths", The Argus (10 January 1874), 1
ELLIS. - On the 9th inst., at his residence, 206 George street, Fitzroy, in the 62nd year of his age, Mr. James Ellis, late proprietor of Cremorne-gardens, London and Melbourne.
[News], The Argus (12 January 1874), 4
Among the obituary notices published in our issue of Saturday was one that announced the death of Mr. James Ellis, late proprietor of Cremorne-gardens, London and Melbourne. The deceased was so well known in certain circles in Melbourne as to be in a sense a public character, and doubtless many will be interested in a slight sketch of his career. It was singularly checkered. Five-and-twenty years ago Mr. Ellis was the presiding genius of the Cremorne-gardens in London, and achieved great celebrity among those who thronged to that favourite place of amusement. Reverses came, and 1852 found him in Melbourne, and again a caterer for the public pleasure. In this capacity he was connected with the celebrated institution known in those wonderful times as the Salle de Valentino, where during a certain period the musical entertainments were conducted on an almost unexampled scale of excellence, and where, too, he succeeded in acclimatising bals masques after the London mode. His heart was, however, bent upon creating in Melbourne a pleasure garden corresponding to those with which he had been connected at home, and eventually he succeeded in establishing "Cremorne-gardens," on the site now occupied by Mr. Harcourt's private lunatic asylum. It was surprising how much his industry and energy led him to accomplish in this direction, how well the gardens were laid out, how creditable the decorations, and how excellent the arrangements. For a while the place was very popular, and a great point of attraction to pleasure-seekers, but it was difficult of access, there were then no railways in the colony, and eventually the speculation failed, although a line of "gondola" steamers was established on the Upper Yarra for the purpose of promoting passenger traffic in this direction. During later years Mr. Ellis was favourably known in Melbourne as a refreshment caterer, and nothing ever done in that line has surpassed his performances in connexion with the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866. His last enterprise was very characteristic. He had a number of theories in connexion with economic cookery, which, when reduced to practice by himself, were always surprisingly successful. So he set up a shop in the Eastern Arcade, in order to popularise a certain kind of gas stove, invented and manufactured in Melbourne, on a principle of which he approved. While thus engaged, death came to him. His end must have been quite sudden, for until the latter portion of last week he was actively engaged in his business.
See also "ELLIS", The Herald (10 January 1874), 3
"DEATH OF MR. JAMES ELLIS", The era [London, England] (22 March 1874), 11 (PAYWALL)
We have to chronicle the decease of this once well-known provider of London amusements, whose life was full of those vicissitudes which become associated with a career of continued speculation. It was Mr. James Ellis who first popularised the "Casino" at the old Adelaide Gallery, and from 1845 to 1851 he was identified with the management of Cremorne Gardens. Soon after he went to Australia, where he established a similar kind of entertainment, and on his return to this country he opened a cafe and concert-room in Leicester-square, which he called "The Criterion." He than returned to Melbourne, and his fortunes have since been of a very chequered kind. Mr. James Ellis had wonderful energy, and the indomitable spirit with which he always endeavored to retrieve the losses he sustained will be remembered in association with a quaintness of conversation, an oddity of manner, and a boldness of enterprise that were never unaccompanied by a general kindliness of feeling towards those in his employ.
"DEATHS", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (23 October 1886), 7 supplement
ELLIS. - On the 18th inst., at the residence of her son, Milton Cottages, Smith-street, Collingwood, Mary Ann Ellis, relict of the late James Ellis, formerly of Cremorne-gardens, London and Melbourne, aged 73 years.
"EARLY DIGGING DAYS. BEECHWORTH IN THE FIFTIES (BY G. E. T.)", Wodonga and Towong Sentinel (19 July 1907), 2
. . . Every night the "Star Theatre," owned by J. A. Wallace - afterwards one of the biggest mining magnates in the colony - was crowded to suffocation with people anxious to see and hear the great musical, operatic, and dramatic artists of the day, and many of the most eminent London stars visited such places as the Woolshed and Indigo. An advertisement of the time runs: - "In consequence of the crowded state of the court-room nightly at the "Star," it is the intention of Mr. Ellis to adopt the Italian style of ventilation in order to study the comfort of the visitors." The music was of a thoroughly up-to-date character . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Alston Wallace (1824-1901)
Bibliography and resources:
"CREMORNE GARDENS", The era almanack (1871), 5
. . . in 1845, and the lease was . . . purchased by Mr. T. B. Simpson, of the Albion Tavern, opposite Drury Lane Theatre, Mr. James Ellis becoming manager. In 1846, the Gardens were opened for a regular season, and balloon ascents formed the principal attractions. The grounds, twelve acres in extent, enclosed within a thickly wooded plantation, interspersed with lawns and flower gardens, and intersected by ornamental walks, became more and more artistically embellished. In 1851, the daylight amusements comprised Franconi's circus, the Bosjesmans, Cantelo's egghatching apparatus, called "The Hydro-Incubator," &c., whilst the "Monstre Platform" for dancing, a capacious theatre for the performance of ballets, supported by Mdlle. Theodore, Herr Deulin, Seymour, and Gardiner, and a display of fireworks prolonged the amusements after dark. A series of "Naval Fetes," in which the river steamboats took part, proved this year highly attractive . . .
The chronicles of early Melbourne, 1835 to 1852 . . . by "Garryowen" . . . new and cheaper edition . . . vol. 1 (Melbourne: E. A. Petherick and Company, 1891), 485-86 (DIGITISED)
Warwick Wroth, Cremorne and the later London gardens (London: Elliot Stock, 1907)
[Footnote 5] . . . It is sometimes stated that Simpson bought the property in 1846, and put in James Ellis to act as manager. But other accounts speak of Ellis as the real lessee, 1846-1849, and this seems to be correct, because, when Ellis became bankrupt in 1849, execution for £8,000 was levied upon Cremorne. Ellis's unsecured debts amounted to over £16,000, of which £250 was due to a confiding Cremorne waiter. The rent of the gardens had been £582 per annum, and there was an unpaid gas-bill for £665. Simpson was certainly proprietor from 1850 onwards . . .
Kate Bird, "On a visit to the Cremorne Gardens", State Library of Victoria, blog, posted 13 June 2018
"Cremorne Gardens, London", Wikipedia,_London
"Cremorne Gardens, Melbourne", Wikipedia,_Melbourne
James Ellis, Find a grave
ELLIS, Marie (Mrs. James Cole ELLIS; Mrs. J. C. ELLIS; Mrs. ELLIS) = Marie KRAMER
Musician, soprano vocalist
Active (as Mrs. J. C. ELLIS) VIC and NSW, from 1865
ELLIS, Thomas (Thomas ELLIS)
Musician, cornet player, trombonist, band master, bandmaster, violoncello player, organ builder, musical instrument maker, publican, turner, upholsterer
Born Gloucester, England, 1828; baptised St. John the Baptist, Gloucester, 17 February 1828; son of Thomas ELLIS (d. 1879) and Sarah CLAYFIELD (d. 1892)
Married Caroline HICKS, All Saints, Southampton, Hampshire, England, 25 June 1849
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 13 July 1854 (per Norwood, from Liverpool, 17 April)
Active Ballarat, VIC, by 1860
Died Ballarat, VIC, 15 February 1894, aged "66" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. John the Baptist, in the city and county of Gloucester in the year 1828; register 1813-38, page 94; Gloucestershire Archives, P154/9 in 1/7 (PAYWALL)
No. 748 / [1828 February] 17th / Thomas Son of / Thomas and Sarah / Ellis / Of this parish / Joiner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Ellis (d. 1879) and Sarah Clayfield (d. 1892) had married at St. John the Baptist, Gloucester, on 11 January 1827; both died in Ballarat
Marriages, All Saints, Southampton, 1849; England, select marriages (PAYWALL)
25 June 1849 / Thomas Ellis / Caroline Hicks
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Peter, Brighton, Sussex; UK National Archives, HO107/1645/149/31 (PAYWALL)
52 Grosvenor St. / Joseph Dear / Head / Mar. / 38 / Labourer // Rhoda Ann / Wife / 32 / Laundress . . .
Thomas Ellis / Visitor / Mar. / 23 / Joiner / [born] Gloucester Gloucestershire
Caroline / Wife / 23 / Domestic / [born] Wimborne Dorset //
52 Grosvenor St. / Joshua Ashwin / Head / Mar. / 25 / Musician . . . [and wife and 2 children]
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Helier in the island of Jersey, anno domini 1851; register 1848-55, page 268; Jersey Heritage, G/C/03/A2/15 (PAYWALL)
No. 2141 / 1851 September 7th / [born] 1851 August 16th / Thomas James Ferdinand, Son of / Thomas Ellis Musician and Caroline Hicks his wife . . .
William Lawrence proxy for Thomas Ellis and Rebecca Jannett Hick sponsors
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Helier in the island of Jersey, anno domini 1854; register 1848-55, page 469; Jersey Heritage, G/C/03/A2/15 (PAYWALL)
No. 3748 / 1854 January 22nd / [born] 1853 October 22nd / Frank [son] of / Thomas Ellis Carpenter and Caroline Hicks his wife . . . Henry Gribble & Sarah Hicks sponsors . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank was not listed separately on the shipping manifest below; his death was registered in Melbourne in 1855 (BDM 185/1855)
Melbourne, VIC (from 13 July 1854):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Norwood from Liverpool, 17 April 1854, for Melbourne, 13 July 1854; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Thos. Ellis / 26 // Caroline [Ellis] / 23 // Thos. [Ellis] / 2 . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 February 1855), 8
CRITERION HALL. - Immense Attraction. To-night, and every evening during the week, Grand Promenade Concerts a la Jullien, in the spacious and magnificent hall of the Criterion Hotel. An entire change of performance. One shilling. Admission, one shilling . . . Herr Funk, the unsurpassed performer on the clarionet, will execute one of his elaborate solos every evening during the week. Together with Chapman's unrivalled band; comprising all the acknowledged available talent in the colony: . . . Mr. Chapman, Herr Funk, Mr. Weston, Mr. Reed, Mr. Mather, Mr. Weis, Mr. Thorn, Mr. Sims, Mr. Ellis, Herr Keillor, Mons. J. H. Krom . . . P.S. Mr. Chapman, the conductor of these Concert's, attends daily, at twelve o'clock, at the Criterion Hall, to engage vocalists and solo performers, of first-rate talent; as he is determined no expense shall be spared to make this fashionable place of amusement the favorite of Melbourne.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Chapman (musician, leader); William Funk (clarinet); John Weston (musician); William Mather (musician); Thomas Reed (musician); John Herman Krom (musician); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (24 February 1855), 8
CRITERION. - For this night only, Grand Overture by the Band, introducing Five Airs, all playing the same time. Doors open at half-past seven, commence at eight, Admission 1s.
CRITERION HALL. - A la Jullien Promenade . . .
CRITERION HALL. - Air and Variations on the Trombone - Mr. Ellis.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Peter's Melbourne in the county of Bourke in the year 1856; register 1848-59, page 220; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)
No. 3219 / [1856] September 19 / [born] 4 Feb'ry 1856 / Alice [daughter of] / Thomas & Caroline / Ellis / Little Collins Street / Turner . . .
Ballarat, VIC (by 1858):
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (12 April 1858), 3
Instrumental Artistes. M. Paltzer, Mr. King, M. Labalestrier, Mr. Bohler,
Mr. Ellis, Mr. Elliot, Mr. Sayers, and Mr. Gun.
PIANISTS - Mr. Turner, Mr. Vincent, and Mr. A. Owen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacques Paltzer (musician); Thomas King (musician); Alfred Labalestrier (musician); William Francis Sayer (musician); Austin Theodore Turner (pianist); John Rimmer Vincent (pianist); Richard Arthur Ryder Owen (pianist); Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Star (13 August 1858), 4
FOR SALE, cheap, milch goats and others in kid, likewise a quantity of Muscovy ducks, at Ellis's, turner, &c., Melbourne Road.
[Advertisement], The Star (25 September 1858), 3
THIS EVENING, SATURDAY, 25th September, THIS THEATRE will be opened with a
Grand Promenade Concert, A la Jullien, For which all the available musical talent in the colony has been engaged . . .
The band to-night will comprise the names of the following performers: . . .
1st cornet - Mr. Miell. 2nd - M. Dufrene . . . 1st flute and piccolo - M. Pallin.
Trombone - Mr. Ellis. Drums - Signor Pietro Canna And a host of others.
Leader and conductor - M. FLEURY . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Augustus Miell (cornet); Lawrence Frederick Palin (flute); Pietro Canna (drums)
[Advertisement], The Star (12 October 1858), 3
New Polka, Ballarat Rifle Corps, By the Monster Band, Composed by Mons. Labalestrier.
Solo, Trombone, French Air - Mr. Ellis.
New Overtures and Selections from the latest Operas . . .
"MONTEZUMA THEATRE", The Star (15 October 1858), 3
Great as has always been the merit of the promenade concerts, the programme for this evening, we perceive, surpasses those of previous occasions. Messrs. Fleury and Miell announce this evening's performance to be under the patronage of the Ladies, the Bench, the Press, and the Bar of Ballarat. The richness of the programme will be evident to our readers when we inform them that the overtures to "Italiana in Algeria," "Zampa," "Haidee," and "La Dame Blanche," will be performed. Instrumental solos and duets will be performed by Messrs. King (clarionet), Ellis (trombone), and Labalestrier and Miell (cornets). The burden of the vocal department will be borne by Madame Vitelli and W. F. Sayer. With this exquisite weather and such a programme, the theatre ought to be well patronised.
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Vitelli (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Star (16 October 1858), 3
Operatic Selection, with solos for clarionet, cornet and trombone, by Messrs. T. King, A. Labalestrier, and Ellis,
arranged by Mr. T. King from La Figlia de Reggiamento - Donizetti . . .
[Advertisement], The Star (21 December 1858), 3
CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE. Proprietor, Mr. John Gibbs.
THE OPERA SEASON, Under the direction of MONS. LAVENUE [sic] . . .
THE PREMIERE BAND Of the Australian colonies, under the able leadership of Mons. Fleury, will comprise the following instrumentalists: . . .
Flute - Herr Palin
Clarionet - Mons. Faure
1st Cornet - Mons. Labalestrier
2nd Cornet - Mr. Miell
Trombone - Mr. Ellis
Drums, Cymbals, &c., Mons. Pietro Canna.
Leader of the Band - MONS. FLEURY.
Conductor - MONS. LAVENUE . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (proprietor); Gusatve Charles Faure (clarinet); Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Star (6 June 1859), 3
ON MONDAY EVENING, 6th June, 1859 . . . Howard Payne's comedy of the MERRY MONARCH.
To be followed by a Grand Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT!
PROGRAMME: Overture - Battle of Sebastopol - Full Band
(With solos for Flute, Clarionet, Cornet and Trombone, by Messrs. Palin, Faure, Labalestrier and Ellis;
also, Imitation Cannon and Great Drum Effects, by Signor Pietro Canna) . . .
[Advertisement], The Star (30 January 1860), 3
THE Partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned, has this day been dissolved as far as regards John Sims.
Witness - Julius Goldstucker.
Dated Criterion Hotel, 28th day of January, 1860
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (15 March 1861), 2
The band and non-commissioned officers of the B.V.R R. mustered on the Camp reserve yesterday afternoon in the new uniform, which is really a very smart and soldierly affair. The non-commissioned officers, with cap and green ball, scarlet braiding, sashes, and stripes, and the band, similarly attired, but with scarlet balls to the caps, looked quite military, and were the admired of a great crowd of beholders. The band, under the leadership of Mr. Ellis (cornet a piston) played several appropriate pieces of music, the execution evincing good training and practice. We trust the old hill will be often the scene of a similarly pleasant gathering.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ballarat Volunteer Rangers Band (volunteer forces)
"DISTRICT POLICE COURT. Tuesday, 5th November . . . SPECIAL LICENSES", The Star (6 November 1861), 4
Mr. Inspector Kabat applied for a special license to permit Mr. Thomas Ellis, of the Criterion Hotel, to hold a concert in his house for charitable purposes. Granted.
[Advertisement], The Star (19 July 1861), 3
LATE BAND of the B.V.R.R. - All members of the above Band are requested to meet at the Criterion Hotel at half-past seven this evening, sharp, on business of importance, Thos. Ellis, Bandmaster.
[Advertisement], The Star (14 November 1861), 3
During the evening the BALLARAT BRASS BAND will give selections from various operas, &c.
The STRING BAND will also perform at the entertainment.
Conductor, Mr. T. Ellis . . .
[Advertisement], The Star (17 March 1862), 3
PROGRAMME: . . . 2. Operatic Selection - Chiara von Rosenberg, Ballarat Brass Band . . .
4. Solo, Coruet-a-Piston - Ecce il Pegno - Gemma de Vergy - Mons. Labalestrier . . .
PART II . . . 3. Solo, Trombone - Theme, with variations, Mr. Thomas Ellis . . .
6. Solo, Cornet-a-piston - Air and variations, Home, Sweet Home - Mr. Wheeler . . .
MR. EMIL WEBER Has kindly consented to preside at the Grand Pianoforte.
At the conclusion of the Concert the Room will be opened for a GRAND SELECT BALL . . .
Leader of the Quadrille Band - Mr. S. Schrader . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Thomas Wheeler (cornet); Emil Rudolph Weber (pianist); Samuel Frederick Schrader (musician)
"AMUSEMENTS", The Star (18 March 1862), 3
A complimentary benefit was given at the Mechanics' Hall on Monday evening, to Mr. Thomas Ellis, conductor of the Ballarat Brass Band, by a number of professional friends. The Ballarat Brass Band was largely supplemented by those of the Rifle Rangers and the Ballarat West Fire Brigade, and farmed a very important feature in the concert. The attendance was not so large as could have been wished, but there was plenty of well-merited applause. After the close of the concert the room was opened for a select ball.
"THE SHORT HOURS SOIREE", The Star (21 November 1862), 2
Pursuant to public announcement, the soiree of the Short Hours Association was held on Thursday evening, in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute . . . The two fire brigades lent their patronage, as also the Eight Hours Association and other bodies, and "the sounds of music" were gratuitously supplied by members of the late Philharmonic Society, while other music was also furnished by a band under the direction of Mr. Ellis; with Mr. A. T. Turner and Mr. Wheeler at the piano . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Thomas Wheeler (pianist)
"THE BALLARAT EXHIBITION", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 August 1866), 6
. . . Special mention should be made of the organ built in the town by Mr. Thomas Ellis. Its size is small, and as it stands at present it possesses no pedals, but its tone is good, and it must be considered to be a successful effort on the part of the builder. It was tried during the performances of the Harmonic Society , and when its notes were not overpowered by those of the other instruments, it was heard to advantage . . .
. . . Thomas Ellis - Finger organ, four stops, two drums, with pedal and stand . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (15 September 1866), 2
Mr. John Finlay, who for nearly eleven years has been schoolmaster on the Plank road, and has recently received the appointment of master of the Orphan Asylum, yesterday gave a farewell entertainment to his juvenile friends at the Plank road Common School . . . The music was, as of old, led by the fiddle, the worthy dominie himself, assisted on this occasion by Mr. Ellis on the violoncello . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (1 April 1867), 2
Mr. Thomas Ellis, a gentleman whose abilities as a musician are well known in Ballarat, has been appointed band-master to the Volunteer Rangers. The appointment, as might be expected from the fact of Mr. Ellis's experience as the leader of a military band and the arranger of military music, has given general satisfaction to the members of the corps.
"THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY . . . THE VOLUNTEERS", The Ballarat Star (25 May 1867), 3
The birthday parade of the Ballarat Rangers was attended by an excellent muster, over two hundred of all ranks being present . . . In the evening a concert took place at the Orderly-room, and was well attended, as it deserved. The Rangers brass band under the leadership of Mr. Ellis, played several selections; the Trombone Band under the same leader also assisting . . . Solo instrumentalists were found in Mr. Knox, on the cornopean, and Mr. Ellis, on the trombone; both gentlemen being perfect masters of their instruments . . .
"ROYAL RECEPTION COMMITTEE", The Ballarat Star (29 October 1867), 2
. . . From Thomas Ellis, bandmaster of the Ballarat Volunteer Rangers, stating that the band would accept an engagement for the procession on the arrival of the Prince of £20 for the full band, twenty-two in number. - Referred to the procession committee . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (royal visitor)
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (30 December 1868), 2
The Carandini concerts in aid of the Orphan Asylum and the Public Library are drawing very fairly. Last night's audience was larger than that of the previous evening, and in any other hall in town would be considered a large gathering . . . the overture by the band . . . Apropos of the Rangers' band, under the leadership of Mr. Ellis, we may say that it well maintains its excellent reputation as one of the best military bands in the colony . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist) and company
"SOCIAL", The Ballarat Star (21 May 1869), 1 supplement
Mr. Thomas Ellis, master of the band of the Ballarat Volunteer Rangers, hits had presented to him by the members of the band, a very handsome and suitable testimonial in the shape of a richly mounted ebony baton, bearing a suitable inscription. Mr. Ellis has induced the members of the band to supply themselves with trombones in place of other brass instruments.
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (20 May 1870), 2
The lovers of good music have a special treat provided for them this evening by the brass band of the 1st Ballarat Rangers,
which purposes (weather permitting) to give in the Sturt street pavilion the choicest selection in its repertoire.
We observe, from the following programme supplied to us, that the bandmaster (Mr. Ellis) will play the solo of the "Four leaved Shamrock" on the trombone,
with band accompaniments, which of itself must prove an attraction.
The following is the programme: -
Grand March, "The Werribee;" waltz, "Addle," (D. Godfrey); quick step, "The National;"
quadrilles, "Victoria," (Lowaski); trombone solo, "The Four-leaved Shamrock;"
glee, "The Chough and Crow," (Bishop); "Ave Maria," (Gounod);
gallop, "The Excursion," (S. Jones). "God Save the Queen."
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (3 March 1871), 2
The band of the 1st B.V.R. will perform the following programme this evening in the Rotunda: -
No. 1. Grand March. 2. Waltz, "Victorian Volunteer," composed by Mrs. T. W. L. Martyr; arranged by T. Ellis.
3. Quick Step, "The Four-leaved Shamrock." 4. "Gloria in Excelsis," Mozart's Twelfth Mass.
5. Quadrilles, "Luisa Miller," Coote. 6. Comic Fantasia, "Evening about Town," H. Basquet, B.M. 39th Regiment.
7. "Schottische," Montgomery. God Save the Queen.
In the above excellent programme a new waltz composed by a lady resident of Ballarat (Mrs. T. W. L. Martyr),
who hopes by its sale to assist her family in their present unfortunate circumstances occasioned by the long indisposition of her husband (Dr. Martyr).
The lady is most anxious to raise sufficient to purchase a piano for the purpose of giving instruction thereon.
We are informed that Mrs. Martyr is an accomplished pianiste. We heartily wish her success in her efforts.
The music has been arranged by Mr. Ellis, Bandmaster of the 1st B.V.R. and this evening's performance will be its first in public.
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Martyr (composer)
MUSIC: The Victorian volunteer waltz (by Mrs. T. W. L. Martyr)
"BALLARAT HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Ballarat Star (3 August 1872), 2
For the secular concert given as an interim performance between the Good Friday and Christmas Day celebrations, the Harmonic Society, on Friday evening, gave, for the first time in its entirely in Ballarat, Haydn's "Seasons" . . . The band was as follows: - Oboe, Herr J. Schott, R.A.M.; 1st violin, Mr. T. King . . . Mr. Fleury . . . [3] . . . trombones, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Prout . . . Leader, Mr. T. King . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Arthur Schott (oboe); Ballarat Harmonic Society (association)
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (21 November 1872), 2
There is good reason to believe that we shall very shortly again enjoy the good instrumental music of the band of the 1st B.V.R., under the able leadership of Mr. T. Ellis. A large body of the ratepayers of Ballarat City have already signified, by petition to the council, their desire that the very moderate sum of £25 annually should be voted from the corporate funds for the purpose of securing one weekly public performance on the part of the band in the rotunda - for the rotunda ought to be used, having been built for the purpose. It seems the £25 is not to individually benefit the members of the band, which numbers about as many performers as pounds, but to meet the cost of new music and to pay for substitutes for members who, on the nights of performance, would other wise be on mine shifts. To secure such important ends £25 is a very trifle, and most certainly should be granted without demur. This matter will be settled one way or another on Monday week. Meanwhile, the band will play on Friday night next from the balcony of the Adelphi hotel, Sturt street, within which building for some twelve months past the band has been assiduously practising. In Friday's issue we shall publish the programme of music to be performed on the occasion. In future the night of performance will be Thursday, in order not to interfere with the B.V.R. parades.
"NO. 1 CORPS B.V.R.", The Ballarat Star (17 July 1873), 2
The adjourned half-yearly meeting was held in the Orderly-room on Wednesday night . . .
The committee submitted the following report: - . . .
The band has been greatly increased both in strength and efficiency, and Mr. Ellis was engaged, on the 1st March, as bandmaster to the corps, at a salary of £50 a year.
Your committee consider that the best thanks of the corps are due to Bandmaster Ellis for his valuable gratuitous services during the preceding six months . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (21 March 1878), 2
With reference, to the paragraph in Wednesday's Star, stating that the services of Mr. Ellis, the band master of the B.V.R, had been dispensed with, we now learn that a meeting of the corps was held on Tuesday night, when it was resolved, in consequence of the brass band being non-effective, that it should be done away with, and only the drum and fife band be retained. Consequently Mr. Ellis' services were no longer required. Ballarat was once famous for the excellence of its volunteer bands, but of late it appears that the members of the brass band as a whole (though of course there are individual exceptions) have not been paying that attention to their duties as volunteers which the body of the corps considered they should do. Hence the action on Tuesday night.
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (18 February 1882), 2
The Sturt street rotunda was occupied last evening by the B.V.R. brass band, which performed several selections of music in a creditable manner, Mr. T. Ellis acting as bandmaster.
The following was the programme: - Quickstep, "True for ever;" overture, "Zuleika;"
valse, "Susette;" quick march, "Lab de dab;" selection, "Notre chere Alsace;"
slow march, "Royal Standard;" valse, "La Sensitive;"
fantasia, "Militaire;" galop, "Polo;" "God save the Queen."
"Deaths", The Ballarat Star (16 February 1894), 2
ELLIS. - On the 15th February, at the residence of his son-in-law Mr. C. Carter, 157 Humffray street north, Thomas Ellis, late bandmaster of the 1st B.V.R., aged 66 years.
"IN MEMORIAM", The Ballarat Star (19 February 1894), 4
The funeral of the late Mr. Thomas Ellis, at one time bandmaster of the old Volunteers, took place yesterday afternoon, and was largely attended. The deceased was accorded a semi-military funeral, about 60 members of the Militia, Prout's, Model, and Railway brass bands heading the procession, and playing the "Dead march" as it has seldom been played in Ballarat. Immediately following were a number of members of the Druids Society, to which the deceased belonged. After the hearse and mourning coaches came a number of private vehicles. The remains were interred in the New Cemetery. The coffin-bearers were Messrs. G. Bird, J. Sawyer, D. Angus, and G. Ewin; while the pall-bearers were Messrs. J. Caley, J. N. Dunn, M.L.A., G. Lewoock, C. Trevor, J. H. Symons, E. C. Dermer, H. Dermer, and W. Evans. The Rev. A. J. H. Priest officiated at the house and grave. Br. J. Caley conducted the lodge service, and Mr. Charles Morris carried out the mortuary arrangements.
Theatrical and musical amateur, amateur vocalist, reviewer, editor, printer, publisher, venue proprietor, auctioneer, mayor of Hobart
Born Bath, Somerset, England, 18 October 1798; baptised 18 November 1798; son of Robert William ELLISTON (1774-1831) and Elizabeth RUNDALL
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 January 1830 (per Chatham, from London, 18 September 1829)
Married Margaret DE VAUX (1807-1873), St. David's church, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 25 February 1832
Died Battery Point, Hobart, TAS, 4 December 1872, aged 74 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
In January 1830, William Gore Elliston, and Edmund Elliston, sons of the celebrated London actor and entrepreneur Robert Elliston (1774-1831) arrived in Hobart. At the Surry Theatre in London, as the Hobart press first reported in August 1830, their father had meanwhile commissioned and appeared in Moncrieff's new play called Van Diemen's Land.
William, who had worked briefly in his father's theatres, opened a general store and public house at Bagdad and became a prominent auctioneer, while his brother Edmund left to return to London in April 1831.
William appeared at John Philip Deane's Hobart concert in January 1832 singing Lee's The soldier's tear and Bishop's Sons of freedom.
He married Margaret de Vaux in February 1832, and later ran a boys school.
In 1837 became editor and proprietor of The Hobart Town Courier, and thereafter, until he sold the paper in 1848, most of the regular theatrical and musical commentary was either written by him, or commissioned by him.
Elliston returned to the stage at least once more; when the surviving members of the defunct Hobart Town Choral Society were seeking funds to pay off debts in November 1850, he delivered a dramatic reading of selections from Shakespeare.
As printer and publisher of the Hobart Courier, Elliston also issued the song The vow that's breathed in solitude with music by Maria Logan, in 1839; and, in 1843, A collection of psalms and tunes for the use of St. George's Church, edited by John Dickson Loch.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Mary, Bathwick, Somerset, 1798; register 1783-1801; Somerset Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 270 / 1798 November 18 / Was baptized William Gore the son of Robert William and Elizabeth Elliston of this Parish born October eighteenth 1798
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Elliston and Elizbeth Randall (later given as Rundall), a dancing teacher (as see below), married at Bath Abbey on 1 June 1796
[Advertisement], Aris's Birmingham Gazette [England] (14 July 1817), 3 (PAYWALL)
A CARD. LEAMINGTON PRIORS, Saturday, July 12, 1817.
MRS. ELLISTON and the two MISSES ELLLISTON, with Assistants, have commenced their
Instructions in DANCING, at their House, the Corner of Clemens Street, next the Royal Hotel.
They have also engaged the new "PUBLIC ROOMS," in that Street, for their Academy, which will be attended every Monday and Thursday.
The Nobility and Gentry visiting this Spa, who may wish their Daughters to take Lessons, are respectfully requested to send their Commands
addressed to Mrs. ELLISTON, at W. G. Elliston's Circulating Library, Leamington.
[News], Morning Post [London] (4 October 1825), 2 (PAYWALL)
MR. ELLISTON, jun. in the absence of his afflicted father, is proceeding in a manner highly creditable to his taste and judgment, in the management of Drury-lane Theatre. Already has he strengthened the Company by the addition of the powerful talents of DOWTON, BOOTH, Mrs. DAVIDSON, and last, though not least, the incomparable Miss KELLY . . .
[Advertisement], Morning Herald [London, England] (13 June 1826), 2 (PAYWALL)
Mr. WILLIAM G. ELLISTON begs leave to state, that his father Mr. Elliston, in the situation in which he at present stands,
with respect to the Theatre has determined not to take a benefit.
Having in the course of the season, and during the illness of his father, been entrusted with a considerable share in the management,
Mr. Wm. G. Elliston takes the liberty of announcing, that at the suggestion of several of his friends,
he has decided to venture upon a Benefit on his own account.
This Benefit will take place at the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane, on Thursday, the 22d inst.
and in the peculiar circumstances in which he is placed, Mr. W. G. Elliston trusts,
it will not be deemed presumptuous in him to express a hope, that the liberal patronage with which his father has,
on so many occasions, been honoured, and in the endeavour to deserve which his whole property has been sacrificed,
will, in some degree, be extended to his son and representative, at a moment when it cannot fail to be of much value to him, and to those connected with him. -
Due intimation will be given of the performances, in which the strength of the Drury-lane and Covent-garden companies will be combined;
and, in the meantime, tickets may be had and places taken, of Mr. Spring, at Box-office in the Theatre; and of Mr. Wm. G. Elliston, 9, Stratford-place.
"THE LONDON GAZETTE. TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1827", Saint James's Chronicle [London] (19 April 1827), 1 (PAYWALL)
W. G. ELLISTON and H. T. ELLISTON, Leamington, Warwickshire, booksellers and stationers, April 24, May 1, 29, at one.
Attorney, Mr. Hopkinson, Red Lion-square, Holborn . . .
[News], The Examiner [London] (13 July 1828), 11 (PAYWALL)
A Meeting of the Proprietors of Drury Lane Theatre was held on Friday, in the Saloon. From the Report it appeared that the present Lessee had paid, this year, rents to the trustees, for the 200 nights stipulated in his lease, and for nineteen additional nights that the theatre had been open. The debt of the Theatre had been reduced considerably: it was now only 15,000l., and the Trustees had in their hands a balance of 6,000l. - Capt. WATHEN called the attention of the Proprietors to the case of Mr. Elliston, junior, who had embarked all his property with his father, in the Theatre. No one doubted that the late Lessee had left the Theatre in a much better condition than he had found it; and in so improving it, he had lost all his property. Mr. Elliston, junior, had been buoyed up with hopes since 1825, that something would be done for him. - Mr. CALCRAFT did not see what fund such money could be drawn from, while they remained in debt. Nothing could be done but by the body of the Proprietors. - Mr. ROBINS thought, as the debt would be paid off in two years, Mr. Elliston need not despair that the proprietors would do something for him.
[Advertisement], Weekly Times [London] (7 December 1828), 5 (PAYWALL)
SURREY THEATRE . . . Monday (the 15th), VIRGINIUS.
After which, NO SONG NO SUPPER. Robin, Mr. W. G. Elliston, (his first appearance on any stage.)
To conclude with the revived melo-drama of ELLA ROSENBERG. Being for the Benefit of Mr. W. G. Elliston.
"SURREY THEATRE", Morning Post (2 January 1829), 3 (PAYWALL)
The Heir at Law was performed on Wednesday night at this theatre, for the purpose of introducing Mr. ELLISTON, jun. in the character of Dick Dowlas. He is an intelligent and a lively young man, and will no doubt, by attention and perseverance, win a high name in the profession. ELLISTON's Pangloss was animated, but not sufficiently characteristic . . .
Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) (from 11 January 1830):
[News], The Hobart Town Courier [VDL (TAS)] (16 January 1830), 2
Arrived on Monday the 11th January last the ship Chatham, 354 tons, Capt. William Bragg from London 18th Sep., Plymouth 19th Sep. with a full cargo of merchandise for this place. Touched at St. Jago for refreshment on the 6th October and sailed on the 9th of the said month. Passengers - . . . Mr. Elliston, Mr. E. Elliston, sons of the celebrated Mr. Elliston the performer . . .
"THEATRICALS", The Tasmanian [Hobart Town, VCL (TAS)] (6 August 1830), 8
IT is a favourable sign of the times as respects external opinions relative to this Colony, when it possesses interest enough in England to become the subject of Theatrical representation. Mr. Elliston, the Proprietor of the "Surrey Theatre," (Father the two gentlemen now settled here, of whom we purpose to give a short memoir derived from the best sources of information,) has brought out a Melo-Dramatic Entertainment, called "Van Diemen's Land, or Settlers and Natives." Mr. Elliston states in his Programme, that he has been induced to get up this entertainment in consequence of the powerful interest which these Colonies excite in England. The tale of the Drama is, of course, imaginary, but it is made the vehicle for introducing all the principal public functionaries by name . . .
PIECE: Van Diemen's Land (an operatic drama) (W. T. Moncrieff);
for the "short memoir" of Elliston senior, see "THEATRICALS", The Tasmanian (22 October 1830), 8 (PLAYBILL - Surrey Theatre, London, 26 December 1829)
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (7 August 1830), 2
Mrs. Grimstone's new play upon Van Diemen's land has been produced and was acting with considerable applause at the Surrey Theatre:
The following is a copy of the play bill:
Surrey Theatre. - This evening will be presented the entirely new serio-comical,
operatical, melo dramatical extravaganza called
Van Diemen's Land; or. Settlers and Natives . . .
Mr. Elliston, who himself performs a conspicuous part in the drama,
is said to have expended upwards of ten thousand-pounds in getting it up, and the scenery and views both of the town and banks of the Derwent as well as in the interior are described as being highly picturesqe and true to nature . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Grimstone (author); Grimstone had been resident in Hobart from 1826, and on her return to England in 1829 wrote on Australian subjects; however, the play was not hers, but Moncrieff's
"Drama of Van Diemen's Land", Colonial Times [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (30 November 1831), 3
In our last we mentioned that Mr. Elliston had favored us with a copy of a new operatic drama, entitled "Van Diemen's Land." We now intend laying before our readers a few extracts from the work, feeling pretty confident that the odd mistakes and gross ignorance of Mr. Moncrieff, with the affairs of this Colony, will afford ample scope for laughter. We will commence with the author's remarks, which will explain the reason that Mr. Moncrieff so honored Van Diemen's Land - the Botany of Botany Bay, by writing a three act melodrama:-
Mr. Elliston's oldest and youngest sons having settled in Van Diemen's Land, where they have a highly flourishing store and hotel, the circumstance led the gentleman, by a very natural chain of ideas, to wish a drama introduced at his theatre, which should have that spot for its locale: he accordingly applied to the editor of this work, then residing in Paris, to carry his design into execution; the result was the play now presented to the public . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: News has just been received in Tasmania in November that Robert Elliston had died in England on 7 July 1831;
probably at William's instigation, his father's will was published by
Robert Lathrop Murray and
Henry Melville in their Hobart newspaper;
see "WILL OF THE LATE MR. ELLISTON", The Tasmanian (18 February 18320, 8
[News], Colonial Times (11 January 1832), 2
On Monday the lovers of music enjoyed the greatest treat that ever was given in this Colony - it was Mr. J. P. Deane's sixth concert. The capacious Court-house was crowded to excess - no less than 250 persons were present; among others we noticed His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Mrs. Arthur, and family; the Officers of His Majesty's ship Sulphur, and a very large portion of the Officers of the 63d Regiment. As far as regards the fair sex we never witnessed in Van Diemen's Land such an assemblage of ton, beauty, and fashion. The music on this occasion was extremely well selected, and gave the utmost satisfaction to all persons present. The concert opened with the Military overture in La Gazza Ladra, and the band displayed its efficiency in a truly surprising manner . . . Mr. Elliston gave "The Soldier's Tear" of Bayley's in a most exquisite manner. We have seldom heard a song where more expression was given by the performer - it was rapturously encored . . . Mr. Elliston was encored in his second song of "Sons of Freedom" - but of the two performances we are decidedly of opinion that his first was the most exquisite. The evening's treat finished with "Here's Health and Long Life to our King," which was also encored, when the company separated, anxiously recommending Mr. Deane to procure them as soon as possible such another evening's entertainment.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician); George Arthur (lieutenant governor) and family; Band of the 63rd Regiment (military); Court House (Hobart venue)
MUSIC: The soldier's tear (music by Alexander Lee; words by Thomas Haynes Bayly; from Music and prejudice); Sons of freedom hear my story (Bishop, from The slave)
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (14 January 1832), 6
This charming amusement - the only break to the dismal monotony which exists here, was attended not only by the "Haut Ton," as is the phrase, but all the respectable inhabitants of the Town and neighbourhood. Our limits prevent our giving a detailed account of the performance. Miss Deane played to the admiration of the assembly. - Mr. Reichenberg, who as an accomplished musician is of known first-rate excellence, played, with Mr. Deane, a violin duetto, in beautiful style; and Mr. Elliston exhibited those vocal abilities, which as a veteran upon the London boards, were known to be of high order. We trust this entertainment will be speedily repeated, and continued at regularly fixed intervals.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Deane (pianist); Joseph Reichenberg (violinist)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town in the county of Buckingham in the year 1832; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:819617; RGD36/1/2 no 1798 (DIGITISED)
No. 489 / 1798 / William Gore Elliston of this parish bachelor and Margaret De Vaux of this parish spinster
were married in this church by license this [25 February 1832] . . .
"Married", The Hobart Town Courier (3 March 1832), 2
Married, on Saturday the 25th of February, by special license, at St. David's Church, by the Rev. W. Bedford, William Gore, eldest son of the late Robert William Elliston, Esq. London, to Margaret, youngest daughter of Daniel de Vaux, Esq. of the same place.
"Colonial Music", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (9 April 1839), 7
Who shall say that the march of civilization, one of the greatest blessings which man can know, is now rapidly progressing here, when we find a gentleman finishing the poetry, and a lady the music of a beautiful little composition recently published by Mr. Elliston. The melody and the harmony are agreeably creditable to the taste and ability of Mrs. Logan. The impression, we understand, consists but of a limited number, which will of course soon be disposed of.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Logan (composer); Robert Stewart (lyricist)
"CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (30 October 1850), 3
We are pleased to see that an effort is being made to relieve this society from the embarrassment to which it has so long been subject. With a view of raising a fund to liquidate the debt, Mr. Elliston has consented to deliver a dramatic reading on Wednesday evening next, when His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor and Lady Denison have signified their intention of being present. The military band will attend.
ASSOCIATIONS: Hobart Town Choral Society (association); William and Caroline Denison (governor and wife); Band of the 99th Regiment (military)
[Advertisement], The Courier (6 November 1850), 4
THE COMMITTEE of the Hobart Town Choral Society respectfully inform the Public that, in order to augment their funds,
W. G. ELLISTON, ESQ. Has kindly consented to deliver a DRAMATIC READING at the VICTORIA THEATRE . . .
THIS EVENING, the 6th of November.
SUBJECT–Selections from Shakspeare's Plays of RICHARD III, HENRY IV., and OTHELLO . . .
By the kind permission of COLONEL DESPARD, the BAND of the 99th REGIMENT will be in attendance . . .
By order of the Committee, F. H. PIESSE, Hon. Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Henry Piesse (secretary); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], The Courier (9 November 1851), 4
postponed from Wednesday last on account of the rain . . .
"SALE OF MUSIC", Colonial Times (22 April 1851), 3
The attention of amateurs and professors of music is called to the sale of music belonging to the Choral Society, which must be sold on Friday next, by Mr. Elliston, without the slightest reserve. So great an opportunity as the present seldom offers itself to the public, who may now be enabled to furnish themselves with some of the best sacred compositions by the most celebrated masters.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (25 April 1851), 3
The MUSIC belonging to the "Hobart Town Choral Society," advertised to be Sold by Mr. Elliston this day, is POSTPONED.
[Advertisement], The Courier (21 May 1851), 1
CHURCH ORGAN & SACRED MUSIC. The COMMITTEE appointed to close the affairs of the CHORAL SOCIETY have instructed
MR. ELLISTON To submit to the conclusion that of the HAMMER, (by permission, in the large room at the MECHANICS' INSTITUTE,)
On WEDNESDAY, the 28th MAY, at 2 O'CLOCK p.m., the whole of that Valuable Collection of
SACRED MUSIC, the property of the SOCIETY and comprehending the Oratorios and Musical Works as in the list subjoined: -
HANDEL's - Judas Maccabeus - Israel in Egypt - Creation [sic] - Sampson - Solomon - Messiah - Susannah - Redemption - Belshazzar -
Deborah - Jeptha - Athalia and Theodora - Hercules - Saul - Acis and Galatea - Occasional Oratorio - Wedding and Funeral Anthems and Te Deum.
MENDELSSOHN's oratorio of St. Paul.
KENT's Anthems.
ROMBERG's Works - Containing Transient and the Eternal and Lay of the Bell; arranged for the piano and organ.
DR. HAYE's Ode - The Passions.
BOYCE's Anthems, 3 vols.
MOZART's Oh! God, when Thou appeared. Mottette Ne Purvis. Swell the full chorus in Solomon.
ATWOOD's 1 was glad, and a Kyrie Eleison.
Two scores - Mount of Olives.
One score - St. Paul.
One ditto - Sampson.
THE ORGAN, Which is especially adapted, in size and compass, for any of our colonial churches or chapels,
or college, was originally built for the Lord Bishop of Tasmania, by Eagles of London.
It has full compass, from GG to F in alt, comprehending 59 notes, with six stops, viz.:
1, open diapason; 2, stopped diapason; 3, principal; 4, fifteenth; 5, dulciana; 6, hautboy.
Its external dimensions are - Height, 13 ft. 7 in.; width, 3 ft. 6 in.; depth, 3 ft.
The bellows are so constructed as to be worked either by the foot of the performer, or by a second person at the side of the instrument.
The key board is made to slide. It has an octave of German pedals and three composition pedals to produce the following combinations of the stops:
1. To draw out the dulciana only.
2. To add the diapasons.
3. To bring on the full organ.
A Metronome.
A pair of kettle drums. Twelve music stands.
Large music press and two wooden seats.
- Terms For the music, &c., cash under 25l.;
for the organ, approved endorsed acceptances at three and six months.
"CELEBRATION OF THE PEACE", Colonial Times (11 July 1856), 3
. . . An interesting assemblage of the children belonging to St. David's, and the Regimental Schools took place at Mr. Elliston's City Mart, where about a hundred and fifty boys and girls enjoyed the hospitality of his worship the Mayor, who is one of the Church wardens of St. David's, and Mrs. Percival, the lady of Colonel Percival &c. Miss Elliston presided at the Seraphine, and songs and other choral pieces were delightfully executed by the young folks, with the assistance of Mr. Richards, the excellent teacher of St David's, and other friends, who took pleasure in promoting the happiness of those who were gathered together, a most appropriate method of impressing on the youthful mind, the blessings of PEACE.
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Maria Elliston (1833-1868; married William Pitt, 1859); news had just arrived in Hobart of the Treaty of Paris signed on 30 March 1856 marking the end of the Crimean War
"NEW THEATRE", The Hobarton Mercury (29 August 1856), 2
We are glad to hear that Mr. Elliston the Mayor of Hobart Town, and Churchwarden of St. Davids church, has applied for, and obtained a licence for his New Theatre in Macquarie street. The closing of the Victoria Theatre till November next will not now be so much felt . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elliston's Assembly Rooms (Hobart venue)
"MISKA HAUSER", The Courier (2 December 1856), 2
The second concert of this celebrated violinist, aided by Mr. Buddee, came off at Mr. Elliston's New Assembly Rooms last night. The room was crowded with a fashionable and literally overflowing audience . . . The programme was relieved by Glees, sung effectively by amateurs, who, most kindly lent their aid . . . The fine band of the 12th, conducted by Mr. Callen, contributed to the delight of the audience by playing some very choice and scientific overtures. In the course of the evening Mr. Elliston informed the company that at the instigation of some musical friends he had prevailed on Miska Hauser to play at two additional farewell concerts: the first of which takes place to-morrow (Wednesday), evening. The price has very judiciously been reduced to three shillings . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist); Julius Buddee (pianist); Douglas Callen (master, 12th band); Band of the 12th Regiment (military)
"ST. DAVID'S SUNDAY SCHOOLS", The Courier (2 January 1857), 2
Many of the children attending this school had a grand festival at Mr. Elliston's Rooms yesterday afternoon . . . Mr. Elliston, to their infinite delight, contributed actively to the amusement of the little ones, and Miss Elliston not only very kindly but very artistically executed some of the popular and homely tunes so often hummed by the young, and hereafter to be, as it is hoped, working, bees of the hive. After dancing by youth and reverend age, on a magic signal given a large dais was displayed, showing tables piled with pyramids of buns and bon-bons in no ordinary quantity, with which the children were plenteously regaled. After this dancing, humming top spinning and ball playing was resumed, until the little party separated.
1872, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1150466; RGD35/1/8 no 1206 (DIGITISED)
No. 1206 / 4th December 1872 / William Gore Elliston (Died Battery Point) (Born England) / Male / 74 years / Usher of Black Rod Legislative Council / Disease of Heart Paralysis / . . .
"DEATH", The Mercury (6 December 1872), 1
ELLISTON. - On the 4th December, at his residence, Battery Point, William Gore Elliston, Esq., aged 74. The funeral will move from St David's Cathedral at 3 p.m. THIS DAY.
"THE LATE MR. WILLIAM GORE ELLISTON", The Mercury (6 December 1872), 2
Mr. Elliston, whose death we noticed yesterday, was an Englishman by birth, and was born in 1798, thus being 74 years of age. He received a good education, but was brought up to no profession. For some time he assisted his father, Robert William Elliston, the actor, who died in 1831. The father was manager of the Drury Lane Theatre for some time, his son William being connected with him, but a large sum of money was lost in the speculation. The subject of our notice for some time managed the Lymington Reading Room, and he used to think it belonged to him, but when his father became involved in difficulties, consequent on the Drury Lane failure, the reading room was seized to meet the liabilities. Mr. Elliston arrived in this colony in 1824, or 46 years ago [recte 1830]. He conducted the Longford Hall Grammar School at Longford for some years after his arrival. Having disposed of the school, he purchased the Hobart Town Courier from Dr. Ross, who had conducted it for many years, in 1836, for the sum of £12,000 . . . He continued to retain possession of the paper till 1848, when he disposed of it to the Messrs. Best Bros. . . .
Will, William Gore Elliston, 1873; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1693566; AD960-1-8 Will Number 1587 (DIGITISED)
[News], Echo [London, England] (15 March 1873), 2 (PAYWALL)
The death is announced of Mr. W. G. Elliston, son of the celebrated actor, Elliston. The deceased gentleman was at one time proprietor of the Hobart Town Courier. He died at Hobart Town, in December last, aged 74.
Other sources:
William Gore Elliston diary; transcribed by John Noel Douglas Harrison (1911-1980); University of Tasmania Library
Musical publications (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
The vow that's breathed in solitude (1839)
"Colonial Music", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (9 April 1839), 7
Who shall say that the march of civilization, one of the greatest blessings which man can know, is now rapidly progressing here, when we find a gentleman finishing the poetry, and a lady the music of a beautiful little composition recently published by Mr. Elliston. The melody and the harmony are agreeably creditable to the taste and ability of Mrs. Logan. The impression, we understand, consists but of a limited number, which will of course soon be disposed of.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Logan (composer)
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (26 April 1839), 2
A song, entitled "The vow that's breathed in solitude" - the words by Mr. Stewart - the music arranged by Mrs. Logan - has been forwarded to us, and, according to our judgment, affords a very creditable specimen of "immortal music married unto verse." This is the first Van Diemen's Land melody it has been our fortune to encounter, and is well worthy of being hailed by all the lovers of song and of Tasmania, with all the gladness and rejoicing of a new birth.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Stewart (attorney, lyricist); Stewart's lyrics survive separately as reproduced here, "POET'S CORNER", The Hobart Town Advertiser (10 May 1839), 4
A collection of psalms and tunes for the use of St. George's Church (1843)
A collection of psalms and tunes for the morning and evening service of each Sunday in the year and each day in the month, arranged for the use of St. George's Church, Hobart Town (Hobart: Elliston, 1843)
[Preface]: "The Congregation is indebted to John D. Loch, Esq., for the selection and arrangement of the Music."
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Phribbs Fry (cleric, words editor); John Dickson Loch (music editor)
Bibliography and resources:
J. N. D. Harrison, "Elliston, William Gore (1798-1872)", Australian dictionary of biography 1 (1966)
Philip H. Highfill et al., A biographical dictionary of actors, actresses, musicians, dancers, managers and other stage personnel in London, 1660-1800 . . . volume 5 (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1978), 56-70, especially 67 (DIGITISED)
ELLYER, Herr = ? Herr ELZE
Musician, contra bass player, double bass player
© Graeme Skinner 2014–2025